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9-11 Collective hallucination ?

Started by altair, March 07, 2010, 04:58:12 PM

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Quote from: altair on April 02, 2010, 01:46:00 PM
Excellent post, silverfish.
I will have to check Ed Ward.
What I find astonishing is all the cars that have been "burned", in an adjacent parking lot. On many, the ENGINE has been burned completely, and only some parts of the external body but not others. Fuel tanks have not exploded.  This looks like some sort of advanced beam weapon that works on large steel mass only.


Also the fact that most of the steel of the towers has disappeared, along with all of the filing cabinets, but one ! 
"They" do have extreme weapons, and unfortunately, I'm sure they will use them again against us. That was only the beginning.

One reason most of the steel of the towers disappeared, was that it was shipped off and sold as scrap to China in a hurry, which is the short, sharp convenient forensic evidence disposal solution. Check out Steven Jones for hard evidence of modified thermate, then look what they did to his career and position in the University. Ed Ward's evidence of elevated background tritium levels reveal the real reason why WTC fell so fast - the first steel chassis constructed building in history to do so, aided by a designer mini-nuke or nukes, quite likely, with destabilisation provided by angle-cutting thermate.
         Given all this a beam weapon would be unnecessary - not that I don't doubt the existence of such technology(s) or their use in other instances.
         Another wriggling 'inconvenience' in the bulging can of worms called 911 is North Tower janitor William Rodriguez. This man single-handedly dragged dozens of people to safety and led a determined campaign to coordinate survivor's and victim's families, lobbying the US Government to hold an enquiry into what really occured on that fateful day. When he came to give evidence, he was one of the only witnesses to give his evidence to the 9/11 Commission behind CLOSED DOORS. That evidence was IGNORED. He was IGNORED by the mainstream press, then, and now, because, like the firefighters who reported hearing explosions one after the other, he is yet another inconvenient witness contradicting the official story, or should I say 'credulous fairytale more full of holes than swiss cheese'.
        William Rodriguez felt an explosion shake the building under his feet BEFORE the plane impacted the North Tower. A man ran screaming towards him with burnt skin falling off his face and arms. He had been standing at the open door of the lift, when a great explosive fireball flashed from _below_, blinding and burning him.
        Firefighters reported hearing multiple explosions, 'boom-boom-boom', and that the machine shop in the basement was a mass of twisted fused melted metal. Remember that pools of molten metal were present at ground zero for at least THREE WEEKS after the event, more support evidence for the thermate-induced molten iron streams clearly seen in video footage cascading white-hot out of the building. Then we have building 7 collapsing in virtual free-fall into its own footprint - without being touched by a plane. This is impossible.
        When you make a genuine effort to find out what really happened on 911 it's absolutely astonishing how many facts you come up with that contradict the official story, not just contradict, but make utter mincemeat out of it. There is so much more than what I have skimmed over here. What about the terrorist passport picked up miraculously unburned from the street? the fact that at least seven of the so-called  perpetrators (Saudi) were alive and walking around after the event, while none of them were on the official flight list? come on. The mobile phone calls alleged to have been made from an elevation which was well out of signal range? The incredibly slow response time of the FAA and NORAD? the black boxes, which seem to have disappeared down a black hole, along with any interesting video footage that contradicts the main story. The suspicious stock market activity monitored by the CIA, indicating insider knowledge before the event? Funny, we haven't heard any more details since then, for example, who had the insider knowledge, surveillance capacity and resources to profit, in advance? it wouldn't be a certain lettered agency and their velvet-lapelled controllers, would it?
          The command to stand down given by Dick Cheney, witnessed by a subordinate. Berny Silverstein's billion-dollar insurance options on WTC. His own recorded statement that we had to 'Pull the Plug' i.e. demolish the building, contradicting others. The BBC's footage (which they conveniently 'lost') where building seven is standing tall in the background while the hapless idiot newsreader announces it's destruction is already history? The New York Mayor's prior warning of a terrorist event? Bush's lesson about goats while Andy Card is whispering in his ear? The fact that, on their own web site, the FBI do not state that Bin Laden is wanted for 911? Easy, he had nothing to do with it, because he died of kidney failure years ago... now we have to endure one badly faked video after another, which always seems to pop up at the most politically opportune moment.
        The list goes on and on and on, but the crime remains the same. The real perpetrators remain in the shadows, having washed their manicured hands of any clinging paper trails.
         On its own, one piece of evidence would never stand up in court. But if you take it all altogether, the evidence would easily convict, if the crime were something else other than 911. How does the Establishment deal with a problem like this? Easy! We have something called a 'Commission'. We put all our people in charge and we run  it like a dog and pony show. Outcome, the accused come out smelling like roses. Sorted.


