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Late Harvest Moon

Started by TechStuf, August 10, 2010, 04:26:27 PM

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Quote from: gravityblock on October 01, 2010, 06:28:21 AM
Yes, the powers that be may throw a "false flag" operation and fake an "alien invasion" to further enslave mankind, to further their agenda, to deceive even the elect of God, and to turn all they can away from God, before the return of Christ.

Finally some enlighment!

Here's more from the Reasearch of Immanual Velikovsky on previous cataclysm, as mention in the Bible the Sun will move 10 degrees

"Perturbations in the celestial sphere, or Theomachy, in which Mars endangered the Earth at nearly regular intervals during this century, preoccupied the minds of men and repeatedly intervened in human history. Pestilence also broke out, and many references in the cuneiform literature ascribe its cause to Nergal (Mars). Earthquakes, overflooding, change of climate, evidenced by Klimasturz, did not spare a single land. These changes moved entire nations to migrations. Calendars were repeatedly thrown out of order and reformedâ€"and the reader will find abundant material in the second part of Worlds in Collision and also in Earth in Upheaval, where no human testimony, but only the testimony of nature was presented; and this material could be multiplied by any dedicated researcher.

It appears, however, that in the Iliad Homer telescoped into a few weeks events that took place in the space of several decades. At least some of the events may be placed in a chronological order with the help of ancient Israelite sources: namely, on the day when King Ahaz was interred the motion of the Earth was disturbed so that the Sun set before its appointed time;

at the time of the destruction of Sennacherib’s army in the days of Hezekiah, son of Ahaz, another disturbance occurred with the contrary effect: the Sun appeared to return several degrees to the east before proceeding on its regular westward path. It is asserted in the rabbinical literature that the second disturbance rectified the effects of the firstâ€"and this is also the meaning of the sentence in Isaiah 38:8: “So the sun returned ten degrees by which degrees it was gone down.”
In Greek legendary tradition the first event took place in the days of the two brothers, Atreus and Thyestes, contesting the throne of Mycenaeâ€"when, according to Seneca, the Sun set earlier than usual."

Are the rabbinic texts are mentioning when the cataclysm will hit?
A Book of Stars and planets positions mysteriously disapeered...Hidden Knowledge, only for the Rabbinic elites?


Quote from: WilbyInebriated on September 28, 2010, 02:34:56 PM
nice try with the logical fallacies. you are absolutely incorrect. i may or may not believe those things. you however, have no idea what my beliefs (not faith) are on those subjects, as i have never voiced them. i don't even drive a car you mental midget...

once again for the ignoramus who doesn't know the definition of faith...
faith: a belief not resting on material evidence or logical proof.

@techstuf... i am still waiting for you to present some material evidence or logical proof of your imaginary godfairy.

may the blessings and sauce of the FSM be upon you both, and may you be forever touched by its noodly appendage.

is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? then he is not omnipotent.
is he able, but not willing? then he is malevolent.
is he both able and willing? then whence cometh evil?
is he neither able nor willing? then why call him god?


Is God willing to prevent evil?  Yes.  Is he able?  Yes

He is both able and willing to prevent evil.  So, why does evil exist?  Because your creator has given you free will and free choice.  Without this free will, then we would be a slave to him.  Before disobedience entered into this world, there was no physical death.  This physical death is God's way of not allowing evil to continue.

After this physical death, if we are found to have practiced evil during our lifetime and denied our true God and Creator, then we will experience a spirtual death which will be a total seperation from God and the rest of his creation so we can no longer continue in our evil doings.

Do not believe that God made the world evil, for it is His wish that all should be happy. Nobody's suffering brings Him any satisfaction. Pain, physical or mental suffering and difficulties in general are of no help to anybody, but only show how debased his feelings have now become. If anything produces suffering, it is resentment and blasphemy against Him who continually showers blessings on us.

It saddens me to see that wars take place against the wishes of most people, because poor people do not fight easily. Carnage has become the perquisite of the rich and powerful, of those who need no help and who even renounce God, seeing no necessity for the Divine Presence in their lives. Abundance blinded them, gluttony clouded their vision. Strife is the product of egoism. It cannot be said that they fight for principles, for a man of principles does not fight. The great principles that have guided the life of many men on Earth, and which also guide life on other worlds, are love of God and of one's neighbour.

Man is an egocentric being. For a long time he believed the Earth was the centre of the Universe. When this theory was disproved, he came to believe that the Universe was the result of our limitations, as though wishing to impose his will on Nature by disbelieving anything beyond his senses. He believes that he is the ultra of Creation. There can be no intelligence superior to his, there can be no life outside the Earth, there can be no beings greater than he, man is the only god there is. There can be no other light than that which he sees, in fact nothing exists that does not come within the scope of man's arrogant self-assertion.

If we give a man an injection which causes him to go mad, and he then goes berserk, no blame can be attached to him. How could God expect man to be good if He placed him in such adverse conditions? God does not tempt anyone. Evil is the result of arrogance and the audacity of man in disregarding the divine laws.

The material evidence and logical proof of God is your very own existence along with the rest of the universe. God is an isotropic line parallel to itself and vibrating on itself at right angles. He is like a system of axes in which the point of intersection of the lines is everywhere at the same time. Then He is many, because dimensions are contained within Him, when these are permutated, " n" equals infinity. Please remember that this is an attempt to explain, the unexplainable.

