;_ylc=X3oDMTFiaHBhMnJmBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEaXRjAzEEc2VjA3NyY2hfcWEEc2xrA3NyY2hhc3Q-?p=dan+davidson+shape+power&fr=yfp-t-s&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8 (;_ylc=X3oDMTFiaHBhMnJmBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEaXRjAzEEc2VjA3NyY2hfcWEEc2xrA3NyY2hhc3Q-?p=dan+davidson+shape+power&fr=yfp-t-s&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8)
Dan A. Davidson:
Ok guys, Jerry asked me to tell you about motor sensitives. Here is my definition of a "motor sensitive".
1. the "motor" monicker is from the use of the word in describing the nervous system.
2. a motor sensitive has certain special abilities:
a. Can sense electric and other fields
b. Can manipulate these fields (either consciously or unconsciously)
c. Can use this special sensing to "tune" devices which will exhibit unusual effects like levitation,
free energy, etc. This can be unconsciousness or conscious on the motor sensitives part.
3. The term was invented by my old friend Larry Wilson who was a motor sensitive but
could also use his talents to duplicate devices and make them work.
John W. Keely was a motor sensitive. Equipment would work for him and no other. It is possible
that other free energy inventors and stage people were also motor sensitives.
For example. We have some really good explanations for some of the free energy devices but
none of them have worked. I could expand this list but you should get the idea.
Dan A. Davidson
Do a search on: Aether Motor, Tilley's Spinner Box.
Imagine an electric machine having no electrical input itself and which, when started on no
load by a drive motor and brought up to speed (3250 rpm), thereafter runs steadily at that speed
with the motor drawing a little extra input power with a time delay rate of about two minutes.
The machine rotor has a mass of 800 gm and at that speed its kinetic energy together with that of
the drive motor is no more than 15 joules, contrasting with the excess energy of 300 joules needed
to satisfy the anomalous power surge [to spin up from rest].
Imagine further that when the motor, after running five minutes or more, is switched off and the machine
is stopped, you can restart it in the same or opposite direction and find that it now has a memory
in the sense that it will not now ask for that 300 joules of excess input. 30 joules will suffice provided
that the time lapse between starting and restarting is no more than a minute or so.
This is not a transient heating phenomenon. At all times the bearing housings feel cool and any
heating in the drive motor would imply an increase of resistance and a build-up of power to a
higher steady state condition.
The experimental evidence is that there is something spinning of an ethereal nature co-extensive
with the machine rotor. That 'something' has an effective mass density 20 times that of the rotor, but
it is something that can spin independently and takes several minutes to decay, whereas the motor
comes to rest in a few seconds.
Two machines of different rotor size and composition reveal the phenomenon and tests indicate
variations with time of day and compass orientation of the spin axis. One machine, the one
incorporating weaker magnets, showed evidence of gaining strength magnetically, as the tests were
repeated over several days.
Remember Floyd Sweet also said that the Output Voltage of his devices varied with the time of day!!
Quote from: FatBird on June 21, 2016, 04:28:05 PM
Do a search on: Aether Motor, Tilley's Spinner Box.
Imagine an electric machine having no electrical input itself and which, when started on no
load by a drive motor and brought up to speed (3250 rpm), thereafter runs steadily at that speed
with the motor drawing a little extra input power with a time delay rate of about two minutes.
The machine rotor has a mass of 800 gm and at that speed its kinetic energy together with that of
the drive motor is no more than 15 joules, contrasting with the excess energy of 300 joules needed
to satisfy the anomalous power surge [to spin up from rest].
Imagine further that when the motor, after running five minutes or more, is switched off and the machine
is stopped, you can restart it in the same or opposite direction and find that it now has a memory
in the sense that it will not now ask for that 300 joules of excess input. 30 joules will suffice provided
that the time lapse between starting and restarting is no more than a minute or so.
This is not a transient heating phenomenon. At all times the bearing housings feel cool and any
heating in the drive motor would imply an increase of resistance and a build-up of power to a
higher steady state condition.
The experimental evidence is that there is something spinning of an ethereal nature co-extensive
with the machine rotor. That 'something' has an effective mass density 20 times that of the rotor, but
it is something that can spin independently and takes several minutes to decay, whereas the motor
comes to rest in a few seconds.
Two machines of different rotor size and composition reveal the phenomenon and tests indicate
variations with time of day and compass orientation of the spin axis. One machine, the one
incorporating weaker magnets, showed evidence of gaining strength magnetically, as the tests were
repeated over several days.
May be that is similar to the Aspden Effect
I did some tests some time ago and could not find anything surprising. But one may always claim, that I did something wrong.
Remember, one can never prove that sometning
does not work. (One could only provide positive proof, namely that it works.)
Greetings, Conrad
Dan Davidson's PDF Book can be downloaded Free. (
SAMPLE from his Book introduction:
In addition to physical instrumentation, I have also used clairvoyants as human instruments when I have been able
to prove conclusively that they have their inner sight open. A true clairvoyant is able to see the energy fields of the
aetheric plane such as the light around a person (i.e., the aura), around various activities of light in nature (e.g., around
and inside trees and living organisms), around geometrical shapes, around magnets, can see into matter, has both
microscopic and telescopic vision and many other remarkable abilities. They can see the flow direction of subtle energy
fields, its color, and general shape. My experience in psychic research and psychological testing enabled me to identify
some first rate clairvoyants who have provided additional, very valuable, insight into the science of -
Quote from: FatBird on June 22, 2016, 09:44:30 AM
Dan Davidson's PDF Book can be downloaded Free. (
Well, the stars of the esoteric industry are so very verbose, millions of words, endless theories and grand promises. But where are the machines working according to these ravings? Big in the virtual, non existent in the real world.
A book is no proof!
Greetings, Conrad
A lot of great thinkers and inventors stated that it would take besides the "hardware" also a kind of believe and acknowledgement of the "creator" *
* Where creator not should be confused with "God's"
Because some people lie about a device being O/U and others don't?
Quote from: FatBird on June 22, 2016, 09:44:30 AM
Dan Davidson's PDF Book can be downloaded Free. (
SAMPLE from his Book introduction:
I did some tests based on Davidson's book:
1) Look at the picture showing a hole in the screen. I could put my whole index-finger into the screen. Try it yourself.
2) Move your fingers over the three circles, you will feel three protrusions on the screen.
Be careful, do not loose a finger. The warranty of your screen will expire because it is not built for such mall treatment.
Sorry for showing these pictures, but it is important that you know these secrets (even if you have to buy a new screen). Demand compensation from FatBird, he published this technology on
Greetings, Conrad
Grettings to you, again, we are still here after all these years.
What I think about the lack of working replications of most all of the OU devices that people have tried to build up to now, is that there are no real, actual, and true replications. Period. All have some deviation from the original build. But, if you build it exactly as shown and as in the schematic, there's a good chance that it will work. Like Ruslan's devices, and several others.
However, as this thread and it's members may not know or have ALL the info about any of these devices, and there may also be something missing, therefor there have been no working replication from anyone here. Not a coincidence, just possibly a lack of proper build information.
The self runner (below) is the simplest one of ALL up to now, and it's also one with the highest output, 4kW, or so.
Yet not one person has been able to replicate it, either. At least that I'm aware of. (
PS: I don't see nor feel anything unusual about the picture of the circles above. No bumps, no holes.
Nothing... well, only the protrusions from the gecko shits on my monitor screen.
Poma's device (video above), only uses a very simple Kacher circuit for the input source. Simple and cheap.
If, you can get it working, is another thing, as he's not showing all there is to it, either. Unless.... you pay him.
And someone I'm sure will... if it's real.
Quote from: NickZ on June 23, 2016, 11:40:16 PM
What I think about the lack of working replications of most all of the OU devices that people have tried to build up to now, is that there are no real and actual replications. Period. Build it exactly as shown and as in the schematic, and there's a good chance that it will work.
However, as this thread and it's members may not know or have ALL the info about any of these devices, and there may also be something missing, therefor there have been no working replication from anyone here. Not a coincidence, just possibly a lack of proper build information.
The self runner (below) is the simplest one of ALL up to now, and it's also one with the highest output, 4kW, or so.
Yet not one person has been able to replicate it, either. At least that I'm aware of. (
PS: I don't see nor feel anything unusual about the picture of the circles above. No bumps, no holes. Nothing...
Let's keep at it.
NickZ hi, and re your device I have been going over some of the old Ruslan vids, In one he concentrates on the grenade coil and it's winding (strange thing).
Many have used as originally recommended 2.5 mm trunking wire which is quite a stiff wire and dead cheap.
I notice while testing the device some report the device gets hot almost to a point where it starts to warp the PVC pipe, T1000 recommended the use of none Oxegen contaminated wire, not only that Ruslan actually tests his device for inductance and his basic device is about 240 uh, the device I tested was 125 uh, a hell of a difference. This suggests a problem with tuning and other calculations that have been taken for granted.
Over to you and your thoughts.
Reality is shaped by our expectations, by optimism and pessimism, ideas, plans, desires.
Each entities understanding of reality is overlapping with the ones of the others, and what is overlapping may be what connects our realities, the zone in which all are one. In a system beyond comprehension we can be both, many individuals and one being alltogether, living in a fixed material world and experiencing just a dream.
Nice! But, some real, and useful information on just exactly how to go about getting any device self running, is what we really need, at this point. Enough time wasted... tinkering away with no useful end. Me thinks...