Hi silverfish,

Again excellent post.  About the steel that has been shipped to China, I know that's what they said they would do, but there must not have been a lot of steel to ship because the pile of debris was so small compared to what it should have been.
Everything was turned into dust. That dust must have contained a great percentage of steel however because it began to rust quickly in the following days. Everything had a brown color in the pit.
I've checked the Ed Ward site and indeed it points to some kind of thermonuclear device.

Another thing, I found this captivating video about John Lear recently:
He is of the opinion that no planes were used in the attacks, and that it was all holograms !  Picture AND sound !   That would explain a lot.


I'm sure it wasn't a hallucination but ask any police officer and they will tell you that witness testimony almost always varies.

Many people seeing the same thing often describe it differently. Some add to it, some subtract rom it ...


Quote from: altair on April 06, 2010, 09:20:02 AM
Hi silverfish,

Again excellent post.  About the steel that has been shipped to China, I know that's what they said they would do, but there must not have been a lot of steel to ship because the pile of debris was so small compared to what it should have been.
Everything was turned into dust. That dust must have contained a great percentage of steel however because it began to rust quickly in the following days. Everything had a brown color in the pit.
I've checked the Ed Ward site and indeed it points to some kind of thermonuclear device.

Another thing, I found this captivating video about John Lear recently:
He is of the opinion that no planes were used in the attacks, and that it was all holograms !  Picture AND sound !   That would explain a lot.

John Lear has well known intelligence connections, so I would be careful to take anything he says with a large pinch of salt. If you want to discredit the 911 truth movement, and you were a counterintelligence officer, what would you do? The first thing you would do is to toss a way out-theory into the 911 souffle and sit back to watch the whole thing bubble and rise up only to collapse in a disastrous mess. That's why I'm wary about people like Fetzer and anyone who insists that beams, holograms, and the no-plane theory was responsible and this is where we should focus our attention, because it's so easy to get people fixated on issues which are not only easy to disprove, but tend to discredit bona fide researchers - that's the whole idea.
       We should instead focus our attention on facts that emerge from lab testing, independently verified witness reports, photographic evidence from trusted sources, verifiable media reports, reports from reliable architects and structural engineers, and so on.
       It's not that I don't believe that holographic technology or beam weapons are real. On the contrary - I just don't see that their use would have been necessary, and in fact would have been overkill. For example, it's now a given fact that remote control capabilities are built into all these big passenger planes. All you would need is to program the system without the pilot's knowledge, or hack into it during the operation. The so-called terrorists, as we now know from their flight school trainers, couldn't have flown a paper plane without help, much less aerobatically persuade a 707 to sharply twist into the buildings in a way that seasoned pilots have admitted they would have serious trouble doing. You had a high-flying white jet caught on video which could easily have been monitoring, or part of the remote control operation - and then you had the dramatic collapse of the buildings, which had no connection with the comparitively minor damage inflicted by the planes. You had fireballs caused by exploding fuel and even an engine which passed right through the building and landed some distance away, then there is all the footage of the planes and the numerous eyewitness accounts.
       Yes, you could conceivably have set up a situation where this was all a kind of holographic, collective illusion, but would it have been necessary? I don't think so. The real holographic collective illusion is the fact that most people still believe that this whole thing was carried out by 19 Saudi terrorists with box-cutters, acting on orders from a guy in a cave who died years ago, and in any case, was a patsy chosen by Obama's 'advisor' globalist Zbignew Berezenski, from the mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, and who toured military bases in America under the name 'Tim Osman'.
       There is absolutely no way that Bin Laden, acting independently, had the intelligence, inside connections and resources to carry off what he supposedly did - But he makes a great villain! he's dead, so you can resurrect him any time you like, video or not, doesn't matter. The NSA can't 'find' him even though they have satellite technology which can practically read a postage stamp from space. This is such a joke, that they just can't find him... such utter nonsense! If they wanted to find him they would have done so years ago, believe me. They can track anyone on the globe within 3 feet by triangulating their mobile phones. They can track them anywhere on the grid with ECHELON. They have satellites, infra-red, acoustic, electromagnetic, HAARP. You name it, they've got it. They even have proprietary cellular technology that can detect the signals given off by your motherboard, and non-obtrusively hack into your system, according to one disaffected employee who spilled the beans. But they just can't find Bin Liner, way too much trouble...


Yes, lab analysis, like nano-thermite found in WTC dust.