God, being an isotropic line, can be regarded as a system of axes, from which an infinite number of lines go out in all directions. As the centre of this axis is everywhere, we can regard the whole Universe as its centre. The fact that the lines of force are consequently unable to escape from the ubiquitous centre and are always encompassed by the Being of God, makes Him an Immanent figure. Thus, if the lines cannot move out from the Being of God, they can only move within it. But as there is no such thing as interior or exterior, the whole Universe being a centre of lines of force, all the lines resulting from the isotropism of God will be found to be oscillating on one point.

We may therefore call the Universe a point of infinite oscillation. If this definition of the Universe is correct, God is an oscillating charge superimposed on an infinite point, constantly causing a deformation of space, continually exerting its influence on the un-manifest, and automatically creating energy, and in consequence, matter.  Saying God is an oscillating charge superimposed on an infinite point is by no means any different than saying, "God is Omnipresent".  Omnipresent refers to God filling the universe in all its parts and is present everywhere at once.  If God did not exist, nothing whatsoever would exist.  God is fully aware of all things.  The universe can not be explained without God, thus the mechanical motion of the universe can never be understood if God is left out of the equation, which science has done.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Quote from: gravityblock on October 01, 2010, 07:04:52 AM
Is God willing to prevent evil?  Yes.  Is he able?  Yes
did 'god' tell you this? can you provide any material evidence or a logical proof?

Quote from: gravityblock on October 01, 2010, 07:04:52 AM
The material evidence and logical proof of God is your very own existence along with the rest of the universe.
you don't have a very good grasp of what material evidence is or a logical proof is do you?
my very own existence along with yours and the rest of the multiverse is no more proof of god than it is proof pink unicorns with glitter... ::)
Quote from: gravityblock on October 01, 2010, 07:04:52 AM
The universe can not be explained without God, thus the mechanical motion of the universe can never be understood if God is left out of the equation, which science has done.
god is a construct of man, he/she/it is not necessary to explain anything.
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe


Quote from: WilbyInebriated on October 01, 2010, 03:39:59 PM
did 'god' tell you this? can you provide any material evidence or a logical proof?
you don't have a very good grasp of what material evidence is or a logical proof is do you?
my very own existence along with yours and the rest of the multiverse is no more proof of god than it is proof pink unicorns with glitter... ::)god is a constuct of man, he/she/it is not necessary to explain anything.

The Holy Scriptures provide the proof in that He is able and willing to prevent evil, and this is material evidence and logical proof.  If your existence is not material evidence and logical proof, then there is nothing in your mind that could ever be.  You sound like Hawking when saying God isn't neccessary to explain the universe, and Hawking's appears to be not of a sound mind. It's also not neccessary for us to believe we are breathing in air, but this in no way means the air does not exist, and the same is true for God and the universe.  You will die a spiritual death without God, just like you will die a physical death without air.  Is God neccessary? Nope, you have the choice to deny His existence while experiencing a spirititual death.  Is breathing air neccessary? Nope, you have the choice to hold your breath while experiencing a physical death.  Is God neccessary to explain the universe? Nope, but you won't have the proper understanding of the universe without him.

Science says energy can not be created nor destroyed.  If this is the case, then the unverse should not exist, for it contains both matter and energy which can not be created.  How is this way of thinking logical?  It's not logical at all, and you choose the illogical over the logical.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


This conversation gets beaten to death all over the place.  People will look at all of creation as:
1.) Developed by a supreme intellect
2.) Cosmic Fluke

It always comes down to those 2 things.  I prefer option 1.  However, even if I do look at all of these things around me I still have to look at the other side of the coin and say "What If?".  When you pull away all of the ego and vanity associated with "Science" you'll find that both Science and Religion require faith.  If you choose to believe that God created everything then you must have Faith.... If you choose to believe that the universe just magically appeared through some equation hocus pocus then you have to have Faith.  Of Course,  I am downplaying the science.  I have to.  What many of us are trying to pull off here gets demonized by mainstream science because "It's impossible to do blah blah and blah".... really?  Impossible by who's standards?  A group of guys so corrupt - full of ego and vanity?  You can't really throw up a lot of "science" has hard evidence for anything because it could change tomorrow.  We're all here to dig up a truth that has been buried by the mainstream.  Overunity in the public sphere is a game changer thus why it's condemned to "impossible" but we're on the cusp of making that a truth and scientist will have no choice but to change things around.  Even knowing that things are the way they are people will defend modern day "Science" to the death.  They have an absolute faith that these scientist are correct because book A, B, & C said so... OR... they saw experiments (or did) experiments within the given parameters of the Book and they're full time believers now.

Problem with science is we have very FEW great minds willing to go outside of the box.  People just accept Joe Shmoe because what he says is "logical". 

I dunno... I've got a billion thoughts running through my head at any given moment.  I can't really collect myself right now to write what I really want to say.  I find it sad when men limit themselves to another man's limits and stick to it.  We were not there in the beginning to see how any of this reality came to be.  We can GUESS what happened and pretend it's fact.... dress it up with nice equations to back the theory.... the major flaw - Ego. 

I really want to delete all of this and just start over but I have 3 billion lines of code to write in a little period of time...

The whole point to this mess of writing is that both Science and Religion require faith.  You can try to argue this all you want.. I hope you can sit your ego to the side and ponder it for a bit.  You have to realize the faith.... some of the statistical probability of many theory foundations share the same numbers as "A goose laying a solid gold egg"...

It wasn't observed... It can't be tested... it can only be theorized.... and tomorrow morning some new variable could come into play that completely destroys that theory.  When you have nothing but theories to believe in then what are you doing?  "Having Faith"