I wanted to post this thread to encourage discussion about this topic. it makes sense to me that this treatment would work and over at it is also discussed and stated to work.
bob beck invented a 4 part protocol that he claims will eliminate all viruses, pathogens, bacteria etc in your bloodstream. this is accomplished with 3 machines invented by him:
1. blood electrification using a small electronic device invented by bob beck.
2. colloidal silver water which is produced with the blood electrification device.
3. ozonated water ingestion.
4. the use of a magnetic pulser to reach deep into the body tissues where blood flow is reduced.
all of this is open-source information, his paper that he released was called: Take Back Your Power, and it can be found online...
Very interresting, since I have the diabeth crap type 1 since 6 years ago, maybe can help me.
I found a site where you can buy some of the device to cure:
but i am sure we can find other site with device that cost less than (175 or 275)
Quote from: TheOne on January 05, 2011, 09:32:02 PM
Very interresting, since I have the diabeth crap type 1 since 6 years ago, maybe can help me.
I found a site where you can buy some of the device to cure:
but i am sure we can find other site with device that cost less than (175 or 275)
The 'Web link above gives this patent:
The patent itself isn't terribly informative. Patents can be written that way on purpose. However, this one following is a sub-patent or else another sub-level of patents below that which is fairly straightforward:
Hope is helps in understanding.
This is a video from 1986 with Tom Brown, Eric Dollard, and Bob Beck talking about this stuff. There are five videos on this and for those who haven't seen these, I think you'll find them very interesting.,_Dollard_%26_Beck_on_MWO_%281986_U.S.P.A._video%29 (,_Dollard_%26_Beck_on_MWO_%281986_U.S.P.A._video%29)
Also, check these out: ( (
TY Screamin', vids by Eric are always a plus,
additional info can be had from this PDF:;sa=view;down=452
(It is a translation from the original French)
Hope this helps.
Beck stuff works i used it for last 7 years. But often if someone has a long term illness you have to make lifestyle changes and completely change the diet. No sugar, No diet coke, no sweeteners especially Aspartame based stuff this actually causes diabetes. Don't expect to live on fast food constantly and not get sick. You don't have to be a "health freak" but be sensible. A handful of vitamin supplements help but don't go OTT with this stuff. A cheap multi-vit, 1000mg vit C, vit D2 is good daily basic cover. Do an iodine test too google it. 90% of people are severe iodine deficient and it causes hundreds of health issues.
Most health problems require a multi-pronged approach and together with other stuff like MMS and ionic silver will make you pretty much bullet proof. I cant really say which part works cos i rarely been sick for 5 years now. I can knock out bad colds, flu etc usually within 12-24 hours while everyone else around me drops like flies.
One thing i can say about this is don't expect to convert your family or friends any time soon. Generally it takes someone at least a year or more to "think about it" and normally some "killer virus" before they are prepared to try it as a last resort:)
Hey bolt,
Your the first person I've come in contact with that uses one of these devises. I became interested in this technology a few months ago when I stumbled across an article on Rife. Did you buy a machine or build your own??
I made the strobe banger coil but later upgraded it to SCR and power caps it stores 10 joules per bang.
I bought the ozone machine aquarium supplies and i used a programmable TENS machine which cover 1Hz to 1500Hz pulse, sine, square, phasic, bi- phasic etc now i have access to a TENS device, A beck blood cleaner, A brain tuner, An electronic addiction stimulator for alchos and druggies and yes it works i tested it on opium addiction, An Alpha wave sleep inducer all in one box and still save hundreds over the official device beck device which can't do everything else i can do. Bear in mind in the US and Canada TENS units are pharma script issue only and FDA regulated. I tell you why cos they know it works and they don't want you to be treating yourself. Drug addition is extremely profitable business. They get pissed when you get someone off heroin within 5-7 days. Or Oxycontin is a fker that takes 6-9 days. Millions are addicted to that but i can reduce the withdrawal by about 50% sometimes more and people tell me its enough for them to pull through but its still really bad.