Quote from: NickZ on June 23, 2016, 11:40:16 PM
Grettings to you, again, we are still here after all these years.
What I think about the lack of working replications of most all of the OU devices that people have tried to build up to now, is that there are no real, actual, and true replications. Period. All have some deviation from the original build. But, if you build it exactly as shown and as in the schematic, there's a good chance that it will work. Like Ruslan's devices, and several others.
However, as this thread and it's members may not know or have ALL the info about any of these devices, and there may also be something missing, therefor there have been no working replication from anyone here. Not a coincidence, just possibly a lack of proper build information.
According to my unimportant world view, new energy sources can be detected in the sub-atomic level (yet undetected particles and their interactions, dark matter, dark energy), but this is not possible to do at home.
The macro world is more or less known and there will be no big surprises when playing with ordinary electric and electronic components or with mechanical contraptions.
Technology and knowledge have progressed beyond the home builder level.
Nevertheless one can build nice things at home. I switched to the Raspberry:
It will not be something to save the world, but it can entertain you.
The big thing of this forum are the psychological revelations emanating from the postings. It is a window into the minds of people and the aberrations which could happen to any one.
Greetings, Conrad
Which gives you a feeling of being superiour? Is that why you're here? A place to remind you of your mental sanity?
Well. if it helps, why not.
But ppl who supported R&D of the first airplanes were declared insane and locked up in sanatories.
There are always little minds with little heads.
Quote from: dieter on June 24, 2016, 03:52:12 PM
Which gives you a feeling of being superiour? Is that why you're here? A place to remind you of your mental sanity?
Well. if it helps, why not.
But ppl who supported R&D of the first airplanes were declared insane and locked up in sanatories.
There are always little minds with little heads.
What is wrong with feeling superior when seeing the sad claims often made in this forum?
People become insane in all sort of circumstances not only in the air-plane industry. There are victims everywhere, not only when researching air-planes.
I am here because I get ideas of little contraptions to build at home (because I enjoy building things, why not build strange things).
And I am here to study human nature (also mine). To study others is always studying one self to a great extent.
Reading your posts, I indeed feel superior to you. Allow me that little pleasure!
Greetings, Conrad
So I was right when I felt personally insulted by your comment about us sickos?
Just tell me, is conrad your first or second name?
Anyway, that was a rhetorical question.
Do you have to insult people while studing them? Or was that accidently.
@ Dieter, you are absolutely RIGHT. There are a LOT of Very RUDE & CRUDE folks on this forum.
If I were in charge here the Trolls & Rude guys would be BANNED in a New York Minute!
Why would any inventor that has a WORKING UNIT (or Close to a working unit) even want to
post it here & be subjected to their continual, obscene, & unwarranted harassment?
Obviously, they wouldn't do it.
Stefan, PLEASE SAVE This Forum by instituting a policy to GET RID OF these USELESS, IRRITATING, &
NON-Productive Trolls & Argumentative NAY SAYERS! They NEVER contribute anything of value. Only Negativity
continually week after week, year after year. Aren't we tired of their Continual Negative Excremented SLOP!
Most of them are SARCASTIC & NONE of them ever offer any ENCOURAGEMENT to anyone working on O/U.
Plus, the majority of them couldn't recognize REAL (or close) Overunity if it bit them in the proverbial Rear End.
Quote from: dieter on June 26, 2016, 08:36:21 PM
So I was right when I felt personally insulted by your comment about us sickos?
Just tell me, is conrad your first or second name?
Anyway, that was a rhetorical question.
Do you have to insult people while studing them? Or was that accidently.
Quote from: FatBird on June 27, 2016, 09:28:08 AM
@ Dieter, you are absolutely RIGHT. There are a LOT of Very RUDE & CRUDE folks on this forum.
If I were in charge here the Trolls & Rude guys would be BANNED in a New York Minute!
Why would any inventor that has a WORKING UNIT (or Close to a working unit) even want to
post it here & be subjected to their continual, obscene, & unwarranted harassment?
Obviously, they wouldn't do it.
If you have followed OU-forums for some time, you will have noticed that all persons claiming to have OU-devices and all persons believing in the OU-claimers sooner or later will be insulted and will become aggressive when proof is demanded.
Some aggressiveness is necessary when demanding proof, because OU-claimers and their believers behave like madmen or swindlers. A logical and straight forward discourse is not possible.
If someone makes an extraordinary claim it is natural and logical that doubt is expressed by thinking readers. This doubt could be alleviated by providing proof and useful technical information. But that never happens.
It is very rude to make unfounded claims and it is not rude to doubt and to demand proof.
Conrad is my forum name. It is advisable to use a nick name because there are very strange and vindictive people in the open forums.
Greetings, Conrad