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Late Harvest Moon

Started by TechStuf, August 10, 2010, 04:26:27 PM

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QuoteThe stories told by the Sumerians ar far older than the young bible,

So then, perhaps we should discount the fact that the vikings and Israelites reached the shores of the americas well before Columbus, because of more 'official' writings.  It is obvious that the origin of the sumerian records holds a kinship to the Proto-Cananite writings.  After Babel, nations and tongues went their separate ways.  The writings at Sumer are younger than the remains of Noah's Ark and much yet remains to be discovered.

QuoteSo it may not be your illusion of the son of god standing in front of you, but the great Annunaki, our real Creators with their elongated skulls grinning down at you.

My "illusion" as you put it, has a perfect track record and He will not be mocked much longer, as His Father has appointed an end to these things, exactly as foretold.

The sumerians were idolaters who misappropriated and adapted the Truth to suit their own base desires.

Sitchin, who largely fomented the "annunaki" myth, clearly had a personal agenda with his teachings.  A much more accurate account of the so called "annunaki" can be found here:


As one can see after further study, the sumerian records are rife with the obvious myths and embellishments of lesser scribes and corrupted tribes.  The "An-Nu-Noachi" were in all actuality, "We of the ship of Noah".  Not space ship passengers from planet X.

The last days shall be just as in the days of Noah...


Yes, some of the Sons of God came down and tampered with the DNA of humans, and their offspring were terrible beings, to be sure.  But even as God flooded the earth and saved His own, He promises that this time the end will be a total one for those, who by their words and deeds, make Him their Enemy.

By free choice, many prove themselves unfit for citizenship in God's Perfect Eternal Kingdom, the only Kingdom Truly worth Living for....and Giving up one's earthly life for....for no greater love can a person have than to lay down His life for a friend.  Yet Christ went further, laying down His Perfect life for friend and enemy alike!  We wouldn't be sharing discourse now had He chosen, after the first spike was driven into him, to declare we sinful lot not worth the effort.

At any rate, it is God Who will judge us all by His Perfect Statutes, unlike mankind's corrupted schemes of right and wrong, regardless of Whom one chooses to Believe or whom one chooses to disbelieve.

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



The tilt of the axis remains constant at 23.444475 degrees, but the direction in which the axis points changes by 50.2619o annually.   This change in the direction of the axis causes the Earth to loose one sidereal day every 70.401 years, or in other words 1,223.898 seconds every year. Furthermore, it can be calculated from this that one sidereal year is lost every 25,784.93 years.

The change of 50.2619o in the direction of the tilt of the Earth's axis corresponds to 1,223 seconds of time, and this is precisely the difference between the sidereal and tropical years (Sidereal year = 31,558,149 seconds and a Tropical year = 31,556,926 seconds)

With this data we can now ascertain the true orbit of the Earth.  At the time of the summer solstice the Sun climbs at zenith to 23o 26o 494o, but at the time of the winter solstice it climbs to 23o 26o 498o in the southern hemisphere; a difference of 0.4o. This figure then is the difference in the elevation of the Sun every time the direction of the tilt varies by 50.2619o.

A difference of 0.4o in the Sun's position would amount to 0.8o at a point on the opposite side of the Earth's orbit, since the Sun lies at the centre of the orbit.  From this we can see that the relationship between the variation in the axial rotation and the orbital revolution of the Earth is, 50.2619o divided by 0.8o = 62.82737.  This means the Earth's revolution is 62.82737 times greater than its axial rotation.

The Earth makes up for the precession that is brought about by the 50.2619o variation in the direction of axial tilt in 1,223 seconds.  This is the same amount of time that its revolution in orbit takes to balance out the 0.4" variation in the Sun's elevation, which in turn amounts to 0.8" across the whole diameter of the orbit. So 50.2619 is the figure relative to axial rotation and 0.8 to orbital revolution, which means there are over sixty-two periods of rotation for every one of revolution.

Strictly speaking there is no such thing as a precession of 1,223 seconds. It is an effect that can be explained when one knows more about it. The Earth, in common with the whole of the solar system, takes a spiral course through space. This is a retrograde spiral movement, with the Sun at its centre. The Earth revolving in one direction makes a spiral in the opposite direction.  I'm attaching an illustration of this.  Now this whole retrograde spiral itself moves in a circle through space, and at the end of every year it cuts across the circumference of this circle slightly earlier than in the preceding year, to be exact 1,223 seconds prior to the completion of the sidereal year.

As the Equator of the Earth lies at an angle of 23 degrees to the Sun, the retrograde movement of the Earth will cause the light of the Sun to reach the Equator 1,223 seconds before the Earth itself crosses this circumference. The annual rate of precession is 50.2619o on this spiral, means it takes the Earth 25,784.93 years to complete a whole cycle.  The imaginary line that the spiral movement describes in space lies at right angles to the inclination. Since it contains the greater land mass, the North Pole is thrown slightly off balance by the resultant centrifugal force and moves to the outside of the spiral track, whereas the South Pole, with the lesser land mass, moves to the inside of the track.