Quote from: bolt on January 06, 2011, 04:26:56 PM
Bear in mind in the US and Canada TENS units are pharma script issue only and FDA regulated. I tell you why cos they know it works and they don't want you to be treating yourself. Drug addition is extremely profitable business. They get pissed when you get someone off heroin within 5-7 days. Or Oxycontin is a fker that takes 6-9 days. Millions are addicted to that but i can reduce the withdrawal by about 50% people tell me its enough for them to pull through but its still really bad.
So, are you saying I can't get a TENS unit, or I can't get one that works well? (I live in the US)
I don't know but TENS are supposed to be script issue only unless you find one on ebay. Make sure its fully programmable and covers the frequencies and waveforms. If all else fails you have to make just a beck blood cleaner its not hard but a factory model is like a cell phone size its smart and compact.
When you say "pharma script issue", is that referring to a prescription? Sorry about the questions bolt, but I'm not familiar with that phrase LOL!! Anyway, I think it's great what your doing with yours. I am interested in building a devise of my own. I talked to my little bro a couple of weeks ago, he has a multi frequency gen, but he doesn't know any of the specs on it yet.
screamin, I am sure that what Bolt means is a script from your doctor prescribing one. They are very simple to make, I have his schematic here somewhere if you are interested. I just use my frequency generator. It puts out a little more voltage and you can adjust the frequency. I'm not sure what the exact frequency that was set on it but I'm sure it's marked on the schematic.
The patent image are not so easy to understand also no real circuit to make one from scratch (for new like me)
I believe some site exist explaining how to build one with good plan and the electronic we need to buy to build the 3 differents device, they are 3 devices right?
One to clean the blood, one to extract the silver in a glass of water and another one (I dont know what the usage is for)
I found this:
i believe his paper entitled: Take back your power has schematics and detailed descriptions of both machines. the blood electrifier also makes colloidal silver and the magnetic pulser is for reaching areas of the body with less blood-flow. it is supposed to create a back emf pulse in the target body tissue which causes the generation of an electric charge that fries tumors. (if i understand it right)
i have the take back your power pdf but i don't know how to attach it in this thread, will someone please advise? you're more than welcome to call me a retard if you like.
well i think i this site is actually where i got the pdf...
Quote from: CompuTutor on January 06, 2011, 07:13:50 AM
TY Screamin', vids by Eric are always a plus,
additional info can be had from this PDF:;sa=view;down=452
(It is a translation from the original French)
Hope this helps.
The Overunity link runs, but the sub-link to the French page is broken:
Quote from: MrMag on January 06, 2011, 08:38:09 PM
screamin, I am sure that what Bolt means is a script from your doctor prescribing one. They are very simple to make, I have his schematic here somewhere if you are interested. I just use my frequency generator. It puts out a little more voltage and you can adjust the frequency. I'm not sure what the exact frequency that was set on it but I'm sure it's marked on the schematic.
Thanks MrMag, I thought that was what Bolt was getting at. I would rather ask a stupid question than make a stupid mistake LOL! I do have the PDF file "Take Back Your Energy", is that the same circuit you use? By the way, thanks Matthew6060 for starting this thread!!
Would you mind posting your schematic? I'm interested in this Beck/Rife kind of research ~ would like some help after 35 years of being a Type 1 diabetic. . . .
Quote from: the_big_m_in_ok on January 06, 2011, 11:14:41 PM
The Overunity link runs, but the sub-link to the French page is broken:
Um, I didn't post a second "sub-link" with that address,
worse yet is that the ip range is a non-public internal #
The Verizon pool is in Ashburn, VA, USA...
May I ask for more information as to where you obtained this
so I may contribute a better answer please ?
Thank you
I buy some of the electromics needed but i cannot fond the LM358chip so far and where you can find wire of silver.9999?
You can buy .999 silver wire through Sota Instruments. Here's the accessory page where it's listed:
If you can't get in, you might have to go to their main page and log in as a guest.
thanks for the link
They cost a lot , i try to find on the web and find out other cheap 0.9999
I was thinking buying in a shop but i think its more pratical to buy them from the web unless otherwise
Quote from: truesearch on January 07, 2011, 09:45:23 AM
Would you mind posting your schematic? I'm interested in this Beck/Rife kind of research ~ would like some help after 35 years of being a Type 1 diabetic. . . .
Yes, that is the document. You are better off using the "improved schematic". The IC being used in it is just a dual 555 timer. It should be easy enough to get.
As far as making the silver solution, there is a cheaper method to make it. If you have some old silver dollars hanging around you can use them. Some of the older ones are 95% silver or higher and the remainder is copper. The copper is good for you too. All I do is hook them up to a couple of jumpers and a 9Volt battery. Hang them inside a glass and fill the glass with water up about 3/4 the way to the top of the silver dollars. Make sure they don't touch and just watch it until the water becomes a little milky.
If you want to be more fancy you could use a DPDT switch with a timer circuit to continuously flip polarity. This will ensure that both silver plates will get "used up" evenly.
I see some of you are interested to make your own equipment.
I believe I can help.
To start with, I have attached the circuit diagram and the pcb layout for my combination unit. (blood cleaner + colloidal silver maker)
Several thousands (yes, thousands!) are in regular use with extraordinary success!
I also have Magnetic Pulser, Hulda Clark type zappers and other designs as well.
Should any of you be interested, I can supply ALL necessary information about those as well.
If interested, I can supply pictures too.
Best regards,
Les Banki
Quote from: CompuTutor on January 07, 2011, 10:54:17 AM
Um, I didn't post a second "sub-link" with that address,
worse yet is that the ip range is a non-public internal #
The Verizon pool is in Ashburn, VA, USA...
May I ask for more information as to where you obtained this
so I may contribute a better answer please ?
Thank you
In downloads,
"Georges Lakhovsky-The Secret of Life":;sa=view;down=452
Okay, sorry.
"My bad", as people sometimes say in America.
Clicking on the .pdf file title line will load and run the file as usual. I have almost no experience with the upload function of, since I have no experience with the process. I borrow computers, which often have no allowance to upload my, or anyone else's, material to an off site server.
You were right originally. No problem, except my inexperience.
Quote from: the_big_m_in_ok on January 08, 2011, 08:00:14 PM
In downloads, "Georges Lakhovsky-The Secret of Life":;sa=view;down=452
Okay, sorry. "My bad", as people sometimes say in America.
Clicking on the .pdf file title line will load and run the file as usual. I have almost no experience with the upload function of, since I have no experience with the process. I borrow computers, which often have no allowance to upload my, or anyone else's, material to an off site server.
You were right originally. No problem, except my inexperience.
So did you just accidentally out yourself or do you borrow lots of computers from people at Cocaine Import Agency? I don't get what you are saying. That was an odd explanation for that IP address.
BTW - Why does CIA track only HIV on their world fact book web site? Lots of diseases kill more people. Although most of them were not created under the CIA's Special cancer virus program.
Dr. Len Horowitz
Dr. Boyd Graves
Ashkenazi Delta-32
Quote from: the_big_m_in_ok on January 08, 2011, 08:00:14 PM
You were right originally.
No problem, except my inexperience.
No prob,
and TY for the followup answer.
I looked everywhere for that URL
you indicated without any success.
I just wanted to followup on this,
and be sure I did it all correctly.
Further research on the remainder of that URL
indicates it is a 303 redirect for a blocked page.
This is done from corporate servers usually,
and one product that uses these is "WebSense".
The "ws-session" seems to indicate
the proxy server "WebSense" is in use
to block pages someone in IT was told to.
The high port number (:15871) indicates they
have integrated it at the server level.
Perhaps you were attempting to download it
while you were at work ?
Great circuit les banki, but its size may put off a lot of people. Unless you give them the pcb and parts to solder :P . The design could be made a lot easier. And I would recommend a separate unit for silver making and blood electrification. My old silver maker had also a magnetic stir. I'm about to rebuild it as it's in pieces now. The current regulator is handy.
I ordered all the part needed from ebay mostly and the silver wire.
I only have problem with this part 18v zener diode NTE5027A, is they are some equivalent for this part?
Thank you! I hope I will able to build it in the next 2 weeks!!
NTE5027A: ZENER DIODE 18VOLT 1/2W 5% Do-35
I find this on ebay, this is the same?
18 Volt Zener Diodes
500mW in a DO35 glass body axial case
Keep in mind that ALL my designs (going back about 15 years!) of these "gadgets" were originally for manufacturing (production) ONLY!
They are still being produced.
(They were NOT intended for home constructors!)
If you read my attached file perhaps things will be a little clearer for you!
I also have SEVERAL models of colloidal silver makers ONLY, from 200 ml to 25 litres commercial unit!
Best regards,
Les Banki
Quote from: TheOne on January 09, 2011, 09:05:04 PM
I ordered all the part needed from ebay mostly and the silver wire.
I only have problem with this part 18v zener diode NTE5027A, is they are some equivalent for this part?
Thank you! I hope I will able to build it in the next 2 weeks!!
NTE5027A: ZENER DIODE 18VOLT 1/2W 5% Do-35
I find this on ebay, this is the same?
18 Volt Zener Diodes
500mW in a DO35 glass body axial case
1N5248B looks like a good match. This is where I check my parts: (
Can we perhaps do a community effort in designing a cheap colloidal silver generator (CSG) and blood electrifier (BE).
Some specs could be:
0.5mA current limit
30V operation voltage (can be from a cheap 10$ laptop charger)
555 timer to switch double throw double switch relay
led to indicate when operating at current limit
magnetic stir: 12V computer fan with neo magnets glued to it. Fed from same supply.
50µA-100µA adjustable current limit
555 timer to switch double throw double switch relay
adjustable frequency 1-4Hz
led to indicate current limit is reached and the device is actually working
Not to sure about voltage here though.
This should get us a decent setup that can be spread around
When I first posted in this thread, I was only trying to help!
Please your self.
If you want to "re-invent the wheel", by all means, design your own stuff!
However, for the benefit of others here, I have attached a circuit diagram (BCSM6, which stands for: Basic Colloidal Silver Maker) and a Word document describing its features and specifications.
Since this circuit uses less than 5 mA current, when a 24VDC plug pack is used with such a light load, you have around 30VDC.
As for my 'blood cleaner' design:
If you don't want electronic ON-OFF switching - leave that section out. Same with the timer and buzzer circuits-if you don't want them - leave them out!
If you have read the document I attached previously, you should know that in that circuit current IS limited!
Further, you missed the point on the advantages of having a COMBINED blood cleaner AND colloidal silver maker.
You can argue all you want but the fact remains:
the COMBINATION unit is the most ECONOMICAL solution, just as I explained in that document!
Best regards to all,
Les Banki
I followed the beck device last version from 1996, it a simple schema, I ordered everything, i hope to receive everything this week or next and be able to test the device ASAP.
I hope that will help to restore my immune system and resolve my diabetes! since this crap is related to the immune system i think that can help.
Quote from: Les Banki on January 10, 2011, 06:32:38 PM
When I first posted in this thread, I was only trying to help!
Please your self.
If you want to "re-invent the wheel", by all means, design your own stuff!
However, for the benefit of others here, I have attached a circuit diagram (BCSM6, which stands for: Basic Colloidal Silver Maker) and a Word document describing its features and specifications.
Since this circuit uses less than 5 mA current, when a 24VDC plug pack is used with such a light load, you have around 30VDC.
As for my 'blood cleaner' design:
If you don't want electronic ON-OFF switching - leave that section out. Same with the timer and buzzer circuits-if you don't want them - leave them out!
If you have read the document I attached previously, you should know that in that circuit current IS limited!
Further, you missed the point on the advantages of having a COMBINED blood cleaner AND colloidal silver maker.
You can argue all you want but the fact remains:
the COMBINATION unit is the most ECONOMICAL solution, just as I explained in that document!
Best regards to all,
Les Banki
No need to reinvent the wheel, which is even hardly that in this case. Your last circuit is much more in the spirit of what I asked. I would add a timer circuit and a DPDT relay.
I'm trying to have a circuit with very common components and which is not too daunting for noobs to built and at the same time is modular and adaptable. Even a zener diode is imo unnecessary. The need to both devices in one is unnecessary. In fact it could be disadvantageously if you want a portable BE or use it discretely at work.
Quote from: TheOne on January 10, 2011, 09:07:19 PM
I followed the beck device last version from 1996, it a simple schema, I ordered everything, i hope to receive everything this week or next and be able to test the device ASAP.
I hope that will help to restore my immune system and resolve my diabetes! since this crap is related to the immune system i think that can help.
Diabetes along with most other diseases are curable but the cures are being suppressed. Caused mostly by hydrogenated oil which turns to a plastic like substance within the eyelets of the pancrease because it is a like a hydrogen free radical that bonds to stuff. Got olive oil?
The way it is cured is they inject capastacin directly into the pancreas, wait 4 hours and inject a polypeptide called substance P and in 24 hours, type I type II gone!
You are never going to see that cure hit the streets. Disease and small arms conflict is what eugenics is based on and how they depopulate people and genomes they deem inferior.
A Canadian researcher came up with that cure. The likelyhood of colloidal silver or micro currents pulsed through the radial and ulnar arteries helping diabetes... Have not heard of that one before.
Quote from: quarktoo on January 11, 2011, 07:56:13 AM
Diabetes along with most other diseases are curable but the cures are being suppressed. Caused mostly by hydrogenated oil which turns to a plastic like substance within the eyelets of the pancrease because it is a like a hydrogen free radical that bonds to stuff. Got olive oil?
The way it is cured is they inject capastacin directly into the pancreas, wait 4 hours and inject a polypeptide called substance P and in 24 hours, type I type II gone!
You are never going to see that cure hit the streets. Disease and small arms conflict is what eugenics is based on and how they depopulate people and genomes they deem inferior.
A Canadian researcher came up with that cure. The likelyhood of colloidal silver or micro currents pulsed through the radial and ulnar arteries helping diabetes... Have not heard of that one before.
Can you pm me the information about this researcher please. My brother is a type 1 diabetic.
Edit: Finally found a lead ( It's capsaicin not capastacin.
Quote from: quarktoo on January 11, 2011, 07:56:13 AM
Diabetes along with most other diseases are curable but the cures are being suppressed. Caused mostly by hydrogenated oil which turns to a plastic like substance within the eyelets of the pancrease because it is a like a hydrogen free radical that bonds to stuff. Got olive oil?
The way it is cured is they inject capastacin directly into the pancreas, wait 4 hours and inject a polypeptide called substance P and in 24 hours, type I type II gone!
You are never going to see that cure hit the streets. Disease and small arms conflict is what eugenics is based on and how they depopulate people and genomes they deem inferior.
A Canadian researcher came up with that cure. The likelyhood of colloidal silver or micro currents pulsed through the radial and ulnar arteries helping diabetes... Have not heard of that one before.
I never heard ot it, but I cannot inject that to myself, my girlfriend, she is a veterinerian but I would not able to convice her, she dont beleive in anything I am looking lol
Other solution that does not need injection directly in the pancreas unless its easy to do it by yourseft
Quote from: TheOne on January 11, 2011, 01:38:21 PM
I never heard ot it, but I cannot inject that to myself, my girlfriend, she is a veterinerian but I would not able to convice her, she dont beleive in anything I am looking lol
Other solution that does not need injection directly in the pancreas unless its easy to do it by yourseft
Please don't do that. I was just telling you about a researcher and how cures are shelved. NOT GIVING YOU MEDICAL ADVICE - I AM NOT QUALIFIED TO DO THAT.
Quote from: quarktoo on January 11, 2011, 01:47:09 PM
Please don't do that. I was just telling you about a researcher and how cures are shelved. NOT GIVING YOU MEDICAL ADVICE - I AM NOT QUALIFIED TO DO THAT.
Well, too bad. I has hoping that a diabetic "cure" for type 1 would be do-able or attainable with something I could solder together myself. ???
Some people want a colloidal silver maker ONLY.
Others want a blood cleaner ONLY.
Most (those who understand what these things do) want to have BOTH.
With my numerous designs I have catered for most needs for the past 16 years or so.
A common misconception seems to be that simple designs are somehow ‘better’ and to be preferred.
NOT so!
Many years ago an article was published in “Electronics Australiaâ€, titled:
I have no intention to argue with anyone about my designs.
It they don’t suit your needs, just leave them alone!
On the other hand, IF you have some electronics knowledge/skills, (or know someone who could help you with it) you could perhaps use PART of the circuit or maybe just give you a general idea of what is involved in making the unit you want.
So, broli,
Since you seem to know everything (and have an answer for everything), I will not ‘lecture’ you about the role of that zener diode.
Rest assured, there is a reason WHY it is there!
For the benefit of everyone else, I have attached some more files.
The DCSM-5 model has electronic switching and a timer.
It runs on either a 9V battery OR a 9V plug pack.
Selection is automatic. (see doc.)
If you choose to download the circuit diagram, I suggest that you also download the dcsm5.doc as well. (The diagram will make more sense after reading that doc.)
Best regards,
Les Banki
i will like to build one of these, i(the combination unit),
but how will i know that is working well?i mean the BE componet???
You said that you have more of
Magnetic Pulser, Hulda Clark type zappers and other designs.
Could you post some?
Thank you in advance
and a list of components i would be much helpful, if i am not asking too much......
Quote from: papazaf on January 13, 2011, 10:54:35 AM
and a list of components i would be much helpful, if i am not asking too much......
I tried to attached Hulda Clark's document " The cure for all Diseases" But the pdf file is too large. If you pm me your email address, I will send it to you. You can also check out her website (not sure if it is actually hers). There is a lot of information there.
Quote from: MrMag on January 13, 2011, 01:48:06 PM
I tried to attached Hulda Clark's document
"The cure for all Diseases"
But the pdf file is too large.
Yeah, post attachments are limited to a small value,
there is an area that takes slightly larger files here:;sa=add;cat=25
But even there the limit is below
the 5.50-Mb of the book's PDF...
I split it into two pieces with Win-RAR,
then uploaded them here respectively
to help you and everyone out a little:;sa=view;down=453;sa=view;down=454
Thanx :)
Quote from: CompuTutor on January 13, 2011, 07:35:09 PM
Yeah, post attachments are limited to a small value,
there is an area that takes slightly larger files here:;sa=add;cat=25
But even there the limit is below
the 5.50-Mb of the book's PDF...
I split it into two pieces with Win-RAR,
then uploaded them here respectively
to help you and everyone out a little:;sa=view;down=453;sa=view;down=454
The links wouldn't work for me on this borrowed computer, but this one did:
NOTE:600+ page mss. Takes a while to load, but it runs for me.
I "paged down" the pages and quickly noticed she has only one electrical/electronic wiring diagram that I saw rushing down the file pages. A lot of what she does appears to me to be organic or natural.
Thanks Big-M,
I've never known an OU DL link to fail,
perhaps that PC had Win-RAR archive issues...
I DL'd that link of yours
and did a binary comparison to be sure
to my known-good copy and it is identical.
I've grown leary of linking off-site though.
So people take your choice,
here and there are verified identical
(But OU made me split it sadly...)
Quote from: CompuTutor on January 14, 2011, 09:51:17 PM
...and did a binary comparison to be sure
to my known-good copy and it is identical.
I looked carefully at the manuscript and it does say between pgs. 18-30, or thereabouts, there are two kinds of electrical disease "zappers" that can be built which should work as Clark describes the process.
I may try this, since I am pre-diabetic right now.
REEDIT:It occurs to me that according to Clark's manuscript mentioned above, high voltage as seen in a Lakhovsky radiating coil isn't necessary. Low, positive pulsating voltage at the correct frequency is enough.
Way less EMI, I think? High voltage with arcing radiates strongly in EMI. Clark's invention doesn't do that.
there are similarities with the rifle machine, but rifle , i think is working in the ultrasound range( making the ionizes gas in the tube to vibrate and transmit ultrasound)
Is there a way to know witch of these are more effective?
i want to build one , and i am between the zapper and the rifle machine.
any suggestions?
Quote from: papazaf on January 16, 2011, 05:04:16 AM
there are similarities with the rifle machine, but rifle , i think is working in the ultrasound range( making the ionizes gas in the tube to vibrate and transmit ultrasound)
Is there a way to know witch of these are more effective?
i want to build one , and i am between the zapper and the rifle machine.
any suggestions?
I had the thought of taking a 120VAC--12.6VAC Radio Shack transformer, adding a current limiting light bulb to one side of the output, a diode to the other side (so that positive voltage is experienced by the one touching it); such that positive DC is being felt by the experimenter the same way pulsating DC is felt by someone using the hand-applied "zapper" at 2-5 HZ for 7 minutes.
This way doesn't tire out the hand and doesn't kill expensive batteries.
Quote from: the_big_m_in_ok on January 15, 2011, 10:42:10 PM
I looked carefully at the manuscript and it does say between pgs. 18-30, or thereabouts, there are two kinds of electrical disease "zappers" that can be built which should work as Clark describes the process.
I may try this, since I am pre-diabetic right now.
It occurs to me that according to Clark's manuscript mentioned above, high voltage as seen in a Lakhovsky radiating coil isn't necessary. Low, positive pulsating voltage at the correct frequency is enough.
Way less EMI, I think? High voltage with arcing radiates strongly in EMI. Clark's invention doesn't do that.
Rife, Clark, and Becks units are designed to attack the disease/parasite/bacteria and Lakhovsky's device is designed to rejuvenate your cells so that they can fight off the disease. Also, although Lakhovsky's device is more then capable of producing arcs and sparks, the machine is tuned to lower levels when treating patients. The thing I like about Lakhovsky's device is that it rejuvenates all of the cells in your body so that you will get a more complete "treatment" instead of just focusing on one item.
If you knew the exact frequencies that Rife used and the exact equipment, I would think that his device would be more beneficial. But I think there are too many unknowns about what exactly he did and how he did it. The equipment out there that is available to purchase that are claiming to be Rife units, are only using his name to sell devices. Rife did not use these in his treatments. His equipment was much more sophisticated. If you look at what he had and how he used it compared to what is being sold, you can see that they are different devices.
MrMag you r right
but i think , if the frequencies are correct, i would be easy to drive them into the body.
to my eyes, rifle and all the other are around the same principal.
the way of apply it varies?r u agree?
Quote from: papazaf on January 16, 2011, 04:01:46 PM
MrMag you r right
but i think , if the frequencies are correct, i would be easy to drive them into the body.
to my eyes, rifle and all the other are around the same principal.
the way of apply it varies?r u agree?
Yes, I guess I agree. Beck and Clark's units are directly connect to your body. Lakhovsky and I think Rife's were more of a non contact unit.
With Beck and Clark's device the current will travel through your body from probe to probe through the path of least resistance. Since your body is mostly water, it would probably be directly across from probe to probe. It would also more then likely pass through or follow some of your veins. I don't think that much if any of the current or frequencies would get into any of your organs. So, if your looking into cleaning out the parasite and microbes in your blood, these units theoretically should do the trick. If your problems lie in your organs, you may only see minimal results if any.
Rife's and lakhovsky's unit transmitted the frequency to the body. Lakhovsky used two antenna's and the patient would sit between them. The frequencies traveled through the body from transmitter antenna to receiver antenna. He also use a probe to concentrate the frequencies to specific parts of the body. I could be wrong about Rife but I think he used sort of a focused beam to the treated area.
is there any Lakhovsky device ,circuite plan availabe to build?
i have only found finished devices, and they cost a lot.
Quote from: papazaf on January 17, 2011, 01:04:38 AM
is there any Lakhovsky device ,circuite plan availabe to build?
i have only found finished devices, and they cost a lot.
Yes, the schematics are at this site
I would be careful about buying any units that are for sale on the net. You need to make sure that they were built the same as Lakhovsky's original devices or you will not get the same results. This also applies to the antenna.
I don't know if this invention works, but Radionics was big in the timeframe of the 20s-to-40s
103pp; this could take more than a little while to run.
From this site:
More articles on the general subject of this thread.
Hi guys I received all my stuffs, something to get tomorrow, So this week I will begin to test this unit and show some picture about it
I have question for the silver in the water, I try to find some distilled water but i found deminiralized water, Is this kind of water is fine for silver?
Quote from: TheOne on January 06, 2011, 09:35:45 PM
I found this:
I also found this, with respect to Reply #13, pg. 1:
This should be the same thing, right?
I have finished my Bob Beck circuit, but I have a question. Should I feel any type of sensation when using the blood electrolyzer? Should there be a tingling where the electrodes are placed? I can't feel anything when I'm hooked up.
I have the same problem, I think i have plugged the audio connector wrong so when no wire are connected I see the led blink between RED and GREEN very fast but when I plus the wire, blink stop and i feel nothing, if the wire touch nothing append too so I guess inverted the connection on the audio jack connecter..
Quote from: screaminvern on February 08, 2011, 01:30:36 PM
I have finished my Bob Beck circuit, but I have a question. Should I feel any type of sensation when using the blood electrolyzer? Should there be a tingling where the electrodes are placed? I can't feel anything when I'm hooked up.
My goodness!!
With a properly working circuit, with the correct PROBES, placed correctly, it will just about rip your arm off!!!
(Just kidding!) But if you apply FULL power, your hand will twitch uncontrollably and it feels VERY uncomfortable. (I am “zapping†right now, as I write this…)
Remember, the 27V source is DOUBLED by the bi-phasic action (i.e. reversing polarity).
That means you have 54V (peak-to-peak) across your probes!
If you don’t control the output (input to your probes) IT HURTS! Period.
I strongly suggest that you have a close look at the circuit diagram of my combination unit which I attached to one of my posts in this thread.
Best regards,
Les Banki
I will post some pictures tomorrow but when the power in on i see the led blink very fast and without any wire it is correct?
After i plug the wire no light and i dont detect anything like shock
Could the wire 1/3 on the phone jack are inverted? I dont know what wrong on my circuit:(
What is the voltage from a new 9 volt bat mine have average of 9.45 volts its ok?
I inverted the phone jack wire 1 and 2, now i am getting a little something but in around a volt, I dont know what wrong lol, everything seam right maybe someone can help to find out my problem, like was i am supposed to get in some part of the circuit so I can test the voltage and see what is going on
Here some pic of the device
I decided to by a device i will receive tomorrow that support 3 things the silver and bob device and a zapper that do something aimilar to bob but its differwnt i will post the info as soon i receive it
Thanks Les, I will check out your postings. I don't even have the LED blinking on my circuit.