So the annual precession is not strictly speaking a displacement, but rather the direction the spiral follows, or a tendency of the poles to move under the unbalanced action of the differing centrifugal force at the two poles. This tendency throws one pole to the outside of the spiral track and pulls the other to the inside of it, this in turn causes the Equator to alter its position in relation to the Sun, without any alteration in the angle of the axial inclination itself.

At the moment there is not an actual variation in the axial inclination, but it could happen, and that would be a catastrophe, the like of which we have never witnessed in modern times.  It has happened in the course of the Earth's history, and many lands vanished to the bottom of the oceans.

Behold the wisdom of God, who protects the planets close to the Sun by giving them a cloak of dense atmosphere and ether, and gives those distant ones, whose speed of revolution is low, a thin covering.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


QuoteAt the moment there is not an actual variation in the axial inclination, but it could happen, and that would be a catastrophe, the like of which we have never witnessed in modern times.  It has happened in the course of the Earth's history, and many lands vanished to the bottom of the oceans.

Be that as it "may".....the facts are: the moon is north of it's former limit, we have perplexing tides, increasing rogue waves, rougher seas, tsunami and earthquakes...and the sun now rises and sets MUCH further north in summer and south in winter and at angles far shallower than in years before the Great Tsunami of 2004.  A change in earth's orbtial plane would account for some of these observations.  There is no shortage of Chemtrail spraying to obfuscate some of these events.  Alot of spraying on the horizon at sunup and sundown in recent years.  The rise and descent angles, and apparent traversing arcs of sun and moon have changed considerably.



To those honest with themselves and studious enough to personally confirm these things, it is obvious that there is a virtual multimedia wide blackout of these things, as well as reports that meteorologists and other "professionals" must sign non-disclosure agreements regarding these truths, or be summarily dismissed.

Considering all the sources of information I have shared at this site and others, I am content that I have met my burden of proof that Luke 21:25-28 are undergoing fulfillment at this time.

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quote from: TechStuf on September 25, 2010, 11:58:27 PM
Be that as it "may".....the facts are: the moon is north of it's former limit, we have perplexing tides, increasing rogue waves, rougher seas, tsunami and earthquakes...and the sun now rises and sets MUCH further north in summer and south in winter and at angles far shallower than in years before the Great Tsunami of 2004.  A change in earth's orbtial plane would account for some of these observations.  There is no shortage of Chemtrail spraying to obfuscate some of these events.  Alot of spraying on the horizon at sunup and sundown in recent years.  The rise and descent angles, and apparent traversing arcs of sun and moon have changed considerably.



To those honest with themselves and studious enough to personally confirm these things, it is obvious that there is a virtual multimedia wide blackout of these things, as well as reports that meteorologists and other "professionals" must sign non-disclosure agreements regarding these truths, or be summarily dismissed.

Considering all the sources of information I have shared at this site and others, I am content that I have met my burden of proof that Luke 21:25-28 are undergoing fulfillment at this time.

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ

By having an unbalance in the melting of the ice-caps will cause a reduction in the mass at one pole and will affect the amount of centrifugal force developed, thus altering the inclination of the Earth's axis.  When this happens land will emerge from the Pacific Ocean, and from the North and South Atlantic.

The emergence of these new land masses will change the level of the oceans, causing flooding in the low-lying countries. The present course of ocean currents will also be changed, giving rise to very different conditions to those now prevailing.
One change brings a number of others in its wake; even the biological conditions of life can be affected. The change in the mass at the North Pole will cause a reduction in the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis. It is the Earth's rotation that creates the centrifugal force that forms the continents. The present angle of 23 degree is responsible for the existence of the land masses in the northern hemisphere; if the angle of inclination is altered, then land masses will appear in other places, until the proper balance is restored. Some continents will re-appear the north of Russia, Greenland and the north of Canada will disappear.  Have you seen this happen yet?  NO!

The process would be slow until the North Pole reaches a high enough temperature to cause a widespread thaw, then it could happen in a night.  It will be brought home to us by a tremendous earthquake that will shake the Earth to its foundations. Cities will fall in ruins and great cracks will appear in the surface of the Earth. The effects will be catastrophic. By balancing off the radioactivity at the poles, so that there is an equal thaw at both the South and the North Poles will prevent any undue unbalance in the mass, and the Earth's spiral movement will remain unaffected. 

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Perhaps you only skimmed this thread, as the beginning of these things is well proven to be already underway....

QuoteIt will be brought home to us by a tremendous earthquake that will shake the Earth to its foundations. Cities will fall in ruins and great cracks will appear in the surface of the Earth. The effects will be catastrophic.

As God's Word has revealed, mountains will become valleys, and valleys become mountains, the islands will have fled away....

QuoteThe earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls--never to rise again. Isaiah 24:20

One is free to ignore the plethoric evidence, yet as the numerous evidentiary links in this thread prove, MAJOR changes are happening now.

There is no time like the present to study God's Word and ask Him for help and guidance in the name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ.  This earthly test is almost complete.  God does not look at the first three finishers and forget the rest, like some olympic race.  It is by our weaknesses that we be made Strong.  Time is of the essence, the hour is late.



Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ

There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Luke 21:25-28
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:
