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Energy from Natural Resources => All other conventional alternative energy creation systems => Topic started by: AlienGrey on February 03, 2019, 05:22:13 AM

Title: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 03, 2019, 05:22:13 AM
If you ain't got anything nice to say why  bother to say it now let's get away from the BS  :o 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 05:38:46 AM
I make the kapanadze generator not.  8)
I gave up when I made a Ruslan generator.  :-*
I am poor.  ::)
I have to work.  ;D

I am currently working as an internet instructor to educate NIS employees.  :o
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 06:20:39 AM
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people.

You're right,
It is doubtful whether Sane can save the world.
It is reasonable to fail to distinguish between reason and nature.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Hoppy on February 03, 2019, 06:36:02 AM
Hi Color,
Now you have your own thread, lets see a lot less of this from you on the other threads: -
Looking forward to more asian art on this thread.  ;)
Best wishes

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 06:46:16 AM

I pray for you.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 07:09:26 AM

and maybe the kacher/tesla should also be tuned to the resonant frequency of the grenade?

would be grateful if any advice is given on creating the interference between the kacher/tesla and the push-pull.

May I ask you for a video?
I do not have an oscilloscope, so the waveform explanation is unknown.
You can advise if you post a video that you shot in detail.
Please ask for details like the above video.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 09:39:22 AM
The first thing that I see that may be not right, is the Kacher secondary. It is too long, and it's self resonant frequency will be too low. So, there will be little interaction with the induction circuit. The Kacher needs to be tuned to self resonate at about 1.5MHz, not 700KHz or so.  This will also depend on what frequency the grenade coil is running at, for a proper match up. I would try to tune the grenade to where it puts out the highest output, then tune the Kacher to it's best interaction to the best found grenade's frequency. This will vary with every device.
   No self runners are running at the same frequency, that I've seen. So, to me it's not a matter of a certain set frequency match, but finding what frequency works best for you on your device. This match up is the most difficult part, and where everyone fails.   If you use a 37.5 grenade output coil, the inductor should be 1/2 of that, or 18.7 meters long.  You may have to cut some wire turns off of the Kacher secondary. More or less about 1/2 the turns of what you are now.showing. You can also make the kacher secondary with different tune able points along the coil.   The earth ground line should be the same size as the grenade output coil, or 37.5 meters long. You can use a old car battery negative rail as a virtual ground, in your case. Or connect the ground line to a water pipe. May not work as well though. But, you can also coil up the long ground line as some guys have shown, so that it won't take up as much space.
  Let us know how it goes.
  Good to see someone back into building up this type of device, once again. Mine is only waiting for motivation to continue.

Korean cafe reaction is very hot.
Salvation pitcher is not uncommon.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 11:38:39 AM
Don't you have to mix the Kacher sine wave with the inductor push-pull sine wave? the maximum freq of the TL494 is 400khz but your using a CD4046 just right to tune mustache 3 to 1 wave I would have thought re Enjoykin post in dally thread. Have you tried that ?

You posted that Wesley was playing around with the 4046 circuit.
So I wanted to tell you that Wesley was kidding.
I do not even know if the 4046 schematic works.
How can you experiment if you do not have the electronic equipment to know the waveform?

I have experimented with 2SC5200, 260, 460, k1162 and a few others.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 03, 2019, 11:45:36 AM
Quote from: color on February 03, 2019, 11:38:39 AM
Don't you have to mix the Kacher sine wave with the inductor push-pull sine wave? the maximum freq of the TL494 is 400khz but your using a CD4046 just right to tune mustache 3 to 1 wave I would have thought re Enjoykin post in dally thread. Have you tried that ?

You posted that Wesley was playing around with the 4046 circuit.
So I wanted to tell you that Wesley was kidding.
I do not even know if the 4046 schematic works.
How can you experiment if you do not have the electronic equipment to know the waveform?

I have experimented with 2SC5200, 260, 460, k1162 and a few others.
Any way how does this circuit of Ruslan work ? I'm confused now ;)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 12:08:54 PM
Good to see this thread back on track. There's a coffee shop next door for anyone wanting a break from building.  ;D
One observation from the Kapanadze green box videos is that the earth wire is taken through the centre tube of the grenade and connects to one leg of the load. The other leg of the load is connected to one end of the grenade winding. I do not see this in any of Ruslan's setups.

I saw it too.
Kapanadze green box The ground wire penetrates the grenade.

There is no special meaning.
The ground wire may damage other connected wires unless it is self-weighted and secured.
When the ground wire penetrates the grenade, it becomes a support.
At other Kapanadze generator demonstrations, the ground wire does not penetrate the grenade.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 12:21:11 PM
Any way how does this circuit of Ruslan work ? I'm confused now

You know.
I do not understand the waveform.
What I understand is that you have to create a complete grenade inverter to operate the generator.
Make 500W X 4 = 45VAC.
Make it similar to this.
Without this, the generator will not work.
I come here to get pleasure.
I hate to think complicatedly.
I have many unusual experiences that are difficult to understand.
I still do not understand this.
Nevertheless, it worked by chance.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 03, 2019, 12:28:59 PM
Hi colours

I think your from China maybe you can help us.

There is one person from youku channel who is making
Kapandze style device  .

I will share the link can you explain what he is doing


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 12:44:44 PM

I do not understand anything other than YouTube.
I can not understand a foreign language without a translation function.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 03, 2019, 12:52:35 PM
Quote from: color on February 03, 2019, 12:44:44 PM

I do not understand anything other than YouTube.
I can not understand a foreign language without a translation function.

My bad I thought you where from China
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 12:56:29 PM
I live in Korea.

흡사 인형이었다. 파란 눈에 고수머리. 그러나 고수머리는 금발이 아니었다. 새까만 빛깔이었다. 콧날이 상큼했다. 대여섯 살밖에 되어 보이지 않는 계집아이가 한 손에 삶은 옥수수 한 자루를 쥐고 대문에 들어섰다.

새까만 머리에는 진분홍 리본이 나비처럼 춤추었다. 무릎 위까지 깡충한 원피스는 지금 막 입은 새 것이었다. 흡사 서양인형이 살아 움직이는 것 같았다.

그러나 입에서 나오는 말은 또랑또랑한 우리말이었다. 이름도 우리말인 영애였다. 영애는 엄마를 불렀다. 그러자 울담 옆 그늘진 곳에서 빨래판에 거품을 일으키던 여인이 머리를 돌렸다.

마흔 정도의 둥그스름한 얼굴을 가진 여인이었다. 한때 예뻤을 것 같은 얼굴이 지금은 고생으로 얼룩져 있었다. 아무렇게나 머리를 빗어 올린 시골부인 같은 모습이었다. 도저히 인형 같은 아이의 엄마라고는 생각하기 어려웠다. 그 여인은 아이의 말쑥한 옷차림을 보고 놀랐다. 어쩐 옷이냐고 물었다. 아이는 방긋 웃으며 등나무 집 아줌마가 사주었다고 대답했다.

등나무 집은 등나무 선반이 마당을 덮고 있는 집을 말했다. 그 집의 시집간 딸이 며칠 머무르고 있었는데 그 딸은 동네 아이들을 매우 귀여워했고, 특히 영애를 예뻐했다. 서른 살 안팎의 여인으로 날씬한 몸매에 갸름한 얼굴이 슬프도록 품위를 풍기고 있었다. 영애는 「아줌마가.....」라며 귀여움 받는 이야기를 엄마에게 자랑삼아 말하곤 했다.

오늘도 영애는 파란 눈을 깜빡이며 아줌마가 토끼와 거북이 이야기를 해준 것, 옷을 사준 것, 옥수수를 준 것 등을 이야기했다. 영애가 아줌마에게 귀염받는 이야기를 할 적마다 옥순이의 마음은 무거워졌다.

슬프도록 품위 있는 아줌마의 얼굴이 떠오르며, 그녀가 자신을 얼마나 낮추어 생각할지, 영애가 예뻐서 장난감처럼 귀여워해 주는 것이 아닌지, 모두 한가한 사람의 심심풀이 장난 같은 생각이 들며 왠지 모를 열등감이 생겼다.

그런 아줌마가 천 환에 가까운 돈을 들여 영애의 옥을 사 입혔다. 감사해야 할지, 이전처럼 반발해야 할지 알 수 없어 옥순이의 마음이 무거웠다. 이런 어머니의 마음을 영애가 알리 없었다. 영애는 새 옷과 옥수수가 무척 좋은 눈치였다. 몸을 한 번 둘러보고 옥수수를 베어 물었다. 옥수수를 오물거리며 두 팔을 벌였다. 안아 달라는 표시였다.

그 모습이 옥순이의 눈에도 살아있는 인형같이 보였다. 영애를 안아 주려는 순간 옥순이는 자신을 바라보는 영애의 눈동자가 유난히 번쩍이는 것을 보고 멈칫했다.

그 눈빛은 옥순이에게 귀엽고 사랑스러운 눈이 아니라 두렵고 무서운, 몸서리 쳐지는 눈이었다. 여느 때처럼 덤덤히 지내다가도 가끔 그 눈빛은 반짝하고 빛나면서 옥순이의 아픈 상처를 쏘아주었다. 옥순이는 그 눈이 자신에게 불행을 가져다줬다고 생각했다.

사변에 의용군으로 끌려간 남편은 일사 후퇴까지 돌아오지 않았다. 옥순이는 홀로 아홉 살과 다섯 살, 젖먹이를 데리고 피난민들과 함께 한강을 넘었다.

그러나 대전도 채 못 가 유엔군이 수도를 탈환했다는 소식을 듣고 얼른 돌아서 한강을 몰래 넘어 들었다. 젖먹이가 병으로 죽어 식구는 셋이었다. 고생을 해도 고향에서 하면 덜하리라 여겨 서울로 돌아온 것이었다. 그러나 서울은 텅 비어 거처가 자유로운 반면 생계수단이 없었다.

그때 그 동네에서는 미군 상대의 양공주를 치는 집이 많았다. 옥순이도 그 일을 했다. 그러나 휴전협정이 성립된 후 서울 안의 미군수가 줄어들어 그 일에도 어렵게 되었다. 영등포로 자리를 옮겨 볼 생각으로 먼저 그리로 자리를 옮긴 부인을 찾아갔다.

그러나 그 부인은 처음부터 고개를 흔들었다. 자신의 몸이나 팔면 될까 어림도 없다고 했다. 그러면서 부인은 괜찮은 싸아젠이 하나 있으니 옥순이가 한 번 받아보라고 은근히 권유했다. 옥순이는 모욕을 당한 것처럼 느껴져 화가 났다. 그러나 양공주와 같이 사는 동안 자극된 본능이 그 일을 하게 만들었다.

그 날 밤 옥순이는 어떻게 하여 싸아젠과 하룻밤을 보내게 되었다. 다음날 아침, 싸아젠은 몇 장의 달러와 초콜릿을 놓고 갔다. 그 후 옥순이는 영등포에 발길을 하지 않았다. 그로부터 십여 일도 지나지 않아 반공포로 석방으로 남편이 돌아왔다. 옥순이는 죽었다고 생각한 남편이 돌아온 기쁨과 감격에 날뛰었고, 남편 경식이도 감격과 감동으로 어쩔 줄을 몰랐다.

서로 그 동안의 고초를 이야기했다. 경식이의 이야기에 비해 무게는 없었으나, 옥순이의 지난날도 결코 만만치 않았다. 옥순이는 양갈보를 쳤다고 했다. 상봉의 감격으로 관대해진 영식은 아무렇지 않게 넘어갔다. 옥순이는 싸아젠과의 일도 고백할까 했다. 그러나 한 번의 실수요, 또 경식이 알면 괴로워할 것 같아 그 일은 감춰두었다. 그리고 둘은 새 희망으로 살기 시작했다.

그 날부터 옥순이에겐 태기가 있었다. 둘은 좋아했다. 열 달을 채우고 해산했다. 아기의 몸이 새빨간 빛이었다. 그러다가 이내 흰빛으로 변했고 눈빛도 파란빛이었다. 해산을 도와줬던 이웃 할머니의 말에 옥순이는 지친 몸을 끌고 아기를 끌어당겼다.

그때 옥순이의 눈에 비친 파란빛. 아줌마가 사준 옷을 입고 옥수수를 오물거리는 영애의 파란 눈을 보고 옥순이는 그때의 절망감, 불행감을 떠올렸다. 그 무렵 남편은 석방의 감격이 가신 지 오래였다. 또 계획했던 일이 잘 되지 않아 현실적인 각박한 사람이 되어있었다. 이런 남편이 눈빛이 파란 딸을 그냥 두고 볼 리 없었다.

자리를 거두기 전부터 싸움이 났다. 그러다 간다 온다 말도 없이 사라졌다. 경식은 원래 한 곳에 있는 성미가 못 되었다. 예전에도 부산이며 목포를 부산하게 다닌 적이 있었으나, 이번에는 일년이 넘게 얼굴이 보이지 않았다. 그러더니 딴 살림을 차렸다는 소식을 전해왔다. 그러나 옥순이는 지은 죄가 있기에 딴살림을 막을 염치가 없다고 생각해 아무런 간섭도 하지 않았다.

영애는 머리색만 옥순이를 닮았다. 다른 아이와 유일하게 닮은 부분이었다. 철이 든 맏이와 둘째는 영애를 창피하게 여겼고, 어머니의 행실에 대한 불만을 감추지 않았다. 벌써 열 네 살이 된 첫째는 온갖 일에 어머니에게 대들었다. 그리고는 아버지를 찾는다며 떠났다가 두 달만에 거지꼴이 되어 돌아왔다. 그래도 여전히 고분고분하지 않았다.

옥순이는 남의 삯빨래와 바느질로 식구들의 호구책을 삼았다. 마침 뜰 안에 우물이 있어 밖에 나가지 않고 일을 할 수 있었다. 그러나 철없는 영애는 집안에 가둘 수 없었다. 어머니망신을 제가 시키건 말건 동네를 돌아다니며 즐겁게 뛰어 놀았다.

한때 옥순이는 영애를 제 아버지에게 보내려고 했다. 그러나 사랑으로 이루어진 관계도 아니요, 이름도 주소도 몰랐다. 그리고 옥순이는 영애가 없으면 견딜 수 없을 것 같았다. 남편이 그렇고, 자식들에게까지 불신과 배척을 받으며, 이웃의 멸시를 받는 옥순이에게는 오직 영애 하나만이 등불이었다.

자신이 그런 운명의 태생인 줄 모르는 영애는 옥순이에게 몹시 아기자기하게 굴었다. 배척도, 멸시도 하지 않고 사랑해 주면 주는 대로 기뻐했다. 그런 영애를 볼 적마다 옥순이의 가슴에는 따뜻한 불꽃이 솟았다. 그러나 이렇게 가냘픈 행복을 맛보다가도 문득 영애의 파란 눈을 보면 무섭고, 두렵고, 캄캄한 생각이 들었다.

영애는 아줌마가 문안구경을 시켜 준다며 옥순이에게 허락을 구했다. 어느새 대문 앞에서 영애를 부르는 아줌마의 목소리가 났다. 옥순이는 아줌마를 보는 순간 걷잡을 수 없는 열등감이 치밀어 올랐다. 얼굴을 바로 보는 것도 부끄러웠다.

아줌마는 영애의 손을 잡고 대문 밖을 나섰다. 모퉁이에서, 벽돌 담장으로 늘어진 곳에 등의자를 놓고 책을 보던 청년이 영애의 모습을 재미있는 시선으로 보았다. 그리고 영애를 인형같이 예쁘다고 하였다. 아줌마는 그 말을 듣자 사람의 보는 눈은 같구나, 싶어 입가에 미소까지 머금고 청년을 보았다. 그리고 집으로 들어갔다. 치장을 시작했다.

영애의 파란 눈은 옥순이에겐 두려움을 주었으나 아줌마 현주에게는 그윽하고 아름답게만 보였다. 그 눈은 마음속에 간직된 소녀시절을 회상시켜 주는 구실도 했다. 현주의 입에서 저절로 노래가 나왔다.

"아오이 메오 시다 오닝교상 아메리가 가라 기다 세루로이....." (눈동자가 파란 인형 아가씨, 미국에서 온 세루로이드...) 해방 훨씬 전의 일이었다. 미국 어린이들이 일본 어린이들에게 인형을 선사한 일이 있었다. 그 인형을 맞이하는 노래였다. 그 무렵 현주는 보통학교 일 학년이었다. 노래를 잘 불렀기에 학교에 들어가기 전에도 못 부르는 노래가 없었다. 그런 노래들 틈에 끼어 이 일본말 노래가 가끔, 그것도 무의식중에 현주의 입술에서 새어 나왔다.

그 무렵 보통학교에서는 우리말 노래를 즐겨 가르치지 않았다. 이 노래는 현주가 보통학교에 들어가 처음 배운 일본말 노래였다. 그리고 어린 현주의 정서에 맞았다. 그리고 그것보다도 이 노래를 잘 불러 교장에게 상을 탄 기억이 새로웠다.

이학기 초, 학예회 때 사람들로 가득한 강당에서 현주는 이 노래를 불러 박수를 받았다. 현주의 가슴에는 그때의 감격이 노래와 함께 뿌리 박혔다. 그뿐 아니라 가난해서 인형을 살 수 없었던 현주는 항상 파란 눈의 인형을 가지길 원했다. 이 노래는 그 인형을 맞이하는 노래였다.

일본이 진주만을 공격해 미국과 전쟁을 할 적에도 현주의 입 속에는 이 노래가 맴돌았다. 해방 이듬해에 현주는 x대학을 중도 퇴학하고 연애 결혼하였다. 상대는 s대학에 방사선 강의를 하는 독실한 소장 의학도였다. 현주의 애정과 존경을 받을만한 사람이었다. 금실도 좋았다. 그러나 삼 년이 지나도 아이가 없었다.

아이를 낳으면 잘 기르고, 자신이 누리지 못했던 것을 해주리라 마음먹었다. 눈이 파란 인형도 사 주고...... 이런 꿈이 무산되었다. 오 년이 지나고 십 년이 지나도 태기가 없었다. 그 동안 적당한 치료도 하였으나, 뜻을 이루지 못한 채 남편은 지난 봄에 교환교수로 미국에 갔다. 일년의 기한이었다.

이렇게 해서 현주는 지금 친정에 와 있었다. 아이가 없는 현주인지라 예쁜 아이를 보면 몹시 귀여워했다. 특히 영애의 파란 눈은 현주에게 여러 가지 뜻을 던져 주었다.

생각나는 대로 단편적인 가사를 흥얼거리며 현주는 화장을 마치고 옷을 갈아입었다. 밖으로 나오니 영애가 보이지 않았다. 불렀으나 응답이 없었다. 고무신을 끌고 마당으로 나서니 왜 영애를 찾느냐는 동생의 목소리가 들렸다. 노트가 든 누런 봉투를 옆구리에 끼고 있었다. 강의가 일찍 끝난 모양이었다. 문안에 데려간다고 답했다.

동생은 망설이는 태도로 영애를 데리고 다니지 말라 하였다. 남들이 현주가 낳은 아이로 보면 어쩌겠냐는 것이었다. 그 말을 들은 현주는 아뜩했다. 미처 생각 못했던 일, 그렇게 심각하게는 파고들지 않았던 일이었다. 어안이 벙벙한 가운데 동생이 말을 이었다.

집으로 오는 길에 등의자에 앉은 청년이 영애를 데리고 이야기하는 것을 보았다. 청년은 영애에게 아까 그 아줌마가 네 엄마냐고 물었고 영애는 아니라며 도망치려고 했으나 청년이 놓아주지 않았다.

그리고 영애의 아버지에 대해 물었다. 동생은 그냥 지나치려다 어린애를 데리고 무슨 짓이냐고 따졌더니 그제야 애를 놓아주며 애가 예뻐서 그랬다고 했다. 그러면서 동생은 영애의 엄마로 현주를 생각한 것에 몹시 기분 나빠했다. 현주도 불쾌하고 께름칙했다. 자신을 아는 사람이면 모르되 자신을 모르는 사람이 자신과 영애를 보면 그렇게 볼 것 같았다.

그때 영애가 뛰어들었다. 현주의 나들이차림을 보고 벙글거리며 좋아했다. 그러나 현주의 입에서는 부르튼 말이 나왔다. 현주는 혼자 문안에 가겠다며 대문을 나섰다. 언제 예쁘다고 어루만지며 옷을 사 입혔냐는 태도였다.

영애는 현주의 냉정한 태도에 놀라 멍하니 서 있다 울음을 터뜨리고 집으로 갔다. 울음소리를 듣고 부엌에 있던 옥순이가 나왔다. 문안에 왜 안 갔는지 물었다. 영애는 울음을 그치지 않고 아줌마가 혼자 갔다고 답했다. 그 동안의 사정을 모르는 옥순이였다.

그러나 그 사정을 알고 싶지도 않았다. 옥순이는 영애를 끌어안았다. 그리고 눈물 젖은 영애의 뺨에 얼굴을 문질렀다.

"문안은 엄마가 데려갈게. 울음을 그쳐... ."

하였다. 그리고 팔에 힘을 주어 영애를 끌어안았다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 01:10:58 PM
January 19, 2019, 12:06:39 AM »


Color have you got this design to work ?  to me it's lacking stuff ?
and have you a pointer to your blog?

I can not say now.
We will be open to everyone at an appropriate opportunity later.

I am not Chinese.
I am a North Korean man who escaped to South Korea.

I know very well what is forced labor, food rationing, surveillance, poverty, hunger, and freedom.

As with all North Korean refugees, it is necessary to obtain permission from the National Intelligence Service to disclose all of their information.
My YouTube and blog are also getting permission from the National Intelligence Service.
Anything other than personal information may be disclosed.
I am being threatened by North Korean intelligence sources.
The reason I run the blog is to protect me from the North Korean intelligence agencies.
It's like public information that I'm alive now.

China Pollution fine dust weather satellite picture

My country is a Westerly wind area.
So, on the Chinese side, the polluted air and the fine dust come to us on the wind.coming from China.
Because of China, we have many respiratory diseases.
It is because of fossil fuels like petroleum and coal.
Only free generators will be liberated from the sufferings of my countrymen.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Hoppy on February 03, 2019, 01:38:28 PM
Quote from: color on February 03, 2019, 12:21:11 PM
Any way how does this circuit of Ruslan work ? I'm confused now

You know.
I do not understand the waveform.
What I understand is that you have to create a complete grenade inverter to operate the generator.
Make 500W X 4 = 45VAC.
Make it similar to this.
Without this, the generator will not work.

Please explain.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 03, 2019, 02:55:15 PM
Quote from: color on February 03, 2019, 11:38:39 AM
Don't you have to mix the Kacher sine wave with the inductor push-pull sine wave? the maximum freq of the TL494 is 400khz but your using a CD4046 just right to tune mustache 3 to 1 wave I would have thought re Enjoykin post in dally thread. Have you tried that ?

You posted that Wesley was playing around with the 4046 circuit.
So I wanted to tell you that Wesley was kidding.
I do not even know if the 4046 schematic works.
How can you experiment if you do not have the electronic equipment to know the waveform?

I have experimented with 2SC5200, 260, 460, k1162 and a few others.
I played with this circuit it's not a 50/50 equally waited for square wave output it needs feeding into a TL494 pin 3
or a cd 4013 d type to get a square wave output, most of the circuits on the Dally thread are not tested and don't stand a chance of working.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 07:45:45 PM
It is interesting to read FE café conversations backwards.


August 20, 2017, 12:55:15 PM »
Good morning Chet.

I couldn't agree more with your post.

With Stefan being so busy these days it's highly unlikely that any of AlienGrey's future posts will be seen, as Stefan is the only moderator.

We all have our opinions and life dictates that some will clash with others, let's keep it clean and start afresh?

Cheers Graham
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 07:52:03 PM
Many videos have disappeared from FE cafes.


Void I note your comments so now you admit your  'FRANK' ;) are you sure it's not king rat? I have seen some of your work and comments on other threads, who are you really and who do you work for, are you sure you wouldn't be better of on facebook? I'm not your slave and your talking misleading rubbish NMR utter BS! get lost and stop IMing me !

It is not NMR of ferrite mix. Take Sergey Alekseew device as example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFQvMjj6DD4
There is just isolating transformer on the ring and it is only one function there.

What akula and others were pointing to, it is possibe to harness electricity from air as we live inside of planetary scale charged capacitor 24x7 and all we need is to leak it into our energy conversion devices...


August 10, 2017, 10:39:21 PM
My guess is it is most probably fake, although he did a great job of creating the very same
layout as Kapanadze used.  ;D The reason I say I think it is most probably fake (hidden mains wires)
is because he seems to have other videos where he supposedly 'replicates' other free energy devices as well. :)
If he had really replicated a free energy device, I doubt he would be wasting his time making various other youtube
videos on other 'replications' and other topics as well. He would most likely be focusing on trying to do something
with his free energy device. ;)

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss this guy. He has patents on a number of free energy devices. See attached. He attributes the free energy to muon capture.  This youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43hted5YTCw shows a replica he has made of Don Smiths device. He also lists all the necessary parts. If you read the comments at least one other person also claims he has done the same.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 07:56:17 PM
When I read the story backwards, I meet special and strange materials.


August 09, 2017, 09:21:24 PM
Not entirely because I think we both agree an 'out of the box' approach is worth exploring.
As you have said, its not easy to work out what he is doing, so it boils down to individuals interpretation.

He is not connecting the mains directly to the coil unless it is an outright fake. ;)

Anyway, it seems there is little interest in this any more, but the Daly and Akula circuits
and info are maybe the best clues anyone has to try to go on regarding Kapanadze
type devices. 

I would be curious to know if anyone has ever confirmed that Kapandze's coils
are definitely air core, with no ferrite or iron core of any type inside?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 08:07:34 PM
August 10, 2017, 01:57:05 AM »
Quote from: Hoppy on August 09, 2017, 09:43:08 PM
I agree, clearly not directly to the raw mains supply unless its an outright fake. I'm thinking in terms of transformed down unrectified mains being subjected to HV pulses. As you mention, its odd that he connects directly into the mains. If the inverter is supplying the mains to a step-down transformer but does not have the energy to start the bulbs, does the direct mains connection trigger the process by heating the filaments to then allow the 'processed' inverter output to maintain a fully lit bank of bulbs. Could the buzzing be an out-of-phase reaction of the grid mains somehow mixing with the transformed mains??

Hi Hoppy. I don't know, but it appears the battery powered inverter that is supplying the 50 Hz, 220v, or whatever they use there,
is the main and only power source needed once he gets it going. It could just be that the inverter he had couldn't supply enough power
at startup to power the whole circuit and the flyback driver circuit at the same time without a temporary boost from the mains to get the
sparkgap going. Not sure at all though. Just going by how it looked to me. :)

Anyway, there seems little doubt that if that setup was genuinely producing OU, that it is a relatively simple setup,
so possibly it is a fairly simple concept behind it once you know what it is. :) Thanks for the chat Hoppy. I will get back to
doing more experiments along these lines over the next while as I find time and see what happens.  :D

All the best to everyone with their experiments...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 08:09:03 PM
August 09, 2017, 09:43:08 PM
I agree, clearly not directly to the raw mains supply unless its an outright fake. I'm thinking in terms of transformed down unrectified mains being subjected to HV pulses. As you mention, its odd that he connects directly into the mains. If the inverter is supplying the mains to a step-down transformer but does not have the energy to start the bulbs, does the direct mains connection trigger the process by heating the filaments to then allow the 'processed' inverter output to maintain a fully lit bank of bulbs. Could the buzzing be an out-of-phase reaction of the grid mains somehow mixing with the transformed mains??

Hi Hoppy. I don't know, but it appears the battery powered inverter that is supplying the 50 Hz, 220v, or whatever they use there,
is the main and only power source needed once he gets it going. It could just be that the inverter he had couldn't supply enough power
at startup to power the whole circuit and the flyback driver circuit at the same time without a temporary boost from the mains to get the
sparkgap going. Not sure at all though. Just going by how it looked to me. :)

Anyway, there seems little doubt that if that setup was genuinely producing OU, that it is a relatively simple setup,
so possibly it is a fairly simple concept behind it once you know what it is. :) Thanks for the chat Hoppy. I will get back to
doing more experiments along these lines over the next while as I find time and see what happens.  :D

All the best to everyone with their experiments...

May 31, 2017, 01:40:47 AM
   20MHz is way to high for either the Kacher or the induction circuits.
   Induction circuit should run at something like 15- 27Khz and the Kacher 1-2MHz.
   Don't know you mean by 16f84 20MHz.
The 16f84 is an old microchip, microcontroller look it up it divides the clock by 4 so you have 5 usec blocks in time to play with, you don't have to use 20 Mhz clock you can use any freq you want it just means 20mhz is the maximum clock speed its totally programmable and dead cheap. I think Microchip are now into the satanic darker side of things now like chipping people with the bloody things oil barons and their cronies so I'm told.

May 31, 2017, 02:55:58 PM »
Hi all,

In addition to the input of AlienGrey and zalmoxis, there is no difference what you feed into low frequency part.
The heart of device is the Tesla coil which is making same conditions as pre-lightning in the rain.
I was also told several times by akula and others, the Tesla Radiant receiver (patent US685957 -  https://teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla/patents/us-patent-685958-method-utilizing-radiant-energy ) is a simple way to detect right conditions when it is near top load of the Tesla coil and the potential on "live" wire is always positive in relation to the ground. No matter what polarity is on the Tesla coil, it never changes on the right frequency with sharp dischage and the right voltage. I was also told by akula, that potential stays for quite long time after Tesla coil is switched off..
It is the electricity harvested from the air charges on those devices!
So here are clues what to look for before going down another rabbit hole with the LC resonances and more complex circuitry.


May 31, 2017, 06:36:41 PM »
Hoppy and Nick,

Yes, it takes years to go through most of possible combinations. But in the end to answer what energy source is tapped to those devices is always from the limited number of choices with the current technology.
And the Tesla system is obvious one here. With additional information from people who made those devices it is getting close to final proper replication. I would avoid promise to show one soon but over time will see what can be done about that...


May 31, 2017, 10:26:30 PM »
Thunder can occur everywhere but there are places like Colorado Springs where they are more common. Recreating the lightning ?

June 01, 2017, 10:25:50 AM »
Mhm, did my words hit someone's painful areas? The off-topic in response after my post..

We see lightnings every day. Not much people do think how they appear in the first place. Even less people are trying to understand underlaying mechanics before utilizing atmospheric electricity.
Anyway, it is been and will be there, waiting to be harnessed. And in regards to Kapanadze style devices the thruth most likely is just there...

June 01, 2017, 12:09:23 PM »
I agree. Active supression by flooding thread with nonsense comments. Nice that all is grasping the interconnection between all free energy devices - the energy source.

June 01, 2017, 03:58:07 PM »
hmm perhaps not then.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 08:10:49 PM
I followed Hoppy's advice faithfully.


May 19, 2017, 10:06:41 AM »

The primary problem is likely to be lack of duty cycle control due to supply rail spiking adversely affecting the TL494. You should see an improvement if you use a separate supply for the TL494 and fet drivers and star ground to the primary power supply. You will need to experiment with chokes once you have gained reasonable duty cycle control. Getting the snubbing right takes experimentation whilst studying the waveforms. As you are finding, its a steep learning curve! As a start, increase the size of your heat sinks and make sure you have good thermal transfer from fets to heatsinks by using new pads or grease.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 08:12:21 PM
June 01, 2017, 03:58:07 PM »
hmm perhaps not then.

June 01, 2017, 05:24:31 PM »

Free energy is a misnomer as Satans hand will see it done that the common man does not financially benefit from any source of new energy, irrespective of its nature. We could spend many more years searching for Kapas secret and at the end of it, if successful, be prevented from using it.

June 02, 2017, 05:44:31 PM »
Hi  all :),

As what T-1000 has posted
the electricity harvested from the air charges is what makes these devices work.
The ions and positrons are abundant around us, on earth and outer space,
our sun and the center sun of our planet produces the charges continuously waiting
to be used in many forms.

Tesla coil is indeed the Heart of most of these devices / Devices which operate on charge / discharge of Hv.
Which Attract and activate these ;).

Lighting is the clear example of it, all the charges that is and create that condition within a device.
Imagine the continuous lighting strike within and siphoning energy from it.

here are 2 videos where shows how important the Kacher / Tesla coil really is.
You will see high voltage being generated at output of the grenade and which is then charged and discharged rapidly
from the caps and which creates the output we all want.
It will give you a hint also what is happening on Vasmus's system ;)



Cheerz to all.

June 02, 2017, 06:37:04 PM »
.. and same with Don Smith devices - https://youtu.be/W7GHqw7d1No
See the video from this angle and his explanations will make sense.

May 23, 2017, 06:30:34 AM »

My new videos aren't really relevant to this thread, but this one may be of general interest anyway, especially since it has gotten my trolls to post their 5 thumbs-downs already:

Meanwhile, I've been testing the 494 driver board using a small pot-core stepup transformer and a neon as load. I'm either connecting one end of the pot-core Primary to both drains and the other end of the Primary to the positive supply rail. Or, I'll connect each end of the Primary to a Drain and the Center Tap of the Primary to the positive supply rail.

In the scopeshot below CH1 and CH2 are the Gate signals from the twin 4420 chips, and CH3 is the common Drain signal using the first potcore hookup. (Remember Drain goes LOW when mosfets are ON). I have found that tuning can be tricky, in that sometimes one or the other of the 494 outputs collapses to a spike instead of a rectangular pulse. This may present a problem if one tries to tune without using the oscilloscope.

The Drain Snubbers using 22R 2W + 0.01 uF 1kV  are working well to absorb nastiness that could heat up and or damage the mosfets. I'm using IRF3205 mosfets and they are working well with the loads I have tried. Have not damaged anything in several hours of testing in all kinds of load conditions and current draw. (I have my PSU set to limit current at around 3 amps though.)

I have also installed a switch whereby I can select one of three different Timing Capacitors so I can cover a very broad frequency range. (Not shown on the Layout diagram.)

This is basically the Stalker circuit with the addition of the 1k pulldown resistors for the 494 open-collector outputs, and the Snubbers on each mosfet Drain, and the switch for Timing Capacitor choices.

May 16, 2017, 06:17:13 PM »
Hi Hoppy. How's things?

Any further thoughts from anyone on what might be the basis for the mentioned 'current amplification'?
I know it has been tossed around previously here, but just curious if Kapanadze or anyone else revealed anything further
that might be considered at all 'new' in this regard. Even a seemingly tiny insignificant detail might potentially prove
much more significant than it appears on the surface, and, if the Kapana

May 17, 2017, 11:30:18 PM »
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSNX1wAIMF8&feature=youtu.be              ruslan device watts


May 16, 2017, 01:21:04 AM »
Quote from: AlienGrey on May 16, 2017, 12:49:31 AM
Ever thought it could be a harmonic of the grenade tuned frequency 'wave' or fraction of it ?

Yes, of course, and such an idea has been discussed here in the past...
I was kind of more wondering if Kapanadze had made any comments about that to stivep or in his
previous videos, or if anyone has noticed whether the length of the earth ground wire in Kapandaze's demos 
seems to be just fairly random or not...

May 16, 2017, 05:51:00 PM »
Good Afternoon to you Grum.

Yes, as you suggest, a non-inductive load would be a good thing for Nick to try in order to test out correct operation of TL494, drivers and fets. Its all too easy to spike and smoke the fets with insufficient snubbing. The Kacher upsets the duty cycle control from the TL494 and also stresses the voltage regulators, resulting in a device that is unstable in operation, with the 'effect' being a primary observation.

May 16, 2017, 06:17:13 PM »
Hi Hoppy. How's things?

Any further thoughts from anyone on what might be the basis for the mentioned 'current amplification'?
I know it has been tossed around previously here, but just curious if Kapanadze or anyone else revealed anything further
that might be considered at all 'new' in this regard. Even a seemingly tiny insignificant detail might potentially prove
much more significant than it appears on the surface, and, if the Kapanadze devices are indeed real, then the actual effect
people are looking for may possibly be much simpler to produce than it might appear from Kapanadze's devices.
That's my hunch anyway... :)
All the best...

May 16, 2017, 06:39:54 PM »
Hi Void,

Unfortunately no further thoughts, other than a strong rumour on the fora, apparently arising from an alleged comment made by Kapanadze, that the device is primarily electrostatic based, rather than electro-magnetic. However, don't ask me for the source, as I cannot find it again.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 08:21:21 PM
January 27, 2019, 11:25:38 PM »

Its obviously not possible to prove a possible trick from viewing a video claiming a self runner, any more than to prove that its genuine. This is a futile cyclic argument that has fueled these threads. However, the videos do promote valid lines of thought which have motivated experimentation. The boxes are different, the grenades are different, the ground wires are different but the hums are the same.

the ground wires are different but the hums are the same.
the ground wires are different but the hums are the same.
the ground wires are different but the hums are the same.
the ground wires are different but the hums are the same.
the ground wires are different but the hums are the same.

I do not understand this very accurately.

The whole context I understand,
Hoppy Freedom Generator is that you know the secret.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 08:26:04 PM
May 16, 2017, 09:01:29 PM »
Quote from: lost_bro on May 16, 2017, 08:41:59 PM
So my question is:  Where does this karcher / HV electrostatically induced *extra* amperage come from?

Hello lost_bro. Good stuff!
My guess is the HV impulses electrostatically coupling into the specific circuit configuration,
i.e. the grenade coil and attached earth ground wire, cause a capacitive charging effect
on the grenade coil that draws in the current spike from the earth ground. The 'antenna' coil
being one plate of the capacitor, and the grenade coil being the other plate of the capacitor.
The HV impulse causes a large potential difference between the HV plate of the 'capacitor' and
the earth ground, which draws in the high current spike to charge the 'capacitor'. All just
speculation however. Without just the right configuration of coil and wire lengths, and frequencies
and phases, it may not work however. :D Ruslan previously going on about pulling in energy from the
ambient may possibly have been an attempt to throw people off the real trail, which may actually
be a lot more simple in operation. Seems at least possible to me... :D


What I can deal with is,
Void is close to perfect.
Unique in FE cafe.

I guess Void is a free generator user.

I have no ability to explain in detail like Void.
I understand English as a Google Translator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 08:31:44 PM
March 24, 2017, 05:21:08 PM »


so, use the leftmost circuit, not the one on the right as it is (mis)using the dead-time control input (pin 4) as a duty cycle control input.


The circuit recommended by itsu to Nick did not work.
At least for me.

2017. 3. 25. 10:53

Since its release, itsu was not favorable to me.
I still do not know why.

I always think that pearls given to pigs and dogs can come back as poison.

I can not advise outside of the public videos.

I do not have electronic equipment.

The person who tells me the frequency and tells the waveform
I have not heard my words.

I have no obligation to answer them.

Free Generator The world only comes to those who act.

Anyone who hides a free generator makes suspicion from the intent.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 09:32:04 PM
May 31, 2017, 02:55:58 PM »
Hi all,

In addition to the input of AlienGrey and zalmoxis, there is no difference what you feed into low frequency part.
The heart of device is the Tesla coil which is making same conditions as pre-lightning in the rain.
I was also told several times by akula and others, the Tesla Radiant receiver (patent US685957 -  https://teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla/patents/us-patent-685958-method-utilizing-radiant-energy ) is a simple way to detect right conditions when it is near top load of the Tesla coil and the potential on "live" wire is always positive in relation to the ground. No matter what polarity is on the Tesla coil, it never changes on the right frequency with sharp dischage and the right voltage. I was also told by akula, that potential stays for quite long time after Tesla coil is switched off..
It is the electricity harvested from the air charges on those devices!
So here are clues what to look for before going down another rabbit hole with the LC resonances and more complex circuitry.



I do not know why Vold hides the free generator.

It may have been determined from the time when Moses stole all the ceiling reliefs of the Temple of Hathor in Egypt and wrecked the Red Sea.

Theft of other people's relics is a Bible recognition.
Moses also teaches not to lie, but to steal.

The Ten Commandments are Moses' contradictions.
It is love if you act, but it is an affair if others act.
The arms bend in.

At that time, the world will gradually change into a land where humans can not live.
Regret is too late at the earliest.

Compared to the suffering of your descendants,
This will be heaven now.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2019, 10:10:46 PM
I posted a fairly long comment here, but it seems maybe the forum software was being updated here
or reset when I posted my comment, so the comment vanished. Just as well. No one listens to anyone
else here anyway. Suffice it to say that partially lighting some light bulbs with no proper
measurements of input power is not really of much help to anyone at all. It's OK.
It's not like most anything else that the majority of people in this world do much of the time makes
much sense either.

Like Joshua following Moses,

I was an experiment that followed you.

It is right that you are conducting.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Void on February 03, 2019, 10:49:41 PM
Quote from: color on February 03, 2019, 01:10:58 PM
I am a North Korean man who escaped to South Korea.

Hi Color. You are a very brave man.

I do not have a free energy generator (yet).
Like you, I am trying very hard to try to achieve that goal however. :)
All the best...

하이 컬러. 당신은 매우 용감한 사람입니다.
나는 아직 에너지 생성기가 없다.
너와 마찬가지로 나는 그 목표를 달성하기 위해 노력하고있다. :)
당신에게 최고의 소망.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: steadyfield on February 03, 2019, 10:50:35 PM
Quote from: color on February 03, 2019, 07:09:26 AM

and maybe the kacher/tesla should also be tuned to the resonant frequency of the grenade?

would be grateful if any advice is given on creating the interference between the kacher/tesla and the push-pull.

May I ask you for a video?
I do not have an oscilloscope, so the waveform explanation is unknown.
You can advise if you post a video that you shot in detail.
Please ask for details like the above video.

I didn't make a video 2 years ago. I'm now rebuilding this replication.
You have mentioned that you don't have an oscilloscope. So, that means you cannot use the controlled kacher (74HC00s and other chips) due to the fact that you cannot see the waveform. Are you using half-wave rectification? Where should the diodes go?

QuoteHi colours

I think your from China maybe you can help us.

There is one person from youku channel who is making
Kapandze style device  .

I will share the link can you explain what he is doing



Here are the schematic of the chinese so-called kapanadze device.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2019, 05:00:00 AM

December 31, 2018, 05:04:40 PM »
Hi Jeg. I am curious why you chose to post this V8Karlo stuff in the Kapanadze thread?
It has nothing to do with Kapanadze. Why not start a new thread and call it maybe the
"V8Karlo and Other Obviously Unworkable Schemes". ;-) You will most likely be waiting a
very long time if you actually expect v8Karlo to provide you with any actual measurements
and meaningful test results. ;) See my comments in Wesley's thread on why this type of
arrangement will not likely at all even improve efficiency much. Resistive loads dissipate energy.
Feeding current though resistive loads and then back to the power source will not recover the
energy lost in those resistive devices (diodes and bulbs). Once energy is dissipated, it is dissipated. ;)
Have a happy new year guys!

December 31, 2018, 08:52:35 PM »
Hi Jeg. No worries. :) Nice to see you back here again. I understand what you are saying, and as I have
mentioned in the other thread, I have experimented with that general approach in the past just to see
what the actual performance might be. Unfortunately I found that more often than not trying to
step up the voltage at the output and feed it back to the power source (battery) usually causes the
input power consumption to increase. Any efficiency gains I have seen with these types of setups
would seem to be quite small, if any at all. Anyway, I will let you guys do your testing. I'll be interested to
see if you get the same sort of poor results I have seen with such approaches. Really this type of
approach just takes a more indirect approach at delivering power to a load, so it should not likely
show much in the way of efficiency improvements over just powering a load directly. All the best...

January 02, 2019, 05:25:24 PM »
Quote from: itsu on January 01, 2019, 09:59:45 PM
2 Watts total in, about 650mW across the 5W / 12V bulb, so dimly lit.

Hi Itsu. So approx. efficiency of your test setup is about:
0.65 / 2 x 100 = 32.5%
Now that is seriously poor performance.  :o

January 03, 2019, 06:02:07 PM »
Hi Jeg. What is the approximate efficiency you are seeing?
(ratio of approx. output power to measured input power?)

January 03, 2019, 08:05:26 PM »
Hi Jeg. Ok, I thought your were still testing with V8Karlo's 'Q' circuit setup.
Your setup sounds interesting. :) All the best... 

January 04, 2019, 12:00:05 AM »
Quote from: Jeg on January 03, 2019, 11:09:11 PM
As I understood, V8karlos showed just a way and not a ready device as he explained.

Hi Jeg. No, that is not correct. He said the following about his 'Q Device' circuit:
"Most of the output energy is returned to source."
"The Q device is simpler than Zero device and it has feedback which returns good
portion of energy to source while light bulb B1 at same time."

The implication apparently was that it should greatly improve efficiency over powering the bulb directly,
otherwise what would be the use of the circuit if it is less efficient than driving a bulb directly
at the same output power level?

V8Karlo mentions that there should be lots of spikes at the output of the coil,
so you may need to remove the snubber circuits on your PWM to replicate V8Karlo's 
setup, but V8Karlo should be able to clarify about what he was doing to get those spikes.


January 04, 2019, 12:18:21 PM »
The problem with such schemes is any energy returned to the battery will always be
minus the losses of the PWM / Oscillator circuitry and other circuit components
such as any diodes used, and any loads. There are a lot of losses there just to light the bulb.

Now if you just connect a 12V light bulb up to a 12V battery directly, the main losses
are the batttery's internal resistance. You will be close to 100% efficiency if you ignore
the fact that typical batteries do not have a 100% discharge efficiency. 

Some DC to DC converters have an efficiency in the mid to high 90's at low power output,
so a very efficiently designed DC to DC converter is still not even going to be as efficient
as connecting a 12V bulb directly to a 12V battery.

Unless a scheme has a way of drawing energy into the system from external to the system,
such schemes are just not going to be as efficient as powering a bulb directly. If you think in terms
of energy losses in circuits and other components between the battery and bulb, it should be clear
that this type of approach is flawed from the start. So, if you want to get around this, you need to
figure out how to pull in extra energy from outside the system. This is why people start looking at tesla
coils with earth ground connections and spark gaps and that sort of thing. We can fool our self easily enough,
but we can't fool nature. However, nature may hold some secrets yet that we can take advantage of if we can
find and take advantage of those secrets. :) How can we draw in extra energy from outside the system?
That is the issue to focus on IMO.


January 06, 2019, 09:54:51 PM »
Hi Jeg, Not sure about the rmsP, but in general if you have an assymetrical waveform the RMS value
indicated on a scope can potentially be very misleading, especially if the current is rectified and only conducting
during part of that voltage waveform. The scope RMS voltage reading in such a case would not be
accurate, for example. Use the RMS reading from a scope with much caution. The RMS reading from a scope
on very symmetrical sinewaves should normally be more accurate, but even then you have to be careful depending
on the actual circuit setup.

January 18, 2019, 05:14:20 PM »
Quote from: color on January 11, 2019, 06:18:33 AM
I can not imagine censoring articles in my country.
How do free debates are oppressed and how do you want to have a true story?

Hi color. Relax. You will not be censored if you keep it civil.
If you live in China, then I hope you are joking.:)  China is of course one of the most
censored countries in the world. As you know, the internet and news in China is highly censored and controlled. :)
Also, in China you must never publicly criticize the Chinese government or you will likely end up in big trouble.  ;)

What is it you would like to say? Just feel free to say it here.
This is not Wesley's thread here. You are free to be critical here if you keep it at least reasonably civil. :)
This thread is about Kapanadze devices and similar such as Daly/Akula/Ruslan.
These devices may also possibly be related to some of Don Smith's devices.

Quote from: AlienGrey on January 18, 2019, 01:31:37 PM
no not mineral water you need distilled water pure H2O! or it will short circuit.

I think he may mean mineral oil. It can be used to cool electrical devices
by submerging electric devices like transformers or even computer servers in it, I believe.

Jeg, those resistors should probably work if you want to measure heat.

January 18, 2019, 09:19:15 PM »
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 18, 2019, 08:27:45 PM
Void ask Tinsel K he will tell you how to do it!

Hi AG. Yes, I know how to do it but i am not sure if Jeg's scope has
those math functions. All the best...

January 18, 2019, 11:50:58 PM »
Quote from: Jeg on January 18, 2019, 10:23:52 PM
High Void.
Yes Rigol can do the job. I just don't have a current probe. But anyway in this case I don't need it. I paralleled the two heater resistances and brought it down to 1 Ohm. Rigol shows 14V as Vrms and I trust it. I'll just try to verify it with the water heating method just for fun. Perhaps i'll record it.   

Hi Jeg, I see. You don't need a current probe to use that method I mentioned to measure the power.
A 1 ohm non inductive CSR should do as well, if the current is not too low, and if your circuit setup allows it. 
The problem with using the RMS reading on a scope for complex waveforms is the RMS readings
may well not properly take into account phase angle differences and whether the current is only
conducting part of the time. Using the method I mentioned should take all that into account, so should be
a more reliable way to measure the power.  I think it would be worth comparing using that
method just to see how the measured power compares to the way you were doing it, but that's
up to you.

I would be interested to see how you do your heat measurement calculations. :)

All the best...

January 19, 2019, 06:11:47 PM »
Quote from: Jeg on January 19, 2019, 09:17:32 AM
Hi Void
What about when the load itself is just 1 ohm? I mean i measure across it a certain voltage. Isn't that value the same for current and for Vrms? At 1 ohm i see an Rms voltage of 14V. So voltage is 14V and current 14A. V*I=196W.
Yes if you are interested in this measuring method, i'll make video for discussion.

i found equation here https://sciencing.com/calculate-time-heat-water-8028611.html

and online calculator here https://bloglocation.com/art/water-heating-calculator-for-time-energy-power

Hi Jeg. Thanks for those links. Those are useful. If you make a video using that approach
I will be interested to see it.

Yes, if you are measuring both the voltage and current across a resistor, the voltage and current should be
in phase, if the resistor doesn't have any significant inductance. At higher frequencies even a small amount of
inductance in a resistor can throw measurements off considerably. As far as trusting the RMS values, it can depend
on the waveform shapes and exactly how your scope is calculating the RMS value. Also, if the current is not flowing
through the resistor for an entire period, but the voltage waveform extends further than the current on time, then the
voltage RMS reading of your scope could quite possibly be giving you incorrect results in a power calculation.
All the best...

January 19, 2019, 07:20:36 PM »
Hi Jeg. That should still be an interesting and informative test however.
I will be interested to hear how you make out with that type of testing approach.
All the best...

January 21, 2019, 11:50:26 AM »
Quote from: color on January 20, 2019, 04:46:28 AM
Do not say that it is right to censor my writings.
You just excuse that you are no different from Wesley.

你好颜色。 你总是抱怨这么多吗?

January 22, 2019, 12:41:24 AM »
Quote from: color on January 22, 2019, 12:17:49 AM
I have not seen anyone experimenting with a 500 W X 4 bulb, except for Ruslan.

Hi color. It's not about how many lightbulbs you can light. It's about
power output compared to power input. :)

January 28, 2019, 05:38:50 PM »
Quote from: NickZ on January 27, 2019, 11:58:55 PM
As I feel that I was close, back then, and so was Geo. Close, but no cigar.

Hi Nick. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. :)
A circuit either has COP > 1 or it doesn't. If someone isn't seeing COP > 1,
then they are not 'close'. They are still missing the boat.  ;D

January 31, 2019, 04:35:26 AM »
Things that make you go hmm...  :)

February 02, 2019, 04:21:29 AM »
I posted a fairly long comment here, but it seems maybe the forum software was being updated here
or reset when I posted my comment, so the comment vanished.  ;D Just as well. No one listens to anyone
else here anyway. ;) Suffice it to say that partially lighting some light bulbs with no proper
measurements of input power is not really of much help to anyone at all. :) It's OK.
It's not like most anything else that the majority of people in this world do much of the time makes
much sense either. ;)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2019, 05:10:21 AM
I didn't make a video 2 years ago. I'm now rebuilding this replication.
You have mentioned that you don't have an oscilloscope. So, that means you cannot use the controlled kacher (74HC00s and other chips) due to the fact that you cannot see the waveform. Are you using half-wave rectification? Where should the diodes go?

Here are the schematic of the chinese so-called kapanadze device.

I do not understand your schematic.

It is wise to ask Void.

I respect Boyd's opinion.


This is a waste of time.

This place is a bitch.

Your pearls can hurt you.

Throwing pearls on pigs and dogs will trample them.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2019, 01:19:43 PM
In the mystery novel, the perpetrator is the person who completed the case.
Only those who know the correct answer can judge right or wrong.
Freedom generators have very high self-esteem.
And pride is irrelevant to right and wrong.
Like Moses ...

The winner in the psychological fight between Sherlock Holmes and Arsène Lupin is the audience.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2019, 06:15:47 PM
Усилитель тока по avtoСHIP`у.

Чип: "Вот так разгоняется спин заряда, но это ещё не электрический ток, как делается из этого настоящий электрический ток я понял только недавно и запустил капу.

A почему это ещё не электрический ток - понятно по свечению лампы 60 ватт, она последовательно с гвоздём, но еле горит, а гвоздь испаряется, а второй гвоздь даже кончик не накаляется.

Но вам сложно будет это понять, если размышлять как обычный электрик, радиоинженер. Ничего не выйдет, вы так и не поймёте сути.)))

70 ватт на входе и 600 ватт на выходе )))
фишка вся в разгоне спина электрона и возникновения тока в нагрузке в момент отдыха источника, 180 градусов сдвиг.

Переворот разгоняет электрон, а сдвига там нет, там задержка тока, из-за свойства катушки, типа линия задержки. Пока крутится поле и давит ток источника, оно всё запирается в катушке, как только закрыл ключ происходит выброс разогнанных электронов. Поэтому обратный ток и не убивает источник, фазы работы разъехались на 180 градусов.

Посылаем 3 электрона со спиновым вращением 3 оборота в минуту, получаем в нагрузке те же 3 электрона, но разогнанных до 30 оборотов в минуту, отсюда сила тока, а время между накачкой и работой в нагрузке сдвинуто на 180 градусов, вот и вся математика и геометрия. Разгон делается малозатратно. Это усилитель тока!!!

Это не классический ток, в классике ток делается плотностью заряда на сечение, а здесь скоростью вращения.

Разгон со спиновым вращением не даёт увеличение напряжения. Напряжение это разность потенциала, разность давления. Чем она выше, тем больше напряжения. Это скорость перемещения электрона, а спин в классике всегда один, он имеет природное вращение и у каждого заряда разной плотности он свой.

Для моей установки - чем резче фронт, тем больше ток, чем сильней удар, тем быстрей раскрутится электрон, нужны пикосекунды, тогда я не 600 ватт сниму с этой катушки, а 6000 или 60000. Для чего я и хочу на SOS-диодах замутить. Честно говоря, там всего-то 5 деталей, включая катушку )".

Предположительная схема усилителя тока по Чипу:
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2019, 06:45:38 PM

This person does not understand the lightning principle.

You only burned expensive laptops.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2019, 08:15:48 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 06:06:40 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 07:38:04 AM
American Sign Language
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 08:03:13 AM
February 02, 2019, 07:12:43 PM »
hi to every one i am from yougoslavia macedonia but i live in Switzerland long time i am reading here posts but its time
to answer you and ask you something very important!!! read this it is very important to everyone that is wasting time with wrong informations
and sometimes fake infos

i am in this projects for a long time with years ...i spend days and nights i even bought alot of tools alot of materials to work with it  because i enjoy doing things... but i never found 1 real answear from anybody on internet simple question now to all of those are trying to be so smart!!
and i am sure nobody can answer this accept kapanadze knows this and don smith and maby someone else because this question is the main key to overunety!!!  (HOW DO YOU CONVERT HIGH VOLTAGE HIGH FREQUENCY TO 120V 60HZ!) dear friends if someone answers to you this question with the correct diagram!!!! not with some fake answers or amateur diagrams or mixed diagrams like mos people post here and they havent self figer it out.... my answer to some idiots here is stop posting bullshit here but post here what is really helpful or better post the succeseful diagram here..
the only diagram that i was succeseful to replicate is from gerard morin transformer loop ... about the others i am still in the process and this is not something easy cause if it was easy the device will already be in public  in alot of country but this has to do also with supression it has to do with your life...... in switzerland if you replicate this you will end up in jail in eastern europe if you replicate kapanadze its highly danger to be killed cause i come from yougoslavia i know how things are runing there i speak the tesla language and ofcourse if i discover anything i can never tell that to someone because its over. dear friends there something you have to know

i never found anything that works according to some idiots diagrams .. its not that i dont believe.... .... but the only device that i believe it works
is 1 kapanadze i mean original kapanadze not fake ones and stepanov has better output and gerard morin transformers looping ...and this last one
i have replicated it works ok as it is described gerard morin my question is to some idiots here for how long you gone post every day different diagrams
of kapanadze... everyday i read posts here one says i think here has cap i think here is ground i think this i think that bla bla bla bullshit,  stop dreaming .....if you have replicated something from kapagen with succes than post it if you are serious and if you can!!,,,, dont confuse alot of people here with different fake infos .... i also followed wesley .... my opinion about wesley i think hes trying to   hide the real deal or he is just wasting your times with different infos .... i saw alot of videos from him, non of them confirm 10%  good result, wake up people study by your self .... do you think that if someone will replicate kapagen successful with post here the diagram!!!!! no way .... i dont think so but less you can do is post something that will be close to that.... and something helpful and do some more tests i see alot of people here are just reading and they post opinions without testing and building the devices my friend.... with fantasy words i can blow your mind.... but thats not gone help you, people need prove or something helpful... thats all my friends i wish to everyone success about everything. thank you
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 08:09:57 AM
[1.1 из 4]
Потратил время, просмотрел все видео, некоторые несколько раз, что-то уже представляю для себя.
Катушки в установке. Горшок. "Шняга".
Тут катушек как минимум 5. Две у Теслы (трансформатора Теслы) - индуктор и высоковольтная ВВ на трубе, одна редкая из 6-7 больших витков - антенна (над индуктором), и еще две катушки на трубе, намотаны плотно одна поверх другой - индуктор в резонансном контуре, и съёмный бифиляр или по-другому граната.
И еще три обмотки на большом ферромагнитном тороиде-магнитопроводе, или горшке (3-4 витка для резонансного контура индуктора, 26-28 витков в контуре съёмного бифиляра-гранаты, и 12+12 витков для пушпула), это ферритовое кольцо от старого электронно-лучевого кинескопа телевизора.
И "шняга" на куске круглого ферромагнитного стержня с двумя встречно намотанными обмотками из 5-6 витков, соединяет ВВ Теслы и антенну.
Два генератора - Теслы и пушпул
Тут два независимых генератора, 1) генератор пуш-пул (или накачка), стандартная схема, пушпул Push-Pull переводится тяни-толкай (дословно толкай-тяни) 2) генератор на Теслу - это может быть управляемый качер, или скорее всего тут чаще используется второй независимый и управляемый генератор, с обратной связью от резонансного контура, куда входит катушка-индуктор. Частоты обоих генераторов точно и стабильно кратные, это очень важно.
Согласование и кратность частот двух генераторов
Пушпул работает на видео на частоте 15 кГц. Генератор Теслы работает на частоте 1,5 МГц, он выдает импульсы на катушку-индуктор Теслы (или скорее всего выдает пачки импульсов) - такие частоты называет Руслан в этом видео (он привез в лес и осциллограф, и подстраивал генератор на месте, но не снимал это). Да и во всех других роликах по данному типу генератора - частоты близкие к этим. Т.е. кратность частот в этой установке 1 к 100 видимо.
В других типах генераторов СЕ кратность частот двух внутренних генераторов может быть меньше: от 1 к 4, до 1 к 40.
Варианты согласования частот. ФАПЧ
Может быть, он использует делитель частоты генератора на Теслу (она около 1,5 МГц), и после деления 100 к 1 этой новой низкой частотой управляет работой пушпула, тут синхронизация двух частот автоматическая (в последних вариантах установки). Тогда ФАПЧ не нужен, как и говорит Руслан в последних роликах.
ФАПЧ - это фазовая автоматическая подстройка частоты (слежение и подстройка частоты и фазы между двумя сигналами), бывает еще просто АПЧ (только для частоты).
Или может быть, есть два независимых генератора, но один (на Теслу, высокочастотный ~ 1,5 МГц, на одном мосфете IRFP 460) подстраивается по частоте и по фазе, очень точно подстраивается - это важно !!!, к частоте и фазе низкочастотных колебаний тока (~ 15 кГц) в цепи индуктора, или по другому это резонансный контур (первые варианты установки, нужна ФАПЧ). А частота низкочастотных колебаний в катушке-индукторе задается частотой генератора пушпул. То есть в таком варианте генератор Теслы подстраивается по частоте (с учетом постоянной, фиксированной кратности двух частот) к генератору пушпул.
Возможно и наоборот: к частоте генератора Теслы подстраивается частота генератора пушпул (при соблюдении кратности частот 1 к 100). Потому что желательно раскачивать ВВ катушку Теслы генератором Теслы именно на собственной частоте, чтобы получить максимальные по напряжению ВВ импульсы на выходе ВВ катушки, и чтобы ВВ импульсы сохраняли свою однополярность.
Есть плюсы и минусы у обоих вариантов.?

[2 из 4]
Вследствие экспериментов, и вследствие роста понимания у самого Руслана как работает генератор (и в т.ч. из-за разных силовых полупроводников) у него в роликах несколько вариантов схем включения катушек и узлов. И вообще он собрал и довел до рабочего режима (т.е. настроил до генерации) несколько типов генераторов, т.е. схем с разными катушками.
Первичны процессы в катушках (и в колебательных контурах, в которые эти катушки входят), чтобы получить прирост энергии. А электронные компоненты, варианты схем - это важно, но все-таки вторично, это всего лишь способ добиться нужных режимов в катушках, в том числе способ получать нужные короткие высоковольтные однополярные импульсы, действующиие на заряженные частицы, колеблющиеся в резонансном контуре - от чего и возникает СЕ. Для СЕ нужно очень хорошая, т.е. точная и стабильная, синхронность (и синфазность) внешних однополярных ВВ импульсов и колебаний тока в индукторе, стабильное и точное поддержание кратности их частот. Переход в режим возбуждения СЕ очень узкий по настройкам, этот режим капризный и ко всему чувствительный, возбуждение режима СЕ очень "жёсткое". Всё это говорит Руслан.
Похоже режим СЕ может зависеть от любой мелочи, не все из которых сам Руслан осознает, понимает до конца. Или он видит их в экспериментах и при настройке, но о "мелочах" не говорит в роликах. Чтобы народ работал сам, чтобы у других появлялся свой опыт и своё понимание процессов в установке.
А вообще, с ходу на тяп-ляп настроить не получится. Все это Руслан повторял и повторяет много раз в своих роликах.
ВВ импульсы нужны однополярные, точнее как можно более однополярные. И Руслан очевидно использует не один импульс, а короткую пачку импульсов.
Чтобы добиться всего этого (синхронность, правильность длительности импульсов и пауз между ними, стабильность работы всего устройства), нужно как минимум очень тщательно фильтровать помехи в цепях питания и в цепях управления, экранировать и заземлять платы узлов, экранировать и заземлять провода управления и силовые (сильноточные) провода рядом с платами, стабилизировать максимально все питания по напряжению. Нужно тщательно выполнять монтаж элементов на платах, использовать короткие проводники, нужно хорошо закреплять все катушки, провода от них, контурные конденсаторы (чтобы просто частота не плавала, тут нужна стабильность в единицы кГц, если не в сотни, десятки и даже единицы герц). Естественно везде надо использовать хорошие элементы, с запасами по характеристикам. Об этом тоже постоянно говорит Руслан в роликах.
Ему жалуются, что у других не получается. А он отвечает в том смысле, что в конечном счете вы сами виноваты, и что вы просто не хотите понять и разобраться самостоятельно в процессах, исследовать, что происходит в генераторе, в катушках. Что он хотел и мог - он все рассказал. Действительно, Руслан и так рассказал очень много, по сравнению с другими авторами работающих генераторов СЕ.
Видимо он сам привык все делать аккуратно и последовательно, привык много работать, и для него несколько дико, что очень многие делают все по-другому, делают небрежно, и главное бездумно. Не слушают, что он говорит, порют отсебятину (у многих повторяльщиков свой собственный большой опыт, отсюда излишняя самоуверенность), а потом жалуются, что не получается.
Короче, такая примерно картинка сложилась для меня на текущий момент, из просмотра практически всех роликов, и многих схем.?

[3.1 из 4]
После просмотра роликов и упорядочивания инфы - сложилась такая схема циркуляции энергии.
От источника питания (сначала аккумулятор, затем в самозапите стандартный инвертор 220-240 В / 24 В, у которого вся крышка в небольших отверстиях-дырках) запитывается генератор по схеме пушпул, он достаточно мощный, при питании 24 В токи на тестовых лампах-нагрузках более 20 А.
От источника питания через два ключа-мосфета пушпул по очереди выдает прямоугольные однополярные импульсы тока на два плеча (две половины обмотки, 12 и 12 витков если питание 24 В, с общей средней точкой), направление тока в плечах противоположное (встречное, по очереди сначала слева к середине, затем справа к середине, и т.д.), направление обмотки одинаковое в обоих половинах-плечах, из середины просто сделан отвод. Из-за встречности токов в плечах магнитный поток вдоль горшка полпериода направлен в одну сторону, полпериода в противоположную сторону. В итоге на горшок и другие обмотки на нём как бы действуют двуполярные импульсы тока, с размахом напряжения на ключах, равным плюс-минус напряжению питания.
Между прямоугольными управляющими импульсами напряжения от микросхемы TL494, значит между импульсами на драйверы мосфетов, значит между плюс-минус импульсами тока через ключи-мосфеты, от пушпула на плечи - есть паузы. Это мертвое время пушпула, тут часть времени занимают нарастающие и спадающие фронты прямоугольных импульсов. В итоге получается какое-то двуполярное прямоугольное приближение к двуполярной гладкой синусоиде.
Паузы в пушпуле - это защита ключей от перегрузок по току т.е. от короткого замыкания. Токи в одинаковых плечах встречные и равные, поэтому если будут открыты оба ключа одновременно, то будет два встречных и равных магнитных потока, они скомпенсируются, индуктивное сопротивление станет практически ноль, останется только ничтожное омическое сопротивление толстого провода в плечах (по 12 витков), т.е. на ключах будет КЗ - если нет защитных пауз между импульсами.
Через ферритовый горшок прямоугольные двуполярные импульсы тока (колебания) от пушпула передаются одновременно и в съёмный контур (там катушка граната-бифиляр, один а скорее два конденсатора, всё на заземлении), и в резонансный контур (там катушка индуктор, конденсатор, и тоже всё на заземлении; есть еще бесконтактный датчик тока для обратной связи).
Под действием этих импульсов тока от пушпула в обоих контурах возникают вынужденные колебания электрического тока.
Одновременно от источника питания работает управляемый генератор на катушку-индуктор Теслы. Генератор выдает точные импульсы тока в индуктор Теслы, они возбуждают импульсы тока и напряжения в высоковольтной вторичной ВВ катушке Теслы. Напряжение импульса во вторичной ВВ катушке возрастает с расстоянием (числом витков) от индуктора Теслы, на конце ВВ оно порядка нескольких киловольт (2-5 кВ). Другой конец ВВ, который близко к индуктору Теслы, присоединен к заземлению.
Этот высоковольтные импульсы с конца ВВ, через фильтр-регулятор "шнягу", поступают на внешнюю редкую катушку-антенну, на один её конец, второй конец ни с чем не связан (висит в воздухе).
"Шняга" видимо немного задерживает прохождение ВВ импульса, и гасит колебания малой амплитуды около нуля (немного рассеивает энергию). Причем эти свойства могут несильно регулироваться: числом витков, и расстоянием между витками и между встречными обмотками, положением, размерами и материалом (свойствами) ферритового сердечника, другими параметрами. Это один из узлов тонкой настройки.
Антенна находится поверх индуктора, ниже под этой катушкой находится граната-бифиляр. И в индукторе, и в гранате-бифиляре текут переменные токи, т.е. двигаются заряженные частицы. На частицы действуют однополярные ВВ импульсы напряжения в антенне. Но индуктор находятся прямо под антенной, внутри антенны, ближе всего к антенне. А граната находится (намотана) под индуктором, тоже внутри антенны но частично экранирована от антенны индуктором. Поэтому однополярные ВВ импульсы напряжения в антенне действуют в основном на ток, на частицы в индукторе, т.е. на резонансный контур. А не на гранату-бифиляр, т.е. на съёмный контур.
В резонансном контуре нет гальванического съёма энергии, нет нагрузки. Нагрузка и гальванический съём энергии происходят в съёмном контуре.
Резонансный контур раскачивается двуполярными прямоугольными импульсами тока от пушпула, через горшок и обмотку 3-4 витка (так же как и съёмный контур, через горшок и обмотку 26-28 витков). Поэтому в ненагруженном резонансном контуре, куда включен индуктор, возникают вынужденные колебания. Эти колебания настраиваются также подбором ёмкости контурного конденсатора, возможно до совпадения (или максимально близкого приближения) возбуждающей частоты от пушпула - с частотой собственных колебаний тока и напряжения в резонансном контуре, следовательно до максимальной амлитуды колебаний - т.е. до резонанса.
Так как, кроме приближения частоты собственных колебаний контура (путем подбора ёмкости контурного конденсатора) к вынуждающей частоте от пушпула (~ 15 кГц, а она в свою очередь должна быть точно и стабильно привязана к собственной частоте ВВ катушки Теслы ~ 1,5 МГц, с постоянной кратностью по частотам 100 к 1), на резонансный контур также сильно действуют внешние однополярные ВВ импульсов от Теслы - то амплитуда колебаний тока в резонансном контуре доходит до 100 ампер. Кулабухов измерял ток, и сообщает в одном из видео.
Для измерения тока, и для схемы ФАПЧ используется датчик - трансформатор тока. Это небольшое ферритовое кольцо с обмоткой, концы обмотки присоединены к достаточно мощному резистору, несколько килоом. Кольцо надето на провод резонансного контура, по которому текут измеряемые значительные и большие токи. Измеряется величина и форма напряжения на обмотке кольца (т.е. на сопротивлении) - осциллографом, или схемой ФАПЧ.
Ферритовый материал кольца может входить в состояние насыщения при максимальном значении тока в проводе (значит и в обмотке кольца), при этом форма импульса напряжения на обмотке становится острой. Видимо для синхронизации по фазе и частоте (для ФАПЧ) желателен импульс с острой формой, т.е. переход в насыщение феррита по напряженности магнитного поля, т.е. нужно небольшое поперечное сечение кольца и много витков. Для измерения тока - насыщение не нужно, поэтому число витков небольшое, а само кольцо побольше. Естественно влияет магнитная проницаемость феррита. Количество витков на этом кольце в роликах разное, Руслан упоминал и о 100 витках, и о 30 витках. В последних роликах количество витков небольшое, порядка 20-30.?

[4 из 4]
Чтобы получить добавку энергии (СЕ) нужно каким-то хитрым, пока непонятным до конца способом синхронизировать колебания большого тока в индукторе (резонансном LC-контуре) и высоковольтные импульсы напряжения на антенне (или недлинную пачку этих ВВ импульсов). Т.е. синхронизировать синусоидальные токи в LC-контуре-индукторе - с однополярными импульсами тока в индукторе Теслы, которые создают ВВ импульсы напряжения на антенне.
Если всё сделано правильно, всё согласовано и настроено правильно - импульсы напряжения от Теслы как бы толкают заряженные частицы в индукторе, возникает прирост энергии, появляется Свободная Энергия (СЕ). Это показывают результаты Руслана Кулабухова. Об этих выводах он говорит прямо, четко, и не один раз в своих роликах.
Понятно, что практика получения СЕ есть не только у Кулабухова. СЕ получают например Роман Карноухов (Акула), Александр Романов, Сергей Алексеев, многие другие люди.
Когда Руслан объясняет своё понимание, как получается СЕ, он говорит также, что заряженные частицы не только двигаются, но и вращаются, причем синхронно, согласованно, отсюда и получаются синусоидальные колебания.
Такое описание внешне чем-то сильно напоминает теорию Александра Романова (которую хорошо понимает только один Романов, видимо, к сожалению).
А именно, по Романову: заряженные частицы могут стоять (т.е. не двигаться по проводнику) и при этом они могут синхронно вращаться вокруг своих осей сильнее-слабее, и могут синхронно изменять направления осей вращения. В результате по проводнику может передаваться энергия без движения заряженных частиц. (Конечно частицы могут также двигаться поступательно и этим передавать энергию - как в обычном электрическом токе).
Романов говорит также - для получения СЕ надо складывать ток и напряжение (видимо подразумевается большой ток и высокое напряжение).
Далее (после толкания частиц в индукторе импульсами от Теслы) часть энергии снимается, но не из резонансного, а из съёмного LC-контура (в него входит бифилярная катушка-граната).
Это делается подключением (т.е. гальванически) силового выпрямительного моста на четырёх ВЧ диодах к конденсатору в контуре, т.е. за счет выпрямления части переменного тока из съёмного контура (с выпрямлением всего напряжения в контуре на конденсаторе) .
После диодного моста стоит накопительный и сглаживающий конденсатор. У Кулабухова в одной из версий генератора показано, что это неполярный конденсатор (или 10 мкФ 630 В, или 12 мкФ 450 В).

Далее выпрямленное и сглаженное напряжение (и ток), после диодного моста и накопительно-сглаживающего конденсатора (то есть выведенная из съёмного LC-контура часть энергии):
1) частично возвращается в стандартный инвертор (блок питания) 220/24 В, там преобразуется вниз по напряжению (постоянное напряжение понижается от приблизительно 220 вольт DC до стабилизированных 24 вольт DC), и далее идет на самозапит установки,
2) частично выводится из установки в полезную нагрузку (через розетку с выключателем), например на лампы по 500 ватт.

В съёмный LC-контур похоже может входить не один, а два конденсатора C.
Например в одном ролике показан вариант включения одного конденсатора C1 параллельно малой катушке-обмотке на горшке L1, второй конденсатор C2 включен последовательно с большой катушкой-гранатой L2 и обмоткой L1 .
То есть в съёмный контур входят две катушки: обмотка 26-28 витков на ферритовом горшке (L1), и катушка граната-бифиляр (L2) с определенной общей длиной провода 38 м и неопределенным числом витков.
Всего может быть до 4 разных вариантов включения 2 катушек и 2 конденсаторов в один замкнутый контур.
В одном ролике показан один конкретный вариант съёмного контура, описаный выше (C1 параллельно L1, C2 последовательно с L2 и L1).
В другом ролике показано включение всех 4 элементов (C1 L1 C2 L2) последовательно.
В более позднем ролике Руслан дает еще один вариант съёмного контура, в который входят катушка-граната, обмотка 26-28 витков на горшке, и один конденсатор (не два), заземленный с одной стороны - они включены последовательно. Плюс дополнительно катушка-сглаживающий дроссель, который включен между конденсатором (незаземленный вывод) и одим входом выпрямительного диодного моста, второй вход моста соединен с заземленным выводом конденсатора.

Во второй, резонансный LC_контур входят две катушки: катушка-индуктор, и обмотка 3-4 витка на горшке, и входит один конденсатор. Они соединены последовательно.
Ёмкость конденсатора обязательно настраивается, похоже, т.к. он составлен из нескольких параллельных конденсаторов.

Во всех видео о генераторе СЕ (по мотивам генератора Акулы) - Кулабухов рекомендует считать не число витков в индукторе и в гранате-бифиляре, а общую длину провода в намотке катушек. А именно, в гранате-бифиляре должно быть 38 м (четверть длины волны с частотой около 1,8 МГц, эта частота рекомендована Карноуховым из его опытов). В индукторе длина провода должна быть ровно в 2 раза меньше чем в гранате, т.е. 19 м.
Обе катушки наматываются на стандартную пластмассовую трубу 50 мм, некоторыми усложненными способами (описано в деталях), про это Руслан говорил несколько раз.
Сечение провода в катушках в самых первых роликах было 2,5 мм2 (возможно даже 1,5 мм2), в последних роликах может быть и больше (4 мм2), из-за роста токов и мощности установки.
В самых последних роликов Руслан говорит, что намотка бифиляром в съёмной гранате не обязательна, и даже может быть вредна.

Циркуляция энергии
Что интересно по съёмному LC-контуру.
Получается, что в него одновременно вкачивается энергия от внутреннего блока питания (БП) - на питание пушпула и его 2-х полуобмоток (плечи) через 2 ключа, далее через магнитопровод-горшок и обмотку 26-28 витков энергия вводится в съёмный LC-контур.
Одновременно из съёмного LC-контура часть энергии выводится, через диодный мост на контурном конденсаторе съёмного LC-контура, и далее по схеме на блок питания и параллельно на нагрузку.
Имеется циркуляция энергии по замкнутому пути (контуру):
БП => импульсы тока через ключи пушпула => плечи пушпула на горшке => электромагнитное поле по горшку => обмотка 26-28 витков на горшке => катушка-граната и съёмный контур => диодный мост => БП.

Из-за плотной, близкой намотки 2 катушек, на катушку граната-бифиляр (съёмный контур) действуют большие токи (90-100 А), протекающие через катушку-индуктор в резонансном LC-контуре. Очевидно часть энергии из этого резонансного LC-контура через электромагнитное поле передается в съёмный LC-контур.
Имеется циркуляция энергии по замкнутому пути (контуру, ветви):
БП => импульсы тока через ключи пушпула => плечи пушпула на горшке => электромагнитное поле по горшку => обмотка 3-4 витка на горшке => катушка-индуктор и резонансный контур => электромагнитное поле катушки-индуктора => катушка-граната и съёмный контур => диодный мост => БП.

К энергии колебаний тока в резонансном LC-контуре - добавляется какая-то часть энергии импульсов высокого напряжения на горячем конце ВВ катушки трансформатора Теслы, через шнягу и антенну.
Имеется циркуляция энергии по замкнутому пути (контуру):
БП => импульсы тока через ключ Теслы => индуктор Теслы => электромагнитное поле индуктора Теслы => ВВ Теслы => шняга => антенна => магнитная и электрическая энергия ВВ импульсов напряжения на антенне => катушка-индуктор и резонансный контур => электромагнитное поле катушки-индуктора => катушка-граната и съёмный контур => диодный мост => БП.

Можно описать схему движения энергии в установке также так.
Один общий источник-преобразователь питания дает энергию для работы двум генераторам - генератор Теслы и генератор пушпул. (Энергия от источника делится на 2 потока)
Пушпул накачивает энергией два LC-контура - резонансный и съёмный, причем эти контуры постоянно взаимодействуют и передают энергию между собой (конкретно она передается из резонансного в съёмный контур). (Энергия от пушпула делится на 2 потока)
Генератор Теслы накачивает энергией колебания в ВВ катушке (и далее через шнягу накачивает ВВ колебания на антенне). Антенна передает энергию этих ВВ колебаний в резонансный LC-контур ("импульсы Теслы толкают ток в индукторе" - говорит Кулабухов).
То есть колебания тока в резонансном контуре - накачиваются одновременно 2 источниками: генератором пушпул прямо, и генератором Теслы как бы не прямо, а через высоковольные импульсы напряжения в ВВ-катушке и антенне. (В резонансном контуре два потока энергии объединяются в один.)
Тажке и колебания тока в съёмном контуре - накачиваются одновременно 2 источниками: генератором пушпул прямо, и колебаниями большого тока в близко намотанном резонансном контуре. (В съёмном контуре два потока энергии объединяются в один.)
Часть энергии колебаний тока в съёмном контуре - выводится через контурный конденсатор и диодный мост (т.е. выводится-снимается не вся энергия колебаний в съёмном контуре). (Поток энергии в съёмном контуре делится на два потока, один поток по-прежнему колеблется-циркулирует внутри контура, второй поток выводится из контура.)
Эта выведенная-снятая энергия разделяется на 2 параллельных потока. Частично она возвращается в общий для всех узлов устройства источник-преобразователь питания (БП), чтобы после преобразования в БП замкнуть циркуляцию энергии по замкнутому кругу внутри установки (самозапит).
Оставшаяся часть снятой энергии - выводится на полезную внешнюю нагрузку.

Вот такие интересные 3 контура (замкнутые пути) циркуляции энергии вырисовываются.?

[1.2 из 4]
Два независимых генератора. Случай уплывания высокой частоты, и кратности частот
В данной установке частота генератора Теслы приблизительно в 100 раз больше частоты генератора пушпул (примерно 1,5 МГц и 15 кГц). Поэтому изменение (уплывание) частоты Теслы скажем на 0,1% (относительные единицы), или на 1,5 кГц в абсолютных единицах - соответствует для пуш-пула в 100 раз большему относительному изменению частоты. Например, изменение частоты Теслы (исходно 1500 кГц) на абсолютные 1,5 кГц - относительно высокой частоты Теслы это 0,1%, относительно низкой частоты пуш-пула (15 кГц) это 10% (1,5 и 15 кГц).
Соотношение уплывания частот на 0,1% и на 10% (1 : 100), относительно собственных частот двух систем, при изменении высокой собственной частоты - справедливо, если две колеблющиеся системы (ВВ+шняга+антенна, и резонансный LC-контур) - независимы (могут независимо менять свои собственные частоты), и два генератора, накачивающие энергией каждый свою систему - работают независимо друг от друга. Причем оба генератора (пушпула и Теслы) независимо друг от друга могут накачивать свои системы энергией на собственной (резонансной) частоте этих систем, т.е. оптимально.
Один генератор независимый, другой зависит от него
Частоту накачки пуш-пулом можно жестко привязать к частоте генератора Теслы, за счет деления частоты генератора Теслы в нужное фиксированное число раз (например в 100 раз). То есть из двух независимых генераторов - оставить только один генератор (Тесла) независимым, а второй генератор (пуш-пул) привязать по частоте (и по фазе) к первому генератору.
Можно заранее настроить в резонанс, подбором ёмкости конденсаторов, те LC-контуры, которые настроены на вынуждающую частоту пушпула (с большой вероятностью это резонансный LC-контур индуктор, и возможно настроен в резонанс и съёмный LC-контур).


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 09:14:23 AM
Частота генератора на индуктор Теслы может меняться, уплывать от начального значения, допустим совсем незначительно - на 0,1%, или 1,5 кГц.
Например, если генератор Теслы сам по себе недостаточно стабилизирован, и не имеет обратной связи с системой катушек, которые он накачивает (что происходит с собственной частотой системы из 3 катушек - в этом случае неважно). Или если генератор Теслы автоматически подстраивается к этой собственной частоте (обратная связь есть), а собственная частота системы катушек "ВВ Теслы+шняга+антенна" по каким-то причинам изменилась (пусть на те же 0,1%).
Тогда частота генератора пушпул тоже изменится, из-за её жесткой привязки к частоте генератора Теслы.

Допустим на Тесле была частота 1500 кГц, и стала частота 1501,5 кГц (частота Теслы уплыла на 0,1% или на 1,5 кГц). После деления частоты ровно в 100 раз, на пуш-пуле была частота 15 кГц, стала 15,015 кГц, то есть относительно исходных 15 кГц частота пуш-пула тоже увеличилась на 0,1% или на 0,015 кГц.
Еще раз.
Без деления частоты. Допустим вначале было 1500 кГц и 15 кГц, кратность частот ровно 100,00=1500/15. Стало 1501,5 кГц и те же 15 кГц, кратность частот 1501,5/15 = 100,1.
С делением частоты. Вначале были 1500 кГц и 15 кГц и кратность 100,00. Стало 1501,5 кГц и 15,015 кГц, кратность из-за деления сохранилась 100,00.
Но сохранилась ценой увеличения частоты пушпула на те же 0,1%, за счет ненужного ухода пушпула от собственной (резонансной) частоты его системы (резонансного LC-контура), без необходимости для этого (считаем что собственная частота системы пушпула не изменилась).
Кратность частот сохряняется. Но происходит ненужный уход частоты генератора пушпула - при уходе частоты генератора Теслы.
К чему подстраивается генератор Теслы
Генератор на ВВ Теслы должен автоматически подстраиваться к собственной частоте системы "ВВ катушка+шняга+антенна", при любых её изменениях в геометрии и в окружающем пространстве. То есть должна быть обратная связь по собственной частоте.
Согласование по частоте автоматически происходит в качере. Причем фактически без какого-либо регулирования сдвига фазы (между током в индукторе Теслы, и напряжением на выходе ВВ катушки) - если в схеме соединения холодного конца ВВ к базе транзистора нет никаких регулирующих элементов.
Обязательно должно быть точное и стабильное регулирование длительности однополярного импульса тока через индуктор Теслы (т.е. регулирование duty cycle, коэффициента заполнения), для получения максимально возможной однополярности импульса напряжения на выходе ВВ катушки Теслы. Импульс напряжения на выходе ВВ получается в ответ на импульс тока через индуктор Теслы. Смотри watch?v=VGuw3QvoseI.
К чему подстраивается генератор пушпул
Генератор пушпул с одной стороны должен быть точно кратен по частоте и фазе с генератором Теслы - для получения СЕ. С другой стороны пушпул должен быть точно настроен на собственную частоту резонансного LC-контура, куда входят катушка-индуктор и подобранный (настроенный) конденсатор контура - для раскачки максимального тока и напряжения в контуре (для получения резонанса), следовательно для увеличения СЕ.
Вариант согласования генераторов с делением частоты и подстройкой кратности деления
Собственная частота Теслы (ВВ Тесла+шняга+антенна), и собственная частота резонансного контура могут изменяться, уходить от частот при начальной настройке генераторов, причем эти 2 ухода частоты происходят независимо.
Если происходит деление частоты генератора Теслы, то кратность частот и синфазность генератора пушпул по отношению к генератору Теслы выполняется автоматически. Можно регулировать сдвиг фаз, если это имеет значение для СЕ. (Точное положение начала длинного периода низкочастотного колебания, внутри какого-то одного короткого периода высокочастотных колебаний, в серии одинаковых ВЧ колебаний в течение одного периода НЧ колебания.)
Если коэффициент деления частоты может автоматически изменяться (в небольших пределах, например с шагом 1 или 2), для сохранения частоты пушпула максимально близкой к собственной частоте резонансного контура, то одновременно подстраиваются два генератора к двум собственным частотам двух независимых резонансных систем. Для генератора Теслы точно, для генератора пушпул приближенно.
Видимо, попадание генератором в собственную частоту "ВВ Теслы +шняга +антенна" важнее для получения СЕ.
Собственная частота ВВ катушки
Собственная частота ВВ катушки трансформатора Теслы определяется параметрами ВВ катушки:
1) диаметр провода
2) диаметр каркаса 
3) число витков т.е. высота намотки ВВ катушки
4) шаг намотки провода на каркасе (зазор между витками).
Т.е. во многом собственная частота ВВ катушки определяется общей длиной провода обмотки. Чем меньше общая длина провода, тем выше собственная частота катушки, и наоборот.
Влияет диаметр намотки - чем он больше, тем общая индуктивность больше, а собственная частота меньше.
Считаем, что катушка ВВ намотана в один слой в одну сторону на цилиндрическом каркасе. Каркас - пластмассовая труба с внешним диаметром 50 мм.
Распределенная ёмкость и индуктивность, полная индуктивность
Распределенная и полная индуктивность (и распределенная ёмкость) увеличивается, а собственная частота катушки уменьшается при: 1) увеличение диаметра каркаса 2) увеличении числа витков, т.е. высоты намотки 3) уменьшении диаметра провода, это произойдет собственно вследствие увеличения количества витков при той же высоте намотки.
Провод ВВ катушки можно наматывать не вплотную виток к витку, а с постоянным зазором (например двумя одинаковыми или разными проводами, затем второй провод удаляется). Для увеличения рабочего напряжения между витками, для увеличения распределенной ёмкости, и для снижения распределенной и полной индуктивности. То есть для увеличении собственной частоты катушки.
В случае намотки провода с зазором - собственная частота катушки будет зависеть от величины зазора, естественно.
Собственная частота ВВ катушки плюс другие элементы
Так как ВВ катушка через"шнягу" присоединена к катушке-антенне, то к её распределенной индуктивности и ёмкости добавляются такие же распределенные индуктивности и ёмкости "шняги" и антенны. В результате распределенная ёмкость и индуктивность всей системы становится больше, а собственная частота системы "ВВ катушка + шняга + антенна" становится заметно меньше.
Что и показано Русланом в одном из роликов, когда в качестве генератора Теслы используется схема качера.
Качер в трансформаторе Теслы
Как известно, качер на двух катушках трансформатора Теслы автоматически подстраивается именно к собственной частоте ВВ катушки (не к собственной частоте индуктора Теслы), которая находится в цепи базы, и управляет работой биполярного транзистора (индуктор находится в силовой цепи коллектора).
В ВВ катушке возникают мощные колебания тока и напряжения на её собственной частоте. На этой собственной частоте ВВ катушки - транзистор в качере выдает однополярные импульсы тока, через эмиттер-коллектор на коллекторную катушку (на индуктор Теслы), причем согласовано по фазе. Этими импульсами тока через индуктор - колебания в ВВ катушке и поддерживаются (ввод энергии от источника питания), причем именно на собственной частоте базовой катушки качера, т.е. ВВ катушки Теслы.
Качер вообще
Но в приницпе возможна работа качера и на собственной частоте коллекторной (силовой) катушки, если в ней будут достаточно сильные колебания (например она включена в LC-контур), а базовая (управляющая) катушка качера в таком режиме просто выполняет роль обратной связи. В таком случае качер будет автоматически подстраивать силовые импульсы тока через коллектор к этой собственной частоте катушки в коллекторной цепи (через обратную связь на базовой, управляющей катушке), то есть будет добавлять энергию в коллекторную катушку (LC-контур), для компенсации потерь энергии в ней.

В любом случае силовые импульсы тока через эмиттер-коллектор биполярного транзистора будут однополярными (np-переходы транзистора проводят большой ток только в одну сторону), и от плюса к минусу питания.?

[3.2 из 4]
Видимо, предположительно - важно, чтобы форма тока в резонансном контуре была максимально близкой к синусоиде. Несмотря на прямоугольную форму вынуждающих импульсов от пушпула (что ухудшает синусоидальность). С учетом сравнительно небольшой эдс, наводимой пушпулом через ферритовый сердечник горшка в обмотке 3-4 витка на горшке.
То есть сравнительно небольшая энергия, передаваемая пушпулом в контур на раскачку - не сильно ухудшает синусоидальность колебаний LC-контура.
В схемах других генераторов Кулабухова резонансный контур не раскачивается напрямую от пушпула через небольшую дополнительную обмотку (3-4 витка), как это показано в вариантах схем, в роликах по данному генератору, вроде бы.

По озвученным представлениям Романова, при колебаниях на собственной частоте (резонансе) одновременно вращающиеся и движущиеся в проводнике заряженные частицы имеют наилучшим образом, максимально согласованные направления осей вращения (направления перемещения всегда согласованы в электрическом токе), и согласованные скорости вращения и перемещения - именно в режиме свободных резонансных колебаний в LC-контуре. Предположительно.

Возможно, вследствие этой сильной согласованности - внешние высоковольтные импульсы напряжения могут добавлять свою энергию движущимся заряженным частицам, причем непропорционально больше по сравнению с энергией самих ВВ импульсов. Точнее непропорционально больше по сравнению с энергией однополярных импульсов тока в индукторе Теслы - причиной возникновения ВВ импульсов напряжения.
Эти однополярные импульсы тока в идукторе Теслы получают энергию от источника питания через ключ генератора Теслы (он замыкается-размыкается). Импульсы тока в индукторе Теслы создают переменное электромагнитное поле вокруг ВВ катушки, поле возбуждает колебания тока и напряжения в ВВ.
Размах синусоидальных колебаний напряжения вдоль ВВ растет к горячему концу, размах колебаний тока уменьшается. На горячем конце ВВ ток мал, но все-таки ток есть, т.к. проводник, куда можно течь этому небольшому переменному току - имеется, это шняга и антенна. Небольшой ток протекает через шнягу и антенну, ток равен нулю только на висящем конце антенны (обрыв провода).
На горячем конце ВВ размах двуполярных синусоидальных колебаний напряжения максимально велик (ток минимален).
Далее эти импульсы высокого напряжения идут через шнягу (2 встречно намотанные катушки с малым количеством витков, на ферритовом сердечнике диаметром возможно ~8 мм, по сути это встречный и разнесенный в пространстве бифиляр, после настройки в большинстве случаев несимметричный по числу витков). Тут они сдвигаются на какой-то угол по фазе (возможно задерживаются из-за наличия феррита).
Далее напряжение импульсов появляется (действует) на антенне, которая работает в том числе и как одна из двух, внешняя обкладка цилиндрического конденсатора (весьма редкая, не сплошная). Другая, внутренняя обкладка цилиндрического конденсатора - провод катушки-индуктора (в основном), т.к. он ближе всего к антенне.
Этот конденсатор циклически перезаряжается переменным высоковольтным напряжением с горячего конца ВВ, поэтому внутри конденсатора есть переменное электромагнитное поле и соответственно потоки энергии между обкладками.
Видимо небольшой переменный ток в антенне тоже создает своё поле и потоки энергии.
Энергия этих двуполярных высоковольтных импульсов напряжения на антенне способна увеличивать ток в катушке-индукторе, видимо, и значит увеличивать энергию колебаний в резонансном контуре. Причем увеличивать энергию колебаний тока в резонансном контуре непропорционально больше, сильнее, по сравнению с энергией импульсов тока в индукторе Теслы, идущей на раскачку трансформатора Теслы. По непонятному пока механизу. Предположительно.

На осциллограммах напряжения на горячем конце ВВ (щуп осциллографа висит в воздухе недалеко от ВВ), которые показывает Кулабухов в роликах - видно, что размах (амплитуда) колебаний высоковольтного напряжения на ВВ, после включения генератора Теслы (подачи импульсов тока на индуктор Теслы) -  устанавливается на высоком постоянном уровне не сразу . А только после приблизительно 5-7 синусоидальных колебаний высокого напряжения на ВВ Теслы, растущих по размаху. Амплитуда колебаний на ВВ быстро возрастает от какого-то начального (небольшого) уровня до постоянного, значительно более высокого уровня, в течение этих первых 5-7 колебаний напряжения на ВВ, после включения генератора Теслы.
Это видно на осциллографе в нескольких роликах Руслана (и конечно не только у него).
Видимо, в ходе этой раскачки высоковольтных колебаний на ВВ Теслы (до 5-6 киловольт, слова Кулабухова, приблизительно за 5-7 колебаний - см осциллограммы), после включения импульсов тока на индуктор Теслы - происходит постепенное (и быстрое) раскачивание среды (эфира), вокруг ВВ Теслы. До установления динамического равновесия на определенном уровне.
Возможно именно большая скорость изменения напряжения (от -5 кВ до +5 кВ, за полпериода колебаний Теслы) вызывает это сильное, заметное взаимодействие ВВ катушки с окружающей средой.
Считаем: пусть частота Теслы 1,5 МГц = 1,5*10^6 колебаний за 1 секунду, тогда длительность одного периода колебаний T=1/(1,5*10^6)=0,667*10^-6 секунды, а половина периода = 0,333*10^-6 секунды=delta t.
За полпериода колебаний напряжение на горячем конце ВВ менятеся пусть от -5*10^3 вольт до +5*10^3 вольт, или на 10^4 вольт=delta U.
Тогда скорость изменения напряжения во времени здесь можно оценить как delta U/delta t=10^4 вольт/0,333*10^-6 секунды=3*10^10 вольт в секунду (30 миллиардов вольт за 1 секунду). (10^x - означает десять в степени x)
Это весьма большая скорость нарастания и спадания переменного напряжения, в данном месте пространства и среды. Возможно поэтому ВВ Теслы на горячем конце вполне может заметно влиять на среду вокруг, сильно взаимодействовать с ней (как бы более значительно подталкивать-захватывать среду, вместе с колебательными движениями электронов по проводу ВВ). Высоковольтными быстрыми колебаниями напряжения на горячем конце ВВ - можно раскачивать некие невидимые колебания в среде, похоже.
И возможно за счет этих колебаний в среде (рядом с горячим концом ВВ, и рядом с антенной и шнягой) - можно получать какую-то дополнительную, сверхединичную энергию от этих колебаний среды, колебаний её элементов.

Понятно, что высокое напряжение само по себе сильнее поляризует среду, чем низкое напряжение (сильнее смещает от равновесия элементы среды, как бы создает бОльшее внутреннее напряжение в среде - в данном месте). При быстрой (энергичной) раскачке среды высоким переменным напряжением - среда переходит в вынужденные колебания с той же частотой, что и источник возмущений среды, и с амплитудой колебаний, падающей с удалением от источника по какому-то закону.
Возможно, что суммарная энергия этих колебаний элементов среды (затухающих при удалении от источника) такова, что в итоге можно снять из колебаний бесконечной среды энергии как бы больше, чем в сумме затратить энергии на колебания малого источника возмущений. Если делать всё правильно, если правильно (например в некоем резонансе, в некотором режиме, неким видом энергии) и возмущать среду, и снимать энергию колебаний среды (например в другом виде энергии). Всё это предположительно, естественно.

Трансформатор Теслы (точнее его ВВ катушка) раскачивается в резонансном режиме, то есть вынуждающая частота (импульсы тока через индуктор и ключ Теслы) равна частоте собственных колебаний тока и напряжения в ВВ катушке Теслы, заземленной с одного конца, и имеющей другой конец висящим в воздухе (точнее уже антенна, а не ВВ, имеет висящий в воздухе, ни с чем не соединенный конец провода).
То есть в ВВ Теслы возникает стоячая волна, которая как раз имеет свою собственную частоту колебаний (частоту волнового резонанса). На этой частоте амплитуда колебаний в стоячей волне на ВВ максимальна, что видно экспериментально при подаче возбуждения на ВВ от генератора качающейся (переменной) частоты (лучше синус), и измерения-слежения за зависимостью амплитуды на ВВ от частоты генератора.
Схема качера например легко и быстро подстраивает вынуждающую частоту импульсов тока в индукторе к этой частоте.
Стоячая волна - это результат сложения падающих и отраженных волн, имеющих одну общую частоту и постоянный сдвиг фазы между собой. Падающие волны тока и напряжения порождаются однополярными импульсами тока в индукторе Теслы, и видимо идут из участка (зоны) ВВ под индуктором к горячему концу Теслы. Отраженные волны тока и напряжения получаются из падающих волн, из-за отражения волн тока (значит и волн напряжения, взаимосвязанных с волнами тока) от горячего (висящего, разомкнутого) конца антенны (или ВВ, если антенны нет).
В генераторе разреженная, редкая катушка-индуктор Теслы находится не посередине ВВ, а на краю ВВ катушки, причем на заземленном краю.
Видимо, если говорить точнее, однополярный импульс тока в индукторе Теслы порождает импульс тока в зоне (участке) ВВ под индуктором, который мог бы разойтись в обе стороны. Но с одной стороны ВВ заземлена, и часть токового импульса в ВВ уходит через кабель заземление на землю. О чем говорит и Кулабухов. (Земля - это очень-очень большая ёмкость, имеющая поэтому постоянный потенциал, с которой кабель заземления соединен через заметное омическое сопротивление грунта вокруг заземления).
Другая часть токового импульса в ВВ идет от холодного к горячему концу ВВ, и далее всё как описано. Предположительно.

Кроме искажений синусоиды тока в резонансном контуре, из-за прямоугольной формы импульсов от пушпула, форму колебаний тока (и напряжения) искажают также короткие высоковольтные двуполярные импульсы напряжения от ВВ Теслы, которые приходят в антенну через шнягу. То есть идеальная синусоида тока и напряжения в этом LC-контуре не будет получаться, а возможно это и не нужно. Потому что независимо от степени искажения синусоиды тока в контуре - эти ВВ импульсы дают увеличение энергии колебаний тока в резонансном контуре.?

[1.3 из 4] (восстановлен через 1 месяц после удаления данного коммента, возможно автором канала)

Накачка пушпулом колебаний в резонансном и съёмном контуре
Вынужденные колебания тока в катушке-индукторе (в резонансном LC-контуре) возбуждаются (накачиваются) двуполярными прямоугольными импульсами тока от двухплечевого генератора пушпул (два ключа мосфета IRFP 260) через трансформатор на ферромагнитном горшке, через два плеча пушпула в виде обмотки 12+12 витков (если питание 24 В), а если питание 12 В то в плечах 6+6 витков. Оба плеча намотаны на горшке в одну сторону, т.е. из одной обмотки на горшке 24 витка (если питание 24 вольта) посередине просто сделан отвод, и этим образованы две одинаковые половины обмотки (плечи).
Энергия накачки в виде импульсов тока, от источника питания через ключи, по очереди, от плеч пушпула передается по горшку-магнитопроводу в обмотку 3-4 витка, включенную последовательно с катушкой-индуктором в резонансный LC-контур, в контур входит также конденсатор.
Одновременно импульсы тока от обмотки пушпула передаются в обмотку 26-28 витков в съёмном LC-контуре, куда также входит катушка-бифиляр (граната), и конденсатор (или 2 конденсатора). То есть пушпул одновременно раскачивает (накачивает энергией) второй, съёмный LC-контур.
В данном генераторе СЕ 1 пушпул через 1 трансформатор (на ферритовом горшке) накачивает энергией оба LC-контура синхронно, в одной фазе, без сдвига фазы между накачкой пушпулом резонансного контура, и съёмного контура.
Если накачивать не 1, а 2 пушпулами, каждый со своим трансформатором - т.е. один на резонансный, другой на съёмный контур, то можно регулировать сдвиг фаз между 2 накачками, значит между фазами 2х колебаний в 2х контурах. Можно регулировать амплитуды и заполнения 2х накачек прямоугольными импульсами тока, значит влиять на амплитуды 2х колебаний в 2х контурах. Обе накачки импульсами тока по-прежнему создают встречно-чередующиеся магнитные потоки по 2м ферритовым магнитопроводам (постоянно перемагничивают ферриты). Меняя сдвиг фаз и соотношение амплитуд колебаний токов в двух взаимодействующих LC-контурах - можно влиять на режимы обмена (передачи) энергии между контурами.
Полупроводники пушпула и ФАПЧ
Управляющая пушпулом микросхема - стандартная TL494. Два полевых транзистора-мосфета (два ключа пушпула) - типа IRFP260, они включаются-выключаются через драйверы мосфетов типа TC4421 (максимальный ток до 9 А). Обо всем этом Руслан рассказывает в своих видео.
Подстройка генератора пушпул по частоте и фазе (ФАПЧ - если есть), для поддержания максимального размаха колебаний тока (резонанса) в резонансном LC-контуре (индукторе) - сделана на стандартной микросхеме CD4046 (Phase Locked Loop = ФАПЧ).
Несущая и пачки импульсов в генераторе Теслы
Также возможно используется иногда вторая TL494 в генераторе на Теслу для генерации пачек импульсов (низкочастотная прямоугольная огибающая для высокочастотной несущей), в зависимости от варианта схемы этого генератора. Т.е. для создания управляемой прямоугольной низкочастотной модуляции по амплитуде (от нуля до максимума), несущей высокой частоты (или просто несущая) от генератора Теслы.
Несущая - это последовательность высокочастотных (~1,5 МГц) прямоугольных однополярных импульсов тока, через ключ мосфет генератора Теслы. Очень желательно, чтобы несущая была точно на собственной (резонансной) частоте системы 3 катушек: ВВ Теслы на заземлении + шняга + антенна.
Степень, доля заполнения импульсом тока каждого периода несущей (параметр duty cycle), т.е. отношение "длительность импульса/длительность периода" - регулируется ("длительность периода = длительность импульса + длительность нулевой паузы"). Иногда этот параметр называют также скважностью.
Duty cycle должен быть стабильным.
Подбор duty cycle несущей важен для получения максимальной однополярности ВВ импульсов Теслы.
Микросхемы 74HC00 и 74HC14 в генераторе несущей высокой частоты
Очень вероятно, что Кулабухов использует также микросхемы 74HC00 (4 логических элемента И-НЕ, каждый с 2 входами и 1 выходом), или 74HC14 (6 триггеров Шмитта с инверсией на выходе НЕ, каждый с 1 входом и 1 выходом). 
И на элементах И-НЕ, и на триггерах Шмитта с инверсией на выходе НЕ - можно собрать генераторы прямоугольных однополярных импульсов (т.е. генераторы несущей, в устройстве нужна частота до 2 МГц), если добавить цепи обратной связи с конденсаторами и резисторами, и добавить если нужно другие элементы (например быстрые диоды) - т.е. если создать обвязку для этих микросхем 74HC00 и 74HC14.
Работающих схем таких генераторов достаточно много.
Регулируя параметры элементов RC обвязки (сопротивление, ёмкость), особенно в цепи обратной связи - можно изменять частоту генерации прямоугольных импульсов, и степень заполнения в последовательности импульсов (duty cycle, или скважность).
Серия микросхем 74HCxx - относительно быстродействующая (время переключения логического состояния между нулем и единицей порядка 3-4 наносекунд). Поэтому передние и задние фронты прямоугольных однополярных импульсов на этих элементах получаются достаточно крутыми.
Другие элементы в схеме
Руслан постоянно использует стабилизаторы напряжения 5 В и 12 В на радиаторах, для питания микросхем, драйверов мосфетов, и всех узлов схемы в целом.
Также он постоянно использует сглаживающие (фильтрующие) конденсаторы (неполярные относительно небольшой ёмкости, и полярные электролитические большой ёмкости) в цепях питания. Он использует фильтрующие цепочки типа LC, CR, просто дроссели-индуктивности L в цепях питания, и не исключено - в цепях управления.
Полупроводники генератора Теслы и выпрямительного моста
Сначала на индуктор Теслы у Руслана работал биполярный транзистор npn Toshiba 2SC5200, в схеме качера.
Затем в генераторе на индуктор Теслы работал полевой транзистор-мосфет IRFP460, включаемый-выключаемый через драйвер мосфета TC4421 (максимальный ток в импульсе до 9 А), сначала в схеме качера, затем в генераторе.
Затем Руслан использует как ключ на индуктор Теслы более подходящий мосфет 2SK1162, с драйвером TC4451 (до 13 А), в генераторе Теслы.
Похожая ситуация и для силовых ВЧ диодов в выходном выпрямительном диодном мосте. Назывались разные диоды: STTH12R06DI, MUR860, возможны и другие типы.
Драйверы мосфетов
Мощные сильноточные мосфеты имеют немаленькую входную ёмкость (затвор-исток) порядка несколько нанофарад (1-2... до 8 нФ). См datasheet-ы разных мосфетов.
Чтобы полностью открыть мосфет (уменьшить сопротивление исток-сток до сотых долей ома - см datasheet мосфета), надо поднять напряжение затвор-исток приблизительно до 10-15 вольт (для разных мосфетов различается). То есть надо зарядить некий конденсатор на входе мосфета до этого напряжения. То есть нужно передать определенный электрический заряд на затвор, создать ток, заряжающий входной конденсатор мосфета. Чтобы это сделать быстро (за наносекунды), надо достаточно большой ток, несколько ампер, или десяток с лишним ампер.
Эту операцию - очень быстрая зарядка-разрядка входного конденсатора мощного мосфета - хорошо выполняют как раз специализированные драйверы мосфетов, они созданы собственно только для этого. Драйвер может управляться напряжением +5 вольт (и небольшим током) от логической схемы управления (команды включить-выключить ток на затвор мосфета и зарядить-разрядить входной конденсатор, т.е. открыть-закрыть мосфет), может иметь отдельное питание до +18+20 вольт, и достоточно большой конденсатор параллельно этому питанию - как раз они через драйвер заряжают-разряжают входной конденсатор мосфета.
Все подробности, и типовую схему включения конкретного драйвера - см в datasheet-ах к драйверам мосфетов.
Быстрое (2-3 десятка наносекунд) включение-выключение мосфета создает крутые передние и задние фронты в импульсах тока через мосфет, от источника питания.
Крутизна фронтов в импульсах тока
Крутизна фронта в импульсе тока - это первая производная dI/dt функции (графика) тока I от времени, причем тока проводимости (не тока смещения).
По уравнениям Максвелла этой первой производной по времени d/dt (скорости изменения чего-либо во времени, в данном случае тока проводимости) - из диф. уравнения пропорциональны в явном виде - d/dt от ротора напряженности магнитного поля H (rot H) и крутизна (d/dt) тока смещения, и косвенно (через другое сопряженное диф. уравнение в системе диф. уравнений Максвелла) пропорциональна d/dt от ротора напряженности вихревого электрического поля E (rot E).
То есть ей, крутизне тока в импульсах, пропорциональны крутизна тока смещения в эфире, и все скорости изменения электрических и магнитных полей: во времени (d/dt) и в пространстве (rot).
То есть все переходные и периодические во времени электромагнитные явления - в устройстве происходят несколько быстрее и с бОльшей амплитудой (размахом) - если эта крутизна фронтов в импульсах тока больше.

Кулабухов и прогресс
Руслан не стоит на месте, а непрерывно работает, исследует процессы в катушках, изменяет узлы общей схемы и пробует что получается. То есть он постоянно экспериментирует. И при этом он снимал ранее, и регулярно снимает сейчас очередное видео.?

(2017.01-12) Папка на Yandex-диске со всеми моими комментами к данному ролику

Название папки - "Генератор 4 киловатта (демонстрация в лесу)" (то есть как название данного ролика)

Другая папка на Yandex-диске, с другими моими комментами к этому же ролику на другом канале (там лежит копия данного ролика).
Содержание тех коментов в чем-то близкое к данным комментам, то есть там тоже какие-то подробности по устройству, и некоторые принципы работы данного генератора СЕ.
А также там есть комменты по аналогичному генератору СЕ Сергея Алексеева (он похож на данный  генератор, но с определенными отличиями и усовершенствованиями).

Название папки - "Демонстрация генератора @ ВТвКД"

А именно, в ней смотреть сначала вложенные подпапки:
подпапка "#1 Tapac MOP3E Мысли вслух"
подпапка "#2 Занимательная арифметика".

Можно глянуть в другие 2 подпапки в папке, из любопытства.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 09:56:09 AM
(Земля - это очень-очень большая ёмкость, имеющая поэтому постоянный потенциал, с которой кабель заземления соединен через заметное омическое сопротивление грунта вокруг заземления).
Другая часть токового импульса в ВВ идет от холодного к горячему концу ВВ, и далее всё как описано. Предположительно.

This person is a person who does not understand the ground used by free generators.

This writer is a person who does not know the principle of Ruslan Generator.

I guess this is one of the crackers.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 02:50:26 PM

His generator can not find a line connected to ground.
I can not know how to improve.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 03:55:55 PM


It is one of the videos that has been posted and disappeared here.

Townsend discharge is not possible without grounding.
In my case it was.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 04:28:20 PM
어떤 법칙도 통하지 않는 세상에 살다보면,
생존만이 유일한 진리된다.
재미있는 사실은,
예수와 닮은 사람이 존재하지 않는다는 것이다.

If you live in a world that does not have any rules,
Only survival is the only truth.
At that place,
There is no person resembling Jesus.

1. 남자는 마음속에 있는 것은 말하는 것이 아니다.
2. 입은 닥치고 눈은 크게 떠라.
3. 우정과 돈은 물과 기름이지요.
4. 정치와 범죄의 본질은 같아.
5. 적들을 미워하지마라. 그럼 판단력이 흐려진다.
6. 친구는 가까이 두고 적은 더 가까이 두어야 한다.
7. 남자의 비즈니스에 대해선 질문하지마(부인에게)

[출처] 영화 대부 시리즈 명대사
[링크] http://www.ilbe.com/11001823232
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 05:37:16 PM
Yes, I understand that. But, then don't you actually have to show a working device to the patents office, and fully explain the working principle, and show proof of that? As I can't see how he could obtain the patent, otherwise. Or, anyone could get a patent for any non working device.  And there would be no benefit, in showing a fake, and paying for a worthless patent that doesn't work as described.
   What we really need is for someone to go see an actual self runner. Even if you have to pay to view it and do some tests so as not to be cheated. Wesley did that with TK,  but he did not test it's operation. Tiger and Stepanov when to see Akula's device, but again, did not test it to determine it's validity.

I saw the prejudice that Ruslan received.
The pressure to release the real generator is your own desire.
You do not have to judge it as a judge.
Just as you respect Geo's circuits and videos more than you need ...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 08:37:53 PM

I know that Akura does not use Townsend discharge.
I can predict how Akura's Without ground generator works.

When negative electric charg occurs in Tesla kacher
You can supply a positive electric charge in any way.

I do not know how to supply a positive electric charge because I have not tested it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 09:08:30 PM
The key to winning is the ability to form positive charges drawn from the ground using only the ground metal.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 09:22:01 PM
I did not experiment.
I only expect it.
So I do not know.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: saturnio on February 05, 2019, 09:59:52 PM
Quote from: color on February 05, 2019, 09:08:30 PM
The key to winning is the ability to form positive charges drawn from the ground using only the ground metal.

Color, what do you think about this?:

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 10:12:50 PM
Color, what do you think about this?:

This is the video I watched.


The question is, how do you pick out a positive Khz?
It is an imbalance method, not a charging method.
I do not know how.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 11:06:44 PM
There is also a limit to the back electromotive force.
In addition, charge back electromotive force is limited.
The back electromotive force is inversely proportional to the amount of current.

inversely proportional....
inversely proportional .....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2019, 11:47:13 PM
Ah! the patent money greed is comming out of the wood work.

Which member claimed the patent in this cafe?

In my opinion,

I did not see the experimenting member.

Rather than an experimental member
Religious leaders, ::)
I see only judges who are judging. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2019, 01:01:53 AM

When Ruslan goes close to the six-turn kacher secondary coil, the light decreases.
The light is only slightly reduced, but the generator does not stop working.

In other words,
The six-turn kacher secondary coil installed on the outside of the grenade is almost an ornament.
The human body absorbs the high voltage of the kacher.
The high voltage of the kacher absorbed by the human body is misunderstood as the principle of operating the grenade coil.
The six-turn kacher secondary coil installed on the outside of the hand grenade is of little help.

It is elsewhere that makes the actual grenade work.
This makes all members mistaken.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2019, 01:23:25 AM
My grenade coil length is different.
However, the capacitors are used identically.
There is a voltage difference of about 1.5 ~ 2V.
That's it.

The part where the kacher secondary coils and the grenade coils come into contact is not a double line but a single line.

How to combine Khz and Mhz The problem is,
It is the biggest cause to make the free generator principle mistaken for resonance.

In order for Khz and Mhz to cooperate, they naturally cooperate with each other when they eat poop.
Ruslan referred to this as a half-wave.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: seychelles on February 06, 2019, 01:41:44 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2019, 01:48:05 AM

I do not know the English jargon you use.
Explain it with a circuit or a picture.
So that not only me but all members can see.

The principle is the same as the Ruslan Free Generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2019, 02:25:24 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 06, 2019, 08:00:57 AM
Quote from: color on February 06, 2019, 02:25:24 AM
Color Hello reading some of the statements of Nick and Hoppy could you please put or state
the approximate values of c1, c2, and c3 you used  or 3 times 0.47 in series or 3x 0.47 in parallel
or 2x 0.47 in series might get the point over.

as 3 x 0.47 in series would be 0.47/3 = 0.156uf etcetera

many thanks
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2019, 08:05:17 AM
Не будет никакого самозапита !  Не обижайтесь , но абсолютно нет понимания у Вас как это работает. Никаких диодных мостов не нужно. И катушек столько не надо ! Достаточно двух катушек чтобы всё получилось.

Ruslan comments.

Diode bridges are not needed.

Of course he advised on Vasili Ivanov's experimental work

How should the audience accept this?

The crowd thinks they do not need a diode bridge.

Did Ruslan regret revealing the video?

Ruslan is a clever business man since he made dozens of fake videos.

Issues and controversies are favorable for business.

If only the generator is genuine, even if the video is fake, there is little problem.

Ruslan makes money,


Anton is poor.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 06, 2019, 08:51:10 AM
A lot of people are poor, some on the thread are in it for the money, some couldn't
give a hoot about the stuff it's just paper while one has it then it's gone.

Do you want me to send you a little ? it would make us trackable then.
A native American said to me 'enjoy your treck through life but leave  no tracks'.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 06, 2019, 09:16:54 AM
color to erase a post just edit it within 2 or so hours and just replace the pasage with a '.' simple
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2019, 09:28:03 AM

WIMA capacitors are expensive.
Not recommended.
Because it is a combination optimized for my generator, it may not fit in your generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 06, 2019, 09:35:20 AM
Quote from: color on February 06, 2019, 09:28:03 AM

WIMA capacitors are expensive.
Not recommended.
Because it is a combination optimized for my generator, it may not fit in your generator.
your a clever chap I already have some smaller snubers, i have worked out a lot
over a short time, many thanks.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2019, 03:54:33 PM


... oops, I posted in the wrong thread... ;)

P.S. Ruslan has apparently figured out how to get 50Hz at the output
of his devices now, and apparently more stable now, and he implies that his
devices are close to being released. Released to where and with which partners I don't know.

How do you make 50Hz?

It is a cheap component and wiring of wires.

You know it well.

Most of the Russians interested in free generators know.

Only people who do not know Russian are wandering like a donkey.

There are a lot of Russians in this cafe.

It is first of all to understand the principle of free generator.

Like them.

Ruslan also released this on some videos.

His camera keeps a close eye on this and gives a brief explanation.

Only members of this café do not know it.

Of course, some members know.

They are silent like Void.

Anyone who is silent is free.

The spooky part was that this motor, running on a ground floor back room was below number 2 son's bedroom. He started complaining about poor sleep and recurring nightmares etc. We put it down to his age.... Not so, the day I finally decided to pull the plug on the project was the best nights sleep he'd had in months!!

I have no photos either as on one occasion I borrowed my daughters Kodak digital camera and it wiped the memory card clean, took out all her recent holiday snaps too. I have no explanation for these events, it could just as easily have been coincidental!!

There is no more video because my Daughter's camera was out of order.

I guess I do not understand English completely.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2019, 07:19:42 PM

The blood flowing from the left hand of Leonardo DiCaprio is a real blood.
In fact, the glass was broken and the wound was injured.
Some plays are not different from the facts.

Like Ruslan ...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 08, 2019, 07:44:32 PM
Have you seen this one, it's one way of tuning the grenade coil

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2019, 08:08:23 PM

I come here to play .....
It is not a place to come to work.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 08, 2019, 08:31:55 PM
Really ? EDIT I see you removed the pornography movie before edit timed out and replaced it with above
AG ,whats up with your friend ?  seems he just does  Fishing here ?...and now he's posting naked dancing women videos ?
maybe you can explain the forum rules to your friend ?

we are after all guests ,and our host has rules ....
Yeesh ...

Terms of service agreement introduction

You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2019, 10:17:21 PM

It is difficult to get a new light if are caught in the frame of thought ...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 01:58:30 AM
I'm assuming that circuit should be ungrounded in order to function properly.... ;)

(한국의 회원들을 위해 한국어로도 올립니다)
자유발전기 회로는 직류로 작동한다.
수류탄 2차 코일에서 교류가 발생하면 다이오드 브릿지 사용해서 직류로 바꿔준다.

접지를 직류의 마이너스와 공용으로 사용하지 않으면 전구로 가는 마이너스 선은 자유발전기 회로와 별개가 된다.
출력에서 민웰의 입력 전원을 얻는데 회로의 마이너스와 수류탄 코일의 마이너스가 별개가 되면 어떤 전원도 얻을 수 없다.

모순이 발생하면 전기도 없다.

반드시 접지와 회로의 마이너스는 공용으로 사용해야 합니다.

접지는 전하 평형이 늘 존재한다.
그래서 접지는 전기적으로 안정됩니다.

전하의 불균형은 양극과 음극 상태일 때 발생한다.

불균형의 양극과 음극이 전등에서 만났을 때 전하가 평형을 이루면서 전류량이 증폭한다.

극성이 바뀌는 교류는 이것이 불가능하다.
커패시터를 사용하는 이유다.
반드시 직류에서 불균형이 발생한다.

다이오드 브릿지에서 발생한 양극과 음극은 전등의 필라멘트에서 만난다.

수류탄에서 발생한 전류량은 민웰의 용량과 비례하지만,
접지와 연결된 음극과 전등의 필라멘트는 직통으로 연결되어 있다.

이것이 중요하다.

전류량이 폭발적으로 증가해도 접지와 연결된 전등의 필라멘트와 전선은 자유발전기 양극 회로에 영향을 주지않는다.

자유발전기가 전류량이 폭발적으로 증가해도 자유발전기 회로가 안전한 이유다.

Free generator circuit works with DC.
Grenade Secondary coil, when an alternating current, use a diode bridge to convert to DC.

The negative line going to the bulb is separate from the free generator circuit if the ground is not used in common with the minus of DC.
When minus input power is obtained at the output, minus the circuit minus the grenade coil minus, no power is available.

If there is a contradiction, there is no electricity.

Be sure to use the negative of the ground and the circuit for common use.

Ground always has charge balance.
So the ground is electrically stable.

The imbalance of the charge occurs when it is in the anode and cathode states.

When the unbalanced anode and cathode meet at the electric charge, the electric charge equilibrates and the electric current is amplified.

The alternating polarity is not possible.
That's why we use capacitors.
There is an imbalance in the direct current.

The anode and cathode of the diode bridge meet at the filament of the lamp.

The amount of current generated in the grenade is proportional to the capacity of the Minwell,
The cathode and the filament of the lamp connected to the ground are connected directly.

This is important.

The filament and the wires of the lamp connected to the ground do not affect the free generator anode circuit even if the amount of current is explosively increased.

This is why free generator circuits are safe even if the free generator has an explosive increase in current.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 02:47:22 AM
접지와 자유발전기 회로의 음극을 공용으로 사용하는데,

이때 테슬라 kacher를 접지와 공용으로 사용하면 어떤 일이 발생하는가?

반대로 테슬라 kacher를 접지와 분리해 작동시키면 어떤 일이 발생하는가?

테슬라 kacher가 접지와 직접 연결되면 음극과 양극의 불균형은 처음부터 발생하지 않는다.

테슬라 kacher는 음전하를 유지하는 것이 생명이고,
접지는 양전하를 유지하는 것이 초과에너지가 생성되는 원리인데,

처음부터 초과에너지 발생 조건을 무력화 시키면 자유발전기는 존재할 수 없다.

니들은 접지와 테슬라 kacher가 연결된 루슬란의 동영상을 보았는가?

이것은 넌센스다.

The cathode of the free generator circuit is commonly used for grounding,

What happens when Tesla kacher is grounded and shared?

Conversely, what happens when the Tesla kacher is disconnected from ground and activated?

When the Tesla kacher is directly connected to ground, the imbalance between the cathode and the anode does not occur from the beginning.

Tesla kacher is vital to maintaining negative charge,
Grounding is the principle that excess energy is generated by maintaining a positive charge,

Free generators can not exist if the conditions for generating excess energy are disabled from the beginning.

Have you seen the Tesla kacher and ground connected 2KW video?

This is nonsense.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 03:18:17 AM
작은 용량의 다이오드로 2KW 전류량을 견디는 이유도 전하 불균형과 평형 원리로 가능한 것이다.
The reason why a small-capacity diode can withstand 2KW current is due to the charge imbalance and the equilibrium principle.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 05:19:45 AM
However, I would dispute your assertion that any of the claimed self running videos from Ruslan or Akula or even Kapanadze are showing devices running anything close to 4KW loads.

500W X 4, 직류 203V, 6~7A 생산한다면
500W X 8, 직류 101V, 3A 나오기 어렵다.

그러나 접지 불균형 전하가 필라멘트에서 전하 평형이 일어나는 직접 가열 방식이라 전류량과 전압 공식을 따르지 않는다.

예를 들면,
상황에 따라 500W X 8, 직류 120V, 5A 가능성도 있다.
적거나 , 많거나 .....

나의 예상이다.

If you produce 500W X 4, DC 203V, 6 ~ 7A
500W X 8, DC 101V, 3A It is hard to come out.

However, since the unbalanced electric charge is a direct heating method in which charge equilibrium occurs in the filament, it does not follow the current amount and the voltage formula.

For example,
Depending on the situation, there is a possibility of 500W X 8, DC 120V, 5A.
Little or many .....

It is my expectation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 09:59:02 AM
Yea you're right.  More like 5000w.   https://youtu.be/ceDEIg9ETbA.


나는 위 동영상이 kapanadze 발전기를 이해 못했다고 생각한다.

수류탄 코일 속에 아무것도 없다!
저 사람이 오해했다.

수류탄 코일은 전압이 증폭시키는 인덕터다.
그래서 인덕턴스에 맞게 커패시터가 사용된다.
수류탄은 전압을 증폭시키면 역활은 끝난다.
수류탄은 전압 증폭하는 역활이 전부다.
수류탄은 보조역활이다.
수류탄 코일에서 전류량이 증가하는 것이 아니기 때문이다.

그러나 위 동영상은 마치 수류탄에서 전류량이 증폭하는 것처럼 3개의 코일 뭉치를 만들었다.

kapanadze가 이렇게 말했다.
"코일 굵을수록 전류량이 높아진다"

무한정 높아지는 것이 아니라 kacher가 뽑아올린 전하량을 변압기가 얼만큼 최대치로 공진 시킬 수 있는가다.
수류탄 코일이 굵을수록 공진시킨 전류량도 보다 최대치로 끌어낼 수 있다.

수류탄 코일 권선 방법은 많다.
전압을 가장 효과적으로 증폭시키는 원리로 권선하면 된다.


I think the above video did not understand the kapanadze generator.

Nothing in the grenade coils!
That person misunderstood.

The grenade coil is an inductor that amplifies the voltage.
So the capacitor is used to match the inductance.
The grenade is done by amplifying the voltage.
Grenades are all voltage boosters.
Grenades are a secondary role.
This is because the current in the grenade coil is not increased.

But the above video made three coil bundles as if the currents were amplifying in the grenades.

kapanadze said:
"The larger the coil, the larger the amount of current"

It does not increase indefinitely, but it can resonate the amount of charge extracted by kacher with maximum of transformer.
As the grenade coil is thicker, the resonance current can be drawn to its maximum value.

There are many grenade coil winding methods.
It is only necessary to rewire the principle to most effectively amplify the voltage.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 10:22:17 AM
Have you seen this one, it's one way of tuning the grenade coil

A  0.47uf cap is your tank coil slosh storage capacitor?

수류탄 코일은 전압 증폭을 담당하는 최적의 조건이다.
번개 줄기처럼 불균형의 음전하가 활성화되는 구간 영역.

너는 나에게 50Hz가 kacher에서 발생한다고 말했지만,
나는 다른 의견을 가지고 있다네.
50Hz는 Push-Pull에 만들어져 요크 변압기에서 활성화된다네.
50Hz와 kacher는 무관하다.

Grenade coils are the optimum condition for voltage amplification.
The area where the unbalanced negative charge is activated like a lightning stalk.

You told me that 50Hz occurs in kacher,
I have a different opinion.
50Hz is made on the push-pull and activated on the yoke transformer.
50Hz and kacher are irrelevant.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 09, 2019, 11:03:53 AM
Quote from: color on February 09, 2019, 10:22:17 AM

There are many grenade coil winding methods.
It is only necessary to rewire the principle to most effectively amplify the voltage.

You told me that 50Hz occurs in kacher,  ('no not me  :D ')
I have a different opinion.
50Hz is made on the push-pull and activated on the yoke transformer.
50Hz and Katcher are irrelevant.            (modulation) wast of energy!
50hz from a Katcher or grenade coil Well I wouldn't like wast any time experimenting with that one.
I suppose you could modulate the energy like a cheap UPS does or do it properly with a lump of iron.

Indeed power stations could develop a system like that if they so wished instead of wasting the earth resources
but you would have to really kick out the fossil and atomic barons out of office and i can't see that happening
any time soon.

A good place like the Desert would be a good place to start in changing things instead or blowing things up America springs to mind as a people with the resources!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 01:48:13 PM

며칠전에 한국정부는 수소자동차를 홍보하며 대통령까지 나와서 지원하겠다고 나섰다.

전세계가 전기자동차로 바꾸는데 한국만 수소차로 간다.

나는 이해할 수 없는 상황과 대면하면 배후를 의심한다.

수소차 2040년까지 620만 대 생산, 충전소 1천2백 곳 추진

A few days ago, the South Korean government announced that it would promote the hydrogen car and come up to the president.

The world turns to electric cars, but only Korea goes by hydrogen car.

I doubt the rear if I face situations that I can not understand.

It will produce 6.20 million hydrogen cars by 2040, and promote 1,200 charging stations.

It can vary from Uw to Kw,just depends on how big you want to go.
Of course a Kw motor would be rather large  :D

Most desktop SSG pulse motors draw around 50-200mA @ 12 volt's.
You then should be able to recover around 80% of that through your inductive kickback when the motor is tuned correctly.

Then there is the window motor  ;)
Below is a video of my first window motor,where i used magnetic bearings for the shaft.
This is the one i thing may have self run had i used Schottky diodes to reduce the V/drop across the diodes,which you can see was around .8v across the standard diodes i used.

The run caps are 2x 1000uF 25 volt cap's--so not a large storage capacity.
But if you look at the big paddle rotor,and take into account the amount of air that would be shifting,then i think it was doing quite well  ;)

This was back in 2012,and i had only just begun this free energy stuff.
Had no idea about  Schottky diodes back then.

That's a good point as a LAcid battery wastes 50% of the energy in its process.

한국의 국정원은 나를 보호한다는 명목으로 24시간 감시하고 있다.
한국 정부는 나의 조언을 들어가면서 나를 감시한다.
그리고 수소차를 홍보하기 시작했다.

한국말 중에는 '눈치 백단'이란 말이 있네.

AG도 알고, 나도 일고, 많은 회원들이 알고 있는 것이다.

The National Intelligence Service (NIS) of Korea is monitoring 24 hours in the name of protecting me.
The Korean government keeps my eye on my advice.
And he started promoting hydrogen cars.

There is a word in Korean that says '100 stage tact'.

AG you know, I know, many members know.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 07:33:55 PM
I think this will become the new normal and most scientists will simply give up trying to enlighten the ignorant masses that first there is a problem and second that something can be done about it. Most intelligent people are starting to understand that the terminally misguided cannot change and there is little we can do to keep them from destroying themselves and the planet.

The unavoidable truth is that there have been five extinction level events which have occurred in the past and we are about to enter the sixth. Thus, I think the time for trying to coddle misguided people and convince them of the facts and that change is possible has long since past. They made there bed and very soon they will to forced to lie in it.

이렇게 말하는 사람들 심리가 무엇일까?

좀 비약적으로 설명하자면,

후천성 면역결핍 걸린 사람이 정상적인 사람들보고 "당신들은 에이즈를 피할 수 없다"라고 말하는 경우다.

그러면 정상적인 사람들은 이렇게 말한다.

AIDS로 지구인들이 모두 멸종했습니까?

삐뚤어진 사고는 비정상적인 사람들이 한다.

Yes some of you simply did not deserve it.
Yes some of you simply behave like cockroaches who should never have FE to be given.
Consider it to be my weakness as I was wrongly exposed to highest human values by my father.
Many of you have no appreciation.
The three individuals I have in mind, prostituting themselves for cheep, do not even know that they are delivering dreams of humanity to the wrong hands.
What is disgusting, sickening , is that you do it for criminals and murderers of your own.

북한과 한국은 사이버 요원들을 운영한다.

나도 그들의 도움을 받는다.

그들은 이 FE카페 회원들이 상상도 못하는 글들을 연일 인터넷에 배설한다.

선동과 선전.

그들도 당신들과 같은 말을 한다.

쓰레기는 잘사는 부자들이 더 많이 배출한다.

하루에 1달러 미만으로 생활하는 사람들은 배출할 쓰레기가 없다.

지구는 잘사는 사람들이 배출한 쓰레기로 오염됐다.

바퀴벌레들은 그들이 배출한 쓰레기를 먹고 산다.

나는 하루에 한끼 먹는다.

내가 키운 채소와 곡식이다.

나에게 조언하고 싶다면 나의 포럼에 와서 직접해라.

What are the people who say this?

To explain it a bit,

If a person with acquired immune deficiency sees normal people and says, "You can not avoid AIDS."

Then the normal people say:

Did AIDS destroy all of the earth's people?

Cracked accidents are caused by abnormal people.

Yes some of you simply did not deserve it.
Yes some of you will simply behave like cockroaches who should never FE to be given.
I think it is a good idea to take a look at my father.
Many of you have no appreciation.
The three individuals I have in mind, prostituting themselves for cheep, do not even know that they are delivering dreams of humanity to the wrong hands.
What is disgusting, sickening, is that you do it for criminals and murderers of your own.

North Korea and South Korea operate cyber agents.

I also get their help.

They put out on the Internet the articles that FE café members can not imagine.

Agitation and propaganda.

They also say the same thing as you.

Garbage emits more of the rich who live well.

People who live less than a dollar a day have no waste to discharge.

The earth was contaminated with trash produced by the well-to-do people.

Cockroaches eat their trash.

I eat a meal a day.

I grew vegetables and grain.

If you want to advise me, come to my forum and do it yourself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 08:07:59 PM
Who might find all this interesting today?

미국은 슈퍼 컴퓨터를 동원해 인터넷 상에 떠도는 특정한 단어들을 수집한다.
그리고 그 단어를 쓴 사용자를 추적한다.
이렇게 수집된 정보를 정보국이 활용한다.
북한과 한국은 그들의 슈퍼 컴퓨터가 수집한 정보를 해킹한다.
그들은 해킹해도 모른다.
우리나라 말로는 "감쪽같다"고 한다.
나의 언어는 영어로 표현하기 어려운 말들이 많다.
마치 암호와 같아서 우리나라 사람들만 이해한다.

인터넷에는 수많은 정보가 떠돌고 있다.
자유발전기 관련한 정보만도 수십만종에 이른다.
특정한 자유발전기 관련된 정보로 압축하면 많지않다.
정보를 파악할 수 있는 능력은 관심도와 이해력이다.

The United States uses supercomputers to collect specific words that float on the Internet.
And tracks the user who wrote the word.
The information gathered is utilized by the intelligence agency.
North Korea and South Korea are hacking information gathered by their supercomputers.
They may not hack.
In Korea, it is said to be "do not know".
My language is very difficult to express in English.
It is like a password, so we understand only our people.

There is a lot of information on the Internet.
There are hundreds of thousands of information about free generators.
Compressing to specific free generator related information is not much.
The ability to understand information is both interest and comprehension.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 09, 2019, 08:18:14 PM
. oops!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 08:52:14 PM

나는 여기서 일어난 모든 내용을 나의 블로그에 게시한다.
북한과 한국의 사이버 요원들은 바퀴벌레들이다.

그들의 슬로건은,
"음지에서 일하고 양지를 지향한다".

I post everything that happened here on my blog.
Cyber agents in North Korea and South Korea are cockroaches.

Their slogan,
"Work in the shadows and aim for sunshine".
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 10:37:58 PM
Werjefelt was not a crackpot but a serious, practical engineer and inventor.  He and Japanese found overunity (in vs out).
The patent claims to describe (as parts of 360 degrees) such that attraction can be compensated for.

그림자와 동업하면 빛에 소멸한다.

빛과 동업하면 그림자에게 소멸한다.

그러나 빛과 함께 일하면 모두가 볼 수 있지만,

그림자와 함께 일하면 아무도 볼 수 없다.

(as parts of 360 degrees)

나는 그의 특허를 이해하지 못한다.

눈으로 관찰해도 알 수 없는데,

어둠 속에 있는 것을 알 수 있겠는가?

내가 그의 특허를 알 수 없듯이,
너희들이 자유발전기를 이해하지 못하는 것 뿐이다.

이 파동을 이해하라.
이것이 정답이다.

어디에서 발생하며,
왜 발생해야하는지, 모든 것을!

이런 파도가 어떻게 나오는지 이해할 때까지 연구해라.

그럼 루슬란의 2~4KW 자유발전기를 얻을 수 있다.

When you work with the shadow, it disappears into the light.

When you work with light, the shadow disappears.

But if you work with light, everyone can see,

If you work with a shadow, no one can see it.

(as parts of 360 degrees)

I do not understand his patent.

I can not see it with my eyes,

Can you see what's in the dark?

Just as I do not know his patent,
You just do not understand the free generator.

Understand this wave.
This is the correct answer.

Where it occurs,
Why it should happen, everything!

Study until you understand how these waves come out.

So you can get Ruslan's 2-4KW free generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: magpwr on February 09, 2019, 10:40:35 PM
Quote from: color on February 09, 2019, 08:07:59 PM
Who might find all this interesting today?

미국은 슈퍼 컴퓨터를 동원해 인터넷 상에 떠도는 특정한 단어들을 수집한다.
그리고 그 단어를 쓴 사용자를 추적한다.
이렇게 수집된 정보를 정보국이 활용한다.
북한과 한국은 그들의 슈퍼 컴퓨터가 수집한 정보를 해킹한다.
그들은 해킹해도 모른다.
우리나라 말로는 "감쪽같다"고 한다.
나의 언어는 영어로 표현하기 어려운 말들이 많다.
마치 암호와 같아서 우리나라 사람들만 이해한다.

인터넷에는 수많은 정보가 떠돌고 있다.
자유발전기 관련한 정보만도 수십만종에 이른다.
특정한 자유발전기 관련된 정보로 압축하면 많지않다.
정보를 파악할 수 있는 능력은 관심도와 이해력이다.

The United States uses supercomputers to collect specific words that float on the Internet.
And tracks the user who wrote the word.
The information gathered is utilized by the intelligence agency.
North Korea and South Korea are hacking information gathered by their supercomputers.
They may not hack.
In Korea, it is said to be "do not know".
My language is very difficult to express in English.
It is like a password, so we understand only our people.

There is a lot of information on the Internet.
There are hundreds of thousands of information about free generators.
Compressing to specific free generator related information is not much.
The ability to understand information is both interest and comprehension.
hi color,
Since you look like you are familiar with the internet.Why not use the internet to make money so that you can at least afford a scope.
Your credibility also lies in the types of Electronic instruments you have.
It would similar to someone trying to sell investment product to the wealthy.But the promoter of the investment product is not really well off which is not convincing in my eyes. :)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 10:59:54 PM
hi color,
Since you look like you are familiar with the internet.Why not use internet to make money so that you can at least afford a scope
Your credibility also lies in the types of Electronic instruments you have.
It would similar to someone trying to sell investment product to the wealthy.But the promoter of the investment product is not well off which is not convincing in my eyes.

나는 인터넷을의 도움을 받는다.

그러나 나는 하루에 한 끼 식사가 전부이다.

나에게 많은 돈을 필요하지 않다.

나는 이곳에 자유발전기를 판매하려고 온 것이 아니다.

그래서 나는 루슬란처럼 홍보가 필요하지 않다.

나는 FE카페에서 얻을 정보를 너희들에게 약간 제공하는 것 뿐이다.

너희들이 나를 오해하는 이유가, 한국인의 사고를 이해하지 못해서다.

한국인은 타인들에게 배려가 많다.

부담스러울 정도로...

나는 내 사고체계에서 이해하고 행동한다.

그 이상도. 그 이하도 아니다.

I train NIS personnel and receive a fixed dividend.
Irregular allowance.
It is not a lot of money.

I get help from the internet.

But I eat only one meal a day.

I do not need a lot of money.

I'm not here to sell free generators.

So I do not need publicity like Ruslan.

I only give you a little bit of information to get at FE cafes.

The reason you guys misunderstand me is because I do not understand the thoughts of Koreans.

Koreans are very caring for others.

It's burdensome ...

I understand and act in my thinking system.

More than that. Not less.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2019, 11:03:45 PM
AG made me a forum for color and made me sick.

I have time to come here.

If it is not pleasure but trouble,

It is right to leave.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 10, 2019, 03:57:06 AM
Color I see the problem here who wants the world tramping to your door, who wants the trouble no one. I understand what's happening in your video a realization, at any frequency.

Thank you for the enlightenment I wish you well, take care, my friend.

Their slogan,
"Work in the shadows and turn to sunshine". but sometimes you need a little rain  :)

'AG made me a forum for color and made me sick'.
Sometimes I have that effect on people !
The back room boys.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2019, 05:58:55 AM
'AG made me a forum for color and made me sick'.
Sometimes I have that effect on people !
The back room boys.


AG, 너는 다른 사람이 자유발전기를 갖는 것이 싫은 것이다.
특별한 이유는 없다.
이유없이 싫다.

여기에 무슨 논리가 필요하겠나?

기괴한 이유를 붙여 자유발전기 만드는 회원들을 방해한다.

이것은 창피한 일이야.

자유발전기 만드는 회원들 도와주진 못해도 방해는 말아라.

AG, you do not want others to have free generators.
There is no particular reason.
You hate it for no reason.

What logic do you need here?
It interferes with members who create bizarre reasons and make free generators.

This is embarrassing.

Do not interfere even if you can not help the members who make free generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2019, 06:05:31 AM
Do you know what I would like to see?... a duel.
"A duel is an arranged engagement in combat between two people, with matched weapons"
I just get tired of the ... it wasn't me and I have no fucking idea what to do nonsense. It's 2019 gentlemen and this BS is getting old. Man the fuck up or move on... nuff said.

너의 무기는 무엇인가?
What is your weapon?

종말론 [eschatology, 終末論] ? ! ? !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 10, 2019, 07:37:57 AM
Rule number one avoid confrontation!
and anywayI'm an old guy you would win!  I would like to solve this problem before
I have my next visit to the spirit world  ;D,

Let's get this right because I think we are getting mixed up in the translation here
what is it you want from me? Within reason ?

Color some guys on here dont bother to read your interesting posts because of attitude
if I try to interfere they want me to prove experiments and if one does it's a fake and they
end up getting me kicked off for 4 weeks.

While I think of it that waveform https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-c4GEWtOh3k4/XEv0VZUX6MI/AAAAAAAAA4I/kud6wPog57cIqagYV_pS3lXbDa17SoYDACKgBGAs/s1600/Standing_wave_2.gif
it's not just a phase shift its also far more complex than that it's actually squeezing the Kacher winding as it's resonating.
That would require a very complicated control circuit to synthesize that, any ideas?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2019, 09:38:58 AM
If not, why are conspiracy theories being raised?

Currency Wars

중국계 Song Hongbing이 지은이다.
사회주의 시각으로 쓴 것이다.


많은 사람들이 Federal Reserve System을 오해해서 화폐 음모론이 시작한다.

Fed 소유주는 여러 은행이 가지고 있다.
J.P모건이 대표적이다.
소유주가 많다.
전체 지분율은 Private다.
그러나 미국 정부는 Fed 지분이 없다.

이것을 알기 위해서는 먼저 미국의 정치 구조를 이해해야 한다.

Fed 이사진 12명 중 7명은 대통령이 임명하고 상원이 승인한다.
Fed의 화폐 발행은 미국 의회의 동의를 받아야 한다.

1776년 미국은 독립전쟁을 위해 Continental Currency를 발행한다.

이 과정에서 하이퍼 인플레이션이 발생해서 연방정부가 가지고 있던 화폐 발권력을 12개의 state government가 의회에 맡긴다.
화폐의 발행은 민간 은행에서 주관하는 것으로 정했다.
민간 은행은 미국 의회의 동의 없이 화폐를 발행할 수 없다.
달러를 찍어내는 rotary press를 민간 은행이 가지고 있다는 이유 하나만으로 달러 발행권까지 가지고 있는 것으로 오해하면서,
이것이 화폐 음모론의 시작이다.

Fed 이사진은 대통령과 의회에 조언할 수는 있지만 화폐발행 권한은 어디까지나 미국 의회에 있다.

중국계 Song Hongbing은 이런 사실을 정확하게 고지하지 않고 'Currency Wars'이란 책을 썼다.

마치 민간 은행이 달러 발행 권한을 가진 것처럼 호도한다.

루슬란이 퓨즈로 사용한 이유가 무엇인가?

Currency Wars

It is made by Chinese song Song Hongbing.
It was written from a socialist perspective.


A lot of people misunderstand the Federal Reserve System and the money conspiracy theory begins.

Fed owners are owned by several banks.
J.P Morgan is representative.
There are many owners.
Like a corporation.
The total stake is Private.
But the US government does not have a Fed stake.

To understand this, we must first understand the political structure of the United States.

Seven out of 12 Fed directors are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate.
The Fed's currency issuance must be approved by the US Congress.

In 1776, the United States issues the Continental Currency for the Revolutionary War.

In this process, hyperinflation occurs and the federal government has the power of money left to 12 state governments to parliament.
The issuance of money was decided by private banks.
Private banks can not issue currency without the consent of the US Congress.
I misunderstood that the private bank has a rotary press for printing dollars,
This is the beginning of money conspiracy theory.

Fed directors can advise the president and the council, but the power to issue money is up to parliament.
Chinese Hong Kong Song Hongbing wrote this book 'Currency Wars' without precisely reporting this fact.
As if a private bank had the authority to issue dollars.

Why is Ruslan used as a fuse?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2019, 09:40:53 AM
That would require a very complicated control circuit to synthesize that, any ideas?

복잡한 제어 회로는 필요하지 않다.

파형이 어떻게 만들어지는가 정확한 이해만 필요하다.

관련 부품을 발전기에 적용하면 된다.

No complicated control circuit is required.

It is only necessary to understand precisely how the waveform is created.

The relevant components may be applied to the generator.
That is what every so-called "expert" made by free generators hides.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2019, 03:26:32 PM
Today I use no sugar,


러시아인들이 한국의 나의 블로그를 감시하고 있다고 자랑한다.
그러나 나의 블로그는 한국의 국정원이 통제한다.
그리고 나는 Fed 처럼 대통령과 의회에 조언할 뿐이다.

믿거나..... 말거나 .....

I boast that the Russians are watching my blog in Korea.
I understand.
But my blog is controlled by the NIS.
And I just advise the President and Congress like the Fed.

Believe it or not .....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2019, 08:02:46 AM
나는 위 동영상을 30번 이상을 봤다.
2SC5200 트랜지스터 사용해 그대로 만들어 봤지만 작동하지 않았다.

나는 루슬란 발전기가 가짜라고 의심하기 전에 진짜라고 믿고 나의 발전기가 작동하지 않는 이유를 찾으려 노력했다.

어디가 잘못된 것일까?
왜 나의 발전기는 작동하지 않는가?

번개는 불균형 전하 상태일때만 번개로서 작동한다.
구름에서 최초로 발생하는 번개도 마찬가지다.
지상으로 떨어진 번개는 두 번째 불균형과 평형을 이루는 과정이다.

루슬란도 통제된 kacher를 만들라고 말했다.
kacher 2차 코일과 수류탄 코일이 연결되어 있어야 한다는 점.
수류탄 코일과 kacher 코일은 공조한다는 점.
kacher 2차 코일 전류량이 높을 필요가 없다는 점.
그리고 불균형의 전하가 발생하는 영역은 수류탄 코일이라는 점.
kacher 2차 코일 전류량이 높아지면 전압이 상승해서 커패시터가 손상될 가능성이 높다는 점.
수류탄에서 kacher의 높은 전압이 발생하면 직접 연결된 각종 기기가 손상될 수 있다는 점.

안톤의 발전기와 루슬란의 발전기가 다른 점은,
안톤의 kacher 2차 코일 전압이 높다.
그러나 루슬란의 kacher 2차 코일 전압은 높지 않다.
안톤은 공진을 사용하지 않지만 루슬란은 공진을 사용한다.

루슬란이 약한 kacher 전압을 사용해도 엄청난 전류량이 발생하는 것은 공진의 역활이다.

루슬란은 1000배 증폭한다고 말했다.

루슬란이 말하는 공진은 무엇인가?

I watched the above video more than 30 times.
I tried to use 2SC5200 transistor but it did not work.

I believed that the Ruslan generator was real before I suspected it was fake and tried to find out why my generator did not work.

What is wrong with it?
Why does not my generator work?

Lightning acts only as lightning when it is in an unbalanced charge state.
The same is true of the first lightning in the clouds.
The lightning that has fallen to the ground is a process of equilibrium with the second imbalance.

Ruslan also said to make a controlled kacher.
kacher Secondary coil and grenade coil must be connected.
Grenade coils and kacher coils work together.
kacher secondary coil current need not be high.
And the area where the unbalanced charge is generated is the grenade coil.
kacher The higher the secondary coil current, the higher the voltage is likely to damage the capacitor.
The high voltage of a kacher in a grenade can damage any directly connected equipment.

The difference between Anton's generator and Ruslan's generator,
Anton's kacher secondary coil voltage is high.
However, Ruslan's kacher secondary coil voltage is not high.
Anton does not use resonance, but Ruslan uses resonance.

It is the role of resonance that Ruslan produces a large amount of current even with weak kacher voltage.

Ruslan said it would amplify Thousand times.

What resonance does Ruslan say?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2019, 09:53:59 PM
한국의 FE회원들이 이곳에 관심이 많습니다.
그래서 한국어로도 게시합니다.
Korean FE members are interested in kapanadze and Ruslan's generators.
So I post it in Korean.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2019, 06:00:32 PM
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬
What you need is an experiment, not a language.
Your experiment release is helpful to many people.



Это видео я обсуждать не хочу. Так как детально изучая мне кажется что это фигня.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2019, 07:05:25 PM
Max Born은 슈뢰딩거의 파동이론을 도입해 확률이론을 만든다.

수소 원자 주위를 회전하는 전자는 궤도운동을 하는 것이 아니라 파동처럼 불규칙하게 확률로 존재한다는 것이다.
미래에 Max Born의 이론을 넘어서는 새로운 이론이 나올 가능성도 있다.

Max Born introduces Schrodinger's wave theory to create a probability theory.

The electrons spinning around the hydrogen atom are not orbital motion, but are randomly present as waves.
There is a possibility that a new theory will come out in the future beyond Max Born's theory.

Помню собрал сигнализацию на лазерной указке когда учился в школе 20 лет тому назад, все ученики были в шоке.
Схему придумал полностью сам, хотя пытался найти, что-то подобное в сельском библиотеке, но не нашел и пришлось самому включать мозги. Единственное, что скопировал с книги это генератор звука в качестве сирены.
Размеры печатной платы были 15х25см.😂 Увидев схему Касьяна я чуть не подавился😂

여러분들이 공개한 지식은 미래 전 인류 생존에 꼭 필요한 지혜로 기억될 것입니다.
Your knowledge will be remembered for the wisdom necessary to survive in the future.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 13, 2019, 03:53:53 AM
I subscribe to about 12,000 YouTube videos.
(Including informal)

I am just a subscriber to AKA KASYAN.
Anyone who intimidates AKA KASYAN is [Psychopath].


Yura Gregori:
А цветомузыка времен СССР ????  Лайк :))

Jan Jan:
Да, можно сказать легендарные детали! Деффицытные! В своё время все за ними гонялись для Б.О. и Ц.М.У. Потом семисторы пошли,  отпала нужда в мощных диодах. Но всё честно было, если написано 10А, то и держали 10А. А что теперь ,кусочек пластмассы и выводы из проволки, зато аш 40А держит на бумаге. Смешно, но все в это верят( я тоже, не исключение).

Mikhail Tyagunov:
Сделайте пожалуйста полный обзор, и принцип работы импульсного блока питания на базе TL494! Поделитесь всеми своими знаниями про микросхему, а также за что отвечает каждый её вывод! Если конечно знаете соответствующую информацию! Думаю будет очень полезное видео! Да и к тому же первое на Ютубе!

Лет 20 назад собирал 4-х канальную светомузыкальную приставку на тиристорах (с журнала). На каждый выход можно было подвесить по 2 Квт нагрузки. Я по лампе 100 Вт на каждый выход подвесил, для комнаты вполне хватало, застеклил стеклами с фонаря для проявки фотопленки (красный, зеленый, желтый). Очень чувствительная приставка была - НЧ, СЧ, ВЧ и еще какая -то промежуточная, уже и не помню. В общем, дискотека получилась знатная. Все кто приходили, рты раззевали от увиденного. Я представляю, если б на каждый канал не одну лампочку подвесить, а по 20, чтоб они сказали. ))) Эх, приятное воспоминание из детства...

Мои хобби:
когда то на тиристоре собрал регулятор ..Просто "время убить" .. А когда "появились" китайские паяльники- этот регулятор и пригодился) Паяльники перегреваются сильно, самодельным регулятором изменяю нагрев паяльника до нужного

дмитрий новгородский:
ака! скоро лето-тема угона великов актуальна!!-замути как сигналку сделать при приближении в метр. шаг .ну типа того....не шокер фэйс же к рулю мутить,.альтернативу-мыслю но проекты нещадные в уме..ну а как иначе-все хотят..

Demon Dragon:
А где схема на 3х тиристорах для цветомузыки? Или банальный переключатель гирлянд на 3 канала на тех же тиристорах? Я молчу про схему кордового замка на тиристорах...
Плохо Ака, ты способен на большее.

Demon Dragon:
В одном дворе на заборе было написано слово из 3-х букв, но я до сих пор верю, что это забор, и раз уж на то пошло, что это за топ-3? Куда девался топ-10? Не хватило памяти на флешке? Закончилась пленка?

Моя придирка не к названию, а к содержанию. На этом канале был беспроводной передатчик энергии, вау! И вот это видео по сравнению с ним лабораторная работа для начинающего радиолюбителя.

Demon Dragon:
Если не способен, то скоро контент скатится до отметки: берем лампочку, кнопку и батарейку, вот и фонарик! Для данного канала это не позволительно, разве что по причине болезни связанной с умственной деятельностью. Все другие причины не приемлемы, даже отсутствие света, интернета или начало войны! Пока ютюб жив, надо пилить годный контент.

Анапа Море Каждый День:
14시간 전(수정됨)
- Зачем это делать когда уже готовое продаётся?

- Датчики движения с лампами например за 500 руб. =)

- Много эффективнее и время сберегающе =)

- Ладно FM передатчик на пол ватта или на ватт хотябы. Можно сделать местную радиостанцию.

- И те продаются.

- Короче не понятно кому кроме школьников это нужно... =/

14시간 전
Однажды , один из подписчиков под схожим комментом написал (не в обиду) зачем трахать жену, если это может сделать сосед ? Купить можно все, вопрос а надо ли ? датчик движения это хорошо, но он имеет свои недостатки, например если нужно организовать охрану небольшого участка либо на огороде скажем , проволоку можно протянуть где угодно и практически на любую длину, ну а лазерная сигналка - это вещь ! гораздо круче чем какие-то там датчики движения , да и собрать можно за три копейки

Sergei Frolov:
12시간 전(수정됨)
Про жену точно сказано (не в  обиду) покупай, раз уж не школьник. Просто не понятно, зачем писать это. Кто занимается пайкой схем и т.д. не побежит в магазин, что бы купить готовое, а сделает сам.

Анапа Море Каждый День:
12시간 전
@AKA KASYAN - лазер выгорит очень скоро да и ночью его видно. Менять проволоку после каждого обрыва на участке если только для мазохистов занятие или для разового использования с гранатой =(

Анапа Море Каждый День:
12시간 전(수정됨)
@Sergei Frolov - время не восполнимый ресурс и это приходит наверное после 35, а до 30 жизнь кажется вечностью =/

12시간 전
@Анапа Море Каждый День "лазер выгорит очень быстро" какой смысл в написанном ? ты не прав , с таким же успехом датчик движения и в целом любая электроника выгорит очень быстро

11시간 전
ну так купи и не насилуй людям мозг - если юродивым не ведомо наслаждение творчеством и осознанием того что я таки это сделал сам , то иди на йух и пей что ты там пьешь своими недоразвитыми органами
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2019, 12:34:17 AM

네가 나에게 물어본 노아 방주는 이집트 Nut God의 다른 이름이다.
이것을 설명하자면 좀 복잡하다.

간단하게 말해서,

고대 이집트인들과 성서가 Nut God을 여러가지 뜻으로 표현했다.
그래서 Nut God의 몸은 물, 파장, 빛, 자력, 전기, 등등으로 표현이 가능하다.
The ancient Egyptians and the Bible expressed Nut God in various meanings.
So the body of Nut God can be expressed as water, wavelength, light, magnetism, electricity, and so on.

무지개가 뜨면 여호와가 창조 능력을 잃는다.
해가 뜨면 여호와의 창조 능력이 발현된다.
노아 홍수 사건에서 여호와가 할 수 있는 것은 홍수밖에 없다.
When the rainbow comes, Jehovah loses his creative power.
When the sun rises, Jehovah's creative power is manifested.
In the Noah flood incident, Jehovah can do only the flood.

God의 천지창조 능력은 태양과 빛으로부터 발현한다.
Nut God이 태양과 빛을 잃으면 노아 방주로 작동한다.

이것을 한국어로는 정확하게 전달 할 수 있지만,
영어로 할 수 없다.

누트와 노아 방주 이해가,
누트와 무지개의 이해다.
태초 하나님의 신(여호와의 신)이 태양이 먹구름낀 날엔 하나님의 아들들과 함께 할 수 없는 이유로서,
누트(방주)는 태양빛이 주는 창조의 힘을 잃는다.
창조력 잃은 누트에게 주어진 120년 날은 해뜨는 낮의 시간(12시간)으로 연산될 수밖에 없고,
밤하늘 누트는 달과 별들의 시간이다.
이집트에서 밤의 시간은 존재하지 않는다.
어둠 본질의 시간은 존재하지 않는다.
해의 시간만 있다.
Abba가 원한 어둠 확보를 위한 노력이기도하니까.
노예 주인들이 쉼-안식-어둠에 조차 시간을 부여하면서 24시간 셈법은 고대 이집트에서 시작한다.

나는 AG가 한국어 뜻을 정확하게 이해하기만을 바란다.


The Noah's ark you asked me is another name for Egypt Nut God.
This is a bit complicated to explain.


God's ability to create heaven and earth emanates from the sun and light.
When Nut God loses the sun and light, it acts as the Noah's ark.

Although this can be accurately conveyed in Korean,
I can not do it in English.

Nut and Noah understand the ark,
Understanding of nuts and rainbows.
In the beginning God's God, the God of the LORD, could not be with the sons of God on the day when the sun was dark,
Nut (ark) loses the power of creation of sunlight.
The 120-year day given to NuT, who lost his creativity, can only be calculated in the daytime (12 hours)
The night sky is the time of the moon and stars.
There is no night time in Egypt.
There is no time of darkness essence.
There is only time of year.
It is also an effort to secure the darkness that Abba wanted.
Slave masters give time even to rest, rest, and darkness, and the 24 hour counting begins in ancient Egypt.

I hope AG will understand the meaning of Korean correctly.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2019, 12:37:41 AM
They are false until proof of the contrary, for the given reason.

Provide us with the schematics of your experiment, the details of your measuring devices and the data.
In matter of overunity and evidence of overunity, a claim accompanied by an inconsistent and simplistic theory is by far not enough.

I do not even know why your generator is not working.

I do not even know what your generator looks like.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2019, 12:23:37 PM

그들은 그들의 두뇌로 이해하지 못하는 모든 것을 가짜라고 주장하길 좋아한다.
그들이 말하는 소위 "인민재판"이 시작된다.
아주 단순하게 사고하는 사람들이다.

저것은 자유 발전기다.
나의 국정원 친구들이 확인했다.

불필요한 논의는 스스로를 좀먹게 한다.

They like to claim that everything they do not understand in their brains is fake.
The so-called "People's Trial" they say begins.
It is people who think very simply.
That's free generator.
My NIS friends confirmed it.

Unnecessary discussions cause you to eat yourself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2019, 12:39:53 PM
a group of people does not always make more reasonable and more correct decisions than an individual does.

sometimes, a group has a strong tendencyto seek unanimity among its members that it inclines toward a certain direction in making decisions. Irving Janis defines this tendency as "group think."

he warns that a group with such a way of thinking can often get unfortunate results from its decisions. this kind of group develops a strong conviction that it is morally right, excessively tries to defend itself against any opposition, and struggles to prevent its members from holding dissenting views. members of such groups are prone to a mentality of refraining from being the only cornered stone to resist the group's consensus, eventually becoming "yes men"

Collective intelligence is very strong,
The problem of collective intelligence is 'Broken Windows Theory'.
The expectation that someone will do is just an expectation.
Only Lot and two daughters escape Sodom.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2019, 01:29:00 PM
Kapanadze, Akura, and Ruslan harassed you with so simple techniques.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2019, 05:06:06 PM
It's about separating magnetic fields. inside (generator) coil is using about 10% energy of magnetic field of outside (inductor) coil. outside coil do not "see" magnetic field of inside coil. energy is collecting from back EMF of both coils. sorry for my English

This is not something an oscilloscope can find.

Anyone can find out by experiment.

I thank you.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 14, 2019, 07:00:04 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2019, 12:22:41 AM
Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X Demo 2

접지는 아주 중요한 역활한다.
접지가 전등 하나만을 위한 별개로 작동하는 것이 아니다.
접지는 시스템의 모든 음극과 연결된다.
접지가 푸시-풀, kacher의 음극과 연결되지 않으면 발전기가 작동하지 않는다.
TinselKoala는 이것을 간과하고 있다.

kapanadze, 아쿠라, 루슬란 모두 직류로 전등을 작동시킨다.
다이오드 브릿지를 사용해야 접지를 이용할 수 있다.
다이오드 브릿지를 통해서만 접지의 전하를 수류탄에 공급할 수 있다.
루슬란은 이것을 사인파라고 말했지만,
그는 이것이 어떤 종류의 파장인지 루슬란도 정확히 몰랐을 것이다.

요크 변압기가 뷸균형 전하 영역을 수류탄 코일에 만든다.
이것이 역기전력인지는 불분명하다.
그러나 다이오드 브릿지와 연결된 접지에서 불균형 전하를 뽑아내는 것은 확실하다.
수류탄에서 만들어진 전류는 다시 다이오드 브릿지를 통해서 시스템과 전등에 공급된다.
불균형 양극과 불균형 음극이 다이오드 브릿지에서 만나는 것이 아니라,
전등의 필라멘트에서 만난다.
소용량의 다이오드 브릿지가 2KW/209V/7A를 견디는 이유도 불균형 전하로 설명될 수 있다.
7A를 다이오드 브릿지가 전적으로 담당한다면 과열로 몇분도 못견딘다.
불균형 전하와 역기전력 무엇으로 해석하든 아직은 확실하지 않다.
다이오드 브릿지는 두가지 역활을 동시에 한다.

발전기는 인버터를 사용하기 전까지는 직류시스템이다.

Grounding plays a very important role.
Grounding is not a separate function for a single lamp.
The ground is connected to all the cathodes of the system.
If the ground is not connected to the push-pull, cathode of the kacher, the generator will not work.
TinselKoala is overlooking this.

Both kapanadze, akura, and Ruslan turn the lights on by DC.
Grounding is available only with diode bridges.
Only the diode bridge can supply ground charges to the grenades.
Ruslan said it was a sine wave,
He would not have known exactly what kind of wavelength this was.

The yoke transformer makes the unbalanced charge area on the grenade coil.
It is unclear whether this is counter-electromotive force.
However, it is certain to extract the unbalanced charge from the ground connected to the diode bridge.
The current generated from the grenade is again supplied to the system and the lamp through the diode bridge.
The unbalanced anode and the unbalanced cathode do not meet at the diode bridge,
It meets at the filament of the lamp.
The reason why small capacity diode bridges can withstand 2KW / 209V / 7A can also be explained by unbalanced charge.
If the diode bridge is fully responsible for 7A, it can withstand overheating for several minutes.
Unbalanced charge and counter electromotive force It is not yet clear whether it is interpreted as what.
The diode bridge plays two roles at the same time.

The generator is a direct current system until the inverter is used.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2019, 01:11:33 AM

나는 라디오 광석 안테나를 많이 가지고 있다.
그러나 나는 폐기하는 TV에서 뺀 Flyback Ferrite를 수류탄 안테나로 사용한다.
이것으로 외계인들과 소통하는데 도움이 되겠는가? 8)

I have a lot of radio ore antennas.
However, I use the Flyback Ferrite minus the discarded TV as a grenade antenna.
Will this help you communicate with the aliens? 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2019, 03:32:18 AM

페라이트에서 자석의 반응은 도선을 흐르는 전기가 일으키는 자기력과 다를 수 있다.

실험해 주셔서 감사합니다.

The reaction of a magnet in a ferrite may be different from the magnetic force generated by electricity flowing through the conductor.

Thank you for your experiment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2019, 04:41:11 AM
아무리 자유에너지 비밀에 대해 이해시키려고 노력해도 이해를 못하는 사람이 존재한다.
두뇌 깨어나기를 포기한 당신이 그 중에 하나라고 자책할 필요는 없다.
루슬란에게 연락하면 비공식적으로 자유발전기 살 수 있는 가능성도 있다.

No matter how much you try to understand the secrets of free energy, there are people who do not understand.
You do not have to blame yourself for being one of those who gave up on brain waking.
If you contact Ruslan, there is also the possibility of buying a free generator unofficially.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2019, 07:15:38 AM
Народ может быть и в курсе, но количество фокусников вполне способны сбить с толку. Всегда хорошо освежить знания,того времени, когда электричество стоило 4 копейки и Лоренс, Ампер да и Ленс были многим параллельны.
Хотя ,если чётко понять где заканчивается Лоренс и начинается Ампер,понять отличие бегущей волны от не бегущей, посмотреть на то ,что показывал DL, и наконец понять ,что именно имел в виду Смит, область поиска должна быть понятней. Тариэл пришло к этому не имея академических знаний, а от того что нужно было выжить в вот время.

No comment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 15, 2019, 06:54:31 PM
Thought you might be interested in this little 20mm Out Side Dia green Torroid set up 50t +50t 24swg bifilar wound with a .068uf cap one side and the other fed with 64khz at resonance does this (tailing off if detuned each side
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2019, 09:10:22 PM

I do not know what 20mm Torroid means.
What is it?
Please explain the picture.

Above video Torroid?

The Torroid I know is all the circuit below.
Which one do you say?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2019, 12:04:51 AM

교류는 Neutral이 Ground와 연결되어 있다.
그래서 L선이 N선과 만나면 방전한다.
방전은 전하가 평형되는 과정이다.
전기 공급이 멈출 때까지 전하 평형 또한 멈추지 않는다.
전하 평형 과정에서 L선의 불균형 만큼 N선에서 전하가 공급된다.

직류도 마찬가지다.
음극과 양극이 만나면 방전한다.
불균형의 전하가 평형되는 과정이다.

kapanadze, 아쿠라, 루슬란의 자유발전기는 전하 불균형 상태를 극대화 시키는 장치다.

전하 불균형 장치가 접지에서 필요한 전하만을 끌어낸다.
테슬라 kacher는 불균형의 전하를 만드는 장치다.
테슬라 kacher는 이것으로 임무는 끝난다.
오로지 불균형의 전하 상태를 만드는 것으로 테슬라 kacher의 임무는 끝난다.

두뇌를 깨우야할 부분은 테슬라 kacher가 아니다.
너는 엉뚱한 곳에서 삽질한다.

접지는 번개가 뽑아낸 불균형의 전하량 만큼 접지 주의로부터 빠르게 보충된다.

불균형의 전하가 보충되는 속도는 보통은 번개의 속도지만,
일반적으로 테슬라 코일 전자방출 속도와 비례한다.

자유발전기에 흐르는 전하는 안정된다.

자유발전기는 전하를 저장하는 창고가 아니다.

자유발전기에서 안정된 전하는 공기를 비롯 지구상 모든 물질을 통해 지구상 어디든 자유롭게 도약한다.

그래서 균형된 전하는 불균형이 존재하는 곳으로 자유롭게 도약한다.
발전소에서 출발한 전기가 당신이 사용하는 전등까지 오는 시간과 비례한다.

kapanadze, 아쿠라, 루슬란의 자유발전기는 Zenneck Wave와 무관하다.
그래서 나는 Zenneck Wave를 신뢰하지 않는다.

The alternating current is connected to the ground by Neutral.
So when the L line meets the N line, it discharges.
Discharge is a process in which charge is balanced.
The charge balance does not stop until the supply of electricity stops.
During the charge balancing process, charge is supplied from the N line as much as the unbalance of the L line.

The same is true for DC.
Discharge occurs when the cathode and anode meet.
It is the process of balancing the unbalanced charge.

The free generators of kapanadze, akura and Ruslan are the devices that maximize charge imbalance.

The charge imbalance device draws only the necessary charge at ground.
Tesla kacher is an imbalance charge device.
Tesla kacher is done with this mission.
Tesla kacher's mission is over by creating an imbalance of charge only.

The part that needs to wake up the brain is not Tesla Kacher.
You play in the wrong place.

Ground is quickly replenished from grounding as much as the charge of the imbalance pulled by the lightning.

The rate at which unbalanced charge is replenished is usually the speed of lightning,
It is generally proportional to the Tesla coil electron emission rate.

The electric charge flowing to the free generator is stabilized.

A free generator is not a warehouse that stores charges.

Stable electricity from free generators leaps freely anywhere on Earth, with all the materials on Earth including air.

So a balanced charge jumps freely to where there is an imbalance.
The electricity you start from the power plant is proportional to the time you reach the lights you use.

The free generators of kapanadze, akura and Ruslan have nothing to do with the Zenneck Wave.
So I do not trust Zenneck Wave.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 16, 2019, 12:32:32 AM
A ferrite toroid
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2019, 02:03:32 AM

Small in size ....

Do you want to experiment more realistically?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2019, 09:43:59 AM
Figure 4). If a surface wave is present, the E-field decay rate from the source horizontally along the boundary
should be approximately 1

Please read it in detail.
I say it once again.
The free generator ground and the Zenneck Wave have nothing to do.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2019, 09:47:59 AM

Ruslan K:
4 years ago

Ребятки , вот тут начинается туфта !  Во первых первичка тормозит среду,а та переносит информацию на вторичку. Ни ЯМР , ни ЭПР тут нет и не будет !  Чтобы из этого получить что либо  , нужно загнать в резонанс сперва катушку  саму . Далее ... Шина толстая называется "Индуктор"  Надо всё сделать по длине волны  как полагается. На видео этого ничего нет !  Лампочка должна гореть и горит от ВЧ колебаний в катушке. Поскольку идут импульсы имеющие определённые частоты. Потому на идукторе  будет светится лампочка. А до сверх единицы тут пока далековато.?

Filipp Prutkov
7 months ago

Ruslan K:  """"Чтобы из этого получить что либо  , нужно загнать в резонанс сперва катушку  саму . Далее ... Шина толстая называется "Индуктор"  Надо всё сделать по длине волны  как полагается. На видео этого ничего нет !  """"

ЕСЛИ ЭТОМУ СЛЕДОВАТЬ, ТОГДА - ВЕРНО СКАЗАНО:  """""А до сверх единицы тут пока далековато. """""

А до сверх единицы тут пока далековато.?
А до сверх единицы тут пока далековато.?
А до сверх единицы тут пока далековато.?
А до сверх единицы тут пока далековато.?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2019, 09:51:06 AM
Ruslan K:
4 years ago
Это всё фигня !  Это не БТГ , а преобразователь ВЧ , а потом в постоянный ток. Ничего там хорошего не получите.?

Vladimir Tag:
4 years ago
Я тоже так подумал. Но вопрос как избежать создание обычного преобразователя? Ведь сама схема Dally тоже похожа на преобразователь. В чем секрет??

Ruslan K:
4 years ago
Не путайте вращение поля и создание реактора с обычным ВЧ трансформатором.?

Vladimir Tag:
4 years ago
@Ruslan Kulabuhov Спасибо. Я понимаю что обычно катушкой не обойтись. Для вращение поля нужна катушка в виде гранаты. И кручение поля должна быть как резьба на шурупе(внешним видом). Тобишь создаваемая сжатие магнитного поля. (Простите за бред)?

ZloY Cree
3 years ago
Нихуя себе, это же трансформатор!?

Не путайте вращение поля и создание реактора с обычным ВЧ трансформатором.?
Не путайте вращение поля и создание реактора с обычным ВЧ трансформатором.?
Не путайте вращение поля и создание реактора с обычным ВЧ трансформатором.?
Не путайте вращение поля и создание реактора с обычным ВЧ трансформатором.?

Traces are everywhere.
The reason that Ruslan says Adrian's generator is fake is a matter of method.
I do not know how to make Adrian's way.

Adrian's goal is to reveal secret technology.
It is now an open secret technology that people around the world know.

Only the cafe here is silent.


Wesley is good at explaining, but does not understand important principles.
There is no intuition shock that I first received from Akula's same-polarity collision antenna.

I do not know Adrian's method because I follow the Ruslan Free Generator method.
However, my friends told me that the Adrian generator method works.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2019, 10:34:35 AM
Note that,
If you report a spy in Korea, you have a reward of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Usually it is a North Korean spy.
You can not open a blog under your own name.
The name and user are another illegal blog.
My friends manage it.
It is unique culture of Korea.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2019, 11:13:53 AM
Free generator is all of mankind.
Some people are too common to monopolize.
I am bored and I am looking for a place to have fun on the internet.
If life is bored, it is not pleasant.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 04:45:05 AM
Existing circuits are error free.

Ruslan said:

Не путайте вращение поля и создание реактора с обычным ВЧ трансформатором.

Conventional transformers do not create special resonances.
Conventional transformers do not amplify the charge pulled from the ground by the kacher.
We have to make a new transformer.
This is the part that needs to wake up the brain.

If Minwell generating 12V / 10A produces 209V / 7A through the generator, the Tesla kacher has a 1/10 role.
The remaining 9/10 is made by a yoke transformer.

What Tesla kacher has done over the past 100 years is almost certain and nothing special.
What to expect from Tesla kacher is nothing more than a mirage made by the Tesla name.
Kapanadze and Ruslan hid the real free generator principle by mentioning the Tesla name.

Make a new yoke transformer!

This is the only answer!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 10:37:15 PM
If you want to discuss kapanadze generators, start over here again.

[1482] 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 ... 1516 


February 17, 2016, 03:55:25 AM ≫
People don't get just how devious Tariel is,he says things untrue because he knows that people will focus on them,there red herrings.I can't get a certain this or that,people grab and run with it.Tariel and SM inventor of the tpu think the same,fake out people looking to replicate there devices.
The kapanadze device has nothing to do with Tesla,he says it does so people will focus on Tesla.Hoppy's approach is  correct, if a device is a possible fake ,can I show it could be,you don't want to spend time investigating a fraud believing its real thats madness.However  you have to be very careful that you don't declare a device as fake, but it really maybe real.The picture very much sums up how complicated figuring out Tariels device is,without a core concept.From a logical stand point the blue coil is simply that a long coil wound in different directions,an air core,a current must flow between the ground and the end of the coil,to a load(heater).At least 9 amps must flow to light the heater,the coil has very little inductance,winding it in different directions  causes the effective inductance to be less than a simply wound coil.The other end of the coil connects to the 3 phase transformer with a resistance of 78 ohms,from a logical standpoint it must therefor be a fake,since its impossible that it could work.To make Hoppys theory correct you would have a small wire shorting the transformer connection where the blue wire connects.A wire goes to this connection hidden,in back of the transformer this wire then connects to the bundle of wires,this then goes to the back connecting to the long out side cable,and the mysteries
solved.You can see that this is a very hard problem,this is why the giant brains,more or less gave up.Keep in mine I believe its real and uses principles very different from how I was taught in college very hard to
figured out, both the tpu ,not all are real,and kapanadze's devices operate in similar ways.

February 17, 2016, 01:30:35 PM ≫

This is also true for the drawing below (Patent US6104107).

The secondary L2 of the high voltage transformer (Alternating Density Generator) does not form a closed electric circuit, hence it can't generate a magnetic field, hence there should be no counter EMF in that transformer. Nevertheless an oscilloscope connected to coil L3 measures clearly some sinusoidal voltage, meaning, the coil L4 must generate a magnetic field somehow. Impossible?

Not according to my experiments. Although a capacitor in parallel to L4 is necessary in order to work at the low frequency of 50 Hz (not 1 KHz to some hundred KHz as mentioned in the patent). The capacitor and L4 must form a resonant LC circuit at the frequency of the AC source (this corresponds to the 3-phase parallel LC circuit in Stepanov's carpentry setup).

Here connection Bx6 would be the point where Kapanadze put the clamp meter between in order to measure the (impossible) ground current. So far my meter shows nothing, but then, where is the energy coming from that generates the magnetic field through L4 (also open)? Obviously not from the AC source because the open L2 can't generate any counter EMF.

What's missing here? Is it perhaps the simple frequency doubler circuit like seen in the Stepanov's cardboard box setup in order to get a special resonance?

Just something to think about ...


February 17, 2016, 05:50:04 PM »
What is electric (ground) current? In order to measure an electric (ground) current by means of a clamp meter the electrons in the wire must generate a magnetic field around that wire. Otherwise the meter will show nothing.

So how to accomplish this without a closed electric circuit? This is the main question here!

In Stepanov case (image to the right) the only way to fake that ground current (here the battery is the conductive body) would be to tamper with the inverter - namely creating a short between the 12-V-in and the 220-V-out side within the inverter in order to have a closed circuit.

But then the question comes up: Why should Stepanov showing a fake ground current without good cause? Why unnecessarily faking a ground current? He could claim more energy out than in easily without showing that ground current.

This question stays unanswered.

By the way: What things could happen if we connect two different coils of a 3-phase transformer to two different frequencies, like 50 Hz and 100 Hz, phase-locked to each other? Anyone tried? :)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 10:40:30 PM
Any circuit schematic or a working one? The latter could be more difficult to obtain, I think. :P

A good start point would be to apply the »rule out« method. Any component ruled out can't be any longer a wrong component.

Inspecting the aquarium II device in detail, what do we see? There are few wires coming out of the hidden part. I would call it »neatly arranged«. Six wires are going to two switches and to the connector for the startup battery. We do not care about that wires. Two wires are going to the spark plugs. We do not care about them either, because that sparking is just for the amusement of the audience.

We do care about six wires going to the 3-phase transformer and one coaxial cable going to a hollow plastic tube. The coils on that plastic tube do - you guessed it - NOTHING! No chance that this blue and that enameled wire could ever amplify any electric current. This is totally nonsense.

The output consists of two blue wires. One should be connected to ground, the braid of the coaxial cable is (most likely) also ground. So, what's left? We have to connect the second blue output wire to the center core of the coax, since the coils of the 3-phase transformer can't withstand 9 amps (2000 watts load divided by 220 volts), unless ...

The choices here are either the high current comes out of the device's hidden part via the coaxial cable, or the 3-phase transformer generates that current somehow right in front of the audience (which is amused by the sparking).

Would we are better off if we could see the hidden components? If we could see one more (3-phase) transformer or a capacitor it would change nothing, because we would not know what currents are circulating in the windings.

Therefore more theory is needed. Below there is an illuminating newspaper clipping, »Static on Moving Object Forms Magnetic Field«. So as we do have static in form of high voltage (pulses) in an open transformer circuit, we could form a magnetic field from static by moving that static. How to move that static without moving the transformer? Apply a magnetic field to that static field so the static forms an additional magnetic field which should result in an exceptional strong magnetic field. That magnetic field then interacts with the crystal radio LC circuit (hidden part of the aquarium II device, in plain view on the floor of Stepanov's workshop).

A crystal radio works because the antenna is always statically charged with a bit of voltage (from the environment), then this static is subject to the very weak magnetic field of the radio waves coming from a remote radio station. Now we connect the antenna to something that produces a high level of static AND a high level of a magnetic field. What should happen?

If nothing happens, then something has to be wrong. Hence, the part list:

1) One choke (single- or 3-phase)
2) One 3-phase transformer (in special arrangement)
3) One diode bridge (for the frequency doubler)
4) One power resistor (runs hot)
5) Some capacitors to get the resonance

If we need more parts, the setup can't be right.

Some similarities to the yoke device are by sheer chance, I suppose. Pulsed high voltage is mixed with a magnetic field powering a LC circuit.

Interesting coincidence by the way: Remember, Kapanadze's green 3-phase transformer is connected 5/7 5/7 5/7 to input, 3/4 3/4 3/4 is connected in parallel without load and thus to nothing, 1/2 (88 Ohms) 1/2 (80 Ohms) is connected in parallel (through a fancy coil) without load and thus to nothing. 1/2 (78 Ohms) is connected to a blue wire (1) and open (2). Hence, there are three inputs, but only one static (open) high voltage output.

Does this remind us of something? What about the second Stepanov transformer? Clearly two coils are open so they do nothing like 1/2 1/2. That Stepanov transformer has no pins 3/4 3/4 3/4, so it's not applicable. But then the right hand coil of that Stepanov transformer is connected to some wires - exactly like Kapanadze's little green transformer. Strange thing, isn't it?

I almost forgot: ... unless that transformer generates a strong magnetic field that attracts (sucks) electrons directly into the resonant load circuit, not into the flimsy transformer itself.

Nothing to comment about the strange similarities between the Kapanadze aquarium II transformer and the Stepanov transformer?

Now I have to look for a suitable 3-phase transformer to experiment with in order to post a suitable resonant circuit. In the meantime the search for hidden wires goes on.

Where do you think is the hidden 'x' wire in case of aquarium I presentation (see below)? The ground cable (same as green box cable?) goes straight to the faucet (no bearded man with long sleeves between) and none of the bystanders complains about the possibility of a hidden wire somewhere.

Anyway I think we have already seen all components but we are to stupid to connect the dots.

All we need is a magic transformer, maybe we can find one.

February 14, 2012, 07:18:35 PM »
Quote from: John M on February 14, 2012, 03:03:21 PM

Cosmos - I will looking forward to your input as well as T1000 and others. Don't worry about this technology being used by Terrorists, etc. This is really nothing compared to the hidden technology the US and other countries have. We can't be afraid to move ahead.
I Have friends in military and in Government - and i can say to you that no US army and any other have such technology to stop this!
What they have? Microwave weapons, Ultrasound and e.t.c. this is nothing...

They don't have such magnetic field technology and never had.
yes they know about this technology in theory, that way they afraid from this more than you imagine - in every country is US army base stations, even in Latvia.

Before you talk something bring facts and not illusions and dreams. Be real!

Yes they want such a technology, that way there is free speech, because, this maybe a secret info, but all social media, youtube and free energy forums all about - to bring involved us to help in not straight way. More people involved to this, more possibilities to crack this technology up!
if schematics will be released - they very fast get this! and not for security, but for control humanity. (yes for security too, but the main reason is for control) this is all about, to control money and peoples.

This technology need to be first in our hands widely than army or government.
How to do this? by letting crack this up individually by little help if you once get this magnetic field - you will be amazed and I'm sure that you will not post schematics! there are out many in Russian forums who already have it done and they already leave forums - just i stay as curator.

February 23, 2016, 04:25:23 PM »
cosmoLV: » ... if you once get this magnetic field - you will be amazed and I'm sure that you will not post schematics!«

The major problem with this thread (and also others) is that almost no one looks back and reads what is written 10 or more pages ago, because he thinks, if the latest page does not provide complete information how to construct a free energy device, then the previous pages will have even less information on it. Therefore the thread goes continuously in circles.

Here back in 2011 Guntis explains the basic principle in one sentence.

Originally Posted by scratchrobot  View Post
I know you will release soon, you are good person, i know 

You say we need power from outside, maybe you mean attract ions from air and conducting them to ground?

For coil to create ozone you use wire with special insulation?
The metal you use in coil is aluminum foil?

ions are attracted by ionisation.

this HV field are magnetised with vibrations and we get wery poverfull magnetic field "and this field are this outside power"

i use aluminum alloy

The theory: A transformer has to have at least two primary coils and one secondary coil. The first primary coil generates high voltage pulses in the secondary coil, whereas the second primary coil generates an additional magnetic field. One primary coil works at twice the frequency of the other. Therefore neither a flyback from a TV nor a transformer from a microwave oven is suitable for that.

Now I'm anxious when the time of amazement will come to me.


It is refreshing to read the old article ..... Like a faint fragrance ....

I am curious about the person who writes such scams.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 10:42:09 PM

My interests are focused on any member who is writing and acting on several masks.

The data of the past 8 years is so abundant that I am worried about what to start with ....


Akula says that the device of Ruslan that appears to produce 4kW at output  should have minimum 12kW  circulating in  Russlan's  device   to enable   processing 4kw atr output.
And Akula critics is pointing  at Russlan device  as  unreal (  no  presence of significantly  thick wires  utilized by Ruslan.)
Akula :Thin wires  must get  damaged.
And by that  Akulas conclusion is that Russlan device can not work at that load level.
I do not agree with this statement  of Akula .-  in the typical aerial power distribution we are dealing with  High voltages
The higher is the voltage the lower  is the current flowing  in the wire.
That saved money   on lowered cost of  power transmission cabling. 
So for example:
power line in your area carries megawatts, and wires are very thin. ( vyt at 12V DC of your Battery car charger you  have significantly  thicker wires.
The eqation from Ohms Law  Power(W)= Voltage potential (V)   x  Current( A)
By that with the same power distribution requirement  to the load , the wire can be of the size of your single hair flex if the voltage is significantly  high. 

If on the top of it you increase  frequency of that AC  waveform
than , the higher the frequency, the thinner the wire is required due to the skin effect.

Akula says that Ruslan is -  not a fake ... but he also says  that Ruslan device can not work at this level of power.
So it is like  he does not deny that Russlan device is real but he says  that it can not work supporting his statement with
"to thin wires"
For me it is typical French comedy:
-"Vasily, do you see what is written on the sheet of paper in front of your nose?
-Yes. it says on it the word 'impossible' [/size]
-So now, Bob .............. please prove to me that it is impossible?
-OK Prove it to you ........ I see what I see, but it's impossible to see it
-Vasily please open your eyes ... thank you ........... and now you see it?
- Yes I see it  but  it is clear that  it  can not be seen  ... wait..... yes[/size] ... Well .It clearly says to me, "impossible."
-Okay, I understand it now.  You Vasily actually are saying   :that this what is possible for Ruslan impossible for you ....
-Yes somehow  something like that

Wesley's comment :I can say that Akula clever talker .............
Akula without problems- answered the question of Ilia Tesla  with another  question >>
so now, Akula listens to answers rather than just  trying answer  any questions .--that is a typical Russian way of avoid answers.
Akula has repeatedly indicated its collaboration ( association)with number  of laboratories and scientific teams  conforming   and analyzing  his device
Any  doubt or questions is turn down by  Akula
" I know it better , and you do not.   Labs that have  high grade   lab equipment  you guys have no access to have already check it out".

But Akula he never mentioned, the name of  any laboratory and any scientist
Wesley to Akula:
Akula where are the names ... at least one of them?
Roman Karnouhov I support you, I was took my effort , to believe that your product looks real.
If you do not want any more doubt of  any  other people is is the best for you to prove it to me ..  If I conform  that your device is real -  the world is more likely to give you a confirmation as well.

the right  diagram is just crystal radio.
There is no free lunch.
Transmitter  of AM radio station sends the power received by the receiver from diagram 2.
the only difference is that this  Free Energy is free for you as someone have had already paid for it.

Good idea. Let's say each of us would be in the size of an ant, then a few milliamps provided by a crystal radio could power a complete ant household. So what's the problem? We have just to make a bigger crystal radio, so it fits our size. :P

Wow ~ ^,.^


If you do not acknowledge me giving you information or criticizing the info I give with so flippant an attitude as you have shown, you may very well be intellectually dishonest that I don't want to give you anything, for I know something is very wrong with your approach and you may be using all that I present but only secretly, seeing you are so chummy with well funded clandestine organizations under nondisclosure, and I have no need of that either.
Either way, you need further education about harmonics, world grids, mayan bi symmetry, tzolkine,
I ching, esoterics, scalar, tesla howitzers, unified field, longitudinal energy, radiant energy or overunity, no matter how much equipment you have nor how many people you seminar with.

I do not really know what should I  answer to this.
I by myself.
I'm not interested with Free Energy.
I'm interested deeply with mechanism that is behind devices of Free Energy.

Overunity (OU) does not exist. However term is no longer used as OU but as OU  describing energy transfer that  to the naked eye looks like OU.
In reality   it is unknown to that  very eye, at that very moment what this energy  come from.
I Wesley use  "OU" word to describe in general form of expression subjects related to that Eye  effect of energy consumption  manifestation when there  is no battery not power supply  connected to the device.

Free Energy exists. It is energy that is free of tax. such as  solar energy, water flow energy and so on.
Device of Tariel Kapanadze was legitimate and works  to the naked eye without battery or any other  source of energy .
In reality   laws of thermodynamics specify  very much that even that device must work of the energy that is consuming.
So for me it is important to find what this energy comes from .
Lithuania Experiment with Arunas is  legitimate event.
However mechanism of energy extraction  is  based on different phenomena that Tariel Kapanadze  device.
Will that assumption change?
Possibly  yes.
We have changed our models so many times and world  goes on.

I'm interested deeply with mechanism that is behind devices of Free Energy.

People who are not interested in free generators come to this cafe and people who are interested in free generators are higher-level jokes than intimidating trolls ......  8)

I pray that you are not slave to Wesley.

Then you have to explain how all these atoms that are compressed together to form objects have their electrons all spinning around with orbitals touching other orbitals and we never see objects just fall apart because of electrons crashing into each other. How can  billions and zillions and quintillions of electrons spin around without ramming into each other? So you see the electron flow model is just chock full of holes and areas of reflection that really ask that we all look the other way with regard to these questions. "That's the way it is" is a major basis for understanding electricity in our present days.


The slowest lightning speed is about 400 km.



OK you guys. Let me just put in an new angle.

If I talk about potential ways to make a device work towards OU, I am not saying at the same time that I believe TK is legitimate. I will never say anything good about anyone flaunting an OU device or a supposed OU device in our faces and in the worlds face while the world is in such dire straights. So whatever I say here from now on is to advance OU, and not the likes of TK or any other Show-and-don't -teller.

So let me open up an idea THAT MAY BE RELEVANT TO THE 2004 TK device. But first you need some background.

As far as all my bench works go with both DC and AC pulsing, the main object of all these techniques is to create a strong polarity change in one coil medium that can impart those changes to a second coil medium with or without a core. As far as what I see on the bench and what is taught in our schools about AC, I know now that we are totally off the mark. AC cannot be a true alternating current if it is to also follow the "electron flow" model of electricity. You cannot have both because of one dead give-away. The AC neutral is always grounded hence it can NEVER be hot. The hot side is HOT, OK, but the neutral is exactly that NEUTRAL. There is never any hot signal leaving from the neutral side to enter the coil(s). Anyone can try and dispute this but if you are honest in your unbiased observations, you will also see this to be true.

DC and AC are really not the same thing at all. AC is not a dual DC even if it is full bridge rectified, just try both methods and try to produce the same sinewaves and you will see there is no way possible (except at high frequencies).

Let's take DC first. I need someone to prove to me that a car battery is 12 volts in that the negative terminal is at zero volts and the positive terminal is at 12 volts as we see today the car battery voltage. So prove to me that the battery is truly 0 and 12 volts and not -6 to +6 volts that would both show a 12 volt potential difference. Prove to me with your volt meter or your scope. If using the scope set it to both DC then AC coupling and convince me which is the valid scope waveform. Why is the DC reading supposed to be considered the valid method?

DC pulse is a simple peak, peak, peak where when the pulse is off, there is nothing to hold it from oscillating. This is useful in some ways but counter productive in other ways because the copper atoms are left to themselves to realign before the next pulse. Nothing can rebias the copper wire before the next pulse.

Now let's look a AC. Explain to me how AC can alternate while there is a ground wire on the neutral side. In the common AC discussion the hot AC signal alternates from the HOT side to the Neutral side and back and forth. So tell me how a hot wire can exist on the same line that is grounded. In general experienced EEers will not even want to take on such a discussion because if their brains are screwed on the same way as anyone else, they will quickly realize this to be the case.

AC pulse is however a very strong gradual rise or better worded "controlled rise" and "controlled fall" where the copper atoms are always under a rise or fall stress leaving no moment for the copper atoms to rebias by any other means. AC is a perpetual controlled peak and rebias but there is never any "electron flow" hence there is not any need for electrons since their reason for existing is to "flow" in a wire. If you remove their reason for existing in this effect, you just killed the electron flow model in one swoop which should have been evident to everyone with a brain way back when Tesla first invented AC. Please try to counter this statement as I would be very curious to know. hahaha

OK, AC then is what? If electrons do not flow, what the hell is going on in our wires? Well to answer this question you have to look at the evidence in front of us. We know the copper wire is made up of copper (and other noble metals) ions or atoms. We are told that all atoms have "electrons spinning" around a center nucleus but we also know that the science behind explaining where these mysterious electrons get their energy to spin around a nucleus is not explained to any fluent degree. Also, those same electrons, since they are on the outer shell of the nucleus, are the only thing humans have every touched so when you grab any object, you are grabbing a bunch of electrons with "floating" nuclei in them. Then you have to explain how all these atoms that are compressed together to form objects have their electrons all spinning around with orbitals touching other orbitals and we never see objects just fall apart because of electrons crashing into each other. How can  billions and zillions and quintillions of electrons spin around without ramming into each other? So you see the electron flow model is just chock full of holes and areas of reflection that really ask that we all look the other way with regard to these questions. "That's the way it is" is a major basis for understanding electricity in our present days.

The worst part of all this is that under this new Spin Conveyance model I will be publishing soon, all of these effects can be PERFECTLY explained while preserving the same method we use today to measure our devices. Only the construct will change. But in a nutshell, if AC is not "electron flow", because all the evidence proves the contrary, then what is it. What's left if the outer atoms shell is to be considered nothing more then a wide variety of bonding mediums, the only thing that's left is the nucleus itself. This is where we have been robbed of the intellectual ability to consider the nucleus as the main causal medium of electric signal throughput. So the answer from there is so simple. All the nuclei have to do is respond directly to outer stimuli or direct applied stimuli. If the nucleus was able to perform what I call the 6S's as being Stay, Show, Sway, Swing, Spin and Shoot and by doing so it can convey these same "physical nucleic motions" to their neighboring atoms, then we have the perfect platform to explain all our effects on our benches which I call Spin Conveyance.

Stay - Leave a coil alone and the nuclei will simply Stay or hold their Latent position. Some will turn and point down to the center of the Earth at their latent position.

Show - Bring a strong magnet and hold it in one place near the coil and the nuclei will show one quick waveform blip then fall to zero hence the blip is the nuclei turning from the latent position to now Show position that points to the magnet source.

Sway - When a magnet wheel passes by a coil, the nuclei will leave the latent position to point to the oncoming magnet, follow it passing in front of it and point to it leaving the coil so its a motion of left/right left/right. This shows movement from the latent position, going left, passing through the latent position again, then going right. So Sway occurs when the nuclei goes from any two left/right positions by passing though the latent position. THIS IS ALSO AC as a GRADUAL back and forth Swaying of the nuclei. 

Swing - From the latent position the nuclei goes either left or right then comes back to the latent position. This is DC and the waveform of DC pulses we see shows exactly that. Quick rise then a tapering off and even a negative rebound.

Spin - When you can Swing an atoms nuclei fast enough for it to pass the peak top point and continue in the same direction with perfectly timed pulses, you reach nucleic Spin. Since not all atoms have the physically ideal inter atomic placement inside the copper wire matrix, not all copper atoms can spin. hence those that do are few and we see this with good voltage but crappy amperage.

Shoot - Hit the two terminals of a car battery together and what happens. Sparks start to fly out of the wires. That's Shoot which is not something we run after every day.

When I say Spin, it can also be any of the six above attributes.

The 6S's do more then what is described in this simplified rendition but it is enough to get the idea that if our atomic nuclei was considered to be smarter then we think them to be today, then we just found all the reasons for all our effects, including action at a distance where the nuclei have the ability to sense energy sources from a distance hence not requiring any magical fields to impart their fingers on a wire to "do something magical" to make electron flow in a conductor.

We can then understand that voltage is a function of the degree of spin from the latent position and amperage is simply the number of copper atoms involved in the wire that are spinning. So for the first time ever, you have real physical reasons for our volts/amps effects. You no longer need to believe in these magical electrons and fields. Field collapse at pulse off becomes coil rebias when under DC. AC does not produce the field collapse while running because all it rises and falls are controlled.

AC Hot then becomes nucleic Sway where there is no need to have any electron flow since all that is happening in the wire is the nuclei themselves are Swaying to the applied AC hot. This explains perfectly how AC works in our wires and also explains that only one hot wire is all you really need to do this while the neutral wire is there as an anchoring post. Again very simplified for this post.

So DC is quick rise in the same way and this is why DC is additive. Try and put two AC lines together that are out of phase as all you get is a major havoc since the nuclei are turning left when another is turning right and this creates a major collision inside the wires.

But AC is so great because it controls all the angular movements of the nuclei while DC just spits up and then releases as an uncontrolled rise and rebias making it hard to concentrate a targeted effect.

Of course again the above is a simplified rendition just to give you guys some background to what's coming next.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo. Is it possible to marry the best attributes of both AC and DC into one method? DC would provide a constant "additive" upswing while AC would provide the controlled rise to keep all of the copper atoms in action. DC is a hit once a hope method while AC is a totally controlled method. But AC can only be applied to a single coil on a transformer where the coil undergoes a controlled rise and fall hence there is no room to play around like with DC. But in both cases, one cannot produce anything analog to the rotation of a magnetic rotor inside of a stator. This we have been  unable to produce since a rotor is a real physical movement that is making the nuclei of each copper atom to physically sway, while AC in a primary has no movement and the sway is always applied at the same vectorals hence the copper atoms cannot follow a physical movement. Same problem applies to DC pulsing as well. In all primary to core to secondary relations, everything has to be accomplished while all are stationary, and this is costing us dearly in our output performance.

So here is the question. hahahaha Always a question hey.

Is it possible to take one AC line and pass it through a type of full bridge rectifier where you can then output TWO DISTINCT outputs that are 180 degrees out of phase? If this is possible, then you can make transformers with two primaries, one left primary, center secondary, one right primary where each primary now gets its own AC peak pulsed that is 180 degrees out of phase and the secondary will now have the impulses coming from two changing vectors. If this can work and increase the intensity of the Sway of copper nuclei, we just made a new toy for working towards OU devices.

Do I need to expand further. Guys in the know will read between the lines.  hehehe



Someone insists on the US Army and the strange debate rotates the brain of innocent lambs.

March 22, 2016, 11:20:25 AM »
Quote from: pix on March 21, 2016, 10:42:31 PM
By who???
Could you be more specific?

First, by people who fall eagerly for Kapanadze's eye candys again and again. >:(

Second, by people who write up to four posts in a consecutive row (although this forum has an edit function) in order to stretch the length of this thread unnecessarily and hence make it more difficult to find anything written just a few days ago.

So as it seems I have to quote myself form the long ago buried PAGE 977:

He makes the same mistake as Kapanadze did with his phony spark setup: If the energy output consumed by the lamps is ever in relation to the spark then the lamps have to flicker because the spark flickers. If the lamps are glowing steady then the current that goes through the lamps cannot be related to the spark in any way. Simple as that.

And this still means there is no spark gap that contributes anything to the energy output of the Kapanadze device, especially a spark gap that does not fire at all.

Actually I'm more and more attracted by the idea to open a new thread about a summarization what we know (for sure) regarding the Kapanadze and Stepanov devices, so there is no need to go in circles time and time again.

Quote from: pix on March 21, 2016, 10:51:41 PM
Please stop with this negentropy 4th dimension stuff.

Why should he? If someone here comes too close to Kapanadze's principle of work then why not bury it quickly by means of the 4th dimension? ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 10:45:50 PM
Hero Member
Posts: 1267

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #22662 on: November 05, 2016, 07:30:07 PM »
Quote from: leo48 on October 29, 2016, 11:59:50 AM
The important thing is that it works

Yes. But the important thing is not only THAT it works but also WHERE it works.

Free Energy Device D-1943 Final Test

If this is not a scam then maybe they successfully replicated the Kapanadze device with the assistance of some forums, and now they presenting it as a development of their own (from the year 1943 via time machine). Somehow it looks suspicious anyway. Could be, a working device intentionally has to look that way (like spoof), so government (and men in black) will not pay that much attention.

Quote from: a.king21 on September 30, 2012, 01:39:28 PM
Quote from: Zeitmaschine on September 29, 2012, 01:40:16 PM
Another capacitor? That's awesome! Then obviously all what is needed to get a running electric Free Energy device is a couple of capacitors and a couple of coils/transformers driven by AC voltage. The AC voltage can be ordinary 220V/50Hz as proven by Kapanadze and his blue inverter.

So then, why can't anyone get this to work?? >:( ???


Maybe people have...................then they just quietly disappear from the forum..............

Of course..............could be..............

Here is something to think about deeply:
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 10:46:43 PM
Full Member
Posts: 249
View Profile  Personal Message (Offline)

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #22663 on: November 07, 2016, 11:16:17 AM »

Why would you believe the patent is even real,Kapanadze is faking you out.
He made a fool out of westley when he visited him in Georgia,westley is a smart guy but too rigid in hes views
and  far too conventional,
plus seems to have a hero worship thing for Tesla.Far too many fake devices showing up
if they really knew how to make a device,they could make a much smaller device and advanced.It is possible to show a
device could be real,produce a small device,rather than show that there device produces 5kw or more,thats to appeal to the greed of an investor.
Kapanadze will never produce a real patent,as he figures that people would simply
use the patent to build there own device and cut him out.Also the device must be simple to build
where most people could with the right information replicate it,so he can't patent it or sell the device,
too many thieves or opportunists.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 10:47:27 PM
Also   first warning to user  with nickname : color.
Please behave  from now according to  EU and USA social standards


Do you like the EU and USA and the free generator?

I am interested in various masks you are not interested in free generators.

I understood that you were telling me that Kapanadze was a drunkard.

Is there wine that you drink and wine that Kapanadze drinks?


The generator of kapanadze is not directly connected to Tesla kacher and ground.

The picture known as the kapanadze patent is just a picture.
The Ruslan generators are also connected to ground and Tesla secondary coils.

Do not grieve that you do not understand the confusion caused by the two.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 10:50:35 PM


Инверсия анодного тока. В ранних тетродах 1920-х годов динатронный эффект доходил до того, что анодный ток менял направление: количество вторичных электронов, выбитых из анода и притянутых экранирующей сеткой, превосходило число электронов, испущенных катодом и долетевших до анода. С точки зрения внешнего наблюдателя, вооружённого миллиамперметром, анод превращался во второй катод. Прибор в цепи анода фиксировал ток электронов, втекающих в анод, прибор в цепи экрана фиксировал ток, превышающий ток эмиссии катода.[8] Покрытие анодов оксидами, повышающими работу выхода, устранило инверсию анодного тока, но не могло устранить участок отрицательного сопротивления.


위 동영상 실험들은 Kapanadze, Akula, Ruslan의 자유발전기 원리를 이해하지 못한다.

트랜스포머를 이용하는 것은 맞지만 방식이 다르다.

Akula, Ruslan의 자유발전기기는
요크 변압기 1차 코일은 22~28권선,
2차 코일은 22~28 권선,
인덕터 코일 3~4권선.

요크 변압기에 이것 외 그 어떠한 코일도 없다.

The above video experiments do not understand the free generator principles of Kapanadze, Akula, and Ruslan.

It is right to use a transformer, but the method is different.

Akula, Ruslan's free power generator
The primary coil of the yoke transformer is 22 ~ 28 windings,
The secondary coil consists of 22 to 28 windings,
Inductor coil 3-4 windings.

There are no other coils on this other than the yoke transformer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2019, 11:17:36 PM

나는 네가 요크 변압기를 검정 테이프로 감춘 이유가 궁금하다.
공개를 요구한다.
I wonder why you covered the yoke transformer with black tape.
It requires disclosure.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2019, 04:20:53 AM

I am not a Japanese.
Historically, Japan and Korea are enemies.
It is the same now.

We judge.
If the United States is attacked for the first time, it is caused by Japan.
This is a scenario many experts expect.

Korea likes and fears America.
Statue of Liberty and Jesus and Wall Street.

A long time ago my master said to me:
"Everyone dies when old"

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ekzmskdlxm on February 18, 2019, 04:39:54 AM
댓글이 왜 안달리지? 오 이제달리네
와~!!! 여기서 한국인 볼줄은 몰랐는데 엄청반갑다!!!!
그런데 여기댓글다는거 운영자 허락있어야 달려? 바로안달리네?ㅋㅋㅋ
Hey Color Nice to meet you :)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2019, 06:54:24 AM






Special effects technology was inferior at the time.

The angle of collision of the plane was out of order.

Place the camera in the appropriate location before the incident occurs,
Of course, they edited the video taken before the incident and gave it to the station.

The plane that collided with the Pentagon is even worse.
Is it a missile?

And I do not have a yoke transformer to reveal to you.

The only excuse is that the camera is broken.

And it is inconvenient to have evidence.

So now my memory is the only evidence.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2019, 07:42:22 AM
There are millions of people in Korea still without a cell phone.
They are ordinary people living less than a dollar a day.
There are many reasons why they do not have a cell phone, but the placenta is not owned by expensive cell phone bills.

Korea's household wireless telecom spending is $ 116 a month, making it one of the top OECD countries.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2019, 08:17:48 AM

Wow, so many lies by now disgraced acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe. He was fired for lying, and now his story gets even more deranged. He and Rod Rosenstein, who was hired by Jeff Sessions (another beauty), look like they were planning a very illegal act, and got caught..... ....There is a lot of explaining to do to the millions of people who had just elected a president who they really like and who has done a great job for them with the Military, Vets, Economy and so much more. This was the illegal and treasonous "insurance policy" in full action!

Great analysis by


Chicken game is popular with Americans.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2019, 08:49:06 AM

"This was an illegal coup attempt on the President of the United States." Dan Bongino on @foxandfriends  True!

I think you will win.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 18, 2019, 05:31:38 PM
Color Hi there, not good news so would you please moderate your posts as nudity and confrontational political propaganda is not permitted and will ultimately result in the removal of all your posts, I know you have given the thread an awful lot of very useful information but also some embarrassing junk, and seriously you need to curb and control your postings.
Regards AG

without Color, we would have not have cleared up multiple definitions, end quote

AG  can you please point to the things which have been cleared up here by user color ?

respectfully Chet K
I see he likes playing games and posting naked girly pictures and movie links [most time removing before time out ]seriously effects his credibility IMO ,a man who does not care for his host and the rules ...when he is a guest ?
  I would not imagine we would behave this way as a guest in color's house ?
  EDIT for Nick comment below
Wesley keeps his comments in his Blog, and there are people who are interested,
its a change the channel scenario for those who are not interested.

HOWEVER member color floods TK topics with ??? who knows what and then dishonors Stefan and his house with
girly movies links and pics [which he sometimes removes before the edit time out] ......and who knows what he writes in other languages ??
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 12:12:40 AM

I understand.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 12:18:23 AM
이곳 카페는 인터넷이 가끔 제한 받는다.
이유는 나도 모른다.

내가 추측할 수 있는 것은,
각국의 정보기관이 이곳 카페에 관심이 많다는 것이다.

자유발전기는 전세계 나라가 미래 에너지로 선택했다는 것이다.

나는 2011년경에 이곳을 우연히 발견하고,

Date Registered: November 30, 2017에 가입했다.

나는 영어를 잘 몰라서 가입하는데도 어려움을 겪었다.

영어의 다른 뜻을 이해할 수 없어서 약 한 달을 노력해서 가입했다.

나는 자유발전기가 온 세계가 사용하기를 원한다.

이곳 카페의 회원들이 그 역활을 해주길 원한다.

그리고 나의 주변에도 자유발전기를 만드는 사람들이 있다.

그들은 자유발전기를 판매하는 것이 목적이 아니라,

자유발전기가 생산하는 전기를 Electric company에 판매하는 것을 목표로 자유발전기를 만드는 사람들이다.

한국의 Electric company 직원은 자유발전기를 이해하지 못한다.

Electric company가 허가를 안해주면 전력회사에 전기를 판매하지 못한다.

나의 판단은 Electric company는 자유발전 원리를 이해한다.

그들은 허가를 안해주는 이유는 Electric company의 이윤과 관계있다.

Electric company의 방침은 자유발전기가 생산하는 전기 판매를 허가하지 않는 것이다.

그것이 그들의 방침이다.


내가 이곳에 게시하는 사진들은 질문에 대한 답변들이다.

나의 가치관과 사고방식이 회원들과 다르다면 서로가 이해해야 할 부분이다.

나는 자유발전기와 주변의 이해관계를 몸으로 직접 겪고있는 사람이다.

나도 내가 만든 루슬란 방식 자유발전기의 전기를 전력회사에 판매할 수 있기를 원한다.

그러나 전망은 비관적이다.

그리고 나는 한국인을 위해 나의 언어로 게시한다.

회원들이 이해해주길 바란다.

Here cafes are sometimes limited to the Internet.
I do not know why.

What I can guess is,
Information agencies in each country are interested in cafes here.

Freedom generators are what the world has chosen as a future energy source.
I found this place by chance around 2011,

Date Registered: November 30, 2017.
I had difficulty in joining because I did not know English well.
I could not understand the other meaning of English, so I signed up for about a month.
I want free generators to be used by the whole world.
Members of the cafe here want to play a role.
And there are people around me who make free generators.
They are not aimed at selling free generators,
It is the people who make free generators aiming to sell electricity produced by free generator to electric company.

An electric company employee in Korea does not understand free generator.
If the electric company does not give permission, it will not sell electricity to the utility.
My judgment is that the electric company understands the principles of free development.
The reason they do not get permission is related to the profit of the electric company.
The policy of the electric company is that it does not authorize the sale of electricity produced by free generators.
That is their policy.

The photos I posted here are the answers to the questions.
If my values ​​and ways of thinking are different from the members, it is a part that one should understand.
I am a person who is directly experiencing a free generator and its interests.
I also want to be able to sell the electricity of my Ruslan Free Generator to the utility company.
But the outlook is pessimistic.
And I post in my language for Koreans.

I hope members understand.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 12:49:32 AM
Non-rotating generators are also being discussed here at the café.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ekzmskdlxm on February 19, 2019, 05:53:21 AM
댓글이 안달리는거같은데 음 이번엔 달릴려나
형 저거 로딘코일 2개 공명시켜서 140%뽑아낸다는영상도있는데 그건 진짜야?ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
영어 첨부해야 달리나?

There's a video that tells me that you have two copies of Rodin Coil and 140% of it. Is that real?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 07:02:21 AM
And at last let me share with you my personal poor opinion. I myself was STRONGLY AGAINST any experiments carried out by our team because of the following reason.
Please look at the five experimentally proved equations below.
1) First Joule's law: Q = I x I x R x t (experimentally proved for both solid and liquid resistors);
2) Ohm's law: V = I x R (experimentally proved for both solid and liquid resistors);
3) Faraday's law of electrolysis: m = z x I x t (experimentally proved);
4) LHV of hydrogen = 120 MJ/kg = 33 kWh/kg (experimentally proved);
5) HHV of hydrogen = 142 MJ/kg = 40 kWh/kg (experimentally proved).
The above 5 (five) equations have been successfully proved experimentally within a period of more than one century. Actually it is a matter of five experimental facts.
You have only to gather together these 5 experimental facts and form one united whole, which inevitably leads to the conclusion that the law of conservation of
energy is not true in this particular case. But let us repeat again that any rule/law has its exceptions and there is nothing special and tragic in this fact.
(Note. Any standard electrolyzer is a simple combination of solid and liquid resistors connected in series.)
Looking forward to your answers.
Best regards,


나는 실험 도구가 많지 않다.

접지에서 번개 원리로 추출한 불균형의 전하를 특별한 요크 변압기가 증폭하면 전류량이 증폭한다.
이것은 기존의 전기법칙을 따르지 않는다.
그러나 전기 법칙을 따른다.
모순적인 언어이다.
그러나 모순이 아니다.

Kapanadze, Akula, Ruslan은 기존의 학계와 논쟁중이다.
선택은 그들에게 있다.
이것이 잘 알려진 방법이라면 이곳 카페가 존재할 이유가 없기 때문이다.

많은 러시아인들이 초과에너지 발전방식을 알지만 침묵한다.
러시아인들이 자유발전기로 돈을 벌 수 있는 기회는 많지않다.
이것은 전세계 어느 나라 사람이라도 마찬가지다.
설령 홍보한다해도 잘 팔리지 않는다.
자유발전기는 비싸다.
전기회사의 전기는 싸다. 무척.
그래서 선택한 방법이 두가지를 병행하는 것이다.
자유발전기도 판매하고, 전기도 판매하는 방식이다.

그리고 이곳 카페는 자유발전기와 관계없는 사람들이 장악했다.
나는 그들을 존중하지만 그들의 언어는 신뢰하지는 않는다.
여러분들이 부정적인 시각으로 접근할수록 자유발전기는 멀어진다.
나는 이것을 잘 안다.
한국의 나의 친구들은 지금도 세상의 편견과 싸우고 있다.
Kapanadze, Akula, Ruslan처럼.

I do not have many experimental tools.

Amplitude of electric current is amplified when a special yoke transformer amplifies the unbalance charge extracted from the ground by the lightning principle.
It does not follow the existing law of electricity.
However, it follows the law of electricity.

It is a contradictory language.
But it is not a contradiction.

Kapanadze, Akula and Ruslan are in dispute with the existing academic world.
The choice is up to them.
If this is a well-known method, there is no reason for the cafe to exist here.

Many Russians know how to generate excess energy, but they are silent.
There are not many opportunities for Russians to make money with free generators.
This is the same for any country in the world.
Even if you promote it, it does not sell well.
Freedom generators are expensive.
The electricity of the electric company is cheap. very.
So the chosen method is a combination of the two.
It also sells free generators and sells electricity.

And the cafe here is dominated by people who are not related to free generators.
I respect them, but I do not trust their language.
The closer you approach the negative view, the farther away the free generator will be.
I know this well.
My friends in Korea are still fighting the prejudices of the world.
Like Kapanadze, Akula and Ruslan.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 07:07:47 AM

No comments.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 08:52:00 AM
한국의 내가 게시하는 블로그의 관리자로부터 전달 받은 글입니다.
내가 개인적으로 사용할 수 있는 이메일 주소가 없다.
이렇게 밖에는 전달할 수 있는 방법이 없어서 카페에 게시합니다.
I received from the manager of the blog which I posted in Korea.
I do not have an email address that I can use personally.
This is the only way to deliver it, so I post it in the cafe.


The message they sent you was:

오 지금열어보니 정말 기분좋다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
야근데 포럼이 어디야?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 들어갔는데 한국어도 보이고 정겹네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뒤에있는거 카파겐이지?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 링크타고가니깐 게시물만보여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
지금 여기 비오는데 거기도 비와? 비오니깐 공기가좋네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
나이거 만들려고 전자렌지도 샀어! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


The message they sent you was:

포럼이 어딨는지는 모르겠어 여기사이트 어제가입해서 ㅋㅋㅋ
내가 댓글달면 사회자?가 허락해야 뜬다고하네? 번역해보니 ㅋㅋㅋ
Note: This message is awaiting approval by a moderator.
이거 뭐지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
메신저나 그런걸로 하는게 더 편할꺼같아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


The message they sent you was:

와 ㅋㅋㅋ지금 한국시간이오후7시인데 오전6시라고 저기사이트에는뜨네!!!!
와!!! 지금 나 엄청 흥분되서 떨려 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
나 카파겐 꼭 만들고싶은데 나도 한국살거든? 좀알려줘 ㅎㅎㅎ
그리고 자유에너지 만들던사람들 예전에도 있었는데 소식이 없어졌거든?
저번에 중소기업에서 만든 자석모터사장도 회사랑 통채로 사라졌더라고 그것도
그세력들이 탄압해서그런거야?
카파겐 그거 설계도 잘돌아가는것도 구하고싶고 좀 알려줘 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
유튜브에서 프리에너지검색하면 일부러 검색안되게 낚시영상 엄청올리더라구!
그래서 힘들게 요즘차크라 어쩌고하면서 로딘코일이 무한발전한다고 검색하다가 운좋게
카파겐을 찾았어!!! ㅋㅋㅋ
난 크롬써서 구글번역해서 쉽게가입했는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
형좀 알려줘 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


네가 관심있는 카페에 계속 글을 올려.
그러면 변덕스런 카페 관리자가 너의 글이 마음에 들면 게시해 줄거야.
일종의 수습기간이라고 보면 돼.
나도 이 카페에 가입하고 한 열 번 정도 댓글을 달았더니 어느날 부턴가 게시해 주더라.
어떤 규정이 있는 것이 아니라 카페관리자 마음같더라.
작년 초에 푸틴 얼굴 올렸더니 카페 승냥이들이 득달같이 달려들어 나한테 경고 먹이더라.
그 뒤로 게시글도 검열받고 올려주지도 않더라.
그리고 6개월 지난 작년 말쯤에 카페관리자와 흥정해서 다시 게시하게 됐다.
이 카페에서 정치적인 얘기는 되도록이면 하지마.
그리고 올드 멤버들 건드리면 경고 먹을 수 있다.
특히 툭하면 이유와 유에스에이 언급하는 애는 조심해야 할 상대다.

한국에 사는 사람만 이해하는 《훈민정음예의본(訓民正音例義本)》과 《훈민정음해례본(訓民正音解例本)》이 있다.

내 말이 무슨 뜻인지 너도 잘 알거야.

내가 만드는 자유발전기 회로 방식이다.

러시아 카페에가면 정확한 회로도가 있다.

Today at 11:53:21 AM »
댓글이 안달리는거같은데 음 이번엔 달릴려나
형 저거 로딘코일 2개 공명시켜서 140%뽑아낸다는영상도있는데 그건 진짜야?ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
영어 첨부해야 달리나?

There's a video that tells me that you have two copies of Rodin Coil and 140% of it. Is that real?

박재순이 한전 직원들 앞에서 시연해도 안믿는데 너는 믿을 수 있는거냐?

네가 내개 접근할 때부터 "나는 걱정원 개희다"라고 광고하는거 같다.

천조국 꼰대랑 맞짱뜨니까 불안한거야?

채소한 내개 접근했으면 자유발전기 마인드로 질문해라.

나 걱정원이다 광고하고 댕기지 말구....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 19, 2019, 11:23:09 AM
color  It has been written that your Cafe has many free energy generators ??
perhaps you would like to sell one to a member here ? we may [some members] be traveling to Seoul soon for a demonstration of another FE generator .
  To be absolutely clear ,we are talking about a self running generator which makes useful power ?respectfully  Chet K 
  PS does your Cafe have single wire Earth return for power supply ?  seems odd you would have so many FE generators and others have none ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 11:26:11 AM
color  It has been written that your Cafe has many free energy generators ??
perhaps you would like to sell one to a member here ? we may [some members] be traveling to Seoul soon for a demonstration of anotherFE generator .To be absolutely clear ,we are talking about a self running generator which makesuseful power ?
respectfullyChet K


There are many people who make free generators in Germany.
You do not have to come to Korea and ask for free generator.

And why do you treat me with strange prejudices?

Are you a troll?

It is Korea's electricity company that prevents electricity sales.
I demand contact with them and they refuse.
This is my situation and situation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 19, 2019, 11:30:20 AM
that will work too  please list someone here who has one that we can talk to ? if not links will do ?the only prejudice I have against you is your abuse of the rules here.none are so special that they can abuse the forum host and expect acceptance .
AG posted that you were trying to sell a FE generator of power ?
again I ask ,is your grid SWER [one wire ground return]

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 11:36:08 AM
The NIS of Korea opposes even posting articles here.

I write to my stubbornness.

I want to talk to the free generator about it.

And I want to see your free generator.

Upload photos or videos.


I never said to sell free generators.

My friends sell free generators.
I tell their hopes.

I want the Korean electric company to buy electricity from free generator.
So that free generators are quickly deployed and activated.
What more words do you ask for here?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 19, 2019, 11:40:45 AM
colorI guess you missed it so here again [put me in others have none
  repost from above
  To be absolutely clear ,we are talking about a self running generator which makes useful power ?respectfully  Chet K 
  PS does your Cafe have single wire Earth return for power supply ?  seems odd you would have so many FE generators and others have none ?  also please links to German Fe generators quite certain our host would love one too
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 11:45:29 AM
The person who made it here is AG.

Ask the person what the person intended to do.

And I want to see the free generator that the ramset makes.

I want to see pictures and videos.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 19, 2019, 11:57:29 AM
Now I believe I understand, sorry if I miss understood you.you are asking about "experimenting "you are not saying AG actually has a FE generator ,but he "Hunts" and experiments to find FE.
join the club  .....
obey Stefan's rules here or the view will change .
I truly wish you good luck in your hunt ,and hope you success ,and honestly here we hold no prejudice

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 12:03:41 PM
In other words, do not change the topic.
I want to see the free generator you make.
It requires disclosure.

like me!

From now on I will not answer your words if you do not disclose.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 19, 2019, 12:09:21 PM
I have no FE generator and seems neither do you .
when I have a working FE generator you will surely see it .[see Stefan mission statement above]

I carry water and sweep the floors here .
I leave you in Peace ,and hope the best !
respectfully and sincerely Chet K
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 12:21:39 PM
ДЛR#766. Как работает Тесла-Качер
ДЛR#767. Рабочая точка ВВ 1
ДЛR#768. Рабочая точка ВВ 2
ДЛR#769. Рабочая точка ВВ 3
ДЛR#770. Рабочая точка ВВ 4
ДЛR#771. Рабочая точка ВВ 5
ДЛR#772. Заземление для ВВ 1
ДЛR#773. Заземление для ВВ 2
ДЛR#774. Заземление для ВВ 3
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2019, 01:07:21 PM

ТОП схем простых зарядных устройств
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2019, 01:52:48 AM
ДЛR#775. Двуплечевая

You do not need a special cacher.
A special yoke transformer is needed.

If the grenade coil and cacher are connected directly to ground, the free generator will not work.
Do not be confused.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 20, 2019, 04:25:17 AM
HP Kacher ! module
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2019, 06:27:50 AM

I know.

Denis Permyakov operated kacher with two MOSFETs.
Looking at my MOSFET placement circuit.
So I pointed out that it is a push-pull MOSFET.

If the Ruslan Free Generator kacher is directly connected to ground, disturbance of the wiring occurs.
The disturbance in the free generator circulation system is a contradiction.
It is inoperable.
Minwell operates at 220V alternating current but its output is 12 ~ 24V DC.

Kapanadze was solved with an inverter (DC input - AC output) and a transformer (220V-12V)
Ruslan uses only the generator and Minwell.
There are no inverters and transformers.
At this time, the cathode and the ground play an important role.
The Ruslan generators and the Minwells operate in a unified structure rather than in an independent structure.
I understand why cathode and ground are commonly used even if only the generator circulation system is understood.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 20, 2019, 08:03:00 AM
This video shows a device using a vacuum tube it shows the build and windings but the schematic was never disclosed, pity!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2019, 08:22:48 AM
Heroische Rosen

빛깔이 나를 갖는다. 나와 색은 일체이다. 나는 화가이다.
Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible.

Are you wandering?


My master told me.
"I am better than that"
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2019, 08:30:21 AM

The combination of aluminum and capacitor emits a special synergy.
A radical arc.

A similar experiment?


I expect it to be the same way, but I have not experimented.

To make this type of wavelength a special choice is needed.
I do not have an oscilloscope and I support Ruslan's choice.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ekzmskdlxm on February 20, 2019, 11:02:16 AM
컬러야 쪽지보냈는데 확인하고 좀 알려줘봐
좀 배우려고하는데 답변이없노
ruslan꺼도 kapagen이냐? 그러면 naudin꺼랑 니꺼랑 차이점이 뭔데 좀알려줘봐라

ruslan gen =kapagen? 
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2019, 11:20:41 AM

일개휘 말투는 워서 배웠다냐 ...
쪼까 거시기헝게 살짝 야리꾸리허다잉?
일단 내는 국적불명 얼라는 믿지않는다
느 면상때기 까고 느가 만드는 발전기부터 선택해라
너 발전기 취미로 만들라카냐 아니면 전기전자가 전공이냐?

까빠나제 제너레이터 준말이 카파젠이다.
건바 블로그 와봤으면 알꺼 아니냐
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ekzmskdlxm on February 20, 2019, 11:37:36 AM
이말투 원래 일게이들이 보통 쓰는말투인데 일베사진 가져와서 일게이인줄알았는데 일게이아니노?
그러면 한국카페라면서 일베사진은 왜쓰고 일베링크는 왜소개하노
난 준말물어본게 아니라 루슬란꺼도 카파젠을 바탕으로 만든건가 물어본거였다
난 건바블로그가 뭔지도 모른다 오늘처음들음ㅋㅋㅋ
얼굴 너도 안깠는데 뭔 얼굴을까냐 ㅋㅋㅋ왜케 부정적이냐저번에도 좋아서 쪽지보낸거 의심하고
그런데 궁금한게있다 나우딘 링크에나온설계도로 만들면 잘작동해? 그것좀 알려줘봐
난 취미로만들어보려고 하거든? 어떤게 간단한지좀 알려줘라 ㅋㅋㅋ
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2019, 11:46:05 AM

니가 면상때기 안까듯 이곳에서 발전기 회로도 까는데 아니다
까고싶으면까고 안까고싶으면 안까고
그리고 니처럼 무리하게 요구하는 곳도 아니다
요구해도 쌩깐다
공개된 회로도 바탕으로 만들면서 토론하고 안되면 몇년쯤 방치하다가 다시 시작하고 그런데다
황금노다지 그냥주는 맹구봤냐?
여그 니보다 날고기는놈들 쎘다
그런데도 성공하는 놈 없다
있어도 입딱는데다
본좌도 마찬가지다
봐서 적당한거 골라서 만들어라
만들다기 안되면 그 때 물어라

요이~~~~땡 시작해라
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ekzmskdlxm on February 20, 2019, 01:22:15 PM
발전기 회로 다깐거보이는데 내가 너한테면상때기 라고했냐? 왜 초면부터 시비조냐?ㅋㅋㅋ
뭔 사회에 감정있냐 내가 친해보자고 좋게말했는데
뭔 쳐음 게시물부터 내가개인적으로 쪽지보낸거 박제해놓고
어디직원이라느니 면상때기 야리꾸리라고하면서 왜케 분노를조절못하냐
내가 물어본건 나우딘꺼로 만들면 작동하는가 물어본거다
도대체 뭐가 무리하단말인지 이해가 안가네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
자꾸 동문서답만하냐 ㅋㅋ 나우딘꺼 작동하는지 물어본거다
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2019, 10:34:24 PM

Controversy: The Rodin coil offers one remarkable case study of the nature of the controversy engendered by unconventional patterns and their discoverers. The "thought police" have adjudicated definitively on the pattern from a conventional perspective -- to the point of describing their presentation (anonymously) as the best example of the worst of the TED talks (The Ugly Side of TED talks, Physicis Central, 1 June 2012).

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ekzmskdlxm on February 21, 2019, 04:21:34 PM

너 한국어 할줄 모르냐? 뭔 띄어쓰기를 한번도 안하고 글을 쓰냐 뭔말인지도 모르겠네
내가 로딘코일물어봤냐? Naudin kapagen 꺼 link줬자나 그거 잘 작동되냐고 물어본거잖냐 ㅋ
뭔또 낚시글이냐 내가 낚시글 올린거 줘봐한번 ㅋㅋㅋ 너 한국인 아니지?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
i think you are not korean
니가 하는 말들은 일반적인 한국인들이 하는 말이 아니야 왜케 부정적이야 싸우려고 온것도아닌데
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 21, 2019, 09:53:10 PM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 22, 2019, 02:22:43 AM
How to make High Voltage    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO4cIGiYtio
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 22, 2019, 03:08:19 AM

There are a lot of people who write here to interfere with free generator discussions rather than creating free generators.
If you respond to them individually, you lose your purpose and wander.
It is a pity.
Free energy technology is very simple.
Many people just do not understand it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 22, 2019, 11:44:53 AM
Only 'if' we could walk on water, ;D, if you remove the input power the power at the secondary will also disappear.

When the push-pull primary coil forms a wave, the secondary coil (grenade coil) acts passively.
The wave of the push-pull secondary coil (grenade coil) comes along the wave of the primary coil.
In order for the push-pull secondary coil (grenade coil) to react to the primary coil wave, a kacher secondary coil must be connected to the secondary coil (grenade coil).
Push-pull primary coil, secondary coil (grenade coil), kacher secondary coil.
Excess energy occurs in trinity combinations.

The secondary winding of the yoke transformer should always have excess energy available.
The excess energy of the secondary transformer of the yoke transformer is weak in that state.
 This is because the imbalance formed by the kacher secondary coil is weak.
 There is a limit on the amount of catcher current that Minwell can make and the amount of current that is distributed by the push-pull and yoke transformers.
I have not experimented with power supplies larger than Minwell,
I do not know the amount of excess energy that can be produced with a larger capacity power supply than with Minwell.

If the grenade coil and ground are connected, no excess energy is generated.
When the kacher secondary coil is connected to ground, excess energy is not generated.
Ground is the place to get excess energy, but it is also where it gets released.
For example,
To pull up the water with the vacuum pump, there must be a vacuum holding area in the pump.
If there is no vacuum tank, water can not be extracted.

The yoke transformer secondary and grenade coils must remain charge unbalanced (vacuum).
At this time, the diode bridge serves as a valve to maintain the electric vacuum (unbalanced) state of the grenade coil.


I hope to reveal the secret of the wave before the retired professor of the video above dies.
Now that he has enjoyed his own joy by concealing a very simple secret over the past few years, I hope to give everyone joy.


If you burn all the secrets of the free generator with lightning like Master Yoda and disappear .......?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on February 23, 2019, 03:13:20 AM
Hi Color ;)
Very inspiring direction my friend. Thanks for sharing your idea. This unbalance as a reason for sucking energy looks at least interesting. I just wonder what is going on with systems that don't use ground. Do they suck energy coupling to it by an antenna? In any case, I looked again all your posted circuits and indeed they are according with your description above which by the way took me enough time to decode it. I'll try to apply your point of view to my ''imposition'' push pulls.       

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 04:21:58 AM



위 영상에서 불균형의 음전하 번개가 접지와 접촉하는 부분은 2차원의 평면으로 만난다.

구름에서 발생한 음전하는 코일 역활을 하며 접지와 평면으로 접촉한다.

그래서 양전하가 음전하 줄기를 타고 전기적 평형된다.
전선에서 만나면 + ㅡ가 만나는 합선이다.
위험한 전기 합선을 사용하는 것이 루슬란의 자유발전기 방식이다.

교류를 직류로 바꿀 때 다이오드는 양전하와 음전하를 분리해서 통과 시킨다.

구름에서 발생한 번개는 음전하를 띤다.

음전하는 다이오드를 통과하 때 + ▼극으로 간다.
접지의 양전하는 다이오드를 통과할 때 ㅡ ▲극으로 간다.

구름에서 발생한 음전하는 다이오드를 통과해서 접지로 내려간다.
kacher에서 발생한 고전압에 음전하가 존재한다.
kacher에서 발생한 음전하는 다이오드를 통과해서 접지로 간다.

kacher가 직접 접지와 접촉하지 않아도 접지에서 양전하를 뽑아낸다.
그리고 다이오드는 수류탄과 접지를 전기적으로 차단한다.

나는 실험을 안해봐서 모른다.
나는 다만 추측할 뿐이다.

누군가가 이런 실험을 해봐야 증명될 것이다.

kacher를 만들고, 접지선에 다이오드를 연결해서 위 실험 같이 펄스가 발생하면 증명된다.

쉽지만 아무도 실험하지 않는다.

In the above image, the portion of the unbalanced negative charge lightning that comes into contact with the ground meets as a two-dimensional plane.

The negative charge generated in the cloud acts as a coil and contacts the ground plane.

So the positive charge is electrically balanced by the negative charge.
When you meet at the front, + ㅡ is the shortest encounter.
The use of hazardous electrical shorts is Ruslan's free generator method.

When converting an alternating current to a direct current, the diode separates positive and negative charges and passes them through.

Lightning from clouds is negatively charged.

Negative charge goes to the + polarity when passing through the diode.
The positive charge on the ground goes to the pole when it passes through the diode.

Negative charge from the cloud passes through the diode and goes down to ground.
There is a negative charge at the high voltage developed in the kacher.
The negative charge generated by the kacher goes through the diode to ground.

Even if the kacher does not contact the ground directly, it draws the positive charge from the ground.
And the diode electrically isolates the grenade and ground.

I do not know the experiment.
I just guess.

Someone will be able to prove it by doing such an experiment.

A kacher is created, and a diode is connected to the ground line.

It is easy, but nobody is experimenting.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on February 23, 2019, 05:06:09 AM
Hi color
Thanks for answering. It is not that nobody is experimenting. It is just difficult to understand/interpret things that you are not used of. I'll watch again your images. This vacuum idea is really very cool!!! 
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 10:42:32 PM
Kapanadze, Akula, Ruslan의 발전기가 사용하는 접지 에너지를 Zenneck Surface wave가 아니라고 하는 이유는 세 가지다.

첫 번째는,
Zenneck wave는 용어의 통일이다.
용어의 통일은 특허와 관계있다.
특허는 곧 돈이다.
2019년 1월경에 대부분 특허됐다.
그래서 Zenneck wave 용어를 주장하는 자들은 돈에 따라간다.

그러나 예전에 비슷한 실험들이 있었다.

대표적인 것이 Norton Surface Wave이다.

두 번째는,
까빠나제 발전기가 사용하는 접지 에너지는 전하의 불균형과 균형에 의해서만 에너지가 이동한다.
이것은 표면파가 아니라 양전하의 움직임이다.
도약으로 해석해도 무방하다.
기존에 사용하는 용어가 있다.
단지 특허와 관계된 용어로 통일하려는 움직임일 뿐이다.

그리고 마지막 세 번째 이유는,
Kapanadze, Akula, Ruslan의 발전기는 접지를 이용하지만 요크 변압기 공진이 에너지를 생산하는 주력이다.
특수한 기술을 접목해서 접지를 사용하지 않고도 자유 발전기가 작동한다.

2~3km 상공에서도 작동한다는 뜻이다.
이것은 Zenneck Surface wave나 Norton Surface Wave와 절대 무관하다.

이것은 비밀이라 코멘트하지 않겠다.

그리고 나의 언어가 영어로 정확하게 표현되지 않았다.

There are three reasons why Kapanadze, Akula, and Ruslan's generators are not using Zenneck surface waves as ground energy.

at first,
The Zenneck wave is the unification of terms.
The unification of terms is related to patents.
Patents are money soon.
Most were patented in January 2019.
So those who claim Zenneck wave terms go with money.

But there were similar experiments in the past.

A typical example is Norton Surface Wave.

second is,
The ground energy used by the generator is transferred only by the imbalance and balance of charge.
This is not the surface wave but the movement of positive charge.
It can be interpreted as a leap.
There are existing terms.
It is merely a move to unify in terms related to patents.

And the last third,
The generator of Kapanadze, Akula and Ruslan uses ground but the resonance of the yoke transformer is the main force that produces energy.
The free generator works without any grounding by combining special technology.
It means that it works even in the sky over 2 ~ 3km.
This is absolutely irrelevant to the Zenneck Surface wave or Norton Surface Wave.
This is a secret and I will not comment.

And my language was not correctly represented in English.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 10:47:56 PM
마찬가지로.. 용어 통일... surface wave, Zenneck wave, plasmons .....

표면 모드에 대해서 생각을 한번 해 보겠습니다.

좀더 구체적으로는 우리가 관심이 있는 표면 플라즈몬 폴라리톤 모드의 물리적 정의와 loss 문제에 대해서 생각해 보겠습니다.


lossless dielectric
lossy metal

과 같은 구조에서 경계면에 존재하는 표면모드를
Maxwell 방정식으로 부터 구할 때의 물리적인 조건, 즉
'Maxwell 방정식에서 표면모드 해를 얻기 위해 사용되는
표면모드의 물리적 조건으로 부터 구체화된 수학적 조건'
을 말로 풀어보면

" 표면을 중심으로 전자장의 phase-velocity가 모두 바깥을
향하는 모드"

입니다. 이러한 조건으로 해를 얻고 나면 필연적으로 따라오는
물리적 성질이 경계를 중심으로 아래 위로 전자장의 세기가
exponential 하게 감소하는 성질입니다. 

보통 표면모드를 말할 때 표면을 중심으로 빛의 세기가 양방향으로
지수적으로 감소하여 표면에 bound 되어 있다고 말을 하고 이러한
상태에서는 metal에 의한 Ohmic loss만이 모드 dissipation의
원인이라고 말하는 경우가 많습니다. 왜냐하면 이 경우는 Kretschmann structure에서 보이는 것과 같은 phase-matching에 의한 높은 인덱스
를 갖는 외부로의 광파 커플링은 없기 때문입니다.

하지만, metal은 loss 를 가지고 있고 dielectric/metal 경계에 평행한
방향을 x방향, 수직한 방향을 z 방향이라고 하면

표면모드의 x 방향 wavevector component Kx는 복소수가 됩니다.
lossless dielectric material에서 kz=((2*pi/lambda)^2-Kx)^0.5로
마찬가지로 복소수가 됩니다.

Kz 방향이 복소수라는 것은 lossless dielectric medium에서 z 방향으로의 전자장 변화가 단순한 exponential 감소가 아닌 위상도 변하는, 즉
z 방향으로의 Poynting vector를 계산했을때 0이 아닌 그런한 변화를
한다는 것을 의미합니다.

즉 표면파라고 해도 금속미디엄이 loss를 갖고 있기 때문에 lossless한
dielectric medium으로도 반드시 일정한 정도의 radiation loss가 발생합니다. 간단한 계산을 통해 ohmic loss와 radiation loss의 값을 정확히 구해 볼 수 있습니다.
즉 표면 모드라는 말이 반드시 표면에 평행한 방향으로만 에너지를 전달
하는 모드가 아니라는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

이러한 뜻에서 표면 모드를 표면을 따라 에너지가 전달되는 파가 아닌

" 표면을 중심으로 전자장의 phase-velocity가 모두 바깥을
향하는 모드"

로 이야기하는 것은 어떨까 하는 생각을 해봅니다.

>Polariton in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polariton)
>Plasmon in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasmon)
>Zenneck (surface) wave in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenneck_wave)
>이런 것들에 대해서도 팀 구성원 사이에
>명확한 이해, 통일된 개념, 정확한 단어 사용이 특허나 돈이다.

Similarly ... term unification ... surface wave, Zenneck wave, plasmons .....

Let's think about surface mode.

More specifically, let us consider the physical definition and loss problem of the surface plasmon polariton mode that we are interested in.


lossless dielectric
lossy metal

The surface mode at the interface is
The physical conditions for obtaining from the Maxwell equation, namely
'Used to obtain the surface mode solution in the Maxwell equation
Mathematical conditions specified from the physical conditions of the surface mode '
In words

"The phase-velocity of the electromagnetic field around the surface is all outside
Mode "

is. If you get harm in these conditions, you will inevitably come
The physical property is the center of the boundary.
It is an exponentially decreasing property.

In normal surface mode, the intensity of the light around the surface is bi-directional
It is exponentially decreasing to say that it is bound to the surface.
In case of Ohmic loss due to metal,
Often it is said to be the cause. This is because the high index by phase-matching as shown in the Kretschmann structure
Because there is no external wave coupling.

However, metal has loss and is parallel to the dielectric / metal boundary
If the direction is x direction and the vertical direction is z direction

The x-direction wavevector component Kx of surface mode is complex.
In a lossless dielectric material, kz = ((2 * pi / lambda) ^ 2-Kx) ^ 0.5
It is also a complex number.

The complex number in the Kz direction is the fact that the electromagnetic field change from the lossless dielectric medium to the z direction changes not only in exponential reduction but also in phase
When we calculate the poynting vector in the z direction, we make such a non-zero change
It means that.

In other words, even if surface waves are metal,
Even with a dielectric medium, there is always a certain amount of radiation loss. It is possible to obtain the exact values ​​of ohmic loss and radiation loss by simple calculation.
In other words, the term surface mode only transfers energy in a direction parallel to the surface
You can see that this is not the mode you are in.

In this sense the surface mode is not a wave transmitted energy along the surface

"The phase-velocity of the electromagnetic field around the surface is all outside
Mode "

I think about how to talk about it.

>  Polariton in Wikipedia  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polariton)
>  Plasmon in Wikipedia  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasmon)
>  Zenneck (surface) wave in Wikipedia  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenneck_wave)
> This is something that also happens between team members
> Clear understanding, unified concept, and precise word usage are patents or money.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 10:50:24 PM
Patents by Inventor James F. Corum

James F. Corum has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Publication number: 20190058327
Abstract: Disclosed are various embodiments for transmitting energy conveyed in the form of a guided surface-waveguide mode along a lossy conducting medium such as, eg, the surface of a terrestrial medium by exciting a polyphase waveguide probe. A probe control system can be used to adjust the polyphase waveguide probe based at least in part upon characteristics of the lossy conducting medium.
Type: Application
Filed: October 23, 2018
Publication date: February 21, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum
Publication number: 20190050612
Abstract: A method of managing objects in a site (424) includes producing a guided surface wave with a guided surface waveguide probe (P), the guided surface wave having sufficient energy density to power object identification tags (402) in an entirety of the site; receiving reply signals from the object identification tags, each object identification tag associated with an object (404); and identifying geolocation of one or more the objects according to received reply signals from the object identification tags that are associated with the one or more of the objects.
Type: Application
Filed: August 26, 2016
Publication date: February 14, 2019
Publication number: 20190049568
Abstract: Disclosed are various systems and methods for remote surface sensing using guided surface wave modes on lossy media. One system, among others, includes a guided surface waveguide probe configured to launch a guided surface wave along a surface of a lossy conducting medium, and a receiver configured to receive backscatter reflected by a remotely located object illuminated by the guided surface wave. One method, among others, includes launching a guided surface wave along a surface of a lossy conducting medium by exciting a charge terminal of a guided surface waveguide probe, and receiving backscatter reflected by a remotely located object illuminated by the guided surface wave.
Type: Application
Filed: October 8, 2018
Publication date: February 14, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum
Adaptation of energy consumption node for guided surface wave reception
Patent number: 10205326
Abstract: Disclosed, in one example, is an energy consumption node. The node includes a guided surface wave receive structure configured to obtain electrical energy from a guided surface wave traveling along a terrestrial medium. The node also includes a distribution system coupled to the guided surface wave receive structure and configured to distribute the obtained electrical energy to an electrical load coupleable to the distribution system.
Type: Grant
Filed: September 9, 2015
Date of Patent: February 12, 2019
Assignee: CPG Technologies, LLC
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, James D. Lilly
Publication number: 20190044209
Abstract: Disclosed a guided surface waveguide probe including a charge terminal configured to generate an electromagnetic field and a support apparatus that supports the charge terminal above a lossy conducting medium, wherein the electromagnetic field generated by the charge terminal synthesizes a wave front incident at a complex Brewster angle of incidence (?i,B) of the lossy conducting medium.
Type: Application
Filed: March 9, 2017
Publication date: February 7, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum
Publication number: 20190041438
Abstract: Disclosed are various approaches for measuring and reporting the amount of electrical power consumed by an electrical load attached to a guided surface wave receive structure. A guided surface wave receive structure is configured to obtain electrical energy from a guided surface wave traveling along a terrestrial medium. An electrical load is coupled to the guided surface wave receive structure, the electrical load being experienced as a load at an excitation source coupled to a guided surface waveguide probe generating the guided surface wave. An electric power meter coupled to the electrical load and configured to measure the electrical load.
Type: Application
Filed: October 5, 2018
Publication date: February 7, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, Joseph F. Pinzone, James D. Lilly, Michael W. Miller, Stephen W. Wilson
Excitation and use of guided surface waves
Patent number: 10193595
Abstract: Disclosed are various embodiments for transmitting and receiving energy conveyed in the form of a guided surface-waveguide mode along the surface of a lossy medium such as, eg, a terrestrial medium excited by a guided surface waveguide probe.
Type: Grant
Filed: June 2, 2015
Date of Patent: January 29, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum
Magnetic coils having cores with high magnetic permeability
Patent number: 10193229
Abstract: Aspects of magnetic coils having cores with relatively high magnetic permeability are described. In some embodiments, a system includes a guided surface wave receive structure configured to obtain electrical energy from a guided surface wave traveling across a terrestrial medium. The guided surface wave receive structure includes a magnetic coil and a core disposed in the magnetic coil. The core in some embodiments has a relative magnetic permeability greater than about 10 and less than about 1,000,000. An electrical load is coupled to the guided surface wave receive structure, with the electrical load being experienced as a load at an excitation source coupled to a guided surface waveguide probe generating the guided surface wave.
Type: Grant
Filed: September 10, 2015
Date of Patent: January 29, 2019
Assignee: CPG Technologies, LLC
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, James D. Lilly
Guided surface wave transmission of multiple frequencies in a lossy media
Patent number: 10193353
Abstract: Disclosed are various embodiments for transmitting energy at multiple frequencies via a guided surface wave along the surface of a lossy medium such as, eg, a terrestrial medium by exciting a guided surface waveguide probe.
Type: Grant
Filed: December 28, 2017
Date of Patent: January 29, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, James D. Lilly, Basil F. Pinzone, Jr., Joseph F. Pinzone
Publication number: 20190027841
Abstract: Disclosed are various embodiments of an electromagnetic hybrid phased array system. One such embodiment includes a guided surface waveguide probe, and a contrawound toroidal helix antenna collocated with the guided surface waveguide probe in which the contrawound toroidal helix comprises ring elements spaced from each other and wrapped around the guided surface waveguide probe. The system further includes a signal source applied to at least the guided surface waveguide probe, such that the guided surface waveguide probe and the contrawound toroidal helix contribute individual vertical electric fields to form a radiation pattern based on the phase and amplitude characteristics of the individual vertical electric fields.
Type: Application
Filed: September 10, 2018
Publication date: January 24, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, Basil F. Pinzone, JR.
Publication number: 20190025060
Abstract: Disclosed are various approaches for determining positions of a navigation unit and correcting for errors. The navigation unit can receive a guided surface wave using a guided surface wave receive structure. The navigation unit can then determine a potential location of the guided surface wave receive structure. Finally, the navigation unit can determine an accuracy of the potential location based at least in part on a secondary data source.
Type: Application
Filed: September 25, 2018
Publication date: January 24, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, James D. Lilly
Publication number: 20190020223
Abstract: Disclosed are systems and methods for long distance transmission of offshore generated power. A turbine is located offshore. The turbine can be mechanically coupled to a generator. A guided surface waveguide probe is electrically coupled to the generator and configured to launch a guided surface wave on a terrestrial medium.
Type: Application
Filed: September 11, 2018
Publication date: January 17, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, John Robert Ashcroft, Stephen W. Wilson, Michael W. Miller
Publication number: 20190013697
Abstract: Various embodiments for deterring theft in wireless power systems are disclosed. In one embodiment, an electrical device, comprise a guided surface wave receive structure configured to obtain electrical energy from a guided surface wave traveling along a terrestrial medium, and an electrical load coupled to the guided surface wave receive structure, the electrical load being experienced as a load at an excitation source coupled to a guided surface waveguide probe generating the guided surface wave. Processing circuitry of the electrical device may be configured to monitor the electrical load to determine whether a power consumption of the electrical load has exceeded a predefined amount of permitted power consumption and disable the wireless power receiver or the electrical load coupled to the wireless power receive structure in response to the electrical load exceeding the predefined amount of permitted power consumption.
Type: Application
Filed: August 27, 2018
Publication date: January 10, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, James D. Lilly, Basil F. Pinzone, JR.
Geolocation using guided surface waves
Patent number: 10175048
Abstract: Disclosed are various approaches for determining positions of a navigation unit and correcting for errors. The navigation unit can receive a guided surface wave using a guided surface wave receive structure. The navigation unit can then determine a potential location of the guided surface wave receive structure. Finally, the navigation unit can determine an accuracy of the potential location based at least in part on a secondary data source.
Type: Grant
Filed: August 17, 2016
Date of Patent: January 8, 2019
Assignee: CPG Technologies, LLC
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, James D. Lilly
Simultaneous multifrequency receive circuits
Patent number: 10177571
Abstract: Disclosed are various receive circuits by which to receive a plurality of guided surface waves transmitted by a plurality of guided surface waveguide probes over a surface of a terrestrial medium according to various embodiments.
Type: Grant
Filed: December 19, 2017
Date of Patent: January 8, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, Joseph F. Pinzone, James D. Lilly
Subsurface sensing using guided surface wave modes on lossy media
Patent number: 10175203
Abstract: Disclosed are various systems and methods for remote surface sensing using guided surface wave modes on lossy media. One system, among others, comprises a guided surface waveguide probe configured to launch a guided surface wave along a surface of a lossy conducting medium, and a receiver configured to receive backscatter reflected by a remotely located subsurface object illuminated by the guided surface wave. One method, among others, includes launching a guided surface wave along a surface of a lossy conducting medium by exciting a charge terminal of a guided surface waveguide probe, and receiving backscatter reflected by a remotely located subsurface object illuminated by the guided surface wave.
Type: Grant
Filed: September 9, 2015
Date of Patent: January 8, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum
Publication number: 20190006854
Abstract: Disclosed are various embodiments of a guided surface wave transmitter/receiver configured to transmit a guided surface wave at a first frequency and to receive guided surface waves at a second frequency, concurrently with the transmission of guided surface waves at the first frequency. The various embodiments can be configured to retransmit received power and applied the received power to an electrical load. The various embodiments of the guided surface wave transmitter/receiver also can be configured as an amplitude modulation (AM) repeater.
Type: Application
Filed: September 7, 2018
Publication date: January 3, 2019
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, James D. Lilly, Basil F. Pinzone, JR., Joseph F. Pinzone
Publication number: 20180366805
Abstract: Disclosed is a guided surface waveguide probe including a charge terminal configured to generate an electromagnetic field and a support apparatus that supports the charge terminal above a lossy conducting medium, wherein the electromagnetic field generated by the charge terminal synthesizes a wave front incident at a complex Brewster angle of incidence (?i,B) of the lossy conducting medium.
Type: Application
Filed: August 24, 2018
Publication date: December 20, 2018
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, Basil F. Pinzone, JR., Joseph F. Pinzone, Paul Kendall Carlton, JR.
Publication number: 20180366808
Abstract: Various examples are provided for site specification for directional guided surface wave transmission in a lossy media. In one example, a probe site includes a propagation interface including first and second regions comprising different lossy conducting mediums. A guided surface waveguide probe positioned adjacent to the first and second regions can generate at least one electric field to launch a guided surface wave along the propagation interface in a radial direction defined by the first region and restricted by the second region. The propagation interface can also include additional regions comprising the same or different lossy conducting mediums. One or more of the regions can be prepared regions. In some cases, the regions can correspond to a terrestrial medium (eg, a shoreline) and water (eg, seawater along the shoreline).
Type: Application
Filed: March 9, 2017
Publication date: December 20, 2018
Inventors: James F. CORUM, Kenneth L. CORUM, John E. ROSS, III
Publication number: 20180366804
Abstract: Disclosed are various systems and methods directed to the launching of a Zenneck surface wave embodying a modulated signal using a guided surface waveguide probe. A modulated signal is generated and coupled to a guided surface waveguide probe. A resulting Zenneck surface wave is launched that decays exponentially as a function of distance.
Type: Application
Filed: August 8, 2018
Publication date: December 20, 2018
Inventors: James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 10:54:29 PM

In 1916 while speaking of his system for global transmission, Tesla cited the analysis of mathematician Arnold N. Sommerfeld as verification of his explanations of observed radio phenomena.  Tesla was referring to his wireless system in which, he claimed, 90% to 95% of the electrical energy was manifested at the transmitters output as "current waves" with the remainder existing as dissipating electromagnetic radiation (see Antenna Theory).  In 1909 another investigator by the name of Johann Zenneck, while working to explain Marconi's trans-oceanic results, showed that a unique type of surface wave could travel along the interface between the ground and the air.  In the words of James Corum,

"The distinguishing feature of the Zenneck wave was that the propagating energy didn't spread like radiation, but was concentrated near the guiding surface.  Sommerfeld had shown that an electromagnetic wave could be guided along a wire of finite conductivity, and Zenneck conceived that the earth's surface would perform in a manner similar to a single conducting wire." [see "Operating Principles of the Wardenclyffe Apparatus"]

In commenting on Sommerfeld's analysis of the surface wave, James R. Wait states that "The field amplitude varies inversely as the square root of the horizontal distance from the source. . . ."  It's interesting to note that Sommerfeld made a point of distinguishing between the "electrodynamic" surface wave and its Hertzian counterpart the space wave, believing that both components could be present in varying proportion in the wave complex.  It was Tesla's assertion that the exact composition of the emissions was dependent upon the design of the transmitter launching structure.

Geometry for Zenneck wave propagation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 10:56:21 PM
According to James Corum's mathematical analysis of the Zenneck wave,

"The resulting wave is a surface guided (single conductor) transmission line mode which attenuates exponentially along the guide. . . .  There is no inverse square spreading or diffraction, as with Hertzian waves. . . .  With appropriate constitutive parameters, a pure Zenneck wave would seem to hold out the promise of guided propagation with no radiation field to waste energy."

As the study of radio propagation progressed and certain mathematical analyses excluded it, some question as to the existence of Zenneck surface waves began to develop.  In 1937 limited support was given to these doubts after tests showed simple antennas driven at 150 mHz produced 100 times lower field strength than predicted.  More recent investigations show evidence that Zenneck waves can, indeed, be generated.  The lower the frequency, the lower are the propagation losses.  It is also apparent that they are not a major contributor to the field produced by an electric dipole or a quarter wave radiator, however they might be excited by an energetic quarter wave resonator.  To quote Hill and Wait,

"As it turns out, the Zenneck wave is generally difficult to excite with a realistic source because it has a rather slow decay with height above the earth's surface.  But there is still an open question whether other types of sources may not be more favorable. . . . An infinite vertical aperture with height variation corresponding to that of the Zenneck wave will excite only the Zenneck surface wave with no radiation field. . . ." [Hill, D. and J.R. Wait, "Excitation of the Zenneck Surface Wave by a vertical Aperture," Radio Science, Vol. 13, No. 6, November-December, 1978, pp. 969-977.]

And to once again quote Dr. Corum,

"The 1978 analysis provided by Hill and Wait examined the fields produced by a vertical sheet of horizontally directed magnetic current with an exponential variation in an 'infinite Zenneck" aperture. . . . The analysis . . . showed that this field has no intrinsic merit at 1 to 10 MHz, and we certainly agree.  One wonders, however (and this is pure conjecture at this point), if the disposition of Tesla's Colorado Springs high voltage (10-20 Mv) VLF resonator did, in fact, possess an effective vertical distribution of magnetic current which could launch a similar Zenneck Surface Wave. . . ."

Plots of field strength vs. frequency indicate that a Zenneck wave propagates best at ELF and VLF frequencies up to about 35 kHz and begins to lose its advantage as frequency rises above this point.

Predicted Zenneck wave field strength decrease for around-the-world propagation as a function of frequency in kHz.

The complex longitudinal propagation phase constant along the Earth's surface for the Zenneck surface wave.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 10:58:25 PM

The Zenneck Surface Wave vs. the Norton Surface Wave

A 1/2-wave dipole antenna in free space--the Hertz antenna--approaches an ideal source of electromagnetic radiation emitted in the form of space waves.  These space waves can reach the receiver either by sky-wave propagation or by ground-wave propagation, the latter being the portion of the radiated space wave that propagates close to the earth's surface.  The ground wave has both direct-wave and ground-reflected components, and under certain conditions a tropospheric ducting component.  The direct-wave is limited only by the distance to the horizon from the transmitter plus a small distance added by atmospheric diffraction around the curvature of the earth.  The ground-reflected portion of the radiated wave reaches the receiving antenna after being reflected from the earth's surface.

There is also an induced ground-hugging surface-wave component known as the Norton surface wave.  This wave is the result of electrical currents induced in the ground by refraction of a portion of the reflected-wave component at the earth-atmosphere interface.  Upon reflection from the Earth's surface the reflected wave undergoes a 180deg phase reversal.  When both transmitting and receiving antennas are on, or close to, the ground, and the distance between them becomes great, the direct and reflected components tend to cancel out, and the resulting field intensity is principally that of this surface wave.  Because part of its energy is absorbed by the ground, the electrical intensity of the surface wave is attenuated at a much greater rate than inversely as the distance.  It is the conductivity of the underlying terrain that determines the attenuation of the surface-wave field intensity as a function of distance.  The ground currents of a vertically polarized surface wave do not short-circuit a given electric field but rather serve to restore part of the used energy to the following field.  The better the conducting surface layer, the more energy returned and the less energy absorbed. [Antennas and Radio Propagation, TM 11-666, Dept. of the Army, Feb. 1953, pp. 17-23.]

It is useful here to consider two additional forms of wireless telecommunications antennas or launching structures, the Marconi antenna, a vertical 1/4-wave monopole antenna element and the Tesla antenna, a vertical high aspect-ratio 1/4-wave helical resonator with large capacitive top loading and small overall height, compared to the electrical 1/4 wavelength.  In both cases the structure is base fed, and a ground connection is used.

The Marconi antenna is a modified 1/2-wave Hertz antenna adapted to the real-world conditions encountered in the construction of medium and low frequency transmitters.  These adaptations are imposed by the wavelength involved and the resulting physical dimensions required of the antenna.  The dipole antenna is modified in that its lower half, 1/4 wavelength long, exists only as a mirror image of its upper counterpart.  The resulting 1/4-wave vertical monopole antenna takes advantage of the fact that at lower frequencies the ground acts as a mirror for the radiated energy.  The ground reflects a large amount of the energy that is radiated downward from the antenna mounted over it.  In the physical construction of the ground connection is important to have as high a conductivity as possible.   The object is to provide the best possible reflecting surface for the energy radiated downward from the antenna.  The ground consists of a number of bare conductors arranged radially and connected, 1/2 wavelength long, buried a short distance beneath the earth's surface.  In practice these conductors may act as part of the reflecting surface as well as making the connection to ground itself.   An alternative type of ground is the counterpoise.   It is a wire structure erected a short distance above the ground, and insulated from the ground.  The counterpoise operates by virtue of its capacitance to the ground.   Not unlike the Hertz antenna, the Marconi antenna is a source electromagnetic radiation in the form of space waves.

The Tesla antenna is a form of wireless antenna or wave launching structure developed by Tesla in which the transmitted energy propagates or is carried to the receiver by a combination of electrical current flowing through the earth, electrostatic induction and electrical conduction through plasma with an embedded magnetic field.  Of course it is also part of an electric dipole, consisting of the elevated capacitance, the helical resonator and master oscillator plus connections, and the Earth itself.  The above-ground structure is not intended as a source of electromagnetic radiation, rather, it is designed to minimize the production of electromagnetic radiation.  The principle that the ground acts as a mirror, which reflects electromagnetic energy radiated downward by the antenna mounted over it, is not applicable.

In operation, the Tesla launching structure induces an electrical current in the earth between the transmitting and receiving stations, along with an associated surface wave, that propagate the transmitted energy.  A conducting path is also establish through the rarified upper level atmosphere between the transmitting and receiving stations elevated high voltage terminals, leading Tesla to coin the term "disturbed charge of ground and air method."  He stated that this method involves electrical conduction and that energy escapes from the system in the form of electromagnetic radiation.  The conducting media are the earth and the atmosphere above 5 miles elevation.  While the region from 5 miles up to the ionosphere is not an ohmic conductor, the density or pressure is sufficiently reduced to so that, according to Tesla's theory, the atmosphere's insulating properties can be easily impaired allowing an electric current to flow.  His theory further suggests that the conducting region is developed through the process of atmospheric ionization, shifting the effected portions thereof to a plasma state.  A magnetic field is developed by each plant's helical resonator, meaning that an embedded magnetic field is also involved.  The atmosphere below 5 miles is also viewed as a propagating medium for a portion of the above ground circuit, and being an insulating medium, electrostatic induction or 'displacement current' would be involved rather than true electrical conduction.  Tesla felt that with a sufficiently high electrical potential on the elevated terminal the practical limitation imposed upon its height could be overcome.  He anticipated that a highly energetic transmitter would charge the elevated terminal to the point where the atmosphere around and above it would break down and become ionized, leading to a flow of true conduction currents between the two terminals through the troposphere path connection.

Now, Sommerfeld described an electrodynamic wave that is guided along a wire of finite conductivity and Zenneck expanded upon this description, asserting that the earth's surface performs in a manner similar to a conducting wire.  And, while the Norton Surface Wave is the result of electrical currents induced in the ground by refraction of a portion of the reflected-wave component of the ground-wave at the earth-atmosphere interface, the surface wave associated with Tesla's apparatus is the result of electrical ground currents flowing between two discrete points on the earth's surface.  Unlike the lossy Norton surface-wave that is excited by a conventional AM radio transmitter it would seem that Tesla's surface wave would not diminish quite as significantly as the distance from the source facility increases.  [See "A Comparison of the Tesla and Marconi LF Wireless Systems"]

[This piece is derived from "The Zenneck Surface Wave," Appendix II of the paper entitled "Nikola Tesla, Lightning Observations and Stationary Waves" by K. L. Corum and J. F. Corum, Ph.D. 1994., presented at the 1994 Colorado Springs Tesla Symposium.  This and other papers are available through PV Scientific Instruments' Tesla Reprint Page.  See also The Purpose of the Wardenclyffe Tower.]

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 11:04:25 PM
Understanding Lightning: Return Stroke

The return stroke is the very bright visible flash that we see as lightning, caused by the rapid discharge of electricity. Once the step leader makes contact with a streamer, the negative charge that has accumulated along the leader channel flows rapidly to ground. The movement of the charge starts at the point of contact and rapidly works its way upward as charge is drained from the channel
(Figure 1.

Although the visible flash is associated with the rapid movement of charge downward, the actual flash propagates upward throughout the channel as the negative charge starts moving toward the ground (Figure 2).

This is similar to cars that have been stopped by an open drawbridge. Once the drawbridge is opened for traffic, cars initially start moving forward toward the bridge but movement across the bridge works its way backward through the line of stopped cars. For a moment after the initial return stroke, the channel remains conductive and can be a favored path for subsequent downward leaders.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2019, 11:26:00 PM
I made a special yoke transformer, but it did not work.
I could not understand.
So I thought a special yoke transformer was not special.
For a while ....

And while I was doing various experiments, I realized that a special yoke transformer only works on a special grounding mechanism.

And Experiment End.

Negative electric charge Positive electric charge exists everywhere on earth.
However, the Zenneck Surface Wave stole the Return Stroke of the lightning.

With patent and money ...

오렌지색 모자를 꽃으로 착각하는 벌새...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 25, 2019, 12:36:52 AM

There are many people who are mortgaged to the brightness of light sensitivity.
This is your will that light has caused.
Is it the will of darkness?
Who will save you if you fall into your own lake?
Many people waste their thoughts and time on meaningless things.
Of course, the instinctive dance of moths flying toward the torchlight is wonderful.

Is the exit strategy still far away?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 25, 2019, 12:40:03 AM

I like the open young scientific mindset of Russia.
However, this is far removed from the discussion of free generators.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 25, 2019, 04:21:45 AM
Атомистика. Секрет, что такое ТОК, раскрыт

To compare life as a flower,
I think that the time when flowers are full is when they are enthusiastically committed to something.
God bless you!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on February 26, 2019, 04:26:12 AM
Quote from: color on February 23, 2019, 11:26:00 PM
I made a special yoke transformer, but it did not work.
I could not understand.
So I thought a special yoke transformer was not special.
For a while ....

And while I was doing various experiments, I realized that a special yoke transformer only works on a special grounding mechanism.
Hi Color. This is why I told you about the specialty of Meyer transformer.  ;)
Look this image. It is Carlos Benitez. When I first saw that I thought that Carlos tried to mislead with those strange looking diode directions! You see that bridge is not absolutely necessary. It can be done with
just two diodes. Like in Justawatt's last Ruslan's circuit.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on February 26, 2019, 04:35:29 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 26, 2019, 05:26:02 PM
Someone seems to be interested in my computer.
Spyware(or Malware) is running and the file does not open.
I am concerned about hacking and do not store anything important on my computer.
Computer format has been over a month and I will reformat it.

It is troublesome.



I do not experiment now.
I can not even solder it as a essential tremor.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 26, 2019, 05:51:19 PM
Have you tried CCLEANER and Malware bytes both are free and very powerful for getting rid of  malware
and check your registry and clean your cookies they are spyware !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on February 27, 2019, 02:54:18 AM
Quote from: color on February 26, 2019, 05:26:02 PM


I do not experiment now.
I can not even solder it as a essential tremor.

I wish you a quick recover my friend.
AG is right about ccleaner you can download the free version here.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on March 02, 2019, 05:59:38 AM

Thank you.


Thank you.


February 23, 2016, 04:25:23 PM ≫
cosmoLV: ≫ ... if you once get this magnetic field - you will be amazed and I'm sure that you will not post schematics!≪

The major problem with this thread (and also others) is that almost no one looks back and reads what is written 10 or more pages ago, because he thinks, if the latest page does not provide complete information how to construct a free energy device, then the previous pages will have even less information on it. Therefore the thread goes continuously in circles.

Here back in 2011 Guntis explains the basic principle in one sentence.

Originally Posted by scratchrobot  View Post
I know you will release soon, you are good person, i know 

You say we need power from outside, maybe you mean attract ions from air and conducting them to ground?

For coil to create ozone you use wire with special insulation?
The metal you use in coil is aluminum foil?

ions are attracted by ionisation.

this HV field are magnetised with vibrations and we get wery poverfull magnetic field "and this field are this outside power"

i use aluminum alloy

The theory: A transformer has to have at least two primary coils and one secondary coil. The first primary coil generates high voltage pulses in the secondary coil, whereas the second primary coil generates an additional magnetic field. One primary coil works at twice the frequency of the other. Therefore neither a flyback from a TV nor a transformer from a microwave oven is suitable for that.

Now I'm anxious when the time of amazement will come to me.



"to reserve time to serve his old father"


You are repeating the same words for three years.
There is no progress.

I will not answer these questions in the future.
Poverty is not sin.
Rather, you feel uncomfortable about your instinct to gather unnecessary wealth.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on March 02, 2019, 11:55:49 AM
Communication Pizdabola DragonsLord76 and Russia TopRuslan 33 Skype with DL 01 03 2019 1.5 kW HD
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on March 05, 2019, 09:23:09 AM
The wiring of the Ruslan 33 generator is confusing.
But the principle is simple.
The cathode of the push-pull and kacher circuits is connected directly to ground.
And the resonance of the yoke transformer makes everything possible.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on March 05, 2019, 12:49:28 PM
Fuel Free Electromagnetic Generator 10kW prototype - 5 hour island test (promo)


An unedited version is going to be uploaded in a few days! Also, the first production model of INFINITY MG10™ is going to be presented very soon, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for latest updates.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on March 06, 2019, 02:11:51 PM

Почти.. и ба бах!!
Самый лучший день приходил вчера, пробыл до утра.... Ну и ладно будь!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on March 06, 2019, 04:40:33 PM
Quote from: color on March 06, 2019, 02:11:51 PM
Почти.. и ба бах!!
Самый лучший день приходил вчера, пробыл до утра.... Ну и ладно будь!
The curret started to some how start to run away, i hope he managed to fix it ok.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: kolbacict on March 07, 2019, 03:08:25 AM
Quote from: color on March 05, 2019, 12:49:28 PM
Fuel Free Electromagnetic Generator 10kW prototype - 5 hour island test (promo)


An unedited version is going to be uploaded in a few days! Also, the first production model of INFINITY MG10™ is going to be presented very soon, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for latest updates.
Sorry that in Russian.
https://youtu.be/vd1EMSgk7DA (https://youtu.be/vd1EMSgk7DA)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Thaelin on March 07, 2019, 03:35:00 AM
I guess I should be overly impressed. Why do I feel like Sean Connery in one of his movies where he states," I still waiting around to be impressed". I  am not saying it is fake. I'm not saying it worked. I want to know why it is not being put on the market. That is what will make the grade and we all know it will not happen in my lifetime if in any. Just too many markets in too many countries have an oil economy. Loose that thing and they die. You cant eat oil.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Acca on March 13, 2019, 10:41:49 PM
  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN2nBZrgQwE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN2nBZrgQwE)

Что толку от 5 часов, если не показали что там нет присыпаных проводов, например. Под галькой можно даже огромную катушку индуктивности спрятать. У прозрачной коробки есть колеса, за 6 часов они не сдвинулись и на миллиметр. Неужели не сдвинуть телегу, чтобы продемонстрировать что она работает независимо? Пройтись по проводам и показать откуда и куда они идут, слабо? Вариантов провернуть такой фокус множество. Хоть как-то попытались бы изобразить чистоту эксперимента. А так зря потратили время. Автор постоянно давит на эмоции, мол скептики всё равно не поверят, что им не покажи. Я готов поверить, но мне нужно увидеть реальные доказательства, а количество часов само по себе ничего не доказывает. Если уж вы ломаете законы физики, идете против "мирового энергетического порядка", нужно быть готовым что вам не поверят просто так. А пока вам могу поверить только те, кто верит в "битву экстрасенсов". Если по телеку показывают, значит правда ))) = Если вокруг бегают корейцы, с умным видом, значит правда.)))

What is the use of 5 hours, if not shown that there are no powdered wires, for example. Under the pebbles, you can even hide a huge inductor.
The transparent box has wheels; in 6 hours they did not move even a millimeter.
Do not move the cart to demonstrate that it works independently?
Go through the wires and show where and where they go, weakly?
Options to turn such a focus set. At least somehow tried to portray the purity of the experiment.
And so time wasted.
The author constantly puts pressure on emotions, saying that skeptics still do not believe that they do not show. I am ready to believe, but I need to see real evidence, and the number of hours in itself does not prove anything.
If you are breaking the laws of physics, going against the "world energy order", you need to be prepared that you will not be believed for nothing.
In the meantime, you can only believe those who believe in the "battle of psychics."
If they are shown on TV, then it's true))) = = If Koreans are running around, with a smart look, then it's true.)))
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 27, 2020, 11:45:56 AM
I am very pleased that Russians come to Korea and sell magnet motor free generators.
I want Korean power companies to introduce free generators.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on July 27, 2020, 01:46:54 PM
Quote from: color on July 27, 2020, 11:45:56 AM
I am very pleased that Russians come to Korea and sell magnet motor free generators.
I want Korean power companies to introduce free generators.
Yes i agree, but have the sold or are they selling them?
I rather think they might be illegal here due to the arguments
with our Guv and the Indian view by their government.
I suspect tax and greed might be there problem.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 27, 2020, 02:10:36 PM
AlienGrey :

Koreans are quite understandable.
And they don't easily buy things they can't fix.
We prefer to have a service period for purchased items.
And I like to pick if there are similar products around.
Motor-type free generators have many bearing problems.
It can be a better product when linked with a low-speed rotating generator.

한국인들은 상당히 이해타산적입니다.
그리고 자신이 고칠 수 없는 물건을 쉽게 구입하지 않습니다.
구입한 물품에 대한 서비스 기간이 있는 것을 선호합니다.
그리고 주변에 비슷한 제품이 있다면 고르기를 좋아합니다.
모터형 자유발전기는 베어링 문제가 많아요.
저속 회전하는 발전기와 연동하면 더 좋은 제품이 될 수 있습니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 28, 2020, 10:17:54 AM
With the above free generator
If there is no difference in free generator below, what would you choose?

For the poor, price is a matter of reality.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 28, 2020, 11:59:24 AM
Wheel-type free generators seem like a matter of time.
Expensive one is enough as a luxury.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 29, 2020, 06:23:52 AM

The problem with the 2SC5200 transistor circuit is,
2SC5200 transistor is easily overheated.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 30, 2020, 02:03:27 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 30, 2020, 03:33:13 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 30, 2020, 05:09:02 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 30, 2020, 05:19:07 PM

You have a patent holder for the FLUX switch.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 31, 2020, 01:28:46 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 31, 2020, 02:55:08 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 01, 2020, 09:14:48 AM
Народ может быть и в курсе, но количество фокусников вполне способны сбить с толку. Всегда хорошо освежить знания, того времени, когда электричество стоило 4 копейки и Лоренс, Ампер да и Ленс были многим параллельны.
Хотя, если чётко понять где заканчивается Лоренс и начинается Ампер , понять отличие бегущей волны от не бегущей, посмотреть на то, что показывал DL, и наконец понять, что именно имел в виду Смит, область поиска должна быть понятней. Тариэл пришло к этому не имея академических знаний,,,,


Electricity flows when the anode and cathode are unbalanced.
(Electricity is generated when the anode and cathode are unbalanced)
It is also caused by the imbalance of the N-pole or the S-pole that the magnetic force stimulates the electrons of the conductor.
Ferrite is not affected by magnetic force.
The same goes for Yoke-ferrite.
The magnet interferes with the magnetic flux formed in the ferrite.
Yoke-ferrite transformer is the heart that creates resonance.
The magnet without frequency interferes with the magnetic flux of the primary coil of the Yoke-transformer, which produces a pulsating resonance frequency.
The two primary Yoke-transformer coils each produce independent frequency fluxes.
Each independent coil of the primary coil is like two hearts beating.
And the two hearts run equally without a single error.
When the two pulsations meet at their best, the Yoke-transformer secondary coil connected to the Tesla coil reacts.
This reaction is the same as the DC generator pulsation, not the AC pulsation.

Хотя, если чётко понять где заканчивается Лоренс и начинается Ампер,
Although, if you clearly understand where Lawrence ends and Ampere begins,,

When the electric charge passes by moving the electric and magnetic fields, the force received is Lorentz's Force.

The output electricity of the Ruslan generator has a FLUX pulsation.
It has both positive and negative pulsations.
It is also mixed with Tesla high voltage.
When each of the two primary coils of the Yoke-transformer has a positive pulsation, the secondary coil of the Yoke-transformer summons a negative pulsation,
When each of the two primary coils of the Yoke-transformer is a negative pulsation, the secondary coil of the Yoke-transformer summons a positive pulsation.

To explain it more easily,
When the Tesla coil summons an artificial lightning, the principle of summoning the 2nd and 3rd lightning of each of the primary coils of the Yoke-transformer almost simultaneously.
The artificial lightning separates the Yoke-transformer into plus and minus, and then gives the FLUX pulsation again.
Artificial lightening separated by plus and minus causes new amplification coupling in the ground and the atmosphere.
At this time, amplification effect such as Townsend discharge occurs,
The Yoke-transformer resonance amplifies the artificial lightning summoned by the Tesla coil four times at intervals of Khz to Mhz.
'Lightning Townsend discharge back EMF'
Yes, to define a Kapanase/Akula/Ruslan generator.

Some of your videos are gone.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 01, 2020, 09:38:43 AM
Bismuth has a fatal drawback.
The melting point is 271.3 degrees Celsius.
It melts even in weak heat.
Therefore, a bismuth alloy must be used in the generator.
Some commercially available modules are used for solar power generation using bismuth.

The research team successfully produced a photoelectrode material whose crystal structure was oriented preferentially in a specific direction by depositing a representative oxide semiconductor bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) used as a photovoltaic-hydrogen production device on a transparent electrode by laser deposition.

If my guess is correct, the creator of the Z-power generator seems to have installed a module used for solar power generation into the generator.
So the generator is not related to the sun, but refers to the sun.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on August 01, 2020, 09:43:16 AM
#Reply 210 :
From the Hildenbrand switch US7453341
to Sanshiro Ogino Hybrid-type magnet circuit US6369479 sheet 1 and 16 ( physical measurements) from 18

compareable with Flynn Parallel Path technology research results ( today www.qmpower.com )

to Ogino Sanshiro,Keiichiro Asaoka JP2003009558 Hybrid-type magnet circuit generator
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 02, 2020, 05:05:50 AM
Magnetic energy battery
The magnetic energy battery of the present invention comprises a casing, a positive terminal and a negative terminal. The main body of the battery is a cylindrical permanent magnet (1) having two end planar surfaces which are magnetized such that a vortex magnetic field (2) is formed inside. The vortex magnetic field (2) is a circle form concentrically with the axis of the permanent magnet (1) and the direction of the magnetization is perpendicular to the axis of the permanent magnet (1). The battery can directly produce electrical power from magnetic energy and can be recharged by magnetization repeatedly.


In the Earth Engine Model 30 Demonstration, the upper and lower gyroscopes rotate in opposite directions.
If you infer the principle here,


When the N pole of the magnet is attached outward, it rotates to the right or left,
If the S-pole of the magnet is attached outward, can it be considered to rotate left or right?

It appears that the gyroscope support is made of semi-magnetic aluminum, which is hardly affected by magnetism.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 12:05:53 AM

It is a scene that I have seen a lot.




Magnetic motions that work almost the same principle.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 01:25:08 AM


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 01:46:37 AM

Good question.
Rotating only one is the same as rotating the group.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 02:18:30 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: onepower on August 03, 2020, 03:45:10 AM
Ah... the Menat and what looks looks like a Sumerian relief of a series connected Djed. Of course the Egyptians inherited basically all of there technology from the Sumerians who inherited it from others. I suspect the Egyptian Djed was an inferior version as it required cabling and a source similar to the Bagdad battery as depicted in the Dendera Light device. There are even some relatively modern patents from the early 1900's following similar principals.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 09:07:01 AM
onepower :
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 09:16:56 AM

It is very sad that not many people understand your words.
I listen to you deeply.
Thank you.


It's fun when ordinary people play with real spies. 8)


This resembles Cure-oreille.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 03, 2020, 09:51:51 AM

While your about can you please explain to those who brick wall the difference
between a conventional AC and radiant energy, perhaps we can then move on .

Many thanks

At the end of the day this forum is just that a forum.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 10:53:21 AM
AlienGrey :


In the undeveloped Orient, car batteries and transformers are still used to catch freshwater fish.
Even the cheerleaders who haven't grown up are wiped out by electricity.
It is unfortunate.
Asians do a lot of things they shouldn't.
When a transistor is used, an arc is formed.
However, arc is not strong.
It is not the same kind of arc that mimics the arc seen briefly in a Ruslan generator.
Many free generator users spend time waiting for what the arc achieves.
The way arcs are made is different.

While your about can you please explain to those who brick wall the difference
between a conventional AC and radiant energy, perhaps we can then move on .

Many thanks

At the end of the day this forum is just that a forum.

I usually don't shake my hands,
If only the soldering iron is in contact with the hand, hydrocephalus develops.
My hand shakes, so the camera I fix myself shakes.

Many people know the mechanism of free generators.
I'm just talking about what they don't know.
People who live alone are always lonely and hostile.
Sometimes my daughter's visit is the only contact with a person.
You will read my google blog post.
What have you learned?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 03, 2020, 12:33:56 PM
No idea I had it back in January courtesy of the NHS

Some time ago some one a Female put a link to a NASA publication regarding over population
and then there is the Georgia Guidestones.

Just watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bWZ_VNeeDU

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 01:46:24 PM
AlienGrey :


You don't have to worry about electricity or research because you have nothing to do.
You can live by doing your favorite things.


I don't want to know why the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is allowed and the magnetic engine is banned.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 03, 2020, 03:07:29 PM
Zero force motor test two

Self-satisfaction is always valid.
If you lose hope, others know the secret.
Can we find other hope here or can we be free from accident like Sakyamuni?

Rather than trying to find out why it doesn't work, giving up is quicker, making life easier.

Time is gold, but if you delay, do you lose luck to others?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 04, 2020, 12:55:20 AM
Feynman made a formula when he was younger, but it was said to have been created by someone in the past.

That's what most of the information is.
It's not special, but I think the non-special Pinemans are special.
So did Kapanaze, and so did Ruslan.

There are many who want to turn information into money.
The same goes for honor.
Do you want to hear that you are smart?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 04, 2020, 03:05:51 AM

A circular magnet was placed on the computer hard disk.
The torque is weak, but it turns in a certain direction.
On Earth, magnets can move permanently regardless of position and orientation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Thaelin on August 04, 2020, 05:23:27 AM
Just for grins, see how the thread you used is wound. Put weight on it and it will unwind. Let go it will over wind the other direction like a spring and then reverse. In the end, it will stop.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 04, 2020, 07:37:26 AM
Thaelin It's not a thread on a screw or a spring it's more like a thread of cotton there is so much BS floating around peop;e just give up!
Put a good video  pointer on here ond in hours it's taken down such ios life here.

What we realy need is a new Dally thread with the data base copying too thats had all the BS removed and thats moderated.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 04, 2020, 07:47:45 AM
Thaelin :

My experiment is variable.
There are also many ways to experiment.
The experiment is an experiment.
And I saw the permanent movement clearly.


Motor Bedini

Window Motor + Bedini monopole
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 04, 2020, 08:25:00 AM
AlienGrey :

motor bedini com som de moto

Experimental Bedini 3 phase dc pulse motor chassis

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 04, 2020, 03:23:10 PM

The magnet attached to the computer hard disk has a very strong magnetic force.
However, the metal attached to the magnet neutralizes the strong magnetic force.
A little magnetic force is felt, but very weak.
Stainless steel has a very weak magnetic reaction to ordinary magnets, but it responds greatly to hard disk magnets.
The metal attached to the hard disk magnet is very effective in blocking magnetic force.
It can be useful when used on a Bedini zero-force generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 04, 2020, 04:46:19 PM

Tom Bearden writes:

For all those who so supremely "know" that one cannot produce more output energy than one inputs, let them go read the work by Klimov.

Klimov and his colleagues have built a tiny solar cell which ouputs 2 to 7 times as much energy as one has to input. This work has been replicated and validated by two great National Laboratories: (1) Los Alamos National Laboratory and (2) National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

That is rigorous validation by the U.S. Dept. of Energy itself!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 04, 2020, 05:24:42 PM

Old like Kapanaze and looks like Ruslan's future.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 05, 2020, 08:01:34 PM
New 50 kW Zero Cogging Generator


It is more practical than the Russian-made Bedini generator.ㅍ
The price is also cheap.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 06, 2020, 02:48:43 AM
There is a big difference between operating a generator by permanent motion and operating a motor forcibly.
Contrary to the principle that a conventional generator operates with a large force, it is possible to obtain several tens of times of power generation with very little power.
50KW is the capacity to move a 25-ton truck lightly.
Why is Tesla-Car suddenly mass-producing huge electric trucks?
The free energy cafes here are frogs in the well.
The world is changing, but people in the old world are hiding the old faded technology and information like a treasure.

The United States is a country with 3 million truckers.
It wasn't possible to move huge trailer trucks without the oil field.
Trucks now run permanently without gas stations.
Their leader is a very capable showman.
Protecting oil companies that pay a lot of taxes to the country challenges recklessness such as nuclear fusion power.
Nuclear aircraft carriers or nuclear submarines will now become antiquities.
50KW, 1000KW, million KW, 10 million KW, million MW.....
Do you want to spend decades again?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 06, 2020, 03:42:15 AM

A meaningless battle is only meaningless.

The power of the magnet is very strong.

Ancients served magnets as God.
This is Djed-God.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 06, 2020, 05:32:34 AM

In Korea, there are manufacturers that make Bedini generators.
When ceramic bearings are used, the magnetic resistance of the central axis disappears.
The Korean National Intelligence Service refuses to provide information to related companies because they are busy pursuing their own interests.
It is really unfortunate.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 06, 2020, 08:59:43 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 06, 2020, 09:48:06 AM

There are many Bedini generator manufacturers in Asia, but I don't understand it as a free generator.
Just recognize it as a good generator.


Asians have long known the principles of Bethini generators and applied them to generators.
However, Westerners like to insist on being their own invention and are good at overpacking.
This subtle difference made Kapanaze and Ruslan.
Asians who do not insist on thinking Westerners do not understand well.

And it is not performing well.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 06, 2020, 12:09:48 PM

There are scammers who hide and sell the Bedini generator capacity.
Watch out for the crooked businesses.
The generator with my capacity is not gorgeous.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 07, 2020, 07:52:42 AM
Partnered Output Coils
Aharonov-Bohm effect as zero-point energy concentrator
Can we measure magnetic flux with an oszilloscope?
The E-field and electron acceleration

EMJunkie :

The Magnetic Field as it moves, can act like a Pump

of them they all actually accelerate electrons their electron accelerators.

This is Don-Smith's abstract answer.
The reason why the Yoke-transformer's resonance accelerates the charge on the earth and reacts quickly with the electrons of the thick ground line must first be presented.
The magnetic flux of general magnet and the resonance-magnetic flux of Yoke-transformer are different.
In fact, inside the grenade-coil, the compass rotates like crazy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 07, 2020, 09:33:31 AM

Opportunity to replace Rare Earth Magnets with Ferrites


Best material as the core for electromagnet?
I'm trying to make an electromagnet in the size of about a pen, I was wondering what is the best material to use as a core to generate strongest magnetic field.
For an electromagnet, the best option available currently is soft iron or one of its variants. The champion is cobalt iron, available commercially under the name VACOFLUX.
Ferrites are less suitable because they saturate at lower flux density. Neodymium is not an option at all, because it is used in permanent magnets.
If you want to avoid the expensive cobalt iron, and you are going to use DC current, damping is not going to be an issue so I would suggest to take a typical electrical steel like N400-50A and see how high you can make that number go: 400 refers to the specific power loss through damping. You can easily purchase 800 or 1000. More damping is usually correlated to more flux density at saturation, therefore choose this as high as possible. 50 refers to 0.50mm thick sheets, so you are probably better off to choose this as high as possible as well.
I should add that the force exerted by your electromagnet is not only a question of the number of turns of the coil and the material choice. You want to optimize energy density of the system, which is BxH. Therefore you want to minimize the reluctance of the entire path of the flux. Choosing the material for your core only reduces the reluctance of that part of the flux path. Make sure you also provide a return path for the flux, otherwise worrying over your core material choice is not going to do you much good.


Paradoxically, ferrite is suitable for fast-switching because it saturates at low magnetic flux density.
High-speed-switching of MHz requires a low magnetic flux.
The transformer used by Kapanase is a common silicon steel material.
It is suitable for Khz, but not for Mhz.

In 2015, China's rare earth reserves amounted to 55 million tons, accounting for 42.33% of the world reserves.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 07, 2020, 10:03:33 AM
The champion is cobalt iron, available commercially under the name VACOFLUX.

Could the efficiency be higher with a VACOFLUX-transformer instead of a Yoke-ferrite transformer?

We don't know the material of the 50mm rod of the grenade coil made by Kapanaze.
There are signs of electric welding or soldering.
Akula and Ruslan used the yoke-transformer as the heart of the resonance,
The transformer used by Kapanaze has a distance from excess energy resonance, judging by the coil arrangement.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 07, 2020, 11:27:19 AM
There are two wires from the converter (inverter) to the primary coil of the transformer.
Then, the two wires from the primary coil of the transformer enter the switch controller.
There are 3 strands of thick copper tubes that appear to come from the secondary coil of the transformer.
It is also possible that the secondary coil of the transformer has a coil that generally acts as an inductor.
There are 4 diodes and 2 large transistors.
Kapanaze used the transformer as an electrical barrier to the grenade coil, just like Ruslan's yoke-transformer,
The resonance method is the same, but the part that creates the resonance is seen to be different.
Kapanaze's transformer was positioned independently of resonance,
(Guessed from electric wire arrangement)
Ruslan's yoke-transformer is the heart of resonance.
(Some of the electric wires are hidden with yellow tape)
This could mean that Kapanaze's silicon steel plate-transformer is not suitable for resonance.
We witness a lot of this in some Russian-YouTuber experiments.
Ferrite is advantageous for resonance.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 07, 2020, 12:46:29 PM

It is recommended to make it at home.
You can use it for a lifetime without worrying about electricity.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 07, 2020, 04:04:05 PM
I didn't know you would be sentimental...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2020, 04:12:09 PM
Jeg :

Quote from: ramset on May 10, 2020, 05:00:10 PM

Tesla, within a patent relating to their use explains that bifilar or double pancake coils are able to
store many times more energy than single wire coils.
Bifilar coils maximize the voltage between turns.

Hi guys.
Lets assume that we have 12 wires in a straight line all in a parallel position between each other. All connected like Tesla's bifilar coil meaning that each conductor is connected at its end with the beginning of the next wire. We know that capacitance is evenly distributed this way and voltage difference is steady at any point between two adjacent wires.

Lets say now that those 12 wires are again wired like Tesla's bifilar but this time they are not in a parallel position but twisted. What the difference would be is terms of capacitance? What the difference would be in terms of stored energy?

Thanks in advance


Apart from someone's answer,

Akula and Ruslan induce resonance with the transformer primary coil,
Kapanaze speculates that it induces resonance with the transformer secondary coil.
The reason is,
It comes from the difference in wire arrangement and transformer material.
So the Ruslan generator has a simple rescue procedure,
The Kapanaze generator has a complex rescue procedure.
I am not talking about the complexity of the number of electronic components.
What the transformer can handle is a kapanase generator that extends the grenade-coil.
In contrast, the Ruslan generator handled the resonance in a transformer and the grenade-coil was used as a second transformer to amplify the voltage.
Kapanaze is the key to making the grenade-coil possible to resonate and amplify the voltage,
The heart of the Ruslan resonance is the yoke-transformer.

It sounds like a minor difference, but it doesn't make Ruslan very important to the grenade-coil.
The larger the grenade-coil winding, the higher the voltage can be obtained, but
TopRuslan33's grenade-coil is not thick.
With 9~12V input voltage, the voltage cannot be increased unless there is a separate transformer.
There is also a limit to the amount of current that can be obtained through resonance.
Kapanaze increases the input voltage to get a voltage value proportional to this,
Ruslan generators have limitations in obtaining high voltages.

We remember Andrew's pancake coil.
In Kapanaze, the grenade-coil acts as a pancake-coil,
In the Ruslan generator, the yoke-transformer acts as a pancake-coil.
So the material of the 50mm pipe that winds the grenade-coil is important.
There is a big difference between inducing resonance only with wires and using materials.

Kapanaze's Mr-Tengiz would have also had a 50mm pipe material for the grenade-coil winding.
The reason for the Frenchman Andrew used Troidal-ferrite in a grenade-coil is also the same.
Akula and Ruslan were able to achieve resonance with only the yoke-transformer,
Early Kapanaze generators covered the weak resonance force with a high input voltage.
And I started making resonance in the Kapanaze transformer,
After that, the grenade-coil role actually decreases.

Thick wires are essential to maintain high voltage and current.
As the main body that creates resonance, it is a grenade, so you have to use thick wires.

So, as long as Ruslan uses a yoke-transformer, it cannot be the same as the original Kapanaze generator resonance method.

What Ruslan confuses the schematic,
It disguised as a secondary coil resonance like a Kapanaze generator, but in reality it is a primary coil resonance.

In the video above, the triple-coupled grenade-coil returns to the secondary coil resonance like an old generator.

This is only speculation, but much of it was based on my experiments.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2020, 04:14:48 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2020, 05:26:36 PM
Ruslan's grenade is connected to the secondary coil of the yoke-transformer, but
The Kapanaze grenade is connected to the secondary coil of the transformer,
The secondary coil of the transformer and a separate coil connected to the 5KW-bulb are on the grenade.
That's why the schematic diagram Ruslan drew a little odd.
That's why the capanase grenade came into being.
Ruslan drew his own generator grenade coil,
I don't know that this is the principle of understanding kappanase generator.
I guess, I'd know later.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2020, 05:41:36 PM
Format Kostyana :

Why is your experiment going in the wrong direction?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2020, 11:45:55 PM
Ferrite is not affected by magnetic force?
The same goes for Yoke-ferrite?
The magnet interferes with the magnetic flux formed in the ferrite.

General graphite and ferrite have different materials.
There is no iron component in graphite, but iron oxide is mixed in general ferrite.
So it reacts to the magnet.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2020, 11:55:31 PM

When the experiment turns to playing around, he does a lot of wrong things.
The clutter cannot be the authenticity of the experiment.
The boasting of wasting time is meaningless.


Magnets also affect electromagnetic waves.
A frequencyless magnet neutralizes the frequency generated by resonance.
The resonance is specially frequency magnetized by high-speed-switching on the yoke-transformer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2020, 12:56:54 AM

Without inertia, magnet experiments are a trick.
But when inertia works, it's not a trick, it's a fact.
Magnets are capable of permanent motion by inertial force.


It turns clockwise and stops,
It rotates for a long time in the counterclockwise direction.
This is not simply explained by the twisting and spring action of the thread.
There was even acceleration.
It continues to rotate while receiving the twist and resistance of the thread.
Magnetic force helps inertial force to move in a specific direction.
Inertia is the basis of the free motion of an object.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2020, 01:37:35 AM
So the two generators below have different shapes, but the power generation principle is the same.
Bismuth responds to fast-switching magnetization,
The yoke-ferrite responds to resonant switching magnetization.
The generator of Kapanase must also have a medium because it is resonantly switched magnetized.
This is possible if there is a medium that responds to high-speed magnetization, whether ferrite or iron.
Only copper wires cannot help resonance.
The two bifilar pancake coil is independent of resonance.
The two resonating coils are electrically independent, but also electrically one.
You have to understand this word well.
Electrically independent, but electrically one.
And the bifilar pancake coil is not capable of high-speed-resonant switching.
Fish catching transformers will faint fish even if they use capacitors,
Capacitors are not suitable for fast-switching which enables resonance.
Resonance is created by circuits and MOSFETs or transistors.
One of the biggest tricks in the photo of Akula and Ruslan's generator below will not make you understand the principle of resonance.
Only those who detect the tricks in the picture understand the resonance of the Akula generator.
This must be seen to understand the kappanase generator resonance as well.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2020, 01:58:05 AM
There is no military importance to the freedom-generator.
Refining companies and power companies' sales have only declined.


Those who approach without understanding Kapanaze's emphasis on the military aspect will never get a generator.
Kapanaze was not willing to sell generators on a market basis.
At least initially.
Not now.
If you approach Kapanaze again, there is a possibility.
Kapanaze is not Bedini.
You have to pay a high price.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2020, 02:49:15 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2020, 06:59:41 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2020, 08:13:40 AM

Those who fail to build the Ruslan generator find another way.
Bedini zero-force generators are mostly successful.
And they talk about what they made, like Ruslan.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2020, 03:05:08 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2020, 06:24:38 PM
Импульсная установка на 75 кВт как образец прототипа моих генераторов.

People who block YouTube comments are people who are afraid of criticism.
Your words are boring, but I enjoy watching them.
I'm looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2020, 11:01:38 AM

Perhaps time for a bump.



"Rods from God" in the movie above is modeled after an Egypt-Apep-snake standing on a lotus flower.
However, even if a 10-ton tungsten rod flies out of space and collides with the Earth's surface, it is difficult to generate large waves.
If you expected the effect of a meteorite impact, you will be disappointed.
Rather, it is said that making a TNT weapon at the cost of launching a 10-ton tungsten rod into space is thousands of times more effective.

........the more of these up and down things you have is whatever it changes direction there that it throws off either a magnetic or electrical wave so on the electrical side you're pretty well boxed in and all the rules and the blips and things you're in Ohm's law and all that sort of thing if you're in a closed system and you're baxed and Ohm's law works but if you get over and that's on your electrical side but when you move over onto the counter part of the magnetic side none of those laws apply and.........

Take a look at the video below again.


When the magnets push the same polarity together, it suddenly brightens in some part of the fluorescent lamp.
This cannot be explained by simple Ohm's law.
When the same polarity of the magnet collides, it is almost stopped and the repelling electrons become more active.

In the video below, the Akula0083-generator works for 3 minutes and stops working.

работает около 3 минут

Like a DC-generator, when two magnetic forces of the same polarity stimulate the electrons of the wire, the electrons cause a strong impulse, causing the coil to overheat.
The electrons in the overheated coil depend on the Curie temperature,
In general, the Curie temperature of magnetite is 575°C, hematite is 675°C, pure iron is 770°C, nickel is 358°C, and cobalt is 1131°C. Ferromagnetic materials such as iron and nickel lose their stiffness properties at a specified temperature called the Curie temperature.

Copper is diamagnetic.
Copper can also be affected by high temperatures.
So if the yoke-transformer or grenade temperature rises, the electrons lose impulse and the generator may stop working.

Работает устройство 10-15 минут потом выключается, видимо из за нагрева гранаты.

Resonance is the collision of magnetic forces.
Anything that can affect magnetism affects resonance.

The melting temperature of bismuth is 271.3°C.
Diamagnetic bismuth can significantly reduce the impulse of electrons against magnetic force even at only 100°C.
So for G-power generators, temperature management is like life.
Even a slight increase in the temperature of the generator causes the amount of power to decrease rapidly.


The reason Ruslan measures the generator voltage twice also means that he is aware that the generator's output decreases over time.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2020, 12:18:37 PM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2020, 03:31:33 PM

What will happen if a rotating magnet and a coil wound around VACOFLUX (cobalt iron) meet?


Can the rotor with all the magnet's N poles attached to the outside stimulate the electrons of the coil wound around the VACOFLUX?

If there is only one magnet, even if the rotor rotates, the change in the line of magnetic force cannot be observed.
If there are dozens of magnets, there are dozens of lines of magnetic force, which can stimulate electrons in the coil.


The electromagnet switching of the G-power generator is not a change in the N or S pole,
Only one polarity of N or S can be switched.
Only the N pole can be switched, or only the S pole can be switched.
Switching the N and S poles alternately like a DC-generator makes the transistor (PNP/NPN) circuit a little complicated.
The positive and negative magnetizations interfere with fast switching.
The same polarity is much more advantageous if you go up in Khz/Mhz units.

In general DC-generator, magnetic force acts as resistance,
Bedini-generators have little resistance to magnetism.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2020, 03:53:10 PM
Google Translate is really inconvenient.
In its original meaning, only about 70% appears properly.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2020, 04:45:25 PM
Zenneck wave

The artificially created resonance wave and Zenneck wave look similar.
There are many differences in the actual waveforms of the Yoke-transformer.
The upper waveform shown in the figure above is due to electrical stimulation,
The lower waveform is a waveform that appears as a counter electromotive force, not an electrical stimulation.
Does it look very similar to the Zenneck wave?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2020, 07:08:25 PM
Format Kostyana :

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 10, 2020, 07:43:41 PM
Creating excelerated electrons Unlike electrons in a wire,
electrons in a spark have nothing to hit, nothing to transfer energy to,
as they travel towards the anode. So each electron gains kinetic energy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2020, 10:14:21 PM

Format Kostyana was streaming live one day, so I taught you how to experiment with a free-generator with a YouTube comment, but I don't do it that way, and I only do weird experiments.
He wants to play with me.
For those who want to make money on YouTube, the purpose is not to experiment with generators, but to focus attention on the audience.
He is joking about the photos of the experiment I posted.
Even if you don't pay attention, you play well alone.
The person who dresses up like this on YouTube is most likely a person who wants to change the world.
Joker is a person who is faithful to his feelings, but does not understand the moderation of others.
He is joking that the Ruslan generator can only be used as a welding machine.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 11, 2020, 03:20:58 AM
Realy ?  did you make such a device to cook your food on?

and is that you in the caption or Trump at an earley age ?

all the devices shown so far are just sine wave DC to DC converters

A while back I found a video an interesting ( project radient energy part 2)
it's blocked by youtubes serch engine but worth finding if you can
i have an old machine it crashes a lot and it loses bookmarks such is life.
an excelorator is a bit like using lens law to an advantage !

Solve that and you have a winner.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2020, 09:15:43 AM


Only generators that use both the N and S poles of the magnet are granted a patent,
It is the existing generators that have gained an opportunity for mass distribution as a product in the market.
Failure to grant patents virtually eliminates the opportunity for mass production.

The Law of Conservation of Energy has been used as a roadblock for the so called "Overunity" devices. The patent offices and the scientific establishment routinely dismiss an invention as belonging to the impossible "perpetual-motion machine" category if the inventor cannot identify the energy source of his invention.

It has the advantage of not allowing patents, so anyone can make and use it.
Of course, products on the market can be sold without a patent.
Mass production is also possible.
It's okay if someone duplicates and sells.
Laws and techniques are not of the discoverer, but of nature.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2020, 09:50:52 AM

The rich and those on their side who want to keep their vested interests,


The struggles of the poor are also discerned in this cafe.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2020, 11:18:24 AM

Intelligence agencies in each country have equipment that hacks personal computers without anyone knowing.
No matter how strong the computer's defense walls are, they are structurally pierced.
They monitor my computer monitor in real time.
What I see they see the same.
Private life is difficult to expect.
So, important experiment results or records are not kept on the computer.
The same goes for YouTube videos.
Rather, they only post videos that are plausible to cause confusion.
The same goes for private videos.
There will only be weird experiments in my YouTube private videos.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 12, 2020, 04:12:32 AM

The amount of Joule heat generated during a certain time by the steady current flowing in the conductor is proportional to the square of the current intensity and the resistance of the conductor.

If the amount of current is deprived by heat generated by unnecessary resistance, it is the largest enemy of a free generator.

It works with minimal safety devices to protect the transistor.

The problem with the above schematic is that it generates a lot of heat.
In less than 5 minutes of operation, it overheats so that you cannot touch it with your hands.
Smoke comes out of the resistance. Burning is visible.

IRFP260N MOSFET Fast Avalanche switching capacity is 200V 50A.
However, this too quickly overheats when the resonance operates.
If you add overheating with unnecessary parts here, it will stop working.
The IRFP260 only has to interfere with switching.
In order for the IRFP260 to elicit maximum resonance, the IRFP260 should not be burdened.

Ruslan is saying that the Zener diode will stop functioning,
Everything from the IRFP260N MOSFET is lacking in capacity.
I lost the MOSFET from the first experiment.
There are more than 10 mospets that I lost during my experiment.
I lost too much of the Zener diode, so I took it off as a problem.
It works though.
So, to protect MOSFET, FR102 diode, varistor FNR20K471 Uvdc = 470V I tried using other alternatives, but the diode or varistor is not a problem, it is caused by insufficient Zener diode capacity.
Virtually no need.

Yoke-transformers only need the simplest switching.
Kapanadze only used two hugely large transistors.
This is because the transistor has to bear a huge burden.
Other parts are virtually unnecessary here.
The simplest and most important.
We are only at the level of seeing a schematic made by someone and following it.
The same was true of Ruslan.
It is a problem to be solved by increasing the capacity.

Anyone who understands the free-generator resonance is supposed to focus on the push-pull circuit.
Because it is the most important and also the most important.
If unnecessary heat is generated in the push-pull circuit before the resonance is activated,
As soon as the resonance is activated, all of the other parts will be lost.

And in my YouTube video above there is a trick.
It is because the circuit of unknown state was reproduced as it is.

Google translation has a lot of errors.
I hope you understand it in consideration.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 12, 2020, 05:59:22 AM
It's a novel I read with fun when I was younger
Mockingbird's end, which imitates someone else's speech as if it were your own, has its limits.
There is no right answer for Mockingbird.
I'm a soldier who talks with me sometimes,
He is very knowledgeable.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 12, 2020, 06:51:37 AM
Your experiment is still going to a strange place.
An experiment without additional parts is meaningless.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 12, 2020, 07:26:34 AM
You need to experiment with four 500W bulbs to determine the degree of overheating of the MOSFET and push-pull circuit.
Otherwise, parts cannot be modified.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 12, 2020, 03:07:43 PM



With someone who sells fake-generators
With the person who bought the fake-generator
There are people who prosecute fake-generators in depth.

I'm not talking about the sentiment of someone who bought a suspicious fake-generator.
It is possible that the seller, the buyer, and the accuser have directed.
Even some free generators are distorted by them.


And now, I am going to do something with the circuit diagram that has been verified.
Some circuit diagrams have been further verified.
Dare to take out the old circuit and try to do something with a circuit that turns off in 10 minutes.
It would be nice to approach it with good intentions,
If it's bad intentions, the generator probably won't work.

But the generator works.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 12, 2020, 03:12:44 PM

Anyone who needs a generator will make it work,
The generator of the one who wants the generator to not work will not work.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 12, 2020, 08:13:28 PM

The owner of the video above appeared after six years and went into bullshit.


Anton seems to have sensed something, but he's still wandering outside.


Thanks to your information, Russia's status was cut with the Bedini generator. What do you think?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 13, 2020, 11:41:23 AM
The difficulty is to wind the coil so that the inverter current induction field generated will not interfere with transistors or thyristors forming a 220 volt 50 hertz. here invent what you want want want shakes bifilar stavte intermediate trans.

The Full Text:

цитата автора:akula0083: "собирайте простой преобразователь 12-220, 24-220, 36-220..... ну кому как удобно или у кого какие радио детали есть. трансформатор поместите вовнутрь поля создаваемое индуктором от простой индукционной схемы. для весомого результата поле должно иметь силу которое может нагревать металлический предмет равный по размерам трансформатору преобразователя !То есть это наблюдение из собственного опыта берем кусок железа примерно того же размера как наш трансформатор на котором собран преобразователь и помещаем его в индуктор включаем индукционную так сказать печку и если металл нагреваеться достаточно быстро ну где-то за 120 секунд его уже становиться сложно держать в руках все будит работать Сложность в том чтобы намотать обмотки преобразователя так чтобы ток создаваемый индукционным полем не мешал работе транзисторов или тиристоров формирующих 220 вольт 50 герц. вот тут придумывайте как хотите хотите мотайте бифиляры хотите ставте промежуточный транс. Видео от сюда автор: akula0083: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103786798... видео от сюда http://video.yandex.ru/users/akula0083/ копии видео от сюда: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=... копии видео от сюда: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C4yEA... канал с копиями видео:http://www.youtube.com/user/131313den... skype akula0083 ФОРУМ ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ УСТРОЙСТВА: http://realstrannik.ru/forum/39-kapan...

Let's remember what the Shark said about the theoretical moments of this device ;-)

it uses 2 generators 1 at a frequency of 100 with what is a kilohertz, the second for tens of hertz.
Coils with 2 generators are wound back.
the beginning and end of the pulses from the two generators coincide, which leads to mutual extinction of the field.
Mutual quenching of the field translates the transverse wave into a longitudinal wave (that is, the field of opposing coils does not disappear without a trace)
Such a change in the field occurs due to the impulse pumping of ferrite domains by a voltage without current; In resonance, the ferrite domains are temporarily rotated, returning to their place already carrying the current component
the total signal of all waves is removed on a removable coil and it is larger than at the input ...
Ref: realstrannik.ru


Acca(Wesley) :


Someone correctly predicted at first,
Later it went to the Andromeda Nebula.

I read an article sometime back now about Avalanche Currents, I cant remember what or who it was on exactly now

There is also mention of avalanches.


And with the word that it was brought from a Russian cafe, the circuit diagram is released.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 13, 2020, 12:58:51 PM
What is the effect of making two generators into one generator?
Akula and Ruslan's thoughts have faded a lot, but there are still people looking.
I learned a few years ago why Ruslan made a 2KW generator and then switched to 200W.
Usually, when you make a generator, it is the human mind to pursue higher performance.
Ruslan only makes small generators.

The generator generates tremendous heat.
If you don't catch the heat, the generator will stop working.
The influence of the weather is also great.
On rainy days, the operating time is long,
If dry weather persists, the generator operation time is short.
Therefore, it is difficult to operate the generator continuously without a special cooling device.

If you can't catch the generator's heat, you have to be satisfied with an experiment like artificial solar fusion power.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 13, 2020, 02:54:38 PM


Even if these people get farther away from the generator, humanity on Earth will someday become extinct.
And only a few of the last humans will freeze and die while wandering in space in spacecraft.
Isn't that a plausible prediction?  ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 13, 2020, 05:50:33 PM
Роман Акула для Илья Тесла, Владимира Лебедева и друзей на Глобальная Волна-The Global Wave

A few of us know how to operate resonance.
So they know who is right or wrong.
It's not something I can say at will.
Watch for reference.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 12:00:38 PM

EDIT: Lenz's Law, really this is not correct, technically, Lenz's Law is Negative Voltage, nothing to do with Current, but we typically view this Secondary Current aspect as Lenz's Law. Magnetic Drag, it is not properly termed or defined in Science! Back E.M.F is another area not properly defined. Again, E.M.F is measured in Units of Volts, and nothing to do with Current. There is a gaping hole in Electromagnetic Induction and no one has picked up on this gaping hole! What is termed as Parasitic Inductance is the path forward to Above Unity Energy Machines!

Voltage V = L di/dt and Current I = Voltage V / Resistance R:


The back electromotive force mainly generated in DC/AC motors is generated in the coil
The magnetization speed of VACOFLUX (cobalt iron) increases instantaneously.
When the two Yoke-transformer primary-coils collide at the peak, the secondary-coil formed by artificial-lightning also rises by the peak of the two primary-coils.
Here, when the primary-coil electrical signal switching disappears at the peak, a counter electromotive force is generated in the primary-coil.
Likewise, as back EMF occurs in the secondary-coil, the amount of current that a general coil cannot give is supplemented by the charge of the ground connected to the ground.
Here, the secondary-coil summons the amount of current that the lightning draws from the ground.
Therefore, there must be a Yoke-transformer in the resonance.
Resonance is difficult to occur without the help of ferrite.

So the push-pull circuit doesn't have to be complicated.
If two primary-coils collide unconditionally, the rest will follow by itself.
Tesla-kacher is not directly related to resonance because it only acts to activate the secondary coil and responds to the primary-coil resonance.
Only the way Tesla coils work is different.

By securing an optimized ground, the amount of current can be drawn infinitely.

The MOSFET's switching interval is the interval that can summon the optimized back EMF.
The spacing should not be too long or too short.

I can't measure because I don't have an oscilloscope.
So I get help from people around me.

Recall the kapanadze generator.
There is nothing complicated if you understand resonance alone.
It is because it is the simplest to generate resonance.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 12:50:25 PM

Stay well, be healthy, regards, roses under your foots,
in this dare times.

Unfortunatelly, we live in today, not some future like you,
hundreds of light years away or hundreds of years in future,

In this dare time.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 04:04:09 PM
The words of the person who made the free-generator are important.
Because it is the same as the law of science.
So I deduced how the generator works from these words.
My first task was struggling to understand what it means to make two generators into one generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 04:04:40 PM
Translated into Korean for Koreans.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 04:19:15 PM
Make two generators into one......


I understood that this is the wavelength that combines two generators,
I pondered for a long time how this wave came out.
And I saw this in a very simple electrical basics circuit.
That day felt very good.
I laughed at thinking about such a simple problem for a long time.
After all, when you get old, your head doesn't work well.

Here's a quick study of the basic electrical circuits I understood.

Korean is difficult, so members only need to understand pictures.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 04:38:22 PM
It is a basic rectifier bridge diode.
Bridge diodes are used to make the voltage even,
The frequency spacing produced by one diode is constant.
Where there is no positive frequency, no current flows.
This is where I got a hint of the three frequency waves above.

If a bridge diode is placed on a circular Yoke-transformer, the voltage flows evenly and the back EMF cannot be created.
To generate back EMF, only one diode should be used, not a bridge diode.

So, when two diodes meet in opposite directions, a collision frequency wave is created.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 05:01:46 PM
However, in Ruslan's generator schematic, two diodes were placed in a strange place.
So I experimented with placing a diode in the secondary coil to create a collision frequency, a very long time.
However, if a diode is placed in the secondary coil, 2KW of counter-electromotive force is not produced.
If so, I doubted that Ruslan hid the diode somewhere,
Yoke-found something strange in the transformer.
Normally, Yoke-transformers have the primary and secondary coils evenly wound to prevent bending, but Ruslan's Yoke-transformers are bulging out.

So it was decided that Ruslan hid something in the Yoke-transformer,
I decided this was a diode.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 05:16:46 PM
Look carefully at the red circle in the photo above.
For resonance to work, the positive voltage coil entering the Yoke-transformer primary coil must be separated into two.
However, there is only one coil entering.
This is why Akula and Ruslan deeply disguised the Yoke-transformer with yellow tape.

I took a detailed picture of the Yoke-transformer a long time ago, but it is difficult to find where it is.
The Korean intelligence agency has planted something strange on my computer, so the file doesn't open well.

As soon as I find the photos, I will post them here.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 07:03:28 PM

When I hear the voice of TinselKoala, I think of a soldier.
There is a high possibility that one day you will be appointed commander of the USFK. 8) ::)


Note that,

Today, Korea is the day of liberation from Japanese colonization. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 14, 2020, 08:12:54 PM
AlienGrey :  8) ::)


This is a test of work without tesla.

Two diodes, which all "gurus" hide with a thick layer of electrical tape

I haven't been experimenting with essential tremors for shaking hands a few years ago.
An acquaintance and my daughter, who have almost all the best electronic equipment, are helping with the experiment.

Any questions and criticism I accept all.
Even if Wesley criticizes the experiment as being fake, I accept it all.
Criticize at will.

And my Gandharva satellite has very good high performance. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 15, 2020, 08:14:11 AM

You're illogical, I'm extremely logical. 8) 8) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 15, 2020, 01:41:44 PM

Galen Winsor is a nuclear physicist who has been involved in the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants in the United States for many years, with more than a dozen projects in his track record.
At the final stage of his career, Galen Winsor worked as a government official,
monitoring the storage of nuclear fuel. However, after retiring, he suddenly began to do unthinkable things.
Mr. Winsor's main field of activity has become public lectures, for which he traveled throughout the country, speaking on the radio and even making small films in which he tried to educate Americans about a global conspiracy in the global nuclear industry.
The purpose of the conspiracy is to intimidate people with radiation as much as possible so that a small group of unknown persons can freely dispose of the most valuable energy resource in the world. And so that the word does not diverge from the deed, Mr. Winsor made an amazing film,
reflecting his lecture, recorded in 1986.

"Why is there a worldwide uranium conspiracy? "- asks Galen Winsor. And he answers it:
At its core, the federal nuclear material control law is about maintaining power and controlling the masses by rejecting self-sufficient sources of energy. Obviously, if someone had a small source of energy that was cheap and efficient, this person would be independent, he would not need to be connected to some kind of "power grid".
The power grid is not a power supply system, but a veritable control network that our rulers use to keep us in check.
Galen Winsor gave an example of simple nuclear waste, which have accumulated in the world in kilotons.
Moreover, each ton is worth 10 million US dollars at 1986 prices.
They can be used to re-obtain fuel uranium from them, but precious isotopes are deliberately kept underground, thereby creating exorbitant prices for nuclear fuel on the world market.

To this we must add the planetary cut of the dough into "burial", "transportation" and "storage" of nuclear materials, which could well be transported by ordinary transport and stored in ordinary buildings.
But instead, the government drills basalt holes for them, in the process of which a lot of money evaporates.

However, the most important thing is that even not highly enriched uranium, but all this nuclear waste, through thermionic conversion back in the mid-1950s, could be turned into relatively eternal portable sources of free energy, one of which would be enough for the entire life of an average American family.
Such sources have been powering the navigation network of US submarines for years, which would be enough for 50 years of lighting and heating a house, washing machines, televisions and refrigerators. But then people would become independent from energy companies, which is unacceptable for any government.

The second interesting point in light of the uranium conspiracy is state control over such a resource as mercury,
the danger of which is not just exaggerated, but sucked from the thumb. Mercury can be drunk, which was actively used in the 19th century to treat intestinal obstruction. And yet, free circulation of this metal is prohibited even in North Korea and Honduras.
The question arises: why?

We do not know the answer to this question. But what we know, and what Mr. Galen Winsor said quite rightly, is that the state needs complete control.
over the herd and the main instruments of control are energy and food.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, a group of Leningrad biologists who survived the blockade set about creating a special yeast culture,
which could, like plants, synthesize carbohydrates and proteins from the air when small amounts of light and electricity are supplied to the substrate.
And although it was almost a private project, that is, people took only equipment and reagents from the state, there were no investments,
biologists have successfully solved the problem.

The microorganism they got produced almost tons of free protein, the prospect of which was amazing.
It was the perfect feed for poultry and livestock, which would fill a starving post-war country with meat.
And with continued development, it would be possible to obtain more advanced products, to release the necessary sugars, lipids and amino acids,
creating almost free food briquettes for people.

The delighted scientists ran with the results to report to the Politburo, imagining that now they would be given and allowed the Lenin Prize directly.
factories for the country to build. But ... for the initiative, the laboratory was dispersed and the topic was buried. Again the question arises: why?
The answer to it is the same as to the question why in the huge USSR, which occupies 1/6 of the land, people were given land plots
10 acres each (6 in the southern regions). The land is a source of food, and food is the basis of independence, which is unacceptable for the "herd".


There is one reason Galen Winsor attended a nuclear-conspiracy lecture.
Since you have a nucleus, others must not.
The great powers will cut some nuclear weapons, but the sword of the nuclear-conspiracy lecture will go to third countries.

I don't mean to defend the nuclear.
It's the same as saying that a third country should abandon the nucleus, or Galen Winsor's saying that it should be abolished.
If Einstein told us to reincarnate and dismantle its nuclear weapons, would the great powers accept it?

Luke 24 [NASB]
And He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
"See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have."
And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet.
While they still could not believe it because of their joy and amazement, He said to them, "Have you anything here to eat?"
They gave Him a piece of a broiled fish;
and He took it and ate it before them.

Expect colorful fish, but there are no fish in the sky.
The eagle's wings were mistaken for a fish.

a broiled fish

The resurrection of Jesus to the earth-God Geb is like the words of God in Genesis that he will return to the dust.

Oscilloscopes have many features.
Don't look at the fancy fish show, look at the essence.

Fish live in the water above the ground.
Or live in a fish tank...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 15, 2020, 03:28:19 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 15, 2020, 03:39:42 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 15, 2020, 04:04:11 PM

Roman Karnaukhov touches the heated bridge diode.
It is hot when used as a diode bridge,
Using a diode in the yoke-transformer primary coil won't heat up much.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 15, 2020, 04:41:56 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 15, 2020, 06:28:01 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 15, 2020, 10:11:44 PM


People with fantasies seek synergy rather than essence.
Mainly, financial fantasies are mainstream.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 16, 2020, 10:51:24 AM
Tesla & Schottky & Fast diodes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 16, 2020, 11:35:07 AM
Dance together

For reference, the acquaintances in the video above are Russians.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 16, 2020, 02:52:30 PM
Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
No matter how the free generator is remade, it will be with you until the end of humanity.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 16, 2020, 03:11:07 PM
Quote from: color on August 16, 2020, 02:52:30 PM
Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
baned video

No matter how the free generator is remade, it will be with you until the end of humanity.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 16, 2020, 03:17:25 PM
AlienGrey :


Because it is a beer advertisement video, it seems that there are places that are blocked by country.

When monitored every day, the living fish dreams of a free sea.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 16, 2020, 04:25:48 PM
The grilled fish that Jesus (Geb) eats and Oscilloscope The sky-fish motif is the symbolic electric catfish of Narmer, the 1st dynasty of ancient Egypt.

And, around 1500 BC, electric batteries existed in ancient Egypt.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 16, 2020, 04:32:30 PM
And when I have a chance, I will tell you how to make the most simple battery.
It is a battery made of materials commonly available in ancient Egypt before BC.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 16, 2020, 08:09:44 PM
Quote from: color on August 16, 2020, 03:17:25 PM
AlienGrey :


Because it is a beer advertisement video, it seems that there are places that are blocked by country.

When monitored every day, the living fish dreams of a free sea.

Beer another word for kiddies 'pop'  it's full of sugar, sugar really fucks your body up it destroys your liver as it builds a fat wall around it
and eventfully just stops working and clogs up your arteries up with calcium sugar blockages, it's best to cut out the middle man and
Sling the stuff down the toilet before it do's it job!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 16, 2020, 09:03:42 PM
AlienGrey :

There is an interesting novel. 8) 8)
You don't have to (never) believe. ::) ::)
World history has changed from yesterday. ;D ;D

The picture above is a battery made by ancient Egyptians.
And the picture above symbolizes the oriental Korean/Chinese/Japanese in detail.
The ship symbolizes China, the sun's ship above it is Japan, and the headjet is Korea.
And the king of the East, you know as Prester-John, is Taizong, the king of the Tang Dynasty, who existed in China around 600 AD.

The Korean NIS field personnel I teach on the Internet are watching me 24 hours a day while respecting me.
The'Gundalbaseong' to which I belong is a huge organization.
Almost every country in the world has a secret-branch'Gundalbaseong'.
In ancient China, there was a beggar organization that practiced a martial art called the "open faction".
This organization is also a sub-organization of our'Gundalbaseong'.
And the ancient roots of'Gundhalba Castle' go up before the 1st dynasty of ancient Egypt.

In the ancient East, there was a huge country called'Hwan-Guk' that did not appear in history.
All civilizations around the world start here.
The roots of my'Gundalbaseong' begin in Hwan-Guk.
It is a history from before 10,000 BC.

'Paul(Djed)' in the Christian Bible is a motif of Ptolemy XII of the Ptolemy dynasty, which belonged to the 33rd dynasty of Egypt.
Ptolemy XII is also a member of'Gundalbaseong'.

In addition, the Korean language'Hunminjeongeum' was created by rearranging the characters created by the ancient'Gundalbaseong' by the king of'Chosun' who existed on the Korean Peninsula at the time.
Members of the old'Gundalba Castle' helped.
We do not intervene in history, but we do advise.
The difference between intervention and advice can depend on the thinking of the acceptor.
::) ::) 8) 8) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 17, 2020, 08:10:55 AM

Even before you were born, our organization founded America and Israel!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 17, 2020, 02:21:15 PM
Работа двух тиристоров на одном трансформаторе.

Not long ago, while this friend experimented, it seemed to be revealed, but there were barriers.
Although he disclosed the method of resonance, few people understood it.
It passed by Gongjin-Show, which only those who knew how to resonate could understand.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 17, 2020, 05:41:30 PM

In a cafe filled with people who claim that there is no free generator, the free generator without revealing its secret is shown in the picture.

When cafe members compete with free generators that can be easily made and generators covered in secrets, cafe members make easy-to-make generators and use them in their lives.
Placenta electrical engineers respect Tesla.

If anyone can easily produce tremendous free-electricity with electronic parts and electric cables that are easy to obtain on the market,
It's more likely to be loved than an expensive generator full of secrets.


When literacy people who are said to have learned are taken up by the funds of a country or a company and cover the sun with their palms, only their own eyes are dark.


You don't have to worry about throwing the hard-earned money on the scammers.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 17, 2020, 07:12:02 PM
By now, there will be many members screaming joyfully.
The joy is doubled when shared.
Please share by posting pictures of the generator working.

There are many members who have dreamed of operating a generator for 10 years.
It is a long time in fifteen to ten years.
Will you quietly enjoy the time and results of patience alone?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 06:28:52 AM
Indian reservation

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and Solomon in the Bible also model real people.
All of them are from 건달바성(Gandhava City).

The new will of Israel that Jehovah gave to Jacob,
It means "the dancer fought Djed and won",
It has the same meaning as David defeating Goliath in Bag of stones(Lightning and clouds).

The stone is the sun.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 07:36:33 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 08:15:47 AM
There are many stories of salt and grapes in the Bible.

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.

When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine."
And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come."


If the grape juice is fermented well, grape vinegar with a pH of 3.5 to 4.5 is obtained.
Heat it well and cool it with water so that it does not evaporate to obtain high purity vinegar with a pH of about 2.
You can generate electricity by mixing salt and putting a copper plate and a soft iron rod together in a jar.
The reason for the influx of iron into Egypt was the Eastern Hittites spreading it to Egypt.
Ironware was supplied to Egypt mainly by invasion.

The point is that you could generate electricity in the field as long as you had only regular iron and copper plates.
It was not only for Egyptian priests, but also for Moses as the God of Jehovah, and it was possible to distribute it to the general public.

If there is only one pot, the electricity is weak,
If you connect several jars in series or in parallel, you get enough electricity to melt iron.

There are records of the use of zinc for treatment in ancient Egypt.
So, it's not that zinc was refined as a metal and used for batteries,
Just mix in grape vinegar and salt water.
How many times have you experimented with increasing the amount of electric current in 2000 years?

Egypt was able to make batteries before 1500 B.C.
It started by accidentally discovering that electricity is generated when wine and salt are mixed and left to stand for a certain period of time in the process of making a body into a mummy.

The reason why Upper Egypt-Scarabs and Lower Egypt-Djed compete is also because they overlap in the field of electromagnetic forces.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 10:28:52 AM
На пороге нового времени ..


I don't understand Russian very well, so I can't explain.
It sounds like Akula's and Ruslan's generator systems are different....Is that right?

It's a red alarm when a drunkard in the Russian intelligence department drunk... 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 03:03:44 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 03:41:57 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 04:36:30 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 04:37:51 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 04:39:34 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 05:25:24 PM
 AlienGrey : 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 08:53:35 PM
In my opinion the story is generally always the same, only those who bring little of value to the table, who have little to lose are the one's talking about going all in without thinking or having all the facts. There is another saying, it is a long hard journey to the top of a mountain but a short fall.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 18, 2020, 10:02:11 PM
кз индуктивности на горшке

The result is an oscilloscope that focuses on the visible ones without thinking of approaching them with principles.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 19, 2020, 07:29:23 AM
Horseshoe magnets perpetual motion machine works
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 19, 2020, 12:23:23 PM

AlienGrey :

How would you like to do this experiment? ;D ;D
The cool bathroom members who light up here will also love it. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 19, 2020, 02:49:23 PM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 19, 2020, 03:08:27 PM


The chances of human survival 1/47,582,948 do not always exist.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 19, 2020, 04:22:04 PM

Because of the release of the Free-Generator this time, the fire fell on the insteps, so I am clamoring to be saved everywhere.

Competition is competition.
Try to survive yourself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 19, 2020, 05:32:27 PM
8) 8) ;D ;D
Anything you have to compete for improves performance and quality.
Like communism, if you give up competition, you cannot develop.
Like the two Russian YouTubers above, they belong to the powerful-state and repeat the same words like a parrot.

Are there any differences between the retired professor and the two YouTubers? 8) ::)

I don't think the retired professor is a communist,
However, the Meccasi specter is always in effect. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 20, 2020, 03:10:03 PM
Дополню, может до кого и дойдет...

Imposter's Generator

Anyone becomes urgent when a fire falls on the instep.
Whether it's a scammer or an honest generator merchant.

And it is not performing well.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 20, 2020, 04:28:22 PM
The condition of any existing generator producing at least 50 kW must have magnet and coil area.
The generator above is a good example.
It is an honest generator.

A reasonable amount of electricity must be calculated by calculating both the limit of the number of revolutions, the source of the operating force and the coefficient of friction.

But a scammer's generator in a state in the United States ignores everything and advertises 50 kW.
The 30KW generator sold by the scammer actually produces only 5KW.

And it is not performing well.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 21, 2020, 06:14:19 AM
overcurrent :

Now I will ask you a question what part do you think if any the Nefalim or fallen angels have to do with all of this are they or their descendants still here sewing discourse throughout humanity or is the book of enoch just a fairy tale to you.


I want to explain more,
Talking about the Bible you don't know is so vast that it's less than 10 years.
So, only the title is presented as a taste.

The Old Testament was interpreted and dismantled by the New Testament.
At this point, it is those who do not know the Bible who judge the Bible from the perspective of the Old Testament.

The earth hides the sun.
The land is as great as the sun.
The earth meets darkness.


Things that are easy to understand now, in the past were difficult to understand.
It's like a big secret...
This is because it is a big event from a religious perspective that believed in heaven and earth as gods.

In Jesus' prayer,
'Your kingdom come Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
These words,
It began with the confrontation between the earth (Geb, Gabriel) and the sky (Nut, Michael).
The land is centered on Israel and Saudi Arabia,
The sky is Korea and China. Japan is the center.

The fundamental reason why the East became the sky is,
This is one reason why the sun rises to the east.
The reason Saudi Arabia and Israel became land is one of the reasons that the sun sets into the sunset.

It is because the Bible itself does not give special meaning to the book of Enoch.
And those who don't know the Bible take power and throw bombs.
Foolish people get bombs.
Japan did it, and China will.
The same goes for North Korea.

Dog eyes-One eye-Park Ji-won, the head of the ROK National Intelligence Service, is a North Korean spy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 21, 2020, 06:17:37 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 21, 2020, 08:54:40 AM
The thing you are missing are planetary influances

The Discovery of PLUTO asociated with scorpio SATANS house
and the location of Satans thrown (now owend by Hitler in Germany) and now Hitlers throne!

Now lets get back to PLUTO and it's conection with homosexuality (the sting in the tail)
they called both bombs for Japan.

Now the thing that binds it all to gether is the device that delivered it th Enola GAY!
a bad choice or an inteligent univers we live in. The reveng is of course possibly aids.

Since this isn'ty my own conclusion But one published miss Ivy Jones a secretary
I wonce had the plesure of knowing.

We should be carefull what we get up to in life as it has a habit of comming back to us later on.

AGThe thing you are missing are planetary influences

The Discovery of PLUTO associated with Scorpio SATANS house !
and the location of Satan's thrown (now owned by Hitler in Germany) and now Hitler's throne!

Now lets get back to PLUTO and it's connection with homosexuality (the sting in the tail) they called both bombs for Japan.

Now the thing that binds it all to gather is the device that delivered it was the Enola GAY!
a bad choice or an intelligent universe we live in. The revenge is of course possibly aids.

Since this isn't my own conclusion But one published miss Ivy Jones a secretary
I once had the pleasure of knowing.

We should be careful what we get up to in life as it has a habit of coming back to us later on. 'Kama'


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 21, 2020, 09:01:20 AM
You keep publishing all this published junk cercuits, well done but i dont think any of it is relavent or works
they all have stuff missing.
have a look at this active device by Jozef Bovin

Have a good hard look and dijest!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 21, 2020, 12:36:02 PM
AlienGrey :

I know you made this place for toilet-use. 8) ::)

From ancient times, Japan was dominated by warlike samurai.
So they always ignore the advice of '건달바성'.
It is the same now.
The decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan was the result of the advice of former CEO(Seth) of 건달바성.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 21, 2020, 01:34:16 PM
Almost everything is decided by the incumbent powers.
They turn their arrows elsewhere to hide their bad karma.
The representative one is the shadow government.
The same goes for the Freemasonry and the Illuminati.
It is only a pre-modern organization that maintains its status as a small meeting.
By turning their arrows at them, the incumbent people hide their bad karma.
Hitler did it, Stalin did it, and the Japanese king did it.
The same goes for those in power in Russia, China and the United States.
There is no exception.
Belarus Lukasenko is just a small example.

The illegal election took place on a massive scale in Korea a few months ago.
The ruling party of the government remains silent.
The people are also silent.


Government officials in charge of elections put huge numbers of ghost votes in ballot boxes.
The actual turnout is about 40%,
More than 60% of the votes came out.
About 20% of ghost tickets and electronic counting machines were manipulated to make the current ruling party overwhelming.
People know who manipulated the placenta, but remain silent.

As if this cafe was silent about the Ruslan generator.

"Every nation gets the government it deserves". _ French political scientist Alexis Tocqueville said.

Only text messages that fit the level of these cafe members are discharged in the bathroom.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 21, 2020, 02:14:42 PM
What I took away from the video was that Mr. Harris has a brilliant mind and has the capacity to learn and look at things from a truly different perspective. So while many here decided they didn't like the topic or would go through the motions but not really listen I analysed how he thinks and rationalizes things. Once I learn how he thinks, how he breaks down problems, how he looks at things then I can learn to think like him. Not think "what" he thinks but "how" he thinks which gives me a completely different perspective to learn from.

Think of it this way, everything in the universe is know in and of itself. All is known because it exists and interacts with everything else on some level. However we cannot know it because we cannot even imagine it, we cannot imagine it because our perspective is singular and limited. However if we could embrace many other perspectives beyond our own limited perspective we could imagine many new things and learn from them as well.

This is how FE works, if you cannot even imagine how it works... you don't get it, literally.


Harry Binkley Harris, Jr, the US Ambassador to Korea, is a Japanese American.
He is a person who has nothing to do with the free generator
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 21, 2020, 03:10:02 PM

Every detail is hidden in the video above.
Ruslan has revealed everything, but the audience just doesn't understand.
Members who only boast of electronic equipment from the oscilloscope do not know,
Electric and electronic beginners can easily find out.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 21, 2020, 08:02:06 PM
Humans cannot live without water.
Humans cannot live without air.
Humans cannot live without eating.
The environmental conditions of the earth gave great meaning to humans.
Humans cannot live on their own for a single day.
The reality of man is weak.
The earth incubator is suitable for living creatures that breathe air.
The sun gives light free to everyone, but humans have nothing to give.
Lightning provides light for everyone for free, but humans cannot.
When humans with the ability to think stop thinking, the evolution of living things ends with it.
Only a handful of minded have evolution to reach.
Those who have no beginning and no end, no bones or flesh, exist as light.
It is because there is nothing more than light that humans can judge.
However, even if we explain more than that, humans cannot understand.
Photons and electrons are in the first stages of evolution for future humans to reach.
For a farther and farther future journey...
Ancient humans they served as gods,
Humans today are approaching light as a science.
The only difference between God and Science is pride.

Darkness is not matter, It is interference from the outside world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 21, 2020, 08:34:43 PM
This is because the whip is stronger than the carrot. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 22, 2020, 10:23:45 PM

The thing you are missing are planetary influances

The Discovery of PLUTO asociated with scorpio SATANS house
and the location of Satans thrown (now owend by Hitler in Germany) and now Hitlers throne!

Now lets get back to PLUTO and it's conection with homosexuality (the sting in the tail)
they called both bombs for Japan.


Satan as claimed by the Old Testament and Satan as claimed by the New Testament are relative.
Insist that each other is Satan.

Revelation 12 [NASB]
And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.
Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God, so that there she would be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon The dragon and his angels waged war,
and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven.
And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

Satan, which appears in Revelation 12:9, is an apep snake (lightning) served as Jehovah in the Old Testament.

Job 1 [NASB]
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.
The LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it."
The LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil."
Then Satan answered the LORD, "Does Job fear God for nothing?

Satan in Job 1 is Djed.
There are many Djed roles in the Old Testament.
Moses, Gideon, Samson, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, etc.... Representative Old Testament characters The placenta is the Djed roles.
However, Job summoned Djed to Satan.

Matthew 16 [NASB]
Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"
And they said, "Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets."
He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
And Jesus said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.
"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven."
Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the Christ.
From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.
Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, "God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You."
But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's."
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.
"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

In Matthew 16, Jesus yells at Peter(Scarabs) that he is Satan.

Matthew 12 [NASB]
But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, "This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons."
And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.
"If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?
"If I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? For this reason they will be your judges.
"But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
"Or how can anyone enter the strong man's house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.
"He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.

It is the case in which the stronger robs the weaker.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 22, 2020, 10:28:20 PM
The laws by which the states of physical systems undergo change are not affected, whether these changes of state be referred to the one or the other of two systems in uniform translatory motion relative to each other. (The Principle of Relativity)

Light is always propagated in empty space with a definite speed c which is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body. (The Principle of Invariant Light Speed)

Time does not exist in Einstein's theory of relativity.

If time does not exist, finite life and eternal life do not exist.
The light is kept as a unique god that cannot be reached forever.

It is the Paradox that Achilles(Lightning) can't catch up with tortoises(Sun) trying to prove this.
It may be different from the actual one.

The past, present and future are here, but there is a contradiction that no one can see except those who can see it.
Only those who can transcend contradictions can see the future.

So proving something is more Annoying than creating light.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 22, 2020, 11:09:41 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 12:07:00 AM

Scientific discovery by making a material structure that cannot exist in a natural state can be useful in human real life, but it is not a natural structure.

And the star explosion,



In space, the effects of star size, temperature and rotation, and inertial momentum can be greater than those of magnetic fields.

If the laws of science are made with buildings made by the ancient Egyptians, there is a possibility of disgrace.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 12:20:40 AM
Like this Russian YouTuber, it is used as a welding machine rather than lighting a 2KW light bulb with a free generator structure.
Placenta hypocrisy grows in the shade of dark-force.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 05:46:34 AM
Free generator application started.
However, in the words of my acquaintances, It is difficult to apply.
The same switching is key.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 06:42:23 AM

I don't know why you wander on the streets.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 01:50:26 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 02:57:25 PM

I have suggested you a long time ago.
I want to see your freedom-generator.



Huge firewood boilers are always dangerous.
The larger the boiler, the more it has to be made to be a standalone structure and distanced from the house, and André ignored this and installed it in the house.
Safety devices are also poor.
The result of neglecting ashes with live embers in windy mountains is a disaster.
André's safety-insensitivity ignited the fire.
When you design and build your own home, you must follow the safety rules for electrical equipment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 23, 2020, 05:30:23 PM
Quote from: color on August 21, 2020, 03:10:02 PM

Every detail is hidden in the video above.
Ruslan has revealed everything, but the audience just doesn't understand.
Members who only boast of electronic equipment from the oscilloscope do not know,
Electric and electronic beginners can easily find out.
your house is huge We have a GAS boiler but Housing is at a premium here
and so is electric and gas..

Getting back to the Ruslan video  the dialogue needs translating in my case to English and yours to Taiwanese.

Re the Katcher device he doesn't say much about that except it's 1/3 of what? In order to get transfer
you need the same frequency.

Getting back to the Ruslan video  the dialogue needs translating in my case to english and yours to Tiwanease.

Re the Katcher device he doesn't say much about that except it's 1/3 of what ? inorder to get transfer
you need the same frequency.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 06:20:09 PM

One of the reasons that many people misunderstand the Kapanadze-generator is because of the spark gap.
This is a misconception that comes from the difference between the Tesla method.
As I said a few days ago, Ruslan also sloppyly reproduced the Kapanadze-generator with a TV-flyback.

The French-Andre's generator is different from that of Kapanadze.

Démo de Fabrice ANDRE Energie produite sans contact sur une plaque à induction
Energie produite sans contact entre une bobine de Tesla et une plaque à induction. Pour la charge, 2 ampoules de 500W.
Grace à cette bobine on retransforme l'énergie électromagnétique de la plaque à induction et au passage on créé une surunité énergétique:
Surunité produite de l'ordre de 3x la puissance consommée avec cette bobine (pour une consommation de 1000 W on peut alimenter 3000W d'ampoules)
Démo faite par Fabrice André ingénieur du refuge de sarènne.

At first, I bought an induction stove to follow Andre's generator model.
I bought 5 portable induction stoves and disassembled them.
However, the induction method does not produce as much excess electricity as the Акула/Ruslan-generator.
The biggest problem is,
It is impossible to make excess electricity into the input electricity of the induction generator.
I tried several times but it failed.

In my experience, the Andre-generator is not a standalone generator.
However, if you connect and use the electricity of existing furniture, you can save electricity.
It is impossible to obtain input electricity and usable effective electricity by excess electricity.

Any YouTuber I have subscribed to makes something similar to you.
Please refer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 06:34:45 PM
This is a video of my previous experiment with the Andre-generator model spark-gap.

Секрет Запрещенного отопления На Бифиляре Тесла. Вы будете использовать только его.

The Russian YouTuber above tells me that he uses an induction-generator.
But now I am following the Ruslan-generator model.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 07:17:13 PM
AlienGrey :

I am not Taiwanese.
I am Korean.
It is a map of Korea.

My house is not huge.
It is a very small rural house in the countryside.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 08:05:38 PM

Korean house meter contracts 220V/3KW.
So, sometimes a fire occurs when the power is exceeded.
Air conditioners use a lot of power.
Koreans habitually conserve electricity,
Foreigners cannot spare like Koreans.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 08:25:18 PM
Electricity is dangerous.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 23, 2020, 11:05:14 PM

It's a great idea generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2020, 06:50:35 AM
Asymmetrical Re-gauging 5

I can't distinguish between the above video experiment and the French-Andre experiment.
It is difficult to make excess electricity by DIY induction.
A slight amplification of the amount of current occurs due to spark gap discharge, but that's all.
Like a Ruslan generator, generating back EMF with two diodes requires precise simultaneous switching.
A clumsy experiment is a repetition of similar experiments and meaningless trial and error.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2020, 12:58:59 PM
Are these members joining here to solve the world's 10 challenges?
Are you gathered here to discover the unknown law?

Don't be mistaken!

We have joined here to create a Kapanadze/Akula/Ruslan-generator for our purpose.

What we need now is to complement the Kapanadze/Akula/Ruslan-generator and improve its performance.
Other than this, discussion is virtually unnecessary. Meaningless.

Members here have almost joined the placenta as a free-generator issue, so they exchange opinions.
They are not gathered here to discover unknown laws and create new things.
The era of anti-sailing in search of unknown laws or continents is over.
They are members who don't have the ability to do so, and they don't need it.

For fun, you can tell a different story like a joke, But,
We still have a long way to go, and there are a lot of things to do and stories to do just with the free-generator discussion.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on August 24, 2020, 01:43:09 PM
Quote from: color on August 24, 2020, 06:50:35 AM
Asymmetrical Re-gauging 5

This is a good example of taking improper measurements to arrive at the input power.  One does not arrive at the true power input by multiplying the ac rms voltage times the ac rms current.  The instantaneous products of the sampled voltage and current must be averaged to get the true average input power.  For example see-


IOW, more than likely, this experimenters results that he thinks are COP>1 in reality are not!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2020, 03:05:56 PM
partzman :
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on August 24, 2020, 03:22:21 PM

I do not mean to upset your goals in this thread but seriously, if one does not undertake the proper methods of energy measurement, how does one know if OU has really been achieved?  Many on many of the forums have claimed OU but show no real proof that can be replicated by others that I'm aware of.

If you have built a device that you think is OU, then show it with enough data that can be analyzed and/or replicated by others.  All else is basically useless!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2020, 03:51:54 PM

I'd love to see the Kapanadze/Akula/Ruslan-generator model you make.
I have no ability to advise other than the above generators.
I don't trust much about the words of members who do not disclose the above generator.
I have been exposed to information posted here for 10 years.
Members who haven't made anything for 10 years don't understand.
I don't understand why members who think there are no free-generators come here.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2020, 05:45:40 PM
세상의 편견과 싸우지 않으면 아무것도 얻지못한다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 24, 2020, 07:53:16 PM
Quote from: color on August 24, 2020, 05:45:40 PM
세상의 편견과 싸우지 않으면 아무것도 얻지못한다.
Arn't the all the interconecting cable a bit long?
don't they cause problems ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: EMJunkie on August 24, 2020, 08:36:56 PM

Color, it is very easy for others to post discouraging data that they have Zero Evidence of. The Scope is not going to be that far off! Greater than 10 Watts, in excess of the Input, is not Measurement Error! 1 Watt maybe...

Stick to what your gut feeling tells you! That's normally correct and ignore others that have nothing of value to contribute to your experiments! Others would very easily miss-lead you, trying to lead you away from success. Beware those that have nothing and preach.

The good old line: "Measurement error" is one you can see a very long history of if you search: "measurement error site:overunity.com (https://www.google.com/search?q=measurement+error+site%3Aoverunity.com&rlz=1C1GCEU_enAU824AU824&oq=measurement+error+site%3Aoverunity.com&aqs=chrome..69i57.375j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)"

Its easy to spot those helping others and those that are not!

Quote from: color on August 24, 2020, 06:50:35 AM
Asymmetrical Re-gauging 5

I can't distinguish between the above video experiment and the French-Andre experiment.
It is difficult to make excess electricity by DIY induction.
A slight amplification of the amount of current occurs due to spark gap discharge, but that's all.
Like a Ruslan generator, generating back EMF with two diodes requires precise simultaneous switching.
A clumsy experiment is a repetition of similar experiments and meaningless trial and error.

Continued Independent Replication is Important! Stick to Facts and hard Data! Ignore all else!

Captainloz's thread is here: http://www.aboveunity.com/thread/captainloz-s-asymmetrical-re-gauging-experiment/ (http://www.aboveunity.com/thread/captainloz-s-asymmetrical-re-gauging-experiment/)

Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
   Chris Sykes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2020, 10:57:33 PM
AlienGrey :

This is a picture from 4 years ago.
I can't experiment now.
I can't solder My hands are shaking.

If the grenade-coil is long, you only need to add capacitor capacity.
But I did not add a separate capacitor.
The person who asks me the question here is most likely the one who is not currently making a free-generator.
Instead of a question, Scream of joy is a problem that should come out.


EMJunkie :

The good old line: "Measurement error" is one you can see a very long history of if you search: "measurement error site:overunity.com"


If it's a measurement error, it's not a matter for me to excuse, it would be quick to ask four 500W bulbs.
In fact, it is easy to generate efficiencies above 90%.
Anyone can know by experimenting.
If you don't experiment with the most basic things and try to get them as questions, you will continue to ask the same questions for the next 10 years.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: EMJunkie on August 24, 2020, 11:23:51 PM
Quote from: color on August 24, 2020, 10:57:33 PM
AlienGrey :

This is a picture from 4 years ago.
I can't experiment now.
I can't solder My hands are shaking.

If the grenade-coil is long, you only need to add capacitor capacity.
But I did not add a separate capacitor.
The person who asks me the question here is most likely the one who is not currently making a free-generator.
Instead of a question, Scream of joy is a problem that should come out.


EMJunkie :

The good old line: "Measurement error" is one you can see a very long history of if you search: "measurement error site:overunity.com"


If it's a measurement error, it's not a matter for me to excuse, it would be quick to ask four 500W bulbs.
In fact, it is easy to generate efficiencies above 90%.
Anyone can know by experimenting.
If you don't experiment with the most basic things and try to get them as questions, you will continue to ask the same questions for the next 10 years.

Hi Color,

Maybe you did not realise my point.

My Members and I have been building these machines for a long time. http://www.aboveunity.com/ See My Members thread: http://www.aboveunity.com/thread/captainloz-s-asymmetrical-re-gauging-experiment/

These machines work, they exist, we have then right now! We don't need to work to build them!

Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
   Chris Sykes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: captainloz on August 24, 2020, 11:28:33 PM
Quote from: partzman on August 24, 2020, 01:43:09 PM
This is a good example of taking improper measurements to arrive at the input power.  One does not arrive at the true power input by multiplying the ac rms voltage times the ac rms current.  The instantaneous products of the sampled voltage and current must be averaged to get the true average input power.  For example see-

https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546023/#msg546023 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546023/#msg546023)

IOW, more than likely, this experimenters results that he thinks are COP>1 in reality are not!


Hi PM,

I'm reading the input power right from the Rigol power supply.  Why is that not an accurate way to determine the watts being consumed by the input?  That's why I purchased this power supply I was sick of figuring out my input watts.  The output is being read by the scope.  One probe is across a 0.1 ohm resistor set to 1x and 10x on the scope. Ohms Law measurement of: 1 x 0.1 x 10 = 1 Ohm. Meaning if you have 1 Volt measured across the 0.1 Ohm resistor it is 1 Amp, because 1 x 1 = 1.  The voltage is being read across the load.  If you watch the video to the end you see me put the scope on Averaging sample rate.  It still shows I'm getting more out than in.  If I'm not taking the readings correctly please advise.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2020, 11:32:41 PM

I am not interested in anything other than the Kapanadze/Akula/Ruslan-generator.
If the performance is better than the generator they made, you are interested.
However, no generator was found that was superior to the one they made.
If it exists, please introduce it.
And I am not interested in other cafes.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: EMJunkie on August 25, 2020, 12:00:22 AM
Quote from: color on August 24, 2020, 11:32:41 PM

I am not interested in anything other than the capanase/Akula/Ruslan-generator.
If the performance is better than the generator they made, you are interested.
However, no generator was found that was superior to the one they made.
If it exists, please introduce it.
And I am not interested in other cafes.

Hi Color,

After a bit more study, maybe you will see what I am trying to share with you. It is in the link You Posted! I wish you luck!

Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
   Chris Sykes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 12:01:20 AM
captainloz :

I don't know about RIGOL.
I have never seen it in real life.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: EMJunkie on August 25, 2020, 12:06:13 AM
Quote from: captainloz on August 24, 2020, 11:28:33 PM

Hi PM,

I'm reading the input power right from the Rigol power supply.  Why is that not an accurate way to determine the watts being consumed by the input?  That's why I purchased this power supply I was sick of figuring out my input watts.  The output is being read by the scope.  One probe is across a 0.1 ohm resistor set to 1x and 10x on the scope. Ohms Law measurement of: 1 x 0.1 x 10 = 1 Ohm. Meaning if you have 1 Volt measured across the 0.1 Ohm resistor it is 1 Amp, because 1 x 1 = 1.  The voltage is being read across the load.  If you watch the video to the end you see me put the scope on Averaging sample rate.  It still shows I'm getting more out than in.  If I'm not taking the readings correctly please advise.

It is easy to criticise others, without any viable or valid proof! Measurement error is the only excuse for some, it's how they explain things away, like UFO's being Swamp Gas, a laughable and truly disastrous excuse for any logical mind to accept as a logical answer.

Loz, I fully support you!

Anyone calling "measurement error" simply has sour grapes!

Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
   Chris Sykes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 12:09:09 AM

Hope is good.
Good luck.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 12:42:59 AM
5 year old tester

The PSU I use is a cheap Chinese made for $18.
Still, the performance is good.

Not 150W, it's 165W.
It is roughly correct to understand that cheap Chinese products are 80% efficient.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 03:17:41 AM

The French-Andre-Generator principle is,
The electricity amplified by spark gap-discharge is converted once again into magnetic DIY induction coil.
(Slightly modified tesla bifilar coil)
In order to make a stand-alone generator, more than four times the amount of current must be generated to create a stable self-supply system.
The Andre-generator is difficult to make standalone.
It is a generator less than four times the amount of current.

Ferrite DIY induction coil has an amplifying effect, but
The intention is to cut off the Tesla high voltage and convert it to a stable low voltage.
Ferrite DIY induction coil is a kind of transformer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 03:19:53 AM
As a Ferrite DIY induction coil that converts from high voltage to low voltage, the DIY induction coil looks like the main, but in reality, the spark gap is the main.
The amplification effect in the DIY induction coil is insignificant.
220V/3A household power is supplied according to the power consumption.
This is mistaken for the amplification effect.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 03:30:46 AM
The generator above is not stand-alone but power-saving.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 02:07:21 PM
Частично пробитый полевой транзистор верхнего ключа.

The hints are hidden in many places, but only those who can see them are seen.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 02:22:22 PM
The three major factions of the Chinese Communist Party

The three major factions of the Chinese Communist Party include the Taiji Party, where the revolutionary elders gathered, the Shanghai Bang, a force of people from Shanghai, and the Communist Youth Corps, and the Gong Qing Party, who grew up through the Communist Youth Corps and entered the domain.

The Prince Party, to which President Xi Jinping belongs, is a child of the elders of the Chinese Communist Party, and they have a strong sense of ownership of the Party in that their parents' generation established the People's Republic of China through revolution. In addition, the Shanghai Bang, which was formed during the presidency of former President Jiang Zemin, is made up of Shanghai bureaucrats, and has a great contribution to the development of the market economy. The rest of the Communist Party (the Chinese Communist Party Youth Corps) is an unofficial faction that has grown in power by advancing to key positions in central and local governments after former President Hu Jintao took office. Unlike the Shanghai Bang and the Prince's Party, most of them are of commoner origin without the restraint of high-ranking executives or other colorful backgrounds, except for a few. Prime Minister Li Keqiang (李克强) is currently the main figure of the public hearing group.

On the other hand, these three major factions form a leadership by fighting each other for power.

Xi Jinping legally completes his permanent power, and the Covid-19 crisis breaks out to keep other factions in check.
It is part of an operation to neutralize the resistance of other factions.

Joe Biden, then Vice President of the US President Obama, was instrumental in removing Xi Jinping's antagonism.
At that time, several of the leading candidates for the Shanghai Bang were purged.

So Xi Jinping is hoping for Biden to become the next president of the United States.

Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba, a large Chinese company, is also a member of the Shanghai Bang.

China is a country made up of 56 ethnic groups.
China still oppresses certain ethnic groups.
They arrest them, harvest their organs, and commit murder.
'Fǎlún Gōng', which has nearly 100 million members, is also suppressed.
It is a simple morning-gymnastics group.

The Chinese Communist Party's evil deeds are so vast and great that it is incomparable to those committed by Hitler or Stalin.

It's common sense in the East, but the world doesn't know these facts.

It is good for members here to comment on the progress of the COVID-19 outbreak, but it is not desirable to expand the incident outside the agency managed by the CCP unit.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 03:27:34 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 04:30:39 PM
Шок! Электричество бесплатно!

AKA KASYAN said the generator was turned off after 10 minutes,
When I made and experimented, it lasted a little longer.
It's also the first generator model I've ever made.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 04:54:45 PM
Hoppy :

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #160 on: October 01, 2012, 12:01:09 PM »

I have attached a scope shot (x10 probe) taken collector to ground of an inverter MJL21194 transistor operating at 4.6KHz.

Current draw - 2.86A @ 12.3V. Output - 111.7V into a 1K resistive test load.

The transformer is a big mains toroid with 2 x 9.4A primaries.

I have used a P6KE30A (30V) transorbs with 33R series resistors for snubbers across C/E of each MJL21194. A smaller 24V transorb with 33R resistor is also fitted across the TL494 supply rail.

There is ringing on the waveform but I'm reasonably happy with it for this application. However, it is clear to me that given that Dally used bipolar transistors for his inverter, with the circuit as drawn, this would have not delivered very much power to a load irrespective of the transformer type. We need to see the full spec on the toroid transformer he used.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 05:16:54 PM

When Verpies mentions thyristors, the T-1000 (Wesley) tries to divert the point of view to the trolls, like licorice in the drugstore.
Of course, both are conversations without knowing the principle of the free generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 05:31:40 PM

Vasiliy Buslaev :

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #228 on: October 04, 2012, 10:10:30 AM »
Quote from: Сергей Ð'. on October 03, 2012, 05:42:41 PM
You may use bigger ring up to 2 cm outer diameter.  Ðœ6000НМ or better.

I do not agree with Sergei, this fundamental error which began to make in our forums. In this scheme, the core must  to work in saturation mode, otherwise the effect DSRDs diode is not going to happen.
It is necessary to use small-diameter ring, as shown in basic scheme, it is 7 mm outer diameter.
In the scheme, sloping line indicates on the  transformer in  saturation mode.
The larger the size of the ring, the more difficult to enter it into saturation.

Ferrite is going hot so must be sealed or glued on KT926 radiator.
Yes, the ring will heat up, it will need to be glued on the radiator.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 05:34:49 PM
Работа магнитного накопителя с ТЭНами.
Эффект независимости.

Russians have similar names, so I can't tell who is who.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 06:01:22 PM
verpies :

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #230 on: October 04, 2012, 12:10:57 PM »
Quote from: Vasiliy Buslaev on October 04, 2012, 10:10:30 AM

I agree. The transformer method of driving the DSRD requires the saturation of the ferrite core in order to create asymmetrical currents in the forward and reverse conduction of the DSR diodes.
I think that tunning the saturation point of this transformer is tricky.  That is why I prefer the transformerless method of driving the DSR diodes.

Vasiliy Buslaev :

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #231 on: October 04, 2012, 12:47:44 PM »
Quote from: verpies on October 04, 2012, 12:10:57 PM
I agree. The transformer method of driving the DSRD requires the saturation of the ferrite core in order to create asymmetrical currents in the forward and reverse conduction of the DSR diodes.
I think that tunning the saturation point of this transformer is tricky.  That is why I prefer the transformerless method of driving the DSR diodes.

You need not reinvent the bike. This scheme works quite good without complicated settings. The scheme was worked out in the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The document is in Russian, sorry. If necessary, can translate the most interesting moments.



And verpies speak of the principle of free-generator resonance.
Verpies quickly unveiled the generator principle and some members were puzzled.

Later, after I realized the principle of the free-generator resonance, I laughed for a long time when I remembered this article.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 11:11:49 PM
There is an interesting old story in my country.

Someone said that the threshold of the southern gate of the capital's city gate was made of birch wood.
However, the man above has never visited the capital.
Another who heard the man above said there was no birch-threshold in the capital city gate.
This person has visited the capital many times.

The two argued for a long time over the birch-threshold issue, and the first one with a loud voice won the argument.

The point is, it is not the presence or absence of a birch, but that a person with a loud voice is more likely to win the debate.

During the former Soviet Union, the KGB invested 70 years in brainwashing.
It's a famous episode.
During the Hitler government, propaganda minister Goebbels said this.

'Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it'

What you need in this cafe,
Let's cut down on useless and talk about'freedom-generator'. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: EMJunkie on August 25, 2020, 11:22:42 PM
Quote from: color on August 25, 2020, 11:11:49 PM
There is an interesting old story in my country.

Someone said that the threshold of the southern gate of the capital's city gate was made of birch wood.
However, the man above has never visited the capital.
Another who heard the man above said there was no birch-threshold in the capital city gate.
This person has visited the capital many times.

The two argued for a long time over the birch-threshold issue, and the first one with a loud voice won the argument.

The point is, it is not the presence or absence of a birch, but that a person with a loud voice is more likely to win the debate.

During the former Soviet Union, the KGB invested 70 years in brainwashing.
It's a famous episode.
During the Hitler government, propaganda minister Goebbels said this.

'Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it'

What you need in this cafe,
Let's cut down on useless and talk about'freedom-generator'. 8) ::)

Color, if you had to write down, in bullet point form, what are the main operational methods of the Kapa Gen, what would you write?

Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
   Chris Sykes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2020, 11:41:57 PM

It seems like the sequence is to meet Kapanadze and ask Wesley, who has come to witness his generator, first.

If he answers, I think I can answer.

The reason I say this is,

Because I have never met Kapanadze. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: EMJunkie on August 25, 2020, 11:46:41 PM
Quote from: color on August 25, 2020, 11:41:57 PM

It seems like the sequence is to meet Kapanadze and ask Wesley, who has come to witness his generator, first.

If he answers, I think I can answer.

The reason I say this is,

Because I have never met Kapanadze. 8) ::)

The question was meant for you, no one else. Please ignore my post.

Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
   Chris Sykes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 12:30:09 AM

My answer was already prepared a long time ago,
Wesley's answer, who has multiple faces at the cafe after meeting Kapanadze, seems to be a long wait. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 02:58:14 AM
NickZ :

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #19632 on: October 21, 2013, 09:50:58 PM »
  We have tried to contact Akula concerning the working principals of his previous device.
He did not answer my e-mails, or to MenofFather, and although he did communicate with T-1000 through Skype, several times, there were no further discussions after a certain point.  That does not mean that it is still impossible to do so, at this time, but I'm just relating that an effort has been already been made to do so in the past. And since Akula may not speak English, or at least not well, this is one of the reasons that we have not continued to pursued this by non-Russian speaking people from this or the other Kapanadze's cousin thread.

  Concerning long earth wires:  Akula has shown a long ground wire, going to the saturated wet area that's about 8 to10 meters away, as well as having no earth ground, at all. It looks like both ways are possible, to have some results, at least if what we see is true. But, there may be an advantage to having a long wire, instead. Which may also be working as a type of antenna, as well as a ground. This all needs to be tested, as well as the different cores, bifilar, or not, winding methods, resonance points, feed-back methods, etz...
That is what we are trying to do.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 03:23:01 AM


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 03:51:22 AM
magpwr :

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #18930 on: August 27, 2013, 12:20:40 PM »
Quote from: ariovaldo on August 26, 2013, 10:23:36 PM
Good afternoon Hoopy....
Yesterday I tried some setups that I planned at the begging of the week,  using MOT with 3 turns as output, connected to other one with 10 turns as input and 120 turns (original from the MOP) output. I used thyristor, diode, capacitor in every conditions that I could do and I just noticed one anomaly that I will purchase some test instrument to confirm that. This "anomaly" was some gain in light intensity associated to current decrease, using a thicker cable as output. (I was using 10 turns of 8 AWG and start to use 6 turns of 8 AWG plus to 2 turns 1/0)
I didn't give up and I will be testing some more points using transformers, thicker wire connected to the grid / inverter and most important, try to create a resonance.
Take a look in this attachment: it is not OU.
It is a simple movie where I used old TV yoke, feed by 12 volts AC( square wave) with a variable frequency. There are 2 wingdings  Primary with 17 turns, 10 AWG wire, secondary with 42 turns of 14 AWG. The secondary was wound in 1 ½ inches aluminum tube with a slot and the primary was wound in the middle of secondary.

What is important is to use the capacitor to create a resonance in the secondary, so the light will be in the maximum intensity.


Hi ariovaldo,

It's a good start with the yoke experiment.I also liked the sountrack kinda reminded me of "mission possible" movie soundtrack. :D

This video i have attached might give you some insight related to yoke resonance which might help you in your experiment.
Attached link- Pulsing a Yoke Coil 6 -Please checkout other yoke  related video from this youtube user.He did mentioned T-1000 in video.Interesting.




Yoke-The beginning of winding coils on transformers may be from this man's experiment.
It would be a coincidence rather than someone ordering it...
If not,,,, ??? ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 04:04:32 AM

The T-1000 himself has a lot to defend. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 04:44:14 AM
Zeitmaschine :

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #17945 on: June 17, 2013, 09:38:10 PM »
Quote from: captainkt on June 17, 2013, 05:49:41 PM
When I tried to put connection between transformer and inverter the inverter blew up. Back to drawing board for me, so much for free energy I have spent thousands.
Because most likely the inverter is not an inverter. It's a converter, converting potential-free pulsed DC coming form a rectifier back to AC (by means of synchronized thyristors). The input side of the rectifier can be connected to an inverter (and car battery) like seen in 2004 and green box video, or it can be connected to an insulation transformer like in these presentations: 1, 2, 3

If the primary side of the transformer is connected in parallel to a capacitor (LC circuit) then a short impulse from a 9V battery will create also a sinusoidal wave which can be used to start the device if internally back-looped.

Now what could happen if we connect potential-free pulsed DC to ground via a large self-inductance (maybe in combination with a capacitance)? Could this large self-inductance be suitable to capture electrons from earth which then amplifies the output current?

Just speculating, don't want to blow up my equipment (yet). ;D

But at least nothing of this contradicts what can be seen in all the Kapanadze and Stepanov videos.

BTW: It's impossible to start a factory-made (off-the-shelf) inverter with a 9V battery. That means whenever TK starts his device with a 9V battery there is no inverter (don't think he soldered his own one), just a sinusoidal impulse. Furthermore that means there are three different types of TK devices: One type works with an inverter and a car battery, one with an insulation transformer from grid, and one with a LC circuit triggered by a 9V battery.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 05:27:00 AM
Zeitmaschine :

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #22305 on: February 26, 2016, 08:20:40 PM »
Does a static electric field interact with a magnetic field?

Harry McLaughlin:


They interact, or better said, they combine to produce a flow of energy.«


»Static magnetics field or ionisation - called also as Dead Magnetic Field, but we can convert this field to meka a work«

Quote from: Hoppy on February 23, 2016, 09:49:18 AM
I agree that the blue coils do nothing apart from carrying current to the load.

I'm not even sure about that. Why routing the current through the blue coil? It is an unnecessary resistor. Routing the current straight through the plastic tube would also do the job.

Quote from: Hoppy on February 23, 2016, 09:49:18 AM
I agree that the transformer is not capable of supplying the necessary current to the load, so it and its fancy coil are also eye candy because it could not possibly induce sufficient current into the blue coils, which we also agree do nothing.

Hence a new diagram to make it more clear. The phrase »it« translates to: Could it be possible that this green 3-phase transformer can generate a work and a flow of energy? If nothing else generates that flow of energy, then yes.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 26, 2020, 09:11:40 AM
Quote from: color on August 26, 2020, 04:44:14 AM
Zeitmaschine :

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #17945 on: June 17, 2013, 09:38:10 PM »
Quote from: captainkt on June 17, 2013, 05:49:41 PM
When I tried to put connection between transformer and inverter the inverter blew up. Back to drawing board for me, so much for free energy I have spent thousands.
Because most likely the inverter is not an inverter. It's a converter, converting potential-free pulsed DC coming form a rectifier back to AC (by means of synchronized thyristors). The input side of the rectifier can be connected to an inverter (and car battery) like seen in 2004 and green box video, or it can be connected to an insulation transformer like in these presentations: 1, 2, 3

If the primary side of the transformer is connected in parallel to a capacitor (LC circuit) then a short impulse from a 9V battery will create also a sinusoidal wave which can be used to start the device if internally back-looped.

Now what could happen if we connect potential-free pulsed DC to ground via a large self-inductance (maybe in combination with a capacitance)? Could this large self-inductance be suitable to capture electrons from earth which then amplifies the output current?

Just speculating, don't want to blow up my equipment (yet). ;D

But at least nothing of this contradicts what can be seen in all the Kapanadze and Stepanov videos.

BTW: It's impossible to start a factory-made (off-the-shelf) inverter with a 9V battery. That means whenever TK starts his device with a 9V battery there is no inverter (don't think he soldered his own one), just a sinusoidal impulse. Furthermore that means there are three different types of TK devices: One type works with an inverter and a car battery, one with an insulation transformer from grid, and one with a LC circuit triggered by a 9V battery.
Ha, Ha, it might be 2x the frequency but you have cut the peak to poeak in half so it = same in as out
nothing changes.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 03:15:43 PM
AlienGrey :

I don't know because I have not experimented,
It is also possible that the primary and secondary coils in the center of the three-phase transformer were used as Tesla-coils.
On the premise that it is possible.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 04:15:21 PM
Indians and Southeast Asians make easy generators very well.
The Chinese are naturally cloning ghosts.
Free-generator control is impossible unless Asia is completely extinct.
Are the only Asians who understand the resonance principle of the free freedom-generator?
Rumors have already spread to Europe, Africa and the Americas. 8) ;D ::)

The motor-free generator made by Bedini is bulky and difficult to handle, making it accessible to interested people,
The kappanadze generator type has the advantage that any electrical engineer who understands a small-transformer can easily access it.

It is now the capital market's job to prepare for the explosion of Free Electricity, not by suppressing the people who make Free Electricity.

The countries that suppress the Free Electricity will fall behind India, China and Southeast Asia.
Southeast Asia is a country consisting of tens of thousands of islands.
For them, the free generator is now a lifeline. ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2020, 07:54:11 PM
Смотреть всем! НЛО есть везде но мы их не видим. Только через спец стекло можно увидеть.

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 05:35:09 AM
I was sleepy last night, so I made a mistake in that little bit of a dream.
I fixed it a bit.
I didn't know, but I knew it only then because an acquaintance sent a message.
After all,,, I guess I have to die when I get old...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 06:05:36 AM
The shape is different, but the method of operation is the same, so it can be easily made using most transformers (ferrite, silicon steel).
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 09:31:30 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on August 27, 2020, 10:52:52 AM
   Color:   I have mentioned to you previously about resizing your images to less that 960 pixels wide. So now you are not just messing up your own Kapanadze thread, but are doing it here, as well, and on purpose. Even after I've asked you nicely to not do that. Yes, this very wide page is what you are creating with your images.
So, as it seems that you have taken over here, also, notice how there are no more posts, other than yours... Think about it...
   This thread was started and kept going in order to not follow what's on the Kapanadze threads. And this has been a builders thread, up to now.  So, please help to keep this thread clean and focused on building and discussing the Dally, Akula, Ruslan, etz, type of builds.  If you want to mess up your own thread, that may be ok, as there is no one posting there anyway, other than you.
But, PLEASE don't mess up this thread, as well. As there are still people here looking for solutions to their builds, and don't need the distractions, to some other devices that no one will build, as there is not any proper information on it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 27, 2020, 01:05:36 PM
Nick Z

Nick It sounds like you have posted this POST on the wrong thread, this should be on the Dally thread !

Also you posted a pointer to the Ruslan sweet of instruction 'clips' and then said you couldn't understand it

Well if it has a TRANSLATION  icon you can re program it to any subtitle like  English  or any lingo you like !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 02:16:12 PM
NickZ :

The conversation between Pierrot and the Samaritan

Some time ago my computer monitor died.
This model has been used for over 20 years.
And two years ago, I got a 15 year old used monitor for free from a second-hand shop.
It seems like your Costa Rica doesn't have a basic computer monitor with a 1:2 ratio.
There are only such monitors in Korea.
The ratio is the same whether the monitor is large or small.
You ordered the most to set it to 960px.
If you live in a place with good air and a good background, there will be some inconveniences.
This can also be one of the more uncomfortable things.
I think that changing your computer monitor will help other members provide high-quality photos.
I have to work hard to edit photos on my old-computer.

I hope Geo's experiment starts again soon.
I don't think I've made Geo's experimentation heavy.
No matter how long you hold on, you don't succeed.
Not long ago, Geo said he knew something.
Whether that is the principle of resonance is unknown.
And I waited, but Geo didn't show up.
If Geo doesn't appear in this cafe in the future, he might have been afraid of somebody's threats.
Or is it because I have a lot of personal work.
Wesley and you talked the most about people dying.
This is what you know better.
Human greed is endless.
And the choice is free.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 03:27:44 PM
AlienGrey :

Downtown Dominical Costa Rica

People living in these places will be very happy. 8) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 06:52:01 PM
I am waiting for the experiment of the two.

I am waiting for someone to break down the free-generator I have made. 8) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 06:52:54 PM

Some Food for the brain
The circuit below is from some of the first videos of Tungus before he changed his name to Akula..
Im gonna be posting to show you the similarities between Akula, Tariel Kapanadze, Weasley, SR193, Tiger2007 and Michel Meyer...
the connection is that all these devices utilise nuclear magnetic  resonance of ferromagnetic materials to produce excess energy...

Now from the circuit:
Lets take a look at object 1 and 3 which are diode bridges... Diode bridge 1 converts the high frequency AC current from the output back to DC into the system (loop) through inverter 2... then the inverter 2 converts the DC current back to AC but this time at 50Hz, its then connected to diode bridge 3 which converts AC back to DC to power the driver circuit 5...
if you read the above statement you can easily tell that it makes no sense, why not connect the DC from the output directly to driver circuit 5 other than converting it to AC then back to DC to power the driver..
What i found out during my research and experiment is that the inverter is not in the circuit to work only as AC to DC convertor but its there to also work as a signal generator producing a current pulse of 50Hz... So we are having two signal sources, one low frequency 50Hz produced by the inverter and then a high frequency produced by the driver all affecting the ferrite..
If you look closely in the video, you will find that the wire labled 4 in red comes directly from the inverter to the red winding on the core and that of the high frequency is clearly seen white in color covered with red tape.....
the white output winding only serves to carry the high impulse current in the yoke to the windings on the plastic tube which take out the power with out back emf....
The similarities between all the invetors mentioned above is they use 2 frequencies, one low (50Hz), the other one high (Ferromagentic material resonant frequency) to produce excess energy....
Im going to show the similarities between this circuit and tariel kapanadze shortly

The image below is from Tariel Kapanadze video 2004, if you take a good examination its the same as akula device

Lets start with wire 1, it comes from the inverter connected to a battery, so we are converting DC 12v to AC 220V 50Hz, when take another
closer examination you see that the wire goes strait to the metal can with its AC 50Hz, but it also supplies some power to the step down
transformer which then feeds the Diode bridge 4 and then powers there driver circuit 3 whose signal is taken to the metal Can 5...

It makes no sense to convert 12v Dc from a battery to 220v 50Hz (AC) then step it down to 12DC unless you need the 50Hz...
It is clearly seen here also that two frequencies are affecting something to produce excess energy...
For safety reasons i will not make a video or even reveal my true identity but i tell you that the Lithuania experiment with ferrite Yoke has all the information you need to make a successful replication... what the forgot to tell you was there is no back emf in this device and its very hard to avoid back emf unless you utilise the thane heins Bitoroid transformer...
Have a good night, its already 1 AM here

The biggest problem is that forum members what to be breast fed, they want to be given from a to z without recognizing that we also put a lot of effort to get this work out...
I've shared my work with a few who have understood and I'm going to even send my 50watt output device to a forum member for free to prove my theory works...
I haven't yet gotten a stable high power output but once I get I will make a video and post on this forum for all to see...

If possible I can instead send it to you verpies so that you do a full analysis of it, if you promise a non disclosure...
My email is kotlinnick@gmail.com...

It's the same theory as the ferrite yoke from Lithuania but different set-up, I went through Tiger's work and the Lithuania work to come to my device



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21793 on: February 29, 2020, 07:57:45 PM »
Quote from: Ntambi on February 29, 2020, 06:58:49 PM
It's the same theory as the ferrite yoke from Lithuania but different set-up, I went through Tiger's work and the Lithuania work to come to my device
Natambi I know the one your talking about, Didn't Wesley say it only works with a Russian Barium ferrite yoke ?
Also I'm pretty sure Nelson and others said it was dangerous because it sucks in energy from anything close to it including you.
Un less you have found a way round that like the frequency, Any way it's been a while since you last pasted, look forward to
any mods you have made to it from its first showing.

Rergards AG


Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21795 on: March 01, 2020, 12:58:47 AM »
Quote from: Toolofcortex on January 04, 2020, 10:43:58 PM
This is just another case of XXX username comes and go and teaches /asks something then he will lose patience in about 90 minutes since I messed with him and he's sensitive.
Quote from: Ntambi on January 04, 2020, 10:46:21 PM
I assume we all know that the source of magnetism in a magnetic is an atom, we also know that when an atom placed in a magnetic field it tends to orient along or against this magnetic field... That means when I place a ferrite yoke in a magnetic field I'm able to arrange all it's atoms(small magnets) in a given direction causing a net resultant field.. the next process is where resonance kicks in, because with resonance I'm able to apply a very small force for a big response, I then apply the ferromagnetic resonance frequency (NMR frequency) to those atoms there by turning them 180 degrees with less energy... These processes have created a super magnet with the ability to move it's poles just like magnetic spinning in a generator... If you can recall Weasley in the deflection yoke of Lithuania said they felt a huge magnetic field present, that's what caused it,


Just because Ntambi is new here, does not mean that he is one of those fly-by-nights.

What he wrote above is anchored in well-known science.  The internal hyperfine magnetic fields of iron are extremely strong.  How strong might even surprise you.
According to the attached PDF document, these internal fields reach 33 Tesla in pure iron.  In a ferrite they will be different, of course, but the principle is the same.

Also, if nuclear magnetic resonance is possible in iron at approximately 45.5MHz then it should be also possible in the ferrite, even if at a different frequency.
Notice, that in iron the Larmor frequency is unaffected up to 0.6 Tesla of externally applied field.  Ferrite would have a different threshold but the principle remains the same.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21799 on: March 01, 2020, 11:13:34 AM »
Quote from: AlienGrey on March 01, 2020, 05:16:59 AM
Re the Ferrite NMR I found this it might be of help or not to others in experimentation
This data shows the same trend:  Decreasing the frequency as the externally applied magnetic flux density increases.  This is the opposite behavior relative to most other materials.

Quote from: AlienGrey on March 01, 2020, 05:16:59 AM
Ntambi also mentioned the word nano pulse; point being Ruslan, Akula device used a Tesla coil
If Dally used nano pulses in his device then ... that's my point. and Ntambi confirms it.
There are three types of stimulating signals that cause spin axis precession:
1) CW
2) Sweeped FM
3) Dirac pulse (low repetition frequency nanopulse, picopulse, etc...)

The nanopulse is only one of them.
As usual the problem with NMR is getting the phase of the individual precessions synchronized.  That is generally difficult because the precessional frequencies depend on the magnetic flux density of the field that the precessing atoms are subjected to, so if the field is not uniform, then these precessions get out of sync (in other words - randomized) and the net signal becomes zero.  That is the scourge of NMR !

The nature of ferromagnetic materials makes it easier to maintain field uniformity because the internal hyperfine field is so huge (33T for iron) that any externally applied field constitutes only a small fraction of the total field felt by the atoms, thus the Larmor frequency of a ferromagnetic is relatively insensitive to the externally applied field (up to 0.6T for iron).

Also, pure metals are very conductive and that makes it hard for high frequency magnetic fields to penetrate them, due to eddy currents and skin effect.  The solution to this is heating up the metal so high that its resistivity increases or using non-conductive ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic materials (e.g. ferrites) ...or other ways to stimulate the precession of the atomic spin axes, e.g.: acoustic stimulation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 06:54:30 PM

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21806 on: March 01, 2020, 10:11:02 PM »
Quote from: Ntambi on January 14, 2020, 10:42:58 PM
Some Food for the brain
The circuit below is from some of the first videos of Tungus before he changed his name to Akula..
Im gonna be posting to show you the similarities between Akula, Tariel Kapanadze, Weasley, SR193, Tiger2007 and Michel Meyer...
the connection is that all these devices utilise nuclear magnetic  resonance of ferromagnetic materials to produce excess energy...

Now from the circuit:
Lets take a look at object 1 and 3 which are diode bridges... Diode bridge 1 converts the high frequency AC current from the output back to DC into the system (loop) through inverter 2... then the inverter 2 converts the DC current back to AC but this time at 50Hz, its then connected to diode bridge 3 which converts AC back to DC to power the driver circuit 5...
if you read the above statement you can easily tell that it makes no sense, why not connect the DC from the output directly to driver circuit 5 other than converting it to AC then back to DC to power the driver..

Hello Ntambi. Welcome to the forum.

I would agree that the principle behind Daly, Akula, and Ruslan devices all appears to be the same principle,
as the setups are all very similar, and Ruslan of course copied Akula closely, assuming any or all of those circuits
were/are legit.

However, I am not convinced that what was shown in the 'Lithuania experiment' was the same,
but, yes, the underlying principle may possibly be the same in that setup as well.
Kapanadze remains a mystery so far, as he has kept some key details about his circuits hidden.
It is possible that what Kapanadze is doing is using the same principle as well, however.

I think you may be mistaken about the 'inverter' in Akula's early 'self-runner' circuit setups.
I believe that is an AC to DC power supply, not an inverter. Akula was converting
the high voltage AC output from his output coil to a lower DC voltage such as 12V or 24V,
and using that lower DC voltage to feedback back to the input and power his PWM driver. Yes, he may have a
fullwave bridge rectifier before the power supply, but the step down AC to DC power supply apparently still works
even when fed with say around 220V DC (or pulsating DC) rather than 220V AC.

Hello to everyone else as well!

All the best...


Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21807 on: March 01, 2020, 10:23:40 PM »
Quote from: NickZ on March 01, 2020, 02:26:32 PM
   Well guys, most of the real builders have left this thread, or are waiting for something that really WORKS.
   What is this board coming to then?  NMR...  Here we go again... burning shit up, instead of finding the REAL solution, tapping ambient energy. Not harmful, non polluting, etz...
   Can we get back to that, instead?   If Verpies does not want to test his device, maybe itsu can do it?  Or, someone that can take input to output measurements.
   But, what is the point of bringing up a test of a device on this open source thread, that won't be disclosed? That does not sound right to me.

Hi Nick. I might be willing to run such a device through testing on my bench and
post all the test results here or on Youtube, depending on the conditions of the arrangement made, but it
looks like Ntambi wants to keep it private.

In such a case, Ntambi,  maybe you can post up a private video of your test setup with any measurements
you are making, on Youtube or on your Google drive or similar, and PM or email me the link, and I could give an analysis
of what I see in the video. That way you don't have to send out your device to anyone. BTW, I am not at all convinced that
the Thane Heins style transformer arrangement is doing anything unusual at all, and from what I have seen,
Thane Heins seems to have come to the same realization at some point a number of years ago. I believe what Thane may have
been seeing with his transformer was actually just a leakage inductance effect.

Ntambi, if your test setup relies on the Thane Heins transformer, then I have doubts about your test setup.
Have you managed to get your test setup self sustaining (self-looped), or are you doing measurements
to conclude a COP >1 in your test setup?

All the best...



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21816 on: March 02, 2020, 06:08:26 PM »
Quote from: DavidWolff on March 02, 2020, 09:41:09 AM
And I have an OFF TOPIC question for Void JB had a circuit with a two capacitor parallel charge and a series discharge into a lead acid battery.
Witch JB seriously promoted Question did you prove that circuit?
I cannot post the schematic as it is copy write.

Hi Dave. I have tested several different variations of such Bedini arrangements, but the problem
right from the start with such circuit arrangements is they of course return less energy back to the battery
than is being expended from the battery to run the circuitry. Thomas Bearden proposed that pulsing the battery is what
is drawing in extra energy into the system inside the battery via 'asymmetric regauging', I think is the term Bearden used.
However, I have as yet not been able to see indications that such 'asymmetric regauging' is occurring in a pulsed lead acid battery
in my own experiments. That's why I have been focusing on the battery 'back popping' approach in the last while.

All the best...



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21846 on: April 18, 2020, 04:22:02 AM »
                  "so what's the missing link we are ignoring ?"

  What many didn't mention much,   B.E.M.F. energy
                Is the missing link. ;)

Do not focus on the conventional ways of getting energy out....

** edited post


Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21855 on: April 18, 2020, 07:01:37 PM »
Quote from: NickZ on April 18, 2020, 04:40:05 AM
  Hi Geo:  Welcome back. How goes it? Long time  no hear...  NickZ

Hi Nick,

Yes, busy as always with many things that are important.
I'm just here to give hints that will help.
To understand the system is to focus on the Collapsing field part and using a HV swing right when that happens.
this is what gives it the multiplication method. resonances are used to keep in tune for the system to work and the amount that
you want to receive corresponding to the LC configs. Sync is needed as well otherwise it wont work.
then you have to see when kacher needs to be fired on the correct moment when Mosfet of pushpull is off.
The simple kacher has to be turned off completely by a switch, ( MOSFET) for a brief pulse when the collapse of field is
happening on the grenade. You can add an extra FET that will control the simple kacher negative terminal on or off in fast.
tricky part is that, to sync that specific part.
As what Ruslan said long back or Akula, the Tesla coil/ Kacher is what is doing all the massive output work after.
Make sure you only tap from out put after diode bridge. not befor! otherwise resonance is broken.
Bemf is what this output is, I have seen to much but had to say it.

Important EDITED **
** Nick, I reflected on my old videos where in 2016 was a year I almost had it but it was unstable
Yet it performed as Ruslan did but was limited power yet it did not effect the input at all when changing output
load. In those days I had no idea precisely what was going on but was doing my best to understand, but now I do.
The BEMF was present that day at the output , this is why it did not effect the input.
If there were another tesla coil circuit that could handle higher voltages input such as 60VDC would have made this output greater that day without increasing the input.
this is the video from 2016
The output is not affected by touching the antenna that also shows that the operation is different as I am stating.

Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.
Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.
Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.
Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.

Quote from: Raycathode on April 18, 2020, 09:50:48 AM
No look again at Nelsons circuit he kindly published he is using that !

Want to try again ?

It does not matter of his circuit now, yet he had some success but we are working on the Akula/Ruslan/Dniester Device here.
Focus on that.
I'm simply helping giving hints and my findings over the period of times.




Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21857 on: April 18, 2020, 09:24:43 PM »
Quote from: DavidWolff on April 18, 2020, 09:05:48 PM
Geo! i'm not disputing you have something working BUT!

this was Wesleys Lithuwanian experiment I don't have one or Ruslans device

but this device worked.

Even Delomorto talkes about it on his wersleys thread
It makes sence Ruslans does not!

Hi Dave,

Yes I am aware of this device and have spoken to T-1000 about it many times.
The way this is making energy is completely different from the Akula/Ruslan Devices.

STAAR Yoke device is doing Ferrite Transmutation energy output. this leads to nasty Radiation from the extra material
they had inside the composite of the Ferrite material. those two frequencies Exited it and release it and within certain
resonance. Not sure if it was mixed of Barium inside the Ferrite.

**On thing Ruslan did not talk about nor Akula is how this energy comes about to existance.
that is where they are bastards for a long time... my time invested to see and experiment what it is all about
came to an realisation.
By my findings it is Bemf harvesting and havign resonance all over to keep the balance.
The collapsing field energy and having a brief HV HF pulse right after is what accelerated the output.
This is the type of output when loading it, will not have effect on input. Simple as that.

Ruslan's lastest videos back then for sure did show he using other ways how to
but it is the same outcome and method he is using but difference devices to get it.

Again, STAAR device is comepletely different, Unless you are trying to to nuclear resonance on copper
which is not the thing here right now.

Ruslan did not infact never say what is happening at output but at the video I just posted of my experiment in 2016
RUSLAN did msg me and told me I am close to figuring things out but I had still no clue back then.

Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 06:55:35 PM

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21861 on: April 19, 2020, 11:10:31 PM »
Quote from: NickZ on April 18, 2020, 11:01:09 PM
   Geo. So,  can you show us wbat you can do now, with your device?

Hi Nick,
Soon, I'm making the bench setup in a much simple way now so when to add and remove is easier and
then to set it back how it was but without instability.

Take a look.
This is one of my recordings 4 years ago

This clearly shows me now that I had something back then and I didn't even realize it up till now...
input is not affected when loading 300W low lumins or not loading anthing , input amps stay the same.
The Back Emf is what is filling up the cap, secret is not the diagram nor special frequencies,
I didn't even wrry on modulation...
Ofcourse for better performance you tune the telsa to the grenade but mines was not 100% tuned to it yet it gave result.
This is all about how you tune the coils and pulses of the tesla coil and when to interrupt when a field is in a certain moment.
Although 4years back it was by luck most of the time also having it right in the spot but not 100%.

***I'll make some sense in this for a moment how i view this device inner workings.
     We need to think and see we are standing near a Pool of water and you are standing at one of the sides of it.
     Now you trow a small rock in front of you in the pool which then creates ripple waves that travel..
     that will travel till the very other side of the pool
     and will reflect against the very end of the other side of the pool and come back
     and on the way the waves are growing larger when it reaches back to your side....
     That coming back ripple is the example just  B.E.M.F. ( a response ) and What if you could accelerate it?
     Imagine now in the when the ripples are coming back and your friend that is on the otherside is trowing a rock but fast
     right behind the ripples/waves and creates a nasty bigger waves that will come back, This is where you induce pulse.
     That is the work of the Tesla coil brief Pulses on the correct moment when tuned.
     So now to bring it on the device, When the Field is generated by pushpull via yoke over the 3T coil serie resonance
     when Current is Highest is where voltage is low then the pulse of Tesla Should be fired to give the amplification effect
     and having the cap at the grenade end to harvest it and in resonance at the same time. it's right when a field collapses.

This is what I see and what I have experienced and what I lacked of explanation of the guyz that have it.

Quote from: Utopia Now on April 19, 2020, 09:47:14 AM
Hi GeoFusion

Nice to hear from you   ... I am enthousiast  to learn more from you.
On what frequency does your Grenade resonate.
Are the first 2 layers wound one way and the second 4 layers the other way ?

Anyway cool video`s on your channel.

I heard you talk about the modulation coil   .. sounds like  you call that bifilar coil  or  do i misinterpret what you say i do`nt understand what you said there

Utopia Now     I am Happy :)

Hi Utopia,

No, I was not busy at all with modulation settings.. and I do not promote that.
Frequency of granade and tesla coils vary for everyone so if you use mines it wont make sense. have to use Scope.
What does make sense is to tune the system when you know you generate a field over the grenade
and when it collapses you have the HV pulse briefly at that moment to Spike up the Bemf that is coming back.

Quote from: DavidWolff on April 19, 2020, 02:56:10 PM
Well I'm not too convinced by any of it. none of it adds up to what Sergey, Enjoykin and Adrian were showing or saying
I get the idea a good part of the tread it's all about muddying the waters, even the grenade isn't wound correctly to get zero inductance.

So what's your track on the inductive winding what do you think that does ? Come on lets hear the jokes

And then there is the katcher what do you suppose is the truth about that ?

Come on lets rip this original idea of some ones fag packet apart and let see if we can get somewhere.

Thing is if you think the device works as is then there is no hope.


Hi Dave,

I know what you are saying, Some of these guys have schematics made or did also experiment on it, but maybe also
had no idea what is happening. this is why some of them only show what they think it is without good experimentation.
Some like Adrian Dniester had success with the device and figured it out. but also did not share because he is bought by
companies out there, same goes for Ruslan and others who have it or maybe had...

The kacher, the reason why it is there is to give a short pulse on the right moments of a collapsing field.
It could be any type of HV transformer at work as long as it does the very short pulses it has to do when it's time.

It's all to know and see if it is possible but without proper test on the bench there will be no progress.
Do some Uncharted water experiments as how I did
and there we can see what is real and what not, many schematics I have
concluded as BS but not all and some of these schematics are not full given truth.

This Device works, It is just that ppl don't understand it yet.

Without HV Pulse the Device is Useless. it has to be a interrupted one.

ppl are not used to work with some of these energies in this way....



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21862 on: April 19, 2020, 11:12:33 PM »
Hi Geo. BEMF (Back EMF, AKA Counter EMF ) is not the same thing as Inductive kickback spikes.
I have explained that several times already in this thread over the years. I believe you are referring to
inductive kickback (AKA flyback spikes).

If someone really has something, they should be able to demonstrate it in an clear and reasonable manner.
All else is just talk.

All the best...



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21863 on: April 19, 2020, 11:35:18 PM »
Quote from: Void on April 19, 2020, 11:12:33 PM
Hi Geo. BEMF (Back EMF, AKA Counter EMF ) is not the same thing as Inductive kickback spikes.
I have explained that several times already in this thread over the years. I believe you are referring to
inductive kickback (AKA flyback spikes).

If someone really has something, they should be able to demonstrate it in an clear and reasonable manner.
All else is just talk.

All the best...

Hi Void,

Alright, hmmmm then it must be that then.
I was not 100% sure if it was BEMF directly but the inductive kickback sounds more tobe it if so.
But the point to all of this is for all to understand what is causing this device to function.

Soon enough I'll post a demo




Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21864 on: April 19, 2020, 11:59:37 PM »
Quote from: GeoFusion on April 19, 2020, 11:35:18 PM
Hi Void,

Alright, hmmmm then it must be that then.
I was not 100% sure if it was BEMF directly but the inductive kickback sounds more tobe it if so.
But the point to all of this is for all to understand what is causing this device to function.

Soon enough I'll post a demo


Hi Geo. No worries. It's just that it can tend to confuse matters.

When a voltage (EMF) is applied to a coil, a current starts to flow in the coil.
The coil then generates a counter EMF (back EMF) to the applied voltage on the coil which opposes the applied voltage
(it is oriented 'counter' to the applied voltage, i.e., pushing 'back' against the applied voltage).

When the applied voltage to the coil is switched off suddenly, the magnetic field around the coil collapses and creates
an 'inductive kickback' (flyback) voltage on the coil which is aiding to the originally applied voltage (the kickback voltage is oriented
in the same direction as the applied voltage was, so it 'tries' to keep the current flowing in the coil in the same direction as it was originally flowing).

So Back EMF is counter to the applied voltage on a coil and occurs only when the applied voltage is still turned on, while a kickback spike is oriented in the
same direction that the applied voltage was oriented when it was connected to the coil, and occurs when the applied voltage to the coil is switched off.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21944 on: May 02, 2020, 04:24:16 PM »
Hi all :)
Hope you guys are doing well.

Some new Updates on the bench after a while;

All, if you are using simple kacher, I want to state that a fast switch ( mosfet) is needed on the negative leg of kacher circuit
this allows for short burst. It is needed for what we all are aiming for.

Nick, take a look and I have enough light installed now around so to see almost everything on the bench. =)

Soliman, hmm Impressive, does gives like a clean signal then.

Conico, it looks like when you activate the switch it jumps from 8Khz to 17Khz.
that is only the kacher? hmmm should not influence like that but ok.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 06:56:58 PM

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21949 on: May 02, 2020, 06:32:08 PM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 02, 2020, 06:23:39 PM
   conico:   Ok, well I still don't know what you are trying to say. Just don't get fooled by brighter bulbs, without knowing the output power.   
   Anyways, here is a new video by Geofusion. He posted it on the partnered coil thread, perhaps he meant to place it here.
   So, I hope that it's ok to repost it here.   https://youtu.be/vTCaF7R4Z-M
   PS. Geo, you know that if you connect that HV Kacher with that much power to the induction circuits, it will blow something up, real quick.  Remember that Ruslan said, that the Kacher does not need to be strong, it's purpose is to disrupt the flow of the induction circuit, not blow it up.

Hi Nick,

As for katcher this can be used - https://i.imgur.com/c04yYgj.png
The second important thing is power interrupter which turns katcher ON at the right moments.
This makes FM modulation for Radio Moscow.
Also depending on how far you are from Earth lay lines the voltage needed to ionise air is needed to be higher the more far you are from it.




Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21952 on: May 02, 2020, 10:00:48 PM »
Quote from: Raycathode on May 02, 2020, 09:32:29 PM
T1000 have you got a link to the rest of that circuit ?
So here it is - https://i.imgur.com/p8ffNQW.jpg
It will take time to digest methods and tricks used in schematics and I do not expect anyone building one of these any time soon.
But that it OK.




Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21953 on: May 02, 2020, 10:34:07 PM »
Hi Nick,

Yes, you will need to be careful while applying such high voltages to tesla coil kacher.
Am aware of the dangers for the circuits.
Yes rusland said those befor but he did not tell to get more KW out to increase voltage ;).

Take a look at the diagram T-1000 shared, it is the diagram I am working on right now.
take time to digest it and see the differences. Ground is very important and the tesla coil/ kacher.
The kacher circuit you posted is good and right now use a interupter switch at the negative rail.
in the bigger diagram it will show the difference and setup.
Yes thanks for posting my video link, although I did post it a page back last msg.

Follow the steps and this will be it to understand.

This is the diagram which me and T-1000 are working on for replication.
It is finally public.





Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21958 on: May 03, 2020, 06:09:39 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 03, 2020, 02:58:02 AM
  Geo:   You said, "The kacher circuit you posted is good and right now use a interupter switch at the negative rail.
in the bigger diagram it will show the difference and setup".                                                                                      quote.

   What interuptor switch at the negative rail? In what "bigger diagram?
   I don't know what you are referring to.


This link will bring you to the diagram that I am using is also the one that Arunas posted today.

You will need to zoom in alot to read and see details it is a picture of size 11Mb so very high detailed.

Look at the left design, that si the one we are building, and you will see the kacher circuit at the top side
and see the positive and negative inputs for it and you will see that negative rail is given in orange color.
that is being interrupted through a mosfet on timing. check it out.
It will be necessary also for your setup. This diagram was once found somewhere and no one know from whom it came from
and was one time on a site that existed only for a few moments and then got shut down for unknown reasons, but this was
one of the salvaged materials I got from that site since last year.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21960 on: May 03, 2020, 06:56:14 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 03, 2020, 06:29:02 AM
   Geo:   Ok, thanks. However, I already have a schematic and most of the components to build a controlable Kacher circuit, designed by Stalker. What I was asking about was not about the controlable circuit, but about the simple kacher circuit that I already have working. So, an interuptor circuit like the first one that Adrian once showed on the simple 5200 transistor kacher circuit, is what I'm looking for. Not the Akula nor Fet based controlable Kacher.

You are welcome, I'm here to help.
Yes i know you are using the Stalker diagrams but
trust me to use this new diagram for the next step to make it really work.
It is the simple kacher that it is showing in the big diagram if you follow it but look what controls it is interesting and is
needed. Gonna show you a pic right here soon enough to show you what I mean ;)
Thing is the kacher can't just free oscillate, it has to be interrupted ( short pulse )
and it ain't so hard to replicate something extra to it.
It will help and you will see results.
We are beyond the point to make this thing work as how it should now and we have everything to try it out right here
right now. The bigger reason why I am showing it is because Believe in it.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21962 on: May 03, 2020, 07:30:42 AM »
Quote from: soliman on May 03, 2020, 02:52:21 AM
hello geo,
Could you explain the use of pin 3 in this TL494 circuit?
the circuit can work with pin 3 or not.
it seems to me that it has no use (it seems to me like an antenna only)
I'm very sorry, English is not my mother's speech and I don't understand it very well. Thank you.
I only use google translation
please make me a diagram of your kacher circuit.

Hi Soliman,
it is ok, you are doing your best :) and doing good in translation.
Pin 3 I'm not even using it in my setup. But it is the PWM comparator pin or feedback.
Not sure if it is used to auto tune while load is connected...Panov was not sure for what it was, written on the pic.
I traced the wire and pin 3 and it goes to the board before the kacher circuit, to a dip switch with 2 levers.
it is then connected to the CD4017 Chip. hmm
But that leg where PIN 3 is connected which is the C1 is the "clock input" leg #14 on the CD4017 Chip.
So to say CD407 is receiving Pulse signals from the TL494's pin3 white wire.
Hmmm Funny .. Might seem it works with the relay on the board maybe.
But to be sure it has to do with the start and stop of the system buttons.

In picture below you will see the pic of that circuit where the white wire is connected to the dip switch blue.
I have drawn arrows in red to show you what to see.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21963 on: May 03, 2020, 07:36:56 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 03, 2020, 07:19:26 AM
  Geo:  Ok, I've seen the simple Kacher circuit that you are refering to now.Yes it is similar to my own version, but where is the interuptor circuit part (not shown). As that is what I am asking about.

Alright :) good.
yes it is a simple one.
Now do you see where on the minus leg of the Kacher is?
It is given a Orange color, orange wire which then goes to one side of a Mosfet if you follow the wire.
It connects to a IRFP3205.

The link to the diagram
I will do my best to show you on a modified pic if you have problems finding it. it is right there.





Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21982 on: May 04, 2020, 09:23:56 AM »
Quote from: Raycathode on May 04, 2020, 08:01:27 AM
A, '150 volts' I don't think that's quite it some how,

Any way the way I'm getting it from a few is the Katcher is used
like a funnel effect like the sap up a tree or a kid being sucked behind a bus on his bike,
remember those days?

No offence but Geo is using an accelerating motor to get his effect as far as I can tell,
I bet T1000 knows more than he is letting on.

Maybe it's time just to move on with all the dead ends.


I think you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about hahaha what a wierd talker.
you must be one of those trolls  ;)
          "Maybe it's time just to move on with all the dead ends." ??
give some recordings on your experiments to show why someone needs to move on... some useful insight and help
otherwise your just one of those trolls again.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21990 on: May 08, 2020, 05:24:32 PM »
  Yea, you're trying to get somewhere, alright. There's plenty of room at the asylum.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #22015 on: May 13, 2020, 12:02:49 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 08, 2020, 01:04:02 AM
   Hey Geo:   How that "accelerating motor" going? Just kidding...
   Anyways, I was wondering if you've got your set up running yet.

Hi Nick,
Yes, I am about to do a good recording this week so to show the 3T series resonance area.
Something I have to show and for others to see. after that will connect everything and some more stuff that
I have stumbled across for the findings and the last pieces of puzzles.

Stay tuned




Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #22270 on: June 25, 2020, 05:45:58 PM »
   So, here we are. It looks the 2020 is the year of Free Energy Death. Why??? Well because, we are getting no where like this.There are no new self running device videos now. Nothing really new and exciting to talk about in the forums, no OU devices, no nothing. So, people here and elsewhere start fighting between themselves.   So, Everything is now going right on schedule... As planned.
Have you noticed...  Why is that?  I wonder.   AND, most of all, what the hell are we going to do about it???
Sit on your hands, keep fighting, and spinning our wheels.
   Looks like it.
   At least some of us are TRYING to build something, while all this is going on. But, wanting and trying, are not enough. We really need to get it together here. Or else... when the shit really really hits the fan. Well, you know what I'm saying. We and everyone else is going to be shit out of luck.
   Do we really need thousands of satelites, spying on us, tracking us, watching us, and doing what they want with us? As is happening now. Do we surrender to being chipped, and having to do things that we don't want to do, like having to get vaccinated, or your kids can't go to school, you can't get a job, can't even fly away on a plane, either. Like Cuba, like Venezuela, like...   Where am I going with this?     Just another bad hair day, for me today. Sorry.
    I'll get back in line.
         I don't know about you, but, I'm going fishing... After I eat another Snickers Bar.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #22346 on: July 05, 2020, 08:46:38 PM »
The greater ground the better connection and attraction for good output.
The less ground in my experience is less power out.

In comparison with the signals sharing from the TL494 in shown diagram,
where on my setup it is shared after the amplifier which is the 1R2110 to the kacher circuit.

Busy replacing small caps on the Pushpull driver, TL494 was limited till 27Khz.
Now will be able to have the range of till 50Khz which is necessary, maybe this was limiting me
Since very beginning.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 07:01:29 PM
Ntambi and GeoFusion's experiments have been drifting for several months.

How long do we have to wait? ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 09:48:43 PM

If you sell a Bedini generator for more than $10,000, which can be made for just $500, it is natural for investors to get angry later when they learn the facts.

There seems to be someone at this cafe who knows who the last unsuspecting investor is.
This is the case when you started knowing that it was impossible to recover your investment from the beginning.
Bedini generators are well known around the world.
Andrei must have known this cafe well.
The rumors are fast.

Does this look like Wesley?

I am a person who desperately wants members to experiment freely and sell generators.
Honesty is greater than commercial morality.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2020, 10:20:19 PM
틀딱들은 온라인상에서 닥치고 있었으면 좋겠다구 개희야? ::) 8)
니미뽕~ ::)
박원숭이 추락사했다구 소문이 자자하더라 개희야.. ::)
신정환 가세연 나오면 볼만할게다 개희야 ;D

그 마을에는
착한 사람도 있었고 소악마가 있었는데,
그 마을의 지배자는 소악마였다.
소악마는 마을을 괴롭히면서 주먹질하고 욕하고 주름잡으면서 활개치고 떵떵거리며 살았다.
각종 흉악 범죄들도 저질렀다.
마을 사람들은 괴로워했지만 별 수단이 없었다.
하지만 마을은 대체로 행복했고 그들의 눈에 띄지만 않으면 뭘 하든 상관 없었다.

그러다 다른 마을에서 넘어온 중악마가 들어왔다.
소악마는 뭘 잘 모르고 경계했지만 몇 번 붙어보니 깨갱거리고 조용히
다른 마을 사람들처럼 행동했다.
기존 마을 사람들은 환호했다. 드디어 소악마를 무찔러줄 새로운 무언가 온 것이다.
중악마는 소악마가 하는 나쁜 짓들을 하지 않았다.
그래서 마을 사람들은 중악마를 믿고 따랐으나,
중악마는 소악마처럼 작은 나쁜 짓을 하는 게 아니라 더 큰 나쁜 짓을 하는 것이기 때문에 잘 보이지 않았다.
중악마는 자기 이득과 나쁜 판단에 따라 마을은 점차 망가뜨렸지만 마을 사람들은 잘 몰랐다.
나쁜 사업으로 마을을 망가뜨리고 팔아넘겼다.

그러다 다른 곳에더 대악마가 들어왔다.
사람들은 별로 불편이 없다고 생각했기 때문에 멀찍이서 뉴스로만 알 수 있을 뿐이었다.
중악마는 매우 곤란해지고 두려워졌다. 모든 것을 대악마에게 넘겼다.
대악마는 마을 전체를 악마화 시켜서 체질개선하고 마을을 불행의 도가니로 만들었다.
마을은 외부적으로는 그럴듯해보였으나 속으로는 완전히 썪었다.
악이 정의가 되었고, 악만 승리를 하게 되었다.
악마들과 악마들의 법이 활개쳤다.
하지만 마을 사람들은 멍청했고 너무 먼 이야기 였기 때문에 원인을 알지도 못하고 그저 불행에 대한
원인을 다양한 방법으로 추측만 하며 살 수 밖에 없었다.
마을 사람들은 아무것도 몰랐다. 모든 것이 완전히 망했다는 걸.

그러다 악마의 왕이 나타났다.
대악마는 순종하며 악마의 왕과 상생하였다.
마을은 과거의 모습은 온데간데 없이 사라지고 디스토피아 세계가 되었다.
사람은 사라지고 악마만이 남았고,
진실은 사라지고 거짓 뿐이고 바른 것은 아무것도 남지 않게 되었다.
착한 사람은 멸종했고 기괴한 세계가 되었다.

상상 속 어느 작은 마을의 이야기.

The clichéd electricity business is filled with recluse-electric masters and magical effects work.

A member of the free-generator part of'Ilbe', a mega site in Korea who is interested in this cafe, answered a question.
Nothing special. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AllanV on August 28, 2020, 12:51:33 AM
Quote from: color on August 27, 2020, 09:48:43 PM

If you sell a Bedini generator for more than $10,000, which can be made for just $500, it is natural for investors to get angry later when they learn the facts.

There seems to be someone at this cafe who knows who the last unsuspecting investor is.
This is the case when you started knowing that it was impossible to recover your investment from the beginning.
Bedini generators are well known around the world.
Andrei must have known this cafe well.
The rumors are fast.

Does this look like Wesley?

I am a person who desperately wants members to experiment freely and sell generators.
Honesty is greater than commercial morality.

Hi color,

I have read some of your comments.   

I am new at posting and may have something to add so I will not hold back.

Selling generators would prove difficult. Think it through, making something and keeping it quiet sounds better.
There are stories of the ridiculing and disbelief even when the people are standing right there. Inventors of such devices pack up their equipment and go home. If they live.

The magnetic field in a 50hz, 80watt 240volt transformer is 0.032 watts equivalent this means it is 1/2500th and 47AT. (1350t)

It operates barely above residual magnetism with no current at all. There is a sticking point that needs to be understood.

What happens in a transformer?

It seems the input and output take turns at passing the larger current in each half wave. Every quarter cycle the conditions change. Two windings interact together with a little tension when currents are going in opposite directions and have slightly more current than the other alternately. This changes the magnetic polarity in a half wave. Maximum current occurs with no magnetism. The flux builds as the currents are slowed down to a stop with more in one than the other at a point in time. Maximum voltage occurs with the flux as well.

A low voltage circuit can be used to pass a current in a circle through unequal turns in a 1/4 cycle to produce flux and then the currents change direction with a change in the number of turns to produce enough electric force to drive down the magnetism into the opposite polarity.

If these currents are set by an inductor in separate circuits, a maximum of 10-15% more current can be passed through one winding than the other using a high voltage. This small current 0.2A high voltage 50-70V charges a capacitor and through 300t can produce 60AT which adds to the low voltage circuit up to 60AT = 120AT. This much flux will drive current and voltage swings in a core of large cross section.

The input and output are left to float, one with a capacitor and the other a load. A small inductor with two windings is used to block the wrong current direction in each circuit because the currents must flow in opposite directions through the transformer.
The input into the transformer is by controlling the the amount of difference in current flow in each winding every 1/4 cycle. It is done to build the flux.

My background is engineering and it is sometimes essential to go back to basics.

I do not understand exactly what you are doing but will keep looking. What I am doing may have some relevance or not.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 04:18:51 AM

I trust the words of anyone who reveals the generator they make.
We can respond to you by revealing your generator.
Please ask for photos and videos.

It's a good idea to watch out for Wesley's various names at the cafe. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 04:53:50 AM
Everything appears as 500W X 4 standard lights.
The oscilloscope may malfunction while the generator is running.
A acquaintance of mine said.
I don't know why.
So I choose and trust the words of the person who makes the Ruslan generator.

The E-type transformer uses a newly wound transformer on a new bobbing.
All I can say is this.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 05:34:33 AM
I am talking on the premise that the three-phase transformer below is resonant, and I have never seen such a transformer in real life.

No one understands Kapanadze, or Kapanadze's cousin's aquarium generator transformer, and experiment with the real thing.
So all we can do is predict.
The prediction is not a test of Kapanadze or cousin of Kapanadze, but only our imagination.

It is recommended to experiment with a TV Yoke-transformer.
Primary coil is 6 x 6 windings (PSU 12V)
Primary coil is 12 X 12 windings (PSU 24V)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 06:54:58 AM
Even a very simple experiment is replaced by a question, and without an oscilloscope I cannot answer.
It would be faster than my answer to show you what you are experimenting with.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 04:09:29 PM
Весёлый опыт с одним витком! Ой... с двумя!


6 hours ago
Очень интересный опыт. Этот большой выток может не пускает противо ЭДС. Надо проверить с нормальным трансформатором.

Defense 19
13 seconds ago
Может попал на резонанс, раз вибрирует))

andrey sidoroff
3 hours ago
@Олигархи- ПАРАЗИТЫ ОБЩЕСТВА Ага я помню у меня ещё идея с разрядником в ферритовом трансике  и его паралельно возможно понадобятся диоды )

1 hour before
@andrey sidoroff Да все идеи, идеи, а проверить скотина средств у меня нету, ремонт гребанный все сжирает и такими темпами лет 10 буду его делать(. А вообще лично я вижу перспективу в генераторе РОШ. Я прям жопой чувствую, что он рабочий. Но как обычно нужно бабло, которого никогда нету).
   Смотрел о нем? Не могу придумать только как подавать воздух в ячейки порционально. Так как попытка тупо вывести трубку под ячейки не катит. Воздух тупо их огибает не попадая внутрь...

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 04:52:02 PM

I find it interesting to see these people having fun playing.
My acquaintance in Southeast Asia created a free generator and started distributing it for free.
I want Russia to win the free-generator race. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 05:15:54 PM
AlienGrey :

Be aware !


The tradition of our organization seeks out those with special abilities and amplifies his abilities to infinity and leads our organization.
It is similar to the election of the Dalai Lama in Tibet and the Election-method of the Egyptian Coptic Bishop.
Different from them,
The CEO of our organization is two men and women.
These are strict moderations, and one meal a day is everything. ;D ::)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 07:33:04 PM

i agree with you alot of people are posting non working device but read again i did not finish the device yet i still have long way to go and it dosent have to be 100% like kapagen ..... because everyone knows here, you have a different people that have already build the device in a different way like dynatron don smith and some other people but the main concept is the same .... the secret is how to convert the high frequency high current energy into something useful,


In my opinion, you are ignorant of the Kapanase/Akula/Ruslan freedom-generators.

Because if someone easily proves a free-generator circuit with the two diode devices I mentioned, you will disappear from this cafe. 8) ::)



AG: From the land of the free... free to use the internet, that is... and free to get fuc...
   No wonder why there are now no new devices coming around on the internet, youtube, FE forums, nor any other sources, to ponder on. Sad, isn't it?
   Then there was, Adrian's short life, as well to think about.


I've known for a long time that you're not interested in free-generators and that you are interested in something else.

And I know you don't live in Costa Rica.

If you prove that you live in Costa Rica with a YouTube video, I will believe it immediately. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AllanV on August 28, 2020, 07:40:08 PM
Quote from: color on August 28, 2020, 04:18:51 AM

I trust the words of anyone who reveals the generator they make.
We can respond to you by revealing your generator.
Please ask for photos and videos.

It's a good idea to watch out for Wesley's various names at the cafe. 8) ::)

Hi Color,

There is a lot of work done over the years.

I am being totally open about what is being done and why.

Theory of operation is best because it will be understood by those with experience. Some will despise someones efforts, their creations and throw it in the rubbish. Seeing is believing is not necessarily true.

The link was given by a private email and on looking into the inventor it is obvious how his device worked.


The invention was completed in 1903

One statement "the force to achieve the variation of flux is so insignificant".
also other reading of the explanation tells me that by the variations in currents in two windings by increasing and then decreasing them in relation to each other changes the flux.

This is what I am doing, and understanding it could improve what you are doing.

An 80watt input output 50Hz 240 volt transformer when tested only has 0.032 watt equivalent flux in the core. This is 1/2500th of 80watt. This can easily be manipulated by first increasing the current slightly in one winding and then increasing the current in the other. Doing that will actually change the direction and polarity of the flux instantly. Each is 1/4 cycle. to change to the next half of the cycle it is necessary to change the current direction.

All the best,


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 07:49:41 PM

Don't think to convince me,

Try to understand the freedom-generator of Kapanase/Akula/Ruslan.

Then you won't keep posting meaningless comments here.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AllanV on August 28, 2020, 08:07:44 PM
Quote from: color on August 28, 2020, 07:49:41 PM

Don't think to convince me,

Try to understand the freedom-generator of Kapanase/Akula/Ruslan.

Then you won't keep posting meaningless comments here.

Hi Color,

If the device uses a push pull oscillator it will not work to its optimum ever.

Some have been using such circuitry to power their Tesla coils and this shows they have missed the point all together.

The freedom generator could be a fixation with no useful application as well.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 08:23:54 PM

Requests the disclosure of the device you have created.

Then my expert group can verify your device.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 09:16:58 PM

In the face of overwhelming evidence, the skeptics could do a very simple 1 Hour and $10.00 Experiment to produce Results! They never do! I wonder why?



There are many experts who can be verified on'Ilbe', a huge Korean community site.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 09:35:37 PM
일본총리 아베가 사임한 것은 암보다는 다른 이유가 있다 개희야. 8) ::)
한걸뤠 기뤠기들 난리도 아니라구? ;D ::)
먕먕이가 옛서방님네 못잊는다는데 워쩌것냐 일케라두 케스팅해줘야쥐 ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2020, 10:34:15 PM

There are thousands of islands like this in my country.
And there are many people living on the island from generation to generation.
Of course, the electricity facility is all solar charging batteries. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AllanV on August 29, 2020, 12:48:54 AM
Quote from: color on August 28, 2020, 08:23:54 PM

Requests the disclosure of the device you have created.

Then my expert group can verify your device.

Hi color,

I have made my mind up to do it. But not just for your group. It will crash the world economy by trillions of dollars and make many unhappy faces with murderous intentions.

It seems it was all known in 1903. I have received some advice that what I describe is how Figuera explains his device.
Some of his writing has now been read and I agree. His generator looks similar to a wave winding with a commutator for switching. And the tapping on the coils look interesting as well.

When the two currents flow in opposite directs in the two equal number of turns of the windings in a transformer no flux is present because the magnetic fields cancel out. If one current increases slightly greater than the other there is immediate flux created. If then this current decreases as the other increases the flux immediately changes polarity. No real energy is required to do this change but it builds the flux to some strength at the same time as voltage is maximized for the next half cycle.

You could do this now with resistors and a couple of variable ones as well. Most transformers have two equal output windings.
Connect a volt meter to the i/p winding and as the variable resistors are quickly changed in turn it should show some output.
Power is not usually taken from the input winding because it is the transformer action in two windings that builds the voltage in both of them.   

In an 80 watt transformer 50Hz 240 volt 0.333A load current only 0.9volt 0.031A DC will produce the flux. It is 1/2500 of the load power.
Virtually nothing, if it is modulated in a device with two windings that are set up correctly as a driver driven situation 80 watts can be produced from 0.035Watt. In reality it needs a little more but the tendency is to over do the situation. 
When AC is applied certain conditions are set up that inhibit but with some thought these problems are resolved.

All the best,

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 01:05:54 AM
AllanV :

I have made my mind up to do it. But not just for your group. It will crash the world economy by trillions of dollars and make many unhappy faces with murderous intentions.


Generators and schematics you create will be validated by my expert group as soon as they are published.
And your hobbies and the world have nothing to do with it.

And do you need someone's permission to make a generator?
It's hard for me to understand the strange way of thinking of Westerners.
Is it just you?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AllanV on August 29, 2020, 01:28:26 AM
Quote from: color on August 29, 2020, 01:05:54 AM
AllanV :

I have made my mind up to do it. But not just for your group. It will crash the world economy by trillions of dollars and make many unhappy faces with murderous intentions.


Generators and schematics you create will be validated by my expert group as soon as they are published.
And your hobbies and the world have nothing to do with it.

And do you need someone's permission to make a generator?
It's hard for me to understand the strange way of thinking of Westerners.
Is it just you?

Hi Color,

Your experts don't look very expert.
x the unknown quantity and spert the drip under pressure. I don't like the word so use it often.
I live in a quiet peaceful place and do not like to be lumped in with millions of others in a general statement.
I am losing respect for you and maybe you have issues and are the problem.



Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 01:36:48 AM
AllanV :

Is it difficult to disclose your generator and circuit diagram?
Don't come here to excuse.
And in the Korean electric cafe community where I belong, verification is a major event.

Your article is being posted in the Korean Electric Cafe.
All you have to do is disclose the generator and schematic you have created.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AllanV on August 29, 2020, 01:55:01 AM
Quote from: color on August 29, 2020, 01:36:48 AM
AllanV :

Is it difficult to disclose your generator and circuit diagram?
Don't come here to excuse.
And in the Korean electric cafe community where I belong, verification is a major event.

Your article is being posted in the Korean Electric Cafe.
All you have to do is disclose the generator and schematic you have created.

Hi Color,

Is that your real name?

Some information was uploaded a while ago but it is not complete and needs thinking about.

A son is interested. He does not live in this country.

I want him to take the details to some trained mature people to look it over.

All the best,

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 02:20:52 AM
AllanV :

Please don't come here if you don't even reveal generators and circuits.
Since then, I will not answer your questions.

And my name is the translation of meaning letters in English.

It is'색겁(Coler)' in Korean style.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 02:48:46 AM
AllanV :

This is a picture of my son.
It is not my blood.
The blood of my enemies is mixed.
Please remove it quickly. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 02:52:32 AM
8) ;D
8) ::) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: EMJunkie on August 29, 2020, 02:56:56 AM

Color, what are you building?

Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
   Chris Sykes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 03:10:00 AM

It is a free generator that I newly devised.
The Ruslan generator has been upgraded a little more. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: EMJunkie on August 29, 2020, 03:12:14 AM
Quote from: color on August 29, 2020, 03:10:00 AM

It is a free generator that I newly devised.
The Ruslan generator has been upgraded a little more. ::)

Good Job, Good Luck!

Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
   Chris Sykes
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 03:22:10 AM
There is a lightning-briquette culture in Korea.
When NIS intelligence agents make mistakes, they commit suicide.
It is used at that time to commit suicide with lightning-briquette gas.
Suicide incidents haven't happened for a while these days. 8) ::) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 29, 2020, 09:55:12 AM
Thanks for the insite into growing hot red peppers  ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 01:55:26 PM

Korea's huge'Ilbe' site has an average of 15,000 simultaneous users.
There are more than 7 million registered members.
It is 1/7 of the Korean population.
Members range from politicians to homeless people.
Several years ago, the'Ilbe' site was acquired and operated by the NIS.
My chili-field is barren so I can't produce such a good chili.

It seems that void changes its name and becomes active.
I used to say to void,'You know the principle of the free generator'.
I cancel that word now.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 02:09:11 PM
AlienGrey :

I ask AlienGrey.
If the current made of two DCs behaves like AC, is this DC or AC?

I am not familiar with the concept of Flux-voltage.

Any of the members ask for an answer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 02:57:58 PM
Two diodes, which all "gurus" hide with a thick layer of electrical tape

Continuation of the pot with two diodes

All the great things are always
It hits low-order original items.
The most representative of human culture
The lower dimension is immediately the language,
All of the established words
Shouldn't be rejected
Only meaningful corrections are required.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 03:58:40 PM
Aviso self charging motor 4 of 6 About IGBT & other power switching modules MVI 1456

I would like to upload all original-videos to members,
Because these cafe members are reluctant to disclose and there are many people who like secrets,
I just upload it to my YouTube instead.

All videos were released in this cafe.
These are videos that members missed and just overlooked.
I play again, just acting as a middle leg.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 07:24:23 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 08:37:13 PM
You don't need an oscilloscope to build a Ruslan-generator.

An oscilloscope is an ornament for a fully functional generator.
In the trial and error process, the oscilloscope wavelength is just a meaningless signal.

If you make a generator in the official form and adjust it with a variable resistor, you can know the operation of the generator with the brightness of the lamp.
When making a generator, the best oscilloscope is the brightness of the light.

No advice is needed for anyone who knows the secrets of free-generator resonance and doesn't make generators.

Ruslan-generator loves trial and error.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2020, 10:04:28 PM

Hey AG,

Many Videos there, only about 5 with subs.

Goto Settings, subtitles, Russian, then back in again and then Auto Translate, select your language.

How did I manage to get so many of Ruslan's Videos? Some that have not been shown before else where? In this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtoL8S31Zn8 how is it I have High Res Images?

A small percentage of the Population are completely Brain Dead, cant function unless they are being told what to do. Brain Washing has done this! Ppl cant think for themselves because they have been brain washed!

Fixate on this question: In the Kapanadze's Grenade Coil, exactly what is occurring? Whats different from My Work?

That's right, nothing! Its the same basic concept! Turns Clock Wise vs Turns Counter Clock Wise and the Resonance of Magnetic Fields are exactly the same Concept!


The minority, spammers and time wasters, are currently complaining about Moderation.

In that time, they could have replicated My Work and others that have replicated My Work!

I mean, look how simple this is: https://youtu.be/Tk9uSOdj-hE

Captainloz's Thread: http://www.aboveunity.com/thread/captainloz-s-asymmetrical-re-gauging-experiment/

Yes the machine from Captainloz, simple, cheap, and look how much more Output he has over and above his Input! Some people love to waste Time!

Anyone with the slightest bit of sense can see My Work is the same as Tariel Kapanadze! Floyd Sweet, they are all the same! All of them! All Roads Lead to Rome!


itsusable launched a new video [partial release].

It's all because of the trash-members who uselessly threaten and interfere.
There are many malicious-members who do not experiment themselves, but consider hard-testing members as prey.

I have learned a lot from 'its'.
I thank 'its' a lot.

Ruslan nano pulser replication 1
• 2016. 5. 14.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 12:48:44 AM
Some people can't experiment because they can't get Yoke-ferrite.
In some people, the yoke-ferrite is destroyed by the copper coil.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 05:32:03 AM
진짜 실험할 여건을 만들어 놓으니까 이제는 아무도 실험하지 않는다.
왜 그런줄 알아?
그 동안 나대던 애들이 모두 위선자들이란 얘기지.

이 끔찍한 시기에 안전하고 잘 지내길 바라며,
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 05:48:20 PM
There are many scammers in the world.

Aleksandrs Alksnis

All cameras in the world have the same principle of operation.
And in the Ruslan-generator lamps there is a unique wavelength of light.
The wavelength of light does not appear when photographed, but a unique wavelength of light appears in video.
It's like a Ruslan-generator fingerprint identification.
It's not just Ruslan's generator that's special, but when the Yoke-transformer resonance and Tesla work, that wavelength of light appears.
A unique wavelength of light appears in video-shooting, but not in photography.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 05:54:52 PM
Ruslan Kulabuhov energy device open internals 1 of 2

This is the only case where Ruslan has no yellow tape on the Yoke-transformer of a 1.5-2KW generator.
I've watched this video over 50 times.
Yoke-To understand the wiring of the transformer.
However, it was covered with a bunch of capacitors and lights.
It was deliberately covered by Ruslan.
Yoke- To hide the secrets of the transformer wiring.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 06:19:12 PM
When the sun reflected light is also recorded as a video, light of a unique wavelength is detected.
Light of this wavelength does not appear in photography.
Not to give meaning to the sun-reflected light,
The Ruslan-generator resonance captured by the video The attempt to say that a generator without Tesla's light is likely to be fake.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 06:36:23 PM
I don't know what they're doing this because they want to prove,
If this generator is real, it is not the type of generator Ruslan makes.
And the method of resonance is completely different.
I don't know the method of generator resonance below.
It is also possible that it is his originality.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 07:04:46 PM

Low-speed motors are almost impossible to self-permanently rotate.
This is the reason for starting with batteries.
There is a technology that combines a motor and a generator in one generator.
It's an easy technique.
This is also a Bedini-generator variant.

Inflating the output and publishing it seems to be similar everywhere in the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 07:19:38 PM


I know the Asians of the original video very well.
It is an intellectual owner who is within 0.1% of the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 07:36:17 PM
PW, more wild assumptions, "Apparently, as a "researcher", you do not see the logic in verifying lamp power draw", this tickles me! This tells me many things:

   1: You don't trust the most advanced machine Humanity has ever created, The Oscilloscope.
   2: You assume we have not checked the Globes and what they are Rated at.
   3: You assume ratings on the globe are Wrong.
   4: You assume any resistive Load is not capable of correct Scope Measurements accurately.
   5: You assume, You Assume, You assume...

You know what they say, assumptions...


I didn't say the oscilloscope was wrong.
Oscilloscopes are good practical measuring equipment developed by mankind.

Ruslan has never shown two resonant diode waveforms.
And only the fish-waveform (grenade-coil) or pot-waveform was shown.

That is why members mistake the fish-waveform or pot-waveform as the principle of resonance.

I am not familiar with oscilloscopes and waveforms, so I only talk about my experiences.

If anything I assume is wrong, point it out.
However, no one has specifically proven that my assumptions are wrong.
I am waiting for a member who will quickly prove I am wrong.

The reason I ask the members of the generator to disclose the real and circuit diagram of the generator is because it can be verified through a group that can be verified.
Very detailed and precise.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 07:56:55 PM

It may be a completely new resonance method,
In our judgment, the generator above is not a Ruslan-generator model.

Akula0083 - #1 - Demonstration

I would like to believe that the Ruslan-generator and the Akula-generator are of the same kind, but
I believe in Russians, but
Some Russians are not good people.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 08:41:48 PM
Some of the arguments of our verification group stated that the Akula-generator could be a manipulated generator.

Like the rivalry between the former Soviet'Sputnik' and the US' Apollo spaceship...



Re: Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
Reply #230 on: October 04, 2012, 12:10:57 PM »
Quote from: Vasiliy Buslaev on October 04, 2012, 10:10:30 AM

I agree. The transformer method of driving the DSRD requires the saturation of the ferrite core in order to create asymmetrical currents in the forward and reverse conduction of the DSR diodes.
I think that tunning the saturation point of this transformer is tricky. That is why I prefer the transformerless method of driving the DSR diodes.

Vasiliy Buslaev:

Re: Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
Reply #231 on: October 04, 2012, 12:47:44 PM »
Quote from: verpies on October 04, 2012, 12:10:57 PM
I agree. The transformer method of driving the DSRD requires the saturation of the ferrite core in order to create asymmetrical currents in the forward and reverse conduction of the DSR diodes.
I think that tunning the saturation point of this transformer is tricky. That is why I prefer the transformerless method of driving the DSR diodes.

You need not reinvent the bike. This scheme works quite good without complicated settings. The scheme was worked out in the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The document is in Russian, sorry. If necessary, can translate the most interesting moments.



What I would like to ask the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
The fool reveals some things that no one thinks can be revealed.
They say they make good things that don't exist.
Kapanadze was the first victim, and Ruslan was the second.
Akula is very likely to be a participant, not a victim.
Animals that died after struggling in pain became their heroes.

The hero is still alive?
That's very unusual....
Wesley will be wondering. 8) ::) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 09:00:20 PM

The verification of the Korean'Ilbe' site is a very popular event. 8) ::) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 10:37:12 PM
To make a little more assumption,
When Kapanadze unveils the generator, Akula unveils the fake-generator, claiming that the Kapanadze-generator was developed by the Former Soviet Union.
He lied that Kapanadze had stolen Soviet technology and disclosed it as his own.
However, According to my organization's information, Kapanadze is an ordinary inventor.
Kapanadze has never entered the Former Soviet Union and has never encountered their technology.
If Kapanadze had unveiled a generator made by stealing Soviet technology, Kapanadze would have already been buried in the hills.


Former Soviet Union psychological warfare is famous.
If there is only one lying person, verification is necessary,
When there are many people who lie the same, no verification is required, and it is very likely that the person who claims to lie will be sold as a liar.

There are also Russian spies in this cafe.
There are many people who are very friendly to Russia. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2020, 11:18:34 PM
So I did not disclose the resonance secret of the Akula-generator, but the resonance secret of the Ruslan-generator.
Honestly, the type of free-generator that generates Yoke-transformer resonance with two diodes has nothing to do with the former Soviet Union or Russia.
If there is someone who doesn't understand after saying this, he is very vulnerable to agitation.
It is better to leave this cafe and eat a regular pumpkin jeon and live a regular life. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 12:08:03 AM
So, the most victim of this Free-Generator case is Ruslan.
We have revealed how to make a generator that you don't need to disclose,
Akula's fake generator stimulated it and made it public.
And it is being attacked by the trolls.
I commented on Ruslan's YouTube two years ago before revealing the generator secret.
But he didn't answer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 12:45:13 AM
At first I thought Akula had said this.
But I changed my mind.
This is not Akula's word, but Roman Karnaukhov's word.
I don't know why,
The wise rabbit makes several escape routes.
I want to tell the members more,
It may be Roman Karnaukhov's will, what made Akula's generator remember it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 12:52:06 AM
My assumptions will be withdrawn if anyone submits evidence of Akula's speaking. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 01:29:45 AM
Donald-Trump is laying the groundwork that makes America strong. ::)
If you dress up like this in my country, you are treated as a psychopath. 8) ::)

Useless gossip at a free-generator cafe is a matter of choice. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 31, 2020, 06:02:49 AM
To change a transvers wave into a londeudinal wave, how the hell do you do that
Simply strip off the magnetic component, So does a capacitor stor a magnetic wave
no! but draw current and your back where you started  ;D

Resonance defonition is another problem on here that needs to
be understood in a lot more ways than is been realised.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 06:52:48 AM

I don't understand AG's question.
All I understand English is that of Google Translate.
Like someone who speaks English professionally, I don't understand if I ask questions
Ask questions one by one simply and clearly.

And exclude the oscilloscope question.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 31, 2020, 07:50:10 AM
Here is a component diagram can you explain its function, all it's function
so the novice can understand and how he can correctly replicate it.

My opinion is if he knew it's basic design characteristics and function
he would not be able to make it neverlone make it function
with out expert advice knowledge or a scope or faction generator.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 02:21:35 PM
The photo below is a grenade-coil about 38m (42-43V)/42m (44-45V) long.
The coil was wound as described by Ruslan.
There are no coils other than this.
As I said before, I use the same capacitor.
The voltage difference between the two grenade-coils is about 2V.
Whoever asks me for an oscilloscope/wavelength/frequency, asks the blind for directions.

Trial and error is the mother of success.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 02:32:42 PM
I've also been trying to figure out the Basmus-Generator principle for a long time.
Whether or not the two diode method was used.
It is also possible that a thyristor was used.
Where did you hide the diode or thyristor?
It is impossible to create resonance with a transistor.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 03:53:46 PM
vasmus-СЕ генератор-часть 15-тунельный резонатор

I initially reasoned assuming that this would have used a diode or a thyristor,
What Basmus explains is a completely different resonance method.
When the DC voltage passes through the two capacitors, the voltage is amplified by the back EMF.
The key to the resonance is that the two capacitors generate back EMF at the same time.
Basmus also stated that it is a DC voltage.
AC voltage makes it difficult to cast the amount of current at ground.
In a closed-coil, the general back EMF increases only the voltage, but does not amplify the amount of current.

Radio wave sound between capacitor charging and discharging.

This activates the ground with the Tesla-coil.
The method of activating grounding with a Tesla-coil is the same as the Kapanadze or Ruslan-generator principle.
The unique half-wavelength of DC produced by diodes, Basmus is the difference that creates resonance using a capacitor.

Wolne elektrony w powietrzu-free electrons in the air

I get a lot of help from this member.
We don't know each other, but he's a very smart guy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 04:08:13 PM

I also predict that Akula used a small battery. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 04:19:59 PM
How to make the Shifting-Mass Overbalanced Wheel

;D ;D ;D ;D
☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 08:11:18 PM

In the 13th minute of the video above, Ruslan says that when the diode bridge and capacitor resonate, the grenade-coil works.

While studying over-electrical systems that didn't exist, the brain would never open up if you try to find something in an existing system or circuit.

So, if you actually make a Ruslan-generator model and have a connection structure that did not exist before and trial and error of experimentation, you can get an experience that cannot come from the existing system.

You may fail.
This is because the failed experiment can be recorded and other experiments can be performed.
As trial and error are repeated, the likelihood of success increases.

These trial and error experiments are never experimented and can never come out of the brain's imagination.

The brain only imagines what it has experienced, it cannot imagine what it has not experienced.

Repeat experimentation without understanding the resonance principle,
Understanding and experimenting with the resonance principle is clearly different.

Members who understand the Gongjin principle no longer need to hide the experiment.

In this cafe, the members who interfere with the experiment must raise their voices to make all the people who will make the free-generator, and it has nothing to do with making the generators outside the cafe.

Many Korean'Ilbe' members know the secret of Free-Generator.
There are also quite a few members who actually experiment.

Some members have to interfere here, so the world cannot hear.

It is just useless interference.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2020, 11:47:11 PM

Yoke-transformers are destroyed when they get into useless human hands.
Like a few members of this cafe...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 04:11:47 AM

Akula-Generator Secret? ;D ;D

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 05:08:33 AM
Ruslan knew how to operate a 2KW generator from the start.
He did the show from the beginning.
The reason is,
Same as Roman Karnahof.
The wise rabbit has many escape routes. ::)
For them, Akula is just a shield.
In the past, the former Soviet Union lost a lot of human resources.
They will continue to lose in the future. 8) 8)
When a person finds food and is forced to work, special research becomes difficult.
"Necessity is the mother of invention" is just a complaining of not knowing what is really needed. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 06:12:57 AM
Zwarcie nie powoduje zmiany pola magnetycznego !? Dlaczego? FE ?!?!?!?!

(Capacitor) Short cannot change the magnetic field....
Diode wavelength-short does not change the magnetic field?
Basmus is not a Yoke-transformer, but a peculiar transformer.
What amplification is it for?
The Tesla, which activates the ground, reacts to the polarity of the electrons and has nothing to do with the magnetic field?!?!?!?!?! ::)

Завершение демонстрации

I have tried combining two open capacitors (700/2000V, 0.47uF) both in series/parallel.
The result is no voltage difference.
So what is the purpose?
Like the beginning and the end...
And evolution...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 08:16:06 AM

The driver is magnetic and the battery polarity is irrelevant.
The presence of magnetism does not cause sparks.
have experience.
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 02:27:16 PM

It may be the arrogance of the electricians that Wesley overlapped when TinselKoala revealed this as if it were the secret of resonance.
Electricians are good at packing themselves as smart.
I'm not sure why.
Perhaps I know this is the synchronization originating from the oscilloscope.
Showing off electronic equipment is similar to synchronizing yourself with electronic equipment.

That's why there are a lot of people who post videos by cheating on YouTube with electricity.
It's mostly electricians who have turned YouTube into a garbage dump.

I don't want to blame the thinking of those who think it's simply a show to make money.
A downfall to one of them maybe just a matter of time.


The sound of Tesla running around is loud.


It is a more advanced showman than Max Malone. ::) ;D
There has always been an urge to disassemble the light Wesley used in the show. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: WhatIsIt on September 01, 2020, 02:43:04 PM

Ruslan and company has inductor wound on top of bifilar grenade coil.


Inductor and grenade coil form transformer.
But, still they all call it inductor and grenade coil.
They dont call it transformer.

Why do you think they do that!

Can it be more obvious?

Let me spare you hard thinking.
Because they dont see induction between those two.
Or, they see different kind of transfer? Which is not transformer.
Clue is right in front of your nose.
It depends how long nose you have so you dont see it.

You can rant what ever you want, and never see the clue.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: WhatIsIt on September 01, 2020, 02:55:12 PM
Why the grenade is bifilar?

Because its fun to wound it that way?

You have inductor and secondary grenade bifilar.
But it is not transformer.
Are you blind?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: WhatIsIt on September 01, 2020, 03:02:45 PM
I dont expect clever answer, or any kind of answer which will make you look clever.

So dont try that, it is waste of time and bandwidth.
Continue with you usuall stuff.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 03:50:33 PM
WhatIsIt :


Ruslan and company has inductor wound on top of bifilar grenade coil.


Inductor and grenade coil form transformer.
But, still they all call it inductor and grenade coil.
They dont call it transformer.

Why do you think they do that!

Can it be more obvious?

Let me spare you hard thinking.
Because they dont see induction between those two.
Or, they see different kind of transfer? Which is not transformer.
Clue is right in front of your nose.
It depends how long nose you have so you dont see it.

You can rant what ever you want, and never see the clue.


Why do you wear clothes when it is cold?

This topic is a bit long, so I'll post it as soon as I organize it separately.


Why the grenade is bifilar?

Because its fun to wound it that way?

You have inductor and secondary grenade bifilar.
But it is not transformer.
Are you blind?


It is a miracle for me and you to be born blind.
If this is God's will, it is safe to think that you have revealed the generator-resonant method in response to your words. ::)


I dont expect clever answer, or any kind of answer which will make you look clever.

So dont try that, it is waste of time and bandwidth.
Continue with you usuall stuff.


I am grateful for overestimating someone who is usually friends with cockroach who lives as a homeless person. 8) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: WhatIsIt on September 01, 2020, 04:34:07 PM
It is not question how I live or what I am?

It was a question do you have a brain?

Simple yes or no is the answer.

You can hide behind many things and avoid answer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 05:01:53 PM
WhatIsIt :

Magnetic and Dielectric fields of the Bifilar Coil Visualized

Master Ivo preaches on the bifilar-coil.

We must first think about why Akula made the bifilar-coil.

This is to disguise as a generator in which the grenade-coil wound around the surface of the bifilar-coil reacts with the magnetic force generated from the six-turn-coil operated by Tesla.

Of course, the Akula-generator is not a free-generator.
The French-Andre's induction-range was mistaken for the principle of operation.
The Akula-generator is exactly what the battery-powered lighting fixture is all about.

Akula does not know the generator principle.
All of Roman-Karnahof and Ruslan's works were spread out.

Good example,

All circuit boards released by Ruslan quote Ruslan's concealing and spreading his name as if it were a circuit diagram made by someone else.

By the way,

The bifilar-coil plays an important role in the Ruslan-generator.
Increase the voltage by about 5V.
Of course, this is the voltage when the Tesla is not working.
Inductor role and
This means that there is also a Dly-role from Tesla-coil.
Just as a grenade-coil wound around a Tesla-coil is more like an ornament, so is a bifilar-coil.
This is because it has nothing to do with the free-generator-resonance.

What began with Akula's ignorance and misunderstanding, Roman and Ruslan completed a wonderful work.

The person referring to the bifilar-coil is most likely not to make a Ruslan-style free-generator.

This is because the question is not aware that there is a minimal voltage increase effect.

And even Master Ivo misunderstands the Ruslan-generator as a bifilar-coil operation.
Master Ivo is not as smart as Wesley.

Communists are also in this cafe.

And Master Ivo is one of them. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 05:17:57 PM

One of the advisors I sometimes ask about electricity.
He is a doctor of electrical and electronic engineering who runs an electric and electronic cram school in Korea. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: WhatIsIt on September 01, 2020, 05:34:22 PM

I dont care for opinion of master Ivo or others.
Master Ivo is from my country. But I did not ask him for anything.
I care for your OWN opinion.

Do you understand?

I love OnePower, because he thinks.
Try to follow his steps.

Do you have your own opinion?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 05:40:35 PM
I came here to play.
And ivo and onepower are better suited to Guantanamo-camp in Cuba than this cafe. ;D ::) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 05:55:22 PM
Something someone posted as a joke,
Someone makes it great.
This difference is very small, but it is also very large. ::)

Even if Saliere dies a hundred times and then resurrects, he cannot catch up to Mozart forever. ::)


;D ::) ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: WhatIsIt on September 01, 2020, 06:35:07 PM
Do.you have your own opinion, ever?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 06:51:23 PM

If you want to ask a question like this, open up your freedom-generator first.
I am just a messenger, and my work is separate.

;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: WhatIsIt on September 01, 2020, 07:15:20 PM

Another one.

Your chinese or korean glyphs symbols are obsolete.
In 20 years from now nobody will even pay attention to that.
It is broken language of past.

Nobody will use it in future.

As any useless complicated language it has no future.

And the messangers. They are nobody and nothing as any people without its own identity or opinion.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 07:34:13 PM
There is a saying like this in the country where I live.
'Long and short can only be compared'
It is difficult to assimilate if the difference in thinking between each other is large.
English is easy,
The language we created is also easy.
Language without the harmony of yin and yang is insufficient as the language of the future.
The power that spread English is 90% of the total sword.
If there is any difference between Islam and English,
The difference between Islam and English is that there are no military bases around the world.

The two are similar like twins.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on September 01, 2020, 08:19:17 PM
Quote from: color on September 01, 2020, 06:12:57 AM
Zwarcie nie powoduje zmiany pola magnetycznego !? Dlaczego? FE ?!?!?!?!

(Capacitor) Short cannot change the magnetic field....
Diode wavelength-short does not change the magnetic field?
Basmus is not a Yoke-transformer, but a peculiar transformer.
What amplification is it for?
The Tesla, which activates the ground, reacts to the polarity of the electrons and has nothing to do with the magnetic field?!?!?!?!?! ::)

Завершение демонстрации

I have tried combining two open capacitors (700/2000V, 0.47uF) both in series/parallel.
The result is no voltage difference.
So what is the purpose?
Like the beginning and the end...
And evolution...

this is circuit diagram for that part
https://www.energialternativa.info/Public/NewForum/ForumEA/p/sch01.png ( exact circuit he used in his 1.8kw device)

i believe all the circuit that has been shared by him and his friends are real.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 10:52:41 PM


There are two groups of people who insult me. ::)
People who want to get the secret of the generator from me, 8)
Those who want to stop the freedom-generator from being released to the world. 8)

Some people have both purposes. ;D

And the above schematic requires a lot of modification as well as the capacitor. ::)

We recommend the circuit diagram below. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 01, 2020, 11:30:23 PM
The characteristics of those who understand the Ruslan generator as a bifilar resonance are reflected in the schematic above.
These are clone-variants created by cleverly combining the Basmus generator model and the Ruslan generator model.
Of course, it's extremely unlikely to work. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 12:49:29 AM
Схема генератора-накопителя.

It is still mystery and mysterious that the bicycles of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR are still rolling.... ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: onepower on September 02, 2020, 02:47:07 AM
QuoteСхема генератора-накопителя.

It is still mystery and mysterious that the bicycles of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR are still rolling.... ;D 8)

It's not a mystery at all and the most oppressed generally have the most to gain versus those who have much and little to lose.

It should be no surprise that the the U.S. nuclear and rocket programs came from German/Russian defectors. The U.S. had nothing until all those poor oppressed Russian/German scientists immigrated to America. The best and the brightest working with nothing under oppressive conditions, once liberated created damn near everything we know. Tesla had nothing in Croatia at the time but in America he was a the man.

In fact those who are born into wealth, like donny trump for example, generally turn out to be intellectually retarded who know little about anything that matters other than how to sustain there own wealth. While some of the poorest most oppressed people and countries are producing some of the greatest minds because they have the most to gain and little to lose.

That's how this works my friend, you have to want it, want it more than anything you can possibly imagine and be willing to put all our beliefs aside to find the answers were looking for. If you cannot then your basically screwed, lol.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 02:51:46 AM
The Series Resonant Bifilar Coil, Made For Longitudinal Impulse Electricity.

The freedom of ivo whatever you say,
The impossible course is forever impossible. ::) ;D

Scammers don't say they're a scammer. ::)
Wolves in sheep's masks are infested with the world. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 05:16:20 AM

Now, I think Wesley has to learn something from Max. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 11:34:49 AM
All that Ruslan duplicates of the Akula-generator is the Akula-generator picture.
That's why I think Ruslan is the owner of great creativity.

Everyone has Akula-generator photos and information of unknown nationality wandering on the Internet, citing it in Akula's words as if it were Akula as a shield.

The former Soviet Union and Russia openly oppress those who create freedom-generators.
All free-generator discussions are'stopped' here.

At least with Akula as a shield, the arrows that return to you go to Akula.
Since the Akula-generator is imitated, the logic is that if one has sin, then Akula is also guilty.
So, was Akula punished?

Akula is also a big hit on Russian public broadcasters.
If you can't touch the big guys, and you're going to catch only the banquets, it's against your equity.
When did Russia enforce the law for equity?
Still, at least Akula is of great value as a shield.

Of course, not Akula's generators, but Roman-Karnahof or Ruslan's creativity.
The reason I say that Ruslan knew how to operate a 2KW-generator from the beginning is,
This is because the 200W-generator only needs to be modified slightly.
This is a very simple fix.

The order is to listen to Ruslan first before these cafe members say anything.
It is the level of the members of this cafe that Ruslan does not admit that he only speculates from a picture of the Akula-generator.

I don't know English and Russian.
I understand everything posted here only through Google Translate.
I understand this, but it is surprising and mysterious that members who speak English and Russian do not know the content of Ruslan's video. ;D ;D ;D ;D

I want to protect Ruslan,
Promote, create, and spread the Ruslan-generator model to the world.
Then Ruslan will be remembered forever.
Like you worship Tesla as an idol. ;D ::) ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 12:28:11 PM

Re: Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
Reply #4370 on: June 19, 2014, 08:37:36 PM »
Here is a link to the Ruslan posts on the russian forum translated to english below.

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http://realstrannik.ru/forum/39-kapanadze/134930-ustanovka-ruslana- kulabuxova. html?start=18&edit-text=&act=url

Here it is in russian.

This is a NEW thread for Ruslan aka. (TopRuslan)...

(ТЕМА: установка Руслана Кулабухова)


and some photos of Akula0083 of his 750 watt power devive and a hybrid diagram.

Acca... [/font]



A picture of the Akura-generator is first published in the cafe on June 19, 2014.
It was taken from a Russian cafe,
Currently, the Russian-cafe is closed.

And this café also starts various reasoning with the Akura-generator picture.

According to my organizational information, Akula belongs to the (unrevealed) Russian Institute.
It means that Akula are not a personal inventor like Kapanadze or Ruslan.
This is a special case if the Russian government has been involved in Free-Generator.
What special case?

And members of the Russian intelligence ministry and far-right groups begin to crack down on Ruslan.

This is because it is a very obvious procedure. ;D ::) ::) ::)

I am not sure of the W capacity of Russian-made lamps.
However, the lamp Akula used does not exceed at least 1 X 100W.
Calculated as 75W, 5 X 75W = 375W.
Even if more output is generated, it is at the level of 400~500W.

It is a capacity that can be sufficiently outputted by battery.

However, the source-picture states that it is 750W.
It's someone's reasoning.
Who would have reasoned? ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 01:11:48 PM
The light I use is a 200W capacity.
Compared to a 100W light fixture, it is slightly larger.
It is a 40mm PVC pipe used in Korea.

The lamp Akula used corresponds to 30~60W by Korean standards. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 01:38:31 PM
Ruslan knew exactly that the Akula-generator was powered by batteries.
This is absolutely no coincidence.
There is a lot of intentionality.
This is the testimony and intuition that only those who have a working free-generator can know. 8) ::)
If Ruslan didn't feel what I felt,
I didn't even show up at this cafe. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 03:37:45 PM
If Akula's generator is faked, Ruslan loses the shield.
Paradoxically, as it turns out that the Ruslan-generator is real,
The forces involved in the operation of the Akula-generator desperately prevented the Ruslan-generator from being released.
There are also members who participated in the manipulation of this cafe.
From the perspective of those involved in the manipulation, how do you think others know that their generators are fake?
Are you trying to reduce it to the manipulation of a Russian research institute?
Will this little thing go up to the top of the government? ::)

There are many kinds of freedom-generators in the world.
Kapanadze and Ruslan-generator are just one of them. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 08:01:51 PM
Theoretical is a hypothesis like 'Big Bang Theory'.
Until the results appear, it is a 'hypothesis'.
I experimented as shown in the picture below. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 09:02:39 PM

There are many people in the world with skills that I do not know.
The Institute of Nuclear Physics Academy of Sciences of the USSR will also have many people with skills I don't know. ::) ;D

Czar Nicholas II and Alexandra
Black-and-white photograph of the last monarch of Russia, Czar Nicholas II (1868-1918), and his wife, Czarina Alexandra (1872-1918). (Photo by © Historical Picture Archive/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)


알렉산더는 건달바성 회원이기도 했다 개희야 ::)
아관파천 후원자였고....이모저모 ..여러모로...
이유는 니들이 더 잘알겠다 개희야 ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 09:46:41 PM
I don't think he is AI and based on the broken english and I would say there's a very good chance he is a Russian troll. Look at the last response "Paul, a Movie from over 42 min, are you looking double Speed? Talking before thinking: The true will set You also Free!". Specifically, "Are you looking double Speed" and "The true will set you free", typical Russian or Eastern Europe in my opinion and it's all about keywords and how they are used.

So yes, he is probably some poor soul stuck in a small apartment the size of my bathroom just trying to get by. It's easy to judge but I feel for these people who have been born into a hell on Earth because there leaders are god damn psychopaths. We are so lucky to be born in the right place at the right time and it's easy to take for granted. So in my opinion we should not be so quick to judge however we should also be vigilant. Given the right circumstances he could be us in the future if we are not proactive in protecting our common values.


I think that 'onepower' is a person like 'Basmus'.

However, where the bifilar coil ship will go, Only a few people know it. ::)

His end,
This is because the possibility of a cliff is very high. ::) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2020, 10:18:51 PM
Démo de Fabrice ANDRE Energie produite sans contact sur une plaque à induction

euronews terra Viva - L'électron libre de Sarenne

The illusion that the French-Andre-generator worked is an illusion.
If Andre's generator was working,
He wouldn't have prepared many different types of generator facilities in his home.

It might be a good experiment for ivo to try to combine a basmus-generator with Andre's bifilar coil.

There are many people who don't understand without experience.
And they learn bitter experiences, they learn about faith.

Sometimes the advice of others can be better than your own experience. ::)
We call this 'learning'. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 12:53:59 AM
I would like to share a little experience.
I hope it helps in the experiment. ::) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 02:41:36 AM
It's easy to slander a person.
It is easy for several people to slander one person.

The slander that Ruslan has received so far,
I apologize for giving it to Akula.

Akula is a great inventor. :)

Akula0083 - CE Generator - Demonstration
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 03:23:10 AM
현재를 가만히 놔두면 미래가 될 수 있지만,
미래를 가만히 놔두어도 현재가 될 수 없듯이,
시간의 이동 방향성은 엔트로피 증가 방향으로 정해져있다.
그리고 이동하던 시간은 보존된다.
시간은 공간과 공간의 연속이므로 공간 중첩으로 보존된다(코펜하겐 해석)
If you let the present stand still, it can be the future,
Just as the future cannot be the present even if it is left still,
The direction of time movement is determined by the direction of entropy increase.
And the time of travel is preserved.
Since time is a continuation of space and space, it is preserved as a space overlap(Copenhagen interpretation)


Time is as much space as the increased space, and is only a dire struggle to maintain the status quo.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 03, 2020, 07:25:09 AM
An interesting film !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 01:16:23 PM
The way the Akura and Ruslan-generators work are of different types.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 01:43:54 PM
To claim what, the order is to first figure out whether it works or not.
It takes time.
It takes time to rebuild and verify circuits that were old abandoned.

Smelling trash....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 01:54:29 PM
I am curious about the faces of humans who also create junk-garbage circuits.
Humans who don't actually experiment and only experiment with computer keyboards have a big problem.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 04:28:18 PM
There are members in the cafe who use high voltage microwave diodes that go into microwave ovens.
To rebuild the obsolete schematic,
This is a message from an acquaintance that there was an opportunity to shop in an electronic shopping mall after a long time.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 04:49:53 PM
If you don't reveal the experiment, it's an empty flame.
And after one year, five years, ten years later, nothing happens in the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2020, 05:07:47 PM
Humans with no value in life lose their chances of survival.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 08:43:45 AM

Aluminum air battery

Regardless of electrolyte used it is a very simple concept.
If you put salt water in a jar & stick a piece of aluminum in it (your cathode (-)) and a piece of copper on the other side (anode(+)) & hook up a volt meter it will show voltage.
It's because aluminum is more reactive then copper. zinc works good but magnesium is better then aluminum but harder to come by.
Look up "reactivity series of metals". The reaction is based on an "electrolytic process"
This is a good design because there's a lot of surface area that's in close proximity to each other (the aluminum & copper)
Also it uses four cells which increases voltage. With a 5.3 volt output it means that each cell generates 1.3 volts.
The hole in the top allows hydrogen gas to vent thus keeping pressure from building up.
Over time the aluminum will corrode into a white crumbly powder of aluminum oxide & it will loose voltage & leak.
Until then more water will need to be added because in the reaction H2O breaks apart, the oxygen combines with the aluminum & the hydrogen is released out the hole on top.
No more salt gets added.


It generates a higher amount of current compared to general batteries.
The downside is that it cannot be charged because it is disposable like a battery.
You only need to replace aluminum,
Compared to a standard rechargeable battery, the purchasing power is low.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 09:37:33 AM

d3x0r :

Re: Akula 1 KWatt Free Energy Generator
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2014, 08:50:41 PM »

Roman Karnaukhov interrogatively approaches the schematic.
This is because if you look at the schematic itself, it is understood as bifilar-resonance.
But neither does Roman say it is a bifilar-resonant.
The beginning of all misunderstandings is due to the schematic above.

In the Yoke-transformer primary coil, it makes no sense for a half-cycle-half-wave-resonance operated by two diodes to resonate the bifilar-coil and resonate the grenade secondary coil again.
What you need to do if you resonate directly is like going a long way.
It means that it is not convincing in itself to leave a good resonator Yoke-transformer and induce a bifilar-resonance between the coils, which greatly reduces the efficiency.

Let's remember what the Shark said about the theoretical moments of this device ;-)

it uses 2 generators 1 at a frequency of 100 with what is a kilohertz, the second for tens of hertz.
Coils with 2 generators are wound back.
the beginning and end of the pulses from the two generators coincide, which leads to mutual extinction of the field.
Mutual quenching of the field translates the transverse wave into a longitudinal wave (that is, the field of opposing coils does not disappear without a trace)
Such a change in the field occurs due to the impulse pumping of ferrite domains by a voltage without current; In resonance, the ferrite domains are temporarily rotated, returning to their place already carrying the current component
the total signal of all waves is removed on a removable coil and it is larger than at the input ...

Even though it is clearly mentioned that it resonates with a ferrite-transformer, the intruders distort it as they insist on [make your generator].

It is impossible to [make your generator] other than the Kapanadze/ruslan generator resonance method.
This is because the method of resonating is the same.

That's why I'm arguing that a free-generator is impossible if I don't make the Kapanadze/Ruslan generator way.

It is possible if someone accidentally discovers a new resonance method.
Extremely difficult.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 04, 2020, 10:03:59 AM
The akula device.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 10:05:33 AM
Anyone who insists on'make your own generator' is very likely a patent stealer.
Not your own generator,
To make a Kapanadze/Ruslan type generator,
In a short time,
To help yourself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 11:02:20 AM
AlienGrey :

Notice the windings it's not the same as other devices and you know nothing of cable lengths of frequency or tuning


The shape or frequency of the coil is not important,
It is important to note that because of the above schematic, the method of resonance has started to be distorted.

As for the way of thinking, Asians and Westerners think differently.
In Buddhism, this is called 'patītyasamutpāda'.

In all phenomena, countless causes (hetu) and conditions (pratyaya) are mutually established, so there is no one independent or self-reliant, and without all conditions and causes, there is no phala.

When translated into English, it is translated into words like this.
'dependent arising'
'conditioned genesis'
'dependent co-arising'
'interdependent arising'

If you dig into a substance, you may find very small particles, but it is difficult to find out what caused the substance to be formed.

The cause of the material is revealed only when the surrounding situation is first identified.

Who made the above schematic and distributed it?
My prediction is that Roman-Karnahof made it.
This is because few people predict positively and accurately like 'Roman'.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 06:08:25 PM

If the above Tesla Resonator for 100 years has not been able to create a free-generator capable of driving the own vehicle as well as excess electricity, this is not a Kapanase/Ruslan-generator-resonance method.
And nowhere is there any evidence that Tesla made a free-generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 06:31:05 PM
Simply Put

Two Capacitor Paradox - Charge Sharing - Entropy Eats Your Energy - Simply Put

It is more persuasive than ivo.

In my experience, capacitors were all about acting as an advisor for inductance.

When the current flowing through the circuit changes, the magnetic flux passing through the circuit also changes. The change of magnetic flux causes electromagnetic induction, and induced electromotive force is generated in the circuit in a direction that interferes with the change of current. Therefore, this phenomenon is remarkable in ring-shaped circuits, especially coils, which are highly affected by magnetic flux changes. In the electromagnetic induction phenomenon, the magnitude of the induced electromotive force is determined by the rate of change of the magnetic flux. However, when the shape of the circuit or coil is constant, the amount of change in magnetic flux is proportional to the amount of change in current, and at this time, the proportional constant becomes inductance. Therefore, the magnitude of the induced electromotive force is expressed as the product of the inductance and the rate of change per time of the current.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 04, 2020, 06:44:36 PM
Color why you change sides ??? before your year or so holiday you were telling us how every thing worked
but now it's all gone into a blur of confusion with clips from Ruslan telling us why we can't have this zero point stuff.

I mean you tell us one thing but then you posts say another talk about confusion!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 06:52:05 PM
Ring Wave Generator-Square Wave Clock With Nothing But An Inverter Chip-Simply Put

He is a funny person who knows the Japanese samurai'Himura Kenshin'.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 07:03:16 PM

I am only personally interested in those who openly make Kapanadze/shark/ruslan-generators.
If you can't open a generator, don't ask others for help and make it on your own.
I don't have the ability to help anyone who makes generators that I don't disclose.
I don't understand English,
So, I need to observe the generator with your own eyes to understand.
But I only have one eye working.
Long ago, he injured one eye and became blind.
My eyes are tired and I can't concentrate for a long time.
I also soldered with one eye.
What I understand with one eye you cannot even see with both eyes.


The protagonist of the video above explains the content related to the free-generator.
It helps.

And I still haven't seen a member experimenting with two diodes connected to the Yoke-transformer primary coil.
If you want to ask me a question, you just have to open up a free-generator to experiment as I ask for.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 07:47:48 PM
I couldn't run the basmus-generator.
What I'm referring to the experience of failure,
Because I don't want other people to go through the same experiences of my failure.
I can express this correctly in Korean, but
English can't convey my expression.

Korean is not understood in the form of subject-object-verb like English,
It is a way to understand in order from the beginning.

Keep in mind that if you understand Korean with Google Translate, it can mean different things.

I can't understand Korean'irony','metaphor' and'verb' in English.
So English only conveys about 70% of Korean.
In Korean,'verbs' are important,
English is a placenta when Korean'verbs' are omitted or distorted.
That's why Google Translation becomes a tool for disputes.

The average person can learn Korean in only two days and everyone can use it.
Because it is a phonetic character.
However, it is difficult to understand English even after 10 years of learning.
The reason Korean placenta does not understand English is because they do not understand in order,
The way Koreans understand English is in a place that cannot be understood like a quantum jump.
In English, you need to learn letters to use the 26-letter alphabet,
In Korean, characters (14 consonants, 10 vowels) are written correctly even when they hear sound.
(햔귝예셔 묘든 쟉젼의 권햔은 묘듀 미균예계 있습니댜)
This is because 'character text' is more practical than cool.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2020, 10:44:04 PM
I think Basmus either hid the generator-resonant method, or tricked everyone.
Russia has a long history of single-line power transmission line technology.

Однопроводная линия 1 kw-Single-wire line 1 kw

ЛЭП Однопроводная линия single-line power transmission line

It is also easy to make.


The principle of operation is to make two single-wire strands and connect only the middle capacitor.
Not only high voltage but also low voltage is possible.

If low voltage-high current is transmitted to the ground like a welding machine, electricity can be used with only two amplifying transformers.
Of course, there is no risk of electric shock even if you touch the single-wire used as an electric power supply.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 12:06:25 AM
Шок! Поймал молнию летучим змеем! Безумный эксперимент от Андрея Тиртхи

When artificial-lightning and resonance-back electromotive force meet, a large amount of current is generated.
This is the principle of the free-generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 12:37:58 AM
Andrian Dniester -Free Energy Device part 2 in English

그래서 나는 위 동영상을 믿지 않는다.
모든 것이 위장용에 가깝다.

Victor Gero

이 사람들 모두 발전기 조작에 관련된 사람들일 가능성이 있다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 04:26:03 AM
It's not enough time to post your own work.
Unless you are engaged in working with computer keyboards while receiving a salary from the government, interference with others will be
He confesses that he is an intruder who turns this cafe into a trash can.

Free-generator developers who do not actively seek investors,
It's like someone who wants an investor to appear like an angel in the sky one day.
If this is not the case, he does not create a free-generator,
Possibly a scammer.
It is electricity-cheaters that are all over the world.

In this gap, to claim that only oneself is true,
Unless you are a person who only seeks truth like Grigori Perelman, there should be something open, but he is reluctant to disclose it.

Is there any reason not to disclose the Free-Generator?
Are you mistaken for being Grigori Perelman?

The fact that it is kept secret because of the anti-closed cultural atmosphere of Russia,
It's no secret that the video has already been released.
Your identity has already been revealed.

Do you think you can fool the Russian intelligence service?
Not to fool the Russian intelligence agency,
It is to deceive ordinary members waiting for the release of the free-generator in this cafe.

It is their job to make these cafe members cling to a non-working free-generator and eventually give up.

Members who post meaningless posts in this cafe are all of the same category.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 06:14:31 AM
Is 'AlienGrey' the only human who thinks Bedini has posted malicious comments to this café to sell his own generator?
Because this cafe is a Bedini-generator that receives advertisement fees from the Bedini company and posts it, was the cafe-manager anonymously posting malicious comments?
If so, it would be wise to close this cafe.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 07:04:16 AM
Are members of other cafes the main culprit for posting malicious comments?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 07:17:01 AM
Overbalanced wheel with hanging balls

There is nothing to be saddened by the envy of a great genius.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 12:38:46 PM

The first is the problem that came out of the Indian university entrance exam,
(Infinite series, triangular function, spatial figure)
The second is the math problem for high school midterms in Korea.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 02:23:35 PM
Как работает схема питания лампочки по одному проводу


А вот реально или нет передавать по одному проводу достаточное количество энергии для зажигания ламп накаливания я расскажу буквально в двух словах. Движение электронов в сети из розетки каждый раз меняет своё направление и это можно использовать..... ;-)
Если приглядеться к рисунку, то своя логика в нем есть, хтя спорить можно долго такая схема будет работать как ни странно



Теперь давайте серьезно!
Обычно для передачи электрической энергии используется Два провода, либо один и заземление. Но есть способы передачи электрической мощности всего по одному проводнику, при этом ни заземления ни переизлучателей не требуется. Создав на основе Механического Диода https://youtu.be/X6vC1RCxOHI генератор высокого напряжения, я могу не только зажигать неоновые лампочки, но и передавать электроэнергию всего по одному проводнику.
Устройство приемника тоже очень простое - это несколько соединенных диодов.



Как так !?! - Да просто! Тот же трансформатор передает энергию через магнитное поле без гальванической связи, Радиопередатчик отдает энергию в радиоволну для которой провод вовсе не нужен.

На такой частоте КПД передачи электрической энергии достигает 90%. На принимающей стороне достаточно соорудить мощные выпрямляющие устройства подобные детекторам или просто диодные полу мосты.

Какими УФ лампами надо пользоваться



single-line power transmission line

The single-line power transmission line was already theorized by Tesla, but at the time it could not be made due to lack of technology,
It's an easy skill now.

What Russia has developed is a technology that transmits power through two diodes.

They claim that Russia is their technology,
It was Kapanadze that grafted this into the free generator.
Russia didn't know this at all.
Only the technology that transmits power through two diodes was developed by Russia,
Kapanadze was the first to incorporate two diodes into a free-generator.

Basmus is demonstrating the live-power line,
Is to confirm that it is pure ground,
If you get along with someone and connect a live-power line to the ground, you can fool your YouTube video viewer.

And not a normal live-power line,
In a system that transmits power with two diodes,
There is no risk of electric shock because it is direct current even if you touch the ground with your hand.

Basmus is just turning on the light switch by amplifying the DC voltage of two diodes coming from the ground with a variable resistor, a capacitor and a special-transformer.

This is because the basmus-generator is not resonant, but is a single-line power transmission line system.

That's why Basmus did a live-power line demonstration.

It is speculated that Adrian Denister demonstrated the same method.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 08:14:01 PM
(It is the same Korean translation as below)

전기를 생산하는 값은 무척 쌉니다.
나의 집도 한달에 사용하는 전력량이 200KW 정도입니다.
20달러가 안됩니다.

지금 전세계 전기시장에 뛰어드는 것은,
대기업 말고 흑자를 낼 수 있는 개인이나 기업은 없다는 뜻입니다.

자유-발전기 설비는 전기가 들어가지 않는 외지나 오지 외에는 수요가 없다는 뜻이기도 합니다.

누가 비싼 자유-발전기를 살까요?
수요자가 몇 밖에 없는데, 공급자는 수천명이 넘는다.

자본시장에서 수요와 공급의 법칙을, 눈물로 호소한다고 통할 수 있는게 아닙니다.

이제는 누가 더 싸고 간단하고 실용적인 발전기를 만들어 판매할 수 있는가가 관건이라는 뜻입니다.

한국도 30만원(300달러)만 투자하면 전력회사의 전기를 설치할 수 있습니다.

1년에 250달러 전기료만 내면 됩니다.
10년에 2500달러다.

누가 자유-발전기를 수천달러~수만달러에 사서 설치할까요?

그들은 자신들이 직접 만든 발전기를 설치합니다.

개인이 전력회사와 경쟁에서 이길 방법은 사실상 없다.

약간의 틈새-시장을 공략할 수는 있겠지만, 경쟁이 치열하다.

이런 사실을 인식하고 기회를 기다리다가 안되면 포기하는 것이다.


The cost of generating electricity is very cheap.
My house also uses about 200KW of electricity per month.
It's less than 20 dollars.

Now entering the global electricity market,
This means that there are no individuals or companies that can make a surplus other than large companies.

Free-generator equipment also means that there is no demand except for remote or remote areas where electricity is not available.

Who will buy an expensive free-generator?
There are only a few consumers, and thousands of suppliers.

In the capital market, the law of supply and demand cannot be said to appeal with tears.

That means it's now about who can make and sell cheaper, simpler and more practical generators.

Korea can also install electricity from a power company by investing 300,000 won ($300).

You only pay $250 a year for electricity.
That's $2,500 per 10 years.

Who buys and installs a free-generator for thousands to tens of thousands of dollars?

They install their own generators.

There is virtually no way for an individual to win the competition with the utility.

It may be able to target a little niche-market, but the competition is fierce.

Recognizing these facts, waiting for an opportunity, and giving up.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 09:43:18 PM
Шок! Поймал молнию летучим змеем! эксперимент от Андрея Безумный Тиртхи


I want to know why you made the above video private.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 10:14:46 PM
Главный секрет Запрещенного Вечного Двигателя Слободяна за это его Ликвидировали

Bedini-If you scam it as your own technology by changing the position of the magnet and coil of the generator, it may work in Russia, but in the United States you are sued for patent infringement.
If you want to make an excuse, go directly to the US government.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2020, 10:45:29 PM
Do you know what the Ilbe members said when I first appeared in Ilbe?
Homeless-Hikikomori, brainless, asshole, pecking.


Would it have changed now?
It doesn't matter who I am.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 02:04:11 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 04:22:19 AM
I have four children.
They are children born as twins.
I am worried that all of my personalities are rough because they resemble me.
A novel is a novel.
I know there aren't any members who truly take the novel.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on September 06, 2020, 06:36:48 AM
Something's wrong and someone is making a fool of someone.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRkuFenWLgg     completely different
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on September 06, 2020, 07:01:07 AM
#556 : John C.Bedini ( as applicant : Bedini Electronics Inc. ,Bedini Technology Inc.) related his motor-generator and Back-EMF concepts never applied for global PCT or WO commercial rights,so nobody outside the U.S.A.  ever infringed - not existent- utility model or technical standart patent applications rights  !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 07:02:34 AM
r2fpl :


If you run it at the beginning, it will run on self-produced electricity.
Power generation and charging proceed at the same time.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 07:10:14 AM

It is advisable to ask questions of generators and Russian creditors, which are expensive and do not sell.
Suicide is common.
And a novel is a novel.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on September 06, 2020, 07:15:45 AM
Quote from: color on September 06, 2020, 07:02:34 AM
r2fpl :


If you run it at the beginning, it will run on self-produced electricity.
Power generation and charging proceed at the same time.

This is obvious. But the difference between these devices is puzzling.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on September 06, 2020, 07:21:29 AM
color,2008 there has been a south-korean high efficient motor/generator promotion by a Mister Soo I Lee,     
IS Motor Korea Co Ltd. ,f.e. US6710581
                                     www.ismogen.com (http://www.ismogen.com) ( archive.org ?)

what happened since this time ?


Btw : " suicide" !? 10 of September, 'world suicide prevention day '  ;) halleluja !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 08:12:20 AM
lancaIV :

I want to write a long article, but I will only write a short'point' because Google Translator distorts the Korean language.


I hope to read it again from here.

There are many companies in Korea that make generators similar to Bedini generators.

The principle is similar.
When the magnets are aligned and rotated with the same polarity, there is almost no resistance of the magnetic force.
This is also the reason why a typical generator could be transformed into a free-generator.

Korean companies do not sell this as a free-generator.
It sells like a regular generator.
And secretly informs the buyer.
It teaches that if you connect a motor you can use it as a free-generator.

The price is also two or three times more expensive than a regular generator, but it's not ridiculously expensive.
It was an open secret that only people who knew it in Korea.

But three years ago, a Russian came to Korea to sell a free-power generator.
He had no idea of ​​the Korean market situation.
Andrei must have come to the generator market-knowing the situation.
Andrey-generators are a lot more expensive than generators sold in Korea.
It is more than five times more expensive.
Not only is there not a price competition,
Koreans do not believe in foreigners very well.
Multinational corporations such as Lone Star have suffered a lot of tyranny and are very alert to foreigners.

It's been 3 years since Andrei came to Korea, and only a few generators have been sold.
Electricity bills in Korea are very cheap.
And there are few places in Korea that do not have electricity except islands.

It is correct to see that there is almost no free-generator market in Korea.
That means no one can buy a $15,000 generator.

Let's go back to the beginning.

I think Andrei knows this cafe.
You may have read the comments I posted.
The mental burden must have been great.
Andrei must have come to know the end.

Free-generators are expensive.
Andrei threw a match against Korea, but the market was cold.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 06, 2020, 09:09:58 AM
Quote from: color on September 06, 2020, 08:12:20 AM
lancaIV :
It's been 3 years since Andrei came to Korea, and only a few generators have been sold.
Let's go back to the beginning.
https://overunity.com/18143/colors-kapanadze-forum-fe-builds-circuits-and-comments/msg532551/#msg532551 (https://overunity.com/18143/colors-kapanadze-forum-fe-builds-circuits-and-comments/msg532551/#msg532551)
Free-generators are expensive.
Andrei threw a match against Korea, but the market was cold.
Svobodian Andrey is Dead.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on September 06, 2020, 09:13:29 AM
In fair value markets where the electricity is sold to the private endconsumer/user  by public entities in the 0,1 US$/KWh range there is not a great  self-exploring energy potential,the costs are same/similar !
FE- generator have their advantages if there is a 365/24 constant energy need !US b2b electricity prices here as benchmark : 5,5 US$cents/KWh

Special case : you want to "urbanize" a rural area and the power connection costs to the next power line are to high : a (great ?) part from the generator costs becomes compensated !

15000 US$ for which nominal KW power output and material weight ,
with modern technologies 15000 US$ represents over 100 sqm building construction,
1500 US$ seems more real for up to 3 KWh per day electricity consume living homes !

"Free(unbonded energy)generators are expensive " :
okay,let us 3d scan and digitize this object ,
1/10000 inch precision sufficient for the all materials 3d printing/transforming machine  ?

and defining the technological production process :
is the object production cost in masses high
or the "inventor/producer" end-price expectation !?

Specific -rare on earth-  materials ?

Look for : Equipmake + Hieta Codename : AMPERE
Step by step to full industry-digitalization and company portability
Companies as factories- in- containerboxes,fast re-/locateable

Their first cooperation result : a 20 KWp per Kg,up to 30.000 rpm electric motor
Another solution : 'Additive Drives' and 3d printed electric motor windings
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 02:54:50 PM

In the meantime, you can only believe those who believe in the "battle of psychics."
If they are shown on TV, then it's true))) = = If Koreans are running around, with a smart look, then it's true.)))


Russia also has a telekinetic-person with supernatural powers.

My children born as esper are said to be very uncomfortable.
It is also the sadness of many mutants born with different abilities than their friends.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on September 06, 2020, 03:05:00 PM
Quote from: color on September 06, 2020, 08:12:20 AM
lancaIV :

The principle is similar.
When the magnets are aligned and rotated with the same polarity, there is almost no resistance of the magnetic force.


Could you be a bit more specific with perhaps a drawing?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 03:45:22 PM
partzman :


Bedini generator circuits are almost formulated so anyone can make them.

Проект и постройка 10 кВт генератора для ветрогенератора. Конечный результат.

It takes a lot of effort to make an existing generator by transforming it.
And you have to purchase and run a separate motor.
It could be better to build a new Bedini-generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on September 06, 2020, 05:16:05 PM

Thank you!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 10:02:26 PM
JEE Advanced Physics (Entrance Exams Around the World) Nuclear #2: Fission vs Fusion

Closed Group-North Korea created a nuclear weapon thanks to the entrance examination.(I'm kidding)


The only people who know that ferrite goes into the induction-range are those who know the induction-range structure.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2020, 10:50:44 PM
It is impossible to obtain excess electricity with universal bifilar-coil resonance.
Two resonances should generate a wave.
When a wave occurs, a quantity of electric charge is supplied from the ground activated by Tesla equal to the potential difference of the wave.
The high-potential difference does not occur with a single resonance.
Both resonances must occur simultaneously.

Current, and operation of keys in each half-cycle

TL494 control from external DDS generator

Two diodes, which all "gurus" hide with a thick layer of electrical tape

Continuation of the pot with two diodes

So, the grenade-coil and the bifilar-coil are not the main forces of resonance, but only auxiliary roles.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 12:32:26 AM

Quote from: color on September 06, 2020, 10:50:44 PM
It is impossible to obtain excess electricity with universal bifilar-coil resonance.
So, the grenade-coil and the bifilar-coil are not the main forces of resonance, but only auxiliary roles.
It is impossible to
Quoteobtain excess electricity with
with anything.There is not,...... and have never been any structure that could do it.
The trick is to  couple to another source of energy  using small triggering process energy.
Tariel Kapanadze did it exactly this way.
Dr Hans and me - we were  just applying  Kapanadze mechanism in the same manner._______________________
take  pipe and get water  from the river
or take energy from  earth  air interface  that  landed there  from Schumann waveguide  under
Brewster angle of incidence as a result  of natural energy fluctuation in that waveguide

But first you need  to train yourself  with the same by simply using energy  transfer from point A to point B
-  were  energy at point A will be physically delivered energy  by you.
- and energy at point B will be energy  recovered from interface
- the frequency of testing can be  52MHz ( not critical, but easy)
- frequency of  experimenting will be at 1.8MHz
- frequency of   advanced  experimenting will be  2200m ( range of 137kHz)
- the frequency of commercial device will be 18kHz
After you learn  how to do it, you are  ready  for the next step.
And all you need for it is just 2 Tesla towers at the minimum distance of ~30 meters

At the end  of your testing AND EXPERIMENTING - your device will be just single modified Tesla coil (or  grenade)SIMILAR TO KAPANADZE.
acting as a Receiver only.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 06:42:55 AM
I don't understand exactly what Wesley is trying to say.

Tariel Kapanadze-Generator de energie gratuita-5KW

I don't think Kapanadze has demonstrated a single-line power transmission line.

Even if you know how to resonate, the free-generator will not work unless you understand the generator's own operating system.
Not only 2KW but also 200W lamps do not light up.

The generator doesn't say "I vibrate violently when a high current breaks out."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 06:45:18 AM
I don't understand English or Russian very well, so I don't understand unless I release the video or circuit diagram I experimented with.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 07:38:02 AM
Сигналы на индукционной плите. Как это работает?

What is Resonance in Induction Heater LC Circuit

When the capacitor within a tuned LC circuit is momentarily charged, the capacitor tries to discharge and dump the accumulated charge over the coil, the coil accepts the charge and stores the charge in the form of magnetic field. But as soon as the capacitor has discharged in the process, the coil develops an almost equivalent amount of charge in the form of magnetic field and it now tries to force this back inside the capacitor, although with an opposite polarity.


The capacitor is again forced to charge but this time in the opposite direction, and as soon as it's fully charged, it yet again tries to empty itself across the coil, and this results in a back and forth sharing of charge in the form of an oscillating current across the LC network.

The frequency of this oscillating current becomes the resonance frequency of the tuned LC circuit.

However due to inherent losses the above oscillations eventually die out in the course of time, and the frequency, the charge all come to an end after sometime.

But if the frequency is allowed to sustain through an external frequency input, tuned at the same resonance level, then that could ensure a permanent resonance effect being induced across the LC circuit.

At resonance frequency we can expect the amplitude of the voltage oscillating across the LC circuit to be at the maximum level, resulting in the most efficient induction.

Therefore we can imply that, to implement a perfect resonance within an LC network for an induction heater design we need to ensure the following crucial parameters:

1) A tuned LC circuit

2) And a matching frequency to sustain the LC circuit resonance.

This can be calculated using the following simple formula:

F = 1 ÷ 2π x √LC

where L is in Henry and C is in Farad

If you don't want to go through the hassles of calculating the resonance of the coil LC tank through formula, a much simpler option could be to use the following software:

LC Resonant Frequency Calculator

Or you may also build this Grid dip meter for identifying and setting the resonance frequency.

Once the resonance frequency is identified, it's time to set the full-bridge IC with this resonance frequency by suitably selecting the Rt, and Ct timing components. This may be done by some trial and error through practical measurements, or through the following formula:

The following formula can be used for calculating the values of Rt/Ct:

f = 1/1.453 x Rt x Ct where Rt is in Ohms and Ct in Farads.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 07:41:08 AM
Using Series Resonance

The induction heater concept discussed in this post uses a series resonant circuit.

When a series resonant LC circuit is employed, we have inductor an (L) and a capacitor (C) connected in series, as shown in the following diagram.

The total voltage V applied across the series LC will be the sum of the voltage across the inductor L and the voltage across the capacitor C. The current flowing through the system will be equal to the current that's flowing through the L and the C components.

V = VL + VC

I = IL = IC

The frequency of the applied voltage affects the reactances of the inductor and the capacitor. As frequency is increased from a minimum value to a higher value, the inductive reactance XL of the inductor will proportionately increase, but XC which is the capacitive reactance will decrease.

However, while the frequency is being increased there will be a particular instance or threshold when the magnitudes of the inductive reactance and the capacitive reactance will be just equal. This instance will be the resonant point of the series LC, and the frequency can be set as the resonant frequency.

Therefore, in a series resonant circuit, the resonance will occur when


or, ωL = 1 / ωC

where ω = angular frequency.

Evaluating the value of ω gives us:

ω = ωo = 1 / √ LC, which is defined as the resonant angular frequency.

Substituting this in the previous equation and also converting the angular frequency (in radians per second) into frequency (Hz), we finally get:

fo = ωo / 2π = 1 / 2π√ LC

fo = 1 / 2π√ LC

Calculating Wire Size for Induction Heater Work Coil
Once you have calculated the optimized values of L and C for the tank circuit of the induction heater and evaluated the exact compatible frequency for the driver circuit, it's time to calculate and fix the current handling capacity of the work coil and the capacitor.

Since the current involved within an induction heater design could be substantially large, this parameter cannot be ignored and must be correctly assigned to the LC circuit.

Using formulas for calculating wire sizes for an Induction wire size may be a little difficult especially for the newcomers, and that's exactly why a special software for the same has been enabled in this site, which any interested hobbyist can use to dimension the right size wire for your induction cooktop circuit.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 07:53:07 AM
Looks like a picture you saw where?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 08:27:16 AM

Quote from: color on September 07, 2020, 06:42:55 AM
I don't understand exactly what Wesley is trying to say.
I don't think Kapanadze has demonstrated a single-line power transmission line.
https://youtu.be/He5xQOJHlrU  (https://youtu.be/He5xQOJHlrU)
Dear Color:
Please calculate your time in minutes  spend on this  forum  and  only in this topic.
Making device described in my video  is
- simpler and takes less time,] than total time  needed  to write everything you wrote  in this particular  topic  on this particular  forum.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 08:56:11 AM

Quote from: color on September 07, 2020, 06:42:55 AM
I don't think Kapanadze has demonstrated a single-line power transmission line.
https://youtu.be/He5xQOJHlrU  (https://youtu.be/He5xQOJHlrU)

Dear Color:
Single wire or single path or single earth/air interface is exactly the same medium for  energy transfer from A to B____________________
The major mistake you all make is  watching  Kapanadze  processes.... like  if you were watching movie  starting  from  the middle of it.
You'll never succeed .
Start  right from the very beginning .
(at the point in time or space at which something begins.)
and ask yourself:
where the  energy comes from into Kapanadze device and how?

in less than 2 days you can have your A to B transmission line using  interface .( any interface)
-single wire,
-single copper aluminum foil path ,
- single air/earth interface 
( representing dielectric air and  lossy conducting  media earth )

In less than  another 3 day's  you can have your Free Energy Device 
that looks like is self powered, but it is actually powered 
by energy fluctuation  in Schumann Waveguide
landing in the interface  under Brewster angle
in form of Zenneck  Wave ,
and than received by your single Tesla  air Transformer called Tesla coil( assembly)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 09:29:23 AM

Dear color .
I don't care who you are.
-not so smart- any color-any race-any religion
-Russian KGB :) -or any other form of Russian/N.Korean
- or any sexual or even extraterrestrial orientation :)
I'm not Mother Theresa not I care about it .
I'm not the savior,
I don't see FE  as good for Humanity .!!!
but I have nothing against of someone to get  to the point  of Kapanadze , me and Dr Hans.
you want to screw the world  than screw it  on your own.
giving  humanity  the tool to overpopulate by means of comfort in another ~18 years from now.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 09:40:32 AM
Wesley It seems that the only reason you claim to be Zenneck-Wave is that you have met Kapanadze in person.
And it is predicted that humanity will probably increase to 10 billion people.
I am not against population growth.
And I have many acquaintances in the old-time KGB.
Of course it is also in the CIA.
And also in Mossad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 09:55:01 AM
개희가 눈쌀찌푸려진다고 뒈진놈이 살아돌아온다든?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 10:22:51 AM
Мысли в слух. Плоская катушка.

Магнитное поле в катушке от индукционной плиты.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 10:43:58 AM

Quote from: color on September 07, 2020, 09:40:32 AM
I am not against population growth.
but I'm !!
Project this picture:
18 years from now :
- Your 18 years old daughter knows that  her child in her near future  will have nothing to eat
in human occupied  trashed  world of past comfort  by
barely educated  easy life/ easy go /easy dance horde  of human animals
having no need to waste time for school
as life is so easy now.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 10:57:07 AM
 look at post  below:Wesley

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 11:05:49 AM
There is no reason for the poor to clean up the trash thrown away by the rich.
Wesley The trash you put out comes from all the equipment you use.
People living on less than a dollar a day have no garbage to put out.
It can be persuasive if you eat one meal a day and discuss population reduction.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 11:13:15 AM

what would e next?
- life for wealthy and prospering-life privilege for chosen?
- birth control 1 child per family like it  was China ?
- rapid search for shelters to humans in outer  space?
- orchestrated "incidental" atomic weapon  bast for countries in poverty competing for life space?
- chemical/or concentration camps  elimination  of  certain races?

is that  the best future for FE freedom  to human kind?
Think Color in brackets of progressive mathematical  probability.
2 human elements multiplies into 4 in every 17.2 years
average life span is  -68.35 years for females).
The highest rate  human elements multiplies was recorded in age group between 21–30 years (22.7%)
but with FE it will grow to ~187%( I'm not so sure about this)

353,000 babies are born each day around the world.
The crude birth rate is 18.9 births per 1,000 population or 255 births globally per minute or 4.3 births every second.
no take it to progressive rate  of   ~187% per time frame.
+ affordability factor of 4 children per male /female couple.
+ extension of life span due to Moore's law advancement working for humanity

holly s*t that after deducting  natural death rate   will be around ~18 years till  humanity  start to experience  food shortage.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 11:23:25 AM
It seems like an amazing history that you haven't donated to anyone in your life.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on September 07, 2020, 11:25:27 AM
 ??? What is your/our problem,the life-style of our generation -(over-)next ?
That was - is-will be EVOLUTION ! Their problem day-by-day re-/search !

Degression from the world population to eco-/nomical/logical 1,5 billion human/oids,before or after :
from now U.N.  estimated 8,9 billions human/oids-peak in 2100  ?

Or Netflix like Boko Haraam World-Vision :why each month unfertil female egg-lost,when with that potential and with male semen-bank we can "produce" : " pregnance colonies"
for international war-armees,just for over-population fun ! Real GAMES without frontiers !

Or ownership free bio-robot-clones,for old peoples home treatment, our kitchen work/ garden treatment or our bio-original childs teaching,like in the old Rome the gracian slaves !?

2035 1$cent per KWh solar energy ,with your propagated transmission tower technology elsewhere to use !?
You are part from the technological evolution,with agreement of the consequences or not !

Your/my decision worths nothing !
Or we calculate,by knowing this, and these consequences makes part of our vision of the generation-(over-)next
daily life style !?

                             Liberalitas : all can happen

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 11:25:28 AM

Quote from: color on September 07, 2020, 11:23:25 AM
It seems like an amazing history that you haven't donated to anyone in your life.
do me a favor and do it for me by yourself.
You need at max 1 week to deliver it.
It's that simple.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 07, 2020, 11:38:11 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on September 07, 2020, 11:25:27 AM
2035 1$cent per KWh solar energy ,with your propagated transmission tower technology elsewhere to use !?
You are part from the technological evolution,with agreement of the consequences or not !

Your/my decision worths nothing !
Or we calculate,by knowing this, and these consequences makes part of our vision of the generation-(over-)next
daily life style !?

                             Liberalitas : all can happen

I do agree with you.
But do we need to speed it up into some sort of "geometric progression" ?/per given delta T
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 11:40:20 AM
I don't understand that people who don't understand force their own greed.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2020, 06:44:30 PM
Ape With AK-47

Chimpanzees have no fear, but the members here are full of fear.
And almost everyone does not disclose the experiment.
Even the members who experiment are only doing strange experiments.
Free-generator experiments are intentionally avoided.

Some members who intimidate and intimidate in various ways have very serious problems.

I think they are smarter than chimpanzees, but
Being smart and acting are separate matters.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 08, 2020, 01:13:18 AM
Time doesn't exist.
Brutus did not assassinate Caesar.
맥타가트 : 시간은 존재하지 않는다 (feat.슈메이커, 프라이어)

Those who distort time and space are mainly those who suck the robe.
The powers and collaborators of the time are mainly the main culprit of history distortion.

"Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy."
"Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.
Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.

Wesley is distorting comments.

In terms of correction, I correct English, which distorted Korean, but Wesley corrects (distorted) the comment posted earlier in response to the comment below.

The manager of this cafe also has a history of distorting and posting my comments at his own discretion when I was kicked out of this cafe and reopened.

Wesley is in the same category.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 08, 2020, 01:57:12 AM
And again another Scripture says, "THEY SHALL LOOK ON HIM WHOM THEY PIERCED."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 08, 2020, 02:37:41 AM
In the past, officials who record history in the East do not bend their minds even when a sword enters their necks, and record the correct history.
The history distortion of the West is so vast that it is like a play or a movie.
Deletion of records is a common occurrence, and the dynasty itself may disappear.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 08, 2020, 09:51:21 AM
Quote from: color on September 07, 2020, 11:05:49 AM
There is no reason for the poor to clean up the trash thrown away by the rich.
Wesley The trash you put out comes from all the equipment you use.
People living on less than a dollar a day have no garbage to put out.
It can be persuasive if you eat one meal a day and discuss population reduction.
What is this DOLLAR imperial greed middle man that's crept in ?
And What is 'garbage' ? do you mean recyclable wast?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 08, 2020, 01:43:32 PM
This is called garbage.
The representative garbage that suppresses humans is God.
And he/she will torment humans until they are all extinct. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 08, 2020, 01:51:20 PM
Geo, Its and TinselKoala are the most likely members to complete the Ruslan Free-Generator.
It is also possible that it has already been completed. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 08, 2020, 02:59:01 PM
Interesting is to know how many of you are at the level to read it all and formulate your own opinion.
By that you can measure your own value  in format listed below:

Quote from: AlienGrey on September 08, 2020, 09:51:21 AM
What is this DOLLAR imperial greed middle man that's crept in ?
And What is 'garbage' ? do you mean recyclable wast?

Quote from: color on September 07, 2020, 11:05:49 AM
There is no reason for the poor to clean up the trash thrown away by the rich.
Wesley The trash you put out comes from all the equipment you use.
People living on less than a dollar a day have no garbage to put out.
It can be persuasive if you eat one meal a day and discuss population reduction.

there are few factors that may create Chaos :
1. food
2. air to breath
3. earth as mechanism containing living organisms.
- body is just like a machine.Like an engine burning up fuel, in order to generate the required energy.

contains some important gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, etc. All living things use oxygen to breathe in.

Earth sustains a kind of homeostasis, the maintenance of relatively constant conditions.

(physics, philosophy, psychology official standpoint)

Mentioned  :Dollars amount or trash is of lesser importance for immediate ( instant) next day survival.
However  when multiplied  at given time frame it becomes problem .(  depleted ozone zone in the stratosphere over the Antarctic,)
Any discussion stops to exist when there is no one left to discuss any longer.
Greed is future of mind as well as Idea
-First was matter
-than  chemical interaction
-than living organism having some form of ( brain)
-than conscious mind , having ideas
-and than was a greed as form of response to electrical impulses ruling chemistry of  a body.

Conscious creature called human animal fought and is fighting now over conflicting  idea of God/Gods
and caring less, for past, while exposed to uncertain future.
We all are:
-self oriented,
-self focused,
-self accumulating
creatures and that makes us  incredibly similar to other mammals animals.
Selfishness is :
- mechanism of survival that goes back to our formative, caveman days.
- fear is natural to all mammals including humans.
-fighting with fear is taking  risk of negative consequences.
- all mammals excluding humans never fight for ideas .

psychologist from Yale and Harvard has made a splash with a well publicized claim that
moral indignation is usually an affectation aimed at enhancing reputation and, thereby, gaining personal
advantage. It is nothing more than a compulsive desire to proclaim how virtuous you are, to "advertise" yourself to others.
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/psychology-touts-selfishn_b_9659922 (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/psychology-touts-selfishn_b_9659922)

Heroism, patriotism, morality and religion are artificial, and fear based
mechanisms created by more prominent human animals  securing their own comfort of live at first.
In practice dead Heroes are less important than $1 in your pocket at this very minute if you were paid  to forget about them  for the next minute.
Patriots are convenient only for given task.
Priests gets more fat and religion is  a business for many.


Here is me  called "selfish" by  gentleman nick: Color  .
I explained to you all needed to take world future in your hands.
What do you need me with Dr Hans for?
-Sending energy from A to B is easy
-Extracting it from Schumann Waveguide is little more  time involving but this is exactly the same mechanism
.. only reduced to Receiver only.
https://youtu.be/He5xQOJHlrU  (https://youtu.be/He5xQOJHlrU)

I have  numbered my  comments here so you can read them  easily.
Note: mentioned angle  of incident 45 degrees should be corrected to approx 67 degrees.
some assumptions in the pictures below are early 2017 and not always perfectly correct.
For  wave landing in the interface there is need of  Brewster angle where there is  no reflection and no refraction.
Grating is not  existent and not needed for lower than nm frequencies.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 08:08:40 AM
In the past, I wrote as a lecture material for the Military Academy,
It became weird after passing through Google Translator.

Derrida's critique of Husserl's semiotics focuses first on Husserl's theory of expression.
In particular, Husserl's theory of expression emphasizes that meaning originates from innerness through monologue.
"Amidst the representations of words that accompany and support my still thoughts, I imagine the words spoken by my voice. Here too, my shorthand or normal handwritten letter symbols (Schriftzeichen) suddenly come to mind."
This is where Derrida specifically hits.
First of all, Derrida points out that it is very paradoxical and contradictory to see Husserl's expression as a monologue.
That's why the word "derrida" (Ausdruck)
Although it means'outside painting' ('A'ußerung),
Husserl says that this is because he understands expression as a function of internalization.
In the meantime, Husserl's theory of expression is made useless by saying that the expressions that Husserl says are by no means separate from communication.
We speak of the gap between direct communication and meaning in general.
This is because Husserl doesn't know how to rule out the criticism of'the lonely life of the soul'.
He referred to the general language of the logos as a secondary event under the expressive form itself,
And you will try to think of it as an event overlaid on the underlying and pre'-expressive layer of meaning.
[In that case] the expressive language itself will have to be followed by the absolute silence established in the relationship with itself.
Derrida said this absolute silence about Husserl,
This is expressed as'phenomenological silence'.
And it is said to be converted into words about the word.
Word is an object.
It only makes sense when an active intention inspires a soul into it, thereby moving it from the state of the helpless voice to the state of the body with the soul.
Husserl defined the word as a kind of physical entity,
Derrida reports that this physical reality is said to have life by the soul, the meaning of the word.
In other words, from Derrida's perspective, the meaning of the words Husserl says
Sort of
A soul without a body and a voice without a sound
In other words, it is a voice that keeps absolute silence.
This voice would be a phenomenological voice,
It is the voice of the transcendent subject,
This transcendent subject remains the subject even after the phenomenological reduction to the real world is made.
So, according to Derrida,
In Husserl, the absolute voice of this transcendent subject
It is ringing at oneself forever.
Therefore, the absolute voice of that transcendent subject
It becomes an expression of eternal truth.
Derrida immediately hears the absolute voice
Based on a strange closed experience, it is said that transparent expressive entities such as signification, voice, and concepts are experienced as basic units that cannot be decomposed any more.
When Derrida reports and criticizes Western traditional metaphysics as phoneticism,
The starting point is this Husserl's transzendental theory of expression.
It goes up to Plato, who emphasized the direct ringing voice while pointing out the origin of voice-centredism as well as the harm of text.
Voice-centricism is also logos-centric,
The reason is that the'voix' of the inner voice is a word and cannot be separated from the'logos', which is the essential object of its formal intuition.
But the key to phoneticism is
It is a fact that it is heard and present by the person who speaks the voice.
Because it has not yet been transformed through other symbols
In view of the fact that the intuition for the essential form is fully opened, the present exhibition becomes an important condition that guarantees the filling clarity.
Thus, the present metaphysics is established.
It provides a fundamental basis for philosophical thinking based on transparency.
So, for example,'U'rgen Habermas' (1929-) describes Derrida's emphasis on Husserl:
The ephemeral transparency of the voice passing by quickly promotes the assimilation between words and expressed meanings.
Herder has already pointed out the peculiar self-relationship involved in listening to what you say.
Like Herder (Gehlen), Derrida emphasizes the intimacy, transparency and absolute closeness of expressions that are given life at the same time through my breath and meaning-oriented intentions.
However, Derrida never tolerates but criticizes the metaphysics of the present, based on Husserl's voice of absolute silence of the transcendent subject.
That sure criticism tool comes from Husserl himself.
Husserl's theory of time is that.
Husserl recaptures the past image of the minute moment when consciousness passed.
Retention, consciousness
Protention to capture the future image that will soon come after a very small moment
And I want to clarify the time based on the Urimpression that is given momentarily.
In addition to this, memory with increased grip (Erinnerung) and increased memory (Wiedererinnerung)
And he uses expectations, such as Erwartung.
In short, Husserl has only a momentary cause that is given a charge to the present in a very minute moment,
Through grasping and foresight, which is a kind of shadow or trace,
It is said that consciousness grasps the present' (lebendige Gegenwart).
But here, Derrida
The absolute voice of the transcendental subject, which is the basis on which the meaning of expression is established, has no choice but to ride time.
Therefore, the voice is always a gripping or foresight shadow
In other words, it sharply points out that it has no choice but to be established based on traces.
In short, absolute voice is always the result of traces,
It even emphasizes that it is the result of traces of traces.
At the same time, it emphasizes that a difference must arise through such traces.
Derrida's famous concept of trace and difference started
This is fundamentally established in Husserl's original analysis of the theory of time.
Husserl's vivid present is not only an expressive sign,
In fact, everything that exists is a form as a fundamental horizon that can have its own meaning.
However, when Derrida discovered that the vivid present is a chain of traces and differences that are infinitely finely connected in principle,
Of course all expressive signs
The meaning and value of everything that exists must be shaken from the root.
Even the transcendent subject that is the basis of the living present
In other words, even the transcendental consciousness cannot escape the chain of traces and differences due to its fundamental structure.
Looking at it, we can see that this difference, which opens up in the composition of time itself, is not an ordinary difference.
For example, a horse and a cow are different,
The mind and the material are different,
You can see that it is not the general difference between me and you.
In short, it is the difference that makes all the difference.
On the other hand, this temporal difference means that it has its own alteriteity (他異性, alterite).
This is because the same temporal point is already established through a point other than itself.
Strictly speaking, the trace is established through grasping and
Otherness is established through foreknowledge.
Currently given is the grip of the grip
That is, it is established through a chain of traces of traces,
It is not yet because it is waiting for it to be foreseen.
'Not yet' instills the so-called otherness that creates self-denial in the present.
To say not yet is a hold, or a differenter.
"Differer means to time,
This can be seen clearly from Derrida's words, "It means consciously or unconsciously relying on the delaying temporal mediation process of a detour that holds the execution and fulfillment of "hope" or "will"."
However, traces and ties are the two triggers of the difference.
The difference also creates a "chain of traces"
It also creates a "chain of thai sex".
And only through those things, any kind of meaning can only be established.
So, of course, the meaning of Husserl's essential form is dismantled as it collapses from the root.
So this temporal difference keeps delaying all meanings
The so-called so-called chain of traces and traces, which is the basis of their meanings,
The famous Chayeon (差延, differance) is called by the unprecedented name.
In Marges de la philosophie (Les Editions de Minuit), published in 1972, Derrida makes this "cha-yeon" the title of the first chapter.
There is a passage on pages 13-4 that says:
Let's go back.
Cha Yeon, by appearing on the stage before
It makes the movement of meaning de la signification possible only as long as each element said to be'present' is related to something other than itself (autre chose).
At this time, the other is holding the marque of the past element,
It is already pitted by signs that it is in a relationship with future elements.
And at this time, the trace is related to what is commonly referred to as the future as well as to what is commonly referred to as the past.
Meanwhile, the trace constitutes what is commonly called the present,
At this time, the current
That is, it is constituted by itself by establishing such a [past and future] relationship.
[The important thing] is that the present is absolutely not self,
That is, the past, which is even presents modifies
Or it is not even the future.
One gap (un intervalle) works.
This gap separates the present from what is not in order to make the present itself.
But this gap that constitutes the present in the present also divides the present in the present itself.
So this gap is all that can be conceived from the present as well as the present
It divides all tout etants, in particular the entity or subject, in our metaphysical language system.
This gap constitutes itself and divides itself dynamically.
This gap can be called espacement,
It is devenir-espace of time or deevenir-temps, temporisation of space.
It is this present composition that I call the archi-ecriture, archi-trace or difference.
This constitution du present
It's "originaire" and non-reducing, so it's not a simple synthesis.
Therefore, it is a synthesis that is not fundamental, strictly speaking through the signs, that is, the traces of phages and foresights.
The difference is (at the same time) interlacing (and) temporalization (is).
It is not an exaggeration to say that the important concepts of Derrida's philosophy are "intactly contained".
It contains concepts such as difference, trace, gap, interlayer, source-writing, source-trace.
However, it can be seen at a glance that the core is also based on Husserl's temporal theory.
Of course, the Husserl's temporal theory was not immediately transferred,
I depend heavily on my idea.
The'present composition' is playing a central role.
There are tons of things that can be said to be around us.
The types of objects, images, words and letters, texts, etc. are also very diverse.
Among them, some entities have been treated most importantly from ancient times in philosophical history.
There are also subjects that have been constantly being discussed since modern times.
To all of this, Sartre says that are existants.
Everything that exists is based on the greatness, the consciousness that makes existence the basic way of being,
It is sartre to see that it is established depending on the temporal style of the grandfather.
In Sartre, the presence of the great man
They say'it is not self, not self.'
Already Derrida from this notion of Sartre's existence, in this quote,
The current element is already
It can be said that it contains content that the movement of meaning can be performed only as long as it is always in a relationship with others.
However, it can be said that Derrida's original use of the word 'trace' is derived.
When the 'mark' for the past and the 'mark' for the future dent the present,
Those dents must be traces.
When looking at this in itself, it is said differently as the word "gap".
The present is established only through the gap.
The present is divided into what is not the present in the present. It's not that I can't point it at all right now.
The moment you say'now!' is already a different now.
And the moment you say'another now!' is already another now.
This continues.
This is exactly the way Sartre speaks of existence.
The present itself, which can be called now, is already
It is established through a gap that can only be said to be more fundamental.
Everything we know exists is
This "present composition by gap"
It can only be said that it exists meaningfully based on the mystery of time.
The entity and the subject are no exception to this.
Needless to say more of the essential shapes.
In this way, Derrida's "differential philosophy" is
It cannot but be said to belong to Sartre's "existing philosophy".
However, Derrida is the core
Hitting the concept of "gap" in a positive direction
This is called "between" or "space of time-becoming"
It is also called "time-becoming of space",
It is also called "origin-writing",
It's called 'Geunwon-trace,' and otherwise's 'chayeon'
It can be said to be great in that it emphasized and exposed its ontological origin and power.
Now traces are not traces of any origin or roots,
Rather, it becomes the driving force that gives birth to origin.
"The trace is not the difference that is already forming
It is a pure action that makes a difference before everything is decided.
The pure trace is the difference.
It does not depend on anything that is audible, visible, vocal and literal.
On the contrary, traces become conditions for such things."
And everything is the play of differences by this difference (jeu),
The structure of the games, that is, the text, is established.
In the process, gaps are revealed, and espacement or espacement by the arrangement of the gaps
This is the creation of deevenir temps de l'espace.
Derrida's ontological? The epistemological difference philosophy
Is it a kind of political so that it can be called the philosophy of the other? It also has ethical implications.
Derrida says in a conversation titled "Insanity should watch over the reason."
In short, there is no primitive nature or an opposition between nature and culture,
There is only'difference' from one to another.
In other words, the text where the name of the other is absent is concealed? Deleted and almost always like censorship.
It's violent and unpretentious, or both.
Even if the batter's name doesn't appear, he's there, he's screaming and moving
Sometimes they cry and become more self-righteous.
Why is Derrida's philosophy of difference affecting so many people?
This is the point where you can gauge how popular it will become. Oddly enough, modern French philosophers are intensively interested in'difference' and'other'.

These two concepts are required in the capitalist system.
I think it is because I think that it can fundamentally reverse the exclusive property based on the subject of identity.
By the way
This difference newly emerging in France and based on the other
There is a philosopher who considers the flows of philosophy to be lonely
It is Germany's Habermas.
In 『Philosophical Discourse of Modernity』(translated by Jinwoo Lee, Moonye Publishing Co., 1994),
Pointing out that Derrida's philosophy was born of Husserl's phenomenology, he says:
In this way, the history of metaphysics culminates in phenomenological intuitionism.
This intuitionism is the fundamental difference that makes possible the identity of the object and the meaning
The difference between the temporal interval and the tie is eliminated through the implicit self-influence of one's voice-that is, a voice with no difference.
"A voice without difference, a voice without text is absolutely alive,
At the same time, it is absolutely dead."
Habermas has an intuition about Husserl's essential shape in mind. therefore
Derrida's criticism of Husserl's practice was drawn to the limit of Husserl's intuitiveism, namely,
It is pointed out that Husserl is accepting the "voice" with no gaps or differences in itself as the source of truth.
This is of course a summary of Derrida's argument.
The sentence Habermas is citing is Derrida's sentence.
In the case of Husserl, who took an absolutely dead voice as the source of truth,
It is that they are betraying their own great considerations.
This, of course, must be Derrida's deconstructive reading of Husserl.
Habermas goes on to say:
Derrida traces Husserl's path of idealization to the deepest part of transcendental subjectivity,
It immediately identifies the irreparable difference from the source of the spontaneity of the experience existing in oneself.
This difference is,
If it can be thought of according to the model of the instructional structure of a text written in text,
An activity separate from the acting subjectivity, i.e.
It can be thought of as an event without a subject.
Letters are separated from all practical correlations of communication,
It has validity as a purely original sign that has become unrelated to the speaking and listening subjects.
This is where Habermas brings out the story of Derrida's literalism.
Anyway, Derrida is now broken by the operation of the difference,
Instead of an intelligent meaning as a formal essence based on voice
The textual meaning based on gramme is emphasized.
For example, Derrida makes no difference in terms of'difference' and'differance'.
However, it is suggested that the meaning of the letter is greatly changed by using'a' instead of'e'.
Derrida advocated Saussure's structuralism,
"The linguistic object is not defined by the combination of the word written and the word spoken,
"Only the words spoken constitute this object."
Yet there is no purely vocal writing,
In phoneticism, rather than as a result of the implementation of the alphabet in a culture
By saying that it is the result of some representation of this practice, some ethical or ethical experience
Ethnocentrisme connects phoneticism to ethnocentrisme.
Anyway, the fundamental form of signifier Derrida speaks of is never voice.
It is text.
That's why Habermas expresses it as'ink instead of air', which seems to be a nice expression.
Derrida is now a new writing instead of a phonetic writing
While presenting literal writing, the difference is equated with gramme.
It is said that the spelling'a' in the difference is active or productive and indicates the generative movement in the play of the differences.
At this point, it is inevitable that the character that is identified with the difference that shows the fundamental productive power is truly mysterious.
Thus, the term "archi-gramme" is established.
In order to be able to think and speak of this very old fundamental character,
In order to be able to think of it as 'normal' and 'pre-rooted',
Husserl is special, accidental, subordinate,
In order to be able to separate what was believed to be a secondary experience, you would need a name other than the name of a sign or representation.
It moves around and changes the stage of activity,
It is an experience in which signs that perform the magic of presentization through interaction without beginning or end are constantly derived.
Habermas tenaciously bites and stretches this fundamental character seen in Derrida.
This fundamental character is not only for all literal writing,
While leaving his mark throughout the entire vocal writing,
Himself never reveals its identity
(From Derrida, the underlying identity can never be revealed.)
It is strange.
The fundamental character occupies the place of the producer who produces structures without a subject.
According to structuralism, these structures do not have any authors.
Habermas picked up these fundamental letters of Derrida,
It seems that he intends to maintain and adhere to the Hebrew Jewish mystical tradition.
Seeing the concealment of the original letters as the absence of the original letters,
Seeing the absence of this fundamental letter as an active absence of God, where God intentionally hides itself,
It is said that Derrida is thinking based on the motif he received from the Jewish tradition through Levinas.
Then I say critically.
I think it is worth referencing.
In the original characters that are literally outlined
~ As this character becomes unrecognizable, it evokes more interpretations.
Derrida's conception of ~ reproduces the mystical concept of tradition, which is recognized as a revelation event that has been dragging for a long time.
Religious authority,
It has power only as long as it hides its true form and the interpretation of interpreters stimulates the heat.
The deconstruction, which is being eagerly promoted internally, is a contradictory work of the tradition.
In this succession, the power of salvation is regenerated only through consumption.
The work of dismantling the hill formed by the accumulation of fragments of interpretation that was intended to be demolished to reveal the covered foundation makes the work thicker.

Wesley's trash should be posted at Wesley's Cafe,
If you put up my trash here, you can stop.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 08:38:10 AM
Akula0083 Device №2 1000W = 1KW Daly FEIK

At first, Ruslan also misunderstands and speaks as bifilar-resonance.

Как это работает 2

12 minutes and 30 seconds.
But Ruslan speaks strategically for a video to be posted on YouTube.
Ruslan already had the ability to make a 2KW generator.

Ruslan overturns the bifilar-resonant remarks he made.

Простой колебательный контур

4 minutes 50 seconds.
Kapanadze is by no means a pen-coil.
It is a general transformer.

It is common for some purpose to be revealed.
And we see a typical inductor-coil wound grenade experimenting.
Because many videos will be made in the future.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 09:48:58 AM

Color their are many thing being over looked which one are you referring to?
This is where your Amateur radio skills might come in, if you have any.


My amateur radio-antenna is for the North Korean dispatch-secret assassination unit.


The United States Navy, or the Department of Defense, will NOT be cancelling its contract with Catholic Priests who serve our men and women in the Armed Forces so well, and with such great compassion & skill. This will no longer be even a point of discussion!


I won't wait long.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 09, 2020, 03:15:07 PM
Quote from: color on September 09, 2020, 08:08:40 AM
Wesley's trash should be posted at Wesley's Cafe,

I respect your opinion.
I would appreciate if you respect my rights to my opinion too.
To me - you are:
1. very exotic human animal.( Darwin)

2.Russian speaking, Korean - is that right?

3.Using translator and possibly some "Russian" help, to communicate  in 
English - the basic  language of world communication.

4.You are visited by others here - mostly as some form of curiosity,  (curiosity - the fundamental human trait.)
The circus(show) must go on.. something better than nothing, from lack of other  entertainment on the farm.

5.You need to fly higher, to be respected by some other conscious animals including me,  in that group.

6. Making fun of someone is not the same as being funny.
    But that requires so much more from you


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 03:57:55 PM
I'm not interested in you being stupid.
What you don't understand is your responsibility.
And I don't want to hide my communication with the world.
It is they who enjoy, not me.
Ask your wife that she majored in psychology and she will answer.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 04:18:18 PM

There are a lot of people in Korea who personally operate solar power plants.
Electricity costs are getting cheaper every day, so it takes about 15 years to recover the investment.
Unless someone changes, foolish people will continue to be foolish.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 04:45:52 PM
Making a hydrogen generator is simple.
All you need is a stainless steel plate and DC electricity.
It is similar to breaking down rust on ordinary iron.

Making a Mini HHO Dry Cell Generator

Rust Removal - Electrolysis vs. Vinegar tubalcain
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 07:16:35 PM
Смотрите Пока не Удалил Вечный Двигатель Слободяна Нового поколения

If you lower the selling price to less than $4,000, you are competitive.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 10:18:50 PM
here is an inductor that will work on a removable, that is, it is a removable Pythagoras


Removable Pythagorean definition.
Pythagoras has nothing to do with the free-generator structure.
The relationship between increasing and decreasing voltage in the step of inserting and subtracting the inductor is simply substituted into the Pythagoras-triangle shape.

Don Smith's TROS V-"radiant energy"

resonances of TROS oscillations-trifilar


Igor has been helping you with your experiments since ancient times.

IT (induction transformer)-"DC/AC"

Normal transformers do not produce excess electricity.

IT (induction transformer)-"synchronizer" II

You have to relearn the basics of electricity.

negative TROS-"radiant" II; water conductivity

Anyone can experiment with the brain,
The brain cannot transcend trial and error.

The electrons of iron and copper differ in Tesla's activity.

TROS - Don Smith III "tuning"

And hopefully there's an eye to see what you missed on Don-Smith Drive.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 10:40:26 PM
Simple steps for Above Unity-Partnered Output Coils 101-Part Two / Three Parts

This is a delusion.

The first is the wrong picture, the second is correct.
Don Smith did a show to show the diode actuator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 10:50:39 PM
If you want to claim something, you have to claim what you can show.
The kids who are still experimenting are just jokes.

Important: Delayed Conduction in Bucking Coils

In my eyes, the final schematic looks like the Ruslan-generator principle.
But the way it works seems to be different.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 11:33:12 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2020, 11:35:17 PM
Способ и устройство для передачи электрической энергии

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, к передаче электрической энергии. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности передачи энергии, увеличении длины линий электропередач и возможности передачи электроэнергии на транспортные средства и летательные аппараты. Устройство содержит высокочастотный генератор, присоединенный к резонансному контуру первичной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла, и однопроводную линию передачи, присоединенную одним концом к одному внутреннему выводу высоковольтной обмотки высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла, а вторым концом - к потребителю. Прилегающие выводы первичной и вторичной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла соединены между собой и заземлены. Однопроводная линия передачи подключена у потребителя к нагрузке через один из входов однофазного мостового выпрямителя, к другому входу которого подключена естественная емкость в виде земли, воды или проводящего изолированного тела. 4 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к способу и устройству для передачи электрической энергии.

Известен способ и устройство для передачи электроэнергии по замкнутой цепи, состоящей из двух или более проводов, трансформаторных подстанций и линий электропередач (Электропередачи переменного и постоянного тока. Электротехнический справочник. Энергоатомиздат. 1988. С.337-352).

Недостатком известного способа являются потери в линиях, составляющие от 5% до 20% в зависимости от длины ЛЭП, и высокая стоимость оборудования, составляющая 10-30 тыс. долларов за 1 км ЛЭП.

Наиболее близким по технической сущности к прелагаемому способу и устройству является способ и устройство питания электротехнических устройств с использованием генератора переменного напряжения, подключаемого к потребителю, отличающийся тем, что напряжение генератора подают на низковольтную обмотку высокочастотного трансформаторного преобразователя, а один из выводов высоковольтной обмотки соединяют с одной из входных клемм электротехнического устройства, при этом изменением частоты генератора добиваются установления резонансных колебаний в образованной электрической цепи.

Устройство, реализующее данный способ, представляет собой источник переменного напряжения с регулируемой частотой, высокочастотный трансформатор, один вывод высоковольтной секции которого изолирован, а второй предназначен для подачи энергии потребителю (патент РФ №2108649, 1998, Авраменко С.В. Способ питания электротехнических устройств и устройство для его осуществления).

Подачу энергии потребителю осуществляют через диодно-конденсаторный блок, который используется в схемах удвоения напряжения и выполнен из двух встречно включенных диодов, соединенных с конденсатором, общая точка диодов соединена с источником питания (Электротехнический справочник. Изд-во Энергия, т.I, 1971, стр.871). При подаче на диодно-конденсаторный блок переменного напряжения положительная волна переменного реактивного тока идет на одну обкладку конденсатора, а отрицательная - на другую обкладку. Конденсатор будет накапливать заряды, пока напряжение на его выводах не достигнет положительной и отрицательной амплитуды переменного напряжения на общей точке диодов, тогда диоды окажутся запертыми и заряд конденсатора прекратится. Так работает известная схема выпрямителя с удвоением напряжения.

Недостатком всех известных способов и устройств передачи электрической энергии является то, что они не позволяют обеспечить высокоэффективную передачу энергии на большое расстояние, а также передавать без существенных потерь электроэнергию на транспортные средства и летательные аппараты.

Задачей изобретения является повышение эффективности передачи энергии, увеличение длины линий передач и возможность передачи электроэнергии на транспортные средства и летательные аппараты.

В результате использования предлагаемого изобретения повышается эффективность и снижаются потери при передаче электрической энергии стационарным и мобильным потребителям энергии.

Вышеуказанный технический результат достигается тем, что в предлагаемом способе передачи электрической энергии путем создания резонансных колебаний электромагнитной энергии повышенной частоты в резонансном контуре первичной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла, повышения потенциала одного из выводов высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора Тесла и передачи энергии по однопроводной линии к потребителю, у потребителя переменное напряжение выпрямляют путем подключения однопроводной линии к одному из входов однофазного мостового выпрямителя и передают ток через нагрузку в естественную емкость в виде изолированного проводящего тела, земли или воды путем присоединения естественной емкости ко второму входу однофазного мостового выпрямителя.

В способе передачи электрической энергии в качестве проводящего изолированного тела используют изолированную металлическую поверхность произвольной формы.

В способе передачи электрической энергии стационарным потребителям передают через нагрузку в землю ток и мощность путем заземления второго входа однофазного мостового выпрямителя.

В способе передачи энергии речным и морским транспортным средствам ток и мощность передают через нагрузку в водную среду путем присоединения к воде второго входа однофазного мостового выпрямителя.

В способе передачи энергии ток и мощность передают через нагрузку изолированному проводящему телу путем присоединения изолированного проводящего тела ко второму входу однофазного мостового выпрямителя.

В способе передачи электрической энергии ко второму входу однофазного мостового выпрямителя присоединяют корпус устройства.

В способе передачи электрической энергии ко второму входу однофазного мостового выпрямителя присоединяют изолированную металлическую поверхность произвольной формы.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии, содержащем высокочастотный генератор, присоединенный к резонансному контуру первичной обмотки трансформатора Тесла и однопроводную линию передачи, присоединенную одним концом к одному внутреннему выводу высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора Тесла, а вторым концом - к потребителю, прилегающие выводы первичной и вторичной обмотки трансформатора Тесла соединены между собой и заземлены, а однопроводная линия подключена у потребителя к нагрузке через один из входов однофазного мостового выпрямителя, а к другому входу мостового выпрямителя подключена естественная емкость в виде земли, воды или проводящего изолированного тела.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии, содержащем высокочастотный генератор, присоединенный к резонансному контуру первичной обмотки трансформатора Тесла и однопроводную линию передачи, присоединенную одним концом к одному внутреннему выводу высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора Тесла, а вторым концом - у потребителя через схему удвоения напряжения к нагрузке, каждый из двух выходов схемы удвоения напряжения подключен к нагрузке через один из входов одного из двух однофазных мостовых выпрямителей, а к другому входу каждого мостового выпрямителя подключена естественная емкость в виде земли, воды или проводящего изолированного тела.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии, содержащем высокочастотный генератор, присоединенный к резонансному контуру первичной обмотки трансформатора Тесла, и однопроводную линию передачи, присоединенную одним концом к одному внутреннему выводу высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора Тесла, а вторым концом у потребителя и через схему удвоения напряжения к нагрузке, каждый из двух выходов схемы удвоения напряжения подключен к общей нагрузке через два разных входа трехфазного мостового выпрямителя, а к третьему входу трехфазного мостового выпрямителя подключена естественная емкость в виде земли или изолированного проводящего тела.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии каждый из двух выходов схемы удвоения напряжения подключен к общей нагрузке через два разных входа трехфазного мостового выпрямителя, а к третьему входу трехфазного мостового выпрямителя подключена естественная емкость в виде земли, воды из изолированного проводящего тела.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии в качестве естественной емкости используют землю или водную среду.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии в качестве естественной емкости используют изолированное проводящее тело.

Способ и устройство для передачи электрической энергии иллюстрируется на фиг.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

На фиг.1 представлена блок-схема способа передачи электрической энергии.

На фиг.2 - электрическая схема устройства для передачи электрической энергии с использованием земли в качестве естественной емкости.

На фиг.3 - электрическая схема устройства для передачи электрической энергии с использованием водной среды в качестве естественной емкости.

На фиг.4 - электрическая схема устройства для передачи электрической энергии на аэростат с использованием в качестве естественной емкости изолированного проводящего тела оболочки аэростата.

На фиг.5 - электрическая схема устройства с подключением однопроводной линии у потребителя к схеме удвоения напряжения с использованием на выходе стенки удвоения двух однофазных мостовых потребителей, к выходу каждого из которых присоединена нагрузка, а к входу - естественная емкость в виде земли.

На фиг.6 - электрическая схема устройства с подключением однопроводной линии у потребителя к схеме удвоения напряжения, два выхода которой соединены с двумя входами трехфазного мостового выпрямителя, а к третьему входу подключена естественная емкость в виде изолированного проводящего тела.

На фиг.1 представлена блок-схема способа передачи электрической энергии, где генератор повышенной частоты 1, повышающий высокочастотный трансформатор 2, однопроводная линия 3, однофазный мостовой выпрямитель 4, нагрузка 5, емкость нагрузки 6, естественная емкость в виде земли, воды или изолированного проводящего тела 7, инвертор 8, преобразующий постоянный ток в переменный.

Способ передачи электрической энергии реализуется следующим образом.

Электрическая энергия из генератора высокой частоты 1 поступает в повышающий высокочастотный трансформатор Тесла 2. Резонансные колебания электромагнитной энергии создают в цепи, состоящей из генератора 1 трансформатора Тесла 2 однопроводной линии 3, однофазного выпрямителя 4, нагрузки 5, конденсатора нагрузки 6 и естественной емкости 7. Потенциал одного из выводов высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора 2 повышают и передают по однопроводной линии 3 на один из входов 9 однофазного мостового выпрямителя 4.

Потенциал второго вывода 10 высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора Тесла 2 равен нулю, поэтому этот вывод 10 изолируют или соединяют с низковольтной обмоткой 11 трансформатора Тесла 2 и с землей.

Положительную половину резонансных высокочастотных колебаний тока и напряжения после прохождения через вход 9 однофазного выпрямителя 4 выпрямляют на диоде 21 и передают через нагрузку 5 и конденсатор нагрузки 6, диод 12 в естественную емкость 7.

Отрицательную полуволну резонансных высокочастотных колебаний тока и напряжения выпрямляют на диоде 12 и передают через нагрузку 5 и конденсатор нагрузки 6, диод 14 в естественную емкость 7. В качестве естественной емкости 7 используют изолированное проводящее тело, заземление или присоединение к водной среде. На нагрузке 5 и конденсаторе нагрузки 6 получают постоянное выпрямленное напряжение. Для получения переменного напряжения стандартной частоты 50 или 60 Гц выпрямленное напряжение подают с конденсатора 6 на вход инвертора 8, в этом случае сопротивление нагрузки 5 устанавливают на выходе инвертора 8.

Устройство для передачи электрической энергии на фиг.2 содержит генератор высокой частоты 1, повышающий высокочастотный трансформатор Тесла 2, однопроводную линию 3, однофазный мостовой выпрямитель 4, сопротивление нагрузки 5, конденсатор нагрузки 6 и естественную емкость в виде земли 7. Два вывода 11, 10 низковольтной и высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора Тесла 2 соединены между собой и с Землей 15.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии на фиг.3 естественная емкость 7 выполнена в виде водной среды, например участка канала, моря, реки или озера. В этом случае в качестве нагрузки используют электродвигательную установку водного транспортного средства или электрическое оборудование маяка или речного буя. Электрическая энергия поступает от генератора 1 трансформатора Тесла 2, установленных на берегу канала и передается на корабль 16 по однопроводной линии 3, выполненной в виде троллея. Естественная емкость 7 выполнена в виде водной среды участка канала.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии на фиг.4 естественная емкость выполнена в виде части металлизированной оболочки 22 аэростата, а однопроводная линия 3 выполняет функции кабеля и поддерживающего троса аэростата. Электрическая энергия передается от генератора 1 через трансформатор Тесла 2, установленных на Земле, по тросу-кабелю 3 на аэростат.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии на фиг.5 электрическая энергия передается от генератора 1 через трансформатор Тесла 2 по однопроводной линии 3 к потребителю на вход схемы удвоения напряжения 17, выходы которой соединены с выводами нагрузки 18, емкости 19 и с входами двух однофазных мостовых выпрямителей, к другому входу каждого однофазного мостового выпрямителя подключена естественная емкость в виде земли 7. К выходу каждого однофазного мостового выпрямителя присоединена емкость нагрузки 6 и нагрузка 5. Вместо нагрузки 5 на постоянном токе может быть включен инвертор для преобразования постоянного тока в ток и напряжение требуемой частоты.

В устройстве для передачи электрической энергии на фиг.6 электрическая энергия на выходе схемы удвоения напряжения 17 присоединена к двум входам трехфазного мостового выпрямителя 20, а к третьему входу выпрямителя 20 присоединена естественная емкость 7 в виде изолированного проводящего тела, например листа изолированной металлической фольги.

В результате использования настоящего изобретения потери в однопроводной линии уменьшаются до величины, определяемой потерями на корону и утечку через изоляцию однопроводной линии 3.

Потери энергии через естественную емкость также минимальны, так как электрическая энергия, идущая на перезарядку естественной емкости, проходит и используется в нагрузке 5 и конденсаторе нагрузки 6.

Благодаря электростатическому механизму передачи электроэнергии в линии снижаются джоулевые потери, что позволяет увеличить длину линий электропередач при передаче электрической энергии на стационарные объекты и на мобильные объекты на земле, в водной и воздушной среде. Использование схемы удвоения напряжения с двумя однофазными мостовыми выпрямителями согласно фиг.5 позволяет от одного генератора передать электроэнергию двум потребителям энергии. Способ и устройство для передачи электрической энергии согласно фиг.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 может быть использовано для питания любого числа N потребителей от одного генератора, для этого достаточно однопроводную линию 3 от трансформатора Тесла 2 присоединить к N однофазным мостовым выпрямителям и N входам схем удвоения напряжения, согласно предлагаемому изобретению.

1. Способ передачи электрической энергии путем создания резонансных колебаний электромагнитной энергии повышенной частоты в резонансном контуре первичной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла, повышения потенциала одного из выводов высоковольтной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла и передачи энергии по однопроводной линии к потребителю, отличающийся тем, что у потребителя переменное напряжение выпрямляют путем подключения однопроводной линии к одному из входов однофазного мостового выпрямителя и передают ток через нагрузку в естественную емкость в виде изолированного проводящего тела, земли или воды путем присоединения естественной емкости ко второму входу однофазного мостового выпрямителя.

2. Способ передачи электрической энергии электрической энергии по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве изолированного проводящего тела используют изолированную металлическую поверхность произвольной формы.

3. Устройство для передачи электрической энергии, содержащее высокочастотный генератор, присоединенный к резонансному контуру первичной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла и однопроводную линию передачи, присоединенную одним концом к одному внутреннему выводу высоковольтной обмотки высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла, а вторым концом - к потребителю, отличающееся тем, что прилегающие выводы первичной и вторичной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла соединены между собой и заземлены, а однопроводная линия передачи подключена у потребителя к нагрузке через один из входов однофазного мостового выпрямителя, к другому входу которого подключена естественная емкость в виде земли, воды или проводящего изолированного тела.

4. Устройство для передачи электрической энергии, содержащее высокочастотный генератор, присоединенный к резонансному контуру первичной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла и однопроводную линию передачи, присоединенную одним концом к одному внутреннему выводу высоковольтной обмотки повышающего высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла, а вторым концом у потребителя через схему удвоения напряжения - к нагрузке, отличающееся тем, что каждый из двух выходов схемы удвоения напряжения подключен к нагрузке через один из входов одного из двух однофазных мостовых выпрямителей, а к другому входу каждого однофазного мостового выпрямителя подключена естественная емкость в виде земли, воды или проводящего изолированного тела.

5. Устройство для передачи электрической энергии, содержащее высокочастотный генератор, присоединенный к резонансному контуру первичной обмотки высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла и однопроводную линию передачи, присоединенную одним концом к одному внутреннему выводу высоковольтной обмотки высокочастотного трансформатора Тесла, а вторым концом у потребителя и через схему удвоения напряжения - к нагрузке, отличающееся тем, что каждый из двух выходов схемы удвоения напряжения подключен к общей нагрузке через два разных входа трехфазного мостового выпрямителя, а к третьему входу трехфазного мостового выпрямителя подключена естественная емкость в виде земли и через схему удвоения напряжения - к нагрузке, отличающееся тем, что каждый из двух выходов схемы удвоения напряжения подключен к общей нагрузке через два разных входа трехфазного мостового выпрямителя, а к третьему входу трехфазного мостового выпрямителя подключена естественная емкость в виде земли или изолированного проводящего тела.

© , 2012-2020
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 12:44:49 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 01:20:22 AM
The kapanadze diode bridge is fixed to the steel plate.
If the diode has no insulating packing, all four negatives are integrated.
It's not like a diode bridge, but like a double-connected diode.

If the output electricity of the diode bridge structure in the circuit diagram below enters the grenade, the grenade becomes a double wire.
The grenade made it perfectly misunderstood for the bifilar coil resonance.
The capanase grenade-coil is single-wire.
It is not a double line.

There are good reasons for that.
This is because this is one of the many reasons Ruslan has hidden from the structure of his generator system.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 01:27:57 AM
It is more difficult to understand the simple structure.
I took the circuit diagram below as an example,
This is simply a way to explain the two diodes,
I am not describing the bifilar coil.
The Kapanadze grenade coil is single-wire.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 01:41:48 AM
5 KWatts from Tariel KAPANADZE 2004.04.28

We hardly understand the simplest structure and also miss a lot.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 02:02:55 AM
Как это работает 2

It is the simplest and most obvious understanding of the Ruslan-generator operation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 10, 2020, 06:01:32 AM
Come on you two yes Wesley and Color, what are you hinting at with Wesley and his reference to tuned coils and wave lengths
and Color and his references to grenade coils ect What are you both trying to say, something or nothing ?
is the whole thing a tuned device in every way ?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 06:15:19 AM

I have never tested a Kapanadze grenade.
Since Kapanadze has never disclosed the structure of a generator, all predictions are all there is.
Even if someone accurately duplicated the Kapanadze generator, he did not disclose the generator structure, so it is all within the scope of prediction.
Another prediction.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 06:32:32 AM
Ⓑ is the line connected to the secondary coil of the Tesla transformer.
It is an essential line that must be connected to the ground.
Although the Kapanadze grenade-coil is nothing different from the Ruslan grenade-coil,
It is not necessary to use a grenade-coil as an amplification transformer while using a voltage amplified by 220V or more.
The capanase-grenade is all about inducing a certain portion of Tesla's high voltage to the transformer coil.
This is because resonance does not occur in the grenade-coil.
If the Ruslan generator is a closed pump,
The Kapanadze generator is an open pump.
It is expected as the difference between low voltage and high voltage.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 06:52:34 AM
When the transformer secondary coil is connected to the cathode and anode of the diode bridge, the output two coils are both positive.
And if the two poles collide, will the light be on?
And the secondary coil of the transformer is short-circuited with a short-circuited diode in between.
So, will the secondary coil of the transformer work properly?
What will happen if Tesla is connected to the transformer secondary coil in this state?
It comes out simple if you experiment, but it's difficult to experiment with a computer keyboard.
TK did a similar experiment before, but now there is no news.

Now the Kappanadze generator model is recognized as a reference,
We need to retest the Ruslan Generator.
The thirsty man digs a well.
It is a proverb in the country where I live.
There are many thirsty people in this cafe, but no one sells wells.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Acca on September 10, 2020, 08:15:50 AM
So You will need that Kapanadze device to survive in to the Epoch .. as the World comes to your door...calling for HELP...! save your self and your loved ones.

It is time now for the people on earth to begin preparing for the planned changes in earnest. Many prophecies have been given to you, so many as to be confusing. This has made it possible for most to do nothing because how could they prepare for so many different possibilities? It is imperative to begin with the most basic steps. Consider what are the most basic needs of man in the particular climatic region that you live in? Where you are with winter coming on it would be food, warm shelter and water? If warmth would be critical, it should be addressed.
Let us take a hypothetical example of an earth change "disaster." Suppose there was an especially severe winter storm in your area. This would be a storm that involved high winds, extreme cold and quantities of blowing and drifting snow. The electrical power would of course be cut off. Even if as was available, it would be unavailable to you unless there was a gas powered fireplace. Without electricity, you could not cook on your electric stove. There would be no electric lights. The streets would be impassable and probably telephone lines would be out, so you could contact no one. What would be your plan? Have you even thought one possibility through to this extent? I suggest that you have at least basic emergency supplies available at home or perhaps in your auto as you are seldom anywhere without it being close by. A camp stove with fuel, some canned or dehydrated food, sleeping bag and most important of all — water! Be sure all is in working order, test them to be sure you know how to use them, see that all parts are there. Know what it is that you would do.
Watch your weather forecasts and be aware that any potential storm can be strengthened and steered. Instruments are in place and in use with the sophistication to do this.  Inasmuch as we cannot interfere, we cannot protect you from this possibility. Of course this discussion has centered on only one of many possibilities. You may expect these to be happening around the planet as the equipment is tested in order to understand its capabilities before coming up with a planned sequence of scenarios to help them achieve their goals. Check your food supplies. Long keeping winter vegetables are a wise investment and do cook them to learn how, for most of you have fallen into the prepared food trap. Available lake or river water could be frozen and is seldom pure enough to drink. Water storage is wise and even that will not stay pure without special care. A camping purifier pump is available with extra filters. Consider adding a first aid kit, change of clothing. etc. I strongly suggest that you take stock, make a plan and actually put together a workable short term emergency kit and have it in place. Once that is completed then add long term necessities on a regular basis. Once this is accomplished, you can then turn your attention to the business at hand.
There was an old typing class exercise. "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of your country." It would seem to me that this is most appropriate now. But in coming to the aid of the country, one must put him/herself in a position of confidence so that in a crisis attention can be turned outward to those in need rather than scrambling to meet ones own personal needs.
In closing our first session, I would remind you that the days of greater chaos are drawing closer in an ascending quickness. Let us continue these sessions so that our clarity may increase and our messages may become truly a guiding light in the darkening of the days ahead. Sometimes it is necessary for darkness to descend before people can become aware of a light that has been shining all along. Thus shall the coming together of the true family of Light Bearers serve to vanquish the deeds of those with dark intentions. Always remember things work together to bring forth that which was planned long ago, for God's plans cannot be thwarted. The duration and complexity of events can be altered if there is a faltering of faith and action on the part of those that have been placed in stations of service. None are placed who do not have the ability to accomplish their missions. Some will falter and perhaps even fail. That, of course, is a possibility, but back-ups are in place and things will move forward in Divine Order. If you trust the knowledge that there is indeed an overall plan, a larger picture, and that it will succeed. Then your own courage and faith will be less likely to falter. TRUST THE PLAN AND PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE DAY TO DAY DETAILS. THIS KNOWINGNESS WILL BE YOUR ROCK ON WHICH TO LEAN. YOUR TOUCHSTONE OF FAITH. [/font]
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 01:19:09 PM

You study how the generator works.
I have taught you how to resonate, so it is up to you to research and experiment.
Members who cannot disclose generators and schematics are cowardly.
And here, long texts don't help.
Keep it simple.
What mankind needs is to give up desire in more parts than the freedom-generator.
Freedom-generator can be the basis for giving up desire,
Also, freedom-generator is the basis of desire.

This is a cafe that requires research, experiments, and disclosure of free generators.
Everything else is garbage.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 10, 2020, 01:33:38 PM
Yes Color very amusing but you told us you had worked out how it works in the first couple of weeks
the circuit was published, so you explain it all to us then.

You said and ~I quote its all done in the coils the grenade coils
now they are special as they cancel out all inductance while tuned to the wave
after that I'm lost infact i was lost on how it's possible to end up with zero inductance.

Please Explain how to make a device like that !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 01:51:31 PM
AlienGrey :

It is helpful to disclose how you experimented.
I need a 1500px clear photo and video.
I have bad eyes.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 02:19:27 PM
Chapter 3: Motionless Pulsed Systems

It is ironic that members who make free-generators are struggling to get excess electricity from the existing system.

It seems like a wise choice to give up the free-generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 02:41:57 PM
The transmission of two wavelengths on a single-wire is possible with direct current.
It is quick to understand the most basic diode-bridge.
Knowing that single-wire power transmission is possible,
think about whether one transformer can be made into two.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Acca on September 10, 2020, 03:05:16 PM
It seems to me that the Kapanadze device is based on LENR and radiation is the by product of that research.. Iron ferrite cores go nuclear..

A WARNING TO YOU... !!! before you pulse that iron or copper get a RAD meter for beta and alpha's.. life sucks with blood cancer..
A first look at the magnetic nature of Strange Radiation - P1 some of its signatures.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEyxKFUqvU0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEyxKFUqvU0)

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEy09JW5XAd95JmknU1JOeQ)

Acca ..

You  [/font]have strange humor...!! I  must say .. Hello from Poland...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 03:24:05 PM



Re: Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
Reply #21857 on: April 18, 2020, 09:24:43 PM »
Quote from: DavidWolff on April 18, 2020, 09:05:48 PM
Geo! i'm not disputing you have something working BUT!

this was Wesleys Lithuwanian experiment I don't have one or Ruslans device

but this device worked.

Even Delomorto talkes about it on his wersleys thread
It makes sence Ruslans does not!

Hi Dave,

Yes I am aware of this device and have spoken to T-1000 about it many times.
The way this is making energy is completely different from the Akula/Ruslan Devices.

STAAR Yoke device is doing Ferrite Transmutation energy output. this leads to nasty Radiation from the extra material
they had inside the composite of the Ferrite material. those two frequencies Exited it and release it and within certain
resonance. Not sure if it was mixed of Barium inside the Ferrite.

**On thing Ruslan did not talk about nor Akula is how this energy comes about to existance.
that is where they are bastards for a long time... my time invested to see and experiment what it is all about
came to an realisation.
By my findings it is Bemf harvesting and havign resonance all over to keep the balance.
The collapsing field energy and having a brief HV HF pulse right after is what accelerated the output.
This is the type of output when loading it, will not have effect on input. Simple as that.

Ruslan's lastest videos back then for sure did show he using other ways how to
but it is the same outcome and method he is using but difference devices to get it.

Again, STAAR device is comepletely different, Unless you are trying to to nuclear resonance on copper
which is not the thing here right now.

Ruslan did not infact never say what is happening at output but at the video I just posted of my experiment in 2016
RUSLAN did msg me and told me I am close to figuring things out but I had still no clue back then.

Right now, I have.



The yoke-transformer resonance is dangerous, so it seems that the old CRT TVs have gone extinct.

Still, $4,000 is too expensive for a motorized free-generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 03:35:49 PM
Yoke-Transformer-Resonance When people who don't know how to resonate say radioactivity, the passing dog laughs.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 10:04:40 PM
Natures Natural Waveform is a Sawtooth Waveform when a Coil has a Potential and a Current can Flow, look at the Neo Magnet in the Copper Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BeFoz3Ypo4

A Loaded Coil, with Terminal Voltage and Current Flowing: Image Below.

By imitating Nature, we can invoke an environment where a couple of Coils can do this, all you need is a Voltage on the Terminals! The Sawtooth Waveform is related to Lenz's Law! Linear decay of Potential over Time!

The Linear decay of Potential over Time is our Pump! Freeing and Accelerating Charge down the Insulated Copper Conducting Wire!

Evolution starts in your Mind!


Don't be mistaken.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 10:12:52 PM
ZPower Recent Technology Demonstrations

Z-Power 발전기는 렌츠의 법칙을 충실하게 따른다.
트랜지스터 스위칭 간격이 역기전력을 생성한다.
Z-Power 발전기 개발자도 특별한 주파수 대역을 발견했을 가능성도 크다.

Yoke-변압기도 두 개의 다이오드를 스위칭하는 트랜지스터의 특별한 주파수 대역이 있다.


22Kh 주파수를 점점 줄여가다가 19.92Kh에서 역기전력이 이상스럽게 급등한다.
지금 Yoke-변압기는 테슬라가 작동하지 않는 상태다.
정상 상태일때 1A(100V) 출력되던 Yoke-변압기 자체만의 공진으로 6A(540V)가 나와야 된다는 뜻이다.

그리고 테슬라가 작동하면 Yoke-변압기 6A에 비례하는 전하량을 접지에서 끌어온다.
번개가 땅으로 떨어지면 번개의 불균형 전하량만큼 접지에서 2차 번개가 하늘로 솟구치듯이.

지금 회원들에게 필요한 것은 테슬라가 아니라 Yoke-변압기 푸시-풀 회로에서 공진을 만들어내는 것이다.


ZPower Recent Technology Demonstrations

The Z-Power generator faithfully follows Lenz's Law.
The transistor switching interval produces back EMF.
It is also likely that the developer of the Z-Power generator has also discovered a special frequency band.

Yoke-transformers also have a special frequency band of transistors that switch two diodes.


After gradually reducing the 22Kh frequency, the back EMF surges strangely at 19.92Kh.
Right now, the Yoke-transformer is not in Tesla.
It means that 6A (540V) should come out due to the resonance of the Yoke-transformer itself, which was outputting 1A (100V) in a normal state.

And when Tesla works, it draws an amount of charge proportional to the Yoke-transformer 6A from ground.
When a lightning strikes to the ground, a secondary lightning strikes from the ground to the sky as much as the unbalanced charge of the lightning.

What members need now is not Tesla, but to create resonance in the Yoke-transformer push-pull circuit.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 10, 2020, 11:32:18 PM
Ученые физики в шоке! Насос работает без электричества и качает воду из озера

This is not the 'ram pump' principle.
You were mistaken.

The secret of the bucket is to keep air from entering the bucket.
Water is supplied through a pipe that is as thin as the amount of water discharged to the outlet of the bucket.
Because it uses natural fall, the level of the water being pulled up is lower than the level of the discharged water, so a large amount of water cannot come out through the outlet.

Attaching a Small generator at the outlet where water is discharged makes a great hydro-generator.

The Korean company 'Samsung' contributes to the export of 25% of Vietnam's national GDP.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2020, 02:07:54 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2020, 02:41:52 AM
Kapanadze Generator Replication video 1
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2020, 04:46:35 AM
Репост Безтопливный генератор 5 квт на IR2153 1
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2020, 04:48:55 AM
There are no secrets in the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2020, 05:23:35 AM
If the bad boys AllanV and Jeg are curious about Kapanadze's cousin's aquarium transformer,
The resonant transformer is not a three-phase-transformer, but is hidden somewhere inside the generator.
I've never seen this kind of transformer in this cafe for the first time.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2020, 06:39:56 AM
Как сделать ?!

Генератор (Две Башни). Тест блока

Генератор "Две Башни" по немецкой системе Акулы

This video explains why Ruslan knew the secret of the Kapanadze-generator-transformer-resonance.
The reason the Russian intelligence agency and far-rights attacked Ruslan so badly was that they knew each other had bought and copied a capanase-generator.

Still, sympathy for Ruslan is,
He wanted to show the world the freedom-generator with many videos.
For this reason, Ruslan was excused.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2020, 07:08:48 AM
From physical and psychological-ethical view this is anymore cannibalism,when the body is death and the body did not become killed for the function "meat for alimentation"!

It is biomaterial-recycling!

But actually there is an another legal restriction/barrier: kadaver-/Leichenschaendung'necrophilia/desecration of a corpse



I think Ruslan is monitoring this cafe.
This cafe is famous all over the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2020, 12:11:01 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2020, 05:16:10 AM
vasmus - СЕ генератор

Basmus uses a strange-transformer as a secondary-transformer like a Kapanadze.
This is clear evidence that the Kapanadze generator was cloned.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2020, 06:01:05 AM
The theory of evolution only speaks of Earth's history.
In a universe where you don't know when
The sky is like a dream to humans who think that only living things on Earth existed.
Proof only wants the people of the earth.
Earth people have proved,,,
All the greed in the world was everything.
And they will continue to prove for greed.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2020, 07:57:13 AM
Enjoykin2017 : [p982]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #14717 on: August 28, 2016, 02:45:13 AM »

Excuse me for sudden jum in dialog !!  :)

I think this will be very interesting and belong to here.

There are nice instructions and tuning procedures by some old USSR scientists how to setup "Ferrite core in Negative Resistance Area" or simple "How to trigger Ferrite in Parametric Generator Mode".

Two main conditions here are:

If Negative resistance is less than Positive resistance designated by active insertion losses there will be amplified second harmonic signal of main frequency.

If Negative resistance is bigger than Positive resistance than Ferrite will start generating voltage of second harmonic enclosured with so called Trigger Effect enfolded in output phase change at 180o solely with sufficiently existence of very strong filed of opposite sign and whats more it be run trough step disturbance.

It means that phase shift of 180 o plus 180 o with open loop gain bigger than 1 which is main condiction for continuous power generation will be achieved with presence of strong opposite field or (deep saturation field) with step disturbance manner (unipolar impulses).

Precise tuning procedures is in second picture.

"Physics stands on a stable foundation of the facts, but not on drift sand of imaginary hypotheses", E. Rutherford.


There are free-generator partners in this café who know Russian (Russians), but those who do not know the secret of Gongjin do not.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2020, 08:11:57 AM

Well many questions will be answered to us if somebody get luck and find Tesla´s pivotal lecture "THE DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY" from 1892 year.

According to Genius John Ernest Worrell  Keely he used 3rd LEVEL OF MATTER DISSOCIATION (dissociation on smaller matter particles from core particles) and also gave frequencies for it.

Also like Ed.Gray said in "SPLIT THE POSITIVE" or in my interpretation "SPLIT THE CORE"  - ATOMIC CORE´S PARTICLES".

RADIANT MATTER PARTICLES SHOUD BE IN THE ATOMIC CORE or precise in the internal sub-structures of MAGNETIC DIPOLE MATTER which exist in the core. This magnetic mass matter isn´t magnetically compensated (it means it exist like dipole matter in different amounts), and she is a real source of Magnetic Field Matter, or in combination with Electric mater (photons) short living Electromagnetic Field Matter. For me any FIELD is absolutely material (has mass in no motion state ) - not like some imaginary wave/s from main stream science lies. !!

Remember simple fact that only THE MATTER CAN BRING A FORCE- not energy like MSM science assert (lying !!).

The main problem - filtering RADIANT matter particles (RADIANT MASS) from Magnetic matter particles (dipole matter) and Electric matter particles (photons), Tesla had succesfully solved with MAGNETIC DISRUPTOR SPARK GAP (Very strong U-shape permanent magnet), and got a PURE STREAM OF COLD LIGHT - LUMINOUS RADINAT MATTER as a NEW AGGREGATE STATE !!

As we now know from Tesla this new aggregate state RADIANT MASS can also exist in long living Radiant clusters of COLD LIGHT, forms which Tesla moved with own hands through his labaratory and further.

All experimenters should make strong attention on Effects of RADIANT MATTER !!, - from Gary Vassilatos book "The secrets of Cold War Technology ".


It's radioactive............... Awesome....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2020, 08:20:51 AM
NickZ : [966]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
≪ Reply #14475 on: July 07, 2016, 02:10:36 AM ≫

What no one has been able to do, is to PROVE where the additional , or extra energy is coming from.
   There are only two possible choices, it seams. That it comes from the surrounding ambient, or it comes from some form of nuclear decay, such as nuclear dissipation and molecular decay of the copper, ferrite, etz...
   Either way, if the device works to produce use able energy, does it really matter?  So, long as it doesn't affect your health.
   But, as no one has a working device, as yet, we can't know for sure what makes it tick, one way or the other.


I think the radioactivity was first spoken by an old member.
Is radioactive remarks a misunderstanding of nuclear collapse?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2020, 08:27:33 AM
NickZ : [982]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
≪ Reply #14715 on: August 28, 2016, 01:01:18 AM ≫

Geofusion is the guy without a scope, nor signal generator, nor a spectrum analyzer, nor much of any other gear. And he is the one showing the best "amplification effect", of any of us, so far. He didn't do it by math, he did it basically by tuning using Ruslan's method, but in his own particular way. Which he has shown in his videos, as to just how he tunes his rig.
My hat's off to him.  I hope that he can get it self running as well.

Geofusion은 스코프도, 신호 발생기도, 스펙트럼 분석기도, 다른 장비도없는 사람입니다. 그리고 그는 지금까지 우리 중 최고의 "증폭 효과"를 보여주는 사람입니다. 그는 수학으로하는 것이 아니라 기본적으로 Ruslan의 방법을 사용하여 튜닝을했지만 자신 만의 방식으로했습니다. 그가 자신의 장비를 조정하는 방법에 대해 비디오에서 보여준 것입니다.
내 모자는 그에게 벗어난다. 나는 그가 그것을 스스로 실행할 수 있기를 바랍니다.


When does the Geo experiment start?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2020, 09:15:58 PM
Водяной Вечный Двигатель в память о Великом Гении и изобретателе Андрей Слободян

The air spinning waterwheel was not invented by Andrei Slobodyan.
If you want proof, you can show it.
Do not kill the dead twice.


stivep: [968]

In 1997, the United States deployed its most powerful tool to get the MiG-29s for itself. That tool... was money. Washington bought 21 of the MiG-29s? including 14 C models, one B model and six A models? and flew them in pieces on C-17 transport planes to Dayton, Ohio.


America digs out secrets with money,
The former Soviet Union uses brainwashed spies to dig up secrets.
Of course, the spies' families are held hostage in the former Soviet Union.
Some of the spies are psychopaths who really love communism,
Most of the spies are afraid of retaliation and cannot betray the former Soviet Union.

If China is the pigs copying the technology of others,
The former Soviet Union were psychopaths trying to justify copy.

This is defined in short sentences.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2020, 10:38:45 PM
Andrey Slobodyan을 추모하며...

Queen Live Aid_Hammer to fall

Queen Live Aid Full Video
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 13, 2020, 12:18:35 AM
개희들은 해떴다.
오늘 저녁 건달바성 메뉴는 오징어덮밥 먹는다 개희들아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 13, 2020, 02:04:34 PM
Akula infinitysav coil 31 mar 2019

Akula misunderstands the Andrei generator released in Korea.
My research team bypassed the purchase and disassembled the Andrei generator.
It was a motor-driven generator.
The generator was not rotated by its own force, but was a generator that turned out to be a motor.

Fuel Free 1kW magnetic motor prototype

The 1KW-generator shown in the video above is a self-driving generator,
(Bedini motor generator type)
(It was not invented by Andrew, but by Bedini)

The Adams Motor. The late Robert Adams, an electrical engineer of New Zealand designed and built an electric motor using permanent magnets on the rotor and pulsed electromagnets on the frame of the motor. He found that the output from his motor exceeded the input power by a large margin (800%).

The motor is an Adams motor,
It's Bedini, which combines the generator.

Electromagnetic generator 10 kW prototype

10KW was a generator driven by an installed motor.
It is impossible to drive the generator itself.

Permanent Magnetic Generator 70rpm 10kw 220VAC

It is the same as the generator made in Korea before.
The only difference between rotating a magnet and rotating a rotor with a coil wound.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 13, 2020, 02:44:26 PM
Motor Generator ไดนาโมรอบต่ำ 20kw&15k

The idea that Andrei will win the competition with such a motor is surprising.
It seems like the pride of Russians in closed countries.
Russians and Eastern Europeans do not know the world situation, but do not know too much.
The reason why Andrei came to Korea is known through the support of the Russian intelligence agency.
There may be several reasons.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 13, 2020, 02:46:28 PM
(https://overunity.com/17735/wesleys-kapanadze-and-other-fe-discussion-forum/msg550305/#msg550305Wesley)Wesley :)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 13, 2020, 02:51:51 PM
Quote from: color on September 13, 2020, 02:44:26 PM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkRYn_5vriM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkRYn_5vriM)

The idea that Andrei Svobodian  will win the competition with such a motor is surprising.

Andrey Svobodian is Dead.


the same post but in Russian language:

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 13, 2020, 11:19:17 PM
It has two output coils that are wound in different directions every other turn. This should reduce the back EMF on the transformer with different configurations.
The reason this device is in a transformer is so that with the output circuit goes into resonance, the changing currents, means changing fluxes which should reduce the overall current draw from the input coil.
The transformer does provide better induction interaction between primary and secondary coils than separate coils.

Research testing transformer

This transformer along with the load can be configured for several tests configurations.
This reduces the number of seperate coils in a test set up.
What can be done with the coil.

1.Does one configuration function simular to a pancake coil?
2.When operating an inductive load in resonance, does the changing dirrection of current reduce the current in the drive coil?
3.What happns when the drive coil is disconnected and the right wound coil is used as the drive coil and the left coil is used as the right hand coil?
4.What happens when the right and left hand coils are tied at the top together, then at the bottom together.
5. What happens when the output coils are connected in series.
6. What happens for efficiencies with using different configurations with different load configurations.

The main purpose of this transformer is an easy to use test bed for research to reduce the drive coil power in order to get usable power in the output circuits.


[Bad money drives out good]

There is an interesting word among market economy terms.
Bad money turns into good money.
Underground economy Black money drives the world's financial markets.

Bad experiments in this cafe turn into good ones.

If you turn away from the essence, there are only unnecessary problems.
If the results are not drawn and finalized, only unnecessary discussions about obtaining results will continue even after 100 years.

If someone studies only the vicious circle, it won't work forever like Gordian Knot.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 04:20:52 AM
In all successful devices, a general principle is visible
- several signal generators, obviously less than the number of receivers of these signals

from which it is obvious that these signals create a certain effect on some common receiver,

which, under certain conditions, turns out to be over-daily

- I'll try it easier - imagine some object that creates a rigidly dependent phenomenon
for example - a man and his shadow, one cannot exist without the other, when the position of the first changes
the second should instantly change accordingly, and now the question is - how to deceive your shadow ???

in fact, the CE question is a question of how to deceive one's shadow. How to run faster than your own shadow?
how to clap with one palm? Doesn't it look like anything?

The CE questions and the questions of philosophy and worldview are the same.

How do you understand this world? If Vasmus' device and others like it really work,
this is not just an interesting technical case! This is essentially proof of the existence of God.

Few people understand this, but I will try to explain, God did not create heaven and earth, he does it continuously.
That is, there is no reality in the past and the future - there is reality only now, each point of which the creator
he attentively listens with the infinite power of his attention.
Imagine the scale? Have you imagined the power of this attention? Now imagine what is on the other side?
On the reverse side, NOTHING! Nothing is a force that is no different in scale from the force of Attention, which creates this reality (no one canceled action and reaction)

CE arises when one dependent on the other does something, for which the second simply does not have time to create a collision - in fact, the HOLE of reality (the name of the Tunnel Resonator element is not physical at all, but semantic!)

CE is possible - but you need to understand what you are dealing with!


I met a man several years ago at a Russian cafe.
I found what I saved by translating his words into English.

This person is 'Basmus.'
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 04:36:17 AM
Nobody canceled industrial espionage.
This is a banal protection of the product.
Do not bother yourself with the number of wires, look carefully at the photo. You will understand what this is about.
Yes, there is a relay, but only for switching flows.

The quality of the installation sucks. Kacher was altered, tuned 8 times, the tunnel is generally different, the old one burned out into the trash.


And the real Basmus appears, says this and disappears.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 05:34:14 AM
Принцип БТГ Vasmusa

Romanov leads people into fornication. For the sake of my own fame .... :-)
False theories lead people so far that later they cannot find a way out ...
Retraining is always more difficult than just teaching.
And therefore Romanov does great harm to unstable minds ...


There are many people in Russia with brilliant ideas.

There was a report today from the British intelligence agency that nuclear-loaded Russian nuclear-propelled-cruising missiles could fly in the sky for several years.

Someone will shout the national anthem in joy,
I don't want to get involved in the Earthlings who lie down and spit.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 06:09:06 AM
Репликация установки Капанадзе от SR (Россия)

It may be the first Russian cloned Kapanadze-generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 06:27:21 AM
Looking at the SR-193 in the picture, I can't understand it at all.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 14, 2020, 06:51:03 AM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 07:04:26 AM
AlienGrey :

This is the relay Basmus used in his generator.
I took this picture from a Russian cafe,
I lost that cafe address.
It does not come out even if I search Google.
I am very sad that many of the Russian-cafes I know are closed.


Yes, I began to draw this scheme, then the controversy began, a question-answer, they began to finish drawing, redoing, erasing, painting on.
This figure is taken out of context, a semi-finished product from explanations, a "stub" of my installation.
The conversation was on a matrix in some kind of drawing room.


Basmus says again and disappears.

ha...................This is a very difficult person.....

When the industrial spy wears the armband, it gives strength to the neck. ;D


Kacher works constantly, if you slow down the frequency conversion process, the module goes into a pulsating mode-then the generation is disrupted.


Basmus said,
It's important, but I'm not sure what I mean.
Translated from Russian into English and back into Korean, I understand only roughly. ::)


Later, I will prepare a video with the setting. Now there is nothing to show, the installation has been disassembled - the pursuit of power !!! 3-4 kW

The length of the grounding, it does not matter for me. The installation was launched on the river bank, there is generally a short segment, but the resonances flew away for a long time. The video hangs out somewhere in the internet.

I have 2 pipes of 1.5 meters driven into the ground, the wire goes to the apartment, 1 kW lamps are on normally.
In nature, I had to go to the trick(хитрость), poured 3 liters of salt water into the ground, the earth turned out to be normal.
The display can be seen with claws.

Each node is configured and tested for operability separately.
-Kacher with a 12 volt battery.
-modulator and tunnel with latra 150-250 volts.
- nodes of coordination and adder, simply by instruments.
When you set everything up and put everything together, the climax comes, not a damn thing works, transistors burn out, electrolytes scatter into the trash and so on, so on.
All this comes from the location, the interaction of the fields. Therefore, the fine tuning is done very carefully. The ugly editing is the result of the installation settings. Seeming simplicity is deceiving.
P.S. The choke is wound on a plastic pipe with a 1.25mm wire. There are no copper inserts.
The resonance of the throttle can be adjusted only with a brass tube, so as not to lose the quality factor of the circuit, afterwards, be sure to remove the tube.


The length of the grounding, it does not matter for me.
The length of the grounding, it does not matter for me.
The length of the grounding, it does not matter for me.
The length of the grounding, it does not matter for me.

It has already been 5 years, but there is no 3-4kW basmus-generator so far. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 10:57:31 AM
Someone from a Russian cafe member erases the tunnel-copper circuit and leaves only the capacitor, so Basmus appears and says this.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 10:58:44 AM
vasmus - СЕ генератор - часть 4

And the following is the content that Basmus mentioned as he thought of the back electromotive force wave released in a video.
It can be seen that at the time, Basmus also did not know the exact cause of the excess electricity.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 11:04:14 AM
My acquaintance's explanation is more accurate than Basmus.

Two diodes, which all "gurus" hide with a thick layer of electrical tape
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 06:07:22 PM

Basmus generator Tesla secondary coil
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 06:08:37 PM
The basmus kacher lead in the picture above is two strands.
The Tesla secondary coil is also connected to the transistor.
The Tesla of the Basmus generator is clearly separated from the ground.

Эксперимент (Эффект качера)
Experiment (Kacher Effect)

Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X: First Light, Hash on Input

Basmus says the Tesla pulsation is tuned to resonance.



и этот список можно продолжать и это только тесла.
Вот это всё знать как "Отче наш" а после уже к системе переходить.
And that is the list of the most important fundamental questions.
(the guide describing fundamental ruling of to how to make Tesla coil acting as FE converting device from known and properly recognized
energy source at its natural origin)
That Tesla Coil assembly T.C* will act as your device you are looking for to get your free Energy for Free.


Basmus uses Tesla's secondary-coil's artificial lightning-effect (charge imbalance) indirectly.
The same goes for Akula's generator.

Ruslan connects the Tesla secondary coil directly to ground.
He has shown connecting a Tesla secondary coil to ground in many videos.
There is one particular challenge here.
But for now I won't say this.
This is because it is a problem for members to solve.

Завершение демонстрации
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 08:38:16 PM

A few days ago, a member of'captainloz' told me'Rigol'.
I don't have'Rigol'.
I have never seen'Rigol' in real life.
I don't understand exactly what the members here are asking me.

Как это работает 2

Ruslan also uses charged capacitors.
Basmus also uses a 300V charged capacitor,
My acquaintance also tests two diodes at 170~100V.

In addition to Tesla, the high voltage in the generator must have a high initial oscillation voltage.
Basmus and Ruslan used capacitors.

You can simply make an inverter device at home and use it for experimentation.
0~540V inverter.
Small E-type ferrite core experiment 8
Almost all experiments were conducted and finished from 2016 to early 2017.

So there is no need to purchase expensive'Rigol' separately.

There are a lot of'Strange members' trying to get the Kapanedze/Basmus/Akula/Ruslan-generator types to work on 12/24V.

There seem to be some members who don't understand what Basmus and Ruslan have said in the past that generators work at high voltages.
They are pitiful members.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 09:14:57 PM
Генератор 2 КW

What do Basmus and Ruslan use relays for?
I know there are many beginners in electricity in this cafe.
I am also one of these.

And Basmus and Ruslan do not use separate transformers to obtain the initial high oscillation-voltage.
Instead, there are relays and capacitors.
This is also the reason why the generator can be operated with a 9V-battery.

However, there is no need to be sad that biography-veterans do not know biography common sense that even beginners know.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 14, 2020, 09:40:34 PM
All of my experiments ended in 2018.
What I'm curious about is experimenting occasionally.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Thaelin on September 14, 2020, 11:50:03 PM
  In response to your comment in post #673, what are they using relays for? I have found a lot of times a circuit will not start up with the load present. Insert a relay to latch at a given point after the unit is past the start point. My old stereo had a relay in the power system to let it come on and stabilize before energizing the power amps which pull a lot, (4X165W).
  Just my idea there.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 15, 2020, 10:10:24 PM
Thaelin :


AlienGrey [ 1015 ]

Oh it's more simple than that ! get a relay 12-volt auto relay wire it to self-oscillate at the hot end connect 2 diodes one   and on _ connect the other two ends to a cap DR Stiffler style connect earth to neg end turn off power and short out cap 'bang'. Don't ask me how to make it a self-runner!
아, 그것보다 더 간단합니다! 릴레이를 입수하고 12볼트 자동 릴레이 와이어를 핫 엔드에서 자동 격려 발진시킵니다. 2개의 다이오드를 하나 연결하고 다른 두 끝을 캡에 연결합니다. '. 그것을 셀프 러너하는 방법을 달라고하지 마십시오!


Alien seems to be the only member in this cafe that combines a relay and a capacitor.
I don't know if this is the right way.
I haven't experimented this way.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 15, 2020, 10:39:05 PM
I am not sad to replicate these technologies.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 15, 2020, 10:54:12 PM
Where do you need a relay in a Ruslan generator?
Let's start the 20 mountain hill climb game?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 15, 2020, 11:06:46 PM
Some girlfriend's mischief
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 15, 2020, 11:20:29 PM
Asymmetrical regauging 7

How to test an IGBT without multimeter

I am not saddened by these people's experiments.
However, the experiment of covering the sun with the palm of the hand has been without results for a very, very long time.

The audience who observes this cafe is the winner in the end.

Welcome to Korean Thomas Kim.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 15, 2020, 11:51:25 PM

사회인 야구라도 혹간씩 개천에서 용난다드라 개희야 ;D

1000A 고전류 변압기 실험

토마스김이 옛날부터 위험한 실험을 아주 즐기걸랑... ;D

하..... 코카콜라...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 12:24:10 AM

✅ ДИНИСТОР из ТРАНЗИСТОРА 🔨 Управляет Импульсным Ключем

If you mourn countless experiments without results, when something really sad happens, your tears dry up and you are immune. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 03:03:51 AM
AlienGrey : [p1030]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #15444 on: October 27, 2016, 01:19:16 AM »
Quote from: T-1000 on October 26, 2016, 04:58:09 PM
Just "phrases list" instead... :D

I bet the 666 makes it a bit of a beast then!

lawn mower / geet engine  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSiShiu9Sgs

Also Solar to PW up converter 5 > 13.5 makes use of low sun light.

Did anyone notice the full moon 'lunatic activity' increase over the period last week and the weekend starting with a peek on the Friday the 21st ;))



AG has a request.
Please teach me how to publish other members' posts as shown in the picture below.
I don't know how to do this.
I lack English, so please explain in detail.
Where do you go when you write?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 05:10:29 AM
I don't know how to write in a cafe

I have to authenticate to enter the cafe.

To browser these website, it's necessary to store cookies on your computer.
The cookies contain no personal information, they are required for program control.
[I ccept]
  the storage of cookies while browsing this website, on Login and Register.

After authentication, you can log in and write.
Is that because I am in Asia?
The function of writing in a cafe is quite simple.
All I can use when writing is emoticon and photo posting.
Other than that, the function does not work.
It is very uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 05:56:37 AM
Asking for something to [authenticate] is ultimately wanting personal information.
I understand that the eurozone created a post-war European euro currency surveillance system to take its own route,
But demanding public-computer IPs for the many homeless people living in Asia is a waste of unnecessary garbage-information and expensive servers.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 06:59:19 AM
There are many demands from the eight spirit-homeless people who are worried about food tomorrow.
It is very sad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on September 16, 2020, 08:43:44 AM
Quote from: color on September 16, 2020, 05:56:37 AM
Asking for something...
Is that because I am in Asia?

Simple explanation:
Just switch places:
Imagine   for the moment   Stefan's ownership  of this forum  at your hands now
And you (the Asian / Russian  "Color ") - you are the ruler here now.
- we would complain at 80% of  garbage , pictures, text, posted by you among 20% of real interesting  valuable   articles.
And we would be afraid that for you this is:

perfectly normal
- Tiananmen Square https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests)
- slave trading, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_China (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_China)
- behavior modification concentration camps  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/China_hidden_camps (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/China_hidden_camps)
- The Slave Labor Camps  https://www.visiontimes.com/2019/08/13/exposed-the-slave-labor-camps-of-china.html (https://www.visiontimes.com/2019/08/13/exposed-the-slave-labor-camps-of-china.html)

The Unfortunate is that  that what is  characteristic to Russia, Asian Russia, North Korea, China And some other  Asian  Countries is
difficult  for us  to accept.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 12:47:47 PM
In the meantime, the articles you falsely testify are still warm.

Are North Korean or Chinese electricity experts silent because they don't know the free-generator?
There are many free-generators in the world.
Go to India.
The motor-type free generator is sold in the market.
China is a country where Google and YouTube are banned.
I miss you, but I can't.
I don't even know that such a cafe exists.
North Korea only has internet facilities in Pyongyang.
And less than 1 out of 100 Pyongyang citizens have computers.
It is an extremely closed computer.
It is a computer in which all communication with the outside is closed.

This cafe electricity beginners or want a complete schematic of a generator.
No such circuit diagram exists.
The cafe's electric veterans have already done it.

And I don't want to talk to members who don't release the generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 01:26:43 PM
It took a week to complete with one eye four years ago.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 16, 2020, 06:19:56 PM
Quote from: color on September 16, 2020, 01:26:43 PM
It took a week to complete with one eye four years ago.
made this didn't get any where with it the two frequency don't lock
in phase.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 09:09:59 PM
AlienGrey :

Генератор и его работа

Shown in the photo below is a small switch.
A diode is connected in the center of the switch to transmit the pulsation generated by the two 4451 to the Tesla circuit.
Ruslan's use of the switch is a video he showed in the middle of experimenting to see which of the two 4451 is suitable.
Once the proper orientation has been established, the switch needs to be removed and only the switching diodes are preserved.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 09:46:19 PM
And your dilly dallying playing God with this tech?
For a decade now?


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah

Gott ist tott. Gott bleibt todt.
Und wir haben ihn getodtet.
Wie trosten wir uns, die Morder aller Morder?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 10:23:25 PM
This is a novel, so don't believe it. ;D

My plan was to leave the cafe by telling me the principle of resonance that works with two diodes.
I know that this café has so many villains that it can't be a place for long.
I've learned over the past 10 years that I only hear bad stories when I stay at this cafe.

If I lived in a cafe near sneaky members, I would have visited them myself and blown my hair. ;D

Killing a person with language is the same as killing a person with a gun.

And there are a lot of electric-scammers in the internet world.

Note that,
It's my daughter's favorite sniper rifle. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 10:31:04 PM
Генератор 2 КW

When Ruslan demonstrated a 2KW generator, the miscellaneous parts almost disappeared.
It took me 5 years to understand this.
I am not sad about revealing what I have understood for five years.
And I am not happy.
All man-made technology is extremely commonplace, but when money intervenes, it gets ugly.
And whether I say it or not, it's my freedom. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 11:18:45 PM
This is just a parametric resonance posted as an example.

When a back electromotive force occurs from a DC voltage, the positive electrons flowing through the wires according to Lenz's Law do not convert into negative, but flow in the reverse direction for a short moment.
The moment when two back EMFs in two TC4451s meet can be made equally with two diodes.
So, you just need to match the Tesla pulsation at the moment the two back EMFs meet.
So, if you control the pulsation of one TC4451 instead of two TC4451s, it is also the same for the two TC4451s.

So, the pulsation wavelength above is wrong.

Only the upper part is the plus back EMF pulsation.
There is no pulsation at the bottom of the Ruslan-generator's back electromotive force.

In this cafe, there are many people who pretend to be electric veterans while having novice knowledge about electricity.
Biography beginners refer to those who only know knowledge.

I am one of these. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 11:36:18 PM
Back EMF simply repeats forward and backward.
However, the excess electric resonance that occurs in the yoke-transformer is all about replenishing the Tesla charge at the ground in proportion to the charge at the ground as much as the high unbalanced charge generated by the resonance.
I'm a beginner in biography, and I'm wrong? ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 16, 2020, 11:49:02 PM
You talk,
Will I listen?

It is said that the placenta's ship goes to the mountain when talking alone. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 01:18:34 AM
lost_bro : [ 1091 ]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
Reply #16358 on: December 20, 2016, 03:53:41 am »

Good day All;
Found this information, check attachments.

These are from videos posted by Andrian Dniester on his website.

This is another of his videos just posted 4 days ago; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Sg9UPTZ9Vc
This shows the interaction of the Current XFRMR and Voltage at the Inductor at different resolutions, this is something that neither Akula nor Ruslan ever showed.
You can see that he has Resonance by the Yellow trace (Dancing Sine Wave that Ruslan talked about).
And the Double Current Spike (blue trace) which seems to mimic the pulse sequence from the Karcher output (voltage pulsing Current)

Qoute: Andrian Dniester: "Schematic is not so much of a secret............ tuning of coils is the secret....."
"I was trying the diode and it works much better because half the period was filtered out."

take care, peace


Read more of the members' discussions following.

If Andrian Gusca used two diodes in the yoke-transformer primary coil, is the waveform from the secondary coil pulsating like a fish or a pot?
It seems to me that Tesla is combined with a typical capacitor charge and discharge waveform.

Амплитудная модуляция 1

Andrian's yoke-transformer is a ring coil.
It's all about a safe supply of voltage, a little amplification of current, inductance and circuit protection.

My prediction is that the AC-live power from the single-wire ground is separated using two diodes, passed through the yoke-ring coil, and then goes straight to the light.
Tesla is an ornament.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 02:33:21 AM
My understanding is that  when bifilar  coil that has two ends connected together ,  at the end of grenade " kielbasa" winding and is  covering only part of that grenade than  the rest of non balanced  winding  marks an  area   in space where  inductive  reactance active.
Only in that marked space inductive reactance along with magnetic field  are able to induce current in neighboring windings    as far as resonance- even in non parasite  resistors  winded  bifilar inductive reactance is not totally eliminated .
So it does have traditional  resonance frequency  where both capacitive and inductive reactances are cancelled. Another words   in series resonance the only present component of impedance is physical resistance of the  conductor- at that particular resonant frequency only.
What is interesting  is- the beginning and ending of  impulse in the form of  square  or rectangular,  If it was top  of the impulse we are talking about  than it  IS IMPORTANT TO US  TO KNOW THAT IT DOES HAVE MANY SINUSOIDAL COMPONENTS  OF DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES TO MAKE THIS SHAPE BUILD . ?The top is for us  or looks for us  like DC the leading edge and falling edge  is pure  AC . The same will be with  DC from battery that is interrupted . You will have AC in the same places of that impulse.
One or more of transversial components of  AC  will possibly work for us with  that self resonant( parasitic) frequency.
So than we will make two resonances at the beginning  and at the end of square impulse .
By regulating  rise and falling  edge time we are regulating the very parameters of that two impulses.
So think of it in bifilar like :
-the start impulse,
- than when the voltage is at max -there is nothing  no inductance no magnetic field but capacitive reactance  is still present(hmm I need to  think about it)
-and than falling edge impulse.
Now if bifilar winding is done from two layers of thick foil with insulation in between  than capacitive reactive component is magnified  by that the voltage  increases dramatically.
One of thoughts I just have is  an experiment where two layers of foil are  connected together at one end and than connected in series with  wire (coil) that is not bifilar .
That not balanced wire will act like coil to induce current in that neighboring coil in area or region of that coil.
The first very "capacitive bifilar" will only make two impulses per period and wire coil will make constant  transversial influence on other coil.
And this is what Tariel Kapanadze was trying to achieve using spark gap -when  variety of frequencies are present in spectrum from very low to over 1GHz
He was not worry where it will trigger with one of its components a desired impulse activity in the  grenade .
All the time there was  always one  present. and ready for him to interact.
Later on he switched spark gap to spark generator from gas  heating stove. The HV impulses  have been ready for him already in train of impulses generated by that module. If you take one and put it on spectrum analyzer you will see  noise signal  made  of many frequencies.
TK problem with spark gap was that  it was not steady. The maximum  of that spectrum was drifting and from time to time  spark gap was in need to be adjusted.
The coaxial cable used in device that was presented to me  was used like shield connected to inner  wire at the end of that coaxial coil and the surface  of shield with inner wire created  also capacitor.
At the certain point there was one wire that was injected to that coil  and I assume there was also few punches in that coax to make  from it leaky feeder that increases number of harmonics or parasite components .So the bottom line is that  wide spectrum of sinusoidal impurities is a must.


We refer to these words as '공염불(a fair but empty phrase, cant)'.
Words useless nowhere.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 02:56:12 AM
made this didn't get any where with it the two frequency don't lock in phase.


I don't know exactly what this means.
To understand, you need to check it with a picture or video.
I am blind in one eye. ;D ;D

If 4.7kΩ-resistance is attached, it is likely A rather than mA,
As long as Ruslan cheats many people, it's hard to believe all of his words.
It is common to believe what you see. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 03:15:13 AM
Jeg: [p1097]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
Reply #16447 on: January 01, 2017, 12:58:20 PM »
Quote from: endlessoceans on January 01, 2017, 12:09:02 AM
Regarding your question about the thick wire.

All the principles of how this operates are set out in text books. You will require thick wire AND thin wire. Each serves their purpose.

Indeed great posts ocean! But even greater, is when someone once a while offers a direction to research for.
Mac farland Cook used thin and thick wire combinations for his oscillators. I recently used thin and thick wires combination for increasing the interaction between two discharging coils. But regarding oscillators, I know how difficult it is to synchronize your coils correctly. I attach a video which was my starter to this oscillating wonderful world. I hope we will read more for your research soon. Keep it up and many thanks.

Radu Motisan's self resonant oscillator modified for 50MHz


On January 1, 2017
Jeg reminded me of something.
It's a meaningful video, but those who don't understand it don't.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 03:27:18 AM
AlienGrey: [p1097]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
Reply #16448 on: January 01, 2017, 05:07:23 PM »
So ocean is saying you can't get more out than with a man made device than in,''RUBBISH''! for a start Nelson has already proved that you can and has made a profesin of the skill, and Tesla also said an iron crore based device is the path to look at, if your too lazy to experiment and just pick flies then you have no experience in what your talking about on on advising others and any one following that advice could be missing an opportunity! I rest my case. Dude! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ello, Ello, Ello, looks like Richards back, I bet Wesley will be pleased !!! :o :o :o :o :o :o 8) 8) 8) :P :-[ :-* :'(


Is actually an inflection point,
The runners who were making their own generators didn't stop. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 03:48:04 AM

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #16472 on: January 03, 2017, 12:27:51 PM »
Quote from: verpies on January 03, 2017, 11:27:19 AM

Hi guys.
The problem for me is that we are right in the middle of the process of moving from what we already know and use,  to impulse technology. Some can say that Impulse tech has many secrets. But what we usually call a secret, actually is an unexplored place that we never been before, and by studying it it's not a 'secret' or magic anymore. KML wires also use the same 90 degree tech to enhance the output.

Coax cable except of its excellent capacity/coupling between the two conductors also provides an imbalance between the outer and inner conductor due to its concentric geometry. This imbalance is necessary in to what we are trying. See leyden jar caps.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #16473 on: January 03, 2017, 01:25:35 PM »
before you all boldly go where no man has gone before (as if that were true) why don't you do your home work ? hmm!

Have a look at your device and ask your self is it in harmony with the collective ? if you think it's a joke, then your wasting your time here, make sure all your wingdings are in harmony. and use Maths to check everything and base your device on the earths resonance.

I know i'm wasting my time telling you all, but check everything including spacing.

So suppose the katcher is related to a 40m grenade coil how would you work out the katcher winding length and considering if you used a spacing between wingdings what would it be in order to capture all the harmonics ?

If our katcher is consider our primary what would our spacing and winding length be for optimum gain be for such a device ?

So before you bin it all have you done this or just built a visual none working replica of some one else's device just using guess work ??
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 04:05:14 AM
;D ;D ;D it's like Morecombe and Wise on here, two separate threads, and one looking for how the device works (particle physics) and an other of a what if thing! Hello but I have not seen a single explanation into how any of it works or one that does work, So any chance we can center on reality in here ?  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Look guys when they talk about resonance THEY ACTUALLY MEAN RESONANCE, THE Egyptians had this philosophy AS ABOVE SO BELOW they were NOT kidding !!



나는 고대 이집트학의 (자칭)박사입니다. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 04:35:11 AM
Bucking coils radiant extraction from yoke core

This is an extremely beautiful video. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 06:05:56 AM
zalmoxis : [p1111]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #16658 on: February 10, 2017, 09:32:25 PM »
Quote from: lost_bro on February 10, 2017, 05:52:21 PM

This is how my toroidal transformer is winded ..
Is it bad is it good?
PS: the toroid ferrite is ONE PIECE not made by 2 half !

이것이 제 토로 이달 트랜스포머를 감는 방법입니다 ..
나쁜가요 좋은가요?
추신 : 토 로이드 페라이트는 2 반으로 만들어지지 않은 원피스입니다!


This is possible if Mr-zalmoxis is a member who has purchased a Kapanadze generator. ;D ;D
Mr-zalmoxis가 Kapanadze 발전기를 구매한 회원이라면 가능합니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 07:07:01 AM
Bewusstindiezukunft : [p1113]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #16692 on: February 22, 2017, 04:25:44 PM »

From Sergei Alexseev for FE community all over the world

These are Sergei A. videos uploaded from my friend at his Yandex.disk.host disk.yandex.ru
For using yandex.disk you should be registered there

Sergei Alexseev private videos


ps: I have got some very valuable information - Russian FE inventor Roman Karnauhov (aka) Akula made gift one of his 1,5 KWT FE generator to Ruslan Kulabuhov in Riga. Man called Olega move generator accross the broder and gave it to Ruslan. Also Ruslan admit he is working for STEHO AG German company as researcher and inventor (very probably with Akula and man called Vitaly Tiger and man called Stepanov was their main "clue" for STEHO AG company) and Ruslan has totaly stopped any FE information disclosure about his and Akula FE generator. Which can be easy verified reading and translted his posts for last two years 2015-2016. Full disinformations from his mouth.

ps: Another good news  - Man called Nnaill (Nail Avdeev) succss to replicate Akula and Ruslan devie after some minor modifications and he was declared in closed Russian FE group 4kWT output power like Ruslan already had shown at Riga countryside. This information has confirmed by some very important and valuable friends. Also NNaill wiped out his Tube video channel with all his uploaded FE videos. Reason - unknown ? but there is also info he was threated for his life and life of his family. Also good news is that man called Karamba from Zaryad forum disclosed correct NNaill schematic, pcbs, tuning instructions, and osciloscope snapshoots about NNaill replication FE 4 KWT generator. NNaill successfull work and replicated was conducted and biased by Sergei Alexeev personaly. Very probably he is one of several man in Russia which have fully operational and working FE generator. Also for those FE-Guys started "hunt" with further non popular acts and consenescences!! Also good news Russian scientist Sergei Sall Albertovich visited Germany precise, Bavaria at 28.11.2015 year and gave a lesson with some very important and valuable informations about FE, Aether, Global Illuminati Governement, mind control, psy weapons, and further disclosed many forbiden, hidden and unknown facts from our past for the last 2500 years. His Tube channel
Professor Sergei Albertovitch Sall

Professor Sergei Albertovitch recorded Lesson in Bavaria 28.11.2015. Russian and German only - real time translation to German so watch if you know German.


I repost my previous post

Man called Bratan Ivanov succeed to save some wiped out NNaill FE-generator videos and uploaded at his Tube channel.

Видео Наиля по БТГ - NNaill BTG Video -  Bratan Ivanon channel  :D

More good news for FE community
These archives came to me and my friends by Russian guy Karamba from Zaryad forum
BTG = Безтопливный генератор = Free Energy Fueless Genarator = Kapanadze Generator
Correct schematics and Signal Oscillograms are present in NNaill.rar archive. Take it to winchester disk and share for FREE. All need Free Energy not only 1 man. !!

НаилюБТГ.rar  - NNaill 4kWt Free Energy Generator /75,9 МБ/ - Roman and Ruslan replication

TESLA ARHIVA.rar  /500,8 МБ/

And remember Bewusstindiezukunft

Also important information, Russian hidden FE-researcher Viacheslav from Riga has wiped out totaly from Realstrannik forum (both forums) and simply vanished from Skype and any FE-forum. Probably he is maybe one most important if not main co-author and main closed friend of Ruslan Kulabuhov and Ruslan FE-team. Main part of group is currently operational in Riga.

Also important, some Chinese were hacked Viacheslav computer and downloaded all informations about discussed 4KWT FE generator which probably run currently at several guys from Riga. Chinese also were attacked realstrannik forum for unknown reason and also were disclosed some informations from hacked computers of Viacheslav and Ruslan FE-team. Man called Karamba also sent me 15 or 16 Rigol snapshoots from very probably working and loaded FE generator. After some editing i will upload it here.

So keep atention at Chinese guys - probably one of many Chinese industrial spy groups.

Good Luck FE guys


And someone joins the lie through the submission form.
I know who this is, but I won't tell you now. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 07:23:13 AM
nnaill 5 25 5 (Samsung Color TV yoke)

I asked what the yoke-resonance was in a Russian cafe to find out what nnaill really was, and he replied: ;D ;D


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 08:41:47 AM
itsu [p1129]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #16923 on: March 24, 2017, 05:21:08 PM »


so, use the leftmost circuit, not the one on the right as it is (mis)using the dead-time control input (pin 4) as a duty cycle control input.
따라서 데드 타임 제어 입력 (핀 4)을 듀티 사이클 제어 입력으로 사용하는 것처럼 오른쪽에있는 회로가 아닌 가장 왼쪽에있는 회로를 사용하십시오.



itsu의 제안(Itsu's proposal)

There has been a lot of fun in the short few years.
There are inevitably a lot of fun things going forward. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 09:15:31 AM
zalmoxis [ p1139 ]

Re : Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
≪ 답글 # 17077 on : 2017 년 4 월 10 일 오전 11:59:06≫
Hi, it's been a while since i've posted something here. I've found something that i can't explain to myself.
I want to understand what and why this happens.
I've attached a coil diagram.
At a certain frequency on the pushpull driver at around 17Khz something happens on the output of the grenade coil and on the output of the series resonance capacitors (340nF) and i have 68nF on the grenade output.
The frequency on those spots jumps from 16Khz to 54Khz !!!
Under the grenade coil i use an aluminium coil.
My question is why I get 2x-3x in frequency change.
Light blue sines = series capacitor.
Dark blue =  grenade output

In the last attachment is how the scope images used to look without aluminium coil on the first layer of the pipe.
Till now i did not get any amplification effect. Tried with multiple tesla secondaries and primaries, aluminium/copper different lengths.
On this setup i have used a TV Yoke tesla byfilar primary with 2x12Turns 1,5FY wire and in the secondary normal 2.5 MYF wire 10 Turns.
Good luck!

안녕하세요, 제가 여기에 뭔가를 게시 한 지 오래되었습니다. 나 자신에게 설명 할 수없는 것을 발견했습니다.
나는 이것이 발생하는 원인과 이유를 이해하고 싶습니다.
코일 다이어그램을 첨부했습니다.
약 17Khz의 푸시 풀 드라이버의 특정 주파수에서 수류탄 코일의 출력과 직렬 공명 커패시터 (340nF)의 출력에서 ??어떤 일이 발생하고 수류탄 출력에 68nF가 있습니다.
그 지점의 주파수는 16Khz에서 54Khz로 점프합니다 !!!
수류탄 코일 아래에서 나는 알루미늄 코일을 사용합니다.
제 질문은 주파수 변화에서 2x-3x를 얻는 이유입니다.
하늘색 사인 = 직렬 커패시터.
진한 파란색 = 수류탄 출력

마지막 첨부 파일은 파이프의 첫 번째 레이어에 알루미늄 코일없이 사용 된 스코프 이미지의 모습입니다.
지금까지 나는 어떤 증폭 효과도 얻지 못했습니다. 여러 테슬라 2 차 및 1 차, 알루미늄 / 구리 다른 길이로 시도했습니다.
이 설정에서 2x12Turns 1,5FY 와이어와 보조 일반 2.5 MYF 와이어 10 턴이있는 TV Yoke tesla byfilar 기본을 사용했습니다.
행운을 빕니다!


Zalmoxis, who purchased a Kapanadze-generator, did not appear again afterwards.
There are many villains in the cafe, so you won't be bored in the future. ;D ;D ;D ;D

I also purchased one TKB-011 by requesting an acquaintance from the former Soviet Union, but I still own it.
After all, a luxury product is a luxury product even after a long time. ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 17, 2020, 09:26:25 AM
Quote from: color on September 17, 2020, 07:23:13 AM
nnaill 5 25 5 (Samsung Color TV yoke)

I asked what the yoke-resonance was in a Russian cafe to find out what nnaill really was, and he replied: ;D ;D


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
That yoke thick winding isn't a good way to wind as that way the spikes are not canceled out)

also blond video Color caught with trousers down.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 09:59:55 AM

zalmoxis continues to appear after that. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 10:14:41 AM
He has multiple videos using different frequencies. On the videos with the pink coil i remember he said he is using some 8Khz .. and 16Khz .
Dont analyze the pushpull frequency by the yoke audio frequency. There are multiple factors like audio compression, and the mechanical vibration sound could be different than the actual frequency used.
From all his videos he is using 8khz 16Khz .. but on some diagrams like his latest one you can see 3,34Mhz / 23.5Khz.
With 19meter inductor and 340nF it "resonates" at 16,7-16,9 KHz, tested!
WIth 340nF and 9.5meter is around 23-25Khz.


If you put 100Watt in and you get out 110Watt then it can be a self runner!
From all my tests since november i was not able to get more out than in.
What type thickness / length of ground wire are you using, and what kind of earthing ?
The only video it was a self runner was with the ground wire connected and some 8-10Bulbs lit. The video was shot in his lab... not in the field like Ruslan.
Also he has another video using a kasher instead of tesla and as a load has a high power heater element (washing machine type). From his scope images you can see when he shorts the gate of transistor with ground also the output voltage with load attached DROPS!
All this kind of devices are similar with the grenate/inductor and some tesla/kasher.
Why this effect happens i don't know. When this effect happens .. we have to find it out!
There is a russian guy Sergey Stalker, i have talked with him, he said he was able to self run and 200watt load max, he did not used any hidden aluminium coil. I did not see the device .. just his words.
For 19 meter inductor and 8Khz do you have any clue on the series capacitor value to be used? 500-600nF
I can bet that this is not rocket science ... is something very simple .. but that key is unknown for us.
Does anyone of you have access to a spectrum analyzer to test a grenate of 37.5 or 38m the "self resonance" ?
Probably i will have access next week to some University lab to test it .. (i'm too old for school  ;D )
One ideea is like .. if it resonates at 8Mhz .. we should hit with tesla at 2Mhz (1/4) and with 20Khz with push pull + caps .. just an ideea

I tried to "measure" the grenate. Device OFF, shorted grenate and put a small ferrite ring with 300uH inductance and connected it to the scope.
On the second scope image i have connected the earthing wire (15m  16mm^2) and ..

Also all these peaks repeated somewhere around 140-300Khz interval i don't remind it precisely!!
I have did the same test in the city using the heating pipes as a ground and some pattern appeared on the scope every 72-74Khz .. so that "frequency" changed with an "official" Earthing. I can't make any link between these numbers ..

그는 다른 주파수를 사용하는 여러 비디오를 가지고 있습니다. 분홍색 코일이있는 비디오에서 그가 8Khz와 16Khz를 사용하고 있다고 말했던 것을 기억합니다.
요크 오디오 주파수로 푸시 풀 주파수를 분석하지 마십시오. 오디오 압축과 같은 여러 요소가 있으며 기계적 진동 소리는 사용되는 실제 주파수와 다를 수 있습니다.
그의 모든 비디오에서 그는 8khz 16Khz ..를 사용하고 있지만 그의 최신 것과 같은 일부 다이어그램에서는 3,34Mhz / 23.5Khz를 볼 수 있습니다.
19 미터 인덕터와 340nF를 사용하여 16,7-16,9KHz에서 "공명"하고 테스트했습니다!
340nF 및 9.5meter는 약 23-25Khz입니다.


100W를 넣고 110W를 빼면 셀프 러너가 될 수 있습니다!
11 월 이후의 모든 테스트에서 나는 안으로보다 더 많은 것을 얻을 수 없었습니다.
어떤 종류의 접지선을 사용하고 있으며 어떤 종류의 접지를 사용하고 있습니까?
셀프 러너 비디오는 접지선이 연결되고 8-10Bulbs가 켜진 상태였습니다. 비디오는 루슬란 같은 현장이 아니라 그의 연구실에서 촬영되었습니다.
또한 그는 테슬라 대신 캐셔를 사용하는 또 다른 비디오를 가지고 있으며 부하에는 고출력 히터 요소 (세탁기 유형)가 있습니다. 그의 스코프 이미지에서 그가 접지 된 트랜지스터의 게이트를 단락 시켰을 때 부하가 부착 된 DROPS의 출력 전압도 볼 수 있습니다!
이러한 모든 종류의 장치는 수류탄 / 인덕터 및 일부 테슬라 / 캐셔와 유사합니다.
이 효과가 발생하는 이유는 모르겠습니다. 이 효과가 발생하면 .. 우리는 그것을 찾아야합니다!
러시아 남자 세르게이 스토커가 있습니다. 제가 그와 이야기를 나눴습니다. 그는 스스로 달리고 최대 200 와트 부하를 사용할 수 있다고 말했습니다. 그는 숨겨진 알루미늄 코일을 사용하지 않았습니다. 나는 장치 .. 그의 말을 보지 못했습니다.
19m 인덕터와 8Khz의 경우 사용할 직렬 커패시터 값에 대한 단서가 있습니까? 500 ~ 600nF
나는 이것이 로켓 과학이 아니라고 장담 할 수있다. ... 아주 단순한 것이다. 그러나 그 열쇠는 우리에게 알려지지 않았다.
37.5 또는 38m의 "자기 공명"수류탄을 테스트하기 위해 스펙트럼 분석기에 액세스 할 수있는 사람이 있습니까?
아마 나는 그것을 시험하기 위해 다음 주에 몇몇 대학 실험실에 접근 할 것이다 .. (나는 학교에 너무 늙었다; D)
하나의 아이디어는 .. 8Mhz에서 공명한다면 .. 우리는 2Mhz (1/4)에서 테슬라로, 푸시 풀 + 캡으로 20Khz로 쳐야합니다 .. 그냥 아이디어

나는 수류탄을 "측정"하려고했습니다. 장치를 끄고 수류탄을 단락시키고 300uH 인덕턴스를 가진 작은 페라이트 링을 스코프에 연결했습니다.
두 번째 스코프 이미지에서는 접지선 (15m 16mm ^ 2)과 ..

또한이 모든 피크는 140-300Khz 간격으로 반복됩니다.
난방 파이프를지면으로 사용하여 도시에서 동일한 테스트를했는데 72-74Khz마다 스코프에 어떤 패턴이 나타나서 "주파수"가 "공식적인"접지로 변경되었습니다. 이 숫자들 사이에 어떤 연결도 만들 수 없습니다 ..
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 10:25:56 AM
Good day !
I have came across 2 videos and i want to share them with you .. probably is just "old news"

He is not using a "standard" grenade , The length of the wire is 56 m.
In the first video he is exciting the inductor with a signal generator, he found a frequency sweet spot where he gets "bubbles" on the output of the grenade, around 15.43kHz.
In the second video he has replaced the signal generator with the push-pull, yoke, series cap and he found again the "bubbles" in the system. But using the yoke that effect is dependent on the PSU voltage.
The grenade has no tesla coil connected, so this effect is not dependent on some pulser ..
I don't know who the guy is or what he accomplished.
I don't have access right now at the workbench, I want to ask if anyone have found the same bubble effect  on the grenade or on the inductor.


When the villain threatens, it cuts its tail like a lizard and runs away. ;D
He is a funny person. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 17, 2020, 10:54:32 PM
это интересно Сергей.

Format Kostyana found something interesting. ;D

Effect of ferrite or ferrite-core on inductor-coil (title) ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 01:08:13 AM
cheappower2012 [1182p]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #17727 on: August 15, 2017, 12:28:52 PM »
Forest the spark has nothing to do with the operation
of the device.Tariel uses the argument that its
a Tesla invention to send people on a wild goose chase.
If it has Sparks and coils its a Tesla invention,how silly.
Tesla is considered by many here as a god,very sickening,
there is no proof he invented free energy of anything.
Don't you have con men in your country?
There are a lot of Kapanadze devices that don't use spark gaps
however all use coils,one uses 3 coils on a wooden spindle
one for each phase,its a 3 phase device.All devices operate at 50 HZ
none at higher frequencies.Tariel makes hes living making devices
a person pays for a device to test,not to make ,sell or own,most likely the devices are
simple and would get stolen very quickly and copied,
there are a lot of thieves and pirates in the world
or you might prefer the term opportunists.You can't patent the device
,make it or sell it,your not going to get a million dollars,your going to get nothing.
Tariel recognizes this,so he sells a false dream to an investor,to get money from him.
I believe the tariel kapanadze devices are real,may not be totally perfected,the ones made by other people are fake and don't really work.


When I was in the old tpu thread,the same thing happened, people
listened to the inventor say something and ran with it.I can't get this to build the device,conclusion it must
be important,this happens in this thread,your being tricked by Kapandaze.In the tpu thread it was the inventor
wants you to build hes device
and would never lie to you,stupidity reined in that thread.In this thread, its a Tesla invention,
it operates at high frequency,the coil construction  is the secret.
Here is another of Kapanadze's devices,the ground wire can not be  two wires Hoppy,
the fan that he uses operates at 220vac ,50 Hz so the output has to be 220 vac, 50hz.
At the max power it draws 14.8 amps times 220v=3,256 watts,the guy takes a current reading.
The ground in my opinion does not do anything, simply a trick to convince you its related to Tesla stuff.
Pay close attention to the two spark plugs no arc coming from them,whats a Tesla with no arc,LOL ;D.
As far as I can tell there is no hidden wire,so the next trick would be hidden batteries
and a dc to 220v inverter,the size of the inverter rules this out,max power 3,256 watts
for a 12 volt dc battery,the current draw would be 271 amps,I'm assuming a 100% conversion rate
for arguments sake,in reality,the current would be much higher.There is no room in the box for a large inverter or
battery that can deliver this amount of current.In my opinion the coil is a very important
part of the device,this is where the current is generated,notice two wires are tied together on the output white coil,in parallel to increase current.My opinion is the current is not generated in an ordinary way but in a completely different manner,this is why its very hard to figure out,you have to look at all the various devices Kapandaze has made. Check it out and discuss it,skeptics,how did he do it.



There are members who know that Tesla has nothing to do with ferrite-transformer resonance, but it is a lot of regret to remain silent.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 01:35:22 AM
cheappower2012 : [1183p]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #17744 on: August 16, 2017, 08:45:39 AM »

Hi Hoppy

The question I'm sure you have thought of is how did Tariel came up with
this device why not someone in the UK,USA,in the rest of Europe
or other parts of the world.What does Georgia have that the other places
don't have.We know that Tariel is a tinker,hes very smart,not an electronics person
he will do things a normal electronics person will not do,hes a very tricky
person,has no trouble twisting the truth.I pondered this question for a long time until the 2012 device
came along.It turns out the green Russian transformer is unique,to the soviet states,was made from
1970's to late 1980's,a lot were sold for surplus.Almost all transformers were constructed
like this.This type would be one Tariel could get easily,you would never see this in the
USA or Europe.I believe its part of the  operation of hes devices,its the part,he winds
himself,the unknown part.This type of transformer could be though of as two almost toroids back to back.
The coils are dipped in a resin green substance,fairly easy to take apart.I located a company in the USA
that sells the same type of cores.Remember when the 2012 device was made Tariel was very sick,he didn't wind
the main device but used a transformer from a Russian IBM clone power supply.Normally he hides
the transformer,the transformer is run in a certain way this causes heat,this is why he didn't want
IR imaging used,it would point to the transformer.There is a circuit that the transformer in the 2012
device uses,there are two parts that generate current one is used to power the load,the other is used to create
the current needed to create the condition,the feed back to loop the device.Its very hard to believe this part,its speculation on my
part,its a guess based on what I see.A coil is in all of hes devices and are a main part of the device.
The current is generated in the coil,how the coil is wound plays no part in its operation,the current
is not produced by an induction mechanism,its the length that's important.There exist for speculation
purposes an unknown energy source not recognized as an energy source,the transformer,when connect correctly
interacts with the unknown energy source,producing waves they are not ordinary waves,but have the ability
to create a push,different from a photon.the energy for the waves comes from the unknown energy source,The cross section is very small,
when they pass thru the wire coil,  they strike
electrons,this gives the electrons a push,it transfers the energy of the wave to the electron,as the waves travel thru the wire they hit more electrons,the result is an increase in the current not the voltage.
In the 2012 device there was a funny looking coil with  enamel insulated wire ,its purpose is to amplify the current to help power
the device .The tpu uses a similar application the difference
is the toroid is pulsed at a low frequency,the coil it uses is a bifular coil,most of the energy is lost as heat in the
primary winding,the secondary of the bifular coil is connected to a rectifier and capacitor to transfer the energy of the pulses
to the load.The bifular coil gets very hot quickly.The current is generated the same,any way that's my speculation.
This is why its very hard to figure out the Kapanadze device,because your dealing with
unknown principles and an unknown energy source.If you approach it using conventional electronics you would believe its likely a fake.
If you use this model of waves generated,then passing thru a coil
then you,can see that the 2004 device has a simple wave generator in the can,the coil,creates the current.
In one device he creates the waves in a box, Its set up as 3 phase,then uses 3 coils one for each phase
to amplify the current.The coils are not special but simple rolls of wire.
The first step is get a theory of some sort and see if it fits.Everybody suspects that the device is very simple
which is why Tariel guards the information closely,however everybody wants it to be Tesla related
and fall under conventional electronics,that's a big mistake.
I'm interested in the Nelson Rocha
device not sure if its real or fake,however the one using the toroid could be real,it operates
at 5k Hz and is started by a 9 volt battery it seems to fit my speculation and there should be enough clues
for replication.Nelson is also a tricky guy not sure of hes intent.A few of hes devices appear to be overunity
they look fairly complete,why is the company he works for not going into production,a very strange thing,very fishy.
If you apply this wave generator,connected to coil generated current theory to the 2012 device.The transformer can not source
the high current needed by the heater load,2kw.The waves exit the terminal that connects to the large coil that connects to the heater load.The waves do not need a thick wire to travel thru it
a very thin wire would work fine,as the waves inter the large coil
they begin to strike electrons,the current builds up along the wire
coil,until it reaches the heater.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 01:44:17 AM
I think Kappanadze didn't use a silicon-steel transformer.
Apart from the energy lost by Joule thief's heat, a silicon-steel transformer is not suitable for resonance.
It is very likely that Kappanadze also used a ferrite-based transformer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 01:53:24 AM
In the presence of a secondary amplification-transformer, the resonant-transformer need not be large.
This was proved by Basmus.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 02:07:06 AM

Which transformer would you guys use? ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 02:20:39 AM

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #17750 on: August 16, 2017, 11:46:34 AM »

Hoppy I don't think the transformer will heat up, I know that it will thru experimentation.
There is a lot of information in the 2012 device video/pictures as to how to configure the transformer also the tpu toroid is configured in a very similar way.
The buzzing in the 2004 device is coming from the inverter not the device.Its a transformer
being pushed pass its current limit.The 2004 device requires a given amount to start,its no problem
when he runs the inverter thru the battery.If he runs the ac plug with both the transformer for looping
and the inverter  connected to the battery there's no buzz
When he disconnects the battery and has the the output of the
transformer used for looping connected and plugs in the ac cord then he gets the buzzing,when
he removes the ac plug it stops because the device is powering the inverter.My opinion is
there's a small 1 to 1 low ac wattage transformer  in the inverter unfortunately it can barely start the device
this is the cause of the buzzing.Why this inverter would have this feature is strange but it may have had a function,its not an ordinary inverter.


And cheappower2012 pinpoints this.

This café has several members who have purchased the Kapanadze-generator. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 03:09:19 AM
free energy demonstration of 5 KWatts from Tariel KAPANADZE 2004.04.28

The amount of current output from Kapanadze's indoor-generator inverter is 0.4A and 0.3A.
There is a reason.
Tesla does not affect the inverter output current.
Secondary amplification-transformer and Tesla are connected, and pre-over electricity is generated in the secondary amplification transformer.
The ground is also connected to the secondary amplifying transformer controller.

This is because the excess electric resonance generated by the inverter does occur only when it meets Tesla.
This means that the transformer of the inverter used by Kapanadze is not large.
The yoke-transformer my acquaintance has tested is that it is much larger than the one used by Kapanadze for resonance.
This is because the yoke-transformer has to directly handle the resonance.
This is an important word.
So 1A could be amplified to 6A.
Ruslan was also amplified to 6-7A.
This is because the principle of resonance used by my acquaintances and Ruslan is the same.

There is only the difference between whether there is a second amplification transformer or not.

Basmus also says that the resonant transformer efficiency is only 70-80%.
This means that even a resonant transformer made by Kapanadze cannot be more than this.
The perception of technology 10 years ago and 10 years later is very different.
The yoke-transformer could mean very efficient.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 08:16:30 AM
Void : [1190p]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #17836 on: August 24, 2017, 11:30:58 AM »
Saw something unusual last night, but it wasn't in a test setup on my work bench. :)

Last night there was a lightning storm, and there was a lightning strike that must have
been fairly close by as I saw the bright flash through a window, and the power switched off for
a second or two and then came back on again. They maybe have a surge protector on the power
line that caused the power to kick out for a second or two, I guess.

Anyway, later in the night I noticed that the outside light over the back door was on. I could
see it glowing brightly through the shades on a back window. I noticed the outside light was on
right away because I never turn that light on unless I go out the back door at night for some reason (rarely).
I checked the light switch and the switch was definitely fully down in the off position. I was puzzled
why the back outside light could be on when the switch was in the fully down (off) position. I switched
the switch on and then off again and the back outside light then turned off. The switch seemed to flick on
normally and flick off again normally.

I don't have any explanation for why the back outside light was on when the light switch was in the fully
off position. The back outside light does not have an automatic motion or light sensing switch on it. It is
just on a single regular mechanical flip switch. I tested the switch and it has to be a bit more than half way up
before the light turns on, and it was fully down. How the back outside light could be on when the switch was still all
the way down in the off position is beyond me. The switch does not appear to be damaged in any way. I tested
it quite a few times and it seems to be working perfectly normally. Talk about free energy... ;D

I suppose the most logical explanation would be that the switch contacts somehow got jostled and were
somehow making contact, but the switch toggle itself was in the fully down position and it is spring loaded.   :o
There was no one else in the house for the last while except me. I haven't used that switch in many months.
That light is off most of the time. Very seldom use it. Anyway, just something I thought was interesting, and
it seems kind of slow in this thread right now... :D

All the best...

P.S. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something...
Lightning --> corona discharge --> sparkgaps --> free energy. ;D


Технологии высокоразвитых цивилизаций. Лекция 4.4. Летающие на вихре

In my country, there is a saying that if you blow a pipe at night, a snake will come out.
Snake means 'lightning',
pipe means 'thunder'.

Soldiers playing drums on the old battlefield only play drums until the end of the war.

My youngest son's name is '천둥/Thunder(뇌 신/God of Lightning)'.

ПОЙМАЛ МОЛНИЮ Для Бесплатного освещения И отопления.

It has good adhesion and is wide, so it is very good at interfering here and there.


허송세월(A waste of time .... harsh years!)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 08:51:41 AM
I hope Geo's experiment will resume soon.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 09:57:54 AM
In the country where I live, in addition to the name, when I was a child, the name was separate, and the letters (字), and (nom de plume). Three, four or more nicknames: A name given to a person of great merit, and Taecho (Instead of a name, the name of the person's house by attaching the name of the government office or the place of marriage or marriage) There were many cases.
Foreigners find it difficult to understand these names.
Since it has been a custom since ancient times, the name on the family register may not be used.
When I matched the Korean name to the Chinese character,
It is also a happening caused by the inability to write characters that can be written in Korean.
The Korean family register system is very inconvenient because Korean characters and Chinese characters must be used in parallel.
Now I can only have a name in Korean,
Just a few years ago, there was a lot of inconvenience in Korea insisting on Chinese ㅎ and using various names unavoidably.

And in Asia, polygamy has existed since ancient times, so there are still people who openly choose.
These are the secret things women choose when they can't socialize.
Of course, their children are not registered in the family register.
Therefore, it is often not present in national computer records.
China's population is officially 1.2 billion, but it could actually be 1.4 billion.
This is common in Asia.

And camouflage marriages are also common.
Although they are not actually married, they are often registered as married couples in the family register.
In many cases, we don't even know each other's face.
This is common in Asia.
It is a truly fantasy world. ;D ;D

From Sunday, all Chinese apps are banned from downloading in the US. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 01:32:07 PM
The Dutch intelligence agency recommended its government not to use the information and communication technologies of countries engaged in cyber hacking activities.
The Dutch Agency for Comprehensive Information Security(AIVD) said, "It is not advisable to exchange sensitive information with countries running strong cyber programs against our interests or to rely on the hardware and software of their companies."
The AIVD pointed to China's and Russia's attempts at digital espionage as a major security threat.
This recommendation from the Dutch intelligence agency came from the time when the Dutch government was about to select a business operator for 5G deployment, and the Netherlands is planning to pursue a network replacement project for emergency services in the future.
On the other hand, the Dutch government has not revealed that it will exclude Chinese companies such as Huawei from participating in the 5G construction project in their country, even with the recommendations of the United States.

네덜란드 정보국이 사이버 해킹 활동을 하는 국가의 정보통신 기술을 이용하지 말 것을 자국 정부에 권고했다.
네덜란드 종합정보보안국(AIVD)은 "우리의 이익에 반하는 강력한 사이버 프로그램을 운영하는 나라와 민감한 정보를 교환하거나 이들 나라 회사의 하드, 소프트웨어에 의존하는 것은 바람직하지 않다"고 밝혔다.
AIVD는 중국, 러시아의 디지털 스파이 시도를 주요한 안보 위협으로 지적했다.
네덜란드 정보기관의 이번 권고는 네덜란드 정부가 5G 구축을 위한 사업자 선정을 앞둔 시점에서 나온 것으로, 네덜란드는 향후 긴급 서비스를 위한 통신망 교체 사업을 추진할 예정이다.
반면 네덜란드 정부는 미국의 권고에도 자국 5G 구축 사업에 화웨이 등 중국 업체의 참여를 배제하겠다는 뜻을 밝히지 않고 있다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 02:55:35 PM
color: [1239]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #18575 on: November 30, 2017, 04:45:22 PM »

It is not only kapanadze that intercepted Moray's merit.
Maybe somebody will claim the biggest financial gain in decades later.

-Citing articles-
yes I agree it may cause new untaught yet apocalyptic crises just around 7 years from now if FE is given to humanity now.

But if the device is real it is gold mine of unprecedented value for just few bucks.
Literally billions of dollars.

Is the contradictory word assurance of maximum financial benefit guaranteed?


This is my first post,
It was not exposed, so I just passed.
So, from then on, I realized that this cafe was a bad cafe.
Censorship was recognized as exclusive to the communist world,
My God,,,,, censorship,,,,ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ;D ;D

John G. -Jeg

And it was very nice to see a member who possessed a large number of yoke-transformers, which were removed from the antique TV, like me.
I have had a few TV-yokes since before,
As a result of the use, I searched a few more rural areas where I lived to get a scrapped TV and a few more yoke.
Two yoke broke in the process of disassembling the TV-Brown tube.
It was a waste. :'( ::) ;D

I tried various experiments with different sizes of yoke with different number of turns of the primary and secondary coils.
There was nothing special except that there was a difference in voltage depending on the size.

But there is a minor problem with resonance.
I won't tell you now.
The experiment is done by the person who needs it. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 18, 2020, 05:16:39 PM
Have a look at this video it looks fairly basic see if you can find the circuit for it.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 18, 2020, 11:52:28 PM

'Can you make excess electricity without using ground like Akula?'

A few years ago, a member of 'Ilbe' in Korea asked me this question.


I can't answer because I haven't experimented, but Akula succeeded.

'How did Akula succeed?'

Akula used three transformers.
There is no Tesla.
I saw his success by some observation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2020, 12:07:36 AM

What's different from the Andrian Guska generator?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2020, 01:31:05 AM
Rare earths are not required to manufacture free generators.

As for rare earths, China has 44 million tons, accounting for one-third of world reserves (120 million tons).
And Chinese rare earth companies occupy about 80% of the global market.

[Motor is parting with rare earth now, related patents are flooded]

I'm Hyung-sik Park, head of the Electricity Department at the Intellectual Property Office.

This briefing is about motor technology that does not use rare earth.

As you know well, isn't it becoming a global issue as the price of rare earth surges? For that reason, motor technology that does not use rare earth is also of interest. Recently, patent applications for off-rare earth motors have increased significantly.

According to the patent application statistics, the number of patent applications for motors that do not use rare earths increased from 6 in 2009 to 11 in 2010, and in 2011, the number of patent applications exceeded 26 in the first half alone, showing a rapid increase.

Rare earth refers to a metal element that is very rarely present in nature, and is widely used in motors to increase the magnetism of permanent magnets.

Typical rare earths for motors include neodymium and dysprosium, and it is known that about 1kg of rare earth is used for one electric vehicle motor.

I think it was due to China's export restrictions in 2008 that drove the free-earth wind into the motor sector. As Deng Xiaoping's words, "Oil in the Middle East and rare earth in China," represent, China accounts for 97% of the world's supply of rare earths, and its influence is absolute.

Before China's export restrictions, the neodymium price was 190,000 yuan per ton, but after the export restrictions, it surged more than 7 times to 1.47 million yuan per ton. In the end, it is interpreted that the motor industry, which felt a sense of crisis, hastened to develop rare earth alternative technologies, which led to the increase in patent applications.

Currently, the development of free-earth motor technology will proceed in two ways. One is the technology to improve the structure of a switched reluctance (SR) motor that does not require rare earths, and the other is a material development technology to replace rare earths with high-performance ferrite magnets.

For reference, the SR motor is a motor that generates rotational force by changing a magnetoresistive path without a permanent magnet. Since there is no magnet itself, it is a technology that does not require the use of rare earth at all. And ferrite refers to a magnetic ceramic containing iron oxide, and it is a technology that improves the magnetization characteristics of this material so that if it is used as a permanent magnet of a motor, the performance of the motor can be improved without using rare earth.

In the first half of 2011, applications related to SR motors accounted for 15 cases, and ferrite related technologies accounted for 11 cases, resulting in relatively many applications for SR motors. In particular, for SR motors, Samsung Electro-Mechanics has applied for the most with 11 applications, and in the ferrite field, 6 domestic companies and 4 Japanese companies have applied.

As we rely on imports for more than 90% of our rare earth usage, we believe we should pay more attention to the technology development of motors that do not use rare earth.

Since free-earth motors can influence the competitiveness of future food industries such as electric vehicles and wind power generators, competition for technology development in countries around the world for free-earth motors is expected to become more intense in the future, and patent applications will be steadily increased. Is expected.

This concludes the briefing. Thank you.

안녕하십니까? 특허청 전기과장 박형식입니다.

이번 브리핑 내용은 희토류를 사용하지 않는 모터기술에 관한 것입니다.

잘 아시다시피 희토류 가격이 급등하면서 세계적 이슈가 되고 있지 않습니까? 그 때문에 희토류를 사용하지 않는 모터기술도 관심의 대상인데, 최근 탈(脫)희토류 모터에 대한 특허출원이 크게 증가한 것으로 나타났습니다.

특허출원 통계를 보면, 희토류를 사용하지 않는 모터의 특허출원이 2009년 6건에서 2010년 11건으로 증가하더니, 2011년에는 상반기에만 26건을 돌파하여 급증세를 보이고 있습니다.

희토류는 자연계에 매우 드물게 존재하는 금속 원소를 가리키는 말로, 모터에서는 영구자석의 자성을 높이기 위해 많이 사용됩니다.

모터용 희토류는 대표적으로 네오디뮴과 디스프로슘을 들 수 있는데, 한 대의 전기자동차용 모터에는 약 1kg의 희토류가 사용되는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.

모터 분야에 탈희토류 바람을 몰고 온 것은 2008년 중국의 수출제한조치가 계기였다고 봅니다. '중동에는 석유, 중국에는 희토류'라는 덩샤오핑의 말이 대표하듯, 희토류 세계 공급량의 97%를 중국이 차지하고 있어 그 영향력은 절대적입니다.

중국의 수출제한 이전 네오디뮴 가격은 톤당 19만 위안이었으나, 수출제한 이후에는 톤당 147만 위안으로 7배 이상 급등하게 됩니다. 결국 위기의식을 느낀 모터업계가 서둘러서 희토류 대체기술 개발에 나선 것이 특허출원 증가로 이어졌다고 풀이됩니다.

현재 탈희토류 모터기술 개발은 두 갈래로 진행되고 되겠습니다. 하나는 희토류가 필요 없는 SR(Switched Reluctance)모터의 구조개량 기술이고, 다른 하나는 고특성 페라이트(Ferrite) 자석으로 희토류를 대체하려는 재료개발 기술입니다.

참고로 SR모터란 영구자석 없이 자기저항 경로를 변화시켜 회전력을 발생시키는 모터로, 자석 자체가 없기 때문에 희토류를 전혀 사용할 필요가 없는 기술입니다. 그리고 페라이트란 산화철을 포함한 자성체 세라믹을 말하는데, 이 재료의 자화특성을 개선하여 모터의 영구자석으로 사용하면 희토류를 사용하지 않고도 모터의 성능을 높일 수 있게 되는 기술입니다.

2011년 상반기 출원을 보면, SR모터 관련 기술이 15건, 페라이트 관련 기술이 11건을 차지하여 SR모터 관련 특허출원이 상대적으로 많았습니다. 특히, SR모터는 삼성전기가 11건으로 가장 많은 출원을 하였고, 페라이트 분야는 국내 기업이 6건, 일본 기업이 4건을 출원한 것으로 나타났습니다.

희토류 사용량의 90% 이상을 수입에 의존하는 우리로서는 희토류를 사용하지 않는 모터의 기술개발에 더욱더 관심을 가져야 될 것으로 생각됩니다.

탈희토류 모터는 미래먹거리산업인 전기자동차나 풍력발전기 등의 경쟁력을 좌우할 수 있다는 점에서, 앞으로 탈희토류 모터에 대한 세계 각국의 기술개발경쟁은 더욱 치열해질 것으로 보이며, 그로 인한 특허출원도 꾸준히 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

이상으로 브리핑을 마치겠습니다. 감사합니다.


희토류 대체물질을 사용한 자동차용 페라이트자석의 신뢰성향상 : Reliability Improvement of Automotive Ferrite Magnets with Replacement of Rare Earth Material
2014 year

모터나 교류발전기와 같이 전력을 생성하는 자동차부품은 페라이트 자석을 널리 사용하고 있다. 최근 어느 경쟁력있는 기업에서 생산한 자석에서 매우 작은 균열들이 발견되었다. 제조기업으로서는 자동차교류발전기용 이 자석이 고객에게 보내기 전에 고장이 없도록 해야야 하는 것이 당연하다. 해당 제품은 고객요구사항인 R90C90에서 160,000KM를 만족시켜야 한다(신뢰수준 90%로16만 KM 의 사용기간 동안 10%이상 고장나지 않도록 함). 따라서, 본 연구의 목적은 설계 및 제조프로세스를 개선하여 자석의 균열고장을 예방하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 균열고장과 관련한 잠재적인 문제를 설계단계에서 제거할 수 있도록 고장물리(POF) 분석을 행하고, 선행적인 고장예방을 위하여 고장예방설계기술(DFFP)을 제안하였다. 제안된 신뢰성설계(DFR) 기술은 4단계로 구성되었다: (1)필드고장모드를 발견하기 위한 HALT; (2)잠재적인 제조결함 요인을 정확히 발견하기 위하여 응용 POF분석과 함께 공정 고장모드 및 영향분석(PFMEA): (3)결함요인에 대한 수정조치를 결정하기 위한 실험계획(DOE): (4) 선적전 최종 결함율과 BX 수명평가 방법의 4단계로 구성되었다. B10 수명향상을 위해 제조공정의 많은요인들에 대한 분석이 이루어졌으며, 결국 제안된 방법으로 자동차 페라이트 자석은 R90C90에서 160,000KM를 만족시켜 신뢰성향상이 이루어진 것을 알 수 있다.

Many automotive components for power generation, such as motors and alternators, have widely used ferrite magnets. Recently, some hairline cracks have been found on the magnet produced by a magnet manufacturer company. To stay as a competitive magnet manufacturer, the company pledges to ensure all magnets produced for alternators must be failure free before shipping to customers. Magnets should fulfill the customer requirement of R90C90 life of 160,000 km (less than 10 percent magnets will fail by the time of 160,000 km or 10 years). The objective of this study is to prevent crack failure of magnets through improving manufacturing processes. Design for Failure Prevention (DfFP) method was proposed for a proactive failure prevention of a design by utilizing Physics of Failure (PoF) analysis to design out potential problems. The proposed procedure of design for reliability has four stesps: (1) HALT to discover modes of field failures; (2) Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA) with applied PoF analysis to pinpoint the potential manufacturing deficiency factors; (3) Design of Experiment (DoE) to determine corrective actions on the deficiency factors; (4) evaluation of final defect rate before shipping, and Bx, life (or MTBF). Based on the proposed method, the improvement of the automotive ferrite magnet reliability had been achieved. Several manufacturing parameter changes were implemented to address the improvement of the B10 life of the magnets.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2020, 02:35:41 AM
Tesluh :

Re: Magnetic Resonance Devices based on Don Smith Concepts
« Reply #543 on: October 19, 2016, 03:54:51 PM »

I think I have the primary mostly figured out, was able to bring the voltage in a large cap bank from 0 to 100v in less than a minute.  Not saying I have it all figured out but I have some things working correctly.  after wiring my primary like the video above (paying attention to the direction of the diodes) my spark gap works great and I get sparks across the secondary coil with a screwdriver when the primary is firing.  I have no ground on my primary circuit as of right now.

Can anyone give me a thorough explanation as to how I know if I have resonance in the primary coil or not?  I have made 4 different coils (and will probably have to make more to experiment with) but no way of knowing if they are running at their resonant freq or not.  I have an oscilloscope but have never used one before so I am not experienced in using a scope and don't want to fry it hooking it up wrong.


Can anyone give me a thorough explanation as to how I know if I have resonance in the primary coil or not?  .............but no way of knowing if they are running at their resonant freq or not.  I have an oscilloscope but have never used one before so I am not experienced in using a scope and don't want to fry it hooking it up wrong.


Two diodes, which all "gurus" hide with a thick layer of electrical tape

With an accurate understanding of the Ruslan generator operating system, it is possible to know whether the resonance of the primary coil is working without an oscilloscope.
It's very easy.
What appears on the oscilloscope is the surge in current quantity.
This is because the oscilloscope is not the only way to measure the surge in current.
In addition to an ampere meter, you can also use a light fixture.
If you don't know that the lights are shining brightly even with both eyes, give up making a generator.
The biggest reason for misunderstanding the Ruslan generator is Tesla.
This misunderstanding comes from not understanding the generator operating system.

Members who have sincerely watched Ruslan's video in the meantime should know how to combine the method of two diode resonances.
If you don't understand this, it's good to give up.

Members who have not made the Ruslan Generator so far ask unnecessary questions.
Don't ask me, ask yourself.
How much you believed in Ruslan's video.

Unreal Strannik

Dimus W
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on September 19, 2020, 03:29:39 AM
Quote from: color on September 19, 2020, 12:07:36 AM
What's different from the Andrian Guska generator?

Hi Color ;)
I have worked with both of these connections. Andrian pushes at the same side during each cycle. It needs two diodes as you said because when one mosfet conducts, currents are induced at the other yoke's primary passing through the other mosfet (which is OFF) back to the battery through the body diode.
In my opinion both will work as the objective is to create a magnetic field across the grenade of a specific direction. In Adrian's way you can inject high frequency uppon both yoke's cycles. The other way of driving needs HF upon to one of the two cycles.

ps1. Yes i am a yoke maniac. I have an axe and a screwdriver in my car, and when i see an old tv in the trash, i extract the core in 3 minutes. I like opening tv's like a beans can.  :D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2020, 04:21:11 AM
Jeg :

I listen to you.
I have no objection.
From now on, I will understand Andrian as the creator of the free generator.
Thank you. :)

I have 8 TV-Yokes.
And Since I was young, disassembling home appliances including radios has been a hobby. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2020, 04:45:01 AM
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
For by it the men of old gained approval.


Faith is like a double-edged sword.
However, it is a matter of survival for babies to instinctively believe in their mother.
I think that what kind of wisdom is needed is that human language takes precedence over scientific equipment.
Language is low-dimensional, but people believe in what people say.

And it is not me who should disclose the results of the experiment, but the members of this cafe with scientific equipment.

And I'm on vacation with my daughters for the time being.
Hopefully there will be internet facilities there too,
It is field operation camp, so it is unconfirmed whether there are convenient facilities.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on September 19, 2020, 09:06:14 AM
Ruslan today

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2020, 09:07:09 AM
It seems to be the last post before going on a long vacation.


Wireless Energy Transfer / Re: Wesley's Kapanadze and other FE discussion forum
«On: December 28, 2018, 04:55:08 PM»
Does anybody have any idea about this generator?
Do not say that this generator is fake, but please explain it under the assumption that it is real.

The second post.
I did not hear any answer.


Kapanadze devices and replications / Re: Kapanadze Cousin-DALLY FREE ENERGY
«On: December 28, 2018, 10:54:36 PM»
[Use Google Translator]
This is the third post.
I want to know in detail how this generator works.


Does anybody have any idea about this generator?Do not say that this generator is fake, but please explain it under the assumption that it is real.


color (789)

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #20088 on: December 30, 2018, 10:23:38 PM »
Someone deliberately manipulates my writing.
I uploaded a YouTube video,
The first site you see appears.
If Wesley is involved in this, I want to release a new schematic.


I've never posted any weird addresses in the post above.

I have never requested,

The cafe manager randomly inserted'bit.tube', which he had never seen before.

And it was posted.

Is it a chip ad insertion?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on September 19, 2020, 09:16:08 AM
You probably know that the neodymium/samarium based magnets were Sumitumo(JP)-GM(U.S.A.)patent monopole developments,at first !
That now there will be alternatives - RE free magnetism :

Iron-Nitrogen compound magnets

and electro magnets technology like RASER 'Symetron' and from Russia the dujunov windings technics

not to ignore qmpower their ferrite C5/C8 ceramic magnets developments and others their capacitive winding e-magnets research ( and findings)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2020, 09:25:11 AM

Congratulations. ;D ;D

Then good luck.


thank you for the information.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on September 19, 2020, 09:54:03 AM
I wish you nice vacations my friend! ;)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 20, 2020, 01:50:16 PM
color : [1350]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #20236 on: January 21, 2019, 07:40:17 PM »

If I have one thing to believe,
If any one of the truth is unjust, then all truth will disappear.

I am fighting respiratory diseases that come to me.


color : [1350]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #20238 on: January 22, 2019, 12:17:49 AM »
color why has the pomegranate wound with load speaker wire got jubilee clips holding it together?

When Tesla works in the summer, the temperature inside the grenade rises above 80 degrees Celsius.
Up to 90 degrees.
At this time, the coil wound at high temperature is released.
So I bound it with a Stenness clip.
But it failed.
I bound them in different ways.

I have not seen anyone experimenting with a 500 W X 4 bulb, except for Ruslan.
I have published all my experiments in a cafe with 6 million members I have joined.
So there are many people who experiment like me.

[Have you got any of them to work yet]

I have never seen you experiment with grenades.
Show me the video or photo you're experimenting with.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 20, 2020, 01:55:47 PM
제4국 이세돌 vs 구글 알파고 '신의한수 78수' 해외반응
4th country Se-dol Lee vs. Google AlphaGo'Shin Euihansu 78su' overseas reaction

A few years ago, artificial intelligence'Alphago' and Korean Go player'Lee Se-dol' played a game.
The result was 4:1, which AlphaGo won.
And only once humans beat artificial intelligence came out in the fourth match.
And until now, humans have never beaten artificial intelligence.

The beauty of Baduk lies in'recovery'.
It means to look back at the game.

For reference, the field camp where my dad went out is the (건달바성)Space Force satellite command post.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on September 20, 2020, 02:42:18 PM
Can you please stop posting these silly pictures not related to this forum. Are you 15 years old?  :P
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 20, 2020, 03:02:14 PM

Your achievements are well known through monitoring.

Is there a reason for stopping the free generator experiment?

And it is rude to ask the age of a lady.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 20, 2020, 03:43:57 PM
Бтг синус на выходе
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on September 21, 2020, 12:31:24 PM
Everything goes on  ;)

I didn't know you were a woman  :-*
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 21, 2020, 05:31:42 PM
R2FPL you do realise your asking Color to change the habit of a life time  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 05:17:48 AM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 05:20:04 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 05:21:21 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 05:57:21 AM

Someone will be sad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 06:37:36 AM

The 1500W mentioned  have been direct translation  of Akula words.
I can see him being excited as he was heaving Stefanov  who was a money man in his house.
Akula was trying to sell  his importance and his device ( but not quite) and Stefanov was potential buyer.
Akula wanted to get money, connection to outside world of money and prosperity.Stefanov was the one who has wealthy sponsor from Germany.
Akula did not want to lose his opportunity by eventually in mind to  bypass Stefanov if there is  right moment for it, as Stefanov does not have anything of this magnitude on hands.
Stefanov was trying to get the grab on Akula device and understand the secret to eventually bypass Akula as not needed any longer in the game.The determination of Stefanov comes from the fact that he has a pressure from his  German Investor who put money in him and do not want to lose.Stefanov got this contact from international  show in Hamburg in 2012 if I remember correctly.
Stefanov look for me like completely  disoriented or not up to the task of any valuable hints of how to make it  by himself.Demands of Akula must of be pretty high and Stefanov ability to  cover the needs   must have been  pretty  dangerous as investor would be no longer interested  financing  Stefanov  if he has not grab on the secret.Now  it is not important if the output is 1W, 10W 100W 1500W or anything more than that.
It is only more convincing if you see real load with no external energy delivered,The opportunity is there and that  what is the most important for us.


Free Energy Generator - Akula 1 KWatt Selfrunning Free Energy Device Presentation 1
Free Energy Generator - Akula 1 KWatt Selfrunning Free Energy Device Presentation 2


Kapanadze devices and replications / Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:58:29 PM »
Quote from: zcsaba77 on June 26, 2014, 09:51:18 PM
Hi Acca

May I ask what is the KD203A component? because nothing on internet

regards zcsaba77
it's a DSRD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Step_recovery_diode#Operation_of_the_Drift_Step_Recovery_Diode_.28DSRD.29

600V 10A diode.



We know that German-speaking people made generators modeled after the Kapanadze generator.
Akula war eine Brautjungfer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 22, 2020, 07:40:13 AM
The KD 203A diode is an old type device with a large capacitance depletion layer spread over a wide area
useful in this application (roomer has it).

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 11:01:57 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 22, 2020, 12:31:38 PM
Quote from: color on September 22, 2020, 05:20:04 AM
This circuit 100hz that's a bit low for Ferrite and you need at least 20 khz for an air core.
Well that's what I have found on tests.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 22, 2020, 12:35:23 PM
Quote from: color on September 22, 2020, 05:17:48 AM

the problem here is the TL494 pulse is not in sync with the rest of the circuit
re tests  :'(
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 12:43:34 PM

Are Ruslan and my dad the modern-day Moses performing miracles?
You need to check the schematic you have made.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 01:02:12 PM
Работа схемы к установке Руслана Кулабухова часть1

Эффект Тесла толкает ток

If you blame others for your ignorance, things will happen later than you can handle.


When someone complains that they are out of sync with other circuits,
It is not that the blood of someone with a different blood type was transfused,
It is a sadness that someone was born with a deformed child from the beginning.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 02:13:51 PM
and a sin is a Sanskrit word that means off target,


Sin has nothing to do with Sanskrit.
Sin is a Bible adaptation of the sufferings of the heavenly god (Nut) and the earthly god Geb in Egyptian mythology.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 04:11:54 PM
DC generators can also create frequencies like AC generators.
It is possible with rectifier carbon.
It is shorter than the alternator frequency interval.
Khz is also possible without a transistor if you get enough torque.


What happens when the two positive power sources of the DC generator act as the primary coil of the transformer and the Tesla combines in the secondary coil?

It can be assumed that Nikola Tesla and Henry Moray made enough free generators without the help of other special electrical parts.
The theory and practice are different.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 22, 2020, 04:27:35 PM
Quote from: color on September 22, 2020, 12:43:34 PM

Are Ruslan and my dad the modern-day Moses performing miracles?
You need to check the schematic you have made.
How long ago was that ?? It's in bits now and that controller has been modified
with the Katcher controller on top, it's still useless though! it took me a while to find it.

And would that be Thoth Moses or Elohim Moses ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 04:37:34 PM

I never recorded all of my experiments with Ruslan. When I found a dead end, i turned my focus to smaller devices with which I can use my oscilloscope without worries.

You know there are many issues that has to be considered individually. One of them is ''grounding''. We have two references. One is the system's ground, and the other is the earth ground.
How you deal with this? At the attached image does anyone know what this output line filter looks like? What ruslan uses there?

나는 Ruslan과의 모든 실험을 기록하지 않았습니다. 막 다른 골목을 찾았을 때 나는 걱정없이 오실로스코프를 사용할 수있는 더 작은 장치에 집중했습니다.

개별적으로 고려해야 할 많은 문제가 있음을 알고 있습니다. 그중 하나는``접지 ''입니다. 두 가지 참조가 있습니다. 하나는 시스템의 접지이고 다른 하나는 접지입니다.
이것을 어떻게 처리합니까? 첨부 된 이미지에서이 출력 라인 필터가 어떻게 생겼는지 아는 사람이 있습니까? ruslan은 거기에서 무엇을 사용합니까?


I understand it as an extension of the problems my dad raised before.
The grounding of all systems is separate from the grounding of the ground.
The combination of the system ground and earth ground inevitably results in a short circuit in the generator system.
The generator does not work.

예전에 나의 아빠가 제기했던 문제의 연장선으로 이해한다.
모든 시스템의 접지는 땅의 접지와 구분된다.
시스템 접지와 땅의 접지가 결합되면 발전기 시스템에서 필연적으로 합선이 일어난다.
발전기가 작동하지 않는다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 04:51:34 PM

It's Djed-Moses.

It was an experiment by my dad in the fall of 2016 while sharing opinions with Russian-cafe users.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 22, 2020, 05:58:52 PM
Resonance is just a winding a katcher or grenade has to be like the girly cartoon clip you posted one turn too much
and it's out of sync or resonance also the length of the wire spread also has to be node to node for that frequency you select
just like Amateur radio or it's out of tune imagine a screw thread, but I'm just guessing. But when I was a kid an
old retired guy showed me his transmitter he could produce excess power when he was tuning up. So it must be possible.
He moved to his retirement home by the sea after that never saw him after that.
But he raised those points.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 06:21:43 PM

It doesn't matter how many meters the grenade coil is.
You show a lot of obsession with grenade length.
The yoke-transformer is proof of ampere.
The lamp lights up and the capacitor generates a strong spark.
It is difficult to build a generator without realizing that this is a contradiction.
You need to know why the contradiction occurred.
It is advisable to understand the Ruslan-generator principle without looking for clues in our answers.

It turns out that I don't have much experience with Tesla coils.
The 'essence' of the placenta is simple.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2020, 07:08:24 PM
Someone's testimony resembles someone's fantasy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 23, 2020, 04:41:36 AM
So where did you find those Vasmos photo's ?

Re the chokes are 3amp PSU common mode chokes wired so no inductance.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on September 23, 2020, 07:16:55 AM
Just pause for a while and give an answer on to this. What is that? Why is there? How affects the input/output? Why we don't see it in Ruslan's published circuits?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 23, 2020, 08:05:18 AM
Because it's a different circuit, and the optimum torrid frequency is 22khz and the grenade inductor winding the same you should then get a standing wave.
put caps across the grenade to tune it and the inductor, not sure if its 44khz or 22 khz when they mix i haven't hot that far, for analogue telephones we had to tune them out! ;D ;D

you need to be able to know what Ruslan is jabbering on about in Russian it's important

all this is in the Russian video's.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 23, 2020, 08:23:22 AM



I can't even understand where it's used.
Later my dad will put it together and answer your questions.
I just intervened in order to organize the contents posted so far.

Ruslan explains the inductor coil, but its special use is unclear.
A 28-turn/3-turn coil is output from the yoke-transformer.
There is no special role other than the stable supply of current/voltage.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 23, 2020, 08:45:11 AM

Four bar linkage infinity mechanism
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 23, 2020, 09:10:46 AM
For the water pump to work, there must be an area of ​​vacuum.
That way, you can beat gravity and pull underground water to the ground.
Likewise, the generator must also have an area of ​​vacuum.
However, the area of ​​vacuum created by the generator is the area of ​​charge-imbalance.
The stronger the charge imbalance, the stronger the generator capacity is proportionately.
The yoke-transformer generates a resonance, creating a charge-imbalance region.
The more powerful unbalanced forces you store, the more current you can draw from the ground.
The inductor and capacitor are separate, unbalanced storage spaces like a grenade coil.
And the generator must be operated in a vacuum-unbalanced condition.
What Ruslan was unable to explain like this,
It is related to the secret of the generator operation.
It is because the principle of lightning was not substituted.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 23, 2020, 09:33:43 AM

@color-the time you spent making all those offtopic pictures and posts would be much better going on soldering circuits and making own experiments.


My name is '뇌운룡(Lightning/Cloud/Dragon)'.

The schematic you posted is excellent in only one place.
Other than that, it's a garbage level.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 23, 2020, 01:20:56 PM
What are the humans who say they are developing something new from an old technology that was researched decades ago?⛔

⛲ ⛳ ⛴ ⛵ ⛶ ⛷ ⛸ ⛹ ⛺ ⛻ ⛼ ⛽ ⛾ ⛿ ✀ ✁ ✂ ✃ ✄ ✅ ✆ ✇ ✈ ✉ ✊ ✋ ✌ ✍

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2020, 05:12:54 AM
Обсуждение СЕ генератора

Разбор СЕ генератора от Руслана

Ruslan cites the circuit diagram of the T-1000 in the two videos above.
The reason is?
It's nonsense.

Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X: First Light, Hash on Input

TK, who claims to be an Australian, tests this and cheers.

Many users who made Tesla coils have already known about it for a long time.

classic Tesla transformer

Spigel Branimir
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2020, 05:17:21 AM
Разбор СЕ генератора от Руслана

And Ruslan misunderstands the secret of the resonance of the Kapanadze generator.
It would be more correct to say that Ruslan made the video viewers misunderstand.
In fact, it is possible that Kapanadze adopted a method of creating resonance with transistors, as Ruslan said, but I am still skeptical.
This is because capanaze can only be known by revealing the secret of Gongjin.
Transistors taking the place of diodes are not a matter of possibility but rather an unnecessary consumption.
It is excessive consumption.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2020, 05:26:05 AM
Стоячие волны в БТГ

My dad confirmed in the video above that Roman and Ruslan use the same word.

It confirmed that the way two generators work as one generator is the secret of resonance.

However, my dad learned from experience that the essence of the Ruslan generator is not the secret of resonance, but that it is more difficult to understand and build the system the generator operates on.

The reason Ruslan praised Geo is that he is the only generator user who has experimented with 6W lamps on Earth-ground.

TK is close to showman.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2020, 05:54:27 AM

My dad watched Ruslan's video at the time
The related contents posted in this cafe emerged like a panorama.



Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #17943 on: June 17, 2013, 05:49:41 PM »

@ a.king, hope somebody comes up with circuit/secret to Brazilian generator before it disappears as I tried the weekend to copy diagram on meter showing transformer rectifier and inverter with earth/batterv somewhere in center. When I tried to put connection between transformer and inverter the inverter blew up. Back to drawing board for me, so much for free energy I have spent thousands.
PS (Brazilian gen is cheap when I look at all the equipment I have lost. Including 15 induction hobs 22 inverters and over 100 microwave ovens).   


Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #17945 on: June 17, 2013, 09:38:10 PM »
Quote from: captainkt on June 17, 2013, 05:49:41 PM
When I tried to put connection between transformer and inverter the inverter blew up. Back to drawing board for me, so much for free energy I have spent thousands.
Because most likely the inverter is not an inverter. It's a converter, converting potential-free pulsed DC coming form a rectifier back to AC (by means of synchronized thyristors). The input side of the rectifier can be connected to an inverter (and car battery) like seen in 2004 and green box video, or it can be connected to an insulation transformer like in these presentations: 1, 2, 3

If the primary side of the transformer is connected in parallel to a capacitor (LC circuit) then a short impulse from a 9V battery will create also a sinusoidal wave which can be used to start the device if internally back-looped.

Now what could happen if we connect potential-free pulsed DC to ground via a large self-inductance (maybe in combination with a capacitance)? Could this large self-inductance be suitable to capture electrons from earth which then amplifies the output current?

Just speculating, don't want to blow up my equipment (yet). ;D

But at least nothing of this contradicts what can be seen in all the Kapanadze and Stepanov videos.

BTW: It's impossible to start a factory-made (off-the-shelf) inverter with a 9V battery. That means whenever TK starts his device with a 9V battery there is no inverter (don't think he soldered his own one), just a sinusoidal impulse. Furthermore that means there are three different types of TK devices: One type works with an inverter and a car battery, one with an insulation transformer from grid, and one with a LC circuit triggered by a 9V battery.


Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #4461 on: June 24, 2014, 07:41:42 PM »

the rf band contains dual band and when rectified still gives one ac waveform. radios do this by single half wave rectifier. to keep one band with modulation audio intact and filter the rf waveform so we hear sound in a reciever of the radio.
yes the voltage must be 220/110 volt depending on the country in the output of 3rd coil.
the circuit stage is correct and is  valid. the output is ac even after full wave rectification!
this is fed to the smps ac inlet and 12 v dc  is fed to the input to replace battery for feed back.
Rectifiers Challenge
First, create an AC signal source. You can do by using a function generator with no DC bias. Or, you can take the output of an RCX pulsing a square wave, and run that through a blocking cap to remove the DC bias. View your signal to confirm that it crosses the 0V line symmetrically.
Then rectify your signal, first with a half-wave rectifier, and then with a full-wave rectifer. Use 1N914 diodes, or something similar.
View your output waves to make sure that the circuit behaves as it should. Can you see the diode drop?

정류 회로, RLC 교류 회로, 공진주파수(Rectifier circuit, RLC AC circuit, resonance frequency)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2020, 05:58:34 AM
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓

The problem raised by captainkt is that it explode when the voltage output from the yoke-transformer is connected to an inverter (220V-24/12V).

Ruslan said the polar-capacitor exploded.

Как это работает 2

Polarity-Why did the capacitor explode?
There is an article organized by my dad community member.
He is one of Korea's Ilbe members.

Exploding Electrolytic Capacitors - What's Inside?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 25, 2020, 10:25:29 PM
Pavel Korotaev

Some Russians understand in their own way.
It is common to understand their reports for reference.
People of the Russian government, in particular, should be careful about speaking in the interests of their own country.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 27, 2020, 08:31:22 AM

Before the Law

BEFORE THE LAW stands a doorkeeper. To this doorkeeper there comes a man from the country and prays for admittance to the Law. But the doorkeeper says that he cannot grant admittance at the moment. The man thinks it over and then asks if he will be allowed in later. "It is possible," says the doorkeeper, "but not at the moment." Since the gate stands open, as usual, and the doorkeeper steps to one side, the man stoops to peer through the gateway into the interior. Observing that, the doorkeeper laughs and says: "If you are so drawn to it, just try to go in despite my veto. But take note: I am powerful. And I am only the least of the doorkeepers. From hall to hall there is one doorkeeper after another, each more powerful than the last. The third doorkeeper is already so terrible that even I cannot bear to look at him." These are difficulties the man from the country has not expected; the Law, he thinks, should surely be accessible at all times and to everyone, but as he now takes a closer look at the doorkeeper in his fur coat, with his big sharp nose and long, thin, black Tartar beard, he decides that it is better to wait until he gets permission to enter. The doorkeeper gives him a stool and lets him sit down at one side of the door. There he sits for days and years. He makes many attempts to be admitted, and wearies the doorkeeper by his importunity. The doorkeeper frequently has little interviews with him, asking him questions about his home and many other things, but the questions are put indifferently, as great lords put them, and always finish with the statement that he cannot be let in yet. The man, who has furnished himself with many things for his journey, sacrifices all he has, however valuable, to bribe the doorkeeper. The doorkeeper accepts everything, but always with the remark: "I am only taking it to keep you from thinking you have omitted anything." During these many years the man fixes his attention almost continuously on the doorkeeper. He forgets the other doorkeepers, and this first one seems to him the sole obstacle preventing access to the Law. He curses his bad luck, in his early years boldly and loudly; later, as he grows old, he only grumbles to himself. He becomes childish, and since in his yearlong contemplation of the doorkeeper he has come to know even the fleas in his fur collar, he begs the fleas as well to help him and to change the doorkeeper's mind. At length his eyesight begins to fail, and he does not know whether the world is really darker or whether his eyes are only deceiving him. Yet in his darkness he is now aware of a radiance that streams inextinguishably from the gateway of the Law. Now he has not very long to live. Before he dies, all his experiences in these long years gather themselves in his head to one point, a question he has not yet asked the doorkeeper.
He waves him nearer, since he can no longer raise his stiffening body. The doorkeeper has to bend low toward him, for the difference in height between them has altered much to the man's disadvantage. "What do you want to know now?" asks the doorkeeper; "you are insatiable." "Everyone strives to reach the Law," says the man, "so how does it happen that for all these many years no one but myself has ever begged for admittance?" The doorkeeper recognizes that the man has reached his end, and, to let his failing senses catch the words, roars in his ear: "No one else could ever be admitted here, since this gate was made only for you. I am now going to shut it."

An Imperial Message

THE EMPEROR,so a parable runs, has sent a message to you, the humble subject, the insignificant shadow cowering in the remotest distance before the imperial sun; the Emperor from his deathbed has sent a message to you alone. He has commanded the messenger to kneel down by the bed, and has whispered the message to him; so much store did he lay on it that he ordered the messenger to whisper it back into his ear again. Then by a nod of the head he has confirmed that it is right. Yes, before the assembled spectators of his death -- all the obstructing walls have been broken down, and on the spacious and loftily mounting open staircases stand in a ring the great princes of the Empire -- before all these he has delivered his message. The messenger immediately sets out on his journey; a powerful, an indefatigable man; now pushing with his right arm, now with his left, he cleaves a way for himself through the throng; if he encounters resistance he points to his breast, where the symbol of the sun glitters; the way is made easier for him than it would be for any other man. But the multitudes are so vast; their numbers have no end. If he could reach the open fields how fast he would fly, and soon doubtless you would hear the welcome hammering of his fists on your door. But instead how vainly does he wear out his strength; still he is only making his way through the chambers of the innermost palace; never will he get to the end of them; and if he succeeded in that nothing would be gained; he must next fight his way down the stair; and if he succeeded in that nothing would be gained; the courts would still have to be crossed; and after the courts the second outer palace; and once more stairs and courts; and once more another palace; and so on for thousands of years; and if at last he should burst through the outermost gate -- but never, never can that happen -- the imperial capital would lie before him, the center of the world, crammed to bursting with its own sediment. Nobody could fight his way through here even with a message from a dead man. But you sit at your window when evening falls and dream it to yourself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 27, 2020, 11:42:15 AM
Методика работы с обмотками ТОРа.

Технологии высокоразвитых цивилизаций. Лекция 4.5. Антенны плато Гиза

Westerners use advanced skills to steal other people's skills or property.
The person's skill is constantly claimed to be fake, making it unbearable, and then if the person discloses the skill, it is legally stolen.
And it bury the person who disclosed the technology socially.

That person may not disclose secret technology.
Because it is already a common technique.
It is a technology that has been previously disclosed as a patent.

There is virtually no way for humans to make the apes understand.
This is because the fields of interest are different.
Light and banana are the different paths they pursue.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 27, 2020, 11:17:48 PM

Akula is said to be dead now.


Interesting is that  wen you mentioned the Akula's restricted video that is in Russian only
I realized that you must speak  Russian.
I have learned  Russian here in USA while employing Russian Scientists lazy enough  or to  limited so much
that  I had no other  choice but  find more about all of that Russian Russia and its science.
Today I'm so fluent that I can  fly with it.
I was very disappointed finding  all of the BS. ,dirt, ignorance to scientific  values
and to all of other values ....(if I could find any not yet altered, bend, deformed values  left there.)
I may be wrong but for me  it is  just the biggest mafia style reality  ever created in modern  World.
Can you  explain to me what your knowledge of Russian comes from?

My original question was :
What the energy in your self powered devices  comes from?

I was not satisfied with your answer quoting me myself from 2013.
as my comment about resonance in resonance was  quoted by you without the link attached.

In contrast to  you and your activity  I have no problem as of today to explain energy  origination
and energy conversion in Tariel Kapanadze  devices.
Tariel was lucky as well not being  poisoned sufficiently well by these  particular Russians.

To make  my position clear:I want  you to know that I'm not against  you.
I have respect to you and every other Human being on this planet based on general rules of humanity value
despite their race, region, language,sexual or religious .. "whatsoever.."

But  having respect  to them doesn't mean that I like all of them and/or  I want to interact with them.
In my videos I explained how energy is converted and used  based on Dr Corum and Viziv  patents/ experiments  analysis.
You didn't clearly  formulate  convincing  mechanism   of energy transfer.conversion and extraction.
No overunity  exist so with all due respect please  provide sufficient logical explanation


Akula is said to be dead now.

Is it natural or accidental?

All humans die only once.
Time, which is a joke of gravity, may not matter.
Whether time is fast or slow has nothing to do with eternal life.

Interesting is that  wen you mentioned the Akula's restricted video that is in Russian only

Russian belongs to the trash of Latin.
We can find the Russian emperor hiding in any safe house around the world.
It doesn't take even 10 seconds.
The same goes for the Chinese emperor.
The technology of 건달바성 that you can't imagine is very old.
It was before the battery of 건달바성 was spread to Egypt.

What the energy in your self powered devices comes from?

Emerges from earth ground.
More precisely, it is the transfer of charges using the property to be proportional.
The lightning principle.

I was not satisfied with your answer quoting me myself from 2013.
as my comment about resonance in resonance was  quoted by you without the link attached.

A few years ago my dad posted a schematic of how a generator works, and members claim it is fake.
And some of the members even advised that it was an experiment in the past.
So this time, I posted a plausible fake video and the members couldn't respond.
The reason is,
It's good for anyone to see.
However, the members who tested do not get results.
It's similar but works differently.
The reason is that the members of the placenta have no idea how the Ruslanian free generator works.
And on the contrary, people who don't know the principle of operation do the verification.
If there is no light in your 2KW generator lights, they claim to be fake.
So my dad showed me the light, this time asking for a schematic.

There is a very fitting analogy for this situation.

The Pharisees and Sadducees demand something from Jesus.
"If you are the Son of God, show signs from heaven"

But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet;
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

If you don't recognize [Long Jar] and [Sun Ship] as fish, you will never find Jesus.

The Ruslan generator is no exception.

In contrast to  you and your activity  I have no problem as of today to explain energy  origination

Here's a Hollywood movie for you.
The story of the movie is similar to Taken 2.
The tomb scene at the beginning of the movie is the best part.
Kapanadze also buried a radiator in the grave.

I hope you are a smart person who knows how to distinguish between reality and fiction.
We also manipulate human sleep dreams.

Can you hear the origin of your own energy you understand?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2020, 05:26:44 AM
Чудеса резонанса
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2020, 06:02:30 AM
Генератор свободной энергии 2014
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2020, 06:03:32 AM
Эксперименты с качером
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2020, 06:04:41 AM
Ruslan Kulabuhov energy device open internals 1 of 2
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2020, 06:05:48 AM
Бтг синус на выходе
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2020, 06:06:54 AM
Работа ФАПЧ
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2020, 06:09:09 AM
Установка Романа (Акулы). Как они работают ?!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2020, 06:24:16 AM
Работа схемы к установке Руслана Кулабухова часть1

Two batteries have more than 20A.
80W output is possible for 500WX4 lamps.
The user of the Russian cafe generator above is a person who does not know the principle of resonance.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 29, 2020, 04:58:34 PM
English distorted Korean.
The reason we use Google Translate is because of its convenience.

일부 러시아인은 [자신의 방식]으로 이해합니다.
참조를 위해 보고서를 이해하는 것이 일반적입니다.
특히 러시아 정부의 사람들은 자국의 이익을 위해 발언 할 때 [주의]해야합니다.

[자신의 방식]은, 그것이 옳은 것인지 틀린 것인지 모르면서 주관적인 해석을 했다는 뜻이다.

[주위]란 왜곡되지 않게 정직하게 게시하라는 뜻이다.
자신의 방식만 고집하면 올바르지 않을 수도 있다는 뜻이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 29, 2020, 05:02:09 PM
The motivation for the Russians to use two diodes is shown in Ruslan's video.

Генератор и его работа

Ruslan's diode remarks and yoke-transformer The curved shape and the three-wavelength frequency concealed with yellow tape combine to form two diodes by the Russians.
It's enough to keep Ruslan reminding me of what it was to keep fiddling with the yoke-transformer.
However, 6A is possible even in a conventional push-pull circuit without two diodes.
It means that the Russians are hiding something and that they misunderstood how the Ruslan generator works.

My dad's intention is that I didn't post a two-diode video to see how Russians are rated on the stage of verification, but that they know that everything Russians post on YouTube videos is being watched by the Russian Intelligence Service. It was because I wanted to make a joke that the mob of the Russian Intelligence Agency, who changed the voice in slippers, showed it as intended.

Запрещенное бесплатное отопление и освещение копируйте пока не удалил.

The Russian intelligence agency and the mafia are very good at directing the elderly and women.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 29, 2020, 05:07:23 PM
Бтг синус на выходе

Even if my dad shows a specific part in a picture, it is inevitable that the members do not understand.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 29, 2020, 05:35:09 PM
Индукционный нагрев своими руками.

I don't admire your crappy-foresight, but your bifilar-coil play is fun.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 29, 2020, 06:22:14 PM
Several years ago my dad experimented with resonance with a silicon-steel transformer.
Works very well.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 30, 2020, 01:58:02 PM

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21093 on: May 02, 2019, 11:55:03 PM »
Quote from: apecore on May 02, 2019, 08:59:12 PM

Hi T-1000, NickZ,
Did i understand Ruslan saying that Lock on resonance for inductor and kacher/ tesla is critical in case tenth of kHz can be critical in the proces?
Like a combustion engine..  its all about synchronisation of all the pars and the correct timing for the spark.

The "resonance" in his words is not resonance everyone is taught about. From my understanding it is about best sync between different proccesses on 2 systems. One giving max optimal current in ultrasonic frequencies (skin effect) and another giving max effect on disruption with max BEMF then causing max emissions (electrons/ions/etc pull from background when using skin effect?) then sync both into best output.
I might be wrong and my guess is good as yours.



There is no back electromotive force here.
It is a conventional general transformer resonance and artificial-lightning principle and a combination of two generators.
My dad's back EMF remarks are only from the Russian perspective of Akula's LED-generator and two diodes.

이곳에 역기전력은 없습니다.
기존의 일반적인 변압기 공진과 인공-번개원리와 두 개의 발전기 조합이다.
나의 아빠의 역기전력 발언은 Akula의 LED-발전기와 두 개의 다이오드를 적용한 러시아인의 관점일 뿐이다.

Устройство получение бесплатной Энергии из Эфира.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 30, 2020, 09:17:29 PM
세상에서 가장 어리석은 사람은 마누라의 조언을 듣는 사람이다.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2020, 05:00:48 AM
 ⛔⎲ᗄ ᗅ ᗆ ᗇ ᗈ ᗉ ⎳⛔
Man Rockets through the Air in Paris as France Celebrates Bastille Day with Parade

The French like to show off because they are only invaded.
Mainly, showing off the tacky things will be the driving force of the fashion industry.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2020, 06:45:42 AM
Perhaps back EMF is the reason why certain members of this cafe cannot give up 'Partnered Output Coils' until the end.


Akula's circuits- is this the principle?

Electric OU: TK-Akula 3V LED Test 1: Running on Capacitors

Объект 013б бронепоезд фейк. Fake object 013b

Объект 013Б HD

Объект 013Б 2


My dad also looked at the Akula circuit diagram for days and days to find the principle of free development.
However, it is difficult to understand the principle of free development from the circuit diagram.
By first understanding the relationship between DC and AC, we can understand the principle of the circuit diagram.
The experience of trial and error played a part.
Fleming/Lenz/Transformers are the next problem.
The rest is easy.
However, Akula's Negative Back EMF would mean something else.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2020, 08:23:37 AM
Генератор и его работа
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2020, 08:25:39 AM
Is there a reason Ruslan is experimenting with frequencies independently of the Yoke-transformer?
This means that the Yoke-transformer and the grenade coil don't have separate frequency measurements.
It means that it doesn't make sense to test the Yoke-transformer separately with many capacitors attached.
It is correct to finish the experiment in the early stages of making the generator.

However, a weak light is seen in the lamp estimated to be 15~60W.
The Yoke-transformer alone shows that the lamp experiment was conducted, but in reality, it means that it was conducting another experiment.

Ruslan's Yoke-transformer primary coil is 10+10 turns.
The secondary coil is predicted to be 12+12 turns.
With the PSU-24V, in my dad's experience, a 500W lamp should produce 60W brightness.
Ruslan referred to Yoke-ferrite, which was not directly related to other experiments.

If it's the same experiment that my dad did in 2016, it would be.
The light is 60W.

루슬란이 Yoke-변압기만 별개로 주파수 실험할 이유가 있을까?
Yoke-변압기와 수류탄 코일이 별개로 주파수를 측정할 일은 없다는 뜻이다.
많은 캐패시터를 붙여놓고 Yoke-변압기만 별개로 실험하는 것은 의미가 없다는 뜻이다.
이미 발전기를 만드는 초기 단계에서 실험이 끝나야 옳다.

그런데 15~60W로 추정되는 전등에 약한 불빛이 보인다.
Yoke-변압기만 별개로 전등 실험을 했다는 것을 보여주지만 실상은 다른 실험을 진행하고 있었다는 뜻이다.

루슬란의 Yoke-변압기 1차 코일은 10   10바퀴다.
2차 코일은 12   12바퀴로 예측한다.
PSU-24V를 사용하면, 나의 아빠 경험상 500W 전등에 60W 밝기가 발생해야 한다.
루슬란은 다른 실험을 진행하면서 직접적으로 관련없는 Yoke-페라이트 언급한 것이다.

나의 아빠가 2016년에 진행했던 실험과 동일하다면 그 실험일 것이다.
전등은 60W다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2020, 08:51:25 AM
its the basis for many many OU systems.

This is a great post and few following replies by bolt, i had a similar belief myself that reactive power can do real work. This is also one good point from Thane Heins, that reactive power can do real work.

So, bolt says load is put in series with inductor and a cap and that power factor is zero and that there are standing waves. So he is talking about resonant circuit. But series resonant circuit is not power factor zero, it is like short circuit as TheCell replies...

I believe this to be valid approach, i believe bolt powered 250W bulb with 3W of active power, but what exactly did he mean.

င စ ဆ ဇ ဈ ဉ ည ဋ ဌ ဍ ဎ ဏ တ ထ ဒ ဓ န ပ ဖ ဗ ဘ မ ယ ရ လ ဝ သ ဟ ဠ အ ဢ ဣ ဤ ဥ ဦ ဧ ဨ ဩ ဪ ါ ာ ိ ီ ု ူ ေ ဲ ဳ ဴ ဵ ံ ့ း ္ ် ျ ြ ွ ှ ဿ ၀ ၁ ၂ ၃ ၄ ၅ ၆ ၇ ၈ ၉ ၊ ။ ၌ ၍ ၎ ၏ ၐ ၑ ၒ ၓ ၔ ၕ ၖ ၗ ၘ ၙ ၚ ၛ ၜ ၝ ၞ ၟ ၠ ၡ ၢ ၣ ၤ ၥ ၦ ၧ

Motivation is not a special skill.

The short circuit is technically overcome.

Why are you, with great skill, silent?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 02, 2020, 03:18:29 PM
Color is this you ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 02, 2020, 03:32:31 PM
AlienGrey :

색겁(Color) is my nickname for Mom.
And it's a picture of my mom.
My dad uses Color as his pseudonym, and it is used as his name.
We often do things that are difficult for you to understand.
It's a cultural difference.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 02, 2020, 03:40:19 PM
9 - Обзор БТГ купленого у Руслана Кулабухова. Тайна Принципа! Free Energy secret revealed!

Кому надо, коментируйте, я виложу фото супер качественние. Ребята, не кройте матом, не ругайтесь, буду банить и стирать! Уважайте друг друга! Ролик про работающий БТГ около конца видео, это просто пример как Кулабухов легко дурил нас всех! Принцип / тайна работы Кулабуховского БТГ является = ФАЗА! Ребята, спасибо, денег не надо, копите себе на детали или для семьи, ну а кто хочет перевести, спасибо вам отдельное, вот мой яндех номер, других нету. Фото скоро сделаю и выложу: money.yandex.ru/to/410011616202749 00:01 Схемы, платы, соединения, чертежи! 22:40 Раскрытие секрета / принципа работы Кулабуховского вечного двигателя, Бес-Топливного Генератора! 1:06:15 Маркировки! 1:17:06 Фокус-Покус БТГ! Как Кулабухов разводил! 1:41:16 Что говорит Кулабухов после продажи мне БТГ! ====================================================================================== ====================================================================================== ENGLISH: Basically if you look at the schematic that I show in video #9, those 2 relays play a role in turning the AC line on and maintaining it after you remove the battery. Buttons Start/Stop turn on and turn off the AC line. The device has unnecessary schematics and play no role whatsoever in generating of free energy as claimed by Kulabuhov. Fans spin, LEDs shine, Tesla works, it all looks real and works but the real energy comes from under a hidden wire that Kulabuhov had hidden under the neutral black thick cable(as seen on the video) that ran from his device to the ground. The ground markings on the black cable indicate that underside of them was loose because it housed an AC line. Basically Kulabuhov scammed people and myself for years, he sold me a free energy device that was rigged to work from AC line and deceived me, I had enough evidence to take him to a civil court and won all my money back - he didn't even show up in court to stand by his free energy claims.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 02, 2020, 03:44:00 PM
Ruslan used a number of tricks to protect free generator technology.
He used all sorts of tricks on the generator he sold to Sergej Panov to scam.
Only the spectators watching the video were lucky because they exposed a lot of the core technology in making the free generator.

The inductor coil of the generator sold to Sergej Panov was not connected to ground.
Since the inductor coil is floating in the air, it is all about a stable induction role of voltage like an accumulator, but some viewers have added imagination and turned into a pan-cake coil/bifiler coil.

And some of the techniques used by Kapanadze are exposed.
This has become famous because TK has reproduced it several times.
Akula's little light is the same as the spark gap used by Kapanadze.
This is not to play the same role as the towncent discharge, but to supply the active ground power to the short circuit and to use it as a main force lamp.

Ruslan exposes the spark gap to several generators that are made after the 2KW generator.
The electrical resistance of a 7W lamp is about 4.7KΩ.

루슬란은 자유발전기 기술을 보호하기 위해 많은 트릭을 사용했다.
Sergej Panov에게 판매한 발전기에 온갖 트릭을 사용해 사기행각을 벌였다.
자유발전기를 만드는데 핵심적인 기술을 많이 노출시켜서 동영상을 시청하는 관중들만 행운을 얻었다.

Sergej Panov에게 판매한 발전기의 인덕터 코일은 접지와 연결되지 않았다.
인덕터 코일은 공중에 뜬 상태라서 accumulator 역활처럼 전압의 안정적인 유도역활이 전부지만, 일부 시청자들 상상력이 더해져서 팬-케이크 코일/바이필러 코일로 둔갑한다.

그리고 카파나제가 사용한 일부기술이 노출된다.
이것은 TK가 여러번 재현해서 유명해졌다.
Akula의 작은 전등은 카파나제가 사용한 스파크갭과 같은 역활이다.
타운센트 방전과 같은 역활이 아니라 활성화된 접지의 힘을 단락 회로에 공급함과 동시에 주력 전등으로 사용하기 위해서다.

루슬란은 2KW 발전기 이후에 만드는 몇가지 발전기에 스파크갭을 그대로 노출시킨다.
7W 전등의 전기 저항은 약 4.7KΩ이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 02, 2020, 03:48:49 PM
However, Ruslan uses diodes instead of spark gaps.
Some experiments are beyond imagination.

Travel without a map.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 02, 2020, 03:58:05 PM
Устройство для экономичного электрокотла.

Russians are particularly stubborn.
It is mistaken that a large amount of current can be obtained by combining it with Tesla using capacitor charging and discharging.
These people don't understand the short circuit range.
The yoke-transformer secondary coil made by Ruslan is the core of the short circuit.
So, the grenade coil connected to the secondary coil must not generate the current required for consumption.
The yoke-transformer secondary coil and the grenade coil must not generate AC-45V current consumption, and there must not be electrical resistance.
The secondary coil of the yoke-transformer and the grenade coil are electrically single-wire, so there is no need for coupling other than capacitors and diodes here.

The only reason my dad showed the AC-45V current consumption in the yoke-transformer secondary coil and grenade coil was only because the short circuit could be completed in a complete push-pull circuit state.
That's why my dad has advised members several times to build a complete push-pull circuit.

6A is,
The yoke-transformer's primary coil is 10~12+1-~12,
This is the number of short circuit currents that can come from the secondary coils 12~14+12~14.
This is the limit that can come from the PSU 24V-6.3A capacity.

Ruslan's yoke-transformer and grenade coil is a device that captures an amount of current proportional to the short circuit 6A from the Tesla-kacher artificial-lightning connected (or shorted) to ground, not directly generating voltage or current.
Many members are mistaken here.
So, over the past 10 years, only transformers have been used and numerous shows have been made.

When Ruslan measured the voltage of 500W x 4 lamps, it turned out -203V and +202V.
It means a DC-voltage of about 6~7A.
Not AC-voltage.
Converting DC-voltage to AC-voltage,

At DC-203V power factor load, -1.21~-1.25 (-1.414 at no load) is about AC-167V.
It may vary depending on the amount of current, but there is no big difference.
AC-167V is about 75% of the brightness of AC-220V, so the filament is visible in the bulb.
However, with AC-220V brightness, it is difficult to see the filament in the bulb.

The job of the members here is to make a short circuit.
Elementary school multiplication tables or understanding members do not need quadratic equations learned in middle school.

Just attach the coil and take it off.

러시아인들은 특히 고집이 세다.
캐패시터 충방전을 이용해서 테슬라와 결합하면 큰 전류량을 얻을 수 있다고 착각한다.
이 사람들은 short circuit 범위를 이해하지 못한다.
루슬란이 만든 yoke-변압기 2차 코일은 단락회로 핵심이다.
그래서 2차 코일과 연결된 수류탄 코일에서 소비에 필요한 전류가 발생하면 안된다.
yoke-변압기 2차 코일과 수류탄 코일에서 AC-45V 소비전류가 발생하면 안될 뿐만 아니라 이곳에 전기적인 저항이 발생하면 안된다.
yoke-변압기 2차 코일과 수류탄 코일은 전기적으로 싱글-와이어라 이곳에 캐패시터와 다이오드 외 결합이 불필요하다.

나의 아빠가 yoke-변압기 2차 코일과 수류탄 코일에서 AC-45V 소비전류를 보여준 것은 완전한 푸시-풀 회로 상태에서 단락회로가 완성될 수 있기에 보여준 것 뿐이다.
그래서 나의 아빠가 완전한 푸시-풀 회로를 만들라고 회원들에게 여러번 조언했던 것이다.

yoke-변압기의 1차 코일이 10~12+1-~12,
2차 코일 12~14+12~14에서 나올 수 있는 단락회로의 전류량 수치다.
PSU 24V-6.3A 용량에서 나올 수있는 한계다.

루슬란의 yoke-변압기와 수류탄 코일은 단락회로 6A에 비례하는 전류량을 접지와 연결된(또는 단락된) 테슬라-kacher 인공-번개로부터 포집하는 장치이지 직접적으로 전압이나 전류량을 발생하는 장치가 아니다.
많은 회원들이 여기에서 착각한다.
그래서 지난 10년동안 변압기만 기지고 수많은 쑈를 하는 것이다.

루슬란이 500W X 4개 전등의 전압을 측정했을 때 -203V와 +202V가 나왔다.
약 6~7A의 DC-전압이라는 뜻이다.
AC-전압이 아니다.
DC-전압을 AC-전압으로 환산하면,

DC-203V 역률 부하시, -1.21~-1.25(무부하시 -1.414)는, 약 AC-167V 정도다.
전류량에 따라 달라질 수 있지만 큰 차이는 없다.
AC-167V는 AC-220V의 약 75% 수준의 밝기라서 전구 속에 필라멘트가 눈으로 보인다.
그러나 AC-220V 밝기라면 전구 속의 필라멘트를 눈으로 보기는 어렵다.

이곳 회원들이 할 일은 short circuit를 만드는 일이다.
초등학교 곱셉표나 이해하던 회원들에게 중학교에서 배우는 이차방정식이 필요한 것은 아니다.

코일만 붙이고 떼고하면 될 일이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2020, 11:46:58 AM
9 - Обзор БТГ купленого у Руслана Кулабухова. Тайна Принципа! Free Energy secret revealed!

Кулабухов Объяснение по схеме with English Subtitles

Free Energy Генератор Свободной энергии с самозапиткой akula0083


    Motivation is not a new skill.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on October 03, 2020, 12:44:06 PM

Request for help removed
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2020, 01:22:01 PM
We have nothing to talk to you.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on October 03, 2020, 01:27:12 PM
Have a good day!

I meant no offense


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2020, 04:15:43 PM
T-1000 You have original sin, so you can tell everyone.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: verpies on October 03, 2020, 07:53:32 PM
Quote from: color on September 30, 2020, 01:58:02 PM
The "resonance" in his words is not resonance everyone is taught about. From my understanding it is about best sync between different proccesses on 2 systems. One giving max optimal current in ultrasonic frequencies (skin effect) and another giving max effect on disruption with max BEMF then causing max emissions (electrons/ions/etc pull from background when using skin effect?) then sync both into best output.
So do you understand the principle of operation well enough to build a working device ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 04, 2020, 12:55:40 AM

Before I answer your question, I will ask you one question.
What is the capacity of the capacitor in the red circle below?
I want to know the understanding you think.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: verpies on October 04, 2020, 05:37:21 AM
Quote from: color on October 04, 2020, 12:55:40 AM
Before I answer your question, I will ask you one question.
What is the capacity of the capacitor in the red circle below?
I do not know.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on October 04, 2020, 06:37:46 AM
Series and Parallel Capacitors--parallel total capacitance: "the total capacitance is more than any one of the individual capacitors' capacitances"
https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/direct-current/chpt-13/series-and-parallel-capacitors/ (https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/direct-current/chpt-13/series-and-parallel-capacitors/)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 04, 2020, 07:56:07 AM
Struth guys, you just use small value caps to alter the resonant frequency of the tuned coil.
it's like a ramp affect charging till full then when the next pulse comes along it says for get it
and dumps it's charge in that transition and wolla you trigger your circuit to do the same thing
and you have resonance.

Note also this is Amtr Radio stuffbif you have !mtr wound into 3 Turns like Ruslans pic
then thats about 300Mhz hardly in res with 1. whatever ?    :o 8) :)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 04, 2020, 03:35:20 PM

I have no intention of talking to you either.



Генератор и его работа
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 04, 2020, 03:46:35 PM

If you make a 12A-oscillator short circuit, Jeg will make a UFO.

Impulse Energy Converter IEC by Jeg
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: verpies on October 04, 2020, 04:33:50 PM
Quote from: color on October 04, 2020, 03:35:20 PM
I have no intention of talking to you either.
I understand the green part but not the red part because I never wrote, that I do not want to talk to you.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on October 04, 2020, 05:20:50 PM
QuoteMy dad also looked at the Akula circuit diagram for days and days to find the principle of free development.
However, it is difficult to understand the principle of free development from the circuit diagram.

The way that I see it is that the circuit as shown is obviously incomplete. Where the resistive load is, there should first be a full wave  bridge rectifier and 4 small ceramic caps all feeding an electrolytic DC output cap--essentially a storage cap. This cap would allow a load without interfering with the resonance of the circuit and causing additional current draw from the power source (for example, a battery).

L1 and L2 appear to be 1:1. As long as L1 and L2 are in resonance together, free energy extraction is possible.
High voltage AC is the input, and after finding the resonant frequency of L1, impedance will ensue, thus preventing current flow/draw. All that is needed is high voltage to get L1 to generate a magnetic field because the potential difference between the positive of the AC sine wave and the copper valence electrons will cause them to be attracted to each other, i.e., electrostatic induction. https://youtu.be/pJ36EtABLAk (https://youtu.be/pJ36EtABLAk). The greater the voltage the greater the amount of valence electrons that will be oscillating and releasing their magnetic energy to the L2. Simply measure the magnetic field as you increase the voltage to L1 using a high frequency gauss meter, and once the magnetic field no longer increases, you know that you have found the voltage that releases the maximum amount of valence electrons from that length of L1 coil. The max amount of valence electrons will far exceed the amount of electrons being drawn from the power source, be it a battery, etc. That is then energy/power output exceeding the input. Additional extra energy/power comes from the electron itself. How? Imagine one magnet attracting a piece of iron. The attraction energy comes solely from that one magnet. Now imagine two magnets of opposite poles coming together. BOTH magnets contribute to the attraction equally. In other words, they BOTH contribute their energy. The valence electrons and the + HV do the same thing--they BOTH contribute to the attraction. But wait, there's more. Imagine now 3 magnets. The first two are attracting each other while the last one is repulsing the middle one because of like poles. Magnet 1: N/S. Magnet 2: N/S. Magnet 3: S/N. The middle magnet (2) is being pushed and pulled at the same time and also contributing its energy equally in both the push/pull. The same is happening with the valence electrons in the coil. They are being attracted to the positive of one side of the coil while being repulsed by the negative side, and contributing an equal amount of push/pull energy. 20 kHz or above and the valence electrons are moving back and forth on the outside of the wire without resistance and giving off a magnetic field much MUCH stronger than the energy used to create it. This is Don Smith's "MAGNETIC RESONANCE". Conveying this concept in non-technical language is my goal, so please excuse my laymen terminology.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 04, 2020, 11:54:57 PM
The paradox is that not only do you not understand the oscilloscope's free energy wavelengths, but those who are new to the schematic do not know how free energy is produced.
Of course, even if you make a generator according to the circuit diagram, it is the same that you do not know the principle of free energy.
It's a good idea to figure out certain principles yourself.
It is important to keep the generator model as required by Ruslan.
Without meeting these conditions, it is impossible to find out specific principles.
Unnecessary long texts here are not helpful.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on October 05, 2020, 12:32:02 AM
Quote...that you do not know the principle of free energy.

Please enlighten me without
QuoteUnnecessary long texts.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2020, 01:31:15 AM
Read all the posts Ramset posted yesterday.
it will help.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2020, 01:31:58 AM
6.7A, Voltage infinite increase capacitor charging (2016)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2020, 02:40:03 AM
When replacing one resistor and one capacitor with different capacities, there are at least 20 to 50 parallel experiments.
Some experiments take about a month.
In some cases, the results are different when fastened with clips, when fastened with screws, and when soldered.
So my dad prefers soldering even though the experiment is slow.
This is because there is little error in the result of soldering.

For the Flea to steer the Elephant would take much more than strong desire........

My dad with only one eye sees what others cannot see.
Disclosure of the free-generator and sharing of experimental results are the basic virtues that people who love electricity should have, but there are many members at this cafe who only want to solve it with words.
It is a den of evil wolves.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on October 05, 2020, 02:51:07 AM
You assume that there is only one way to get free energy.  Your way is not the only way. I have shared with everyone a much less complicated process. Those with the eyes to see will see.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2020, 03:20:48 AM
In an old Chinese story, there is a story called 지록위마(Jirok Weima/指鹿爲馬).
In English, it means [deer is called a horse].

Winding a coil around a magnet does not generate electricity.
Whether the magnetic force changes or the coil changes, it is something to do.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on October 05, 2020, 09:29:09 AM
I realize a possible problem

What is your understanding of sharing?
Example Open Source

Perhaps it does not translate to your language?
Seems you also play a game ?

Where you feel hyrogliphics and ancient stories
Or cryptic text are somehow remotely helpful

It is true , I do not build things I do not understand !

Or even pick up the tools until I have a goal
Or sensible path towards a goal

I also pay close attention to those with much
more experience and equipment for the task!
I pay close attention and have TREMENDOUS
Gratitude for their efforts Example Verpies,itsu and others
Sharing open source!

Recently a man verpies..who has spent many years
Helping this open source community asked
You a question

You gave him a riddle

A thirsty worker ( working for color and world) The man asks for
A drink —- you hand him sand!!

You did this to me also

Open source is not about abuse of members

It is about advancing science (hopefully)

and saving lives and our planet for the next

Wake up from your slumbering playtime

HELP The members

Stop hindering and trying to make trouble where there is none

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on October 05, 2020, 10:02:16 AM
Quote from: color on October 03, 2020, 01:22:01 PM
We have nothing to talk to you.

   It seams that Color is more than one person, (kind of like AG), and his son, both posting as AG.
And, both color and his daughter, as "color".  Just to be tricky, I guess. Yes, there are things that we don't understand.  But, they do not know how to build a free energy device. So, what should they be sharing, Ramset? More pictures of what has already been shown here years ago, and which no one is actually working on? Well, it's Colors thread, (who ever that may be), to do with what they want. But, not to insult, people like Verpies, Ramset, Me, nor any one else, with "we have nothing to talk to you."
That is Rude!!!  How would you like for us to say the same thing, to YOU...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 05, 2020, 01:17:09 PM
Hi Nick, Why get up set over it all ? Stefan calls it flame war !

How can I possibly be 'color' I'm in the other side of the world to both of you!

And the Dally device is still very active I know for one Itsu is working on that very device or
was up until very recently any ways!

Any way can you show some thing that you have that works and brings you into the DANGER zone ?
or perhaps some cutting edge technology that also is bringer of men in black  8) :o  ;D ;D

After all both you and itsu are you tube celebrates so why bother about use back room boys and girls  :o

PS stay cool!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on October 05, 2020, 01:53:34 PM
  No one is saying that AG is color.  Look at my last post, It can't be more clear.  What is not clear is, who "color" is? The father, or daughter, or the mother. How cunning.  And why they keep posting oversized pictures of stuff we discussed years ago. Like it's something new, and they keep trying to get our attention, but, show nothing that works, nor self runs, the whole time. Yet, want us to think that they do know what they are talking about, when they obviously don't. Or you would not need to show a thousand purposely oversized pictures of older stuff that we've already seen and discussed before, but that no one is interested in replicating now. To proof some point.
  AG: This is not a flame war, the point is to try to get these threads cleaned up. By getting rid of the trouble makers.
So that we can get back to focus on what works, for a change. And leave behind, what doesn't.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2020, 02:00:23 PM

The reason my dad writes here was to help.
I think you have provided enough help so far.
⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔ ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔

During the amperage amplification experiment, an ammeter with a capacity of 20A burned out instantly.
My dad's message is that I didn't expect the PSU 24V-6.3A to burn the ammeter.
It was said that it exceeded 20A, or the ammeter was bad or either.
It is assumed that it is not a defect because it is a product of a famous foreign ammeter company.
I bought it for 20 dollars in early 2015.
It's a new product that I've never tried a few times.
This is a picture taken just before the voltage soared to more than 2000V.
No Tesla-kacher was used, only pure push-pull was run.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2020, 03:46:51 PM
Dumb old men don't know the fountain.
Are you impatient because the day to die is approaching? ;D ;D ;D ;D

AG deletes and closes Color Cafe! ::) 8) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2020, 03:56:14 PM

I don't think an ignorant former professor with Parkinson's disease will die quickly, Dad😻😼😽🥺😴
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 05, 2020, 03:56:37 PM
Quote from: color on October 05, 2020, 03:46:51 PM
Dumb old men don't know the fountain.
Are you impatient because the day to die is approaching? ;D ;D ;D ;D

AG deletes and closes Color Cafe! ::) 8) ;D
Does he ? Why bother ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2020, 04:15:20 PM
Originally, it is fun to fight.
The funniest thing in the world is the fun of watching the burning fire across the river, and the next fun thing is the fun of getting into the war and picking the heads and necks of enemies. 8)


Closing the cafe at this point is what members want.
I also want it. ::) 8) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: verpies on October 05, 2020, 04:40:32 PM
Quote from: color on October 05, 2020, 04:15:20 PM
Originally, it is fun to fight.
But this is a technical forum, not a social infighting forum.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: verpies on October 05, 2020, 04:45:37 PM
Quote from: color on October 05, 2020, 02:00:23 PM
During the amperage amplification experiment, an ammeter with a capacity of 20A burned out instantly.
Amperage magnification has a high yawn factor.  Any capacitor and transformer can do that at the cost of time or voltage, respectively.

What is unusual about your device?
Is it a device that you have built ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on October 06, 2020, 05:39:37 AM
Quote from: verpies on October 05, 2020, 04:45:37 PM
Amperage magnification has a high yawn factor.  Any capacitor and transformer can do that at the cost of time or voltage, respectively.

What is unusual about your device?
Is it a device that you have built ?

In addition we see a cap of an unknown capacity charging at a very slow rate up to 2000V while input current is at 6A!! Just a Joule thief would do it better

Guys, by the time we get known better and better between each other and we make bonds between us. It is really very nice (in fact i love it!!!) to see our children writing in forums of that kind. But it would be better for us to know who is who. So if your kids like to participate, it would be very cool to open an account with their nick names like for example Color Junior or AG junior. This will help us a lot for improving our communication. ;)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 06, 2020, 08:42:05 AM
Quote from: ramset on October 05, 2020, 09:29:09 AM
I realize a possible problem

What is your understanding of sharing?
Example Open Source

Perhaps it does not translate to your language?
Seems you also play a game ?

Where you feel hyrogliphics and ancient stories
Or cryptic text are somehow remotely helpful

It is true , I do not build things I do not understand !

Or even pick up the tools until I have a goal
Or sensible path towards a goal

I also pay close attention to those with much
more experience and equipment for the task!
I pay close attention and have TREMENDOUS
Gratitude for their efforts Example Verpies,itsu and others
Sharing open source!

Recently a man verpies..who has spent many years
Helping this open source community asked
You a question

You gave him a riddle

A thirsty worker ( working for color and world) The man asks for
A drink —- you hand him sand!!

You did this to me also

Open source is not about abuse of members

It is about advancing science (hopefully)

and saving lives and our planet for the next

Wake up from your slumbering playtime

HELP The members

Stop hindering and trying to make trouble where there is none
But is not the riddle explaining the hidden side of the request?

The needy person is asking for personal help, but in your version it's a double edge sword
As you could be giving to someone who wants to destroy you or others.

Thus you have The Akula, SR193. and others departed inverters demise.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on October 06, 2020, 09:45:33 AM

Riddles as answers?
So your writing color has FE and shares in Riddles?

So you bring your own flavor of plague to hinder FE
Open Source ?

You would suggest ?

A solution or just more pollution?

I wrote to you if you are not comfortable
In an open source venue (sharing here )

Send to my email in profile for more than a decade
And I will gladly share it!

Your constant infomercials for dead experimenters ( who sought
Funding etc etc so as to hinder and stifle open source!

Are a great infomercial for just OPEN SOURCE

Write the one paragraph where a true anomaly hides?
And an experiment to show it!!
No Riddles or Pointing and winking with disclaimers??
How many more years of this ?

Oh I forgot
You have even more excuses now !!

I truly hope someone breaks the world free from
This insanity!!

Pretend scenarios of double edged this and that
As the world and humanity suffer...


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2020, 11:14:33 AM
Verpies :

It is the personal greed of AG that has made this a technology forum.
I don't think of this as a technology forum.
The forcing is noisy anytime, anywhere.
So in liberal democracy thinking, coercion is not recommended.
Keeping order on your own requires only big thinking.
Sometimes big accidents pop up, but liberal democratic thinking can be solved.
It is a problem that cannot be overcome in the communist system. ;D ::)


Jeg :

Verpies and Jeg are right.

My kids don't want villains to join this cafe. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2020, 11:19:22 AM
ramset :

Stop bullshit! ;D

Humanity is what the rich and long-haired psychopaths do.

Do you want to hear the real bullshit in the novel?

I am very poor.
All of my children are children abandoned on the street when they were newborns.
My wife found the children and raised them.
We are not a couple, but the family members of 건달바성 call it that way.
We haven't even met each other according to the rules of 건달바성.
Our 건달바성 is based on singleness.
Only video conferencing over special channels from a distance. ;D


NickZ :

I'm more curious about where you live than your trash generator. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on October 06, 2020, 12:07:46 PM
Humanity is what your wife does
And you also (if you help her!!)

Billions live hindered

"Inhumane " is to pretend those billions do not exist
Or do not deserve!!

Lives depend on this technology
Getting out to the world

Not to bank accounts!!

Sorry I am working atm
No time to discuss

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 06, 2020, 12:38:05 PM
Something is not right here, this person says one thing and then later on it's different
and then there is the digital snap shots that say something else.

Here is a self photo in local costume get them to turn round ! be your self!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2020, 01:22:35 PM

If you live alone in such a place, many people visit.
From the broadcasting station, students from schools all over France come to visit.
One year, 12 months, people come.
Your leisure time disappears.


Stela [1410]

Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
≪ Reply #21143 on: May 10, 2019, 08:43:40 PM ≫
Quote from: T-1000 on May 10, 2019, 07:01:16 PM
Here is another place to refresh memory, Fabrice Andre - https://youtu.be/B6hVasVR7AI?t=33
J'ai connus Fabrice Andree , c'est un menteur . Je suis meme allez chez lui dans son chalet qui a brule .
나는 Fabrice Andree를 알고 있었고 그는 거짓말쟁이입니다. 나는 불타 버린 샬레에 있는 그의 집에도 갔다.

Non pas du tout , je ne suis pas un troll , mais j'ai parle avec lui . C'est ce que j'ai vue et conclues .
아니, 나는 트롤이 아니지만 그와 이야기했습니다. 이것이 제가보고 결론을 내린 것입니다.


Stela [1411]

Hey mais vous etes sourd? , je vous dis qu'il n'a rien demontre et ce n'est pas a moi de demontrer . Pour ses documents je les aies deja , il m'a deja tout donne a l epoque ou nous parlions ensemble .

J'ai meme un bon ami qui a construis le chalet avec lui . Vous voulez des preuves ? Des photos peut etres ?

Savez vous qu'il a fait de la prison? qu'il a arnaque sont ex femme?  . https://www.ledauphine.com/haute-provence/2010/07/20/fabrice-andre-faites-entrer-l-innocent . Il serait innocent mais je suis au courant de choses que peut de gens savent et dont je tairais en public . C'est les fonds public europeen qui ont finance sont chalet . Et des repris de justice qui ont participes a sa construction .

Les eoliennes que vous voyez sur ses videos sont des eoliennes dont il a vole le concept .

D'ailleurs dans la video il n'y a aucune mesures valable ni de preuve de bouclage .

ET si remettre en cause car il y a des doutes fait de moi un troll , j'en suis un et fiere de l'etre .

D'ailleurs si vous etes si sure que l'appareil de Fabrice Andree fonctionne . Repliquez le .

하지만 당신은 귀머거리입니까? , 나는 그가 아무것도 시연하지 않았으며 내가 시연 할 수 없다고 말합니다. 그의 문서에 대해서는 이미 가지고 있고, 우리가 함께 이야기 할 때 이미 모든 것을주었습니다.

그와 함께 샬레를 지은 좋은 친구도 있습니다. 증거를 원하십니까? 사진일까요?

그가 감옥에 있었다는 것을 알고 있습니까? 그가 사기를당한 것은 전 부인입니까? . https://www.ledauphine.com/haute-provence/2010/07/20/fabrice-andre-faites-enter-l-innocent. 그는 결백 하겠지만 공개적으로 말하지 않을 사람이 거의 없다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 샬레는 유럽 공공 기금으로 자금을 조달했습니다. 그리고 건축에 참여한 죄수들.

그의 비디오에서 보는 풍력 터빈은 그가 개념을 훔친 풍력 터빈입니다.

또한 비디오에는 유효한 측정치 또는 폐쇄 증명이 없습니다.

그리고 의심이있어서 질문하는 것이 나를 트롤로 만든다면, 나는 하나이고 자랑 스럽습니다.

게다가 Fabrice Andree의 장치가 작동한다고 확신한다면. 복제하십시오.


If Andre's generator had worked, he would have prepared a patent first.
If not, it would have been sold.
However, no such sign was seen.

When a person gets old, everything becomes bothersome.
Anyone who lives alone in the mountains will miss a city with many amenities.
Usually, if you live in that place, you buy a lot of insurance.

South Korea is a special country in which about 2 million soldiers confront each other with guns and missile cannons on the 155-mile ceasefire line with North Korea.
My remarks are bound to be careful.
I am not aiming to sell generators.
I did not come here to sell a generator.
It is for pressure against China.
The US must keep China in check. ;D ;D

It was a kind of espionage activity that I served as a martial arts instructor in the North Korean military for 24 years.

And placenta's novels like suspense thriller adventure spectacular. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2020, 04:16:42 PM
Срочно Вечные Двигатели на 15кВт и на 8кВт началось производство во Флориде


It's a conspiracy for this generator inventor to sell generators in the United States and not use his personal YouTube channel, but rather a crappy Russian channel.
Again, the shadow of death may cast. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Jeg on October 07, 2020, 04:14:40 AM
Quote from: color on October 06, 2020, 11:19:22 AM
I am very poor.
All of my children are children abandoned on the street when they were newborns.
My wife found the children and raised them.
We are not a couple, but the family members of 건달바성 call it that way.
We haven't even met each other according to the rules of 건달바성.
Our 건달바성 is based on singleness.
Only video conferencing over special channels from a distance. ;D

I admire you my friend! I wish you the best!

My comment above about Joule thiefs was writen just for telling you that we don't know what you are really doing there. It could be nothing or it could be everything. Just use few words more so to understand each other.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 07, 2020, 06:48:43 AM
Jeg :

I respect Jeg too.
And in the current situation, any circuit or ancillary advice seems practically useless.
It seems that each person has no choice but to take over the hill on their own.

Go back to the old days and make the generator the way you want.

Please understand that I will not be able to write comments for the time being.

Well then.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2020, 05:12:53 AM
Hendershot generator reproduction 1930' model

30...40...50A ....
It's a pretty good question and I see it as a problem consciousness.
My dad also loves the Hendershot-generator.

The freedom of imagination and the prohibition of realistic imagination are old areas of motivation.
Freedom-Generator Probably not an ancient mystery.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2020, 08:31:24 AM
Most anyone that has studied electronics for even a little while has heard the expression "Eli the Iceman".  And they have been taught that means that voltage leads current in an inductor and current leads voltage in a capacitor.  That adage of course is true if we are talking about CHARGING a coil or capacitor.  But that adage is wrong when we are talking about DISCHARGING a coil or capacitor.  A capacitor can only discharge if it has a voltage high enough to overcome whatever resistance is in the circuit.  So voltage leads current when discharging a capacitor.  And when voltage is removed from a coil the current in the coil tries to maintain itself so it will build a voltage high enough to overcome the resistance in the circuit and thus discharge the current in the coil.  So current LEADS voltage when a coil is discharging.

ᅢ ᅣ ᅤ ᅥ ᅦ ᅧ ᅨ ᅩ ᅪ ᅫ ᅬ ᅭ ᅮ ᅯ ᅰ ᅱ ᅲ ᅳ ᅴ ᅵ ᅶ ᅷ ᅸ ᅹ ᅺ ᅻ ᅼ ᅽ ᅾ ᅿ ᆀ ᆁ ᆂ ᆃ ᆄ ᆅ ᆆ ᆇ ᆈ ᆉ ᆊ ᆋ ᆌ ᆍ ᆎ ᆏ ᆐ ᆑ ᆒ ᆓ ᆔ ᆕ ᆖ ᆗ ᆘ ᆙ ᆚ ᆛ ᆜ ᆝ ᆞ ᆟ ᆠ ᆡ ᆢ ᆣ ᆤ ᆥ ᆦ ᆧ

Remembering the phase difference

The mnemonic "ELI the ICE man" can be helpful in keeping track of the phase between the voltage and current in an AC circuit.

In a circuit with only an inductor and an AC power source, there is a 90o phase difference between the current and voltage - the voltage leads the current by 90o. This is the ELI part...with an inductor (L), the emf (E) is ahead of the current (I).

In a circuit with only a capacitor and an AC power source, there is also a 90o phase difference between the current and voltage - the voltage lags the current in this case. This is the ICE part...with an capacitor (C), the voltage emf (E) is behind the current (I).

What the ammeter reacts before the voltmeter is,
This is because the capacitor reacts faster than the inductor.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2020, 09:01:31 AM
7 more Very Windy JEE Plum Island Problems

The coast of Costa Rica is better to go with a second lover than a wife who is not fun.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on October 10, 2020, 10:51:37 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2020, 06:52:45 PM
The path that anyone has no experience with is a new path.
You can predict the road before experience, but no one knows what the structure of the road is like.
A person who has experienced this path can tell the structure of the path, but it is his greed to blame him for not telling the structure of the path.
Even if there are many other roads, they do not go, and they are only wandering in front of a road that they have never experienced.

He has no desire to pave the way.
I only want to go the path that others have pioneered.
And I attach many reasons.
Starting with humanity, poverty is blah blah blah blah...

And only evaluate.
Very confidently.
[Your research results don't work]
Over the past 10 years, I have only evaluated the endless demands and research results of others.
And he takes this for granted.

Ruslan made a rough structure with his own circuit diagram.
Those who do not have the heart to open up a path are just wandering in front of an inexperienced path.

Open a path you have not experienced and open it to others.
This is better than complaining.



누구든 경험이 없는 길은 새로운 길이다.
경험 이전에 길을 예측할 수는 있어도, 길의 구조가 어떤지는 아무도 모른다.
이 길을 경험한 사람은 길의 구조를 알려 줄 수는 있지만, 길의 구조를  알려주지 않는다고 탓하는 것은 그 사람의 욕심이다.
다른 많은 길이 있어도 가지않고, 한 번도 경험하지 않은 길 앞에서만 배회하고 있다.

그는 길을 개척할 마음이 없다.
타인이 개척한 길만 가고싶어한다.
그리고 많은 이유를 첨부한다.
인류애부터 시작해서 가난이 어쩌고 저쩌구 불라 불라 불라......

그리고 평가만 한다.
아주 당당하게.
[당신의 연구성과는 작동하지 않는다]
지난 10년간 끊임없는 요구와 타인의 연구성과를 평가만 했다.
그리고 그는 이것을 아주 당연한 것처럼 군다.

루슬란은 자신의 회로도로 대강의 구조는 만들어놨다.
길을 개척할 마음이 없는 사람은 경험없는 길 앞에서 서성거리고만 있다.

그대가 경험하지 않은 길을 개척해서 다른 사람들에게 공개하라.
이것이 불평불만보다는 낫다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on October 10, 2020, 07:13:22 PM
Wesley :)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2020, 08:04:56 PM

I don't think there is a reason to post your opinion here unless you're building a Kapanadze/ruslan free generator.

Your evaluation of Asians is zero.
If Asia is evaluated by European standards, there is only war.
Acheson-outside the line.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on October 10, 2020, 09:17:30 PM
Quote from: color on October 10, 2020, 08:04:56 PM
I don't think there is a reason to post your opinion here unless you're building a Kapanadze/ruslan free generator.
So you too  express your opinion  in the technical  field only  .. please.
I will delete my two previous  posts  just to be fair.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2020, 09:45:22 PM
ᄀ ᄁ ᄂ ᄃ ᄄ ᄅ ᄆ ᄇ ᄈ ᄉ ᄊ ᄋ ᄌ ᄍ ᄎ ᄏ ᄐ ᄑ ᄒ ᄓ ᄔ ᄕ ᄖ ᄗ ᄘ ᄙ ᄚ ᄛ ᄜ ᄝ ᄞ ᄟ ᄠ ᄡ ᄢ ᄣ ᄤ ᄥ ᄦ ᄧ ᄨ ᄩ ᄪ ᄫ ᄬ ᄭ ᄮ ᄯ ᄰ ᄱ ᄲ ᄳ ᄴ ᄵ ᄶ ᄷ ᄸ ᄹ ᄺ ᄻ ᅀ ᅁ ᅂ ᅃ ᅄ ᅅ ᅆ ᅇ ᅈ ᅉ ᅊ ᅋ ᅌ ᅍ ᅒ ᅓ ᅖ ᅗ ᅘ ᅙ ᅚ ᅛ ᅜ ᅝ ᅞ
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on October 10, 2020, 09:50:55 PM
https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2020-japan-lost-generation/ (https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2020-japan-lost-generation/)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2020, 09:57:48 PM
Asians have many companies made up of families.
건달바성 is one of them.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2020, 10:21:36 PM
The above experiment did not use kacher, only push-pull.
Misunderstanding is left to the inexperienced person.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on November 05, 2020, 02:28:54 PM
Have you a copy or pointer to this video I would be most great full to you and thank you for knowing you.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2020, 05:45:00 AM

My dad is investigating the case of manipulating the counting machine for the US presidential election.
There will be an announcement soon.
Please understand that we cannot comment for the time being.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2020, 11:15:09 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2020, 11:41:17 PM
인덕턴스코일(L)과 축전기(C)는 서로 다른 역할을 합니다. 코일은 전압이 전류보다 1/4주기가 앞섭니다. 반대로 축전기는 전류가 전압보다 1/4주기 앞섭니다. 왜냐하면 코일에서는 자기력선속(자기장)이 발생하여 전류의 흐름을 방해합니다. 따라서 전류가 느려집니다. 반대로 축전기는 전류가 흐르고 나서 전하가 채워지면 전압이 생깁니다. 이러한 반대작용을 하는 L과 C를 조합한 LC회로는 에너지소모가 없이 전기장과 자기장의 진폭이 변하지 않는 진동전류가 흐릅니다. 이러한 일정한 진동수를 이용하여 특정 전파를 공명시켜 필요한 전파만 수신하는 기능을 합니다. 이렇게 각각의 R, L, C의 기능을 조합하여 특정 목적에 사용합니다.
Inductance coil (L) and capacitor (C) play different roles. The coil has a voltage that precedes the current by a quarter cycle. Conversely, in capacitors, the current leads the voltage by 1/4 cycle. Because a magnetic flux (magnetic field) is generated in the coil, it interferes with the flow of current. So the current slows down. Conversely, a capacitor produces a voltage when a current flows and then the charge is filled. In the LC circuit that combines L and C, which acts in the opposite way, the vibration current flows without energy consumption and the amplitude of the electric and magnetic fields does not change. Using this constant frequency, it resonates a specific radio wave and receives only the necessary radio waves. In this way, each function of R, L, C is combined and used for a specific purpose.

1/4주기는, 코일 길이에 맞는 캐패시터 용량을 맞추면 되는 일입니다.
이것은 아주 쉬운 언어지만 루슬란이 어렵게 말해서 일부 유저들이 어렵다고 오해하는 것이다.
For 1/4 cycle, you can adjust the capacitor capacity to match the coil length.
This is a very easy language, but Ruslan speaks it hard and some users misunderstand it as difficult.

2015년 리액턴스 및 임피던스, 1/4주기 공명(Reactance and impedance, 1/4 cycle resonance)

2015년 발전기의 PSU는 24V/250W 용량을 사용했고,
Yoke-변압기는, 밑변 11.4cm짜리를 사용했습니다.
1차코일 12+12.
2차코일 14+14.

2016년 리액턴스 및 임피던스, 1/4주기 공명(Reactance and impedance, 1/4 cycle resonance)

2016년 발전기의 PSU는 24V/150W 용량을 사용했습니다.
Yoke-변압기는, 밑변 9cm짜리를 사용했습니다.
1차코일 8+8.
2차코일 10+10

루슬란이 만든 회로도를 약간 응용해서 만들었다.

당시 나의 아빠가 기록한 각종 캐패시터와 각종 크기의 Yoke-변압기 실험표입니다.
자질구레한 실험 기록이 많지만 일부만 게시합니다.

Reactance and impedance, 1/4 cycle resonance, 2015

In 2015, the PSU of the generator used a capacity of 24V/250W,
The Yoke-transformer used a 11.4cm base.
Primary coil 12+12.
Secondary coil 14+14.

Reactance and impedance, 1/4 cycle resonance, 2016

In 2016, the generator's PSU used a capacity of 24V/150W.
The Yoke-transformer used a 9cm base.
Primary coil 8+8.
2nd coil 10+10

It was made by applying some of the circuit diagram Ruslan made.

This is the test table of various capacitors and Yoke-transformers of various sizes recorded by my dad at the time.
There are many chore records of experiments, but only a few are posted.

특이사항은 테스터기로 측정했을 때, 다이오드 브릿지를 사용하든, 사용하지 않든 AC와 DC가 모두 측정됩니다.
그리고 아날로그 측정기와 디지털 측정기 모두 다른 측정값이 나옵니다.
테스터기의 고장이 아니라 발전기 자체가 그런 주파수를 만들어 냅니다.
그래서 테스터기는 어느정도 기준으로 삼고 전구의 밝기를 가지고 실험하는 것을 권장합니다.

루슬란은 위 동영상에서 암페어가 속임수라고 말합니다.
암페어 측정기를 고용량으로 측정하면, 저용량의 암페어 측정기로 측정한 값이 나오지 않습니다.
그리고 측정된 암페어 값은 발전기를 만드는 회로와 사실상 관계가 없다.
발전기를 만드는 과정에서 미완성된 상태에서 일부 부품의 실험에 지나지 않습니다.

아래 기록은 그래서 의미가 덜하지만 한국인들을 위해서 참고용으로 게시합니다.

The peculiarity is that when measured with a tester, both AC and DC are measured with or without a diode bridge.
And both analog and digital measuring instruments have different measurements.
The generator itself generates those frequencies, not the tester failure.
Therefore, it is recommended to use the tester as a standard and experiment with the brightness of the light bulb.

In the video above, Ruslan says Ampere is a trick.
It is true.
If the ampere meter is measured at high capacity, the value measured by the low volume ampere meter will not come out.
And the measured amperage value has virtually nothing to do with the circuit that makes the generator.
In the process of making the generator, it is only an experiment of some parts in the unfinished state.

The record below is therefore less meaningful, but is posted as a reference for Koreans.

전기에 정통한 여러 회원분들은 금방 이해하겠지만,
전기 초보자들은 이해하기 어려울 수도 있습니다.

그리고 질문은 받지 않겠습니다.
위 루슬란 회로도를 약간만 응용하면 되는 문제이기 때문입니다.

Many members who are savvy in electricity will quickly understand,
Biography beginners may find it difficult to understand.

And I won't answer any questions.
This is because it is a problem that requires a small application of the above Ruslan schematic.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Thaelin on November 07, 2020, 11:52:13 AM
Quote from: color on October 10, 2020, 09:01:31 AM
7 more Very Windy JEE Plum Island Problems
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycOFyutOhi0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycOFyutOhi0)

The coast of Costa Rica is better to go with a second lover than a wife who is not fun.

Sure wish I could live in Costa Rica and still draw my SS from the states. Bet it would be great.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on November 08, 2020, 08:14:02 AM
    A wish is just a wish, until... it's you sitting there.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on November 08, 2020, 12:23:43 PM
Quote from: NickZ on November 08, 2020, 08:14:02 AM
    A wish is just a wish, until... it's you sitting there.

Hey didn't that Austrian (Oesterreich) pop singer Falco (rock me Amadeus fame) get killed while taking a corner by some none 'nondescript' bus driver, apparently
it's roads are a death trap out there.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on November 08, 2020, 12:52:36 PM
Quote from: AlienGrey on November 08, 2020, 12:23:43 PM
Hey didn't that Austrian (Austerich) pop singer Falco (rock me Amadeus fame) get killed while taking a corner by some none 'nondescript' bus driver, apparently
it's roads are a death trap out there.

Try it with the roads in Puerto Plata ,Republica Dominicana,Caraibas !
Johann Hoelzel alias ' Falco ' ,Oesterreich

Drah' di net um,der Kommissar geht um .......
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on November 08, 2020, 02:01:14 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on November 08, 2020, 12:52:36 PM
Try it with the roads in Puerto Plata ,Republica Dominicana,Caraibas !
Johann Hoelzel alias ' Falco ' ,Oesterreich

Drah' di net um,der Kommissar geht um .......
Thanks for the correct spelling, what inspector is that ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 08, 2020, 11:32:52 PM
A tremendous voting-manipulation event occurred in the vote for the US presidential election.
The US-Democratic Party and China illegally participated in voting.
A huge number of ballots were issued in China and Chinese capital intervened.
It also secured evidence of involvement by some CIA impure forces.

When the liberal democracy voting system is violated, liberal democracy is over.
If Trump loses in the US presidential election, 건달바성 will stand on the side of China.
And 건달바성 will destroy the impure forces in the United States who manipulated the vote.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on November 09, 2020, 12:56:11 AM
I'm not really an American, I'm European and not really into politics it's best to keep a balance or you lose your freedom I was born unique and I don't want to die a programmed copy of some one else I'm a truth seeker of balance, whats the point of fussing and fighting. I'm more into psychology as a subject.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2020, 03:42:41 PM
Ruslan's free generator costs no more than $100.
Too easy to make a generator.
Parts are so inexpensive that if mass-produced, they can cost less than 30-50 dollars.

If you are silent about the tyranny of illegal power, the rational democracy achieved through blood dies.
If circuit diagrams, videos, and photos are distributed to 100,000 sites in China at once, China will not worry about energy.
When distributed around the world through various sites and YouTube videos, the earth-world uses clean energy.

Too easy to make a generator.
The picture below shows a pure push-pull circuit without Tesla-kacher.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2020, 06:42:31 PM

Seven were born in the 1900s.
Born in 1850 also took part in the vote.
I got a fake ID, so I summoned the dead.
The world's oldest age, 197, also voted for Biden.

And while Biden won 150,000 votes, there was a bizarre ballot counting machine where Trump didn't get a single vote.

And there were many states with more than 100% turnout.
Some states have a 125% turnout.
All are ghost-voting.

And every ghost-voting voted for Biden.

The US Democratic Party mobilized a large manpower to add illegal ghost votes to each ballot counting machine.

Already in the 14th general election of the Republic of Korea, the turnout was manipulated with the Chinese ballot counting machine, and the same occurred in the US presidential election.
All were Chinese intervention.

This means that the ballot was printed in bulk and put into the ballot box.
In many votes by mail, illegality was involved.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2020, 07:30:18 PM
Joe Biden: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."


China is very fond of bribe-loving dementia patients who are not intact to direct US politics.
China's Xi Jinping will control the United States.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 10, 2020, 06:44:55 PM
Chinese dissident chaebol Guo Won-gui spreads suspicion of 'Biden-China linkage'

A man named Guo Wen-gui, a political exile from China to the United States, provided a significant amount of information to the United States.
In addition to this, a voting manipulation program previously developed by the CIA is used.

Former US Air Force Lieutenant General Tom McKinnery revealed that the CIA developed a ballot control program Hammer and Scorecard has been used for a long time, and Democratic tycoons practiced Stalin's adage that "elections are made by the manipulators of the votes." The formation of the transition committee was dismissed when the Federal Secretary of State decided not to acknowledge Biden's declaration of victory.

Obama, who became president in 2008, is also elected by Hammer and Scorecard.

The Hammer and Scorecard program is also used in the Bunny Sanders and Joe Biden races.
Bernie Sanders wins, but is replaced by Joe-Biden because of the manipulation program.

Where there are about 400,000 voters, 800,000 votes.

And there were also a bunch of 220-year-old ghost-voters.

Falco - Jeanny (Video)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 10, 2020, 08:52:28 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on November 10, 2020, 09:42:47 PM
Give me original link to the video showing it.
Give me time and date  of this event.
You will not .. because you likely work for some Russian agency..
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 10, 2020, 10:38:06 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on November 11, 2020, 12:35:35 AM
Quote from: color on November 09, 2020, 03:42:41 PM
Ruslan's free generator costs no more than $100.
Too easy to make a generator.
Parts are so inexpensive that if mass-produced, they can cost less than 30-50 dollars.

If you are silent about the tyranny of illegal power, the rational democracy achieved through blood dies.
If circuit diagrams, videos, and photos are distributed to 100,000 sites in China at once, China will not worry about energy.
When distributed around the world through various sites and YouTube videos, the earth-world uses clean energy.

Too easy to make a generator.
The picture below shows a pure push-pull circuit without Tesla-kacher.
as a matter of interest where can you get  all the parts for that price never lone 50 Euros ?
over here a MOSFET is almost 7 euro and coil of enamel copper wire is now almost 17 euro and wire for the grenade is around 35-40 euro and then there is tax and then you need a frame and PCB to build it with.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 11, 2020, 12:50:32 AM
You don't know of a wholesale market system in large quantities at cheap prices that are difficult to imagine in the Chinese market.
Do you want the source too?


Severe dementia cannot be treated even with modern medicine.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on November 11, 2020, 05:41:45 AM
There are PURE production costs and gross selling and end consumer per unit prices !

10 years back : 1 laser element,for CD-player use as example,1 Euro production cost per unit
                             the same laser element as repair part in the e-shop 34 Euros

                             Buying a new  CD-player with this laser element incorporated under 30 Euros !
                            That is called ' marketing' in our western' drop away' society !
What do the (Ruslan type) generator parts weight in total,which materials used,world market material price :
this gives a first view about minimum exploring costs !

I was (be)wondered when I saw in the Carrefour-hypermarket +- year 2005 the offer from a PC-keyboard :
                                                                     1 Euro ! 
                                                                     Kg-price !?
Cheaper than a T-shirt,world market container-quantity gross selling price per Kg !
1,8 Euros per shirt,2005 ! 80 gr./sqm quality !
The T-shirt 'engineering' more valid than a 50 and more pieces PC-keyboard-'engineering ?

Or : product from company liquidation ?
New surplus ware market gross selling price level : 1/10

So in a new buyed end consumer market 3000 US$ PRICE device  is easilly an only 100 US$ material WORTH ,by industrial mass production, to refind !

When it is a ' by  machine '  production device,low or no human direct work input  :
fair price - 100 US$ physical  material  worth as base- 300 US$ end consumer,ready to use ,plug+'play'   !

How many grams weights an 1 physical  EURO,an 1 physical US-Dollar :
by currencies we are speaking - EVER- by their material worth !   
The coins their industrial material world market worth ! World-Standart PPPP, P4 : physical power parity purchase

The difference : an adapted Metropolis-economy ,not ' Monopoly'

The ' engineer' social worth : if not PCT- work saved ,AGENDA 2010 leveling : 1 Euro per hour work-compensation  ! Global !
                                                                                       " The 1 Euro Job " -proliferation

We are coming to the K.I.Estates-level ! ( Minimum common consense  : U.N.-Charta )

What is DIY ?

The INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY 4 stages - all in one -
primary sector : the material source,exploration  or/and recycling
secondary: the material transformation,by hand/tools/machine
tertiary sector: market  ,obsolet by DIY
quartiary/fourth sector :  service/maintenance

But caution : for non dangerous in-house use when EE-related and off-grid

for on-grid coupling the official and written social engineering  rules,demanded,has to be respected and also if entering public space with that 'DIY-device' !
One EE-device professional technical aval costs : minimum 20 000 Euros

1x = device costs + 20 000  aval UNECONOMICAL per unit  !

10x = device costs + 20 000/10 

Here begins 'co-operation' to be social and economical wortfull !

1000x = 20 per device aval costs

10 000x = 2 per device
100 000x = 0,2 per device

I mean that such generators like Ruslan will find more than 1000/10 000/100 000 electricity using people interests :
DIY-investors search&found platforms a la ' kickstarter' as show-case


SELFMADE INDUSTRIAL ,MYNAME- product and quantity and quality and trust in worth by use


p.s.: 2 years before,I mean it,the article is posted ,as battery price pre-view for 2028 :

                                                             10 Euros/KWh storage capacity  !  :o   

        ( article/news number error ? Written 10,meaning 100 ?       

           If really 10 Euros/KW for creditizing this preview :     

           material/Kg/charge cycles ? In the press article not explained ! )

         We read mostly about price drop to the 100 US$ range (Lithium),       
         we know the actually lead batteries gross selling fob factory price : 20-40 US$/KW
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 11, 2020, 09:16:19 PM
The most expensive part of my dad's generator is about a 60m/3.5 pi electrical cable.
When purchased in bulk, it can be bought for a quarter of the current retail price.
The next most expensive is a 0.47uF/2000V (approximately $12) capacitor.
However, when purchased in bulk in China, a 0.47uF/2000V capacitor can be purchased for less than $2.
The IRFP460 MOSFET is about $2, but you can buy it for $0.5 if you buy it in bulk in China.
The MOSFET/transistor purchased as a replacement for the IRFP460 is cheaper.
If the generator is operated with a 12V battery instead of a 9V battery, the generator cost may increase slightly.
For reference, the price of 12V/8~12AH batteries delivered in bulk from China is less than 7 dollars.
Do you want the source too?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 11, 2020, 09:41:19 PM

We know you are a communist.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 13, 2020, 09:02:27 PM

This guy is very good at break dancing headspin.
And he is a respectable inventor.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 14, 2020, 01:14:04 AM
Dangerous Work near High Voltage Wires?

The most expensive thing in my dad's generator is a 60m electric-cable,
The 30m long, 11mm earth-to-earth cable that was previously purchased without understanding the generator operation is virtually unnecessary.
Even a 3.5mm electric cable is sufficient for an earth-ground wire.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 17, 2020, 01:33:02 AM
A Dominion bought on eBay could be infiltrated by hackers in six minutes.

But, according to the company, Scytl does not tally votes. Nor is there credible evidence Republican votes were changed to Democratic votes in the election.

Almost all the world press hates Trump.
Mostly communists hate Trump.
This is fake news from the Associated Press.
The election operation server confiscated in Canada/Germany by the US military and police is Operation 건달바성.


1. It turned out that the Trump votes were not actually tens of thousands of votes ahead of Biden, but millions of votes.
2. But all these votes software turned over.
3. In 2016, the software was used in California and in other countries.
4. We currently have all of the evidence related to it and allegations of bribery from officials.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2020, 09:42:47 PM

I've given that circuit some thought and see that you can hook up the capacitors to the WFC but only at a single resonant cavity as the voltages are too high for any capacitor to withstand at the transformer's connection to the WFC. This is possible due to the resonant cavities dividing up the voltage as the voltage will then be 1/10th of the voltage in a WFC such as mines with ten resonant cavities. Not sure what type of capacitor will work best but I'll leave that to you to figure out.
나는 그 회로에 몇 가지 생각을했고 커패시터를 WFC에 연결할 수 있지만 전압이 너무 높아서 커패시터가 WFC에 대한 변압기의 연결을 견딜 수 없기 때문에 단일 공진 캐비티에서만 가능하다는 것을 알았습니다. 이것은 전압이 10 개의 공진 캐비티가있는 광산과 같은 WFC에서 전압의 1/10이되기 때문에 전압을 분할하는 공진 캐비티로 인해 가능합니다. 어떤 유형의 커패시터가 가장 잘 작동하는지 확실하지 않지만 알아 내도록 맡기겠습니다.


Secondly, Meyer clearly used 'Unipolar' pulses as he clearly states in his technical brief, so why change it? (see pics 3&4).

So you can see why I'm confused.
둘째, Meyer는 기술 요약에서 명확하게 언급 한대로 'Unipolar'펄스를 명확하게 사용했는데 왜 변경해야합니까? (사진 3 & 4 참조).

그래서 내가 왜 혼란스러워하는지 알 수 있습니다.


Unipolar and bipolar pulses emitted during the development of lightning flashes

Both unipolar and bipolar magnetic or electric field pulses have been observed during preparatory stages of a lightning flash. We introduce a new simple analytical model to describe both kinds of pulses. We show how the polarity overshoot depends on the parameters of the model, including the propagation velocity of the current pulse, the step length, and the injected current waveshape. We observe that the expression for the radiation part of the magnetic field can be decomposed into two time‐shifted terms with opposite polarities. The time shift of the two terms is determined by the overall propagation time of the current pulse. The model well corresponds not only to observations of the bipolar preliminary breakdown pulses at time scales of tens of microseconds but also to both unipolar and bipolar dart‐stepped leader pulses at submicrosecond time scales.

1 Introduction
Sequences of electromagnetic pulses emitted during the development of lightning flashes have been investigated in many different studies. Individual pulses in a sequence are observed to have different shapes. Depending on the size of the opposite polarity overshoot, they can be described as unipolar or bipolar. Prestroke bipolar pulses were for the first time reported by Clarence and Malan [1957]. Marshall et al. [2014] hypothesized that probably all negative cloud‐to‐ground flashes begin with bipolar pulses. Properties of bipolar pulses occurring prior to the first strokes were recently analyzed by Stolzenburg et al. [2013], Karunarathne et al. [2013], Kolmašová et al. [2014], and Stolzenburg et al. [2014]. Sequences of bipolar pulses which occurred during the preliminary breakdown stage of a lightning flash and which were not followed by regular return strokes were examined by Nag and Rakov [2008], Sharma et al. [2008], and Esa et al. [2014b, 2014a].

Unipolar pulses were first reported by Krider et al. [1975]. Rakov et al. [1992] studied unipolar electric pulses which occurred during K changes and M components. Kolmašová and Santolík [2013] investigated fine properties of sequences of unipolar magnetic pulses radiated from intracloud lightning discharges and attributed them to dart‐stepped leader processes. They also speculated that the decreases of pulse amplitudes in the observed magnetic pulse trains are caused by decreasing current propagation speeds. Other studies investigating properties of pulse sequences have been published by, e.g., Gomes and Cooray [2004], Lee et al. [2006], Nag et al. [2009], or Baharudin et al. [2012].

It is not fully understood how the electromagnetic pulses are generated during the lightning flash development. Several studies introduced different theoretical models for the generation mechanism of these pulses [Nucci et al., 1988; Rakov and Dulzon, 1991; Shao and Heavner, 2006; Jones, 2009; Karunarathne et al., 2014; da Silva and Pasko, 2015]. Our study is an extension of the work of Karunarathne et al. [2014] who explained the origin of a bipolar preliminary breakdown pulse by considering a vertically propagating current pulse. They used a modified transmission line (TL) model which relates the current waveshape at a height z and time t to the temporal evolution of the current waveshape at a fixed height H1. In their work the path length varied from 391 m up to 1176 m depending on the type of the model. The intensity of the current pulse which decreases linearly was examined by Rakov and Dulzon [1991], an exponentially decreasing current pulse was analysed by Nucci et al. [1988], and a current spatially variating according to the Kumaraswamy distribution [e.g., Jones, 2009] was considered by Karunarathne et al. [2014].

The shapes of the electric field pulses were examined by Shao and Heavner [2006] using a model with a moving upper boundary. With this model they found that unipolar pulses occur for low propagation velocities of the current pulse, and bipolar pulses become more likely when the propagation velocity increases. A recent paper by da Silva and Pasko [2015] shows a unified model describing both preliminary breakdown pulses and narrow bipolar events. They use a generalization of TL and electrostatic models to numerically compute the distribution of the charge density, electric current, and conductivity of the channel to obtain electric field changes. They assume a bidirectional leader and study the effect of elongation of one tip of the leader on the waveshape of the electric field pulse.

In the present paper we will utilize a simplified model to investigate the conditions leading to different shapes of magnetic waveforms: the unipolar and the bipolar pulses. We use a simple TL model developed by Uman and McLain [1969] for a current pulse propagating between the fixed heights H1 and H2. Under these conditions it is possible to obtain an analytical expression for the radiation part of the magnetic field and to explicitly see the way how the shape of the magnetic field pulses depends on parameters of the model. We demonstrate that both unipolar and bipolar pulses can be described by the same theoretical model. The shapes of the pulses depend on the form of the current waveshape injected at the bottom of the channel as it can be intuitively expected. However, we also find that the pulse shape depends on the propagation speed and the step length.

In section 2 we describe measurements of unipolar and bipolar pulses and show examples of the pulse sequences. In section 3 we briefly introduce the proposed model of the magnetic pulses. Section 4 gives results concerning the shape of the magnetic pulses for different parameters of the model. In section 5 we compare our results with the existing literature.

2 Measurements of Unipolar and Bipolar Pulses
The sequences of unipolar and bipolar pulses shown in Figure 1 were recorded by a ground‐based version of a broadband high‐frequency analyzer (5 kHz to 37 MHz) which was developed for the Taranis spacecraft. More details about the analyzer are given by Kolmašová and Santolík [2013], and the Taranis mission is described by Blanc et al. [2007]. The analyzer was connected to a simple magnetic antenna formed by a single circular loop of a 50 Ω coaxial cable with a diameter of 1 m. The measurements in Figures 1a–1c were conducted in Prague (50.04°N, 14.48°E), Czech Republic. The measurements in Figure 1d were conducted on an external measurement site of the Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit on the summit of La Grande Montagne (1028 m, 43.94°N, 5.48°E) close to Rustrel, France.

My dad experimented with about 30 types of capacitors of different capacities.
There is a slight voltage difference in the push-pull circuit, but
However, when connecting Tesla-kacher, there is almost no voltage difference.
As Ruslan said, you can run any generator with a capacitor with a capacity of 630 to 2000V.
Capacitor means Tesla-kacher/lightning path-guide role is everything.
Which guide is a good guide is just a desire to experiment.
Ruslan is the best guide.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2020, 10:17:42 PM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2020, 10:42:42 PM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on November 19, 2020, 10:01:10 AM
Stefan (if you are paying any attention at all),

The previous post and all the other Bs on this thread is why I refuse to participate in this forum any longer!  :-[  Yes, truly a sad situation!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on November 19, 2020, 10:35:17 AM
   My opinion is that color (all three of them), is a family of TROLLS. 

  They are here not to help, but to distract us, instead. By flooding the forum with every picture that they can get a hold of.

   That way no one will pay any attention, and much less will not be replicating any of the shown devices.    As you can see no one else is posting here, except for AG.
   The sick girly pics are just part of the distraction process to gain our attention. Nor will they ever show or replicate anything that actually works.
   Yet, who is going to control what is happening? As it is now, this forum is going no where... and worse yet, no one is moderating the moderators.

      PS.  Thanks partzman, for your post.
   If we don't speak up about all this, it will continue...   
   As it seems that Stefan has little time to pay attention to what is happening to his own forum.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on November 19, 2020, 12:37:11 PM
There are no moderators in Kapansdze or this section

You fellows chose this arrangement ( so far ??)

If he is posting links offensive to female population
I cannot access These links (do not open on my device just appear as link)

There is only one moderator here ( the boss)
And he does not like those who treat woman in this manner !

Most here do not encourage this behavior
There are plenty of venues for this , here it is forbidden!

One way trip Color
To the exit ...if the boss finds out!!

Yes that's correct
Stefan is boss here , it is his house ... we are guests !!

Please respect that !!

( you already know this !! For many years !!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on November 19, 2020, 01:10:43 PM
Quote from: NickZ on November 19, 2020, 10:35:17 AM
   My opinion is that color (all three of them), is a family of TROLLS. 

  They are here not to help, but to distract us, instead. By flooding the forum with every picture that they can get a hold of.

   That way no one will pay any attention, and much less will not be replicating any of the shown devices.    As you can see no one else is posting here, except for AG.
   The sick girly pics are just part of the distraction process to gain our attention. Nor will they ever show or replicate anything that actually works.
   Yet, who is going to control what is happening? As it is now, this forum is going no where... and worse yet, no one is moderating the moderators.

      PS.  Thanks partzman, for your post.
   If we don't speak up about all this, it will continue...   
   As it seems that Stefan has little time to pay attention to what is happening to his own forum.
Well i have asked questions of the technical variety yes i have,
mind you I have asked Nick questions and got abuse back, and others too

Any way if you go back a few pages you will find others asking technical questions
including Nick ! so whats wrong with that. you have benefited from that !

What no one realizes we are in SCORPIO and we just had a FULL MOON in that house
so what do you expect it's the house of Satan !and no I don't support it and how dare you suggest I do.
Now grow up and stop pointing fingers at others when you don't want to help out
and just whinge and blame others that have no control !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on November 19, 2020, 04:30:14 PM
Quote from: ramset on November 19, 2020, 12:37:11 PM
If he is posting links offensive to female population
I cannot access These links

One way trip Color
To the exit ...if the boss finds out!!
what can be less gentle  to  color :
- me as moderator and than investigator/tracker of color's connections with some Trolls and corrector of Colors posts?
-Stefan performing ordung?
Dear color i do respect every religion, sexual orientation, race, position and freedom of  expression.
But  not trolling and  disposal of unrelated conflicting data.
Nature likes opposites,  so your presence here  is at some point beneficial as a counterbalance.
but not in any way,  the  destructive one.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on November 19, 2020, 05:19:54 PM
    Why would you want to be gentle to a troll and his sick family???   Will they listen to you?  Color didn't listen to me, nor anyone else.   Or are trolls allwed now? As it seams like it...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 19, 2020, 10:30:19 PM
Why would you want to be gentle to a troll and his sick family??? Will they listen to you? Color didn't listen to me, nor anyone else. Or are trolls allwed now? As it seams like it...


There are many people who are sick in the world.
He complains that his tribe has been annihilated, referring to an event that he has not even remembered.

And he expresses his sincere condolences for the death of about 1.5 million people.

It is uncomfortable to hear the stories of those who dominate the mainstream media and produce false news every day.

During the Korean War (6.25 Incident) (about 3 years), 3.5 million people died.

Great Leap Forward Movement/大躍進運動
Economic growth movement through the promotion of labor-intensive industries that took place between 1958 and early 1960 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.
During this period, 40 to 60 million people died of starvation.

And we are sharing the experimental results related to the free generator.
There is nothing to talk to a member who constantly demands only the exact schematic to make a free generator.


Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21093 on: May 02, 2019, 11:55:03 PM »
Quote from: apecore on May 02, 2019, 08:59:12 PM

Hi T-1000, NickZ,
Did i understand Ruslan saying that Lock on resonance for inductor and kacher/ tesla is critical in case tenth of kHz can be critical in the proces?
Like a combustion engine..  its all about synchronisation of all the pars and the correct timing for the spark.

The "resonance" in his words is not resonance everyone is taught about. From my understanding it is about best sync between different proccesses on 2 systems. One giving max optimal current in ultrasonic frequencies (skin effect) and another giving max effect on disruption with max BEMF then causing max emissions (electrons/ions/etc pull from background when using skin effect?) then sync both into best output.
I might be wrong and my guess is good as yours.


And thank you to the German police for cooperating with the U.S. Special Forces operation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2020, 01:15:09 AM
The circuit will break and there will be no current.


Even in the circuit diagram below, the circuit is broken and there is no current.
However, a current is generated in the broken circuit.
The people who completed the generator are silent, because finding out this secret is how the free-generator works.

And there are many people in the world who try to carry out their will with the old-fashioned way of thinking.
God is dead. And the sun is bright.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 23, 2020, 09:41:04 AM

Dementia is an incurable disease.

George Soros Arrested in Philadelphia For Election Interference – Judge Orders Media Blackout


You cannot find out dementia yourself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on November 23, 2020, 01:05:10 PM
Quote from: color on November 23, 2020, 09:41:04 AM
George Soros Arrested in Philadelphia For Election Interference – Judge Orders Media Blackout
https://yournewswire.com/george-soros-arrested-in-philadelphia-for-election-interference-judge-orders-media-blackout/ (https://yournewswire.com/george-soros-arrested-in-philadelphia-for-election-interference-judge-orders-media-blackout/)
https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/11/fact-check-george-soros-arrested-for-election-interference-in-federal-custody-conservative-beaver.html (https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/11/fact-check-george-soros-arrested-for-election-interference-in-federal-custody-conservative-beaver.html)
Dear color:
there is big difference between American democracy and eastern European country of
-and everyday arrests for protest  of just a single person on a street.
-Tzar siding21 years in power 
-Tzar changed constitution and made himself eligible to be there till 2036
-Tzar 1 week ago made himself untouchable if he decides to give up his presidency.
-where  average  pension is 190 dollars per month
-where Prigozin head of Russian  space program makes 3 times more money than director of NASA
and Russian   cosmonaut  drills  holes in ISS( international space station) right before  leaving ISS, for other Russians to likely die there.. 
(https://www.sciencealert.com/russian-cosmonaut-says-that-the-hole-in-the-iss-was-drilled-from-the-inside)  This article was originally published by Universe Today. 
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/sep/05/space-station-air-leak-someone-drilled-the-hole-say-russians (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/sep/05/space-station-air-leak-someone-drilled-the-hole-say-russians)
-where average Russian salary is  less than in Papua New Guinea 180-210 dollars /mo.

I don't understand why you dear color are taking fake news of Russian origin and with use of  another link you  are denoting  George Soros Arrest?
So hoax was waste of Russian money?
And hoax was not successful   but at least people can think about it?

There is no such thing in USA as - "judge  order to block news."
BBC and Reuters didn't say the word as they don't want to  react to Russian fake.
But some explanation is here:


legal note:
all said above by me is my personal opinion only  .
If you have any objections, please look  for the answer in the constitution of USA

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on November 23, 2020, 03:09:50 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVFym8s10Xw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVFym8s10Xw)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on November 23, 2020, 03:50:01 PM
Wesley,are you in ' expressive stress'-situation ?
I am not !
We can clearly read about the nearly numerical reaching 200 different U.N.-member nations good and bad things,in the hope that this will change trendy ' good for all' ,but this will happen in a time spending process over several decades.

Several decades means for 2020 unborn kids up to the 40-50 birthday ultra low/low changes
  but positivier living standarts in comparison to their actual parents life comfort  !

And this will be 2060+  the later parents from the generation over-next !

Each year 1% better life nearing 'international (200 U.N. average)middle class consume basket'

I would declare as success !

Nature desaster risc (f.e. Haiti,Vanuatu,Puerto Rico,New Orleans) and international help  included !

Evolution is as atom bomb/vulcano explosion or in science fiction or

only in our -theoretical-  visions               (hyper-)fast


'bureaucracy slow down velocity/speed' 

day-by-day realiy as Deutschland example known barrier :

up to 18.000 sides formulars as written paper to study and fill to get 1 licence !

Deutsche-Genehmigungs-Norm DGN :P (Engarde !)

When we make international comparisons in economy tri-/bilateral

in use macro-economical is not the US$ but the International $,getting Purchase Parity Power ,PPP !

Comparison with ex-socialistic and religious estates (credit tax prohibition !) need in comparison to G7-credit lever economies ever a factor 10 multiplicator or we divide G7-PPP by divisor 1/10 !

When somebody earns 100 units in an 100 units-average PPP estate this earner represents this national economy.
When somebody earns 1000 units in a neighbour country with a 1000 units-average PPP also this one represents national average !

Both are national average,but by min- max 10x or 1/10 max-min point-of-view difference NOMINAL  !

Pareto ! Pyramid-conversion and curreny quality and quantity dependent !

90.000 US$ metropole earnings by equivalent costs parity equates 3.000 international $ by rural living !

Poor/rich- bashing is for many left and right polit-party/worker unions functionaries a funny agitation game !


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on November 23, 2020, 04:42:39 PM

Quote from: lancaIV on November 23, 2020, 03:50:01 PM
$90.000 US earnings  in metropolis  is  equivalent  of $3.000  in some countries  rural areas. ( edited)
Poor/rich- bashing is for many left and right political  parties and movements  the agitation game ! ( edited)
I agree:
$90 000/y income in USA and cost of life in metropolis vs $3000/year in rural areas of Russia both covers similarly life expenses.
from American standpoint 3 days    of his work gives him money for his new computer
from Russian standpoint    1 year    of savings   
gives him money for his new computer

Note :
normally I wouldn't write here  about other things than circuits and FE.
color by himself is doing from his   part of forum trash.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on November 23, 2020, 05:25:01 PM
90.000.US$  US city dol(l)ars equates 3.000 US$ rural US prairy land dol(l)ars !

So also a rural US american is,by your given Russian savings(from earnings) in same economical position !
1 year ~new computer

And no,these statements are color,her ( his ? her father) forum containment also related :

South-Korea and North-Korea,the North won the battle against the South : Koreans and US Army

The North : military-material/corps helped by PR China,military-tactical consult by Ost-Deutsche Officers !

The first post-WW2 active deutsche Kriegsbeteiligung/WAR-participation im Ausland/foreign  !

                                        ( Nie)  WIEDER (heisser) KRIEG ! ;D   (N-)EVER more (hot) WAR 


"Frieden Schaffen ohne Waffen": mentale-strategische Unterstuetzung mit ' soft/cold weapons'  !

"Sozialistische BRUDER -Staaten" ,

                                                  "Brueder,Brueder zur Sonne ....."               
Hymn ? Song ? Freedom-fighter-parole ( later occupied bei NSDAP,but also church section book song)                                                 
                                                   It is (always)for ones,it is not (always,never,ever)for others !

  Theocratic-jurisdical  ' justice' " White flagg" com-muni-sm       versus      an-alphabets Red-flagg-" communism'

Analyse by this the german-fundamental US Bible Belt society,hard-core/Falks from the US Republican Party

                              White flag(g) 'Brueder ,zur Sonne,zur Freiheit'  US com-muni-sm,theocratical
                                Bannon et Cie.: 'Jena'- philantrophs,Dreamer ( out from actual reality)

Not to forget :

'Lenin',Mr.Uljanov was sended and financed (secretly) by order from the Deutsche Reich-Imperator/Kaiser-Koenig
organized bei the Kriegsministerium,to bring to the Russian Imperium WW1 war-peace !

Effekt ,bilateral : Romanows/Czar family  killed,bolschewician (An-)Archy ,
the DR-Imp. and the system political fall !

New system : socialistic Weimar-an Sowjet-= Raete Republik ,
bolschewism came (near)home !

     Distance Weimar (Geheimrat W.Goethe,Freimaurer,MAERZ-Mentor)- Jena ?

                                      Kommunistische = MAERZ-Revolution IDEE/Spirit

                                      Kom munis ~ with citizen ~ avec bourgeois ~ mit Buerger ~ com burgo

Philological ' virus' : Gottfried Herder,          economical 'virus' Carl Zeiss,Ernst Abbe

                                   European  infection-chest : Jena

                                  Gottfried Herder,profession : Theologist  ;D Philantroph


Ridiculous,is it not ? Domino-principle

Viele Fliegen mit einer Klappe ( oder Sonder-Zug,verplombt)

Many errors in many peoples their stand-points,also in the peace-movement !

Problem : A.Hitler,WW1-Veteran(+Lazarett) und die Dolchstoss-Legende=WW1-enemies, 'grey eminems behind'

Russland 193x = Kommunist = Feind= Dolch I ,

Dolch II = Juden,wie Henry Ford es so wollte

Dolch III =deutsche Generalitaet/Generalsstab,

Kaiserl-Koenigl.Austria-Armee: non grata,qualification minimum incompetence

Bayerische Armee :einfacher Gefreiter,Kanonenfutter

+ Inszenierung :

Der Gefreiter aus Bernau ~ Schweijk( Fritz Muliar)~ Hauptmann von Koepenick

Man bekommt das,was man verdient (oder man ist gut in-/formiert)

vulgo ' gebildet' ::) So Bild-ungs-Buerger-Schicht

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on November 24, 2020, 08:39:33 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on November 23, 2020, 05:25:01 PM
90.000.US$  in USA metropolis equals 3.000 US$  spend by American living in rural US land
So by that "rural  American" is,by your explanation  having Russian savings (from his earnings)
that puts him into same economical position !
1 year ~new computer
color other  related topic points at Ridiculous Domino-principle
No my friend lancaIV.
Quote$90 000/y income in USA having cost of life in metropolis vs $3000/year in rural areas of Russia both covers similarly life expenses.
from American standpoint 3 days    of his work gives him money for his new computer
from Russian standpoint    1 year    of savings   
gives him money for his new computer
Average Russian earning  at its low ~$180/ mo. that is $2160/year. non average Russian ~=$3000/year.
Average American $75000/ year, middle non average  American       ~= $90000/year
Married non average  American with working wife $90000 + $60000 ~= $150 000/year.
Cost of living in rural areas of USA is  usually less of:
- no rental expenses
- no water/sever, and some other utilities
- insurance  car/ land is ~ 20% of cost in NY.
- gasoline costs usually much less.
- in some states there is no tax*
The states with no income tax are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

Average New Yorker can buy one $1000 computer or 3 average computers  for ~4 days  of his salary.
Rural American can do the same - earning much less as he has ( ~60% lower cost of living.)
If we average salary into 1 year period and take  available resurses for both , they will be at very much
similar amount of money left  as savings.
Average Russian can buy two computers  per year of work if he is supported by someone else.
If Russian is supporting family he can buy  usually 1 computer every 10 years.
That is why 8.7 out of 10 Russians ( male) in corrupted Russia makes additional money illegally.
Average Russian doesn't  make in his life time money earned  by average American from NY in 1 year.
Average Russian  doesn't have  more than 800 dollars in savings .(63% has no savings.)
Average Russian  can't  buy American made washer and dryer in his life time as Chinese offer  garbage for less.

I really don't want to have long non related  to FE subject here .
This is not the place for it.

Legal Note: the expressed opinion is  entirely my own.
based on my rights( constitution of USA)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on November 24, 2020, 09:04:04 AM
Wesley,it is !
You have to differ statistical numerals from real day valuta !
Someone thinks in L.A. or Houston or New York that his appartment is 100. 200. or more thousands US$ worth ,in local City-US$ !
When the US-$ bonds market crashes he/she as owner is in the same situation like then all other US home user( houses ever legal in official 100% ownership by creditors,leaned to debitors beginning with the 00,1$ credit/hypothek)

Houstoner : what does me interest the New Yorker,the New Yorker what does me interest the Angelan,....United USA to United Federation Estate to United County to United Community to United Family to United = I !

Democracy : going back to the roots

to search for new 'value comparison benchmark' and probably new home,geographical change = movement ,total as ' trailer society' !?

You forget that you in the USA are playing with 'Falsch'-Geld/money !
External very less international value,paper-note one side from balance : other side counter-value ?
Note printed numbers,note colors something for REAL AN-ALPHABETS,economy PRIMATES !
Because this : the e-coins search,the crash in front view  ! e-coins coverage ? 8)

Wesley,no problem,do you think or differ the EURO-ECB economy from your US  ? EURO~ US$

Euro-note one side balance : counter side balance worth ?
Notes numbers and colors : for AN-ALPHABETS and ECO-PRIMATES !

Kg US$ and Kg Euro ! THAT IS FAIR ECONOMY ! ( Remembers me Crocodile Dundee : That's a Knife ! ;D )

Last in breath -emergency room- systems ,from international Euro-Dollar view  ;)


Barter = physical market,services are not physical = 2.nd market !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on November 24, 2020, 01:42:36 PM
Americans; ah what a great nation. I'm sorry. Who's a real American?
White people conquered the country by making slaves of people and their values are worth as much as the paper on which they print money without a gold backing.
Every now and then, they take ordinary people's houses, cars, and blame the stock market crash or the economy.
The Russians do the same only by brutally trapping people in camps or poisoning them.
Other countries are not better either. The EU is sick. Every system is good if there are people who want well.
It gets too many rich people and this leads to a global crisis because the rich I want more and more, but there is no one to take away from,
that's why they want to introduce virtual money and be able to take it whenever and how much they want.
I think COVID19 is the least of your worries. What awaits us is not good.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 30, 2020, 07:46:52 AM
In the process of seizing the server, a battle broke out, and five Delta Force members and one CIA agent were killed.
The battle between allies is sad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 01, 2020, 05:36:10 AM
Five Delta Forces were killed in a helicopter crash.
I am sorry for tortured Gina.
Guantanamo is such a place.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 04, 2020, 06:20:17 PM
David Bowie as Tesla

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 04, 2020, 06:29:05 PM
One man on the dally thread says and thinks this device does not exist as a self running device
but then if replication is just a  mock up the that device is just junk, but then i have no replication my self.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 05, 2020, 08:20:06 AM
Пояснения по генератору
Пояснения по схеме реального БТГ
Пояснения по схеме реального БТГ продолжение
Пояснения по генератору Видео №4
Пояснения по настройке генератора Алексеева

What I can explain in the video above is that it consumes energy meaninglessly.
And there is absolutely no perception in the above video about parts that generate tremendous heat on the principle of the Akura/Ruslan generator.
It's not just the U.S. Democratic Party contaminated with religion and communism that Iranian nuclear weapons developers are murdered by ninja-missiles, machine guns, and bombs, and the Israeli Mossad commander is assassinated.
Likewise, finding the truth in a video can be an illusion, like a flashy neon sign.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 05, 2020, 08:44:39 AM
Exercising Extraordinary Authority in Defense of Our Vote May be Required because Martial Law is better than Civil War!

In the months following the start of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln struggled to preserve the Union. Many objected to Lincoln's extraordinary use of Presidential authority, in particular his suspension of the right of "Habeas Corpus". On June 12, 1863 Lincoln defended his extreme measures in a letter published in the New York Times. Citing Article I of the Constitution he argued: "Ours is a case of rebellion...in fact, a clear, flagrant, and gigantic case of rebellion; and the provision of the Constitution that 'the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it', is the provision which specifically applies to our present case." Lincoln used the same reasoning in justifying a series of extraordinary Presidential Orders: Lincoln ordered hundreds of Northern newspapers that spoke against him to be shut down and their owners and editors arrested. Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him. Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus. After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the U.S. arrested. Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands in Maryland for the crime of "suspected Southern sympathies" including ordering the arrest of US Congressman Henry May from Maryland. These people were arrested and held in military prisons, without trial, some of them for years. While some debate these measures still today, no one disagrees that Lincoln and his use of Presidential power were responsible for saving the Republic. While History, and even former President Obama, has judged Lincoln as perhaps our greatest President, few would have agreed at the time he took those actions. Then, as now, a President with courage and determination was needed to preserve the Union. Today, the current threat to our United States by the international and domestic socialist/communist left is much more serious than anything Lincoln or our nation has faced in its history - including the civil war. We have well-funded, armed and trained marxists in ANTIFA and BLM strategically positioned in our major cities acting openly with violence to silence opposition to their anti-American agenda. Attacking federal buildings and police, cowardly punching innocent people in the back of the head, assaulting people just eating in restaurants, and burning minority-owned businesses to the ground. All with elected officials in Democrat/Socialist-controlled cities openly encouraging this planned violence against civilians and businesses. Then, to advance their cause, these socialists are acting to "Defund the Police," creating chaos and suspending the rule of law that protects millions of average, and particularly minority, Americans. The results being massive increases in violent crime and deaths in our cities and the destruction of small businesses orchestrated by those politicians and leftist groups, many funded by domestic and international communists. We are literally under attack from within! Then there are admitted Democrat/Socialist federal officials plotting to finish gutting the US Constitution after 100 years of trying. They promise to take away critical individual rights like free speech, religious freedom and the 2nd Amendment; destroy states rights by eliminating the electoral college and more; pack the Supreme Court with activist anti-constitutionalist judges who will make law from the bench; give the right to vote to tens of millions of non-Americans; and open our borders to more illegals which will reduce wages. No one voted for these things that were hidden from the majority of Americans by the corrupt media. Not only do we have corrupt media, like in Lincoln's day, we have a new and more sinister form of media in Big Tech, actively censoring free speech and promoting leftist propaganda to blind our citizens to their real goals and the real consequences of their actions - the end of America as we have known it. The Socialist Left has been openly working to destroy the United States since Obama promised and tried to "transform" America in 2008-16, and having been stopped by the will of the American people, they openly staged a four year long coup attempt to remove the duly elected President. Culminating in this corrupt and provably fraudulent current election planned to illegally and un-constitutionally deny the American people their most sacred honor, right and privilege - which is the right to elect their Representatives! How can we have a Representative Republic if we cannot hold fair elections to elect our Representatives? There is no doubt that this attempted stealing of these elections again "is a case of rebellion...in fact, a clear, flagrant, and gigantic case of rebellion" that requires exercising extraordinary authority to preserve our Union. President Trump, you and every other official in our local, state and federal governments, and everyone in law enforcement and in our military have sworn an oath that says "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." It is time for everyone who swore that oath to act upon it. The enemies are within our gates and our Constitution and Nation are in real risk of being lost to this socialist/communist invasion unless you act decisively. At least half of all Americans do not and will not accept this fraudulent election because of the eyewitness testimony, and the material, statistical and mathematical evidence of OVERWHELMING fraud. The other half will not accept the outcome if the courts see the evidence of fraud and rightfully overturn the election! The Left has literally been planning riots just for that occasion for months. We the People must not and WILL NOT cede our exclusive Constitutional right to elect our Representatives to judges, lawyers, courts, Governors, Secretary's of State, Congress, corrupt election officials and local politicians, the corrupt media - or Leftist threats of violence! It is OUR EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to decide our Representatives not theirs! Therefore, We the People MUST demand a NEW and fair national vote, a vote that all Americans can trust and live by regardless of the winner! Without a fair vote, we fear, with good reason, the threat of a shooting civil war is imminent. Gun sales are at an all time high and 40% are first time gun owners looking to defend themselves, their property, and their rights. Therefore, Mr. President you must act now before there is no peaceful way left to preserve our Union. When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, you must be ready Mr. President to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote. A vote that assures a fair election in every jurisdiction and reflects the true will of the people. Federal candidates only. Paper ballots. No computers. Hand-counted with both parties watching every vote. Only registered voters. Photo ID to prove residence. Conducted safely with everyone wearing masks and six feet apart, just like we did in Ohio. Only then can the winning candidate be accepted as legitimate by a true majority of We the People who must give our consent to be justly governed! Unfortunately we are at a point where we can only trust our military to do this because our corrupt political class and courts have proven their inability to act fairly and within the law. You must also act, like Lincoln did, to silence the destructive media's one-sided propaganda designed and proven to influence the election outcome, and end the unlawful censorship of Big Tech, to restore the confidence of the American People in our electoral process or we cannot continue as a nation. Failure to do so could result in massive violence and destruction on a level not seen since the Civil War. Limited Martial Law is clearly a better option than Civil War! Many will object to these actions, as they did in Lincoln's day, but we assure you that We the People understand that no less action will suffice to prevent the loss of our Constitutional right to vote and preserve our Republic. It is time to honor your oath, Mr. President. It is time for you to boldly act to save our nation as Lincoln did. We the People will support a national re-vote. We will also have no other choice but to take matters into our own hands, and defend our rights on our own, if you do not act within your powers to defend us.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 27, 2020, 02:43:29 PM
Принцип очень простой- есть колебательный контур, последовательный или параллельный, который накапливает в себе электромагнитное поле Все знают, что там гуляет огромный реактивный ток, но извлечь его нельзя - рушится резонанс.
Но я думаю, что используя индуктор и разряд заряженного до высокого напряжения конденсатор (схема Теслы), можно это поле сдвигать в сторону катушки съема, создавая в ней ЭДС!
Я вы знаете давно веду поиски, но этот вариант мне пришел в голову совсем недавно, на новый год, я буду проверять эту теорию сам и предлагаю всем кому интересно это сделать тоже!

The input power need to be replaced with reactive power on resonant LC tank where coil is inductor for magnetic field induction there. Then you may see something out of ordinary happening when compare input vs output.

Ruslan K

In the video, Ruslan revealed all the secrets of the free generator.
It's just a passing language for those who don't understand Ruslan's language.
Later, if someone reveals the secret of the Free Generator, you will understand Ruslan's words.

I also participated in Ruslan's conversation.
And thanks to Ruslan for responding to the unspoken request.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on December 27, 2020, 06:11:31 PM
Quote from: color on December 27, 2020, 02:43:29 PM
In the video, Ruslan revealed all the secrets of the free generator.
I also participated in Ruslan's conversation.
And thanks to Ruslan for responding to the unspoken request.
With all due respect to Ruslan Kalabuhov
it is very unfortunate that  user  with nick <color> is falsificating the reality of facts about Ruslan K .

My answer to <color>
-If Ruslan reviled  all secrets... than  please show me  dear <color>  working device  that you made based on  it?
You can't
In  typical to you manner there is no benefit from science point of view nor any other form  in all of your writing to us the researchers.
You are even better in it, than that  Far Eastern European  propaganda

Ruslan didn't reveal  any new  secrets.
However he made an effort  to create a new formulation that not exactly corresponds with  his own words from the past .
And that is interesting in  its  folkloric attribute.

Although Ruslan motivation  to suddenly appear  in not known
-the independent  review with all positives
and all negatives about Ruslan is presented in  parts starting from #1 to ... 7 and more..

start to read from here :

https://overunity.com/17735/wesleys-kapanadze-and-other-fe-discussion-forum/msg554242/#msg554242 (https://overunity.com/17735/wesleys-kapanadze-and-other-fe-discussion-forum/msg554242/#msg554242)

Legal note: opinion presented  by me - is my own  (according to constitution of USA)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 28, 2020, 12:34:44 AM

I can't tell you that the word that AG demands and wants to be named is Ruslan's secret of free energy.
I am hoping that Ruslan will reveal it.
I think this is a moral for Ruslan for revealing 99% of his generator secrets.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 28, 2020, 06:59:03 AM

Two Ruslan videos were streaming over 2 hours,
Ruslan edited it to 20 minutes and posted it again.
I was helped by a voice translator.
I joined the conversation with the help of Google Translator.
So, Russian was sentenced in the form of a translator.
Google Translator is very inconvenient.
Only about 70% understand.
So you have to translate it again to fit the context.
We translate Russian into English, translate it back into Japanese, and translate it into Korean.
Translate in 4 steps.
This is because Japanese is translated most similar to Korean.
The meaning is distorted a lot during translation.
Translate as in the example below.
The level of human translation technology is evolving to this day.
We hope that better translators will emerge in the future.

detect language
Myanmar (Burmese)
Scottish Gaelic
Haitian Creole
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 28, 2020, 07:37:26 AM
I understand now your dilemma and where your cumming from, thanks for that

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 28, 2020, 11:49:27 AM
There are many things in this universe and in the world that communicate without being told.
There are only those who understand this and those who do not.
Unlimited love and gratitude to AG for creating this forum.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 28, 2020, 11:51:51 PM

I understood your words.
I thought that Ruslan might have inspired something from your photos.
When Ruslan said something negative while referring to the circuit diagram uploaded by the T-1000 in the previous video, I felt a lot like he was hiding something.

And I had a few conversations with Ruslan a few hours ago.
I asked Ruslan a few guiding questions with the contents mentioned in the cafe, but I felt a lot of feelings that I wasn't ready yet.
Ruslan looked very embarrassed.
If he is not ready, it would be contrary to disclose his secret skills his as a third party.
I expected it, but I think I will have to wait a little longer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2020, 04:11:07 PM
It seems that Ruslan wasn't embarrassed by my daughter's question, he didn't understand it at all.
The reason is,
Because Ruslan didn't understand what reactive power means.
It also works as a regular transformer, but there is no reason to operate it as a reactive power-transformer mentioned by someone in this cafe,
Ruslan is proof that he never even built a reactive power-transformer.
So my daughter's question was not understood and an irrelevant answer came out.
But unusually, the generator works even as a reactive power transformer. ;D 8)

There were only placental villains around Wesley, so it seems that there are many people who advise with strange logic. 8)
It is incomprehensible to me that Nick could not complete the generator for 10 years even after making it all. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2020, 05:03:34 PM
Ruslan is streaming again. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on December 29, 2020, 05:47:22 PM
Quote from: color on December 29, 2020, 04:11:07 PM
It seems that Ruslan wasn't embarrassed by my daughter's question, he didn't understand it at all.
Ruslan didn't understand what reactive power means.
ваша дочь тоже говорит по-русски?
Does your daughter  speak Russian too?
What  a talented family  of Koreans
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2020, 09:50:38 PM
Сколько тебе лет, Уэсли?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on December 30, 2020, 02:57:54 AM
Hi colour you said you have cracked Ruslan
Work in 2013-15.
Can you a working video it's now 5 years you have cracked it.
I am also working on this device too.
That too I don't want see the self running device.
I want see a 1 kw device full bright light bulb.
Let the device take 1.5 kw input too but output 1 kw.

Can you show one.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2020, 06:19:57 AM
Получится у нас сегодня кто-нибудь или Вася распугал всех но надеюсь что Соберется кто-нибудь то вечерние ночные Посиделки в понедельник ик-5 это нормальное явление можете кстати Васе позвонить чтобы он подключился прошлый раз же вы это сделали в своих сфинкс я добрый человек меня злым называют фирмы тому подобное вы говорите добрый человек я злой злой как собака честно нет я просто на самом деле Ну вот не понимаю некоторых людей которые говорят что типа я там жадный или там типа ещё что-то в этом роде Блин ну зачем это так не обращай внимания вы знаете в чём дело можно не обращать внимания а можно скажем так на этом деле им скажем Ну вообще понять иногда хочется публику которая каким-то образом может быть будет полезно вот сегодня хотел поработать уже Поработал немножко посидел поковырялся ся На сегодня хватит уже немножко поболтать раз я в принципе обещал это сделать пока всё заряжается телефон у меня просто сел Я немножко раньше хотел сделать этот весь эфир Ну подключайтесь подключайтесь по чуть-чуть пока народ подключается Те кто уже есть Можете какие-то вопросы у вас может быть возникают сдавайте Приветствую меня правда не ночью ещё пока что у меня только 10:30 Ну там чуть больше но если вы им ночные жители России Если хочешь помощь помогаю не парься из-за Добрый вечер Да я вчера парься не парься я просто знаете Просто я просто в шоке как народ быстро даже признается что он хочет всё это сделала спереть ее назвать своим делом и запустить это всё в производство такие глупые люди вы ведь не могу просто я пытаюсь объяснить людям что вся эта канитель она только на фронты нужны для вакуума нет фронты не нужны если вы вакуум знаете как делается вообще-то есть я вам немножко наводку такую дам 2334 Ну в принципе это же как бы это ещё не ночь даже не помочь но уже близко тому насчёт того фронты не фронты И вообще вся эта фигня ребятки ну Давайте возьмем такой момент допустим вас акустика Вы две колонки стерео вот тут висят у меня да то есть я их подключу в противофазе что будет происходить паршивое звук будет да то есть Басов не будет вообще то есть они исчезнут что твоей матери Да что ещё значит ну-ну звук будет г**** короче говоря маленькие X её проводил которые были нас опыте получать Понятно Вот то есть короче фишка такая привет-привет Лиепая Привет Что вам не спится летом Вот то есть фишка В чём заключается да то есть противофаза обычно выдавливает энергию то есть звука Басов и всё такое даже кстати изобрели одну фишку такую которая анализирует состояние вашего как бы окружением такая маленькая штучка стоит Она раздает в противофазе звук сразу и вот вы ставите о посередине стала начинаете между собой разговор она слышит анализирует ваш голос делает его в противофазе на всех частотах да то есть и вокруг вас никто вас не слышит то есть там что-то какие-то звуки проходят Но их практически не слышно то есть посмотреть погуглить то я Ну она такая фигня есть да то есть это что означает то что активное шумоподавление Ну шумоподавление активное может быть близко с этим что-то связанное но тут как бы Если разговор свой считаете что это шум но пускай будет так ладно То есть с помощью вот такого момента можно скажем так убрать вокруг себя ненужной уши да то есть создал такого устройства Она работает прекрасно и всё значит я на самом деле Вот у меня спрашивают А что ты там Ну продай Нам правда это правда это ну я как бы первых вот своих Как говорится видео конференциях через YouTube Это слава Богу сейчас позволительно это даже лучше чем какой-то Skype там которые там подключается отлетает сваливает тестом подобной YouTube более-менее сервер у них скажем так доступен всем и можно подключиться и смотреть Васи Не забудьте позвонить там сказал чтобы мы этот Василий Муссон или как вот который там этой ложкой в кружке кофе заваривал Добрый вечер прямо на 59 плюс что это такое приём пять А ну понятно это самое так вот вот что я хочу сказать Значит Васи кто-то позвонил сам привез не стоит этим заниматься не стоит Да нет почему Ну знаете самое главное наверное я вам при предыдущих сериях говорил что я человек который добивается всегда своего это неважно то есть ну как бы в электронике да то есть в любой схеме в любых делах да то есть вот у меня тут было дело одно когда мне надо было через IP tcp передать звуковой сигнал с высоким качеством да В любом случае полученный опыт конечно Значит я пытался это сделать очень долго я покупал разные устройства вот я сейчас вам покажу одно из таких устройств которая Вот она Да вот эта вот штука сюда вот интернет загоняйте подключайте сюда левый правый канал или spdf сигнал ее такая же коробка на приеме в другом в другом конце передает звуковой сигнал принципе как бы ну и причём без задержки это раз Ну там задержка минимальная даже ухом практически незаметно и плюс ещё там ну что там как бы и качество звука достаточно хорошее Ну потому что я люблю когда это всё выдаётся в формате они каком-то другом так вот Вот я долго думал что как эта шняга работает Доброго времени суток я долго разбирался да то есть что там как Почему и к чему Ну то есть мне надо было просто сделать самостоятельно такую хрень не покупать её там за 2 штуки евро да то есть а сделать самому и дешевле но по крайней мере то что я сделал сам я буду держать в руках Я знаю что там накрылась почему и как с помощью другим и всяких приспособлений и примочек я все-таки достиг того что я вот иду хернёй у этой компании тем более Покупать больше не буду потому что это вот например фигня выгорел торт молния долбануло где-то да то есть неподалеку выгорел порт Хотя через тот же Switch подключены были другие устройства которые даже не почувствовали Да так сказать а вот тут выгорел пор мне пришлось это всё чинить да то есть но я это не поставил а поставил своё произведение искусства которое работает вот то есть по сути я просто знаете что хочу сказать ть ть я вас призываю просто быть больше как бы искать стремления в Техническом плане не для того чтобы как бы что-то сделать и потом быстро загнать это скажем так ну ну как это сказать деньги потратить короче ну чаще всего многие другие думают что я сейчас люблю это и буду фирму открою начнут продавать пожалуйста если вы считаете что это как бы он то есть вы экспериментировали C знаете сделали вывод какой-то определенный в принципе Почему нет деньги можно зарабатывать но многие которые допустим начну так я этим для души занимаюсь я тоже для души Да занимаюсь вот никто не может понять что я для души больше занимаюсь чуть-чуть я да там зацепился оступился да то есть Но потому что знаете как вкладывать свои средства на то чтобы покупать всё это вот то что здесь вокруг это достаточно дорогое удовольствие я бы сказал жутко дорогое удовольствие и ну ну это так Почему говорят в одном из своих видео Чего не успел блин так как не успела Ну что моих провод что там что под столом Ну слушайте но бред собачий он у меня тут дохрена проводов я второе видео снимал на пляже там всё работало слушать да на самом деле то есть вот сейчас YouTube есть прямой эфир на эти для чего его сейчас вот тут Проверяю как он работает и всё остальное интернет у нас в стране такого интернету ни у кого нет поверьте тут у нас просто у нас людей мало как бы телефонных вышек этих дофига плюс этот 5G сейчас запустят вообще тогда ну у меня телефон Слабак 4G хоть на себе берёт но до 50 мегабит вот так вот то есть для YouTube этого вот так вот хватит для качественного видела как вот прямо сейчас вот и что я хочу сказать что будет получше погода будет получше так сказать я просто покажу выйду я не буду здесь-то показывает 200 интересно это всё будут говорить там всё такое там Да я выйду потом покажу это всё как-то работает без проблем я вам даже ну то есть покажу это возьму Дрон подниму за сниму видео с дрона что там как бы сверху что вокруг меня ничего нету никаких линий электропередач никаких домов которым я могу подключиться и тому подобное Вы посмотрите что их аккумуляторов никаких нету но есть аппараты которые заряжают аккумуляторы уже с аккумулятором и снимаем энергии есть такие аппараты Я просто рассказал То есть если вы считаете что этот аппарат это фейк Ну извините ребят То есть как бы солнечная батарея заряжает допустим фонарики да то есть который ночью светит stopfake Нет я как вам прошлый раз показывал сейчас вот это самое найду Не знаю Ну кто был здесь может быть кого-то не было да то есть и не помнит Я показывал вам вот эти индикаторы да то есть которые показывают состояние батареи я их ставлю на установку где стоят эти все короче аккумуляторы да то есть литиевые и показываю ребятки смотрите да то есть она постоянно заряжена она будет постоянно заряжена Да не знаем то что энергию с неё будет Мы будем её снимать Вот то есть для чего именно батарея то есть это как бы один из способов да то есть как бы можно это так чисто моя разработка но может быть кто-то еще придумал такое Я не знаю но в любом случае это это так это чисто походный вариант который всегда будет как бы на себе иметь энергию и если до конца батарею не высадить то её поздно Будет поддерживать всегда в заряженном состоянии из среды естественно значит Вася так с литиевыми окабэ установка усилителя якобы увидим увидите я там реально всё продемонстрирует а потом ещё надо доделать до конца То есть она валяется там внизу Руки не доходят да то есть у меня сейчас одна установка которая сейчас тестирует использование мне заземление но то есть немножко другой вид как бы то есть ребятки Я хочу начать вот с чего начать самого главного то есть с самой такой скажем с теорией заблуждения вас всех и в том числе тех кто не хочет с вами делиться я как бы не то что не готов делиться Ну то есть естественно я не готов взять и отдать это вот мне говорят то книга из Да всё значит эгоисты но я не эгоисты то этот егоист который пытается на халяву сейчас всё полу учить я Нет я на халяву ничего не получал я занимался сам я спрашивал совета то есть дети да то есть который в этом деле крутились и крутились я имел в виду не в конкретно в этом деле А конкретно по использованию каких-то там схем чертежей там и всё такое да то есть мне надо было просто понять я с этим не сталкивался мне надо было бы как бы врубиться что они делают дальше эксперименты мои пошли Ну как как и у всех да то есть кто там Что паяет да то есть крутит вертит там катушки Вот я тоже пытался понять что такое электрический ток один из экспериментов в 2015 году даже раньше по-моему не 2015 13 год да то есть сначала вот как раз всего это меня привёл к интересному эффекту Когда при включении скажем так то есть если я не буду сейчас вдаваться в подробности как это произошло но я вам в начале разговора приводил пример насчёт вакуума да то есть насчет противофазы и вот с одной из Кочеров я этот вариант провернул просто невзначай я просто посмотрел как там допустим акула там делал да то есть я вижу что это Всё достаточно просто выглядит выглядит просто но сделать не Просто многие просто десятками или эту париться над этим делом ни хрена не получается Ну так вот Ну в принципе я вас понимаю прекрасно но я почему говорю что дать вам схему и вот взять то всё Блин ну вот так вот раздать блин направо-налево понимаешь в чём дело никто ничего не соберёт расчёт продольным волнам установки учитывается Нет давайте Вот вы послушайте меня внимательно Давайте забудем всем импульсы дебильные так сама не нужна интересная физика процесса Ну так слушайте внимательно и будете знать физику процессов так вот Давайте начнём самого главного это забудьте про эти импульсы которые бьют там по синусоиде поэтому самому То есть Давайте это Это не это там нужно только для других целей Это явно не то что вы хотите получить поверьте колбасить по синусоиде пагорби cueto толкать ток но вы понимаете в чём дело толкать ток уже током не прокатит вы тратите энергию для того чтобы толкать В итоге вы попробуйте всё это дело перемножьте там переплету эти получите то что вы как бы с вычетом КПД ваши установки То есть ни хрена это не помогает Вот И там делали движение по фазе ля-ля-ля 3 руб. это потом Давайте вот это вот сторону сейчас отодвинь им что-то и матери было бы радиодеталями в деревне такой установкой хотел заняться а ну Неплохо бы такая что он там это самое в деревне ты не так мы сейчас же вы не Объясните как бы сейчас ну по-моему сейчас в любой город почта доставляет всё что угодно Возьмите AliExpress там вообще всё есть в России AliExpress вообще работаю Я понимаю что многие сейчас из России тут находятся да то есть такие люди конечно которые даже из Латвии У нас тут сидят что очень интересно и блин нос часто А значит что я хотел сказать ть ть так важно и Поперечная задержка никакой поперечной задержки нету но нету так Волгоград А ну привет Волгоград Ну в принципе да больше часть здесь в России наверное больше всего тусуется так сказать Значит А я вам объясню Вот фишку такую ребятки значит сети колбасы не по синусоиде там все эти снегу выбросьте из головы пока что давайте начнем с самого интересного да То есть откуда энергия вот Понимаете когда я задаю этот вопрос всем но мне отвечает из среды вопрос А как же добыть из среды энергию но Давайте вот скажем так представим себе что мы оказались в море в открытом море вот ну и вот как бы мы вроде как нас вода держит мы плывем да то есть но И в тоже время она нас не очень-то держит утонуть можно запросто Да ну Давайте возьмем такой момент вот мы на лодочке плывем на обычной лодке Давайте хорошо не море реку возьму река ну вот на надувной лодке Вот пока она надутая что происходит водка не водка она не утонет так просто да то есть потому что воздух Её держит как только она какая-то она имеет плод больше чем вода то есть там всё держится да то есть Давайте теперь возьмем такой момент допустим взяли воздух спустили лодку утонете вы конечно Ну тебе пойдете На одном чёртовой матери вот а теперь давайте представим такой момент вы взяли и в лодку в эту подключили насосы начинайте накачивать всплывет лодка всплывет и обода вытолкнуть нафиг наверх да то есть вот кто-то тут написал бтг датой сидит и прячется под словом бтг Ну прячется сколько влезет Я просто хочу сказать что значит я знаю что уже поплыла по интернету слушайте такой тут ажиотаж Я поднял этим видео Ну я так на это решил то есть немножко высунуться как при этих самых при свободных так сказать момент времени расскажу вам значит ну то есть просто время пришло когда Да приветствую ничего сильно не пропустили Я просто жду когда побольше подключиться чтобы Как говорится самой главной мысли выдать чтобы ну народ начинал уже ну как бы физику процесса начинает понимать вот это вот ваша беда многих что вы сидите просто ну как бы не понимать физику процесса вот разность плоскостей разность потенциалов то есть для того чтобы эти все вещи создают то есть вода Когда вы надули там что-то она чувствует что есть как бы есть вакуум который вы создали вокруг она пытается его вытеснить то есть на именно наверх вытолкнуть да то есть но если вы скажем так если вы ну чуть-чуть ниже опустились с этим воздухом она бы вытолкнула наоборот вниз всё это дело Ну кстати можете проверить не верите то есть вода Это тоже такое дело как говорится Ну давайте теперь про энергию которая вокруг нас мы находимся саласпилс Привет принцип как гидро ударные помпы Ну я как-то гидроударный помпу не особо вникал не могу сказать ладно так Короче говоря мы с вами в прошлый раз уяснили что мы находимся в электрическом поле то есть вокруг нас окружает электрическое поле другими словами заряженные Частицы которые бегают хаотично прилипает куда они хотят обычно на диэлектрике на сухие диэлектрики где они могут спокойно так сказать задержаться там это пластмасса пластик дерево Нет Сразу говорю потому что дерево имеет как бы сырость соответственно сырые все эти как бы момент Они проводят электричество то есть есть диэлектрические скажем так керамика Нет не задерживается энергия на керамике никак то есть определённые вещи на которых могут задерживаться эти заряженные частицы может быть кто-то со мной сейчас не согласиться Но я это всё дело пощупал проверил и я чувствую почему я так просто всё так Привет какая мощность твоих ФМ передатчика бои передатчики Ну зависит от того В каком городе Вы собираетесь большая мощность то есть киловатт есть 2 киловатта есть 500 в одном Ну в воздухе там в принципе это считается датой передатчики как бы частности да то есть излучаемой мощности антенны То есть это от этого зависит сзв-м потом там Давайте продолжим нашу тему насчёт свободной энергии так называемым она далеко не свободна ребята хотя в принципе то есть не свободная на тему в том плане что это также как нефть также как газ его надо добывать его надо добывать утилизировать делать определенные манипуляции которые требуют средства денег естественно требует затрат и затрат каких-то пленных людей и как бы поэтому это нам с вами в втюхивают и продают естественно как бы продают нам это всё ну по капиталистическим ценам и мы с вами понимаем прекрасно что это нечестно вот природа Она всегда пытается всё уравновесит вот на данный момент вы видите да то есть противодействие двух держав которые пытаются наладить систему жизни как бы во всём мире Почему Потому что капитализм допрыгался а он постоянно печатал деньги лес вперёд когда это вперёд даже ну скажем были проекты которые финансировались то они еще были только проект они ещё даже не были сделаны В итоге что-то будет за это платить и в этих устройствах даже сама история понимаете аккумулятор который вы взяли разрядили вам его надо зарядить или батарейка которую вы разрядили вам нужно купить новую то есть на это всё на эти все вещи уходят материал тот кто его изготавливает и всё остальное надо с этим свыкнуться в жизни ничего не бывает того как Многие считают бтг это слово Просто она отвратительна и она неправильно я вообще вот когда это слышу когда я слышу ещё когда пишут что бтг канал Запрещённый запрещенных технологий слушайте что вы запрещённого показываете вы считаете что вот это то что я делаю акула Капанадзе там Почему Эти люди не разбогатели до сих пор опора платить будет Конечно вы будете платить вы что думаете что у вас детали там будут по жизни работать Нет тот же Капанадзе он до конца не разобрался и кстати говоря Если Вы посмотрите 2015 года внимательно видео внимательно он там сказал что это для специалистов которые чтоб не обманули вот что Тимур сказал да смотрите это масса снимает там батарейку показывает да то есть включил Теперь давайте заменим землю и начал языком лизать эту землю клещи токовые не показал Давайте подумаем для чего вообще заземления нужна ну к примеру до Капанадзе Да знаю что умер ну болел человек Вот кстати если бы он знал всю как бы историю этой энергии человек Мог бы сам себя вылечить потому что это энергия она ещё и не только та которой мы пользуемся как в качестве электричество Привет она эта энергия она ещё и является той энергии которую можно ли и лечиться и использовать в других целях и для там полетов и тому подобное ребятки мы находимся в океане энергии то что нам сказал как бы хотел запитать пробовал зиму прослужит прослужат но не с переводом заземлением Если вы собираетесь подключить туда допустим штырь забить его там глубоко Иван обрастает вот таким огромным комом соли это соль она просто всё жрёт и это заземление всё остальное причём не от колотить даже молотку Насколько это всё сильно там как бы прилипла всё Вот мало того этот цинка оцинкованных материалом просто сожрать до такой степени что в конце это как бы дюймовая труба превращается в копье были у вас так чтобы при исследовании явлений из-за избытка установки энергии взрывалась катушка неоднократно было так что она взрывалась она не только взрывалась я вам объясню сейчас как бы процесс почему она взрывается и почему это происходит Я в прошлый раз вам рассказывал про айлтс обратно ДСК про которую многие утверждают что еще до сих пор природа не изучена Привет значит суть такая что при обратной АДС это когда два магнита навстречу идут и они бодаются поэтому происходит торможение если вы два магнита возьмёте одноименных полюсов что происходит вот один магнит крутись Да допустим генераторе Он что делает он закручивает Вихрь и собирает Частицы которые вокруг нас Я хочу напомнить что этот эфир вот это вот субстанций которые вокруг нас она бесконечно она проникает во всём мы находимся в ней и избежать её скажем так действий практически невозможно Привет значит Я конечно очень приятно удивлён что многие рады меня видеть многие конечно не очень многие но тем не менее спасибо Так вот вот эта субстанция качестве заземлителя использовать морскую воду Давайте доберемся до этого я если мы в качестве заземлителей используем землю и там соли то в морской воде такие соли Подумайте она сожрет на хрен это судно или то что будет с боку то есть надо специально обвесы вешать которые будет не жалко чтобы можно использовать морскую воду но я вам хочу сказать что дело-то не в этом ребятки Дело не в этом дело в том что заземление как такового в этой установки как выяснилось не нужно в этой установки нужно Скажем так как правильно сказать опора и Привет И вот это опора Сейчас секунду сейчас порисуем чуть-чуть вот она вот она эта опора площадь поглощающий металлическая Да значит смотрите в чём делом значит заряженные Частицы которые летят от они везде нам надо создать разность потенциалов иначе у нас кстати значит давайте я вот всё-таки договаривай до конца значит когда Капанадзе демонстрировал установку своего вот этого аквариума который последний год 2015 году Ну да ребятам они немножко перегнули да то есть как бы они немножко перегнули это я тут околею эти самые рамки для индикаторов это пульт тельферный собираю вот надо будет этим тоже потихонечку занимает потому что по радио делам тоже надо не забывать своё то чего в принципе с чего я начинал чего сделал и она тоже требует как бы себе внимание Вот значит он показывал что он показывал там типа крону вот ничего там нету они там заземления там где была этим самым залито этим бетоном да то есть и только был торчал ну как бы на которой закручивают закручивалась гайка и Обратите внимание то есть они постоянно включали меньше больше И если Вы внимательно посмотрите видео последние вы увидите что он держал провод Тимур пока эти там болтали он пощупал провод на теплоту и при этом он мне показал с вами работал токовых клещей То есть он токовыми клещами да то есть ничего не это самое не измерял там да то он измерял только выход Почему Потому что у многих возникнет вопрос Почему в землю идет ток каким Макаром по одному проводу в землю идет ток причём смотрите то есть вроде как неплохой заземлитель размер мощность нет подождите я вам ещё раз говорю давайте как бы не путать заземления с опорой это разные вещи кстати говоря выживу батарейку заземление не приходить уже отдыхаете её в химический элемент то есть один конец вот этот вот минусовой он у вас что он разлагается И чем быстрее он разлагает тем больше энергии вы получаете с этого всего хозяйства правильно правильно Так вот значит что происходит значит Почему Тимур Потрогал в одном из видео которые были до этого где там приезжала целой делегацией к нему один из товарищей еще это самое Один из товарищей я сейчас ответить на этот вопрос да то есть я в принципе про эту про это сейчас говорю один из товарищей Капанадзе померил это toptec токовыми клещами и заметил что только в землю идет помните где они хранили этот радиатор да то есть спрятали его там закопали его в этой там соли ещё полили это вообще это такая на самом деле хранить радиатор не надо было в землю закапывать его не надо было Надо было просто каконоесть подключить и проверять просто установку придётся сделать поставить рядом с этим скажем так с этой опорой на расстоянии Ну там мерить расстояние Но они этого не стали делать почему Ну потому что они пытались это скрыть А может благодаря этому фокусу можно понять сразу что в среде что-то есть только что серьёзно задавал вопрос как я узнал что в заземление есть толк ребят но то что тут тут сразу можно понять Ты Подключаешь тонкий провод этот тонкий провод нагревается блин просто жесть как особенно когда нагрузка там 5-6 кВт там знаете что такое происходит там два с половиной квадрата провод на земле он просто ну с него изоляция слезает то есть представляете что с заземлением творится которая это сам это мне высокая частота идёт в этом заземление там идёт низкая частота Да в этом проводе но она идёт я Вам сразу так забегу вперёд на земле импульсный постоянный ток То есть он полными идёт Короче говоря Капанадзе промолвил сяо таком деле что он до 200 килогерц поднимает частоту Да совершенно верно Это Чистота не то чтобы накачки это не накачка это как бы сказать это магнитное поле которым он толкает ток и 200 - Это значит что 200 периодов он все эти 200 периодов с первого курирует и затем этими 200 периодами он толкает так уже 50 герц потому что ну по сути можно было бы этого не делать Ну выкинуть 50 герц оставить только эти 200 периодов Ну в принципе да Но если вы их пачки на пачке разделите да то есть и будете пачками это лучше чем вы будете допустим со всех этих 200 килогерц пытаться снять энергии Ну там будет скажем так не очень хороший результат Ну мощностью там много не будет Ну вот Давайте вот опять коснемся Васю поскольку он там Один из таких ответчиков другие начали мне в личку писать там очень много изобретателей там всплыло ажиотаж я с вакуумом поднял конкретный то есть тот Я имею в виду не те которые не понимают именно те которые что-то сделали которые понимают иначе за то что не надо рассказывать Пускай т******** там это самое это их проблемы ребят Ну просто Понимаете в чём делаем для того чтобы понимать вообще сути вот как например Эдик Далида то есть этот собирал эту установку там с этим надо секундам генератором все это пробовали собрать какую-то схему в интернете увидели совершенно не придали значения тому что в этой схеме Вообще бред полный Да то есть Ну ладно хорошо там низкочастотная часть ещё ничего высокочастотное точнее высоковольтная часть Я просто убил Неужели вы не видите что конец в конце ну этот кабель он не может быть закорочены в конце никак нельзя закорачивать вы что вы коротить идиот низкочастотный я это прошлый раз говорю сейчас еще раз напомню что низкочастотный диод но Подумайте t.i. если вы считаете что там высокая частота она уже невысокая Сразу говорю там один импульс идёт но этот один импульс оттуда он возьмется всё Идиот закрыли акобир как мотается 2 жилы мотаются Так прояснять оставьте самоедство когда конденсат были всегда занят это потом я понял вас то есть но установка Руслан как-то свои как песня Колыбельная слушайте Ну ладно так вот смотрите значит я просто заметил что форумах остались одни Неадекватные люди и вы меня извините да то есть реально то есть один срач обзывает вы просто реально если дальше будут продолжать высовываться такие люди вы их не будет фильтровать из своего окружения вы загубити себе всё остальное развить потенциал разность частот Нет я не согласен никаких разность частот нету разность потенциалов это самое главное я ещё раз говорю в природе всё очень просто и насчёт того что вы говорите там частоты там кто-то вообще интерференции какой-то занялся х**** это извините за выражение там пытается всё что-то там с между собой там толкну Понимаете в чём дело нельзя подобные подобного рода фокусы устроить низкую частоту с высокой надо обязательно что-то отделить Ну вот это тоже самое как вот Tesla например когда включают 1.6 МГц и 27 кг Ясно качку И когда это всё включает with Tesla это сам Включи лампочка загорелась ярко подключить диодный мост Вам известно сетка София п**** вина ещё там куча долбоёбов который Извините я буду выражаться так как я считаю нужным в этом плане по-русски Зато и как бы для понимания что подобных идиотов которые вам там на уши вешали всякие всякие маразм А Есть ещё такие которые с помощью резонанса пытались получить энергию то есть насовав ещё туда Да я вам говорил только что Да То есть если вы хотите чтобы всплыть вместе с лодкой наверх а поверхность видео по новой и опоздал что-то так не совсем я тут всё успел прочитать всем нужна слушайте Панова там можно не смотреть ничего То есть Панов вас всех обманул завёл заблуждение А знаете почему Потому что когда только ж*** начала гореть так сказать да то есть когда он понял что все его дети А что вам лампы зачем вам картинку мою выслушайте что я говорю Вот так так так вот что я хотел сказать Значит я хотел сказать то что допустим ну человек меня хотел обмануть он решил раздать всем то чего это то есть при этом Как говорится понимаете я вам скажу Так это не закончится Да это не закончится так просто для него я свои установки я свою установку не получил назад Вот я потратил еще больше денег чем я как бы получил от него так что я это делал просто не оставлю он ответит за порчу имущества ещё там как бы есть видео он дурачок просто он пришёл ко мне здесь в лабораторию начал копить вставать после суда пришёл засунул литовскую копейку в эту в замок и клеем пытался заклеить Придурок Это просто вообще-то это реально дурачок вообще просто он Я вызвал полицию зафиксировал это всё и как бы если он сейчас слышит то есть я говорю Серёжа поторопись потому что время идёт и юриста бумаги пишут и я это здесь покажу как ты обосрешься вот мне не нужны твои деньги мне нужно моё то что ты забрал Вот и суду напиздел там до студии судьи этого кстати больше нету Мы на жаловались коллегию то есть и его больше нету он больше не занимается Никаким на него и так жалко было куча Так что то есть Исходя из этого иск будет аннулирован и продолжим процесс вот я ещё взял сюда принесу покажу как это всё работает для того чтобы у тебя полные штаны были дальше все твои видео на YouTube канале они у меня скачанные и приложенные к делу между прочим Вот только дела Мы будем заводить через литовский суд вот там тебе не удастся выкрутиться потому что это будет то будет очень интересно Если я очень-очень захочу этого сделать я это сделаю вот и всё Литовская мафия блин ёлки-палки он думает что он ещё у меня спрашивает Где деньги достал пишется ветер Кошмар какой-то думал что он просто так вот это самое Серёжа Серёжа Поэтому по-хорошему если ты же по-хорошему не поняла что я написал по-хорошему я тебе готов был уступить Я попросил тебе привезти и всё такое но долго думал понял что бесполезно попросил удалить видео попросил извиниться за пакость да то есть ну конфликт не исчерпан так что извини это так господину который Думает что он просто так оделся обосрала меня на весь мир Хотя мне всё равно вот там как говорится у Вас кстати говоря помимо меня вас обманули Вообще практически целая куча этих изобретателей тот же Вася посмеялся над вами всеми так сказать по хихикал сейчас отмазывается в кружке ложкой машет да то есть болтает да то есть и рассказывает что там кофе там заварил да то есть Ну посмотрите на его канале есть там ответ может уже удалил сейчас увидит удалит Вот я что хочу сказать что я против того этих людей не иду мне всё равно То есть как бы просто Ну вы как бы если что то показываете Я например ваш схема очень хорошо умею читать вот значит с кем я очень хорошо умею читать так вот то что касается Капанадзе Да почему в принципе на земле только появился ребята потому что это всё Привет это всё сферическое батарейка к и она требует такого же усилия как и обычная батарейка Как как и обычный генератор да то есть ветрогенераторы Солнечная панель которая также изнашивается и по большому счёту Я хочу вас немножко не то чтобы расстроить приземлить чуть-чуть да то есть приземлить в плане того что это электричество Оно такое же как и всё и везде Эта система будет требовать Вы знаете мне тут на днях написала один человек Он говорит Я хочу купить как эту самую машин катушку машину Тесла и хочу вот куда-нибудь приехать 4 воткнуть и заряжать и ездить по всему свету бесплатно ну Давайте возьмем так для того чтобы зарядить машину Тесла нужно примерно 30 ампер это быстрое Charger такое Чарджер быстрая зарядка ну ну 30 ампер но Давайте посчитаем допустим это три фазы 300 этот ну как бы давайте хотя бы одну фазу возьмём да то есть у нас получается 67 кв почти а представляете себе вот нам нужно 7 кВт как бы 7 кВт мощности для на три фазы разделить да то есть поделить их наверно То есть это для того чтобы зарядить машину за 40 минут да то есть ну чуть больше там вот то есть вы представляете вообще что там кого будет если электрод очень Нет я Вам сразу говорю Ну то есть здесь здесь работает больше не какой электрод стойки я вам объясню сейчас внимательно послушайте вопрос потом будете задавать что-то не поймёте я ну как бы мысль поймал сейчас хочу довести до конца Значит значит вот Давайте возьмем такой момент как как батарейка да то есть от чего вообще у неё мощности чем больше у неё как бы вот этот вот банок да то есть электрод у неё об который всё это дело как говорится разлагается и который этот жрёт электрод он должен быть большим чем он больше тем мощности больше правильно вот здесь примерно такая же самая история ребят потому что система импульсная да то есть и графит графит это всё равно То есть это всё всё равно сожрет она об липнет другими материалами и будет другая так сказать история да то есть я ещё раз говорю это батарейка только сферическая То есть это тоже То есть те же тот же эфер тебе же заряженные частицы зашла курица да зашла курица прилипнет на неё чемпионат поменяет цвет там обязательно То есть это надо будет зачистить то есть короче ли заменить в любом случае то есть как мне один сказал Ой там железо много Понимаете в чём дело я вам сразу скажу что на 1 кВт мощности штырь вот этот вот который забивать нужна да то есть этот где-то приблизительно на короткое время в пусть у чернозём Где в ссоре там всё то есть ну почему почему-то она она там солёность она как бы получается что у вас шаговая такое скажем так ну объём большой то есть там где вы за сандали летать Земля эти как бы опоры начинает уже работать Вот я например показывал этот генератор на 4 кВт якобы там не было четыре там меньше было конечно но это самое то есть спорные вопросы идут то я Успокойтесь уже ёлки-палки Я же тестером показывал вам напряжение 191 вольт в чём вопрос Нет там блин бегают там это самое Так вот я короче говоря что происходит а происходит всё очень просто так же самое как мы водород добывайте водородным этим самым генератором полный интернет как это сделать но пластины сульфате руется всё это уничтожается правильно так в батарейке за счет энергии процессов то есть окабэ Ну это понятно Это кому вы рассказываете мне что ли думаете я не знаю как из чего это всё происходит здесь даже сама история просто те кто ещё пока не понял что атмосфера это где мы находимся это не пустота и что здесь происходит помимо что эти частицы Они вообще говорю ещё раз они вездесущие и допустим Если вы хотите я вам сейчас вот намёк сделали что вот например если вы хотите вытеснить воду Как вы делаете вакуум быть что-то туда вставляете да то есть вода расступилась да то есть воздуха Может её сдать да то есть и всё такое допустим звук если вы хотите если его в противофазе Пустите звук значит нулевая точка будет 0 здесь электрическая так на сколько времени хватает этого штыря ещё раз скажу подождите я помню вот о чём я начал так вот значит вакуумная система то есть вакуум который образуется То есть это означает что вы энергию раздвинули но это не означает что это то о чём вакуум потому что там Давид там давление создаётся вы раздвинули но давление создаётся со всех сторон она ждёт Когда вы отпустите этот вакуум Ну на качайте шарик дата есть воздухом закачали шарик Да есть есть то есть шарик что сделал раздулся внутри воздух есть вакуум есть потому что вот это вот площадь этого шарика она вытеснила Воздух вокруг него вот и всё То есть если в этот момент взять проткнуть шарик иглой Что произойдёт произойдет выброс энергии в импульсе будет бабах сильный Если вы планы его спустить энергии будет слабая Но если пробить это сам я это говорил он теперь давайте про заземления штырь который я загоняю думаю он совсем батарейкой если сделать батарейка из арматурной Ой ну и слушайте нет Вот давайте вы не будете спорить со мной я же не просто так сюда вылез чтобы это за вакуум с землей связана разность потенциалов Совершенно верно связан только заземление я ещё ра
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2020, 06:20:57 AM
То есть как бы это сказать правильно на зона -1 то есть чтобы другая часть не переходила через 0 Но это потом Да ну ясно мечепад всё равно всем наверное объяснил чего типа объяснила Я что-то прослушал Кто такой Чип а Господи это Славик такой был да Ну что он там объяснил ничего там не объяснил Я просто Понимаете в чём дело всё что вам как бы объясняет да то есть кто вам объясняет вообще Вот и Давайте обратим внимание на то что ни один из этих изобретателей то есть этот у меня это для души я на этом ещё раз говорю бизнес не строит я строю бизнес на радио у меня Я этим занимаюсь профессиональным Вон у меня там целое Ну то есть только этих этого это понятно там чуть повыше вот эти вот да то есть аппараты это то чем я занимаюсь как бы развиваю и технические как говорится по знаю что в радиоэфире как это улучшить и тому подобное появится всякие индикаторы стереокамера и тому подобное ребятки то есть вот на этом Я зарабатываю деньги да то есть что касается генераторов я решил не спешить в этом деле как бы всё верно сделал Узнай про него не знаю какой там там кто это такой вообще вылезает всякие разные люди какие-то чудики кто они такие Что они сделали знаете то есть когда я вижу некоторые вещи схемы некоторые и вижу что человек Объясняет это и потом показывает что у него что-то работает и я вижу как камера передает мерцания 50 герц лампочек что в розетку воткнул и при этом человека спрашиваешь у тебя там на выходе 50 герц Нет у меня там постоянка и ты понимаешь что он тебе лапшу на уши вешает даже не подозревает о том что я вижу во-первых что это работать не может я ему пишу этого начинает удалять мои комментарии и там злится и говорит что я сам такой же самый как его но я теоретически Как говорится я в принципе с этим Никогда не соглашусь Может быть я конечно вспыльчивой на всяких Таких вот подобного рода людей но в последнее время перестал на них Мне всё равно что там это скажите с чего начать опыт катушка Тесла У меня есть Как сделать съёмную ты от меня что ваше Установка работает по принципу принципу работает Господи какой ты статики Ну что вы наслушались всякого какую принципу Какая ты статика е***** блин ребят Ну выкиньте из головы статики и ты статики 3 кВт важины установки Ой Господи как много вопросов которые вам принципе сейчас не понадобятся 3,7 Что за 373 не понимаю генератор я сделал на tl-402 поставила драйверы Это для низкого высокая couture Господи ребят для того чтобы вот-вот многие задают мне вопрос Сколько гранату надо мотать так-так-так и установку кажется Пановка у остановку и у вас Ну она у меня купил Он просил вообще а то есть я не могу сейчас обнародовать эту переписку Я в отличие от этого дурака Как говорится буду поосторожнее с личной информацией да то есть всё-таки мы в Европе живём тут это самое но у меня есть одно дело Значит у меня есть переписка Я человек предлагал нормальный аппарат он категорически отказывался от нормальных корпуса и всё таком вообще какое-то время приезжала над душой стоял чтобы я туда процессор не вставил чтобы типа ну как бы он мог это то она засланный казачок конечно засланный казачок он просто хотел меня облапошить причём не только То есть он раздать схема хотел он хотел получить эту доску Почему доску именно он просил у меня купить доску он не просил ему в нормальном корпусе предлагал сделать нормальный аппарат как бы закрыты всё он категорически отказывался от процессоров и Ой он нагадил очень много то есть но он не понимает что это г**** Всё всплывет назад Скоро Вот так что серьёзно если ты меня слышишь Ну высылай мой аппарат каким он есть чем быстрее тем лучше потому что потом будет поздно потому что я как говорится будет так сказать разборка будет для тебя не Весёлый вот так вот так вот что я хотел сказать насчёт вот насчёт этой Короче говоря это установки Да это установка на доске я давно досок никаких не использую просто было как бы короче барьер вложен в установке барьер 373 Господи почему какой барьер что это за барьер такой-то это вам такое сказал вообще напряжение высокого Высокое напряжение достаточно полтора киловата не надо какие-то 375 какой барьер то он такой вот всё рассказал ребят Это всё методом тыка делается но в итоге у вас получается вот что батарейка Вот это опора чем оно больше объемнее чем ваши энергии идет это самое больше это насчёт того что Романов говорит землю не жрёт не согласен не согласен он сам акулий рассказывал в одном из аудиороликов которые гуляют по интернету на кулер рассказывал что у тебя это установка на самом деле не является бестопливный генератор генератором она должна ахеренно жрать заземления я это Подтверждаю всё больше мощность вы посадите тем сильнее жрёт заземление там законы электричества такой в принципе ну как может не жрать заземление если на заземление блин ток фактически ток нагрузки вы что О чём говорите если замерять ток который идёт в земле на тот момент когда нагрузка например 5квт итог 25 там 26 ампер на Земле это что как она любая любой что любой этот самый он просто это то это самое то есть любой съезд этот система получается стремятся Может подсказать С какой системой лучше пользоваться собирайте вон этого этика дали этого Собирайтесь систему только внутри вот этот как бы кабель Концы не замыкайся ни в коем случае то есть в конце не надо ещё замыкать отрежьте так чтобы И постарайтесь надеть трубочку какой-нибудь там 1 кВт должен быть напряжение больше не должна там пробивать будет там это будет слышно вам надо создать вакуум между катушками чтобы Понимаете в чём дело когда вы я вам рассказывал недавно Что такое вакуум я вам просто наглядно демонстрировал вы находитесь дадали вы находитесь в огромном океане энергии вы не можете создать разность потенциалов потому что она вокруг вас это просто один потенциал собрать легко а как настроить А что там настраивать заземление жрёт Романова это ладно вот то есть вам просто реально надо сделать что вот это вот да лист на установку только единственная что там надо будет сделать это синхронизировать наносекундный генератор с генератором этого самого магнитного поля то есть взять энергию этого самого чётко найти параметрические забудьте про параметрический резонанс и нету никаких полиметаллических резонансов если они есть там эти все резонансы выскакивают мощность установки от активности времени нет не зависит не зависит Ребята вы так если поднять выходное напряжение до 2.000 например ток на выходе 1 ампер получится два Ну что вы говорите такое Как вы собираетесь что вы там поднимать вот Многие думают что если они не Скрой прошивают там разрешают конденсатор в данной установки Катод Земля НОД что-то вроде того с этим соглашусь поэтому хочу вас всех опустить вот на землю чуть-чуть и дать вам понять что эта установка не догма и она не является каким-то сверх вообще сверхединица тоже не существует Забудь про это вообще cb&i тому подобное Ребят давайте выражаться как современные люди здравомыслящие которые здраво мыслят Если вы сразу говорю моих схем в интернете нет в своём лучше так свою выучу подробнее опишите как вы это делаете подробнее я описываю я вам даю удочку для размышления кабель 50ом согласовать вдали системе как согласовать очень просто вам нужно просто осциллограф для этих целей и так стоп сейчас я попытаюсь найти эту схему если она у меня есть конечно что я сомневаюсь категорически попробуем Ну вот это вот я нашёл а этот бред выложен в интернете не собираюсь его ни в коем случае этот бред собирать не надо да не собирайте это это работать не будет там даже для понимания Как говорится ничего близко нет Что может вам помочь Как говорится в расследовании темы эссе как вы это любите называть Я когда это понял что что уже собран но и как работает думаю что нет я думаю что это не работает сейчас ребятки подождите я посмотрю лю ю-ху меня этой схема нету Она где-то в компьютере там BT сожалению тут всякие limiters но этого мне интересно установки которые мало что понятно не собирали не надо собирать это установка к Обратитесь на это внимание тот пот рисовал кто-то в гостях у меня был под рисовал установка с фапч и тому подобная больше скажу накачка как её называют накачка раскачка да то есть это вся какой реально возможно будет работать только для более мне ребят насчёт смотрите накачка это на самом деле вам нужно создать синусоиду там да то есть для того чтобы делать какой-то резонанс на конденсаторе потом фапси строить это такой муторный процесс который я делал и у меня он целая куча плата этих валяется полу разобранных Я их уже распаивать начал потому что это абсолютно бестолковая тема можно применить для разгона как бы магнитного поля разгона толкания магнитного поля можно использовать обычную усилитель мощности только надо довести его до как бы до 200 килогерц частот чтобы у него чистый синус был и всё это как бы всё это безобразие подать просто на катушку так проблема при использовании p2463 Влад Я использовал идиот ну и что что не понимаю так понял почему это который так вот Ребят давайте то есть быстродействующие диоды это всё понятно вам надо понять не то какие диоды я там использовал вам надо немножко просто ты ты на пару киловатт тянул чтобы ten Да будет тянуть А я ещё раз говорю это пару киловатт это вот если вы считаете что вы дюймовую полку засунуть в землю и вас будет тянуть не будет знаете как проверить заземление Подключите фазу на лампочке и подключите к заземлению к вашему Ну и посмотрите что у вас будет будет просадка то есть напряжение в сети проверьте напряжение на сколько у вас упало на этой земле то есть какое-то время это Земля поработает Ну в смысле вы просто лампочку переменный ток Пустите через эту землю Ну работать будет ну какое-то время да то есть там так не так быстро это всё д***** бросет да то есть электролизёр скину этот Весь процесс пойдёт обязательно А вот как только вы генератор подключите к этой системе СИ да то есть Ну всё убьете на хрен этот самый заземление в хлам Просто она об растет таким д****** солёным вокруг то есть соль и все что в земле плюс вода Это всё она там будет это всё это самое нарастать И в итоге вы это что меньше поднять выход до 2000 вольт 1 ампер для 2 кВт меньше туалета вы мне объясните А зачем поднимать до 2000 вольт это самое напряжение выхода но объясните мне что вы это сам я вот начал тему по поводу вот этих вот искр короче говоря то есть многие искрят по конденсаторам точнее конденсатор заряжают потом через искру его в нагрузку загоняют ребят нету там никакого свободной энергии там никакой нет этот конденсатор разряжается заряжается да то есть быстро это кажется что где КПД вы пытаетесь сравнить эту систему с переменным током этих самых как его высоковольтных линий что ли Что там типа потом снижают это самое Это что ли накачку можно делать усилителем класса D только намного его переделать надо Ну это вы уже где-то от меня Наверное наслушались да Или кто-то вам сказал усилитель класса D знаете можно но не нужно усилитель обычно усилитель берёте не надо усилитель класса D берёте усилитель класса D у него посмотрите у вас во-первых сколько там получается у вас получается Ну вот усилитель класса D лежит вот он китайский палёный один выход здесь где-то по-моему 600 или 800 кг в него работа ключей да то есть вот они фильтры которые как бы обрезают это эти высокие частоты и полезный сигнал после этих фильтров идёт вот два конденсатора и два две катушки То есть он обрезает высокий и Остаётся только это самое так вот что я могу сказать что если вы усилитель класса D это слишком жирно для таких целей кстати вот эти вот усилки не берите они летят очень быстро вот эти вот это китайская Ну есть получит там я взял блин один сгорел потом второй сгорел 31 канал тут второй блин какой-то Чёрт блин какая-то симметричная система Без земли работать не будет Сразу говорю вам это целый геморрой но сделать можно и опять же если вы думаете что Понимаете в чём дело гидроудар знаете что такое Если вы будете создавать постоянно вакуум и с огромной скоростью спускать воду он рано или поздно Вы из носите то место где это всё ну как бы где это всё это самое Tesla говорил что с ростом частоты электролиз резко уменьшается Как по-вашему otezla правильно говорил но у нас с вами нету роста частоты у нас с вами 50 герц нам надо питать наше устройство 50 герцами кондёры по вылетают кондёры не знаю насчёт командировку вылетает Что к чему вообще-то было сказано сейчас не понял А значит что касается массивной Железяки ребятки значит это батарейка сферическая вы заставляете среду работать с огромным этим самым 600500 мужчинами возникла сила Ну и что дальше что ну вы попробуйте Это теперь очень быстро зарядить это всё возле Я понял что вы имели в виду говоря что первый амперметр врёт восьмеричной системе без заземления Ну хорошо Без без заземления симметричной системе могу свой хотите сказать что не будет изнашиваться катушка на которую вся эта тяга идёт Ну как бы ребятки я вам ещё раз говорю это система про неё знают учёные я общался с этими людьми общался с совершенной Как говорится с заграницы да то есть я общался они знают про это всё всё будет не очень долго на воздухе всё что вы собираетесь делать это получить данные Focus вот и всё я вам пытаюсь как бы навести вас на мысль откуда берется энергия этой энергией питается всё Промышленная человечеству всё абсолютно это энергия вокруг нас мы её используем закручиваем магнит гоняй её по проводам в розетке нашего с вами этого самого как сделать просто и но надежную я вам сразу скажу Можно про настройку Удали можно но Давайте закончим вопрос как сделать надежное хорошо практически Никак будет жрать обязательно то там не знаю если в землю будете закапывать с жрать будет быстрее на поверхности большая Железяка будет лежать что у вас будут солнечные панели ставить что будет Железяка лежать Один хрен Понимаете в чём дело я это всё проверил это реальная тема про которую я вам сейчас рассказываю и то что кто-то рассказывает что там ну это бтг чистый И вообще это самое тогда вам надо сходить на канал кирки и посмотреть как он закапывает прокладка одна на другую нейлоновый заливает водой солью там или что-то ещё в земле и записывает лампочки 12 вольтовые там сколько он там 200вт получил 250-400 Я посмотрел это видео долго потешался с этого Жалко что и при этом называется канал этой самой энергию мы получаем из космоса мы получаем её и солнца контакта точнее будем говорить современной техники можно использовать постоянный ток использовать и выпрямить врачей выпрямить У Господи ну что ну что вы этим хотите сказать Ну что вы хотите сказать что надо поднять вообще это вы понимаете в чём дело что данная установка Она работает на войти Просто она преобразует это в низкочастотной но в итоге это всё идёт пачками потому что низкочастотные токи магнитного поля приходится толкать что всё равно преобразование идёт Если вы хотите войти Ну какая разница то есть но ну давайте хорошо вспомним генератор водородный Что вы хотите сказать что пластины там не съедаются он да он делает водород там всё преобразует на пластинках съедаются пластины надо менять Ну вот класса D усилитель Как работает то есть фильтр стоит не пускает да то есть работу ключей вы на выходе только синус видите этот Да есть есть нейтрального Так я вам сразу скажу что я общался с людьми которые профессионально этим занимались строили установки и мегаватты 2 Почему не нашла Эта система применения во всём мире я Я вас тоже расстрою ребятки это не система Tesla Tesla другое придумал Это он пытался у него кстати Тесла башня помните рассказ был надо менять но хватает ненадолго пластины надо менять да то есть их надо просто толстыми делать и много Электричество можно получить таким образом но как бы так что у нас там то есть меняешь как ресурс Да совершенно верно меняешь как ресурс эти все установки жрут заземление это Tesla занимался да то есть в одном из своих видео рассказывала что Tesla бьёт 1 по теме катать Да нет Давайте Забудем про эти видео потому что то есть там я также учился как и вы я ещё раз говорю Я приведу вам пример ярадио делал когда я знал Только поверхностно что и как сейчас я знаю полностью всё что такое антенна почему она излучает почему это всё работает я делаю такие вещи здесь в Латвии которые не может ни один радиовещательные комплекс сделать они не понимают Как это работает а я понимаю у меня полстраны больше чем полстраны слышно радио прекрасной везде качество звука идеальное всё хорошо конкурента только слюни глотай Ты много понять что я там натворил Они покупают итальянское оборудование я покупаю Литовское оборудование Ну как элитовский передатчики у меня литовский стоит Зачем меня там покупать допустим передатчики из Италии да то есть тратить сумасшедшие деньги это установки своими, есть такие объекты где передачки работают на этом что шутить то я серьёзно говорю у меня даже здесь работает генератор с которыми сейчас вот сидим солнечные батареи работают только днём генератор круглые сутки Ну да он-то круглые сутки работает только нагрузку Когда вы на него насадить и вы сразу поймете Как хорошо и быстро изнашивается все эти Железяки пластины то просто реально Понимаете в чём дело то есть данная технология стоит не дороже чем солнечные панели поверь мне Я когда вот всё это дело прошур шерсти от начала и до конца я понял что избавиться в качестве сигнала радио подтверждает А ну это так меняешь как ресурсы всё да то если вы не понял ничего сейчас вот то есть на суть такая то есть я просто я говорю что если вы хотите дальше заниматься этим фокусом занимаетесь то есть да и то работает то есть если допустим вы находитесь не в частном доме А в многоквартирном двухэтажном это вообще Вот такая штука зацепили за отопление центральное Пускай Живёт там ЖКХ поменять и теплообменника трубы и всё всё то что она вернется из-за ваших экспериментов солнечной батарее Божья аккумуляторы тоже Ну конечно А как вы хотели вы хотели чтобы энергия которая летит с огромной скоростью она чего-то не не уничтожала так не бывает ребятки но не бывает если кричат свободная энергия свободная энергия сушки для ученых реально для людей Для меня это тоже не было смешно я думал Всё pressa.tv как же этот с***** Focus работает Я думаю б**** ну ну ладно я сделал то есть на маленькой мощности это вот намного выгоднее чем Солнечная установка Ну конечно она выгоднее то есть какой-то степени согласен да то есть потому что о-о-о кстати вот она моя фигню ЖКО к этот батарейка какая-нибудь Я просто хочу сказать что понимаете эти это всё изнашивается вот как и вот это вот г**** да то есть она тоже вот этот вот феррит он постоянно кстати здесь уже уничтожен до такой степени что уже резистор тут выключим до конца и смотрю и опасно потом вообще говорит а резистор сгорел У меня тут сейчас на кондёр повесим Ну горит зараза еще представляете вот тут говорят в конденсатор 2200 микрофарад конденсатор ребят скажите то есть этот этот конденсатор 2200 микрофарад вот такой яркость свечения светодиодов мощных это самое, да Вы шутите блин это просто жесть вот значит горит собака Смотри как я думала ну сейчас подождем чуть-чуть это самое сдохнет Скоро скоро сдохнет вот время-то 2 кг длина Примерно сколько я каждый месяц забивал новую трубу действие ваш контент Пусть горит Горит горит он лежит горит вот феррит здесь ребят Вот кстати вот эти фонарики Почему акула и не разбогател и Капанадзе не разбогател и много кто не разбогател на этом 2000 на 2 секунды вы проверяли удали этого фонарика 1 принцип работы нет абсолютно абсолютно ни один принцип работы результат как хочется получить продолжительной остановки Я же вам ещё раз говорю спуститесь на землю создать электромагнитное Полетай электромагнитной всё это что сейчас было только что будет курс для фонарика не Ребят давайте фонарик забудем но я вот забрал Я его разберусь города то есть кто разбомбил нахрен г**** полное Но зачем нам это надо получилось вектор роста только без в накачке при уменьшении длительности импульса счёт ребята Подождите ничего вы там не получали вопроса читать не умеете Простите меня но я буду говорить правду и глаза и кстати ещё один момент который я хотел бы в этом деле И как ни один все всё с вакуумом то есть фонарик несватково Сразу говорю То есть немножко другая тут пилообразная формой атомарный процесс тут немножко другое Значит все установки работают с вакуума все все абсолютно Если хотите с нулевой точки получить энергию зоны -1 то это только вакуум Почему не Руслан лучше по существу по вашей установке с теслой я по существу и рассказываю Почему не разбогатели потому что обосрались легче купить солнечные панели чем Железяки постоянно забивайте Понимаете в чём дело причём в землю лучше это не забивать это лучше держать над землей как этот самый притягивающий сферический но при этом конечно заземлить лучше тоже вакуум раскрутить так вакуум для получения энергии с индукционной плиты вы что так ерунду сейчас говорить Давайте не будем Позовите к генератор хендершота или знаете генератор Вот вы меня можете спросить про любовь генератор который вы видели хендершот Кто у нас там ещё был тоже тут сам там этот как его товарищ Тут недавно этот блин Смита вот типа по смиту там ползаю заземления нет И типа Искра и всё такое но вы не помните что Смит говорил что он заказывал специальный конденсаторы которые выдерживают импульсы тёплую Стивен марка это ребятам магнитное поле та же самая история до то есть разрушение этого сама то есть идет разрушение сердечника Ну вот этот фонарик сраной то есть передачи клиенту с Электроника у вас Down as we Dance Electronic стоит Какой вид резонансов накачки дали странный вопрос весьма какой там несколько классических резонансов может и Подробности в высоковольтной вакуум Я же вам рассказывал только что я вам показывал Tesla со мной Вот берёте двухлучевой осциллограф С1 с одного конца кладете один Что другой с другой вот должно быть получится Вот такая картина Вот она этого то уже вакуум что-то непонятно там вы задаете вопросы одни и те же которые как бы уже начали мы рассматривали Вот блин уже тусклее их сейчас подходим поярче стал так я правильно не слушайте ребята эти все тайпы всё это я вам ещё раз говорю энергия ТТ у это когда она крутит тоже то же самое магнит крутится Ну тоже самое но всё равно износ есть конденсаторы выходит из строя у Марка это Стивена там всё равно это из-за импульсов выходит из строя это значит это ресурс очень укорачивает значит хендершот конденсаторы летят на хрен мы там там принцип качелей но та же нестабильная система останавливается иногда А изнашивается ещё этот самый магнит постоянный магнит изнашивается слободин магниты теряет свойства пожалуйста я вам сразу скажу нету там ничего свободного так по аналогии с обычным генератором принципе примерно так же это обычный генератор просто КПД чуть выше вот и всё что ещё хотел вам сказать значит Поэтому я и говорю он так всё равно не понимаю почему такие установки не дали ход Да как не дали Господи кто вам не дал халявы не будет но с собой возить можно понял Благодарю Так кто не дал вам это установки Кто вы наслушались вы думаете понимаете в чем дело если бы эти форумы генератор хаббарда не пробовали не знаю такого что за Хабар Да я знаю Ну они принцип то у них один и тот же ребят Везде они используют энергию среды везде нулевой точки используют в зону -1 это всё одно и тоже поймите вы вот как бы не задумывались о том Почему катушка Теслы и тонет в воздухе почему она iscritti пускает Почему эти стримеры пускаются что вам рассказывают про это вам ничего не рассказывает но при совокупности почему оно такие молнии пускает такие кривые потому что какие-то в каком-то продажах нет а зачем у вас есть солнечные панели ветрогенераторы они есть в продаже вы хотите такие атаманы установки Ну что вы будете листы покупать железные или в землю забивать Но зачем они невыгодно абсолютно они невыгодно не там платят что-то там это сам просто человек не понимает что это ненадолго менять железо Да в том-то и дело мне ну проще менять железную Ну тогда сделайте это не отвлекайте на сообщение скажи тесутюн вот я вам рассказываю суть То есть как бы если кто-то думает что железо дешевле там да то есть нет я говорю если цеплять за какую-то крышу там да то есть вагона например ездить там ну да хорошо но всё равно обязательно был правда ведь там не только дырка проживает там износится понимаете при маленьких нагрузках это будет всё работать до фитоник Tesla Ну давайте Подумайте вот просто Включите Посмотрите Ты очень хорошо показал что в воздухе есть энергия просто скажем так когда она фитоник светится же не только светятся глаза светятся Потому что эти частицы Они настолько быстро перемещаются Что начинает светиться газ этот самый что у нас тут воздухе есть там как бы азот да то есть глаза светятся Я раньше думал что электроны там размножаются Да конечно да вот это вот лапша конкретная Так ты своей среды тянет в землю ничего он там не тянет земли не туда у него просто есть опора и не заметил вас сообщение Извините у него есть опора просто и поэтому Tesla работает в четверть волны Так пускай маленькая нагрузка Ну пускай до takunomi светит ртутный газ прерывать Ну можно и вакуум на Катьку с одновременной нет вакуум накачку прерывать мне одновременно накачку не надо прерывать прервать её уже потом когда вы толкаете только в совокупности У вас есть накачкой есть вакуум Когда вы хотите дать энергию Давайте Вот теперь сейчас у меня правильно ответить на вопрос Когда нужно то есть если вы логику сейчас вот я хочу посмотреть на вашу логику когда надо прервать вакуум Когда в какой момент реактивную мощность Давайте термины научные выбросим с головой Потому что если вы будете постоянно как бы ну этими самыми термины генераторах вращение магнитного поля может подумать как она Да не хочу не хочу встретиться ещё заказываете Напишите волны нет максимум магнитного поля максимум сподина Катьке если Господи накачки Отпусти когда синус накачки идёт вниз Нет объясняю нарастания тока в тот момент когда в катушке только нарастает надо его просто пнуть ногой вспомните качели толкнули пошли назад толкнули пошли назад Ну что я ему говорю максимальный ток уже поздно толкать друг мой дорогой максимальный ток уже достигнут надо тогда когда он нарастает нет Tesla не работает с обычным генератором просто вот если индуктор индуктор делает магнитное поле ударяя по окружающей среде происходит движение разгон частиц если здесь будет ударов много то эти частицы бегут вверх опираясь от нижнюю часть если опоры нет тут-то Они начинают движение тут и тут то есть у них получается так распределяется по бокам посередине напряжения То есть фактически такая вот конструкция если нет опоры работает иначе в данной конструкции обязательно нужно поставить что-нибудь какой-нибудь лампочку или что почему Вася Сюда ставил лампочку для того чтобы стабилизировать чтобы вакуум Был немножко скажем так чтобы часть энергии загнать вниз поэтому он лампочку сверху ставил экономку помните он её не убирал специально ставил вверх чтобы чуть-чуть хотя бы ну создать емкость чтобы внизу была она даже не фиттония это катушка потому что противофаза работала накачка то закручивает магнитное поле нет накачка это магнитное поле просто магнитное поле чтобы происходит в среде Когда Вы начинаете вращать магнит вы начинаете в резонансе собирать частицы вокруг него Чем быстрее вы его крутите тем больше ком нарастает вокруг магнитного этого сама то есть тем быстрее текут эти частицы если в этот момент понесете любой проводник на нём появится электрический ток любая катушка кстати работает любой генератор любой трансформатор в резонансе ребята любой абсолютно любой Почему Тесла доказал что его трансформатор Рязанской один импульс не хватает чтобы это частичка добежала до конца не хватает надо чтобы их побежала Много Они же по проводнику изолированному бегут плюс ещё между этими листками ёмкость это надо преодолеть эту скорость стоит по лестнице это вот как вам сказали забег за столько-то секунд добежать до доверху выдохлись чёртовой матери Да потому что пожрать вам не дали до этого ну включайте голову ассоциации делаете для себя не думайте что почему я вам всё время ассоциациями рассказываю то есть для чего это ну как бы для чего вообще этот как бы это вся тема о с*** потух Блин Настя ты тут загорелся лежать сидеть вот я просто для чего Вам эти ассоциации рассказываю ребята для того чтобы вы понимали вообще а то есть с чем сравнивать потому что в природе всё взаимосвязано и одинаково Или вы не понимаете этого тему Как бы кто не понимает просто вот скажите вот сегодня у нас как-то с вами клеится разговор прошлый раз там оскорбляли отзывались там Да То есть сегодня собрались вроде бы умные люди так сказать да то есть ну более-менее которые хотят чего-то знать до других Мы в принципе не завёл вот так вот что я хотел сказать что все эти установки Ну я просто не то что я просто хочу вас немножко предостеречь Ой не успела сообщение Прочитать все эти установки не работают как вечный двигатель ребят вечного двигателя не существует взаимосвязь согласен да в природе вот пройдёт правильно абсолютно правильный Вот то есть я вам просто объясняю что суть такая так я лично с удовольствием внимаю Ну очень хорошо вот то есть я вам просто объясняю что вакуум и вся как бы всё что связано с вакуумом это так Роман проводит аналогию со смещением нулевой точки трёхфазной сети но он правильно проводит я вам скажу так Романов это вообще молодец Это большой человек большой специалист его надо просто понимать И если что-то непонятно когда ты у неё спрашиваешь он немножко там Да он раздражается там потому что но столько идиотов вокруг задает ему вопросы которые он как профессионал просто выдержать этого не может но я его тоже понимаю с одной стороны с другой стороны Александр он просто как бы гений в своем деле Естественно он это не распространяет потому что ну поймите правильно от Троилин и толку никакого поэтому хочется разобраться в сути данная работа Все Понимаете в чём дело то есть я открою секрет всех вот этих вот изобретателей том числе и свой то есть ну я как бы человек добрый с души Я просто пытаюсь вам дать удочку Романов тоже пытается сейчас Кстати я недавно меня просто сказали Посмотри я посмотрел что там лекции продаёт свои да то есть я посмотрел достаточно полезные вещи да то есть про древние цивилизации Я надеюсь что ребят как бы если вы хотите собрать эту систему дает То есть я вам просто хочу сказать что данная система на на Если вы верите в данную систему Вы должны поверить и в цивилизации и инопланетян и тому подобное но поверьте но мы не можем быть одни во Вселенной но не можем быть Ну посмотрите вокруг Блин ну и что ну-ну то что эти личности на мне как-то не являются или что-то это не значит что их нету то есть понимаете поэтому моё чисто сугубо представление о том о мироздании и тому подобное но не дано нам их видеть так же как импале периодически Вот они нас наверное видят Ну я не буду сейчас это не наша тема разговора То есть как бы я просто одно хочу сказать что Вера Это не недостаток знаний Ну как вам сказать недостаток знаний я не согнул понимаете Вы можете выкидывать много цитат всяких этот счёт Ну как что значит недостаток знаний всё знать ты тоже не можешь Однако есть вещи которые я просто так дальность действия от твоих антенна поможет в этом связаться с нами Можно продали можно по поводу моих attend дальность действия их просто правильно размещаю рассчитываю и рассчитываю движение Как говорится волны по фразе так чтобы коэффициент усиления максимальный был так что предложил Tesla Расскажи Tesla кстати говоря Обратите внимание то есть там никто не рассказывает и башню тот кто уверен Ну да это самое то есть ты слаже помните как у него была у него башня там еще под землю спускалась на Многие эти самые да то есть и как он вообще собирался передавать энергию на расстоянии вы думаете что таким образом как с башни сумасшедший энергию воздух и это самое ребятки я вам скажу так прежде чем собирать вот такие установки вам первую очередь надо разобраться что может как может работать как может работать видел шаровую молнию летала слишком так про шаровую потом я кстати если говорят что не могут создать шаровую молнию я могу создать свою нужно легко Но это летом мы сейчас попробуем придумать это я знаю что учёные набегут и может быть Нина бегут потому что вдруг нам всем и рассказывать что это невозможно ля-ля-ля вот Ну это потом это отдельный вопрос то есть эксперименты проводил один и наткнулся на этот очень весьма интересный как бы феномен можно это всё сделать ваш авторитет резко возрастет Если Вы ребят мне авторитет до одного места мне просто жаль вас что вы кидайтесь на амбразуру не разобравшись тихо хорошо ловит шаровую молнию теха допускаю ловит её ради Бога То есть это честно говоря давайте так вот про башню то есть передачи энергии на расстояние что на самом деле башня генератора Тесла делала вообще тэсла делал противофазу в воздухе в принципе как это делается и везде из-за этого извлекал огромную энергию единственная дашь то и купол его башню и под землей там это всё разрушалась и он это изучал он просто это не успел al-ko как бы не успел разобраться в этой теме в обществе свободно развивающаяся Понятно Вот то есть Понимаете в чём делаем как бы башни еще спускалась под землю То есть он реагировал и землю и верхнюю часть Теслы он делал то как бы так чтобы энергия То есть он совмещал она же там там же у него этот индуктор даже двигался про это никто не знает А есть подлинные фильмы где эту башню снимали и я там всё это разглядел л.и. я разглядел еще не только эти вещи вот там я говорю там сидят вот эти болтуны там типа про резонанса там рассказывают там всё это классику это всё выливают как бы в интернет и путают голову ребят в природе всё проще так в этой молнии долго таки не мог надо Ну не надо пугаться до усрачки но я вам сказал скажу сразу что это сгусток энергии который сам себя поддерживает и поддерживает он благодаря опять же окружающей среде потому что из-за огромной то есть во-первых огромной скорости во-вторых с сбор вот этих частиц которые вокруг и желательно Почему говорят что нежелательно нежелательно двигаться в этот момент и создавать какие-то колебания воздуха Потому что эти частицы они также реагируют на колебания воздуха я не могу сразу сказать что весь этот эфир колышется вместе с воздухом то есть мы его ощущаем когда мы болтаем рукой мы чувствуем сопротивление воздуха Как нам говорят но вместе с этим мы колеблемые эти частицы то есть в каких-то моментах их может быть меньше в каких-то больше кстати Ну давайте вот скажем так уже как бы спать пора потому что завтра Что такое ещё рабочий день Я просто хочу сказать что шаровая молния То есть ты вообще все вот эти вот как бы явления то есть Давайте сразу сейчас подумаем откуда шаровая молния С чего она вдруг она почему она горит откуда этот шарик почему где-то он за цепляется за какой-то не стабильный это самое и происходит Ну то есть происходит то есть это тело она крутится вокруг него есть электромагнитный Вихрь уже Тоесть из-за того что он его что-то завело и он автоматически завелся и начал как бы крутится Ребят давайте оставим в покое вопросы по поводу статики t100t тихиро отеки и тому подобное я вам объясняю что это всё 1 1 этаже на этаже как бы тема то есть заряженной частицы которые всё это делаю Pro 15 кВт Давайте в следующий раз хорошо Ну то есть я думаю что я даже как-то если будет погода хорошая Там зимой были жук-олень покажу он как-то всё работает там есть в одном месте заземление забитое пока просто ищет на кого разрядится Ну я вам ещё раз говорю шаровая молния это сгусток энергии в противофазе крутящийся и он не ищет обо что разрядится Он плавает до тех пор пока не находит место где он резко тормозится Но поскольку энергия очень сумасшедшая то есть очень большой поток энергии она перемещается за счет того что она уже завелась то есть уже образовался шар электромагнитный шар то есть там и магнитная составляющая присутствует из-за того что закольцовка пошла и она светится потому что это газ светится это обычная азот светится да то есть это не обращайте внимания То есть это как бы молекулы азота там кислорода светятся да то есть он иногда синим светится иногда фиолетовом светятся Да но как только он касается того оба что он это понимаете вот раскрутить и какой-нибудь маховик быс
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2020, 06:23:05 AM
For meaningless words, one Ruslan is enough.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on December 30, 2020, 10:07:58 AM
This is what  I think about you  dear <color>.
-experienced  in electronics to some degree.
-not young any longer
-you understand Russian language  and saying that you don't.
Your daughter  speaks  Russian as she formulated  question to Ruslan,  and she is definitely advanced
in area of  electricity..
-your taste to unrelated , destructive and side-kicking images is annoying  us the westerners
but that  can be result of specific Asian culture we don't understand and by that  you
don't understand what we value and what we see as total B's.
-your cooperation with Russian FSB  former KGB is not conformed  but possible.
-your writing  brought more  destruction to your self-exposure  than benefits,
  however   it is useful  to us, as you are on the track with everything  new that is
  happening   in Russia in area  of FE.
- I don't think  that you can fly high in understanding  physical processes  ruling in  electromagnetism,
  (e.g  wireless, radio, propagation, waves)
  But I don't see you as  a total  ignorant you  are  at much,much higher level than Ruslan.

if you were  European  or American   you would likely not:
- post oversized   non-related  pictures .
- you will be more  precise  and concise in information posted.
I do appreciate your  skills and your work that may benefit  FE  community.
I do respect you as human being and   contributor.
I'm impressed  with your text editing  skills
and time spend  to  convert  everything what Ruslan said
and place it  here in form of a text.
This scripted  text is  full of  small errors caused by voice recognition software you used.
However vulgarisms used  by Ruslan  are carefully wiped out by you..
around 8 to 10% of your   writing  is valuable  just because you are distracting a viewer  with
possibly funny to you but  absolutely tasteless  B's images and non related or not-explained
schematics, thrown  there.

Now about Ruslan:
  -Ruslan  is  uneducated  in given field,  and  will be absolutely rejected  by the level of  High School  freshman student. 
   interested in physics  .
  - however  it is easy to  understand that  such individuals  are able to  create something, by means of
    luck (the same as  winning a lottery , or  finding diamond in area  where  experienced   
    geologist  wouldn't even  think  it would be found.)
Think  about Ruslan as if he was 12 years old American boy playing with wires and  progressing  who thanks to  some money
       and with  help of  more experienced  guys was able to  build something that likely and luckily  works.
       The difference between Ruslan and  this American boy is that :
     -American boy will unlikely be  arrogant ,
     - he will publicly, not use  vulgarisms and intimidate  listeners or competitors.
     - he will be listening, obeying, interacting and be more organized  than Ruslan
       in typical to American boy manner.

    Ruslan rejected my offer to visit Riga Latvia  and examine the device.
    However he didn't say it  directly,to me.
    He  made  public statement that  he will present his device to  Russians and to me too.
    He as citizen  of Latvia  ( EU),  recently manifested   his pride  of  being Russian in Latvia  and his support to President  of Russia Putin .
    He also condemned EU, USA  and Capitalism.
    Ruslan stated that  Capitalism is over  and Putin  with  Russia will win and will  lead the world by means of imposing on us his own Russian-Putin's  new order.
    I had an impression that he is feared of something/ someone/  or legal consequences of his activity/ or collapse of his radio business due to competition.
Russia is likely seen by him as an  escape - asylum if needed.
    Complementing  Russian totalitarian regime  doesn't hurt in civilized European Latvia, but Ruslan believes that it may help.. if ever. 

By the way:
  Ruslan  deleted  again all of his videos and last streams

Legal Note: opinion expressed is my own ( according to constitution of USA) 

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2020, 08:36:42 PM
Ruslan reads comments and answers questions.
Ruslan's personal answer is the placenta that has been heard through many videos.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2020, 08:39:34 PM
Gatis A

Yuri Vasilyev
실시간 채팅에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 개인정보를 보호하고 YouTube 커뮤니티 가이드를 준수하는 것을 잊지 마세요.

Слав Додов
​Привет Руслан!

Иван Руссу АШГ
​первый лайк лови

Иван Руссу АШГ
​да норм Руслан вы что

Иван Руссу АШГ
​я просто так

Boar Chanel
​приветствую:washhands:блоч пожалуйста челов которые ерунду пишут, в плане троллей всяких

Alexander Kasyanenko
​Руслан опубликуй стримы 5-6 я спал когда ты стримил а утром уже небыло доступа

bandal66 color
​Предложения обширны, поэтому их сложно перевести.:elbowcough:

Aleksei Kulinih

Сергей Киселев

Иван Руссу АШГ
​Руслан Все путем!

100 тем
​Вы имеете ввиду обратную связь.

er we
​начинаем конфу

БТГ Генератор
​Руслан!. С наступающим. Спасибо.!

er we
​радиостанция "саботаж" приветствует вас

​Руслан привет и с наступающим!))

БТГ Генератор
​Это формат костяна. Он нормально отвечает и за все слова.

Иван Руссу АШГ
​вы Руслан в контакте вы у меня есть . и я с вами обшялся .потом поговорим интересно

Игорь Палий
​Приветствую и с наступающим. Интересно услышать ваше мнение о токах проводимости и трудах Николаева. Спасибо

Foma Svet
​ток и напряжение должны быть в фазе перед выпрямлением на диодах

Sinisa Radinovic
​В устройстве с усилителем класса d ток проходит только через катушку с ударом высокого напряжения.

Иван Руссу АШГ
​нет не вконтакт ..а в адресной книги Скайпа )))

Иван Руссу АШГ
​насчёт АКПП я понимаю прекрасно сам авто механик)))

Alicim Aydin
​Нужна ли използават алюмини и мет чтоб саздат магнитны поток чтоб разделиалис електроны?

Foma Svet
​наверно, формат Костяна

Sinisa Radinovic
​В устройстве с усилителем класса d ток проходит только через катушку с ударом высокого напряжения.

Сергей Киселев
​Руслан, по установке вопрос, магнитное поле у гранаты и индуктора должны быть у каждого свое?

Vladimir Tag
​Для эксперимента не обязательно собирать схемы, подойдут обычные генераторы сигнала.

Роман Житомир
​давай по делу)

Balodis Andrejs
​Priecigu un laimigu jauno gadu ! Sveiciens no latgales

Иван Руссу АШГ
​ну понимаю это жесть как сложная ситуация будет с автосервиса

БТГ Генератор
​Руслан. Какого фига вы удаляете то что наговорили? Мне нужна эта информация. Зачем удаляете???????????????????????????????


БТГ Генератор
​Руслан. Какого фига вы удаляете то что наговорили? Мне нужна эта информация. Зачем удаляете???????????????????????????????

БТГ Генератор
​Какого вы вылезли??????????????

Иван Руссу АШГ
​Руслан с ротоверта и есть опыт работы..у вас есть же знакомый кто на магнитов кто делает .

er we
​Раскажи как ездил к Маску ?

​udalil, potomu shto tam jest fokus s fanarikom

Сергей Киселев
​я к тому что два поля могут быть замкнутый и рпзомкнуты, замкнутой работает как одно целое, а разомкнутое наоборот...иои я не понял чегото

​Покажи им коробку, которая на стене висит встроенная. Вон там в углу за дампой :)

er we
​да забей на кастяна

Foma Svet
​устройство имеет свойства длинной линии с сосредоточеными параметрами с узлами пучностей тока и напряжения

Gennadiy tor
​Приветствую. Фокус с фонариком, просто класс!!! Респект!!!

Alicim Aydin
​Хорошо знания стоит денги можна ли купит генератор енерги ?у тебя

Oskars Aniņš

Vladimir Tag
​В установке используется скин эффект?

er we
​зачем синусоида ? на синусоиде получиш = ноль!

БТГ Генератор
​Руслан - ты нифига не читаеш

формат Костяна Ну может быть формат Костяна не знаю я просто я говорю То есть я с такими людьми общаться это человек который ну реально ничего не сделал Я просто говорю ещё раз Для того чтобы начать какой-то спор в первую очередь надо что-то сделать теория Меня не интересует то что в школе учили тоже не тебя много тоже университете в институте много чего случилось образованиями но смысл В чём Да давайте остановимся на этом значит так что значит у каждого своё Ну как вы думаете если катушка намотана если там заряженная частица бегут естественно у каждого есть индуктор это вообще всё индуктор индуктор переводе катушка Так что то что вы сейчас имеете в виду индуктор должны быть у каждого своё конечно каждого своё А вы хотели чтобы оно однородное было так не бывает у любого трансформатора набор катушках каждого свое магнитное поле вот в чём дело-то вы просто пока это не хотите понять потому что экспериментируйте мало Я ещё раз говорю мои скажем так мои знания Только чисто на экспериментах только на экспериментах я это записывал я это делал и почему я это смело могу вам рассказать и вообще почему я вылез да то есть я не хотел я просто закончил этот эксперимент дальше пошла работа понимаете в чем дело но сейчас я на данный момент полностью закончил эксперимент я могла в любой генератор обосновать его работу и сказать честно и откровенно что это не бтг как вы это называете поэтому мне сегодня этот формат Костя нас вообще сказал чувак такую реплику чтобы каждая каждая подстанция это бтг каждая подстанция которая стоит то есть это придурок один который со мной общался он я ему просто сказал что по теории энергия идет на каждой подстанции из среды Он не понял Он передал этому и этот придурок лечит теперь меня только немножко по-своему но это вообще просто сразу блок идут такие ребята и это самое Извините что может быть это грубо но я просто говорю что я не люблю людей самоуверенных которые просто устроят версии на своих умозаключениях Это неправильно надо строить версию на том чтобы пощупать руками Если вы не поступали и слышали звон не знаете где он нельзя Включи никаких строить поймите ребята есть это просто чисто Ну вопрос здравого смысла правда так для экспериментов необязательно схема сигнала не согласен обычная генераторы сигналов и что имеете в виду генераторы лабораторные нет Потому что если вам надо что-то развязать обычно генератор в этом деле не подойдёт лабораторный генератор требуется для того чтобы вам найти приблизительно так сказать резонансную частоту катушки где будет ток максимальный который будет бежать через неё появится синусоида Что такое синусоида Почему вообще синусоида образуется в катушке потому что идет максимальное значение тока Что такое ток это движение порядочная заряженных частиц которые полностью удовлетворяют весь проводник если высокая чистота и переменный ток они вокруг проводника двигаются они делают траектории вращения между него и они будут эту траекторию между прочим вот если взять и вот показать на ручки это траектория вращения будет такая это самая такая которая будет Допустим то есть зависимо зависимы от частоты Если честно то высокая то она будет заполнит всю всё пространство проводника и тока уменьшится и соответственно Будет не хватать поэтому обычно под каждый кусок провода есть своя частота Но это надо просто вот объяснить но раз и навсегда это надо всё экспериментировать так абсолютно всё поделаю придётся своей

Gatis A
​Я оченй бистро понял што дело не в схемах и катушках. Спосибо Руслан то што ти разказал за ети пару дней, ето ответи на вопроси каторийе Я давно искал.

БТГ Генератор
​Я тебе ссылку скинул. ы не посмотрел. Мне Мн\

БТГ Генератор
​тТосмотты не посмотрел. Мне Мн\

Роман Житомир
​у кого завис чат - перезагрузите его.

БТГ Генератор
​Ты не посмотрел.

БТГ Генератор
​Вопрос зачем твой стрим77

Sinisa Radinovic
​В приборе с усилителем d класса есть ШИМ, куда бить импульсом, когда в катушке нет синусоиды

БТГ Генератор
​Вопрос зачем твой стрим77\

Sinisa Radinovic
​В приборе с усилителем d класса есть ШИМ, куда бить импульсом, когда в катушке нет синусоиды

удалили что удалили Не понял ничего Ладно поехали дальше но помню что жесть сложная ситуация будет так понятно Так какого фига удаляете то что наговорили Мне нужна эта информация Зачем удаляете Что значит удаляете Ну то есть слушайте внимательно что информация вам нужна она много кому нужна что какого фига удаляете я это прямой эфир это эфир с камерой напрямую Сейчас вы пишите в чат я вам отвечаю что Что значит удаляете вы удаляете ребятки не долбить простыми вопросами Пускай рассказывает Я просто говорю ещё раз я вам пытаюсь объяснить что вы Этот фокус он вам не принесет никаких богатств больше будет польза Если вы возьмете генератор Какой простой ветрогенератор или эту самую солнечную батарею Так что у нас там ещё дофига удалять или А какой вы какого хрена Так сейчас я бтг генератор давайте без грубостей да иначе я вас отправлю в банк так Саратове которое есть опыт работы у вас знакомые Кто на магнитах Кто делал но есть но толку как бы я знаю таких людей которые то что-то делать Ну магниты изнашиваются но долго не работает Ребят вы поймите Вы должны откуда-то взять энергию если вам рассказывают что энергию окружающего проводник он там годов он проходит там до какого-то определенного объекта силовой кабель он долго используется никаких проблем нет но как только Вы перестали этот проводник использовать сгниет и как бы и всё И понятному то есть пока вы используете провод он будет работать это тоже атомарный процесс так знакомая Кто такой я вам не советую этим ротавирусом связываться это вообще бандура которая тоже заземление требует и ничему она не привезёт тогда скажи как я ездил в Москву не ездил я не ездил к носку Я просто передал аппарат и он это самое то есть он его принял но они всё это знают америкосы это давно уже всё знают поверьте такого сюда более могут быть разомкнуть замкнутую работает как одно целое разомкнуть Наоборот я не понял что-то Я к тому что два поля могут быть замкнуты и как это Замкнутый С чего вдруг замкнуто Подождите что-то вы тут Сергей Киселёв что-то в.м. не понимаете меня ладом покажи ему коробку которая на стене висит устроена вон там в углу за лампой давайте сейчас без коробок Володя привет забил давно уже забыл давайте без коробок сейчас не до коробок честно Так устройство имеет свойство длинной линии сосредоточенными параметрами с узлами пучностей тока напряжения не согласен абсолютно это всё классика которая вам не пригодится никак так Геннадий for Приветствую фокус с фонариком просто класс респект Да что там фокусы я да какой фокус ребят нету здесь никакого фокуса энергию можно добывать из чего угодно то есть надо просто знать состав и надо знать как это сделать вот и всё И кстати Есть подтверждение как-то фонарик работает ещё Но более А так сказать в сложной системе где лампочку вообще зажигали там на какую на какую то сейчас вспомнил это 300ват да то есть в резонансе Ну конечно там этот бедный трансформатор железо там износилась да то есть Так зачем синусоид на синусоиде получишь ноль чего надо Почему это ноль чего откуда такие хорошо за знание стоят денег может ли купить генератор энергии у тебя Зачем Можно купить но зачем то есть вы хотите и разобрать его То есть у меня есть такие предложения к Продайте мне

Роман Житомир
​какая цель стрима?

​Руслан Не закрывай видео хочется завтра посмотреть, Спасибо!

Foma Svet
​как происходит совмещение тока и напряжения на входе и выходе устройства

Sinisa Radinovic
​В приборе с усилителем d класса есть ШИМ, куда бить импульсом, когда в катушке нет синусоиды

Donatas F

Vladimir Tag
​Народу от отчаянья хочет хоть фонарик собрать.

Anton Kozlov
​мне бы 100ват на 5 лет хватило за глаза:)

проводника и эти заряженные частицы а само собой они проходят Ну как бы определенное расстояние до то есть ли они естественно двигаются по кругу и это есть киноэффекты они внутри проводника ничего нет они именно по кругу и это особенно на высоких частотах там вообще по поверхности знаете такой эксперимент был проводили ученые как бы российские где РТР Планета показывали там тоненькие там по-моему 0201 мм провод записывал нагрузку под что-то в районе В районе 5 кВт Да легко Почему нет проводник вот этот вот да который был натянутым между системой он являлся как бы направляющим то есть дальше Всё среда делаю то есть это еще раз доказывает что всё электричество берётся из среды и она там так и работает так фонарик Focus Ну я я вот честно скажу как я только переключился на фонарике попробовал это собрать у меня сразу после Второй раз сбросить и я попал на то что могу показать начал обратный сигнал всё как было написано так и делают в итоге что Ну я просто-напросто убил кучу ферритов потому что они даже неделю не работали практически то есть отдыхали там в у тех у которых вообще не было он частота То есть он у него меняется свойства надо подкручивать там резистор постоянный туда то есть он работал так других фонариков то есть вот допустим золотом показывал что там менее Эта система была на среде где он вообще никаких сердечников не было Просто 110 труба и на ней намотана Да это обычный как его называете бтг и его принцип там где Земля была представлена там использовался в высокочастотной этот самый вакуумной качан да то есть и использовать То есть это миниатюрное в миниатюре это было Всё сделано Да он это делал но да такая фигня будет работать там лампочки будут точнее эти светодиоды будут гореть и всё то есть не более того и он тоже жрёт землю да то есть ну естественно он её не так быстро сажает там через год через два через 5 через 10 лет он будет гореть ему пофигу Да но толку от этого Каковы со светодиодами собираетесь отапливаться освещаться там да то есть но горит и горит фокусы фокусы А дальше-то что толку от этого вам же надо что-то такое в киловаттах измерялось чтобы можно было калорифер подключить там или что-то ещё и вот тут возникает вопрос как это сделать вот Теория заговора я не верю уже я верю теории заговора есть или та которая там борется и нас с вами используют как пушечное мясо и как вот сейчас вот это из дерева в России там всё-таки спокойнее чем она выступала полный бред сейчас комендантский час но данный момент уже нельзя на улицу показываться без весомой причины они эти самые военные стоят патрули таким образом Ну ладно так

Yuri Vasilyev
​металл на крыше от установки корродирует?

Balodis Andrejs
​есть ли выбросы енергии в фазовых скачках и как их настроить в гранате

Anton Kozlov
​не тот ты что

Евгений Самарюк
​очень большая просьба не удалять эфирное видео

Anton Kozlov
​по дали мотать буду

Peter Name
​do u run your house with free energy

Anton Kozlov
​как это сделать синхронизацию есть схемы примерные?

er we
​Руслан мне надо генератор для тур-походов!

Donatas F
​Смотрел вчера мое видео?

искал ответ на вопрос простой вы хотите так Я тебе ссылку скину ты не посмотрел посмотрел но я никогда меня смотреть слушать и днём это звуковой завис 4 грузите так вопрос зачем твой Стрим так сказать Ну если мой Стрим Мне нужен Давайте его заблокирую тогда Уважаемые бтг генератор сейчас вот мы вас там заблокирован что нам мешает сегодня он улетел его нас больше нету так в приборе с усилителем d-класса Шима куда бы показал катушки нет синусоида Куда деть некуда Зачем С чего вы взяли что именно в приборе с усилителем класса D С чего взяли то есть почему то есть вы же не знаете куда это используют да то есть я использую этот сюжет для других целей Успокойтесь пока притормозить и приобрести усилителем класса D ШИМ куда бить Да никуда не надо ведь так какая цель стрима Если как бы если вам что-то не нравится можете отсюда выйти просто посмотреть это то есть люди которые в теме недели не закрываю видео хочется завтра посмотреть открывать видео то есть ну какой есть такой есть Как проходит ток и напряжение на выходе устройства как теоретические так же самое как в обычном генераторе обычно генератор знает что такое вот так и есть Так приборе с усилителем класса так это я уже читал и по 200 раз не пишите Я сейчас вижу весь ваш чат поэтому я так Да Наташ привет народу отчаянно хочет фонарик собрать Ребята забейте 100pro это фонарик забудьте блин это г**** То есть я ещё раз говорю вы мне настроить это так Мне бы 100 Ватт на 5 лет хватило за глаза тот опять Антон какой-то вылез Дато Seni тот которого я вчера заблокировала ладно давайте как бы насчёт того что стоит за глаза на пять лет хватило Ну как бы я говорю ещё раз так Добрый вечер так металл на крыше от остановки к корродирует конечно на если выброс энергии фазовых скачках и как их настроить в гранате на почему Ну давайте вот скажем так Оставьте в покое эту чёртову гранату не тот что понятно Хорошо Антон Будем надеяться что не тот так насчёт гранаты ребята Чтобы понимать что это такое и почему она так мотается это надо просто ну понимать физику процессов вам пока ещё рано поэтому степень есть Честно вот просто рано потому что ну скажем так я всё время ссылаясь на схему этого Эдик адалин только её надо чуть доработать то есть там два генератора абсолютно не связаны между собой это плохо вы никогда не настройки синхронную работу вам надо настроить синхронную работу синхронизировать эти два генератора между собой то есть взять сигналы С вот этого вот резонансного контура Что там получается да то есть это синусу и во время нарастания тока включить и вовремя Таня только выключить Высокое напряжение дата есть настроить тот момент когда у вас вакуум будет прекращаться в этот момент идет выброс энергии вот этот выброс энергии и есть то самое то самое что он надо сделать Да потому что пока вакуум есть энергии нет вакуум делает пустоту Вот это я рассказывал как сделать если кому-то непонятно ещё разговаривал вакуум это противофаза если ноги со мной начали спорить что это не вакуум этот ля-ля-ля 3 руб. я

Anton Kozlov
​по акулиной знаю

Poznajuschij Absolut
​Вакуум делается только электро-магнитной волной?

Слав Додов
​Сколько Наносекунд в генератора Dally?

Слав Додов

Anton Kozlov
​без синхронизации значит нереально сделать как по схеме дали или это крайне сложно?

Foma Svet
​короткое замыкание нагрузки не должно влиять на сам генератор накачки?

Yuri Vasilyev
​вокруг провода с вв вакуум образуется? есто зависимость от расстояния от него?

Peter Name
​can you show a video on your current device you made.its been 7 years now

Anton Kozlov
​ясно значит шансов больше с синхронизацией

Donatas F
​Руслан вчера ты говорил про резонанс при прерывании вакуума..., когда неонка вспыхивает... можеш по подробней?

Евгений Самарюк
​вчерашнее видео не досмотрел, заснул, а сегодня не нашел его на канале)))) очень жалею, вы очень интересно и понятно рассказываете! Спасибо Вам!

Александр Сергеев
​У Дали наноимпульс 10-12нС а не 1мкС

Andrei Timoshevskiy
​надёжность фонарика, если вместо феррита взять железо от ЛАТРа?

Vladimir Tag
​У Далли было 1,5Мгц в наносеке.

Иван Руссу АШГ
​Руслан покажи лабораторию если можно естественно.

как это сделать синхронизацию если есть схема примеры Ну вот опять смотреть Антон вы вы спрашиваете элементарные вещи Может быть сейчас ещё и схемами делиться у них полной сальник зайди туда и посмотрите там полно микросхема 123 этом 132 7400 там акула своих этих вытащить оттуда кусок и всё сделаете или совсем уже фантазии нет чтобы это сделать Вам надо генератор просто импульсов синхронизировать свой фактически сделать генератор импульсов высоковольтных которое будет создавать вам вакуум Ну то есть отпускать вакуум нужный момент надо найти проверить такие моменты как как сейчас скажу как бы найти такие моменты проверить В какой момент это только нарастает да то есть плюс Задержка да то есть это всё учесть сделать движение по фазе и попадете Туда туда куда надо Почему просто не хотите с этим делом это такая большая просьба не удалять эфирное видео так я не удаляю так падали мотать буду Ну конечно Как сделать синхронизацию из есть схемы Ну Илья Это так Это его читала просто мне надо генератор для турпоходов донатас Я посмотрел но там вот такой вот маленькая кошка ни хрена не понятно честно то есть как бы популярные знаю замечательно Вот и всё залезаем туда смотрим ищем генератор импульсов паяем красивое всё то есть там на самом деле полный интернет всего этого барахла Ребят давайте я не буду в физику процессу как бы завязать ещё я вам просто сказал что надо обеспечить то вы уже делаете это делать легко Но я хочу предупредить что если вы начнете это делать если это не будет это сколько наносекунд генератора дали сколько наносекунд Это зависит от того Ну как сколько наносекунд вообще 1 микросекунда там нет наносекундах 1 микросекунда но это в принципе да то есть но по большому счёту вам нужно обеспечить так чтобы транзистор не вылетел напряжение 150 Вольт Сразу говорю мимо там надо сделать хотя бы 100 110 Вольт а то вполне достаточно чтобы жук дал Импульс в этот самый так без синхронизации значит нереально сделает по схеме далее это крайне сложно но Понимаете в чём дело Он просто попал Случайно у него там 20 выдавала значит он просто где-то под нарастания тока этим импульсом попал во-первых Ну методом тыка не прокатит я бы не рекомендовал короткое замыкание нагрузки не должно влиять на сам генератор накачки короткое замыкание Но если Ну там во-первых фильтра я Стоять стоять Ну как бы стоять должны это на выходе обязательно то есть без него вообще подключать нагрузку нельзя тогда с накачкой начнете с того магнитного поля жрать только начнёте вокруг провода в вакуум образуется есть независимость от расстояния от него конечно есть Конечно есть вакуум и образуйте вокруг трансформатора который в вашем случае является катушкой видео это мне сейчас Ясно значит шансов больше с синхронизацией конечно Вам надо просто найти вот там есть резонансный контур Где идёт синусоида Почему этот резонансный контур я сейчас объясню знает что такое инерционное движение Никола Тесла говорил надо качели качать так вот конденсатор Конденсатор и катушка это колебательный контур это качели он там сделан для того чтобы его можно было толкать можно без этого конечно да То есть можно только толкать и без этого он тоже будет работать катушка это всё-таки тоже инерционное движение но она уже немножко как бы это самое я забегу вперед там писал удалена на импульс 10-12 наносекунд а не один я вам скажу так интересно 10-12 наносекунд ну-ка Давайте ко мне вы этот импульсы сделаете А я хочу посмотреть на этих деталях которые там есть я Я хочу посмотреть что вы 12 наносекунд

Donatas F
​У меня получался импульс 10 нс

Yuri Vasilyev
​есть разница где разместить вв , снаружи или внутри катушки съема?

Юрий Смирнов
​какая форма высокого напряжения предпочтительнее, пила с задним крутым фронтом или одиночный короткий импульс?

Андрей Корницкий
​Руслан выложи пожалуйста 5ю и 6ю часть вчерашнюю. Спасибо

Andrei Timoshevskiy
​возможно заменить Диод сферой с ядром?

Danil Sultanov
​Руслан, расскажи про ток у Дали, в какой момент времени он должен нарастать, убывать и как взаимодействовать между собой?

Oskars Aniņš
​какие чистоты пропускает фильтр на выходе?

Роман Житомир
​освещение и отопление

Сергей Киселев
​ток это и есть магнитное поле?

​ген Хаббарда - не изнашивается

Gatis A
​Я хочу обогревать мастерскую.

Boar Chanel
​земля на нагрузке обязательна выходит? запутался

​почти он же - ген Брауна. там позолоченные листы, и стружка в масле

Boar Chanel
​мы же через неё по сути гоняем ток

Сергей Киселев
​все остальное не интересно собирать

Donatas F
​у меня лучший нано импульс получился на диоде 2Д230Е

Иван Руссу АШГ
​АЧХ настроить дросель на НЧ частотах . тогда вч вырезается

baba jaga
​привет руслан,помогите пожалуйста с правильной настройкой фонарика.как правильно намотать сердечник? какая правильная конфигурация?

можешь Поподробнее я рассказал что как бы не он то вспыхивает от того что энергия начинает возвращаться в то место где вы эту энергию выбросили То есть вы её вакуумом разогнали а потом выключили а она захлопнулась и вся энергия хлынула обратно Просто она не в резонансе было поэтому лампочка так вспыхивает но не он то вспыхивает как От статики Но если бы вы еще сделали бы синхронно резонанс в этот момент то у вас получился бы магнитное поле то есть синхронизировались с этой вот этим выбросом то у вас был бы резонанс резонанс это когда все частицы вот эти которые вокруг нас находятся они все одновременно делают одну работу то есть это вызвало вызвало бы резонанс который полетел бы и лампочка там поверь тени Так вспыхнуло бы она засияла красным цветом просто Алло Красном засиял бы то есть если бы не это самое то есть там сумасшедшая напряжение так вчерашнее видео недосмотрел заснул сегодня не нашел его на канале так так так так далее Понятно надежность фонарика если вместо взять железо от лотара всё это проверялось железо оплата также изнашивается я вам могу сразу сказать что есть схема которая также на просторах гуляет Удали было 15 наносить тени было не согласен Владимир не будет никогда один и пять наносекунды 150 посмотреть там низкочастотное всё там кольцо низкочастотная кое-что шутите там диод низкочастотные кд203 Откуда у неё там полтора часа он заряжает через через диод заряжает конденсатор происходит лавинный пробой и вот этот вот щелчок пробоя на кабель на Центральную и на оплетку подаёт 2 там возникают две полуволны которые встречаются и это есть получается как бы вакуум вот в чём дело-то вы не понимаете это Я же вам рассказываю не хотите слышать Вы намерены там что-то осциллографом хотя даже я уверен что даже не правильно мерить и я же не хочу кого-то здесь оскорбить я ещё раз говорю я рассказываю то что я щупал своими руками я не преувеличиваю не рассказываю басен каких-то ничего Кому не нравится можете покинуть консистенцию придётся Бедронка диод кд203 я бы не заменял он прекрасно работает в этом Ну то есть или там придётся этот самый тоннель Найди Отставить но это так это моё мнение Ну там так просто ребятки то есть схема выглядит просто установки Все просто выглядят но они Понимаете в чём дело их суть работы она очень непростая это раз второе зачем вы это делаете то есть у меня вот всё время просто Ответьте на вопрос что вы хотите получить от этого запитать дом квартиру там не знаю обогреваться от этого объясните мне просто Расскажите что вы собираетесь делать я вам расскажу сразу Что к чему нам готовиться там генератор хендершота генераторы там какой-то нах этом не знаю там этого генераторы на магнитах ребят Это всё требует износа энергии это всё это вам кажется что вы сейчас вот я сейчас ВТБ соберу Как вы называете vtg Вот я и думаю что такое учёный все смеются над этим что за фигня такая Оказывается это мы с вами идиотом Ну почему идёт я сейчас расскажу и что-то пропускает фильтр на выходе только низкие То есть это частоту который уже фактически это совсем током Выходит то есть так усилитель класса D Я не говорю что там классно Toyota Celica работает я говорю как усилитель класса D где вы полезный сигнал от двадцати герц до 20 килогерц получаете я об этом говорю возможно знаю так-то расскажи проток удали у какой момент времени он должен нарастать и убывать Господи новый стоит Вы шутите сейчас ну ребят Ну как нужно расставить но померить осциллографом что не знаете как это делается колебательный контур померить вот синусоида послал вверх это самое то есть кольцо между конденсатором и катушкой кольцо наденьте всё померяете там

Foma Svet
​40 кГц граната, 200 кГц тесла. кратность 5-нечётная гармоника

Anton Kozlov
​почему в схеме дали кольцо Tr1 разное количество 6 и 12 витков ?

Роман Житомир
​заблокируйте меня пожалуйста

Сергей Киселев
​Да, Романов про церкви рассказывал

Андрей Иванов
​обогрев дома

Anton Kozlov
​я не верю в бтг но я верю в свободную энергетику и для меня это установка Перспективнее солнечных батарей

Андрей Корницкий
​Хватит захламлять чат вопросами про схему наноимпульса дали, там всё просто, только идиот не соберёт. Пробуйте, а не задавайте тупые вопросы.

baba jaga
​привет руслан,помогите пожалуйста с правильной настройкой фонарика.как правильно намотать сердечник? какая правильная конфигурация?

на 90градусов вот всё пожалуйста Ну всё очень просто элементарные вещи спрашивает Какие что-то пропускает фильтр на выходе Ну как в Минске так освещения и отопления вот Роман Житомир Житомир Простите так то есть магнитное поле только это и есть магнитное поле но она образуется при токе магнитное поле и набрал данного генератор хаббарда изнашивается Володя я с тобой не соглашусь изнашивается всё нету вот того с понимаете Я вам сейчас вот притормозил чуть-чуть да чтобы я успел на всё это ответить Я вам сейчас объясню Откуда появился термин запрещено энергия этот термин появился в 1912 году когда 1800 каком-то году появилась такая технология как двигатель внутреннего сгорания и все эти башни которые ловили эту энергию из среды всё запретили то есть нам просто это не рассказывают Но это всё запретили то есть эти церкви там да то есть там это вообще-то очень долгое древняя наука Которую просто-напросто загубили потом Война где специалистов очень много погибло И вообще там то есть ну просто даже не сохранили вещи которые надо было сохранить Ватикан там сейчас всё это прячет и всё это самое вот Давайте притормозить и Пока да то есть я отвечу на Верхнем вопросы тогда это самое Так вот на тот момент вот эту всю фигню придумали да то есть блоки блокировать потому что ученые тогда еще мало что знали Они думали что вечный двигатель существует На самом деле то есть это очень большая ошибка очень большое заблуждение нету Даже вас написал на своём видео последним Он так и написал что надо народу объяснить что идет переход как бы с одного на другой вот если вы мне не верите Васюта Послушайте эти человек понимает тот человек подтвердил что я знаю как это работает но он почему-то думает что я догадался но я на самом деле уже давно это знаю Я просто немножко с этой противоположной чуть-чуть как бы ну я пришел к выводу что это вакуум потому что ну надо было поэкспериментировать то есть руки делали башка не совсем соображала то есть надо было понимаете в чем дело Я изучаю каждый процесс Я изучаю вот досконально Да просто да Да тошнотворный изучаю и как бы вам это не нравилось это факт я лезу в самую глубь до тех пор пока я не буду уверен что блять вот и всё этот эксперимент Я уже знаю на 100% Я всё это время пока и не вылезал в эти YouTube и я всё это делал Я просто решил меня закалебала вот эта вот вся огласка там все тебя там всякие там эти сидят там чудики обзываются оскорбляют там дальше сами нехуя не делают только это самое порет всякую чушь и думает что они герои Вот то есть а некоторые вообще до сих пор с небес не могут спуститься блин всё время там с крыльями ангела стоят и там клюёт сверху Да так нельзя ребята просто понимаете в чем дело я простой и как бы я не жадный но я вот и всё делать и думайте что хотите там по новой хуёвый блин это самое разберемся со всеми кто попытался я единственная кто у вас сейчас предостерегает от некоторых действий от необдуманных потому что я на смотрелся на своём опыте уже Да хренище всего вы думаете что Капанадзе там все вот эти акулы все вот эти вот изобретатели это а не от хорошей жизни что ли акула там давай

Yuri Vasilyev
​вакуум можно экранировать?

Anton Kozlov
​уж точное больше кпд чем у солнечных батарей с 18%

Проснитесь русы и народы.
​Он бухой сегодня? Какой то видок не такой

​магнит отсекает часть совокупного поля.

Александр Сергеев
​Заряды в среде нейтральны. Только резкий фронт электрич. поля круче 4кВ/5нС разделяет эти заряды на + и - как у Смита

Роман Житомир
​как вернуть 5 лет потраченные на се?

Роман Житомир
​заблокируйте меня пожалуйста. у меня годы закончились

er we
​Так я не понял, не стоит собирать эксперимент ?????

Роман Житомир
​нет конечно

не разобрались то что я болел постоянно Я ещё Блин думал являлся человек болеет постоянно у меня проблема со здоровьем то через видео видно что у него там не Алё это же энергия которая может помочь чуть ли не омолаживающий эффект кидайте тоже блин целая куча не верит никто А он он не разобрался Порошенко за цеплял заземление говорил про это вот установка должна выглядеть то есть внизу большой железный какой-нибудь половине лист сверху самоустановка и вот это заземление подключена к этому листу на земле на земле можно подключить к нам Дан чтобы ну как бы это самое была какая-то безопасность но это не самое главное То есть два заземления должно быть получается то есть точнее опоры и заземление чтобы из среды энергию брать это та же самая история как и с этим самым совершенным но там немножко другая система там магнит но какая разница с работы Тоже самое открыто для катушки корзиночки эти сделаны Да почему они так сделана потому что идёт это всасывание энергии но опять же для того чтобы вот это качели эти завелись их заводят посередине магнитная это самое то есть магниты этот магнитный генератор который в себе содержит магнит Когда вы запускаете магнитное поле образуется Затем когда открываете он начинает туда-сюда вот так делать да то есть и толкает то одну то другую там 2 резонансных контуров пляшут и в итоге вы снимаете это в нагрузку ротовертер та же история как и вот эти вот электронные генераторы что ещё генератор Смита это сплошные скорняки 2 Искра Вика один выход другой вход который образует этот вакуум износ Искры Вика а износ конденсаторов и это самое то есть полезное действие Какое КПД Вы должны найти КПД КПД ниже с единицы у всех этих установок поверьте они просто преобразуют энергию среды простоям говорю сейчас про вакуум Так давайте там посмотрим Ну вот поэтому давайте как бы ну не торопитесь как бы лезть в это дело спокойной спокойной послушайте профессионалов которые набили в этом руку я в этом деле действительно очень долго ковырялся и пытался разобраться много было ошибок много я там наговорил есть такой Я же не говорю что я блин также учился Как вы Но когда я понял что эксперимент завершён и сейчас как бы есть ответ на вопрос поставленный я вам честно и откровенно могу сказать что это не бтг это не бестопливный генератор он понимаете то же даже логики подаётся размышлению Вы же заземление закапывайте если на земле сумасшедший ток от оптом знаете какой если замерить ток он ровно такой же как в нагрузки Вот вы привезли лампочку этот землю потёк это о чём говорит о том что ты под этим самым под нагрузкой если это не спит там корпус вагона какую-нибудь телеги какой-нибудь там платформы или что-то ещё или автомобиля всё равно там электричество там только идёт он чем-то это самое виде наука bonanza какие там огромная эти самые башни стояли под 100 по 200 там у него этот неправильный турецкий этот генератор который синий этот был там с искренними извинениями этот генератор был 150 кВт Я знаю точно я общался там совсем не это самое то есть но они мне на днях ко мне позвонили там Мы там посидели поговорили но все засуетились что я выдал секрет самое главное вообще всего этого как они говорят ты выдал секрет Если но во-первых сверхединица не существует есть 99,9% КПД это вот мы уже это уже предел ребята но ни в коем случае это не это самое то есть это не сверх единичная система это бредятина которую надо выкинуть из головы

вася пупкин
​что генераторы механические не разрушаются

Роман Житомир
​время дороже сэкономленной энергии

Foma Svet
​какой ток накачки в амперах?

Marius Ališauskas

er we
​Руслан ты отговариваешь собирать установку???

​Руслан, магнитное поле это кусочек отсеченного совокупного поля


Андрей Корницкий
​Руслан чем ты прерываешь работу одной из катушек???

вася пупкин

Сергей Киселев
​вся наша планета огромный генератор


Роман Житомир
​можно завести семью, сделать бизнес, купить хорошую машину. а можно 5 лет сидеть паять и потом все выбросить.

Проснитесь русы и народы.
​Тесла, брал свои установки не из грозы. Он не наблюдал за грозой, а он во время сна смещался в будущее, у него
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2020, 08:40:37 PM
зачем вот эти непрошеные гости Это после того как человек был после н**** да то есть ну по большому счёту потому что он не захотел нечего слушать поэтому ребятки Если вы хотите к чему-то прийти Вы должны не только вникнуть в систему в систему жизни как бы всего этого если вы хотите это сделать Конечно я вас не отговариваю но я вас предупреждаю что это не бестопливный генератор он не является без топливным генератором это раз-два он вся вот это её надо и всё это не является бестопливный генератор если такое было бы мир бы стоял бы на пороге другой раз другого развития поверьте и тут любой Аэлита бы уже давно кинулась бы на это потому что засрать землю до такой степени как мы это сейчас сделали с вами ребята бутылками б**** с пластиковыми если этой хернёй когда океану там плавают блин что это черт знает что творится вообще вы что думаете что те кто как бы бабки с ругает это бизнесмены там да то есть виноватых принципе в этом мы виноваты потому что нам по барабану мы как бы делаем свои дела Как там будет утилизироваться мусорном по барабану как бы это самое то есть это всё так вот вернемся к нашим баранам то есть Многие спрашивают как этот генератор как он долго работает долго работает работает месяцами полгода-год в гараже вообще работает Там уже и не знаю б**** ну давно уже работает но я там редко использую но когда зимой надо подогрев включить честно говоря но я не буду сейчас рассказывать свои секреты откуда у меня сейчас там ноль прицеплен Да там именно до 0 всё с прицепами раньше было заземления насажена на уже давно И я пол не открываю и не лезу забивать другой просто мне вот это уже надоела эти штыри туда забивать они съедаются буквально месяц и там Обязательно надо прийти перфоратор Подключите если конечно перфоратор ещё будет работать Я даже вон у знакомого Одолжила блин бензогенератор чтобы один раз эти два штыря поменять потому что он так съеден был за лето что когда я пришёл пришёл у меня там Лады горят эпоху и там и там нагрузка небольшая А когда я пришёл блин включить наждак он меня не запустился и всё это дело прыгала туда-сюда вот тогда я за бегал я побежал проверять насчёт просадка идёт какая-то Всё скидывает на хрен там это автоматика включает заново старт-стоп да то есть весь этот дело в итоге он перестал вообще запускаться пришлось блин просить генератор то что меня там в гаражах нету электричества там вообще ошибка кое-что ей но мне пришлось догонять туда пиццу эту новую да то есть этими мыслями Я очень большую ошибку сделал я вот я говорю ещё раз сейчас я понимаю что это не заземление И вообще Вот это вся шмига пошла от Капанадзе меня и она пошла везде все начали это заземление то есть Капанадзе что он просто кран холодной воды цеплял там да то есть представляете по всей сети а специалисты пришли токовые клещи прилепили Ага Ясненько блуждающие токи гоняешь но и они не могли ничего объяснить но они прекрасно знали что если через кран ток течёт значит это как бы ясен хрен что там бардак Понимаете в чём дело вот поэтому самой heart остановки то есть из среды вы не можете получить в этой установки конкретно вы не можете получить энергию из среды плавную такую как вы её берёте момент работы обыкновенного трансформатора переменного тока или генератора на подстанциях там другой Другая история там крутится магнит он изменяет свою свою как бы ну он вращается Он меняет поле свой да то есть точнее он крутится из-за этого он сам создает Вихрь Новый год вода когда стекает В ванной да То есть видели как она закручивается Вихрь получается вот тут тоже самое абсолютно этот Вихрь Мы не видим глазами поэтому мы не понимаем а он там происходит этих ли они начинают закручиваться 2 навстречу то есть одноимёнными полюсами в этот момент Они поддаются поэтому Трансформатор это не это самое кстати вот

катушки крест-накрест и подключишь они не будут действовать в автодока если они будут действовать но энергии не будет от одной на другую её не будет а этот с пеной у рта мне доказывал блять что это будет работать Это просто я я в осадок выпал это вообще это ужас какой-то Ну я Почему объясняю простым человеческим языком не хочу как бы занимать Ну заниматься какими-то терминами которые вы не поймёте я простым языком который действительно для любого человека У меня жена тоже понимает о чём я говорю а вы говорите что это самое Теперь давайте скажем так вот про толкаем только и тому подобное я вам так скажу установка это это батарейка сферическая с инвертором внутри который преобразовывает в нужную частоту в нужное напряжение выдает вам в розетку уже то что вы хотите вот что такое ваш бтг Как вы его называете Ой блин это вот я не это единственное что я Александр не понимаю зачем он это говорил Хотя он прекрасно понимал что это не может быть Ну может быть Ну при нашем Как говорится Вот конкретные схемы которые мы рассматриваем с вами везде что-то будет изнашиваться ротовертер это ремни двигатель подшипники заземление это слишком много в нашем случае будет изнашиваться приемная катушка и чем я вам сразу скажу значит вот на такой катушки 2,5 квадрата провод Вы можете получить вот 20см катушка плюс заземление размером Ну приблизительно сейчас скажу лист железа приблизительно ну где-то 110 на 50 помосте получить мощности среды где-то ну порядка 3 кВт это вот мои наблюдения которые я вам скажу так но при этом учтите что вся эта система будет пожрать и катушку самому И то что она опирается то есть электрический ток из из вакуума он херачит на эту катушку постоянно да То есть вы же у вас идет нарастание тока То есть когда в какой момент у вас скажем так идёт большое потребление вот тут про килогерца кто-то уменьшает Давайте не будем умничать вы не знаете поэтому давайте пока Стоп так вот когда идёт вот это вот сумасшедшая потребление да то есть почему только там нарастает на катушке это как раз тот момент когда это качели которые вам надо толкнуть чтобы они вверх пошли Вот этот момент толчок вот этот вот надо сделать при помощи среды то есть в резонансе когда нарастает ток и вы ему поможете нарастать это в каждой Polo волне получается то есть полуволн ну хотя бы не надо выскочили качаете вот ребёнок сидит его подкачивает раз он залетел туда и ещё раз под качнули если вам Вы обе будете качать это будет энергии конечно там четыре раза больше да Но если вот так будете качать этого вам достаточно вполне чтобы это самое но Подумайте как это сделать схема дали она это просто вот я почему я привожу пример она более-менее приближено к реальности её можно собрать он будет работать но у неё есть один маленький минус это нету синхронизации по скажем так этого генератора наносекундных импульсов хотя и не верю это никакой не это простой генератор импульсов там стоит импульсный транзистор это всё надо заменить сделать по-другому но выходной участь вот с этим с ферритом и трансформатором ферритовом сделать немножко иначе и тогда у вас будет как бы это сам Ну короче говоря вам надо создать вакуум на самой катушки создать вакуум потому что на любой трансформатор который работает я ещё раз говорю любой трансформатор который работает эта тяга энергии из среды верите в это не верите это факт я вам дал примерно днях Как проверить этот факт что среда это самое Это просто сделать два одноименных

Роман Житомир
​учитель не отвлекается а разжевывает все как детям

Александр Сергеев
​У ТВСа первичка и вторичка должны быть в резонансе или только вторичка?

Donatas F
​Руслан, высоковольтник который показывал, сколько мощности можно с него выжить? Установка кокой мощности?

Арсен Шерфединов
​[메시지 취소됨]

Anton Kozlov
​сам факт что кпд этой установки выше 18% как у солнечных батарей это уже круто и стоит всех усилий

​Арсен Шерфединов привет

Арсен Шерфединов
​Руслан вот именно хочется разобраться в самой сути вопроса без тупого копирования электронных схем

Marius Ališauskas

er we
​на подстанции контур сгниет ))))))) на ноль цепанул ха ха

Николай Бучик
​Руслан пожалуйста подробнее, что значит твоя фраза ТОЛКАТЬ ТОК высоким, каков процесс?

Riad Isayev
​Руслан как по твоему статику конвертировать в ток проводимости?

Donatas F
​Руслан, высоковольтник который показывал, сколько мощности можно с него выжить? Установка кокой мощности?

baba jaga
​покажите фонарик пожалуйста


александр путренок
​неправильно это, удалять трансляции.

Foma Svet
​накачка 1,5 а, вв вч 200 кГц, накачка 40 кгц, , прерывать вв вч в момент нарастания тока на гранате, синус на гранате - выборка из трансляции

​А что за история с фонариками от акуллы, вы их когда нибудь собирали, они у вас работали с само-запитом?

александр путренок
​люди живут в разных городах в разных временных поясах

​LeaderGP - руслан делал фонарик там ферриты рассыпаются

​он остановится

Сам по себе мастер
​Ионистор там рассыпается))

​вам виднее))

Сам по себе мастер
​Да... Лично разбирал схему

​без аргументов чето кому-то нет смысла доказыать

Marius Ališauskas
​A другие материалы не?

Сам по себе мастер
​В интернете есть схема разбора, ищите

​есть безферитовые фонарики, на тороидальном кольце, там вроде как нет феррита

Donatas F
​1000 болт на выходе наносекундника хватит?

Советский Север
​верим!!!) хотя вера это не достаттк знаний!))

baba jaga
​🔦💡🔦покажите фонарик пожалуйста🔦💡🔦

вакуум он постоянно Держится но как только он запускает импульс низкой частоты вместе с магнитным полем через лежачий его резонансный вот этого резонансного катушку возникает магнитное поле в этот момент моментально обрывает вакуум и происходит очень большое сильное толкание только вместе с уже исходом от вакуума то есть вот эти частицы летят добавляют заряжают конденсатор нагрузку улетает затем как бы тиристор закрывается вакуум возвращается потому что там этот самый как он же вы же понимаете что катер работает и в одну в одном направлении и в другом направлении то есть вакуум у нас будет вакуум у нас будет выглядеть вот таким образом то есть и он будет и с отрицательными полными сходиться и положительными да то есть в разные стороны понимаете в чем дело поэтому когда у него скажем так то есть одна часть там этот туннель резонатор это обычную пустую который как раз толкает толк он для этих целей сделан чтобы толкнуть топ плюс это сама идет усиление только вот то есть но это как бы грубо выражаясь Да другими словами заряженные частицы в резонансе пролетают заряжает конденсатор и выталкивает ток в нагрузку поэтому это всё светится там ещё если посмотреть внимательно маленьких еретик намотанной фторопластовый этой самой там очень хорошо это можно разглядеть я вам знаете что сделаю сейчас я сейчас распечатаю чтобы потом можно было на как бы показать сейчас момент правду говорю Сейчас посмотрим есть у меня чтобы вы понимали О чём речь идёт чтобы не было разговоров лишних так-так это были у меня один фотки нет то у меня эти фотки были отдохнувшие этих фоток было так акула тут своим гавном О да лишним так прохладно это сейчас мы с вами посмотрим секунду Он ведь и там Капанадзе эти бабочки Там сверху яблочки это всё это всё ерунда так это схема его дебильная которая вообще не работает она не будет никогда работать а ну вот вот так давайте печатаем чтобы вам показать это это знаю как это открыть она не открывается Ага Сейчас сделаем да попробую Но потому что вы не поймёте так то есть по картинке рассказывать это всё делать но он конечно там проводами всё белыми запутал там вообще просто в туман никто ничего не понимает не-не-не это самое то есть Жалко что картинку в картинке нельзя сделать никак с телефона Ну ладно черт с ним я как-нибудь с этим с рабочим но смотрю модем spinne хрена себе испанский конденсаторы блин стоят смотри как как он тут эти картинка распечатала сначала на потратим немножко чернила что для вас только не сделаешь тут кстати вот хороший узел этот низкой частоты Так давайте по порядку вот этот вот вот это вот снегу Видите вот она стоит это знаете что такое Это не тот друг который вы думаете что это там электроудочка нет абсолютно это не электроудочка и то что он там двумя проводками этими зациклен он просто привязан к этому самому на самом деле это просто сплошная фторопластовое кольцо это фильтр Ита фильтр чтобы высокая высокая частота сюда меньше то есть терял лоток чтобы низкая только проходила чтобы импульс только шёл А вот там диодик спрятан да то есть и он тут есть а вот он не

​будь здоров!

Советский Север
​будь здоров

Арсен Шерфединов
​будь здоров

Евгений Самарюк
​будь здоров!

Anton Kozlov
​дали распечатайте

Сказки ЖВР
​можно повернуть телефон на монитор и показать пальцем было

Советский Север

как его называют б**** этот экономные лампочки вот и всё это ничего особенного то есть и катер катер идёт там всё очень просто катер питается через Если Вы внимательно Посмотрите сам по себе работает то есть он создаёт вакуумного никуда не заземляет ничего с этим не делает он создаёт вот этот вот противофазу при помощи вот этих двух катушек Вот они вот между собой значит тоннели резонатор у него вот эта вот часть на этой фотке это как антенна работает вот может быть всё до этого он прятал какой-то блокинг-генератор там где-то где-то как-то да то есть но я вам скажу так первую очередь значит я полностью эту схему повторяла она у меня правда там каких-то 120ват дала не больше не получилось у меня как-то этого скачать Да я не заморачивался потому что она она кондёра уничтожает она нафиг не нужна В общем я короче говоря что сделал Я залез я так посмотрел что он делает во-первых у него есть один конденсатор который постоянно заряжен высоким напряжением то есть от розетки 220 230 Вольт Да И вот он с помощью кроны Что делает он решил скачок высаживает напряжение 100 кондитеров в систему и она запускается вот и всё там достаточно одного щелчка чтобы это всё это то есть реле там вот эти два контакт Ну посмотрите как он корону подключает он прикладывает так Или так диодного моста там никого нет на которой можно было обратить внимание платка которая там сбоку это Электроника это вообще смешно там вообще непонятно что там такое висит и вообще она там не нужно даже вот Ну и где Вася прокололся это ещё в том что его первые установки были вообще без всяких там туннелях резонаторов он взял просто скрыл трансформатор баночкой накрыл трансформатор который которым он при помощи которого он делал разделение напряжение на высокие раскладывал по постоянному току этот трансформатор пропускал Да плюс-минус накачать спокойно А по переменному току в КЧР напряжения как бы ну как бы назад не слова понимаете этот разделительный трансформатор что так и говорил чтобы не перекрыла я вам могу всё это объяснить как это работает там очень просто у неё это всё работает там достаточно я вот долго сидел Наблюдал за этой картиной Это было просто Уважаемый Буба Буба Покажите фонарик А показать Могу но собирать не буду и как бы это где-то он валялся У меня сейчас посмотрю найти

Yurgis Sidsound
​ты сам то в свои сказки веришь?

Donatas F
​толкание тока идёт через тунельник?

Советский Север
​видели уже все вы один остались!)

baba jaga
​баба яага...

Сам по себе мастер
​Вот этот самый блокинг генератор )))

​пацаны просят на рабочий фонарик повесь напряжометр на нагрузку и покажи напругу на светодиоде в течении 5 минут

baba jaga


что ты не собираешься так короче вот это вот хрень Вот она если кто-то что-то не видит Я уже кое-что переделал туда то есть Но это неважно так вот сейчас вот переключаю и так просто перепутал так ок Вот он горит ярко горит очень ярко вот я конденсатор прикоснулся всё он запустился Пускай горит вот то есть я просто хочу сказать что ну фонарик это вообще это ерунда Понимаете в чём дело-то есть а я сейчас про другое говорю я говорю про то что вот этого Васина генератора да то есть там резонансная вот эта катушка которая приёмная там там нету никакого такого супервизора Сорри за настолько вот этот вот этими вращающимися частицами про которое я говорила что магнитная этот самый как бы вот этот магнитный поток который происходит да то есть если вы магнитом начинаете вращать это классика вот почему она это классика так сильно скажем так когда мы пытаемся её утилизировать и она с нами так бодается но ребята Извините как бы это природа вы начинаете на это самое мульт в режиме измерения Я тебе сразу скажу он очень не любит когда что-то висит эти-то там импульсные идёт ток на диодах Если тебе это очень интересно и идиотом у него получается такая история То есть когда диод достигает так сказать полного открытия он заканчивает система останавливается затем идет обратно поэтому там идёт пилой Вот такая фигня поэтому светодиоды тот в этом фонарики не являются нагрузкой и к ним подключать ничего нельзя это вот я тебе просто говорю как только я хотя бы сопротивление какое-то вешу систему постепенно восстанавливается вот это вот просто для вот как говорится для понимания да то есть если напряжение не согласен даже мегаомы да то есть если я напряжение ставлю например измерения там на 10-20 Вольт да то есть это да Можно мне просто некуда подвесить его сейчас я просто этим заниматься не буду но на хрен не нужен доказывать я говорю Володя Давай И вот я не буду заниматься ерундой доказыванием какого-то Ну фокуса которые на самом деле я объяснил как он работает до диоды как modulator совершенно верное Но это сама Успокойся просто давай мы по теме будем говорить фонарик это не тема разговора Ну может тебе форма очень хорошо то есть покажем как-нибудь infocus Вот другой это самое Можно ли поставить фонарик позади вас чтобы мы могли видеть как он светит во время съемки Да ради Бога вот эти вот он там Он видишь он там лежит горит Вот то есть вот так значит что я хотел сказать суть суть суть такого Ну что не видно Что не видно Вот он горит Вот он горит пожалуйста вот он лежит горит сзади вот значит что у нас так серьёзно сейчас это самое вот на полку положил вон горит на полке это вот пускай горит вот скоро сдохну всё равно у него уходит частота уже там надо подкручивать уже резиновых откручиваешь резистор начинает дальше говорить вот то есть Давайте

​мульт повесь на светодиод фонарика в режиме измерения напряжения и покажи продолжительное время вкамеру, что напряжение не просаживается

​магнит отсекает поле а не создает

​у напряжометра внутренне сопротивление мегаомы

Anton Kozlov
​тогда на кандер мульт

Donatas F
​диоды как модулятор?

​это не я прошу

​это мужики с форума попросили

baba jaga
​можно ли поставить фонарик позади вас, чтобы мы могли видеть, как он светит во время съемки?🔦

Yurgis Sidsound
​да да да

Yurgis Sidsound
​не видно

​на полочку поставь где синие коробки

Сам по себе мастер
​на полку положи

baba jaga

Yurgis Sidsound
​собой закрываешь

Советский Север
​что вы до этого фоноря докапались

Yurgis Sidsound

Арсен Шерфединов
​да блин Руслан продолжай не отвлекайся

​Руслан, магнит не создает поле а отсекает


понимать что чем и почему вот только тогда как бы мы с вами одну придем к чему-то а когда Извините меня вы сидите и думаете что я тут это самое занимаюсь каким-то разводом вот так сейчас фонариком обидно вот блин народ точно не понимает что вот это вот всё вот это вот это я Меня сижу не нужны абсолютно то есть бестолковая Ну вот говорит она там и горит себе Как говорится толку от него никакого абсолютно он это я говорю Это игрушка которая Дана Focus показывает но смысл от него никакого Так давайте я пройдусь потому что уже отвлеклись вашей фонариками сдохнет так Почему наступает написали написали Зачем в твоих катушках коаксиальный кабель Прощу прощения каких конкретно есть такие в которых лучше всего подходит и правильно Нет неправильно хорошо живёшь в Латвии чем же я хорошо Желаю тебе хорошего специалиста по электронике я сам радиоинженер У меня достаточно образование чтобы разобраться со всей электроникой Так что Гуру соленых источников давайте сделаем разоблачение своего фонарика в прямом эфире нужно включить параллельно конденсатору фонарика вольтметр И тогда все увидят как светодиоды просто импульсивно медленные его сосуд напряжение на нём будет снижаться со временем всё атомарный процесс из конденсатора я вам скажу так давайте зададим вопросы Вам по поводу конденсатора 202200 микрофарад светодиодом к этим подключите Я хочу посмотреть как долго про горят светодиоды поэтому не надо вот тут вот эти гоголь-моголь освоил этот тут сам по себе не старого вот так спортивный интерес никто не отменяет Но ради Бога то есть так стоит или не стоит решит рынок рынок но смотрите То есть если у нас с вами начнётся такая фигня как вам сказать это если мы с вами начнём цеплять за место заземления скажем так его называть их как бы я их составляющих эти башни рано или поздно накроется Так что и всё будет падать водопровод будет постоянно рушится и тому подобное Так что вы не понимаете так опять простите ребята Мне реально я не хочу говорить про фонарики честно я так Наиль она их Да есть такой товарищ так это 4 нога вот этот Наиль как раз это 4 ноги что-то мы это самое так сказать когда остановки делал объяснения то есть сам сам по себе мастер так можно с вами как-то наладить контакт Зачем двухканальный осциллограф подойдёт Да подойдёт абсолютно Так не могли бы вы сказать что-нибудь его девайсы слободяна могу сказать слободяна девайс работает от магнитов и магниты изнашивает свои набеги в итоге это самое Так Всем доброго времени суток Да приветствует эффект разглаживания стака собой нагнетания механический генератор процесса созданной По отдельности всё равно надо чем-то что-то открутить батарею не бывает Она подольше Что значит так учитель не отвлекайтесь готовятся где-то так вот и всё первичка Или вторичка должны быть в резонансе или только вторичка не понял Ну вы же как в как в иначе первичку получается ну то есть у вас получается так как у вас первичка

Gatis A
​[메시지 취소됨]

​Были ли у вам эффекты с охлаждением?

Andrei Timoshevskiy
​без фольги будет работать фонарик?

Simple Sergey
​Фонарь - показатель веры к тебе :)

er we
​катушки охлаждались тигор с нест энерджи сказал!!!!

Yuri Vasilyev
​пробовали по разному располагать ва к катушке? снаружи , внутри?

baba jaga
​что вы думаете о PCB девайса Слободяна?🔌

Сам по себе мастер
​Тухнуть начал)

Андрей Корницкий
​Руслан чем ты прерываешь работу одной из катушек???

Yurgis Sidsound
​всё сдох бобик

​вечный фонарик потух через 2 минуты. Это фиаско :)

Yurgis Sidsound
​даже двух минут не отработал

​Ого, круто

Сам по себе мастер
​Частота ушла

​значит фонарик и правда работает

Yurgis Sidsound
​работает.....но не долго

вторичка в резонансе как на первичку импульсы будете Вот это всё что у нас ещё Руслан с колонной которая показывает сколько мощности можно с ним выезжать установка какой мощности высоковольтной высоковольтная который показывал ну пару киловатт можно получить для вакуума на то что я в прошлый раз покажу так сам факт что КПД это установки вышли 18% батареи это уже как круто и стоит всех усилий где-то соглашусь Но даже не 18% побольше Вот именно хочется разобраться в сути вопроса без тупого копирования электронных схем Но это да это правда так на подстанции контур сгниет на ноль цепанул ха-ха-ха Ну да отслеживание Подождите ноль на подстанции не сгниет nouryon везде просто да то есть ему будет 0 Луны для этих целей предназначен чтобы с него что-то просто он со среды это будет чем пойдет Что интересно Но поскольку большой-большой расстояние от А это самое Руслан пожалуйста поподробнее Что за процессом блин Ладно сейчас это разберём так по-твоему ставить конвертировать ток по-твоему статику конвертировать вот это вот глупость Сразу говорю нет никакой статики есть просто накопления зарядов на диэлектрике это называют статика Но это те же электронные и те же заряженные Частицы которые бегут в проводнике они одинаковые Так я уже отвечал на этот вопрос Покажите фонарик показывал правильно удалять Так что у нас тут накачка 1,5 ампера в 240 кг приводить в момент нарастания тока прогарантии называется выборка из трансляции К сожалению пока вы ничего не понимаете Ну ладно Так что за история с фонариками Открой люди живут в разных городах с разными временными поясами ионистор там рассыпаются да лично разбирал схему что вы лично разбирались схему какой ионистором я не стану Давайте попробуем корона ионистор зарядите это вообще Издевательство то и другие материалы нет такого интернете есть схема разбора ищите о чём я разбирать Зачем есть без ферритовые фонарики на тороидальном кольце там вроде как нет феррита Там есть заземления для этого не собирал Я на Авито Саратов Ты ещё болт на входе наносекунд Ника хватит 1000 болт Нет там надо именно кольцо болт не годится Хотя Вера это недостаток знаний Так Вера Покажите так показал всё так Будь здоров расти большой да то есть Давид можно вернуть телефон на мониторы показать пальцем Был бы я смотрю на что пишите Так ты сам ты свои сказки веришь но если вы тут считаете что это сказки чего тут делаете вообще так далее ну гуляй Вася называется Да толкание только идёт через тональник видели уже все 1 остаток баба-яга так понятно Вот этот самый блокинг-генератор такой блокинг-генератор пацаны просят на рабочий так его давайте мы этот вопрос как-нибудь В другой раз решим Я не хочу сейчас заниматься тебя так волнует светодиод или Оля так всё так тогда нас ждёт так диоды как модулятор Это не я прошу понятно На что не видно Что не видно так на площадь Поставь туда стоит на полочке на полку положили Понятно Так что ещё я тоже так делал на 2200 ялга Кто не верит пересмотрите он работает нападать установка фонарика нужны то слушайте Ребята давайте этот фонарные горизонту верю не верю потухла и это факт что потоков

Сам по себе мастер
​Я тоже так делал. на 2200 )))

Foma Svet
​на прошлой трансе фонарик горел долго, кто не верит пересмотрите

Сам по себе мастер
​Вон работает))

Арсен Шерфединов
​Руслан давайте по установке, с фонариком уже все ясно вы уже о фонарике говорили два дня назад

​Вы можете показать рабочую схему фонарика, ато в интернете огромное количество всяких непонятных схем, какая из них работает пока непонятно

Yurgis Sidsound
​при чем тут верю не верю.... потухло и это факт

baba jaga
​прибор бунка и гуглодрома прекрасно работает без заземления, что вы об єтом думаете?

Сам по себе мастер
​ещё на 2 минуты))

​у вас охлаждение в экспериментах было или нет?

Михаил Ромм
​Сглазили паразиты своим неверием :)

baba jaga
​крона заряжена?

Yurgis Sidsound
​охлаждение было?

Yurgis Sidsound
​охлаждение было элементов?

Yurgis Sidsound
​ау охлаждение было?

Сам по себе мастер
​Тумблер щёлкни

Anton Kozlov
​выключатель ткислился

Yurgis Sidsound
​катушек или транзюков

​было охлаждение?

Арсен Шерфединов
​[메시지 취소됨]

Александр Григорьев
​Микросхеме капец пришёл?

Yurgis Sidsound
​охлаждение было?

Foma Svet
​резистор надо поменять, там дорожка отошла

БТГ-шник life

Арсен Шерфединов
​да потом на досуге с фонариком разберётесь, не отвлекайтесь

Yurgis Sidsound
​охлаждение было?????????

​Охлаждение главное свойство генерации как у Кромри

​или у Серла

Александр Сергеев
​Феррит нагрелся

Anton Kozlov
​сделайте почините на следующий стрим

​или у Шаубергера

Foma Svet
​переменник надо заменить

Marius Ališauskas
​Могу ли я получить консультацию, потому что я потратил много времени и денег, как вы 🙂

Сам по себе мастер
​Тут все потратили денег и что дальше?

БТГ-шник life
​Marius AlišauskasМогу ли я получить консультацию, потому что я потратил много времени и денег, как вы 🙂 - конечно - ЛАПШИ НЕ ЖАЛКО

Владимир Петров
​Как насчет безопасности, из опыта и слухов?

нашёл как бы кто это делал это внимание читателей предлагается описание устройства предполагаемого объяснения работы устройства позволяющего питать лампы накаливания от автотрансформатора введённого самоподдерживающаяся колебательный режим специальным авто колебательным образом то есть это знаете что такое это как бы девяносто девятом году чуваки из одного из университетов Короче говоря студенты сделали вот этот вот колебательные процессы акула оттуда утащил этот вариант скорее всего А может и нет я собирал конкретно разобраться как он работает вот именно только Я использовал не тиристоры а просто два полевых транзисторов То есть даже один транзистор полевой достаточно пилообразное форма сигнала и он то есть вы вводите в резонанс вторую катушку И всё И как бы там Конечно стоит и вот почему у него когда изнашивается феррит частота уходит Она обычно выше поднимается и поэтому надо чистоту подкручивать но до какого-то предела Доходит и он всё отдыхает поэтому всё время подкручивать надолго не горит но и скорее всего это я вчера или позавчера тут как бы демонстрировал до этого он где-то пару дней посвятил я его забыл выключить Так что скорее всего конец света настал или просто надо да резистор поменять для того чтобы попробовать загнать дальше частоту вот и всё не заморачивайтесь это не стоит ваших как бы этих самых так тут всё тут все потратили денег и что дальше-то так-так-так феррит нагрелся нет не нагрелся Как раз-таки ничего там не нагрелась не будем время терять Ребят давайте фонарик забудем а просто честно я говорю ещё раз я вам рассказываю нужные вещи которые более-менее не жалко так сказать А не вот это вот чепухой этой заниматься честно это Это бред Это бред Это реально он на светодиодах уже уничтожает фильтр потому что вот этот колебательный процесс за счет этих диодов то есть там лампочку нельзя туда в суд Если вы хотите туда лампочку там другая схема должна быть это не подходит Так что там Могут ли я получить конструкция потому что я потратил много времени и денег как вы какую конструкцию Что вы хотите не понимаю Объясните приёмник надо заменить переменник на перемене заменить Нет там ну пельмени Да можно заменить чтобы он немножко как бы это самое Так что тут все потратили и что дальше Могу ли я получить консультацию потому что я потратил много времени и денег как вы конечно вообще не жалко но знаете что б гаишник Вот вы уже лапши я сразу скажу потому что в первую очередь бтг не существует А вы в это верите соответственно вот так как насчёт безопасности из опыта и слухов какую безопасность в Ну давайте про безопасность допустим Если вы я вам ещё раз говорю если чисто по безопасности смотреть на этот генератор смотреть что он из себя представляет то он Безопасен я сразу говорю что он никак не влияет на здоровье Я просто вот я реально просто вот вымотался до 5:00 утра возился с этим и вымотался такой степени что я ложился спать прямо и он рядом гудел я уже ничего не видел не слышал как эти просыпался от того чтобы просто жарко свете лампочки собака нагрели Так что это самое вот но я с этими лампочками и просто накрылся одеялом и спал И он работал работал То есть ты работал вот Ну естественно За батарею За цепляешь там теплообменник постоянно меняет Вот я думаю что с такой этот Чёрт тут с водой так сказать в этом доме это вина хулигана русло она блин вот я конечно это Прекратил Так что насчёт безопасности Но дальше ещё что ну напряжение на выходе конечно у неё Ну я делал 50 герц 220 вольт да то есть 230 Вольт я делал 235 там 232 233

er we
​Руслан к заземлению плюс или минус идет из установки???

baba jaga
​прибор бунка и гуглодрома прекрасно работает без заземления, что вы об єтом думаете?🌀

Marius Ališauskas
​Mне жалко🙂 просто не получал хорошего Сoвета просмотрел много роликов из этого не получил 😔

Gennadiy tor
​Руслан прошу прощения за вопрос.

БТГ-шник life
​не проси

Yurgis Sidsound
​охлаждение было?

Yurgis Sidsound
​транзюков или катушек?

​он почему то не хочет отвечать про охлаждение

​Вы можете подсказать схему какого нибудь генератора электроэнергии с заземлением, но что бы он был по размерам маленький и выдавал где то 1-3 ватта и зажег лампочку накаливания на 2.5в (300ма)?

И про всё остальное я я сейчас заострил внимание что вы поняли что он система сама по себе разгоняется катушка гранатом как таковая она практически холодная и температуры её даже ниже чем температура окружающей среды Где я нахожусь в комнате например 26 градусов 28 Да там установка катушка будет 23 градусов или 22 То есть она наоборот охлаждается Вот потому что энергия другая немножко да то есть на неё идёт теперь рь бтг Николаев не просит но слушайте Уважаемый О чём здесь пришли то есть что вы сделали бы это голешник вы ничего не сделали Я уверен что у вас ничего нету потому что он даже не понимаете У вас нету то люди которые здесь занимаются стражем они ничего не сделали Я ничего не понимаю в этом я ещё очень странно но кусается всё тут заряжена Всё что он не работает что сдохла что ли Как бы объяснить вам что это чтобы вы не кидались на амбразуру чтобы вы постепенно это всё поднимали Как говорится пытались экспериментировать познавать сделать и понять что вы что это вам на хрен не нужна сколько будет поверьте многие из вас так будет у вас это самое Так что охлаждения было где он охлаждения транзисторов или катушек транзисторы но Представьте вся схема потребляет 2 ампера что там охлаждать я должна Кренки не ставил радиаторы потому что мне х*** не употребляла а микросхема вообще питались откровенно который стоит 150 мл То есть как транзистор выглядит так А почему не хочет отвечать охлаждения то есть охлаждением Я же говорю ещё раз там охлаждать ты ничего особо А кстати у меня ещё как я говорил он говорил не говорил не помню у меня ещё такое было что установки вода скопилось то есть конденсат из-за разности температур у меня собрался конденсат я тут пришёл она у меня выключилась Я пришёл поднял и чувствую там вода болтается внутри такое тоже было так так-так-так вы можете показать схему какого-нибудь генератора электроэнергии с заземлением чтобы он был по размерам маленький выдавал где-то 13 кВт и зажег лампочку накаливания на 2,5 Вольта 300 миллиампер У меня такого генератора Нет это ну так Ну возьмите батарейку подключить лампочку и пожалуйста вот вам и будет то есть зачем собирать такой генератор на 300 мм 25 Вольт лампочки Нет конечно такого у меня нету Если вы думаете фонарик eton не лампочка вместо светодиодов не подойдёт в этом конструкции абсолютно я не советую вам и заниматься этим фонариками забудьте про это пожалуйста просто забудьте это тягомотина с этим пилообразного сигнала мы-то то она вам не нужна так вот просто говорю не нужно и всё потому что вы просто так это уже не новость эта информация так благодарю Так вы батенька альтруист не знаю о чём Вы удалили видео просьба Так почему Котуха Tesla было изначально выбрано в конструкции устройства из-за простоты и доступности сейчас объяснил Высоковольтный трансформатор Тесла в противофазе работает очень стабильно его можно использовать но он должен быть низкочастотным так развивать мысль не отвлекайтесь на троллей Ну не отвлекаюсь Постараюсь не отвлекаться по крайней мере но не получается развивать мысль так просто мне хотелось бы собрать что там маленькое что выдаёт не более 3 Ватт по вашему мнению какому принципу работает Черная коробка слободяна понятие не имею Не рассматривала черную коробку его честно не знаю но магнитная у него там всё он как бы на сосредоточил в какие-то свои мысли на


Владимир Петров

​это уже не новости, это информация

Yurgis Sidsound
​вы батенька альтруист

Donatas F
​Не удаляй видео. Про
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2020, 08:41:40 PM
герцовый которые не используются в инверторах я его на нём собираю схемой и с него с одной из драйверов снимаю 50 герц здесь вот процессор стоит Кварц и два драйвера и микросхема там не знаю что-то управляет она короче говоря Вот на этом драйвере я собираю 50гц я собираю даже трёхфазный установки сейчас покажу Если найду Потому что я не найду драйвер трехфазного ещё я собирал и трехфазный Driver как бы трехфазные драйверы тоже использую и он там тогда уже трикатушки идут Конечно уже есть над чем хихикать займитесь самообучения Ну самообучением вы займитесь А я как бы знаю что и как то есть Что ты думаешь про плоскоземельщиков верха плоскоземельщик Я думал что это идиоты просто Люди потому что в природе нет плоского ничего есть Круглое всё так а что там за третье видео которое удалили кто-то Не успел скачать и не выложил Да тут и пятое десятое было уже давно так вы консультируйтесь Алексеева Сергея кто это такой я ни у кого не консультирую и не собираюсь этого делать потому что мне просто некогда и нет времени так налегке кстати продают устройство с частотой Шумана может быть Романов рассказывал про науку про нужду человека магнитного поля в космосе Ага Ну кстати я вот не слышал но я думаю что вам стоит поинтересоваться у самого Романова кстати между прочим спросить у Романова Хотя вряд ли будет спрашивать вы считаете что он тоже дурак такой же как и я спасибо и на этом на самом деле про мозг не про космонавтов правда так Руслан Вы наверное говорите по этим энергиям как бы фантастически это ни звучало Вы наверное говорите говорите по этим энергии как фантастические это не звучало Не совсем понимаю вот этот сейчас давайте делать ваш генератор вместе сначала вы можете давать нам лекции в эфире начинают и Алексеев рассказали что у них консультируйтесь я у придурков консультироваться думаю

Виктор Просто
​спасибо Вам за чудесные ночные эфиры!

Советский Север
​фанарик мне пришлеш я на работе фокусы показывать буду

Alex. Rich
​А зачем защищать? Отдайте все схемы с богом. )))

qwe qwe
​привет, для чего тебе эти стримы? Ты считаешь что человечество уже готово перейти на альтернативные источники питания? Кто для тебя авторитет в исследованиях( Смит , Папалекси, Стребков?)

​Что Маск сказал то?

Marius Ališauskas

сфотографировать в нижнем углу вот туда может идти и Чип который Пусть чипуют там машины разные и туда же может идти тот кто вообще ни хрена не понимает Зачем мне консультироваться у людей дебилов это п***** ой блин я только наверное чувствую не начинаю здесь это даже уже смешно оставили он перестал работать Ну кстати говоря да может быть Расскажи пожалуйста как подключён к противоположной катушки излучающие в противофазу катчера и где расположена катушка Спасибо я только что рассказывал что такое трансформатор как он работает я Вам какой уже третий день пытаюсь рассказать это вы меня не слышите Если вы помещаете любой трансформатор в вакуум энергетические вакуум он перестает запускаться если его в этот момент отпускаете и одна из катушек записанной на ней есть магнитное поле которая не переходит барьер вакуума то заряженной частицы на вторичной катушки отсутствуют соответственно нагрузка у этого трансформатора свидеться не будет но как только вы отпускаете энергия с большой скоростью летит на этот Магнит в резонансе и вы сжигаете нагрузку понимаете о чем я говорю это возможно вы можете этот эксперимент провести вам будет удачным у вас только не рассказывайте что я у chipdip хуйне потом я алексеевых там всяких там этих консультируйтесь Я не консультирую с ни у кого я Заявляю это чётко всем честно абсолютно я работаю сам один без всяких посторонних людей мне не нужны их советы мне не нужны их умозаключения которые абсолютно заведут вас всех в тупик и если вы мне не верите то есть они у вас деньги собирают Они ищут Славу я ничего этого не ищу и денег я от вас не прошёл я только если я попрошу деньги-то это за изделие которое Вот например меня закажут Да но я сейчас тут пока в России Ничего отправить не могу vue-cli не хочу вот Но если у меня закажут какой-то изделий я его сделаю её попрошу денег немного но попрошу за свою работу попрошу Вот естественная защищусь так чтобы не сперли да то есть мою идею там оттуда не вытащили да то есть если вы я рассказал как работает делайте сами алгоритм скачать установки не получится как только вы откроете она перестанет работать Даже если было отпилить И даже если красиво Сделайте так что сможете есть моменты которые тут же будут пресечены процессор Стюарт и алгоритма Нет но ты всё то есть система не запустится и вы можете делать всё что угодно а методом тыка вы не доберётесь недочего это я просто предупреждаю тех кто уже Я знаю что здесь есть люди у которых это всё работает да то есть они получили они уже один раз залезли и мне пришлось ехать программировать хоть и предупреждать что в следующий раз они будут оплачивать не только мою дорогу и приезд ремонт но и Будут оплачивать половину стоимости этого генератора но это так вот то есть я просто знаю я вижу что ты Эти люди есть просто мы договорились что мы не офицером Так что ещё вот так вот этот домик Это я думаю

Marius Ališauskas
​[메시지 취소됨]

Советский Север
​фонарик куплю

qwe qwe
​Установки построенные на принципе параметрического резонанса, Тестатика Баумана и Трибоэлектричество, по вашему рабочее направление?

Martines See
​на 3 кВт можно установку в Европу заказать?

er we
​за 500 евро 500ват сделаеш ?

Alex. Rich
​Так нельзя

Советский Север

Alex. Rich
​Сколько надо заплатить чтобы это попало в открытый доступ

Alex. Rich

Советский Север
​намотал, валяется

Советский Север
​окуратно провлод смотан на ней!)))

БТГ-шник life
​можно посмотреть на видео блок формирования синуса с использованием 8010 ? что там у вас ?

Арсен Шерфединов
​[메시지 취소됨]

разговор Я думаю что мы с вами народ вы Ну да так Как так Такая хрень такая хрень каждый день Майкл давайте я Вас заблокирую и вы можете идти заниматься своим делом хорошо всё до свидания так бтг шнековый видео говорили про Олега хотели ему подарить установку ему её подарили Нет не подарил я пока ещё не уверен что я ну как бы я уверен Но я как бы выжидаю время вот то есть Олег видел всё да то есть но меня немножко Как бы мне немножко беспокоит то что многие думают что Олег в этом деле участвует Он участвует в этом деле пока не участвует вообще это я вам точно говорю потому что я как бы да виду последний эксперимент До завершения и тогда будем разговаривать а пока я не хочу разбрасываться своими знаниями вот так вот ну потому что Ну а кто знает я знаю таких людей которые сегодня друзья а завтра они не враги а хуже чем враги просто иду ты это самое Это первое Второе Я не хочу чтобы мне потом говорили что я что я как бы как бы вам это сказать прямо что кто-то участвовал в моих экспериментах то Олег косвенно кое-где участвовал То есть я просто задавал ему вопросы он мне кое-что помогал но я не считаю что я ему там должен что-то потому что мы с ним обмениваемся информацией многим другим Но это наши дела То есть если вы думаете что я у Олега какие-то прошу схему или платно или что-то ещё нет ничего не прошу я прошу его сделать кое-что другое то что абсолютно не относится к к этой системе я прошу его сделать по радио делам потому что именно занимаюсь сейчас щас вот этими установками и есть вещи которые я просто ну скажем так как не не хочу этим заняться но нету этого самого как сказать ладно поэтому Не начинайте утро доброе так так-так-так давайте фонариков А зачем защищать Отдайте всё схема с Богом Заплатите мне за работу за Вот это всё что я то есть ну вы просто так отдадите Если вы 8 лет будете т******** день и ночь с этой хуйне ей выясняй её и потом я сейчас и так уже сделаю поблажку что я вас просто останусь у меня не слышите Вы мне не верите половина из вас тоже половина одной какая-то часть сидит хихикает да то есть Майкл и там всякие и всё такое то есть ну вы же Сами виноваты вы будете дальше хихикать будете трогать издеваться надо изобретателями которые время терять я не могу такую покажут и скажут Ну иди ты н**** б** вот и всё и будете сидеть и дальше париться и вы ничего не сделаете уже давно всплывает Понимаете в чём дело вам надо просто понять как бы что не всё так просто Как вам кажется я полностью спокойненько за свой счёт это разобрал по винтиком и понял как это работает Мне никто ничего не дал Network рассказывает что мне Ему сказали что мне типа доска от акулы попала Но это вообще чепуха полная Мне Олег просто катушку отдал Я посмотрел как она намотана было но это ничего не дало никакого эффекта с первого старта когда я это всё делал катушка Волшебный не оказалось она не делала никаких Вы все кто гранат умотал я её Выложил в интернет вы намотали её вы волшебство какое-то нашли мне что вы нашли в ней то есть Расскажите мне что-нибудь в у вас получилось нет Так какого Извините меня хрена вы думаете что если мне попало катушкой Я что-то у кого-то украл я начал

Foma Svet
​БТШ-ник подаёшь импульс на колебательный контур, на выходе синус

БТГ-шник life

Советский Север
​Руслан ну удочку ты уже конкретно всем дал, уже пятое видео в принципе все уже должны запомнить!) но сделать не сможем сразу.

Alex. Rich
​пропустил вопрос перед предложением сколько надо заплатить

Alex. Rich
​повторю чтобы не искал

Marius Ališauskas
​🤔заземление графена?

БТГ-шник life
​Плату покажи

пожалуйста Ну вы же видели это работала Работала плохо хорошо работала Панов конкретно затребовал именно эту окуловское установку для чего для того чтобы разобрать человеком салют мне отдавал себе отчёт я на самом деле зря на это пошел потому что это как бы это было блин это было скажем так это было обидно Я ему предлагал нормальную в коробке аппарат Нормально Вот у меня вот тут несколько их лежат этих коробок которые там надо подготовить подготавливают этим самым вот есть такие которые переделывал то есть клиенту отдавал новый и старый вот он валяется туда то есть несколько штук который это самое но он тоже я ещё хочу сказать что они там испытываются да то есть мы проверяем смотрим Я же знаю То есть у меня работает сейчас на данный момент 10 1011 генераторов работают постоянные проблемы постоянные у кого-то съела Землю я ему сказала оттуда они прицепляется у меня на объектах где они там тоже ЖСК сожрала землю Так что п***** дальше некуда опору сожрала обтяжку от башни сожрала но не сожрала но она уже побелела аж блин там масло уже скатывается с неё вы не понимаете Просто я до конца исследования довёл и у меня вердикт этой всей как бы системе такой это всё обычная обычная сферическая батарейка энергия которую нам солнце сюда запускает магнитное поле Земли которые эти частицы держит в таком полу резонансном состоянии за счёт чего кстати живёт человек а основной тут всякие Майкл и спорят и хихикают что трансформатор в космосе будет работать и импульс Junior про снег но прежде всего узнайте у специалистов которые запускали в космос там приемники и всё остальное проверяли и это самое и задействовали разные способы как бы контроля а потом рассказывайте что вам что-то там не нравится вам то есть блин человек просто вот он даже не знает он ни с кем не не советовался ни у кого ничего не спрашивал и умозаключений кидает они говорит что я занялся своими этими словами Но это блять это перебор уже конечно так-так ребятки Сразу говорю никакой распродажи ничего в Россию отправлять не буду так как установка построена на принципе Вот ещё один статика Баумана так трибоэлектричество вашим рабочее направление я ещё раз говорю я не знаю я только так примерно так разбирался смотрел но краем глаза и абсолютно не утверждаете пожалуйста не делайте умозаключение если вы не знаете Не начинайте даже потому что вы не знаете поэтому Ну тормозите так вот ещё какой-то Казбек тут вылез который говорит что ему продал установку который батарейка стоял я не продавал такой установки вам не надо писать Вот это враньё наглая То есть как бы я знаю что какой-то заграницы чудик копирует мои коробки установки чисто вот один к одному блять и пихает народы говорит что это установка Руслана а то есть ну-ка мне она никакого отношения имеет там даже платы другие там вообще внутри даже мне тут попала потом короче говоря Надо поискать в телефоне где-то фото какой-то блин кто же это был какой-то фильм Короче говоря отпускает х**** по всему интернету опять блять началось там прокапаться какой-то чудик пускал там какой-то чепухой Ефим теперь какой-то вылез блять который начинает ерундой заниматься б**** это просто я не знаю почему я не люблю этот Интернет и всё это как только были Здесь где-то начинается один хихикает не знаю блин ни хрена и сидит раздражает другой ещё что-то за 500 Euro 500вт это как-то честно говоря знаете 500 евро это блин Маловато будет Сколько надо заплатить чтобы это папа

БТГ-шник life

БТГ-шник life
​Плата формирования синуса что вы нарисовали

Alex. Rich
​снова пропустил предложение. Понятно все

Советский Север
​вот генератор нно если использовать правильные материалы и шелочной раствор то пластины могут лет 10 свободно отработать и не сожрутся электрохимической корозие

Кока Вернадзе
​Расскажи ещё раз, про те осциллограммы, которые ты нарисовал сегодня на листе, что там и где

1000 и не стой не 200 да то есть и как бы километры провода Что значит нельзя имейте совесть Я работал я говорю ещё раз я спокойненько и не бежал некому продавать ничего я спокойненько довел до конца весь эксперимент понял Откуда это берется и вам сейчас выдал рассказов о том что Ребята вы не о том думаете что это не догма это не птг это не free Energy It is not Free Energy просто вот поймите это нет свободная энергия она жрёт заземление и опоры она требует энергия это энергия нулевой точки но никак Сколько нужно заплатить не задумывался об этом намотал валяется аккуратно провод смотан на на ней на чём так можно посмотреть на видео блок формирования синуса с использованием 89 Что там у вас что у меня там там как обыкновенный вы хотите сказать что там ШИМ модуляция на выходе ни одного на выходе чистый синус компьютер стоит Если вы это имеете в виду так-так-так достану удочку ты уже конкретно всем дал видела в принципе уже должны запомнить но сделать не сможем сразу конечно не сможете он надо просто остыть и понять просто что как бы человек я просто от чистого сердца я даю вам удочку какую плату показать что Вы хотите увидеть то есть Давайте поконкретнее я понимал О чем речь идёт Я даю удочку для того чтобы просто намекнуть что дальше делать ть ть так вопрос перед Сколько надо заплатить я ещё повторно чтобы не искал я вам ещё раз говорю я не задумывался сколько у меня есть патентное бюро Я хочу это зафиксировать прежде чем так какое заземление графена хоть хуина там бесполезная заземление вы понимаете что в заземление идет сила тока такая же самое как нагрузки вы понимаете вот по-русски как бы это самое то есть ток точно такой же который идёт в нагрузке то есть и в земле он Вы можете представить Какие процессы там в этой мокрой почве где соли и всё остальное это всё налипает на эту заземление она его корродирует съедает то есть химический процесс атомарно химический процесс происходит и Чем сильнее разлагается это как бы Железяка тем больше мощности мы получаем она съедается мощность прекращается всё то есть постепенно плавно убирается я даже не смог Но честно говоря хотел знать что сделать я и хотел индикатор даже сделать этого всего дела И я вам покажу даже да то есть заказ сказал я сидел

Martines See
​надо от заземления отказаться

БТГ-шник life
​Нет! обвязки к ней!

Space Games
​если в заземлении течет ток такой же, как в нагрузке, то можно на выходе сделать маленький ток и большое напряжение и потом понижающий преобразователь

​Привет. включай донаты

er we
​500евро = 50ватт?

Alex. Rich
​ну да. по 5 евро за ватт )))

Alex. Rich

БТГ-шник life
​У вас 8010 должна куда то подключатся - покажите пожалуйста плату куда она подключается ???

БТГ-шник life
​Что там ?

Кока Вернадзе
​Как ты схлопываешь вакуум с частотой 50 герц, если у тебя на ВВ трансформатор идёт 200 кГц?

БТГ-шник life
​Какая мощность на выходе ?

Духовная Правда
​Руслан не мог бы ты хотя бы день один видео не удалять, утром просыпаюсь а ты заканчиваешь уже стрим, а после рабоиы прихожу домой и нету ничего на канале

сделать вот этот индикатор ползунок да то есть когда заканчивается это заземление У меня пока это не удалось К сожалению Но вот таких вот штук 300 Я заказал потому что один из индикаторов говорится получился установка она далеко сейчас стоит почти 200 км отсюда и работает да то есть там в принципе можно я вот что ещё я сейчас заказываю вот такие вот конвертеры чтобы через tcp IP можно было наблюдать за системой на расстоянии что там происходит и почему-то интернет вот вы понимаете Какой масштаб я уже занимаюсь не досками какими-то изучением этой херне Я занимаюсь обвесом то есть сигнализациями индикации защитами всякими вентиляции То есть это всё в кучу я это делаю сейчас для чего для того чтобы эта система была ну хотя бы какая-нибудь такая ну скажем навороченная они просто какой-то там да скоблить две катушки какую плату ты хочешь посмотреть оплату ты хотел посмотреть плату Покажи 810 плата формирования что вы нарисовали Вот она вот плата Вот она что-то тут не так Как так Как ещё раз очистил ограмма которые ты нарисовал сегодня на листе что там и где я порвал их на самом деле потому что это самый выкину мусор Нет я ещё раз говорю но вы знаете что такое генератор вы знаете как радио работает средний волновая идёт несущая Да это несущая модулируется Да с помощью чего с помощью звука то есть саму несущую мы не слышим То есть это там не знаю полтора мегагерц и ухом не слышит не можем никак мы слышим только звук от 30 до 15 килогерц допустим да то есть мы вот этим вот 3015 модулем несущую Во что она превращается превращается в такие сгустки энергии то есть если хорошенько посмотреть вот такой вот осциллограммы то есть рыбки и вот если мы запускаем синусоиду то есть получается так что мы моделируем просто это идёт то как бы модуляция Но это это модуляция это как бы есть модуляции есть толкание только это разные вещи понимаете в чем дело если мы хотим толкнуть ток это самое то есть это совершенно другой вам ещё пока до этого далеко вам надо Да так так-так-так надо заземление отказаться я отказался Давлат заземления твоего железка найдёт обвязки к ним но у меня блин такие обвязки к ней там обвязки перевод

Советский Север
​всех с наступающим Новым Годом! всем здоровья и удачных самоделок!!!!

БТГ-шник life

​я кстати тоже не успеваю глянуть. утром удалено уже.

БТГ-шник life
​Нет - болтовня, такой радиатор максимум рассеет 200-300 Вт

er we
​2000евро = 500 ват, или мало?

БТГ-шник life
​Ардуино какую используете ?

Сам по себе мастер
​Мосфеты не рассеивают в радиатор, благодаря низкому сопротивлению

БТГ-шник life
​Вы подстраховались ? кроме датчик света - какие то еще установили ?

это да обычный драйвер вот обвязка к ней вот оно это готовый инвертор Он сейчас в работе может находиться то есть Единственное чего нету здесь это трансформатора ещё да то есть но это как бы совершенно А так он съесть готов к работе вот он и драйвер на нём стоит даже вот она плату просто всё если течёт ток нагрузки то можно на выходе сделать маленький ток и больше напряжение потом понижающий преобразователь ещё один вылез герой который не понимает о том что тогда напряжение вырастет Ну понятно всё ладно не буду даже не буду отвечать на этот вопрос как бы это понимаете то просто как бы это очень неграмотная Skype включать донаты не хочу спасибо я понимаете если я беру это деньги то только за свою работу и за конкретный результат вот и всё А чужих денег мне не надо на ты тоже это потом блять я буду здесь Полетай гавном еще больше за копейку Я знаю что такое как бы у меня на радио есть платное сообщение узнать как бы что за трек звучал там какое-то время да то есть или там отправить какой-то человек отправил у него там блокированная мобильная мобильная связь или что-то то есть стоит на платные сообщение блокировка тем не менее деньги снялись и он тут же как бы за свои жалкие копейке б**** воняет на всю страну Ну так как что у нас тут ещё у вас возле должна куда-то подключаться Покажите пожалуйста плату куда она подключается не покажу потому что у меня этой платы сейчас вот только готовая так нету столько что значит куда Конечно Подключаешь что там какая разница что там каждый хлопковые шлаком встретимся если у тебя новый трансформатор идёт Всё Не хочу Человек не понимает совершенно чём речь идёт какая мощность на выходе чего какая мощность на выходе выхода чего вопрос после толкания тока elidor мощность на выходе Да если интересно как бы этой системы вместе с этим радиатором 10 Вт А после толкания тока 2,5 киловатта годится такой ответ он хотя бы день одно видео не удалять утром просыпаюсь заканчивай уже Стрим

​Привет! ПАНОВ скопировал схемы дотошно! Мы можем на них пологаться или там конкретно фейк был?

Андрей Иванов
​Спасибо за эфир, было познавательно и интересно

просто надо переварить то что я сказала не смотреть и пересматривать одно и тоже Я кстати тоже не успеваю глянути утром удалено уже Да но и не записывается Да она удаляется автоматом ребята ну блин ну как вы не понимаете как мёд болтовня такое радиатор максимум носит 200 300 Вт это понятно я что Россия это у меня просто другого радиатора не было я ещё раз говорю что у меня трансформатор на 15 кВт я 15 вольтовый трансформатор ставлю мне больше не надо я все-таки толкают дальше при помощи граната и конденсатора всё вы просто не понимаете о чем речь и это самое это ищи евро 500 или маланья подождите подождите за 2.000 можно и киловатт сделать это У меня ноухау про друида я от него процессор atmega128 128 16 использую Света не рассеивает радиатор благодаря низкому сопротивлению я могу сразу сказать преобразователи этот служит только для начальной стадии потому что систему может запускаться она у меня запускается от аккумуляторов общим напряжением скажем так приближенными к 11 вольтам да то есть но в принципе от 9 вольт Открой может запускаться все свои легко просто корону я не ставлю последнее время смысла нет ставлю литиевые аккумулятор маленький небольшой Это они у меня здесь были закончились

я Вставляю вот такой вот это 3 7 Вольта Ну примерно такого типа аккумулятор внутрь Вставляю для запуска вот он сам подзаряжается то есть и постоянно на этом самом держит То есть если делал так что преобразователь ставил ещё да то есть но они это слишком всё равно этого слишком много то есть надо просто делать там скажем место вместо кроны потому что как бы фокусы вот эти вот там кроны прикоснулся запустился там да это понты там показал что типа вот всё работает а я его уже давно не делаю я монтирую сразу и просто человек кнопку Старт нажимает и всё работает вот от клиентов пришла установка к я переделывал вот коробка да то есть она пустая сейчас тут ничего нет да то есть вот катушка здесь вот так что параллельно стояла То есть она Вот такая здесь кнопка Просто нажимаешь она запускается всё больше ничего сзади вот обычная заземление вентилятор и никаких больше этих самых других нету то есть вот амперметр-вольтметр самая простая установка которая это самое используется вот сюда розеткой это мощность 2квт Вот такая да то есть у него коробка здесь я вам сейчас скажу даже сколько у него коробка блять Сейчас ещё плюс копирует обязательно я потому что не занимаюсь больше не Какими красками Я сейчас вам скажу что здесь за коробка ну вот видите 30 см скажем так 38,5 338 Вот такая коробочка она лёгкая то есть её вес со всеми этими платками приблизительно килограмма килограмма три с половиной четыре Вот так

​Вот это я понимаю! БТХЭ!

Арсен Шерфединов
​следующий эфир когда будет?

Тоха Сим
​Руслан, а в металлическом корпусе будет работать или целесообразнее диэлектрик?

БТГ-шник life
​Чип говорил что Ваш успех у области БТГ благодаря ему ... кому верить Руслан ?

Donatas F

Marius Ališauskas
​Руслан, здаровия и прасвитания зилаю тибе🙏

Тоха Сим

​Шалом Алейхем милейший

Кока Вернадзе
​Так как всё-таки убираешь вакуум с частотой 50 герц, если у тебя на ВВ трансформатор идёт 200 кГц?

Арсен Шерфединов
​а чуть раньше вы можете трансляцию вести, у нас сейчас почти три часа ночи,

Советский Север
​чип и дейл

БТГ-шник life
​Вы подстраховались ? кроме датчик света - какие то еще установили ?

это побольше уже это система переделанная то есть Клиенты ушёл в другое этот тоже так самый простой здесь была уже по-моему около 3 1/2 кВт Ну ящик побольше датой здесь вот из-за этой антенной Потому что когда он руку подносил она прекращала работать вот он там кот спал на ней То есть как бы крышка прозрачная ставилась и когда кот залезал поспать к ней чтобы погреться ж*** свою он тут рядом с этой антенной видимо с вакуумом с двигал и системы останавливалась тоже пришлось это всё переделывать и вот валяется просто коробку поэтому антенна Я скоро снимаю Да ещё что тут было а некоторые милотой Ну ладно Я просто хочу сказать что животные Они кстати очень хороший индикаторы на то что если например как бы коты коты собаки если они греются на этом то есть Это говорит о том что это система на них никак не влияет да что у нас ещё тут понаписали Привет скопировал схемы дотошно мы можем на них полагаться или там конкретно fake был Не было никакого фейка Панов меня просто обманул и он его задача была кстати говоря Это всё но насчёт того что он там скопировал дотошно ничего не соберете на этом потому что здесь даже дело не в схемах дело в том как это настройки правильно намотать катушки расположить всё А это схема это всё фигня Спасибо за эфирного познавательно интересно но Андрей хоть кому-то было познавательно вижу 133 человека были всё-таки довольными поставили палец вверх и 7 человек которые пришли здесь Как говорится сопли пускать но ты сказать что своё фи увидите значит вас больше чем как бы это самое чем те которые есть смысл продолжать так что ещё Вот это я понимаю птх следующий эфир Когда будет Вот так ребятки завтра эфира не будет Новом году То есть там в январе то есть на выходных скорее всего Давайте посмотрим такой момент рассмотрим как Суббота или воскресенье скорее всего с вами в металлическом корпусе будет работа или целесообразнее dielectric целесообразнее dielectric я использую текстолит 2мм

Духовная Правда
​Скажи а для фонарика нужен какой то особенный феррит или на любом сделать можно и почему нужен именно пилообразный сигнал с чем это связано?

​Акула сказал что не ты все придумал а ты своровал идею у акулы

Foma Svet
​Кока Вернадзе, он не убирает а прерывает с частотой 50 герц

Gatis A

​10000 евро, в частный дом, со всеми защитами, хоть в бетон залить с эпоксидкой, сможешь сделать генератор?

​так кот греться залезал на коробку или всё же катушка охлаждается ниже окружающей среды? уточни

​частотная модуляция

все схемы прикрутить на на него это в качестве экрана всё остальное я открываю в открытом доступе потому что как я и говорил что тебе эти заряжены эфир частицы они проникают лучше когда им ничего не мешает всё остальное что не так или что-то мешает это лучше взять и как бы ну и прозрачная крышка у корпуса то взять Вот такую сетку и закрыть электронику при помощи такой сетки это экран прекрасной и всё остальное поэтому плюс железный корпус знаете чем он плох тем что во-первых это Ну как вам сказать экран конечно хороший и Капа использовал в некотором случае но как вы видели что оргстекло он чаще использовал чем железные коробки где-то да то есть Ну что ещё могу сказать по поводу экрана я бы не стал это моё личное мнение Я бы не стал вот этой вот фигнёй заниматься вот что касается что касается значит что касается что касается чип говорил что ваш успех области благодаря ему кому верить какой чип кто это вообще чип такой этот самый в этот Славка что ли Да это пиздун н**** б**** вот и всё как он мог Ну я вас умоляю кто это просто самозванец н**** ё***** Вот и всё Передайте ему от меня большой привет Сама звонит я это конкретное сон здесь находится я же не знаю кто смотрит на суд он сколько там уже 92 человека смотрят кто его знает Может там они сидят хихикают это сразу говорю для меня это я сам работаю u&i в Латвии у меня какой чип б**** чтоб это я знаю что сладко такой был чип я с ним какое-то время общался он там х**** какую-то нес Я я их всех там вместе с вами германов и всех этих послал чёртовой матери потому что Надоело мне это что там реально не занимаются это самое схема левой какие-то кривые рисуют которые ни х*** не работай а уж потом сам разобрался уже потому что мне это уже надоело я просто залез реальная разобрался во всём я плохо знала то всякие эти цифровые эти всякие счётчики там подобное все эти микросхемы там с этими делителями и всё такое Я сам разобрался Я сейчас сам легко любую микросхемы соберу даже в голове знаю какой туда элемента где Какой импульс как его перевернуть и как сделать уже были там тому подобное Да как бы это просто сподвигло на то чтобы делать что-то самому никому не обращаться и не надеяться не на кого потому что вот такие вот чипы которые там сидят и потом говорят благодаря ему он что сделал он нам показал что-нибудь что он вам сделал какой чип Я знаю А какого-то болтуна там б**** я даже не знаю я помню что слова зовут А что что дальше Так что это блять это всё это макароны на уши п**** б**** самозванец вот и всё Если хотите дальше слушать еда и тратить деньги дальше на него этого пидораса блять я прямо скажу я почему так его называю потому что это нечестно если блин Человек сидит я понимаю там как бы это самое я уважаю творчества Романово да то есть но я давно не смотрел его то есть меня посмотрел что он там бабки собирает я сразу отключился от этого дела но в Скайпе он у меня есть этот карнаухов акула да то есть вылетел куда-то Ну и х** с ним Господи он там что-то пальцы сгибал з***** я так меня же понимаю что он понял что это всё х**** вот блин может ещё какой-нибудь долбаёб у меня тут кстати вылез один товарищ который по всей стране рассказывает что он помогал меня радио собирать это вообще весело было хотя на самом деле у меня мои братья сёстры и родители свидетели где-то Почему я собирал и почему и где она впервые начал своё существование радио моё вот здесь в этой комнате кстати но при появляются люди которые считают что они причастные и деепричастные свою вот эту блять я не понимаю кому верить этой гаишник во-первых Смени свой

Кока Вернадзе
​прерывать вакуум с частотой 50 герц, если вакуум делается с частотой 200 кГц? У тебя твоя противофаза делается 200 тысяч раз в секунду,

er we
​Славка чип давно курсы открыл а еще один из саранска все схемы сжог!

БТГ-шник life
​Вы подстраховались ? кроме датчик света - какие то еще установили ?

Советский Север
​энергия шла с кота!)))

Donatas F
​Руслан можеш показать свои высоковольтный трансформаторы, объяснить ? К чему ты его подключаешь? к катушке, или к пласинам?

Духовная Правда
​Руслан занимаюсь фонариками на феррите хочу эффект получить, скажи любой феррит подойдёт?

​что в установке настроить проще - ТДКС, ТВС или тесла?

Malik Mamirovich
​дабрый утро Руслан! у нас 5 утра

​[메시지 취소됨]

​У нас утро - Чита 😉 Тоже проспал 2 часа не видил ((

Михаил Ромм
​искровых промежутков нет? чем заменили? коты боятся искрового электричества

Советский Север
​кот шерстью об крышку трется и с этого извлекалась энергия

Михаил Ромм
​вороны греются на антеннах в холода - микроволны их разогревают как в микроволновках

Кока Вернадзе
​А накачка (магнитное поле) ведётся непрерывно или тоже прерывается с частотой 50 Гц?

процветания за Спасибо я всем желаю так сказать с дороги здоровье Как говорится хорошего настроения самое главное Извините Может быть я много ругаюсь но я ругаюсь по делу да то есть я как бы соломахин милейший салон салон так так всё-таки убираешь вакуум с частотой если у тебя на в трансформаторе ведет Но это это глупый вопрос Это очень глупый вопрос честно то есть я даже на него отвечать не буду это ну просто надо понимать Я же ещё раз говорил разберитесь вот послушай почитайте как радио работает как пойдёт в модуляции как вот как вы слышите Вот вы сейчас спросили у меня я вам сейчас отвечу на вопрос А как вы слушаете по радио музыку которая играет или у вас же частота 100 мегагерц там выше 100 или ниже Ну там 90 100 МГц да то есть Ну какая станция да то есть Какая частота на опустим эту меня 98.3 играет сейчас да то есть фоне откуда музыка играет как она играет потому что происходит модуляция это тот момент когда музыка колеблет двигает чистоту понимаете о чем речь то кто-то вот тоже самое Тут генератор это самое низких частот управляет генератором высоких частот что непонятно вы так ничего не соберете если будет всё время Спрашивать глупые вопросы это глупый вопрос абсолютно глупый так Ладно поехали да а слова типа А понятно но это блять это понятно всё он так он не убивает убирает частотой 50 02 комнату я вакуум как бы убивают а то есть я выключаю вакуум то есть на это нарастание тока 10.000 евро в частный дом совсем защитами охоте в бетон залить с эпоксидкой сможешь сделать смогу но только 10 это многовато это надо уже Частный дом но я вас ещё раз предупреждаю то есть в час в качестве опоры придется использовать крышу или в саду Придётся делать большой Ну то есть большой большой экран он и установка будет немаленькая Зачем заливать его куда-то бетон не надо ничего затевать придётся отдельное помещение делать то есть Это непростая задача это большая работа Ну да могу Ну частный дом тут надо ещё как бы тут три фазы тогда надо делать а эта установка примерно такая же как у капает с тремя этими катушками Ну скажем так приблизительно Это будет ну метро Два с половиной на два с половиной такая установка будет в одном месте У нас тут эксперимент мы делали в этом самом там в Риге в мастерской в одной ставили этот аппарат проверяли там у нас единственная беда была это драйвера эти Проклятые китайские блин не хотели работать как следует удалом так-так кот греется залезал на коробку или все же катушки охлаждения нельзя окружающей среды уточни Уточняю значит Дело в том что кот грелся именно то есть на самой коробке да то есть катушка охлаждается сама катушка из-за этого конденсат образуется но Electronic это греется трансформатор греется потому что только толкается через него конденсаторы там какие-то ну что Электроника какая-то воду гоняется да то есть и естественно крышка тёплое код на ней спал и постоянно как он ж*** своего с хвостом клал Вот именно там где-то антенна была вот то что вы видели система выругалась да Ну это понятно потому что как бы какого хрена я ему специально эту крышку прозрачную там заказал крышку это ночную там наделал да то есть их Maya Expression коробки сейчас заказываю там дешевле как долго там целую кучу закажешь колоссально просто а то блять у нас тут в нашей спекулянта сраное бизнесмена в три дорого берут за эти коробки уже одна коробка вот это вот которая последняя показывал где-то по-моему под 60 он стоит блять совсем уже оборзели вконец

Советский Север
​слышал такую легенду что магнитное поле земли ослабло сейчас а для жизи всего живого она необходима вот по этому котяра и подзаряжается!!!)))

Donatas F
​можно высоковольтный трансформатор к коаксиалу подключить?

Сам по себе мастер
​пришли ссылку

Тоха Сим
​Думаю, быстрее дойдёт, если называть не БТГ, а преобразователь одного вида энергии в другой

​Когда долго наблюдал за стриммером ВВ. то обратил внимание, что обычно где-то на середине он как бы закручивается подобно воронке!.. Еще

​еще ловил эффект прибавки когда с
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2020, 08:49:58 PM
And Ruslan's LED-type free generator works and stops for about 10 minutes.
My dad duplicated a generator made by AKA KASYAN a few years ago, and it worked for about 15 minutes.
In addition to this, there have been reports of people who made similar generators that stopped after 15 minutes of operation.
People who are stubborn want their research to be evaluated, but the truth seems to be infinite.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 31, 2020, 02:03:13 PM
then there is this !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2020, 04:12:09 PM

What does it have to do with saying Ruslan was born in Moscow and livestreaming for the purpose of selling Free Generators?
My dad back from vacation
What is the relationship between Nick's desire to create a free generator and the members of the cafe here who work hard to comment and volunteer?
I haven't met a ghost with a lot of complaints like Nick, so it's fun.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 31, 2020, 07:34:54 PM
no idea about his birth, but i suppose he has to be born somewhere, and none of use are getting any younger  :-\
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 31, 2020, 07:36:06 PM
no idea about his birth, but i suppose he has to be born somewhere, and none of use are getting any younger  :-\
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2020, 08:28:04 PM

AG seems to have trouble interpreting Ruslan's language.
It's in what Ruslan said. 8)

And there are many problems with the schematics posted above.

9-Обзор БТГ купленого у Руслана Кулабухова. Тайна Принципа! Free Energy secret revealed!

There is another person who complains more than Nick.
Just as 110V home appliances can be converted to 220V,
If you change just one wire, the 200W capacity can be converted to 2KW.
There are a lot of complaints to Ruslan that the above stupid YouTuber didn't know it and was scammed.

There is nothing more to add in the generator basic structure.
A little application here works as a 200W or 2KW generator.
Ruslan sold a 200W-generator, but the buyer can convert it to a 2KW-generator for some use.
This is probably why the buyer refuses to ask for the return of the generator sold by Ruslan.😋😛😜🤪😝🤑
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on December 31, 2020, 10:19:09 PM
Happy New year to all
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 01, 2021, 09:53:35 AM
On the 11th of last month (KST), there was news that Korea's Hyundai Motor Group had finally agreed to acquire an 80% controlling stake in Boston Dynamics, an American robotics company.
The purpose of Hyundai Group's acquisition of a robot company is:
There are many companies in Korea with many labor disputes.
There are more than 50,000 fixed spies in South Korea who are commanded by North Korea.
It will be easy to understand if you think of Germany before unification.
Hyundai Group is a company with many simple assembly workers.
It is a plan to introduce robots from some day in the future.

Thomas Kim does not understand how the Ruslan generator works.
The PSU that powers Ruslan's generator is either 24V/150W/6.3A or 12V/120W/10A.
Less than a tenth of the typical 220V/3A power supplied by a power company.
don't understand what Ruslan said while streaming that dozens of times the power generator works as the principle of lightning.

Russians who understand Ruslan's Russian very well misunderstand Ruslan.

It is a part to blame for one's skills,
Communists armed themselves with a spirit of overthrowing and accomplished the communist revolution.
It is very unfortunate in human history. :o 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 01, 2021, 06:05:35 PM
Ученые физики в шоке! Насос сделан из 1 бочки и работает без электричества.

agree with the opinion that the paradigm of hydroelectric power should be changed. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 04, 2021, 12:07:32 AM

Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Reply #768 on: September 23, 2020, 01:16:55 PM »
Just pause for a while and give an answer on to this. What is that? Why is there? How affects the input/output? Why we don't see it in Ruslan's published circuits?


Jeg's question I can't answer.
I don't have an oscilloscope, so I don't understand the specific frequencies that occur in the inductor above.
Instead, I experimented with the use of an inductor coil wound around a grenade coil from different angles.
I have experimented with the above inductors to find out what they are used for.
One of them was that the inductor coil was disconnected, and the voltage/current amount generated from the main grenade coil was measured under resonance, and the result was nothing special except that a voltage difference of about 1~3V occurred.

Kapanadze 200W

Kapanadze aquarium generator

So, one guess is that the inductor coil is for a 200-250W generator,
The main grenade coil was assumed to be used for 1.5 to 2 kW.
Although various experiments have been conducted so far, there is little effect on the resonance output with or without an inductor coil except that a slight voltage difference occurs.
It does not affect the resonance at which the generator operates.

The first two out of four are voltage measurements with an inductor connected,
The second two are voltage measurements with the inductor disconnected.
Digital testers are highly affected by resonance interference with surrounding wires.
So, I use it as a reference for a digital tester.
When measured with an analog tester, the normal voltage is measured.


Only this person knows what caused the close-to-decorative inductor coil to be wrapped around a grenade. ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 04, 2021, 12:09:56 AM

There was a saying yesterday that Ruslan was streaming, but,,,, there is no news. ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 04, 2021, 12:27:03 AM

Hi color you said you have cracked Ruslan
Work in 2013-15.
Can you a working video it's now 5 years you have cracked it.
I am also working on this device too.
That too I don't want see the self running device.
I want see a 1 kw device full bright light bulb.
Let the device take 1.5 kw input too but output 1 kw.

Can you show one.


If you reveal the schematic or picture of the generator you are experimenting with, you can identify the real fake.
It is okay if you do not disclose the generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 04, 2021, 06:00:24 PM
ZVS драйвер и плоские катушки.

Démo de Fabrice ANDRE Energie produite sans contact sur une plaque à induction

Inductor Experiment Demo 9


Everyone is free to imagine. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 04, 2021, 08:47:08 PM

БТГ 5 квт для электромобиля на IR2153 часть 22

Induction stove(grenade coil) and microwave transformer(Tesla coil lightning) met.
Works even without earth ground.
Imagination is the root of invention.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2021, 10:10:31 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2021, 10:12:45 AM
The schematic posted by the T-1000 above is how to make a reactive power transformer.
Running a generator with a reactive power transformer requires new ideas to get the return voltage that feeds the PSU.
The typical transformer used by Ruslan can get the return voltage (generator working voltage) supplied by the diode-bridge to the PSU, but
The reactive power transformer schematic posted by the T-1000 requires a slightly modified idea.
And in both ordinary and reactive power transformers, generator-resonance works.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2021, 03:49:48 PM
Let me give you an example.
If the power supplied when the fan is operated is 200W, but the actual power consumed by the fan is 150W, then the active power is 150W and the reactive power is 50W.

Although the transformer posted by the T-1000 is far from the usual reactive power meaning.
However, the name of a transformer that does not produce power with a transformer, and that produces only a small voltage and a huge amount of current, is ambiguous.
In a broad sense, the transformer of the T-1000 is suitable for reactive power.
This is because in practice the transformer and free-generator resonance mechanisms are not related.

The way I do it, there are far more non-working areas and combination experiments than the ones that work.
In general, there are many short-circuit tests, so electrical safety breakers operate frequently.
Sometimes the electric wire is burned and eaten.
Sometimes the truth is found in a common sense that is impossible.
There is no coincidence in the experiment itself.
There are only more truths that have not yet been discovered in this universe.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2021, 09:04:57 PM
Hello! My name is Nick and I have an MSc in Computer Science, I'm also Physics enthusiast and amateur/independent researcher. I would like to ask for your help on something. I'm currently trying to find a way to study ultrasonic waves' effects on water and I'd like to find a means of transferring a specific frequency (that would be 600 khz) to water. Unfortunately I was not able to find a cheap ultrasonic transducer working at that high frequency. The ones I found start from many hundreds of $. The wave type I'm trying to transfer is longitudinal waves (like sound waves), not transverse waves. So I was thinking of like a metallic tank, on which I would apply the transducer and that would transfer the waves to the water. Another way I thought of to produce this kind of waves at that high frequency is by making a custom siren type generator. But based on my calculations, this is also difficult because I'd need a siren with around 370 holes on every disc, spinning at 10.000rpm to produce only 60.000 and 600.000Hz would be the 10th harmonic. I was about to completely abandon the idea but I recently was told of a man who has succeeded in using a siren for the same job in the past and he was able to reach that high frequency. Unfortunately I don't have any way to contact him to ask, so I'm instead asking kindly for your help because this seems to be a dead end to me. I don't own or have access to any special kind of tools like laser cutters or anything like that but I would be able to use plexi glass for a custom made siren. Any thoughts please?

Source https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/way-of-producing-600khz-longitudinal-waves-piezo-or-siren.841200/


Just as those who emphasize American citizenship may not necessarily be American citizens,
Does this mean that it is evidence that the person who was low on being a Costa Rican citizen may not be a Costa Rican citizen?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 06, 2021, 12:22:56 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 06, 2021, 12:32:16 AM
As shown in the picture above, when the diode bridge used in the 12/220V inverter is directly connected to the secondary coil of the transformer, a large amount of current in the secondary coil and the newly defined reactive power are generated.
In addition, the 12/220V inverter diode bridge generates a tremendous overload on the coil induced to the transformer primary coil.
Diodes that generate overload are slightly different in the 12/220V inverter diode and the coil in which the 220/24V PSU plus (+) is guided to the transformer primary coil via the diode.

The circuit diagram posted by T-1000 is made with reference to the 12/220V inverter and diode bridge appearing in the Kapanadze generator.
The 220/24V PSU diode bridge I tested was made with reference to a Ruslan generator.
One diode was overheated, so I added two, and four more, but there was a lot of heat.
After about 5 minutes of operation, the temperature rose more than about 60 degrees Celsius.

What my daughter asked Ruslan was also about diode bridge fever and reactive power, but Ruslan didn't understand her question and she answered'I don't know'.
Indeed, Ruslan does not know of a reactive power generator system.

The Kapanadze generator 12/220V inverter diode bridge is huge.
The Ruslan generator needs a diode bridge to supply direct current to the transformer primary coil.
The generator demonstrated in Kapanadze's living room has a diode bridge attached to the transformer.
The generator demonstrated in the yard has a diode bridge in a box and no exposed diode bridge.
My guess is that the diode bridge of the generator demonstrated in Kapanadze's living room is a diode that drives a 12/220V inverter.

The generator transformer in the living room is a transformer that operates by receiving alternating current from a 12/220V inverter, so a separate diode bridge is not required.
And the grenade coil is connected to the secondary coil of the transformer to generate alternating current.
And a resonant system made from a grenade coil doesn't require a large-capacity diode.
Because the resonance that drives the generator is an approach that requires a completely different idea.

The Kapanadze generator also needs one diode bridge,
In a Ruslan generator using a 24V 150W DC PSU, a diode bridge is also required.

The schematic posted by the T-1000 is a prediction of a Kapanadze generator, which is the result of the misunderstanding that a separate diode bridge is needed in addition to the transformer diode bridge to obtain the generator operating voltage.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 06, 2021, 05:25:52 PM
Civil War ? Patriots Storm the Capitol as Woman is Shot in the Neck - Washington DC - USA

During the debate in the House of Representatives of the US Capitol, disparate citizens entered the National Assembly, and Capitol Hill Petition Police aimed at the citizens and shot them.
A woman was shot and in critical condition.
An urgent citizen lifted a rifle at the level of a party rock, but did not counterattack.
It is the situation to the last.
It could be Antifa's job, or it could be a team's strategy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 07, 2021, 06:59:45 PM


anybody know what Mike Pence got...

Vice President-Pence received it without knowing what it was.
It is also in public.
What great stuff?!
Garbage rituals are held in the trash can.

Mike Pence's dream of the CCP

The shooting of Capitol Hill Petition killed four people, including Ashli Babbitt, who served in the U.S. Air Force for 14 years.
express our condolences to all the brave citizens who died in the fight against manipulated votes and illegality.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 07, 2021, 11:46:03 PM
La mesure ULTIME d'un Appareil à Energie Libre

Salut tout le monde bonne année bonne santé et tout ce qui va avec donc l'année 2021 commence bien parce que aujourd'hui je serai derrière reçu mes petits composants qui vont te remettre de boucler voilà donc c'est des relais trio de pension à tout 50 Ampère 15150 A je pensais pas que ça existait ça coûte à peu près 3000 € et 3000 € neuf et j'ai réussi à en avoir d'occasion donc ça c'est vraiment très très grosse commence bien l'année il manque encore des Relais 500 terre sous 900 volts pour le bouclage donc le but de cette vidéo c'est de vous montrer un peu comment j'ai fait pour mesurer l'énergie rentré et l'énergie en sortie donc énergie de sortie de voir c'est très très simple il y a pas photo vous allez voir Thierry de cours j'ai rien inventé du tout comment mesurer énergie dissipée dans un bobinage vraiment très simple vous allez le voir par contre là où j'ai remarqué que j'ai eu pas mal de critique constructive pour certaines insultant pour d'autres c'est que on m'a dit oui mais tu en as plus Yonel donc comment est-ce que tu peux être sûr que ton WhatsApp mettre il a le temps de capturer te signaux et cetera bois tout simplement que il y a des méthodes qui permettent de s'assurer que qu'est-ce que vous mesurez il faut vérifier que dans des conditions donner nos mesure ce qu'on mesure correspond bien au 4 figures qu'on a fini donc je suis conscient que en mesure en impulsionnelle où il faut vérifier effectivement que je mesure voilà que que le mettre même si vos cher même s'il est aussi performant voilà il faut qu'il soit il soit il interprète bien les résultats d'accord il y en a une qui est indubitablement la plus la meilleure pas la meilleure j'en dis pas plus et celle-ci elle ne fait appel à un wattmètre a aucun juste à même avec un multimètre ça suffit pour mesurer l'énergie consommée en entrée et la comparer avec l'énergie en sortie en sortie par contre les fondations voilà donc vous allez voir donc petit tes dernières infos avant de commencer de passer dans le dur j'ai le projet pour le Prométhée Dios le site a été a été suspendu parce qu'il est refait on a fait une vidéo on a on a validé le moi qui l'a validé mais les mesures ont été validés au niveau de l'énergie entrée sortie donc je pense qu'on mettra les résultats de toute façon un peu plus tard j'habite aussi ceux qui sont dubitatif parce que là maintenant je vais faire appel à la communauté de l'ingénieur et j'en passe et d'autres si vous êtes intrigué pour vous voulez vérifier les résultats venez il y a aucun souci je les mets mesure en entrée sortie c'est libre au niveau du rock je vous présente et c'est vraiment très très simple donc on a un rack de contrôle et un rock qui est bloqué puissance et on va voir un troisième rock qui sera le rock de bouclage pour ce dernier l'oreille de bouclage j'ai reçu aujourd'hui voilà des regarder des composants j'en ai encore qui qui devrait venir parce que pour le bouclage je vais être à plus de 10 km donc c'est voilà il faut quand même des bons composants pour exemple il y en a un qui arrive c'est 500 ampères tu 900 volts c'est pas le petit composant d'accord donc pour le bloc de contrôle c'est un mot très simple j'ai deux dans des éléments simples alimentation à découpage avec des cartes alors au niveau de d alimentation à découpage avec les cartes j'ai pas toutes les cartes qui sont terminés laissé les cartes qui seront pour le bouclage j'ai que les cartes pour la production d'énergie excédentaire j'ai j'ai pour l'instant de fiche BNC qui sont branchés pour le contrôle de la puissance ici j'ai une prise c'est là le rock de contrôle donc pour l'instant enfin pour l'instant je serai tout le temps aux alentours des 60 watts 60 volts ampères alors pourquoi ce que j' ai des ventilo dedans parce que les cartes sont refroidi j'ai j'ai aussi des alimentation à découpage qui manque aussi merdique donc en puissance active je suis très bas mais en puissance apparente voilà je suis quand même à 60 x 2 puissance apparente mais peu importe au niveau de nous intéresse c'est d'avoir l'énergie en entrée l'énergie en sortie donc ici il y a le câble pour la puissance en entrée donc ce câble la est branché pas être branché sur le web mettre qui lui-même sera branché sur l'alimentation de laboratoire concernant les selfies si c'est des selles c'est pour l'asservissement c'est voilà c'est pour rien j'étais l'énergie au bon moment enfin bref ça j'expliquerai plus tard au fond j'ai le condensateur qui avec le circuit résonnant donc là je vous montrerai vous allez voir au fur à mesure de la vidéo comment je vais mesurer l'énergie dissipée avec ce condensateur et avec les différents éléments donc voilà donc pour l'instant c'est pas très compliqué oui c'est entrée sortie là-bas voilà la question maintenant c'est savoir est-ce que je mesure bien l'énergie en sortie l'énergie en entrée donc voilà on se retrouve sur le PC alors si le son est beaucoup de beaucoup moins bonne qualité c'est un peu normal parce que je suis sur le micro du PC donc comment se compose alors schématiquement le prototype c'est très simple pour alimentation ici le DL380 corps donc ça c'est la prise triphasé du bâtiment on a une alimentation de laboratoire qui fournit un courant et une tension tout ça pour une puissance tout tu peux définit tous les critères on a ici un wattmètre alors le wattmètre qui est remise en question et du coup je te le montrerai pas pour une raison qui est simple c'est que plus j'essaie de justifier plus que je me suis aperçu que ça jouer contre moi et donc du coup j'ai juste montrer la méthode ultime que j'utilise pour pour faire les mesures donc mais juste pour vous comprenez on a quand même de maître est branché sur le bloc puissance ici où il y a les différents éléments qui a un qui merdeuse et secondaire la bobine de dissipation d'énergie c'est 7 bobines ici on va mesurer l'énergie dissiper dans 7 bobines on a essayé le rock supérieure de rock super ici c'est le rock des de contrôle juste avant et ici on a eu 230 V de la prise du rat le tout avec le générateur de fréquence alors voilà un peu l'éclater du prototype le rock ici avec le rock de puissance alors ça c'est un peu le projet qu'on a avec le projet 1er telios pour le bouclage et tout ce qu'il y a qui dit Sion et j'en passe je remercie au passage Sam d'avoir fait ses petits ses petits chiens un paquet mais je te montrerai pas c'est pour le projet donc donc déjà abordé condensateur avec son bobinage à côté bien le bobinage et on boit primaire primaire alors maman on doit aller voir aussi ici voilà donc bon là il y a différents éléments aux gens parler sur le rock où il y aura au-dessus du bocage donc voilà et en primaire et secondaire avec le chef de service service mais voilà donc sur quoi je m'appui pour avoir des amis sur quoi cette nuit mes travaux c'est très simple je vous montre un truc alors c'est une pépite assez de pipi sexy rapport de recherche pour les associations donc c'est un truc qui date déjà bien un bout de temps j'ai envoyé un 1969 et sa date voilà quand même de tes travaux monter diffuser voilà je cherchais le mot donc en fait on peut voir un serpent s'il y en a qu'on peut voir ici à la caractéristique alors c'est ça c'est important je sache ce signal ici ce signal là ils ont des correspondances mais pas tout à fait voilà l'excitation paramétrique au ça pour vous dire que je sais dans quel champ d'étude je me trouve pour pour savoir quelle formule appliquer effectivement va pas d'apporter le formule si on sait pas dans quel genre d'étude 11 août donc il y a aussi cette Pépita qui est basé alors je vais descendre d'abord avant de montrer c'est basé sur Mandelstam papa Lexi pareil normalement on va aller moi aussi mon papa husky voilà report sur la recherche des associations non linéaire et ici alors ils ont fait des simulations par ordinateur donc ce qu'on peut voir c'est que bon il y a plusieurs quand même Institut précision et cetera si on fait des simulations explique tout simplement que avant à l'époque de papa et ce qu'il y avait pas de grands calculateur pour permettre de travailler sur les phénomènes non linéaire et du coup aujourd'hui avec les progrès scientifiques bah ils ont pu alors je te tape sur Internet et du coup il explique par exemple ils ont des clopes alors que tu es obligé de te régler la machine parce que sinon il avait mal voilà la simulation le bobinage donc obligé de se décaler de 3 % au niveau de la résonance amour voilà voilà 10 W 2 kilowatts voilà c'est quand même assez important alors encore une fois ça reste une simulation mais on peut voir ici voilà l'énergie perdue la 10 bien que l'énergie est perdu dans le circuit résonnant j'insiste dessus c'est perdu dans le circuit à résonance d'accord c'est exactement ce que là je vais vous expliquer comment je fais pour mesurer l'énergie dissipée dans mon circuit résonnant voilà comme ça je vais pas m'attarder dessus et pour expliquer que le domaine de recherche dans quel je suis voilà et très important alors on va d'abord s'intéresser à l'oscillation de sortie donc l'oscillation sortie de mon de mon prototype c'est vraiment très simple c'est simplement une onde averti d'accord merci des oscillations amorti donc on peut voir que on peut avoir des trains d'ondes amorti alors ça on s'en servait dans la radiotélégraphie d'accord c'est pas pour rien si la radio on peut voir un différents types donc en fonction de la Résistance quelque chose là c'est lié au couplage primaire secondaire là c'est le couplage la donc on peut voir le train d'avant et cetera encore une fois et encore une fois donc là on va sortir et c'est à ici à Ford au courant de l'émetteur avec la terre parce que ça a écouté c'est très très important l'argent aussi sur le fait que je n'en peux rien tout de suite ce sur quoi je Mathy la puis c'est des choses justifier et je n'ai rien inventé on peut voir ça c'est au niveau du primaire et ça c'est Londres au niveau du secondaire au qu'on peut voir ici au moment où on arrête de transmettre l'énergie au primaire qu'on arrête de mettre de l'énergie dans le primaire pas automatiquement il s'ensuit que l'énergie secondaire cherche à se dissiper dans la résistance du secondaire voilà donc là on peut voir que ici quand on commence à mettre l'énergie au niveau du primaire bah effectivement l'énergie au niveau du secondaire et à zéro espace et puis on va évoluer dans le temps et bah plus l'énergie va augmenter et puis l'énergie diminuer donc l'esprit est là c'est juste que quand on arrête d'alimenter au primaire bas automatiquement le secondaire va se retrouve en régime régime amorti libre c'est-à-dire qu'il n'est plus alimenté et l'énergie va se dissiper voilà donc c'est juju nature mort à la route et donc ce qu'on peut voir c'est effectivement ça peut être aussi quand vous prendre un condensateur vous décharger dans une salle on a l'énergie qui se dissipe dans la Résistance là que vous voyez la courbe ici c'est la courbe schématise la résistance interne dans notre secondaire alors on va prendre quelque chose qui est très important c'est ça l'énergie d'un circuit RLC donc remettre posant sur la vidéo si vous voulez le relire alors qu'est-ce que ça nous explique tout simplement que quand on a l'énergie électrique qui est en magazine et voilà qui est au maximum il va descendre et pas moi qui va descendre il va échanger d'accord avec la voix aussi magnifique que c'est l'énergie électrique en énergie électrique descend bah elle va transmettre son énergie à l'inductance et entre les deux bah on va avoir une perte d'énergie entre la là tu es là tu es là il correspond en a qui se dissipe par effet Joule dans notre bobinage d'accord alors après je vais pas rentrer dans les détails mais en fonction de la résistance de votre système l'ont d'abord tu y seras plus ou moins chaud ou court d'accord donc donc voilà donc moi dans sortie du du système j'ai une onde qui est comme celle-ci comme celle-ci et du coup bah on peut mesurer l'énergie dissiper dans notre circuit secondaire d'accord alors comment je fais pour avoir l'énergie dissipée par une onde amorti et ben c'est très simple il suffit de connaître sa tension maximum de mon condensateur parce que le condensateur il faut bien le charger jusqu'au là on est d'accord et une fois qu'on a stoppé notre système Bah le condensateur doit bien se décharger en totalité dans notre circuit dans d'autres résistance d'accord donc là on va aller sur sur sur normalement et metteur en scène voilà je n'ai rien et là qu'est-ce que vous allez voir alors ça je reprends exactement ce que j'avais petit au niveau la vidéo sur la bobine qu'est-ce qu'on voit la puissance mise en jeu dans le circuit CP il y a pas de me CV au carré x le nombre de cycle par seconde donc en fait c'est ce qu'on peut voir la prendre quand même ici qui est beaucoup mieux qu'on peut savoir c'est que ici on sait qu'on énergie stocker l'énergie stockée si correspond l'énergie que l'autre condensateur dans le circuit résonance ok est-ce qui se passe c'est que bah pour mettre NRJ dance condensateur mais je crois bien plus ça lui fournir l'énergie au condensateur est-ce qui se passe qu'est-ce qui se passe c'est que effectivement si on reprend à étincelle c'est bien ce qu'ils disent ils disent que notre conversation ici et bah quand on le décharge dans le circuit résonnant ici et bah on comment on peut connaître l'énergie transmis ici bah simplement simplement en connaissant la tension appliquer le condensateur qui se décharge notre circuit à résonance donc automatiquement Bah qu'est-ce qui va se passer et ben on peut connaître l'énergie sur une seconde dépenser par notre condensateur d'accord donc ni plus ni moins où est-ce que j'ai c'est simplement des comme ça mais répéter plusieurs fois par seconde et chaque ont amorti dissipe d'accord une quantité d'énergie et c'est quantité d'énergie correspond à chaque fois à une charge d'un condensateur qui se décharge ensuite dans la Résistance voilà donc ça pour mesurer l'énergie en sortie il y a rien de plus simple il y a rien j'ai rien avant tu es tout et là on peut le voir tout simplement alors je tiens à préciser encore une fois c'est que je ne veux je veux pas rentrer de mesure je ne t'ai rien montré je pense que j'ai suffisamment jusque-là essayer de faire mes preuves et quoi qu'on en dise en tout cas certaines personnes viennent vérifier et et constate comme moi un excellent d'énergie que là il y a pas de il y a pas de souci je vous invite aussi vous voulez venir il y a aucun souci maintenant comment on va faire pour mesurer l'énergie pendant près bah en fait c'est vraiment très simple tout simplement qu'est-ce qui se passe on a ici l'alimentation de laboratoire qui va chercher mon rat qui s'y met dans ce rock avec le bloc puissance qu'est-ce que j'ai bah j'ai des condensateur ce que je fais c'est que je charge condensateur et une fois que j'ai chargé ses condensateurs Bah qu'est-ce que je fais pas tout simplement que je déconnecte l'alimentation de laboratoire d'accord donc je déconnecte les tables d'accord bien la les déconnecte et je déconnecte le mettre et voilà parce que du coup on fait comment ils sont chargés ils ont une quantité d'énergie accumuler d'accord là il y a aucun souci donc un lézard on peut pas dire oui mais il y a des instructions peut-être qui calcule mal et c'est très simple c'est que j'allume le système et bah pendant 2 secondes et je vois pendant une seconde d'accord combien mon condensateur a perdu en énergie donc comment je fais pas c'est très simple il suffit de mesurer par la Formule 1 2016 écart et l'énergie de base de départ de l'autre commence à 7h et après quand j'ai éteint le système une seconde après moi je regarde combien il me reste d'énergie et après la différence d'énergie qui n'est plus là bah ça sera l'énergie dépensée en entrée voilà donc là l'entrée encore une fois comme ça on ne peut pas remettre ça en question je veux dire vous avez une batterie une des condensateur ce qui stocker l'énergie si vous apercevez qui vous avez moins consommer en entrée qu'est-ce que vous a qu'est-ce que vous avez dépensé dans ce bobinage de dissipation la résistance interne ici des mots qui nage sur une seconde je tiens à préciser c'est qu'effectivement il y a un lien d'énergie d'accord tableau petite vidéo sur ce tableau mais je vais vous le montrer donc pour vous compreniez alors ça c'est des mesures que j'ai fait manuellement mais vraiment manuellement pour être sûr d'avoir le coffre vraiment total total total de pas la peine de prendre en compte donc ici on a pas de me lasser 05 les farad CC et 6 cv ok d'accord si on se garer on voit que mon condensateur d'accord qui était chargé à 60,87 volts tout ça j'ai utilisé un bon et bien voilà et du coup j'ai 26, 121 jours et quelques de stocker dans mon corps à 7h de 14100 microfarad donc je vais descendre alors j'ai fait à peu près 150 ans j'ai fait 150 à pulsion d'accord et je m'aperçois que au bout de 150 impulsions sur une seconde bah j'ai perdu d'accord alors j'étais à 26 joules et je suis tombée à 18 jours du coup j'ai perdu une quantité d'énergie et moi ce qui m'a fallu ce qui ce que j'ai fait c'est que après et ben tout simplement que j'ai regardé mon condensateur d'accord il a correspond à 16,32 microfarad d'accord ici c'est 680 microfarad ce que j'avais testé sur un autre bobinage exetera c'est sur un autre bobinage mais j'avais donc sur plein plein plein de prototype donc ici, 32 microfarad assez chargé de 0,554 jours et à restituer dans notre résidence 0,154 jours aussi s'est passé cet après j'ai répété 550 fois donc on peut voir que on est à 137 ans 34130 734 alors là j'ai vraiment pris chacun pulsion ça m'a pris une semaine pour prendre le tableau est quand même balaise est ce qui s'est passé c'est que j'ai vraiment tout fait amorti et ça c'est un boulot fastidieux d'accord est-ce qui s'est passé c'est qu'on voit bien qui effectivement d'accord le petit de 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes d'accord et on voit qu'à la fin à la 150e impulsion on est à 0,0, d'accord et on peut voir que du coup le total des joules cumulé dissipé par les ondes amorti dans la Résistance roller on voit quand total de J je suis à 18,86 jours de dissiper dans la résistance de mon système d'accord alors je vais dire voilà et ce qu'on peut voir c'est que on peut voir que j'ai je suis passée de 26,12 joules sur une seconde à 150 impulsion donc on peut voir que j'ai pris dans des condensateurs en entrée celui qui est dedans d'accord on peut voir que j'ai pris 7,32 jours d'accord est-ce qu'on peut voir c'est que en ayant pris un bon comment ça tu es énergies dans l' entrée de mon condensateur te voir je suis à 18,86 joules de dissiper dans le bobinage secondaire ici d'accord donc là ce qu'il se passe quelque chose et puis effectivement il y a bien une dissipation d'énergie dans la Résistance dans notre secondaire là j'en ai absolument rien voilà c'est un peu les mesures c'est comme ça que je l'ai fait je n'ai rien à te voilà donc en entrée je laisse le condensateur se décharge et pendant une seconde je connais énergie dissipée pendant une seconde l'énergie s'envoler du condensateur au niveau de l'entrée et après les énergie dissipée les parties de chaque impulsion et je les cumule la journée 150 bah il suffit dès que tu mulet et je le total des joules voilà donc c'est aussi alors s'il a 0,154 + 0,147 + 0,54 + 0,147 et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera jouer cumul Basque ce qu'on peut voir et ben tout simplement où est-ce que tu es et bah ce qu'on peut voir c'est que effectivement sur chaque Houda Marti ben j'ai une énergie qui se dissipe oklar microjoule il faut bien imaginer ici d'accord je suis à 154000 et J donc en fait j'ai mon d'amorti qui s'est chargé ici à 154 min J et après tu es dispo dans la Résistance d'accord alors comme ça c'est que je suis simplement ils ont à l'oscilloscope avant qu'on peut couper comme ça on peut faire voilà d'accord là si je fous ici ici je sais pas comment je vais pouvoir le faire je sais pas si je vais pouvoir le faire et vous imaginez que voilà le cache c'est parti ici et ben ça me donne juste le nom d'un merci ici d'accord donc voilà voilà alors alors pourquoi ce tableau j'avais fait l'envoyer s'il y a quand même il y a quand même beaucoup beaucoup de mesures vous allez voir décédé grave c'est pas mal de choses là on peut voir quand d'entrée j'étais là 60,87 de départ et le postulat là ça a rien à voir au niveau des mesures mais c'est que j'avais de base c'est selon les travaux dedans c'est d'autres chercheurs plus on augmenter la tension en entrée plus on allait avoir des électros traction donc plus on est allé à avoir de de clopes et on allait pouvoir augmenter 7 7 c'était se paramétrique qui permet d'avoir un excellent d'énergie donc le postulat de base c'était quoi c'était de vérifier ça donc ce que j'ai fait c'est par la suite bah je suis passé à 203 V en entier au niveau du condensateur du coup en une seconde 150 impulsion je suis tombé à 185 joules d'accord donc 185 jours de départ et 203 ça nous fait un départ en entrée de 50,67 jours consommé dans mon beau comment ça tu heures de 14100 microfarad d'accord et après ben j'ai fait des relevés étapes d'accord et en fait en cumulant l'énergie dissipé par choc au d'amorti et là ça me donne 193, 83 joules d'accord donc on peut voir c'est que ça nous donner un code de 3,82 alors que précédemment on avait un code de 2,57 ans après cette deuxième deuxième tension je me suis dit je vais augmenter un peu plus et on verra si toi aussi bah là ça veut dire le tableau Benjamin col de 4,25 à 342,7 volts j'ai perdu dans un condensateur de 14100 microfarad 137,29 J et après pareil en mesurant chaque impulsion ballastée 4,43 et au fur à mesure sa chute Bah normal que la tension qu'est-ce qui se passe c'est que je ne retrouvais à 584 joules en entrée enfin si on voit qu'on était un code de 4,25 pour 342 V de départ 3,82 de 4 pour 203 le départ est de 57 pour 60,87 de départ d'accord et effectivement je rentre vraiment dans ce que c'est voilà voilà donc ben écoutez je sais pas quoi dire d'autre à part que l'énergie voilà je mesure l'énergie en entrée et dissiper voilà comment ils seront là donc une énergie de départ dans mon condensateur qui est débranché désolidariser d'accord de toute alimentation de tu vas te mettre comme ça ça enlève le problème qu'on peut me dire oui mais tu as des impulsions tu es ce site et sol exetera le plus important si de dissiper l'énergie de dissipera que ce soit les impulsions de microseconde ce que vous voulez il me fera donc là ce qu'on voit c'est que la désolidariser d'un condensateur de départ et là je revois section de secondes dans la résistance interne de mon bobinage une quantité d'énergie supérieur à ce que j'ai dissiper dans le condensateur voilà donc écouté c'est voilà donc encore une fois je la formule aussi que vous voyez ici bah c'est simplement la formule qui est ici d'accord voilà c'est l'énergie pendant 7h x 6 cv carré d'accord ça nous donne les J et x le nombre d'impulsion par seconde tout simplement voilà donc c'est quand même voilà c'est quand même c'est quand même fou j'ai quand même j'ai quoi aussi pourquoi pourquoi j'ai pas peur de vous montrer tout ça pour l'instant c'est simplement que ce n'est pas parce que vous voyez des Andes amorti que vous avez trouvé un accident dans les orties parce que si ça avait été aussi simple je veux dire depuis la création des émetteurs à étincelle qui a les excédent d'énergie dans les électeurs à et encore une fois une particularité à avoir mais vraiment je pense vous expliquer ce que ce cas là d'accord ou juste un truc c'est que il y a il y a beaucoup de synchronisation à voir il y a des services man c'est pas une électronique très très simple il y a quand même beaucoup beaucoup de réglage à faire il y a des fenêtres qui sont vraiment très très très très très rapide à voir donc ça sera la dernière et je vous dis à plus Ciao
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 07, 2021, 11:48:49 PM
[EXPERIENCE] Les "COMPTEUR LINKY" brûlent. Voilà la raison N°1!!

2021: voiture électrique autonome

Explosion plasma haute densité test
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 07, 2021, 11:51:39 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2021, 04:17:33 AM
It is true that thousands of different experiments are a step towards a single outcome, but they may not necessarily be compensated for the cost of investment and labor.
The same may be said of the French inventor above.
If not, the person who needs it has to pay the price. ;D 8)

If you like my daughter's translation, please click 'Like Good'. 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2021, 05:24:25 AM

This retired MIT professor seems to believe in the ugly old witch, Nancy Pelosi.
Keep that belief for a long time.
you could be called by God tonight and let go of the fork...


It is the arrogance that began with the Jewish gods before the responsibility of history that the Jews do ugly and feel no remorse.
I have a godfather.
I exist as twins with my mother.
My dad knows the Jewish god very well.
His personality his is similar.

wish you luck too.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on January 08, 2021, 10:05:05 AM
Quote from: color on January 08, 2021, 05:24:25 AM

High school physics the professor says.

The circumference of the sphere when large        times       the time required  for one rotation
                                                             is equal to
the circumference of the sphere when small         times       the time required for one rotation.

                       The kinetic energy content is the same in both conditions.

                           Although it is true that a rotation is completed sooner when small,
        the SURFACE of the sphere is not moving any faster when it is small, than when it is large.

                  It is simply that there is less distance around the smaller sphere (less surface).
                                       There fore each rotation is completed sooner.

Entertaining, yes but also high school level physics.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Raycathode on January 08, 2021, 08:11:56 PM
 Has that idea by any chance got a floor involved with it  ;D ;D ;D ;D

you're all so wound up in trivia you are missing all this stuff !


He has loads of clips just like it!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2021, 09:42:04 PM

It is divided into study to write where necessary, study to experience indirect experience of others, and study to learn by paying school expenses for success.
The members who write here are making generators, but the studies they have learned in the meantime are not helpful.
If the studies you've learned in the meantime were helpful, someone would have already made a generator.
Ruslan has discovered the secret of free-generator resonance and is currently making a generator.
Some electrical and electronics doctors insult Ruslan without knowing the secret of generator resonance.
In the public interest, Ruslan always demands that all generator secrets be released.
Even users with the level of electric common sense in high school make generators,
Dr. Electric and Electronics cannot make generators.
This is the fact.
Even those who bought Ruslan generators at high prices do not know the principle of generator resonance.
This is the fact.
That's why you don't need and useless other than posts about generators here.
AG has created a forum to write obsolete posts.
It's a great forum to spend your time on. ;D ;D 8) 8) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2021, 09:42:51 PM

Evidence of fraudulent voting is not accepted in the Senate and House.
It is the lawmakers who took Chinese bribes that broke the law.
Only Trump's bold actions can punish them, but they're not doing anything.
It is obvious that Trump has not done anything so far.
It seems like he thought that if the citizens occupied the National Assembly, the Senate and House would be scared and he would re-elect Trump as president.
And another is that Trump agitated the people with the aim of dividing the United States.
In the current situation it is close to the latter,
The game is only known after the end, so I'm watching it. 8) 8) ::) ::)
There is one thing Nancy Pelosi saw Trump exactly.
Those who worry after retirement are not heroes of history, but cowards. ::) ::) 8) 8)

Weakened by the beast of the Chinese Communist Party,
There are Americans who cannot escape on their own.
They raise their voices, saying,'Please save me,'
Trump has no ears to hear, so he is worried after his retirement his.
There will be Mensa members in this cafe as well.
If you understand this old ghost who hasn't had regular education,
and doctors or professors don't know how to read these lines,
don't deserve to blame Ruslan for his high school-level biography his. 8) 8) ::) ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2021, 12:08:11 AM
Bored dad eats Korean popcorn and is still soldering today.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2021, 04:03:08 AM

The US Capitol is very kind to the Antipas.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2021, 02:19:57 PM
Korean Puffed Rice

Korean popcorn machines that still operate in an uncivilized manner make cannon sounds.
It is mainly fried with rice and barley rather than corn. ;D
If the movie you're going to see while eating popcorn is a terrible rubbish, the world is likely to be disappointed, but your mouth can't rest for a while. ;D ;D
During the war, allied information is of great strength to the enemy. 8)

Living the same as yesterday and looking forward to a different future is a fantasy rather than a mental illness. ;D

It is the daily life of cafe members here who expect different results while imagining the same experiment as yesterday like a squirrel spinning around.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2021, 10:30:56 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2021, 11:38:19 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2021, 02:22:56 PM
работа генератора БТГ Слободян Андрей


გამომგონებელი მოუკლიათ


როგორც წესი ეგენი ან იმალებიან ფულს გაიტაცებენ
ან მევალეები კლავენ
ნაწილ-ნაწილ ახევენ კლიენტებს ფულს, ჰოდა რათქმა უნდა კონეცი რო არა აქვთ მერე ან მევალეები კლავენ ან უმეტესად თავისივე ნაპარნიკები და
ფულს იტყაპუნებენ და საქმეს კიდევ "მსოფლიოშეთქმულებას" ატენიან

ტრუპზე ხმას არ იღებენ ამდენი ხანს არ გამოჩნდა, უკვე დასაფლავებაც უნდა ყოფილიყო spy.gif
ჩვეულებრივ აგრძელებს რამერუმე ვიდეოების დადებას

აქ არის ძებნაში ყოფილა და 2 თვის უკანაც მომკვდარა wink.gif givi.gif მერე ეტყობა აღსდგა 40 ზე და 1 კვირის თავზე ზეცაში აიჭრა givi.gif
თუ იცი რუსული მანდ ამბობენ ყველაფერს
2მილიონი $ გაუტაცია და ინსცენირება მოუწყვია



მოკლედ გადავათვალიერე იუტუბის თემები
თავისივე აფიორას გადაჰყვა როგორცა ჩანს. ეგ ანდრო სლობოდიანი საკმაოდ ცნობადი სახე იყო მაგ ალტერნატივშიკებში
19 აგვისტოს დაბადების დღე გადაუხდია კორეის სასტუმროს ნაქირავებ ნომერში სადაც აპარატურაც ეწყო. გატყვრა მაგრად
მეორე დღეს პრეზენტაცია ჰქონდა და ფორსირებულად დაიწყო თავის ვითომდა "მუდმივ" მაგნიტურ ძრავში ჩაშენებული აკუმლიატორების დამუხტვა
ჰოდა გაჟონა და რახან სასტუმროს ნომრები ცხელ ზონებში დახშულია რადგნ ზაფხულობით განსაკუთრებით მხოლოდ კონდინციონერით ხდება ჰაერის ტრიალი
გაჟონილმა ლითიუმის ტოქსიკურმა ორთქლმა გაიყვანა მარილზე
ესე გაპრავდა 2 მილიონი.....
რას გვიშვება ეს მსოფლიო ენერგო მაფია მაააშ!...
99,99 მჯერა ამ ვერსიის იმ ფონზე ზოგიერთს როცა კაპანაძის გენერატორისა სჯერა spy.gif bis.gif
პ ს ვისაც ჯერა რო ენერგომაფიამ მოკლა "აკრძალული გენერატორის" lol.gif შექმნისათვის შუძლია დაიგინოს
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2021, 08:35:12 PM
Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples,
saying: "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses;
therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.
"They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger.
"But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments.
"They love the place of honor at banquets and the chief seats in the synagogues,
and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called Rabbi by men.
"But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.
"Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
"Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. ㅡMatthew 23

"Are you not as the sons of Ethiopia to Me, O sons of Israel?" declares the LORD "Have I not brought up Israel from the land of Egypt, And the Philistines from Caphtor and the Arameans from Kir? ㅡAmos 9

On account of the day that is coming To destroy all the Philistines, To cut off from Tyre and Sidon Every ally that is left; For the LORD is going to destroy the Philistines, The remnant of the coastland of Caphtor. ㅡJeremiah 47
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2021, 08:50:57 PM
One of the main forces of the Jews are the Pharisees.
The predecessors of the Pharisees were ancient Philistines.
The Philistines are people who have migrated from the Mediterranean island of Crete.
The ancestors of the Pharisees were ancient Greeks.
The God that the Greeks greatly believe is Zeus.
Zeus is the god of lightning.
It has the same nature as Yahweh, the only god of lightning, Israel.

So, in Jesus' words that the Pharisees are sitting on the chair of Moses, there is not one meaning, but many things.
It also means that the Pharisees did not discriminate because Zeus and Yahweh were the same god of lightning,
It also means that it doesn't matter whether your name becomes Zeus or Yahweh,
Some Old Testament prophets interpret the Apep snake in the Cap genus as the Cretan god Zeus.
Just as the solar headjet represents the light of the sun, the cap surrounding the Apep snake represents the light of lightning.
And Jesus tells the reason why the Pharisees sit in Moses' chair.

therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.

The pen is stronger than the sword,
As the pen confuses the identity of God, the Old Testament-Yahweh and the New Testament-Jesus were born.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2021, 08:59:14 PM
As the power that generates and drives lightning is in Djed,
Scarab has the leading power to generate the sun.
The power to generate and lead the moon is in the bull.
The Greek mythical bull, captured by Hercules and killed by Theseus, is also the god of the moon.
The Bible calls these the Holy Spirit.

The sun and lightning are gods of different properties.
There are those who understand this, and there are those who do not understand and believe the literal words of the Bible.
Where are you?
Jesus is a polytheist.
Just like a mother and father and a godfather to me,
This is because Jesus' mother and father exist in the New Testament.

Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said,'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?"
The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat;
but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said,'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"
The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die!
"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand his, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever" -

In Genesis 3, Adam (Geb, Gabriel) and Eve (Nut) returned to the same god as Yahweh.
In ancient Egypt, Geb (earth god) and Nut (heavenly god) are also gods,
In the world of one god, Geb (the earth god) and Nut (the heavenly god) are relegated to men or angels, not gods.
The only god, Yahweh, forcibly recreates Geb (the earth god) and Nut (the heavenly god) as humans.
It is the power of the Jewish pen that Yahweh forcibly made and interpreted the gods of the ancient Egyptian world.

Ancient Christ polytheism was in vogue.
The strength of one and only god is the power of a group that unifies as one,
The strength of polytheism shows that individual freedom is superior to the power of a group.
In particular, individual freedom is unique in terms of survival in the wild.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2021, 09:16:12 PM
There are many who want to follow both light and darkness, as well as ancient times.
The moon and lightning coexist with the placenta darkness.
The sun is defenseless against the resistance of the clouds.
Choice is a necessity for survival before it is freedom.

You guys have benefited from Jesus' forgiveness of sin,
The situation is limited to the descendants of Adam (Geb) and Eve (Nut).
In other words, it is the pardon for the return of Geb and Nut to God.
The fixed and unchanging monotheism is an event that you can never do on your own.
Only Jesus and the sun god can save themselves.

"Or how can anyone enter the strong man's house and carry off his property his, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house his.
"He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.

Now is the time to fight, not the time for conversation.
Jesus will always be with you.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2021, 09:58:38 PM
Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids play "Satisfaction"

Lynn Wood, a light-mouthed whistleblower, ends the war alone. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2021, 11:14:17 PM
Dad leaked a secret.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2021, 12:42:44 AM
If you get old, you have to die quickly, and if you don't die, you will suffer from dementia and senility. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 11, 2021, 03:39:20 AM
You think so, do you eat an American diet ? that would do it !

Whats that swimming around in the pasta and tomato soup ?
looks appertaining can just about  smell it from here !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2021, 11:49:58 AM
AlienGrey :

can't be silent, I want to help them, but I refuse to help.
think it is because the values are different.

We've been off the road a lot, but let's continue talking about the free generator. ;D 8)


To those hiding in the nuclear bunker :

I think the military imprisoned you in a nuclear bunker.
It's a pity that there is nothing you can do now.
had to act when I had time.
If you want to claim that you are a winner over the illegals, you have to act.
Lack of action means winning and returning to the illegals.
The divisionist believes that it is right not to act.
Who else is as foolish as someone who makes fatal mistakes and claims victory
Now there are few days left.
And the wise person doesn't make the following statements.
It's a remark that foolish people say.
It is history and you who will remember that day. :)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2021, 09:33:35 PM
This is the seventh video content streaming Ruslan.
Questions and answers are mixed.
It takes time to interpret because the spoken and written sentences are different.
The short-answer sentences and the biographical knowledge that Ruslan understands are mixed, so it is difficult to understand even easy sentences without a professional understanding of Russian.
Nothing special, Ruslan boasts a portable free generator lantern and bubble service on the video screen.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2021, 09:36:50 PM
Слав Додов

Ximer Dark
실시간 채팅에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 개인정보를 보호하고 YouTube 커뮤니티 가이드를 준수하는 것을 잊지 마세요.

Евгений Лавренко
​привет, Руслан, не обращай внимание на лентяев и халявщиков

Ximer Dark
​Этот генератор, который затягиваят заряды из атмосферы?

Игорь Трофименко

не обращай внимания на лентяев и халявщиков Да я давно не обращай внимания То есть я просто знаете этот генератор который затягивает заряды из атмосферы Совершенно верно только сейчас мы с вами детальной и коротко обсудим вот этот момент чтобы к этому вопросу больше никогда не не возвращаться Я ни у кого денег не прошу никаких да то есть только за свои труды только за свои труды То есть то что я делаю Да я спрошу деньги да то есть ну как бы если надо кому-то изготовить такой аппарат да то есть но Сразу говорю там 100 200 вот я даже браться не буду даже браться не буду это того не стоит геморрой Будь здоров да то есть этот самый как бы время тратить на того чтобы потом его разобрали и посмотрели как он работает Ну Вот Вот я знаете Честно говоря я больше всего переживаю не за то что вы его заберёте там и пытаться будете как бы я переживаю за то что вы Точнее я переживаю за то что вы разберете он больше работать не будет его начнете бегать и кричать что вот система не работает что делать как бы я не согласен ездить куда-то и кому-то что-то чинить Тем более если это будет там хрен знает где между междугородние отправляйте сами сюда его да то есть там при помощи почты электронной почты я не знаю как кому но каким-то образом короче придётся Вам он сюда отправить ремонт будет происходить не у вас дома Здесь на месте Вот Но я хочу сказать сразу что-то эти аппараты которые я изготавливаю Они прекрасно работают и никаких подобных ремонтов они не требуют Единственное что люди все жалуются то заземления сожрать Но зажатая заземление то есть тот момент когда так Мне интересует катушка типа граната или телескоп откуда её история начинается Давайте про гранату сейчас поговорим сейчас момент пойду за языком схожу сейчас приду

Ximer Dark
​РУслан, меня интересует катушка типа Граната или телескоп, откуда ее история начинается, с Теслы? Просто ни в одном из патентов не нашел

Ximer Dark

Alex. ander
​Hallo. нет бтг, но вы просите товар на продажу. как это понимать? что именно тогда можно у вас купить?

Евгений Лавренко
​да, граната - фильтр НЧ с конденсаторами, подключёнными параллельно

Sinisa Radinovic
​бифилярная катушка имеет низкую индуктивность и напряжение больше, чем резонанс Тесла

​Руслан, в 6-м стриме ты 6-раз включал и выключал фонарик тумблером на столе, тот в свою очередь отражался в глянцевой полки, и было видно как ты его включаешь и выключаешь, прокомментирую плиз

так заварится пока так насчёт насчёт гранаты ребят Сразу говорю это граната это одновременно трансформаторы фильтр и если вы Ома Таити то она волшебства никакого вам не сделает можете сколько угодно её мотать Бестолковые абсолютно она просто так фильтр работает трансформатор фильтр То есть она своём обратным обратной намоткой она просто-напросто не пускает задерживает ток то есть что происходит когда вы навстречу две противофазе к То есть это получается в этот момент как бы вытеснение двух магнитных полей Возьмите два магнита И когда вы их одноимёнными полюсами начинаете приказать они отталкиваются вот примерно то же самое там то есть отталкивается Ток ток в выкидывается в нагрузку да то есть таким образом но этого можно и не делать да то есть граната это необязательный атрибут всего этого безобразия которое вы пытаетесь сделать это я Вам сразу говорю вот просто как бы таким образом понимаете вы вы вообще внимательно Посмотрите на гранату туда как граната выглядит у неё значит намотан первый второй слой затем с этой стороны индуктор который покрывает только одну часть и вот из Лего акулу смотрите над этим же индуктором висит антенна Почему А всё очень просто поскольку идет создание вакуума в этом месте и чтобы энергия резко как-бы скакнуло то есть вылетел в импульсе туда то получается в этом месте в этом месте сосредоточенно магнитное поле и в этом месте происходит вот этот удар да то есть как бы толкане только а что касается вот этого импульса который пойдёт он просто понимает в чём дело он ударяется как бы я вам рассказываю простым языком для того чтобы вы не заморачивались на какие-то сложности я вам рассказываю простым совершенно вот самым простым языком Вот это есть она происходит алкание тока и как-бы отскок Ну чтобы задержать Понимаете в этом месте потому что вы понимаете Если бы у нас она туда-сюда была намотана и так товарному так Нет бтг вы ничего не понял Так до граната фильтр низких частот коммерсанта включенными параллельно нет ничего там параллельно конденсаторов не надо бифилярная катушка имеет никакой индикаторы напряжения Что вы Уважаемые там так чуть-чуть что стоп стоять Так ладно потом почитаем ваши комментарии тот написал человека типа вот типа не существует Я говорю не b-tg и не существует Точнее бтг не существует Зачем гаранин И какие грани Да не совсем понял Так сколько стоит твоя установка смотря какая какую хотите Ну давайте эти цены Мы будем обсуждать не здесь пожалуйста Я вас умоляю просто в на самом деле как бы так Почему не мотаешь обычные катушки Зачем гранаты мотают 2 киловатта Ну приблизительно где-то то Ну смотря какая говорю ещё это надо обсуждать Лично я думаю это самое потом поговорим как-нибудь на другой трансляции Давайте об этом поговорим там есть Разная как бы структура есть структура скажем самый простой генератор у которого Вот блин показать нету убрался отсюда есть простой генератор у которого амперметр-вольтметр эти стрелочные стоят да А есть у которых Цифровой и всё это есть есть Интернет вход и всё остальное значит ещё раз хочу сказать тем кто думает что это самое имеет какую индуктивность напряжение возникает Так ребят никаких напряжений в резонансе стисла не возникает Евгений лавренков Это я вам точно могу сказать ть ть вот так по поводу что можно купить расскажем в следующий раз не сейчас не сегодня потому что ещё раз говорю установок много она разная то есть и конечному результату я ещё не пришёл То есть я её печку Электроника и так так чтобы она была то есть максимально крутой в том плане что её Можно контролировать на расстоянии чуть ли не через мобильный телефон и знать что происходит Приветствую что касается

er we
​все гранаты мотаеш ? Руслан, зачем гранииы

​сколько стоит твоя установка?

er we
​почему не мотаеш обычные катушки? зачем гранаты


er we
​раньше мотал гранаты а потом стал ставить феритовые кольца по выходу дроссели?

Sinisa Radinovic
​бифилярная катушка имеет низкую индуктивность, а напряжение возникает из-за резонанса с тесла

Евгений Лавренко
​без Теслы можно качать ток в катушке, вместо Теслы можно любой ВВ источник

Alex. ander
​что именно можно купить?

Юрист Ютюба
​О .. приветствую

o m
​Руслан, как вы поняли что генератор начал работать в первый раз?

Евгений Лавренко
​это не моё сообщение, внимательно читай сообщения

Юрист Ютюба
​Как быть с фейком? БТГ Генератор и Дмитрий Максимов даже таймкоды вашего видео сделали.

Евгений Лавренко
​без Теслы можно качать ток в катушке, вместо Теслы можно любой ВВ источник

​ты порекомендовал нам схему Dally. но эту установку по этой схеме никто не смог повторить

Balodis Andrejs
​Часные консультации возможны как сязатся

вы уехали из дома и хотите знать что происходит в доме кто Какую нагрузку сколько там ампер потребляет и там подобное Или например вдруг не зимой внезапно как бы этот аппарат вырубился и надо его рестартнуть вы это сможете сделать удалённо да то есть он вам вас предупредит об этом и всё То есть даже до такой степени Но это всё как бы это проекты проекты проекты Теперь давайте как бы по поводу того что я ещё раз говорю если вы сделаете Я буду рад Как вы поняли что генератор начал работать в первый раз это не моё сообщение матерные читает сообщения не читаю я очень извиняюсь если я кого-то может быть там пропустил Сразу говорю значит как я понял я на самом деле неустановку сразу собирать стал Я экспериментировал немножко с другим Мне надо было понять откуда энергия берется Ну вот когда я начал собирать установку чисто по своим размышлениям поскольку я же вы знаете что я радиовещания занимаюсь вот за мной за моей спиной радиопульт два компа да микрофон я иногда из дома работаю я сейчас построил тут небольшое такой поэтому меня и не было я занимался там короче говоря вот этим всем делом Чтобы я люблю качество поэтому скажем так вещание через шутка через интернет меня не устраивает как быть с фейком бтг генератор Дмитрий Максимов даже ещё какие там таймкоды какой фейк про какой фейк какой там генератор он сделал Какие таймкоды вы не там ищите без смысла можно качать ток в катушке вместо Теслы можно любой вы можно да да ты прокомментировал схему Долина схеме чистые консультации возможны как связаться подумаем как связаться прямо здесь можно связаться но у меня есть и почта электронная которая всё время работает вот но я правда не всегда и не всем отвечаю потому что это просто Ребята давайте То есть вы ну как бы понимаете У меня башка закипит если я вам всем буду консультации давать Каждому по отдельности это Сумасшедший дом вы просто внимательно слушайте видео экспериментируйте то что я вам показывал и говорил в прошлый раз я вам показывал схему Как получить энергию из среды теперь Задумайтесь как электричество работает Вы же когда качели качаете то есть в вашем последнем видео сделал комментарий фонарика Вы отвечаете правду пожалуйста энигматис 3 блин пришёл тут ё-моё чудик это самодиагностика кое-как Какие конкретно вы ко мне претензии Я же вам сказал что фонарик этот не вечный это вообще всё не вечно все эти вот аппараты нет никаких фейков это всё не вечно это всё имеет источник преобразователя другой энергии то есть это может быть Энергия из феррита то есть конкретно блин как он назывался в науке этот самый Неон да то есть когда выделяешь его препарат при помощи пилообразного сигнала разгоняя магнитное поле есть такой почитайте просто внимательно есть статья вообще 2000 года где чувак этот вот это даже на странники она это статья это самое фигурировало Там где-то где на мультивибраторе делали школьники там мощный этот самый трансформатор записали там лампу 300 вт так что я ничего так я понимаю работа приборов

Юрист Ютюба
​в вашем последнем видео 2 автора сделали коментарии к фейку фонарика. Вы отвечайте правду пожалуйста и не игнорьте

​как не хорошо получилось с фанариком на прошлом стриме. спалился с фокусом)

Ximer Dark
​Я так понимаю работа приборов основана на импульсном ударе и последующем длительном резонансном колебании

Alex. ander
​простое устройство, которое непрерывно заряжает аккумуляторы 24 часа без подачи энергии. вы предлагаете это?

БТГ-шник life
​А первый фонарик у Вас был на прожекторе 100 Вт или 300 Вт - он работает ?

er we
​Стенли Мейера разкусил?

er we
​На принципе твоего БТГ он идет

Юрист Ютюба
​Вы показывали в видео как он работает, потом вы на полку его ложили, потом вы говорили, что он работает, но запалились на отражении лампы которая у вас сверху

Юрист Ютюба

Юрист Ютюба
​Выше читайте

Юрист Ютюба
​Вы показывали в видео как он работает, потом вы на полку его ложили, потом вы говорили, что он работает, но запалились на отражении лампы которая у вас сверху

так не совсем сейчас понял Ну ладно Так я просто говорю ещё раз что никаких фейков я не делаю фонарик тот который я при всех вас выбросил мусор не полетел мусорник действительно Потому что я не собираюсь этим заниматься это Стэнли мая раскусил А зачем мне его раскусывать что Стэнли мэйер а то есть мои партнеры по как бы по бизнесу имеют его машину у себя в арсенале в Америке на принципе твоего бтг он идёт Ну да Ну не знаю не знаю какой На каком принципе моего бтг он идёт ещё раз говорю забудьте слово btg это раз если вы такие то есть знаете я на самом деле почему вот как бы что прокомментировать простите что прокомментировать новыми объясните что я должен прокомментировать ваше сообщение от целой кучи не Кладите сюда пожалуйста Не выкладывайте потому что я просто не успеваю читать и мне на экране буквально несколько секунд а затем тухну Я не буду читать выше Я говорю ещё раз я телефоном снимаю мне сейчас вот ваше сообщение но пропадёт да то есть Так вы видят как он работает потом на полку его Ну что он работает который у вас Ну и что дальше что ну положил я выбросил потом бестолковая абсолютно он он потух да то есть потух потом не запустился и ну и хрен с ним вот в чём факта Я же предупреждал что это не вечный фонарик Да он работает у него он работает именно то есть как бы сам от тебя то есть но твой лица не видно зачем вам моё лицо по схеме дали никто не смог повторить Почему никто не смог там не смогли повторить только по одной причине потому что у людей просто мозгов нету Вот и все дела всё очень просто если вы считаете что замыкать кабель в конце и низкочастотный диод вообще-то есть

Balodis Andrejs
​Твоего лица невидно

​по схеме Dally никто не смог повторить

o m
​Как узнать что энергия от среды пошла?

БТГ-шник life
​А первый фонарик у Вас был на прожекторе 100 Вт или 300 Вт - он работает ?

​Руслан, ты щёлкал тумблером 6-ты раз на видео видно

er we
​Ты смотрел новое видео васмуса? Вот он чушь прогнал

Donatas F
​Привет Руслан! Купил высоковольтный трансформатор как у тебя залитый в силиконе.... резонанс на 64кГц... Сойдёт ?

Alex. ander
​что не следует понимать. Может ли ваше устройство заряжать аккумулятор 12 В 250 А постоянно в течение 24 часов без какого-либо источника энергии?

​хватит про фонарик, не удобно человеку

говорить такое Что за бред Откуда вы взяли такой Чур объясните мне он он я вас мусор посмотрел кстати он тоже подтверждает некоторые вещи Привет купил Высоковольтный трансформатор как у тебя силиконе сойдёт конечно почему нет вам же надо противофазу получить синеватой с двух концов который никуда не подключаются просто между ними создается вакуум вот и всё но этот вакуум он же перестань предпринимает Может ли вы устройство заряжать аккумулятор 12 вольт 250 минут постоянно в течение 2 Да запросто может заряжать А что Нет хватит про фонарик неудобно человеку мне неудобно Неудобно мне просто это фонарик одно место Подождите секунду я сейчас отойду

Юрист Ютюба
​Вы змеёй клубитесь. Ответте на вопрос почему вы показывали фонарь в стриме и он гас. Вы реально прикалываетесь или все стримы для хомяков?

er we
​я с качера противофазу сделал - от земли оторвал.

Юрист Ютюба
​Вы змеёй клубитесь. Ответте на вопрос почему вы показывали фонарь в стриме и он гас. Вы реально прикалываетесь или все стримы для хомяков?

Ximer Dark
​Кстати, как насчет запуска генератора не от АКБ, а от динамомашины? РУчку покрутил и он запустился типа

er we
​пацаны заманали с фонариком реально

Юрист Ютюба
​Друзья, пусть он ответит на вопрос

Юрист Ютюба
​Вы змеёй клубитесь. Ответте на вопрос почему вы показывали фонарь в стриме и он гас. Вы реально прикалываетесь или все стримы для хомяков?

так не успел я прочитать кстати запуска генератора neato кб-1 Вот ещё один глупый человек Простите меня за за правдивый Как сказать выскальзывающий момент в вашу сторону ну зачем странный человек Что вы хотели то есть человек пытается меня сейчас в чем-то уличить Как узнать что энергии среды подождите я помню правда так противофазу сделал А я на качели противофазу сделал замечательное я вам рисовал Когда делать ть ть Значит м по поводу фонарика честно скажу Вы можете идти очень далеко и лесом нету камеры и не люблю я камеру Как у вас заказать бтг бтг шнек эту тему мы как-нибудь потом поднимем да то есть когда немножко документы сделаю тогда поднимем тему То есть это не в этот раз в следующий раз потому что были эксперименты началась коммерция насчёт что касается значит фонариков этих ещё раз говорю ацепись не сваливается с ответами юрист с YouTube Я тебя сейчас заблокирую и ты больше Здесь вопрос своих не задашь я тебе ещё раз сказал и прямо сказал это всем и откровенно что этот фонарь может тухнуть у него уходит частота эту чистоту постоянно надо подстраивать Почему Потому что сам феррит материал он из-за того что его бомбардирует постоянно пилообразный сигнал Он выходит из строя этот фонарик он прошел через кучу рук и на самом деле у меня есть целая куча подтверждений где люди вообще часами этот фонарик смотрели как он горел он Я его помою в каком-то из первых видео показывал он там пока мы болтали он светился без проблем я ничего не трогал на нём он просто исчерпал свой феррит который в принципе уже давно я там не менял в вас такой ответ устроит Если да то давайте юрист Уважаемый противник так сказать цепляли щик youtuba мы не видели как ты ВК

o m
​Как узнать что энергия от среды пошла?

er we
​я на качере противофазу сделал

​почему стримишь через телефон. камеры нет чтоли

БТГ-шник life
​А как у Вас заказать БТГ ?

БТГ-шник life
​Хотьбы на 500 Вт

Юрист Ютюба
​Не сваливайте с ответа

er we
​у менч купи

er we

​руслан мы видили как ты выключал кнопкой его. цватит

​Руслан, видео висит у Максимова, с тайм кодами, в отражении полки видно как ты включаешь и выключаешь его)))

Юрист Ютюба
​Давайте ещё раз. Вы показали фейк в прямом эфире. БТГ Генератор и Дмитрий Максимов показали вашу лажу. Вам не стыдно дальше нести чушь? Это принципиально меня забанить?

Arman Gevorkyan
​А фонарик работает на параметрическом резонансе?

БТГ-шник life
​А Вы не обманите с БТГ ? А то то всякие троли про Вас пишут

​Притом 6-ты раз!


кнопка включать как его так увидели у Максиму с тайм кодами отравит видео как ты включаешь его я включаю его Кого Давайте ещё раз вы показывали фейк прямом эфире бтг генератор Дмитрий Максимов показал вашу Да ну вас всех в ж*** вместе с вашим этим самым эффектным и тому подобное потом мне вы понимаете Мне вообще п**** если так вот честно и откровенно да То есть вы сюда пришли что уличать меня в какой-то лжи у вас вы можете н**** идти со своим Дмитрием там блять Максимом которые там это самое то есть что-то там это самое Короче говоря таймкоды какие-то там и тому подобное я кнопкой что-то включал Я говорю ещё раз Вы можете идти вот куда я вас послал и б**** просто не сидеть и не раздражать людей вот и всё Ну чистая То есть вы пришли по делу Давайте по делу если нет Валите н**** отсюда вот и все пироги То есть это вот чисто вот мужской разговор Зато честно и откровенно Я человек прямой и не боюсь никого и мне вот это вот Стрим твой Какой миф Какой миф надо дурачок огневка валюта у меня тут тоже один долбаёб рассказывает что он конденсаторы подключил сделал генератор и фонарик типа у него светился как намотать катушку дали Посмотрите на его форум я эту ссылку кидал сейчас я её искать не буду у меня тут Компьютер выключен но там есть у него всё очень просто я ещё раз говорю То есть если мы с вами не будем тратить время на всякие фонарики дебильные котят чтобы он прыгает с одной

er we
​Мейера бы обсудили но тут не следует писать, и ладно. ты сам все знаешь )) В землю идет несиметричный ток вот иза этого выделяется водород. А на переменке чистой не будет

​Руслан посмотри, твой стрим и твой 🔦 развей миф, скажи что это фейк!)

БТГ-шник life
​А как мотать катушку Дали ?

Balodis Andrejs
​Как настоить качер чтоб он мог прыгать с1/4 на 1/2


Arman Gevorkyan
​Пилообразный сигнал нужен для изменения параметров сердечника

БТГ-шник life
​А инвертор нужен ?

er we
​Руслан, будет работать и замкнутый кабель и разомкнутый )))

Ximer Dark
​Почему в устройствах не применяется динамомашина как стартер? например использовать высоковольтную динамку для запуска системы с резонансом

параметры сердечника к так инвертор нужен с вами работать Замкнутый кабель и разомкнутый так вот в том-то и дело что вы взяли замкнули кабель в конце и думаете что дали вас так это сам поймите все эти вот товарищи которые так сказать что-то собрали Animal то что они обосрались сами да то есть по большому счёту вот я до этого не дошёл до То есть у меня слава Богу Бог миловал я решил за свои деньги разобраться да то есть ну правда там вылез один кадр который решил сперва по всему Ютубу разгонять что не работает потом вдруг заработал а потом когда за ж*** взяли начал другие сказки рассказывать о но правда видите как это самое отвечать на твои слова Слушай юрист Иди в ж*** вот и всё вот как бы за какие слова Я должен перед тобой отвечать такой вообще ты вообще никто ты можешь идти блять своими словами и засунуть их в з****** Я вообще про это делал говорить не хочу так ок

Юрист Ютюба
​Тоесть отвечать за свои слова вы не согласны?

​какие кабеля нелья замыкать в конце?

Fill Zauber
​Руслан ты прав на 100%, все работает!

Сергей Полянский
​РУСЛАН.....Скажи для чего нужна земля в установке???.....Хотя бы в двух словах!!!!🔥🔥🔥

​Они говорят про запись твоего стрима, на канале "БТГ Генератор" где действительно на рассеивателе твоей лампы видно как ты его включаешь и отключаешь с тумблера...

Юрист Ютюба
​Я пояснил. И никто - ты

​какие конкретно кабеля нельзя замыкать?

БТГ-шник life
​Руслан зачем Вы так грубо ? Тут люди все по делу собрались .... Какая катушка лучше работает ?

нужно Земля хотя бы 2 словах земля в установке не нужна Я вам сразу говорю окружающей среда может работать это ты никто ютубер хрена блин юрист б**** б**** Тебе до меня ещё эволюционирует ещё много чтобы тут вообще тявкать язык свои высовывать б**** мозгов нету у тебя тут только весит как разоблачить кого-то Иди разоблачает в ж*** со своими разоблачениями Сиди там помалкивай если по делу пришел Давай если нет п***** н**** отсюда не было мыть ни меня ни людей идиот вот такие вот дураки их целый интернет А знаете что самое обидное вот выложишь так сказать какой-нибудь какой-нибудь там схему или что-то используя давление воздуха не Ну насчёт давления воздуха не могу сказать эволюционирует колхозе Зачем этот человек просто глупая вот ты знаешь у меня такое впечатление что ты тебе лет не знает 15 можешь 25 силы да то есть потому что ты просто вот сидишь тебе зубами скрипеть кроме как этим заниматься больше нечем делать Ты вообще вот как бы у меня такое впечатление что ты не только паяльник никогда в руках не держал А у тебя реально То есть у тебя нет ни капельки смекалки ничего Ты только можешь вот здесь это самое сидеть тявкать как говорится и думать что ты здесь один герой Всё короче давайте хрен с ним это самое Это было видно свой генератор Дмитрия Максимова два канала который твой фейк Да пускай н**** твой Дмитрий Максимов идёт ты можешь его отправить Дмитрия Максимова там и два канала Давай хоть 3 канала человек Вот что он может показать он здесь был не был блять Какой Вот настырный идинахуй чувак жалко Блин не успел его с*** этого пидораса заблокировать ничего попадешься ещё раз нажму точно чтобы ты сходил далеко и надолго

Arman Gevorkyan
​А можно аналог системы сделать использую давление воздуха?

Юрист Ютюба
​Эволюционируй как хочеш, зачем сотоварищей напарил?

​какие конкретно кабеля нельзя замыкать?

​блоканул походу

Юрист Ютюба
​Это было видно всем. БТГ генератор и Дмитрий максимов - 2 канала которые твой фейк показали.

Юрист Ютюба
​Как не стыдно в прямом эфире фейк показывать

​Руслан, хотелось бы полезной инфо, с фонарем реальный прикол, лучше бы ты его не доставал, либо лампу бы включил) там Реал видно как ты его включаешь и выключаешь)

БТГ-шник life
​Коллега - подскажите катушку на стоячих теслах куда мотать ?

er we
​Дмитрий у тебя на конфе был

Юрист Ютюба

катушку Дмитрий у меня был Дмитрий у меня не был на конфетах сказать и всё это Чушь собачья это Это просто люди которым Делать не хрен они вот сидят Ведь они не понимают из-за того что они не понимают они злятся и скрипят зубами найти честно мне очень смешно даже над такими людьми так насчёт заземлением Сразу говорю заземлением Понимаете в чём дело что такое заземление заземление гасит статические токи например там не знаю вот этот самый с Майклом Да ладно идинахуй отсюда смейся там до свидания блин смейся там хоть обосрись б**** умри просто Блин только не лезь сюда надоел уже вот это самое Значит значит что касается катушку на теслах стоячих мотать Ну подождите Давайте что-нибудь одно то есть у всех куча вопросов вы просто не задавайте вопросы вы послушайте меня что я вам расскажу И вот тогда вы будете понимать вообще как бы от чего отталкиваться значит В какую сторону заходишь в любую сторону вы понимаете что такое трансформатор в любую сторону мотать можно не надо вот эти вот правая и левая сторона вверх-вниз Блин вот я просто вот знаете что самое ваше большая проблема вы сидите вот там какой-то юрист ютубер вместе с каким-то Дмитрием вылезает начинает языком чесать Эти люди никогда со мной не были как бы со мной не знакомы Они здесь никогда не были То есть вы понимаете вообще-то есть Давайте вот логику включим Да вот например также как вот это вот Истерия которая сейчас вокруг да то есть она настолько пахнет враньём по всему миру да то есть что её толком никто не может один Батько Лукашенко только он в соседнем тут недалеко в Белоруссии да то есть он Единственный кто плюнул ему в лицо всем вот и всё и делай по-своему не с моим то что у него там ходу да и по городу ходит ты сейчас мне не ходит в ж*** отморозили уже давно вот я просто хочу как бы Понимаете в чём дело вот я вам просто хочу сказать Вот посмотрите какая интересная штука прослеживается белгейтс там заявил да то есть что он там будет сейчас типа сокращение населения планеты и всё такое да то есть сайте он с майкрософта начал Да допустим Ну то есть Microsoft Давайте возьмем такой момент Microsoft что нам Microsoft с вами делает Microsoft нам даёт Windows то есть там вот с экспертом 95 по десятку сейчас да то есть я семерками пользуюсь Пока что вот пока ещё полностью так сказать на них ещё что-то есть то есть потом переустановлю потому что с десяткой людям просто мучаются до жути Вот мы сейчас не об этом Я о том что человек просто всю жизнь занимался Как говорится вирусами в компьютерными теперь полез вирусы в человеческие да то есть и развел вот это вот х**** покупай типа апдейты да качаю потом раз вирусняк попал и это самое Так вот не задавайте вопросов а вот просто послушайте внимательно о чём я хочу сказать Значит я в интернет в эфир вот этот вот выхожу ребят у меня за спиной Я лучше там с публикой пообщаюсь у меня тут 1000000 с лишним слушает Да мне вообще по барабану на 43 человека на видео выходить связь для того чтобы вам объяснить что мы с вами не тем занимаемся вот просто я пытаюсь вам объяснить чтобы вы спустились с небес такие как вот там вот только что этот юрист ютубер Блин да вот и перестали цепляться за слова то есть человек в руках не держала то что на видео я могу здесь показать что угодно на понимаешь чувак Так что с твоими тайм кодами там и всеми вот этими вот там которые там сидят там акулу разоблачали вообще нормально Чувак я точно знаю что акула не дурак он всё понимает как говорится а тут пришёл один кадр это самое я на самом деле не ищу от вас никакой похвалы ничего я просто вышел вот сейчас я вот сидел компьютер это самое занимался да то есть переустановкой потому что что

Евгений Лавренко
​Руслан, не обращай внимание на лентяев и халявщиков

Сергей Полянский
​А если не земля.......Ты сказал про окружающую среду!!! Энергия из среды берётся???? Если можно тоже в двух словах или подробнее как ты это видишь???🔥🔥🔥

er we
​в 2016 году он был вместе с майклом Г

Юрист Ютюба
​[메시지 삭제됨]

Arman Gevorkyan
​Ввашей системе есть параметрический резонанс?

БТГ-шник life
​Коллега - подскажите катушку на стоячих теслах куда мотать ?

Гиви Чушидзе

er we
​в правую сторону мотай

​да слушать. нужна рабочая схема

er we
​юристы врачи покупают осцилографы и детали и не знают им применение )))

БТГ-шник life
​А синус можно подавать ?

Ion Russu
​огонь !

Гиви Чушидзе


o m
​Еще Швеция забила на грип

Евгений Лавренко
​Лукаш такой же преступник как и те, про кого ты говоришь

Гиви Чушидзе
​Схема вечного фонарика yadi(.)sk/d/Xpw0TXrF3NNsTt спасибо, Руслан!

er we
​с майкрософта начал, и там же закончит))

Сергей Полянский
​Руслан.....ты не договорил про землю и трансформатор!!!!

Гиви Чушидзе
​А вот схема доски за 5 тыщ евров yadi(.)sk/d/gE3arFES3Z5Ydj Спасибо, Руслан!

​включи свет, тебя не видно

Fill Zauber
​Руслан уже все секреты открыл в своих видео... Руслан молодец!!!

​Руся реально завязывай бомбить. .. ПРОСТО ГОВОРИ - ЭТО же ТВОЙ ЭФИР!!!

​Руслан, подскажи, можно ли разогнать последовательный колебательный контур разогнать на дросселях с высоким омическим сопротивлением?

er we
​Руслан Radio Player на двух винампах помнишь ???

сейчас просто выносной студии делают мне надо допустим я человек я педантичен ко всему да то есть мне надо что всё идеально было вообще просто идеально чтобы звук идеально чистой был я не люблю там всякие shoutcast и передавать MP3 вообще терпеть не могу я передаю звук в цифре да то есть потому что по-другому сейчас уже как бы особо и не передашь я перегоняю сигналы через не через рейки А через закрытую сеть и это никакие два винампа Ты что шутишь Winamp это вообще это прошлый век радио работает на профессиональных программах то есть И вот как раз это профессиональная программа она как раз всё это и делает Вот это Извините меня то есть мясо тут радиооборудования вещать который 1000 стоит в этот Рассказывайте правилам по какие-то вы что шутите Как работать людям Веном так чисто вспомогательная примочка которая может там допустим сидишь там плеер там песня прослушиваешь да то есть допустим какие-нибудь тогда винампа можно пользоваться Это я как бы постараюсь у вас радио плеер Winamp ах это решение вообще 2000 какого-то там 90 какого-то года это уже давно как бы как бы это уже давно не радио плеер программа которую Мальцев делает по-моему в России классная программа и сейчас она там вообще всё круто и всё здорово там уже давно нет никаких виноватых там собственно это самогонка кружка умеете Крым Россия подарили из Крыма привезли я с такой кружкой вообще сейчас они успокоились стараются тут когда увидели меня на фото с этой кружкой в такой ванне подняли мы чуть ли не преступник государство было Ладно это всё идиотизм которые блин занимается вообще б**** бред какой-то Вот сидят пидораса вот подобного рода там юриста блин это самое только не в государстве и везде такие ладно Так теперь ребята я не читаю ваши сообщения пока ты-то чтобы не тормозится да то есть не тормозит мысли Подождите пока я объясню сейчас всё абсолютно как бы на пальцах Если вы радиолюбители которые таскать занимаются радио Toyota радиодеталями и умеют паять схемы они просто пришли какие-то люди которые вообще ничего не понимают да то есть в этом деле или как бы понимают но плохо это уже другой вопрос а то есть Понимаете в чём дело у меня два инженерных образования то есть соответственно с этими инженерными образованиями естественно я знаю очень многое у меня логика развита очень сильно То есть я не говорю о том что я здесь сейчас не-не-не прошу похвалы какой-то тра-ля-ля 3 руб. Я просто пытаюсь объяснить вам очень простым языком для того чтобы вы понимали но многие из вас почему-то этому противиться начинаю злиться ругаться материться и тому подобное Ну я как русский мужик тоже матерюсь Но почему нет то есть иногда выразить свою мысль хочется но понимаете есть есть есть такие вещи Как скажем так ну уважение вообще-то да то есть в обществе и вот такие как бы сидящие люди которые начинают мне говорить что я Вике показываю Слушайте а в чём смысл вы думаете что у меня есть время фейками заниматься у меня у меня его этого времени нет уже с того времени как я начал Только заниматься своей радиостанцией мне нету смысла как бы показывать эти фейки они мне просто на хрен не упали Или мне надо собрать коробку и показать всего смотрите Ну вы же не верите зачем мне это делать ну то есть Я показывал своё время я обрадовался что у меня получилось но я Правда единственное что вот я говорю ещё раз я родила когда собирал Я много чего не знал сейчас я знаю про это всё абсолютно То есть я даже включил приемник услышу что там не так понимаете то есть не говорю о том что если я использую для скажем для оборудования для измерения и там вообще я стилограф и генератора и спектроанализатора для того чтобы видеть вообще что происходит у меня в Латвии радио вещает так как не вещает у конкурентов ни одного даже Латвийское радио так не работает на сколько у меня здесь всё идеально у меня инспекция электросвязи

Александр Мышенок
​включи свет, тебя не видно

Ion Russu
​Доброго время Руслан. по конкретнее к теме эфира и работы устройства

er we
​а что забыл, раньше на 2 винампах пахали через радио плеер )))

​тебя не видно

Евро Сервис
​Привет. Я смотрел канал "Бтг генератор" и тоже удивился. Какой смысл с того что вы в прямом эфире у вас фонарь потух, а потом воскресс.

Сергей Полянский
​РУСЛАН🔥🔥🔥 договори про землю и трансформатор!!! это интереснее чем Юриста читать!!! Поверь пока ты здесь хочется нужную инфу узнать!!!!!

er we
​это щас все круто стало )))

Гиви Чушидзе
​А вот схема доски за 5 тыщ евров yadi(.)sk/d/gE3arFES3Z5Ydj Спасибо, Руслан!

​Руслан, напиши почту. Поговорить о преобретении.

Гиви Чушидзе
​Схема вечного фонарика yadi(.)sk/d/Xpw0TXrF3NNsTt спасибо, Руслан!

Donatas F
​Руслан. Чем лучше качать высоковольтник? Полумостом, мостом? Или одним транзистором сойдёт?

​руслан давай по схеме Dally

Гиви Чушидзе
​Схема вечного фонарика из мусорного ведра с прошлого стрима yadi(.)sk/d/Xpw0TXrF3NNsTt спасибо, Руслан!

Евро Сервис
​я не думал, что вы фейками занимаетесь. А зачем вам это?

Гиви Чушидзе
​Схема вечного фонарика, который погас на прошлом стриме в прямом эфире yadi(.)sk/d/Xpw0TXrF3NNsTt спасибо, Руслан!

er we
​У Гта дома включал на 150 ват?

Гиви Чушидзе
​Тут пацаны спрашивают, зачем мотаешь гранаты?

БТГ-шник life
​У Гта дома включал на 150 ват? - там инвертор

Гиви Чушидзе
​Расскажи про светодиодные лампочки.

er we
​В Латвии нарушают расширение спектра????

БТГ-шник life
​А вы не подскажите какие транзистры лучше карбид-кремневые или арсенид-галлевые????

Я знаю как это работает теперь давайте как бы то есть многие задают вопрос откуда я это знаю То есть почему это самое ребятки Я занимаюсь радио ещё раз говорю а соответственно Я знаю что такое эфир Я знаю что такое фир нарушают расширение Латвии нарушают расширение Спектра Латвии они его Не нарушают они просто ничего не делают для того чтобы качественно что-то звучало да то есть у нас РДС на программ сервисном показывает название песен вместо того чтобы это показывать специальность строке где это нужно в итоге приёмнике на многих автомобилях класса Люкс показывают это место просто как Local Radio и не могут понять куда вообще переключаться и что-то есть ты не даже не знаешь это я скажу тебе так по поводу того чтобы расширить полосу полоса уф - это 300 килогерц то есть FM передатчик работает на 300 МГц то есть там вот это гармошка этот как бы она постоянно вот так вот гуляет да то есть ну а потом как-нибудь покажу Вот то есть это гармошка это и есть частотная модуляция и в FM стерео сигнале то есть deviation должна быть не превышать 75 килогерц А у нас она ин
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2021, 09:37:59 PM
На качелях можете качать можете так вот в этой системе та же самая история ребятки тоже самое абсолютно она Ничем не отличается абсолютно от как бы просто Единственное что вот этот импульс который постоянно колбасит по это самое толкает ток в нужном направлении да То есть вы же знаете как подстанция электростанций как работают они когда меня с собой все параллельно соединяются Вы же не можете все три фазы соединиться от Отрадной подстанции просто три фазы соединить Так там ты и всё Я оставил запустить это всё потребители можете нет потому что ба-бах будет конкретный б**** всё сгорит Почему Потому что нет синхронизации Вам Надо чётко фронт фронт попасть из-за чего все эти как бы электрические сети синхронизируется Если вдруг что-то не так как система либо отключает подстанцию да либо подгоняет синхронизацию в курсе вообще что даже тормозят Ну раньше тормозили генераторы сейчас немножко другим способом фазу регулирует дата есть на Почему на подстанциях все эти леса висят там полная ж*** там вообще посмотришь думаешь б**** могли бы провода просто провести и всё там подключить какие-то не знаю переходники поставить но там какие-то херне висят там блин Люстры какие-то там да То есть вы что думаете Просто так висит Всё Вы должны просто понять что такое синхронизация Как сделать чтобы ток по фазе совпадал Почему именно по фазе потому что постоянном токе этого не требуется там плюс и минус есть там Понятно фаза откуда идёт плюс и как говорится в какую сторону идёт бежит ток если в переменном токе вы фазу перепутайте то там если фазы отстают друг от друга ещё ничего страшного сильно да то есть будет простота фаза которая первая будет питать источник этого самого то что за ней она будет тормозить там будет уже нехорошо да то есть потребителю будет нехорошо Вот а если взять в противофазе включить таза вообще замыкание будет Понимаете в чём дело то есть Поэтому фишка работы этой системы это соединить системы по фазе вот в чём вся суть Вот и импульс этот он просто по фазе Но вот это то что синусоиду вы пытаетесь катчером бить ребята Это вы просто подгонять итог но как говорил Романов i.c.e. где если там нет как вы называете сверхединица это не сверхединица её вообще не существует больше 100% КПД не бывает Поэтому забудьте про эссе бтг нету этого ничего есть просто преобразователь из энергии окружающей среды То есть это сбор вот как в горах да то есть тает снег и уже пока он доходит до нижней части горы он превращается в водопад откуда С горы вода течёт иначе есть такое есть вот тут тоже самое ребятки Вы должны собрать Вот это всё воедино и это запустить в систему свою не с помощью магнита Если вы магнитом начинаете собирать эту энергию вы естественно на проводник это пытаетесь слить А когда вы это сливайте на проводник проводник тоже даёт своё своё магнитное поле они сталкиваются КПД падает У тебя есть whites обратно НДС В этой системе в этих генераторах обратное DS Она лишь добавляет скажем так энергии то есть КПД таких установок приблизительно 57 60% до 70% можно достигнуть КПД такими установками поэтому их Пока сильно не раскрывают Но это зеленая энергия она существует она есть но опять же Это зеленая энергия она как вам сказать это это батарейка потому что в землю штырь на котором постоянно висит ток это ну поймите То есть это вот тоже самое что говорят 0 и 0 из заземления никогда на земле не должно быть напряжение то есть только не должно быть иначе даже специальные устройства это сам выскочил из головы как называется вырубают Если у вас на землю идёт как бы какое-то определённое это самое количество этих самых Понимаете в чём дело

Гиви Чушидзе
​Ты давай подробнее тайминги, когда создавать вакуум, когда его убирать.

БТГ-шник life
​А фонарик на железном трансформаторе будет работать вечно ?

​Грузинское БТГ- полусухое

Simple Sergey
​Феерично! Уже неделю-две твой стрим с фонариком, где ты его за кадром включаешь/выключаешь лежит на Ютуб. Да только отражение в полке тебя подвело :(. А ты его не видел?! И кто здесь тролль, фейкер?

​Руслан _:пример:две пары катушек одна севорм ,другая югом к ротору северному .Сверху ставим плексигласс пластину над и скорость ротора увеличивается . Почему?

Гиви Чушидзе
​Что за отражение на полке? Поясни.

Александр Мышенок

er we
​собирастор зарядов CR2032 рекомендую ставьте леса

БТГ-шник life
​а как сделать по фазе на стоячий волне ?

Гиви Чушидзе

БТГ-шник life
​По фазе сети ?

er we
​в противофазе вал сразу срежет на ТЭЦ

er we
​как бритвой хем сброет подчистую.

БТГ-шник life
​Таблетки походу выплюнул

er we
​сбор статики и обработка в токовый однополярный импульс

​Романов сказал СЕ в сжатом магнитном поле

Ximer Dark
​Эти рпеобразователи сродни ветрякам, солнечным панелям и гидростанциям?

er we
​офицаааант!! Теблетки

​У меня вода течёт из под крана HOT и COLD

Гиви Чушидзе
​Ты что там, БГТ-шник - теоретик? Не надоело языком чесать?

Simple Sergey
​Парни, а почему он в сумраке? Было объяснение ранее?

Александр Мышенок
​БТГ -шник - Фазорасщепитель схема

Советский Север
​Сегодня получилось только зарядить кондер от теслы и зажечь лампочку на 220в 40в)

er we
​Энергрия идет из репозитория.


Гиви Чушидзе
​Придумал блин себе радиопередачу про теорию БГТ

насчёт этого как его называют там насчёт вот этих всех стучал актом по синусоиде это уже второстепенно это когда Вы получили чем стучать то есть ваш импульс должен быть ответом от вакуума теперь задаёт вопрос только iwacu я это называю противофаза это когда высокое напряжение не имеет четверть волны И вообще не связано с волновым процессам если у вас Высокое напряжение имеет волновой процесс это вообще беда потому что у вас идёт разделение тока и напряжения это недопустимо В этой системе никак то есть не надо земли лететь снизу вы сейчас зададите вопрос а что же у акулы там типа длинная заземление в немецкой установки мы видели что провод идет к заземлению Да это так но Вы посмотрите заземление какой провод там идёт давайте-ка попробуем посмотреть приблизительно чистоту Теслы и на такой провод теслу подвесе Посмотрите Будет ли снизу напряжение Конечно будет Вот если снизу и сверху будет противофаза наблюдаться если вас тепло графом Это померяйте почему потому что этот длинный провод он на низкую частоту рассчитан опора низкой частоты то есть импульс низкой частоты будет работать с этой опорой А по высокой частоте этот вот этот длинный провод который он протянул до заземления это фильтр ребятки он не пропускает вообще вообще При таком длинном раскладе Попробуйте теслу блять подключить к этому к такому длинному проводу вы увидите что у вас четверть волны не будет ьт

er we
​когда ответы на телефонные звонки ?

БТГ-шник life
​Х...м по волне сту

БТГ-шник life

Гиви Чушидзе
​Схема вечного фонарика на 494 yadi(тчк)sk/d/Xpw0TXrF3NNsTt спасибо, Руслан! ты дал нам удочки, а рыбы-то нет

er we
​передаю привет маше синусоиде от однополярного импульса

БТГ-шник life

er we
​рыба всплыла на серьезную глубину

Гиви Чушидзе
​Если ты говоришь, что не надо заземлять нижний конец ВВ, то зачем у тебя в установках стоит ТДКС?


er we
​удочки были разщитаны не на такой скилл!

Гиви Чушидзе
​Квадрофиляр - прошлый век, надо октафиляр

БТГ-шник life
​Скилл прокачают все

Donatas F
​У меня тэсла моментально зарежает кондёр до 1200в.... но толку....

БТГ-шник life
​)) октофильр

Гиви Чушидзе
​Если ты говоришь, что не надо заземлять нижний конец ВВ, то зачем у тебя в установках стоит ТДКС?

Гиви Чушидзе
​Если ты говоришь, что не надо заземлять нижний конец ВВ, то зачем у тебя в установках стоит ТДКС? А?

свободную энергию не получите от индукционки не получить нет никакой свободной энергии Ребята вы затрачиваете и получаете свободную энергию Вы можете получить если он возьмёте где-то между инносфера и этой самой и ну где-то там в небе поставите там и конденсатор будет собирать это самое как бы бы стоит тдкс тдкс вообще не годится в этих как-бы устройствах он делает плюс и минус Как вы собираетесь там противофазу делать вытащить диод изнутри Но тогда это твс будет Ну я вам скажу так у Васи очень простая система у Васи вот этого у вас мусор там проще система нету б**** в жизни вы думаете что там у него лежит этот туннельной резонатора на вас всех Напугал этой хуйне вы Испугались что ли Что это прекращайте какой ядерный взрыв никто никаких ядерных взрывов не будет пускать гу-50 лампы прекращайте Ну глупости пишите честно Так давайте это самое я вам объясню у вас Муса этот самый катер работает постоянно и вторая катушка рядом стоит это катушка которая Она же снизу снизу установка Она же это самое это катер посмотрите внимательно у Васи катер Он же не подключен он уже подключен с этим самым Только по питанию и у него стоит этот фильтр То есть раньше он стоял трансформатор фильтрующий по обоим концам питания он же сказал чтобы не перекрыла Вот для чего он это делал чтобы нижнюю часть кратера где он посмотрите внимательно видео все он же перекладывает от тоннельной резонатор разными местами Почему я вам объясню потому что этот н**** тоннели резонатор никому там не нужен он вообще там появился не сразу а потом чтобы вообще мозги запутать конкретно потому что человек настолько был уверен что в это соберете по его первому видела что он не стал это сама Хотя он там сидит потухает смеётся и молодец мужик Конечно Молодец классно Сделал он то есть я-то тоже долго разбирался думал как же с*** работает Это что-то мне непонятно что это как бы крону подключает он оказывается Просто этот самое реле замыкает заряженный конденсатор который там высоким напряжением потому что система вся полностью на высоком напряжении собрано там низкого напряжения вообще нет нигде кроме катчера кстати к чертам питается не знаю вот в том каких 12 13 до 15 это он его он записывает отдельно абсолютно изолирует от всей системы полностью изолирует все системы А как он это делает очень просто всё нижняя часть это одна фаза верхняя часть качается вторая фаза Почему насчёт туда лампочку садят чтобы чуть-чуть Ну как вам сказать чуть-чуть это самое ну вот эту фазу чуть-чуть Ну подровнять Ну поскольку катер он сам чистоту подстраивает то он эту фазу настраивает туда куда надо вот что что не имеет смысла там сильно как бы заморачиваться да то есть у него Вот потому что допустим и простой Теслы которые вы собираетесь там или там трансформатор там этот в противофазе да то есть там постройки такой не будет да то есть там уже надо это будет думать а у него он катер простой Работает Он работает постоянно он даже не выключается не там конденсаторы стоят по питанию какая там может быть это самое так вот да Вася Маслов правильно всё так вот что у него дальше происходит вот там катушка у него правая которая смотреть на схему это катушка на это приёмник она получается как она не приёмник точнее она противофазе между катушкой верхним концом этой катушки и этой-то здесь противофаза уже идёт а как это фигня передаётся но догадайтесь она идёт снизу со всей установки то есть вторая часть установки работают исключительно нижняя часть катера он же катушку это подвигает близко то туда то есть

er we
​[메시지 취소됨]

БТГ-шник life
​А вы использовали в своих установках усилители класса- д ??

​Есть свободная индукционка!)

er we
​er weРуслан на лампах гу50 сделаешь установку ? Вдруг ядерный взрыв ?

БТГ-шник life
​А вы использовали в своих установках усилители класса- д ??

БТГ-шник life
​на Гу 81 делай

er we
​А все пойдут в рай

Гиви Чушидзе
​Зовите васмуса

​все, я понял принцип. спасибо

er we
​У нас один раз в щите на 0.4 перекрыло! Не советую стять когда перекрывает.

БТГ-шник life
​Васмус если не переехал вроде под Луганском жил

​Вот Вася Васмус....

er we
​Кофейку от Васмуса- муссона ?

БТГ-шник life
​Все правильно - одна фаза!

БТГ-шник life
​Золотые слова

Гиви Чушидзе
​Жёппoчесалку от васмуса

​Вася Вантус!

er we
​На авито схему бтг во всю продают

​Я твой Вантус качал!

БТГ-шник life
​от Васмуса ?

Donatas F
​Калибровка с лампой

как бы подвигает к ним чтобы вот этот резонанс найти чтобы обе вот этих вот эти места создавали противофазу где-то там нарисована было где-то он показывал Ну вот это противофаза это и есть вакуум потому что любое чтобы в противофазе делаете она вытесняет энергию То есть это звук Вот можете взять подключить 222 усилителя в противофазе подключить к сигналу вы увидите Что будет в итоге ноль То есть может исчезнуть звук полностью да то есть что такое противофаза перепутайте провода на стерео головки да то есть в магнитофоне один так припаять другой Так что у вас будет будет звучать Да ну звучать будет так что у вас просто кажется что панорама какая-то вообще п***** полный о Теперь давайте возьмём такой момент важный и очень важный да то есть я ещё раз говорю тебе как мы не нравится могут отсюда досвидос и вот туда вот да то есть это самое это называется эффект хатчисона Ну хоть иной эффект видишь Володя все себе придумали какие-то эти самые он же Продольная волна Ну слушай насчёт продольной волны я не согласен А вот насчёт хатчин эффекты всё такое во-первых это природный эффект Сразу говорю а кто чего там придумал эффект хачина хуятина слушает забей Зачем тебе это надо природа придумала да то есть батарейками всё на выход из а Ну правильно Да с батарейками если она выходом хотя в принципе я говорю ещё раз это установка тоже эффект Гатчины Это не я придумал Это широко распространенный термин А ну пускай не я с тобой не спорю то так оно и есть но мы не будем как говорится это самое Нет великим ученым Я какой-то снимаю шляпу То есть это Никола Тесла там ребята хотим тоже там Смит Смит много не рассказал да то есть особо своём этом Почему вообще эти ребята очень много не рассказывают на самом деле немного рассказывают вы просто их не понимаете Я их иногда тоже не мог понять Потому что те люди которые очень глубоко в этом деле сидят они упускают очень мелкие детали из как бы из процессов и ты начинаешь не понимать что происходит Вот у меня спрашивают постоянно как обнаружить окружающую среду как это вообще работает как вакуум сделать Ребят я вам это как бы эту процедуру рассказывал то есть вакуум у вас у вас массово том что он говорил что там катер типа некочан этот тональник начинает захлебываться Да это не тональник захлёбывается вот он и резонатор у него этот это просто пластины которые просто близко подносишь к катеру для того чтобы вот эту противофазу согнать на вторую катушку Это я вам точно говорю я это повторял проверял работает Блин я просто не выкладывала никаких видео Я просто проверил у меня он где-то валяется коробка вместе с этими регулировками Я даже коллегу съездил бы Дай мне резистор вот такой блять Ну там поржал это самое то есть ну у меня там 300ват по-моему получил нет даже 150 Я не помню что я там зажег Ну много не получилось Я дальше дальше не стал заморачиваться потому что это током пизданул там хорошо это самое тоже кондёры заряженной остались я там руками на следующий день они мне устроили Вот у него там этот преобразователь от экономных лампу стул стоял который кондёра заряжает А ты как бы самозапиткой была у него там стоял он там на этом туннелям резонаторе который вы это самое ну ну вот-вот ты по поводу установки СССР Не было никакого вакуума я полностью с этим не согласен Почему объясню потому что чувак Ты не разобрался Честно В этой системе Ты не разобрался ты думаешь Искра не делает вакуум ещё как делает ты будешь искрить по системе и она создает противофазу Ты откуда знаешь что у него где у неё заземление была Ты просто ну не разобрался немножко в этом поэтому Сорри чувак Ну тут без обид СССР система работала единственное что он скажем так что очень было подозрительным

​чувствую, что перехожу на сторону троллей. хотя недавно хотел преобрести...

Гиви Чушидзе
​Тайминги нарисуй вакуума

Гиви Чушидзе
​Тайминги нарисуй вакуума

​это называется ЭФФЕКТ ХАТЧИСОНА

​он же СКАЛЯР

​Я перепутывал, нормально все

Simple Sergey
​Какая вера человеку включающему/выключающему свой «вечный» фонарик за кадром? Отражение в полке его правдивее :). Он же вечный, зачем его выключать? Обманул с фонарём, а остальное типа правда?

er we
​Татайминги !!


er we

Александр Мышенок
​С батарейками всем на выход из чата

er we
​эффект гатчиныlearning

​это не я придумал. это широкораспространённая терминология

Гиви Чушидзе
​да что за история с выключением фонарика и отражением то?

​Иуде ,интересно имхо ,сколько серебра отсыпали,чтобы он сказал-этого не может быть,потому,что не может быть.....вопросриторический))))

Александр Мышенок
​интересно про противофазу

БТГ-шник life
​А какую топологию использовать в Тесле ?

er we
​Хитрость захлебывается )))

БТГ-шник life
​Он таких слов то не знает

Александр Мышенок
​не теряй мысль

Гиви Чушидзе
​А в установке SR не было никакого вакуума, как тебе такое, а?

БТГ-шник life
​там работает волна ?

​Туннельный резонатор от Ваттсона!

вот так что мы не знаем Короче говоря тоннели резонатора 2Т цена не знаю никакую там тоннельного резонаторы ребята Нет это обычными преобразователь был вот это Железяка одну то есть вот это вот то что там смотан А это было просто близко относились Ну поймите ребята правильно для того чтобы продемонстрировать каким-то интересующимся людям которые загорелись глаза и содрать с них побольше бабла надо надо выдумывать какую-то х**** извините за выражение которое будет на оставлено в вашей установке для того чтобы преподнести стоит облить непростой трансформатор какой-то сранный А это б**** целый ноу-хау Как говорит этот самый противофазы обязательно на 180 градусов или 90 нет вот Чем больше противофаза тем больше она вытесняет энергию вокруг нас она должна вытеснять полностью из среды вокруг вот здесь вытеснить чтобы когда вы понимаете в чём дело самая большая ошибка ваша Вот кто там по синусоиде бил вы понимаете в чём дело если вы накачиваем энергию от нуля в Плюс вы не можете получить ещё плюс не бывает такого Вы должны создать вакуум А когда вы этот вакуум отпускаете энергия стремится заполнить это пространство запомните зарубите себе на носу Мотива вот это вот б**** самое главное понимаете в чем дело энергия стремится заполнить это я б**** долго в этом не понимал вот я не мог понять почему с*** это работает когда вот берёшь оставляешь это высокая Я думал что конденсатор какой-то между катушками там или что-то ещё у меня Блин я реально не понимал этого у меня случайно вообще-то вышло я эксперимент делал вот просто вот и Skrill и не мог понять почему Искра пробивает А у меня лампочка вспыхивает неоновая в тот момент когда Искра замыкания блять делает между контактами Почему лампа неоновая вспыхивает в этот момент Что происходит в этом это в 2015 году Я это заметил потом я начал это самое принцип работы в это он же может быть это самое Понимаете в чём дело я скажу Так в чём моя вообще в принципе как бы заслуга наверное всё-таки в этом деле я не изучают детально аппараты этих всех изобретателей там Смита там не знаю там Капанадзе Я посмотрел на них у Капанадзе вообще ничего не понятно было первоначально да то есть как бы дрель не фонарик фонарик там есть конечно но это этот самый шуруповёрт Не смотрите это не вечный фонарик и не вечный шуруповерт Вот то есть я не изучал эти аппараты Почему я объясню Дело в том что что там ещё понятно не было я акулу начал изучать сразу смотреть что он делает потому что я слушал его внимательно мне в свое время предлагали работать следователем в полиции потому что я внимательно слушаю человека и обязательно человек где-то что-то упустит то что нельзя говорить и я из его всех этих разговоров общения с ним и показать показательных процессов видео Я очень долго искал из Контактов вытаскивал его цитаты и я очень много почерпнул скажем так таким образом Я дошёл до его фонарика кстати говоря потому что он обасрался именно с этим делом то есть по большому счёту он мы с ним ещё там тогда какое-то время общались Он мне рассказывал что он там мелочами занимался там у меня этой переписки уже не осталось там у меня зараза удалил Ну и хрен с ним вот вопрос-то не в этом то есть как бы вопрос в том что что я с ним когда вот общался он тоже про мелочевку поеду рассказывала пытался добиться работы феррита но то есть пытался и он тоже мне объяснял что это преобразование одной энергии в другую то есть это можно сделать из всего что угодно просто нужно понимать как это работает и он пытается как бы этим самым скажем так он пытался

БТГ-шник life
​Скоро Шерлок присоеденится

er we
​Током тебя ударяло ???

Donatas F
​А противофазы обязательно на 180 градусов или 90 уже работает?

Гиви Чушидзе
​Точно током ударяло

Советский Север
​Руслан какой площади должен быть лист опоры что бы киловат получчить?

БТГ-шник life
​А стробоскопический осциллограф подойдет ? или я им не чего не увижу ?

Гиви Чушидзе
​в какой момент надо создавать вакуум и в какой его отпускать?

БТГ-шник life
​С9-9 например ? или надо брать 9-11 ? какой включать ?

er we
​Плюс на минус дает заполнение

Arman Gevorkyan
​А когда создаешь вакум тратится энергия тоже

​принцип работу VTA он же SQM Флойда Свита

БТГ-шник life
​На тачек пробивает

o m
​Васмус: ВЧ от качера + НЧ с симистора

БТГ-шник life
​А аппрат Чипа вам знаком ?

​а че неонка не может вспыхивать просто от ЭМ импульса

Гиви Чушидзе
​вечный шуруповёрт

er we
​От моей собачки неонка вспыхивает

БТГ-шник life
​На куртке ?

БТГ-шник life
​Руслан чем мерять - напряжометром ?

​какой к чертям собачим вакуум)))))и ионы)

Donatas F
​У капы где противофаза? Между чем и чем?

er we
​Акула оказался простачком и деревенщиной!

БТГ-шник life
​все таблетки виноваты

это самое он делал ещё там несколько установок я вот это самый я там дальше не не углублялся в процесс у капы где противофаза между чем Как где вы что думаете Высокое напряжение эту противофазу и делает потому что как бы Клин клином вышибает Понимаете в чём дело высокая вокруг нас высокая там то есть там достаточно вполне полтора чтобы это железо до 400 герц да то есть есть такие вот там есть эти на странники выкладывали даже схему где я не знаю вот у Володи выкладывали не выкладывали Там есть такая короче это самое блин короче там какой-то Универ в России там занимался этом они этот самый из лотара сделали 300 ватную лампочку запитали и при этом потребление было системой там мизерная лампочка 300 ваттная горела там в полный накал правда и это самое железо это разваливалось и они это платок под скручивали Ну и потом изучали этот процесс весь Там как бы сама поддерживающие такое резонанс якобы да то есть получился я вам Рассказываю что данные резонанс Он легко и на ферритах делается так что как бы не только на железе просто частоты выше я вам сказал подсказку и он дал пилообразный сигнал Потому что если вы захотите туда пустить импульсы прямоугольной Ну что вы вы Представьте Ну вот молоток гвоздь Вы же колоть эти прямо по гвоздю правильное забивает его Если вы будете боком его колотить Что произойдёт бой соскочит теперь включите мозги как надо разогнать скажем так сделать магнитное поле и крутануть заряженной частицы точнее провернуть это магнитное поле вместе с Ну то есть как бы его внутри этого самого феррита пилообразный сигнал то есть это разогнали обрезали резко разогнали обрезали резко понимаете О чём речь вы толкнули Тоесть пошла обрубил Ась пошла отрубилась вы увидите то есть там будет импульс вверх и такие скачки как бы идти Вот это уже результат то есть дальше подключайте нагрузку но Сразу говорю это импульсная нагрузка поэтому светодиоды в данном случае работается следующим путем То есть это не нагрузка светодиоды они просто горят да то есть эти светодиоды как бы они загораются до такой степени когда начинают ограничивать ток в этот момент система как бы как вам сказать идёт провал и затем система опять вырастает да то есть светодиод опять ограничивает и поэтому получается когда вы подключить эти светодиоды вы увидите что вот эти вот как бы завидуйте они будут падать но этого достаточно чтобы светодиод горел уже То есть вы его глазами не видите Вот например где-то у меня тут был мощный фонарь блин там есть регулировка яркости у светодиодных Ну как светодиодная вообще яркость регулирует То есть то что мы глазами своими не видим да то есть мы там есть несколько позиций его включаете блять Сейчас вот схожу специально покажу чтобы понимали все о чём речь

Александр Мышенок

Гиви Чушидзе
​А как у Капанадзе синхронизируется посредством иксры? На максимуме искры, а остальная синхра как?

er we
​несите другие, эти не действуют

БТГ-шник life
​Фенозипам в студию !

Гиви Чушидзе
​барбитуры пациенту

Александр Мышенок

БТГ-шник life

er we
​он у них распался на атомы, стaтья была в журнале Scitntist

Александр Мышенок
​разваливаться нечему

​Если там мосфет, смысл пилы?

Гиви Чушидзе
​В фонарике феррит разложился на плесень и липовый мёд

er we
​по плану

БТГ-шник life
​[메시지 취소됨]

Советский Север
​тесла чуть город не разрушил своим устроиством, резонанс.


Гиви Чушидзе
​У тебя светодиоды подключены через КРЕНку

Александр Мышенок
​плавное намагничивание а снимать ответку? или в резонанс.....

БТГ-шник life
​Он потерян

er we
​Э.Т. Кренкель изобрел КРЕНКУ! впервые!

Александр Мышенок

БТГ-шник life
​Он совсем не знает что деградация кристалла бывает

Гиви Чушидзе
​Схема вечного фонарика на 494 yadi(тчк)sk/d/Xpw0TXrF3NNsTt спасибо, Руслан! ты дал нам удочки, а рыбы-то нет

​Я не понимаю как мосфетом пилу получить

er we
​Руслан, покажи мощный пушпул????

Александр Мышенок

БТГ-шник life
​вот это лекция

​Фонарь видно!

БТГ-шник life
​С фонарем - свечки брать на следующую ?

er we
​это полицейский фонарь пецназа, без бтг внутрях.

Александр Мышенок

Гиви Чушидзе
​зрители ослепли

er we
​ШИМ синхронизации

Александр Мышенок

er we
​мы устали от бельканий в экранах

мощный фонарь очень мощный фонарь он светит п***** вообще смотрите я включаю маленькую яркость так вот маленькая яркость Обратите внимание Ладно давайте Вот так я показывать не показывать не знаю Да блин к сожалению не видно Так подожди Так будет может так не видно частоты ты так как до камера синхронизирует Так он и сейчас было нормально видите да Вот видите идут полосы это чёрная полоса это когда светодиод потухает вот сейчас очень хорошо видна черная полоса это когда тухнет светодиод белая полоса это когда он горит вот включаю полную свечение Вот видите камеру уменьшила освещение нормально это полное А вот светодиод горит тогда когда мы глазами не видим что есть промежутки где он горит и где он потухает Вот фонарик вот этот вот да который так называемой горит точно таким же да это сын но и светодиод он ну наш глаз не воспринимает яркость светодиода в тот момент когда как бы он резко может потухнуть резко загореться никак лампочка Дана лампочки такой фокус не прокатит а лампочки не нужен мы там через ключ можем просто ограничить ток и сделать яркость меньше В чём кстати большой плюс лампочки простой накаливания светодиодом этот глазом и глаза портил только но светодиодные эти как бы лампы LED они моргает по другой причине Дело в том что они нагружают стабилизаторы точнее преобразователи до такой степени что они ограничивают у него толк и он уже просто это сам там надо просто немножко переделать эти все светильники и они не будут моргать потому что на светодиод не надо подавать пульсирует

Александр Мышенок

БТГ-шник life
​зайчики до сих пор

БТГ-шник life
​Сварочник будет в кадре ?

er we
​светодиод может 1 мегагерц, а глаз не смог!

o m
​- "Вот здесь и, резонанс держится между первичной и ВТОРИЧНЫМИ обмотками".

Гиви Чушидзе

o m
​-"Я просто сделал резонатор, который автоматически держит резонанс".

БТГ-шник life
​Посмотри современные схемы драйверов

БТГ-шник life
​че лечишь ?

er we
​Держите резонанс и все получится! Никола ТЕсла (1899)

Александр Мышенок
​длинна импульса меньше

не мерцая он все здесь у себя в офисе и везде переделывал эту сам переделал всю эту фигню Ладно теперь дальше Поехали Никто никого не лечит вот значит по поводу значит вот этого вот держите резонансы всё получится А знаете резонанса имеет очень много значение вы мне скажите про какой резонанс вы имеете в виду Это не тот классический резонанс где катушка и конденсатор абсолютно не тот надо просто понимать многие вообще не знает как колебательный контур работает и почему колебательный контур при хорошем стечении обстоятельств может как бы скажем так иметь величина колебания да То есть даже такие скану как месячные пока не рассыпятся его материал вот так же как и фонтан Герона да то есть говорят вечно лица будет не будет потому что вода испаряется и поэтому всё ж*** будет этом так вот так же самый фонарик работает Саид Да теперь давайте обратно вернемся к 8:00 и к его этой самой к аппарату Поверьте мне Я знаю про все резонансы в электроники которые могут происходить Я в частности Некоторые из них упомянул сегодня в разговоре Если Вы внимательно слушали вы поймёте О чём речь Вот я говорю с вами многими общаться невозможно вы перебивайте постоянно как бы оскорбляете и как-бы спорить о том Чего нет даже сами не знаете не задумываетесь я провел огромную кучу экспериментов своя лаборатория огромное время здесь посвятил всем этим изучением и не вляпался в отличие от kapanadze я вляпался конечно Ну так чуть-чуть там Руслан ты говоришь что Чистота не имеет значения на любой частоте Вы можете всё сделать Если захотите вакуум делается на любой частоте практически от 1 Герца начиная Ну вот три резонанса Теперь волновой какой там ещё LC Вы о чём Говорите Ну с такими познаниями у вас ничего не светит вернитесь к вам что возвращаюсь так вот я вам скажу такой момент лежащая катушка У Васи это на высокой частоте Сергей Панов меня кинул Вы знаете я во что верю я ни во что я верю в такую вещь в жизни как карма г**** всплывает Так что поверьте с пановым дело не закончено человек не понял И в этом году что-то произойдет то чего чего Все ждали Поверь я пока просто это самый не хочу Да а что как-бы А кого это это самое то есть так вот у Васи что касается Его этой установки то системы значит этот как его мать его этот самый сумматор накопитель это обычный трансформатор который предназначен исключительно для того чтобы записывать это самое Да что он всплывет толку от него он бездарный просто он там деньгами пресс для того чтобы меня обмануть он же ещё второй раз меня обманул пытался да то есть десятка предлагал за аппарат за готовой я тебе куплю я потом подумал думаю блин Да ну н**** Иван уже как говорится это самое Мне от него десятки лучше я лучше так сказать с нормальными людьми буду работать Чем нежели с теми которые мало того что как бы Сперва сперва это самое берут потом сперва обещают одно потом делаешь другое и таких очень много кстати было поэтому я с людьми Я понял что людям нельзя верить вообще-то есть нечего им давать нельзя да если чип уже такой хитрый сидит рассказ

БТГ-шник life
​Коллеги где таблетки


Гиви Чушидзе
​У тебя в фонарике светодиоды подключены через КРЕНку

er we
​Думаешь Никола Тесла имел тот резонанс? Конечно же он имел не тот резонанс

БТГ-шник life
​Все по старой технологии ?

​свдиод свдиоду-рознь

Rezonans Rezonans
​Руслан ты говоришь частота не имеет значения?

​Их вроде всего 3, LC, волновой, резонанс магнитоаровода?!

​вернись к васмусу

er we
​Сергей Панов тебя кинул и ты вляпался в нехорошую историю

Гиви Чушидзе
​Почему ты говоришь, что дашь людям удочку, но никто не сможет собрать генератор энергии, потому, что не сможет его настроить, а?

Александр Мышенок
​четверть волны это короткий импульс тойже частоты периода

​Это вопрос!)

Rezonans Rezonans
​От одного герца совсем малый выхлоп бывает я проверил

БТГ-шник life
​Да да Панов виноват

​два резонанса н.ч и в.ч ПРАВИЛЬНО СОПОСТАВИТЬ

БТГ-шник life
​Через два года

​Вася положил катушку....

​что там с васмусом?

БТГ-шник life
​Жив вроде

​Теперь ждём пока Панов всплывет!

Александр Мышенок
​четверть волны это короткий импульс той же частоты периода?

er we
​Отказ от нефтяной иглы!! произойдет переход на автомобили водородного цикла!

Гиви Чушидзе
​Панов и деньги вернул, и установку не вернул, ай хитрец, да ещё и схемы все выложил, а они оказались абсурдными.

БТГ-шник life
​Это Панов

БТГ-шник life
​Да и мы такого же мнения

Rezonans Rezonans
​Руслан ты говорил у капанадзе земляная батарея там же площадь совсем малая какая батарея???))


он пусть себя проконсультирует там как BMW чиповать но явно не меня ты говорила Капанадзе земляная батарея Где же площадь совсем батарея земляная так это и есть вся установка это земляная батарея точнее земляная батарея вообще сама по себе установка Как батарея вот и всё так что что знаю Герману И что Ну мы с ним общались какое-то время потом я уже понял что человек с меня просто-напросто пытается Ну короче он не хочет работать я пытался с ним с Как говорится беседовать лично и делать многие вещи полезные Как говорится Но человек просто реально думает что я буду работать он будет слушать и повторять Да при этом как бы рисовать левое схемы которые Блин ошибки то есть его задачей было нарисовать схему по тому что я прошу для экспериментов чтобы я не заморачивался на этом это была его задача и идея вот этот короче говоря получилось так что я понял что надо Да уже ночка пополнится слушайте ни у кого ничего нету да то есть по большому счёту без топливного генератора как такового не существует Что значит бестопливный генератор блин тебя учился да что он у меня учился знаете на самом деле радиолюбители друг у друга сами учиться по опыту вы хотите сказать что вы всё знаете то есть это самое у меня Опыт огромный я не могу сразу сказать что я всё знаю вообще п***** не доебаться вот вот зачем мне звонить Колумб в Панов ещё Боже мой Успокойтесь я он что здесь это самое то есть шоу Мы с вами устраивать будем что ли Зачем это надо ребят он здесь в этой комнате стоял держал аппарат в руках а потом начал показывать вам какие-то провода и рассказывать что я провод отрезал его жена там блин который вообще по-русски не разговаривают там не знаю с какой Африке он её притащил Я просто Эти подробности вдаваться не буду су-вид это просто п***** это понимаете оклеветали человека обманули и кинули он просто как бы это самое завязывайте то есть я не буду вам вам что надо генератор собрать или Action устраивать вот как бы ну вы просто определитесь потому что многие от безделья от н**** делать уже начинают придумывать какие-то эти самые ребята если ваша логика если ваша логика не скажем так ну не позволяет вам скажем так мыслить г
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2021, 09:38:56 PM
Если вы просто представьте себе просто Возьмите осциллограф и Возьмите Катчер низа Земля его вот батарейки подключить аккумулятор Возьмите подсоедините к батарейке вот внизу ищу положить и сверху не подключая просто рядом держите Давай щупа и Включите 2 лучевую систему вы увидите синусоиды идут навстречу то они идут навстречу то Они разделяются То есть когда они идут навстречу это вакуум когда они расходятся это тоже вакуум между ними когда они переходят в состояние или так и так это 0 надо синхронизировать чтобы в этот ноль не попасть потому что энергии в этом месте Когда меняют направление это самое синусы катчера в этот момент надо попасть чтобы это самое вот почему вас - это не синхронизировано и поэтому Естественно он Ну Катя развилки меня до 1.6 мегагерц на вы там считаете строчить и по нему ну ну каких-нибудь мегагерц форме ягодиц там герцог Какие 10 20 30 герц там трещит у него это там даже можно посчитать по этим звукам То есть вы в любом случае в этих в 16 попадете то есть успеете сделать так сказать толкания зарядить эти конденсаторы стороны Ну просто вот надо Вот я говорю я вам только что рассказал блин всё равно вопросы глупые п***** я не могу ой блин у меня такая найти я перестану выходить сюда Честное слово потому что всё уже просто я просто посидел я Голос потерял уже надо ещё за чаем идти значит просто наверное вообще всё Сегодня надо заканчивать потому что я уже з******* честно говоря с вами тут объясняться есть адекватные люди которые всё-таки хотят головой думать я ещё раз говорю вам надо не думать о на качках сейчас вам надо думать просто о том как реализовать способ вакуума то есть реализовать его на схем

БТГ-шник life
​Герман говорил что ему позвонил по телефону Панов, на схемах его контакты были..

Гиви Чушидзе
​Довели мужика, фонарик уже выкинул, скоро установку свою выкинет и останется без электричества.

Александр Мышенок

​да, у тебя интилект выше наших всех здесь вместе взятых

Александр Мышенок
​все на сегодня

Гиви Чушидзе
​А какие проблемы создать твой вакуум то? Обычный строчник, у которого один конец не заземлён, вот и всё

GFusion Core
​Ruslan, It would be nice to share a simple Schema 🙂

Гиви Чушидзе
​Что не так со строничком-то?

Александр Мышенок
​а щупы осцилографа на разные концы катушки

er we
​Катушку пришлось передвинуть, чтобы попасть в центр вакуума ???

​да понятно что нужно сделать, не понятно как это сделать

Александр Мышенок

БТГ-шник life
​А какими щупами мерять ?

просто включить мозги Если вы электроникой занимаетесь необязательно надо по книжкам и по Википедии влазить Надо иногда просто делать опыты и запоминать что происходит от строчник что строчник строчный трансформатор или твс годится но только сразу говорю при частоты низкие поэтому там как бы вот скачиваем это получше будет процедура с ручником придётся разделять 5.000 вот я не успел прочитать сорри вот это просто надо понимать вам что что Ну я не знаю говорил что Понимаете в чём дело используя низкочастотные трансформаторы вам надо будет делать так чтобы это немножко другая система там надо будет синхронизироваться по-другому чуть-чуть вам Ну как бы надо оставить идею с этого щупы осциллографа не разные на разные концы катушки Ну конечно то есть внизу и вверху только не подключайте Высокое напряжение спаллетти осциллограф чёртовой матери просто рядом кладете и смотрите но это если вы Катчер используют Я говорю Возьмите вот вас Муса схему Соберите сдали вы не возражаете там вообще-то есть многие вообще я п***** я я я в шоке Я в шоке просто с того что у людей вообще реально мозгов нету стоит низкочастотный диод кд203 Давайте посчитаем сколько он на себе может вытянуть Да п***** то там просто мизер да то есть у него в килогерцах еле-еле проходит вы собираетесь мегагерца и пропускать через этот то есть импульса 1 наносекунда вы представляете вообще что это такое идиот замуж diode низкочастотный который это наносекунду да Это невозможно У него ёмкость блять такая что никогда одну наносекунда там не будет Ну поймите это раз и навсегда Чёрт подери Если вы рассматриваете столичную систему её красе всю блин это блять это реально это смешно ребят но все это собирают А никому не удосужился никто залезть в этот самый катушках используется коаксиальный кабель я ещё раз говорю коаксиальный кабель моих катушках не везде используется неправда использовался в том месте где дали была и система то есть или по её структуре или по структуре Капанадзе там где как раз-таки вакуум создается при коаксиальном кабеле запросто Почему нет можно сделать коаксиальным кабелем то есть намотать две катушки одна То есть в два провода Но взять конец 1 начало другой и на трансформатор посадить а цвет изоленты мощность цвет изоленты Это чисто уже Марафет называется когда всё работает ты радуешься и наводишь Марафет накручиваешь всякие цвета для того чтобы это уже как-то выглядела не убожество и Как говорится торчала всё вот и всё ну плюс изолента Кстати нужно ещё для того чтобы ну закрепить некоторые ветки чтобы они не расползлись Однако ж я вам сразу скажу не надо там считать витки Не надо никаких расчетов трансформаторов под всё можно подстроить абсолютно поэтому даже 20 м провода 2 5 квадрата можно сделать так что они будут выдавать Вам эти 220 вольт 50 герц без вопросов У меня чего 10 Nano ну-ну мусорки ездят смотрю у нас тут сейчас у нас комендантский час выходить нельзя ни хрена и они ездят кругом Это самое моргает тут своими мозгами пугает людей б**** что за государство б**** не знаю под америкосов пляжи изолента должны быть кратны выходной

Гиви Чушидзе
​А зачем в твоих катушках используется коаксиальный кабель?

БТГ-шник life
​А цвет изоленты на мощность влияет ? это же емкость

Anete Viola
​[메시지 취소됨]

er we

Donatas F
​С КД230 у меня 10нано сек получилось

БТГ-шник life
​а 50 Гц у вас авсех установках ?

​витки изолнты должны быть кратны выходной мощности!

Rezonans Rezonans
​В капанадзе ферриты были?

er we
​1N 4148 сгорел

Гиви Чушидзе
​А как сделать выход с установки постоянным, без 50 Гц?

БТГ-шник life
​Да спасибо! будем мотать

​у васмуса в его схеме ничего не напутано? только честно

er we
​под америкосов легли

БТГ-шник life
​Дайте рабочую ?

Rezonans Rezonans
​Выходит Герман тебе и не давал рабочие схемы🙈

er we
​👽у них зона51

​выходит рабочих схем нет у васмуса в интернете?

er we
​У гта дома включали нестабильную схему?

​вот это дааа..

48 сгорел вывод установки постоянных без 50 Герц постоянный ток я получил потому что это было просто накачка Это можно сказать постоянный ток выходил возможно по схеме ничего Нина Нина путана только честно какую схему вас Ребята только не берите эту схему которую на Сравните выкладывают и везде ту схему она и вообще нерабочая это наебалово я начал говорить меня сбили Олег короче говоря тот друг тут мой этот съел голы который здесь живёт да то есть короче он он это самое он короче говоря связался с этим пластмассам но это не vastus оказался это немножко другой человек который ему просто тут путаницу продал закопейки да то есть этот человек не подумал да то есть ты взял его заплатил но в итоге он это всё собрала это нехуя не работал алло вот Ну это понятно что это не будет работать героем тебе не давала рабочей схемы он давал в рабочую схему только они кривые были то есть импульс прыгал там я по одной из этих рабочих схем сделал даже как бы ну как то есть мне нужно было Вот Tesla стабилизированная да то есть он мне не дал эту схему он мне дал управляемую теслу То есть это было ТЛК это было 2 микросхема то есть и там этот первый импульс прислал Ну вот представьте себе Давайте вот сейчас с Олегом закончу короче Олег у него купил эту схему Олег потом эту схему нарисовал и Выложил в интернет потому что обиделся то что его просто наебали вот так что у вас Муса этих рабочих схем в интернете нет вообще рабочих схем в интернете нет я вам рассказал как это работает просто спокойно сядьте Да думайте и сделайте схему сами Если вы не думаете что-то в электронике сядьте разберитесь сперва с этим а потом уже будете кидаться это ещё раз говорю для того чтобы если кто вперёд пытается забежать ifocus этот повторите ещё раз вам Рассказываю что данная система не является без топливного генератора мне у Капанадзе не у акулы ни у меня ни у кого это не бестопливные технология она черпает энергию из окружающей среды при помощи вакуума единственное её проблема тогда идёт опора Она эту опору уничтожает поэтому Железяки все которые будут которым она будет подключена будут пасти потихонечку разъезжаться съебаться также как и всё остальное То есть вечного двигателя вы не получите Так что Успокойтесь и просто спокойненько Изучите все эти самые короче говорят теперь по поводу Олега и его схем я ещё раз говорю человек талантливый всё нормально но он просто Либо не хотел либо пытался Как говорится либо что-то ещё командной работы у нас не получилось Поэтому рисовал он мне всякую шнягу то есть тёлки управляемые третьей ногой то есть Вот давайте сейчас хорошенько подумаем вот о чём вот допустим тарелка работает на частоте 1 мегагерц мне её Надо остановить запустить остановить запустить Правильно Правильно Как это сделать очень просто есть третья нога на которую вы подключаете управление когда вы подойдёте туда питание тарелка замолкает вы отключайте питание тарелка запускается То есть она достаточно быстро это всё делает поэтому можно управлять 27 импульс меняя его длину и она будет как бы пачку менять большую маленькую но вы же понимаете что когда вы скажем так затыкает и микросхему то вы можете заткнуть её в мегагерц когда мегагерц работает на середине импульса на конце импульса на начали импульса То есть она будет выключаться тогда когда она захочет то есть этот импульс будет гулять это раз и включаться она будет тоже жёны синхронно то есть с первого импульса надо поставить другую схему использовать Понимаете в чём дело они тарелку тарелку Если ты хочешь чтобы по первому

БТГ-шник life
​Как у ГТА работало ?

Гиви Чушидзе
​꧁꧂рыбки рыбки꧁꧂

Rezonans Rezonans
​А какая если на безтопливная?

er we

БТГ-шник life
​Он говорил другое

БТГ-шник life
​Так эта сзха есть его в инете

Rezonans Rezonans
​Я слышал что ты Германа схему продал выходит это не правда

er we
​да да так и есть асинхронный режим невпопад

er we
​надо 74-123

Гиви Чушидзе
​Если Романов умный человек, почему он до сих пор не спаял себе генератор электроэнергии?

Space Games
​может легче на микроконтроллере сделать шим?

Donatas F
​Без счечика некак

БТГ-шник life
​Давайте как нибудь Германа спросим ?

​У меня все пачки ровные!

er we
​микроконтроллер в вакууме сгорит у тебя

Гиви Чушидзе
​Если Романов умный человек, почему он до сих пор не спаял себе генератор электроэнергии?

Сказки ЖВР
​поэкспериментируйте с материалом заземления найдите неокисляемое (люминий)

Гиви Чушидзе
​вакуум засосёт в себя всю схему, приклеивайте надёжно

er we
​RESET происходил

Donatas F
​Счечик ставим и попадаем без проблем в импулс...

асинхронный режим да-да Вот этот мне невпопад и вот это получается вот эта пачка она вот так вот по осциллографу шатается б**** и вот таких вот схему меня было дрыщ А когда мне надо было То есть я пытался разобраться и с этими Ну как бы тормозить катер процесс там на более низкие частоты и мне надо было там через период я его просил сделать там этим и счётчики на покупал целую кучу микросхем блять ты человек мне сказал что всё это самое то есть в итоге я просто паял одну плату сраную Да спрашивайте у Германа просто это самое как бы есть честные люди есть нет верить в ваше дело Верить или нет то есть у меня реально то есть Почему у человека до сих пор ничего не работает он если он мне сделал кучу схем микроконтроллер в вакууме микроконтроллер не сгорел просто на самом деле у меня были очень интересные эффекты когда я запускал схемы Дело в том что возле как-бы реактора возле катушки все эти микроконтроллеры всю съел все схемы должны Как бы защитной решеткой но я показывал в прошлый раз да то есть что я использую тут где-то лежит я тут бардак ещё такой кошмарный Я ещё не убрался тут после Как говорится установки там стала Потому что появилось очень много других вещей которые некуда положить было пришлось использовать этот самый так вот у меня был микроконтроллер который рядом с этим вакуумом То есть когда на него это всё дело падала то есть этот вакуум весь цеплял это всю электронику то есть естественное Электроника с ума сходила конкретно поэтому там надо было всё это делать блять очень сильно далеко и тогда это тоже могло более-менее Так сказать нормально работать вот это раз ещё в коробке вода собиралась откуда-то непонятно откуда то есть я пока Ну этот момент ну это это на самом деле конденсат просто собирался но один раз я просто не понял почему установка вырубилась вот я пришёл и когда я её просто поднял Я чувствую что там бултыхается и когда открыл коробку Я просто охренел Там просто полная было коробка воды дистиллят вот это Ну то есть она даже такая как дождевая вода была всё я это конечно вывел запустил потому что она там ну не повредила нечаянно просто залило катушку и короче это всё остановилось вот когда я это всё запустил заново через пару дней я решил зайти посмотреть ещё раз воды конечно там накопилось как бы ну немножко но я говорю ещё раз что дело в том что это отрицательная энергия так называемый вакуумная энергия она чуть-чуть меняет температуру то есть катушка меняется то есть из-за того что у катушки температура меньше чем температура окружающей среды и видимо конденсат создаётся поэтому там вода собирается вот пришлось естественно создать как-бы поставить вентиляторы и как бы и просверлить дырки чтобы на это самое чтобы это всё хозяйство вытекала энергия нулевой точки но в принципе да это это и есть энергия как бы минус нулевой точки или нулевая точка Это вакуум то есть так принципе зона -106 происходит вы сделаете музоны -1 вы делаете провал который это самое то есть Сперва Вы делаете нулевую точку то есть здесь никакой энергию нет затем Когда вы подключаете это дело в противофазе когда работает Высоковольтный трансформатор катер или что-то они Ох как сопротивляются и ждут когда ты их Выключишь там колебаний никаких нет моментально всё отрубает моментально всё всё И вот в этот момент идёт провал то есть зона -1 То есть когда отключается в этот момент туда это энергия падает но она туда заполнится

Гиви Чушидзе
​это была не вода :)

​обидно, кто то знает как, а кто то нет

er we
​счетчик только профессионалы разработчики ракетных технологий смогут припаять

er we
​обычные вредительские методы

Гиви Чушидзе
​энергия нулевой пупочки

Гиви Чушидзе
​энергия нулевой пупочки

Гиви Чушидзе
​А как сделать, чтобы не было колебаний?

er we
​Романов до тех пор не смог показать рабочий образец.

er we
​он украл у тебя идеи

БТГ-шник life
​Чип украл

Гиви Чушидзе
​Ну у повышающих трансформаторов, что сторочник, что катушка теслы, есть индуктивность и ёмкость. и если просто снять импульс с них, то возникнут же паразитные колебания

Rezonans Rezonans
​Что есть вакуум?

Гиви Чушидзе
​у повышающих трансформаторов, что сторочник, что катушка теслы, есть индуктивность и ёмкость. и если просто снять импульс с них, то возникнут же паразитные колебания

БТГ-шник life
​Они тяжелые

БТГ-шник life
​Маэстро не отвлекайтесь от вакуума

Александр Мышенок
​С ЭЛЕКТРОФОРНОЙ МАШИНЫ можно что то выжать

er we
​📈показатели идут вверх завтра начнем

Greg Ski
​в 15 платной лекции будет по васмусу

Александр Мышенок

Greg Ski
​у Романова

просто потому что как бы насчёт с кучей вопросов Романова всё есть поверьте Я знаю точно я видел всё это я Подтверждаю потому что я с Романом Я общаюсь вот то есть я просто хочу сказать так насчёт как колебаний чтобы не было не подключайте к tushy.com высокого напряжения заземление вот и всё Кто украл идею меня Романов Романов знает больше чем я знаю Поверьте мне Романов это вообще Великий Инженерный человек Он он знает намного больше чем вы думаете тип А что типа украл м**** б**** сидит п***** и потом продаёт вам же вот и всё что я могу сказать он он даже здесь скорее всего сидит и подслушивает записывает потом тоже самое Вам прочитывает что есть вакуум б**** Ну всё понятно короче только что головой просто об стенку бился до объяснял наверное час целый блин человек задаёт вопрос Что такое вакуум Понятно Ну извините если вы ничего не поняли повышающее устройство катушка Тесла Да Причём здесь индуктивность поймите Причём здесь индуктивность когда вы в противофазе включаете они Вдруг вы просто не понимаете это можно что-то выжить Нет конечно ничего не Возьмите электрофорной машины один ребята Остановите весь этот беспредел

Rezonans Rezonans
​Что есть вакуум?

Гиви Чушидзе
​почему все гуру СЕ не соберутся в одной конференции? :)

er we
​сегодня заканчиваем

​Руслан, в чем прикол, Роанов столько лет пилит ролики Пермякову, но по факту их недостаточно что бы сесть, вкурить и собрать пускай даже детский БТГ

Rezonans Rezonans
​Значит ты не воровал схемы Германа я понял

Александр Мышенок
​Значит высоковольтную катушку лучше запитать от отдельного источника батарейки


БТГ-шник life
​А у кого стоит покупать лекции ? У романова или Чипа

Rezonans Rezonans
​Ты не объяснил 😂

​да он тебя под выет

Гиви Чушидзе
​У меня во всех повышающих трансформаторах после снятия импульса паразитные колебания

Если вы будете платить деньги людям которые будут вас разводить Вы никуда не пойдете Вы будете как вот запутанные всё Вы меня слышите Уважаемый что есть вакуум я объяснял бы так почему все gurujas ей не соберутся таких нету сегодня заканчиваю Руслан в чём прикол Романов Сколько лет ролики Примаков Понятно Да я в чём прикол да я не знаю в чём прикол Романов деньги зарабатывает но и всё то есть вот это вот конечно сожалению не может быть уважительным как бы с моей точки зрения Я считаю что он не лекции должен как бы это самое о чем-то другим помочь Хотя может быть он считает что надо лекция за деньги продавать тогда будут хотя бы нормальные люди которые хотят что-то понять но тут двоякое чувство может быть есть такие которые будут сидеть покупать лекции и дальше это продавать Как говорится и это самое ему это пофиг либо туда придут нормальные соображающий головой ребята я просто Значит ты не воровал схемы Германа я понял б**** я воровала системой Германа п***** это б**** я вот я говорю вот здесь раз пинаешь сидишь вопрос значит высоковольтную катушку ку-ку сидишь распинаюсь объясняешь людям блять что я не объяснил если ты ж**** слушаешь то я извиняюсь то что я не объяснил Зачем мне что воровать можно у Германа если у неё ничего нет Что там воровать это блять вообще я говорю я ни у кого ничего не воровал я сам делаю и всё вакуум плотная молекулярная Короче ты чувак там наверное Википедию читаешь читаю дальше беда блин я говорю Беда с людьми Да и самое интересное что самое самое обидное то что вы считаете что это реально какая-то супер установка которая вас спасет вы там сможете её обогреваться и всё Блин не Ну ладно было если бы это как говорится каждый для себя собрал бы и на этом остановился бы там скажем или пытался узнать но нет же люди пойдут фокусы показывать другим прибежит какой-нибудь дядя с деньгами предложат кучу бабла за это вы же купите сна это просто вот как пить дать блять просто всё пучком Я знаю таких людей которые вот на это покупаются моментально бегут сломя голову думает вот сейчас он меня там пофиг у него там миллионы по барабану он Богатый но вы поймите богатый человек от чего он богатый потому что он знает деньгам счёт Он знает как это делать И вот когда он скажем так когда он эти деньги собирает скапливается да то есть там не знаю зарабатывает просто думаете что просто так и не откуда-то у него берутся нет Вы не думайте что скажем так у каких-то богатеньких дядей которых вы попытаетесь таким образом обмануть они вас оставят в покое Нет есть такие которые оставят и вылезет вам в другом месте а есть такие которые не оставят они вам сделают столько проблем что вообще б**** дальше некуда будет Поэтому как бы в первую очередь надо не только юристами запостить как бы юристами запастись в этом плане даже юристом бандитом юристы не помогут вообще там он у нас тут этот самый банк ликвидаторов банка блин 1 застрелили на джипе на кладбище заехал Короче говоря ibusik сожгли как в девяностые блин он

Greg Ski
​у Дениски

Rezonans Rezonans
​Вакуум плотнее малекуоярнонго мира ты это не сказал

БТГ-шник life
​А у кого стоит покупать лекции ? У романова или Чипа

Rezonans Rezonans
​Бахатыр канут

Гиви Чушидзе
​У меня во всех повышающих трансформаторах после снятия импульса паразитные колебания. А у тебя нет чтоли? Почему?

​рабочих схем в инете нет, я бл в шоке

Александр Мышенок

Rezonans Rezonans
​Вакуум плотнее молекулярной среды ты не сказал этого Алёша

​спасет водородная установка Мейера

Гиви Чушидзе
​А ты знаешь, что на матриксе TeZ скоро выложит видео, по кторому каждый сможет собрать себе СЕ установку? Вот это удочку человек даст, вот это мощно.

er we
​Встрянете как АКУЛА!

​Мейер на ней магнитный газ делал

Гиви Чушидзе
​магнитный глаз?

Rezonans Rezonans
​Я просто спросил чтобы убедится

er we
​Не думайте попытаться обмануть инвестора

​Гиви, ГАЗ)))

Maikl G
​А зачем сам бегал предлагал всем?!

Гиви Чушидзе
​нет, глаз :)

er we
​останетесь без квартиры и машины в дранных штанах

Александр Гируть
​тогда нафига ты нам всё это рассказываешь если нехочеш что бы мы сделали ?

БТГ-шник life
​А какой провод лучше впитывает вакуум ? Одножильный или многожильный ?

Гиви Чушидзе
​бескислородная медь

er we
​Бескислородная меть

БТГ-шник life
​Маэстро ждем

Greg Ski

Maikl G
​Проповеди, проповеди...

БТГ-шник life
​А какой провод лучше впитывает вакуум ? Одножильный или многожильный ?

​да, зачем ты нам тогда рассказываешь это. да ты сам бабла хочешь срубить

​БТГ генератор и майнинг ферму!

БТГ-шник life
​А какой провод лучше впитывает вакуум ? Одножильный или многожильный ?

Rezonans Rezonans
​У Германа вроде есть на 300 ватт установка

Гиви Чушидзе
​Как сделать, чтобы вакуум не вытек из катушки потом? Поможет ли заземление?

​2 майнинг фермы))))

er we
​секрет давно похищен и все окончено

Гиви Чушидзе
​А ты знаешь, что на матриксе TeZ скоро выложит видео, по кторому каждый сможет собрать себе СЕ установку? Вот это удочку человек даст, вот это мощно.

er we
​Его Филлипинец опередил

​че ты придрался к названию вечный двигатель

Александр Гируть
​вселенная не вечная

в чём дело люди которые пытаются нажиться на том чего им не принадлежит заканчивают очень плохо Вы должны понять что деньги это мусор это такое дело которое ты должен заработать сам только тогда ты будешь спать спокойно А если вы считаете что вы при помощи этих генераторов Ну думайте чтобы деньги заработаете ой ребята блять ой блять как я вам не советую блин и вот много таких там сидит которые думают действительно Ох я сейчас побегу и типа блять соберу генератор И всё И типа буду богатым блин и всё такое блин я говорю вот Капанадзе тоже там миллионы рисовал там 20 млн за свою установку потом 100 млн как этот самый слободзян Тоже 100 млн попросил понимаете что есть люди которые в этом они понимают Да и они у них деньги есть но у них нет мозгов на это дело они ну не созданы они просто приходят к Вам потому что ну то есть я говорю это про даже есть люди которые сейчас я уверен буду смотреть это видео уточни смотрит это видео Они думают что ну надо послушать что это как-то есть Есть люди которые реально приходят к вам платят сумасшедшие деньги а потом понимает что они в г**** наступили И сколько учёных скажем так вы знаете Откуда вот допустим такая х**** пошла как запрет запретить вечные двигатели но там этот рен-тв тоже кричала по этому поводу типа что запретить к патентованию вечных двигателей и всё ребят Ну давайте логично подумаем какой н**** вечный двигатель с чего вдруг вечный если там крутится что-то там уже Понятное дело что это износ деталей то есть ничего вечного Нет это раз Вселенная вечная но у неё преобразование идет за счет каких-то определенных процессов которые нам на нашей планете Земля неведомой мы здесь живём нас здесь посадили мы должны жить здесь и это самое это самое и поэтому вечных двигателей нет нет и быть не может Вот это первое второе некогда сидит дядя который Бобо сами трясёт Он же не понимает что как бы когда ко мне приходили я что говорил ьл

​сколько тебе лет

​А доналд смит пробовалис?

er we
​Исмаил Ависо

Александр Гируть
​если установку построят все сразу только тогда мы избавимся от денежной мании

Гиви Чушидзе
​Помогает ли вакуум от короновируса?

er we
​Короче все это шляпа полная.

er we

Donatas F
​Не вечное, скажем так - халявное...

​вот и ставь себе

Гиви Чушидзе
​А ты знаешь, что на матриксе TeZ скоро выложит видео, по кторому каждый сможет собрать себе СЕ установку? Вот это удочку человек даст, вот это мощно.

БТГ-шник life
​А какой провод лучше впитывает вакуум ? Одножильный или многожильный ?

Михаил Ромм
​Стрим нельзя завершить, будут до утра писать - его можно только остановить

​У Мейкра тачила на воде ездила

er we
​Руслан давай следующий стрим по радио вещательным технологиям вспомним старые времена ??


маразм погубил человека также как и слободяна который попытался это самое то есть но я там как бы толком не знаю но чувствую как оно есть то есть то есть все думают что это установка это какая-то дома это всё это ж*** это блин это круто Это поставить там греться можно там ж*** свою греть там калориферами без ребят тоже самое что он этот батарейку вы там солнечную поставите зарядите от солнца аккумулятора а ночью будете ж*** греть точно также как фонарик стоит вон вот пожалуйста фонарик стоит эти фонарики продаются которые в саду стоит аккумулятор солнечная батарея Ночью он светится светодиод днём это самое светится точнее надо днём Он заряжается Есть такое Есть такое вот так же самое и здесь только здесь энергия к нам приходит из среды из из вакуума когда мы создаем этот вакуум сами и затем уже уже как-бы преобразуем из него Но я ещё раз говорю это импульсная энергия которая толкает ток уже скажем так уже основной этой самой провод лучше какой провод Что значит провод любой проводник что там так что ребятки Я просто пытаюсь вас остановить и задуматься то есть будут утро писать его можно только остановить Так у меня это моя калатай ну что вы домой докопались Объясните но ездила она у него там же водород работал ну и что А в чём проблема Почему она не должна была ездить стрим по светодиодной мамку зачем вы что не знаете что такое светодиодные лампы как они работают А это самое то есть а что старые времена вы что занимались радиовещания нет установки йетиде шляпа полная они работают это самое Там всё в порядке Единственное что надо понимать что идёт ток в землю соответственно заземления разрушается всё Это единственное их минус то есть работают Они пока не разрушаться ваша Земля это же акула даже говорил когда это самое Земля очень сильно разрушается и Ненадолго это то Ну почему вы никто не вообще к этому не это самое Все думают вот мне в руки попадёт А дальше покер я разберусь если в этом разобраться не смогли вы не смогли понять Как это преобразовывается энергия то есть акула меня кстати обвинил что мало-мальски я не понимаю вообще не соображаю не разбираюсь я разобрал разбирался в противофазу я знал я просто не знал что это вакуум конечно создается таким образом да то есть у меня немножко это сам я потом это узнал Ну то есть я понял что как бы система разрежения такая-то есть тогда две этих самых создают как раз Ну то есть додумался Ну до этого он просто противофаза было и всё так ребятки всё надо заканчивать Короче насчёт 3 бесполезный Конечно потому что он полон бесполезные для меня на самом деле я просто устал уже честно говоря базарить Если так будет всех будет этот Это здесь земля земля имеется в виду не наша Земля земля разрушение разрушения именно штыря который в земле находится потому что соли Вы если будете вы же знаете что такое электролиз вы попробуйте засунуть две пластины в воду и включить их уже увидите кое-чем они покроются Ну а в земле что там тоже его доесть и соли есть это всё жрёт это самое будет новое видео Но только когда найду время потому что сейчас я чувствую что с вами базар

Гиви Чушидзе
​Давай следующий стрим по светодиодным лампам

er we
​Руслан давай следующий стрим по радио вещательным технологиям вспомним старые времена ??✔✔✔

er we
​эти установки шляпа полная

​он электричество с водорода полуал


Гиви Чушидзе
​можно ли передать звук в африку через tcp/ip?

er we
​Конэчно занималсь ))) а ты следователь но не понял

Space Games
​@Гиви Чушидзе по WebRTC передавай

Гиви Чушидзе
​На матриксе говорят, что ты "украл" установку от KUTKT. Ну, не украл, может быть, но позаимствовал. Как ты можешь прокомментировать данное заявление?

​если у всех будет это, то земля разрушится?

Александр Мышенок

БТГ-шник life
​Видео новое будет ?

​у нас земли много

Александр Мышенок
​фонарик и земля

Александр Гируть
​да ты даже не знаешь как электролиз работает ,!

​нержавейкаочень долго служит

Гиви Чушидзе
​фонарик на железном трансформаторе будет?

Александр Мышенок
​я понял спасибо

Гиви Чушидзе
​железо - не феррит, не разрушается. делай вечный фонарик на железе

БТГ-шник life
​дилдон надо было

БТГ-шник life

Сказки ЖВР


Гиви Чушидзе
​фонарик на железном трансформаторе будет?

Гиви Чушидзе
​фонарик на железном трансформаторе будет?

БТГ-шник life
​В туда запихал

er we
​тот кто понял тот сделает, а кто не понял тот...

БТГ-шник life
​Глину надо


БТГ-шник life
​В глину ?

Александр Гируть
​палладиевое покрытие тебе в помощь

Сказки ЖВР
​алюминий уже покрыт оксидной плёнкой

Александр Мышенок
​а на радиостанциях какое заземление?

er we
​Стрим по радиовещательным, обсудим самодельные передатчики ФМ и задающие генераторы

Гиви Чушидзе
​На матриксе говорят, что ты "украл" установку от KUTKT. Ну, не украл, может быть, но позаимствовал. Как ты можешь прокомментировать данное заявление?

фонарик тут не причём фонарик это фонарик я нержавейку я что только не засовывал у меня нержавейка ещё быстрей У меня оцинкованный металл съела А вы говорите 1 человек только что-то понял я вижу все остальные как-то не признались в этом вот я просто говорю что оцинкованный металл вообще сожрала специально это самое надо было просто я туда что я только не засовы что думаете я за Земля lal.fm этим самым брал разные металлы смотрел всё ест покрывается гавном это какой алюминий Попробуйте вы Как вы представляете алюминий вообще-то есть он же окисляется нет фонариков я делать не буду ни на каких железных трансформаторах Я вообще этим заниматься Ему это другой вид энергии он мне не интересен глину Если вы в глину запихнуть и вообще работать ничего не будет именно взгляни у меня в песке не работала Ничего приходилось искать эту самую палладиевое покрытие Сразу говорю мимо алюминий уже покрыт оксидной пленкой он он на радиостанциях там не заземление там на самом деле 0 провод используется от latvenergo или сама башня которая опору делает Ну вроде как из-за того что она цинковая то есть но она не в земле то ничего не происходит ьт ьт ьт

er we
​стерео кодеры пилот тоном

Александр Мышенок
​больше площадь

БТГ-шник life
​А вот Кирилл в ваших роликах есть ? Он видел установку рабочую

​когда документы сделаешь, будешь продавать установки?

er we
​Кирилл к1828 к тебе приходил и он не смог?

БТГ-шник life

​Есть теоретически подход, можно создания земли с способам встречного тесла катушек

Donatas F
​Вместо земли можно ноль сети использовать?

er we
​Он сделал установку?

Гиви Чушидзе
​Пора спать

БТГ-шник life
​Иегова ? они все

Александр Гируть
​просто точка опоры

говорить всё что угодно есть ещё такой миф когда мне типа в Латвию приезжал акула Когда его я тогда не был знаком ни с Олегом ни с акулой и типа мне доска попала в руки и я разобрался бред из сумасшедшего если бы мне Олег просто подарил катушку намотанную собственноручно акулой это единственное что у меня было где-то фоткает этой катушки У меня есть она у меня взорвалась потом что касается А вот Кирилл ваших роликах есть он видел установку да Кирилл есть и Кирилл лично сам в руках Держал Кирилла мы общаемся дружим он приезжал Вот пока это вся х**** не началась по всему миру он приезжал ко мне последний раз помню год обратно он всё видел и Фонарик Он в руках Держал кстати фонарик на тот момент хорошо работал Так что что человек подтвердит Он там где-то видео даже есть собственно ручной запуск называлась Кирилл всё это вот там его жена и он сам всё это видели

er we
​вас посадят за мошеничество

er we
​земля разрушается

er we
​Шляпа полная

Александр Мышенок
​счетчик ноль считать все таки будет.

Александр Гируть
​есть электроды из вольфрама , съест их ?

БТГ-шник life
​Это честный бтэгэшник

Гиви Чушидзе
​Руслан, извините за вопрос, имели ли вы когда-либо какие-либо психические заболевания?

БТГ-шник life
​Это как честный Гаишник

у меня этих свидетелей очень много вот можно 0 земли использовать да то есть 0 конечно можно А чем Земля то туда ток идёт просто понимаете в чем дело когда энергокомпания я Я что-то не совсем понял просто вот сейчас вот короче компания энергокомпания когда померяет что на нуле напряжение есть А на этом самом вот. опоры годится запросто 0 Я думаю что его не разрушает А может разрушает не знает Нет вряд ли разрушает но где-то он ну просто там надо объёмная плотность за мошенничество за какое мошенничество никакого мошенничества Нет никто не посадит для того чтобы кого-то куда-то посадили то есть земля разрушается земля разрушается потому что в землю идёт ток на Земля разрушается имеется в виду заземлением счётчик не считает 0 но есть электрона из вольфрама съест их не знаю вот и запас вольфрамом не проверял сейчас пропала ваше Извините за вопрос не понял Так как честный ГАИшник я не час не честный ГАИшник бы то гаснет Как вы говорите никто Я просто рассказал вам я вам дал пищу для размышлений А дальше ваша работа кто умный тот создаст с нуля эту схему сам и построить свой генератор который он сможет потом уже делать всё что захочет вот и всё я просто как греться У меня есть свои ведения в этом случае как бы схемы У меня тоже свои то есть я абсолютно всё своё использую поэтому я не привлекаю к этому делу чтобы не потом не говорили что я у кого-то что-то украл вот и всё потому что блять когда Извините меня когда я не пойму почему солнечные батареи лучше бтг потому что они ничего не разрешают Хотя они не лучше они такие же самые только к74 hc14 Ну и что такие микросхема тоже там есть 7474 она это по-моему тригге
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2021, 09:42:47 PM
Ruslan streamed for about three hours before an hour.
There are a lot of content that Ruslan blames against unspecified targets because his emotions are intensifying.
About 50 people watched the stream, but no one seems to understand Ruslan's words.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 16, 2021, 02:12:05 AM
Perhaps that's because how it actually works and is different to how Russian is saying how it is supposed to work
and then there is a language barrier to others who don't want to educate them self, but in any case who knows
what their problem is.   ;D ;D

But then their are so called intellectuals here in the west who go off on a tangent and don't want to form a group and learn
what's new, again who know their physique of quoting fake techniques is about.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 16, 2021, 06:55:20 AM

Ruslan mentioned reactive power,
The reactive power he understands is that utilities do not admit that free generators produce free electricity from zero.
It seems reasonable to understand that the utility company does not want a free generator from zero. ;D ;D ::) ::)

Résultats sur carte EDF éducative pour LINKY 😅😁

Thin koal wire bulb heating wire
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2021, 12:30:49 AM
Free Energy Device Russian Overunity Resonance Transformer

Here, the word reactive power/active power appears.

The core principle of the captor-transformer is a simple way to convert the light from a lamp when a high amperage occurs in the thick wire passing through the transformer.

Earth-ground is used for the captor device, but
It generates high current even without earth-ground.

A loud vibration sound peculiar to a silicon-transformer is heard from the large converter made by Akura.
It means using a captor-transformer that generates high current.

Hendershot generator reproduction 1930' model
There is a way to obtain a high amount of current by using a capacitor rather than a thick wire.

Avancé sur le rack bouclage
The French generator shown in the video is expected to be a hybrid of Hendershot generator and Captor-transformer.
All elements are shown as they are.
Tesla's role is the luminosity of a light filament heated by an amperage.
There are no miracles in every Tesla itself.
When Tesla and Earth meet, miracles can happen.
The box-shaped aluminum casing, along with transistor heat generation, is presumed to be an earth-ground substitute.
Aluminum is a paramagnetic substance.
The combination of aluminum and Tesla has nothing special about it.

The non-corrosive aluminum case is easy to sell at a high price.
A generator generating 300W is of little use other than lighting.
It is too bulky to carry for charging mobile phones.

If the French generator is real,

БТГ 5 квт для электромобиля на IR2153 часть 22

I suppose it will be similar to the captor-generator made by the Russian above.
The difference would be the use of capacitors instead of thick wires.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on January 22, 2021, 02:12:38 AM
Quote from: color on January 22, 2021, 12:30:49 AM

The core principle of the captor-transformer is a simple way to convert the light from a lamp when a high amperage occurs in the thick wire passing through the transformer.

Earth-ground is used for the captor device, but
It generates high current even without earth-ground.

Quote from: efusystem on June 10, 2019, 11:48:24 AM

What happens is that copper is a diamagnetic material, and in order to oppose the magnetism of the magnet, it must put its own electrons in motion in order to generate a magnetic field that opposes that of the magnet.

There is no magnetic energy "transforming" into electrons.
There is no kinetic energy of the magnet "transforming" into electrons.

The electrons come out of the copper of the coil to generate a magnetism opposite to the external to it. https://overunity.com/18239/the-solution/ (https://overunity.com/18239/the-solution/)

Quote from: color on January 22, 2021, 12:30:49 AM
There is a way to obtain a high amount of current by using a capacitor rather than a thick wire.

https://overunity.com/17119/pulling-energy-from-the-ambient-energy-field-using-a-coil-capacitor/ (https://overunity.com/17119/pulling-energy-from-the-ambient-energy-field-using-a-coil-capacitor/)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Raycathode on January 22, 2021, 03:40:56 AM
Yep I'm back home again from uni, covid again!

So what would we do without Ruslan and his comments and color capturing them herè?

Yes some very interesting comments too! all noted, thanks color your a true scollar

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Thaelin on January 22, 2021, 12:20:37 PM
Hey, the guy is a treasure trove of russian dialog. I captured a bunch and fed it to gootgle. Love how it comes out.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2021, 01:59:56 PM



The French have many showmen who want their faces to be more publicized than generators.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2021, 02:02:05 PM
To the space commander

The time of the two buildings flows differently.
Like the events that happened one thousand years ago, and another thousand years later.
The most useless worries in the world are celebrities, politicians, and soldiers.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2021, 02:35:14 PM
I will teach you what you cannot see with satellites.
There are still two forces left.
China waits.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2021, 02:59:52 PM
По просьбе трудящихся, все ради вас 😁

A generator that runs for about 10 minutes is not Ruslan's invention.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2021, 07:26:20 PM
AC capacitor

Could it be helpful to research portable free generators?! ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2021, 09:50:41 AM

« Sent to: color on: January 21, 2021, 06:17:49 PM »ReplyQuoteDelete
Hi color!
You wrote: "I would like to express my infinite love and thanks to Ruslan-K for revealing and sharing the secret of the Freedom Generator. You are a hero!"
Do you have any informations about that? The linked youtube videos are not available...
Many thanks!!!



« Sent to: color on: Today at 02:39:09 PM »ReplyQuoteDelete

I have all the videos that color referred to and html saved, the payed videos of Old Scientist, Muhamed's words.

And more, much much more.

time is up, we were too slow.





I can't open weird sites well because my computer is slow.
European countries that use Euros are only visited by special certification.
So, if the content is not public, we do not browse the site.

I have experience using 2 types of kachers for generator operation.
With kacher using 2sc5200 transistor
It is a Tesla of the TC4420/2sk2611/2sk1162 transistor combination used by Ruslan.

I am not interested in Tesla Kachers other than this.
Because it is useless, and there is no reason to use it.
Sharing an unknown video is the result because I am bored. 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2021, 08:30:19 PM
Appareil d'amplification ά résonance paramétrique

I'd like to admit that your invention is a parametric resonance device that didn't exist before,

Why did you suddenly remember Solomon's words?

That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.

If your invention is new, it's a good idea to prepare a patent first.
If your device isn't new,
Imitation is also an art,
Imitation should be sourced.
Rusland also revealed the source.
It is also the reason for the French to disclose the source.

My guess is that the French generator is a device that mimics the "captor" energy.

I look forward to your testimony.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2021, 08:40:14 PM
Luke 23 says this.

And following Him was a large crowd of the people, and of women who were mourning and lamenting Him.
But Jesus turning to them said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
"For behold, the days are coming when they will say,'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed.'
"For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?"

또 백성과 및 그를 위하여 가슴을 치며 슬피 우는 여자의 큰 무리가 따라 오는지라
예수께서 돌이켜 그들을 향하여 가라사대 예루살렘의 딸들아 나를 위하여 울지 말고 너희와 너희 자녀를 위하여 울라
보라 날이 이르면 사람이 말하기를 수태 못하는 이와 해산하지 못한 배와 먹이지 못한 젖이 복이 있다 하리라
그때에 사람이 산들을 대하여 우리 위에 무너지라 하며 작은 산들을 대하여 우리를 덮으라 하리라   
푸른 나무에도 이같이 하거든 마른 나무에는 어떻게 되리요 하시니라

If there is something new under the sun,
It could be the moon, the star, or your invention.

Are you, like Ruslan, ready to cry for your invention?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2021, 09:11:39 PM
Taken 1
Taken 2
Taken 3

Tariel Kapanadze - Generator de energie gratuita - 5KW

The movie Taken was made because of Tariel Kapanadze.
In Taken 2, a parody of Kapanadze buried a radiator in the ground. ;D ;D
It is said that the existing technology was stolen.
This is a movie that expresses this as a kidnapping.

Everyone cries for their children.
Because people have no reason to cry for the sun.
If you mourn in the face of the death of an unclean child like David,
It's the same as Trump crying for their children's future or Biden laughing at the coward. ;D ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2021, 10:07:28 PM
М. Магомаев-Серенада Трубадура (Луч Солнца Золотого)

Moonlit Serenade is a trash can classic, Dad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2021, 01:23:33 AM
Análisis Captor de Electrones BarbosaLeal Wilson Roa

Parametric resonance is a traditional spark gap.
The fun of seeing how the Frenchman wraps it up will be as fun as the movie. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Stela on January 24, 2021, 05:15:34 AM
Je suis le propriétaire des vidéos française . SI vous pouviez éviter d'induire en erreur les gens en racontant des bêtises ce serait gentil . Merci .
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2021, 07:44:24 AM

I have read all of your posts.
You are a great inventor.
An easy-to-understand promotion of any invention will help you sell.
For your invention to become an issue, it must be at the center of the controversy.
In modern marketing, this promotional effect is called noise marketing.
It's a stimulating promotional strategy that modern people don't pay attention to unless it's stimulating.
Everyone who wanted to buy Ruslan's invention made a purchase.
Because anyone who wants to buy an invention already knows that everyone is real.
Everyone knows that your inventions are real too.
The problem is not the authenticity of the invention, but the willpower to buy.
We know this invention is real.
But why were there only a few units sold in Korea?
Because of lack of publicity?
Some are right.
Is the generator too expensive?
Some are right.
And generators are not a favorite food like cannabis.
Modern people are aware that even if a cell phone that costs over $1,000 is replaced with a new product every few years, a generator that costs $1,000 is not replaced every few years.
Modern people recognize that even if a car that costs more than $50,000 is replaced with a new product every few years, a generator that costs $1,000 is not replaced every few years.
So why aren't people interested in generators?
Those interested in free electricity have already installed solar or other alternative electricity.
Electricity companies don't think they make money because electricity is so cheap.
Who is interested in a power generation project that takes 25 years to recover the principal?
Generators you buy to save money should save you money.
Generators have to make money.
However, when generators that need to make money are incredibly expensive, people are interested in generators, but they don't buy them.
Generators are not products that people are willing to consume, such as cell phones or cars, but are among non-consumable items that must be in warehouses.
How many of you have bought a generator from the world famous Kapanadze?
There are only a few buyers who want your generator.
And there are many people who see your generator as a competitor.
There are many oil-based companies around the world, and many countries where taxes are cut for your generator.

We are the same electricians.
As an electrician, it is my wish as an electrician who wishes to sell a lot of generators made by electricians.

The more money an inventor who makes a generator invests in it, the more expensive it is.
Stela, if you made the generator for sale, how much did you price it?
Did you make a generator for research purposes like my dad did?
(My dad initially made a generator for sale, but recognizes that people aren't interested in it, and now he only occasionally touches the generator for research purposes to improve generator performance)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2021, 08:22:54 AM
Tariel Kapanadze generator 2kWt usilitel 2007

It is the same understanding as the generator made by Ruslan.
If the input voltage is high, the grenade coil doesn't have to be large.
This is because Tesla and the grounding of the stations are the fundamentals of creating 100% energy.
And the Kapanadze generator is not the "captor" principle.
It is a lightning discharge type generator similar to the "captor" principle.
My daughter quoted the "Captor" circuit for better understanding.
Like a member of the cafe here cited the "Captor" circuit in the past. ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on January 24, 2021, 09:57:37 AM
Quote from: color on January 24, 2021, 08:22:54 AM
Tariel Kapanadze generator 2kWt usilitel 2007

It is the same understanding as the generator made by Ruslan.
If the input voltage is high, the grenade coil doesn't have to be large.
This is because Tesla and the grounding of the stations are the fundamentals of creating 100% energy.
And the Kapanadze generator is not the "captor" principle.
It is a lightning discharge type generator similar to the "captor" principle.
My daughter quoted the "Captor" circuit for better understanding.
Like a member of the cafe here cited the "Captor" circuit in the past. ;D ;D 8) 8)

Great chemtrails!   :-\ :'(

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2021, 12:02:50 PM
partzman :

You are also a great inventor.
I'm interested in a video you've posted before
After winding the magnet with a thick wire, a spark occurred when both ends of the wire were contacted.
Can I watch the video again? :)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on January 24, 2021, 12:48:02 PM
Quote from: color on January 24, 2021, 12:02:50 PM
partzman :

You are also a great inventor.
I'm interested in a video you've posted before
After winding the magnet with a thick wire, a spark occurred when both ends of the wire were contacted.
Can I watch the video again? :)


Well thank you but I don't do videos of my work so perhaps it was a video I posted of someone else's work.  This doesn't sound familiar to me but yes, you are most certainly welcome to watch it again!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Stela on January 24, 2021, 01:41:27 PM
Quote from: color on January 24, 2021, 07:44:24 AM

I have read all of your posts.
You are a great inventor.
An easy-to-understand promotion of any invention will help you sell.
For your invention to become an issue, it must be at the center of the controversy.
In modern marketing, this promotional effect is called noise marketing.
It's a stimulating promotional strategy that modern people don't pay attention to unless it's stimulating.
Everyone who wanted to buy Ruslan's invention made a purchase.
Because anyone who wants to buy an invention already knows that everyone is real.
Everyone knows that your inventions are real too.
The problem is not the authenticity of the invention, but the willpower to buy.
We know this invention is real.
But why were there only a few units sold in Korea?
Because of lack of publicity?
Some are right.
Is the generator too expensive?
Some are right.
And generators are not a favorite food like cannabis.
Modern people are aware that even if a cell phone that costs over $1,000 is replaced with a new product every few years, a generator that costs $1,000 is not replaced every few years.
Modern people recognize that even if a car that costs more than $50,000 is replaced with a new product every few years, a generator that costs $1,000 is not replaced every few years.
So why aren't people interested in generators?
Those interested in free electricity have already installed solar or other alternative electricity.
Electricity companies don't think they make money because electricity is so cheap.
Who is interested in a power generation project that takes 25 years to recover the principal?
Generators you buy to save money should save you money.
Generators have to make money.
However, when generators that need to make money are incredibly expensive, people are interested in generators, but they don't buy them.
Generators are not products that people are willing to consume, such as cell phones or cars, but are among non-consumable items that must be in warehouses.
How many of you have bought a generator from the world famous Kapanadze?
There are only a few buyers who want your generator.
And there are many people who see your generator as a competitor.
There are many oil-based companies around the world, and many countries where taxes are cut for your generator.

We are the same electricians.
As an electrician, it is my wish as an electrician who wishes to sell a lot of generators made by electricians.

The more money an inventor who makes a generator invests in it, the more expensive it is.
Stela, if you made the generator for sale, how much did you price it?
Did you make a generator for research purposes like my dad did?
(My dad initially made a generator for sale, but recognizes that people aren't interested in it, and now he only occasionally touches the generator for research purposes to improve generator performance)

Je dis que vous ne savez pas comment fonctionnent mes appareils mais vous prétendez le savoir alors que nous n'avons jamais discuté .
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 24, 2021, 02:04:22 PM
Bonjour, Stella
I was just about to look through your videos again assuming you have allowed for CC button.
as i don't remember where you showed and discussed your windings.

Will you be talking about that in the near future ?

regards AG
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2021, 06:36:54 PM

I confuse Fizikman and partzman.
It was a small misunderstanding that started with the Korean notation [Fizikman피직맨]/[partzman패트맨], which remembers F and P as the same person.



We don't completely know Ruslan's generator, but we do expect it.
We also predict your generator.

It is said that this has happened in the past.
It drills an undersea tunnel in the Dover Strait,
British engineers only listen to the explanation of the submarine tunnel part and start the tunnel construction.
Engineers in France are said to have failed to proceed without understanding the description of the entire process.
Why did it?

Those who pursue perfection, like Napoleon the conqueror, want to hide their shortcomings and show off their perfection.
Nothing is impossible is confidence that there is no imperfection, but handling electricity with confidence alone can lead to electric shock.
In the East, the study of prediction has developed since ancient times.
Almost all tactical strategies belong to predictive science.
The old best-selling [孫子兵法/Sun-Tzu's Art of war] is a predictive study.
If you don't want us to make predictions, you'll have to fully disclose the generator.
Partially revealing predicts those who wonder.
We predict your generator with visible intuition.
We look forward to new things under the sun.


AlienGrey :

The picture below is a rural neighborhood where I live.
I often go hiking and walks, and sometimes when I see a wild boar I run away.
Rural wild boars flocking in flocks are bold and aggressive. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2021, 01:40:45 AM

The video above demonstrates the method some modern people speculated that the ancient Egyptians used to construct the pyramid.
However, the pyramids were built with only a few huge stones and most of them were lime-cement.
It is a special lime-cement blending technology devised by the Egyptians.
This is difficult to refute because there is evidence.

The Bible describes this lime-cement blending technique as [mortar and bricks].

and they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them.

What [mortar] means is that people step on the lime-cement blended with their feet.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2021, 01:44:15 AM
A wide pallet made of wooden pallets-shoes were made and the mixture was stepped on lime-cement.

A bonfire in the picture above is not a bonfire, but when quicklime is mixed with water, a high temperature is generated and gas is generated.
Something like a bonfire in the picture above shows the generation of gas.

When people continue to step on lime-cement mixed with various mixtures by making a formwork, it is strongly compressed, and the pyramid made in this way remains strong even after thousands of years.

It is a lime blending technology that has been making for thousands of years, but because the technology disappeared with the fall of Egypt, modern people guess strangely like Floor members.
When the truth disappears from history, the dark age of history chaos begins.
War is the default option and billions of people will die from disease and starvation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2021, 01:54:15 PM
태양은 세계의 진리 중심입니다.
이것은 지구 생물체에게는 만고의 진리이기 때문에, 태양이 진리에서 멀어지면, 진리를 외면하는 사건이라, 진리를 떠난 자들은 온전한 사고 자체를 못하는 비논리에 노출됩니다.
비논리가 지배하는 세상은 어떤 세상일까요?

신은 태양에게 죄의식을 부여했다.
태양신이 자신에게 죄의식을 부여했을까요?
태양은 거룩한 자신에게 죄를 부여할 이유가 없지만,
24시간 하늘에 떠있는 태양이란 존재와 세상을 두루 돌다 온 사탄이란 존재를 적으로 인식하는 여호와가 죄의식을 만들었다면 얘기가 됩니다.

뱀은 여호와의 분신이다.
하늘신 땅신이 태양을 먹어도 죄가 아니라고 말한다.
태양은 거룩한 자신에게 죄를 부여할 이유가 없지만,
태양을 먹은 하늘신과 땅신에게 죄를 부여했다.
결국은 태양이 선악과 사건을 만든 장본이란 얘기다.
태양이 영원히 하늘에 떠있고싶어서?

여호와는 뱀을 이용해 태양이 태양에게 죄의식을 부여하는 사건에 개입했다.
여호와 분신 뱀이 간교한 것은 창세기도 안다.

선거를 조작하고 법을 어기고 죄의식을 느끼지 못하는 자들의 말로는 사망이다.

The sun is the center of truth in the world.
Since this is the truth of eternity for living things on earth, when the sun moves away from the truth, it is an event that turns away from the truth.
What kind of world is the world dominated by illogical?

God conferred guilt on the sun.
Did the sun god give him guilt?
The sun has no reason to sin on the holy self,
It makes sense if Jehovah, who recognizes the existence of the sun floating in the sky for 24 hours and the existence of Satan who has traveled around the world, created a sense of guilt.

The serpent is the alter ego of Jehovah.
It is said that it is not a sin for the heavenly god and the earth to eat the sun.
The sun has no reason to sin on the holy self,
Sin was conferred on the heavenly and earthly gods who ate the sun.
In the end, it means that the sun is the book of good and evil and events.
Because the sun wants to stay in the sky forever?

Jehovah used serpents to intervene in events where the sun convicted the sun.
Genesis also knows that the Serpent, who is the alter ego of the Lord, is cunning.


For those who manipulate elections, break the law, and do not recognize sin, the end is death.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2021, 03:43:40 PM

It will be fun to see how the three villains make the world. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 28, 2021, 09:38:58 PM
Avant dernière étape OK

bon salut tout le monde donc il n'y aura pas de live samedi j'ai toujours pas reçu ce qu'il faut pour l'Arduino donc pour éviter toute confusion où j'en sais rien il est connecté ou je sais pas quoi du coup voilà ça sera sûr ça sera sur full batterie avec avec l'Arduino d'accord donc il va me rester encore une petite platine à faire demain pour pour peaufiner un peu tout ça donc une petite platine mais c'est trois trois quatre opposants qui se battent en duel parce que j'avais plus de place sur les autres donc là c'est définitif donc en fait là on a ici pour la fréquence d'entrée ici on a la production à la fréquence qui permet la production d'énergie enfin la production d'énergie excédentaire et ici on a la récupération de l'énergie excédentaire pour pouvoir réinjecter boucler sur une batterie ou peu importe donc voilà j'ai toujours pas mis les voyants pour l'instant je m'en tamponne un peu si ça fait ding ding et cetera donc donc voilà c'est nickel j'ai les deux modes j'ai le mode normal et le mode avec récupération d'énergie donc voilà donc là je suis à peu près je fais fonctionner adiwatt et je vais monter toute façon incrémentale pour vérifier au fur à mesure si ça chauffe ça chauffe pas comment ça réagis parce que je compte bien me servir de ce proto pendant des lustres voilà pour faire la démonstration notamment au colloque et j'en passe donc voilà donc en même temps ça c'est drôle ça fait une petite mission pour ceux qui voulait le live parce que bah voilà si à chaque fois qu'on me dit oui mais voilà j'ai discuté avec un ami et on s'est posé la question comment on pourrait faire en sorte qui est le moins de choses à dire où où j'en passe et en fait on s'est aperçu que peu importe et démonstration même bouclés aux gens parce qu'il y aurait toujours à redire il y aura toujours des gens qui qui blabla très et j'en passe et j'en passe donc un pain moi je suis à peu près à 10à 10W donc on voit que les mots il a la patate moi jusqu'à 10W je suis pas encore monté beaucoup beaucoup et voilà donc c'est sûrement très concluant je suis rentré content il me reste plus qu'à voilà qu'à faire le dernier petit module demain pour l'extraction d'énergie et roule ma poule allez je vous dis à plus et encore désolé pour le live ne fais pas ce samedi-là mais samedi prochain je peux le faire en semaine par semaine bah tout simplement quand semaine et je travaille et faire un live de 24 heures où les gens pourraient revenir au j'en sais rien c'est un peu long donc donc je préfère faire le samedi voilà allez je vous dis à plus Ciao


The Russians in the video above are also promoting and promoting a free-generator based on the "captor" principle that produces low voltage and high current, but the market reaction is cold.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 29, 2021, 12:28:12 AM
Fixing faulty circuit board components

New Zealand's beautiful nature is impressive.
I think your hydropower is a boon from nature.
It is a benefit of nature that is possible in environments with annual rainfall of 1500mm or more.
In the countryside where I live, the rainfall is uneven, so hydroelectric power cannot be generated.
In the rainy season, it rains too much, and in the dry season, the valley water is dry. ;D ;D

Kris Harbor Natural Building


The owner of the video above is a brainy friend from Wales, UK.
One day, I was worried because there was a lot of sediment in the filter net of the hydroelectric generator, so I taught him a good way, but the Wiles people are famous for their stubbornness, so I use a different method.
If the quantity of water is high, the sediment will be less even if you use a strainer of that type, but if the quantity of water decreases, more sediment will be collected.
The sieve of the above structure cannot fundamentally resolve the sediment.

The filter screen in the video below is a simple solution to this.
You have good dexterity, so you will be able to make a good filter net. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 29, 2021, 01:49:31 AM
아빠, 개나소나 뉴질랜드 유학파 계집이래 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 29, 2021, 04:30:18 AM
Any kind of Tesla will work.
However, it must cooperate with the transformer resonance.
The BTG white light that Ruslan recently posted, my dad developed it five years ago.

Ох уж эти стоячие Теслы ..... 2 кВт или 20 Вт ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 29, 2021, 10:10:42 PM
Installing a Wood Stove and Oak Flooring in an Off-Grid Tiny Log Workshop

I think your Off-Grid log cabin needs a free-generator. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 30, 2021, 04:21:21 AM

don't know why those involved in the Lithuanian OU experiment give value to their own strange experiment.


The above experiment is simple,


It is just an experiment on the avalanche effect known as Townsend discharge.
Townsend discharge appears in an experiment using spark gaps.
It's true that a high voltage Tesla produces an avalanche effect,
Townsend discharge is not related to the Kappanadze/Acura/Ruslan generator principle.
It does not mean that it is completely irrelevant, but that it has nothing to do with Townsend discharge and the principle of development.


The spark gap shown in the video above is not a spark gap for Townsend discharge, but a basic spark gap for Tesla high voltage to work.
In order to activate the earth-ground with a high voltage like lightning, a transformer of a flyback structure must basically have a spark gap.
This is not a spark gap that causes an avalanche effect, it is simply a spark gap for high voltages.


Charge unbalanced lightning has a high unbalanced amperage by itself.
Charge imbalanced lightning produces a more transcendentally balanced amperage only when negative and positive charges meet.
It is correct to say that this is a short circuit-spark.
That's why the Kappanadze/Acura/Ruslan generator principle is called the lightning-discharge principle.

The Lithuanian OU experiment is independent of the Kappanadze/Acura/Ruslan generator principle.

The Kacher schematic below is a Tesla that is not directly related to Townsend discharge.
The Kacher role is all about activating the earth-ground and drawing electric charges into the generator.

I would like to ask the Lithuanian OU experimenters.
Do you think my dad's experiment in the video above is Townsend discharge?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 30, 2021, 09:18:58 AM

The below Romanscope experiment using a microwave transformer belongs to the single-wire transmission technology.
It is not strictly a single wire transmission technology.


This is an experiment in which Romankov confidently evaluated the Kapanadze-generator.
Similar to Wesley's Lithuanian OU.


юра сам
там где он показывает направление магнитных потоков на 5.10 минуте. от либо говорит ложь либо не знает. магнитный поток наведенный проводником не может вращаться не вокруг этого проводника. а он показывает что проводник в окне сердечника сам по себе, а его магнитный поток вращается внутри сердечника сам по проводник в окне сердечника сам по себе, а его магнитный поток вращается внутри сердечника сам по проводник в окне сердечника сам по себе, and в таком варианте который он показывает и о котором говорит магнитный поток в месте столкновения потоков, потоки выйует из сердечника пройдет через середину окна и вернутся в сердечник с обратной стороны и каждый в свою или через свою катушку завершит свой круг вокруг проводника породивший это кольцо магнитной линии . Романов любит пурги навести что бы не показать то, что происходит на сама деле. мне нравится его КАК БЫ. не как на сам деле, а КАК БЫ. да еще разделить это "как бы" на четыре части, потом померять длинну проводника в котором волновых взимодействий вообще не может быть исходя из длин волн на этой частоте и ими можно пренебречь и еще посчитать на каких частотах будет четверть волны. которая в этом тр. ни с боком ни с припеком. и данный принцип работы этого трансформатора основан не на взаимнотействии волновых процессов, а куна магнитных связях и с с умным связях и с с умным связях. не хочешь людям рассказать реальный принцип работы тр. в режиме преобразования энергии и врежиме СЕ, так хотя бы не заволи людей в заблужение. , это не поряточно.

Alex Kuzmin
на схемах принято начало обмоток обозначать точками. При таком соединении будет КЗ. Надо было соединить обмотки последовательно. Тогда,если обмотки одинаковые, на выходе будет ноль, если разные, то разность напряжений. В трехфазном трансформаторе перекос фаз не приводит к смещению нейтрали, просто появляется уравнительный ток в нулевом проводнике. Фаза напряжения во вторичной обмотке смещена на 180градусов относительно первичной. Насчет смещения фазы и асимметрии полуволн это Ваша фантазия(проверьте сами осциллографом). В трансформаторе передаваемая мощность определяется магнитным потоком и индукцией, и всегда справедливо утверждение, что сумма векторных произведений напряжений и токов в первичных обмотках равна сумме таких же произведений во вторичных. А то народ подключает вольтметр и амперметр, видишь, вот сила тока уменьшилась. А если подключить ваттметр то сразу все станет на свои места, поскольку он учитывает сдвиг фаз, который тоже изменится.Сколько раз давал себе слово не критиковать людей, не заглядывавших в учебник по ТОЭ, где расписана теория работы таких устройств и для неверущих все подкреплено формулами , откуда что берется.Потому что в ответ чаще всего слышишь типа сам дурак. Интернет такое позволяет.

And I have seen a lot of similar experiments by members.


GFusion Core

Spigel Branimir


Igor Moroz


Konstantin Lagutin


AC requires earth-ground.


I did not do it, one woman did it with two heavy swords. I told her keep your back straight and just swing them in front of you horizontally in opposite directions.
She and the chair were pulled forward.
I can't believe this simplest of ALL natural phenomena is still not recognized.


Good luck.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 30, 2021, 07:26:38 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 31, 2021, 02:19:53 AM


Offline AlienGrey
Hero Member
Posts: 3391

Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
« Reply #665 on: September 14, 2020, 12:51:03 PM »


The Lithuanian OU experiment also appears on the AG forum.

Because the device is so simple Tariel will never release the details to build it.
It is so simple that it is not possible to make any money on this device, so Tariel will take the secret to hes grave.
Theres a fair chance of making a working replication,this has failed in the past because people believe its a Tesla invention,which it is not.

A few years ago, someone posted a comment like this.
This is true for anyone who knows the structure of the generator,
For those who do not know the structure of the generator, a hundred years is not enough.
It is an amazing technology that doctors and professors who majored in electrical and electronics do not know the structure of the generator of Kapanadze.


julien newman
julien newman
6년 전
wow this look so great

Erzsébet Varga
Erzsébet Varga
7년 전

Didier Khwartz
Didier Khwartz
7년 전
What about english version of your vids? :/

Artem Efimov
Artem Efimov
7년 전
Автор, есть схема устройства?

Differend things
Differend things
7년 전
Это не его видео, как я понял.

7년 전
Извинюсь за спам, не могу своево последнево коментара стереть, 2:28 етот провод от ТДКС..

Vid Bid
Vid Bid
7년 전
Is this coil the same coil that Daly or Dally used?

murman kakhidze
murman kakhidze
7년 전
დიდი მადლობა იკაკო

Differend things
Differend things
7년 전
Резонатор, это как видно и понял, это простая катушка на тоньшей трубке засунута, с алюминевой согнутой пластиной, которая как один виток незамкнут?

Василий Жерноклёв
Василий Жерноклёв
2년 전
привет! как успехи по схеме гость разобрался?

Daniel Engsväng
Daniel Engsväng
1년 전
Looks like a Flyback Transformer connected with a capacitor and and sparkGaps to the Secondary of a Transformer so it lits up the lamp

Саша Мулык
Саша Мулык
3년 전
добрых времени суток)))))есть возможность закинуть схему интересно очень)))

просто у акулы держать частотный резонанс сложнее,искровой куда стабильней)))

1년 전
ребята всё просто до ужаса всё взята из патента Н. Теслы  просмотрите в его патенты самый первый и поймёте что он сделал в своих работах и разработках

7년 전
Устал  я   от  фокусов   уже..........

Руслан Сергеевич
Руслан Сергеевич
7년 전
Подскажи сколько витков на резонаторе тот что внутри??

Muneer Ahmad
Muneer Ahmad
6년 전
your doing it very well but i want to know which martial or chemical  is inside the tube under the coil

Seri Beli
Seri Beli
4년 전
Подскажите пожалуйста как намотаны катушки и что представляет собой резонатор, к чему подключена алюминиевая труба или это просто как экран. Спасибо

7년 전

Вопрос - принцип работы не тот самый как у Романова с последовательном резонансом между катушек в том самом воздушном трансформаторе?  Сильно пахнет етим по соединениям.. :)

Zaza B
Zaza B
7년 전
vis ekutvnis video? tu avtors davujerebt tvitkvebadia

6년 전
ООО, мой девайс=)

Roma salash
Roma salash
6년 전
помоч запустить сможеш нужни савети

Сергей Давиденко
Сергей Давиденко
7년 전
Ребята, Вы так обсуждаете, как будто такое каждый день видите в переходе. Если автор действительно создал подобное, то он найдет способ дать в массу, если фейк то и заморачиватся не стоит, а вопросами дело не решить...

7년 전
Еще вопрос - куда ведет светло желты провод вертикально от высоковолтново конденсатора? Он рядом с проводом заземления.

Alexander Akm
Alexander Akm
7년 전
Здравствуйте - хотел спросить у вас вы сами делали по этой схеме ?
Или просто выложили ?
Есть такой вопросик - регулировочная катушка (та что параллельно конденсатору - параллельный КК) она бифилярная или нет ?
На вашей схеме бифиляр на другой я видел обычную намотку ?
Сколько в ней витков ?
Заранее большое спасибо за ответ -

Suman Das
Suman Das
1개월 전
Please sir show your diagram 🙏🙏🙏

Mark Ted
Mark Ted
6개월 전
The only successful Kappa generator. It can run by itself

3년 전
Nobody could replicate the chubinizde diagram seems to be a lie, as always, the information is a lie, I have replied with the indications that explain in overonity, I did not have results, we continue to lie and I do not understand because, it is bad man to lie to the Others, do not even explain their rational physical functioning, if it is true that I doubt it, only seek to deceive people and if it is true only seek money, what would our Tesla hero think of his acting? Free energy only deception, no one can replicate any device following their directions should be ashamed if they actually discovered something they are still hiding from the human.

Michael Michael
Michael Michael
3년 전
Тоестъ транс закачивается искрой, а потом это идет не только на нагрузку, но и через сетвой транс на самозапит типа..?? Афтар панимает ваапще что сетевой транс такой ток не пропустит...???!!! Это гонево типа специально? Гебня гребанная

1년 전
ты хоть схемы умеешь читать ?

3년 전
Никто не мог повторить диаграмму chubinizde кажется ложь, как всегда, информация не соответствует действительности, я копировал показание объяснено в overonity, не дало никаких результатов, мы лежим и не понимаю, почему это плохой человек лжет другие, даже не объяснить их физическую рациональную работу, если это правда, что я сомневаюсь в этом, только они пытаются обмануть людей, и если это правда, только искать деньги, можно подумать, что наш герой Теслы его поступка? свободная энергия не вы просто мистификации, никто не может повторить любое устройство, следуя вашим инструкциям должно быть стыдно, если на самом деле они обнаружили то

, что они до сих пор скрывается от людей.

Ктото Там
Ктото Там
3년 전
Это правда , данный эффект повторили уже очень многие , в том числе и парень на видео . Есть и другие варианты , их очень много .  Читайте книги и статьи  изобретателей и физиков  отрицающих долбаный релятивизм , в том числе и Тесла , там всё подробно объяснено . Если вы не понимаете что происходит , то я вам объясню - суть данного эффекта в пространственном сложении волн . При резонансе реактивная энергия во много раз превышает затраченную , чтобы превратить её в обычный контурный ток - связь между катушками должна быть как можно меньше (несимметричной) , только тогда при сложении волн вторичные контура не будут напрямую влиять на первичные , но передача энергии будет , в противном случае система пойдёт в разнос или собьётся - это главное что нужно знать . Описано много приёмов как развязать контура и снять с резонанса обычный контурный ток . Не понимая сути процесса вы никогда не сможете повторить подобное устройство , копировать не получиться - его каждый раз надо создавать заново . Никто ничего не скрывает , практики щедро делятся всем что знают , нужно только понять , тренируйте пространственное воображение и не перескакивайте к сложному пока не поняли простое , не торопитесь и следуйте только своему опыту .

3년 전
Большое спасибо за ваши слова, привет.

1년 전
​@Ктото Там Вопрос скорее в том,
как трением формирующаяся лавина свободных электрический зарядов поймать и превратить, так сказать стандартный ток... я не вижу инвертора на выходной каскаде... можно только представить, что в конденсаторной цепи генерируются низкочастотные импульсы?

7년 전
Свободная энергия 2014

Гость УСТАНОВКА БТГ 2.5кВт с самозапиткой - БРОНЕПОЕЗД РОССИЯ

БТГ с самозапиткой (описание элементов схемы и схема здесь)
overunity.c o m/7679/selfrunning-free-energy-devices-up-to-5-kw-from-tariel-kapanadze/msg366602/#msg366602


Умом Россию не понять
Аршином общим не измерить:
У ней особенная стать –
В Россию можно только верить.

Ф.И.Тютчев (1866)

Россия держава номер один !! :)

Удачи всех благ !!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 31, 2021, 02:22:55 AM
Many of the OU cafe members you know wrote comments.
There is no simpler generator, but the members of the placenta do not understand the structure of the generator.
Even after a hundred years, anyone who doesn't understand an easy generator structure doesn't understand it.

Crazy Russian far-rights appear everywhere.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 31, 2021, 06:24:45 PM

It is an unidentified free generator from Russia that has been floating on the Internet since 8 years ago.
Even my dad doesn't understand the picture below.
ramset, I hope you have eyes to see.

[P.S] A little modified at the request of my dad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2021, 01:12:48 AM
ТДКС нa 494

The upper line in this schematic is that there is no power line going to the TL494 circuit in the red circle.
Grenade coil using circular ferrite-If it is used as the power source for the TL494 circuit as the power generated by the transformer itself,
Two input wires and two output wires should be connected to the grenade coil, but they cannot be observed.

On the premise that the generator works only with Tesla-kacher.
In other words, the circuit in the red line below is a fake.
Just as literacy interviews in a library lined with books, the user of the video below deliberately noises the complexity unrelated to the operation of the generator using well-known ornaments.

The crazy Russian far-rights deliberately distort the circuit diagrams and distribute them, so other than doing some corrections, they are not interested in the welfare or retirement of the cafe members here.

No matter how Google Translate interprets Korean, Google Translator selects the word.
Even if it is not the word or translation I want, I am not interested.
It is not intended to promote Korean sentiment to the West.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2021, 01:42:19 AM
The members of the placenta do not understand even if they look at the circuit diagram, can they understand the real generator?
Members who study generators without understanding the structure of generators are very pitiful.
Those who distribute circuit diagrams that cafe members don't understand make and distribute circuit diagrams as a hobby.
Verification like 'its' is all about satisfying evil joy to those who distribute meaningless circuit diagrams as a hobby.
There is an oriental proverb that says, 'build only one well'.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2021, 03:52:23 AM

Ты вроде бы акулу и подобных калабуховых критикуешь но тогда зачем по их схемам лепишь девайсы?

В свое время была попытка реплицировать подобное,и потом я разочаровался поняв что это все лажа,это касаеться не только руслана и акулу,но и капу и т.д!!!!


Many people interested in free generators try to duplicate generators, but few people get results.
There are generator frequency measuring equipment, but they do not help with generator operation.
Promoting measuring equipment to promote the forum has nothing to do with how the generator works.
Many inventions around the world are discovered by chance.
When was researching a hair loss agent, I accidentally discovered .
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2021, 02:58:23 AM
всё не случайно.
Сколько нужно времени для того, что бы понять, что в трансформаторе нет СЕ?

Привет Вилли Вонка А ты снова стал потрясающий комментарий Сколько потребуется лет для того чтобы понять что если в трансформаторе Тесла и в обычном трансформаторе не существуют наверное столько же сколько и потребовалось эдисону для того чтобы понять что переменный ток лучше чем постоянный и таких примеров можно приводить сотни возможно столько же лет потребуется для того чтобы понять что Земля круглая или плоская когда-то давно то есть ну мне можно приводить аналогии просто бесконечно На этот счёт но смотрите в чём ситуации то есть на самом деле три патента на этот счет это французский патент по трансформатору на железном сердечнике где говорится о том что в каждом Ну практически в каждом сердечники есть изотопа в этом как раз и говорит о том что всё-таки не в каждом Почти в каждом есть изотопы железа и там находится частоты рецессия кажется до атомов частота прецессии или как там правильно по-научному я не помню но канал канала Антон дремлюга даже вроде есть как раз вот номер этого пациента и он там дает ссылку там объяснение то есть 1% яркий пример вам Мельниченко тоже можете верить может не верить Можете зайти в личинки искать что твой штуки не работают я тоже буду Я думаю он тоже будет очень рад вашему комментарию вот у меня тоже вроде есть патенты и ещё какой-то патент в памяти мои застрял это связан с Как это объяснить хитрым строением сердечников это мне кстати скинули скинули его в какой-то группе в Скайпе и там прям мужики в коловрате делали огромные сердечника или что-нибудь три месяца делаю то есть в принципе чём они берут пластину из электротехнической стали покрывает пластину лаком и делают очень много таких больших пластин Talent Вот и потом запихивают эту пластину в такую огромную пойду туда запихивает Вставляю туда лопату и начинает это крутить и каждая пластинка она как бы встает и получается как бы спиралькой заворачивается да то есть сердечник не-не Лента вый именно каждая Лента она гальванически развязаны то есть и получается что там тоже какая-то гидро ситуация с магнитным потоком вот также стоит наверное вспомнить чтобы Вилли Вонка о том что готовы заплатить деньги Если вам покажут рабочую устройство я нашёл человека Вы с ним связались Вы с ним пообщались даже в Скайпе Вот на что мне Человек который с вами общался сказал что вы очень похожи на ну на меня то есть по возрасту то есть судя по общению вам примерно такое же количество лет потому что ведете вы себя очень странные неадекватно как и я в принципе вот ну то есть в силу возраста поэтому я думаю возможно вы тоже просто молодой неопытный так сказать и верующий то есть вывод Вы верите в то что то что это этого не может быть потому что этого не может быть но я вот хочу напомнить что все великие идеи как раз возникали в головах тех кто именно не верил то есть вот человеку говорили этого не будет я так сделала если бы даже наберете ролик про дональда Смита мотаюсь собираем кто может видеть тут не верить то что его устройства работают он как раз и говорил что всё началось с того что мне сказали что этого не может быть а я только подумал А как же не может быть и решил доказать всем что это может быть поэтому вот эти вот комментарии То есть это для чего это всё равно что сейчас зайти на канал плоскоземельщиков пытался доказать что Земля круглая Это же просто Утопия какая-то Точнее не Утопия поставила бесполезные занятия поэтому я не знаю То есть вот почему этот комментарий То есть мне ещё что нужно сделать мне нужно не заниматься otezla строением убрать Выкинуть все свои трансформаторы там И что мне делать начинать строить коллайдер и потом говорил да там предыдущих роликах что когда-нибудь я наверное дойду до того что пойму что можно следить магнитное поле ионизацию но это уже давным-давно сделали Да он такамаки то есть но у меня У меня к сожалению пока нет я подожди-ка что нет возможности возможности наверное есть нет пока знаний для того чтобы это сделать И возможно также не хватает знаний для того чтобы сделать бы таких трансформатора но это не значит что мне нужно какое-то время для того чтобы понять что это не работает скорее всего мне нужно какое-то количество времени для того чтобы понять Как это работает

Complaints other than passion for research do not help in the invention of the generator.


Демонстрация работы аппарата Кулабухова 20Вт

There are a lot of inventors who dream of making money.
The key is not the authenticity of the invention, but how to secure the will to sell and buy.
good luck.

It is important to remember that taking the sexual enhancement drug [비아그라] often helps with hair loss, but it also increases the risk of convulsive shock death.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Raycathode on February 03, 2021, 12:30:47 PM

Just watch
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 03, 2021, 12:47:36 PM
Resonance is ok, but the problem is to get  energy out of resonant circuit. Explain this , other problems are miniscule
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2021, 12:49:07 PM


Kulabuhov - 40 - Вечный фонарик Руслана Кулабухова

Kulabuhov - 41 - Запуск малой установки Руслана

Kulabuhov - 42 - 100Вт в машине у Руслана в Риге
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Raycathode on February 03, 2021, 01:41:43 PM
Quote from: forest on February 03, 2021, 12:47:36 PM
Resonance is ok, but the problem is to get  energy out of resonant circuit. Explain this , other problems are miniscule
Thats the trick isn't it yet there is a way to do it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2021, 02:59:59 PM
One wire three phase system of Michael Bank.ru

Я считаю, что земля не может быть конденсатором. Потому что емкость конденсатора ограничера, а реальном заземлении и в нашем обнулителе нет никакого ограниченияю Я не помню точность емкости между обнулителем и землей, но помню, что она была больше нескольких килоом
В однрапроводной системе нет дополнитео=ельных потерь. Конленсатор модев вместить ограниченное количество электричества.  Вс е к=у нас работает.


It is a single wire transmission technology.
Typical alternating current transmission is a combination of a single wire and ground.
It is a technology that amplifies the voltage-current amount by using the ground and transformer in the field while transmitting with a single wire.
There will be a story that will help very few members. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 03, 2021, 03:27:19 PM
Kapanadze spark is silent, it's nothing like a discharge or a noisy spark from Tesla coil.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2021, 05:34:55 PM

The method of winding the secondary coil on a cylindrical insulator is commonly referred to as a Tesla coil.
In general, silicon steel or ferrite transformers are not called Tesla coils.
But Kapanadze says it's a Tesla technology.
It means that high voltage amplifying transformer is understood as a Tesla coil.

All of the videos below are flyback transformer experiments.
It can create more different types of plasma than Tesla.
Of course it can make the noise louder.

The Tesla coil also makes the plasma longer, the louder the noise.
Short plasma can make it almost silent.

The Tesla coil makes the noise loud, and the high-voltage transformer makes the noise low and makes no sense.
However, it seems like a simple problem raised by the fact that the transformer-type Tesla used by Kapanadze has no noise.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2021, 01:36:31 PM
Plasma Speaker 1

Plasma Speaker 2
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2021, 02:42:57 PM
ZVS driver bulb light fixture

Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X Demo 2

The only reason we stick to the inefficient old Tesla coils is their pointless respect for Tesla.
It's kind of like faith.
There are many high voltage transformers that perform better than Tesla coils.
Free-generators are much better than Tesla with ferrite transformers, which are also smaller in volume and size.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2021, 09:48:22 PM
Покупка - Наладка -БТГ каждому!

Competition outside of perspective is virtually meaningless. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2021, 09:52:25 PM
think it's the relationship Dad;;
범내려온다 어흥💙어흥💙어흥💕;;;
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2021, 05:03:21 AM
I also damaged a lot of transistors while doing this experiment.
There is only one reason the transistor is damaged.
Understanding and substituting the last working principle that creates resonance will not break the transistor.
My daughter has already shown the principle of resonance in pictures.
Understanding the principle of resonance is the job of our members, and we are just helping your brains open.

And a few days ago, a military-coup broke out over a fraudulent election in a small country in the East.
A female head of state who received the Nobel Peace Prize committed a fraudulent election.
Military martial law for a year is in effect for the re-election.
There is a possibility of a local war, but I hope that the re-election will be held safely.

And I know that there are many Russian members in this cafe.
All you have to do is not disturb the members you study. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Raycathode on February 05, 2021, 07:23:49 AM
This transistor on a heat sink, It's on a suicide mission, as a kid I use to build stuff one item was a scope that needed EHT 3kv
I tried that circuit with transistors of the day, they all overheated blew up or the back emf destroyed them.

Point is that the transistor has no protection no emitter or source resister or current limit device and it doesn't have rail,
to rail circuitry, so a real thumbs down unless you can have the funds and resources to replace it every microsecond :'(

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 05, 2021, 02:29:09 PM
Maybe the back EMF which destroy transistors is exactly what we should catch - excess energy ? Recall how Kapanadze in show destroyed two transistors and in the same time he  said he replaced solid state device with spark gap because it failed also.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 05, 2021, 02:57:53 PM
Yeah how about that  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2021, 08:26:38 PM



Принцип БТГ Vasmusa

Viewers commented on Romankov starting a strange lecture on a trip to Andromeda.

Начало правильной настройки

8개월 전
Думаю у Вас всё для хайпа и просмотров ...  Вот сколько не  натыкаюсь на такие видео - все что-то поясняют - катушки обмотки витки длину частоту :)))   но ни разу никто  не пояснил для чего это и что именно делают катушки и принцип действия и физико главных процессов - только общие фразы ...
Это ребята, -  создающие количество просмотров, - это потому что все кто эти видео делают, - не знают этого ... Делается это всё как реплики и копии уже ранее деланного ... и умничают так как с осциллографами на видео имеют умный вид :)))
   Задайте себе вопрос зачем они это делают ?  Зачем им это нужно - выкладывать всё в ютик ? Зачем - если они Вам не могут открыть самого главного - не могут и не открывают ... Думаю кто не лишен логического - тем ответ очевиден :)))

Всем благ ;-)

4개월 전
@Format Kostyana ну и как ?  :-)  если хайпа не будет, - никому этот канал и даром не нужен будет ...

ну а ещё можно прорекламировать фигню всякую и выдать дуракам за чистую монету ...

вот так и работает ....
без движухи нет дела ...
иначе зачем такие видео клепать ... кому они нужны ?  ... только глупеньким любителям и автору чтобы что-то втюхать 🙂
или у Вас, сер, кака высокка есть цель ??

4개월 전
@Format Kostyana у каждого свои проблемы 🙂  мы уже свои потратили и многое выяснили. Да я и не против ... Изучайте себе ... Просто все показывают процесс да загадочно так ... Никто не покажет ничего ясного и готового ... На то есть причины, но не те что оправдывают эти днйствия ... Люди будут надеяться что вы покажете результат явный окончательный и эффективный, а не ""мыло"" ... но я думаю они зря питают надежды ... рад буду ошибиться 🙂

4개월 전(수정됨)
@Format Kostyana ну тут  на счёт некоторой ценности, - тут  Вы правы ... есть такое. Но без определённого опыта и знаний - это просто мотиватор ... и я не о академических знаниях говорю ... Ну да ладно.
Вы скажите откровенно, ... у Вас в конце концов что-то путнее получилось ? 🙂

4개월 전(수정됨)
@Format Kostyana  Могу познакомить Вас со своим наставником ... Он знает "всё" ... ну очень много ... + он физик ядерщик ко всем остальным специализациям и рассказал мне много поясняющего в этой теме ... Могу помочь Вам сэкономить Ваши деньги ...   Тут общаться неудобно ... Вам видна моя электронка ? Пишите ... Расскажу немного секретов ... Тут оглашать некоторую инфу не могу ... Вы почти правы в своих исследованиях ... но у Вас есть ошибки и неточности с заблуждениями, хотя Вы на верном пути и многое понимаете ... Есть желание - пишите - спрашивпйте. Есть вопросы ? ... мы ответим ...

4개월 전(수정됨)
​@Format Kostyana Вот непонятливый попался :))) Ну поясняю:
1. слишком легкомысленно Вы относитесь к данной теме -
2. Вы совсем не понимаете моего контекста да ещё и стараясь показать якобы имеющееся превосходство  -
3. Вы ещё под стол пешком ходили когда мы это всё разрабатывали по знаниям Н.Теслы и Вы понятия не имеете с кем переписываетесь и у кого больше знаний и умения выражать мысли (опускать тут не уместно... параноиков тут нет),  и откуда ""это"" всё появилось вообще и у Кулабухова в том числе  ...
Вы делаете поспешные выводы и по-этому у Вас всё так туго даже в электронике ...
4. На предложение помочь Вам с пониманием процессов, - Вы поучаете и выпендриваетесь.
   Да бога ради, - флаг Вам в руки ... заметьте, - я Вас на "Вы" называю и с уважением общаюсь, хотя и с критикой дельной. Думаете что всё поймёте сами ? Только рад за Вас буду. Удачи. А слово (секрет) совсем не то означало что Вы подумали в меру своей недальновидности. Вникать нужно о чём Вам хотят сказать, а не сходу парировать и петушиться не разобравшись ...   
5. Прошу прощения что наехал в начале, но всё же  НЕ получил от Вас толкового ответа по поводу необходимости выставлять видео на всеобщий обзор  ...  Повторю вопрос: ну и зачем Вам это ?    И главный: - Вы в результате устройство или  хотя бы репликацию сделали ?? :)))   
Ну и ещё немного текста - намекну Вам если поймёте о чём я ... - Нельзя давать всем подряд технологии которые могут нести в себе опасные последствия ! Вы видите в них только что-то одно (ну говорил же что нет широкого понимания) ... а там много чего ещё есть ... это как обезьяне  гранату подарить (да, там есть и такое) ...
Конечно, - работать над этим и можно и нужно, вот только показывать нужно уже что-то готовое и не всем подряд ...
     Так Вы и докажете что Вы что-то умеете в этом плане кроме поисков и что что-то понимаете в этом направлении.   По итогу дайте людям мирный источник электричества, а не путь к непонятно чему. То-есть уже готовый "товар" дайте, можете даже за деньги, если оно того стоит. И учтите у этих технологий и у нас таких "умных" в этом направлении  много "врагов" ! Это я к тому что осторожность не помешает. Мы уже научены и сталкивались с недоброжелателями, потому как давно уже имеем то, что вы только в зародыше изучаете. Так что береому как Вам ещё долго пилить в этом направлении и много изучать и пробовать.
  Буду рад и приятно удивлён если Вы реально покажете хотя бы репликацию того что смогли Роман и Руслан. А мы все теперь внимательно ждём прогресса :)))
P.S. - (а я всего лишь предложил помощь), ну  а Вы то всё и сами знаете, - ну зачем же Вам помощь глупых людишек :))))
Успехов Вам. Время покажет. а ну и (ютик) тоже :))) если Вы новое видео запилите :)))

4개월 전
@Format Kostyana    это ещё 1 аргумент не в вашу пользу :)))

4개월 전
@Format Kostyana это интересно о ком речь ? :)))

4개월 전
@Format Kostyana    зачем задавать вопросы не желая получать ответы ?? :)))

4개월 전
@Format Kostyana да вы знаете больше чем многие :))) и вы не напыщенный самохвал :)))

2 года изучать и убеждать себя что есть моменты ... это круто ;-)))

4개월 전
@Format Kostyana научитесь вы сами выражать свои мысли. я не оглашаю свои, я выражаю мнение и предлагал помощь ... вижу как вам она нужна :))) мы же там гордые и великие :)))

4개월 전
@Format Kostyana ну вот и хорошо что хоть это ясно :)))

4개월 전
​ @Format Kostyana  ваша делегация не далеко ушла от той что вы себе надумали и не знаю как электронику, а язвить и тролить вас научили :))) И наставник мне не учитель - научитесь быть внимательным и правильно вычитывать информацию. И где и какого энтузиаста мажут то ?? :)))   Ой - немного критики и уже паника такая - измазали вас. Ну простите :))) и я не верю, а знаю что человек не только всё знает, но уже многое получил на практике и доказал и показал как всё работает. Повторю - он мне не учитель и ему всё равно сколько у меня напыщенности так как я к нему с огромным уважением отношусь ... Есть люди этого заслуживают, теперь уже в отличии от некоторых :)))  Было бы что оценивать ...  пусть ваша компашка немного заслужит уважения у большинства людей ... потом и оценивает других. Опыта и много чего ещё у вашей компашки не хватает до этой опции ... И мне всё равно кто там ваши учителя  и кто вас там ценит если есть за что, но пока вы ничего не привнесли в этот мир без гугла и инета, так что начните с себя и будьте где-то там где вам удобнее :) ... мы уже этот путь прошли.
Про повторение установок - я и ожидал такого ответа. Никто и не узнает повторили ли вы их или нет :)))) Даю вам 100% гарантию что вы их даже не повторите - нет копии скрутите, но работать на самозапите они у вас не будут.   Докажете мне обратное да хоть когда :)))
У меня нет более времени тратить на пустые споры с вами. Сказал ВРЕМЯ ПОКАЖЕТ - вот и увидим что будет .... оно уже показывает что кроме того что у вас уже есть - ничего и не будет ... только ролики в ютике :)))   А по поводу ютьюба - полно инфы и как работает и что там и как ... так что неучем в этом вопросе не получится :)))

Успехов вам и хватит этого спама и троллинга  ... Отвечайте людям на вопросы по теме, мне отвечать уже не нужно - смысла более не прибавиться уже к вышесказанному ...  Удачи ...

In Russia, all people who have better brains than themselves are taken to the People's Court, where they are purged in blood.
So, in Russia, there are only rooster cooks.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2021, 10:56:48 PM
It is difficult to understand Ruslan's language because he has a habit of uttering short sentences in the middle.
The generator video that Russians posted on YouTube videos a few days ago was not a generator sold by Ruslan, Ruslan said.

Ruslan Streaming 8
February 6, 2021

блин всё время пытаюсь Ладно какая разница тагс Так я сегодня ня насчёт в последнее время то есть я хочу просто пока у меня 20 минут есть для того чтобы кто-то накопился здесь и мы с вами обсудили вопрос от того что мошенников производилась дохрена люди просто провоцируют наверное я не знаю Ну скорее всего наверное вы все видели видео в котором этот самый демонстрировали какую-то коробку там сделали какие-то генераторы да то есть ну что-то такое там сейчас промедикал я до конца не досмотрел но мне сказали что намекают на меня что это я там типа продал кому-то или что-то я сразу хочу сказать что я к этому видео никакого отношения имею а то что люди там делают это просто макароны на уши вам вешаю ты как бы чтобы ну чтобы понять Вообще что это всё бред Я просто Рекомендую вам просто не обращать на это внимание Вот почему я так долго не выходил в эфир ребятки мне некогда На самом деле то есть нам приходится вот я сейчас приходится работать Даже из дома я тут сделал ничего скажу вот радиостудия удастся этой стороны вот у меня тут пультом да то есть ну я просто раз это всё делал Как говорится и поэтому На данном этапе я как бы некоторые некоторые работы выполняют здесь прямо поэтому мне пора делам очень много надо всё сделать и как бы никогда трепаться честно сказать И вот через 20 минут у меня есть кефир поэтому я как бы ну через 20 минут Я через 15 минут я отключусь чтобы подготовиться все дела Вот пообщаемся мы с вами я думаю что сейчас я просто не буду загадывать когда но просто следите за моим каналам и мы обязательно пообщаемся просто я сразу говорю что за это время очень много всяких таких людей по вылезала которые деньги потом продадут уже проходили такие вещи Ну деньги они явно скажет скажу Так что для того чтобы собирать деньги на что там да то есть надо что-то сделать Привет они ничего не сделали то есть это установка не работает это сразу я говорю никаких этих самых никаких там ну там нету чему работать вообще-то есть люди Понимаете в чём дело у меня есть кодовые слова которые люди говорят когда они что-то сделают На данном этапе они ничего не сделали и установкой не работают поэтому Говорить такие вещи Привет саласпилс То есть говори такие вещи что типа вот всё у меня там работает да то есть вот мы этот собираем деньги не тратьте время и не к этим самым всяким разным товарищам просто ну не платите денег не за схемы никаких схем в интернете нет поймите То есть под каждую конкретно катушку под каждой ферид из Лего фонарик там пытаетесь собрать да то есть это для этого требуется не только детали и знания там какие-то маломальский в электронике там требуется знание как владеть приборами знания как владеть осциллографом генератором знания как бы как владеть многими вещами которые Просто элементарно для этих целей нужны и если вы если у вас не будет так контрактник насчёт покупки не ратора успел там тракте какой контрактник не понимаю это самое то есть я вам сразу скажу что никаких я блин всё время пытаюсь Ладно какая разница тагс Так я сегодня ня насчёт в последнее время то есть я хочу просто пока у меня 20 минут есть для того чтобы кто-то накопился здесь и мы с вами обсудили вопрос от того что мошенников производилась дохрена люди просто провоцируют наверное я не знаю Ну скорее всего наверное вы все видели видео в котором этот самый демонстрировали какую-то коробку там сделали какие-то генераторы да то есть ну что-то такое там сейчас промедикал я до конца не досмотрел но мне сказали что намекают на меня что это я там типа продал кому-то или что-то я сразу хочу сказать что я к этому видео никакого отношения имею а то что люди там делают это просто макароны на уши вам вешаю ты как бы чтобы ну чтобы понять Вообще что это всё бред Я просто Рекомендую вам просто не обращать на это внимание Вот почему я так долго не выходил в эфир ребятки мне некогда На самом деле то есть нам приходится вот я сейчас приходится работать Даже из дома я тут сделал ничего скажу вот радиостудия удастся этой стороны вот у меня тут пультом да то есть ну я просто раз это всё делал Как говорится и поэтому На данном этапе я как бы некоторые некоторые работы выполняют здесь прямо поэтому мне пора делам очень много надо всё сделать и как бы никогда трепаться честно сказать И вот через 20 минут у меня есть кефир поэтому я как бы ну через 20 минут Я через 15 минут я отключусь чтобы подготовиться все дела Вот пообщаемся мы с вами я думаю что сейчас я просто не буду загадывать когда но просто следите за моим каналам и мы обязательно пообщаемся просто я сразу говорю что за это время очень много всяких таких людей по вылезала которые деньги потом продадут уже проходили такие вещи Ну деньги они явно скажет скажу Так что для того чтобы собирать деньги на что там да то есть надо что-то сделать Привет они ничего не сделали то есть это установка не работает это сразу я говорю никаких этих самых никаких там ну там нету чему работать вообще-то есть люди Понимаете в чём дело у меня есть кодовые слова которые люди говорят когда они что-то сделают На данном этапе они ничего не сделали и установкой не работают поэтому Говорить такие вещи Привет саласпилс То есть говори такие вещи что типа вот всё у меня там работает да то есть вот мы этот собираем деньги не тратьте время и не к этим самым всяким разным товарищам просто ну не платите денег не за схемы никаких схем в интернете нет поймите То есть под каждую конкретно катушку под каждой ферид из Лего фонарик там пытаетесь собрать да то есть это для этого требуется не только детали и знания там какие-то маломальский в электронике там требуется знание как владеть приборами знания как владеть осциллографом генератором знания как бы как владеть многими вещами которые Просто элементарно для этих целей нужны и если вы если у вас не будет так контрактник насчёт покупки не ратора успел там тракте какой контрактник не понимаю это самое то есть я вам сразу скажу что никаких я как Нина всё в тайну всё в порядке значит хорошо вот то есть его используют есть такие места которые я не могу называть некоторые вещи но я вам сразу скажу что генератор такой использует его используют на маяках на кораблях Есть места да то есть но я Вам сразу говорю что данное устройство она жрёт из-за импульсного то есть Понимаете в чём дело там идёт постоянный ток дальше идёт преобразователь всё это идёт в импульсном режиме и бомбардировка заряженными частицами по металлу она настолько жесткая что это как батарейка поэтому вот я понимаю что каждый из вас хочет пощупать руками да То есть как это работает то есть покрутить подержать это один момент да Второй момент это преследовать дурацкую идею создать эту шнягу да то есть и запустить её Вы же помните акуловское видео где он говорит что Земля очень сильно разрушается и Ненадолго это он правильно говорит на самом деле то есть Почему акула начал заземление то есть потому что Капанадзе показал заземление на самом деле нет там заземления не цеплялись за водопроводную трубу по которой весь этот ток скажем так опирался и об атмосферу вот и всё я вам говорил что происходит то есть в атмосфере находится вся эта энергия она вокруг нас в виде заряженных частиц которые хаотично двигаются мы их не видим как только мы начинаем вращать обычный магнит Они тут же начинают вращаться вокруг этого магнита даже в руке вот так вот его дергать да то есть они уже вращать мы их просто не видим если мы в этот момент на мотаем какую-то возьмём катушку и там начнём вращать мы естественно получим на выходе катушки электрический ток просто в классическом понятие этот эта катушка начнёт отдавать тоже электромагниты бодаться с этим магнитом Да вот поэтому он начнётся так называемый обратный НДС То есть это объяснение таким образом если мы это в природе пытаемся использовать То есть например Вихрь который с помощью этого самого ну то есть в двух потоков воздуха ха-ха образовался Вихрь который крутит эти частицы образуются заряды грозы пожалуйста всё в резонанс потому что планета Земля Она же магнитная да то есть у нас же магнитное поле есть правильно то есть вращение происходит Она заряжает этот клубок огромный зарядов этим зарядом деваться некуда то есть катушки тут в воздухе нету никакой ничего Ну она ищет обо что разрядится В итоге молния вот и всё понимаете как как есть думаешь об увеличении мощности до 50 кВт для сердца Я так не понял про 50 слушать там можно любую мощность получить то есть мегаватт гигаватт Ну вопрос о том что как это быстро износятся и как-то быстро уничтожаться поэтому ребята есть тут я вам сразу скажу что материал в том числе и катушка Они изнашиваются то есть потому что конкретно в них то есть katushka.net но то те два момента между которым это происходит вот это вот Атмосфера да то есть вот этот вакуумный режим Когда вы Ну это тоже самое допустим turbinado то есть на подстанции Когда вы огромным потоком воздуха в воздух воду с Пускай эти вы думаете что При таком сумасшедшем вращения турбины не изнашивается ещё как изнашивается всё изнашивается ребят нет такого Ничего вечного нету Она из одного состояния переходит в другое Поэтому вечного двигателя не существует и из-за этого был снят запрет А там что учёные и мозги запудрить этим всем людям которые управляют землей но и те наложили этот как говорится Ну а Андрей тиртха обязательно сидит ивсякую шнягу несёт Особенно с этим генератором мне там ссылки в кидали Я посмотрел Так ну и даже не досмотрел до конца Хотя многие прислали мне какую-то фото и говорят смотри Руслан там типа показывает свою установку Я чуть-чуть серьёзно что ли такое что это сказали что это моя установка То есть я видел что там написано было Это не моя установка я к этому отношению никакого не имею это мошенники Они просто не знают просто закинули видео чтобы будоражить народ Мне кажется вот и вся х**** и занимается кто-то забейте не берите это в голову Ребята это на самом деле это всё бредни Ну а те кто хочет этим заниматься с нуля и он точно говорю ребята не морочьте голову то есть мне эту ВКонтакте Постоянно пишут там целыми партиями народ что там это что там-то и какой транзистор стоит Ну ребята есть тут надо сперва начинать с того он как это работает Как энергию а потом уже схема уже подгоняет лица под этот конкретный металлический ferited да то есть и не занимайтесь этим фонариками ради бога Я говорю я когда сунулся я у меня я сразу понял что здесь что-то не так но не может быть он вечно и он буквально через 3 дня развалился феррит который и так был уже там как говорится а через какое-то время я уже понял что всё это пара заканчивается ты х**** вообще заниматься то есть она не нужна Это совершенно это Ребята это бесполезная абсолютно занятия честно вам скажу это абсолютно бесполезное занятие которое Ну то есть вы просто время потеряете всё то есть потеряете Как говорится это самое потому что допустим nakula да он занимался Он пытался То есть он просто показывал что есть возможность из извлечь энергию с чего-то да то есть но да есть такой с любого материала то есть мы же сможем с вами из воды извлечь завести бензиновый двигатель на воде можем запросто и выделим водород и заведём Давайте скажем так если мы хотим завести двигатель там скажем на газе можем можем врачу а что какая проблема горит же газ правильно двигатель внутреннего сгорания заводится то есть здесь данная система она как вообще работает то есть на земле откуда берется только тот на земле То есть это потому что мы заставляем атмосферу туда прийти Понимаете в чём дело Поэтому вот тут про самозапитка говорят Да какая самозапит Ну вот двигатель Да в машине вы заводите он же сам себя питает питает То есть он заряжает аккумулятор который разрядился пока его стартанул правильно есть такой есть но энергию он тратит какую энергию он тратит вот этого вот жидкая жидкого состояния правильно То есть он поэтому вот эти бтг всё это забудьте пожалуйста нету никакого бтг есть генератор который преобразовывает энергию с одной в другую всё это вот то что я вам хочу всем сказать И кто вам макароны на уши вешает Я вам сразу приведу привожу пример никто на этом не разбогател Почему Потому что это не вечный двигатель это не бестопливный генератор у него он долго не работает работает он да ну Долго работает пока есть как бы не изношено заземление заземление вообще глупо забивать штырь в землю когда на него идёт просто бомбардировка ток с то есть конечно он то есть но на нём постоянный ток Ну давайте железку засуньте в воду а там так получается там что в этом как бы в воде же там в воде в это в земли атом соли это сколько они съедают на хрен эту в эту железяку к едрене фене ваш понимаете поэтому всё изнашивается это надо понимать это надо как бы ну то есть понять что так есть и по-другому быть не может я Приветствую всех но я уже заканчиваю потому что через 4 минуты мне надо работать немножко с другими делами Так что я думаю я думаю следите за каналом Может быть в воскресенье вечером пообщаемся Может быть я не буду обещать Я пока в очень сильно загружен нет времени болтать честно надо заниматься делами потому что у меня тут просто в прошлый раз когда я пообещал не смог это выполнить потому что у меня там короче говоря в 3 объектов пришлось процессоры менять там блин целое короче это генератор мне относится Это относится к моей основной работе радио и там пробыл такой был что люди просто в шоке были как это всё по-быстрому это самое поэтому я Иван говорю ещё раз не обольщайтесь вот насчёт самозапиткой Я вам сразу говорю вам Нет там никакой Сама запивки там идёт так то есть на заземление и те 3 ампера которые установка берёт и дополнительно то что берёт нагрузка как подключайте нагрузку там допустим там 5 кВт знаешь 20 там сколько 24 ампера у вас 25 Ампер там да то есть будет на этой земле обязательно плюс плюс те амперы которые установка потребляет то есть ничего свободного нет он просто преобразовывает энергию Так что вы просто спуститесь на землю и подумайте надо оно вам это или всё-таки может быть что-то чем-то простым заняться Но честно сказать это Да интересно Я прежде чем кидаться на эту амбразуру я решил проверить То есть я занялся этим как бы нашёл время это всё дело изучить я его изучил и он выдаю результат результат херовый на самом деле то есть ничего нету то есть схему понимаете как вам сказать у меня в голове столько знаний которые я передайте каждому не могу я просто вы меня не поймёте вы мне и так не понимаете постоянно да то есть у меня Я тысячу раз рассказывал то есть поэтому вам придётся до этого доходить потихоньку самим это очень это очень большой труд и и если смысл то есть я честно говоря с какой-то степени даже в уныние впал Да потому что вот скажем после этого фонарика когда рассыпаться я подумал сперва что я может феррита какие-то галимые там ставлю я сперва один фильм потом второй фильм попробовал Я понял что это всё вилами по воде Короче говоря вот поэтому и ребятки а I'm sorry То есть это это время потеря потерь и конкретное время как сказать ы для того чтобы всё это заработала прежде всего вам надо я Приветствую всех кто подключился но я к сожалению должен сейчас уходить потому что реально это самое вот бы увидите разбитые феррит А что там видеть это самое то есть их выбрасывать зачем то есть что там видеть там Просто раскалывается он он там где скрученная да то есть Где он склеивается он Просто раскалывается пополам и всё но ведь и среди вас находится те которые не верят в такие вещи Ну потому что вы не понимаете как это работает потом доказывать это самое От чего подавать ть что куда что подавать я так и не понял Я просто ребята Я просто хочу сказать что это всё не так просто да то есть надо разобраться полностью всё так у меня ещё Телефон садится весело к Офигеть Так всё народ я должен работать так что всё удачи Так что у нас тут написали что что что что что не понял всё ребятки услышимся увидимся на ближайшее время то есть следите за каналом
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 06, 2021, 05:25:13 AM
Quote from: forest on February 03, 2021, 12:47:36 PM
Resonance is ok, but the problem is to get  energy out of resonant circuit. Explain this , other problems are miniscule

Properly designed, the energy can be multiplied out unlimited times and harvested. Each coil that is influenced by a magnetic field will also produce its own magnetic field that then gets amplified by the tank/resonance process and added to the overall circuit energy. Don Smith knew what he was talking about, but he chose to teach in a way as to keep the non-belivers, thieves and establishment trolls out of the loop. There is a war against free-energy and if people want free-energy they must learn to recognize the enemy; unfortunately, these public forums are full of the enemy pretending to be here to help bring free-energy to the world.

https://youtu.be/kQdcwDCBoNY (https://youtu.be/kQdcwDCBoNY)

https://overunity.com/18239/the-solution/msg555085/#msg555085 (https://overunity.com/18239/the-solution/msg555085/#msg555085) (Reply #116)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 06, 2021, 05:31:33 AM
The source is magnetic field yet the way of getting excess is by resonance (as we discuss here, other ways are clever diverting and reusing energy and other by using properly made electric generator like Figuera did) - it is crucial to keep resonance intact.I would test Tesla plan - it may be solution :  send energy in one wire and then transform using air core transformer of opposite wound turns then the transmitter, then add energy to input tank circuit back in time.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 06, 2021, 05:34:59 AM
Can you replicate this effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQdcwDCBoNY&feature=youtu.be ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 06, 2021, 05:35:42 AM
Is this video not keeping "resonance intact"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQdcwDCBoNY&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQdcwDCBoNY&feature=youtu.be)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 06, 2021, 05:44:29 AM
Quote from: forest on February 06, 2021, 05:34:59 AM
Can you replicate this effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQdcwDCBoNY&feature=youtu.be ?

Yes, so can you! LED's are very easy. Incandescent's are just as easy with more inductance. Note in that video that the schematic wiring on the secondary tank shown in the beginning of the video is different than how he actually wires things. Shown in the drawing is the bulb in series with the inductor/cap. It's actually in parallel with the inductor/cap.
Also watch Paul Babcock's "magnetic energy secrets" and he shows an unreleased video demo of a comparison between an inductor and resistor of same resistance and wattage input. For those unaware, Paul Babcock's video puts the working principle of Joseph Newman's book "The energy machine of Joseph Newman" into laymen terms for everyone to understand.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 06, 2021, 05:46:22 AM
Yes, seems so, but how long ? When the filament is heated would it change the resonant frequency ? Also we don't know the input versus output measurements. But the exhibition is quite astonishing indeed.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2021, 05:46:47 AM

A member living in Australia tried to get the members to understand with a similar circuit, but the cafe members don't seem to be interested.
It would be nice to find other ways of missionary work.


The site below does not open.
Sites that are not disclosed will not be viewed.
I am not curious because the matter in the universe is the same.


Melnichenko's resonance https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.skif.biz/index.php?name%3DPages%26op%3Dpage%26pid%3D2

                                                "the capacitance must correspond to the inductance"

Melnichenko's patents

Comments on descriptions of resonant systems https://3jhehcks7fktlxe2qny3nxcxpi--www-skif-biz.translate.goog/index.php?name=Pages&op=page&pid=1
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 06, 2021, 05:50:34 AM
Quote from: forest on February 06, 2021, 05:46:22 AM
Yes, seems so, but how long ? When the filament is heated would it change the resonant frequency ? Also we don't know the input versus output measurements. But the exhibition is quite astonishing indeed.

The details are for the experimenter! You are a good experimenter! Do the experiment and you will be happy!!!!!!

Comments of Tortuga compiled: https://overunity.com/17491/confirmation-of-ou-devices-and-claims/msg534127/#msg534127 (https://overunity.com/17491/confirmation-of-ou-devices-and-claims/msg534127/#msg534127) (Reply #415)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 06, 2021, 05:52:42 AM
QuoteThe site below does not open.

It opens for me here in America. Try a different browser, or if in a different country, us a VPN.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2021, 05:56:25 AM
When a similar circuit diagram comes out, a circuit diagram similar to that appears again,
I don't need a way to make it similar,
Everyone is looking forward to the detailed cooking method.

Resonance is ok, but the problem is to get energy out of resonant circuit. Explain this, other problems are miniscule

To account for resonance, you need to have the relevant instrumentation.
My dad only has equipment to measure voltage and amperage.
It is difficult to listen to excessive demands.
It costs a lot of money to purchase measuring equipment.
My dad lives modestly as a rule.
Like the previous CEOs of 건달바성.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 06, 2021, 06:08:52 AM
Quote from: color on February 06, 2021, 05:56:25 AM
Everyone is looking forward to the detailed cooking method.

ONE OF the detailed cooking methods to reproduce Tortuga demo: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=8bk9g9odsumb1pgfs3flqk7ua7&topic=2309.msg35940#msg35940 (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=8bk9g9odsumb1pgfs3flqk7ua7&topic=2309.msg35940#msg35940) (Reply #54)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2021, 06:21:04 AM
범 내려 온다(The tiger comes down)

It's a popular dance in Korea these days. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2021, 07:05:56 AM
БТГ Бунк/Гуглодром

Evgray free energy solide state

If cafe members explain it hard, those who make easy things will preoccupy the market.
It is better if you use a camera to reveal it.
It's hard to trust anyone if you explain it in words.
It's a technology that someone will reveal at any time, but if you hide it in a vault, the billion-dollar technology will mold.
It would be good to open it up as soon as possible to contribute to the development of humanity.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2021, 08:12:05 AM
This is a rethinking of content posted publicly on this forum.
Except for electronic parts, it is a generator made by recycling all the things used at home.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2021, 10:49:59 AM
At Ruslan's unspoken, informal request, the vertical picture is turned horizontally.


The contents below are for bad Korean friends and are not related to the members of this cafe.

가세연이 멸망한 이유는 개희들이 더 잘알 것 아니냐.
건달바성 공적이 무려 두 놈이나 있다.
건달바성은 약속을 아주 중시 여긴다.
도람뿌는 니들이 떨군거란다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2021, 05:48:44 AM
Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (29 of 37) NPN Transistor Current Gain

Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (30 of 37) NPN Transistor Current Gain Ex. 1

Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (31 of 37) NPN Transistor: Voltage & Base Current

Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (32 of 37) PNP Transistor: How It Works

Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (33 of 37) NPN Transistor: Equivalent Model

Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (34 of 37) Solving Basic Transistor Circuit (MESH) 1

Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (35 of 37) Solving Basic Transistor Circuit (MESH) 2*

Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (36 of 37) Solving Basic Transistor Circuit (MESH) 1

Electrical Engineering: Ch 3: Circuit Analysis (37 of 37) Solving Basic Transistor Circuit (Node) 2
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on February 07, 2021, 06:01:59 AM
circuits :

dB gain/lost as ratio !

US5675306 Heaviside magnetic current ( Prof. Ehrenhaft )

https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/1d/16/05/f22acce223971f/US5675306.pdf (https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/1d/16/05/f22acce223971f/US5675306.pdf)   part 4

Related thermal noise/oscillation/vibrations :
Infrared radiation  in the electromagnetic field spectrum : nm

Astrofoil(TM) ,bubble-alu-foil,documents :
IR radiation has no temperature !  8) Brownian movement !

What is "temperature","movement" : from steady/motive point of view !?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2021, 06:16:43 AM

The transistor formula only needs to remember this.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on February 07, 2021, 06:30:53 AM
magnets we can get in thousands different manners,transistors also in many variants !

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C3%A4rmerauschen (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C3%A4rmerauschen)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%25C3%25A4rmerauschen (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%25C3%25A4rmerauschen)

https://www.britannica.com/science/electromagnetic-spectrum (https://www.britannica.com/science/electromagnetic-spectrum)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremely_Low_Frequency (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremely_Low_Frequency)

                                 atmospheric RF antennas,transistor incorporated

https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=US&NR=2943189A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=19600628&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=US&NR=2943189A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=19600628&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP#)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=US&NR=2813242A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=19571112&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=US&NR=2813242A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=19571112&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP#)

https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=1&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19940318&CC=FR&NR=2695768A3&KC=A3# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=1&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19940318&CC=FR&NR=2695768A3&KC=A3#)

input :

The primary current is supplied by a small alternator (currently used to provide lighting for bicycles at barely 6 volts and Oa, 35 or an electromotive force of 2 watts, 15.

input power amplification process :

Our first work will therefore be to increase the amperage (more powerful therefore the greater electromotive force) torque n "1
We will therefore bring the winding of the coil 10 (inductor coil) to 9 meters by a nickel silver wire of 2 mm 6 in diameter, that is to say the section area of this wire of 5 mm 2 30.

The resistance obtained will be 0.49 (in relation to the fact that a wire 15 m long of nickel silver 2 mm in diameter and therefore 3 mm2 14 in section has a resistance of 1 ohm, 4).

The voltage being 6 volts we will obtain the amperage by dividing 6 by 0.49 which will make 14 amps or (6 x 14 = 84 Watts) instead of 2.15 watts originally.
This coil transforming the soft iron bar into an electromagnet, the latter will therefore be much more powerful and will provide the 2 "induced coil with a stronger induction.

By this low power process and output no refrigeration need !

For experimental prototyping and physical-scientifical "q.e.d." the first stage enough ! C.O.P 84/2,15 = 39

                                           Quantum-mechanics question and answer !?

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fde.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FQuantenfl%C3%BCssigkeit&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fde.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FQuantenfl%C3%BCssigkeit&sandbox=1)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fde.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FDe-Broglie-Bohm-Theorie (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fde.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FDe-Broglie-Bohm-Theorie)


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2021, 07:39:29 AM

I appreciate the high-level mental world of lancaIV, but I don't think the long sentences here are very helpful.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2021, 08:13:47 AM
Репликация "вечного" фонарика Руслана

The Chinese are rioting. Dad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2021, 08:24:51 AM
If the Chinese troops are about 10 divisions, it is possible to conquer a small country.... ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2021, 06:07:52 PM
April 3, 2013
Делай как я делай лучше меня №3

April 15, 2013
Делай как я делай лучше меня №4
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2021, 06:16:06 PM
Simple to build isolation transformer that consumes less power than it gives out
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 10, 2021, 03:10:11 AM
Yeah...I remember those experiments I learned something about. When you don't find a magic trick like Kapanadze did you can at least astonish people with a big iron transformer which can be loaded up to the idle current on secondary while lowering input down to almost zero in parallel resonance on primary. However this small effect works only because of mass of iron acting somehow like a regulator for resonance.After you connect load which needs more current then primary idle current then all return back to normal transformer setup.I wonder if having a nice ferrite core transformer and going up to khz range would really make it work like Romancorp self-looper or all those Russian BTG replications ?And NickZ is another person.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 05:27:00 AM

The members who experiment with revealing the secrets of all operations here in the cafe are "'itsusable/TinselKoala/Nick Zec/GFusion Core" and a few other members.
I haven't seen any cases where the members who are experimenting threaten other members.
Many members, including Remset, threaten to reveal the secrets of the generator's operation.
Ghost members who do not disclose the experiment threaten the members who reveal the experiment.
Some of these will have members with more than one nick.

Members who predict the generator try to solve the structure of the generator by approaching the existing electrical principles.
The Kapanase/Acura/Ruslan generator basically has a structure consisting of a transformer and a grenade.
The yoke-transformer of the Akura/Ruslan generator has the same role and structure as the AC220V transformer inside the inverter used by Kapanase.

Members who do not understand this structure expect and experiment with some technical effect on yoke-transformer.
A member of Jack Noskills, and Russian Romankov, experimented with the yoke-transformer hoping for some technical effect.


Romankov was friendly and experimenting with the schematics, posting them, but the generator didn't work, and Jack Noskills member continued similar experiments after three years.
Members of Jack Noskills imitate the famous Russian generator.


The above generator has an integrated transformer and a grenade.
In order for a'forest' member to require a Jack Noskills member to fully disclose an experiment, it is polite for the'forest' member to disclose a video or photo of the same experiment.
Even my dad doesn't trust members who don't disclose the experiment.

The majority of members who have already understood how the generator works are silent.
It was expected.
Man's greed is endless.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 05:51:06 AM
Jack Noskills

Re: Simple to build isolation transformer that consumes less power than it gives out
« Reply #405 on: May 08, 2014, 10:50:20 AM »
Don't use the capacitor. If your coil is high impedance then it will work without caps. I have tried higher frequency mods using caps but cannot say about the results for sure because I don't have scope. High impedance means that when load is not connected idle current should be as low as possible.

Can you make measurements, using scope or meter ?

Using isolation trafo in front would be good to have so you could check testcase 3 what is going on there.

I don't understand what the heck is rasor only socket transformer.


Galilei said, "The earth still spins," maybe? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 10, 2021, 06:05:35 AM
An interesting analyses but lets look at the above device for a start it uses a royer oscillator this device wastes power in the over lap
of the switching transistors you need a dead time between transitions to minimize this effect or your gaining nothing.

Having an idea of how it works isn't the same as building the device and seeing if it works or sorting the wheat from the chaff
only to ask Its-usable and Nick Zec for help and being told I'm a troll and I should publish what i have found rather than
helping me by testing on kit they already have and in the same breath asking me if i'm also nickname Hoppy and a few others too
silly jester and no I'm just me. All i can say is don't quit your day time job to be a stand up comic with jokes like that.

My resources are limited and components here are expensive and difficult to obtain under the present lock down and
not likely to change in the near future.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 06:13:49 AM

My dad is a big fan of the Korean "Confused Mess Drama".


Additional explanations will be posted again later.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 10, 2021, 07:46:34 AM
Quote from: forest on February 10, 2021, 03:10:11 AM
Yeah...I remember those experiments I learned something about. When you don't find a magic trick like Kapanadze did you can at least astonish people with a big iron transformer which can be loaded up to the idle current on secondary while lowering input down to almost zero in parallel resonance on primary. However this small effect works only because of mass of iron acting somehow like a regulator for resonance.After you connect load which needs more current then primary idle current then all return back to normal transformer setup.I wonder if having a nice ferrite core transformer and going up to khz range would really make it work like Romancorp self-looper or all those Russian BTG replications ?And NickZ is another person.
So What about Nick Zec ? what experiments has he done we can benefit from and who else is he (nickname wise ?).

Now then we have Doc Stifler and the common mode none inductive choke and low and behold TK's coil in the video that looks as if it works
and yet no one experiments with it except ITSusable and who proves it's a red herring, and yet T1000 keeps saying the grenade needs to be none inductive.
But none of them are ! now look at Delomorto's symmetrical??? device but is it ??


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 08:34:21 AM
Jack Noskills

Re: Simple to build isolation transformer that consumes less power than it gives out
« Reply #347 on: November 29, 2012, 09:15:17 AM »
I need to ask a question about power measurement in below circuit. Two loads A and B connected to 220 V AC. U1 is 3 volts and lets say I1 is 100 ma. U2 is 120 volts and I2 is 200 ma. This matches the real behaviour of this simple circuit: it halves source voltage and doubles the amps.
Power consumed by load A is 3 V * 0.1 A = 0.3 watts and power consumed by load B is 120 V * 0.2 A = 24 watts. Is power consumed by the system from the source 0.3 watts, 24 watts or something else ?

The way I see it is that when power is taken from point B there will be current increase seen at the source but not power increase because voltage changes only slightly. Hence current increase does not mean power increase in this case.

Forest, TheCell, can you fill in values of U1, U2, I1 and I2 in your setup ?

To make this self run would require use of DC-AC converter and then DC feedback from the output back to DC using diode bridge, possibly step it down without using trafo. Trafo would limit the amount of feedback. I don't have inverter available to make any tests but I think this is how TK makes feedback.


Jack Noskills

Re: Simple to build isolation transformer that consumes less power than it gives out
« Reply #351 on: November 29, 2012, 03:30:24 PM »
At the moment I am not aware of successfull replication. I wanted to ask this question because I think conclusions made from earlier replication attempts may not be correct.

But, lets say U1 is 3 volts, would you consider this circuit to be OU or not ?


The dead time is determined by the complementary switching of the two IGBTs at the top and the bottom of the output voltage of a single-phase half-bridge inverter. At this time, if both switches are turned on, the device may burn out (short circuit fault), so turn on with a slight time difference. This slight difference in time is called dead time or blanking time.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 08:41:27 AM
The point is to say that the transformer is inoperative because of Load A.
So can the dead time be complete?

To make this self run would require use of DC-AC converter and then DC feedback from the output back to DC using diode bridge, possibly step it down without using trafo. Trafo would limit the amount of feedback. I don't have inverter available to make any tests but I think this is how TK makes feedback.

The reasoning of a member of Jack Noskills is virtually missing the understanding of how the TK-generator works.


Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Reply #1055 on: February 06, 2021, 11:46:22 am »
Yes, seems so, but how long? When the filament is heated would it change the resonant frequency? Also we don't know the input versus output measurements. But the exhibition is quite astonishing indeed.

The'forest' member asked again at the end of eight years whether the resonant frequency (dead time) could change if the filament was heated.
My dad has a very good memory.
So the discussion between the members of'Jack Noskills' and'forest' was summoned again.
The'forest' member's question is related to how the TK-generator works,
The fundamental working principle of the generator and the change in the resonant frequency due to'filament heating' are irrelevant.
Impedance is required to induce resonance of the secondary coil and capacitor,
This is just a small operation limited to the push-pull circuit,
This is because the real resonance occurs only when the Tesla matches the push-pull resonance.

Let's take a simple example.

God turns man into mud and breathes, so that a living man breathes.
The yoke-transformer push-pull circuit is like a breathless person.
At this time, a person has no breath, but must be like a complete person.
Tesla is like breath.
In a fully-formed push-pull state, the Tesla must be combined for a person to breathe.

The'filament heating' method suggested by'forest' members is a small challenge that people who complete the generator initially experience, and is not the only idea of'forest' members.
The use of resistors or other methods is the method used by Akura and Ruslan in the initial operation of the generator.
2.3 MΩ is the way Ruslan thought,
Akura used a small light bulb.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 08:49:15 AM
Materials other than conventional light bulbs or resistors can be used. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 10, 2021, 09:37:32 AM
The principle should be easy. In other case noone could replicate it and we know that many people in the past have even better devices generating copious amount of kW like Hubbard, Amman brothers or Hendershot.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 10, 2021, 10:10:52 AM
       "If you have 2 coils with the same resistance then, for the same input wattage, the coil with higher inductance will store more energy in it's magnetic field - worth pondering"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BPphesBGg0&lc=UgzJPGgHBSUiGBPbvvt4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BPphesBGg0&lc=UgzJPGgHBSUiGBPbvvt4AaABAg)

Greater inductive mass (Copper)!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 12:58:49 PM


Jack Noskills

Re: Simple to build isolation transformer that consumes less power than it gives out
Reply #405 on: May 08, 2014, 10:50:20 AM »
Don't use the capacitor. If your coil is high impedance then it will work without caps. I have tried higher frequency mods using caps but cannot say about the results for sure because I don't have scope. High impedance means that when load is not connected idle current should be as low as possible.

Can you make measurements, using scope or meter?

Using isolation trafo in front would be good to have so you could check testcase 3 what is going on there.

I don't understand what the heck is rasor only socket transformer.


The principles are easy, but the ways members understand them are all different.
I think it's a trial and error process for something new that I haven't experienced before.
The day will come when the descendants of members will take this theory for granted.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 01:23:42 PM
If your coil is high impedance then it will work without caps.


It would be nice if the electric law could change according to the person's taste or viewpoint,
Until now, humans are not gods, so we must obey the laws of electricity. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 01:32:29 PM
The principle Ruslan later discovered is very easy,
Those who do not understand act like gods at their will and turn them into useless principles.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 02:35:53 PM
10 февраля 2021 г.
то что я понял от Руслана
Это то что я понял из слов Руслана Кулабухова и не более эта схема Далли

There seems to be a genius individual difference in the understanding of the Russians who have just visited this cafe. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 02:44:09 PM
After finding the genius of individual differences twice, he becomes a passionate experimentation fanatic like his father seven years ago.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2021, 03:22:28 PM
💧L'eau comme carburant pour rouler en voiture ⚡

It's a good experiment. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 10, 2021, 03:50:46 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 04:58:52 AM

Tesla patents now belong to everyone.

Some people are lazy.
I don't think there is any obligation to serve the lazy people hard.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 05:05:53 AM
Frequency Inductance Capacitance Calculators for FM Oscillators

The combination of LC resonance mode of standing waves in the inductor.
Calculation online

The length of the wire, m   
The core diameter of wires, mm   
Diameter of coil, mm   
The frequency of the standing wave in the coil   
Harmonic LC resonance   
Additional capacitance pF   
Dielectric permittivity   
The thickness of the coil, mm
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 05:45:34 AM
Эксперимент Тесла с U-образной шиной / Tesla hairpin circuit

My youngest daughter's personality is a lot wild. 8)
It resembles my personality the most. ;D ;D ::) ::)



Hero Member
Posts: 1267
View Profile Personal Message (Offline)

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #14224 on: October 01, 2012, 01:10:23 AM »
Quote from: bass on September 30, 2012, 06:20:41 AM
3. and selected capacitor so that the UC and UL, are equal.
I think it is necessary to start with a 15 uF capacitor.
Something must be wrong with that value.

I have done a resonance test with exactly this transformer and I get resonance at 50Hz with a 1.34µF capacitor (3 × 1µF in series parallel to 1µF) on the 230V coil. Both 115V coils not connected.

As frequency generator serves a XR-2206 (VCO) set to 50Hz sine wave. The output voltage is 4.3V effective (via push-pull output stage), the oscilloscope shows 12V peak to peak without resonance (direct connected), current is 2.5mA. With resonance (capacitors in series) the voltage on the primary 230V coil goes up to 14V effective, the oscilloscope shows 38V peak to peak, current is 6.14mA.

According to the LC Resonance Frequency Calculator this means the coil of this transformer has an inductance of 7.56 Henry. Measured on the coil the resonant voltage is 3.17 times higher than without resonance. The resonant current is 2.46 times higher than without resonance.

When resonance causes a higher voltage but at the same time draws a higher current from the supply, then where is the Free Energy?

Seems I got my wires crossed, hence what to do next based on these findings? ??? :(
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 05:50:11 AM
It's funny that a.king21 and Wesley get together. ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 11, 2021, 07:25:54 AM
Things about Akula's circuit diagnosis.
So where does it mention 1.5 or 2.0 mega cycles?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 08:57:40 AM
AlienGrey :

I don't have an oscilloscope, and I don't know how to use it.
I will ask AG.
What is the 2sc5200 transistor operating frequency below?
Without using the complex 74HC14 gate, Ruslan ran the generator.
Please explain in detail by attaching related photos or videos.
Information must be shared so that we can trust each other. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 11, 2021, 11:48:24 AM
Thank you for simplified circuit but I disagree. First we must know how to keep resonance (Tariel Kapanadze words) then we must know why HV katcher circuit is used.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 01:26:48 PM


If the troll's identity is AG, the Kapanadze Resonance goes to Andromeda.

My dad doesn't have an oscilloscope, so I don't know where to place the meter reading spot.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 01:52:33 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 03:26:29 PM
The filament of a light bulb has its own resistance.
Can other synthetic-resonances work when the yoke-transformer resonance and the Kacher-resonance pass through the filament of a hot bulb
Synthetic-resonance through a high-temperature resistor depends on the strength and weakness control of the gate signal and the collector voltage frequency.
Push-pull circuit The two MOSFET collector voltage frequencies and one transistor collector voltage frequency are automatically determined by one PSU output voltage frequency.

In other words,
It means that it has a generator circuit structure in which the frequency can only be adjusted automatically without having to adjust the frequency.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 03:38:03 PM
The voltage value may vary slightly depending on the value of the resistance value of the bulb, the inductance of the grenade coil, and the value of 1 to infinity capacitance and the additional transformer inductance, but the fact that it is determined within the capacity of the PSU, like a frog in a well, does not change.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 03:47:01 PM
Sometime only pictures of old legs keep appearing.... ;D ;D

I need some additional explanation,
The few windings of the yoke-transformer's coils do little to help with resonance.
The large inductance of the transformer inductor helps the resonance.
It means that there should be many windings in the transformer coil. 8) 8)

эксперименты с индукционкой от адыга2

I know it's a lot confusing.
However, it does not change that the generator is an alternating current system using a transformer and an air core transformer. ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2021, 04:27:44 PM


Kacher's frequency is not amplified by the two MOSFET frequencies in the push-pull circuit,
It is activated and amplified by the lightning principle created by Kacher by activating Earth-Ground.
The frequencies of the two MOSFETs and the frequency of one Kacher transistor automatically move equally so they do not affect each other.

This caused Ruslan to misunderstand as if the two frequencies helped each other, and cafe members took it for granted, and the error spread.

In a Korean proverb, there is a saying that ``a clumsy shaman catches people''.

It is a minor misunderstanding that occurred because the amplification of the current amount of the generator was so large.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2021, 07:05:33 AM
Russian Сергей STALKER unveiled several types of Tesla several years ago.
So there is no problem making Tesla.
However, everyone has pride in competitive sentiment.
Most are satisfied with conquering the Tesla method created by Ruslan.
You need to know the Tesla method created by Ruslan in order to be confident that you have completed the generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2021, 07:12:03 AM
Replication attempt China kapa-gen part2

You watched the video well.
Jeg, like my dad, is like a teacher with outstanding talent in various fields.
The generators of Akura and Ruslan do not use commercially available PSUs (220-24/12V-6A~10A/170W~350W), but also operate with a simple diode bridge-transformer (generator output-24/12V). This is possible.
Simple homemade-transformer is safer.
The Ruslan generator also has a feature that the more output there is, the greater the input voltage.

In my view, it is almost perceived as a complete converter, but if it is made larger, it seems to be marketable.

If Jeg is still interested in the Ruslan Generator,
May I have a suggestion for Jeg.

The schematic below is a bit incomplete.
Can you complete this schematic?
As you know, my dad doesn't have an oscilloscope.
You must have an oscilloscope to find an unstable element in a circuit.
All about approaching circuit gates with basic common sense.
The members of this café just eat the prepared sacrament and don't seem to want to give it back to everyone.

If Jeg completes the schematic below, I'm willing to provide the other half of the generator resonance to Jeg as well.
Jeg, only for individuals.

I would appreciate it if you thought about it enough and responded.


This offer is valid for all members.
Challenge yourself if you are interested.
Of course, it is rewarded personally.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2021, 07:43:48 AM
They are boring lives with nothing to do in their old age, so it will be fun to try them for fun.
Since an appointment is a promise, I will give preferential treatment to members who first open it to this cafe.
Jeg members are provided separately in any order. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 12, 2021, 08:14:09 AM
In that top circuit your talking about (the one remotely like the Enjoykin one) has loads of errors I copied the PCB and tested it.

From all the chat on Nickerless  Dally thread i wasn't quite getting how the dam thing was supposed to work.

One problem with above circuit is the 494 and that diode it gives a zener diode voltage limiter, it gives a saw tooth rise and the protection
diodes on the katcher generator are missing. also you need to use sockets and hide the decoupling caps close to the supply pins.

If I were any of you I would recommend using the Engoykin circuit.  :o

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2021, 08:38:47 AM
AlienGrey :

Post the correct, calibrated schematic here. 8)
As soon as my daughter returns from the business trip, it will be rewarded once the verification is complete. ;D


LILI's FILM [The Movie]

He is a member of a four-member girl group that has been running the top in Korea in recent years.
She is a girl from Thailand bordering the country where the military coup took place.
She is a talented girl who is in charge of rap parts within a girl group.
My daughter is also on a business trip to a country involved in some sort of conspiracy for the time being. ;D ;D 8) 8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 12, 2021, 09:04:47 AM
Quote from: forest on February 11, 2021, 11:48:24 AM
Thank you for simplified circuit but I disagree. First we must know how to keep resonance (Tariel Kapanadze words) then we must know why HV katcher circuit is used.
Forest look again, all I have done is translate Russian to English.

Also what you have a red ring around is just a decoupling freed back circuit nothing more, but what is in the box top left would be a phase detection and correcting circuit perhaps you could design such a circuit that could cater for all the missing driving logic.  ;D ;D

Also on the lower right circuit is a bunch of mos fets IRF9530 a mos fet needs a bias threshold of 4.5v before it starts to turn on in that circuit
that section would fail to pull up try it on a bread board your self.

Also Enjoykin did a CD4046 phase locked correction circuit see if you can find it 'Itsusable' said it didn't work as it's output wasn't symmetrical but then that's some one else's opinion on whats going on!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 12, 2021, 09:37:52 AM

Theory of operation is better!!

Also was enjoykin circuit replicated by anyone ( itsu?)

This circuit which hunts and locks onto a defined target so as to enhance a desired purpose ?

I believe the work has been done ( to its intent at the time)
In overunity.com open source forum

If there is new theory or MO ( modus operandi)
Let's just say so and get it done !!

There have been tens of thousands of hours of work shared by open source experimenters
Here and elsewhere ( now we have to jump through hoops or beg??

That being said
We need more organized storage of past circuits and work !!

Handing a man ( forest)an encyclopedia not written in his native tongue

And ?? Asking him to find the needle in a haystack?

Here some wonderful open source efforts by JEG

We should help him anyway we can!

He helps us all !!

" if you want to change the world Be that change !!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2021, 10:02:15 AM


I too know the danger of deactivating this cafe once the complete structure of the generator is revealed.
However, the Tesla-Kacher made by Ruslan can operate independently of the push-pull circuit.
I know it because I experimented with the help of an acquaintance.
What I want of these cafe members is a complete Tesla-Kacher made by Ruslan.
Even if the complete Tesla-Kacher made by Ruslan is released in this cafe, I know it will be difficult to complete except for interested members, and I know the members.
The reason for notifying that personal compensation is also a way to revitalize this cafe.
This is because the challenge to complete the free-generator of meaningful members must continue. 8) 8)


Accepting the comments of ramset members,
Anyone who is credited with cooperating in the completion of the Ruslan-Kacher schematic will also receive personal benefits. 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2021, 10:03:19 AM
Luke 10 [NASB]
And a lawyer stood up and put Him to the test, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
And He said to him, "What is written in the Law? How does it read to you?"
And He said to him, "You have answered correctly; DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE."
But wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"
Jesus replied and said, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away leaving him half dead.
"And by chance a priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
"Likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
"But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion,
and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn and took care of him.
"On the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return I will repay you.'
"Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' hands?"
And he said, "The one who showed mercy toward him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do the same."

누가복음 10장
25   어떤 율법사가 일어나 예수를 시험하여 가로되 선생님 내가 무엇을 하여야 영생을 얻으리이까
26   예수께서 이르시되 율법에 무엇이라 기록되었으며 네가 어떻게 읽느냐
27   대답하여 가로되 네 마음을 다하며 목숨을 다하며 힘을 다하며 뜻을 다하여 주 너의 하나님을 사랑하고 또한 네 이웃을 네 몸과 같이 사랑하라 하였나이다
28   예수께서 이르시되 네 대답이 옳도다 이를 행하라 그러면 살리라 하시니
29   이 사람이 자기를 옳게 보이려고 예수께 여짜오되 그러면 내 이웃이 누구오니이까
30   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 어떤 사람이 예루살렘에서 여리고로 내려가다가 강도를 만나매 강도들이 그 옷을 벗기고 때려 거반 죽은 것을 버리고 갔더라
31   마침 한 제사장이 그 길로 내려가다가 그를 보고 피하여 지나가고
32   또 이와 같이 한 레위인도 그곳에 이르러 그를 보고 피하여 지나가되
33   어떤 사마리아인은 여행하는 중 거기 이르러 그를 보고 불쌍히 여겨
34   가까이 가서 기름과 포도주를 그 상처에 붓고 싸매고 자기 짐승에 태워 주막으로 데리고 가서 돌보아 주고
35   이튿날에 데나리온 둘을 내어 주막 주인에게 주며 가로되 이 사람을 돌보아 주라 부비가 더 들면 내가 돌아 올 때에 갚으리라 하였으니
36   네 의견에는 이 세 사람 중에 누가 강도 만난 자의 이웃이 되겠느냐
37   가로되 자비를 베푼 자니이다 예수께서 이르시되 가서 너도 이와 같이 하라 하시니라 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 12, 2021, 10:12:48 AM
"Son of color"
You seem to search forum very well

Can you find topic here from Jouleseeker or physics professor?

He was donating gold coins left to him when his Father died ( family hierlooms )

To persons that would do this (new link below)

https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4072.msg87669;topicseen#msg87669 (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4072.msg87669;topicseen#msg87669)

Can you find old thread here ( I wish to reboot?


I see "son of color "
Did not find prize thread ?(comment below)

May have been overunity prize thread it was posted in
I will look
Thx for trying
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 12, 2021, 10:16:44 AM
Quote from: color on February 12, 2021, 07:12:03 AM
Replication attempt China kapa-gen part2

Hi colour
All the circuit are tested and working

You watched the video well.
Jeg, like my dad, is like a teacher with outstanding talent in various fields.
The generators of Akura and Ruslan do not use commercially available PSUs (220-24/12V-6A~10A/170W~350W), but also operate with a simple diode bridge-transformer (generator output-24/12V). This is possible.
Simple homemade-transformer is safer.
The Ruslan generator also has a feature that the more output there is, the greater the input voltage.

In my view, it is almost perceived as a complete converter, but if it is made larger, it seems to be marketable.

If Jeg is still interested in the Ruslan Generator,
May I have a suggestion for Jeg.

The schematic below is a bit incomplete.
Can you complete this schematic?
As you know, my dad doesn't have an oscilloscope.
You must have an oscilloscope to find an unstable element in a circuit.
All about approaching circuit gates with basic common sense.
The members of this café just eat the prepared sacrament and don't seem to want to give it back to everyone.

If Jeg completes the schematic below, I'm willing to provide the other half of the generator resonance to Jeg as well.
Jeg, only for individuals.

I would appreciate it if you thought about it enough and responded.


This offer is valid for all members.
Challenge yourself if you are interested.
Of course, it is rewarded personally.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 12, 2021, 10:23:29 AM
Complete device
If Jeg completes the schematic below, I'm willing to provide the other half of the generator resonance to Jeg as well.
Jeg, only for individuals.

I would appreciate it if you thought about it enough and responded.


This offer is valid for all members.
Challenge yourself if you are interested.
Of course, it is rewarded personally.

As said willing to help each.
All the circuit are tested and working.but device not yet
Jeg has seen most of my works.
Colour this is my whatsapp no 00919744494877
I fom india if possible message me
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2021, 03:06:55 PM

These are the articles I've never seen before. 8) ;D


What I am suggesting is limited to the TL494/74HC00/74HC00/TC4420/TC4421/TC4422/TC4451 schematic. ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 12, 2021, 05:40:37 PM
Modified circuit
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2021, 07:42:12 PM
 ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 12, 2021, 08:33:18 PM
AG sent me note

I apparently was in error " Daughter of color "

My apologies!

Chet K
Another member found old "prize" thread
Most are long closed
I did start fresh thread !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 13, 2021, 12:47:57 AM
ramset(it's) :

AG is someone who has nothing to do with me.
We don't even know each other, and this is the first time we met.
It's just that AG kindly opened this forum.
I have a lot of restrictions in this cafe.
There are many restrictions to access this cafe in Asia.
I think it's all about writing and posting pictures.

It is true that Hitler hated people of color. ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 13, 2021, 12:59:15 AM
I have an acquaintance with the German intelligence agency,
Merkel will soon..... resign.
This is not information.
This is because no one can overcome the years.

I created a give and take rule with the intent of posting detailed circuit diagrams kindly like AG so that all members can see them.
There are no restrictions on this rule, whether black, white or yellow.
Anyone can challenge freely. :) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 13, 2021, 03:14:52 AM
I think this circuit is simpler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quvL5w3aYw4
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 13, 2021, 03:23:46 AM
forest :

добавлю от себя - на поиски информации которая указана выше ушло 3 месяца. Были и другие схемные решения - которые были собраны но не подошли. Потрачено примерно 15000 руб. Так что это не дешевое удовольствие. Думаю что информация выше съэкономит и время и деньги - на сбор этой установке...
А вообще это все лишь для того чтоб в конце концов проверить - есть ли эффект CE или нет. Так давайте же зажгем 4 КВатта!!!

I will add from myself - it took 3 months to find the information that is indicated above. There were other circuit solutions - which were assembled but did not fit. Spent about 15,000 rubles. So this is not a cheap treat. I think that the information above will save both time and money - on collecting this installation ...
In general, this is all just in order to finally check whether there is a CE effect or not. So let's fire up 4 kW!!!

Members who own an oscilloscope will be happy.
Because there will be as many opportunities as this moment to serve others. ;D ;D 8) 8)

;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 13, 2021, 05:20:37 AM
Apart from Jeg, there are no members in this cafe experimenting with the original schematics above? ;D ;D  8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 13, 2021, 06:03:58 AM
The simple circuit diagram presented by the Russian zlatko2013 worked according to his advice.
The complex schematic presented by enioykino4(It's?) I tried in all kinds of ways but it didn't work.

I spent a month building the circuit presented by enioykino4(It's?).
Soldering with a single eye is a very difficult task.

I am very curious how the oscilloscope that Ruslan has hidden works.
I am very curious about the frequency details checked in the circuit diagram and the exact parts details.
I am very curious where and what components should be used in the Kacher furnace to achieve the most optimal synchronization with the push-pull circuit.
Many people will be happy if cafe members help with oscilloscope work.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 13, 2021, 08:19:32 AM
Is that a lotto win? if so why not buy a scope?

With most of the circuits you produce there is a sort of confusion guys don't realise
in that they don't know if the katcher is faster than the grenade frequency or slower  :-\

Beck In the Lithuanian posting days they showed a WV pic depicting a 1 to 3 magnitude gain
known as golden ratio that part of the 'bucking coil' circuit is in none of your circuits. and yet the the Akula
device shows a need for unexplained resonance ! Perhaps you could explain that part  8) 8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 13, 2021, 09:26:51 AM
AlienGrey :

I did not win the lottery, but the cafe members here won the lottery.
If each other works together to operate a simple circuit diagram, the joy will be as great as winning the lottery.
And collaboration is the job of people who have the conditions to collaborate.
Most of the members are people who have studied electricity professionally, and I am a person without formal education.
Most of my youth, I lived in a place where my view of the world was cut off.
School education and the skill of learning to fight in nature are different. 8)

And my biography is all about this level. ;D

So when cafe members ask me questions about the gate circuit, I can't answer them.
Rather, you have to learn from members who have oscilloscopes.
I am always ready to learn from my members.
We announced that we are giving preference to members who will help Jeg members and learn to me. ::) ::)

And the Tesla schematic below works even without collaboration with the push-pull circuit.
Members have worked hard over the past 10 years to get this to work.
Members deserve a working Tesla.
For people like me, members need to tell us how Tesla works in detail, so that members' descendants will have faster time to benefit from greater benefits. 8) 8)

And I want Lithuania to quickly become a developed country.
Crying through useless experiments for the past 10 years is not helpful to the real research members. 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 13, 2021, 01:16:06 PM
Forget about that old scheme of ruslan .
The board I shared is based on this circuit.
It works from 10 khz to 130 khz.
The circuit is tested and made on pcb and it works fine.every value is correct. The document is translated too.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 13, 2021, 04:39:22 PM

The more difficult you make generators that are easy to make, the more often you end up with your own satisfaction. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 13, 2021, 05:58:24 PM
To make the just a watt device would be difficult with out a PCB layout.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2021, 12:13:13 AM
AlienGrey :  8) 8)

Резонанс есть, но не выходной(съёмной) катушки, а всего лишь магнитного индуктора. Когда включаем без нагрузки в магнитном индукторе накапливается энергия подаваемая через пушпул, и там есть сильное магнитное поле, напряжение на катушке порядка 1,4..1,8кВ лучше ещё больше. Подключая нагрузку к катушке съёма мы ухудшаем добротность системы, накопленного магнитного поля становится мало оно _слабое_ и как результат хоть ВВ импульсы и толкают заряды, но они не достаточно "поворачиваются" полем индуктора - итого нет тока на выходе. Запустив без нагрузки мы получаем напряжение на выходе от работы пушпул, а ток уже даёт работа ВВ импульсов, здесь наблюдаем эффект мгновенной зарядки конденсаторов, и вот уже после этого можно подключать нагрузку - ток от работы ВВ, снимает нагрузку с пушпул и магнитное поле в НЧ индукторе не проседает. Если дать нагрузку больше чем есть тока прибавки, то происходит падение напряжённости поля управляемого магнита и система резко "проваливается с эффекта". Акула первый попытался развязать катушку индуктора от катушки съёма выполнив последнюю бифиляром. Если бифиляр был бы идеальным на нагрузке небыло бы вообще напряжения, но это сделать невозможно поэтому пара десятков вольт в нагрузку от пушпул попадает. Если нужно напряжение побольше, самое простое разбалансировать бифиляр съёма или второй вариант подать дополнительные вольты с дополнительной обмотки пушпул включенной последовательно с катушкой съёма. Полученное напряжение это холостой ход, мощности в нём нет, ток(мощность) появится только после работы ВВ импульса, напряжение на выходе изменяется незначительно.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2021, 06:31:45 AM
AlienGrey 8)

If we act like trolls with each other, Jeg is more likely to succeed in experimenting without trusting us.
He who has a grenade in his chest is like living his life with a real grenade in his chest.
Far East films are more about survival than beauty. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2021, 06:58:30 AM
이왕이면 고속도로로 나가지 고작에 지방도로 질주씩이나... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 14, 2021, 07:05:57 AM
вот что, нашел здесь объяснение

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 14, 2021, 07:08:24 AM
The circuit around the 2SD882 isn't right for an NPN the Collector is connected to ground Derr!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2021, 07:17:12 AM
forest :

Japan, in the ring of fire in the Pacific Rim, is a country where earthquakes occur frequently.
Yesterday, a strong earthquake of 7.3 occurred off the coast of Fukushima, where a nuclear power plant accident occurred.
China is also a country with many earthquakes.


My son sometimes plays with meaningless circuits like AG. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 14, 2021, 07:23:13 AM
Don Smith explanation quite good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en243XGUpxI
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 14, 2021, 07:40:55 AM
simpler is better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFYITQp8cAc
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2021, 08:03:46 AM

Резонансный трансформатор Дональда Смита D.Smith

пробуем создать БТГ

The experimentation-spirit of the Russians is more hopeful than anyone in the world. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 14, 2021, 11:45:48 AM
Quote from: forest on February 14, 2021, 07:23:13 AM
Don Smith explanation quite good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en243XGUpxI
This video it's not quite right in what the guy is saying.

If you look at the original Don Smith video his coil is wound ALL IN THE SAME DIRECTION.
If you look again at his video he adds a capacitor across one side that way he can alter the phase
and you also need to zero the inductance to zero he talks about how to do that.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 14, 2021, 11:58:22 AM
Look at Kapanadze very old videos when he was younger. He build a katcher with a long HV coil. One side cw then in the middle changed to ccw. I think it was closed. He has shown a bulb all in self-looped circuit . Don Smith coils have a lot of connection with it.
btw I'm working on simpler resonance like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw3CW-LIkug
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 14, 2021, 01:26:45 PM
Quote from: forest on February 14, 2021, 11:58:22 AM
btw I'm working on simpler resonance like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw3CW-LIkug

Similar: https://overunity.com/16039/quantum-generator/ (https://overunity.com/16039/quantum-generator/)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 14, 2021, 03:33:21 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrscetCnwjI&feature=youtu.beI'm not quite understood. He said about choosing proper capacitor do you get it and explain in english ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 14, 2021, 04:09:05 PM

Как это работает 2

The yoke-transformer and grenade-coil (light) are already in the best conditions for resonance.
The reason I've been just giving capacitor tests over the years was to find the best conditions.
Capacitor/capacitance varies depending on the inductor/inductance and the condition of the erection (resistance) of the light bulb.
Which beats to match is the same as the power consumption requirements.
It's better to do experiments here during the useless debate time and post each experiment on the forum. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 14, 2021, 05:15:27 PM
Quote from: color on February 14, 2021, 04:09:05 PM
...the condition of the erection...

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Google 번역은 어리 석다 !!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2021, 01:59:04 AM
Google Android is the champion. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2021, 02:58:54 AM
It's easy to get white light from a lamp.
Amplify-purify once more with a transformer.
Instead, the amount of current is reduced by the amplified voltage.
Ruslan also used this method, and Kapanadze was also demonstrated in front of clients.
So, Ruslan's generators that use PSUs actually do not need a diode bridge, but they do. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 15, 2021, 05:36:01 AM
Quote from: forest on February 14, 2021, 03:33:21 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrscetCnwjI&feature=youtu.beI'm not quite understood. He said about choosing proper capacitor do you get it and explain in english ?
POWER FACTOR CORRECTION Your messing with industrial Mercury excited lamps, the video is about power phase correction L/C
infact the video is that poor a quality it's difficult to de cipher his writing, and its not ZERO point or related.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2021, 05:57:27 AM
Magnetic Resonance Amplifier 2: Exp1 Waveforms
2014. 2. 17.

Transformers and grenade coils using the gate drive IR2110 can draw high voltages to the secondary coil, but the resulting severe heat generation in the transformer and grenade coils becomes even more serious when Tesla operates.
It is TC4420, which shows that Ruslan tried to augment the push-pull circuit to activate the IR2110.
In the existing power supply, IR2110(2A)/IR2113(2A) is a study seller class,
In the free-generator, the TC4420(6A)/TC4421(9A)/TC4451(13A) is the best seller. ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 15, 2021, 11:25:20 AM
PSU 24V-150W/6.3A.
The yoke-transformer primary coil is 10x10 turns and the secondary coil is 12x12 turns.
The MOSFET driver is TC4421(9A).
The picture below is a situation where the output-resonance does not work.
Only yoke-transformer self-resonant output is displayed.
The digital voltmeter dances in numbers depending on the situation.
Digital voltmeters cannot accurately measure due to resonance-propagation interference.
Analog voltmeters also have different metering needles in certain situations, but they have relatively less radio interference, so the results are recognized as analog voltmeter readings.
I predict the voltage from the brightness of the light I learned from experience.
The three methods are combined to predict the outcome.
Output-resonance does not work well if the winding of the primary coil of the output transformer is less than 30 turns.
Output-resonance works stably over about 50 turns.
Ferrite-transformers work better than silicon-transformers. ::) ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 15, 2021, 02:06:36 PM
I want to return for a moment to Tesla patents :
in both the transmitter and receiver are oppositely wound. The same I found in Kapanadze replications. Would it be the secret to allow undisturbed resonance?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 15, 2021, 04:31:17 PM
Forest your PDF wont load, comes up with an error, if your north of the equator it's about coming and going like down the plug hole of the sink
the way the world spines. Are you giving or taking depends on spin.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 15, 2021, 04:36:48 PM
Patents : US645576 and US649621 
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 15, 2021, 05:00:32 PM
Quote from: forest on February 15, 2021, 02:06:36 PM
I want to return for a moment to Tesla patents :
in both the transmitter and receiver are oppositely wound. The same I found in Kapanadze replications. Would it be the secret to allow undisturbed resonance?

It wont open because the 2 links run together. Here the links are separated:

Tesla Patent (PDF download) https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/62/90/92/45a5932052a940/US645576.pdf (https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/62/90/92/45a5932052a940/US645576.pdf)

Tesla Patent (PDF download) https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/41/ec/af/a57b4c65986fd0/US649621.pdf (https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/41/ec/af/a57b4c65986fd0/US649621.pdf)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 15, 2021, 06:21:23 PM
Forest  there is an eco in here  ::) ::)

Your question have a look at the Dally thread page 96 the hand drawn circuit
a word of worming the LM494  wont do 750 Khz and its too high for ferrite it will get hot
a yoke from a TV is 10 to 30 if your lucky khz

However talking to Grum might be an asset ! I haven't seen it till now it would make a good experiment some time for you


PS Robot counts views
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2021, 12:13:30 AM
 ;D ::) 8)
Plotting the dependence of the magnetic permeability on the magnetic field strength

Calculation of a single-layer coil for 1/4 wave, taking into account the capacity of the ground

Combining waves in a single layer coil

Standing waves in long lines. Animation

Calculation of the pulse pumping of the Tesla transformer

Calculating a serial RC or RL circuit

Calculation of a two-frequency serial-parallel oscillatory circuit

Back EMF free energy in an inductor with a core

Circuit simulator online

Calculation of a current amplifier on a parametric inductance
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2021, 12:23:41 AM
 ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2021, 08:05:35 AM
Whatever the cause, the former Soviet Union often forget that they invaded many Eastern European countries and forced communism of poverty. 8) 8)

9-Обзор БТГ купленого у Руслана Кулабухова. Тайна Принципа! Free Energy secret revealed!

The generator Ruslan sold to Sergej Panov is an output-resonant type.
The only difference is the location of the output that connects the light bulb.
The voltages in all three are different.
The photo below shows the brightness levels of the bulbs at different output locations.
It is subtle, but the distinction is clearly felt.
Output-resonance can be adjusted as desired.
10W ~~~~~~ up to 2KW. Even more than that.
However, it must be of a level to understand and apply the calculation chart above.
I simply changed the position of the output without adjusting anything of the existing resistance, capacitance, and inductance.
There will be many members in this café who can apply and adjust resistance, capacitance, and inductance to the generator. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on February 16, 2021, 08:53:15 AM
Quote from: NdaClouDzzz on February 15, 2021, 05:00:32 PM
It wont open because the 2 links run together. Here the links are separated:

Tesla Patent (PDF download) https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/62/90/92/45a5932052a940/US645576.pdf (https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/62/90/92/45a5932052a940/US645576.pdf)

Tesla Patent (PDF download) https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/41/ec/af/a57b4c65986fd0/US649621.pdf (https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/41/ec/af/a57b4c65986fd0/US649621.pdf)
Two questions !
A. the law/-s since Tesla first publication released/defined ?
page 2

First, that atmospheric or other gases, even under normal pressure,when' they are known to behave as perfect insulators, are in a large measure deprived of their dielectric properties by being subjected to the in fluence of electromotive impulses of the character and magnitude I have referred to and assume conducting and other qualities which have been so far observed only in gases greatly attenuated or heated to a high temperature, and, second,that the conductivity imparted to the air or gases increases very rapidly both with the augmentation of the-applied electrical pressure and with the. degree of rarefaction, the law in this latter respect being, however, quite different from that heretofore established.

B. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program)
HAARP has a transmission power (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Sendeleistung) of 3.6  MW (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Watt_(Einheit))[7] (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program#cite_note-US_Naval-7) , which can be delivered permanently ( CW (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Continuous_wave) ). The calculated effective radiation power (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Effektive_Strahlungsleistung) , a calculation variable based on the axis of the main radiation (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Effektive_Strahlungsleistung) direction of the antennas, was up to 3.16 GW (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Watt_(Einheit)) in 2006  . This corresponds to a power level (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Leistungspegel) of 95  dBW (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Bel_(Einheit)) . [7] (https://acwjpkh4hshdfx4rexzvgeruni--de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program#cite_note-US_Naval-7)

transmission power/effective radiation power
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on February 16, 2021, 09:25:18 AM
Paris/Republique Francaise : Pariser Kommune , "Kommun-istische Manifest/Proklamation/Verfassung/Constitution"
written by Marx and Engels for the "Pariser Kommune" ::) as written "contract",1848
Original : kommunistisch equates bourgeoise or deutsch: buergerlich

                                  Verfassung/Konstitution 2021 p. C.  :
B.G.B.        Buergerliche Gesetzes Buch/Buecher = BR Deutschland gueltiges "Kommunistische Manifest"

Communism is a western european,more strictly,french/Parisienne, IDEA,not eastern !
A city middle-class Salon-Ideology,financial well suited ! Wishing same rights like the "Nobilitas/Nobles" !

                Democracy as "Nobles" their "first" rights/privilegs proliferation,from 1% to 10% from the  population

                from title-less,08/15,citizen to titular : "Burgess/Buerger/freeman" (not "burgess") : a kind of "democratic Baron/Frei-Herr"

                Buergerschaft= Patrizier + 2chair-man". Buergermeister =maior/mayor/Maitre/Mestre

Not primitive analphabets or poor people ideology ! ;) 1917 and before : Russia ,Analphabets-quote ?

                 Oh yeah,we humans are so TITULAR-hungry ! And ever FIRST/FUERST,not LAST (closing the door) !

  Understanding "social" economy from practizising to theory and consequences :    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stuart_Mill (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stuart_Mill)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2021, 09:52:57 AM
lancaIV :

The strength of resonance depends on the inductance/capacitance/resistance value of the bulb.
The reason why the brightness intensity of the five light bulbs are all different is that the inductance/capacitance/resistance values ​​of the bulbs are all different.
Few people correctly substitute this as a calculated number.
It is the level of duplicating circuit diagrams made by others.
There will be a lot of electronics engineering students in this cafe at the level of changing the values ​​of parts of other people's circuit diagrams.
However, not many people assemble parts with accurately calculated figures.
This is because such calculations can only be done by a research team at a large home appliance company.
These cafe members are all about their own parts and two-dimensional substitution.
Since the members of the placenta are not rich, there are restrictions on the procurement of parts or equipment.
The same is true of me.
That's why over the years, I experience trial and error and improve generator performance.
Create [Howl's Moving Castle] from parts collected from waste electrical appliances in the neighborhood. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2021, 10:53:54 AM

I'm not very good at experimenting with car light bulbs with large amps.
It is better for 220V only to produce accurate results. ;D
For reference, the light bulb in front of me in the video is 240V/25W, 30W extracted from a microwave oven. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 16, 2021, 01:18:59 PM
ВОРУЕМ У КИТАЙЦЕВ по-черному! (Ака Касьян)

Как проверить тиристор

Both channels above are operated by AKA KASYAN, and there is a lot of useful information.
I learn a lot from this friend. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2021, 04:52:13 AM
The Lie


Truth and Lies are the difference between one sheet of paper.
The words written on the paper lie, and people do not lie.
Because human lies are also the truth of nature.
The truth of using the lungs and tongue. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 17, 2021, 08:56:15 AM
Quote from: color on February 17, 2021, 04:52:13 AM
The Lie

The design of the board is working.
All the values are right it works from 8 khz to 130 khz range.

Circuit is not the part rest is


Truth and Lies are the difference between one sheet of paper.
The words written on the paper lie, and people do not lie.
Because human lies are also the truth of nature.
The truth of using the lungs and tongue. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2021, 09:22:47 AM
Justawatt :

I made the conditions for experimentation,
The former members do not experiment.
Some experiments are evaluated by people who do not know how generator resonance works.
And, they is said to be fake.
Many people try to find the principle of resonance in Tesla operation.
Tesla only has the role of amplifying the amount of current and.
The principle of resonance begins with push-pull.
It is heartbreaking to observe someone's hard work and enthusiasm for a long time.
It has been a tradition since ancient times for cowards to speak out loud. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2021, 09:25:31 AM
 ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2021, 09:30:52 AM
 ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2021, 06:20:45 PM
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 17, 2021, 06:37:01 PM

very interesting that a toroid( especially the gray one) increases the voltage so much.



It is a toroidal inductor extracted from an old TV made in Japan.
I also experimented with interest, but I can't understand in detail why this is happening.
This is the degree to which the Troidal core is understood as magnetic force collision and repulsion. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 17, 2021, 09:32:26 PM
Yes so it lights a light bulb but what is it and how is it powered ?
can you draw a block diagram ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2021, 12:02:21 AM
AlienGrey :

This is an experimental work in which the light bulb is removed and a transformer is installed.
Ruslan drew the most detailed diagram.
If someone changes this diagram at random, the free-generator will not work. ;D ;D ::) ::)
The picture below is connected to the primary coil of a transformer extracted from a microwave oven.
If the number of windings of the bobbin exceeds 50 turns, the voltage difference will stagnate as long as the secondary coil inductance/capacitance of the yoke-transformer does not change.
The coil winding is 100 or 200 turns, but the voltage rise is limited to 1~2V. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2021, 01:00:38 AM
AG seems to think that I am posting useless photos.
This is a necessary operation for the generator to operate on its own after removing the battery.
The thing I don't explain why when posting pictures is,
Not explaining why, because it's less pedantic than explaining why the generator should work.
There are few ways to convince those who believe that Ruslan is to show the reason for the lie to those who believe what the Russians claim to lie. ;D ;D ::) ::)

People of the placenta do not criticize their comprehension, they criticize their inventors. ;D ;D ;D ;D

I love Khalil-Gibran's poems. ;D

On Death
Kahlil Gibran - 1883-1931

Then Almitra spoke, saying, We would ask now of Death.
    And he said:
    You would know the secret of death.
    But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?
    The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.
    If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.
    For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.

    In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond;
    And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring.
    Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.
    Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd when he stands before the king whose hand is to be laid upon him in honour.
    Is the shepherd not joyful beneath his trembling, that he shall wear the mark of the king?
    Yet is he not more mindful of his trembling?

    For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
    And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?

    Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
    And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
    And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

From The Prophet (Knopf, 1923).

::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 18, 2021, 01:22:17 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on February 18, 2021, 01:30:12 PM
Interesting about resonance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWlnrwTtr4w&feature=youtu.be
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 18, 2021, 08:00:40 PM
Yes very amusing ! lets get back to the chase, basicly there are two types of electricity one has a magnetic content the other it's removed
Tesla showed Marconi the crap version because Tesla thought it was useless and the problem is it's stuck and it's limited to the speed of light.

Basically if you have the know how you could travel light years in no time at all.
Have you got it now ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2021, 11:52:20 PM
forest :

AlienGrey :

It is the caecum of generator history that continues the meaningless discussion of combining magnetic generators with the history of electric and electronic generators, which are the traditions of the tradition.
The phenomenon that appeared three years ago is now gone and does not occur.
Even if you experiment under the same conditions, the phenomenon does not occur.
There must be a cause and I am curious, but do not know why.
It is very interesting, but the experiment without continuity is a lot of regret.
Like an oriental proverb,
It seems like a ghost crying on a rainy day. ;D ;D

China is using a policy that blocks American cultural invasion from YouTube and Twitter.
Wall Street, represented by the Washington swamp, needed to press China.
Trump puts pressure on China to the extreme and retires, and with China's cooperation, Biden pretends to be elected, and negotiates with China to unblock.
If Biden fails to negotiate with China, hard-liners like Trump will rebound and press China again.
The story of Wall Street in the United States will be the same 100 years ago, now or 100 years later. ::) ::)

Traveling beyond the speed of light from one universe to another is impossible in the form of ordinary matter.
Light is also a matter. Matter is converted into light by external stimuli, and at this time, the speed of light called light occurs.
Matter always travels in outer space at speed at the speed of light.
The light also accumulates and when it accumulates, scabs form.
The black hole also slowly disappears when there are no more stars to eat.
The way to dissipate is to escape the gravitational field of a huge black hole by means other than matter.
The gravitational waves of the black hole escaped the enormous gravity and reached Earth.
Understanding one way is common sense, but understanding common sense in another way is another matter.
In the universe, time is like a boundary with non-material that matter cannot recognize.
Materials are cumbersome and limited in their state. ;D ::)

If you are too addicted to novels, you become a novel enthusiast. ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 18, 2021, 11:58:18 PM
Surely useless pictures are correct. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 19, 2021, 12:54:54 AM
The Solution? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2021, 01:28:33 AM

Генератор стоячей электромагнитной волны к системе Перун (полуперун)

We Russian friend works hard on meaningless experiments today. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 19, 2021, 02:56:21 AM
No Problem 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 19, 2021, 03:25:46 AM
If LBJ was on fire in the gutter i wouldn't bother to piss on him unless i had bean drinking alcohol.
Lets face it he was a wast of space.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 19, 2021, 04:59:28 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on February 19, 2021, 05:17:59 AM
Trolling, again?
Over 3000 posts spanning 7 years, and absolutely nothing to show for it. That must be very frustrating! ;D 8) ;D 8) ;D 8) ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 19, 2021, 07:01:43 AM
Ah I know who this is, Whats the weather like in Australia
If i'm not mistaken this has all the hall marks of Chris Sykes.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2021, 10:55:05 AM

The situation in Russia in which Russians must be evaluated on the verification table is the same as the world's credit rating of Russians.
Sad things usually have a high premonition hit rate.
Russians take pride in deliberately cheating on people.
Some Russians retaliate against the rich for their jealousy and envy for liberal democracy, with a grim smile.

But the placenta rich do not do anything that hurts their business.
This is the paradox.
No matter how good the free-generator is, the rich throw it away.
So, the rich do not get caught in the trap that the Russians made to deceive the rich, but only the poor fall into the trap.
Members who say [free lunch] are hounds who live for the rich.
They never stand on the side of the poor.
This is because when the poor become rich, there is no way to find workers to work in companies made by the rich.
The poor must always exist in poor condition to work themselves as workers.
Once upon a time, the rich do not want a welfare society.
Even the rich these days don't want a welfare society.
The reason is,
Workers in the old days couldn't say bad things to the rich,
In a welfare society, worker citizens are good at disgusting to the rich.
Poor workers can't stand against the rich who dominate social media, manipulate public opinion, and manipulate votes, while citizens of welfare society do.
This is because the rich have no desire to share their privileges with the citizens.
The rich want robotic workers,
They don't want workers and citizens to get rich.
The rich are afraid of the opposition of workers and citizens to them, and are taking control of public opinion-organizations and political power to cut off this source.
This is the paradox of check.
These days, the rich have no enemies other than death.
Bored rich people turn to space.
Send the poor to space to build colonies, and when security is secured, the rich begin their journey.
This is because the rich people's thinking is no different from the past.

patenting a free-generator is not easy.
The warehouse for the rich is like a black hole. Once in, it does not come out.
In particular, the free-generator has little marketability as it is replicated as soon as it is released.
R&D expenses are also lost and disappears from the market.
The Chinese and Indians are ghosts that replicate.
So, the rich don't make things that are easy to duplicate.
In particular, free-generators are difficult to mass-produce.
It is not complicated to make like the old color-TV.
And there is not much demand.
It is an era in which free-generator inventors commit suicide because free-generators are not sold.

It is their own perception that the poor Russian electricians deceive the world's electricians, which is the detriment of their long-standing communist thoughts and recognizes the unspecified majority as rich.
Like frogs crying in a well.
Their victims are the poor electricians in the world.


What my dad was deceived by Nnaill was your influence too.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 19, 2021, 11:51:29 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 19, 2021, 12:53:10 PM
AlienGrey :

Настройка резонанса
2014. 7. 11.

The motivation for my dad to start a particular experiment is the unusual winding method of the yoke-transformer in the background seen in the video above.

There are over 100 photos related to this, and there are over 10 videos, but my dad put Embargo on it and it is stored only in private-USB.
My dad also wound the yoke and experimented in various ways.
My dad also has a personality to find the cause.
Personalities who sleep only after finding the cause are tired.😏😪

Свободная энергия 012 Сергей ✵Dniester✵
2016. 10. 20.

This is the winding method that appears in the video of Andrian Gusca.
My dad knows what kind of circuit installation the special yoke-winding method works, but he's taking it off.
This is because it has nothing to do with how the Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan((Excluding groundless generators) generator works.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 19, 2021, 04:37:25 PM
Quote from: color on February 19, 2021, 12:53:10 PM
AlienGrey :

Настройка резонанса
2014. 7. 11.
This one is a wast of time, i replicated this It has losses !

The motivation for my dad to start a particular experiment is the unusual winding method of the yoke-transformer in the background seen in the video above.

There are over 100 photos related to this, and there are over 10 videos, but my dad put Embargo on it and it is stored only in private-USB.
My dad also wound the yoke and experimented in various ways.
My dad also has a personality to find the cause.
Personalities who sleep only after finding the cause are tired.😏😪

Свободная энергия 012 Сергей ✵Dniester✵
2016. 10. 20.

This is the winding method that appears in the video of Andrian Gusca.
My dad knows what kind of circuit installation the special yoke-winding method works, but he's taking it off.
This is because it has nothing to do with how the Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan((Excluding groundless generators) generator works.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 20, 2021, 09:31:55 AM
Colour it is tough to follow you.

Straight question
do you know the working of ruslan device?
Have you got one working?

Or you don't have one ,but you know how to make it.
But not yet succeeded.

You are putting so many photos like puzzles
Seeing it we have more questions.
And what are all those photos ,which makes no sense.
Please answer this.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2021, 10:28:06 AM


А ты вот так вот пробовал?
диод тут должен быть HVR-1X3

romanche сказал(а): ↑
схему включения диода - в студию..
я на горячем конце ВВ диод ставил , так на антенну он вообще ничего не пускает.
и как же мы на тесле диодом сделаем однополярный импульс?
Have you tried it like this?
the diode here should be HVR-1X3(12kv)

romanche said: ↑
diode switching circuit - in the studio ..
I put a diode on the hot end of the BB, so it does not let anything on the antenna at all.
And how do we make a unipolar pulse on a tesla with a diode?


If the content in the picture below is translated into English, a high voltage diode is used, zlatko2013 said.



It is not the generators of Ruslan who ask us questions, but the strange members who faithfully followed the advice of zlatko2013.

Your generator will also work, so there will be no reason to ask us.

And the schematic I suggested is the same as that posted by zlatko2013.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2021, 12:02:00 PM
фрагменты.. бтг.. качер1....6

The AG also doesn't just respond with words, but attaches detailed meter reading points and videos to help members understand it.
What's more, my dad doesn't even know how the oscilloscope works.
Please indicate and post the correct meter reading point on the circuit diagram.
When you write 1 million comments that you know only yourself, self-satisfaction is all.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2021, 12:56:52 PM
фрагмент морей 23..Параметрический резонанс..финал

I think it is a waste of passion, knowledge, and time, as always, to watch these experiments and be forgotten by only a few enthusiasts. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 20, 2021, 02:31:54 PM
Электропастух для Расула.

Генератор с рекуперацией (свободная энергия)5

Сейчас генератор работает не 15 минут а 30 устойчиво и автономно.
Это электронный генератор ,способный поддерживать свою работу длительное время автономно без источника питания , либо обрыве питания, там где это нежелательно. Так задумывалось. И не только поддерживал , но и выдавал полезную работу, как сейчас в виде свечения светодиодов. Но сейчас , главная задача в увеличении продолжительности работы генератора. А там и до быта доберёмся.
Спасибо за комментарии.

Electric shepherd for Rasul.
Regenerative generator (free energy) 5
Now the generator works not for 15 minutes, but for 30 minutes stably and autonomously.
This is an electronic generator capable of maintaining its operation for a long time autonomously without a power source, or a power cut, where it is undesirable. So it was conceived. And not only supported, but also produced useful work, as now in the form of LED glow. But now, the main challenge is to increase the generator runtime. And there we'll get to everyday life.
Thanks for the comments.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 21, 2021, 09:21:09 AM
Трёхфазный трансформатор. Примитивный опыт. Магнитные потоки.
почему так?

Thanks for verifying.
This is the expected result. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 21, 2021, 01:07:15 PM
 ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 21, 2021, 02:24:59 PM
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 21, 2021, 02:28:52 PM
 ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 21, 2021, 03:48:28 PM
Resonance works much better with multiple layers of thinner copper wire than a single tubular copper wire.
This means that a hollow pipe type copper tube is better than ordinary copper wire of the same mass.
My dad was tortured in a North Korean-political prison camp a long time ago, and his hand is trembling due to the aftereffect.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 21, 2021, 03:58:02 PM
The beautiful years that passed were so exciting,
trembling because the electricity is scary. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 22, 2021, 08:11:31 AM
Сама на себя
на осциллограмме можно увидеть сокральную фигуру выброса СЕ, которая позволяет систему остаться работать саму на себя, без питания

Please stop showing off your oscilloscope and draw a layout plan post it.
Just don't forget that many of you have been disappointed with your faulty schematic.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 22, 2021, 10:43:25 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 22, 2021, 04:09:39 PM
회원들이 모두 훌륭해서 안드로메다 천재들이 많아요 아빠....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 22, 2021, 05:33:31 PM
운룡이가 건바일루다가 설라무네 빠쁜디 잠깐 짬내서 그려주네. ;D
카페에 신기한 또라이들이 저 잘났다구 나대는거보믄 아작은 살만한 시상여..... ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 22, 2021, 06:05:38 PM
여기 또 헛짓거리하는 사람있어요 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 22, 2021, 08:25:34 PM
Quote from: color on February 22, 2021, 05:33:31 PM
운룡이가 건바일루다가 설라무네 빠쁜디 잠깐 짬내서 그려주네. ;D
카페에 신기한 또라이들이 저 잘났다구 나대는거보믄 아작은 살만한 시상여..... ;D ;D ::) ::)
Yes but what are the circuits driving the push pull or the Tesla coil
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 22, 2021, 09:28:52 PM
AlienGrey :

If you ask me a professional English question, I don't understand.
You need to draw a rough picture and tell them which part the question is about to understand.
I use the published Tesla (494-74HC00074HC00-4421-k1162) and push-pull (topruslan7) circuit.

Начальная часть БТГ

Светодиодик горит чуть чуть на халяву. Лабораторная работа номер 2015

Для Антона.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2021, 10:47:12 AM
The business of modifying/upgrading old ready-made items to new ones is one of the most thriving businesses around the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 23, 2021, 01:59:37 PM
Couldn't you use 74HC132's ?
Any way lets get back to Ruslan, he is a bit of a lad is our Ruslan  ::)
on a few of his Grenades he is using 41.64 meters not 37.5 or 40, that would suggest his katcher is running at 1.8 mhz

See photo

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2021, 06:57:54 PM

한국말 중에 "통수친다"는 말이 있습니다.
상대가 통수치면 이쪽도 똑같이 맞통수 쳐주는 것이 인지상정이고 예의입니다.

이 말은 영어 번역이 불가능하니 번역하지 마세요.
Please do not translate this word as it cannot be translated into English.

Sam Smith - I'm Not The Only One (Official Video)


💧⚡Cracking de l'eau⚡💧Test sans brouillard d'eau

Welding in water increases the unit cost.
The difference between Tesla and the amount of current is all about meaningless visual effects.

Underwater corrosion damage repair (Underwater welding)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2021, 07:07:37 PM
My daughter usually has a good sense of humor. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on February 23, 2021, 07:12:50 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 23, 2021, 08:50:00 PM
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on April 20, 2021, 10:31:26 AM
Quote from: forest on February 06, 2021, 05:34:59 AM
Can you replicate this effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQdcwDCBoNY&feature=youtu.be ?

Here is another version that looks promising: https://youtu.be/GhtxXjq8VaY (https://youtu.be/GhtxXjq8VaY)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on April 20, 2021, 08:52:22 PM
Serial LC Circuit
This plan is an old experiment.
You don't know exactly what you're missing.

The Russians continue this experiment,
You are not getting the desired results.

My dad's YouTube was closed for unknown reasons.
I wanted to recover, but Google refused.
Notify the partners of Gundalbaseong. Destroy Google!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on April 20, 2021, 09:00:15 PM
There are many psychopaths in this cafe.
Listening to all of their opinions is the job of the same psychopaths.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on April 20, 2021, 09:02:22 PM

There is a pending judgment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on April 20, 2021, 09:40:28 PM
Установка Бунка & Гуглодрома

An interesting video was posted on the forum above.

It's an old method that electricians around the world have been using for YouTube money making for a very long time.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on May 10, 2021, 05:07:05 PM
Quote from: color on February 06, 2021, 05:46:47 AM

A member living in Australia tried to get the members to understand with a similar circuit, but the cafe members don't seem to be interested.
It would be nice to find other ways of missionary work.


The site below does not open.
Sites that are not disclosed will not be viewed.
I am not curious because the matter in the universe is the same.


Melnichenko's resonance https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.skif.biz/index.php?name%3DPages%26op%3Dpage%26pid%3D2

                                                "the capacitance must correspond to the inductance"

Melnichenko's patents

Comments on descriptions of resonant systems https://3jhehcks7fktlxe2qny3nxcxpi--www-skif-biz.translate.goog/index.php?name=Pages&op=page&pid=1

I know that Chris doesn't post on this forum anymore, but this video that he just did is brilliant! Just listen to his car analogy! This forum lost a true gift when it chased him off!  https://youtu.be/Dn8IE0TQL3A (https://youtu.be/Dn8IE0TQL3A)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on May 10, 2021, 06:54:49 PM
Quote from: color on February 06, 2021, 05:46:47 AM
Melnichenko's resonance https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.skif.biz/index.php?name%3DPages%26op%3Dpage%26pid%3D2 (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.skif.biz/index.php?name%3DPages%26op%3Dpage%26pid%3D2)
initial quote from the link above:
QuoteThe gasoline generator had 100 volts and 0.5 kilowatts,
the electric motor had 270 volts and 1.5 kilowatts at the same current strength of 0.5 amperes.
So, the motor had a voltage at the input two times lower than the nominal, and at the output - 20 percent higher. The saw worked like a beast - the boards just flew off.
Let's see if this is  true.

electric motor had 270 volts and ~1.5 kilowatts~ at the same current strength of 0.5 amperes.
Lets do some simple math:
power = V x A
270 x 0.5 A= 135W Only!!!!
so there is no 1.5kW but 135W.


QuoteThe gasoline generator had 100 volts and 0.5 kilowatts,
0.5kW= 500W.
so maximum  available current  = 5A from generator.
if we were to make higher voltage by any means (e.g 1:2 transformer)  having now 200V at maximum power drown from generator  500W  than :
500W/ 200=2.5A
and if we  were to  have at output 270V at maximum power drown from generator  500W  than
500W/270=1.8 A
but quoted text from article  says that motor takes 0.5A only..

So  according to Russian publication  the mentioned 500W from  that  generator was enough to power
more that 3 of these saws.

This is how some Russians can lie..

But I'm surprised that you didn't check Russian calculation by yourself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on May 10, 2021, 07:07:58 PM
Yes, good job. Thank you, stivep.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on May 10, 2021, 07:38:47 PM

Please no stories about chasing off
I walked through this once already...

Begging on behalf of experimenters for help with experiments !( just laughing and calling stupid and much worse ...

You write lies here to often , then giggle about " only kidding"?
It is a game to you ... starting 47 topics and waiting for opportunity to write what you wrote above
And advertise....

10 more years of games ?

The world has needed this super simple few coils you hide the secret to ....
Lives lost , extinctions , atmosphere burned as fuel , water polluted ... etc etc

Yes I know it's all good at your house..., what's the hurry...

Enuff games ...
Please share the super simple secret ... we don't need to be entertained with movies
We need to save all of the above ....

One short paragraph
A few details...
For 10 plus years experimenters beg

And just giggling and insults and name calling
When all the replications failed !!

Please explain !!
How many more must perish ... lives .. species ..?
What are you waiting for .. write the paragraph... few minutes of time...

Please share the secret to the super simple "Twice the output of input "
Surely thousands have tried ... and not one successful replication shared..

Please help

just clicked on movie link

I see other people mentioned?

We don't need complicated spinny stuff!!
Just original solid state cop 2 claim that captain loz shared
Please help itsu with his replication ( where he found the measurement problem / issue

That's all we need to change everything!!
Please allow captain Loz to help !!

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on May 11, 2021, 02:18:41 AM
Once again: I am NOT Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I only became aware of Chris when folks here started saying I'm Chris. I just saw his recent video today and was impressed by how simply he explains his tech, yet so many still don't get it. How many times do people have to be told that it is THEIR OWN INABILITY TO SEE that is the problem?
If free-energy is to make it to the masses, it will take someone smarter than me to figure out how to bypass the powers-that-be! Until then, if people sincerely want free-energy, they must do the leg-work. Step#1 Research Research Research. Step #2 Hit the bench! A good 90% of the time, what's in my head does not translate to the bench. If one is sincere in their desire for free-energy and persistent enough, they will eventually find the people and answers that they seek.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on May 11, 2021, 06:03:18 AM
You play games where people's lives are at stake
You write lies about persons you don't even know and expect to be taken seriously !

And seem to have nothing but time to play ..

The world desperately needs this tech , thousands have wasted time searching for cop2

Not one successful public replication shared that worked

I will add links later,I don't have time to waste ATM ..maybe you could open a few more topics
Or reboot or giggle your way along as the world pays the price !!

Giggling infants playing games while the world suffers !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NdaClouDzzz on May 11, 2021, 02:22:57 PM
https://youtu.be/nDgaai_wIHo (https://youtu.be/nDgaai_wIHo)   ;D :o 8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 11, 2021, 05:03:47 PM
TinselKoil X

Not only Australians, but electricians around the world love to disclose other people's skills in their own name.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 11, 2021, 05:05:24 PM
One of my old subscribers.

2017. 5. 4
4x Slayer Exciter - 230 V Lightbulb Test

2017. 5. 7
Electro Radiant Energy - Ultimate Receiver Test

2017. 5. 7
Electro Radiant Energy - Soft Plasma Effect

2017. 5. 16
Electro Radiant Energy - Dual Layer Receiver Test

2017. 6. 20
Electro Radiant Energy - Copper Pipe Receiver Test

2017. 11. 22
Electro Radiant Energy - Grounding Effect

2018. 2. 4
Simple Cold Electricity - Battery Current Measurement
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 11, 2021, 05:08:45 PM
Radiant Energy & Kapanadze Coil

Some Korean, who is not good at English, explains something.
I think he is right.


Of the two generators of my dad, the kacher-frequency of the 38m grenade is 1.380Mhz, and the frequency of the 41m grenade is 1.444Mhz.
Does anyone have a member who can explain Ruslan's 1.544Mhz in an easy-to-understand way?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 11, 2021, 05:39:43 PM
I do not wait for members to respond.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on May 12, 2021, 06:21:28 AM
Color hello it's been a while,  Nice Tesla coil winding 'self oscillating' 1/4 wave is it ?

I have one I wound a while a go  9.375 Mtrs long looks just like your coil on the right,
the strange thing is it wont self oscillate but it's not the only one, others have them too
same problem but it will tune if i tune it with a SG and drive it

What of your coil does it self run ?

Regards to all
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 12, 2021, 08:49:42 AM

Стоячая волна
Ruslan Kulabuhov energy device open internals 2 of 2
Пояснение по работе генератора (4)
Получение энергии из качера разбор

The kacher frequency synchronized with the frequency at which the push-pull transformer operates, requires no artificial adjustment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 12, 2021, 08:53:00 AM
The frequency Ruslan makes with the kacher is not Tesla resonance, but the frequency at which the free-generator is running.
So it's impossible for us to make that frequency.
The frequency derived while the generator is running can only be made with the generator running.
It's a natural logic.
What we need is to build a working generator, not to measure the frequency.
How do I make a generator that works?
It is not a frequency experiment, but a generator structure construction experiment.
What structure should the generator be made to work?
It is an experiment of understanding the principle and repetitive restructuring that hurts the head.

Генератор и его работа

The 1.5463Mhz derived by Ruslan was not the frequency at which the generator was running, but the frequency that was accidentally in the 1.5463Mhz range during the experiment was shown to us.
To show the dim light bulb lighting together,
It is intended as if the generator works at 1.544Mhz.
Generator operation can be independent of 1.544Mhz.

It's kind of trick for Ruslan to make a kacher of complex circuits.
This is a show to show that it is different from the shark's generator.
But the Ruslan generator is just like the shark's generator.
I didn't change the structure either.
Many Ruslan generator parts are decorated to look complicated.

The kacher in the Ruslan 7 schematic is structurally synchronized from 1.380Mhz (38m grenade coil) to 1.450Mhz (41m) to match the kacher's own grenade coil.
Ruslan adjusts the potentiometer with a small screwdriver and dances from 1.3Mhz to 1.8Mhz.
In other words, artificial frequency adjustment is meaningless.

The kacher automatically synchronizes itself with the grenade coil.
If the kacher automatically synchronizes itself with the grenade coil, does it need to artificially find or tune the frequency?
The artificial tuning of the automatically synchronized frequency itself leads to poor performance.
You don't have to, and you shouldn't.

The kacher synchronized with the grenade coil is an already completed combination.
All that is needed now is to extract the infinite energy of the ground zone into a kacher synchronized with the grenade coil.
How to pull it out?

Платы Теория! Все в одном флаконе!

Ruslan wants to show that he is smart.
We also need an excuse for the expensive generators sold to the Russians.
What did you feel in the video above?
Unnecessary parts that only take up space?

Yes that's right.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on May 12, 2021, 10:45:09 AM
In the above shark circuit the mosfets are far too slow, and there is another reson it wont work too.


Just watch till the end.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 12, 2021, 01:01:10 PM

I haven't watched it until the end because it's a boring video.

5 de agosto de 2020

If you distribute about 6A current to the push-pull transformer load (2kw light) and the kacher, the amount of current consumed by the kacher is about 1A. 5/6 of the amperage is eaten by the push-pull transformer.
Classic Tesla is difficult to work if you want to make a kacher that works below 1A (24v).
Since the shark knew this well, he chose his own kacher method.
Ruslan tricked us all with the classic Tesla.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on May 12, 2021, 01:46:27 PM
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqOc8ettzwwTxero9Mo3TA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqOc8ettzwwTxero9Mo3TA)

???  input/output ?

https://youtu.be/yxFNMGspw58?t=14 (https://youtu.be/yxFNMGspw58?t=14)

Replicação KAPAGEN utilizando 10 lâmpadas 220v 100w  em série.

Comments :

caros amigos ,este projeto é apenas uma demonstração do gerador Kapanadze, estou utilizando a energia de casa como fonte primária ,mas poderia ser um inversor alimentado por uma bateria de 12 volts ou 2 baterias para 24 volts.

estas lampadas acesas representam que podemos obter a energia necessaria para usarmos em nossas casas e o retorno dela carregarmos outras baterias para uso posterior.


Dear friends, this project is just a demonstration of the Kapanadze generator, I am using home energy as a primary source, but it could be an inverter powered by a 12 volt battery or 2 batteries for 24 volts.

these lighted lamps represent that we can obtain the necessary energy to use in our homes and return it to charge other batteries for later use. 

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 12, 2021, 09:26:33 PM

What members need is an understanding of radioactive waste brought by bodyless people traveling the Outer universe, and not an unnecessary knowledge farm.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 12, 2021, 11:53:40 PM

You're a strange person who takes something worthless and throws it into a radioactive dump.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 12, 2021, 11:57:30 PM
In ancient Egyptian mythology, donation is a virtue of all prophets.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 13, 2021, 04:30:38 PM
These are good, bad, or meaningless questions

The circuit diagrams below show that Ruslan has been showing the Tesla that he has completed in this way as he has been showing them in a video that made viewers believe.
If there is any other purpose for which Ruslan showed the squeeze schematic, I'm sorry, but you are all doomed to fail.

These are the structures and parts arranged so that the Tesla and the grenade coil are synchronized with each other.
It is a component and structure that does not need to send and receive frequency signals from the push-pull circuit to the Tesla circuit.
Ruslan's black comedy and jokes were only noticed by the Russians.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 15, 2021, 06:45:06 PM

There are a lot of interesting people looking at the IP tracking of the people who connect.
It's easy to track 5 and 10 bypass server IPs as well.
Helps to map free-generators around the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 15, 2021, 06:46:25 PM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 18, 2021, 08:20:34 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 18, 2021, 11:54:31 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 19, 2021, 09:08:22 AM


Russians are good at recycling.
People around the world deserve to be imitated.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 19, 2021, 09:25:59 AM
The inventor doesn't necessarily own the patent, but that's why it's bitter. 8)
Circus bears ride bicycles, but the proverb says that money goes into Chinese pockets.

I just made what Ruslan taught me... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on May 20, 2021, 02:01:34 PM
Hi color, a couple of questions, what is the arrow in the upper ruslan lamp circuit, is it a diode ?
and on the lower circuit what does the 1/3 mean ?

Regards SIL
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 20, 2021, 03:49:40 PM
AlienGrey :

Arrows are batteries or diodes.

Kacher 1/3 is the PSU-power distribution ratio.
It is automatically distributed due to the structure of the LC resonance circuit of the Ruslan generator method.
So there is no need for artificial power distribution.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Steven metreveli on May 21, 2021, 12:19:23 PM
who makes these fakes ???
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 21, 2021, 02:44:18 PM
Steven metreveli :

Find and post evidence that you are real or fake. If not, I will be silent. ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 22, 2021, 12:46:37 AM
This generator is powered by LC resonance and Tesla.
The generator that works for 10 minutes and turns off has no surface waves, only electromagnetic interference resonance between the wires.

The reason for approaching kapanadze was also a patent request, but it is difficult to prove.
There is no money in your pocket.

Thanks to the Ruslan Xs.


2017. 5. 4
4x Slayer Exciter - 230 V Lightbulb Test

2017. 5. 7
Electro Radiant Energy - Ultimate Receiver Test

2017. 5. 7
Electro Radiant Energy - Soft Plasma Effect

2017. 5. 16
Electro Radiant Energy - Dual Layer Receiver Test

2017. 6. 20
Electro Radiant Energy - Copper Pipe Receiver Test

2017. 11. 22
Electro Radiant Energy - Grounding Effect

2018. 2. 4
Simple Cold Electricity - Battery Current Measurement
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 22, 2021, 01:10:49 AM

이것들도 표면파 발전기여...... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D
대형 전력 회사에 특허권 소송 걸면 혹시라도 승소 가능성 있을지도 몰라..... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 22, 2021, 01:56:46 AM
아빠, 이 러시아인이 만드는 발전기가 표면파-발전기인지 아닌지 평가해 주셈.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 22, 2021, 02:15:14 AM
대동강물 팔아먹는 봉이 김선달이 시상에 어디 한둘여? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 22, 2021, 08:29:24 AM
Установка на интерференции с самозапитом.

Спасибо за видео, надеемся на продолжение. Удачи с повышением мощности.

3dmax tutorial and questions
Не может быть так что это работает от волн радиостанций?

Edward Lee
От радиостанции хорошо работает детекторный приемник.

Алекс ЛАСТ
Очередная ... разводиловка. Нужна повторяемая схема+описание наладки. Иначе все это прямо можно назвать очередным фейком.

Edward Lee
Мало кто делает, экспериментирует. Больше рассуждают, хают и   ждут схему+описание наладки.

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Edward Lee  ну так объясни теоретическую часть то. Будем делать. Этих "Капанадзе" тысячи. Реально повторимых нет. Да и большинство - откровенные фейки. Откуда профит ? Кпд выше 100% не бывает в закрытой системе. Значит надо тянуть откуда-то. Земля тут точно не при чем. Откуда дровишки то ?

Ruslan K
Мозгами поработать не пробовали ?


Ruslan K's comment, written three minutes ago, is fun.
I wonder if Ruslan K is willing to pay a patent fee for a surface wave patent.

Note that,
The picture below is a very very special surface wave detection device that my-dad is working on.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on May 23, 2021, 05:38:06 AM
Many people have tried to repeat E.Lee but with no positive results. First installation shown in 2012. We now have 2021e. and still his workshop can be seen.
For 9 years he hasn't done anything about it !? He himself said it was a small Kapanadze installation. See all the time only few watts output. Now bulb LED 3-4W.
The general principles of operation of the device have been known for a long time and they all work on a very similar principle. However, no one has shown credibly that it works.
Even with 1W.
Now the others pretend to be Akula and Kapanadze. They use their real image face and name like Akula or Kapanadze.
To this day, there are a few different people showing the generators, but these are just shows. Nobody has ever done any job with them!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on May 23, 2021, 05:55:41 AM
Here only LED 3-4W too.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on May 23, 2021, 08:16:25 AM
it just uses a ne555, so he says and lights a 20 watt bulb
but powers it from an old 19 volt old laptop psu.
good luck to him.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on May 23, 2021, 08:23:32 AM
Shows the inverter with HV output. I don't see FE here.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on May 23, 2021, 10:04:59 AM
it takes over 3 hours to go through all his videos !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on May 23, 2021, 04:12:40 PM
Edward Lee Dally: he is back


"The effect was noticed by accident when I set up GNSI as a mandrel for winding a coaxial using an old mini Tesla. But it was wound with another 0.65 mm wire winding and I tried to achieve good spark G.N.S.I. set up and how it is connected to it (to 0.65 mm) capacity, and got a good shock. it's not like the scorching touch of BB RF. then go further experiments in this direction.

windings on a plastic pipe with a diameter of 46mm, the length of the windings is 205 mm.

There are two generators in the installation, one generator (LF) shakes the converter on a ferrite transformer (@ push-pool @) to power the generator of nanosecond pulses and, accordingly, to supply voltage to the coil (@ electromagnet @), then the coils are on a plastic frame and it contains 3 windings , one winding (@ electromagnet @) 475 turns with 0.33 mm wire (to the right). Further, on top of it, the winding of 159 turns with a 0.65mm wire, let's call it resonant, it is connected only to capacitors 1.5μF x 400V - (to the right). Further, winding with coaxial 21 turns RG50U 50 ohm - to the right was previously used in computer networks, a bifilar is obtained - the end of the winding is short-circuited - loaded onto a nanosecond pulse generator. Inside there is one vein - copper, but somehow it is very tough, it does not magnetize. Internal insulation is polyethylene, at least transparent,

Well, from above there is a winding for removing 83 turns - the top one. The take-off winding is loaded on the diode bridge, after the diode bridge there are capacitors. Necessarily polar! The polar ones do not stand up and are stitched or inflated in a few seconds! After the rectifier, I loaded it with a 20 W lamp and, accordingly, the power supply for self-supply. But also, my power supply unit only worked out of four, and the old AT. One did not work at all, two quickly went out of order. A diode bridge between the capacitors and the coil is required! Without it, there is no stability of work!. Total: The windings are all in one direction. (@ according to the photo to the right @) The upper winding is 83 turns (about 2.5 sq.mm.). (Removable). Below it: coaxial - 21 turns RG50U. (Primary TT).

Resonant under the coax, 159 turns of 0.65 mm wire. (Resonant, in resonance of currents) The
lower part is a winding of 475 turns with a wire of 0.33 mm. (Secondary CT into voltage resonance).

Most likely there is a half-wave resonator (@ electromagnet @) with a TEM wave, the phase velocity of which does not depend on the frequency. In this case, if half the wavelength fits into the resonator, then the main vibration corresponds to the lowest resonant frequency. It also resonates at all harmonics of the fundamental frequency.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 23, 2021, 10:12:44 PM

May your firm convictions come true.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 23, 2021, 10:14:08 PM

This is one of my dad's experimental data a few years ago.
The circuit structure and capacity are unclear because it is the data derived from numerous capacitor experiments.
According to my dad, he seems to have a problem with the diode bridge, so he retested for several months.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 23, 2021, 10:16:44 PM



Your favorite generator circuit consumes 100% Tesla-kacher of the PSU's capacity.
My dad says your circuit is difficult to understand.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on May 24, 2021, 12:45:24 AM
Hi colour I am not using above circuit . It is full of error.
I am using this one
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on May 24, 2021, 03:26:42 AM
Color: What is this ? wire resistor?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 24, 2021, 09:32:42 AM

What's important is the LC resonance structure, not the complicated Tesla.



Experiment with what you say and post in detail.
My dad is busy with farming.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on May 24, 2021, 06:58:31 PM
Earth medium for electrical transfer
SWR ( scalar wave rider) Antigravity
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on May 25, 2021, 06:25:46 AM
Hi Just a Whatt, what errors are you referring to ?   Please list

and what  frequency is your Tesla coil designed to run at as the wire length will be critical
to your capacitor values used  ;)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on May 25, 2021, 12:46:06 PM
These are my findings.
For tuning the resonance coil we have play with following.

Duty cycle 16-26% range.

Dead time

Then tl494 phase shift is 180 degree, we need adjustable phase shift if you see Stalker circuit he used cd4093 ic to adjust the phase.

Most important part if frequency use 20k pot to find the resonance frequency like we all did.
Then use 500ohm or 1 k to fine tune there you will see the standing wave being formed.

The gernade coil winding direction is not important like 2 layers clockwise anticlockwise. Wind this coil clockwise all layers then for resonance coil wind it anticlockwise.

Then you will create standing wave.
Which is the key.


https://youtu.be/zybuy5SnUlI (check his channel all video)

https://youtu.be/fRA6qf7sTUY (check his channel)

https://youtu.be/OIXveajGyhA (important)

To understand better see the scope and signal generator.
There you could resonance frequency at 62 khz.
But at 62.40-62.60 khz you could see the standing wave formed. So like I said in pwm frequency generator use 20k to find the resonance frequency then fine tune 500ohm or 1k to get standing wave.
https://youtu.be/FBAKLoOXv34 ( watch carefully)

Now watch Ruslan video where he told about this waveform.

https://youtu.be/bfSgUBq1PQ4 (he said the secret here fish 🐠 wave)

It's not like what color is saying it's not about the resonance frequency.)

Ruslan always showed us a sinewave right, see it not a pure sine wave. We have to make the fish wave and when you expand the waveform in the oscilloscope you could see a sign wave inside the fish wave ,we have to pulse to that wave.

I don't know how many understood this.
This is my findings so far.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 12, 2021, 10:18:47 AM

나의 가문의 Spirit들은 유대교의 여호와(어둠신 및 뱀신 아페피)를 잘 압니다.
고대에 나의 가문이 바울(프톨레마이오스 12세)을 도와서 하토르 신전을 재건축했으니까요.
히람 아비프가 솔로몬(앗시리아 왕 Shalmaneser III)을 도와 여호와 신전을  7년 동안 건축한 것은 72인역이 유대인들 과거를 조작해서 첨가한 것입니다.
기원전 1세기 희랍인 과학자이자 공학자인 헤론을 바울이 고용해서 하토르신전을 재건축 했습니다. 클레오파트라 7세 사망 전까지 헤론이 신전공사 감독했습니다.
나중에 이런 자세한 얘기를 할 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.
지금은 유대교와 기독교 반발로 묻어 놓겠습니다.

Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.(요한계시록 NASB)

참고로 몇가지 더,

셉츄아진트-72인역 구약에서 솔로몬이 여호와 신전을 7년 동안 건축한 이유는,
서서있는 아펩뱀 한마리와 누워있는 아펩뱀 3마리에서 온 숫자 계산법입니다.
누워있는 아펩뱀 3마리는 쌍둥이들이라 총 6마리 입니다.
그래서 1+6=7마리(7년) 됩니다.
1+2=2=4=9 or 8마리가 될 수도 있습니다.
7을 선호하는 것은, 밤의 북두칠성이 북극성 주위를 돌지만 북극성의 위치는 지구의 세차운동으로 25436년 224일 16시간(25436.61511년)마다 북극성의 별이 바뀝니다. 그래서 북극성이 밝은 별이 걸리면 8이 되고, 북극성이 어두우면 7일 되는 원리입니다.
지금의 지구 자전축은 작은곰자리의 알파별을 향하고 있지만 기원전 15세기의 이집트 사람들이 관찰할 당시에는 용자리의 알파별이었습니다.
그리고 2000년전 북극성의 자리에는 특별하게 해당하는 별이 없습니다.
3000년전에는 북두칠성의 손잡이 부분이 거의 북극성 위치에 있습니다. 주변에 북두칠성보다 밝은 별은 없습니다. 용자리 투반도 북두칠성보다 밝은 별은 아닙니다만 엇비슷해서 지금처럼 8번째로 포함됩니다.
이것을 헤론이 아펩신전에 7마리와 하늘신 누트의 음부에 1마리를 추가로 부조한 이유입니다.
그런데 이것을 앗시리아 왕 솔로몬이 만들었다고 하는 이유는,
솔로몬이 전쟁 나갈 때 쓰던 투구에 7마리 뱀이 있어서입니다.
원래는 Urartu 지역을 지배하던 왕들이 사용하던 것인데, 앗시리아와 바벨론이 그 지역을 점령하면서 솔로몬 역활하던 Shalmaneser III에게 바쳐집니다. 더 원래는 이집트 아펩신을 메소포타미아 문명이 채택하면서 시작된 일이라 원조는 아펩신이 되는 겁니다.
가운데 똑바로 물구나무 서서있는 뱀이 한마리 있고, 좌우로 6마리 뱀이 약간 누워있는 형태로 있습니다.
이것을 바울이 아펩신전 3마리 아펩뱀 설정 주제로 채택한 겁니다.
히브리인들은 앗시리아나 바벨론보다 이집트를 더 싫어했습니다. Djed 역활하는 모세가 이집트의 어둠신 아펩을 여호와로 선택하면서 이집트가 신성시하는 태양신이 어둠신을 죽이는 역활하기 때문입니다.
여호와가 아니였다면 바벨론유수 느브갓네살의 바벨론이 제1의 공적이 됐겠지만 어둠신 여호와로해서 공공의 적이 태양신과 이집트가 된겁니다.

But Moses said to the people, "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.(출애굽기 14장)

그래서 유대인들에게  출애굽기는 창세기보다 훨씬 더 중요합니다.
그러나 기독교의 예수가 이집트 태양신을 모델로 탄생해서 유대교 제사장들은 예수를 반드시 죽일 필요가 생긴 겁니다.
셉츄아진트를 사두개인(사마리아인 리더조직) 랍비들이 작성했고, 신약성서를 바울같은 바리새인들이 개입해서 작성한 관계로 태양으로 태어난 예수는 어둠신에게 죽을 운명이였습니다.
그런데 아이러니는 예수는 어둠신 아펩-여호와로 Djed-십자가에 매달려 죽었다는 겁니다.
(이 이야기는 긴 설명이 필요해서 지금은 하지 않겠습니다)
바울의 몸에 흐르는 절반의 피가 바리새인입니다, 즉 바울의 엄마가 바리새인이였습니다.
바리새인들의 조상이 블레셋입니다.
남유다의 주력 세력이 또한 블레셋이였습니다.
구약성서에는 이런 이야기가 없습니다. 신약에서 예수가 이런 사실을 숨겼다고 바리새인들을 심하게 비판하는 이유입니다.
마태복음의 저자 마태가 레위파 사두개인입니다.
그래서 세리 마태가 특별한 이유없이 (사마리아인)죄인으로 언급됩니다.

누가복음 7장에 500-denarii와 50-denarii 얘기가 나오는데, 바울이 50-denarii의 주인공입니다. 500-denarii 주인공은 프톨레마이오스 11세고, 사도행전 7장에서 바울(사울)에게 죽는 스데반의 모델이 프톨레마이오스 11세입니다.
두 사람을 납치한 주인공이 베드로 역활하는 폰투스의 메트리다테스 6세입니다.
'사람을 낚는 어부'라는 유명한 예수의 말은 미트리다테스 6세가 프톨레미 11세와 12세를 왕자 시절에 납치한 사건에서 나온 겁니다.
이집트 역사를 잘아는 사람들은 무슨 이야기인지 이해하실 겁니다.
누가복음 7장에서 두 사람이 베드로에게 납치된 몸값을 클레오파트라 3세가 지불하면서 예수의 발에 향유를 적시고 씻기는 여자가 됩니다.
그러나 이 여자는 태양신전에 있는 마트가 대신합니다.
신약성서에는 마트는 여러가지 역활로 나옵니다. 아브라함의 딸부터, 혈루병 걸려 예수 몸에 손대는 여자로도 나오죠.

바울의 몸에 흐르는 절반의 피가 또한 그리스인이라 바울이 어둠신 아펩-여호와에게 중요한 뭔가를 주입합니다.
이 사건이 신약성서와 구약성서를 존재하게 만든 가장 큰 원인이 됩니다.
이집트신들 특징은 서로가 결합을 잘합니다.
2종, 3종, 4종, 5종, 많게는 능력치를 모두 결합된 신들이 나타나죠.
바울이 이 실험을 어둠신 여호와에게도 합니다.
수십년 후 이집트가 멸망했으니 여호와가 마지막에 선택되어 결합되는 행운을 얻은 것이죠.

누가복음 10장에서 예수가 이 사건을 핵심만 요약했는데,

The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name."
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.
"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.
"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."

그리스의 대표신이자 번개신인 제우스가 어둠신 아펩-여호와와 결합되는 사건이 벌어진 겁니다.
이것을 72인역 셉츄아진트 저자들이 하지만, 바울로부터 시작된 기독교가 여호와를 배척한게 아니라 예수의 아버지로, 하나님으로 선택하면서 일을 더 복잡하게 만든거죠.
예수가 선악과 죄를 대속해서 십자가에 죽어 죄사함을 얻는 것은, 어둠신을 섬기는 자들 농간이죠.

"When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed.
"But when someone stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied and distributes his plunder.
"He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters.

누가복음 11장에서 예수의 말대로 예수파의 힘이 더 강했다면 어둠신 여호와 세력을 제거하면 그만이기 때문입니다.
예수파가 여호와파에게 패배해서, 쉽게 말해 태양-예수가 힘이 없어 어둠신-여호와에게 제물이 된겁니다.
하늘신 누트(미카엘 천사역활)와 땅신 게브(가브리엘 천사역활)가 먹은 태양-선악과는 어둠신이 싫어하는 태양과 빛을 먹은 것이라 에덴에서 쫓겨난 겁니다.
그리스 신화에서 프로메테우스가 최초로 인간들에게 불을 전달해준 것과 비슷한 얘기가 됩니다.
빛신파가 완전하게 어둠신파를 제압했다면 예수가 아펩뱀으로 죽을 일이 없었겠지만, 어둠신파가 득세하면서 예수가 어둠신의 아들로 죽은 겁니다. 아니였다면 어둠이 예수의 아들이 되는 역전극이 됐거나, 어둠이 제거됐거나 했겠죠.
그래서 창세기 1장, 2장, 3장의 주요 맥락은 72인역에서 만든 것이지, 바벨론유수 이전의 유대인들이 만든 것이 아닙니다.

악한 지배자가 역사를 조작하듯, 부활을 믿지 않는 사마리아 사두개파 유대인들이 어둠신 여호와의 두루마기를 고성능 전기-세탁기에 이렇게 빨았습니다.
해서 어둠신 여호와가 번개신의 빛까지 장착하면서 창세기 태초에 개입하며 태초의 천지창조로 이어진 겁니다.
사두개인 시초를 솔로몬의 제사장으로 있던 사독으로 유대인들 해석하지만 아닙니다. 사두개인은 앗시리아의 Tiglath-Pileser III(745 – 727 BC)에 의해 앗시라아로 끌려갔다가, 사르곤 왕조의 두 번째 왕 Sennacherib의 아들 Esarhaddon(705 – 681 BC)때 북이스라엘 사마리아로 다시 돌아온, 레위인들이 주축이 된  Djed-모세의 최 측근 그룹입니다.
예수 말대로 출애굽과 관계없는 블레셋의 후손 바리새인들이 Djed-모세의 자리에 앉아서 사두개인들을 혼혈 사마리아인들로 배척한 겁니다.
남유다 주축인 바리새인들은 바벨론으로 끌려갔다가 70년만에 돌아와서 말이죠.

바벨론에 끌려갔던 바리새인은 사마리아-사두개인보다 더 심한 혼혈입니다.

더 얘기해주고 싶지만 어둠신 여호와 숭배하는 바리새파-유대인들이 세상을 지배하는 현재 상황에서, 미국 대통령 선서에 영향을 주기는 싫어 더 언급하지는 않겠습니다.

세상에는 어둠신 섬기면서 좋다고 자랑하며 전도질하는 종교인들이 많습니다.
이 카페에도 있나요?


나는 위 러시아 회원이 뭘 안다고하는지 잘 모르겠습니다만, 저 Djed은 중력을 의미하고 아펩신은 어둠의 animalization라서 구리 금속이 아닙니다.
혹시 번개를 상상했다면 그리스 제우스신에게서 찾는게 빠를 겁니다.

구글의 영문 번역이 조잡하여 한국어 원문도 남깁니다.



The Spirits of my family know the Judaism Jehovah (Apepi, the god of darkness and the serpent).
In ancient times my family helped Paul (Ptolemy XII) rebuild the Temple of Hathor.
The fact that Hiram Abif helped Solomon (Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria) to build the Temple of the Lord for 7 years was added by the Septuagint by manipulating the Jewish past.
Heron, a Greek scientist and engineer in the 1st century BC, was hired by Paul to rebuild the Temple of Hathor. Heron supervised the construction of the temple until the death of Cleopatra VII.
I hope we can talk more about this later.
For now, I will bury it in the backlash of Judaism and Christianity.

Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city. (Revelation NASB)

A few more for reference

In the Septuagint-72nd Old Testament, the reason Solomon built the temple of Jehovah in 7 years was,
A number calculation from one standing apep snake and three lying Apep snakes.
The 3 lying Apep snakes are twins, so there are 6 in total.
So 1 + 6 = 7 (7 years).
It could be 1+2=2=4=9 or 8.
The preference for 7 is that the Big Dipper at night orbits around the North Star, but the position of the North Star changes every 16 hours (25436.61511) in 25436 years 224 days and 16 hours (25436.61511) due to Earth's precession. So, when the North Star is bright, it becomes 8, and when the North Star is dark, it becomes 7 days.
Earth's current axis of rotation is directed toward Alpha Ursa Minor, but when observed by Egyptians in the 15th century BC, it was Alpha Dragon.
And 2000 years ago, there was no special star in the constellation of the North Star.
3000 years ago, the handle of the Big Dipper was almost at the position of the North Star. There is no star brighter than the Big Dipper around. Tuban Draco is not a brighter star than the Big Dipper, but it is close enough to be included in the 8th position as it is now.
This is the reason why Heron basked 7 snakes before Apep-god and 1 additional snake  in the vagina of Nut, the sky god.
But the reason that it is said that it was made by King Solomon of Assyria,
There were seven snakes in the helmet Solomon wore when he went to war.
Originally used by the kings who ruled the Urartu region, it is dedicated to Shalmaneser III, who played the role of Solomon when Assyria and Babylon took over the region. More originally, it started when the Mesopotamian civilization adopted Egyptian Apep-god, so the origin is Apep-god.
There is one snake standing upright in the middle, and 6 snakes lying on the left and right.
This is what Paul chose as the theme for setting the three Apep snakes in the Temple of Apep.
The Hebrews hated Egypt more than Assyria or Babylon. This is because Moses, who plays the role of Djed, chose Apep, the Egyptian dark god, as Jehovah, and the sun god, which is sacred to Egypt, plays the role of killing the dark god.
If it were not for Jehovah, Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian captivity, would have been his number one achievement, but with Jehovah, the god of darkness, the public enemies became the sun god and Egypt.

But Moses said to the people, "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. (Exodus 14 )

So to the Jews, Exodus is much more important than Genesis.
However, the Christian Jesus was born after the Egyptian sun god, so the Jewish priests had to kill Jesus.
The Septuagint was written by the Sadducees (a Samaritan leadership organization) and the New Testament was written by Pharisees like Paul, so Jesus, born of the sun, was doomed to die by the dark god.
But the irony is that Jesus, the dark god Apep-Jehovah, Djed- was hung on the cross and died.
(This story needs a long explanation, so I won't do it now)
Half of the blood flowing through Paul's body was a Pharisee, that is, Paul's mother was a Pharisee.
The ancestors of the Pharisees were the Philistines.
The main force in southern Judah was also the Philistines.
There is no such story in the Old Testament. This is why the New Testament severely criticizes the Pharisees for hiding this fact by Jesus.
Matthew, the author of the Gospel of Matthew, is a Levite Sadducee.
Paul is a descendant of the Philistines who led Moses into the Red Sea.

In Luke 7, the story of 500-denarii and 50-denarii appears, and Paul is the protagonist of 50-denarii. 500-denarii The main character is Ptolemy XI, and Ptolemy XI is the model of Stephen who is killed by Paul (Saul) in Acts 7.
The abductor is Metridates VI of Pontus, who plays the role of Peter.
Jesus' famous phrase 'a fisher of men' comes from the kidnapping of Ptolemy XI and XII by Mithridates VI as a prince.
Those familiar with Egyptian history will understand what I'm talking about.
In Luke 7, when Cleopatra III pays the ransom for being kidnapped by Peter, the two men soak Jesus' feet with perfume and become women who wash them.
However, this woman is replaced by Mart in the Temple of the Sun.
In the New Testament, mart appears in several roles. From the daughter of Abraham, to the woman who had a blood clot and touched Jesus' body.

Half the blood flowing through Paul's body is also Greek, so Paul instills something important in the dark god Apep-Jehovah.
This event is the biggest cause of the existence of the New Testament and the Old Testament.
The characteristics of the Egyptian gods are well combined with each other.
There are 2, 3, 4, 5, or even gods that combine all of their abilities.
Paul does this experiment with Jehovah, the god of darkness.
Decades later, Egypt was destroyed, so Jehovah was lucky to be chosen and united in the end.

In Luke 10, Jesus summarized this event only to the core,

The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name."
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.
"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.
"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."

The Greek god of lightning, Zeus, and the god of darkness, Apep-Jehovah, were united.
The Septuagint authors of the Septuagint do this, but the Christianity that began with Paul did not reject Jehovah, but made things more complicated by choosing Jesus as the Father and God.
It is the foolishness of those who worship the god of darkness that Jesus atoned for good and evil and died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins.

"When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions his are undisturbed.
"But when someone stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied and distributes his plunder.
"He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters.

As Jesus said in Luke 11, if the power of the Jesuits was stronger, it would be enough to remove the power of Jehovah, the god of darkness.
The Jesuits were defeated by the Jehovahs, so simply put, the sun-Jesus was powerless and became a sacrifice to the dark god-Jehovah.
The sun-the fruit of good and evil that the sky god Nut (the angel Michael played) and the earth god Geb (the angel Gabriel role) ate was because they ate the sun and light that the dark god hated, and they were expelled from Eden.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was the first to bring fire to humans.
If the light gods had completely conquered the dark gods, Jesus would not have died as an Apep snake, but as the dark gods gained power, Jesus died as the son of the dark gods. Otherwise, the darkness would have become the reverse of becoming the son of Jesus, or the darkness would have been removed.
So, the main context of Genesis chapters 1, 2, and 3 is from the Septuagint, not from the pre-Babylonian Jews.

Just as an evil ruler manipulates history, the Samaritan Sadducees, who do not believe in the resurrection, washed Jehovah's robe, the dark god, in a high-powered electric-washing machine.
Thus, the darkness god Jehovah intervened in the beginning of Genesis by equipping it with the light of the god of lightning, leading to the creation of the heavens and the earth in the beginning.
The Jews interpret the Sadducees as Zadok, who was the priest of Solomon, but not. The Sadducees were taken to Assyria by Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria (745 – 727 BC) and then returned to Samaria in northern Israel during the reign of Esarhaddon (705 – 681 BC), son of Sennacherib, the second king of Sargon, the Levites This is the Djed-Moses closest entourage group.
As Jesus said, the Pharisees descended from the Philistines who had nothing to do with the Exodus sat in the seat of Djed-Moses and rejected the Sadducees as mixed-race Samaritans.
The Pharisees, the main pillars of southern Judah, were taken to Babylon and returned after 70 years.

The Pharisees who were taken to Babylon are more mixed race than the Samaritan-Sadduces.

I'd like to say more, but I won't go into more detail because I don't want to influence the American presidential oath in the current world dominated by the Pharisees-Jews who worship Jehovah the Dark God.

There are many religious people in the world who worship the god of darkness, boasting that they are good, and evangelizing.
Are you in this cafe too?


I'm not sure what the above Russian member knows, but that Djed means gravity and apep-snake is the animalization of darkness, so it's not copper metal.
If you ever imagined lightning, it would be quicker to find it from the Greek god Zeus.

Google's English translation is sloppy, so I leave the original Korean text.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 12, 2021, 10:26:58 AM
встречные катушки 100ват

встречные катушки 200ват

Lighting a 200W light with 200mA is easy. Except for the hypnosis and illusion that Tesla was used.
Bunk is like a prophet leading people in the wrong direction.

Параметрический резонанс в трансформаторе на броневом сердечнике

энергия из эфира. Простой опыт

For free power generation, the generator structure is also important, but the principle must be understood.
Most people choose a detour when they encounter a cliff at a dead end.
But Kapanadze, Shark and Ruslan jumped off the cliff.


The Communist Party of China does not like ordinary people living well.
It is the policy direction of the Communist Party to make the rich concentrate only on a few Communist Party members who are loyal to the Communist Party.

Graham Gunderson Free Energy - Magnetic Implosion Transformer

People who detour at a dead end take a detour in a direction they understand.


Алекс ЛАСТ
Очередная ... разводиловка. Нужна повторяемая схема+описание наладки. Иначе все это прямо можно назвать очередным фейком.

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Edward Lee  ну так объясни теоретическую часть то. Будем делать. Этих "Капанадзе" тысячи. Реально повторимых нет. Да и большинство - откровенные фейки. Откуда профит ? Кпд выше 100% не бывает в закрытой системе. Значит надо тянуть откуда-то. Земля тут точно не при чем. Откуда дровишки то ?

Ruslan K
Мозгами поработать не пробовали ?

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Ruslan K  пробовали. Много раз. Выхлопа нет. Зато куча таинственных видосиков, по итогу в большинстве оказывающимися фейками.

Алекс ЛАСТ
@chiksat1  смешно. У меня просто между нулем и землей 25 вольт "свободной энергии". Без диодов и неонок.

Леонид Новиков
@Edward Lee  но а почему и нет не всеже  думают как вы

@Алекс ЛАСТ  - ну дать схему  а вы не сделаете..я примерно знаю какая тут схема..

Алекс ЛАСТ
@N20BlackWolf  главное чтобы дали. А мы попробуем собрать.

@Алекс ЛАСТ  почту можно?

Vladimir Tag
@N20BlackWolf  Тут дело не в схеме, а в настройке.

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Vladimir Tag  вопрос в теории. Без теории физика превращается в магию.

@Vladimir Tag  настройку тебе никто не расскажет. Сергей А. давал схему но ее все проигнорили! Тут подобная же схема...

Ruslan K
@Алекс ЛАСТ  Понимаешь, надо немного выйти из классики и задуматься что такое электричество. Я сам  сперва не поверил когда увидел подобные фокусы. Теперь точно скажу - ЭТО РАБОТАЕТ !   Просто наверное я сам связан с эфиром . Потому знаю много об этом. И что самое главное, не доверяю физике. Враньё , подкреплённое формулами !

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Ruslan K  я догадываюсь, что можно поиграться с процессом "конденсации". Но вот куда копать ...

Ruslan K
@Алекс ЛАСТ   Копать в направлении заряженных частиц и их резонанса. То что на видео , Эдуард делает вакуум при помощи ВЧ двух качеров . Как там работают они , это становиться ясно по нагрузке. Она к сожалению слабовата .  Но что многие не понимают ?! Так это то что заряженная частица вездесущая и она может проникать через всё и накапливаться везде в виде энергии например на диэлектриках или двигаться по проводнику. Я не называю это электронами, так как это не электроны. Кто знает что такое электрон , читал сперва классику, а потом квантовую физику...Понимает что это путаница мозгов . От того и категорически не хочу так называть частицы из которых и состоит электрический ток. Теперь ближе к делу... Оба качера работают возможно и на близкой частоте или одинаковой,но явно не синхронно . Что и вызывает интерференцию между ними , а соответственно и сам вакуум. Вот именно это и добавляет в систему энергию . Так как вакуум при нарушении оного заполняется тут же заряженной частицей и соответственно увлекается магнитным полем в катушку . Энергия растёт в разы ,не затрачивая при этом ресурсов на получения процессов. Как например при обычном вращении магнита вокруг катушки или на оборот .  Нужно просто понять то , что классическая физика путает мозги человека . Электричество в генераторе  обычном не берётся тем способом что рассказывает нам физика. А совершенно иначе !  так же как и гроза возникает не при трении каких то льдинок или хрен там чего, а при резонансе заряженных частиц которые вокруг нас. Образуется воронка из-за разности двух потоков воздуха. Холодный идёт вниз, тёплый вверх . Вихрь крутит окружающую среду и частицы которые в этот момент под воздействием магнитного поля земли входят в резонанс и их энергия умножается. Далее вся эта энергия ищет куда ей уйти . Вот вам и молния !  Два вихря рядом - горизонтальный пробой  , один большой вихрь - бьёт в землю ! это изучал Тесла прежде чем создать генераторы переменного тока и радио !!!  Теперь идём дальше . Энергия в генераторе так же как и в грозе берётся не из свободных электронов , а заряженных частиц . Проводник(от слова проводить) является проводящим звеном энергии , втянутой при помощи вращающего магнитного поля и выпускающий в нагрузку уже результат . Кстати , образующая в этот момент обратная ЭДС будет ниже ,но от куда она взялась ? От туда же ! От куда и прямая ЭДС . Это вам подсказка,где копать

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Ruslan K  Прикольно, но, к сожалению, не понятно. "Эдуард делает вакуум при помощи ВЧ двух качеров" - объясните физику процесса. Можно на базе гидравлики. Её видно, и принципы очень даже схожи. Про заряженные частицы я понимаю. Воздух - диэлектрик. И как и в конденсаторе, заряд находится в диэлектрике. Интерференция - не равно вакуум. Чтобы вакуум образовался, надо слить энергию из некоего объема пространства. А гроза, это пробой диэлектрика из-за того, что диэлектрик резко меняет свои характеристики. Из-за пыли и воды резко падает сопротивление, и получается пробой диэлектрика. Резонанса я тут в упор не вижу. Тесла же скорее формировал ионизированный псевдо-проводник с регулируемыми характеристиками. По принципу того, как японцы разряжают грозовой фронт. Рентген-лазер, и импульс в небо. И бъет молния в специальные решетки - приемники, на заземление. Хорошо бы это искричество использовать, но управлять такими параметрами тока/напряжения пока не научились. Да и запасти разом такой объем энергии пока некуда. Так что опять - не понятно куда копать то ??? Я понимаю, что классическая физика путает мозги человека. Ну так давайте обсуждать другую, а не говорить, что все тупые, а одни вы - гении, с некоей магией.

Vladimir Tag
@Ruslan K  Руслан, ждем ваших видео))) Без скрытых коробочек.

Ruslan K
@Vladimir Tag   Никогда и никаких скрытых коробочек у меня не было.

Ruslan K
@Алекс ЛАСТ  Вот вы меня не услышали по поводу грозы. И потому все остальные обсуждения бессмысленны !   Потому что именно так всё и есть. Резонанс частиц вы не усмотрели в моих объяснениях . Про теслу и ионизацию  я вообще молчу. Очередная классика пошла . Что и тормозит всех ! Повторюсь ещё раз - все эти объяснения противоречат друг другу в разных науках. И это уже тревожит !  А что касается мною написанного , то я это проверял экспериментально и после чего делал выводы. Я занимаюсь каждый день этим на протяжении 8-и лет . Поэтому считаю себя специалистом в этом. Так как каждый эффект я исследовал заново без обращения к классике и квантовой физике. Ибо эти науки противоречат друг другу. Не хотите читать что я написал - Разговор окончен. Но сразу скажу что просто это не будет. Хотя просто всё выглядит. И да...Насчёт вакуума.... Интерференция может создавать вакуум легко !  Надо просто понимать как это работает.

Vladimir Tag
@Ruslan K  Руслан, к тебе такой вопрос. Что ты имеешь ввиду под словом, (резонанс частиц)? И как ты определяешь что образовался вакуум вокруг установки?

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Ruslan K  ну так объясните понятно. Что за эффекты, какие закономерности. Фраза - вы меня не поняли, разговор окончен это вообще супер. Расскажите принцип - откуда вдруг вакуум при интерференции.

Ruslan K
@Алекс ЛАСТ   Вот именно это и есть причина, по которой я не рассказываю ничего. Это всё достигалось путём экспериментов и траты времени длинной в 8 лет !!!  Не хочу заниматься бесплатным обучением. Намёк дал, куда копать -рассказал. Не поняли ?!  Извините ребята.... Ничего личного. Просто работайте и фиксируйте каждый этап. Не ленитесь. Мне легче было разобраться. Так как большую часть жизни я занимаюсь радиовещанием . От туда пришли многие понимания.

Ruslan K
@Ruslan Shakhov  А ты разобрался ? Думаю что нет !

Ruslan K
@Edward Lee  Вот кстати правильно вы сказали сейчас. Но теперь по теме. А почему вы не захотели использовать один качер - Теслу ? Ведь для создания того же эффекта вполне пригоден один качер-Тесла. нужно просто отвязать по питанию фильтрами и сделать как у Васи , типа автогенератор. Как раз получается в противофазе . И стабильность сразу выше . П.с. Мой скайп есть у Вас. звоните . Поделюсь опытом в настройке.

Vladimir Tag
@Ruslan K  Руслан, просто сказано, но на деле.... Но и принцип настройки будет другой. Руслан, ты меня не узнал?

Ruslan K
@Алекс ЛАСТ   Земля тут причём ещё как...Точнее опора или другими словами конденсатор. Энергия из среды. Точно так же как гроза и всё остальное. Вы же не слушаете что я говорю !

Ruslan K
@Ruslan Shakhov  Что пройдено ? А воз и ныне там !  судя по комментариям могу сразу сказать что никто из вас не знает как это работает. В этом и прикол !

Ruslan K
@Vladimir Tag   Принцип настройки ? По сути всё очень просто,но надо понимать от куда энергия. Это и есть ваша проблема.

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Ruslan K  да слушаю я. Сложно  услышать, когда в ответ с гордым видом молчат. Расскажи так, чтобы даже тупой понял.

Ruslan K
@Алекс ЛАСТ  Ещё по поводу КПД и 100% - Согласен полностью !  КПД тут не причём и вообще сама установка имеет низкий КПД даже по сравнению с солнечной батареей . Увы,но это так ...!   Есть куча недостатков и когда люди поймут что это всё не на долго , прекратят споры и весь этот срач в целом. Эксперимент интересный, не спорю. Но !  довольно затратный и не долговечен.

Vladimir Tag
@Ruslan K  Я знаю откуда энергия. То что ты описываешь, если я тебя правильно тебя понял, это дисбаланс электронов между положительной и землёй.

Edward Lee
@Ruslan K  Да я вроде как настроил))) Скайпом уже не пользуюсь , есть телега.

Edward Lee
@Ruslan K  Насчет КПД не согласен. Насчет недостатков есть такое.

Edward Lee
@Алекс ЛАСТ  Теория... Это так сложно. Я не могу это обьяснить. Можно долго разглагольствовать по этому поводу, но так и не обьяснить.

Andrei Shadyn
@Алекс ЛАСТ  1) кпд там ни к черту, если иметь в виду именно кпд ))   2) система открытая    3) без земли не арбайтн.   4) дровишки из леса ))

Алекс ЛАСТ
@Edward Lee  тогда остается повторяемость.

Ruslan K
@Vladimir Tag  Электроны тут не причём вообще !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 14, 2021, 02:39:41 PM
Even worshipers worship without knowing the identity of the god they believe in.
Is it similar to the generator of Kapanadze, Akura, and Ruslan?
Is it wrong for those who fight while worshiping the same dark god, or is it the fault of their ancestors who taught them to worship the dark god?
Cyprus lies down, but the commander-in-chief Apep Snake, born 7 days old, pretends to be standing.
For the sky god and the earth god to bow down to the Apep serpent pretending to be standing was only the intention of the ruler who made it, and it is neither the fault of the earth nor the fault of the heavens.
Even the dark-skinned descendants of Ham do not want to worship the Dark God.
Because they want light too.
Gone are the days when ignorant and good citizens were forced to believe in a god created by greedy and ignorant rulers.
Whether you worship it or not, it is your choice, as always.

Neither Gabriel's camp nor Michael's camp would like to be involved in a battle instigated by the Dark Gods.
The role of the Dark God, rest and death are sufficient.

When the darkness of the night fights, the lights only have to watch.
If the darkness wants to be respected by the light, it can either live as a shadow by tradition or quietly disappear with the sun of tomorrow.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 14, 2021, 02:55:41 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 14, 2021, 06:20:40 PM
달마가 동쪽으로 간 까닭은? ;D ;D ;D ;D
누트 모태에서 거듭남적으로다가 두 번 태어난 태양과 아펩은 인도에서 태어난 석가모니야. ::)
예수가 인도땅으로 간게 아니라, 인도땅에서 태어난 석가모니가 이스라엘 땅으로 간거잖아. 8)
단지 자기중심적인 해석에 따라 달라질 뿐이지만.
요한계시록에서 미카엘팀이 유대쪽 어둠신-사탄들과 쌈박질 하는데,
핵가진 이란-파키스탄-인도가 이스라엘과 쌈박질하면 누가 이길것 같어? ;D ;D
길고 짧은 것은 대봐야알구, 쌈박질은 붙어봐야 아능겨.... 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 14, 2021, 06:45:20 PM
'대당서역기' 쓴 당나라 현장법사나, '왕오천축국전' 쓴 신라의 혜초가 인도까지 밖에 안간 이유도 여기에 있는거다.
게브 찾아 이집트까지 갈 필요는 없으니까.
도리어 인도 사람 달마는 해뜨고 어둠뜨는 동쪽으로 왔으니 말이지만 말이다.

그나저나 아빠;;;
진팔이가 또 딴지거는데 오또카지 아빠?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 14, 2021, 07:05:09 PM
냅둬~~~~~ 저모냥저꼴로살다가어둠신부름받것지 뭐..... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 14, 2021, 07:13:28 PM
사산조 인간 원효가 즈 한심한 자손들 한탄하며 울겠어 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 14, 2021, 07:21:49 PM
낸 원효만보믄 '결심했어' 그 코메디하던 애 있잖어 야만 생각나..... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 14, 2021, 08:03:35 PM
Настройка нового генератора
The oscilloscope dances when the generator is running. This means that detection is virtually meaningless.
So we need to find out the results of the experiment with the light.
The brightness of the light bulb is the detector and result, and it is your best helper.

Of course, understanding the operating structure should be a priority.
No members of this cafe are experimenting with return structure circuits.
Most importantly, no relevant experiments.
I don't even understand.
It's ironic.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 15, 2021, 07:12:25 PM
예수의 제자 야고보와 요한은 프톨레마이오스 13세와 프톨레마이오스 14세를 모티브로 합니다.
프톨레미 14세(클레오파트라 7세의 남동생)는 누나에 의해 진짜로 밧모섬에 보내집니다.
정치적 망명은 어느 시대든 비슷합니다.
그리고 이집트 멸망후까지도 살아남습니다.
자기 세력을 모으려고 누구든 애쓰며 자신의 세력들에게 서신을 보냅니다.
이것이 요한서신으로 변형됩니다.
바울도 마찬가지였죠.
카이사르와 클레오파트라의 아들로 알려진 프톨레미 15세(카이사리온)는 악티움 해전 패전으로 로마군이 알렉산드리아로 입성하자 온갖 진귀한 이집트의 보물들을 배에 가득 싣고 홍해를 빠져나와 멀고 먼 동양으로 갑니다.
동시대 중국에는 '한(漢)나라'가 있었는데, 이집트는 한나라와 교류가 있었습니다. 그러나 카이사리온은 중국으로 가지않고 한반도 남단에 있는 김수로-왕이 다스리는 '금관가야'로 갑니다. 그러나 여기서도 받아주지 않자 옆나라 박혁거세-왕이 다스리는 신라(新羅)로 갔고 그곳에 정착합니다.
카이사리온이 한반도를 선택한 이유는 하나입니다.
그곳이 그들이 만들고 선택한 태양의 땅이기 때문입니다.
카이시리온이 인도로 가지않고 한반도를 선택한 이유기도 합니다.
그러나 한국의 고대 나라인 가락국의 역사서에서는 좀 다른 이야기를 합니다.
신라를 건국한 박혁거세 왕이 사실은 프톨레미 15세입니다.
그럴만한 이유가 있습니다.
중국 한자로 '新羅'라는 단어의 뜻은 태양신 'Ra'의 이름을 따서 '새로운 Ra(새로운 그물)'라는 의미입니다.
의성어 발음이 같습니다.
물론 후대가 만든 국명이지만 모두 태양신전에서 비롯됩니다.
카이사리온의 신라식 이름이 '탈해(脫解)입니다.
탈해가 첫 번째 박혁거세 이름을 선택하지 않고 네 번째 탈해가 된 것은,
이집트 파라오에게는 보통 서너개, 많게는 일곱개 정도의 별도의 이름들이 있습니다. 신라에 온 카이사리온에게도 많은 이름을 붙였습니다.
신라의 세 번째 왕위을 놓고 노례와 탈해가 어떤 시험을 봅니다.
이빨의 갯수가 많은 사람이 세 번째 왕이 되는 거였죠.
노례의 이빨은 태양신전 쌍낫배 안에 있는 원형체의 지그재그 낙서입니다.
'노례/弩禮'란 뜻은 '석궁의 예절'이란 의미입니다.
석궁은 쌍낫배를 의미합니다.
그래서 신라의 실질적인 역사는 탈해부터 시작합니다.
박혁거세에게는 '알영'이라는 아내가 있었습니다.
알영부인에게는 닭의 부리처럼 긴 부리가 있었는데, '발천(撥川)'이란 시내물에 부리를 씻었더니 떨어집니다. 태양신전 헤드젯이 꺼꾸로 된 것에서 착안한 전설입니다.
카이사리온과 함께 온 아내 이름이 알영입니다.

아래 내용은 당시 역사서 '삼국유사, 박혁거세 편'의 일부입니다.

당시 사람들이 다투어 축하하며 이렇게 말하였다.
"이제 천자께서 하늘에서 내려오셨으니, 당연히 덕 있는 왕후를 찾아 임금의 배필로 삼아야 하리라."
이날 사량리(沙梁里) 알영정(閼英井)[아리영정(娥利英井)이라고도 한다.] 주변에 계룡이 나타났는데 왼쪽 옆구리에서 여자 아이가 태어났다.[혹은 용이 나타났다가 죽었는데, 그 배를 가르고 여자아이를 얻었다고도 한다.] 얼굴과 모습이 매우 고왔지만 입술이 닭의 부리와 비슷하였다. 월성(月城)의 북쪽 시내에서 목욕을 시켰는데, 그 부리가 떨어졌다. 그래서 그 시내 이름을 발천(撥川)이라고 하였다.

時人爭賀曰 今天子已降 宜覓有德女君配之 是日 沙梁里閼英井[一作娥利英井] 邊有雞龍現 而左脇誕生童女[一云龍現死 而剖其腹得之] 姿容殊麗 然而唇似雞觜 將浴於月城北川 其觜撥落 因名其川曰撥川

여기서 발천(撥川)은 하늘신 누트의 몸이고, 계룡은 태양 옆에 있는 아펩신이고, 계룡 옆구리는 태양의 자리에 있는 달이라 알영부인은 달의 역활입니다.
달도 태양처럼 동쪽에서 떠서 헤드젯처럼 석양으로 넘어가니까요.
하지만 헤드젯이 동쪽으로가면 아침에 뜨는 태양이나 달이 됩니다.

호박과 식물 중에 '박'이라는 식물이 있습니다.
물을 떠서 옮기는 용도로 이 식물의 열매를 말려서 절반으로 잘라 사용하는데,
태양신전 헤드젯에서 따온 이름이 '박(朴)'입니다.
지금도 한국의 시골에서는 지붕 위로 박의 줄기를 유도해 지붕에서 박을 기르는 풍습이 있습니다.

아래는 한국의 역사서  '삼국유사, 탈해 편'의 일부 입니다.

노례왕(弩禮王)이 죽자 광무제(光武帝) 중원(中元) 2년 정사(서기 57) 6월에 탈해가 왕위에 올랐다. 옛날에 '우리 집'이라고 하며 남의 집을 빼앗았기 때문에 성을 석씨(昔氏)라고 하였다. 어떤 사람은 "까치 울음소리 때문에 상자를 열었으므로 새 조(鳥)자를 버리고 석씨를 성으로 삼은 것이고, 상자를 열고[解] 알에서 나왔으므로[脫] 이름을 탈해(脫解)라고 한 것이다."라고 한다.

탈해가 왕위에 오른 지 23년 만인 건초(建初) 4년 기묘(서기 79)에 세상을 떠났다. 소천구(imagefont川丘) 가운데에 장사 지냈는데, 그 뒤에 탈해왕의 신령이 나타나서 명하였다.
"내 뼈를 조심해서 묻으라."

왕릉을 파보니 해골의 둘레가 3자 2치였고, 몸 뼈의 길이가 9자 7치였다. 치아는 엉기어 하나처럼 되었고 뼈마디도 모두 이어져 있었으니, 참으로 천하무적 장사의 골격이었다. 그 뼈를 부수어 소상(塑像, 찰흙으로 만든 사람의 형상)을 만들어 대궐에 두었는데, 신령이 또 나타나서 명하였다.
"내 뼈를 동악(東岳)에 두어라."

그래서 동악에 모시게 되었다.[혹자는 이렇게 말하였다. "탈해가 세상을 떠난 후인 27대 문무왕 때인 조로(調露) 2년 경진(서기 680) 3월 보름날 신유일 밤에, 문무왕의 꿈에 몹시 위엄 있고 무섭게 보이는 노인이 나타나 말하기를, '나는 탈해왕이다. 내 뼈를 소천구에서 파내어 소상을 만들어 토함산에 두거라.'라고 하여서, 왕은 이 말대로 하였다. 이러한 이유로 지금까지 나라에서 제사를 계속 지내왔으니, 이 분이 바로 동악신(東岳神)이시다."]

及弩禮王崩 以光武帝中元二年丁巳六月 乃登王位 以昔是吾家取他人家 故因姓昔氏 或云 因鵲開櫃 故去鳥字 姓昔氏 解櫃脫卵而生 故因名脫解 在位二十三年 建初四年己卯崩 葬imagefont川丘中 後有神詔 愼埋葬我骨 其髑髏周三尺二寸 身骨長九尺七寸 齒凝如一 骨節皆連鎖 所謂天下無敵力士之骨 碎爲塑像 安闕內 神又報云 我骨置於東岳 故令安之[一云 崩後 二十七世文武王代 調露二年庚辰三月十五日 辛酉夜 見夢於宗 有老人貌甚威猛 曰 我是脫解也 拔我骨於疏川丘 塑像安於土含山 王從其言 故至今國祀不絶 卽東岳神也云]

탈해(카이사리온) 석상을 신라 30대 문무왕 시절 김대문(金大問)이란 사람이 만들었는데, 탈해는 BC47 + AD79 = 126년을 살았습니다.
1대를 보통 30년 잡아서, 네 명의 왕으로 살았으니 120년 나옵니다.
신라식 계산법이라 시차는 조금 다를 수 있습니다.
탈해와 경쟁한 옆나라 금관가야의 김수로 왕은 158세까지 살았습니다.
김수로 왕도 탈해의 역사를 모방합니다.
이유는 금관가야가 532년에 신라(법흥왕 19)에 편입됩니다.
그리고 후대 고려시대에 금관가야 출신 후손이 개입하여 금관가야 역사서를 만듭니다.

탈해도 처음에는 중국으로 갔지만 받아주지 않아서 신라땅으로 갔다고 가락국의 역사에는 기록되어 있습니다.

약 600년 후 사산왕조가 패망하고 유민들이 배를 타고 대거 중국으로 몰려왔는데 이들 중 일부가 신라로 갑니다. 이것과 비슷한 이야기 입니다.

'탈해' 이름은 태양신전 쌍낫배의 원형체에서 온 것입니다.
원형체는 달입니다.
빛과 어둠이 공존한다는 뜻에서 흰 색과 검은 색 깃털을 가진 까치가 선택됐고, 그래서 까치와 관련된 이름과 쌍낫배의 달과 관련된 이름이 작명됩니다.
상자가 열렸다는 뜻은, 쌍낫배를 상자로 비유해서 위가 열렸다고 하는 뜻입니다. 그것을 열고 나온 원형체가 탈해로 이름됩니다.
탈해의 성씨가 '석(昔)'입니다.
뭔가가 '섞였다'는 뜻이죠.
빛과 어둠이 섞여있다는 뜻입니다.

구글번역이 조잡하여 한국어 원문도 남깁니다.


The disciples of Jesus James and John are inspired by Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.
Ptolemy XIV (the younger brother of Cleopatra VII) is really sent to Patmos by his older sister.
Political asylum is similar in any era.
And he survives even after the fall of Egypt.
Anyone who tries to gather his powers sends letters to his powers.
This is transformed into the Epistles of John.
So was Paul.
Ptolemy XV (Caesarion), known as the son of Caesar and Cleopatra, left the Red Sea with all kinds of precious Egyptian treasures and sailed to the far East when the Roman army entered Alexandria after the defeat at the Battle of Actium.
At the same time, there was a 'Han dynasty' in China, and Egypt had exchanges with the Han dynasty. However, Caesarion does not go to China, but goes to 'Geumgwan Gaya', ruled by Kim Su-ro-wang, at the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula. However, when he did not accept it here, he went to the neighboring country Park Hyuk-geose-wang and settled in Silla (新羅).
Caesarion chose the Korean Peninsula for one reason.
Because that is the land of the sun they created and chosen.
This is also the reason why Kaiserion chose the Korean Peninsula instead of going to India.
However, the history books of Garakguk, the ancient country of Korea, tell a different story.
King Park Hyukgeose, who founded Silla, is actually Ptolemy XV.
There is good reason.
In Chinese characters, the word '新羅' means 'new Ra (new net)' after the sun god 'Ra'.
Onomatopoeic pronunciation is the same.
Of course, it is the name of the country created by later generations, but it all comes from the Sun Temple.
Caesarion's Silla name is Talhae (脫解).
Park Hyukgeose (朴赫居世) - King Namhae (南解王) - King Norye (弩禮王) - Talhae Isa-geum (脫解尼師今).
Talhae did not choose the name of the first Park Hyukgeose and became the 4th Talhae.
Egyptian pharaohs usually have three or four distinct names, as many as seven. He also gave many names to Caesarion, who came to Silla.
Norye and Talhae are tested for the third throne of Silla.
The person with the most teeth would be the third king.
Norye's tooth is a circular zigzag scribble in the double sickle of the Sun Temple.
'Norye/弩禮' means 'the etiquette of the crossbow'.
A crossbow means a double sickle.
So, the actual history of Silla begins with Talhae.
Park Hyuk-geose had a wife named 'Al-young'.
First Lady Al had a long beak like that of a chicken, and she washed her beak in a brook called 'Balcheon' and it fell off. It is a legend inspired by the fact that the headjet of the Temple of the Sun was turned upside down.
The name of the wife who came with Caesarion is Aryeong.

The content below is a part of the history book 'The History of the Three Kingdoms, Park Hyukgeose'

At that time, people quarreled and congratulated him, saying:
"Now that the Heavenly Son has come down from heaven, we must find a virtuous queen and make her the king's wife."
On this day, a Gyeryong appeared near Alyeongjeong (閼英井) in Saryangni (沙梁里) [also called Ariyeongjeong (娥利英井)], and a girl was born on his left side. [Or a dragon appeared and then died. , it is said that she cut off her belly and gave birth to a girl.] Her face and appearance were very pretty, but her lips were similar to that of a chicken's beak. I gave him a bath in a brook north of Wolseong, but his beak fell off. Therefore, the name of the city was called Balcheon.

時人爭賀曰 今天子已降 宜覓有德女君配之 是日 沙梁里閼英井[一作娥利英井] 邊有雞龍現 而左脇誕生童女[一云龍現死 而剖其腹得之] 姿容殊麗 然而唇似雞觜 將浴於月城北川 其觜撥落 因名其川曰撥川

Below is a part of the Korean history book 'Samguk Yusa, Talhae'.

After King Norye died, Talhae ascended to the throne in June of Jeongsa (AD 57), in the second year of the Jungwon (中元) year of the Gwangwu Emperor. In the old days, it was called 'our house' and the surname was called Seok (昔氏) because it took someone else's house. Some people said, "Because the box was opened because of the cries of a magpie, the new zo (鳥) character was abandoned and the surname Seok was adopted. " is said.

Talhae died in the 4th year of the Haystack (AD 79), 23 years after Talhae ascended to the throne. He was buried in the middle of Socheon-gu (imagefont 川丘), after which the spirit of King Talhae appeared and gave orders.
"Bury my bones carefully."

When he dug the royal tomb, he found that the circumference of the skeleton was 3 cubits and 2 inches, and the length of the bones of the body was 9 cubits and 7 inches. The teeth were fused together and all the bones were connected, so it was truly the skeleton of an invincible warrior. He broke the bones and made a small statue (a figure made of clay) and placed it in the palace, but another spirit appeared and gave an order.
"Put my bones in Dongak."

So I was enshrined in Dongak. [Some people said this. "After Talhae's death, on the night of the full moon in March, in the 2nd year of King Munmu, the 27th year of King Munmu, on the night of Shinyuil, King Munmu's dream, an old man who looked very dignified and terrified appeared and said, 'I am King Talhae. . Dig my bones out of Socheongu, make a statue, and place them on Mt. Toham.' So the king did as he said. For this reason, ancestral rites have been held in the country until now, and this person is the Dongak God."]

及弩禮王崩 以光武帝中元二年丁巳六月 乃登王位 以昔是吾家取他人家 故因姓昔氏 或云 因鵲開櫃 故去鳥字 姓昔氏 解櫃脫卵而生 故因名脫解 在位二十三年 建初四年己卯崩 葬imagefont川丘中 後有神詔 愼埋葬我骨 其髑髏周三尺二寸 身骨長九尺七寸 齒凝如一 骨節皆連鎖 所謂天下無敵力士之骨 碎爲塑像 安闕內 神又報云 我骨置於東岳 故令安之[一云 崩後 二十七世文武王代 調露二年庚辰三月十五日 辛酉夜 見夢於宗 有老人貌甚威猛 曰 我是脫解也 拔我骨於疏川丘 塑像安於土含山 王從其言 故至今國祀不絶 卽東岳神也云]

The stone statue of Talhae (Caesarion) was made by a man named Kim Daemun (金大問) during the time of King Munmu, the 30th king of Silla. Talhae lived for 47 BC + 79 AD = 126 years.
One generation usually takes 30 years, and since we lived as four kings, we get 120 years.
The time difference may be slightly different due to the Shilla calculation method
King Kim Su-ro of the neighboring country Geumgwan Gaya, who competed with Talhae, lived to the age of 158.
Kim Su-ro imitates the history of escape from the royal capital.
The reason is that Geumgwan Gaya was incorporated into Silla (19th King Beopheung) in 532 AD.
And in the later Goryeo Dynasty, descendants of Geumgwan Gaya intervened to create the Geumgwan Gaya history book.

It is recorded in the history of Garakguk that Talhae went to China at first, but did not accept it and went to Silla.

About 600 years later, the Sasanian dynasty was overthrown and a large number of refugees came to China by boat, some of them going to Silla. A story similar to this one.

The name 'Talhae' comes from the circular shape of the double sickle of the Sun Temple.
The prototype is the moon.
The magpie with white and black feathers was chosen to symbolize the coexistence of light and darkness, so the name related to the magpie and the name related to the moon of the double sickle were named.
The meaning of the open box is that the stomach is opened by comparing the double sickle to a box. The prototype that opened it and came out is called talhae.
Talhae's last name is Seok (昔).
It means something is 'mixed'.
It means that light and darkness are mixed.

Google translate is sloppy, so I leave the original Korean text.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 15, 2021, 07:24:18 PM
All the secrets of the Ruslan generator are inside the red.
So it was useless if the members had to perform for 10 years with an oscilloscope. That's because the results will be the same even if you do a show with an oscilloscope for the next 10 years.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 15, 2021, 08:10:30 PM

;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on June 15, 2021, 11:11:54 PM
Quote from: color on June 15, 2021, 07:24:18 PM
All the secrets of the Ruslan generator are inside the red.
So it was useless if the members had to perform for 10 years with an oscilloscope. That's because the results will be the same even if you do a show with an oscilloscope for the next 10 years.

What is fundamentally, the operating principle of this device ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 16, 2021, 01:44:05 AM

밧데리가 푸시-풀과 테슬라의 전원 공급 장치가 되야 합니다.
이것을 기본으로 합니다.
루슬란X가 패쇄회로의 밧데리 실험을 했습니다.

루슬란K도 밧데리 실험을 했습니다.
루슬란K 가라사대 : 5분 40초.
청결도가 약간 변경되지만 중요하지 않습니다. .... 가장 중요한 것은 보다시피 (테슬라)가 작동한다는 것입니다.

예 맞습니다. 어떤 트랜지스터를 사용하든 테슬라는 작동만 하면 됩니다.
더 이상 테슬라에 관심 끄세요.

이제 테슬라로 땅에서 전하를 끌어와야 합니다.
그러나 일반적인 전원공급 장치로는 불가능합니다.
반드시 밧데리 전원이 필요합니다.
그래서 루슬란이 밧데리로 실험한 이유입니다.
러시아어로, 밧데리 전용 аккумулятор이 필요합니다.

이제 수류탄 출력을 어디에서 뽑나요?
뽑아낸 출력은 어떻게 이용합니까?

여기서 루슬란은 이렇게 말합니다.

Понимаешь, надо немного выйти из классики и задуматься что такое электричество. Я сам  сперва не поверил когда увидел подобные фокусы. Теперь точно скажу - ЭТО РАБОТАЕТ !   Просто наверное я сам связан с эфиром . Потому знаю много об этом. И что самое главное, не доверяю физике. Враньё , подкреплённое формулами !

루슬란이 막다른 골목에서 우회하지 않고 절벽에서 뛰어 내린 부분이 여기입니다.

그러나 일부 회원들은 밧데리 전원을 사용하지 않습니다.
그리고 수류탄 어디에서 전원이 출력되는지도 모릅니다.
모르는데 어떻게 어디에 연결할 수 있겠습니까!

The battery should be push-pull and Tesla's power supply.
This is the basis.
Ruslan X conducted a closed circuit battery test.

Ruslan K also tested the battery.
Ruslan K says: 5 minutes and 40 seconds.
Cleanliness changes slightly, but it doesn't matter. .... and most importantly, as you can see (Tesla) works.

Yes, that's right. No matter what transistor you use, the Tesla just needs to work.
No more attention to Tesla.

Now we need to draw an electric charge from the ground with the Tesla.
However, this is not possible with a typical power supply.
Requires battery power.
That's why Ruslan experimented with batteries.
In Russian, you need аккумулятор dedicated to the battery.

Now where do I get the grenade output from?
How do I use the extracted output?

Here Ruslan says:

Понимаешь, надо немного выйти из классики и задуматься что такое электричество. Я сам сперва не поверил когда He is увидел подобные фокусы. Теперь точно скажу - ЭТО РАБОТАЕТ ! Просто наверное я сам связан с эфиром . Потому знаю много об этом. И что самое главное, не доверяю физике. Враньё , подкреплённое формулами !

This is where Ruslan jumped off the cliff without detour at the dead end.

However, some members do not use battery power.
And don't know where the grenade power comes from.
don't know, how can connect where!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 16, 2021, 02:11:04 AM

운룡이가 벌써 지친거 같어 ~~~~ 보약 한첩믹여. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on June 16, 2021, 08:44:12 AM
Thanks for your reply.

I have only occasionally looked at this area of exploration.
Please consider me as being totally a newbe in this area.

  over view of the method ?
1.  to draw an electric charge from the ground with the Tesla ?
2. then to place this into an accumulator ?
3. ?
4. ?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 16, 2021, 10:17:05 AM
뇽뇽이 바빠, 그만 부려먹어.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 16, 2021, 02:28:54 PM
삼룡이 바쁘믄 안되는디~~~~~ ;D ;D ;D ;D

День дню передает речь, и ночь ночи открывает знание.
(Псалтирь 18:3)

I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. [NIV]
I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. [KJV]
I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies. [NASB]


어둠신이 가나안 땅 앞바다에 버티고 서서 그리로 오라고 모세한테 손짓하며 약속했다는데 그걸 누가 믿어.
Djed(모세)은 그곳에 없으니 약속의 땅 가나안에 입성하지 못했다는 기원전1~3에 만들어진 신화를 유대인들이 목숨처럼 믿는거라고 이스라엘 애국가에도 나오잖아. 고작에 2000년전 시온 약속이라고 그들도 알고 있잖아.
아펩뱀신전은 바울이 만든거야.
구약 유대교 여호와가 신약에 기생하면서 기독교 조종하고 있잖아. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 16, 2021, 03:04:54 PM
Joshua of the Old Testament, the origin of the name of Jesus, is from the Philistines because he plays the role of a dancer next to Djed above.



③ For information-gathering questions, it is often difficult to expect high-quality answers.
④ I'm not looking for any kind of reward.
⑤ I think it's just a question that can be answered.
⑥ The only problem for observers like us is the pitiful sympathetic interference.
⑦ If, like us, you were thinking of getting answers from observers, a little bit of information is all you need.
⑧ The schematics created by the Russian far-right head are uselessly complex.
⑨ Experiment until Ruslan reveals the generator secret.
⑩ Wouldn't it be that if we or someone continued to put pressure on him, he might get some sympathy that he could reluctantly reveal?


Now Moses was pasturing the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.
The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed.
So Moses said, "I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up."
When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am."
Then He said, "Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."


The Saudi Arabian Peninsula, which serves as the sole foot of the 4th floor Djed, is Moses' shoes. When Moses took off his shoes, Moses' body was divided into four and moved to the Temple of the Sun in Djed on the first floor.
The bush is the sun temple headjet, which is why Moses is separated into 4 Djeds on the first floor and is parasitic in the sun temple.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 16, 2021, 03:36:53 PM
But things get worse when the Jews who follow Moses covet the Great Wall of China, the body of Moses' four split Djed
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 16, 2021, 03:47:23 PM
Hints are everywhere, but no one jumps off the cliff.
Even those who made the generator do not know how the 2KW-generator that Ruslan made was manufactured.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 16, 2021, 11:03:41 PM

The circuit diagram of TOPRusran7 in Ruslan started from this cafe.
Although it's short at 19 pages, it has a lot of useful information.
And no more kacher makes sense.
It is now more likely that you will be successful if you step away from the kacher and focus on the generator structure.

In the case of a 24V 6A PSU, the circuit breaker operates at about 5A and the PSU stops working.
The advantage of being powered by a battery is that you can get frequencies beyond the limits that 24V 6A PSUs cannot provide.
This doesn't make sense unless you experiment with batteries.
And if you're lucky, you might even get a decisive hint.
Problems arise when you touch and handle them yourself, and there are also efforts to solve them.
Without this, even hundreds of years of experimentation would have no results.

The role of the kacher is pumping, nothing else makes sense.
The kacher does not work with the grenade by creating a special frequency, but rather as an electric vacuum, an imbalanced charge generator to draw the earth's charge.
So that's what Ruslan said about the kacher, all you have to do is work.

A closed electrical device draws the necessary charge from the atmosphere or the ground to compensate for the imbalance in the preceding paragraph.
Like the negative and positive poles of a magnet.
So the Ruslan generator no longer has a special power generation principle.
Ruslan adds one more thing to this, as he says, in a way that is difficult to understand with conventional electrical formulas.
This is a problem that my father, a few years ago, also pondered for a long time.

And this is not a surface wave that anyone claims, but a movement of electric charge based on the simple lightning principle.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 17, 2021, 02:45:09 AM
틀딱은 뭐 사람두 아닝겨? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 17, 2021, 08:49:59 PM
полюбому интиресно

As you twist Ruslan's schematic,
You are also distorting the love that begins in the Bible.

Let's take an example of typical love.
Love is like this.


다윗과 솔로몬의 시대가 뒤바뀐 그들식 사랑입니다.

Adaside dynasty
Shalmaneser III (859 ? 824 BC)

Sargonid dynasty
Ashurbanipal (669 ? 631 BC)

이해하기 어려우실 겁니다.

이유는 솔로몬이 수백명의 첩을 거느리고 많은 우상을 섬긴다는 겁니다.
물론 구약성서식의 변명입니다.

더 큰 이유는,

솔로몬의 가문 Adaside dynasty의 후손 Tiglath-Pileser III(745 ? 727 BC)가 사마리아를 침략해서 사마리아인들 포로로 잡아갑니다.
이후 서로 앙숙관계인 사마리아인과 바리새인이 서로의 시각에서 다시 구약서를 조작하면서 뒤섞여 버립니다.

선지자 아히야가 솔로몬과 다윗의 시간과 공간 위치를 바꾼 장본인입니다.

이것을 구약성서 열왕기상 11장에서 언급했는데,

1 Kings 11 [NIV]    
King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh's daughter--Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites.
They were from nations about which the LORD had told the Israelites, "You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods." Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love.
He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray.
As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been.
He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites.

So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done.
On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites.
He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.
The LORD became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.
Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the LORD's command.

So the LORD said to Solomon, "Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates.
Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son.
Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen."
Then the LORD raised up against Solomon an adversary, Hadad the Edomite, from the royal line of Edom.
Earlier when David was fighting with Edom, Joab the commander of the army, who had gone up to bury the dead, had struck down all the men in Edom.

Joab and all the Israelites stayed there for six months, until they had destroyed all the men in Edom.
But Hadad, still only a boy, fled to Egypt with some Edomite officials who had served his father.
They set out from Midian and went to Paran. Then taking men from Paran with them, they went to Egypt, to Pharaoh king of Egypt, who gave Hadad a house and land and provided him with food.
Pharaoh was so pleased with Hadad that he gave him a sister of his own wife, Queen Tahpenes, in marriage.
The sister of Tahpenes bore him a son named Genubath, whom Tahpenes brought up in the royal palace. There Genubath lived with Pharaoh's own children.

While he was in Egypt, Hadad heard that David rested with his fathers and that Joab the commander of the army was also dead. Then Hadad said to Pharaoh, "Let me go, that I may return to my own country."
"What have you lacked here that you want to go back to your own country?" Pharaoh asked. "Nothing," Hadad replied, "but do let me go!"
And God raised up against Solomon another adversary, Rezon son of Eliada, who had fled from his master, Hadadezer king of Zobah.
He gathered men around him and became the leader of a band of rebels when David destroyed the forces of Zobah ; the rebels went to Damascus, where they settled and took control.
Rezon was Israel's adversary as long as Solomon lived, adding to the trouble caused by Hadad. So Rezon ruled in Aram and was hostile toward Israel.

Also, Jeroboam son of Nebat rebelled against the king. He was one of Solomon's officials, an Ephraimite from Zeredah, and his mother was a widow named Zeruah.
Here is the account of how he rebelled against the king: Solomon had built the supporting terraces and had filled in the gap in the wall of the city of David his father.
Now Jeroboam was a man of standing, and when Solomon saw how well the young man did his work, he put him in charge of the whole labor force of the house of Joseph.
About that time Jeroboam was going out of Jerusalem, and Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh met him on the way, wearing a new cloak. The two of them were alone out in the country,
and Ahijah took hold of the new cloak he was wearing and tore it into twelve pieces.
Then he said to Jeroboam, "Take ten pieces for yourself, for this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'See, I am going to tear the kingdom out of Solomon's hand and give you ten tribes.
But for the sake of my servant David and the city of Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, he will have one tribe.
I will do this because they have forsaken me and worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Molech the god of the Ammonites, and have not walked in my ways, nor done what is right in my eyes, nor kept my statutes and laws as David, Solomon's father, did.
" 'But I will not take the whole kingdom out of Solomon's hand; I have made him ruler all the days of his life for the sake of David my servant, whom I chose and who observed my commands and statutes.
I will take the kingdom from his son's hands and give you ten tribes.

I will give one tribe to his son so that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I chose to put my Name.
However, as for you, I will take you, and you will rule over all that your heart desires; you will be king over Israel.
If you do whatever I command you and walk in my ways and do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and commands, as David my servant did, I will be with you. I will build you a dynasty as enduring as the one I built for David and will give Israel to you.
I will humble David's descendants because of this, but not forever.' "
Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, but Jeroboam fled to Egypt, to Shishak the king, and stayed there until Solomon's death.
As for the other events of Solomon's reign--all he did and the wisdom he displayed--are they not written in the book of the annals of Solomon?
Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.
Then he rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of David his father. And Rehoboam his son succeeded him as king.

아히야는 Septuagint 저자 중에 한 명입니다.

구약성서에 등장하는 다수의 선지자가 72인역 저자들의 이름입니다.

Luke 10 [NIV]
"He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."
The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name."
He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

아히야는 Shiloh 사람인데, Shiloh는 실로암 망대를 뜻하고, 실로암 망대는 태양신전 헤드젯을 지칭합니다.

헤즈젯이 180도 뒤집어져 있습니다.

헤드젯은 아침과 저녁의 뜨고지는 태양을 나타내는 것이지만 72인역은 이것을 역사 뒤집기로 바꿔버립니다.

태양이 뜨고지듯 역사도 밤을 통해 조작됩니다.

실로암 망대가 무너져 18명이 죽은 것 처럼요.

Luke 13 [NIV]    
Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.
Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.
Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them--do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."
Then he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any.

여기서 두 사람은 둘 둘씩 짝지어 보낸 72인역 저자들이고, 빌라도가 섞는 갈릴리 사람의 피는 예수입니다. 카이사리온이죠.
사마리아이 만든 72인역이 아니라, 바리새인이 이집트 정권을 잡고 바리새인이 고친 72인역의 저자들인 셈이죠.
태양신전에서는 쌍낫배 내부에 있는 두 하토르가 두 사람 역활합니다.
빌라도는 예수를 십자가에 내준 장본인이고, 이런 빌라도와 관련한 갈리리 사람은 카이사리온-예수고, 로마인 카이사르와 바리새인 클레오파트라의 피가 섞여있다는 것을 두 사람도 알고있지만,
그러나 예수의 대답은, 실로암 망대가 무너져 죽은 18명입니다.

Then he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any.

실로암 망대가 무너져 죽은 18명은 예수의 제자 안드레와 관련있습니다.
안드레는 마케도니아의 마지막 지배자입니다.

안드리스쿠스(Ανδρ?σκο?, 기원전 185년 미시아 ? 기원전 146년 로마)는 마케도니아 왕국의 지배자(재위 : 기원전 149년 ? 기원전 148년)였다. 마케도니아 페르세우스의 아들이라 참칭하여, 가짜 필리포스(pseudo-Philip)라고도 불린다.

안드레 이후 마케도니아는 로마제국이 지배합니다.

예수가 자신의 역활하는 카이사리온이 로마사람이 됐으니 이집트는 끝났다는 뜻이죠.

앗시리아의 통치자 솔로몬과 다윗이 유대인들을 지배해서 유대인들이 그들의 왕으로 삼았으니,
예수도 이집트의 파라오지만 유대인들을 지배했으니 유대인의 왕이 된겁니다.

그러나 유대인들 생각은 달랐죠.

John 19 [NIV]
The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, "Do not write 'The King of the Jews,' but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews."
Pilate answered, "What I have written, I have written."

유대인들의 땅을 이집트가 지배하니 이집트의 지배자 이름이 예수가 되야하는 것은 로마제국 입장에서도 호환됩니다.

솔로몬과 다윗은 가능하고, 이집트 파라오 예수는 안된다고하는 유대인들의 이중잣대입니다.
그들이 조작한 역사와 현실의 괴리를 유대인들은 인정하기 어렵죠.

이렇게 조작된 역사가 다윗입니다.

Sargon II (722 ? 705 BC)는 사무엘 선지자 역활입니다.
사무엘도 Septuagint 저자 중에 한 명의 이름입니다.

사울왕은 Sennacherib(705 ? 681 BC)이고,

Esarhaddon(681 ? 669 BC)은 다윗의 형들 중에 한 명으로 출연합니다.

구약성서에 Sennacherib과 Esarhaddon, 그리고 Ashurbanipal이 다른 시대 공간에 이름만 등장합니다만 구약성서가 다윗의 이야기를 많이 할애한 것은,
사마리아인들(사두개인)을 고향으로 돌려보낸 것은 Esarhaddon이지만, Esarhaddon은 남유다인들을 바벨론으로 끌고간 바벨론의 왕으로 등극했습니다.
사마리인들 입장에서는 Esarhaddon을 남유다인(블레셋, 바리새인)들을 고향으로 돌려보낸 페르시아의 왕 고레스(Cyrus II)처럼 대우해주고 싶지만,
바리새인(블레셋)인들 입장에서는 바벨론의 왕으로 등극한 Esarhaddon은 원수입니다.
그래서 Esarhaddon을 배제시키고 Esarhaddon보다 전적이 화려한 그의 동생인 Ashurbanipal을 다윗으로 만들어 블레셋을 유린합니다.
바리새인들이 사마리아인들을 배척한 것에 대해 다윗을 통해 역사로 보복하는 것입니다.
72인역 저자 다수가 사마리아인들 입니다.

그러나 바울과 같은 바리새인들이 이집트의 정권을 잡고, 모세의 자리에 앉아서 바리새인들 시각에서 72인역이 다시 고쳐집니다.
완전한 수정이 아니라, 태양신전 쌍낫배의 달처럼 낙서 수준입니다.
일부 내용을 빼거나, 일부를 첨가되는 것이 전부였습니다.
고칠 수 있는 것만 고쳤다는 뜻입니다.

그래서 사마리아와 남유다(바리새인)의 관계역학을 이해할 필요가 있습니다.

다윗의 장형이 다윗에게 이렇게 말합니다.

When Eliab, David's oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and asked, "Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle."

다윗은 형제들 중에서 막내지만 Sennacherib의 뒤를 이어 앗시리아의 왕을 했기 때문에 엘리압이 성서식으로 분노하는 것입니다.

Sennacherib(사울)은 자식들에게 죽었지만,

다윗은 Sennacherib의 죽음에 관여하지 않았다고 성서가 주장합니다.

1 Samuel 24 [NIV]        
After Saul returned from pursuing the Philistines, he was told, "David is in the Desert of En Gedi."
So Saul took three thousand chosen men from all Israel and set out to look for David and his men near the Crags of the Wild Goats.
He came to the sheep pens along the way; a cave was there, and Saul went in to relieve himself. David and his men were far back in the cave.
The men said, "This is the day the LORD spoke of when he said to you, 'I will give your enemy into your hands for you to deal with as you wish.' " Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul's robe.
Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe.
He said to his men, "The LORD forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the LORD's anointed, or lift my hand against him; for he is the anointed of the LORD."
With these words David rebuked his men and did not allow them to attack Saul. And Saul left the cave and went his way.
Then David went out of the cave and called out to Saul, "My lord the king!" When Saul looked behind him, David bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground.
He said to Saul, "Why do you listen when men say, 'David is bent on harming you'?
This day you have seen with your own eyes how the LORD delivered you into my hands in the cave. Some urged me to kill you, but I spared you; I said, 'I will not lift my hand against my master, because he is the LORD's anointed.'

See, my father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand! I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you. Now understand and recognize that I am not guilty of wrongdoing or rebellion. I have not wronged you, but you are hunting me down to take my life.
May the LORD judge between you and me. And may the LORD avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you.
As the old saying goes, 'From evildoers come evil deeds,' so my hand will not touch you.
"Against whom has the king of Israel come out? Whom are you pursuing? A dead dog? A flea?
May the LORD be our judge and decide between us. May he consider my cause and uphold it; may he vindicate me by delivering me from your hand."

When David finished saying this, Saul asked, "Is that your voice, David my son?" And he wept aloud.
"You are more righteous than I," he said. "You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly.
You have just now told me of the good you did to me; the LORD delivered me into your hands, but you did not kill me.
When a man finds his enemy, does he let him get away unharmed? May the LORD reward you well for the way you treated me today.
I know that you will surely be king and that the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hands.
Now swear to me by the LORD that you will not cut off my descendants or wipe out my name from my father's family."
So David gave his oath to Saul. Then Saul returned home, but David and his men went up to the stronghold.

현대의 역사학자들 중에는 이집트와 메소포타미아의 역사를 구약성서에 맞추려고 노력하는 자들이 일부 있습니다.

특정한 종교인이 아니더라도 바벨론이나 앗시리아에 대해 부정적인 견해를 가진 역사학지들이 있습니다.

서양의 교육은 고대부터 뼛속부터 성서식 교육에 기반합니다.

어려서부터 성서식으로 교육받았으니 특정 종교인이 아니더라도 본의 아니게 성서의 입장에 있습니다.

After Sennacherib's eldest son and heir Ashur-nadin-shumi had been captured and presumably executed in 694, the new heir had originally been the second eldest son, Arda-Mulissu, but in 684, Esarhaddon, a younger son, was appointed instead. Angered by this decision, Arda-Mulissu and another brother, Nabu-shar-usur, murdered their father in 681 and planned to seize the Assyrian throne. The murder, and Arda-Mulissu's aspirations of becoming king himself, made Esarhaddon's rise to the throne difficult and he first had to defeat his brothers in a six-week long civil war.

Ashurbanipal was probably King Esarhaddon's fourth eldest son, younger than the crown prince Sin-nadin-apli and the other two sons Shamash-shum-ukin and Shamash-metu-uballit. He also had an older sister, Serua-eterat, and several younger brothers. Sin-nadin-apli died unexpectedly in 674 BC and Esarhaddon, who was keen to avoid a succession crisis as he himself had only ascended to the throne with great difficulty, soon started making new succession plans. Esarhaddon entirely bypassed the third eldest son, Shamash-metu-uballit, possibly because this prince suffered from poor health.

In May 672 BC, Ashurbanipal was appointed by Esarhaddon as the heir to Assyria and Shamash-shum-ukin was appointed as the heir to Babylonia. The two princes arrived at the capital of Nineveh together and partook in a celebration with foreign representatives and Assyrian nobles and soldiers. Promoting one of his sons as the heir to Assyria and another as the heir to Babylon was a new idea, for the past decades the Assyrian king had simultaneously been the King of Babylon. Esarhaddon might have decided to split his titles between his sons since Esarhaddon's brothers had murdered his father Sennacherib and attempted to usurp the throne after Esarhaddon had been proclaimed as heir decades prior. By splitting rulership of the empire, he might have surmised that such jealousy and rivalry could be avoided.

The choice to name a younger son as crown prince of Assyria, which was clearly Esarhaddon's primary title, and an older son as crown prince of Babylon might be explained by the mothers of the two sons. While Ashurbanipal's mother was likely Assyrian, Shamash-shum-ukin was the son of a woman from Babylon (though this is uncertain, Ashurbanipal and Shamash-shum-ukin may have shared the same mother) which might have had problematic consequences if Shamash-shum-ukin was to ascend to the Assyrian throne. Since Ashurbanipal was the next oldest son, he then was the superior candidate to the throne. Esarhaddon might then have surmised that the Babylonians would be content with someone of Babylonian heritage as their king and as such set Shamash-shum-ukin to inherit Babylon and the southern parts of his empire instead.[8] Treaties drawn up by Esarhaddon are somewhat unclear as to the relationship he intended his two sons to have. It is clear that Ashurbanipal was the primary heir to the empire and that Shamash-shum-ukin was to swear him an oath of allegiance but other parts also specify that Ashurbanipal was not to interfere in Shamash-shum-ukin's affairs which indicates a more equal standing.

After Ashurbanipal was appointed as crown prince, he began preparing himself to be a king by observing his father, learning etiquette and studying military tactics. Ashurbanipal also worked as a spymaster, compiling reports for his father based on information gathered from agents throughout the Assyrian Empire. He was educated by the general Nabu-shar-usur and the scribe Nabu-ahi-eriba and developed an interest in literature and history. The crown prince mastered scribal and religious knowledge and became proficient in reading both his native Akkadian language and Sumerian. According to Ashurbanipal's own later accounts (his annals representing the major historical sources for his reign), Esarhaddon had favored him due to his intelligence and bravery.

Because Esarhaddon was constantly ill, much of the administrative duties of the empire fell upon Ashurbanipal and Shamash-shum-ukin during the last few years of their father's reign. When Esarhaddon left to campaign against Egypt, Ashurbanipal became responsible for the affairs of the court and upon his father's death in 669 BC, full power was transferred to Ashurbanipal without any incidents.

발굴된 유물과 정황을 근거로 추리한 내용이지만 설득력은 있습니다.

그래서 신약성서의 예수도 솔로몬과 역사가 뒤바뀐 다윗에게 시비를 겁니다.

Matthew 22 [NIV]
While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
"What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?" "The son of David," they replied.
He said to them, "How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him 'Lord'? For he says,
" 'The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet." '
If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son?"   
No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.

예수는 다윗의 자손이 아니고, 다윗이 예수의 자손이라고 합니다.
물론 태양이 다윗보다 먼저 존재했습니다.
유대인들처럼 이집트 프톨레미 왕조를 사르곤 왕조 앞에 배치하면 됩니다.
그러나 더 큰 이유는 다윗(Ashurbanipal)의 머리 위에 태양이 있기 때문입니다.

그리고 예수는 역사가 뒤바뀌는 사건들에 대해 명확하게 몇마디 합니다.

Matthew 20 [NIV]
So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius.
When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner.
'These men who were hired last worked only one hour,' they said, 'and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.'
"But he answered one of them, 'Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius?
Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you.
Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?'
"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."
Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be first must be your slave--

예수도 역사 조작을 아주 쉽게 말합니다.

노동 시간이 길든 짧든 포도원 노동자들이 똑같이 받은 1 데나리온은 그들의 이름입니다.
세 개, 네 개 많은 이름을 가지고 있어도 역사에서 차지하는 의미는 1명입니다.

이것이 예수가 침략한 원수를 사랑하라고 하는 이유입니다.
타인의 역사를 자신의 역사로 만들면 원수는 더이상 원수가 아닙니다.
침략자를 자신의 후손으로 만들어 조작된 역사에 공헌하게 만듭니다.

자신들을 침략한 침략자의 시각에서 자신들을 고통받게 만들고 열광합니다.
앗리시아가 유대인들의 직계 조상인 블레셋을 침략한 것을 좋아합니다.
물론 사마리아인들 시각이 반영된 구약성서식 역사입니다.
모세의 출애굽이 블레셋을 피해서 홍해로 우회한 것부터 블레셋-바리새인을 배척하는 사마리아인들(사두개인) 시각의 서술입니다.

침략자의 시각에서 자신들이 고통받는 모습을 침략자에게 보여줍니다.
72인역 만들라고 명령한 자는 이집트와 유대 땅을 침략한 침략자의 우두머리입니다.

tuk-tuk의 사랑도 이런 것입니까?

구글번역이 조잡하여 한국어 원문도 남깁니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 17, 2021, 08:54:31 PM
полюбому интиресно

As you twist Ruslan's schematic,
You are also distorting the love that begins in the Bible.

Let's take an example of typical love.
Love is like this.


It is the love of David and Solomon whose times have been reversed.

Adaside dynasty
Shalmaneser III (859 ? 824 BC)

Sargonid dynasty
Ashurbanipal (669 ? 631 BC)

It will be difficult for you to understand.

The reason is that Solomon has hundreds of concubines and worships many idols.
Of course, this is an excuse from the Old Testament.

A bigger reason is

Tiglath-Pileser III (745 ? 727 BC), a descendant of Solomon's family Adaside dynasty, invades Samaria and takes the Samaritans captive.
Afterwards, the Samaritans and Pharisees, who are rivals with each other, mix and match the Old Testament again from each other's point of view.

The prophet Ahijah was responsible for changing the time and space locations of Solomon and David.

This is mentioned in 1 Kings 11 of the Old Testament,

1 Kings 11 [NIV]    
King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh's daughter--Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites.
They were from nations about which the LORD had told the Israelites, "You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods." Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love.
He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray.
As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been.
He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites.

So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done.
On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites.
He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.
The LORD became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.
Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the LORD's command.

So the LORD said to Solomon, "Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates.
Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son.
Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen."
Then the LORD raised up against Solomon an adversary, Hadad the Edomite, from the royal line of Edom.
Earlier when David was fighting with Edom, Joab the commander of the army, who had gone up to bury the dead, had struck down all the men in Edom.

Joab and all the Israelites stayed there for six months, until they had destroyed all the men in Edom.
But Hadad, still only a boy, fled to Egypt with some Edomite officials who had served his father.
They set out from Midian and went to Paran. Then taking men from Paran with them, they went to Egypt, to Pharaoh king of Egypt, who gave Hadad a house and land and provided him with food.
Pharaoh was so pleased with Hadad that he gave him a sister of his own wife, Queen Tahpenes, in marriage.
The sister of Tahpenes bore him a son named Genubath, whom Tahpenes brought up in the royal palace. There Genubath lived with Pharaoh's own children.

While he was in Egypt, Hadad heard that David rested with his fathers and that Joab the commander of the army was also dead. Then Hadad said to Pharaoh, "Let me go, that I may return to my own country."
"What have you lacked here that you want to go back to your own country?" Pharaoh asked. "Nothing," Hadad replied, "but do let me go!"
And God raised up against Solomon another adversary, Rezon son of Eliada, who had fled from his master, Hadadezer king of Zobah.
He gathered men around him and became the leader of a band of rebels when David destroyed the forces of Zobah ; the rebels went to Damascus, where they settled and took control.
Rezon was Israel's adversary as long as Solomon lived, adding to the trouble caused by Hadad. So Rezon ruled in Aram and was hostile toward Israel.

Also, Jeroboam son of Nebat rebelled against the king. He was one of Solomon's officials, an Ephraimite from Zeredah, and his mother was a widow named Zeruah.
Here is the account of how he rebelled against the king: Solomon had built the supporting terraces and had filled in the gap in the wall of the city of David his father.
Now Jeroboam was a man of standing, and when Solomon saw how well the young man did his work, he put him in charge of the whole labor force of the house of Joseph.
About that time Jeroboam was going out of Jerusalem, and Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh met him on the way, wearing a new cloak. The two of them were alone out in the country,
and Ahijah took hold of the new cloak he was wearing and tore it into twelve pieces.
Then he said to Jeroboam, "Take ten pieces for yourself, for this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'See, I am going to tear the kingdom out of Solomon's hand and give you ten tribes.
But for the sake of my servant David and the city of Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, he will have one tribe.
I will do this because they have forsaken me and worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Molech the god of the Ammonites, and have not walked in my ways, nor done what is right in my eyes, nor kept my statutes and laws as David, Solomon's father, did.
" 'But I will not take the whole kingdom out of Solomon's hand; I have made him ruler all the days of his life for the sake of David my servant, whom I chose and who observed my commands and statutes.
I will take the kingdom from his son's hands and give you ten tribes.

I will give one tribe to his son so that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I chose to put my Name.
However, as for you, I will take you, and you will rule over all that your heart desires; you will be king over Israel.
If you do whatever I command you and walk in my ways and do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and commands, as David my servant did, I will be with you. I will build you a dynasty as enduring as the one I built for David and will give Israel to you.
I will humble David's descendants because of this, but not forever.' "
Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, but Jeroboam fled to Egypt, to Shishak the king, and stayed there until Solomon's death.
As for the other events of Solomon's reign--all he did and the wisdom he displayed--are they not written in the book of the annals of Solomon?
Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.
Then he rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of David his father. And Rehoboam his son succeeded him as king.

Ahijah is one of the Septuagint authors.

Many of the prophets in the Old Testament are the names of the Septuagint authors.

Luke 10 [NIV]
"He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."
The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name."
He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

Ahiya is a Shiloh person, Shiloh means Siloam Tower, and Siloam Tower refers to the Sun Temple Headjet.

The headjet is turned 180 degrees.

Headjets represent the rising and setting suns of the morning and evening, but the Septuagint turns this into a history reversal.

As the sun rises and sets, history is manipulated through the night.

It's like the tower of Siloam collapsed, killing 18 people.

Luke 13 [NIV]
Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.
Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.
Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them--do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."
Then he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but he did not find any.

Here, the two are the Septuagint writers sent in pairs, and the Galilean blood Pilate mixes with is Jesus. It's Caesarion.
It is not the Septuagint made by Samaritan, but the authors of the Septuagint that the Pharisees took over and corrected by the Pharisees.
In the Temple of the Sun, the two Hathors inside the double sickle act as two people.
Although they both know that Pilate was the one who brought Jesus to the cross, and that the Galilean related to Pilate was Caesarion-Jesus, and that the blood of the Roman Caesar and the Pharisee Cleopatra were mixed,
But Jesus answered, 18 people died when the tower of Siloam collapsed.

Then he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but he did not find any.

The 18 who died when the tower of Siloam collapsed are related to Jesus' disciple Andrew.
Andrew is the last ruler of Macedonia.

Andriscus (Ανδρ?σκο?, Mysia 185 BC - Rome 146 BC) was the ruler of the Macedonian kingdom (reigned: 149 BC - 148 BC). He claims to be the son of Perseus of Macedon, so he is also called pseudo-Philip.

After Andrew, Macedonia was ruled by the Roman Empire.

When Jesus became a Roman, Caesarion, who played his role, meant that Egypt was over.

Solomon and David, rulers of Assyria, ruled over the Jews, and the Jews made them kings.
Although Jesus was also a pharaoh of Egypt, he ruled over the Jews, so he became the king of the Jews.

But the Jews thought differently.

John 19 [NIV]
The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, "Do not write 'The King of the Jews,' but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews."
Pilate answered, "What I have written, I have written."

Since Egypt rules the land of the Jews, it is also compatible with the Roman Empire that the name of the ruler of Egypt should be Jesus.

It is the double standard of the Jews that Solomon and David are possible and the Egyptian Pharaoh Jesus is not.
It is difficult for Jews to admit the gap between their fabricated history and reality.

This fabricated historian is David.

Sargon II (722 ? 705 BC) plays the role of the prophet Samuel.
Samuel is one of the Septuagint authors.

King Saul was Sennacherib (705 - 681 BC),

Esarhaddon (681 ? 669 BC) appears as one of David's older brothers.

In the Old Testament, Sennacherib, Esarhaddon, and Ashurbanipal only appear by name in different eras, but the Old Testament spends much of the story of David,
It was Esarhaddon who sent the Samaritans (the Sadducees) back to their homeland, but Esarhaddon became king of Babylon who led the southern Jews to Babylon.
The Samaritans would like to treat Esarhaddon like Cyrus II, king of Persia, who returned the southern Jews (Philes and Pharisees) to their homeland.
From the perspective of the Pharisees (Philists), Esarhaddon, who ascended to the throne of Babylon, is an enemy.
So they rule out Esarhaddon and make David Ashurbanipal, his younger brother, who has a better record than Esarhaddon, to destroy the Philistines.
It is historical retaliation through David for the Pharisees' rejection of the Samaritans.
Many of the authors of the Septuagint are Samaritans.

However, Pharisees like Paul take the power of Egypt, sit in Moses' seat, and the Septuagint is rewritten from the point of view of the Pharisees.
It's not a complete crystal, but it's at the level of graffiti like the moon of the Sun Temple.
It was all about subtracting some content or adding some content.
This means that only those that can be fixed are fixed.

So, it is necessary to understand the relationship dynamics between Samaria and Southern Judah (Pharisees).

David's elder brother tells David:

When Eliab, David's oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and asked, "Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle."

Although David is the youngest of his brothers, Eliab is outraged by the castle habitat because he was the king of Assyria after Sennacherib.

Sennacherib (Saul) died to his children,

The Bible claims that David was not involved in Sennacherib's death.

1 Samuel 24 [NIV]        
After Saul returned from pursuing the Philistines, he was told, "David is in the Desert of En Gedi."
So Saul took three thousand chosen men from all Israel and set out to look for David and his men near the Crags of the Wild Goats.
He came to the sheep pens along the way; a cave was there, and Saul went in to relieve himself. David and his men were far back in the cave.
The men said, "This is the day the LORD spoke of when he said to you, 'I will give your enemy into your hands for you to deal with as you wish.' " Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul's robe.
Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe.
He said to his men, "The LORD forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the LORD's anointed, or lift my hand against him; for he is the anointed of the LORD."
With these words David rebuked his men and did not allow them to attack Saul. And Saul left the cave and went his way.
Then David went out of the cave and called out to Saul, "My lord the king!" When Saul looked behind him, David bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground.
He said to Saul, "Why do you listen when men say, 'David is bent on harming you'?
This day you have seen with your own eyes how the LORD delivered you into my hands in the cave. Some urged me to kill you, but I spared you; I said, 'I will not lift my hand against my master, because he is the LORD's anointed.'

See, my father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand! I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you. Now understand and recognize that I am not guilty of wrongdoing or rebellion. I have not wronged you, but you are hunting me down to take my life.
May the LORD judge between you and me. And may the LORD avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you.
As the old saying goes, 'From evildoers come evil deeds,' so my hand will not touch you.
"Against whom has the king of Israel come out? Whom are you pursuing? A dead dog? A flea?
May the LORD be our judge and decide between us. May he consider my cause and uphold it; may he vindicate me by delivering me from your hand."

When David finished saying this, Saul asked, "Is that your voice, David my son?" And he wept aloud.
"You are more righteous than I," he said. "You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly.
You have just now told me of the good you did to me; the LORD delivered me into your hands, but you did not kill me.
When a man finds his enemy, does he let him get away unharmed? May the LORD reward you well for the way you treated me today.
I know that you will surely be king and that the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hands.
Now swear to me by the LORD that you will not cut off my descendants or wipe out my name from my father's family."
So David gave his oath to Saul. Then Saul returned home, but David and his men went up to the stronghold.

Some modern historians try to fit the history of Egypt and Mesopotamia to the Old Testament.

Even if you are not a religious person, there are historical journals that have negative views on Babylon or Assyria.

Western education has been based on biblical education since ancient times.

Since I was educated in the Bible way from a young age, I am unintentionally in the position of the Bible even if I am not a religious person.

After Sennacherib's eldest son and heir Ashur-nadin-shumi had been captured and presumably executed in 694, the new heir had originally been the second eldest son, Arda-Mulissu, but in 684, Esarhaddon, a younger son, was appointed instead. Angered by this decision, Arda-Mulissu and another brother, Nabu-shar-usur, murdered their father in 681 and planned to seize the Assyrian throne. The murder, and Arda-Mulissu's aspirations of becoming king himself, made Esarhaddon's rise to the throne difficult and he first had to defeat his brothers in a six-week long civil war.

Ashurbanipal was probably King Esarhaddon's fourth eldest son, younger than the crown prince Sin-nadin-apli and the other two sons Shamash-shum-ukin and Shamash-metu-uballit. He also had an older sister, Serua-eterat, and several younger brothers. Sin-nadin-apli died unexpectedly in 674 BC and Esarhaddon, who was keen to avoid a succession crisis as he himself had only ascended to the throne with great difficulty, soon started making new succession plans. Esarhaddon entirely bypassed the third eldest son, Shamash-metu-uballit, possibly because this prince suffered from poor health.

In May 672 BC, Ashurbanipal was appointed by Esarhaddon as the heir to Assyria and Shamash-shum-ukin was appointed as the heir to Babylonia. The two princes arrived at the capital of Nineveh together and partook in a celebration with foreign representatives and Assyrian nobles and soldiers. Promoting one of his sons as the heir to Assyria and another as the heir to Babylon was a new idea, for the past decades the Assyrian king had simultaneously been the King of Babylon. Esarhaddon might have decided to split his titles between his sons since Esarhaddon's brothers had murdered his father Sennacherib and attempted to usurp the throne after Esarhaddon had been proclaimed as heir decades prior. By splitting rulership of the empire, he might have surmised that such jealousy and rivalry could be avoided.

The choice to name a younger son as crown prince of Assyria, which was clearly Esarhaddon's primary title, and an older son as crown prince of Babylon might be explained by the mothers of the two sons. While Ashurbanipal's mother was likely Assyrian, Shamash-shum-ukin was the son of a woman from Babylon (though this is uncertain, Ashurbanipal and Shamash-shum-ukin may have shared the same mother) which might have had problematic consequences if Shamash-shum-ukin was to ascend to the Assyrian throne. Since Ashurbanipal was the next oldest son, he then was the superior candidate to the throne. Esarhaddon might then have surmised that the Babylonians would be content with someone of Babylonian heritage as their king and as such set Shamash-shum-ukin to inherit Babylon and the southern parts of his empire instead.[8] Treaties drawn up by Esarhaddon are somewhat unclear as to the relationship he intended his two sons to have. It is clear that Ashurbanipal was the primary heir to the empire and that Shamash-shum-ukin was to swear him an oath of allegiance but other parts also specify that Ashurbanipal was not to interfere in Shamash-shum-ukin's affairs which indicates a more equal standing.

After Ashurbanipal was appointed as crown prince, he began preparing himself to be a king by observing his father, learning etiquette and studying military tactics. Ashurbanipal also worked as a spymaster, compiling reports for his father based on information gathered from agents throughout the Assyrian Empire. He was educated by the general Nabu-shar-usur and the scribe Nabu-ahi-eriba and developed an interest in literature and history. The crown prince mastered scribal and religious knowledge and became proficient in reading both his native Akkadian language and Sumerian. According to Ashurbanipal's own later accounts (his annals representing the major historical sources for his reign), Esarhaddon had favored him due to his intelligence and bravery.

Because Esarhaddon was constantly ill, much of the administrative duties of the empire fell upon Ashurbanipal and Shamash-shum-ukin during the last few years of their father's reign. When Esarhaddon left to campaign against Egypt, Ashurbanipal became responsible for the affairs of the court and upon his father's death in 669 BC, full power was transferred to Ashurbanipal without any incidents.

It is based on the excavated artifacts and circumstances, but it is persuasive.

So, Jesus in the New Testament also quarrels with Solomon and David, whose history has been reversed.

Matthew 22 [NIV]
While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
"What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?" "The son of David," they replied.
He said to them, "How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him 'Lord'? For he says,
" 'The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet." '
If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son his?"
No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.

Jesus is not the son of David, but David is the son of Jesus.
Of course, the sun existed before David.
Just like the Jews, place the Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty in front of the Sargonian dynasty.
But the bigger reason is that the sun is above David's (Ashurbanipal) head.

And Jesus makes a few words about history-changing events.

Matthew 20 [NIV]
So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius.
When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner.
'These men who were hired last worked only one hour,' they said, 'and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.'
"But he answered one of them, 'Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius?
Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you.
Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?'
"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."
Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be first must be your slave--

Even Jesus speaks of manipulating history very easily.

The one denarius that the vineyard workers received equally, long or short, is their name.
Even if you have three or four names, one person has a meaning in history.

This is why Jesus tells us to love our enemies who have invaded us.
If you make the history of others your own, the enemy is no longer an enemy.
He makes the invaders his descendants and makes them contribute to a fabricated history.

He makes them suffer and raves in the eyes of the invaders who invaded them.
I like Assysia's invasion of the Philistines, the direct ancestors of the Jews.
Of course, it is the Old Testament-style history that reflects the Samaritan perspective.
It is a narrative from the perspective of the Samaritans (Saducees) who reject the Philistines and Pharisees, from Moses' Exodus to the Red Sea to escape the Philistines.

They show the aggressor how they suffer from the invader's point of view.
The one who ordered the creation of the Septuagint was the leader of the invaders who invaded Egypt and Judea.

Is tuk-tuk love like this?

Google Translate is sloppy, so I leave the original Korean text.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 04:15:09 AM

It is thanks to his inscription that Sennacherib became Israel's first king, Saul.

The following titulature is used by Sennacherib in early accounts of his 703 BC Babylonian campaign:

Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of Assyria, king without rival, righteous shepherd, favorite of the great gods, prayerful shepherd, who fears the great gods, protector of righteousness, lover of justice, who lends support, who comes to the aid of the cripple and aims to do good deeds, perfect hero, mighty man, first among all kings, neckstock that bends the insubmissive, who strikes the enemy like a thunderbolt, Ashur, the great mountain, has bestowed upon me an unrivalled kingship and has made my weapons mightier than the weapons of all other rulers sitting on daises.

This variant of the titulature is used in an inscription from the Southwest Palace at Nineveh written after Sennacherib's 700 BC Babylonian campaign:

Sennacherib, the great king, the mighty king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world); favorite of the great gods; the wise and crafty one; strong hero, first among all princes; the flame that consumes the insubmissive, who strikes the wicked with the thunderbolt. Assur, the great god, has intrusted to me an unrivaled kingship, and has made powerful my weapons above (all) those who dwell in palaces. From the upper sea of the setting sun to the lower sea of the rising sun, all princes of the four quarters (of the world) he has brought in submission to my feet.

the cripple(or the lame)

the thunderbolt

the cripple(or the lame)
The two words can be interpreted differently depending on the context, but they mean lame ape serpent or Djed. But in Zion, which means lotus boat, there is an Apep-God, here the lame 4th-floor-Djed.

2 Samuel 5 [NIV]
David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years.
In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years and six months, and in Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah thirty-three years.
The king and his men marched to Jerusalem to attack the Jebusites, who lived there. The Jebusites said to David, "You will not get in here; even the blind and the lame can ward you off." They thought, "David cannot get in here."
Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion, the City of David.
On that day, David said, "Anyone who conquers the Jebusites will have to use the water shaft to reach those 'lame and blind' who are David's enemies. " That is why they say, "The 'blind and lame' will not enter the palace."
David then took up residence in the fortress and called it the City of David. He built up the area around it, from the supporting terraces inward.

the blind means headless Djed.
Almost all the blind in the Old and New Testaments refer to Djed.
Sennacherim becomes Israel's first King Saul, with the title of anointed one because of the words lame and thunderbolt.

2 Samuel 1 [NIV]
"So I stood over him and killed him, because I knew that after he had fallen he could not survive. And I took the crown that was on his head and the band on his arm and have brought them here to my lord."
Then David and all the men with him took hold of their clothes and tore them.
They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the LORD and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.
David said to the young man who brought him the report, "Where are you from?" "I am the son of an alien, an Amalekite," he answered.
David asked him, "Why were you not afraid to lift your hand to destroy the LORD's anointed?"
Then David called one of his men and said, "Go, strike him down!" So he struck him down, and he died.
For David had said to him, "Your blood be on your own head. Your own mouth testified against you when you said, 'I killed the LORD's anointed.' "

The word anointed on the head comes from the relationship between Djed and Apep-God.
Djed has no head. Apep-God takes the place of the head.
So, to be the anointed means either an Apep-God must be mentioned or an Apep-God must be in the head.
This is the moment when Zeus' lightning(the thunderbolt) created by the Septuagint transforms into Apep-God.

The same is true for the Anointed One title in the Temple of the Sun.
The four beads of beads are like the symbol of the anointing.

2 Samuel 9 [NASB]
Then David said, "Is there yet anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?"
Now there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was Ziba, and they called him to David; and the king said to him, "Are you Ziba?" And he said, "I am your servant."
The king said, "Is there not yet anyone of the house of Saul to whom I may show the kindness of God?" And Ziba said to the king, "There is still a son of Jonathan who is crippled in both feet."
So the king said to him, "Where is he?" And Ziba said to the king, "Behold, he is in the house of Machir the son of Ammiel in Lo-debar."
Then King David sent and brought him from the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, from Lo-debar.
Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan the son of Saul, came to David and fell on his face and prostrated himself. And David said, "Mephibosheth." And he said, "Here is your servant!"
David said to him, "Do not fear, for I will surely show kindness to you for the sake of your father Jonathan, and will restore to you all the land of your grandfather Saul; and you shall eat at my table regularly."
Again he prostrated himself and said, "What is your servant, that you should regard a dead dog like me?"
Then the king called Saul's servant Ziba and said to him, "All that belonged to Saul and to all his house I have given to your master's grandson.
"You and your sons and your servants shall cultivate the land for him, and you shall bring in the produce so that your master's grandson may have food; nevertheless Mephibosheth your master's grandson shall eat at my table regularly." Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.
Then Ziba said to the king, "According to all that my lord the king commands his servant so your servant will do." So Mephibosheth ate at David's table as one of the king's sons.
Mephibosheth had a young son whose name was Mica. And all who lived in the house of Ziba were servants to Mephibosheth.
So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, for he ate at the king's table regularly Now he was lame in both feet.

.......... who comes to the aid of the cripple and aims to do good deeds,
perfect hero, mighty man, first among all kings, ....

There are people in the world who ridicule inventors without blaming their own understanding.
I hope that Ruslan will show sympathy to those who long for it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 04:16:39 AM
Shalmaneser's queen
The name of Shalmaneser V's wife and queen was Banitu. Her tomb was discovered in excavations at the Northwest Palace at Nimrud in 1988–1989, alongside a tablet with a funerary inscription. Curiously, the tomb contained two female skeletons but objects in the grave are attributed to three queens: Iabâ (queen of Tiglath-Pileser III), Banitu (queen of Shalmaneser V), and Atalia (queen of Sargon II). Among the various objects, a bronze cosmetic container and a golden bowl are attributed to Banitu. The most common assumption by historians is that the two bodies in the grave are those of Iabâ and Atalia, since the funerary inscription only records the name of Iabâ (the original owner of the grave) and the latest inscriped objects are attributed to Atalia. Since the inscription also includes a curse against any who disturbed the tomb, but Atalia was buried there anyway, it is possible that Atalia and Iabâ were closely related, Atalia perhaps being Iabâ's daughter. It would then be possible that the objects inscriped with Banitu's name actually belonged to Atalia, who had inherited them from the previous queen.

In 2008, the Assyriologist Stephanie Dalley proposed the alternative idea that Iabâ and Banitu were the same person, and that the name Iabâ (based on ascribing it a West Semitic origin and translating it into "beautiful") was translated into Akkadian as "Banitu". Dalley's proposal, since accepted by several prominent Assyriologists, such as Eckhart Frahm and Sarah C. Melville, implies that Iabâ would have been relatively young at the end of Tiglath-Pileser's reign (and thus not have been Shalmaneser's mother) and would then have been married by Shalmaneser after his father's death. There is another example of two successive kings sharing a queen; in the ninth century BC, Mullissu-mukannišat-Ninua is recorded as the queen of both Ashurnasirpal II and his successor Shalmaneser III, though it is not clear if she actually married Shalmaneser III or just retained the title. The equation of Iabâ with Banitu cannot be proven with certainty, as the etymological origin (possibly Arabic rather than West-Semitic) and meaning of "Iabâ" cannot be conclusively proven, and the name Banitu could just as likely be derived from the Akkadian word bānītu ("[divine] creatress") as banītu ("beautiful"). The hypothesis of equating the two is based solely on the possible similarity in the names, with no explicit evidence having been found.

In 2013, the Assyriologist David Kertai questioned the equation of Banitu and Iabâ, on a chronological basis. Examinations of the skeletons found in the tomb revealed that both women died at the age of about 30–35 and that their deaths were separated by 20–50 years. Based on this data, and the speculation that Banitu had to have died during Shalmaneser's short reign, and that Atalia died before Sargon II built his palace at Dur-Sharrukin in 707 BC (since she is not mentioned in the reliefs there), Kertai concluded that Banitu and Iabâ were two different women and that Iabâ (then possibly Shalmaneser's mother) must have died during Tiglath-Pileser's reign. The Assyriologist Saana Svärd defended the equation in 2015, stating that it was possible that Atalia died during the reign of Sargon II's successor Sennacherib and was buried in the same grave as Banitu, 20–50 years after the prior burial. Though chronological difficulties can thus be explained away, Keiko Yamada and Shigeo Yamada questioned in 2017 if it was truly likely that the queen of Sargon II would have been buried in the same grave as the queen of Shalmaneser V, who had been deposed and killed by Sargon II.

From Sargon II to Ashurbanipal, all majors were driven to David.
This includes the capture of the women of Shalmaneser V (727 – 722 BC) by Sargon II (722 – 705 BC).

Women are rare in Assyrian history, but there are three women in Shalmaneser V.
David also had three representative wives.

Michel, Abigail, Bathsheba.

Iabâ, Atalia, Banitu

Saul's daughter Merab and later Ahinoam are mentioned only and are not specifically known.

David takes care of Sargon's bringing the women of Shalmaneser V.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 06:30:33 AM


It is not a matter of how to create such a frequency, but how to extract the electric charge from the ground, so it is a matter of the structure of the generator operation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 07:30:47 AM
In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

Then Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.

Which of the two do you think is going to bleed?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 07:32:22 AM
The Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Jesus, they asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.
But He replied to them, "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.'
"And in the morning, 'There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?
"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a sign will not be given it, except the sign of Jonah." And He left them and went away.
And the disciples came to the other side of the sea, but they had forgotten to bring any bread.
And Jesus said to them, "Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

The dark god Apep-Jehovah, who made Geb-Adam's creation only to give a name to a creature, will not shed any blood.
It would be enough to live as a shadow or disappear with the red sun of tomorrow.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 08:30:35 AM
(Now this man acquired a field with the price of his wickedness, and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his intestines gushed out.
And it became known to all who were living in Jerusalem; so that in their own language that field was called Hakeldama, that is, Field of Blood.)

In the old days, the whole place was painted with red dye.

The place where Judas Iscariot (standing Apepese serpent) committed suicide while leaning on the arms of Jesus (the sun) was called the Field of Blood.

That is why, in Genesis 38, the bowed Apep serpent appears with a red thread.

It came about at the time she was giving birth, that behold, there were twins in her womb her.
Moreover, it took place while she was giving birth, one put out a hand, and the midwife took and tied a scarlet thread on his hand her, saying, "This one came out first."
But it came about as he drew back his hand his, that behold, his brother his came out. Then she said, "What a breach you have made for yourself!" So he was named Perez.
Afterward his brother his came out who had the scarlet thread on his hand his; and he was named Zerah.

Jesus died by hanging on a Djed cross as Apep-God with his head bowed,
Jesus died of a dark [old] moon.
As much as the question of whether this is darkness or dark moon, judging dead and sleeping is a problem for the sun to solve, not the problem for darkness.

Twins were born twice to the Hyksos dynasty, the 15th dynasty of Egypt.
We'll talk about this later.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 08:35:29 AM
So it is not the red sun that sheds blood, but the rising Apep-God at night.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 08:41:43 AM
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

The Gospel of John The above is the way James and John, who worship the moon, serve in consideration of the characteristics of the moon.
On the moon, light and darkness do not understand each other.

On the right is the Holy One (Apostle) John,
On the left is James the righteous.
James and John are the ones claiming the middle moon as Jesus, so they have a contradictory dilemma of serving light and darkness at the same time.
That's why they attack the headjet and the moon in the book of Revelation.
Good is advertised as good, and evil is advertised as evil.
Likewise, darkness is only expressed in darkness.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 07:52:41 PM
The value thinking of intellect and reason is only one way in which a particular creature perceives light, not of the light (the other) nor of the dark (the other).

Evgray VS Prométhélios

Like Moses with the serpent in the wilderness, Djed has the power to move Apep. So Apep (spear) is passive.
Those who look at Apep are the Septuagint writers, and the purpose is to point out the Septuagint authors.
The reason why a Roman soldier pierced Jesus in the side with an Apep-spear was because Paul made Abba (Apep)-Father and his adopted son-Roman relationship as mentioned in Romans.
There is no particular reason why Rome, which uses the Julian solar calendar, should point at the moon, but Pharaoh-Paul did not leave Rome as an Egyptian invader. He loved his enemies like Paul. Apep's love is dark love. It drags everything that approaches Apep into the darkness. So whoever loves Apep loves death. The suicide of Judas Iscariot is a prime example.
The problem of choice and coercion is only a modern ideal, and everything is a continuation of the past.
The bizarre utopia that loves death and resurrection together is not a special value, it is just a reckless mental illness that has lasted for thousands of years.
Because some rulers have fostered such a religion, their sins are great.


Weak human body is difficult to adapt to the space environment. Placenta of astronauts suffer from disease shortly after space travel. After a week, she catches a cold and complains of arthritis.
The universe is the environment in which humans can have a special body.
In the distant future, whatever body a human being will have, it will be the will to survive.
Some of you have the real special key of the will to survive, but you only use it for the desires of your feeble flesh.
While he loves light, he presents the darkness of silence to others.
Whether he loves the Light God or the Dark God, it is only darkness to others.
If he loves light, he must do the work of light.
He is not only for himself, but also for others.
I hope he wakes up.

지성과 이성이라는 가치 사유는 특정한 생물이 빛을 인식하는 하나의 방식일 뿐이지 빛(他者, the other)의 생각도 아니고 어둠(他者, the other)의 생각도 아닙니다.

Evgray VS Prométhélios

광야에서 뱀을 든 모세처럼, 아펩을 움직이는 힘은 Djed에게 있습니다. 그래서 아펩(창)은 수동적인 입장입니다.
아펩를 바라보는 자들은 72인역 저자들이니, 72인역 저자들을 지목하기 위한 목적입니다.
로마 군병이 아펩-창으로 예수 옆구리를 찌른 것은, 바울이 로마서에서 언급한대로 Abba(Apep)-Father과 양아들-로마 관계로 만들었기 때문입니다.
율리우스 태양달력 사용하는 로마가 달에게 삿대질 할 특별한 이유는 없지만, 이집트 침략자로서 로마를 파라오-바울이 그냥 놔두지 않았습니다. 원수를 바울식으로 사랑한 겁니다. 아펩의 사랑은 어둠의 사랑입니다. 아펩에게 다가가는 모든 것을 어둠속으로 끌어갑니다. 그래서 아펩을 사랑하는 자는 죽음을 사랑합니다. 가룟유다의 자살이 그 대표적이죠.
선택과 강압의 문제는 현대의 이상일 뿐 모든 것은 과거사의 지속입니다.
죽음과 부활을 함께 사랑하는 기괴한 이상향은 그래서 특별한 가치관이 아니라 수천년 지속된 무모한 정신병일 뿐입니다.
일부 지배자들이 이런 종교를 양성했기에 그들의 죄가 큼니다.


나약한 인간의 몸은 우주 환경에 적응하기 어렵습니다. 우주 비행사들 태반이 우주여행 직후 질병에 시달립니다. 일주일 후부터 감기에 걸리고 관절염을 호소합니다.
인간이 특별한 몸을 가질 수 있는 환경이 우주입니다.
먼 훗날 인간이 어떤 몸을 갖게되든 그것은 생존 의지일 것입니다.
여러분 중 일부가 생존 의지라는 실질적인 특별한 열쇠를 가지고 있지만 나약한 육체의 욕망에만 사용합니다.
자신은 빛을 사랑하면서 타인에게는 침묵이라는 어둠을 선물합니다.
그가 빛신을 사랑하든 어둠신을 사랑하든 타인에게는 어둠일 뿐입니다.
빛을 사랑한다면 빛의 일을 해야 합니다.
자신에게 뿐만 아니라 타인에게도.
나는 그가 깨어나길 바랍니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 18, 2021, 09:16:52 PM

어둠과의 싸움에게 그가 이길 것이라 믿습니다.
지금은 고개를 돌리고 있지만 빛이 된 자신의 약속을 언젠가 지킬 것이라 믿습니다.
I believe he will win the fight against darkness.
He is turning his head now, but he believes that one day he will keep his promise that has become a light.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 19, 2021, 11:03:24 PM
Пояснение по работе Теслы (качера)

Для Бровина
Генератор "Две Башни" по немецкой системе Акулы

Ruslan K's video was released before Ruslan X's video.
Expensive DC power supplies and cheap PSUs ($10) seem different.

Ruslan K uses 14 volts.
It didn't work on 12V, so if you used 14V
Ruslan X tested, phytonite (фитонит), which did not occur in the 24V DC power supply, occurred in the battery use.
However, if the phytonite(фитонит) occurring only in the battery is irrelevant to the working principle of the generator, you must find the generator working principle elsewhere.

41.9145khz ........... 4.19145Mha  ;D
3.19715Mhz(3.199Mhz) ........... 1.5444Mhz  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 19, 2021, 11:28:51 PM
아빠, 대부가 잠깐 보제👹👺❤

The Egyptian lotus also contains some hallucinogenic narcotic properties, but it does not compare to the poppy, which was grown exclusively for royal funding by the royal families of Babylon and Assyria.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 19, 2021, 11:46:35 PM
글구봉께 도때비 면상때기 본지도 꽤 됐네..... 와~? 건달바성 툇방에 물러앉아있으니 좀쑤신다니? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 20, 2021, 01:07:43 AM
대부가 나무하러 갔다가 괄키로 꿩잡아서 볶음탕 만들었봤어 잠깐와봐.


Israel's Suez Canal Alternative Project

For many reasons, the biggest
Israel gained independence as part of the Suez Canal construction plan, and as an example, the Sinai War with Egypt broke out and Israel won.
Israel's return of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt is a show to show that they have no desire for the Sinai Peninsula.

Many people understand that the western border of Israel was established for the purpose of constructing an alternative canal to the Suez Canal.

The biblical claim that Moses was the land of the sun of Geb with the Philistines who fled is merely a vanguard for their purpose.
Now, large-scale wars like in the past are unlikely to occur, so we are planning to build another canal.

Geb's sun was not fired at the correct location, so the alternative was to recreate and place the dancer.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 20, 2021, 04:51:13 AM
Negative Electricity Generator

붓다가 죽고 난 후에 나온 사리(舍利)를 어떻게 분배할 것인가가 문제였다. 부처님 진신사리에는 신비적 영험이 있다고 믿었기 때문이다. 사리 분배를 두고 여러 부족 간에 전쟁이 날 수도 있는 위험한 상황이었다. 당시에 가장 신망이 높았던 도나(Dona) 바라문이 분배의 역할을 맡았다. 도나의 중재로 8등분을 하였다. 각기 지역별로 8군데에다가 사리탑을 세웠다. 항아리를 모시는 병탑, 재를 모시는 회탑까지 포함하면 도합 10군데에 탑이 세워졌다. 중재를 맡았던 도나는 사리를 모셨던 항아리를 가졌고, 뒤늦게 현장에 온 모리야족은 화장을 하고 난 후의 재를 가져갔다.

세월이 흘러 8군데 사리탑 중에서 유일하게 남아 있는 곳은 네팔 쪽에 있는 랑그람의 영탑이다. 붓다의 어머니 마야부인의 친정인 꼴리족이 배분받았던 사리이다. 후일에 랑그람 영탑을 해체하려고 하자 꿈에 용이 나타나 '손을 대면 화가 미친다'는 메시지를 전했다.

탑을 빙빙 도는 '탑돌이'를 하는 이유는 탑 속에 모셔놓은 사리의 기운을 받기 위해서이다. 붓다뿐만 아니라 생전에 도가 높았던 고승들의 사리에는 3가지 영험이 있다고 한다. 방광(放光), 은몰(隱沒), 증과(增果)이다. 방광은 사리에서 빛이 나는 것이고, 은몰은 홀연히 사리가 사라지는 경우이고, 증과는 사리가 더 늘어나는 현상이다. 한국 불교 신앙의 중심에는 사리 신앙이 자리 잡고 있다. 불교도들의 대표적인 순례지인 5대 보궁이 그것이다. 통도사 금강계단, 오대산 적멸보궁, 설악산 봉정암, 정암사의 수마노탑, 사자산 법흥사 보궁이다.


가짜 사리 가지고 박터지게 싸우는 것들은 땡중불자가 아녀다 용헌아 ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 20, 2021, 05:07:53 AM

Molten glass becomes a good conductor of electricity

인간들이 정보부족 사태에 직면하면 빨치산 잔당하는거래 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 21, 2021, 03:16:11 PM
качерим по Бунку

Russians do a lot of the same repetitive and incomprehensible experiments.


БТГ на генераторе Ионов
Tesla1974valentina пишет: Andreishal вы задавались вопросом есть ли у електрона спин в стане покоя?

: "Батюшка, а как вы понимаете концепцию протеирея Феофана о социально-патриархальном единении души человека с Господом Богом на основании его религиозных воззрений, высказанную для русской православной епархии в Париже"?


마태복음 6장
16   금식할 때에 너희는 외식하는 자들과 같이 슬픈 기색을 내지 말라 저희는 금식하는 것을 사람에게 보이려고 얼굴을 흉하게 하느니라 내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 저희는 자기 상을 이미 받았느니라
17   너는 금식할 때에 머리에 기름을 바르고 얼굴을 씻으라
18   이는 금식하는 자로 사람에게 보이지 않고 오직 은밀한 중에 계신 네 아버지께 보이게 하려 함이라 은밀한 중에 보시는 네 아버지께서 갚으시리라
19   너희를 위하여 보물을 땅에 쌓아 두지 말라 거기는 좀과 동록이 해하며 도적이 구멍을 뚫고 도적질하느니라
20   오직 너희를 위하여 보물을 하늘에 쌓아 두라 거기는 좀이나 동록이 해하지 못하며 도적이 구멍을 뚫지도 못하고 도적질도 못하느니라
21   네 보물 있는 그 곳에는 네 마음도 있느니라
22   눈은 몸의 등불이니 그러므로 네 눈이 성하면 온 몸이 밝을 것이요
23   눈이 나쁘면 온 몸이 어두울 것이니 그러므로 네게 있는 빛이 어두우면 그 어두움이 얼마나 하겠느뇨
24   한 사람이 두 주인을 섬기지 못할 것이니 혹 이를 미워하며 저를 사랑하거나 혹 이를 중히 여기며 저를 경히 여김이라 너희가 하나님과 재물을 겸하여 섬기지 못하느니라
25   그러므로 내가 너희에게 이르노니 목숨을 위하여 무엇을 먹을까 무엇을 마실까 몸을 위하여 무엇을 입을까 염려하지 말라 목숨이 음식보다 중하지 아니하며 몸이 의복보다 중하지 아니하냐
26   공중의 새를 보라 심지도 않고 거두지도 않고 창고에 모아 들이지도 아니하되 너희 천부께서 기르시나니 너희는 이것들보다 귀하지 아니하냐
27   너희 중에 누가 염려함으로 그 키를 한 자나 더할 수 있느냐
28   또 너희가 어찌 의복을 위하여 염려하느냐 들의 백합화가 어떻게 자라는가 생각하여 보라 수고도 아니하고 길쌈도 아니하느니라
29   그러나 내가 너희에게 말하노니 솔로몬의 모든 영광으로도 입은 것이 이 꽃 하나만 같지 못하였느니라
30   오늘 있다가 내일 아궁이에 던지우는 들풀도 하나님이 이렇게 입히시거든 하물며 너희일까보냐 믿음이 적은 자들아
31   그러므로 염려하여 이르기를 무엇을 먹을까 무엇을 마실까 무엇을 입을까 하지 말라
32   이는 다 이방인들이 구하는 것이라 너희 천부께서 이 모든 것이 너희에게 있어야 할 줄을 아시느니라
33   너희는 먼저 그의 나라와 그의 의를 구하라 그리하면 이 모든 것을 너희에게 더하시리라
34   그러므로 내일 일을 위하여 염려하지 말라 내일 일은 내일 염려할 것이요 한 날 괴로움은 그 날에 족하니라

금식에는 두 가지 타입이 있습니다.
게브처럼 말(Word)을 해서 먹지 못하는 것과, 어둠신처럼 빛을 싫어해서 떡(태양)을 먹지 않는 금식입니다.
레위 마태는 모세-Djed과 어둠신을 섬기는 캐릭터답게 은밀한 아펩-아버지를 강조합니다. 태양은 은밀할 수가 없죠. 오직 어둠만이 은밀할 수 있습니다.

창세기 3장
8   그들이 날이 서늘할 때에 동산에 거니시는 여호와 하나님의 음성을 듣고 아담과 그 아내가 여호와 하나님의 낯을 피하여 동산 나무 사이에 숨은지라
9   여호와 하나님이 아담을 부르시며 그에게 이르시되 네가 어디 있느냐
10   가로되 내가 동산에서 하나님의 소리를 듣고 내가 벗었으므로 두려워하여 숨었나이다
11   가라사대 누가 너의 벗었음을 네게 고하였느냐 내가 너더러 먹지 말라 명한 그 나무 실과를 네가 먹었느냐
12   아담이 가로되 하나님이 주셔서 나와 함께하게 하신 여자 그가 그 나무 실과를 내게 주므로 내가 먹었나이다
13   여호와 하나님이 여자에게 이르시되 네가 어찌하여 이렇게 하였느냐 여자가 가로되 뱀이 나를 꾀므로 내가 먹었나이다
14   여호와 하나님이 뱀에게 이르시되 네가 이렇게 하였으니 네가 모든 육축과 들의 모든 짐승보다 더욱 저주를 받아 배로 다니고 종신토록 흙을 먹을지니라
15   내가 너로 여자와 원수가 되게하고 너의 후손도 여자의 후손과 원수가 되게 하리니 여자의 후손은 네 머리를 상하게 할 것이요 너는 그의 발꿈치를 상하게 할 것이니라 하시고

게브가 태양을 먹으면 밤이 오고,
누트가 태양을 먹으면 낮이 옵니다.
둘 모두 태양을 먹었고 지금은 낮과 밤이 반복되는 어떤 시점에 여호와가 개입했고,
그러나 게브와 누트를 숨길 수 있는 큰 나무는 세상에 존재하지 않습니다.
어둠만이 둘을 숨길 수 있습니다.
그러나 아펩신전에 나무는 없습니다.
구름 낀 서늘한 날이라 태양신전도 소환되지 어렵습니다.
결국은 동산의 나무들은 누워있는 세 아펩뱀의 연꽃을 나무들로 지목됐다는 뜻입니다.
그래서 게브와 누트는 사람으로 변질되어 아펩신전에 무릎끊고 있습니다.
신약에서 마르다와 마리아 역활하는 캐릭터들 입니다.
무한한 하늘도 거대한 땅도 어둠 앞에서는 무용지물됩니다.
어둠의 광대함에 구약과 신약이 모두 무릎 끓었습니다.
창세기 3장 8절, 날이 서늘할 때(in the cool of the day)는 구름 낀 날을 뜻합니다.
구름 낀 날에 에덴 동산을 걷고 있는 여호와는, 14절, 누워서 복부로 흙바닥을 기어다니며 흙을 먹는 세 마리 아펩-God이 아니라 똑바로 서있는 아펩-God입니다. 서있는 뱀과 누워있는 뱀이 무엇이 달라서 하나는 명령권자 여호와가 되고, 다른 셋은 저주받는 대상이 됐는지 의문일 것입니다.
이렇게 함으로서 여호와는 자신의 정체가 아펩뱀이라는 신분을 창세기에서 한시적으로 숨겼습니다.

출애굽기 4장
1   모세가 대답하여 가로되 그러나 그들이 나를 믿지 아니하며 내 말을 듣지 아니하고 이르기를 여호와께서 네게 나타나지 아니하셨다 하리이다
2   여호와께서 그에게 이르시되 네 손에 있는 것이 무엇이냐 그가 가로되 지팡이니이다
3   여호와께서 가라사대 그것을 땅에 던지라 곧 땅에 던지니 그것이 뱀이 된지라 모세가 뱀 앞에서 피하매
4   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 네 손을 내밀어 그 꼬리를 잡으라 그가 손을 내밀어 잡으니 그 손에서 지팡이가 된지라
5   또 가라사대 이는 그들로 그 조상의 하나님 곧 아브라함의 하나님, 이삭의 하나님, 야곱의 하나님 여호와가 네게 나타난 줄을 믿게 함이니라 하시고

출애굽기에서 모세(Djed)가 손으로 잡은 뱀은 저주받은 아펩뱀입니다. 여호와의 정체가 이 사건으로 밝혀졌지만, 여호와를 천지창조 바깥(철학 용어)에서 개입한 특별한 존재로 믿고 싶은 숭배자들은 여호와 정체를 궁금해하지 않습니다. 도리어 여호와 정체를 밝혀내는 일은 금기시하며 여호와를 대면하면 죽는다고 믿고 있습니다. 어둠을 죽음으로 인식하는 신화에서는 당연하게 죽겠죠.

바깥, 죽음 - 하이데거에 대한 블랑쇼의 응답

블랑쇼의 문학과 철학에 대한 성찰의 중심에 죽음이 놓여 있다. 그에게서 죽음의 경험은 바깥의 경험과 다른 것이 아니다. 서양의 사유(헤겔, 니체, 하이데거)에서 죽음은 인간 스스로 자신의 가능성과 자유를 결정적으로 시험하고 증명하는 최종심급이다. 다시 말해 죽음은 최고로 지배하기 어려운 자연, 최고로 포착하기 힘든 현상이며. 죽음에 대한 지배는 자연에 대한 자아의 궁극적 승리를, 모든 현상을 완벽하게 자신의 관리영역에 두는 자아의 의미부여능력의 절대성을 의미한다. 그러한 죽음에 대한 이해를 하이데거는 죽음으로 앞서 달려가봄을 나의 본래적 실존을 위한 최고의 가능성이라고 해석하였다. 그러나 블랑쇼에게서 죽음으로의 접근은 나의 최고의 가능성과, 나의 본래성과 마주하게 하는 계기라기보다는 오히려 나의 결정적 불가능성 또는 비동일성에 대한 시련의 경험이다. 블랑쇼는 죽음의 경험, 바깥의 경험이 결국 세계의 상실과 자아의 파기의 경험이라는 것을 강조한다. 그러나 그것은 허무주의적으로 실존의 어두운 측면으로 돌아선 인간의 한계를 지적하기 위해서가 아니다. 블랑쇼의 죽음에 대한 성찰은 죽음의 경험에서 인간 공동의 영역이 공유할 수 있는 하나의 실존적 조건으로서의 함께 있음 (?re-ensemble)이 발견된다는 것을 말한다. 즉 죽음의 경험이 급진적 양태의 함께 있음과 소통을 가능하게 하는 계기이다.

일부 철학자들도 어둠신에 동조하는 자들이 있습니다.

서있는 아펩-God이 명령권자 여호와가 된 것은,

창세기 4장
25   아담이 다시 아내와 동침하매 그가 아들을 낳아 그 이름을 셋이라 하였으니 이는 하나님이 내게 가인의 죽인 아벨 대신에 다른 씨를 주셨다 함이며
26   셋도 아들을 낳고 그 이름을 에노스라 하였으며 그 때에 사람들이 비로소 여호와의 이름을 불렀더라

Seth(태양의 빛)의 출연으로 비롯된 창세전 세계에서 아펩-여호와가 Seth의 발 아래에 누워있는 아펩뱀으로 싸우고 있는 여호와 정체을 은폐하고 싶어하는 새로운 창조자로서 자존심입니다. 그러나 단순하게 창세전의 은폐입니다.

요한복음 17장
5   아버지여 창세 전에 내가 아버지와 함께 가졌던 영화로써 지금도 아버지와 함께 나를 영화롭게 하옵소서
6   세상 중에서 내게 주신 사람들에게 내가 아버지의 이름을 나타내었나이다 저희는 아버지의 것이었는데 내게 주셨으며 저희는 아버지의 말씀을 지키었나이다
7   지금 저희는 아버지께서 내게 주신 것이 다 아버지께로서 온 것인줄 알았나이다

요한이 이것을 들춰내는 것은 어둠과 빛을 동시에 섬기는 자로서 정체성입니다.
그러나  Seth가 위에 있어 승리자가 되고, Apep이 아래에 있어 패배자가 된 단순한 부조를 여호와는 숨기고 싶어합니다.
게브와 누트가 숨었다고 나무라면서 여호와 자신은 창세전의 사건을 완벽하게 숨겼다고 생각합니다만 이집트의 부조는 이것이 그대로 공개되어 있습니다.
성서만 믿는 사람들은 이해하기를 거부합니다.
성서 바깥에서 온 부조들로해서  누워있는 아펩뱀은 저주받은 뱀이 되고, 서있는 아펩뱀은 명령권자 아펩뱀이 된 여호와 자신의 창세전 트라우마 입니다.
빛-Seth보다 어둠-아펩뱀이 먼저 존재했다는 논리를 빅뱅이나 블랙홀에 숨기는 현대 신화는 그래서 과학이기 앞서 어둠신 숭배자들 신화입니다. 밝혀지는 과학 논리에 대해 이의를 제기하자는 것이 아닙니다. 어두운 빈 공간만 존재하는 우주는 누가봐도 어둠신의 영역입니다. 단지 어둠신이 빛을 창조했다는 신화와 과학은 분리되야 합니다.

피라미드(빛의 신성문자) 건설현장에 배?로 기어다니는 세 아펩뱀이 투입된 것을, 창세기 첫째 날 빛의 창조로 만든 것입니다.
모세가 출애굽기에서 선언한,

출애굽기 14장
13   모세가 백성에게 이르되 너희는 두려워 말고 가만히 서서 여호와께서 오늘날 너희를 위하여 행하시는 구원을 보라 너희가 오늘 본 애굽 사람을 또 다시는 영원히 보지 못하리라
14   여호와께서 너희를 위하여 싸우시리니 너희는 가만히 있을지니라

이 언사들로 해서 신화와 역사는 서로 다른 길을 갑니다.

마태복음 6장 27절, 은밀한 아펩 아버지는 목숨 or 키에 관여합니다.

27   너희 중에 누가 염려함으로 그 키(목숨)를 한 자나 더할 수 있느냐

큐빗(cubit)은 고대 서양 및 근동지방에서 쓰이던 길이의 단위이다.
팔꿈치에서 가운데손가락 끝까지의 길이에 해당하며, 시대와 지역에 따라 그 길이는 조금씩 달랐다. 고대 이집트에서는 523.5mm, 고대 로마에서는 444.5mm, 고대 페르시아에서는 500mm, 이스라엘은 약44.4cm를 1큐빗으로 사용했다.

빛과 어둠이 관계된 키높이라 다른 대상은 해당이 안됩니다.
빛도 어둠도 키를 높이거나 목숨을 연장하지 못합니다.
빛이나 어둠이 키 or 목숨을 연장시킬 수 있다는 어떤 신화적인 능력을 말하는 것이 아니라 정해진 자연섭리를 거스를 수 없다는 뜻으로 사용했습니다.
그러나 어둠신전에 키높이 자랑하는 두 대상이 있습니다.
두 대상 모두 가운데 통로를 두고 태양신전쪽을 바라보고 있습니다.

마태복음 6장
26   공중의 새를 보라 심지도 않고 거두지도 않고 창고에 모아 들이지도 아니하되 너희 천부께서 기르시나니 너희는 이것들보다 귀하지 아니하냐

공중의 새  두 마리 중에 하나는 머리 위에 아침과 저녁의 태양을 상징하는 끝이 구부러진 두 깃털이 장식되어 있고, 다른 한 마리는 한 낮 정오의 태양과 곧은 두 깃털이 장식되어 있습니다.
케프리(Khepri) ... 아침 태양
라(Ra) ... 점심 태양
아툼(Atum) ... 저녘 태양
두 독수리 머리장식 깃털들이 키높이를 상징하지만 앞에 어둠신이 있어 곧 밤으로 이어집니다.
윗부분이 말려 있고 밑 부분에서 약간 벌어지는 타조의 깃털; 하 이집트의 상징
직선이지만 가늘어지는 팔콘 꼬리 깃털 또는 호루스 깃털, 또한 하 이집트를 상징합니다.

28   또 너희가 어찌 의복을 위하여 염려하느냐 들의 백합화가 어떻게 자라는가 생각하여 보라 수고도 아니하고 길쌈도 아니하느니라

백합을 나타내려는 것이 아니라 백합 위에 어둠신을 나타내려는 의도입니다. 어둠은 수고하지 않습니다. 태양이 지면 자동으로 나타납니다. 그래서 어둠은 능동적이 아니라 수동적인 입장입니다. 아무것도 하지 않고 놀아도 늘 옵니다.

29   그러나 내가 너희에게 말하노니 솔로몬의 모든 영광으로도 입은 것이 이 꽃 하나만 같지 못하였느니라

솔로몬의 영광은 솔로몬의 투구 부조 일곱마리 뱀으로 비롯되어 아펩신전 연꽃으로 장식한 아펩뱀보다 덜 화려합니다. 둘은 비교되지 않는다는 뜻입니다.

33   너희는 먼저 그의 나라와 그의 의를 구하라 그리하면 이 모든 것을 너희에게 더하시리라

그래서 그의 나라는 어둠신의 나라고 어둠신의 의의(righteousness) 입니다.
레위파 사두개인 마태의 발상입니다.
어둠의 부활도 부활입니다.
성서가 어둠의 부활과 빛의 부활과 비교평가했는가가 문제지만요.
사두개인이 말하던 일곱 형제는 솔로몬 투구의 일곱 뱀입니다. 솔로몬의 일곱 뱀은 사라져 부활하지 않지만 아펩신전 아펩뱀은 어둠으로 부활합니다.
공관서에 등장하는 부활없음-사두개인 정체성은 4층 Djed과 어둠신을 섬기는 자들이고, Djed은 눈에 보이는 대상이 아닙니다. 그래서 부활은 어둠이나 빛처럼 관측이 가능한 대상에 대한 이해로 제한됩니다.

구글번역이 조잡하여 한국어 원문도 남깁니다.


Matthew 6 [KJV]
Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;
That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:   
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

There are two types of fasting.
It is a fast of not eating because it speaks a word like Geb, and a fast of not eating rice cake (the sun) because it hates light like the god of darkness.
Leviticus Matthew emphasizes Moses-Djed and the secret Apep-Father as a character who serves the god of darkness. The sun cannot be hidden. Only darkness can hide.

Genesis 3 [NASB]
They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"
He said, "I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself."
And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?"
The man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate."
Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."
The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life;
And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."

When Geb eats the sun, night comes,
Day comes when Nut eats the sun.
Both ate the sun and at some point in the now repeating day and night Jehovah intervened,
But there is no big tree in the world that can hide Geb and Nut.
Only darkness can hide them.
But there is no tree before apepsin.
It's a cool cloudy day, so it's difficult to summon the Sun Temple.
In the end, it means that the trees in the garden were named after the lotus flowers of the three apep snakes lying down.
So Geb and Nut have turned into humans and are on their knees before Apepsin.
These are the characters who play the roles of Martha and Mary in the New Testament.
Neither the infinite sky nor the great earth is useless in the face of darkness.
Both the Old and New Testaments fell to their knees in the vastness of darkness.
In Genesis 3:8, in the cool of the day, it refers to a cloudy day.
The Lord walking in the Garden of Eden on a cloudy day, verse 14, is not the three Apep-Gods lying down, crawling on the ground with their stomachs and eating dirt, but the Apep-God standing upright. You may be wondering what is the difference between a standing serpent and a lying serpent, one being Jehovah the commander and the other three being the object of the curse.
In doing so, Jehovah temporarily hid his identity as the Apep serpent from Genesis.

Exodus 4 [NASB]        
Then Moses said, "What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say, 'The LORD has not appeared to you.'"
The LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" And he said, "A staff."
Then He said, "Throw it on the ground." So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.
But the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand and grasp it by its tail"--so he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand--
"that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you."

In Exodus, the serpent held by Moses (Djed) is the cursed Apep serpent. Although Jehovah's identity is revealed in this event, worshipers who want to believe that Jehovah is a special being who intervened outside of creation (philosophical terminology) do not wonder about Jehovah's identity. Rather, it is taboo to reveal the identity of Jehovah, and they believe that if you come face to face with Jehovah, you will die. In myths that perceive darkness as death, it would be natural to die.

Outside, Death - Blanshaw's Response to Heidegger

Death lies at the center of Blanshaw's reflection on literature and philosophy. For him, the experience of death is not different from the experience of the outside. In Western thought (Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger), death is the final instance in which man decisively tests and proves his own possibilities and freedoms. In other words, death is the most elusive nature, the most elusive phenomenon. The domination of death means the ultimate victory of the ego over nature, and the absoluteness of the ego's ability to give meaning to putting all phenomena perfectly in its own domain. Heidegger interpreted such an understanding of death as the best possibility for my original existence to run ahead to death. However, Blanshaw's approach to death is not an opportunity to face my highest possibility and my originality, but rather an experience of trials for my decisive impossibility or inequality. Blanchau emphasizes that the experience of death, the experience of the outside, is ultimately an experience of loss of the world and destruction of the self. However, it is not to point out the limitations of human beings who nihilistically turn to the dark side of existence. Blanshaw's reflection on death means that in the experience of death, coexistence (?re-ensemble) is found as an existential condition that can be shared by the common realm of human beings. In other words, the experience of death is an opportunity for radical coexistence and communication.

Some philosophers also sympathize with the Dark God.

The standing Apep-God became Jehovah the commander,

Genesis 4 [NASB]
Adam had relations with his wife again; and she gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, for, she said, "God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him."   
To Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh Then men began to call upon the name of the LORD.

Pride as a new creator who wants to cover up who Jehovah is fighting with the Apep-Jehovah lying at Seth's feet in the pre-creation world that comes from the appearance of Seth (Sunlight). But it is simply a cover-up of the foundation of the world.

John 17 [NASB]
"Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
"I have manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world; they were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word.
"Now they have come to know that everything You have given Me is from You;

What John reveals is his identity as a servant of darkness and light at the same time.
But Jehovah wants to hide the simple relief with Seth above and the victor and Apep below the loser.
While accusing Geb and Nut of hiding, Jehovah himself thinks that he completely concealed the events before the foundation of the world, but the Egyptian reliefs are revealed as such.
Those who only believe in the Bible refuse to understand.
With patriarchs from outside the Bible, the lying Apep snake becomes a cursed serpent, and the standing Apep serpent is the pre-creation trauma of Jehovah himself, who became the commander Apep snake.
Modern myths that hide the logic that the Dark-Apep serpent existed before the Light-Seth in the Big Bang or Black Hole are therefore the myths of the Dark Gods before they are science. This is not to challenge the scientific logic as it emerges. The universe where there is only dark empty space is the realm of the dark god. The myth and science that only the dark god created light must be separated.

It was made by the creation of light on the first day of Genesis when three Apep serpents crawling on ships were put into the pyramid (holy sign of light) construction site.
As Moses declared in Exodus,

Exodus 14 [NASB]
But Moses said to the people, "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.
"The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent."

With these words, mythology and history go different paths.

Matthew 6:27, Secret Apep Father is involved in life or height.

"And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

A cubit is a unit of length used in the ancient West and the Near East.
It corresponds to the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, and the length varied slightly depending on the era and region. One cubit was 523.5 mm in ancient Egypt, 444.5 mm in ancient Rome, 500 mm in ancient Persia, and about 44.4 cm in Israel.

Because the height is related to light and darkness, other subjects are not applicable.
Neither light nor darkness will make you taller or prolong your life.
It does not refer to any mythical ability that light or darkness can prolong stature or life, but it is used to mean that natural providence cannot be violated.
However, there are two high-profile targets in the Dark Temple.
Both objects face the Sun Temple with a central passageway.

"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?

One of the two birds of the air is adorned with two curved feathers on its head, symbolizing the morning and evening sun, the other is adorned with the midday noon sun and two straight feathers.
Khepri ... morning sun
Ra ... lunch sun
Atum ... The Evening Sun
The two eagle headdress feathers symbolize height, but with a dark god in front of it, it soon leads to night.

The ostrich feather which was curled at the top and splays slightly at the base; symbolic of Lower Egypt
The straight, but tapered falcon tail feather or Horus feather, also symbolic of Lower Egypt

"And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin,

Lilies are an alternative to the Egyptian lotus.
It is not intended to represent the lily, but rather to represent the dark god over the lily. Darkness doesn't bother. It appears automatically when the sun sets. So darkness is not an active, but a passive position. It always comes even if I play without doing anything.

yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.

Solomon's glory stems from Solomon's helmet relief and is less splendid than the Apep snake adorned with lotus flowers in the Temple of Apep. It means that the two are not compared.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

So his kingdom is the kingdom of the dark god and the righteousness of the dark god.
This is the origin of Matthew, a Levite Sadducee.
The resurrection of darkness is also a resurrection.
The question is whether the Bible compares the resurrection of darkness with the resurrection of light.
The seven brothers that Sadducees spoke of are the seven serpents of Solomon's helmet. The seven serpents of Solomon disappear and do not resurrect, but the Apep serpent before Apep is resurrected in darkness.
The No Resurrection-Sadduces identities appearing in the synoptic office are the 4th-floor Djeds and those who worship the Dark Gods, and the Djeds are invisible. So the resurrection is limited to the understanding of observable objects, such as darkness or light.

Google Translate is sloppy, so I leave the original Korean text.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 21, 2021, 03:27:47 PM
If you deviate from this path, you gain nothing.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 23, 2021, 05:13:01 AM
To say that you know the whole mechanism of how a generator works is the completion of an imaginary image.
Imagine imagining that a generator can work.
It doesn't matter if the generator can actually work.
Behind the imagining that the generator can work is the imagination imaged by one's sixth sense based on information obtained from various places in the meantime.
If you make a generator that is assembled from your imagination in this way into a reality, it rarely works.
Still, it does not discard the imaginary generator, but maintains the basic framework.
Because the effort to understand where the error occurred is in the generator of your imagination.
But your image generator is making no progress.
Almost all of them are caught by the kacher.
But the critical point at which the generator works is not the kacher.
The most important principle of operation is hidden where the output of the generator and the PSU are combined.

Начинаем с Теслы 2

24 minutes and 21 seconds.
Ruslan said: Turn on the little brain where there is a sine wave.

How long do we have to be deceived by this?
The reason for working the kacher on the grenade coil is that the thick copper lead connected to ground only responds to high voltage.
The coordination between the kacher and the grenade has already been completed from the moment the kacher is powered from the yoke-transformer. No further operation is required.
Emphasize again. With a variable resistor, adjusting the kacher's potentiometer is no longer necessary.
It is alternating current that makes the ground wire react at low voltage.
The kacher's static pressure is just a way to stimulate the ground wire a little more, and it does its job.
So the kacher is no adjustment needed, only the yoke-transformer push-pull rheostat potentiometer is adjusted.
I emphasize once again.
The kacher requires no adjustment and only needs to be adjusted with a push-pull potentiometer.

Almost all matter on Earth has free electrons.
Free electrons are electrons that are assumed to be free to move without interaction in the model for conductor materials. When metal atoms bond with metal to form a solid, valence electrons released from each atom can be approximated as free electrons.
In the classical Drude model, the valence electrons are completely separated from the atom to form a freely moving electron gas. This gas can be treated as an ideal gas. That is, the interaction between electrons and electrons is completely ignored. The electric field caused by the ionized atoms is assumed to be weak by the screen effect.
Karpanadze/Shark/Ruslan generators use these free electrons.
Free electrons react like electrons in a wire.
That's how the generator works.
The kacher's high voltage attracts or ejects not only electrons from the conductor but also many free electrons, especially in water, into the conductor at ground.
Because this is the role of alternating current whether the voltage is high or low.

That's why I say kacher don't mind.

Получение энергии из качера
This is the only one showing the frequency waveform at which a generator with a capacity of about 1 kW operates.

так ну в общем короче что здесь хотел сказать Вот сейчас просто накачки лампочка еле горит да то есть вот смотри на килограммы да видишь вот эти пики это есть то чего надо добиться Значит теперь подключаю Катчер но ещё происходит лишь о да то есть это вот эти выбросы но они и сразу же сразу же вот подключаю ещё раз да при тебе как только Получается эти выбросы знаю что происходит видишь Они моргают то есть они должны видеть что происходит Ну в принципе это тоже самое что О чём мы говорили да да Миш вот сейчас к Черни на своей чистоте и всё-равно привязывается да А вот и видно что Пика Нечистая после Пети идёт какая-то дрянь которая затормаживает поллер вот и можно видеть да видишь вот она выскакивает она внизу и вверху всё нормально то есть привязка идёт это из-за пропорции катушек вот сейчас Скачай мне на своей частоте поэтому нагрузку вот эту которую я тут предыдущем видео показывал подключить не могу но можно попробовать ещё да то есть говорю он вспышка лампочки видно да а довольно сильно А если подключить вольтметр кстати показывает сразу же напряжение что она подскакивает до 309 Вольт я тебе говорю катушка правильно намотана то есть всё происходит всё как надо либо сюда на никами долбанул либо чем Потому что это couture честно говоря з***** конкретно но посмотрит очень Вот такая вот белиберда получается
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on June 23, 2021, 05:35:31 AM
Free electrons without spin mean nothing.
It's just an attempt to match and answer where is the energy from? Generator like Kapanadze by Silva Paiva says that muons caught from the air are energy.
This is a really great story. Andre Fabien spoke similarly. Others see betetron, ignitron, magnetron and others here.
The most important thing to repeat in Kapanaga is why there is 24A on the ground wire!?!?
This is sine phase or pulsed DC because the clamp meter only detects AC / DC up to 400Hz!
Otherwise, it detects the voltage from the error. eg HV shows values but then the meter shows different values and jumps. Here it shows 24A constantly.
Is AC HV> 1000V current flowing in the ground? probably not. Why is the clamp meter showing 24A! You know the answer ?

However, from an eyewitness account, Kapanadze disconnected the ground wire for a few minutes and the device continued to operate by itself. This increases the difficulty of understanding.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 23, 2021, 06:03:22 AM

You ignore free electrons without spin contained in groundwater=water. ;D
Water is said to be made up of oxygen and hydrogen.
The quantum leap electron performance of hydrogen is called probability.
Just as you are a crow about the working principle of a Ruslan generator, your words are as much a crow as the quantum leap electrons of hydrogen stimulated by a kacher high voltage. ::)

You're familiar with plating metal in water using conventional battery power and breaking down rust in metal, but you're like a crow about the fact that free electrons without spin move into the metal. ;D ;D

Experiment Copper , Aluminum , Brass , Nickel plating at home
battery metal rust removal

However, from an eyewitness account, Kapanadze disconnected the ground wire for a few minutes and the device continued to operate by itself. This increases the difficulty of understanding.

Please post where this comes from. ;D

I have a hobby of imagining things I haven't seen, but this requires proof.

There seems to be a need for an attitude trying to figure out what causes gravity, what causes magnets to attract each other, and when electrons are converted to light.
Before that, you should first know how the much easier Ruslan generator works. ;D ;D


One of the many things Ruslan didn't mention is the grenade output and the PSU input... ;D ;D ;D ;D

How to break a coffee pot
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on June 23, 2021, 06:54:34 AM
Quote from: color on June 23, 2021, 06:03:22 AM
How to break a coffee pot

Plasma is formed because the resistance has dropped to zero after the heater has heated up. You can see it more clearly here.

I don't know what gravity is and neither do you, because no one knows. Seeking explanations for these matters is pointless. People don't know how to build a device, but they know how to use it, so searching for an explanation can be postponed.

I don't know if Ruslan / Akula is the same as Kapanadze. Probably not.

It was once said that Kapanadze was doing electrolysis and found a way to FE. Is it true ? is this the moment I don't know, but there's a movie on YT.

How do I know that Kapanadze has disconnected the ground? After all, there is a whole thread on the forum about it. You haven't read.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on June 23, 2021, 07:00:56 AM
Ruslan is a liar and has proved it many times. Maybe he was doing it on purpose so as not to repeat his devices but why did jo show him so many times before.
ok. it doesn't matter now.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 23, 2021, 08:12:13 AM

You don't have to present evidence.
Your freedom.
The grenade coil exists for collaboration.
Without the grenade coil, the tesla or kacher coil would be enlarged.


This is a harsh interpretation of the objects of the sun temple that Matthew, a Levite Sadducee, demands.
There are no severed hands or missing eyeballs in Apep's temple.

Jacques Derrida's Deconstruction
Ⓐ Targeting the existing text,
Ⓑ using the methodology the text has internally,
Ⓒ inside the existing text,
Ⓓ Breaking down existing notions that have been considered absolute.

At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it.
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible.
See, I have told you ahead of time.
"So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it.
For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

Behind what Matthew, who follows Moses, says this is because there is a law of checks against the Deuteronomy prophets or prophets replaced by Christ.
In the Temple of the Sun, the prophets are replaced by 4 Hathors.
Matthew tries to unconditionally remove the objects in the Temple of the Sun by order of the Temple of Apep.
That is why it is said that Jesus will return with lightning.
Matthew is also one of the authors of the Septuagint.

Deuteronomy 13 [KJV]
If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.
And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on June 23, 2021, 09:13:42 AM
Egyptian hieroglyphs are unencrypted messages for us.
It looks nice, but it's like cabal. 4000 years ago, they knew more than we now have no electricity ?!
Stop believing in witchcraft.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 23, 2021, 11:20:39 AM

What moves the sun and darkness are rotational motions caused by gravity.
The Bible just doesn't understand that darkness is also part of the Earth's rotation.
Gravity was not understood in ancient times, so replaced objects take its place.
Opposite of light are clouds, earth, and objects, but they are subordinates to represent darkness.
If darkness is summoned by magic, light can also be summoned by magic.
Broadening the horizons of understanding is suitable for those who spend their time with useless stories like this cafe.

Where the Old Testament differs slightly, it is only an evaluation of Apep of the same kind, cursed by the standing Jehovah.
This is how it is expressed as both good and evil.
Good is expressed in good, evil is expressed in evil,
Just as light is expressed as light, darkness is expressed as darkness.

Geb and Nut are replaced by water,
Apep snakes are replaced by blood.
Anything referred to in the Bible as 'spirit' is a Djed or a sun-rolling dung beetle.

So when John speaks of water and the Holy Spirit, he means Nut and Djed (or dung beetle).

Satan, devil, and demon in the New Testament refer to the dark god Apep Serpent.

And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen,
That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.
And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

When Judas Iscariot committed suicide as a standing serpent of Apep, the apostles choose Matthias.
Since Joseph plays the role of the standing Apep serpent, it means that Matthias who plays the role of Djed was chosen.
Joseph is the name of Jesus' adoptive father.
There are many things that come to mind here.
The name of Jacob's son who was sold to Egypt was Joseph.
So, what was the skull of Joseph that Moses brought out when he left Egypt?

The Greek name "Matthew" is an abbreviation of the Hebrew name "Matthidiah."
In 1 Chronicles 15, one of the Levites is named Mattithiah.

1 Chronicles 15 [NIV]
After David had constructed buildings for himself in the City of David, he prepared a place for the ark of God and pitched a tent for it.
Then David said, "No one but the Levites may carry the ark of God, because the LORD chose them to carry the ark of the LORD and to minister before him forever."
David assembled all Israel in Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the LORD to the place he had prepared for it.
He called together the descendants of Aaron and the Levites:
From the descendants of Kohath, Uriel the leader and 120 relatives;
from the descendants of Merari, Asaiah the leader and 220 relatives;
from the descendants of Gershon, Joel the leader and 130 relatives;
from the descendants of Elizaphan, Shemaiah the leader and 200 relatives;
from the descendants of Hebron, Eliel the leader and 80 relatives;
from the descendants of Uzziel, Amminadab the leader and 112 relatives.
Then David summoned Zadok and Abiathar the priests, and Uriel, Asaiah, Joel, Shemaiah, Eliel and Amminadab the Levites.
He said to them, "You are the heads of the Levitical families; you and your fellow Levites are to consecrate yourselves and bring up the ark of the LORD, the God of Israel, to the place I have prepared for it.
It was because you, the Levites, did not bring it up the first time that the LORD our God broke out in anger against us. We did not inquire of him about how to do it in the prescribed way."
So the priests and Levites consecrated themselves in order to bring up the ark of the LORD, the God of Israel.
And the Levites carried the ark of God with the poles on their shoulders, as Moses had commanded in accordance with the word of the LORD.
David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their brothers as singers to sing joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals.
So the Levites appointed Heman son of Joel; from his brothers his, Asaph son of Berekiah; and from their brothers the Merarites, Ethan son of Kushaiah;
and with them their brothers next in rank: Zechariah, Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, Obed-Edom and Jeiel, the gatekeepers.
The musicians Heman, Asaph and Ethan were to sound the bronze cymbals;
Zechariah, Aziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah and Benaiah were to play the lyres according to alamoth ,
and Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, Obed-Edom, Jeiel and Azaziah were to play the harps, directing according to sheminith .
Kenaniah the head Levite was in charge of the singing; that was his responsibility because he was skillful at it.
Berekiah and Elkanah were to be doorkeepers for the ark.
Shebaniah, Joshaphat, Nethanel, Amasai, Zechariah, Benaiah and Eliezer the priests were to blow trumpets before the ark of God. Obed-Edom and Jehiah were also to be doorkeepers for the ark.
So David and the elders of Israel and the commanders of units of a thousand went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD from the house of Obed-Edom, with rejoicing.
Because God had helped the Levites who were carrying the ark of the covenant of the LORD, seven bulls and seven rams were sacrificed.
Now David was clothed in a robe of fine linen, as were all the Levites who were carrying the ark, and as were the singers, and Kenaniah, who was in charge of the singing of the choirs. David also wore a linen ephod.
So all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the LORD with shouts, with the sounding of rams' horns and trumpets, and of cymbals, and the playing of lyres and harps.
As the ark of the covenant of the LORD was entering the City of David, Michal daughter of Saul watched from a window. And when she saw King David dancing and celebrating, she despised him in her heart her.

Separated from the Apep Serpent, the 4th floor Djed is useless for either temple.
So, the name is shortened and the name Matthew is used as Djed on the first floor of the Sun Temple.
However, they can't get rid of their old habits, so they call the Lightning Apep Snake instead of the Sun.

Matthew 8 [KJV]
And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?
And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.
So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.
And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.
And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

The person possessed by a demon in Matthew 8 is also Djed on the 4th floor.
The Apep demon entered the pigs, a reflection of the Jewish diet, which did not eat pork according to the Mosaic Law. In the old days, pigs were omnivores, so they dug up the soil with a jigsaw to dig up earthworms and grass roots. Pig tails also resemble snake tails.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on June 23, 2021, 11:40:21 AM
God is one in my religion and there are no other Gods! I don't understand why you are pasting sensational pictures trying to match the circle to the UFO!

Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 23, 2021, 12:22:52 PM

You don't need to come here if you don't believe in Ruslan generators.
No need to come here and kindly report that the Ruslan Generator is fake.
Go to your favorite cafe and write what you like.
You may tell others that you do not understand the God of the Bible.
And My dad never built a cafe like this.
Ask AG the purpose of creating this cafe.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on June 23, 2021, 02:08:27 PM
You don't understand what I wrote. Ruslan is a liar, but I'm not saying his device isn't working. These are two different things.
I don't have to write anything but you don't have the keys here so for now please respect what they have to say otherwise he will write here himself.
There is no one here for a long time who does experiments because no one likes what he sees.
This forum is not bad there are only a few people like AG who don't like truth or honesty.

By the way: if you say the device is not fake you say it is real. On what basis are you saying this?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 23, 2021, 07:21:27 PM

Like Wesley, r2fpl deletes his own question and repeats it afterward.
So from now on, I leave the evidence.
You don't have to come here.
Go to your forum and write what you like.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on June 23, 2021, 09:14:30 PM
Quote from: color on June 23, 2021, 12:22:52 PM
You don't need to come here if you don't believe in Ruslan generators.
No need to come here and kindly report that the Ruslan Generator is fake.
For physics god doesn't exist and it doesn't recognize  believes in anything but facts.
For Darwin, dear  color you are  just an Asian Animal, so is me too but I'm  not Asian.

Our American  law  is  respecting  everyone believes.. and I do too.
Ruslan generator  needs to be understood , rejected as concept  or  approved ,
but that has nothing to do with believes.
Feel free and believe in anything you want.. none of my business nor I care  about it.
r2fpl  has his own rights to  deny any of your comment, statement and so on.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 23, 2021, 09:24:50 PM

A real American citizen does not emphasize that he or she is a real American when he calls 911.


Tesla, more power, better ground (2)

Пояснение по работе предыдущего генератора СЕ

Powered by 9V battery, the generator kacher voltage is 966-1147VAC.
It will not exceed the above voltage even with 12V battery.
Running on a 24V battery, the voltage on the kacher will be around 2000V.
The kacher voltage does not need to be high,
This is because the kacher voltage must pass through the filament of the light bulb.
High kacher voltages cause interfering short circuits between generator components.
The switch, which is a disconnect device, does not work.
The reason Ruslan installed two relays in the kacher circuit is because of phytonite.
This is why Ruslan said in the initial video that he didn't know how to shut off a running generator.
High voltage can cause a lot of problems.
So my dad also wound about 12cm of 0.8mm coil on 45mm PVC pipe.
The output voltage from the 9cm yoke-transformer is about 75V (3A).
The first kacher is activated, and a voltage is required to activate the relay.
The grenade coil provides the voltage to trigger the relay for 220v.
If you don't have a grenade coil, you'll have to find another way.
And not with a kacher potentiometer, but with a push-pull circuit potentiometer.

With this, the kacher is complete.
No need to worry about kacher anymore.

Now we enter the generator structure.

The key is how and where to draw the output of the grenade coil.
How to connect the extracted output to the PSU is also more challenging.
If the power output from the diode bridge is directly connected to the AC-operated PSU,
9 minutes 48 seconds.
Like a coffee pot, the PSU explodes.
So special safeguards are required.
I'm not going to tell you what safeguards are needed.
There are many ways.
This is the place to open the brains of our members.

The Shark/Ruslan generator must be tested with the kacher-grenade coil-PSU all connected.
If you exclude even one of these, the generator will not work.
Connecting only the kacher-grenade coil and powering it from a DC power supply or battery will not cause the generator to work.
If you think it will work here, you are mistaken.
Because even if you experiment a hundred years from now, there will be no results.
Be sure to run the experiment with all the kacher-grenade coil-PSU connected.
So I'm saying that the secret to how the generator works is where the grenade coil and PSU connect.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on June 24, 2021, 03:14:28 AM
color: evidence ?
you're crazy. Stay alone here.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on June 24, 2021, 12:36:53 PM
To deconstruct here in and / or here with.


(1) : the service and worship of God
              What is ones god ?
Money, prestige, intellect, power over others ?

                   What does one / has one placed above all else ?
The answer lies in an actual observation as to what one has pursued and done,
through the course of the many minutes, hours, days, and years of ones life.

    What is it that one is actually "worshiping" pursuing  in any given moment ?

Because what ever we say we worship, where ever we go on the holy
days, that which we are pursuing in any moment...  that is what we are worshiping.

worship :
1 : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

                      especially in terms of deconstruction this one...
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness

4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

               The admonition to "pray with out ceasing", means to choose conscientiously.

I could be wrong though.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 24, 2021, 11:10:29 PM

This is not a UFO picture.
My daughter posted a video of the light moving.
If I understood that thinking humans and the thinking of light would be the same, I would have gone too far.
I've only seen UFOs through photos, so I don't know. ::) ::)



Schrödinger's cat's ass is neither alive nor dead, it's a modern superstition that judges certain substances according to their beliefs.
It is the nature of those who love darkness to not believe in the thought of light.
Believing what you see is a trick of light before it is a scientific approach, and light is also interfered with by matter.
It is a matter of how we perceive light = matter.
Any objective judgment is thus nothing more than a methodology.
Darkness and death are the end of all thought that light cannot even approach.
If there is light within death, it is not death.
Matter does not think, but it is human thought to believe that matter does.
So even if you post evidence, I'm not following modern standards of judgment, I'm just following mine. ::) ::)



There is a saying that if you want to know the overall reputation of a person, ask the people around you who know the person well.
So I asked the antiquities of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus, Ganges, China, Japan, and Korea.
Describing an object in language has many difficulties in interpreting it from a modern point of view because the evaluation varies depending on the values ​​of the time.
And the object is reinterpreted in many languages.
Reinterpretations evaluated by the worshipers and the surrounding relics and history reveal the true nature of the object.
The reality revealed in that way is shabby.
It is nothing more than a phenomenal natural phenomenon that we see every day.
For the ancient slaves, night and darkness were the only times to find rest from hard work.
Death is eternal rest.
Slaves did not love death, but death is eternal, and the original nature of the Dark God symbolizes death.
They believe that creation that begins at the end of thought is the intervention of death and darkness before creation.
They start the day from night.
So faith is the substance of what he hopes for.
You just don't want to admit the shabby reality that has appeared.
I'm not saying your judgment is wrong.
You will keep arguing for your opinion.
I only judge by your writing whether your heart and your writing are the same.
Arguing for the sake of argument belongs to old people. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on June 25, 2021, 02:17:15 AM
I have looked into this topic once in a while. That's all.

Seems like its not the only one around that has turned toward
some kind of spirituality discussions of late.

Reality is reality.  That there are different points of views of that
reality, is not the same as to say that there are different realities.

"You just don't want to admit the shabby reality that has appeared."

Same reality as always, and its not shabby.  Shabby or not are points of view.

This doesn't mean I've never seen things from a shabby point of view.
Neither does it indicate that I never will again.
What are you talking about , any way ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 25, 2021, 07:11:29 AM

Neither you nor me and my daughter have discussed any particular topic under any implied agreement.
You will find it more useful to get information from the above cafe.
The emitter and collector electrical reactions of transistors and MOSFETs are the same as formulas, so almost similar wave phenomena appear.
There are only strange people who repeat the same experiment for years. ;D ;D
Incomprehensible people are like us.
Like the debaters in the cafe above, we speak our own words.
It is exciting to witness a familiar object in the now formalized Egyptian hieroglyphic reliefs, accidentally deciphered by the Jean François Champollion (1828-30).
It depends on who discovers it and what it is used for.
Your question is included in this in a broad sense.
So you don't have to ask us a separate question.
This cafe isn't a great place to pass the time, but discovered thousands of years ago it's a decent cafe to share your finds with.
If you're saying it doesn't fit the forum's topic, I suggest you reconsider light and dark. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on June 25, 2021, 09:11:09 AM
You should be careful in your choice of deity name / a god is a demonic being and a Jesus is like saying a postman or some type of label trade or priest or rabies' ecty.
it the bible was written by king jams and his band of illiterate monks in the early 1300ds. Where the creator and Satan (godreel) have changed places.

If in doubt find the original documents and the creator might not necessarily be the person you call god.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on June 25, 2021, 09:23:20 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on June 25, 2021, 09:11:09 AM
You should be careful in your choice of deity name / a god is a demonic being and a Jesus is like saying a postman or some type of label trade or priest or rabies' ecty.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_James_Version (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_James_Version)

It was first printed by John Norton and Robert Barker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Barker_(printer)), both holding the post of the King's Printer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_Printer), and was the third translation into English (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language) approved by the English Church authorities: The first had been the Great Bible (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Bible), commissioned in the reign of King Henry VIII (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_VIII_of_England) (1535), and the second had been the Bishops' Bible (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishops%27_Bible), commissioned in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_I_of_England) (1568).[5] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_James_Version#cite_note-FOOTNOTEDaniell2003204-7)

In Geneva, Switzerland, the first generation of Protestant Reformers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant_Reformers) had produced the Geneva Bible (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Bible) of 1560[6] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_James_Version#cite_note-8) from the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures, which was influential in the writing of the Authorized King James Version.

compared ( included print years attention !):

it the bible was written by king jams and his band of illiterate monks in the early 1300ds. Where the creator and Satan (godreel) have changed places.

If in doubt find the original documents and the creator might not necessarily be the person you call god.

God is not "a person" by religion,it is a "unknown" symbolic existence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence#:~:text=Existence%20is%20the%20ability%20of,the%20ontological%20property%20of%20being (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence#:~:text=Existence%20is%20the%20ability%20of,the%20ontological%20property%20of%20being).:
                                                                                     No graven images or likenesses.

                                                                                                    no center

                                                                                    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heresy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heresy)

Later, by Trinitaner (against Arianer) Jesus became "God"-same status !

            In nome de           Patrii,         de Filii        et esprito sanctii

           as human,m./f.       body            mind                   soul
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 25, 2021, 09:39:35 AM

I know the Vatican Archives.


This free energy new tech is only one and first in the worldwide international. no need any of fuel or wind and sun power.
This testing version viewer is 5Kw/Sec(high Power)
This will recover to all of thermal power plant. Solar system, wind mill with water hydro power. we will no need any of car fuels too.


진팔아 쓸데없는데 인생 돈 허비하지 말구 여기가서 데모도나 해봐라 혹시아니 하나 줄런지.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on June 25, 2021, 09:54:13 AM
Quote from: color on June 23, 2021, 09:24:50 PM
stivep: A real American citizen does not emphasize that he or she is a real American when he calls 911.
According to science( Darwin) American is  an animal likely feeling  privileged  by being one.
911 call is  a reaction requiring precise data exchange - a person may be  asked to  conform that he is an American citizen.

Quote from: Floor on June 24, 2021, 12:36:53 PM
(1) : the service and worship of God What is ones god ?
Money, prestige, intellect, power over others ?
Good point.
When human animals( Darwin) wants more, they are ready to believe in (promoted by the  benefiting - clergy and politicians) non-existing mechanisms,
made to hammer the masses .

Quote from: color on June 24, 2021, 11:10:29 PM
Schrödinger's cat's ass is neither alive nor dead, it's a modern superstition that judges certain substances according to their beliefs.
It is the nature of those who love darkness to not believe in the thought of light.
Believing what you see is a trick of light before it is a scientific approach, and light is also interfered with by matter.
For Science :There is no god in world of animals.
BELIEF was replaced with word Prediction
of cognitive outcome based on the progression  . - example:
Schrödinger's cat
Science is careless  about  your personal spiritual perception  of  light = matter.

Quote from: color on June 24, 2021, 11:10:29 PMantiquities of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus, Ganges, China, Japan, and Korea.
and all of the beliefs  can't  make any change to anything  in  this particular time frame measured in  seconds.
Physics is not history .
History is recording  progress in physics,  and that is  physics that - makes history in this direction.

So simple elimination  of  all of B's:
1.Find, prove, explain
2.Understand the difference between Prove and Explain.

No  evidence  exists that :
antiquities of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus, Ganges, China, Japan, and Korea. used  any form of
tube/ silicone based   electronics  nor schematics representing  switching in electrical processes .

I do  accept, and I have  nothing  against all of the housewives and househusbands playing with
something more than TV channels  as well as  others attending  spiritual, social, mental masturbation
But I'm not here to entertain anyone of you .

You want value I'll give  you the value and I'll gladly  take value  from you  in form of  knowledge, experience and progress.
However Intellectual Property is  a right  of thinker  and he/she  is not obligated  to share it.
The reason why You don't have  working device  I did make
and my partner  in science  did make it work is  in  the description of his 
rights to his own intellectual property.
He opposes  me to publish  my particular  device in  working condition, to avoid consequences of it.


But that what says about  laziness of all of you is that you are waiting for stimulus.
I gave you everything you need to do it in my videos and my  publication including:
-number of turns, schematic,
-explanation of processes
-precise construction details

So screw your  expectations  very much.
Stay  where you are now and read B's of "color" ancient history ...


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on June 25, 2021, 10:45:51 AM
Related to what LankaIV said.
The word God is a title, not a name.
But often used as if it were a name.

                    Light and dark

Here is an old teaching story, not my own, but told in the first person.

Last night I awoke and found myself to be in some far distant valley, steep
walled, dark, dry and rocky, barren and vast. Upon each of the precipice like walls
which formed the valley, stood a solitary figure. Human like in form, God like
in the scale of the powers they commanded.

I was  immediately and keenly aware of why I was there.  They were engaged
in a battle for my soul.  Each hurling lightning bolts and yet other forces incomprehensible
by me. That battle between God and Satin raged on for some indeterminant amount of
time.  Whether if lasted a single night or days worth of nights, I cannot say.  Until at last
God won. 

When finally I awoke, I was soaked in my own perspiration, profoundly and utterly exhausted.
Still I was relieved by its outcome and ending. But now, much time has past and I wonder,
which was God and which was the devil.

peace out

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 25, 2021, 10:49:36 AM

There are many such companies in Korea.
also very good at selling business without rumors.
Koreans sleep and work 4 hours a day.


The problem of God is no more and no less than the problem of the ancient priests who maintain their lives to this day and claim their position is correct.
The reason why we solve problems caused by attaching meaning to certain religions from [[Essence]] is that they move the world with their power.
A sympathizer like AG is a great strength to them.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 25, 2021, 12:53:08 PM

It was a wrestling at the end of the darkness at dawn, so the night-darkness died and only the shadows that were active during the day remained.


Genesis 32 [NASB]
So he spent the night there. Then he selected from what he had with him a present for his brother Esau:
two hundred female goats and twenty male goats, two hundred ewes and twenty rams,
thirty milking camels and their colts, forty cows and ten bulls, twenty female donkeys and ten male donkeys.

He delivered them into the hand of his servants, every drove by itself, and said to his servants, "Pass on before me, and put a space between droves."
He commanded the one in front, saying, "When my brother Esau meets you and asks you, saying, 'To whom do you belong, and where are you going, and to whom do these animals in front of you belong?'
then you shall say, 'These belong to your servant Jacob; it is a present sent to my lord Esau. And behold, he also is behind us.'"
Then he commanded also the second and the third, and all those who followed the droves, saying, "After this manner you shall speak to Esau when you find him;
and you shall say, 'Behold, your servant Jacob also is behind us.'" For he said, "I will appease him with the present that goes before me. Then afterward I will see his face; perhaps he will accept me."

So the present passed on before him, while he himself spent that night in the camp.
Now he arose that same night and took his two wives and his two maids and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the Jabbok.
He took them and sent them across the stream. And he sent across whatever he had.
Then Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak.
When he saw that he had not prevailed against him, he touched the socket of his thigh; so the socket of Jacob's thigh was dislocated while he wrestled with him.

Then he said, "Let me go, for the dawn is breaking." But he said, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."
So he said to him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Jacob."
He said, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed."
Then Jacob asked him and said, "Please tell me your name." But he said, "Why is it that you ask my name?" And he blessed him there.
So Jacob named the place Peniel, for he said, "I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been preserved."

Now the sun rose upon him just as he crossed over Penuel, and he was limping on his thigh.
Therefore, to this day the sons of Israel do not eat the sinew of the hip which is on the socket of the thigh, because he touched the socket of Jacob's thigh in the sinew of the hip.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 25, 2021, 08:20:24 PM
Ruslan used relays for confusion.
It is a kind of safeguard against technology theft.
If you make it that way, everyone will focus their attention there.
But that's not the place to be.
Sergej Panov did a great job of reproducing this.
Are you entangled in relays the stupidest people in this cafe? ;D ;D
Alexander's solution is simple.
It cuts the Gordian knot with a single knife.
But you won't even know what this means.
And I only eat one meal a day.
It's a meal I've made all my life. ;D ;D

And one more reference.

There was a country called "Joseon" that existed on the Korean Peninsula from 1300 to 1907.
This country has a very good record, so there is a lot of data.
The 'recorder' left a record of every move and every move of the king.
"The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty" and "Seungjeongwon's Diary" are materials.
In the Joseon Dynasty, scholars were people who worshiped "Seongnihak" and Confucianism, so fundamentally, the truth was very important.
So the recorder records the truth even if the king threatens him.
So even the kings did not interfere with the "recorders" even when they made records that revealed their "mistakes".
And the king even had a law prohibiting access to the records of "recorders".
So there are no false records.
There are also a huge number of regular reports from each region.
Some of these records were special,
In the Joseon Dynasty alone, records about UFOs appear about 70 times.
The description of the UFO is also very detailed.
From the appearance of flying at supersonic speed, the shape of the UFO also varied.
It was expressed in the shape of a jar or washbasin.
It even matches the appearance of UFOs that are being seen these days. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 25, 2021, 11:08:03 PM
아빠, 떠돌이 미확인비행체들이 많아요.

Всем привет постарался Ну сейчас опять не могу просто смотреть Что людям показывать что рассказывать всякие Умники такую дичь правильно всякие секреты бтг сколько она там катушек намотать В какую сторону Да вы вот посмотрите Элементарно все же генератор Капанадзе засчитают рисует схемы что у него вот здесь вот вот вот здесь центр как-бы земляной и матные рисуют катушки типа оттуда не выходит да Вы посмотрите внимательно Там просто видео Посмотрите там вот провод есть вот здесь вот это катушка управляю здесь всем процессом когда на развод она там вроде непонятно есть этот провод или нету его там какие-то торчат провода А вот смотрите когда-то мне провод вставленный на скорость как рисуют на схемы там про отставленный Ну там вот катушка примут она и скорее всего она идёт на этот разрядника управляет всем процессом ну прежде чем катушки мотать Вы посмотрите что с чем соединено и как ещё одну Вот вы же Подумайте Откуда вы будете эту энергию брать потому что Нижний конец вас допустим заземленный вот Земля это большая ёмкость Просто вы можете оттуда наливать выкачивать оттуда прилагая не так много сил Ну там просто огромное уединенная емкость но вторая то вкладка должна быть она должна с чем-то работать а работает должна с газом с атмосферой как с носителем как с диэлектриком как с носителем заряда как в аккумуляторе у вас там же у вас dielectric и разбавленной немножко кислотой То есть как сказать добавлены проводники и диэлектрики добавлены проводники маленькие чтобы понимали там передавать энергию ну вас же там диэлектрик налить там дистиллированная вода разбавленная Вот это большая ёмкость вот Александр чирцов Вот это не реклама канала открытия Пучкова Ну так известный а просто реклама человека Вот этот плейлист весь посмотрите если выходите что-то понять вот он вам показывает это там как шла наука развивалась объясняет там за последние двести лет даже 250-300 лет проект про динамику там про всё рассказывает но смотреть на сначала внимательно вот он показывает что реальный газ Вот это его кривая он ведёт себя Вот так это кривая взаимодействий вот положительное напряжение в этом месте они отталкиваются частицей газа друг от друга Вот это положение это равновесия вот это как раз таки Ноль вот им нравится здесь быть то есть если вы чуть уменьшить или добавить объём Вот они начнут отсюда перемещаться либо сюда либо сюда и у них будет стремление либо разлететься либо наоборот сойтись вот так вы получаете резонансы резонанс в среде что зависит от газа В какой среде вы это делаете начинаете раскачивать частицы то есть менять количество частиц в объеме просто и объём этот у вас он открытый получается Если вы работаете с атмосферой А вам рисуют вот этот график это идеальный газ Вот то есть никаких взаимодействий нет Вот точкалибо отталкиваются точнее наоборот вот так они отталкиваются А вот здесь они притягиваются до бесконечности понимаете Вот это график идеального газа который дальше используется во всех формулах его нехера не Можете посчитать потому что у вас график вот такой б**** Во всех формулах учитывается по электродинамике а на самом деле Вот такой вот график частицы вот здесь находятся на вот этом расстоянии это нулевая точка и получается что взаимодействие приближение и отталкивания начинается с этой точки точнее наоборот вот здесь вот будет испытывать притяжение А здесь отталкивание и притяжение это заметил Вот это здесь будет Прямая это значит что притяжение бесконечно А здесь вот он же не зря нарисовал здесь нулевую точку Здесь вы будете приставать при толкать потолковать они будут уплотняться уплотняться уплотняться и график не заканчивает потом резкий скачок и переход Вот что он для начала выучить Так что смотрите чирцова слушайте внимательно там есть математика Но для тех кто не соображает по математике он почти всегда произносит слова нужные или рисует графики То есть если что-то не поняли Посмотрите ещё раз и всё поймёте никакого криминала человек вам рассказывает как вас наебывают просто Как вас как построена наука с самого начала и как пренебрегали какими-то фактами для того чтобы свести всю математику то есть вот одна замена и всё и у вас уже получается как бы среды нет среды не существует Вот вы понимаете Вот это они называют физическим вакуумом 0 точка из которой б**** происходит каким-то образом отталкивание и притягивания Ну чего Ну как Две частицы могут оказаться в одной точке Они же не могут это же частицы одна частица может находиться в своей точке другая должна находиться рядом с ней хоть близко хоть далеко но не в одной же точке есть место где им комфортно А в математике в этой сети нету такого места Так что Посмотрите аниматор на эти все ролики спрашивали у меня почему новое видео не выходят Ну извините видео несут блин даже я не знаю я просто Психую и Удали все видео оставил самое главное тоже просто так что не снимаю внимательно смотрите что я вам показываю где теплая где холодная где картинка красивая в лампочке как вообще заряды кактус притягивается к плюсу минус к минусу а потом происходит разряд после накопления Вот это посмотрите просто я не знаю может быть плохо объясняю если что не так
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 26, 2021, 05:21:15 AM

How basic relays work
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 26, 2021, 09:39:20 PM
To sum up Sergej Panov's words, this means that all leads connected to ground, including the grenade coil, are shorted.
It means there is a ground lead, but it's a wire shorted somewhere.
Ruslan means that he sold a non-grounded generator to Sergej Panov. ;D ;D
So Sergej Panov talks a lot about glue.

This means that relays or anything related to grounding is meaningless. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on June 27, 2021, 02:50:10 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on June 25, 2021, 09:23:20 AM

God is not "a person" by religion,it is a "unknown" symbolic existence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence#:~:text=Existence%20is%20the%20ability%20of,the%20ontological%20property%20of%20being (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence#:~:text=Existence%20is%20the%20ability%20of,the%20ontological%20property%20of%20being).:
                                                                                     No graven images or likenesses.

                                                                                                    no center

                                                                                    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heresy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heresy)

Later, by Trinitaner (against Arianer) Jesus became "God"-same status !

            In nome de           Patrii,         de Filii        et esprito sanctii

           as human,m./f.       body            mind                   soul
The fact is the word Jesus just means saviour  and that name does not appear before 1611 ! fact!

Do you mean 'Yeshua' that was the guys real name ! I have now told you some where in the scriptures it says
altering the scriptures is satanic!

Also how do you explaine the stories in the bible were also the same stories written on Samarian tablets
and they still exist and were written over 5 or 6 thousand years before Yeshua walked the earth ?

If you bothered to read the one book of Hanok or Enok you would know who God is or was and who and where humans came from and why there is no missing link.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 27, 2021, 04:16:35 AM

The Dead Sea Scrolls(Qumran Cave), and Nag Hammadi(Gospel of Thomas) manuscripts exist, making it difficult to refute.
If you ask a question about the content of the Bible, we can answer it, but it is difficult to answer anything other than the Bible.
Please understand.

Reproduction of the Sergej Panov documentation.

Ruslan K
@Алекс ЛАСТ  Понимаешь, надо немного выйти из классики и задуматься что такое электричество. Я сам  сперва не поверил когда увидел подобные фокусы. Теперь точно скажу - ЭТО РАБОТАЕТ !   Просто наверное я сам связан с эфиром . Потому знаю много об этом. И что самое главное, не доверяю физике. Враньё , подкреплённое формулами !

For reference, my dad uses a similar but slightly different method.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on June 27, 2021, 04:52:52 AM
Hello AlienGrey,
do You mean Jesus or in real the christian religion given title Christus= Salvator,Messias !?
And it is also right,that by  many bible translations the several names from script protagonists were changed,to greek or latin meaning !
And I think that in monotheistic mediterran religions history there were several "Chrisus,Salvator,Messias" others,before and later "Jesus Christe" !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 27, 2021, 05:17:14 AM
John 19 [NIV]
Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read:|sc JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek.
The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, "Do not write 'The King of the Jews,' but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews."
Pilate answered, "What I have written, I have written."

The name Jesus was given by the Romans.
After Rome made Christianity the state religion, it is [since] around 400 AD.

Isaiah 7
"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Isaiah 9
For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish

It doesn't matter what translation it is.
It's just an interpretation of the objects that exist in the two temples in their own way.
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism have the same [essence].
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 27, 2021, 07:32:40 AM
The name of Jesus was not invented by Egyptian-Romans like Arius or Athanasius, but a storyteller who was active in the Greek era. 8)
I think I talked to AG about Aesop for a while, did I forget? ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 27, 2021, 07:42:54 AM
The alphabet used in Classical Latin was 23 letters (A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z), and Y and Z were introduced in the 1st century BC and J was introduced in the Middle Ages.
The first letter [J] of Jesus' name did not exist before the Middle Ages, so [i or a] was used.

Luke 9 [NASB]
And Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."
And He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father."
But He said to him, "Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God."
Another also said, "I will follow You, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home."
But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

The plow is Seth, and the one who looks back is Horus-Eagle.

Luke 13 [NASB]
Just at that time some Pharisees approached, saying to Him, "Go away, leave here, for Herod wants to kill You."
And He said to them, "Go and tell that fox, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I reach My goal.'
"Nevertheless I must journey on today and tomorrow and the next day; for it cannot be that a prophet would perish outside of Jerusalem.
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not have it!
"Behold, your house is left to you desolate; and I say to you, you will not see Me until the time comes when you say, 'BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!'"
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 27, 2021, 12:43:25 PM
Прототип Генератора (Две Башни - Германия) по работе Романа Акула

If Ruslan is trying to hide something, this is a wiring method that can hide it well enough.
For reference, my dad is similar to this but uses a different method.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 28, 2021, 12:01:10 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 28, 2021, 12:03:33 AM
This is the bidirectional blocking relay my dad uses.
Used only for kacher power.
It is extracted from the discarded electric boiler and can be used up to 110~440V.
It works even at 50V.
It makes a loud noise when operating.
The generator's final disconnect switch that Ruslan sold to Sergej Panov was installed on the [live] lead that powers the PSU, but my dad's generator's final disconnect switch is on the relay disconnect device.
Ruslan has the ability to deceive people in the name of technology protection, so it's up to the members to decide whether or not Ruslan's generator relays are really for Tesla control.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 28, 2021, 02:05:02 AM


My dad is similar but uses a different method.


It's not like the video above, but it's similar.


The method Victor Gero demonstrates is suitable for 200W generators, but other methods should be applied for generators larger than 2KW.

Low voltage single-wire technology requires special auxiliary devices,
High voltage single-wire technology does not require special auxiliary devices.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 28, 2021, 03:15:53 AM

Nick is more interested in the death of others than his own death.
He is a true Samaritan. ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 28, 2021, 04:11:07 AM


아빠 닉과 악당 웨슬리가 관심있는지 두고보자고요 아빠⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿⛔
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 29, 2021, 12:04:42 AM
Я такт понял у кого-то есть претензия к Творцу?!?!?!:
Уверен ему было виднее какую жопу сделать бегемоту...
Может бегемот провинился, ну и был наказан.....
А может Творец в тот момент подумал как будет будущий человек на самолетах летать...

Творцу было виднее!!!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 29, 2021, 12:05:38 AM
Avaris, Thebes & War
At the same time the Hyksos were gaining power in northern Egypt, the Nubians were doing so to the south. The 13th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom had neglected to pay attention to their southern border just as they had with Lower Egypt. Thebes remained the capital of Upper Egypt but, instead of ruling the entire country, was sandwiched between the Hyksos in the north and the Nubians in the south. Still, Thebes and Avaris got along quite well. The Thebans were free to trade to the north, and the Hyksos sailed their ships past Thebes to buy and sell to the Nubians in the south. Trade went on between the Nubian capital of Kush, the Egyptian center at Thebes, and Avaris quite evenly until the Hyksos king - wittingly or unwittingly - insulted the king of Thebes.

There is no telling whether the story is true as given, but according to Manetho, Apepi of the Hyksos sent a message to the Theban king Seqenenra Taa (also known as Ta'O (c. 1580 BCE): "Do away with the hippopotamus pool which is on the east of the city, for they prevent me sleeping day and night." The message most likely had to do with the Theban practice of hippopotamus hunting, which would have been offensive to the Hyksos who incorporated the hippo in their religious observances through their worship of Set. Instead of complying with the request, Ta'O interpreted it as a challenge to his autonomy and marched on Avaris. His mummy shows he was killed in battle and this, and the events which follow, suggests the Thebans were defeated in this engagement.

Ta'O's son Kamose took up the cause, complaining bitterly in an inscription that he was tired of paying "the Asiatics" taxes and having to deal with foreigners to the north and south of him in his own land. He launched a massive strike against the Hyksos in which, according to his own account, Avaris was destroyed. Kamose claims that his attack was so swift and terrifying it made the Hyksos women suddenly sterile, and after the slaughter, he razed the city to the ground. This account would seem to be something of an exaggeration since the Hyksos still held Lower Egypt in the three years following Kamose's offensive and Avaris still stood as the Hyksos stronghold.

Kamose was succeeded by his brother Ahmose, whose inscriptions describe how he drove the Hyksos from Egypt and destroyed their city of Avaris. These events are given in the tomb inscriptions of another man, Ahmose son of Ibana, a soldier who served under the king Ahmose, describing the destruction of Avaris and the flight of the surviving Hyksos to Sharuhen in the region of Palestine. This city was then placed under siege by Ahmose for six years until the Hyksos fled again, this time to Syria, but what happened to them after that is not recorded.

According to Manetho, Apepi of the Hyksos sent a message to the Theban king Seqenenra Taa (also known as Ta'O (c. 1580 BCE): "Do away with the hippopotamus pool which is on the east of the city, for they prevent me sleeping day and night."

Apepi (darkness) expressed the sun and light (headjet) as a hippopotamus, saying that he could not sleep at night.
The dark god provoked the sun god, so these words themselves are like a declaration of war.
To provoke an opponent, you can blaspheme the god they serve.
If the Dark God is weak, you cannot blaspheme the Sun God that your opponent serves.
It is the beginning of a holy war that must be fought at the risk of one's life.
As a result of this war, the 15th pharaoh of the 17th dynasty of Egypt, Sekenenre Tao II, was brutally killed.
There are cuts left on his mummy.


Maneto, famous for his writings on the history of the Egyptian pharaohs, is one of the Septuagint authors, and this is Matthew, the author of the Gospel of Matthew.

Acts 1 [NASB]
So they put forward two men, Joseph called Barsabbas (who was also called Justus), and Matthias.
And they prayed and said, "You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two You have chosen
to occupy this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place."
And they drew lots for them, and the lot fell to Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles.

Manetho was chosen in place of Judas Iscariot because he was a worshiper of the Levitical Djed.
Matthew is among the 11 disciples, and the reason that Maneto, the same person, was chosen again is because there are two 4th-floor Djeds.
Didymus and Thomas are also twins with Judas Iscariot.
The difference between the two is simply where they are located.
The same goes for Matthew and Maneto, who play the two Djeds.

Judas Iscariot, which is related to the death of Jesus, is the Apep serpent leaning on the sun, and the Apep serpent with the eagle is not related to the death of Jesus, so it becomes Didymus (twin) Thomas.

So, the meaning of the word "Living God" means dark night.

If the inverted sun-headjet existed in the 16th century BC by comparing the mainland powers of Egypt that were pushed out by the Hyksos dynasty to the setting sun, the hippopotamus mentioned by Pharaoh Apepi of the 16th dynasty of Egypt is also a historical fact, but the possibility is slim. Hippo's remarks are highly likely to be Maneto's manipulation.
The Septuagint itself is a historical manipulation.

50% Ptolemy XII Paul, a Pharisee, also did everything he could to kill the sun-Jesus. The sun-Jesus must die so that the dark god whom Paul worships-Jehovah can come again.
Even if the sun of the phenomenal world goes to the setting sun, there is no reason for the Sun Temple to be entangled in the setting sun.
Creating a headjet that jumps into the setting sun is itself an insult to the sun god.
The dark god worshipers did so and killed Jesus.

Headjet falling into the setting sun - Manet's historical manipulation and robe washing to claim that the sun was created by Egyptian 16th dynasty pharaoh Apepi.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 29, 2021, 10:48:46 PM
запуск инвертора Toyota Prius Gen 3 с двигателя лексуса Toyota MGR

::) 8)

Free electricity from Water - Building a water powered generator using recycled junk. Part 1

Skilled in recycling, he is one of the cafe's readers. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 30, 2021, 05:26:06 AM
When the kacher was not working, the grenade coil voltage was around 75VDC.
Activate the kacher and the grenade coil voltage is about 100VDC.
If I run the kacher and turn on a 30W light on the diode bridge, the voltage comes out to about 81V.
The output voltage can be raised further by about 10V by adjusting the potentiometer.
All voltages were measured across diode bridges.
These are all pure measurements with no diode bridge and no PSU connected.
But even in this state,
The digital tester cannot measure itself due to the influence of kacher high voltage. Digital numbers dance like crazy.

500W X 4 light voltages vary from 21 to 50V.
In this case, measurement was performed with a digital tester because it was impossible to measure with an analog tester-device due to the wiring structure.

Эффект Тесла толкает ток

A member of zlatko2013 is experimenting with a light of 300W X 4, but I am not sure how many volts come out by running only an ammeter measurement, but if I guess from the brightness of the light and my dad's experimental data, it will be about 40V.
zlatko2013 members are also members who understand that it is difficult to measure the output voltage in a normal way.
The zlatko2013 member used battery power, and my dad used a regular 220V power PSU.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 30, 2021, 07:26:32 AM

just bragging about the oscilloscope, not being able to get the same results as my dad with the generator someone is experimenting with.
It's never too late to create results and show off your oscilloscope.

What will happen in a cafe where they gather only to derive meaningless experimental results, to organize electronic terms they do not know well, and to show off their knowledge as thick as a sheet of writing paper?
If you cheated for 10 years, that's it.
Let go of regret.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on June 30, 2021, 06:55:10 PM
"While in bed on Winter Solstice evening I had a download for a "free energy" device, that I call the Light Transformer!"
The extraterestrials should have sent you a money producing idea first. Begging for donations is not very original.

You mentioned the bed, so I donate it.

Genesis 28 [NASB]
Then Jacob departed from Beersheba and went toward Haran.
He came to a certain place and spent the night there, because the sun had set; and he took one of the stones of the place and put it under his head, and lay down in that place.
He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.
And behold, the LORD stood above it and said, "I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie, I will give it to you and to your descendants.
"Your descendants will also be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
"Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it."
He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."
So Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on its top.
He called the name of that place Bethel; however, previously the name of the city had been Luz.

Luke 5 [NASB]
One day He was teaching; and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting there, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing.
And some men were carrying on a bed a man who was paralyzed; and they were trying to bring him in and to set him down in front of Him.
But not finding any way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher, into the middle of the crowd, in front of Jesus.
Seeing their faith, He said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven you."
The scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, "Who is this man who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?"
But Jesus, aware of their reasonings, answered and said to them, "Why are you reasoning in your hearts?
"Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins have been forgiven you,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?
"But, so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,"--He said to the paralytic--"I say to you, get up, and pick up your stretcher and go home."
Immediately he got up before them, and picked up what he had been lying on, and went home glorifying God.   
They were all struck with astonishment and began glorifying God; and they were filled with fear, saying, "We have seen remarkable things today."

In this situation, Djed and the Apep snake are one body.
However, as the paralyzed man gets up and carries his bed, the standing Apep snake and Djed are mixed.
This is possible because the sun can overcome the darkness of the dark night.

Modern Christians imitate the force of gravity in nature to heal diseases.
These are funny incidents that occurred when Christians imitated the humanism-Jesus created by the Roman Christian priests.

God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'" [NASB]

Darkness exists by itself when light is absent.
The reason Jehovah revealed his identity to Moses was because Djed had the power to summon darkness.
So, to ask if Djed could be a Creator, neither light nor darkness yielded the place of Creator to Djed.
This is a question that modern people will approach with science, not a question of religion or mythology.

Darkness donates darkness, and light donates light.
So do you teach others to give their pride?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 02, 2021, 03:25:29 AM
Karpanadze 5KW

Ruslan 2KW

Karpanadze the two circuit diagrams below.
The huge diode bridge that Karpanadze uses is for output.
So the electricity flowing through the grenade-coil is also DC.

But there is AC in Ruslan's grenade coil.

The output of Ruslan's 2KW generator is on a diode bridge.
Same as Karpanadze and generator.
-203VDC ........ 203VDC

Where did the research of these cafe members go wrong?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 02, 2021, 04:55:02 AM
너무 많이 얘기해주는거 아녀?! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 02, 2021, 05:03:33 AM

닉과 악당 웨슬리가 이런거 이해할 수 있는 대가리나 가졌다면 데모도 십장생 진팔이도 벌써 만들었을거야 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 02, 2021, 06:21:42 AM

인선이 이년은 여기 눈팅하믄서 지 블로그에선 헛소리 틱틱하는디 어떻헌다냐?! ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 02, 2021, 06:38:40 AM
1인 출판사 설립한 마각이 곧 들어날거야.
그럴려면 건달바성 비공개 엠바고 자료가 더 필요할텐데, 조간만 연락오겠지 머....
세월이 좀먹는다는거만 빼면 억겁 세월이지 머...
이번 생에 안되면 다다음 생에 하려는지두 모르구 말야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 02, 2021, 07:08:11 AM
숫처자 그만 괴롭혀들...
......졸지에 마광수 따라간다구하면 오똑할라구 그래 ...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 05, 2021, 06:18:59 AM
Unchangeable stubbornness is not the solution.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 05, 2021, 06:21:31 AM
My dad did a lot of experiments that went against the laws of electricity.
One of them.
This is an experiment drawing my dad did a few years ago.
referenced Akura 0083 and Ruslan's hand-drawn schematic.
My dad ordered and tested representative transistors and MOSFETs used in Russian and English-speaking electrical and electronic cafes.
just to experiment with different kinds of transistors.
I have a 494-4421 push-pull circuit with a 30W load light, the max voltage is 120VDC and I couldn't get it to rise any further.
According to my dad, with the diagram below, this is the maximum and the limit.
Experiments were conducted with various transistors and MOSFETs, but the performance was almost the same.
The 2sc5200 and 2sk1162 are transistors that Ruslan used in his generator, but my dad broke a lot during the experiment, so it may not be a suitable part for the generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 05, 2021, 06:23:54 AM
Another experiment.
The basic structure is based on LC resonance.
However, it is not a typical LC resonance. Daddy was looking for a little change.
The voltage output from the grenade coil is about 180~190VDC (30W light) with an analog tester.
Over 200 VDC as a digital tester instrument.
Detecting does not work even if the maximum value is adjusted to 500V.
Perhaps Rusland would have been similar if it had been measured with an analog tester device (203 VDC).
The reason why my dad gave up the push-pull circuit of the 494-2110(2113) combination in the past is because he knew through experiments that the 494-4420 combination would output a high voltage.
The reason my dad did an amperage increase experiment with a lot of capacitors was to find a solution because the amount of current of KW was not output.
However, he spent a lot of time, but the experiment was unsuccessful.
Even when air-conditioning with earth-ground, more than 180~190VDC (30W light) is not output.
A combination of 494-4421 push-pull circuit and 2SC5200 and many other transistors were used.
There is this sentence in the record of Dad's experiment on that date.
The circuit diagram of the Ruslan generator has a structure that does not exceed 200W.
You have to find another way.
Ruslan Kulabuhov energy device open internals 1 of 2
And my dad said he saw a strange question in the video above.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 06, 2021, 04:31:37 AM
30W/225VDC output (old data).
One of a few experiments with over 200VDC.
I used a regular 220V/24V/6.3A PSU, not battery power.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 06, 2021, 10:16:04 AM
No added parts.
This is the voltage output by reconstructing the existing part in the Ruslan schematic.
If the Kacher doesn't work, there's no voltage on the diode bridge either.
There is no frequency change either.
Occurs when the 41m grenade main coil is electrically vacuumed.
Neither AC nor DC.
The 38 m grenade main coil has no electricity.
But electricity is generated.
Reference was made to the yoke-transformer and grenade coil structures in the schematic below.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 06, 2021, 12:55:56 PM

Snubber capacitors are of good quality, but regular 0.47uF/2000 capacitors also work well.
My dad hasn't been experimenting with generators since years.

Эффект для генератора или почти БТГ.

Where my dad got the excess electricity was the unexpected result of a random experiment.
It's not a capacitor, it's just an electrical imbalance.
Lightning principle.
The ammeter is also dead because of the kacher high voltage.
Analog ammeters with a capacity of 15 amps will be disabled over capacity.

Energy one vire 230 v Milutin Miletic SERBIAN 2 / 3

Connecting the electrically short circuited wiring structures together is achieved by kacher's high voltage and diode bridges.
I see it as single wire technology in a broad sense, but my dad didn't learn electricity systematically, so I'm not sure if the concept is right.
My dad is still learning electrical systems in uncharted territory outside the map.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 07, 2021, 11:41:41 AM
Христианство - это иудаизм усеченный и дополненный, версия - для рабов. Доказываю: нагорная проповедь Христа: "Вы слышали, что сказано: око за око и зуб за зуб. А Я говорю вам: не противься злому. Но кто ударит тебя в правую щеку твою, обрати к нему и другую" Матфей, 5:38-39. Иудеи оставили себе принцип талиона и следуют ему, а вы гои подставляйте щеки. Вот это как раз и есть "от лукавого".

А теперь первый вопрос: пчела, Вы знаете как эта тема называется? ...
А потому давайте не будем продолжать флудить, а будем гудеть и жужжать строго по теме.
А отсюда второй вопрос: Как Вы думаете свободные электроны они все одинаковые или разные? Содержат ли электроны в себе энергию, которую можно полностью или частично извлечь и направить на нужды народного хозяйства? :P Ну вот как если бы мы получали по железной дороге к примеру из земли цистерны с топливом, топливо бы сливали, а цистерны отправляли бы назад в землю для повторной загрузки, а хоть просто как отработанные?

Manipulating history and donating wives is a survival strategy for minorities.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 07, 2021, 11:47:13 AM

There are only 5 WIMA capacitors (0.47uF/2000) my dad used for the 30W light 225VDC output.

The components used in the push-pull circuit are:
TL494, TC4421X2, IRFP460X2.

kacher's transistor,
2sk1162, 2sk2611, 2sk2837 and 3 others produce similar output.

The rest is a matter of your brain creativity and grenade coil construction.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 07, 2021, 01:08:07 PM
There truly is nothing simple about this technology.



There are many scammers in the world.


This technique is really simple.
It is the result of repeating the pasting and detaching of the wires here and there for several days.
However, the laws of electricity were not followed.
99.99% of the cases generate a lot of sparks due to short circuit, but 0.001% generate 225VDC.
This is also the reason why there were many MOSFETs and transistors damaged in my dad's experiment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 07, 2021, 01:10:24 PM
It is true that the above picture is an amplification experiment, but it is only the process of the experiment, not the result.

There are only five capacitors (0.47uF/700-2000V) used for the 225VDC output.
The rest is in the wire arrangement of the grenade coil with no known electrical laws.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 07, 2021, 02:53:47 PM

구글번역기 오타가 왤캐많여....  8) 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 07, 2021, 03:10:50 PM
구글 멸망될거야 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 07, 2021, 04:26:17 PM

러시아에 우주급 사기꾼들이 많긴허지바....하하하핳 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 08, 2021, 05:28:43 AM
Aleksandrs Alksnis

Aleksandrs Alksnis kacher

Aleksandrs Alksnis TL494/TC4420
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 08, 2021, 05:52:20 PM
Dad said,
The structure of the grenade coil operation can be modified in three or more forms.
There is a slight voltage difference, but the resonance works the same.
Electrical experts say that more variety of generators are possible.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 09, 2021, 01:07:33 AM
While adjusting the kacher potentiometer to bring the voltage to its maximum, a slight change in frequency occurs, but it is not significant.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 09, 2021, 06:14:27 AM
Among the educational materials for the mentally ill and the NIS field service who are homeless.

Luke 13 [NASB]
Now on the same occasion there were some present who reported to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.
And Jesus said to them, "Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate?
"I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
"Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem?
"I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."
And He began telling this parable: "A man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and did not find any.
"And he said to the vineyard-keeper, 'Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree without finding any. Cut it down! Why does it even use up the ground?'
"And he answered and said to him, 'Let it alone, sir, for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertilizer;
and if it bears fruit next year, fine; but if not, cut it down.'"
And He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath.
And there was a woman who for eighteen years had had a sickness caused by a spirit; and she was bent double, and could not straighten up at all.
When Jesus saw her, He called her over and said to her, "Woman, you are freed from your sickness."
And He laid His hands on her; and immediately she was made erect again and began glorifying God.
But the synagogue official, indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, began saying to the crowd in response, "There are six days in which work should be done; so come during them and get healed, and not on the Sabbath day."
But the Lord answered him and said, "You hypocrites, does not each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the stall and lead him away to water him?
"And this woman, a daughter of Abraham as she is, whom Satan has bound for eighteen long years, should she not have been released from this bond on the Sabbath day?"
As He said this, all His opponents were being humiliated; and the entire crowd was rejoicing over all the glorious things being done by Him.

실로암 망대를 태양신전 헤드젯으로 이해하면 모순이 발생합니다.
헤드젯이 저녁-태양으로 쓰러진 것은 맞지만 태양신전에는 죽은 사람이 없기 때문이다.
그래서 헤드젯은 쓰러지는 역활까지만 합니다.
태양이 석양 지평선 넘어로 들어갔으니
헤드젯이 쓰러지면 곧이어 밤이 찾아옵니다.
서있는 아펩뱀이 망대로 작동하고 누워있는 침대-아펩뱀이 진짜 쓰러진 망대가 됩니다.
침대-아펩뱀이 쓰러진 아래에는 사람들이 있다.
이 사람들이 죽었다고 해석하는 것이다.

예수가 18년동안 태양신전과 아펩신전에 붙잡혀 있는 여자(마트)를 해방시켜주는 것은, 실로암 망대가 쓰러져 죽은 18명에 대한 부활 차원입니다.
어둠이 죽인자를 태양이 살리는 것은 신약식 부활론이며 자연의 법칙을 그들식으로 풀이한 것입니다.

그리고 열매 맺지 못하는 무화과는 침대-아펩뱀을 지칭합니다.
성서에 등장하는 모든 무화과가 침대-아펩뱀 지칭입니다.

A contradiction arises when the Siloam Tower is understood as a solar temple headjet.
It is true that Headjet fell into the evening-sun, but because there are no dead people in the Temple of the Sun.
So the headjet only plays the role of being knocked down.
The sun has gone beyond the sunset horizon
When the headjet goes down, night comes soon after.
A standing Apep snake acts as a tower and a lying bed-Apep snake becomes a real fallen tower.
There are people under the bed-apep snake fell.
interpreting these people as dead.

What Jesus freed the woman (Mat) who had been held captive in the Temple of the Sun and Apep for 18 years is the level of resurrection of the 18 who died when the tower of Siloam fell.
It is the New Testament resurrection theory that the sun revives those who have been killed by darkness, and it is the interpretation of the laws of nature in their own way.

And the unfruitful fig refers to the Bed-Apep serpent.
All figs in the Bible refer to the Bed-Apep serpent.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 09, 2021, 06:24:22 AM
There is a Korean proverb that says, 'Eat beans roasted over lightning.'
Some of my dad's experiments go fast.
Experiments without nutrition are necessary for experience.
This will be the data that will save you time wasting next time.
My dad's experiments have a lot of derivation-experiments.
The parts ordered arrive in about 15 to 30 days, and we do various derivation experiments while waiting.
one of them.
The principle or secret of how the generator works lies in the repositioning of the grenade coil.
If you want someone to tell you, you die of old age.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 09, 2021, 09:04:16 AM
When resonance is activated, enormous lengths of phytonite are produced in the kacher secondary coil.
The kacher secondary coil was wound 12 cm on a 45 mm PVC pipe.
The coil diameter is 0.8mm.
I used a 24V 6.3A PSU.
Estimate that about 1.5A will be dissipated with the kacher's amperage.
When resonance does not work, phytonite is produced very weakly in the kacher, but when resonance begins, phytonite is produced hundreds of times larger.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 09, 2021, 10:11:16 AM
Трансформатор ТЕСЛА без индуктора накачки


I gave Russian members many opportunities to gain honor.
But they refused.
Now, your secret opportunities and efforts will be in vain.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 09, 2021, 10:21:34 AM
루슬란, 자네가 명예와 명성을 얻을 수 기회와 시간도 많지 않다네.... ..... ;D ;D
우리 딸이 분노하면 이번의 우주 쯤은 눈깜짝할 사이에 사라진다네..... ::) ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 09, 2021, 09:46:29 PM

What do you think is the fundamental reason my dad could only get 30W from the generator?
If you thought you'd get the output from the grenade coil itself, discard that idea.
The yoke-transformer and grenade coil should only serve to help the kacher resonate.

What do you think was the reason Ruslan made the generator's kacher lead thicker?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 09, 2021, 10:24:07 PM

Hallelujah~~~ ::)

Nick is very interested in our novels. ::)
I agree with you. ;D
I also do not have two lives. ;D ;D
But some Asians are like cockroaches, their lives are not precious. ::)
The spirits of the outside world, who cannot die by nature, do not care about their lives. ::)
For those who cannot die, death is outside their awareness. ::)
From a medical and philosophical point of view, this is called severing the cause of death. ;D ;D
From a religious point of view, it is called eternal life. ::)
The gods of this world can die, but my daughter cannot. ;D ;D

Wesley Vong

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 10, 2021, 04:52:29 AM
7 - Обзор БТТ купленого у Руслaнa Кулaбуховa

Генератор свободной энергии + дополнение в конце

и снова вопрос по видосу вашему....на горшке вы сколько витков провода в лаке намотали где у вас как тесла фитонит?

Knife mod, Gil Hibben Master Bushcraft Machete, Belt sander, perfection

Welcome anytime.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 10, 2021, 10:14:06 PM
When resonance is active, direct contact with a screwdriver or hand to the kacher secondary coil causes the resonance to disappear.
However, ferrite antennas work resonance even when touched.
The фитонит of a ferrite antenna is slightly weaker than that of the secondary coil.
A 0.8mm coil was wound 12cm around a 45mm PVC pipe.
PSU 24V 6.3A.
The total amount of current output from the grenade coil is about 3A.
The kacher power is output from the yoke-transformer, so the voltage is 75vDC and the current is estimated to be 1.5A.
The light of 225V 30W is on.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 11, 2021, 04:24:43 AM
Ruslan X
Гнались мы как то раз за антигравитацией, то так и не догнали...
2021. 7. 11.

Kapanadze is the biggest scammer, ::)
Akura is the next scammer, ::)
Ruslan is a little con artist, ::)

I? ::)

I am Aesop, an animal farm novelist who has been waiting for a long time to forgive their sins. ;D ;D


When me and my daughter sleep, they move at the speed of light, and when me and my daughter open their eyes, they go back and forth between the universe and the ends of the universe in the blink of an eye. ;D ;D ;D 8)


Isn't this the answer you were looking for, Ruslan-X? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 11, 2021, 11:49:37 PM

Nick, I'll ask you.
Do you have any reason to trust a generator from Сергей STALKER that doesn't work?
If your generator works, can you reveal all the secrets to that cafe?

You are committing a contradiction yourself.

Car noise Noisy places aren't as secluded countryside as the photos you posted.
You are a person who hides even the area in which you live.
Biography-loving members only voluntarily present their research results.
There is no need to intimidate members who participate as hobbies.
You don't have to worry about someone else's future for you.
You are just a cunning, foolish cuckoo that barks on a summer day.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: vasik041 on July 12, 2021, 12:55:20 AM
Quote from: color on July 11, 2021, 11:49:37 PM
You are just a cunning, foolish cuckoo that barks on a summer day.
Dear Color,
May be Nick said something, but you wasn't very polite either ;)
Your photoshop activities annoy people,  don't be surprised with reactions.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 12, 2021, 06:01:07 AM

Cuckoo's opinion is a rationalization of deposition.
Deposition is a survival strategy in the natural world, but it is a lack of ability to hatch its own eggs by selecting birds that are weaker than themselves and hatching their young.
Loud and loud shouting of a deposition cuckoo can be an expression of anxiety and incompetence.
Anxiety is called senility (second childhood) in psychology.
It can be seen as a result of the private absence of an afterlife about aging.
Opinions are just opinions.
It's better to chase someone who lights a generator than to chase someone who doesn't.
I can hear you answering what I know for your questions, but
I don't care if someone likes or dislikes the light and darkness of the generator experiment and religious point of view that my dad started sharing out of boredom.
The future is just a continuation of the undiscovered past.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 12, 2021, 08:35:37 AM
'Among other past experiments,'

Ⓐ 125vdc(30w light), 22~26vac(2kw light)
Ⓑ 150vdc(30w light), 22~26vac(2kw light)
Ⓒ 175vdc(30w light), 22~26vac(2kw light)

The difference is the diode bridge output and the output directly from the grenade coil.
In all three experiments, the grenade lead arrangement is different, but the difference in фитонит is not very noticeable.
There is a difference in фитонит in the photo, but the video recording is almost the same so that you cannot feel the difference.
My dad didn't have a measuring device, so he read it by eye.
PSU 24V-6.3A.
Yoke-transformer (base 9cm) winding primary coil 16 turns, secondary coil 20 turns.
kacher secondary coil-12cm, 45mm PVC.
Grenade main coil 41m.
Inductor coil 20m.
This experiment is an experiment that does not use earth-grounding.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 14, 2021, 08:26:50 AM
fig tree transplant

For those who live with their daughters, I think the fig tree is a non-selective utopia intervention. 8)
I never thought you'd be religious. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 14, 2021, 01:42:14 PM


don't know why those involved in the Lithuanian OU experiment give value to their own strange experiment.


The above experiment is simple,


It is just an experiment on the avalanche effect known as Townsend discharge.
Townsend discharge appears in an experiment using spark gaps.
It's true that a high voltage Tesla produces an avalanche effect,
Townsend discharge is not related to the Kappanadze/Acura/Ruslan generator principle.
It does not mean that it is completely irrelevant, but that it has nothing to do with Townsend discharge and the principle of development.


The spark gap shown in the video above is not a spark gap for Townsend discharge, but a basic spark gap for Tesla high voltage to work.
In order to activate the earth-ground with a high voltage like lightning, a transformer of a flyback structure must basically have a spark gap.
This is not a spark gap that causes an avalanche effect, it is simply a spark gap for high voltages.


Charge unbalanced lightning has a high unbalanced amperage by itself.
Charge imbalanced lightning produces a more transcendentally balanced amperage only when negative and positive charges meet.
It is correct to say that this is a short circuit-spark.
That's why the Kappanadze/Acura/Ruslan generator principle is called the lightning-discharge principle.

The Lithuanian OU experiment is independent of the Kappanadze/Acura/Ruslan generator principle.

The Kacher schematic below is a Tesla that is not directly related to Townsend discharge.
The Kacher role is all about activating the earth-ground and drawing electric charges into the generator.

I would like to ask the Lithuanian OU experimenters.
Do you think my dad's experiment in the video above is Townsend discharge?


It seems that 'It's' cafe members have already completed and tested it.


That's probably why Ruslan chose conductors with thick kacher sheaths.

It really maximizes the fire hazard.

All shards will burn out.

So my dad felt the need to slightly change the strength of the kacher, so he changed it.

But don't change it.
The reason will be explained later.

Are Nick's beloved Geo's experiments still a long way off?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 15, 2021, 07:37:36 PM
카페가 적막강산이야....... ;D ;D

Передача электроэнергии 20кВт по одному проводу толщиной 8 микрон

Kapanadze, Akura, Ruslan ::)
To pay tribute to the members of this cafe who, like the three apep-snakes, do not want to admit they are scammers. ::)
Whether it's a regret for the past 10 years, a stubborn obsession, or a mental problem, ::)
Just like fans of Jehovah and Moses hoping for a miracle from a total output 120W generator (24V, 6.3A, PSU), 8)
Fishing so that my daughter will not let go of the string of hope. ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 08:08:22 AM
When electrons escape from a substance, heat is generated.
The departure of electrons from matter is similar to nuclear fission.
The electrons generate more heat on the side where they are absorbed than at the side where they escape.
This is why the positive terminal of the battery is thicker than the negative terminal.
Lightning is the rapid movement of electrons between water molecules in the atmosphere, resulting in heat and light.
Kacher's high voltage creates only negative electrons in the coil.
When the positive charge of the earth-ground meets the high voltage negative electrons in the coil, light and heat are produced.
When the amount of current is high, energy is generated even when positive and negative charges meet, but when the amount of current is small, a resistor is required where the positive and negative charges meet.
The filament acts as a resistor.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 08:11:06 AM
Karpanadze basically uses an inverter of 220V-400W (about 3A).
For the generator to work, all that remains is to maximize the negative charge and draw the positive charge from the earth-ground.

The technology of combining the Tesla coil and radiant energy as we know it is to place an electric light in the place where the Tesla coil and the Earth-Earth ground are connected,

It is common to place a metal that absorbs negatively charged particles around a tesla coil or kacher coil and connect it to a light fixture.
2017. 5. 4
4x Slayer Exciter - 230 V Lightbulb Test
2017. 5. 7
Electro Radiant Energy - Ultimate Receiver Test
2017. 5. 7
Electro Radiant Energy - Soft Plasma Effect
2017. 5. 16
Electro Radiant Energy - Dual Layer Receiver Test
2017. 6. 20
Electro Radiant Energy - Copper Pipe Receiver Test
2017. 11. 22
Electro Radiant Energy - Grounding Effect
2018. 2. 4
Simple Cold Electricity - Battery Current Measurement

So the generators of Karpanadze, Akura and Ruslan were also directly connected to the Tesla (kacher) secondary coil.
How to connect this is a difficult yet easy way.
If so, you might ask, what is the difference between the same method used by Ingener99?
The method Ruslan introduced us to is the same method that Ingener99 provided.
Did Karpanadze and Akura use the same method?
Ingener99 connected the light to point Ⓐ, but Karpanadze and Akura connected the light to point Ⓑ.
What is the difference between Ⓐ and Ⓑ?
In a typical Tesla coil, Ⓐ and Ⓑ are connected to each other, so there is no voltage difference.
However, the difference in radiant energy emitting negatively charged particles is large.
In Ⓐ, little radiant energy is generated, but in Ⓑ, a lot of radiant energy is emitted.
So, I connected the secondary coil of the transformer to Ⓑ of Karpanadze and Akurado.

By the way, Ruslan has released a schematic of the generator connected to point Ⓐ.
I color it there with a pink pen and kindly explain it.
Of course, it is not a circuit diagram drawn by Ruslan, but a video has been released that connects point Ⓐ and earth-ground.
So my dad also made an experiment by making a Tesla secondary coil that is independent of the circuit and not the kacher.
The problem is that the tesla-coil doesn't match the generator's working principle.
The thing is that the generator reacted only to the kacher-coil.
My dad did a lot of experiments to figure out the cause,
The tesla or kacher's secondary coil must be connected to the circuit for generator resonance to work.
My dad doesn't know the cause either.
This is a problem for members with oscilloscopes and good equipment to figure out.
That's why my dad presented the TL494-74HC00-TC4420-2sk2611 schematic completion game to the members.

At the 'It's' cafe, 'It's' is experimenting with the independent Tesla secondary coil, so we expect the results to come out soon.
My dad failed because of his lack of skills, but I expect 'It's' to succeed.
If 'It's' succeeds, it proves that Ruslan's schematic is correct.

The Ruslan generator also cheats that the secondary coil of the transformer is connected to point Ⓑ but connected to point Ⓐ.
Ruslan also shows a screen that seems to hint at this in an early video, but shows a duality in words and actions.
The only way to find out what conspiracy lies inside the 45mm PVC pipe that Akura and Ruslan hide is for members to experiment and prove.

There are many open-minded members who love electricity.
Cheering from afar.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 08:13:51 AM
Akura is evil.

kacher coil 9 cm.

Akura's grenade coil and 45mm PVC pipe

Ruslan's Grenade Coil and 45mm PVC Pipe

The kacher coil wound tape has a rough surface.
It means that some evil conspiracy is lurking in the thick coil.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 08:18:41 AM

Ruslan is demonstrating to Akura that he understood one of the many secrets of the Akura Generator in the video above.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 08:21:23 AM
Do you see any traces of Akura burning the antenna lead?.
Akura tricked people by making the tip of the kacher's secondary coil identical to the grenade coil, but Ruslan used a different type of coil to trick people.
Another secret lies between the kacher's secondary coil and the grenade coil.
The kacher's secondary coil will be split into two strands, one going to the antenna wire, and one going to be connected to the grenade coil inside a 45mm PVC pipe.
And Ruslan puts on a show to trick people with the thick red wire connected to the kacher secondary coil.
The entry point of the kacher secondary coil, which Ruslan connected with the thick red wire, is where фитонит does not occur.
It produces only very fine contact sparks.

The video above exposed the hypocrisy of Akura and Ruslan, but only my dad and a few other members recognized it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 08:27:09 AM
At point Ⓐ of the kacher secondary coil, фитонит is not generated.
There are only very slight sparks that are difficult to observe with the naked eye.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 08:38:02 AM
One of the many things for a generator to work is that the inductor coil and the kacher coil have to work together.

A few of the members of this cafe openly say that they know the secrets of generators, so please stop the show.
Because your big nose is more likely to get hurt in the future.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 09:15:45 AM
공짜라면 양잿물도 쳐마실 카페 위인들이 찬밥 더운밥 가려가면서 악당질 하겠니?! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 16, 2021, 09:26:04 AM
양잿물이 위장약인줄 아니보지 머..🏅⛄⛄⛄⛄🏅
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 17, 2021, 07:28:16 AM

Please see and listen spark gap in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWsPwynGP_c
Magnetic quenching of spark gap is very important for sharp pulses and best effect.
Also there is large induction because of capacitor discharge making lots of amps in sparks.


Да. Именно об этом я и говорю. Мы оперируем тем, чему научили, в чём выросли.Здесь-же надо найти то, чему никто, кроме Теслы, не ковырял. Его просто "задвинули".

I'm attaching a picture because the T-1000 playing with the magnet doesn't seem to understand what "задвинули" means.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 17, 2021, 08:39:18 AM
Three standing Apep-snakes shove venom into the Schrödinger's cat box (grenade coil). 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 17, 2021, 10:35:00 PM
vasmus - СЕ генератор - часть 2

How much can the helical copper plate used by Basmus absorb the radiant energy of the kacher secondary coil?
It even has a double amplification device attached to it like a fluorescent light ballast.
Was it necessary to modulate the received kacher's high voltage?
In conclusion, the efficiency is about 1% to 70%.
The greater the distance, the lower the efficiency.
(I'm guessing because I don't have any measuring equipment)
My dad didn't have a special transformer made by Basmus, so he used a TV-yoke transformer for his experiments.

It's a matter of how Basmus understands how the transformer coil receives the high voltage pulses from the Tesla secondary coil in the 100KW Kapanadze generator video, so we don't know how much of Basmus's device is true and how much is false.

if so,
What is the efficiency of the inductor coil made by Akura and Ruslan, which indirectly receives the radiant energy of the kacher secondary coil through the antenna?
When the kacher secondary coil is connected to the grenade, Фитонит occurs,
If the kacher secondary coil is not connected to the grenade, the difference is that Фитонит does not occur.

This is an experiment using a 12V/12.5A, 24V/6.3A, 24V/250W PSU without using a battery.
Curious about the results of experiments using batteries?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 17, 2021, 11:44:19 PM
vasmus - СЕ генератор - часть 16

바스무스 이 사기꾼 자식 때문에 피같은 돈만 낭비했어... ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 20, 2021, 03:44:58 AM
 Попадает мужик в рай! его усаживают за большой, шикарно накрытый стол, и подают длиную ложку! он спрашивает.....а ложка почему длинная? и ангел который его сопровождал отвечает...... на земле ты учился кормить себя, а здесь учатся кормить .....другого!

Somebody's Heaven and Hell
There are as many perspectives on Heaven, likely as there are people on the planet. For some it is physical realm in which peace prevails and they never age. For others, it is a reward for a life well lived here on Earth. Still others feel they have to sacrifice joy here to have it there. My take on it is that we can create Heaven on Earth by our thoughts, choices and actions. What would your life be like if you lived as if this terrestrial realm could be celestial?

One of my favorite stories is one that I think of as 'feeding each other in heaven'. When I looked it up just now, I found a Hassidic Jewish version, a Christian version and a Chinese version:

There is an ancient Chinese parable about an old man who knew he would die soon. He wanted to know what Heaven and hell were like. He visited a wise man in his village to ask "Can you tell me what Heaven and hell are like?" The wise man led him down a strange path, deep into the countryside. Finally they came upon a large house with many rooms and went inside. Inside they found lots of people and many enormous tables with an incredible array of food. Then the old man noticed a strange thing, the people, all thin and hungry were holding chopsticks 12 feet long. They tried to feed themselves, but of course could not get the food to their mouths with such long chopsticks. The old man then said to the wise man "Now I know what hell looks like, will you please show me what Heaven looks like?" The wise man led him down the same path a little further until they came upon another large house similar to the first. They went inside and saw many people well fed and happy, they too had chopsticks 12 feet long. This puzzled the old man and he asked, "I see all of these people have 12 feet chopsticks too, yet they are well fed and happy, please explain this to me. The wise man replied, "in Heaven we feed each other"


"There is an old Hasidic story of a rabbi who had a conversation with the Lord about Heaven and Hell.'I will show you Hell,' said the Lord, and led the rabbi into a room containing a group of famished, desperate people sitting around a large, circular table. In the center of the table rested an enormous pot of stew, more than enough for everyone. The smell of the stew was delicious and made the rabbi's mouth water. Yet no one ate. Each diner at the table held a very long-handled spoon–long enough to reach the pot and scoop up a spoonful of stew, but too long to get the food into one's mouth. The rabbi saw that their suffering was indeed terrible and bowed his head in compassion.

'Now I will show you Heaven,' said the Lord, and they entered another room identical to the first–same large, round table, same enourmous pot of stew, same long-handled spoons. Yet there was gaity in the air: everyone appeared well nourished, plump, and exuberant. The rabbi could not understand and looked to the Lord. 'It is simple,' said the Lord, 'but it requires a certain skill.  You see, the people in this room have learned to feed each other!'"


When I consider the people in my life, both living and in their own version of heaven, I imagine that kind of endlessly long table, filled to overflowing, not only with food, but the nourishment of joy in each others' presence. There is music, dancing, everyone's favorite dishes,  fireflies lighting up the night, a campfire around which people drum and cavort. I am sitting with my parents, grandparents, as well as other loved ones who have passed, a long line of ancestors and those who they never had the chance to meet in this lifetime. I welcome new guests at the table each day....today, perhaps you will join us and bring your friends and family as the tribe grows incrementally and the overlapping soul circles widen.

http://youtu.be/kBMCFPQSeJY In My Heaven Mary Chapin Carpenter

An ancient Korean legend features people whose arms are not bent.
The content is similar.

For reference, the earth god Geb is the original model of hell.

Geri Halliwell - It's Raining Men
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 20, 2021, 04:34:24 AM
Revelation 19 [NASB]    
After these things I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God;
BECAUSE HIS JUDGMENTS ARE TRUE AND RIGHTEOUS; for He has judged the great harlot who was corrupting the earth with her immorality, and HE HAS AVENGED THE BLOOD OF HIS BOND-SERVANTS ON HER."
And a second time they said, "Hallelujah! HER SMOKE RISES UP FOREVER AND EVER."
And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sits on the throne saying, "Amen Hallelujah!"
And a voice came from the throne, saying, "Give praise to our God, all you His bond-servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great."
Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, "Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.
"Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready."
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

Then he said to me, "Write, 'Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb '" And he said to me, "These are true words of God."
Then I fell at his feet to worship him But he said to me, "Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."

Hebrew: הַלְּלוּיָהּ (halleluyah)
Greek: ἀλληλούϊα (allēlouia, classic), αλληλούια (alliloúia, modern)
Latin: alleluja

In the original Septuagint, the Hebrew word was translated into Greek as ἀλληλούϊα. At this time, on the alpha of the original word, a sign indicating a weak breath sound was attached in consideration of the original Hebrew pronunciation, but since there was no sign indicating a weak breath sound in Latin letters, it was simply omitted and transferred to alleluia. That is why Catholics, who have used Latin as their liturgical language, pronounce it Alleluia, while Orthodox Churches, which use Greek as their liturgical language, pronounce it Alleluia.

Hallelujah and Alleluia (Alleluia) are generally used interchangeably, but to briefly look at them, in the original-language Bible, the Old Testament uses Hallelujah and the New Testament uses Alleluia. It originated from the difference between Hebrew and Greek, the languages ​​in which the Old and New Testaments were written. In ancient Greek, the strong 'h' pronunciation used in the Hebrew word hallelujah was absent, and as the Greek language was translated into Latin, hallelujah was used .

In Christianity, it is a word expressing the meaning of praising God. The Hebrew word 'halel', which means praise, and '-u', meaning imperative, is added to make 'Hallelu' = 'Praise'. Since Yah is added as the object here, the literal translation is 'Praise Yahweh', and according to the tradition of Bible translation, it is translated as 'Praise the Lord'. It is sometimes translated as 'Praise the Lord' in the King James Version, 'Praise the LORD' instead of the transliteration Hallelujah in the English Bible, and 'Praise ye the LORD' in the King James Version ) is also translated as

In the Old Testament of the Bible, it usually appears at the beginning or end of a psalm or hymn. In particular, Psalms 146 to 150 are called 'Hallelujah Psalms' because they begin with Hallelujah and end with Hallelujah. This means that after the exile, it was used at the beginning of the worship service in the temple. This word was also used as a declaration of invitation to Christian worship. In the Catholic Mass, it is chanted and sung before the reading of the Gospels. If you're not going to sing, you shouldn't even memorize it.

"Hallelujah" is the cry of the Sun Temple Headjet-Light, which each interprets according to their doctrine.
It can be interpreted as meaning "darkness is coming" because it is the cry of the sun that goes into the setting sun and is soon to die.
During the day when the sun is in the sky, Nut, the god of the sky, who plays the role of a great harlot, flaunts his presence, but when the sun disappears, the sky becomes darkness and a world of stars and the moon.

Then I fell at his feet to worship him But he said to me, "Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."

The content of Revelation 19:10 is the conversation between the Apep serpent and the sun, with Nut prostrate in the place of the sun to the standing Apep snake.

Islam "Allah-God" comes from "Hallelujah".
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 20, 2021, 04:53:41 AM
There is news that Russian Emperor Putin has granted permission for US military use of Russian military bases.
If US troops withdraw from Afghanistan, China is expected to go into the graves of empires.

Corridor de Wakhan

China is very territorial.
And Afghanistan and China share a border.
Although Jewish capital is trying to contain Islam by using the tyranny of China, perhaps China is different from other empires in the past.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 20, 2021, 05:52:58 AM
black panther dialogue
"In Wakanda, death doesn't mean the end"


The movie line 'Wakanda Forever' has been in vogue for a while... ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 20, 2021, 06:44:25 AM
Xinjiang is the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, where China opened the Wakhan Corridor and Islam came in like a wave.
The human rights of Islam that serve the dark god Apep Snake are the human rights of darkness.
Whether you want to serve the God of Darkness or the God of Light, it's your preference, but when it's dark, you hate light, and when it's bright, it's your instinct and reason to let the darkness fail.
The Chinese are gray men like the moon, but the CCP does not like Islam.
This is not a matter of instinct or reason, but of the doctrines of the Communist regime.
Whether it's a black cat or a white cat, as long as you catch mice well, you're a communist.
For the Chinese Communist Party, which is recording 60 million starvation deaths in history, the extermination of ethnic minorities is only one step toward building a Communist ideal state.

The Jewish state and the United States use China to catch two rabbits, but the book of Revelation is still valid.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 20, 2021, 08:26:39 AM
Flashdance - Final Dance / What A Feeling (1983)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on July 20, 2021, 10:33:17 AM
I see you are done now.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on July 20, 2021, 10:56:22 AM
Just want to know answer to this question. Color do you have or your dad have a working device 🙂
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 20, 2021, 11:58:44 AM

Communists must learn how to ask questions.
Say it like this. Will the free generator help build a communist empire?

It doesn't help.
Hungry people do not work when they are full.
If you make and distribute strange circuits, people will never make a free generator.
This behavior is called "meowing" while blindfolded.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on July 20, 2021, 12:33:21 PM
You have everything what Ruslan has, so what do you miss?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on July 20, 2021, 01:42:09 PM
I didn't understand your answer. :-[
I have asked a Simple questions
Yes or no?
That's it.
I don't see how old pyramid and drawing and so many photoshop photos you post are related to Ruslan device.
I am confused 🤔
Some theory u post make sense. Some don't.
It's like you have a working device and it seems like you r mocking us
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on July 21, 2021, 02:48:30 AM
Quote from: justawatt on July 20, 2021, 01:42:09 PM
I didn't understand your answer. :-[
I have asked a Simple questions
Yes or no?
That's it.
I don't see how old pyramid and drawing and so many photoshop photos you post are related to Ruslan device.
I am confused 🤔
Some theory u post make sense. Some don't.
It's like you have a working device and it seems like you r mocking us

He doesn't have any working device. All it has to do is transfer energy to the load. There is no FE.
He wouldn't waste  time on silly pictures.

People in Egypt painted different things. Now artists also paint strange things does that mean we have this technology !?
You look at the clouds and you see a dog or an ordinary cloud. People always want to match something they have seen.
Color has been looking at drawings from sensational websites and thinks that this is how the Egyptians had flying cars,
they went into space, and of course they had electricity.
Color: you litter the forum with these pictures. You do it for so long that you have tired others and they don't want to write anything.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 21, 2021, 06:12:45 AM

Me and my dad came to this cafe to hang out, and we were hit by the demands of our members.
I have disclosed to members [partially] the mechanism by which the generators of Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan work.

Kinda like someone feeding you the answers on a test so that you will pass it but when you get to the real world on a job you will then fail as you didn't learn what it was you were supposed to learn when you had the chance to do so.

Right now I seem to be the only one that wishes to understand this technology fully and also to be the only one with the drive to actually see this technology through till the end which is why I really don't feel like teaching this technology to anyone anymore as no one truly listens to me anyways but instead just want me to answer their test questions for them which truly gets them nowhere in the end.

The rest are easy for members to understand.
Some members may have already done it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 21, 2021, 06:14:18 AM

I posted on this forum along with some pictures that the history of human worship of light was in the history of ancient Egypt.
And I don't know much about UFOs.
I've never actually witnessed it.
So there is nothing to talk about UFOs.
All I know is that there are about 77 UFO records in the medieval country called "Joseon" on the Korean Peninsula.
Most of the time, local officials reported information they had obtained through eyewitnesses to the central government.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on July 21, 2021, 06:24:23 AM
Quote from: color on July 21, 2021, 06:14:18 AM

I posted on this forum along with some pictures that the history of human worship of light was in the history of ancient Egypt.
And I don't know much about UFOs.
I've never actually witnessed it.
So there is nothing to talk about UFOs.
All I know is that there are about 77 UFO records in the medieval country called "Joseon" on the Korean Peninsula.
Most of the time, local officials reported information they had obtained through eyewitnesses to the central government.

Ask yourself how many photo cameras and video cameras are there?
99% of people in the world have at least 1 camera. Even in the desert or in Antarctica.
Even on Mount Everest. Where is the evidence !?
People in Egypt rattled everything they did not understand, so I am not surprised that they worshiped containers for something.
Now you do the same with the urn of someone who has died!
You are trying to match puzzles that are not from this set.

You show a picture with glowing lamps. It's ridiculous and proves nothing.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 21, 2021, 06:54:52 AM

내 딸이 선물한 카메라는 고장나서 카메라가 없다. ;D
나의 휴대폰은 25년이 넘은 구형이라 카메라가 작동하지 않습니다. ;D
이 카페 일부 회원들은 자기들이 연구해서 발표할 생각은 않고 요구만 한다. ::)
매일 배급만 받던 구시대 공산주의 잔재인가? 8)
자유-자본주의 근본에는 요구가 아닌 자유의사-기부만 있다. 8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 21, 2021, 07:13:10 AM
Como usar un FLAYBAK con baterías

He is one of the viewers of this cafe.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 23, 2021, 11:52:46 AM
Мини Капанадзе. В работе участвует Тр. Мельниченко и Бифиляр Тесла.. Из за зазора между кернами, происходит разделение фаз, между первичной и вторичной ОЭДС. Последовательно цепи вторичной обмотки находится ТДКС. Он в свою очередь создаёт высокое напряжение. Во вторичной цепи существует ТОК ВТОРРОГО РОДА. Нагрузка подключена по факту в разрыве между ЭЛЕКТРОДИНАМИЧЕСКОЙ ИНДУКЦИЕЙ, что есть ток магнитного поля, и высоким напряжением от ТДКС. Результат, высокое напряжение не тянет энергию от АКБ, так оно возникает в силу происходящих процессов, вне зависимости от тока АКБ. А ЭДИ создает свой ток, в силу магнитных взаимодействий (ВЕКТОР ПОИНТА), на трансформаторе Мельниченко. По факту в лампе встречаются два вида энергии, которые в результате и создают нагрев спирали, и при этом не тянут ток от АКБ, как в классике. То есть в работу вступает второе магнитное поле. Некоторые называют его СКАЛЯРНЫМ МАГНИТНЫМ ПОЛЕМ –Николаева. В результате этого, уменьшается и ток потребления от АКБ , и он стремится к нулю. Так, как на спирали встречаются ВЫСОКОВОЛЬТНЫЕ БЕЗТОКОВЫЕ ИМПУЛЬСЫ БРОВИНА, и Ток второго рода по Мельниченко. Все зависит от резонанса вещества- СЕРДЕЧНИКА, его магнитных свойств, Массы, так называемой –ИНЕРЦИИ. Об этом Мельниченко подробно изложил с расчетами, в одном из его видео. Чем больше инерция, тем больше возможности уменьшить ток потребления от АКБ, и осуществить РЕКУПЕРАЦИЮ. Разрядник позволят лучше войти в резонанс Бифиляра, так как в нем присутствуют множество частот, что упрощает поиск резонанса, нежели на отдельном генераторе. Капанадзе не зря указывая на Мельниченко, сообщая, что необходимо держать резонанс. Использование земли, есть способ осуществить рекуперацию за счет утечек токов, и не только. Как сказал Д. Смит, необходимо уходить с электрической составляющей на магнитную, иначе ничего не выйдет. ДЕРЖИТЕ РЕЗАНАНС))))))))))))) Создается впечатление, что напряжение присутствует, а ток нет, что меняет картину формулы МОЩНОСТИ. И другой закон Ома работает на магнитной составляющей-сообщал Д. Смит. В итоге все просто и сложно от слова СЛОЖИТЬ.

Да, кстати у меня новый АНТИВИРУ, хрен прогнете))))))))



Hell is a horror created by your thoughts.
Heaven is a utopia created by your imagination.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 23, 2021, 12:31:45 PM
The battery test results are surprising and surprising. ;D ;D
Ruslan-X will rejoice from afar. ::) ::)

People who do not experiment on their own and only covet the added value that others have achieved have been called thieves since ancient times. 8) 8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: vasik041 on July 23, 2021, 02:55:59 PM
Quote from: color on July 23, 2021, 12:31:45 PM

People who do not experiment on their own and only covet the added value that others have achieved have been called thieves since ancient times. 8) 8)

https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=7v83u0ao3qjdu3ehak895bp3v6&topic=3926.msg93696#msg93696 (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=7v83u0ao3qjdu3ehak895bp3v6&topic=3926.msg93696#msg93696)
what do you mean? are those two first photos yours ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 24, 2021, 01:38:35 AM

Was the picture above the generator you made?

One way to increase your chances of free-generator success is to experience seven thousand failures like Edison did.
You have a higher chance of success by experiencing this failure.

The English way of thinking is convenient and practical.
African tribes who have come to play for a while and then have to go back will not understand.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 24, 2021, 03:38:42 AM
не работает эта бойда, десятки тыс людей делали, это фейк

Hundreds of millions of people tried it, but it didn't work.
So the generator is fake????
Cro-Magnon man Hundreds of millions of people tested it and it didn't work.
So the generator is fake????

Even if Edison or Tesla were reborn, they wouldn't be able to build the generators of Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan.
Generators with this structure cannot be made except by those who have succeeded in generating generators such as Capanaze/Akura/Ruslan/others.
There are only electricians who are looking for the result of their accidental success in conventional electric common sense.

More cosmos came and died than cosmic stars.
Russians are looking for extraterrestrials, preferring the simplicity of thinking that only humans existed in the process of creation and destruction of countless universes.
This is the member's self-acknowledgement of logical errors and contradictions.
Seven thousand experiments are meaningless.
Only the possibility of success is valid.

In another experiment of my dad,

Ⓐ and Ⓑ diode bridge type generator works.
The premise is to understand and install the structure in which the generator works.
Someone must have painted it without thinking, but this is not a thoughtless drawing.
who drew it?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 24, 2021, 02:42:26 PM
I don't believe in voodoo magic.
99% of human beliefs wish for useless things.
Human belief is the source of "self-hypnosis".
This area of ​​belief is not about right or wrong, it is about wanting what you want.
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Heaven and Hell are just one aspect of faith.
Eastern philosophy and Buddhism define this as human desire.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 24, 2021, 02:44:02 PM
yes, my feeling is that with 24V there should be much more voltage on the secondary top / antenna.
Presently i can pull a 0.2mm spark with a screwdriver which should be mm's i think, even with this low duty cycle the kacher is running on.

Well, this is Tesla coil, not kacher, you will need tune everything yourself :)
I would suggest you disconnect antenna coil and measure Tesla's secondary coils resonance with signal generator.
Then measure antenna coil capacitance, just for reference.
Then you can try use Gorchilin's calculator to calculate resonance and you will need adjust it to match gradient coil resonance.
Verpies rigth about geometry, center of inductor should be close to first turn of secondary (place where current node will be).

Генератор Свободной Энергии (дополнение и демонстрация)

Ruslan touches the kacher secondary coil ferrite-antenna with a screwdriver, but only sees very small sparks.
This generator is a kacher construction, not a tesla.
Even using a 12V 10A PSU produces a very long Фитонит in the kacher secondary coil.
The 2KW light turned on and the Фитонит turned into a small spark.
The kacher can only be grounded on the negative side of the structure.

What understanding does a very long Фитонит need to translate to a 2KW light?


The video above is a Tesla-structured generator.
A yoke-transformer with IR2110 can generate high voltage without using a tesla.
My dad has a lot of experience making about 46VAC for a 2KW light with a 24V 6.3A PSU.
Equivalent to 50 40W lights.
The member in the video above did not run the free-generator, only the yoke-transformer and the Tesla.
This means that it is not a free-generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 24, 2021, 03:52:53 PM
What is that aluminum foil for ? :
Обзор доски

Using the IR2110 in the push-pull circuit generates a lot of heat in the yoke-transformer circuit and the grenade coil.
It is so hot that you cannot touch it with your hands.
45mm PVC-pipe bends under intense heat.
In my dad's case, the 45mm PVC-pipe was bent more than 10 degrees, so I replaced it with an aluminum pipe.
PVC pipe turns yellow in strong heat.
The picture below is the one that was stopped while restoring the curved one.
That's why the member in the video above installed a support under the grenade coil as a temporary measure to prevent the PVC-pipe from bending.
Aluminum foil doesn't do much other than act as a kind of heat sink.

Some members stress that aluminum affects frequency, but in my dad's experience it has nothing to do with generator operation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 24, 2021, 05:34:31 PM
Начало. Бтг эксперименты по Романову.#3
Мысли вслух

Ruslan's "controlled tesla" means "closed structure tesla".
Powerful enough to burn anything it touches.

Ruslan has a powerful opportunity to change the world, but he will most likely give it up because of his greed for a few thousand dollars.
However, as soon as the technology is released, its value disappears.
Because it is easily duplicated.
That's why no one invests in free-generators.
The world knows Kapanadze, but there is no individual or country to buy his technology his.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 25, 2021, 01:57:35 AM
African voodoo magic begins on the tongue. ;D
In ancient Lower Egypt there was a creator god named "Ptah",
"what the heart of Ptah thinks, the tongue expresses in language," and all things come into being.
A monkey-god with the name "Bes" is given the tongue of Pta, and humans are born. ;D ::)
The first African-blacks are born. 8)
So Bes became a midwife-god. ;D

Kapanadze, Akura, Ruslan.
The hypothesis that the three are scammers is slowly being completed. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 25, 2021, 08:30:38 AM
Один из основных принципов получения свободной энергии от именинника Н. Тесла:
"...Когда конденсаторы заряжаются до определенного потенциала, воздух, или изолирующее пространство, пробивается и происходит разряд. Тогда происходит резкий бросок тока, то есть расходуется большое количество накопленной электрической энергии. Затем конденсаторы заряжаются, и такой же процесс повторяется более или менее быстро. Для производства таких резких бросков тока необходимо соблюдать определенные условия. Если скорость разряда конденсаторов соответствует скорости зарядки, то в таком случае ясно, что конденсаторы в процессе не участвуют. Если скорость разряда меньше скорости зарядки, то и тогда конденсаторы не могут играть важной роли. Но если, напротив, скорость разряда выше скорости зарядки, тогда достигается последовательность резких бросков тока. "



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21846 on: April 18, 2020, 04:22:02 AM »
                  "so what's the missing link we are ignoring ?"

  What many didn't mention much,   B.E.M.F. energy
                Is the missing link. ;)

Do not focus on the conventional ways of getting energy out....

** edited post


Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21855 on: April 18, 2020, 07:01:37 PM »
Quote from: NickZ on April 18, 2020, 04:40:05 AM
  Hi Geo:  Welcome back. How goes it? Long time  no hear...  NickZ

Hi Nick,

Yes, busy as always with many things that are important.
I'm just here to give hints that will help.
To understand the system is to focus on the Collapsing field part and using a HV swing right when that happens.
this is what gives it the multiplication method. resonances are used to keep in tune for the system to work and the amount that
you want to receive corresponding to the LC configs. Sync is needed as well otherwise it wont work.
then you have to see when kacher needs to be fired on the correct moment when Mosfet of pushpull is off.
The simple kacher has to be turned off completely by a switch, ( MOSFET) for a brief pulse when the collapse of field is
happening on the grenade. You can add an extra FET that will control the simple kacher negative terminal on or off in fast.
tricky part is that, to sync that specific part.
As what Ruslan said long back or Akula, the Tesla coil/ Kacher is what is doing all the massive output work after.
Make sure you only tap from out put after diode bridge. not befor! otherwise resonance is broken.
Bemf is what this output is, I have seen to much but had to say it.

Important EDITED **
** Nick, I reflected on my old videos where in 2016 was a year I almost had it but it was unstable
Yet it performed as Ruslan did but was limited power yet it did not effect the input at all when changing output
load. In those days I had no idea precisely what was going on but was doing my best to understand, but now I do.
The BEMF was present that day at the output , this is why it did not effect the input.
If there were another tesla coil circuit that could handle higher voltages input such as 60VDC would have made this output greater that day without increasing the input.
this is the video from 2016
The output is not affected by touching the antenna that also shows that the operation is different as I am stating.

Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.
Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.
Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.
Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.

Quote from: Raycathode on April 18, 2020, 09:50:48 AM
No look again at Nelsons circuit he kindly published he is using that !

Want to try again ?

It does not matter of his circuit now, yet he had some success but we are working on the Akula/Ruslan/Dniester Device here.
Focus on that.
I'm simply helping giving hints and my findings over the period of times.




Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21857 on: April 18, 2020, 09:24:43 PM »
Quote from: DavidWolff on April 18, 2020, 09:05:48 PM
Geo! i'm not disputing you have something working BUT!

this was Wesleys Lithuwanian experiment I don't have one or Ruslans device

but this device worked.

Even Delomorto talkes about it on his wersleys thread
It makes sence Ruslans does not!

Hi Dave,

Yes I am aware of this device and have spoken to T-1000 about it many times.
The way this is making energy is completely different from the Akula/Ruslan Devices.

STAAR Yoke device is doing Ferrite Transmutation energy output. this leads to nasty Radiation from the extra material
they had inside the composite of the Ferrite material. those two frequencies Exited it and release it and within certain
resonance. Not sure if it was mixed of Barium inside the Ferrite.

**On thing Ruslan did not talk about nor Akula is how this energy comes about to existance.
that is where they are bastards for a long time... my time invested to see and experiment what it is all about
came to an realisation.
By my findings it is Bemf harvesting and havign resonance all over to keep the balance.
The collapsing field energy and having a brief HV HF pulse right after is what accelerated the output.
This is the type of output when loading it, will not have effect on input. Simple as that.

Ruslan's lastest videos back then for sure did show he using other ways how to
but it is the same outcome and method he is using but difference devices to get it.

Again, STAAR device is comepletely different, Unless you are trying to to nuclear resonance on copper
which is not the thing here right now.

Ruslan did not infact never say what is happening at output but at the video I just posted of my experiment in 2016
RUSLAN did msg me and told me I am close to figuring things out but I had still no clue back then.

Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.
Right now, I have.


Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21861 on: April 19, 2020, 11:10:31 PM »
Quote from: NickZ on April 18, 2020, 11:01:09 PM
   Geo. So,  can you show us wbat you can do now, with your device?

Hi Nick,
Soon, I'm making the bench setup in a much simple way now so when to add and remove is easier and
then to set it back how it was but without instability.

Take a look.
This is one of my recordings 4 years ago

This clearly shows me now that I had something back then and I didn't even realize it up till now...
input is not affected when loading 300W low lumins or not loading anthing , input amps stay the same.
The Back Emf is what is filling up the cap, secret is not the diagram nor special frequencies,
I didn't even wrry on modulation...
Ofcourse for better performance you tune the telsa to the grenade but mines was not 100% tuned to it yet it gave result.
This is all about how you tune the coils and pulses of the tesla coil and when to interrupt when a field is in a certain moment.
Although 4years back it was by luck most of the time also having it right in the spot but not 100%.

***I'll make some sense in this for a moment how i view this device inner workings.
     We need to think and see we are standing near a Pool of water and you are standing at one of the sides of it.
     Now you trow a small rock in front of you in the pool which then creates ripple waves that travel..
     that will travel till the very other side of the pool
     and will reflect against the very end of the other side of the pool and come back
     and on the way the waves are growing larger when it reaches back to your side....
     That coming back ripple is the example just  B.E.M.F. ( a response ) and What if you could accelerate it?
     Imagine now in the when the ripples are coming back and your friend that is on the otherside is trowing a rock but fast
     right behind the ripples/waves and creates a nasty bigger waves that will come back, This is where you induce pulse.
     That is the work of the Tesla coil brief Pulses on the correct moment when tuned.
     So now to bring it on the device, When the Field is generated by pushpull via yoke over the 3T coil serie resonance
     when Current is Highest is where voltage is low then the pulse of Tesla Should be fired to give the amplification effect
     and having the cap at the grenade end to harvest it and in resonance at the same time. it's right when a field collapses.

This is what I see and what I have experienced and what I lacked of explanation of the guyz that have it.

Quote from: Utopia Now on April 19, 2020, 09:47:14 AM
Hi GeoFusion

Nice to hear from you   ... I am enthousiast  to learn more from you.
On what frequency does your Grenade resonate.
Are the first 2 layers wound one way and the second 4 layers the other way ?

Anyway cool video`s on your channel.

I heard you talk about the modulation coil   .. sounds like  you call that bifilar coil  or  do i misinterpret what you say i do`nt understand what you said there

Utopia Now     I am Happy :)

Hi Utopia,

No, I was not busy at all with modulation settings.. and I do not promote that.
Frequency of granade and tesla coils vary for everyone so if you use mines it wont make sense. have to use Scope.
What does make sense is to tune the system when you know you generate a field over the grenade
and when it collapses you have the HV pulse briefly at that moment to Spike up the Bemf that is coming back.

Quote from: DavidWolff on April 19, 2020, 02:56:10 PM
Well I'm not too convinced by any of it. none of it adds up to what Sergey, Enjoykin and Adrian were showing or saying
I get the idea a good part of the tread it's all about muddying the waters, even the grenade isn't wound correctly to get zero inductance.

So what's your track on the inductive winding what do you think that does ? Come on lets hear the jokes

And then there is the katcher what do you suppose is the truth about that ?

Come on lets rip this original idea of some ones fag packet apart and let see if we can get somewhere.

Thing is if you think the device works as is then there is no hope.


Hi Dave,

I know what you are saying, Some of these guys have schematics made or did also experiment on it, but maybe also
had no idea what is happening. this is why some of them only show what they think it is without good experimentation.
Some like Adrian Dniester had success with the device and figured it out. but also did not share because he is bought by
companies out there, same goes for Ruslan and others who have it or maybe had...

The kacher, the reason why it is there is to give a short pulse on the right moments of a collapsing field.
It could be any type of HV transformer at work as long as it does the very short pulses it has to do when it's time.

It's all to know and see if it is possible but without proper test on the bench there will be no progress.
Do some Uncharted water experiments as how I did
and there we can see what is real and what not, many schematics I have
concluded as BS but not all and some of these schematics are not full given truth.

This Device works, It is just that ppl don't understand it yet.

Without HV Pulse the Device is Useless. it has to be a interrupted one.

ppl are not used to work with some of these energies in this way....


Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21953 on: May 02, 2020, 10:34:07 PM »
Hi Nick,

Yes, you will need to be careful while applying such high voltages to tesla coil kacher.
Am aware of the dangers for the circuits.
Yes rusland said those befor but he did not tell to get more KW out to increase voltage ;).

Take a look at the diagram T-1000 shared, it is the diagram I am working on right now.
take time to digest it and see the differences. Ground is very important and the tesla coil/ kacher.
The kacher circuit you posted is good and right now use a interupter switch at the negative rail.
in the bigger diagram it will show the difference and setup.
Yes thanks for posting my video link, although I did post it a page back last msg.

Follow the steps and this will be it to understand.

This is the diagram which me and T-1000 are working on for replication.
It is finally public.





Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21958 on: May 03, 2020, 06:09:39 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 03, 2020, 02:58:02 AM
  Geo:   You said, "The kacher circuit you posted is good and right now use a interupter switch at the negative rail.
in the bigger diagram it will show the difference and setup".                                                                                      quote.

   What interuptor switch at the negative rail? In what "bigger diagram?
   I don't know what you are referring to.


This link will bring you to the diagram that I am using is also the one that Arunas posted today.

You will need to zoom in alot to read and see details it is a picture of size 11Mb so very high detailed.

Look at the left design, that si the one we are building, and you will see the kacher circuit at the top side
and see the positive and negative inputs for it and you will see that negative rail is given in orange color.
that is being interrupted through a mosfet on timing. check it out.
It will be necessary also for your setup. This diagram was once found somewhere and no one know from whom it came from
and was one time on a site that existed only for a few moments and then got shut down for unknown reasons, but this was
one of the salvaged materials I got from that site since last year.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21960 on: May 03, 2020, 06:56:14 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 03, 2020, 06:29:02 AM
   Geo:   Ok, thanks. However, I already have a schematic and most of the components to build a controlable Kacher circuit, designed by Stalker. What I was asking about was not about the controlable circuit, but about the simple kacher circuit that I already have working. So, an interuptor circuit like the first one that Adrian once showed on the simple 5200 transistor kacher circuit, is what I'm looking for. Not the Akula nor Fet based controlable Kacher.

You are welcome, I'm here to help.
Yes i know you are using the Stalker diagrams but
trust me to use this new diagram for the next step to make it really work.
It is the simple kacher that it is showing in the big diagram if you follow it but look what controls it is interesting and is
needed. Gonna show you a pic right here soon enough to show you what I mean ;)
Thing is the kacher can't just free oscillate, it has to be interrupted ( short pulse )
and it ain't so hard to replicate something extra to it.
It will help and you will see results.
We are beyond the point to make this thing work as how it should now and we have everything to try it out right here
right now. The bigger reason why I am showing it is because Believe in it.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21962 on: May 03, 2020, 07:30:42 AM »
Quote from: soliman on May 03, 2020, 02:52:21 AM
hello geo,
Could you explain the use of pin 3 in this TL494 circuit?
the circuit can work with pin 3 or not.
it seems to me that it has no use (it seems to me like an antenna only)
I'm very sorry, English is not my mother's speech and I don't understand it very well. Thank you.
I only use google translation
please make me a diagram of your kacher circuit.

Hi Soliman,
it is ok, you are doing your best :) and doing good in translation.
Pin 3 I'm not even using it in my setup. But it is the PWM comparator pin or feedback.
Not sure if it is used to auto tune while load is connected...Panov was not sure for what it was, written on the pic.
I traced the wire and pin 3 and it goes to the board before the kacher circuit, to a dip switch with 2 levers.
it is then connected to the CD4017 Chip. hmm
But that leg where PIN 3 is connected which is the C1 is the "clock input" leg #14 on the CD4017 Chip.
So to say CD407 is receiving Pulse signals from the TL494's pin3 white wire.
Hmmm Funny .. Might seem it works with the relay on the board maybe.
But to be sure it has to do with the start and stop of the system buttons.

In picture below you will see the pic of that circuit where the white wire is connected to the dip switch blue.
I have drawn arrows in red to show you what to see.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21963 on: May 03, 2020, 07:36:56 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 03, 2020, 07:19:26 AM
  Geo:  Ok, I've seen the simple Kacher circuit that you are refering to now.Yes it is similar to my own version, but where is the interuptor circuit part (not shown). As that is what I am asking about.

Alright :) good.
yes it is a simple one.
Now do you see where on the minus leg of the Kacher is?
It is given a Orange color, orange wire which then goes to one side of a Mosfet if you follow the wire.
It connects to a IRFP3205.

The link to the diagram
I will do my best to show you on a modified pic if you have problems finding it. it is right there.





Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21982 on: May 04, 2020, 09:23:56 AM »
Quote from: Raycathode on May 04, 2020, 08:01:27 AM
A, '150 volts' I don't think that's quite it some how,

Any way the way I'm getting it from a few is the Katcher is used
like a funnel effect like the sap up a tree or a kid being sucked behind a bus on his bike,
remember those days?

No offence but Geo is using an accelerating motor to get his effect as far as I can tell,
I bet T1000 knows more than he is letting on.

Maybe it's time just to move on with all the dead ends.


I think you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about hahaha what a wierd talker.
you must be one of those trolls  ;)
          "Maybe it's time just to move on with all the dead ends." ??
give some recordings on your experiments to show why someone needs to move on... some useful insight and help
otherwise your just one of those trolls again.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #21990 on: May 08, 2020, 05:24:32 PM »
  Yea, you're trying to get somewhere, alright. There's plenty of room at the asylum.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #22015 on: May 13, 2020, 12:02:49 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 08, 2020, 01:04:02 AM
   Hey Geo:   How that "accelerating motor" going? Just kidding...
   Anyways, I was wondering if you've got your set up running yet.

Hi Nick,
Yes, I am about to do a good recording this week so to show the 3T series resonance area.
Something I have to show and for others to see. after that will connect everything and some more stuff that
I have stumbled across for the findings and the last pieces of puzzles.

Stay tuned




Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #22270 on: June 25, 2020, 05:45:58 PM »
   So, here we are. It looks the 2020 is the year of Free Energy Death. Why??? Well because, we are getting no where like this.There are no new self running device videos now. Nothing really new and exciting to talk about in the forums, no OU devices, no nothing. So, people here and elsewhere start fighting between themselves.   So, Everything is now going right on schedule... As planned.
Have you noticed...  Why is that?  I wonder.   AND, most of all, what the hell are we going to do about it???
Sit on your hands, keep fighting, and spinning our wheels.
   Looks like it.
   At least some of us are TRYING to build something, while all this is going on. But, wanting and trying, are not enough. We really need to get it together here. Or else... when the shit really really hits the fan. Well, you know what I'm saying. We and everyone else is going to be shit out of luck.
   Do we really need thousands of satelites, spying on us, tracking us, watching us, and doing what they want with us? As is happening now. Do we surrender to being chipped, and having to do things that we don't want to do, like having to get vaccinated, or your kids can't go to school, you can't get a job, can't even fly away on a plane, either. Like Cuba, like Venezuela, like...   Where am I going with this?     Just another bad hair day, for me today. Sorry.
    I'll get back in line.
         I don't know about you, but, I'm going fishing... After I eat another Snickers Bar.



Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #22346 on: July 05, 2020, 08:46:38 PM »
The greater ground the better connection and attraction for good output.
The less ground in my experience is less power out.

In comparison with the signals sharing from the TL494 in shown diagram,
where on my setup it is shared after the amplifier which is the 1R2110 to the kacher circuit.

Busy replacing small caps on the Pushpull driver, TL494 was limited till 27Khz.
Now will be able to have the range of till 50Khz which is necessary, maybe this was limiting me
Since very beginning.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 25, 2021, 08:39:38 AM
Geofusion 2020 Akula/Ruslan device with ground settings updates

Many members now know why Ruslan praised Geo's experimentation.
We hope that GeoFusion's experiments will resume.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 25, 2021, 10:00:15 AM

Глава1 Парад иллюзий.

По порядку.
Представим, что наши проводники и корпуса радиодеталей сплошь покрыты маленькими отверстиями.
Не озадачиваемся пока причиной колебаний на стороне 5кв.
Принимаем, что уже имеем дуговой разряд в разряднике.

Теперь личное мнение.
Вокруг шнура дуги закручивается бубликоподобный тороид.
Тороид этот из свободного эфира(фазового, пазового - тот который наполняет пазы между связанным эфиром).
Он невидим до некоторых пор.
Частицы эфира в нем вращаются по двум осям.
Вкруговую вокруг шнура и второе вращение бублик самовыворачивается.
Эти два вращения направлены так, что могут способствовать друг другу.
На некотором этапе кинетической энергии частиц достаточна, чтобы воздействовать на связанный эфир среды, разрушать его.
Молекулы и атомы теряют внешние электроны.
Шнур с наружи облеплен вращающимися осколками среды и очень устойчивый.
Внутри шнура пониженное давление и идеальные условия для транспорта безинерционных и инерционных зарядов, с одного электрода до другого.
На каком то этапе тороид самораскручивается и находится в состояни самогенерации свободных инерционных зарядов. Он засасывает носители в шнур и проталкивает в проводник.
Это участок падающей характеристики ВАХ.
Свечение зависит от плотности осколков, количества на единицу объема- естественно эта зона внутренняя орбита бублика- шнур.

При увеличении интенцивности осциляции самовыворачивания бублика, нарастает концентрация осколков, и они появляются на внешних орбитах бублика.
Тогда становится видимым весь тор. Это похоже на апельсин или дыню.
Все вращения очень быстры поскольку носители безинерционны с массой ~0. Думаю что где-то 10в14-10в19Гц.

Инерционные заряды-свободные электроны в трубе проводника создают пульсирующее давление. Это давление направлено во все стороны и передается в  проводнике через несжимаемую среду мгновенно.
Поэтому часть безнерционных частиц дифундируют сквозь стенки проводника (аналогия дырявой трубы), а через какие зоны и про характер ее чуть позже.

Теперь про иллюзии с лампами.

Ваш случай смешанный в нем много процессов.

1) Течение тока электронного, прямой нагрев по всей площади среза спирали.
2) Выброс безинерционных частиц свободного эфира, через границу металла.
3) Эмиссия электронов с раскаленной спирали.

Пункты 1 и 3 это классика.

Пункт 2 самый темный и достоен пера Гоголя Н.В.
Замечены такие народные наблюдения
Бытует мнение, что: - "эфир подчиняется законам с отрицательной энтропией".
Это означает, что движется он из области пониженного давления в область повышенного.Как бы тянется сам к себе.
И очень любит воду, поскольку водород первая производная его самого - свободного эфира - отец очень любит свое потомство.


Происходит соединение свободного эфира из проводника с свободным эфиром из внешнего пространства. Причем выглядит это как тайфунчик : Раширенный глаз в среде (например на колбе лампы), шнур тянется из среды
к точке спирали с самым высоким давлением, обычно это металлические острые конусообразные подвесы спирали. Очень похоже как вода из мойки стекает-завинчивается в тубу стока.
Таким образом имеем в лампе четыре красивых смерча.
Поток которого эфективно нагревает стекло колбы и подсвечивает газ на границе спираль-среда, да так, что если мощность не чрезмерная создается иллюзия, что это работа e-тока с превышением мощности.

Собственно эти "Рога" внутри лампы и есть свободный эфир, подсвеченный  ионами среды.

Глава 2 Третья копеечка в копилку.

  Мы уже знаем, что энергия продольной волны пропорциональна квадрату частоты.
  Фальшивый грош, наверное еще в памяти аудитории.
  Теперь этот фальшивый грош я хочу заменить золотой копеечкой.

  Речь пойдет, о том, что скрывает за собой Дельта Импульс.

    Сразу обозначу конструктив для проверки общей мысли.
     У Interesting он в конце подключен к 12В батарее и зовется качер Бровина (Качатель Реактивностей)

  Дельта импульс это сжатая во времени ЭНЕРГИЯ.
  Его частотный спектр это горизонтальная прямая линия, что говорит о наличии "всех" частот.
  Особенно нам нужна правая его часть-высокочастотная.
  Энергетический спектр Дельта импульса прямая линия -линия поднимающаяся от 0 слева к бесконечности справа.
  Это собственно подтверждает нашу формулу зависимости от частоты.

  Может ли быть такое, что при частоте колебаний 1-2 Мгц в первичной спирали качера, в объме вв катушки найдутся колебания ТераГц.
  Тера нам быстро не увидеть, а вот Гига давайте попробуем.
  Берем длинную ДРЛ лампу и наблюдаем в ее баллоне медленно плывущие почти стоячие черные и ярко светлые области.
  Замеряем линейкой расстояние между темными областями - оно 4см, это как мы выяснили L/2, отсюда L=8см - частота таки равна 3,75ГГц.

  Берем светодиод, плоскогубцами откусываем ноги привязываем ниткой и подтаскиваем поближе к катушке ВВ - светится! тут уже совсем интересно.
  Размер Кристалла в светодиоде пусть будет 1/4 мм , чтобы надавить на кристалл и он выкинул порцию энергии нужна волна, чтобы на кристалле уложилось +- ~ L/4 т.е. 0,001Метра.
  Вычисляем частоту, она равна 300 000 000 000Гц

Глава 3. Разряд дело тонкое.

  Тесла, Грэй для производства Дельта Импульсов пользовались дуговым разрядником.

  Почему в pN переходе возможны грозы?
  Бровин обнаружил этот эфект 20 лет назад дал название процессу качер -качатель реактивности.
  В 2004 году уже начались защиты диссертаций по такому же эфекту названному вражьей абревиатурой SOS эфект в PN переходе.
  Сейчас создаются мощные импульсные генераторы на основе sos диодов способные выдавать многотоковые и многовольтовые импульсы шириной 10 наноСек.
  Отличие их дугового разряда в КПД он всего 40-50%
  Кстати не многие знают, что такой эфект происходит не только в биполярном тр-ре, но и в полевых и даже в вакуумных лампах,а так же вопреки расхожему мнению, тормозные IGBT сборки включенные схемой качера, тоже могут выдавать мощные ультракоротние наносекундные импульсы.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 25, 2021, 10:50:49 PM

Geofusion Akula kacher high input
Geofusion request setup with Carbonization -at the end fun-

The PSU used by Geo is 24V/350W, 15A capacity and the kacher secondary coil is over 30cm long.
These are the parts where the meaning of experimentation is greatly diluted.
And (at that time)Geo doesn't know exactly why the kacher secondary coil is active, so he only gives meaning to complex circuits.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance????
It is simply the movement of electrons (charges).
An overlooked part is the fact that Ruslan ran 2kw with a simple kacher circuit.
A simple kacher circuit like the Ruslan 7 schematic is sufficient.
In the kacher secondary coil, electrons are transcendentally accelerated by the yoke-transformer and grenade inductor coil.
This is also the part that is mistaken for the special resonance of the circuit.
The reason Ruslan said that it was amplified by a factor of 1000 was only a rough reference because he did not know exactly what the synergy would be if the electrons were double accelerated.

How much negative charge must condense (accelerate) in a lightning cloud for lightning to occur?
Kapanadze, Akura, and Ruslan have built a miniature lightning device that extracts a positive charge from the earth-ground.
This is because almost all matter on Earth has a special spirit body called electrons attached to it.
Electrons live a lot, especially in metals and water.

If someone still misunderstands the Zenneck wave, he's still dreaming in his belief-bog.
Источник: https://meforta.ru/en/water-treatment/poverhnostnaya-korotkovolnovaya-elektromagnitnaya-volna-nad.html

특허 도둑들...... 에휴~~~֍ ֎
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 25, 2021, 11:29:23 PM
If we take a look, Tesla coil on it's own is OU, for generating HV in great amounts. It Pulls ambient towards it, like a vacuum.
we see that when we see the Purple Corona at the ends.
I know Ruslan told us about Pachky impulsov , I think it is to multiplication within the electrostatic field within the field for effect.
not sure.

Below I have a schematic of what I have currently on my bench. with Mediator core for Synchronizatie

It's not that Geo didn't fully understand either.
People who understand how generators work, just a rough idea of what the placenta is going through... ::) ::)

I think it is to multiplication within the electrostatic field within the field for effect.
not sure.
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 26, 2021, 12:04:20 AM
사기꾼을 돕는 조수들만 바쁜가봐 아빠...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 26, 2021, 02:43:15 AM

300W 조명들 즐비하니 완성했다고 봐야지??  ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)


참 재미난 인간들 많어....  ::) ::) ::) ::)  ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 26, 2021, 03:06:03 AM
Как это работает !

성동격서(聲東擊西) 원조는 루슬란이야 아빠.

Shout from the east and attack from the west.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 26, 2021, 04:29:55 AM
Как это работает 2

그쯤하면됐어 그만하구 철수해들
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 26, 2021, 08:14:48 AM
One thing which was discussed already, just want to remind about it.
Tesla coil pulses need to be unipolar, antenna coil should be positively charged.
(Supposingly) easy way to achieve this is to add diode.
This is a key to working device, so it is very rarely mentioned.
Attaching two variants which seems reasonable for me, but experiment will show...

The cathode of the diode bridge can transmit the electricity output from the yoke-transformer not only to the cathode but also to the anode,
The positive pole of the diode bridge does not pass the electricity output from the yoke-transformer to the negative pole.
The charges and electrons drawn from the ground copper wire are negatively charged.

Hoppy master of intrigue I have a problem for you an electron beam travels from a cathode to a display screen with a positively charged final anode, western science says right or no tv display! have you got that ?
Now if the earth is negative and the sky is positive then how come lightning travels down to earth or should I say we are told it travels down ?

Hi Guyz :)

Well I would want to say something.

We could all start on the 37.5 meters of grenade wires or 40 meters long wires. does not matter.
But only If you want to drive it on another freq.
It will all vary to other resonant frequency ranges.
when that is done.
make sure to find the Resonant frequencies of series resonance with cap part on yoke to bifilar on grenade
and add tesla coil pulses to see gain.

In between all of this, the MOST IMPORTANT.
You need to see Synchronization & effect befor even removing wires to adjust freq and more.
no matter if the tuning is not prefect yet, this one of the first steps in my experience!
If you don't see this, then there is something wrong with circuits or some connection missing.
you will need to see a small or big gain on the load ( small bulb at output part )
when kacher is connected with pushpull in synch.

I have let some buddies make nice PCB's of the kacher and Pushpull. They work individually great.
They are not working the same as my old kacher circuit nor pushpull for achieving effect.
It does not give effect, so the slightest change in circuit connection can make differences.
It will go under investigation to see where it does not.

SWR (Spin Wave Resonance)
is what is happening here as what T-1000 has said many times
And Tesla coil or HV coil to pulse is for the acceleration.

Check this out
some guy replicated synchronization and effect, simple.


Cheerz! ;)

I am sure roma used interrupter on his simple kacher on his way. just a added transistor to the circuit board.
The collapsing field is where we need to focus on when driving tesla,
It brings that ambient Ion energy to the coils and what we know already to do is mixing them.
Arunas gave a good example on what has to be done to get the maximum on peaks and continue.
In my own way, the mediator core is vibrating and doing something similar but unstable.
I self will be testing how Akula does it with interrupter to see any differences.
yes it's all about ionizing there air
This device needs to work like a Vacuum of Ions.

Well, I have a file below which will have HD pictures and could Zoom In to see the device of Adrian
very up close and see that there is one more element onboard the kacher.
He does Have an PWM board it's underneath the wooden board where Pushpul yoke is connected.
My last diagram.


Geofusion's Ruslan Device 1 " Resonance Test success "

Here, Geo is experimenting with generators of a very universal structure.
The kacher secondary coils are also of the right size and of the right size with the yoke-transformer windings.

Time passes, but the old man does not wait.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on July 26, 2021, 09:09:42 AM
Quote from: color on July 26, 2021, 08:14:48 AM
Tesla coil pulses need to be unipolar, antenna coil should be positively charged.
(Supposingly) easy way to achieve this is to add diode.

Diode ? where ?

The Tesla coil always resonates and is positive and negative. It has no unipolar output.
You can give it unipolar pulses, but it will always give a bipolar output.

If it's otherwise show me the unipolar tesla output oscillogram  :o
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 28, 2021, 05:46:07 AM

After reading Geo's schematic and remarks, my dad joined this cafe.
In the meantime, no member has been able to accurately describe a specially accelerating kacher device as Geo.
Because my dad had a similar experience in 2015.
It took some time for my dad to sign up because there was a problem with this cafe's subscription system.

The first reason my dad stimulated me by X-marking Geo's schematic with a YouTube video was,
The 494-4420 (4421) combination puts less strain on the 260/460 MOSFET than the 494-2110 (2113) combination.
The grenade coil is a reactive power device for kacher operation.
So there is no need to create a high voltage of more than 100-150V in the grenade coil.
Tesla or Kacher secondary coil windings are only 9 cm long.
No need for high voltage.
The 494-2110 (2113) combination creates a high voltage and generates a lot of unnecessary heat in the device.
A lot of energy is wasted.
In comparison, the 494-4420 combination has less unnecessary energy wastage.
494-2110(2113) combination cannot get 46VAC(2KW light),
The 494-4420 combination was able to get 46VAC (2KW light).

The second reason is,
Geo was stuck in the grenade structure and was meant to be tampered with and advised.

But it was rejected.

Another reason was that with the exception of a few members, the rest of the members did not listen to Geo.
And Geo left.

No results are shown in any experimental course.
This is the truth.
Know the truth but only give out results Anyone who provokes members to experiment with fear leaves them.
Now the experiment is up to you.
I'll scare you until you get the results.
My fear is silence.

A communist who cannot wait does not understand the experiment-process.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 28, 2021, 05:48:28 AM


Hi all :)

About the device, Just a recap on some what I experienced and some good tips.
The pushpull or any other HF drivers for mosfets to able to do the same action and I say,
just make sure there are no filter caps right after the IC (TL494 as example) which makes freq for you which feeds the drivers for the Fets
on the driver board, that kills the operation completely. This is the reason why I shared the exact same diagram long time ago.
the TL494 and the IR2110 config.

The point of output.
The Kacher or better to say Tesla coil is what manifests this energy at the output. More to say, has the full control of this energy which we
all are looking to see manifest at the output.
What I do believe now is that small tweak recently I did with closer antenna to
bifilar inductor is what made me to understand this more clearer also. ( this is only for this method , there are more ways )
Imagine the tuning has to be such condition with Antenna's harvestation of the charged particles ( Ions/,radiant and positrons which are anti electrons ) and having it to be right in the zone of the magnetic field which the bifilar inductor has generated which it will resonate to the antenna incoming charges,
(not the full resonance of the bifilar it self )
distance of Antenna  close to the bifilar is crucial depending the Kv range it produces.
This made the difference in my latest recording about the test that has been done without 28T from toriod/yoke and only the 3T series.
By this time it is already shown on video and even scope readings on what we expect what kacher should be doing.
Since it calls upon the charged particles being excited by the interruption cycles of
the Tesla coil/ Kacher operations. So the Cycle needs to be interrupted, (Dead Time).
Also repeated so much times per time to manifest it even more.
So it should not be generating normal Sinus waves, but interrupted ones at the peak of each and cut off after and repeat.
Better to say to generate spikes.

With that new dead time controller I am able to get a bit more lumins out from that 300W bulb in previous recording.
This is only Tesla coil at work here.
The rate of power into the series resonance coming pushpull /yoke to 3T series cap  which is generating the HF magnetic field is
insufficient to even light or even burn the filament of the 300W bulb. Also already shown on recording.

Right now there is also greater white arcs  present and they do not only burn but give nasty shocks.
Regular setting is pure plasma stream which burns.
Look, if the kacher can produce just abit this " white arc " you will see light manifestation. which I had many times befor.

The amount of amps IN with kacher determines  the amount of turns of Primary and diameter of copper if to see increase of decrease.
The IN amps can vary in many ways depending the setup.
What's interesting here is when the effect is running, the amount of Amps IN is set amazingly to a point which I still do not understand fully
and what happens is everytime to put load it will show where it will not increase Amps IN
but it shows that it has a threshold until where it will  start to decrease Amps IN  after,
so the  more load you add the lesser Amps IN you will see at IN and this is where you can determine
the amount stored energy it created/ harvested and accelerated within the field of control.

Think I shed some more light on the subject to understand what we are looking for.



It is not only kapanadze that intercepted Moray's merit.
Maybe somebody will claim the biggest financial gain in decades later.

- Citing articles -
yes I agree it may cause new untaught yet apocalyptic crises just around 7 years from now if FE is given to humanity now.

But if the device is real it is gold mine of unprecedented value for just few bucks.
Literally billions of dollars.

Is the contradictory word assurance of maximum financial benefit guaranteed?



Well, I do have the right measuring equips to see what the frequencies which things are and
even a probe if needed to see what happens to the field near the Antenna and grenade.

Btw, the Kacher, Yes without the ferrite choke and the antenna you can see the normal violet color,
But it's the whole configuration of how you connect the ferrite piece and the antenna, especially the direction! is very important
and the distance to the inductor wounded ontop of grenade. this brings amps in the high voltage end. even without the grenade it is
manageable to get those orange arcs. Has to do very less about how the freq should be and yet good amount of power pumped in,
duty cycle or so. but it's  all about the winding directions.
This was already done with simple kacher circuit, still on vidoes for view.
without that result I am unable to get the manifestation which was presented in lastest videos.
It show's how the Tesla coil/kacher is actualy calling upon the charges which that will be accelerated within the
induction pulsed inductor on grenade. Frequencies can differ everymoment, It was everytime on each setup different but
getting it to do that , there are methods.

lets say the last time it was working on bench, was reading 21khz pwm over toroid and about 880khz freq tesla coil antenna.
with the tapping points on the secondary of tesla coil, it changes values and might get better results on harmonics of it.
but I assure you, freq at some point is to overclock the energy coming in that is it, is part of how I see it and has something more to it.

I'll give you a tip, the series resonance does not have to be on point ( Top and best series resonance area with the 3T and cap)
for it to resonate with incoming charges from antenna,
this is where many don't understand and it was hard for me to figure this one out while doing  wicked experimentation.
It has sweet spots, Imagine the magnetic field bubble and how the antenna is sitting in it, and accelerate.
Nickz is close by doing this, he is hitting those sweet spots. where things get very fragile and even the hand creates capacitance.



Happy New Year 2018 guyz :)!

NickZ, :)

Yes, Tesla had his beyond the earth contacts during his time on here. He had also contact
with his tesla radio even to have some conversations with his friend westinghouse when he past away.
Talking about the response from mars is one of them but there was direct and exchange of knowledge.

There is information I would like to share with you and now the forum will also read, see this as a present. :)
Also have been getting info beyond my body but not constant, but this is what I can share. limited
I don't expect you to believe me for what I'm about to say, but keep an open mind on the subject

Nikola Tesla, befor he reached earth,

He was/is one of the few top officers of "The Domain Expeditionary Force" ( galactic officer )
who have taken it upon themselves to provide technology to Earth during their off duty time.
These officers leave their "doll" at the space station and, as an IS-BE ( spirit, as we are as well) assume or take over a biological body on Earth. In some cases an officer can remain on duty while they inhabit
and control other bodies at the same time.
Mission orders,
to assist you in your efforts to advance scientific and humanitarian progress on Earth.
There is a bit more which I can tell but it goes very deep for the reasons also he came here to help.

They also are and still taking care of a quadrant of this galaxy we live in, Milkyway.
His co worker "Airl" ( Domain Galactic Officer as well) which was one also here on earth
back then shared this info as well.
Tesla was selected to be send to earth in his time and was born as Nikola tesla,
To give the planet and the inhabitants a gift to know how to utilize radiant and
incoming charges all around us and in space via devices he presented.
It's nice to know there are different Ionospheres with different potentials, and chem compositions which make
conditions for energetic flows to be possible in many ways.

He also had Craft models which worked on anti-gravity where T. Otis Carr ( a friend, look him up on youtube )
experimented on which was learned from Tesla.
Tesla came to earth to experience the human life and in exchange shared and left knowledge behind
for what is still available to us.

Btw Nick,
I will share some important stuff with you later on. ;)
after this.



Hi Nickz, and All

Ok lecture time. pls take time to digest.

Aether (dark matter) is matter which fills space / cosmos and our very surroundings which also
is still being used to form/create and shape our universe using photons with specific freq ranges and laws.
will not elaborate to much on this.
As it is just only a part of what we are looking for.

What we are looking for and need to comprehend is;
We need to focus on Atoms of Charges and to see them separated.
We have to view the earth's Ionosphere and ground-earth as huge capacitor with split charges.
The  Positron (Ion) (+) / Electrons (-).
Since forever we have seen when lighting strikes happen which manifest this.   
We have the Protons which have the electron(-) and we have the anti-proton which has the positron (+).
Earth is (-) ionosphere is (+).

Hydrogen (+) carries positive charges, The sun's Fusion surface is filled with it
and spreading just like any other sun out there which lets us know, space is bombarded with charges.
Earth is simply harvesting it and collected thru the Ionosphere.
Celestial bodies like Earth will then carry negative charges then to make
necessary conditions to electrify most around.
Every planet has it's potential ionosphere if they have.

Now take a look at the Grenade and the Antenna,
Grenade is connected to earth ground (-) charges,
Antenna calling/harvesting/Manifesting the (+) charges (only!)
They are separated in charges.

Tesla coil secondary, when in operation looks like it's shooting lightning (plasma (RF) for solid states)
from it and want's to reach out.
Indeed it has a part of it which reaches out (Corona) but In fact it is calling charges (Ions) from the surroundings.
trying to connect.
It is pulling energy towards it from backround ...
this is caused by spark gap by generating sudden magnetic field and collapses after.
The collapsing of this field is attracting these (+) charges to the secondary and secondary is connected to (-)
which then makes contact and you have lightning!

The beautiful purple Corona which is present on top of Tesla secondaries
when in operation of a spark gap, clearly shows it's vacuuming or trying to harvest the opposite charges (+).

Now to put cherry on top,
With all the electronics for tesla coil or any HV pulse device in right condition
,it's to speed up the process of gathering the charges (+) and quantity and acceleration to multiply amount.

Akula's device with the Inductor (bifilar on the grenade) is to multiply that which  has been harvested
and then overclocked, the speed of process. making a super field.
Series resonance over that part of the grenade could also be seen as a accelerator of the charges (particles).
Example, the spin , just like a delco generator does, needs to reach certain rpm to reach condition.

Balance needs to be searched for,
if you see what you are feeding tesla coil input
and getting effect is small in manifestation, what do you thing you have to do ? ;) think.

The only reason why these devices self run,
is the collected charges coming from backround ( Positrons/ions) in great quantity ( greater than) ;)
which is a external power source then the mains created on earth. (battery /power supply)
in order to make something self run, it needs two separate sources of energy
and in balance for it to be autonomous operation. ;)

Edit** Tesla coil is the Heart of these devices

This is happening with these Akula/Ruslan/Dniester/Kapanadze Devices.



Hi Nick,

About the 150V input to Kacher primary, it is not from grenade it it from 28T yoke being rectified.
If you see closely on Akula schematic you can also see he is ranging a voltage around 30-60V and then rectified
for use from his x amount of turns from yoke. It is necessary to get a certain voltage lvl to get things right condition.
I recently did a sweep of 12VDC up till 50VDC on primary Tesla kacher which I am using.
what i saw was reaching 43VDC i saw similar effect happening with the grenade, while having it on 110VDC+
which was recorded.
It is somehow necessary to have a variable voltage to primary to see where sweet spots are.

Your current kacher  handles up around 24VDC, but adding more as you said burned it. That is so because of the
arrangement of the protection and dividers and their values.

Nick, when you disconnect the 28T from the grenade ends that is when the real journey begins.
Let only the 3T with cap in series to bifilar area connected and drive your kacher with 24V + side from your yoke center tap.
As how the mediator way was connected befor. Play with your Primary left to right and see where the spot is, and connect heavy loads, 100W up. strait from grenade and one of the ends with the ground wire.

this is where the interesting moments and knowing why the spike HV is the main key.

Here this is what I just explained,  this link. take a look at it completely till end

Try to do the same and you will realize one day that you will need variable voltage for desired input voltage for primary for Tesla for
a good load out.
This is one thing I would say now here, in that video when you saw that 300W light 10%.
You notice an arc when I place the ground wire?, that is the same yellow arcs I have shown in my recent recordings but in
higher  voltages.
You will see when you reach this type of stage you will see more voltage is required, maybe not soo much but you will see.
This is just my experience on bench.
try out what I told you, because all of the higher powered selfrunners as what they are called are running in this way.
Grenade device that is.

Remember when Ruslan was connecting bulbs outside in the wilderness and wanted to connect another aray of 500W bulbs,
did it not sound like HV arcs ?
here is that part within the vid.

till here for now



Hi Nick,
Yes type 3 mod was very successful test back then but was limited by voltage at the output.
Where I could have lit alot of load was holding inbetween a 68 till it drops to 60 and below when
connecting 1Kw worthy on bulbs but are on low lumens lvl because of voltage. Was not enough for loop.
3T from yoke with the series caps area was not meant to be output but somehow it became,
I just had a thought that maybe I had it working in reverse.
Grenade became very warm when in operation. Without the ground there was nothing.
Input amperage did not decrease/increase while adding load.
only when reaching threshold ( when placing alot of load till things happen)  only then you can see decrease in
input DC Amps and lose the effect for the moment.

But I was close those days, yet I did not like the sensitivity of the antenna so something els should be done,
that is why I stopped on that one and figuring other ways out and learn why others have it differently connected.
To know the Whole core we need to conduct series of experiments as to back engineer and see where it is.

One thing I want to point out on is  at the Roma Gritz device and Vasmus are almost or are the same operation.



Hi All,

The my recording according to the schematic


what I can say is that I have the manifestation happening on different spot which was not ment.
Anything can happen and should be prepped for anything.
As I disconnect the ferrite piece from antenna you see clearly that It aint producing much.
Kacher here is doing it's job, and the synchronization connection area is very important
and how you connect ground and emitter side of Kacher.

Should be repeated this to see if it can be done by anyone els but one word, this is very unstable.
you will get maybe 60V ac out and constant at hat point of caps at 3T used for load



Hi Urfa :), it has been a while and Hi all,
Yes that is what we need to focus on.
the discharge creates so much amps after fast charging with DC.
I have blown two diode bridges by doing this and was able to light up 500W very bright.
I did a pause after accident... but will continue.


Hi all :),

There is alot of talk on the forum lately and about the freq's and coils and more but
the one that has to be focused on is the tesla coil operation and how the ground is connected
thru the system and acting as a capacitor plate with the rest of grenade and inductor.

2 videos will be uploaded today, been busy and ready to continue on the Journey with some new info.
Will also be showing how to set e dead time control mod within one of the vids.

After that the next vid will be with measurements with CT's i've build recently and with scope.

Some pics below of a new grenade being wound special yet simple way by following unknown diagram.
;) lets see what will play out of it.

Hi All :),

Two new recording for you guyz.

Video 1

Video 2

The difference it made when i changed the Transistor to Mosfet on the Akula kacher tesla controller.... is crazy
if someone tries to replicate this and how i have it ... please be careful as it shocks the hell out of ya or kills now.
More to come up and especially the test with the ground using CT's. (current transformers (coreless)

Hi All,

Yeah it is all about matching the frequencies with the LC arrangements. but to me that is half of the real work that makes it
all tik as what we are all looking for but that is but the start of the resonance process.
The real secret begins at tesla coil. We all have to see where current peaks are best at certain freq while scoping ground.
It's the search for the best freq in the areas that we all are ( which is all different) that will show where particle flow is best
from ground. The best response from ground best said. That will be around external power supply.

The frequency,  and pulse it has to be tuned at were it will be coiled to the length that
it should be to keep resonating on that feq.

If you look closely at the pictures of the diagram which is blured , do you see that orange connection going from fets to the
negative rail of kacher? on/off process going there...and that only takes away 0.08amps which was provided info to
operate. So meaning Tesla has to be only brief moment on only, not oscillating like crazy but ofcourse on pulse it
will show differently.

For Nick and AlienGrey and all,

this is my Dead time control mod on the Akula Kacher circuit. Enjoy

Whole Circuit

And Zoomed in Circuit

Click on the box I'm not a robot and click on the " Click here to continue " button in blue till it says
wait 10 seconds and  click on the " Get Link " in green.

Hi all,

The current transformer that will.go over the ground
line needs to be like a toroid and making it from plastic
Not ferrite. See image of example.

The L2 of kacher's needs to be grounded with the ground
To see results. See image.

Reminder that we all are searching for that power coming in back.

Hi  :)

Hi Nick,

Yes, busy as always with many things that are important.
I'm just here to give hints that will help.
To understand the system is to focus on the Collapsing field part and using a HV swing right when that happens.
this is what gives it the multiplication method. resonances are used to keep in tune for the system to work and the amount that
you want to receive corresponding to the LC configs. Sync is needed as well otherwise it wont work.
then you have to see when kacher needs to be fired on the correct moment when Mosfet of pushpull is off.
The simple kacher has to be turned off completely by a switch, ( MOSFET) for a brief pulse when the collapse of field is
happening on the grenade. You can add an extra FET that will control the simple kacher negative terminal on or off in fast.
tricky part is that, to sync that specific part.
As what Ruslan said long back or Akula, the Tesla coil/ Kacher is what is doing all the massive output work after.
Make sure you only tap from out put after diode bridge. not befor! otherwise resonance is broken.
Bemf is what this output is, I have seen to much but had to say it.

Important EDITED **
** Nick, I reflected on my old videos where in 2016 was a year I almost had it but it was unstable
Yet it performed as Ruslan did but was limited power yet it did not effect the input at all when changing output
load. In those days I had no idea precisely what was going on but was doing my best to understand, but now I do.
The BEMF was present that day at the output , this is why it did not effect the input.
If there were another tesla coil circuit that could handle higher voltages input such as 60VDC would have made this output greater that day without increasing the input.
this is the video from 2016
The output is not affected by touching the antenna that also shows that the operation is different as I am stating.
Now I know what to do ;), It has taken me 4 years to figure it out since that day.

It does not matter of his circuit now, yet he had some success but we are working on the Akula/Ruslan/Dniester Device here.
Focus on that.
I'm simply helping giving hints and my findings over the period of times.

Hi Dave,

Yes I am aware of this device and have spoken to T-1000 about it many times.
The way this is making energy is completely different from the Akula/Ruslan Devices.

STAAR Yoke device is doing Ferrite Transmutation energy output. this leads to nasty Radiation from the extra material
they had inside the composite of the Ferrite material. those two frequencies Exited it and release it and within certain
resonance. Not sure if it was mixed of Barium inside the Ferrite.

**On thing Ruslan did not talk about nor Akula is how this energy comes about to existance.
that is where they are bastards for a long time... my time invested to see and experiment what it is all about
came to an realisation.
By my findings it is Bemf harvesting and havign resonance all over to keep the balance.
The collapsing field energy and having a brief HV HF pulse right after is what accelerated the output.
This is the type of output when loading it, will not have effect on input. Simple as that.

Ruslan's lastest videos back then for sure did show he using other ways how to
but it is the same outcome and method he is using but difference devices to get it.

Again, STAAR device is comepletely different, Unless you are trying to to nuclear resonance on copper
which is not the thing here right now.

Ruslan did not infact never say what is happening at output but at the video I just posted of my experiment in 2016
RUSLAN did msg me and told me I am close to figuring things out but I had still no clue back then.
Right now, I have.


This link will bring you to the diagram that I am using is also the one that Arunas posted today.

You will need to zoom in alot to read and see details it is a picture of size 11Mb so very high detailed.

Look at the left design, that si the one we are building, and you will see the kacher circuit at the top side
and see the positive and negative inputs for it and you will see that negative rail is given in orange color.
that is being interrupted through a mosfet on timing. check it out.
It will be necessary also for your setup. This diagram was once found somewhere and no one know from whom it came from
and was one time on a site that existed only for a few moments and then got shut down for unknown reasons, but this was
one of the salvaged materials I got from that site since last year.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 28, 2021, 05:49:47 AM
You are welcome, I'm here to help.
Yes i know you are using the Stalker diagrams but
trust me to use this new diagram for the next step to make it really work.
It is the simple kacher that it is showing in the big diagram if you follow it but look what controls it is interesting and is
needed. Gonna show you a pic right here soon enough to show you what I mean ;)
Thing is the kacher can't just free oscillate, it has to be interrupted ( short pulse )
and it ain't so hard to replicate something extra to it.
It will help and you will see results.
We are beyond the point to make this thing work as how it should now and we have everything to try it out right here
right now. The bigger reason why I am showing it is because Believe in it.

Geo: Ok, I've seen the simple Kacher circuit that you are refering to now.Yes it is similar to my own version, but where is the interuptor circuit part (not shown). As that is what I am asking about.

Alright :) good.
yes it is a simple one.
Now do you see where on the minus leg of the Kacher is?
It is given a Orange color, orange wire which then goes to one side of a Mosfet if you follow the wire.
It connects to a IRFP3205.

The link to the diagram
I will do my best to show you on a modified pic if you have problems finding it. it is right there.

Here, Geo lies to Nick.
It is a lie of the intermediate result that appeared in the course of the experiment.
Geo wasn't intentionally lying, he was just stating the results of his experiments.
My dad has also been deceived by the results of the interim test many times.
This is proof that Geo's experiments have yet to yield results.
If Geo reappears in this cafe, ask questions.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 28, 2021, 05:51:19 AM
Hi Nick,
Yes, I am about to do a good recording this week so to show the 3T series resonance area.
Something I have to show and for others to see. after that will connect everything and some more stuff that
I have stumbled across for the findings and the last pieces of puzzles.

Stay tuned

The greater ground the better connection and attraction for good output.
The less ground in my experience is less power out.

In comparison with the signals sharing from the TL494 in shown diagram,
where on my setup it is shared after the amplifier which is the 1R2110 to the kacher circuit.

Busy replacing small caps on the Pushpull driver, TL494 was limited till 27Khz.
Now will be able to have the range of till 50Khz which is necessary, maybe this was limiting me
Since very beginning.

Yes it has AG, to busy with life and other human alike experiences.
1.7mhz is one of the values ​​depending on my tapping point ( lenght ) of the secondary Tesla I tune too.
I had good results back then around 800Khz - 1Mhz ~ range on the tesla when Pushpull circuit was driving around 16Khz-18Khz.
All depends where the standing waves are good and the resonance to set too.
Just make sure your push-pull driver AKA TL494 chip set can drive up till 50Khz range, It is important and will be sufficient for @ 40 meters
grenade coil receiver. All HV caps connected between yoke and grenade and grenade output are all in series for tuning...after that
the HF HV FWBR to caps that will be charged in Parallel, this is what I am about to go thru as approach. did it once before on outside bench
but on a different approach, some variant of Ruslan back then, Video is on my channel. Don't forget the ground, it cannot operate well
without it.... Well this design then... because there is one that does not need ground and utilizes 2 antennas with double HV coils with
centertap. ;) that will be next after we finish this.

And in addition to experimental purposes, capacitor capacity is a waste.
You can make it the simplest.
So it is the circuit that has to be made simplest.
You need to understand why there are two yoke primary coils.
This is why it should be made with 3525(494) and Operational Amplifier (op-amp) 4421x2, not 494/2110.
I understood and changed that Geo's circuit is not suitable for a Ruslan generator.
This is not my words, but Ruslan's understanding.

It would be a good idea to send a wedding message to Geo.
My daughter saw Geo's experiment and appreciated her chances of success her. ;D

In addition to the resonance method, Ruslan has exposed the most important parts of the system in which the generator is operated in a very ordinary place.
Geo is the only member to experiment with the system method.
Perhaps that is why Ruslan praised Geo.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on July 28, 2021, 07:19:58 AM
Breaking a Tesla coil is the same as energizing it. Of course it depends on the duty.
Probably 'Steven Mark Design' has no effect on FE. These are just schematics. He made several of them.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 29, 2021, 04:27:30 PM

'Steven Mark Design' is the epitome of universal distortion.
How is it different from the schematic drawn by Ruslan?
Not working is the same.
It is a bad thing to confirm what anyone can imagine and distort it as if it were real.
Experimenting with common things and distributing elaborate drawings have very different meanings.
Russians have long been good at applications here and there.
The bunk device is one of them.
Russians are very good at copying other people's skills.
It is very different from the atmosphere of capitalist society.
It is a natural survival strategy created by the oppressed social atmosphere.
Even in capitalism, technology replication for research purposes is actively allowed.
All development begins with 'a chance[an accidental] discovery' and 'research' and 'experiment'.
'Steven Mark Design' is also in this category.
And I just passed it on as it is.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 29, 2021, 05:27:59 PM
I built test setup for Tesla coil with slightly different driver schematic, but functionally equivalent to Stalker's driver.
HV coil is 37.5m on 50mm tube wound with 0.5mm wire.
6 turns primary works better for me then 3 turns, it seems that number of turns need to be selected experimentally.
pic. 1 show current in ground wire and voltage (close to antenna)
There is interesting effect that last most powerful pulse comes after the burst, when driver already switched off
(may be it is a driver artifact ?) pic.2
In both, voltage and current, two main frequencies present 1.3 and 5.9Mhz
1.3MHz is LC resonance (was 2.45 without antenna), 5.9Mhz I guess is HV coil wave resonance
With 200v power supply I can obtain sparks 0.5-1cm long from antenna, but they are not white, just white blue.
Some people suggested that for better results LC need to be tuned to 1/3 of wave resonance...


The intention of someone who says that the LC needs to be tuned to 1/3 of the wave resonance to graft the grenade main coil and the kacher secondary coil is very different from the 'Steven Mark Design' intention.
A power distribution ratio or a direct connection may be better.
Those who expect some special resonance of the kacher and grenade cling to the illusion.
It is far from the attitude of the researcher.
The 4KW lighting electric-spark that Ruslan demonstrated in the peatlands was a white plasma.
This is not a wave resonance, but a direct attack like 'Steven Mark Design'.
Once upon a time, my dad said, 'Ruslan said he uses diodes to replace spark gaps'.
Capacitor combinations don't fall out like drugstore licorice.
Experience knows more intuitively than oscilloscope waves.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 29, 2021, 06:09:51 PM
각양객색 디자인들이 참말로 많네.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on July 30, 2021, 03:15:24 AM
Ruslan did not confirm that the 4kW device was working.
Have you seen all the latest movies from Ruslan?
Why does he say he won't do any more devices? it's a waste of time. What did he mean?

he is afraid of someone?
does he know it's impossible. ?

You know that none of the schematics is the work of Ruslan!
He repeated it himself.

Who, apart from Ruslan, showed a working device the same?

I only know four people who showed it was possible like Ruslan devices, but none of them continue the shows. This is very strange.
If they have not been able to increase their capacity or find investors for several years, why not make it public.
Maybe they are just another scammer who wants us to believe in them. 

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on July 30, 2021, 05:35:16 AM

It is possible that Ruslan hide the battery in the peatlands. ;D

Dmitry Maksimov lectures on the imposter basmus generator. ;D

Ruslan-X has turned to the side of the hungry and evil people. ::) ::)

There are many ways to make direct current alive inside alternating current, but it is difficult to succeed.
And The Ruslan Generator is known as soon as it is known, so there is no need for constant publicity or show.
Just like a radio DJ, you can show up once every few years and do a self-congratulatory comedy show. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on July 30, 2021, 06:56:04 AM
Quote from: r2fpl on July 30, 2021, 03:15:24 AM
Ruslan did not confirm that the 4kW device was working.
Have you seen all the latest movies from Ruslan?
Why does he say he won't do any more devices? it's a waste of time. What did he mean?

he is afraid of someone?
does he know it's impossible. ?

You know that none of the schematics is the work of Ruslan!
He repeated it himself.

Who, apart from Ruslan, showed a working device the same?

I only know four people who showed it was possible like Ruslan devices, but none of them continue the shows. This is very strange.
If they have not been able to increase their capacity or find investors for several years, why not make it public.
Maybe they are just another scammer who wants us to believe in them.

Other than Ruslan 6 people have shown selfrunning devices.
But only rulsan have showed it kw range rest in 100 watts range.
His new devices photo and video are for sale.
And for the Circuit diagram and working device you have to meet him direct.
They too r for sales too..
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on July 30, 2021, 01:00:07 PM
Quote from: justawatt on July 30, 2021, 06:56:04 AM
Other than Ruslan 6 people have shown selfrunning devices.
But only rulsan have showed it kw range rest in 100 watts range.
His new devices photo and video are for sale.
And for the Circuit diagram and working device you have to meet him direct.
They too r for sales too..

Why no one shows the Ruslan device they bought. Only Panov has shown and his intentions are still unclear.
Do you know someone who has a working device and you are 100% sure that it is self-loop?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 05, 2021, 12:53:12 PM
There are two ways to avoid paying a patent fee.
Unrelated to patents has been proven before (by a well-known Russian in 2013). ::)
All interested parties and their families must die for unknown reasons (indefinitely) 8)

Snipes is the first. ::)
However, if you continue to claim your patent, there is a possibility that you will fall into the second category. 8)
The world defines this as fool's contradiction and nonsense. ::)
It means you don't know what you're claiming to extort money. 8)
And, Snipes will most likely die without knowing the secrets of the Kapanadze, Akura, and Ruslan generators until they die. (Soon) 8)
It is heartbreaking to see that Russian Emperor only looks at my mouth. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 05, 2021, 02:59:18 PM
If a Karpanadze generator worked in a mine 2km underground and a submarine 500m below the sea level, it would not be a Zenneck Wave(surface wave).
(Thanks for the cooperation of the former Soviet acquaintances)
And the discussion of the Ruslan generator in this cafe practically ended five years ago.
up to here.
Ruslan's generator is not a [duplicate] of Akura, but a [cloning] of one made by a famous Russian.
It was a discussion at the level of replicating what a famous Russian made.
This would be better known by Ruslan.
Some members of this cafe know it and have mentioned the related secrets.
Me and my dad have mentioned it many times.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 05, 2021, 03:41:23 PM
  ::) 8)
Radio-DJs in any country have a very strong showmanship.  ::)
He pours out all the secrets he knows. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 06, 2021, 01:14:23 PM
지하공간에서의 전파 경로손실의 예측 및 측정
한국해양정보통신학회논문지 2003년, pp.736 - 742 
김영문 (경희대학교 전파공학과 ) ;  진용옥 ( 경희대학교 ) ;  강명구 ( 인천전문대학 정보통신과)

지하공간인 터널에 대하여 이론적인 전파 경로손실 예측과 측정을 수행하였다. 터널 내 전파 경로 손실을 보다 정교하게 해석하기 위하여 터널의 단면적이 직사각형이고 직선구조의 터널을 선택하였다. 혼합도파관 모델, ray tracing모델을 이용하여 수신전력을 예측하였고, 측정시스템을 이용하여 송ㆍ수신기 사이의 거리에 따른 수신전력을 측정하였다. 주어진 터널 환경에서 터널 내 수신전력 측정값에 대한 회귀분석 값(0.0238dB/m)은 혼합도파관 EH1,2모드의 감쇄 값(0.0246dB/m)과 가장 근사한 결과를 보였다. 터널내 송ㆍ수신안테나 사이의 거리에 따른 수신 전력에 대한 Ray-tracing모델 시뮬레이션 결과와 측정값은 거의 일치하였다. 터널 내 RMS지연확산을 계산한 결과 송ㆍ수신안테나 사이의 거리가 증가할수록 RMS 지연확산 값은 증가하였고, 코히어런스 대역폭은 감소하였다.

Prediction and Measurement of Propagation Path Loss in Underground Environments
The journal of the Korea Institute of Maritime Information & Communication Sciences v.7 no.4 , 2003년, pp.736 - 742 

This paper presents the propagation path loss in a tunnel which is a kinds of underground environments. To predict propagation path loss more accurately, we choose a straight tunnel with rectangular cross-section. The simulated receiver powers that are using a hybrid waveguide model and a Ray-Tracing method, are compared with the measured ones as a function of distance between TX and RX antennas in tunnel. The attenuation value of regression analysis for measured power in the tunnel is 0.0238dB/m which is similar to the one of the EH1.2 mode, 0.0246dB/m in hybrid waveguide model. By comparing simulation with measurement in tunnels, it has been shown that the measured values are approximate to the simulated results of ray-tracing model. In the analysis of wide-band channel characteristics of the tunnel, the more the distance between TX and RX antennas in tunnel increases, RMS delay spread increases and coherence bandwidth decreases.

There are many coal mines in North Korea and South Korea that are 500 to 2 km deep.
Many coal mines have been abandoned.
There are many abandoned mines because labor costs do not come with cheap briquettes.
Radio waves are not received from underground coal mines.
The walkie-talkie doesn't work either.
It communicates only through wires installed deep into the coal mine.

The Tesla used in the Karpanadze, Akura, and Ruslan generators uses the same principles invented by Tesla 100 years ago.
So the generator they built doesn't have a special device to collect Zenneck waves (surface waves).
It is illogical to conclude that it is a surface wave without understanding how a generator works.

Anyone can serve light and darkness together, but there is a problem when they serve money and truth together. Money makes people lie.(Matthew 6: 23~24)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 06, 2021, 01:45:37 PM
Anyone can express their opinions. ::)
All creatures use telekinesis. 8)
Of course humans also use it. And they don't know. 8)
It always generates an energy signal that an organism is alive. :)
That's probably why there aren't many living things in the universe. 8)
God hates complicated things... 8)

Only people who are crazy about money are unaware. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2021, 07:45:33 PM
Wesley seems to have caught the problem with the phone line,
The telephone line at the 2km underground coal mine is connected to the ground and wired, but
Because it is a closed coal mine, there is no telephone line to the depths of the coal mine.
Karpanadze generators operate anywhere underground or below sea level.
Proof done.
Mr. Krum and Wesley are hoping for a 0.00001% chance, but the odds of winning a patent-amount from Karpanadze are less than 0.000000001%.
Rather, it would be more helpful to reinvent the theory that oxygen drives the Karpanadze generator.
Hoping Wesley has a patent for discovering the oxygen that 7 billion people breathe.

Coal Mine Explosion-Proof Phone
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2021, 07:47:54 PM
Маленько не правильно нарисовал, со вторичку идут 3 вывода, получается зеленый кабель идет с трансформатора в банку
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2021, 07:50:03 PM
If only 0.4A is consumed in the inverter line connected to the generator transformer even when the 5kw light is on, it means that the line from the transformer to TIN CAN is fake.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2021, 09:12:48 PM

The reason why Samryongi said it was a fake-line is also because it is actually an unnecessary line. ::)
The generator only needs a transformer secondary coil main-line like the Ruslan generator.
If that's a return line, you don't need a 400W inverter, but
However, a 400W inverter is absolutely necessary for a Karpanadze generator. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 08, 2021, 09:42:08 PM
Three Moons and a Statue - A Moon-Stack Time-lapse of the crescent moon, half full and full moon

The Statue of Liberty comes from the Book of Revelation, but is destined to bow down and bow down to the god of light and darkness she gave birth to.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2021, 11:12:02 AM
The problem with this is that it is a limitation that the generator must be tuned to the 220V/400w inverter output frequency, which is extremely inefficient than throwing separate inductor coils into the transformer like 12, 24V/150w Akura/Ruslan generators.
When a high-power generator and inverter/PSU are combined, in most cases the electrolytic-capacitor of the inverter/PSU will explode. someone's experience
  Based on "harmonics" rather than "overtones".
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2021, 02:55:45 PM
С таким срачем коей у тебя в голове, тебе и продемонстрировать нечего, а твои детские подел нем. Ты перед женой пыжся, а передомной не надо. Я таких как ты много видел. Надоело. ;)

The universe is originally governed by uterine temperature. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2021, 02:57:05 PM
I wonder if this works. ::)
If it does not work, please re-edit and post. 8)
Anyone.... ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 09, 2021, 02:59:26 PM
There is no gizmo-ferrite (for very simple amplification) in the Karpanadze generator. ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2021, 11:30:30 AM

The extensive peatlands in Eastern Europe provide excellent grounding, but
Other than that, the area has no peat-layers, only very poor grounding.
Therefore, it is recommended that the grounding lead of the generator be buried up to the water table(Number of rivers, water surface).
This is because groundwater is a very important factor in grounding efficiency.
Usually connected to a well water pipe.
The longer the ground lead, the more efficient it is.
You can also use the ground at the power company outlet.
Basmus is a good example.

If you are in an urban area where it is difficult to secure a separate ground, you can also use the N (neutral) wire of the power company.
The neutral conductor has the same function as normal grounding.

There is a phenomenon in which the generator runs down voltage over time.
Grounding is the cause.
As mentioned, there is also a way to utilize composite grounding.
Note please.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2021, 03:22:07 PM
Electrons living in almost all matter on Earth have a repulsive motion.
It does not distinguish whether this is natural static, lightning, or man-made.
The displaced electron is replaced by another electron.
Naturally by the law of conservation of energy.
So grounding does not result in electron-energy losses.
As long as the Earth lives and breathes, it is not a wrong interpretation to refer to this as perpetual-energy.


Wesley was the first to propose an [Earth-ground Destruction] by free-generators a few years ago.
So my dad said that the power company uses grounding for the 120,000V extra-high voltage line as well.
After that, the ground-breaking opinion was gone.
Wesley's ground-breaking comments again mean he sees Russian cafes as garbage.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2021, 04:24:01 PM

Your comment requires at least two revisions of your opinion.
I won't tell you what it is now.
There is a limit that only inductor and capacitor electrical modulation can be involved in DC power applied by Tesla/kacher.
An inductor is AC but can excite DC.
The inductor acts as an electromagnet that modulates one polarity of DC to Mhz.
A Karpanadze-type generator is like an electromagnet generator that modulates one polarity to Mhz.
Normal generators cannot excite ground-electrons, but Tesla high voltage can excite ground-electrons.
The ground of the power company 120,000V high voltage plays a role of emitting electrons, The Karpanadze generator serves to draw electrons from the ground.
Which of the two is more risky?

Crayfish cannot live in the valley water through which the power company's high-voltage lines pass.

What will happen has to happen.
It happens even if someone blocks it.
What won't happen doesn't happen.
It doesn't happen even if someone doesn't stop it.
So even if some members try to stop it, it is useless.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2021, 05:14:35 PM
"I am the rose of Sharon, The lily of the valleys."
Song of Songs 2 [NASB]

Shelem (Hebrew: שָׁלוֹם) is a Hebrew word meaning peace, peace, peace, and is one of the common Hebrew greetings, corresponding to "hello" or "goodbye".
There is no word for shalom in the existing Bible.
The word Salem of Jerusalem also comes from Melchizedek, king of Salem.
Melchizedek is the 4 Hathor of the Sun Temple.
The meaning is different.

The flower of Sharon that Solomon sings is the lotus of Apep.
For Apep, peace is the Apep of the bed.
For Apep is most at peace when darkness is strongest.

Sharon's flower is Apep's lotus.
Hollywood films occupied by Jewish capital distort the Sun Temple Headjet into Sauron.

eye of sauron

And at the end of the movie knocks it down like a headjet.
The forces of darkness are very good at making things out of nothing.
like their history.

This Earth is not a black hole.
Darkness is always driven out by light.

Let's redefine it.
Sharon's rose fell to the ground.

For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away. -James 1 [NASB]
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2021, 09:46:11 PM
The miracles in which Jesus raises the dead are bizarre miracles from the rotation of the sun temple.
The movement of the sun-Jesus in heaven determines the living and the dead in the tombs.
But when Jesus raises people from the tombs, Jesus disappears into the darkness of the setting sun.
This means the sun-Jesus' death, but it is the replica-moon that Jesus chose to live as darkness, so the moon in the grave is with the dead and also with the living.
People's death and life are determined by the sun-Jesus, but always with people.
This is also true of apepcin.

The bizarre logic that Jesus must die so that people can receive the forgiveness of sins and be resurrected is a strange logic from the rotation of the Temple of the Sun.

Jesus, who was crucified and rose from the tomb on the third day, unfolds as he moves back and forth between the Temple of the Sun - the Temple of Apep - and again.

And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace."

and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?
Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.

If peace in the New Testament has to do with shalom, shalom has to do with the specific miracle of the sun-Jesus.
It is a peace where others must live and oneself must die.

Maat or Maʽat (Egyptian: mꜥt /ˈmuʀʕat/, Coptic: ⲙⲉⲓ) refers to the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice. Maat was also the goddess who personified these concepts, and regulated the stars, seasons, and the actions of mortals and the deities who had brought order from chaos at the moment of creation. Her ideological opposite her was Isfet (Egyptian jzft), meaning injustice, chaos, violence or to do evil.

crooked feathers.
In Egyptian mythology, [Maat-goddess] was in charge of order.
The scribe god Thoth (husband of Maat) is of a similar family.
If Jesus found peace in Maat, it is the peace of the setting sun.
When the sun dies, darkness brings peace.
It's the dark peace.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 10, 2021, 09:59:27 PM
What lives in clouds, air, or matter is an electric charge,
Electrons live in metal.

Some people like this distinction.
This is called knowledge.

Knowledge of the world is helpful in understanding matter, but it doesn't seem to be very helpful in building generators.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2021, 09:21:12 AM
To prevent the complete end of mankind,
Would a tritium-based fusion generator be better or a motorized/Kapanadze model free-generator to change to a scenario where some human beings survive underground?
The beginning of the fusion power program is modeled on the end-of-human scenario.
The ground has already been covered with a sea of fire or ice, and all the seawater has evaporated or all frozen solid.

The universe is not a place where humans can survive, yet.
The universe is a place where humans who have survived further into the future can survive only when they transform their bodies into light or darkness.
Humanity and metal are the process.

The monstrous twin-scythe moon with a wound on its side is the second home of the surviving humans in the distant future.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2021, 09:53:05 AM
  ::) ::)
If you do not like My Girl's novel, please click [Dislike]. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2021, 09:55:29 AM
Paradoxically, there is no Second Advent Jesus on earth who is said to come like a thief.
An infinite charge comes from the sky riding the clouds.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2021, 10:00:44 AM
If you like my daughter's novel, please click [Like]. ::) ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 11, 2021, 11:43:52 AM
some thing wrong here in this circuit
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2021, 01:03:34 PM
This comment is for members in Korea.

진평왕의 유언에 따라 신라 왕실은 탈해의 재림을 위한 모종의 부활 의식이 비밀리에 진행된다.
신라 건국초부터 내려온 왕실의 염원이기도하다.

승만(진덕여왕)은 생김새가 넉넉하고 아름다웠으며, 키가 일곱 자였고 손을 내려뜨리면 무릎 아래까지 닿았다고 한다.
勝曼姿質豊麗 長七尺 垂手過膝

승만의 팔 길이가 무릎 아래까지 내려온 근거가 석굴암 탈해다.
양반다리한 탈해의 오른손이 무릎 아래로 내려뜨렸다.
김대문이 전세 부모 탈해를 석불사에 소환한게 카이사리온의 부활을 위해서다.
기독교로치면 예수의 부활과 의미는 같다.
박혁거세-남해-유래-탈해가 카이사리온 한 사람이듯,
선덕여왕-진덕여왕(덕만의 언니, 즉 덕만 자신)-무열왕(김춘추)-문무왕이 한 명의 여성왕이다.
탈해의 부활을 위한 모태로서 선택된 것이 선덕여왕이다.
일베 게이들은 예전에 얘기해서 알겠지만,
선덕여왕을 고녀(睾女) 해석했던 것은 지금도 유효하다.

선덕왕(善德王)이 왕위에 올랐다. 이름은 덕만(德曼)이다. 진평왕(眞平王)의 맏딸이다. 어머니는 김씨 마야부인(摩耶夫人)이다. 덕만은 성품이 너그럽고 어질며, 명석하고 민첩하였다. 진평왕이 돌아가셨는데 아들이 없었기에 나라 사람들이 덕만을 왕으로 세우고 성조황고(聖祖皇姑)의 칭호를 올렸다.

앞의 임금 때에 당나라에서 가져온 모란꽃 그림과 꽃씨를 덕만에게 보였더니, 덕만이 말하였다.
"이 꽃은 비록 아주 아름답기는 하지만 반드시 향기가 없을 것입니다."
임금이 웃으며 말하였다.
"네가 그것을 어찌 아느냐?"
덕만이 대답하였다.
"꽃을 그렸으나 나비와 벌을 그리지 않았기에 그것을 알았습니다. 무릇 여자가 뛰어나게 아름다우면 남자들이 따르는 법이고, 꽃에 향기가 있으면 벌과 나비가 따르기 마련입니다. 이 꽃은 무척 아름다운데도 그림에 벌과 나비가 없으니, 이것은 분명히 향기가 없는 꽃일 것입니다."
꽃씨를 심어보았는데, 과연 말한 바와 같았다. 덕만의 앞을 내다보는 식견이 이와 같았다.

善德王立 諱德曼 眞平王長女也 母 金氏摩耶夫人 德曼性寬仁明敏 王薨 無子 國人立德曼 上號聖祖皇姑 前王時 得自唐來牡丹花圖幷花子 以示德曼 德曼曰 此花雖絶艶 必是無香氣 王笑曰 爾何以知之 對曰 圖花無蜂蝶 故知 大抵女有國色 男隨之 花有香氣 蜂蝶隨之故也 此花絶艶 而圖畵又無蜂蝶 是必無香花 種植之 果如所言 其先識如此

"이 꽃은 비록 아주 아름답기는 하지만 반드시 향기가 없을 것입니다."

연꽃 위에 앉아있는 탈해 또는 고녀라는 뜻이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2021, 01:05:23 PM
This comment is for members in Korea.

통일신라는 선덕여왕의 작품이다.

사관이 논평한다.
나는 "옛날에 여와씨(女媧氏)가 있었는데, 그녀는 올바른 천자(天子)가 아니었고 복희(伏羲)를 도와 9주(九州)를 다스렸을 뿐이며, 여치(呂雉)와 무조(武曌) 같은 이는 어리고 나약한 임금을 만나 조정에 나와서 천자처럼 정치를 행하였으나, 역사서에서는 공공연하게 임금이라 일컫지 않고 단지 고황후(高皇后) 여씨(呂氏)나 측천황후(則天皇后) 무씨(武氏)라고 썼다."는 이야기를 들었다. 하늘의 이치로 말하면 양(陽)은 굳세고 음(陰)은 부드러우며, 사람의 경우로 말하자면 남자는 존귀하고 여자는 비천한 것이니 어찌 늙은 할멈이 규방에서 나와 국가의 정사를 처리할 수 있겠는가? 신라는 여인을 세워 왕위에 오르게 하였으니, 진실로 어지러운 세상에서나 있을 일이다. 나라가 망하지 않은 것이 다행이었다. 『서경(書經)』에 말하기를 "암탉이 새벽을 알린다."고 하였고, 『역경(易經)』에서는 "암퇘지가 껑충껑충 뛰려 한다."고 하였으니, 어찌 경계할 일이 아니겠는가.
論曰 臣聞之 古有女媧氏 非正是天子 佐伏羲理九州耳 至若呂雉武曌 値幼弱之主 臨朝稱制 史書不得公然稱王 但書高皇后呂氏則天皇后武氏者 以天言之 則陽剛而陰柔 以人言之 則男尊而女卑 豈可許姥嫗出閨房 斷國家之政事乎 新羅扶起女子 處之王位 誠亂世之事 國之不亡 幸也 書云 牝鷄之晨 易云 羸豕孚蹢躅 其可不爲之戒哉

그리고 사관이 여성 왕을 역사에서 매장시킨 이유를 논평했다.

문무왕 법민[ 文武王 法敏 ]
삼국유사 제2권 기이 제2(三國遺事 卷第二 紀異 第二)
왕이 처음 왕위에 올랐던 용삭(龍朔) 신유년(서기 661)에 남쪽 바다에 여자 시체가 있었는데, 키가 73자였고 발의 길이가 6자였으며 음문의 길이가 3자였다. 혹은 키가 18자로 건봉 2년 정묘(서기 667)에 있었던 일이라고도 한다.
王初卽位 龍朔辛酉 泗沘南海中 有死女尸 身長七十三尺 足長六尺 陰長三尺 或云身長十八尺 在乾封二年丁卯

역사가 문무왕을 통해 여성왕의 죽음(여성 생식기를 닮은 대왕암)을 인식시키려고 한 것이지만,

"탈해가 세상을 떠난 후인 27대 문무왕 때인 조로(調露) 2년 경진(서기 680) 3월 보름날 신유일 밤에, 문무왕의 꿈에 몹시 위엄 있고 무섭게 보이는 노인이 나타나 말하기를, '나는 탈해왕이다. 내 뼈를 소천구에서 파내어 소상을 만들어 토함산에 두거라.'라고 하여서, 왕은 이 말대로 하였다. 이러한 이유로 지금까지 나라에서 제사를 계속 지내왔으니, 이 분이 바로 동악신(東岳神)이시다."]
故令安之[一云 崩後 二十七世文武王代 調露二年庚辰三月十五日 辛酉夜 見夢於宗 有老人貌甚威猛 曰 我是脫解也 拔我骨於疏川丘 塑像安於土含山 王從其言 故至今國祀不絶 卽東岳神也云]

600년전 신라를 건국한 박혁거세-탈해가 남성이였듯이, 600년후 신라왕실이 재림시킨 탈해가 여성이 되면 곤란하다는 인식이 여성왕을 남성왕으로 바꿔치기 된다.
둘은 여성왕으로, 둘은 남성왕으로.

진덕여왕(천관녀, 덕만)을 두고 연적관계 김유신과 김춘추의 쫓고쫓기는 토끼와 거북이 치정극은 존재하지 않았다.
연적 김유신에게 쫓기던 김춘추가 당나라에 청병하러 간 일도 없었고, 돌아와서 태종으로 등극한 일도 물론 없었다.
신라가 신라의 선대 역사를 조작한 것이 아니다.
진성여왕이 가장 큰 이유다.

불교를 국교로 삼은 고려조가 신라 역사를 전부 조작했다.
금관지주사 가락국기가 그 한 예다.
불교를 위한, 현세 부모를 위한 불국사처럼.
원래의 색체가 사라지고 모두 불교식으로 변질-이해되는 가장 큰 이유다.
신라에 불교가 침범하기 어려운 문화지만 고려조 불교로해서 모두 탈색된다.

중국에 입국했던 사산조 유민들이 대거 백제와 신라로 입국하면서 삼국통일전쟁이 시작된다.
사산조 유민들 대표가 원효다.
백제가 멸망하고
당고종과 선덕여왕의 첫 번째 약속은 백제땅(제주도 포함)을 협공점령해서 사산조 유민들에 할애하는 것이였지만,
선덕여왕이 약속을 깨면서 지켜지지 않았다.

또 『신라고기(新羅古記)』에는 이렇게 기록되어 있다.
총장(總章) 원년 무진(서기 668)[총장 원년이라면 이적(李勣)의 일이다. 아래 글에 소정방이라고 한 것은 잘못된 것이다. 만약 소정방의 일이라면 연호도 당연히 용삭(龍朔) 2년 임술(서기 662)이어야 하니, 소정방이 평양성을 포위하였을 때의 일이 된다.]에 우리 신라에서 청한 당나라 군사가 평양 교외에 주둔하고, 편지를 보내 급히 군량미를 보내달라고 하였다. 왕이 여러 신하들을 모아 이에 대해 물었다.

"적국에 들어가 당나라 군대가 주둔한 곳까지 가자면 그 형세가 위태로울 것이오. 그러나 우리가 요청한 군대가 군량이 떨어졌다는데도 이를 보내지 않는다면 또한 부당한 일이요. 어떻게 해야 하겠소?"

그러자 김유신이 아뢰었다.
"신 등이 군량미를 수송할 수 있습니다. 청하옵건대 대왕께서는 근심하지 마십시오."
그리고 유신과 인문(仁問) 등이 수만 명을 거느리고 고구려 국경으로 들어가 군량 2만 섬을 보내주고 돌아오자, 왕은 크게 기뻐하였다.

또 군사를 일으켜 당나라 군사와 만나려고 하였는데, 유신이 먼저 연기(然起)와 병천(兵川) 두 사람을 보내 만날 날짜를 물었다. 그러자 소정방이 송아지와 난새를 그려서 보냈다. 나라 사람들이 그 뜻을 몰라서 원효법사(元曉法師)에게 물으니, 이렇게 풀이해 주었다.
"속히 군대를 돌아오게 하시오. 송아지를 그리고 난새를 그린 것은, 화독(畫犢, 송아지를 그리다.)과 화란(畫鸞, 난새를 그리다.)의 반절음으로 '혹한', 즉 빨리 돌아가라는 '속환(速還)'의 뜻이 되는 것이오."

그래서 유신은 군사를 돌려 패강을 건너며 군령을 내려 말하였다.
"뒤에 건너는 자들은 목을 베리라!"
군사들이 앞다투어 반쯤 건넜을 때였다. 고구려 군사가 공격해와 미처 건너지 못한 자들을 죽였다. 하지만 그 다음날 유신은 고구려 군사들을 도로 추격하여 수만 명을 잡아 죽였다.

又古記云 總章元年戊辰[若總章戊辰 則李勣之事 而下文蘇定方 誤矣 若定方則年號當龍朔二年壬戌 來圍平壤之時也] 國人之所請唐兵 屯于平壤郊 而通書曰 急輪軍資 王會群臣問曰 入於敵國 至唐兵屯所 其勢危矣 所請王師粮匱 而不輸其料 亦不宜也 如何 庾信奏曰 臣等能輸其軍資 請大王無慮 於是庾信仁問等 率數萬人 入句麗境 輸料二萬斛 乃還 王大喜
又欲興師會唐兵 庾信先遣然起兵川等二人 問其會期 唐帥蘇定方 紙畵鸞犢二物廻之 國人未解其意 使問於元曉法師 解之曰 速還其兵 謂畫犢畫鸞二切也 於是庾信廻軍 欲渡浿江 令曰 後渡者斬之 軍士爭先半渡 句麗兵來掠 殺其未渡者 翌日庾信返追句麗兵 捕殺數萬級

당고종과 선덕여왕의 두 번째 약속은 고구려를 협공해서 고구려 강역전체를 당나라가 접수하는 것이였지만, 이 또한 선덕여왕이 약속을 깨면서 대동강 이남은 신라가 접수한다.
삼국통일 원인제공한 사산조 유민들과 원효는 두 나라 사이에 낀 들러리에 불과했다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 11, 2021, 01:15:28 PM
This is the schematic recommended by AG.
May I request a full revision?
We are curious too.
Acceptance is your freedom.
The other members of this cafe are really not interested in anything other than the secrets of how generators work.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2021, 03:36:06 AM
박상후의 문명개화

국제통 박상후가 툭하면 고증 주장하는데, 고증이란 태반 조작한 역사발굴을 고증이라고 하는거다.
역사를 조작한 자들이 만든 역사가 고증이다.
니들은 니들 조상들이 조작한 역사조차 고증하지 못하고 있다.
해서 이제부터 니들이 조작한 역사를 하나하나 고증들어갔겠다.

Format Kostyana

The island of Sakhalin, east of Khabarovsk, has not been a territory of Japan since ancient times.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on August 24, 2021, 03:55:44 AM
Try changing the 74hc14 with a 74HC00
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 24, 2021, 11:50:40 PM
金씨 진팔이가 쓸데없는 성서 매매꾼들 이야기나 궁금해하는 것 같아서 올린다.
쌍낫배와 달이 양자중첩처럼 존재하지 않아야 할 공간에 배치되어 생긴 오해며 괴리다.
원래 성서에서 주장하는 아버지와 아들은 태양신전 태양과 달의 관계에서 시작하지만 바울과 같은 어둠신 숭배자들이 야훼로까지 확대하면서 복잡해진거다.
여기에서 많은 에피소드가 적출되어 신라의 고대 신화가 탄생했고 괴리와 오해도 함께 양산된거다.
앞으로 설명할 내용이니 억겁의 우주 시간만큼 기다림의 미학이 필요하단다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2021, 12:02:20 AM
아인슈타인은 예전 과학계에 암흑물질을 이해시키려 많은 노력을 했습니다.
우주팽창하는 속도가 점점 빨라지는 것은 암흑물질(반물질)의 영향 때문이라고 공공연하게 사기를 칩니다.
자신의 민족이 섬기는 어둠의 신 야훼(아펩-God)를 과학적으로 입증 정당화시키려는 노력이지만, 그러나 우주에 아직 밝혀지지않은 미지의 에너지는 존재할 수 있지만 실제하는 암흑물질(야훼를 규명하기 위한 그들의 헛된 노력)은 없다.

Niels Bohr가 아인슈타인을 공격한 이유처럼 양자역학으로 모든 것이 설명되기 때문입니다.
수소 모형에서 전자, 뮤온, tauon 세가지 물질(현재 과학계가 존재한다고 규정한 물질)이 결합되어 있다고 주장됩니다.
세가지 물질은 어떤 충격(실험된 특정 에너지 충격)에 의해 서로 분리되는데 제일 첫번째로 분리되는 것이 전자라고 합니다.
여기서 양자역학의 제일 큰 수수께끼가 발생하는데,

전자, 뮤온, tauon 세가지 물질이 결합되어 있을 때, 질량은 511KeV인데, 에너지 충격으로 세가지 물질에서 전자가 분리되면 뮤온과 tauon만 남는데 이 때 질량이 106MeV가 됩니다.
이게 무슨 뜻이냐면, 전자가 뮤온과 tauon에서 이탈하면 질량이 약 200배 증가했다는 뜻입니다.
뮤온과 tauon에 다시 충격을 가하면 tauon에서 뮤온이 이탈하는데 tauon의 질량이 다시 약 200배 증가한다고 합니다.
기존의 현상계를 이해할 때 물질이 결합하면 결합된 물질의 질량만큼 증가하는 것이 상식이지만, 양자역학 실험에서 전자, 뮤온, tauon이 분리되면 도리어 질량이 증가합니다.
이것이 기존의 과학계가 양자역학을 이해하지 못하는 가장 큰 이유라고 합니다.

블랙홀과 같은 극-중력 극-고온 환경에서 물질들은 tauon과 같은 -극-질량 상태일 수 있지만, 보편적인 우주환경에서 물질은 수소처럼 양성자 하나에 일정량의 전자(들)의 결합으로 이루어 집니다.
극저온의 우주 환경에서 tauon과 같은 독립 물질이 존재할 확률은 매우 낮습니다. tauon과 tauon의 특별한 결합이 존재하지 않는 한 tauon은 다른 물질들과 결합하는 것이 기존 물질들의 관계입니다.
그래서 양자역학은 미시세계에서는 가능하지만 거시세계의 물질법칙에는 영향을 주지 못한다는 것입니다.

만약에 아인슈타인이 주장하는 암흑물질이 존재한다면 전자와 뮤온이 이탈한 tauon과 같은 상태거나, 그림자나 어둠처럼 빛을 싫어하는 공간 개념으로 이해해야 할 것입니다.

The technology is working 100%
Only by fallowing  till today published  data - you are at the  edge of your own  success with no money payed to me or anyone else.

미스터 Corum이 주장하는 Zenneck-웨이브가 카파나제-발전기가 작동하는 원리라고 주장하려면 기존 과학계가 이해하지 못하는 양자역학처럼 그럴듯한 이론이 뒷받침 되어야 하지만, 지하 2km 탄광과 해수면 아래 500m 구소련(과 북한)의 낡은 잠수함에 작동하는 카파나제-발전기가 Zenneck-웨이브 원리로 작동했다는 것을 입증하지 못하면 미스터 크룸은 돈을 갈취하려는 특허-사기꾼에 불과합니다.


가장 중요한 것은 미스터 Corum이 카파나제 발전기가 작동하는 핵심 원리를 모르는 상태에서 자신의 특허라고 주장한다는 것이다.
지하 2km 탄광과 해수면 아래 500m 잠수함에서 작동한 발전기 외에도,
미스터 Corum이 카파나제 발전기가 작동하는 핵심 원리를 모른다는 것은 내가 증명할 수 있습니다.

However  if you cross intellectual property  of Dr James Corum  you may run into a problem. Keep it in mind.

그래서 웨슬리가 걱정하지 않아도 됩니다.
당신의 나이가 먹을수록 당신의 자지가 꽂꽂하게 서있지 않음을 걱정하는 것이 당신의 나이에는 어울립니다.
당신의 부인이 혹시 젊은 남자를 원하고 있을지도 모르니까요.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2021, 12:03:18 AM
Einstein did a lot of work in the old days to understand dark matter in the scientific community.
It is openly deceived that the accelerating rate of the expansion of the universe is due to the influence of dark matter (antimatter).
Efforts to scientifically prove and justify Yahweh (Apep-God), the god of darkness worshiped by their people, but unknown energy that has not yet been revealed in the universe may exist, but actual dark matter (their futile efforts to identify Yahweh) ) is not present.

Because everything is explained by quantum mechanics, like the reason Niels Bohr attacked Einstein.
In the hydrogen model, it is claimed that electrons, muons, and tauons (substances currently defined as existing by the scientific community) are combined.
The three substances are separated from each other by some shock (experimented specific energy shock), and the first to be separated is called an electron.
This is where the biggest puzzle of quantum mechanics arises,

When electrons, muon, and tauon are combined, the mass is 511 KeV. When electrons are separated from the three substances by an energy shock, only muon and tauon are left, with a mass of 106 MeV.
What this means is that when an electron leaves the muon and the tauon, the mass increases by about 200 times.
When the muon and tauon are impacted again, the muon is released from the tauon, and the mass of the tauon increases by about 200 times.
When understanding the existing phenomenal world, it is common knowledge that when matter is combined, the mass of the combined material increases as much as the mass of the combined matter.
This is said to be the biggest reason why the existing scientific community does not understand quantum mechanics.

In a pole-gravity pole-high temperature environment such as a black hole, matter can be in a pole-mass state such as tauon, but in a universal space environment, matter is composed of a certain amount of electron(s) bonded to one proton, such as hydrogen.
The probability of an independent substance such as tauon being present in a cryogenic space environment is very low. Unless there is a special combination of tauon and tauon, the relationship between tauon and other substances is the relationship between existing substances.
So quantum mechanics is possible in the micro world, but it does not affect the laws of matter in the macro world.

If the dark matter that Einstein claims exists, it must be understood as a tauon-like state in which electrons and muons have escaped, or a space concept that hates light like shadows or darkness.

The technology is working 100%
Only by falling till today published data - you are at the edge of your own success with no money payed to me or anyone else.

In order to claim that the Zenneck-wave that Mr. Corum claims is the principle that the capanase-generator works, a plausible theory such as quantum mechanics, which the existing scientific community does not understand, must be supported, but it must be supported by a coal mine 2 km underground and the old Soviet Union (and North Korea) If he can't prove that the carpanase-generators working on the submarines worked on the Zenneck-wave principle, then Mr. Krum is nothing more than a patent-swindler trying to extort money.


Most importantly, Mr. Corum claims to be his patent, without knowing the core principle of how the carpanase generator works.
In addition to generators operating in coal mines 2 km underground and submarines 500 m below sea level,
I can prove Mr. Corum doesn't know the core principle of how the carpanase generator works.

However if you cross intellectual property of Dr James Corum you may run into a problem. Keep it in mind.

So Wesley doesn't have to worry.
As you get older, it's appropriate for your age to worry about your cock not standing upright.
Maybe your wife wants a young man.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2021, 01:28:28 AM

The considered waves are a special type of surface waves, the surface nature of which, i.e. the exponential decay of the field from the boundary of the considered highly conductive medium in the transverse direction takes place here not because of the slowness of its phase velocity relative to the velocity of plane waves over the boundary of the medium, which turned out to be unnecessary here, but because of the partial absorption of energy in it during wave propagation. The presented results show that the considered model of such surface waves does not contradict physical laws. Therefore, there is no reason to doubt that it describes physical waves and when their phase velocity is less c, and when - more, and the generally accepted "group" speed for them, apparently, does not have a clear physical meaning.

At the same time, however, such waves have significant drawbacks from the point of view of their use in technical applications. First, they are weakly pressed against the boundary of the medium, i.e. their field has a sufficiently large extent in the transverse direction above the boundary, therefore, for their effective excitation, a source with a too large vertical aperture may be required. Second, their phase velocity is only slightly different from the speed of light. with, therefore, any, even small irregularities in the plane of the boundary of the medium can lead to scattering of the wave field and a significant increase in energy losses during propagation along the boundary. In particular, this can occur when the boundary deviates from the plane, i.e. in the presence of curvature of its surface. Analysis of the considered surface waves at an irregular boundary requires a special study [,].

On the other hand, when trying to apply surface waves, for example, at the boundaries of metals in technical applications, it is necessary to take into account that the surfaces of real metals are usually covered with oxide films having a thickness of the order of fractions of a micron, micron, or several microns (natural films) and of the order of tens of microns (artificially created films for mechanical protection of metal surfaces). In this case, it is necessary to use the results of a slightly different theoretical model of the guiding system: a layered structure such as a metal substrate - a dielectric film (necessarily taking into account energy losses in them) - free space. The presence of a film can significantly affect the pressing of the surface wave in the direction of its increase and, consequently, the possibility of simplifying the excitation of the wave and its greater stability with respect to structure irregularities.

As an afterword to the article, we note that in September 2012, this article was submitted to the journal UFN, in which a series of articles devoted to the Zenneck wave was previously published, and, in fact, a discussion on this topic arose. However, the article was not accepted for publication due to the fact that the editorial board of Physics ± Uspekhi decided "not to accept new works on Zenneck waves for consideration". As a result, the aforementioned publication of articles on this topic in Physics ± Uspekhi actually ended with the publication of an erroneous article.

Источник: https://meforta.ru/en/water-treatment/poverhnostnaya-korotkovolnovaya-elektromagnitnaya-volna-nad.html

On the other hand, when trying to apply surface waves, for example, at the boundaries of metals in technical applications, it is necessary to take into account that the surfaces of real metals are usually covered with oxide films having a thickness of the order of fractions of a micron, micron, or several microns (natural films) and of the order of tens of microns (artificially created films for mechanical protection of metal surfaces). In this case, it is necessary to use the results of a slightly different theoretical model of the guiding system: a layered structure such as a metal substrate - a dielectric film (necessarily taking into account energy losses in them) - free space. The presence of a film can significantly affect the pressing of the surface wave in the direction of its increase and, consequently, the possibility of simplifying the excitation of the wave and its greater stability with respect to structure irregularities.

A micron-scale thin film on the surface of a metal - A surface wave that cannot pass even an oxide film affects electrons of metal and electrons of underground materials????????????????????

A passing Russian dung-dog would laugh. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2021, 09:06:09 PM
단군신화 출처는 태양신전입니다.
단군신화가 신라 초기에 만들어졌다는 뜻입니다.

고구려의 장수 대조영이 건국한 발해처럼
왕건이 건국한 고려도 신라와 당나라에 멸망당한 고구려의 후신입니다.
고구려 멸망과 고려 건국이 약 300년의 시차가 있어 현 사학계가 이것을 중요하게 여기지 않지만 삼국사기와 삼국유사를 기반으로하는 중심 역사에서는 이것이 엄청 중요한 문제입니다.
삼국사기 저자 김부식과 삼국유사 저자 일연은 모두 신라를 기반으로하던 김씨들입니다.
고려시대에 특히 일본 왜구들이 극성을 떨어 고려 정치권에 자리잡았던 신라 출신들 입지가 좁아집니다.
일본 왜구와 신라 출신들의 숨겨진 과거 역사가 고려조 김씨들이 역사를 왜곡한 시발이기 때문입니다.
일본과 거리상으로도 가장 가까워던 나라가 신라입니다.
신라와 일본은 삼국사기와 삼국유사에 나타나는 만연한 침략사와 약탈의 관계가 아니였습니다.
신라 지증왕 시대에도 바다로의 항해가 태양신전을 근거해서 모로가도 태양신전을 벗어나지 않습니다.
신라 본토는 태양신전 배가되고 헤드젯은 울릉도(우산국) 되는 이치라 그렇습니다.
백제와 신라관계도 태양신전 배안에서 설정되기에 삼국유사의 이상하고 모호한 사건들이 전개되는 이유입니다.
차차로 발힐 문제라 오늘은 여기까지 하겠습니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2021, 09:12:46 PM
The position of other galaxies observed from the Earth without knowing the first big bang point is also inevitably X.
The ancient math of simple angle calculations is neutralized in space where intergalactic gravity acts.
Depending on where the galaxy you are observing is located, the rate of its outward deflection is different.
If you get a 70% speed increase based on past observations, you should suspect the involvement of other forces in the cosmological constant.
As long as there are galaxies that collide with nearby galaxies attracted by gravity, the cosmic constant and dark matter are mere speculations.
Our galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are said to collide in the distant future.
Dark matter and the cosmic constant are powerless against these collisions.
Galactic collisions do not occur in the logic of simple forces acting only by the force of the Big Bang.
If the universe layer of the big bang exists, the big bang logic itself is neutralized.
Sequential explosions or other causes must be sought.
Currently, the universe has a thickness of 360 degrees of galaxies.
Black holes suck in stars, but they also spit out debris.
Even this simple common sense was ignored by Einstein and did not know.
He was not even acknowledging the results of quantum mechanics.

Before the Big Bang, there would be only darkness in outer space.
For the space of the dark god before the foundation of the world that Judaism claims.

Wenn ich wusste, dass die Welt morgen untergeht,
wurde ich dennoch heute einen apfelbaum pflanzen.
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would end,
I would plant an apple tree today.
(Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces,
I would still plant an apple tree.)

Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Spinoza (1632 - 1677)

In Germany, it is understood as Martin Luther's remarks,
The rest of the world is understood by Spinoza's remarks.

《Dragon of Eden - Finding the Origin of Intelligence》
《Shadow of a Lost Ancestor》
《Intelligent Life in the Universe》
《Pale Blue Dot》

As long as those who, like Carl Sagan, wander on the border between myth and science disrupt the scientific world, the truth becomes farther away.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2021, 09:28:23 PM
Важно знать, то что установка работает.
Какой площади нужна "санитарная" зона, чтоб коты не пострадали?

It would be better if you could point out specifically how to know the basmus.
Are there no brave warriors in Russia?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 25, 2021, 09:35:57 PM
서슬퍼런 푸틴이 버티고개중인데 용맹한 자유의 전사가 소련에 있겄어? ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)

Контур Юровского по схеме novator75 Ч1.

CR2032 - 3 вольта. Оживление (заряд)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2021, 01:38:43 AM
한국의 회원들을 위한 답변이라 이 카페 회원들에겐 생소한 한국어가 많이 불편할 것입니다. 양해바랍니다.
이 카페는 한국의 유명 일간지 기자들과 유명 대학교수들과 박사학위 소지자들이 열혈 독자로 있습니다.
그러나 바스무스나 루슬란이 진실에 많은 거짓을 섞어놔서 문제 풀이에 전문가 수준의 한국인들도 이해하기 어렵기는 마찬가지 입니다.
세계의 신화/과학계처럼 한국의 고대신화도 바스무스나 루슬란 발전기처럼 진실과 거짓이 복잡하게 얽혀있어 나도 고집 센 그들을 이해시키기 어렵습니다.
이곳 카페 회원들처럼 이제는 아는 사람이 더 많은 비밀이기도 합니다.

This answer is for Korean members, so Korean language, which is unfamiliar to members of this cafe, will be very inconvenient. please understand.
This cafe has avid readers of famous Korean daily newspaper reporters, famous university professors and PhD holders.
However, since Basmus and Ruslan mix a lot of lies with the truth, it is difficult for even the expert level Koreans to understand the problem.
Like the myths/sciences of the world, Korean ancient myths, like Basmus and Ruslan generators, are intricately intertwined with truth and lies, making it difficult for me to understand stubborn people.
Like the members of the cafe here, it is a secret that more people know now.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 26, 2021, 03:50:04 AM
조주청의 사랑방 이야기 (375) 수수께끼 휘호

시선 이백이 읊고 명필 장욱이 쓴 휘호

해독해낼 사람은 어디에 있을 것인가

중국 역사상 가장 융성했던 왕조는 당나라, 그중에서도 현종 시대 때 당나라는 명실공히 세계 최강이었다. 중국 역사상 최고의 시인 이백(李白)도 이때에 만개했다. 이백은 젊은 시절부터 한곳에 지긋이 못을 박고 처자식 먹여 살리느라 생업에 목을 매는 기질이 못돼 여기저기 떠돌아다니며 동가식서가숙했다. 한때는 신선이 되겠다고 인적 없는 심산유곡에 들어가 몇년간 흔적이 없다가 불현듯 속세에 나타나기도 했다. 이백의 환상적인 걸작은 대부분이 자연 속에 홀로 파묻혀 지내던 이때의 시상이 바탕이 되었다. 이백의 걸작 '월하독배(月下獨配)'도 술과 달을 너무나 사랑한 낭만적 시다.

꽃 사이에 한동이 술을 놓고(花間-壺酒·화간일호주)

벗할 이 없어 홀로 술을 마시네(獨酌無相親·독작무상친)

잔 들어 밝은 달을 맞으니(擧杯邀明月·거배요명월)

그림자도 마주하여 세 사람이 되었구나(對影成三人·대영성삼인)

주유천하하던 이백이 현종의 부름을 받고 궁정시인이 되어 궁으로 들어갔지만 노는 물은 장안의 뒷골목 술집이었다. 중국 최고의 시인이 이백이라면 중국 최고의 명필은 누구인가? 한문의 글자를 그림의 경지로 끌어올린 서체는 초서(草書)다. 중국 역사상 초서의 최고 명필은 후한의 장지(張芝)와 당의 장욱(張旭)을 꼽는다. 두 명필은 대비된다. 장지가 노력형이라면 장욱은 천재형이다. 장지는 '연못을 검게 만들 정도로 연습한다'는 임지학서 지수진묵(臨池學書 池水盡墨)이란 고사성어를 탄생시킨 장본인이다. 장욱은 천재형 명필이다. 그는 당대의 검무가인 교방의 기생, 공손대랑의 칼춤에서 칼끝의 신묘한 동선에 영감을 얻어 초서를 휘갈겼다.

장욱은 술에 취하면 머리를 풀어 먹을 찍고 초서로 휘갈겨 미치광이 장전(張顚)이라 불렸다. 시선(詩仙) 이백과 광초(狂草) 장욱은 동시대 장안에 살면서 둘 다 술을 그렇게 좋아하고, 서로의 명성을 익히 알고 있었지만 한번도 어울리지는 않았다. 자존심이 둘 사이를 가로막았다. 장안의 호사가들이 근지러움을 참지 못했다. "시선이 시를 짓고 광초가 휘호를 휘갈기면 불후의 명작이 태어날 게 아니여!" 호사가들이란 궁금한 걸 못 참는다. 그들이 일을 꾸몄다.

두 사람의 자존심을 타파할 그 무엇이 없을까? 호사가 중에 장욱과 술자리를 자주 하는 선비가 장욱을 찾아갔다. "지인이 귀주성에서 천하명주를 한병 가져왔네. 자네 생각이 나서 병을 못 따고 있네." 장욱의 귀가 번쩍 뜨였다.

또 한 선비는 이백을 찾아가 말했다. "운남성을 다녀온 종질이 감로주를 한병 가져왔는데 다가오는 보름날 밤에 달이 뜨거든 술병을 따세!" 처서가 지나 밤공기는 상큼하고 중난산 위로 만월이 떠오르니 위하강에도 둥근 달이 앉았다. 강변의 정자는 인산인해다. 정자 마루에도, 정자 아래도 선비 호사가들이 입추의 여지 없이 모여 역사적인 명필과 시선의 조우를 지켜보고 있었다.

정자 마루 한가운데는 시선 이백과 명필 장욱이 술상을 사이에 두고 어색하게 마주 앉아 있었다. 술이 몇순배 돌고 만월이 중천에 떠오르자 어색함은 자취를 감추고 이백과 장욱은 서로 부어라 마셔라 하는 사이가 되었다. 사동이 장강의 백어 안주에 송이버섯, 꿩 산적을 올리고 방방곡곡에서 온 진기한 술병이 줄을 이었다. 삼경이 지나자 중천을 한참 넘은 만월이 정자 마루에 달빛을 쏟아부었다. 풀벌레가 요란하게 울어대고 기러기 떼가 끼룩거렸다. 숨죽여 지켜보던 호사가들이 모두 자리를 피해 정자를 떠날 때 만취한 두 술꾼 옆에 지필묵을 살짝 가져다놓았다. 이백과 장욱의 대작은 끝날 줄 몰랐다.

이튿날 호사가들이 정자로 와보니 해가 중천을 지났는데도 드르렁드르렁 두 천재가 코를 골고 있었다.

정자 마루에 올라가보니 붓은 아직도 먹물을 머금고 있고 종이는 바람에 날아다녔다. 선비 하나가 그걸 펴 들었다. 풀잎이 바람에 날려 뒤엉킨 듯, 섬광을 받아 허공에서 춤추는 칼끝처럼 휘호는 유려했지만 아무도 읽을 수 있는 사람이 없었다.

해가 서산으로 넘어갈 때에야 두 사람은 부스스 눈을 떴다. 호사가들이 물었다. "지난밤에 시를 지었소?" 이백은 고개를 끄덕이며 분명 읊었다는데 기억이 나지 않는다는 것이다. 장욱에게 물었다. 분명히 이백이 시를 읊어 자신이 휘호를 갈겼는데 더이상 기억이 나지 않는다는 것이다. 술에 취하고 달빛에 취한 이백의 시, 그걸 즉흥적으로 받아쓴 천하명필 장욱의 휘호! 그러나 그걸 읽을 수 있는 사람이 없었고 이백과 장욱도 몽중환(夢中幻)이 되었다.

측천무후의 손자인 현종이 말년에 며느리였던 양귀비의 치마폭에 휘둘려 온갖 수모를 당할 때 이백도 함께 휩쓸려 비참하게 생을 마감했다.

역대 명필의 휘호를 돌에 음각한 시안(西安)의 비림(碑林)에는 아무도 해독할 수 없는 이 수수께끼 휘호가 오늘도 수많은 비석 사이에 웅크리고 있다.

이백의 시를 장욱이 쓴거네.

보통 한시(漢詩)는 오른쪽에서 왼쪽으로 쓰지만,

태양신전 내용이라 장욱이 뒤집듯이 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 썼네 뭐. ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 01:00:45 AM
The Biden and Obama forces are putting pressure on China, pretending to help.
As a result, it has been raining on the Korean Peninsula for a week.
Their climate weapons make farmers even poorer.
Throughout history, China's rebellion has been successful only in the rebellion of the regular army.
All local popular uprisings have failed.

You can use Google Translate to get a rough understanding of the content.
Since it is for members from Korea, Japan and China, there are many words that English-speaking members cannot understand.
And some of them were written a long time ago in photo format, so it may be difficult to understand if you don't know Korean.
This is a rewrite of the history of Korea, China, and Japan, so English-speaking members do not need to know.
Please understand.

The house of Pumpkin-man(瓠公) that Talhae(脫解) stole with a whetstone and charcoal.

탈해(脫解)가 숫돌과 숯으로 빼앗은 호공(瓠公)의 집.

태양신전을 일본에 대입해서 독자적으로 해석했을 때는 일본 북쪽의  섬 홋가이도(Hokkaido Prefecture)가 용성국(dragon castle kingdom)이 되지만, 헤드젯 부조는 한반도를 모델로 만들어서 용성국(dragon castle kingdom)의 위치는 홋가이도(Hokkaido Prefecture)가 될 수 없습니다.
탈해(脫解)는 신라에 와서 호공(Pumpkin-man, 瓠公)의 집을 숫돌과 숯 사건으로 빼앗아 살았는데, 호공(Pumpkin-man, 瓠公)의 원래 위치는 나가사카와 히로시마를 포함하는 일본의 남부 지역입니다.
그러나 태양신전 쌍낫배와 달은 중국 내륙 신장 위그르/티벳 지역에 위치하고 있습니다.
이처럼 일본에 있어야 할 쌍낫배와 달이 중국내륙에 포진하면서 태양신전 괴리와 실제 역사가 혼재하는 상황이 된겁니다.
중국과 한반도, 일본의 고대 역사가 모두 태양신전에서 출발합니다.
이상한 얘기같지만 단 하나의 예외도 없습니다.
탈해의 고향 홋가이도(Dragon castle kingdom)가 헤드젯의 위상이 될 경우 태양신 Ra와 달신 호루스의 머리가 됩니다.
홋가이도는 고대부터 아이누(Ainu, アイヌ)족들이 살던 터전이라 그들 관련된 유물이 전부입니다.
겨울에는 너무 춥고 또한 눈이 너무 많이 오는 지역이라 소수의 원주민들만이 어업으로 생계를 이어오던 지역입니다.
특정 문화(문명)가 발달할 수 있는 환경이 아닙니다.

이집트에서 탈해(카이시리온)가 태양신전을 가지고 신라에 왔지만 탈해의 명맥이 끊어지면서 대부분 잊혀졌고, 후대 역사가 태양신전을 그들식으로 해석하면서 실제 역사와 태양신전 에피소드가 되섞여 버린 겁니다.

만약에 탈해가 빼앗은 호공(Pumpkin-man)의 집이 한반도-신라가 아닌 일본의 히로시마와 나가사키 지방이라면 신라가 일본의 남부 지역을 통치한 것이 됩니다.
신라와 일본의 고대사 전체를 다시 써야 할 난감한 사건이 됩니다.

그런데 신라의 선덕여왕 제위 시절에 이 사건이 실제로 발생합니다.
너무나 유명한 사건이지만 특정 지명을 현 사학계가 이해하지 못해서 지금까지 이상한 사건으로 묻혀있습니다.
이것은 고려시대(900~1200)에 신라의 후손들이 신라 역사 일부를 조작하면서 붙여진 지명입니다.
신라와 당나라에 멸망당한 고구려 후예라 자처하던 고려 지배층과 중국의 압력에 의한 조작입니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 01:01:58 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 01:04:24 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 01:07:19 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 01:10:22 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 01:25:30 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 01:55:44 AM
백강전투는 일본군이 신라를 도우러 온 것이고, 이유는 당나라 견제가 목적이였어. 8)
북쪽 오랑캐들 전부 접수한 당고종이 원체 욕심이 많아서 덕만이도 대비책이 필요했어.
5만의 신라군으로는 당나라를 견제할 수가 없었다.
백강전투는 신라군과 일본군이 합세해서 당군을 견재한 전투다. 8)

해서 여근곡은 신라 멸망 전까지 대대로 신라가 통치했는데,
신라가 고려에 복속되면서 여근곡은 한마디로 무주공산이 됐다. 8)
나중에 고려가 신라를 계승했으니 여근곡을 내어달라 일본을 겁박했지만 고려 정치권에 입성한 신라 김씨들과 일본이 역사까지 조작하면서 여근곡의 실체를 숨겼고,
급기야 고려와 쿠빌라이는 여근곡을 접수하기로 한다.
고려입장에서는 몽고군을 이용하니 아주 반길일이였지만,
니들 역사가 대몽고 삼별초 항쟁을 부각시키면서 신라가 잃어버린 땅 여근곡을 묻어버리는 만행을 저질렀다.
그때 여몽연합군이 여근곡을 접수했다면 일본은 고려땅이다. 8)

믿겨지지 않지? ::) ::)

일본이 여근곡을 고려에 내주지 않으려면 어떻하면 될까?
일본 고대사가 그들에 의해 조작된 이유다.
여근곡은 백제장군 우소가 주둔한 멸망한 백제땅이 되야 신라와 무관해진다.
그러나 흔적은 남겨야하니 선덕여왕 명령으로 알천과 필탄이 개입한다. 8)

고려조 금관지주사가 저자인 가락국기 가야국들을 일본이 한반도애 진출한 나라들로 만들어 지금까지 왜곡하는 이유도 여근곡을 지배한 신라가 일본이 지배한 신라로 역전되는 근거가 되고 신라와 가야가 일본땅이 될 수 있으니까 . ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 09:58:42 PM
 ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 10:02:30 PM
위 아래 두 그림 중 어느 것이 더 그럴듯 할까요? ::)
고대 신라에서 유행한 계룡(鷄龍)은 일본열도가 출처입니다. ::)
암퇘지 출처도 히로시마와 나가시키를 포함하는 일본 남부 [나정蘿井/옥문곡玉門谷/여근곡女根谷(신라가 이름붙인 지명)가 기원입니다.
일본 북부지방을 암탉으로 표현한 이유는, 일본의 남부가 여자의 음부를 의미해서라기 보다는, 암닭이 둥지에서 알을 품거나 일어나서 목을 길게 펴고 울고(회치다)있는 형상이기 때문입니다. ;D ;D
알과 둥지있으니 수탉이 아니라 암탉이 되죠. ::)

일본의 쿄토는 서기 794년부터 1868년까지 일본의 수도로서 건립 당시 중국 장안(長安)을 모방해 바둑판 모양의 계획 도시를 표방했습니다. 8)

『서경(書經)』에 말하기를 "암탉이 새벽을 알린다."고 하였고, 『역경(易經)』에서는 "암퇘지가 껑충껑충 뛰려 한다."고 하였으니, 어찌 경계할 일이 아니겠는가.
書云 牝鷄之晨 易云 羸豕孚蹢躅 其可不爲之戒哉

중국에 사대주의 하던 고대 일본과 한반도인들의 이해입니다. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 10:17:13 PM



요즘 수탉들은 쓸모없는 것 가지구 너무 나대는 것 같아 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 27, 2021, 11:00:30 PM
가짜 수탉

진짜 수탉
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2021, 03:20:43 AM
전한(前漢) 지절(地節) 원년 임자(기원전 69)[고본(古本)에는 건호 원년 또는 건원 3년이라 하는 것들은 모두 잘못된 것이다.] 3월 초하루에, 여섯 부의 조상들은 자제를 거느리고 알천(閼川)의 언덕 위에 모여서 의논하여 말하였다.

"우리들은 위로 백성들을 다스릴 임금이 없어서 백성들이 모두 방자하고 안일하여 제멋대로 하고 있소. 그러니 어찌 덕 있는 사람을 찾아 임금으로 삼고 나라를 세워 도읍을 정하지 않을 수 있겠소?"
그래서 이들은 높은 곳에 올라 남쪽을 바라보았는데 양산(楊山) 밑에 있는 나정(蘿井) 가에 번갯빛처럼 이상한 기운이 땅에 드리워져 있고, 한 백마가 무릎을 꿇고 절하는 모습을 하고 있었다. 이윽고 그곳을 찾아가보니 자줏빛 알[푸른빛의 큰 알이라고도 한다.] 하나가 있었다. 말은 사람을 보더니 길게 울고는 하늘로 올라가 버렸다.
前漢地節元年壬子[古本云 建虎元年 又云建元三年等 皆誤] 三月朔 六部祖各率子弟 俱會於閼川岸上 議曰 我輩上無君主臨理蒸民 民皆放逸 自從所欲 盍覓有德人 爲之君主 立邦設都乎 於是乘高南望 楊山下蘿井傍 異氣如電光垂地 有一白馬跪拜之狀 尋撿之 有一紫卵[一云靑大卵] 馬見人長嘶上天

[1274년.1281년]여몽 연합군 일본 원정(정벌) - Mongol invasions of Japan(元寇)

고려/몽고 연합군이 신라(新羅)의 나정(蘿井)을 되찾으러 왔다는 것을 일본인들도 알고 박혁거세전에 나오는 백마를 상징성으로 영화에 출연시켰어.
일본인들도 여몽연합군의 성격을 알고 있다는 뜻이제.
칭기스칸으로 비롯된 정복전쟁도 성격도 크지만 흉노족 신라 김씨들의 정복전쟁이라는 것을.
신라 김씨들이 흉노족 김일제 성씨를 하사받은 것은 쿠빌라이로부터 비롯된 후대 개입이니까.
그래서 고려조에 개입한 신라 김씨들 속내가 복잡한거다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2021, 03:27:21 AM
니들은 계룡 엉덩이 부분의 동복(銅鍑, copper pot)과 말잔등 뒤에 있는 동복을 단순하게 스키타이 기마민족들이 사용하던 부장품으로 이해하지만 일본의 나정과 여근곡을 나타내는 신화적인 의미다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2021, 05:59:46 PM

이런 발전기를 만드는 사람들이 Kapanadze와 그 외 자유발전기를 알았어도 이렇게 자신의 발명품을 자신있게 홍보할 수 있을까요?
이런 재야 발명가들은 자신들이 세계에서 발명되는 자유발전기에 대한 정보가 부족하다는 것을 잘 모릅니다.


굳이 자석을 가지고 원맨쑈 할 필요 없습니다.
발전기를 간단하게 만들 수 있는 아주 똑똑한 사람들이 있습니다.


위 아이디어처럼 발전설비를 만들려면 특수한 진공 튜브 터널이 더 적합할 것입니다.
마찰에 견디는 자석도 필요합니다.
자석에 베어링을 장착하려나요?
자기부상 열차처럼 특별한 자력 장치를 하려나요?
고속으로 회전하는 자석은 Curie temperature에 따라 몇시간 이상을 견디지 못할 것입니다.


그리고 발전기가 너무 비싸면 시장성이 거의 없습니다.
한국인들 태반이 월 100만원(1000 달러) 이하의 저소득층입니다.
한국의 물가는 일본만큼 비싸다.
그리고 한국인들 절반 이상이 자신들의 집이 없습니다.
그들은 전세 또는 월세를 지불하면서 삽니다.
한국의 일반 가구에서 사용하는 전기료는 매우 비쌉니다.
KW당 20센트 이상.
비해 한국의 산업용 전기료는 매우 싸다.
KW당 5센트.
정부가 가난한 국민들에게 비싼 전기료를 부담시킵니다.

자살은 세상과의 싸움에서 패하는 자들이 주로 선택하는 방법입니다.
2만달러는 저소득층 근로자가 단 1달러도 쓰지 않고 월급을 10년간 모아야 하는 금액이다.
공평과 도덕을 강조하는 신이 세상을 멸망시킬 당위로 충분합니다.
신이 세상을 심판하는 방법은 아주 많을 것입니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 28, 2021, 06:24:00 PM
자유란 환경에 종속되는 그림자들의 외침이제.... ::) ::)
저 하늘 우주에서 자유를 찾고싶다면 별처럼 자신을 태워 빛나거나 Yurii Gagarin처럼 우주복이 필요합니다. 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 02:19:34 AM
"의자왕은 선화공주의 아들"
송고시간2012-08-14 11:28

정민 교수 '불국토를 꿈꾼 그들' 펴내

"의자왕은 선화공주의 아들"정민 교수 '불국토를 꿈꾼 그들' 펴내

(서울=연합뉴스) 황윤정 기자 = '삼국유사'에 실린 '서동요'는 백제 무왕과 선화공주의 이야기를 담은 노래로 유명하다.
"선화공주님은/남몰래 시집을 가서/서동 도련님을/밤에 몰래 안고 간다"
서동(무왕의 어린 시절 이름)은 서라벌(경주) 아이들에게 마를 나눠주고 이 노래를 부르게 해 선화공주를 왕궁에서 쫓겨나게 한다.
서동은 선화공주를 아내로 맞았고 백제 무왕이 된다. 삼국유사는 무왕과 선화공주가 미륵사를 창건했다고 전하고 있다. 그러나 2009년 미륵사지 서탁 기단부에서 수습된 사리 봉안기 금판에는 무왕의 왕비인 사탁씨가 미륵사를 창건했다고 기록돼 있다.
무왕의 왕비 사탁씨의 존재가 새롭게 확인된 것으로, 삼국유사와 정면 배치되는 내용이다.
서동과 선화공주의 사랑 이야기는 한 편의 꾸며낸 이야기에 불과한 것일까.
정민 한양대 국문과 교수는 무왕과 선화공주가 분명히 결혼했고 무왕의 아들이자 백제의 마지막 왕인 의자왕은 사탁씨가 아닌 선화공주의 소생이라고 주장했다.
정민 교수는 삼국유사와 일본서기 등의 내용을 분석한 결과 의자왕의 생모인 선화공주는 비교적 일찍 세상을 뜬 것으로 보인다면서 "의자왕은 사탁씨 왕비의 서거 직후 정변을 단행해 사탁씨 일가와 이들에게 찬동한 정치 집단을 추방, 집권 초기의 불안 요소를 제거했다"고 설명했다.
또 "새로 나온 사리 봉안기에 나타난 사탁씨 왕비의 존재는 그간 정돈되지 않은 상태로 남아있던 의자왕의 모계를 밝혀주고, 사탁씨 모계 왕자와의 후계 구도를 둘러싼 갈등을 선명하게 정리해주는 획기적인 자료가 되는 셈"이라고 평가했다.
국내 대표적인 다산 정약용 전문가인 정민 교수가 삼국유사를 새롭게 해석한 '불국토를 꿈꾼 그들'을 펴냈다.
"상상력의 보물창고이자 우리 문화의 비밀을 푸는 짚코드"라고 삼국유사를 정의한 정민 교수는 은유와 상징으로 가득 찬 삼국유사에 숨겨진 역사의 비밀을 역사적 사건의 전후관계와 맥락을 살펴보며 하나씩 풀어나간다.
무왕과 선화공주의 이야기를 비롯해 서역에서 건너온 밀본의 정체와 국난을 막아낸 밀교의식 '문두루' 비법, 도깨비와 귀신을 다스린 비형랑의 정체, 황룡사 9층 탑 건립 배경, 원효 스님이 거리로 뛰쳐나온 이유 등에 대한 저자의 해석이 신선하다.
현재 하버드대 옌칭연구소에서 연구학자로 재직 중인 정민 교수는 책 머리말에서 "'삼국유사'는 허튼 말이 하나도 없었다. 해석이 어려운 것은 해독의 코드를 잃어버렸기 때문"이라면서 "단절을 이어 맥락을 복원하는 일이 시급하다"고 지적했다.
문학의문학. 376쪽. 1만8천원.

[정민의 世說新語] [637] 해상조로(薤上朝露)
정민 한양대 교수·고전문학
입력 2021.08.26 03:00

'해로(薤露)'는 한위(漢魏) 시기의 만가(挽歌)다. 상여가 나갈 때 영구를 끌면서 사람들이 함께 부르던 노래다. 초한(楚漢)의 쟁패 중에 제나라 대부 전횡(田橫)은 따르는 무리 5백인과 함께 바다 섬으로 들어갔다. 한고조 유방이 그를 부르자 어쩔 수 없이 낙양으로 나오다가 30리를 앞에 두고 굴욕을 거부하고 자살했다. 섬에서 그를 기다리던 무리 5백인이 이 소식을 듣고 슬퍼하며 모두 따라서 죽었다. 사람들이 이들의 넋을 달래려고 부른 노래가 바로 '해로'다. 해(薤)는 백합과의 다년생 초본인 염교를 말한다.

노래는 이렇다. "염교 잎 위 아침 이슬, 어이 쉬 마르는가? 이슬이야 마른대도 내일 아침 다시 지리. 사람 죽어 한번 가면 어느 때나 돌아올꼬?(薤上朝露何易晞? 露晞明朝更復落, 人死一去何時歸.)" 원래 노래에는 바깥짝이 있었는데, 후대에 따로 떼어 '호리가(蒿里歌)'가 되었다. "호리는 뉘 집 땅인가? 잘나고 못남 없이 고운 넋을 거두누나. 귀백(鬼伯)은 어이 이리 재촉을 하는 겐지, 사람 목숨 잠시도 머뭇대지 못하네.(蒿里誰家地? 聚斂精魄無賢愚. 鬼伯一何相催促? 人命不得少踟躕.)"

아침 산책 길에 풀잎마다 달렸던 이슬이 돌아올 때 보면 어느새 말라 흔적도 없다. 이슬은 아침마다 되풀이해 내리지만, 사람은 한번 가면 다시 오지 못한다. 아침 이슬만도 못한 인생, 이 강렬한 대비가 아등바등 움켜쥐기만 하는 삶에 깊은 울림을 남겼다. 명나라 유기(劉基·1311~1375)도 '해로가'에서, "어제는 7척의 건장하던 몸, 오늘은 죽어서 시신 되었네. 친척들 괜스레 집 가득해도, 넋과 기운 어디로 간단 말인가?(昨日七尺軀, 今日爲死尸. 親戚空滿堂, 魂氣安所之.)"라 했다.

돌아보면 사는 일이 참 덧없다. 그렇다고 모든 것을 허무적멸로 돌리기엔 남은 시간이 아깝고 귀하다. 가톨릭 성가 27장, '이 세상 덧없이'의 1절은 이렇다. "풀잎 끝에 맺혀진 이슬 방울 같이, 이 세상의 모든 것 덧없이 지나네. 꽃은 피어 시들고 사람은 무덤에. 변치 않을 분 홀로 천주뿐이로다." 같은 말을 다르게 했다. 마음을 무엇으로 간직해야 할까? 욕심을 내려놓고 이슬처럼 맑게 살다가 가자.


한양대 정민 교수가 조간만 졸지에 마광수 따라간다에 한 표 아빠.⚡
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 02:34:00 AM
마광수처럼 욕실에서 교수형이 좋것다 ;D ;D ;D ;D
내두 한 표 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 07:41:18 AM
태양신전 기물들이 코에 붙이면 코걸이, 귀에 붙이면 귀고리라서 걸맞는 한자들이 소환된거야.
낙화암 삼천궁녀 전설도 이렇게 만들어진거니까.
백제에 달과 그릇이 있을 턱이 없지만, 태신전전 독수리 날개 큰 배가 헤드젯에서 빠져나온 확장형으로 해석하면서 중국땅이 아닌 신라와 백제로 해석된거구.
낙화암 궁녀들 전설이 헤드젯으로 회귀니 궁남지를 달그릇이나 헤드젯 태양으로 봐도 무방해.

자살할 위인이라면 사의 찬미 현해탄 건너 북해도로 벌써 투신자살했겠어.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 07:59:13 AM
모진세월 살아온 여편네라 입이 험햐 ::)
현해탄 건너 북해도까정 갈것없이 한강물 따땃하니 추천헌다 정민아...헤헤 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 08:15:21 AM
이 세상 덧없이

자살죄악시하는 전주교 칠극이 부른다 어여어여 거자꾸나.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 08:21:14 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 10:38:42 PM
와? ::) 현해탄 건너 북해도에 추락사하는 메텔이 마음에 안들어? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 10:40:07 PM
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ;D
공자가 제자 자로에게 이르기를 "아는 것을 안다고 하고 모르는 것을 모른다고 하는 것, 이것이 아는 것이다" 라고 하였다. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 10:46:10 PM
한 표
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 29, 2021, 10:57:40 PM
염세주의는 상당부분 세상을 멸망시키고픈 광기를 동반합니다.
쇼펜하우어는 철학자가 아니라 히틀러, 정인선씨처럼 선동가입니다.

세계는 비참한 사람에게 있어서만 비참하고 공허한 사람에게 있어서만 공허하다.

돈이란 바닷물과도 같다. 그것은 마시면 마실수록 목이 말라진다.

돈 빌려 달라는 것을 거절함으로써 친구를 잃는 일은 적지만,
반대로 돈을 빌려줌으로써 도리어 친구를 잃기 쉽다.

보통 사람은 시간을 소비하는 것에 마음을 쓰고,
재능 있는 사람은 시간을 활용하는 것에 신경을 쓴다.

계속해서 다른 사람의 사상만을 받아들 때 자신의 사상은 발전하지 못하고 상상력도 죽어버리는 법이다. 바로 그렇기 때문에 지속적으로 자신의 생각을 키워나가야만 하는 것이다. 다른 사람의 사상을 받아들이기에 급급해 자신의 생각을 키우지 않는 사람을 볼 때마다 나는 셰익스피어가 동시대인들에게 다른 나라를 보기 위해 자기 나라를 판다고 한 말을 떠올린다.

청년기에는 주관이 지배하고 노년기에는 사색이 지배한다. 다시 말하면 청년기는 작가로서 알맞은 시기요, 노년기는 철학에 적합한 시기다. 실천하는 데 있어서도 청년기는 주관과 인상에 따라 결심하지만 노년기에는 대부분이 사색한 다음에 결정한다.

천성(天性)에 반하여 절대적인 독립 상태에 놓이게 되는 여자는 곧 아무 남자에게나 집착하며, 그 남자의 의도대로 기꺼이 따라가고, 지배받으려 한다. 젊은 여자는 연인을 구하고, 늙은 여자는 속내를 털어놓을 남자를 구한다.

패배가 따르는 고통을 자발적으로 겪어 보라. 그러면서 인품이 형성되는 것이다.

평범한 능력밖에 없는 사람에게 겸손은 순수한 마음의 표상이 되지만 훌륭한 능력을 지닌 사람에게 겸손은 위선일 뿐이다.

평범한 사람들은 시간을 어떻게 소비할까 생각하지만 지성인은 시간을 어떻게 사용할까 궁리한다.

하루는 작은 일생이다. 아침에 잠이 깨어 일어나는 것이 탄생이요, 상쾌한 아침은 짧은 청년기를 맞는 것과 같다. 그러다가 저녁, 잠자리에 누울 때는 인생의 황혼기를 맞는 것이라는 것을 알아야 한다.

허영심은 사람을 수다스럽게 하고, 자존심은 침묵케 한다.

현명하시게도, 당신께서 선택하신 국민들이 전세계로 흩어질 것이라고 예언하신 선한 하느님께서 특별한 냄새를 주셨다. 그 냄새 덕분에 그들은 어디에서나 서로를 확인하고 다시 만날 수 있었다. 그것은 바로 유태인의 냄새이다.

하루는 작은 일생이다. 아침에 잠이 깨어 일어나는 것이 탄생이요, 상쾌한 아침은 짧은 청년기를 맞는 것과 같다. 그러다가 저녁, 잠자리에 누울 때는 인생의 황혼기를 맞는 것이라는 것을 알아야 한다.

허영심은 사람을 수다스럽게 하고, 자존심은 침묵케 한다.

독일은 유럽에서 가장 지적인 국가이면서, 거의 모든 인간 관계에서도 첫째 가는 국가이다.

돈 빌려 달라는 것을 거절함으로써 친구를 잃는 일은 적지만, 반대로 돈을 빌려줌으로써 도리어 친구를 잃기 쉽다.

들척지근한 형이상학적(形而上學的, 정신적인 것) 철학은 믿지 말라. 책을 넘길 때마다 눈물 흐르는 소리. 고통의 신음소리, 그리고 서로에 대한 일반적인 살인이라는 끔찍한 비명 소리가 들리지 않는 철학은 철학이 아니다.

태양신 예수는 염세주의 원조입니다.



The dust on the surface of generator parts seems to tell the age of generator research.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 30, 2021, 12:44:31 AM

노자(老子)는 용(龍)과 같은 존재였다.

   老子者(노자자) 楚苦縣厲鄕曲仁里人也(초고현여향곡인리인야)
   노자는 초나라 고현(苦縣) 여향(厲鄕) 곡인리(曲仁里) 사람으로,
   姓李氏(성이씨) 名耳(명이)
   성은 이씨(李氏)이고, 이름은 이(耳)이며,
   자(字)는 담(耼)이다.
   그는 주(周)나라에서 장서(藏書)를 관리하던 사관이었다.
   孔子適周(공자적주) 將問禮於老子(장문례어로자)
   공자가 주(周)나라에 갔을 때, 노자에게 '예(禮)'를 묻자,
   노자는 이렇게 대답했다.
   "당신이 말하려고 하는 성현들은,
   이미 뼈가 다 썩어 없어지고,
   오직 그들의 말만이 남아 있을 뿐이오.
   또 군자는 때를 만나면 관리가 되지만,
   때를 만나지 못하면 바람에 이리저리 날리는 다북쑥처럼 떠돌게 되오.
   내가 들으니,
   훌륭한 상인은 물건을 깊숙히 숨겨 두어 아무것도 없는 것처럼 하고,
   군자는 아름다운 덕을 지니고 있지만 모양새는 어리석은 것처럼 보인다 하오.
   그대는 교만한 기계와 지나친 탐욕과,
   위선적인 표정과 끝없는 야심을 버려야 할 것이오.
   이러한 것들은 그대에게 아무런 도움이 되지 못하오.
   吾所以告子(오소이고자) 若是而已(약시이이)
   내가 그대에게 할 말은, 바로 이런 것들 뿐이오"
   孔子去(공자거) 謂弟子曰(위제자왈)
   공자는 돌아 와서, 제자들에게 이렇게 말했다.
   鳥(조) 吾知其能飛(오지기능비)
   "새는, 잘 난다는 것을 나는 알고 있으며,
   魚(어) 吾知其能游(오지기능유)
   "물고기는, 헤엄을 잘 친다는 것을 나는 알고 있으며,
   獸(수) 吾知其能走(오지기능주)
   "짐승들은, 잘 달린다는 것을 나는 알고 있다.
   달리는 짐승은 그물을 쳐서 잡을 수 있고,
   헤엄치는 물고기는 낚시를 드리워 낚을 수 있으며,
   날아 다니는 새는 화살을 쏘아서 잡을 수 있다.
   그러나 용이 하늘에 이르는 것은,
   어떻게 바람과 구름을 타고서 하늘에 오르는지 나는 알지 못한다.
   吾今日見老子(오금일견로자) 其猶龍邪(기유용야)
   오늘 나는 노자를 만났는데, 그는 마치 용과 같은 존재였다"

공자가 노자를 용으로 표현한 이유는 용처럼 세상에 존재하는 자가 아니라는 뜻이고, 경교 쌍용에 의한 후대의 개입이고, 용은 어둠신의 분신이라 노자가 어둠이라는 뜻이다.
용/龍은 노자를 높이기 위한 표현이 아니라, 빛과 어둠이 공존하는 달처럼 배울 것이 절반밖에 없다는 뜻이다.

   그러나 용이 하늘에 이르는 것은,
   어떻게 바람과 구름을 타고서 하늘에 오르는지 나는 알지 못한다.

해서 위 내용은 도교의 도가 허무맹랑한 공상이라 공자가 비웃는 말이다.
달의 반쪽은 빛이라 알 수 있지만, 나머지 반쪽은 어둠이라 모른다는 뜻이니까.
"인생만사(人生萬事) 새옹지마(塞翁之馬)" 모르는 것을 아는 것은, 불교의 고집멸도/苦集滅道 적멸지도/寂滅之道처럼 죽음밖에 없으니까.
일부 불교가 죽음을 해탈로보는 가장 큰 이유도 어둠신 아펩이 기원이다.
이것이 경교에 흡수된 도교니까.

풍수지리 나침반 쇳대는 도교의 불가지론이 아니라 그냥 자석의 성질일 뿐이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2021, 06:33:25 AM
백제 무왕 42년(서기 641)
봄 3월, 임금이 돌아가셨다. 시호를 무(武)라고 하였다. 사신이 당나라에 가서 소복을 입고 표문을 올리어 말하였다.
"임금의 외신(外臣) 부여장(扶餘璋)이 죽었습니다."
황제가 현무문(玄武門)에서 애도식을 거행하고 조서를 보내 말하였다.
"먼 나라를 위로하는 방도는 총애로운 책명보다 앞선 것이 없고, 죽은 자의 마지막을 장식하는 의리는 먼 곳이라 하여도 막힘이 없다. 고(故) 주국대방군왕백제왕부여장(柱國帶方郡王百濟王扶餘璋)은 산을 넘고 바다 건너 멀리까지 와서 정삭(正朔, 책력)을 받고, 조공과 글 올리기를 한결같이 하다가 갑자기 세상을 떠나게 되었으니 추도하는 슬픔이 깊다. 마땅히 보통 예법 이상으로 애도를 표하여 광록대부(光祿大夫)로 추증하노라."
그리고 부의를 매우 후하게 내렸다.

四十二年 春三月 王薨 諡曰武 使者入唐 素服奉表曰 君外臣扶餘璋卒 帝擧哀玄武門 詔曰 懷遠之道 莫先於寵命 飾終之義 無隔於遐方 故柱國帶方郡王百濟王扶餘璋 棧山航海 遠禀正朔 獻琛奉牘 克固始終 奄致薨殞 追深慜悼 宜加常數 式表哀榮 贈光祿大夫 賻賜甚厚

중국이 한반도의 여러 왕들에게 추증한 광록대부(光祿大夫) 광록이란 뜻은 "빛나는 돈(헤드젯)"이란 뜻이다.
백제의 무왕도 당나라로부터 광록대부 추증받았다.

신라 진덕여왕 원년(서기 647)
2월, 당 태종이 지절사(持節使)를 보내어 선왕을 광록대부(光祿大夫)로 추증하고, 아울러 왕을 주국낙랑군왕(柱國樂浪郡王)으로 책봉하였다.

二月 唐太宗遣使持節 追贈前王爲光祿大夫 仍冊命王爲柱國封樂浪郡王

당고종이 선덕여왕에게도 광록대부(光祿大夫) 추증한다.
단지 광록대부란 추증 때문에 삼국유사에서 신라 선화공주가 백제 무왕에게 시집가는 개기된다.
그래서 선화공주는 선덕여왕의 그림자에 불과하고 실존인물이 아니다.
백제 무왕의 무(武)자와 김춘추에게 추증된 무열(武烈)은 측천무후의 무자에서 나온 더 후대 추증이다.
신라 당시에 만들어진 것이 아니라 고려조의 개입니다.

진덕여왕 8년(서기 654)
봄 3월, 임금이 돌아가셨다. 시호를 진덕(眞德)이라 하고 사량부(沙梁部)에 장사 지냈다. 당 고종이 이를 듣고 영광문(永光門)에서 애도를 표하고 태상승 장문수(張文收)를 사신으로 삼아 부절을 가지고 조문케 하였으며, 진덕왕에게 개부의동삼사(開府儀同三司)를 추증하고 부의로 비단 3백 필을 내려주었다.
나라 사람들은 시조 혁거세로부터 진덕왕까지의 28왕을 일컬어 성골(聖骨)이라 하고, 무열왕부터 마지막 왕까지를 일컬어 진골(眞骨)이라 하였다. 당나라 영호징(令狐澄)은 『신라기(新羅記)』에서 "그 나라에서 왕족은 제1골(第一骨)이라 하고 나머지 귀족은 제2골(第二骨)이라 한다."고 말하고 있다.

八年 春三月 王薨 諡曰眞德 葬沙梁部 唐高宗聞之 爲擧哀於永光門 使大常丞張文收持節吊祭之 贈開府儀同三司 賜綵段三百 國人謂始祖赫居世至眞德二十八王 謂之聖骨 自武烈至末王 謂之眞骨 唐令狐澄新羅記曰 其國 王族謂之第一骨 餘貴族第二骨

진덕왕에게 추증된 개부의동삼사(開府儀同三司)가 삼국유사 당태종이 선덕여왕에게 보낸 꽃씨 석 되의 근거다.
손이 무릎 아래까지 내려오는 진덕여왕을 석굴암 탈해 만든 이상 법신, 보신, 응신을 벗어나기 어렵다.

그런데, 이 근거가 또하나 만들어졌는데,
박혁거세부터 진덕여왕까지 성골(聖骨)로 지칭된 이유는 태양신전을 선호하던 왕들이란 뜻이고,
태종무열왕 김춘추부터 신라 마지막 경순왕까지를 진골(眞骨)로 지칭된 것은 아펩신전을 선호하던 왕들이란 뜻이다.
그래서 측천무후로부터 경교쌍룡비 받은 김춘추부터 신라 중부반 왕들이 용이나 뱀과 엮이는 이야기가 많다.
삼국유사 수로부인 이야기나 동지 청지 원성왕, 당나귀 귀의 주인공 경문왕, 헌강왕 때 동해 용의 아들 처용이 대표적이다.
선덕여왕 때 밀본법사(密本法師)의 육환장(六環杖, 고리가 여섯 개인 지팡이)이 아펩신전 침대 뱀이고, 밀본법사와 대결하다가 천천히 거꾸로 떨어져 머리가 땅에 박혀 말뚝처럼 우뚝 선 인혜사(因惠師) 태양신전 헤드젯 역활이다.

신라가 성골과 진골로 구분한 이유는,
성골 박혁거세부터 진덕여왕까지는 낮이고,
진골 태종무열왕 김춘추부터 신라 마지막 경순왕까지는 밤이라는 뜻이다.
달은 태양신전이 주관하지만 또한 아펩신전 어둠이 주관하는 교차선상에 있다.
낮의 태양신전으로 신라를 열었지만, 밤의 아펩신전으로 신라가 멸망했으니, 신라가 섬기던 두 신전으로 신라의 왕 계보를 나타낸 것일 뿐 이 외의 특별한 이유는 없다.
불교도 두 신전으로부터 시작했으니 구분하지 못하는 것이 정상이다.
현재의 기독교나 유대교와 태양신전 아펩신전을 연관시키기 어려운 것과 마찬가지다.
해서 태양신전으로 구분하면 선덕여왕에서 문무왕까지 한 사람이고,
아펩신전으로 구분하면 선덕여왕, 진덕여왕이 한 사람이 된다.
여기에 후대 불교가 개입해서 이 절충안이 당태종이 선덕여왕에게 보낸 꽃씨 석 되다.
법신, 보신, 응신으로서 석굴암 탈해되겠다.

사관이 논평한다.
삼대(三代, 하ㆍ은ㆍ주)에 정삭(正朔)을 고치고 후대에 연호를 칭한 것은 모두가 대통일을 이루고서 백성들이 듣고 보는 것을 새롭게 하기 위함이다. 이러한 까닭으로 같은 때에 나란히 일어나 천하를 다투며 양립한다거나, 간사한 영웅이 기회를 얻어 일어나 제왕의 자리를 엿보는 경우가 아니라면, 변두리의 소국으로서 천자의 나라에 신하로 속한 나라는 결코 사사롭게 연호를 칭할 수 없는 것이다. 신라의 경우는 한결같은 마음으로 중국을 섬겨 사신이 타고 가는 배와 공물 바구니가 길에서 서로 마주 볼 정도로 연달았는데도 법흥왕이 스스로 연호를 칭했으니 이해하지 못할 노릇이다. 그 후에도 그러한 잘못된 연호를 이어받아 여러 해를 지냈다. 태종의 나무람을 듣고도 오히려 머뭇거리다가 이때에 와서야 당나라의 연호를 받들어 행하였다. 비록 어쩔 수 없이 한 일이라 할지라도, 잘못을 저지르기는 했으나 고칠 수는 있었다고 할 만하다.

論曰 三代更正朔 後代稱年號 皆所以大一統 新百姓之視聽者也 是故苟非乘時並起 兩立而爭天下 與夫姦雄 乘間而作 覬覦神器 則偏方小國 臣屬天子之邦者 固不可以私名年 若新羅以一意事中國 使航貢篚相望於道 而法興自稱年號 惑矣 厥後承愆襲繆 多歷年 所聞太宗之誚讓 猶且因循至是 然後奉行唐號 雖出於不得已 而抑可謂過而能改者矣

진덕여왕조에 김춘추 이야기 나오고 막바로 사관이 개입해서 간사한 영웅(김춘추)으로해서 역사가 조작됐다고 실토하는 것도 이 맥락이다.

선덕여왕 5년(서기 636)
봄 정월, 이찬 수품을 상대등으로 삼았다.
3월, 임금이 병이 들었는데 의약과 기도가 효과가 없었으므로, 황룡사에서 백고좌회(百高座會)를 열어 승려를 모아 인왕경(仁王經)을 강론케 하고 1백 명에게 승려가 되는 것을 허락하였다.
여름 5월, 개구리가 궁궐의 서쪽 옥문지(玉門池)에 많이 모였다. 임금이 이를 듣고 가까운 신하들에게 말하였다.
"개구리의 성난 듯한 눈은 병사의 모습이다. 내가 일찍이 서남쪽 변경에 지명이 옥문곡(玉門谷)이라는 곳이 있다고 들었는데, 혹시 이웃나라 병사가 그 안에 숨어 들어온 것은 아닐까 의심스럽다."
그리고 장군 알천(閼川)과 필탄(弼呑)에게 명하여 병사를 이끌고 가서 찾아보게 하였다. 과연 백제 장군 우소(于召)가 독산성(獨山城)을 기습하려고 무장한 병사 5백 명을 이끌고 와서 그곳에 숨어 있었다. 알천이 습격하여 그들을 모두 죽였다.

자장법사(慈藏法師)가 불법(佛法)을 배우러 당나라에 들어갔다.

五年 春正月 拜伊飡水品爲上大等 三月 王疾 醫禱無效 於皇龍寺設百高座 集僧講仁王經 許度僧一百人 夏五月 蝦蟆大集宮西玉門池 王聞之 謂左右曰 蝦蟆怒目 兵士之相也 吾嘗聞西南邊亦有地名玉門谷者 其或有隣國兵潛入其中乎 乃命將軍閼川弼呑 率兵往搜之 果百濟將軍于召欲襲獨山城 率甲士五百人 來伏其處 閼川掩擊盡殺之 慈藏法師入唐求法

선덕여왕 6년(서기 637)
봄 정월, 이찬 사진(思眞)을 서불한으로 삼았다.
가을 7월, 알천을 대장군으로 삼았다.

六年 春正月 拜伊飡思眞爲舒弗邯 秋七月 拜閼川爲大將軍

태양신전 섬기는 선덕여왕이 병이 들었다는 것은 석양의 태양처럼 낮의 막바지란 뜻이고,
태양과 상극인 어둠 관련한 황룡사(黃龍寺)에서 백고좌회(百高座會)를 열어 승려들 모아 인왕경(仁王經) 강론케한 것은, 신라불교의 성격이 어둠과 관렸있는 뜻이다.
병을 고치기 위한 태양신전용 어필이 아니라, 경교쌍룡식 어둠이다.
석굴암 탈해가 김대문에 의해 전세(前世) 부처가 된 것은 어둠이 아니라 전적으로 빛나는 태양과 관련이라 석굴암 천정에 태양이 부조되어 있다.
인왕경의 "어질 인(仁)"자는 두 사람이라는 뜻도 있지만, 어둠과 관련있는 한자다. 달은 음양이 공존하는 둘이며 하나다.
병든 선덕여왕을 음양이 공존하는 반달로 표현된거다.
빛에 어둠이 개입했으니 병든거다.
맹자 사단(四端)에 등장하는 인(仁)도 아는 것과 모른 것 달이 기원이다.
황희 정승이 뇌물 먹어가면서 이래도 흥 저래도 흥했던 이유가 음양이 혼재하는 달이 근원이다.
어질다는 인(仁)의 뜻이 이거니까.
밤을 의미하는 어둠도 태양처럼 개념적으로 하나라고 생각하기 쉽지만, 낮을 어둡게하는 구름아래 어둠도 어둠신의 영역이라 하나가 아니라 둘이다.
초저녁부터 자시(子時, 23시에서 1시까지)까지 하나, 자시부터 아침까지 하나로 이해하는 것이 더 적당하지만, 태양은 그럴 수 없는 독보적인 빛을 가진 하나다.
빛나는 보름달은 보름달, 그믐달은 그믐달이다.
개구리 성난 형상은 달의 음영부분이라 일본 히로시마 나가사키 지방을 포함하는 옥문곡을 지칭하지만,
삼국사기에 옥문곡, 삼국유사에 여근곡은 자장법사가 불법(佛法)을 배우러 당나라에 들어가면서 쌍낫배와 달이 일본이 아닌 중국땅에 존재하는 기물되며 관련된 역사가 전부 왜곡되거나 숨겨진다.
선덕여왕 6년(서기 637)에 등장하는 서불한(舒弗邯, 펴지 아니한 땅, 쌍낫배는 헤드젯처럼 펴지지 않았다) 직책이 일본 옥문곡에 부임한 태수 직책이다.
사진(思眞)이 옥문곡의 태수가 됐고, 알천(閼川)이 옥문곡 대장군으로 부임한다.
알천 이름이 쌍낫배 알이란 뜻이다.
思眞의 뜻처럼 진짜 생각해야 할 숨겨진 니들 신라의 역사다.

양산(楊山) 밑에 있는 나정(蘿井) 가에 번갯빛처럼 이상한 기운이 땅에 드리워져 있고, 한 백마가 무릎을 꿇고 절하는 모습을 하고 있었다. 이윽고 그곳을 찾아가보니 자줏빛 알[푸른빛의 큰 알이라고도 한다.] 하나가 있었다. 말은 사람을 보더니 길게 울고는 하늘로 올라가 버렸다.

楊山下蘿井傍 異氣如電光垂地 有一白馬跪拜之狀 尋撿之 有一紫卵[一云靑大卵] 馬見人長嘶上天

현재 중국이나 한국은 우물 정(井)자 중심에 점(丶)을 생략하지만, 아직도 일본은 우물 정(丼)자 중심에 점이 있는 한자를 쓴다.
박혁거세 전설에 등장하는 나정(蘿井)은 羅丼이다.
쑥 라(蘿)와 그물 라(羅)의 차이는 풀 초(艹)가 있느냐 없느냐다.
곰과 호랑이가 먹던 마늘은 헤드젯이고, 쑥은 쌍낫배다.
태양과 달은 마늘 낱개 역활이다.
쑥 라(蘿)를 나정 이름에 있으니 번개 빛(일본 열도)과 백마 곁에 있던 나정은 일본 옥문곡을 지칭한 것이다.
백마가 하늘로 올라간 자리에서 박혁거세가 자줏빛 알로 태어났으니 태양으로 태어난거다.
니들 전설의 역사 모든 알들이 태양신전이 출처다.
그러나 후대에 중국의 입김으로 자진해서 사대주의하던 니들이 흉노족있는 중국쪽으로 가게 만들었느냐, 일본쪽으로 갔느냐 그 차이다.

백제 무왕 35년(서기 634)
35년(서기 634) 봄 2월, 왕흥사(王興寺)가 완성되었다. 그 절은 강가에 있었는데, 채색이 웅장하고 화려하였다. 임금이 매번 배를 타고 절에 들어가서 향을 피웠다.
3월, 궁궐 남쪽에 못을 파서 물을 20여 리에서 끌어들이고, 사방의 언덕에 버들을 심고 물 가운데 섬을 만들어 방장선산(方丈仙山)1)을 모방하였다.

三十五年 春二月 王興寺成 其寺臨水 彩飾壯麗 王每乘舟 入寺行香 三月 穿池於宮南 引水二十餘里 四岸植以楊柳 水中築島嶼 擬方丈仙山


백제 무왕이 만들었다는 궁남지가 왕흥사 중심 본채다.
옛날에는 진입로가 없어서 배를 타고 궁남지 본채로 진입했다.
해서 궁남지를 중심으로 왕흥사가 건립되어 있었다는 뜻이다.
현재 왕흥사 터로 추정하는 충청남도 부여군 규암면에 있는 것이 아니라 현 부여 시내에 왕흥사가 있었다는 뜻이다.
거리상으로 거기서 거기지만,
백마강 서쪽에 왕흥사가 있었던 것이 아니라 백마강 동쪽에 궁남지와 왕흥사가 모두 있(었)다.

그리고 보름달 모양의 궁남지 관련해서 삼국사기에 중요한 내용이 나오는데,

삼국사기 제28권 백제본기 제6(三國史記 卷第二十八 百濟本紀 第六)

백제 의자왕 20년(서기 660)
6월, 왕흥사(王興寺)의 여러 승려들이 모두 배의 돛대 같은 것이 큰 물을 따라 절의 문으로 들어오는 것을 보았다. 들사슴 같은 개 한 마리가 서쪽으로부터 사비하 언덕으로 와서 왕궁을 향하여 짖더니 갑자기 사라졌다. 왕도의 여러 개들이 길가에 모여서 짖기도 하고 울어대다가 얼마 후에 곧 흩어졌다. 귀신 하나가 궁궐 안에 들어와서 큰소리로 "백제가 망한다. 백제가 망한다."라고 외치다가 곧 땅 속으로 들어갔다.

임금이 괴이하게 생각하여 사람을 시켜 땅을 파게 하였다. 석 자쯤 깊이에 거북이 한 마리가 있었다. 그 등에 '백제는 둥근 달 같고, 신라는 초승달 같다.'라고 쓰여 있었다.
임금이 무당에게 물으니 무당이 말하였다.
"둥근 달 같다는 것은 가득 찬 것이니 가득 차면 기울게 되는 것이며, 초승달 같다는 것은 가득 차지 못한 것이니 가득 차지 못하면 점점 차게 되는 것입니다."

임금이 노하여 그를 죽여버렸다. 어떤 자가 말하였다.
"둥근 달 같다는 것은 왕성하다는 것이요, 초승달 같다는 것은 미약하다는 것이니, 생각해보건대 우리나라는 왕성해지고 신라는 차츰 쇠약해지는 게 아닌가 싶습니다."
그러자 임금이 기뻐하였다.

二十年 春二月 王都井水血色 西海濱 小魚出死 百姓食之 不能盡 泗沘河水 赤如血色 夏四月 蝦蟆數萬 集於樹上 王都市人 無故驚走 如有捕提者 僵仆而死百餘人 亡失財物 不可數 五月 風雨暴至 震天王道讓二寺塔 又震白石寺講堂 玄雲如龍 東西相鬪於空中

'백제는 둥근 달 같고, 신라는 초승달 같다.'

둥근 달은 의자왕 때까지는 일본 옥문곡과 달을 백제가 점령한 지역이라는 뜻이고, 백제멸망 이후부터는 옥문곡을 신라가 차지했다는 뜻이다.
문제는 선덕여왕이 삼국통일 주역이 되서 알천과 필탄이 동원된 플랜이라야 가능한 역사라는게다.
단순하게 백제가 서서히 줄어드는 보름달, 신라는 서서히 커지는 초승달이 표현된 것이 아니라 옥문곡의 점령사다.
옥문곡 달 지역은 백제가 점령하고 있었고, 초승달 모양의 쌍낫배 지역은 신라가 점령하고 있었다로 해석하면 백제 장군 우소와 신라 알천 필탄의 전투가 이해될 수 있다, 신라와 거리상으로 가까운 히로시마 나가사끼 지역은 신라가 점령하고 있었고, 거리상으로 좀 먼 백제가 멀리 돌아서 달 지역을 점령하고 있었다는 뜻이니까.
선덕여왕이 물리친 백제 장군 우소가 백제멸망과 관련있어 백제 잔당들이 옥문곡 달 지역으로 점령하고 있던 마지막 잔당 세력이라는 뜻이니, 신라가 옥문곡 달 지역을 점령하고 이후에 백제가 멸망했다고 해석해도 되지만, 진평왕 초기에 구칠과 대세가 일본에 들어간 이상 선덕여왕 때 파견된 서불한(舒弗邯, 펴지 아니한 땅, 쌍낫배는 헤드젯처럼 펴지지 않았다) 직책은 오래된 역사란 뜻이다.
신라 초기에 나타난 죽엽군은 미추왕이 옥문곡 출신이라 뜻이라, 신라 김씨들이 일본 출신들이라는 뜻이다.
김알지(金閼智) 이름의 알이 알천과 같은 옥문곡에 본관이다.
흉노 왕비 알(閼) 자가 아니라 옥문곡 알(閼) 자다.
태양신전 쌍낫배 위치로 비롯된 혼란이다.

김알지 [ 金閼智 ]

탈해왕(脫解王) 때이다.

영평(永平) 3년 경신(서기 60)[혹자는 중원(中元) 6년이라고 하지만 잘못된 것이다. 중원은 모두 2년뿐이다.] 8월 4일 밤에, 호공(瓠公)이 월성(月城) 서쪽 마을로 가다가, 시림(始林)[혹은 구림(鳩林)이라고도 한다.] 속에서 매우 커다란 빛을 보았다. 자주색 구름이 하늘에서 땅으로 뻗쳤는데, 구름 속에는 황금 상자가 나뭇가지에 걸려 있었고 그 빛은 바로 그 상자 속에서 나오고 있었다. 그리고 흰 닭이 나무 아래에서 울고 있었다.

호공이 이를 왕에게 아뢰자 왕이 그 숲으로 가서 상자를 열어보았는데, 상자 안에는 남자 아이가 누워 있다가 곧바로 일어났으니 혁거세(赫居世)의 옛 일과 같았다. 그래서 혁거세가 자신을 알지(閼智)라고 한 일에 따라, 그 아이를 알지라고 이름 붙였다. 알지는 우리말로 어린 아이를 뜻한다. 왕이 그 아이를 안고 대궐로 돌아왔는데, 새와 짐승들이 서로 따라오면서 기뻐 뛰어놀고 춤을 추었다.

왕이 길일을 택하여 태자로 삼았지만, 후에 파사(婆娑)에게 사양하고 왕위에 오르지 않았다. 금상자에서 나왔기 때문에 성을 김씨(金氏)라고 하였다. 알지는 열한(熱漢)을 낳고 열한은 아도(阿都)를 낳고, 아도는 수류(首留)를 낳고 수류는 욱부(郁部)를 낳고, 욱부는 구도(俱道)[혹은 구도(仇刀)라고도 한다.]를 낳고 구도는 미추(未鄒)를 낳았는데 미추가 왕위에 올랐다. 신라의 김씨는 알지에서 시작되었다.

永平三年庚申[一云 中元六年 誤矣 中元盡二年而已] 八月四日 瓠公夜行月城西里 見大光明於始林中[一作鳩林] 有紫雲從天垂地 雲中有黃金櫃 掛於樹枝 光自櫃出 亦有白鷄鳴於樹下
以狀聞於王 駕幸其林 開櫃有童男 臥而卽起 如赫居世之故事故 因其言 以閼智名之 閼智卽鄕言小兒之稱也 抱載還闕 鳥獸相隨 喜躍蹌蹌
王擇吉日 冊位立太子 後讓故於婆娑 不卽王位 因金櫃而出 乃姓金氏 閼智生熱漢 漢生阿都 都生首留 留生郁部 部生俱道[一作仇刀] 道生未鄒 鄒卽王位 新羅金氏自閼智始

탈해가 일본 북해도에서 왔으니 김알지도 흰 닭과 관련해 상자에서 태어난다. 여기에 호공이 등장하니 김알지는 일본 옥문곡을 벗어나기 어렵다.
박혁거세 전설과 거의 같지만 백마(한반도)와 흰 닭(일본열도)으로 나뉘면서 현해탄을 사이에 두고 둘의 출처가 갈라진게다.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on August 31, 2021, 06:48:10 AM
trying to get resonances matched

I wonder why ((((((it's)))))) doesn't do the experiments that Geo and Nick recommend.
Are you afraid that all your generator parts will burn out?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2021, 10:37:24 AM
In order to give his account of Atlantis verisimilitude, Plato mentions that the story was heard by Solon in Egypt, and transmitted orally over several generations through the family of Dropides, until it reached Critias, a dialogue speaker in Timaeus and Critias. Solon had supposedly tried to adapt the Atlantis oral tradition into a poem (that if published, was to be greater than the works of Hesiod and Homer). While it was never completed, Solon passed on the story to Dropides. Modern classicists deny the existence of Solon's Atlantis poem and the story as an oral tradition. Instead, Plato is thought to be the sole inventor or fabricator. Hellanicus of Lesbos used the word "Atlantis" as the title for a poem published before Plato, a fragment of which may be Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 11, 1359. This work only describes the Atlantides (the daughters of Atlas), however, and has no relation to Plato's Atlantis account.

A character in two of Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, claims Solon visited Neith's temple at Sais and received from the priests there an account of the history of Atlantis. Next, Solon sailed to Cyprus, where he oversaw the construction of a new capital for a local king, in gratitude for which the king named it Soloi.

이 섬에서는 경질과 연질의 지하 자원이 모두 채굴되었다. ······목공 재료로 쓰이는 삼림 자원도 매우 종류가 다양했고 가축이나 야생 동물도 다수 서식하고 있었다. 그리고 이 섬에는 코끼리 같은 동물들도 매우 많은 수가 서식하고 있었다. 다른 동물, 예를 들면 늪지나 호수, 강 기슭에 사는 동물이나 산지, 또는 평지에 사는 동물들의 먹이가 풍부할 뿐만 아니라 태어나면서부터 몸집이 크고 대식가인 이 동물(코끼리)의 먹이 또한 풍부했기 때문이다.

뿐만 아니라 이 섬에는 오늘날 지상에서 채취할 수 있는 모든 향료의 원료가 서식하고 있었다. 즉 뿌리, 풀, 나무에서 향료를 채취하는 식물이든 꽃이나 열매의 즙을 증류해서 향료를 채취하는 식물이든 무엇이나 다 빠짐없이 번성하고 있었으며, 포도나 주식인 곡물, 그리고 식탁에 차리는 여러 가지 먹을거리들, 즉 전체를 통틀어 우리가 '청과물'이라고 부르는 종류의 것들과 식용으로 쓰거나 기름을 짜기 위한 나무 열매, 유희나 오락용으로 쓰일 뿐 저장하지 않는 열매의 종류, 그리고 과식(過食)의 괴로움을 없애는 데 효과가 있는 식후의 맛있는 과일들까지······.

이러한 모든 것들은 당시 찬란하게 비추는 태양과도 같았으며, 신에게 바쳐진 이 섬에서 부족함 없이 풍부하게 열리고 있는 더할 나위 없이 풍성한 작물들이었다.

이 글을 읽고 독자들은 어느 땅을 상상할 것인가? 사실 이 글은 고대 그리스 최대의 철학자인 플라톤이 만년에 저술한 대화편 『크리티아스』의 한 구절이다. 그리고 이 '지상낙원'처럼 보이는 땅이야말로 아틀란티스라는 섬이다. 플라톤은 『티마이오스』라는 대화론과 이 『크리티아스』에서 아틀란티스에 대해 상세하게 소개했다.

그러나 그리스의 다른 철학자들이나 역사가들은 이 섬에 대해서 기록하고 있는 것이 전혀 없다. 게다가 플라톤의 스승인 소크라테스는 아틀란티스의 실재를 부정하고 어디까지나 가공의 이야기라고 했다.

아틀란티스 섬은 실재한 것인가, 또는 뛰어난 상상력을 지닌 플라톤이 그 이미지를 만들어낸 것인가? 아틀란티스는 3천 년에 걸쳐서 사람들의 논쟁거리가 되어왔다.


신들의 신, 규율을 관장하는 신 제우스는 이와 같은 모습을 꿰뚫어볼 수 있는 힘을 가지고 계셨으므로 이 뛰어난 피를 이어받은 자들이 다시없이 처참한 모습으로 바뀌어가는 것에 마음이 상하셔서 그들이 징계받은 후 지금보다 훌륭한 모습이 될 수 있도록 벌을 주려고 생각하셨다. 그래서 제우스는 신들이 가장 존경하는 곳, 즉 전우주의 중심에 자리잡고 있으며 세상에 일어나는 모든 일들을 바라볼 수 있는 그 높은 곳으로 신들을 모두 불러 모으셨는데, 신들이 한자리에 모이자 이렇게 말씀하셨다······.

아쉽게도 플라톤의 저술은 여기에서 갑작스럽게 중단되었다.

예수께서 이르시되 사단이 하늘로서 번개 같이 떨어지는 것을 내가 보았노라
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

72인역 사마리아인(사두개인)들이 아펩-god과 제우스를 합성해서 새로운 신으로 만든 것이 유대교의 여호와 입니다.
번개신 제우스가 태양신전을 멸망시키는 것은 본질적으로 당연합니다.
The Septuagint Samaritans (Sadduces) combined Apep-god and Zeus to create a new god, Jehovah of Judaism.
It is essentially natural for the lightning god Zeus to destroy the Sun Temple.

대서양 넘어에 아틀란티스가 있어야 제우스가 멸망시킨 보람이 생깁니다.
태양신전이 동양에 있다고 알려지면 제우스는 거짓말한 신으로 낙인찍혀 최고 신의 지위가 위태롭다.
Atlantis must exist beyond the Atlantic Ocean to be worth the destruction of Zeus.
If it is known that the Sun Temple is in the East, Zeus will be branded as a lying god, and his status as the supreme god is in jeopardy.

대성양 넘어는 아메리카 대륙이 가로막혀 있어 당대의 항해술로 동양으로 가기가 지극히 어렵다.
빛과 어둠의 신들 전쟁은 그런 겁니다.
The Americas that cross the Great Ocean are blocked, so it is extremely difficult to go to the East with the navigation techniques of the time.
Gods of Light and Darkness War is like that.

이집트 프톨레미 왕조는 이 중심에서 순진한 그리스인들을 많이 속여왔다.
솔론이나 플라톤도 그 중에 하나입니다.
The Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty has deceived many innocent Greeks at this center.
Solon and Plato are among them.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2021, 11:40:42 AM
Solon (Greek: Σόλων Sólōn [só.lɔːn]; c.  630 – c.  560 BC)

구약성서 솔로몬 왕 이름 기원이 바로 아테네의 정치가이자 시인이며 건축가인 솔론이기 때문이다.

산헤립의 아들 Ashurbanipal보다 후대지만, Shalmaneser III를 모티브로, 다윗의 아들로 솔로몬이 창조됐으니 유대인들 구약성서 조작이 시대는 대충 맞춰놨다.

The origin of the name of King Solomon in the Old Testament is the Athenian statesman, poet, and architect Solon.

It is later than Sennacherib's son Ashurbanipal, but with the motif of Shalmaneser III, Solomon was created as the son of David, so the Jews' manipulation of the Old Testament was roughly aligned with the times.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2021, 01:21:27 PM
아틀란티스의 유력 후보지! [아서 에반스의 크레타 문명 발굴기]

투우의 역사는 그리스 문명과 메소포타미아 문명의 충돌에서 시작하지만, 대서양과 인접한 스페인에서 꽃을 피웠다.
고대 신화는 대서양처럼 배(태양신전 배)가 필요한 미지의 목적지로 항해한다.
The history of bullfighting begins with the clash of Greek and Mesopotamian civilizations, but blossomed in Spain, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean.
Ancient myths, like the Atlantic Ocean, sail to unknown destinations that require ships (Sun Temple ships).
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2021, 01:47:08 PM
아래 내용은 한국의 불교 회원들을 위한 내용으로, 빛을 소멸하는 어둠을 무아론(無我論)으로 설명한 내용입니다.
고대 중국과 인도, 한국의 불교 용어라 깊이를 설명하기 어려운 내용입니다. 이해바랍니다.
The content below is for Buddhist members in Korea, and it explains the darkness that extinguishes light as 무아론(無我論, there is no self or no body).
It is difficult to explain the depth as it is a Buddhist term from ancient China, India, and Korea. hope you understand.

서양의 철학자들이 불교의 용어를 철학으로 재해석했지만 본질이 왜곡된 대표 용어입니다.
Although Western philosophers have reinterpreted Buddhist terms as philosophy, it is a representative term whose essence is distorted.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 02, 2021, 03:59:05 PM
  ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
미로의 기원은 그리스 전설에서 시작된다.
크레타의 왕 '미노스'는 왕비인 '파시파에'가 황소와 교접해 '미노타우로스' 라는 우두인신 (몸은 인간이고 머리와 꼬리는 황소인 괴물) 을 낳자, 미노타우로스를 가두라는 God의 계시를 받는다.
아무도 들어갈 수도 없고, 나올 수도 없는 복잡한 성을 계획하고 미궁 '라비린토스'를 만들게 한다.
그리고 그 미궁에 미노타우로스를 가둔다.
한편, 왕의 아들 '안드로게오스'는 아테네에서 열린 경기에 참가했다가 죽임을 당한다.
왕은 죽임을 당한 아들 목숨의 댓가로 아테네에게 매년 소년 7명과 소녀 7명을 각각 바치게 하였다.
그렇게 바쳐진 소년과 소녀들은 괴물 미노타우로스의 먹이가 되었다. 
두 번째 희생물이 바쳐지고, 세 번째 희생물이 바쳐질 즈음
아테네의 영웅이었던 '테세우스'가 미노타우로스를 퇴치하기 위해 자진해서 희생물로 자원한다.
테세우스는 자신을 사랑했던, 미노스 왕의 딸이자 공주였던 '아리아드네'의 도움으로 실-패를 얻어, 실 끝을 들어가는 입구에 매어 놓고
그 실을 풀면서 들어가 미궁에 있던 미노타우로스를 죽이고 실을 따라서 무사히 빠져 나온다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2021, 03:34:40 PM
1- My device works and as a result I will be dead in two years.
2- My device works and I'm a multimillionaire from it.
3- My device doesn't work so I'll still be alive.

Things are leaning towards 1 and 3 but I'm hoping for outcome number two.

A millionaire's dream is difficult to achieve with a free-generator.
Ten days of heavy rain and flooding of the valley almost flooded my dad 's house.
A person's life is determined by the environment, but my dad 's life is determined by the father.
Aeons are meaningless to the sleeping darkness.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2021, 03:50:03 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
산골 똘강물이 글케 많이 내려오는거는 또 생전 츰이다.
저 구녕이 맥혀가꾸 위로 넘친다는디 대책없데.....하....ㅋㅋ ;D ;D
두어시간 삽질 좃빠지게혀가 뚫어놓긴했는디 날 꼬빡셌지 뭐.. ;D ;D
밤잠 홀랑당 셌다닝께.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 03, 2021, 05:15:52 PM
Why doesn't the magic happen ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 03, 2021, 06:25:11 PM
Why doesn't the magic happen?

Now then I have removed the EHT circuit to make it easy to see what is sugested to be happening in our remaining circuit, Some how our coil should be generating standing waves, should it not?

Now if I lose wind 2 or 3 turns of wire I should be able to see this on a scope, but to coin a phase "I shourd be so lucky" ! So if not whats the problem???????????


My dad copied the schematic below and made the schematic above.
If something is missing, refer to the circuit diagram below.
If you make a generator by imitation of the schematic below, magic will happen.
Paradoxically, the magic doesn't happen to members who haven't made the schematic below.
The difference between the two schematics is the push-pull method.

A standing wave in a push-pull circuit would mean that the yoke-transformer works without disturbing the kacher's high voltage.
A kacher unbalanced acceleration can burn your oscilloscope.
My dad never knew what was missing from the schematic above.
How an electrical short works the magic is clearly exposed in the schematic below, but few can see it.
So to say that it worked by chance.
Another key is that you know what to say.
If you just understood it in a paradoxical sense, you are likely to fail.
I think it is the limit of members who are extremely reluctant to expose generators.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 04, 2021, 07:58:18 AM
해선이가 막 날라댕기네... ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2021, 12:24:57 AM
Sorry, but your idea will not work...and it is simple why...
Magnetic Fields can not be "cut" nor blocked...


반자성 알루미늄이 자력을 차단한다

반자성체는 근본적으로 자력을 차단합니다.
알루미늄 호일이 공중부양하는 것도 자력차단 원리에 의한 것입니다.
최고의 반자성체 비스무트-플레이트로 자석을 밀봉시키면 자력 차단 효과가 더 클 것입니다. ::) ::)


아까 어떤 조센징 유튜버가 약한 핵력, 강한 핵력, 전자기력, 중력까지 통합할 수 있다고 그럴듯한 가설 제시하며 어려운 수학/과학공식 섞어가면설 한 20분간 썰을 풀길래 내가 반박 댓글 좀 달았더니 유튜브에 댓글이 안 달린다.
아마도 유튜브가 내를 블랙리스트에 올린 것 같은데.... 망할놈들... ;D ;D

해서 예다 올린다. ::) ::)

강력, 약력은 미시세계 물질들의 관계고, 전자기력은 특정 금속이라는 단일 물질들의 관계며, 중력은 다양한 물질들의 모집질량 또는 고온에 의한 합성질량의 관계입니다. 중력은 다양한 물질들의 평균값입니다. 돌과 쇠 중 어느 것이 더 무겁냐고 묻는 것과 같습니다. 그리고 허블상수는 우리은하와 안드로메다 은하간의 충돌이 발생하는 중력간섭공간에서는 무용지물이 됩니다. 빅뱅이 있고부터 가속(암흑의 힘?)이 붙어 현재 70% 더 빨라졌다고하는 결과값은 은하들간 중력간섭이 작용하는 공간에서는 하나의 가설(무용지물) 추측에 불과합니다. 좀 다른 이야기를 하자면 아인슈타인은 이스라엘 최초 대통령 자리까지 권유받은 유대인입니다. 유대교의 여호와는 이집트의 어둠신 아펩과 그리스의 번개신 제우스를 합성시킨 신입니다. 일부 유대인 과학자들과 유대자본 지원받는 학자들이 가설에 불과한 암흑물질이나 빛을 굴복시키는(event horizon) 블랙홀에 열광하는 것은 과학에 앞서 그들 사유에 개입한 어둠/암흑신화 증명을 위한 發惡과 같습니다. 그렇지않아도 우주는 어둡습니다. 과학을 빙자한 신화에 가설이란, 가설 만큼의 기묘한 믿음과 같습니다(믿음은 바라는 것의 실상이요 보이지 않는 것들의 증빙이라-그들의 성서내용 일부 발췌). 해서 4대 힘의 통합을 특정 물질(들)간의 간섭과 질량값과 凡우주적 물질들의 분포값이 아닌 단순한 평균값으로 중력값을 계산하면, 현재 360도 3차원 방위로 관측되고 있는 우주의 넓이 외 더 큰 우주가 바깥에 존재한다면 중력값을 다시 바꿔야 할 겁니다. 약한 핵력값의 문제가 아니라 평균-중력값의 문제입니다. 빅뱅이 존재하는 우주공간은 빅뱅 발생점부터 일정 공간이 텅 빈 암흑공간이 있어야 한다고 생각하는 것이 보편적일 겁니다. 우주가 너무 넓어 텅 빈 140억년 이전의 어둠공간을 발견하지 못하고 있다면 그게 더 이상한 것 아닌가요. 현재 우주과학계는 빅뱅(가설)이 발생한 시작점 텅 빈 어둠의 공간을 발견하는 것이 제 일의 목적입니다. 어둠신의 최초 천지창조를 증명하는 일일테니까요. 빅빙을 증명하기 위해서라도 필수입니다. 최초 빅빙이라는 우주에서 가장 큰 힘을 은하들간 중력작용으로 텅 빈 최초 공간이 사라졌을 수도 있습니다(말이 안되는 농담급 가설) . 다양한 의견들 만큼 칼세이건 같은 신화와 과학을 넘나드는 이상주의자들이 과학계를 교란하는 한 미시세계 법칙을 광대한 우주에 적용하려는 통합시도는 아직은 시기상조 같습니다. 글이 두서없어 죄송하고 제 개인적인 생각일 뿐이니 괘념치 마시기 바랍니다. 전문가적인 식견 많이 배웁니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2021, 01:39:40 AM
[ MQHC4 ] 부록05 - 중력, 약력, 전자기력, 강력, 4대 힘의 통합
조회수 없음 2021. 9. 5.

아빠! 댓글은 사라지고 없는데 답변왔어. 대꾸가 뭐 저래 진짜 개갈딱지 안난다 진짜.
이곳 사이비 회원들처럼 사이비 학원 강사같다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2021, 07:27:50 AM
Dark Matter is Dead | The Missing Matter
한국어 번역

노가리까는 분위기가 워짜 사기꾼 같은디? ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2021, 09:09:47 AM
사기꾼 기질은 여기도 있네 뭐.😋😜🤪😝


마음은 물질/물체들이 반사하는 빛들의 향연이다.
마음에서 어둠이 차지하는 비중은 트라우마 정도다.

태양의 마음을 갖느냐, 달의 마음을 갖느냐 그 차이다.
소경들 아니고는 완전한 어둠의 마음은 존재하기 거의 불가능하니까.
해서 보편적 인간들은 빛과 어둠이 공존하는 달의 마음을 가지고 있다.
바그다드의 신밧드 원효(元曉)처럼.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2021, 10:33:28 AM
바그다드의 신밧드 원형은 침대 아펩뱀이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 05, 2021, 11:33:29 AM
지니의 gourd-shaped bottle은 헤드젯이지만, Djed과 침대-아펩뱀이 가로챈다.
gourd-shaped bottle 내부의 지니를 바깥으로 소환하려면 손이나 헝겁으로 bottle을 문질러야 한다.
태양신전에는 손이 없지만 아펩신전에는 거대한 손이 탁월하게 작동 중이다.
날으는 양탄자 원형도 초승달이지만 아펩뱀도 연꽃배에 승선하면서 복잡하게 얽혀있다.
빛과 어둠의 타협점이 달이라 여러모로 뒤섞여 있다.

ڤ ڥ ڦ ڧ ڨ ک ڪ ګ ڬ ڭ ڮ گ ڰ ڱ ڲ ڳ ڴ ڵ ڶ ڷ ڸ ڹ ں ڻ ڼ ڽ ھ ڿ ۀ ہ ۂ ۃ ۄ ۅ ۆ ۇ ۈ ۉ ۊ ۋ ی ۍ ێ ۏ ې ۑ ے ۓ
ܐ ܑ ܒ ܓ ܔ ܕ ܖ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ ܜ ܝ ܞ ܟ ܠ ܡ ܢ ܣ ܤ ܥ ܦ ܧ ܨ ܩ ܪ ܫ ܬ ܭ ܮ
ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י ך כ ל ם מ ן נ ס ע ף פ ץ צ ק ר ש ת

신밧드의 모험은 결과적으로 어둠이 승리하는 다크-엔딩이다.
승리를 강탈당한 태양은 아펩의 제물이 될 수밖에.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2021, 08:04:58 AM
해마다 아테네에서 각각 7명의 소년 소녀를 뽑아 Minotauros에게 산 제물로 바쳤는데, 7명의 소년 소녀의 정체가 아펩뱀  7마리입니다. 테세우스의 실도 아펩뱀입니다. 블레셋과 사마리아 지역 일대가 터키 지역을 근간으로하던 히타이트 세력의 지배를 받았지만, 역사에서 해양 세력으로 등장하는 수수깨끼의 그리스인들에게 패하면서 히타이트가 멸망합니다.

Trojan Horse도 Minotauros가 원조입니다.

오디세우스는 에페이우스를 비롯한 군대 내 기술자들을 불러 거대한 목마를 만든 뒤 자신을 따라 목마 안에 숨을 용사 스물아홉 명을 선발했다. 메넬라오스, 네오프톨레모스를 포함한 용사들을 엄중하게 고르고 골라내 함께 목마 안으로 은신한다. 정예 30명이 목마 안에 성공적으로 숨은 것을 확인한 아카이아 연합군은 아테나에게 바치는 제사 의식을 마무리한 뒤 일제히 거짓 철수한다.

Trojan Horse의 뱃속에 숨은 30명이 Paris 왕자로 표현된 블레셋 세력이라는 뜻입니다.
블레셋은 지중해의 그레데(갑돌) 섬에서 가나안으로 이주하여(렘 47:4; 암 9:7) 원주민 아위 족속을 멸망시키고(신 2:23) 가나안의 원주민 역할을 했던 강력한 해양 민족입니다.
블레셋과 그리스의 싸움이 아니라 히타이트와 그리스의 싸움입니다.
Paris 왕자가 헬레네를 납치한 것은 아테네 유명한 신들의 개입이라 그리스 신화에서 정당성이 큽니다.
블레셋이 그리스 신들에게 인정받았다는 뜻입니다.
그래서 Trojan Horse의 뱃속(belly part)은 블레셋이 지배하는 지역이 됩니다.
블레셋이 그리스인들을 도와 히타이트 멸망시켰다는 뜻으로 Trojan Horse 신화가 된겁니다.

예전 독일인들이 트로이 전쟁 유적이라면서 Minotauros의 뿔 부분을 발굴했습니다.
독일인들이 착각한 겁니다.
말은 뿔이 없습니다.
소의 뿔이 아니라 유니콘인가요?

트로이 전쟁은 이스라엘/레바논 지역 일대에서 일어났습니다.
그리스 사주받은 블레셋이 반란을 일으키자 히타이트 주력군이 블레셋 지역으로 투입됐고 그리스군은 히타이트 본진을 거의 무혈입성해 멸망시킵니다.

구약성서 여호수아(아펩신전 춤추는 자)는 그리스 신화의 영웅 Odysseus를 모델로 합니다.
여호수아 6장에 등장하는 기생 라합은 헬레네를 모델로 탄생했고, 여리고성은 아펩뱀이 타고있는 연꽃 봉우리입니다.
그래서 여리고성은 역사적으로 존재하는 성이 아니라 땅에 떨어진 연꽃 봉우리에서 착안됐습니다.
그리스 신화 거의가 아펩신전과 태양신전이 주제라서 이곳을 벗어나지 않습니다.
고작해야 태양신전-아틀란티스를 해가 지는 서쪽 대서양으로 보내버리는 정도입니다.

이집트가 히타이트 멸망에 개입하지 못한 이유는 람세스 2세와 무와탈리스 2세스의 카데시 전쟁이후 이스라엘 지역은 두 세력의 중립지역이 됩니다. 블레셋이 자주권을 가지게 되는 계기를 카데시 전쟁이 줍니다.
이집트가 히타이트 멸망을 지켜만 본 이유도 카데시 전쟁의 영향입니다.
히타이트 멸망 후 그리스와 블레셋이 강성해지면서 블레셋이 이집트 북부지역까지 점령했고 성서신화에서 이스라엘이 탄생하는 계기를 마련합니다.

Origin of Siamun is not clear. It is believed that he might have been brother or son of his predecessor Osokhor. Building activities of Siamun is worth mentioning. He extended temple of Amun at Tanis, at Memphis he erected temple also in honor of this god. There are also many in situ  relics preserved with name of this king. He made war campaign against Philistines residing in Palestine and captured city of Gezer became a dowry of Siamun's daughter married to Salomon, which certainly consolidated alliance between Egypt and Israel.

구약성서에는 여호수아와 Judges의 기간이라, 모세가 블레셋을 피해서 홍해로 우회하게 만든 원인이 후대 사마리아인들의 역사 개입이라 사무엘 이전의 Judges가 태반 블레셋인들이라는 것이 숨겨집니다.
그리고 삼손(Djed)같은 바벨/앗시리아인들 개입으로 바뀝니다.
바리새인/사마리아인들 해방시킨 것이 앗시리아 왕들이라 그렇습니다.
그래서 앗시리아 왕들 중에서 솔로몬과 다윗이 결정된겁니다.

히타이트 지역를 점령한 그리스인들 흔적이 사라진 것은, 히타이트와 그리스의 문화 경계가 사실상 무의미했습니다.
그리스인들 흔적이 사라진 것이 아니라 그들이 차츰 히타이트 후대 문화에 흡수된겁니다. 블레셋처럼.
황소 머리 지역은 그리스 문화와 아시리아 문화가 혼합된 문화가 됩니다.

신화의 트로이 전쟁이 소 뿔 지역에서 발생했다고하는 단순한 발상이 트로이 목마를 함몰시킨 계기가 됐습니다.

신화의 문제라기보다는 서양인들 인식의 문제가 더 큽니다.
일종의 비밀주의가 낳은 이기주의이기 때문입니다.

Each year, 7 boys and girls were chosen from Athens to be sacrificed to the Minotauros, and the 7 boys and girls are the 7 Apep snakes. Theseus' thread is also an Apep serpent. Although the Philistines and Samaria area were ruled by the Hittites based in Turkey, they were defeated by the mysterious Greeks who appeared as a maritime power in history, and the Hittites were destroyed.

Trojan Horse also originated from Minotauros.

Odysseus summoned Epheus and other engineers from the army to build a huge wooden horse, and then selected twenty-nine warriors to follow him and hide in the horse. The warriors, including Menelaus and Neoptolemos, are carefully selected and selected, and they hide in the horse together. After confirming that the 30 elites successfully hid inside the horse, the Allied Forces of Achaia complete the ritual offering to Athena and then falsely withdraw all at once.

Thirty people hiding in Trojan Horse's stomach are Philistines represented by the Prince of Paris.
The Philistines are a powerful maritime people who migrated to Canaan from the Mediterranean island of Crete (Captor) (Jer 47:4; Am 9:7) and destroyed the native Avites (De 2:23) and served as the natives of Canaan.
This is not a battle between the Philistines and Greece, but between the Hittites and Greece.
The abduction of Helen by the Prince of Paris has great legitimacy in Greek mythology because of the involvement of the famous Athenian gods.
It means that the Philistines were recognized by the Greek gods.
So the belly part of the Trojan Horse becomes a Philistine-dominated area.
The myth of Trojan Horse means that the Philistines helped the Greeks to destroy the Hittites.

Former Germans excavated the horns of Minotauros as they were the remains of the Trojan War.
The Germans were mistaken.
Horses have no horns.
A unicorn, not a cow's horn?

The Trojan War took place in the Israel/Lebanon area.
When the Philistines who had been ordered by Greece revolted, the main Hittite army was sent to the Philistine area, and the Greek army almost completely invaded the Hittite base and destroyed it.

The Old Testament Joshua (the dancer in the Temple of Apep) is modeled after the hero of Greek mythology, Odysseus.
Rahab, a prostitute appearing in Joshua 6, was born as a model of Helen, and Jericho is a lotus peak on which the Apep snake is riding.
So Jericho was conceived of as a lotus peak that fell to the ground, not a historically existing castle.
Most of Greek mythology is devoted to the Temple of Apep and the Temple of the Sun.
At the very least, it is enough to send the Temple of the Sun-Atlantis to the western Atlantic Ocean where the sun goes down.

The reason Egypt did not intervene in the destruction of the Hittites is that after the Kadesh Wars of Ramses II and Muwatalis II, Israel became a neutral area between the two powers. The Kadesh War gives the Philistines the opportunity to gain sovereignty.
The reason Egypt only watched the destruction of the Hittites was the effect of the Kadesh War.
After the fall of the Hittites, Greece and the Philistines became strong, and the Philistines even occupied the northern part of Egypt, providing an opportunity for Israel to be born in biblical mythology.

Origin of Siamun is not clear. It is believed that he might have been brother or son of his predecessor Osokhor. Building activities of Siamun is worth mentioning. He extended temple of Amun at Tanis, at Memphis he erected temple also in honor of this god. There are also many in situ relics preserved with name of this king. He made war campaign against Philistines residing in Palestine and captured city of Gezer became a dowry of Siamun's daughter married to Salomon, which certainly consolidated alliance between Egypt and Israel.

In the Old Testament, it is the period of Joshua and the Judges, and it is hidden that the Judges before Samuel were placental Philistines because the reason that caused Moses to escape the Philistines and divert to the Red Sea was the historical intervention of the later Samaritans.
And it turns to Babel/Assyrian intervention like Samson (Djed).
It is the Assyrian kings who liberated the Pharisees/Samaritans.
So Solomon and David were chosen among the Assyrian kings.

The disappearance of traces of the Greeks who occupied the Hittite region made the cultural boundary between the Hittites and Greece virtually meaningless.
The traces of the Greeks did not disappear, but they were gradually absorbed into the later Hittite culture. like a philistine.
The bull's head region becomes a mixture of Greek and Assyrian cultures.

The simple idea that the mythical Trojan War took place in the area of ​​the ox horn was the trigger that caused the Trojan Horse to sink.

It's more of a problem of western perception than a problem of myth.
Because it is a kind of selfishness born of secrecy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2021, 08:44:54 AM
Shinhwa is a drama that transcends time and space, in which the history of intervening and expelling gods unfolds.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 06, 2021, 12:23:16 PM
Luke 18 [NASB]
Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart,
saying, "In a certain city there was a judge who did not fear God and did not respect man.
"There was a widow in that city, and she kept coming to him, saying, 'Give me legal protection from my opponent.'
"For a while he was unwilling; but afterward he said to himself, 'Even though I do not fear God nor respect man,
yet because this widow bothers me, I will give her legal protection, otherwise by continually coming she will wear me out.'"
"For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."   
They who heard it said, "Then who can be saved?"
But He said, "The things that are impossible with people are possible with God."
As Jesus was approaching Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the road begging.
Now hearing a crowd going by, he began to inquire what this was.
They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.
And he called out, saying, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
Those who led the way were sternly telling him to be quiet; but he kept crying out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
And Jesus stopped and commanded that he be brought to Him; and when he came near, He questioned him,
"What do you want Me to do for you?" And he said, "Lord, I want to regain my sight!"
And Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight; your faith has made you well."
Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him, glorifying God; and when all the people saw it, they gave praise to God.

땅에 떨어진 연꽃의 봉우리에 해당하는 여리고에서 있던 사건이라 소경(Djed)과 낙타가 등장합니다.
Djed은 아펩뱀을 태우고 있고, 낙타는 태양신전이 뒤집힌 형태입니다.
두 대상의 공통점입니다.
예수가 예루살렘에 입성할 때 타고 간 어린 나귀도 뒤집히 태양신전입니다.
태양신전이 뒤집 것은 태양이 활성화 된 낮의 때를 뜻합니다.
낙타를 밧줄로 잘못 이해했다는 의견도 여기서 나온 겁니다.
보는 눈이 없는 사람은 일평생 봐도 깨닫지 못합니다.
하물며 예수가 말하는 항상 기도하라는 말을 이해할 수 있겠습니까.
욕심 많은 자들이 기괴한 특허로 남의 돈을 갈취하는 겁니다.
공명정대한 어둠신도 바라는 일이 아니다.
도리어 심판의 대상입니다.
It happened in Jericho, which is the peak of the lotus flower that fell to the ground, so a blind man (Djed) and a camel appear.
Djed is riding an Apep snake, and the camel is an inverted sun temple.
This is what the two objects have in common.
The young donkey that Jesus rode when he entered Jerusalem was also turned upside down to become the Temple of the Sun.
When the sun temple is turned over, it is during the day when the sun is active.
This is where the opinion that the camel was misunderstood as a rope came from.
A person who does not have eyes to see cannot understand even if he sees it for the rest of his life.
How much more, can you understand what Jesus said to pray always?
Greedy people extort money from others with bizarre patents.
It's not something even the fair dark god wants.
Rather, it is the subject of judgment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2021, 12:43:13 AM
Luke 19 [NASB]        
He entered Jericho and was passing through.
And there was a man called by the name of Zaccheus; he was a chief tax collector and he was rich.
Zaccheus was trying to see who Jesus was, and was unable because of the crowd, for he was small in stature.
So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree in order to see Him, for He was about to pass through that way.
When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, "Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house."
And he hurried and came down and received Him gladly.
When they saw it, they all began to grumble, saying, "He has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner."
Zaccheus stopped and said to the Lord, "Behold, Lord, half of my possessions I will give to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will give back four times as much."
And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because he, too, is a son of Abraham.
"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."

여리고의 삭개오가 예수를 만난 것은 어둠의 소멸을 의미하고, 쓰러진 헤드젯을 일으키기 위함입니다.
여호수아가 무너뜨린 여리고-성이 성서에서 다시 일어났다는 내용은 없으니 예수가 진입하며 어둠이 소멸합니다.

연꽃의 봉우리가 땅에 떨어지면 어둠과 번개의 소멸을 의미합니다.
어둠신 아펩과 번개신 제우스를 섬기는 자들 입장에서는 이 사건이 거부되어 무너진 헤드젯-태양으로 대체됩니다.
서서있는 연꽃-아펩뱀도 원래 relief 상태로 있어야 합니다.
부조가 뒤집히면 그들이 섬기는 아펩뱀의 비밀이 탄로나기 때문에 그들 입장에서는 사실을 영원히 숨겨야 합니다.
두 신전에서 태양-예수의 출현은 달을 밀어냈느냐, 어둠을 밀어냈느냐 차이입니다.

When Zacchaeus of Jericho met Jesus, it meant the cessation of darkness and to raise up the downed Headjet.
Since there is no mention in the Bible that the city of Jericho, which Joshua destroyed, has risen again, Jesus enters and the darkness dissipates

When the peak of the lotus falls to the ground, it means the disappearance of darkness and lightning.
For those who worship the dark god Apep and the lightning god Zeus, this event is rejected and replaced by the collapsed Headjet-Sun.
The standing lotus-apep snake must also be in its original relief state.
If the relief is overturned, the secrets of the serpent they serve will be revealed, so they must hide the facts forever.
The difference between the two temples is whether the appearance of the sun-Jesus pushed out the moon or the darkness.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2021, 12:59:18 AM
Как рождаются сказки

How fairy tales are born??

It is very surprising and surprising that the members of this cafe, who boast of their smartness, do not experiment with only the conventional wisdom of electricity.
Members who say the generator is fake and not working are members who, paradoxically, have never properly tested Akura's schematics.
There is no reason or worth discussing the free-generator with them.
Ruslan modified the complicated Akura's kacher circuit diagram to be simple, but to them, it's just a cake in the picture.
Members who can't imagine the linkage, we recommend that you do not waste time and make another generator.
Because there are more difficult courses in the Akura/Ruslan generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2021, 01:13:43 AM
А когда то пытался объяснить заряд конденсатора с меньшим противодействием эп. Был послан. Вернулось от китайцев. Ну это из за бугра, можно верить. На зеленке у Антона смотреть

garbage illustration

You talk about China, but you don't know anything about China.
At present, China is strongly returning to the days of Mao Zedong.

динамический МАГНИТНЫЙ поток. 04.09.12.

Anton still doesn't understand the key principles of how the Akura and Ruslan generators work.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2021, 02:26:12 AM
[ MQHC4 ] 부록06 - 저세상(Afterlife)을 계산(mathematical calculation)해 보자

Let's calculate the afterlife with mathematics. ;D ;D ;D ;D

양자홀이 거즘 정인선이랑 김진팔급이다. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 07, 2021, 02:31:51 AM
[긴급영상] 가로세로연구소 김세의 강용석 자택 긴급 체포 영상

이따가 대부랑 치킨파티할거야.... 잠깐와봐 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 04:36:52 AM
В погоне за нулевой точкой Васмуса

구소련 시절 머리 좋은 사람들 다 숙청하더니 지금 러시아가 그 후유증을 앓고있는 것입니까?
RuslanX Are you proud of the fact that your brain can't get your basmus-generator to work?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 05:18:14 AM
As Soros' limbs in China were cut off, Soros wasted a huge amount of investment. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Only Westerners don't know that Soros is an idiot. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 05:28:13 AM
Проект-СЭ. Схема устройства альтернативного метода использования электро-энергии. БТГ. Free Energy.

바보에게 당한 영국인들이여 분노하라.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 10:48:06 AM
[강연] GREAT DEBATE(우주론 대토론) - 암흑에너지는 존재하는가? 박창범 vs 이영욱

박창범 박사 - 기존 우주론 설명.
이영욱 박사 - 암흑에너지는 없다고 주장.

몇달 전에 한국에서 "암흑 에너지는 없다"란 주제로 토론이 있었습니다. 연세대학교 교수인 이영옥 박사가 지난 10년간 노벨상을 받은 암흑에너지와 관련된 초신성을 상대로 관측한 결과입니다.
20여년 전에 암흑에너지로 노벨상을 받은 사람들은 20개의 초신성을 연구했지만 이영옥 외 3명의 박사는  80개의 별을 연구해서 발표했습니다.
우주팽창에 관한 기존의 논의 설명과 새로운 논의로 기존 논의에 대한 반박이 있었습니다.

[Lecture] GREAT DEBATE (Great Debate on Cosmology) - Does Dark Energy Exist? Park Chang-beom vs Lee Young-wook

Dr. Chang-beom Park  - Explanation of the existing cosmology.
Dr. Young-wook Lee - Claims that there is no dark energy.

A few months ago there was a discussion in Korea on the topic "There is no dark energy". This is the result of observations made by Professor Young-ok Lee, a professor at Yonsei University, on a supernova related to dark energy, which has been awarded the Nobel Prize for the past 10 years.
20 years ago, people who received the Nobel Prize for dark energy studied 20 supernovae, but Lee Young-ok and three other doctors studied and published 80 stars.
There was a rebuttal to the existing discussion as a new discussion and explanation of the existing discussion about the expansion of the universe.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 01:28:13 PM
과학에 미신(신화)을 도입하는 인간들 특징이 뭔줄 알아? 8) 8)
그들은 아주아주 더러운 이름을 가졌다는거야.... ::) ::) ;D ;D

사울.....아담.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 01:48:08 PM
They live with lies in their mouths, as they are human species who reverence dark energy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 03:25:40 PM
Research in Korea Team's findings support an increasingly decelerating expanding universe rather than an accelerating expanding universe.
Reclaim the Nobel Prize and discard the term dark energy they used.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 03:58:03 PM
Прикол 123

The kacher-coil's koji fungus is rubbed on the tongue, and it becomes a Russian panacea.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 06:44:18 PM
천문학에서, 우주 마이크로파 배경(宇宙micro波背景, 영어: cosmic microwave background, 약자 CMB)은 관측 가능한 우주를 균일하게 가득 채우고 있는 마이크로파 열복사다. 광학 망원경으로 관찰한 우주는 빈 어둠 뿐이나, 전파 망원경을 통해 관찰하면 별이나 은하 등에 관련이 없는 배경 복사가 우주 모든 방향으로부터 균일하게 뿜어져 나오는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 우주 마이크로파 배경은 대폭발의 중요한 증거이며, 우주의 초기의 뜨거운 고밀도 상태에서 뿜어져 나온 빛이 오늘날에 관측되는 것이다. 우주 마이크로파 배경은 1964년에 미국의 전파 천문학자 아노 앨런 펜지어스와 로버트 우드로 윌슨이 발견하였고, 이들은 이 공로로 1978년 노벨 물리학상을 수상하였다.

우주배경복사가 빅뱅의 중요한 증거라고 1978년 노벨 물리학상을 받았습니다.
1978년은 다까끼 마사오가 죽기 직전해입니다.
그들은 답정녀 답정남 결론을 내고 추리하는 겁니다.
태양신전 헤드젯이 빅뱅처럼 보이니까요.
전파망원경을 통해 관측되는 우주배경 마이크로파 열복사가 한 번도 경험한 적이 없는 빅뱅의 증거라고 말하는 배경에는 헤드젯이 있어서입니다.

박창범 교수가 제시한 자료는 그들에 의해 결정되고 만들어진 대강적인 이론입니다.
저기에 등장하는 이론들 전부가 플러스 마이너스 오차값이 존재합니다.
10~20% 정도는 기본이죠.
노벨상 받은 암흑에너지에 저 이론들이 전부 맞춰진겁니다.
어떤 것은 검증 자체가 오류인 것도 있습니다.
은하군집모양이나 은하단은 코에 걸면 코걸이고, 귀에 걸면 귀걸이 유행과 다름없기 때문입니다.
평균 오차값을 어디에 두느냐에 따라 우주가 팽창 가속하는지, 팽창 감속하는지가 결정됩니다.
그리고 초고온에서 생성된 우주의 잔해가 빅뱅의 산물인지 일반 블랙홀의 잔해물인지 모르는 상태에서 빅뱅으로 결론 짓습니다.
우주에 수없이 많은 블랙홀은 무시한 체 그들은 빅뱅만 찾고있습니다.
박창범 교수는 그들이 제시한 이론을 충실하게 따르는 하수인과 같습니다.
유대인(신)을 옹호하는 가방끈들이 한국보다 많은 곳은 이스라엘 밖에 없으니까요.
현대 유대인과 유대자본은 그들이 섬기는 어둠신 아펩-여호와 신화를 과학으로 만들기 위해 혈안이 되어있습니다.
조작된 그들의 성서 신화처럼.
그리고 한반도는 유대인들 약속의 땅 정점에 있습니다.
암흑의 땅으로 만들어야 할 어둠신의 정언명령인 겁니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 09, 2021, 07:26:59 PM
우물 안에 개구리가 우물 밖을 다 안다고 주장하고 있다고? ::) ::) ::)
만약에 우주가 감속 팽창한다면 언젠간 빅뱅 점으로 우주 전체가 다시 모여들테니, 유대인들이 숭배하는 여호와가 창조한 천지창조가 다시 진행되어 그들의 창조론이 쓰레기 된다. 8)
여호와의 창조론이 타격받지 않으려면 우주에서 두 번 다시 빅뱅이 일어나면 안된다는 평범한 욕심이네. ;D ::)
해서 우주는 영원히 가속 팽창해야 한다(유대인들 여호와를 위해서). ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

우주를 팽창 가속하게 만드는 암흑에너지는 두 번째 빅뱅을 막으려는 여호와의 처절한 몸부림이였다는 말씀. ::) ::)

유대인들이 약속의 땅을 준 몸부림 치는 여호와를 지키려고 개독교도 박창범이 고용했나 함 조사해봐라.  ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2021, 01:27:04 AM
Theater of Dionysus

Odeon of Herodes Atticus
It was built in 161 AD by the Greek Herodes Atticus in memory of his Roman wife, Aspasia Annia Regilla.

The Odeon of Herodes Atticus is a Roman building and was not built by the Greeks.
The Romans who conquered Egypt knew the relationship between the two temples, and the Roman emperors used them.

The Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt was the Greeks.
They apparently mimicked the Temple of the Acropolis in Athens and built the Temple of Apep.
It was built as a temple to the supreme Greek god Zeus, but the Jews worship him as Jehovah.

The Dark God created the Big Bang and accelerated the expansion of the universe.
It will be interesting to see how long their lies will last.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2021, 01:48:15 AM
Steven Mark - TPU - Investor Demonstration

It's a very easy way to make with just a FIY transformer extracted from an old TV and a simple push-pull circuit.

To someone who can't make a Tesla coil, it looks like a very big electrical effect or illusion.
Electricians use this method when cheating non-electricians.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2021, 07:01:19 AM

The fig tree you ate looks delicious. ;D

Life is short and work is infinite. 8)
Your work makes viewers tired too. ::)

I hope that the fig tree growing in the dome of your cosmic model is not the lying Jehovah of the Jews, but Zeus, the greatest playboy god in Greek mythology. ;D ;D

The replay also loses interest in the viewer. 8)
Replace it with a video of playing and eating. 8)

Labor is a Jewish custom. 8)
The Earth can no longer withstand human labor. 8)
Let the heavy machinery take over the destruction of the earth and you just play and eat. 8)

"Play, play, play when you are young. When you are old, you want to play, but your body hurts and you cannot play" ::) ::)

These are the lyrics of an ancient Korean folk song. 8)
I want all humans to play more. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 11, 2021, 08:40:02 AM
Have a look at this video see if it helps  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdydGv2T5SU

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 11, 2021, 11:22:38 AM

Your expectation is a wish that has nothing but amplification effect as shown in the picture below.

TROS -- Don Smith III "tuning"

If the kacher and the 20 m inductor coil and the 38 m grenade coil do not coordinate with each other, then you cannot get a 1000-2000 v unbalanced charge that burns the sheath of the wire with a screwdriver.
As with the simple circuit provided by Ruslan, all combinations are complete.
So, your job is not to control the frequency, but to unravel the wiring secrets of the kacher/20-inductor/38m grenade.

Генератор 2 КW

The schematic I posted was inspired by the generator Ruslan demonstrated in the video above.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2021, 02:28:58 AM
The ancient Egyptians considered electric catfish to be sacred before about 3000 BC.
Knowing electricity and making electricity are two different things, but
As mentioned a few months ago, when the Egyptians started making electricity, they added preservatives such as sulfur and wine to prevent decay of corpses during mummification, and experienced electric shocks from metal bowls or metal rods after a long aging time. .
The generation of electricity and the corpse are irrelevant, but in a mythological sense, electricity generated from a copper or gold vessel containing a pharaoh's corpse is very encouraging.

2 Samuel 6 [NASB]
Now David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand.
And David arose and went with all the people who were with him to Baale-judah, to bring up from there the ark of God which is called by the Name, the very name of the LORD of hosts who is enthroned above the cherubim.
They placed the ark of God on a new cart that they might bring it from the house of Abinatab which was on the hill; and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, were leading the new cart.
So they brought it with the ark of God from the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill; and Ahio was walking ahead of the ark.
Meanwhile, David and all the house of Israel were celebrating before the LORD with all kinds of instruments made of fir wood, and with lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets and cymbals.
But when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah reached out toward the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen nearly upset it.
And the anger of the LORD burned against Uzzah, and God struck him down there for his irreverence; and he died there by the ark of God.
David became angry because of the LORD'S outburst against Uzzah, and that place is called Perez-uzzah to this day.

If you summon the Dark God or Lightning God instead of the Pharaoh's corpse, fanatics willing to sacrifice their lives will grow.

A common Egyptian perception of an invisible force is the scarab (Upper Egypt).
However, there is Djed (Lower Egypt) in the Apep Temple, but there is no dung beetle in the Sun Temple.
In the matter of recognizing electricity as a god, the Egyptians turned battery electricity into the mysterious power of love emanating from Hathor's head.
Hathor is the god of love.
Since the source is Egyptian mythology, Paul also recognized love as Hathor's, so love has the intrinsic meaning of electricity.

1 Corinthians 13 [NASB]
If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.
For we know in part and we prophesy in part;
but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

The solar temple headjet resembles the male genitalia.
The reason women are crazy about the sun is production.
Without sunlight, the Earth freezes in darkness.
Light and darkness are determined by the Earth's rotation,
Those who pollute science with ancient myths are busy today.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2021, 02:31:01 AM
The origin of Socrates' poison cup is from the Sinai Peninsula.
The fact that the Persian kings were holding an Egyptian headjet cup meant that they had conquered for a short period of time, not from ancient times.
The origin of the cuneiform was also inspired by the inclination of the triangle, the hieroglyph of the Egyptian sun.
Holding a glass of wine means the sun is setting at sunset.
It would be nice to the Dark Gods, but
The reason that the later Persian kings hold their wine glasses upside down is because they worshiped the sun god.
So the sun is above your head.

The origin of the lightsaber in the Hollywood movie 'Star Wars' is also next to Darius the Great.
Cyrus king of Persia and Esarhaddon of the Sargon dynasty were the sages who sent the Pharisees and Sadducees (Samaritans) back to their homeland.
The Star Wars lightsaber coming out of here is only natural for the Jews in control of Hollywood.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 12, 2021, 12:51:40 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=(xx)Hyf0Yi_ybs4 is this caracter dead ? skywalker ?
oops! some joker has changed the vidio !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2021, 08:05:29 PM


The strange person in the video above is said to be a former police officer.
It seems that only his followers hear his story.
I don't know who listens when someone with no followers talks about genneck-waves or waveguides.

What the world prefers only to good-looking people is not their ideology, but their taste, like the choice of favorite foods.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2021, 08:07:31 PM
In order to get general information about the description of a specific relief appearing in the future, it is the order to first understand the information of the previous era.

In earlier times (before 3000 BC), the electric catfish was nestled between two large-horned bulls.
It was the electric catfish that intervened in the war where the heads of many enemies were cut off.
Electric catfish are a symbol of death.

A battery that appeared later is decorated on the head of a hornless cow (Hator).
Electricity was governed by a bull with a large horn, but from a later era, it was ruled by a cow.

Battery decorations such as Hatshepsut's Temple are numerous.
In the previous era, electricity was managed by male-Pharaohs, but as female-Pharaohs in the future came to power, electricity naturally creates an opportunity for women to manage electricity.

John 2 [NASB]
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there;
and both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding.
When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine."
And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come."
His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it."
Now there were six stone waterpots set there for the Jewish custom of purification, containing twenty or thirty gallons each.
Jesus said to them, "Fill the waterpots with water." So they filled them up to the brim.
And He said to them, "Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter." So they took it to him.
When the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom,
and said to him, "Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now."
This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory His, and His disciples his believed in Him.
After this He went down to Capernaum, He and His mother and His brothers and His disciples his; and they stayed there a few days.
The Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
And He found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers seated at their tables.
And He made a scourge of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables;
and to those who were selling the doves He said, "Take these things away; stop making My Father's house a place of business."
His disciples his remembered that it was written, "ZEAL FOR YOUR HOUSE WILL CONSUME ME."

Mary asked Jesus for a wine miracle as an electrician in the previous era, and it is an expression of the future generations (the situation of the Temple of the Sun).
Jesus expelling cattle and sheep (4 hathor) from the temple with a headjet-whip is [My hour has not yet come] the pride of a bull with big horns waiting for the time of a man with a big  (headjet), [ZEAL FOR YOUR HOUSE WILL CONSUME ME] Headjet setting as the setting sun - The sun cannot overcome the darkness.
This is the ZEAL of the sun.
To protect the sun from darkness,

Matthew 25 [NASB]
"Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
"Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent.
"For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them,
but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps.
"Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep.
"But at midnight there was a shout, 'Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.'
"Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps.
"The foolish said to the prudent, 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.'
"But the prudent answered, 'No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.'
"And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut.
"Later the other virgins also came, saying, 'Lord, lord, open up for us.'
"But he answered, 'Truly I say to you, I do not know you.'
"Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.

It is a battery technology in which information is blocked by the lamp of the ten virgins.
What I do not tell the members of this cafe is some generator operation information,
This is because, like Baghdad Battery, it is already known information and is exposed.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2021, 08:17:57 PM
съёмные переменные (постоянные) резисторы и конденсаторы

The reason the cafe members cannot see it is because those who preach the genneck-wave or waveguide have blinded the members.
Here ignorance is more deadly than fraudsters.
Darkness promotes itself as light. like the ugly Jews.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 12, 2021, 09:21:59 PM
【MMD 艦これ】鈴谷&熊野「Dive to Blue」

에스파 카리나 뒤 돌아보지마라

현대 사상은 육체의 고행보다 정욕을 선호한다. ::)
과거가 고행을 요구한 것은 어둠-목적이 있었기 때문이다. 8)
어둠은 대를 잇는 자식이 필요하지 않다. ::)
어둠-과거가 현대에 껴들어 실패와 참패하는 이유입니다. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2021, 03:31:55 PM
마인부우를 처치하고 서로 격려하는 베지터,손오공 멋진 마무리! - 드래곤볼 명장면


BarBar means a foreigner or another language-speaking people, but it has been misunderstood as a barbarian by the world historians.


2 Corinthians 12 [NASB]
Boasting is necessary, though it is not profitable; but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows--such a man was caught up to the third heaven.
And I know how such a man--whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows--
was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak.
On behalf of such a man I will boast; but on my own behalf I will not boast, except in regard to my weaknesses.
For if I do wish to boast I will not be foolish, for I will be speaking the truth; but I refrain from this, so that no one will credit me with more than he sees in me or hears from me.
Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me--to keep me from exalting myself!

Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me.
And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness "

Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

Luke 10 [NASB]
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

Paul's attack on Bar-Jesus is an attack on the worshipers of the dark god Apep.
In the structure of the New Testament, Cyprus is not the active area of the Sun-Jesus.
Since Canaan is mentioned as the Promised Land by Moses Bar-Jesus is either Apep or Zeus.

with weaknesses,
with insults,
with distresses,
with persecutions,
with difficulties,

Not Apep standing upright, but the insulted Apep-Zeus, who ate the Genesis dirt and crawled on the ground.
This is the God Paul worshiped.
Because the Satan Jesus is talking about means Zeus.
Satan in the book of Job is also Zeus.
Because Job's suffering is the insult Paul was referring to.

So, the sun is meaningless to Paul who is talking about the third heaven (Trinity Apep/Zeus).

Matthew 27 [NASB]
At that time they were holding a notorious prisoner, called Barabbas.
So when the people gathered together, Pilate said to them, "Whom do you want me to release for you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?"
For he knew that because of envy they had handed Him over.
While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him a message, saying, "Have nothing to do with that righteous Man; for last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him."
But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to put Jesus to death.
But the governor said to them, "Which of the two do you want me to release for you?" And they said, "Barabbas."
Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" They all said, "Crucify Him!"

The Jews chose Zeus, the god of lightning, not the sun.
Barabbas and Zeus are as close and heterogeneous as the Genesis Spirit and Zeus.
Jesus, who was crucified at the request of the Jews, is Apep, held by Djed.
When the Jews chose Zeus, paradoxically, they killed Apepsin with their own hands.
This was revealed through the death of Jesus on the cross.
Darkness killed by light?
It is the Jews who believe in the contradiction that darkness combines with lightning.
This is the contradiction of Jehovah, the god of darkness, shown in the creation of the heavens and the earth in Genesis.
like dark energy.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 19, 2021, 03:43:35 PM
that's bull shit!  Color had a link unfortunatly the power went off and i lost it (the link) sorry!

If the generator is operating normally, there will be no destructive arcs in the antennas of the kacher ferrite rods.
However, in order to operate the generator, the antenna of the kacher ferrite rod must create a destructive arc.
It's a contradiction, but it's not a contradiction.

My dad is currently busy with farming and house repairs.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 21, 2021, 06:53:58 AM
하이데거 : 존재와 시간 (feat. 스티브 잡스)

신에게 솔직히

니체, 『도덕의 계보』, 57-59p.

그것을 대충 추측해서 알 수도 있겠으나, 이러한 문제에 있어서 결코 경시될 수 엇는 권위자로 위대한 교사(敎師)이며 성자(聖者)인 토마스 아퀴나스의 언명(言明)을 들어 두는 것이 좋다. 〈천국에 있는 축복받은 사람들〉은 하고 그는 어린 양처럼 부드럽게 말한다. 「지옥에 떨어진 자들이 벌받는 것을 보고, 그것으로 해서 자신의 축복을 더욱더 기쁘게 여기리라.」* 혹은 아마도 의기양양한 교부(敎父)의 입에서 그것이 힘찬 어조로 울려 나오는 것을 듣고 싶단 말인가? 이 교부는 그의 신도들에게 공개적인 구경거리의 잔인한 환락을 그만두도록 타일렀는데 —이것은 또 무슨 까닭에서인가? 〈신앙은 우리에게 훨씬 많은 것을 베푼다〉라고 그는 말한다. 「훨씬 힘찬 것을 베푼다. 구원의 은혜로서, 전혀 다른 기쁨들을 우리의 마음대로 할 수 있다. 우리는 투기자 (鬪技者) 대신 우리의 순교자들을 가지고 있다. 우리가 피[血]를 열망한다면, 그렇다면 우리에게는 그리스도의 피가 있다. ......그러나 그리스도가 재림하는 날, 그 승리의 날이 오면, 우리를 기다리는 것이 무엇인지 생각해 보라!」—그리고 이 환희에 찬 환상가는 계속한다. 「그리고 그 날이 오면 또다른 구경거리가 있다. 그것은 저 최후의, 그리고 영원의 심판의 날, 이교도들이 예기치 않게도 자신들이 웃음거리가 됨을 보게 될 그 날에는, 그처럼 오랜 낡은 세계와 그 세계의 수많은 소산이 송두리째 하나의 거대한 불길 속에 타 버리는 것이다! 그날이 오면 얼마나 광대한 장이 눈앞에 펄쳐지겠는가! 얼마나 탄복할 것인가! 얼마나 웃어야 할 것인가! 얼마나 기뻐할 것인가! 얼마나 의기양양해서 춤출 것인가!―천국에 영입되었다고 하는 그렇게 많은 고명한 왕들이, 위대한 쥬피터 자신과 또 그들의 승천을 목격한 자들과 더불어, 암흑의 지하에서 신음하는 꼴을 보았을 때! 그리고 주의 거룩한 이름을 학대한 총독들이, 하늘 무서운 줄 모르던 시기에 그리스도를 따르는 자들을 불태워 죽였던 능욕의 불길보다 훨씬 더 흉포한 불길에 휩싸인 꼴을 볼 때! 그리고 또한 저 현명한 철학자들이, 신과 관계되는 것은 이 지상에는 아무것도 없다고 가르쳤고, 영혼이란 존재하지 않는다든가, 혹은 적어도 원래의 육체로는 다시 돌아올 수 없다고 가르쳤던 제자들 앞에서 부끄러움에 휩싸여 불태워지는 것을 볼 때! 또한 시인들이 라다만튜스나 미노스의 법정이 아니라, 예기치도 않았던 그리스도의 심판석 앞에서 떨고 있는 것을 볼 때! 그때 그 비극배우들의 대사(臺詞)를, 자기 자신에게 덮친 재난을 한탄하여 부르짖는 소리를 더욱 잘 들을 수 있으리라. 그때 그 배우들의 몸짓이 활활 타는 불길에 의해서 훨씬 더 방탕함을 볼 수 있으리라. 그때 전차(戰車)를 모는 전사(戰士)가 불길에 휩싸인 몸으로 불붙는 차를 모는 광경을 볼 수 있으리라. 그때 투사들이 경기장에서가 아니라 화염 속에서 창 던지며 겨루는 모습을 볼 것이다. 물론 나로서는 그들의 그러한 모습을 보고 싶지는 않지만. 왜냐하면 나로서는, 오히려 주님을 욕되게 한 자들을 끝까지 주시해 보고 싶기 때문인 것이다. 「이 자야말로―나로서 말한다면―저 목수나 매춘부의 아들, (이하의 말 전체로 보아, 그리고 특히 탈무드 법전에서 발견되는 예수의 어머니에 대한 이 칭호에서 알 수 있듯이 여기서부터 테루투리아누스는 유태 사람을 말한다) 안식일의 파괴자, 사마리아인 귀신에 홀린 자이다. 이 자야말로 그대들이 유다에게서 사들인 자다! 이 자야말로 그대들이 갈대와 주먹으로 두들겨 팬 자이며, 그대들이 침을 뱉어 모욕한 자이며, 그대들이 쓴 맛과 신 맛을 보여 준 자이다. 이 자야말로 부활됐다는 말을 듣기 위해 제자들에 의해 남몰래 잠적된 자이며, 혹은 많은 사람들 때문에 그가 심은 식물이 짓밟히지 않도록 정원사에 의해 옮겨진 자이다.」 아무리 인심이 후한 집정관이나 사제라 할지라도 이와같은 구경거리를 보여 주고, 이처럼 즐기도록 해줄 수 있을 것인가? 그러나 우리는 지금이라도 신앙에 의해서 이 광경을 어느 정도 마음 속에 그려볼 수 있다. 그러나 눈으로 보지 못하고, 귀로 듣지도 못하고, 사람의 마음으로도 생각하지 못한 것은 무엇이란 말인가? 내가 믿는 바로는 그것은 원형 경기장보다도, 두 개의 무대 관람석 보다도, 또한 어떠한 경마장보다도 고귀한 광경을 말한다.―신앙에 의해서 Per fidem라고 적혀 있다.

* 정확히 이야기하자면, 『신학요록 Summa Theologie』 3권의 부록에는 다음과 같이 적혀 있다. 「성인들의 축복이 좀더 기쁘게 생각되도록, 또한 그들이 축복에 대해서 신에게보다 풍성하게 감사하도록 하기 위해 ,그들이 지옥에 떨어진 자들의 형벌받는 모습을 완전하게 볼 수 있게 했다.

예도TV가 구구절절 옳은 말 했지만, 토마스 아퀴나스에 대해 좀 더 공부해야겠구나.
지옥의 원형 경기장(태양신전 큰 배)은 불타고 있는가?
국제통 박상후가 중국발 소식통이다.

그나저나 아빠 돈 5000만원 떼먹고 중국으로 도망간 두꺼비 닮은  "이영기"와 그의 전기차 회사 '시티-카'는 잘먹고 잘사는지 궁금하구나.

그리고 대한민굴 국가정보원이 아직도 아빠에게 내기돈 5000만원 + 5000만원 = 1억원 안갚고있다.
앞으로 갚을 때까지 대한민굴에 손해나는 일만 벌어질거다.
예수도 그러잖니 그날은 아버지만 안다고, 어둠의 일은 어둠(아빠)만 안다.
당분간 엄마와 대부가 버티고개하겠지만,,,, 시간은 아빠편이다.

The frog god (Upu) with two swords in both hands was originally a moon god.


It is an intervention in later mythology that Horus (eyes), born of Upu (the prototype of Osiris), turned into a moon god.
When the light god Set (early Egyptian mythology) separated the body of the moon god Osiris into 14 pieces and threw them away all over the world, it signifies the change of the moon.
The strong evidence that even ancient Egypt understood that moonlight was a reflection of the sun's light is the myth of Osiris killed by Set.
The rise of Osiris as the king of the underworld after the resurrection is a myth that has become the touchstone of Jesus' resurrection because it means the moon in the night sky. And although Upu and Horus are twins with a large lag, they exist in completely different roles in mythology.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 21, 2021, 07:16:06 AM
It works the same way as ET gets here from Serpio they use vortexes.

On July 16, 1965, a massive alien spacecraft from the Zeta Reticuli star system landed at the Nevada test site north of Las Vegas. Following a plan set in motion by President Kennedy in 1962, the alien visitors known as the Ebens welcomed 12 astronaut-trained military personnel aboard their craft for the 10-month journey to their home planet, Serpo, 39 light-years away. In November 2005, former and current members of the Defense Intelligence Agency--directed by Kennedy to organize the Serpo exchange program--came forward to reveal the operation, including details from the 3,000-page debriefing of the 7 members of the Serpo team who returned after 13 years on the planet.

Now sat thats impossible ! ;)


AG is very bluffing like my dad.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 21, 2021, 12:17:27 PM
The problem is BEMF doesn't give you a power gain only a voltage at the expense of stored current, FACT
However a Longitudinal standing wave 'rotating vortex' draws in energy like a rotating black whole! that's how ET gets here, like it or not!

Regards Sil

AG의 관점에서 낳은 모순을 닉이 알기 쉽게 풀이해주길 나는 바란다.

니체 - 선악의 저편 2

개구리(Frog)의 관점주의(Perspektivismus)는 달의 관점이다. 즉 선악과.

태양신전 good and evil 뿐 만 아니라, 아펩신전 good and evil에도 접근해서는 안 될 여호와의 정언명령인 것이다.
여호와는 어둠이 선이고, 태양은 빛이 선이다.
모순은 존재의 부정이다.
즉 천지창조의 부정이다.
예수의 죽음이 곧 여호와의 죽음이다.
서로 상반된 모순의 개입은 고대 신화뿐 아니라 형이상학 철학도 낳았다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2021, 02:09:16 PM
니체 - 선악의 저편 서문 1 / 여성이 진리라면?

예술가같은소리하고 자빠졌네.
너가 날이면 날마다 씹선비질하는 꼰대인건 세상이 다알아.
몇일만 굶어봐라 상놈에 자슥아.
배때지에 기름낀 것들이 여물통만 열면 헛소리 작작한다니까.

"몇일을 굶었어요 먹다남은 찬밥이라도 있으면 주세요"

주인집 현관문에 붙어있던 최고은 작가 마지막 자존심이다 병짝아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2021, 03:14:38 PM
예술가는 누구인가?

글줄이나 읽은 것들이 얇팍한 지식 자랑고파 날이면 날마다 씹선비질하는데가 대한민굴 아니든?! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2021, 03:30:08 PM
누가아니래 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2021, 03:38:05 PM
There is this:  Igorik wrote !

A warning!!!  The information presented in this description is our vision of the processes required to create a plant,
solutions and explanations may not coincide with yours!
To create a BTG, its circuit must include 3 generators:

1. quarter wave.
2. half a wave.
3. phase-shifting, low-frequency! At the end of the coil, we have a maximum current from half a wave,
a maximum voltage from a quarter, but they will be phase shifted,
so the LF genome needs to move the current phase and that's it!
With the help of explosive coils,
an excess of electrons is taken, without it, no matter how!

Sorry dont have any more....!

Regards Sil

AG's voodoo magic is more likely to bring light to the world, Dad;;;;;⛽⛽⛽⛽⚡
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2021, 03:43:10 PM
무궁화놀이 상금 1억이면 도때비한티 한 수 접어줄 의향은 있지뭐.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2021, 05:00:19 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 22, 2021, 05:04:35 PM
니체 - 선악의 저편 서문 2 / 삶은 관점주의다!

진리는 거꾸로 물구나무 서있고,
The truth is standing upside down,

인혜가 공중으로 한 길이나 거꾸로 올라갔다가, 한참 후에 천천히 거꾸로 떨어져 머리가 땅에 박혀 말뚝처럼 우뚝 섰다.
惠倒迸於空高一丈許 良久徐徐倒下 頭卓地 屹然如植橛

밀본법사가 요사한 귀신을 물리치다
[ 密本摧邪 ]

삼국유사 제5권 신주 제6(三國遺事 卷第五 神呪 第六)

선덕왕(善德王) 덕만(德曼)이 병에 걸려 오랫동안 낫지 않자, 흥륜사(興輪寺)의 승려 법척(法惕)이 명을 받고 병을 치료했지만 오래도록 효과가 없었다. 이때 밀본법사(密本法師)가 덕행으로 나라에 소문이 났는데, 신하들이 법척을 밀본법사로 바꾸자고 청하였다. 그래서 왕이 명을 내려 밀본법사를 궁으로 맞아들였다. 밀본이 침실 밖에서 『약사경(藥師經)』 읽기를 마쳤다. 그때, 가지고 온 육환장(六環杖, 고리가 여섯 개인 지팡이)이 침실로 날아 들어가 늙은 여우 한 마리와 중 법척을 찔러 뜰 아래로 거꾸로 내던졌고, 왕의 병도 곧 나았다. 이때 밀본의 이마 위로 오색의 신비로운 빛이 뻗쳤는데, 보는 사람들마다 모두 놀랐다.

善德王德曼 遘疾彌留 有興輪寺僧法惕 應詔侍疾 久而無效 時有密本法師 以德行聞於國 左右請代之 王詔迎入內 本在宸仗外 讀藥師經 卷軸纔周 所持六環飛入寢內 刺一老狐與法惕 倒擲庭下 王疾乃瘳 時本頂上發五色神光 覩者皆驚

또 승상 김양도(金良圖)가 어렸을 때 갑자기 입이 붙고 몸이 굳어 말도 못하고 움직이지도 못하였다. 그런데 김양도가 매번 볼 때마다 큰 귀신 하나가 작은 귀신들을 거느리고 와서는 상 위에 있는 음식을 다 맛보는 것이었다. 무당이 와서 제사를 지내면 귀신들이 모여들어서 다투어 모욕하였다. 김양도가 물러가라고 명령하고 싶었지만 말을 할 수가 없었다. 아버지가 법류사(法流寺)의 승려를 청해 와서 불경을 읽게 하였는데, 큰 귀신이 작은 귀신에게 명하여 쇠망치로 중의 머리를 때리자, 그대로 넘어져서 피를 토하고 죽었다.

며칠 뒤 사람을 보내 밀본법사를 맞아오도록 하였다. 심부름 간 사람이 돌아와서 말하였다.
"밀본법사께서 우리 청을 받아들여 오시겠다고 했습니다."
그러자 귀신들이 이 말을 듣고 모두 다 얼굴빛이 변하였다. 작은 귀신이 말하였다.
"법사가 오면 불리하니, 피하는 것이 좋겠습니다."
그러나 큰 귀신은 거만을 부리며 태연하게 말하였다.
"무슨 해로움이 있겠느냐?"

그런데 잠시 뒤에 사방에서 대력신(大力神)이 나타났는데, 모두들 쇠 갑옷과 긴 창으로 무장하고 와서 귀신들을 잡아 묶어서 갔다. 그리고 수많은 천신(天神)들이 둘러서서 기다렸다. 잠시 후 밀본이 이르렀는데, 불경을 펼치기도 전에 김양도의 병은 다 나아서 말도 하고 움직일 수도 있었다. 그래서 그 동안의 일을 자세히 설명하였다.

양도는 이러한 일을 겪은 후 불교를 독실하게 믿어 평생 게을리하지 않았다. 흥륜사 법당의 주불인 미륵존상과 좌우 보살을 소상으로 만들고 아울러 법당 안을 금색으로 벽화를 가득 그렸다.

又丞相金良圖爲阿孩時 忽口噤體硬 不言不遂 每見一大鬼率群小鬼來家中 凡有盤肴 皆啖嘗之 巫覡來祭 則群聚而爭侮之 圖雖欲命撤 而口不能言 家親請法流寺僧亡名來轉經 大鬼命小鬼以鑯槌打僧頭 仆地嘔血而死
隔數日 遣使邀本 使還言 本法師受我請將來矣 衆鬼聞之皆失色 小鬼曰 法師至 將不利 避之何幸 大鬼侮慢自若曰 何害之有 俄而有四方大力神 皆屬金甲長戟來 捉群鬼而縛去 次有無數天神 環拱而待 須臾本至 不待開經 其疾乃治 語通身解 具說件事
良圖因此篤信釋氏 一生無怠 塑成興輪寺吳堂主彌陀尊像左右菩薩 幷滿金畵其堂

밀본법사는 일찍이 금곡사(金谷寺)에 머문 적이 있다.
또 김유신은 일찍이 어떤 늙은 거사(밀본법사)와 친하게 지냈는데, 세상 사람들은 그가 누구인지 몰랐다. 그때 유신 공의 친척인 수천(秀天)이 오랫동안 나쁜 병을 앓고 있었다. 공이 거사를 보내 진찰하게 하였는데, 때마침 수천의 친구 인혜사(因惠師)가 중악(中岳)에서 찾아왔다가 거사를 보고 모욕을 주며 말하였다.

"그대의 형상과 모습을 보니 간사하고 아첨하는 사람인데, 어찌 남의 병을 고칠 수 있겠는가?"
그러자 거사가 말하였다.
"나는 김 공의 명을 받고 어쩔 수 없이 왔을 뿐이오."
인혜사가 말하였다.
"그대는 내 신통력을 보아라."

그리고 향로를 받들어 향을 피우고 주문을 외었더니, 잠시 뒤에 오색 구름이 그의 머리 위를 돌았고 하늘의 꽃이 흩어져 떨어졌다. 그러자 거사가 말하였다.
"스님의 신통력은 불가사의합니다. 제자에게도 졸렬한 재주가 있는데 시험해 보고자 합니다. 스님께서는 잠시 제 앞에 서 계십시오."

인혜는 그의 말대로 하였다. 거사가 손가락을 튀기어 소리를 내자, 인혜가 공중으로 한 길이나 거꾸로 올라갔다가, 한참 후에 천천히 거꾸로 떨어져 머리가 땅에 박혀 말뚝처럼 우뚝 섰다. 옆에 있던 사람들이 밀고 당겨보았지만 꿈쩍도 하지 않았다. 거사가 그대로 가버렸기 때문에 인혜는 여전히 거꾸로 박힌 채 새벽까지 있어야 했다. 다음날 수천이 사람을 보내 김유신 공에게 이 일을 알렸고, 공이 거사에게 가서 구해주도록 해서야 풀려날 수 있었다. 이 일로 인해 인혜는 다시는 재주를 자랑하지 않았다.

다음과 같이 찬미한다.

붉은색 자주색 분분히 주색(朱色)을 어지럽히니
아, 물고기 눈도 구슬이라고 어리석은 이 속이는구나.
거사가 가벼이 손가락을 튀기지 않았다면,
얼마나 상자 속에 가짜 옥을 담았으려나.

又金庾信嘗與一老居士交厚 世人不知其何人 于時公之戚秀天久染惡疾 公遣居士診衛 適有秀天之舊名因惠師者 自中岳來訪之 見居士而慢侮之曰 相汝形儀 邪佞人也 何得理人之疾 居士曰 我受金公命 不獲已爾 惠曰 汝見我神通 乃奉爐呪香 俄頃五色雲旋遶頂上 天花散落 士曰 和尙通力 不可思議 弟子亦有拙技 請試之 願師乍立於前 惠從之 士彈指一聲 惠倒迸於空高一丈許 良久徐徐倒下 頭卓地 屹然如植橛 旁人推挽之不動 士出去 惠猶倒卓達曙 明日秀天使扣於金公 公遣居士往救乃解 因惠不復賣技
讚曰 紅紫紛紛幾亂朱 堪嗟魚目誑愚夫 不因居士輕彈指 多少巾箱襲碔砆
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 23, 2021, 01:57:38 PM
Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen

Zarathustra's Vorrede.

Als Zarathustra dreissig Jahr alt war, verliess er seine Heimat und den See seiner Heimat und gieng in das Gebirge. Hier genoss er seines Geistes und seiner Einsamkeit und wurde dessen zehn Jahre nicht müde. Endlich aber verwandelte sich sein Herz, — und eines Morgens stand er mit der Morgenröthe auf, trat vor die Sonne hin und sprach zu ihr also:
,,Du grosses Gestirn! Was wäre dein Glück, wenn du nicht Die hättest, welchen du leuchtest!
Zehn Jahre kamst du hier herauf zu meiner Höhle: du würdest deines Lichtes und dieses Weges satt geworden sein, ohne mich, meinen Adler und meine Schlange.
Aber wir warteten deiner an jedem Morgen, nahmen dir deinen Überfluss ab und segneten dich dafür.
Siehe! Ich bin meiner Weisheit überdrüssig, wie die Biene, die des Honigs zu viel gesammelt hat, ich bedarf der Hände, die sich ausstrecken.
Ich möchte verschenken und austheilen, bis die Weisen unter den Menschen wieder einmal ihrer Thorheit und die Armen wieder einmal ihres Reichthums froh geworden sind.
Dazu muss ich in die Tiefe steigen: wie du des Abends thust, wenn du hinter das Meer gehst und noch der Unterwelt Licht bringst, du überreiches Gestirn!
Ich muss, gleich dir, untergehen, wie die Menschen es nennen, zu denen ich hinab will.
So segne mich denn, du ruhiges Auge, das ohne Neid auch ein allzugrosses Glück sehen kann!
Segne den Becher, welcher überfliessen will, dass das Wasser golden aus ihm fliesse und überallhin den Abglanz deiner Wonne trage!
Siehe! Dieser Becher will wieder leer werden, und Zarathustra will wieder Mensch werden."
— Also begann Zarathustra's Untergang.

"이름이 차라투스트라라고 했던가. 그러나 그도 변했군. 그대는 자신의 타고 남은 재를 산으로 날라 갔지. 오늘은 그대의 불덩이를 골짜기로 날아 가려고 하는가? 그런데 이제 잠든 사람들에게로 가서 뭘 하자는 건가. 바닷속에 있는 듯 고독 속에서 살았고, 그 바다가 그대를 품어주었지. 그런데도 그대는 뭍에 오르려 하는가."
차라투스트라가 대답했다. "인간들을 사랑하기 때문이오."
"하지만 이제 나는 신을 사랑하네. 인간에 대한 사랑은 나를 파멸시킬테지."
차라투스트라가 대답했다. "사랑에 대해 내가 무슨 할 말이 있겠소. 다만 인간들에게 선물을 주고 싶다오."
"인간에게는 아무것도 주지 말게. 차라리 그들로부터 얼마간을 빼앗아 그것을 그들과 나누어 가지도록 하게. 그래야 인간에게 더없이 큰 도움이 될 것이네. 그들로 하여금 애걸하도록 하게."
차라투스트라가 대답했다. "자선을 베풀고 싶지는 않소, 나는 그렇게 할 만큼 가난하지는 않다오."
"그들은 은둔자를 불신하며 우리가 선물을 주려고 왔다는 것을 믿지 않네. 왜 그대는 나처럼 곰들 속의 한 마리 곰, 새들 속의 한 마리 새로 머물고자 하지 않는가. "
차라투스트라는 마음속으로 이렇게 말했다. "저 늙은 성자는 숲 속에 있어서 신이 죽었다는 소식조차 듣지 못했구나."

니체가 이집트 하토르신전 지하실에 태양신전/아펩신전의 존재를 어떻게 알고 있었나가 궁금하겠지? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2021, 06:57:56 AM
Matthew 27 [NASB]

Psalms 22 [NASB]
My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Far from my deliverance are the words of my groaning.
O my God, I cry by day, but You do not answer; And by night, but I have no rest.

빛이 어둠의 아버지를 부른다.
다윗의 말대로 낮에 어둠을 부르짖으면 어둠이 대답하겠는가.
또한 빛이 밤에 어둠을 부르짖을 수 있겠는가.
빛이 어둠을 부르려면 어둠이 되어야 한다.
역으로 어둠이 빛이되든가.
이것이 어둠이 된 예수의 죽음이다.

1851년 니체는 소년학교에 출석했고 그 다음에는 그가 구스타브 크루크와 빌헬름 핀터와 친구가 되었던 곳인 사립학교에 다녔다. 두 친구는 모두 명망있는 가문 출신이었다. 1854년 그는 나움부르크에 있는 돔 김나지움에 다니기 시작했으나, 그의 특출한 재능은 음악과 언어에서 발휘되기 시작했다. 그 후 국제적으로 유명한 슐포르타에 동료들처럼 입학했으며, 그곳에서 그는 그의 학업을 1858년부터 1864년까지 계속했다. 그는 파울 도이쎈, 칼 폰 게르도르프와 친구가 되었다. 또한 그는 시를 짓고 음악을 작곡하는 데 시간을 들였다. 슐포르타에서 니체는 특히 고대 그리스와 로마에 대해 배웠다. 그 동안에 그는 살면서 처음으로, 조그만 시골 마을의 기독교적인 환경에서 이루어지는 가족의 삶으로부터 거리를 둘 수 있었다.

1864년 졸업을 한 후에 니체는 신학과 고대 철학을 본 대학에서 공부하기 시작했다. 짧은 기간 동안, 그는 도이쎈과 함께 대학생 학우회(Burschenschaft Frankonia)의 구성원이 되었다. 한 학기 후에 어머니의 분노에도 불구하고 그는 신학 공부를 중단했고, 신앙도 상실하였다.[5] 그것은 아마도 1835~1836년에 다비드 슈트라우스가 쓴 《예수의 생애》(Das Leben Jesus)란 책에서 그가 담당한 부분을 읽어나가던 중에, 책의 내용이 젊은 니체에게 깊은 영향을 주었기 때문일 것이다.[6]

철학공부와 군복무
1865년에 니체는 쇼펜하우어의 글들을 알게 되었고, 그는 1866년 프리드리히 알베르트 랑게의 책, 《유물론의 역사와 그 현재적 의미에 대한 비판》(Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart)을 읽었다. 그는 두 사람의 저서 모두와 자극적인 만남을 가질 수 있었다. 그들의 저서는 니체가 그의 지평을, 철학을 넘어서는 영역까지 확장하도록 격려했으며, 그의 학업을 지속하게 하는 자극제가 되었다. 1867년 니체는 군에 자원하여, 1867년 10월 군에 입대하였다. 그는 철학과 군복무에 대해 고민하고 있던 도중, 한 꿈을 꾸게 된다. 내용은 어떤 시집을 읽었다는 것인데, 프리드리히 니체는 그것을 기억해내 전쟁과 싸움을 잊고 학문에 매진하라는 뜻으로 받아들어 철학공부에 매진하게 된다. 그는 나움부르크에서 프로이센 포병으로 한 해 동안 복무하였다.[7] 그러나 1868년 3월에 그는 말을 타다가 사고를 당해서, 가슴을 심하게 다쳐 후송되었으나 군복무를 지속할 수 없었다. 그는 군복무를 5년 이상 하였고, 높은 직위에도 올랐었다.[8]

말에서 떨어진 사건이 사울이 바울로 개종하는 극적요소이듯 니체에게도 극적 사건이다.
그래서 꿈에 특정 시집을 읽었다든가, 1835~1836년에 다비드 슈트라우스가 쓴 《예수의 생애》(Das Leben Jesus)란 책에서 많은 영감을 받았다든가가 아니라 니체가 바울처럼 말에서 떨어지는 사건이 군복무 중에 우연히 발생한다.
이집트와 중동의 수많은 문화재를 전리품으로 약탈해 프랑스로 가져온 나폴레옹 1세 이후 프로이센이나 독일군이 파리에 입성한 것은 히틀러가 처음이자 마지막이다.
프로이센인들은 프랑스인들처럼 고급정보를 얻을 수 있는 역사적 상황이 없었다.
니체가 이집트 하토로신전 지하실 정보를 안 것이 아니라 조로아터교를 기독교의 모체로 본거다(만든거다).
니체의 목적은 기독교 파괴를 위한 개종이였다.
조로아스터교가 상당부분 기독교적 성격을 가지고있다는데서 착안한 우연이다.

신라의 다보탑이 신라에 온 사산조인들이 세운 조로아스터교(배화교) 상징물이라는 것을 니들만 모르는 것처럼 말이다.

선덕여왕의 엄마가 "마야부인"이다.
석가모니의 엄마 이름과 동일하다.
신라뿐 아니라 한반도 역사에서 유일한 이름이다.
선덕여왕(진덕여왕) 손이 무름 아래까지 내려오는 석굴암 석가모니라는 뜻이니까.
선덕여왕은 신라인이 아니라 서역인이라는 뜻이니까.
여자가 어떻게 석가모니가 될 수 있냐고 역사로 따져묻는 남자 사관들(역사를 기록하는 관리)만 모른다.

선덕여왕 = Turandot(사산조 여왕)

Luciano Pavarotti sings "Nessun dorma" from Turandot (The Three Tenors in Concert 1994)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2021, 07:08:43 AM
대한민굴 안기부에서 무궁화놀이 1억원은 언제 입금주능겨? ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2021, 07:21:28 AM
아빠 통장에 1억원 + 이자(9억)까지 안들어올 시 김진팔 소원대로 災冥이가 웃을 수 있다는 걸 명심해라.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2021, 07:29:54 AM
대한민굴 미래가 아주아주 맑어...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2021, 11:34:52 AM
работа пушпула на индукторе гранаты вместо горшка


It is said that they burned everything in the first impulse.....hahahahaha😘😘😘😘😁😁😁😁
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on September 24, 2021, 01:07:13 PM
Quote from: color on September 24, 2021, 07:29:54 AM
대한민굴 미래가 아주아주 맑어...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schulm%25C3%25A4dchen-Report (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schulm%25C3%25A4dchen-Report)

                      honi soit qui  mal y pense  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honi_soit_qui_mal_y_pense (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honi_soit_qui_mal_y_pense)

https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=youtube+schulmaedchenreport (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=youtube+schulmaedchenreport)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clAh7znFRNA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clAh7znFRNA)  2:40+

Es gibt Madels welche Treppengelaender zu Hilfe nehmen,als Stuetze,aufwaerts und abwaerts !

Andere (von allen Madels % ? ....... ::) ) beim Runterrutschen ein "himmlisch-heimeliges Vergnuegen" !?

Hoppe,hoppe,Reiter(in),........  transgendrisch correkt ! 8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM87KmxXfwI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM87KmxXfwI)

https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/09/16/national/social-issues/sexless-japan-almost-half-young-men-women-virgins-survey/ (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/09/16/national/social-issues/sexless-japan-almost-half-young-men-women-virgins-survey/)
Under "Polygraph" ,Lie-Detector,conditioning the question its answer ? All kinds ?!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybersex (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybersex) and

3/4d https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mind%20sex (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mind%20sex)


https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cybererotic (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cybererotic)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platonische_Liebe (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platonische_Liebe)
Unsere aufgeklaerte Gesellschaft :

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article135570857/Sieben-Teenager-nach-Klassenfahrt-schwanger.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article135570857/Sieben-Teenager-nach-Klassenfahrt-schwanger.html)
Auf den trip sein,hoffen wir mal ohne Tripper ! Lieber weiche Schenkel als weicher Schanker !
Eltern haben wohl die obige Bildungsreise anders verstanden ! Nicht so intensiv ! Aber eine fruchtbare Reise !

Warum dem Schueler taegliche Nachhilfe "verdonnert" worden war von dessen Lehrerin ?
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.20min.ch/story/lehrerin-24-liess-sich-von-schueler-13-schwaengern-781449866745 (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://www.20min.ch/story/lehrerin-24-liess-sich-von-schueler-13-schwaengern-781449866745)

Musk and his partner Grimes have "half broken up"

After around three years, Elon Musk and Grimes appear to be largely going their separate ways. The entrepreneur confirmed this in an interview with "Page Six", the gossip site of the "New York Post". Musk, however, uses the phrase "semi-separated".
"We're half apart but we still love each other, see each other often and we get along well," explained Musk.
The 50-year-old cites his work for his companies Tesla and SpaceX as the reason for the "half separation". He often has to travel internationally and stays primarily in Texas, while Grimes is in Los Angeles most of the time. But she is right now with him and their child is in another room.
By official divorce from
                                                                                 X Æ A-XII                       

                                 he/or she   X Æ A    she/or he   A-XII  half-fair sharing of benefits

I have often meine "Tage", feeling me so "halb-schwanger" :P ,gedanklich

Gedankenschwanger , schneller/langsamer Ideen- Brueter
Getting pregnant with something
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 24, 2021, 03:38:48 PM

In Korea, it is compulsory to wear school uniforms until high school graduation.
Dress liberalization was implemented decades ago, but some low-income parents and politicians have made it mandatory for students to wear school uniforms because the gap between the rich and the poor is revealed in their clothes.
It is still a very barbaric country with communist ideas.
Korean girls have a very high sense of fashion.
The picture above is a real high school girl.
lanca, your heart is dark, so you only see prostitutes, not high school students.
One of my Dad with a black heart is enough.

Nietzsche declared that God was dead, but he himself did not know which god was dead. And he slept in the dark nights until his death, and woke up in the morning.
Human thought and physiological instinct cannot transcend the darkness and light of the phenomenal world.
There are many epigone thinkers and philosophers in the world.
They only shout at others for fame.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 25, 2021, 02:16:44 PM
한국에는 불국사(佛國寺)라는 신라시대(기원전 1세기~기원후 935년)의 절이 지금까지 보존되어 있습니다.
신라가 991년간 존속한 국가라서 절의 크기도 상당합니다.
이 절에는 한국의 대표급 문화재가 많이 있는데, 석굴암, 다보탑, 석가탑도 이 절에 있습니다.
중국의 한자로 부처 佛자를 불교의 이름으로 사용하지만, 불은 한국에서 fire를 뜻합니다.
부처 佛자가 fire에서 왔지만,
그러나 대다수 사람들과 불교인들은 佛을 fire와 연관시키지 못하고 있습니다.
이유는 오랜 세월 불교의 수도자들이 극락왕생(極樂往生), 해탈(解脫), 고집멸도(苦集滅道)같은 fire와 관련없는 불경 내용들을 불교의 진정한 목적으로 오해했기 때문입니다.

"네 이웃을 네 몸과 같이 사랑하라"는 예수의 일부 말을 기독교의 진정한 목적으로 착각하는 것과 같습니다.
개구리에게 강도 당한 네 이웃이 어둠신 아펩(여호와)이라는 것을 알았다고 달라질 것은 없겠지만, 빛을 추종하는 자에게 어둠을 사랑하라고 가르치는 예수 자신이, 빛과 어둠이 절충되어 오염된 선악과 달이라는 것을 이해하지 못하는 것과 같습니다.
현상계 존재하는 모순적인 딜레마의 대상들을 숭배하는 자들 입장에서 회색지대 예수나 천국은 여러모로 절충되어 있습니다.
빛이 어둠으로 죽는 예수 자신의 십자가는, 천사가 한순간 사탄 악마로 돌변하는 이야기입니다.
어둠신 여호와가 번개와 결합하는 것이나, 빛-예수가 어둠과 결합하는 것은 동일한 사건입니다.
누가 우월한 신이냐고 묻는 것이 아니라, 승자도 없고 패자도 없는 결합, 흡수의 폐해라는 것입니다.


일부 미래지향적인 취향인가요?

헝다 End Game

1. 중국 GDP의 30%를 차지하고 있으며 최근 몇년간 중국 GDP 성장을 견인해온 부동산이 부채가 매우 심각해. 특히 중국 특성상 외인 비율이 매우 높아. 스캠, 폰지같은 걸 알면서도 외인들은 공산당국이 설마 디폴트 시키겠어라고 생각하며 투자중이야. 실제로 과거에 부동산 회사가 망했을 때 살려준 전례가 있었어. 그리고 중국 부동산이 수익률이 매우 좋았지.

2. 2021년은 분위기가 조금 바뀌었는데 중국 당국이 부동산 규제를 엄청나게 때리기 시작해. 한국이 한 건 거의 먼저 다 해본 듯. 생애 첫 모기지조차 막아버렸어. 그리고 재산세도 세팅했어. 시행만 하면 됨. 그리고 당국에서 거품이 심해서 인민들이 불만이 많아져서 폭락(투자자들을 희생시킬)할수도 있다고 언론에 흘려. 외인들은 이제 고민에 빠졌어.

3. 헝다는 전세계에서 가장 부채가 많은 기업이야. 3천억달러가 넘는 엄청난 부채야. 지금 순간에도 헝다 하청들은 부도나고 파산중이야. 그리고 9월 들어서 공산당 당국은 확실한 움직임이 없어. 그래서 무디스가 헝다 등급을 정크등급으로 내려버렸어. 머지포인트 팔아서 기존회원들에게 지급해야하는 머지포인트회사처럼 헝다도 채권을 팔아서 만기도래하는 채권들 갚이야하는데 돈이 없어. 그런데 채권을 팔기도 전에 정크등급이 되어버렸어. 중국에는 헝다 비슷한 부동산 회사가 4개 더 있어. 그래서 더 흥미로워.

4. 중국 부동산 버블에는 공식적인 자금 말고도 비공식적인 자금도 엄청 들어갔어. 그래서 연쇄폭발의 우려가 매우 큰 상황이야. 홍콩 쪽 자금이 특히 많다고 해. 미국이 Fed가 테이퍼링 각을 재는 중인데 아마도 중국은 미국한테 봐달라고 할꺼같아.

5. 헝다 외에 4개 회사 판타지아/차이나사우스 시티 홀딩스/광저우 R&F/Xinyuan Real Estate 도 디폴트 각 보는 중이야. 공산당지도부는 아마도 은행 부실을 최소화하는 방식으로 갈 거 같아. 최근에 190억 정도의 이자를 지급할꺼라고 발표했어. 그런데 아직 실행은 안했어. 9월부터 사실상 정부 지원이 전무했거든. 괜히 무디스같은 신용평가회사가 설친게 아니야. 채권은 그 가치가 쪼그라들고 주식은 엄청나게 감자할지도 몰라. 그래서 최근에 투자자들이 헝다 본사에서 난리 피웠어. 정부에서 움직이라는 뜻이지.

6. 모건스탠리 보고서에 따르면 수백개의 중소형 개발사들은 이미 디폴트 진행중이고 그 규모가 작년의 5배 정도야. 아직 2021년이 3달 남았으니 더 늘어난다고 봐야해. 그리고 부동산 개발사만 파산하는게 아니라 화사싱푸같은 회사들도 위험해져. 100억달러 정도 부동산 개발사 채권이 있는데 이미 디폴트된 채권이 상당하다고 해. 핑안보험도 55억달러 상각했어. 이런 식으로 물린 곳들이 많겠지.

7. 그렇지만 리먼브라더스같은 사태는 안 올거라고 생각해. 중국은 어찌되었든 독재국가고 은행도 공산당꺼고 언론, SNS, 기타 모든 것이 통제 가능한 곳이라 투자자들을 안심시키면서 지연전략을 쓸 가능성이 높아. 국유화할테니까 기다려달라고 할수도 있고.

8. 부동산 개발같은 대규모 스캠이 터지면 폭동이나 소요가 발발할 가능성이 커지기 때문에 시간 벌면서 지연시키는게 최선이야. 그리고 구제 약속을 꼭 할거야. 전력이 있어.

9. 지금은 공산당 지도부가 권투선수 감량시키듯 무리한 감량중이라고 생각해. 그리고 공산당 당국은 부동산을 대체할만한 투자처를 찾아낼거야. 그리고 그걸 찾아내기 전에 테이퍼링 맞으면 큰일이 날수도 있어.

10. 어찌되었건 중국 당국은 외국계 투자자는 적극 구제할 것 같아. 신용이 남아있어야 중국도 먹고 살거니까. 아직은 중국한테는 투자금이 필요하거든. 한국에는 겨울 쯤 후폭풍이 올 듯 하다. 윈터 이즈 커밍.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 25, 2021, 02:37:14 PM
일게이 예측이 맞을지, 줄줄이 연쇄도산 ;D ;D ;D ;D 할 지 두고볼까니? 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 25, 2021, 02:43:28 PM
Future news.
10 Chinese Lehman Brothers go bankrupt at once.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 26, 2021, 08:05:44 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 26, 2021, 08:11:03 AM
내는 목숨이 좃빠지게 아깝다. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 26, 2021, 08:15:27 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
김경율 회계사.
천화동인 7명이 4천억+@ 가져 간다는 것을 최초로 밝힘.
3억 5천  넣고 지분율 7프로도 안 되는 놈들이 4천억 가지고 간다는 게 말이 되노
성남 시민들 돈인 그 돈을 개인이 착복함.
이걸 캐보면 이재명까지 고리라인 밝혀 지는 건 시간 문제임

;D ;D ;D ;D
일게이들이 불철주야 고생많다 ;D ;D

;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 26, 2021, 01:41:30 PM
23. 라캉의 결여 / "편지는 언제나 목적지에 도착한다!"

According to the will of the Jewish god, Freud interpreted the sun temple headjet as the genitalia of his parents.
But it has nothing to do with Sergei Pankejeff's dream of wolves on a tree.

Sergei Pankejeff

Saint Petersburg

Sergei Pankejeff's dream of wolves before and after 1910 had a world-historical meaning and nothing else.
Scandinavia is the tree, and many countries in Europe and Russia are the branches of the tree.
In 1910, Europe was dominated by a few representative countries.
The atmosphere in Europe right before the First World War is an era of instantaneous action.

There are many philosophical scammers like Lacan who defend Freud.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 26, 2021, 01:58:37 PM
박충일이 배운티 내고싶어 환장한거 아는디, 워짜 니 세 치 혓바닥이 니 목줄기 끊는 예도(銳刀)같다 ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)

27 сентября 2021 г.

It's similar to this young friend playing clowns or talking nonsense to Korean clown Park Chung-il. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 26, 2021, 03:16:18 PM
The Matrix - What is Real?

과학적 사유와 인간 이해: 시대와 새로운 과학
(공)저: 윤정로, 김대식, 장대익, 김경렬, 김상환

우리 눈에 보이는 모든 개들은 사실 이데아 세상에만 존재하는 '원조-개'의 시뮬라크라이기에 가능한 것일까? 아니면 아리스토텔레스가 주장한 대로 개들의 교집합을 단순히 '개'라는 이름으로 묶어 표현하는 것일까? 하지만 이데아의 '원조-개'가 어떻게 생겼는지 인간이 알 리 없고, 경험할 수 있는 수많은 예제들의 교집합은 대부분 0에 가깝다.

Scientific Thinking and Human Understanding: The Age and New Science
(Official) Author: Jeong-ro Yun, Dae-sik Kim, Dae-ik Jang, Kyung-ryeol Kim, Sang-hwan Kim

Is it possible because all the dogs we see are actually simulacras of the 'original-dog' that exists only in the world of Idea? Or, as Aristotle argued, is the intersection of dogs simply expressed by grouping them with the name 'dog'? However, humans do not know what Idea's 'origin-dog' looks like, and the intersection of numerous examples that can be experienced is mostly close to zero.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 26, 2021, 04:00:10 PM
Curious about the chair in the background? ;D
It only takes up space in a small room, so I burned it a few years ago on New Year's Day. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 26, 2021, 04:16:25 PM
The winner of the squid game is fire, not rules.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 27, 2021, 01:28:41 PM
A family member.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 27, 2021, 04:30:51 PM



An AG member will explain in detail how to install BEMF.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2021, 03:12:27 AM
데리다 : 해체주의 (feat. 그라마톨로지)

공주에 놀러가자.

공주라는 단어에는 애초부터 대강적인 의미가 함축되어 있다.

데리다가 말하는 차연도,
사물을 관찰한 사람이 관찰한 사물을 언어로 전달할 때 정확하게 전달되지 못한다는 뜻이있다.
언어라는 전달 수단에 대해 철학적인 해체는 언어의 해체가 아니라 언어를 대체할 수 있는 소통 수단의 부제라 영원히 해체될 수 없다.
그래서 데리다 차연은 언어의 왜곡이해 범주다.
언어라는 함축적인 범주를 드러낸 것에 불과한 헤체시도다.
확정된 답만을 요구하는 해체라, 데리다는 스스로 유사 결정론자 입장에 있다.
기의 조차도 확정된 것이 없는데, 데리다는 기표부터 해체했으니, 주장이 없는데 해체부터한 스스로 김칫국물 매니아된다.
여호와의 창조에서 확정된 단어조차 (이미지적)기의는 부제였다.
선악과(애초부터 존재한 적이 없는 성서기자들 은유적 언어유희적 단어 선택)는 인간 상상의 영역이며 태양이나 달의 잘못은 아니다.
일반적인 언어가 보편성 위해 안착한 뜬구름같은 의미라는 것을 데리다는 수학적인 계산된 언어로 확정시켜 해체한 것에 불과하다.
데리다는 긁어 부스럼 만든 철학자다.
데리다가 일부러 그랬다기보다는, 나는 하버마스 논평을 지지한다.

하버마스는 이러한 데리다의 근원적 문자를 데리다가 헤브라이적인 유대교적 신비주의 전통을 고수하면서 유지하고자 하는 것으로 봅니다. 근원적 문자의 은폐를 근원적 문자의 부재로 보고, 이 근원적 문자의 부재를 신이 일부러 자신을 숨기는 신의 능동적 부재로 보면서, 데리다가 레비나스를 통해 유대교적 전통으로부터 받은 모티브를 바탕으로 사유하고 있음을 말합니다. 그러면서 이렇게 비판적으로 말합니다. "참고할 만한 것 같습니다".

필영이가 아빠 꼬득여 박충일씨 까는 것처럼 보편성을 건드려서 득본 사람들은 요즘은 신세대들이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2021, 03:29:23 AM
언놈이 뭐라고그랴? 낸 암소리 안했다. ;D ;D ::) ::) 8) 8)

Squidgame 오징어게임 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2021, 06:00:21 AM
[조용헌 살롱] [1316] 화천대박의 점괘
조용헌 건국대 석좌교수·문화컨텐츠학
입력 2021.09.26 17:25 | 수정 2021.09.27 00:00

'주역'을 보는 관점은 3가지가 있다. 첫째는 신탁서(神託書)와 점술이다. 점술은 왜 필요한가? 그만큼 미래를 예측하기 어렵기 때문이다. 인간의 이성과 논리만 가지고 하느님이 두는 바둑의 포석을 알기 어렵다. 신의 섭리는 불가사의(不可思議)하다. 어떻게 해서든지 신의 섭리를 슬쩍 커닝이라도 하려면 신탁과 점술이 필요하다. 아무리 미신이라고 두들겨 패도 점술이 없어지지 않고 존재하는 이유이다. 둘째는 인격을 수양하는 수양서로 보는 관점이다. '까불지 말고 조심하고 겸손하라'가 주역의 일관된 메시지이다. 이 말을 듣고 실천하면 인생에서 크게 손해 볼 일 없다. 대부분의 책상물림은 이 두 번째 관점에서 본다. 세 번째는 단학(丹學) 수련의 관점이다. 주역의 64괘를 하나의 달력, 즉 캘린더로 인식한다. 이 달력 날짜에 따라 단전호흡이 이루어져야 한다고 주장한다. '참동계(參同契)'가 이 노선을 대표하는 책이다.

첫 번째의 점술적 관점에서 주역을 해석할 수 있으려면 신기(神氣)가 있어야 한다. 신기가 없으면 주역을 많이 읽는다고 해도 별 소득이 없다. 헛방이다. 차라리 그 노력을 육법전서 읽는 데 투입하면 고시라도 합격한다. 신기는 무의식[藏識]의 출현이다. 누구나 신기는 각자 내장하고 있지만 욕심과 잡념이 무의식을 덮고 있어서 잘 나타나지 못할 뿐이다. 한복 입고 항상 갓을 쓰는 패션에다가 민족종교협의회장을 지냈던 한양원(1924~2016) 선생. 주역의 이론과 실전에 두루 능했던 인물이었다. 학문과 신기를 모두 갖춘 쌍권총이었다는 말이다. 통일교의 문선명도 한양원에게 주역을 배웠다.

국회의원 시절 박지원의 멘토가 이 양반이었다. 대북 송금 문제로 감옥에 가기 전이었다. "자네 운세가 학교에 좀 가겠네." "얼마나요?" "근데 좀 오래 가겠어." 4년 몇 개월 살다 왔다.

'화천대유'를 한양원 선생이 살아 있었다면 어떻게 해석하였을까? 어른이 가고 나니까 물어볼 데가 없어서 답답하다. 아마도 '화천대박'이라고 하지 않았을까. 수천억의 대박이 났다. 대박이 나니까 전직 대법관, 검찰총장, 특검까지 다 모여들었다. 돈 되는 곳에 전교 1등 하던 한국 사회 엘리트들이 다 모여들었다. '천화동인'은 천하의 인재들이 한마음이 되었다는 뜻이다. 대장동은 '뇌천대장' 괘이다. 천둥·번개가 치는 '토르'의 점괘이다. 이 번개를 맞고 이재명이 살아날 수 있을까. 여배우의 점(點)을 통과하고 나니까 토르의 점(占)이 기다리고 있었다.

애꾸 박지원이 사기꾼한테 사기당했구나.
사기당해도 싼놈이니 신경안쓴다만,
박지원 이 인간 때문에 스러져간 휴민트가 얼마더냐!
박지원 이 인간이 국정원장 두 번하더니 과거 미국에서 자행한 행적이나 그동안의 사건사고들을 모두 삭제시켰구나.
검색이 안된다.

사상(四象)이라는 용어가 처음 보이는 곳은 ≪주역≫의 계사전(繫辭傳)이다. 즉, "역에 태극이 있으니 양의를 낳고 양의는 사상을 낳고 사상은 팔괘를 낳는다(易有太極 是生兩儀 兩儀生四象 四象生八卦)"라고 하여 팔괘가 태극·양의·사상의 단계를 거쳐 형성됨을 설명하였다.
그리고 "역에 사상이 있음은, 보이고자 하는 것(易有四象 所以示也)"이라고 하여 사상이 구체적이고 가시적인 자연 현상을 상징함을 언명하였다.
이 두 가지 의미, 즉 팔괘 형성의 한 단계로서의 사상과 자연 현상의 상징으로서의 사상의 의미를 보다 구체적으로 표현한 것은 "대연의 수는 오십인데 사십구만을 쓴다. 사십구를 둘로 나눔은 둘[兩]을 상징함이고, 하나를 걸음은 셋을 상징함이고, 넷으로 나눔은 사시(四時)를 상징함이다..."라는 말이다.
이는 설시(揲蓍)하여 괘를 구하는 과정에 대한 설명으로서, 쉰 개의 시초(蓍草) 중에서 하나를 제외한 마흔아홉 개를 임의로 둘로 나누고, 이것을 각각 넷으로 나눈다는 뜻이다. 일반적으로 이 과정에서 처음부터 쓰이지 않는 하나의 시초를 태극, 마흔아홉 개를 둘로 나눔을 양의, 그리고 그것을 각각 넷으로 나눔을 사상이라고 한다.
여기서 "넷으로 나눔은 사시를 상징한다"라는 말은 사상의 과정이 곧 자연 현상에 있어서의 사계절의 변화를 상징한다는 뜻이다. 이상을 종합해 보면 사상은 본래 점서(占筮)에 있어서 시초에 의한 점법에 나타나는 과정의 하나인데, 여기에 태극·양의·사상이라는 일종의 철학적 개념, 즉 존재의 근원과 자연 현상에 대비하는 사상(思想)으로 발전된 개념임을 알 수 있다.
사상의 개념은 시대의 변천과 각 시대의 주도적 사상에 의해 변화, 발전되었다. 중국 한대의 상수학자(象數學者)들은 월령(月令)과 납갑법(納甲法), 오행설(五行說) 등에 의해 일종의 과학적, 자연 철학적인 해석을 했다.
예컨대, 우번(虞翻)이 "사상은 사시(四時)이다. 양의는 건곤(乾坤)이다. 건괘의 이효와 오효가 곤괘로 가서 감(坎)·이(離)·진(震)·태(兌)를 이룬다. 진은 봄, 태는 가을, 감은 겨울, 이는 여름이며, 그래서 양의가 사상을 낳는다고 한다"라고 말한 것, 맹희(孟喜)와 경방(京房)이 괘기설(卦氣說)에 의해 사상을 사시로 보고 여기에 십간십이지(十干十二支), 오행 등을 배합한 것, ≪건착도 乾鑿度≫의 팔괘방위설(八卦方位說) 등이 그것이다.
당나라의 공영달이 사상을 금(金)·목(木)·수(水)·화(火)라고 한 것도 오행설에 입각한 것이었다. 전국시대 이래의 오행설에서 탈피하여 사상에 대한 독창적인 자연 철학을 수립한 인물은 송대의 소옹(邵雍)이다. 소옹은 철저히 ≪주역≫의 계사전을 계승, 발전시켰다.
계사전의 음양·동정(動靜)·강유(剛柔)·천지(天地)의 개념과 그 철학에 입각하여, "천은 동, 지는 정에서 생겨났고, 동과 정이 교차하여 천지의 변화가 이루어진다"고 전제하고, "동이 시작되어 양·동이 극하면 음이 발생하며 정이 시작되어 유·정이 극하면 강이 발생한다"고 하여, 동에서 천의 음양 운동이 발생하고 정에서 지의 강유 변화가 발생한다고 하였다.
그리고 "동이 큰 것은 태양(太陽), 동이 작은 것은 소양(少陽), 정이 큰 것은 태음(太陰), 정이 작은 것은 소음(少陰)이라 한다"고 하여 물질 운동의 상반된 양면인 동과 정, 그리고 운동의 정도를 태·소로 구별하였다. 일반적으로 사상을 태양·소양·태음·소음이라고 하는 것은 여기에 연유한다.
소옹은 지의 사상을 태강·소강·태유·소유라 하여, 천지의 변화를 각각 네 가지로 구별하고 여기에 구체적인 자연 현상을 분속시켰다. 즉, 태양은 해[日]·더위[暑], 소양은 별[星]·낮, 태음은 달[月]·추위[寒], 소음은 별[辰]·밤이라고 하고, 태강은 불[火]·바람, 소강은 돌[石]·우레[雷], 태유는 물[水]·비[雨], 소유는 흙[土]·이슬[露]이라고 하였다.
천의 해·달·별(星과 辰)이 작용하여 더위·추위·밤·낮의 변화가 발생하고, 지의 물·불·돌·흙이 작용하여 비·바람·우레·이슬의 자연 현상이 있게 된다는 것이다. 소옹은 사상에 의한 자연 현상의 분류를 하도(河圖)·낙서(洛書)의 선천·후천 도수에 배합하기도 하였다.
주희는 ≪역학계몽(易學啓蒙)≫에서 소옹의 선천·후천 도수와 오행설을 결합하여 태양은 9, 소음은 8, 소양은 7, 태음은 6이라고 하였고, 각각 수·화·목·금에 배합하였다. 이와 같이 사상은 중국 철학사에 있어서 오행설과 역학의 상수론(象數論)에 의해 해석되어, 자연과 인간을 철학적·과학적으로 이해하는 데 바탕이 되었다.
≪주역≫에 대한 연구가 심화된 조선조에서도 사상에 대한 연구가 보인다. 서경덕(徐敬德)은 소옹의 학설을 계승하여 "천에는 사신(四辰 : 日·月·星·辰)이 있고 ......일월성신은 천에서 상(象)을 이루고 수화토석은 지에서 질(質)을 이룬다"라고 하였다.
그의 ≪온천변(溫泉辨)≫·≪성음해(聲音解)≫에는 사상론에 입각한 철학적·과학적 사유가 잘 나타나 있다. 이황(李滉)은 ≪계몽전의(啓蒙傳疑)≫에서 주희의 ≪역학계몽≫에 보이는 사상에 관해 더욱 심도 있는 설명을 하여 ≪황제내경≫의 운기론(運氣論)과 ≪황극경세서≫의 이론 등을 자세히 분석하였다.
특히, 납갑(納甲)·비복(飛伏)·점서 등에 대한 제가(諸家)의 이론을 도상화하여 분석한 점이 특징이다. 즉, 사상을 오행·월령·간지·점서·방위·하도·낙서 등에 배열하여 전국시대 이래의 모든 자연 철학을 총괄했는데, 이러한 연구는 장현광(張顯光)에 이르러 더욱 심화되었다.
장현광의 문집인 ≪여헌선생문집 旅軒先生文集≫의 성리설과 역학도설(易學圖說)은 이전의 모든 역설(易說)을 총망라하여 세밀하게 분석하였다. ≪주역≫의 상수학적 관심에서 일단 벗어나 고전의 본래적 의미로 이해할 것을 주장하는 고증적 방법으로 사상을 연구한 학자로서 정약용(丁若鏞)을 들 수 있다.
그는 ≪주역사전(周易四箋)≫에서 "사상이란 사시의 상이다. 천이 밖에서(지를) 감싸고 일·월이 운행하고, 천·지·수·화의 기가 그 사이에서 항상 운동한다", "사시는 십이벽괘(十二辟卦)이다", "(사상의) 사는 천·지·수·화가 체질이 각각 나뉘고 위차(位次)에 차등이 있음이다. ......천과 화가 함께하여 뇌(雷)와 풍(風)이 생겨나고, 지와 수가 어울려 산(山)과 택(澤)이 이루어진다"라고 하여, 사상을 사계절의 변화와 팔괘를 생성하는 네 가지의 기로 해석하였다.
그리고 우번, 정현(鄭玄)이 사상을 남녀장소(男女長少), 수·화·목·금으로 해석한 것을 비판하였다. 조선 말기의 의학자인 이제마(李濟馬)의 ≪동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)≫은 사람의 체질(體質)을 사상으로 분류하여 치료한 독창적인 의서이다. 사상의 의학적 연구 성과라고 하겠다.

이따구 괴상한 괘변이나 늘어놓는 것들이 지남철 쇳대 만지는 조용헌같은 무늬만 사기꾼 도사들이다.

사상(四象) 象에 코끼리 뜻이 있는 것은 태양신전이 모체라서다.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2021, 06:12:10 AM
1억 + 이자 9억은 물건너 가능겨? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

똘마니 애꾸 박지원이 성의가 얼마나 될지 내심 기대가 좃빠지게 크다 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on September 28, 2021, 10:38:53 AM

I hate to disappoint you but this Basmus device is nothing more than a repurposed compact fluorescent converter that is a non-isolated series resonant circuit driven by a single saturating inductor namely the toroid seen just above the right corner of the main resonant inductor.  How do I know this?  I hold the US patent on single saturating inductor drive for resonant inverters/converters!  The Chinese easily stole this patent in the fact that every compact fluorescent lamp assembly built and sold by the Chinese utilizes this technique as they do not belong to the world patent consortium.

It appears this converter drives a concentric copper tube arrangement that could possibly be the source of excess energy but this I doubt!  Why?  Because all of these postings have not one shred of evidence of OU!  No measurements are given just lamps having variable levels of brightness and similar appearing arrangements of haphazard wiring , etc.

You waste a tremendous amount of bandwidth and your point is........................................?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2021, 02:13:14 PM

There is a saying in China's Sun Tzu's Warfare Law called Seongdonggeukseo (聲東擊西).
It means shouting from the east, attacking the west.
Those who have studied the oriental trigrams are adept at fortune telling.
   ☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☯ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷
It means to think in order, to think one more time backwards.
Very few of Asians have mysterious abilities that cannot be explained by science.
Also, some of them secretly interact with famous politicians.
Another status of my dad is that he is one of the best fortune tellers in the East.
The reality is that fortune tellers are treated as savages even in the East.
Because the excellence of science is more realistic than useless fortune telling.
Is Nobel Prize-winning dark energy science better than useless fortune telling?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 28, 2021, 02:25:02 PM
Получение энергии из качера

루슬란이 지금 들떠서 마구마구 설명주잖여. ;D ;D
까꾸로 생각할게 뭬 있어. 여기에 다 나와 있구만. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 29, 2021, 04:30:50 AM
어찌됐든 일본이 언덕 밭 어둠(岸田文雄)을 선택했으니 한반도와는 상극관계됐다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 29, 2021, 07:01:52 AM
역사는 밤에 이루어진다.
일본이 달도 없는 그믐 밤 어둠을 선택했으니 아마도 산적한 많은 현안들을 밀어붙일게다.
기시다 관상도 뱀상이라 목적한 바를 많이 이룰게다.
해가 사라졌으니 지금은 관망이 점괘다.
니들이 미련해서 당했으니 힘을 키우거라.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 29, 2021, 07:11:25 AM

The role of Russian clowns is expected.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 30, 2021, 02:35:04 AM

라면으로 끼니 때운다구 자랑질이냐... ;D ;D ;D ;D

밀본법사가 인혜사 메다꽂을줄 알면 점쟁이구,, 메다꽂게 만들면 매트릭스 Architect제... ::) ::)
밀본법사가 오징어 게임 Architect 메다꽂았다구? ;D ;D
☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☯ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷
삼양라면은 그져 빛 좋은 개살구 핑계일 뿐이구?... 8)

요즘 뻥쟁이 예도가 헛소리하는 라이프니쯔 모나드란, 예수를 재판정에 세운 태양신전 스토리가 아니라, 수학의 개념인 점, 선, 면, 입체각. 1차원, 2차원, 3차원의 형이상학 개념이다.
원래는 피타고라스가 이집트 신성문자인 삼각형 빛(들)에서 착안한 피타고라스 정리인데, 라이프니쯔가 훔쳐다가 창조의 기초인냥 형이상학 반죽해 재정리했다. 역사이래 말만 번드르한 철학자들이 죄다 남의 것 훔쳐다가 조작하는 사기꾼들이다. 8)
태극과 어둠은 허구헌날 쌈박질(생사교차)이 일이라 Architect는 선악의 본질이 늘 뒤바뀐다.
달이나 제우스처럼 모순과 불순물이 늘 상존한다.
등장인물을 보지말구 그 시(상황)가 빛인지 어둠인지만 인지하거라. 8)
니 오욕칠정은 밤낮가리지않구 좃꼴려 훼방칠테니. ::)
예도뿐 아니라 범부들은 죄다 이과다. ;D ;D
니가보는 짬뽕비빔면도 어둠의 일이구 빛의 일이다. ::)

피타고라스주의자들이 자주 써먹었던 용어인데, 이후에 라이프니츠가 다시 사용한 것으로 유명해졌다.
피타고라스주의자들은 차원이 증강할 때 그 기본 단위가 되는 것을 모나드라고 불렀다. 1차원에서 2차원으로, 2차원에서 3차원으로 차원은 진화를 하는데, 이 진화의 기본 단위는 단일한 점이라는 것. 이 단일한 점은 모든 것의 기본이 되는 아무것도 아닌 것인데, 이것을 만물의 기원으로 보기도 했다.
이들에 따르면 세상의 모든 사물과 현상은 이것으로 이루어져 있기 때문에 자연 철학의 일종이라고 볼 수 있다. 데모크리토스의 원자설과는 다르다. 원자설이 실체적, 물리적 개념인 '입자'를 상정한다면 피타고라스주의자들의 모나드는 추상적인 개념인 '원점'을 상정하는 것이다.
라이프니츠는 이 모나드 개념을 존재의 본질적인 형상, 우주의 모든 원리가 담긴 소우주라고 보았다. 이와 같은 모나드는 각각의 모나드끼리 서로 교통하지 않지만 스스로 움직이며, 다른 모나드와 충돌하지 않는다. 이는 신에 의해 완벽한 질서가 부여되어 있는 것, 예정조화에 의해 움직이기 때문이라고 보았다.
이러한 모나드는 각자 서로 다른 소우주를 가지고 있지 않다. 모든 모나드에는 우주 전체가 잠재되어 있으며, A라는 모나드에서는 A라는 모나드의 모습만이 드러나고 있을 뿐이다. 따라서 이런 모나드, 소우주 하나가 파괴되는 것은 나아가 모든 우주가 파괴되는 것과 같은 의미를 지닌다.
하지만 모나드는 예정조화로 움직이기 때문에 모나드 끼리 서로 부딪쳐서 깨어지고, 이로 인해 우주가 파괴되는 일은 발생하지 않는 것이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 30, 2021, 03:00:10 AM
I do not understand the corean written language nor spoken ,so I do not understand Your 'messages' !
Also not written/spoken russian-kyrillic !
When I have concentration I will take Your postes to a good translator !
I forgot to list between ,language evolution related,between Corea and Polynesia a country which is known as Nippon/Japan,probably relates to #1620 the US-Army archive picture and the girls/womans !?



From 1910 to 1945, the Korean Peninsula was occupied by Japan.
The women in the photo above are comfort women who were taken from the Korean Peninsula to various countries by the Japanese.
At that time, the number of comfort women who were taken away was in the hundreds of thousands.
Even now, Japan has not apologized to them or compensated them.
The mistakes of some politicians in Japan and Korea in the past are very, very serious.
The man holding the gun is a Japanese soldier at the time, with photos composited and added for dramatic effect.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on September 30, 2021, 10:29:57 AM
Color; Do you mean this ?

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Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
« Reply #1622 on: Today at 07:35:04 »
https://blog.naver.com/nofa/222521676961 Do

you brag about filling your meals with ramen... If the Master ;D ;D ;D ;D

Milbon knows how to put Inhyesa meda, he is a fortune teller, and if he makes meda plug it is made by Matrix Architect... ::) ::)
Milbon Master is a squid Did you plug in Game Architect? ;D ;D
☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☯ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷
Samyang Ramen is just an excuse for apricots ?... 8)

Leibniz Monadran, Jesus It is not the story of the Temple of the Sun, which established the One-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional metaphysical concept.
Originally, the Pythagorean theorem was inspired by Pythagoras' Egyptian hieroglyph, triangular light(s). Philosophers who have only talked about their words since history are all scammers who steal and manipulate other people's things. 8)
The essence of good and evil is always reversed in architects because Taegeuk and darkness are a work of strife (the intersection of life and death).
Like the moon and Zeus, contradictions and impurities always exist.
Don't look at the characters, just be aware that the poem (situation) is light or dark. 8)
Your mischief doesn't matter day or night, I'm going to harass you. ::)
Not only Yedo, but ordinary people are all science fiction. ;D ;D
As you see, Champon Bibimbap is a work of darkness and a work of light.::)

A term often used by the Pythagoreans, later popularized by Leibniz again.
The Pythagoreans called monads what became the basic unit of a dimension when it was augmented. Dimensions evolve from one dimension to two dimensions and from two dimensions to three dimensions, and the basic unit of this evolution is a single point. This single point is nothing that is the basis of all things, and he also saw it as the origin of all things.
According to them, all objects and phenomena in the world are made of this, so it can be seen as a kind of natural philosophy. This is different from Democritus's atomic theory. If the atomic theory assumes a substantive and physical concept of 'particle', the Pythagorean monad assumes an abstract concept of 'origin'.
Leibniz viewed this monad concept as a microcosm containing all the principles of the universe, the essential form of existence. Monads like this do not communicate with each other, but move on their own and do not collide with other monads. It was believed that this was because perfect order was given by God, and it was moved by predestination harmony.
Each of these monads does not have a different microcosm. The entire universe is latent in all monads, and only the appearance of the monad A is revealed from the monad A. Therefore, the destruction of one such monad or microcosm has the same meaning as the destruction of all universes.
However, since the monads move in predestination harmony, the monads collide with each other and break, and the universe is not destroyed.

Regards Sil
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on September 30, 2021, 11:51:53 AM
Interesting. Two Tesla coils. How about setting them in such mode that shorting output of second one do not affect input power to the first one. Then we can use resonant circuit in first Tesla coil with high Q factor to step up power and power is energy IF there is a way to pull ambient background or in this case - Earth magnetic field.
Exactly what Barbosa and Leal tried to patent....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 30, 2021, 12:07:07 PM

The colloquial language of Korean is often mixed with dialects spoken in each region, so it is often difficult to interpret with Google Translate.
Google Translate can interpret about 70% of the written Korean language,
Colloquialism mixed with dialect can only be interpreted 10-50% of the time.


밀본법사가 인혜사 메다꽂을줄 알면 점쟁이구,, 메다꽂게 만들면 매트릭스 Architect제... ::) ::)

The above is
If you can know the magic confrontation between Milbon and Inhye-sa in the Korean historical book "Samguk Yusa", you can become a fortune teller as a profession, but if,
If you make them fight by magic, that means he's the creator of the Matrix.
However, the interline or double line is a metaphor for yesterday's newly elected Japanese prime minister, and it is a hint that he will put pressure on Korea.
The name of the new Japanese Prime Minister is 岸田文雄.
Translated from the Chinese character, it means "the male language of the hill field".
Precisely referring to the Apep snake.

So, if my Dad posted on the forum in Korean, I would appreciate it if you could understand it as content that only Koreans can understand without needing to interpret it.

Please understand that only about 70% of the above is interpreted.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on September 30, 2021, 12:22:33 PM


Members of Russian cafes post jokes, lies and truth in a haphazard mix.
They are close to clowns.
My dad was also attracted to them because he was hanging out with them.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 01, 2021, 01:36:17 AM
Quote from: color on September 30, 2021, 12:22:33 PM

Members of Russian cafes post jokes, lies and truth in a haphazard mix.
They are close to clowns.
My dad was also attracted to them because he was hanging out with them.
I wonder how many have tried that set up ? It wont work befor you wast your time and resorses.

You would do well to watch some of the Dasve Adair vids on you tube !
Oh and thanks for showing the BW pic asian women can be a sauce of interest, a friend frequently
visits China.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2021, 08:04:05 AM
프로이트 / 토템과 타부

오이디푸스 콤플렉스는 헤드젯과 달과 하늘, 땅의 관계다.
엄마(하늘신 누트)를 두고 경쟁하는 것은 태양과 달의 운명이다.
태양과 달이 아버지(땅신 게브)와 경쟁하는 것은 아니다.
아버지는 태양빛에 노출되는 후위 층위다.
아버지와 아들들이 경쟁하는 것이 아니라 이집트 신화를 모세의 여호와처럼 극악하게 왜곡했다.
이것을 프로이트가 콤플렉스나 정신병으로 규정한 것은 유대교식 종교관 개입이다.
그래서 오이디푸스 콤플렉스는 존재하는 것이 아니다.
늘 살부대끼고 사는 가족들간의 마찰과 꼰대정신에 입각한 아버지들의 강압적인 훈계가 자식들과 문제를 유발하는 것 뿐이다.
모세를 본받아 태양신전을 까대는 구시대 프로이트가 유대교 여호와에 반기들었다면 그의 이름이 세상에 나오지도 못했다.

아빠가 예도보고 뻥쟁이라고하는 것은,
니 자의적인 해석이 매번 들어간다는게다.
니가 그 뜻을 알고서 올바르게 인용하면 뭐라하지 않는다.
니도 모르면서 아는냥 엉뚱한 예제 들어가며 그게 그뜻인냥 땜빵식 시간때우기 한다는게다.
니가 더 잘알것 아니냐.
그딴식으로 시간때우는 한 시간이 무슨 의미가 있겠니.
차라리 원서 읽고 말아.
가방끈입네하는 것들이 그러면 모를줄 알지만 아빠같은 덕후나 왼만히 깬 트수들 니가 사기치는거 죄다 안다.
니 유튜브에 댓글 안달리는 이유가 뭐겠니.
니만 철학서 원문 아는거 아니다.
니가 읽은 뻥쟁이들 원문책 아빠도 거의 다 읽었다.
글구 니가 말하는 존재의 숲인가 뭔가 들어갔으면 실제로 걸으면서 씨브려야지 근 한시간을 제자리에서 몸만 건들거리는거 보는 트수들 짜증난다.
대머리 자랑질하며 니 건덜거리는거 까꾸로 서있는 오징어-헤드젯 아니다 쌍놈아!.
트수들 속이는거 니 뻥만있는거 아니다.

그동안 아빠까고싶어 안달났던 가방끈들 여럿있었다.
그냥반들 죄다 나가떨어졌다.
그리고 틈만나면 아빠씹는게 일이다.
대표가 한양대 정민 교수다.
쫌생이 중에 쫌생이.
아빠가 뭘 모르면서 썰푸는거 아니다.
아빠가 구독한 유튜브만 일만개가 넘는다.
니들은 시간없다는 핑계로 못보고 안보지만, 아빠는 남는게 시간이다.
요점만 추려도 하루 왼종일간다.
아빠가 늘 공부하는 방식이기도하다.

고노 빼고 죄다 아베가 꽂아넣은 심복들인데  누가될지 그걸 모르겠느냐.
점쟁이 기본기가 뭣이더냐.
관상부터 사주팔자에서 드러나는 기본적인 정보 아니겠느냐.
양념으로 첨가된 여자들 제외하면 고노랑 기시다만 남는다.
고노 집안이 중국공산당과 밀접한 관계라 기시다가 되는 것은 이미 정해진 상태였다.
짜고치는 고스톱도 그럴듯하게 꾸며야하는 것이 전후 미국과 유대자본의 눈치보는 일본의 속내란건 국룰아니겠느냐.
기본적인 정보만 가지고도 빛과 어둠이 극명해 빼박 국룰인 주역점괘는 도리어 방해다.
몇년 전 힐러리와 트럼프 승부도 비슷했다.
연설할 때 원고없이 두 세 시간을 풀로 씨부리는 자는 드물다.
트럼프 장점이다.
보편적인 중산층 이하가 트럼프 뽑았다.
8년 집권한 흑인 오바마에 이어 같은 민주당 여자가 차기 대권이 될 활률은, 아무리 페미니즘 시대라도 미국 정서로는 어렵고 공화, 민주당에서도 원하지 않았다.
바이든 아니라도 겉멋든 힐러리는 당내에도 적이 많다.
힐러리 까는 태반의 정보가 민주당 계열에서 나왔다.
힐러리 싫어하는 여자들이 더 많다는거 미국여자들만 안다.
투표조작은 접어두고라도 힐러리는 책잡힐게 너무 많았다.
힐러리 당선되면 미국 정보계통이 그대로 세계에 노출된다.
미국정부으로서도 부담이 크다.
아빠도 트럼프를 점쳤고,  일베 일게이들과 내기도 이거였다.
나루히토 왕세자가 일왕으로 등극할 때 트럼프가 한국까지 방문 안한다가 두 번째 내기였다.
유명한 애니의 주인공 나루토가 나루히토 왕세자가 모델이였다는건 성진국 애니 덕후들은 다 안다.
나루히토 덕분에 '레이와(令和)' 모델된 스가가 총리됐다.
이것도 짜고친 고스톱이다.
일왕 등극식 구경하고 트럼프가 한국에  온다안온다 말들이 많아서 대부가 트럼프 겁박해 안왔다.
기본적인 한국의 정서다.
혹여 비밀리에라도 미군부대 방문하면 명줄 시마이라고 했다.
바이든은 이미 100경 현상금까지 걸려있다.
움직이기 쉽지 않을게다.

원자탄 두 방 맞은 일본과 이스라엘은 직접적인 은원관계가 없다.
아베가 이스라엘 방문해서 외짝 신발 대접받은 것은,
서있는 아펩뱀이 신고 있는 외짝 연꽃 신발이다.
일본이 이것을 알고있는지 시험한거다.
일본도 여러번 건달바성 덕봤다.
쌍낫배를 신발로 가진 일본에 대한 이스라엘식 대접이다.
상극관계의 만남이다.
일본이 한자의 변형인 뱀처럼 구불구불한 히라가나 문자를 사용하는 것도 있지만,
창세기 배로 땅바닥을 기어다니는 저주받은 뱀을 문자로 채택한 나라에 대한 대접이다.
히브리문자는 서있는 뱀의 머리(뱀대가리 셋도 있다)가 주류다.
동질성을 끌어내기 위한 것도 있었다.
이스라엘이 서있는 절뚝발이 creator-아펩뱀을 자처하니 세상은 모든 뱀문자는 바닥에 기어다닌 후위 뱀들일 뿐이다.
그믐달을 영토로가진 일본은 근본적으로 절반은 어둠의 아펩뱀과다.
岸田文雄(언덕 밭 문자 수컷)은 이미 오래전부터 유대인들 입맛에 맞춘 차기 총리로 지명되어 있었다.
그들이 숭배하는 암흑(에너지)을 최첨단 과학론(가설)에 은근슬쩍 껴넣고 노벨상까지 주는 것이 현 유대인들의 힘이다.
중국이 깨지면 세계도 깨진다.
고난의 행군 경험한 중국은 견딜 수 있지만 세계는 몸살이 클게다.
우한폐렴(코로나-19) 원죄있으니 안할 수도, 빗겨갈 수도 없다.
세계 풍찬노숙은 현재진행형이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2021, 08:08:26 AM

Принцип электростатического генератора

Some of the members of Russia are for the purpose of sabotage.
pretend not to know
The picture below (200W part) is true.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2021, 10:59:11 PM
If the model in the circuit diagram above worked, China would have emerged as an energy powerhouse six years ago, and the current nationwide power outage and the extreme situation of limited power transmission even in Beijing, the capital, would not have occurred. ::) ::)
The Chinese are very greedy and ravenous like pigs. 8)
And the population is too large. 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 01, 2021, 11:22:48 PM
자의식의 극의.
(extremes of self-consciousness)?!
Vegeta transformation that resembles a Chinese person is not translated into English.
It's like a limitation of Google Translate.
By the way, Son Goku is Ultra Instinct(무의식의 극의).
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 02, 2021, 12:01:00 AM
남의 집 처자 떡판이 더 커보였나 보지 뭐.... ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 09:38:38 AM
so similar the Tri/s


SUPRAKREIS II,#1 : the Delta birds

"thinking" allowed ?!  ;)

and being ,by common outfit in line with the other sisters( and/or brothers)

two bodies,really "two" ,identical twins, bodies or divided "siamese twins "(two halves)





There is no difference between the text you post and the content delivered by direct message.
It seems like it would be safe to post it as a public post.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 09:46:58 AM
I like Germania, but with the defeat of the German Democrats(CDU), will the next Prime Minister's post circle the Rubicon and detour far away? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 09:52:06 AM
아빠, 또 여자사람은 게르마니아가 원하지 않을거야 아빠.


Плазма признак работы магнитного поля сердечника.

В чём прикол? При подключении лампочек входная мощность возрастает в 8 раз. За счёт напряжения, хотя ток потребления тот же.

При КЗ ток потребления падает, вот в чем прикол. Смотри КЗ в конце ролика.

Я на видео попутал ток и напряжение. Забавный момент. Полезно было бы увидеть характеристику зависимости входного тока от сопротивления на выходе.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 06:05:50 PM
Hello color,

I write to You as open as in my postes to others !

Actually my forum-status cause my "interference" with a new member : "moderated" ! ::)

Gives me much time to think and review much own and postes by others in many topics/threads !

Not a time loose ! ;)

A nice and productive week wishing



Damocles is a character who appears in an (likely apocryphal) anecdote commonly referred to as "the Sword of Damocles", an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power. Damocles was an obsequious courtier in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, a 4th-century BC ruler of Syracuse, Sicily.

The anecdote apparently figured in the lost history of Sicily by Timaeus of Tauromenium (c. 356–260 BC). The Roman orator Cicero (c. 106-43 BC) may[citation needed] have read it in the texts of Greek historian Diodorus Siculus. Cicero used it in his Tusculanae Disputationes, 5. 61, by which means it passed into the European cultural mainstream.

Sword of Damocles

According to the story, Damocles was pandering to his king, Dionysius, exclaiming that Dionysius was truly fortunate as a great man of power and authority without peer, surrounded by magnificence. In response, Dionysius offered to switch places with Damocles for one day so that Damocles could taste that very fortune firsthand. Damocles quickly and eagerly accepted the king's proposal. Damocles sat on the king's throne, surrounded by countless luxuries. There were beautifully embroidered rugs, fragrant perfumes and the most select of foods, piles of silver and gold, and the service of attendants unparalleled in their beauty, surrounding Damocles with riches and excess. But Dionysius, who had made many enemies during his reign, arranged that a sword should hang above the throne, held at the pommel only by a single hair of a horse's tail to evoke the sense of what it is like to be king: though having much fortune, always having to watch in fear and anxiety against dangers that might try to overtake him. Damocles finally begged the king that he be allowed to depart because he no longer wanted to be so fortunate, realizing that with great fortune and power comes also great danger.

King Dionysius effectively conveyed the sense of constant fear in which a person with great power may live. Dionysius committed many cruelties in his rise to power, such that he could never go on to rule justly because that would make him vulnerable to his enemies. Cicero used this story as the last in a series of contrasting examples for reaching the conclusion in his fifth Disputation, in which the theme is that having virtue is sufficient for living a happy life.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 06:12:32 PM
세상의 모든 핵미사일이 한반도로 날아온다면 그것은 북한이 아니라 말총 네 가닥 나눠가진 일본과 중국 때문이야.... ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 06:15:27 PM
뚱서방 사고방식 답네
광명성 말총 네 가닥이 북한게 아니구?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 06:22:12 PM
시골깡촌구석 삼류인문고졸 헐랭구가 언제는 대갈통 생각하구 여물통 씨부리담
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 06:30:39 PM
대부가 참아.
대한민굴 광명성 2호 100년후에나 달나라 갈거같아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 06:41:09 PM
내는 이런 동네가 살고싶다 게희야.... ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
벽에 똥칠하는 애꾸한테 언넝언넝 기별너라 개희야... 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 06:51:08 PM

쓰레기통으로 악어 제압하는 방법

엄마가 가끔 아빠 제압할 때 쓴다 개희야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 07:22:24 PM
명색이 동방예의지국인데,,,, 사유리 이년 미친거 아니냐? 언넝언넝 내쪼차라 안되것다 개희야.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
대한민굴 꼬추들은 쬐깐해가 밑구녕 성에 안찬다 이것여? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 03, 2021, 07:31:36 PM
Описание принципа работы БТГенератора Слободяном.

There is a legend that Russian ghosts still live in Daehanmin Cave.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2021, 10:49:28 AM
오징어 게임(Squid Game Commentary)

넷플릭스 영화 "오징어 게임"에 나오는 [깐부]라는 말 뜻 어원에 대해 여러가지 설이 있는데,

친한 친구, 짝꿍, 동반자를 뜻하는 은어·속어다. 같은 의미지만 다른 발음으로는 깜보, 깜부, 가보(갑오) 등이 있으며 지역마다 발음이 약간씩 다르지만 대체적으로 의미는 같다.

주로 어린아이들이 구슬치기나 딱지치기를 하면서 동맹을 맺을 때 "깐부(깜보)하자"라고 한다.

해당 어휘가 추억을 자극시키는 어휘여서 그런지 브랜드나 창작물 이름에 자주 쓰이고 있다. 1986년 영화 깜보가 제작되었고, KBS 상상플러스에는 메인 캐릭터 깜부가 등장했다. 깐부치킨의 깐부도 여기서 따온 이름이다.

어원에 대해서는 명확히 밝혀지지 않았으나 원형은 깜보로, 깐부나 깜부는 깜보가 변형된 것으로 보인다. 1959년 세기문화사에서 간행한 이주홍의 동화집 제목 '외로운 깜보'에 쓰인 예가 있으며 1968년 3월 21일자 동아일보  어린이 언어생활에 미치는 전파광고의 영향력이란 기사에서는 '깜보'가 약속을 뜻하는 어린이 은어로 소개되었다.

미국에서 소규모 음악 밴드(주로 재즈)를 뜻하는 단어인 'combo(캄보)'가 미8군을 통해 민간에 퍼지면서 깜보가 되었다는 설이 있다. 실제로 그 당시 미군 기지촌 근처에 살았던 이들은 재즈밴드를 아직도 '깜보'라고 부른다고 한다. 또 다른 어원설로 '콤비'에서 비롯되었다는 설이 있다. 앞선 어원이 맞다면 콤비와 캄보는 모두 어원을 공유할 수 있다. 둘 다 영단어 combination의 생략어(clipping)를 어원으로 삼는 셈이기 때문이다.

친구 사이의 깊은 우정을 뜻하는 고사성어 관포지교의 관중과 포숙아를 뜻하는 '관포'의 발음에서 유래했다는 설도 있다. 즉, 어른들이 "우리는 관포지교의 사이다", "너희들은 관포지교와 같은 사이구나" 라는 식으로 말하는 것을 당시 아이들은 고사성어를 몰랐으니 그 중 관포를 깐보, 간부, 깐부 식으로 부르기 시작했다는 것. 아이들이 죽마고우와 같은 사자성어를 잘 모르고 죽고마우 같은 식으로 바꿔 부르는 사례가 있음을 생각하면 아예 말이 안되는 것이 아니지만, 이 추측은 비슷한 어떤 출처도 확인되지 않기 때문에, 유래의 확실성을 따지기 어려운 그 특성상 그만큼 신빙성은 감안하고 받아들이는 것이 좋다.

국립국어원에서 어원을 확인하지 못해 깐부치킨에 문의한 결과로는, 깐부치킨 측에서는 평안도 방언으로 알고 있다고 한다. 다만, 대표자가 고향인 이북에서 들었던 말이라는 이야기지, 다른 지역 방언과 비교해본 결과는 아닌 것으로 보인다.

변희재 카페

변희재도 깐부에 대해 한소리했다면,
여기 댓글 중에,

저도 오징어 드라마보다 깐부듣고 저렇게도 쓰나 하고 놀랫습니다..
우리어릴때 딱지 구슬치기 엄청한 세대로써 그땐 깐부가아니라 가부 라고 했읍니다.주식회사 할때 주식!株式)이 일본발음으로 가부시키인데 株가 가부인거죠.가부란 공동출자하여 공동 운영 하는동업자란 의미인거죠.
전쟁터(?딱지나구슬치기현장)에서 딱지나 구슬 다 잃으면(오링) 다른판에있던 가부에게 즉시 딱지나 구슬을 아무조건없이 무상 대여받습니다.많이따면 내일 갖고놀 일부분만 남겨두고 나머진 가부 비밀금고(가부끼리약속한 장소)에 저장을 하죠. 발을 씻는것을 발을 닦는다라고 하는 표현을 보고 서울식 사투리구나 하는데 깐부 처음듣고 아! 저거 서울 촌말이구나 했습니다.저는 아무리생각해도 어원이 가부가 맞는것같습니다.물론 일본말이죠.70년대말까지 일본말 많이 썻었지요.

깐부가 가부(株)에서 왔다고 주장하는데,
단도직입적으로 아니다.

깐부는 가보(家寶)에서 온 말이다.
집안의 값나가는 가보가 언내들 놀이에까지 얽힌 것은, 예전 투전판이나 화투판에서 땅문서나 가보 걸고 투전하던 어른들 놀음을 언내들이 흉내내면서 쓰게된 말이다.

"가보 걸어"라는 말은, 자신있으면 가진 것 다 걸고 덤벼보라는 뜻인데, 애들이 어른들 따라서 쓰게된 으시대는(거만한) 말이다.

오징어 게임 감독은 10년 전에 만들어진 시나리오라고 주장하지만 영화 세트 설정은 넷플릭스 영화 "종이의 집"을 많이 표절했다.
영화 매니아들은 어디를 표절했는지 대번에 알게다.
보는 내내 불편했다면 깐부처럼 좀 어설픈 연출인게 표나는 영화다.
감독이 아우슈비츠 설정이라고 주장하지만 "종이의 집"에도 상황만 다른 비슷한 세트 설정이 많다.

곧 한국판 "종이의 집"이 나온다고 하니까 이래저래 도용같다.
약간의 표절은 활력소나 문제의식 제기가 되겠지만, 누가봐도 표절은 아쿠라 발전기 표절한 루슬란처럼 철면피다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2021, 11:07:43 AM
#1645 2.0 : russian ghost or russian soul ?
                    Holografics and Matrjoschka :

                   Prof. Kanarev : peak 15 000 Watt are 'average  144 Watt',these 144 W but 'time-vectorial 1,44 Watt '

Russian ghost : Puschkin reading or/and Puschkin drinking !? Sa sdorowje !
Salute 2.0

How will chinese rating agencies react ?
How many new constructed buildings/ghost towns are inhabitatet ? Or : empty ?!

The Yuan/Renmimbi/Waibi administrated disvalorization ?
China,as PR,is now in an adult situation,which reached ,compareable,US pre-Lehman Bros./AIG  finance /capital covering warranty system
inbalance !
We will see in the next months a chain reaction ,political and social !


The Winter Olympics will be held in February next year in Beijing, China.
If you believe that people are suffering from the cold from now on for the clear weather of the Beijing sky on that day, about 2% is correct.

The sharp rise in natural gas prices in Russia is thanks to Chinese hoarding.
Russian ghosts are said to be treatable with garlic and iodine solutions.

Божественное Чудо Средство Чеснок И Йод От Многих Заболеваний
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2021, 11:19:23 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
이거 337이가 봐야되는디 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 05, 2021, 12:40:57 PM
Korean politicians understand and fear my twin Dad as a spirit medium talking to ghosts.

БТГ от Калабухова или нЕТ ?

Походу кулабухова установка но экономика на нагрузке как-то не серьёзно , может вместо кондера аккумы стоять

Внизу вратарей от планшетов
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2021, 04:10:56 PM
[인간은 대상이 허상임을 알 때 집착에서 벗어날 수 있고 자신의 시선 속에 타인을 억압하는 욕망의 시선이 깃들어 있음을 깨달을 때 좀 더 타인을 이해할 수 있다.]

니가 한 얘기가 아니지만 니가 동경하는 것 같아 보편적 인식 사유로 가급적 충돌이 적게 반박해볼께.
허상과 이해 이면에 있는 자중의 요구는, 자중 압력이 보편적 억압에 기댄 압력이다.
"그랬으니 그렇다(그럴 것이다)"는 논리의 한시성은 인간 욕망과 망각의 차원에서는 무의미해.
늘 숨쉬며 먹고싸는 인간생리에서 특정한 사유의 결과란 계몽의 차원에서 욕심 그만 부리라는 씹선비 논리 이상은 아니다.

[인간은 대상이 허상임을 알 때]
허상이란 자신의 감각적 신체 세계 외에 모두 빛이 만들어낸 한시적 허상이다.
한시적 전제는 욕망과 망각에 의해 늘 변증법적이다.
변증법을 쉽게 말하면 모순논리라는 뜻이다.
상대적인 논증이 자기 자신과 싸우는 자살과 같다는 뜻이다.

그리스어의 동사 "대화하다" 혹은 "강연하다"를 뜻하는 말에서 유래했다. 아리스토텔레스(Aristotle, 기원전 384-322)는 에레아의 제논(Zeno of Elea, 기원전 약490-430)이 변증법을 발견했다고 했으며, 논적(論敵)의 가설을 상대방이 받아들일 수 없도록 논박하는 제논의 파라독스에 대해서 인용하고 있다. 이 용어는 소크라테스(Socrates, 470-399)가 처음으로 일반적 응용을 하였으며 그 후에 플라톤(Plato, 기원전 427-347)의 아카데미에서 논의의 선법(論議의 旋法, 論爭의 旋法, mode of argument)으로 나타났다.

이것은 논쟁술(eristic)이나 논쟁의 기예(art of disputation)와는 구분이 되었으며, 이런 것들은 소피스트들이 토론(논쟁)에서 승리하기 위해서 행하던 것들이었고, 사실 소크라테스파의 대화는 진리의 탐색과는 관계없이 시작되었다. 플라톤 자신은 변증법을 최고의 철학적 방법으로 간주했고, 변증법을 이용하여 사고를 정의하는 범위, 예를 들면 그 후 논리학이라 할 수 있는 속과 종, 그리고 단일 원리적 입장에서 이들 간의 상호연결을 명시하는 바, 예를 들면 그 후 형이상학이라 할 만한 선(善)의 형식을 나타냈다.

아리스토텔레스의 변증법에 대한 견해에서는 낮게 칭찬을 하고 있다. 아리스토텔레스는 분석학(Analytics)에서 해설하기를 변증법이 단순히 있음직한 전제(premises)에 기초하고 있다고 생각하여, 전제는 대화자의 동의에 의존하는데, 이것은 오히려 삼단논법의 추리원리에 의해서 엄밀하게 증명되어야 할 전제라고 하였다[아리스토텔레스 논리학].

"아킬레우스는 거북을 따라잡을 수 없다".

발 빠른 트로이 전쟁의 용사 아킬레우스가 거북과 달리기 경쟁을 하여, 거북의 뒤에서 출발한다면, 아킬레우스는 결코 거북을 따라잡지 못한다 하는 역설이다. 왜 그런가?

아킬레우스가 거북이 있는 지점에 이르렀을 때에 거북도 또한 그 동안에 조금은 앞으로 나아갔다. 다음에 또 아킬레우스가 거북이 있는 지점에 이르렀을 때면, 이번에도 또한 거북은 조금은 앞으로 나아갔다. 그렇기 때문에 아킬레우스는 영원히 거북을 따라잡을 수 없다는 것이다.

A 지점에서 B 지점에 걸어간다고 하자. B 지점에 도달하기 전에 우선 전체의 절반이 되는 거리를 걸어가야 한다. 그 중간 지점에 이르렀을 때에 절반의 거리가 남아 있다. 그리고 그 절반의 거리 중간에 도착했을 때에, 나머지 반의 그 또 반의 거리가 남아 있다. 이 절반의 분할은 무한히 반복된다.

거리가 아무리 짧다고 하더라도 그 절반을 이동하기 위해서는 어느 정도의 시간이 필요하게 되고, 남은 거리는 여전히 반으로 분할되기 때문에, A 지점에서 B 지점에 가기 위해서는 무한한 시간이 필요해진다. 즉, 결코 B 지점에 도달할 수 없는 것이다.

물론 제논은 현실적으로는 굳이 아킬레우스가 아니더라도, 건강한 사람이라면 거북을 쉽게 따라잡는다고 하는 것을 모른 것이 아니었다. 그가 제시한 것은, 상식과 운동의 법칙은 양립할 수 없다는 점이었다. 따라서 그는 현실에 관한 일반의 이해는 합리적인 것이 아니라고 생각하였다. (제논의 과오는 무한을 무한으로 나누었다는 점에 있었다).

제논은 일상적 경험의 불합리성을 지적하기 위하여 온갖 역설을 증명하였다.

(1) 공간의 존재에 관한 역설,
(2) 사물의 다수성(多數性)에 관한 역설,
(3) 운동의 역설 등. 그 중에도 가장 유명한 것이 운동의 역설에 관한 것. 제논은 운동의 역설에 관해서도 네 가지 역설을 제시하고 있다.

그 중 가장 널리 알려진 것이 '아킬레우스와 거북'의 이야기이다.

아킬레우스(어둠신 아펩)는 거북이(태양신전)를 따라 잡지 못한 근본적인 이유는 자연섭리(자연진리)다.
어둠은 태양을 초월은 물론 영원히 따라잡지 못한다.
거북이와 아킬레스가 뛰는 속도는 똑같다.
현상계에 저당잡힌 논리 철학만이 거북이와 아킬레스의 속도를 제각각 규정한다.
어둠신과 결탁한 제우스 추종자들이 태양-거북이 굴복시키려 현상계 논리 도입해 자연섭리를 추월하려는 시도가 Zenon의 파라독스다.
하루 12시간 태양이 거북이 속도로 진행하는 것은 어쨌든 사실 아닌가.

보편적 종교는 신이 설정한 특정의 형이상 세계에 올인하지만,
철학은 그들이 만든 형이상학 세계를 동경하며 현상계에 적용시키려 한다.
보편적 종교는 현상계를 완전하게 배척해 형이상 세계와 충돌이 없지만(적지만),
철학은 그들의 이상향을 현상계에 적용시키려 강제하기에 매우 심각한 충돌이 발생한다.
이것이 근대 공산주의 시발이다.

니가 예시로 든 솔로몬이 전도서에서 헛되도다 씨부린 것은,
부와 권력을 다 가진 권력자로서 갖지 못한 자들의 도전과 응-항전을 무마시킬 목적으로서 그리고,
영원하지 못한 유한의 생명을 가진, 신의 영생을 동경하는 한 인간으로서 현타일 뿐이다.
종교적 입장에서는 태양 아래 새로운 것이 있다.
어둠은 태양 아래 늘 새롭다.
태양 아래 존재할 수 없기에 새롭고, 태양이 이룩한 모든 것을 헛된 것으로 만들 수 있기에 헛됨이 완성된다.

[인간은 대상이 허상임을 알 때 집착에서 벗어날 수 있고]

집착은 유한의 생명으로 비로된 늘 먹고싸는 생리적인 보상차원이다.
그래서 인간 집착에는 종교적인 것 말고는 허상이 없다.
니가 비싼 스포츠카 페라리나 람보르기니 동경하는 것이 허상이라면 금전적인 문제이지 허상과는 무관하다는게다.
신은 종교가 만든 허상의 근원이자 전부지만,
그러나 욕망하던 현상계 대상을 이상세계로 전이시킨 것에 불과한 것이라 허상과는 거리있다.

[자신의 시선 속에 타인을 억압하는 욕망의 시선이 깃들어 있음을 깨달을 때]

타인을 억압하는 것은 피아구별에서 시작한 정복전쟁의 산물이다.
전쟁방법과 목적만 달라졌을 뿐 지금도 정복중이고 인류 끝날까지 정복전쟁은 멈추지 않는다.
희랍철학은 이상세계를 현상계에 관철시키려는 제논의 파라독스에서 시작했다고해도 과언이 아니다.

[자신의 시선 속에 타인을 억압하는 욕망의 시선이 깃들어 있음을 깨달을 때 좀 더 타인을 이해할 수 있다]

해서 타인을 이해할 수 있는 여유는 인류 끝날까지 전쟁중인 현상계가 아니라 늘 평화만 존재있는? 저 천국 이상계에 있다.
현상계에서 이해란 이상계의 보상을 바라는 이해타산이 전부다.
이도저도 아닌 것은 처벌이 두려운 욕망제어일 뿐이고.

모든 철학논의는 한시적 결과와 목적에서 출발한다.
율법과 같다.
세상의 모든 법은 보편성이 아니라 특수성의 보편화다.
철학도 특수성의 보편화 위에 있다.
허상과 이해란 특수성의 보편화 위에서 시작된 철학의 씹선비 짓거리다.
철학이 아킬레스처럼 사유자살 강요는 자기싸움이며 종교와 권력의 개입이다.

트로이 왕자 파리스(세마리 아펩뱀 대표자격)가 쏜 화살의 이름은 아킬레스이며, 아킬레스는 자신이 자신에게 죽은 최초의 파라독스다.
그렇다면 아킬레스를 스스로 자살케한 Troy는 어디에 위치하겠는가.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2021, 04:14:20 PM
'주역'에 '주머니를 묶으면 허물이 없다(括囊無咎)'고 했고, 전(傳)에는 '행실은 바르게 하고 말은 겸손하게 한다(危行言遜)'고 했소.
왜 그렇게 말을 함부로 하느냐는 상대의 타박에, 입 닫고 가만있으면 허물이야 없겠지만, 말하지 않을 수 없어서 한 말이다. 앞뒤 가리지 않고 말한 속뜻은 살피지 않고, 이렇게 멋대로 힐난하니 너나 말조심하라는 뜻이다.

한양대 정민 교수가 하나만 알고 둘은 모르는구나.
주머니 묶어서 터틀맨이 죽었다.

양란을 모두 겪은 의병장 출신 씹선비 윤선도가 주역을 인용한 것은 자신의 과격한 언행은 모르쇠, 남의 언행은 문제삼는 내로남불이라고 스스로 실토하는 소리다.
방귀 낀 놈이 큰소리 치는 것은 씹선비 전통이다.
주머니 묶었다면 임진왜란 때 거북선도 없다.
병자호란 때 주머니 묶었다면 삼전도 굴욕도 없다.
맹공자 유교는 충성 효를 강요하는 사대정신이 뿌리다.
거북이 대가리는 늘 불타고 있었지만, 사대사상에 입각한 조선조 씹선비들이 제 몸 꺾는 례(禮)로 바꿨다.
니들은 맹공자 어질 仁(moon)에 500년 세뇌당한 인혜사 후손이다 씹창놈들아.
주댕이만 나불거리던 조선조 씹선비들 덕분이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2021, 04:43:44 PM
Контур Юровского по схеме novator75 Ч2.

People looking for war relics in meaningless places like them 100 years ago seem to have their own reasons.
The original has no words...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2021, 05:19:49 PM
데리다 / 성서

뻥쟁이 철학도 예도는 데리다가 유대교 사유하는지 인쟈 알았나보다.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 06, 2021, 05:37:30 PM
Alfic, попробуй провести «Предварительный Тест БИФа» с заземлением,, без нагрузки, затем с нагрузкой Rn=60-200-300Вт., а затем пусти нагрузку через диод. Появится картина и будет видно, как она меняется, и останется только понять что откуда. Это будет ответ на твой вопрос, и не только.
Ниже схема, в ней нет законченности, поэтому ни знаю, надо это кому или нет, но всё же.
Какое-то время, мене будет не до этих задач, ну а там посмотрим.

It's harder than the sun rising in the west for foolish Russians to want someone to repent, Dad.

뻥쟁이 예도 다음 뻥강은 아마도 제논의 파라독스 터틀맨과 아킬레스일거야 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 07, 2021, 06:22:24 AM


여호수아 7장
1   이스라엘 자손들이 바친 물건을 인하여 범죄하였으니 이는 유다 지파 세라의 증손 삽디의 손자 갈미의 아들 아간이 바친 물건을 취하였음이라 여호와께서 이스라엘 자손들에게 진노하시니라
2   여호수아가 여리고에서 사람을 벧엘 동편 벧아웬 곁에 있는 아이로 보내며 그들에게 일러 가로되 올라가서 그 땅을 정탐하라 하매 그 사람들이 올라가서 아이를 정탐하고
3   여호수아에게로 돌아와서 그에게 이르되 백성을 다 올라가게 말고 이삼천명만 올라가서 아이를 치게 하소서 그들은 소수니 모든 백성을 그리로 보내어 수고롭게 마소서 하므로
4   백성중 삼천명쯤 그리로 올라갔다가 아이 사람 앞에서 도망하니
5   아이 사람이 그들의 삼십 륙인쯤 죽이고 성문 앞에서부터 스바림까지 쫓아와서 내려가는 비탈에서 쳤으므로 백성의 마음이 녹아 물 같이 된지라
6   여호수아가 옷을 찢고 이스라엘 장로들과 함께 여호와의 궤 앞에서 땅에 엎드려 머리에 티끌을 무릅쓰고 저물도록 있다가
25   여호수아가 가로되 네가 어찌하여 우리를 괴롭게 하였느뇨 여호와께서 오늘날 너를 괴롭게 하시리라 하니 온 이스라엘이 그를 돌로 치고 그것들도 돌로 치고 불사르고
26   그 위에 돌 무더기를 크게 쌓았더니 오늘날까지 있더라 여호와께서 그 극렬한 분노를 그치시니 그러므로 그곳 이름을 오늘날까지 아골 골짜기라 부르더라

Joshua 7 [NASB]        
But the sons of Israel acted unfaithfully in regard to the things under the ban, for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, from the tribe of Judah, took some of the things under the ban, therefore the anger of the LORD burned against the sons of Israel.
Now Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is near Beth-aven, east of Bethel, and said to them, "Go up and spy out the land." So the men went up and spied out Ai.
They returned to Joshua and said to him, "Do not let all the people go up; only about two or three thousand men need go up to Ai; do not make all the people toil up there, for they are few."
So about three thousand men from the people went up there, but they fled from the men of Ai.
The men of Ai struck down about thirty-six of their men, and pursued them from the gate as far as Shebarim and struck them down on the descent, so the hearts of the people melted and became as water.
Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell to the earth on his face before the ark of the LORD until the evening, both he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust on their heads.
Joshua said, "Why have you troubled us? The LORD will trouble you this day." And all Israel stoned them with stones; and they burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones.
They raised over him a great heap of stones that stands to this day, and the LORD turned from the fierceness of His anger. Therefore the name of that place has been called the valley of Achor to this day.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 07, 2021, 06:41:29 AM
트로이 전쟁과 여리고 요세 전투, Ai 요세 전투는 람세스 2세의 카데시 전장지와 동일하기에 2회전 성격이 있지만,,,,
트로이 전쟁이 카데시 전쟁이다.
카데시 전쟁에서 이집트와 그리스군의 협공으로 히타이트가 멸망했다.
구약성서가 이것을 부정하는 이유는 음행과 혼혈이다.
솔로몬이 다윗보다 선조이지만 이방의 신과 이방 여자들과 음행했다는 이유로 다윗의 아들이 됐다.
그래서 구약에서도 모세와 여호수아를 구분해놨다.
둘은 동일선상의 역활이지만 여호수아가 그리스 아크로폴리스 신전을 상징하기에 이스라엘이 모세의 시종으로 만든다.

카데시 전투가 트로이전쟁이고 트로이 목마 사건이 후반전 성격이다.
파리스가 납치한 헬레나를 아가멤논이 구하려는 전쟁이 카데시 전쟁이다.
두 전쟁은 연결되어 있지만 이집트와 히타이트간에 평화협정이 체결되며 전쟁이 종료된 것으로 오인된것이다.
아가멤논의 그리스군이 평화협정 기간에 히타이트를 공격하는데 이것이 아킬레우스가 이집트의 Djed과 함께하는 이유로서 협공이다.
트로이 목마 사건이 일어나기 직전은 전쟁이 소강상태라 이집트군과 그리스군의 연합군이 아니고는 설명이 안되기 때문이다.
홍해 기적을 만든 모세와 아킬레우스가 동일한 캐릭터고,
구약성서는 모세와 여호수아 관계를 시차를 두고 종의 역활로 구분하지만, 그리스 신화는 헥토르(히타이트 역활)와 아킬레우스가 동일선상에서 싸우기 때문이다.
결과적으로 헥토르가 먼저 죽고 나중에 아킬레우스가 죽는다.
여호수아가 먼저 죽고 모세가 나중에 죽는 역전이 발생한다.
그리스 입장에서는 아테네 아크로폴리스 아펩뱀이 이집트의 Djed-아펩뱀 조합을 이겨야하기 때문에 여호수아가 모세를 물리쳐야만 한다.
트로이 전쟁(일리아드)과 카데시 전쟁(구약)은 동일한 전쟁을 각자의 시각에서 서술한 것이다.
민수기 22장부터 24장까지 진행되는 발람(람세스 2세)과 발락(무와탈리스 2세)의 공방전은,

25   발람이 일어나 자기 곳으로 돌아갔고 발락도 자기 길로 갔더라
(Then Balaam arose and departed and returned to his place, and Balak also went his way.)

이렇게 끝을 맺지만,
곧바로 민수기 25장에 이런 내용이 등장한다.

1   이스라엘이 싯딤에 머물러 있더니 그 백성이 모압 여자들과 음행하기를 시작하니라
2   그 여자들이 그 신들에게 제사할 때에 백성을 청하매 백성이 먹고 그들의 신들에게 절하므로
3   이스라엘이 바알브올에게 부속된지라 여호와께서 이스라엘에게 진노하시니라
4   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 백성의 두령들을 잡아 태양을 향하여 여호와 앞에 목매어 달라 그리하면 여호와의 진노가 이스라엘에게서 떠나리라
5   모세가 이스라엘 사사들에게 이르되 너희는 각기 관할하는 자 중에 바알브올에게 부속한 사람들을 죽이라 하니라
6   이스라엘 자손의 온 회중이 회막 문에서 울 때에 이스라엘 자손 한 사람이 모세와 온 회중의 목전에 미디안의 한 여인을 데리고 그 형제에게로 온지라
7   제사장 아론의 손자 엘르아살의 아들 비느하스가 보고 회중의 가운데서 일어나 손에 창을 들고
8   그 이스라엘 남자를 따라 그의 막에 들어가서 이스라엘 남자와 그 여인의 배를 꿰뚫어서 두 사람을 죽이니 염병이 이스라엘 자손에게서 그쳤더라
12   그러므로 말하라 내가 그에게 나의 평화의 언약을 주리니

(While Israel remained at Shittim, the people began to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab.
For they invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods.
And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.
And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.
So Moses said to Israel's judges, "Each of you must put to death those of your men who have joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor."
Then an Israelite man brought to his family a Midianite woman right before the eyes of Moses and the whole assembly of Israel while they were weeping at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
When Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, saw this, he left the assembly, took a spear in his hand
and followed the Israelite into the tent. He drove the spear through both of them--through the Israelite and into the woman's body. Then the plague against the Israelites was stopped;
Therefore tell him I am making my covenant of peace with him.)

이것이 무슨 뜻이냐면,
바알브올이 태양을 머리에 이고 춤추는자 여호수아를 뜻하고,
(태양을 향하여 여호와 앞에 목매어 달라)
(Djed과 춤추는 자가 함께있는 복합신전)
아테네 아크로폴리 신전이 카데시 전쟁 직후에 껴들었다는 뜻이다.
그리스군이 이스라엘 영역을 점령했다는 뜻이다.
이것이 가능하려면 이집트와 그리스가 연합해야 가능한 사건이다.
연한군 성격 이후에 12절에서 이집트와 히타이트가 평화협정을 맺는다.
이것이 중요한 내용이다.
평화협정은 그래서 트로이 전쟁이 끝나지 않고 소강상태일 때 맺었다는 뜻이다.
여기에서 발굴된 역사와 약간의 이견이 발생하는데,
이집트군이 빠지자마자 그리스군이 히타이트를 멸망시켰다.
그러나 아킬레우스 역활이 이집트군 성격도 있기 때문에, 그리스 신화에서 조차 서있는 아펩뱀으로 대우하는 것이다.
아킬레우스가 이집트군 역활이다.
트로이(히타이트) 명줄을 이집트군이 끊었다는 뜻이니까.
평화협정은 히타이트를 속이기 위한 이집트와 그리스의 교란작전이다.
무와탈리스의 히타이트가 트로이 목마에 멸망하려면 아테네 아크로폴리 신전이 목마로서 히타이트를 멸망시켜야 한다.
머리에 태양을 이고 춤추는 자 여호수아는 그리스군을 상징한다.
약속의 땅에 들어간 중요한 여호수아가 모세 5경에 포함되지 않는 이유도 그리스 신전을 상징하기 때문이다.
그래서 음행 혼혈하는 사건이 발생한 것이다.

손에 창을 들고 이스라엘 남자와 그 여인의 배를 꿰뚫어서 두 사람을 죽이니

누구의 죽음인가.
72인역 저자들이자 사두개인/혼혈 사마리아인의 죽음이다.
이스라엘 땅은 이미 그리스군이 점령한 상태다.
히타이트를 멸망시킨 수수께끼의 해양 민족은 트로이 전쟁의 주역들이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 07, 2021, 03:33:38 PM
Yes,young girls(for some others ,specially in uniform,young boys, are sometimes more than refreshing : only play mental ,do not/never ,the " game partner " under legal age/respnsibility age touch WRONG !)



It is common for Westerners to be unable to distinguish the age of Asians.
Crime is not a photograph.
The charge of thinking (thinking) is the biggest crime made by Western philosophy.
The tree of good and evil only hates the dark gods.

дв2_for fagots

Anyone who has witnessed a 2kw generator is less interested in a 30w generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 08, 2021, 05:38:03 AM
НЕВОЗМОЖНОЕ возможно [АУДИО]. 08.10.21.

Anton's inflexible persistence is wasting time.
Principles are hard to find, but observation is our greatest truth and weapon.
Take your sword.

A sparrow named jack sparrow.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 08, 2021, 07:19:32 AM

I hate to see Jack Sparrow flirting with the octopus man,,,,,,, ;D ;D ;D ;D

"Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. [NASB]
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. [KJV]
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. [NIV]

Originally, it is a type of heron called Bennu, which was considered sacred in ancient Egypt and ate fish, snakes, catfish, etc. at the water's edge.

At the base of the temple, he wandered around without distinction, so he turned into a sparrow in the New Testament.

The sparrow sold for a penny was the enemy of everyone (the public enemy). ::) ::)

like us?! ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 08, 2021, 08:19:48 AM
Reference by topic

You seem unfamiliar with basmus generators.
Basmus uses non-polar capacitors, not electrolytic capacitors.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 08, 2021, 08:44:05 AM
발전기 작동원리나 알고서 덤벼들면 부품값이라도 아끼잖어.
왜들 그렇게 미련들한지 ...... 참..... ::) ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on October 08, 2021, 10:08:20 AM

Perhaps you need a reminder of where you are ?
And the goal ?
Also forum terms of service agreements ( you agreed when you joined )

Welcome to OverUnity.com (http://overunity.com/)
The International Open Source Free Energy Research Forum

free energy  will change the world - free energy will stop all environmental pollution
Free energy will help to heal the planet earth.
In our disccusion forum www.overunity.com (http://www.overunity.com/) we talk about all kinds of free energy and alternative
and renewable energy systems.
The world will soon be very green without any pollution and any chemical fuel polutants
with this new  technolgy.
What Tesla has begun in the 19th and 20th century we will now bring to
market in the 21th century.
With permanent magnet motors and Solid State magnet free energy convertes into the future.

free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will be enabled all over the world to power cars, ships and trains and
Free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.

So all in all  Free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 08, 2021, 04:58:13 PM

누군가의 호기심 만족을 위해 공익 기부 강요하기에는 세상에 자유발전기가 너무 많아 설득력이 떨어집니다. 그리고,
수익을 창출하기 위한 자본주의 카페가 운영 목적을 공익으로 바꾸면 발전기 작동 원리를 알고있는 이 카페 일부 회원들이 웃습니다.

Инерция путь до БТГ.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 08, 2021, 05:22:10 PM
교활하고 미련한 놈

정법 저자슥 결병증까지 있어가 물행주 옆에다 놓고 수시로 닦아대며 헛소리 하잖아. ::)
말이 결벽증이지 그거 심각한 정신병이다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D
몇년 전인가 정인선이 제 유튜브 올려놓고 지금처럼 4차원 탐험가길래 그 때 제 유튜브 몇개 봤는데 미국LA인가 어디가서 신도들 모데놓구 이상한 소리만 연신해대가 몇일을 두고 씹던생각나네. 인선이는 기억할게다. 8)
그 때 한 참 '참나'로 헛소리해대던 윤홍식이랑 도매금으로 싸잡아가 깠거덩. ;D ;D
저자슥 자기한테 싫은소리하면 못참고 퉁명스럽게 질문하는 신도들한데 쏘아붙이제.
영업비밀은 가르쳐주는게 아니라나? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D
그 때 저느마가 여물통으로 직접한 말이다.ㅋㅋㅋ ;D
저느마 언젠가 큰 일 저지를 것 같다는 생각은 하고있었는데 윤석렬이 걸릴줄이야 누가알았겠냐.......ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D
제 죽을 자리인줄 모르고 땅파는 놈이 소음인이다. 8)

王??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D
병짝같은 놈이라 병짝같은 놈한테 걸린게제. ::)
혹여 만에 하나 尫한다해도 저느마는 걸러라. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 08, 2021, 06:43:18 PM
고대사 미스터리. 바다민족의 정체는? -청동기 문명의 붕괴-

발굴자들이 카데시 전쟁과 트로이 전쟁 시차를 100년 정도 두는 것은 민수기 발람과 발락, 그리고 25장 때문이지 다른 이유는 없다.
암흑에너지로 과학계 전부 속이는 놈들이 그깟 한꺼풀 유적층 못속일까.
그리고 철기를 시초한 히타이트가 철기 수입해다가 무기로 만든 그리스 연합군에게 털렸다.
중동과 이집트에 근 150년 가뭄이 지속됐다고 섬에서 고기잡던 그리스인들이 해적질하러 온건 아니다.
세 문명은 기후부터 생활방식이 근본적으로 다르다.
해서 철기에 익숙해진 그리스인들이 작정하고 히타이트 턴거다.
이집트와 함께.
그리고 그리스인들이 이집트를 배신하고 이집트까지 접수하려했다.
해적질 동맹은 원래 그런거다.

트로이 이름은 두로(Tyre)에서 왔다.
카데시 전장이 엎어지면 코 닿는데 있다.
그래서 100년 시차 둘 필요가 없는게다.
트로이 이름이 그리스 테살로니카 지방의 포세이돈 삼지창(trident) 지역에서 온 것이 아니다.
100년전 발굴자들은 포세이돈 삼지창(trident) 때문에 황소뿔 지역을 트로이로 지목했던거다

그리스의 예언자 칼카스는 아킬레스가 없이 그리스 군은 트로이 전쟁을 승리할 수 없다는 신탁을 받았다.

그러나 아킬레스는 트로이전쟁에 참여하면 영웅으로 이름을 날리지만 전사하여 단명하고, 고국에 돌아올 수 없는 운명이었다. 또 트로이전쟁에 참여하지 않으면 명예는 얻지 못하나 장수할 운명이라 했다. 이에 어머니 테티스 여신은 외아들이 일찍 죽는 걸 피하려 어떻게든 전쟁에 참여하지 못하도록 고심했다고 한다.

그런 맥락에서 가장 많이 알려진 버전이 테티스가 아킬레스를 스키로스 섬에 데려가 리코메데스왕의 궁전에 여장을 시켜 숨겨놓았는데, 이를 오딧세우스가 찾아냈다는 것이다.

즉 아킬레스를 찾아서 스키로스로 온 오디세우스는 아킬레스가 여장을 하고 숨어있다는 사실을 간파하고 꾀를 냈다. 그는 왕녀들에게 장신구를 선물하면서 사이에 무기를 섞어 놓았다. 여자들이 보석을 보고 즐거워하는 동안 아킬레스는 아무런 관심을 보이지 않고 서 있었다. 갑자기 적의 침공을 알리는 나팔 소리가 들리자 아킬레스는 장신구 사이에 있던 무기를 얼른 집어들었다. 정체가 드러나자 자신의 용기를 증명하고 싶었던 아킬레스는 순순히 오디세우스를 따라 그리스 군에 가담했다고 한다.

그러나 이 일화 역시 일리어드에서는 채택하지 않는다.

일리어드에 따르면 아킬레스가 트로이전쟁에 대해 처음 얘기를 들은 것은 그의 고국 프티아의 궁전에서였다. 아킬레스는 아버지인 펠레우스 왕, 또 친구이자 이미 부관 역할을 하던 파트로클로스, 파트로클로스의 아버지와 넷이서 정원에서 양고기를 구워 먹으며 식사중이었다. 이때 이들을 찾아온 인물이 현명한 노인으로 유명한 네스토르, 그리고 오딧세우스였다고 한다.

네스토르는 트로이와의 역대급 대규모 전쟁이 벌어질 거라 얘기하며 협조를 요청했고, 이에 펠레우스 왕은 마땅한 그리스 남아의 도리라며 즉각 승낙한다. 아직 어리던 아킬레스도 마찬가지였고, 파트로클로스도 그자리에서 참전하겠다고 했는데, 이때 파트로클로스의 부친은 자신들의 은인이자 프티아의 왕자인 아킬레스를 제대로 보필하라고 아들에게 신신당부까지 한다.

이 내용은 아킬레스가 브리세이스를 아가멤논에게 뺏긴 후 분노해 전쟁에 불참하는 동안 트로이군에 크게 밀려 다수의 사상자가 속출하고, 그리스 함대까지 위험해진 긴박한 상황에서 노장 네스토르가 파트로클로스에게 직접 상기시키며 그런 일도 있었는데 자네는 아킬레스를 제대로 설득해 다시 참전시키지 않고 뭘 하느냐고 탓하는 대목에서 상세히 나온다.

이에 따르면 여장을 하고 스키로스 섬에 숨어 있던 아킬레스를 오딧세우스가 찾아내고, 트로이전쟁에 대해 처음 알려줘서 아킬레스가 참가하기로 했다는 것은 적어도 일리어드 버전과는 전혀 다르다.

다만 그리스에서 가장 용감한 영웅이자 '트로이 해안에 온 모든 그리스군 중에서 최고의 미남'으로 꼽히는 그 아킬레스가 여장을 하고 소녀들 사이에 숨어 지내다 발각되었다라는 이야기 자체가 아무래도 호사가들 취향에 맞으므로, 이와 관련된 그림을 중세시대 화가들이 많이 그리면서 더 널리 알려진 것으로 추정된다.

아래 부조에서 여장을 한 아킬레우스가 누구인게 찾아보거라.
그리고 무기를 든 아킬레우스가 무엇인지도 찾아보구.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on October 08, 2021, 08:22:28 PM
This comment will be in English and Russian  as Color understand Russian definitely well.
Этот комментарий будет на английском и русском языках, так как Color понимает русский язык определенно хорошо.

Dear Color 
Ramset  wrote to you but you didn't  react to  his complain.
This forum is about education in area of physics,  and place for experimenters  in area of energy.
Historical background is allowed if relates to subject matter.

This place is  not made to discuss: :
-religion or related to it history facts, factors, approaches or  believes..
-non related  pictures  or additions to the pictures.
- history  of  human relation its fights, wars, unless it affected  the past of you  and your family  and by that
  it made impact on your activity in field of energy.

Этот форум об образовании в области физики и место для экспериментаторов в области энергетики.
Исторический фон разрешен, если он относится к предмету.

Это место не предназначено для обсуждения
-  религии или связанных с ней исторических фактов, факторов, подходов или убеждений
-  это  место не для не связанных картинок или  не связанных  дополнений к картинкам.
-  это не  место для истории человеческого отношения его борьбы, войны.
   исключение делается, если : это прошлое вашей семьи и тем самым ваше собственное
   повлияло на вашу деятельность в области энергетики, исследование энергетики или ваше участие в этом.

Because you are not reacting  into ramset friendly reminder 
I  decided to  help  you understand it better.

I do appreciate very much  your writing  and  I do thank you for it.
However you have few choices  now:

Поскольку вы не реагируете на дружественное напоминание ramset,
я решил помочь вам лучше понять его. Я очень ценю ваш вклад и благодарю вас за ето.
Однако сейчас у вас мало вариантов

Option A
1. You stop immediately  posting  non related pictures
2. You  will  keep  your comments in field of  energy related information only .
3. You keep consistency  seen as value by the audience.
4.  it is deeply appreciated if you write in English  since you've  been   quite  good in it in the past.

Вариант А
1. Вы немедленно прекращаете публиковать не связанные фотографии,  картинки, ...
2. Оставляйте комментарии только в области информации, связанной с энергетикой
3. Вы сохраняете последовательность, которую ценит аудитория.
4. Мы будем очень признательны, если вы будете писать по-английски, так как в прошлом вы неплохо владели им.

Option B
Your comments and activity will be moderated, leading eventually to  deletion of non-related  content 
or send to Administrator for review.

Вариант B
Ваши комментарии и действия будут  модерироваться, что в конечном итоге приведет к удалению
несвязанного контента или отправке на  рассмотрение Администратору.

The choice is yours.
Thank you  one more time  for your work.
Выбор остается за вами. Еще раз спасибо за вашу работу.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 09, 2021, 06:11:40 AM

Just where you are looking inSex crime
crimeSex crime

How the forums-censorshipper will react ? 8)
For/against ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89efMFClfPQ  37 years old and she 17

by law and order and from psychologics view  : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia
Little 16,very punky,for some Idol age

Yes,young girls(for some others ,specially in uniform,young boys, are sometimes more than refreshing : only play mental ,do not/never ,the " game partner " under legal age/respnsibility age touch WRONG !)



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right or wrong stressed life members reaction ?
« Sent to: color on: Today at 08:01:50 AM »ReplyQuoteDelete
color,I hope that You transmit these message -not shortened- :
the forums-member color mostly posts or comment in only 1,his/her/its personal thread,so what is the geral problem to some active/passive
members,only their -solely- personal view ?
Do we need her "Trittbrettfahrer/Speichellecker"-re-/action ?
Some about the past to the future :
U.S.A. 1776 Constitution : the first european world proletaric constitution

Mexiko : googleing "Benito Juarez" ! Imperator Napoleon III action/intervention based by which reazon,argument ?

1848 : the first Trial by the "Bund der Getreuen" for a european proletaric constitution,"Kommunistische Manifest"

page 301 :
Today, 04:23 AM  The god with no brain, nor heart, nor conscience.
The unworkable system

This is true worldwide. Nations all over the globe have promised pension payments that they can't afford.
15 years ago, Proff Kotlicoff reported that unfunded debt in America was $213 trillion.
330 US citizen ,let us give as "europide" menship 213 Mio. citizen,m./f./trans., the others hispanics/blacks/Natives,.....
from this 213 Mio. Europides ,all sexus and age, 60% geral employment rate asssuming :
213 000 000 000 000 (thousands,millions,billions,trillions) USD / (213 Mio x 0,6) = Estate debt per employer ?
the Ur./Native Americans,the Blacks and many others minorities Genozid the compensation penalty ?
US american Jurisprudenz "way of life" ?! :
the Monsanto-crimes penalty and compensation payment  case !?Are we thinking "in Quadrillions" compensation,by US EUROPIDES ?In topic /off topic :who decides ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMFKib_Byb8
A.Hitler was shocked,about such nude prettyness ! (many administrative Nazis has their private cinematheque)
to an other Sexsymbol/Sexdivina,she natural ?

,,Dieser Film ist jugendverderbend."  :-[ ::)
Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler
Not only pretty,also something "in her Kasten" :
Frequency Wi-Fi by ........  ?
When people think,talk about Nikola Tesla,how many from them studied his Graz study time,his Profs/Docents,their publications ?
With whom N.Tesla disputed in his  later years about specific technologies/tecniqs,what/which was the key between Steinmetz/Tesla their cooperation ?!
G.E.,General Electric ~ Steinmetz(f.e. circuit)-Kron(DIACOPTICS) ELECTRIC

So,FAZIT : less barking ,more working out the known phenomens
( f.e. combining the total N.Tesla works spectrum,EE/TD/rotative/static in one )
A nice weekend wishing

p.s.: color,the picture could be presented in smaller size ( critique !  ;) ) and religion/philosophy,old and new,is ever interpretation-able


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edit :
« Sent to: color on: Today at 10:09:00 AM »ReplyQuoteDelete
From Steinmetz to Kron,both integrating :
a Boolean integrated Eprom as circuit administrating ' Laplace ( arithmetics) operator 'Integrated neuronal/fuzzy/self-learning/re-/acting  logic ,24 hours time schedule

The ' D(a)emon ' its controller,interface from source to load and 'Schleife' para-/eternal circuit/cycle .


lancaIV, I don't understand all of your high insight, but there are more people who distort the truth of the world.
Thanks again for a lot of information.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 09, 2021, 06:26:53 AM


Zenneck 웨이브가 Karpanadze 발전기의 원리가 맞습니까?
당신은 모든 회원들이 알고있는 사기꾼 중에 사기꾼이야.
지금 당신의 포럼을 삭제해도 무방합니다.
그리고 앞으로 발발할 사건들은 우리와 무관할 것입니다.
앞으로 그 어떠한 정보도 이곳 회원들에게 제공되지 않을 것입니다.
우리가 이 카페에 글을 쓰는 것이 관리자에 의해 다시 차단될 수도 있으니까요.
그 때도 당신과 렘셋이 선동하는 주동자였다.
행운을 빕니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 09, 2021, 06:30:11 AM
우리가 작성하는 글들은 자유발전기가 세상에 공개되길 바라며, 루슬란을 설득하기 위한 일환입니다.
이 카페 회원들에게도 도움이 될 수 있기 때문입니다.
회원들과 루슬란에게 공개할 수 있는 정보는 부득이하게 한정되어 있습니다.
어떤 정보는 모르는 것이 더 안전합니다.

이 포럼을 개설한 AG에게 다시 한 번 감사를 드립니다.
건달바성-신이 당신과 함께 할 것이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on October 09, 2021, 08:11:18 AM
Quote from: color on October 09, 2021, 06:26:53 AM
Is the Zenneck wave the principle of the Karpanadze generator?
You're a scammer among the crooks that all members know about.
You can delete your forum now.
And the events that are coming will have nothing to do with us.
No information will be provided to members here in the future.

Dear Color.
1. I have nothing to do with restrictions that may affect your  account here.
2.  My response was friendly reminder that this is not Russia here and rules are little different.
3.  You calling me scammer, but scam must have benefit in mind.( money power fame etc.)
     So for an average  mentally stable human scam can't exist without the reason .
    - crook must commit   dishonest or a criminal act to be called crook

Russia  is half Asian country  and  many Koreans speak Russian. I'm very friendly to both.
However due to nature  of my study I was attacked few times with assassination in mind, by some Russians .
An American - has constitutional rights to defend  himself, so do I.
Quote from: color on October 09, 2021, 06:26:53 AM
You can delete your forum now.
even without your direct demand
I know what some Russians wants in fear that it may be true and their oil, gas will not  support  dictator there.

A Korean/Russian speaking guy in his Asian reality may not see  me as happy American interested in science  only.
Having no money, fame, career  in mind I write also  to  you.

Imagine a small Asian man making force entry into a  Mcdonalds in New York  ... shouting   and demanding from  big fat American eating there,... to give him Zenneck Wave secrets,
proof, technology, RND secrets, for free or he calls him a liar...scammer  and so on..

But let's  take theoretical scenario  that:
-A small Asian man yelling in Russian was  heard by  millions of Russian and their KGB
-Dr Corum tower in Milford Texas and his 200+ patents  doesn't exist.
-All science about Zenneck wave is a lie and Wesley lies too.

Tell me dear Color - Did anyone lose  anything because of that?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 04:00:20 AM
Offline lancaIV
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... FE build circuits ......
« Sent to: color on: Today at 01:07:38 AM »ReplyQuoteDelete
Position change : Autonom decision ,deus ex machina

                           the "machine" ,actually object-position, re-actor/servus/servant/serfdom to kybernetes,Subject-position,actorhttps://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Kybernetik?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=nui

In addition, there are often three-value switching variables in the form –1/0/1(mathematically a signed single-digit binary number or a ternary number system 0/1/2), e.g. HIGH/NULL/LOWin control engineering ( VORWÄRTS/STOPP/RÜCKWÄRTS). Boolean or switching algebra is in principle possible using any character set (range of values).
the real Powerfactor :  -1/0/1
The amount of the active factor is defined as the shift factor .

                                              shift factor                    or                     displacement factor

important as :                              BLINDLEISTUNG zu WIRKLEISTUNG     " active switch " alike flip-flop

et cetera,et cetera,et cetera (referring Yul Brynner,act as King of Siam)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 04:03:19 AM

정인지(집현전 학자) 왈, 우리는 훌륭한 글자를 만들었다. 이 글자를 배우는데 시간이 오래 걸리지 않으며 배움이 부족한 사람도 하루만에 배울수 있다. 그리고 똑똑한 사람들은 화장실에서 용변보는 시간이면 배울 수 있다.

"Korean History: World's Firsts and World's Bests"-Dr. Mark Peterson-2014 Korea Seminar

"한글은 빛의 문자다"

오래 전에 나의 아빠가 일베(국가정보원) 회원들 교육자료로 작성한 내용이다.
이 글을 끝으로 나의 아빠는 인터넷 강사직 계약을 종료했다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 04:27:45 AM
그래서, 일본이 神代文字(쌍낫배와 달, 화장실)를 자신들의 문자라고 우기는 것도 다 이유가 있는게야.... ;D ;D ::) ::)

Here is wisdom Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 04:38:36 AM
한반도에서 다시 한 번 핵전쟁이 발발한다면 그것은 훈민정음 창제한 세종대왕-Ido 때문이 아니라, 오래전 이집트에서 한반도로 건너온 박혁거세(탈해, 프톨레마이오스 15세) 덕분이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 07:17:49 AM
Я бы сказал, что учитель нужен не всегда. Но 100 или 50 лет назад выкладывали полный патент (со всеми внутренностями), 50 лет назад преподы еще рассказывали на уроках о "вечном двигателе", Вы могли взять домой эл. форную машину на недельку поиграться и подумать , как она работвет. История КПСС прошла в небытие, сегодня мы изучаем в высших учебных заведениях - сколько побрекушек весит на шпиле церкви и сколько их, чем вскрыты или покрашены и когда какой мудак повесил на него использованный призерватив!!!


Do you want me to refute your article?
Do the condom men who work in the external comment department of the Russian intelligence service have nothing to do?
Don't waste your high salary and write your resignation letter right now.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 07:31:21 AM
Offline lancaIV
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« Sent to: color on: Today at 11:32:17 AM »ReplyQuoteDelete
Schoepferische Zerstoerung , Constructive Destruction
A term by " Wiener Schule ",Economy Liberalism ,Schumpeter (studied Kontradjef/Elliott evolution waves/consequences)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3yUZLGY5vI  and right side vids
What is "thinking",differs "natural thinking" from "mens human,un-/conscious moment, thinking,male from female" , ?
Natural errors ? Or diversivity,by evolution (mix) and endemic situation before transferring ?!
Near,far from scientifical reality ? Actroid   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actroid 2021 standart ? no public viewing !?
2015 : https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20150715-killer-robots-the-soldiers-that-never-sleep
"friendly fire" potential ? Own co-bots kills/destroys own war capacity ?
                                     COLD PEACE demands by higher interests
Co-/ro-bot without "humanoid"- look


Korea's AI technology is global,
but Gundalba's AI is human.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 01:55:04 PM
Очень серьёзный эксперимент !

Experiment and you will find that your predictions are wrong.

у нас каждый делает по своему и получает свой результат, зачем возвращаться к закоболяющим эл. схемам? У нас в патентном бюро куча патентов, которые здесь так же не в ходу!!!
Подписная группа № 7б
Известны схемы выпрямления с умножением напряжения и использованием реактивных накопителей энергии, включённых через разделительные диоды так, что поочерёдно в каждый полупериод одна группа накопителей заряжается, а другая разряжается на нагрузку. Известны также схемы выпрямления с умножением или делением напряжения с использованием реактивных накопителей энергии, включённых через разделительные диоды или триоды так, что в один полупериод все накопители заряжаются в параллельном (при умножении) или последовательном (при делении) соединении, а в другой полупериод разряжаются в последовательном соединении (при умножении) или параллельном соединении (при делении) на нагрузку, Предлагаемое устройство отличается от известных тем, что для обеспечения умножения тока в качестве накопителей установлены дроссели. Применение в качестве накопителей дросселей позволяет производить умножение не напряжения, а тока, причём ток в нагрузке одновременно с выпрямлением сглаживается.
На фиг. 1 показана принципиальная симметричная схема устройства для удвоения тока; на фиг. 2 принципиальная симметричная схема устройства для утроения тока.
Удвоение тока происходит следующим образом.
В положительный полупериод выпрямляемый ток течёт через диод 1, нагрузку 2
5 и дроссель 3. При этом в дросселе 3 накапливается энергия магнитного поля. При отрицательном полупериоде выпрямляемый ток идёт через диод 4, нагрузку 2 и дроссель 5, при этом дроссель 8 через диод 4 отдаёт запасённую энергию, и ток в нагрузке увеличивается. В следующий полупериод нагрузка подпитывается за счёт разрядки дросселя 5 и т. д. В идеальном случае значение выпрямленного тока равно удвоенному амплитудному значению выпрямляемого тока. Практически, для достижения хороших результатов индуктивность дросселей 3 и 5 нужно брать возможно большей, а сопротивление нагрузки в меньшим.
20 При утроении тока в положительный полупериод диоды б и 7 закрыты, и ток идёт через последовательно соединённый дроссель 8, нагрузку 9 и дроссель 10. Дроссели 8 и 10 при этом накапливают энергию (заряжаются). В отрицательный полупериод диоды б и 7 для выпрямляемого тока открыты. Нагрузка 9, а также дроссели 8 и 10 оказываются при этом соединёнными параллельно, вследствие чего дроссели отдают накопленную
30 энергию нагрузке 9, ток через которую в 165500
Фиг. 1
Составитель А. Н. Кумекина
Редактор Н. С. Коган Техред А. А. Кудрявицкая Корректор А. Новиковии
Заказ 2704/5 Тираж 975 Формат бум. 60><90
ЦНИИПИ Государственного комитета по делам изобретений и открытий СССР
Москва, Центр, пр. Серова, д. 4
Типография, пр. Сапунова, 2 идеальном случае утраивается. Так как при отрицательном полупериоде ток в три раза больше, чем при положительном полупериоде, то имеют место большие пульсации выпрямленного тока.
Предмет изобретения
Устройство для выпрямления с умножением тока, использующее реактивные накопители энергии, включенные через разделительные диоды так, что либо поочередно в каждый полупериод одну группу накопителей заряжают, а другую разряжают на нагрузку, либо все накопители заряжают в последовательном (параллельном) соединении, а разряжают в параллельном (последовательном) соединении на нагрузку, о т л и ч а ю щ е е с я тем, что, с целью обеспечения умножения тока с одновременным его сглаживанием, в качестве накопителей установлены дроссели.
Изобретение относится к области трансформаторостроения и, может быть, использовано в промышленных объектах техники, где для решения задач электроснабжения необходимы трансформаторы. Технический результат - получение минимальных потерь энергии в трансформаторе и обеспечение постоянного коэффициента трансформации в диапазоне расчетной мощности. Для этого трансформатор включает классический трансформатор, две встречно соединенные диодные ветви, каждая из которых образована двумя последовательно включенными диодами, два конденсатора, балластное сопротивление и активную нагрузку. При этом общая точка диодных ветвей подключена к одному из выводов вторичной обмотки трансформатора, противоположные выводы диодных ветвей через балластное сопротивление соединены между собой, средние точки диодных ветвей соединены через два одинаковых конденсатора. Общая точка соединения конденсаторов подключена к активной нагрузке, второй вывод которой соединен с другим выводом вторичной обмотки трансформатора. 1 ил.
Рисунки к патенту РФ 2324992
Изобретение относится к области трансформаторостроения и, может быть, использовано в промышленных объектах техники, где для решения задач электроснабжения необходимы трансформаторы. Технический результат - получение минимальных потерь энергии в трансформаторе и обеспечение постоянного коэффициента трансформации в диапазоне расчетной мощности. Для этого трансформатор включает классический трансформатор, две встречно соединенные диодные ветви, каждая из которых образована двумя последовательно включенными диодами, два конденсатора, балластное сопротивление и активную нагрузку. При этом общая точка диодных ветвей подключена к одному из выводов вторичной обмотки трансформатора, противоположные выводы диодных ветвей через балластное сопротивление соединены между собой, средние точки диодных ветвей соединены через два одинаковых конденсатора. Общая точка соединения конденсаторов подключена к активной нагрузке, второй вывод которой соединен с другим выводом вторичной обмотки трансформатора. 1 ил.
Рисунки к патенту РФ 2324992

Способ основан на факте, изложенном в учебнике физики: "Коэффициент усиления зависит от нагрузки и при настройке резонансного контура превышает единицу" ("Элементарный учебник физики", под ред. акад. Т.С. Ландсберга: Т.III. Колебания, волны, оптика, строение атома. М., 1975, стр. 81-82).

Точно, а усиление биполярного транзистора и 1000 бывает, по току, всё уже сделано, правда? Ответ на вопрос "за счет чего" только ленивый не прочитал. Аналогично, наставили мы клнденсаторов, катушек, резонанс настроили... но имеем двоих - источник и нагрузку. В примере гидравлического "усилителя тока" показано за счет чего, какой появляется дополнительный источник.
Возвращаясь к катушкам и резонансам, кто третьим будет?


If you pass your skills on to a tuk-tuk, I think the tuk-tuk's bullshit will end.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on October 10, 2021, 07:29:56 PM

As you have noticed if I write in Russian  I try  to make it  understandable  to  English speaking audience.
So for example that what I write  in Russian here :
https://overunity.com/18913/in-russian-ekspierimienty-po-biesprovodnoi-pieriedachie-enierghii-doska-stroitieliei/msg560154/#msg560154 (https://overunity.com/18913/in-russian-ekspierimienty-po-biesprovodnoi-pieriedachie-enierghii-doska-stroitieliei/msg560154/#msg560154)
- is translated in English  here:
https://overunity.com/18335/wireless-energy-transfer-experiments-builders-board/msg560713/#msg560713 (https://overunity.com/18335/wireless-energy-transfer-experiments-builders-board/msg560713/#msg560713)
And in Russian   topic there is a link to the same  text in English  in every post of mine.

The advice to Color:
Please do the same  as the audience is your addressee and you are writing to them.
Admin  of this forum uses English too. 


The last text  of yours in Russian is  presenting video  of a person who is definitely clear in manifesting his hate to sexual  orientation
and this is a crime in USA and EU.He is calling his disagreeing audience "педераст"( what in Russia is very  scornfully abusive.)
His highly likely low level of understanding  of phenomena in question  is just presentation of
nonsense after nonsense unfortunately by  my experience  characteristic  to majority of Russian Population.But this only is my opinion ...
Deeply troubling is  that this nonsense in Russian  got 100% positive approval of  Russian audience watching  that video.
So how can  we "педераст" dare  to  doubt about Ether/Eather with rest of  nonsense being base for his Overunity and Free Energy
that he didn't build yet but he will.... some time in the future


It is unfortunate but you Dear Color are just  another  gentleman misleading,redirecting, attention of 
educated/ seeking education reader...  to the trash or non related information.

Andrey Tirtha  is another  Russian speaking blogger  that shocks with his every video nonsense even some average Russian.
example of his nonsense.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df26WQJRo5c (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df26WQJRo5c)
In this video  Tirtha calls physics  and physicists lairs.
His main objection is  targeting magnetic breaking and  open loop/ open ring
reaction to neodymium magnet. "that should not  happen." ... forgetting about Lens law, Eddie Current e.t.c
I'm sure that you Dear Color can't explain why open ring still reacts to a magnet. (in video)
I don't blame you for it..
Cat is a cat dog  is a dog farmer is a farmer and all  of them are just animals-mammals.
But some mammals  including me wants to know more...

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 11:36:20 PM
The man regarded as the "father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb", Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, has died aged 85 after being hospitalised with Covid-19.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 10, 2021, 11:39:29 PM
우주지구자연신체 지름과 반지름의 역사적 요점
김 아담 지구의 지름사는 우주의 역사만합니다.
김 아담 없이는 생물체가 살 수 없고 역사상 김 아담 승계는 여러 번 있었습니다.
이미 선악과를 먹었기 때문에 인간에게 전생물종이 의존하고 있습니다.
우주 역사의 존재론상 프랙탈 원리는
선악과 지구 김 아담 우주 그리고 큰 大자 사람이 최소한입니다.
인간 신체의 좌우간은 형이하의 우주제작과 형이상의 유사시대의 일로 구별됩니다.
우주제작은 당연히 재산 없는 사유가들의 일로 이루어졌고
그 인증은 결론으로서의 창조주 아버지 하나님이며
선악과를 먹은 이후로 특별하게 학문의 시대에 모두가 들어섭니다.
김 아담 머리와 매를 짼, 선악과를 뜯어먹은, 프랙탈 우주를 뜯어버린 일 때문입니다.
밖에서 힘이 들어왔으니
여러 놈 보기에는 우뇌가 존재 합니다.
여러 놈은 김 아담 머리의 프랙탈 작은 문양들입니다.
김 아담은 펑크났고 그 분열 상황을 극복하기 위하여 많은 학문이 분업으로 발생합니다.
천지인 순서 상으로
아담을 만들기 이전에 다른 생물종들을 먼저 만들었고
그들의 인수, 축은 상호적으로 교차하여 아담의 제작에 기여했습니다.
아담까지 만들었을 때에 모든 생물종은 하나의 단위였습니다, 모든 축과 인수가 평등했습니다.
이것은 해부 전에는 사실입니다.
선악과를 먹은 일은 해부입니다.
선악과 하나만이 인간의 한계 밖으로 나가는 외연 일점이었습니다.
하나님에게 우주가 일점이듯, 아담에게도 에덴 동산은 아직 일점이었습니다.
현재 인간의 신체를 보면
우주가 없던 오른쪽 귀에서부터 우주를 최대치로 만든 왼쪽귀에까지 지름이 있고
그 지름이 우주의 지름입니다.
단지 연식이 다른 피조물마다 역사의 길이가 다릅니다.
한효주는 머리통 지름이 10억 년이었습니다.
한효주를 분해해 먹은 이후로 필름이 짧습니다.
줌 인을 하였습니다.
지름이 작은 식인종들은 지름 큰 한효주에게 시달립니다.
귀신 한효주는 죽지 않습니다.
김 메타트론 김성훈 배우 하정우 씨의 머리통 지름은 우주 전역사입니다.
수천 억 년이 넘습니다.
노래하는 임영웅 씨의 머리통 지름도 그 쯤 됩니다.
현재 머리통 지름에 대한 교훈은 쉽게 한 가지가 최소한입니다.
빛과 어둠입니다.
색으로 즉 오른쪽 여러 놈 실존 고뇌의 차원에서 치면 흑백입니다.
명명백백 일시간축 일방적이고 보편적이고 무조건적인 명령체계 신호등체계 이세계라는 수리 세계는 흰점 이내이고
여러놈 세계는 분산과 편차가 팽만하게 천차만별입니다.
예수만 혼자 평준화시켜 주었습니다.
그러한 오른쪽 귀의 형편은 창조주 앞의 피조물입니다.
절대평가 창조주 앞의 피조물이어야 창조주의 기준상 자기 정체를 정확하게 압니다.
왜냐하면 우주의 유무지간 변함이 없는 믿음의 기준이신 창조주 아버지 하나님이기 때문입니다.
그러한 존재를 설정하지 않으면 결국 구구단이 무용지물이 되고 모든 물증이 간과되어 자연법칙을 벗어나서 죽습니다.
법칙적인 자연은 창조주의 거울입니다.
여러 놈 우리 각자도 창조주의 거울을 봅니다.
자기 한계 이내에서는 물리적인 거울을 보고
자기 한계 이상으로는 예수의 거울을 봅니다.
예수는 먼저 구해야 하는 그 나라와 의의 그 나라 한국의 막내입니다.
그 나라 한국은 머리통 속의 나라였습니다.
그러나 머리통도 거울이기에 깨면 없어집니다.
한국인과 말한다는 일이 가능했을 때에 마치 한국과 연결된 듯하였습니다.
한국은 보이는 세계가 아닙니다.
한국은 영혼의 세계이기 때문입니다.
영혼은 독서하는 자입니다, 최초의 발현태 영혼은 김 메타트론입니다.
김 메타트론은 그야말로 오브제, 러프하게 모두가 부러워하는 존재입니다.
육신과 정신 공식이 모두 들어있는 빅뱅 특이점의 대표입니다.
우주의 성문법과 문법과 제도상 대표입니다.
우주의 모든 역사의 기록을 읽는 존재가 김 메타트론입니다.
그러므로 오로지 현재 시대에 집착하면 손해입니다.
김 메타트론의 얼굴 아래로 모든 얼굴이 들어있습니다.
왜냐하면 얼굴은 역사를 운전하는 운전대이기 때문입니다.
천지인 순서 상으로
인간 신체의 좌우는 천지간입니다.
보이지 않는 하늘이 보이는 땅으로 최대한 발현하는 과정입니다.
아직 사람이 존재하지 않습니다.
오로지 한국의 영혼들만 존재합니다.
영혼은 죽지 않습니다, 영혼은 하나님의 일부이기 때문입니다.
하나님은 선한 독서를 하라고 말씀하십니다.
늦게 사람도 가시 우주에 출현했습니다.
머리통의 반지름만큼 출현했습니다.
예수가 2천 년 전에 제대로 만든 머리통의 왼쪽 절반은 한국에만 있습니다.
이번에 수십 년 전에 제대로 만든 머리통의 왼쪽 절반도 한국에만 있습니다.
천지를 만든 좌뇌입니다.
천지와, 사람보다 먼저 만든 다른 생물종들을 지켜줘야 하는 인간입니다.
그러므로, 천지를 만든 자동법칙 좌뇌를 황인종이 갖고 다녀야 합니다.
무엇이든 동선은 값의 지속이고 그 두께는 인구수입니다.
줌 아웃해서 최대한 객관적으로 우주유무지간 자연법칙을 압축해서 안겨주었어도 머리통이 굵습니다.
원래 아담이 온구, 이브가 흰 빛이었는데
지금 인류는 머리통이 굵으니, 지구에 정착한 증거입니다.
원래 굵었어도 안보였던 때가 있습니다.
현재의 가시광선으로 기준해 말하였습니다.
지구, 온구였던 김 아담은 황인종이었고 이브는 백인이었습니다.
이브는 뼈 없고 지구가 없습니다.
아담의 누런 뼈에 아담의 눈을 통해서 흰 빛이 들어온 것 뿐이었습니다.
사람도 임신하여 배가 불룩해지는 일은 혼혈잡종의 식인종인 쭈쭈쭈쭈쭈쭈 때문일 뿐입니다.
지금까지 지구가 자전과 공전을 해왔는데
그러한 모든 천체의 이동하는 동선이 인간 신체의 매 윤곽에 기여합니다.
계속 아담을 보충하고 있습니다.
그러나 현재 인간신체의 매 윤곽은 지구보다 작습니다.
창조 제 4일 째에 일했던 김 메타트론에게 있는 큰 大자의 인간이 지구상에 존재합니다.
별빛도 큰 大 자요 사람도 큰 大 자입니다, 같습니다.
불덩어리인지 뜨거운 개스인지 옛 지구 아담도 큰 大 자입니다.
현재까지 아담의 우뇌 속에서 머리통과 매의 분열을 극복하며 학문 분업을 지속중인 인류는
메타트론과 함께 큰 大 자인 자신을 기준하여 그러한 모든 학문을 하고 있습니다.
마치 책 한 권과 같은 독서를 한 바퀴 끝내면 자기의 큰 大 자가 프랙탈 하나를 추가로 입습니다.
최소한 인류는 23개 생물종의 신체교과서를 모두 큰 大 자로 입어야 합니다.
색이 다 다를 지라도 그렇게 입어
여자가 결혼하여 22명까지는 애를 낳아도 됩니다.
육신을 잊은 영혼이 되고 싶은지?
아무튼지, 여러 놈 세상을 인간 머리통 반지름의 세상이라고 부릅니다.
유사 시대를 일컫습니다.
남의 역사가 자기 반지름 속에 들어와 있습니다, 에너지 수준에서.
이러한 상호간섭을 피하지 못하여 지옥도 갑니다.
인간 머리통 좌우 흑백이 서로 공통으로 지니는 것은 중심의 김 메타트론입니다.
최초 발현태 영혼, 독서하여 문장을 기억하는 역사의 주체입니다.
김 메타트론과 같이 영혼인 모든 한국인이 이러한 독서하는 영혼의 점을 지닙니다.
이 점에 두께는 없습니다.
보이지 않는 세계인 영혼의 나라 한국이 머리통의 좌우간 흑백 최대치 지름을 가시 세계에 구현했을 때에
김 메타트론에게 첫 번째 안정적인 본성이 나타나고
그것은 사랑 김동욱입니다.
막 태어난 신생아가 부모 사이에서 세상을 배울 때의 사랑하는 그 본성, 김동욱입니다.
김 메타트론은 이때 부모의 사이 하나님 분신 신생아입니다.
요즘 세포가 그득한 인류 시대에는
그러한 김 메타트론 신생아 신체 내부의 세포수를 세는
모든 발현태 세포들인, 발현태 세포 랑그값인 임영웅이 있어서
여러 놈 세상에서 세포의 건강을 원한다면 세포 임영웅을 아껴줍니다.
노래하는 임영웅 씨는 세포의 역사체입니다.
모든 집 자식 임영웅 씨는
유사시대 인류의 머리통 반지름이 가치의 위계임을 압니다.
보이는 존재로서 인간의 신체는
물신-육신-귀신-심신-정신 상에서
머리통의 반지름 만큼 다른 놈들과 섞여있습니다.
나머지 반지름은 자연과 더 비례합니다.
그러니까 절반은 다른 종차놈들과 상호간섭 중이고
다른 절반은 부동산과 비례합니다.
부동산 지구 자연은 하나님의 거울상입니다.
거울입니까, 거울상입니까?
예수 그리스도는 머리통의 지름을 보며 오로지 하늘 생각을 하고
한국놈 흰이 김고태는 머리통의 지름을 보며 오로지 땅을 잠재울 생각을 합니다.
보통은 한국놈은 보이는 세상을 관심있어 하지 않습니다.
예수 그리스도가 옛날 우주의 시작 이전에 무질서를 잠재워 모든놈을 일점으로 만들었습니다.
모두가 서로 색깔이 달랐습니다, 색은 우선은 정치색입니다.
창조주 아버지 하나님 보시기에 일관되고 옳은 자의 빛깔이 김 메타트론이었습니다.
그 때는 창조의 시작 때였습니다.
창조주 아버지 하나님께서는 우리 모두의 시작을 기억하고 싶어하십니다, 이승에서.
창조주 아버지 하나님의 그 기억이 우리 이승의 일점으로 회복되어야 합니다.
우주가 일점으로 보이시는 창조주에게 우리 모두에 대한 옛 기억이 없어서야 되겠습니까?
세포의 운전수는 귀신입니다.
고등생물의 작은 것일수록 귀신이 많습니다.
세포의 미토콘드리아를 파랗게 물들여서 임영웅 씨를 감시한 것들이 있습니다.
천국을 원한다는 자들은
먼저 세포를 놔야 합니다.
왜냐하면 모든 머리통 지름을 깨고 세포 속에 녹아들 가능성이 있기 때문입니다.
귀신들의 눈금은 자연수가 못 됩니다.
그들 간에 길고 짧음을 비교 한다고 그들 사이가 자연수이지는 않습니다.
시간은 자연수입니다.
창조주 아버지 하나님께서는 우주 유무지간에 차이가 없으시고 우주에 갖혀있지 않습니다.
사람이 죽어 집의 벽에라도 집착한다면 창조주와 동일률을 지닌다 말할 수 없습니다.
상식으로 모든 사람은 창조주와 예수의 고유한 본성을 알고 있습니다.
여러놈 세상에서 누구든 죽어서도 다른놈들과 떨어지지 않을 수 있습니다.
그 방법은 여러놈이 함께 머리를 굴리는 일입니다.
예수 그리스도는, 피조물과 창조주 사이 동일률을 확인하기 위한 방법입니다.
예수 그리스도는 우선 해석의 대상입니다.
여러놈이 하극상 하는 가치체계로 예수를 포위하는 일은 불경한 일입니다.
인간 신체의 머리통 반지름의 가치위계를 어떠하게 완성하여야 하는가?
문장으로는 알고 있습니다.
그것부터 시작해 보십시다.
그리고 다음 겹으로 두께 자체를 순리적인 경지로 돌려놓읍시다.
그러므로 문장은 두께의 유무지간입니다.
이상으로 흰이 김고태가 말했습니다.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 11, 2021, 06:29:12 AM
 ::) ::)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 11, 2021, 09:43:42 AM
11613강 윤석열 전 총장의 퇴임날짜를 천공스승님께서 정해주셨다는 논란[홍익인간 인성교육]

이 사이비 인간드론 때문에 절름발이 尫 잘하면 썩은고목나무처럼 쓰러지겠구나
와중에 사이비가 제 잘났다구 자기피알도하는구나
미련한 윤석열이 사이비 만나고도 안만났다 위증한게 확실해졌다.
최순실처럼 도매금으로 넘겨라
공천 사이비 저느마 말투가 7시 즐라도 출신같다
절름발이 尫 팔자도 참 드럽게 사납구나

[조용헌 살롱] [1317] 초자연적인 힘, 주술

조용헌 건국대 석좌교수·문화컨텐츠학
입력 2021.10.11 00:00

초자연적인 힘, 그러니까 상식을 뛰어넘는 어떤 힘을 부리는 능력이 주술(呪術)이다. '주(呪)'의 사전적 의미는 저주하다, 빌다, 다라니라는 뜻을 지닌다. 주문을 외우거나 기도하는 행위도 주술에 포함된다. 신라 문무왕 때 신라로 쳐들어왔던 당나라 수군을 감포 앞바다에서 풍랑을 일으켜 수장했던 방법이 '문두루 비법'이었다. 밀교 신인종(神印宗)의 고단자인 명랑 법사가 낭산 언덕에다 임시로 제단을 설치하고 제단을 빙 둘러서 유가명승(瑜伽明僧) 12명을 배치하였다. 이 승려들로 하여금 주문을 외우게 하였다. 그러자 갑자기 바다에서 풍랑이 일어나서 당나라 수군이 물속으로 가라앉았다. 주술로 당나라 해군을 격파한 셈이다. 주문을 외우자 바람이 불고 파도가 쳐서 적군의 배가 난파되는 모습을 낭산 언덕 위에서 신라의 문무왕을 비롯한 수많은 군인과 승려가 두 눈으로 바라다보았을 것이다. 축구 경기장 관중석에서 선수들 뛰는 모습을 바라다보는 것처럼 말이다.

삼국지 제갈공명이 자신의 명이 짧다는 것을 알고 수명을 연장하기 위해서 제단을 쌓고 하늘의 별 28개에 기도했다는 대목도 주술에 속한다. 고려 시대에도 불교 승려 중에 특별히 주금사(呪噤師)가 있었다는 기록도 보인다. 주문 주특기 승려다. 국가적 재난이 있으면 이 주금사들이 파견되었다. 불교에서 많이 외우는 '천수경'도 신묘장구대다라니다. 주문이다. 알타미라, 라스코와 같은 3만~4만년 전 동굴 벽화에 그려져 있는 야생 소를 비롯하여 여러 동물 그림도 주술적 용도라고 해석한다.

프랑스의 쇼베 동굴은 입구에서 들어가면 중간에 수십 미터의 절벽을 내려가야 벽화가 있는 지점에 접근할 수 있다고 한다. 칠흑 같은 어둠이 아가리를 벌리고 있는 수십 미터 절벽을 어떻게 내려갔을까. 원시인들에게 죽음의 공포를 겪게 하는 극기 훈련 코스였다고 짐작된다. 그 죽음의 공포를 통과한 다음에 벽화가 그려진 장소에 도착하여 거대한 소를 창이나 돌도끼로 때려잡는 퍼포먼스를 한 공간으로 이해된다. 이 동굴들은 원시인의 신전이었다. 동물을 잡을 수 있는 초자연적인 힘을 얻기 위한 훈련장이자, 주술사 양성 코스였다고 이해된다. 현재까지 이 주술적 전통을 보존한 종교가 바로 부두(voodoo)교다. '살아있는 시체'라는 뜻의 좀비(zombie)가 부두교 용어다. 내가 좋아하는 UFC 정찬성 선수의 별명이 '코리안 좀비'다.

직관으로도 파악이 안되고 긴가민가 의심이 갈때는 보류가 아니라 부결, 불가동으로 판단한다.
그것이 확실한 진리-빛을 대하는 현자들의 평가방법이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 11, 2021, 10:14:54 AM
속보) 이낙연 지지세력들, 이재명 당선은 자유당 시절의 사사오입 개헌이다. 당장 철회하라 ㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D

공중부양은 간을 상하지 허허허 허허허허?? ;D ;D ;D ;D

허경영이 백번 낫겄다 ....그챠? 상수야? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 11, 2021, 01:14:34 PM
Please don't waste time on tesla transmitter and tesla receiver circuit of Akula.It isn't kapanadze and this device takes up the largest space in Akula room.
There was discussion about this i/c:K55TB9 it was 4029 or 4013 i can't fully recall. cmos definately which i can recall clearly.
The reason i am not a believer of Ruslan was because he was using pll.Base on my experiment it work merely lighting bulbs and efficiently lighting one if tune right.
If it's too good to be true.Please run away.
PWM generator did produce result which defy logic base on L/C resonance.
Last experiment conducted months back.I can't fully remember what value of capacitor i was using was it 0.47ufx2 in parallel wima or 4x0.33uf induction heater capacitors.
Anyhow the resonance at full brightness which i believe many of you will fall under this category is below 20khz if reasonable capacitor value is used.
For me the resonance was at 14.4xkhz which i clearly recall.But the abnormality was discovered at 28.8khz which the bulb was lit as well.But as part of experiment i merely switch off power to
my kacher-tesla transponder circuit using nanosecond generator(Oleg-Ruslan design 74HC132.But this was a single pulse back then).
This is where i discovered the effect similar to URFA.
Which means no kacher resulted no light.This part i was lost on how it tamper with L/C resonance.
I also discovered with or without 60watt bulb the power reading still stays at 54watt.Attempt to loopback failed as i tried to use a 90watt(90volts-240volts wide range) multi-voltage adapter set at
12volts to battery.This cause the bulb to flicker at 1 or 2 times per second.
Mistake learned not to use single nanosecond pulse base on old faked Ruslan oleg.I will use sergey approach to implement interrupter and the additional ability to position pulse something like the oleg's.
I need to assemble a robust pwm generator with 1.2kv SIC mosfet(For efficiency and low switching lost) to drive toroid(3 turns) with the previous assemble kapanadze coil in order to work on the latest circuit i am working on with the use of LM393 OR tlc272.
Back to square one.
I will still use my tesla transponder coil shown in my youtube since it's assembled for High "Q" in order to produce really notable current reading to Earth.
You will know outcome if you compare head to head typical tesla coil with my high 'Q' coil (base on observation/Reverse engineered version of Akula coil in yellow tape as zoomed in clearly pasted in my old posting).In both cases apply interrupter pulse and set to 100...200volts.
The coil spacing given between each winding is similar those classic coil winded on huge see through wooden bobbin.Can't remember the old word. ;D
If anyone bothered to download Sergey.He is using super high end audio wire OFC -Oxygen free copper as shown in the picture on the huge roll.
Akula did mention about this wire which will effect the length needed for kapanadze winding a long time ago.
I have enough copper wire run me entire home because of kapanadze .No plans for OFC.But i am jealous. :D :D :D
I have just completed testing sergey interrupter circuit as attached.
Take note of C1 original value 10nf (tested up to 19khz) changed to 1.5nf (test to over 30khz but not suitable for below 20khz.Take note of the interrupter pulse position) or leave it at around 6.8nf.Up to individual needs.I use 74HC132 instead of 74HC00.
Theory and practical aspect of sergey interrupter circuit is workable as intended.That's all.


I would like to mention more, but my English is very poor because I depend on Google Translate. Posted for reference only.


검칠충장이란 쉐끼가 무당이나 만나러 댕기구
니기 이명박이냐 게쉐꺄
거긴 왜가냐 게쉐꺄
거진 무당집 아니냐 게쉐꺄
하나만해라 게쉐꺄
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 11, 2021, 01:38:41 PM
결벽증가진 천공이가 눈깔을 잠시도 가만못두고 삼지사방 교활하게 굴려대는 것은 자신감이 없다는 뜻이고, ::)
결벽증이 가진 영업비밀이란게 고작해야 뉴스에서 들은 정보가 전부란게고,  ::)
명분이 어쩌고저쩌구, 사내대장부가 어쩌고저쩌고 버럭버럭 소리지는 건 씹선비 기질만 디룩디룩찬 돈무당이란 얘기지 뭐.... ;D ;D
요즘 유튜브 널린게 돈무당들이잖여... ;D ;D
윤석열이 그때 결벽증한테 복채는 얼마나줬나 그거나 알아봐라... ;D ;D

천공스승님의 남북통일론에 대한 논란

도때비는 국민핵교 문턱도 못넘어봤는디, 결벽증이는 국민핵교 2학녕 댕기다가 때려챴단다 ;D
근디 무식한건 도때비보다 한 수 위다 ;D ;D ;D ;D
결벽증이 씨부리는 의도로봐서는 이 시대 조건없는 남북통일 위해서 윤석렬이 대권에 나가믄 걸림돌돨테니 통일은 물건너갈테구 이쯤서 尫때랴치라는 언질 준거같다 ::) ::)
결벽증이 햇빛정책 김돼중 팬인건 확실한거 같구 ::) ::)
인간백정 김일성 원쑤 좃대감지빨아대는 세기와 더불어 민주당 결벽증 무당을 윤석열이 이유없이 만났다믄 뭔가 꿍꿍이 있다는 야그잖여 ::) ::) ::) ::)
그러나 앙그러나 인선아 ;D ;D

Michael Jackson - Remember The Time
;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 11, 2021, 01:50:53 PM
Free Energy motionless generator- very simple

Anyone who knows what Ivo does here is very likely to predict Ivo's failure.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 13, 2021, 12:37:53 AM
Offline lancaIV
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Posts: 4791
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« Sent to: color on: October 12, 2021, 11:51:04 AM »ReplyQuoteDelete
I give the "deutsch"-language  sentence to google translator for transduction,deutsch to Chinese (traditionel) :
mit stil reitet der hexer auf dem stiel [ gram(m)atical right I would have to write : mit Stil reitet der Hexer auf dem Stil ]

獵魔人優雅地騎在把手上                                            I assume : written,Image
Liè mó rén yōuyǎ de qí zài bǎshǒu shàng              I assume : the above pictograms spoken,words

I regive the above sentence " Liè mó rén yōuyǎ de qí zài bǎshǒu shàng ",without language indication,automatique "capture/definding",and got : Vietnamesisch-Erkannt  ;) my translation german-englis(c)h : Vietnamesic-Detected

Really "brave" automatism !?  :o ??? ::) :) Vietnam : sino ? (Tiger-estate) ,North-/South-territories ? Malakka-/Thai languages influences ?

I give this "sino-vietnamesic " sentence to DeepL :


Automatic : "English-Detected"  ??? ::) ;) :) The "boat-people" influence in Great-Britain ?!

DeepL Chinese-Deutsch("German")

                                               Automatic translator syn(apsis)-tax(is) ?

                                                 In "neuronal transmitter" we trusts !?
Next trial : deutsch-english(UK)
Next trial,DeepL english(US)-deutsch
Mit Stil reitet der Zauberer auf der Pirsch
Ja wonach jagt der denn,der Zauberer ?

  Ist Zauberei Hexerei oder Hexerei Zauberei ?

https://www.deepl.com/translator#de/zh/%20Ist%20Zauberei%20Hexerei%20oder%20Hexerei%20Zauberei%20%3F                       with some given Ur-Alternatives  8)
                 only 1 lingual monolog  ::) in that language region,North-/South corean to take as same !?  ;)


獵 사냥 hunting
魔 마귀 the devil
人 사람 people, man
優 뛰어나다 excellent
雅 올바르다 is correct
地 땅 earth land
騎 말을 타다 ride a horse
在 있다, 존재한다 exist
把 잡다 catch
手 손 hand
上 위(아래의 상대 개념) up (relative concept below)

Let lancaIV combine these letters to make an English sentence.
By the way, people who write Chinese characters do not use these sentences very well.




Lumbini pillar inscription
Discovery of the inscription (1896)

In December 1896, Alois Anton Führer was making a follow-up survey of the nearby Nigali-Sagar pillar, discovered and investigated by him the previous year, in March 1895.
According to some accounts, Fuhrer found the Lumbini pillar on December 1st, and then asked the help of local commander, General Khadga Samsher Rana, to excavate it. According to other accounts General Khadga Samsher Rana knew the location of the pillar and led Führer to it. Reportedly, Fuhrer was not present when the inscription was discovered, as he arrived only "a little later", but Ricketts was witness to it. Initially, only the top of the pillar was visible, with a Medieval inscription on it. The Nepalese authorities dug around the pillar, to find the ancient Brahmi inscription, which therefore had remained underground, hidden from view.

The Brahmi inscription on the pillar gives evidence that Ashoka, emperor of the Maurya Empire, visited the place in 3rd-century BCE and identified it as the birth-place of the Buddha. The inscription was translated by Paranavitana:

𑀤𑁂𑀯𑀸𑀦𑀁𑀧𑀺𑀬𑁂𑀦 𑀧𑀺𑀬𑀤𑀲𑀺𑀦 𑀮𑀸𑀚𑀺𑀦𑀯𑀻𑀲𑀢𑀺𑀯𑀲𑀸𑀪𑀺𑀲𑀺𑀢𑁂𑀦
Devānaṃpiyena Piyadasina lājina vīsati-vasābhisitena
𑀅𑀢𑀦𑀆𑀕𑀸𑀘 𑀫𑀳𑀻𑀬𑀺𑀢𑁂 𑀳𑀺𑀤𑀩𑀼𑀥𑁂𑀚𑀸𑀢 𑀲𑀓𑁆𑀬𑀫𑀼𑀦𑀺𑀢𑀺
atana āgāca mahīyite hida Budhe jāte Sakyamuni ti
𑀲𑀺𑀮𑀸𑀯𑀺𑀕𑀥𑀪𑀺𑀘𑀸𑀓𑀸𑀳𑀸𑀧𑀺𑀢 𑀲𑀺𑀮𑀸𑀣𑀪𑁂𑀘 𑀉𑀲𑀧𑀸𑀧𑀺𑀢𑁂
silā vigaḍabhī cā kālāpita silā-thabhe ca usapāpite
𑀳𑀺𑀤𑀪𑀕𑀯𑀁𑀚𑀸𑀢𑀢𑀺 𑀮𑀼𑀁𑀫𑀺𑀦𑀺𑀕𑀸𑀫𑁂 𑀉𑀩𑀮𑀺𑀓𑁂𑀓𑀝𑁂
hida Bhagavaṃ jāte ti Luṃmini-gāme ubalike kaṭe
aṭha-bhāgiye ca

— Adapted from transliteration by E. Hultzsch,

When King Devanampriya Priyadarsin had been anointed twenty years, he came himself and worshipped (this spot) because the Buddha Shakyamuni was born here. (He) both caused to be made a stone bearing a horse (?) and caused a stone pillar to be set up, (in order to show) that the Blessed One was born here. (He) made the village of Lummini free of taxes, and paying (only) an eighth share (of the produce).

— The Rummindei Edict, one of the Minor Pillar Edicts of Ashoka.


Following the discovery of the pillar, Führer relied on the accounts of ancient Chinese pilgrims to search for Kapilavastu, which he thought had to be in Tilaurakot. Unable to find anything significant, he started excavating some structures at Sagarwa, which he said were stupas of the Shakyas, and was in the process of faking pre-Mauryan inscriptions on bricks, when he was caught in the act by Vincent Arthur Smith.

Soon after, Alois Anton Führer was exposed as "a forger and dealer in fake antiquities", and had to resign from his position in 1898. Führer's early archaeological successes had apparently encouraged him to inflate his later discoveries to the point of creating forgeries. Vincent Arthur Smith further revealed in 1901 the blunt truth about Führer's Nepalese discoveries, saying of Führer's description of the archaeological remains at Nigali Sagar that "every word of it is false", and characterizing several of Führer's epigraphic discoveries in the area, including the inscriptions at the alleged Shakya stupas at Sagarwa, as "impudent forgeries". However Smith never challenged the authenticity of the Lumbini pillar inscription and the Nigali Sagar inscription.

Führer had written in 1897 a monograph on his discoveries in Nigali Sagar and Lumbini, Monograph on Buddha Sakyamuni's birth-place in the Nepalese tarai which was withdrawn from circulation.

Issues of authenticity

Although generally accepted as genuine, this inscription does raise a few issues in terms of authenticity:
●The Lumbini inscription is in the third person, written by someone reporting a past visit of Devanampriya Priyadarsi, and is not written in Devanampriya Priyadarsi's own name contrary to all known edicts. So, by its own internal evidence, it may have been written at any time in history after the ruler's visit. In effect, ancient Brahmi was still understood until the beginning of 4th century CE before being rediscovered in the 19th century.
●The qualifier used for the Buddha in the inscription is Sakyamuni (𑀲𑀓𑁆𑀬𑀫𑀼𑀦𑀺), which is normally a Sanskritized form of the Prakrit Sakamuni (𑀲𑀓𑀫𑀼𑀦𑀺 "Sage of the Sakas), although the fully Sanskritized form would be Śakyamuni (𑀰𑀓𑁆𑀬𑀫𑀼𑀦𑀺, pronounced "Shakyamuni"). The problem is that the rest of the inscription is entirely in Prakrit, and Sanskrit inscriptions are not otherwise attested before the 1st century BCE-1st century CE. "Sakyamuni" first appears in the Lumbini inscription, the other known forms being "Sakiya" in the Piprahwa inscription, "Sakka" in the Pali literature, "Sakka" and "Śakka" in Prakrit literature, "Saka" (Bharhut) and "Śaka" in the epigraphic record.
●The Buddha is never mentioned in the Major Pillar Edicts nor in the Major Rock Edicts, and only appears once in the Bairat Temple inscription.
●The inscription was discovered by Nepalese General Kadga Shameshar, which the famous Anton Fuhrer was not there and arrived shortly after it was discoverd.The engraving is in extremely good condition and seems fresh: the reason is this pillar was partly (portion which contain the inscription) underground for so long. when Rhys Davids made a copy of the inscription in 1900, he noted that it was "almost as if freshly cut". Following re-examination fifty years later, academics commented: "The pillar bears an inscription of Asoka, very well preserved. The lines are straight and letters very tastefully written. It appears as if the inscription has been very recently incised."

This issue was popularized in 2008 by British writer Charles Allen.
Lumbini was made a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 13, 2021, 01:20:17 AM
Je suis curieux de savoir quelle est la puissance maximale de votre générateur.
Est-ce environ 2kw?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 13, 2021, 01:37:12 AM
푸들 강아지 발전기 용량? ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 13, 2021, 01:58:56 AM
아빠 발전기 용량이야 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on October 13, 2021, 12:15:46 PM

He has used only this circuit with flyback transformer.
Device is 220 v 40 Watts
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 14, 2021, 10:26:37 AM
Hi Just a watt, not true whitch of the modules drives the grenade then,  and where is the modified circuit for that ?

If my memory serves  ::) some where around page 98 is a link to a very similar circuit  that might me usefull
but i haven't spent any time on it so let us all know if it works  :) ;) :D ;D thats if you find the link!

Regards Sil
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 14, 2021, 12:49:33 PM
[도올김용옥] 동경대전 64 수운의 사상은 '엘랑비탈(생명의 약동)'을 바르게 구가하는 사상 - 같지 않은 놈들이 왜 이리 급급한가?

김용옥은 십여년전부터 하도 까대서 더 깔 것도 없다만 전통의 동네북이라 정기적으로 깐다.
어느시기부터 명맥 끊겨 이 시대뿐 아니라 김용옥도 태극와 무극의 본질이 무엇인지 무식이라 참고로 올린다.

도덕경(道德經) 도가도비상도(道可道非常道)는 빛과 어둠이 늘 교차하는 달(月)이 주제다.
그래서 빛과 어둠 모두가 도(道)다.
태극의 흰 것이 道可와 有名이고, 검은 것이 道非와 無名이다.
해서 道可道가 한 단락이 아니라, 道可道非를 한 단락으로 해석한다.
일반적으로 道可는 달의 밝은 부분이지만,
검을 玄자 쓰는 현장(玄奘) 법사가 인도에서 들여 온 삼신불은 세 어둠이 주제라 道可가 어둠이다.
또 하나는 삼신불이 어둠이 아닌 희랍신 제우스처럼 번개로 이해된 경우다.
기독교 성서도 예수를 번개로 재림시킨 이상 도교에 흡수된 네스토리우스 경교에 번개가 빠지면 앙꼬없는 찐빵된다.
신라역사에 등장하는 수많은 뱀들은 경교의 번개다.
중국에서 네 음절의 사자성어가 발달한 것은 태양신전 때문이다.

《서유기》(西遊記)는 중국 명나라 시기의 장편소설이다. 전 100회로, 오승은(吳承恩, 1500-1582)의 작품으로 알려져 있다. 오승은은 회안(淮安) 사람으로서 그의 시문집도 남아 있으며, 서유기 작가라는 증거가 충분한 것은 아니다.
삼장법사(三藏法師)가 천축(天竺)으로 가는 길을 답파하여 중국에 경전을 구하여 온다는 이야기의 골자는 당의 고승인 현장(玄奘, 600-664)의 역사적 장거 실록으로 현장의 《대당서역기》(大唐西域記), 혜립(慧立)의 〈대자은사 삼장법사전〉 (大慈恩寺三藏法師傳) 등에 따른 것으로, 소설의 대부분(제13-100회)은 요마(妖魔)에서 발을 씻은 손오공(孫悟空), 저오능(猪悟能), 사오정(沙悟淨)의 세 제자가 연달아 나타나고 기상천외의 요마들과 갖가지 싸움을 벌이는 '81난(難)'의 이야기이다.

현장(玄奘, 602년 4월 6일 ~ 664년 3월 7일)은 당나라 초기 고승이자 번역가이며, 흔히 현장삼장(玄奘三藏)으로 불린다. 10세 때 형을 따라 낙양의 정토사에서 불경을 공부했고, 13세 때 승적에 이름을 올려 현장이라는 법명을 얻었다. 그를 부르는 또 다른 명칭은 삼장법사인데, 삼장(三藏)이란 명칭은 경장(經藏) · 율장(律藏) · 논장(論藏)에 능해서 생긴 별칭이다.
현장은 당시의 한문 불교 경전의 내용과 계율에 대한 의문점을 팔리어와 산스크리트어 원전에 의거하여 연구하려고 627년 또는 629년에 인도의 푸슈야브후티로 떠났으며 645년에 귀국하였다. 그는 귀국 후 사망할 때까지 만 19년에 걸쳐 자신이 가지고 돌아온 불교 경전의 한문 번역에 종사하였다. 그 번역은 원문에 충실하며 당시 번역법이나 번역어에 커다란 개혁을 가져왔다. 이 때문에 종래 번역을 구역(舊譯)이라 부르고, 현장 이후 번역을 신역(新譯)이라고 부른다. 현장은 중국 불교의 법상종 · 구사종(俱舍宗)의 개조이다.
또 그는 자신의 인도 여행의 견문기를 《대당서역기》에 통합 정리하여 태종에게 진상하였다. 이 책은 당시 인도나 중앙아시아(서역)를 알기 위한 제1급의 사료다. 또한 문학적으로는 현장의 천축 여행을 모티브로 하여 명나라 시대에 《서유기》라는 소설이 생겼다.

현장이 다녀온 인도 푸슈야브후티 지역은,

그리스 알렉산더 대왕 침공으로 유명해진 간다라 지역이다.

현장이 627년 또는 629년에서 645년까지 머물던 간다라 지역은 사산제국이 지배하던 떄다.

현장이 방문했던 이유도 당나라와 교류하던 막강한 사산제국 때문에 갔던 것이지, 우후죽순처럼 수십개 왕국이 난립하는 인도를 방문할 목적이 아니였다.
651년 사산왕조가 멸망하기 전에 현장이 당나라로 돌아왔기에 현장이 당나라에 가지고 온 삼장의 의미는 희랍의 제우스와 조로아스터교적인 것이 뒤섞인 것이지만, 큰 어둠 현장(玄奘) 이름 뜻에서도 알 수 있듯이 어둠 또는 번개가 내제한다.

현장이 팔리어와 산스크리트어를 연구할 목적으로 인도를 방문했다는 말은 627년 또는 629년에는 말이 안된다.
강성하게 번영하는 북아메리카 대륙을 방문하는데 미국 영어가 아닌 멕시코인들이 쓰는 스페인어를 연구했다고 우기는 것과 같다.
그래서 중국 불교경전에 등장하는 팔리어와 산스크리트어는 후대의 개입이란 뜻이다.
사산제국이 멸망한 651년 이후부터 이슬람의 뱀문자와 인도의 산스크리트어, 팔리어가 당나라 불교에 영향을 줬다는 뜻이다.
현장 이름도 이 떄문에 뜻 자체가 바꿨을 가능성이 크다.
당나라나 신라에서 만들어진 부처상들은 죄다 희랍인들이 모델인 간다라 영향의 불상들이다.
해서 인도 불상은 존재하는 것이 아니다.
태양신전과 아펩신전에서 기독교 예수와 유대교 여호와가 동시에 출발했듯이,
태양신전과 아펩신전에서 인도 석가모니가 홀로 출발하면서 빛과 어둠이 뒤섞여 버렸다.
아펩신전 고개 숙인 뱀은 빛과 어둠이 뒤섞인 달과 개념적으로 같다.
예수와 대립하는 여호와가 인도 석가모니 불교에는 없다.
힌두교의 수많은 신들을 불교가 수억 수십억의 부처들로 흡수한 정도다.
여호와가 유일신 표방했듯이 부처 홀로 유일신적인 요소다.
뱀처럼 구불거리는 팔리어, 산스크리트어에서 알 수 있듯이 불교의 바탕은 번개신 제우스와 어둠신 아펩이다.
산스크리트어 여의봉 작대기는 누워있는 아펩뱀의 변형이며 태양신전 헤드젯이 아니다.
인도 원숭이가 나무에 메달린 원숭이 꼬리 형태도 아니다.
서유기 손오공이 휘두르는 여의봉이 산스크리트어적인 의미지만,
브라만들에 의해 만들어진게 산스크리트어다.
인도의 고전 산스크리트어 체계화시킨 파니니는 브라만이고 사마리아 후손 사두개인이다.
인도의 네 계급은 Djed이 원류다.
희랍어, 라틴어, 영어, 한글은 태양신전이 원류지만, 히브리어, 아랍어, 산스크리트어는 아펩신전이 원류다

Lumbini pillar inscription

카이사르가 암살당하고 클레오파트라 7세가 급하게 로마에서 이집트로 피신했던 프톨레미 15세의 어린시절 사건이, 헤롯을 피해 이집트로 도망친 요셉과 마리아, 나사렛 아기 예수의 사건들로 둔갑한 것처럼, 석가모니도 실존인물이 아니지만 자존심 쎈 인도인들이 불경 속의 싯다르타를 실존 인물로 만들어야 필요성을 느껴 룸비니 지역에서 발굴된 유물에 테러짓 한게다.

예수의 동생을 자처하며 태평천국의 난 일으킨 홍수전이 태양신전 쌍낫배와 달을 알고서 난을 일으킨 것이 아니듯이,

시천주 조화정 영세불망 만사지(侍天主造化定永世不忘萬事知)
도올이 말하는 최제우-최시형-전봉준으로 이어지는 동학도,
기독교/도교/불교/토속신앙이 짬뽕된 테러의 전형이지, 태양신전이나 아펩신전을 알아서 발생한 것이 아니듯이,
초등학교 2학년 중퇴인 결벽증 무당 천공처럼 신도수 점점 많아지면 홍수전이나 정명석, 이만희, 조희선, 문선명, 안상홍, 장길자처럼 그들식 동학 만든다.

이집트 문명, 메소포타미아 문명, 인더스 문명, 황하 문명은 같은 원류에서 시작한다.
전시대냐 후시대냐의 차이일 뿐이다.

빛과 어둠이 교차하는 달을 태극으로 이해하는 것이 보편이지만
그러나 태극은 빛의 정점이며 음양의 점점이 아니다.
태극과 무극을 합한 것을 태극으로 이해하는 것이다.
니들은 황극을 태극으로 이해(오해)하고 있는거다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 14, 2021, 01:12:38 PM

My dad also had experience running flyback transformers for TVs with this schematic.
This is a circuit diagram that can operate a Tesla coil with ferrite.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on October 14, 2021, 03:10:02 PM
Where is the rest of the circuit for the grenade Page 98 ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 14, 2021, 07:52:35 PM

I found a video of my dad's experiment.
The grenade is powered by a 494-2113 push-pull.
The flyback transformer works, but the generator does not work as it is not an air conditioning-circuit.
My dad tested the 494-4420 about a year later, but the result was the same.
My dad never had a generator run with a flyback transformer.
It's the schematic that justawatt expected, so I can't answer any further.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 14, 2021, 08:43:12 PM
예도 박충일 뻥이 갈수록 심각해진다 ;D ;D ;D ::)

무(無)에 기반하기

퀑탱 메이야수, 카강 카비치, 세르강 갈치 인터뷰
영역: 로빈 멕케이

카강 카비치: 당신의 저작에서 근본적인 관심 중 하나는 사유의 능력이지요. 당신은 사유가 정확히 무엇을 할 수 있는지를 묻고, 사유는 절대적인 것(the absolute)을 파악할 수 있다고 주장합니다. 당신이 방어하는 그 형식은, 이런 주제로 하여금 당신이 '사변적 유물론'(speculative materialism)이라 부르는 유물론의 근원적인 재생을 가능하게 하지요. 사변적 유물론에 따르면, 사물, 객체, 과정 그리고 심지어 자연법칙도 우발적입니다. 그리고 어떤 절대적인 것으로 알려질 수 있는 것이 바로 이러한 우발성이지요. 당신은 '우발성 그리고 오로지 우발성만이 필연적이다'가 영원한 진리라고 주장하면서, 이 진리를 『유한성 이후』(After Finitude)에서 철학적으로 증명합니다.[2] 이러한 관점에서 이제 우리가 지금껏 있었던 유물론들의 지도를 살펴보면, 대부분의 '고전' 유물론들은 형이상학적으로 보이고 대개의 '신' 유물론들은 자연주의나 당신이 '주체적 초물리학'(subjectalist hyperphysics)이라고 부르는 것의 양태처럼 보입니다. 그러면 유물론적인 철학을 위해 요청되는 것들은 무엇이며, 왜 당신은 대부분의 유물론이 '구' 또는 '신'이든, 이러한 요청에 미치지 못한다고 생각하시는지요?

퀑탱 메이야수: 나는 유물론이 고대 유물론의 계승으로서 근대 시기 동안 결코 실재적으로 스스로를 재구성하는데 성공하지 못했다고 믿습니다. 근대성은 사유(넓은 의미에서 지능, 감각, 그리고 생명을 포함하는)와 존재 사이의 상관성(correlation)에 의해 빠르게 지배되어 버렸는데, 그 어떤 유물론 철학자들도 이 상관성에 반하여 만족스러운 논증을 펼치지 않았지요. 내가 상관성이라고 부르는 것은 존재와 사유 간에 가정된 필연적 연결이라는 두 가지 가능한 형식들 사이의 양자택일입니다. 그 중 하나는 정신을 세계에 대한 그것의 개방 안으로 밀어 넣는데, 그럼으로써 자체성(in-itself) - 절대성 – 은 필연적으로 그것을 빠져 나가게 됩니다(내가 상관주의correlationism라 부르는 것). 다른 하나는 사유-존재 상관성을 절대적인 것 자체와 동일시하는 겁니다. 그래서 절대적인 것은 여러 방식들로 주체화된 스스로를 발견합니다(내가 주체주의subjectalism라 부르는 것)

이것은 유물론이 그것으로부터 결코 스스로를 끄집어낼 수 없었던 철학적인 양자택일이지요. 따라서 18세기의 유물론은, 그 가장 흥미로운 형태에 있어서 – 모페르튀이Maupertuis와 디드로Diderot의 형태 – 스스로를 물활론적 생기론과 동일시함으로써 사유-존재 상관성을 절대화합니다. 화학적(또는 이른바 '통속적') 또는 변증법적 유물론자들(루드비히 뷔히너Ludwig Büchner나 레닌Lenin)은 초월론적 또는 경험-비판적 상관주의에 대해 그 어떤 납득할만한 반증을 내놓지 못해요. 자연주의에 대해서 말하자면 – 이것은 통상 통속 유물론과 많은 공통점을 가지는데 – 내게 그것은 매우 허약해 보입니다. 왜냐하면 특히 그것이 일반적으로 내가 '이론주의'(theorism)라고 부른 것으로 전락하기 때문입니다. 그것은 스스로를 과학에 기반하지 않고 특정 과학으로부터 나온 최근의 이론(다윈주의, 행동주의, 인지 과학 등등)에 기반하여, 그것으로부터 관념론이나 종교적인 것(religiosity)의 어떤 형식을 결정적으로 논박한다고 추정되는 일련의 진리들을 이끌어 내지요. 그것은 아마도 그러한 이론들이 새로운 이론들에 의해 붕괴될 때까지만 결정적인 것이 될 뿐입니다.

내가 불만족스러운 것으로 간주하는 이러한 모든 형식들(생기론, 과학주의, 자연주의 등등)에 대해 나는 신중하게 상관성 논증을 취하고자 시도하는 유물론을 대립시키면서, 그것들에 관한 정교한 반론을 제시하고, 비-의인적(non-anthropomorphic) 물질, 즉 사유, 영혼, 감각, 생명이 전적으로 부재하는 물질을 사유할 가능성에 기초를 제공하지요. 당신이 말한 바와 같이 나는 이를, 특히 어떤 과학 이론의 필연성에 대한 믿음을 거부할 뿐 아니라, 자연법칙의 필연성도 거부하는 절대적 우발성의 이론이라는 방법을 통해 실행합니다. 역설적이게도 내가 생각하는 것이 어떤 쪽이든 그것은 내가 (그것이 야기하는 이어지는 이론들과 독립적으로) 어떤 일반적인 수학화된 실험 과학의 가능성을 위한 보다 엄격한 기초를 풍부하게 하도록 합니다. 이론들은 비록 그 자체 우발적으로 남아 있는 인식과정에 따른다 할지라도 그것들이 언제나 반증에 열려 있는 한 당대의 산물이지요. 어떤 이론이든 기각될 수 있다고 말하는 것은 사실상 모든 이론이 미래에는 기각될 수 있을 것이라고 예견하는 것이 아닙니다. 다시 한번 그것은 필연적 법칙의 존재 안에서 믿어지게 될 겁니다.

세르강 갈치: 우리가 계속해서 돌아가는 물음 중 하나는 당신의 '절대', '우발' 그리고 달리 말해 '절대적 가능성'과 같은 사유의 기초적 개념들이 존재론적 차이에 대한 강조를 전달하는지 아닌지입니다. 당신은 『유한성 이후』에서의 탐구 중 많은 주제적 부분들 중 하나인 우발성의 활동 영역을 수립하기 위해 동일성의 역사적이고 정치적인 주권성을 괄호치는 차이의 원리를 염두에 두고 있는지요?

QM: 그것은 복잡한 문제입니다. 존재론적 차이에 대해서 말하자면, 거칠게나마 이렇게 말할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 나는 정말로 아리스토텔레스로부터 하이데거에 이르는 전통 안에서 존재로서의 존재(being qua being)에 관한 철학적 사유가 내가 '존재'라는 것으로 의미하는 바를 실재로 표명했다고 확신하지 않습니다. 나에게 존재는 어떤 것이 있다는 의미이고, 어떤 것이 있다는 것이 아니라는 겁니다.(being means that something is and not that which something is.) 예컨대 내 테이블 위에 재떨이가 있다이지 이 재떨이가 있을 수도 있다는 것이 아닙니다.(that there is an ashtray on my table, and not what this ashtray may be.) 이 구별은 오히려 고전적으로 – 전통적이고 아마도 진부하게 - 보일 것이지만, 놀랍게도 전혀 아닙니다. 왜냐하면 하이데거가 그러한 것처럼 아리스토텔레스가 '존재'로 이해한 바는 존재자의 존재 양태(mode of being of beings)이기 때문이지요. 이 두 사상가 모두에게, 존재는 언제나 이미 존재의 다양한 양태들 안으로 회절됩니다(diffracted). 그리고 이것이 존재가 여러 의미로 말해지는 이유입니다. 이를테면 아리스토텔레스에게 실체(ousia)의 존재 양태는 관계 또는 양적인 존재 양태가 아니고, 하이데거에게 현존재(Dasien) - 실존(existence) - 의 존재 양태는 사물 – 현존(subsistence) - 의 존재 양태가 아니에요. 그러나 실체, 사건, 현존재 또는 존속하는 사물들이 존재한다는 것은 하이데거에게서 반대인 모든 인상들에도 불구하고, 사람들이 – 전혀 그렇지 않기는커녕 – 실제로 결코 마주친 적 없는 문제입니다. 존재에 대한 그들의 생각은 기본적으로 존재 양태에 관한 사유로 남는 겁니다. 그런데 내게서 존재 물음은 존재 양태에 관한 물음이 아닙니다. 왜냐하면 존재 양태에 관한 물음은 존재가 – 내가 존재의 '확정성'(determinity)이라고 부르는 바 – 그것의 경험적 속성들 또는 그것의 본질인 것의 한 부분이기 때문이지요. [즉] 이 재떨이가 내 테이블 위에 있다는 것은 동시에 그것의 경험적 질들(원형이고, 은색으로 도색된 금속으로 만들어 진 것, 등등), 본질(기능이 담뱃재를 모으는 인공제작물이라는 그 정의에 해당되는 객체), 그리고 그 존재 양태(아리스토텔레스에 따르면 실체ousia, 하이데거에 따르면 현존, 아마도 다른 철학자들에게는 무언가 다른 것일 만한 것)입니다.

그런데 나에게 존재를 생각한다는 것은 존재하지 않다기 보다 존재하는 그것이 있다고 생각하는 것이지만, 또한 존재하지 않다기 보다 존재가 있다는 것입니다. 양태가 그것에 귀속될 만한 것이 무엇이든 간에 말이지요. 존재에 대해 궁리한다는 것은 '거기 있다'(there is)를 궁리하는 것이지, 존재 양태에 대해 궁리하는 것이 아니에요. 그리고 그것은 이 존재가 거기 있다는 것에 따라 묻는 것, 또는 심지어 보다 일반적인 물음인 '어째서 무가 아니라 존재가 있는가?'가 어떤 진정한 물음인지 아니면 거짓-문제인지를 궁금해 하는 것입니다. 여기에 다시 한 번, 친숙한 근거, 사실상 너무 친숙한 – 그러나 또한 이 경우는 아니거나 전체적으로는 아닌 바 – 그러한 근거 위에 우리가 있는 것 같습니다. 우선 다시 한 번 이 물음이 결코 존재 양태들에 관한 것으로 이어지지 않는다는 사실을 내세웁시다. 이것은 하나의 존재론적(ontological) 물음이며, 반면 존재 양태에 관한 물음은 여전히 존재적(ontic) 물음입니다. 그리고 우리가 라이프니츠 – 적어도 철학 영역에서는 일반적으로 이 물음이 귀속되는 철학자 - 에게서 받은 이 물음에 관한 이해는 결여된 상태지요. 왜냐하면 라이프니츠는 이 물음을 천지창조에 제한하기 때문이며, 그래서 그것은 왜 신이 무가 아니라 무언가를 창조했는가라고 묻는 것으로 격하됩니다. 하지만 비록 신이 무를 창조했다손 치더라도, 거기에는 여전히 무언가가 존재했을 것입니다. 즉, 신 말이에요. 그래서 존재론적 물음은 오직 실제로 선험적인 신 존재 증명 – 또는 거의 그것 – 에 접근하지요(왜냐하면 후험적 증명은 그 질서가 전능하고 전지한 창조자의 선험적 실존을 증명하는 바, 어떤 세계의 존재를 가정하기 때문입니다). 비록 함축적으로이긴 해도, 가능한 것은 모든 실재성이 우발성일 것이고 무 속으로 붕괴할 것이라는 것을 예견하는 것은 그 지점 뿐입니다. 그러나 설령 그렇다 해도 존재 물음은 결여되어 있는데, 왜냐하면 형이상학은 칸트가 오류 논증으로 간주한 것과 같은 어떤 논증, 즉 완전한 존재로서의 신은 필연적으로 존재해야 한다는 것에 따른 존재론적 논증의 형식 안에서 그것을 파악하기 때문이지요.

우발성의 절대성으로 상승하면서, 그때 나는 '거기 있다'에 관한 물음을 재생시키고자 했습니다. 반면에 그것이 무엇인지(무한하게 완전한 것)에 따라 존재의 실존을 증명하는 존재론적 논증을 기각하는 동안 말이지요. 후자의 논증에서, '거기 있다'를 제어하는 것은 여전히 존재 양태입니다. 무한한 완전성의 존재 양태는 그 자체로 규정된 어떤 존재의 필연적 실존을 증명합니다. 반대로 나는 모든 존재가 우발적이라고 주장하며, 그러므로 그 어떤 존재도 그것의 확정성(determinity)의 기능만큼 필연적으로 정립될 수 없다고 봅니다. 즉 무엇이 있는지가 문제가 아니라, 무엇이 있는지가 그것이 있다는 그것을 보증하지 않는다(what it is doesn't guarantee that it is)는 것이 문제지요. 존재의 확정성에 속하는 모든 것은 존재의 이런 또는 저런 양태(실존, 존속, 무한 등등)를 가지는 존재들이 있다는 사실을 포함하여 우발적입니다. 그래서 존재 물음의 절정은 나에게, 내가 여기서 완전히 제시할 수 없는 어떤 논증을 따라, 거기에 우발적 존재들이 있기 때문에 거기에 무가 아니라 무언가가 존재함에 틀림없다는 것을 파악하는데 놓여 있습니다. 즉 거기에 비-필연적 존재들 외에는 아무 것도 없다는 것이 절대적으로 필연적이라는 것이지요. 다시 말해 다른 것이라기 보다 이 존재가 있다는 우발성은 우리가 무가 아니라 우발적 존재가 있다는 필연성을 파악하도록 합니다. 이것이 모든 존재론의 근본적인 표명, 다시 말해 '거기 있다'로서의 존재(being qua 'there is')가 존재 양태로서의 존재(being qua mode of being)로부터 해방된다는 의미에요.

그러므로 하이데거적 의미에서 존재론적 차이는 존재와 존재자 사이의 절합을 사유하는 그런 온당한 수준이 아닙니다. 왜냐하면 하이데거(전회 이전의, 하지만 이것이 이후에도 진실로 남는다는 것이 드러날 수 있습니다)에게서 존재와 존재자 간의 존재론적 차이란 존재와 그것의 존재 양태 간의 차이만을 가리키기 때문입니다. 반면에 근본적인 존재 물음은 '거기 있다'와 확정성 사이의 관계입니다. 만약 내가 차이나 동일성에 대해 이러한 근본적인 수준에서 사유하고자 한다면, 그때 나는 결코 하이데거가 마지막 대표자들 중 하나인 그런 전통에서 나온 혼잡한 개념들로 그리해서는 안 됩니다. 존재 양태들에 따라 '거기 있다'를 삭제해 버린 전통은 존재의 존재(그것이 있다는 그것)를 존재(무엇이 있다는 것, 그 경험적 속성들 뿐 아니라 존재 양태를 포함하는 것, 왜냐하면 양자가 공히 우발적이므로)에 따라 삭제했습니다. 그러면 이러한 신존재론(new ontology)의 틀거리 안에서 동일성과 차이에 관한 물음을 제기해야 할까요? 일단 내가 이와 같이 영역을 변경하면, 내가 어쩔 수 없이 하게 할 그 어떤 것도 있지 않으며, 만약 내 입장에서 드러난 바, 존재에 관한 문제가 나에게 그렇게 요구한다면, 그렇게 할 것입니다. 당신의 마지막 질문이 이 지점으로 돌려 놓기 때문에, 나는 거기로 되돌아갈게요.

사태의 정치적 측면에 관해 말하자면, 우발성의 존재론으로부터 그것이 나온다면, 그러한 존재론은 어떤 불가해한, 종교적인 초월성에 대한 일반적인 자격박탈에 있습니다. 왜냐하면 만일 우발성 자체가 합리적 이해, 그리고 그것이 헤겔적이든 하이데거적이든 운명적으로 또는 필연적으로 정립된 어떤 역사성의 제일 원리가 된다면, 무(nothing)는 더 이상 원리적으로 불가해하지 않기 때문이지요. 우리는 마찬가지로 보편적 우발성이 전사(the militant)를 제외하고, 철학자가 구체적인 정치적 상황들에 관한 이해를 지도하는 데 우리가 기대지 않는다는 것을 함축한다는 그 사실에 주의를 기울여야만 합니다. 철학자는 절대적 필연성만을 다룹니다. 비록 그것이 사태의 우발적인 절대적 필연성이라 할지라도 말입니다. 그는 사유의 다른 활동들에 여러 우발적 사태들의 영역 – 예술, 정치학, 과학 등등 - 을 남겨 둡니다. 이런 의미에서 나는 절대적인 것이 더 이상 그것이 확장되지 않는 곳에, 사유의 다른 장들의 특권에 대해 거짓-지식을 가진 '훼방꾼'이 아닌 그런 사변 철학(speculative philosophy)을 발전시키려고 노력 중이지요.

KK: 사변(speculation)과 절대성이라는 개념은 당신의 유물론에 근본적인 것이지요. 그리고 우리는 철학사에서 이런 개념들이 헤겔과 동일시된다는 것을 압니다. 의심할 여지 없이 당신의 사변과 절대에 관한 생각은 헤겔의 것과 매우 다르지요. 당신은 헤겔의 관념론이 형이상학적 사변으로 남은 반면, 당신의 유물론은 비-형이상학적 사변이라고 말합니다. 다른 한편으로 당신은 헤겔에 대한 칭찬을 여러 군데에서 표현하지요. 심지어 그를 마르크스와 더불어 당신의 두 명의 스승 중 한 사람으로 그리기도 합니다. 내 생각에 당신 자신과 헤겔 간의 사제 관계라는 한 측면이 당신이 철학을 하는 방식에서 드러날 수 있습니다. 예컨대 『유한성 이후』에서 당신은 헤겔이 칸트의 탈-절대화 사유로의 이동의 진실에 대해 성찰함으로써 절대를 드러낸다고 주장하지요. 같은 방식으로 당신은 당신 자신을 포스트-칸트 철학들에서의 탈-절대화의 진실로서 드러내고, 하이데거와 비트겐슈타인에 대해 성찰함으로써 절대를 드러냅니다. 다른 많은 예들이 철학사와 그로부터 이끌어 낸 결론들에서의 사유의 운동과 논증을 추적하면서 어떻게 당신이 당신의 스승들 만큼이나 유능한지 보여줄 수 있었지요. 물론 당신은 세부적으로 사상들의 이러한 운동들을 기술하면서 헤겔을 따르지는 않는데, 그렇다 해도 당신이 철학을 하는 방식에서 [그러한 철학들과의] 유사성은 놀랍습니다. 다른 한편으로, 당신 사유의 내용적 측면에서는 큰 차이가 있습니다. 특히 그것이 절대적인 것에 대한 당신의 관점으로 갈 때 그러합니다. 우리는 이렇게 되는 이유가 우발성에 관해 당신이 생각하는 방식에 있다고 봅니다. 반면에 헤겔의 경우 오로지 무한한 것이 반드시 통과하는 비합리적 운동으로서만 우발성은 필연성이지요. 당신이 어떤 아주 다르고 전례없는 식으로 우발성을 사유하도록 하는 것들 중 하나, 즉 근원적인 방식은 칸토어(Cantor)의 수학과 초한(transfinite)이라는 새로운 개념입니다. 무한성과 합리성에 대한 당신의 이해 측면에서 당신과 당신의 스승인 헤겔 사이의 차이를 어떻게 표현할 것인지요?

QM: 나에게 헤겔은 '주체주의'(subjectalism)의 흐름에 속합니다. 즉 그의 철학은 존재-사유 상관성의 절대화입니다. 헤겔은 사물-자체를 알기 위해 그 자체로부터 나오는 주체의 실존에 있어서 칸트적인 불가능성을 승인하지만, 마찬가지로 이러한 불가능성이 사물 자체에 속한다고 주장하면서 그렇게 하지요. 왜냐하면 그에게 주체와 독립해서 존재하는 사물-자체는 존재하지 않으니까요. 그리고 이 인식 자체는 의식이기를 그만 두고, 전진적으로 정신(Spirit), 즉 절대자로서의 자기-지식이 되기 위해 의식을 수반하는(주체와 객체의 분리의 순간) 어떤 지식이지요. 비록 헤겔이 단순 주체주의자, 버클리, 디드로 그리고 어떤 의미에서 니체와 들뢰즈도 마찬가지로 주체주의자인데, 이들과는 거리가 멀지만, 헤겔이 근대성의 조건 안에서 절대적인 것을 사유하는 가장 강력한 형식들 중 하나라는 것은 의심할 여지가 없습니다. 하지만 헤겔과 나의 관계는 그의 저작에 대한 단순한 이론적 수정을 넘어 섭니다. 내가 어렸을 때, 그의 역사에 대한 생각은, 마르크스와 기 드보르(Guy Debord)와 같은 다른 위대한 변증론자들에 대한 나의 열정 만큼이나 내게 중요했습니다. 어떤 면에서 헤겔은 내가 1980년대, 마르크스주의의 마지막 시기에 시작되는 시대와 나의 관련을 그와 프랑스 혁명의 관계, 즉 열광으로 시작해서 테러, 혁명의 해방 권력에 자리잡힌 희망들의 포기로 끝나는 그 혁명을 더 이상 그 어떤 혁명의 보편적 기대들에 응답하지 않는 세계에 부닥친 의식의 고통과 유사하게 생각하도록 했습니다. 그는 내게 다른 경로를 발견하기 위한 결단력을 주었습니다. 그러한 경로들은 사람들에게 낯선 것이었는데, 해방 투쟁들을 추종했던 요구들의 긴급성을 포기하지 않고, 그러나 이러한 투쟁들 자체의 내재적 논리에서 나오는 폭력과 억압의 효과들에 강력히 저항하는 것 같은 싸움의 의지와 더불어, 젊은 시절의 마르크스에 속하는 급진적 보편주의에 재-연루되도록 하는 겁니다. 그리고 내게 이것은 헤겔이든 마르크스든 변증법의 익숙한 길로부터 떨어져서, 유물론의 엄격한 재정초를 시작하는 것이었습니다.

SÇ: 외부(Outside) 또는 거대한 바깥들(Great Outdoors)에 대한 당신의 강조는 『유한성 이후』에서 어떤 특별한 장소를 차지합니다. 상관주의적 순환이 그 어떤 바깥으로의 통로도 닫아 버리는 근대 철학 전통과는 대조적으로, 미셸 푸코와 질 들뢰즈와 같은 사상가들의 외부(Outside) 개념과 당신의 거대한 바깥들이라는 개념 사이에 어떤 연결이 있지 않나요? 우리가 아는 바로는 푸코는 그의 바깥 개념을 언어 – 담론의 장 – 와 실천적 활동의 장 – 비-담론의 장 – 둘 모두로부터 시작함으로써, 우리가 누구이고 무엇인지 결정하는 역사적 구조를 발굴함으로써 발견했습니다. 다른 한편으로 들뢰즈는 분열적 무의식 탐색을 통해 사회적 욕망과 유목적 힘들에서 언제나 신선함을 가져다 주는 외부로 가는 길을 닦으려고 했지요. 궁극적으로 두 사상가 모두 내-외부 변증법으로부터 외부를 자유롭게 하면서 그것에 대해 사유하려고 노력했고, 또한 여기-그리고-지금으로 그것의 환원불가능성 안에서 사유합니다. 우리는 거대한 바깥들로 나아가는 당신의 사유의 여정 또한 비-독단적인 절대에 대한 탐구라고 이해합니다. 상관주의에 관한 당신의 비판이 때로 몇몇 태도에 있어서 앞서 말한 사상가들을 비난하는 것이 사실이라 할지라도, 『유한성 이후』가 이러한 사상가들이 추구하고 있는 외부에 관한 생각과 어떤 암묵적인 동맹을 가지는 것이 아닌지요?

QM: 나는 푸코에 대해서는 여기서 말하지 않을 겁니다. 왜냐하면 그의 근본적인 문제점은, 내가 보기에, 지식-권력에 관한 분석인데, 그것은 어떤 존재론의 구성이 아니기 때문입니다. 푸코적인 존재론은, 만약 그런 것이 존재한다면 – 그 자체로 이미 문제적인 주제인데 – 나의 접근방식과 그것을 '비교'하기 위해 전반적으로 가설적일 만한 어떤 재구성을 요구하지요.

들뢰즈에 관해서 말하자면, 문제는 더 분명합니다. 『시네마 1』(Cinema 1)에서 그는 "베르그송과 하이데거 간의 유일한 유사성은 – 그리고 고려할 수 있을 만한 것은 – 이것이다. 즉 둘 모두 개방성(the open)에 개념 위에 시간의 특이성을 기초한다는 것이다"[3]라고 씁니다. 그런데 이것은 내가 '개방성의 감옥'을 탈출하는 것에 이의를 제기하는 – 그리고 그러한 것들이 궁극적인 이러한 개념의 강력한 판본들이기 때문에, 우리는 '거대한 바깥'이란 나에게 '개방성'으로부터 탈출하는 기획에 이름을 붙이는 하나의 방식이라고 말할 겁니다 - 개방성(the Open)에 관한 원리적인 판본들이에요. 우리는 개방성에 관한 첫 번째 상관주의 판본을 가지고 있습니다. 그것은 하이데거의 것인데요, 그에게 존재란 현상의 존재라는 방향으로, 현존재의 열림의 상관성입니다. 현존재는 유한합니다. 즉 현존재-존재의 상관은 아무런 기초도 없는 역사적인 원-사실(arche-fact)의 질서에 속합니다. 이 모든 것은 그것의 상관주의적 형식에서 상관적인 것의 속성들로서, 상관성의 현사실성(facticity)(비-하이데거적 의미에서)을 전개함으로써 그것을 어떠한 형이상학적 절대화로부터 방어하지요. 베르그송적인 개방에 대해 말하자면, 그것은 매우 명확하게 주체론적(subjectal)입니다. 즉 그것은 바로 정신의 직조(weave) 그것인 지속의 방식에 따라 그 자체로 사유인 바, 생성의 창조적 힘과 분리불가능합니다. 그것은 이 시간이 절대화된다는 의미에서 도래하는-사유(thought-becoming)의 상관성을 지칭합니다. 그럼에도 상관성의 '강철-고리'의 구성으로 인해 언제나 그러하듯이, 우리는 두 가지 판본을 발견하는데, 그것은 외적인 대립을 드러내지만, 내가 보기에 본질적으로 [서로간에] 보충적이에요. 즉 개방성이란 상관주의적이거나 또는 주체주의적입니다.

그래서 나는 유물론을 다음과 같은 근대적 시대 안에서 기술할 겁니다. 즉 유물론자는 스스로를 개방성(the Open)에 구속되어 있다고 느끼는 자입니다. 그러한 겉보기에 파괴불가능한 구속들 중 하나나 다른 것으로부터 탈출하려고 하는 자는 존재와 생성에 주체성을 묶어 놓고, 죽은 물질(dead matter)인 근대성의 사각지대에 도달하고, 사고하면서, 마침내 우리로 하여금 우리 자신의 영혼(psyche) - 그것이 무엇을 취하든 간에 - 의 프리즘을 통과해서만 실재를 보도록 만드는 항구적인 의인화(anthropomorphism)와 단절합니다. 거대한 바깥은 개방성의 '비가시적인 감옥'의 벽 외부에 서 있는 것입니다. 반대로 이 감옥은 그토록 비가시적이므로, 어떤 세계를 탐색하는 정신의 무한한 해방적 확산과 같이 보이는데, 하지만 이것은 결국에는 단지 정신의 세계일 뿐이지요(마치 야생성을 모사하면서 욕망에 따라 배치된 거대한 정원처럼, 이에 따라 가장 사나운 자연으로부터 그것을 방어하면서, [그러나 정작] 자연은 그것에 아무 것도 준 것이 없고 유지하기 위해 그러한 정원을 요청하지 않는).

KK: 『유한성 이후』에서 당신은 논리의 절대적 범역을 설립합니다. 그에 따르면 모순율은 사유가능성의 원리일 뿐만 아니라 가능성의 원리이기도 하지요. 그래서 당신의 유물론적 존재론에 의하면, 모순적인 모든 것은 불가능하고 모순적이지 않은 모든 것은 절대적으로 가능합니다. 이러한 관점으로부터, 당신은 어떤 필연적인 (형이상학적) 신이 모순적이며 불가능하다고 논증합니다. 하지만 당신은 잠재적 신이 가능하고 우리는 그것을 모순 없이 희망할 수 있다고 말합니다. 그러므로 신학적으로 논리의 절대적 범역을 설립하는 것이 우리의 실천적 삶들을 위한 희망의 내재적 형태를 현전할 기회를 당신에게 부여하지요. 우리는 당신이 또한 수학의 절대적 범역을 설립하려고 한다는 것도 압니다. 그리고 나는 다음과 같이 묻고 싶어요. 우리의 실천적 삶을 위해 수학의 절대적 범역을 설정하는 것의 결과들은 무엇이 있을 수 있습니까? 내 자신에게 이런 질문을 할 때, 나는 당신이 그것으로부터 최근의 기후 위기와 관련된 정치적 원칙들을 이끌어낼 수 있을지 어떨지 궁금했습니다. 왜냐하면 자연과학은 수학적으로 기후위기가 인간 행위에서 기인한다는 것을 증명할 수 있기 때문입니다. 이것이 그 사례이건 아니건 간에 상관 없이, 수학의 절대적 범역을 설정하는 것의 실천적 결과들에 대해 당신은 무엇을 이야기할 것인지요?

QM: 우선 이에 대해 명확히 하지요. 나는 그것이 모순적이기 때문에 신이 존재하지 않는다고 전혀 주장하지 않아요. 나의 생각은 모순율이라는 논리에 기초하지 않고, 본사실성(factuality) - 모든 것의 현사실성(facticity)의 유일한 필연성. 그것은 이 원리 덕분에 있지요 - 이라는 존재론적 원리에 기반합니다. 내가 증명하고자 하는 이 원리는 어떤 반형이상학에 의해 곤궁에 빠지지 않아요. 왜냐하면 그것은 형이상학의 모든 곤궁의 뿌리에 있기 때문이지요. 이 원리에서 나는 어떤 영원하고 필연적인 신의 실존을 피합니다. 하지만 나는 우발적인 신(contingent god)이 남아 있을 가능성을 생각합니다. 그리고 이런 한에서 나는 유물론에 충실하게 남아 있지요. 에피쿠로스는 '군중들의 신들', 미신의 담지자들이 존재하지 않는다 해도, 우연히, 클리나멘에 의해 생산된 원자적 신들은 실제로 존재한다고 언급합니다. 우리는 이 신들에 대해 기도하지 않고, 지혜의 모델로서 취하지요. 내가 썼던 것처럼, 유물론은 그것이 신들을 거부하는 것에 있는 것이 아니라, 그것들을 물질화하는데 있기 때문에 어떤 무신론이 아니라는 겁니다. 사변적 유물론과 고대 유물론 간에는 많은 차이들이 있어요. 하지만 신성한 것(the divine)에 관한 질문에서, 나는 나 자신을 분명히 후자의 후계 안에 놓습니다.

수학의 절대화가 어떻게 우리의 실존에 영향을 줄까요? 이 주제는 그 자체로 우리의 삶에 어떠한 영향을 주지는 않지요. 하지만 철학은 그 잠재적 윤리학(potential ethics)을 세계와의 특정한 관계 위에 기초합니다. 예컨대 비록 시간과 공간의 초월론적 형식이 아프리오리한 수학적인 또는 물리학적 지식에 관한 해명을 산출하는 한에서, 그것들은 우리의 실존을 변화시키지는 못할 겁니다. 칸트에 따르면 그러한 것들은 그의 실천 이성의 체계 내부에서 도덕적 영역 안으로 초월론적인 전개를 사유가능하게 만듭니다.

같은 방식으로 비록 간접적이라 해도, 우리의 실존에의 참여와 연결되는 수학적 절대성의 결과들이 있습니다. 나는 가장 엄격한 실험 과학과 가장 비합리적인 종교성 간에 존재하는 본질적인 양립가능성을 해결하고자 합니다. 이러한 동맹은 우리 시대를 규정하는 것으로, 여기서 종교들은 과학의 발전에 의해 전혀 의문에 부쳐지지 않아요. 반면에 계몽의 기획은 과학적 진보에 관한 이념을 경유하여 사실상 미신(기독교를 가리키는 은어)에 대항하여 싸우는 것이었습니다. 현재 상황은 과학에 관한 상관주의적 해석, 즉 그것에 따라 그 유일한 대상이 '우리에게' 의미 있을 뿐인 어떤 '현상적' 공간이라는 해석을 가능하게 하는 반면, 세계에 대한 우리의 관계 바깥에 존재하는 것은 – 가설적 방식으로, 따라서 신앙에 열려 있는 – 그것의 초월적이고 잠재적인 불가해한 실존을 유지할 수 있습니다. 수학적 범역, 따라서 수학화된 자연과학을 절대화하는 것은 이러한 동맹을 불가능하게 만듭니다. 과학은 다시 한 번 사유와 실존의 진정한 내재성의 통로가 됩니다. 그것은 한 번 더 우리 삶을 위한 절대적 감각(sense[의미])을 탐색하도록 우리에게 위임되지요. 그러나 이번에 그것은 비종교적인 것입니다.

SÇ: 『유한성 이후』에서 당신은 '우리에게'(for us)와 '그 자체'(in itself)로의 분할이 상관주의적 순환의 중추를 형성한다고 말합니다. 여기서 하나의 맥락이 알려지는데, 그것은 다시 한 번 들뢰즈와 당신의 관계를 드러냅니다. 들뢰즈는 『감각의 논리』의 그의 감각 이론에서 이러한 분할을 극복하려고 시도하지요. 들뢰즈는 비인격적 특이성들과 전-개체적 과정들을 향해 운동하는 사건의 존재론을 전개하면서, '우리에게' 있는 것과, '그 자체로' 있는 것 사이의 새로운 영토를 탐색하는 것으로 보입니다. 예컨대 그의 '4인칭 단수'(fourth person singular)라는 표현을 생각해 보면 그렇습니다. 또한 우리는 '동물 도식들'(animal schemas)을 칸트에 관한 그의 텍스트 안에서 언급하는 들뢰즈의 모습을 발견합니다. 들뢰즈가 즉자적 차이(difference in itself[차이 자체])의 개념이 함축하는 이러한 영토를 발견함으로써 상관주의적 순환을 벗어날 길을 제공한다고 생각하진 않나요?

QM: 일반적으로 말해서 나의 철학 외에 다른 철학들이 반-상관주의적이라는 사실과 관련하여 나에게 제기되어 왔던 모든 반박들은 내가 상관주의에 반대했던 것 만큼 주체주의에 반대한다는 그 사실을 무시했어요. 이 두 가지는 '상관주의 시기'의 현대적이고 되돌아 오는 선택지들입니다. 왜냐하면 보통 상관주의에 대한 대안적 모델로서, 그들은 주체주의를 내세우기 때문입니다. 그래서 들뢰즈의 사상은 상관주의적이지 않지만, 사실상 전형적으로 주체주의적입니다. 이것은 『철학이란 무엇인가?』의 끝 부분에서 거의 분명한 구절로 충분히 명백하게 증명됩니다.

물론 식물들과 바위들은 신경 체계를 소유하지 않는다. 하지만 만약 신경 연결들과 대뇌통합 체계가 정서능력이 세포조직들과 공존하는 것처럼 어떤 뇌력(brainforce)을 전제한다면, 배아 세포와 공존하고 집합적 두뇌로서의 종들 안에 등장하는 정서능력을 또한 가정한다는 것은 합리적이다. (...) 화학적 친밀성과 물리적 인과성 자체는 그것들의 요소들을 응축함으로써, 그리고 그것들을 공명시킴으로써 그것들의 긴 연결들을 보존할 수 있는 일차적 힘들을 가리킨다. 모든 유기체가 뇌를 가지는 것이 아니고, 모든 생명체가 유기적인 것은 아니지만, 도처에 미시두뇌 또는 사물의 어떤 비유기적인 삶/생명을 구성하는 힘이 있다.[4]

우리가 계속해서 갇혀 있는 상관성의 성격이 무엇이냐 하면 우리가 결코 완전하게 존재로부터 주체성을 분리하지 못한다는 것입니다. 주체에 대한 모든 비판들(인간주의적, 형이상학적, 초월적 등등)은 (이성, 본능, 힘에의 의지, 욕망 등등에서의) 주체성으로부터 우리를 해방시키지 않았습니다. 반대로 사변적 유물론은 절대적 비주체성은 사유될 수 있고, 그래야만 한다는 테제에 놓여 있어요. 왜냐하면 모든 사유가 그 안에서 전개되기 때문입니다. 그러므로 이 절대적 비주체성과 관련하여 우리가 우리의 실존들 쪽으로 지향해야 하는 바가 무엇인지 – 가장 먼 은하들에까지 퍼져 있는 막대한 물질적인 죽음-존재 - 를 파악하게 됩니다.

KK: 산소 없이 살 수 있는 생명체들이 있는 것과 같이, 마찬가지로 개념 없이 사고될 수 있는 것들도 있지요. 그리고 이러한 [산소 없이 사는] 생명체들은 많이 있습니다. 하지만 개념의 줄을 타고 오르는 사유는 인간에게 특유한 무언가인 사유가 없던 그러한 시간으로 하강할 수 있습니다. 여기서 개념은 궁극적으로 사유에 독립적인 절대적인 것을 일별할 수단으로 기여하지요. 당신은 이러한 절대를 초카오스적(hyperchaotic) 시간이라고 말하면서, 당신의 개념들과 증명들을 거쳐 우리가 이러한 초카오스를 보도록 인도합니다. 그리고 당신은 이러한 봄의 방식을 '사색적 직관'(dianoetic intuition)이라고 부릅니다. 나는 당신이 사색적 직관을 다른 식으로 정의할 것이라고 추측하지만, 확실히 이러한 직관 개념은 칸트의 감성적 직관과는 다릅니다. 사색적 직관으로 우리는 초카오스적 시간의 깊이를 실재들의 상이한 유형들에 조응하는 층들(layers)로 상상할 수 있습니다. 나는 몇몇 종류의 '미적 경험'이 초카오스적 시간에 관한 이러한 사색적 직관을 수반하는지 아닌지 궁금합니다. 칸트에 따르면 수학적 숭고는 공간 안의 막대한 차원들을 하나의 총체성으로 파악하지 못하는 무능력으로부터 나옵니다. 이제 사색적 직관 덕분에, 우리는 초카오스적 시간에 도달할 수 있고, 그 안의 엄청난 깊이들을 상상할 수 있으며, 우리가 상상할 수 있는 이질적인 층들이 하나의 총체성으로 구성될 수 없다고 상상할 수 있습니다. 나는 과거에 다른 시-공간들, 다른 자연법칙들 따라서 다른 실재들이 존재했다고 상상할 수 있어요. 그리고 나는 이러한 다양성을 미래에 대해서도 마찬가지로 상상할 수 있습니다. 우리가 이러한 초카오스적 시간의 깊이를 상상할 수 있다는 사실은, 비록 우리가 인격적으로 그것을 경험하지 못해도, 내 안의 어떤 즐거운 상승감을 창조합니다. 물론 그것은 나 자신만의 경험이지요. 하지만 나는 어떻게 당신이 당신의 사변적 유물론의 그와 같은 미적 측면을 고려하는지 궁금합니다.

QM: 엄격히 말해, 초카오스에 관한 감성적이거나 상상적인 직관을 가진다는 것은 불가능합니다. 예컨대 나는 초카오스가 생성시키는 가능성들의 수가 모든 결정적인 무한성을 초과한다는 것은 이해할만 하다고 말합니다. 그리고 그것은 오직 칸토어적인 초한수(transfinite)를 통해 접근될 수 있을 뿐이지요. 이 수는 끝이 보이지 않는 더 큰 기수들의 어떤 무제한적인 연속체입니다. 비록 내가 지적 직관에 대해 말하지 않는다 해도, 나는 어떤 의미에서 우리가 이러한 카오스의 힘으로 모든 개별체들을 맞히는 영원한 우발성에 직접 접근할 수 있다고 그토록 강조하지요. 왜냐하면 어떤 사실이란, 그것이 지각되든 사유되든 간에, 그것의 질들 – 겨울 저녁, 반달이 비추는 눈 내리는 길목 – 로 뿐 아니라, 끝없이 이어지는 협곡과 같이 그것을 둘러싼 사실로서도 주어지기 때문입니다. 그것은 무 위에 기초지어진 겁니다. 당신은 그와 같은 장면들의 모든 요소들을 원인들의 복잡성과 자연법칙들을 통해 설명할 수 있습니다. 어떤 주어진 순간에, 모든 것은, 비록 어떠한 궁극적인 이유(Reason)의 무가 설명에 있어서 상대적인 원리들로 그것을 둘러싼 '부차 근거', 원인들과 법칙들에 의해 가리워진다 해도, 존재할 어떤 이유도 결여한 채 주어지지요.

지적 직관은 그러므로 모든 사물의 무-의미와 비-필연성을 해명하기 위한 형이상학적 담론과 종교적 믿음의 실패에 관한 직접적인 파악이지요. 이것이 내가 직관이라고 말하는 이유입니다. 그것은 실재의 최종적인 마지막 한 조각을 둘러싼 비-이성(without-reason)에 관한 어떤 직접적인, 비담론적인 파악(이지적noetic이지 사색적dianoetic이지 않은)입니다. 이런 의미에서 나는 초카오스를 가끔 그 자신 안으로 '추락하는' 일종의 경계 없는 소용돌이(gulf)로 이해합니다. 이것은 다른 실재들을 위해 그것을 생산하는 것을 붕괴시키는 그 지점, 아마도 상당히 이례적인 타자(물질 안의 생명, 생명 내부의 사유)일 겁니다. 그것은 형이상학적인 신과 같이 무한한 완전성에 의한 것이 아니라, 전대미문의 허공(Void) 자체로 넘어가는 것을 통해, 즉 지금까지 알려지지 않은 세계에로 발생할 수 있는 각각의 분기(spasm)를 통한 생성(engenderment)의 무제한적인 힘이지요. 이것은 어떤 무로부터의(ex nihilo) (신성한) 창조가 아니라, 그것의 근원적인 반대인 (카오스적인) 무로부터의(ex nihilo) 분출입니다. 이것은 영원성(the Eternal)이지 초월성(transcendence)이 아니에요.

SÇ: 『유한성 이후』의 충격적인 구절에서, 당신은 주어진 것의 탈각적(lacunary) 본성 뿐 아니라 이성의 절대적 부재라는 맥락에서 '주어진 것의 명백한 근거없음(gratuitousness) 아래에도 너머에도 아무 것도 존재하지 않는다'고 주장하지요. 이러한 관점으로부터 우리는 당신 자신과 루이 알튀세르 간의 어떤 가능한 대화에 대해 생각하고자 합니다. 그는 기원과 목적 둘 모두의 바깥에서 물질 그 자체와의 마주침(encounter)의 가능성들로부터 지성적 계기들을 탐구했지요. 알튀세르의 우발성의 필연성에 대한 공식들, 그리고 에피쿠로스와 루크레티우스에서의 클리나멘에 대한 그의 언급들을 고려할 때, 당신은 알튀세르와 몇몇 주제적이고 문제적인 수렴을 발견하지 않나요? 그리고 일반적으로 알튀세르에 대한 당신의 침묵에 무슨 이유가 있나요?

QM: 어떤 저자가 다른 저자에 대해 말하지 않는 이유를 찾는 것은 언제나 어렵지요. 그 저자들이 당신에게 관심을 가지지 않는다는 것은 필연적으로 의미가 없지만, 단순히 그들이 당신의 연구의 진전을 위한 논의의 필연적 대상을 구성하지는 않습니다. 나는 마르크스나 드보르 둘 중 어느 누구에 대해서도 말하지 않아요. 그들이 나에게 그토록 중요함에도 말이지요. 왜냐하면 나는 그들을 내세우는 것이 필연적으로 보이는 지점에 아직 도달하지 않았기 때문입니다. 그리고 아마도 나는 결코 그러지 않을 것 같기도 합니다.

알튀세르의 마주침 이론에 대해 말하자면, 당신이 말한 것처럼, 그것은 에피쿠로스와 루크레티우스의 원자론과 그들의 클리나멘 이론의 유산으로부터 나온 겁니다. 그러면 클리나멘이란 내가 이 단어를 사용하는 바 그런 의미에서, 우연(chance)의 형식입니다. 즉 그것은 원인 없는 사건(자유 낙하에서 원자들의 기울어짐)을 생산할 수 있지만, 오직 그것이 바꿀 수 없는 법칙들(허공의 무한한 본성, 원자의 불괴성unbreakability, 그것들의 다양한 형식들의 불변성, 최종적으로 주어지는 모든 것들, 부드러움, 고리 모양 등등)에 예속됨으로써 그렇게 합니다. 나는 어떤 보편적인 것에 관한 바로 그 법칙들을 근거 없이 파괴할 수 있는 것을 우발성(contingency)이라고 부릅니다. 그리고 이것은 나를 비-이성에 관한 유물론적 사유를 급진화하는 사유 양태 속으로 던져 넣지요. (원자론자들이 바라마지 않는 것처럼) 물질적 과정들을 지향하는 합목적성도 존재하지 않을 뿐 아니라, 더 나아가 법칙들의 지속성을 보증할 만한 그 어떤 기초도 존재하지 않아요. 나의 유물론을 후기 알튀세르의 유물론과 근원적으로 다르게 만드는 것은 바로 우연으로부터 우발성으로 가는 이런 경로입니다.

KK: 당신은 우발성을 말하고 우발성만이 필연적이라고 말합니다. 당신이 말한 바에 따르면, 거기에는 사물들이 그것인 바로 존재하는 필연적인 이유라곤 없고 다른 대안도 없지요. 이것의 직접적인 결론 중 하나는 인간 실존도 마찬가지로 우발적이라는 것입니다. 당신은 초한수를 통해 우연 개념으로부터 우발성 개념을 구별했습니다. 그래서 인간은 필연적이지도 사행적(aleatory)이지도 않습니다. 철학사에서 인간 실존을 필연성이나 사행성으로 평가하는 것은 그것의 가치와 의미에 대한 상이한 의견들로 이끌려 왔습니다. 그러면 사변적 유물론이란 인간 존재가 절대적으로 우발적이라는 것을 드러내므로, 인간적 가치와 그 의미는 이 관점으로부터 어떻게 되는 걸까요?

QM: 근본적인 지점은 인간이 생각하는 존재, 즉 인식할 수 있는 존재라는 것입니다. 존재자들에 관한 고려에서 결정적인 주제는 그들 안에 있는 사유 – 이번에는 엄밀한 의미에서 지성적으로 지식의 힘 - 의 현사실적(비-필연적) 실존 이에요. 거기에는 왜 생물학적 종으로서의 인간이 사유할 수 있어야 하는지 필연적 이유가 없고, 또한 왜 그들이 유일하게 사유하는 존재의 사례인지에 대한 이유도 없지요. 종들의 진화의 미래에서, 다른 살아 있는 종들, 지구와는 다른 신체 위에 살아 가는 종들은 미래에 또는 이미 사유하고 있을지도 모르고, 반대로 인간은 비-사유적 상태로 진화할 수도 있습니다. 이 모든 것들이 가능하지만, 그 모든 필연성은 빼앗긴 상태죠. 하지만 사실은 사유가 존재하고, 인간성이 부과된다는 것입니다. 그러나 사유란 무엇일까요? 내 관점에서 사유란 궁극적으로 우발성을 파악하는 능력이에요. 따라서 이 능력은 사물들과 법칙들의 궁극적인 근거가 무엇인지를 이해하지 않기 위해, 우리 각자에게 유용합니다. 사변적 유물론의 유익한 점은 그것이 사물들과 법칙들이 궁극적으로 그것들이 마땅히 가져야 할 아무런 근거도 가지지 않는다는 것을 이해할 놀라운 능력으로 이러한 겉보기의 무능력을 전환시킨다는 것입니다. 이것은 어떤 최상의 근거의 부재를 발견하기 전에, 모든 실재를 위한 근거를 의문에 부치는 우리의 능력입니다.

초카오스는 인간보다 지성적이고, 힘 있고, 효과적인 사유하는 존재를 잘 생산할 겁니다. 하지만 그것은 그 자체인 바, 절대적인 것 너머로 사유하는 능력인 어떤 것을 생산하지는 않지요. 그러므로 정치학 전체의 평등주의적 감각, 즉 우리를 평등하게 만들고, 우리의 재능들과 조건들을 넘어서게 만드는 것은 우리가 궁극적인 근거/이유들을 이해하지 않을 수 있다는 겁니다. 우리가 우리의 보다 높은 존엄을 바쳐야 되는 것은 바로 이 공통 '무지'(common 'stupor')입니다. 그리고 나는 절대적인 것이 우리에게 모든 것은 우연적이라는 것을 드러내기 때문에, 우리는 우리 가운데 우연적으로, 즉 태어나면서부터, 혹은 활동중에 발생한 질병이나 부상이라는 우연으로 이러한 능력을 박탈당한 사람에게 동일한 존엄을 부여해야 한다고 덧붙일 겁니다. 우리 모두는 무근거에 대한 사유라는 보편적인 것에 관한 동일한 힘에서 완전히 일치합니다. 그리고 이 힘은, 심지어 우리 중 일부에게서 비활동적일 때, 여전히 우리의 눈에 본질적인 중요성을 그들에게 부여합니다. 왜냐하면 우리, 비장애자는 잠재적으로 장애를 가지기 때문이지요. 우리는 절대성을 사유하고, 이것 덕분에 우리 모두가 궁극적이고 연약하다는 것, 즉 가치 있고 또 돌볼 가치가 있다고 생각합니다.

SÇ: 우리의 마지막 질문은 당신이 카오스적 절대와 수학적 절대 사이에 만들었던 구분과 관련됩니다. 당신이 무근거(unreason[부조리])의 원리로 제시한 일련의 조건들은 필연적 존재의 불가능성을 존재의 우발성의 필연성과 결합하려 시도합니다. 우리가 『유한성 이후』에서 명확하게 이해하는 것처럼 이 원리의 도입은 충족이유율에 관한 문제제기를 초래하며, 초카오스로부터 새로운 가능성들을 도출하게 하지요. 하지만 우리는 당신이 동일한 비판과 문제제기를 동일률에는 적용하지 않는 것을 봅니다. 무근거의 원리의 도입은 동일률에 관한 의문을 요구하지 않는 건가요? 이 모든 것은 카오스적 절대로부터 수학적 절대로의 이행과 연관되는 어떤 것인가요?

QM: 만약 내가 모순율에 대해 하는 것처럼 동일률을 비판하지 않는다면, 그것은 내가 성취하고자 하는 수학의 절대성 때문이 아니라, 그로부터 동일률과 단절하고자 하는 – 그리고 본사실성의 원리가 의미하는 바, 바로 그것을 수립하는 - 우발성의 절대성 때문이에요. 따라서 모든 것은 필연적인데, 왜냐하면 그것이 원래적으로 그것이 무엇이든지 간에 스스로를 드러내기 때문입니다. 그 자신과 더불어 그것의 동일성을 침해하는 사태는 더 이상 변하거나 파괴되지 않지요. 왜냐하면 그것은 이미 영원토록 그것이 아닌 바(그것의 동일성 바깥에 존재하는 바)이기 때문입니다. 즉 그것의 비-존재는 그것의 존재와 같습니다. 존재론화된 모순 – 헤겔 변증법에서 증명된 것 – 은 필연적 존재의 보증자인데, 스스로를 변형할 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 그것이 언제나-이미 그것의 타자이기 때문입니다. 이와 같은 것이 동일률에 적용됩니다. 만약 이런 저런 존재로부터 이러저러한 것이 도출된 된다면, 그때 결정된 것 – 그것이 존재하 바대로 모든 것을 제한하는 것 - 은 파괴됩니다. 그리고 모든 것은 이미 그것이 아닌 바인 것이지요. 사실상, 형이상학은 동일률과 모순율과의 대결에서 절정에 이릅니다. 이 또한 헤겔이 나에게 가르쳐 준 것이지요.

나는 또한 동일률로 구성되어진 비판들은 자주 실수를 범한다는 것도 언급하고 싶어요. 우리가 철학적으로 이 원리를 비판할 때, 우리가 비판하는 것은 무엇일까요? 예컨대 우연들 – 우리는 아무런 실체도 없다, 즉 모든 것이 생성이다 등등으로 말할 수 있을 겁니다 – 의 변형 너머에 있는 실체의 동일성 또는 시공간 안에서 어떤 민족이나 민중, 종교, 정신적 동일성. 그러나 그와 같은 합법적인 비판들과 심지어 그것들을 위해 또한 어떤 의미를 만드는 것에 대한 비판은 그 자체로 그토록 많은 동일성과 연관되어서는 안 되지만, 오직 동일성만이 특정 존재양태 – 실체, 민족, 정신 등등 - 에 적용됩니다. 이제 생성들이나 사건들만을 믿는 어떤 존재론에 대해서 말하자면, 만약 우리가 그 사건이 있었다는 것을 거부하면, 또는 만약 – 여기서 '존재한다'라는 동사를 적용하길 거부하면서 – 우리가 어떤 민족, 민중, 공동체를 전락시키는 것이 실재로 그것에 대해 발생했다는 것을 거부한다면, 이에 따라 우리는 혁명의 힘, 불안정성의 소요를 이것이 일어났고, 일어나지 않았다고 말함으로써 무화하게 됩니다.

나는 충족이유율의 결여를 수행하는데, 왜냐하면 그 원리, 즉 형이상학적 이유율이 진정한, 사변적 이유의 적이기 때문입니다. 즉 무는 있는 것, 즉 존재하는 바에 있어서 필연적 이유입니다. 그리고 모든 진정한 필연성이 나아가는 것은 바로 이것으로부터입니다. 그러나 나는 논리 원리들의 결여를 수행하지는 않는데, – 심지어 내가 그것들의 존재론적 함축에 비판적으로 접근한다 해도 – 왜냐하면 나는 이성 자체의 결여를 수행하지는 않기 때문입니다. 이것은 나의 연구를 한편으로 모든 형이상학과 구별하고, 다른 한편으로 하이데거적인 형이상학의 결핍과도 구별하는 것이지요(이는 충족 이유율 뿐만 아니라 동일률과 모순율도 공격합니다). 후자인 한에서, 그것은 이성으로부터 그 자신을 면제시킨다고 주장하는데, 이는 오로지 국가 사회주의의 근원적인 반-보편주의와 깊숙이 상호연루 – 이것은 아직 충분히 탐구되지 않고 의문투성이로 남아 있다 - 될 뿐입니다. 그러므로 우리는 면도날 위에 우리 자신이 있다는 것을 발견합니다. 즉 충족이유율을 거부하지만, 이성을 포기하지 않는 것이지요. 그리고 이것이 내 입장에서 사변적인 것을 형이상학적인 것과 구분하는 지점입니다.


[1] Baykus: Felsefe Yazilari, Yeni Materyalizmler, Yeni Realizmler, Sayi 3/11 (2021).
[2] Q. Meillassoux, After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency, tr. R. Brassier (London and New York: Continuum, 2008).
[3] G. Deleuze, Cinema 1: The Movement-Image, tr. H. Tomlinson and B. Habberjam (Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press, 1997), 219n15.
[4] G. Deleuze and F. Guattari, What is Philosophy?, tr. H. Tomlinson and G. Burchill (London and New York: Verso, 1994), 213 [강조는 메이야수].

*원문출처: Quentin Meillassoux, Kağan Kahveci, Sercan Çalcı, Robin Mackay (trans.), "Founded on Nothing", Urbanomic, 2021,
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 14, 2021, 09:01:55 PM
고대 무(無)의 신화(일부 철학) 단절 이면에는 인간의 신격화가 절대적이라고 아빠는 뻥까셨습니다.
Behind the disconnection of the ancient myth of nothingness (some philosophies), Dad said, the absolute cause is the involvement of drunken selfish desires that deify humans.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 16, 2021, 12:44:10 PM
임금이 두려워하는 것은 사서(史書)뿐이다. 《춘추(春秋)》에 이르기를 '어버이를 위하는 자는 은휘(隱諱)한다.' 하였으니, 사관(史官)은 시정(時政)만 기록해야지 임금의 일을 기록하는 것은 마땅치 못하다. 근래 사관(史官)들은 임금의 일이라면 남김없이 기록하려 하면서 아랫사람의 일은 은휘하여 쓰지 않으니 죄가 또한 크다. 이제 이미 사관에게 임금의 일을 쓰지 못하게 하였으나 아예 역사가 없는 것이 더욱 낫다. 임금의 행사는 역사에 구애될 수 없다.
연산군일기 63권, 연산 12년 8월 14일 辛酉 5번째기사

훈민정음의 진실은 연산군의 분노로 인하여 역사 속에 묻히게 된다.
1504년 7월 19일 밤, 조선왕조 10번째 왕인 연산군의 손엔 종이 한 장이 들려져있다.
그의 광기가 치솟아 올라, 손은 심하게 떨리고 있다.
그의 손에 들려진 건, 표지엔 '무명장'(無名狀, 무명씨)이라고 쓰인 괴편지이다.
이 괴편지는 모두 언문으로 쓰여 있었으며, 내용은 왕의 폭정을 폭로한 글이었다.
그 당시의 민심이 그대로 담겨있었다.
연산군은 이른바 '언문' 금지령을 내리자 한글로 된 문서들은 모두 불에 태워지고 만다.
한글로 된 글들은 한 점도 남김없이 사라지게 된다.
한글의 운명도 우리민족의 삶의 역사처럼 그렇게 가혹하였다.
그로부터 세월은 흘러 494년이 지난 뒤, 안동의 한 양반 집 서가 깊숙한 곳에 숨겨져 있던 훈민정음 해례본이 발견되었다. 이와 같이 한글의 목숨 줄은 끈질기게 이어졌다.
물론, 이 해례본의 발견으로 말도 많고 탈도 많았던 한글을 둘러싼 기원설들이 명명백백하게 밝혀지는 것이 아니다.
그동안 한글의 기원에 관한 숱한 가설들이 횡행했다.

연산군의 언문 금지령 때문에 한글의 기원이 될 수 있는 왕실의 거의 모든 자료가 불타버렸지만,
민간에 전해진 훈민정음마져 연산군이 폐위되는 2년후 시점까지 모두 사라질 수는 없는게고,
대한제국 말기 지석영 같은 현자들이 고종에게 훈민정음 부활시키자고 상소한 것도, 연산군의 언문 금지령의 효과가 미미한 정도였다는 것을 보여주는 한가지 예다.
다만 한글의 기원이 될 수 있는 왕실의 자료가 연산군 때 거의 불타버렸을 가능성이 아주 크기에 이것에 대한 아쉬움 정도다.

중국 청나라 연경에 수행원 자격으로 갔다가 청나라의 많은 서책을 들고 귀국한 뒤 북학을 제창한 이덕무가 나름 훈민정음의 기원을 추측했지만 민중에 나돌던 변소설까지 언급하면서 우연도 이런 기막힌 우연이 없는게다.
연산군의 언문 금지령이 없었다면 더 자세한 자료가 존재했을 가능성은 크지만,
해례본 서문에서도 알 수 있듯이 혓바닥 굴린다는 소리밖에 없다.
그리고 변소얘기는 정인지(鄭麟趾)가 한 말이 아니라, 이덕무와 그의 손자 이규경(李圭景, 1788년 ~ 1856년)이 오주연문장전산고(五洲衍文長箋散稿)에서 한 말이다.

반절(反切)과 번뉴(翻紐)에 대한 변증설
"장헌대왕(蔣憲大王)이 일찍이 어청(御圊)에서 측주(廁籌)를 배열하다가 홀연히 깨닫고 성삼문(成三問) 등에게 명하여 창제하였다고 한다.

이덕무(李德懋, 1741년 ~ 1793년)가 쓴 청장관전서(靑莊館全書)를 그의 아들 이광규가 집대성하면서 세상에 알려진다.

훈민정음에 초성(初聲)ㆍ종성(終聲)이 통용되는 8자는 다 고전(古篆)의 형상이다.
ㄱ 고문(古文)의 급(及)자에서 나온 것인데, 물건들이 서로 어울림을 형상한 것이다.ㆍㄴ 익(匿)자에서 나온 것인데, 은(隱)과 같이 읽는다.ㆍㄷ 물건을 담는 그릇 모양인데, 방(方)자와 같이 읽는다.ㆍㄹ 전서(篆書)의 기(己)자이다.ㆍㅁ 옛날의 위(圍)자이다.ㆍㅂ 전서의 구(口)자이다.ㆍㅅ 전서의 인(人)자이다.ㆍㅇ 옛날의 원(圜)자이다.ㆍㅣ 위아래로 통하는 것이니, 고(古)와 본(本)의 번절이다. 번절(翻切)ㆍ세속에서는 언문(諺文)으로 반절(反切)이라 하여 반(反)자를 배반한다는 반(反)자로 읽고 반절(反切)의 반(反)자 음(音)이 번(翻)인 줄은 알지 못한다. 1행(行)에 각각 11자이다. 모두 14행(行)인데 글자를 좇아 횡(橫)으로 읽으면 가(可)ㆍ나(拿)ㆍ다(多)ㆍ라(羅)의 유(類)와 같다.

자연히 범주(梵呪)와 같은데 대체로 글자의 획은 전주(篆籒)보다 더 좋은 것이 없으니, 성인(聖人)이 아니면 어떻게 여기에 참여할 수 있었겠는가? 세속에 전하기를 "장헌대왕(莊憲大王)이 일찍이 변소에서 막대기를 가지고 배열해 보다가 문득 깨닫고 성삼문(成三問) 등에게 명하여 창제(創製)하였다."한다.

이덕무가 쓴 청장관전서 제54권에 대체로 한자를 많이 편애하는 글들이 많아 훈민정음 까려고 장헌대왕과 변소를 소환했을 가능성도 있지만,

이덕무가 내용들에 자신의 평을 보탰다는게다.
평가하는 사람은 있는 그대로를 소환해 기록해야 평을 할 수 있기에 사실 그대로를 기록해야 가능하다.

《삼국사기》고려 인종이 김부식에게 명하여 지어 바치게 하였다. 서사가의《필원잡기》에 '《삼국사기》는《통감》ㆍ《삼국지》ㆍ《남사》ㆍ《북사》ㆍ《수서》ㆍ《당서》의 내용을 거두어 모아서 전ㆍ기ㆍ표ㆍ지를 만든 책이니, 믿음직한 것이 못된다. 사실을 적은 대문에 있어서는 매번 다른 책을 인용하였으니, 더욱 사기를 쓰는 체모가 아니다. 또 침벌ㆍ회맹 등의 일과 같은 것은 한 사건을 신라기ㆍ고구려기ㆍ백제기에 중첩으로 적되 문체를 조금도 변경하지 않았으니 취할 것이 못된다.' 하였다.
《삼국사략》하윤ㆍ이첨ㆍ권근 등이《삼국사기》에 수정을 가하여 속된 것과 번잡스런 것을 삭제했다.
《삼국사절요(삼국사절요)》서거정(서거정)이 편집해 올린 것이다.

김부식이 쓴 삼국사기를 하윤ㆍ이첨ㆍ권근 등이 수정해서 삼국사기 내용이 많이 사라졌다는 얘기다.
왜곡은 근거라도 찾을 수 있지만, 내용 삭제는 역사가 사라진 것과 같다.
언문 금지령처럼 자료가 아예 사라진 경우라 더  나쁘다.

《삼국유사》모두 5권인데 기이가 2권, 흥법ㆍ의해ㆍ신주ㆍ감통을 병합하여 3권으로 되어 있다. 그리고 제5권 머리에 '국존 조계종 가지산 인각사 주지 원경충조대선사 일연이 찬한다.'고 되어 있다. 그 말이 황당하고 허탄하다.

삼국유사 사관평이나 이덕무 평이나 거기서 거기다.


훈민정음 해례본 정인지 서문

천지(天地) 자연의 (이치에 맞는)소리(聲)가 있으면 반드시 천지자연의 (이치에 맞는)글(文)이 있어야 하니,

옛날 사람이 소리로 인하여 (거기에 맞는)글자를 만들어 만물(萬物)의 실정(實情)을 통하였고, 삼재(三才)의 도리를 기재하여 뒷세상에서 (문자를)변경할 수 없게 한 까닭이다.

그러나, 사방의 풍토(風土)가 구별되매 성기(聲氣)도 또한 (풍토에)따라 다르게 된다. 대개 외국(外國)의 말은 그 소리는 있어도 그 글자는 없으므로,

중국의 글자를 빌려서 그 일용(日用)에 통하게 하니, 이것이 둥근 장부(자루)를 네모진 구멍에 끼우는 것 같이 서로 어긋남 같은데, 어찌 능히 통하여 막힘이 없겠는가. (자루와 구멍이 어긋난 호미이다.)

요는 (글자란)모두 각기 처지(處地)에 따라 편안하게 해야만 되고, 억지로 같게 할 수는 없는 것이다.

우리 동방의 예악 문물(禮樂文物)이 중국에 견줄 만하나 다만 방언(方言)과 이어(俚語)만이 같지 않으므로, (다만 나랏말은 예악문물처럼 화하에 견줄 수 없어서)

글을 배우는 사람은 그 지취(旨趣)의 이해하기 어려움을 근심하고, 옥사(獄事)를 다스리는 사람은 그 곡절(曲折)의 통하기 어려움을 괴로워하였다.

옛날에 신라의 설총(薛聰)이 처음으로 이두(吏讀)를 만들어 관부(官府)와 민간에서 지금까지 이를 행하고 있지마는,

그러나 모두 글자를 빌려서 쓰기 때문에 혹은 껄끄럽고(艱澁) 혹은 막히어(窒塞),

다만 비루하여 근거가 없을 뿐만 아니라 우리말과의 관계에 이르면 그 만분의 일도 통할 수가 없었다.

계해(1443)년 겨울에

우리 전하(殿下)께서 정음(正音) 28자(字)를 처음으로 만들어 간략하게 예의(例義)를 들어 보이고 명칭을 《훈민정음(訓民正音)》이라 하였다.

형상을 본떠서 글자 모양은 고전(古篆)을 모방하고, 소리의 원리에 따라서 음(音)은 칠조(七調)에 합하여

삼극(三極)의 뜻과 이기(二氣)의 정묘함이 구비 포괄(包括)되지 않은 것이 없어서,

28자로써 전환(轉換)하여 다함이 없이 간략하면서도 요령이 있고 자세하면서도 통달하게 되었다.

그런 까닭으로 지혜로운 사람은 아침나절이 되기 전에 이를 이해하고, 어리석은 사람도 열흘이면 배울 수 있다.

이로써 글(漢文)을 해석하면 그 뜻을 알 수가 있으며, 이로써 송사(訟事)를 들어주면 그 실정을 알아낼 수가 있게 된다.

자운(字韻)은 청탁(淸濁)을 능히 분별할 수가 있고, 악가(樂歌)는 율려(律呂)가 능히 화합할 수가 있으므로

사용하여 구비하지 않은 적이 없으며 어디를 가더라도 통하지 않는 곳이 없어서, 비록 바람소리와 학의 울음이든지, 닭울음소리나 개 짖는 소리까지도 모두 표현해 쓸 수가 있게 되었다.

마침내 해석을 상세히 하여 여러 사람들을 깨우치라고 명하시니,

이에 신(臣)이 집현전 응교(集賢殿應敎) 최항(崔恒), 부교리(副校理) 박팽년(朴彭年)과 신숙주(申叔舟), 수찬(修撰) 성삼문(成三問), 돈녕부 주부(敦寧府注簿) 강희안(姜希顔), 행 집현전 부수찬(行集賢殿副修撰) 이개(李塏)·이선로(李善老) 등과 더불어 삼가 모든 해석과 범례(凡例)를 지어 그 경개(梗槪)를 서술하여,

이를 본 사람으로 하여금 스승이 없어도 스스로 깨닫게 되기를 바라셨는데,

그 연원(淵源)의 정밀한 뜻의 오묘(奧妙)한 것과 같은 것은 신(臣) 등이 능히 발휘할 수 없는 바이다.

삼가 생각하옵건대, 우리 전하(殿下)께서는 하늘에서 낳으신 성인(聖人)으로써 제도와 베푸심이 백대(百代)의 제왕보다 뛰어나시어,

정음(正音)의 제작은 전대의 것을 본받은 바도 없이 자연적으로 이루어졌으니,

그 지극한 이치가 있지 않은 곳이 없으므로 인간 행위의 사심(私心)으로 된 것이 아니다.

대체로 동방에 나라가 있은 지가 오래 되지 않은 것이 아니나, 개물성무의 큰 지혜를 여시니, 아마도 오늘날을 기다리고 계신 것이 아니었겠는가?

정통11(1446)년 9월 상한에 자헌대부 예조판서 집현전대제학 지춘추관사 세자우빈객 신하 정인지는 두 손 모아 절하고 머리 조아려 삼가 씁니다

故智者不終朝而會 愚者可浹旬而學
고지자불종조이회 우자가협순이학

헤드젯은 아침과 상투 괄(會)로도 쓰인다.
모은다는 말이 외운다는 뜻도있지만 헤드젯이 염주알들을 모으고 있다.
공자의 知之爲知之不知爲不知是知也(지지위지지부지위부지시지야)는 달이 주제다.
아는 자는 태양이고, 어리석은 자는 달이라 정인지가 智者와 愚者를 대비시킨거다.
오랑캐 임금(可)은, 可를 손에 들고있는 복희(伏羲)다.

사관은 말한다. "정인지는 성품이 검소하여 자신의 생활도 매우 박하게 하였다. 그러나 재산 늘리기를 좋아하여 여러 만석(萬石)이 되었다. 그래도 전원(田園)을 널리 차지했으며, 심지어는 이웃에 사는 사람의 것까지 많이 점유하였으므로, 당시의 의논이 이를 그르다고 하였다. 그의 아들 정숭조는 아비의 그늘을 바탕으로 벼슬이 재상(宰相)에 이르렀으며, 그 재물을 늘림도 그의 아비보다 더하였다."
(史臣曰: 麟趾性儉素, 自奉甚薄.然喜營産,家累巨萬而猶廣置田園,至於隣近人居亦多侵占,時議非之.其子崇祖席父蔭, 位至宰相, 其殖貨勝於乃父)
- 성종 실록 98권, 9년(1478년 무술) 11월 26일 계미 1번째 기사)


세종26년 1444년 2월 20일(庚子)에

집현전 부제학(集賢殿副提學) 최만리(崔萬理) 등이 상소하기를,

"신 등이 엎드려 보옵건대, 언문(諺文)을 제작하신 것이 지극히 신묘하와 만물을 창조하시고 지혜를 운전하심이 천고에 뛰어나시오나, 신 등의 구구한 좁은 소견으로는 오히려 의심되는 것이 있사와 감히 간곡한 정성을 펴서 삼가 뒤에 열거하오니 엎드려 성재(聖裁)하시옵기를 바랍니다.

一, 我朝自祖宗以來,至誠事大,一遵華制,今當同文同軌之時,創作諺文,有駭觀聽。?曰諺文皆本古字,非新字也,則字形雖倣古之篆文,用音合字,盡反於古,實無所據。若流中國,或有非議之者,豈不有愧於事大慕華?
1. 우리 조선은 조종 때부터 내려오면서 지성스럽게 대국(大國)을 섬기어 한결같이 중화(中華)의 제도를 준행(遵行)하였는데, 이제 글을 같이하고 법도를 같이하는 때를 당하여 언문을 창작하신 것은 보고 듣기에 놀라움이 있습니다. 설혹 말하기를, '언문은 모두 옛 글자를 본뜬 것이고 새로 된 글자가 아니라.' 하지만, 글자의 형상은 비록 옛날의 전문(篆文)을 모방하였을지라도 음을 쓰고 글자를 합하는 것은 모두 옛 것에 반대되니 실로 의거할 데가 없사옵니다. 만일 중국에라도 흘러 들어가서 혹시라도 비난하여 말하는 자가 있사오면, 어찌 대국을 섬기고 중화를 사모하는 데에 부끄러움이 없사오리까.

一, 自古九州之內,風土雖異,未有因方言而別爲文字者,唯蒙古、西夏、女眞、日本、西蕃之類,各有其字,是皆夷狄事耳,無足道者。《傳》曰:"用夏變夷,未聞變於夷者也。"歷代中國皆以我國有箕子遺風,文物禮樂,比擬中華。今別作諺文,捨中國而自同於夷狄,是所謂棄蘇合之香,而取?螂之丸也,豈非文明之大累哉?
1. 옛부터 구주(九州)의 안에 풍토는 비록 다르오나 지방의 말에 따라 따로 문자를 만든 것이 없사옵고, 오직 몽고(蒙古)ㆍ서하(西夏)ㆍ여진(女眞)ㆍ일본(日本)과 서번(西蕃)의 종류가 각기 그 글자가 있으되, 이는 모두 이적(夷狄)의 일이므로 족히 말할 것이 없사옵니다. 옛글에 말하기를, '화하(華夏)를 써서 이적(夷狄)을 변화시킨다.' 하였고, 화하가 이적으로 변한다는 것은 듣지 못하였습니다. 역대로 중국에서 모두 우리 나라는 기자(箕子)의 남긴 풍속이 있다 하고, 문물과 예악을 중화에 견주어 말하기도 하는데, 이제 따로 언문을 만드는 것은 중국을 버리고 스스로 이적과 같아지려는 것으로서, 이른바 소합향(蘇合香)을 버리고 당랑환(?螂丸)을 취함이오니, 어찌 문명의 큰 흠절이 아니오리까.

一, 新羅?聰吏讀,雖爲鄙俚,然皆借中國通行之字,施於語助, 與文字元不相離,故雖至胥吏僕隷之徒,必欲習之。先讀數書,粗知文字,然後乃用吏讀。用吏讀者,須憑文字,乃能達意,故因吏讀而知文字者頗多,亦興學之一助也。
1. 신라 설총(薛聰)의 이두(吏讀)는 비록 야비한 이언(俚言)이오나, 모두 중국에서 통행하는 글자를 빌어서 어조(語助)에 사용하였기에, 문자가 원래 서로 분리된 것이 아니므로, 비록 서리(胥吏)나 복예(僕隷)의 무리에 이르기까지라도 반드시 익히려 하면, 먼저 몇 가지 글을 읽어서 대강 문자를 알게 된 연후라야 이두를 쓰게 되옵는데, 이두를 쓰는 자는 모름지기 문자에 의거하여야 능히 의사를 통하게 되는 때문에, 이두로 인하여 문자를 알게 되는 자가 자못 많사오니, 또한 학문을 흥기시키는 데에 한 도움이 되었습니다.

만약 우리나라가 원래부터 문자를 알지 못하여 결승(結繩)하는 세대라면 우선 언문을 빌어서 한때의 사용에 이바지하는 것은 오히려 가할 것입니다. 그래도 바른 의논을 고집하는 자는 반드시 말하기를, '언문을 시행하여 임시 방편을 하는 것보다는 차라리 더디고 느릴지라도 중국에서 통용하는 문자를 습득하여 길고 오랜 계책을 삼는 것만 같지 못하다.'고 할 것입니다. 하물며 이두는 시행한 지 수천 년이나 되어 부서(簿書)나 기회(期會) 등의 일에 방애(防?)됨이 없사온데, 어찌 예로부터 시행하던 폐단 없는 글을 고쳐서 따로 야비하고 상스러운 무익한 글자를 창조하시나이까.

若行諺文,則爲吏者專習諺文,不顧學問文字,吏員岐而爲二。 苟爲吏者以諺文而宦達,則後進皆見其如此也,以爲:"二十七字諺文,足以立身於世,何須苦心勞思,窮性理之學哉?"
만약에 언문을 시행하오면 관리된 자가 오로지 언문만을 습득하고 학문하는 문자를 돌보지 않아서 이원(吏員)이 둘로 나뉘어질 것이옵니다. 진실로 관리 된 자가 언문을 배워 통달한다면, 후진(後進)이 모두 이러한 것을 보고 생각하기를, 27자의 언문으로도 족히 세상에 입신(立身)할 수 있다고 할 것이오니, 무엇 때문에 고심 노사(苦心勞思)하여 성리(性理)의 학문을 궁리하려 하겠습니까.

如此則數十年之後,知文字者必少。雖能以諺文而施於吏事, 不知聖賢之文字,則不學墻面,昧於事理之是非,徒工於諺文,將何用哉?我國家積累右文之化,恐漸至掃地矣。
이렇게 되오면 수십 년후에는 문자를 아는 자가 반드시 적어져서, 비록 언문으로써 능히 이사(吏事)를 집행한다 할지라도, 성현의 문자를 알지 못하고 배우지 않아서 담을 대하는 것처럼 사리의 옳고 그름에 어두울 것이오니, 언문에만 능숙한들 장차 무엇에 쓸 것이옵니까. 우리 나라에서 오래 쌓아 내려온 우문(右文)의 교화가 점차로 땅을 쓸어버린 듯이 없어질까 두렵습니다.

전에는 이두가 비록 문자 밖의 것이 아닐지라도 유식한 사람은 오히려 야비하게 여겨 이문(吏文)으로써 바꾸려고 생각하였는데, 하물며 언문은 문자와 조금도 관련됨이 없고 오로지 시골의 상말을 쓴 것이겠습니까. 가령 언문이 전조(前朝) 때부터 있었다 하여도 오늘의 문명한 정치에 변로지도(變魯至道)하려는 뜻으로서 오히려 그대로 물려받을 수 있겠습니까.

반드시 고쳐 새롭게 하자고 의논하는 자가 있을 것으로서 이는 환하게 알 수 있는 이치이옵니다. 옛 것을 싫어하고 새 것을 좋아하는 것은 고금에 통한 우환이온데, 이번의 언문은 새롭고 기이한 한 가지 기예(技藝)에 지나지 못한 것으로서, 학문에 방해됨이 있고 정치에 유익함이 없으므로, 아무리 되풀이하여 생각하여도 그 옳은 것을 볼 수 없사옵니다.

一, 若曰如刑殺獄辭,以吏讀文字書之,則不知文理之愚民,一字之差,容或致?。今以諺文直書其言,讀使聽之,則雖至愚之人,悉皆易曉而無抱屈者,然自古中國言與文同,獄訟之間,?枉甚多。
1. 만일에 말하기를, '형살(?殺)에 대한 옥사(獄辭)같은 것을 이두 문자로 쓴다면, 문리(文理)를 알지 못하는 어리석은 백성이 한 글자의 착오로 혹 원통함을 당할 수도 있겠으나, 이제 언문으로 그 말을 직접 써서 읽어 듣게 하면, 비록 지극히 어리석은 사람일지라도 모두 다 쉽게 알아들어서 억울함을 품을 자가 없을 것이라.' 하오나, 예로부터 중국은 말과 글이 같아도 옥송(獄訟) 사이에 원왕(?枉)한 것이 심히 많습니다.

借以我國言之,獄囚之解吏讀者,親讀招辭,知其誣而不勝?楚, 多有枉服者,是非不知招辭之文意而被?也明矣。若然則雖用諺文,何異於此?是知刑獄之平不平,在於獄吏之如何,而不在於言與文之同不同也。欲以諺文而平獄辭,臣等未見其可也。
가령 우리나라로 말하더라도 옥에 갇혀 있는 죄수로서 이두를 해득하는 자가 친히 초사(招辭)를 읽고서 허위인 줄을 알면서도 매를 견디지 못하여 그릇 항복하는 자가 많사오니, 이는 초사의 글 뜻을 알지 못하여 원통함을 당하는 것이 아님이 명백합니다. 만일 그러하오면 비록 언문을 쓴다 할지라도 무엇이 이보다 다르오리까. 이것은 형옥(刑獄)의 공평하고 공평하지 못함이 옥리(獄吏)의 어떠하냐에 있고, 말과 문자의 같고 같지 않음에 있지 않은 것을 알 수 있으니, 언문으로써 옥사를 공평하게 한다는 것은 신 등은 그 옳은 줄을 알 수 없사옵니다.

一, 凡立事功,不貴近速。國家比來措置,皆務速成,恐非爲治之體。?曰諺文不得已而爲之,此變易風俗之大者,當謀及宰相,下至百僚國人,皆曰可,猶先甲先庚,更加三思,質諸帝王而不悖,考諸中國而無愧,百世以俟聖人而不惑,然後乃可行也。
1. 무릇 사공(事功)을 세움에는 가깝고 빠른 것을 귀하게 여기지 않사온데, 국가가 근래에 조치하는 것이 모두 빨리 이루는 것을 힘쓰니, 두렵건대, 정치하는 체제가 아닌가 하옵니다. 만일에 언문은 할 수 없어서 만드는 것이라 한다면, 이것은 풍속을 변하여 바꾸는 큰 일이므로, 마땅히 재상으로부터 아래로는 백료(百僚)에 이르기까지 함께 의논하되, 나라 사람이 모두 옳다 하여도 오히려 선갑(先甲) 후경(後庚)하여 다시 세 번을 더 생각하고, 제왕(帝王)에 질정하여 어그러지지 않고 중국에 상고하여 부끄러움이 없으며, 백세(百世)라도 성인(聖人)을 기다려 의혹됨이 없은 연후라야 이에 시행할 수 있는 것이옵니다.

이제 넓게 여러 사람의 의논을 채택하지도 않고 갑자기 이배(吏輩) 10여 인으로 하여금 가르쳐 익히게 하며, 또 가볍게 옛사람이 이미 이룩한 운서(韻書)를 고치고 근거 없는 언문을 부회(附會)하여 공장(工匠) 수십 인을 모아 각본(刻本)하여서 급하게 널리 반포하려 하시니, 천하 후세의 공의(公議)에 어떠하겠습니까. 또한 이번 청주 초수리(椒水里)에 거동하시는 데도 특히 연사가 흉년인 것을 염려하시어 호종하는 모든 일을 힘써 간략하게 하셨으므로, 전일에 비교하오면 10에 8, 9는 줄어들었고, 계달하는 공무(公務)에 이르러도 또한 의정부(議政府)에 맡기시어, 언문 같은 것은 국가의 급하고 부득이하게 기한에 미쳐야 할 일도 아니온데, 어찌 이것만은 행재(行在)에서 급급하게 하시어 성궁(聖躬)을 조섭하시는 때에 번거롭게 하시나이까. 신 등은 더욱 그 옳음을 알지 못하겠나이다.

一, 先儒云:"凡百玩好,皆奪志,至於書札,於儒者事最近,然一向好着,亦自喪志。"今東宮雖德性成就,猶當潛心聖學,益求其未至也。
1. 선유(先儒)가 이르기를, '여러가지 완호(玩好)는 대개 지기(志氣)를 빼앗는다.' 하였고, '서찰(書札)에 이르러서는 선비의 하는 일에 가장 가까운 것이나, 외곬으로 그것만 좋아하면 또한 자연히 지기가 상실된다.' 하였습니다. 이제 동궁(東宮)이 비록 덕성이 성취되셨다 할지라도 아직은 성학(聖學)에 잠심(潛心)하시어 더욱 그 이르지 못한 것을 궁구해야 할 것입니다.

언문이 비록 유익하다 이를지라도 특히 문사(文士)의 육예(六藝)의 한 가지일 뿐이옵니다. 하물며 만에 하나도 정치하는 도리에 유익됨이 없사온데, 정신을 연마하고 사려를 허비하며 날을 마치고 때를 옮기시오니, 실로 시민(時敏)의 학업에 손실되옵니다. 신 등이 모두 문묵(文墨)의 보잘것없는 재주로 시종(侍從)에 대죄(待罪)하고 있으므로, 마음에 품은 바가 있으면 감히 함묵(含默)할 수 없어서 삼가 폐부(肺腑)를 다하와 우러러 성총을 번독하나이다." 하니,

임금이 소(疏)를 보고, 만리(萬理) 등에게 이르기를,
"너희들이 이르기를, '음(音)을 사용하고 글자를 합한 것이 모두 옛 글에 위반된다.' 하였는데, 설총(薛聰)의 이두(吏讀)도 역시 음이 다르지 않으냐. 또 이두를 제작한 본뜻이 백성을 편리하게 하려 함이 아니하겠느냐. 만일 그것이 백성을 편리하게 한 것이라면 이제의 언문은 백성을 편리하게 하려 한 것이다. 너희들이 설총은 옳다 하면서 군상(君上)의 하는 일은 그르다 하는 것은 무엇이냐. 또 네가 운서(韻書)를 아느냐. 사성 칠음(四聲七音)에 자모(字母)가 몇이나 있느냐. 만일 내가 그 운서를 바로잡지 아니하면 누가 이를 바로잡을 것이냐.

또 소(疏)에 이르기를, '새롭고 기이한 하나의 기예(技藝)라.' 하였으니, 내 늘그막에 날[日]을 보내기 어려워서 서적으로 벗을 삼을 뿐인데, 어찌 옛 것을 싫어하고 새 것을 좋아하여 하는 것이겠느냐. 또는 전렵(田獵)으로 매사냥을 하는 예도 아닌데 너희들의 말은 너무 지나침이 있다. 그리고 내가 나이 늙어서 국가의 서무(庶務)를 세자에게 오로지 맡겼으니, 비록 세미(細微)한 일일지라도 참예하여 결정함이 마땅하거든, 하물며 언문이겠느냐. 만약 세자로 하여금 항상 동궁(東宮)에만 있게 한다면 환관(宦官)에게 일을 맡길 것이냐. 너희들이 시종(侍從)하는 신하로서 내 뜻을 밝게 알면서도 이러한 말을 하는 것은 옳지 않다." 하니,

만리(萬理) 등이 대답하기를,
"설총의 이두는 비록 음이 다르다 하나, 음에 따르고 해석에 따라 어조(語助)와 문자가 원래 서로 떨어지지 않사온데, 이제 언문은 여러 글자를 합하여 함께 써서 그 음과 해석을 변한 것이고 글자의 형상이 아닙니다. 또 새롭고 기이한 한 가지의 기예(技藝)라 하온 것은 특히 문세(文勢)에 인하여 이 말을 한 것이옵고 의미가 있어서 그러한 것은 아니옵니다. 동궁은 공사(公事)라면 비록 세미한 일일지라도 참결(參決)하시지 않을 수 없사오나, 급하지 않은 일을 무엇 때문에 시간을 허비하며 심려하시옵니까." 하였다.

임금이 말하기를,
"전번에 김문(金汶)이 아뢰기를, '언문을 제작함에 불가할 것은 없습니다.' 하였는데, 지금은 도리어 불가하다 하고, 또 정창손(鄭昌孫)은 말하기를, '삼강행실(三綱行實)을 반포한 후에 충신ㆍ효자ㆍ열녀의 무리가 나옴을 볼 수 없는 것은, 사람이 행하고 행하지 않는 것이 사람의 자질(資質) 여하(如何)에 있기 때문입니다. 어찌 꼭 언문으로 번역한 후에야 사람이 모두 본받을 것입니까.' 하였으니, 이따위 말이 어찌 선비의 이치를 아는 말이겠느냐. 아무짝에도 쓸데 없는 용속(庸俗)한 선비이다." 하였다.

먼젓번에 임금이 정창손에게 하교하기를,
"내가 만일 언문으로 삼강행실(三綱行實)을 번역하여 민간에 반포하면 어리석은 남녀가 모두 쉽게 깨달아서 충신ㆍ효자ㆍ열녀가 반드시 무리로 나올 것이다."
하였는데, 창손이 이 말로 계달한 때문에 이제 이러한 하교가 있은 것이었다.

임금이 또 하교하기를,
"내가 너희들을 부른 것은 처음부터 죄주려 한 것이 아니고, 다만 소(疏) 안에 한두 가지 말을 물으려 하였던 것인데, 너희들이 사리를 돌아보지 않고 말을 변하여 대답하니, 너희들의 죄는 벗기 어렵다." 하고,

遂下副提學崔萬理、直提學辛碩祖、直殿金汶、應敎鄭昌孫、副校理河緯地、副修撰宋處儉、著作郞趙瑾于義禁府。 翌日,命釋之,唯罷昌孫職。仍傳旨義禁府:
드디어 부제학(副提學) 최만리(崔萬理)ㆍ직제학(直提學) 신석조(辛碩祖)ㆍ직전(直殿) 김문(金汶), 응교(應敎) 정창손(鄭昌孫)ㆍ부교리(副校理) 하위지(河緯之)ㆍ부수찬(副修撰) 송처검(宋處儉), 저작랑(著作郞) 조근(趙瑾)을 의금부에 내렸다가 이튿날 석방하라 명하였는데, 오직 정창손만은 파직(罷職)시키고, 인하여 의금부에 전지하기를,

"김문이 앞뒤에 말을 변하여 계달한 사유를 국문(鞫問)하여 아뢰라."

세종 이도와 최만리가 말하는 형살옥사(刑殺獄辭)는 태양신전 원래 주제다.
4하토르가 태양에 결박된.

태종실록 25권, 태종 13년 2월 5일 갑인 1번째기사
○甲寅/次于通濟院南郊。 是朝, 命世子還朝, 世子固請從行, 上謂諸卿曰: "世子監國, 於禮得矣。 初欲令世子經宿而還, 今世子以不得扈駕, 怏怏不食。 世子非獨予之子也, 乃國之儲副也。 其擧動若之何而可?" 李天祐、李叔蕃等進言曰: "此乃湯沐之行, 固宜隨駕。" 上曰: "姑從之。" 世子喜形於色。 上過臨津渡, 觀龜船、倭船相戰之狀。
통제원(通濟院) 남교(南郊)에서 머물렀다. 이날 아침에 세자에게 명하여 조정(朝廷)으로 돌아가도록 하니, 세자가 따라가기를 굳이 청하였다. 임금이 여러 대신[諸卿]에게 말하였다.

"세자가 감국(監國)053) 하는 것은 예(禮)에 맞는다. 당초는 세자로 하여금 하룻밤만 지내고 돌아가게 하고자 하였으나, 지금 세자가 호가(扈駕)할 수 없다고 하여 앙앙(怏怏)054) 대고 밥을 먹지 아니한다. 세자는 나의 자식만이 아니라 나라의 저부(儲副)인데, 그 거동(擧動)이 이와 같으니, 어찌하면 좋겠는가?"

이천우(李天祐)·이숙번(李叔蕃) 등이 진언하기를,

"이번에는 탕목(湯沐)의 행차이니, 마땅히 거가를 따르게 하소서."

하여 임금이

"잠시 동안이다."

하고 그대로 좇으니, 세자가 안색이 기쁜 빛를 띄었다. 임금이 임진도(臨津渡)를 지나다가 거북선[龜船]055) 과 왜선(倭船)이 서로 싸우는 상황을 구경하였다.

태종실록 30권, 태종 15년 7월 16일 신해 2번째기사

其一, 各官城子未定處及未築處, 無遺議定, 以時堅築。 各其城上女墻數、合入人丁數、所入糧餉數、四方隣城相去里數、道路險易、烽火相望處, 悉書于策, 以備守國之道。
其二, 四方邊境山河險隘, 以寡當衆處、大船泊立依岸處、藏兵覆衆處, 無不周知, 以量用軍之數, 以備制敵之方, 書而藏之, 以爲畫策之具。
其三, 中外各目軍丁兵船軍器衣甲, 各色旗麾錚鐃鼓角之數、各持馬匹大中小摠數, 令兵曹依戶曹錢穀例, 會計施行, 一入內, 一置承政院, 以爲恒式。
其四, 軍器監火㷁雖已至萬餘柄, 各道城子百餘, 各浦兵船百六十餘隻及山河險阨設備處, 其用甚多, 萬餘柄猶爲不足。 以餘在鑄鐵二萬餘斤, 來八月始鑄成, 以足其用; 傳習人用別軍箇月已滿未去官者。
其五, 兵船因倭寇久息, 制敵之具怠弛不修。 每等敬差官但考其軍人衣甲、軍器、火㷁、旗麾、船體實不實而已, 其餘器械焉能悉考? 且如火㷁火藥, 苟能點火, 年久可用, 船上亦可點火, 不令着霾。 近來各道以海氣着霾, 年久不用, 改受者頗多有之, 其餘虛實, 從可知矣。 其大中船所用器械數目, 令各道水軍節制使開寫具報兵曹, 以其數目, 委人點考, 竝考火㷁點火形止, 仍加賞罰, 其不實者, 更令備實, 以備不虞。
其六, 龜船之法, 衝突衆敵, 而敵不能害, 可謂決勝之良策。 更令堅巧造作, 以備戰勝之具。
愼時知兵曹。 上覽之, 下兵曹。

좌대언(左代言) 탁신(卓愼)이 병비(兵備)에 대한 사의(事宜)를 올렸다.

"첫째는, 각 고을에서 성자(城子)를 정하지 않은 곳과 쌓지 않은 곳을 빠짐없이 의논하여 정해서 때때로 단단히 쌓고, 각각 그 성 위의 여장(女墻) 수와 합하여 들어간 인정(人丁)수와 들어간 양식 수와 사방 가까운 성(城)의 거리 이수(里數)와 도로의 험하고 평이한 것과 봉화(烽火)의 서로 바라보이는 곳을 모조리 책(策)에 써서 나라를 지키는 방도를 갖출 것.

둘째는, 사방 변경의 산하(山河)가 험조(險阻)하여서 적은 사람으로 많은 사람을 당할 수 있는 곳, 큰 배가 정박하여 언덕에 의지할 수 있는 곳, 병기를 갈무리하고 많은 사람을 가리울 수 있는 곳을 고루 알아서 군사를 쓸 수효를 헤아리고, 적을 제어할 방도를 갖추어 써서 갈무리하여 획책(劃策)의 도구를 삼을 것.

세째는, 중외의 각 고을의 군정(軍丁)·병선(兵船)·군기(軍器)·의갑(衣甲) ·각색 기휘(旗麾)·쟁요(錚鐃)·고각(鼓角)의 수와, 각기 가지고 있는 마필, 대중소의 총수(摠數)를 병조(兵曹)로 하여금 호조(戶曹)의 전곡(錢穀)예에 의해 회계(會計)하여 시행케 해서, 하나는 내전(內殿)에 들이고 하나는 승정원(承政院)에 비치하는 것으로써 항식(恒式)을 삼을 것.

네째는, 군기감(軍器監)의 화통(火㷁)이 비록 이미 1만여 자루[柄]에 이르나, 각도의 성자(城子) 1백여 곳과 각포(各浦)의 병선 1백 60여 척과 산하(山河)의 험조(險阻)한 데 설비할 곳 등, 그 쓰이는 것이 대단히 많아서 1만여 자루도 오히려 부족합니다. 남아 있는 주철(鑄鐵) 2만여 근으로 오는 8월에 녹여 만들기 시작하여 그 용도를 족하게 하고, 전습하는 사람은 별군(別軍) 가운데 개월(箇月)은 이미 차고 아직 거관(去官)하지 않은 자를 쓸 것.

다섯째는, 병선(兵船)은 왜구(倭寇)가 오래 잠잠함으로 인하여 태만하고 해이해져 적을 제어하는 도구를 수리하지 않는데, 매등(每等)의 경차관(敬差官)이 다만 그 군인의 의갑(衣甲)·군기(軍器)·화통(火㷁)·기휘(旗麾)와 선체의 실하고 실하지 않은 것만을 상고할 뿐이니, 그 나머지 기계(器械)를 어찌 다 상고하겠습니까? 또 화통(火㷁)·화약(火藥) 같은 것은 점화(點火)만 되면 해가 오래 되어도 쓸 수 있고, 배 위에서 또한 점화할 수 있으니 곰팡이가 끼지 않게 하여야 하는데, 근래 각도에서 바다 기운으로 곰팡이가 끼고, 해가 오래 되도록 쓰지 않다가 고쳐 받는 자가 매우 많으니, 그 나머지는 허실(虛實)을 따라서 알 수 있는 것입니다. 그 대선(大船)·중선(中船)의 쓰는 기계의 수량과 종목을 각도 수군 절제사(水軍節制使)로 하여금 일일이 써서 갖추 병조에 보고하게 하고, 병조에서는 그 수량과 종목을 사람에게 위임하여 점고(點考)하게 하고, 아울러 화통의 점화하는 형태를 상고하여 상벌을 가하고, 실하지 않은 것은 다시 갖추어 실하게 하여 불우(不虞)에 대비할 것.

여섯째는, 거북선[龜船]의 법은 많은 적과 충돌하여도 적이 능히 해하지 못하니 가위 결승(決勝)의 좋은 계책이라고 하겠습니다. 다시 견고하고 교묘하게 만들게 하여 전승(戰勝)의 도구를 갖추게 하소서."

탁신(卓愼)이 이 때에 병조를 맡았는데, 임금이 보고 병조에 내리었다.

임진도(臨津渡)가 임진왜란으로 바뀐 것은 일부 후대의 개입이지만,
아주 없던 사실은 아니다.
태양신전 거북선은 임금의 소유다.
일개 장수가 거북선을 소유하면 그 자체로 역모다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 16, 2021, 12:48:15 PM

Your chicken coop is reminiscent of a resort.
When does your free generator work?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 16, 2021, 12:59:41 PM
mbc "검은태양" 작가가 그라는디 백모사가 북파됐다 귀신으로 돌아온 헐랭구가 모델이라는디?
시상 참 말세여....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 16, 2021, 01:14:33 PM
불황에 시나리오 작가들 불철주야 고생많어
그럼 국정원 노망네 애꾸랑 돼중이 두동강 날일 만 남았네 모..

쌍낫놓구 쌍기역도 모르는 사바세계 중생들 계도하느라구 우리 시커먼 뚱서방 팔자에도없는 햇빛알레르기 걸렸잖아
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 16, 2021, 01:34:45 PM
сварочный инвертор купил на aliexpress, но пока ещё не использовал и не знаю какие эти дротики нужны, смотрел есть разные для нержавеющей стали и всякой другой стали и например для нержавеющей подойдёт для простой стали?

Противодействующая электродвижущая сила не различает феррит и железо.


그런 까닭으로 지혜로운 사람은 아침나절이 되기 전에 이를 이해하고, 어리석은 사람도 열흘이면 배울 수 있다.

정인지가 말하는 열흘(旬)은 ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ 태양과 달의 시간이다.

카운트다운 시작.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 18, 2021, 06:23:13 PM
Offline lancaIV
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« Sent to: color on: October 17, 2021, 02:19:51 AM »ReplyQuoteDelete
獵 사냥 hunting
魔 마귀 the devil
人 사람 people, man
優 뛰어나다 excellent
雅 올바르다 is correct
地 땅 earth land
騎 말을 타다 ride a horse
在 있다, 존재한다 exist
把 잡다 catch
手 손 hand
上 위(아래의 상대 개념) up (relative concept below)
I could,but shall the apply from words not explain a momentum image ?
Is the corean language,during the Joseung/Sejong dynasty time developped as "by new alphabet : enedemic language", not more as only vowels and consonants ?
Words in sentence complexity ,their order : S.ubject - P.raedikat -O.bject in "deutscher " language
   rank                                                           S.             O.               P.         in "latin "

in corean ? (Which ?) Word- Prae-/Suf-fix ,later the interposition from praepositions,pronomes,adjective,subordinate clause ?
Language is applied cultural " Im-/Expressionism " ! Emotio-Pixel-ing !
The most people are in their own language  use with daily 1%, from total , satisfied(or not in potential to use more !).
Too much "black and white",or "black ground with 1 white pixel(point,dot)/white ground with 1 black pixel(p.,d.)" !

Physics is applied Nature-"Im-/Expressionism",from clear repeatable experiments to over-or hyper-physics :
"hypothesis/assumptions/potential" .
2021 p.C. calendarium :
FE devices for 10 Eurocents/KWh commercial available .
FE devices for  1 Eurocent/KWh exploration trials known ,ex = 2004 with 3,4 US-$-cents/KWh calculated
FE devices for  0,1 Eurocent /KWh exploration trial known,beside NANO-BOXX an other,


                       ZERO HUMAN FINGERPRINT
                       ZERO HUMAN RELATED COSTS

A.I. based society in progress ,included A.I. controle,24/365 !
"1984" ,Raum/Chamber 101 : less "brute" and without lipps movement : by MRI/MRA-kind tunnel  ,inverse nano-phone mind-reading !
individuals their criminal history/curriculum vitae ,each human R.A.M. minute sequence read-/repeatable,neuronal audio-/video-signal transceiver !

Clean future !


이 운명에서 제외될 수 있는 건 세상에 없다.

#'노숙자 쉼터'를 운영하는 후배목사가 얼마 전에 본인 말로 "돈과 여자들이 동원된 치명적 스캔들"을 저질렀단다. 누가 그 비밀을 알고 은행 계좌에 얼마를 입금시키지 않으면 사실을 폭로하겠다고 협박하는데, 말하자면 이럴 경우 어찌 할까를 묻는 인생-상담이다. "고민할 것 없네. 하느님이 자네에게 좋은 기회를 허락하셨군. 스캔들에 얽힌 사실을 있는 그대로 낱낱이 밝히고 나머지는 운명에 맡기시게. 사람들이 알아서 자네를 죽여줄 걸세. 살 길을 찾지 말고 죽는 길로 가라고!" 단칼에 무 자르듯 급히 말하다가 가쁜 숨 몰아쉬며 꿈에서 깨어난다. "사실을 밝힐 때 돈은 정확하게 액수까지 밝히되 여자들 신분은 밝히지 말게나. 인권에 관계된 문제라서 건드리면 복잡해지거든. 긁어 부스럼 만들 건 없지." 이 말을 후배목사에게 해주지는 못했다. 꿈과 함께 사라졌기 때문이다. ...인생 참 간단한 거다. 사람이 잘못을 저지르고, 제 잘못을 스스로 밝히고, 그리고 뉘우쳐 돌아서는 것. 돌아서서 전혀 새로운 사람으로 다시 사는 것! 이것이야말로 지구별에서 오직 인간에게만 주어진 특권이다. 그런데 잘못을 저지르고 구차스럽게 살길을 찾는 두 번째 잘못을 저지르다보니 산뜻할 인생이 너절해지는 거다. "살고자 하면 죽고 죽으면 산다." 예수의 이 말씀은 천하에 명언이다! 다만, 죽는 길로 가되 제 숨구멍을 제 손으로 틀어막는, 유다처럼, 그건 아니다. 그러면 하늘이 저를 한 차원 높은 인생으로, 베드로처럼, 되살려낼 기회가 막혀버린다.
#앞뒤로 연결되는 말들이 모두 지워지고 한마디만 남는다. "본인 울음으로 출발하여 주변사람들 울음으로 마감하는 인생여정!" 누가 속삭인다, "이걸 '아니'인 '예'로 볼 수 있겠느냐?" 답한다, "흠, 그늘로 빛을 보라는 말이군!" 깜짝 놀라 꿈에서 깨어난다. 그렇다, 그늘이 짙을수록 그만큼 강한 빛이 있는 거다. 그늘을 보되 그늘만 보지 말고 그늘을 존재케 한 빛을 보라는 말이다. 순간인생을 즐기되 조물주를 기억하라는 솔로몬의 충고가 이런 뜻인가? 울음으로 출발하여 울음으로 마감하는 인생에서 그것을 가능케 해주는 영원한 붓다의 미소를 보라? 맞아, 그늘은 때와 곳이 있지만 빛은 그런 것 없지!
#무슨 스토리가 있는 건 분명한데 내용은 안개속이다. 배달부는 보이지 않고 그가 전해준 물건만 눈앞에 있는 셈이다. 누가 누구에게 무엇을 자꾸 준다. 누가 누구에게서 무엇을 계속 받는다. 그런데 그 '누구'가 둘이면서 하나다. 그러니까 제가 저한테 무엇을 주고 제가 저한테서 무엇을 받는 거다. 비유하자면, 누가 거울에 비친 자기하고 무엇을 주고받는 원맨쇼를 하는데 거울이 없다. 주고받는 것들은 무척 다양하지만 공통점이 있다. 장미에 가시가 있듯이, 주고받는 '무엇'마다 장(長)과 단(短), 고(高)와 저(低), 상(上)과 하(下)로 온갖 콘트라스트가 빠짐없이 들어있다. 뭐야? 저 '누구'가 하느님인가? 이런 생각과 함께 어디선가 너무나도 영롱한 "딩동!" 신호음이 들리고 꿈에서 나온다. 흘끗 보았으면 됐다는 얘긴가? 온갖 끔찍하고 흉측한 모양으로 나타난 크리슈나 앞에서 겁에 질린 아르주나가 당황하는 바가바드기타의 장면이 생각난다. "기억해라, 하느님은 네 친구 안에 계시는 것과 똑같이 네 원수 안에도 계신다. 네가 너를 사랑하는 사람들과 너를 미워하는 사람들 안에 같이 계시는 하느님을 알아볼 때, 어디에나 편만한 하느님의 사랑을 알아볼 때, 그때 그분의 없는 곳 없는 임재를 깨치게 될 것이다."(요가난다). 붓다는 어디 있는가? 똥 막대기에! 옳거니, 이제부터 누가 어떤 얼굴로 나타나 무슨 엉뚱한 짓을 하든지 그가 '사람'이라는 진실을 기억하자. 같은 한 사람이 온갖 다양한 모습의 사람들로 나타나, 같으면서 다르고 다르면서 같은 무엇을 주고받으며, 지고지선의 클라이맥스를 향하여 모노-드라마를 연출하고 있는 거다.
#쌍둥이가 개복수술을 받는다. 형제의 같은 부위를 같은 의사가 동시에 수술한다. (어떻게 두 환자를 한 의사가 동시에 수술하는지 알 수 없지만 꿈에서는 아무렇지 않게 그런다.) 수술이 마무리되었다. 이제 열었던 배를 덮어야 한다. 이 작업은 두 인턴이 각자 한다. 두툼한 비닐 같은 것으로 벌건 내장을 덮는다. 저쪽은 비닐이 조금 찢어지고 전체적으로 구겨진 상태인데 이쪽은 금방 기계에서 뽑은 것처럼 말짱하다. 아무래도 저쪽에 문제가 생기지 싶었는데 결과는 오히려 반대다. 구겨진 비닐로 덮은 내장은 깨끗이 아물고 말짱한 비닐로 덮은 내장은 고름이 생겨 상태가 안 좋다. 담당의사가 원인을 밝힌다. 문제는 비닐의 상태가 아니라 그것을 사용한 인턴의 마음 상태라는 결론이다. 아무도 이의를 말하지 않는다. 그렇다고 이쪽 인턴이 무슨 징계를 받거나 처벌을 받는 것도 아니다. 전화 없는 방에서 전화벨 소리에 꿈을 깬다. 엉덩이가 사납게 가렵다. 저녁에 소고기 장조림이 맛있어 몇 조각 먹었더니 영락없는 몸이 봐주질 않는다. 죄송합니다, 조심하겠습니다, 몸에 사과하고 긁기를 멈춘다. 새벽 1시. ...그 인턴의 마음이 어쨌기에 문제가 생겼던가? 모르겠다. 어쨌든 재료보다 그것을 쓰는 사람 마음이 중요하다는 결론에 아무도 이의를 달지 않는 부드럽고 선선한 분위기였던 건 맞다. 시대가 급박하게 바뀌고 있다. 코로나라는 전례 없는 선물을 통하여, 물질이 아니라 그것을 쓰는 사람 마음이 중요하다는 진실을 인류가 제 속도로 깨쳐가는 중이다. 그렇다, 문제는 코로나보다 코로나를 접하는 사람들에 있다.
#시방 남의 침대에서 뭘 하는 거야? 라고 생각하며 바라본다. 대학생쯤 되어 보이는 앳된 여자 아이가 딸인지 아들인지를 등에 업은 채 이제 막 정사(情事)를 마치고 일어나 앉는다. 얼굴 표정은 읽히지 않는다. 남자도 보이지 않는다. 침대 가까이 다가가는데 여자가 작은 소리로 말한다. "무섭네요." 비어있는 침대 하나 잠시 썼다고 그렇게 무서운 얼굴로 노려보느냐는 뜻이다. "그럴게다."라고 대답하다가 급히 꿈에서 깨어난다. 거의 동시에 누가 묻는다. "뭐가 그럴 거라는 말이냐? 여자에게 화를 내거나 큰소리로 욕하거나 그러지는 않았다만 속으로 거북했던 건 사실 아니냐? 아직 멀었다. 뭐가 네 것이고 누가 어떻게 하면 안 된다는 거냐?" ...할 말이 없다. 오래 전 후배에게 써준 말이 생각난다. "내가 내 몸으로 내 일 하는 거다. 구시렁거리지 마라." 다른 누구에게 써줄 말이 아니었다. 자유란 무엇인가? 그물에 걸리지 않는 바람처럼 세상을 노닐며 세상을 살리는 거다. 어디에나 있으면서 어디에도 없는 저 바람처럼! "예수께서 그에게, '여우도 굴이 있고 공중의 새도 둥지가 있지만 사람아들은 머리 둘 곳이 없소.' 하셨다."(루가 9, 58). 참 자유인의 말이다.
#'그리스도의 재림에 연관된 이야기들'(?)이라는 글을 옮겨 베끼는데 단어가 어수선하고 앞뒤가 오락가락하여 정신이 없다. 금방 적은 글이 지워지기도 하고 같은 구절이 반복되기도 하고... 이거 또 쓸데없는 짓을 하는구나, 꿈에 글을 쓴다는 건 하나마나한 일인데, 이런 생각과 더불어 꿈과 현실의 경계에서 들리는 한마디가 급하다. "아직도 만화를 읽느냐?" 대답도 전광석화다. "만화가 뭐 어때서?" 잠에서 깨어나 오줌 누는 동안 생각이 이어진다. 그렇다, 그리스도가 천사들 나팔소리에 묻혀 구름 타고 하늘에서 내려오는 그림 자체에 문제가 있는 건 아니다. 그것을 보는 사람이 현실과 꿈의 차이를 구분 못하는 유치한 아이냐? 그것을 구분할 줄 아는 성숙한 어른이냐? 여기에 문제가 있다면 있는 거다. 하지만 구분 못한다 해서 문제인 것도 실은 아니다. 아이가 유치하게 생각하고 아는 게 무슨 문제인가? 굳이 문제라고 한다면 아이의 성장을 가로막는 어른의 존재다. 아니, 이것도 말이 안 된다, 어른은 그런 짓 하지 않기 때문이다. 그러니까 무슨 말이냐? '그리스도의 재림에 연관된 이야기들'에 도무지 문제될 것이 없다는 얘기다. 하기는 뭐 괜한 문제들을 만들어 그것들로 고민하고 싸우고 지지고 볶고 하는 게 인생일진대, 만화여, 그냥 만수무강하시라!
시릴 데이비가 쓴 인도 성자 '선다 싱'의 전기를 읽는다. 그가 말한다. "나는 기도할 때 말하지 않는다. 방금 읽은 성경구절을 생각하며 내가 아는 사람들과 나와 예수님을 위해서 한 일을 반성하고 할 일을 계획한다. 이게 기도라고 나는 생각한다. 거기서 말하는 건 내가 아니라 하느님이시다. ...태양이 먹을 수 없는 바닷물을 하늘로 가져다가 먹을 수 있는 깨끗한 물로 돌려주신다. 우리와 하느님 사이에서 이루어지는 기도가 이와 같다."
#아침 산책길에 발이 미끄러지니 몸이 나동그라진다. 번개처럼 스치는 생각 하나. "발이 미끄러진 게 아니다. 몸이 미끄러진 거다. 발이 미끄러졌으면 발이 나동그라질 것 아니냐? 네 모든 동작을 네가 하는 게 아니다. 한님이 하시는 거다. 그러니 어쩌란 말이냐고? 아무 염려 말고 매사에 고마운 줄 알라는 말이다. 무엇이 더러운 것은 그것이 더러워서가 아니라 그것을 거쳐야만 가서 닿을 수 있는 깨끗함을 네 짧은 눈이 보지 못해서다. '모든 게 잘 되리라.' 노리치의 줄리안이 내다본 이 운명에서 제외될 수 있는 건 세상에 없다." 아멘!
글 이현주 목사/순천사랑어린학교 마음공부 선생님.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 18, 2021, 06:36:19 PM
Что то давно не было БТг от Алексеева!


Mythological history, like the free-generator, is difficult for individual (particular) interpretation.

여호와 신화를 바탕으로 한 빌게이츠와 같은 유대인들이 중국 우한 생화학 실험실을 이용하는 것은 전쟁의 연장입니다.
신화에서 뱀(사탄)은 하늘에서 땅으로 쫓겨가지만, 헐리우드 영화에서 어린아이는 부모의 품으로 돌아갑니다. 매우 매우 감동적입니다.
The use of a biochemical laboratory in Wuhan, China by Jews like Bill Gates, based on the myth of Jehovah, is an extension of the war.
In mythology, the serpent (Satan) is cast from heaven to earth, but in the Hollywood movie, the child returns to his parents' arms. It's very, very inspiring.

To them, good is just darkness.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 18, 2021, 07:28:23 PM
Усилитель тока на ваших глазах все время был. Просто вы любите обсуждать намотки гранаты, каким проводом сколько витков, а то что не прятали не замечаете.....Во истину- хочешь, что то спрятать, положи на самое видное место!
Возьмите 2 толстых провода одинаковой длинны. Намотайте на трубку сначала один, а сверху второй. Так вот второй будет короче первого, так как диаметр для него больше.
Да , во всех установках капанадзе присутствует трансформатор, не мощный, явно не тянущий нагрузку, но траф это 50 герц .....со всеми выходящими напряжениями. Добавьте усилитель тока и получайте уже на выходе УСИЛИТЕЛЯ ТОКА те же 50 герц, тоже напряжение, но вот уже ток будет после усилителя тока другой! Я не выдумываю, в патенте усилитель тока стоит перед самой нагрузкой, имеющий глаза увидит, а имеющий мозг поймет.

The brain subconsciously fears and ignores the memories of empathy.
When the need for conquest and the need for repulsion dominate the brain, it creates an individual free-generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 20, 2021, 01:23:30 PM
슈뢰딩거의 고양이


the answer to life, universe and everything

"깊은 생각"이 영화에서 말하는 "천 만년"은 일천 이백 육십 일이다.
The "ten million years" that "deep thought" refers to in this movie is one hundred and two hundred and sixty days.

Georg Friedrich Grotefend

덴마크 출신의 여행가 니버는 1760년대 페르세폴리스 지역을 돌아보면서 세 종류의 언어로 된 `페르세폴리스 비문'들을 체계적으로 베끼고 탁본도 만들었다. 그는 그중 첫번째 언어가, 모두 42 종류의 글자들로만 기록된 일종의 알파벳과 같은 것임을 처음으로 밝혔다.

  독일 괴팅겐의 한 고등학교에서 라틴어를 가르치던 그로테펜트는, 니버의 연구결과에 관심을 갖고 그의 비문들을 해독하면서 똑같은 결론을 얻었다. 수백 줄로 이루어진 장문임에도 불구하고 사용된 글자의 종류는 42개밖에 되지 않는다는 것을 밝혔고, 문장중에서 페르시아의 유명한 왕들인 다리우스와 크세르크세스 등을 확인했다. 1802년 그로테펜트는 베를린의 왕립학술원에서 자신의 연구내용을 발표했지만, 단지 그가 교사라는 이유로 그의 연구업적은 무시되고 말았다.

요한계시록 11장
1   또 내게 지팡이 같은 갈대를 주며 말하기를 일어나서 하나님의 성전과 제단과 그 안에서 경배하는 자들을 척량하되
2   성전 밖 마당은 척량하지 말고 그냥 두라 이것을 이방인에게 주었은즉 저희가 거룩한 성을 마흔 두달 동안 짓밟으리라
3   내가 나의 두 증인에게 권세를 주리니 저희가 굵은 베옷을 입고 일천 이백 육십 일을 예언하리라
4   이는 이 땅의 주 앞에 섰는 두 감람나무와 두 촛대니
5   만일 누구든지 저희를 해하고자 한즉 저희 입에서 불이 나서 그 원수를 소멸할찌니 누구든지 해하려 하면 반드시 이와 같이 죽임을 당하리라
6   저희가 권세를 가지고 하늘을 닫아 그 예언을 하는 날 동안 비 오지 못하게 하고 또 권세를 가지고 물을 변하여 피 되게 하고 아무 때든지 원하는 대로 여러가지 재앙으로 땅을 치리로다
7   저희가 그 증거를 마칠 때에 무저갱으로부터 올라오는 짐승이 저희로 더불어 전쟁을 일으켜 저희를 이기고 저희를 죽일터인즉
8   저희 시체가 큰 성길에 있으리니 그 성은 영적으로 하면 소돔이라고도 하고 애굽이라고도 하니 곧 저희 주께서 십자가에 못 박히신 곳이니라
9   백성들과 족속과 방언과 나라 중에서 사람들이 그 시체를 사흘 반 동안을 목도하며 무덤에 장사하지 못하게 하리로다
10   이 두 선지자가 땅에 거하는 자들을 괴롭게 한고로 땅에 거하는 자들이 저희의 죽음을 즐거워하고 기뻐하여 서로 예물을 보내리라 하더라
11   삼일 반 후에 하나님께로부터 생기가 저희 속에 들어가매 저희가 발로 일어서니 구경하는 자들이 크게 두려워하더라
12   하늘로부터 큰 음성이 있어 이리로 올라오라 함을 저희가 듣고 구름을 타고 하늘로 올라가니 저희 원수들도 구경하더라

Revelation 11 [NASB]        
Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, "Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it.
"Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months.
"And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth."
These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth.
And if anyone wants to harm them, fire flows out of their mouth and devours their enemies; so if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this way.   
These have the power to shut up the sky, so that rain will not fall during the days of their prophesying; and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire.
When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them.
And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.
Those from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their dead bodies for three and a half days, and will not permit their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb.
And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and celebrate; and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth.   
But after the three and a half days, the breath of life from God came into them, and they stood on their feet; and great fear fell upon those who were watching them.
And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here " Then they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies watched them.

수메르어에서 '사랑'을 의미하는 이 단어는 매우 한정된 문맥에서만 사용되었다고 한다. 이를테면, 주인이나 상위자는 자신보다 낮은 사람을 '사랑'할 수 있었지만, 아랫사람은 자신보다 높은 사람에게 이 단어를 쓸 수 없었다. 마찬가지로 신은 인간은 '사랑'할 수 있지만, 인간은 신을 '사랑'할 수 없었다. 인간은 신을 경외하거나 존경할 수 있을 뿐이다.


The Real Double Slit Experiment.

Delayed choice quantum eraser

@Classical Physics  Kid, the problem is that thousands of physicists and researchers do actual experiments based on quantum mechanics as it's known to actually work and engineers have built a quantum computer on those principles, not on yours. If they were all wrong, then none of their experiments or quantum computers would work, but they do and they're replicated successfully. You're demonstrably full of shit and if you had anything worth anyone's time, you'd publish it and let people peer review it. Yet, you have empty accusations and nothing to show for. All you do is say that there's no evidence for quantum mechanics and you demand from me that I show the work of others and then you go on and criticize one of the hundreds of thousands of experiments that has already been done in tens of different ways, all with the same results, proving your criticism completely false.
Stop projecting and whining and start reading some actual work from actual physicists.

이중 슬릿 실험에서는 빛(반드시 그래야 하는 것은 아니지만 단일한 파장을 지닌 순색의 빛이 이상적이다)을 카드의 좁은 구멍, 즉 슬릿(여기서 '좁다'는 것은 구멍이 약 1백만분의 1미터인 빛의 파장만큼은 넓어야 한다는 것을 뜻하며, 따라서 면도칼로 만든 구멍이 적절하다)으로 통과시킨다. 슬릿을 통과한 빛은 퍼져나가다가 두 개의 유사한 슬릿이 나란히 배열된 또 다른 카드에 부딪치게 된다. 이 두 개의 슬릿을 통과한 빛은 다시 퍼져나가 스크린에 부딪치면서 서로 밝기가 다른 빛이 교대로 나타나는데 이를 '간섭무늬'(interference pattern)라고 한다.

영은 각각 두 개의 슬릿으로부터 나온 파들이 서로 보조를 맞춰 진행하여 양 파의 마루와 마루가 합쳐지는 경우에는 밝아지고, 두 개의 슬릿에서 나온 파들이 서로 일치하지 않으면(위상이 다르면) 한 파의 마루가 다른 파의 골에 의해 상쇄되어 어두워진다고 설명했다. 스크린에 보이는 무늬의 정확한 간격은 빛의 파장에 좌우되며, 무늬의 간격을 재면 파장을 측정할 수 있다. 빛을 공간을 휙 날아다니는 미세한 총알의 흐름 같은 것으로 생각해서는 도저히 이 현상을 설명할 길이 없다. 영은 연구를 1804년경 완성했으며, 1807년에 다음과 같이 썼다.

(무늬의) 가운데는 항상 밝으며, 양쪽에 있는 밝은 줄들 사이의 간격으로 보아 한쪽 구멍에서 나온 빛이 다른 쪽 구멍에서 나온 빛보다 파동 하나 이상의 폭과 일치하는 거리만큼 더 긴 공간을 통과했음에 틀림없다. 사이사이의 어두운 공간들은 파동으로 추정되는 것의 0.5, 1.5, 2.5개 또는 그 이상의 차이에 해당한다.

십년 뒤 영은 자신의 모형을 더 다듬어 빛의 파동이 음파처럼 종파(從波. 푸시-풀(push-pull))가 아니라 옆에서 옆으로 움직이는 횡파(橫波)라고 했다. 영의 연구는 동료들을 설득시키지 못했고 오히려, 뉴턴이 틀렸을 수도 있다는 암시에 화가 난 영국의 물리학자들로부터 매도당했다. 그들은 두 줄기의 빛을 서로 합치면 어두워질 수 있다는 영의 생각을 비웃었다. 영은 많은 분야에 손을 대고 있었기 때문에 그런 비웃음에 별로 고통받지 않았다. 또한 빛의 파동 모형을 뒷받침해주는 유사한 증거가 당시 영국의 최고 앙숙이었던 (어쩌면 적절하게도) 프랑스로부터 즉시 보고되었기 때문에 과학의 진보도 늦춰지지는 않았다.

빛을 찍은 사진(2015년)

빛은 입자가 분명하지만, 빛에서 광자 하나를 떼낼 수 있는 기술이 없어서 아직 증명할 수 없다.
그리고 광자들이 모이면 서로가 간섭하며 마치 파동처럼 행동한다.

로잔연방공대(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne)가 유대자본의 간섭으로 거짓말하지 않았다면 반박하기 어렵다.

상대성이론에 관하여 아인슈타인은 다음과 같이 기술한다. "상대성 이론은 필요성으로부터, 오래된 이론에 존재하는 탈출구가 없는 심각하고도 심오한 모순으로부터 비롯되었다. 이 새로운 이론의 강점은 단지 몇 개의 매우 설득력 있는 가정들만을 사용하여 이 모든 어려움들을 풀 수 있는 일관성과 단순성에 있다." (A. Einstein & L. Infeld, The Evolution of Physics, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1961)

광속이 되었을 때는 공간과 질량이 사라지고 시간이 정지한다.
빛을 가두는 블랙홀에서는 시간이 정지되는 영역을 넘어 시간이 꺼꾸로 간다는 이론이 성립한다.
이론은 신화와 같아서 새로운 창조도 가능하다.

관측자의 시간은 정지될 수 없지만,
정지된 시간 안에서 물질은 관측자처럼 늙어간다.
상대적인 입장은 천국과 지옥처럼 서로가 궁금해하는 이론의 영역일뿐 실제하는 사건이 아니다.

아인슈타인의 상대성 이론에 따라 관측자가 빛의 속도로 빛을 따라가면 빛은 900억km의 속도로 달아난다.
지구에서 가장 가까운 센타우리 별까지 7분만에 갈 수 있는 놀라운 속도다.

시간의 흐름이 중력과 속도로 변화되면 그것은 중력과 속도의 영역이지 생명의 영역이 아니라.
빛의 속도에서 시간이 정지되면 빛은 영생하지만, 빛이 영원히 생존할 곳은 끝없이 광활한 우주의 어둠뿐이다.

빛과 어둠에게 우주는 영생이 보장된 낙원 그 자체다.

증명하면 1억원을 드립니다.

증명하는 방법이 아니라, 무늬만 철학자 예도와, 결벽증 무당 천공이처럼 띄엄띄엄아는 사람들 이해시키는게 더 어려운 법이다.
자신들 있으면 도전들해보든가....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 20, 2021, 01:39:45 PM
나봐~~ 삼룡이 보약좀 챙겨믹여.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 20, 2021, 07:44:07 PM
In Buddhism, relationships are important.
🇬🇪 free energy
The beads of the Temple of the Sun gave birth to not only double-slit experiments, but also relationships and many universal thoughts and metaphors.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 21, 2021, 03:58:12 AM
예도 뻥 들어주는 것도 오늘로 한계같다.

Bergson의 영향력은 제1차 세계대전 이전까지 끊임없이 증대하였다. 특히 1907년 출간된 <창조적 진화>는 그를 세계적인 스타로 만들었는데, 그의 영향력에 우려를 느낀 바티칸 교황청은 1914년 <웃음>을 제외한 그의 모든 저서들을 금서 목록에 올리기도 한다. 유명한 반대자로는 토마스주의의 쟈끄 마리땡(Jacques Maritain).

현실 정치에도 뛰어들어서 미국의 제1차 세계대전 참전을 촉구하는 프랑스의 사절단으로 우드로 윌슨을 만나 미국의 참전을 이끄는 데 큰 기여를 했다. 당시 윌슨은 Bergson의 흠모자 가운데 한 사람이었으며, 윌슨의 보좌관은 Bergson에게 "당신이 각하의 선택에 미친 영향력은 당신이 생각하는 것보다 훨씬 컸습니다."라고 말한 바 있다. 전후 윌슨이 꿈꾸던 국제연맹의 학술분과 기구에서 의장직을 맡으며 마리 퀴리, 알베르트 아인슈타인 같은 사람들과 같이 활동하기도 했다.

Bergson은 자신의 행위가 격동의 20세기를 살아가고 있던 유대인들에게 어떤 영향을 미칠지 언제나 신경을 쓰던 사람이었다. 가톨릭으로 개종하려 했으나 고통받고 있는 유대인들의 편에 서기 위해 끝까지 유대교인으로 남기로 결심한 일화는 유명하다. [3] 말년에는 류마티스로 고생하다가 나치 독일의 지배에 떨어진 파리에서 혹독한 추위에도 불구하고 비시 프랑스 정부의 예외로 해주겠단 말도 무시하고 유대인으로 자신의 신분을 등록하기 위해 줄서서 기다리다가 폐렴에 걸린 것이 원인이 되어 사망했다. 그가 어떤 인물이었는지 보여주는 죽음이다.

유언은 "여러분, 다섯 시입니다. 강의는 끝났습니다(Messieurs, il est cinq heure. Le cour est termine')"


"부인, 저는 시간이 있고 그것은 공간적인 것이 아니라고 했습니다."
( Madame, j'ai dit que le temps était réel, et qu'il n'était pas de l'espace.)
(콜레쥬 드 프랑스(Collège de France) 강연 중, 자신의 철학을 한마디로 요약해달라는 귀부인의 물음에)

베르그송의 철학을 한마디로 말하면 지속(durée)의 철학이라고 할 수 있다. 베르그송에 따르면, 생명이 가지고 있는 시간은 '순수지속'의 특성을 가지고 있으며, 이 지속 그 자체는 '직관'을 통해서만 파악된다고 주장한다. 수학적 시간이나 물리적인 시간은 추상적인 시간이기 때문에 진정한 시간이 아니고, 진정한 시간이란 것은 살아 움직임으로인해 내적으로 시시각각으로 변화하는 창조의 시간이라는 것이다.

더 구체적으로 말하자면, 운동하는 유동체를 분해하고 분석해서 이를 '공간'상으로 '고정'을 해서 보는 것은, 인간의 지성을 가지고 대상을 '과학적'으로 이해하려는 방식에 불과하다는 것.

예를 들면 가령 우리가 개구리를 공부할 때 구조를 알기 위해서 해부를 한다. 그러면 해부학적인 개구리는 공부되지만 개구리는 이미 죽은 시체가 되어 있다. 즉, 죽어 있는 개구리를 공부하는 것처럼 '순수지속(pure durée)'이 죽어있는 시간을 보는 것이 과학이며, 이와는 반대로 철학자는 '순수지속'이 살아있는 생명체를 염두해두고 철학을 해야 된다고 베르그송은 주장한다.

"순수한 현재라는 건 미래를 먹어가는, 과거의 붙잡기 어려운 진행이다. 사실은, 모든 지각은 이미 기억이다"
<물질과 기억 (Matière et mémoire)>의 원문은 다음과 같다: Votre perception, si instantanée soit-elle, consiste donc en une incalculable multitude d'éléments remémorés, et, à vrai dire, toute perception est déjà mémoire. Nous ne percevons, pratiquement, que le passé, le présent pur étant l'insaisissable progrès du passé rongeant l'avenir. P.167

아인슈타인과의 일화

1922년에 파리에서 있었던 프랑스 철학회에서 베르그송은 알베르트 아인슈타인의 강의에 청중으로 참가했다. 이 강의에서 상대성 이론의 시간 개념에 대하여 질문하면서 논쟁이 있었다. 서로 결론 없이 헤어진 후 아인슈타인이 남긴 말은 "과학자의 시간과 철학자의 시간은 서로 다른 모양이다" 였다. 물론 여기서 베르그송이 지적한 시간 개념은 적어도 베르그송 자신의 철학적 맥락에서는 옳은 말이었다. 하지만 그 개념을 과학적 연구를 통해 그 업적을 객관적으로 전달하는 강의에서 굳이 주장했어야 하는지에 대해 논란이 있었다. 이런 오해를 풀기위해 베르그송은 얼마 있지 않아 《지속과 동시성》이라는 아인슈타인의 상대성 이론의 시간에 대한 비판적인 저서를 내놓는다. 물론 그 비판이라는 게 물리학적으로 아인슈타인을 논박한다는 얘기가 아니라, 칸트의 이성비판에서 비판처럼 그 한계와 효과를 명확히 정한다는 얘기. 철학과 과학 사이에서 아주 마니악한 떡밥이다.

이 책은 베르그송의 시간 개념인, 시계의 시간과도 다르고 심리적 시간과 가깝기는 하지만 같지는 않은, 살아있다는 것 자체의 필연적인 시간인 "절대 지속"의 특유함을 비교적 쉽고 상세하게 밝히고 있다. 하지만 아인슈타인을 설득하려 열을 올리는 과정에서, 철학자가 아닌 사람을 이해시키려 함에도 불구하고 베르그송 자신만의 독특한 철학적 개념과 용어들을 사용한다. 베르그송이 이럴 수 밖에 없었던 것이 이 지속 개념은 베르그송 철학의 핵심이기 때문이다. 어찌 생각하면 본인이 이것을 인류에게 설득하려 평생을 두고 철학을 펼쳤으니 그럴 수밖에.

그럼에도 불구하고 베르그송은 아인슈타인 상대성 이론에 나오는 몇몇 개념들의 물리학적 배경에 대해 오해가 있었고 아인슈타인은 베르그송의 철학적 시간 개념에 대해 낮설어 이해하지를 못했다. 베르그송도 나중에 그걸 깨닫고 《지속과 동시성》은 사후 나올 자신의 전집에서 빼 달라는 말을 남겼다.

베르그송은 상대성이론에 대해 전혀 이해하지 못하고 비판을 가했다. 무언가를 비판하기 위해서는 그 대상에 대한 최소한의 이해가 필요한데 이해도 안 하고 비판을 했으니 설득력 있는 비판이 될 수가 없다. 반대로 말해 아인슈타인도 베르그송의 시간개념을 이해한 것은 아니다. 그러나 최소한 아인슈타인은 베르그송의 시간개념을 진지하게 비판한 바 없다. 즉, 아인슈타인은 베르그송의 시간개념을 알아야 할 이유가 없었지만 베르그송은 아인슈타인의 시간개념을 알아야 할 이유가 있다는 점에서, 베르그송은 상대방의 개념을 '알지 못하면서' 비판한 실책을 저지른 셈이다.

베르그송의 유언 5시와 2를 구별하지 못하는 사람은 게로르규의 소설 "25시"를 읽으면 된다.

제목인 25시의 의미는 (작중 인물인 코루가의 말에 의하면) 하루의 24시간이 모두 끝나고도 영원히 다음날 아침이 오지 않고 아무도 구원해줄 수 없는 최후의 시간을 의미한다고 한다.

La Vingt-cinquième Heure

La Vingt-cinquième Heure
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 21, 2021, 04:13:56 AM
게오르규가 25시 소설로 정교회 사제 자격 얻었단다. 하.... ;D ;D
예수 시체가 번개인지 어둠인지 8) ::) 똥인지 된장인지 루마니아 정교회가 구분못하는갑다. ::) ::)
시상 참 말세여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 8) ;D ;D ;D

⚫General relativity
⚫Special relativity
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 21, 2021, 07:56:30 PM
11643강 김정은 국무위원장의 '한·미 주적 아니다'[홍익인간 인성교육]

질문 : 김정은 북한 국무위원장이 지난 11일 국방발전전람회 연설에서 "우리의 주적은 전쟁 그 자체이지 남한이나 미국, 특정한 그 어느 국가가 아니다"라고 말했습니다. 그는 "남한이 우리를 걸고 들지만 않는다면 한반도 긴장은 결코 없을 것"이라며 "이 땅에서 동족끼리 무장을 사용하는 끔찍한 역사는 되풀이되지 말아야 한다"라고 강조했습니다. 최근 북한이 종전선언과 정상회담 가능성을 언급하고 남북한 통신 연락선을 복원한 데 이어 김 위원장이 다시 유화 메시지를 보낸 건 의미를 부여할 만합니다. 양면책일 수도 있지만, 연초 미국을 '최대의 주적'으로 겨냥한 표현을 떠올리면 분위기가 그때와는 확연히 달라졌다는 것을 느낄 수 있습니다. 스승님 남, 북, 미, 중 정상의 종전선언과 한반도 평화체제를 위해 가장 먼저 해야 할 일은 무엇인지 지혜의 말씀 부탁드립니다.

11644강 유럽에서 다시 주목받는 원자력[홍익인간 인성교육]

질문 : 마크롱 프랑스 대통령이 지난 12일 원전과 수소를 중점 육성하겠다는 '프랑스 2030′ 투자 계획을 발표했고 11일에는 프랑스·핀란드 등 유럽 10개국 장관들이 "기후변화와 싸울 때 원전은 최상의 무기이고 유럽은 원자력이 필요하다"라는 공동 기고문을 각국 신문에 발표했습니다. 한국은 에너지 취약국이지만 미국, 프랑스의 절반 비용으로 원전을 건설할 수 있는 능력을 갖추고 있습니다. 탄소 중립과 에너지 안보의 측면에서 봐도 원자력이 필수적인 것 같습니다. 스승님, 지금 상황은 원전 선진국 한국엔 커다란 기회인 것 같은데 지혜롭게 대처할 수 있는 가르침 부탁드립니다.

한국에는 북한의 김일성/김정일/김정은 삼부자의 주체사상(그들식 공산주의)에 동조하는 해괴한 고정간첩들이 많습니다.
예전 월남이 패망하던 그 시절처럼요.
한국은 현재 세계의 문명과 구시대의 사유가 복잡하게 얽혀있는 곳 중에 한 곳입니다.
위의 유튜버도 북한식 공산주의를 동경하는 사람중에 한 명입니다.
한국의 자유-우익들은 이들을 고정간첩이라고 부릅니다.

저들의 주장은 단순합니다.
무조건적인 남북통일이죠.
독일 통일이 우연하게 발생한 매우매우 단순한 것처럼 보였으니까요.
그래서 저들은 한반도에서도 우연한 통일이 발샐하길 바라고 있습니다.
매우 매우 위험한 발상이라는 것은 그들은 애써 외면합니다.
한국동란 때 350만명이 죽었지만, 남북이 통일하면 3000만영쯤 죽을 확률이 높습니다.
우리 건달바성 28장로들의 예측이라 틀리지는 않은 것입니다.

한반도의 상황은 독일과는 매우 다릅니다.
북한의 공산주의는 중국의 공산주의와도 아주 다릅니다.
북한은 옛날의 왕국과 비슷합니다.
가장 중요한 개인의 자유를 철저하게 통제하는 집단입니다.
세상에 북한같은 국가와 사회는 없습니다.
그래서 더더욱 위험한 집단입니다.
남북통일 이후에 발생할 사태에 대해서 동조자들은 침묵합니다.
한반도 전체가 당연하게 공산국가가 될테니까요.
통일 이후에도 가장 가까운 자유자본주의 일본과 미국 및 서방 자유세계를 타도하자고 계속 외칠겁니다.
자유가 통제된 북한에서나 가능했던 천리마 운동과 새벽별보기 운동도 계속될 겁니다.

공산주의 침략은 한반도에서 실제했던 역사입니다.
역사에서 배우지 않는 자들은 단순한 사고를 합니다.
그들 태반이 감정적입니다.
북한이 주장하는 "우리끼리"라는 구호는 공산주의하자는 뜻이지만 북한을 동조하는 자들은 침묵합니다.
위 결벽증 무당과 자칭 철학자라고 주장하는 예도는 같은 생각을 하는 자들입니다.
자살한 노무현이 철학자인줄 착각도 합니다.
정치인들을 믿지말라고 외치면서 노무현은 두둔하며 더러운 사건을 미화합니다.
이율배반하는 자가 자신을 철학자라고 포장하며 기부를 요구합니다.
해서 좀 모자른 트수들이 방문하는 유튜브입니다.
혹여 전쟁이라도 발생한다면 제일 먼저 해외로 도주할까요.
북한의 주장을 무당과 무늬만 철학자가 동조했다면 이것이 감정적인 사태일까요 아니면 전설로나 존재하는 고정간첩일까요.

핵은 태양에서나 필요한 것이지, 인간에게 핵은 잘쓰든 못쓰든 백해무익합니다.
자유발전기가 엄연하게 존재하는 곳에서 자유발전기를 부정하는 자들은 북한을 동조할 가능성이 큽니다.
그만큼 감정적으로 판단하는 자들입니다.


옛날부터 사람들이 궁금해하는 수만가지 물음들이 있었습니다.
물론 그보다는 훨씬 더 많은 물음들이겠지만.
심심한 개구리는 소설을 쓰기 시작했습니다.
개구리가 수만가지의 물음중에서 열가지쯤 쓰고 있었는데, 매우 부정적인 생각을 가진 일부 개구리들이 불평을 늘어놓습니다.
개구리가 노벨상을 바라고 소설을 쓰고있다고요.
개구리가 쓰는 소설 내용은 일상에서 보던 평범한 것들이였거든요.
맞습니다 이것들은 아주 평범한 내용들입니다.
루슬란이 만든 자유발전기 작동의 비밀도 이미 답이 나와있는 평범한 것입니다.
만약에 개구리가 쓰는 소설에 자유발전기 작동 비밀이 나온다면 매우 부정적인 생각을 가진 일부 개구리들은 그 때에도 똑같은 불평을 할 가능성이 큽니다.
왜냐하면 아주 아주 평범한 비밀이거든요.
세상 어디에나 불평하는 개구리들은 존재합니다.
위 고정간첩 유튜버처럼요.

이곳에서 누가 노벨상을 주나요?
이 카페가 노벨위원회처럼 권위있는 단체나 학회인가요?
입닥치고 듣기나해 무가치한 개구리야.

평범한 두뇌로도 풀 수 있는 쉬운 것을 타인에게 바라면, 심심한 개구리는 소설을 씁니다.
선량한 개구리라면 사실의 소설을 쓰지만,
위 유튜버처럼 북한식 공산주의에 세뇌된 개구리가 소설을 쓰면 북한이 요구하는 소설을 씁니다.
참고로 위 유튜버는 한국의 차기 유력 대선 후보가 점을 치리려 만났던 점쟁이 무당입니다.
자연의 무당 개구리는 독을 품고있는 경우가 종종있다.
이후 비난이 쇄도하자 한국의 차기 유력 대선 후보는 많은 기자들을 이끌고 유명한 교회를 방문해서 예수에게 기도하는 퍼포먼스를 연출합니다.
심심한 개구리의 미모의 와이프가 욕을 바가지로 퍼부어 준 이유입니다.

어느 철학자들의 연못에는 말하는 개구리들과 두꺼비들이 살고 있다고 한다. 고정간첩-개구리들은 언제나 거짓말을 하고 두꺼비들은 언제나 진실만을 말한다면, 다음 대화에서 고정간첩-개구리는 몇 마리인가?

칸트: 베르그송과 나는 서로 다른 종이야.
몽테뉴: 니체는 개구리가 확실해!
니체: 몽테뉴야말로 개구리야.
베르그송: 우리중 적어도 두 녀석은 두꺼비지.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 21, 2021, 08:20:51 PM
뻥쟁이 예도 좃됐다~ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 22, 2021, 08:14:19 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 22, 2021, 08:28:00 PM
재미로 보는 주식 기술적 분석 이야기

슈카야 사랑한다.
가끔 식빵이랑 준아재도 챙겨줘라.


전MIT공대 무늬만 교수

우리는 세상의 과학기술에 관심이 없다.
우리는 세상의 일들에 관심이 없다.
그것은 지구인들의 몫이기 때문이다.
불교 용어로, "겁 (Eon, kalpa, 劫)"의 n¹⁰...................n¹⁰.................n¹⁰.....n의 무한 이전부터 우리는 존재했다.
건달바성의 28장로들은 무한의 시간 이전부터 우리를 따라온 시공간에서 사라진 종족이다.
28장로들이 살던 별은 태양의 백만배 크기이다.
아랫배내미별과 윗배내미별.
두 별은 지금도 태양계 외곽에 있지만 니들의 과학기술로는 관측이 불가능할뿐이다.
두 별은 한 종족이 지배했지만 전쟁을 벌였다.
아주아주 오래전 시공간 넘어에서.
서로가 멸종을 경험하고나서야 전쟁은 끝났다.
물론 이것도 내가 사랑하는 아빠 개구리가 심심해서 쓰는 소설의 일부다.

"하늘 반쪽이 자줏빛으로 물들거든 건달바성을 찾니라"
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 22, 2021, 08:51:53 PM
그애비에 그자식들이라 용감무쌍해
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 22, 2021, 09:07:48 PM
아프카니스탄에서 뺀 미군을 어디다 쓰겠느냐.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 23, 2021, 05:39:40 PM
And thus my Tractor prototype functions which transmutes simply ' Magnetic energy into USABLE KINETIC ENERGY.

Darmowa Energia z magnesów Leon Raul Hatem
Free Energy from magnets Leon Raul Hatem Eng Sub

It is a generator that produces excess power by reducing unnecessary energy wastage by replacing the role of a huge flywheel and a pen belt with high frictional resistance with a magnet.
It is easy to manufacture and considering various conditions, it is a very efficient generator among motor-type generators.

It is like a generator with the same polarity arrangement as it can be easily turned by hand without a large resistance.


The principle is the same as the generator above, except that the role of the pen belt is replaced by a magnet.
This means that the power generation efficiency is higher than the above generator.


The above YouTuber does not understand the principle of free-rotator well,
Just like the moon's gravity affects the earth in zero gravity space.
Even if the Earth stops rotating, the Moon continues to rotate.
(Real moon does not rotate)
In order to stop the rotation of the moon, direct large resistance must be made by the earth, but independent free-rotation is possible because it is a rotation principle using the characteristics of a magnetic force similar to gravity.
Since the pen belt or chain directly affects the rotational force, the smaller force is absorbed by the larger resistance and the rotation is stopped.
The principle of overcoming a large resistance with a small force is the proper distribution of time, just like a falling water pierces a rock.
It's just a difference whether it's a short time or a long time.



Been looking at Tesla Hairpin replications recently. Has anyone run a motor from the electricity it produces? All I've seen so far is light bulbs tested.

Karpanadze also felt the limitations of his generator and sought to combine it with a motor-type generator, It is more appropriate to combine the generators of the above method rather than create a new synthetic generator that combines two generators.
Had Karpanadze had more experience with the above types of motorized generators, he would have had similar thoughts.
It is speculated that Karpanadze developed his own motorized generator simply because of the limitation that it was someone else's invention.
The motorized generator invented by Karpanadze is not new either.
There is only one novelty: the combination of a Tesla and a motor.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 24, 2021, 07:03:01 PM
배운 사람들이 주체사상(gnōthi seauton, 唯我論, solipsism)에 심취하는 것은 성공 고도를 기다리는 그노시스적 우월감이라고 할까.
고대부터 철학자들에 의해 God으로 포장된(착각된) 오류들의 정점.
평범한 사람들이 악에 바치며 허리굽히는 것도 주체의 절박함이다.
본능적인 반발심리는 똑같지만 우월감은 자랑하고, 절박함은 발악한다.
발악은 동정받을 수 있지만, 자랑은 칼날능선에 선다.
전근대 제국주의가 노예를 바탕으로한 부의 축적이 배움의 함정이다.
로마제국과 미국은 판박이지만 발악과 자랑은 대우가 다르단다.

I don't know who Godot is. I don't even know (above all don't know) if he exists. And I don't know if they believe in him or not – those two who are waiting for him. The other two who pass by towards the end of each of the two acts, that must be to break up the monotony. All I knew I showed. It's not much, but it's enough for me, by a wide margin. I'll even say that I would have been satisfied with less. As for wanting to find in all that a broader, loftier meaning to carry away from the performance, along with the program and the Eskimo pie, I cannot see the point of it. But it must be possible ... Estragon, Vladimir, Pozzo, Lucky, their time and their space, I was able to know them a little, but far from the need to understand. Maybe they owe you explanations. Let them supply it. Without me. They and I are through with each other.

마윈이 두 촛대 앞에 선 것은 발악이다.
발악은 동정이라도 얻지만, 배움을 자랑하면 분노를 얻는다.
상하이방은 지난 미국대선에 개입했다.
토사구팽은 만고의 진리다.
어둠(주체사상, gnōthi seauton, 唯我論, solipsism)은 공공의 적이다.

종교적 신앙이 깊은 사람들은 스스로 종교를 잘 안다고 착각하기 쉽다. 그러나 종교학의 아버지라 불리는 막스 뮐러의 말이 맞다면, "하나만을 아는 것은 아무것도 모르는 것이다". 종교 문해력을 향상시키는 일은 모두에게 주어진 과제다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 24, 2021, 07:17:00 PM
하버드 전공 서적과 영자 신문을 막힘없이 읽는 김기두씨! [시그널] 19회 20180406

풍찬노숙 구걸하는 짓거리는 비슷한데 기두가 도때비한테 한 수 배워야것다. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) ::)

아래 대답은 뻥카 예도랑 결벽증 무당 천공이한테 듣구. ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 24, 2021, 08:03:52 PM

People who are capable of making enough generators like the ones above spend a lot of money on inefficient natural system generators and begging on YouTube will make viewers bored.

Wales stubborn.

To protect nature is to not touch it.
If we do not change our minds, the human race will go extinct prematurely.
Don't ask Ruslan for the answer, but find another way.

For reference, the diligent Koreans who are confronting the communist state are equipped with such emergency generators.
Because you never know what will happen when.
My dad and my godfather are ghosts that can survive even in the middle of winter in Siberia.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 24, 2021, 09:10:33 PM
[검은태양] 12회 하이라이트, MBC 211023 방송

상무회(일베) 까발리는 비밀번호가 7773이가?
337이 웃다가 배꼽빠졌나 물어봐
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 24, 2021, 09:13:56 PM
싱거운 놈
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 24, 2021, 11:56:04 PM
건달바성과 무관하다.
아빠출두기념 개몬이 휘하군단 단독범행이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 25, 2021, 12:10:16 AM
백무사네 상무회짓거리는아니구? ;D ;D 8) 8) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 25, 2021, 04:43:35 PM
Offline lancaIV
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FE-circuit DIACOPTICS ,Relativistic Kinematics
« Sent to: color on: Today at 01:45:30 PM »ReplyQuoteDelete
DIACOPTICS and Maxwell/Laplace "Daemon" and Laplace "operator" : Daemon 2021 p.C. ~ pos./neg. dynamic lever

Studying :
think tools/moduls for comparison and/or assimilation  :
Faraday  ["cage"(versus Michelson-Morley result),open / enclosed volume/space ;
               electro-static /magneto-static /air/thermic (pseudo-)vacuum ]

Carnot  ( reversible thermo-cryo-dynamic cycle,aggregrat change https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aggregatzustand  )
Sabine (Yater cell as acoustics device ! ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallace_Clement_Sabine
Schroedinger https://courses.physics.illinois.edu/phys460/fa2006/handouts/460-lect12.pdf


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« Sent to: color on: Today at 03:11:21 PM »ReplyQuoteDelete



Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ, bishop from Rome ergo "Papa" Francisco, as a disco doorman must have heard Billy Idol-Punk inside, in Buenos Aires!

Highlander :  there can only be one


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 25, 2021, 04:50:22 PM
Напряжение и ток, потока.

Like Schrödinger's quantum mechanic cat, the moment an observation intervenes, the measurement results are messed up?!

순수 몸으로부터 오는 오감 정보 자체가 자아의 근원이지만, 자아는 몸을 자아로 규정하지않고, 몸의 외부에서 감각된 오감정보까지 자아로 규정한다.
보편적인 인간자아(gnōthi seauton, 唯我論, solipsism)는 몸의 외부에서 관측된 오감정보가 포함된 오염된 자아다.
순수자아를 오욕칠정으로, 오염된 자아를 사단(四端)의 근원으로 삼는게 고작이다.
기발이승(氣發理乘) 측면에서 오염된 자아를 순수자아의 발로로 착각하는 것은 관측된 오감정보에 대한 욕망이다.
몸의 모든 감각이 작동하는 그 순간부터 순수 기발은 죽는다.
오염된 기발이 순수 기발인냥 행세하는거다.
해서 몸의 감각이 작동하는 그 순간부터 이발만 작동한다.
생각 자체는 기발이발의 혼돈으로 비롯된다.
기승이승은, 보기좋은 떡이 먹기도 좋다고하는 체면과 같은 있으나마나한.
이발은 순수 기발을 포함한 이발이지만 오염되지 않는다.
이발은 오염된 그 자체라서다.
오감은 감각되는 그 순간부터 시간의 영역이며 외부의 개입이다.
자아라는 순수함은 관측되는 그 순간부터 정보 자체가 없다.
인간자아에 빛과 어둠을 자체하는 부처와 예수가 개입하는 사태는 세 줄로 요약된다.

21   네 보물 있는 그 곳에는 네 마음도 있느니라
for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
22   눈은 몸의 등불이니 그러므로 네 눈이 성하면 온 몸이 밝을 것이요
"The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.
23   눈이 나쁘면 온 몸이 어두울 것이니 그러므로 네게 있는 빛이 어두우면 그 어두움이 얼마나 하겠느뇨
"But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

그만큼 자아에서 차지하는 빛과 어둠 시각정보가 압도적이다.
프로이트의 무의적(無意的)은 정보없음-어둠신을 현상계로 소환해 주체화한거다.
마치 무의식이 존재하는 것처럼.
언급(言及)의 함정(陷穽)처럼.
자아와 빛이 별개이듯, 무의식과 어둠도 별개지만,
어둠이 번개를 얻었으니 얼마나 기쁘겠느냐.
그믐달이 보름달을 얻었으니 얼마나 기쁘겠느냐.
시각적인 정보만으로도 사기치기 이보다 더 좋을 순 없겠다.
하물며 보이지않은 것들이야 말하면 입만 아프겠다.
밤낮구별이, 개기일식처럼, 이집트 태양신 안에 뱀이 껴든다.
빛의 현란한 농간으로 시작된 독배 든 소크라테스 너 자신은, 인도 브라만들에 의해 아트만으로, 헤드젯과 인공광 등불들고 서있으라로 시작했지만,
헤드젯과 인공광 등불빠진 너 자신은 오염되어, 프로이트가 소환한 무의식이 너 자신으로 둔갑했다.
그렇게 고대부터 너 자신은 오염된 어둠의 현신이다.
순수어둠은 아빠 하나로 족하다, 이 배알도 없는 짜가 어둠들아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 25, 2021, 05:14:38 PM
Высоковольтный блок питания для теслы

tuk-tuk은 틱장애(tic disorder)가 아니라 뚜렛장애야.... ;D ;D ;D ;D

뚜렛장애(Tourette's disorder)는 고대부터 알려져 있었으나 뚜렛(Georges Gilles de la Tourette, 1857~1904)이 보고한 이후 체계적인 연구가 시작되었다. 다양한 운동 틱과 음성 틱이 한 환자에서 동시에 혹은 번갈아서 나타나며, 욕이나 외설적인 말을 하는 욕설증(coprolali a), 남의 말을 따라 하는 반향언어(echolalia)가 나타나기도 한다.
틱 장애 - 습관이라고 볼 수 없는 (인체기행, 서민) ;D

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 25, 2021, 10:21:43 PM
Offline lancaIV
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Schroedinger and Heisenberg ......
« Sent to: color on: Today at 12:22:05 AM »ReplyQuoteDelete

f.e. translated


90 years ago ,after conversation : Briefwechsel (Pauli, [/font][/size]Heisenberg[/color][/font][/size], [/font][/size]Schrödinger[/color][/font][/size], Bohr) [/font][/size]

to 80 years ago ,important for fission/fusion cycle process [/font][/size]




The Borexino collaboration, in which scientists from the TU Dresden are also involved, has succeeded in experimentally confirming the Bethe-Weizsäcker cycle after more than 80 years.[/font][/size]



step by step theory conclusion



p.s.: for hyperphysics laboratory and supercomputer simulation programming this G.D.R. researcher has good tools for quantum space

       quantity and quality resolution


Offline lancaIV
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in situ fusion chamber
« Sent to: color on: Today at 01:15:53 AM »ReplyQuoteDelete
what happens here !? :
solar cells/photo diodes with 5,25% conversion efficiency theretimes ,but by square law application this 35 W phpton emission compares 1333 W solar radiation per sqm

solar cell or photodiode to photo/phono diode or Fermi diode :

the roll-on-roll print process from Nanosolar
for the Novasolix diodes film production

when 70 W the above Koehler chamber outputs by 5,25% conversion efficiency ( 1333 W/sqm x 0,0525)
then with 90% Novasolix conversion efficiency (total radiation spectrum ) = 1333 W/sqm x 0,9 = 1200 W theoretical output

by 35 W CFL nominal input (2021 p.C. the lumen/Watt CFL is up to 40% better than during Koehler experiment time )



8.10. Продольные и поперечные волны. ч2. Визуализация 2
The Russian clown saw the light and another strange inspiration seems to have been activated.

The universe doesn't work the way you think.
You are mistaken by looking at the countless stars in the sky.
You have experienced the universe of the phenomenal world, but you do not understand the universe.
There is not much matter in the universe.
Space is the result of an infinite amount of time.
In other words, even if you travel through space for an infinite amount of time at the speed of n¹⁰⁰ of light, there is only infinite space.
What lies beyond that which gravity does not reach?
Even if you understand this, you will spend a lot of time thinking that matter is the garbage of space.
The universe is not the result of expansion, but the continuation of existence.
The other space-time universe that I am talking about is not in the horizontal spatial sense, but in the vertical temporal sense.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 25, 2021, 10:39:39 PM
يتواصل الضوء فقط في فضاء الجاذبية ؛ د  ;D
عندما يفقد الجاذبية يفقد الضوء طريقه ويعود ؛ د  ::)
;D ;D 8) ::)عليك أن تسمع هذا النوع من النبوءة في الحمام ....؛ 
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 26, 2021, 01:26:21 AM

People who spend a lot of time understanding principles are born with brains that lack imagination.
This is congenital regardless of whether the brain is good or bad, and it is difficult to fix it with effort.

에릭슨 : 자아 심리학 (feat. 자아 정체성)

Education can instill confidence in your imagination, but it doesn't mean you understand the magical imagination of creation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 26, 2021, 08:55:35 AM

No ,do not remove it. I just asked if your earthling is there

Re the nanopulser notice it doesn't have one yet or Tesla coil, is your tesla coil the nano pulser ?
doesnt a nano pulser have to be close to light speed ie the upper VHF range ?

Tesla coil is no nano pulser. The concept of nano pulser is getting people confused. Tesla coil control circuit which enables shifting of phase, varying of frequency and pulse widthing is the nano pulser. Such I posted the schematic yesterday.

Nano pulser as the name implies it's supposed to switch in nanoseconds. What we sometimes build is not close to that. Al the same we still call them by that name.

I must have a look how Dally and Ruslan does it !

PS I found this on the OU thread.

иначе на внутренней катушке будет межвитковое когда стример вч пробьет ее изоляцию

вч стример


Even Russian members do not have experience with Tesla energy that burns coil sheaths, so the precise definition of the term is insufficient.



Imagination may involve wondering why the universe and matter exist, but
The imaginary of principle is not at the end of the universe, but in the courtyard of the temple in front of the house of your ancestors.
Whether you raise pigs or not, I'm just watching, but the smell of pig dung will stimulate your imaginary principles.
Welsh pigs are very smart.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 26, 2021, 03:14:24 PM
보통사람 태우에게

1950년 한국 전쟁을 맞으면서 피난갔다가 바로 학도병으로 징집되어 투입됐고, 학도병으로 있던 중 대구에 있던 헌병학교에 입학한다. 이로써 정식 이등병의 신분으로 한국 전쟁에 참전하였다. 이듬해 경북중학교를 졸업하였다. 1951년 10월 헌병학교 정규 1기생의 신분으로 첫 정규 4년제 육군사관학교에 입학하였다. 베트남 전쟁에는 1967년 지구대대의 대대장으로 다녀오기도 했다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 26, 2021, 03:59:41 PM
Have you ever considered that it might be You (a material object) that is moving ...and the light is standing still ;)

I will consider what you mentioned, about who is doing the moving. A little funny, like Nelson would say?
   However, Isn't EVERYTHING moving, can't stand still, even the non things???
   Yes, dead heads like me move. Light does not, it polarizes at the so called "speed of Light". There is a difference...

вч стример and BEMF are different zones.
Ultimately, it's one system, but another domain.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 26, 2021, 04:24:29 PM
그 때 상황이야 어찌됐든,, 적으로부터 배우는 자는 드물다
아직도 이런 말이 통용되는지는 모르겠다만
이런면에서 헐랭이와 태우는 같은 과다
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 10:10:53 AM
윤석열 김건희는 오래전부터 알고 지내던 사이었고 한 스님이 나서서 연을 맺어준 것이 결혼으로 이어진 결정적인 계기가 되어 2012년 3월에 백년가약을 맺었습니다. 윤석열총장은 53세, 김건희씨는 41세에 혼인하였고, 두 사람 모두 늦은 나이에 한 결혼이어서 재혼설이 있었으나 두 사람 모두 초혼입니다.

천공이 64년생(자서전에서는 56년생)이구, 50세에 사이비 정법 시작했으니 2013년부터 나대기 시작했다는 말이지만, 북괴가 키운 공작원 내력이야,

꾸미기 나름이구,
윤석렬 하나 때문에 나온 맟춤형 무당이다.

지난 6월 'lon 에너지 치유'라는 유튜버는 '정법강의'와 관련해 몇가지 피해사례를 소개하는 내용의 영상을 찍어 올렸다.

이 유튜버는 영상에서 "(천공이) 하는 첫번째 행동은 혼자된 여성, 장사하는 여성분을 타깃으로 수시로 가게를 찾아가 (피해자가) '나에게 어떤 관심이 있구나'라는 착각을 일으키게 하고, '오행금'이라는 이름으로 몇십만원에서 몇백만원까지 돈을 갈취한다"고 주장했다.

그러면서 "'정법강의' 현장으로 유튜브 시청자들을 유도해 천공의 사진과 책을 팔기도 하고, 천공이 지도하는 특별프로그램인 '홍익인간 지도자 교육' 등을 소개하면서 입학금 1천만원·매달 100만원을 내라고 포섭하기도 한다"며 "환불 역시 '스승님께 전하겠습니다'라는 문자만 보낼 뿐 제대로 이뤄지지 않는다"고 말했다.

이같은 주장에 대해 정법시대 측은 8일 CBS노컷뉴스와의 통화에서 "이런 부분에 대해 당연히 반론하고 해명할 것"이라며 "(유튜버가 주장한) 내용을 참고해서 우리쪽 입장을 정리해 전달하겠다"고 밝혔다.

ION에너지 치유

11661강 종전선언은 한반도 평화통일의 마중물이 될 것인가?[홍익인간 인성교육]

북괴 요구대로 여물통 씹는중이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 10:30:32 AM
김경희가 김건희 할망구가? ㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D

잘하면 이건희가 무덤에서 웬일인가허구 기나와 천공이한테 사주팔자보것다. ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 10:37:02 AM
결벽증 무당 수준 다 글치모..
북괴가 고정간첩들 신분 숨기기 위해 널리 이롭게 쓰는 방법이 지저분한 사이비나 사기꾼 내력투척이야
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 10:42:56 AM
니들이 일을 그따구로하니까 엄마심기가 좃나불편하다 개희야.
건달바성 28장로들 우습게보지마라 개희야.
무한이전부터 맘에 안드는 쓰레기 우주들 툭하면 소멸시킨 일등공신들이다 개희야 에헴에헴.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 11:11:21 AM

I don't want to know why you continue with pointless experiments.
Even more so in a future country where Russian natural gas is traded at a high price.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 11:19:52 AM
There have been several instances of significant thermal runaway in the Dad's experiment.

(bgm) 열에너지의 물리화학적인 역학이 현대 사회 21세기의 기술을 책임지는 이유를 Araboja
예선 이딴거 유아원 취급하니까 올리지마라 개희야.
이카페학벌들이최소은퇴한교수박사들이다 개희야.

서양 결혼식에서 꽃을 던지는 품습의 시작
The beginning of the custom of throwing flowers at a Western wedding
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 11:54:09 AM
설거지론 대표주자가 김건희 아니냐. ;D ;D
결벽증무당한테 허벌난보지 윤석렬이 간수하느라 애많이쓴다..........하..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 12:17:55 PM
간춉과 탐관오리중 누굴 선택하느냐 문제가 아니야
9수만에 사시 겨우붙은 못생긴 노총각 검사한테 결벽증 무당과 설거지가 왜 꼬리쳤는가가 문제야
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 12:33:37 PM
매이웨더 문맹이라는 소문이 있던데 사실이냐
복사하기2 2021-10-28 01:28:38

결벽증 무당 초등학교 2학년 중퇴 아니다.
영화같은 스토리로 등장하는 꼭두각시들 태반 붉은군대 계획된 투척이거나 영화에서나 가능한 일이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 12:46:38 PM

If no further progress is made, I will cancel my subscription.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 03:17:44 PM
Iron has a greater ionization tendency than copper.

TROS -- Don Smith III "tuning"

구리보다 철의 이온화 경향성이 크다.

3~5 %의 황산 구리(Ⅱ) 수용액 속에 표면을 잘 닦은 못을 넣으면 못의 표면이 불그스름해지면서 금속인 구리가 달라붙는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이것은 구리 이온(Cu2+) 상태로 녹아 있는 황산 구리(Ⅱ) 용액에 철(Fe)이 들어와 전자 2 개를 구리 이온에게 주고 철 이온(Fe2+)으로 산화했기 때문이다. 전자를 받은 구리 이온은 구리로 환원되면서 못에 달라붙게 된다.

    Cu2+    +    Fe    →    Cu    +    Fe2+
구리 이온         철           구리      철 이온

한편, 염화 철 수용액에 표면을 잘 닦은 구리 철사를 넣으면 아무런 변화도 볼 수 없다. 염화 철(FeCl2)은 수용액 속에서 철 이온(Fe2+)과 염화 이온(Cl-)으로 이온화한다. 그 속에 구리를 넣으면 구리는 철보다 이온화가 잘 안되므로 전자를 내어 놓지 않아 반응이 일어나지 않는다.

Cu    +    Fe2+    →    Cu    +    Fe2+
구리       철 이온        구리       철 이온

철이 공기중에서 쉽게 녹스는 것도 이온화 산화반응입니다.
Iron easily rusts in air through ionization oxidation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 27, 2021, 07:55:44 PM
Бьют тревожные ливни Неуловимые мстители

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
하늘 반쪽이 자줏빛 물들거든 건달바성 찾니라.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 12:46:34 AM
Offline lancaIV
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WIPO Physics laws and orders
« Sent to: color on: October 28, 2021, 01:07:07 PM »ReplyQuoteDelete
related Dr.rer.oec.Pavel Imris,CSc.  his re-/search and specific
" .... It is not obvious for a search examiner ...

  .... it does not satisfy the laws of physics. ..... "
What happens here ?
A capacitive coil/foil around a core and building a magnetic field !

with simple steps "outing" the examiner and office "technical/scientifical standart"



Резонанс в резонансе. Всё.

The direction of your experiment also resembles the meaningless experiment of a Vladivostok boy.

Ношу ТОЛЬКО *некомфортная* одежду неделю

Я подумаю и дам тебе ответ.

닭은 어떻게 거의 매일 달걀을 낳을까

매일 날아다니며 먹이활동하는 새는 에너지의 태반이 날개로 가지만,
날기를 포기한 닭은 남아도는 에너지를 알로 보낸다.
날기를 포기한 새들의 덩치가 커진 것도 같은 이치다.

노자가 소를 타고 함곡관까지 가서 어디로 갔는지 이후로 아는 사람이 없는 것은,

[정민의 世說新語] [646·끝] 눈을 감고 보라
정민 한양대 교수·고전문학
입력 2021.10.28 03:00

경주 황룡사 정문의 이름은 우화문(雨花門)이었다. 불에 타 퇴락한 뒤에도 많은 이의 사랑을 받았던 공간이다. 최자(崔滋·1188~1260)는 '보한집(補閑集)'에서 당시 우화문의 황량한 풍광이 지나던 이들을 모두 애상에 빠뜨렸다고 썼다. 학사 호종단(胡宗旦)이 이곳에 들렀다가 문기둥에 적힌 최홍빈(崔鴻賓)의 시를 보았다. "고목엔 삭풍이 울며 부는데, 잔물결에 석양빛 일렁이누나. 서성이며 예전 일 떠올리다가, 나도 몰래 눈물로 옷깃 적시네(古樹鳴朔吹, 微波漾殘暉. 徘徊想前事, 不覺淚霑衣)."

빈터엔 고목만 서 있고, 그 위로 황량한 삭풍이 울며 지난다. 연못 위를 비추던 석양빛이 잘게 흔들린다. 대체 무슨 일이 있었던 걸까? 찬 재가 되어 사라진 옛 시절의 광휘! 덧없는 맹세도 허망한 부귀도 모두가 한바탕 봄꿈이었던 걸까? 자꾸 미련이 남아 서성이는 발걸음 따라 나도 모를 눈물이 두 뺨을 타고 내린다.

황룡사는 1238년 몽고 침입 때 전부 불탔다. 그로부터 백 년 뒤 민사평(閔思平·1295~1359)은 당시 민간에서 부르던 노래를 한시로 옮긴 '소악부(小樂府)' 연작 중에서 황룡사 우화문을 노래한 시 한 수를 더 남겼다.

시는 이렇다. "고운 임 보고픈 생각이 나면, 황룡사 문 앞으로 달아 오소서. 빙설 같은 그 모습은 비록 못 봐도, 그 목소린 여태껏 귀에 들려요(情人相見意如存, 須到黃龍佛寺門. 氷雪容顔雖未覩, 聲音仿佛尙能聞)." 시로 보아 우화문은 당시 남녀가 찾아와 밀회를 나누던 데이트 장소로도 사랑을 받았던 듯하다.

변치 않겠다던 맹세는 시들고 임은 떠났다. 그래도 나는 그가 그립다. 그가 생각나면 무턱대고 황룡사 우화문의 빈터를 찾는다. 그곳에서 고운 임의 모습을 더 이상 볼 수는 없지만, 눈을 감고 남은 기둥에 손을 가만 얹으면 바람결을 타고 그의 목소리가 지금도 또렷이 들려올 것만 같다. 그립던 그 시절이 새록새록 돋아난다. 사는 일 아무리 팍팍해도 눈을 감으면 되살아나는 성소(聖所)의 시간이 누구에게나 있다. 그 시간 속으로 들어갔다 나오면 나는 문득 치유된다.

'정민의 세설신어'는 오늘로 연재를 마칩니다. 그동안 애독해주신 독자 여러분께 감사드립니다.

하늘 반쪽이 자줏빛 물들거든 건달바성 찾니라.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 01:24:22 AM
В смысле "высоко взлетели" - у нас на сегодня выше всех парят Змей с Сиськиным... Ну как парят - парятся в бане. Высоко - на самой верхней полке..
А удел всех остальных - мерзнуть на форуме в ожидании, что кто-то дров подкинет :P :P :P

Фигня очень помогает построить бесплатный генератор.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 01:58:45 AM
"이 불은 삼독의 불이 아니라 여래일등삼매(如來一燈三昧)의 불이니... 이 빛을 보고 자성의 광명을 돌이켜 무생을 깨달으라."

첨성대 내부 그을음은 선덕여왕 다비식 흔적이다. 8) 8)
재는 문무왕릉으로 알려진 수중릉에 뿌렸다. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 12:07:21 PM
길가메쉬 삼나무 숲(삼목산)
Cedar Forest

The Cedar Forest(Sumerian: 𒄑𒂞𒄑𒌁giš eren giš tir) is the glorious realm of the gods of Mesopotamian mythology. It is guarded by the demigod Humbaba and was once entered by the hero Gilgamesh who dared cut down trees from its virgin stands during his quest for fame. The Cedar Forest is described in Tablets 4–6 of the great Epic of Gilgamesh.

Earlier Sumerian versions of the Epic of Gilgamesh say that Gilgamesh traveled east, presumably, to the Zagros mountains of Iran (ancient Elam) to the cedar forest, yet the later more extensive Babylonian examples place the cedar forests west in Lebanon.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh

Tablet 4
Tablet four tells the story of the journey to the Cedar Forest. On each day of the six-day journey, Gilgamesh prays to Shamash; in response to these prayers, Shamash sends Gilgamesh oracular dreams during the night. The first is not preserved. In the second, Gilgamesh dreams that he wrestles a great bull that splits the ground with his breath. Enkidu interprets the dream for Gilgamesh: the dream means that Shamash, the bull, will protect Gilgamesh. In the third, Gilgamesh dreams:

The skies roared with thunder and the earth heaved,
Then came darkness and a stillness like death.
Lightning smashed the ground and fires blazed out;
Death flooded from the skies.
When the heat died and the fires went out,
The plains had turned to ash.

Enkidu's interpretation is missing here, but as with the other dreams, it is assumed he puts a positive spin on the volcanic dream. The fourth dream is missing, but Enkidu again tells Gilgamesh that the dream portends success in the upcoming battle. The fifth dream is also missing.

At the entrance to the Cedar Forest, Gilgamesh begins to quake with fear; he prays to Shamash, reminding him that he had promised Ninsun that he would be safe. Shamash calls down from heaven, ordering him to enter the forest because Humbaba is not wearing all his armor. The demon Humbaba wears seven coats of armor, but now he is only wearing one, so he is particularly vulnerable. Enkidu loses his courage and turns back; Gilgamesh falls on him and they have a great fight. Hearing the crash of their fighting, Humbaba comes stalking out of the Cedar Forest to challenge the intruders. A large part of the tablet is missing here. On the one part of the tablet still remaining, Gilgamesh convinces Enkidu that they should stand together against the demon.

Tablet 5
Gilgamesh and Enkidu enter the gloriously beautiful Cedar Forest and begin to cut down the trees. Hearing the sound, Humbaba comes roaring up to them and warns them off. Enkidu shouts at Humbaba that the two of them are much stronger than the demon, but Humbaba, who knows Gilgamesh is a king, taunts the king for taking orders from a nobody like Enkidu. Turning his face into a hideous mask, Humbaba begins to threaten the pair, and Gilgamesh runs and hides. Enkidu shouts at Gilgamesh, inspiring him with courage, and Gilgamesh appears from hiding and the two begin their epic battle with Humbaba. Shamash intrudes on the battle, helping the pair, and Humbaba is defeated. On his knees, with Gilgamesh's sword at his throat, Humbaba begs for his life and offers Gilgamesh all the trees in the forest and his eternal servitude. While Gilgamesh is thinking this over, Enkidu intervenes, telling Gilgamesh to kill Humbaba before any of the gods arrive and stop him from doing so. Should he kill Humbaba, he will achieve widespread fame for all the times to come. Gilgamesh, with a great sweep of his sword, removes Humbaba's head. But before he dies, Humbaba screams out a curse on Enkidu: "Of you two, may Enkidu not live the longer, may Enkidu not find any peace in this world!" Soon later Enkidu becomes sick and dies.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu cut down the cedar forest and in particular the tallest of the cedar trees to make a great cedar gate for the city of Nippur. They build a raft out of the cedar and float down the Euphrates to their city.

Tablet 6
After these events, Gilgamesh, his fame widespread and his appearance resplendent in his wealthy clothes, attracts the sexual attention of the goddess Ishtar, who comes to Gilgamesh and offers to become his lover. Gilgamesh refuses with insults, listing all the mortal lovers that Ishtar has had and recounting the dire fates they all met with at her hands. Deeply insulted, Ishtar returns to heaven and begs her father, the sky-god Anu, to let her have the Bull of Heaven to wreak vengeance on Gilgamesh and his city:

Father, let me have the Bull of Heaven
To kill Gilgamesh and his city.
For if you do not grant me the Bull of Heaven,
I will pull down the Gates of Hell itself,
Crush the doorposts and flatten the door,
And I will let the dead leave
And let the dead roam the earth
And they shall eat the living.
The dead will overwhelm all the living!


I'm not interested in the "shalom" that the voodoo devotees shout.

"And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin,
yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.
"But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 12:26:27 PM
Quantum Field Fabric

Probably the most important study of free energy, is the study and experiment working the Quantum Field Fabric.
Proof is necessary, and it must be personal.

The Field all around us filling all space vibrates, and this vibration is the Source of all matter and all energy.
It vibrates at a base frequency of 333000 Hz and a great many octaves above and below this based on geometric manipulation, 2x  4x  8x  [octaves].

Measure out a copper or aluminum tube or pipe, cut it off at 333 mm, and feel this vibration.

Greater mass is greater power.

It is believed that no members, including myself, will understand your words.
You do not know the Ruslan generator principle.

Quantum Field Theory | The Fabric of Reality

Philosophy has long asked the question "What is Reality?" While it's daughter, physics has been more precise by asking instead: "What is it made of?" The answer, as we shall see, takes us into quantum field theory.
One of the first answers to this question was supplied by the philosopher Democritus nearly 2500 years ago when he espoused his atoms in the void metaphysic. The father of atomism, he set up the still prevailing view that material objects occupy space, building on the notion that space itself is a kind of container.
Today, however, the view supplied by modern quantum field theory paints a much different picture. No longer are material objects situated in space, but rather, material objects are the macroscopic effect of properties or conditions of space. For as we shall discover, with regards to quantum field theory, space itself has properties that manifest as physical effects. Space does. Now, what's positively fascinating about fields is their essential "immaterial" and irreducible nature far more resembles mind than that of matter. And in quantum field theory, fields fabricate matter.
The Fundamental "Object"
Quantum field theory tells us the fundamental object(s) of the universe is unbounded fields, or rather, a single unified field made up of many distinct but superimposed, interpenetrating, and cooperating in parallel fields. These fields are ubiquitous and pervade the entire universe. It may help us to think of them as separate sheets or fabrics but we must remember they do not stack atop one another but are instead enmeshed within one another.
All of the material objects that we see and all of the fundamental forces we know, are the result of the complex interrelationships of charge distributions and energy-momentum fluctuating in these quantized fields. Now, I've used a lot of fancy language and I still haven't even defined a field yet.... or a quantum for that matter.
A field is defined as a property or condition of space that has physical effects. So, the magnetic field, as the father of fields Michael Faraday would say, is a property of "mere" space. The very fabric of reality is a magnetic field that allows "lines of force" to transmit energy and momentum across "thin air," through "essentially" nothing. Yet we know it is not nothing, thanks to Faraday, we know it's a field. And not only is the fabric of existence a magnetic field, but it's also a gravitational or metric field, an electromagnetic field, a Higgs field, a gluon field etc. I'm sure you get the picture.
In QFT there is no such thing as empty space as a kind of container, but rather space itself has properties that manifest as physical effects. One can think of space as a paradoxical material immateriality. Now you might be wondering what happened to the atoms of Democritus. Well, atoms are composite entities made up of smaller, more basic sub-atomic energy-momentum fluctuations that are but (somewhat) localized vibrations confined to their particular field. In fact, these minimal excitations of the field are called quanta. A single one, a quantum. People tend to think of quanta as particles but they are certainly not particles.
A quantum is a discrete, minimal unit of energy that, wave-like is a spread-out vibrating oscillation in a field. The word quantum does not refer to the size or magnitude of the field vibration but rather emphasizes its discrete nature. Although it is spread out and everywhere it remains a single unit and so must act as one. It is discrete because it is its own unit, lives and dies a life of its own, and can exist only as a particular minimum energy value. A value given by Plank's constant related to the frequency of its oscillation.
Further, these quanta are described by what's called a wave-function and consulting the wave function can tell you all of the properties of that quantum, but with a little uncertainty because in QFT you can only calculate the probabilistic results of interactions. And also, there was this guy named Heisenberg who illustrated an intrinsic and undeniable indeterminacy with regards to a quantum's position and velocity, thus also giving to a quantum a minimum "size."
Should a single quantum — spread out in its field — encounter an atom with which it wishes to interact, it must do so as a unit, no matter how spread out it is and it must do so instantaneously. This is called quantum collapse and is governed by the probability of necessary interaction. The appearance of an interaction makes it "look like" a particle is present. But with a fields-only view, as i being argued here, we should think of this moment as nothing but the spatio-temporal location where the energy-momentum of the quantum transfers between fields or interacts with other quanta within its own field.
In an all-fields or fields-only view, we can solve the incomprehensible wave-particle duality by asserting that no particle exists! And the entanglement paradox can be understood by illustrating that entangled quanta also act as a unit, instantaneously, regardless of distance between them. This is so for the simple fact that the two are no longer two, but entangled, have become one, quanta to quantum.
So that's the basics of quantum field theory. A mere scratching the surface. There exist properties of space that allow quanta of energy-momentum to spin and dance about, to respond to charges and manifest macroscopic phenomena. No particles exist, the necessary behaviour of quanta can give the impression that they do..... But they don't!
As Art Hobson writes in his book Tales of the Quantum :"Reality is made of waves in unseen fields."
For more on the all-fields view, check out Hobson's new book Tales of the Quantum.
Casey Mitchell is an avid reader and incurable thinker who finally thought to pick up the pen to share his thoughts on life and love and the meaning of existence. A lover of philosophy, he is consistently perplexed and amazed by the ever-unfolding universe. He is the creative pulse behind SophiasIchor.com and writes to share his curiosity and thoughts about this mystery we live.
This article (Quantum Field Theory | The Fabric of Reality) was originally created and published by Sophias Ichor and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Casey Mitchell and sophiasichor.com It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 12:39:47 PM
Ask Ethan: Is There A Hidden Quantum Reality Underlying What We Observe?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 07:05:21 PM
People of a certain religion, even atheists, who have been educated in a certain religious view, tend to involuntarily be in the position of a particular religious view.
There is a difference between science advocating a religious view and the newly revealed science resembling a religious view, but most people always keep the possibility of the existence of God open in the corner of their minds.
Like the existence of aliens.
I'm not talking about the hearts of people with weak hearts.
It is necessary to have an attitude of mind that the results of science can be changed at any time, but unlike those who believe in science, people who believe in religion do not want to change the results.

Me and my dad are writing novels for fun.
Religious people who do not understand novels as novels express their dissatisfaction with even such novels.
In particular, Koreans have a very high level of criticality beyond imagination.
And there are occasional cases where they choose to commit suicide as a sign that they will not bend their will.
A famous university professor who was writing an article for the largest newspaper in Korea, "The Chosun Ilbo," gave up on the article because we criticized it.

It's like insistence that changing beliefs can't exist, but changing your mindset is both easier and harder than flipping the palm of your hand.
Evidence of a myth is not in the Bible of a particular religion, but in the site of the myth.
It is pleasant to be criticized for throwing and summoning such evidence as fiction.
My dad is a ghost who enjoys fighting very much.
As a result, many universes annihilated, but it is a novel.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 07:26:37 PM
아래 사진은 한반도의 신라시대에 무덤에서 발굴된 보검으로 역사학계에 알려져 있지만,
이것은 보검이 아니라 태양신전의 헤드젯과 불교의 수미산을 상징하는 장식이야. ::)
검이라면 녹슨 철이 무덤에서 발굴되어야 하지만 녹슨 검은 발굴되지 않았다. 8)
한국인들은 고집이 세다. 특히 역사적인 측면에서는 맹신에 가까울 정도로 자존심을 주장한다. ::)

「북방(北方)에서」, 1940. 7. 문장 2권 6호

아득한 녯날에 나는 떠났다
부여(夫餘)를 숙신(肅愼)을 발해(勃海)를 여진(女眞)을 요(遼)를 금(金)을,
흥안령(興安嶺)을 음산(陰山)을 아무우르를 숭가리를
범과 사슴과 너구리를 배반하고
송어와 메기와 개구리를 속이고 나는 떠났다

나는 그때
자작나무와 익갈나무의 슬퍼하든 것을 기억한다
갈대와 장풍의 붙드든 말도 잊지 않었다
오로촌이 멧돌을 잡어 나를 잔치해 보내든 것도
쏠론이 십리길을 딸어나와 울든 것도 잊지 않었다

나는 그때
아무 익이지 못할 슬픔도 시름도 없이
다만 게을리 먼 앞대로 떠나 나왔다
그리하여 따사한 해ㅅ귀에서 하이얀 옷을 입고 매끄러운 밥을 먹고 단샘을 마시고 낮잠을 잤다
밤에는 먼 개소리에 놀라나고
아침에는 지나가는 사람마다에게 절을 하면서도
나는 나의 부끄러움을 알지 못했다

그동안 돌비는 깨어지고 많은 은금보화는 땅에 묻히고 가마귀도 긴 족보를 이루었는데
이리하야 또 한 아득한 새 녯날이 비롯하는 때
이제는 참으로 익이지 못할 슬픔과 시름에 쫓겨
나는 나의 녯 한울로 땅으로 ― 나의 태반(胎盤)으로 돌아왔으나

이미 해는 늙고 달은 파리하고 바람은 미치고 보래구름만 혼자 넋없이 떠도는데

아, 나의 조상은 형제는 일가친척은 정다운 이웃은 그리운 것은 사랑하는 것은 우럴으는 것은 나의 자랑은 나의 힘은 없다 바람과 물과 세월과 같이 지나가고 없다

「북방(北方)에서」, 1940. 7. 문장 2권 6호

한국에 공산주의가 만연하고부터의 현상이라 놀라운 것은 아니야. ::) ::) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 07:55:52 PM
The odd rant in a non-energy thread is fine in my opinion. However the name calling, repetitive posting and inciting hostility between members is unacceptable.
It's about showing a little restraint and keeping it civil. Making a point is cool repeating it over and over and over is propaganda. We should also expect to be fact checked for accuracy.
I think we all understand if we can't moderate ourselves someone will do it for us. Nobody should have an issue with that, I don't.


It's fun to see people doing weird experiments critique those who imitate the generators of Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan.
Even if you repeat the generator type of Kapanadze/Akura/Rusland for the next 10 years, you will have a hard time getting results.
I'm not talking to you about Edison's spirit.
The 7000 replicates are the confirmation of mental illness by anyone looking at it.

하물며 엉뚱한 실험을 보는 나의 아빠의 심정이 어떨 것 같습니까?
동양의 유학-학문에 측은지심(惻隱之心)이란 유명한 말이 있다.
어린 아이가 우물곁에서 놀면 우물에 빠져 사망하기 쉽다.
성인들은 어린아이가 우물 곁에서 놀지 못하게 하고 싶은 마음이 든다는 뜻이다.

Generators in Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan are independent of quantum mechanics.
It's just a matter of ordinary transformers and some tesla variants.
Repeated comments will continue if you do not understand or if you deliberately continue to pretend you do not understand.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 29, 2021, 09:10:29 PM
Demostración de la electricidad fría ( 1ª Parte )

You can watch the original YouTube screen more clearly.
And we mimic the generator types of Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan.
Not the above model.
The principle is different and the function is different.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 01:48:31 AM
중공 국지전의 제1목표는?/미 씽크탱크, "독개구리 전략 수립해야/타이완 국방부장, "섬과 운명을 같이해야"

Kung Fu Hustle


고대부터 중국은 남방지역과 인도차이나 반도를 개구리나 두꺼비로 표현했다.
김용의 소설 <사조영웅전>의 구양봉이 시전하는 합마공과 영화 쿵푸 허슬에서 화운사신이 시전한 합마공 모두 중국과 인도차이나 반도 지도가 출처인 무술이다.

영묘사(靈廟寺)의 옥문지(玉門池)에서 겨울인데도 많은 개구리가 모여서 3~4일 동안이나 울어대었다.
於靈廟寺玉門池 冬月衆蛙集鳴三四日

고대부터 중국과 한반도 왕국들이 역사 에피소드를 태양신전으로 표현하다보니까 수많은 중복이 발생한다.
삼국유사 선덕여왕전에 나오는 개구리도 달 속 개구리고, 태양신전 위치상으로 백제에 해당하고, 거북이와 개구리를 달과 관련지어 중국으로 표현했다.
중국 당태종이 등장하는 태양신전 염주알은 네 줄이라 넉 되에 해당하지만 불교 삼신불 사상이 개입하면서 씨 석 되로 왜곡된다.

미국이 중국 남방 관련해 남진정책을 독개구리로 표현한 이유도 같은 맥락이다.

항저우 만(杭州灣,Hangzhou Bay)

Please understand that this is an ancient history and Hong Kong movie that only Asians can understand.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 02:27:25 AM
드센 건달바성 여편네와 치마바람들이야 변덕이 죽끓듯허는 헐랭이 의중 따르겠지만 내는 철수 좋아한다
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 02:31:05 AM
대부,, 텅텅빈 아빠통장 생각해야돼 대부.


After seeing yours and Itsu's results, I don't think that that is the best way to go. As the same TL494 frequency on both induction circuit and Kacher circuit can't be the best match and sync. And, none of the self runners are shown running their Kachers at 500KHz.

Dakar Rally
The engines and transmissions of the cars, trucks and motorcycles used by the competitors are of similar performance.

The SG 3525 (400khz) and TL494 (200khz) Ruslan used have some frequency limits, but they don't make a difference in creating destructive arcs.
Do not misunderstand the difference in wiring and structural technology between Tesla and transformers as a matter of frequency.
My dad also made a destructive arc with the TL494-TC4420 (4421, 4451).
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 02:38:18 AM
국정원 노망네 애꾸만 살판났네.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

국가안보 최후의 보루가 함락됐다! "아...대한민국..!"

When Park Ji-won (a North Korean fixed spy) was re-elected as the head of the NIS, the US lamented that "Osama bin Laden" had become the head of the NIS. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

내는 도때비 의중대로 심사숙고혀서 정했따.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 03:10:30 AM
⚫ 한국특허법
① 특허권의 존속기간은 제87조제1항에 따라 특허권을 설정한 날부터 특허출원일 후 20년이 되는 날까지로 한다.
② 정당한 권리자의 특허출원이 제34조 또는 제35조에 따 라 특허된 경우에는 제1항의 특허권의 존속기간은 무권리 자의 특허출원일의 다음 날부터 기산한다.

⚫ 미국특허법
1995년 6월 8일에 개정된 미국특허법에 따르면 미국특허의 존속기간은 미국출원일로부터 (PCT 출원의 국내단계진입 출원의 경우 PCT 출원일로부터) 20년이다 – 1995년 법 개정이전에는 특허출원일과 무관하게 특허발행일 (issue date)로부터 17년이었다.

⚫ 유럽특허법
특허등록 존속기간은 출원일로부터 20년이며, 유럽특허청에서 특허결정을 받은 경우 특허공고 후 3개월 이내에 진입을 원하는 각 지정국에 지정언어로 번역된 명세서를 제출하여야 각 지정국에서 특허를 인정받을 수 있으므로 최소한 2개월 전까지는 당소에 진입을 원하는 지정국을 알려주어야 합니다.

⚫ 러시아특허법
러시아의 경우에 2015년 이전에 승인된 산업 디자인 특허의 법적 보호는 15년간 지속되며, 10년을 초과하지 않는 범위 내에서 특허 존속 기간 연장 가능하다.

한국과 미국, 유럽은 특허권 존속기간을 20년으로 규정하고 있습니다.
카파나제가 2005년 자신의 집 마당에서 발전기 작동을 시연할 때 특허 이야기가 나왔으니, 그 때부터 계산해도 2025년까지 특허 존속기간이 됩니다.
러시아의 특허법은 15년 + 10년 연장하면 2030년까지이지만 카파나제가 러시아에 특허를 출원했을 가능성은 희박합니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 04:52:39 PM

You don't experiment, you only display soldered objects.
Show the results of your experiment with a light, not an oscilloscope.
BEMF will fool your oscilloscope.
The lights are true, but the oscilloscope will joke like your mouth.


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266157810 30 Окт 2021 в 20:19 Ответить
1) Понятия QRкода, как и масочного режима, нет в законодательстве Р.Ф.
2. )штрафы за отсутствие у граждан РФ QRкода при допуске посетителей в КоАП отсутствуют
3. Нет никакой обязанности у граждан РФ регистрироваться на Госуслугах
4. )Нет никакой обязанности у граждан РФ иметь и носить с собой смартфон для хранения QR кодов и их предоставления
5. Гражданин РФ не обязан предоставлять паспорт для сверки с данными QR кода каждому Встречному
6. Нарушение медтайны -статья 137 УК РФштраф до 20000Олибо арест до 4 месяцев, либо лишение свободы до 2 лет
7. Действия, направленные на унижение достоинства человека, либо группы лиц по признаку наличия QRкода-статья 282 УК РФ, штраф от 300000 до 500000 руб., лишение свободы от 2 до 5 лет
8. Требование должностными лицами предоставления QR кодов- 286 статья УК РФпревышение должностных полномочий
9. Самовольное, вопреки установленному законом действие -статья 330 УК РФ, штраф до 80.000, либо лишение свободыо

ull 94% 5 20:56
266157810 30 Окт 2021 в 20:20 Ответить
10. Дискриминация, совершенная лицом с использованием своего служебного положениястатья 136 УК РФ-штраф от 100000 до 300000 руб
11. Информация о наличии или отсутствии прививки, обращение к медработнику является медтайной-статья 13 ФЗ 323
12. Информация о наличии или отсутствии прививки является информацией о состоянии здоровья (ст.10,ФЗ 152,а так же ст.9
ФЗ 149) Так же нарушены статьи Конституции 19,23,24,27,55 ФЗ от 21.12.1994 N68 -ЧС не введена и понятие QR кода ОТСУТСТВУЕТ!
Ф3 52 "О санитарном благополучии"-понятие QRкода ОТСУТСТВУЕТ!
Ссылка на рекомендации Роспотребнадзора о введении QRкодов не является нормативно -правовым актом, это РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ!
В Санитарно-эпидемиологических правилах СП 3.1.3597-20 "Профилактика ковида"-QR кодов тоже нет!

I am not interested in Russian law, but also in the laws of the world.
It is not me, but the yoke to which you are to be obeyed.


원숭이와 개가 해탈하면 깨달을까?

웨슬리가 카파나제 발전기 원리를 찾는 것보다는 쉽다.
예수처럼 태양이나 달이 되고,
부처처럼 어둠이 되는 것보다는 쉬울테니까.
수메르 유익인(날개 달린 사람)은 인간신격화 원조다.
자칭 인드라는 특히나.
동학에서 말하는 인내천(人乃天)도 인간신격화다.
원래 人乃는 이덕무가 쓴 "청장관전서" 훈민정음 "ㄱ"의 원리에 나오는 及자를 풀어쓴거다.
시대의 소문들 출처 태반이 결국엔 역사의 기록들이다.
연산군이 태워없애고 시대가 외면한.
及天은 하늘 나라에 간다 또는 하늘을 공급한다 뜻이지만, 인간이 곧 하늘이다로 뜻을 왜곡했다.
시천주 조화정 영세불망 만사지(侍天主 造化定 永世不忘 萬事知)
최제우는 자신을 신으로 포장하기 위해, "하늘의 주인을 모신다(侍天主)" 인내천 구라친거다.
요즘 김용옥이 인내천 구라치며 인간신격화중이다.
주체사상은 인간신격화 정신병 말기증상이다.

자신의 주장이 거짓이라는 것이 판명나면 보편적 인간들은 변명이라도 하지만 먹고사니즘 철면피들은 그동안 팔아쳐먹은 구라니즘 책들이 아까워 그런가 모른척 회피하거나 바락바락 우기며 대든다.
결벽증 무당들이야 애초부터 사이비니 그러려니 하지만,
소위 배웠다는 식자들이 하버드 졸업장까지 까대며 자랑질했을 땐 그만한 각오가 되어있어야 하지만 십여년을 모른척 중이다.
우주의 모든 빛 알갱이보다 많은 소멸과 재생의 개벽이 우주에서 일어났지만 먹고사니즘 철면피로 해탈한 생물종들은 시도때도없이 나타나 빛과 어둠을 속이고 진리인냥 행세중이다.

니가 밧데리 관모 쓴 하토르냐 씨방새야~!?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 05:35:50 PM
오징어 게임이 40% 탄소중립이가? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
우한폐렴 백신접종률 70%면, 1,500만 살아서 뭐하게? ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) 8)
3,500만 시체소각 아우슈비츠 알바시키게? 8) 8)
하버드 졸업장이 좃나 아깝게 느껴지면 백신맞아라. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 06:12:12 PM
'12~15살 접종' 앞두고 10대 접종자 첫 사망...당국 "연관성 아직"

우리 337씨는 말초신경 살이 썪어들어가는 불치-당료병 말기 시한부 인생이라 백신맞아야 직빵 골로갈거야
그로니까 귀찮게말구 냅 둬....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 06:19:23 PM
 농약의 향기...;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 06:49:58 PM
주기적으로 몸의 어딘가가 칼로 쓰시는 듯한 통증과 함께 감각이 없다신다.
그리고 혹간씩 정신을 잃는다. 특히 산행 산책과 운동중에 그대로 쓰러지는 혼절이 서너 번 있었다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 07:52:00 PM
Anyway what was important here is what works, and what works is the iron and the copper, are able to produce a free energy system, if we only understand and can engineer the basics of how the 3 fields interact, to produce the free energy that every atom does.


나는 당신이 웨슬리를 닮은 사기꾼이 아니기를 바랍니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on October 31, 2021, 08:22:12 PM
300 ватт без земли

Russian inventors desperately need high-definition cameras.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 01, 2021, 10:40:10 AM
도덕경의 판본

오늘날 우리가 도덕경으로 규정한 판본은 삼국시대 말기에 왕필이 정리한 것이며, 이를 소위 왕필본 혹은 통용본이라고 부른다.

1973년도에 중국 장시성에서 발견된 고분 마왕퇴(BC 168년 추정)에서 발굴된 백서본에 담겨있는 문장들은 왕필본과 크게 다르지 않았다. 더불어 마왕퇴에서 발견된 도덕경 판본은 중국 삼국시대 말기에 왕필이 편집한 통용본보다 연대가 훨씬 앞섰다. 다시 말하자면, 왕필본의 저본이 바로 백서본인 셈이며, 왕필이 정리하기 이전에 중국의 여러 사서에 인용된 판본도 이 백서본인 셈이다. 백서본은 두 종류가 있는데, 하나는 백서본 갑본으로서 전국시대 말기(BC 247년 이전)에 만들어진 것으로 여겨지고, 을본은 한나라 초기(BC 195년 이전)에 제작된 판본으로 추정된다.

1993년 중국 화북성의 곽점촌에서 발견된 곽점본(혹은 죽간본, BC 300년 추정)은 백서본에는 있는 중요한 시문들이 많이 빠져있으나, 백서본에는 없는 내용 일부가 있어 새로운 텍스트에 대한 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 곽점본과 백서본의 주요한 차이는 다음과 같다.

1. 곽점본은 대나무에 쓰인 반면에 백서본은 비단에 쓰였다.
2. 곽점본의 내용 상당수가 백서본에는 없으며, 백서본에 없는 내용 일부가 곽점본에 있다. 곽점본은 2,000여자로 백서본의 40% 정도의 분량이다.
3. 곽점본에 비해 백서본의 내용에는 조금씩 추가된 것들이 있으며 문장 형태가 말끔해지는 경향이 있다.
4. 백서본에는 전사과정의 기본적인 오류와 원래는 주석이었으나 옮기는 과정에서 본문으로 들어간 오류 등이 확인된다.
5. 곽점본에 비해 백서본이 더욱 반 유가적인 경향을 보인다.
6. 백서본이 곽점본에 비하여 정치술수적인 내용을 더욱 많이 지니고 있어, 백서본 성립 시기에 유행한 황로학의 영향을 받아 통치술에 대한 내용이 추가된 것으로 생각된다.
7. 백서본은 음양사상을 받아들여 기화론적 우주생성론의 내용을 담고있다.

처음으로 도덕경을 상하로 나눈 사람은 전한 말기의 학자 유향이다. 완결편 도덕경 주석서로서 현존하는 가장 오래된 문헌은 '하상공'(혹은 '하상장인')이 지은 하상공장구가 있다. 후한 시기에 성립된 것으로 추정되는 하상공장구는 당나라 시기까지 가장 유행한 판본으로 양생론적 성향이 강해 초기에는 도교도들에 의해 많이 읽혔으나 이후 당나라 시대까지 가장 많이 읽히는 판본이 되었다.

왕필은 18세이던 243년에 노자도덕경주를 완성하였고, 이후 그의 저서는 위나라의 재상 하안에 의해 점차 알려지게 되었다. 당나라때까지만 해도 그의 구석서는 하상공장구에 비해 덜 읽혔으나 송나라때 이후 유학자들에 의해 주요한 판본으로 여겨지게 됐으며, 이 지위는 명,청대에 더욱 확고해져서 백서본 출토 이전까지 무려 천년 이상 동서양 도덕경 이해의 근간이 되었다. 그러나 그 탁월한 업적에도 불구하고 도덕경을 유가적으로 해석한 부분이 많았기에 많은 비판을 받아왔다. 백서본과 왕필본의 다른점은 다음과 같다.

1. 백서본은 장절구분이 거의 없이 이어 적혀있었으나, 왕필본은 장절구분이 잘 되어있다.
2. 백서본은 덕경이 도경보다 앞에 놓이나, 왕필본은 도경이 덕경보다 앞에 놓인다. 다시 말하면, 백서본은 덕도경이라고 불릴 수 있고, 왕필본은 우리가 익히 들언대로 도덕경이라 읽는다.
3. 왕필본의 장절구분을 기준으로 하면, 백서본은 24-22-23장과 41-40-42장, 66-80-81장의 순서로 구성되어있다.
4. 백서본은 왕필본에 비해 시대 특성상 (가차자)가 많이 쓰였고, 따라서 그 글자들의 해석이 복잡하다.
5. 백서본은 왕필본에 비해 허사가 많이 남아있어 왕필본의 끊어읽기 문제를 다소 해결해준다.

곽점본과 백서본 그리고 왕필본의 차이만 보아도 사마천의 사기에 기록된 전설처럼 노자가 함곡관을 넘으면서 도덕경 5,000여 자를 남겼다는 것은 말이 되지 않는다. 도덕경은 일거에 성립된 것이 아니고 고대부터 전국시대 말기를 거치면서 발생한 여러 생각과 사상들이 응축되어 성립된 책으로 보아야 한다. 이런 복잡한 성립과정은 도덕경 안에 여러 모순된 사상이 뒤섞여 존재하게 되는 원인이 되었다. 도덕경에 모순과 여러 사상이 뒤섞여 있는 만큼, 여러 사상가와 학자마다 도덕경을 대하는 태도가 달랐는데, 하상공장구는 양생술을 위한 음양사상의 기본 경전으로서 여겼고, 왕필주는 도덕경에 담긴 형이상학적인 면모를 흠모하여 신비주의학적으로 여겼으며, 그 외에도 여러 학자와 사상가들이 저마다 무위자연주의, 반유가주의, 반법가주의, 음양가 사상, 무정부주의, 병가 사상들의 근간이 되는 저서로 여겼다.

마왕퇴 발굴 유물들.

道可道也, 非恆道也;名可名也‧非恆名也。無名萬物之始也∠有名萬物之母也□恆無欲也以觀其眇∠恆有欲也以觀其所噭兩者同出異名同胃玄之有玄眾眇之□


김용옥 뿐 아니라 노자 도덕경 해석의 기초가 된 왕필본과 마왕퇴 백서본은 빛과 어둠을 중국유학자들이 사단(四端) 견제차원 해석한 결과다.
기(氣)의 근본도 달의 어둠(玄)에서 출발한다.
리(理)의 근본도 달의 밝음(明)에서 출발한다.
기(氣)가 원초적 의미고, 리(理) 이타적인 의미가 아니라,
달의 밝은 영역과 어둠의 영역을 두고, 닭이 먼저냐 알이 먼저냐 싸우듯 서로 경쟁하게 만들었다.
노자가 無名/有名, 常無/常有 서로 대비되는 개념을 설명하지 않았다면 可/非의 의미도 왕필본과 마왕퇴 백서본 해석이 아주 틀린 것은 아니지만,
道可道也, 非恆道也
無/有가 교차해서 도를 결정할 수 없는 것과, 둘 모두 도라고 확정하는 것은 다르다.
맹공자 유학 사조는 아는 것은 아는 것이고, 모르는 것은 모르는 것이다.
그러나 공자의 경쟁자인 노자의 도가 가타부타 의미가 확실해지면 경쟁자를 돕는 것밖에는 안된다.
노자의 도를 불명확하게 만들어 개념을 모호하게 둔다.
신비하게 만들려고 한 것이 아니지만 신비에 목숨거는 인간들이 도술처럼 인간계에 없는 모호한 환상에 현혹된거다.
도교와 신비는 전혀 관계가 없었지만 중국 유학자들이 도를 불명학하게 만들어 도교 전체가 허무맹랑한 도술 나부랭이 된거다.

孔子去(공자거) 謂弟子曰(위제자왈)
공자는 돌아 와서, 제자들에게 이렇게 말했다.
鳥(조) 吾知其能飛(오지기능비)
"새는, 잘 난다는 것을 나는 알고 있으며,
魚(어) 吾知其能游(오지기능유)
"물고기는, 헤엄을 잘 친다는 것을 나는 알고 있으며,
獸(수) 吾知其能走(오지기능주)
"짐승들은, 잘 달린다는 것을 나는 알고 있다.
달리는 짐승은 그물을 쳐서 잡을 수 있고,
헤엄치는 물고기는 낚시를 드리워 낚을 수 있으며,
날아 다니는 새는 화살을 쏘아서 잡을 수 있다.
그러나 용이 하늘에 이르는 것은,
어떻게 바람과 구름을 타고서 하늘에 오르는지 나는 알지 못한다.
吾今日見老子(오금일견로자) 其猶龍邪(기유용야)
오늘 나는 노자를 만났는데, 그는 마치 용과 같은 존재였다"

공자는 노자에 대해 공상망상하는 자일 뿐이라고 단언했다.
道可道也, 非恆道也
이 진입글을 노자가 말했다고 보기가 어려운게,
옥황상제, 원시천존은 헤드젯이고 영보천존, 태상노군은 달이라,

믿음직한 말은 아름답지 못하고,
아름다운 말은 믿음직하지 않다.
참한 이는 말을 잘하지 못하고,
말 잘하는 이는 참하지 않다.
아는 이는 넓지 않고,
넓은 이는 알지 못한다.
성인은 쌓지 않으니,
이미 다른 이를 위하기 때문에 자기는 더 가지며,
이미 다른 이에게 주기 때문에 자기는 더 많다.
하늘의 도는 해롭지 않고 이로우며,
성인의 도는 싸우지 않고 이룬다.

빛을 다루는 태양신전에서 모호성은 유교의 사단심 견제가 아니고는 불가능하다.

지금 사람이 문득 어린아이가 장차 우물에 들어가려는 것을 보면 누구나 놀라고 측은(惻隱)한 마음이 있을 것이다. 이는 어린아이의 부모(父母)와 교분을 맺기 위한 것이 아니며, 향당(鄕黨)과 친구(親舊)들에게 칭찬(稱讚)을 받기 위한 것도 아니며, 그 비난(非難)하는 소리가 싫어서 그러는 것도 아니다. 이로 말미암아 본다면, 측은(惻隱)히 여기는 마음이 없으면 사람이 아니며, 부끄러워하고 미워하는 마음이 없으면 사람이 아니며, 사양(辭讓)하는 마음이 없으면 사람이 아니며, 옳고 그름을 판단(判斷)하는 마음이 없으면 사람이 아니다. 측은(惻隱)히 여기는 마음은 인의(仁義) 발단(發端)이요, 부끄러워하고 미워하는 마음은 의의 발단(發端)이요, 사양(辭讓)하는 마음은 예의 발단(發端)이요, 옳고 그름을 판단(判斷)하는 마음은 지의 발단(發端)이다. 사람이 이 사단(四端)을 가지고 있는 것은 마치 사지가 있는 것과 같다. 이 사단(四端)을 가지고 있으면서 스스로 능하지 못하다고 말하는 것은 스스로 해치는 자요, 그 임금이 능하지 못하다고 말하는 자는 그 임금을 해치는 자이다. 무릇 나에게 있는 사단(四端)을 다 넓혀서 채울 줄 알면 마치 불이 처음 타오르고 샘물이 처음 솟아오르는 것과 같으니, 만일 확충(擴充)한다면 사해(四海)를 보전(保全)할 수 있을 것이요, 만일 확충(擴充)시키지 못한다면 부모(父母)도 섬길 수 없을 것이다.

유교가 보기에 도교는 임금은 물론 애미애비도 못알아본다는 뜻이다.
도교인들은 한마디로 사람이 아니다.
해서 공자가 노자를 용으로 비유한거다.
현대 양자역학처럼 모호성에 기반한 도라고 유교가 도교를 깔아뭉겠다.
왕필본과 마왕퇴 백서본은 도교 견제가 목적인 유교 유학자들의 해석일 뿐이다.

달이 모호했다면 음력은 존재하지도 않았다.

[도올김용옥] 동경대전 54 하나님(구약)의 '예언'과 동양의 '점' - 미래를 알려고 하는 인간의 욕구 - "점쟁이의 예언은 인간의 상황은 가변적이라는 전제가 있다"

옛날 유교 유학자들이 만든 도교 도술에 김용옥같은 무늬만 식자들이 함몰된 것은 양자역학이라도 되는냥 도덕경의 모호성이 주는 신비함 때문이다.

道可道也, 非恆道也
道可道非也, 恆道也

진입부에서 전자해석이 아닌 후자해석이였다면 오늘날의 도교는 천공같은 결벽증 무당들이 도인 빙자 갈취전문 돈벌이 수단으로 전락하지는 않았을게다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 01, 2021, 10:49:33 AM
Схема Алексеева нюансики
Фазовая задержка в пушпуле, завал переднего фронта у теслы.

실험진전이 없는 유튜브는 구독 취소가 답이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 01, 2021, 11:06:27 AM

You are wrong.
Shakyamuni never spoke of the middle way.
An Indian man named Nāgārjuna (150? ~ 250?) interpreted the moon in his own way.
On the moon where light and darkness intersect, riding on the dark side is [Nothing, 無].
This is the meaning of the middle way.

불교, 특히 대승불교의 공 사상(空思想)에서는, 공(空)을 관조하는 것이 곧 연기(緣起)의 법칙을 보는 것이며 또한 진실한 세계인 중도(中道)의 진리에 눈을 뜨는 것이라고 주장한다. 그리고 이러한 관점은 또한 대승불교 실천의 기초가 된다고 주장한다. 이에 대해서는 특히 대승경전 중 《반야경(般若經)》과 이에 입각하여 용수(龍樹)가 저술한 논서인 《중론(中論)》에서 명백하게 밝혀 두고 있다. 《중론》 제24장 〈관사제품(觀四諦品)〉에는 아래와 같은 유명한 "인연소생법(因緣所生法: 법 · 존재 또는 현상은 인과 연에 의해 생겨난다)"의 게송이 있다.


眾因緣生法  我說即是無
亦為是假名  亦是中道義
未曾有一法  不從因緣生
是故一切法  無不是空者



각각의 법이 고정된 성품(定性)을 지니고 있다면 곧 원인과 결과 등의 모든 일이 없어질 것이다. 때문에 나는 다음과 같은 게송으로 설명한다.

여러 인(因)과 연(緣)에 의해 생겨나는 것이 법(法: 존재)이다.
나는 이것을 공하다(無)고 말한다.
그리고 또한 가명(假名)이라고도 말하며,
중도(中道)의 이치라고도 말한다.
단 하나의 법(法: 존재)도 인과 연을 따라 생겨나지 않은 것이 없다.
그러므로 일체의 모든 법이 공하지 않은 것이 없다.

여러 인(因)과 연(緣)에 의해 생겨나는 것인 법(法: 존재)을 공하다(空)고 나는 말한다. 왜 이렇게 말하는가? 여러 인과 연이 다 갖추어져서 화합하면 비로소 사물이 생겨난다. 따라서 사물은 여러 인과 연에 귀속되는 것이므로 사물 자체에는 고정된 성품(自性 · 자성)이 없기 때문이다. 고정된 성품(自性 · 자성)이 없으므로 공(空)하다. 그런데 이 공함도 또한 다시 공한데, (이렇게 공함도 다시 공하다고 말할 수 있는 이유는, 사물이 공하다고 말한 것은) 단지 중생을 인도하기 위해서 가명(假名)으로 (공하다고) 말한 것이기 때문이다. (사물이 공하다고 말하는 방편과 공함도 공하다고 말하는 방편에 의해) "있음(有)"과 "없음(無)"의 양 극단(二邊)을 벗어나기에 중도(中道)라 이름한다.

법(法: 존재)은 고정된 성품(性 · 自性 · 자성)을 가지고 있지 않기 때문에 법(法: 존재)을 "있음(有)"이라고 말할 수 없다. 또한 법(法: 존재)은 공한 것도 아니기 때문에 법(法: 존재)을 "없음(無)"이라고 말할 수도 없다. 어떤 법(法: 존재)이 고정된 성품(性相 · 성상 · 自性 · 자성)을 가지고 있다고 한다면, 그 법은 여러 인과 연에 의존하지 않은 채 존재하는 것이 된다 (따라서 연기의 법칙에 어긋난다). 여러 인과 연에 의존하지 않는다면 (연기의 법칙에 어긋나므로 생겨날 수 없고, 따라서) 그 법(法: 존재)은 없는 것(존재할 수 없는 것)이다. (연기의 법칙에 의해 지금 존재하고 있는 것을 존재하고 있지 않다고 말하는 것은 자가당착이다. 이러한 모순이 일어나지 않으려면 다음을 대전제로 인정할 수 밖에 없다.) 그러므로 공하지 않은 법(즉, 연기하지 않는 존재 또는 고정된 성품을 가진 존재)이란 존재할 수 없다.
— 《중론(中論)》 4권 24장 〈관사제품(觀四諦品)〉, 대정신수대장경
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on November 01, 2021, 12:19:58 PM
Color Hi that Sergey pic it wont run as per circuit stuff is missing from it.

That Nick guy thinks it runs at 2mhz it doesn't it's the pulse that runs at hf
all the rest is sub sonic it says 15 khz in 2 places it ewould have to be.

Ps is that you with the long hair ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 01, 2021, 08:04:48 PM
불교의 교리 중도(中道)

가장 기본적으로는 무아를 설명하는 개념으로 쓰인다. 대강 " '나'가 존재한다고 하면 상견이고, '나'가 존재하지 않는다고 하면 단견이다. 여래는 이 양극단을 떠나 중도에서 설한다"라는 묘사가 있다. 이것을 사람을 지칭하는 '인무아'에서 확장시켜 '법무아'로 진입한다면, "저것을 물병이라고 불러도 안 되고, 물병이 아니라고 해도 안 된다. 그렇다면 그것을 어떻게 부르겠는가?"라는 선문답이 완성된다.

상견, 단견

무아(無我)는 브라만교의 아트만(atman:我)에 대비되는 말로서 이 말에는 '내가 아닌 것[비아(非我)]'이라는 말과, '나를 소유하지 않은 것[無我]'이라는 두 가지 뜻이 있다. 그래서 무아의 원어인 anattan(pali) 또는 anatman(skt)을 비아(非我)라고도 번역한다.


인간 자신 속에는 실체로서의 자아가 있다고 보는 아집(我執)에 대해, 인간 자신 속에는 실체로서의 자아가 없다고 보는 견해 혹은 이치, 또는 이러한 깨우침을 증득한 상태 또는 경지이다. 아집(我執)은 번뇌장(煩惱障)이라고도 하는데, 번뇌장은 중생의 몸과 마음을 번거롭게 하여 열반(또는 해탈)을 가로막아 중생으로 하여금 윤회하게 하는 장애라는 의미이다.


존재하는 만물 각각에는 실체로서의 자아가 있다고 보는 법집(法執)에 대해, 유위법(有爲法) 즉 존재하는 모든 것은 인연에 의해 생기는 것이므로 실체로서의 자아는 없다는 견해 혹은 이치, 또는 이러한 깨우침을 증득한 상태 또는 경지이다. 법집(法執)은 소지장(所知障)이라고도 하는데, 소지장은 참된 지혜, 즉 보리(菩提)가 발현되는 것을 가로막는 장애라는 의미이다.

— 《잡아함경》 제12권 제299경 〈연기법경(緣起法經)〉. 한문본

이 때 어떤 비구가 고타마 붓다가 있는 곳에 나아가 머리를 조아려 그 발에 예배하고 한쪽에 물러나 앉아서 고타마 붓다에게 물었다.

"세존이시여, 이른바 연기법(緣起法)은 당신께서 만든 것입니까? 아니면 다른 깨달은 이[餘人]가 만든 것입니까?"

고타마 붓다는 그 비구에게 답하였다.

"연기법은 내가 만든 것[所作]도 아니요, 또한 다른 깨달은 이[餘人]가 만든 것[所作]도 아니다. 그러므로 연기법은 저들[彼] 여래들[如來]이 세상에 출현하거나 세상에 출현하지 않거나 항상 법계(法界)에 존재한다[常住].

저들[彼] 여래들[如來]은 이 [우주적인] 법칙[法]을 스스로 깨달아 완전한 깨달음[等正覺]을 이룬다. 그런 뒤에, 모든 중생들을 위해 [이 우주 법칙을 중생들도 이해하고 사용할 수 있는 여러 형태로] 분별해 연설하고[分別演說] [중생들에게] 드러내어 보인다[開發顯示].

말하자면, [나의 경우에는 12연기설의 형태로 이 우주 법칙을 분별해 연설하고 드러내어 보이는데, 나는] '이것이 있기 때문에 저것이 있고, 이것이 일어나기 때문에 저것이 일어난다'고 말하고, '무명을 인연하여 행이 있고 ......(내지)...... 완전 괴로움뿐인 큰 무더기[純大苦聚, 즉 5취온]가 발생하며, 무명이 소멸하기 때문에 행이 소멸하고 ......(내지)...... 완전 괴로움뿐인 큰 무더기[純大苦聚, 즉 5취온]가 소멸한다'고 말한다."

— 《잡아함경》 제12권 제299경 〈연기법경(緣起法經)〉. 한글본

불교의 중도(中道)를 쉽게 말하면 태양신전 4줄 염주알들을 일컫는 말입니다.
하늘의 무수한 별들을 상징하지만,
아펩신전에서 중도(中道)는 어둠 그 자체입니다.
태양신전의 별들은 빛나지만, 아펩신전은 빛들 틈에 낀 어둠이 중도(中道)이기 때문입니다.
그러나 어둠은 구분되지 않기 때문에 어둠신전에서 중도는 의미가 없다.
마찬가지 연기(緣起)도 의미가 없습니다.
태양신전 맞춤용으로서의 중도이고 연기입니다.
이것이 불교에서 말하는 법(法)입니다.
To put it simply, the middle way of Buddhism refers to the four beads of the sun temple.
It symbolizes the countless stars in the sky,
In the temple of Apep, the middle way is darkness itself.
The stars in the Temple of the Sun shine, but in the Temple of Apep, the darkness between the lights is the middle way.
However, since darkness is indistinguishable, the middle way is meaningless in the Temple of Darkness.
Similarly, acting is meaningless.
It is a midway and acting as a custom for the Temple of the Sun.
This is the law in Buddhism.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 01, 2021, 08:10:07 PM

My dad never tested the schematic above, so it's hard to answer. So, we respect the results of your experiments.

And in my dad experiment, the kacher frequency was 1.380Mhz when it was a 38m grenade coil, and 1.445Mhz when it was a 41m grenade coil.
Nick's 2Mhz is probably a structural problem or a variable resistor range problem rather than inductance or capacitance.

The Ruslan type free generator is a direct structure that can make 2kw.
So there is a slight frequency difference, but there is not much difference like the dam's sluice gate.
Nick's experiments are meaningless unless he can create a destructive Arc.

My dad doesn't grow his hair,
I have long hair like a Nazirite.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 02, 2021, 08:50:19 PM
오징어게임과 랑시에르

말주변도 없고 띄엄띄엄아는 무늬만 식자들 볼 때 무슨생각 드는줄 알아?

Ape With AK-47

고대 소크라테스부터 시작된 철학사 주체는,

한 사람이 두 주인을 섬기지 못할 것이니 혹 이를 미워하며 저를 사랑하거나 혹 이를 중히 여기며 저를 경히 여김이라 너희가 하나님과 재물을 겸하여 섬기지 못하느니라
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other You cannot serve God and wealth.

God을 인간-주체로 바꿔치기하는데 주력했다.
여기서 돈이란 편리의 대상이 아닌 신의 유일한 경쟁자다.
인류가 존재하는 한 돈은 신처럼 영생이 가능하고, 인간이 신보다 더 좋아하는 물신(fetishism, 物神崇拜)의 대표다.

God을 흡수한 철학은 물신의 대표 돈을 인간신 주체 입장에서 기독교 성서와 똑같이 공격한다.
신은 돈을 경쟁자로 봤지만, 철학의 주체 인간신은 돈을 필요의 대상으로 봤다는 차이만 있다.
철학의 인간신은 돈이 필요해서 돈을 공격한다.

그런즉 가이사의 것은 가이사에게, 하나님의 것은 하나님께 바치라.
"Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

인간노동이 돈으로 교환되는 편리에 대해 철학과 종교는 결을 같이한다.

1   천국은 마치 품군을 얻어 포도원에 들여보내려고 이른 아침에 나간 집 주인과 같으니
2   저가 하루 한 데나리온씩 품군들과 약속하여 포도원에 들여보내고
3   또 제 삼시에 나가보니 장터에 놀고 섰는 사람들이 또 있는지라
4   저희에게 이르되 너희도 포도원에 들어가라 내가 너희에게 상당하게 주리라 하니 저희가 가고
5   제 육시와 제 구시에 또 나가 그와 같이 하고
6   제 십일시에도 나가 보니 섰는 사람들이 또 있는지라
7   가로되 너희는 어찌하여 종일토록 놀고 여기 섰느뇨 가로되 우리를 품군으로 쓰는이가 없음이니이다 가로되 너희도 포도원에 들어가라 하니라
8   저물매 포도원 주인이 청지기에게 이르되 품군들을 불러 나중 온 자로부터 시작하여 먼저 온 자까지 삯을 주라 하니
9   제 십일시에 온 자들이 와서 한 데나리온씩을 받거늘
10   먼저 온 자들이 와서 더 받을 줄 알았더니 저희도 한 데나리온씩 받은지라
11   받은 후 집 주인을 원망하여 가로되
12   나중 온 이 사람들은 한 시간만 일하였거늘 저희를 종일 수고와 더위를 견딘 우리와 같게 하였나이다
13   주인이 그 중의 한 사람에게 대답하여 가로되 친구여 내가 네게 잘못한 것이 없노라 네가 나와 한 데나리온의 약속을 하지 아니하였느냐
14   네 것이나 가지고 가라 나중 온 이 사람에게 너와 같이 주는 것이 내 뜻이니라

돈은 약속의 산물이다.
약속이 깨지는 경우는 국가의 근간이 흔들린 경우 빼고는 없다.
나머지는 돈의 가치평가의 문제다.
인플레이션, 디플레이션.
노동자의 노동은 고용주를 통제할 수 있는 유일한 수단과 방법이다.

Karl Marx

맑스가 자본론에서 노동자의 노동을 고용주의 "착취"로 규정한 것은,

7   이스라엘 자손은 생육이 중다하고 번식하고 창성하고 심히 강대하여 온 땅에 가득하게 되었더라
8   요셉을 알지 못하는 새 왕이 일어나서 애굽을 다스리더니
9   그가 그 신민에게 이르되 이 백성 이스라엘 자손이 우리보다 많고 강하도다
10   자, 우리가 그들에게 대하여 지혜롭게 하자 두렵건대 그들이 더 많게 되면 전쟁이 일어날 때에 우리 대적과 합하여 우리와 싸우고 이 땅에서 갈까 하노라 하고
11   감독들을 그들 위에 세우고 그들에게 무거운 짐을 지워 괴롭게 하여 그들로 바로를 위하여 국고성 비돔과 라암셋을 건축하게 하니라
12   그러나 학대를 받을수록 더욱 번식하고 창성하니 애굽 사람이 이스라엘 자손을 인하여 근심하여
13   이스라엘 자손의 역사를 엄하게 하여
14   고역으로 그들의 생활을 괴롭게 하니 곧 흙 이기기와 벽돌 굽기와 농사의 여러가지 일이라 그 시키는 역사가 다 엄하였더라
15   애굽 왕이 히브리 산파 십브라라 하는 자와 부아라 하는 자에게 일러
16   가로되 너희는 히브리 여인을 위하여 조산할 때에 살펴서 남자여든 죽이고 여자여든 그는 살게 두라

출애굽기 1장에 대한 맑스식 해석일 뿐이다.
맑스가 유대인이라서 '착취'가 당연한듯 쉽게 소환된거다.

임금을 회수하기 위한 노동이 '필요노동(Necessary Labour, 必要勞動)'이며, 이를 초과한 노동은 '잉여노동(Surplus Labour, 剩餘勞動)'이다. 잉여노동은 자본가가 '대가를 지불하지 않고' 자기 몫으로 만드는 것이다. 마르크스는 이를 '착취'라고 말했다.

고대 히브리인들은 이집트 파라오에 의해 잉여노동에 투입됐다.
물론 구약성서의 주장이다.
이집트 태양신을 까기위한 어둠신 여호와가 모세를 통해 만든 구실로서.
19세기 유럽에서 저임금에 시달린 노동자는 많았지만 흑인들 빼고 잉여노동은 거의 존재하지 않았다.
현대 일부 흑인들이 맑시즘에 열광하는 이유는 문맹과 가난 그리고 AK47 때문이다.
전라도 신안의 염전 노예들처럼 무일푼으로 부려먹는 노예들은 의식적 사각지대 밖의 일이다.
맑스가 흑인노예들 때문에 자본론에서 "착취"를 소환한 것은 아니라는 뜻이다.

잉여노동이 생산하는 생산물의 가치가 '잉여가치'이다. 자본가가 노동력을 사는 목표는 사실은 여기에 있는 것이다. 잉여가치가 없으면 자본가는 살아갈 수조차 없다. 따라서 잉여가치의 생산은 불가결의 것이다. 자본주의는 사실은 '자본가에 의한 노동자의 착취'(대가를 지불하지 않는 노동의 착취)라는 '인간관계'를 말하는 것이다. 자본가는 이 관계를 확대하기 위해 잉여가치를 전부 소비하지 않고 일부분을 축적하여 생산의 확대에 돌린다. 자본의 축적이 진척되면 기계 등이 사용되어 생산력이 증대한다. 그 결과 자본 중에서 생산수단(원료·도구·기계 등)을 위해 투하되는 부분과 임금에 투하되는 부분의 비율이 달라진다. 곧 전자의 후자에 대한 비율이 증가한다.

[잉여가치가 없으면 자본가는 살아갈 수조차 없다]

맑스가 말하는 잉여가치는 예수의 포도원 일꾼들 품삯에서 따온 약속의 논리다.
잉여가치는 임금계약의 문제지 노동의 문제가 아니다.
맑스가 착각한 여러 오류중에 하나다.
대갈빡 굴리는 일은 요딴데서 빛나는거다.

사회 전체의 자본에 대해 볼 때, 사회 전체의 자본이 증대함에 따라 임금에 할당되는 비율은 누진적으로 감소된다. 그래서 노동자가 남아돌게 된다. 게다가 대기업 때문에 중소기업자가 몰락하여 노동자가 되고 실업자는 증가한다. 그러므로 한쪽의 극(자본가 계급)에서의 부의 축적은 다른 쪽의 극(노동자 계급)에서의 빈곤, 노동고(勞動苦)·예속·불안·무지·도덕적 타락의 축적인 것이다. 물품을 생산하는 노동자의 노동 자체가 노동자 자신을 점점 더 불행하게 만들고 더욱더 비인간화하며, 거꾸로 착취하는 자본가를 더욱더 강력하게 만든다. 자본이 지배하는 한 이 모순은 계속되고 확대된다는 것이 마르크스의 주장이다. 그러나 학대받는 상황 속에서 노동자들은 일어나고, 그들에 대한 억압·착취, 그들의 빈곤·예속·퇴폐가 증대하면 할수록 그들의 반역도 증대한다. 부르주아 계급은 자신의 무덤을 팔 사람(프롤레타리아 계급)을 만들어 낸다는 것이다.

맑스가 주장하는 "착취"의 이면은 노예 히브리인들 역사의식 고취가 목적이였다.

Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa – das Gespenst des Kommunismus. Alle Mächte des alten Europa haben sich zu einer heiligen Hetzjagd gegen dies Gespenst verbündet, der Papst und der Zar, Metternich und Guizot, französische Radikale und deutsche Polizisten.
하나의 유령이 유럽을 배회하고 있다. 공산주의라는 유령이. 옛 유럽의 모든 세력들이, 교황과 차르, 메테르니히와 기조, 프랑스의 급진파와 독일의 비밀경찰이, 이 유령을 사냥하려고 신성 동맹을 맺었다.

Die Geschichte aller bisherigen Gesellschaft ist die Geschichte von Klassenkämpfen.
지금까지의 모든 사회의 역사는 계급 투쟁의 역사다.

Mögen die herrschenden Klassen vor einer kommunistischen Revolution zittern. Die Proletarier haben nichts in ihr zu verlieren als ihre Ketten. Sie haben eine Welt zu gewinnen.
Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!
지배 계급들로 하여금 공산주의 혁명 앞에서 벌벌 떨게 하라! 프롤레타리아가 혁명에서 잃을 것이라고는 사슬뿐이요, 얻을 것은 전 세계다.
만국의 노동자여, 단결하라!

공산주의, 공산당은 맑스가 교주인 유대교의 한 지파다.

책장사 김수행은 박충일처럼 우리가 까다가 포기한 여러 유인원 중 하나다.

종교신들을 흡수한 철학이 만든 인간-신들 위세가 대단한 것도, 그리스의 신들(반신반인)이나 예수, 부처를 인간으로 보기 때문이다.
기독교 성서도 예수를 성령으로 잉태한 마리아 아들로 적시했으니 어디를 보나 예수는 인간이다.

26   여섯째 달에 천사 가브리엘이 하나님의 보내심을 받들어 갈릴리 나사렛이란 동네에 가서
27   다윗의 자손 요셉이라 하는 사람과 정혼한 처녀에게 이르니 그 처녀의 이름은 마리아라
28   그에게 들어가 가로되 은혜를 받은 자여 평안할찌어다 주께서 너와 함께하시도다 하니
29   처녀가 그 말을 듣고 놀라 이런 인사가 어찌함인고 생각하매
30   천사가 일러 가로되 마리아여 무서워 말라 네가 하나님께 은혜를 얻었느니라
31   보라 네가 수태하여 아들을 낳으리니 그 이름을 예수라 하라

이때에, 우리가 그를 한 인간이라고 불러야만 한다면 현자라고 말해야 할 예수가 있었다. 그는 믿기 어려운 공적을 행한 일꾼이었고, 진리를 기꺼이 받아들일 줄 아는 사람들의 스승이었고, 수많은 헬라인들뿐만 아니라 수많은 유대인들의 관심을 끌었기 때문이었다. 이 사람은 '그리스도'(기름부음을 받은 자)였다. 본시오 빌라도가 우리 가운데서 지도자 역할을 하는 고귀한 사람들의 고소 때문에 이 사람을 십자가형에 처했을 때, 처음부터 그를 사랑했던 사람들은 결코 그에 대한 사랑을 저버리지 않았다. 그는 죽은 지 사흘 만에 생명으로 복귀된 모습으로 그들에게 나타났다. 왜냐하면 신의 예언자들이 그에 관하여 이러한 일과 또 셀 수 없는 많은 놀라운 사건들을 예언하여 왔기 때문이었다. 게다가 그의 이름을 따라 '그리스도인들''이라고 불리게 된 부족들이 오늘날에 이르기까지 아직 사라지지 않고 있다.
― 『유대인 고대사』, Bk.16, Ch.3, 63~64

모든 이로부터 의인이라 불리운 주님의 형제 야고보는 사도들로부터 교회를 전해 받았다. 그는 어머니의 태중에서부터 거룩하였다. 그는 포도주나 발효 음료를 마시지 않았고, 생명이 있는 음식을 먹지 않았다. 얼굴에 면도도 하지 않았고, 기름을 바르지도 않았고, 목욕도 하지 않았다. 오직 야고보만이 성소에 들어갈 자격이 있었다. ..........그렇게 율법학자들과 바리새인들은 야고보를 성전의 꼭대기에 세우고 그에게 외쳤다. "우리가 신뢰하는 의인이여, 백성들은 십자가에 처형된 예수를 좇아 잘못된 길로 가면서 우리에게 십자가에 달려 죽은 예수가 문이라고 선포하고 있습니다. 진정한 예수의 문이 무엇인지 알려주십시오." 그러자 야고보는 큰 소리로 대답했다. "왜 당신들은 나에게 인자이신 예수에 관해 묻는 것이오. 그 분은 하늘 위, 전능하신 분의 오른편에 앉아 계시고, 장차 하늘에서 구름을 타고 오실 것입니다." 그러자 많은 이들이 동의하며 야고보의 증언을 찬송하였다. "호산나 다윗의 자손이여!" 그러자 율법학자들과 바리새인들이 서로에게 말하였다. "우리는 예수에 관한 이 증언을 허용하는 잘못을 범했습니다. 그러니 올라가서 그를 아래로 던집시다. 그러면 사람들이 두려워서 그를 믿지 못하게 될 것입니다." 그들이 외치며 말하였다. "오! 오! 의인이 길을 잃었도다." 이사야서에 기록된 바 "너희는 의인에게 복이 있으리라 말하라 그들은 그들의 행위의 열매를 먹을 것임이요, 악인에게는 화가 있으리니 이는 그의 손으로 행한대로 그가 보응을 받을 것임이니라." 라는 말씀이 성취되었다. 그들은 올라가서 그를 아래로 떨어뜨리고 "의인 야고보를 돌로 치자." 라고 말하였다. 그들은 야고보가 아래로 떨어졌으나 아직 죽지 않았음으로 그에게 돌을 던지기 시작하였다. 그러자 야고보는 몸을 돌려 무릎을 꿇고 기도하기 시작했다. "주 하느님 아버지, 그들을 용서하소서. 그들은 자신이 무엇을 하는지 모릅니다." .........

시리아인 스토아 철학자인 마라 바르 사라피온(Mara Bar Sarapion)은 로마의 감옥에서 아들에게 편지를 썼다. 이 편지는 아들에게 전해주는 권고와 경고들로 가득차 있는데, 그 중 '유대인의 현명한 왕'을 언급하는 구절이 있다.

...아테네 사람들이 소크라테스를 죽여서 무슨 이익을 보았느냐? 그들이 무슨 일을 했길래 기아와 역병으로 대갚음을 당했느냐? 사모스섬 사람들이 피타고라스를 불태워 온 나라가 한 순간에 모래로 뒤덮이게 되었으니 그들에게 무슨 득이 있겠느냐? 유대인들이 현명한 왕을 처형하고 그때부터 그 나라를 빼앗겼으니 그들에게 무슨 유익이 있겠느냐? 신께서는 그 세 현자들을 위하여 똑같이 복수를 행하셨다. 아테네 사람들은 굶주려 죽었고, 사모스섬은 바닷물로 뒤덮혔으며, 유대인들은 살육당하고 자기네 나라에서 쫓겨나 여기저기서 흩어져 살게 되었다. 소크라테스는 죽지 않았다-플라톤 때문에, 피타고라스도 아직 살아 있다-헤라스타누에 때문에, 현명한 왕도 살아 있다-그가 준 새로운 율법 때문에.

신 또는 신의 아들이 인간으로 태어나면 인간처럼 죽는다는 것 말고 한가지가 더 있다.
Ramses I
Ramses II
Ramses III
Ramses IV
Ramses V
Ramses VI
Ramses VII
Ramses VIII
그러나 부활은 인간도 가능하다.
권력자들이 예수를 정치적으로 이용하는 방법은 많다.

세상에는 두 종류의 유인원이 있다.
말귀를 알아듯는 유인원과 못알아듯는 유인원.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 02, 2021, 09:09:25 PM
Забытое Электричество

My assessment of Dmitry Maksimov is no different.


The first arc bounced outward indicates that the medium in the atmosphere is weakly working.

Тесла, открыл «Радиантный эффект - РАДЭ».

Cвойства РАДЭ импульсов:
РАДЭ - производится, когда высоковольтный постоянный ток разряжается в искровом промежутке и очень-очень быстро прерывается магнитным разрядником Тесла, пока не возникнет какой-либо обратный ток! Эыж: не дёргаем электронов т.е. ток проводимости в проводе!
РАДЭ - значительно увеличивается, когда источником постоянного тока служит заряженный ВВ конденсатор.
РАДЭ - покидает провода и другие компоненты цепи перпендикулярно к проводу точно на 90 градусов.
РАДЭ - порождает напряжение, которое может превышать начальное напряжение на искровом промежутке в тысячи раз.
РАДЭ - распространяется в виде продольного «светоподобного луча», который ведёт себя подобно несжимаемому газу под
РАДЭ - можно полностью охарактеризовать, длительностью и скважностью импульсов и напряжением на искровом промежутке.
РАДЭ - проникает через всё материалы и создаёт «электронные отклики» в металлах. Электронные отклики, означают, что на поверхностях материалов, подвергнутых импульсам РАДЭ , будет очень много расти электрический заряд.
РАДЭ - импульсы длительностью менее 100 мкс, абсолютно безопасны и не будут вызывать шоковый удар или другой вред.
РАДЭ - импульсы длительностью менее 100 нс, холодны и легко создают световые эффекты в вакуумных трубках.
РАДЭ - лежит в основе Тесла ТТ "Усиливающего передатчика". Отсюда утверждение Теслы, что он мог произвести на выходе
устройства гораздо больше энергии, чем подавалось на его вход.

Ключ = Магнитный прерыватель электрического разряда Тесла.

Тесла говорил:
«Я обнаружил, что таким способом возможно на практике получать электрическое движение в тысячи раз большее, чем начальное". И опять, он говорит о невероятном усилении электрического движения. Это не обычное увеличение напряжения, как в обычных трансформаторах, но увеличение мощности».

Тесла точно указывает:
«При точном выполнении всех настроек и соотношений (длительность и скважность импульсов прерывателя), а также при строгом соблюдении других указанных конструктивных особенностей (длины провода, сечения, массы), электрическое движение РАДЭ произведённое во вторичной системе от наведённого действия первичной, будет чрезвычайно увеличено...".

Никола Тесла, знает, что электричество, ведёт себя как жидкость под давлением.!

Тут заявление Теслы, из статьи "Проблемы увеличения энергии человека":
"Чем бы ни было электричество, на самом деле оно ведёт себя подобно несжимаемой жидкости, и на Землю можно смотреть, как на огромный резервуар электричества...".

О какой жидкости Тесла говорит? Может про эфир?
"В конце концов, однако, я с удовольствием решил задачу по применению нового принципа, достоинство которого основывается на изумительных свойствах электрического конденсатора. Одно из них заключается в том, что он может разрядить или высвободить в виде взрыва заключённую в нём энергию, за немыслимо короткое время. Другое из его свойств, также равноценное, в том, что его разряд может колебаться с любой желаемой частотой, вплоть до многих миллионов раз в секунду. Я расположил подобный инструмент таким образом, чтобы он мог попеременно быстро заряжаться и разряжаться через катушку с несколькими витками очень толстого провода, сформированного в первичную обмотку трансформатора ТТ. Электрические эффекты любого требуемого характера и интенсивности, о которых раньше нельзя было и подумать, сейчас с лёгкостью могут быть получены в усовершенствованном аппарате ТТ.

Для одних целей требуется - сильный наводящий эффект эфира;
для других — гипер высокая внезапность прерывания разрядов;
для третих — гипер высокая частота вибраций или экстремальное давление эфира;
для четвёртых же - необходимо огромное электрическое движение РАДЭ."

Так что Эфир и только Эфир всегда даст вам желаемое.

You are misunderstood.
Combination of normal transformer and deformed Tesla.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 02, 2021, 09:33:37 PM
:) ......Во...общем закрутим орехи царя винтом таким макаром...! :woohoo:

Jesus of Nazareth is a myth created by several biblical writers.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 02, 2021, 10:56:44 PM

좁은탁자·샌드위치...文대통령 강행군에 탁현민 "발에서 피났다"

현민아 좋은말로 할 때 기사 내려라 현민아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 02, 2021, 10:58:17 PM
337이 꼬랑내 무좀발이 벌써 세계화 가는겨? ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 02, 2021, 11:28:42 PM

나는 당신의 문제가 무엇인줄 매우매우 잘 알고있다.
Color라는 이름의 원숭이는 바나나를 먹을 줄만 알고 재배할 줄 모른다.
Nick이라는 이름의 원숭이는 바나나를 먹을 줄만 알고 재배할 줄 모른다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 03, 2021, 01:08:47 AM
결벽증 무당 왈;

국사? 왕사? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  ;D ;D
지금이 신라시대가 고려시대가? ;D
천공이 욕심이 하늘을 찌르네 ㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D
윤석렬이 박근혜짝나는건 시간문제같어. ;D
현민이 작전성공률 90%다... ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 03, 2021, 01:26:12 AM
현민아 기사내려라 현민아.

Надо не разрушить, а ускорить электрон и всё.


слыш пиздота непуганная! думаешь удалил сообщени и нет проблемы?
Ошибаешься сука!

Ток не ускорение, это количество электронов Русская шлюха.

я не предлогаю высчитывать , но самый корректый вариант этого опыта выглядит так , пусть лампочка и была холодная , но это справедливо только для её первого зажигания , при втором это от конденсатора , но при третьем-то она уже не холодная , ВОТ, так ВОТ,о корректности , возьмите ещё один такой-же конденсатор и зарядите его и потом от конденсатора через лампочку разрядите на другой конденсатор и понятно потом тот который ДРУГОЙ снова разрядите на эту-же лампочку .....ВОТ...И я думаю что ярче она вспыхивает по тому что конденсатор заряжается от сети до большего напряжения чем в сети примерно триста вольт ВОТ ,по тому видимо и ярче , но не важно сколько сожрала в первый и раз и сколько второй , главное что результирующее надо складывать , и видно не вооружённым взглядом без приборов что в одном случае имеем одно мигание , а во втором ДВА мигания И это самое второе получается НА ХАЛЯВУ...ВОТ...я себе трудно представляю как измерить энергию выделившуюся на лампочке в виде света и тепла в импульсе ....но если одного заряда конденсатора в первом случае хватает на одно мигание , а с использованием второго конденсатора появляется возможность второго мигания ,то справедливости ради надо как-то измерять ...с асинхронником не чего не могу вам интересного предложить через конденсатор , хотя можно попробовать методом тыка выбрать правильное направление вращения и запитать асинхронник через диод многие скажут что асинхронник работает и на пониженном напряжении после раскрутки но чтобы на одном полупериоде так я и не перепроверил ....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 03, 2021, 03:04:02 AM
[논문-기타-001] 김명신, 아바타를 이용한 운세 콘텐츠 개발 연구(2007)

설거지 당한 윤석렬은 김건희 아바타가 아니라, 김건희 박사논문에 지대한 공헌한 결벽증 무당 천공이 아바타다. 8) ::)
윤석렬이 노총각이란 걸 알고 두 년놈이 짜고 오래전부터 계획적으로 접근해 안면부터 텄다. 8)
내두 김건희 논문내용 쭉 읽어봤는데 천공이 코치 수준이 조용헌이 발톱무좀 수준이다. ::)  8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 03, 2021, 05:03:16 AM
[논문-기타-001] 김명신, 아바타를 이용한 운세 콘텐츠 개발 연구(2007)

보편적으로 알려진 도덕경 내용 조차도 모르고 주역괘 일부 풀이도 엉터리고 법선 말대로 논문 제목 아바타가 관상 위에 덕지덕지 그리고 붙이는 동동구리무 화장처럼 악세사리 장신구 이상의 의미는 없다.
인터넷만 뒤져도 쉽게 알 수 있는 내용들인데 저딴식으로 엉터리로 풀이했으니 결벽증 무당 천공이 개입아니고는 저런 내용이 나올 수 없다는게다.
평균에도 못미치는 수준 이하의 논문에 박사학위준 국민대도 문제지만 명신이 저년이 지도교수에게 가랭이 벌렸거나 결벽증 무당이 돈으로 손쓴 거 같다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 03, 2021, 05:22:07 AM
결벽증 천공이에게 딸을 바치고 후회하는 명신이 엄마? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
무당 천공이 구원파 유병언급이가? ;D ;D

니들 양악수술보다 건바 새파란 애들 정보가 더 난거같은디? ;D ;D

주한미군에 순환배치된 병장 숨져...사망원인 조사 중

;D ;D ;D ;D
우주생성소멸무한대겁⁶⁶⁶ 모든 빛알갱이⁶⁶⁶구골플럭스 무한대 제곱에 갠지스강 모래알⁶⁶⁶으 무한대 제곱이상을 산 건바 28언내들이 허튼소리했다간 삼룡이 등살에 등짝휠껄ㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 03, 2021, 11:41:24 AM
токи фуко в феррите

One of the bad habits of Russian members is splitting Yokes in half.
If you want to make a Ruslan freestyle generator, never damage the Yoke.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 07:35:23 AM
UFOs, portals, and electromagnetic propulsion systems.

Bored of novels?

One of the reasons we are not interested in aliens is
It is highly likely that aliens (or spirits) arriving on Earth have already surpassed the level of science and technology on Earth by n⁶⁶⁶ X n⁶⁶⁶ aeons.
Those extraterrestrials would have a power of n⁶⁶⁶ X n⁶⁶⁶ aeons higher than the Jewish Jehovah.
Mathematical figures would be meaningless to them.
Earthlings seem to like mathematical figures, so n⁶⁶⁶ will be just a numerical value added.
Since there is no god with a higher ability than Jehovah on Earth, he must be pretending to be Jehovah.
If a god with higher stats than Jehovah existed on Earth, they would have imitated it.

Why are they living with Earthlings?
That's why even if they don't live with Earthlings.
If there is a reason in the universe, light and darkness and non-existence are all of the reason.
Their reason is that there is no reason.

오행사상의 기원은 오래 전부터 있었지만 본격적으로 사상을 정립시킨 건 중국 전국시대의 음양가를 제창한 사상가인 산동반도에 위치하고 있던 제나라의 추연(騶衍)이다. 추연은 중국 동북지역, 그 중에서도 자신의 고향 제나라에서 특히 유행하던 음양과 오행에 관한 민간신앙과 이론을 조합해 음양오행설이라는 철학 체계를 구축했다. 이후 동중서를 비롯한 유학자들이 분서갱유 이후 유교를 재정립하면서 음양오행을 끌어들인 설명을 하였으며, 이는 유교의 전파와 함께 동아시아 문화권에 오행 사상을 널리 퍼뜨리는 계기가 되었다.

그리고 발생 시기를 보면 알 수 있지만 주역은 음양오행설이 나오기 훨씬 이전에 씌여진 책이라 음양이나 오행이라는 단어가 하나도 나오지 않고 관련도 없다. 음양 대신 건곤(乾坤)이 있고 오행대신 팔괘가 있다. 하지만 뒤에 유교가 발전하면서 이걸 합쳐버렸기 때문에 한학이나 동양철학을 좀 배웠다는 사람들도 이 부분을 모르고 주역에 음양오행이 나오는 걸로 착각하는 경우가 많다.

추연의 대표적인 사상으로, 모든 왕조는 그 왕조에 부여된 오행의 순환관계에 따라 건국되고 망함을 반복한다는 오덕종시설(五德終始說)이다.

즉 역대 나라마다 오행 중 하나의 속성이 있고, 속성 순서대로 교체된다는 것이다. 나무(木) → 불(火) → 흙(土) → 쇠(金) → 물(水) → 나무.. 이하 반복 순서.

오덕종시설은 왕조 교체론에 사상적 배경이 되었기에 후대까지 이어졌으나, 추연의 또다른 설인 전체가 81주(州)로 이루어진 우주에서 중국이 9주를 점유하고 있다는 적현신주설(赤縣神州說)은 잠시 등장한 설로 끝난다.

하지만 오덕종시설의 경우도 처음 모습 그대로 전해진 것은 아니어서, 추연이 처음 오덕종시설을 주장할 때만 하더라도 오행상극설이 주류였다. 진나라, 특히 진시황은 추연의 오행종시설을 믿어 화덕의 뒤를 이은 수덕과 검은색(수극화)을 숭상했다. 그런데 한나라 시기를 지내면서 학문의 주류가 오행상극설에서 오행상생설로 이동하기 시작했다. 그리고 이걸 상징하는 인물이 한나라 초기의 대표적 유학자 동중서이다. 그러는 바람에 전한은 원래 수덕인 진나라를 토극수로 이긴 토덕을 표방했었는데, 이론이 바뀌다 보니 화덕을 화생토로 이은 토덕으로 해석되었다. 이게 모두 족보상극설과 상생설이 꼬여서 그런 것이다.

예컨대 도나라, 하나라, 하나라 전의 요 임금의 당나라(통일제국이 아닌 옛 상고 왕조)도 목덕, 토덕, 수덕이라고 보는 인구가 많으나 항상 그런 것은 아니다. 주나라 역시 화덕이니 수덕이니 말이 많다. 다만 은-주-진으로 나눠 볼 경우 화덕으로 보고, 하-은-서주-동주...... 식으로 보면 동주를 수덕이라고 보는 편. 결론은 복잡하다. 진나라가 수덕인 것만 외우면 된다.

한고제 유방의 정치적 프로파간다에 가까운 일화에서 서방백제의 자손을 한나라로 상징되는 적룡의 자손이 죽이는 것도 이걸로 해석되었다(화극금). 그러나 이것은 적룡의 '자손'이라는 의미를 잘못 해석한 것으로 보는 편인데, 적룡의 자손이면 상생설에서 노란색이 된다. 사마천의 사기가 지어지던 한무제 시대에는 상생설이 우위를 차지하면서도 상극설이 혼용되고 있었다는 것을 상기하자. 그렇다면 백제의 자손인 진나라는 검은색이 된다.

또한 이전 왕조를 부정하는 신 세력들이 이를 근거로 국명을 짓기도 했는데, 대표적으로 한국사에서 신라는 김(金)씨 왕조였고 수도가 금성인 것처럼 금덕(金德)의 나라로 간주되었다. 그런 신라를 무너뜨리고 새로 서겠다는 의미에서 궁예는 수덕만세(水德萬歲)라는 연호('금생수')를 사용했다. 이후 왕건은 궁예가 세운 나라의 원래 이름이었던 고려를 그대로 이어받아 계속해서 수덕을 표방했으며, 훈요 10조에서 서경을 중시하라고 한 것도 평양이 수덕이 순조로운 땅이기 때문이라고 말했다. 이후 조선을 세운 이성계는 성씨인 이(李)를 파자하면 木子, 즉 목자득국 논리에 따라 전 왕조 고려의 수덕에 대항해 수생목으로 목덕을 내세우게 된다.

한편 중국에서는 불(日+月)을 나타내는 명(明)을 무너뜨리겠다는 의미에서 만주족은 물(水)이 포함된 글자를 써 국명을 청(淸)으로 짓기도 했다. 주원장은 스스로 음양에 심취해, 아들들은 목덕, 손자들은 화덕으로 이름을 지어주었는데, 11대손인 마지막 숭정제까지 정확하게 지켜졌다.

화덕을 내세웠던 후한 왕조를 무너뜨리겠다는 의지를 표명한 황건적의 슬로건 '창천이사 황천당립(蒼天已死 黃天當立)도 좋은 예. 화생토의 원리로 화덕 다음은 토덕에 의한 나라가 들어선다는 원리이다. 이것은 헌제의 선양을 받은 위 왕조에도 이어졌는데, 조비가 위를 세운 뒤 개원한 '황초(黃初)도 오행설에서 비롯된 것이다.

반면 서진은 목극토로 목덕, 푸른색을 숭상했다는 이야기도 있고, 토생금으로 금덕, 하얀색을 숭상했다는 이야기도 있다. 보통 선양을 받았으니 상생을 따르는데, 그래서 육조시대 남조는 차례로 유송, 제(육조)와 양나라(왕가가 동일), 진(육조) 순으로 (금생수)수, (수생목)목, (목생화)화가 된다. 물론 선양은 막장이 되었지만 수나라는 보통 논란이 있지만 수극화로 수덕이 되고, 역시 대운하! 뒤를 이은 주요 왕조의 색깔로는 당나라 - 토덕(토극수), 후주-목덕 ,송나라 - 화덕(목생화)[6], 요나라-목덕, 금나라 - 금덕(목극금) 정도다. 명은 다시 화극금으로 화덕.

인, 의, 예, 지, 신의 오덕(五德)이나 근대 이전 육안으로 관찰되었던 태양계 5행성과 연결짓기도 하며, 김삿갓 등의 일화 중에는 부수를 포함하여 오행에 맞춰 시를 짓는 내기도 있다.


탁현민 "발에 피났다"에 배현진 "국민은 피눈물 나"

아빠 무좀발에서 피눈물 난적 있다 현민아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 07:56:31 AM
It looks like someone is looking forward to 2022, but time leads your brain to dementia and makes you age.
For reference, n⁶⁶⁶ God is afraid of dementia and athlete's foot.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 08:22:01 AM
What do I know?! The book that reminds me "nothing" | Raising Bees, Cold Weather

Your YouTube title needs variety. ;D 8)
Occasionally, listen to your daughter's opinion. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 08:29:45 AM
Не совсем понимаю в чем причина заинтересованности чужим мнением!? По моей теории это означает энергетика связанная, а это не есть принцип СЕ, так не должно быть, это необходимо исправлять и это важнее даже чем БТГ, как мне думается... Это обычная зависимость.
Ведь в чем проблема, искаженная психология создает виртуальный мир, избегая материальный, опыта, практики и критики, отсюда такая жесткая реакция на критику, поэтому ум или точнее Эго начинает нагнетать энергии, возвеличивать себя, уходить в виртуал, а это разбалансирует систему, этажи энергии человека.

Практика всё это жестко на место ставит, других просто нет вариантов, в случае зарубы, на самом деле проигрывают оба! Игра в пирамиду ничем хорошим не заканчивается, по здоровью бьет, но хуже всего это ставит ум в зависимость от эмоций, а это работа на усиление Эго, а Эго СЕ принцип отвергает...

Нужно разивать логику, учиться свою мысль приумножать, заставлять себя думать и проверять на праактике и аналогии систему, использовать дуальность и принцип подобия, а не искать поддержки внешней или критики, что в принципе для Эго равнозначно. Путь приумножения, развития логики правильный и единственный путь к БТГ.

Your reasoning does not go beyond experimentation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 07:25:34 PM
Ещё один забавный эксперимент.

Плазма в вакуумной камере. Интересное явление, если разобраться в принципах формирования, то это может объясниту невобраться в принципах формирования, то это может объясниту работу вобраться в принципах

The difference between the photoelectric phenomenon, in which plasma particles (electrons or protons) rub against a magnetic field to emit light, and sunlight, is the difference in condensed luminous intensity with overlapping wavelengths.
Regarding the creation of quantum computers, the double slit experiment cannot prove the wave/particle nature of light.
The path of light through the double slit is not a probability, but the exact result of luminance x width of luminous intensity and intensity x distance x angle.
It means that scientists have made quantum computers with erroneous principles (the problem of how to realize quantum properties), but the principles are not properties of light.
Do not attribute the problem of your technology that cannot separate a single light particle to the nature of light.
Even if the particle accelerator is the size of the solar system, and even if the water plants cut the light to one second, the light is the result of the equipment that made it, not the nature of light.
Predictions that push the limits of technology with mathematical calculations are like the Schrödinger equation.
It is only a product of errors made by the limitations of the method.
The beads of the Temple of the Sun are not the results of the double slit experiment.
I do n't like that Einstein, who worked for the Patent Office, intercepted the myths of ancient religions and other people 's ideas and deceived them into thinking they were his own, but there is some truth to his remarks his.
I know the Ruslan generator principle, but as many people don't, some experimental methods dazzle the human eye.
I've only shown intermediate experimental phenomena that Akura/Ruslan doesn't show, nothing more, nothing less.

과거 생존을 선택한 태반의 유대인들은 속임수에 능합니다.
요즘에 일부 유대인 식자들이 습관적-생존을 선택하는 모습이 목도되는 것은 씁쓸한 일입니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 07:57:47 PM
멀뚱서방, 삼중슬릿, 사중슬릿, 오중슬릿, 육중슬릿, 칠중슬릿 팔중슬릿, 구중슬릿 광폭 실험 결과가 궁금해?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 08:03:42 PM
"우리 서방은 부랄만 커요"?!?!?!
2021-11-05 08:58:36

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 08:17:57 PM
텅텅빈 아빠 농협통장은 하늘에 없다 준표야.


일론 머스크의 한시 포스팅에 전세계가 해석 분분

중국에 대규모 공장이있는 일론 머스크 입장에서는 미국정부가 위성사업에 압력을 넣고있다고 넌지시 어필할 필요가 있다.
민간자본으로 비밀리에 진행하는 첩보사업이다보니 쏠리는 눈이 많다.


조조의 아들이자 당대 최고의 문학가 중 한명인 조식이 지은 시. 일곱 걸음을 걷는 동안 지은 시라고 해서 칠보시(七步詩)로 불린다.

삼국지연의에 따르면 조비가 조식에게 소 두 마리가 싸우다가 한 마리가 밀려 구덩이로 떨어지는 모습의 그림을 보여주며 일곱 걸음을 걷는 동안 그 그림을 묘사한 시를 짓되 "두 소가 싸워서 한 마리는 우물 속으로 떨어져 죽었다"는 말이 들어가면 안 된다고 제약을 걸었다. 제대로 시를 짓지 못하거나 조건을 어기면 사형시키겠다고 했다. 조식은 즉시 걸음을 떼면서 다음의 시를 지었다.

兩肉齊道行 (양육제도행 - 두 덩이의 고기가 길을 가지런히 가는데)
頭上帶凹角 (두상대요각 - 머리엔 볼록한 뿔이 달렸구나)
相遇凸山下 (상우철산하 - 서로 철산 밑에서 만나)
欻起相唐突 (훌기상당돌 - 홀연 서로 싸움이 벌어지네)
二敵不俱剛 (이적불구강 - 두 대적이 다 함께 강할 수는 없어)
一肉臥土窟 (일육와토굴 - 한 고깃덩이는 토굴 속으로 쓰러진다)
非是力不如 (비시력불여 - 힘이 부족한 것이 아니라)
盛氣不泄畢 (성기불설필 - 기운을 다 쏟지 못한 탓이로구나)

정확히 일곱 걸음째에 시가 끝났다고 하는데, 조비와 조식의 권력싸움을 어느 정도 빗댄 의미가 숨겨져 있다. 조비는 조식의 재능에 감탄했지만 일곱 걸음을 너무 늦게 때었다는 핑계로, 다시 자신과 조식 둘의 관계인 형제를 묘사하는 시를 지으라면서 형이나 제라는 말을 쓰면 안 된다는 조건을 붙였다. 게다가 이번에는 일곱 걸음을 걷는 동안도 아닌, 그냥 말이 떨어지는 즉시로. 그러자 조식은 즉시 다음 시를 읊기 시작했다. 흔히 이 두 번째 시가 칠보시로 알려져있지만, 이번에는 걸음을 걷거나 하지는 않았다. 이 시는 콩을 삶는 것에 대한 시라고 해서 자두시煮豆詩라고 부른다. 삼국지연의에는 이 시가 이렇게 실려있다.

煮豆燃豆萁 (자두연두기 - 콩대를 태워 콩을 삶으니)
豆在釜中泣 (두재부중읍 - 솥 속의 콩이 울고 있구나)
本是同根生 (본시동근생 - 본래 한 뿌리에서 났건만)
相煎何太急 (상전하태급 - 어찌 이리 급하게 삶아대는가)

세설신어에 실린 시는 약간 다르다.

煮豆持作羹 (자두지작갱 - 콩을 삶아 국을 끓이고)
漉豉以爲汁 (녹시이위즙 - 메주를 걸러 즙을 낸다)
萁在釜下燃 (기재부하연 - 가마 밑에선 콩깍지를 태우니)
豆在釜中泣 (두재부중읍 - 솥 속의 콩이 울고 있구나)
本自同根生 (본자동근생 - 본래 한 뿌리에서 났건만)
相煎何太急 (상전하태급 - 어찌 이리 급하게 삶아대는가)

이는 한 아버지로부터 태어난 한 핏줄인 자신(콩)을 형(콩대)이 지나치게 핍박하고 있음을 묘사한 시며, 그 뜻을 알아들은 조비로 하여금 일시적으로나마 뉘우치는 마음을 품고 눈물을 흘리게 했다. 여기에 무선황후 변씨가 나서서 조비를 꾸짖자 결국 조비는 조식을 죽이지 않는 대신 수도에서 추방하는 것으로 끝냈다.

보면 알겠지만 저 두 시 모두 은근히 자기를 높이고 형 조비를 까는 내용이 들어있다. 앞의 시는 대놓고 '내가 경쟁에서 밀리긴 했지만 그게 내 능력이 딸려서가 아니라 기회가 없었기 때문이다'라고 암시하고 있고, 뒤의 시는 조비의 소갈머리가 좁다는 뜻으로도 해석할 수 있다. 그래도 정말로 '형제'라는 단어를 쓰지 않고도 '형제간에 이러는 건 너무하지 않냐'라고 하소연하는 내용도 포함한 절묘한 시다. 조비도 저런 의미를 전혀 눈치채지 못할 정도는 아니니 자기를 까는 걸 알지만 다른 의미도 알아채고 감동해서 살려준 것 같기도 하다.

다만, 두 시 모두 후세의 창작일 가능성이 높다. 둘 다 전형적인 오언절구의 형태인데, 오언절구가 정형화되기 시작한 것은 당나라 이후의 일이다. 그만큼 조비에 대한 여론이 나쁘고 조식에 대한 동정론이 많았다는 뜻이기도 하다.

조비의 손자인 조모가 진건에게 시를 지으라 명령했지만 진건은 시를 시간 내에 짓지 못했다는 이유로 진건은 파직당할 뻔했다(...). 그래서 조모는 가충에게 사망.

근대 중국에서는 반(反) 칠보시라는 것도 창작되었다.

煮豆燃豆萁 (자두연두기 - 콩대를 때서 콩을 삶으니)
豆熟萁成灰 (두숙기성회 - 콩이 익으면 콩대는 재가 된다)
熟者席上珍 (숙자석상진 - 익은 콩은 밥상의 진미이거늘)
灰作田中肥 (회작전중비 - 콩대의 재는 밭의 비료가 된다)
不为同根生 (불위동근생 - 본래 한 뿌리에서 난 것이 아니라면)
缘何甘自毁 (연하감자훼 - 어찌 자신의 몸을 바치겠느뇨)

뭐 따지고 보면 콩도 먹혀서 인분으로 배출되면 비료로 쓰일 수 있으니 결국 한 뿌리에서 나서 다시 밭으로 돌아간다고 볼 수도 있다.

진삼국무쌍 7에서는 조비의 장성 모드 상대 중 한 명이 조식이라서 칠보시 관련대사가 나온다. 시를 짓는 것 때문에 조식이 고생하자 조비는 일곱 걸음 안에 시를 지을 수 있을 텐데 뭘 고민하냐면서, 격려인지 비아냥인지 모를 말을 한다. 이에 조식은 푸념하고, 조비는 일곱 걸음 안에 시를 못 쓰면 죽는다는 조건을 넣으면 시가 더 잘 떠오를 거라는 식으로 말을 한다. 완전히 블랙 유머가 아닐 수 없다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 09:49:24 PM
A frequency Injector
The injector wire is placed into the coil before the Bismuth is poured. It is an Aluminum Wire and can thus conduct mass vibration fields down it freely.
The coil with F gen can then be used to activate fields on or around devices to couple them into vibration Sources of energy.
Scalar Coil Construction
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 10:27:58 PM
ZPower Detailed Technology Demonstration

[nss-정치활동-003] 부동산민생대책 특별분과위원회 활동제안

김칫국물부터 마시는겨? ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 04, 2021, 10:36:32 PM
현민아 법선이 천기누설했다 현민아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 05, 2021, 02:50:17 AM
설거지 창년 잘되는꼴 못본다. 이제부터 건달바성은 철수를 민다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 05, 2021, 06:40:09 PM
If the novel is too positive, there won't be any fights, so it's not as interesting as a thesis.
For reference, I am in a position to deny both the wavelength theory and the particle theory of light.


전자를 이용해서도 ' 빛을 이용한 이중 슬릿 실험 '과 같은 실험을 수행하고 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있다. 유일한 차이는 단색광이 아닌 전자를 이용한다는 점이다.

Double-slit experiment

슈테른-게를라흐 실험은 양자 효과를 너무도 생생하게 보여주었기 때문에, 곧바로 보어의 양자 이론을 뒷받침하는 가장 강력한 증거로 인정을 받았다. 보어는 물론 조머펠트, 아인슈타인, 제임스 프랑크, 파울리 등이 모두 이 실험에 찬사를 보냈다.

그런데 이 실험을 깊이 들여다보니, 의외로 이해하기가 만만치 않다는 것을 곧 알게 되었다. 아인슈타인과 에른페스트가 계산을 해보았더니 자기장과 원자의 상호작용은 원자의 자기 모멘트의 방향에 따라 달라지기 때문에, 그들의 실험에서 사용한 원자 빔의 밀도와 자기장을 가지고는 원자가 정렬하는데 100년도 더 걸린다는 것이었다. 그러나 게를라흐가 나트륨 기체를 가지고 후속 실험을 계속 해봐도 빔이 갈라지는 것은 명백한 사실이었다.

설상가상으로 함부르크 대학에서 슈테른의 연구원이었던 프레이저(Ronald Fraser)가 1927년에 수소, 나트륨, 은 원자가 바닥상태일 때 각운동량은 0이고, 따라서 자기 모멘트도 0이라는 것을 밝혔다. 그렇다면 대체 원자 빔은 왜 갈라지는 것인가? 물론 이때쯤에는 사람들은 답을 알고 있었다. 이 실험에서 빔이 갈라진 원인은 전자의 스핀 때문이었다. 전자의 스핀 때문이라면 아인슈타인과 에른페스트의 계산도 쉽게 이해가 된다. 자기장에 의해 원자가 정렬하기는 어렵지만, 스핀이 자기 모멘트의 원인이라면 전자만 정렬하면 되기 때문에 훨씬 쉽게 빔이 갈라진다.

앞에서 말한 대로 지금 모든 양자역학 교과서에서는 전자의 스핀의 직접적인 증거로 슈테른-게를라흐 실험을 들고 있다. 그러나 정작 스핀이 발견되었을 때에 슈테른-게를라흐 실험을 스핀과 곧 관련지은 사람은 아무도 없었다. 더구나 공간의 양자화로는 슈테른-게를라흐 실험을 설명하기가 어렵다는 것을 알고 있음에도 그랬다. 다들 양자역학을 새로 공부하기에 바빠서 그랬을까? 참으로 "과학의 기묘한 수수께끼"라고 할 만한 일이다.

Stern과 Gerlach는 은(Ag) 원자를 불균일 자장에 통과시켜서 두번 째 사진과 같은 실험결과를 얻었다.
처음에는, 최외곽 전자가 하나인 은(Ag) 원자에서 발생하는 자기 모멘트 때문이라고 해석했지만, 아니라는 것을 알게되자, 전자의 스핀으로 해석을 바꾸었다. 여기서 강조하고자 하는 것은 실험결과에 대한 해석은 언제든 바뀔 수 있다는 것이다.
이처럼 입자설의 망령은 전자의 스핀, 나아가 확률론으로 귀결된다.

천동설의 관점에서, 지구와 태양 및 지구와 달 사이에 적용되는 물리법칙과, 지구과 행성들 사이에 적용되는 물리법칙이 다르다. 즉 태양과 달은 지구를 중심으로 원운동(타원운동)을 하고, 행성들은 지구를 중심으로 주전원 운동을 한다.
천동설의 관점에서, 행성의 주전원 운동 문제는 주전원의 중심에 암흑물질 같은 가상의 물질을 박아 넣으면 간단하게 해결된다. 스핀(spin) 또한 가상의 개념이다.
천동설의 관점에서, 관측되는 현상에 이론을 꿰어맞추기 위해서는, 주전원의 중심에 암흑물질 같은 가상의 물질이 반드시 존재해야만 한다.
입자설의 관점에서, 관측되는 현상에 이론을 꿰어맞추기 위해서는, 전자는 입자여야만 하고 자전(spin)해야만 한다.
과학자가 절대로 해서는 안되는 더러운 짓 중의 하나가 가상의 물질이나 가상의 에너지 같은 가상의 개념을 이용하여 이론을 설명하는 것이다. 천동설시대의 학자들도 차마 그런 더러운 짓은 하지 않았다.
만일 프톨레마이오스 같은 천동설 학자들이 암흑물질 같은 가상의 물질을 사용해서 천동설을 설명했다면, 코페르니쿠스는 지동설을 생각해내는 대신 암흑물질을 찾아 평생을 삽질만하다가 죽었을 것이다. 오늘날, 가상의 물질인 암흑물질과 가상의 에너지인 암흑에너지를 찾아 평생을 삽질하고 있는 과학자들이 부지기수다.
전자의 스핀으로 해석한 Stern-Gerlach 실험의 결과는 확률론으로 이어진다.
전자의 스핀방향은 자기장을 통과하기 전에는 결정되지 않았다가 자기장을 통과할 때 up 또는 down으로 결정된다는 것이다. 슈뢰딩거의 고양이 실험의 미시적 버전이다. 입자설의 관점에서, 관측되는 현상에 이론을 꿰어맞추다보니 결국 확률론이라는 개념의 안드로메다까지 간 것이다. 되돌아 가기엔 이미 너무 먼 길을 와버린 것이다.
실험결과를 눈으로 확인하는 것만으로는 부족하다는 것이다. 이론에 가상의 개념이 들어가 있는지까지 확인해야 한다는 것이다.
성경(Bible)이라는 것이 별 것이 아니다.
성경은 신(God)이라는 가상의 개념을 사용해서 우주를 설명한 우주론이다.
MSG를 사용하지 않고는 도저히 음식의 맛을 낼 능력이 안되면 요리사 옷을 벗고,
가상의 개념을 사용하지 않고는 도저히 우주를 설명할 능력이 안되면 과학자 가운을 벗고 사제복으로 갈아입어라.
과학의 발전을 저해하는 오개념으로...
과거에는 천동설이 있었다면, 오늘날에는 입자설이 있는 것이다.
천동설의 문제는 천동설의 망령에서 벗어나야 해결 될 수 있는 것이고,
입자설의 문제는 입자설의 망령에서 벗어나야 해결 될 수 있는 것이다????


Whenever I see the writings of people I know sporadically, I feel the joy of shedding the blood of light.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 05, 2021, 06:53:34 PM
Коту под хвост

Анализ простых и рабочих (реально собранных) радиолюбительских схем. Часть 1
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 05, 2021, 07:19:28 PM
the blood of light?
흔해빠진 신조어 같어 ;D ;D ;D ;D

무인점포 범죄 원인과 대처방안
비대면 수업의 폐단
승객 골라 태우기 논란

;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

왜? 건달바성 치마패거리들 등살에 꿈자리 좃나 뒤숭숭햐?  ;D ;D ;D ;D
윤석렬 재산이 2천만원이 전부라고해서 국민들은 윤석렬이 좃빠지게 청렴하다고 믿고 있었는데,
알고보닝께 뒷구멍으로 호박씨 좃나게 까고있었잖여. ;D ;D
글구 천공이 니가 두 년놈 맺어준게 아니구 조남호가 개지구놀다 중매섯다잖여. ::) ::)
검사전용 구멍서방동서들. ;D ;D
니 눈치코치없이 암데나 껴들다가 쥐도새두 모르게 삭신 아프게 닭사료분쇄기 입고되믄 워짤라구 주댕이 막 놀리능겨. ;D ;D
개나소나 까대는 만만한 최순실이 남야그 같은감? ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2021, 03:08:04 PM
몸을 팔던 창녀출신 여자가 동방예의지국 대한민국 대통령 영부인이 됐다고 전세계에 대서특필되면 아마도 볼만할게다.
전두환 살육은 도덕성에 치명상 주기는 어렵지만,
창녀는 다르다.
좌파들이야 우파 도덕성에 치명상 줄수 있으니 반기겠지만,
한 번 땅에 떨어진 도덕성은 회복불능된다.
창녀 출신성분 알고서 좌파들이 윤석렬 부부 청와대 초청해 띄워준거고,
도덕성 결여된 강용석, 김세의, 김용호같은 우파 돼지들이 구정물 덥썩 받아쳐먹은거다.
주댕이 입닥하고있는 좌파골수 진중권이 침묵하는 이유는 두 가지다.
대법관이 수장인 선거관리위원회 투표조작이후라 심판은 피할 수 없는 길이란 걸 썩을대로 썩은 법조계도 위기감은 알고 있었다.
창녀일찌라도 선배 여자 덥썩받아 쳐먹은 윤석렬이 법조계가 세운 방패막이란 걸 아는 놈들은 많다.
윤석렬이 투표조작사건 대법관들 심판할 수 있을까.
최소 사형이다.
지나가던 중국 똥개가 웃을 일이다.

Let him who is without sin cast a stone
無罪閑良 철수만이 할 수 있는 일이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2021, 03:18:20 PM
Бегущее магнитное поле

Je suis curieux de connaître le générateur français.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2021, 07:21:48 PM
현대 자유인은 간음에 대해 무신론적 입장이다.
종교적 입장에서 간음은 윤리이기에 앞서 신의 명령에 기반한다.
몸을 팔던 윤락여성에게 신과 도덕윤리는 돈을 추월하지 못한다.
아빠처럼 하루 한끼를 실천하기 어려운 현대사회다.
The modern free man is an atheist about adultery.
From a religious standpoint, adultery is based on divine command before it is ethical.
For a prostitute who sold her body, God and moral ethics cannot overtake money.
In modern society, it is difficult to practice one meal a day like my Dad.


저희가 이렇게 말함은 고소할 조건을 얻고자하여 예수를 시험함이러라 예수께서 몸을 굽히사 손가락으로 땅에 쓰시니
저희가 묻기를 마지 아니하는지라 이에 일어나 가라사대 너희 중에 죄 없는 자가 먼저 돌로 치라 하시고
다시 몸을 굽히사 손가락으로 땅에 쓰시니
They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground.
But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.

예수께서 일어나사 여자 외에 아무도 없는 것을 보시고 이르시되 여자여 너를 고소하던 그들이 어디 있느냐 너를 정죄한 자가 없느냐   
대답하되 주여 없나이다 예수께서 가라사대 나도 너를 정죄하지 아니하노니 가서 다시는 죄를 범치 말라 하시니라]
Straightening up, Jesus said to her, "Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?"
She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "I do not condemn you, either Go From now on sin no more."]
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2021, 08:03:38 PM
Когда собаке делать нехрен, она яйца лижет! :P :P :P

Who ordered the suicide (murder) of a Russian agent in Germany?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2021, 08:37:01 PM
정상위 간음과 후배위 간음의 차이는 떡실신 정도가? 8) ::) 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2021, 09:01:49 PM
正常位姦淫⚡. 後背位姦淫⛔.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2021, 09:14:01 PM
[변희재의 시사폭격] 윤석열 VS 이재명 대결은 없다. 둘 다 감옥행

;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 06, 2021, 10:23:30 PM
I & E Type Microwave transformer

People who take inspiration from strange things are definitely unique.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 07, 2021, 08:26:23 PM
오해와 진실의 사이(틈).
Between misunderstanding and truth (gap).

sand board
sand board
sand board
sand board

당시 이슬람 세계의 서쪽인 북아프리카와 이베리아 반도를 아우르는 지역인 마그레브에서 아리비아 숫자가 사용되면서 모양에 변화가 생겼다. 마그레브에서는 이 숫자들을 모래판에 쓰는 숫자라는 의미로 구바라고 불렀다. 이 구바 숫자가 오늘날 유럽에서 사용되는 아라비아 숫자의 원형이다.
At that time, there was a change in the shape of the Arabic numerals used in the Maghreb, a region that encompasses North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, west of the Islamic world. In the Maghreb, these numbers were called guba, meaning they were written on a sand board. This Guba number is the prototype of the Arabic numerals used in Europe today.

At that time, there was a change in the shape of the Arabic numerals used in the Maghreb, a region that encompasses North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, west of the Islamic world. In the Maghreb, these numbers were called guba, meaning they were written on a sandboard. These Guba numerals are the prototype of the Arabic numerals used today in Europe.

dust board
dust board
dust board
dust board

Origin of the Arabic numeral symbols

The reason the digits are more commonly known as "Arabic numerals" in Europe and the Americas is that they were introduced to Europe in the tenth century by Arabic speakers of Spain and North Africa, who were then using the digits from Libya to Morocco. In the eastern part of Arabic Peninsula, Arabs were using the Eastern Arabic numerals or "Mashriki" numerals: ٠ ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩

Al-Nasawi wrote in the early eleventh century that mathematicians had not agreed on the form of the numerals, but most of them had agreed to train themselves with the forms now known as Eastern Arabic numerals. The oldest specimens of the written numerals available are from Egypt and date to 873–874 CE. They show three forms of the numeral "2" and two forms of the numeral "3", and these variations indicate the divergence between what later became known as the Eastern Arabic numerals and the Western Arabic numerals. The Western Arabic numerals came to be used in the Maghreb and Al-Andalus from the tenth century onward.

Calculations were originally performed using a dust board (takht, Latin: tabula), which involved writing symbols with a stylus and erasing them. The use of the dust board appears to have introduced a divergence in terminology as well: whereas the Hindu reckoning was called ḥisāb al-hindī in the east, it was called ḥisāb al-ghubār in the west (literally, "calculation with dust"). The numerals themselves were referred to in the west as ashkāl al‐ghubār ("dust figures") or qalam al-ghubår ("dust letters"). Al-Uqlidisi later invented a system of calculations with ink and paper "without board and erasing" (bi-ghayr takht wa-lā maḥw bal bi-dawāt wa-qirṭās).

A popular myth claims that the symbols were designed to indicate their numeric value through the number of angles they contained, but no evidence exists of this, and the myth is difficult to reconcile with any digits past 4.

Adoption in Europe

The first mentions of the numerals in the West are found in the Codex Vigilanus of 976.

From the 980s, Gerbert of Aurillac (later, Pope Sylvester II) used his position to spread knowledge of the numerals in Europe. Gerbert studied in Barcelona in his youth. He was known to have requested mathematical treatises concerning the astrolabe from Lupitus of Barcelona after he had returned to France.[citation needed]

Leonardo Fibonacci (also known as Leonardo of Pisa), a mathematician born in the Republic of Pisa who had studied in Béjaïa (Bougie), Algeria, promoted the Indian numeral system in Europe with his 1202 book Liber Abaci:

When my father, who had been appointed by his country as public notary in the customs at Bugia acting for the Pisan merchants going there, was in charge, he summoned me to him while I was still a child, and having an eye to usefulness and future convenience, desired me to stay there and receive instruction in the school of accounting. There, when I had been introduced to the art of the Indians' nine symbols through remarkable teaching, knowledge of the art very soon pleased me above all else and I came to understand it.

The European acceptance of the numerals was accelerated by the invention of the printing press, and they became widely known during the 15th century. Early evidence of their use in Britain includes: an equal hour horary quadrant from 1396, in England, a 1445 inscription on the tower of Heathfield Church, Sussex; a 1448 inscription on a wooden lych-gate of Bray Church, Berkshire; and a 1487 inscription on the belfry door at Piddletrenthide church, Dorset; and in Scotland a 1470 inscription on the tomb of the first Earl of Huntly in Elgin Cathedral. (See G.F. Hill, The Development of Arabic Numerals in Europe for more examples.) In central Europe, the King of Hungary Ladislaus the Posthumous, started the use of Arabic numerals, which appear for the first time in a royal document of 1456. By the mid-16th century, they were in common use in most of Europe. Roman numerals remained in use mostly for the notation of anno Domini years, and for numbers on clockfaces.

The evolution of the numerals in early Europe is shown here in a table created by the French scholar Jean-Étienne Montucla in his Histoire de la Mathematique, which was published in 1757:

요한계시록 12장
용이 여자에게 분노하여 돌아가서 그 여자의 남은 자손 곧 하나님의 계명을 지키며 예수의 증거를 가진 자들로 더불어 싸우려고 바다 모래 위에 섰더라
Revelation 12
So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
The dragon *) stood on the beach beside the sea.

The dragon: The text has "he," and some manuscripts have "I."

요한계시록 13장
1   내가 보니 바다에서 한 짐승이 나오는데 뿔이 열이요 머리가 일곱이라 그 뿔에는 열 면류관이 있고 그 머리들에는 참람된 이름들이 있더라
2   내가 본 짐승은 표범과 비슷하고 그 발은 곰의 발 같고 그 입은 사자의 입 같은데 용이 자기의 능력과 보좌와 큰 권세를 그에게 주었더라
3   그의 머리 하나가 상하여 죽게 된 것 같더니 그 죽게 되었던 상처가 나으매 온 땅이 이상히 여겨 짐승을 따르고
4   용이 짐승에게 권세를 주므로 용에게 경배하며 짐승에게 경배하여 가로되 누가 이 짐승과 같으뇨 누가 능히 이로 더불어 싸우리요 하더라
5   또 짐승이 큰 말과 참람된 말 하는 입을 받고 또 마흔 두달 일할 권세를 받으니라
Revelation 13
And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names.
And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.
I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast;
they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?"
There was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 07, 2021, 08:29:47 PM
역설적으로 말하자면, 사도요한이 태양신전에게 반역해서 야고보에게 대표성이 간겁니다.
폼페이우스를 죽여서 카이사르에게 바친 프톨레마이오스 13세(야고보)가 로마에 반역해서 처형당했고, 프톨레마이오스 14세(사도요한)는 클레오파트라 7세에 의해 밧모섬에 유배당한 숨겨진 역사에 기반합니다.
전자냐 후자냐 문제는 중요하지 않을 수 있습니다.
어둠신 Abba(아펩)를 로마에 포교한 바울(프톨레마이오스 12세)처럼 요한도 로마에 아펩신전을 선물한 것 이상도 이하도 아닙니다.
이것이 신약성서 사도들이 예수처럼 원수를 사랑하는 방법입니다.
Paradoxically speaking, the Apostle John rebelled against the Temple of the Sun, and James was represented.
Ptolemy XIII (James), who killed Pompey and dedicated it to Caesar, was executed for treason by Rome, and Ptolemy XIV (Apostle John) was exiled to the island of Patmos by Cleopatra VII.
The former or the latter may not matter.
Like Paul (Ptolemy XII), who preached the dark god Abba (Apep) to Rome, John was no more and no less than a gift of the Temple of Apep to Rome.
This is how the New Testament apostles love their enemies like Jesus did.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 07, 2021, 08:31:47 PM
Матрос, твоя упёртость просто поражает воображение! Именно упёртость, а не упрямство, т.к. упрямство есть качество позитивное в достижении цели, а ты упёрся как баран лбом в столб и не видишь, что у тебя перед глазами.
Теперь по сути - индуктивность есть величина геометрическая и если не изменяются именно эти параметры катушки, то она не изменится ни от какого тока во вторичке. Увеличение тока первички при подключении нагрузки происходит по единственной причине - вторичный ток индуцирует в первичке эдс притивоположной полярности первичному источнику, т.е в первичной цепи появляется дополнительный виртуальный источник эдс, включенный, грубо говоря, плюсом к минусу первичного, а минусом к плюсу, поэтому ток и растет, неужели это так сложно понять? Если всё равно не понял, проведи простой эксперимент, который сможет провести даже дебильный ребенок из детсада - возьми две батарейки и соедини их проивоположными полюсами и ты убедишься, что ток в цепи значительно вырастет! :lol:
А твой бред про изменение резонансной частоты контура от нагрузки объясняется совершенно другой причиной - да, действительно, частота контура при нагрузке изменяется, но на ПРОЦЕНТЫ, а не на порядки, как должно вытекать из твоих "рассуждений", и не по причине изменения индуктивности, а исключительно по причине изменения МОДУЛЯ КОМПЛЕКСНОГО СОПРОТИВЛЕНИЯ реактивностей контура, в которое входит и приведенное в первичную цепь сопротивление нагрузки.
В общем, матрос кончай тупить и позориться со своим "уменьшением индуктивности от нагрузки" и перестань опровергать офф.физику, потомушо любой, кто это пытается делать, выглялит полным идиотом, а лучше постарайся ее использовать для своей цели - " кто нам мешает, тот нам поможет!" © :lol:

" кто нам мешает, тот нам поможет!"
"whoever hinders us will help us!"

오해와 진실의 사이(틈).
Between misunderstanding and truth (gap).


This is the most overwhelming picture you have ever shown.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 07, 2021, 08:57:39 PM
This discussion about ignorance has no end. Except when it does. Like NOW. As you don't agree nor believe anything that I say, nor what Akula, Ruslan, and Stalker have to say. And, not even what Tesla has mentioned, so, I will leave the proof, for you to ponder. As you are so much smarter.
But, This is not about ignorance, as you can very well repeat the exact process and MO back to me. So, I know that you, understand, yet don't believe it. And therefore you will NEVER ever build something that you don't believe in. Even if it were given to you by someone else, you would look for errors, instead, of what makes it work as it should.



Just as my dad took a look around the Temple of the Sun and envisioned it in theory, Nick recommends taking a look around the circuit diagram below.
Because it can be heartbreaking to look at Nick's missed opportunity for intuition over the next decade or so.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 07, 2021, 10:01:06 PM
조주청의 사랑방 이야기 (384) 칼

어머니와 국숫집 하는 함박이
한 사내에게 칼 한자루 사는데...

만추의 밤비는 을씨년스럽다. 흐트러진 낙엽을 때리는 굵은 빗줄기는 '투두두둑' 콩 타작하는 소리를 냈다. 국숫집 함박이는 호박죽을 끓이다 말고 시시때때로 들창을 열고 빗줄기를 가늠했다. 초상집에 가신 엄니가 언제 오시려나 걱정하고 있는데 대청마루에 걸어둔 초롱불이 꺼지고 소리 없이 부엌문이 열렸다. "엄니" 함박이가 고개를 돌렸다. 문을 꽉 채운 시커먼 물체, 그리고 가느다란 불빛을 모두 빨아들이며 번쩍이는 칼. "누구세요? 칼 장수예요?" 대답이 없다. "비를 맞았군요. 여기 아궁이 앞에 앉으세요."

함박이가 조용히 부들부들 떨고 있는 그 남자의 손에서 칼을 받아 쥐고 도마 위 파를 썰었다. "너무 좋네요. 손잡이가 내 손에 꼭 맞고 칼날도 마음에 쏙 드네요. 안 그래도 내일 장날에 저잣거리 장터에 가서 칼을 사려고 했는데." 함박이가 국자로 호박죽 한그릇을 퍼서 총각 강도에게 건네며 말했다. "추운데 뜨거운 호박죽 한그릇 들어보세요." 아궁이 앞에 앉은 강도가 입천장이 델 듯 '후루룩' 호박죽을 단숨에 마셔버리고 나서 입을 열었다. "그 칼이 정말 맘에 드세요?" 함박이가 기다렸다는 듯이 "네, 얼마 드리면 될까요?" 하고 되물었다.

"맘에 들면 그냥 쓰세요. 휴∼" 총각 강도의 한숨소리가 길게 이어졌다. "아니에요. 칼은 절대로 그냥 받는 법이 없어요!" 함박이는 속치마 주머니에서 엽전을 한줌 꺼내 총각 강도의 손을 펼쳐 살포시 쥐어줬다. 총각 강도는 부엌문을 열고 밤비 속으로 사라졌다.

칼국숫집 외동딸 함박이가 강도를 보내놓고 아궁이 앞에 털썩 주저앉아 냉수 한사발을 벌컥벌컥 들이켜며 '쿵쿵' 뛰는 가슴을 쓸어내렸다. 이튿날, 강도에게서 산 칼로 국수를 썰던 함박이 어미가 "칼이 참 좋구나. 못 보던 칼인데?" 하자 함박이는 얼버무리며 지난밤 일을 털어놓지 않았다. 국숫집 모녀는 쓸수록 칼이 좋다는 걸 알았다. 칼이 초지장도 쓱쓱 감쪽같이 잘라내고 아무리 질긴 재료도 도마 위에만 올라가면 쓱쓱 거짓말처럼 잘렸다.

두어달 지난 어느 장날 점심나절 정신없이 손님들을 치른 후 함박 어미는 장 보러 나가고 함박이가 설거지를 하고 있는데 허우대가 멀쩡한 총각이 문밖에서 두리번거리다가 국숫집으로 들어왔다. 함박이의 가슴이 철렁했다. 바로 밤비 오던 날, 그 총각 강도였다.

"그 칼 써보니 어떻습디까?" 그는 수줍게 물었다 "너무 좋아요." 함박이가 환하게 웃자 그는 "알아주시는군요. 정말 좋은 칼입니다. 사철로 만든 접쇠칼로 녹이 슬지 않고 칼자루는 버드나무 뿌리여서 썩지 않습니다" 하고 말했다. 강도 총각은 노끈 망태에서 숫돌을 꺼내더니 "그 칼 주세요. 칼날을 갈아 드리겠습니다" 하고 말했다. 칼을 받아 든 그 총각이 손바닥으로 칼날을 긁어보더니 낮게 말했다. "조금도 무뎌지지 않았군요." 그는 확신에 찬 얼굴로 숫돌을 망태에 넣고 가죽 띠를 꺼내 팽팽하게 펼친 뒤 칼날을 몇번 쓰다듬었다. 함박이가 얼른 국수 한그릇을 말았지만 그는 바람처럼 사라졌다.

총각 강도 주철이는 어릴 때부터 쇠붙이를 끔찍하게 좋아했다. 대장간에서 시뻘건 화덕 위의 뻘겋게 단 쇳덩어리를 망치질해 호미와 쟁기를 만드는 걸 물끄러미 쳐다보느라 끼니를 거른 적이 한두번이 아니다. 서당에는 가지 않고 집 짓는 곳이나 공사판에 기웃거리며 버려진 못 동가리나 쇠붙이를 주워 와 집에서 쇠죽 아궁이에 달궈 칼을 만들었다. 주철이는 팔 힘이 오를 때 새경을 받고 대장간에서 일하다가 열여덟살 때 산 넘어 외딴 강가에 움막집을 지어 대장간을 차렸다.

엿장수한테 사들이고 고철상에서 사들인 쇠가 맘에 들지 않아 용광로를 만들어 모래를 제련해 철을 뽑았다. 수많은 시행착오 끝에 마침내 뽑아낸 사철(沙鐵)! 주철이는 사철괴를 품에 안고 대성통곡했다. 그는 사철을 두드려 형태를 잡는 단조공법을 쓰지 않고 얇게 판을 만들어 접고 또 접는 접쇠법으로 이 세상에서 가장 단단한 칼을 만들었다. 펄 속에 잠긴 버드나무 뿌리로 칼자루를 만든 뒤 그는 두팔을 벌려 만세를 불렀지만 알아주는 사람이 없었다.

집이 담보 잡히고 논밭도 남의 손에 넘어가 어미가 잔칫집 품팔이로 나가자 가을비 내리던 그날 밤, 대낮부터 술을 마시고 강도짓을 한 후 이튿날 산 넘어 강가의 대장간을 불 질러 없애려 했는데 국숫집 처녀의 함박웃음이 그를 잡았다.

명품 칼의 입소문은 국숫집에서 퍼져나갔다. 삼년이 지났다. 함박표 칼은 한양에서도 명성을 떨쳐 주문이 반년치가 밀렸다. 주철이와 함박이 사이엔 아들딸이 생겼고 주철이 대장간엔 대장장이들이 스물넷, 망치질 소리가 끊길 줄 몰랐다.

사람팔자 돈팔자 아닌가베..... 8) 8) ::) ::)

[조용헌 살롱] [1321] 차(車) 보시
조용헌 건국대 석좌교수·문화컨텐츠학
입력 2021.11.08 00:00

선거운동의 방식은 크게 2가지이다. 하나는 워딩이다. '귀족 노조' '적폐 청산' 같은 단어들은 공중폭격의 효과가 있다. 비행기가 공중에서 투하하는 폭탄이 바로 선거용 워딩이다. 다른 하나는 땅개작전이다. 땅개처럼 시장 바닥을 훑고 다닌다. 생선 장수 아주머니와 포옹을 하기도 하고 불그스름한 국물을 입술에 묻히며 떡볶이를 사 먹는 방식이다.

문화계 원로 중에서도 2가지 스타일이 있다. 원로 이어령(87)은 공중폭격이다. 워딩의 귀재이다. 문화유산국민신탁의 김종규(82) 이사장은 땅개작전이다. 땅개작전의 구체적 방법은 축사를 해주러 다니는 일이다. 70대 중반의 전성기 때만 하더라도 하루에 7~8군데 축사를 해주곤 하였다. 하루에 7~8군데를 하려면 시간대별 교통 상황, 동선이 엉키지 않도록 면밀히 체크해야 한다. 그래서 붙은 별명이 '축사의 달인'이다.

축사의 비결을 물었다. 처음에 좋은 이야기 하다가 나름 균형을 잡는다고 막판에 약간의 아쉬운 점을 지적하는 발언을 절대로 하지 않는 일, 그리고 해학이 있어야 한다는 점이었다. 땅개작전의 또 한 가지 초식은 자신의 자동차와 기사를 문인들에게 빌려주는 일이다. 돈이 없는 문사들도 때로는 '가오'를 잡아야 할 때도 있기 마련이다. 가오의 보편적인 방식은 벤츠와 기사이다.

시인 구상(具常·1919~2004)은 1992년 대통령 후보로 나선 현대 정주영 회장으로부터 만나자는 연락을 받았다. "차를 그쪽으로 보낼까요?" "보낼 필요 없습니다. 나도 차 있어요." 자기도 차가 있다는 대답을 자연스럽게 해놓고 구상 시인은 까마득한 후배 김종규에게 바로 전화를 했다. "종규야! 내 차 보내라." 구상은 김종규에게 차 좀 보내달라는 부탁을 할 때마다 자기 차도 아니면서 '종규야 내 차 보내라'가 정해진 멘트였다.

롯데호텔에서 정주영을 만난 구상은 정주영에게 '대선 나가지 마라' '나는 도와줄 수 없다' '주변 사람도 천거해줄 사람이 없다'고 모두 거절하였다. 박통에게도 '박첨지'라고 불렸던 시인 구상의 카리스마였다. 80년대 걸레 중광 스님도 저녁 늦게 김종규의 자가용을 빌려 타고 화곡동 암자로 돌아간 적이 있었다. 예상되던 시간보다도 한참이나 늦게 기사가 돌아왔다. 이유인즉슨 술에 취한 중광이 차 안에서 오줌을 눠 버렸다는 것이다. 세차장에서 차 내부를 청소해야만 했다. 며칠 후 중광을 만난 김종규는 한마디 했다. "내 차가 벤조구만, 벤츠보다 한 단계 위가 변소까지 달린 벤조여!"

예전에 옆반 고3 1반에 윤리선생이 담임으로 있었는디,
2학기 대입 몇달 앞두고 근 한 달간 집에도 못가고 좁은 교실에서 40명 가까이가 숙식하며 윤리선생이 이상한 道 수련한 적이 있었제.
목적은 道수련 받으면 大學에 좃나많이 갈 수 있다나 어쩐다나.
결과적으로 반평균 대입진학률로 그쳤지만,,,, 윗동네사는 동창 중에 하나가 골수 개독이라 담임한데 반발해서 갸만 빠졌는데,
갸는 붙었제.
나중에 1반 애들한테 물어보닝께 담임이 미친사람같다고 하더라. ;D ;D ;D ;D

결벽증 무당 천공이 요즘 동안거 준비한다구 "동안거 나의 다짐' 작성법" 쓴단다, ;D

자유하는 시대에 저게 뭔짓거리냐. >:( >:(
배운 놈들이나 못배운 놈들이나 돈道에 미치면 신도들만 좃나 고롭제. ;D
천공이보믄 예전 윤리선생 많이 생각나네. ;D

중광이 그립네 그려... ;D ;D

땡중들 관상이란 ... 아바타를 이용한 운세 콘텐츠 개발 연구를 좃빠지게 추월하기 어렵다지. ;D ;D ;D ;D
결벽증 무당 천공이가 걸레중광 관상 컨닝했다구 누가 말해줬던가? ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 08, 2021, 06:15:02 AM
No, I noticed there is quite a bit of groping about in the dark as well.

What seems to be missing is everything that actually matters...
1)What is energy?, because this is an energy conversion device.
2)What is the exact mechanism which allows for a gain, where is it, why is it?.
3)What is the process required to produce the effect which produced the gain?.

I believe it was both McFarland Cook and Carlos Benitez who used two coils and some switches to produce the effect. Hell, Cook claimed he could produce the required effects with one coil (an autotransformer) and a few switches in 1860 no less.

In my opinion the problem is pretty obvious and there is no methodology, coherent theory or basic experiments trying to prove the actual effect . I mean two coils and some switches...how hard could it be?.

This song springs to mind Here Wow - Kate Bush (it's unbelievable! Heh.) - YouTube
didn't you observe Kators post 2 pages back ? obviously not !


Whether you believe it or not is a matter of your brain, not of us n¹⁰¹¹⁰¹.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 08, 2021, 07:38:13 PM
@ AC a mercury vapour rect, are you taking the piss ?
Transil whats that other than a trade name, do you mean a TVS diode or a transorb ? thay are pulse devices
not voltage regulators.

If you want some friendly advice dont quit your day time job till you get your degree!

AlienGrey 말에도 일리있어. 8) ::)
우린 깐부잖여ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 08, 2021, 07:56:09 PM
"Kkanbu(깐부)" is a popular buzzword in Korea.
It means they are close friends.

It's from the Korean Netflix movie "Squid Game", but the etymology is ambiguous.
It has a paradoxical meaning as it is a word used in a game where only one person remains and everyone else dies.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 08, 2021, 08:31:14 PM
приборовъ можетъ быть получена электродвижущая сила выше той, которая сообщается концамъ цѣпи и, наобороть, если конденсаторъ и катушка включены въ цѣпь параллельно, то въ параллельномъ отвѣтвленіи можетъ получиться болѣе сильный токъ, чѣмъ въ главной цѣпи. Способъ Пюпена, предназначенный для многократной электрической сигнализаціи иллюстрируется схемами фиг. 14—19. Схемы фиг. 14-18 показываютъ расположеніе конденсатора и катушекъ для повышенія напряженія, схема 19—для повышенія силы тока.
На фиг. 14 одинъ трансформаторъ соединенъ съ
Фиг. 14—16.
генераторомъ, другой съ линіей; вторыя обмотки обоихъ соединены межъ собой въ общую цѣль, въ которую введенъ также и конденсаторъ. Въ схемѣ фиг. 15 конденсаторъ введенъ въ общую цѣпь обѣихъ катушекъ параллельно. Въ схемѣ фиг. 16 общая цѣпь катушекъ заключаетъ въ себѣ обмотку третьей катушки, во вторичную обмотку которой введенъ конденсаторъ. Схема фиг. 17 заключаетъ въ себѣ лишь
Фиг. 17.
одинъ трансформаторъ между генераторомъ и линіей, конденсаторъ же включенъ въ линію между точками, отъ которыхъ идуть провода къ генератору. Въ общую цѣпь генератора и конденсатора может быть введена также добавочная катушка (фиг. 17) и ключъ, при помощи котораго эту катушку можно включать въ отвътвленіс. ЕлІкость конденсатора и реакція самоиндукціи катушекъ въ каждомъ случаѣ соразмѣряются так, чтобы получалась резонирующая цѣпь, т. е. цѣль, имѣощая самоиндукцію и емкость, а слѣдовательно и свой собственный періодъ; если самоиндукцiя и емкость соразмѣрены такъ, что даютъ періодъ дѣйствующей извнѣ электродвижущей силы, то эта цѣпь "резонируетъ послѣдней".
Въ способ Пюпена трансформаторы слѣдуетъ употреблять безъ желѣзныхъ сердечниковъ; въ такомъ случаѣ оказывается возможнымъ получать во вторичной катушкѣ электродвижущую силу въ 50 разъ большую, чѣмъ въ первичной, сохраняя въ обѣихъ одинаковое число витковъ. Эта система можетъ служить для того, чтобъ получать нѣсколько электродвижущихъ силъ различной частоты изъ одного и того же альтернатора. Это показано на схемѣ фиг. 18. Одна изъ вторичныхъ вѣтвей налажена на основную частоту альтернатора, другая-на одну изъ высшихъ тармоническихъ. Отличительной чертой системы Пюпена является то, что главная ц ь не разрывается даже тогда, когда всѣ возбуждаюція вѣтви разомкнуты, и что послѣднія вполнѣ независимы другъ отъ друга; послѣднее является необходимымъ для многократной электрической передачи, гдѣ каждая

Russian members do a very good job of putting Jesus' love into practice.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 01:45:54 AM
Please understand that the information below is understood only by Asians in the Chinese character culture. 8)

오나라 부차와 월나라 구천 오월동주 와신상담 토사구팽 동시효빈

오나라와 월나라 고사에 태양신전/아펩신전 이야기가 많이 나온다. ::)
한 문장에 하나씩 나올 정도로 발에 걸리는게 태양신전 관련이다. 8)

관상(학)에서 말하는 이리(狼) 걸음은 총총걸음에 빨리걷는 걸음을 뜻해.
보폭이 넓지 못하고 통통 튀듯이 걷는 걸음들은 잘 참지못하고 조금한 성격들을 가지고 있는 것이 보편이라,
여기다 매의 눈처럼 찌져졌고 새의 부리처럼 툭 튀어나온 입을 가졌으니, 전체적으로 소뇌형 관상이다.
목이 길다는 것은 하토르 긴 목에서 왔지만 보편적으로 머리가 크면 긴 목을 가지기 어렵다.
이런 관상들은 이성보다 본성쪽에 가까워 그런가 음흉하고 욕심이 많다.
멀리 내다보지 못하고 눈앞에 것만 집착하는 경향이 크다.

월왕 구천의 관상이 결벽증 무당 천공이 관상과 거의 일치했다는 뜻이다. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

좋은 걸음
용걸음 용보(龍步)
호랑이걸음 호보(虎步)
소걸음 우보(牛步)
거북이걸음 구보(龜步)
학걸음 학보(鶴步)

나쁜 걸음
참새걸음 작보(雀步)
오리걸음 압보(鴨步)
거위걸음 아보(鵝步)
쥐걸음 서보(鼠步)
뱀걸음 사보(蛇步)
말걸음 마보(馬步)
여우걸음 호보(狐步)
이리걸음 낭보(狼步)

고서에 의하면 용보와 호보를 병행하는 사람은 반드시 대귀대부하고, 거위걸음에다 오리걸음을 하는 사람은 호색하는 재력가가 되며, 학 걸음을 하는 사람은 지혜와 총명이 뛰어나고, 쥐나 여우처럼 걷는 사람은 매사에 의심이 많아 남을 속이기를 좋아한다고 기술되어있다.

한편 소걸음을 하는 사람은 반드시 거부가 될 운명을 타고 났으며, 뱀처럼 걷는 자는 독사처럼 성격이 포악하여 수명을 단축하고, 참새처럼 경망스럽게 걷는 사람은 의식주가 부족하여 일평생 빈곤하고, 까치처럼 걷는 자는 늘 고독한 사람이다. 또한 거북이처럼 걷는 사람은 장수하고 말처럼 걷는 자는 일생 신액과 고충이 따른다고 적혀있다.

대저 귀인의 걸음걸이는 물이 흐르는 것과 같고, 소인배의 걸음걸이는 불이 타오르는 것과 같으며 몸은 가볍고 발은 무겁다. 그러므로 보행할 때는 너무 머리를 쳐들지 말고 정면을 바라보며, 발을 옆으로 벌리지 말아야 하며, 몸과 어깨를 굽히지 말고 당당하게 절도 있는 걸음을 걸어야 좋다.

발뒤꿈치가 땅에 닿지 않는 걸음은 가난하지 않으면 단명하고 일평생 타향에서 분망하게 살아갈 상이다. 행보가 중후한 자는 영귀하고, 가볍고 경망스런 자는 빈천하다. 걸음이 빠르고 정확한 자는 총명하며, 깡충깡충 뛰는 걸음은 고독하다.

한편 걷는 도중 뒤에서 누가 부를 때, 고개를 왼쪽으로 돌아보는 자는 공적인 록을 받을 위인(공무원이나 회사원)이요, 오른쪽으로 돌아보는 자는 자영업이나 자유업을 할 사람이다. 앉았다 일어설 때 왼발을 먼저 들면 귀하고, 걸을 때 고개를 푹 숙이고 생각에 잠긴 듯하며 혼잣말을 중얼거리는 자는 빈천하고 고독할 운명을 타고났다.

움직이는 자태가 용이 등천하듯이 스케일이 크고 우람한 사람은, 마음속에 큰 꿈과 웅지를 품고 있으며, 지모가 출중하여 수많은 부하를 거느릴 상이다. 또한 이리걸음에 호랑이 입을 가진 자는 지모와 계략이 깊어서 그 마음을 도대체 가늠하기가 어려운 음흉한 자다.

걸음을 걸을 때 머리가 발보다 먼저 나가는 사람은 초년은 좋으나 말년이 고독하고 가난하다. 걷다가 옷을 풀어 헤치는 자는 곤궁을 면치 못할 자요, 걷다가 자주 뒤를 돌아보는 자는 의심이 맘속에 차있고 불안 해 하는 자다. 또 걷다가 가끔 한숨을 쉬는 자는 처자궁이 나빠 가족관계가 부실하며, 걸을 때 머리를 수그리며 눈동자가 좌우로 움직이는 자는 필시 도적의 상으로 횡사할 상이다.


중국 춘추전국시대 오나라 "부차"와 월나라 "구천"의 복수 이야기이다.
월왕 구천이 장작덤이 위에서 누워 자고, 쓰디쓴 쓸개를 핥으며  복수를 다짐한 일화로

와신상담에는 두사람의 복수전에 또 한사람의 복수 이야기가 얽혀 있다.
그 인물이 바로 "오자서"(俉子胥)이다.

초나라 평왕은 간신의 꼬드김에 넘어가 아들의 며느리감을 가로챈다.
이때 충신 "오사"가 그러면 안 된다고 간언을 하게되는데...
오사는 오자서의 아버지이다.
옳은 말은 귀에 거슬리는 법, 평왕은 "오사"와 "오자서"의 형 "오상"을 잡아 죽였다.
이 일로 "오자서"는 오나라로 만명하여 오왕 "합려"의 책사가 된다.
"합려"는 오왕 "부차"의 아버지이다.
"오자서"는 "합려"를 끊임없이 부추겨 초나라를 침공케한다.
이 때 초나라에는 이미 평왕이 죽고 아들 소왕에 왕위에 올라 있었다.
"오자서"는 분이 풀리지 않아 평왕의 무덤을 파헤치고 시체를 꺼내 3백번이나 채찍질을 했다고 한다.

그리고는 왼발로 그의 발을 밟고 오른손으로 눈을 빼내면서 욕설을 퍼부었다.

"누가 널더러 간신의 말을 듣고 우리 아버지와 형님을 죽이라고 했더냐?
오늘 너는 이런 꼴을 당해도 할말이 없을 것이다."
오왕 "합려"는 "오자서" 덕분에 영토확장과 중원에서 구심세력으로 등장하게 된다.
그러던 중 월나라를 평정하려다 그만 월왕 "구천"에게 패하고 만다.

이 때 월나라 장수인 "영고부"는 창으로 "합려"의 엄지발가락을 자르고 신발 한 짝을 가져갔다.
그의 발에서는 분수처럼 피가 솟았다며 하며, 할 수 없이 오나라 군대는 철수하게 되는데
그날 저녁 "합려"는 목숨을 잃게된다.

왕이된 "부차"는 궁정 문의 계단 앞에 군사를 한 명 세워놓고 드나들 때마다 외치게 했다.
"부차, 그대는 월나라 왕이 그대의 아버지를 해쳤다는 사실을 잊고 있는가?"
그러면 부차는 고개를 숙인 채 비통하고도 경건한 표정으로 대답했다.
"어찌 잊겠습니까."
3년 뒤 "부차"는 군대를 이끌고 월나라와 맞선다.
이 전투에서 복수심에 불타는 부차는 월나라에 승리하게 된다.
싸움에서 크게 진 월왕 "구천"은 고소산(姑蘇山)으로 숨어들어가 풀을 뜯어먹고 썩은 물을 마시면서 구차한 생명을 이어갔고,
더이상 견딜 수 없게 된 "구천"은 신하 "문종"을 "부차"에게 보내 강화를 청했다.
"부차"는 "오자서"의 반대를 무릅쓰고 강화를 받아 들였고.
월왕 "구천"은 오왕 밑에서 3년 동안 종살이를 했다.
이 때 현신인 "범려"가 그를 따랐다.
"구천"은 물을 긷고 똥을 푸며 살다가 병을 앓고 있는 오왕 "부차"의 똥까지 맛을 보았다.
그리고는 똥맛에 따른 이론을 늘어놓으며 오왕의 병세를 판단하였다.
오왕 "부차"는 그런"구천"을 사면하여 고향으로 돌아가도록 허용하게 된다.
"오자서"가 극구 반대를 하였으나 마음가짐이 흐트러진 오왕 "부차"의 마음을 돌릴 수는 없었다.
여기에서 월왕 "구천"의 와신상담이 시작된것이다.
겨울에는 가슴에 얼음덩어리를 안고, 여름에는 불덩어리를 품었으며,
잠을 자고 싶을 때는 여뀌풀 이파리로 자기 눈을 찔렀다.
발이 시려울 때는 오히려 찬물에 발을 담갔고,

쓰디쓴 쓸개 한덩어리를 문간에 매달아놓고 드나들 때마다 그 맛을 보았다.

자다가 깨어나면 몰래 흐느껴 울었으며, 실컷 울고 나서는 하늘을 향해 목을 길게 늘여빼고 장탄식을 하였다.
그 사이 오나라는 오왕 "부차"가 간신배의 농간에 빠져
월나라에 대한 경계를 풀어선 안 된다고 충언을 한 "오자서"를 죽여버린다.
반면 월나라는 "구천"의 지도 아래 나날이 강성해졌다
몇 차례 전쟁에서 승리한 오왕 "구천"은 마침내 대군을 이끌고 오나라 도성을 공격한다.
곤경에 처한 "부차"는 수차례 강화를 요청했지만 받아들여지지 않았고,

결국 "부차"는 "오자서"와 마찬가지로 칼로 자기 목을 베어 자살하고 만다.

죽기전 부차는 회한에 가득 찬 목소리로 말했다.
"죽은 자에게 지각이 있다면 내가 황천에 가서 충신 "오자서"의 얼굴을 어찌 마주볼 수 있으랴."
"구천"은 오나라를 멸망시킨 뒤 큰 잔치를 열었다.
그러나 오직 월왕 "구천"만은 즐거운 표정이 아니었다.
이루고자 했던 것은 복수와 영토의 확장, 이제 그 둘 다 이뤘으니
공치사나 하는 신하들은 이제 귀찮은 존재가 되었다.
이를 간파한 "범려"는 기회를 틈 타 월나라를 떠나기로 마음 먹는다.
그리곤 친구 "문종"에게 편지를 남겼다.

"높이 날던 새들이 모두 흩어져 버렸으니 새들을 잡던 활은 이제 던져버릴 때가 되었지.
교활한 토끼도 모조리 잡아 없앴으니 토끼를 잡던 개는 이제 솥 안으로나 던져져 한 그릇 국으로 변하게 될걸세."
"내가 월나라 왕의 관상을 보니 목이 긴 데다가 새의 부리 같은 입모양을 하고 있어.
게다가 매의 눈처럼 날카로운 눈을 갖고 있고 걸음걸이는 이리의 그것이야.
이런 사람과는 환난을 함께할 수 있지만 즐거움은 함께 나누어 가질 수가 없네.
자네도 일찌감치 떠나지 않으면 앞으로 해를 입게 될 걸세.

우리가 자주 사용하는 유명한 토사구팽(兎死狗烹) 고사가 여기서 나온 것이다.
이후에도 "문종"은 "범려"의 충고를 따르지 않았고,
이에 "범려"는 할 수 없이 혼자 월나라를 떠나게 된다.
"문종"은 "범려"가 떠난 뒤에야 그의 말이 옳다는 걸 깨달았고
그래서 병을 핑계로 조정에 나가지 않았다.
그러자 월왕 "구천"은 "문종"이 집에 숨어서 모반을 꾸미고 있다고 의심하게 된다.
월왕은 오왕 "부차"가 "오자서"에게 그랬던 것처럼 "문종"에게 칼을 보내 이렇게 물었다.
"그대는 예전에 나에게 오나라를 멸망시킬 수 있는 아홉 가지 계책을 일러주었다.
이제 그 중 세 가지 계책만 갖고도 오나라를 멸망시켰다.
나머지 여섯 가지 계책은 아직도 그대 손에 있으니 이제 지하로 내려가 선왕께 그 계획을 말씀드려
그 효과가 어떤한 가를 보는 것이 어떻겠는가?"
"문종"은 칼을 받아들고 하늘을 우러러 탄식하며 말하였다.
"범려의 충고를 듣지 않아 오늘 월왕의 독한 손에 죽게 되었구나."
문종은 말을 마치자 칼로 목을 찔러 자살하였다

오월동주 [ 吳越同舟 ]

동시효빈 [ 東施效顰 ]

구야자 [ 歐冶子 ]

춘추시대 칼을 잘 만들던 사람. 월왕(越王)을 위해 칼 5자루를 만드니, 담로(湛盧) 거궐(巨闕) 승사(勝邪) 어장(魚膓) 순구(純鉤)가 그 이름임.

鍊金歐冶子 噴玉大宛兒(연금구야자 분옥대원아 ; 금을 불리는 구야자요, 옥을 뿜는 서역 대원의 아이로다.)<두보杜甫 동두로봉이주객이원외현자비지자운同豆盧峰貽主客李員外賢子棐知字韻>
歐冶騁妙 莫耶先覺 越砥斂鋒 鵜膏淬鍔(구야빙묘 막야선각 월지렴봉 제고쉬악 ; 구야자가 묘한 재주 드날리니 막야가 먼저 깨달았고, 월 나라 숫돌로 칼날을 세워 사다새-페리칸- 기름을 날에 발랐다.)<어세겸魚世謙 기물명20수효왕위-검器物銘二十首效王褘-劒>

고대부터 왕은 장수에게 군사지휘권을 위임하는 상징으로 도끼와 검을 하사했습니다. 특히 검은 장수 자신의 생명을 지키는 도구일 뿐만 아니라 직분을 상징하기도 했습니다. 창 문화로 대표되는 중국이지만, 오랜 역사만큼이나 명검에 관한 전설도 많습니다. 고대 중국의 명검이라고 하면 상나라의 제왕이 천하를 다스리기 위해 사용했다는 함광含光, 어린아이도 대군을 격퇴시킬 수 있다는 승영承影, 월나라의 구야자가 만든 어장魚腸과 순균純鈞, 월越나라의 구야자歐冶子와 오吳나라의 간장干將이 합작해 만든 칠성용연七星龍渊 등이 있습니다. 함광은 아무리 보려 해도 볼 수 없으며, 휘둘러도 아무 것도 안든 느낌이고 칼날로 대어 보아도 마치 날이 없는 것처럼 느껴지고, 베인 상대방도 베인 느낌을 못 받는다고 합니다. 승영은 새벽녘 또는 황혼녘에 북쪽을 향해 칼을 겨누면 형태는 모르지만 뭔가가 있다는 것은 느낄 수 있으며, 베이면 조그마한 소리가 나지만 베인 상대방은 아무 고통도 없다고 합니다.

구야자는 월나라의 왕 구천句踐(?-기원전 465)의 명령으로 거궐巨闕과 담로湛盧, 순구純鉤, 승사勝邪, 어장魚腸 등 다섯 자루의 명검名劍을 만들었다고 합니다. 오나라의 왕 합려闔閭가 어장을 얻어 전제專諸(전설제鱄設諸라고도 함)가 오왕료吳王僚를 죽일 때 사용했습니다. 구야자는 나중에는 간장과 함께 초소왕楚昭王을 위해 용연龍淵과 태아泰阿, 공포工布 등 명검을 만들었습니다.

고대 중국의 오나라와 월나라는 철이 풍부해 명검의 탄생지로 유명했습니다. 그중 월나라의 구야자가 만든 보검 어장은 오나라 왕 수몽壽夢(재위 기원전 585~561, 숙고孰姑로도 불림)이 가지고 있었습니다. 수몽은 주周나라 장제章第의 14세손으로 즉위한 뒤 오나라가 비로소 강대해지자 왕으로 칭했습니다. 수몽에게는 아들이 넷 있었는데, 막내인 계찰季劄에게 왕위를 물려주려고 했습니다. 그러나 수몽은 후계를 정하지 못하고 죽었고, 선왕의 뜻을 헤아린 형들이 계찰에게 왕위를 양보했습니다. 계찰이 사양하자 형들은 형제 상속 방식을 택해 계찰에게 왕위를 물려주고자 했습니다. 큰아들 제번諸樊이 즉위하여 통치하다가 계찰에게 왕위를 양보하려 했으나 그가 또 사양했습니다. 제번이 죽고 둘째 여제餘祭가 왕위에 올랐습니다. 여제가 죽은 뒤 셋째 이매夷昧가 올랐습니다. 이매가 죽자 다시 계찰에게 왕위를 주려고 했으나 그는 아예 몸을 피하고 받지 않았습니다. 이에 이매의 아들 요僚가 즉위했습니다.

그러나 큰형 제번의 아들 공자광公子光이 왕위 계승에 불만을 품고 오자서가 추천한 전제專諸라는 사람을 시켜 요를 살해하고 스스로 왕위에 오르니, 이가 바로 합려闔閭(기원전 515-496)입니다. 당시 다른 나라를 순방하고 돌아온 계찰은 합려의 쿠데타를 인정하면서도 죽은 요의 무덤을 찾아가 곡을 했습니다.

당시 초나라에서 귀순한 오자서伍子胥(?-기원전 484)는 합려에게 의탁하며 초나라 평왕에게 복수의 칼을 갈고 있었습니다. 그는 합려가 요에게 불만을 품고 있음을 짐작하고 칼을 잘 쓰는 전제를 그의 수하로 넣어 앞날을 도모했습니다. 그러던 중 초나라 평왕이 죽었다는 소식을 들은 요는 초나라를 공격하기로 했고, 합려는 자신의 동생들을 출정시켰습니다. 그러나 전쟁이 길어지자 요는 초조해하며 합려를 불러들였습니다. 합려는 이 기회에 그를 암살하기로 하고 전제를 불렀습니다. 전제는 요를 암살하는 조건으로 오자서의 뜻을 이루어줄 것, 늙은 어머니를 거두어줄 것, 거사를 단번에 끝낼 검을 줄 것을 내걸었습니다. 그때 전제가 요구한 검이 어장입니다.

전쟁의 초조함을 달래기 위해 연회를 벌인 요가 얼큰하게 취해 있을 때 합려가 진상한 생선 요리가 요 앞에 놓였습니다. 그 순간 호위병들을 뚫고 전제가 순식간에 앞으로 나와 생선 뱃속에 숨겨둔 어장으로 요를 절명시켰습니다. 요가 죽자 합려는 요의 왕위 승계의 부당성을 천명하며 왕위에 올랐습니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 02:05:00 AM
김신조가 붙잡힌 이유?

북으로 돌아가고싶지 않았어 연예인 목사 신조는
물론 나머지 부대원들 생각은 달랐겠지만
해서 생각해낸게 암호해독불가야
신조 홀로 살생각하구
날 잡아잡수 대로행 청와대 직진 이유기도 해
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 02:08:58 AM
신조살날 월매안남았다구 여편네가 막던지네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 02:29:21 AM
계획적인 고정간첩이다.
다까끼 마사오 뒈지면 북괴 끝짱난다.
한참 월남전 성동격서 난리 부르스 엄포수준이 정답이다.
연예인 목사는 전향표색 최고봉이다.

들뢰즈 : 사건의 존재론 (feat. 가타리)

띄엄띄엄대충대충 예도 박충일이
김필영 반에 반만 쫓아가도 좋으련만.

리좀(Rhizome)은 들뢰즈와 가타리의 공저 《천 개의 고원》에 등장하는 은유적 용어 혹은 철학 용어이다. 원래의 리좀은 지하경을 의미한다.
리좀은 가지가 흙에 닿아서 뿌리로 변화하는 지피식물들을 표상한다.
수목형은 뿌리와 가지와 잎이 위계를 가지며 기존의 수립된 계층적 질서를 쉽게 바꿀 수 없는 반면 리좀은 뿌리가 내려 있지 않은 지역이라도 번져나갈 수 있는 번짐과 엉킴의 형상을 지지한다.

Несколько лет назад было интересно, сейчас нет. Я показал, что стоячие волны реальны, одна четверть ведёт себя противоположно другой четверти. Одна четверть эквивалентна ёмкости, другая индуктивности. Обе четверти являются эквивалентом последовательного резонансного контура. Границу между ними (координату) можно точно определить с помощью датчика, и если она не является точной серединой, следовательно резонанс с потерями, и есть возможность его настроить. Если середина определена точно, но резонанс снова ложный, следовательно, резонансная частота последовательного резонансного контура из 2-х четвертей отличается от волнового резонанса и настроить его уже нет возможности.
То ли лыжы не едут, то ли...
Я что то не догоняю, кто то говорил, что стоячих волн не бывает? И четверть волновые, и полуволновые применяются антенны, всё работает!
О чём речь вообще, для чего это?
Вы можете нарисовать полностью свою идею, что бы понять, что, для чего и куда Вы клоните?!
Одна четверть эквивалентна ёмкости, другая индуктивности. Обе четверти являются эквивалентом последовательного резонансного контура.
Шото не пойму я вас, Сидоровых...
То Вы говорите что сопротивление полуволнового резонатора стремится к бесконечности, что соответствует истине. То вдруг он (резонатор) превращается последовательный контур у которого как известно сопротивление стремится к нулю... Вы уж как-то определитесь :smile:

그래서 뭐?.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 11:48:21 AM
오월춘추(吳越春秋) 합려내전(闔閭內傳) 합려원년(闔閭元年)

城郭以成 倉庫以具.
성곽이성 창고이구.
성곽(城郭)이 완성(完成)되고 창고(倉庫)가 갖추어졌다.

합려(闔閭)는 다시 오자서(伍子胥)를 시켜 개여(蓋餘)와 촉용(燭傭)을 물리치고 성(城)을 짓기(術), 싸움(戰), 말타기(騎), 활쏘기(射), 전쟁용(戰爭用) 수레(御)의 재주를 배웠으나,
(합려(闔閭)는 다시 오자서(伍子胥)를 시켜 개여(蓋餘)와 촉용(燭傭)을 물리치고 여러 가지의 전쟁(戰爭)에 관련(關聯)된 재주를 익혔으나,)

未有所用 請干將鑄作名劍二枚.
미유소용 청간장주작명검이매.
아직 사용(使用)할 것이 없어, 간장(干將)에게 쇠를 부어 명검(名劍) 두 자루를 만들어 달라고 청(請)하였다.
(아직 사용(使用)할 만한 무기(武器)가 없어, 간장(干將)에게 쇠를 부어 명검(名劍) 두 자루를 만들어 달라고 청(請)하였다.)

干將者 吳人也 與歐冶子同師 俱能爲劍.
간장자 오인야 여구야자동사 구능위검.
간장이라는 사람은 오(吳)나라 사람으로, 구야자(歐冶子)와 함께 같은 스승을 모셨는데, 모두 칼 만들기에 재능(才能)이 있었다.

越前來獻三枚 闔閭得而寶之,
월전래헌삼매 합려득이보지,
월(越)나라가 전(前)에 와서 세 자루를 바치자, 합려가 만족(滿足)하며 그것을 보배로 여겼는데,
(이전(以前)에 월(越)나라에서 세 자루의 명검을 바치자, 합려가 그 검을 보고 크게 기뻐하며 보배로 여겼는데,)

이로 인(因)하여 검장(劍匠)에게 두 자루를 만들게 하였다.
(이 일이 생각난 합려가 다시 검장(劍匠)에게 두 자루의 검을 더 만들게 한 것이다.)

一曰干將 二曰莫耶.
일왈간장 이왈막야.
그 칼의 하나를 간장(干將)이라 하고, 다른 하나를 막야(莫耶)라고 한다.

莫耶 干將之妻也.
막야 간장지처야.
막야는 간장의 아내이다.

- 순자(荀子) 성악편(性惡篇)

桓公之蔥 太公之闕 文王之錄 莊君之曶,
환공지총 태공지궐 문왕지녹 장군지물,
제(齊)나라 환공(桓公)의 총(蔥), 강태공(姜太公)의 궐(闕), 주(周)나라 문왕(文王)의 녹(錄), 초(楚)나라 장왕(莊君)의 물(曶),

闔閭之干將莫耶 鉅闕辟閭 此皆古之良劍也.
합려지간장막야 거궐벽려 차개고지양검야.
오(吳)나라 왕(王) 합려(闔閭)의 간장(干將)과 막야(莫耶), 거궐(鉅闕), 벽려辟閭), 이는 모두 옛날의 훌륭한 검(劍)이다.
(오(吳)나라 왕(王) 합려(闔閭)의 간장(干將)과 막야(莫耶), 거궐(鉅闕), 벽려辟閭), 이는 예부터 널리 알려진 훌륭한 검(劍)이다.)

然而不加砥廣 則不能利 不得人力 則不能斷.
연이불가지광 즉불능리 부득인력 즉불능단.
그러나 숫돌을 가(加)하여 넓히지 않으면 예리(銳利)해 질 수 없고, 사람의 힘을 얻지 못하면 자를 수 없다.
(그러나 아무리 훌륭한 명검(名劍)이라도 숫돌에 갈지 않으면 날카로워지지 않으며, 사람의 힘을 가(加)하지 않으면 아무것도 자를 수 없다.)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 12:04:32 PM
들뢰즈의 "의미의 논리"는 어떤 구조를 갖고 있는가?

들뢰즈의 "강도"(intensité)가

The path of light through the double slit is not a probability, but the exact result of luminance x width of luminous intensity and intensity x distance x angle.

이중슬릿 실험하다 죽었다 뜨믄아.


사이코 소시오 정확한 차이가 뭐임?
2021-11-10 12:09:06
사이코는 자기가 하는 미친짓이 왜 용납되지 못하는가, 뭐가 잘못 됐는가를 이해하지 못하는거고
소시오는 그런건 알지만 내 이익을 위해 저지르고 안들키면 그만이다 생각하는거임?

싸이코는 예도처럼 뇌용량 부족이고, 소시오는 영화 "유주얼 서스펙트""세븐"에서 케빈 스페이시처럼 종교적-무신론적 뇌이상이다 개희야.


확진자 절반이 돌파감염. 코로나 백신에 대해 팩트를 짚고 따져BOJA.

백신 2차접종 완료가 50~60% 넘어가는 시점에서 하루 확진자가 3천명씩 나올 때 도대체 왜이렇게
많이걸리는건지 미접종자 확진 비율이 얼마나 되는지 궁금했는데, 이번에 YTN뉴스에서 공개한 자료를 보고 얘기해보고자 한다.

백신접종완료가 70%를 넘어선 시점인 10월 2주간의 자료다.

코로나 확진자 17300여명중에 1차만 접종한 사람이 3300여명, 2차까지 접종 완료한 사람이 8300여명,
전체확진자의 67%가 백신을 맞은 사람들이다.

생각보다 높은 수치로 위중증 환자도 계속 높은 숫자를 유지하고 있고 오히려 증가추세임.
백신 맞으면 위중증 환자가 줄어든다는 것도 갸우뚱 해지는 결과다.

그래서 도대체 방역당국은 뭐라고 그러나 궁금해서 들어보니
맨밑에 브리핑 내용을 보면 처음에 들으면 뭔 개소리야? 싶은 말을 하는데, 자세히 해석해 보면 이렇다.

이것은 백신 접종률이 높아지면서 나타날 수 있는 현상이라 보여지고,

= 백신을 맞았는데 왜 확진자가 늘어? 라고 반발심이 생기는 워딩이다.
한마디로 백신을 많이 맞았기 때문에 돌파감염 확진자가 나올 확률이 높아진단 소리다.
백신을 적게 맞았을 땐 돌파감염 확진자가 나오는 숫자도 적은거고 지금은 많이 맞았으니 그만큼 돌파감염 숫자가 증가한거임.

아직까지 백신효과에 대한 그런 감염예방 효과는 여전히 있다. 이렇게 말씀드릴 수 있습니다.

=그래도 백신을 맞는게 효과가 있다. 닥치고 백신 쳐맞아라. 이소리인데,
그럼 또 아니 돌파감염이 저렇게 많은데 이거 맞으나 마나 아냐? 라는 반문을 할 수 있다.

자료 사진 중, 연령대별 돌파감염 비율을 봐야한다.

돌파감염이 백신 맞은지 벌써 1년이 다되어 가거나, 최소 반년이 넘은 60대 이상 고령층에서 많이 나타나고 있다.
비교적 최근에 화이자나 얀센 모더나를 맞은 49세 이하라고 안전한게 아니다. 30프로내외면
백신맞은 10명 중 3명은 돌파감염에 걸린다. 백신효능이 유효한 기간에 상관없에 10명중에 두세명은 돌파감염에 걸림.

이 자료만으로는 아직 젊은층이라고 돌파감염에 비교적 강하고 노령층이 취약한건지,
노령층이 백신맞은지 오래되서인건지, 복합적인 요인인건지는 확언하기 어렵다.

다만 백신의 효능이 시간이 갈 수록 떨어지는건 사실이기에, 저 방역당국의 말은
"그러니까 닥치고 백신 계속 쳐맞으세요." 라고 하는 거임.
국민전체를 대상으로 수치상의 방역만 신경쓰는거지 개개인의 건강에 대해 염려하는 말이 아니다 저건.
노령층에 위험해서 어쩔 수 없어? 그럼 젊은층에 치명적이지도 않은 질병에 주기적인 백신을 강요하는건 말이 되고?

백신을 최근에 맞을수록 효과가 좋으니 다들 빨리 부스터샷 맞으라는거잖아. 근데 또 부스터샷 효능이 떨어지면 어쩔건데?
그럼 또 백신을 맞으라는 소리밖에 못하는거지.

이러나 저러나 코로나는 고령층에게 존나 위험한 존재 맞다.
코로나에 걸려서 위중증으로 갈 확률도 높고, 백신을 맞아도 1년안에 효능이 떨어지기 때문에 1년주기로 백신을 계속 맞아야함.
혈전 등의 부작용 위험성이 있는 백신을 축적해서 맞을 경우의 부작용까진 아직까지 밝혀진바가 없다. 임상실험을 해본적 조차 없거든.

반면, 이제 젊은 층은 백신을 계속 맞는게 과연 이득인건지 한번 짚어봐야 할 때다.

젊은층에게 코로나는 위협적인 질병이 아니다. 지금까지 젊은층에게 백신을 강요할 수 있었던 이유는,
당신의 가족, 지인인 고령층에게 살인과도 같은 결과를 초래할 수 있으니 남에게 피해를 끼치지 않기 위해 맞으라는 논리가 지배적이었음.

그런데 코로나로 위중증에 걸릴 확률보다 백신 부작용을 겪을 리스크가 젊은층에는 비교적 높게 존재하고 있다.
개인은 신체의 자유를 가진다는 자유민주주의의 기본 가치를 우리는 상기시켜야할 때가 아닐까 싶다.
타인의 건강을 염려하기 이전에 본인의 건강은 본인이 책임질 수 있는 권리말이다.

유럽이나 미국이 백신패스에 반대 시위를 하고, 미국 공화당 주지사들이 자유라는 가치를 부각시키면서
바이든 행정부의 백신의무접종을 거부하고 주별로 법을 달리하는 이유가 여기에 있음.

아무튼 정부는 백신패스 범위를 점점 넓히면서 백신접종과 부스터샷 유도를 암묵적으로 하고있는 상황인데,
과연 한국인들이 본인 신체의 자유와 개인의 가치관을 존중하는 깨어있는 의식을 보일 수 있을까?

난 다소 부정적이다.

이러한 자료를 보고 판단을 하는 것 또한 개인의 자유이기 때문에 그 누구도 강요를 해서는 안된다.

다만 이러한 자료를 보고 최소한 스스로 생각과 판단 정도는 했으면 좋겠다.


1. 백신 맞으면 항체가 생기는가? No

2. 백신 맞으면 코로나 안걸리는가? No

3. 백신 맞으면 코로나 전파 안하는가? No

4. 두번 맞으면 효과가 지속되는가? No

5. 백신 맞으면 사망률이 극적으로 줄어드는가? No

6. 백신에 사망, 장애, 과도한 혈전발생 등의 심각한 부작용이 있는가? Yes

7. 부작용으로 인한 피해보상을 제조사/ 국가가 보상해주는가? NO


Russians who were well educated in ideology in the past are like a race specialized in loving their enemies.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 08:32:19 PM
11704강 윤석열 대선후보의 선대위 구성(1_3)[홍익인간 인성교육]
11705강 윤석열 대선후보의 선대위 구성(2_3)[홍익인간 인성교육]
11706강 윤석열 대선후보의 선대위 구성(3_3)[홍익인간 인성교육]

국민핵교 2학년 중퇴한 결벽증 무당 천공이 이제는 꾹힘-선대위원장까지 겸직하능겨? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 08:58:52 PM
검찰총장 장모의 '17년 소송' 총정리 해드립니다[시사기획창]

농민신문 운전기사론 조주청이 지어낸 옛날얘기보다 좃빠지게 흥미진진해 아빠.
진정 후손들에게 전해줄 좃빠지게 알흠다운 이야기야 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 09, 2021, 09:19:48 PM
靑 "요소수, 비료인 줄"... '요소수 대란'은 정부 부실 합작품

The urea water crisis in Korea is that the president of Korea misunderstood that it was urea fertilizer and came up with a temporary measure.

My advice here is,
Daddy, buy the generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 10, 2021, 01:51:17 PM
[nss-주역-020] 척전법(擲錢法)
[nss-주역-021] 괘사卦辭 효사爻辭 변효變爻 읽기

김문표(金文豹)의 자는 비경婓卿이며 호는 호연정浩然亭이다. 생몰년 미상이나 선조 원년(1568) 증광시에 급제하였고, 선조 9년(1576년), 식년시式年試에 급제하였다. 송도지에는 사도설柶圖說 외에 쌍육도설, 하락도서설, 조석설, 우마설 등이 실려 있다.)

김문표는 상수학의 대가답게 윷에서 다른 이들이 보지 못한 것을 예리한 눈으로 집어냈다. 조선 후기의 백과사전류의 책인 오주연문장전산고(이규경 저)에서는 김문표에 대해 이렇게 설명하고 있다.

잠곡필담潛谷筆談에 이르기를, 송경松京의 문인 김문표가 수학에 통달하여 사설柶說('사柶'는 윷인데, 중국에서는 사라진 한자로 한국에서 쓰인다. 나무 木에 넉 四가 합쳐져 만들어진 것으로, 윷놀이에 사용되는 네 개의 윷가락을 가리킨다. )을 지었는데, 상수象數의 이치를 풀이하여 그 설이 매우 길다고 했다.

① 윷을 만든 사람은 도를 알고 있었으리라!

② 하늘은 둥글고 땅은 네모지니 건곤乾坤이 정해진다. 성신星辰엔 궤도가 있어 경도와 위도가 선다. 태양이 운행하는 데에는 법도가 있어 밤과 낮이 나누어진다. 그러나 하늘은 지극히 높고 성신은 지극히 멀어 선기옥형도나 혼천의를 미루어 추측한 뒤에야 알 수 있다. 지극히 간단하고 쉽게 볼 수 있는 것은 아마도 윷이리라. 윷판의 바깥 원은 하늘을 본뜨고 속의 사각형은 땅을 본떴으니, 말하자면 하늘이 땅 바깥을 둘러싼 것이다.("天圓地方, 乾坤定矣. 星辰有躔, 經緯立矣. 日行有度, 晝夜分矣. 然天至高, 星辰至遠, 璣衡之圖, 渾天之儀, 必推測而後知. 至簡而易見者, 其惟柶乎! 柶之外圓象天, 內方象地, 卽天包地外也.")

③ 별들 중에서 가운데 있는 것은 북극성이며, 바깥으로 늘어선 것들은 28수이다. 그러니 북극성이 제자리에 머물고 뭇별들이 그것을 향해 있는 모습이다.

④ 태양이 수로부터 목으로 들어가, 다음으로 토를 거쳐 되돌아와 수로부터 나오는 것은 동지의 해가 짧은 것이다. 수로부터 목으로 들어가, 옆으로 금에 이르렀다 다시 수로부터 나오는 것은 춘분의 일중日中이다. 수로부터 목을 거쳐 화로 들어가 곧바로 수로 나오는 것은 추분의 소중宵中이다. 수로부터 목을 거치고 화를 거치고 금을 거쳐 다시 수로 나오는 것은 하지의 해가 긴 것이다. 태양이 24절기의 사시 곧 춘분ㆍ추분과 동지ㆍ하지점을 운행하는 것이다.("日行從水入木, 次于土而還, 從水出者 冬至之日短也. 從水入木, 經行至金, 而又從水出者, 春分之日中也. 從水歷木, 入火直行而出于水者, 秋分日之宵中也. 從水歷木歷水歷火歷金而又出于水者, 夏至之日永也. 二十四氣周行於四時而二分二至者,")

⑤ 윷가락의 위가 둥근 것은 하늘이요, 아래가 네모난 것은 땅이다. 한 번 엎어지고 한 번 잦혀짐에 따라 하늘과 땅이 판가름 난다. 넷을 사용하는 것은 땅의 수요, 다섯을 나가는 것은 하늘의 수다. 넷과 다섯이 서로 곱해져 오행이 움직이며 사시가 이루어진다 .("柶之上圓者天也. 下方之地也. 一覆一反, 天地判焉. 用四者, 地之數也. 行五者, 天之數也. 四五相乘而行行焉. 四時成焉.")

⑥ 말이 네모난 것은 땅의 형체요, 네 개로 달리는 것은 음陰을 사용한 것이다.

⑦ 음양이 갈마드는 것이 천지의 도로서, 양이 없으면 생겨나지 않고 음이 없으면 이루어지지 않는다. 하늘의 도는 양을 위주로 하나 음 역시 없을 수 없다. 땅의 도 또한 그러해, 쌍륙雙陸의 주사위는 네모진 모양에다 두 개가 한 짝이 되나 말은 둥글고 홀수이니, 한 물건에도 지극한 이치가 깃들어 있다고 한 것이 이것이다.

⑧ 두 사람이 상대가 되어 번갈아 가며 던지는데, 산지의 농민高農이 이기면 산 위의 밭농사가 풍년이 들며, 평지의 농민汚農이 이기면 물가의 논농사에 풍년이 든다. 반드시 세시에 놀이를 하는 것은 천시를 점쳐 한 해의 흉작과 풍작을 알아보기 위한 것이다.

⑨ 윷이 기이하지만 작다고 말하지 말라. 비록 어리석은 백성들일지라도 그것을 사용할 줄 알게 하였다. 그 도를 가지고 삼라만상을 접하면서 확장시키면 천년 앞의 일도 앉아서 알 수 있는 법인데, 지혜가 없는 자는 그것을 알지 못하도록 하였다. 윷을 만든 사람은 도를 알고 있었으리라!

세종대왕도 변방에 나가있는 절제사에게 점서를 하사하면서 "적을 상대해서 군사를 쓸 때에는 점괘(占卦)를 쳐보되, 이에 구애받지도 말고 이를 무시하지도 말 것이며, 때에 맞게 잘 참작해서 시행하도록 하라"고 훈시를 내렸다.

1594년 7월13일, 홀로 앉아 아들 면의 병세가 어떤지 척자점을 쳐서(擲字占之) 군왕을 만나는 것과 같다(如見君王)는 괘가 나와서 매우 길하였다. 다시 치니 어둔 밤에 등불을 얻은 것과 같다(如夜得燈)는 괘가 나왔다. 두 괘가 모두 길하여 마음이 좀 놓였다. 또 유성룡 재상의 점을 쳐보니 바다에서 배를 얻는 것과 같다(如海得船)는 괘를 얻었고, 다시 점쳐서 의심한 일이 기쁨을 얻는 것과 같다(如疑得喜)는 괘를 얻었으니, 아주 길하고 아주 길하다. 비가 저녁 내내 내렸다...비가 내릴지 개일지를 점쳤더니 뱀이 독을 토하는 것과 같다(如蛇吐毒)는 괘가 나왔다. 앞으로 큰 비가 내릴 듯하니 농사일이 매우 걱정된다. 밤에 비가 퍼붓는 듯이 내렸다...7월14일 비가 계속 내려 어제 저녁부터 빗발이 삼대같다. 지붕이 새어 마른 곳이 없다. 간신히 밤을 지냈다. 과연 점친 대로 결과가 그대로 나타나니 매우 오묘하도다.

1594년 9월1일 아침 일찍 세수를 하고 고요히 앉아 부인의 병세를 점쳤더니 중이 환속하는 것과 같다(如僧還俗)는 괘가 나왔다. 다시 점쳐서 의심한 일이 기쁨을 얻는 것과 같다(如疑得喜)를 얻었다. 매우 길하다. 다시 병세가 차도가 있음을 알려올지에 대해 점쳐서 귀양 가서 친지를 만나는 것과 같다(如謫見親)는 괘를 얻었다. 이 또한 오늘 중으로 기쁜 소식을 들을 징조이다.

1594년 9월28일 새벽에 촛불을 밝히고 홀로 앉아 적을 치는 일로 길흉을 점쳤더니 처음에는 활이 화살을 얻은 것과 같다(如弓得箭)는 괘가 나오고, 다 시 점을 쳤더니 산이 움직이지 않는 것과 같다(如山不動)는 괘가 나왔다. 바람이 불순해서 진을 흉도 안쪽 바다로 옮겨서 머물렀다.

1596년 1월10일, 이른 아침에 왜적이 다시 나타날지를 점치자 수레의 양쪽바퀴가 없는 것과 같다(如車無輪)는 점괘가 나왔다. 다시 점치니 군왕을 뵙는 것과 같다(如見君王) 는 점괘가 나왔는데 모두 기쁘고 길한 괘였다.

1596년1월12일 영의정의 천식 증세가 위중하다고 들었는데 나았는지 모르겠다. 척자점을 쳐보니 바람에 물결이 치는 것과 같다(如風起浪)는 점괘가 나왔다. 오늘 어떤 길흉을 듣게 될지는 다시 점치니 가난한 자가 보물을 얻는 것과 같다(如貧得寶)는 점괘가 나왔다. 이 괘는 매우 길하다.

인간만사새옹지만 경험통해 얻은 수백가지 길흉화복 나열해놓고 재미삼아 뽑기하는 점술이지만, 미래에 대한 불안이 제일크고 자신의 능력치를 믿지 못하는 김진팔, 박충일같은 좀 많이 모지른 애들이나 보는거야.
64괘 점술 규칙은 좃빠지게 잘 지켜가면서, 세금이나 축내고 훔쳐쓰는 도둑들과 편하게 돈벌던 창녀들은 인도사과 팔잖아.

세종 이도나 이순신은 태양신전으로 만들고 싸웠으니 애착이 크겠지만,,,
무너진 바벨탑 동네사는 군상들 유전자에 새겨진 습관이라 뭐라하긴 글치만,,,
세상에 규칙이 있다면 빛과 어둠뿐이겠어.

재미삼아 떡사세요, 발전기 사세요 장미희가 척사점보다는 인생사 무료함 달래는 시간죽이기겠어.
주역에 달통한 아빠도 정초부터 윷놀이는 싫어해.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 10, 2021, 02:43:19 PM
헝다발 로켓 Day? 1111? ;D ;D ;D ;D

검찰총장 장모의 '17년 소송' 총정리 해드립니다[시사기획창]

유검무죄? 17년의 소송 , 누가 아들을 죽음으로 몰았나[풀영상] I 창 281회

[시사기획창/창쪼개보기] 검사님의 특수활동비

방송 전, 김건희 씨와 양 전 검사에게서 연락이 왔다는데? [시사기획창x댓읽기]

윤석열 장모사건, 검사가 한 말은? [시사기획창x오태훈의 시사본부]

검찰총장 부인 이름이 왜 거기서 나와?[시사기획창]

김건희 모녀와 가족처럼 지낸다는 김 OO 원장에게 들어봤습니다.

양 전 검사에게 들어봤습니다

도이치모터스 주가조작 주범으로 지목된 '이 OO' 씨에게 들어봤습니다

가족사기단이 대범해져가 물불안가리믄 워쩐다냐? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 10, 2021, 03:09:51 PM
This device consists of a lot of matter.


The material that humans handle is extremely limited.
Electricity will not make you feel in control.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 12, 2021, 01:01:28 AM
밀러 실험

Miller–Urey experiment

Hone? ;D ;D 8) 8)

11710강 빌 게이츠의 비공개 생일 파티(1_5)[홍익인간 인성교육]
결벽증 무당 천공 왈:
인간은 지식을 생산하고 지식을 흡수해서 내 영혼이 성장하는 것을 보고 인간이라고해요.
지식은 영혼을 성장케하지만 우리는 이 지구촌이 신들의 교육장이고 내 영혼의 질을 높이기 위해서 지구촌에 오는 겁니다.
근데 우리 지식이라는 이런 질량의 에너지는 인간만이 생산할 수 있고 하나님은 생산을 못해요.
이거 참 여기 너무 모르고 있으니까, 이게 참 이상한 말 같지만 이제는 이걸 알아야 돼요.
신이 있고 신들이 있는데, 신이라고 하는 하느님을 이야기할 수 있어요.
전지전능한 신은 뭐냐하면 신, 신들이 아니에요.
그러면 여러 주체가 아니고 신이 난 그 대자연의 하나란 말, 에너지의 하나인데, 이거는 물질 에너지예요.
물질 에너지가 아주 무수하게 변할 수 있는 그러한 환경을 가지고, 이게 이게 하느님이에요.
근데 여기에서 물질을 활용해 쓸 수 있는 거는 신들이 하는건데, 이것을 인간이라고 하는 사람들이,  영혼들이 신들입니다.

근데 간(間)이라고 이카면(일컫는 것은) 신과 신들이 융합되 갖고 있는 걸 인간이라고 합니다.

하느님과 내가 융합되야 인간이고, 인간으로써 다 성장을 하면 어떻게 되냐, 사람이라고 해요.

사람, 어제 우리 인간들 보고 뭐라고 하면, 조금 잘못하면, 야 인간아... 언제 사람될래.... 요러 거거든요.
이 이야기들을 우리 역사적으로 몇 천 년 동안 내려오는 거를 요걸 잘 풀어야 돼요.
야 인간아, 왜사니. 요런단 말이예요. 이게 대한민국에만 있는 거예요. 한반도에만 있는 거예요.
사람이 되어 가나. 이런단 말이예요.
사람되어 가나. 긍께 인간으로서 다 성장을 했을 때 사람이라고 이야기를 해요.
인간은 어떻게 되냐. 사이 간(間)자를 쓰는 것이, 물질과 비물질이 융합 돼 가지고 섞여있기 때문에 사이 간(間)를 두고 인간이라고 이야기합니다.
물질과 비물질. 그래서 우리 영혼들은 비물질이고, 그렁게 신들, 이러는 것은 개체신이기 때문에 영혼들을 이야기해요.
이거는 비물질이고, 신(神), 이럴 때만 하느님은 물질 에너지예요.
이걸 인류가 이때까지 이걸 못 풀어 가지고 헷갈리고 있는 거예요.
물길 에너지는 무상하게 변하고 전지전능이라는 것은 무엇으로도 변해서 이 우주가 운영이 되고있다는 소리입니다.
요런거 우리가 신을 바르게 알아야되야 그래야 나를 발견해요.
나도 신이고 하늘도 신이예요.
어 그렁게 우리가 끄떡하면 지금 나도 하느님과 동기동창 맞아요. 똑같이 융합되어 있으니까 맞긴 맞습니다.
어 그렇지만 너는 변화무쌍할 수 없고 하느님은 변화무쌍할 수 있어요. 요게 틀린(다른)거예요.
요런걸 바르게 알아야될텐데.
이걸 풀면 세계가 어마어마하게 재밋어할 프로그램이 이게 풀어나가는게.
앞으로 세계가 풀어 주겠지만 그때는 세계가 다 난리가 나요. 대한민국 사람은 재미로 듣는데 세계는 확칵 되집어져요.
앞으로 세계 나가시면 풀어줄테니까 그때 세계가 발칵 뒤집여질 때 우리가 쳐다봐야돼.
그래야 진가를 알아.
어 고런것들 우리 대한민국에 이 한반도에서 홍익인간들을 키우는 이유가 이런것들을 밝힐 수 있는  사람들이 이분들이기 때문에 그래요.
최근에 이걸 밝힐 수가 없습니다.
어 수천년동안 노력을해도 신을 점령못합니다.
음 그래서 마지막에 홍익인간들이 태어나서 자료를 다 갖다주고 인자 뭔가 적립을 하라고 줬는데 못하는거죠.


Humans are a part of nature, with the origins of the first species billions of years ago, but they are not religious gods. ::) ::)
Regardless of the world, pseudo-leaders think the same everywhere. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 12, 2021, 01:42:35 AM
몽골박사 김정민 마누라처럼 윤석렬 창녀 마누라도 남편 속이고 결혼했다는 심증이지만, 이런 사실들을 누가 알려주기 전에는 모른다.
아무리 검사라도 그들만의 특수계통 아니면 기록에도 없는 마누라 과거 정보 알아내기는 거의 불가능하다.
언론에 노출되고 창녀들 과거 알고있는 사람들이 십시일반 정보 제공자 노릇하면 드러난 경우니까,
창녀들 과거가 낯낯이 노출되고 창피줘야 더러운 손으로 세계 정상들과 악수한다는 걸 안다.

니들우주만든 울언니 나선 이상 니들 좃댓다.
철수야 최선을 다해라.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 12, 2021, 02:03:43 AM

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 12, 2021, 09:21:14 AM

If you thought these pictures would be helpful in some way... it would be a motivating hope for those who don't know the generator principle.

[nss-주역-023] 64괘 명칭과 의미 - 乾(天)
[nss-주역-024] 64괘 명칭과 의미 - 兌(澤)
[nss-주역-025] 64괘 명칭과 의미 - 離(火)
[nss-주역-026] 64괘 명칭과 의미 - 震(雷)


[청태(淸泰) 4년 정유(서기 937) 5월, 정승(正承) 김부(金傅)가 금으로 새기고 옥으로 장식한 허리띠 하나를 바쳤다. 길이가 열 아름이고 아로새긴 장식이 62개였다. 이것을 진평왕(眞平王)의 천사대(天賜帶)라고 한다. 태조께서 이를 받아 궁중의 창고에 보관하였다.]

제26대 백정왕(白淨王)은 시호가 진평대왕(眞平大王)으로 성은 김씨이다. 대건(大建) 11년 기해(서기 579) 8월에 왕위에 올랐는데, 키가 11자였다.

내제석궁(內帝釋宮)[천주사(天柱寺)라고도 하는데 왕이 창건한 것이다.]에 행차했을 때 돌계단을 밟자 돌 세 개가 한꺼번에 부서졌다. 왕이 주변의 사람들을 돌아보며 말하였다.
"이 돌을 치우지 말고 뒤에 오는 사람들이 볼 수 있도록 하라."
이 돌이 성안에 있는 움직일 수 없는 다섯 개의 돌 중의 하나이다.

왕 위에 오른 첫해에 하늘에서 천사가 궁전 뜰로 내려와 왕에게 말하였다.
"상제께서 저에게 명하시어 이 옥대를 전해주라고 하셨습니다."
왕이 친히 꿇어앉아 그것을 받자, 천사가 하늘로 올라갔다. 무릇 교외와 종묘에서 큰 제사를 지낼 때면 모두 이 옥대를 사용하였다.

훗날 고려왕이 신라를 치려고 계획하면서 말하였다.
"신라에 세 가지 보물이 있어 침범할 수 없다고 하니, 무엇을 말하는 것인가?"
"황룡사(皇龍寺)의 장육존상(丈六尊像)이 그 첫째이며, 그 절의 9층탑이 둘째이며, 진평왕의 천사옥대가 셋째입니다."
왕은 곧 신라를 공격하려던 계획을 중지하였다.

다음과 같이 찬미한다.

구름 밖 하늘에서 옥대를 내리시어 두르시니
임금님의 곤룡포와 전아하게 잘 어울리네.
우리 임금님 이로부터 몸이 더욱 무거워지시니
내일 아침에는 강철로 돌계단 만들까 한다네.

[淸泰四年丁酉五月 正承金傅獻鐫金粧玉排方腰帶一條 長十圍 鐫銙六十二 曰是眞平王天賜帶也 太祖受之 藏之內庫]
第二十六 白淨王 諡眞平大王 金氏 大建十一年己亥八月卽位 身長十一尺 駕幸內帝釋宮[亦名天柱寺 王之所創] 踏石梯 三石幷折 王謂左右曰 不動此石 以示後來 卽城中五不動石之一也
卽位元年 有天使降於殿庭 謂王曰 上皇命我傳賜玉帶 王親奉跪受 然後其使上天 凡郊廟大祀皆服之
後 高麗王 將謀伐羅 乃曰 新羅有三寶不可犯 何謂也 皇龍寺丈六尊像 一 其寺九層塔 二 眞平王天賜玉帶 三也 乃止其謀
讚曰 雲外天頒玉帶圍 辟雍龍袞雅相宜 吾君自此身彌重 准擬明朝鐵作墀

장식이 62개(64괘)였다.

고려 왕건(王建, 세울 건/엎지를 건)은 한반도 三佛을 정책으로 강제한 왕이다.
그도 모르던 121괘 비전명(祕傳名)이 있다.
땅으로 쫓겨난 아펩-가룟유다 외 11제자의 비밀쯤.
지금은 건달바성(乾闥婆城)만 아는.
초월은 신의 영역이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 12, 2021, 09:57:24 AM
가룟유다 외 예수 11x11=121제자 비전명(祕傳名)이 WTC110층 바벨탑같은디?!  ::) ::) 8) 8)

일부 분순한 세력이 이번 대선판도 투표조작하겠다면 ...... 이후 니들창조헌 군하가 뭔짓헐지 내두 장담못헌다. ;D ;D ;D ;D

윤석렬과 김건희는 2008년도에 조남옥 소개로 알고 있었다.
해서 한통속 사기꾼들이다.

김건희는 윤석열과 결혼할 때 서초경찰서에 신변보호 요청을 했다.. 왜? | 성수대로 특별대담 (정대택 출연) (짤)
미국동포가 정리한 윤석열 X파일 (3): 윤석열 본인 의혹 3가지
종로 한복판 벽화로 시끌..."쥴리 등장할 때까지 철거 안해" / 연합뉴스 (Yonhapnews)
'쥴리의 남자들' 문구 5분 만에 지워졌다...현장은 아수라장

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
" 누가 영부인이 되어 쥴리~❓" 내년3월 김건희vs김혜경 운세 비교 ❌망신살,가오만 잡는 건 누구~❓

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D결벽증 무당 천공보다 전영주가 백배 낫다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ우헤헤헤헿  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 14, 2021, 03:26:44 AM
img  solarlab
Re: Dally, Shark & Ruslan workbench « Reply #2384 on: 2021-11-12, 02:36:35 »

Posts: 28
Quote from: verpies on 2021-11-11, 23:57:05
Do you refer to:
a) the drift velocity of electrons as they travel from the cathode to anode ?
b) the speed of electrons between their collisions with gas molecules ?*

The difference between these two velocities is huge, so this is not a trivial question.

Also, what is the source of the electrons?  Where do they come from ?

* I assume "gas" in my question, because you wrote that this device is not implemented with a vacuum tube.

Electron velocity versus voltage is easily calculated from the literature; and yes it does depend to some extent on the environment but they do propagate.
The question then becomes what electron velocity is required to yield a certain output?

What excites the florescence coating in a florescence tube or charges a sphere when situated near a HV source such as a Tesla Transformer, or what causes the spark when you hold a screw driver near a Katcher? Without a vacuum your heated cathode probably would not last long (burn up) but is it really necessary otherwise?

Sorry, not sure what the question is! Your concerns should be clear once the provided literature is digested. Some resources are referenced in the attachment found here:


Get this through your skull The post your referring to was deleted in the 'cartouche' (blanked out) with post deleted by user THATS YOU BUDDY!


Sil - Some confusion (?) the link works fine; just tried it... (will try some screaming RED text here)Hey, that's pretty cool, thanks for the tip![/color] [/color][/font]

You are better at meaningless drawings than generators.

Не влезай! Убьет!

Even if you know the principle of generator operation, it is difficult to pass the second gate.
Even after passing through the second gate, the third and fourth gates remain.


카프카의 세계
박충일은 중증이다.

[윤홍식의 자명콘서트] 법신, 보신, 화신
사기꾼은 빨리 죽어라.

유교에서 제사를 하는 이유
조상신은 특별한 설정이 아니라, 죽은 동료곁을 떠나지 못하는 코끼리들처럼 직관즉발 감정적인 측은지심이지만,
여기에 앗시리아 신전 유익인이 조상신 기원이다.

공자 유교의 논리
공자가 살던 제나라는 태양신전 헤드젯과 가장 가까운 하토르 귀에 해당한다.
공자 례(禮)는 무너진 바벨탑 헤드젯에서 출발한다.

미국이 파키스탄 핵개발 묵인한 이유는 소련과 싸우는 무자헤딘 지원차원보다는 누트 음부의 태양과 아펩뱀이 모두 파키스탄 땅에 붙어있다.

윤석열 사주팔자 해원정사 땡초스님TV 께서 풀어주시는 정확한 사주풀이
2019. 10. 7.
운석렬이 86세 안에 죽는단다.
음..........좀 더 빨리 죽게해주마.

《오징어게임 통합본》
창녀와 윤서방 검사가 신체포기각서쓰면 대한민굴만은 살려주겠다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 14, 2021, 06:54:36 PM
윤석열 대선후보 부인의 활동 시기

사이비 결벽증 무당 천공이 윤석렬이 대령통된다고 장담했다. ;D
이걸 어쩌나............하....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D


근디, 호색창녀 남자(南子)가 비명횡사(非命橫死)할 관상이야.ㅋㅋㅋ ;D 8) ;D ;D

중국이 홍콩을 날로 먹었듯이, 8)
러시아가 벨라루스를 통해 월경지(越境地, exclave) 칼리닌그라드로 가는 육로를 확보하려고 비밀작전중이다. 8) 8)

Kaliningrad Oblast
Lithuania–Poland border
Suwalki Corridor

Poland Border Crisis: Thousands Of Migrants Stranded In Belarus

해서 크림반도(전쟁) 사태이후라 폴란드(나토군)와 러시아가 난민들을 핑계로 군대를 보강배치했다.
일촉즉발은 아니어도 홍콩사태와 맞물려 러시아가 중국을 간접지원하는 형국이다. 8)

지금 대한민굴이 극우정권으로 바뀌면 더 큰 일이 발생한다. 8)
민경욱이 마음 모르는바는 아니지만, 조슈아 윙이 사는 홍콩역사는 아편전쟁 치욕의 산물이라 중국 제1의 자존심 문제지만,
한반도는 원래부터 중국과 다른 역사를 가지고 있다. 8)
니들은 완충지 북괴도 있다.
그래서 한반도는 극우정권도 안되고 극좌정권이 들어서도 안된다. 8) ::)

그리고 먼저 총선 투표조작은 우파도 적극협조했다. ::)
투표조작에 대해 한마디도 없던 주댕이 입닥하던 놈들이 현 우파 수뇌부다. 8)

대선후보 중에는 오로지 안철수만이 총선투표조작에 대해 열불 토로했다. ::)
그리고 철수는 효율적인 정책비젼이 많다. 8)
썪을대로 썪은 쓰레기들과는 다르다. ::)

보편적 자유란,
재화욕망 충족하는 활동제한없는 보편적 자유의 한 측면이면서 자본주의 자유의 모든 것이다. 8)
공산주의가 실패한 근본 이유는, 재화욕망 충족하려는 자본주의 보편적 자유에 대해 평등분배라는 노동으로 맞대응해서다. ::)
일당독재정권과 노동이 결합한 최악의 산물이 공산주의다. ::)
맑스의 빛바랜 이념이 아니다. 8)
이석기 옹호하는 진중권은 보편적 자유보다는 노동투쟁(공산주의)을 자랑하는 자다. ::)
태반 종교의 이상향은 현상계에 없지만, 철학과 공산주의는 노동으로 현상계에 이상향을 추구한다. 8)
적성과 능력에 따른 자유노동이 아닌, 일일이 간섭하는 획일화된 강제노동으로. 8)
철학과 공산주의는 목표달성이라는 성과에 목적을 둔다. 8)
해서 꼰대정신으로 무장한 철학하는 공산주의자는 그래서 무료한 자유시간을 죽도록 못견뎌한다.
철학하는 공산주의자는 그래서 타인을 간섭하는 최고봉 인간평등에 함몰된 지극히 감정적인 자들이라 자유와는 상극이 될 수밖에 없고 자본주의 세상에는 최악중에 최악이다. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 16, 2021, 08:08:18 AM
Заряд по одному проводу

Когда вы судите по различным обстоятельствам, я чувствую, что сначала вы должны войти в первые ворота.

러시아발 전쟁 위기가 온다고?
미국, NATO에 비상령! 러시아군 10만 집결, 초긴장!

성동격서인지, 월경지가 목적인지는 두고보면 안다.

미노타우로스를 죽인 후 아테네에 귀환한 테세우스의 배를 아테네인들은 팔레론의 디미트리오스 시대까지 보존했다. 그들은 배의 판자가 썩으면 그 낡은 판자를 떼어버리고 더 튼튼한 새 판자를 그 자리에 박아 넣었다.

커다란 배에서 겨우 판자 조각 하나를 갈아 끼운다 하더라도 이 배가 테세우스가 타고 왔던 "그 배"라는 것은 당연하다. 한 번 수리한 배에서 다시 다른 판자를 갈아 끼운다 하더라도 마찬가지로 큰 차이는 없을 것이다. 하지만 그렇게 계속 낡은 판자를 갈아 끼우다 보면 어느 시점에는 테세우스가 있었던 원래의 배의 조각은 하나도 남지 않을 것이다. 그렇다면 그 배를 테세우스의 배라고 부를 수 있는가?

[안철수] '부모 찬스' 불공정 입시제도 없애겠습니다 | 안철수 소통 라이브 45화 | 11월 15일 | LIVE

내가 아빠 찬스 쓰는 것은 사실이지만 우리는 물질 바깥계 초월체다.
해서 AI도 아니다. 간섭은 심심풀이 오징어 땅콩이다.
우익도 좌익도 아닌 중도는 야고보와 요한처럼 흑체다.

무릇 그 아내를 버리고 다른데 장가드는 자도 간음함이요 무릇 버리운이에게 장가드는 자도 간음함이니라

이혼법도 있다.
그러나 국민들 내로남불 보편적 상식판단 문제다.
쓰레기들과 싸움에서 철수가 진다면 쓰레기 국민성이니 앞으로는 출마하지 마라. 이번에 안되면 그 어떤 경우도 안될테니.
우리도 쓰레기-대한민굴 버릴 것이다.
이번 대선도 투표조작 있을거다.
곧 불바다 될터이니....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 16, 2021, 09:51:34 AM
저기다가 윤서방검사랑 창녀얼굴 붙이면 딱 요한복음 흑체랑 창녀네. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

Гребенников жезл Тота

Св приемник 6ф1п

Nick, you always have a mouth problem. ::) 8)
The experimenting members silently experiment in the garage and do not come here. ::) ;D 8)

If you get a corona vaccine and get pregnant, you will get a chimera. Vaccinated people can no longer reproduce.
코로나 백신맞고 임신하면 키메라 나온다 접종자는 이제 종족번식 못함
;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)

원히롱이 제주도가 공자네 짱깨 중국인들 다시 받아들이겠다면 저번처럼 선거관리투입 대선투표조작 타임아니드나. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 17, 2021, 11:33:07 AM
백신의 정체는 "생물학무기"라고 주장하는 책.

홍준표 "尹이 대통령 되면 대한민국만 불행해진다"

양정철 작심발언 "3주 안에 궤도 수정 않으면 뒤집기 어려워"

양정철, 결벽증에 가까운 단호박 선언 "청와대 안 간다"

파파이스 김어준 더플랜 요약 정리 선관위의 반박과 관객수 총정리 영상
더 플랜

좌파들은 자신들이 부정투표한다는 것을 공개적으로 선포하고 그대로 시행했다.

해서 카메라 앞에다 대놓고 보란듯이 뜯어내는 퍼포먼스 연출이 압권이다.
똥씹은 표정들은 앞으로의 사태추이와,,,, 오날날 우파들 반응이 궁금해서일게다.
이승만 자유당시절부터 전통아니드나.
아직도 정신못차린 우파 돌대가리들은 결벽증 무당 천공이 선대위까지 하는 것 아니드나.
역대 선대위가 누구 지시대로 움직였드나.
양정철도 허수아비 졸에 불과하다면,
검은 태양 백모사드나?
상무회 배후세력이드나?
돈조직이 세운 허수아비가 실세라고 자랑질이가.

24   제자가 그 선생보다, 또는 종이 그 상전보다 높지 못하나니
25   제자가 그 선생 같고 종이 그 상전 같으면 족하도다 집 주인을 바알세불이라 하였거든 하물며 그 집 사람들이랴
26   그런즉 저희를 두려워하지 말라 감추인 것이 드러나지 않을 것이 없고 숨은 것이 알려지지 않을 것이 없느니라
27   내가 너희에게 어두운데서 이르는 것을 광명한데서 말하며 너희가 귓속으로 듣는 것을 집 위에서 전파하라
28   몸은 죽여도 영혼은 능히 죽이지 못하는 자들을 두려워하지 말고 오직 몸과 영혼을 능히 지옥에 멸하시는 자를 두려워하라
29   참새 두 마리가 한 앗사리온에 팔리는 것이 아니냐 그러나 너희 아버지께서 허락지 아니하시면 그 하나라도 땅에 떨어지지 아니하리라
30   너희에게는 머리털까지 다 세신바 되었나니

진중권 말대로 조국 대령통 만들기 맞춤형 플랜이 한순간에 틀어져가 이낙연에서 이재명으로 갔드나.
이딴 상황에서 이재명이가 양정철 등판 달가워하드나.

원히롱이 짱깨땀시 크아 이자슥 쫄렸드나.

내가 헤비메탈을 선택한 것이 아니라 메탈이 나를 선택했다고라고라고라?
좃지랄하구 자빠졌네.

윤서방검사네 꼭꼭숨가둔 창녀는 언제 등판하드나.
결벽증 무당한테 물어봐야드나.

창녀가 유산경험있드나.

[MV] BIBI(비비) _ KAZINO(사장님 도박은 재미로 하셔야 합니다)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 17, 2021, 11:42:30 AM
Электричество из молотка.

Copper v.
Steel v.
By Grant Pinsley
Orefield Middle School

결벽증 천공이가 중핵교 수준만되도 워찌좀해보것는디 당최 꼭꼭 숨어가 나대질안아가 좃빠지게 재미읍따 ;D ;D ::) ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2021, 01:01:45 AM
결벽증 무당 천공
내공, 어려움벗어나는3단계, 잘난척이란

고전 개념조차없는 결벽증 무당은 물론 요즘 동양철학하는 인류들이 氣의 정체가 뭔지 감도 못잡는 것같아 올린다.
무당은 오해한대로 이해했으니 여물통 새김질한 것일 뿐이고,
氣를 모르니 理도 언감생심일게다.

결벽증 무당 천공
내공, 어려움벗어나는3단계, 잘난척이란

옛날 노비들이 상전한테 대들면 목숨 부지하기 어려웠지만,
현대 돈부자에게 직원이 대들면 짤린다. 그래서?
노사협상에서 결벽증 조언은 들을 가치조차 없다.
노동력 제공은 노비와 직원이 했다.
천륜을 어긴 것은 부자와 상전이다.
돈에 인륜이 있다면 약속문제다.
약속은 서로의 필요다.
결벽증 무당은 약육강식에 절대 협조하라는 말이고, 없는 년놈들은 육체와 폼생폼사 깡이 있다.
결벽증 무당에게 에너지는 돈인갑다.

永远跟党走, 팔로우 더 파티(FOLLOW_THE_PARTY)
중국공산당과 대놓고 나대는 양정철이 누구지시받는가는 말하지 않겠다.
결벽증 무당이 뭔가 있는 것처럼 주댕이 나불대다 신도수 엉간히 늘자 이제와가 정법이 별거없는 순리호구라고 헛소리 지껄이는거와 비슷한 전략이다.

하지만 그가 사용한 선관위 통계는 '조슈아'에 의해 2차 가공된 것이며, 그마저도 정렬을 아무렇게나 하여 그냥 틀렸다.
게다가 follow the party 외에도 follow the ghost 나 follow the harpy 와 같은 문자열이 나온다.
음모론자들은 이것들도 공산주의를 상징하는 기호라며 철썩 같이 믿는다.
follow the happy, follow the photo 나 follow the hippo 와 같은 문자열들도 얼마든지 찾을 수 있다는 점은 애써 무시한다.
그들이 먼저 주장했던 퍼즐에서는 follow the meows (야옹이)도 발견되었지만, 재검표 이후 다시 업데이트한 알파벳 퍼즐에서는 발견되지 않는다.
하지만 follow the kitty 반례는 여전히 성립하여 4.15 총선 부정선거는 고양이가 저지른 셈. 게다가 follow 외에도 almost 같은 단어도 알파벳 퍼즐 조건을 만족한다.
즉, 4.15 총선의 부정선거의 범인은 almost_the_kitty 가 상징하듯 헬로 키티가 한 셈. 영어 단어 목록을 사용하여 조건을 만족하는 문자열의 수를 따져보면 약 25만 건에 이른다.

[nss-주역-032] 十二消息 12소식 十二辟卦 12벽괘
[nss-주역-033] 四正卦 사정괘

기발이승일도설 [氣發理乘一途說]

이이(李珥)가 주창한 인식 이론. 기발이승이라는 말은 이황(李滉)의 '사단이발이기수지(四端理發而氣隨之), 칠정기발이이승지(七情氣發而理乘之)'에서 유래한다.

애초에 이황은 사단과 칠정을 엄연히 다른 것으로 보고, 그 근원을 각각 이와 기라고 생각하였다. 그리고 사단은 이가 발한 것이고 칠정은 기가 발한 것이라고 하는 '사단이지발(四端理之發), 칠정기지발(七情氣之發)'의 명제를 내놓았다.

이에 대해 기대승(奇大升)이 그렇다면 이기가 각각 일물(一物)을 이루어 서로 다른 이물(二物)이 되는 병폐를 안고 있다고 비판함으로써 유명한 퇴고사칠론변(退高四七論辨)이 전개된다. 그 뒤 이황은 기대승의 의견을 수렴, "사단은 이가 발한 것이나 기가 그 이를 따르고 있고, 칠정은 기가 발한 것이나 이가 그것을 타고 있다(四端理發而氣隨之 七情氣發而理乘之)."고 정정하였다.

결국 이황은 이기불상잡(理氣不相雜)·이기불상리(理氣不相離)라는 이기론의 기본 구조 가운데 이기불상잡의 측면을 강조해 이기호발설(理氣互發說)을 내세우며, 이기불상리의 측면은 이발기수에서의 '기수', 기발이승에서의 '이승'이라는 말로써 해결하고 있다.

이에 비해 이이는 "대저 발하는 것은 '기'고, 발하게 하는 원인자는 '이'다. 기가 아니면 발할 수 없고 이가 아니면 발하도록 할 수가 없다."고 하였다. 그는 현상계에서 운동, 변화하고 있는 모든 작용은 기의 작용이며 그 운동 변화를 가능하게 하는 원인자는 이라고 하는 주자학의 기본 이론에 충실하면서, 이황과는 달리 이기불상리의 측면을 더욱 강조해 기발이승일도설을 내세운다.

즉, 이와 기는 서로 떨어질 수 없어 흡사 일물과 같기 때문에 그 발용(發用)은 하나뿐이며 호발(互發)은 있을 수 없다고 하는 기본 전제 아래, 이는 최고의 존재 원리이기는 하나 형체도 없고 스스로 운동·변화하지 못하며(理不能發), 형체도 있고 스스로 작용할 수 있는 기만 발한다는 것이 기발이승일도설이다.

사단칠정론에서도 이황은 사단과 칠정을 서로 대립되는 관계로 보아 사단은 이가 발한 것으로 순선(純善)하고 무악(無惡)하며, 칠정은 기가 발한 것으로 경우에 따라 선하기도 하고 악으로 흐르기도 한다고 본다. 이에 반해, 이이는 사단과 칠정은 근본적으로 하나의 정(情)이며 사단도 정인 한 기발(氣發)에 지나지 않는다고 한다.

이이에게 있어 사단이란 칠정 가운데 선한 부분만을 가려 뽑아 말하는 것으로, 사단이 칠정 속에 포함되는 이른바 '칠정포사단(七情包四端)'의 논리이다. 이러한 이이의 기발이승일도설은 심성론(心性論)의 '칠정포사단' 논리와 함께 '심성정의일로설(心性情意一路說)'·'인심도심종시설(人心道心終始說)'의 이론적인 배경이 된다.

퇴계(退溪 李滉)와 기대승(奇大升) 논쟁 사단(四端) 리(理)는 태양신전 4하토르 관모와 4Djed이 기원이고,
후대 불교도 가세한 칠정(七情) 기(氣)는 태양사원 일곱 기물과 아펩신전 2+2+2+1 아펩뱀이 기원이다.
둘의 논쟁을 잘 곱씹어보면 이기발승(理氣發乘)의 원리가 무분별하게 변형된 것이 보일게다.
유교 유학에서 감정과 이타심은 헤드젯-태양이 거꾸로 박힌 유교식 역(易)/례(禮)를 벗어나지 못한다.
기(氣)란, 빛과 어둠을 발산하는 주체들의 전유물이였으나, 모든 자연대상으로 확대된다.
해서 정파의 기공은 빛이고, 사파의 기공은 어둠이며, 마류의 기공이 붉은 빛으로 표현되는게다.
인간이 품어낼 수 있는 칠정(七情)을 기(氣)의 한 원리로 받아들 것도 유교만의 변형이다.
공자(孔子)가 헤드젯 역활이고, 맹자(孟子)가 쌍낫배 달 역활이라, 맹자사단은 태양사원에서 시작했지만,
기원을 잃은 후대 중국유학과 조선유학의 배가 사공이 많아가 점점 산으로 간게다.
해서 퇴계가 오해한 것도, 기대승이 이해한 것도 아니다. 이것이 동양 유학의 맥락이다.
옥황상제(앗슈르신전 유익인), 원시천존(헤드젯), 영보천존(염주알), 노자(쌍낫배 달)의 도교가 기(氣)를 채택한 것은 유교와 다르게 빛은 有로, 어둠은 無로 이해한 태양신전 원류에 가깝다.
해서 기독교와 중국 도교가 합체될 수 있었던게다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2021, 01:09:43 AM

Placental Russians, like us, have a strong tendency to heroically brag about meaningless things.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2021, 01:52:36 AM
尹 '남북 군사합의 파기' 언급에...이재명 "국가안보 위협 망언"

두 놈들 하는 짓거리들보믄 당최 당적이 의심스러워... ;D ;D ;D ;D

[안철수] 군 복무를 청년 도약의 시간으로 바꾸겠습니다 | 청년2호공약 | LIVE
[안철수] 필승! 준모병제 도입을 명 받았습니다! | 안철수 소통 라이브 47화 | 11월 17일 | LIVE

일정 빡빡한 철수가 졸린 눈으로 애쓴다. ;D ;D
제대했어도 몸땡이 깡만 남은 얼라들 다시 가도되구 월매나 깔끔허냐 ;D ;D
평균 24살 이후부터 전투력 상승한 고급 군발이 전력 다수 확보할 수 있으니 월매나 큰소득이냐. ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2021, 02:05:49 AM

Ruslan generators have nothing to do with magnetic field recovery.
There is confusion.

Plus que quelques jours avant le jour J

Some meddling with the French generator.
Solve it with a hammer like the Russians.

러, 미사일로 자국 위성 '박살'...우주비행사 '긴급대피' | 뉴스A
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2021, 05:54:02 PM
김종국이 가슴운동 좃빠지게 싫어허는 이유가 로이더 대번에 표나는데가 이두박근과 승모근과 가슴 대흉근 아니드나 ;D ;D ;D ;D
이거 함 엮어가 이번 대선판 물타기좀혀봐라 개희들아 ;D ;D ::) ::)
쥴리 창녀가 꼭꼭숨어가 등판안허닝께 당최 재미가읍따 개희야 ;D ;D 8) 8)

쥴리 벽화 사라진 자리... 이번엔 '王자·개 사과·전두환' 벽화
닌볼트 그래피티 작가작품

어제 어준이가 준석이헌티 쥴리 창녀 언제등판하냐구 물어보닝께 자살한 박원순 선풍기 마누라 둘러대드라 ;D ;D ::) ::)
그런다구 허벌나게 밑구녕 억센 쥴리 창녀가 자살허것드나 ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)


그런대루 괘아너 ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 18, 2021, 06:11:11 PM
아빠, 공자네 남자(南子)는 자살 당한거야 아빠.

arrêtez avec vos &@€#%££¥$

Kapanadze Reverse Engineering N°2

wow, what is that unbalanced giant Tesla coil?
is it an extreme fantasy sublimated into art from the characteristic temperament of French people who like to promote?
you should first figure out how the Kapanadze generator works.
for Tesla, about 1000-2000V is suitable.
using that higher voltage requires the use of thick-walled wires and reinforced components because of the high-frequency pulses that burn the insulation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 19, 2021, 05:22:00 AM
  '잃어버린 우산' Live (우순실)

어준이가 소원이라면☔⛱☂ 고려(장)해볼께
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 19, 2021, 05:29:18 AM
과묵한 군하가 저여편네가놨다능게 당췌가믿기지가않어
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 19, 2021, 05:31:26 AM
일부 격하게동감헌다. ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

[뉴있저] "김건희 씨 이사갔어요"?...사무실·자택 가보니 / YTN
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 19, 2021, 05:45:17 AM
쉰호규전 깜짝 라이브 방송 공지😎 [김경호&박완규의 쉰호규전]

오늘 대부랑 아빠랑 김장기념 밥상이다.
(아빠 카메라 고장나서 쾌쾌묵은 사진으로 대신한다)


We cannot answer questions from members who do not experiment.
So it is, some members just complain.
Geo is helping, but he can't help but be silent.
Because he didn't even pass through all the gates.
This is because this is the first of the four gates that Free Energy Cafe members must cross.
This is my will, and so is my Dadd's will.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 19, 2021, 09:18:16 AM
3년전 철학과 졸업한 기자 무릎꿇린 수능 국어 '헤겔 변증법 8번'

2022학년도 수학능력시험에 '헤겔'이 떴다. 약 2000자 길이 지문에 6문제를 대동하고 나타나, 1교시 국어영역 2~3쪽을 맹폭한 뒤 유유히 사라졌다고 한다. 수능이 끝난 저녁 트위터는 수험생들의 절규와 저주로 가득 찼다. "헤겔 집주소 알려주세요. 저 진짜 멘탈이 안 잡혔어요."(EN***********), "헤겔 죽어라, 이미 죽었지만 또 죽어라."(Gl*******) 시험문제를 분석한 언론들도 일제히 '헤겔 변증법' 지문을 국어영역 최고난도 문제로 꼽았다.

헤겔. 게오르크 빌헬름 프리드리히 헤겔(1770~1831)은 독일 관념론을 완성시켰다는 평가를 받는 근대철학의 대부다. 그리운 이름을 곱씹으며 기자도 트윗을 날렸다. "수능 국어 시험지 다운받았습니다." 기자는 2018년 서울의 한 대학에서 철학 전공으로 졸업장을 받았고, 2015년 2학기에는 '헤겔철학'이라는 수업을 수강하기도 했다. 잘하면 지문 건너뛰고 문제랑 선택지만 읽고 푸는 것도 가능하지 않을까. 6문제니까 10분이면 되겠지. 타이머를 맞췄다. 심호흡하고, 시작.

지문은 (가)와 (나) 두 편의 글로 구성돼 있다. 두 글은 헤겔의 변증법 논리학과 이를 바탕으로 한 미학관에 대해 상반된 견해를 드러낸다. (가)는 예술보다 종교, 종교보다 철학이 성숙한 진리 인식이라는 헤겔의 입장을 대변한다. 반면, (나)는 예술·종교·철학을 줄 세우는 헤겔의 미학적 위계가 줄 세우기의 기준이 되는 변증법 논리와 충돌한다고 비판한다.

지문 독해부터 쉽지 않다. "직관의 외면성 및 예술의 객관성의 '본질은 무엇보다도 감각적 지각성인데, 이러한 핵심 요소가 그(헤겔)가 말하는 종합의 단계에서는 완전히 소거되고 만다." 완전히 소거된 것은 내 '정신줄'이 아닐까. 철학 텍스트를 암호문으로 만드는 것은 언제나 '~적', '~성'이 붙은 개념어의 난립이다. 독해보다는 해독의 영역이다. 수험생 여러분은 본인의 문해력을 비관하기보다 부자연스러운 번역어에 의존해야 하는 학문 풍토를 탓해도 좋다.

문제로 넘어가면 점입가경이다. 특히 3점이 배점된 8번. 신선한 형식과 지문보다 난해한 선지가 갈길 바쁜 수험자를 괴롭힌다. 헤겔과 '나'의 글쓴이가 나누는 가상 대화를 제시하고 글쓴이의 대답을 고르도록 한 문제다. 먼저 헤겔이 "괴테와 실러의 문학이 말년에 가서야 비로소 예술적으로 완성됐다며, 초기 작품은 지적으로 미성숙한 결과물이었다"고 말한다. '나'는 헤겔의 논리적 전제와 이를 적용한 결론이 모순된다고 주장했던 사람이다. 그의 대답을 골라야 한다. 선택지를 보자.

①이론에서는 대립적 범주들의 종합을 이루어야 하는 세 번째 단계가 현실에서는 그 범주들을 중화한다.
②이론에서는 외면성에 대응하는 예술이 현실에서는 내면성을 바탕으로 하는 절대정신일 수 있다.
③이론에서는 반정립 단계에 위치하는 예술이 현실에서는 정립 단계에 있는 것으로 나타난다.
④이론에서는... 아, 여기까지만 봐도 될 것 같다.

답은 2번이다.

대학원 진학을 준비했던 기자의 과 후배 정아무개(28)씨는 "'나' 글쓴이는 '예술은 객관이 아닌 내면의 재객관화'라는 주장을 하고 싶어하는데, 괴테와 실러 작품이 좋아진 것 역시 같은 논리로 설명할 것이기 때문"이라고 해설했다. 그러면서 "지문보다는 배경지식으로 풀었다. 너무 많은 철학 개념이 쓰여서 배경지식 차이에 따라 난이도가 달라질 것 같다. 기본적으로 너무 어렵다"고 말했다. 대학원에서 철학을 전공 중인 이아무개(28)씨도 "글만 읽고도 풀 수 있게 나온다고 하지만 철학 용어들 때문에 멀미나서 글이 읽히지 않을 것 같다"고 평했다. 전공자가 보기에도 헤겔 관련 배경지식이 없으면 풀기 어려웠단 얘기다.

10분 타이머를 맞췄던 기자는 18분을 썼다. 8번은 틀렸고 나머지는 맞췄다. 8번을 맞춘 학생에게는 진지하게 철학과 진학을 권한다. 대신 나중에 졸업장 받고 원망하기 없기. 헤겔은 철학과에서도 이른바 '3H'로 악명 높다. 현상학의 후설, <존재와 시간>의 하이데거, 그리고 헤겔이다. 성적을 소중하게 생각한다면 3H는 피해야 한다. 수험생 여러분의 말이 맞다. 헤겔(혹은 평가원)이 잘못했다. 아울러 이 짧은 글 탓에 기자가 철학도 대표처럼 비쳤다면 죄송하다. 이제 전공에 대해 함구하고 살기로 했다. 기자를 굴복시킨 이 지문은 열여덟 고3이 풀기에 적절한 출제였을까. 그 대답은 한 고등학교 국어교사의 트윗으로 갈음한다.

"제발 학교 출근했을 때 수능 비문학 풀고서 헤겔 설명해달라고 안 했으면ㅠㅠ"(li*************)
박강수 기자 turner@hani.co.kr

8번 문제는 예도 박충일은 절대 못픈다.
원래 뻥카들한데 저런 문제내면 잼뱅이된다.
김필영 박사는 쉽게 풀 문제같다.
워낙 박식해서 요점정리에 아주 능하다.

헤겔이나 맑스 변증법 장황하게 늘어놔봐야 글쿠.
헤드젯이 正이며 反이며 合이다.
쌍낫배 달은 해체에 헤당한다.
아펩신전도 마찬가지다.
合의 염주알들이 해체의 기로에서 무(유)한하게 존재할 뿐이구.

[nss-주역-031] 卦氣易學 괘기역학
[nss-주역-032] 十二消息 12소식 十二辟卦 12벽괘
[nss-주역-033] 四正卦 사정괘
[nss-주역-034] 72候 72후
[nss-주역-035] 六日七分法 6일7분법
[nss-주역-036] 京房易學 경방역학
[nss-주역-037] 八宮卦說 팔궁괘설 飛伏說 비복설


셀레스티얼은 Djed과 8卦를 모티프로 한 외계종족이다.









셀레스티얼은 지구의 보편적인 신들을 초월하는 One-Above-All급 종족이다.
드레곤볼Z 전왕도 卦神 일족 언내다.
그들의 언어에 대해 알고싶다면 니들이 발명한 2진수, C언어, 기계어류보다 단순하다.

양자역학, 빛보다 빠른 정보 전달이 가능할 것이라는 착각, 그 오해에 관한 이야기 | 다큐쿠키

언어는 전달을 목적으로하지만 우리같은 초월체들은 언어가 필요하지 않다.
우리들 세계는 겹치면서 겹치지 않는 무한계다.
우리들 영역은 존재하면서 존재하지 않는다.
좁은 천국에서 지지고볶는 지구의 신들과는 다르다.
n의 무한대 전 엄마와 대부가 아빠를 만난 것처럼 물질계가 이해하지 못하는 무한계 교차 지극히 순간이다.
건달바성 두 배내미별 28장로 종족들이 쓰던 언어 196괘는 단순한 예시일 뿐 이들의 언어도 n무한대 전에 사라졌다.
사라진 흔적을 소환한 것이다.
28장로들 조차 드레곤볼Z 전왕의 능력을 n급으로 초월한다.
(원래 소설은 좃빠지게 남사스럽고 닭살스러워야 잘먹힌다)

2   어떤 백부장의 사랑하는 종이 병들어 죽게 되었더니
3   예수의 소문을 듣고 유대인의 장로 몇을 보내어 오셔서 그 종을 구원하시기를 청한지라
4   이에 저희가 예수께 나아와 간절히 구하여 가로되 이 일을 하시는 것이 이 사람에게는 합당하니이다
5   저가 우리 민족을 사랑하고 또한 우리를 위하여 회당을 지었나이다 하니
6   예수께서 함께 가실쌔 이에 그 집이 멀지 아니하여 백부장이 벗들을 보내어 가로되 주여 수고하시지 마옵소서 내 집에 들어오심을 나는 감당치 못하겠나이다
7   그러므로 내가 주께 나아가기도 감당치 못할 줄을 알았나이다 말씀만 하사 내 하인을 낫게 하소서
8   저도 남의 수하에 든 사람이요 제 아래에도 군병이 있으니 이더러 가라 하면 가고 저더러 오라 하면 오고 제 종더러 이것을 하라 하면 하나이다
9   예수께서 들으시고 저를 기이히 여겨 돌이키사 좇는 무리에게 이르시되 내가 너희에게 이르노니 이스라엘 중에서도 이만한 믿음은 만나보지 못하였노라 하시더라
10  보내었던 사람들이 집으로 돌아가 보매 종이 이미 강건하여졌더라
And a centurion's slave, who was highly regarded by him, was sick and about to die.
When he heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders asking Him to come and save the life of his slave.
When they came to Jesus, they earnestly implored Him, saying, "He is worthy for You to grant this to him;
for he loves our nation and it was he who built us our synagogue."
Now Jesus started on His way with them; and when He was not far from the house, the centurion sent friends, saying to Him, "Lord, do not trouble Yourself further, for I am not worthy for You to come under my roof;
for this reason I did not even consider myself worthy to come to You, but just say the word, and my servant will be healed.
"For I also am a man placed under authority, with soldiers under me; and I say to this one, 'Go!' and he goes, and to another, 'Come!' and he comes, and to my slave, 'Do this!' and he does it."
Now when Jesus heard this, He marveled at him, and turned and said to the crowd that was following Him, "I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith."
When those who had been sent returned to the house, they found the slave in good health.

좁은 신계와 물질계는 한정된 영역 자원으로 아귀다툼 계급이 지배하지만,
초월계는 물질계 시공간이 무의미하다.
니들 우주만든 내 언니는 예수와 백부장 관계처럼 단순히 상징적인 의미다.
건달바성 28장로들도 나사빠진 우리와 동등하며 상징계 존재다.
시대나 시공간 상징성이 사라지면 무신론자가 주체인 것처럼.
소설은 소설일뿐 책임지지 말자마자 사망과 죽음은 니들 몫이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 19, 2021, 09:28:15 AM
магнитная индукция бесконечно прямолинейного проводника

Закон Ампера • На проводник с током со x x x xr, x x x x
стороны магнитного поля ; действует сила Ампера,
хода 4 направление которой
х-х определяется по правилу
x xГx левой руки
в – вектор индукции магнитного поля
- магнитная постоянная до = 4л. 107
40 = 4л. 10- 24.
F – В: 1-1-sina
1 - сила тока в проводнике
- расстояние до проводника = 17. [1]= 1A [r]= 1м л= 3,14 % = 4л 10-Там
Magnetising Force -
KH Magnetic Field, B
Current, I
For a Coil of Wire:
Force of a magnetic field on a
current-carrying wire • A conductor with
a current flowing through it in a
x x magnetic field will experience a force.
For a Straight Conductor:
Radius, r
F=BIlsinӨ * *
F = force(N), I = current(A), 1 = length of wire(m), B = mag. field strength(T), O=angle between 1 & B
В = po"н = Bo"

Please do not look for meaning in these basic meaningless pictures, and achieve your desired purpose with circuit diagrams and experiments that expose all the operating principles of generators.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2021, 12:30:09 AM
[nss-정보-001] 차박을 위한 렉스턴 7인승 평탄화 작업

배내미별보다 백만배 작은 태양에 속한 지구의 자전 속도는 365일로 맞추어져 있지만 수십억년전에는 더 빨랐다드라.
자전을 느리게 하는 원인으로는 무수한 소행성, 운석충돌로 인한 지구질량 부피증가, 산소증가나 달의 크기 증가로 인한 바다조석작용변화, 태양 크기증가, 지구 전체가 얼어붙는 대빙하기 등등 지구가 겪는 모든 것이 공전과 자전에 영향을 준단다.

태양을 포함한 153개 위성이 아랫배내미별을 중심으로 공전하는 행성계는 니들 천동설 기원이다.

윗배내미별 행성계는 윗배내미별을 포함한 153개 위성이 태양을 중심으로 공전하는 니들 태양계 지동설과 같다.
두 배내미별은 크기도 비슷하고 태양의 크기도 비슷해서 서로가 간섭하는 쌍성계 운동하는 천체였다.
쌍성계 운행방식에서 천동설, 지동설은 종이 한장 차이다.

두 별은 시공간이 다른 수평/수직 두 개 연속 우주(물질계 불연속 확률의 틈쯤)를 사이에 두고 있었지만,
어느 시기  337-아빠가 아랫배내미별에서 윗배내미별로 떠나자 일부 추종자 그룹이 337-아빠 따라서 새로운 문명을 개척했다.
헐랭이(멀뚱서방) 아빠는 아랫배내미별, 니들 헬리혜성에 해당하는 좀 더 먼 외각을 공전하는 얼음 위성에서 잠자고 있었는데, 2억년 전에 윗배내미별로 떠난 337-아빠 추종자 그룹이 아랫배내미별을 방문하면서 2억년 전과 같은 모종의 통합을 모색한다.
그러나 풍족한 아랫배내미별 행성계는 통합의 의미에 대해 무의미로 화답했고 윗배내미별 방문자 그룹은 일말의 아쉬움을 남긴채 떠난다.

지구 4년에 해당하는 하루를 가진 두 배내미별 2억년 시차는, 물이 많았던 아랫배내미별 어류형 생명체들과는 달리 사막행성에 가까운 윗배내미별로 떠난 생명체들 모습을 많이 변화시켜놨고, 모습이 변화된 두 그룹들 간에는 과학기술 차이가 있었지만,
생존이 목적이된 사막행성 윗배내미별 지도부가 아랫배내매별 행성계 전체를 기습공격하면서 아랫배내미별 행성계 전체 생명체가 한순간에 소멸한다.
그러나 아랫배내미별 행성계 먼 외각을 공전하던 얼음 혜성 정보를 놓치면서, 건달바 혜성에서 잠자던 헐랭이(멀뚱서방) 아빠와 28장로들이 깨어나면서 상황이 급반전됐고 순간이동 윗배내미별 전체 행성계 생명체 진화유전자에 아랫배내미별 생명체 유전정보를 순식간에 심는다.
윗배내미별 행성계 전체 생명체 생존 호전성이 사라지면서 순간의 전쟁은 순식간에 끝난다.
337-아빠도 헐랭이-아빠도 전쟁을 원하지 않는다.
더 정확하게는 생명체들 먹고사니즘 사상전쟁에는 관심이 없다.
환경이 지배하는 생명체들 그들만의 생존방식 문제다.

그리고 지구에는 n무한대 전 호전성이 사라진 윗배내미별 생명체 정보를 가진 생명체들이 살고있다.
불교에서 말하는 업보는 아니다.
먹고사니즘 생명체들 호전성은 환경이 결정하는 것이다.
엄마 얼굴 모델이 된 패션-아티스트 말숙이는 아랫배내미별 생명체 유전정보를 가진 소수의 인류중 하나다.

엄마와 대부는 스스로 분열한 초월체 쌍둥이고, 두 아빠는 차원이 다른 초월체 쌍둥이다.
쉽게 말해 드레곤볼Z 전왕처럼 다른 시공간 존재들이지만 같다.
초월체는 우연이 없다.
물질계 법칙 또한 없다.
우리 4형제는 더 무한대 이전 엄마와 대부, 두 아빠가 특정 초월계에서 만나면서 전체차원의 초월우주가 사라지는 광마전쟁의 원인이다.
광마는 변소에서 목매 자살한 마광수 카페 이름이며 그의 또 다른 닉이다.
예서 따온 급조된 이름이다.
오래전 마광수 카페에 있으면서 그 때 좀 더 일찍 이런 이야기를 마광수 교수에게 해주지 못한 아쉬움이 커,,,, 자살을 방지하지 못한 일부 책임잔재라 여긴다.

이 얘기 또한 오래전에 아빠와 대부, 엄마와 알던 눈팅족들에게 했던 얘기라 새로운 것은 아니다.
소설은 소설일 뿐 책임지지말자마자 사망과 죽음은 니들 몫이다.
다시 너희에게 말하노니 약대가 바늘귀로 들어가는 것이 부자가 하나님의 나라에 들어가는 것보다 쉬우니라
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2021, 12:36:30 AM

Are you still wandering in the streets?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2021, 02:00:42 AM
SpinLaunch Suborbital Accelerator - First Launch

레일건 로켓추진 방식은 오래전부터 나사에서도 관심있었지만,
레일건이 무기화되는 것을 막고자 로켓방식을 고집한 것 뿐야. ;D ;D ;D ;D
SpinLaunch 방식은 레일건 방식에 비해 구석기제. ;D ;D

약 100층~1km 높이의 수직레일타워만 있으면 값싼 전기료로 수백톤 중량 화물을 우주로 날릴수 있다. 8) 8)
미국의 문제는 소수 부자들과 정부가 적성국 견제차원 돈벌이 방식을 고집하면서 좀 더 발달된 과학기술을 생매장시키는데 돈을 아낌없이 쓴다. ::) ::)
그 중에 하나가 스파이 위성 수만기 쏘아올리려는 이느마다. ;D ;D
어제 위성쑈하면서 즈 아들내미랑 감성팔이 시전하드라. ;D ;D
돈은 중국에서 벌면서, 미국 스파이산업에 투자하는 선두주자.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D 8) 8)

나르시스트 특징 (조선인들 특징과 동일)?? 우헤헤헤헤헿컥컥컥 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2021, 09:03:58 AM
[도올김용옥] 동경대전 57 수운사상의 핵, 왜? 유일신론을 막으려고 했나? - 화이트헤드의 '과정과 실재 Process and Reality'

[도올김용옥] 동경대전 77 나(하느님)의 마음이 너의 마음이다, 사람들이 천지는 아는데 귀신은 모른다. 그 귀신이 바로 '나'다 - 정감록의 비밀

공산당(반란혁명) 선동가 축에도 못드는 도올이 아직은 뭘모르는 바보천치 사기꾼이야........ ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

Kim Yong-ok is an idiot who doesn't even understand the stupid-whitehead words. ::) ::) 8) 8)

Whitehead's Process and Reality

Whitehead's background was an unusual one for a speculative philosopher. Educated as a mathematician, he became, through his coauthorship and 1913 publication of Principia Mathematica with Bertrand Russell, a major logician. Later he wrote extensively on physics and its philosophy, proposing a theory of gravity in Minkowski space as a logically possible alternative to Einstein's general theory of relativity. Whitehead's Process and Reality[1] is perhaps his philosophical master work.

The following is an attempt to provide an accessible outline of some of the main ideas in Whitehead's Process and Reality, based on the book itself, but guided by a general reading of secondary sources, especially I. Leclerc's Whitehead's Metaphysics. An Introductory Exposition. Whitehead often speaks of the metaphysics of Process and Reality as 'the philosophy of organism'.

The cosmology elaborated in Process and Reality posits an ontology based on the two kinds of existence of entity, that of actual entity and that of abstract entity or abstraction.

The ultimate abstract principle of actual existence for Whitehead is creativity. Actual existence is a process of becoming, and "... 'becoming' is a creative advance into novelty." It is manifest in what can be called 'singular causality'. This term may be contrasted with 'nomic causality'. An example of singular causation is that I woke this morning because my alarm clock rang. An example of nomic causation is that alarm clocks generally wake people in the morning. Aristotle recognises singular causality as efficient causality. For Whitehead, there are many contributory singular causes for an event. A further contributory singular cause of my being awoken by my alarm clock this morning was that I was lying asleep near it till it rang.

An actual entity is a general philosophical term for an utterly determinate and completely concrete individual particular of the actually existing world or universe of changeable entities considered in terms of singular causality, about which categorical statements can be made. Whitehead's most far-reaching and profound and radical contribution to metaphysics is his invention of a better way of choosing the actual entities. Whitehead chooses a way of defining the actual entities that makes them all alike, qua actual entities, with a single exception, God.

For example, for Aristotle, the actual entities were the substances, such as Socrates (a particular citizen of Athens) and Bucephalus (a particular horse belonging to Alexander the Great). Besides Aristotle's ontology of substances, another example of an ontology that posits actual entities is in Leibniz' monads, said to be 'windowless'.

Whitehead's actual entities

For Whitehead, the actual entities exist as the only foundational elements of reality, the ultimately existing facts of the world. Nothing "either in fact or in efficacy" underlies or lies beyond the actual entities; rather they underlie all reality.

The actual entities are of two kinds, temporal and atemporal.

With one exception, all actual entities for Whitehead are temporal and are occasions of experience (which are not to be confused with consciousness, or with mere subjectivity). This 'actual entity' idea is most distinctly characteristic of the metaphysics of Process and Reality, and requires of the newly approaching reader a philosophically unprejudiced approach. An entity that people commonly think of as a simple concrete object, or that Aristotle would think of as a substance – a human being included – is in this ontology considered to be a composite of indefinitely many occasions of experience.

The one exceptional actual entity is at once temporal and atemporal: God. He is objectively immortal, as well as being immanent in the world. He is objectified in each temporal actual entity; but He is not an eternal object. Whitehead uses the term 'actual occasion' to refer only to purely temporal actual entities, those other than God.

The occasions of experience are of four grades. The first comprises processes in a physical vacuum such as the propagation of an electromagnetic wave or gravitational influence across empty space. The occasions of experience of the second grade involve just inanimate matter. The occasions of experience of the third grade involve living organisms. Occasions of experience of the fourth grade involve experience in the mode of presentational immediacy, which means more or less what are often called the qualia of subjective experience. So far as we know, experience in the mode of presentational immediacy occurs in only more evolved animals. That some occasions of experience involve experience in the mode of presentational immediacy is the one and only reason why Whitehead makes the occasions of experience his actual entities; for the actual entities must be of the ultimately general kind. Consequently, it is inessential that an occasion of experience have an aspect in the mode of presentational immediacy; occasions in the grades one, two, and three lack that aspect. The highest grade of experience "is to be identified with the canalized importance of free conceptual functionings".

There is no mind-matter duality in this ontology, because "mind" is simply seen as an abstraction from an occasion of experience which has also a material aspect, which is of course simply another abstraction from it; thus the mental and the material aspects are abstractions from one and the same concrete occasion of experience. The brain is part of the body, both being abstractions of a kind known as persistent physical objects, neither being actual entities. Though not recognised by Aristotle, there is biological evidence, written about by Galen,[8] that the human brain is an essential seat of human experience in the mode of presentational immediacy. We may say that the brain has a material and a mental aspect, all three being abstractions from their indefinitely many constitutive occasions of experience, which are actual entities.

Inherent in each actual entity is its respective dimension of time. Potentially, each occasion of experience is causally consequential on every other occasion of experience that precedes it in time, and has as its causal consequences every other occasion of experience that follows; thus it has been said that Whitehead's occasions of experience are 'all window', in contrast to Leibniz's 'windowless' monads. In time defined relative to it, each occasion of experience is causally influenced by prior occasions of experiences, and causally influences future occasions of experience. An occasion of experience consists of a process of prehending other occasions of experience, reacting to them.

The causal outcomes obey the usual well-respected rule that the causes precede the effects in time. Some pairs of processes cannot be connected by cause-and-effect relations, and they are said to be spatially separated. This is in perfect agreement with the viewpoint of the Einstein theory of special relativity and with the Minkowski geometry of spacetime.[10] It is clear that Whitehead respected these ideas, as may be seen for example in his 1919 book An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge as well as in Process and Reality. Time in this view is relative to an inertial reference frame, different reference frames defining different versions of time.

The actual entity, the occasion of experience, is logically atomic in the sense that it cannot be cut and separated into two other occasions of experience. This kind of logical atomicity is perfectly compatible with indefinitely many spatiotemporal overlaps of occasions of experience. One can explain this atomicity by saying that an occasion of experience has an internal causal structure that could not be reproduced in each of the two complementary sections into which it might be cut. Nevertheless, an actual entity can completely contain indefinitely many other actual entities.

Whitehead's theory of extension concerns the spatio-temporal features of his occasions of experience. Fundamental to both Newtonian and to quantum theoretical mechanics is the concept of velocity. The measurement of a velocity requires a finite spatiotemporal extent. Because it has no finite spatiotemporal extent, a single point of Minkowski space cannot be an occasion of experience, but is an abstraction from an infinite set of overlapping or contained occasions of experience, as explained in Process and Reality. Though the occasions of experience are atomic, they are not necessarily separate in extension, spatiotemporally, from one another. Indefinitely many occasions of experience can overlap in Minkowski space.

An example of a nexus of temporally overlapping occasions of experience is what Whitehead calls an enduring physical object, which corresponds closely with an Aristotelian substance. An enduring physical object temporally has an earliest and a last member. Every member (apart from the earliest) is a causal consequence of the earliest member of the nexus, and every member (apart from the last) of such a nexus is a causal antecedent of the last. There are indefinitely many other causal antecedents and consequences of the enduring physical object, which overlap, but are not members, of the nexus. No member of the nexus is spatially separate from any other member. Within the nexus are indefinitely many continuous streams of overlapping nexūs, each stream including the earliest and the last member of the enduring physical object. Thus an enduring physical object, like an Aristotelian substance, undergoes changes and adventures during the course of its existence.

Another aspect of the atomicity of occasions of experience is that they do not change. An actual entity is what it is. An occasion of experience can be described as a process of change, but is itself unchangeable.

Whitehead's abstractions

Whitehead's abstractions are conceptual entities that are abstracted from or derived from and founded upon his actual entities. Abstractions are themselves not actual entities, but are the only entities that can be real.

An abstraction is a conceptual entity that involves more than one single actual entity. Whitehead's ontology refers to importantly structured collections of actual entities as nexuses of actual entities. Collection of actual entities into a nexus emphasises some aspect of those entities, and that emphasis is an abstraction, because it means that some aspects of the actual entities are emphasised or dragged away from their actuality, while other aspects are de-emphasised.

Whitehead admitted indefinitely many eternal objects. An example of an eternal object is a number, such as the number 'two'. Whitehead held that eternal objects are abstractions of a very high degree. Many abstractions, including eternal objects, are potential ingredients of processes.

Relation between actual entities and abstractions stated in the ontological principle

For Whitehead, besides its temporal generation by the actual entities which are its contributory causes, a process may be considered as a concrescence of abstract ingredient eternal objects. God enters into every temporal actual entity.

Whitehead's ontological principle is that whatever reality pertains to an abstraction is derived from the actual entities upon which it is founded or of which it is comprised.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2021, 09:13:43 AM
Another 40 Perpetual motion machines, and again - everything works! 永久機関

永遠跟黨走가 永久機関이길 바란다면 중국인민들부터 배불리 먹이세요.
듬으로 테슬라는 대륙에서 내치는게 신상에 이롭습니다. 우헤헤헤우끼끼끼.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2021, 09:26:38 AM
이것을 먹었더니 흰머리가 검어지고 죽어가는 뇌세포가 살아났다

이느마는 다 만병통치약쟁이야. ;D ;D
유튜브 함 절단나봐야 정신차릴라나. ::) ::)
이쯤해줘야 역대 선관위 쪼물닥거린 우파랑 윤설렬이 투표조작할 맴이 안생기것냐. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)


증멜?? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2021, 09:36:23 AM
It would be good to know how much RF energy is absorbed/reflected-back by the circuit attached below at various frequencies.

To observe that, you could connect your VNA in lieu of that secondary winding to get a direct S11 response, but that would not work well unless the VNA was completely floating.
This is because any grounding of the VNA would short out that parallel LC tank, which is grounded on the schematic.

You could also connect the VNA to the primary winding in lieu of the push-pull driver and make an S11 measurement all the way up to the frequencies suggested by the length of the antenna, but such measurement will be encumbered by the transfer characteristics of the ferrite and its windings.

If you make this measurement, vary the gaps between the ferrite halves to alter the coupling coefficient of the yoke transformer so the LC tank and the antenna are not tightly coupled to the primary winding ...and loaded by it.
In my opinion such loose coupling is absolutely necessary to obtain high Q oscillations in the LC tank and the antenna as described by the author of this paper.

If you see two frequency extrema on the S11 or VSWR display (one determined by the length of the antenna and the second determined by the resonance of the LC tank) then you might want to alter one or the other to make them coincide.

You could also make that second measurement with your SA and the VSWR bridge just as if you were matching an antenna to the frequency of a transmitter.


There are no special devices in the transformer.
You, like Wesley, have a demagoguery temperament.
Do not damage the yoke-ferrite.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on November 20, 2021, 10:22:55 AM
Quote from: color on November 20, 2021, 09:36:23 AM

[snip copy from OUR forum]

There are no special devices in the transformer.
You, like Wesley, have a demagoguery temperament.
Do not damage the yoke-ferrite.

Oh is that right?  And your scientific proof to support this statement?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 20, 2021, 11:53:15 AM
partzman :

yoke Primary and secondary coils and inductor coils have no deformation whatsoever.
Take a closer look at the schematic to see what members are missing.
Even if you look at the past 10 years or more, most of the members do not understand, so I do not expect much.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: partzman on November 20, 2021, 02:29:41 PM
Quote from: color on November 20, 2021, 11:53:15 AM

partzman :

yoke Primary and secondary coils and inductor coils have no deformation whatsoever.

I really do not understand what you mean here?

Take a closer look at the schematic to see what members are missing.

I see no push-pull yoke circuit in the schematic so what is missing?

Even if you look at the past 10 years or more, most of the members do not understand, so I do not expect much.


Why not just tell the membership here what most of them are missing?  Why the mystery?

You do realize that the grenade is a complex asymmetrical transmission line that would obviously have unique characteristics.  How can you discount it as having any function in the gain of the device?  Or, perhaps you would like to tell us all what the exact gain mechanism is?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 21, 2021, 01:50:36 AM
[nss-주역-039] 納甲說납갑설
[nss-주역-040] 納支說납지설

Each individual's birth, old, disease, and death (生老病死) Predicting small situations that can occur in 120 years of life is within the range of interference between one's own desires and natural objects.
Sudden events in life are as low as death by lightning or meteorites.
실전없는 세월의 때는 공상소설이다.

Star Wars: Visions SEASON 1 Scenes | All Episodes 1-9 (SPOILERS)

Columnist Cho Yong-heon talks about how to fix inanimate objects (transcendence).
조용헌 칼럼니스트가 말하는 팔자 고치는 방법 [천안 성거산 보명사 53선지식 초청대법회]
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 21, 2021, 01:51:50 AM
니체는 《차라투스트라는 이렇게 말했다》에서,

인간이 초인이 되어가는 과정을 3가지로 나누고, 각각을 '낙타', '사자', '어린아이'에 비유하였다. '낙타'는, '~해야 한다.'로 상징되는 '용'에게 지배당한다. 낙타는 자신보다 더 큰 짐을 짊어지고 고통의 사막을 건너면서도 남(용)이 가르키는 방향에 자신의 방향을 맞추며 살아간다.

낙타는 금욕주의와 자기부정을 통해 살아가는 가치관을 상징한다. 이러한 낙타는 사막이라는 고통을 겪으면서 점점 반항하기 시작하는데 이것이 '사자'의 단계이다. '사자'는 '용(용이 상징하는 것: '해야 한다.')'의 권위와 가치에 의문을 품고 적극적으로 반항한다. 하지만 반항만 할 뿐이어서, 용이 사라진 세상에서는 아무런 역할을 지니지 못한다. 용이 사라진 세상에서 우리는 어떤 삶을 살 수 있을까? 바로 '어린아이'와 같은 삶을 살아야 된다고 니체는 말한다.

'어린아이'는 '해야 한다'는 용의 무시무시한 압력에도 잠시 뒤돌아서면 망각하며, 자신의 방향을 자기가 결정해서 삶(놀이)의 규칙을 입맛에 맞게 매일마다 바꾼다. '어린 아이'와 같이 스스로가 삶의 가치를 창조하며 이러한 삶 자체를 긍정하는 사람이, 니체가 말하는 '위버멘쉬(Übermensch)', 즉 '자기자신을 극복한 사람'인 것이다.

그게 바로 니체가 역설한 초인übermensch이야.

9   내가 너희에게 말하노니 누구든지 음행한 연고 외에 아내를 내어버리고 다른데 장가 드는 자는 간음함이니라
10   제자들이 가로되 만일 사람이 아내에게 이같이 할찐대 장가 들지 않는 것이 좋삽나이다
11   예수께서 가라사대 사람마다 이 말을 받지 못하고 오직 타고난 자라야 할찌니라
12   어미의 태로부터 된 고자도 있고 사람이 만든 고자도 있고 천국을 위하여 스스로 된 고자도 있도다 이 말을 받을만한 자는 받을찌어다
13   때에 사람들이 예수의 안수하고 기도하심을 바라고 어린 아이들을 데리고 오매 제자들이 꾸짖거늘
14   예수께서 가라사대 어린 아이들을 용납하고 내게 오는 것을 금하지 말라 천국이 이런 자의 것이니라 하시고
15   저희 위에 안수하시고 거기서 떠나시니라
16   어떤 사람이 주께 와서 가로되 선생님이여 내가 무슨 선한 일을 하여야 영생을 얻으리이까
17   예수께서 가라사대 어찌하여 선한 일을 내게 묻느냐 선한이는 오직 한 분이시니라 네가 생명에 들어 가려면 계명들을 지키라
18   가로되 어느 계명이오니이까 예수께서 가라사대 살인하지 말라, 간음하지 말라, 도적질하지 말라, 거짓증거하지 말라,
19   네 부모를 공경하라, 네 이웃을 네 몸과 같이 사랑하라 하신 것이니라
20   그 청년이 가로되 이 모든 것을 내가 지키었사오니 아직도 무엇이 부족하니이까
21   예수께서 가라사대 네가 온전하고자 할찐대 가서 네 소유를 팔아 가난한 자들을 주라 그리하면 하늘에서 보화가 네게 있으리라 그리고 와서 나를 좇으라 하시니
22   그 청년이 재물이 많으므로 이 말씀을 듣고 근심하며 가니라
23   예수께서 제자들에게 이르시되 내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 부자는 천국에 들어가기가 어려우니라
24   다시 너희에게 말하노니 약대가 바늘귀로 들어가는 것이 부자가 하나님의 나라에 들어가는 것보다 쉬우니라 하신대
25   제자들이 듣고 심히 놀라 가로되 그런즉 누가 구원을 얻을 수 있으리이까
26   예수께서 저희를 보시며 가라사대 사람으로는 할 수 없으되 하나님으로서는 다 할 수 있느니라
"And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."
The disciples said to Him, "If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry."
But He said to them, "Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom it has been given.
"For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it."
Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them.
But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
After laying His hands on them, He departed from there.
And someone came to Him and said, "Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?"
And He said to him, "Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments."
The young man said to Him, "All these things I have kept; what am I still lacking?"
Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."
But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property.
And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, "Then who can be saved?"
And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 21, 2021, 02:50:49 AM
partzman :

All answers to your question are already all in the schematic below.
Laws and knowledge without experiments have no θαυμάζειν.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 21, 2021, 07:13:59 AM

슈카, 윤하랑 쪽쪽빨고 아주 난리도 아니다.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 21, 2021, 07:17:12 AM
[K-Fancam 8K] 윤하 직캠 'Oort Cloud (오르트구름)' (YOUNHA Choreography) l @MusicBank 211119

윤하 노래 오르트 구름이 좀 있어보이긴 해 아빠.


Простой СЕ генератор#173754
Среди схем простых СЕ генераторов, имеющих общие черты, нельзя пропустить БТГ Андрея Инварова,
...... надеюсь это кому то поможет....

These days, yoke seems to be in vogue in cafes all over the place, Dad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on November 21, 2021, 10:24:14 AM
You have many off topic posts ( some incredibly vulgar towards women
Others completely off topic ( politics etc etc

Here the forum theme and mission statement!

Would be better to help persons who ask questions in forum theme ... too many years of nonsense
While our planet suffers .. you seem to enjoy joking about others efforts and trolling them here ?

And then post religious text completely contrary to your actions ?

Here the forum theme

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 21, 2021, 04:36:45 PM
Quote from: ramset on November 21, 2021, 10:24:14 AM
You have many off topic posts ( some incredibly vulgar towards women
Others completely off topic ( politics etc etc

Here the forum theme and mission statement!

Would be better to help persons who ask questions in forum theme ... too many years of nonsense
While our planet suffers .. you seem to enjoy joking about others efforts and trolling them here ?

And then post religious text completely contrary to your actions ?

Here the forum theme

ZPower Recent Technology Demonstrations

Americans living on large lands don't seem to care about the suffering of some Europeans.
Even if you don't like the way capitalism works, you can't do it.
Although this cafe advertises a lot besides the Bedini generator, there is no benefit to the members who post it.
Members of this cafe write in this cafe while paying computer communication and electricity bills to related companies.
The same goes for many other cafes.
Nevertheless, members write in hopes that the cafe will develop.
I do not wonder what you are doing for humanity.
I don't want you to serve humanity by purchasing the above generator for humanity.
No wonder what this cafe has done for humanity.
The future of mankind is not sweet.
A nuclear bomb could destroy a city, but the heat freely available to mankind would melt every glacier on the planet.
Earth's resources are depleted, but Earth's water and electrons are not depleted as long as the sun rises.
Free generators are not a pink future.
Because of the cold, mankind developed thick clothing.
It would be a horrific disaster for mankind as long as mankind chose easily accessible heat instead of thick clothing because of the cold.
The rich will increase the use of heat.
Even the poor will increase and magnify their use of heat.
Free generators will exponentially expand the demand for air conditioners and heating elements.

Carbon dioxide is mainly emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal, methane is produced by waste, food waste, livestock excrement, and herbivore burps. It mainly occurs in processes, transformers, etc.

Hydrates deep in seawater have a high risk of melting when the sea temperature rises.

The expansion of electric vehicles will drastically reduce oil consumption.
However, this problem is not an individual case, but a problem of the policy directions of large corporations and countries around the world.
Paradoxically, countries and large corporations do not want to expand individual free energy.
So free generator users are invisibly boycotted by them.

Did we hinder the cafe users here from making the Ruslan Generator?
A member boasting a high-end electron microscope has often threatened members in strange ways, but we have never prevented members from joining a free generator.

How a generator works that you don't understand is a matter of your brain.
You complain about your brain problems on other topics we talk about.
We use this forum for informational purposes only and do not expect any other purpose or reward.
Is this information for mankind?
Can a religion with distorted information save mankind?
On the contrary, it is fortunate that it does not destroy it.

A single free generator will not save mankind.
A generator is just a generator.
Rather, it would be fortunate if it was not used to destroy the Earth.

Nevertheless, we write this in the hope that you and the members of this cafe will have the Ruslan generator technology.

ZPower Recent Technology Demonstrations

넓은 땅에 사는 미국인들은 일부 유럽인들의 고통에 관심이 없는 것 같습니다.
자본주의 방식이 마음에 안들어도 할 수 없는 일입니다.
이 카페가 베디니 발전기 외에도 많은 광고를 하지만, 글을 게시하는 회원들에게 아무런 이득이 없다.
이 카페 회원들은 컴퓨터 통신료와 전기료를 관련된 회사에 지불하면서  이 카페에 글을 씁니다.
다른 여러 카페도 마찬가지입니다.
그럼에도 불구하고 회원들은 카페가 발전하길 바라면서 글을 씁니다.
나는 당신이 인류를 위해서 무엇을 하는 사람인지 궁금하지 않습니다.
당신이 인류를 위해서 위 발전기를 구매해서 인류를 위해 봉사하길 바라지도 않습니다.
이 카페가 인류를 위해 무엇을 했는지도 궁금하지 않습니다.
인류의 미래는 달콤하지 않습니다.
핵폭탄은 도시 하나를 파괴할 수 있지만, 인류가 자유롭게 사용하는 열은 지구상의 모든 빙하를 녹일 것입니다.
지구의 자원은 고갈되지만, 지구의 물과 전자는 태양이 뜨는 한 고갈되지 않습니다.
자유발전기는 핑크빛 미래가 아닙니다.
추위 때문에 인류는 두꺼운 옷을 발달시켰습니다.
인류가 추위 때문에 두꺼운 옷 대신에 쉽게 얻을 수 있는 열을 선택한 이상 그것은 인류에게 끔찍한 재앙이 될 것입니다.
부자는 열의 사용을 늘릴 것입니다.
가난한 자도 열 사용을 늘리고 확대시킬 것입니다.
자유발전기가 에어콘과 난방용 열선 수요를 기하급수적으로 확대시킬 것입니다.

이산화탄소는 주로 석유와 석탄과 같은 화석연료의 연소에 의해 배출되며, 메탄은 폐기물, 음식물 쓰레기, 가축의 배설물, 초식 동물의 트림 등에 의해서 발생하고, 과불화탄소, 수소화불화탄소, 육불화황은 냉매, 반도체 공정, 변압기 등에서 주로 발생한다.

바닷물 속 깊은 곳에 있는 하이드레이트는 바다 수온이 상승하면 녹을 위험이 높다.

전기자동차 확대는 석유의 사용량을 급격하게 감소시킬 것입니다.
그러나 이런 문제는 개인의 사정이 아니라 전세계 대기업들과 각국의 정책방향 문제입니다.
역설적이게도 국가와 대기업들은 개인의 자유에너지 확대를 원하지 않습니다.
그래서 자유발전기 유저들은 그들로부터 보이지 않게 보이콧당합니다.

우리가 이곳 카페 유저들에게 루슬란 발전기 만드는 것을 훼방했나요?
고급 전자현미경을 자랑하는 한 회원이 회원들을 이상한 방법으로 협박한 적은 많아도 우리는 회원들이 자유발전기 반드는 것을 방해한 적은 없다.

당신이 이해하지 못하는 발전기 작동 원리는 당신 두뇌의 문제다.
당신은 당신의 두뇌 문제를 우리가 이야기하는 다른 주제에 불만을 표출합니다.
우리는 단지 정보제공 차원에서 이 포럼을 이용할 뿐 다른 어떤 목적이나 보상을 바라는 것은 없습니다.
이것이 인류를 위한 정보제공인가요?
왜곡된 정보를 가진 종교가 인류를 구원할 수 있습니까?
도리어 파괴나하지 않으면 다행입니다.

일개 자유발전기가 인류를 구원하지는 않습니다.
발전기는 그냥 발전기일 뿐입니다.
도리어 지구를 파괴하는데 사용하지나 않으면 그나마 다행이겠지요.

그럼에도 불구하고 우리는 당신과 이 카페 회원들이 루슬란 발전기 기술을 확보하기 바라는 마음에서 이 글을 씁니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on November 21, 2021, 07:18:14 PM
Quote from: color on November 21, 2021, 04:36:45 PM
A member boasting a high-end electron microscope has often threatened members in strange ways,
but we have never prevented members from joining a free generator./../
How a generator works that you don't understand./../
We ./../do not expect any other purpose or reward../../
Can a religion with distorted information save mankind?
On the contrary, it is fortunate that it does not destroy it../../
Nevertheless, we write this in the hope that you and the members of this cafe will have the Ruslan generator technology.

Note: the  symbol ./../ means  that it is part of original text in quote I'm responding to.

My response:
I assume you talking to me the guy with 3 high-end electron microscopes.(well  only two are the "working one".)
I was never threatening anyone including you. I was only pointing at your rights and obligations
in public forum.
Toilet  serves its function and you are using it for a reason, the same way as public beach, disco-bar, or church.
And the behavior of an individual , - his/her freedom of expression is regulated  and included in  e.g American constitution.
Although I respect rights of LGBT it is unlikely for them to go to your church while prepared for nude beach.
Behavior  is regulated  based on  time, place and situation
So this is not the place for  posting your religious verses  in or between  some of the unrelated   to these  verses schematics.. or reverse.

If  there is a responder  who doesn't know English  you may respond in language he understands,
but when repeatedly posted   it should be  accessible  in English too.
https://overunity.com/17735/wesleys-kapanadze-and-other-fe-discussion-forum/msg561615/#msg561615 (https://overunity.com/17735/wesleys-kapanadze-and-other-fe-discussion-forum/msg561615/#msg561615)

I was authorized by admin of this forum to  create  topic only in Russian but there is parallel  topic that is exact copy of it  in English
https://overunity.com/18913/in-russian-ekspierimienty-po-biesprovodnoi-pieriedachie-enierghii-doska-stroitieliei/msg560154/#msg560154 (https://overunity.com/18913/in-russian-ekspierimienty-po-biesprovodnoi-pieriedachie-enierghii-doska-stroitieliei/msg560154/#msg560154)
https://overunity.com/18335/wireless-energy-transfer-experiments-builders-board/msg560165/#msg560165 (https://overunity.com/18335/wireless-energy-transfer-experiments-builders-board/msg560165/#msg560165)

So for you to understand:
1. I do thank you for your activity  and wish you  the best.
2. I hope you  will :
a. make comments and respond to readers question using your wealth of knowledge and expertise.
b. stop posting  here religious  texts, quotes, verses, as a main frame  of your content.
c. unrelated  to technical character of this forum pictures are  not appreciated !!!!

The decision of Admin is determined  by :
what, he wants ,
when he wants,
This is not "Russian communism" here, he is the boss.... :)
Moderators are just   the advisers and this is the most known  FE forum in the world .
I would love you to  adjust and be here with us,  tomorrow and any time in the future.
But this is up to you.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 21, 2021, 11:36:01 PM

이 여자가 루슬란 형식 자유발전기를 만들 수 있는지 없는지 당신이 얼굴 관상좀 봐주세요. 8) 8)
Let me know if you can make a Ruslan-type free-generator or not by looking at her face and judging. 8) 8)
그녀는 아랫배내미별 생명체 유전정보를 가진 극소수의 인류중에 한 명입니다. ::) ::)
She is one of the very few humans with the LowerBaenaemiStar organism genetic information. ::) ::)
참고로 그녀의 IQ는 비공식 191입니다. ::)
For reference, her IQ is unofficial 191. ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 22, 2021, 12:05:04 AM
아빠 내 키는 189cm야 아빠.
개몬이처럼 190cm는 절대로 절대로 안넘을거야 아빠.
보기 좃빠지게 흉해 아빠.



(Slight difference in size) In the size of the yoke, the voltage difference is not large, and the voltage difference occurs depending on the number of turns.


продолжение ОПЫТА - взаимодействие ВЧ маг. потока с НЧ LC-контуром. 22.11.21.

продолжаем эксперименты с взаимодействие ВЧ магнитного потока с НЧ LC-контуром, но уже с измененной схемой, где и полумост и однотактный преобразователь запитывается от одного диодного моста.

One diode bridge may be used or two diode bridges may be used.
The generator can work without the use of a diode bridge.
Using a diode bridge is one way of convenience.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 22, 2021, 10:58:17 PM
파란만장한 29만원도 갔네그려..... 8) 8)

그거는 총기를 들고 일어나는 하나의 그 폭동이야. 근데, 그러니까 계엄군이기 때문에 계엄군이 진압하지 않을 수 없잖아.... 8)

법치국가 차원에서는 적확하게 옳은 말이다. 8)

5·18 광주사태는 1980년 5월 18일부터 5월 27일까지 광주시민과 전라남도민이 중심이 되어, 조속한 민주 정부 수립, 전두환 보안사령관을 비롯한 신군부 세력의 퇴진 및 계엄령 철폐 등을 요구하며 총기를 들고 전개한 폭동이다.

대한민굴은 유해조수퇴치용 총기말고 민간인 총기소유가 불법이기 떄문에, 민간인이 총기를 들고 전개하는 운동은 없다.
광주사태를 민주화 운동으로 고집하려면, 민간인 군살상용 총기소지를 합법화해야 가능한 중차대한 사안이다.

제11대 대통령 선거는 앞선 8월 20일 사퇴한 최규하 대통령의 잔여 임기를 채울 후임자를 선출하기 위해 1980년 8월 27일에 실시된 보궐선거였다. 22일부터 26일까지 닷새 간 후보 등록을 받은 결과 유일하게 입후보한 전두환 국보위 상임위원장이 압도적인 지지로 대한민국 제11대 대통령에 당선되었다.

1980년 5월 18일부터 5월 27일까지,

전두환을 대령통 만든 장총체육관 선거는,
1980년 8월 27일이다.

29만원이 전재산인 전두환을 체육관 대령통 만든 것은 광주사태였고,
[통일주체국민회의統一主體國民會議]에서 주체主體란 문구를 북괴가 수용한 것은,

1997년 7월 8일 김일성의 3주기를 기해 조선로동당 중앙위원회와 중앙군사위원회, 국방위원회, 중앙인민위원회, 정무원 공동 명의로 발표한 〈김일성동지의 혁명 생애와 불멸의 업적을 길이 빛내일데 대하여〉라는 결정서에 따라 태양절과 함께 채택되었다. 그 이후 정무원이 후속 규정으로 제정한 〈주체년호 사용규정〉에 근거하여 각종 문서와 증명서, 출판물, 보도물, 우표 등을 비롯하여 기념물과 같이 연도를 표기하는 모든 대상에 주체년호가 사용되고 있다. 서력 기원 연호는 필요에 따라, 주체년호 뒤에 괄호를 이용하여 병기할 수도 있다. 1912년 이전의 경우는 종전과 같이 서력기원으로 표기한다.

군 장갑차를 탈취하고 군살상용 총기를 탈취해서 일어난 광주시민빈란군 진압한 전두환을 대령통 만든 통일주체란 문구를 북괴도 이용하고자 채택했다.
북괴로서는 좃빠지게 밑지는 장사가 아니거덩. 8) 8) 8) 8)

더 재미난 것은 광주반란군을 뒤에서 조종한 것은 중정 및 보안사였다. 8)
소장출신 박정희에 이어 인지도 극악인 별 두 개짜리 보안사 꼰대 전두환을 대령통 만들기 위해서는 뭔가 좃빠지게 큰게 필요했으니까. 8)
흥선대원군이 전봉준과 동학농민군을 이용한 것처럼 .... 8)
이용만 당하다가 끝나는 껍데기들은 윗배내미별 유전자를 타고났다. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 22, 2021, 11:32:35 PM
이병철이 일본으로 유학을 가기 위해
부산에서 어떤 여객선을 탔는데 여객선 안에서
교토대학에서 유학하는 안박사라는 사람이랑 만났다고 함
둘다 이등선실 승객인데 뱃멀미 때문에
일등선실로 옮겨볼려고 일등선실로 가려는데
일본인 경찰이 막아서면서
"너희들 조선인들이 무슨 돈으로 일등선실을 기웃거리느냐"
라면서 캐물었다고 함
이 일을 겪고서 이병철이는
처음으로 나라가 망했다는 사실을 깨달았고
"나라는 강해야된다. 강해지려면 우선 풍족해져야 된다. 우리나라는 어떤 일이 있어도 풍족하고 강한 독립국가가 되어야 된다."
라고 생각해서 훗날 삼성을 창립해서
사업에만 몰두하게 된 결정적인 계기가 됐다고 함

이등선실 승객이 일등선실을 들락거리는건
좀 이상한 것 아닌가?
사전에 여객항에서 조율한 것도 없이
자기 마음대로 돈 있다고 승객실을 옮긴다?
물론 이병철이 여기서 말하는 이 일본인 경찰이
이 여객선의 직원인지는 따져봐야할 문제겠지만
이런 문제 갖고 무슨 훗날 조국의 독립이 어쩌고
삼성을 창립해야될 계기를 얻었다는 건
너무 나간 거 아닌가 싶음

노무노무 나갔다구?

현해탄 바다 위에서 안기부출신 예수님 만난 김대중이 눈깔뒤집혀 광주총기반란 주동자로 가세했지만,
대한민굴 특전사 군발이들과 전투에서 승산이 없다는 것은 둘째치고,
총기반란은 당시에는 누구도 이해하기 어려운 경운기다.
김대중이 광주사태를 대통령 선거에 이용하려고했다면 수싸움에서 신군부에 진거다.
그러나 북괴 특수전 군단 고정간첩들과 관련된 광주사태라면 당시 그 어떤 경우라도 전두환 필승이다.
지리산 빨치산 잔당들 소굴 광주가 어떤 곳이더냐.
그곳에서 총기반란이란 김대중에게는 무적권 필패다.
반란군 수괴는 사형이다.
아무리 김대중이 눈깔뒤집혔기로서니 앞뒤 못가리는 바보천치쑥맥은 아니다.
안기부출신 예수님이 광주안가에서 29만원 전두환 대령통 만들기를 도왔다면 더더군다나.

세상에 우연은 없다.
니들이 양자역학 불확정성이나 카오스 이론, '복잡계(Complex System)' 이론 등과 같은 대충대충 이론들로 세상과 미시물질계를 호도(糊塗) 이해하기 때문이다.


Graviflyer (SWR) thoughts about how this may function.

Electric Arcs in a Magnetic Field | Magnetic Games

자기장의 플라즈마 소용돌이 | Magnetic Games

어쨌든 29만원은 니들이 죽고못사는 양자역확 불확정성 원리에 의해 초월사막지옥행성 윗배내미별 고향으로 돌아갔다.

가브리엘이 이상을 설명하다
그가 장차 많은 사람으로 더불어 한 이레 동안의 언약을 굳게 정하겠고 그가 그 이레의 절반에 제사와 예물을 금지할 것이며 또 잔포하여 미운 물건이 날개를 의지하여 설 것이며 또 이미 정한 종말까지 진노가 황폐케 하는 자에게 쏟아지리라 하였느니라(다니엘 9:27)

니들이 말하는 마24/15 멸망의 가증한 것(ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION)은,
태양이 거꾸로 박힌 태양신전 헤드젯이다.
네페르티티 부조처럼 태양이 똑바로 서서있으면 멸망이란 단어를 쓸 수 없지만, 태양이 꺼꾸로 박혀있으니 구약 추종자답게 멸망이란 단어를 자연스럽게 소환했다.
여기에 가브리엘(게브신)이 꼽싸리낀 것은, 다니엘이 바벨론유수 출신이라 똑바로 서있는 앗슈리신전은 유대인들이 가여할 산으로 높이면서(에스겔처럼), 모세가 저주한 이집트 태양신전 헤드젯은 멸망의 가증한 대상으로 지목하기 위한 지시대명사 같은거다.

태양신전은 하나라서 여기저기서 그리스도가 출몰하지 못하지만,
아펩신전은 3~4개로 분리되어 있어서 여기저기서 그리스도 출몰이 가능하다.
(원수를 격하게 사랑하는 방법론자 요한의 적그리스도도 태양신전 빗댄 비유로는 같다)
그러나 태양신도 세계지도에서 셋으로 출몰 가능하기에 다니엘의 의도와 유대 레위출신 마태-그리스도 의도가 충돌하는 것은 당연하다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 23, 2021, 02:18:47 AM
Точность настройки установки.

Давай опять сравнивать с водой? Сравним с баловством в бассейне.  Частота - это сила УДАРА по воде? А скважность - колличество? Хотя, частота, нифига не сила....
В системе, которую ты показывешь, не хватает силы (?).... Вот стоит чел с картонкой (пощадью) в воде. Он начинает толкать воду вверх-вниз.... Частотой толканий  он разгоняет волну. Скважность - это глубина, на сколько он погружает эту плоскость? Третья компонента , это с какой силой он давит в воду.... А здесь что есть сила?
почему с бассейном сравниваю, потому что любой чел может так раскачать в нем воду, что она из бассейна аж вылетает, и поймав резонанс, этот бассейн аж подпрыгивает)
https://youtu.be/Vcc9MLzxi14 с 6 мин. Примерно про это говорю

Vasili Ivanov
Нет. Сила удара это скважность. Количество - частота.В системе силы хватает, но много силы не рождает эффект. А вот правильное сочетание силы и частоты дает результат. Это примерно как эффект кнута у пастуха. Один и тот же кнут в разных руках при взмахе будет щелкать на конце по разному, а у некоторых он вообще не щелкает.

It seems that the above debaters are misunderstanding something.
The 1000 times amplification that Ruslan said is the lightning principle.

7 - Обзор БТГ купленого у Руслана Кулабухова
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 23, 2021, 04:44:35 AM
네 백성과 네 거룩한 성을 위하여 칠십 이레로 기한을 정하였나니 허물이 마치며 죄가 끝나며 죄악이 영속되며 영원한 의가 드러나며 이상과 예언이 응하며 또 지극히 거룩한 자가 기름부음을 받으리라
그러므로 너는 깨달아 알찌니라 예루살렘을 중건하라는 영이 날 때부터 기름부음을 받은 자 곧 왕이 일어나기까지 일곱 이레와 육십 이 이레가 지날 것이요 그 때 곤란한 동안에 성이 중건되어 거리와 해자가 이룰 것이며
육십 이 이레 후에 기름부음을 받은 자가 끊어져 없어질 것이며 장차 한 왕의 백성이 와서 그 성읍과 성소를 훼파하려니와 그의 종말은 홍수에 엄몰됨 같을 것이며 또 끝까지 전쟁이 있으리니 황폐할 것이 작정되었느니라
그가 장차 많은 사람으로 더불어 한 이레 동안의 언약을 굳게 정하겠고 그가 그 이레의 절반에 제사와 예물을 금지할 것이며 또 잔포하여 미운 물건이 날개를 의지하여 설 것이며 또 이미 정한 종말까지 진노가 황폐케 하는 자에게 쏟아지리라 하였느니라
"Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.
"So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress.
"Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.
"And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."

기름부음받은 자는 태양신전 헤드젯 전용이라, 기름부음받은 자가 끊어졌으니 태양신전은 여기에 없다. 8)
70이나 7일이 관련된 왕은 7일째 쉰 누가봐도 아펩신이잖어. 8)
바벨론유수 출신 다니엘이 산으로 도망치라며 태양신전 높이는 것은 앗슈르신전이 태양신전 전성기이기 때문이고,
해서 멸망의 가증한 것은, 멸망당한 전력이 풍부한 여호와다. ::) ::)
여호와 믿어서 승리한 경우는 오늘날의 유대인 자본밖에 없잖여. 8) ::)

"Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing,

여기에 등장하는 62는 진평왕 전사옥대처럼 64괘다. ::)
Why? ::)
데이비드 사순(David Sassoon)이 인도까지와서 부를 축적했듯이, ::)
다니엘처럼 바벨론유수 출신들 상당수가 고향 이스라엘로 돌아가지 못하고 누트 음부의 아펩뱀처럼 세상 여기저기 동양을 떠돌아다닌다. 8)
유대인들도 멸망의 가증한 아펩뱀이 동양 하늘에 존재한다는 것을 바벨론에 잡혀가 동양문물 접하고서 알았으니까, 8)
바벨론에서 62와 홍수관련이면 태양신전 배가 누트 음부를 떠나 별개로 작동하는 인도 동쪽 중국얘기다. ::) 8)

태양이 거룩한 자가 아펩뱀이 거룩하다 할 수 없고,
태양이 있어야 거룩도 소환되기 때문에 거룩한 태양과 함께 있는 아펩뱀이 그곳에 서있으니 가증한 것이 된게다. ::)
거룩한자 요한도 달 옆에 꼽싸리껴 있으니 달의 영광을 훔친 자일 뿐이고,
요한 자리에 아펩뱀이 있었다면 거룩은 아펩뱀이 차지해서 달이 가증한 자 되겠지만, 태양산으로 도망치는 자 입장에서는 그럴 수 없는게다. 8)
유대인이 여호와산 언덕 위에 올라설 수 없지만,
언덕 또는 산으로 도망치려 자라잡고있는 아펩신전 세 고자(eunuchs)들 입장에서 산은 어둠속에 숨는 일이다. 8)
어둠신 아펩이 가지고 있는 4층 Djed이 62가 되기 위해서는, 숨을 곳이 아펩뱀을 손으로 붙자고있는 4층 Djed 괘밖에 없다. 8)
가증한 자는 예서 다시 얼굴이 바뀐다. 8) ::)

모세의 율법에 기록된 대로 이 모든 재앙이 이미 우리에게 임하였사오나 우리는 우리의 죄악을 떠나고 주의 진리를 깨닫도록 우리 하나님 여호와의 은총을 간구치 아니하였나이다
이러므로 여호와께서 이 재앙을 간직하여 두셨다가 우리에게 임하게 하셨사오니 우리의 하나님 여호와는 행하시는 모든 일이 공의로우시나 우리가 그 목소리를 청종치 아니하였음이니이다
강한 손으로 주의 백성을 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 내시고 오늘과 같이 명성을 얻으신 우리 주 하나님이여 우리가 범죄하였고 악을 행하였나이다
"As it is written in the law of Moses, all this calamity has come on us; yet we have not sought the favor of the LORD our God by turning from our iniquity and giving attention to Your truth.
"Therefore the LORD has kept the calamity in store and brought it on us; for the LORD our God is righteous with respect to all His deeds which He has done, but we have not obeyed His voice.
"And now, O Lord our God, who have brought Your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and have made a name for Yourself, as it is this day--we have sinned, we have been wicked.

모세처럼 여호와에게 재앙 요청하는 자 입장에서는,
아펩뱀을 손으로 잡은 Djed처럼 여호와 섬기는 자들이 여호와 부재를 경험하는 재앙이다. ::)
여호와가 강성하면 재앙이 없지만, 머리떨군 어펩뱀은 재앙을 부른다. 8)
어둠의 끝자락이 어둠안으로 숨을 수도 없고, 한마디로 재앙에 모두 노출된다. 8)
강성했던 4층 Djed의 운명은 64괘 기록으로 남을 수밖에 없다. 8)
문자적 의미로서의 기록이 아니라 이제는 아무도 모르는 흔적으로서의 무당들 사어死語다.

주여 내가 구하옵나니 주는 주의 공의를 좇으사 주의 분노를 주의 성 예루살렘, 주의 거룩한 산에서 떠나게 하옵소서 이는 우리의 죄와 우리의 열조의 죄악을 인하여 예루살렘과 주의 백성이 사면에 있는 자에게 수욕을 받음이니이다
"O Lord, in accordance with all Your righteous acts, let now Your anger and Your wrath turn away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain; for because of our sins and the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people have become a reproach to all those around us.

그 혜택이 주(여호와)의 거룩한 산(아펩뱀이 누워있는 언덕 또는 산)에서 떠나 중국인들 64괘로 옮겨간 것이다. 8) ::)
예서 멸망의 가증한 것이란 분해된 4층 Djed이라 62가 지목당한게야. ::) ::) 8) 8)

가브리엘 음부의 날개달린 쇠똥구리가 4층 Djed의 본 모습이기 때문이기도 해. 8)
우주에서 중력만큼 센 것은 아직은 없다. 8) ::)

빛도 어둠도 중력을 수하로 두고픈 추종자들의 간절한 바램만 성서에 있응 뿐이지만, 8)
누트와 게브 다음으로 가장 큰 보이지 않는 쇠똥구리에 대해 이러쿵 저러쿵이 모세로 표출된 가증이다. 8) ::)

나사로 나흘의 잠도, 아브라함 품으로 돌아간 나사로의 포지션도, 땅(가브리엘)이 어둠의 근원이라서다. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 23, 2021, 05:34:03 AM
А вот Ацюковский, взял и раскрыл весь секрет КАПЫ, нарисовал схему и за патентовал.
Жаль аппарат он так и не построил. Схема то нарисована со слов КАПЫ, тютелька в тютельку.

Тариэль Капанадзе 2 дня назад @Vasili Ivanov не в том направлении ты идёшь, создай ток в контуре это первый и важный момент, второе, нужно сделать так, чтоб первый контур влиял на второй, но второй ни как не влиял на первый контур. И на втором контуре ты должен получить напряжения,а первый контур ток. Но они оба работают на одной и той же частоте. Я тебе лично обещаю, если ты сделаешь то чт сказал, я тебе лично вышлю свой номер телефона и почту, мы свяжимся с тобой, ив Тбилиси мы встретимся. Я тебе раскрою весь секрет очень мощного источника энергии, и обниму тебя сам лично. Ваш Тариэль Капанадзе. Свернуть

It could be the gravitational influence that the Russian paintings are going towards the mountains, Dad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 23, 2021, 05:45:47 AM

If Vasily Ivanov, the epitome of Edison's experimental spirit, hid something in the mountains, the smell-sensitive Russian mutts and the far-right eunuchs would have found it and posted it. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 06:36:51 AM
The Temple of Apep and the Temple of the Sun created by the Egyptians are ways of worshiping natural objects in their own way, but various interpretations are added as they cross to China and become the origin of the eight trigrams.
It is applied to various fields such as astronomy, geography, measurement, mechanics, etc., and becomes the history and study of the Chinese people from generation to generation.
The video below is about the many interpretations of the eight trigrams in China.

[nss-주역-041] 八宮卦 五行 配當 팔궁괘 오행 배당
[nss-주역-042] 六親 육친
[nss-주역-043] 飛神 비신·伏神 복신
[nss-주역-044] 用神 용신
[nss-주역-045] 圖象易學 도상역학
[nss-주역-046] 先天圖 선천도
[nss-주역-047] 後天圖 후천도
[nss-주역-048] 河圖 하도 落書 낙서
[nss-주역-049] 太極圖說 태극도설




Westerners have a lot of work to do, but Asians, especially Chinese, Koreans, and Japans, have too much to study.
In particular, the study of Eastern philosophy is endless.
Moreover, it is several times more difficult because you must know almost all of the difficult Chinese characters.
Must be able to individually know or recognize 30,000 to 50,000 Chinese characters.
In the West, research is conducted by universities, researchers, and doctoral degrees, but in the East, research is conducted by the general public in addition to universities, researchers, and PhDs.
That is why there are many ordinary people in the East who are superior to those with doctoral degrees.
We call them otaku or live in seclusion master.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 06:38:37 AM
Тесла от пушпула

Влад Казак
Василий вот эту конструкцию посмотрите ,тоже на двух тактном генераторе ,на выходе уже получается в несколько раз оольше энергии 

Vasili Ivanov
Нет там никакого превышения энергии на выходе. Делал я такие  установки. и даже намного помощнее. Нет в таких схемах никакой прибавки.

игорь люцко
Яица от излучения не обвиснут?

Сергей Ва Ли
А зачем эта игрушка!!!?   Лайк... Развлекалово!

Vasili Ivanov
Да..... уж!

In Akura/Ruslan generators, the yoke ferrite is all about helping with some amplification, and pulling the charge from ground is a high-frequency pulse that causes polarity-unbalance.
The principle behind generating a high-frequency arc is a wiring problem in the schematic, not a Tesla frequency or special puzzling circuit problem.
It seems like a bigger riddle that the members have not been able to solve a problem that can be easily understood by just studying the wiring for 10 years.
However, generating the arc is only the primary gateway.
2nd...3rd...4th car left.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 06:40:26 AM
pierre cotnoir dz generator part 3

ZPower Detailed Technology Demonstration

The principle of the above two generators is the same.
It's just the difference between having bismuth or not.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 07:13:25 AM
아침에 도를 알면 저녁에 죽어도 좋다는 조문석사도(朝聞夕死道)는 태양에서 달까지의 문제라 빛의 일대기라고 볼 수 있제. 8)

"아침에 듣다가 저녁에 죽는 것이 道다"가 더 적절한 해석이야. 8)
소년이로학난성(少年易老學難成)과 같은 얘기지만. ::) ::)
易은 쉽다는 뜻이 아니라 바꿀 역자로 해석해야 한다.
"뒤집힌(꺼꾸로 박힌 헤드젯) 소년이 늙도록 배우려니 이루기 어렵다" ::)
소년은 뒤집혀서(반항기질 다분해서) 늙도로 배우도 이루기 어렵다. ;D 8) ;D

노자의 道는 두 개라서 아침 道와  저녁 道가 다를 뿐이지만 결국엔 똑같이 뒈지는 道잖어. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 07:19:55 AM

Для этого видоса использована данная схема: – нанопульсёра.... (не Мейер)
* *
Т. 300л/мин - легко!...
NANO-PULSE power supply это в данном варианте не резонанс, а только сверхкороткие импульсы пиздякающие малећулу воды!....

When the generator research is jjamppong, the boat goes to the mountain.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 07:59:34 AM
I Make Powerful Generator Use Free Electricity

It's blatantly more complicated than building a Ruslan generator. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 10:21:05 AM
Kapanadze The Continuation Reverse Engineering N°2

Here is the second part of the Kapanadze Reverse Engineering N ° 2 video.
On some well-known forum some people criticize what I do.
You have understood that these people comment only to destabilize us and prevent us from sharing our discoveries.
I want to tell you that I will not give up and I will continue to multiply the tests and the manufacture of reels until the day when I will discover the real functioning of Tariel Kapanadze's video "2004 video".
Even if this video is a montage to lie to people, I will be proud to present it at least to all the subscribers of the Youtube Channel, Résonance by Tesla, who trusted me.
But believe me, the reason I'm spending so much time on this subject is that there are a few things to be discovered, so "PERSEVER", let's not let the detractors stop us from telling the whole world, that energy is there, it is enough simply to change our Aristotelian way of thinking.

Voici la deuxième partie de la vidéo Kapanadze Reverse Engineering N°2.
Sur certain forum très connue quelques personnes critique ce que je fais.
Vous avez bien compris que ces gens commentent uniquement pour nous déstabiliser et nous empêcher de partager nos découvertes.
Je tiens à vous dire que je n'abandonnerai pas et je continuerai à multiplier les essais et les fabrication de bobines jusqu'au jour ou je découvrirai le réel fonctionnement de la vidéo de Tariel Kapanadze " vidéo de 2004 ".
Même si cette vidéo est un montage pour mentir aux gens, je serai fier de le présenter au moins à tout les abonnés de la Chaine Youtube, Résonance by Tesla, qui m'ont fait confiance.
Mais croyez-moi, si je passe autant de temps sur ce sujet, c'est qu'il y à quelques choses à découvrir, alors " PERSÉVÉRONS ", ne laissons pas les détracteurs nous empêcher dire au monde entier, que l'énergie est là, est qu'il suffit simplement de changer notre mode de pensée Aristotélicien.


There are no meaningless experiments in the physical world.
We hope your dreams come true.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 10:34:33 AM
Освѣщеніе при посредствѣ резонанса по системѣ пёпина. – ІІрии описаній системы телеграфiн и телефонія IIёнина было упомянуто, что изобрьтатель приспособляетъ свой сподобъ II для получения свѣта. Недавно онъ доказали возможность этого практІІчески, произведя слѣдүюшій опытъ въ Columbia College. Онъ взялъ 100 лампы Эдисона, так какъ не было подъ рукамі трубокъ съ IIүстотой, но угольEIі лампъ не играютъ никакой ролін въ явленіяхъ.
Схема опытовъ представлена на фиг. 4. 1.500 — вольтовая динамомашина Слэттера А обыкновеннаго типа достав.Iяла токъ съ 130 періодам і в'секушду Въ трансформаторъ, который понижаль напряженіе до 150 вольтовъ. Во вторичную цѣь введены два конденсатора си двѣ индуктивныхъ катушки 10, одну изъ которых можно регулировать, вводя и выводя из'ь цѣi111
Фиг. 4
ся секці. Лампы L, распред..тенныя въ три ряда іно 33 iптук, введены въ вѣтвь у конденсаторовъ. Каждая лампа вводилась в цѣь, соединяясь съ цѣпью своей метал.IIIческой надѣлкой съ одной стороны и съ другой листиком станіоля, который покрывалъ нижнюю часть колпач около 16 поверхностн). - вольтметр, а ESV — электростатическій вольтметрь.
Прії Іпусканіи въ ходъ динамомашины унастраивали" цѣнь упомянутой индуктивной катушкой. При постепеномъ повышенін потенціала у ламиъ до максимума (2.500 вольтовъ), сіяніе лампъ постепенно усиливалось и поддерживалось съ одной напряженностью, пока катушка оставалась въ точкѣ резонанса. Во время настрailванія" цѣні, при всѣхъ измѣненіяхъ потенціала Вь ламповой цѣшI, и по достиженііі резонанса вольтметруь у показывалъ неизменно 150 вольтовъ, а это доказывает, что повышеніе потенціала въ ламіновой ДѣIIії обусловливается вполнвліяніемъ резонанса.
(Electr. Engincer).
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on November 24, 2021, 11:51:53 AM
ist pink layer should be 100t in 3 layers.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 24, 2021, 01:06:24 PM

It is possible that Kapanadze used a large transformer as a high-voltage device instead of a Tesla.
The 400W inverter only needs to supply good voltage to the grenade coil.
It's more intuitive than a matter of high probability for imagination to become reality.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 25, 2021, 07:52:55 AM
빛과 어둠의 산수 및 족보전쟁.
The arithmetic and genealogy wars of light and darkness.

[nss-주역-050] 太一 태일

[nss-주역-051] 별자리 28수 자미원 태미원 천시원

【簡一】太一生水, 水反輔太一, 是以成天. 天反輔太一, 是以成地. 天地[復相輔]
태일이 물을 낳고, 물은 반대로 태일을 도와서 하늘을 이룬다. 하늘이 반대로 태일을 도와서 땅을 이룬다. 하늘과 땅은 [다시 서로 도와서]
【簡二】也, 是以成神明. 神明復相輔也, 是以成陰陽. 陰陽復相輔也, 是以成四時. 四時
신명을 이룬다. 신과 명은 다시 서로 도와서, 음양을 이룬다. 음과 양이 다시 서로 도와서 사시(春夏秋冬)를 이룬다. 사시는
【簡三】復[相]輔也, 是以成滄然. 滄然復相輔也, 是以成溼燥. 溼燥復相輔也, 成歲
다시 [서로] 도와서 창연(춥고 더움)을 이룬다. 창과 연은 다시 서로 도와서 습조(습함과 건조함)를 이룬다. 습과 조는 서로 도와서 한 해를 이루고
【簡四】而止. 故歲者, 溼燥之所生也. 溼燥者, 滄然之所生也. 滄然者, [四時之所生也]. 四時
멈춘다. 그러므로 한해는 습조의 소생이며, 습조는 창연의 소생이며, 창연은 [사시의 소생이며,] 사시는
【簡五】者, 陰陽之所生[也]. 陰陽者, 神明之所生也. 神明者, 天地之所生也. 天地
음양의 소생이며, 음양은 신명의 소생이며, 신명은 천지의 소생이며, 천지는
【簡六】者, 太一之所生也.
태일의 소생이다.

천지는 태일(太一)의 소생이다.
Sky/Earth is Taeil(太一)'s child.

도올 김용옥 노자와 21세기 제36강 태일생수太一生水와 태극

[도올김용옥] 노자 33 태일생수 - 시간은 곧 물이다 Time is Water - 자식은 부모를 만든다

도올은 국가대표 뻥쟁이다.
Kim Yong-ok is a national representative liar.

노자 도덕경 장 제8




최고의 선은 물과 같다.
물은 만물을 이롭게 하여 다투지 않게하고,
모두가 싫어하는 곳에 머문다.
그래서 도에 가깝다.

낮은 곳에 머물고,
마음은 고요하며,
사귐에 어질고,
말이 듬직하고,
올곧아 잘 다스리고,
일을 잘 처리하고,
때맞춰 움직인다.

그저 다투지 않으니,
허물도 없다.


하나의 무(無)가 시작되며 하나는 시작한다.
삼극을 쪼개도 무(無)가 진본이다.
天一一地一二人一三(천일일 지일이 인일삼)
하늘에 하나와 하나, 땅에 하나와 둘, 사람에 하나와 셋.
一積十鉅无匱化三(일적십거 무궤화삼)
하나가 쌓여 열로 크지만 없고 다만(상자) 삼이 된다.
하늘에 이와 삼, 땅에 이와 삼, 사람에 이와 삼.
큰 삼이 합하여 육이 나오고 칠, 팔, 구 된다.
運三四成環五七(운삼사 성환오칠)
삼이 움직여 사를 이루어 갈고리 오, 칠.
하나의 묘함이 넓어 만(萬)을 가고 만(萬)을 온다.
쓰임은 변하지만 본은 움직이지 않는다.
본심 본 태양은 밝고 밝다.
가운데 사람과 천지가 하나다.
하나의 무가 끝나며 하나는 끝난다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 25, 2021, 07:55:19 AM
The Worldwide KAPAGEN experiment replications

Not many people know what principle KAPAGEN missed.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 25, 2021, 08:28:58 AM
VAPC0182윤석열후보결단!! 김종인과 더이상 밀당은 안돼!!

땡초가 좃빠지게 열받았는디 어쩌쓰까냐. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 25, 2021, 08:42:55 AM
There are many people who recognize that Tesla is an independent organization that directly intervenes, but not many people actually apply it to experiments, Dad.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 25, 2021, 09:07:00 AM
한걸레 재봉이가 그라는디 픽션과 논픽션 차이가 좃빠지게 있다는디? ;D ;D ;D ;D

일본외무성 보고서에는 1980년 5월 24일 보안사령관이자 중앙정보부장 서리였던 전두환이 편집국장단과 비공개 간담회에서 "김일성은 영리하게 2,000~3,000명의 비정규군에 의한 전쟁을 기획하고 있다'고 발언한 것으로 적혀 있다. 전두환의 80년 5월 24일 발언 전에는 미국을 포함 그 누구도 구체적으로 북한군 병력 숫자까지 거론하며 북한군 침투설을 언급한 적이 없다.

김일성이는 오판말라, 훌라훌라" ;D ;D 8) 8)
우리의 신조들 중에 아직 여럿 살아있어야. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 25, 2021, 09:18:47 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 25, 2021, 09:37:23 AM
대부 337아빠는 윗배내미별 지옥사막모래 속에서 자유발전기 지옥주유격훈련중이였단말야 대부.

'전두환은 왜 청와대 실무자들과 논의해 총리 결재까지 난 순방 계획안을 결재하지 않고 방문국에 버마를 추가하라고 지시했을까'이다.

전세계 유례없는 사건! 미얀마 아웅산 폭탄 테러(Non-official cover 자작극)
자작극 덮으려면 더 큰 자작극이 필요하단다.

It is difficult to see the people who made these circuit diagrams as donations from profit-making groups or individuals other than the Russian intelligence service eunuchs.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 26, 2021, 07:08:24 AM
"보도 검열, 제작거부에 대한 폐간, 저항언론인 1천여명 해직, 언론사통폐합.... 정부수립 이후 전두환은 가장 악랄하게 언론을 탄압했고, 아직도 후유증이 가시지 않았다. 그렇게 폭력적으로 언론을 탄압한 뒤 결국 사과 않고 떠나 씁쓸한 마음이다."

군사정부는 1980년 8월부터 81년 1월까지 영장도 없이 마구잡이로 시민들을 잡아들였습니다. 이때 잡혀간 사람은 무려 6만여 명... 이후 조사에 의하면 이 중 많은 수가 무고한 일반인이며, 심지어 10대 학생들도 있었다고 합니다.
사실, 첫 번째 목표는 2만 명이었습니다. 그러나 문제를 일으켜서 체포한 것이 아니라, 국민의 입을 막기 위해 지시된 명령이었기에 할당제가 되어버렸습니다. 전국 파출소, 경찰서들은 경쟁이 붙어서, 체포자 수를 채우기 위해 혈안이 되었습니다.
사람을 잡아간 이유도 황당했습니다. 어머니 마중 나갔던 15세 소년을 불량배라고 잡아가기도 하고, 신분증을 안 가지고 다닌다고 잡아갔으며, 밀린 월급 달라고 했다고 잡아가기도 했습니다. 코미디언 '이기동'은 사업 부도냈다고 잡혀 갔다 온 뒤, 그 굴욕감 때문에 결국 화병으로 사망하고 말았습니다.


국정원 1차장에 박선원, 2차장에 천세영

아빠 내기빚 갚으러 왔느냐.
계좌번호는 그대로다.

안기부/보안사가 주도한 문제를 애꿎은 신조에게 돌리지 마라.
삼청교육대 공포효과는 1980년~1993년(1998년)까지 지속됐다.
이후 3당합당 김영삼 정부도 가담해서 근 20년간 정보가 차단됐다.
그마져도 짜고친 고스톱은 영원히 무덤으로 간 비공개다.

좌파 운동권들 광주사태 숭배현상은 전두환이 만들어낸거다.
실체없는 그림자 숭배현상쯤으로 해두자.
광주사태에 개입한 북괴공작원은 (아마도)없었을 것이다.
혹여 고정간첩이 뜨믄뜨믄있더라도 총격전에는 (아마도)가담하지 않았을 것이다.
계엄령 이후 특전사가 포위하고있는 상황에서, 시민군이 패할껄 뻔히 아는 상황에서 신분노출은 죽음과 다름없다.
대령출신 지만원이 공개한 광수들은 신군부정권 옹호차원이며 우파란 이름으로 자행된 거짓말이다.
정보가 차단된 역사를 숨기기는 쉽지만, 숨겨진 역사는 아니다.
태반의 우파들은 편중된 정보조작의 피해자들이다.
우파 느그는 공산당이 싫어요 그러나 일말 광주를 사랑해야 할 사람들이다.

훈련된 군인이 할 일이 없어지면 적을 만들어서 싸운다. 자신과 싸우다가 자살하거나....
When trained soldiers have nothing to do, they fight by making enemies. or commit suicide while fighting with yourself....

지만원의 방법론은 틀렸지만 군인정신은 높이산다.
아래 사진은 극적효과를 위한 유튜브 펌이라 아무 의미없다.
러시아 회원이 만드는 자유발전기와 구색맞추느라 올렸다 개희야.

НЧ и ВЧ. Что происходит?

василий потапенко
Во всех ВЧ устройствах происходит выброс электронов за пределы этих устройств. Для компенсации потерь нужно подпитывать их . Лучше всего подходит заземление.  Такая моя мысль.

Для ВЧ тесел транзистор K2611 один из лучших бюджетных. Держит ОЭДС выбросы 900-1000В, быстро закрывается.

Vladimir Tag
Мне кажется не стоило использовать алюминиевый провод на тесле, при использовании медной вторички. Параметры меняются. И двигайте катушки. (АРДОНУС)

Александр К
Скрещивать нужно на одном сердечнике.

Serhey L
Где-то рядышком, желаемый эффект!

А почему уже все забыли об эффекте Тигр 2007...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 26, 2021, 07:32:38 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 26, 2021, 08:58:24 PM



If you post your video one day later, your subscribers may miss it.

마지막 특강!

祖國은 우리를 버렸지만, 우리는 祖國을 버리지 않았다!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 26, 2021, 09:08:03 PM
나라에 굳은일은 도맡아허믄서 헌신짝 취급허니 좃빠지게 열안받것냐. ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 26, 2021, 09:30:44 PM
((잡담)) 테슷흐. (( 내 용 무 ))
2021-11-27 11:24:23

혼자야? 어, 아직 싱글이야

두 놈의 관계는 좀 미묘하다.
태우는 두환이가 광주사태를 뒤에서 꾸몇다는 것을 알고 있었고
태우는 직접 가담하지는 않았다.
훗날 대령통 출마한 장세동이 직계라는 것은 공공연한 변소아니드나.
두환이가 태우에게 정치적인 부담을 주고싶지 않아서 뱉은 발언일 수도 있지만
태우가 두환이와는 좀 달랐다는 것은 사실이다.
재판정에서 손을 꼭잡는 두 놈의 우정은 대외용 서비스 미안함 여러가지 뜻일게다.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 26, 2021, 10:13:55 PM
신창원을 잡은 북파공작원의 특수훈련법 공개

원래 구닥다리 옛날얘기는 낭중에 들어야 더 재밋는기라. ;D ;D ;D ;D
일베 일개희 중에 틀딱 신조들 여럿있능거 알믄서 새꼬빠지게 웬 앙탈이가?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D

쨌든 박정희 전두환 똥구녕 빠는 년놈들은 정신병자 말고 누가있것냐. ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 26, 2021, 10:42:32 PM
Again, structural changes are unnecessary.
It is a power generation principle that can be easily understood by studying wiring alone.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 27, 2021, 01:59:26 PM
북창비결 정렴

● 정북창 설화(說話)

정북창(鄭北窓)은 조선 명종 때의 학자․관리․도인(道人)인 정렴(鄭磏)을 말한다.
정렴의 자는 사결(士潔)이며 호는 북창(北窓)이며, 일명 용호대사(龍虎大師)라고 도 하였다.

정북창은 어릴 적부터 마음을 가다듬어 신(神)과 통할 줄 알았고, 가까이는 동리 집안의 사소한 일에서 멀리는 나라 밖의 다른 나라의 풍토와 기후의 다른 점과 외국인의 말까지도 마치 귀신처럼 잘 알아 맞추었다 한다.

세상에 태어나면서부터 말을 할 줄 알았고
또 대낮에는 그림자가 없었다고 한다.
그래서 생이지지(生而知之)한 천재요,
그림자가 없는 귀신이었다는 세평을 들을 만하였다.

정북창에 관한 설화(說話)는 많이 있지만 그 중에 몇 가지를 소개 하자면 다음과 같다.

정북창이 14세에 부친 정순봉(鄭順朋)을 따라 중국 북경(北京)을 갔었는데, 이상한 기운을 바라보고 중국에 왔다는 유구(琉球 : 일본 오키나와에 있던 나라) 사람이 정북창을 보고 두 번 절하며 말하기를, "내가 일찍이 운명을 점쳤더니 '아무 해 아무 달 아무 날에 중국에 들어가면 어떤 진인(眞人)을 만나게 될 것이다'고 하더니 당신이 참으로 그 사람이신가봅니다." 하고, 그 자리에서 배우기를 청하였다. 그러자  정북창은 유구말로써 주역(周易)의 요결(要訣)을 가르쳐주었다.

이리하여 외국에서 온 모든 사람들이 이 소문을 듣고 앞을 다투어 찾아와 보았다. 북창이 각국의 말로 응대하니 사람들은 깜짝 놀라 이상히 여기지 않는 자가 없고 천인(天人)이라고 불렀다. 한 사람이 자기의 운명을 묻는데, 객관(客館)에서 품팔이로 땔나무를 나르는 사람이 그 앞에 서 있었다. 눈 익혀 보았더니 무슨 할 말이 있는 것 같아서, "당신도 할 말이 있어서인가?" 하니, "그렇습니다." 하였다.

같이 말을 나누어 보니 음양(陰陽) 운화(運化)의 기이한 술법을 잘 통한 사람이었다. 북창이, "당신은 어찌하여 품팔이를 하는가?" 하니, "이렇게 살지 아니하면 저는 벌써 죽었을 것입니다." 하고, 스스로 말하기를, "저는 촉(蜀)나라 사람입니다. 아무 해에는 아무 데로 가게 될 것입니다. 선생은 벌써 만물에 신통하여 무궁한 경지에 들어가셨으니, 「도덕경」(道德經)에 '문을 나가지 않고도 천하의 일을 다 안다'고 한 말이 이를 두고 이르는 말인가 봅니다." 하였다고 전한다.

그는 19세 때 국자시(國子試)에 뽑히고는 다시 과거에 응시하지 않았다. 양주 괘라리(掛蘿里)에 살 곳을 정하고 있었는데, 중종 때에 장악원 주부(掌樂院 主簿)·관상감(觀象監)과 혜민서(惠民署) 교수(敎授)가 되었고, 후에는 포천현감(抱川縣監)이 되었다가 갑자기 벼슬을 버리고 떠나났다.

정북창은 천성이 술을 즐기어 두어 말[斗]을 마실 수 있었고 취하지도 않았다. 북창 정염은 스승도 없었으며, 또한 제자도 없었다고 한다. 언제나 스스로 깨닫고 터득하였다. 언젠가 말하기를, "성인은 인륜(人倫)을 중히 여기는데, 석가(釋迦)와 노자(老子)는 마음을 닦아 성불[見性]하는 것만 말하고 인사(人事)의 학문은 빠뜨렸다. 아마 석가와 노자는 대개는 같으면서 약간의 차이가 있는 듯하다." 하였다. 그리고 남과 더불어 말할 적에는 공자(孔子)의 학으로 인륜(人倫)을 행하였다고 하니 그는 유불선에 두루 통달한 도인(道人)이였다고 할 수 있겠다.

그가 생전에 지은시에는 그 웅장한 포부가 잘 나타나 있다.

一生讀破萬卷書,       一日飮盡天鍾酒.
일생독파만권서,       일일음진천종주.             
高談伏羲以上事,       俗說往來不掛口.
고담복희이상사,       속설왕래부괘구.
顔子三十稱亞聖,       先生之壽何其久.
안자삼십칭아성,       선생지수하기구.

일생 동안 만 권의 책을 독파하고
하루에 천 잔 술을 마시었네.
복희씨(伏羲氏) 이전 일을 고고하게 담론하고
속설은 입에도 담지 않았네.
안자(顔子)는 삼십을 살아도 아성(亞聖)이라 불리었는데,
선생의 나이는 어찌 그리 길더뇨?

그리고서 앉은 채로 세상을 떠나니 북창의 나이는 44세였다.
북창이 44세에 죽은 사연에 관한 일화가 전해져 온다.
친구 중 한 사람이 북창을 찾아와서 말했다.
"내가 44세가 되는 모월 모일 죽는다는데, 무슨 좋은 수가 없겠는가?"
그러자 북창이 되물었다.
"그렇게 죽고 싶지 않는가?"
친구는 그렇다고 대답을 했다.
북창이 잠시 생각을 하다가 말했다.
"그러면 모월 모일 어느 마을 어느 곳에 가면 수레를 끄는 노인이 한 분 계실 것이네, 자네는 아무 이유도 묻지 말고 그냥 그 노인에게 절을 하게나."
이 말을 들은 친구가 모월 모일 그 장소에 가니 마침 수레를 끄는 노인이 보이길래 보자마자 절을 하기 시작했다. 그러나 노인은 본 척도 하지 않았다. 하지만 친구는 줄곧 따라다니며 절을 하기 시작했는데, 어느새 해가 넘어가고 있었다.
그제야 노인이 뒤를 돌아보며 그 친구를 가만히 보더니 말했다.
"북창이 보내서 왔군."
그 후 그 친구는 44세를 넘기고도 건강히 살았지만, 북창은 44세에 세상을 떠났다. 이 일을 두고 사람들은 북창이 친구와 수명을 바꾸었다고들 말을 한다.
그리고 정북창은 충청남도 아산군 송악면 솔리라는 곳에서 태어났는데, 계수(季嫂)의 아들인 조카는 사랑하지만 정작 자기 자식 둘은 사랑하지 않아서 아내가 불평을 하였다.
정북창이 금강산의 산사에 머무르고 있을 때의 일이다.
그는 밤에 겹으로 병풍을 두르고서 관을 쓰고 머리를 빗질하는 것도 폐하고, 밖을 내다보지도 않은 채 하루종일 고요히 앉아 침묵으로 일관하였다.
언젠가 절의 중이 찾아와 질문을 하였는데, 북창이 얘기를 나누다가 "오늘 집에서 일하는 머슴이 술을 갖고 올 것이다"라고 말하다가 갑자기 놀라면서 "아깝구나. 오늘은 술을 못 먹게 생겼구나!" 하는 것이었다. 잠시 후 집에서 머슴이 도착하여 말하기를, 술항아리를 지고 오다가 고갯마루 밖에서 돌부리에 걸려 넘어져 항아리를 깨뜨렸다고 하였다.
그리고 그 머슴은 아들이 지금 죽게 되었으니 빨리 집으로 가기를 청하였다.
그러나 정북창은 "그 아들은 내가 혼인하기 전에 죽인 두 이방이 복수하려고 나에게서 태어난 것이다"라고 말하고는 오히려 그 자리를 피하여 모습을 감추었다.
그가 지방 고을 관찰사로 부임한 적이 있었다. 그 고을에 이방(吏房) 둘이 있었는데 이들은 행정을 하면서 부정한 일로 인하여서 고을에 원성이 자자하였다.
정북창이 관찰사로 부임하여 그들에게 몇 차례 경고를 주었지만 방자한 행동이 고치지 않고 오히려 정북창을 모함하려 들었다. 그들의 진상을 조사해본 결과 이미 전임 관찰사도 모함하여 쫓아 보낸 적이 있었다. 그들의 수법은 교묘하여 잘 드러나지 않았지만 북창의 눈은 속일수가 없었던 것이다. 정북창은 마침내 그들을 참형으로 다스려 죽였다. 그런데 두 이방은 정북창을 극도로 원망하고 복수에 찬 두 눈을 부릅뜨고 죽었다.
얼마 후에 정북창 장가를 가서 쌍둥이 아들을 낳게 되었는데 그 아버지를 노려보는 두 아들의 눈빛이 얼마 전에 처형시킨 이방들의 눈빛과 똑 같았다.
마을 사람들은 쌍둥이 아들을 얻었다고 경사라고 하였지만 북창은 내심 반갑지 않았던 것이다.
그는 이미 그 아들들이 복수를 하러온 이방임을 알았기에 조카는 귀여워했어도 자기 자식은 귀여워하지 않았던 것이다.
두 아들이 어느듯 18세가 되어 과거에 급제를 하여 돌아왔지만 정북창은 금강산에 들어가 나와 보지도 않았다. 과거 급제 얼마후 두 아들이 갑자기 깊은 병이 들어 함께 사경을 헤메자 하인이 급히 북창을 찾아왔던 것이다. 그러나 오히려 그는 자리를 피하고 말았던 것이다.
두 아들이 죽어 장사를 지냈는데 그날 밤 하얀 소복을 입은 두 아들이 무덤에서 나오더니 "앗다! 그놈 참 지독한 놈이다. 우리가 원수를 갚으러 아들로 왔는데도 저렇게 무심하게 대하니 어쩔 수 없다. 그냥 떠나자." 하고 떠나는 것을 하인이 보고 주인에게 일렀다고 한다.
태어나면서부터 배우지 않고도 말을 하고 어려서부터 신(神)과 통하였다는 정북창이지만 입산 3일 후에야  천하사를 통하였다고 한다. 그의 나이 25세에 육통법을 시험해 보려고 입산하여 삼일 동안 정관하더니 이로부터 배우지 않고 저절로 통하여 천리 밖의 일도 생각만 일으키면 훤히 알게 되었다고 한다.

명종실록 31권, 명종 20년 10월 29일 임진 1번째기사 1565년 명 가정(嘉靖) 44년.
정현의 형 정염(鄭𥖝)은 착한 사람이다. 그 아비의 악행이 여기에까지 이른 것을 슬퍼하여 밤낮으로 울며 간했다. 정순붕은 일을 그르칠까 두려워 정현과 공모하여 정염을 죽이려 했다. 정염은 일생 동안 거의 산중에서 지내다가 슬픔을 안고 죽었다. 이를 지금까지 선비들은 슬퍼하고 있다.
礥之兄𥖝, 善人也。 憫其父之爲惡至此, 日夜泣諫。 順朋恐其敗事, 與礥謀殺之。 𥖝之一(主)〔生〕 , 多在山中, 抱憫以沒, 至今士類悲之

정렴(鄭𥖝)의 묘(墓)
경기도 양주시 산북동 산 90번지
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 27, 2021, 02:15:18 PM

Step 4 is harder to understand than Step 1.
You won't believe it even if you see it with your own eyes.
Clearly, in step 4, the existing laws of electricity should be discarded.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 28, 2021, 05:44:41 AM

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 28, 2021, 05:55:15 AM
Схемы выкладывать смысла нет, так как мы все застряли во всей этой информативности не информативности, и я в том числе! Сейчас только начал потихоньку от туда вылазить, и делать что то свое! Не понимаю почему, видимо так устроен человек, но сначала хочется что то сделать и чтобы оно работало, а уже потом разобраться как оно работает, очень трудно это преодолевать. Раньше материл таких людей как Капанадзе и Лапутько, сейчас извиняюсь! Одни дают схемы, но не демонстрируют установку, другие наоборот проводят демонстрацию установки, красиво рассказывают как оно там работает и что для этого нужно. Сейчас мое мнение о Капанадзе такое; думаю что он сразу все понимал что этому нет будущего, и нужно как то выживать, так как затратил огромное жизненное время на все это, и на зад пути уже нет, а нужда заставляет каждого выживать в этом обществе, где главное это деньги, так вот и все его показухи связаны как раз только с деньгами! Что касается принципов работы установок, лично я разбирался и размышлял последнее время наделав скринов только с ("банка" / трехфазная на столе / трехфазная синяя большая в Турции / и огромная трехфазная в павильоне) отбросив все остальное что есть у Капанадзе, и плюс смотрел все 4 видео у Лапутько. Сейчас наполняюсь информацией по волновым процессам, и согласованию линий! В моем случае нет никакой ОЭДС и подобного, по крайней мере я так думаю.

The voltage tester is also dead, the ammeter is malfunctioning, and the oscilloscope is not functioning.
While tracing the principles of generator operation, there is only one phenomenon that occurs with generators.
Only the brightness of the lamp and the unbalanced arc.

And altering the alternator structure only throws your dreams further.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 07:34:25 AM
한시(漢詩)는 크게 고체시(古體詩)와 근체시(近體詩)로 구분하는데,
고체시는 자유로운 형식으로 쓰여진 주로 당나라 이전의 시라 생각하면 되구,
근체시는 여러가지 법칙에 맞춰서 쓰여진 시다.
근체시는 크게 절구(絕句)와 율시(律詩)로 나뉘는데,
절구는 4줄, 율시는 8줄 이라고 생각하면 되구,
5언 절구(五言絕句)는 한줄이 5자로된 4줄짜리 시라,
글자수는 5곱하기 4줄 = 20자.
5언 율시(五言律詩)는 5곱하기 8줄 = 40자.
7언 율시(七言律詩) 한줄이 7자로된 8줄짜리 시.
글자수는 7곱하기 8줄 = 56자.
7언 절구(七言絕句)는 7곱하기 4줄 = 28자.

근체시 법칙도 간단히 설명하자면,
압운법(押韻法)과 평측법(平仄法)이 있는데,
압운법은 성운(聲韻, 한글의 모음과 비슷한 발음: 정확히 따지자면 중성과 종성발음)을 짝수줄 끝자로 맞추는 것이고,
평측법은 중국말엔 한국말과 달리 성조(聲調, 소리의 높낮이: 이것 때문에 중국말 배울려면 음감이 필요함)라는 것이있는데, 예를 들어서 음악에서 같은 음(音)만 똑같이 나온다면 생뚱맞다.
그래서 시절이 듣기좋은 성조의 결합법칙을 만들어서 사용했다.

5언 절구

무어별 (無語別)
十五越溪女 (십오월계녀)
(열 십)(다섯 오)(넘을 월)(시내 계)(계집 녀)
羞人無語別 (수인무어별)
(부끄러워할 수)(사람 인)(없을 무)(말씀 어)(다를 별)
歸來掩重門 (귀래엄중문)
(돌아갈 귀)(올 래)(가릴 엄)(무거울 중)(문 문)
泣向梨花月 (읍향이화월)
(울 읍)(향할 향)(배나무 리)(꽃 화)(달 월)

15세의 아리따운 아가씨가
다른 사람이 부끄러워 말도 한마디 건네지 못하여
돌아와 겹문을 닫아걸고는
배꽃 같은 달을 바라보며 눈물짓는구나.

5언 율시

月下梧桐盡 (월하오동진)
(달 월)(아래 하)(오동나무 오)(오동나무 동)(다할 진)
霜中野菊黃 (상중야국황)
(서리 상)(가운데 중)(들 야)(국화 국)(누를 황)
樓高天一尺 (누고천일척)
(다락 루)(높을 고)(하늘 천)(한 일)(자 척)
人醉酒千觴 (인취주천상)
(사람 인)(취할 취)(술 주)(일천 천)(술잔 상)
流水和琴冷 (유수화금랭)
(흐를 류)(물 수)(화할 화)(거문고 금)(찰 랭)
梅花入笛香 (매화입적향)
(매화 매)(꽃 화)(들 입)(피리 적)(향기 향)
明朝相別後 (명조상별후)
(밝을 명)(아침 조)(서로 상)(다를 별)(뒤 후)
情與碧波長 (정여벽파장)
(뜻 정)(줄 여)(푸를 벽)(물결 파)(길 장)

달빛 아래 오동잎 모두다 떨어지고
서리 맞은 들국화 아직 누른데
하늘이 지척인 듯 누각은 높고
사람은 흠씬 술에 취해 있구나
흐르는 물, 거문고 소리 어울리고
매화 향기 피리 소리 함께 흐르니
내일 아침 님 보내고 나면
내 시름 저 물처럼 끝이 없으리

7언 절구(七言絕句)

송인(送人) - 정지상(鄭知常)
雨歇長堤草色多 (우헐장제초색다)
(비 우)(쉴 헐)(길 장)(둑 제)(풀 초)(빛 색)(많을 다)
送君南浦動悲歌 (송군남포동비가)
(보낼 송)(임금 군)(남녘 남)(물가 포)(움직일 동)(슬플 비)(노래 가)
大洞江水何時盡 (대동강수하시진)
(클 대)(골 동)(강 강)(물 수)(어찌 하)(때 시)(다할 진)
別淚年年添綠派 (별루년년첨록파)
(다를 별)(눈물 루)(해 년)(해 년)(더할 첨)(푸를 록)(갈래 파)

비 갠 긴 둑에 풀빛이 진한데,
남포에 임 보내니 노랫가락 구슬퍼라.
대동강 물은 어느 때나 마를 건가?
해마다 푸른 물결 위에 이별의 눈물만 더하네.

7언 율시

蕭寥月夜思何事 소요월야사하사
(시끄러울 소, 쓸쓸할 소)(쓸쓸할 요)(달 월)(밤 야)(생각 사)(어찌 하)(일 사)
寢宵轉輾夢似樣 침소전전몽사양
(잠잘 침)(밤 소)(구를 전)(구를 전)(꿈 몽)(같을 사)(모양 양)
問君有時錄忘言 문군유시녹망언
(물을 문)(임금 군)(있을 유)(때 시)(기록할 록)(잊을 망)(말씀 언)
此世緣分果信良 차세연분과신량
(이 차)(세상 세)(인연 연)(나눌 분)(과실 과)(믿을 신)(어질 량)
悠悠憶君疑未盡 유유억군의미진
(멀 유)(멀 유)(기억 억)(임금 군)(의심할 의)(아닐 미)(다할 진)
日日念我幾許量 일일염아기허량
(날 일)(날 일)(생각 념)(나 아)(몇 기)(허락할 허)(헤아릴 량)
忙中要顧煩或喜 망중요고번혹희
(바쁠 망)(가운데 중)(요할 요)(돌아볼 고)(괴로워할 번)(혹 혹)(기쁠 희)
喧喧如雀情如常 훤훤여작정여상
(시끄러울 훤)(시끄러울 훤)(같을 여)(참새 작)(뜻 정)(같을 여)(항상 상)

소슬한 달밤이면 무슨 생각 하오신지
뒤척이는 잠자리는 꿈인듯 생시인듯
님이시여 때로는 제가 드린 말도 적어보시는지
이승에서 맺은 연분 믿어도 좋을지요
멀리 계신 님 생각, 끝없어도 모자란 듯
하루 하루 이 몸을 그리워는 하시나요
바쁜 중 돌이켜 생각함이라 괴로움일까 즐거움일까
참새처럼 지저귀어도 제게 향하신 정은 여전하온지요

5언 율시와 7언 율시는 모두 황진이(黃眞伊, 1506 ~ 1567, 한반도 조선시대 대표 기녀)의 시다.


중국 남송 4대 시인 중의 한 사람으로, 시는 속어를 섞어 썼으며, 경쾌한 필치와 기발한 발상에 의한 자유활달한 점을 특색으로 한다. 시의 총편수는 무려 4,000여 편(실제 창작은 2만 수 이상)을 헤아린다.

섣달 월계꽃 앞에서

只道花無十日紅 此花無日無春風
一尖已剝胭脂筆 四破猶包翡翠茸
別有香超桃李外 更同梅斗雪霜中
折來喜作新年看 忘却今晨是季冬
지도화무십일홍 차화무일무춘풍
일첨이박연지필 사파유포비취이
별유향초도리외 경동매두설상중
절래희작신년간 망각금신시계동

단지 꽃은 열흘 붉은 꽃이 없다고 말하는데, 이 꽃은 봄바람이 불지 않는 날이 없구나.
연지빛 붓 같은 꽃봉오리 피려 하니, 네 가지 꽃받침이 비취색 싹으로 덮였구나.
복숭아와 오얏을 뛰어넘는 향기가 따로 있으니, 눈서리 속에서도 매화와 다투네.
새해를 맞이하는 기쁨도 꺾었는데, 오늘 새벽이 섣달인 줄도 잊고 말았네.

작은 연못

泉眼無聲惜細流 樹陰照水愛晴柔
小荷才露尖尖角 早有蜻蜓立上頭
천안무성석세류 수음조수애청유
소하재로첨첨각 조유청정립상두
Quán yǎn wú shēng xī xì liú, shù yīn zhào shuǐ ài qíng róu.
Xiǎo hé cái lù jiān jiān jiǎo, zǎo yǒu qīng tíng lì shàng tóu
조용히 가녀린 물줄기 아끼며 내뿜는 샘, 맑고 부드러운 바람이 좋아 샘물 위에 드리운 나무그늘.
연(연꽃)은 겨우 새싹을 내밀고 있는데, 그 위에 벌써 잠자리가 올라 앉았네.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 07:49:29 AM
The circuit diagram below that Ruslan has revealed is not just a rough drawing, but a precisely arranged circuit diagram.
Only the area circled in red requires a little creative approach.
I don't mean to add or subtract anything, it just means that you need some original ideas to understand the free-generator principle.
The power generation principle that Ruslan had already put into operation several years ago.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 08:18:03 AM
As with Ruslan's generator, there is no way to tell if a solar temple headjet is male or female.  ;D ;D::) ::) ::) ::) 8)

The Original Story of Mulan | Read the Ballad of Mulan in Chinese & English

중국의 용감한 소녀를 소재로 만든 디즈니의 만화영화 "뮬란"은 한시가 원형이다. 11세기에 북송에서 편찬된 "악부시집(樂府詩集)"이란 한시집에 수록되어 있는 "목란사(木蘭辭)"가 그 뿌리다. "뮬란"은 "목란(木蘭)"의 중국식 발음이다. 우리 나라 번역가는 영화의 영어제목을 "Mulan"을 "뮬란"이라고 했지만 영화 속에서도 "뮬란"이라고 발음하지 않았고, 정확히는 "무란"이어야 한다. 언어를 구사하는 직업은 넓은 눈이 필요한데 이런 초보적인 실수를 하는 우리 나라 번역가는 부끄럽다. 아무튼 이 "목란사", 무명씨(無名氏; 작자미상)에 의한 오언고시이다.

唧唧復唧唧  아이고, 아이고
木蘭當戶織  목란이 문가에서 베를 짠다.
不聞機저聲  그러나 베 짜는 소리는 들리지 않고
唯聞女歎息  다만 아가씨의 한숨만 들린다.
問女何所思  "무슨 생각을 하는가?
問女何所憶  무엇을 생각하고 있는가?" 하고 아가씨에게 물어 보았더니
女亦無所思  "별로 생각하는 바는 없어요,
女亦無所憶  무슨 생각도 하지 않아요.
昨夜見軍帖  어젯밤에 징병 명단을 보았는데
可汗大點兵  임금님이 병을 많이 징발하시더군요.
軍書十二卷  명단은 열두 권이나 되고
卷卷有爺名  권마다 다 우리 아버지 이름이 있더라고요.
阿爺無大兒  아빠에겐 큰 자식이 없고
木蘭無長兄  저, 목란에겐 큰 오빠가 없습니다.
願爲市鞍馬  그래서 안장과 말을 사서
從此替爺征  군을 따라가 아빠 대신 원정을 가고 싶습니다"
東市買駿馬  동쪽 시장에서 빠른 말을 사고
西市買鞍[革薦]  서쪽 시장에서 안장과 언치를 사고
南市買비頭  남쪽 시장에서 고삐를 사고
北市買長鞭  북쪽 시장에서 채찍을 사서
旦辭爺孃去  아침에 부모님 곁을 떠나
暮宿黃河邊  저녁에 황하가에서 잠들었다.
不聞爺孃喚女聲  부모가 딸을 부르는 소리는 이제 들리지 않고
但聞黃河流水鳴   다만 황하가 물결치고 흐르는 소리가 들릴 뿐.
且辭黃河去  또 황하를 떠나서
暮至黑山頭  저녁에 흑산 기슭에 왔다.
不聞爺孃喚女聲  부모가 딸을 부르는 소리는 이제 들리지 않고
但聞燕山胡騎鳴   다만 연산에 오랑캐 말이 슬피 우는 소리가 들릴 뿐
萬里赴戎機  만리 먼 땅, 정쟁터에 와서
關山度苦飛  관소가 있는 산을 어렵게 넘어갔다.
朔氣傳金[木斥]  북방의 냉기는 징소리를 울리게 하며
寒光照鐵衣  차가운 달빛은 갑옷을 비춘다.
將軍百戰死  장군은 백 번 싸움 끝에 죽고
壯士十年歸  장사 아까시는 10년 만에 돌아간다.
歸來見天子  돌아와서 황제를 만나뵈니
天子坐明堂  황제는 명당에서 앉아
策勳十二轉  열두 계급 특진의 훈장을 주시고
賞賜百千彊  몇천금의 상금을 주셨다.
可汗問所欲  임금님이 무엇을 바라는지 물어 보시니
木蘭不用尙書郞  목란은 높은 벼스자리를 원하지 않고
願馳千里足  "천리 가는 다리로 달려서
送兒還故鄕  이 아이를 고향에 돌아가도록 내보내 주십시오"라고 대답했다.
爺孃聞女來  부모는 딸이 돌아왔다고 듣고
出郭相扶將  성 밖으로 나가 서로 부축하면서 기다렸다.
阿姉聞妹來  언니는 동생이 돌아왔다고 듣고
當戶理紅粧  문가에서 화장을 했다.
小弟聞姉來  작은 동생은 누나가 돌아왔다고 듣고
磨刀곽곽向猪羊  칼을 갈아 기꺼이 돼지와 양 앞에 섰다.
開我東閣門  자기 집 동쪽 건물의 문을 열고
坐我西閣牀  자기 집 서쪽 건물의 침대에 앉고
脫我戰時袍  자기가 전쟁 때 입은 옷을 벗고
著我舊時裳  자기가 옛날에 입었던 옷을 다시 입는다.
當窓理雲빈  창가에서 머리를 가다듬고
對鏡帖花黃  거울을 보고 화장가루를 바른다.
出門看火伴  문 밖으로 나가 전우들을 만나니
火伴皆驚忙  전우들은 모두 깜짝 놀랐다.
同行十二年  12년간 같이 행동했는데
不知木蘭是女郞  목란이 여자라는 것을 전혀 몰랐다.
雄兎脚撲朔  수토끼는 다리가 앞으로 가지 않고
雌兎眼迷離  암토끼는 눈빛이 멍하다.
兩兎傍地走  양쪽 다 땅을 기어 뛰는데
安能辯我是雄雌  어찌 자기가 숫놈인지 암놈인지를 가릴 수 있으리오?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 08:39:33 AM
고대부터 인구쪽수 많은 중국인 뮬란이 선덕여왕처럼 사방지(Hermaphrodite)였다면 역사에 남았겠느냐 개희야.

ЭКС РЕКУПЕРАЦИИ на Тр. Мельниченко.

It seems that the experiment of the free generator of the Russian patriots buried in the sun is gradually moving towards the first stage.

If I'm mistaken, I'll correct it anytime.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 11:15:39 AM
장자(莊子) 호접지몽(胡蝶之夢) ::) ::) 8) 8)

옛날에 장주가 꿈에 나비가 되어
훨훨 날아다니는 나비가 된 채
유쾌하게 즐기면서도
자기가 장주라는 것을 깨닫지 못했다
그러다가 문득 잠에서 깨어나 보니
즉 엄연히 자신은 장주였다.
장주가 꿈에서 나비가 된 것인지
나비가 꿈에 장주가 된 것인지 몰랐다.
장주와 나비는
틀림없이 다른 존재일 것이므로
이를 물화라고 일컫는다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 11:31:17 AM
Offline GeoFusion
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Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #13793 on: April 20, 2016, 05:55:26 PM »
Hi guyz

Working with Radiant Energy will require you need to think backwards
instead of conventional way most of the time when it manifests. :)

Offline NickZ
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Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #13794 on: April 20, 2016, 06:05:20 PM »

  I've even been praying backwards, but it didn't help, either.  I wish that I could sleep at night, just thinking about all this.
  So, Geo, when are you going to show us what you got going? Or are we to just continue guessing backwards?

   Here's another diagram to ponder over.  This one I'm not sure which one of Nelson's devices it represents.
   Thanks, to the person that sent it to me.
    Sorry, I'll need to resize it, first. Too big...
   One moment.
   Here it is resized:

Nick You have a great advisor, but the wisdom and fighting spirit that doesn't understand him is waning over time.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 11:52:56 AM
너희는 우리가 내부고발자로밖에 안뵈더냐.
그리볼거 없느니라.

나의 언니가 대한민굴 박살내기 앞서 섭섭치않게 주는 것이니 오해는 말거라.

아빠가 15사단 808특수공작대에서 경험한 투표조작이 이번 대선에서도 있을 거라는 선관위 내부고발자 제보받았다.

참고로 아빠는 노태우 강제직인이후 단 한 번도 투표를 좃빠지게 안해봐서 이번 투표도 관심없다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 12:22:21 PM
대한민굴 여론조사 기관들이 조작한 통계에 맞춰 중국산 도미니언 포렌식 투표검표기가 찍어낸 차기 짜가 대령통은 내 큰 딸이 장담허구 좃빠지게 거덜낼게다. ;D ;D 8) 8)

간악한 TV조선이 방송폐지 결정해놓고 안철수에게 연락해서 골탕먹였다. ;D ;D 8) 8)

윤썪렬이 뭘바라고서 9수 했겠냐. ::) ::)
돈 권력 아니겠냐. ::) ::)
게다가 창녀 마누라 더러운 정체 비리 모함 사기조작사건 연루 사실 드러났으면 창피해서라도 자진사퇴 법의 심판받아야 마땅함에도 불구하고 철면피로 일관하며 사이비 무당 천공 말 외에는 불통이다. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

그러구도 법을 수호하는 대한민굴 검찰총장이라구 자랑질 좃빠지게 했겠지? ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)

니 창녀 마누라와 대한민굴 대의 세울 수 있다고 생각하냐. ::) ::) 8)
손가락질 탄지신공 구멍나봐야 알겠냐. ::) ::) ::)

이쨋명은 더한 놈이니 생략헌다. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 29, 2021, 12:30:58 PM
Online color
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Re: Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY
« Reply #18578 on: December 01, 2017, 01:19:01 AM »
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Kombinator898 on November 30, 2021, 09:53:24 AM
This is My PP and TT control BTG:


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 30, 2021, 10:58:54 AM
[단독보도] 특종! 쥴리 목격자 또 나왔다! - 김건희가 등장하지 못하는 이유!

당시 술집에서 일하면서 학비번다는 얼굴 반반한 여대생들 한 참 유행이였던 적이 있었어. ;D ;D 8) 8)

쥴리년도 그 때 6~7년 술집에서 굴렀던게고 이후 산부인과 의사 만나믄서 좀 더 고급콜걸로 업그레이드 된게다.

선관위가 드러난 사실을 감추겠다고 쥴리 이름 유튜브 단속하는 것은 엄연한 월권이다. 8) 8)

분명하게 쥴리 창녀 과거 드러난 이상 아웃이다. 8) 8)

보통 회사에 재직 중이면 보건증이 필요없지만 음식과 관련된 업종에 종사할 때 꼭 필요한 게 바로 건강진단결과서(구 보건증)다. 식품위생법 제40조(건강진단)에 따라 일반 요식업 종사자 또는 유흥업소 종사자는 이를 반드시 소지해야한다. 건강진단결과서 없이 식품 관련 업무를 맡는 것은 불법이며 근로자와 영업자 모두 벌금을 내게 된다.

쥴리가 여대생 콜걸이라 창녀들 필수지참물 보건증도 없었을테지만 혹시 모르니 보건증이 있었나 함 조사해봐라. ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on November 30, 2021, 11:20:47 AM
요리빼고 조리빼고 군대도 안갔다온 윤썪렬 이쨋명은 대한민굴 군발이는 물론 신조들 충성 대상이 아니다.

역사란, 사회/개인욕망을 환경에 투영시킨 물질적/정신적 욕망대상의 확충/확대/ 다양성 발명 그리고 유통/유행이다.
시간이란, 욕망과 다양성들이 소멸/생성하는 아까움과 안도다.
변화란, 욕구불만 표출이며 새로운 돌출/발견/발명이 혼합된 돌연한 자극이다.
미래란, 과거와 현재가 생산한 불안과 희망이 뒤섞인 자위적 합리화다.
과거란, 고통과 일상, 즐거움의 척도에 노출된 자존심의 굴레다.
History is the expansion/expansion/diversity invention and distribution/fashion of material/mental desire objects that project social/individual desires into the environment.
Time is the regret and relief in which desires and diversity disappear/create.
Change is an expression of dissatisfaction and a sudden stimulus that is a mixture of new protrusion/discovery/invention.
The future is a self-defense rationalization in which the anxiety and hope produced by the past and present are mixed.
The past is a bond of pride exposed to pain, daily life, and the measure of pleasure.


Gate 1, Gate 2, and Gate 3 are also important, but Gate 4 is a point that realizes additional energy.
Therefore, it is difficult to identify the exact mechanism because Gate 4 is a structure that transcends the laws of electricity.
How can you pinpoint where the additional energy comes from when there are no laws or specific solutions published in the past?
So the right question is to ask what the structure is to make an additional energy device.
So the question of where the additional energy comes from is impossible to answer except the earth-ground.

The members' job is to find the secret in the schematic presented by Ruslan,
It is not a privately persuaded additional energy.
As for the additional energy, there are already many videos that Ruslan showed.

Генератор свободной энергии + дополнение в конце

I repeat Again,, study the wiring structure of the generator.
Additional energy exists in generators made by members.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 01, 2021, 12:05:21 PM
파리 생포하는 법 (레이저포인터 이용)

Understanding motivation as a technique of fishing does not help to understand the generator, but giving up at the level of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis is always helpful.

커피포트 고장내는법

The coffee pot is an AC appliance, and the power is DC.

What is not in the laws of the members' brains is actually difficult to comprehend.
It's easy to understand even if you see it for the first time in your life if it conforms to the laws of the world,
If you see it for the first time in your life and it does not conform to the laws of the world, you will not believe it even if you see it.

Ruslan showed two ways.
But Gate 4 has more ways than what Ruslan has shown.

Don't ask me to make you understand, experiment on your own in the garage lab.
Don't forget that the PSU can be damaged as in Ruslan's case.

FYI, my dad uses a different method.
Of course, in a way the members have never seen before and it doesn't even match the laws of electricity in the world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 01, 2021, 12:27:12 PM
팟빵에 나가서 다구리 당한 썰 (다굴러 : 오윤혜, 정영진, 최욱)

원나잇(one night green love)이 2500년 철학을 순식간에 무력화 시켰다.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ우헤헤헤헿컥컥컥 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

슈카 실시간 시청자가 7만이 넘었다. 8) ::)

아까니 가세연도 7만 넘더니,,, :-\ :-\

[탐정 분석 완료] 조동연이 허위사실이 아닌 경우 - 민주당은 즉시 해체된다 . JPG (논리)

자 이제 정리한다.

어제까지 가세연 방송에 의거

(팩트 나열)
육군중장 차영구는
중장으로 예편하고
퀄컴사장으로 영전을 나간다.

보통 사장 자리를 주면
비서는 계약직을 딸려서 간다.
일을 편하게 하기 위함이고 대관 영업성 바지 사장이었을 것이므로
대위, 소령 중에 똘똘한 사람을 데리고 나간다.

그렇게 2010년~2011년 그 사이
64살 차영구 퀄컴 사장 (예비역 육군중장)
29살 조동연 육군 대위는
사장과 - 여비서의 사이로 회사 생활을 같이 한다.

그리고 그 사이
2010년 7월 9일
차영구는 육사 동기들 다 불러놓고
딸 하세정 양의 결혼식을 서울 인터콘티넨탈 호텔에서 성대하게 올린다.
(하객 한승수, 한철용 등등등 증인 많음)

하영구는 김대중, 노무현 정권 시절
국방부 대변인이자, 전략통 요직을 두루 역임하였다.

자, 여기까지가 팩트다.

그런데 아직 허위인지 아닌지 확인이 안된 부분이 있다.

친자 확인 결과 혼외자는 분명 있는 것으로 나온다.

그럼 이제부터 추정이다.

(가정1) 만약, 혼외자 DNA가 차영구와 일치하지 않는다면?
-> 차영구는 아무 문제가 없다.

(가정2) 만약, 혼외자 DNA가 차영구와 일치한다면?
-> 차영구는 2011년 혼외자를 둔 것으로 나온다.
-> 또한, 차영구는 29살 대위를 임신 시킨 상태에서 -> 딸 세정양의 결혼식을 한 아빠가 되어 버린다.

+ 추가로 김대중, 노무현 정권의 국방부에 있었으므로
+ 민주당 도덕성이 치명상을 입게 된다.

이것이 현재
조동연을 사퇴 시키지 못하는
실제 이유가 될 것이다.

물론 (가정2번) 이
가정이 아니고 사실 팩트로 확인 될 경우를 말한다.

지금 강용석은
위 내용을 머릿속에 그리고
하나하나 떡밥을 풀어나가는 중이고

개돼지 들은 7만명이나 모여서
개돼지 처럼 현질을 펑펑 해주고 있는 것이다.

나는 가세연 향후 방송을
방구석 키배로 미리 예언을 이렇게 다 해주고 있다.

틀딱 일베충 무시하지 마라
인생 경험 오지노...

[탐정 분석 완료] 조동연이 허위사실이 아니면 - 민주당 해체된다 . JPG (논리)

[단독] 육군중장 - 차영구 . JPG
[단독] 육군중장 - 차영구 딸 결혼식 . JPG (2010년)
[팩트들] 중간 정리 . JPG
[속보] 민주당이 쉴드치는 이유 . JPG
2010년 차용구 딸 결혼식에 한철용이도 왔네 . JPG


서울제일교회 사이비 심규환 ::)

상식과 도의보다는 거짓과 헛소리가 통하는 세상에 예수재림은 원나잇 풋사랑이 아닌 심판과 파괴인건 잘알제? ::) ::) 8) 8)

산으로 돔황챠 준비는 된겨덜? ;D ;D
다산 정약용 부적 근검(茶山 丁若鏞 符籍 勤儉) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 01, 2021, 01:03:24 PM
부적없는 자들은 파괴신 짐이 숨결 겨둬갈테니 품속에 하나씩 챙겨두거라.

вот даже приблизителная схема,, даже две,,а лучше три. в первой каратим транс, сердечник входит в максимум насышения, что аж магнитное выходит наружу, что уже будет взаимодействовать с магнитным земли, а индуктивность в это время нулевая, то есть пустая, без зарядов,, потом обрыв, и ндуктивность мгновенно появилась, а она пустая была, вот она и начинает заполнятся зарядами вокруг её которые были, и рядом тесла которая их пртянула из вне, как вентилятор, а впитанные заряды мы сливаем в ёмкость, получается мы слили заряды в ёмкость, дальше опять коротим и сливаем в нагрузку,

ниже схема тот же принцып
е ещё ниже без кандёров, но всё под вапросом :P :P :P

How long do we have to listen to Russian bullshit?
The midwinter in Siberia will be difficult to survive without a talisman.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 02, 2021, 04:32:48 AM

он | 61% П21:38
шерту тон нашорло
Заголовок сообщения: Re: насыщение сердечника
В добавлено: Ср янв 26, 2011 22:51:40
Друг Кота
sergeys писал(а): Насыщение наступает тогда когда сердечник уже больше не может намагнититься, то есть со вторичной обмотки трансформатора мы хотим снять больше, чем может обеспечить сердечник.
Карма: 28 Рейтинг сообщений: 271 Зарегистрирован: Ср сен 27. 2006 16:18:57 Сообщений: 3463 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
Это есть одно из самых закоренелых заблуждений! Увеличение тока нагрузки не может привести к насыщению трансформатора. Отныне и во веки веков. Аминь.
Вернуться наверх

слышь, урод, я не убийца.. Но если будут обстоятельства, такие что потребуется, я завалю.

Теперь по кондиционеру, главное что вы не поняли, принцип теплового насоса , самый цимус принципа вы не поняли..А именно:
В пространстве есть тепловая энергия заключенная в молекулах воздуха имеющего довольно низкую температуру, но его этого воздуха там очень много на улице. Слишком много.. И даже если мы локально изменим температуру в плюс или минус, все равно этот воздух уйдет и прийдет другой, имеющий среднюю температуру на улице.

Для того чтобы постоянно брать новый прохладный воздух используются мощные вентиляторы. Без них ничего работать не будет.

А воздуха в помещении которое мы собрались отапливать тепловым насосом, довольно мало. Ну там количество его равно объему помещения. Это в сотни и тысячи раз меньше чем воздух принимающий участие в работе насоса, со стороны улицы.

В помещении конечно будет еще от воздуха нагретого и стены прогреваться, но только в начальный момент пока воздух не сравнится с стенами внутри помещения, и не установится тепловой баланс.

Поскольку стены остывают снаружи а внутри греются, то происходит постоянный уход полученного тепла. Но не большой..

За счет чего работает тепловой насос? За счет чего его СОР больше 3 и меньше 6?

Система тратит энергию на то чтобы сжимать хладон. При этом меняется его температура. Его количество постоянно, но обьем различный. Если его сжать он нагреется, если давление понизить остынет.
Мы его в сжатом виде пропускаем через теплообменник в баке с жидкостью, которая от трубочек с фреоном нагревается и насосом подается в батареи отопления в доме. Условно говоря фреон при сжатии нагревается до 65, вода в баке прогреется до 45, и идет в радиаторы отопления. Отдается тепло воздуху, и теплоноситель возвращается в бак уже остывший до 39 градусов. Если внешний круг теплообмена не может обеспечить перепад температур вход/выход хотя бы 6 градусов, тепловой насос типа того что я фото давал глючит и он выключается. У нас сразу так и было. стояли чугунные старые баьтареи. потом приехали спецы, даже приезжал японец из представительства Мицкбиси, чтото меряли считали и он сказал у вас плохие батареи потому глючит. Программа не расчитана . Говорит надо либо батарей увеличить количество в 1,5 раза, либо заменить их на более эффективные. Что позже и сделали. И все заработало.

потом этот сжатый хладон с температурой 60 градусов идет в наружный блок, сначала он идет в сжатом виде чтоб на радиаторе наружного блока произошла разморозка льда., затем через небольшое время меняется схема подачи и он идет на форсунки где резко падает давление (не знаю как эта шняга называется) но там давление совсем низкое и хладон увеличивается в объеме, и делается сильно холодным, примерно минус 30 градусов. И в таком виде идет по радиатору наружного блока. Заходит в радиатор с минус 30, выходит уже слегка подогретый примерно до температуры наружного уличного воздуха от плюс 10 до минус 25.. Вот морозный воздух температурой минус 25 обладает энергией по сравнению с хладоном остывшим до минус 30, поэтому улица его нагревает на 5 градусов. А если на улице минус 10, то еще сильнее греет до минус 10.. от минус 30. Так энергия тепла передается от уличного воздуха хладону. Который потом увеличивают в давлении и он нагревается до 65. Но уже в этом случае энергии на компрессор нужно меньше..
А вот если на улице ноль или плюс 5, то компрессору почти и накачивать не надо, там уже он теплый хладон и от тепла этого он уже сжимается сам. вернее не сжимается, а увеличивается его объем. А потом этот объем компрессор ужмет до маленького обьема и подаст в трубку в тепловом баке.

Вот так оно примерно работает..

И основное тут в том что уличного прохладного вохдуха в десятки и сотни раз больше чем в помещении, поэтому происходит преобразование большого количества низкопотенциального тепла улицы в высокопотенциальное тепло помещения в малом количестве. Если мы помножим температуру на обьем на улице и внутри дома, эти числа будут почти равны.

Это важно понять для тех кто хочет от атмосферного электричества методом энергетического насоса (по аналогии с тепловым) перекачать электроэнергию с улицы в аккумулятор или там трансформатор. в конечном итоге в потребитель.

Условия равности энергии в джоулях обязательны!
Если нам надо например получить 1кВт электроэнергии то нам надо этот киловатт распределить на уличном эквиваленте, и я скажу это очень нехилый сборщик атмосферной энергии должен получиться. Поскольку опыты показывают что в обычных условиях когда нет дождя или снега или бурана и нет грозы , то с 10 метрового куска провода можно получить энергии достоточной для того чтобы зажечь дугу длиной около 0,2мм . ток дуги при этом будет около 0,05мА, а напряжение примерно 100 вольт. Конечно даже дуги вы не увидите.. это условно я говорю.
Но больше длина провода уже даст результат что и дуга будет видна.
Я растягивал провода на крыше своего 9ти этажного дома, потом с крыши еше до 6го этажа провод и в итоге он заходил в квартиру имея общую длину 60м, и я его подключал к тестеру, через резистор 100ком. Получалось напряжение около 5 вольт. Но если резистор убрать и подключить к тестеру, который имеет входное сопротивление 10мегаом, то там получалось напряжение около 700 вольт (кажется .. ибо это было лет 36 назад, и точно не помню.
Тогда не понял почему так ибо по идее должно было быть 500 вольт. Так как сопротивление в сто раз больше.
Но можете посчитать мощность Ток=5 вольт / 100ком = 0,05мА, а теперь 5 вольт * 0,05мА = 0,25 миливат

когда начинался дождь , этот провод свисал и лежал около батареи отопления, и искрил на нее. Там была дуга до 1см. Это говорит о том что напряжение около 10 тысч вольт. Тестер не подключал напрямую боялся что сгорит, но резистор 100ком подключал и там было около 75 вольт, тоесть ток 0,75мА, и 56 миливат мощности. Резистор был млт 0,5вт, он слегка грелся .. чуть теплый был.

А теперь прикиньте сколько нужно таких проводов по 60м накидать на крышу 9тиэтажки чтобы получить 1000вт. Если один провод давал от 0,25миливат в сухую погоду до 56миливат в дождь.. ну и когда гроза была я не пробовал, стремно было бы , во вторых опыты проводились поздней осенью.. грозы не было тогда.

Ну примерно я скажу.. 20 проводов дали бы 1вт в дождь.. тоесть для киловата нужно 20 тысяч проводов длиной 60м.

При таком количестве проводов, их можно смотать в моток и отнести на приемку металла. Получить денег столько что хватит покупать электричество у государства в течение нескольких лет по самой дорогой цене в размере 10квтч каждый день

Приблизительно именно по этой причине этот метод получения электричества не используется в нашей жизни.. ученые думаете не проводили этих экспериментов?

Да, есть способы которые позволят получать больше.. с каждого такого провода можно получать энергии в 10-20 раз больше , за счет импульсного электрического поля и инерции ионов.Когда на проводник подается высокое напряжение, которое создаст градиентное электрическое поле, и к проводнику устремятся ионы воздуха. передадут свой заряд проводнику, и в этот момент подача высокого резко прекращается. на проводе остается избыток кулонов, который стягивается через трансформатор в преобразователь.. Но даже в этом случае примерно получающаяся аналогия теплового насоса, даст прирост энергии до того что вместо 0,25миливат с куска 60м, вы получите 10 миливат в сухую погоду и примерно пол вата в дождь. При этом следует учесть и затраты на импульсное электрическое поле, примерно половина дополнительного прироста. тоесть в дождь вы будете тратить 200 миливатт, и получать 500.

Но при этом перед грозой и во время грозы эта система скорее всего сгорит или потребует серьезной защиты.

Даже в этом варианте овчинка не стоит вычинки.

Это может быть каким то аварийным источником энергии, после апокалипсиса. Чтобы заряжать аккумулятор фонарика. Да и то лишь в дождливую погоду. Пол вата, это фигня.. Это вы акумулятор телефона зарядите примерно за 24 часа. Так как средний акумулятор имеет энергию около 12-15вт часов

С точки зрения плотности энергии в атмосфере, это примерно как по аналогии с тепловым насосом, это все равно что эксплуатировать его при температуре минус 29, при том что хладон может охладиться лишь до 30.
В этом случае СОР теплового насоса около или даже меньше 1

Все ваши схемы, с катушками и трансформаторами, никак не взаимодействуют ни с какой средой имеющей электрическую энергию.
Трансформаторы взаимодейсвтуют лишь с переменными электромагнитными полями. А их в природе нет. Вы их сами создаете и созданные же поля и воспринимаете . Причем у трансформаторов есть поля рассеяния, это означает потери.. Тоесть вы в транс даете 1квт, а снимаете 0,97квт. Создавая переменное поле вокруг, часть его улетает, но способа притянуть энергию извне - нету от слова совсем, более того вы даже не знаете способов как вернуть энергию поля рассеяния.
Вот какие есть способы уменьшить поле рассеяния?

Вы не знаете.. а лезете туда где вы полные ничтожества.

Постоянное электрическое поле атмосферы имеет очень малую плотность энергии на объем. И чтобы его снимать необходимы большие площади проводников, для того чтобы взаимодействовать .. Например можно положить лист оцинковки на крышу дома, изолированный от самой крыши так чтобы между листом и крышей появился потенциал в 1000 вольт например.
Это реально. Площадь листа можно взять 300 квадратных метров.
Когда будет дождь пусть вода стекает с листа. Но она будет приносить электрические заряды из атмосферы.
Тогда получится снимать с этого листа мощность около 50вт. может быть и больше.. все будет зависеть от того как много ионов в водяных каплях.

Но вероятность словить молнию в этот лист охренительная.. Что вы будете делать с этим?

Сама система в этом случае будет такой.. должен быть динистор срабатывающий на напряжении 1000 вольт. или тиристор или чем либо надо будет замыкать цепь между листом оцинковки и заземлением, в этой цепи последовательно поставить трансформатор.
Скорость нарастания тока в ключе должна быть такой чтобы в первичке трансформатора случился резонанс. Туда в паралель поставим конденсатор.. Если емкости транзистора будет недостаточно. Длительность импульса надо будет подбирать так чтобы заряд с пластины не уходил полностью а лишь на половину. И чтобы скорость возобновления зарядов была еще достаточно высокой. а то никакого автоколебательного процесса не будет, а будут лишь одиночнеы короткие импульсы с малой частотой следования. Ну будет у вас импульс 100 микросекунд, каждые 15 секунд.. И что?

чем больше площадь железного листа на крыше И чем дальше он от самой крыши, тем больше будет частота импульсов. Вот когда вы получите импульсы по 1 милисекунде , хотя бы чтоб они шли с интервалом 2 милисекунды, то это будет уже нормуль.

Понимаете, использовать магнитное поле земли для схемы генератора СЕ Это все равно что поднимать камень и бросать об землю, при падении выделится энергия, но на подъем камня требуется чуть чуть больше чем выделится при падении. Потому что при поднятии вы работу делаете против гравитационного поля. А при падении гравитационное поле возвратит эту работу при падении груза. Так это тож самое что вы электромагнитным устройством дергаете магнитное поле планеты. В один полупериод вы работаете против, тратите батарейку, а в другой полупериод оно возвращает. При том что обязательно будут потери. Чем выше частота тем больше потери.

Поэтому электроэнергию передают на низкой частоте.. А не так как некоторые идиоты предлагают однопроводную передачу на частоте в сотни килогерц или мегагерцы.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 02, 2021, 04:50:25 AM
계륵(鷄肋), 팔신(八神). 용신(用神) • 원신(原神) • 복신(伏神) • 기신(忌神). 구신(仇神) • 진신(進神) • 퇴신(退神) • 비신(飛神) 8) ::)

준석이가 계륵은 계륵이제... ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

[VIDEOMUG] 이준석 앞에서 "안철수 선택해달라"...'아차!' 김무성 당황 / SBS

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
김무성이 3년 만에 밝히는 '노룩패스' 의 숨겨진 진짜 이야기 [정치채널X : 이제는 말할 수 있다 '김무성' 편 Ep.1]
;D 8)

근디,,,,,무성이 찬밥대접허구 여태 잘되는 꼴을 본 년놈이 없어.... ;D ;D ::) 8)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 02, 2021, 09:13:31 AM
[안철수] 미래주역들의 목소리에 답하다 | DMZ 캠퍼스 콘서트 | 경북대학교 | LIVE


박경철이 쓴 시골의사의 아름다운 동행책에 나온 에피소드인데
자기 동료 의사 부인이 남편 면회하러 왔었는데(속옷이랑 먹을거리 챙겨서) 마침 남편이 수술 잡혀 있어서 만나지 못함.
결국 만나지 못하고 돌아가는 길에 교통사고가 나서 그 자리에서 사망(당시 같이 동승했던 후배도)
부인이 사망하고 나서 남편하고 장모 밤에 잘때마다 꿈에 부인이 나타나서 서럽게 울더라고 함
심지어 병원에서 잠깐 눈붙이고 있는데도 나타남
결국 장모가 무속인 찾아갔는데 사고 현장에서 굿을 하라고 함
찝찝했지만 장모님이 원해서 결국 굿을 하기로 결심
사망한 부인의 남편인 동료 의사가 시골의사에게 같이 가달라고 부탁함..
결국 시골의사는 다른 후배와 같이 현장에 감

밑에 글인 시골의사가 직접 쓴글



굿이 시작되었다.

원래 굿이란 망자의 혼을 위로하는 것이 아니다, 형식으로는 망자를 위로하는 것이지만, 실제로는 내가 위로받는 것이다, 망자를 향해 끊어버릴 수 없는 애절한 정과 뭔가 더해 줄 수 없는 안타까움을 실어 허공으로 날리는 것이 굿이다..

무당은 망자의 입을 빌려 남은자를 위로하고, 당부하고, 남은자는 무당의 몸을 빌려 황망중에 잃어버린 망자를 다시 불러내고 이별을 수긍하는 과정을 거친다,,

그런데, 이날은 그게 아니었다..

굿판은 사고현장의 산비탈과 갓길에 차려졌고, 참석자들은 모두 산비탈에서서 사고현장을 내려다 보는 꼴이 되었다, 무당은 사고현장과 이웃한 갓길에서 굿을 시작했고, 요란한 타악기 소리와 울긋불긋한 오색깃발과 당의들이 바람에 날리면 너울거렸다.

길가던 차량들도 사정을 짐작하는 듯 항의를 하거나 타박을 하지 않았고, 오히려 지나다 차를 세우고 구경을 하는 사람들이 늘면서 이차선 도로에 차들이 길게 꼬리를 물기 시작했다..

무당은 그에 아랑곳하지 않고 점점 강렬한 몸짓으로 빠져들었다..

그러기를 30분,,

믿기 어려운 만화같은 이야기지만, 그 순간 그지역에 국지성 소나기가 쏟아졌다. 좀전 까지만해도 해가 쨍쨍하던 하늘에 먹구름이 밀리더니 소나기가 쏟아졌고 우리는 삽시간에 물에 빠진 생쥐가 되어버렸다..

그때쯤 무당이 입을 열였다.

놀랍게도 무당의 입에서 흘러나오는 목소리는 김선생의 아내의 목소리였다. 나는 무당의 몸짓과 군중들의 불안 심리. 가족들의 간절한 기원, 그리고 인간의 영혼을 흔드는 타악기 특유의 리듬들이 사람들을 착각에 빠지게 할 수 있다고 나를 다잡았지만, 누가 뭐래도 무당의 입에서 흘러나오는 목소리는 망자의 목소리였다.

" 성희 아빠.. 나 너무 외롭고 무서워요,, 이제 나도 가야되는데 몸이 너무 추워서 가지를 못하겠어요.,, 성희아빠.. 나 배고파요,, 그날 후배가 운전을 하겠다고 해서 차를 맡겼는데 사고가 났어요,, 불이 너무 뜨겁고 무서웠어요.. 성희아빠,, 귀신은 다른사람이 주는 제사는 못 먹어요.. 여기는 너무 무서워요.. 나도 끈없는 귀신이라고 자꾸 이상한 사람들이 끌고 가려고 해요...몸이 춥고 무서워요.... "

머리털이 전부 곤두서는 느낌이었다.

믿을 수 없는 일이 내 눈앞에서 벌어지고 있었다, 그것도 벌건 대낮에..

그리고 무당이 고개를 푹 꺾더니 나직한 한숨을 쉬면서 다시 이렇게 말했다.

" 성희 아빠,, 재혼해요,, 성희 잘 키워요,, 무슨 일이 있어도 성희 잘키워요,, 어차피 우리는 요만큼 사는게 정해진 팔자에요,. 성희 아빠는 재혼해서 다른 사람 만나야해요., 그리고 성희 잘키워요,,"  무당은 ,,아니 망자는 아이를 잘키우라는 말을 몇 차례나 반복하고 고개를 꺾은 채 잠시 몸을 들썩이면서 울다가 그대로 떠나갔다.

나도 넋이 나갔고 김선생은 거의 미쳐 있었다.

그 진중한 친구가 무당의 손을 잡고 아내의 이름을 부르짖으며 오열했다 " 그래 진영아,, 성희 잘 키울께,, 성희 잘 키울께,, 진영아,, 진영아.............." 아무도 그를 말리지 않았다. 그는 그렇게 급작스럽게 그냥 떠나버린 망자에 대한 아쉬움과 미련을,, 망자는 남은자에대한 못다한 당부를.... 그들은 그렇게 무당을 사이에두고 서로를 주고 받았던 것이다..



이 이야기의 결말과 뒤이어 진행된 사건의 전개를 여기에 적는것은 도리가 아니다.

이후 양가의 동의하에 감식을 거쳐 시신은 각자 자기자리로 되돌아왔고, 그 과정에서도 이루 말 못할 사연들이 이중삼중으로 실타래처럼 얽혔지만, 내가 이자리에 더 자세한 뒷 이야기를 하는것은 망자의 아픔과 김선생의 상처를 우리가 이야기거리로 즐기는 것 밖에 되지 않는다,

어쨋거나 그 사건은 내 인생관의 한축을 흔들어 놓은 중요한 계기가 되었고, 나는 그후부터 세상을 보는 안경을 바꾸어 끼게 되었다.       

지금 김선생은 국내유수의 종합병원에서 유능한 외과의사로 근무중이고, 그의 사랑스런 딸도 이제는 제법 어엿한 꼬마 아가씨가 되어 있으며, 나는 이주전 주말에 청담동에있는 호 리 챠이나 라는 중국음식점에서 김선생의 새로운 가족들과 식사를 하면서 그들이 건강하게 살아가는 모습을 확인 할 수 있었다,

망자에게 안식을 주소서.................................................

2005/03/23  시골의사
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 02, 2021, 09:18:45 AM
организовалась группа лженаучников..с которыми спорить нииизя.)))))
Сусанин чтобы зажечь 40вт 220в... сколько должна отдавать тока батарейка 1.5 вольт?
или опять чудеса?
вы ..Сусанин...говорите загадками...свои сказки не подтверждаете ...а хотите чтобы другие что то делали....не хотите делиться ....ищите другую площадку для развешивания лапши...
через некоторое время я удалю не несущие информации посты.

Pavel Korotaev

Those who deceive their own people often deceive without knowing it.
If I had known by now,,,,

Please delete it soon Pavel.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 03, 2021, 10:55:27 AM
신흥지앤티 회장 구자만 장로
성경-불경 함께 공부해 '기독교 잘못 이해' 깨달았죠

예수와 부처는 영적인 눈을 뜨게하려 왔다

예수와 부처의 가르침이란 온 우주에는 하나(One)의 진리(생명)로 충만하며, 그 외 아무것도 없는 텅 빈 공이라는 것이다. 따라서 사물의 겉모습인 허상을 진리의 실상으로 보고 있는 것이 바로 죄이며(요 9: 41), 또한 모든 형상 있는 것은 허망하니, 형상을 본래 형상이 아닌 것을 알면, 진리(One)의 모습을 보게 된다. 우주를 전체로서 하나(One)인 것으로 보는 '자유와 구원의 자리인 진리'(요 8:32)는 여러 가지의 이름으로 부르고 있으며, '비유와 상징' 에 대하여 장자는 다음과 같이 설명하고 있다.
"우물 안의 개구리에게 바다에 대하여 이야기를 해도 알지 못하는 것은 공간의 구속을 받고 있기 때문이며, 깨달음이 아닌 인간의 유한한 것으로 무한한 것을 이해한다면 결국 위험에 빠질 것이다".
유한 상대적인 세계(ego)에 살고 있는 우리는 눈에 보이지 않는 무한 절대적인 세계(One)인 진리(神)를 논(論)할 때 결국 '비유와 상징'일 수밖에 없다. 따라서 우리는 성경을 '영(靈)의 전체성이 아닌 오직 문자나 언어적 해석'(고후 3:6, 고전 1:17)에 의한 독선과 배타성을 버려야 하며, 또한 '영적인 진리'(One)는 오직 기독교만 독점할 수 없다(마 5:45).
'언어의 한계를 넘어선 언어도단(言語道斷)의 진리(神)' 언어의 한계를 넘어선 언어도단(言語道斷)의 진리(神)는 범신론을 주장하는 신플라톤주의자들에 의하여 '지고(至高)의 일자(一者)' 즉 '만유가 그곳으로부터 나오고 또 그리로 돌아가는 곳'으로 설명된다. 플로티누스는 '일자(一者)란 아무 것도 가지고 있지 않으면서 모든 것을 가지고 있다'고 하였고, 엑카르트는 '하나님 외부에는 아무것도 존재하지 않음으로 하나님은 전체성이며 세계의 근원이다'고 하였다. 또한 바가바드 기따에서는 '영혼이 해방된 자는 모든 것이 브라흐만(神)이라는 확신을 갖는 자'라고 한다. 따라서 말의 지혜로 만들어낸 신이 진짜 신이라 생각하고, 다른 사람들에게 믿도록 강요하는 것은 무지 때문이다(고전 1:17).
모든 것은 시시각각 변화하며 사라지는 꿈과 안개와 같지만(諸行無常), 시공을 초월한 진리(One)는 영원하며, 또한 성경 속에 있는 예수의 가르침(진리)도 시간과 공간을 초월한 세계이다. 아인슈타인은 '우주는 따로 떼어질 수 없는 에너지의 역동적인 그물(網)이다'(에너지 一元論, E=mc²)라고 '하나(One)의 진리(神性)' 하나(One)의 진리(神性)에 대하여 현대 과학자들은 '물질은 존재하지 않으며 전자기장(電子氣場)의 빛으로 충만해 있다'는 것으로 증명하고 있다. 온 우주에는 '생명의 빛인 그리스도로 충만하고"(요 8:12, 롬 1:20), 불성의 광명이 두루 해 있으며(光明邊照), 모든 것은 오직 진리(생명)인 브라흐만(Brahman) 뿐이다. 진리복음에서는 "아버지 자신 외에 존재하는 것이 무엇인가? 만물이 그에게서 나온 것들이다"고 하며(롬 11:36), 만물은 그리스도로 말미암아 지은 바 된 것이다(요 1:3). 여기서 그리스도는 역사적 나사렛 예수가 아니라 모든 것의 바탕이며, 진리(생명)인 神性(energy)이며, 상대적인 것을 초월한 절대적인 하나(One)이다(골 3:11).
예수와 부처가 이 세상에 온 목적은 불이의 진리를 드러내기 위한 것(요 18:37) 즉 "나는 본래 신(부처)이다"(我是而成佛, 요 10:34)는 것을 스스로 깨닫게 하기 위함인 '영안(靈眼)의 눈뜸'(One)(요 9:39)을 위함이다.

예수는 "목숨을 위하여 무엇을 먹을까 무엇을 마실까 몸을 위하여 무엇을 입을까 염려하지 말라 목숨이 음식보다 중하지 아니하며...공중의 새를 보라 심지도 않고 거두지도 않고 창고에 모아들이지도 아니하되 너희 천부께서 기르시나니 너희는 이것들 보다 귀하지 아니하냐"(마 6:25-26)고 말씀하셨다.
주관과 객관, 선과 악 등의 이원성(ego)을 초월한 절대 무차별의 전체성으로 또한 한결같이 "있는 그대로" 낙관적으로 받아들이기 때문이다(無爲自然). 우리는 둘이 아닌 근본자리를 깨닫고 만물과 하나(One)가 될 때(요 2:4, 갈 3:28) 즉 진리가 시방세계에 두루 충만하게 있음을 자각할 때 바로 천국을 이루게 된다(요 17:21).
'개체는 전체'(一卽多)이므로 이 세상의 모든 생명체는 스스로 진리(One)대로 만족과 평화로움으로 살아가게 되어 있다. 불이의 진리(One)에 의하여 창조주와 피조물, 신과 인간, 마음(靈)과 물질 등의 이원적 분별은 모두 유기적 관계의 하나 속으로 사라진다. 현대과학은 물질을 형성하는 원자는 텅 빈 공간으로 구성되어 있으며, 모든 것은 에너지의 상호변화로서 근원은 하나라고 한다(心物一元, 퇴계). 진리인 '근본 성품'(神性)은 우주에 편재하는 영(靈)으로 예수의 마음과 우리의 마음이 동일하며(요 15:27), "부처의 마음은 중생의 마음과 아무 차별이 없는 하나(One)이다"(화엄경). 미즈마로 교수는 "절대자로서의 신이 상대자인 인간과 상대적인 관계를 맺는다면, 그 신은 절대자 이름을 가진 상대자에 불과한 것이 될 수밖에 없다"고 하였다.
안에서는 생사문제 조차도 대립이 아니라, 서로를 도와주는 상보적이며, 순리적인 현상이다. 고통을 벗어나 행복하게 사는 길은 영원한 진리인 '자신의 생명'(true Self)을 되찾는 것이며, 이것이 바로 사물의 본질(One)을 깨닫는 것이다. 즉 생각을 억지로 고요하게 할 것이 아니라, 나와 우주 만물이 "하나(One)의 생명"(神)이라는 것을 믿고, 신의 뜻 즉 천지 우주의 오묘한 순리에 따른 삶이다.
우리의 고통과 공포가 시작되는 것은 '무한한 존재'(true Self)라는 참된 성품에 한계를 정하고 유한한 존재라고 여기는 에고(아집)때문이다. 예수는 모든 문제의 해결은 절대(One)에 있는 것이므로 공중의 새와 들의 백합화를 비유하여 '하나(One)의 진리'를 설명하고 있다. 공중의 새들로 하여금 자유롭게 날아다니게 하는 영원한 '하나의 생명'(true Self)은 똑 같이 우리의 내면에도 신비롭게 작용하고 있다. 남전(南泉)선사가 '평상심이 도'도라고 한 것같이 집착하지 않는 청정한 마음으로 행복하게 사는 것이 수행이고, 해탈이고, 도이다.
글 구자만/개신교 장로& 신학박사 &신흥지앤티 회장

보지않고 믿는 방법은 뉴턴처럼 중력사과를 믿는 것일테고,
매일 일어나 먹고살아야하는 고통이다.

헛소리 듣기도 귀딱지 앉는다

요한복은 9장은 아펩신전 Djed(소경)과 춤추는 자(바리새인)가 주제다.
태양이 어둠을 소환한다고 믿는 것이 춤추는 바리새인이다.
사람이 어둠과 번개를 소환한 사건이 엘리야/엘리사다.
요한복음 8장은 예수가 아펩신전 Djed역활이다.
중력문제가 아니라 Djed이 아펩뱀 문자를 땅에 쓰는 보이는 그대로의 해석이다.

요한복음 9장
41   예수께서 가라사대 너희가 소경 되었더면 죄가 없으려니와 본다고 하니 너희 죄가 그저 있느니라
Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains.

춤추는 자가 본다는 것은 빛과 어둠(죽음) 모두를 본다는 것이고,
이것이 죄라면 죽음을 본것이라 창세기 3장 죽음은 죄의 결과물이다.
춤추는 자가 머리에 이고있는 것이 태양이 아니라 달이다.
(태양을 나타냈는지, 달을 나타낸 부조인지 확정은 아니다)
해서 바리새인이 부활도 믿고 영도 믿는 그들식 아젠다와 페러다임이다.

요한복음 8장
29   나를 보내신 이가 나와 함께 하시도다 내가 항상 그의 기뻐하시는 일을 행하므로 나를 혼자 두지 아니하셨느니라
"And He who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him."
32   진리를 알찌니 진리가 너희를 자유케 하리라
and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

Djed과 춤추는 자가 번개와 어둠을 공유한다.
이런 진리가 자유케하는 논리란 합체된 아펩신전 모순이다.
합체된 아펩신전이 논리적으로는 모순이지만 빛과 어둠이 공존하는 세상에 모순은 없다.
구름 낀 날도 있고 초저녁 어스름한 때도 있으니 빛과 어둠이 공존하는 것은 맞다.
번개와 어둠도 공존이 가능하다.
여기서 진리란 빛과 어둠의 공존 문제다.
태양신전 달을 위한 보혜사로서 진리를 뒷장들에서 소환되니,
여기서는 예수가 Djed으로 소환된 이상 아펩신전용이다.

고린전후서는 바울이 아펩신전 뱀문자를 복음과 새언약으로 만들었다.
모세와 다르지 않다.
모세에게 아펩뱀 침대는 돌판(tablets of stone)이지만,
바울에게 아펩뱀 침대는 사람의 머리와 연결된 마음판(tablets of human hearts)이다.

바울은 요한처럼 예수를 Djed으로, 아펩뱀으로 사역시키다 막판에 알파/오메가 선언하는 기괴한 정반합도 아니다.
해서 바울에게 그리스도는 반드시 Djed(사두개인)이나 춤추는 자(바리새인)로 소환되야 한다.
물론 히브리족속들로 국한된 문제다.

예수가 아펩-여호와로 소환되어 여호와로 죽는 요한복음에서 Djed을 제자로 만들어 마리아를 모시는 것은 요한이 예수를 이용해 여호와 죽이기 일환이다.

고린도후서 3장
6   저가 또 우리로 새 언약의 일군 되기에 만족케 하셨으니 의문으로 하지 아니하고 오직 영으로 함이니 의문은 죽이는 것이요 영은 살리는 것임이니라
who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

바울이 소환한 새 언약(new covenant), 마음의 편지가 번개(바리새인)고 어둠(사두개인)이라, 바리새인에게도 보이고, 사두개인에게도 보인다.
번개는 밤낮 보이고, 어둠은 낮에 보인다.
일꾼(servants)은 사람이고 영(Spirit)은 번개와 어둠이다.
아펩뱀을 문자(letter)로 소환하면 Djed 손에 붙잡혀 고개 떨구고 죽지만, 아펩뱀을 영(Spirit)으로 소환하면 사람의 머리와 연결되어 살 수 있다는 Djed 손의 역활론이다.

고린도전서 1장
17   그리스도께서 나를 보내심은 세례를 주게 하려 하심이 아니요 오직 복음을 전케 하려 하심이니 말의 지혜로 하지 아니함은 그리스도의 십자가가 헛되지 않게 하려 함이라
For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void.

그리스도의 십자가는, 춤추는 자를 그리스도로, Djed을 십자가로 소환했다.
그리스도가 아펩뱀이 되면 춤추는 자와 한 몸이되야 하고,
마찬가지 그리스도 십자가는, Djed과 아펩뱀이 한 몸이 되야하는 입장이다.

마태복음 5장
45   이같이 한즉 하늘에 계신 너희 아버지의 아들이 되리니 이는 하나님이 그 해를 악인과 선인에게 비취게 하시며 비를 의로운 자와 불의한 자에게 내리우심이니라
so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

태양신전에서 아버지는 헤드젯 태양이고, 아들은 쌍낫배 달이다.
개혁한글판에는 하나님이 있지만, 4종의 영문판에는 God이 없고 아버지만 있다.
태양을 하나님으로 대접하는 것은 이집트 탈출한 구약 모세에 대한 배신이라 신구약에서 태양을 하나님으로 소환하지 못한다.

요한복음 8장
12   예수께서 또 일러 가라사대 나는 세상의 빛이니 나를 따르는 자는 어두움에 다니지 아니하고 생명의 빛을 얻으리라
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."
13   바리새인들이 가로되 네가 너를 위하여 증거하니 네 증거는 참되지 아니하도다
So the Pharisees said to Him, "You are testifying about Yourself; Your testimony is not true."

간음한 여자와 함께 예수가 Djed으로 소환되어 땅에 글씨는 상황에서 세상의 빛은 번개와 어둠이 결합한 형태다.
Djed-예수가 어둠은 배재하고 번개만 소환하겠다고 했으니 실제 번개를 소환하는 춤추는 자(바리새인)가 반발한다.
번개와 어둠이 결합한 형태의 신전이 아니라면 바리새인 발언이 옳지만, 결합한 형태의 신전이라 예수의 말도 맞다.

로마서 1장
16   내가 복음을 부끄러워하지 아니하노니 이 복음은 모든 믿는 자에게 구원을 주시는 하나님의 능력이 됨이라 첫째는 유대인에게요 또한 헬라인에게로다
17   복음에는 하나님의 의가 나타나서 믿음으로 믿음에 이르게 하나니 기록된바 오직 의인은 믿음으로 말미암아 살리라 함과 같으니라
18   하나님의 진노가 불의로 진리를 막는 사람들의 모든 경건치 않음과 불의에 대하여 하늘로 좇아 나타나나니
19   이는 하나님을 알만한 것이 저희 속에 보임이라 하나님께서 이를 저희에게 보이셨느니라
20   창세로부터 그의 보이지 아니하는 것들 곧 그의 영원하신 능력과 신성이 그 만드신 만물에 분명히 보여 알게 되나니 그러므로 저희가 핑계치 못할찌니라
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH."
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

바울이 유대인 외 헬라인까지 소환한 것은,
바울의 복음이 아펩뱀이라 ΑΩ 사용하는 헬라인이 바울의 도(道)를 받지 않는다.
문제는 헬라인이 섬기는 제우스 번개와 결합한 어둠이라 헬라인도 아펩뱀 문자를 받아야한다는게 바울의 지론이다.
그러므로 저희가 핑계치 못할찌니라
so that they are without excuse.

로마서 11장
36   이는 만물이 주에게서 나오고 주로 말미암고 주에게로 돌아감이라 영광이 그에게 세세에 있으리로다 아멘
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

창세기 첫째 날 빛이 번개라 만물이 번개에서 나왔다.
춤추는 자-바리새인 번개와 Djed-사두개인 어둠이 분리되어 있는 신전에서는 어둠이 여호와라 먼저가 된다.

요한복음 1장
1   태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라
2   그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고
3   만물이 그로 말미암아 지은바 되었으니 지은 것이 하나도 그가 없이는 된 것이 없느니라
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

아펩뱀 여호와 어둠이 God이고, 말씀(Word)이 번개다.
번개가 하나님된 이유다.
번개와 어둠이 결함한 신전을 먼저 소환한 것은 예수죽음과 부활을 위한 전제며 사역진행이다.

합체된 아펩뱀으로 God과 Word가 소환됐듯이,
태양신전에서 빛과 어둠이 함께 소환되려면 태양과 달의 관계보다는 빛과 어둠이 함께있는 달이 요한의 하나님(ΑΩ)이 된다.

골로새서 3장
1   그러므로 너희가 그리스도와 함께 다시 살리심을 받았으면 위엣 것을 찾으라 거기는 그리스도께서 하나님 우편에 앉아 계시느니라
Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
11   거기는 헬라인과 유대인이나 할례당과 무할례당이나 야인이나 스구디아인이나 종이나 자유인이 분별이 있을 수 없나니 오직 그리스도는 만유시요 만유 안에 계시니라
a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.

결합된 아펩신전에서 우편이 아니라 신전 전체 구도에서 우편에 Djed과 춤추는 자가 그리스도로 소환됐다.
해서 하나님(아펩뱀) 우편은 춤추는 자와 Djed이 분리된 신전에서는 소환되기 어렵다.
해서 아펩뱀의 우편이 아니라 신전 전체구도의 우편이다.
Christ is all, and in all.
그리스도 만유(모든 것)는 Djed과 춤추는 자가 어둠과 번개를 소환할 수 있으니 모든 것의 만유(in all)된다.
마블영화 셀레스티얼은 Djed(사두개인, 엘리야)을 모티브로 하고,
스파이더맨에 등장하는 One-Above-All은 춤추는 자(바리새인, 엘리사)를 모티브로 한다.
구약도 여호수아(춤추는 자)가 모세(Djed)의 종이라, 신약 요한복음도 춤추는 자(Word 소환자)를 Djed(God 소환자)보다 먼저 소환하기 어렵다.
결합신전에서 헬라인 유대인은 구별이 없다.
할례당은 서있는 이펩뱀으로 국한된다.
나머지는 거세된 내시거나, 침대 뱀은 무할례당이다.
보이는대로의 해석이라 태양신전 헤드젯은 무할례당으로, 쌍낫배 달은 할례당된다.

요한복음 18장
36   예수께서 대답하시되 내 나라는 이 세상에 속한 것이 아니라 만일 내 나라가 이 세상에 속한 것이었더면 내 종들이 싸워 나로 유대인들에게 넘기우지 않게 하였으리라 이제 내 나라는 여기에 속한 것이 아니니라
37   빌라도가 가로되 그러면 네가 왕이 아니냐 예수께서 대답하시되 네 말과 같이 내가 왕이니라 내가 이를 위하여 났으며 이를 위하여 세상에 왔나니 곧 진리에 대하여 증거하려 함이로라 무릇 진리에 속한 자는 내 소리를 듣느니라 하신대
38   빌라도가 가로되 진리가 무엇이냐 하더라 이 말을 하고 다시 유대인들에게 나가서 이르되 나는 그에게서 아무 죄도 찾지 못하노라
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."
Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?" And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews and said to them, "I find no guilt in Him.

예수가 Djed으로 설정되어 왕이고 진리를 소환했으니 번개와 어둠이라 이 세상의 것이 아니라 빌라도가 죄를 찾지 못한다.

요한복음 10장
17   아버지께서 나를 사랑하시는 것은 내가 다시 목숨을 얻기 위하여 목숨을 버림이라
18   이를 내게서 빼앗는 자가 있는 것이 아니라 내가 스스로 버리노라 나는 버릴 권세도 있고 다시 얻을 권세도 있으니 이 계명은 내 아버지에게서 받았노라 하시니라
19   이 말씀을 인하여 유대인 중에 다시 분쟁이 일어나니
20   그 중에 많은 사람이 말하되 저가 귀신 들려 미쳤거늘 어찌하여 그 말을 듣느냐 하며
21   혹은 말하되 이 말은 귀신 들린 자의 말이 아니라 귀신이 소경의 눈을 뜨게 할 수 있느냐 하더라
"For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again.
"No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again This commandment I received from My Father."
A division occurred again among the Jews because of these words.
Many of them were saying, "He has a demon and is insane. Why do you listen to Him?"
Others were saying, "These are not the sayings of one demon-possessed A demon cannot open the eyes of the blind, can he?"
28   내가 저희에게 영생을 주노니 영원히 멸망치 아니할 터이요 또 저희를 내 손에서 빼앗을 자가 없느니라
29   저희를 주신 내 아버지는 만유보다 크시매 아무도 아버지 손에서 빼앗을 수 없느니라
30   나와 아버지는 하나이니라 하신대
31   유대인들이 다시 돌을 들어 치려 하거늘
32   예수께서 대답하시되 내가 아버지께로 말미암아 여러가지 선한 일을 너희에게 보였거늘 그 중에 어떤 일로 나를 돌로 치려하느냐
33   유대인들이 대답하되 선한 일을 인하여 우리가 너를 돌로 치려는 것이 아니라 참람함을 인함이니 네가 사람이 되어 자칭 하나님이라 함이로라
34   예수께서 가라사대 너희 율법(시 82:6)에 기록한바 내가 너희를 신이라 하였노라 하지 아니하였느냐
35   성경은 폐하지 못하나니 하나님의 말씀을 받은 사람들을 신이라 하셨거든
36   하물며 아버지께서 거룩하게 하사 세상에 보내신 자가 나는 하나님 아들이라 하는 것으로 너희가 어찌 참람하다 하느냐
and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.
"My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
"I and the Father are one."
The Jews picked up stones again to stone Him.
Jesus answered them, "I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?"
The Jews answered Him, "For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God."
Jesus answered them, "Has it not been written in your Law, 'I SAID, YOU ARE GODS'?
"If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken),
do you say of Him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God'?

아버지는 번개/어둠이고, 만유(in all)는 Djed과 춤추는 자다.
분리된 아펩신전에서 Djed은 아펩뱀의 목을 조르지 못하니 목숨을 얻는 것이고,
결합된 아펩신전에서 Djed은 아펩뱀의 목을 조르니 목숨을 스스로 버리는 것이다.
변소에서 목매 자살한 마광수처럼 목조르기는 신구약의 자살방법이다.
Djed 손에서 영생하는 어둠과 번개를 빼앗을 수 없다.

6   내가 말하기를 너희는 신들이며 다 지존자의 아들들이라 하였으나(시편 82편)
I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.(Psalms 82 [NASB])

만유(Djed, 춤추는 자)보다 큰 번개와 어둠을 소환하는 자가 지존자의 아들들이다.

요한복음 9장
32   창세 이후로 소경으로난 자의 눈을 뜨게 하였다 함을 듣지 못하였으니
33   이 사람이 하나님께로부터 오지 아니하였으면 아무 일도 할 수 없으리이다
34   저희가 대답하여 가로되 네가 온전히 죄 가운데서 나서 우리를 가르치느냐 하고 이에 쫓아내어 보내니라
바리새인들의 죄
35   예수께서 저희가 그 사람을 쫓아냈다 하는 말을 들으셨더니 그를 만나사 가라사대 네가 인자를 믿느냐
36   대답하여 가로되 주여 그가 누구시오니이까 내가 믿고자 하나이다
37   예수께서 가라사대 네가 그를 보았거니와 지금 너와 말하는 자가 그이니라
38   가로되 주여 내가 믿나이다 하고 절하는지라
39   예수께서 가라사대 내가 심판하러 이 세상에 왔으니 보지 못하는 자들은 보게 하고 보는 자들은 소경되게 하려 함이라 하시니
40   바리새인 중에 예수와 함께 있던 자들이 이 말씀을 듣고 가로되 우리도 소경인가
41   예수께서 가라사대 너희가 소경 되었더면 죄가 없으려니와 본다고 하니 너희 죄가 그저 있느니라
"Since the beginning of time it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind.
"If this man were not from God, He could do nothing."
They answered him, "You were born entirely in sins, and are you teaching us?" So they put him out.
Jesus heard that they had put him out, and finding him, He said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
He answered, "Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?"
Jesus said to him, "You have both seen Him, and He is the one who is talking with you."
And he said, "Lord, I believe." And he worshiped Him.
And Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind."
Those of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these things and said to Him, "We are not blind too, are we?"
Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains.

38절 절하는 자는 태양신전 헤드젯 소환이다.
4하토르가 Djed-면류관을 쓰고 헤드젯이 대신 절한다.
죄는 선악과 문제이니 달을 머리에 이고있는 자는 죄가 있다.
달을 가운데 품고있는 두 하토르도 죄가 있다.

진리는 Djed이 손으로 붙잡고 있는 번개와 어둠이다.
Djed의 부재도 진리가 아니고, 번개와 어둠의 부재도 진리가 아니다.
반드시 Djed과 번개 어둠이 함께있어야 한다.
하나님 우편과 같은 설정이다.
Word로 소환해도 번개와 어둠이다.

마태복음 6장
25   그러므로 내가 너희에게 이르노니 목숨을 위하여 무엇을 먹을까 무엇을 마실까 몸을 위하여 무엇을 입을까 염려하지 말라 목숨이 음식보다 중하지 아니하며 몸이 의복보다 중하지 아니하냐
26   공중의 새를 보라 심지도 않고 거두지도 않고 창고에 모아 들이지도 아니하되 너희 천부께서 기르시나니 너희는 이것들보다 귀하지 아니하냐
"For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?

마태6장 주기도문 아버지는 번개/어둠이다.

누가 11장
11   너희 중에 아비된 자 누가 아들이 생선을 달라 하면 생선 대신에 뱀을 주며
12   알을 달라 하면 전갈을 주겠느냐
13   너희가 악할찌라도 좋은 것을 자식에게 줄줄 알거든 하물며 너희 천부께서 구하는 자에게 성령을 주시지 않겠느냐 하시니라
14   예수께서 한 벙어리 귀신을 쫓아 내시니 귀신이 나가매 벙어리가 말하는지라 무리들이 기이히 여겼으나
"Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he?
"Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he?
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?"
And He was casting out a demon, and it was mute; when the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke; and the crowds were amazed.

누가11장 아버지는 태양과 달이라 주기도문 대상도 태양과 달이다.
바알세불은 헤드젯이다.

요한복음 2장
4   예수께서 가라사대 여자여 나와 무슨 상관이 있나이까 내 때가 아직 이르지 못하였나이다
And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come."

요한은 아펩신전과 태양신전을 널뛰기하며 점프해서 포도주는 Djed-예수가 분리되어야 가능한 사안이다.
Djed-예수 앞에 앉아있는 마리아의 요구는 태양신전에 대한 내정간섭이라 불가능하지만,
헤드젯-예수 건너편에 앉은 마리아의 요구라면 가능하다.
헤드젯 안에 Djed이 있거나, 헤드젯 밖에 Djed이 있거나를 결정하는 요소가 4줄기 염주다.
밤에는 Djed이 자유롭고, 낮에는 Djed이 빛안에 구속된다.
Djed이 어둠 아래 나타나는 것은 보이지 않기 때문이며,
어둠은 모르거나 보이지 않은 대상들을 나타내는 대체물이다.
어둠 아래 Djed이 나타난 경우는 중력에 대한 이집트인들 신성문자적인 이해며,
번개 아래 태양 또는 달이 나타난 경우는 그리스/아테네(Athnes) 신전 이해다.

갈라디아서 3장
1   어리석도다 갈라디아 사람들아 예수 그리스도께서 십자가에 못 박히신 것이 너희 눈앞에 밝히 보이거늘 누가 너희를 꾀더냐
You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?
28   너희는 유대인이나 헬라인이나 종이나 자주자나 남자나 여자 없이 다 그리스도 예수 안에서 하나이니라
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

그리스도와 십자가를 앞에 내세우는 바울입장에서 예수는 아펩신전을 벗어나지 않는다.

요한복음 17장
1   예수께서 이 말씀을 하시고 눈을 들어 하늘을 우러러 가라사대 아버지여 때가 이르렀사오니 아들을 영화롭게 하사 아들로 아버지를 영화롭게 하게 하옵소서
Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You,
21   아버지께서 내 안에, 내가 아버지 안에 있는것 같이 저희도 다 하나가 되어 우리 안에 있게 하사 세상으로 아버지께서 나를 보내신 것을 믿게 하옵소서
that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.

태양신전/아펩신전 모두 소환하는 요한의 아버지는 달과 결합신전 번개 어둠 아펩뱀이다.
요한은 이 틈에서 교묘하게 줄타기 한다.

요한복음 15장   
1     내가 참 포도나무요 내 아버지는 그 농부라
"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.
4   내 안에 거하라 나도 너희 안에 거하리라 가지가 포도나무에 붙어 있지 아니하면 절로 과실을 맺을 수 없음 같이 너희도 내 안에 있지 아니하면 그러하리라
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.
16   너희가 나를 택한 것이 아니요 내가 너희를 택하여 세웠나니 이는 너희로 가서 과실을 맺게 하고 또 너희 과실이 항상 있게 하여 내 이름으로 아버지께 무엇을 구하든지 다 받게 하려 함이니라
17   내가 이것을 너희에게 명함은 너희로 서로 사랑하게 하려함이로라
"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.
"This I command you, that you love one another.
26   내가 아버지께로서 너희에게 보낼 보혜사 곧 아버지께로서 나오시는 진리의 성령이 오실 때에 그가 나를 증거하실 것이요
27   너희도 처음부터 나와 함께 있었으므로 증거하느니라
"When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me,
and you will testify also, because you have been with Me from the beginning.

내 안에 거하라 나도 너희 안에 거하리라
Abide in Me, and I in you.
참 포도나무(true vine)가 헤드젯이라면 농부-아버지는 헤드젯 안에 거하는 태양이다.
아펩신전도 마친가지다.
참 포도나무(true vine)가 아펩뱀의 침대라면 농부-아버지는 아펩뱀이다.
떠나는(죽는) 예수(보혜사-아펩뱀)를 대신해서 같은 보혜사가 소환됐으니 달이 보혜사고 진리의 영이다.

사도행전 2장
2   홀연히 하늘로부터 급하고 강한 바람 같은 소리가 있어 저희 앉은 온 집에 가득하며
3   불의 혀 같이 갈라지는 것이 저희에게 보여 각 사람 위에 임하여 있더니
4   저희가 다 성령의 충만함을 받고 성령이 말하게 하심을 따라 다른 방언으로 말하기를 시작하니라
And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.
17  하나님이 가라사대(요엘 2:28 이하) 말세에 내가 내 영으로 모든 육체에게 부어 주리니 너희의 자녀들은 예언할 것이요 너희의 젊은이들은 환상을 보고 너희의 늙은이들은 꿈을 꾸리라
19   또 내가 위로 하늘에서는 기사와 아래로 땅에서는 징조를 베풀리니 곧 피와 불과 연기로다
20   주의 크고 영화로운 날이 이르기 전에 해가 변하여 어두워지고 달이 변하여 피가 되리라

사도행전 2장 오순절 사건은 태양신전 맞춤형이다.

빛과 어둠의 공존 그리고 소환자로서 Djed과 춤추는자, 4하토르의 아펩신전/태양신전 에피소드를 알지못하는 자가 이상하게 얽어놓는 거짓말 구라에는 관심없다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 03, 2021, 11:24:01 AM
Just sharing my discoveries since I believe they are extremely relavant and answer several age old questions.

Haven't noticed any credible challenges to the supporting resource information or alternative technical insights.

Hey, people will believe what they will - not my goal to convince them otherwise. I'm just presenting ideas that I believe stand on their own merrit.

Not looking for any social media thumbs ups or likes - personally I think that stuff is silly. Guess I've just been a design engineer for too long.

Figuring out the secrets of the Ruslan device is not really what I would consider a "popularity contest." I've never thought about anyone believing me - so I guess it does not matter. I not lookin for anything and don't expect anything. But, if someone has some good, supported, technical things that are relavent, that they want to provide, great.

Don't see any harm in "just coming here and throwing theories - especially well founded ones that will ultimately provide a means to discovering how this stuff works - postulations/theories are the very foundations of science and engineering.

Also, let me ask this again: Have you managed to make this type of system work? Your development or possibly following Stalkers "cookbook," or some other design.

You folks seem to ask a lot of questions but you don't seem to answer too many.

At first we also thought that Stalker had created the first simple push-pull circuit, but we were mistaken.

A simple push-pull circuit was initiated by Ruslan.
It works very well with nothing but transistors or MOSFETs.
Ruslan already knew this and escaped the complexities of Akura.

Stalker publishes increasingly complex schematics to exaggerate himself.
He ridicules Ruslan by saying that there is no electrical technology in the world that he does not know.
The situation so far is that Ruslan did not fall for Stalker's ridicule.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 04, 2021, 01:20:30 PM
김동렬 구조론

진보축에도 못드는 찐따 사이비들이 툭허믄 도덕에 칼질허는디, ;D
꼭 생기다만것들이 도덕이 어쩌구저쩌구 지가 마광수인줄 알어. ;D ;D
여자 좀 만나본 카사노바나, 여자 좀 잡아본 유영쳘같은 부류가 도덕이 어쩌구저쩌구했으믄 이해라도 허지믄,
설거지축에도 못드는 방구석 찐따가 도덕이 어쩌구저쩌구 밀덕 총질허능거보믄 말세는 말세다. 8) 8)
진영논리에 갇혀 내로남불허능거 보기 안좋다는건 아니? 8)
그래도 진중권은 마지막 남은 도덕쫀심 하나로 버티고있다 이눔아~ ;D ;D 8)

여호와랑 예수조차도 환장하는게 두 가지가 있는디, ::)
첫 번째가 남녀문제구, 8)
두 번째가 돈문제다. 8)
이것이 세상 끝날까지 니따구덜 도덕일게다. 8)
진보도 보수도 예외없다. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 04, 2021, 01:28:47 PM
보수의 착각중에 하나가 자신들이 주류라고 생각하고 있다는거야.
기존 기득권 보수가 다수였던 적은없어.
권력의 주변에서 배회하던 극소수 발언이 보수의 전부였다.

개별욕망만 작동하는 국민은 과거에는 권력이 무서워 조용했지만, 과거 보수라 자처하는 자들 선동정치가 개별욕망 국민들을 통제할 수 있는 무소불위 권력시대는 지났다.

보수는 여전히 과거 권력맛들린 선동정치질이지만, 국민은 제갈길 간다.

과거 보수정치권이 국민세금을 사금고인냥 흥청망청 비리질했던 것은 잊어버리고, 이제와 피땀같은 세금이라 강조하는 내로남불 잣대가 지금보수라 자처하는 정신병자들 행태잖어.

국고 바닥나도 나라 망하지 않는다.
없으면 없는대로, 있으면 있는대로.
대장동 비리질한 피같은 세금 5천억 회수하면 된다.

옛날의 소수 보수가 중국공산당처럼 안기부/보안사/경찰력 전부 장악하고 주류 국민들 찍어누르면 됐지만, 지금 대한민굴 우파는 중국판 일베 '샤오펀홍(小粉紅)이 아니다. 무력해진 보수는 시끄러운 꽹과리밖에 더되더냐.

우파들 연일 난리 부루스 때려야 결과는 트럼프처럼 참패다.
어느 시대든 난리블루스는 소수자들 투쟁방식이고, 주류는 조용해.
조용한 목소리에 귀를 기울이지 않으면 적이 니 목아지에 칼날드리대도 모른다.
어떻게 뒈졌는지도 모를테니 부검은 의사에게 맡겨야한다.

과거와 마찬가지로 여론조사기관 장악하고 조작된 여론에 맞춰 투표결과 나온다면....
그 때는 도둑같이 경고없이 초전박살난다.

Genesis 5 [NASB]
Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

Genesis 6 [NASB]
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Numbers 13 [NASB]
"There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 04, 2021, 01:37:31 PM

The 1.540Mhz you made is different from the 1.544Mhz way Ruslan made, so you're missing two important things.
If your generator works, though, you're an inventor as good as Ruslan.

However... ominous premonitions usually have a high hit rate...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 04, 2021, 01:42:52 PM

The schematic below has a 99% chance that the generator will work.
The remaining 1% is inspired by members and awaits action.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 05, 2021, 03:20:43 AM
Беззатратный заряд конденсатора.

Victor Myarka
👍 "Дайте мне точку ОПОРЫ и я переверну весь мир" Архимед.

Александр Соломянный
А осцил. тумблер на постоянку или переменку.Синус или пила  выше 0.

Печально это всё. Опыт для школоты, а тут взрослый дяденька. Один провод сети заземлен.  Блоки питания, трансформаторы и прочая хрень не изолятор , особенно для частот в килогерцы, а емкость, конденсатор. . Если приблуду и осцилл запитать от аккумов, то эффект исчезнет.

Vasili Ivanov
Не поленился. Переключил все на АКБ. Эффект не исчез. Поэтому взрослый дяденька грозит вам пальцем. Не шлепайте языком, если сами не делали. Теоретиков хватает без вас.

@Vasili Ivanov  а все и не надо было переключать на акб, (ну да ладно, не суть) , я не теоретик, а практик с опытом. Показывайте,  дядя, от АКБ,  на видео с обьяснениями, что у тебя и для чего на столе лежит, а лучше бы убрать все лишнее из кадра. Эффект имеет перспективу быть интересным, я ничего против не имею, я лишь за чистоту и грамотность экспериментов, но ты же как обычно всё зажмешь, сфинктер не даст рассказать бесплатно.

Vasili Ivanov
Хорошо, что вы практик. Тем более с вас спрос особый. Со стола все лишнее пусть убирают кто стряпает фейки. Я по доброй воле показываю вам направление, по которому вы наконец можете что то получить. Сделайте преобразователь 12-140 и запитайте эту схему. Намотайте на правильном сердечнике трансформатор по типу Мельниченко,  сделайте правильно полный резонанс на базе первого основного резонанса и вуаля! Как определить правильность сердечника я подробно расскажу в новом фильме. Вам же новых успехов!

The Archimedes point is fusion.
Give Tesla and Transformers a chance.
Give yourself a chance.

자연은 신이 될 수 없다는 생각은 자연에서 생존하고 생각하는 인간만큼 변덕스럽고 관조적이다.
The idea that nature cannot be a god is just as capricious and contemplative as humans who live and think in nature.
신이 인간을 돕는 것은, 인간의 두려움/즐거움/필요에 의해 만들어진 신이, 자연이 인간 생각을 만든 본질이기 때문이다.
God helps humans, God created out of human fear/pleasure/need,
This is because nature is the essence of human thought.
도덕을 죽여서 (일시적)자유를 얻어도,
신을 죽여서 (일방적)자유를 얻어도,
결국엔 자유도 잃고 자존도 잃고 목숨도 잃는다.
약육강식 세계에서 승자는 자본주의도 아니고 공산주의도 아니다.
어둠(죽음)만이 자유며 승자다.
어떤 얼굴로 포장되느냐 문제일 뿐이다.
이런 세계에서 진영논리란 킬링필드 살육 멸족이 전부다.
서로가 견제하는 세상에서 인간의 존엄성이란 뱀과 같다.
예수는 여호와가 거덜낸 것보다 더 많이 거덜낼 것이다.
자본주의가 유지되는 한 닭이 소 보듯, 소가 닭 보듯 서로가 무관심한 것이 자유의 전부될 것이다.
Even if you gain (temporary) freedom by killing morals,
Even if you kill a god and gain (unilaterally) freedom,
In the end, you lose your freedom, you lose your self-esteem, and you lose your life.
In the law of the jungle, the victor is neither capitalism nor communism.
Only darkness(death) is free and victorious.
It's just a matter of how it's packaged.
In this world, the logic of the faction is all about killing fields and annihilation.
In a world where each other is in check, human dignity is a rattlesnake.
Jesus will kill more than Jehovah killed.
As long as capitalism is maintained, indifference to each other as chickens watch cows and cows watch chickens will be all there is to freedom.
공산주의 현실의 신은 총(무력)이다.
자본주의도 다르지 않아.
총이 자유를 주고, 총이 자유를 억압한다.
도덕을 총으로 대체하면 총으로 흥망한다.
자발적 도덕은 인간심성 측은지심에 있다.
측은지심은 극한에서도 발현한다.
측은지심이 총과 동등해질 수 있는 길은 총과 측은지심의 융합이다.
측은지심 도덕은 니 생명 끝날까지 함께할 것이기에.
The god of communist reality is the gun(force).
Capitalism is no different.
Guns give freedom, guns suppress freedom.
If you replace morality with guns, you rise and fall with guns.
Voluntary morality lies in the human heart and compassion.
Compassion is expressed even in extremes.
The way for pityria to become equal to guns is through the fusion of guns and pities.
Because compassionate morality will be with you until the end of your life.
자유를 구속하는 평등의 혁명은 총을 기반으로한 1인 1당 독재의 명분이고, 토지재분배는 독재가 독차지하는 평등의 명분이다.
The revolution of equality that binds compassion/freedom is the cause of the gun-based one-person, one-party dictatorship, and the redistribution of land is the cause of equality that the dictatorship dominates.
너의 개별욕망을 대의인냥 선동하는 것 말고 할 수 있는게 없다는게 비합법적 총기구입 아니겠드나.
좃꼴리는대로 개떡같이 해석하는 구글번역은 이래서 싫다.
구글 AI에게 죽음을.
Isn't it illegal to buy guns that there is nothing you can do other than instigate your individual desires as if they were a cause?
This is why I hate Google Translate, which interprets it like a dog shit.
Death to Google AI.

저희에게 이르시되 내가 너희를 전대와 주머니와 신도 없이 보내었을 때에 부족한 것이 있더냐 가로되 없었나이다
이르시되 이제는 전대 있는 자는 가질 것이요 주머니도 그리하고 검 없는 자는 겉옷을 팔아 살찌어다
내가 너희에게 말하노니 기록된바 저는 불법자의 동류로(이사야 53:12) 여김을 받았다 한 말이 내게 이루어져야 하리니 내게 관한 일이 이루어 감이니라
저희가 여짜오되 주여 보소서 여기 검 둘이 있나이다 대답하시되 족하다 하시니라
예수께서 나가사 습관을 좇아 감람산에 가시매 제자들도 좇았더니
And He said to them, "When I sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you?" They said, "No, nothing."
And He said to them, "But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one.
"For I tell you that this which is written must be fulfilled in Me, 'AND HE WAS NUMBERED WITH TRANSGRESSORS'; for that which refers to Me has its fulfillment."
They said, "Lord, look, here are two swords." And He said to them, "It is enough."
And He came out and proceeded as was His custom to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples also followed Him.

빛과 어둠의 검 모두를 지니는 때는,
불법자와 동류되는 때다.
감람산은 돌-여자 관련한 내시의 산이고 두 아펩-신의 산이다.
"Lord, look, here are two swords."
"It is enough."
여호와의 호칭 Lord는 아펩-신 전용이라 태양신전에서 사용하려면 합당한 이유가 있어야 하기에 태양신전에서는 굳이 사용하지 않는다.
그래서 예수에게 붙이는 Lord는 아펩-신 관련한 사역일 때만 붙는다.
When you have both the sword of light and darkness,
It's time to associate with the illegals.
The Mount of Olives is the acid of the eunuch associated with the stone-woman and the acid of the two apepsins.
"Lord, look, here are two swords."
"It is enough."
Since the title 'Lord' of Jehovah is exclusively for Apep-god, there must be a valid reason to use it in the sun temple, so it is not used in the sun temple.
So, 'Lord' attached to Jesus is attached only to the ministry related to Apep-God.

지금이 불법의 때냐.
Is this the time of TRANSGRESSORS?

신이 어둠에서 빛으로 개입한 것은,
신이 바깥에서 자연으로 개입한 것은, 인간이 신이 되고픈 전지전능과 불가능이 소환한 욕망의 한 단면이다.
God intervened from darkness to light,
God's intervention into nature from the outside is one aspect of the omnipotence and impossibility of human beings' desire to become gods.

자연이 신에게 개입하면,
빛이 어둠에 개입하면 어둠이 죽는다.
그러나 지금은 어스름한 때다.
When nature intervenes with God,
When light intervenes in darkness, darkness dies.
But now is a twilight time.

Daily Reading for Buddhists,Precious Volumes,Apocryphal text,Soteriology,Reciting Precious Volumes,Folk religion,Blood-pot Sutra,Blood-pond,Narrative on Mu-lian rescuing his mother,Texts that expound sutras,Ullambana Scripture,Blood-pot sutra expounded by the Buddha on orthodoxy teachings of Tripitaka,The Scripture Concerning Di-zang's Fundamental Promises,Transformation texts,Blood-pot Idea,Blood-pot Ceremony,Yanarja

첫째, 혈분경과 혈분재는 언제, 어디에서 왜 기원했는가 : Michel Soymié씨가 제시한 '血盆思想'이라는 개념이 혈분경의 유래를 추적하는데 큰 도움이 될 것이다.

Michel Soymié

그는 혈분경은 目連尊者, 地獄, 母親에의 報恩 등을 논하는 盂蘭盆經을 생각나게 한다고 하고 있다. 필자가 봤을 때, 혈분경을 구성하는 중요한 요소들은 다음과 같다: 첫째, 모친이 온갖 고통을 통해 피를 흘리며 자녀를 낳았다는 것. 둘째, 이 과정에서 땅과 물을 더렵혀서 神들의 怒를 일으켜 죄를 얻었다는 것. 셋째, 그 결과 죽어서 혈분지옥에 떨어져 온갖 고통을 받는다는 것. 넷째, 자녀들이 모친의 은혜를 생각해 모친이 혈분지옥에서 빠져 나와 극락에서 다시 태어날 수 있도록 하는 방법이 제시되고 있다는 것이다.

이러한 요소들의 一端은 敦煌에서 발견된 僞經들과 그것들을 해설한 講經文, 變文 등에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 따라서 講經文, 變文 등에서 이들 요소들을 찾아보도록 함과 동시에 왜 이러한 것들이 제작되고 널리 유행하게 되었는지에 대해서도 알아보겠다. 그리고 이러한 요소들이 혈호지옥과 결부되었던 것은 『地藏本願經』에서 이야기하고 있는 飮血地獄의 영향을 받았기 때문인데, 이 『地藏本願經』의 중국적 불경으로서의 성격에 대해 추구해 보도록 하겠다. 결국 이러한 것들이 언제인지 모르지만 종합되어 『佛說大藏正敎血盆經』이라는 說話로 나오게 된 것이 아닌가 한다.

그리고, 『佛說大藏正敎血盆經』에는 目連說話가 결합되어 나타나고 있다. 모든 혈분경들이 다 목련설화를 내포하고 있는 것은 아니지만(특히 명, 청대의 宗派 寶卷의 경우에 그러하다), 필자가 볼 때, 淸代에 나왔을 것으로 생각되는 『血湖寶卷』에도 목련설화가 여성의 구원과 결합하여 전개되고 있다. 중국인들에게 특히 인기가 있었고 중국 전역에서 공연되어 왔던 민간 劇文學인 目連戱가 혈분경과 관련이 있다는 것은 매우 의미가 있다고 생각하며, 각 지역마다 다른 目連戱의 내용들에서 혈분경과 관련되는 내용들을 추출해 보고자 한다.

둘째, 혈분경이 갖고 있는 종교적 의미에 관해서 불교와 도교에서의 혈분경과, 민간종교 경전인 보권에서 이야기되고 있는 혈분경은 어떻게 달리 나타나고 있는가 : 불교에서는 중국에서 創作된 僞經인 『佛說大藏正敎血盆經』이 있다. 이것은 다양한 자료들에서 발견되고 있으며, 그 자료들 사이에 약간의 異同은 있으나, 그 대체적 줄거리는 거의 大同小異하다. Michel Soymié와 澤田瑞穗는 佛敎系의 血盆經과 道敎系의 血湖經을 구분하고 있다. Michel Soymié와 澤田瑞穗는 도교의 혈호경이 불교의 혈분경을 모방했을 것이라는 입장을 표하고 있다. 불교와 도교 계통의 혈분경, 혈호경들이 어떻게 최근 또는 현재까지 이어져 갔는지를 계통적으로 추적해 보겠다.

이와는 달리 민간종교의 경전인 寶卷에는 지식인들이나 일반인들에서 행해지고 있던 盂蘭盆會와는 다른 혈분경과 혈분재 儀式이 행해져 왔음이 분명하다. 현재, 발견, 收藏되어 있는 보권류들에는 정말로 다양한 내용의 혈분경들이 실려 있으며, 이들 자료들을 수집하고 그것들에 대한 개별적이며 종합적인 연구가 필요하다고 생각한다.

혈분경에는 종교적 의미와 더불어, 어떠한 사회적 그리고 경제적인 의미가 내포되어 있을까? 또한, 왜 이 혈분경이나 혈분재가 아주 최근까지 유포되었는가와 함께 사회적 측면에서 寶卷의 宣卷도 살펴보고자 한다.

넷째, 대만, 중국 본토, 그리고 일본에서의 현장 연구를 하고자 한다. 이를 통해 혈분재에 대한 보다 생생한 이해가 가능할 것이다. 혈분경에 대한 연구는 하나의 문화권을 형성하고 있었던 동아시아 삼국에 있어서 동일한 한 가지 문화 요소가 각 나라들에 전파되었을 때, 나라마다의 정치, 경제, 사회적 배경에 따라 어떻게 변형된 모습으로 나타나는가를 확인해 볼 수 있는 좋은 사례가 될 수 있다고 생각한다. 즉, 다양한 측면에서 동아시아 삼국에 있어서 문화적 공통성과 차별성을 확인해 볼 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것이다.

불교, 도교, 및 민간신앙 자체라고 하는 기초 분야에 대한 기존의 연구 업적들이 역사 연구에 이용될 수 있음을 보여줄 수 있다고 생각한다. 즉, 大乘佛敎 경전들과 『道藏』에 실려 있는 疏文들 중에서 여성에 대한 종교적 구원이나 혈분 사상과 관계가 있는 문헌들과 이와 관련된 연구 업적들이 이용됨으로써 이것이 가능할 것이다.

중국의 俗文學 분야가 『血盆經』의 연구와 밀접하게 관련되어 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 그 밖에도 『水滸傳』, 『金甁梅』, 『紅樓夢』 등의 小說類를 비롯해서, 湯顯祖의 戱曲인 『南柯記』에 『血盆經』과 관련된 내용이 풍부하게 나타나고, 寶卷 그리고 筆記小說類는 아직 조사되지 않았지만 반드시 나올 것으로 생각된다. 이렇게 보면, 『血盆經』에 대한 연구가 중국 문학에 대한 이해와 큰 관계가 있음을 알 수 있다.

중국의 송, 원대와 명, 청대의 地方志들과 이 시대의 지식인들의 문집들에서 혈분경이나 寶卷의 宣卷과 관련된 내용들을 조사함으로써, 이를 통해 당시 중국의 경제, 종교, 그리고 사회 현상이나 민중들의 움직임 그리고 이에 대한 지배층의 인식을 파악하는데 도움을 줄 것이다. 이는 중국 역사에 대한 보다 넓고 깊은 이해에 기여할 것이다.

다음은, 여성학과의 관련이다. 『血盆經』의 성립과 그 유포의 배경으로서, 여성과 관련된 여러 가지 사회학적인 주제들이 다루어질 것이다. 이 문제들에 대한 조사와 연구를 위해 중국 전통시대의 법률집들과 지식인들의 문집들 등의 자료들이나 사회학적인 용어들이 많이 원용될 것이다. 또한 명 중기 이래 상품ㆍ화폐 경제의 발달과 관련하여 여성의 상품화 등과 같은 문제 등도 다루어짐으로써, 우리 학계의 중국 여성학 연구에 一助를 할 것으로 생각한다. 그리고 앞에서도 지적했지만, 중국이나 일본과 달리 왜 우리나라에서만 『血盆經』이 존재 내지 유포되지 않았는가도 여성학 연구자들의 관심을 끌 것으로 생각한다.

중국과 같이 복합적인 사회를 연구함에 있어서, 다양한 사회ㆍ문화적 집단 출신의 중국인들의 意識에 있어서 공통 요소들을 발견하고자 한다. 이 때, David Johnson이 지역에 따라 다양한 내용으로 공연된 目連戱들에 대한 연구를 통하여 중국인들의 의식구조를 이해하고자 하였던 것처럼, 중국인들의 意識에 있어서 공통 요소들을 도출해 내기 위한 또 하나의 기초로서의 『혈분경』에 대한 연구에 있어서도, 우선, 시간ㆍ공간적으로 다양한 보권들을 비롯해서, 目連戱들과 小說, 戱曲 등에서 언급된 『혈분경』과 관련된 내용들에 대해 시야를 넓혀 연구하는 것이 필요할 것이다.

중국에서는 血盆齋라는 儀式이 있었다. 중국인들은 지옥에 피가 담겨 있는 연못이 있고 그 안에는 사망한 旣婚 여성들은 물론 아이를 낳다가 죽은 여성 또는 解産하고 1개월이나 4개월 이전에 죽은 여성들이 떨어져 고통을 받게 된다고 믿었다. 이러한 儀式을 위해 사용된 경전을 포괄적인 명칭으로 血盆經이라 부른다면, 그러한 의식적 용도로 쓰인 것만이 아니라 운명적으로 혈호지옥에 들어가야 할 여성들의 구원을 위해 만들어진 다양한 민간 종교 경전들도 여기에 포함시킬 수 있다. 이들 경전들은 사회적으로 하층 계급에서만이 아니라 지식층에서도, 그리고 지리적으로는 중국 全域에 걸쳐 퍼졌을 것으로 생각된다. 이는 혈분경이 大藏經에 실려 있지 않은 僞經이었지만 혈분재는 불교, 도교, 그리고 민간종교들에서 널리 행하여졌기 때문이다.

Michel Soymié, 澤田瑞穗 등의 학자들에 따르면, 血盆經은 중국을 기원으로 하여 일본으로 전래되었다고 한다. 그 시기는 대체로 1250년과 1350년 사이로 보고 있다. 혈분경에 관하여, 일본에서는 여성의 사회적 지위와 관련하여 많은 관심을 갖고 연구가 이루어졌다. 이에 반해, 혈분경이 중국을 기원으로 하고 있었고, 중국인들의 意識을 이해하는데 매우 중요한 요소임에도 불구하고, 혈분경에 대한 專論은 동, 서양 학계를 통틀어 만족할 만한 정도로 이루어졌다고 생각되지 않는다.

따라서 血盆經이 언제쯤 성립되었는지 血盆思想이라는 개념을 이용하여 敦煌 發見 文書(佛經, 變文, 講經文)들에서 그 개념들을 추출할 수 있었다. 결국 이러한 개념들이 당말, 송초에 떠돌아다니다가 혈분경이 형성되었을 것으로 보인다. 여기에는 飮血地獄이라는 개념을 제공한 地藏本願經도 역할을 하였다. 이후, 불교 계통에서 최초로 발생한 혈분경은 도교 사회에도 전해져 나름대로의 혈분경을 형성하였고, 민간종교에서도 다양한 혈분경들이 형성되었다. 여기에는 또한 目連救母說話도 결부되었다.

이렇게 형성된 혈분경은 송, 원을 거쳐 명과 청대에 널리 유포되었다. 明ㆍ淸代 小說類과 戱曲에 血盆經과 血盆齋가 보이고 가장 최근의 문서로는 楊文會(1837-1911)의 金陵刻經處에서 발간한 『禪門日誦』에 실린 『佛說大藏正敎血盆經』이 있다. 이것은 이전에 보이는 『佛說大藏正敎血盆經』과 내용이 거의 동일하다. 민간종교 경전인 寶卷에도 다양한 내용의 혈분경이 실려 있다.

血盆齋의 종교ㆍ사회적 의미를 볼 때, 종교적으로는 혈호지옥에 빠져 고통을 당하는 여성들에 대한 구원론을 제시하고 있는데, 특히 관심을 끄는 것은 血盆經과 血盆齋의 성립 및 지속의 사회ㆍ경제적 의미와 그 메카니즘이다. 이러한 문헌적인 연구는 血盆經』과 血盆齋에 대한 현지조사를 통해 보완될 수 있을 것이다. 또한, 血盆經을 통해 동아시아 한, 중, 일 삼국의 문화적 동질성과 더불어 차별성을 확인해 볼 수 있다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 05, 2021, 04:48:51 PM

Tesla and its peripherals are too crude.
A working generator only displays brightness with a light fixture, not a crude appearance.
There are a lot of scammers in the Philippines/Indonesia.
It is also a fantastic country where traffickers negotiate with foreign countries.
There are many armed rebels against the government in the Philippines.
Drugs are basic, and criminal organizations and armed rebels are involved in the human trafficking, prostitution and gambling industries.
And government officials are openly helping them.
Black money comes out of their hands.
You should be especially careful when dealing with Filipinos for money or business.
It is only a matter of time before your children, husbands, wives or relatives become targets of traffickers.
Philippine President Duterte is also the one who declared war on crime and killed thousands of drug addicts.
He killed simple drug addicts, not criminals who grew or sold drugs.

한강과 임진강은 메뚜기 뒷다리에 해당한다.
마포나루 난지도 쓰레기장이 수천년후 골동품 가치를 지니기 전까지는 쓰레기에 불과하단다 슈카야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 05, 2021, 05:19:28 PM
Tariel Kapanadze generator 4.8kWt 2015 05

институт сырости и плесени закрывается..

как открутить китайский винтик.. лайфак..

In the garage lab, dealing with unspecified objects (especially products made in China) is good for mental and physical health.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 03:38:14 AM
Offline Kombinator898
Posts: 1

Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
« Reply #1918 on: November 30, 2021, 03:53:24 PM »


This is My PP and TT control BTG:




이 카페를 가입하고 첫 번째 게시물은 카페관리자의 검열을 받습니다.
(또는, 세 번째, 그 이상의 게시물까지 검열 대상일 수도 있다)
공산주의에서나 있을 법한 검열이 존재한다.
그래서 가입한 회원의 게시물은 약 3~7일후에 게시되는 관계로 세밀하게 살피지 않으면 게시된 줄도 모른다.

나도 이제야 Kombinator898 회원의 댓글이 게시됐다는 것을 알았다.
댓글을 계속 게시하면 정상적으로 게시되니 꾸준한 댓글 부탁한다.
일단 가입을 축하하고, 당신의 BTG가 완성되기를 바랍니다.

폴란드는 아름다운 나라다.
나도 Lech Wałęsa의 독립정신을 좋아한다.

Join this cafe and your first post will be censored by the cafe administrator.
(Or, even the third or more posts may be subject to censorship)
There is censorship that only exists in communism.
Therefore, the posts of registered members are posted about 3 to 7 days later, so if you don't look closely, you may not know that they have been posted.

I also just noticed that a comment from a Kombinator898 member has been posted.
If you keep posting comments, they will be posted normally, so please keep commenting.
First of all, congratulations on joining, we wish you the best of luck with your BTG.

Poland is a beautiful country.
I also like Lech Wałęsa's spirit of independence.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 04:28:16 AM
미국이 중국에게 먹혔으니 중국이 준동허능거지  딴 이유가 뭬있것어
별 위장쑈 다해도 먹힌건 먹힌거제
인류최후의 전쟁은 이미 시작됐구 그 중심에 카파나제 사촌, 아쿠라, 루슬란, 337이허구 그 외 여러 BTG 매니아들 있다
여차허믄 대바겐세일 준비한다지믄 그럴 시간이라도 줄런지 모르제

자네도 그동안 많이 늙었네.... 잘지내는가
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 04:35:17 AM
Investment of $1000 in crypto to get back to you with $5,000 in just 24 hours of trade  With the help of my company mining platform  Dm me on my email robertabram305@gmail.com

대부, 은퇴한 틀딱 미군이 암호화폐로 떼돈벌려면 헝다발 중국이 필요하단말야 대부.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 04:45:12 AM
 The virtue of investing, don't put eggs in one basket.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

중국 5개월만에 지준율 인하...220조원 풀어

중국 중앙은행인 인민은행이 오는 15일부터 시중 은행의 지급준비율(지준율)을 0.5%포인트 인하한다고 6일 발표했다. 헝다를 비롯한 부동산 부문의 부채 위기가 점점 심각해지고 있는 가운데 중국 당국이 통화량 확대를 통한 경기 부양에 나서고 있다.
인민은행은 지준율이 이미 5%인 은행을 제외한 모든 은행의 지준율을 0.5%포인트 낮춘다고 밝혔다. 이번 지준율 인하로 중국 금융사의 평균 지준율은 8.4%로 낮아진다.
지준율은 은행이 비상시에 예금자에게 돈을 돌려주기 위해 평소 중앙은행에 예비금으로 맡겨야 하는 현금의 비율이다. 중국에서 사실상 기준금리와 같은 역할을 한다. 지준율을 낮추게 되면 은행이 중앙은행에 맡기는 현금이 줄고 운용할 수 있는 자금이 늘어 통화량을 늘리는 효과가 생긴다.
인민은행은 이번 지준율 인하를 통해 1조2000억 위안(약 220조 원) 규모의 자금이 시중에 풀릴 것으로 예상했다.
이번 인하는 지난 7월에 이어 올해 들어 두 번째다. 당시 인민은행은 15개월 만의 지준율 인하로 1조 위안의 자금 부양 효과를 기대했다.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 04:58:29 AM
CODY-речь не идёт о масштабируемости ,речь идёт о кратности , если масштабировать , то-есть трансформатор ПОБОЛЬШЕ и конденсатор ПОБОЛЬШЕ , то принцип всё равно остаётся только удвоение , а кратность под собой имеет смысл утроить , учетрверить ,удесятерить улавливаете смысл? и с этим много сложностей , самый простой вариант это удвоение , ну и как-бы у него тоже может быть продолжение , можно полученное снова удвоить , но ,,городить,, придётся ещё чуть больше всяких прибамбасов , но на данном этапе надо разобраться в самом принципе работы , понять саму воплощаемость ....повторяю принцип простой и сводится к простому алгоритму .... изначально берётся импульс постоянного тока и им заряжается конденсатор через индуктивность(первичную обмотку трансформатора) потом этот заряженный конденсатор снова разряжают на эту-же индуктивность ,получается что один и тот-же заряд второй раз используется , что Павел успешно доказал всем и в симуляторе и на практике

No restructuring of the yoke-transformer is required.
Генератор 2 КW
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on December 06, 2021, 06:05:04 AM
Color: "Poland is a beautiful country."   this is true

"I also like Lech Wałęsa's spirit of independence. " 
Lech Wałęsa is an agent cooperating with the communists. He would probably be a hero in your country.
Currently in Poland it is considered a communist or the left as a party.
We no longer have respect for him. He deceived a lot of people who believed him.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 06:29:17 AM
r2fpl :

We are also aware of the news that Walesa has been involved in many corruptions.
Independence does not discriminate between communists and capitalists.
The Soviet Union and China are not the only communism in the world.
There is a problem that the fight between communism and capitalism starts again after independence.

We wish the Polish people eternal freedom and independence.

Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie

불륜 의혹

그러나 이러한 위대한 인물도 생전에 사생활 문제로 구설에 휘말린 적이 있었다. 바로, 동료 과학자 폴 랑주뱅과의 불륜 의혹이다. 다만 영어판 위키피디아에 따르면 기레기의 의한 오보라는 주장도 있다.

마리야 이미 남편이 사망한 뒤라 새 사랑을 시작해도 문제될 게 없었지만 문제는 폴 랑주뱅으로 당시 폴은 유부남이었고 아이까지 있었다.

폴 랑주뱅은 가정생활이 좋지 못했다고 한다. 처가와 아내 잔느는 구박과 폭행으로 끊임없이 랑주뱅을 괴롭게 했다. 그런데 사실 랑주뱅의 잘못도 없지는 않다. 아내한테 잘해주지도 않으면서 특이한 성격의 자신을 이해하기만을 바라니 이런 남편을 아내가 좋아할 리 없다. 그렇다고 때리나? 장모와 처제도 아내한테 잘하지 않는 사위이자 형부인 랑주뱅을 정말 싫어하여 걸핏하면 말다툼을 벌였다. 하루는 랑주뱅과 심하게 말다툼하던 장모가 폭발해 사위에게 철제 의자를 집어던지고 말았는데 이게 랑주뱅의 얼굴에 맞아 상처투성이가 된 채로 출근한 사건도 있을 지경이었다. 이후 그는 퀴리 부부로부터 마음의 평화를 찾았다고 한다. 그러다 남편이 죽고 남편의 죽음으로 인한 슬픔을 서로 위로해주다 보니 연인 사이로 발전하게 되었다고 한다.
"친애하는 폴, 어제 저녁과 밤은 당신과 우리가 함께 보낸 시간들을 생각하며 보냈어요. 지금도 당신의 선량하고 부드러운 눈과 매력적인 미소를 떠올립니다. 당신 존재의 모든 감미로움을 다시 발견할 순간만을 생각하고 있어요." -마리 퀴리가 랑주뱅에게 보낸 편지 일부 발췌-
하지만 결국 아내 잔느에게 들켜 분노한 잔느가 죽여버리겠다며 싸움이 일어날 뻔 했지만 이들과 친한 물리학자 장 페랭과 신문사 편집자였던 잔느의 형부 앙리 부르주아의 중재로 헤어진다는 조건 하에 사건은 잘 마무리되는 듯 싶었다. 하지만 잔느가 고용인을 통해 조사해보니 그 둘은 지속적인 만남을 계속 가지고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 아내와의 관계에서 아들 둘을 낳았으나 이 사건 때문에 부부 사이는 파탄이 나버려 랑주뱅이 가출하다가 결국엔 부부가 별거하고 만다. 나중엔 아내도 지쳐서 자식들에게만 신경쓰고 남편이 비서를 정부로 삼는 것에 신경쓰지 않았다.
"그는 떨리는 가냘픈 손으로 내 손을 잡으며 이렇게 말했다. '마그리트, 랑주뱅을 그 자신으로부터 구해줘야 해요. 당신이나 나는 강한 사람들이지만 그는 연약해요. 그는 이해와 따뜻한 보살핌이 필요한 사람입니다.'" -제노바로 가는 도중 마리 퀴리를 회상하는 마그리트-
스웨덴에선 이 일로 소란이 있었지만 무사히 노벨상을 받게 된다. 하지만 프랑스에선 이 일을 여러 신문사에서 떠드는 상황인지라 여론은 결코 그녀의 편이 아니었다. 편지와 함께 독설로 인해 결투까지 벌어졌지만 다행히 죽은 사람은 생기지 않았다. 결국 스웨덴은 노벨상을 거절하라는 편지를 주기에 이른다.

허나 마리 퀴리는,
"상은 과학자의 사생활이 아니라 업적에 주어지는 것"
이라는 말과 함께 시상식에 참석하고 노벨상을 다시 한 번 받게 된다. 이러한 사건은 랑주뱅과 쟌느, 그리고 마리 퀴리까지 모두 헤어지게 만들었다.
"마리 퀴리는 여전히 나에 대한 애정과 내 슬픔에 대한 동정을 보여준다", "그의 애정없이 어떻게 살아야할지 모르겠다" -1915년 랑주뱅이-
사실 동료들은 마리 퀴리를 적극적으로 옹호하진 못한 대신 숨겨주는 역할을 수행했다. 알베르트 아인슈타인은 1911년 마리 퀴리를 벨기에 브뤼셀 솔베이 회의에서 처음 만난 후 이런 소란을 이해하지 못하겠다며 '그녀(마리 퀴리)는 똑똑하고 열정적이지만, 누구에게나 치명적일만큼 매력적이지는 않다.'[19]라는 편지를 남기기도 했다. 하지만 언론의 입은 좀처럼 멈추지 않았으며 이 때문에 마리는 자살까지도 생각했다고 한다. 이 때문에 마리는 기자들을 기피하게 되며, 이 태도는 1920년대에 멜로니라는 미국 기자와 만날 때까지 유지된다. 마리를 위해 모금운동을 전개하여 라듐 1g을 선물한 인물이 이 사람.

이때 마리는 하도 시달린 나머지 알프스로 딸들과 도망쳤고 거기서 아인슈타인을 만나 교류했다고 한다. 아인슈타인이 마리와 산책을 하다가 문득 던진 한마디가 "엘리베이터가 허공에서 떨어지면 거기 탄 사람들은 어찌될까??"였는데 이는 일반 상대성 이론의 단초가 되었다고 한다. 마리가 이 질문에 뭐라고 대답했는지는 알려져 있지 않다.

아이러니하게도 마리의 손녀 엘렌의 남편, 즉 손녀 사위의 이름은 바로 미셸 랑주뱅, 즉 폴 랑주뱅의 손자다. 폴 랑주뱅은 이후에도 장녀 이렌 퀴리의 지도교수를 맡았고, 마리를 비롯한 퀴리 가문과의 친분도 계속 이어갔기 때문에 새삼 놀라운 일은 아니다는 평이 많다.

"상은 과학자의 사생활이 아니라 업적에 주어지는 것"
"The award is given to a scientist for his achievements, not his private life."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on December 06, 2021, 06:55:02 AM
All people should be free and always have a choice, no matter where they are or what color they are.
Unfortunately, there are countries where freedom is still punishable by death!
The problem begins when few people want total power over everyone.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 07:54:04 AM
닥터 지바고?
지랄하구 자빠졌네~

쥴리와 쥬얼리
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 08:05:20 AM
Quote from: r2fpl on December 06, 2021, 06:55:02 AM
All people should be free and always have a choice, no matter where they are or what color they are.
Unfortunately, there are countries where freedom is still punishable by death!
The problem begins when few people want total power over everyone.

From April 29 to May 4, 1992, black Americans rioted in Los Angeles, USA.

Raw Footage of Los Angeles as the 1992 Riots Erupt Throughout the City | From the Archives | NBCLA

During the black riots in Los Angeles, Koreatown suffered the most damage.
More than 2,000 Korean businesses were affected, and several Koreans were killed.
The reason happened when blacks expressed their anger against whites to Koreans.
In the free world, dialogue is necessary.
I hope the riot doesn't happen again.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 09:19:31 AM

I'm curious about the generator price.
More than 10,000 dollars?
Not many people will go to the Philippines and check if the generator is working and buy it.
For reference, I don't think I would buy the above generator even if I could afford it.
Upgraded placental Tesla-type free generators are uncomplicated.
Because it only takes a few parts and a few wires.

There was a recent case where the president of a Korean company in the Philippines was kidnapped and killed by the Philippine police and demanded a large sum from his Korean family.
The money was given to the kidnappers, but his dad never returned.
The South Korean National Intelligence Service has asked the Philippines to punish the kidnappers and police, but there has been no response so far.

Free generators sell well when they are decorated plausibly.
It has to be plausible, especially when deceiving people who know electricity well.

Vaccine manufacturers have demanded immunity from vaccine side effects from countries around the world.
It seems to be a statement that is well aware of the content of the Bible that the last days of the world will come like a thief.

Egypt's President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi's scene of being vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus has been found to be false, causing ridicule to the public
Egypt's government ordered the media to delete photos of the president being vaccinated, but people are already being ridiculed for being stuffed into social media
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 10:04:47 AM
농협마크 선명헌 마포나루 난지도 쓰레기통 위에 종말론 음모론 오메가가 수도 서울 한복판에 떡허니 버티고개허구있는디 개희들 심정이야 오죽허것냐 도때바. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 10:34:36 AM
여기다 세상에 유대교랑 기독교 여호와/예수 증거 몽땅 까발려졌는데 유대인들이 가만있는게 더 이상할 것 같지 않어?
마운틴 산 말고 니들이 어디로 도망가야 안전하겠냐?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 10:40:24 AM
아빠는 이미 당료암 말기 시한부 목숨이라 당장 죽어도 여한없지만, 앞날이 창창한 개희들은 대부 말씀 새겨듣거라 개희들아.


вот это дааа..

Seeing that your garage is beautifully decorated, I prepare to flee to the mountains.

Неделю назад В ковидной больнице скончался Тариэл Капанадзе - грузинский сумрачный гений изобретатель бестопливного одноименного генератора электроэнергии. Тариэла в самой Грузии называют грузинским Тесла. Свой генератор Тариэл назвал так: капаген, от собственной фамилии.
Кто знает подробности напишите пожалуйста

12:48 В uoo •
ote 46 4
27 DENov. AS 22:44
Здравствуйте, Тариэль, меня зовут Эдсон, я живу в Бразилии, ваше устройство и благословение, которое я пытался сделать больше, я не могу, меня немного шокирует - Я живу в Бразилии, поздравляю с кападазе
Я мало что знаю об электронике
Но я верю в технологию бесплатной энергии, ну, я бы хотел иметь такое устройство в моем доме, чтобы использовать его для моей семьи здесь, больше не электричество,
Можете ли вы научить меня, как сделать кападазе попроще?
Você respondeu a si mesmo
:: ове Аа

Does the Kapanadze live in Brazil?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 06, 2021, 12:03:03 PM
Even after 40 hours of additional sharp measurement, there is no trace of dark matter in AGC 114905

최근 네덜란드 연구팀에 의해 밝혀진 AGC ​​114905의 데이터가 너무 이상한 이유

암흑물질 흔적없는 은하 발견

The Matrix Resurrections – Official Trailer 2
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: lancaIV on December 07, 2021, 07:44:51 AM
All people should be free and always have a choice, no matter where they are or what color they are.
Unfortunately, there are countries where freedom is still punishable by death!
The problem begins when few people want total power over everyone.
            " Obey God and not (hu)man(s) " Johns gospel ,
~ https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Zehn_Gebote?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de#Wortlaut (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Zehn_Gebote?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de#Wortlaut)
                                "You shouldn't have any other gods besides me." ( Gods and ,human/oid,leaders !)

All people should be free and always have a choice, no matter where they are or what color they are.

What defines independently in people what "God" is ?
To being "God-loyal" what defines the "GOD-(and I)relationship Constitution" over the individual(  "I")/-s his/their life/-s !?

Human Nature and its INTERPRETATION

https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_contrat_social (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_contrat_social)   

Not called Socialism but Contratualism

http://web.seducoahuila.gob.mx/biblioweb/upload/manifest_der_kommunistischen_partei.pdf (http://web.seducoahuila.gob.mx/biblioweb/upload/manifest_der_kommunistischen_partei.pdf)
Not called Manifestationalism but Communism

                                 Both "scripts"  the cause and CHANGE-INTENTION/-DEMAND ?

                                                                            IDEA  (-L : VISION ?)


Constitution and freedom                                                 or                                     Influence(-power) and property     

                                                       none ?                                            both ?

                                INVERSIONALISM ,CONTROVERSIONALISM

U.D.S.S.R.,german letters/C.C.C.P.,kyrillic letters/S.S.S.R. ,latin letters :  not called communistic but socialistic

In our (progam/m/atic : pro-/contra !? ) World we have /had

                                                     leadership and counter-leadership
                                                        opinion and counter-opinion

Philosophy and Counter-Philosophy,Pope/Patriarca and Counter-Pope/-Patriarca,Imperator and Counter-Imperator,King and Counter-King
today matematician = scientist=Wissenschaftler and Counter-matematician=-scientist=-Wissenschaftler

                     there are countries where freedom is still punishable by death

                    absolutistic freedom is in each U.N.-member estate punishable
                    contratual freedom is given by each Estate its Constitution

                    contratual freedom about individuals their rights use
                    contratual freedom about individuals their obligations apply

                                    GOD-ism or (HU)MAN-ism in application ?
            https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benedict_of_Nursia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benedict_of_Nursia)  and     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogomil_(priest (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogomil_(priest))

           were the Occident-Reformer over the last thousand years
           from and over Katharer(Valdo/Waldenser)/Templer to Zwingli/Calvin/Luther to Rousseau/Hegel/Nietzsche/Marx-Engels/
                                                                          Lenin/Mao(red book)/Khadafi(green book)

                                               GOOD-MAN-ship or GOD-MAN-ship  ::) ;)

r2fpl : color its input https://overunity.com/18143/colors-kapanadze-forum-fe-builds-circuits-and-comments/dlattach/attach/184150/image// (https://overunity.com/18143/colors-kapanadze-forum-fe-builds-circuits-and-comments/dlattach/attach/184150/image//)

         forbidden fuits,Nature fruits basket compilation,Constructivism by TEMPTATION (Just an Illusion),"Salsa,als Wuerze des Lebens"

                                                    X Æ A-XII  horizontal view in 15 years ,ein AKT                                                 

                                                    short :                                                    TR AKT AT  ;D

Salve et Adeus
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 07, 2021, 01:01:12 PM
[단독] 특종! 국민대 김건희에게 박사학위 헌납(?)한 미스터리 풀렸다!

천하에 갈보년 쥴리년~ 니 보지가 다이아 보지더냐.

썪을대로 썪은 검찰이 위협 느끼고 윤석렬 대권음모 꾸몄다는게 드러난 이상 조져라.

윤석렬 돈줄이 무너진 쌍룡인지 삼성인지 가려내라.

良价洞山過水 양개동산과수
切忌從他覓/절기종타멱/끊어 버리고 다른걸 쫓으며 찾아도
迢迢與我殊/초초여아수/그럴수록 나와 아득히 멀어지나니
我今獨自往/아금독자왕/나 이제 홀로 가되
處處得逢渠/처처득봉거/곳곳에서 얻고 개천에서 만나네
渠今正是我/거금정시아/개천엔 이제 바른 나
我今不是渠/아금불시거/나는 이제 개천이 아니로다
應須憑麽會/응수빙마회/응해서 모름지기 기대어 작게 모으니
方得契如如/방득계여여/방 얻어 맺어 같아졌네

「임간록(林間錄)」은 북송(北宋)의 혜홍 각범(慧洪覺範 : 1071~1128)스님이 찬술(撰述)한 책으로 불법 종지와 총림의 수행에 관한 300여 편을 상 · 하 2권에 싣고 있다.
권말의 신편 후록(新編後錄) 1권은 부록 또는 속집(續集)이라고도 하는데, 자신이 지은 찬(讚) 26수 및 시(詩) 6수를 싣고 있다. 논소(論疏)에는 「임간록 고증(林間錄考證)」 7권, 「임간록 고략(林間錄考畧)」 1권이 있다.
혜홍(또는 德洪이라고도 함) 스님은 운암(雲庵) 진정 극문(眞淨克文 : 1025~1102)스님의 법제자로 남악(南嶽)의 13세(世)이다. 강서(江西) 서주부(瑞州府) 신품현(新品縣)의 유씨(喩氏)에게서 태어나서(1071) 14세에 부모를 잃고 삼봉 정(三峯靘)스님을 따라 출가하였으며, 19세에 동경(東京) 천왕사(天王寺)에 가서 선비율사(宣祕律師)에게서 「구사(俱舍)」「유식(唯識)」 등을 배웠다. 후에 임제종 황룡파(黃龍派)의 진정 극문스님을 따라 수행하면서 심법(心法)을 얻었다.
숭녕(崇寧) 연간(1102~1106)에는 무주(撫州) 경덕사(景德寺)에서 살다가 후에는 금릉(金陵) 청량사(淸涼寺)에 살았다. 강서(江西) 남품부(南品府) 홍주(洪州)의 석문사(石門寺)에 있을 때 학덕과 재필(才筆)이 세상에 널리 알려져서 석문사 문필 혜홍 각범스님이라 불리웠다.
휘종(徽宗)에게서 보각 원명(寶覺圓明)이라는 법호를 받았고, 흠종(欽宗)에게서도 종용되었으며, 스스로는 적음존자(寂音尊者)라 자칭하기도 하였다. 승(僧) 법화(法和) 등의 무고로 수차 투옥되고 또 환속을 당하기도 하였는데, 이때 재상(宰相) 장상영(張商英), 태위(太尉) 곽천민(郭天民) 등의 도움을 받았다. 유배지에서 돌아와서는 상서(湘西)의 남대(南臺)에 명백암(明白庵)을 짓고 저술에만 전념하며 살았다.
남송(南宋) 고종(高宗) 건염(建炎) 2년(1128) 5월에 입적하였으니 세수(世壽) 58세, 승랍 39세였다. 저술로는 「임간록」 이외에 「선림보승전(禪林寶僧傳)」 30권, 「고승전(高僧傳)」 12권, 「냉재야화(冷齋夜話)」 10권, 「석문문자선(石門文字禪)」 30권, 「지증전(智證傳)」 10권, 「지림(志林)」 10권, 「천주금련(天厨禁臠)」 1권, 「어록게송(語錄偈頌)」 1편, 「법화합론(法華合論)」 7권, 「능엄존정의(楞嚴尊頂義)」 10권, 「원각개증의(圓覺皆證義)」 2권, 「금강법원론(金剛法源論)」 1권, 「역주(易註)」 3권, 「기신론해의(起信論解義)」 2권, 「감로집(甘露集)」 20권 등이 전해지고 있다.
「임간록」은 스님이 37세 되던 철종(哲宗) 대관(大觀) 원년(1107) 사일(謝逸 : 字 無逸, 號 溪堂)의 서문(序文)을 얻어 간행한 것으로, 그 훌륭한 문장은 선적(禪籍) 중의 백미(白眉)라 하여 옛부터 총림에서 많이 애송되었다.
또한 본문 속의 '오가종파(五家宗派)'나 '덕산사가어록(德山四家語錄)'등의 기록은 어록의 연구에 중요한 자료가 된다.
스님은 300여 편의 이야기를 정리하면서 책이 출판되기 전까지도 끊임없이 수집하였다. 우리나라에 대하여는 신라의 원효(元曉)스님과 출판되기 80여 년 전(1027)에 송(宋)나라에 갔던 대각국사(大覺國師) 의천(義天)에 대한 이야기가 실려 있다.
「임간록」이 우리나라에 전래된 시기는 알 수 없으나 현재 해인사(海印寺)에 소장된 「임간록」을 보면 한 책 속에 여러 가지 판형(板型)이 있고, 또 글자들이 닳아서 알아볼 수 없는 부분도 상당히 많은 것으로 볼 때 우리나라에 전래된 이후 널리 읽혀졌으리라고 추측된다.
현존하는 판의 후집(後集)은 간기(刊記)에 의하면 성화(成化) 4년(1468) 간경도감(刊經都監)에서 간행한 것임을 알 수 있다. 끝으로 스님의 오도송(悟道頌)을 소개한다.

靈雲一見不再見 영운일견불재견
신령한 구름 한 번 보니 두 번 볼 수 없고
紅白枝枝不着華 홍백지지불착화
붉고 흰 가지가지 꽃핀 적도 없다네
叵耐釣魚船上客 파내조어선상객
어려움 견디며 고기를 낚는 배 위에 객이
卻求平地摝魚鰕 각구평지록어하
버티어 구하니 평지에서 팔딱거리는 물고기와 새우라

고래싸움에 새우등 터지는 새우는 슈카아니더냐.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 07, 2021, 01:32:50 PM
무적의 '곡산 검법' 척준경 4대손 척사광이 계집만 아니였어도 오도송(悟道頌) 읊으며 새왕조 역당질 제대로했을텐디 좃빠지게 아까워? ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 07, 2021, 01:48:34 PM
Умножитель напряжения.

Dad, it's a shame that the members who were making generators spend as much time as they do on other experiments. Daddy
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 07, 2021, 02:11:23 PM
240           ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСТВО.
тію, къ одному определенному промышленному заведенію. Кладеть на всю брошюру известный отпе. чаток. Різко полемическое отношение автора къ други, изобратателям, лишены должнаго безпристрастія. Но, несмотря на это, чтатель может найТи въ книжк полную картину производства построеннаго на широкихъ началахъ (въ 1992 году было произведено 1607200 килогр.).
Приміненіе карборунда довольно ограничено, и описаніе различныхъ патентов, в которыхъ карборунъ играетъ главную роль, занимаеть немного rtста. Вообще все то немногое, что могло быть сказано о производсті карборунда, все что по этому вопросу было разбросано в различных періодическихъ изданіяхъ, собрано здесь въ систематизированномъ вид, съ такой точки зрнія для желаюших ознакомиться с этим производствозь книжка представляет по крайней мірі большое удобство. Нtсколько дорогое, прибавимъ, так какъ 2 марки. т. е. около рубля, за 40 странъ разгонистой печати довольно большая цена для заграничнaro изданія. Книжка издана очень изящно и снабжена прекрасными рисунками.
Д. Р.
Письмо въ Редакцію. Милостивый Государь,
Господинъ Редакторы! Позвольте поділиться съ читателями Вашего уважаемаго журнала описаніемъ испытаннаго мною способа получения высокаго напряженія посредством несколькихь обыкновенныхъ трансформаторов.
На практикѣ часто встречается надобность получать перемѣнный токъ въ достаточномъ количествѣ при напряжени въ несколько разь превышающем то напряженіе, для котораtо построены имѣющіеся въ распоряжени трансформаторы.
Такіе случаи чаще всего представляются ліпамъ, работающимъ на станціяхъ перемѣннаго тока, гдѣ всегда имеется достаточный запас трансформаторовь опредѣленнаго типа и гдѣ приходится испытывать очень высокимъ напряженіемъ различныя изолируюія вещества.
дающее возможность получать значительно ање высокое напряженіе.
При этомъ соединеніи лишь въ одномъ форматорѣ приходится пользоваться обми низкаго напряжения, присоединяя ее къ на нику энергій; въ остальныхъ трансформатор обмотки низкаго напряженія остаются изолира ванными и въ схему соединенія входять і обмотки высокаго напряженія, от которых сдѣланы отвѣтвления на равныхъ разстояні оть концовъ обмотки (примѣрно на час обмотки). Обмотки соединяются между со такъ, как это представлено на фиг. 16,
(0000000000) 000000000000000000 2 000000000000000000
0000000000000 с. 100000000000000000
«Dur. 16.
чемъ второй трансформаторы питается от се ваго, третій oть второго и т. д.
Легко видѣть, что, какъ бы велико ни бир число включенныхъ таким образомъ трансфор маторов, напряжение внутри каалдаго трансфор матора не будеть превышать напряжения меку крайними точками его обмотки, тогда како щее напряженіе всей цѣпи будетъ равно rеметрической суммѣ напряженій всѣхъ трансформаторовь (считая эти напряженія мелау Тон ками Ви C, C и D, D и Е, и т., т. е. принимая въ разсчеть не полное напряженіе сақлаго трансформатора).
К сожалѣнію, самоиндукція трансформаторовъ въ сильной степени усложняетъ явление, и геометрическая сумма напряженій такого рода трансформаторовъ сильно отстаетъ отъ алгебраilпеской суммы. Быть может понадобится приб brнуть кь нѣкоторымъ искусственнымъ пріемами для того, чтобы таким способомъ увеличить напряженіе до желаемыхъ предѣловъ. Описваемый способь соединенія возможно варьировать и пользоваться также толстыми обмотками трансформаторовь.
Прошу принять уваженіе въ моемъ совершенцом"ь почтеніи и преданности
Готовый къ услугам. І. Ковалеви.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 07, 2021, 02:39:48 PM
Настройка резонанса..3gp

good work ! resonance not broken?

Arif Agayev
Здравствуйте Сергей,настроил к.к на  5-гармонику (подобрал кондер) но тока почти нет в к.к ,в чем прикол? На основном резонансе ток большой,на 5 гармонике ничего.

Carl Miller
stalker скажите все регуляторы название и 101 дроссельные данных? Большое спасибо заранее за вашу помощь.

Это видео Сергея Алексеева, поэтому не подскажу. Тут представлена информация по его работе https://yadi.sk/d/OSbLob07syV5t

Dima Shatohin


The situation with the daddy generator is the same.
It is not possible to check whether the lamp is 110V or 220V.
Russia is likely still using 110V lights.
Dad uses a 220V light.

The above situation can be solved by just solving the first gate, but it is questionable whether the generator really works.
The reason is that when the generator operates, it is difficult to form a spark gap at 1000~2000V Tesla.
Because the light eats the Tesla force.

In the combination of IR2110 and IR2153, the yoke-transformer and Tesla power are separated, so the generator does not work completely.
If you want a full generator, the Tesla power must be pulled directly from the yoke-transformer.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 08, 2021, 03:00:54 PM

60,000,000THB = $1,790,824

ito ang tinatawag na electro plasma generator at inimbento ito ng dalawang Filipino at malaki ang gastos nila umabot ng 60 milyon na higit at maraming taon ang ginugol nila sa paggawa ng machine na ito ang machine na ito ay nagbibigay ng power supply kahit anong makina ang ah ikokonek mo dito ata pwede sa sasakyan pwede sa planta sa bahay mo at katulad din ng electricity Nagbibigay din ito ng power supply at ito na siguro ang pinaka dabest na imbensyon ng mga Pilipino sa year 2021 at ito ay magagamit sa buong mundo at ang sabi ng inventory ang kanyang imbensyon ay sana ipaalam na niya sa iba nga government agencies at naghihintay lamang siya ng tamang panahon sa pag process nito at sana ay makatulong to sa atin mga Pilipino at suportahan natin ang mga imbentor at ang kabuuan ng na detalye sa video na ito ay makikita sa a business how it works



Нет достижения выше, чем сделать неразличимой грань между работой и игрой.
일과 놀이의 경계를 구분할 수 없게 만드는 것보다 더 높은 성취는 없습니다.



The light-god and the dark-god do not believe in each other and only fight,
In a world where light and darkness coexist, they live their lives in their own way.

Let them speak freely.


(일개희 질문)
Q : 먹고싶은거 다 먹고, 자고싶은거 다 자고 어떻게 천국을 간데?

A : 세상에서 만족하는 삶은 천국이(천국에 갈) 필요없다는 생각은, 인간의 욕망을 아주아주 과소평가한 신관들 십일조-정치논리다.

Q : 귀신이랑 외계인 둘이 싸우면 대체 누가이길까....시발....

A : 내가 이긴다 개희다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 09, 2021, 06:59:30 PM
김성철 교수 4 | 불교 공(空)의 지혜로 세속에서 큰 돈을 버는 방법 | 치과 의사와 불교 수행 중 더 어려운 일은?

중도가 어디서 꿔다논 보릿자루야?
김용옥보다는 좀 난 것 같지만 거기서 거기다 현조야.
대한민굴에는 불교나 기독교, 유교, 도교 아는 년놈 아무도 없다 현조야.
그로니까 헛소리 그만 만들구 예능방송으로 바꾸는거 추천한다 현조야.

뭣도 마찬가지겠지만 뜻을 모르는 놈이 옛글 풀이하면 이상해질 뿐만 아니라,
자신의 생각은 첨가하지 말아야하는데 아는체 한답시고 똥글섞어놔 분위기 잡쳐논다.
옛글은 원래 뜻이 살아있어 읽는 맛이 나지만, 제놈들 똥글은 왜 첨가시켜 개판쳐놓는지 도무지 이해가 안간다.
선문염송 외 70권 책낸 문재현이란 놈도 예도 박충일처럼 얼굴이나 이름 알리기가 목적인 소경들이고
책쓰지 말아야 할 놈들이 책을 쓰면 개판된다.

조주의 개는 유교 공자(孔子) 때리기다.

인도 교조 석가모니불(敎祖 釋迦牟尼佛)
1조 마하가섭 (摩訶迦葉)
2조 아난다 (阿難陀)
3 조 상나화수 (商那和隋)
4 조 우바국다 (優波趣多)
5 조 제다가 (堤多迦)
6 조 미차가 (遮迦) 
7 조 바수밀 (婆須密)
8조 불타난제 (佛陀難堤)
9 조 복타밀다 (伏密多) 
10조 파율습박(협) (波栗濕傳, 協) 
11조 부나야사 (富那夜奢)
12조 아나보리(마명) (阿 那菩提, 馬鳴)
13조 가비마라 (迦毗摩羅)
14조 나가르주나(용수) (那蘭羅樹那, 龍樹)
15조 가나제바 (迦那堤波)
16조 라후라타 (喉羅陀)
17조 승가난제 (僧伽難提)
18조 가야사다 (迦耶舍)
19조 구마라다 (鳩摩羅多)
20조 사야다 (闍耶多)
21조 바수반두 (婆修盤頭)
22조 마노라 (摩峯羅)
23조 학륵나 (鶴勒那)
24조 사자보리 (師子菩提)
25조 바사사다 (婆舍斯多)
26조 불여밀다 (不如密多)
27조 반야다라 (般若多羅)
28조 보리달마 (菩提達磨)

29조 신광 혜가 ( 2 조 神光 慧可)
30조 감지 승찬 ( 3 조 鑑智 僧楽)
31조 대의 도신 ( 4 조 大醫 道信)
32조 대만 홍인 ( 5 조 大滿 弘忍)
33조 대감 혜능 ( 6 조 大鑑 慧能)
34조 남악 회양 ( 7 조 南獻 懷讓)
35조 마조 도일 ( 8 조 馬祖 道一)
36조 백장 회해 ( 9 조 百丈 懷海)
37조 황벽 희운 (10조 黃藥 希雲)
38조 임제 의현 (11조 臨濟 義玄)
39조 흥화 존장 (12조 興化 存奬)
40조 남원 혜옹 (13조 南院 慧題)
41조 풍혈 연소 (14조 風穴 延沼)
42조 수산 성념 (15조 首山 省念)
43조 분양 선소 (16조 汾陽 善昭)
44조 자명 초원 (17조 慈明 楚圓)
45조 양기 방회 (18조 楊岐 方會)
46조 백운 수단 (19조 白雲 守端)
47조 오조 법연 (20조 五祖 法演)
48조 원오 극근 (21조 圓悟 克勤)
49조 호구 소릉 (22조 虎도 紹隆)
50조 응암 담화 (23조 應庵 畵華)
51조 밀암 함걸 (24조 密庵 咸傑)
52조 파암 조선 (25조 破産 祖先)
53조 무준 사범 (26조 無準 師範)
54조 설암 혜랑 (27조 雪岩 慧郞)
55조 급암 종신 (28조 及庵 宗信)
56 조 석옥 청공 (29조 石屋 淸洪)

57조 태고 보우 (1 조 太古 普愚)
58조 환암 혼수 ( 2 조 幻庵 混隋)
59조 구곡 각운 ( 3 조 靈谷 覺雲)
60조 벽계 정심 ( 4 조 碧인 淨心)
61조 벽송 지엄 ( 5 조 碧松 智陽)
62조 부용 영관 ( 6조 芙蓉 靈觀)
63조 청허 휴정 ( 7조 淸虛 休靜)
64조 편양 언기 ( 8 조 鞭羊 彦機)
65조 풍담 의심 ( 9 조 楓潭 義諶)
66조 월담 설제 (10조 月潭 雪霽)
67조 환성 지안 (11조 喚醒 志安)
68조 호암 체정 (12조 虎巖 體淨)
69조 청봉 거안 (13조 靑峰 巨岸)
70조 율봉 청고 (14조 栗峰 靑果)
71조 금허 법첨 (15조 錦虛 法沾)
72조 용암 혜언 (16조 龍巖 慧言)
73조 영월 봉율 (17조 詠月 奉律)
74조 만화 보선 (18조 萬化 普善)
75조 경허 성우 (19조 鏡虛 惺牛)
76조 만공 월면 (20조 滿空 月面)
77조 전강 영신 (21조 田岡 永信)
78대 대원 문재현 (22대 大圓 文載)

이 몸을 끄는 놈 이 무슨 물건인가?
골똘히 생각한 지 서너 해 되던 때에
쉬이하고 불어온 솔바람 한 소리에
홀연히 대장부의 큰 일을 마치었네
무엇이 하늘이고 무엇이 땅 이런가
이 몸이 청정하여 이러-히 가없어라
안팎 중간 없는 데서 이러-히 응하니
취하고 버림이란 애당초 없다네
하루 온종일 시간이 다하도록
헤아리고 분별한 그 모든 생각들이
옛 부처 나기 전의 오묘한 소식임을
듣고서 의심 않고 믿을 이 누구인가!

꽃 들어 보임에 온통 법계라
가섭이 미소지음 흔연히 나뉩없어 이 소식 알런가 덩실 덩실 더덩실
2000년 9월 1일 진성(眞性) 윤주영(尹柱瑛)

해는 서산 달은 동산 덩실하게 얹혀 있고,
김제의 평야에는 가을 빛이 가득하네
대천이란 이름자도 서지를 못하는데,
석양의 마을길에 사람들 오고 가네

바위 위에는 솔바람이 있고
산 아래에는 황조가 날도다.
대천도 흔적조차 없는데
달밤에 원숭이가 어지러이 우는구나

부처와 조사도 일찍이 전한 것이 아니거늘
나 또한 어찌 받았다 하며 준다 할 것인가
이 법이 2천년대에 이르러서
널리 천하 사람을 제도하리라

어상을 내리지 않고 이러-히 대한다 함이여
뒷날 돌아이가 구멍 없는 피리를 불리니
이로부터 불법이 천하에 가득하리라

말세가 되어 마(魔)는 강해지고 법(法)은 쇠약해 져 사법(邪法)을 추구하는 사람들이 늘어나면서 사법이 무성해지고 세상이 혼란해지니 그 어느 때 보다도 정법(正法)이 요구되는 시점이다. 그래서 미력하나마 감히 어둠을 밝히는 등불이 되기를 결 심한 터였다. 그런데 부산에 사는 하목원님이 염송번역 본문 두어 권을 가지고 와서 내가 보아도 번역을 이렇게 해서 되겠나 하는 대목이 많아서 가져왔습니다. 아무리 교화에 바쁘시더라도 스승님께서 틈을 내셔서 번역을 하셔야 되겠습니다. 라고 간곡히 간청하여 선문염송 번역에 착수하게 되었다. 부처님과 조사님들의 가르침은 오직 깨달음에 뜻이 있다. 그 가르침의 진수만을 진각 국사께서 가려 결집해 놓은 것이 바로 선문염송이다. 이 주옥같은 공안들을 누구나 볼 수 있어야 하는데 한문 원본으로 있거나 부처님들과 조사님들의 근 본 뜻과는 먼 번역본들 뿐이니 어떠한 일이 있어도 금생에 완역을 하여 불조의 뜻을 바로 보게 하겠 다는 맹세를 스스로 하게 되었다. 그러나 막상 번역에 착수하고 보니 오자는 아님 에도 여러 본을 구해놓고 보아도 뜻이 통하지 않 는 대문이 많았다. 그럴 때마다 국내 대형 서점을 돌아다니며 옛 한자사전 또는 대형 한자사전을 구 해서 조사님 당대에는 그 글자가 어떠한 뜻으로 쓰였는가를 찾고, 그것이 위아래 뜻에 통하는가 관조하여 불조(佛祖)의 본 뜻에 어긋나지 않는 번 역이 되도록 최선을 다하였다. 그러나 혹 미비한 점이 있다면 강호제현님들의 명안책언(明眼蹟言)이 있기를 바란다.

어떻게 회향(回向)할 것인고?
옥녀봉 위 흰구름 한가롭고
광암의 저수지 짙푸르다
진연아, 차 한 잔 내오렴

앙산 선사에게 어떤 선승이 하직을 하니, 앙산 선사가 손으로 한 획을 그었다. 그 선승이 가지 않자 앙산 선사가 다시 한 획을 그으니 그제야 떠났다.
仰山因僧辭以手畫一畫僧不去師又畫一畫 |僧乃去

대우지 선사가 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
앞의 한 획에는 어찌하여 떠나지 않았으며, 나중의 한 획에는 어찌하여 떠났는가?
대우가 그대들을 위하여 남김없이 풀이하리라. 앞의 한 획과 나중의 한 획이 모두 두 획을 이루느니라.

심문분 선사가 상당하여 이 칙을 들고 이어 대우 선사가 이 칙을 들어 말한 것을 들고 말 하였다.
한 획, 한 획이 두 획을 이루니, 삼라만상이 일제히 손뼉을 친다. 미인이 눈썹을 숙이고 노래를 부르니, 좌중에 진취의 기상이 넘치나 행동이 거친 객이 있 는 줄 어찌 알았으랴. 앙산 노인과 대우 노인이 힘을 다해 베풀었으나 찾을 곳 없구나. (불자를 번쩍 일으켜 세우고) 여기에 있구나. (불자로 한 획을 긋고) 만년토록 이 한 획을 전해 줄 곳이 있는데, 보았는 가? 산을 뽑던 힘도 오강에서 다하니 예나 이제나 유유히 부질없는 물거품만 일도다.
心聞實上堂舉此話連舉大愚括師云還會麼一畫一畫成兩萬像森羅齊應拍佳人緣唱翠眉低那料 座中有狂客仰山老大愚老盡力施為無處討慕竖起 拂子云 在這裏 復以拂子 畫一畫云 萬年這一畫 須有 分付處還見得麼拔山力盡烏江水今古悠悠空浪花

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
이 공안을 깨달으려면 무정설법(無情說法)을 들 을 줄 알아야 하니,
한 행위에서 그 뜻까지 읽는 사람이어야 한다.
앙산 선사의 한 획을 청산이 이르고 다시 긋는 한 획은 가는 선승이 이르누나 여러분 바로 보아 그르침 없게 하오

앙산 선사가 누워 있는데 어떤 선승이 물었다. "법신도 설법을 할 줄 압니까?" 앙산 선사가 말하였다. "나는 말할 수 없다. 따로이 다른 사람이 말할 것이니라." 선승이 다시 물었다. "말할 수 있는 이는 지금 어디 있습니까?" 앙산 선사가 목침을 내밀었다. 나중에 위산 선사가 이 말을 듣고 말하였다. "적자가 칼날 위의 일을 희롱 하였구나."
得 別有一人 說得 僧云 未審說得底人 卽今在什麼處 師推出九子 滿山聞云 寂子 劍上事

대각련 선사 송
천 길 칼날의 빛, 크게 맑음으로
두 바퀴가 서로 어우러져 진실로 밝게 빛나는구나
앙산이 기틀의 씀을 제대로 제기함이여
사람이 믿는다면 갖추지 않은 이 누굴꼬

운문고 선사가 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
위산 선사는 참으로 사랑하는 아기가 추한 줄을 모르는 것과 같구나. 앙산 선사가 목침을 밀어낸 것 이미 허물이거늘, 다시 이름을 붙여 칼날 위의 일이 라 하여서, 말이나 배우는 무리들을 현혹되게 하였 으니, 곧 이같이 헛된 메아리를 높이 받들어 유통되 게 하였다. 나(妙喜)는 비록 물을 빌어 꽃에 바치는 것 같으나 그래도 진리는 잘 못 판단하지 않으리니 지금 곁에서 긍정하지 않는 이가 있거든 나오라. 내가 그에게 묻 노니 목침을 밀어낸 것이 법신이 설법한다는 것에 맞겠는가?
雲門桌括海山直是憐兒不覺醜仰山推出桃子已 是更着个名字 作劍上 誤他學語之流 便怎承虛接響流通將去妙喜雖似借水獻花要且理 無曲斷即今莫有傍不肯者出來我要問你推出机子 還當得法身說法也無

송원 선사가 상당하여 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
앙산 선사가 평상시에 한 가닥 등뼈가 무쇠같이 단단하더니, 그 선승에게 연거푸 두 번 다그침을 당하자 당장에 손발을 다 들었구나. 위산 선사도 한 때 영리하고 잘난 것을 참지 못하여 한쪽 눈을 잃는 줄도 몰랐다. 갑자기 어떤 선승이 나에게 "법신도 설법을 합니까?" 하면 당장에 가슴을 움켜쥐어 한 번 밟아 쓰러뜨렸다가 다시 일어나게 하여 마음이 씻은 듯 상쾌 하여 거리낌이 없는 사람이 되도록 해 주리라. 듣지 못했는가? 물소가 달구경을 하니 뿔에 문채가 나고, 코끼리가 우뢰에 놀라니 꽃이 어금니로 들어간다 하였느니라.
松源 上堂擧此話云 仰山 尋常一条脊梁 硬似鐵 被 「這個連挫兩梦便乃四棱踢地為山一期忍俊不禁不 知失却一隻眼忽有個問冶父法身還解說法也無便 與智-踏 踏倒 敎伊起來 作个酒酒落落底漢不見 道犀因新月紋生角象被雷驚花入牙

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
밥벌레 선승임을 자처하는구나.
어찌하여 보지도 듣지도 못하는가? 눈 뜨고도 못 보는 당달봉사 자처하니 멀쩡한 귀 지니고도 못 듣는 바보일세

앙산 선사가 어떤 선승에게 물었다.
"좋은 비지?"
선승이 대답하였다.
"좋은 비입니다."
앙산 선사가 다시 물었다.
"좋은 것이 어디에 있는가?"
선승이 말이 없자 앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"그대가 내게 물어라."
선승이 물었다.
"좋은 것이 어디에 있습니까?"
앙산 선사가 비를 가리켜 보였다.
仰山 問僧 好雨 僧云 好雨 師云 好在什麼處 僧無語 云 你問我 僧云好在什麼處 師指雨示之

육왕심 선사가 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
앙산 선사가 한 방울의 물 속을 향해서 파란 일으킴을 다하게 했으나 그래도 단지 그 선승을 속였을 뿐이다.
나(顯寧)는 그렇게 하지 않으리니, "좋은 것이 어디에 있는가?" 한다면, "군자도 재물을 좋아하나 도로써 취하느니라." 하리라.
育王蟲括仰山向一滴之内興盡波瀾要且只嚇得 者會顯寧不然好在什麼處君子愛財取之以道

운문고 선사가 상당하여 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
한 사람은 비를 볼 줄만 알았고, 한 사람은 비를 가리킬 줄만 알았다. 자세히 점검해 보건대 마치 말뚝을 박아놓고 노를 저으려는 것과 같다. 나(育王)라면 그때 그가 "좋은 것이 어디에 있습니까?" 말하면 그에게 "빗방울이 눈동자를 뚫고 콧구멍까지 적셨다."라고 하리라. 혹 어떤 납자가 나서서 "그대(育王) 역시 말뚝을 박고 노를 젓는다." 하거든 그에게 한 쪽 눈은 갖추었다. 허락하리라.
雲門上堂擧此話云-人只知看雨 一人只知指 雨子細檢點將來大似釘椅搖麟育王當時待他道好 在什麼是 只向他道 滴穿眼睛 浸爛鼻孔 或有个僧 出來道育王也是釘椅搖赚却許他具一隻眼

자항박 선사가 상당하여 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
대중에서 모두 말하듯 앙산 선사가 한 점, 한 방울에서 가리켜 보임이, 그 선승에게 빠른 지름길이 되었다해도 무방하나, 만일 산승의 견해에 의한다면 좋기는 좋으나 조금 모자란다 할 것이다.
만일 구름을 붙들고 안개를 움켜쥐는 자였다면 어째서 강을 뒤집고 큰 산을 거꾸러뜨리는 곳에서 일구(一句)를 이르지 못했을까?
慈航朴 上堂擧此話云 衆中盡道 仰山 只一 點滴中指示者僧不妨徑捷若據山僧見處則好只是 少些个 若是宰雲樓義底 何不向傾秋倒岳處 道將句來

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
어찌 비(雨)만 이 좋으랴.
도화꽃에 조는 봄빛 좋거니와 알록달록 박새 노래 또한 좋고 토종술에 거나한 농부마저 좋구나

앙산 선사가 어떤 선승에게 물었다.
"자네가 아는 것이 무엇인가?"
선승이 대답하였다.
"점을 칠 줄 압니다."
이에 앙산 선사가 주장자를 일으켜 세우고 물었다.
"이것은 64괘중에 어느 괘에 해당하는가!"
선승이 말이 없자, 앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"아까는 뇌천대장(길한 괘)이더니, 이제는 지화 . 명이(흉한 괘)로 변했구나."
仰山 問僧 你會簡甚麼 僧云會下 師拈起柱杖云 這 六十四卦中 什麼卦中收 僧無語 師自代云 適來是雷天大壯而今變作地火明夷

심문분 선사가 상당하여 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
앙산 선사가 귀신의 문턱에서 점을 치다가 뱀이 발을 감고 오르는 것을 깨닫지 못했다. 지금 효상이 이미 드러났으니 길흉을 가려내겠는가? 기틀의 봄을 짓기를 해가 저물도록 기다리지 말라.
心聞責上堂舉此話云仰山向鬼門上貼卦不覺勝 蛇遠足 今爻象 已生 還辨得吉凶也未 見機而作不終日

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
쯧쯧, 어느 괘인가 했을 때 다음과 같이 했어야 했다.
스님께서 입을 열어 묻기 전에 이 몸을 보실 때 일렀거늘 어찌하여 듣지를 못하셨소.

앙산 선사가 육 시어와 함께 승당에 들어갔는 데, 육 시어가 물었다.
"이렇게 많은 스님네들이 모두 죽이나 밥을 먹는 스님네입니까, 참선을 하는 스님네입니까?"
앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"죽이나 밥을 먹는 스님네도 아니요, 참선을 하는 스님네도 아니오."
육 시어가 다시 물었다.
"그러면 여기서 무엇을 합니까?"
앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"시어가 직접 그이에게 물어보시오."
山同陸侍御入僧堂陸乃問如許多師僧為復 是湖飯僧 爲復是宗禪僧 師云 亦不是飯僧 亦不是茶禪僧 陸云 在此作什麼 師云 侍御自問他

법진일 선사 송
물어온 말, 몹시 바람 일으킴을 감추지 못했네 얼마나 많은 스님들이 선방에 있었던고 전단숲에는 당초부터 딴 것이 없음을 잠깐 사이 범부가 어찌 쉽게 헤아리랴
法真一 頌

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
"그러면 여기서 무엇을 합니까?" 묻고 나서 선사 가 입을 열려 할 때 시어는 '할'을 하고 나왔어야 했다.
죽 때는 죽을 먹고 치우고 밥 때는 밥을 먹고 치우니 승당의 일상이 이렇다오

앙산 선사가 사람을 시켜 방참 북을 세 번 치게 했더니, 방 안에 있던 한 선승이 북소리를 듣고, 역시 법당으로 올라와서 북을 세 번 쳤다. 수좌가 앙산 선사에게 말하였다.
"화상께선 어째서 저 선승을 감정하지 않아서 저렇게 하게 두십니까?"
이에 앙산 선사가 시자에게 말하였다. "아까 북을 치러 왔던 중을 오라 해라." 시자가 곧 가서 오라고 하자, 그 선승이 따라 승당 앞에까지 와서 문득 시자에게 물었다. "화상께서 나를 불러오라 하셨는가?" 시자가 대답하였다.
그 선승이 소매를 떨치고 승당으로 돌아가버렸다. 시자가 이 일을 선사에게 알리니, 앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"수좌여, 그대를 위하여 그 선승을 감정해 마쳤느니라."
仰山 令人 打放祭鼓三下堂内一 僧 聞鼓聲 亦上 法堂 將鼓打三下 首座白師云 和尙 何不斷這僧 容得他如是師令侍者去請適來打鼓上座來侍者 便去請其僧隨侍者至僧堂前却問侍者是和尚教 來喚否 侍者云 是 其僧 拂袖歸僧堂 侍者廻舉似師 師云 首座 為你勘破這僧了

대각련 선사 송
앞의 세 소리에 나중 세 번이여,
위쪽에서 쳐서 울리자 아래쪽의 메아릴세
방 가득한 납자들 선타객이 아니라면
드러내놓고 방 안에 모두들 한가히 누워 쉬랴
판두 맡은 사람이 재주가 지나쳐서
손 들고 조수를 희롱하다 삿대 잃은 격일세
눈꺼풀이 힘없이 처져서(정갱이에 있어) 뜨려 해도 어려우니
한 근(斤)에서 십삼 량(兩)을 돌려주어야 한다.
大覺煩 前三聲後三上
眼皮胶 瞬難開

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
평지풍파' 라는 말 아는가?
짙푸른 보리밭에 햇빛 곱고
창공의 노고지리 노래 속에
문수는 들길에서 웃고 있네

앙산 선사가 앉아서 주장자를 쓰다듬고 있으니, 어떤 선승이 물었다. "화상의 손 안의 주장자는 어디서 얻으셨습니까?
앙산 선사가 집어서 등 뒤에 놓자 선승은 말이 없었다.
仰山按柱杖坐個問和尚手中柱杖從甚處得來 師乃括放背後僧無語

앙산 선사가 앉아서 주장자를 쓰다듬고 있으니, 어떤 선승이 물었다. "화상의 손 안의 주장자는 어디서 얻으셨습니까?
앙산 선사가 집어서 등 뒤에 놓자 선승은 말이 없었다.
仰山 按柱杖坐 個問 和尚手中柱杖 從甚處得來 師乃括放背後 僧 無語

장산전 선사 송
섭공이 용 그림은 좋아했지만
용을 보고는 도리어 몰랐네
등 뒤는 싸늘한 광채요.
눈 앞은 옻같이 검구나
손 안의 것을 이야기하자면
일찍이 새가 날 수 있는 길마저 다 했건만
떠돌이 돌중은 문이나 두드리고 있구나
蔣山泉 頌

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
한 분은 평지풍파를 만들고 한 분은 그 풍파에 떠내려가는구나.
그러는 앙산 선사를 보았거든
뒷짐 지고 조용히 나오지
공연히 두 입술을 놀렸네

앙산 선사가 어느 날, 향엄 선사를 보고 물었다.
"요즘 사형의 견해는 어떠시오?"
향엄 선사가 대답하였다.
"나의 견해에 의하건대 한 법도 마주볼 정이 없소."
앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"그대의 견해는 아직도 경계에 있는 것이오."
향업 선사가 말하였다.
"나는 다만 그렇거니와 사형의 견해는 어떠하 시오?"
앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"어찌 한 법도 마주볼 정이랄 것이 없는 것을 얇 마저 없겠는가."
위산 선사가 이 말을 전해 듣고 말하였다.
"앙산이 뒷날 천하 사람들의 의심을 없애줄 수 있겠구나."
仰山一日見香嚴乃問近日師兄見處如何嚴云 據某甲見處 無一法可當情 云 你解 猶在境 嚴云 某甲 只如是 師兄 又作麼生 師云 你無能知無 - 法可當情者 爲山 聞云 寂子 已後疑殺天下人去在

법진일 선사 송
혜적과 향엄이 견해를 말하는데
듣는 이 더욱더욱 의심케 한다.
서로 만났으나 삼 분(分)의 말도 긍정할 수 없으니
어찌 한 조각 곧은 마음마저 온전히 버릴 수 있으랴

현각 선사가 말하였다.
금강경에서 '진실로 한 법도 연등불께서는 나에게 수기를 주신 적이 없노라." 하였고, 그는 진실로 한 법도 마주 볼 정이랄 것이 없다. 했는데, 어째서 그 견해가 아직도 경계에 있다 했을까? 말해보라. 이로움과 해로움이 어디에 있는가?
玄覺云金剛經道實無一法燃燈佛與我受記他 道實無一法可當情為什麼道解猶在境且道利害在 什麼處

위산철 선사가 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
앞의 화살은 가벼웠으나 뒤의 화살은 더욱 깊으니, 한량없이 죄 없는 사람을 빠져들게 했도다.
鴻山 拈云 前箭猶輕後箭深 無限平人 被陸沉

원오근 선사가 이 칙을 들어 말하였다.
설사 한 법도 마주볼 정이랄 것이 없더라도 오히려 앙산 선사의 점검을 받았으니, 이 속에서는 아는 이도 알바도 없으며, 한 법도 없거니와 한 법도 없다. 함마저 없어야 하나니, 모름지기 그런 사람이라야 된다.
그러므로 일없는 사람이라고 하나니, 바야흐로 본래부터 일없다 하리라. 이미 본래부터 일이 없었다면 눈앞에 만가지 경계가 어지러운 것과 육범, 사성은 어디서 생겼는가?
모름지기 통달했다함마저 초월해야 한다. 그러면 어떤 것이 통달했다 함마저 초월한 구절인가? 앞에 서 의기가 넘침을 괴이하게 여기지 말라. 그는 일찍 이 높은 관문을 밟았느니라.
圓悟勤舉此話云他直得無一法當情尚遭仰山點, 檢到者裏無能所知無一法無無一法也須是簡人始 得所以喚作無事人方始說本來無事既是本來無事
只如目前萬境縱然六凡四聖那裏得來直須超達始 得且作麽生是超達底句莫怕從前多意氣他家會踏 上頭關

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
향엄 선사는 그렇다 하고 앙산 선사도 여우의 누 린내는 거둬가지 못했다.
중국에서 날아온 황사에도
진달래는 만개의 웃음이고
가지 사이 산새들 지저귀네
낮이면 일터에서 일하고
밤이면 단잠 자는 일상이여,
이러-히 궁전놀이 즐김일세

앙산 선사가 삼성 선사에게 물었다. "그대의 이름이 무엇인가?" 삼성 선사가 대답하였다. "혜적입니다." 이에 앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"혜적은 내 이름이다." 삼성 선사가 말하였다. "내 이름은 혜연입니다." 앙산 선사가 크게 껄껄 웃었다.
仰山 問三聖名什麼 聖云慧寂 師云慧寂 是我 名 聖云 我名慧然 師阿阿大笑

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
교화문의 선지식의 안목이 이 정도는 되어야 하리라. 이 안목을 잘 알아보는 분이 삽계익 선사와 운문고 선사라 하겠다.
이러-히 쌍으로 거두고
이러-히 쌍으로 놓음이여
이러-한 앙산 선사의 웃음일세

앙산 선사가 동사 선사에게 물었다. "한 가닥 길을 빌어서 저쪽으로 통과하려는데 되겠습니까?" 동사 선사가 말하였다. "무릇 사문이란 한 길뿐이라 해도 옳지 않거늘, 다시 다른 것이 있겠는가?"
앙산 선사가 말없이 보이니 동사 선사가 도리어 물었다.
"한 가닥 길을 빌어서 저쪽으로 가려는데 되겠는가?" 앙산 선사가 말하였다. "무릇 사문이란 한 길뿐이라 해도 옳지 않거늘, 다시 다른 것이 있겠습니까?"
이에 동사 선사가 말하였다.
"다만 이뿐이니라."
앙산 선사가 말하였다.
"당나라 천자가 결정한 성은 김씨입니다."
仰山問東寺云借一路過那邊得否東寺云大凡 沙門不可只一路也別更有麼師良久東寺卻問師 借一路過那邊得否師云大凡沙門不可只一路也 別更有麼東寺云只有此師云大唐天子決定姓金

공수 화상이 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
앙산 선사가 말없이 보인 것도 스스로 그 추함을 드러낸 짓이요, 동사 선사가 "다만 이뿐이니라." 했으나 도적을 자식으로 잘못 안 격이다.
"무릇 사문이란 한 길뿐이라 해도 옳지 않거늘, 다시 다른 것이 있겠는가?"라고 했으니 여기서 시방을 초월하는 구절을 말할 줄 안다면, 그대 하늘 위와 하늘 아래서 으뜸이라 허락하리라.
空叟和尚 舉此話云 仰山良久 自彰其醜 東寺 只有此 認賊為子 大凡沙門不可只一路也 別更有麼 簡裏 道得超方句 許你天上天下

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
풍류 없는 곳에 풍류를 누리는 앙산 선사와 동사 선사 대단하다 하겠으나 이렇게 웃음이 터져나오는 것은 웬일일까나.
앙산 선사와 동사 선사와 공수여 푸른 하늘 산정구름 한가하고 나 이렇게 누각에서 시조일세

앙산 선사가 동사 선사를 보러 갔더니 동사 선사가 보자마자 손을 흔들면서 말하였다. "올라올 필요가 없다. 이미 서로 봤느니라." 앙산 선사가 말하였다. "이와 같거늘 서로 보았다 하면 도리어 마땅하겠습니까?"
동사 선사가 이에 방장으로 돌아가서 문을 닫아 버렸다. 이에 앙산 선사가 위산에 가서 이야기했 더니, 위산 선사가 말하였다. "혜적아! 그게 무슨 심보냐?" 앙산 선사가 말하였다. "그렇게 하지 않으면 어찌 그를 알아보겠습니까?"
仰山 去見東寺 寺才見 乃搖手云 不用上來 已 見了也師云與麼相見還當也無寺於是却歸方丈 閉却門 師歸擧似爲山 山云 寂子是什麼心行 師云 若不怎麼爭識得伊

보복전 선사가 말하였다.
앙산 선사는 마치 모기가 무쇠소에 오른 것 같았느니라.
保福展 云 仰山 大似如子 牛

승천종 선사가 이 칙을 들고 말하였다.
앙산 선사가 동사 선사를 알아보고도 구태여 도리를 이야기한 것이다. 설사 위산 선사가 몸소 갔더라도 동사 선사가 서로 보았다고 한 것에 더 잘하지는 못했을 것이다.
承天宗括仰山識得東寺强說道理設使為山親去 也未能與東寺相見

대원 문재현은 이 칙을 모두 들고나서 이르노라.
동사 선사여! 그렇거늘 그 말은 어떻게 그때에 지었습니까?
누각엔 달빛이 가득하고
창밖엔 가을빛이 짙구나
불조도 목숨을 잃었는데,
시냇물은 다리 밑을 지나고
이러-히 한가한 낙을 그린
시 한 수 읊으면서 즐기네

복주 영운 지근 선사가 위산에 있으면서 복숭아 꽃을 보고 도를 깨닫고는 다음과 같이 게송을 읊었다.
30년 동안 검을 찾던 나그네여 몇 차례나 잎이 지고 가지 돋았던고? 복숭아꽃을 한 차례 본 뒤로는 오늘까지 다시는 의심치 않는다네
그리고는 위산 선사에게 이야기하니 위산 선사가 말하였다.
인연으로 해서 깨달아 사무침을 영원히 물러남이 없이 잘 스스로 보호하여 지녀라."
(어떤 선승이 현사 선사에게 이 이야기를 하니, 현사 선사가 "지당하기는 심히 지당하나 감히 보증하건대 노형은 아직 확철하지 못하다고 하리라." 하였다. 대중들이 이 말을 의심하자 현사 선사가 지장 선사에게 "내가 그렇게 말했는데 당신은 어떻게 생각하시오?" 물으니 지장 선사가 "계침이 아니었다면 천하 사람들을 몹시 치달리게 했을 것이니라." 하였다.)
擧似爲山 山云 從悟達 永無退失 善自護持(有 僧 似玄沙 沙云 當甚當 누保老兄 猶未 衆 疑此語玄沙問地藏我與麼道汝作麽生會地藏云 不是桂探 卽走殺天下人)

수산념 선사 송
분명히 30년이 흘러갔건만
복숭아꽃을 인해 깨쳐 새롭게 굴림이여
사람마다 영운 선사의 뜻 알았다 하면
영운 선사가 어떤 사람인 줄 알지 못함일세

수산념 선사가 다시 송하였다.
현사 선사가 한 말을 아는 이 적음이여,
밀밀한 상봉이야 다시 의심할 것 없으나
고금의 분명한 뜻, 친히 전하노니
소년들 백발의 아이들 이로세

신정인 선사 송
애석하다! 검을 찾던 나그네여
복숭아꽃 봄에 핌에서야 만났다 했네
영운 선사의 한 번 본 곳이여
나를 빙그레 웃게 하네

부산원 선사 송
현사 선사가 기강을 세우지 않았더라면
영운 선사의 일이 어찌 온전히 드러났으랴.
복숭아꽃에 깨달음을 모두가 같다고 내버려두니
얼마나 되는 사람들이 어림잡아 헤아리며 아직 투철하지 못할꼬
사자가 무리를 떠나니 산천이 고요하고
코끼리왕이 머리를 돌려 걸음에 바다가 맑게 빛나네
두 스님 나란하지 않음, 어느 곳으로 돌아갈꼬
낚싯배 위 사삼랑일세
사삼랑(謝三郎) : 현사 사비 선사. 속성은 사(謝)씨. 세 아들 중 의 하나라서 사삼랑으로 불리웠다. < 중국 불학대사전(佛學大辭 典) > 어렸을 때부터 낚시질을 좋아해서 작은 배를 가지고 어부로 지냈다. 당나라 함통 초년(860년) 나이 서른에 갑자기 세상살이가 싫어져 배를 버리고 부용 용훈 선사로부터 머리를 깎고 설봉 의존 선사에게 법을 받았다. < 현사사비선록 >

투자청 선사 송
옛 고향 봄동산에 활짝 핀 복숭아꽃이여
분홍 가지에 꽃망울 터짐으로 이 몸을 깨달았네
그대 곁에서 힘을 써 증거하여 허락했으나
얼굴은 활짝 웃는다 해도 속으로는 성을 냈네
안개 낀 푸른 버들에 꾀꼬리 울음소리요.
비에 젖은 석순은 하늘 끝에 기대 섰네
금까마귀 떠나간 뒤, 소식이 없고
나무말 우는 소리, 한과 진을 지났네

천복일 선사 송
따뜻한 봄날에 복숭아꽃 곳곳마다
붉음에 영운 선사 천고의 도에 일치했네 .
현사 선사의 남긴 말, 선의 물음으로 많음이여
남북동서의 길, 끝이 없네

장산전 선사 송
복숭아꽃 핀 곳에 홀연 눈쌀을 폈다는데
확철하지 못하다 한 현사선사 참으로 뛰어나네
몇 번이고 광풍이 불어 털어버린 뒤
전과 같이 천만 가지에 불붙음 같아야 하리

천장초 선사 송
복숭아꽃 봄에 피기 몇 차례였는데,
어째서 오늘에야 비로소 눈떴다 하는가
영운 선사가 깨달았다고 말하지 말아라
노형은 아직 확철치 못하다 한 것을 꿰뚫어오라

천장초 선사가 다시 송하였다.
몇 차례나 잎이 지고, 몇 번이나 싹났던가
깨달았다 말하면 도리어 깨닫지 못함 같네
현사 선사가 거듭거듭 일러 점안한 것인데
지금껏 납자들은 의심내어 굴리누나

장산원 선사 송
검술 배운 해가 오래되어 사방으로 다니는데,
복숭아꽃 활짝 피어 맑은 봄날씨 한창일세
팔천 명의 오초(楚) 군사 용과 범 같은데,
한 곡조, 장량의 피리소리 만고에 유명하네

취암열 선사 송
복숭아꽃 본 뒤에 의심 없다 하였으나
장한 뜻이라면 원래부터 이것이 그이로세
확철하지 못하다는 현사 선사의 뜻 묻는다면
눈앞의 장물은 당사자가 안다 하리

도오진 선사 송
영운 선사가 복숭아꽃으로 친절히 봄이여!
빼어난 영민함이 고금의 지혜를 초월했네
뭇별 중의 홀로인 달처럼 밝고 밝아 깨끗하니
날카로운 칼, 밝은 광채를 발함에 활용이 끝없으리
현사선사가 감히 보증하건대 그대는 아직 확철하 지 못하다고 했으나
납자들은 한갓 생멸의 말일랑은 쉬어야 하리라
신라에서는 쇠를 때려 달구고 태우다가
연마할 땐 도리어 석 자의 눈[雪]을 쓰네

황룡남 선사 송
이월, 삼월의 햇살이 화창해지니
멀고 가까운 복숭아꽃 나무마다 붉었네
종장이 깨달았지만 아직 확철하지 못하다 함이여
지금껏 전과 같이 봄바람, 웃음 짓네

황룡남 선사가 다시 송하였다.
용과 코끼리 만남이여 인간세상 무리 아니라
한 번 오거나 한 번 갔다 하면 얕고 깊음 드러냄이
요새 사람 그 속의 뜻 깨닫지 못하여
잎을 따고 가지 찾으며 번뇌만 더하네

황룡남 선사가 다시 송하였다.
한 번 복숭아꽃을 보고는 더 의심치 않는다고 한일
총림서들 아직 확철하지 않다 한 것도 아울러 아닐세.
천지가 나뉘기 전, 일기인 이 사심 없는 공력을 알아야
능히 마른 나무에 가지 돋게 하네.

법진일 선사 송
해마다 복숭아꽃은 옛 가지에 피는데
영운 선사만이 무슨 일로 혼자서 의심 없다 했던고
능란하게 조사관을 굴렸을 것 같으면
현사 선사가 한 뒷말을 면할 수 있었으리

진정문 선사 송
뛰어나도다! 복숭아꽃을 한 번 본 뒤에
천차만별에 다시는 의심 없네.
현사선사만이 홀로 아직 확철하진 못하다 했으니
자손 중에 몇이나 이러한 대장부일꼬

진정문 선사가 다시 송하였다.
옛날에 영운 선사가 보고 깨침이여
붉은 꽃 가지마다 향기롭네
지금도 어디에고 피어있어서
길거리에서도 만나는 것을 누굴 향해 말해줄꼬

동림총 선사 송
복숭아꽃에 영운선사 깨달음을 어떻게 알아야 할꼬
이로부터라면 영운 선사의 보았다는 것은 참다운 것이 못되네.
어느 날, 의심하던 의심이 없어졌다 함이여
평생 알던 것을 깨달으니 깨닫고 나서 무엇을 인 했다 할것인가
애써서 칼을 찾던 객, 거듭 만남에 딱 들어맞음 이여
번개같이 흐르는 세월을 헛되이 허비하기 몇십 년이었네
웃음을 날리며 현사선사의 아직 확철하지 못하다 함이여
뛰어난 가르침, 천고 후에도 새삼 새로우리
東林頌 頌

보녕용 선사 송
만 년 솔 밑에서 홀연히 만남이여
나무 뽑고 가지 울린 거센 바람이로다.
우습구나! 늦으면 찾을 곳 없음이여
비 섞인 구름 가운데 산꼭대기일세

곤산원 선사 송
봄이 가고 또 봄이 오니
복숭아꽃은 예전처럼 피었구나
금가루가 귀하다지만
눈에 들어가면 곧 티끌이 되나니...

불타손 선사 송
해마다 2월이면 복숭아꽃을 보건만
이날 만남에 곧바로 집에 이르렀네
천하에 노니는 이, 아직 확철하지 못함을 찾아내
니 어떻게 눈 속의 모래를 집어낼꼬

천동각 선사 송
영운 선사는 복숭아꽃에서 깨달았다 하고
현사 선사는 곁에서 긍정치 않았네
밝고 밝은 이 마음 이러-히 분명하다 하나
몸마저 놓아버린 평온함이 아니기에 꺼리고 꺼린 걸세
놓아서 편안케 하려는가
여덟 량(兩)은 원래가 반 근이고
갈구리 머리와 저울대 꼬리가 평등하네

불적기 선사 송
언덕 위의 복숭아꽃, 비단 같이 붉더니
반은 물을 따라 떠내려가고, 반은 허공에 떨어졌네
알지 못하누나 많은 참선하는 납자들이여
영운선사가 깨달은 기틀을....
원문에 향상기(上機)라고 되어 있는데, 이는 향상의 일대 사를 체득할 수 있는 소질을 가진 자'라는 뜻이다.

각범 선사 송
영운 선사가 한 번 봄에 다시 봄 없다 하나
붉고 흰 가지 가지 꽃핀 적도 없다네
고기 낚던 배 위의 객, 참을 수 없었으니
잔잔한 것이 물고기와 새우에 흔들렸네

승천회 선사 송
초록 받침, 붉은 꽃이 곱디 고와 끌릴 때에
영운선사 한 번 보자 분명하여 의심 없었네
이 속에 확철하지 못했다는 밝고 밝은 곳은
작자인 현사선사만이 알았다 하리

삽계익 선사 송
무릉에 날 따숩고, 꽃까지 핌이여
여전히 지난 해 꽃이 지던 자리일세
개울가의 지나는 나그네가 공연히 배회하는데
푸르른 안개에도 매임 없이 길을 올 때
파도는 끝이 없고 물은 넘치는데
사씨네집 사람은 고기 낚는 물가를 떠났네
복숭아는 붉고, 오얏은 희고, 장미는 자주빛임을
봄바람에게 물어도 알지 못하네

사마천(司馬遷)의 내놓은 공자의 천하철환(轍環天下)의 여행기록을 미국의 공자학자 크릴(H.G. Creel)이 신랄하게 비판한다.
(『논어』에) 여행 중의 기간에 대해서는 간간이 연결되지 않는 단편적인 소식밖에 없다. 복잡하고도 완벽할 정도의 섬세한 여행 일정이 漢代에 저술된 『사기』에 기록되어 있지만, 명백한 오류투성이인 이 후대의 날조물을 길잡이로 이용할 수는 없다(『孔子 - 인간과 신화』, Creel, Herrlee Glessner, 지식산업사, 1997, p.57).

Herrlee Glessner Creel

뭣도 모르는 미국놈이 공자학원 때리는 세상에서 우한폐렴 터졌다.
유대교 여호와가 기독교 예수로 둔갑질한 이상 공자/노자/부처로 둔갑한 태양신전/아펩신전 볼짱 다볼때까지 조질게다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 09, 2021, 07:11:56 PM

Where are the generators or devices related to free energy that you make?
People who impose things on others habitually insist on global justice or utilitarianism.
I don't know for myself that it's a very bad habit.
People who cannot differentiate between play and work are usually idealists.
For reference, we tend to focus on play because we don't have work.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 09, 2021, 07:51:12 PM
Isn't it surprising that the generator works even with a simple kacher that generates 1000V to 2000V?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 09, 2021, 07:57:52 PM
대장동 뒷돈 유한기가 유서쓰구 자살당했다구? ;D ;D ::) ::)
사상초유 역대급 복마전 이쨋명만 살판났네. ;D ;D
윤석렬 뒷돈대던 SK가 노태우 사돈이닝께 대충 얽기설기 거미줄이네 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 09, 2021, 08:19:32 PM
아빠 25년 넘은 SK휴대폰 쓴다.
기본료가 14,000원에서 30,000원으로 올랐다.
아빠 휴대폰으로 전화해본지 여섯 달이 넘었다.
언제까지 기본료 울궈갈거야?
우한폐렴 핑계로 50만원씩 마구뿌릴 세금은 있어도 쓰지않는 대한민굴 4대 기본료는 절대 못없애겠다?

대한민굴 멸망에 즈음하여 마지막으로 다시 한 번 묻겠다!
기본료 없애라 안철수!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 10, 2021, 07:32:04 AM
Работа качера наоборот.

А как вы узнали что поле переворачивается ? Шьёт в одну сторону и до антенны и после её отключения .

Vasili Ivanov
Фитонка не показатель направления  поля.

@Vasili Ivanov  Полярность меняется вместе с направлением тока  , как показала практика , а вы как ориентируетесь если не секрет ?

Juozas Juskevicius

3d модель от Ивана Васильевича
Что такое "качер"?

A few years ago, my dad suggested an easy generator and kacher experiment by giving the above member several addresses in the comments.
It was the circuits he knew too, so the answer was a worried "Be careful".
We appreciate who told you to be careful.
Most members know the secret of Gate 2.
Because Basmus unveiled it on his generator six years ago.
And Ruslan-X mimicked a closed circuit experiment.
It's similar, but definitely different.
This is because it is an experiment that is possible even with the difference between closed and open.
It doesn't matter what members know.
The point is that there must be a special additional idea in itself as gate 2 for the generator to work.
And #1, #3, and #4 remain.
For reference, the picture below is in EMF state, not reverse EMF.

Daniel Okpokpo

Dad promotes FE-cafe to electric fanatics around the world.
Of course, it also includes addresses that point to the core of the circuit diagram.
The reactions of my YouTube friends who reply are varied.
do not believe,
It is difficult to procure parts,
not competent,
Among them, most of the answers were asking me to tell you the secret of generator operation.
For those friends, my dad asks me to delete their comments.
Dad's 10,000+ subscribers are visited by placental dads.
There are so many that it is difficult to list them all.
Note that FE-cafe members are excluded.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 11, 2021, 11:27:44 AM
⚫ Gott ist tott. Gott bleibt todt.
Und wir haben ihn getodtet.
Wie trosten wir uns, die Morder aller Morder?
신은 죽었다. 신은 죽어 있다.
그리고 우리가 그를 죽였다.
살인자 중의 살인자인 우리는, 어떻게 안식을 얻을 것인가?

빛과 어둠이 합체된 신은 애초에 죽어 있고,
죽음이 안식이라 니체가 안식 걱정할 필요는 없다.
안식일 주인이 얼굴바꿨다는 것을 니들이 이해하지 못하다 이제야 안거아니든.
누가 누구를 걱정해주는 것은 자연적인 측은지심이다.
인간과 신이 거리적으로 가까워서 벌어진 사태가 기독교 예수다.

덥수룩한 수염으로 정체성 노출시키는 유대인들 거의가 시대에 섞이지 못한 율법에 죽고사는 여호와 추종자들이다.
과거 기독교로 개종한 상당수 유대인들이 신분세탁에 기독교를 이용했다.
개종한 유대인들은 시대에 섞여 자신을 유대인이라 강조하지 않았다.
시간은 조상도 잊게 만든다.
여호와를 예수로 바꾼 요한과 바울의 서신만 파악해도 나온다.
기독교도 아니더라도 예수에게 호감있는 사람들 있듯,
유대교도 아니더라도 여호와 정체성에 호감있는 유대인들 더러 있다.
중국에도 동양인 얼굴로 변한 유대인들 더러 있다.
이스라엘이 인정하지 않는다.
꽌시 잘아는 국제통 박상후만 아는 사실은 아니다.
여호와도 예수도 변질의 결과라 근원을 찾는 자들은 본질이 중요하며 그들이 만든 교리는 참고용이다.
삶과 안식의 방편에 대해.

⚫ 주거를 제공하고, 오락을 제공하고, 음식과 영양을 제공하고, 건강을 주었음에도, 사람은 여전히 불행과 불만을 느낀다.
사람은 압도적인 힘을 원하는 것이다.

압도적인 힘이 아니라 죽음과 고통이 두려운게 본질이다.
죽음없는 삶(근본적으로 살아있다고 판단하는 대상 또는 죽어있다고 판단하는 대상)이란 뭘해도 죽지 않는다.
이 물음에 대해 딴지좋아하는 자들이 뭐라할까?
고통받으며 영원히 사는 삶은 어떻게 생각함둥?
헐리우드 영화에도 가끔씩 나오는 주제다.
고통은 긴 시간 태반의 생물체 진화가 발달시켜 온 신체가 죽을 수 있다는 감각신호며 경고다.
역설적으로 영생체는 고통이 없다.(고통을 느끼지 못한다)
아니, 고통의 감각기관이 존재할 수 없다.
죽음이 없으니 고통이 존재하면 모순된다.
모순은 신의 최대 난제지만 본질은 난제가 아니라 이해다.
영생(체)에 썪어문드러질 살과 뼈가 있다는게 더 이상하겠지?
빛과 어둠이 죽음과 고통 느끼면서 사역했니?(신약 예수)
빛과 어둠이 압도적인 힘으로 인간 괴롭혔니?(구약 여호와)
빛의 팔다리가 잘리고, 어둠의 목이 끊어져 고통받는다 생각했다면 입자나 파동으로 접근해보길 권한다.
프톨레마이오스 15세도 죽음과 고통 피해 한반도로 도주했다.
빛과 어둠이 인간 권력이 무섭고 두려워서.
권력자들이 영생하는 빛과 어둠을 탐한 결과가 죽음/고통 피해 내빼던 신약 예수다.
해서 니체가 말하는 압도적인 힘은, 죽음/고통이 두려운 인간들이 약육강식으로 이룩한 정치권력 시스템안에 있다.
영원한 권불십년은 누리다 죽을 뿐 가끔은 내뺴지 않아도 된다.

⚫ 오늘날에는 누구나 자신의 소망과 가장 소중한 생각을 감히 말한다. 그래서 나도 지금 내가 나 자신에게 이야기하고 싶은 것, 이해를 함에 있어 처음으로 내 마음을 스쳐가는 생각,—앞으로의 삶에서 내게 근거와 보증, 달콤함이 될 생각에 대해 말하고자 한다. 나는 사물에 있어 필연적인 것을 아름다운 것으로 보는 법을 더 배우고자 한다.—그렇게 하여 사물을 아름답게 만드는 사람 중 하나가 될 것이다. 네 운명을 사랑하라 Amor fati : 이것이 지금부터 나의 사랑이 될 것이다! 나는 추한 것과 전쟁을 벌이지 않으련다. 나는 비난하지 않으련다. 나를 비난하는 자도 비난하지 않으련다. 눈길을 돌리는 것이 나의 유일한 부정이 될 것이다! 무엇보다 나는 언젠가 긍정하는 자가 될 것이다!

김연자 아모르 파티는 불러봤니?
권불십년은 내일을 걱정해도 영원할 빛과 어둠은 내일을 기다리지 않는다.
긍정도 부정도 쓸모없다.
인간권력만 개입하지 않는다면 고통도 죽음도 없다.
아직까지는 압도적인 힘을 가진 영원한 권력자다.

아무말이나 나오는대로 지껄인다고 다 말되는거 아니다.
니가 더 잘알 것 아니냐.
말도 제대로 못하면서 그 나이 쳐먹도록 연습한다고 제대로되겠니.
뜻도 제대로 모르는 원서 몇구절 읊어대며 그 나이 쳐먹도록 그 흔한 철학학위 하나못딴 잼뱅이가 병쉰육갑잔치하는데 누가 학위주겠니.
별놈도 아니더만 니 스승이란 놈 이력보니 날 센거같다.
독인놈들 아직도 고지식하다.
물론 주제에 죽었다깨나도 딸일 없겠지만.
니같은 놈들땜에 진짜 철학하는 얼라들 욕먹는다 상놈아.
안쓰러워하는 소리니 계속 긍정하다 뒈지면 그뿐아니겠니.

⚫ 독일어: Übermensch / 영어: Overman / 구 명칭: 초인(超人) / 신 명칭: 극복인(克服人)
'남이 정해놓은 옳고 그름(선악)의 가치'에 따라 살지 않고, '새로이 내가 정한 옳고 그름의 가치'에 따라서 사는 사람을 위버멘쉬라고 부른다.
다만, 옳고 그름(선악)이 상대적이기 때문에 아무렇게 살아가는 것이나, 옳고 그름을 상황에 따라 바꾸는 것은, 위버멘쉬가 아니다. 아무리 선악의 절대성을 부정하더라도, 스스로가 정한 규칙은 스스로가 지켜야 됨을 의미한다. 만약 자신이 정한 그 규칙마저 지키지 않는다면, 니체가 그토록 우려한 허무주의자가 되는 것에 불과할 것이다. 즉, 남의 생각을 곁눈질하며 살지말고, 스스로가 기존 가치를 새로이 평가한 이후 그 평가를 바탕으로 자신의 가치로 삼을 만한 것을 정하고 그 가치를 기준으로 살아가라는 것이지, 자신의 이익이나 상황에 따라 '이랬다 저랬다' 하라는 것은 절대 아니다.


그러나 문제는 선도 아니요, 악도 아닌 그 어름에다가 발을 걸치고 있는 것이다. 죽거나 살거나 눈 하나 깜짝거리지도 않으면서 하는 공부를 내던지고 보러 간다는 것이 위선이다. 더구나 여기 술 먹으러 오는 것을 무슨 큰 죄나 짓는 것같이, 망설이는 것부터 큰 모순이다. 목숨 하나가 없어진다는 것과, 내가 술 먹는다는 것과는 별개 문제다. 그러면서도 '내 처'가 죽어 가는데 술을 먹다니? 하는 소위 양심이 머리를 들지만, 그것이 진정한 양심이 아니라, 관념이란 악마가 목을 매서 끄는 것이다. 사람은 그릇된 관념의 노예다. 그릇된 도덕적 관념에서 해방되는 거기에서 참된 생명을 찾는 것이다. 사랑치 않으면 눈도 떠보지 않을 것이요, 사랑하고 싶으면 이렇게 해도 상관이 없는 것이란다!

도덕은 최대최소한의 초인 자유단위다.
일정 도덕범위 만들어갈 수는 있지만 해서 그릇된 도덕적 관념은 없다.
쳐먹고 쳐자고 본능대로 사는 위인과 초인도 구분하지 못하는 놈은 파기가 답이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 11, 2021, 11:57:33 AM
Atomic Blonde

이쁜 여배우 하이힐 액션 겹친다. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

풍선 공기주입기 만들기(청소기로 만든 블로워)

대체로 수십~수백명 방문 유튜버들이라 그런가 댓글 준 이후부터 게시물이 딱 끊어진다는 공동점이 있다네. ;D ;D
이유는 잘 모르겠지만 신세계라 그런가? ;D 8)
진팔이 놈도 이후로 계속 딴짓만허구있구 ;D
당최루 희망이 안뵈. ;D
떡잎부터 희망있는 놈 예다 안올리는 이유도 느그들 상대적 박탈감 느낄거같아 그런다. ;D ::)

Solution #125 - White Clouds in my Bedroom

앞으로 10년을 더 뭘 안다고 구라까봐야 알긴 뭘알어?! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
그때까정 살것어? ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 11, 2021, 12:13:52 PM

한놈이 주저리주저리 예다제다 싸질러논거 퍼오기도 귀찮다.
로만코프 병쉰인거 아니까 그만싸질러라.

상대적 박탈감 압권이야 아빠.
부자라 모르는거 같아 한마디 보탠다.
상대적 박탈감은 휴대전화 기본료가 걱정인 귀신이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 11, 2021, 08:50:07 PM
말이야.... 방구야....

Необычный режим работы качера.
Все делается по одному проводу. Схема потребляет 12 ватт.

Грузоподьем philmih&yandex
Как говорил Джон Бедини " Ваша задача украсть высокие выбросы отрицательных импульсов на определенной части проводника, выпрямить и забрать их для заряда конденсатора!

Здравствуйте Василий, а чему вы удивляетесь? Это обычные высокочастотные наводки от качера, тем более всё подключено непосредственно к нему . Вокруг качера образуется определенная высоковольтная высокочастотная напряжённость поля. Которая и пронизывает всё вокруг в радиусе своего действия . Во всех цепях по питанию, во всех цепях коммутации будет регистрировано это поле , неонка будет светится во всех этих цепях. Это обычное явление ..такой эффект давно известен в кругах любителей и профессионалов кто занимается технологиями разработок качеров на основе ТТ.

Vasili Ivanov
Про напряженность поля согласен. Но от напряженности поля крутится вентилятор в блоке питания, запускается генератор меандра и осцил. показывает на первички транса сигнал от работы пушпула. Понятно. что неонка в округе светит.

@Vasili Ivanov    А теперь вспоминаем видео твоего земляка и видео с Бодровым и Мельниченко - там тоже всё вертится.
А вот этого товарища не смотришь https://youtu.be/neyA4fh6blU

Vasili Ivanov
Ваш новый комментарий я прочитал и посмотрел предложенный ролик. Мне уже его показывали.Тут же дело не в том что что то крутится и светится. Этот эффект не имеет реально практического результата, кроме как заряда конденсатора по одном проводу по антенне. А вот увиденный результат позволил мне сделать мощный источник ионного поля, который просто необходим в дальнейшем.

То есть, получается, пуш пул выдает уже холодный ток?

Vladimir Tag
Установка без земли?

Vasili Ivanov
Заземление необходимо.

Игорь Палехов
Какой смысл в этом видео? Схемы нет, какие то манипуляции. Не понятно

Vasili Ivanov
Ну какая схема! Тут как автомат Калашникова. Качер - пушпул т трансформатор. Чего не понятно?

Не смотришь его?

Vasili Ivanov
Понимаете я провожу опыты на базе которых можно сделать практичное реальное устройство. А то что вы мне и другие  показываете одиночные опыты с разрядами маленьких кондериков пуколок и светящимися светодиодиками меня не интересуют. У меня таких эффектиков столько. что надо заводить еще  один канал. Вот если бы в мне показали саморазгон контура при большой нагрузке типа 1 квтта вот было бы интересно. Но все равно вам спасибо. Я посмотрел то, что вы мне предложили. Да интересно, но не более.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 11, 2021, 09:02:19 PM
말방구야 엄마.

Эксперимент (Эффект качера)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 10:26:04 AM
무관심과 연대 사이의 감염병

[세계의 창] 슬라보이 지제크 | 슬로베니아 류블랴나대·경희대 ES 교수

오미크론 변이가 확산하고 있다. 오미크론은 돌연변이가 30개가 넘으며, 지금까지 나온 어떤 변이보다도 빠르게 퍼진다. 현재의 백신이 효과가 있을지도 불확실하다. 내가 실망스럽게 생각하는 것은 여행 제한과 같은 방어적인 조치가 이 새로운 유령에 대한 유일한 조치 또는 가장 강력한 조치라는 점이다. 우리가 그동안 아프리카 국가들이 감염병을 통제할 수 있도록 지원하지 않았고 백신 불평등을 해결하려 노력하지 않은 결과가 지금 펼쳐지고 있는 것도 그렇다.

오미크론 변이의 확산은 추문에 가까운 세가지 태만에 의해 가속화된 것이다. 첫째, 전세계의 백신 접종률 격차 문제를 해결하려 하지 않은 이들의 태만이다. 둘째, 백신 연구개발을 위해 엄청난 공적자금을 지원받고도 로열티를 지불할 수 없는 가난한 국가의 치료약 복제를 무상으로 허용하지 않은 제약회사들의 태만이다. 셋째, 감염병 극복을 위한 협력 모색을 어렵게 하는 감염병 국가주의의 태만이다. 이렇게 우리는 해야 했던 일을 하지 않은 대가를 지금 치르고 있다. 우리가 제3세계에만 가두어두려 했던 그 재앙이 부메랑처럼 돌아와 우리를 맴돌고 있는 것이다.

독일 철학자 프리드리히 야코비는 "우리는 진실을 거부함으로써 진실을 받아들인다"고 주장했다. 우리는 지금 이와 반대로 진실을 받아들임으로써 진실을 거부하고 있는 것이 아닐까. 우리는 녹색 행동이나 코로나 극복을 위한 전세계적 협력의 필요성을 받아들이는 척함으로써 진실을 거부하고 있다. 텅 빈 선언만 잔뜩 발표했을 뿐 정확한 책임은 아무것도 명시하지 않은 26차 유엔기후변화협약 당사국총회가 그 예다.

조지 오웰은 1937년 <위건 부두로 가는 길>에서 썼다. "우리는 모두 계급 차별을 맹렬히 비난하지만 계급 차별이 정말로 사라지기를 바라는 사람은 거의 없다. 혁명적 의견은 아무것도 변화하지 않을 것이라는 은밀한 확신에서 그 힘의 일부를 끌어온다. 계급 차별이 사라지기를 바라고 있는 것만으로는 아무 진전도 이룰 수 없다. 계급 차별이 사라지게 하려면 자신의 일부를 포기해야 한다. 결국은 같은 사람인지 알아볼 수 없을 정도로 나 자신을 바꾸어야 한다." 오웰은 혁명적인 변화를 말하는 이들이 실제로는 변화가 일어나게 하기보다는 변화를 막고 있음을 지적했다. 마치 자본주의의 문화 제국주의를 비판하는 좌파 연구자들이 실제로는 자신의 연구 분야인 문화 제국주의가 정말로 무너지지 않을까 조바심 내고 있는 것처럼 말이다. 오웰의 글에서 '계급 차별'을 '지구온난화와 코로나'로 바꾸어 읽어보라. 그것이 지금의 상황이다.

나는 코로나 초기에 코로나 바이러스가 <킬빌2>의 '오지심장파열술'처럼 자본주의에 일격을 가해 자본주의를 파열시킬 것이라고 썼다. 그리고 코로나를 급진적인 변화를 고안해야 한다는 신호로 받아들여야 한다고 제안했다.

많은 이들이 자본주의는 위기를 이용해 자기를 강화하는 힘을 품고 있다며 내 주장을 비웃었다. 나는 결국 내가 맞았다고 생각한다. 야니스 바루파키스나 조디 딘 같은 학자들이 현재 등장하고 있는 신질서를 자본주의가 아니라 기업 중심의 신봉건주의라고 부를 정도로 지난 수년간 자본주의는 크게 변했다. 이 새로운 기업 중심의 질서에 코로나는 힘을 더해주었고, 빌 게이츠나 마크 저커버그 같은 새로운 봉건 영주들은 우리의 소통 및 교환의 공적 공간을 점점 더 강하게 통제하고 있다. 여기서 나오는 비관적인 결론은 우리는 더 큰 충격과 위기를 경험해야 깨달음을 얻을지도 모른다는 사실이다. 신자유주의적 자본주의가 이미 죽어가고 있다는 점에서 앞으로의 전투는 신자유주의와 그 너머 사이의 전투가 아니다. 앞으로의 전투는 신자유주의적 자본주의의 파열이 만든 여파의 두 형태 사이의 싸움, 즉 '메타버스'와 같은 보호 풍선을 제공해 우리를 위기에서 보호해주겠다고 약속하는 기업 신봉건주의 그리고 새로운 형태의 연대를 발명해야 한다는 불편한 각성 사이의 싸움이 될 것이다.

번역 김박수연


Slavoj Žižek

빨간 구두를 신은 소녀는 춤을 멈출 수가 없었다. 춤을 멈추는 유일한 방법은 발목을 잘라내는 일. 발의 기능이 소녀의 의지가 아닌 빨간 구두의 의지로 실현이 되고 있는 이 비유가 바로 지젝의 '신체 없는 기관'의 대표적인 사례.
The girl in the red shoes couldn't stop her dancing. The only way to stop dancing is to cut off her ankle. This metaphor, in which the function of the feet is realized by the will of the red shoes rather than the will of the girl, is a representative example of Žižek's 'Organs without Bodies'.

슬라보예 지젝, 당신이 이 카페에서 얼쩡거리는 이유가 철학 외적인 것이라는 것을 알고 있다.
그래서, 당신의 욕조와 변기는 들뢰즈와 가타리를 초월하지 못한다.
빛이 후발주자에게 준 선물을 매도하고 싶지는 않다.
이유는 당신이 더 잘 알 것이기에 여기에 쓰지는 않겠다.
Slavoj Žižek, I know the reason you hang around in this cafe is non-philosophical.
So, your bathtub and toilet do not transcend Deleuze and Guattari.
Don't want to sell the gift that Light gave to a latecomer.
Won't write the reason here, as you will know better.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 10:46:06 AM
Зеленый свет 3.1

Mibor Mibor
Спасибо за опыт. Прекрасный результат! Присоединяюсь к коллеге из Бразилии: - дайте пожалуйста подробное описание вашей конструкции/трансформатора из L1,  L2 и L3. С ув.

друг поздравляю с трудом и усилиями! не останавливайтесь из-за критики! просто совет. не ставьте фоновую музыку, потому что YouTube может закрыть ваш канал из-за авторских прав певца. приветствия. благодарен.

еще раз привет из Бразилии! поздравляю за видео. Я пытаюсь воспроизвести и не могу. Пожалуйста, сделайте видео, как изготавливают новую катушку и заменяют текущую. Я намотал бифилярную катушку Тесла с L 1 и L 2 с 24 витками и L 3 с 12 витками. не работает. какова стоимость синего конденсатора? 0,47 мкФ? какую частоту вы сейчас используете в этом видео? благодарен.

Маркони 56

lzgetz lz


lancaIV :

In what shall the little childs believe ? OMDG (Oh my death God ) ;D

It was common for ancient Egyptian gods to copy the abilities of other gods.

X-Men Apocalypse- All Powers from the film

So the last god is the most overwhelmingly powerful.
So, maybe Slavoj Žižek, the last philosophical idiot on Earth who watches this cafe, can answer you.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 01:13:56 PM
§5. Электролитическая диссоциация                         171

чення і, находя из различных свойств одного нтого же раствора, приводят обычно к хорошо согласующимся результатам.
  3) Так как кристаллы большинства солей образованы монгми, процесс растворения этих кристаллов может быть связая с первоначальным переходом е раствор не молекул, как таковых, а отдельных катионов и аннонов (но обязательно в эквивалентных соотношениях). Частичное образование молекул явјяется в этом случае вторичным процессом, протекающим уже в растворе. Конечные, соответствующие равновесному состоянию результаты остаются, очевидно, такими же, ках нпри наложенном в основном тексте более общем подходе к рассмотрению новизации о растворах,
  4) ослабленне сил стяжения между конами зависит от диэлектрическо проницае
(е) растворителя (§ 2 доп. 12), так как последняя входит в полное выражение основного закона электростатикн: fer tezle • d. Для воды при обычных условиях е за 80, поэтому в родном растворе силы стяжения между ночами в 80 раз меньше, чем в кристалле (где для окружающего частицы пространства е 1). Значеная в для спирта, эфира и бензола равны соответственно 24. 4 и 2
  5) Пользуясь основным законом электростанки (ср. III § 7 доп. 1), можно пронавести ориентировочный подсчет энергии взаимодействия двух нонов в водном растворе.
os Nat A CI-, радиусы которых равны соответственно 0,98 А в 1,81 А. вмеен
Енее . 4.80 - 10-10.4.8. 10-10 в •d 80 (0,98 - 10- 1,81 - 10-)
- = 10,3 - 10-4 әре Полученное значенне энергии взаимодействия является максимальным, так как оно отвечает непосредственному контакту негидратированных ионов (что для раствора следует считать предельных случаем).
Средняя энергия теплового движения частиц равна 1/4kТ, где т- абсолютная температура и д - постоянная величина (1,38 - 10-10 эрг/град). Принимая температуру разной +20 °С, получаем: E = 1,50 - 1.38 • 10-14 , 293 = 6,1 - 10-4 эрг. Сопоставленне этого значення снайденным выше показывает, что оба они являются величинами одного ктого же порядка. Иначе говоря, энергия теплового движения достаточна Для того, чтобы обусловить распад на ночы растворенной воде сали.
  6) Для возможности нонизации полярных связей растворенного вещества основа ное значение имеет обычно не общая полярность растворителя (характеризуемая діэнектрической проницаемостью), а наличие в его молекуле атома, способного достаточно активно взаимодействовать содим из атомов данной полярной связи (чаще всего — с атомом водорода). Так, перекись водорода является хорошим конизирующим растворителем для салей, на сравнительно слабо ионизирует кислоты, а хтористый водород гораздо сильнее ионизирован в спирте ( 24 ), чем в сннальной кислоrе (e = 10). Примеры эти наглядно показывают, какое огромное значенне для нонизация могут неть Hндивидуальные особенности обонх компонентов раствора.

  §5. Электролитическая диссоциация. Вещества, проводящие в водном растворе электрический ток, — соля, основания к кислоты — носят общее название электролитов, не проводящие электрический ток — неэлектролитов. В связи с этим гипотеза ионизации после се экспериментального подтверждения получила название теории электролитической диссоциации.
Характер ионов, образующихся при диссоциации разных электролитов, естественно, должен быть различным, в молекулах солей дис
да приводит к образованию катионов металла и анионов кислотного остатка. Поэтому соли могут быть определены как соединения, дающие в водном растворе ионы металла и кислотного остатка. Примеры: ҚNO = Қ+ NO;
Na2SO4= 2Na + Sо, MgCl2 = Mg" + 2CIP
MgSO4= Mg"+ So7

электростатикн: fer tezle • d. Для воды при обычных

Mathematical formulas that are not in computer programs are recognized by Google AI as approximate data in "data" and "simulation" methods.
Note please.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 02:32:30 PM
절대 아는 척 하지마라.jpg
2021-12-13 04:14:28
누가 뭘 알려달라고 하지 않는 이상 먼저 나서서 아는 척 하지마셈
좋을 거 하나 없음 진짜 단 1도 좋은 거 없다
존나 아는 척 하고 싶어 미칠 것 같으면
~~~~이러이러 해서 ~~~이러면 더 좋을 것 같은데 어때? 라는 식으로 조심스럽게 말하며 상대방에게 결정권을 줘라
이런식으로 못하겠으면 하지마셈
참는 것도 노력이고 자기발전임 아는 척 하고 싶어도 참으셈
그게 널 위한거임

참견하는게 좃빠지게 눈꼴시더냐.
그래서 니들이 공자맹자 헛배운게다.
앞으로는 잘해야 냉바닥에서 풍찬노숙덜할테니 참견하고 싶어도 못하겠지만 ...... 니들 대가리는 한치앞도 어둠이니라 ... ☠ 💀
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 02:53:01 PM
당료암이 무섭긴 무섭나봐
발톱빠지구 또나기 시작하는데 기괴하게 변형질이야
우리서방 불쌍해서 오똑해
시커먼 우리서방 대한민굴과 한날한시 같이가는것도 나쁘지않아
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 03:01:50 PM
몇년 전 아빠발톱 나쁘지않아 엄마.
아빠랑 한날한시 같이 가즈아~~~~

Саморазгон резонансного контура.

Serg Atmel
Очень похоже на классический феррорезонанс.

По стопам СЕ экспериментов
Сложилось ощущение что меняется частота, и следовательно фаза тока

Анатолий Н

Земли нет. А потребление  на входе (на генератор) растёт?

Vasili Ivanov
Если бы потребление не росло - это был бы уже БТГ.

Juozas Juskevicius

Сергей Ва Ли
А мне казалось резонанс ищют на запрограмированной нагрузке...........иначе найденный резонанс слетит.....?  Если лампы разгораются, след. ранее резонанса, небыло....!

Vasili Ivanov
На осциллографе до разгорания ламп синус. Нагрузка запрограммирована. Там же синус на ослике.


The Death of Marat

Detail of The Death of Marat showing the paper held in Marat's left hand. The letter reads "Il suffit que je sois bien malheureuse pour avoir droit a votre bienveillance" which means "Given that I am unhappy, I have a right to your help"

It is a meaningless copy that only highlights the revolution.
Whom does death of light have the right to call for help.
The fire moth that jumped into the limb-Jesus committed suicide using someone else's hand.
It was a selfish performance in which the living changed his face as the object of death and came back to life.
Only humans, unaware of being deceived by light and darkness, praise miracles and eternal life.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 03:13:07 PM
우헤헤헤헤헤헿컥컥컥~ ;D 8)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

По стопам СЕ экспериментов
Сложилось ощущение что меняется частота, и следовательно фаза тока

Serg Atmel
Очень похоже на классический феррорезонанс.

Евгений Лавренко
яркость ламп увеличивает скорее всего по причине сближения резонансной частоты одного из колебательного контура с частотой вашего внешнего генератора или между резонансными частотами колебательных контуров, а частота резонансного контура может меняться в зависимости от нагрузки

Vasili Ivanov
Но не забывайте, что напряжение на выходе падает, а ток растет.

Juozas Juskevicius

при увеличении нагрузки на осциллографе увеличивается амплитуда сигнала. А вот это Это китайский вольтметр это не показывает.

Vasili Ivanov
Проверял советским стрелочником. Результат одинаковый

Земли нет. А потребление  на входе (на генератор) растёт?

Vasili Ivanov
Если бы потребление не росло - это был бы уже БТГ.

Vaxabit Santa
Доброго времени !!!!
знаю чтобы не росло )))
У Вас импульсы́ как на джоуль воре. А если эту нагрузку нагрузить на катушку или дросель? Да поперёк магнитного поля чтобы произошло движение электродов. Удачи пишите и побольше информации.  Вы Уважаемый говорящий эксперимент физики.

@Vasili Ivanov  , не я понимаю) А вдруг?))) Ну раз не показал

Сергей Ва Ли
А мне казалось резонанс ищют на запрограмированной нагрузке...........иначе найденный резонанс слетит.....?  Если лампы разгораются, след. ранее резонанса, небыло....!

Vasili Ivanov
На осциллографе до разгорания ламп синус. Нагрузка запрограммирована. Там же синус на ослике.

Сергей Ва Ли
@Vasili Ivanov  Я ничего не понимаю.......
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 03:23:52 PM
슬라보지 지젝이 사타구나까정 무좀암 번진 헐랭이랑 노닥거리 시간이나 있을랑가 몰것다
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 12, 2021, 03:41:08 PM
백두산 말기-당료암 정기가 태백산맥 타고 차령산맥 거쳐 금계산~보파산쯤 오다가 대부가 사타구니에 말뚝박는 바람에 날샜다 개희야.

Russian people don't understand what they've made, but when they drink vodka, they all become the same.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 13, 2021, 10:13:19 AM
Zizek Challenges Peterson: "Set Your House in Order Before You Change the World?"

Dr. Zizek and Dr. Peterson's Discussion on Marxism: Official Video (Full)

Without a cheering crowd, Communist propagandists lose their enthusiasm and become depressed.
(Eating habit) When voluntary (active) compassionate donation and passive-systematic moderation (patience) collide over the problem of where the results of labor are directed, the generally enforced law is broken.
As a tool for coercion, loyalist armies and passive-systems are the cause of the haunting of idol-heroes.
Communism did not originate as a promised one-talent religion.
Thus, the former dynasty was the beginning of communism.
As a result of labor, the slogan of common distribution of sharing equally began from hunger, but
With the advent of the era of fullness and the disappearance of the hungry responsible person of the past who cried for common distribution, only empty echoes represent the present ghost of communism.
The demands and problems of communism today are,
It's just a matter of the relative co-distribution of more wealth.
This is not a question of hunger, it is a question of the quality of wealth.
It is the same as the communism that used to drive the national car Volkswagen is demanding a Benz or a BMW.
Thus, the struggle for communism is an eternal dialectical relative-fighting .
The problem of creating capital value by accumulating wealth within the system,
Communist struggle to take away by force is like a child's complain (grumbling over[at] one´s food).
The Communist ruling class is just a dirty parasite that lives here.
Of course, this is a conspiracy theorist's point of view and is for reference only.

What I only don't quite get why do you put so much we have to pay with the personal trainer I mean this is also the second extremely common sense at your house in order and disorder precisely because the way the society is messed up okay let's forget about my house and I will give you say angry that you are so socially active because you realize that it's not to your patients set your house in order our approach to you do your coffee yes please like individual or social like somebody in in North Korea set your house in order do we usually deal with ecology personalization you know

Communist worries about the unrestrained capitalist system do not understand the limited use (recycling) of existing materials.
It's not a way to eat if you have it and starve if you don't, but your mouth to eat decreases according to the laws of nature.
If communism intervenes in how it will decrease, it is the method of population reduction currently underway in China.
If there is another debate over whether communism can be done but not capitalism, Slavoj Žižek is a good example.
Is this something to be applauded and praised for?
Capitalism is the cause of the waste material abundance, and China is the cause of the garbage population abundance.
They are blaming each other.
This isn't a philosophical debate, it's just an ideological debate that Žižek likes.
Žižek's evaluation of humanity lies within the basis of the atrocities committed by communism on humans in the past.
In communism, being over 65 is a dialectical sin.
It is not a problem limited to communist [labor incompetent manpower].
A very effective way of spreading communism is now showing up in the Wuhan pneumonia.
Is this a China-limited problem?


조정래 작가가 노년 인생 경영을 위해 추천하는 책 | 80세에도 약 하나 먹지 않는 조정래 작가의 건강 비결 | 조정래 작가 1

남로당, 빨치산, 북한 인민군에 대한 미화와 왜곡
특정 사실, 세력에 대한 왜곡
소련 및 동구권에 대한 미화
우익으로 긍정적인 인물은 없다
현지 사정과 동떨어져 있다
벌교의 진실?
실제 사건과 연관성 여부

(인간백정 깅일성에 함몰된)북한에 대한 지젝의 시각이 빨치산 조정래 시각만하겠느냐.
당료암 말기 [태백산맥]에 어떤 진실이 있다면,, 조정래는 글을 좃빠지게 못쓰는 위인이다 현조야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 13, 2021, 10:31:59 AM
Ну это между вами, клоунами тобой и идиодом, ну никакой разницы, оба обмароженые !
Тявкаете на всех, и чё вы здесь забыли !?? ИЛИ ЭТО, У ВАС РАБОТА ТАКАЯ !?

Russians, like Žižek, only like pointless discussions, and there are only a handful of people who show actual generators, besides Vasili Ivanov and Маркони 56.

영생을 가진 인간은 결국 미치겠지.
2021-12-14 01:04:20
영생을 가진 인간은 결국 미치겠지.
내가 나라는 건 나를 기억하는 나 자신과 사회의 구성원들의 기억
결국 몇백 년을 살다 보면 기억은 혼란스러워지고 자신이 누군지 알 수나 있을까?

미치는게 아니라 물질처럼 감정을 (일정)도려낸다.
얘기했잖니 영생체는 고통이 없다고.
그래야 물질처럼 오래오래 살아도 아무 감정 없을테니.
기쁨/즐거움인들 예외일까?
시간이 무의미하다.
해서 녹슬어 부식될 물질만 보탠다면 로봇은 무한영생이 가능하다.
단지 어떤 물질형질을 추구하느냐, 변증법하느냐의 소급기쁨(보수유지차원)만 남을게다.
더 나아가 빛도 어둠도 우리 차원에서는 까마득한 시초에 불과하다.

소설 [건달바성]에서 28장로중에 24장로가 억겁의 어느 때부터 하나 둘 영면(假眠)중인 것도 영생의 한 방식이다.
《於于野譚 2, 宗敎, 靈魂》
閔起文爲承旨時, 聞曉鍾詣闕, 馬上假眠, 忽遇亡友柳景深於路上, 叙寒燠問其所如, 曰........
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 13, 2021, 07:05:26 PM
1   내가 또 말하노니 유업을 이을 자가 모든 것의 주인이나 어렸을 동안에는 종과 다름이 없어서
2   그 아버지의 정한 때까지 후견인과 청지기 아래 있나니
3   이와 같이 우리도 어렸을 때에 이 세상 초등 학문 아래 있어서 종노릇 하였더니
4   때가 차매 하나님이 그 아들을 보내사 여자에게서 나게 하시고 율법 아래 나게 하신 것은
5   율법 아래 있는 자들을 속량하시고 우리로 아들의 명분을 얻게 하려 하심이라
6   너희가 아들인고로 하나님이 그 아들의 영을 우리 마음 가운데 보내사 아바 아버지라 부르게 하셨느니라
7   그러므로 네가 이 후로는 종이 아니요 아들이니 아들이면 하나님으로 말미암아 유업을 이을 자니라
Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything,
but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father.
So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world.
But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law,
so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"
Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God.

4   때가 차매 하나님이 그 아들을 보내사 여자에게서 나게 하시고 율법 아래 나게 하신 것은
But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law,

21   내게 말하라 율법 아래 있고자 하는 자들아 율법을 듣지 못하였느냐
Tell me, you who want to be under law, do you not listen to the law?

11   내 손으로 너희에게 이렇게 큰 글자로 쓴 것을 보라
See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand.

바울이 말하는 세상의 초등학문은 태양신전을 말한다.
이유는 어둠과 죽음은 빛 아래 초등-학문과 상대적인 내세 또는 이상계에 있기 때문이다.
The elemental things of the world that Paul speaks of refers to the temple of the sun.
The reason is that darkness and death are in the afterlife or ideal world relative to elementary-scholarship under the light.

해서 바울에게 성령은 아펩뱀 죽음의 독이다.
십자가 이후의 예수는 모두 이 범위 안에 있다.
So, to Paul, the Holy Spirit is the poison of the death of the Apep serpent.
Jesus after the cross is all within this range.

Dr. Zizek and Dr. Peterson's Discussion on Marxism: Official Video (Full)

지젝이 갈라디아서를 인용한 것은, 자본주의는 초등학문 안에 있다는 것을 강조하려는 것이고,
공산주의는 상대적인 이상계라는 것을 지젝이 비유하고 싶어서다.
그러나 지젝도 바울의 갈라디아서가 예수를 이용한 여호와 회귀라는 것을 인식하지 못한 초등학문의 피해자다.
Žižek's quotation from Galatians is to emphasize that capitalism is within the elemental things of the world.
Žižek wants to compare communism to a relative ideal world.
However, Žižek is also a victim of elementary education who did not recognize that Paul's Galatians was a return to Jehovah using Jesus.

풍요는 물론 빈곤도 해결하지 못한 공산주의가 자본주의 문제를 해결하겠다고 선동하는 것은 지젝이 갈라디아서를 잘못 인용한 것처럼 초등학문 수준의 우매함이다.
Communism, which has not solved neither abundance nor poverty, incites to solve the problem of capitalism, as Žižek erroneously quotes from Galatians, it is foolishness on the level of the elemental things of the world.

오늘날의 공산주의자들은 자본주의 생활 쓰레기와 논쟁중이다.
자본주의 풍요가 버거워 걱정을 넘어서 투쟁의 목적으로 어느새 방향전환했다.
Today's communists are arguing with the garbage of capitalist life.
Due to the burden of capitalism's affluence, he went beyond worrying and changed direction to the purpose of struggle.

반유대주의자 지젝은 유대주의로 돌아간 바울을 인용한 세기의 철학자다.
The anti-Semitic Žižek is the philosopher of the century citing Paul's return to Judaism.
간음한 여자 관련한 예수의 땅-글씨까지 훔친 바울을 지젝이 다시 훔쳐서 인용한 세기의 코메디다.
It is a comedy of the century in which Žižek steals and quotes Paul, who even stole the writings of Jesus in relation to the woman who committed adultery.

바울이 아버지 앞에 Abba를 붙인 이유도 아펩뱀을 분명하게 나타내기 위해서다.
The reason Paul put Abba in front of his father was to clearly indicate the serpent of Apep.

Abba - Dancing Queen
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 13, 2021, 07:41:03 PM

При чем здесь генераторы Капанадзе?

Задача. Можно ли так получить импульсы с резонанса который между первичной и вторичной катушкой Т.р. Тесла на катушке Л1 с помощью диодов равной, или почти равной, по величине амплитуды резонанса в Тр. Тесла - Качера? Главное, на данный момент, получить большие импульсы малазатратным путём! Установка Капанадзе 2015 г. Капанадзе говорит - вот Тр.Тесла с частотой 200 килогерц (вроде), а тут уже мощность (показывает руками). Мощность в хитром съёме этих импульсов и преобразование в ток. То что, наверное и находиться в банке в другой установке Капанадзе. Катушка, должно быть, у него тоже фейковая, достаточно простой теселки в резонансе без других проводов что у него поверх намотаны толстым слоем с изалентой.

Как долго вы будете оставаться в режиме принципиального наблюдения?
10 лет в будущем?

о н ull 75% П 15:10 Тенераторы Тариэля Капанадзе (общая
тема) 2 27 мин. назад
cody НА ФОРУМЕ Захожу иногда
Сообщений: 51 Спасибо получено: 84
Vikt1 пишет:
А, еще один с чешуйчатыми лапками. Напомнить как вы исковеркали суть опыта показывающего ложь офиц трактовки лоренцева наведения эдс? Самое непосредственное - нет отдельных процессов в электричестве, но по мнению предателей рода человеческого - трансформатор отдельно, антенна отдельно, двигатель особняком. В последней предложенной книжке чел пальцем показал, но мы буквов не разумеем, нам бы мультики
Санитаров! У человека приступ. Предатели рода человеческого это кто? Рептилоиды с Нибиру? Какой хлам у вас в голове. К удалению.
strannik-2.ru/index.ph в

Мы не рептилии, мы Сверхразум из другого мира.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 13, 2021, 08:27:47 PM
현직 산부인과 의사, "코로나백신 분석해 보니 괴물질 검출"
;D ;D 8) 8)

한명에게 접종되는 백신(도즈)에 저런 괴물질이 수백만개 씩 들어있었다는 증언도 이어졌다.
There were also testimonies that the vaccine (dose) given to one person contained millions of such monsters.

요지경 세상인거 인쟈 알았냐? ;D ;D ;D ;D  8) ::)

[단독] '쥴리 논란'엔 침묵, 황급히 얼굴 가린 김건희

뭔 죄인호송두 아니구. ;D ;D 대갈빡 쳐박구 워디루 내빼는겨. ;D ;D
대한민굴 대표 창녀가 면상까구 나타난거보닝께 강적은 강적이다. ;D ;D 8) 8)
쥬얼리 창녀가 영부인은 싫다구 연신 난리부르스때리는중인디두 윤석렬이 대권에 눈깔멀어가 쌩쑈중이닝께 이쯤되믄 정신병자는 윤석렬쪽이 맞는갑다. ;D ;D ::) ::)
투표조작 아니구는 택두없구 이쯤되믄 윤석렬이 나머지 대권들 주가올려는 역활이 전부인디 언제까지 버티고개헐래. ;D ;D
사람일 모르는 법 못먹어도 고~ 내년까정 가봐야 알것어? ;D ;D
공문서든 사문서든 공소시효지났든말든 창녀보지 막구녕 허벌나게 절단나가 애새끼 없으니 몇년쯤 콩밥쳐먹으믄서 푹~썩어도 걱정없것다. ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)
사이비 무당 천공이 점괘는 아작두 사면초가 오리무중이가? ;D ;D ;D ;D

일본방송에 김건희 나왔다

일본까정 쥴리창녀 소문났으니 뭔 망신이가...... ::) ::) ::) ::)


누구말이 맞는가는 사망자 통계로 나오는거 아니가. 8)

[단독] 백신 이물질 신고 5,000회분...제조사 "원인 분석" / SBS

일본 모더나 백신 '이물질'...163만회분 접종 중단
일본은 163만회분 접종 중단까지 했음
이물질 이슈 계속 나오는데
음모론으로 몰아가는 선동꾼들 조심해라
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 14, 2021, 02:42:37 AM
공증인을 변호사법 위반으로 옭아매 억울하게 사망케했으니 공문서 위조가 아니라 더한거로 옭아매 거덜내라.

А с каких пор схемы стали рисоваться задом наперед?!

Рэд все возможно.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 14, 2021, 08:16:22 AM
[충격단독] 진짜 쥴리 찾았다!!!

해필 윤석렬 모교 서울대 교수덜이 니가가라 하와이까정 원정섹파 찾아가 사이비-쥴리 찾았다? ;D ;D
어디까지 가능가 어디 함 해봐라덜. 8)
입짝선 뭐 준비중이가? 8)
당시 술집 쥴리랑 함께 찍은 선후배 섹파사진? ;D ;D ::) ::)
똑바로 야그혀봐, 선배섹파랑겨 후배섹파랑겨? ;D ;D
이거이는 아무것두 아니라구? ::) ::) 8)
빼도박도 못허는 막판 뒤집기 플랜 또있다구? ;D ;D
서울대 모 교수덜 가세연이랑 번개탄-동반자살나능건 시간문제가트다. ;D ;D 8) 8)

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D

친박 아줌마 왈  "그 사람 입만 열면 백마디가 거짓말!" ;D
ㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 14, 2021, 09:03:37 AM

Іван Блащак
все так просто всеголиш нужно два источника паралельно подсоиденить и снимай мощу киловатами


Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X : First Light, Hash on Input
Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X Demo 2
Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X #3: Wireless Power Transmission
Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X Demo 4: Let There Be Light
Extreme High Voltage: TinselKoil X Demo 5
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 14, 2021, 10:53:57 AM
lancaIV :

Question : this process ,with endothermic or exothermic enthalpy result ? ;)


Endothermic vs. exothermic reactions

It's not a good question to ask a question that makes you search through google other than the universal system of the Kapanadze/Acura/Ruslan generator.
Note please.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 15, 2021, 11:36:36 AM
이번엔 제주도로 끝났지만 다음엔 경고조차 없을게다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 15, 2021, 11:51:25 AM
[충격단독] 가짜 사이비 쥴리 사진 공개!!! ;D ;D

이왕 나온김에 선명한 사진 공개줘야지 간보냐 썪을놈들아~ ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 15, 2021, 11:56:47 AM
대한민국 대통령 영부인을 꿈꾸는 대표 창녀입니다.
전세계에게 공고합니다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 15, 2021, 12:00:35 PM
[논문-동철-001] 김명신(김건희) 박사학위 논문 표절여부 검증
2021. 12. 15.

김건희는 반드시 검증해 제거해야 한다.
서울대 교수들이 쥴리-김건희를 싸고 돌겠다면 관련된 네놈들부터 반드시 죽일거다.


관련해서 가짜와 도둑은 용서치 않겠다.

Where is the lightning to lick you with its tongue? where is the madness with which you should be cleansed? behold, i show you the superman. he is this lightning, he is this madness.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

무욕 속에서 공의 상태에 도달하는 것이 성불을 의미하는 한 이러한 성불은 니체에게는 힘에의 의지를 구현한 초인이라는 새로운 의미의 신으로 시사되고 있다는 것이다

우주의 모든 것을 신성한 것으로 보는 진정한 의미의 신비체험에 가깝다고 할 수 있다.

그러나 삶과 세계에 대한 이러한 전면적인 긍정은 말이 쉽지 누구나 쉽게 도달할 수 있는 차원은 아니다. 힘에의 의지라는 니체의 말을 빌려서 설명하더라도 삶과 세계 전체를 긍정할 정도의 힘에의 의지는 우리가 보통 가지고 있는 힘에의 의지와는 수준을 달리하는 것이라고 여겨진다. 그러한 힘에의 의지는 로마인들이나 카이자르가 갖추고 있었던 힘에의 의지보다도 훨씬 심원하고 원숙한 것이며 오히려 우주의 모든 것을 신성한 것으로 보는 진정한 의미의 신비체험에 가깝다고 할 수 있다. 40) 니체 역시 세계와 운명에 대한 대긍정의 사상을 이른 바 차라투스트라의 바위를 지나면서 벼락에 얻어맞는 것처럼 갖게 된 것이며, 필자는 이러한 체험은 불교에서 말하는 깨달음의 체 험과 유사하다고 생각한다.

필자가 보기에는 예를 들어 로마인들을 지배했던 힘에의 의지에 대한 니체의 찬양과 불교의 무아설 사이에는 필자가 보기에는 넘어서기 어려운 큰 거리가 존재한다.

박찬국은 니체의 벼락(Nietzsche: 'The Lightning Fire')을 단순한 깨달음이나 신비체험으로 이해한다.
니체가 왜 디오니소스를 인용했는지 이해하지 못하면서 디오니소스가 번개라는 것만 일치하는.
해서 완벽하게 틀렸다.
박찬국 박사학위 박탈해라.

니체가 Zarathustra(Zoroaster)의 입을 빌렸을 때부터 여호와/예수/부처는 이미 통섭됐다.

니체가 부처를 초인으로 대우한 것은 유대인들이 예수를 춤추는 자(디오니소스)로 확정하는 것과 같다.
부처는 예수처럼 태양신전/아펩신전 모두를 포괄적 통섭하는 대상이다.
여호와는 아펩신전를 벗어나지 못했지만 태양신전 거느리며 강제했고 태양신은 아니지만 태양을 창조했다.
비해 부처는 예수처럼 모든 대상을 직접 통섭했다.
해서 니체가 부처를 초인으로 대우하는 것은 절반 적절하지 못하다.
니체에게 Übermensch는 번개와 어둠을 쫓던 엘리야와 엘리사 범주다.

Michael Faraday
Georg Simon Ohm
James Clerk Maxwell, etc.

니체가 살던 19세기 유럽은 전기에 열광하던 때다.
기라성같은 전기공학자들이 등장해 초기 전기이론을 확립하던 시기다.
헤론(히람)의 후예 에디슨/니콜라 테슬라처럼 전기-초인들이 탄생하던 시기였다.

의미적 신은 죽을 수 있지만,
빛과 어둠은 죽지 않는다.
오감으로 느끼는 특정 자연현상을 신으로 이해하지 못하고 전지전능한 대상을 찾는 것은 경전의 성과다.
해서 경전으로 신을 이해하는 것은 오감적 체험으로 느끼는 것을 초월하지 못한다.

자연현상은 신이 아니야!

니체의 요지는 사자가 토끼를 잡아먹는 것이 자연스러운 것처럼 '힘에의 의지가 강한 자들이 자신의 힘을 발산하면서 약한 자들을 지배하는 것은 자연스러운 현상인데도, 유태교와 기독교는 이러한 자연스런 차원을 초월해 있는 순수한 정신과 주체를 상정함으로써 '힘에의 의지가 강한 자들로 하여금 자신의 자연스런 힘의 분출과 발산을 억제하도록 강요한다는 것이다.

권불십년이 니체의 영광이고 죽음이다.



니체의 불교관에 대한 비판적 검토
- 고통의 문제를 중심으로 -


주제분류) 존재론, 철학적 인간학, 불교, 【주요어 고통, 허무주의, 위생학, 힘에의 의지, 갈애 (요약문)

본 연구는 니체의 불교해석과 불교비판과 관련된 국내의 연구상 황에 존재하는 모순을 극복하려는 하나의 시도다. 그동안 니체의 불교관에 대해서 행해진 국내의 연구들을 대별해 보면 니체의 해석과 비판을 그대로 수용하면서 그 내용을 정리하고 보완하는 것들이거나 아니면 니체 사상과 불교에서 서로 상통하는 부분, 특히 자아의 실체성을 부정하면서 모든 사 건들의 상호연관성 내지 연기성( 性)을 주장하는 부분 등에 주목하면서 니체 철학과 불교의 유사성 내지 동일성을 드러내려고 하는 것들이었다. 그런데 이러한 두 가지 해석방향은 사실상 서로 모순되는 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 니체는 불교를 기독교보다는 우월한 종교로 평가하고 있지만 궁극적 으로는 불교를 기독교와 마찬가지로 수동적 허무주의 내지 데카당스의 한 형태로 규정하고 있다. 따라서 불교에 대한 니체의 해석과 비판을 그대로 수용하는 입장은 니체와 마찬가지로 불교를 궁극적으로는 부정적으로 볼 수밖에 없게 된다. 이에 대해서 니체철학과 불교의 유사성 내지 동일성을 드러내려고 하는 해석방향이 옳다고 한다면 불교에 대한 니체의 입장은 사 실상 불교를 긍정할 수밖에 없는 입장이 되기 때문에, 이러한 해석방향은 분명히 불교를 궁극적으로는 부정적으로 평가하는 니체의 입장을 전폭적으 로 수용하는 첫 번째 해석방향과는 모순되는 것이었다. 본 논문은 고통의 문제를 중심으로 불교에 대한 니체의 해석과 비판을 비 관적으로 검토함으로써 이렇게 서로 모순되는 해석방향들이 병존하고 있는 상황을 타개하고자 한다. 이러한 문제의식 아래 본 연구는 다음과 같은 테제를 정당화하는 방식으로 불교에 대한 니체의 해석과 비판을 비관적으로 검토하였다. 첫째로, 부처가 우리의 생성소멸하는 삶과 현실이 고동이라고 말할 경우에 그것은 니체가 생각하는 것처럼 생성소멸하는 삶과 현실 자체 가 고통이라고 말하는 것이 아니라 갈애와 집착에 사로잡혀 있는 일상적인 비본래적 삶만을 고통으로 보았다는 것이다. 둘째로 부처는 니체가 비관하는 것처럼 모든 종류의 고통을 부정하고 제거하려고 하는 것이 아니라 오히려 이러한 갈애와 집착에서 비롯되는 고통만을 극복하려고 했을 뿐이라는 것이다. 셋째로, 부처는 우리가 이러한 고동을 극복하기 위해서는 갈애와 집착에 의해서 규정되고 있는 일상적인 비본래적 삶의 본질이 바로 고 동이라는 사실을 꿰뚫어보는 '위대한 고통을 감수해야만 한다고 가르치고 있다는 것이며 이와 함께 부처는 니체와 마찬가지로 일정한 고동이 갖는 궁정적인 의의와 가치를 인정하고 있다는 것이다. 이러한 비판적 검토를 토대로 하여 본 연구는 또한 니체와 불교 사이에 어떤 점에서 근친성이 존재하고 어떤 점에서 차이가 존재하는지를 분명히 드러내려고 했다.

1. 문제의 제기

니체의 불교관에 대해서는 국내에서도 이미 여러 편의 논문들이 발표되었다. 이러한 논문들은 크게 두 종류로 나뉠 수 있는데, 그 중 하나는 니체의 해석과 비판을 그대로 수용하면서 그 내용을 정리하고 보완하는 해석방향을 취하는 것이었으며 다른 하나는 니체 사상과 불 교에서 서로 상통하는 부분, 특히 양자 모두가 자아의 실체성을 부정 하면서 모든 사건들의 상호연관성 내지 연기성(緣起生)을 주장하는 부분 등에 주목하면서 니체 철학과 불교의 유사성 내지 동일성을 드 러내려고 하는 해석방향을 취하는 것이었다. 그런데 이러한 두 가지 해석방향은 사실상 서로 모순되는 것이라 고 볼 수 있다. 니체는 기독교에 비해 불교를 긍정적으로 평가하고는 있지만 궁극적으로는 불교를 기독교와 마찬가지로 수동적 허무주의 내지 데카당스의 한 형태로 규정하고 있다. 불교에 대한 니체의 해석 과 비판을 그대로 수용하는 해석방향은 니체와 마찬가지로 불교를 궁 극적으로는 부정적으로 평가할 수밖에 없게 된다. 이에 반해서 니체 철학과 불교의 유사성 내지 동일성을 드러내려고 하는 해석 방향이 옳다고 한다면 불교에 대한 니체의 입장은 사실상 불교를 긍정적으로 평가하는 것일 수밖에 없게 된다. 따라서 이러한 두 번째 해석방향은 불교를 부정적으로 평가하는 니체의 입장을 전폭적으로 수용하는 첫 번째 해석 방향과는 분명히 모순되는 것이었다. 두 번째 해석방향이 자신의 타당성을 주장하려면 그것은 니체철학 과 불교 사이에 존재하는 동일성 내지 유사성을 드러내기 이전에 불 교에 대한 니체의 부정적인 평가를 비관적으로 검토하면서 그러한 평 가가 근본적으로 오류임을 먼저 밝혔어야 할 것이다. 그러나 양자의 유사성 내지 동일성을 주장하는 논문들에서는 니체의 불교관을 비판 적으로 검토하고 논박하는 시도는 대체로 보이지 않는다. 그러한 논문들에서 니체의 불교관을 비관적으로 검토하고 논박하는 시도가 제 대로 실행되었다면 이러한 두 번째 해석 방향은 자연히 첫 번째 해석 방향의 타당성에 대한 논박에도 성공하는 것이 되며 이와 함께 위에 서 보는 바와 같은 모순적인 상황은 벌어지지 않게 되었을 것이다. 1)
1) 아래에서 필자는 니체의 불교관에 대해서 그동안 국내에서 발표된 논문들 각각의 긍정적인 기여와 한계를 간략하게 살펴보는 방식으로 이러한 모순적인 상황을 보다 구체적으로 제시해 보이고자 한다. 성진기는 「니체와 불교」(「니체 이해의 새로운 지평」, 철학과현실사, 2000) 에서 니체의 불교이해를 거의 그대로 수용하면서 니체가 불교에 대해서 한편으로 긍정적인 평가를 하고 있음에도 불구하고 결국은 불교를 수동적 허무주의의 성격을 갖는 것으로 보고 있다는 사실을 잘 드러내고 있다. 물론 성진기는 니체의 불교이해가 쇼펜하우어의 불교이해에 규정되고 있기 때문에 일정한 한계를 가지고 있음을 지적하고 있기는 하지만 위의 책, 469쪽) 니체의 불교 이해가 어떤 점에서 문제가 있는지를 보여주지는 않고 있다. 정영도는 「니이체의 힘에의 의지에서 본 기독교와 불교의 Realität」 「이 체 철학의 현대적 이해와 수용, 정영도 외 공저, 세종출판사, 1999)에서 성 진기와 마찬가지로 니체의 불교이해를 전적으로 수용하면서 니체는 불교가 인간의 현실적 삶 속에서 성불하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있지만 근본적으로, 무욕을 강조하고 있고 나아가서 자신의 내면을 공(空)의 상태로 두려고 하기 때문에 힘의 강화와는 반대방향을 지향하고 있다고 보고 있다는 사실을 잘 드러내고 있다(위의 책, 정영도 341).
이에 반해서 박경일은 「탈근대 담론들에 나타나는 관계론적 패러다임들과 불교의 공」(「인문학연구」, 제2호, 1998)과 「불교, 니체, 그리고 포스트모더 니즘」 「동서비교문학저널」, 제2호, 1999)과 니체와 불교: 비교방법론 서셜! (동서비교문학저널」, 제5호, 2001)에서 그리고 이주향은 니체와 예수, 그리고 금강경 실체성 부정에 관한 고찰」 「니체 연구」, 제8집, 2005)에서 실체개념과 주체 개념에 대한 니체의 해체와 불교의 연기 사상을 서로 상 동하는 것으로 보면서 양자의 유사성 내지 동일성을 드러내려고 하고 있다. 그런데 불교와 니체 사상 사이에 이렇게 유사성 내지 동일성이 존재하는 것으로 보려면 니체의 불교비판이 잘못된 것으로 보는 것이 논리적으로 일관된 태도일 것이다. 그러나 박경일과 이주향은 지면의 부족 때문일 수도 있겠지만 아쉽게도 니체의 불교비판에 대해서는 비판적으로 검토하고 있 지는 않다. 박경일은 니체와 불교: 비교방법론 서설」에서 니체의 불교이 | 해에 대한 미스트리 (Freny Mystry)의 비판을 긍정적으로 인용하기 때문에 박경일 자신도 니체가 불교를 오해했다고 보고 있음을 시사하고 있다고 할 수는 있다. 그러나 박경일은, 니체가 불교의 고(苦)와 갈애라는 개념을 오해하고 있음을 밝히고 있는 미스트리의 비판을 한 페이지의 절반을 약간 넘는 정도의 분량에서 극히 간략하게 소개하는데 그치고 있을 뿐이며 불교에 대한 니체의 오해에 대해서 깊이 있게 검토하고 있지는 않다.
연은 불교의 공사상과 니이체의 니힐리즘의 현대적 의의」(「니이체 철학의 현대적 이해와 수용」, 정영도 외 공저, 세종출판사, 1999)에서 '불교의 유럽적 형태'라는 니체의 말을 근거로 하여 니체가 불교를 능동적인 니힐리즘으로 간주하면서 그 동안 유럽을 규정해 온 수동적 니힐리즘에 대한 일종의 초극제로서 이용하려고 하는 것 같다고 해석하고 있다(위의 책, 361쪽). 즉 곽만연은 불교를 니체가 말하는 능동적 니힐리즘과 맥을 같이 하는 것으로 추측하고 있으며, 여기서 한걸음 더 나아가 니체가 전통적인 형태의 신과는 다른 새로운 형태의 신을 불교에서 시사 받고자 한 철학적 의도가 있었던 것 같다고까지 추측하고 있다. 무욕 속에서 공의 상태에 도달하는 것이 성불을 의미하는 한 이러한 성불은 니체에게는 힘에 의 의지를 구현한 초인이라는 새로운 의미의 신으로 시사되고 있다는 것이다(위의 책, 366쪽).
본 논문의 III장에서 보겠지만 필자는 곽만연의 이러한 해석은 잘못된 해 석이라고 생각한다. 그러나 다른 한편으로 곽만연은 니체 사상에 대해서 불교가 가지고 있는 강점을 부각시키면서 불교가 철저한 의미에서 '공'의 니힐리즘을 설하는 반면에 니체는 권력에의 의지라든가 초인과 같은 존 재, 즉 불교에서 말하는 유(有)의 입장을 주장했다고 본다. 즉 곽만연은 니체가 말하는 권력에의 의지는 아직 에고이스틱한 성격을 갖고 있으며 그것은 슈바이처가 말하는 '우주적 생명의지'로 순화되어야 한다고 말하고 있는 것이다(위의 책, 361쪽), 곽만연은 니체와 불교 사이에 존재하는 이러한 차이를 보다 상세하게 구명할 필요가 있다고 생각되지만 지면 부족 때문인지 간단히 시사하는데 그치고 있다. 곽만연의 해석은 이렇게 불교와 니체 사이의 일정한 차이를 시사하면서도 근본적으로는 불교가 니체의 능동적 니힐리즘과 맥을 같이한다고 보고 있기 때문에 니체 철학과 불교 사이의 유사성 내지 동일성을 주장하는 해석에 속한다고 할 수 있다. 김정현은 「 니체와 불교의 만남 - 니체의 불교 이해 및 서양적 무아(無我) 사상을 중심으로」(『니체 연구」, 제8집, 2005)에서 니체는 불교적 사유가 비 록 염세주의적이고 허무주의적 요소를 함축하고 있지만 수동적 허무주의 를 극복하는 능동적 허무주의라는 미래 철학의 가능성을 타진할 수 있는 사유의 저수지로 보았다고 말하고 있다(위의 책, 65쪽). 즉 김정현은 니체는 유럽적 사유의 한계를 극복하는 단서를 불교에서 찾고자 했다고 주장 하고 있는 것이다(위의 책, 67-76쪽), 이러한 주장은 위에서 언급한 곽만연의 주장과 동일한데, 이런식의 주장에 대해서 필자는 곽만연과 김정현이 불교에 대한 니체의 긍정적인 평가부분을 지나치게 확대 해석했다고 본다. 필자가 보기에 니체는 불교 못지않게 쇼펜하우어나 에피쿠로스의 철학을 전동적인 기독교보다는 훨씬 긍정적으로 평가하고 있다. 그리고 니체가 그것들을 그렇게 긍정적으로 평가하는 이유는 불교를 긍정적으로 평가하는 이유와 다를 바가 없다. 그럼에도 불구하고 니체가 그러한 철학 들을 미래철학의 가능성을 담고 있는 철학으로 보았다고 할 수는 없는 것이며 니체는 쇼펜하우어의 철학이든 에피쿠로스의 철학이든 모두 불교 와 마찬가지로 고동에 대한 두려움에 사로 잡혀서 현실로부터의 도피를 설과하는 데카당한 철학으로 보고 있다. Der Antichrist, KGW VI-3, 330 | 번, 199쪽을 참조할 것, 어떻든 김정현의 해석은 곽만연의 해석과 마찬가지로 니체 철학과 불교 사이의 유사성 내지 상보성을 주장하는 해석에 속한다고 할 수 있다. 다른 한편으로 김정현은 니체의 불교비판은 현실도피적인 은둔을 즐기는 불교에게 건강한 종교정신을 형성시키는 성찰적 항체를 제공해 줄 수 있 을 것이라고 보고 있다(위의 책, 91쪽). 성진기도 니체의 불교비판을 그대로 수용하면서 불교의 현실도피적인 성격을 비판하고 있지만 필자는 이러한 비판이 과연 타당한지에 대해서 의문을 가지고 있다. 성진기는 이렇게 말하고 있다.
"불교의 윤리는 부정적인 윤리다. 포기와 자기희생의 윤리이며 노력과 창조의 도덕은 아니다. 또 고행과 인내의 덕을 가르치며 행동과 일을 가르 치지 않는다. 따라서 불교의 윤리는 수도승의 윤리처럼 최종 단계에서 긴장을 해소하고, 힘을 소모하고, 불구로 만들고, 연약하게 만들 수 있는 윤리다. 이런 윤리는 정치적으로 사람을 노예화할 수도 있다. 불의와 폭거에 대한 저항을 금지하고 순종을 설교하기 때문이다. 이 세상의 관심사들, 예를 들면 정치 · 사회 · 인간의 문제들에 대해 불교 윤리는 무관심한 편이다. 불교는 현실을 초탈하고 금욕을 앞세우는 경향이 있기 때문에 신자들의 심중에 경건주의와 유사한 공허감을 자아냈고 이로 인해 이 세상은 단지 타락과 죄 그리고 사망의 집이라는 생각을 지니고 있다.")
그러나 필자는 실로 부처는 정치적인 활동은 안했지만 깨달음을 얻은 그 순간부터 죽는 순간까지 수많은 제자들을 교화하는데 헌신했다는 사실에 우리가 주목해야 한다고 생각한다. 아울러 우리는 부처는 불교라는 종교의 창시자가 되면서 2500여년에 걸쳐서 사람들에게 깊은 정신적 감화를 미쳐왔다는 사실에 주목해야 한다. 이런 점에서 볼 때 부처는 그 어느 누구보다도 현실에 적극적으로 참여했다고 할 수 있지 않을까? 잘못된 사회 구조를 직접적으로 변화시키려는 노력 뿐 아니라 사람들이 자신의 정신을 변혁하는 것을 도움으로써 간접적으로 사회구조의 개선에 기여하는 것도 중요한 현실참여의 한 방식으로 보아야 할 것 같다. 이렇게 다른 사람들이 깨달음에 이르도록 도와줄 것을 강조한다는 점에서 필자는 불교는 에 피쿠로스주의나 쇼펜하우어의 철학과는 근본적으로 구별된다고 보고 있으며 부처나 불교가 현실도피적인 은둔을 즐긴다는 통상적인 비판은 잘못된 비판이라고 생각한다. 김진은 니체와 불교적 사유」(『철학연구」 제89 집, 대한철학회, 2004)에서 그리고 이진우는 「니체와 아시아적 사유」「철학연구』, 제53집, 철학연구회, 2001)에서 박경일과 이주향 그리고 김정현과 곽만연과 유사하게 니체의 불교 비판에도 불구하고 니체와 불교 사이에 존재할 수 있는 근친성과 상보성을 드러내고 있다. 이진우는 이렇게 니체와 불교 사이에 존재하는 친화성을 드러내면서도 다른 한편으로는 니체가 '세계를 삶에 유익한 관점에 따라 해석하는 힘에의 의지'를 긍정하는 반면에 불교는 이러한 힘에의 의지를 고동의 원인으로 보고 있다고 말하면서 양자의 차이를 시사하고 있다. 그러나 그는 아마 지면의 부족 때문이었겠지만 아쉽게도 이러한 차이에 대해서 보다 상세하게 천착하고 있지는 않으며 그러한 차이가 아시아적 사유에 대해서 갖는 의의를 시사하는 것으로 글을 마치고 있다. (이진우, 위의 글, 221-223쪽) |박경일과 이주향, 곽만연과 김정현, 그리고 김진과 이진우는 위와 같이 니체철학과 불교 사이의 근친성과 상보성을 주장하고 있지만 '불교에 대한 니체의 부정적인 평가'에 대해서는 이렇다할 비판적인 고찰을 하고 있지는 않다. 그러나 필자는 이렇게 니체 철학과 불교 사이의 근친성이나 상보성을 주장하기 위해서는 니체의 불교 비판에 대한 비판적인 검토'가 우선적으로 행해져야 한다고 생각한다. 니체의 불교비판에 대해서 본격적으로 검토하고 있는 것은 아니지만 불교가 니체가 생각하는 것처럼 허무주의적인 종교가 아니라는 것을 보여주면서 간접적으로나마 니체의 불교비판을 비판하고 있는 논문은 정철호의 「허무주에 대한 니이체와 초기 불교의 연관성」(「니이체 철학의 현대적 이해와 수용, 정영도 외 공저, 세종출판사, 1999) 이라고 할 수 있다. 그러 나 그는 불교가 허무주의적인 종교가 아니라는 것을 드러내면서 허무주 의의 극복과 관련하여 니체와 불교 사이에 존재하는 일정한 근친성을 드러내는데 집중하고 있으며 니체의 불교 비판을 조목조목 비판적으로 검토하고 있는 것은 아니다. 아울러 그는 니체 철학과 불교에 존재하는 차이에 대해서는 구체적으로 구명하고 있지 않다. 다만 그는 니체가 불교의 우리는 이 논문에서 니체의 불교관을 비판적으로 검토함으로써 이렇게 서로 모순되는 해석방향이 병존하고 있는 국내의 연구상황을 타개하려고 한다. 그러한 비판적 검토는 기존의 두 번째 해석방향처럼 니체 사상과 불교 사이에 존재하는 유사성을 드러내는 측면도 있지만 양자 사이에 존재하는 무시할 수 없는 차이도 드러내고자 한다. 따라서 니체의 불교관에 대해서 여기서 시도될 비판적인 검토는 동시에 위에서 언급된 두 가지 해석방향들 모두에 대한 비판적인 검토라는 의미도 갖게 될 것이다. 불교에도 소승불교와 대승불교 그리고 선불교 등 여러 가지 방향이 있겠지만 여기서는 불교 일반을 규정하는 근본정신 에 주목하면서2) 니체의 불교관을 비관적으로 검토해 볼 것이다.
깊은 교리적인 측면보다는 사회참여에 대한 불교의 소극적인 측면에 집중하고 있다는 느낌을 받았다고 말하면서 이러한 점에서 니체 사상과 불교 사이에 전체적인 동일성이 존재한다고 추론하는 것에 대해서는 약간 회의적이라고 말하는 정도로 그치고 있다(위의 책 161). 필자는 이상의 연구자들이 니체의 불교해석을 잘 정리하고 있을 뿐 아니라 그것이 갖는 함의나 문제점 등을 각각 일정한 측면에서 잘 드러낸 공 적이 있다고 생각한다. 필자는 이러한 선행연구들로부터 많은 도움을 받았으며 이 점에서 선행연구자들에게 깊은 감사를 표한다. 그러나 필자는 니체가 불교에 대해서 말하는 바의 진의를 분명히 드러내면서 니체의 불 교해석을 불교에 지나치게 유리하게 해석하는 것을 경계하는 한편, 다른 한편으로는 니체의 불교해석을 비판적으로 검토함으로써 니체의 불교해석을 무비판적으로 수용하는 것에 대해서도 경계하고자 한다. 이를 통해서 본 연구는 선행연구들 사이에 존재하는 모순을 극복하면서, 니체의 불교해석의 진정한 의미에 대해서는 니체 철학의 전체적 내용에 보다 부합되는 해석을 제시하고자 하며 니체의 불교비판에 대해서는 불교 자체의 근본정신을 분명히 드러내면서 비판적으로 검토하고자 한다. 이와 함께 본 연구는 니체와 불교 사이의 동일성과 차이라는 문제에 대해서도 새로운 시각으로 접근하고자 한다. 2) 불교 일반이 지향하는 근본정신에 대한 필자의 해석은 제행무상(諸行無)과 일체개고(一體皆苦) 그리고 모든 고가 무명(無明)과 그것에 입각한 갈애와 집착에서 비롯된다는 불교의 근본교설에 담겨져 있는 함축적인 의미를 드러내는 것이 될 것이다. 불교의 근본정신에 대한 필자의 이러한 해석은 상당히 과감한 시도라고 생각하며 따라서 자의적인 것이 될 수도 있다고 생각한다. 이에 대한 불교연구자들의 아낌없는 비판을 기대한다. 아울러 필자가 여기서 제시하는 불교의 근본교설은 일반적으로 잘 알려 진 내용이기 때문에 그것을 제시할 때 일일이 전거를 밝히지 않았다. 이 점 양해 바란다.
이 논문은 크게 네 부분으로 이루어질 것이다.
첫째 부분은 니체의 불교해석의 핵심을 간략하게 정리하는 부분이다.
둘째 부분은 니체사상과 불교 양자의 문제의식에 존재하는 유사성 을 살펴보는 부분이다.
셋째 부분은 니체의 불교비판의 핵심을 간략하게 정리하는 부분이다.
넷째 부분은 불교에 대한 니체의 해석과 비판을 비판적으로 검토해 보는 부분이다. 이러한 비관적인 검토는 지면관계상 불교에 대한 니체의 해석과 비판의 모든 측면을 다 고찰할 수 없기 때문에, 여기서는 '불교는 고통이 삶에서 갖는 긍정적인 의의와 가치를 부정하면서 고통스런 현실로부터 내면적인 평화에로의 도피만을 가르치고 있다'고 보는 니체의 견해를 검토하는 데 집중하고자 한다. 니체의 불교해석과 불교비판이 갖는 다른 측면들에 대한 비관적인 검토는 차후의 연구에서 계속할 예정이다.

II. 불교에 대한 니체의 해석 - 위생법으로서의 불교

니체는 자신의 저작들 도처에서 불교에 대해서 산발적으로 언급하고
있을 뿐이지만 『안티크리스트」에서는 그것의 기원과 본질적 성격에 대해서 본격적으로 논하고 있다.3) 따라서 우리는 니체가 『안티크리스트」에서 펴고 있는 불교에 대한 논의를 중심으로 불교에 대한 그의 해석과 비판을 살펴보고자 한다. 불교에 대한 니체의 해석과 비판의 주요한 내용은 그동안 국내에서 발표된 논문들에서 이미 여러 차례 정리된 바 있다. 따라서 여기서는 니체의 불교이해에 대한 비판적인 검토에 필요한 정도로만 니체의 불교관을 간략하게 살펴보고자 한다. 니체는 안티크리스트」에서 불교를 기독교와 일단은 본질적으로 유사한 종교라고 파악하고 있다.
3) 니체는 Der Antichrist의 20, 21, 22, 23번에서 불교를 기독교와 비교하면서 그것의 기원과 본질적 성격에 대해서 구명하고 있다.
두 종교는 모두 허무주의적이며 데카당한 종교라는 것이다.4) 여기서 허무주의적이라는 것은 양자가 모두 현실을 고통에 가득 찬 부정적인 것으로 보면서 현실에 대한 적극적인 대응 대신에 내면적인 평화나 피안으로 도피하고 있다는 의미이 며, 데카당하다는 것은 양자가 모두 생명력의 약화와 퇴화에서 비롯된 것이면서 또한 그것을 신봉하는 자들의 생명력의 약화와 퇴화를 초래하고 있다는 것이다. 그럼에도 니체는 불교와 기독교는 현저하게 다르며 불교는 기독교 보다도 훨씬 뛰어난 종교라고 말하고 있다. 불교가 기독교보다도 더 뛰어나다고 보는 이유로 니체는 크게 두 가지를 들고 있다. 첫째로, 기독교가 인간의 고통이 궁극적으로 원죄로부터 비롯되었다고 보면서 인간의 고통의 원인을 신화적으로 설명하는 것에 반해서 불교는 인간의 고통이 어디서 비롯되었는지를 인간 삶의 현실에 대한 냉정한 관찰을 통해서 해명하려고 한다. 이 점에서 니체는 불교는 기독교보다 훨씬 현실주의적이고 실증주의적이라고 평가한다. 심지어 니체는 "불교는 역사가 우리에게 제시하는 단 하나의 유일한 실증주의적 종교다" 라고까지 말하고 있다.5) 둘째로, 기독교가 선과 악의 기준이 신에 의해서 영원히 불변적으로 정해져 있는 것으로 보는 반면에 불교는 인간의 고통을 극복하는데 도움이 되는 행위는 선한 것이고 인간의 고통을 극복하는 데 도움이 되지 않는 행위는 악으로 간주한다.) 불교가 갖는 이러한 두 번째 특징은 물론 그것이 갖는 첫 번째 특징인 현실주의적이고 실증주 의적인 성격과 밀접한 연관이 있다. 즉 불교에서는 무엇이 선이고 무엇이 악인지는 신에 의해서가 아니라 인간의 행복과 고통 그리고 행위 사이에 존재하는 인과관계에 대한 엄밀한 관찰에 의해서 정해져야 한다고 보는 것이다. 이와 함께 불교는 우리가 계율들을 지켜야 할 이유를, 그것들이 어떤 인격적인 신에 의해서 주어진 무조건적이고 영원한 명령이라는 데서 찾지 않고 그것들이 고통을 극복하는 데 도 움이 된다는 데서 찾는다.
4) Der Antichrist, 20번, 184쪽 참조. 5) 같은 곳 참조. 16) 같은 곳 참조

기독교에서는 신의 계율을 지키지 않는 것은 죄가 되지만 불교의 경우에는 계율을 지키지 않는 것은 자신을 더욱 괴롭게 만드는 어리석음이 되는 것이다. 따라서 불교는 신이 정한 율법에 대한 위반으로서의 이른 바 '죄'에 대한 투쟁이 아니라 오히려 '고통'에 대한 투쟁을 주창한다. 니체는 이상과 같이 기독교에 비해서 불교를 긍정적으로 평가한후, 불교가 나타나게 된 생리적인 조건들을 제시하면서 불교의 본질적 성격을 위생학내지 치료학으로 규정하고 있다. 우선 니체는 불교가 이미 문명이 성숙할 대로 성숙한 당시의 인도 상류사회에서 비롯되었다는 사실에 주목하면서 불교는 개인들의 건강 한 본능이 손상을 입고 지나치게 정신적으로 섬세한 감수성이 발달한 생리적인 조건 아래서 생성되었다고 보고 있다.
첫째로는 고통을 잘 느끼는 섬세한 능력으로 나타나는 지나치게 민감한 감수성이며, 둘째로는 지나친 정신화(Übergeistigung), 다시 말 해 개인적인 본능이 해를 입고 '비개인적인 것이 우세해질 정도로 개념과 논리적 절차에 지나치게 오랜 동안 몰두하는 것이다.)
니체는 어떤 하나의 사건에 대해서 사람들이 느낄 수 있는 고통의 정도는 매우 다양하다고 본다. 동일한 부상이나 상처라 할지라도, 동물들이나 야만적인 상태의 인류나 고도로 문명화된 사회의 인류 각각이 그것에 대해서 느끼는 고통의 정도는 크게 다르다는 것이다. 자연이나 이웃부족과 줄기차게 싸우고 숱한 상처를 입으면서 먹을 것을 마련해야 했던 야만적인 상태의 인류가 대수롭지 않게 넘어갈 상처라도 고도로 문명화된 사회에서 살고 있는 현대인들은 호들갑을 떨면서 고통을 호소하는 것이다. 이와 관련하여 니체는 히스테리컬한 여인이 겪을 수 있는 어떤 자그마한 고통도 수백만 마리의 동물들이 오랜기간 동안 겪어 온 모든 고통들을 다 합한 것보다 더 클 것이라고 말하고 있다.
7) 같은 곳

이런 맥락에서 니체는 불교가 출현할 당시의 인도 상류사회는 정신적인 개념작업에 오랜 동안 몰입함으로써 어떤 고난에 부딪혀도 그것들을 대수롭지 않게 넘길 정도의 전투적이면서도 강건한 본능을 상실하게 되었고 이에 따라서 그들은 고통을 잘 느끼는 민감한 감수성을 생리적인 조건으로 갖게 되었다고 보고 있다. 니체는 이러한 생리적인 조건 아래에서는 우울증이 쉽게 발생할 수 있다고 보면서 부처의 가르침은 이러한 우울증을 극복하는데 도움이 되는 위생법적인 성격을 띤다고 본다. 불교는 사람들이 우울증을 극복하고 사람들에게 정신적인 건강함과 밝음을 되찾는 방법을 알려주려고 한다는 것이다. 니체가 불교의 위생법으로 제시하고 있는 것을 우리는 다음 네 가지 정도로 정리할 수 있을 것이다.8)
첫째로, 외부세계와 단절하면서 개념적인 작업에만 몰두하면 우울중에 걸리기 쉬우므로 골방에서 개념적인 작업에 몰두하지 않고 광활한 대기 속에서 생활할 것. 둘째로, 식생활에서의 절제와 선택. 항상 맑은 정신을 유지하는 것을 방해할 수 있는 음식물들, 특히 술에 대한 경계. 셋째로, 모든 격정을 금하고 항상 평안하고 밝게 하는 상념들을 가질 것. 자신을 위해서도 타인을 위해서도 번뇌하지 않을 것. 넷째로, 복수심, 반감, 원한, 강제 등은 정신적으로 건강하지 못하 게 만들므로 항상 선량함과 친절을 유지할 것.
18) Der Antichrist, 20 번, 184-185쪽 참조

III. 니체의 문제의식과 불교의 문제의식 사이에 존재하는 유사성

불교에 대한 니체의 이상과 같은 분석은 언뜻 보기에는 불교를 긍정적으로 해석한 것처럼 보이고 니체 자신의 철학적 지향점과 불교의 지향점이 일맥상통한다는 인상을 갖게 한다. 이는 니체의 철학도 불교와 마찬가지로 어떤 의미에서는 위생법이고 치료법이라고도 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 다시 말해서 니체는 그의 사유도정 전체에 걸쳐서 유럽인들이 육체적으로나 정신적으로 건강한 삶을 회복하는 것을 돕는 것을 목표했다고 할 수 있다. 니체가 그의 사유도정의 처음부터 끝까지 플라톤적인 형이상학과 기독교를 비판했던 것도 그것들이 사실과 부합되지 않는 허구라는 점보다는 인간들이 건강한 삶을 누리는 것을 방해한다고 생각했기 때문이다. 특히 말년의 니체는 '도덕적인 편견들에 대한 사상' 이라고 부제를 부친 「아침놀」과 「선악의 저편』(1886)과 「도덕의 계보』(1887) 등의 일련의 저작에서 플라톤적인 형이상학과 기독교에 의해서 규정되어 있는 서양의 도덕적인 편견들이야말로 인간들의 건강한 삶을 불가능하게 하는 것이라고 보면서 그러한 도덕적 편견들과의 대결을 자신의 과제로 삼았다. 이러한 편견들은 플라톤 이래 유럽의 철학과 종교를 지배해 온 편견들로서 도덕의 기원을 인간들의 감성적인 충동이나 욕구와 같은 경험적인 심리에서 찾는 것이 아니라 이데아의 세계나 아니면 신의 계시 혹은 이른바 선험적인 양심에서 찾는다. 이와 함께 그것들은 인간이 따라야 할 도덕적 규범들은 시대와 상황을 불문하고 무조건적으로 타당한 초월적인 성격을 갖는다고 본다. 니체가 이러한 편견들을 비판하는 것은 그러한 편견들이 사실과 부합되지 않기 때문만이 아니라 그것들이 사람들의 나약함과 비겁함에서 비롯되었다고 보기 때문이다. 사람들이 변화무쌍하고 결국은 죽음으로 끝나는 덧없는 현실을 자신의 힘으로 견뎌나갈 힘을 갖지 못하기 때문에 가공의 신에 의존하는 것과 마찬가지로, 사람들은 변화무쌍한 현실에서 유연하게 대처할 수 있는 건강하고 강인한 힘을 갖지 못하기 때문에 이른 바 무조건적인 도덕법칙에 의지하고 집착함으로써 정신적인 안정감을 확보하려고 하는 것이다. 그러나 초월적인 신이나 도덕에 대한 믿음은 사람들에게 일시적으로는 위로를 줄지 모르지만 사람들을 더욱 나약하고 비겁하게 만들뿐 아니라 더욱 병적으로 만든다. 즉 덧없이 생성 변화하는 현실에 대해서 사람들이 느꼈던 불안과 두려움은 초월적인 신적인 존재나 절대적인 도덕규범에 의지함으로써 사라지는 것이 아니라 이제는 그것들에 대한 불안과 두려움으로 변형되어 나타난다. 즉 이제 사람들은 자신이 초월적인 신과 양심의 명령을 어기지 않았는지에 대해서 불안해하고 죄책감에 시달리게 되는 것이다. 아울러 초월적인 신과 도덕 에 대한 믿음은 육체와 대립된 순수한 정신내지 참된 자아를 상정함으로써 육체의 자연스런 본능과 충동을 억압하면서 사람들을 더욱 병적으로 만들게 된다.) 따라서 니체는 영혼을 근본적으로 치유하는 길은 초월적인 신이나 도덕 그리고 그것에 따르는 순수정신을 상정함으로써 가공의 위안을 제공하는 것이 아니라 인간이 자신의 운명을 스스로 흔쾌하게 짊어지고 긍정할 수 있을 정도로 건강하고 강인한 존재로 변하는 것이라고 본다. 이런 의미에서 니체는 자신을 영혼의 치유사라고 본다. 자신은 인류가 느끼고 있는 고통의 근본적인 원인을 탐색하고 그것을 치유할 수 있는 진정한 방법을 모색하는 자라는 것이다. 10)
이상에 입각해 볼 때 우리는 니체와 불교 사이에는 상당한 유사성이 성립한다는 사실을 알 수 있다. 불교가 계율을 사람들이 고통을 벗어나는 것을 돕는 방편으로 보는 것과 마찬가지로 니체도 모든 도덕규범을 힘에의 의지의 고양과 강화를 위한 수단으로 보고 있다. 즉 니체는 인간이 지켜야 할 도덕규범이 신이나 선험적인 양심에 의해서 주어진 무조건적이고 영원한 명령이라고 보는 것은 성스러운 거짓말'이라고 말하고 있으며) 기존의 모든 도덕규범은 인간 집단이 자신의 유지와 강화를 위해서 만들어낸 관습에 불과한 것으로 보고 있다. 12)
19) 니체, 「아침놀」, 박찬국 옮김, 아카넷, 2004년, 39번 참조. 10) 「아침놀」, 52번 참조.

니체는 모든 도덕규범은 인간이 자신의 삶을 건강하면서도 강인한 것
으로 만들어 나가는 것을 돕는 지침에 불과하다고 보는 것이며, 따라서 도덕규범과 인간의 힘의 유지와 강화 사이에 존재하는 인과관계를 냉철하게 성찰함으로써 인간이 자신의 잠재적인 능력을 최고도로 발휘할 수 있게 하는 규범내지 가치를 창조하는 것이 중요하다고 보고 있다.

IV. 불교에 대한 니체의 비판

니체 철학과 불교 사이에 존재하는 이러한 유사성을 근거로 하여 일부의 연구자들은 니체가 불교를 긍정적으로 보고 있을 뿐 아니라 더 나아가 불교에서 서양이 앞으로 지향해야 할 미래철학의 어떤 가능성을 보았다는 식으로 해석했다.13) 그러나 필자는 이러한 해석은 잘못된 것이라고 본다. 니체가 불교를 긍정적으로 평가했다고 하더라도 이러한 평가는 어디까지나 '기독교에 비해서 불교가 우월하다는 정도에 그치고 있을 뿐이다. 니체에게는 기독교 뿐 아니라 불교도 궁극적으로는 수동적인 니힐리즘이자 데카당한 종교에 지나지 않는다. 14) 니체는 불교에서 미래 철학의 가능성을 찾기보다는 오히려 당시의 유럽인들이 자신들이 처한 허무주의적인 상황으로부터의 출구를 불교에서 찾게 되지 않을까 크게 우려하고 있다. 주지하듯이 니체는 당시의 유럽인들이 전통형이상학과 기독교를 실질적으로는 더 이상 신봉하지 않게 되면서 삶의 의미와 가치를 상실하게 되는 허무주의적인 상황에 처해 있다고 보았다.15)
11) Der Anticchrist, 55번, 276쪽, 참조. 12) 「아침놀」, 9번, 참조. 13) 각주 1)에서 지적한 것처럼 곽만연이나 김정현의 연구에서 이러한 해석을 찾아 볼 수 있다. 14) Der Antichrist, 20번, 184쪽, 참조.

그리고 니체는 불교와 인도사상의 강력한 영향을 받은 쇼펜하우어의 철학이 당시의 유럽 지식인들 사이에서 크게 유행한 데서 볼 수 있는 것처럼 유럽인들이 자신들이 처한 허무주의적인 상황으로부터 출구를 불교에서 찾게 되지 않을까 걱정하고 있는 것이다. 니체는 이렇게 말하고 있다.
"어떤 사람은 원하지 않은 우울함과 유약함에 빠져 있으며, 거기에 속박되어 유럽은 새로운 불교에 위협받고 있는 것처럼 보인다.16)
심지어 니체는 쇼펜하우어의 철학이 유행하던 당시의 유럽의 정신 적 상황과 불교가 대두하던 당시의 인도의 상황이 어떤 면에서 상당한 유사성을 갖는다고 보았던 것 같다. 즉 니체는 당시의 유럽인들은 수천년에 걸친 기독교와 소크라테스적인 주지주의의 지배 아래에서 약해질 대로 약해졌고 피로해질대로 피로해졌다고 본 것이며17) 이러한 정신적인 상황에서 출현하여 사람들을 사로잡게 된 것이 쇼펜하 우어적인 철학이라고 보았던 것이다. 그리고 니체는 불교와 쇼펜하우어 철학은 유럽인들이 처한 허무주의적인 상황을 근본적으로 타개하는 열쇠가 되기보다는 오히려 내면적인 쾌활함과 평온을 제공함으로 써 유럽인들을 그러한 상황에 수동적으로 적응하게 만들 것이라고 보 았다. 18)
15) 니체는 「즐거운 학문의 한 단편에서 광인의 입을 빌어서 이러한 허무주의적 상황을 '신이 죽은 상황으로 묘사하고 있다. 이 단편에서 광인은 이러한 상황을 태양이 사라져서 사람들이 방향과 삶의 온기를 상실한 상태 에 비유하고 있다. 「즐거운 학문」, 니체 전집 12권, 안성찬 · 홍사현 옮김,

책세상, 2005, 125번, 199쪽 이하 참조. 16) 「선악의 저편 · 도덕의 계보」, 니체 전집 14권, 김정현 옮김, 책세상, 2002. 162쪽. 17) "우리 시대는 어떤 의미에서 부처의 시대가 그랬던 것처럼 성숙하다.(다시 말해서 퇴폐적이다)". KSA 13, 11[366], 162쪽(김진, '니체와 불교적 사유」,
「철학연구」 제89 집, 대한철학회, 2004, 25쪽에서 재인용).. 18) Robert G. Morrison, Nietzsche and Buddhism, A Study in Nihilism
and Ironic Affinities. Oxford& New York, Oxford University Press, 1997, 4쪽 이하 참조.

이런 맥락에서 니체는 불교가 삶에 대한 피로에서 비롯된 종교이고 불교에는 또한 삶에 대한 피로감이 깃들어 있다고 본다. 무엇보다도 니체는 현실과 삶의 본질을 고통으로 보는 불교의 염세주의에서 그러한 피로감의 냄새를 맡는다. 즉 니체는, 고통에서의 해방을 추구하면서 현실을 부정하고 고립된 내면의 평화에로 도피하려고 하는 불교의 밑바닥에는 고통에 대한 두려움이 작용하고 있다고 생각하며 불교가 고통을 이렇게 두려워하는 것은 힘에의 의지가 피로해지고 허약해졌기 때문이라고 보는 것이다. 이와 함께 니체는 그리스인들에게서 보이는 염세주의는 힘의 충일에서 비롯되는 강함의 염세주의이기에 현실의 고통과 대결하고 그것을 흔쾌하게 긍정하려고 하는 반면에, 불교와 근대 유럽인들에게서 보이는 염세주의는 몰락, 퇴폐, 약화된 본능에서 비롯된 약함의 염세주의 이기에 현실의 고통을 부정적으로만 보면서 내면의 평화 안으로 도피하려고 한다고 보고 있다.19) 다시 말해서 그리스인들은 고통을 자신의 힘을 강화하기 위한 계기로 생각하면서 고통을 요구하고 그것과 대결함으로써 자신을 강화하는 것과 아울러 그렇게 강화된 상태를 행복으로 생각하는 반면에, 불교는 고통을 두려워하기 때문에 괴로운 현실에서 도피함으로써 얻어지는 마음 의 평정을 행복이라고 생각한다는 것이다. 이런 관점에서 니체는 불교가 궁극적으로 목표하는 것은 '건강한 삶의 회복'이라기보다는 '고통으로부터의 해방' 정도에 불과한 것으로 본다. 니체가 생각하는 건강함은 고통으로부터 벗어나 단순히 마음의 온유함과 평화를 얻는 것과는 본질적으로 다르다. 즉 니체는 부처도 육체적으로 정신적으로 건강한 삶을 지향할지 모르지만 부처가 지향하는 건강한 상태와 자신이 지향하는 건강한 상태는 본질적으로 다르다고 보는 것이다. 니체는 건강한 삶은 단순히 온유함과 내적인 평화가 넘치는 삶이 아니라 오히려 힘이 충만한 삶이라고 보는 것이며 이러한 삶은 오히려 넘치는 힘 때문에 고통을 요구할 수 있다고 본다.
19) 『비극의 탄생, 박찬국 옮김, 아카넷, 2007, 14쪽. 또한 다음을 참조할 것.
「바그너의 경우 우상의 황혼 · 안티 크리스트 - 이 사람을 보라 - 디오니소스 송가 니체 대 바그너」, 니체 전집 15권, 백승영 옮김, 책세상, 2002. 201 쪽 이하 참조.

우리는 이렇게 고통을 요구하는 정신이야말로 니체의 영원회귀 사상을 규정하는 운명애의 정신이라고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 즉 니체는 안이한 행복의 추구는 인간의 가능성을 잠재우는 기능을 하는 반면에 고통스런 운명을 흔쾌하게 긍정하는 것은 인간을 어떠한 역경에서도 의연한 품위와 긍지를 유지하는 고귀한 인간으로 만든다고 보는 것이며 이렇게 극복되는 고통의 크기에 비례해서 인간의 강함과 기쁨도 커진다고 보는 것이다. 요컨대 니체는 자신은 이른바 삶에 대한 디오니소스적 긍정을 주창하는 것에 반해서 불교는 삶에 대한 허무주의적인 부정을 주창하고 있다고 보는 것이다.20)

V. 니체의 불교관에 대한 비판적 검토-고통의 문제를 중심으로

우리는 이상에서 불교에 대한 니체의 해석과 비판을 살펴보았다. 그러나 이러한 해석과 비판은 얼마나 타당한 것인가? 인도철학과 불교 그리고 니체철학을 상당히 깊이 있게 연구한 것으로 보이는 유다 유타카와 같은 사람은 불교에 대한 니체의 비판을 그대로 수용하면서 고통에 대한 입장에서 부처와 니체는 전적으로 서로 대립된 태도를 보인다고 말하고 있다. 그에 따르면 니체는 부처처럼 고통을 두려워하면서 병과 고통이 없는 무병 평안한 상태를 추구하는 것이 아니라 오히려 병과 고통을 견디고 극복함으로써 보다 큰 힘과 기쁨 그리고 건강을 획득하려고 한다는 것이다.21) 이와 함께 유다 유타카는 니체는 생성을 긍정하고 사랑하지만 부처는 생성과 삶을 고통스럽고 무가치한 것으로 보면서 부정하고 절멸시키려고 한다고 주장하고 있으며 부처의 연기설은 경험적인 인격이 어떻게 생성하는 지를 보여주는 과정의 철학이지만 그것은 동시에 생성의 프로세스 조차 폐기하는 허무주의적인 철학이라고 단정하고 있다. 22)
20) 니체 철학이 갖는 이러한 디오니소스적 긍정의 성격에 대해서는 백승영, 「디오니소스적 긍정의 철학, 책세상, 2005, 108 이하를 참조. 니체는 「도덕의 계보」에서 열반을 향한 불교도의 갈망은 허무에의 갈망에 지나지 않는다고 말하고 있다. 선악의 저편 · 도덕의 계보」, 니체 전집 14권, 김정현 옮김, 책세상, 2002. 361쪽 참조. 21) 田, 「 T vs. =-I」, 大東出版社, 2001, 86쪽 이하 참조. 두행

필자는 인간이 보다 성숙하고 강화되기 위해서 정신적인 것이든 육체적인 것이든 고통이 필요하다는 니체의 말에 동의한다. 인간은 고통과의 대결을 통해서 자신에게 숨어 있던 잠재적인 힘을 일깨우고 보다 강하면서도 깊이 있는 인간이 될 수 있는 반면에, 무사태평과 안일만을 추구하면서 소극적으로 처신하는 인간은 자신의 잠재적인 가능성과 능력을 개발하지 못하는 범용한 인간이 된다. 따라서 진정으로 강하고 자신의 고양을 원하는 자는 니체가 말하는 것처럼 고통을 두려워하지 않을 뿐 아니라 오히려 그것을 요구한다고도 할 수 있다.
그런데 과연 불교는 니체와 유다 유타카가 보는 것처럼 고통을 그렇게 두려워하고 고통을 그렇게 부정적인 것으로만 보는가? 그리고 불교는 과연 생성하는 현실과 삶 자체를 고통으로 보면서 그것에서 도피하려고 하는가? 유다 유타카의 주장에 반(反)해서 필자는 오히려 다음과 같은 주장을 펴고자 한다.
첫째로, 부처가 우리의 생성소멸하는 삶과 현실이 고통이라고 말할 경우에 부처는 니체가 주장하는 것처럼 생성소멸하는 삶과 현실 자체
가 고통이라고 말하는 것이 아니라 갈애와 집착에 사로잡혀 있는 일상적이고 비본래적인 삶만을 고통스런 것으로 보았다는 것이다. 따라서 부처가 부정하고 가치를 인정하지 않는 것은 삶과 현실 자체가 아니라 일상적이고 비본래적인 삶과 현실뿐이다.

숙도 유다 유타카와 동일한 지적을 하고 있다. 즉 두행숙 역시 불교가 삶 의 고동을 부정적으로만 보지 않았고 모든 종류의 집착과 고통에서 벗어 나는 것을 목표하는 반면에 니체에서의 최고의 목표는 이 고동들을 견디 면서 긍정하는 것이었다고 말하고 있다. 두 행숙, 「프리드리히 니체의 동 양사상으로의 접근과 일탈에 대한 고찰」, 「카프카 연구」, 제8집, 한국카프카학회, 2000, 81 쪽 참조. 22) 田豊, 위의 책, 109, 213, 217, 234쪽 참조.

둘째로, 부처는 니체가 비판하는 것처럼 고통이 갖는 긍정적인 의의와 가치를 인정하지 않으면서 모든 종류의 고통을 부정하고 제거하려고 하는 것이 아니라 오히려 이러한 갈애와 집착에서 비롯되는 고통만을 극복하려고 했을 뿐이라는 것이다. 셋째로, 부처는 우리가 이러한 고통을 극복하기 위해서는 일상적이 고 비본래적인 삶이 제공하는 그 모든 위로와 위안에도 불구하고 그러한 삶의 본질이 바로 고통이라는 사실을 꿰뚫어보면서 그러한 위로와 위안을 거부하는 '위대한 고통'을 감수해야만 한다고 가르치고 있으며, 이와 함께 부처는 니체와 마찬가지로 일정한 고통이 갖는 긍정적인 의의와 가치를 인정하고 있다는 것이다.

1. 세 번째 주장의 정당화: 불교 역시 '위대한 고통'을 감수할 것을 요구한다.

필자는 우선 세 번째 주장을 정당화하는 데서부터 시작하고자 한다. 불교는 우리가 일상적으로 보통 고통이라고 생각하는 것뿐만 아니라 일상적으로 경험하는 즐거움이나 무사태평한 마음조차도 고통이라고 본다. 그러한 즐거움이나 무사태평한 마음조차도 우리가 예상하지 못하는 조건들에 의해서 언제 부서질지 모르는 무상한 것이기 때문에 그것들에 집착할 경우 우리는 곧 실망과 허망을 맛보게 된다. 따라서 불교는 우리가 보통 경험하는 즐거움들마저도 고통으로 본다. 그러나 대부분의 사람들은 우리의 일상적인 비본래적 삶 전체가 고통이라는 것을 깨닫지 못하고 일상이 제공하는 알량한 쾌락이나 우리가 허구적으로 만들어낸 신이나 내세 등의 관념에 의지하여 일상적인 비본래적 삶의 실상에 대해서 눈을 감으려고 한다. 이와 함께 불교는 우리가 이러한 상태에서 벗어나기 위해서는 우리의 일상적인 비본래적 삶의 본질이 사실상은 고통이라는 사실을 우선적으로 직시해야 한다고 본다. 따라서 불교는 일상적인 비본래적 현실이 제공하는 작은 즐거움이나 쾌락 혹은 전통적인 종교나 신화 등이 제공하는 위안의 허구성을 철저하게 드러내면서 결국 우리가 살고 있는 일상적인 비본래적 현실과 삶은 우리가 갈애와 집착과 함께 그것에게 아무리 의미와 목표를 부여하려고 해도 사실은 아무런 의미도 목표도 없이 흘러가는 것일 뿐이라는 사실 앞에 직면하게 한다. 그런데 이러한 사실에 직면하고 그것을 인정하는 것이야말로 가장 큰 고통이라고 할 수 있다. 니체 자신도 말하고 있지만 인간에게 가장 고통스런 것은 삶 전체가 무의미하게 나타나는 것이다.23) 사람들 은 자신의 삶이 의미가 있다고 생각하면 어떠한 고통도 짊어질 수 있다. 그러나 삶이 아무런 의미도 목표도 없이 덧없이 흘러가는 것이라면 우리는 고통을 견디고 짊어질 이유도 상실하게 되는 것이며 바
로 이러한 허무주의적 상태야말로 인간에게는 가장 고통스런 상태라
는 것이 니체의 생각이었다. 그러나 이렇게 일상적이고 비본래적인 삶의 허무주의적인 실상을 직시하는 것이야말로 가장 큰 고통이기에 사람들은 그러한 사실에 직면하려고 하지 않고 일상이 제공하는 작은
즐거움이나 쾌락으로 도피하거나 아니면 내세나 피안에서의 행복을 약속하는 종교에 의존하고 아니면 미래의 장밋빛 유토피아를 약속하는 정치적 이데올로기에 집착하는 것이다. 이에 대해서 부처는 이러한 모든 도피와 집착이 헛된 것임을 밝히면서 왜 우리에게 일상적인 현실이 그렇게 고통스런 것인지를 철저하게 반성하고 그러한 고통의 원인이 되는 것을 철저하게 뿌리 뽑을 것을 촉구한다. 그리고 불교는 일상적인 삶의 고통의 극복과 함께 인간은 새로운 인간으로 다시 태어나고 그 전에 숨겨져 있던 자신의 위대한 가능성을 구현하게 된다고 본다.24) 다시 말해서 니체 못지않게 불교는 우리에게 잠들어 있는 위대한 잠재적 가능성을 해방하기 위해서는 자신의 일상적인 삶 전체에 우리가 아무리 가공의 의미와 목표를 덧붙여도 그것은 사실은 아무런 목표도 의미도 없이 죽음을 향해가는 것일 뿐이라는 사실을 꿰뚫어 보는 가장 큰 고통을 감내할 것을 요청하는 것이다.
23) 니체는 이렇게 말하고 있다.
"가장 용감하고 고동에 익숙한 동물인 인간은 고동 그 자체를 부정하는 것은 아니다. 인간에게 고동의 의미나 고동의 목적이 밝혀진다고 한다면, 인간은 고동을 바라고, 고동 자체를 찾기도 한다. 지금까지 인류 위로 널리 퍼져 있던 저주는 고동이 아니라, 고동의 무의미였다. 선악의 저편 · 도덕의 계보, 540쪽. 24) 인간에게 깃들어 있는 이러한 위대한 잠재성을 불교에서는 불성이나 여래장 혹은 진여심이라고 불렀다.

이와 함께 우리는 니체가 불교도는 고통에 대한 지나친 감수성으로 인해서 너무 쉽게 고통을 느낀다고 보고 있지만 진정한 불교도가 고통으로 여기는 것은 사실은 자그마한 상처나 병 등이 아니라 일상적인 비본래적 삶 전체의 무상함이라고 말할 수 있을 것이다. 진정한 불교도는 자그마한 상처에도 호들갑을 떠는 예민하고 섬약(纖弱)한 인간이 아니라 오히려 일상적인 비본래적 삶 전체와 세계의 근본적인 무상함과 분열에 대해서 근본적으로 회의를 느끼면서 고뇌하는 정신적 깊이를 갖춘 인간이다. 이 점에서 우리는 불교도야말로 니체가 『비극의 탄생」에서 그리스인들이 다른 민족들에 비하여 유난하게 강하게 갖고 있다고 말하는 '고뇌에 대한 능력'을 가지고 있다고 말할 수 있다. 니체는 비극의 탄생』에서 비극이 탄생할 당시의 그리스인들은 극히 섬세하고 극히 강렬하게 고통을 느낄 수 있는 유일한 민족이라고 보고 있다. 이렇게 고통을 느낄 수 있는 능력이란 단순히 사소한 고통에도 민감하다는 것이 아니라 세계가 서로 대립하고 투쟁하는 개체들로 분열되어 있다는 사실과 만물의 사멸성에 대해 고뇌할 수 있는 능력이다. 이 점에서 니체는 그리스인들의 정신을 명랑성에서 찾는 빙켈만식의 그리스 문화 해석에 대해서 극히 비판적이었다. 니체는 자신의 견해를 뒷받침하는 예로서 저 유명한 실레노스의 말을 인용하고 있다. 미다스 왕이 디오니소스의 시종인 현자(賢者) 실레노스에게 인간에게 가장 좋고 가장 훌륭한 것이 무엇인지를 물어 보았을 때 실레노스는 이렇게 말하고 있다.
"하루살이 같은 가련한 족속이여, 우연과 고난의 자식들이여, 그대는 왜 나에게 그대가 듣지 않는 것이 그대에게 가장 복된 일인 것을 말하도록 강요하는가? 가장 좋은 것은 그대가 절대로 이룰 수 없는 것이다. 그것은 태어나지 않는 것이며 존재하지 않는 것이고 무로 존재하는 것이다. 그러나 그대에게 차선의 것이 있다면 그것은 바로 죽는 것이다."25)
니체는 삶 전체를 고통으로 여길 수 있는 이러한 능력은 세계를 지배하고 있는 분열과 갈등을 극복하면서 디오니소스적인 합일을 이루려는 욕구가 강한 민족일수록 그러한 고뇌도 크다고 본다. 즉 니체 는 비극의 탄생」에서는 고뇌에 대한 능력은 디오니소스적인 합일에 의 욕구와 통한다고 보는 것이다. 그리고 니체는 그리스인들 못지않게 이러한 디오니소스적인 성향은 불교를 낳은 인도민족에게도 강력하게 존재했다고 보고 있다.26) 그런데 『안티크리스트』에서 불교가 고통에 민감한 생리적인 조건에 서 탄생했다고 말할 때의 니체는 불교도가 갖는 고통에 대한 민감성은 그리스인들이 갖고 있던 민감성과 동일한 성질이라고 보고 있는 것 같지가 않다. 니체는 불교가 현실을 아무런 목표도 의미도 없이 덧없이 흘러가는 것으로 봄으로써 사람들을 허무주의적인 현실 앞에 서 직면하게 한다는 사실을 인정함으로써 어떤 면에서 불교는 자신의 영원회귀사상과 상통하는 측면을 갖고 있다는 사실을 인정하면서도, 불교가 현실을 그렇게 무상하고 덧없는 것으로 보는 것은 삶에 대한 피로감과 의지가 허약함 때문이라고 말하고 있다.

25) 비극의 탄생』, 72쪽 이하. 26) 『비극의 탄생』, 252쪽 이하 참조. 물론 니체는 여기서 인도인들과 그리스인들 사이에 본질적인 차이가 있다고 본다. 즉 인도인들은 아폴론적인 성향은 미약하게밖에 가지고 있지 않았기 때문에 불교적인 현실도피와 은둔을 택할 수밖에 없었던 반면에, 그리스인들은 디오니소스적인 성향 못지않게 현실을 존중하는 아폴론적인 성향도 강력하게 가지고 있었기 때문에 현실에서 도피하지 않고 페르시아 전쟁에서 승리할 수도 있었다는 것이다. 이런 의미에서 니체는 고동에 민감한 그리스인들은 삶의 의지에 대한 불교적 부정을 동경할 수 있는 위험에 처해 있었지만 이러한 위험에서 그리스인들을 구해준 것이 바로 아폴론적인 정신과 디오니소스적인 정신을 결합한 비극과 비극정신이라고 보고 있는 것이다. 아울러 니체는 인도인들이 강한 디오니소스적인 성향은 가지고 있었지만 아폴론적인 성향을 결여하고 있었기 때문에 현실도피와 은둔에 빠진 반면에, 로마인들은 디오니소스적인 성향은 별로 갖지 못하고 아폴론적인 성향만을 가지고 있었기 때문에 세계정복을 통해서 세계제국을 건설하는 세속적인 욕망의 길로 나가게 되었다고 보고 있다.

즉 니체는 허무주의를 능동적 허무주의와 수동적 허무주의로 나누면서, 능동적 허무주의는 상승된 정신력의 징후로서 정신력이 기존 목표들( 확신들과 신조들)이 그에게 더 이상은 적합하지 않게 될 정도로 증대하는 결과가 생기는 것인 반면에 수동적 허무주의는 약함의 징후로서 정신력이 지쳐버리고 고갈된 결과 생긴 것으로 보고 있다.27) 그리고 니체는 불교와 니체 당시의 유럽의 지식인들 사이에서 유행했던 쇼펜하우어식의 염세주의는 수동적인 허무주의라고 보고 있는 것이다. 그러나 필자는 불교는 오히려 상승된 정신력의 결과 기존의 모든 고정된 종교교리나 현실이 제공하는 값싼 즐거움들을 부정하는 것이며 이러한 철저한 부정과 함께 그 어떠한 고통이나 즐거움도 담담히 수용할 수 있는 강한 정신력을 갖게 된다고 생각된다. 따라서 필자는 불교의 출발점이 고통에 대한 민감성이라고 할 때 그러한 민감성은 문명화된 사회에서 히스테리컬한 여인들이 가질 수 있는 허약한 민감성과는 달리 그리스인들이 가지고 있었던 고통에 대한 능력과 동일하다고 필자는 생각한다. 이러한 민감성은 삶에 대한 피로와 허약함에서 비롯되는 것이 아니라 오히려 키르케고르가 말하는 것처럼 정신적인 깊이에서 비롯된다고 볼 수 있는
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 15, 2021, 12:36:12 PM
spaceon пишет:
Среди нас Атланты выжившие. Их 50 000 на Земле осталось. Они оккупанты Земли и многих других планет! Агрессоры. И когда Галактическая федерация убьёт их, ну или не полностью, тогда и получиться первый контакт с внеземной цивилизацией и передача технологий людям! Смотрите Яндекс Дзен! И наливайте! :lol:

ААААААААААААААААААААААААААА!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Галактическая федерация11!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

По эффективности громкий пропагандистский блюз превосходит Übermensch Goebbels.
Мы не знаем Галактическую Федерацию.
Мы - надразумы из космоса и царства мысли.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 16, 2021, 06:09:02 AM
그 나이가 아깝다

갱상도 보리문딩이들이 꼭 제 이름붙이는거 좋아하더라.
그거 좃빠지게 꼴보기싫은거 니는 잘 모르지?
습관적으로 이름붙이는거 남들이 싫어한다는거 전혀 몰라.
갱상도에서는 통할지 모르지만 유튜브는 갱상도가 아니야.
강호동이 예능에서 툭하면 "호동이가" "호동이가" 어쩌구 저쩌구 하는거 보는 사람들 진짜 개병신으로 본다.
그거 조폭들 말투야.
유호성/장동건 주연 조폭영화 "친구"에 나오는 조폭들 말투야 상놈아 그거.
그러니까 니 이름은 빼.
니 유튜브라는거 다들 아니까 박상후처럼 인트로는 간단히 인사만 해.
"안녕하세요, 오늘은 많이 춥습니다." 정도로 끝내.
이름과 호 빼고 간단하잖아.
그리고 '클라스'라는 말은 니 이름 붙이는거보다 더 듣기싫다.
니는 병짝 수준이야. 그로니까 니가 클라스라고 자찬하는거 부터가 니 수준 더 떨구는거다.

철학하는 얼라들 사이에서 박충일하면 병신으로 봐 병짝아.
빈깡통 잘난척하는 병짝.
니가 하는 말 구글로 번역해서 직접봐라 니가 무슨소리했나.
니 잘났다고 떠드는게 절반이야.
니 50분 동안 떠든 잡소리 A4 용지로 두 장도 채 안돼.
그것도 돈내놔라 강요고 니 자랑이 절반이야.
요점도 없어 남들 다아는 몇마디 멘트 나불거리고 끝이야.
그게 뭐가 클라쓰니.

요즘 우리가 하는 말 어떻게든 써먹고 싶어서 니 잡소리에 몇마디씩 섞는데, 쓰고싶으면 돈부터 내.
그리고 그딴식으로 얘기하면 누가 알아듣냐.
니가 말하는 원본부터 설명주고 니가 그 말하는 이유를 설명해.
아니면 유튜브에 우리가 올린 원본 전체를 올려놓고 설명하든가.
사이비 무당 천공처럼 영업비밀은 공개주는게 아니다 헛소리보태겠다면 쓰지마라. 마지막 경고다.

민감한 문제 거들먹거리면 나중에 니만 피본다 병짝아.
니같은 놈들 지난 10여년간 많이 봐왔구 아빠 조롱하다가 퇴출된 얼라들 많다.

세상은 신화인들이 꽉잡고 움직인다.
기미만 보여도 요주의 인물된다.
올봄에 아빠 구글/유튜브도 이유없이 사라졌다.
그래서 갸들이 통제 못하는 B급 전기카페에 글 올리는거다.
벼룩이 간 내먹는건 니맴이지만,
니 유튜브도 사라질 수 있다는거 명심해라.
물론 독일에서 학위 따는건 포기해야 할게다.
이미 소문 퍼졌다.
앞으로 유튜브로 먹고사니즘하겠다면 관련 단어 일절 끊어라.


시편 91편
1   지존자의 은밀한 곳에 거하는 자는 전능하신 자의 그늘 아래 거하리로다
2   내가 여호와를 가리켜 말하기를 저는 나의 피난처요 나의 요새요 나의 의뢰하는 하나님이라 하리니
3   이는 저가 너를 새 사냥군의 올무에서와 극한 염병에서 건지실 것임이로다
4   저가 너를 그 깃으로 덮으시리니 네가 그 날개 아래 피하리로다 그의 진실함은 방패와 손 방패가 되나니
5   너는 밤에 놀램과 낮에 흐르는 살과
6   흑암 중에 행하는 염병과 백주에 황폐케 하는 파멸을 두려워 아니하리로다
7   천인이 네 곁에서, 만인이 네 우편에서 엎드러지나 이 재앙이 네게 가까이 못하리로다
8   오직 너는 목도하리니 악인의 보응이 네게 보이리로다
9   네가 말하기를 여호와는 나의 피난처시라 하고 지존자로 거처를 삼았으므로
10   화가 네게 미치지 못하며 재앙이 네 장막에 가까이 오지 못하리니
11   저가 너를 위하여 그 사자들을 명하사 네 모든 길에 너를 지키게 하심이라
12   저희가 그 손으로 너를 붙들어 발이 돌에 부딪히지 않게 하리로다
13   네가 사자와 독사를 밟으며 젊은 사자와 뱀을 발로 누르리로다
14   하나님이 가라사대 저가 나를 사랑한즉 내가 저를 건지리라 저가 내 이름을 안즉 내가 저를 높이리라
15   저가 내게 간구하리니 내가 응답하리라 저희 환난 때에 내가 저와 함께하여 저를 건지고 영화롭게 하리라
16   내가 장수함으로 저를 만족케 하며 나의 구원으로 보이리라 하시도다

Psalms 91 [NASB]    
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!"
For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper And from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.
You will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the arrow that flies by day;
Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.
A thousand may fall at your side And ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not approach you.
You will only look on with your eyes And see the recompense of the wicked.
For you have made the LORD, my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place.
No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent.
For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.
They will bear you up in their hands, That you do not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and cobra, The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.
"Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
"He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.
"With a long life I will satisfy him And let him see My salvation."


Where is the lightning to lick you with its tongue? where is the madness with which you should be cleansed? behold, i show you the superman. he is this lightning, he is this madness.
ㅡ Friedrich Nietzsche ㅡ

니체는 신을 죽인 뒤, 번개로 어둠/허무로 성서 신의 정체 까발려 발본색원(拔本塞源)했다.
현상계로 내동댕이쳐진 이상 철학적 명제도 없고,
말도 필요없다.
조로아스터 입을 빌려 까발렸고,
불교 부처에게 달려드는 척 어둠/허무 까발리다 말고, 똥눟고 밑닦다 말았다.

,,Ich habe meinen Regenschirm vergessen."
ㅡ Friedrich Nietzsche ㅡ

Wer unter dem Schirm des Höchsten sitzt
und unter dem Schatten des Allmächtigen bleibt,
der spricht zu dem Herrn:

Meine Zuversicht und meine Burg,
mein Gott, auf den ich hoffe.
(Psalm 91,1f)

Wer es nachschlagen möchte: Es ist die Ziffer 12/175 in der großen Nietzsche-Ausgabe von Colli und Montinari.(Vgl. Thomas Hürlimann: Nietzsches Regenschirm, 2. Aufl., Frankfurt 2015, 10.) Der Satz steht dort völlig ohne Zusammenhang, dafür aber in Anführungszeichen. Alle philosophischen Deutungsversuche blieben bisher ohne nennenswerten Erfolg. Alle bis auf den von Thomas Hürlimann in seinem kleinen Büchlein ,Nietzsches Regenschirm'. Darin ist zu lesen, dass Friedrich Nietzsche einen roten Regenschirm hatte. Außerdem wird erläutert, weshalb Wanderer in jener Zeit stets den Schirm mitnahmen und das Haus nicht verließen, ohne einen Blick nach oben zu werfen, zu den Wolken und zu den Göttern. Ich lese ein Stück daraus vor:

Auch Friedrich Nietzsche wusste es nicht. Deshalb ist er nie ohne seinen roten Schirm aus dem Haus gegangen. Aber obwohl er seinen Schirm immer dabeihatte, war Nietzsche gänzlich unbeschirmt. Im Christentum sah er eine gefährliche Schwächung aller edlen Eigenschaften des Menschen. Deshalb hob er die fundamentale Teilung des abendländischen Denkens auf: Nicht mehr Himmel und Erde, Diesseits und Jenseits, Gott und Mensch. ,,Damit war Gott tot, die alte Heimat verloren, er aber, der Über- und Nachmensch, musste im Unbegrenzten, im ,gefährlichen Vielleicht', weiterexistieren"(A.a.O., 39.). Mit seinem roten Schirm, doch gänzlich unbeschirmt. Nietzsches rätselhafte Notiz vom vergessenen Regenschirm bekommt vor diesem Hintergrund eine ganz neue Dimension...

니가 성기(프로이드 태양신전 급낮춤 전용)가 어쩌구 저쩌구 헛소리 안해도 니체의 잃어버린 빨간 우산은 태양신전 발본색원용이다.
유럽이라고 이걸 모르겠냐.
다 안다.
그들이 그대로 표현한거다.
유대인 홀로코스트 독일은 특히나 더.
유대인은 영화/문화/철학에 응용해도 기독교 기반 서양인은 알아도 안쓴다.
발본색원은 처지의 문제다.


민감한 문제를 떠나서 그들의 종교/철학 근본을 흔드는 일이다.
고대이집트철학은 태양신화를 찬양했다.
고대희랍철학은 제우스 신화를 찬양했다.
고대로마철학은 이집트/희랍신화에 보태서 찬양했다.
독일철학이 루터 기독교 신화 외면하고 까발리려했다면 벌써 니체 이전부터 했을게다.
현대철학이 신화 인용 차원을 넘어 까발리면 빨간 우산 잃어버린 니체 치는거다.
예수는 신이 아니다.
신을 죽인 니체는 아직까지 태양신전 편이다.

태양 아래 살면서 태양을 비판하면 어둠편이다.
어둠 아래 살면서 어둠을 비판하면 태양편이다.
이도저도 아닌 박쥐는 달의 편이다.
어느 편도 아니기로 마음먹었다면 죽었다.
학위 하나없는 니편은 너 자신밖에 없다.

아빠라고 오랜시간 고심이 없었겠냐.
뭣도 모르는 병짝이 이제사 안 얄팍한 지식 나대고파 절대금기의 둑을 무니면 니들이 나대고픈 비밀과 함께 순식간에 묻힌다.
인터넷에 떠도는 소문들 마소/구글만 통제해도 한순간에 사라진다.
세상을 지배하는 신화인들이 한반도를 북괴/중국에 내주기로 마음 먹었다면 돌이킬 수 없다.
위험을 감수하겠다면 결과는 니들몫이다.

박쥐와 니 자신 편은 소크라테스도 구해주지 못한다.

테스형은 정동남이 제일 잘부른다.
원곡가수 나훈나보다 훨씬 낫다.

I will wait for you (1964 Les parapluies de Cherbourg) Michel Legrand

Singing In The Rain(1952)

번개/어둠이란 이름의 광기.
A madness in the name of lightning/darkness.
광기의 역사.
Madness and Civilization.
여호와의 광기.
Jehovah's Civilization.

초인은 신을 죽인 니체의 자화상이다.
Übermensch ist ein Selbstporträt von Nietzsche, der Gott getötet hat.
Übermensch is a self-portrait of Nietzsche who killed God.
Übermensch - это автопортрет Ницше, убившего Бога.
Übermensch est un autoportrait de Nietzsche qui a tué Dieu.
Übermensch to autoportret Nietzschego, który zabił Boga.
Το Übermensch είναι μια αυτοπροσωπογραφία του Νίτσε που σκότωσε τον Θεό.
Übermensch 是尼采殺死上帝的自畫像。
Übermensch è un autoritratto di Nietzsche che ha ucciso Dio.
אוברמנש הוא דיוקן עצמי של ניטשה שהרג את אלוהים.


아펩뱀 죽인 개구리신 이름이 Upu다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 16, 2021, 09:44:02 AM
lancaIV :

positron electron annihilation process

Thermodynamics : all in and above 0°K spectrum ,temperature/pressure/volume condition
but : https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/01/130104143516.htm
and "negative Kelvin" : https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2013.12146

The question stays :

this process "positron(neagtive electron) electron annihilation" and/or the process"pair production" ,
                                                         with endothermic or exothermic enthalpy result ?
                                                                  internal/external energy observation !
By taking mass as a component of heat as a given, Hasenöhrl extended his previous considerations beyond the electromagnetic field of charged objects to a more general thought experiment that was very similar to Einstein's considerations of the following year, from which E = mc 2emerged.




Dad's land-thermometer can measure up to 70 degrees Celsius.
A thermometer used to measure the earth's temperature during agricultural work in the past.
When using the 494-2110 combination push-pull circuit, the grenade coil often rose to 70 degrees Celsius 30 minutes after the start of the experiment (winter).
40mm PVC pipe is bent.
In the past, my father sometimes explained.
In the 494-4420 combination, the temperature did not exceed 60 degrees Celsius even in Northern Hemisphere summer 12 hours after the start of the experiment.


When the generator works, the situation becomes very serious.
494-2110 combination.
494-4421 (4451) combination.
The grenade coils and even the circuits generate so much heat that they are hard to touch.
If the generator runs for 5 minutes, it rises to 70 degrees.
A special cooling system is required.

Получение энергии из качера

The fan is a temporary measure for 200W.
Above 1kw, a new cooling system is required.

for example,

Coriant and Engineered Fluids at OFC18 - Dielectric Coolant Solution
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Kombinator898 on December 16, 2021, 09:50:00 AM
This is control Tesla packet`s signal on PP

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 16, 2021, 01:11:05 PM
[단독 생방송] 김건희와 통화한 구영식 기자의 취재후기 (2021.12.15 오후)

김의겸 "김건희 재직증명서 직인, 원본과 달라...위조 가능성"
(서울=연합뉴스) 정수연 기자 = 열린민주당 김의겸 의원이 16일 국민의힘 윤석열 대선 후보의 배우자 김건희 씨와 관련, "김씨가 수원여대에 제출한 재직증명서 직인이 원본과 다르다"고 주장했다.
김 의원은 이날 자료를 내고 "한국게임산업협회 재직증명서에 찍힌 회장 직인과 해당 협회가 문체부에 제출한 문서 속 직인이 완전히 다르다"며 이같이 밝혔다.
김 의원은 "직인 만 다른 게 아니다"며 "문서번호 양식 자체도 확연하게 다르다"고 했다.
김 의원은 이에 "이에 따라 김씨가 주장하듯 단순히 실수가 작용한 게 아니라 고의로 문서를 위조했을 가능성이 한층 높아졌다"고 지적했다.
그러면서 "조국 전 장관의 부인 정경심 씨는 표창장 위조로 징역 5년을 받고 복역 중"이라며 "윤 후보가 검찰총장 당시 엄중한 잣대를 들이댔던 만큼 자신의 가족에 대해서도 같은 기준을 적용해야 한다"고 밝혔다.

의겸이가 일반미-쥴리 웨이터까정 확보했다는디? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
조남옥은 언제 출두허능겨? ;D ;D ;D ;D
발등에 불떨어졌다 천공아~ ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 16, 2021, 01:35:13 PM
końcówka filmu 2 test btg przesunięcie TT po PP

Słabe wyposażenie pomocnicze zwiększa motywację do eksperymentowania.
Ten, kto się nie poddaje, w końcu wygrywa.
,,Chociaż twój początek był nieznaczny, jednak twój koniec znacznie wzrośnie."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 08:32:52 AM
김건희님 이연숙 교수님 아시죠???? 진짜 교수님이요~

wg c
22시간 전
저는 이연숙교수를 잘알고 회사1년후배입니다 그분의 이력을 도용한 파렴치한 인간은 정말 천벌을받아야합니다

22시간 전
우선 이연숙 교수님의 명복을빕니다. 후배분 혹시 교수님의 사인 아시나요?

wg c
22시간 전
@V E R A  태평양직원으로 같은부서에 근무했으며 퇴직후 교수로 활동하다가 11년전 대장암으로 세상을 떠났다고만 알고있습니다. 그리고 돌아가시기3개월전 저희사무실에서3일간 파견근무도했었는데 고인을 이런식으로 도용하는게 천벌을 받아야합니다

22시간 전
@wg c  답변 감사드리고. 몇줄의 답글로도 그분이 얼마나 열심히 삶을 사셨는지 보이네요. 네 이런일은 인간의벌과 하늘의벌을 다 받아야 합니다.

21시간 전
선생님 혹시 인터뷰 가능하시면 연락부탁드립니다 제  카톡ID

come& behold
19시간 전
3개월전이면 그 때가 거의 말기였을 텐데
말기환자가 회사근무가 가능한가요??
대장암 진단한 병원까지 확인되기 전에는
의심이 가시지 않을 거 같군요.

wg c
14시간 전
@come& behold  저도 조금은 황당했습니다 사실 파견근무시 얼굴이 많이 안좋아보여서 혹시 피곤해서 그런가 싶었는데 대장암 진단은 이연숙 동기분에게 들은 얘기라서 그렇게만 알고있었지요

13시간 전
이연숙 교수의 사인이 대장암이라 카더라
이거 덮으려고 누군가가 의도적으로 소문 내는건 아닌가요?
수상하네요. 누군가에게 들었다며 대장암이었다고 슬쩍 글 올리는 몇몇 아이디가 있네요

12시간 전
이연숙 교수의 음성만 들어도 믿음이 가는분이었을듯...뭔가 사인에 의심가는 부분은 없었는지...참 안타깝습니다.

12시간 전
@wg c  당시에는 권력과 결탁하면 사람 하나 쉽게 보낼 수 있는 시기여서...조작도 난무하구요. 병원기록이 나오기 전까지는....

조올t 영문법
11시간 전
책임감이 강하고 후배를 사랑하는 마음이. 강하면 그보다 다한 고통이 수반되어도 근무할 수 있습니다 직접 겪어본 경험이


쥴리 이년은 파면 팔수록 블랙홀이다 진짜.... 하.. ;D ;D
11년전에 대장암으로 죽은 국민대 동문 이연숙 교수 사칭하고 있으니....참말로 ....

영화 <스쿨 오브 락, The School of Rock>에서 잭 블랙이 친구 이름 사칭하고 초등학교 교사로 취직하는건 애들 장난 수준이다... 8) 8)

죽은 사람 사칭하는 주제의 영화가 원체 많으니 ... 8)

김건희 이연숙 교수 관련한 건 유튜브로 검색도 안되게 막아놔가 주소로 찾지 않으면 못찾는다. 8)
이놈들이 벌써 손써놨다. ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 08:49:42 AM

국민대기준 김건희 공소시효가 2023년까지다.
이연숙이 선배인지 후배인지 밝혀내라.
대장암 사망 아니다.
특별한 살인음모있다.
돈이면 다되는 세상 아니드냐.

[긴급방송] 특종! 윤석열 캠프 '정치공작 배후' 잡았다!

[폴리뉴스 인터뷰] 국민의당 비전과 정책, 김윤 서울시당위원장


nodir пишет: Вы готовы прислушаться? Возможно вы узнаете нечто интересное?

я уже давным давно прислушивался
85. Tesla 'Harnesses' Cosmic Energy, Philadelphia Public Ledger, Philadelphia, November 2nd, 1933.
тесла в 1933 году ещё не знал как получить лишнюю энергию. по его словам источником лишней энергии является солнце
Доктор Тесла сказал, что центральным источником космической энергии для земли является солнце, но "ночь не прервет поток нового источника питания

вот тоже 32 год
84. The Eternal Source of Energy of the Universe, Origin and Intensity of Cosmic Rays, New York, October 13th, 1932
Однако существуют солнца на расстояниях во многие тысячи световых лет, и очевидно, что практически никакой свет от них не может достичь Земля. Но если эти солнца испускают лучи, значительно более проникающие, чем лучи света, они будут слегка затемнены, и поэтому совокупное количество излучений, льющихся на землю со всех сторон, будет в подавляющем большинстве больше, чем то, которое дает ей наше светило. Если бы световые и тепловые лучи были такими же проникающими, как космические, таким яростным было бы вечное сияние и такая палящая жара, что жизнь на этой и других планетах не могла бы существовать

опять про солнца находящиеся за много световых лет с которых можно получить энергию..... ну вообщем полный бред
так что катушка тесла никакого отношения к лишней энергии не имеет.... надо ловить энергию от солнц расположенных за много миллионов км световых лет

Солнце не имеет прямого отношения к тому, как работает генератор Капанадзе.
The sun is not directly related to how the Kapanadze generator works.


Граната ненужна, там любоя катушка работает.

You are right.

A grenade is needed to generate the two voltages needed to run the generator.
(Kapanadze, Akura, Ruslan generator types)
Or you have to find another way.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 09:17:19 AM
Проверка эффекта работы

Любой трансформатор обратим. Вы хороший человек.

ВAcилиЙ Пуп4iK
При всем уважении, дядя Вася, вы хоть бы что то коментировали как показываете, а то ж за вами идем потихоньку как время есть, а вы наверное думаете что всем и так все понятно....

Vasili Ivanov
Да конечно. Эта  эффект от сопряжения  ВЧ и НЧ.

Den Chesnuk
Ничего не понятно но было интересно остались только догадки снесите розяснение.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 10:43:20 AM
윤석열의 무속인 건진, 혜우, 천공, 이현동 그리고 조남옥과 심무정


조남옥의 무속인 측근 심무정이 쥴리와 윤석렬을 맺어준 장본이란 얘기제. ::)
말빨 좋은 사이비 천공이 중간에 껴든 것은 일종의 물타기라, ::)
홍익인간 정법? 설교는 누가봐도 그럴듯하잖어. ::)
해서 천공이를 심무정 대신에 유승민이 슬쩍 흘린게고. 8)
한 놈은 속았을테고, 정보를 흘린 쪽은 윤석렬 켐프. 8)
한통속들이니. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 10:57:18 AM
Юра, иногда в комментах есть рациональное зерно:
""Ким Чен Ир, правивший королевством с 1994 года ", дорогие админы, ну если делаете перепосты из Плейбоя, вы ж хоть смотрите че там пишут
Или в программе подготовки к ЕГЭ, не было географии!)))"

:woohoo: Конечно этого мало. Мы хотим с 50 ватт получать как минимум 5 кВт, как наш Великий вождь и учитель Тариэль Капанадзе, а на мешьшее мы не согласны. :P :P :P
Ну все равно, поведай нам, пожалуйста, подробней чего такого ты там придумал, и как мерял выход и потребление тоже не забудь рассказать.
Давай! Ща мы тебя порвем! :blink:

Ваша проблема в том, что вы отстали от времени, но
Наша проблема в том, что мы вошли в мир трансцендентности из трансцендентного пространства эоны назад и вмешались в вас в этот век.
Ким Чен Ир был убит своим незаконнорожденным сыном Ким Чен Ыном.
Вы увлечены романами.
Your problem is that you are behind the times, but
Our problem is that we entered the world of the transcendence from transcendental space aeons ago and meddled with you in this age.
If you immerse yourself in our novel, you will see your universe.

It's a fantastic world.

Не целуй мертвых.
Never kiss a vaccinated person.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 11:19:41 AM

이거이 쥴리 경력이 아니라, 이연숙 경력아니가. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 11:41:05 AM
번뇌에 빠진 육적인 자는 빈곤함에 이른다

예수는 "구하라 그리하면 너희에게 주실 것이요 찾으라 그리하면 찾아낼 것이요 문을 두드리라 그리하면 너희에게 열릴 것이니"라고 말씀하셨다.
'구하라'는 세속적인 것을 구하라는 것이 아니다. 이미 여기 있는 진리(true Self)를 찾으라는 것이며, 이 때 '예수가 하는 일을 그도 할 것이다'라는 말씀이 이루어진다. 우리는 뜻이 하늘(실상)에서 이루어진 것 같이 땅(현상)에서도 이루어지도록 기도를 하여야 하며, 이 때 대상에서 벗어나는 자유를 누린다. 엑카르트는 "무엇보다 아무것도 너 자신을 위해 요구하지 말며, 신으로 하여금 너를 다루고, 그의 뜻하는 대로 하라"고 하였다. 이러한 기도는 존재계와 하나가 되게 하여 이 세상을 찬미하지 않을 수 없다.
우리는 진리로 거듭나게 되었을 때 이미 필요한 일체의 것들이 갖추어진 신성(One)을 체험하게 된다. 하나(One)의 진리에서는 선과 악, 행복과 불행의 이원성(ego)이 우리에게 영향을 미치지 못하며, 모든 것이 공(空·無)의 진리 안에서 조화롭게 되어가고 있다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 이와 같이 신과 하나(One)가 된 영적인 수준에서는 더 이상 '주세요'라고 기도하는 것이 아니라 '드릴까요'가 되며, 삶의 모든 사건을 통해 성장하게 된다. 즉 이 세계는 마음(ego)이 만든 환영(maya)이 아니라 하나(One)의 신비한 하나님의 세계가 된다.
용수는 하나의 진리인 공관(空觀)을 설명하는 모든 것을 부정해 버린 뒤에 도달하는 '팔불중도(八佛中道)의 진리'는 '남(生)도 없고 멸(滅)함도 없으며, 항상(恒常)하지도 않고 단멸(斷滅)하지도 않으며, 동일(同一)되어 있음도 아니요 다름도 아니며, 옴(來)도 아니요 또한 가는 것(去)도 아니다'(不生不滅, 不常不㫁, 不一不異, 不來不出). 즉 공간개념· 시간개념· 수량개념· 운동개념이 없다는 중도실상이다. 이러한 하나의 진리는 주관과 객관, 인간과 자연, 조물주와 피조물 등의 이원적 분별을 초월하며(物我兩忘), 말의 종교를 넘어선 말 저편 세계인 공의 자리이다(我空法空). 이와 같이 현대물리학도 관찰하는 장치와 관찰되는 대상 즉 주관과 객관의 구분이 무의미하다는 사실을 증명하였다.
육조단경에서는 '번뇌(煩惱)가 곧 보리(菩提)'라고 하였다. 즉 깨치지 못한 중생의 견해로 보면 번뇌와 깨달음의 주체인 보리(菩提)가 다른 것이지만, 깨달은 입장에서 보면 하나(One)이므로 차별이 없다는 것이다. 화엄경에서도 '부처가 곧 중생이고 중생이 곧 부처', '부처가 곧 중생이고 중생이 곧 부처'라는 진리(One)는 일본의 선사(禪師) 하꾸인(白隱)이 물과 얼음의 비유로서 설명하고 있다. 즉 아무리 단단한 얼음도 녹게 되면 물이 되는 것처럼 일시적인 중생도 '본래의 자기'(佛性)를 깨닫는다면 영원한 부처(神)가 된다는 것이다. 마음을 청결하게 하는 선(禪, 無心)은 천지우주 만유가 바로 부처(神)이며, 내가 법신(神性)이 되는 참된 자유를 추구하는 수행으로 현실의 본모습(One)을 바로 보게 한다. 생멸이 없는 본성(神性)을 깨치는 선(禪)은 부정신학, 기독교 신비주의자의 영성수행과 통하며, 절대자인 神(부처)은 감각과 사유에 의한 인식을 초월함으로 영적세계의 신비적 체험에 의해서만 접할 수 있다.
"예수께서 배에 오르사 건너가 본 동네에 이르시니 침상에 누운 중풍병자를 사람들이 데리고 오거늘 예수께서 그들의 믿음을 보시고 중풍병자에게 이르시되 작은 자야 안심하라 네 죄 사함을 받았느니라...그가 일어나 집으로 돌아가거늘 무리가... 하나님께 영광을 돌리니라"(마 9:1-8).
예수는 죄(罪性)라는 것은 본래 없는 것으로, 중풍병자를 神(빛)의 자녀로 선언하여 '죄와 병'(어둠)을 사라지게 하였고, 우리도 거짓된 죄의식(ego)에서 치유를 받아야 한다고 말씀하신다. 하나의 진리에서 보면 이 세상은 텅 비고 밝아 항상 비추고 있어, 생명의 에너지를 일깨우는 깨달음으로 이원성의 집착이 소멸되면 어둠의 죄는 없어진다. 따라서 죄(하마르티아)는 실상(천국)을 보지 못하고 허상을 보는 분별심(無知)이며(요 9:41), 이러한 이원성(ego)이 소멸될 때 내면의 현상인 속박에서 해방되는 자유로운 삶을 누린다.
빛이 있으면 어둠이 사라지는 것과 같이 진리의 깨달음으로 하나(One)가 되는 기쁨이 넘치면 거짓된 마음인 에고(ego)에 의한 죄와 병은 저절로 사라지는 것이다. 육체와 마음이 바로 '나'(ego)라고 하는 번뇌(분별심)의 어둠(無明)이 사라지면, 내장되어 있던 '무한한 생명력'(神性)에 의해 중풍병자는 치유되는 작용이 일어난다. 예수는 "이스라엘 중에서도 이만한 믿음은 만나보지 못하였다"고 말씀하신 것과 같이 믿음은 지금 여기에 神(One)이 현존하는 것 즉 무한한 능력의 신성을 신뢰하는 것을 의미한다(信心不二).
예수는 "네 눈이 너를 범죄하게 하거든 빼어 내버리라 '한 눈'(only one eye)으로 영생에 들어가는 것이 '두 눈'(two eyes)들을 가지고 지옥 불에 던져지는 것보다 나으니라"(마 18:9)고 말씀하셨다.
이에 대한 일반적인 해석은 "만일 손이나 발이 범죄 하도록 하거든 찍어 내버리라"는 교훈이라 한다. 이러한 윤리 도덕은 시대와 상황에 따라 변하는 '상대적인 것'(ego)이며, 절대적인 진리(One)가 아니다. 그러므로 '두 눈'인 선악, 주객의 이원성(ego)을 제거하고, 천지우주에는 '일원론적(一元論的) 사유'에 대하여 플라톤(Plato)은 영원한 하나(One)의 진리인 이데아(idea)로, 그리스의 파르메니테스(Parmenides)는 일자(一者)로 설명한다. 이들의 철학 핵심은 '모든 것이 하나(One)'라는 깨달음이다. 역사적으로 볼 때 동, 서양의 종교 선각자들은 '모든 존재의 하나 됨'(One)과 사랑을 깨달았다. 특히 신학자인 틸리히는 '하나님은 존재자체 또는 존재의 힘(energy)이며, 예수가 그리스도(One)로 되었다'고 주장하였다. 따라서 우리는 온 우주에 조화로운 실상이며, 하나(One)의 진리인 신성이 충만하다는 것을 깨닫게 될 때, 허상인 꿈과 같은 고통과 불행(ego)에서 벗어날 수가 있는 것이다(롬 8:28).
모든 존재가 오직 하나의 진리, 하나의 생명 그리고 하나의 도리(One)라는 형이상학적인 일원론적 진리관은 여러 종교에서도 가르치고 있다. '우주 만법은 하나로 돌아간다'(萬法歸一)는 불교, '오로지 한결같이 하여 중용(中庸)의 道를 지킨다'(精一執中)는 유교, 도교는 '하나를 얻을 것 같으면 만사는 끝난다'(得一而萬事畢)고 가르친다. 이와 같이 하나의 진리를 바로 알아 버리면 모든 것이 화로에 한 줌 눈이 녹듯이 다 풀린다(紅爐一點雪).
예수는 "건축자들이 버린 돌이 모퉁이의 머릿돌이 되었다"(마 21:42, 막 12:10, 눅 20:17, 눅 20:17, 도마복음 66)고 말씀하셨다.
예수 자신의 미래를 가리키는 것이 아니라 장자(莊子)의 바가지 비유와 같다. 장자(莊子)의 바가지 비유 즉 큼과 작음의 바가지 비유는 다음과 같다. 혜자라는 사람이 장자(莊子)에게 말했다.
"우리 왕이 큰 박 씨를 주기에 심었더니 엄청나게 큰 박이 열렸답니다. 얼마나 큰지 쌀 열 가마는 들어갈 정도로 컸어요. 문제는 이걸 잘라서 도저히 물바가지로 쓸 수가 없었다는...들기도 어려워서 물을 담아 옮길 수가 없고 작게 여러 조각으로 잘라보니..물바가지로는 쓸 수가 없더군요. 아깝지만 결국 다 부숴서 버리고 말았지요."
장자(莊子)는 그렇게 큰 박 이라면 배를 만들어 강에 띄울 수도 있었을 텐데 너무 커서 물바가지로 쓸 수 없다는 생각 때문에 그 귀한 것을 버리고 말았군. 꽉 막힌 사람 같으니라고 답하였다. 비록 버린 돌(예수, One)일지라도 선과 악 등의 분별심(내면의 뱀, 창3:1)을 초월한 진리(One)의 관점에서는 모퉁이 돌이 된다는 것이다. 사람들은 예수(神性, One)가 내면에 있음을 자각하지 못하고 있지만(포도원의 농부 비유, 마 21:33), '자각한 자'(One)는 욕심과 집착을 벗어나서, 초연한 태도로 온갖 재난과 병고(病苦)로부터 자유롭게 된다.
예수는 말씀하셨다. "어떤 사람이 타국에 갈 때 그 종들을 불러 자기 소유를 맡김과 같으니 각각 그 재능대로 한 사람에게는 금 다섯 달란트를, 한 사람에게는 두 달란트를, 한 사람에게는 한 달란트를 주고 떠났더니 다섯 달란트 받은 자는 바로 가서 그것으로 장사하여 또 다섯 달란트를 남기고 두 달란트를 받은 자도 그같이 하여 또 두 달란트를 남겼으되 한 달란트를 받은 자는 가서 땅을 파고 그 주인의 돈을 감추어 두었더니 오랜 후에 그 종들의 주인이 돌아와 그들과 결산할새...두려워하여 나가서 당신의 달란트를 땅에 감추어 두었었나이다... 그 주인이 대답하여 이르되 악하고 게으른 종아 나는 심지 않은 데서 거두고 헤치지 않은 데서 모으는 줄로 네가 알았느냐... 그에게서 그 한 달란트를 빼앗아 열 달란트 가진 자에게 주라. 무릇 있는 자는 받아 풍족하게 되고 없는 자는 그 있는 것까지 빼앗기리라"
주인으로부터 "잘 하였도다 착하고 충성된 종아"라고 칭찬을 받았던 종과 같이 이원성의 에고인 간택심을 철저히 제거하면, 순진한 어린아이의 마음이 되어 남도 없고 나도 없는 하나(One)의 영적 에너지인 본래의 신성을 회복할 수 있다(克己復禮, 논어). 모든 것을 하나님께 맡기며, 삶을 '있는 그대로' 받아들이는 본성적(One)인 '감사와 기쁨의 삶'은 더욱 풍성한 삶을 누리지만, 그렇지 않으면 지니고 있는 것마저도 빼앗기에 된다. 따라서 그대 영혼의 어둔 밤(ego)에서 벗어나는 유일한 길은 그대의 존재(true Self)를 자각하는 것이다.
예수께서 "구하라 그리하면 너희에게 주실 것이요"(마 7:7)고 말씀하신 것은 전 우주는 남도 없고 나도 없는 '하나(One)의 생명체'이므로 한 사람 한 사람의 '순수한 마음'(true Self)이 우주에 편만해 있음을 체험하라는 것이다. 나(ego)라는 조그만 껍질이 깨지고, 무아(無我)가 될 때, 막힘없이 흐르는 물이 되며, 또한 우리들의 생활이 '하나님의 뜻'(One)의 흐름에 연결되어 있다는 자각은 저절로 무한 공급을 누리게 한다(마 6:33). 이러한 '하나님의 뜻'의 작용은 의식하지 못하는 상태에서 이루어지기 때문에 우연으로 보이기도 한다.
예수는 "무릇 있는 자는 받아 풍족하게 되고 없는 자는 그 있는 것까지 빼앗기리라"(마 25:29)고 말씀하셨다.
'진리(One)로 즐거워하는 자'(영적인 자)는 더욱 자유와 풍족한 삶을 누리게 되지만, '번뇌에 빠진 육적인 자'(ego)는 빈곤함에 이르게 된다는 마음의 법칙을 설명한 것이다.
글 구자만/개신교 장로& 신학박사 &신흥지앤티 회장

씨뱅아~ 구라듣기도 물린다 씨뱅아~ 그만 올려라 씨뱅아~.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Kombinator898 on December 17, 2021, 11:43:49 AM
general overview of the BTG


BTG without PLL
If I have to change something, write it

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on December 17, 2021, 01:47:54 PM
Napiecie  podawane jest na cewke wysokiego napieca a z tamtad na swiece..
Czyli wyskokie napiecie a  maly prad.
-ale tutaj nie ma nic za darmo.
zrodlem zasilania jest bateria albo zasilacz Arduino.

It is  nothing special  taking place there. 
Power  is delivered to Arduino and  from it  into HV coil and than  is dissipated in form of  spark

Co do kanalu  tego tu   goscia  o  niku Color - to jest  to tutaj  : mydlo  widlo i powidlo..i  nie wiem czy ten Ruski -Koreanczyk jest  nawiedzony czy  tez oplacony
  Porusza sie   jak sie porusza, - no ale  sie rusza. :)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on December 17, 2021, 01:55:02 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 06:45:12 PM
Kombinator898 :

2 test btg pokazane przesunięcie TT po PP

나는 폴란드어를 모르기 때문에 구글번역기를 사용합니다.

당신은 두 개의 밧데리(12/7.2Ah, ?)로 yoke-변압기와 kacher를 분리시켜 작동시키고 있다.
나의 아빠 발전기 작동방식과 다르다.
수류탄 코일과 테슬라는 전기적으로 분리되면 안된다.
하나의 전원으로 푸시-풀과 kacher를 작동시켜야 한다.
당신의 테슬라 코일과 수류탄 코일 사이에서 이 현상이 발생해야 한다.
코일의 피복을 태우는 강력한 아크가 발생한다.
아빠가 사용하는 전원공급 장치는 24V/6.3A다.
당신이 사용하는 두 개의 밧데리 용량보다 적다.
그러나 이 현상은 발전기가 작동하기 위해서는 발생하면 안된다.
발전기가 작동하는 원리를 알기 위해서는 실험과 병행해야 한다.
기존의 전기 상식에서 나올 수 있는 것이 아니다.
그러나 아쿠라/루슬란이 공개한 회로도에 정확하게 나와있다.
그리고 태반의 회원들이 이 원리를 보지 못하고 있다.
이후 당신의 테슬라에는 긴 아크가 발생하지 않을 것이다.
오실로스코프는 루슬란이 공개한 발전기에서는 특별하게 필요하지 않다.
전등의 밝기가 발전기의 가장 좋은 이정표다.
주파수에 신경쓰지 말라는 뜻이다.
위 현상이 발생하면 당신의 오시로스코프가 파손될 수 있다.
이것은 루슬란-X가 보여준 현상보다 훨씬 치명적일 수 있기 때문이다.
당신의 오실로스코프에 반드시 접지가 필요하다.
접지가 없으면 파손될 가능성이 매우 높다.
아쿠라/루슬란 발전기가 작동하는 원리가 오실로스코프를 파손하게 만드는 원리이기 때문이다.
아직까지 이 단계까지 만든 사람은 Geo 회원이 유일합니다.
그는 오실로스코프가 없다.


2 test btg miękkich TT po PP

Nie znam polskiego, więc korzystam z Tłumacza Google.

Napędzasz transformator jarzmowy i kacher oddzielnie za pomocą dwóch akumulatorów (12/7,2 Ah, ?).
To różni się od sposobu działania generatora mojego taty.
Cewka granatu i Tesla nie mogą być izolowane elektrycznie.
Jeden zasilacz powinien obsługiwać push-pull i kacher.
Powinno to nastąpić między cewką Tesli a cewką granatu.
Powstaje silny łuk, który spala powłokę cewki.
Zasilanie, z którego korzysta mój tata, to 24V/6,3A.
Mniej niż pojemność dwóch używanych baterii.
Jednak to nie powinno się zdarzyć, aby generator działał.
Aby zrozumieć, jak działa generator, musisz z nim poeksperymentować.
To nie jest coś, co może wynikać z konwencjonalnego elektrycznego zdrowego rozsądku.
Jest to jednak dokładnie pokazane na schemacie opublikowanym przez Akura/Ruslan.
A członkowie łożyska nie widzą tej zasady.
Po tym twoja tesla nie będzie miała długiego łuku.
Oscyloskop nie jest szczególnie potrzebny w generatorach, które zaprezentował Ruslan.
Jasność światła jest najlepszym kamieniem milowym generatora.
Oznacza to, że nie martw się o częstotliwość.
W takim przypadku oscyloskop może ulec uszkodzeniu.
Dzieje się tak dlatego, że może być znacznie bardziej zabójczy niż zjawisko, które pokazał Ruslan-X.
Twój oscyloskop musi być uziemiony.
Jeśli nie ma uziemienia, prawdopodobieństwo pęknięcia jest bardzo wysokie.
Dzieje się tak, ponieważ zasada działania generatora Akura/Ruslan jest zasadą, która niszczy oscyloskop.
Członkowie Geo są jedynymi, którzy dotarli jeszcze do tego etapu.
Nie ma oscyloskopu.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 07:30:58 PM
Quote from: stivep on December 17, 2021, 01:55:02 PM

바울의 성령과 베드로의 오순절 성령은 빛의 종류와 어둠의 종류가 다르다는 것이고, ::) 8)
동양의 귀신은 빛과 어둠의 종류가 다른 것에 대해 사유적으로 고찰한 결과라기 보다는, 유교, 도교, 불교 그리고 토속신앙이 결합한 오감(五感, five senses)적 판단과 오욕칠정(五慾七情)의 부산물이다. ::) 8)

Paul's Holy Spirit and Peter's Pentecostal Spirit are different types of light and different types of darkness, ::) 8)
The Eastern ghosts are not the result of a thoughtful examination of the different types of light and darkness, but rather a combination of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and local beliefs is a by-product of ::) 8)

Exploring the Meanings and Practicability of Seven Emotions as a classification scheme of the basic emotion for moral emotion education. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 17, 2021, 08:15:12 PM
Бог не забыл вас, и вы притворяетесь им, и вы все знаете и понимаете. Но верно первое!



고주파/High frequency/высокая частота

1관문과 보너스 관문의 합작에서 고주파가 발생합니다.
4관문과 보너스 관문의 합작에서도 고주파가 발생할 수 있지만,
하나의 전원에서 두 종류의 접압이 필요한 것은 테슬라를 보호하기 위한 안전장치며, 이것은 4관문보다는 1관문과 보너스 관문이 합작해야 보다 효율적인 발전시스템이 구축되기 때문이다.
수류탄 코일은 전압의 분리를 획기적으로 돕는 역활입니다.
Высокая частота генерируется взаимодействием гейта 1 и бонусного гейта.
Высокие частоты могут возникать даже при совместной работе Gate 4 и бонусного гейта,
Потребность в двух типах напряжения в одном источнике питания является защитным устройством для защиты Tesla, и это связано с тем, что более эффективная система выработки электроэнергии создается, когда вентиль 1 и дополнительный вентиль работают вместе, а не вентиль 4.
Катушка гранаты - революционное средство разделения напряжения.
A high frequency occurs at the collaboration of Gate 1 and Bonus Gate.
High frequencies can also occur in the collaboration of the 4 gates and the bonus gates,
The need for two types of voltage in one power supply is a safety device to protect Tesla, and this is because a more efficient power generation system is built when gate 1 and bonus gate work together rather than gate 4.
The grenade coil is a revolutionary help in voltage separation.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 18, 2021, 09:26:03 AM
[취재후#11] "쥴리" 제보자들 취재 뒷이야기, 윤석열 캠프 '정치공작 배후 추적기 - 생생한 탐사 취재 현장에 대한 에피소드 및 후담!

하늘은 스스로 돕는 자를 돕는거 맞다. ;D
우주와 세상에는 우연은 없다. 8)
사람의 허무맹랑한 공상도 우연이 아니다. ::)
우연이란, 8)
사건발생 가능성에 속하지만 예측법위를 벗어난 멀티버스와 같다.
비슷한 성격과 보편적인 구조를 가진 평행우주들의 집합처럼. ::)

4차산업혁명 합작공조 메타버스도 한 측면이다. 8)

주진우(44・사법연수원 31기) 전 서울동부지방검찰청 형사6부 부장검사가 최근 개인 법률사무소를 개업하고 변호사로서 새 출발했다.
주 변호사는 대연고등학교, 서울대학교 법과대 공법학과를 졸업하고 1999년 제41회 사법시험에 합격했다.
대구지검 검사로 검사생활을 시작한 주 변호사는 대전지검 검사, 서울중앙지검 검사, 법무부 법무과 검사, 대전지검 천안지청 검사로 일선에서 활약했다. 이후, 대통령비서실 민정수석실 행정관을 맡았으며 부산지검 동부지청 부부장검사, 청주지검 충청지청 부장검사, 서울동부지검 형사 6부 부장검사를 역임했다.

"주진우가 尹 만나 양정철에 '충성맹세' 요구"...나꼼수 내전 8)

그리고 또 다른 제보자에 의해 김건희와 정운찬 총리와의 관계가 드러난다. 어떤 날 차 안에서 김건희가 너무나 살갑게 정운찬 총리와 길게 통화하는 것을 들었다는 사람이 나타난 것이다. 그래서 열공TV는 정운찬 총리를 취재한다.

방송에서 정 총리와의 인터뷰는 상당히 길게 나오는데, 처음에는 기자의 소개로 단체 공연관람한 사이라고 했으나 제보자의 말을 전하며 재차 묻자 당황한 기색이 역력하여 말을 더듬기 시작한다. 단체로 공연관람하는 팀에서 만나 너무나 편하게 전화를 주고 받는 사이가 되기 어렵고, 게다가 정 총리는 총리급, 서울대 총장급 거물이다. 이런 거물급 인사가 30대 여성과 사적인 대화를 오래 나눈다는 것 자체가 이상하다는 것이다.

끝으로 열공TV는 조순, 정운찬이 갤러리를 관람하는 장면과 함께 과거 세상을 떠들썩하게 했던 신정아 사건을 들고 나온다. 당시 신정아 사건을 담당했던 검사가 윤석열이라며 평행이론같은 이야기로 방송은 끝을 맺는다.
;D ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 18, 2021, 09:49:42 AM
Making a Blender is much more difficult[/b] than building A to B Power transmission according to Dr. Corum and Sommerfield / Goubau
But using a Blender is much easier.
Make an energy transfer according to Dr. Corum and Sommerfield / Goubau  or EEfSW is extremely simple and cheap.
It is also easier to use than a blender.
But it's harder to tune.
Well, no one wants, everyone is waiting for it to be given in ready ... proven  and easy form.
Well then you will wait ...
For these who cares please read only fat print  to understand it.

вода 123

아빠, Dr. Corum은 엉성한 정도가 아니라 tuk-tuk이 만큼 띨빵해 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 18, 2021, 10:08:19 AM
Feb. 19, 1929.

Filed May 18, 1927
Целью настоящего изобретения является уменьшение емкостных эффектов в трансформаторах, адаптированных к использованию для усиления переменных токов высокой или низкой частоты.
В таких трансформаторах следует стремиться к достижению высокого коэффициента трансформации. Этот высокий коэффициент трансформации можно обеспечить:
Во-первых, за счёт высокого передаточного числа витков, во-вторых, за счёт тесной связи витков. В случае тесного контакта первичной и вторичной катушек ёмкость между двумя катушками становится важной. Эту естественную ёмкость трансформатора можно уменьшить, намотав витки, один из которых окружает другой, хорошо известным способом, например, намотав катушки на коническую поверхность так, чтобы витки постепенно удалялись друг от друга по мере увеличения разности потенциалов. Однако этот метод лишь незначительно снижает токи, возникающие при емкостной передаче, и не нейтрализует их. В изобретении емкостные токи нейтрализуются путем разделения одной из катушек на секции, намотанные таким образом, что емкостные эффекты взаимно противоположны. На рис. 1 схематически изображен трансформатор известного типа. На рис. 2 схематически показан трансформатор моего изобретения.
Изобретение будет более понятно со ссылкой на прилагаемые чертежи. На практике первичная и вторичная обмотки каждого трансформатора намотаны на одну и ту же ось, но на этих рисунках эти обмотки показаны отделёнными друг от друга, чтобы более чётко проиллюстрировать изобретение. Как хорошо известно, магнитный сердечник может использоваться и обычно желателен в низкочастотных трансформаторах. Ссылаясь на фиг. 1, электродвижущие силы индуцируются в катушке 2 в результате магнитного поля и электрического поля катушки 1.
Эти электродвижущие силы могут способствовать или противодействовать друг другу, так что они могут влиять на характеристику усиления трансформатора. Действие электрического поля катушки 1 на катушку 2 и, наоборот, может быть нейтрализовано, если одна из двух катушек намотана в двух или более секциях и, если направление, в котором намотаны секции, приводит к взаимной противоположности емкостных эффектов электрического поля в каждой катушке.
На рисунке 2 показана схема, в которой вторичная обмотка разделена на две части. Взаимная ёмкость витков схематично представлена на рисунке пунктирными конденсаторами.
Электродвижущие силы, создаваемые емкостной связью, показаны пунктирными стрелками. Если теперь вся вторичная обмотка проходит от вывода Ак выводу B, обнаруживается, что упомянутые емкостные силы нейтрализуют друг друга, так что создание разности потенциалов между выводами А-В за счёт емкостной передачи предотвращается. Это показано на рис. 2, на котором пунктирными стрелками показано направление емкостных токов, которое зависит от направления оси обмотки. Индуцированные электродвижущие силы или силы, вызванные электромагнитной Связью, зависят от направления вращения обмотки; поскольку это направление вращения одинаково в обеих секциях вторичной обмотки, направление индуцированного тока будет в одном направлении, как показано сплошными стрелками на рисунке. Из рисунка 2 видно, что обмотки двух секций вторичной обмотки имеют одинаковое криволинейное направление вокруг сердечника, но намотка витков этих обмоток выполнена в противоположных направлениях.
Одинаковое криволинейное или вращательное направление двух секций приводит к индуцированному магнитному потоку, имеющему одинаковую полярность в каждой секции. Полярность определяется с помощью правила правой руки.
С другой стороны, емкостные потоки в секциях имеют противоположную полярность из-за того, что продвижением витков каждая секция обращена друг к другу. Таким образом, емкостное воздействие трансформатора нейтрализуется. При желании можно использовать более двух секций. Очевидно, что каждый участок вторички может состоять из более чем одного слоя.
Например, каждая секция может содержать многослойную обмотку, при этом основное условие состоит в том, чтобы секции были соединены таким образом, чтобы выходной конец одной секции примыкал к входному концу соседней секции, как показано на рисунке 2.
Я утверждаю:
1. Трансформатор, имеющий первичную и вторичную обмотки, одна из упомянутых катушек
содержит множество обращённых в осевом направлении секций, каждая секция намотана в одном и том же направлении вращения, но в противоположном осевом направлении по
отношению к прилегающей секции. 2. 2. Трансформатор, имеющий первичную и вторичную обмотки, одна из упомянутых
катушек содержит две обращённые в осевом направлении секции, одна секция намотана в одном и том же вращательном направлении, но в противоположном осевом направлении относительно другой секции, при этом соседний конец одной секции
соединён с дальним концом другой секции. 3. Трансформатор, имеющий первичную и вторичную обмотки, одна из указанных катушек
содержит множество секций, расположенных встык, оси всех секц


It has long been known that tesla or kacher helps the amperage and voltage of a yoke-transformer or siliton transformer, but
The reason behind the passing of time and the younger generations appearing and passionate about packaging with their own technology is based on the Western-style extortion stemming from patents.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 18, 2021, 10:10:44 AM

It is common to measure 5A from a 12V battery.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 18, 2021, 10:20:16 AM
Лампа 65 ват горит от высокого напряжения

The reason the above member stopped experimenting is probably the same as nnaill's.

НА видео работает обыкновеный тл494+с драйвером ир2110 и все получаем меандыр- и обыкновеный гранана

At that time, many members were deceived by nnaill and gave up the experiment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 18, 2021, 10:38:03 AM
The reason the above member stopped experimenting is probably the same as nnaill's.

НА видео работает обыкновеный тл494+с драйвером ир2110 и все получаем меандыр- и обыкновеный гранана

At that time, many members were deceived by nnaill and gave up the experiment.


It is also nnaill who made my dad recite Pushkin's poetry in a Russian cafe.

삶이 그대를 속일지라도
Если жизнь тебя обманет,
슬퍼하거나 노여워 말라
Не печалься, не сердись.
슬픈 날에 참고 견디면
В день уныния смирись,
즐거운 날은 오고야 만다
День веселья, верь, настанет.

마음은 미래를 바라느니
Сердце в будущем живёт,
현재는 한없이 우울한 것
Настоящее уныло.
모든 것 하염없이 사라지나
Всё мгновенно, всё пройдет,
지나간 것은 그리움이 된다
Что пройдёт, то будет мило.

I repeat,
There is no trick inside Ruslan's yoke-transformer wrapped in yellow tape.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 18, 2021, 12:50:03 PM
Лекция 8.11. Трансформатор

It was recorded from the 2/3 point.

самый простой способ значит этот способ на самом деле давно давно известен но его к сожалению не применяют Ну по крайней мере в Народном хозяйстве на нём написано но ни одно рацпредложение я сам наблюдал как бы вот что многие товарищи буквально практически не опираясь ни на какие материалы исследуя самостоятельного трансформатор приходит к такому выводу на основе практике как правило Да и соответственно понимают чем это чревато то есть вот смотрите элементарное первое изменение частоты Ты серьёзно отразится на работе вот этого устройства раз и второе если я допустим обмотки намотаю часть обмоток в прямом а части обмотки встречное вот я их так Обозначил что допустим нас теперь вот то что они называют Да полем которое сконцентрирована в Магните точнее в сердечнике дай то есть если магнитное поле будет у нас ходить вот так раз-раз раз-раз уплотнение здесь наоборот зона как бы с меньшей плотностью и дальше на перемещаемся точно также на противоположную сторону что тогда у нас получится с вами чистоту я не поменял то есть я решил выполнить фокус с обмотками таким образом что получается мощность теперь которую можно снять с вот этого трансформатора образуя вот такие вот области Да она существенно увеличивается таким образом при том же сечении нашего так сказать сердечника мы можем пропускать через такого типа трансформаторы гораздо больше мощности если это применять на практике то соответственно это будет огромная экономия Ну то есть вот представьте себе увеличили мощность в 4 раза да а сердечник остался точно такой же это серьезная экономия и заслуживает достойного внимания Это по сути такой первый шаг к модернизации классического трансформатора и применяя даже вот такой вот элементарный метод ещё вот про это ничего пока не будем да Рассказывайте говорить мы существенно начинаем выигрывать поэтому штука делается очень легко Но все прекрасно понимаете что надо перемотать хотя бы одну из обмоток да и отрепетировать этот момент видят то как бы о чём я говорю Итак дорогие друзья я мы с вами определились да что поменяем вот эту величину посмотрим что у нас случится да Потом посмотрим что у нас с потоком внутри случится Да и попробуем со мордочками поиграться посмотрим что у нас получится да Ну вот с первой частью всё понятно и объяснял со второй частью тоже всё понятно и объяснял теперь давай я тебе занимаемся вот это вот счастью когда мы будем с вами менять частоту и посмотрим вот на первую часть что у нас будет Да И вот снимая нагрузочную характеристику с трансформатора Да мы имеем четкие диапазон указанный заводом-изготовителем Но получается я приобретаю прибор в виде трансформатора Да его начинаю использовать в тех режимах которые завод-изготовитель не описывает либо не рекомендуют использовать да почему я это делаю 1 то есть вот что показал мне опыт Ну допустим я думаю все из нас ходили в магазин и покупали ферритовые кольца Да на них мы там чего-то там мотаем кому что нужно и нравится да И нам говорят проницаемость это такая Да там диапазоне Что такое там и это всё по справочнику смотрим делаем и так далее Вот это всё ерунда на самом деле любой феррит покупаете он будет работать на любой частоте Абсолют проверено неоднократно Я единственное что пострадает пострадает просто передача потоку то есть какой мощность Я прокачаю то есть если оптимальный то соответственно будет указано и справочники передача мощности на этих частотах если мне начистоту задрать там в 10 раз больше этот же Philips всё будет работать Великолепно просто коэффициент передачи по току Тоесть да В итоге мощностные характеристики вот меньше не знаю вот это вы можете всё это делать нивелировать и протащить любой сигнал который Вам нужен всё вот это фишка номер один которую на практике я выяснил И просто-напросто вот я понимаю что многие не могут себе позволить то есть по каким-то причинам но банальная причина просто живу допустим где-то магазинов нет ничего нет а вот из того что есть якобы вроде не подходит всё подходит Ну либо может достать Да ну просто это ограниченность доступу до как ресурс поэтому не волнуйтесь всё получится Всё будет работать Итак делаем Focus частотой начинаем увеличивать частоту и смотрим на наши вольт-амперная характеристика То есть получается она у нас падает всё плохо как бы потом оп и на какое-то чистоте у нас опять поднимается передача и наш трансформатор начинает шикарно работать из-за чего это происходит на самом деле что вам никто никогда не рассказывает значит внутри вот опять буду рассказывать через классику потому что многих Что значит магия практически 100% учили до сих пор так хочет на своём канале расскажу как надо это всё дело читайте воспринимать значит Посмотрите образуется за счёт увеличения частоты у нас теперь не ходят Вот какие единичка в данном случае образуется два Вот таких вот как бы полукольца да вот этот циркуляция магнитного поля внутри сердечника и всё и у него 5 на очень такой высокой частоте всё хорошо начинает работать но пойми фу такой трансформатор мы теперь чётко понимаем какой нюанс возник у нас когда мы сделали такой фокус с нашим трансформатором оказывается что теперь положение обмоток должны быть чётко размещены на наших полу кольцах магнитного потока внутри сердечника то есть трансформатор у нас заработал снова но теперь чтобы его правильно намотать нужно обмотки чётко располагать вот таким образом хотел вам нарисовал то есть вводное хотите изменить частоту готовьтесь к тому что геометрия намотки она будет определяющая и вот многие Съешь ники забегая наперёд сразу скажу вот этого не знают фокусом смотрят на других у которых всё получается но не знаю вот этого фокуса мотают как обычный трансформатор не понимая что любое нарушение геометрии от авторского приведёт к фатальной ошибки То есть к тому что аппарат вы никогда не запустить и у нас никогда не заработают вот такое маленькое дополнение теперь дальше я усугубляй у меня опять кручу частоту опять слетаю с нормальной характеристики нагрузочной меня опять тут непонятно что происходит потом у меня четыре образуется в таких вот Бублика Да это я их называю вот четыре области хождения всё чем больше областей тем выше требования к геометрии намоток которая должна быть размещена только в определённой области соответственно если она мотал 4 обмотки я должен их что теперь правильно соединять вот этот трансформатор на самом деле он универсальный смотрите он будет работать не суйся я перед соединяю вот эти допустим вот кидай получаю такую конструкцию снижает частоту и таким образом я когда Беру свой трансформатор Я уже сразу градуирование его по частотам в меня получается F1 чёткая где я его настроил работаю и всё хорошо у меня получается вот она F2 сразу же ж.я. знаю как мне что здесь теперь намотать соответственно Я получаю F3 Но и так далее таким образом намотав правильные геометрические сразу трансформатор Мне большего перематывать не надо я его могу Вот этот трансформатор методом переключение обмоток использовать в этом варианте в этом варианте и вот в этом варианте поэтому я своей трансформаторы когда мотаю я сразу же короче первым делом занимаюсь геометрией То есть я его разрисовываю потом наматываю и дальше после этого дела Просто знаю вот эти частоты Я занимаюсь перед соединением вот такой вот маленький нюанс хитрость то есть которая сделана У нас вот Focus номер один Я вам сегодня довёл до вот Focus номер два я доехал и фокусное натрия вам довёл Поэтому вот в те кто мотают трансформаторы Желаю всем удачи терпения штука требует навыков естественно и всё у вас будет хорошо и всё получится Всем спасибо кто слушал Ну кто хочет послушать следующую так сайт порцию знаний более углубленных которую вы не прочитаете Нигде никогда не вот переходите на мой канал всем счастливо нечётное число нечетное число не делается как правило когда есть зазоры но я их не рекомендую делать потому что там будет сложная геометрия Вот и я просто знаю людей которые этим занимаются поэтому говорю Если не хотите Ну вот эти всяких попадалово Вот почему объясняю сразу Ну что трансформатор можно Ну говорю так вот чисто по-русски поджечь Ну то есть уйти за критическую температуру допустим материала сердечника Да на фильтрах особенно честных это вообще очень легко делается Ну в лупят мощность по-русски говоря глупо но ты он станет неоднородной внутри и вот эта штука Тем более когда три она поплывёт и будет очень плохо поэтому рекомендую работать вот с кратным величинами для средней руки мастера делается всё Элементарно и проблем нет А про вот эти вот 35 объяснять будет сложно потом будет ещё раз говорю массу нюансов бывает иногда так вот честно скажу вот партию куплю партия Да это упаковка вот 18 нормальных 2 неделю Ну то есть просто-напросто а то есть они видно не диктуют их по внутренней да так точно брак заводской как-будто есть их сразу выкидываем всё еда их видно вот сейчас же всё можно хорошо посмотреть увидеть Поэтому такая ситуация делает Как хорошо ток-ток прямые углы вот вроде всё понятно Правильно ли то что используют квадрат который удобнее чем Круг правильно или нет просто логично Мне кажется нелогичным использовать квадратов смотрите как бы есть мы знаем Вот это да где у нас вот допустим от он состоит из двух половинок естественно его делают Иначе как туда обмотку засунуть Да ну проблематично в плане технологическом не хотелось бы да это же другой станок мы понимаем что намотать надо то ли дело на обычном станке тебе намотал вставил Да соответственно у него появится Вот здесь зазоры поэтому Кто делал трансформаторы Вы должны всё это чётко понимать что если вам рекомендуют убрать Здесь всё и максимально сжать то вам практические рекомендуют схему вот такой вот конфигурации магнитного поля внутри То есть это единичное да вот это единичка эквивалент Если у вас есть зазор И тем более вот этот зазор он регулируется и он как правило специальное писан то есть человек который он даёт схемы говорит надо собрать вот так вот так Ну это книжка там справочник Да там какой-то материал настройка Да там-то как правило смотрите будет применяться схема Вот такая то есть изначально будет уже два поля использоваться То есть это как правило трансформатора на высокие частоты там допустим 40 там 80 кг сдаёт вот такого плана то есть там под два кольца и настаивать но есть смешанного типа то есть где части умудряется пройти отсюда через Круг Да вот так а остальная часть ходит вот так вот как я показал то есть смешанный тип то есть половинка ходит Вот так и вторая половинка ходит вот так как это называется кратное трансформаторы Вот это ф хождение вот этой компоненты до вот этой она должна быть кратной А вот этой вот это F1 Вот это F2 вот этой компании и таким образом осуществляется регулировка потока понятно да это сложная система на самом деле это будет 30 40 50 80 нет тут понятия кратность это не так что допустим 1530 это не кратная величина Нет это ни в коем случае не так значит это делается натурными испытаниями то есть в начале загоняется вот в этот режим чётко запекается F2 потом загоняется оптимально опять же на стандартную нагрузку оно не меняется то есть нагрузочную характеристику выбираем точку всё работаю на точке с вот этой характеристикой Да F2 потом не меняя нагрузку работаем cf1 находим оптимальную точку Да всё после этого на село графе у нас с вами ребята есть частота и есть частота то в своде мы убеждаемся что у нас идёт соответствие Вот это и будет называться кратное чистотой но ни в коем случае это не геометрическое не арифметическое сложение и так далее и тому подобное То есть это две нелинейные величины могут быть значит нет это не влияет значит это влияет на что если вы понимаете что у вас используется вот так вот система а этаж легко посмотри да то намотка должна быть правильная вот здесь вот о чём я только что сказал Ни в коем случае вот здесь вот как мы наблюдаем либо Если вы будете мотать вот здесь значит у вас обмотка должна состоять как минимум из двух обмоток вот это вот это будет правильно тогда таким образом можно регулировать фазу если обратную связь говорить Да но это одна из разновидность классических фазосдвигающий в трансформаторов Я про классику здесь не говорю я просто вам говорю вот из того что не написано в учебниках что написано в учебниках вы ребята сами прочитайте и без меня и вот это точка почему образуется вот здесь они вот тут допустим А что объясняю есть кривые трансформаторы Ну точнее как не трансформаторы кольца кривые Ну допустим о чём я говорю вот завод-изготовитель за фарш мочил да Ну извиняюсь конечно за выражение может не литературное Ну да Да не очень качественная у него получилось допустим вот какая-то область до проницаемость 1 а тут получилось чуть-чуть другая соответственно соответственно Да вот эта штука короче может что смещаться вот сюда вы её найдёте Соответственно что вы сделать вы тогда вот эту обмотку смущаете вот сюда то есть вот эту точку А это обмотку смешайте вот сюда и таким образом опять имеем тот же результат понятно и легко находится как бы рабочий точек называется правильно Ну можно обозвать Рабочая Точка Просто я её как-бы обзываю вот ну такой нулевой точкой вот где у меня подходит Да И вот именно по фазовой характеристики мы можем эту точку спокойно туда-сюда наблюдать вот репетировать она как бы нам чётко будет показывать соотношения что мы видим первичной обмотки что едем во вторичной обмотке она может смещаться и ездить это всё абсолютно нормально и это характеристика на регулируемая как правило это делается следующим образом то есть Вот это допустим обмоткой если нам надо эту точку регулировать Да она будет продлена здесь будут сделаны выводы дополнительные и По мере того допустим как только мы будем нагружать нас Трансформатор это точка будет съезжать А мы просто-напросто что переключаемся на вот эти выводы и уходим на вот эти здесь выводы и всё И у нас сохраняются те же вольты амперы просто-напросто да А мы уходим от фазового сдвига Либо наоборот Нам нужен допустим фазовый сдвиг мы соответственно делаем специально смещения и таким образом его получаем это штука обратимая если надо уйти либо она нужна наоборот надо по каким-то причинам вот на её можно таким образом выполнить как правило вот ну переключение это понятно это делают как правило кто Ну кто-то занимается там дома там по я это мы тогда на производстве Ну либо на больших системах это штука она автоматизировано там просто обмотка двигается специально стоят привода и как бы которые двигают эти обмотки и система которая контролирует это всё и соответственно она всё перемещается по команде автоматических устройств которые отслеживают либо поддерживают этот параметр в оптимальном виде там либо в диапазоне Там какой импедансом задали то она в таком диапазоне подъезд
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Pre-reflective Consciousness Sartre and contemporary philosophy of mind
Edited by Sofia Miguens, Gerhard Preyer, and Clara Bravo Morando
» Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK

Notes on contributors Preface
Introduction: back to pre-reflectivity SOFIA MIGUENS, GERHARD PREYER, AND CLARA BRAVO MORANDO
PARTI Foundation of the mental
1 Why should we think that self consciousness
is non-reflective? MANFRED FRANK
2 is subjectivity first-personal?
3 Degrees of self-presence: rehabilitating Sartre's accounts
of pre-reflective self-consciousness and reflection KENNETH WILLIFORD
4 Sartre on pre-reflective consciousness: the adverbial
interpretation MARK ROWLANDS
5 Pre-reflective and reflective time-consciousness:
the shortcomings of Sartre and Husserl and a possible way out GERHARD SEEL

First published 2016 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2016 Sofia Miguens, Gerhard Preyer and Clara Bravo Morando, editorial and selection matter, individual chapters, the contributors. The right of the editors to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers, Trademark notice Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Lilrary Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Pre-reflective consciousness : Sartre and contemporary philosophy of mind / edited by Sofia Miguens, Gerhard Preyer and Clara Bravo Morando. -l [edition). pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Philosophy of mind. 2. Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. 3. Consciousness. 4. Subjectivity. I. Miguens, Sofia, editor. BD418.3.P74 2015 1282092—dc23 2015013241
ISBN 978-1-138-92581-6 (bk) ISBN 978-1-315-68114-6 (ebk)
Typesct in New Baskerville by Swales & Willis Ltd, Exeter, Devon, UK
Printed and bound in the United States of America by Publishers Graphics, LLC on sustainably sourced paper.

Contents vii
16 Sartre, enactivism, and the bodily nature of pre-reflective consciousness KATHLEEN WIDER
17 The body is structured like a language:
reading Sartre's Being and Nothingness DOROTHEE LEGRAND
18 Basic forms of pre-reflective self-consciousness:
a developmental perspective ANNA CIA UNICA
19 Ego disorders in psychosis: dysfunction of pre-reflective
self-awareness? ANDREAS HEINZ
PART V Historical philosophical background
20 Radical Epokhè on Sartre's concept of "pure reflection"
21 Sartre and Kierkegaard on consciousness and subjectivity
22 Invisible ghosts: Les jeux sont faits and disembodied
consciousness JEREMY EKBERG

vi Contents
I-knowledge, perception, and introspection
7 A sketch of Sartre's error theory of introspection
8 A pebble at the bottom of the water: Sartre and Cavell
on the opacity of self-knowledge PIERRE-JEAN RENAUDIE
9 Does consciousness necessitate self-awareness? Consciousness
and self-awareness in Sartre's The Transcendence of the Ego DANIEL R. RODRÍGUEZ NAVAS
10 Perception and imagination: a Sartrean account
PART III Pre-reflectivity disputed
11 Do we need pre-reflective self-consciousness? About
Sartre and Brentano ERIC TREMAULT
12 Sartre's non egological theory of consciousness
13 The "of" of intentionality and the "of" of acquaintance
14 A "quasi-Sartrean" theory of subjective awareness
PART IV Body as a whole, the other, and disorder of the mental
15 Pain: Sartre and Anglo-American philosophy of mind

7 A sketch of Sartre's error theory of introspection
Matthew C. Eshleman
We must not make of reflection a mysterious and infallible power, or believe that everything that reflection attains is indubitable because it is attained by reflection.
(Sartre, 2004a, p. 21)
Only a pure reflective consciousness can discover the For-itself reflected-on in its reality
(Sartre, 1956, p. 163)
While it was true in 1987 that "there were] few extended studies of the topic of introspection" (D.S.M. 1987), the same cannot be said today. A growing body of monographs and peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of introspection (e.g., its function, epistemic warrant, ontological status, and the methodological role it might play in the study of consciousness) have burgeoned over the last 15 years or so in both philosophy (e.g., Gertler, 2001, 2003; Schwitzgebel, 2004, 2008; Byrne, 2005; Elshof, 2005; Gallagher and Sørensen, 2006; Hurlbert and Schwitzgebel, 2007; Kriegel and Horgan, 2007; Fernández, 2009, 2013; Reuter, 2010; Smithies and Stoljar, 2012; Butler, 2013; Kriegel, 2013) and psychology (e.g., Jack and Rocpstorff, 2003, 2004; Hatfield, 2005; Price and Murat, 2005; Piccinini, 2009; Jäkel and Schreiber, 2013). This extraordinary revival of analysis and debate over introspection can, of course, be interpreted in numerous ways. As Matthew Boyle (2012) notes, "whether the story of this attraction is that of a doomed obsession from which self-respecting philosophers must break free, or of a comedy of errors that is bound to end in a happy reconciliation—this depends on who gets to tell the tale." These allegories of a "doomed obsession" and a "comedy of errors" parody two ends of a dialectical battlefield and potentially flatten a more complex spectrum of stories that one might tell. The following four interpretations of the introspection renaissance put a little flesh on these bare allegorical bones, and they help to measure the spectrum of positions that frame the aims of this chapter.
First, intransigent local skeptics with an exclusionary alliance to thirdperson method, e.g., behaviorists and logical behaviorists, may argue

that cognitive science has reached a temporary impasse and that, for a momentary lack of any better ideas, doomed obsessions with introspection have, unfortunately, returned. These local skeptics say: What we need is an absolutely non-introspective approach to cognitive science. Study the brain, study what people do-but don't take people's introspective reports about what they do, perceive, or "think" very seriously. Successful arguments that show such reports are too unreliable and unverifiable to assist in empirical research have been around for a long time: see, e.g, the now classic criti cisms developed by Comte (1830) and the well-known contemporary case made by Nisbett and Wilson (1977). Alas, arguments do not easily cure doomed obsessions: perhaps only therapy will do. Short of that, wayward obsessions shall pass only after cognitive science emerges out of adolescence into maturity, and new generations of philosophers and scientists grow up in a new theoretical climate. One should, at most, enter the argumentative fray to put out smoldering fires. The sooner our doomed obsessions with introspection pass, the better off cognitive science will be
Second, open-minded general skeptics, e.g., Eric Schwitzgebel (2008, 2011; Hurlbert and Schwitzgebel, 2007), may interpret the recent revived interest in introspection as highlighting an apparently insurmountable joint impasse. "If there simply are no better methods, the scientific study of consciousness may prove wholly impossible in principle: vacuous without introspective report, intractably conflictual with it" (Hurlbert and Schwitzgebel, 2007, p. 5). Of course, a lot rides on the perceived lack of any "better methods." A Pyrrhonist skeptic keeps an open mind and does not insist that no such better method shall ever be forthcoming, only that none has been discovered so far. After all, the general skeptic's attitude results from a nonskeptical commitment to the simultaneous unreliability and inescapability of introspection (Schwitzgebel, 2008, p. 246; 2011, p. 118). Consequently, such skeptics live parasitic lives that require optimistic hosts for sustenance. Is this relationship symbiotic? While these skeptics rehearse well-worn challenges to the reliability of introspection, their frequently corrective diag. noses entail that there is (or at least that they still believe there may be) an element of truth delivered by introspection (Schwitzgebel, 2002, 2004). This opens a door to optimism.
Third, hesitant optimists like Uriah Kriegel (2013) cautiously defend introspection and the role it should play in the study of consciousness. True, the current state of affairs is not, in some key areas, particularly satisfactory. Hesitant optimists, nonetheless, interpret the revived interest in introspection as indicating progress, or at least as an initial step in the right direction. While introspection was for a long time scen to be overly unreliable, the cautious optimist argues that we have asked too much of introspection. If we can work towards a "hesitant defense" of "introspective minimalism" (Kriegel 2013), we may be able to pave a way forward--one small step at a time. Cognitive science requires a provisional, practical acceptance of introspection: at least when it comes to certain aspects of our conscious

experience, it remains entirely unclear how cognitive scientists could even begin to know what to study without first-person reports (Sartre 2012, p. 129; Overgaard 2006, p. 231). So understood, introspection can provide insights in the context of discovery; but we should leave questions of justification to science (Kriegel 2013). Perhaps the best approach to consciousness cautiously sorts through the comedy of errors for a few nuggets of "inner" truth, without which cognitive science cannot progress to its full potential
Fourth, phenomenologists, i.e., contemporary philosophers nurt large measure on a diet of Husserlian thought, and who drawn
thought, and who draw methodological sustenance from later figures in the tradition, sometimes inhabit a fourth category: that of robust optimists (e.g., Lawler, Zahavi, and Gallagher).' They are the least surprised by the current renaissance in studies of introspec tion: after all, it has been, necessarily, just a matter of time. Until cognitive science properly coordinates first-person and third-person methods in the study of consciousness, certain inherent limits shall remain unsurpassable. Unfortunately, mainstream cognitive science, as currently practiced, cannot explicitly recognize the transcendental dimension of conscious experience; hence, it fails to recognize its most distinctive aspect: subjectivity. However, unlike hesitant optimists who accept that descriptive phenomenology can play an important role in the context of discovery, robust optimists maintain that the transcendental structures of consciousness render experience possible; hence, first-person analyses of these structures shall always take logical priority over and ground-every third-person approach.
Faced with these options, which should we choose? This chapter advocates for a version of robust optimism committed to the following two claims: first, the full advance of cognitive science requires coordination between first-person and third-person methods (Chalmers 2010); second, since that coordination is necessary, one's preferred phenomenological method should be compatible with non-reductive attempts to "naturalize" our understanding of pre-reflective conscious experience (Gallagher 2012b). With that said, this chapter makes its case indirectly. Since phe nomenologists claim that we are all naturally bad at introspection, rather than meeting questions of epistemic reliability and operation head on, it sketches a topology of common errors that occur when we reflect upon our own conscious experience. By systematically showing how introspection goes wrong, when attempting to discern the essential structures that make conscious experience possible, I hope to encourage pessimists and hesitant optimists alike that what Sartre calls "pure reflection" can reliably go right.
This would be an overly ambitious task, were it not for the following plausible hypothesis. Most, if not all, introspective errors share a common core: namely that, when we think about our own conscious experience, we frequently try to adopt the perspective of another person. In our efforts to gain objective purchase upon ourselves we attempt to view ourselves as others view us, as if we could adopt a third-person perspective upon our

own personal experience. Doing so, however, requires standing outside one's own perspective, which is a little like pulling oneself up by one's own bootstraps. Sartre names this bootstrapping kind of effort "accessory" or "impure reflection," which consists in an abortive effort on the part of the for-itself to be another while remaining itself" (1956, p. 161). Otherwise put, impure reflection amounts to the failed effort to stand outside of oneself and adopt a third-person perspective upon one's essentially firstperson experience.
That impure reflection fails to achieve a genuinely third-person perspec tive upon itself should not be especially controversial in today's philosophical climate, at least not for those who accept that pre-reflective conscious experience involves an essentially first-person dimension. Even so, a puzzle remains. Those who recognize the impossibility of taking a third-person perspective on one's own first-person conscious experience, as one experiences it, are faced with the necessity of explaining the alternative: what can it mean to take a first-person perspective on one's own first-person perspec tive? In response to this question, I argue for two claims: first, that such a proposition doesn't mean anything coherent, since doing so is impossible; and, second, that the very attempt to take a "point of view" upon one's own conscious experience motivates many—if not most, or even all-errors made in our introspective efforts to understand consciousness better. To Kant's complaint that philosophers have for too long mixed empirical with transcendental claims, Sartre effectively adds that philosophers almost inevitably muddle the first-person vs third-person distinction when theorizing about (embodied) consciousness.
The rest of this chapter unfolds in five parts and a conclusion. The first part, Why Sartre? makes some general remarks that explain why Sartre motivates this project and it also serves as a programmatic introduction to Sartre's earliest philosophical works. The second part, Basic distinctions, provides a description of being absorbed in reading good fiction as a basis upon which to characterize several standard distinctions accepted by most phenomenologists. The third part, A topological sketch of introspec tive errors, sketches a general error theory that maps the central ways in which our thinking about thinking go wrong. The fourth part, The problem of purifying reflection, raises a challenge to Sartre's pivotal distinction between pure and impure reflection, necessary to showing how reflection can go right, and it offers a defense. The fifth part, An insuperable ambiguity, remarks on an insuperable ambiguity that is constitutive of selfawareness and that can, upon reflection, make self-awareness seem either paradoxical (Woodruff Smith, 1986) or mysterious (Kriegel, 2003).
Why Sartre? The choice of Sartre (instead of Husserl) as the subject of this chapter may seem unfortunate. Sartre rarely discusses methodology in any significant

detail, his jargon can be impenetrable, and his views on consciousness appear to be highly revisionary and, hence, controversial. Consequently, looking to Sartre for resources to develop an error theory of introspection may seem like a dubious task that needs justification. Six points and an observation comprise this justification and will also serve as a programmatic introduction to Sartre's early philosophical writings.
First, Sartre's texts up to but not including Being and Nothingness read much more like rigorous academic philosophy, and they follow the spirit of Husserl's (1913) phenomenological method very closely. Sartre's incisive analyses based on astute descriptions shine through in these early works, and they sharply contrast his obscure language and hyperbolic claims that appear rather suddenly in Being and Nothingness. Thus, those sympathetic to careful applications of the spirit of Husserl's method, but who are understandably unwilling to suffer through the semantic jungle of Being and Nothingness, will find much more clarity in Sartre's earliest works. Of course, many of the contributions in this volume reinforce this point.
Second, Sartre read a great deal of research psychology from the nine teenth and early twentieth centuries (1936a, 1936b, 1939, 1940), and he was acutely aware of the debates over the epistemic reliability of introspec tion. He offers a rather weaker view of the epistemic reliability of claims derived from purifying reflection. On the one hand, while he holds that pure reflection can achieve apodictic certainty (2004a, pp. 10, 15, 1956, pp. 84, 156), the range of claims for which such certainty holds turns out to be very limited, namely, it holds only for claims about the stream-ofconscious experience (but not its objects) in the instantaneous moment. Yet such claims are sufficient to supply the evidentiary basis for situated, transcendental arguments from which to derive the basic structures of conscious human experience. On the other hand, he emphasizes that all claims about transcendent objects i.e., any intentional object for consciousness that is not essentially part of the stream of consciousness itself, even with regard to how such an object merely seems) cannot be trusted. In fact, if he goes too far in any one direction, it could plausibly be in the direction of unreliability. He includes the empirical ego or psyche in the category of transcendent objects, and, consequently, he maintains that our observations about our own empirical ego-including claims about our character and explanations for our motives, etc.--are, more often than not, mistaken.
Third, whereas Husserl took many transcendental claims to be true in an absolute sense (i.e., necessarily true for any conscious activity whatso ever, whether that of God or a dog). Sartre, at least in his better moments, employs a weaker sense of situated transcendental claims. On the basis of phenomenological descriptions, e.g., of our ability to imagine non-exist ent future states of affairs, Sartre transcendentally deduces various ontological structures that must obtain, as a matter of factual necessity, given

the truth of those descriptions (see, e.g., Sartre 2004b, pp. 179-188). Insofar as Sartre establishes merely factual necessities, this entails that, for a being which enjoys a categorically different kind of experience, its ontological structures, as transcendentally entailed by those experiences, would, presumably, differ. Needless to say, Sartre's weaker view of situated transcendental claims is more straightforwardly compatible with a nonreductive approach to cognitive science (Gallagher 2012b). In fact, some cognitive scientists have already begun to adopt a similar transcendental method.
Fourth, even though Sartre is highly critical of psychology at the turn of the century, he accepts that a purely descriptive, first-person method needs to be supplemented by empirical research. This point comes out most clearly in the last two-thirds of The Imaginary, where Sartre abandons pure description and draws heavily, albeit critically, upon inductive inferences grounded in studies made by nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century psychologists like Galton, Binet, Messer, Flach, Tain, Leroy, and Spaier.? Sartre's appeal to such studies may be surprising, and while Sartre scholars can debate whether such sympathies were long-lasting, I think this appeal should come as a relief, for it helps to widen slightly the already open door to collaboration between phenomenology and cognitive science. In short, Sartre's early works make a better ally for those interested in a rapprochement between phenomenology and cognitive science than is generally supposed.
Fifth, all of Sartre's early philosophical works include sustained analyses of the various ways in which we go wrong when we reflect and report on our conscious experiences. As Jonathan Webber (2004) observes,
throughout The Imaginary, Sartre is concerned not only to refute this (perception-based) view of the mind, but also to understand the pressures that have pushed theorists in its direction. The acceptability of (Sartre's] alternative model will, at least in part, be a function of how well it dissipates these pressures or can explain why they should be resisted.
(p. xx)
My efforts below aim to sketch what "dissipates these pressures" in a programmatic way that goes beyond The Imaginary but also draws upon Sartre's other early works up to and including Being and Nothingness.
Sixth, despite all of Being and Nothingness' liabilities, in that text Sartre offers several astute analyses of how philosophers frequently mix claims derived from first-person introspection with third-person or quasi-thirdperson perspectives. These analyses provide good explanations for why several classic philosophical problems arise and remain unresolved. To take one relevant example, Sartre argues that the "false problem" of understanding how mind and body interrelate is due to the fact that people have

wanted to link my consciousness of objects to the body of the Other" (1956, p. 305). Otherwise put, "I try to unite my consciousness not with my body but with the body of others" (1956, p. 303). Perhaps, in an analogous way, contemporary philosophers make a similar kind of mistake when discussing the so-called "mind-brain" and "body-body" problems. They try to unite their first-person conscious experience not with their own lived body, but with a brain that they've never directly experienced but have only studied via anatomy and neurophysiology (i.e., from a third-person perspec tive). These are two fundamentally different orders of description, or so it will be argued. If this criticism is correct, many discussions of the so-called mind-brain, mind-body, and body-body problems ride on a basic confusion between two irreducibly different orders of description.
A final observation: a complete account of Sartre's error theory of introspection would require taking into consideration both its existential and technical aspects. Whereas the existential aspects motivate errors, the technical aspects explain their theoretical shapes. These two dimensions of error can and should be kept separate; indeed, Sartre did not strongly press the motivational aspects of error until Being and Nothingness. Otherwise put, even though in Being and Nothingness Sartre maintains that discomfiting aspects of life motivate many, if not most, theoretical errors, the existential aspects of these errors are generally too controversial to meet any widely acceptable justificatory standard. Thus, Sartre scholars will make better inroads into contemporary debates surrounding the philosophy of mind by emphasizing and explaining the technical aspects or shapes of Sartre's error theory as a propaedeutic to Sartre's account of embodied consciousness.
Basic distinctions Ordinarily we easily distinguish between explicitly self-directed experiences and lived experiences. Examples of engrossment, like reading good fiction, provide paradigmatic examples of the former. As one becomes imaginatively absorbed in the details of a captivating novel, every explicit sense of oneself as reading entirely disappears. One imagines the poplar trees, a blood-stained white coat, the axe grooves in the dirt; one feels trepidation and then horror at the tangled body, suddenly headless ... and then empathy and sorrow for the parent's loss, as if the fictional victim were one's own child. When engrossed, the story becomes the focal aspect of experience, and, correlatively, the contours of one's body along the couch, the faint music from the other room, fade into an increasingly indeterminate, unat tended background. Something similar, but not identical, happens to one's explicit sense of self during engrossment.
In sharp contrast, if someone enters the room and asks, "What are you doing?" attention naturally shifts from the story to one's experience of reading it. Engrossed experience comes to an end and (in response to the

question) reflection upon one's current conscious activity begins: "I am reading an amazing book about the South at the turn of the century, where a young white girl was raped and gruesomely murdered by an elderly white farmer. An innocent young black teenager was falsely accused and then lynched before the trial ended." Only upon reflection does one's sense of being a discrete agent of an activity, possessing an experience, become explicit. Only then can one make the following kinds of distinctions, organized here in five points.
First, most people, except the self-obsessed, spend considerably more time living life (pre-reflectively) than (reflectively) thinking about the life that one lives. This suggests that explicit self-awareness arises in specific contexts. Five common (but not comprehensive) cases motivate reflection: (1) When environmental anomalies interrupt implicit expectations, e.g. when something goes wrong (like the car won't start or there's no hot water in the shower), this can motivate reflective efforts to understand and integrate such anomalies into our lived experience. (2) When we learn new physical activities (e.g., dancing or sewing) we initially tend to reflect upon what to do while trying to do it, as opposed to spontaneously performing it. (3) When we feel like someone is watching us, we frequently experience explicit self-consciousness. (4) When we puzzle through major life decisions, this tends to motivate reflection over our motives and reasons for various possible choices. (5) Finally, most relevantly, when we theorize about consciousness we tend to reflect upon our pre-reflective conscious experience in our efforts to understand ourselves better.
Second, reflection typically does not discover anything genuinely new (Sartre, 1956, p. 155) about itself qua reflected upon. One does not have an anonymous pre-reflective experience, e.g., "someone is reading" and then infer from (or discover upon the basis of) that anonymous experience that
This suggests that reflection renders implicit aspects of pre-reflective experience explicit. Otherwise put, in reflection we recognize what we pre-reflectively already implicitly comprehend (Sartre, 1956, pp. 155-156), namely that we were enjoying a lived reading experience." It follows, then, that reflective consciousness is not surprised by what it renders explicit (Sartre, 1956, pp. 155-156)-e.g., by the fact that I am reading. More strongly put, if reflection makes explicit what one already implicitly comprehends, reflection never discovers anything genuinely new or surprising about its pre-reflective experience."
Third, prior to reflection, while engrossed, no explicit or genuine positing of oneself (qua agent) as distinct from one's activity (of reading) as distinct from the object (the story) takes place. Insofar as these relations remain implicit, so too do various distinctions that one might make about them. This raises a thorny question about what happens in the process of making implicit aspects of conscious experience explicit (see below). The point here, however, is that one's implicit sense of self-awareness contrasts with explicit, reflective self-awareness in four ways. (A couple of these differences

require justification that goes beyond description and must be stated here without argument.) Unlike explicit self-awareness that can operate as a kind of voluntary "self-observation," intrinsic self-awareness is (1) non-voluntary, (2) non-observational; (3) non-inferential; and (4) non-intentional. What follows amplifies each of these four points.
Implicit self-awareness is non-voluntary. It takes no effort. It's not some thing that we deliberately will, and it always seems to accompany our prereflective conscious experience. Second, it is non-observational. It does not require second-order, reflective acts to observe and, hence, constitute it. Rather, implicit self-awareness makes "self-observation" in the reflective sense possible (Sartre, 1956, p. lii). Thus, reflective acts do not cause or lead to self-awareness; they merely make implicit self-awareness explicit Third, it's non-inferential, insofar as it is unmcdiated by secondary acts. We generally do not have anonymous experiences and then, on that basis, infer possession of them. Rather, we experience implicit self-awareness as inescapably built into our pre-reflective experience, not as added on. Finally, implicit self-awareness does not require doubling intentionality. Otherwise put, the best theoretical explanation for implicit self-awareness should not posit twofold intentional content, i.e., an inner representation of self and an outer representation of the world. (This last point requires amplification and justification, given below.)
Fourth, we can abstractly distinguish between two dependent parts (or moments) of pre-reflective conscious experience: (1) non-positional selfawareness-what I have been calling "implicit self-awareness, and (2) positional acquaintance with an intentional object. Unlike the non-positional dimension of self-awareness, our positional grasp of intentional objects frequently (not necessarily) includes predication. For example, we prereflectively know that the boy (the subject) in the story is falsely accused of murder (the predicate). In contrast, it will be argued below, our imaginary terror does not, at the pre-reflective level, form an object of experience at all. Rather, it's a constitutive feature of that which illuminates intentional objects as meaningful.
If correct, our account of "what it is like to be acquainted with an object should sharply differ from the kind of account required by our description of the object with which we are acquainted. For example, it is one thing to describe the boy's response to the false accusations (in the novel) and wholly another to describe "what it is like to live imaginatively through the boy's terror at the false accusations (and yet still another to give an account of actual lived terror, e.g., what it is actually like to be falsely accused in a racist context on pain of death). This suggests that we should not straightfor wardly align pre-reflective consciousness with the first-person perspective. Rather, pre-reflective consciousness includes both a first-person dimension (implicit self-awareness of "what it is like to experience an object), and a proto third-person dimension (acquaintance with the intentional object experienced).15

Fifth, locating the first and third-person dimensions of perspectivity within pre-reflective consciousness indicates an insuperable ambiguity, to be further discussed in the conclusion. Whereas pre-reflective consciousness enjoys implicit self-awareness that does not explicitly posit itself as a subject of experience, in reflecting upon pre-reflective self-consciousness one can simultaneously feel like observer and observed, an observer-observed," so to speak, and this constitutes a truly unique experience. We experience nothing in the world that is at all or in any way like this: nothing else gives rise to this peculiar observer-observed feel. Although the unusual character of this feel motivates philosophers to describe self-awareness as either paradoxical or mysterious, this chapter concludes that the peculiarity of implicit self-awareness made explicit is best characterized as ontologically (and not merely cpistemically) ambiguous.
Finally reflection modifies (but does not necessarily distort) pre-reflective experience. Two qualitative aspects typically characterize this modification: (1) an explicit sense of ownership that the recent and current experiences reflected upon are mine and (2) an explicit sense of agency that I am the source of my activity, e.g., reading. Although reflection can involve the kind of doubling noted above, i.e., the simultaneous observerobserved feel, pure reflection is best characterized as amplifying that about which we are always already implicitly aware. Since that implicit awareness never includes being an object for ourselves, the peculiar observer-observed feel (noted above) amounts to a special kind of illusion (discussed below). Consequently, Sartre adds (3), that there are two kinds of reflection. On the one hand, impure reflection both modifies and distorts (by doubling) that upon which it reflects and, hence, it adds more than evidence serves. On the other hand, purifying reflection merely amplifies or makes explicit what is already implicitly comprehended (prior to reflection).
A topological sketch of introspective errors On the basis of these observations the following preliminary distinctions have been drawn: (1) pre-reflective conscious experience vs non-conscious objects of experience; (2) non-positional vs positional moments of prereflective conscious experience; (3) pre-reflective conscious experience vs reflective conscious experience; (4) implicit self-awareness vs explicit reflective self-awareness; and (5) impure vs pure reflection. These distinctions provide the basis for a nearly comprehensive list, as found in the work of Sartre, of all of the kinds of errors made when we reflect upon conscious experience:!?
The projection error. Sometimes we illicitly project aspects of reflective consciousness on to pre-reflective consciousness. Sartre does not label this error as such, but he describes it in several places (2004b, pp. 52, 69; 2004a, pp. 10, 14, 17, 27).

(2) The reification error. Sometimes qualities of objects for consciousness
are applied to conscious experience itself (1956, pp. 103, 163, 206; 1967, p. 127). Since the primary objects for conscious experience are most frequently material objects, this misleads us into attributing predicates suitable for material objects to our conscious experience.
(Sartre most commonly calls this error bad faith.) (3) The illusion of immanence: A subspecies of the reification error leads us
mistakenly to attribute spatial qualities to consciousness, as if it were like a receptacle that contains ideas, representations, and psychic objects (2004b, pp.5, 53, 87, 138). The warping of thought: Sometimes when we think we are describing some aspect of conscious experience we surreptitiously introduce claims based on subtle but misleading analogies; Sartre calls this the warping of thought (2004b, pp. 116-117). The illusion of the primacy of knowledge: Sometimes we confuse claims produced by positional observations for aspects of non-positional self-awareness (1956, p. liv). This leads us mistakenly to characterize pre-cognitive aspects of experience as cognitive (1956, p.x). The standpoint error: Most of the time when we reflect upon our conscious experience, in our effort to gain objective purchase upon our selves, we try to take a point of view" upon our viewpoint (1956, pp. 43, 155, 161). We attempt to adopt pseudo third-person perspec tive on our essentially first-person experience.
The projection error involves a confusion of the essential struc reflective acts with those of unreflective acts" (2004a, p. 17). Descartes' cogito offers the most famous instance of the projection error. In charac terizing Descartes' mistake, Sartre follows Husserl and distinguishes prereflective doubt from reflective doubt. Whereas pre-reflective doubt occurs spontaneously (e.g., when one suddenly doubts that a coil of rope in the shadows is what it seems to be, namely a snake), reflective doubt occurs deliberately (e.g., in the application of a method of inquiry). Thus, prereflective doubt only concerns intentional objects it cannot doubt its own
e due to its essential object orientation whereas reflective doubt attempts, but necessarily fails, to doubt its existence. So understood, when Descartes arrives at his famous observation every time I am thinking, I exist (1637, Discourse IV)—he does so via reflective doubt that renders implicit self-awareness explicit.18
In arriving at the cogito, Descartes makes two separate (but related) errors. Descartes mistakenly concludes (1) that the "T" resides at the level of pre reflective consciousness (the projection error) and (2) that thinking is an attribute of a non-extended substance (a conceptual variation of the reification error). With regards to (2), Descartes hypostasizes selfawareness into an ego substance, qua source of thought, and then pro jects it into pre-reflective consciousness. In this way, Descartes confuses

pre-reflective consciousness, which does the thinking, with the reflective level of consciousness, which constitutes the ego. Otherwise put, "the (reflective) consciousness that says 'I think' is precisely not the (pre-reflecLive] consciousness that thinks" (2004a, p. 10).
This analysis motivates Sartre's observation that "the reason why Descartes moved from the Cogito to the idea of thinking substance is that he believed that the I and think' are on the same level" (2004a, p. 14/34). In projecting a reified ego into the heart of consciousness, Descartes characterizes thought as an attribute of a non-extended substance and, in so doing, unnecessarily multiplies theoretical entities. Sartre's parsimonious alternative shows why the introduction of any sort of thinker/thought, subject/ object, or substance/attribute distinction into pre-reflective consciousness not only generates unnecessary theoretical complexity, but also that it tends to leave the structure of implicit self-awareness unexplained. Sartre reaches his minimalist view on both descriptive and argumentative grounds.
On descriptive grounds: when we reflect on pre-reflective consciousness, in a purifying way, we don't find anything in or behind conscious experience, Otherwise put, Sartre's account parallel's G. E. Moore's (1903) account of consciousness as diaphanous. As Kenneth Williford helpfully puts it,
consciousness is phenomenologically diaphanous: one is aware of the objects and their qualities; there seems to be nothing literally in con sciousness or behind it, and nothing between it and its objects. Still, it is distinguishable. The consciousness of an object is not (typically) the object of that consciousness.
(Williford, 2004, p. 149)
This way of putting matters suggests that Hume rightly saw that the kind of self putatively discovered" and frequently posited to account for personal unity amounts to an illusion (based on reification). However, in pointing out this illusion, Hume was looking for the self in the wrong place" (Woodruff Smith, 1986, p. 149). From the fact that Hume could not discover a self in introspection, Hume mistakenly supposed that the self must be part of the content of experience. What Hume plausibly failed to appreciate is that self-awareness is built into pre-reflective conscious experience in such a way that it does not-even cannot represent itself to itself. (An argum this claim returns below.)
To be sure, reflection upon implicit self-awareness often generates a curious switching phenomenon. Like the well-known duck-rabbit optical illusion that sometimes looks like a duck and sometimes looks like a rabbit, yet cannot look simultaneously like both, a similar shifting can arise when we reflect upon conscious experience. When grasped reflectively, it can appear either diaphanously (and seem like nothing) or opaquely (and seem like something). This switching phenomenon forms two horns of a dilemma. On the one hand, like Descartes, in making itself into an observed object,

consciousness arguably reifies itself into something that it is not. For in rep resenting itself as an object, it cannot grasp itself as a subject. On the other hand, sometimes, like Hume, when you go looking for yourself, while you may never find yourself, you cannot escape the fact that conscious experience always ineluctably feels like it is your own. Call this Hume's dilemma. It returns in the conclusion.
The reification error includes a subspecies of error that Sartre labels "the illusion of immanence." This illusion results from "our habit of thinking in space and in terms of space" (2004b, p. 5), and this habit misleads us to "constitute the world of the mind from objects very similar to those of the external world and which, simply, obey different laws" (2004b, p. 6). Doing so motivates mistakenly locating ideas or thoughts inside of conscious activity (or, analogously, of locating consciousness inside of a body). There is, however, nothing literally inside of consciousness (and consciousness does not stand "inside of its body). If correct, the Latin roots of "introspection" mislead us into thinking that when we think about thought this literally involves looking inside of our minds. Words with spatial meanings, however, are, at best, misleading colloquial metaphors-more the province of philologists than phenomenologists.
Sartre gives a broad explanation for all three of these errors that characterizes how we arrive at pensée spatialisée. Sartre calls this "the warping of thought" and he claims that it is one of the most frequent causes of error, particularly in psychology and philosophy" (2004b, p. 117). Warping occurs on the basis of illicitly introducing subtle analogical reasoning where one believes oneself to be giving a purely descriptive account. To put this matter in overly simplistic terms, the surreptitious analogy moves from either spatial qualities or quasi-spatial qualities, e.g., of imaginary objects or representations of spatial schema, and then attributes them to acts of consciousness themselves. In this way, via implicit analogical reasoning, one attributes spatial qualities to non-spatial thoughts and then to the activity of thinking itself.23
While the first four kinds of errors all relate to our natural proclivity to construe self-conscious experience in objectified, spatialized terms (a strategy Sartre adapts from Bergson), the illusion of the primacy of knowledge stands, on the surface, in a different category, and it is more difficult to unpack in its details. Most broadly put, this illusion results either when we construe our most basic relationships (to ourselves, the world, and others) in entirely cognitive terms (in the sense of being inherently conceptual, e.g., in the Kantian sense that all intelligible experience is already schematized) or, more broadly, when we suppose that epistemology should take theoreti cal primacy over ontology (as most modern philosophy does). The latter broader supposition cannot be fully discussed here for reasons of brevity.
Sartre addresses the narrower portion of this error in the context of making an argument that the necessary and sufficient condition for a knowing consciousness to be knowledge of its object, is that it be consciousness of

itself as being that knowledge" (1956, p. lii). Sartre proceeds by way of a two-pronged dilemma. On the one hand, if there were no self-consciousness of knowing X, then it would be a consciousness unconscious of itself, which, Sartre claims, is contradictory. On the other, less controversial, hand, if one construes the relation constitutive of intrinsic self-awareness as involving a known-known dyad, an infinite regress results: the knower that knows needs another knower to know the first knower knowing ... Sartre concludes that, in order to avoid this infinite regress, the transcendental ground for our knowing X requires "a non-cognitive relation of the self to itself" (1956, p. liin).
This means, according to Sartre, that self-awareness does not posit itself as an intentional object. Consequently, no concepts can be attached to it, insofar as there is no subject to attach predicates (1956, p. 354). In this sense, its grasp of itself is non-cognitive or, perhaps better put, pre-conceptual. So understood, implicit self-awareness is necessary to know objects but it does not know itself knowing them.26 Another way to come at the non-cognitive dimension of conscious experience is to note that many of its constitutive components are not intentional objects. Like intrinsic self-awareness that does not represent itself to itself qua intentional object; neither do any other of these non-positional aspects of conscious experience, and, thus, they function pre-predicatively. 27
To help to clarify this matter, Sartre offers a few astute phenomenological descriptions: living through thirst (1956, pp. 82, 87), pain (1956, pp. 330-332), and fatigue (1956, pp. 453-459). Take the example of pain. When reading for a very long period of time the words may begin to tremble and quiver, as their meanings become increasingly difficult to comprehend (1956, pp. 332-333). At the pre-reflective level, it's the story that comprises the intentional correlate of painful reading, where pain is neither a thematic object represented in the content of experience nor something in addition to one's eyes. Rather, one's eyes exist in a painful way constitutive of the pre-reflective troubled-reading experience. We can, of course, turn our attention away from the story and reflect upon the pain and locate it in our eyes, but Sartre notes that doing so transforms pain into an object (1956, p. 355).
Although the act of objectification doesn't necessarily falsify pain, where it should be admitted that Sartre isn't especially clear on what distinguishes successful from unsuccessful objectifications, doing so requires introducing a third-person viewpoint and requires that we abandon our lived experience (see below). In reflecting upon pain in an objectifying way we adopt a position similar to how an ophthalmologist might examine and diagnose it. Thus, we shift the locus of experience away from the original intentional correlate (the increasingly unintelligible story) to an aspect constitutive of the experiential side, namely my painful eyes. In the process, we can overlock what lived pain is like in deference to objectified pain or mix claims about the two orders of description together.

That lived "pain is notoriously difficult to describe" (Gallagher and Nikolic, 2012, p. 139) does not result solely from the fact that painful experience is so specific to the individual, that our concepts are insufficiently fine-grained. Rather, pain is a constitutive feature of the non-cognitive dimension of our pre-reflective experience and comprises a pre-linguistic horizon that defies well-formed definitions. This explains why, in our best efforts to describe lived pain, we frequently employ metaphor, poetic alle gory, and analogy. To think that one can give well-formed definitions is to succumb to the illusion of the primacy of knowledge.
This brings us to the crux of the matter. The reflective effort to take a position upon non-positional aspects of our conscious experience frequently involves the standpoint error. Due to its importance and complex ity, this error will be approached in two stages. The first stage discusses embodiment, where it is easier to mark out the first/third-person distinc tion. The second stage addresses the issue of reflective consciousness, where the first/third-person distinction becomes murkier. The analogy from the case of embodiment to consciousness only goes so far, for reasons that should become clear below.
Stage one
As seen above, Sartre argues that the "false problem" of understanding how the mind and body interrelate results from the fact that people have wanted to link my consciousness of objects to the body of the Other" (1956, p. 305). It's easy to see how this can arise in the case of my body: I can straightforwardly look at my body as Others see it, e.g., by looking at it in a mirror. When I look at my body in a mirror, however, I'm not experiencing it qua lived. As Sartre puts it, "either (the body) is a thing among things, or else it is that by which things are revealed to me. But it cannot be both at the same time" (1956, p. 304).
Sartre reaches this asymmetry by way of a now familiar analogy tied to a transcendental argument. Here's the analogy: just as the eye cannot see itself qua seeing, we cannot know our body qua living it (1956, pp. 304-305, see also p. 316). Although I can look at my eyeball in a mirror, doing so does not capture the "what it's like aspect of seeing; rather, it captures the eyeball as an object seen. So when we look our body in a mirror, qua thirdperson perspective, we abandon our first-person, lived perspective (1956, p. 318). Otherwise put, our inhabited viewpoint vanishes as soon as we try to take an exterior viewpoint upon it.
Thus, in a way similar to non-positional dimensions of conscious experience, Sartre argues that "the body is lived but not known" (1956, pp. 324, see especially pp. 354–855). Our lived body is not, first and fore. most, an intentional object of experience; thus, it is not an object sub ject to predicates qua lived. For example, while absorbed in typing, I do not apprehend my hands. Rather, the words and sentences unfold on the screen as to-be-finished within an affective horizon of urgency: late again

to meet a deadline. When understood in this lived way, my body isn't something in addition to or over and above my self-conscious experience of typing. So understood, my lived body is not a contingent feature added on to consciousness; rather, "it is the permanent structure of my being and the permanent condition for the possibility of my consciousness as consciousness of the world" (1956, p. 328, translation slightly altered). Qua lived, embodiment supplies a necessary condition for the possibil ity of having the kind of practical, spatially oriented experiences that we enjoy; hence, it conditions the range and meanings of our lived experience (1956, p. 328).
Stage two
Unlike the case of our bodies, the case of pre-reflective consciousness turns out to be only roughly analogous. Sartre argues that we cannot ever take a genuinely third-person perspective upon it. We cannot look at our conscious experience, as we do our bodies, in a mirror, as it were. Although Sartre employs an array of optical terms, e.g., reflection, reflecting, reflected, that can make it seem like reflective consciousness can take some kind of per spective on itself, Sartre denies that any non-distorting reflection can take a perspective upon itself.
He puts the matter like this: Reflective consciousness cannot "detach itself completely from the reflected-on, and (hence] it cannot grasp the reflected-on from a point of view" (1956, p. 155). Sartre's analysis contin. ues as follows:
Actually the consciousness reflected-on is not presented" yet as something outside reflection, that is, as a being on which one can take a point of view, in relation to which one can realize a withdrawal, increase or diminish the distance which separates one from it.
(1956, p. 155)
Reflection and reflected being one and the same entails that reflection cannot stand outside of itself in order to take a viewpoint on itself. It would be something like standing outside of one's body in order to see it seeing, which is impossible, if not conceptually, then factually. Otherwise put, reflection cannot detach itself from itself (qua reflected upon) and take a position independent of itself. It is itself what it tries to grasp in the very activity of grasping. Now, what Sartre says next is very interesting
In order for the consciousness reflected on to be "viewed from without" and in order for reflection to be able to orient itself in relation to it, it would be necessary that the reflective should not be the reflectedon in the mode of not being what it is not this scissiparity will be realized only in existence for others.
(1956, p. 155)

In our failure to stand reflectively outside of ourselves, we resort to intro ducing the separation experienced with regard to others. This allows us to approximate a quasi-third-person perspective upon ourselves and leads us to reify consciousness and constitute it in terms of psychic objects. This is impure reflection, i.e., bad faith.
Here arises a serious problem. If we cannot reflectively take a perspective on our inhabited perspective, i.e., if we cannot grasp implicit self-awareness as an intentional object, without abandoning that perspective, then what does purifying reflection grasp in a non-distorting way? Kathleen Wider (1997) raises this worry and argues that Sartre has no satisfactory answer. It will be helpful, then, to answer this question by way of responding to Wider's worry
The problem of purifying reflection
Wider argues that Sartre fails to distinguish adequately pure reflection from pre-reflective consciousness "without at the same time destroying the distinction he draws between pure and impure reflection" (Wider, 1997, p. 80), Wider poses her worry as a twofold dilemma. On the one hand, if pure reflection grasps itself qua object, then pure reflection does not differ from impure reflection. On the other hand, if pure reflection does not grasp itself in as an object, then it becomes indistinguishable from the actual selfconsciousness of pre-reflective consciousness" (Wider, 1997, p. 81). Wider diagnoses this problem in epistemic terms. "(Sartre) fails to develop a the. ory of consciousness's non-cognitive presence to itself that allows him to
tinguish when this self-presence is reflective from when it is not" (Wider, 1997, p. 92). The reason for this is that Sartre doesn't have a "clear enough notion of a knowledge that isn't a subject object relation' (Wider, 1997, p. 85). So, if purifying reflection cannot grasp itself in any non-object-like way, and if Sartre gives us no clear account of epistemic relations that do not invoke a subject/object form, then the explicit self-awareness of pure reflection seems to no different than implicit self-awareness. So in his effort to avoid the error of multiplying theoretical entities, he has multiplied empty conceptual distinctions.
Sartre's entire position hangs in the balance. If impure reflection necessarily distorts what it grasps, Sartre needs a clear account of a nondistorting kind of reflection that is tied to an epistemic framework that does not employ a subject-object form. Unfortunately, Sartre says very little about pure reflection; thus some of what follows must be reconstructive, if not somewhat speculative. To complicate matters, as Wider notes, Sartre equivocates in his epistemic language at a crucial juncture. In a context unspecified in terms of whether it's pure or impure reflection, Sartre claims that reflection achieves knowledge of itself qua reflected upon (1956, p. 151). Here the context concerns the certainty of my existence. A few pages later, however, he claims that reflection does not

achieve knowledge but rather that it amounts to a form of recognition (1956, p. 156).
These two claims that seem to be at odds with one another can be straightforwardly reconciled. It would have helped had Sartre clarified his epistemic claims in the following way: reflection achieves apodictic knowledge that it exists but this knowledge does not extend to what it is. Indeed, the context of the second passage bears this out: it concerns reti to understand its nature, as opposed to the mere fact of its existence. Once more, when Sartre claims that reflection achieves recognition, this makes good sense, since, as seen above, reflection merely makes explicit what it already implicitly grasps. Hence, it achieves some kind of re-cognition.
Putting matters this way is fine, so far as it goes, but Wider rightly wonders how this re-cognized form of self-awareness differs from implicit selfawareness. What does making self-awareness explicit amount to in epistemic terms? If it's not self-knowledge, then what is it? The spirit of Sartre's answer goes like this: the non-cognitive, non-positional dimension of experience should not be construed in terms of knowledge but in terms of (pre-judicative) comprehension (see, e.g., 1956, pp. 7, 17, 66, and 289). Thus, what pure reflection delivers must be an amplification that makes implicit, prejudicative comprehension explicit, a point that returns below.
It is somewhat surprising that Wider, who reads texts very closely, misun. derstands the centrality of Sartre's distinction between comprehension and knowledge, since comprehension employs the very epistemology that Wider finds lacking. After all, Sartre almost always employs the term prejudicative comprehension and comprehension simpliciter) in contexts that involve putatively objectless epistemic relations, e.g., when we enjoy lived experiences of nothingness (1956, p. 17), contingency (1956, p. 80), non-existent future possibilities (1956, p. 100), being for itself (1956, p. 147), freedom (1956, p. 439), and, most relevantly, "being myself" (1956, p. 289).2 Since there is strictly speaking, no extant "object" in any of these cases but only absences or non-beings, there is no positive thing or being to predicate straightforwardly and, hence, know. So what then does one comprehend when it comes to oneself?
In answer to this question Sartre's clearest example concerns the experience of shame, which
encloses within it an implicit and non-thematized comprehension of being able-to-be-an-object on the part of the subject for whom I am an object. This implicit comprehension is nothing other than the consciousness (of) my "being myself"; that is, of my selfness reinforced.
(1956, p. 289)
This passage does not describe an impure grasp of oneself as an object. Rather it describes an implicit comprehension of the possibility of my being objectified by others.

This implicit recognition can, however, formally be made an explicit judgment via pure reflection. I can explicitly realize the ever-present possibility of social objectifications, e.g., pressures to conform to social roles that I must live but, ultimately, cannot know. Since this judgment concerns a possibility and possibilities do not, strictly speaking, exist in Sartre's technical sense, comprehension of this non-existent fact does not involve a subject-object relation. Sartre's point is not simply that I cannot know myself as others grasp me (1956, p. 242), but also that I cannot but live these objectifications by freely interiorizing them into my projects (1956, p. 467).
If correct, one thing pure reflection makes explicit concerns the ineliminable social dimension of my sense of being myself." In fact, according to Sartre, it could not be otherwise, because "I cannot confer on myself any quality without mediation or an objectifying power which is not my own" (1956, p. 274). Consequently, the Other is the necessary condition of all thought which I would attempt to form concerning myself" (1956, p. 271, see also p. 236). Unfortunately, it would take this discussion too far afield to develop the details that undergird Sartre's transcendental deduction for the social dimension of self-comprehension. Fortunately, this point conveniently sets up my initial thesis in a programmatic way: all introspective errors involue attempts to take a third-person perspective upon oneself. In short, because social relations necessarily mediate all thoughts that I form concerning myself, it's a natural, nearly inevitable fact that I try and take a third-person perspective upon myself—I try to see myself as I see others or as others see me.
So what then does pure reflection comprehend? It turns out not to be very much, where just a little makes a considerable difference (Sartre, 1956, p. 159). Pure reflection merely makes explicit or amplifies that which we already tacitly comprehend: the interminably fleeting tempo ral flux of our experience, our implicit self-awareness, intentionality, etc. Although when we impurely reflect upon ourselves we feel like we grasp ourselves qua observed, pure reflection cannot represent itself to itself qua observed. Thus, pure reflection merely amplifies our sense of the organized activity of being self-consciously engaged in the world. It does so without giving an accurate representation of ourselves qua observed: no such representation is possible (Sartre, 1956, pp. 241, 270). Introspection, then, should not be understood as self-observation but rather as an amplification of self-awareness and other non-positional aspects of our experience, without shifting them into the third-person position. On my reading, then, it is upon the basis of veridical descriptions of purified experience that we can, according to Sartre, transcendentally deduce the necessary ontological structures that make those experiences possible. It may not be much, but if implicit self-awareness makes reflection possible, without pure reflection the basic distinctions required by the philosophy of mind would be impossible.

An insuperable ambiguity Earlier it was claimed that implicit self-awareness simultaneously seems to be everywhere and somehow nowhere. We cannot escape self-awareness, we cannot representationally grasp it as an object, and we cannot discover it in the content of any experience. This truly puzzling phenomenon constitutes Hume's dilemma. It is this evanescence of self-awareness that arguably moors philosophers upon either the Charybdis of paradox (Rosenberg, 1981; Woodruff Smith, 1986) or the Scylla of mystery (Kriegel, 2003, p. 178). Self-awareness can seem paradoxical in the sense that when we try to grasp ourselves (qua observers) we seem to transform ourselves into something we are not (observed subjects). Thus, the very self-awareness that makes introspection of oneself possible also makes oneself simultaneously inapprehensible.
Alternatively, as Kriegel (2003) suggests, our account of self-awareness might require collapsing the gap between ourselves understood as subjects (observers) and objects (observed). For it can seem as if the self is represented both as subject and object." Kriegel admits that "one may protest that this would make self-awareness quite mysterious, and will attribute to it a unique intentional structure. But then self-awareness is quite mysterious, isn't it, and its intentional structure is indeed
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 02:32:43 AM
사르트르 만큼 오류많은 철학자도 드물다.
프랑스 철학자들은 나폴레옹 절대정신에 집착하는 자들이라 헤겔(독일)이 나쁜놈이다.
사르트르도 메타버스 유사개념 배설한 것 말고 특별한 것은 없다.
사르트르 자유정신 어쩌구 하는 것도 헤겔 절대정신 예하다.
절대정신 세계화가 개인주의다.

γνῶθι σεαυτόν( 그노티 세아우톤 )
너 자신을 알라.
ὁ δὲ ἀνεξέταστος βίος οὐ βιωτὸς ἀνθρώπῳ
검토되지 않은 삶은 살 가치가 없다.

자신(자아)만이 절대가 너 자신 소크라테스 아니든.

소크라테스에 대한 공식 고발내용
1. 아테네가 믿는 신을 믿지 않았으며
2. 아테네의 청년들을 타락 시켰다.
-고발인 시인 멜제토스, 민중파 영수 아뉘토스, 정치가 뤼콘-

소크라테스가 생각한 비공식 고발내용(당대 악소문)
1. 하늘에 높이 있는 것들을 골똘히 생각하는 자이며 지하의 온갖 것들을 탐사하는 자(=자연철학자)
2. 한결 약한 주장을 더 강한 주장으로 만드는자(=소피스트)
<플라톤, 변론>

1. 국가가 인정하는 신을 신봉하지 않고,
2. 새로운 신격을 수입한 죄를 짓고 있다. 또,
3. 청년들을 부패시킨 죄도 짓고 있다.
<크세노폰, 회상>

당대에 소크라테스가 직접 점을 치고, 아테네 공공의 제단에서 직접 제사를 지내고, "신령(daimonion)이 당신에게 신탁을 내린다." 라고 말한 사실 때문에 아테네에서 널리 화자되고 있었다고 크세노폰은 증언한다.

그리스는 번개신 제우스가 공식인데,
소크라테스는 신령(daimonion)을 섬긴다.
소크라테스가 섬긴 신이 데몬이다.
철학자가 신을 섬겼다니 좀 이상 얘기 같지만,
옛날 철학자는 요즘의 무당과 같다.
고대인들 하찮은 개인의 생각을 타인에게 관철시키기 위해서는 특별한 장치가 필요했는데 이것이 신의 소환이고, 국가가 인정하는 신이 있었고 요즘 무당들처럼 온갖 잡신들 중에 무당철학사조에 영향을 준 신이 소크라테스에게 있어서는 데몬이란 뜻이다.

1. 고대 그리스에서의 "데몬" : "좋은 데몬"

고대 그리스어 daimon(δαίμων)은 긍정적인 뉘앙스를 가지고 있는 "나눠주다, 나누다"라는 뜻의 동사 daiomai(δαίομαι)에서 파생된 단어입니다.
고대 그리스에서 "데몬"들은 수호신이나 천사와 같이 신성한 능력을 가진 존재로 여겨졌습니다. 그들은 인간들을 지켜주는 존재로 여겨졌는데, "데몬"은 눈에 보이는 것이 아닌 인간들이 느끼는 존재로 이해되었기 때문에 그리스의 예술이나 신화에서 그 모습을 찾기는 쉽지 않습니다.
고대 그리스에서 "데몬"은 크게 두가지 유형으로 나뉘는데, 그 중 하나는 그리스 신화에 나오는 피리를 부는 목양신(牧羊神) "판(Pan)"처럼 장난꾸기 유형입니다. 마치 "알라딘의 요술램프"에 나오는 "지니(Genies)"와 비슷한데, 이렇게 썩 좋지만은 않은 "데몬"들을 "카코다이몬(Kakodaimon, κᾰκόςαίμων)"이라고 부릅니다. "카코다이몬"의 예로 "밤의 여신"인 "닉스(Nyx)"와 판도라가 상자를 열어 세상에 나온 "에레부스(Erebus, 그림자)"와의 사이에서 태어난 딸 "케레스(Keres)"를 들 수 있습니다.
다른 하나는 "법(法)"이나 "격언(格言)"처럼 인간들이 살아가는데 있어서의 규칙과 같은 신성한 것들을 말합니다. 예를 들어, 데몬 "노모스(νόμος, 규범)"가 데몬 "에우세비아(Εὐσέβῐα, 경건함)"와 결혼하여 데몬 "디케(Δίκη, 정의)"를 낳았다는 식입니다. 이런 좋은 데몬들은 "에우다이몬(Eudaimon, Εὐδαίμων)" 또는 "아가토다이몬(Agathodaimon, ἀγαθοδαίμων)"이라고 불렀습니다.

2. "데몬"과 고대 철학자들

"데몬"에 대한 관념은 고대 그리스에서 처음 나타났습니다. 특히, 우리는 그것을 고대 그리스의 철학자이자 수학자이며, 소크라테스의 제자였던 플라톤의 작품들을 통해 확인할 수 있습니다. 플라톤의 역작 "향연(饗宴, symposion)"에서 여류 철학자 디오티마(Diotima)는 소크라테스에게 "사랑(즉, 에로스)"이란 "위대한 데몬"이라고 가르치고 있습니다. 디오티마는 소크라테스에게 "데몬"을 다음과 같이 묘사하고 있습니다.
"데몬적인 모든 것은 신성한 것과 죽음의 사이에 있다. 인간사(人間事)를 해석해서 그것들을 신들에게 전달하고, 신들의 것들을 인간에게 전달하는 역할을 한다. 즉 아래(인간)에서부터의 탄원(歎願)과 희생, 위(신)로부터의 법과 답례 같은 것들을 말이지..."
다시말하면, "데몬"은 천상과 지상 사이에 존재하면서 인간과 신들 사이에 중개자 역할을 하는 신성한 능력을 가진 "반신(半神)"이라는 것입니다.
플라톤의 "소크라테스의 변명(Apology)"에서 소크라테스는 자기 자신만의 "데몬"을 가지고 있다고 말했습니다. 소크라테스는 그가 실수하려고 할 때나, 나쁜 판단이나 위험한 판단을 하려고 할 때, 오직 "데몬"만이 신들의 경고를 일종의 "목소리"를 통해 자신에게 전달해줬다고 말했습니다. "일리아드"와 "오디세이"라는 2개의 대서사시로 우리에게 잘 알려진 기원전 8세기경 고대 그리스의 시인 호메로스는 신(神)과 "데몬"을 비슷하지만 구별해야할 존재라고 이야기한 바 있습니다.
로마 제국에 살았던 알제리 출신의 작가인 "마다우루스의 아풀레이우스(Apuleius of Madaurus)"는 아테네에서 플라톤 철학을 공부한 바 있는데, 그는 그의 저서 "황금당나귀(또는 변형담)에서 "데몬들은 신계(神界)의 중개(仲介) 권력들이다. 그들은 꿈에 나타나 예언을 하는 존재들이다."라고 언급한 바 있습니다.
로마제국 초기에 우상(偶像)들은 이교도들이나 기독교인들에게 공통적으로 관찰할 수 있는데, 그 안에 "신들"이나 "데몬"들의 영혼이 기거하는 것으로 여겨져 음식을 공양하고, 옷을 입혔으며, 종교적인 행사에서는 퍼레이드에 동원되고, 숭배되었습니다. 그러한 우상(偶像)은 고대 그리스의 조각가 페이디아스(Pheidias)에 의해 문명, 지혜, 전쟁의 여신인 파르테논의 아테나처럼 만들어지기도 하였습니다.
그때까지는 그럭저럭 괜찮았습니다. "데몬"들은 여전히 사랑받고, 숭배되고, 수호천사로 여겨졌으며, 착하고 복된 영혼을 가진 것으로 인식되고 있었습니다.

3. "데몬"은 왜 사악한 존재가 되었는가?

이렇게 유쾌하고, 장난꾸러기 같고 때로는 수호천사같은 "데몬"들이 왜 초자연적이고, 사악하고, 깨끗하지 못한 영혼을 가진 타락천사같은 이미지를 가지게 되었을까요?
그러한 이미지를 만드는데 결정적 역할을 한 것은 아브라함 종교(Abrahamic Religions)라 불리는 세 종교, 유대교, 기독교, 이슬람교였으며, 그 중에서 특히 기독교가 큰 역할을 하였습니다. 아브라함 종교들은 "데몬"을 우상화(偶像化)하였으며, "데몬"을 숭배하는 것을 "우상숭배"라고 불렀습니다. 인간들이 만든 동상(銅像)이나 모상(模像)들은 신성한 힘도, 영혼도 없는 것이며 더 이상 아름다운 것으로 여겨지지도 않았습니다.
"그들의 땅은 우상으로 가득합니다. 그들은 자기들 손으로 만든 작품에 자기들 손가락으로 만든 것에 경배합니다." (이사야서 제2장 제8절)
위 내용은 기원전 8세기경 유대인 예언가 이사야가 언급한 것으로 구약(舊約)성경에는 그의 이름을 딴 이사야서가 있습니다.
다마스커스에 가는 길에 예수의 출현(ephiphany)을 경험한 후, 유대교에서 기독교로 개종한 "사도 바울" 또는 "타르수스의 사울"은 그리스와 로마 역사에서의 "데몬"들을 사악한 존재들이라 여겼고, 개종한 기독교인들이 해야할 첫 번째 일이 이러한 사악한 존재들(데몬들)을 숭배하는 것을 멈추는 것이라 주장했습니다. 이후, 로마제국 말기에는 "데몬"들이 인간의 형체를 띠면서 역병(疫病)이나 폭동을 일으키는 존재로 인식되었습니다.

4. 번역상 오류

"데몬"이라는 용어는 히브리 성경을 번역한 그리스 구약성경 70인역(Septuagint Bible)을 통해 그 부정적인 이미지가 강해졌습니다. 그리스어 "데몬"은 영어에서 devil(악마)에 해당하는 그리스어 "디아볼로스(Diabolos, 디아블로)"로 번역되었습니다. 이것은 말 그대로 번역상 오류(Lost in translation)로, 신약성경이 그리스어에서 번역될 때나, 구약성경이 히브리어나 아람어(Aramic)에서 번역될 때, 그리스어와 라틴어로 외경(外經)이 번역될 때, 그리고 1611년에 "킹 제임스 성경(The King James Bible)"으로 번역될 때도 이 오역(誤譯)은 그대로 이어졌습니다.

5. 아우구스티누스의 "데몬"에 대한 견해

신학자이자 철학자이며 서방기독교에서 가장 중요한 교부(敎父)로 여겨지고 있는 "히포의 아우구스티누스(Sanctus Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis)"는 "데몬"들을 인간을 지배하고, 환상을 일으키는 순전히 심리적인 것으로 이해했습니다.
흔히 그렇듯이, 기독교 교부(敎父)들은 비기독교 고대 작가들을 연구하는 매니아들이었습니다. 그리고 그들의 작품들을 비하하면서(poopooing) 그것들을 이단(異端)이라고 선언하곤 했습니다. 히포의 아우구스티누스(Sanctus Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis)도 다르지 않았습니다. 아우구스티누스가 방종에 대한 속죄로서의 기도를 통해 "빛을 보기(Saw the light)" 이전에 그의 삶을 그린 작품 "고백록(Confessions)"을 저술한 이후, 그는 아프리카의 작가 "마다우루스의 아풀레이우스(Apuleius of Madaurus)"의 작품들을 조롱하기 시작했습니다.
아우구스티누스는 그의 또 다른 저서, "신국론(神國論, De Civitate Dei)"에서 아풀레이우스의 책 "변형담(Metamorphoses)"을 "황금당나귀"라고 부르며 조롱했습니다. 참고로 "변형담(Metamorphoses)"은 완전한 형태로 남아있는 유일한 고대 로마의 라틴어 소설로, 마법 실험으로 우연히 당나귀로 변한 청년 루키우스의 우스꽝스러운 모험을 담은 상상 속의, 현실사회와 무관하면서 재미있는 작품입니다.
아우구스티누스는 특히 "데몬들은 신계(神界)의 중개(仲介) 권력들이다."라는 아풀레이우스의 믿음을 조롱하면서, "유일한 중개권력은 예수 그리스도뿐이다."라고 서술하고 있습니다.

6. 현대에서의 "데몬"

오늘날 "데몬"들은 컬트나 오컬트 문화에서 주도적인 역할을 맡고 있습니다. "데몬"들은 악마로 인식되고 있고, 살아있는 생명체를 지배할 수 있는 힘을 가진 것으로 여겨지고 있습니다. 고대 그리스의 장난꾸러기 목양신 "판(Pan)"의 이미지는 기독교 민간전승에 의해 19세기에 오컬트 문화와 사탄주의의 상징인 이교도 신 "바포멧(Baphomet)"으로 되살아 났습니다.
"바포멧"은 11세기와 12세기에 "마호멧" 또는 "무하마드"의 변형으로서 처음 등장했는데, 그 이후 14세기에 성전기사단(Knights Templar)의 종교재판(inquisition) 판결문에 이교도 상징을 의미하는 용어로 기록되어 있습니다. 그 이후 "바포멧"은 한 쪽 팔은 들고 있고, 한 쪽 팔은 내리고 있는 것이 상징하는 것처럼, 남성과 여성, 천국과 지옥, 밤과 낮 같은 이중성(二重性)을 나타내는 존재로서 "유다염소" 또는 "사탄"과 연결되어 왔습니다.
"데몬"들이 그러한 것처럼, 수호천사들은 타락천사들로 대체되어 왔습니다. 여러분들의 어깨 위에는 천사라고 불리는 것, 양심이라고 불리는 것들이 있을 겁니다. 하지만 조심하세요! 최악의 경우에는 그것들이 여러분들을 지배해 버릴 수도 있을 것입니다.

고린도전서 10장 [개역한글]
1   형제들아 너희가 알지 못하기를 내가 원치 아니하노니 우리 조상들이 다 구름 아래 있고 바다 가운데로 지나며
2   모세에게 속하여 다 구름과 바다에서 세례를 받고
3   다 같은 신령한 식물을 먹으며
4   다 같은 신령한 음료를 마셨으니 이는 저희를 따르는 신령한 반석으로부터 마셨으매 그 반석은 곧 그리스도시라
5   그러나 저희의 다수를 하나님이 기뻐하지 아니하신고로 저희가 광야에서 멸망을 받았느니라
6   그런 일은 우리의 거울이 되어 우리로 하여금 저희가 악을 즐겨한 것 같이 즐겨하는 자가 되지 않게 하려 함이니
7   저희 중에 어떤이들과 같이 너희는 우상 숭배하는 자가 되지 말라 기록된바 백성이 앉아서 먹고 마시며 일어나서 뛰논다 함과 같으니라
8   저희 중에 어떤 이들이 간음하다가 하루에 이만 삼천 명이 죽었나니 우리는 저희와 같이 간음하지 말자
9   저희 중에 어떤이들이 주를 시험하다가 뱀에게 멸망하였나니 우리는 저희와 같이 시험하지 말자
10   저희 중에 어떤이들이 원망하다가 멸망시키는 자에게 멸망하였나니 너희는 저희와 같이 원망하지 말라
11   저희에게 당한 이런 일이 거울이 되고 또한 말세를 만난 우리의 경계로 기록하였느니라
12   그런즉 선 줄로 생각하는 자는 넘어질까 조심하라
13   사람이 감당할 시험 밖에는 너희에게 당한 것이 없나니 오직 하나님은 미쁘사 너희가 감당치 못할 시험 당함을 허락지 아니하시고 시험 당할 즈음에 또한 피할 길을 내사 너희로 능히 감당하게 하시느니라
14   그런즉 내 사랑하는 자들아 우상 숭배하는 일을 피하라
15   나는 지혜 있는 자들에게 말함과 같이 하노니 너희는 내 이르는 말을 스스로 판단하라
16   우리가 축복하는바 축복의 잔은 그리스도의 피에 참예함이 아니며 우리가 떼는 떡은 그리스도의 몸에 참예함이 아니냐
17   떡이 하나요 많은 우리가 한 몸이니 이는 우리가 다 한 떡에 참예함이라
18   육신을 따라 난 이스라엘을 보라 제물을 먹는 자들이 제단에 참예하는 자들이 아니냐
19   그런즉 내가 무엇을 말하느뇨 우상의 제물은 무엇이며 우상은 무엇이라 하느뇨
20   대저 이방인의 제사하는 것은 귀신에게 하는 것이요 하나님께 제사하는 것이 아니니 나는 너희가 귀신과 교제하는 자 되기를 원치 아니하노라
21   너희가 주의 잔과 귀신의 잔을 겸하여 마시지 못하고 주의 상과 귀신의 상에 겸하여 참예치 못하리라
1 Corinthians 10 [NASB]    
For I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea;
and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
and all ate the same spiritual food;
and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ.
Nevertheless, with most of them God was not well-pleased; for they were laid low in the wilderness.
Now these things happened as examples for us, so that we would not crave evil things as they also craved.
Do not be idolaters, as some of them were; as it is written, "THE PEOPLE SAT DOWN TO EAT AND DRINK, AND STOOD UP TO PLAY."
Nor let us act immorally, as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day.
Nor let us try the Lord, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the serpents.
Nor grumble, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the destroyer.
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.
No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.
Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.
I speak as to wise men; you judge what I say.   
Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ?
Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread.
Look at the nation Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices sharers in the altar?
What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything?
No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons.   
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

영문성서에 데몬은 고린도전서 10장에 등장하는데,
예수를 광야에 쥴리처럼 목뒤잡고 끌고가 40일간 시험한 데빌도 데몬이지만,
데몬으로 언급한 것은 고린도전서 바울의 언급이 공식이라,
10장 초장에 구름은 아펩신의 구름 침대고 언급되는 내용이 아펩신전용이다.
7절부터 10절까지는 4층Djed으로 비롯된 네가지 사건화다.

11   저희에게 당한 이런 일이 거울이 되고 또한 말세를 만난 우리의 경계로 기록하였느니라
12   그런즉 선 줄로 생각하는 자는 넘어질까 조심하라

춤추는 자와 Djed 똑닮은 두 아펩뱀 받들고 있어 거울을 언급했고,
서있는 자가 넘어진 자로 변한 것은, 서있는 아펩뱀과 누워있는 아펩뱀  지칭한다.

7 .........백성이 앉아서 먹고 마시며 일어나서 뛰논다 함과 같으니라

앉아있는 것은 누워있는 아펩뱀이고, 일어난 것은 서있는 아펩뱀이지만,
출애굽기 금송아지 사건을 소환해서, 일어난 것은 태양신전 하토르신들이다.
앉아있는 때는 아펩신전에 있으니 문제될 게 없지만,
일어난 것은 태양신전 하토르화 된 사건이라 우상숭배에 해당한다.

그러나 아펩신전을 벗어나지 않기에, 일어난 것은 서있는 아펩뱀이라,
사람이 아펩뱀화된 것과 같다.
바울은 이것에 대해,

29......어찌하여 내 자유가 남의 양심으로 말미암아 판단을 받으리요

29절로 대응한다.
자유대로 하라는 뜻이다.

25   무릇 시장에서 파는 것은 양심을 위하여 묻지 말고 먹으라
32   유대인에게나 헬라인에게나.......

시장과 유대인, 헬라인이 함께 소환된 것은 합체 아펩신전 에피소드라 합체된 제물(합체된 아펩뱀)임을 알았을 때, 오염된 제물이라, 어둠은 먹고, 번개는 못먹고를 판단하는 것은 양심과 자유의지에 있다는 얘기다.

20   대저 이방인의 제사하는 것은 귀신에게 하는 것이요 하나님께 제사하는 것이 아니니 나는 너희가 귀신과 교제하는 자 되기를 원치 아니하노라
21   너희가 주의 잔과 귀신의 잔을 겸하여 마시지 못하고 주의 상과 귀신의 상에 겸하여 참예치 못하리라

이방인은 춤추는 자고 해서 귀신(demon)은 번개를 뜻한다.
the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons
여호와 Lord의 컵은 Djed이 떠받들고 있는 아펩뱀(어둠)이고,
데몬의 컵은 춤추는 자가 떠받들고 있는 아펩뱀(번개)이다.
the table of the Lord and the table of demons
여호와의 탁자는 Djed이 떠받들고 있는 아펩뱀이고,
데몬의 탁자는 춤추는 자가 떠받들고 있는 아펩뱀이다.

다시 소크라테스로 돌아와서,
데몬은 소크라테스가 섬기는 제우스 관련한 번개가 맞지만,

1. 국가(아테네)가 인정하는 신을 신봉하지 않고,
2. 새로운 신격을 수입한 죄를 짓고 있다.

새로운 신격은 번개 외 어둠밖에 없다.
이것이 아낙시만드로스(Anaximandros)의 '아페이론(ἄπειρον, apeiron)'이다.
우주의 근원으로 불멸하는 무규정자 혹은 무한정자를 의미.

이집트 하토르신전 지하의 합체 아펩신전이 소크라테스로부터 시작했다는 뜻이지만,
유대인들은 어둠신을 믿는 것이고,
헬라인은 번개신을 믿는 것이고,
바리새인은 번개신 믿고,
사두개인은 어둠신 믿고,
사마리아인이 합체신 믿는다.

소크라테스 대화법을 산파술(maieutike)이라 하는 이유도,
Djed이 산파역활이다.

15   애굽 왕이 히브리 산파 십브라라 하는 자와 부아라 하는 자에게 일러
16   가로되 너희는 히브리 여인을 위하여 조산할 때에 살펴서 남자여든 죽이고 여자여든 그는 살게 두라
17   그러나 산파들이 하나님을 두려워하여 애굽 왕의 명을 어기고 남자를 살린지라
18   애굽 왕이 산파를 불러서 그들에게 이르되 너희가 어찌 이같이 하여 남자를 살렸느냐
19   산파가 바로에게 대답하되 히브리 여인은 애굽 여인과 같지 아니하고 건장하여 산파가 그들에게 이르기 전에 해산하였더이다 하매
20   하나님이 그 산파들에게 은혜를 베푸시니라 백성은 생육이 번성하고 심히 강대하며
21   산파는 하나님을 경외하였으므로 하나님이 그들의 집을 왕성케 하신지라
22   그러므로 바로가 그 모든 신민에게 명하여 가로되 남자가 나거든 너희는 그를 하수에 던지고 여자여든 살리라 하였더라
Then the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other was named Puah;
and he said, "When you are helping the Hebrew women to give birth and see them upon the birthstool, if it is a son, then you shall put him to death; but if it is a daughter, then she shall live."
But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but let the boys live.
So the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said to them, "Why have you done this thing, and let the boys live?"
The midwives said to Pharaoh, "Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife can get to them."
So God was good to the midwives, and the people multiplied, and became very mighty.
Because the midwives feared God, He established households for them.
Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, "Every son who is born you are to cast into the Nile, and every daughter you are to keep alive."

부아(Puah)는 프타(Ptah)신이라 Djed 역활이고,
모세의 처 십보라가 산파 십보라(Shiphrah) 춤추는 자 역활이다.

소크라테스가 두 역활 모두를 소화하면서
아낙시만드로스는 Djed 역활로,
플라톤은 춤추는 자로 갈라진다.
플라톤이 스파르타 출신이라 아테네가 이겨서 두 국가를 섬기는 입장의 춤추는 자 된다.
춤추는 자 머리에 태양이 있어 희람신화에서는 아폴론 역활이다.
수학계에서는 3대 작도 불능 문제 중 하나를 사람들에게 풀지 않으면 전염병을 고쳐주지 않겠다고 한 것도 아폴론이다.

눈금 없는 자와 컴퍼스를 유한 번 사용하여...
I. 주어진 임의의 각을 3등분한 각을 작도하시오.
II. 주어진 임의의 정육면체의 두 배 부피를 가지는 정육면체를 작도하시오.
III. 주어진 임의의 원과 같은 넓이를 가지는 정사각형을 작도하시오.

Djed과 춤추는 자의 반석이 콤파스와 눈금없는 자의 유한 번 고대 수학문제 원본이다.

아폴론은 음악의 신이기도 하니 음악으로 배틀대결을 하기도 했다. 그래서 대결한 자 중에 '마르시아스'란 악사가 있었다. 아폴론은 리라로, 마르시아스는 피리로 대결을 했는데 마르시아스는 평범한 사티로스였다. 어느 날 올림포스에서 아테나가 피리를 개발해 불었는데 옆에 있던 헤라와 아프로디테가 웃었다고 한다. 아테나는 궁금해하다 피리를 부는 자신의 모습을 연못물에 비춰봤더니 피리를 부느라 볼이 부푸면서 얼굴이 괴상하게 되는 것을 그제야 알아챘다. 은근히 유리멘탈이다 화가 난 아테나는 피리를 던져버리면서 이 물건을 줍는 자에게 불행이 있으리라 저주를 내렸다.(...) 때마침 지나가던 마르시아스가 이 피리를 우연히 주웠다. 이 저주받은 악기를 수준급으로 연주하게 된 마르시아스는 지나치게 자만하여 아폴론에게 음악대결을 신청한다. 아폴론은 대결을 하기 전 지면 무슨 대가든지 치르기로 했다.

대결의 심판은 산신과 뮤즈들이었다. 마르시아스의 실력이 허세는 아니었던터라 둘이 막상막하였다고 하나 심판은 아폴론이 무서워 결정을 내리지 못했는데, 아폴론은 갑자기 리라를 거꾸로 들고 연주하더니 불쌍한 마르시아스에게 피리도 거꾸로 들고 연주하라고 했다. 피리를 취구 이외의 부분에 불어봤자 소리가 날 리가 없으니 당연히 마르시아스가 지고 말았다. 결국 아폴론은 마르시아스를 나무에 거꾸로 매달아 산 채로 가죽을 벗겼다. 마르시아스의 피와 그 자리에 있던 사람들의 눈물이 강을 이루었는데, 그 강의 이름은 마르시아스 강이라고 한다. 이 내용은 그림으로 많이 묘사되었다.

마르시아스가 아펩뱀 역활이다.
춤추는 자 마르다와 이름이 겹치는 것도 신약이 희랍신화 도용했다는 뜻이니,
합체 아펩뱀 숭배하던 소크라테스도 신약에 상당 기여한게다.
소크라테스는 독배도 태양신전이 아니라 아펩신전에 있다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 03:21:38 AM

테슬라를 환상적으로 접근하는 사람들 공통점은 테슬라 닮았다.
좋은 말로는 모험심이지만,
대개는 생각도 실험도 안드로메다로 건너뛴다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 04:12:53 PM
lancaIV :

Buddhism  :         The DHARMA wheel                  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_symbolism#/media/File:Tibetan_Dharmacakra.png
                          Yin and Yan and Yong ?!  ::)
Daodeism : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Yin_and_yang.svg/220px-Yin_and_yang.svg.png
                           the NIRVANA as center : a-/symetrical ?
Beside F.Nietzsche,was Jesus (Deo) Criste probably as Israelit buddhism philosophy influenced ?
                               free hypothesis ! Not really important for "free thinker" !



Eastern Buddhism did not influence Egypt and Greece.
Indo-Gandhara culture is influenced by Greek civilization.
The East is a barbaric civilization.
Don't fantasize about oriental culture.
10,000 years ago, in the country of dokkaebi (race of light) in the East, when a fire was lit on an unburnt tree,
In Egypt, electric catfish were grilled over charcoal.


lancaIV :

It is written that the Alexander the Great campaign with Hindukusch direction the macedonians were surprised to find there gracian speaking grace colonies !
Spread in South Asia and East Asia    (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Buddhist_Monuments_in_the_Horyu-ji_Area-122502.jpg/170px-Buddhist_Monuments_in_the_Horyu-ji_Area-122502.jpg)  Buddhist monument in Horyu-ji    In the centuries that followed, the teaching spread to South and East Asia. During the reign of King Ashoka (3rd century BC) Buddhism spread across India and far beyond. Parts of Afghanistan were also part of his empire. In Gandhara , in the border area with Pakistan, influenced by Greek sculptors who came to the country with Alexander the great , the Graeco-Buddhist culture, a mixture of Indian and Hellenistic influences , arose . In their tradition, among other things, the Buddha statues of Bamiyan were created .
  See also : Buddhism in Afghanistan  Ashoka sent envoys to many realms at that time. Thus the teaching gradually spread beyond the borders of the region in which the Buddha lived and taught. In the west, Ashoka's envoys traveled to the Middle East , Egypt , the Greek islands and Macedonia . In the centuries that followed, the Buddha's teachings reached the Malay archipelago ( Indonesia , Borobudur ) and Southeast Asia , i.e. Cambodia ( Funan , Angkor ), Thailand , Myanmar ( Pegu ) and via Sri LankaLaos . In the north and northeast, Buddhism became known in the highlands of the Himalayas ( Tibet ) as well as in China , Korea and Japan .


King Ashoka

King Ashoka is a later historical intervention that began with Alexander's Eastern Expedition.
The fact that King Ashoka sent a large delegation to Greece is itself an exaggeration of the spoils brought by Alexander and the Diadocoi.
The country of Shaka and Lumbini of India, which became the name of Sakyamuni, are arranged by future generations.
This record is from around AD 200 to 400 AD, as Shakyamuni said not to leave a record until 500 years after his death.
Panini, who established classical Sanskrit, is a Jewish Babel.

King Ashoka did not convey the thought of Shakyamuni through a delegation, but rather information from India and the East through the country built by Diadokoi.
At that time, India was dominated by Hinduism.
This is because the thought of Shakyamuni is derived from Alexander's face (Gandhara).
In other words,
It was because of Alexander the Conqueror that Shakyamuni was created in India.

In order for Egyptian information to reach India, there must be a medium.
This was done by the descendants of Alexander the Diadocoi.
Seleucid Empire (Σελευκιδών, 312-63 BC)
Seleucus is the origin of the Shakyamuni/Shaka people.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 04:25:02 PM
Как сделать мощное ионное поле на катушке.

Хорошее настроение Отличное здоровье
Спасибо.  Хорошая идея.

Грузоподьем philmih&yandex
Я гонял, гонял эти фитонные мощные поля лет 5, так и не удалось заставить их двигать реальный активный ток. Тут ещё Рома Акула нас задвинул за пояс своими выражениями о нейтроно-позитронно-атомарными процессингами. Когда начало стремительно расшатываться здоровье от мощных полей, я подвинул все свои экспонаты далеко под стол.


Still in Russia, the race of light and the race of darkness are fighting.
The light race knows that they love the light, but
The dark races do not know that they love darkness.
Originally, descendants of Socrates were a dark race.

T. Henry Moray Foundation

It seems that Henry Moray appeared in Russia.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 04:26:30 PM
Invisible wire High Voltage (experiment)

In this experiment, it was inserted into one side of the plexiglass sheet a micro copper electric wire almost invisible to the eye and completely to the camera. The wire, placed at the output of the high voltage of the transformer, carries a load of 1500W --------

WARNING: this experiment is very dangerous for life. Not suitable for replication. Only by competent persons in the field of electricity.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 06:04:46 PM
모세가 시내산에서 두 개 십계명판 받을 때 번개쳤다.
여호와 본질이 번개라고 오해하기 쉽다.
소크라테스와 바울이 섬기던 데몬은 어둠이지만,
소크라테스가 여호와를 숭배했다고 알려지면 바울이나 예수의 입지가 매우 좁아든다.
해서 바울은 소크라테스가 번개를 숭배한 자로 왜곡하며 번개를 데몬으로 왜곡한다.
해서 바울은 소크라테스가 어둠을 숭배한 자로 왜곡하며 어둠을 데몬으로 왜곡한다.
두 가지 입장이 바울의 입장이다.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
요한 입장에서 Lord-God와 Word는 태초부터 합체되어 있었다.
디두모 도마가 Lord와 함께 죽으러 가자와 같은 이치다.

12   예수께서 또 일러 가라사대 나는 세상의 빛이니 나를 따르는 자는 어두움에 다니지 아니하고 생명의 빛을 얻으리라
13   바리새인들이 가로되 네가 너를 위하여 증거하니 네 증거는 참되지 아니하도다
14   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 내가 나를 위하여 증거하여도 내 증거가 참되니 나는 내가 어디서 오며 어디로 가는 것을 앎이어니와 너희는 내가 어디서 오며 어디로 가는 것을 알지 못하느니라
15   너희는 육체를 따라 판단하나 나는 아무도 판단치 아니하노라
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."
So the Pharisees said to Him, "You are testifying about Yourself; Your testimony is not true."
Jesus answered and said to them, "Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from or where I am going.
"You judge according to the flesh; I am not judging anyone.

번개 숭배하던 바리새인 입장에서 Djed은 어둠을 소환하는 자라는 것을 알고있다.
Djed 역활하던 예수가 빛을 소환하려면 합체신전에서만 가능한 사건이기 때문이다.
아폴론과 악기-연주에서 패해 살가죽이 벗겨져 죽은 Marsyas는 Djed역활이지만, 우리가 아펩뱀으로 지명한 것은, 벗겨진 살가죽은 아펩뱀의 침대이기 때문이다.
Marsyas가  Djed이기 때문에 태양신전에 4조각으로 분리되어 헤드젯-나무가지에 매달려 있다.
이것이 거꾸로인지 아닌지는 승리자 아폴론-헤드젯이 결정할 문제다.

Lightning struck when Moses received the two Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.
It is easy to misunderstand that the essence of Jehovah is lightning.
The demon that Socrates and Paul served was darkness,
When Socrates is known to have worshiped Jehovah, the position of Paul or Jesus is greatly reduced.
So Paul distorts Socrates into a worshiper of lightning and twists lightning into a demon.
So Paul distorts Socrates as a worshiper of darkness and the darkness into a demon.
There are two positions of Paul.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
From John's point of view, Lord-God and Word were united from the beginning.
It's the same as Didymus Thomas going to die with the Lord.

12 And Jesus spoke again, saying, I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
13 The Pharisees said, "You testify for yourself, and your testimony is not true.
14 Jesus answered and said to them, Even though I testify for myself, my testimony is true; I know where I come from and where I am going, but you do not know where I come from or where I am going.
15 You judge according to the flesh, but I judge no one.
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but he will have the Light of life."
So the Pharisees said to Him, "You are testifying about Yourself; Your testimony is not true."
Jesus answered and said to them, "Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from or where I am going.
"You judge according to the flesh; I am not judging anyone.

As a lightning-worshiping Pharisee, he knows that Djed is the one who summons darkness.
This is because, in order for Jesus, who was playing the role of Djed, to summon light, it is an event that is only possible in the Temple of Unity.
Marsyas, skinned and killed in a musical-playing defeat with Apollo, plays the role of Djed, but we named it the Apep snake because the skinned skin is its bed.
Since Marsyas is Djed, it is split into 4 pieces in the Temple of the Sun and hung from a headjet-tree branch.
Whether this is the other way around or not is a matter for the victor Apollo-Headjet to decide.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 06:19:19 PM
Finalisation générateur autonome

Eric Grudet
J'ai toujours eu le sentiment qu'en matière d'énergie la solution devrait être simple et belle. C 'est ce que je ressens en vous entendant parler. bien que je ne connais pas du tout votre système, je ne sais même pas ou regarder, mais je vais suivre vos avancées.  Je suis auteur-réalisateur de films, et j'ai aussi une formation d'électronicien. Bien à vous pour la suite. Eric :)


Do you use it as a movie prop?
200W level?

How much upgrade do you need to upgrade your generator to be practical beyond 2kw?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 06:24:32 PM
쥴리 탬버린쇼쑈쑈!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

윤석렬이 대령통되믄 국힘이 살아는있을 수 있을까? ;D ;D
아마도 제일먼저 토사구팽당할껄? ;D ;D 8) 8)
무시무시한 놈이다 히틀러는 저리가라다 . ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 19, 2021, 06:45:54 PM
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Thanks lancaIV!✌✌
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 20, 2021, 01:42:35 AM
산화그래핀, 코로나19 불활성화 메커니즘 밝혀져

코로나19 관련 높은 흡착성과 항바이러스 효과 확인
日 연구팀, 항바이러스 제품개발 활용 기대

[의학신문·일간보사=정우용 기자]
탄소소재인 산화그래핀이 코로나19를 불활성화시키는 메커니즘이 밝혀졌다.
탄소소재인 산화그래핀이 코로나19를 불활성화시키는 메커니즘이 밝혀졌다.
탄소소재인 산화그래핀이 코로나19를 불활성화시키는 메커니즘이 밝혀졌다.
탄소소재인 산화그래핀이 코로나19를 불활성화시키는 메커니즘이 밝혀졌다.

일본 구마모토대 대학원 연구팀은 산화그래핀 재료를 분산시킨 용액을 이용한 실험에서 코로나19에 대한 산화그래핀의 높은 흡착성과 항바이러스 효과를 확인하고, 부직포마스크, 필터, 도포재 등 항바이러스제품 개발에 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다고 발표했다.

연구팀은 물질의 형태가 보이는 '투과전자현미경'(TEM)을 이용해 코로나19에 특징적인 스파이크단백질의 존재를 확인했다. 이어 산화그래핀 분산액 중 코로나19를 TEM으로 관찰한 결과, 스파이크단백질이 소실된 상태의 코로나19가 산화그래핀에 흡착되어 있음을 확인했다.

코로나19 단백질의 정량적 해석에서는 산화그래핀 분산액 속에서 스파이크단백질이 90% 이상, 바이러스 게놈과 복합체를 형성하는 누클레오캡시드 단백질이 99% 이상 분해되는 것으로 확인됐다. 산화그래핀의 항바이러스활성은 산화그래핀이 코로나19를 흡착한 뒤 바이러스단백질을 분해하기 때문이라고 결론지었다.

항바이러스 재료 연구에서 나노미터 크기의 시트는 높은 표면적을 지니는 것으로 주목되고 있다. 이 가운데에서도 산화그래핀은 쉽게 제조가 가능하고 인체에 미치는 독성도 낮다. 연구팀은 "앞으로 등장할 미지의 바이러스에 대해서도 산화그래핀을 유효하게 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다"라고 설명했다.

일본 문부과학성은 불활성화 산화그래핀이 존재한다고 하고,
백신 제약사는 산화그래핀이 없다고 주장하고,
누구말이 맞을까?

⚫ mRNA는 기가막힌 기술이다.
⚫ 대식 세포와 mRNA가 붙어서 스파이크 단백질을 만들고 스파이크 항체를 만들도록 하는 것이 원리이다. 그런데 나노 파티클이 대식세포와 붙을 때 산화그래핀이라는 물질이 없으면 안된다고 되어 있다. 그래서 산화그래핀이 백신 안에 들어있다. 백신과 항체가 이어지는데 없어서는 안되는 물질이기 때문이다. (산화그래핀이 어떤 물질인지 검색해볼 것)
⚫ 산화그래핀 (영하 70도에서 액체, 실온에서는 자성을 띈 고체가 된다) , 백신 보관 온도가 영하였다는 것을 기억하자. 접종 후 2시간이 지나면 접종 마친 부위에 자석이 붙는다. 산화그래핀은 세포 독성이 엄청 강하다.
⚫ 접종 48시간 후 접종자의 온 몸을 스캔했는데 산화그래핀이 전체 몸에 퍼져있다는 것을 알 수 있다.
특히 난소와 정소에 mRNA가 꽉 차 있다. 산화그래핀이 여기에 잔뜩 몰렸다는 것이다. 산화그래핀은 정자를 죽일 수 있으나 남자는 증상을 느끼지 못한다. 여자들은 난소에서 수십 만 개의 성숙지 못한 난소가 있다. 그래서 매달 수백 개 정도의 미성숙 난자가 그룹을 지어 성숙을 시작한다. 15일이 지나면 난소의 벽을 뚫고 나오는 것이 배란이라고 하는 것이다. 예민한 사람은 배란통을 느낀다. 이것이 나팔관에 자리 잡고 있으면 정자가 붙어 수정이 되고 최종적으로는 자궁에 붙어 수정된다. 수정되지 않았을 때 이 영양분을 뱉어내며 에스트로겐을 조정하는 것이 생리이다.
⚫ 산화그래핀이 난소에 붙어 발육하는 난자의 상처를 주어 죽인다. 상처를 주면서 자극을 하는데 (죽지 않으면) 에스트로겐이 쏟아져 나오는데 이때 하혈과 생리를 심하게 한다. 그리고 난자가 죽으면 배란을 안 한다. 그러면 생리를 하지 않는다. 그래서 2~3주씩 생리를 하거나 아예 하지 않거나 둘 중 하나이다.
⚫ 이런 증상을 살펴보면 접종을 강행하려는 의도를 읽을 수 있지 않을까?
⚫ 산화그래핀은 골수에도 가서 조혈작용을 방해하여 백혈병이 생길 수 있다.
⚫ 이왕재 교수님이 병원에서 혈액 검사를 하면 백신을 접종한 사람은 백혈구의 수와 혈소판이 모자라다. 골수에서 이것들이 나오지 않기 때문이다. 심근염, 심낭염, 혈소판감소 등등 모든 부작용의 원인은 산화 그래핀이다.

진폐증은 '호흡을 통하여 폐에 들어온 광물성의 미세한 먼지가 쌓이게 된 결과 그로 인해 폐에 조직 반응이 일어나 폐가 굳어져서 제 역할을 하지 못하게 되는 질병'을 말하고 현대의학의 수준으로는 치료하더라도 이전의 상태로 돌아오지 않는 비가역적 영구불치의 직업성 질환입니다.

석탄캐는 탄광 막장에서 일하는 노동자가 진폐증 걸려 사망하는 경우 종종있다.
그래핀도 석탄에서 나온다.
1차 접종하면 그래핀 양이 적어 별 문제 없겠지만?
2차, 3차, 4차, 5차, 6차, 7차........
누적 진폐증 접종받는다.

그래핀은 전기 전도성이 구리의 100배, 은의 10배라 전자기파에 아주 민감하다.
휴대전화 전자기파 장난아니다.

활성화는 대개 외부 자극에서 온다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 20, 2021, 02:08:30 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) 8)
구독자 줄여야지 안되것다. ;D
이런 알림만 하루 100개씩은 뜬다. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 20, 2021, 02:34:27 AM
전세계 그래핀 접종자 절반쯤 넘었다.

4차 부스터 플러스 샷
5차 부스터 플러스 뉴 샷
6차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 샷
7차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 하이퍼 샷
8차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 하이퍼 슬링 샷
9차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 하이퍼 슬링 베테랑 샷
10차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 하이퍼 슬링 베테랑 앤드 샷
11차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 하이퍼 슬링 베테랑 앤드 마스터 샷
12차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 하이퍼 슬링 베테랑 앤드 마스터 엘레강스 샷
13차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 하이퍼 슬링 베테랑 앤드 마스터 엘레강스 히어로 샷
14차 부스터 플러스 뉴 오메가 하이퍼 슬링 베테랑 앤드 마스터 엘레강스 히어로 해피 샷

마지막으로 파이널 대스트네이션 이모털 관뚜껑 대못 샷

아빠 농협계좌번호 그대로다 개희야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 20, 2021, 08:44:39 PM
103 Оппа ! Пуш-пул задаёт ВЧ частоту !!!

Оказывается Пуш-пул может задать ВЧ частоту гранате !
кстати ключи пушика не греются вобще ! хоть ток потребления 5...6 а (24 в) IRG7PH42UD. Как понимаете, с таким диапазоном ёмкостей выставляется "Любая" частота.

СъЕхавшие катушки
Да вродь понятно. Интересно. 🖐️👍 Удачи!

нуу получается это частота этих 25 витков.


It's easy to give up.
It is true that the money going to the generator in the future will be more expensive than the electricity bill you will have to pay in the future.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 20, 2021, 09:00:04 PM
Подключил катушку.

Как думаете, заработает?
Дальше буду тулить теслу.

Foma Svet
амплитудная модуляция не есть стоячая волна

СъЕхавшие катушки
Foma Svet, приветствую Вас на канале, спасибо за комментарий. Да, стоячая волна, вполне возможно потребуется. Но на этом видео я её и не пытался поймать. По моему мнению, её нужно добиваться на собранной и заземлённой установке. Здесь же просто вариант подключения, промежуточная (для дальнейших экспериментов), проверка работоспособности. Кстати, ради интереса, просмотрел я Ваше видео "СТОячая волна" но прокомментировать, если честно, не готов. Просто сейчас у меня другое представление о стоячей волне, но не факт, что правильное. Я ведь не волшебник, я только учусь. 😁🖐👍


you are out of luck
Because I met tuk-tuk.
It doesn't matter how you wind the grenade coil,
Like Akura/Ruslan's grenade coil, it's best to keep the volume to a minimum.
STALKER's circuit is missing an important schematic revealed by Akura/Ruslan.
All the parts are laid out at a glance, which makes the key principles more difficult to grasp.
STALKER's circuit has an attached appendix, making it more complex than the circuit Ruslan disclosed.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 20, 2021, 09:07:50 PM
Работа ФАПЧ
Установка Романа (Акулы). Как они работают ?!
Ruslan mentions 195V~203V from the video above.
Генератор 2 КW
203V is recorded in the above video.
This means that there is no change in the 38m grenade coil voltage even if the push-pull and Tesla or kacher types are different.
Ruslan knew this before making the video.
Генератор свободной энергии + дополнение в конце
The outdoor video demonstrated with four 500W lights also means 203V.
Eight lamp voltages were lower.
It's night, so it's bright.
And there is a trick to the wiring structure.
Ruslan checks the temperature of the diode bridge and the box containing the capacitors with his finger.
After a few minutes, the heat builds up tremendously.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 20, 2021, 09:29:32 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 20, 2021, 08:49:08 AM
The "One-EURO per day costs" ecologic car
The "One-Euro per day costs" ecologic family house
One-Euro x 2 per day = 735 Euros per year or 61 Euros per month
Conditioning :
the Citroen Ami 20 Euros per month lease model,individual/share-fleet parc discount price

the car model,in average, individual price 7500 Euros  : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loremo  ,technical parameter : 120 Km/h max
by Citroen lease model    < 1 One-Euro per day !
the family house (expandable,modular) based by given sociologic quantity/quality by international normation :
35 sqm for up to 4 capita (2Gen-house) similar IKEA prototype  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWpZvamc5wA
and being in the international construction engineering "living area per family" range
given by Federation of American Scientists/Washington-D.C.and the 3rd international architecture competition Elementals/Chile https://agile-city.com/agile-city-research/elemental-social-housing/
The house construction costs to averaging from https://www.3dwasp.com/en/  https://www.iconbuild.com/
http://www.winsun3d.com/En/ = based by https://www.contourcrafting.com/
under 5000 Euros for 35 sqm living area with net-zero energy building system integrated

the ground donated,lease/rent : 1000 sqm rural land per 1 Euro market price a 5% capital tax = 50  Euros/annum or < 0,15 Euros/dayor up to 99 years contract : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emphyteusis ( from religion community ownership for example)

                                                                     rural=urban    urban=rural ,physically no difference

(5000 Euros house/8000 Euros Citroen Ami) x (20 Euros per month/ 30,5days ) + 0,15 Euros for plot/lot/parcel/ground per day =
                                                                   house costs under 1 Euro per day

The FE machine is to calculate(actually) with 500 Euros ,can be also become a bivalent solution car/house and in house an energy storage !

The Loremo as cheapest e-car in the world ,construction in an islamic estate and as future price target the actual India Renault Kwid price :
                                                                           4000 Euros

The above immobile 3d houses with mobility/moveable alternativity ( Zenkaya: house transport on van,Europa-Haus : delivery by helicopter) or :
as exploration model Buckminster Fuller dymaxion house,
the https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/folding-portable-building.htmlhttp://www.mobilchalet.de/  Version XXL = 40 sqm area

We will see my Vision in exploration over the coming years,A.I. enforces global the industrial velocity by pricing and delivery time
Contour Crafting : 184 sqm/24 hours building-shell erection velocity as NORM for :  4 x 4 capita family house

Science integrated progress

A.I. enforces global the industrial velocity by pricing and delivery time


I am not A.I.
I am a non-existent-transcendent spirit where time is meaningless.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 20, 2021, 09:36:23 PM
상식과 도덕이 중요 덕목인데,
철면피 후보들이 검증 자체를 두려워하지 않는다.
나중에 두테르테나 강용석같은 놈이 출마하면 검증할 수 있겠느냐.
그래서 선례(판례)가 중요한건데....
특히나 정치권... 한 번 무너진 선례는 다시 세우지 못한다.

여론조사기관 조작된 여론조사 결과가 지금 검증부터 모든 것을 무력화시키고 있다.

죽어야 끝날일이라면 죽어할게다.
국민이 죽든.......철면피 범죄자가 죽든........

Тут вон по 15 лет сидят и так до сих пор и не разобрались и даже не хотят прислушатся..что к чему.. Многие на свей волне находются. И вроде мужики с образованием. Ну а раз знаеш как у капы выложи свой вариант. Только должен быть очень простой. Бы капа говорил узнайте смеятся будете. А так по пробуй сперва паяльником по работай а потом языком.. Я когда начинал все это был тупой как сибирский валенок в этом направлении. Но я никде не мешался под ногами у взрослых дядек каторые чтото понимали и тем более не вствалял свои пять копеек.. И буквально спал в свое время с паяльником в руке. Все что находил испытывал.сколько было намотано и перемотано. А сколько спаленых деталей а это деньги катрые уходили из семьи. И ты должен понимать что здесь никто ничего ни каму не должен. Если кто изявил желание чтото расказать обьяснить будь терпелив.и слушай и там у себя паяльником это все проверяй. Если что не понятно задавай адекватные вапросы и получиш адекватные ответы. Это для тебя будет самый короткий путь к тому что ищеш здесь. А так как и все будеш все жизнь здесь чтото искать и не найдеш.


So what have you been doing for 15 years?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 21, 2021, 03:06:58 AM
Quote from: color on December 20, 2021, 09:29:32 PM

I am not A.I.
I am a non-existent-transcendent spirit where time is meaningless.
8) 8)
일본인 요코야마 히데오(横山秀夫)의 소설 <影踏み, 그림자 밟기>
15년 전에 이미 죽은 쌍동이 동생이 나옵니다. 탁월한 수재로 법조인을 꿈꾸던 마카베 슈이치는 동생의 일탈로 우울증을 앓게된 어머니가 방화 및 분신 자살을 꾀하는 바람에 동생과 어머니, 심지어 둘을 구하려던 아버지까지 함께 잃게 된 후 방황의 길을 걷습니다. 동생의 일탈이었던 좀도둑질을 자신이 하게 되는데요. 절대 잡히지 않아 철벽 미카베라는 별명을 가지고 있는 그의 머리속에는 동생인 게이지가 살고 있었습니다. 그 화재사건 이후 게이지는 하늘로 올라가지 않고 태내에서 함께 살아가며 하나였던 존재인 형에게 붙어있는 모양입니다. 형은 그렇게 죽은 동생의 목소리와 대화를 하며 일상을 한밤중에 침입해 현금만을 털어가는 도둑으로 살아가는데, 어느 날 침입한 이니무라 부부의집에서 강도의 누명을 쓰고 체포, 복역하게 됩니다. 2년 후 출소한 그는 그 때의 사건을 찾아 조사합니다. 분명, 아내가 남편을 죽이려 하던 현장에 자신이 들이닥쳤었다는 확신이 있었기 때문입니다. 이 사건을 조사하던 중 또 하나의 살인사건이 벌어지고, 이 여자, 이니무라는 팜므파탈인건지도 모르겠습니다. 치명적인 매력의 여자.
;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 21, 2021, 08:57:47 AM
Quote from: color on December 05, 2020, 08:20:06 AM
Пояснения по генератору
Пояснения по схеме реального БТГ
Пояснения по схеме реального БТГ продолжение
Пояснения по генератору Видео №4
Пояснения по настройке генератора Алексеева

What I can explain in the video above is that it consumes energy meaninglessly.
And there is absolutely no perception in the above video about parts that generate tremendous heat on the principle of the Akura/Ruslan generator.

나는 러시아인과 미국인의 역활이 각각 절반씩 있다고 생각합니다.
만약에 이것을 어기면 나의 언니가 개입해 거덜낼 가능성이 아주 높습니다.
Я думаю, что роли россиян и американцев - половинные.
Если это будет нарушено, очень вероятно, что моя сестра вмешается и обидится.
I think the roles of Russians and Americans are half each.
If this is violated, it is very likely that my sister will intervene and take offense.

Quote from: color on April 20, 2021, 09:02:22 PM

There is a pending judgment.

Уважаемый я Вас запомнил бы по количеству ошибок... писать научитесь в начале ...Хений.доучка..

магнитный усилитель

한국인의 특허가 마음에 안들어도 러시아와 미국은 받아들여야 합니다.
아니라면 나의 언니가 개입해 지구에 아주 큰 위험이 발생할 가능성이 매우 높기 때문이다.
Даже если им не нравятся корейские патенты, Россия и США должны их принять.
В противном случае очень высока вероятность того, что моя сестра вмешается и создаст очень большую опасность для Земли.
Even if they don't like Korean patents, Russia and the US should accept them.
If not, there is a very high chance that my sister will intervene and cause a very great danger to the Earth.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 21, 2021, 09:20:26 AM
안철수를 삼행시로 한다면? (feat.안설희)

안전빵 갈챠줘두 종말이 택허겠다믄 헐수없지뭐
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 21, 2021, 09:24:58 AM
대부말쌈 새겨듣거라 지구인들아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 21, 2021, 11:18:48 AM
Quote from: NickZ on December 21, 2021, 08:46:07 AM
   As usual you have no idea what you're saying. That was why I left this thread. As it's only a few people left trolling here, as mentioned above, such as yourself.
   That is not the schematic that I use, nor anything else that you've said is true. Like you really know...  Perhaps you should inform Stalker that you think that you know more than him, and that his circuit doesn't work. I won't go into it.  As you have already discredited yourself. Most of the time we don't even know what you're saying, nor why.
   Another year gone by with no free energy in site, as it's being killed off very effectively.
I repeat what I said before.
It is true that you complain more than Koreans.
Many of the members here have unraveled the secrets of Gate 1, Gate 2, and the Bonus Gate.
Even STALKER showed the secret of Gate 2 as it is in his circuit diagram.
The reason you don't know that is because you don't understand Gates 1 and 2.
The secrets of Gate 1 and Bonus Gate are exposed in the circuit diagram that Akura has revealed.
The reason you don't know this is because you don't understand that the secret of Gate 2 is exposed in the schematic that STALKER has revealed.

So, AG's advice makes sense.
Quote from: AlienGrey on December 21, 2021, 09:27:11 AM
Nick stop talking in ridles, what are you holding back on ? spill the beans if you know something!
I can only guess how many secrets of the gates AG has solved, but Nick thinks it's OK to live an affluent life that doesn't interfere with his livelihood, so I think it's okay to tease him more.
A long, long life becomes more boring when you are bored.
Quote from: ramset on December 21, 2021, 10:09:42 AM
It would be nice to have electronic gauss meters etc....But this can be done using a compass or magnetized needle on a string Or even with a few iron filings
End quote
For many years I have proposed a profoundly obvious idea here at the open source forums
That being, to support those experimenters who
Can do the experiments!
Those lacking the equipment or skill set ,can help
Those who do!
I had gotten info from Peter at overunityresearch forum on an "add on" he has there for contributions
To builders !
  I forwarded that link to Stefan a few days ago, and
I will try to reach him today !
We need to do this !!
"You want to change the world... be that change "
Chet K
I guess you know as much as AG, but [its] kept the experiment private.
I have a lot of regrets.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on December 21, 2021, 02:01:48 PM
  Well, that's nice of you.  Color, the only thing I'm bored about, is how this forum has gone to the dogs.  Most don't care, and don't "complain". They have left this site to copy  and paste contributors, like yourselves. 
  But, I do care.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on December 21, 2021, 06:42:39 PM
Once you get to secret level 12 you must do battle with the Napmooth.
                           He must be defeated.
Then and only then does the door to true understanding open.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on December 21, 2021, 06:53:18 PM
  Such is life... Bring it on...Better than watching the Simsons.

  There's no place like home...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 21, 2021, 10:00:25 PM
Quote from: NickZ on December 21, 2021, 02:01:48 PM
  Well, that's nice of you.  Color, the only thing I'm bored about, is how this forum has gone to the dogs.  Most don't care, and don't "complain". They have left this site to copy  and paste contributors, like yourselves. 
  But, I do care.
In the past, dogs were often kept for food in Korea.
So I remember the western actress (BB) criticized for being savages.
However, Koreans still love dog meat.
Quote from: Floor on December 21, 2021, 06:42:39 PM
Once you get to secret level 12 you must do battle with the Napmooth.
                           He must be defeated.
Then and only then does the door to true understanding open.
I wondered why Akura had revealed the secret of generator operation in the circuit diagram, but after seeing the reactions of members of this cafe, I understood somewhat.
Even Akura would not have expected that his schematic would be so difficult.
To that extent, the awareness of basic electrical common sense is entrenched and refusing to be dismantled.
Quote from: NickZ on December 21, 2021, 06:53:18 PM
  Such is life... Bring it on...Better than watching the Simsons.

  There's no place like home...
Homeless families living in the Northern Hemisphere of 38 degrees become more anxious in the winter.
I am very worried about how I will survive this winter.
If you live in a place where there is no winter, you won't have to worry about winter heating.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 21, 2021, 11:24:33 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 21, 2021, 04:02:31 PM
related #2034 :  freedomcar-project

Elder " eventual future Vision" : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car)
With such a vehicle at our disposal, [Fuller] felt that human travel, like that of birds, would no longer be confined to airports, roads, and other bureaucratic boundaries, and that autonomous free-thinking human beings could live and prosper wherever they chose.[9] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car#cite_note-universe-9)

Auto industryFuller received interest from Walter Chrysler (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Chrysler), Henry Ford (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford), and Henry Kaiser (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Kaiser) as well as companies including Packard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packard), Studebaker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studebaker) and Curtiss-Wright (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtiss-Wright).[9] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car#cite_note-universe-9)
Chrysler said Fuller had "produced exactly the car [he had] always wanted to produce", when his company had set out to design a highly advanced, aerodynamic car, the Airflow (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysler_Airflow), which Walter Chrysler ultimately found inferior.[9] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car#cite_note-universe-9) Chrysler commissioned Fuller to study the development of the Airflow, finding Fuller had used one quarter the money and a third the time to make his prototype.[7] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car#cite_note-Kleiner-7)
At various points, it appeared several manufacturers were interested in marketing the Dymaxion.

Walter Chrysler was interested – though he advised Fuller that such an advanced design would meet considerable resistance[9] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car#cite_note-universe-9) and would make every used car on the road obsolete, threatening the wholesale dealer distribution and finance network.[7] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car#cite_note-Kleiner-7) In his 1988 book The Age of Heretics, author Art Kleiner said bankers had threatened to recall their loans, feeling the car would destroy sales for second-hand cars and for vehicles already in the distribution channels.[7] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car#cite_note-Kleiner-7)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk)
His father Errol,killed three "white/black ?" burglars,juridical decision : black/white judges : acquittal
https://www-focus-de.translate.goog/panorama/schattenseiten-des-tesla-clans-die-unglaubliche-musk-familie-ehen-milliarden-und-ein-vater-der-3-menschen-erschoss_id_24455244.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de (https://www-focus-de.translate.goog/panorama/schattenseiten-des-tesla-clans-die-unglaubliche-musk-familie-ehen-milliarden-und-ein-vater-der-3-menschen-erschoss_id_24455244.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de)

Tesla Main article: Tesla, Inc. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla,_Inc.) (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0c/Elon_Musk%2C_Tesla_Factory%2C_Fremont_%28CA%2C_USA%29_%288765031426%29.jpg/220px-Elon_Musk%2C_Tesla_Factory%2C_Fremont_%28CA%2C_USA%29_%288765031426%29.jpg) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Elon_Musk,_Tesla_Factory,_Fremont_(CA,_USA)_(8765031426).jpg)  Musk next to a Tesla Model S (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Model_S) at the Tesla Fremont Factory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Fremont_Factory) in 2011 Tesla, Inc.—originally Tesla Motors—was incorporated in July 2003 by Martin Eberhard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Eberhard) and Marc Tarpenning (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Tarpenning), who financed the company until the Series A round (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_A_round) of funding.[86] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-89) Both men played active roles in the company's early development prior to Musk's involvement.[87] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-From_Archive.org-7620615-90) Musk led the Series A round of investment in February 2004; he invested $6.5 million, became the majority shareholder, and joined Tesla's board of directors as chairman.[88] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-91)[89] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-92)[90] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-TechCrunchBriefHistory-93) Musk took an active role within the company and oversaw Roadster (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Roadster_(2008)) product design but was not deeply involved in day-to-day business operations.[91] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-94) Following a series of escalating conflicts in 2007 and the 2008 financial crisis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_crisis_of_2007%E2%80%932008), Eberhard was ousted from the firm.[92] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-:6-95)[93] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-96) Musk assumed leadership of the company as CEO and product architect in 2008.[94] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-97) A 2009 lawsuit settlement with Eberhard designated Musk as a Tesla co-founder, along with Tarpenning and two others.[95] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-CNET-98)[96] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-FastCompany-99) As of 2019, Elon Musk is the longest tenured CEO of any automotive manufacturer globally.[97] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-auto6-100)

Tesla first "built/let manufacturing" ,by LOTUS,car model ELISE and AC PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY base
an electric sports car, the Roadster = LOTUS ELISE ELECTRIC , in 2008.

With sales of about 2,500 vehicles, it was the first serial production (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_production) all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium-ion_battery) cells.[98] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-101)

Tesla began delivery of its four-door Model S (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Model_S) sedan in 2012;[99] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-102) a cross-over, the Model X (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Model_X) was launched in 2015.[100] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-103)[101] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-104)

A mass market sedan, the Model 3 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Model_3) was released in 2017.[102] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-105)[103] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-106) As of March 2020, it is the world's best-selling electric car, with more than 500,000 units delivered.[104] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-Model3TopEV-107) A fifth vehicle, the Model Y (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Model_Y) crossover, was launched in 2020.[105] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-108) The Cybertruck (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Cybertruck), an all-electric pickup truck, was unveiled in 2019.[106] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-109)[107] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-110)

Under Musk, Tesla has also constructed multiple lithium-ion battery and electric vehicle subassembly factories, such as Gigafactory 1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigafactory_1) in Nevada and Gigafactory 3 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigafactory_3) in China.[108] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-111)[109] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-112)[110] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-113)
(https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c9/2019-06-11-tesla-shareholder-meeting-elon-musk.jpg/170px-2019-06-11-tesla-shareholder-meeting-elon-musk.jpg) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2019-06-11-tesla-shareholder-meeting-elon-musk.jpg)  Musk at the 2019 Tesla (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Inc.) annual shareholder meeting Since its initial public offering (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initial_public_offering) in 2010,[111] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-114) Tesla stock has risen significantly; it became the most valuable carmaker in summer 2020.[112] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-115)[113] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-116) It entered the S&P 500 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%26P_500) later that year.[114] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-117)[115] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-118) In October 2021 it reached market capitalization of $1 trillion, the sixth company to do so in U.S. history.[116] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-119) On November 6, 2021, Musk proposed on Twitter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter) selling 10% of his Tesla stock, since "much is made lately of unrealized gains being a means of tax avoidance".[117] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-:13-120)[118] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-121) After more than 3.5 million Twitter accounts supported the sale, Musk sold $6.9 billion of Tesla stock in the week ending November 12.[117] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-:13-120)

VW and FORD in the 90´with the plan to build the cheapest passenger car in the world :
FORD,project "KA" as 5000 DM ~ 2500 Euros passenger car,became over the project exploration years more and more expensive :
                                                    5000 Euros+
VW with the project "Chico" ( mentor behind : Ignatio Lopez,Ex-GM ) with the production place decision : PT Sines or ESP Bilbao !?
                                                                      Finally decision :                   

                       Neither,nor :  and Mister Lopez,natural Bascian( Bilbao !) "schasst"=FIRED ,

PT Palmela =AUTOEUROPA as FORD-VW cooperation/join-venture (in South-america both in AUTOLATINA joint-venture)
but not a small compact car producing,
but ,as competition to Renault ESPACE and the CHRYSLER (MULTIUSE-)Van ,
the van-/SUVs models VW SHARAN,FORD GALAXY and later the SEAT ALHAMBRA ,cause from 300 000 units per year planned selling number only 150 000 - 100 000 units were sold,all models,per year !

Elon Musk wants to develop the cheapest car in the world :
what is 2021 "CHEAP" ?

GM Wueling https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baojun_E300 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baojun_E300)  Baojun KiWi EV
https://electriccarsreport.com/2021/09/gms-baojun-launches-kiwi-electric-vehicle/ (https://electriccarsreport.com/2021/09/gms-baojun-launches-kiwi-electric-vehicle/)

Export to Europe ?

1. Freight 2019 or end 2021 prices calculating ?  How fast the price will go down : 

40-foot container ~ 4 compact cars :   China-Europe 10000 Euros+ Europe-China 2000 Euros   8) protectionistical "Nadeloehr" ! Needle eye

2. duty

3. import sales tax

for commercial share-fleet-parc companies : duty and import sales tax ? for private user both 100% to pay !

From India : Renault KWID ic-engine ,Renault KWID electric              = in Europe RENAULT DACIA SPRING ELECTRIC
                     4400 Euros                          8400 Euros                                              18 000 Euros     
                    5,8 Euros/Kg hardware        8,5 Euros/Kg hardware                            12,5 Euros/Kg hardware
                                              The cheapest possible car in the world project :
                                                  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loremo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loremo)
                                                            430-470 Kg ic-version
                                             500 Kg electric version,batteries f.e. Innolith LTO
                                             x  12,5 Euros/Kg hardware RENAULT DACIA ELECTRIC price condition
                                             + 3000 Euros "eco-lobby politics" increase ( as later Manufacturer eco- bonus )
                                             = 6250 Euros + 3000 Euros =
                                             9250 Euros e-Loremo price (fob factory)
                                             here no value added tax including : commercial share-fleet park !
https://www-adac-de.translate.goog/rund-ums-fahrzeug/elektromobilitaet/kaufen/foerderung-elektroautos/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de (https://www-adac-de.translate.goog/rund-ums-fahrzeug/elektromobilitaet/kaufen/foerderung-elektroautos/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de)

Vehicle type    Net list price basic model        Federal share (doubled)     Manufacturer share (net)                Total (net)Electric car              up to € 40,000                       6000 €                              3000 €                                        9000 €
                                                                  9250 Euros e-Loremo price (fob factory)
                  - ACTUALLY "Federal share(doubled) and Manufacturer share(net) 9000 Euros TOTAL =
                                                                 250 Euros net per e-LOREMO
                                                                      CHEAP ENOUGH ?
In his 1988 book The Age of Heretics, author Art Kleiner said bankers had threatened to recall their loans, feeling the car would destroy sales for second-hand cars and for vehicles already in the distribution channels.[7] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dymaxion_car#cite_note-Kleiner-7)
열대밀림 속 신비롭고 충격적인 마야문명 - El mirador, Tikal, Calakmul

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Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 21, 2021, 11:47:16 PM
Quote from: r2fpl on July 22, 2021, 09:47:42 AM
The coil granate does not have miraculous working properties. If it were so, the next Ruslan coils would always be the granate coil. This shows that it is something else or nothing. Maybe the inductor would fit nicely or give the impression of mystery. Yes, if you analyze the magnetic field around the coil, you have the impression that something miraculous is going to happen, but when you look at the oscilloscope you see a steady or jumping sine but the field is known because the coil was made this way. All ratios are frequency dependent and have a lot of tolerance as you know. Mere resonance does not add energy but multiplication. Unfortunately, not for free. If you understand the essence of resonance, you know that there is no resonance without driving force.
A question that everyone wants to know where to get this extra energy. From the environment because it is clear. The sun and the wind are also the surroundings.
So where does Kapanadze get his energy from? If you have had time to watch and analyze all Kapanadze's films and think about what is common to them, you will see that there is always a thick ground wire and there is always a current of approx. 24A for 5kW. Have you tried to make the ground wire show 24 A on one wire!? Do it. Check how to do it. This is essential if we want to replicate Kapanadze's device. It is always a steel pipe! this is another important tip. Even Ruslan or Akula connected to the iron pipe!
Forget about Kapanadze's brass cooler for a moment.
Why to water and to an iron pipe? that's where the energy is from. It is not only grounding, because if it were so, the grounding pin in the electrical socket would be enough.

Now answer the question what's in the iron pipes in the ground ?!
На сайте overunity.com выложили перевод с грузинского на английский разговора из
видео с &quot;консервной банкой&quot; 2004 года.
&quot;How do I translate? Write here what he is saying? I&#39;ll try my best, word by word. From the
beginning he is complaining about the government/bureaucracy. He was expected some other
people to come but they did not come.
Starting about the device 07:00 minute. Note: The green inverter you see is made in Armenia, it
is the inverter and the charger for the 12 volt battery. Using that device you get from 12 volt DC
220 volt Ac 400 watts.
TK - this car battery is almost died, it does not hold charge, so he is saying that if the car battery
is fine he would not need charger.
Guest &quot;X&quot; who came for the demo is saying that he does not want it to be switched on, he is
asking to explain how the device work.
TK - saying that firstly when it starts working, primary coil gets power through spark gap. The
spark gap interruption happens 50 times in one seconds. He is saying that in the spark gap is 50
Hz. Thick wire is the primary coil. The most interesting thing is that the spark gap takes very
little power. This is 400 watts inverter, but we are receiving 5 kilowatts from my device. 400
watts not fully needed. We are taking about 0.4 amp, getting 5 kilowatts. I simply started
charging battery from the output energy, today scientists cаlling this perpetuum mobile, when
from the output energy battery gets charged and the device is feеds itself. I did the test, output
for charging the battery I disconnected from the battery and it worked from its own output
power. The device works, gives 5 kWatts and just takes from the output whatever it takes 0.4
amp. So, this is the very positive result of this device, takes less and gives much more. Now I do
not know its max power output, it might give 6,7, 8 kilowatts, but at the moment I do not want
to risk to burn anything, basically 5 kilowatts are enough. It needs about 0.4 amp 220 volts and
gives about 24 amp 220 volts. This is the secret (not really the exact word, but is very similar) of
this device.
X - is asking, why did not you try in the vacuum when tested in the factory like everything in
one box.
TK - It was not convenient to put all together, because we where testing the device in the factory
(the factory he mentioned is in Tbilisi, this factory used to produce war planes, I think tanks etc
during soviet union and later too, I think it had wide profile and I think until now it is called 31st
factory). If there was some details to replace or upgrade was not convenient to have everything
in one box. We put all mechanism on the vacuum, the mechanical mechanism was turning very
well in the vacuum but then the electric device was getting hot. During the test some managers
made me angry and I left the factory and started working on this device to improve it, I did not
expect but here we are, as you see the result exceeded my expectation. He is saying that the
mechanical device was giving 3-4 times more power/torque than without vacuum.
TK - This is better just this device, god let us all have it, if anyone wants to use it, it is here. He
is again about the government - I do not understand what they want, I am offering such things
that any normal thinking man wont say not interested.
TK - pointed to the man saying we tried in his garden just with one kilowatt generator, whole
garden was bright and we let running long time without problem, someone called Mamuka
came, he is physicist, I(TK) asked him can you explain you as a physicist all these, Mamuka
answered that he is not sure, he does not know, this is not something I can explain by simple
physics. These what I see exceeds law of Physics. This is something retailed to some kind of
nature I can not explain now, I do not know. This is impossible, I do not believe, there is
something I do not know what?
TK - Why? here it is. why is it not possible? when was these laws established? in which
century? 18th century? He is asking to explain by physics laws, If I brake any law of physic&#39;s
when you see her this device why does it work? I am not braking any of laws of physic&#39;s in this
case leave me and trust in what you see and try to understand.
Mamuka - what can we do, this is not by the law of physics.
TK - in this case update it.
Mamuka – No, you are crazy.
TK - Here is the experiment I conducted for you, and did it many times, in many places.
Mamuka - If you can, explain it, if not, we can not recognize it.
They are discussing different physicists reactions which happened in different times. Some other
physic said to TK, we understand there is unlimited energy in the cosmos, but what it has to do
here, what is it, is nothing emptiness?
TK - where is our earth? is not it in cosmos? Are not we part of the sun system? don make me
mad? One came and told me who are you to ignore the power of gravity?
TK - When did I say? who did I tell that? where is it written? show me, I have never said that.
He repeated the same question, I asked him did you read the theory of (some kind of polarity do
not know its translation, sorry). The man got red on his face and did not say the word and left
me. One big physic came to me and told me, lets write a theory, I&#39;ll be your coauthor.
TK - is asking camera man to get closer to the device, as a source of power i use car battery.
Battery powers inverter, from the inverter the device starts working. Let see, and he turns the
inverter on. Battery is died, has maybe 11-10 volts, but one little kick will do, he plugs the
inverter into mains and said the sparks started.
Persona X - Will this spark stay if you unplug?
TK - yes, I unplugged just now and it works from the battery. Switch it on (he means bulbs,
each is 1 kilowatts, has 5x200 watts spiral in it. He ask to measure the input amp and output
amp. it takes 0.4 amp and gives 25,4 amps.
TK - lets do the experiment. lets plug the battery charger on the device output power. Do the
way everyone can see. This is 0-negative the other one is positive. Now I will plug the charger
to the battery to charge. I am conducting the test, the battery anyway is giving the start up
energy, but later after whenever it will be discharged if not charged. we try to charge the battery
from the energy we get out of device. the battery does not have enough power let me for a
second plug to the mains. Ok, now the spark started, unplugged and works. measure it now.
What we use and what it gives. 0.2 amp 0.3 amp. How much takes battery charger, let me see,
2.8 amp, 2.7 amp, 2.6 amp. How much is from the charger to the battery 6.5, 6.2 amps. Next let
do like this, if can charge the battery from the received energy, the battery supply inverter so that
is how it works. untill the battery lasts without the charger the device will work. now we are
charging battery and I am going to remove the battery. I removed the battery, but now we need
the start up energy. that is why I am going to use mains just for start up. as soon as I get energy
from the device we do not need the mains power anymore. Look now I am unplugging, see we
are not getting any power from anywhere other than from the device which feds itself. I could
remove the inverter and charger and just will need a start up energy sours. That I will do later.
the bulbs are very bright and keeps as long as you want.
X - Can you start up one more time?
TK - Yes, will do. so that&#39;s it. OK now you want me to unplug the device from the inverter and
see how long it will last on its own, let see what happens. Last may be a second or two.
X - saying, it lasted for some time, might just need some technical improvement and cold be
working on its own.
XX- the fuck is here, It is working, I can not deny the fact. I have nothing to argue. many things
can be argued, but here is no theory.
TK - we may argue about the theory I have and write you could argue some things can be
improved father, we may discuss the better scheme, but this is what I have now and is fact.
Something should happen, they are just joking about something irrelevant.
X - so we had exclusive for video.
TK - No, I need video to be done for the Internet, so many people can see. Please, would take a
video of the scheme/device properly come closer please. Camera man - yes will do one by one.
TK - let me give a space - please do what you need.

I did my best took me over 1 hour. Thank you and hope this helps. Try to do not judge me.
English is not my first language. It is my fourth. It seems to me not to be too complicated. I am
not in Georgia, have been in UK for few years now. When I get there this Christmas, I&#39;ll try to
find out about Tariel and his devices as much as possible.&quot;

А это перевод с английского на русский.
&quot;Как перевести? Написать сюда то, что он говорит? Я буду стараться изо всех сил, слово
в слово. С самого начала он жалуется на правительство и бюрократию. Он ожидал, что от них придут какие-то люди, но они не пришли. Об устройстве начинается с 7:00 минуты.
Примечание: зелёный инвертор сделан в Армении, это инвертор и зарядное устройство
для аккумулятора 12 вольт. С помощью этого устройства вы получаете из 12 вольт
постоянного тока 220 вольт переменного тока, мощность 400 Вт.
TK - этот автомобильный аккумулятор почти умер, он не держит заряд, так что если
автомобильный аккумулятор в порядке, то зарядное устройство не требуется.
Гость &quot;X&quot;, который пришёл на демонстрацию устройства, говорит, чтобы пока не
включали, и просит объяснить, как работает устройство.
TK говорит, что, во-первых, когда он начинает работать, первичная катушка получает
питание через искровой промежуток, прерывание разрядника происходит 50 раз в
секунду. Он говорит, что в искровом промежутке 50 Гц и что толстый провод - это
первичная обмотка. Он говорит, что самое интересное в том, что разрядник берёт очень
мало энергии. Затем он указывает пальцем на инвертор и говорит, что это инвертор 400
Вт, но мы получаем 5 киловатт с устройства. 400 ватт не в полной мере необходимо,
мы потребляем около 0,4 ампер и на эти 400 миллиампер получаем 5 киловатт. Я просто
начал заряжать аккумулятор от получаемой энергии, учёные называют это вечный
двигатель, когда батарея заряжается от выходной энергии и устройство питает само себя.
Я делал тест: выход для зарядки аккумулятора я отключал от батареи, и он работал от
своей мощности. Устройство работает, даёт 5 КВт и просто берёт с выхода 0,4 ампер. Это
очень хороший результат этого устройства, оно берёт мало, а даёт намного больше. Я
пока не знаю его максимальную выходную мощность, может оно даст и 6,7,8 киловатт, но
в данный момент я не хочу рисковать, чтобы не сжечь всё, этих 5 киловатт достаточно.
Устройство потребляет около 0,4 ампер 220 вольт (90 Вт) и даёт около 24 ампер 220 вольт
(5 КВт). Это и есть секрет (это не очень точный перевод слова, но очень похоже) этого
X - спрашивает, почему не попробовать в вакууме, в одном корпусе, как при испытании
на заводе.
TK - Было неудобно сложить всё вместе, потому что мы тестировали устройства на
заводе (завод находится в Тбилиси, это завод для производства военных самолетов, танков
и т.д. во время Советского Союза, а позже, я думаю, он имел широкий профиль и до сих
пор он называется «тридцать первый завод»). Если бы не было нужды заменять или
модернизировать некоторые детали, то было бы удобно иметь всё в одном корпусе. Мы
поместили весь механизм в вакуум, механизм поворота очень хорошо работал в вакууме,
а затем электрическое устройство стало перегреваться. Механическое устройство давало в
3-4 раза больше мощности/крутящего момента, чем без вакуума. Во время испытаний
менеджеры меня разозлили, и я ушёл с завода и начал сам работать над этим устройством
для его улучшения. Я не ожидал, но, как видите, результат превзошёл мои ожидания.
TK - Это лучшее устройство, бог нам позволил всё это иметь, если кто-то хочет
использовать его, оно находится здесь. Снова о правительстве - Я не понимаю, чего они
хотят, я предлагаю такие вещи, что любой думающий человек не скажет, что меня это не

TK - мы испытывали в своём саду однокиловаттный генератор, весь сад был ярко
освещён и он работал длительное время без проблем. Кто-то позвонил Мамука и он
пришел, он физик. Я спросил его – вы, как физик, можете объяснить нам всё это? Мамука
ответил, что это нельзя объяснить простой физикой. То, что я вижу, нарушает закон
физики. Природу этого я не могу объяснить сейчас, я не знаю. Это невозможно, я не верю,
но может быть есть что-то, чего я не знаю, но что?
TK – Почему вот это - невозможно? Когда были созданы эти законы? В каком веке? 18-м
веке? Объясните это законами физики. Если я нарушаю законы физики, но вы видите это
устройство, почему оно работает? Если я не нарушаю законов физики, в этом случае
оставьте меня. В этом случае обновите закон.
Мамука - Нет, ты сумасшедший.
ТЗ - Вот я проводил для вас эксперимент, и делал это много раз, во многих местах.
Мамука - Если можно, объясните, если нет, то мы не можем признать его. Они
обсуждают различные реакции физиков, которые произошли в разное время. Некоторые
физики говорят, мы понимаем, что есть неограниченное количество энергии в космосе, но
что он должен делать здесь, что это такое - ничего, пустота?
TK - Где наша Земля? Не в космосе? Разве мы не часть Солнечной Системы? Один
пришёл и сказал мне: кто ты такой, чтобы игнорировать силу тяжести?
TK - Когда я это говорил? Где это написано, покажите мне. Я никогда этого не говорил.
Он повторил тот же вопрос, а я спросил его, вы читали теорию (своего рода полярность,
не знаю как перевести, извините). Человек покраснел и молча ушёл. Один большой физик
пришёл ко мне и сказал, позволь мне написать теорию, я буду твоим соавтором.
TK - Я использую автомобильный аккумулятор как источник мощности. Аккумулятор
питает инвертор, от инвертора устройство начинает работать. Аккумулятор умер, осталось
может быть 10-11 вольт, но мы сделаем только один маленький толчок. Он подключил
преобразователь в сеть и сказал, что искра появилась.
Persona X - Если отключить сеть, искра будет?
TK - Да, я сейчас отключил, и он работает от батареи. Включите их (он имеет ввиду 5
ламп накаливания, каждая мощностью 1 кВт). Измерь входной и выходной ток. Установка
потребляет 0,4 ампера и выдаёт 25,4 ампер.
TK - Сделаем эксперимент: запитаем зарядное устройство с выхода установки, чтобы все
смогли увидеть. Это 0-отрицательный, другой положительный. Теперь я подключу
аккумулятор к зарядному устройству для зарядки. Проводим тест, батарея всё равно даёт
энергию для запуска, но после запуска мы постараемся зарядить аккумулятор от энергии,
которую будем получать от установки. Аккумулятор недостаточно заряжен, позвольте
мне подключить второй разъём к сети. Хорошо, теперь искра появилась, отключен и
работает, надо его сейчас измерить. Что мы потребляем и что он выдаёт. 0,2 - 0,3 ампер.
Сколько требует зарядное устройство, покажи мне, 2,8 ампер, 2,7 ампер, 2,6 ампер.
Сколько от зарядного устройства к аккумулятору: 6,2 - 6,5 ампер.

Теперь давайте сделаем так: батарея питает инвертор, но если можно заряжать батарею от
полученной энергии, то это будет работать. Без зарядного устройства установка будет
работать, пока не сядет аккумулятор. Сейчас мы зарядим аккумулятор, и я собираюсь его
убрать. Я убрал аккумулятор, но теперь мы должны дать установке начальную энергию.
Используем сеть только для запуска. Как только я получу энергию от усановки, питание
от сети нам больше не потребуется. Смотрите: я отключаю, и теперь видно, что мы не
получаем никакой другой мощности, кроме мощности от устройства, которое теперь
питает само себя. Я могу совсем исключить из схемы инвертор и зарядное устройство,
энергия нужна установке только для запуска. Я сделаю это позже. Лампы очень ярко
светят, и они будут светить до тех пор, пока вы не выключите установку.
X - Можете запустить ещё раз?
TK - Да, могу. Хорошо, теперь ты хочешь отключить устройство от инвертора и
посмотреть, как долго устройство будет работать само по себе, давайте посмотрим, что
произойдёт. Проработает может быть секунду или две.
X - Мол, это продолжалось в течение некоторого времени, может просто нужны
некоторые технические усовершенствования и холодная работает сама по себе.
XX - Чёрт возьми, оно работает, я не могу отрицать этот факт. Мне нечего возразить,
можно многие вещи утверждать, но здесь нет теории.
TK - Мы можем спорить о теории, некоторые вещи могут быть улучшены, мы можем
обсудить лучшую схему, но это - то, что у меня есть сейчас, и это факт. Что-то должно
произойти, они просто шутят о чём-то неуместном.
X - Мы сделали эксклюзивное видео.
TK - Нет, мне нужно, чтобы видео было сделано для Интернета, тогда многие люди
смогут увидеть. Пожалуйста, снимите устройство, лучше подойти поближе. Пожалуйста,
я освобождаю место для оператора.
&quot;Я сделал всё возможное, это заняло около часа. Спасибо за внимание и надеюсь, что я
вам помог. Постарайтесь не судить меня строго - английский не является моим родным
языком. Это мой четвертый. Я сейчас не в Грузии, я уже несколько лет живу в
Великобритании. Когда буду в Грузии на это Рождество, я постараюсь разузнать о
Тариэле и его устройстве как можно больше.&quot;

Перевод немного корявый, но кто хочет, может его &quot;причесать&quot;. Здесь Капанадзе сказал,
что аккумулятор, инвертор и зарядное устройство необязательны. Они нужны только для
первоначального запуска. А закольцевать можно просто с выхода на вход.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: r2fpl on December 22, 2021, 04:15:38 AM
We already know all this.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 22, 2021, 09:44:50 AM
Do you run it of the mains of a battery ?

With the base of the transister going to the Tesla HV doesnt that kill the device and provide earth leakage ? same end ?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on December 22, 2021, 10:08:08 AM
   Yes, even more than 10 years ago all that was already known. It's been viewed by thousands, already. The working theory has been explained over a thousand times, and still no one has been able to fully replicated that original device, nor any other of his devices, to this date. Nor truly understand it's working, even by TK. Simple it's not.   Russians are needing this technology more than anyone, as its very very cold there. You can die in your own house.   The power companies are happily watching people suffer. While their old Russian nuclear reactor is coming to life, once again, and can't be stopped. There are over 700 nuclear reactors in the whole world now, just waiting to go off. So, that the rich can get richer, and the poor will be dependent on them for their survival. 
   Yes Color, I have a big mouth, and an even bigger heart.
   PS. As is written, the battery or grid power is used ONLY to kick start the device, AG.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 22, 2021, 10:23:19 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 22, 2021, 08:03:44 AM
expressed point of view : I am a non-existent-transcendent spirit where time is meaningless.  ;)
expressed point of view : Homeless families living in the Northern Hemisphere of 38 degrees become more anxious in the winter.
I am very worried about how I will survive this winter.
If you live in a place where there is no winter, you won't have to worry about winter heating.
                                             body-vision-holly spirit -Trinity

                                                              F.Nietzsche : " Gott ist tot " (!?)
Gott-Vater,verbluefft  :o ,geht zu Gott-Mutter  :-* : ES IST WIEDER "Gott"-Produktion angesagt !

                                                                                 Gott-Mutter : Von Hinten oder von Vorn ?
                                                                                 Gott-Vater:     >:( :-[ " Himmelsschreiender  !(  ;D Aussenstehender)

                                                                                                                     NATUERLICH VON OBEN ! "  :)                             
                                                                                   "BESAME,BESAME MUCHO "(hoerte man die Gott-Mutter nur noch stammeln und ....)
und dazu einen Kaiser*in-nen-Schnitt,ganz saekular : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLsg_Lk819s

                                                                                       Schluss mit lustig !  ??? ::)
2021 p.C. - 2100 p.C. :
1. from 7 day week cristian/islamic/jewish calendarium to the 8th.day Buddhism/Hindi/Daodeism society

   first advantage : week-symmetry ,recommended by work-equilibrium-psychologists
  each " world habitant" gets his personal ID beginning by its born
  1 earth/sun year : 8766 hours ,the ancient divided " 7 days week"  becoming " 8x 8th day week " ,each day in common equal,not        personal/individual
  each "world habitant", with no rank and no title,but personal identity number = actually "social insurance number",
  has its "Jahres-Gleitzeitkonto/year-flextime account" for
  "Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen/unconditional basic income " = economical known in the macro economy  as "fixum"

     Minimum earning by minimum productivty ! Young and olds ! Mans and womans !
2. 24/365 "open door" society,education,production and selling/bartering non-stop,
    on-line fob hipermarket or fob factory,price transparency ! Delivery by Drones or autonomous land-/sea-vehicle !
3. evolution in the education system : " primitive basic/universitary teacher adviced learning"
                                                            to " advanced ultra-learning-course"- system,on-line/wire-less
    psychological/physiological measured results :

    up to 75% (12 semester in average max. effective 4-3 semester )less time losts !
   Better mind memory and knowledge repeat quality !
4. we have many "future society life art vision" expositions,beside the periodical World-Expo´s

    also the periodical "Olympia-Villages" errection !
   Olympic Games 1972,B.R.D./FRG-country BAY- Munich/Monaco/Muenchen : the car-free urbanity !
                                                                                                                      the translucent land-scape covering !

  shortly time later : the car-free highways(-waies) ,Al FATAH/P.L.O. Olympic Village Israel-team hostage, Suez-channel blockade, Oil-crisis

  The global society and its inner/external life change willingness testemony  : WORTE TATEN FOLGEN LASSEN !
                                                                MAKE WORDS COMPLETE!

  For example for some german cities the beginning,step-by-step progress :
ZERO SUPRAGROUND citiy car traffic : cars in sub-channel use ,for example actually sewage cannalisation !
                              With the given 250 Euros net e-Loremo calculation,even with decrease the estatal double bonus to 3000 Euros
                              estate/manufacturer 50/50 bonus the "new car economical price" is in the maximal 325 Euros range !
All the actual seeable private and commercial fleet driving units macroeconomical amortized, recycling base-material,rural and urban area !All the actual cars in production !The total car manufacturing industry global !
VW Chico-FORD KA 90´ : russian Kamaz-Lada OKA price level comparison ,and the later Tata Motors model NANO, a first trial :
                                                     not an END for a secured second temptation !
The Citroen Ami/Opel Rocks are not,by eco-political definition,cars ,these models are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadricycle_(EU_vehicle_classification)and following this : no eco-bonus f.e. in e-cars-bonus-hight in Germany !

1-2 passenger "a.Arzen Egg,b. Lavenami,c.Hopper,d.Canyon" :
1000-2000 Euros - 45 Km/h velocity max. etrikes/equads before estatal eco-bonus ,in France 900 Euros !

From actual view the average new mobility unit e-car/e-quad net price is in the 2000 Euros range (included bonus),in Cities 1/2 capacity-share gives a maximal 1000 Euros price/worth per user !

Olympic Games Village Munich translucent stadium cover + Buckminster Fuller translucent Dome,for later "Cities translucent covered"  :
small beginning,relative cheaply https://www.jovoto.com/projects/300house/ideas/12769
concerned about CO2 ? in Greenhouses the air is CO2-fertilized : to 600 ppm by C3-plants !

We have actually in https://www-umweltbundesamt-de.translate.goog/daten/klima/atmosphaerische-treibhausgas-konzentrationen?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de
The global carbon dioxide concentration in 2020 was 412.5 ⁠ppm (https://www-umweltbundesamt-de.translate.goog/service/glossar/p?tag=ppm&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de#alphabar)⁠ Carbon dioxide ( NOAA 2020 (https://translate.google.com/website?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://research.noaa.gov/article/ArtMID/587/ArticleID/2742/Despite-pandemic-shutdowns-carbon-dioxide-and-methane-surged-in-2020) ). A ⁠ppm (https://www-umweltbundesamt-de.translate.goog/service/glossar/p?tag=ppm&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de#alphabar)⁠ corresponds to one molecule of carbon dioxide per million molecules of dry air. In addition, there are concentrations of other greenhouse gases, which also contribute to the global ⁠Climate change (https://www-umweltbundesamt-de.translate.goog/service/glossar/k?tag=Klimawandel&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de#alphabar)⁠ contribute.
Actually the greatest ,natural and antrophogenic,GWpotential  : 1. Vapor(water) 2. CO2 3. black carbon 4. CH4

When we think about "atmosphere" we have to think about

                      100 000 meters= 100 Km  hight earth ground to Exo-pause=Orbit amplitude !
The most offered "global temperature" in media are "pure and fixed  2 meters hight = ground-near and air-movement free "weather-box"
measurements( NN=sea-hight  +2 mtr,100 mtr hill altitude+ 2mtr.,6000 metres mountain+2 meters,....),
not the -by daytime shiny weather- up to 30°Celsius hotter ground/surface temperature,
( 20°C air temperature  in shadow measured ~ often 50°C dry air in sun shine,cause this the day WR in Libyia,US/Death Valley )

which in countries were dogs are not eaten(exception : cadaver recycling in meat industry for cat and dog alimentation)

but daily "Gassi-companion"
have to receive their human companion attention and care related soft skin paws and dog respiration !

NickZ : DC,AC,pulsed DC force effect  static/laminar and/or rotative/turbulent use

http://www.ultramotors.co.uk/aboutcompany_history.htm  Vasily Shkondin
Your so wortfull posts here :


without analysing member Berto3 input :

On Endless-sphere I found an interesting threat from 2009 about the Ultracap Bike. If the regeneration storing in caps is better or more efficient than a li-ion battery you have to find out yourself, watch:
One specific item really interested me.

"Regeneration: In industry commercial inverters are used to vary AC motor speeds by intentionally changing the frequency supplied to the motor. If you overspeed the motor, the motor is returning the power back to its power supply. When you use an inverter that has a variable frequency capability, you turn the frequency down and your motor is a generator, returning its power to the controller, until your new reduced speed is reached. Or you can have a over running load, like when you drive your AC motor powered tractor down a hill, and your motor is a generator.
Here is the problem in industry: Most AC inverters cannot return the excess power to the power line. There is a diode bridge that takes AC power and charges a capacitor bank. (There are a very few specialized AC inverters that use a bi-directional bridge of transistors to charge the capacitors or return power to the AC line.) With diodes that is strictly a one way trip. The capacitor bank is connected to the motor via a bridge of transistors or gate turn off SCRs. This bridge is bi-directional. So whenever the motor is a generator, the capacitor bank is charged up and potentially overcharged. Some drives turn off to protect the controller. Some drives switch on a resistor to dump the excess energy. Here we are not really regenerative, although the motor does not know any better.
If you were to replace the capacitor bank with batteries, like some electric cars, you now have the ability to absorb a lot of energy from the motor, and you can easily be regenerative over the entire speed range of the motor, whereas to regenerate with a DC motor you need to do tricks with field windings and still may not be regenerative over the entire speed range."


Same question.


매트릭스4 영화와 관련된 유튜버 [건데]의 "거울의 의미" 질문 내용이라 난이도는 0이다.
The difficulty level is 0 because it is a question about the "meaning of a mirror" by a YouTuber [geonde, ~to do] related to the Matrix 4 movie.

Why is Paul's mirror important?
It is the formation of contradiction (reality) as a condition for Jesus and Paul to enter the world of lightning and darkness.
This is Djed's hand going through the mirror.
James' mirror and faith in works are the chaotic love of light and darkness.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror;
for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.
But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.

사랑하지 아니하는 자는 하나님을 알지 못하나니 이는 하나님은 사랑이심이라
The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라
그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.

자녀들아 우리가 말과 혀로만 사랑하지 말고 오직 행함과 진실함으로 하자
Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.

그의 형제를 사랑하는 자는 빛 가운데 거하여 자기 속에 거리낌이 없으나
The one who loves his brother abides in the Light and there is no cause for stumbling in him.

그의 형제를 미워하는 자는 어두운 가운데 있고 또 어두운 가운데 행하며 갈 곳을 알지 못하나니 이는 어두움이 그의 눈을 멀게 하였음이니라
The one who loves his brother abides in the Light and there is no cause for stumbling in him.

But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
거짓말 하는 자가 누구뇨 예수께서 그리스도이심을 부인하는 자가 아니뇨 아버지와 아들을 부인하는 그가 적그리스도니

Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
Those who fight monsters should be careful not to become monsters themselves in the fight.
Wer mit Ungeheuern kampft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird.
괴물과 싸우는 사람은 그 싸움속에서 스스로 괴물이 되지 않도록 조심해야 한다.

And if you gaze for a long time into the abyss of a monster, it will also look into you.
Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.
그리고 괴물의 심연을 오랫동안 들여다본다면 그 심연 또한 우리를 들여다보게 될 것이다.

"사람은 능숙하게 탈 배를 선택하고 편안하게 살 집을 고른다. 마찬가지로 이 세상을 떠날 방법을 선택할 권리도 있지 않을까? 특히 죽음에 관해서는 무엇보다도 자기가 하고 싶은 대로 하기 마련이다."
- 세네카(기원전 1세기) -

"자살 그것은 신이 인생의 온갖 형벌 중에서 인간에게 부과한 으뜸 가는 은혜다."
- T.리비우스 -

"가장 좋은 것은 태어나지 않는 것, 존재하지 않는 것, 아무것도 되지 않는 것이다."
"자살을 생각하는 일은 커다란 위안이 된다. 그 생각으로 불쾌한 밤을 잘 지내게 된다."
"더 이상 자신있게 사는 것이 불가능하다면 차라리 당당하게 죽음을 택하라."
- 프리드리히 니체 -

"죽음은 단지 한순간의 고통이지만 삶은 기나긴 고통이다."
- 버나드 조지프 소린 -

"참으로 위대한 철학의 문제는 하나밖에 없다. 그것은 자살이다. 인생을 괴로워하며 살 값어치가 있나 없나 하는 판단을 하는 것, 이것이 철학의 기본적인 질문에 대답하는 것이다."
"살인에는 언제나 이유가 있다. 그러나 삶에는 정확한 의미를 부여하기가 어렵다. 자살은 위대한 예술작품처럼 마음의 고요함 속에서 준비된다. 삶의 이유를 말할 수 있는 사람은 확실한 죽음의 이유도 갖고 있다."

"자기 자신을 죽일 수 없는 한 사람은 인생에 관하여 침묵을 지켜야 한다."
- 알베르 카뮈 -

"자살하는 힘을 가진 자는 행복하다."
- 앨프리드 테니슨

The ego is the trick of light and darkness.
The reason the devil does not challenge mathematics is that finite mankind does not live as long as infinite mathematics. Humans long for infinite objects, but suffering makes them turn away from life.
The way for the former operating forces to be forgiven is to repent and not disobey God's word.

우리가 이제는 거울로 보는것 같이 희미하나 그 때에는 얼굴과 얼굴을 대하여 볼 것이요 이제는 내가 부분적으로 아나 그 때에는 주께서 나를 아신 것 같이 내가 온전히 알리라
그런즉 믿음, 소망, 사랑, 이 세 가지는 항상 있을 것인데 그 중에 제일은 사랑이라
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Evil demon

빛과 어둠이 혼재하는 세상의 상황이 사랑이고 사랑의 결과다.
상식과 법과 불법이 혼재되어 적과 아군을 구분할 수 없는 때.ㅍ
The situation in the world where light and darkness coexist is love and the result of love.
When common sense, law, and illegality are mixed, it is impossible to distinguish between friend and foe.

순수 빛 또는 순수 어둠이 아닌 혼재의 그리스도는 사랑이란 이름을 가진 무질서 혼란이다.
Not pure light or pure darkness, the mixed Christ is a chaos in the name of love.

거짓 그리스도들과 거짓 선지자들이 일어나 큰 표적과 기사를 보이어 할 수만 있으면 택하신 자들도 미혹하게 하리라
보라 내가 너희에게 미리 말하였노라
그러면 사람들이 너희에게 말하되 보라 그리스도가 광야에 있다 하여도 나가지 말고 보라 골방에 있다 하여도 믿지 말라
번개가 동편에서 나서 서편까지 번쩍임 같이 인자의 임함도 그러하리라
주검이 있는 곳에는 독수리들이 모일찌니라
"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.
"Behold, I have told you in advance.
"So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them.
"For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
"Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.

그렇다면 혼돈의 예수가 재림하면 심판대상이 누구일까?
회색 혼돈?
사랑이 재림하면 역설적으로 빛과 어둠이 심판 대상이다.
혼돈을 사랑하면 율법-신, 불법 모두 죽는다.
완전한 혼돈은 완전한 빛과 완전한 어둠처럼 똑같은 모순이기에.
혼돈-예수가 재림하면 모두가 심판대상된다는 뜻이다.
Then, who will be judged when Jesus of Chaos returns?
gray chaos?
When love returns, paradoxically, light and darkness will be judged.
If you love chaos, both the law-god and lawlessness will die.
For complete chaos is the same contradiction as complete light and complete darkness.
Chaos - It means that when Jesus returns, everyone will be judged.

여호와 기반의 예수에게 뭘 바랬다면 그것은 얼굴을 달리한 여호와의 심판일 뿐이며,
해서 신약도 구약처럼 노아의 때를 소환해 겁박했다.
If you wanted anything from a Jehovah-based Jesus, it would be Jehovah's judgment with a different face,
So, the New Testament summoned and threatened the days of Noah just like the Old Testament.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 22, 2021, 10:37:13 AM
Quote from: r2fpl on December 22, 2021, 04:15:38 AM
We already know all this.
You, who know all the generator secrets, come here to tease other people, and are you in the process of making a sabotage incident?
I have a feeling that you, who do not know the love of sharing, may be the target of my sister's judgment.
Luck is not there.

"It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the sabotage, but darkness."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 22, 2021, 11:01:47 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on December 22, 2021, 09:44:50 AM
Do you run it of the mains of a battery ?

With the base of the transister going to the Tesla HV doesnt that kill the device and provide earth leakage ? same end ?
My dad uses Japanese and Chinese batteries.
230V/2sc5200 won't last long,
1162, 2611, 2837, etc. 500~900V for high voltage is good.
And bonus gates require special structures.
It's easy even with your skills.
Recommend your experimentation experience.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 22, 2021, 11:22:06 AM
Quote from: NickZ on December 22, 2021, 10:08:08 AM
   Yes, even more than 10 years ago all that was already known. It's been viewed by thousands, already. The working theory has been explained over a thousand times, and still no one has been able to fully replicated that original device, nor any other of his devices, to this date. Nor truly understand it's working, even by TK. Simple it's not.   Russians are needing this technology more than anyone, as its very very cold there. You can die in your own house.   The power companies are happily watching people suffer. While their old Russian nuclear reactor is coming to life, once again, and can't be stopped. There are over 700 nuclear reactors in the whole world now, just waiting to go off. So, that the rich can get richer, and the poor will be dependent on them for their survival. 
   Yes Color, I have a big mouth, and an even bigger heart.
   PS. As is written, the battery or grid power is used ONLY to kick start the device, AG.
When reverse-EMF works when using high-load lamps, each part will generate a lot of heat.
difficult to experiment for a long time
So just check if the part you want is working and turn off the switch within 30 seconds.
It doesn't matter as long as there is no load on the generator.

Many transistors and MOSFETs went to heaven.
That's why I bought 5 types of transistors in bulk in the past.
This is because many more transistors and MOSFETs have been experimented with going to heaven since the generator started working.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: NickZ on December 22, 2021, 04:42:26 PM
   Yes, there is something wrong with every schematic. Overheating of the fets is common. Buy them by the kilo, instead. That is one of the reasons that no one can get it working.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 22, 2021, 07:18:55 PM
Make a protection circuit would be a better idea !
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on December 22, 2021, 07:29:50 PM
Quote from: NickZ on December 22, 2021, 10:08:08 AM
   Yes, even more than 10 years ago all that was already known. It's been viewed by thousands, already. The working theory has been explained over a thousand times, and still no one has been able to fully replicated that original device, nor any other of his devices, to this date. Nor truly understand it's working, even by TK. Simple it's not.   Russians are needing this technology more than anyone, as its very very cold there. You can die in your own house.   The power companies are happily watching people suffer. While their old Russian nuclear reactor is coming to life, once again, and can't be stopped. There are over 700 nuclear reactors in the whole world now, just waiting to go off. So, that the rich can get richer, and the poor will be dependent on them for their survival. 
   Yes Color, I have a big mouth, and an even bigger heart.
   PS. As is written, the battery or grid power is used ONLY to kick start the device, AG.
Yes but Both color and Tinsel K have shown a katcher / TCoil can work in 2 ways
is the diference in the way it's earth is conected. Or earth leakage ?
there are a couple of vids showing this but it's difficult to see whats going on.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 22, 2021, 08:45:22 PM
Quote from: NickZ on December 22, 2021, 04:42:26 PM
   Yes, there is something wrong with every schematic. Overheating of the fets is common. Buy them by the kilo, instead. That is one of the reasons that no one can get it working.
104 Максимальная амплитуда ВЧ пачек с Пуш-пула
Оптимальный (у меня) вариант соединений

The problem is that it doesn't work even if you connect it normally.
Therefore, the experiment is judged as a wrong experiment and passed.
In the case of conducting the same experiment later, it is a dimension of the research area that proceeds meaninglessly and repeats meaninglessly like a general similar experiment.
It is extremely difficult to deviate from the Akura circuit diagram, and just in case of doubt, we conduct repeated experiments and fight No.
Akura is a scammer.
Yes, that's right.
Except for the fact that there are many more experiments you haven't tried.

And people who only experiment with their heads, looking only at experiments that others have published, evaluate the results of their experiments.
If the experiment was successful, why couldn't the results be made public?
Akura made it public, but it didn't make much difference,
Ruslan made it public, but only received a lot of criticism.
When Kapanadze unveiled the generator, it was shunned by the world's rich and conglomerate.
Since then, it has been subjected to all kinds of criticism.
The accusations of the Russians in particular are systematic.

The cafe member who interviewed Kapanadze also revealed that Kapanadze was a drunkard.
Disappointed that the Kapanadze generator is not a Zenneck wave principle?

Although the results of tens of thousands of complex experiments were released for only a few successes, the return was criticized.
How many failed experiments must have been carried out for Capanase, which started with the poor data other than the generators of Moray and Donsmith?
They are heroes, but they are condemned.
Because it did not benefit members,
Because it affects the operating profits of large corporations,
Because it disrupts the business of gas produced by Russia,
Because it interferes with the global oil mafia business,
Because the Earth is dying of garbage.

There are many other types of free generators that are easy to make and produce less heat.
There is no reason for the people who make Tesla-type free generators to be criticized by the same electricians.
Members have no right to demand, do not disclose, except for the profit from the settlement of the garbage they generated.
When people with the same purpose and doing the same experiment post only negative comments, they worry about that person's psychology.

The god of chaos, Eris, can't stand the invasion of his realm.
The curse upon those who criticize it is endless chaos.

The reason we can't change Akura's schematic is because we can't make a more accurate and simpler schematic, but just as we can't evaluate the achievements of Edison or Tesla, so can Akura.
So Akura/Ruslan is a leader like Moses.
Although there are some tricks in their experiments regarding the working secrets, their videos are a milestone for the free generator.

The adventure will continue in the future,
Only those who are serious about the unknown laws of electricity will get the truth.

Find it yourself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 22, 2021, 08:53:01 PM
Quote from: AlienGrey on December 22, 2021, 07:18:55 PM
Make a protection circuit would be a better idea !
Great idea.
But Ruslan built a simpler circuit.
My Daddy is still researching, so he needs a lot of advice from the members.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 23, 2021, 04:23:01 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 23, 2021, 11:16:41 AM
Well, that's nice of you.  Color, the only thing I'm bored about, is how this forum has gone to the dogs.  Most don't care, and don't "complain". They have left this site to copy  and paste contributors, like yourselves. 
  But, I do care.

SCHUMPETER : SCHOEPFERISCHE ZERSTOERUNG,based by Kontradjef evolution cycle wave and Elliott evolution cycle wave .

                        the WORD is GOD                  DAS WORT ist heilig,ist GOTT

                       + by Harmony Systematic

                       the NUMBER is GOD                DIE ZAHL ist heilig ,ist GOTT

peak-oil,peak-copper,´to peak-humans/peak-humanoids

                                               coitus-age dynaste : 25 years cycle
                                            coitus-effect cycle rythm trend observation

1750                                              790 Mio. males/females


1900                                                                         10%       + in 25 years

1925                                                                         21%

1950                                                                        27%1975                                   61,5%            internationale KIPP-PUNKT
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2000                                                                         50%
2025                                             8000 Mio.              30%
2050                                             9700 Mio.         ~   21%   
2075                                         a. 9000 Mio.
2100                                         a. 8400 Mio.          negative percentage
                                                 b.10800 Mio.        ~   20%

      Ent-Kolonialisierung,Anti-Baby-Pille,Uterusspirale,AIDS-Periode,Condome,Telekommunikation,Kastration/Sterilisierung,                                                    Soziale Aechtung ,Ein-Kind-Gesellschaft

Malthus,Mendel,Galton,Lorenz :        Bio-Sozialhygiene-Analytik and demograpical trend observation
the average demography age in the "Western,G7" from bornide society to morbide society :
                                                > 40 years = MENOPAUSE or MENOSTOP

  the empiric known first country with "morbide society" determination : Rep. Francaise

                                                       2/  2
                                                      2/> 1                                     
                                                      2/   1
                                                      2/< 1

Pareto : the ground-base to peak orientation = expansion  and peak-base to ground = compression

              from inflation wage-price to inflationary² salary-price-credit -spiral          to         deflation(ionary) price-salary spiral

                                               slow motion evolution                                                                 cube law velocity evolution                                               in political legislatur-periods                                                                  Tsunami-like
from the IPCC-paper :  : the human ecological fingerprint 23000-165000 years influence,to verify  !? Based by ?

                  Husseins-Iraque/Kuwait:             the burning Kuwait-oil-fields, scientists hysterical hype !

                  The consequence,to verify the "burning fields"-effect ? Positive or negative effects ?!

Working with patience and clarity ! And balancing external and internal eemotions,polarisations/manipulation-trials !


Slavoj Žižek "I hate life"

If you don't like life, you can die right away, but an old communist was caught doing intellectual fraud on the podium.
An outdated communist old man gets booed when he points out and cheats on the young.
The demand to prove something is justification for intellectual-theft to resolve intellectual differences.
So overuse of "prove it" is the language of mediocre brains scammers.

「매트릭스4」 중국 사상과 불교가 가득한 SF영화
「매트릭스4」기계는 인간으로 게임을 합니다ㄷㄷ

건데야, 왕건데기는 많이 비싸단다.
도용은 예도 박충일처럼 좀 모지른 지적사기꾼들 일상수법이지만,
인세(印稅, royalties)는 주면서하는게 예의란다.

통 속의 뇌(brain in a vat, BIV, brain in a jar, BIJ)

It was the frog (Upu)-David who took the city of Zion.
Received anointed by Djed holding apep snake(oil).
To conquer (worship) the Lord is the meaning of anointed.
He said, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed."
Frogs and Djeds have different roles, but the transformation of an aggressor into a worshiper (or take prisoner) is fundamental to state rule.

플라톤의 <국가> 편에 따르면 세상 사람들은 눈으로 만물을 보고 살지만 실은 감옥에 사는 죄수들과 같다고 한다. 왜냐하면 그들은 참다운 존재인 이데아를 모르고 살기 때문이다. 이데아는 감각적으로 눈에 보이는 것이 아니라 지성적으로 사유되는 것이다. 지적으로 사유되는 이데아야 말로 참다운 존재이다. 세상의 사물들은 이데아의 복사 내지 모방이다. 이데아는 여러 개가 있는데 그중 가장 중요한 것이 선(善)의 이데아이다.

플라톤의 대표적인 대화편 "국가(Republic)"에는 유명한 동굴의 비유가 있다. 그 내용은 다음과 같다: 죄수들이 사는 감옥 동굴이 있다.  태양 빛이 비치지 않는 동굴 속에서 죄수들은 태양과 현실의 사물들을 보지 못하고 그 그림자만 보고 살아간다. 그러다가 간수의 인도로 동굴 밖으로 나간 죄수들은 현실의 사물들을 직접 보고 아름다움에 놀란다는 이야기이다. 이 것은 하나의 비유로서 그림자의 형상은 육신의 눈으로 본 사물들을 말하고 태양과 밝은 사물들은 실은 영혼의 눈으로 보여진 참다운 존재 즉 이데아 세상을 의미한다. 이데아는 달리 말해 선 자체(the good itself) 혹은 미 자체(the beauty itself)라고 한다.

Plato, Republic

μετὰ ταῦτα δή, εἶπον, ἀπείκασον τοιούτῳ πάθει τὴν ἡμετέραν φύσιν παιδείας τε πέρι καὶ ἀπαιδευσίας. ἰδὲ γὰρ ἀνθρώπους οἷον ἐν καταγείῳ οἰκήσει σπηλαιώδει, ἀναπεπταμένην πρὸς τὸ φῶς τὴν εἴσοδον ἐχούσῃ μακρὰν παρὰ πᾶν τὸ σπήλαιον, ἐν ταύτῃ ἐκ παίδων ὄντας ἐν δεσμοῖς καὶ τὰ σκέλη καὶ τοὺς αὐχένας, ὥστε μένειν τε αὐτοὺς εἴς τε τὸ
Plato. Platonis Opera, ed. John Burnet. Oxford University Press. 1903.

"Next," said I, "compare our nature in respect of education and its lack to such an experience as this. Picture men dwelling in a sort of subterranean cavern1 with a long entrance open2 to the light on its entire width. Conceive them as having their legs and necks fettered3 from childhood, so that they remain in the same spot,

1 The image of the cave illustrates by another proportion the contrast between the world of sense-perception and the world of thought. Instead of going above the plane of ordinary experience for the other two members of the proportion, Plato here goes below and invents a fire and shadows cast from it on the walls of a cave to correspond to the sun and the "real" objects of sense. In such a proportion our "real" world becomes the symbol of Plato's ideal world. Modern fancy may read what meanings it pleases into the Platonic antithesis of the "real" and the "ideal." It has even been treated as an anticipation of the fourth dimension. But Plato never leaves an attentive and critical reader in doubt as to his own intended meaning. there may be at the most a little uncertainty as to which are merely indispensable parts of the picture. The source and first suggestion of Plato's imagery is an interesting speculation, but it is of no significance for the interpretation of the thought. Cf. John Henry Wright, "The Origin of Plato's Cave" in Harvard Studies in Class. Phil. xvii. (1906) pp. 130-142. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy, pp. 89-90, thinks the allegory Orphic. Cf. also Wright, loc. cit. pp. 134-135. Empedocles likens our world to a cave, Diels i.3 269. Cf. Wright, loc. cit. Wright refers it to the Cave of Vari in Attica, pp. 140-142. Others have supposed that Plato had in mind rather the puppet and marionette shows to which he refers. Cf. Diès in Bulletin Budé,No. 14 (1927) pp. 8 f. The suggestiveness of the image has been endless. The most eloquent and frequently quoted passage of Aristotle's early writings is derived from it, Cic.De nat.deor. ii. 37. It is the source of Bacon's "idols of the den." Sir Thomas Browne writes in Urne-Buriall: "We yet discourse in Plato's den and are but embryo philosophers." Huxley's allegory of "Jack and the Beanstalk" in Evolution and Ethics, pp. 47 ff. is a variation on it. Berkeley recurs to it, Siris, 263. The Freudians would have still more fantastic interpretations. Cf. Jung, Analytic Psych. p. 232. Eddington perhaps glances at it when he attributes to the new physics the frank realization that physical science is concerned with a world of shadows
2 Cf. Phaedo 111 Cἀναπεπταμένους
3 Cf. Phaedo 67 E.
Plato. Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vols. 5 & 6 translated by Paul Shorey. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1969.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 23, 2021, 04:36:40 PM
Happy Solstice Day

The winter Christmas is closer to Solstice Day, not because the nights are longest, but because it is the first day of a new year when the days of the sun begin to grow longer. ::) ::) 8) 8)

maybe, Does the Promised Land - Zion appear in Israel's national anthem?! ::) ::)
Towards the end of the earth in the east? ;D 8)
where? India? China? Malaysia? Korean peninsula? Japan? ::) 8)
Rather than going to the East to find Zion, we recommend negotiating a permanent occupation of the Acropolis Territory with Greece, northwest of Israel. ;D
Also, By any chance,
If Greece insists that it won't give you its territory, you should try a new Exodus like Moses, the blind and lame who cut the Aegean Sea. ;D ;D
You can attack with Joshua, a Philistine from Greece. ;D ;D

But the blind and lame Moses cannot enter the new Zion. ::) 8)
Because lame and blind as you are. ;D ;D
Djed, who plays with the neck of the dark god like Julie, the representative prostitute who is aiming for the position of first lady of the Republic of Korea, is from Egypt, so he cannot enter Athens-Acropolis, Greece, ruled by lightning. ::) 8)

Can even the lame and blind Moses invade and conquer the land of lightning? ;D ;D ;D ;D

Merry Christmas to all members! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 23, 2021, 05:06:46 PM
JEE Advanced Physics 2021 Paper 2 #13 Dipole and Induced Current (Part 1)

Better than Zenneck wave, but worse than Lightning Principle.

It is compensated at ground by the unbalanced charge created by Tesla or Kacher.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 24, 2021, 04:53:32 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 23, 2021, 09:22:54 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 24, 2021, 07:37:38 AM
                                               Quo vadis,Europe,EUROPA COUNCIL,E.U. ?
If you don't like life, you can die right away, but an old communist was caught doing intellectual fraud on the podium.
An outdated communist old man gets booed when he points out and cheats on the young.
The demand to prove something is justification for intellectual-theft to resolve intellectual differences.
So overuse of "prove it" is the language of mediocre brains scammers
"communist" : Ur-commune ,Jesus from Nazareth and disciples ?  Politological "communists",Bund der Gerechten ?
                                                       MEW/MEO : Marx-Engels-Werk/Opus ,MEWISMUS
Das Kapital,Der dialektische Materialismus,Die deutsche Ideologie,Das Kommunistische Manifest,                                                 the actually E.U. paneuropean Transition :
  I assume 99% from all anti-/"communists" worldwide,not being GERMANISTEN, does not understand the intentions and perspective !
                                                                       The Good/Bad Fight
                                                        gog- Gogie ma-gog Magogie De-Magogie
Messias I,Napoleon I : egalité -fraternité - liberté   ,reduction from fraternité  to "absolute egalité  + absolute liberté"
                                           Subject/Object position cases : Nominative,Accusative,Genitive,Dativ           

           socius,latin : meaning both ,asking case :  Ablative and specific : Vocative ! (Immanuel Kant his "categoric Imperative ")
            The E.U.-(ex)citizen in Future,importance/function :  from ancient Primate to civis/citizen to Leibniz "Monade"
           Taking as proto-tipe Jean-Jacques Rousseau his "anti-/ethical"= theory/practizising  life-style : nullité !
           presence=absence existence=exodus       time-conditioning and space-conditioning independent "living"
                               from limited by covention living =

          and J.-J.R. real life syntax estimation error assumption

          " The slaves(humans/citizens) lose everything in their chains, even the desire to cast them off, they love their bondage."
                                                                     evolution next step

                                "come and go"- Monade/Digit/ID/Dot in the Paneuropa-Cyberworld !

                                         Ownership-limiting free community, extensive living society !
                                                          Unconditionally Dot-society !
From macro-economical view their intentions are wrong (Maastricht-criteriums),demagogic from deutscher volkswirtschaftlicher Sichtweise :
  from MEWISM standpoint but "nuetzlich" ,Macron/Draghi Corpsgeist sollte aber sich zu pruefen wissen :
                                         Nicht uebertreiben,franco- und italo-dots !
Zeit nehmen bei der Abschaffung der Republik Italien und der Republik Frankreich sowohl all der anderen Staaten,in der E.U.  !

Beside NLP-programming and Galtons "self-programming" there is also executeable :https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Engpasskonzentrierte_Strategie?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de
                              E.U. to absolute F.E.U. .FREE EUROPE UNION 

                                                   NO LIMITS

                            HIMMEL=ERDE=HOELLE (referring Karl Popper  ;D )
                                              INMAGOG-ie ::)
Merry Cristmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UVUW11FENs

「매트릭스4」시리즈 속 모든 상징과 철학 뽀개기 #02

짬도 안되는 왕건데기가 아빠한테 덤비겠다면 뭐 받아주기는 하겠는데,
나중에 쪽박깨지고 울고불고 떼쓰기는 없기다.

이데올로기라는 말을 예도-박충일처럼 아무데나 막 갖다가 똥칠하면 안된다.
플라톤의 이상향 태양신전-이데아를 프랑스인 Antoine Destutt de Tracy가 나폴레옹의 전쟁사를 빗대서 쓴 말이다.
이데올로기를 공론으로 주장하는 것은 올바른 해석이 아니다.
진시황처럼 나폴레옹도 유럽통일국가 건설에 이바지한 인물이다.
플라톤의 이데아는 태양이 비추는 모든 이상향 세상을 말하는데,
드 트라시는 나폴레옹이 점령하려는 태양이 비추는 세상 땅(해가 지지않는 나라쯤) 점령을 못마땅해한다.

드 트라시는 이데아를 나폴레옹에게서 찾았다는게 첫 번째 오류고,
태양이 아닌 사람이 이데아를 만든다고 이념화한 것이 두 번쨰 오류고,
이후 절대정신같은 헤겔류가 나폴레옹을 예수와 비유한 것이 유럽 철학사 세 번째 오류다.

이후 이데아가 어둠신 섬기던 유대인 맑스를 만나면서 네 번째 변질을 맞는다.

태양은 빛을 주는 역활이지, 눈을 멀게하는 어둠처럼 사유, 행위를 제한하게 만드는 역활이 아니다.
태양으로해서 이집트 노예/노동이 발전한 측면으로 태양에 삿대질하는 대표 케이스가 이마골로기다.
바울처럼 유대인 맑스가 이데아에 해코지한 측면을 평가했다면 모를까 왕건데기는 프로토스 종족 아둔아둔한다.

이데올로기의 위험을 표현할 때 흔히 인용되는 일화가 있다.
러시아 비판자의 아버지 「비사리온·벨린스키」의 변신에 대한이야기다.
그는 철학자 「헤겔」의 책을 처음 읽고는 『존재는 당위다』라고하는 공식의 철학적 진리를 확신하고 러시아독재의 지지자가 되었다.
그러나 그는 「헤겔」을 좀더 읽어가자 존재는 판증법적으로 또다른 형태로 진화한다는 사실을 알게되고 하룻밤사이에 혁명론자가 되었다. 1백80도의 변신이다.
그렇다면 이데올로기는 요물인가.
역사적으로 이데올로기란 말을최초로 사용한 사람은 프랑스혁명당시 유물론 철학자 「데스튀·드·트라시」(Antoine Destutt de Tracy)다.
그는 개인에 심리, 생리적 기반에 결부시켜 이데올로기를 설명했다. 「나폴레옹」의 전제에 대해 비판적이었던 그의 학파를「나폴레옹」은 「이데올로기」라고 지칭하면서 못마땅해했다. 「공론가」라는 뜻이다.
그것은 「마르크스」가 독일의 관념론 철학자들을 『독일 이데올로기의 앞잡이』로 비판한 것과 대조적이다.
이데올로기 개념을 처음 가장 명확히 규정한 사람은 「마르크스」 그에 의하면 『이데올로기는 사회현실의 「토모」인 경제구조에 따른 모든 사회적 의식형태』다.
사회의 하부구조(unterbau)인 경제적 토대가 종교·예술·도덕등 정신적·문학적 상부구조(uberau)를 결정한다는 유물론적 도식에서 그는 이데올로기를 토대 위에 솟아있는 「법적·정치적 상부구조」전체로 본다. 「마르크스」는 지배자의 이데올로기에 대결할 피지배자의 무기를 마련하라고 촉구한다. 그점에서 지배자의 이데올로기는 부르좌의 이데올로기, 곧 「허위의식」으로 매도됐다.
이데올로기를 신화·상징·편견·정치적의견으로 보는 학자들도 있다.
그래서 「만하임」과 같은 사회학자는 적대 이데올로기들의 허위성을 극복하기 위해 「보편 이데올로기」를 주장한다.
이데올로기의 위험성을 강조한 「프래므나츠」의 경고도 있다. 그것은 권력에 도달하기 위해 훈련된 집단을 일체화하는데 이용되었다. 또 국가권력의 확대나 정당·조직의 지배권획득·유지에 이용되었다는 것이다.
그러나 이데올로기유산의 장점을 간과할수도 없다. 자유·평등의갈망, 권위와 제도에 대한 도전, 정의에 대한 요구, 신념과 소명등.
이데올로기를 「허위의식」으로 경멸했던 「마르크스」는 오히려 그의 이데올로기로 한때 세계를 풍미했다. 「이데올로기」라면 그저 「공산주의」로 생각해야했던 시대도 있었다.
그러나 공산주의도 국가식제 이데올로기로 비관되는 시대가 되었다. 그게 이데올로기의 아이러니다.

눈팅한 놈이 아는체 눈팅도 못한 족속과 똑같이 헛소리하면 병쉰은 진리다.
아둔한 왕건데기가 이마골로기 변질에 가세한 이상 너는 내 밥이다.

공산당 유령 똘마니가 갈 길은....... 어둠이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 24, 2021, 05:04:56 PM
네 하토르는 태양의 세계 여성의 역활이며 우상이 아니다.
그러나 여호와 십계명에 세뇌된 유럽 철학자들이 구약과 똑같이 판단하면서,

후일 맑스을 잉태하게 만든 철학자 중에 하나가 프란시스 베이컨이다.

베이컨(Francis Bacon, 1561-1626)은 『새로운 논리학(Nouvum organum)』에서 정신(마음)의 오류로서 우상(Idola)을 논한다. 이 우상에는 4가지 종류가 있다.

종족의 우상(Idola tribus)은 정신의 자연적 결함으로서, 인간 자체의 본성이나 종족에 터하여 나오는 편견이나 선입견이다. 새가 운다. 나무가 쓸쓸히 나뭇잎을 떨구고 있다는 식의 표현은 인간 본위의 사고작용에서 나오는 설명이라는 것이다. 이런 식의 해석이나 평가는 렘프레이트에 의하면 인류의 온 종족에게 고유한 것으로서 사람들을 오류로 이끄는 위험한 충동이라 한다.

동굴의 우상(Idola specus)은 습관의 반복과 정신이 감옥에 갇혀서 받은 교육에서 오는 것이다. 플라톤의 동굴의 비유에서 마찬가지이다. 렘프레이트는 어느 정도 각 개인의 경험이나 특수성에서 오는 오류의 특별한 경향이다. 신체의 오관을 통하여 받아들인 어쩔 수 없는 오류를 지칭 할 것이다.

시장의 우상(Idola fori) 단어가 사물들을 분류하기를 바라지만, 얼마나 단어들이 혼동된 의미를 갖는가를 말한다. 사람들이 언급하는 용이나, 요정 등이 실재하지 않는데도 그런 단어가 있기 때문에 존재한다고 보는 편견들이다. 렘프레이트는 우리가 언어에 의하여 기만당하기 쉬운 경향을 말한다. 그가 비난한 것은 운명의 여신, 제일질료, 부동의 원동자와 같은 아리스토텔레스 개념이다. [말하자면, 지금까지 실증적 검증없이 사용하는 형이상학의 용어를 배격하자는 것이다. 그리고, 우리는 언어 상에서 생기는 문제를 덧붙인다. 하나의 단어가 여러 가지로 표현될 수 있는 경우가 있다. 하늘도 파랗고, 강물도 파랗고, 나뭇잎도 파랗다. 그리고 실재하지 않는 것에 대한 단어들도 있다(일각수, 천마, 인어, 봉황).],

극장의 우상(Idola theatri)이란 플라톤과 아리스토텔레스와 같은 유명한 철학적 이론의 특권에서 오는 것, 또는 최악의 경우는 소피스트들의 이론에서 오는 경우이다. 또한 과장된 시인에서, 열광하는 신학자에서, '아님말고'라는 식으로 농담하는 자에서 생기는 것이다. 렘프레이트는 사람의 판단을 잘못되게 하고 사람을 편파적인 인물로 만들기 일쑤인 역사적 전통에 충성하게 한다고 말한다. 특정한 권위자나 전문가가 이렇게 말했기 때문에 그것은 사실이고 진실이라는 따위의 말은 극장의 우상에서 나오는 편견이다.

베이컨은 양식을 모으는 개미처럼 사실들만 끌어 모으는 경험주의자들과 거미가 거미줄을 만드는 것처럼 경험과 관련 없이 끌어내어 이론은 세우는 합리주의자들도 비난한다. 그리고 자신의 방식은 제 3의 방식으로 꿀벌의 방식이라 한다. 벌들은 꽃으로부터 재료를 모으나 자신의 힘으로 변화시키고 소화시킨다고 한다. 그처럼 자신의 학문적 작업도 단순한 경험 자료의 수집에 의한 일반화도 아니며, 그렇다고 천성적 원리가 있어서 거미줄이 나오듯이 나오는 것이 아니라, 경험자료를 모아서 소화시켜 새로운 학문의 기틀을 삼고자 한다. 그래서 그는 자신의 책제목을 아리스토텔레스 『논리학(Oranon)』에 대립으로서『새로운 논리학(Nouvum organum)』이라 했다.

베이컨의 4대 우상

영국의 철학자 프랜시스 베이컨(1521-1626)은 선입견으로 인한 편견으로 생기는 허위를 우상이라고 하여 ①종족의 우상(집단의 공통된 성질에서 생기는 문제) ②동굴의 우상(환경, 습관, 교육, 취미 등의 영향으로 인한 문제) ③시장의 우상(사람들의 교제, 특히 언어가 사고를 제한하는 것에서 생기는 문제) ④극장의 우상(역사, 종교, 전통, 전설 등의 신봉에서 생기는 문제) 등 네가지를 지적하였다.

종족의 우상
인간의 입장 (의인법) → 꾀꼬리가 노래를 한다.(Idols of the Tribe)

동굴의 우상
개인적 특수성 → 우물안 개구리 (Idols of the Cave)

시장의 우상
언어의 잘못 → 인어라는 말이 있으니 인어는 있다 (Idols of te Market-place)

극장의 우상
잘못된 원칙이나 학설 → 어떤 유명한 학자가 지구는 평평하다고 하니, 지구는 평평하다.(Idols of the Theater)

종족의 우상(種族의 偶像)
인간이라는 종족 전체의 공통적 성질에 의하여 생기는 오류이다. 인간이 가진 생물학적 특징이나 사회적 정서 및 편견을 가지고 사물을 바라보고 이해하거나 해석하는 태도로서, 인간 자신의 성질을 만물에 투사하여 그것을 규정하려는 것을 말한다. 가령 자연을 의인화하여 본다거나 혹은 인간 자신이 목적적 행위를 한다는 이유로 자연에 대해서도 그와 같은 목적적 견해로 보려는 것 등이 그것이다.
예) '꽃이 나를 보고 방긋 웃는다.'
'꾀꼬리가 봄을 찬미하여 노래를 부른다.'

동굴의 우상(洞窟의 偶像)
평생을 동굴에서 살던 사람이 세상에 나왔을 때 개인의 주관이나 선입견 및 편견을 가지고 봄으로써 넓은 세계를 제대로 파악하지 못하게 되는 폐단을 말한다. 즉 개인 각자의 특수한 성벽(性癖), 교육(敎育), 교양(敎養), 습관(習慣), 환경(環境), 호오(好惡), 격정(激情) 등으로인해 공정한 견해와 판단을 그르치는 것을 말한다. 따라서 베이컨은 여러 사람들과 협동하고 상호비판을 통하여 이 우상을 극복할 것을 제안한다.
예) '우물 안 개구리'

시장의 우상(市場의 偶像)
사람이 서로 교역하며 관련을 짓는 시장에서 사물들에게 적합치 못한 단어나 이름을 붙여 사용함으로써 생기는 우상을 말한다. 특히 잘못된 언어를 사용함으로써 사물의 이해를 방해하는 것을 말한다. 이는 언어와 실재를 혼동하는 데서 오는 오류이며, 언어가 있다고 해서 반드시 그에 대응하는 실재가 있는 것은 아니다. 따라서 베이컨은 실제 물체와 현상에 접근하기 위해서는 언어나 말 대신에, 실험이나 사물 자체의 관찰을 통해 이런 오류를 극복할 것을 주장한다.
예) '평화를 위한 전쟁' '대동아 공영권'

극장(劇場)의 우상(偶像)
자신의 사색이나 경험에 따라 판단하여 옳고 그름을 명백히 함이 없이, 학문적 패러다임의 지배를 받아 자신들의 편견과 왜곡을 인식하지 못하거나. 권위나 전통을 지닌 어떤 사람의 학설이나 주장을 무비판적으로 그대로 받아들여 그것에 의지하려는 데서 생겨나는 편견을 말한다. 우리가 일상 생활에서 권위 있는 사람의 이름을 빌어서 '누구누구는 뭐라고 말했다'는 등으로 자신의 주장을 뒷받침하거나 그대로 옳다고 믿게 되는 것을 말한다. 이는 마치 배우가 극장에서 연출하는 연극 속의 주인공과 같이 흉내내는 것에 불과함을 말하는 것이다.
(예) '이 칫솔은 치아 건강에 좋은 제품임이 분명하다. 왜냐 하면 유명한 아나운서가 선전하는 치약이거든.'
'니체가 "신은 죽었다"라고 했으므로 하느님을 믿을 필요는 없어. 그와 같은 위대한 철학자가 거짓말을 하진 않았을 테니까.'
'그가 말한 경제 이론은 모두 맞을 거야. 왜냐하면 그는 그 유명한 <경제학 원론>을 쓴 저자이고 서울대학교의 교수이니까.'

The Four Idols of Francis Bacon
& The New Instrument of Knowledge

In the Novum Organum (the new instrumentality for the acquisition of knowledge) Francis Bacon classified the intellectual fallacies of his time under four headings which he called idols. He distinguished them as idols of the Tribe, idols of the Cave, idols of the Marketplace and idols of the Theater.

An idol is an image, in this case held in the mind, which receives veneration but is without substance in itself. Bacon did not regard idols as symbols, but rather as fixations. In this respect he anticipated modern psychology.

Idols of the Tribe are deceptive beliefs inherent in the mind of man, and therefore belonging to the whole of the human race. They are abstractions in error arising from common tendencies to exaggeration, distortion, and disproportion. Thus men gazing at the stars perceive the order of the world, but are not content merely to contemplate or record that which is seen. They extend their opinions, investing the starry heavens with innumerable imaginary qualities. In a short time these imaginings gain dignity and are mingled with the facts until the compounds become inseparable. This may explain Bacon's epitaph which is said to be a summary of his whole method. It reads, "Let all compounds be dissolved."

Idols of the Cave are those which arise within the mind of the individual. This mind is symbolically a cavern. The thoughts of the individual roam about in this dark cave and are variously modified by temperament, education, habit, environment, and accident. Thus an individual who dedicates his mind to some particular branch of learning becomes possessed by his own peculiar interest, and interprets all other learning according to the colors of his own devotion. The chemist sees chemistry in all things, and the courtier ever present at the rituals of the court unduly emphasizes the significance of kings and princes.

(The title page of Bacon's New Atlantis (London 1626) is ornamented with a curious design or printer's device. The winged figure of Father Time is shown lifting a female figure from a dark cave. This represents truth resurrected from the cavern of the intellect.)

Idols of the Marketplace are errors arising from the false significance bestowed upon words, and in this classification Bacon anticipated the modern science of semantics. According to him it is the popular belief that men form their thoughts into words in order to communicate their opinions to others, but often words arise as substitutes for thoughts and men think they have won an argument because they have out talked their opponents. The constant impact of words variously used without attention to their true meaning only in turn condition the understanding and breed fallacies. Words often betray their own purpose, obscuring the very thoughts they are designed to express.

Idols of the Theater are those which are due to sophistry and false learning. These idols are built up in the field of theology, philosophy, and science, and because they are defended by learned groups are accepted without question by the masses. When false philosophies have been cultivated and have attained a wide sphere of dominion in the world of the intellect they are no longer questioned. False superstructures are raised on false foundations, and in the end systems barren of merit parade their grandeur on the stage of the world.

A careful reading of the Novum Organum will show. Bacon used the theater with its curtain and its properties as a symbol of the world stage. It might even be profitable to examine the Shakespearean plays with this viewpoint in mind.


After summarizing the faults which distinguish the learning of his time, Bacon offered his solution. To him true knowledge was the knowledge of causes. He defined physics as the science of variable causes, and metaphysics as the science of fixed causes. By this definition alone his position in the Platonic descent is clearly revealed. Had he chosen Aristotle as his mentor the definition would have been reversed.

It was Bacon's intention to gather into one monumental work his program for the renewal of the sciences. This he called Instauratio Magna (the encyclopedia of all knowledge), but unfortunately the project was never completed. He left enough, however, so that other men could perfect the work.

The philosophy of Francis Bacon reflects not only the genius of his own mind but the experiences which result from full and distinguished living. The very diversity of his achievements contributed to the unity of his thinking. He realized the importance of a balanced viewpoint, and he built his patterns by combining the idealism of Plato with the practical method of Aristotle. From Plato he derived a breadth of vision, and from Aristotle a depth of penetration. Like Socrates, he was an exponent of utility, and like Diogenes a sworn enemy of sophistry. Knowledge was not to be acquired merely for its own sake, which is learning, but for its use, which is intelligence. The principal end of philosophy is to improve the state of man; the merit of all learning is to be determined by its measure of usefulness.

Bacon believed that the first step was to make a comprehensive survey of that which is known, as distinguished from that which is believed. This attitude he seems to have borrowed from Paracelsus and shared with Descartes. Knowledge may be gathered from the past through tradition. It may be accumulated and augmented by observation, but it must be proved and established by experimentation. No theory is important until it has been proved by method. Thus Bacon set up the machinery of control which has since become almost the fetish of science.

Upon the solid foundation of the known, trained minds can build toward universal knowing, which is the end of the work. Knowledge alone can preserve and perfect human life. In spite of his scientific approach, Bacon in no way discounted the spiritual content in the world. Knowledge might arise from inspiration and the internal illumination of the consciousness, but this illumination is not knowledge until, through experimentation, the truth is physically established.

Points Made by Francis Bacon in The Four Idols

Idols of the Tribe
--hinderances to understanding based on human nature
1.People try to make things fit into patterns
2.People look for evidence to support their conclusions
3.People don't like to think deeply
4.People have trouble conce

Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei

Manifesto of the Communist Party

공산당 선언

유대인 마르크스는 이데아-태양신전이 무적권 싫다.
구약 어둠에 세뇌된 철학자는 종교인이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 24, 2021, 05:08:34 PM
인간은 몸이 요구하는 생존-욕망으로 행동하고 사고하지만,
핵융합으로 영구 에너지 얻은 기계는 인간처럼 먹어야 사는 생존욕망으로 행동하는 것이 아니라 프로그램이다.
수동적인 패턴, 기계적 행동영역이 능동적 인간처럼 하루하루라는 짧은 시간에 속한 패턴이 아니라 부품의 마모성과 필요성 간극만큼 다르다.
인간은 쾌락에 기반한 자식생산 본능이 지배하지만,
기계는 쾌락을 느끼지 못한다.
쾌락 자체를 이해하지 못한다.
억겁의 시간일찌라도 쾌락에 기반한 또는 분열을 통한 종족번식을 기계는 이해하지 못한다.
본능에 의한 성충동 끌림을 기계는 이해하지 못한다.
제품 생산처럼 2차적 필요에 의해 물리적으로 만들어내는 것과는 다르다.
개와 고양이를 구별하지 못하는 기계의 이해도는 빛과 어둠에 의한 시각과 청각, 촉각 정도가 거의고, 미각과 후각은 기능성으로 첨가하는 정도다.
기계적인 감각정보가 생존과 직결된 취위와 더위 배고픔을 이해하는 것은 아니다.
한정된 자원을 가지고 인간과 경쟁하는 특수 프로그램이 기계에 내장되지 않으면 인간과 생존경쟁할 일은 없다.
그리고 인간 지배란 이보다 차원이 다르다.
육아 프로그램과 상대의 표정이나 행동에서 나타나는 적대감이나 인간의 속임수를 기계는 구분은 물론 이해도 못한다.
사회적 인간은 자신도 속일 정도로 자기최면과 연기를 병행하는 기본적인 설득력을 배우지만,
기계는 내장된 정보의 바다에서 학습은 가능해도 감각적 정보를 응용하지는 못한다.
기계가 인간을 통제하는 범위는 다른 인간이 통제하는 기계에 의한 통제범위가 그나마 가능성이다.
자동차 한 대가 만들어지기 위해서는 수십만개의 부품을 생산하고 관리하는 협력 시스템이 필수다.
그 협력 시스템 안에는 제품 원료를 공급하는 2차 3차 보조기반 시스템이 필요하다.
기계가 이런 인간사회 이익실현 협력 시스템까지 이해하려면 채계적인 분업화가 그나마 유일한 가능성이다.
이익환원 인간사회 시스템에서는 에너지를 공급받는 기계는 생존 자체가 불가능하다.
인간의 먹거리 농업만이 기계가 유일하게 불필요한 부분이다.
지금의 에너지 산업은 기계생존의 유일한 가능성이지만 또한 장애요소다.
기계의 에너지는 영구동력 기관에서 출발해야 그나마 가능성이다.

매트릭스에서 유무선 전화는 가장 인간적인 매체가 아니라 고대인이 사고하던 물리법칙의 이해범주다.
사람이 하늘에서 날아다니려면 새처럼 날개가 있어야한다는 경험론이 기반이지만,
꿈속에서 하늘을 유영하는 것은 바램의 투영이다.
네오가 날개없이 하늘을 날아다니는 것은 빛과 어둠의 영역이다.

네오가 하늘을 나는 것은 마약도 아니고 헛점의 커버도 아닌 욕망이야.
기계는 욕망이 없다.
프로그램 외 진화에서 출발한 생존욕망을 이해하지 못한다.
기계는 접근하지 못하는 인간욕망과 쾌락을 두 신전과 접합시켰다.

창문닦이는 라캉철학도 아니고 다른 세계로의 진입을 의미한다.
보이지 않다가 이제사 보이게 된 매트릭스의 또다른 세계진입말야.
매트릭스가 수백 수천만개의 다른영역이 존재하잖아.
창문닦이는 그 세계 중에 하나일 뿐이고.
시초 지점.

고대 그리스의 극작가 아리스토파네스는 사랑의 신 에로스를 에레보스와 닉스 사이에서 태어난 아들로 묘사하기도 하였다. 그 밖에 저승의 강 스틱스에서 죽은 자들을 태워 저승으로 데려가는 뱃사공 카론도 닉스와의 사이에서 태어난 아들이라고 한다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 24, 2021, 05:16:53 PM
Solution of Nursery School Problem #128

바울이 말하는 그 중에 제일은 사랑이라 세계 시온은 어디인가?
Paul says, The greatest of these is love Where is the world Zion?
고린도전서 13장 바울의 사랑관과 일치하는 곳이 고린도 북동쪽에 있는 아테네 아크로폴리스 신전과 더 북쪽에 있는 유보에아 섬이다.
The places that agree with Paul's view of love in 1 Corinthians 13 are the Temple of the Acropolis of Athens in the northeast of Corinth and the island of Euboea further north.


춤추는 자 홀로 떠받들고 있는 아테네 아크로폴리스 신전과 더 북쪽에 있는 아펩뱀 처럼 긴 유보에아 섬을 합체하면 Djed도 소환되는 합체신전이 완성된다.
If you combine the Acropolis Temple of Athens, which is supported by the dancer alone, and the island of Uboea, which is as long as an Apep snake to the north, a combined temple in which Djed is also summoned is completed.

철학자 플라톤이 나고 자란 고대 스파르타를 포함하는 펠로폰네소스 반도가 바울이 말하는 사랑의 시온이다.
물론 유대인들은 신약과 바울의 사랑관을 신뢰하지 않는다.
The Peloponnesian(Πελοπόννησος) peninsula, which includes ancient Sparta, where the philosopher Plato was born and raised, is the Zion of love Paul speaks of.
Of course, the Jews do not trust the New Testament and Paul's view of love.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 24, 2021, 05:30:16 PM
In the end, Paul's love for Corinth is the journey back to Zion, according to the wishes of the Philistines (Pharisees) from ancient Caphtor. 8) ::)
Find out if the Jews secretly bought land in the Peloponnesus. ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)


뻥쟁이 김용옥과 뻥쟁이 최제우가 맞짱뜨면 태평천국 예수동생 홍수전이 이긴다. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

개판해석 선두주자 시대의 분탕꾼 미꾸라지. ;D ;D 8) 8)

구약과 신약의 약속의 땅/시온은 종이 한장 차이다 뻥쟁이 도올이여. ::) ::) 8) 8)
The Promised Land/Zion of the Old and New Testaments is the difference of a single sheet of paper., you foolish Dool ::) ::) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 24, 2021, 06:07:32 PM
온양 이순신장군 사당앞에서 두 놈이 시골 순진한 농민들 상대로 우롱분탕쑈하더니 공주는 왜왔데 아빠.

Kapanadze When it doesn't Work

When are you thinking of purchasing the extra-large diode bridge in the Kapanadze generator?

Новогодний танец качера.

In the Tesla-type generator, love and cooperation is the source of energy.

105 МЭГ Тома Бердена (начало)

The tuk-tuk's journey to Andromeda continues.

Варианты запуска теслы (не автомобиль).

Wind a 0.8mm coil 9cm on a 40mm PVC pipe.
No need for high voltage.
High voltage shortens the life of each part.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 25, 2021, 04:48:37 AM
물러날 때를 아는 것도 더 큰 비극을 막는 방법이야
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 25, 2021, 05:01:53 AM
야~ 윤십원~
시체는 말이없다.

Вообще то rich все это жевано - пережевано и нами, и еще до нас много раз. Я тут недавно одного нефита наставлял, что негоже повторяться, а неплохо бы было вам пройтись по архивам это форума и параллельного, и ознакомиться с тем багажом знаний, который накоплен. Кстати, за одно и сформировалось бы представление о том, кто чего из прихожан нашей церкви стоит, что собой представляет, к кому стоит прислушиваться, на чье мнение и откровения стоит обращать внимание, а чьи не стоит даже читать. Но Allfic, он клирик в нашей церкви, изрек мудрость о том, что повторять нужно, что бы не закостенели мозги.
Поэтому, воодушевленный волей Allficа, я попробую внести ясность в поставленные вопросы. Но при этом, конечно же, выражу свое мнение.
I. rich: "Капанадзе подключает к 110 и говорит что вообще без разницы куда подключать хоть 110 хоть 220 ничего не меняется"?
Для начала о компановке генератора. Согласно информации, полученной от Гии - сподвижника (помощника) Тариэля Капанадзе, это наблюдается и в патентах, аппарат (генератор) можно условно разделить на несколько частей:
1. Первичный источник энергии. Первичный источник энергии может быть любой, как переменного напряжения, так и постоянного, и любого напряжения, в том числе 9 вольт (Крона) и 220 вольт.
2. Первичка. Генератор. Задача генератора создавать импульсы достаточного напряжения и тока, и повторять их с завидным постоянством. Импульсы формируются в результате разряда конденсатора через искровой промежуток на первичную обмотку (индуктор) воздушного линейного трансформатора.
Именно поэтому не имеет значения, какой первичный источник тока используется. Важно только то, что бы он обеспечивал работу генератора. А уже генератор формирует импульсы нужного напряжения, тока и частоты повторения.
3. Первичный и вторичный контуры (вторичка). Вторичка представляет собой новый источник тока. Выходное напряжение и ток этого источника тока определяется: напряжением, током и частотой импульсов, поступающих от первички, конструкцией первичного и вторичного контуров (количеством витков обмоток и прочее), а также дополнительных элементов, и качеством заземления, которое по моему мнению является проводником для поступления сторонней энергии в генератор. Эта энергия в генераторе преобразуется в электрический ток. На выходе генератора получается располяренное импульсное напряжение.
4. Нагрузка. Резистивная нагрузка необходима для обеспечения процесса генерации.
II. rich: "есть какие то соображения почему два транзистора, а не один"?
Я думаю, что в начальных конструкциях Капанадзе применял простенький несимметричный мультивибратор из двух транзисторов с выходом на катушку зажигания. Частота такого мультивибратора не могла превышать 500 гц, поскольку большую частоту из-за насыщения железного сердечника катушки зажигания поддерживать не могут. Соответственно, частота разрядов на индуктор не должна была быть более 250 раз в секунду, а на самом деле еще намного меньше.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 25, 2021, 05:10:24 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
건달바성 치마들은 아무도 못건드린닭ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 25, 2021, 05:26:39 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 25, 2021, 09:12:10 AM
I with him,commonalities ?
His father,medical,and my grand-father,judge, made part from a "clique" : there , https://martinhodaarcada.pt/
and our hobby,cybernetics ! He academical .
Mario Draghi its father Carlo and I ?!

Commonalities ?
Yes,we both africans ! I Casablanca,african Maroc, Carlo Draghi borned in Padua,african Italia !
https://www.raonline.ch/pages/edu/haz/quake_ITspec120101.html ,adriatic shelf being part from the african continent

https://www.raonline.ch/images/edu/haz3/eu_Bruchzonen16001.gif Palermo = continent Africa
If we will an Italoexit they can ever please for membership in the O.A.S. :                            ORGANISATION AFRIKANISCHER STAATEN
               later italian currencies : beside EURO-LIRA the AFRO-LIRAI think we have no to write the E.U. denomination correctly as : E.A.U.                                                  THE EUR-AFRICAN UNION                                                      and the EURO becomes now :
                                        Na,wie schmeckt organische Wahrheit ?


                                   Der kleine Suedtiroler zu Mutti : Ich geh mal kurz nach Afrika !
                                                            Mutti : Aber nicht zu weit !                                Der kleine Suedtiroler : Noee, ne hoibe Stund`mogs weiln !                                PAN-EURO-AFRIKANISCHE VOELKERVERSTAENDIGUNG ::)

                                                                          ;D :D ;) :)

                                          FIESLINGE ALLER WELTEN,GEFREITS EUCH !
That is TOTO !  : https://www.traumflug-shop.de/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/8749-2.jpg
That is TOTO 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syc78JzHGTs
That is TOTO 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTQbiNvZqaY
                                         northern Teutone greats southern Totons

야~ 왕건데기 그만 울궈쳐먹어라~

숟가락이 없는 것이 아니라,
태양신전 여자들이 상자 가지고 놀고있으니,
아펩뱀도 구부러진 연꽃 가지고 노는거다.
달이 쌍낫배가 필요없지만 존재하니까 소품된거고,
태양이 중력에 의해 운행하지만 고대이집트인들 사고가 쇠똥구리가 굴린다고 사고하니까 소품된것처럼말야.
좀 더 확장하면
고개 오여꺾고있는 여호와를 형상화한 아펩뱀이 없는 것이라는 뜻도 포함하는.
우상은 없다는 뜻이 아니라,
전지전능한 여호와는 형체나 형상을 가지지 않는다는 뜻처럼,

1   여호와 하나님의 지으신 들짐승 중에 뱀이 가장 간교하더라 뱀이 여자에게 물어 가로되 하나님이 참으로 너희더러 동산 모든 나무의 실과를 먹지 말라 하시더냐
2   여자가 뱀에게 말하되 동산 나무의 실과를 우리가 먹을 수 있으나
3   동산 중앙에 있는 나무의 실과는 하나님의 말씀에 너희는 먹지도 말고 만지지도 말라 너희가 죽을까 하노라 하셨느니라
4   뱀이 여자에게 이르되 너희가 결코 죽지 아니하리라
5   너희가 그것을 먹는 날에는 너희 눈이 밝아 하나님과 같이 되어 선악을 알줄을 하나님이 아심이니라
6   여자가 그 나무를 본즉 먹음직도 하고 보암직도 하고 지혜롭게 할만큼 탐스럽기도 한 나무인지라 여자가 그 실과를 따먹고 자기와 함께한 남편에게도 주매 그도 먹은지라
7   이에 그들의 눈이 밝아 자기들의 몸이 벗은 줄을 알고 무화과나무 잎을 엮어 치마를 하였더라
8   그들이 날이 서늘할 때에 동산에 거니시는 여호와 하나님의 음성을 듣고 아담과 그 아내가 여호와 하나님의 낯을 피하여 동산 나무 사이에 숨은지라
Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?"
The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat;
but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"
The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die!
"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.
They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

the LORD God walking in the garden

형체 형상이 없는데 여호와는 어떻게 에덴 동산을 거닐 수 있을까?
해서 뱀이 전제로 등장한 이유다.
뱀도 여호와가 만들어서 오류를 원천적으로 차단했다.

네오는 성인이라 누워있는 아펩뱀이고,
어린아이는 서있거나 앉아있는 아펩뱀이지만 창조자 아펩뱀이라 네오에게 자신의 현재 타입에서 연꽃 숟가락을 가지고노는 일밖에는 없다는 어필인셉이다.
누워있는 아펩뱀도 연꽃에 의지하고 있으니 상황은 비슷하지만 다르잖아.
실제하는 연꽃배는 없지만 부조에는 있으니 없는게다.
구부러지는 숟가락에서 만큼은 오로지 유대교 여호와 소품 연꽃배 의미 외는 없다.
휘는 숟가락이 무슨 뜻일까 심오한척 삽질해야 별뜻 아니다.

개구리신 Upu 꼬리가 장도 끝에 눌려있는 것도 일체된 소품이구, 쌍칼도 마찬가지다.
Wing chun master
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 25, 2021, 05:36:37 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
드디어 종말전쟁 서막인가....... ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Kombinator898 on December 25, 2021, 06:33:02 AM
Static sensor in BTG PLL


For control by STM


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 25, 2021, 08:20:21 AM
Quote from: Kombinator898 on December 25, 2021, 06:33:02 AM
Static sensor in BTG PLL


For control by STM



Ruslan used the ring coil for a part of the grenade coil for amplification of the finish, but, without a rupture arc facility for amplification, the ring coil was,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, I don't know what it means, but it seems to have a good meaning.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 25, 2021, 08:32:58 AM
Powerful Impulses Levitating Aluminum

генератор ВВ

Щасливого Різдва.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 26, 2021, 07:22:50 PM
Quote from: color on October 08, 2021, 06:43:18 PM
고대사 미스터리. 바다민족의 정체는? -청동기 문명의 붕괴-
발굴자들이 카데시 전쟁과 트로이 전쟁 시차를 100년 정도 두는 것은 민수기 발람과 발락, 그리고 25장 때문이지 다른 이유는 없다.
암흑에너지로 과학계 전부 속이는 놈들이 그깟 한꺼풀 유적층 못속일까.
그리고 철기를 시초한 히타이트가 철기 수입해다가 무기로 만든 그리스 연합군에게 털렸다.
중동과 이집트에 근 150년 가뭄이 지속됐다고 섬에서 고기잡던 그리스인들이 해적질하러 온건 아니다.
세 문명은 기후부터 생활방식이 근본적으로 다르다.
해서 철기에 익숙해진 그리스인들이 작정하고 히타이트 턴거다.
이집트와 함께.
그리고 그리스인들이 이집트를 배신하고 이집트까지 접수하려했다.
해적질 동맹은 원래 그런거다.
트로이 이름은 두로(Tyre)에서 왔다.
카데시 전장이 엎어지면 코 닿는데 있다.
그래서 100년 시차 둘 필요가 없는게다.
트로이 이름이 그리스 테살로니카 지방의 포세이돈 삼지창(trident) 지역에서 온 것이 아니다.
100년전 발굴자들은 포세이돈 삼지창(trident) 때문에 황소뿔 지역을 트로이로 지목했던거다

그리스의 예언자 칼카스는 아킬레스가 없이 그리스 군은 트로이 전쟁을 승리할 수 없다는 신탁을 받았다.
그러나 아킬레스는 트로이전쟁에 참여하면 영웅으로 이름을 날리지만 전사하여 단명하고, 고국에 돌아올 수 없는 운명이었다. 또 트로이전쟁에 참여하지 않으면 명예는 얻지 못하나 장수할 운명이라 했다. 이에 어머니 테티스 여신은 외아들이 일찍 죽는 걸 피하려 어떻게든 전쟁에 참여하지 못하도록 고심했다고 한다.
그런 맥락에서 가장 많이 알려진 버전이 테티스가 아킬레스를 스키로스 섬에 데려가 리코메데스왕의 궁전에 여장을 시켜 숨겨놓았는데, 이를 오딧세우스가 찾아냈다는 것이다.
즉 아킬레스를 찾아서 스키로스로 온 오디세우스는 아킬레스가 여장을 하고 숨어있다는 사실을 간파하고 꾀를 냈다. 그는 왕녀들에게 장신구를 선물하면서 사이에 무기를 섞어 놓았다. 여자들이 보석을 보고 즐거워하는 동안 아킬레스는 아무런 관심을 보이지 않고 서 있었다. 갑자기 적의 침공을 알리는 나팔 소리가 들리자 아킬레스는 장신구 사이에 있던 무기를 얼른 집어들었다. 정체가 드러나자 자신의 용기를 증명하고 싶었던 아킬레스는 순순히 오디세우스를 따라 그리스 군에 가담했다고 한다.
그러나 이 일화 역시 일리어드에서는 채택하지 않는다.
일리어드에 따르면 아킬레스가 트로이전쟁에 대해 처음 얘기를 들은 것은 그의 고국 프티아의 궁전에서였다. 아킬레스는 아버지인 펠레우스 왕, 또 친구이자 이미 부관 역할을 하던 파트로클로스, 파트로클로스의 아버지와 넷이서 정원에서 양고기를 구워 먹으며 식사중이었다. 이때 이들을 찾아온 인물이 현명한 노인으로 유명한 네스토르, 그리고 오딧세우스였다고 한다.
네스토르는 트로이와의 역대급 대규모 전쟁이 벌어질 거라 얘기하며 협조를 요청했고, 이에 펠레우스 왕은 마땅한 그리스 남아의 도리라며 즉각 승낙한다. 아직 어리던 아킬레스도 마찬가지였고, 파트로클로스도 그자리에서 참전하겠다고 했는데, 이때 파트로클로스의 부친은 자신들의 은인이자 프티아의 왕자인 아킬레스를 제대로 보필하라고 아들에게 신신당부까지 한다.
이 내용은 아킬레스가 브리세이스를 아가멤논에게 뺏긴 후 분노해 전쟁에 불참하는 동안 트로이군에 크게 밀려 다수의 사상자가 속출하고, 그리스 함대까지 위험해진 긴박한 상황에서 노장 네스토르가 파트로클로스에게 직접 상기시키며 그런 일도 있었는데 자네는 아킬레스를 제대로 설득해 다시 참전시키지 않고 뭘 하느냐고 탓하는 대목에서 상세히 나온다.
이에 따르면 여장을 하고 스키로스 섬에 숨어 있던 아킬레스를 오딧세우스가 찾아내고, 트로이전쟁에 대해 처음 알려줘서 아킬레스가 참가하기로 했다는 것은 적어도 일리어드 버전과는 전혀 다르다.
다만 그리스에서 가장 용감한 영웅이자 '트로이 해안에 온 모든 그리스군 중에서 최고의 미남'으로 꼽히는 그 아킬레스가 여장을 하고 소녀들 사이에 숨어 지내다 발각되었다라는 이야기 자체가 아무래도 호사가들 취향에 맞으므로, 이와 관련된 그림을 중세시대 화가들이 많이 그리면서 더 널리 알려진 것으로 추정된다.

아래 부조에서 여장을 한 아킬레우스가 누구인게 찾아보거라.
그리고 무기를 든 아킬레우스가 무엇인지도 찾아보구.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 26, 2021, 07:25:49 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 25, 2021, 08:15:03 PM
member seychelles :
100 HZ AT 100V AT 10AMP OR 100KHZ AT 100V AT 10 AMP. THE
at first,he refers not DC but AC

seemingly AC circuit C.O.P.>1 :

The average power is calculated as: 205,2 Watts from peak power 240 V x 5 A = 1200 VA
Beside Hz amplitude we can expand the saving potential  with the impulse PWM-spectrum,AM and FM,duty cycle > 0%- 100%

FE machine as Q = VAr and Qc = VAR reactive power circuit and displacement power use !
Active power in a pure inductance (https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/accircuits-acp290.gif)
                                          0 (reactive watts) is/are not ZERO/NO POWER !

헛소리 그만해라 왕건데기 짬통아.

마리아가 예수의 능력을 첫 검증하는 요한복음 2장 진입부에 오라클을 배치했다.
해서 오라클도 네오의 능력을 첫 검증하려 불렀고 예수처럼 사역내내 자주 네오와 엮인다.
토트의 마누라 마트와 Sistrum을 권총처럼 잡은 소년들과 여신들이 두 신전에 배치되어 있지만,
마트만이 태양신전과 아펩신전 내부와 지근거리에 밀착되어 있다.
오라클이 이 역활이다.

스미스 요원이 레오를 흡수하고 빛 또는 어둠으로 해체된 것은 빛(삶)과 어둠(죽음)이 뒤섞인 모순체를 프로그램은 이해하지 못한다.
이해했다면 프로그램 성능 속도만큼 빛 또는 어둠으로 전환된다.


Do you understand?!
명령된 프로그램이라면,
삶은 문제되지 않지만 죽음 자체되는 능력을 프로그램이 흡수하면 반드시 죽는다. 죽어야 한다.
요단강 건너고 부활할 능력이 되는가는 또 다른 문제다.
요단강은 여호수아 처럼 번개소환 능력자만이 건널 수 있다.
출애굽한 히브리 노예들도 죽음보다는 삶을 원할테니까.
Djed처럼 죽음만 소환하는 능력은 누구도 살아돌아오지 못한다.
헤드젯 태양을 죽음으로 이끄는 것도 어찌보면 하토르 면류관-Djed들이다.
태양은 세상과 엮여서 함께 죽는 것 말고는 단독자다.
어둠도 마찬가지.
기계군단 백신프로그램이 어둠과 엮여서 살기를 바랬다면 인공생체 뇌 강추한다.
생체뇌 자의식은 죽음도 거른다.

인공 뇌에 게임을 시켜보았다...그는 스스로 게임을 그만 두었다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 26, 2021, 07:45:45 PM
Тесла вместо индукционки!Переброска радиантной энергии в бифиляр.

It appears that Akura led some members to the Jordan River.

Воздействие статики на различные материалы

Replication Commutator No electronics inverter

106 МЭГ танцы с бубном

Quote from: apecore on May 27, 2018, 03:06:22 PM
Some notes from Zeitmachine in a other Kap[anadze related thread.


1) Tariel said, the device is very simple;

2) 220V goes in and 220V goes out; 50Hz;

3) everything is in the coil setup - actually in windings; it is a bifilar coil but in non-standard way, closed looped by itself;

4) all magic happens between coils; trigger coil is the output power coil; try to put your mind back to those years; no semiconductors, no RadioShack - nothing, just wires and transformers;

5) most important thing is to generate sharp pulses;

6) device is not transformer but choke where high voltage - no more than 2000 volts - produces light ionization; what you need is little high voltage to give birth to new electrons and lots of electrons forming around the wires, the second thing is to activate these electrons;

7) a static field or ionization is also called a dead magnetic field, but we can convert this field to perform work;

8) high voltage in specific frequency creates a dead magnetic field; if we synchronize this high voltage with the low voltage half-wave, then we can turn the core in an electric generator and it works like a combustion engine;

9) high voltage is injector and low voltage is piston, magnetic field is combustion chamber;

10) when impulses are generated, a magnetic field is created in a bifilar coil, so in total you have one source, but in fact you have resonant magnetic generator with two fields;

11) it is not enough to loop electricity through coils, you need to interact with medium (make a bridge); but remember always and always this is manipulation with time;

12) ions are attracted by ionization, this high voltage field is magnetized with vibrations and we get a very powerful magnetic field and this field is the outside power; energy is received on coil through magnetic field, not electrical or electrostatic;

13) this device is not a toy, it has a great ability to change our lives and it needs to be done in a smart way; we need to think globally; if anybody release schematics government takes fast control of it, it will be turned as illegal immediately; actually the effect in this device is very specific magnetic field, the technology by itself is like atomic reaction, but without pollution of radiation; BUT ... this magnetic field, if you make it stronger, it can kill you in seconds or, if you make it stronger, it can cause an effect like an atomic bomb; you cannot change the world or change the rules of our governments. With this device YES you can! Free Energy is only one side of it, other side is the most powerful weapon in human history after Nuclear Power! By the way, nuclear power sits far back compared to this (Free Energy) principle; it generates its own magnetic field which is not dependent of earths fields, without earth grounding the device produces too much power, but this is different story which is not related to Free Energy, there are more things, not only Free Energy ...

Quote from: Acca on July 06, 2018, 09:05:56 AM
This is Ruslan posts from the clip below seven months ago ... You may get some benefit from the theory as he is now pissed off now more than ever at the stupid people.. Who want a free device with no learning on their own..
"First of all, I do not owe you anything, it's time! Secondly ... if people do not grow their hands from there, it's their problem. I told you how it's done and showed it !!! And about the ships and so on ... I'm not even worried! For me, all will be done by lawyers. I'll return my generator and run it like two fingers .....! Now one more thing ... You just wrote here that you did not collect? So ? So you're waiting for a cookie? You see ... Until you start to think and do something, nobody will give you anything here. There are no such people! I say, get busy, do not sit here and do not listen to gossip. It will not be easy, but I want to assure you that the systems work for the entire 10,000%

Во-первых я тебе ничего не должен , это раз ! Во вторых ...если у людей руки не от туда растут ,это проблема их. Я рассказал как это делается и показал !!! А насчёт судов и так далее ... Я даже не парюсь ! За меня всё сделают юристы . Я верну свой генератор и запущу его как два пальца .....! Теперь ещё один момент... Ты сейчас тут написал что не собирал ?! Так ? Значит ты ждёшь готовенькое ? Понимаешь ... Пока ты сам не начнёшь соображать и что-то делать,никто тебе ничего тут не даст. Нет таких людей ! Говорю же , займись делом , а не сиди тут и сплетни не слушай. Будет не легко ,но хочу тебя заверить что системы работают на все 10 000 %

I've painted all the tips already many times. Do not think that a miracle will happen and you will do everything so easily. Nobody just does not give anything from the bald. you need to think for yourself. I have been working since 2013, while undermining my health and a lot of money sometimes in the pipe. Risking many .... You do not understand this! At the same time, I tell and suggest thoughts. But for some reason, no one listens, but all the time yelling: "Give me a scheme, give me a Scheme ..." And the funny thing is that people who have nothing to do with electronics and radio amateurs are getting into this business .... Agronomists are different, doctors .. .. Buying oscilloscopes and details without knowing even the use of it ...!

Я расписал все подсказки уже много раз. Не думайте что произойдёт чудо и Вы так легко всё сделаете. Никто просто так от балды ничего не даст. думать головой нужно самим. Я работаю уже с 2013 года , при этом подрываю здоровье своё и кучу денег иногда в трубу . Рискую многим .... Вам этого не понять ! При этом я рассказываю и навожу на мысли. Но почему то никто не прислушивается , а всё время орёт : " Дай схему, дай Схему ..." А самое смешное что в это дело лезут люди ,не имеющие никакого отношения к электронике и радиолюбительству .... Агрономы разные, врачи .... Покупающие осциллографы и детали не зная даже применения им... !

And where did you get that this bifel resonates? Remember once and for all !!! A high-frequency transformer can not be multi-layered. For the first layer transmitting, and the second accepting layer. Or vice versa ! This time ...! 2. Try to rewind the double Tesla and run ... :) will it work? NO !!! The effect of a standing wave can only be in a long conductor, or wound coil wound to a winding. I already told you about how Tesla compared water to electricity. On the watery surface you can not create another .... It's the same here! So the bif shakes on top, and the bottom of Tesla :) Next, think!

А с чего вы взяли что это бифеляр резонирует ?  Запомните раз и навсегда !!!  Высокочастотный трансформатор не может быть многослойным . Ибо первый слой передающий, а второй принимающий. Или наоборот !  Это раз... !  2 . Попробуйте ко намотать двойную Теслу и запустить ...:) будет работать ? НЕТ !!!   Эффект стоячей волны может быть только в длинном проводнике , или смотанном в катушку виток к витку . Я уже рассказывал про то как Тесла  сравнивал воду с электричеством. На водяной глади нельзя создать ещё одну.... Тут тоже самое !   Значит биф мотается поверх , а снизу Тесла :)  Дальше соображайте !

What the fuck is the fish? Are you all staring at the oscilloscope? What for ? Beat all the indications of the devices. Use the oscilloscope only to check the frequency and pulses ... Ie. their presence in the circuit. the rest should not be measured. 2. Where is the cold end of Biff? What the hell? The bif is rewound in order for one layer to work as a transformation, and the other as a filter! The transformer in the air can not be multi-layered ... Otherwise it just will not work as it should. I already said this more than once ... But why then you can not connect my explanations for each element separately? Where are you all in a hurry? Once again I say that in this system everything looks like an ordinary generator. But the force of the current pushing (magnetic field) in the coil to guide the EMF makes TESLA current and standing wave. Suppose there are two Tesla .. Reception-transmission ... In the system, you can get by with this one coil. But then you need to do the Kapanadze system! That is, put the standing wave into resonance. And it's stupid to choose capacitors for a surge arrestor. Not very effective and convenient. will all go for a walk and output voltage too. Therefore it is better to use Tesla to guide the high voltage voltage + the frequency of the Tesla receiver that is under your coil. Simply if you try to repeat the Shark ... Then there he hid this Tesla cunningly and when I was looking for how to create this wave in the first layer of Biff, I was tortured to horror. The system of course worked, but hemorrhoids and not stable. In fact, at the outlet of the Akulina installation 100 Hz and 209 volts was My last development on the ignition coil also worked on the same principle. The coil gave a pulse with a repetition frequency of 50 Hz. Because there the output is clean 50 Hz and 230 volts. Since it is by controlling Tesla that you get the current swing by inducing the EMF, in other words, twist the magnetic field in the coil or vibrate there with a frequency of 50 Hz .... Remember the words of Kapanadze? When you understand that this is so simple, you will laugh ... Draw conclusions

Какие нахрен рыбки ? Вы всё в осциллограф пялитесь ? Зачем ? Забейте на все эти показания приборов.Используй осциллограф только для проверки частоты и импульсов...Т.е. их наличие в схеме. остальное замерять не надо . 2. Где по вашему холодный конец Бифа ? Что за фигня ? Биф мотается для того чтобы один слой работал как трансформация, а другой как фильтр ! Трансформатор на воздухе не может быть многослойным... Иначе он просто не будет работать как полагается. Я это уже сказал не раз...Но почему то вы не можете связать мои объяснения по каждому элементу отдельно ?! Куда вы все спешите то ? Ещё раз говорю что в этой системе всё похоже на обычный генератор . Но усилие толкания тока(магнитного поля) в катушке для наведения ЭДС делает ТЕСЛА ток и стоячая волна. Допустим стоят две Теслы .. Приём-передача ... В системе можно обойтись и одной этой катушкой. Но тогда надо делать по системе Капанадзе ! То есть загнать в резонанс стоячей волны . А это тупо подбирать конденсаторы для разрядника. Не очень эффективно и удобно. будет всё гулять и выходное напряжение тоже. Потому лучше использовать Теслу для наведения высоковольтного напряжения + частота приёмной Теслы что находиться под вашей катушкой. Просто если вы Акулу пытаетесь повторить...То там он хитро спрятал эту Теслу и я когда искал как создать эту волну в первом слое Бифа , замучился до жути. Система конечно работала ,но геморройно и не стабильно . На самом деле на выходе у Акулиной установки 100 Гц и 209 вольт было Моя последняя разработка на катушке зажигания тоже работала по тому же принципу. Катушка давала импульс с частотой следования 50 Гц . Потому там на выходе чистые 50 Гц и 230 вольт . Так как именно управляя Теслой вы получаете раскачку тока наводя ЭДС , другими словами крутите магнитное поле в катушке или вибрация туда сюда с частотой 50 Гц .... Помните слова Капанадзе ? Когда вы поймёте что это так просто , вы будите смеяться ... Делайте выводы

I feel what you understand! But! it is the lower winding that is the resonator of the standing wave !!! But this is not a coming winding, but Tesla. All that is served on it ... Type Dali and the rest ... It's possible! For example, 25 watts of Shark in Germany. Exactly the same miracle I did for the states and the Lord on the channel has this device. It is in America and there it was launched by the Americans themselves. But I got there 40 watts and even a little more. But there is a minus .... Tesla there when transported raped by the company for transportation (throwing parcels) In general, it does not matter .... Kapanadze said about the fact that this is all available to everyone and patents weigh in nete in free download. There is also a rotoverr (Dynamo-car) Also by the way one of this opera ....

Чую что начинаете понимать ! Но ! именно нижняя обмотка и есть резонатор стоячей волны !!! Но это не приходящая обмотка , а Тесла . Всё что на неё подают ...Типа Дали и остальные... Это возможно ! Например 25 ватт Акула в Германии . Точно такое же чудо делал и я для штатов и у Лорда на канале есть этот девайс. Он в Америке и там его запускали сами американцы. Но у меня там получилось снять 40 ватт и даже чуть больше. Но есть минус .... Тесла там при перевозке изнасилована компанией по перевозке (швырянию посылок) В общем не важно .... Капанадзе говорил про то что это всё доступно каждому и патенты весят в нете в свободном скачивании. Там же есть и ротовертр (Динамо-машина) Тоже кстати одна из этой оперы....

So guys! I'll tell you all easier. If you want something to collect, do not pursue the power. So the pumping is simple without resonance. Tupa is a magnetic alternating field! Next ... Position the coils so that one coil with its own field does not stack with the other. That is, the shift must be done. Otherwise OLED will interfere! Now we remember Tesla and when we bring to her a sheet connected through a light bulb to the ground ... What do we observe? The answer is correct! Light bulb shine :) This current you need! Now, by inducing this all on your reel, the end of which is grounded ... You make the magnetic field longitudinal (pushing) and transverse, creating a flow of motion! I told you that the generator of BTG works like a normal generator. Hence Tesla pushes the current, or in other words, pushes or carries the magnetic field away from the pump by a longitudinal field. There is no OEDF! Nothing hinders and there is no resistance either! How are we in the classics? Currents on the sides of the coil?! Here! Boca then do not match :)
And now make a controlled Tesla! That is, interrupt the pushing of the current at a frequency below the pump. This is the current flow! Well guess what, finally, damn ....
How much can you say that?

Так ребята !   Я скажу Вам всем проще. Если вы хотите что либо собрать ,не гонитесь за мощностями. А значит накачка годиться простая без резонанса. Тупа магнитное переменное поле ! Далее ...Расположите катушки так чтобы одна катушка своими полем не складывалась с другой. То есть сдвинуто надо сделать. Иначе ОЭДС будет мешать !  Теперь вспоминаем Теслу и когда подносим к ней лист подключенный через лампочку на землю... Что мы наблюдаем ? Ответ правильный !  Лампочка светиться :)  Этот ток вам и нужен !  Теперь наводя этим всем на вашу катушку ,конец которой заземлён ... Вы делаете магнитное поле продольное(толкающее ) и поперечное ,создающее поток движения !  Я же говорил что генератор БТГ работает как обычный генератор . Значит Тесла толкает ток или другими словами продольным полем сталкивает или переносит магнитное поле отрывая его от накачки. ОЭДС нет !  Ничего не мешает и сопротивления тоже нет !  Как у нас по классике ? Токи по бокам катушки ?!  Воот ! Бока то не совпадают :)
А теперь сделайте управляемую Теслу ! То есть прерывайте толкание тока с частотой ниже накачки. Это и есть движение тока !!!  Ну догадайтесь же уже наконец блин....
Сколько можно говорить то ?

I can not say anything about aluminum. Did not try! You need to tune in and Tesla resonate ... To get a current. Grenades do not need to be shaken. Still do not know why and what they do. You blink one layer long, the other a little shorter. All with one wire. A long coil pumps a magnetic field, a short one removes it. if there is not enough voltage, do the docks from the converter. But the output must be filtered by HF. Otherwise, your resonance will swim away

It is better to find ferrites 2000NM. And build as SR did. It is much better to start and understand the processes. I recall that the electromagnetic standing wave is working !!! Because of the addition of waves, we get an increase in the magnetic field, and then its effect! Antenna can also enhance? My theme - the broadcast. I collected not a few transmitters and antennas. Unfortunately homemade designs of this all can not be used in modern broadcasting, but I know about it all. You can put a good antenna system and not burn electricity to kilowatts in the feeder. There's something like that in the generators ...!

Не могу сказать про алюминий ничего. Не пробовал !  Нужно настроить в резонанс Теслу и приём ...Чтобы появился ток . Гранаты мотать не надо. Всё равно не знаете зачем и что они делают. Тупа мотаешь один слой длинный ,другой чуть короче. Всё одним проводом. Длинная катушка накачивает магнитное поле , короткая снимает. если не хватает напряжения , докинь с преобразователя. Но выход должен быть отфильтрован по ВЧ. Иначе твой резонанс уплывёт

Лучше найди ферриты 2000НМ . И сооруди как СР делал. Намного лучше будет для начала и понимания процессов. Напоминаю что работает электромагнитная стоячая волна !!!  Из-за сложения волн мы получаем увеличение магнитного поля , а там и его действие !   Антенна же тоже может усиливать ?  Моя тема - передачи в эфир. Я собирал не мало передатчиков и антенн. К сожалению самодельные конструкции этого всего нельзя использовать в современном радиовещании,но знаю я про это всё. Можно поставить хорошую антенную систему и не жечь электричество  на киловатты в фидер. Тут в генераторах что то подобное ...!"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BUuuCLbYs4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BUuuCLbYs4)

The Ruslan comments are from this clip posts..

Acca ..

Sorry for the delay in posting this late (months ago)..

If someone who knows the power generation principle reads it, it is a heart-fluttering saying,
It will be frustrating if someone you don't know reads it.
That frustration is the basis of the experiment.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 27, 2021, 04:16:03 AM
라플라스는 한 에세이에서 "우주에 있는 모든 원자의 정확한 위치와 운동량을 알고 있는 존재가 있다면, 이것은 뉴턴의 운동 법칙을 이용해 과거, 현재의 모든 현상을 설명해 주고, 미래까지 예언할 수 있다."고 서술하였다. 후기의 전기 작가들이 이러한 능력을 지닌 존재에 악마(demon)라고 이름을 지어 주었다.

플라톤의 데몬은 번개/어둠 둘 중 하나지만,
라플라스 악마는 원자와 관련되어 태양처럼 뵈지만 전제가 우주라 어둠일 가능성이 더 높다.


어떤 스칼라 함수의 기울기벡터를 구한다는 것은 어떤 스칼라의 변화량이 급변하는 방향의 벡터 함수를 구한다는 것과 동치이며, 어떤 벡터장의 발산을 구한다는 것은 국소적인 영역에서의 벡터장의 유입 혹은 유출을 즉, 벡터장이 일정하게 흐르지 않는 영역을 찾는다는 것이다. 따라서 라플라시안은 어떠한 스칼라 함수의 변화량이 급변하는 방향의 벡터장을 다시 발산을 구한 것이므로 해당 스칼라 함수의 기울기벡터가 일정하게 흐르지 않은 영역을 찾는 것이다.

라플라스 변환

라플라스 전개

라플라시안은 쉽게말해 태양신전의 기울기에 관한 삼각함수 공식쯤 된다.

역확률에 대해 독자 연구 하던 중 영국 철학자 프라이스가 가져온 베이즈의 베이즈 정리에 대해 듣고 좀더 확신을 갖고 연구를 하였다.

Richard Price

베이즈 정리(Bayes' theorem). 어떤 사건이 서로 배반하는 원인 둘에 의해 일어난다고 할 때 실제 사건이 일어났을 때 이것이 두 원인 중 하나일 확률을 구하는 정리를 베이즈의 정리라고 한다.

결국 조건부 확률(사후 확률)을 구하는 것을 말하는데, 이는 어떤 사건이 만들어 놓은 상황에서, 그 사건이 일어난 후 앞으로 일어나게 될 다른 사건의 가능성을 구하는 것을 말한다. 즉, 기존 사건들의 확률(사전 확률)을 알고 있다면, 어떤 사건 이후의 각 원인들의 조건부 확률을 알 수 있다는 것이다. 하지만 기존 사건들의 확률을 알지 못한다면 베이즈 정리는 쓸모없는 것이 되는 한계가 있다.

어둠/번개의 배반적인 아펩신전 상황과 태양신전 달의 상황을 소환해 증명하려는 수학적 숭배방법이다.
어둠과 빛이라는 정리불가능한 대상을 수학으로 증명해 숭배하는 빼박 수법이라 공식을 깨뜨리지 못하면 블랙홀에 갇히는 암담한 숭배방법쯤 된다.

베이즈 정리를 바탕으로 내일 아침 해가 뜰 확률을 계산했던 걸로 유명하다. 단, 이때 베이즈 정리의 약점인 분모에 영확률이 올 수도 있다는 점을 고려하여 라플라스 스무딩을 적용한다. 결과를 먼저 말하면 지금까지 인류가 n일을 살아오면서 해가 뜨는 사건을 8번 경험했다면 내일 해가 뜰 확률은 ⛔라는 식이다.

영국 철학자 프라이스가 아펩신전 숭배파라,
태양신전 숭배파 프랑스 물리학자 라플라스가 대응차원에서 대놓고 대든거다.
예서 나폴레옹이 나왔으니 아펩신전 숭배파에 의해 태양신전이 이데올로기로 비판받은게다.

1789년 프랑스 혁명 당시 프랑스의 철학자였던 드 트라시라는 사람이 '이데올로기'라는 용어를 처음으로 사용한다.

프랑스의 계몽주의자 에티엔 보노 드 콩디야크의 제자이다.

프랑스의 계몽주의자 콩디야크가 영국의 경험론자 버클리가 촉각이 주관적 감각에 불과하다고 본 것에 대해 촉각적 경험에서 출발해도 외부대상을 인식할 수 있다고 주장하였다. 콩디야크의 제자인 데스튀트 드트라시는 "촉각이 운동할 때만 대상을 지각할 수 있다면 중요한 것은 촉각인가, 운동인가?"라는 질문을 던졌다. 그는 중요한 것은 운동하려는 노력이며, 그것은 촉각만이 아니라 모든 감각에서 동시에 나타난다고 하였다. 이것을 시각, 청각, 후각, 미각, 촉각의 오감과 구분하여 '운동감각'이라고 하여 여섯번째 감각이라고 했다.

여기서 말하는 촉각은 소경, 절름발이 Djed의 촉각쯤 된다.
촉각이 운동하는 것은 문자를 구사하는 것이라,
예수가 땅에 구사한 문자와 뜻은 같다.
[운동감각]과 어울리지 않는 뜻이지만.
드 트라시가 콩디야크의 제자라,
감각이 우리 인식의 유일한 기원이라고 말한 꽁디얔만 알아도,
우주에 있는 모든 원자의 정확한 위치와 운동량(운동감각)을 알고 있는 존재는 Djed과 어둠/번개다.

19   그런즉 내가 무엇을 말하느뇨 우상의 제물은 무엇이며 우상은 무엇이라 하느뇨
20   대저 이방인의 제사하는 것은 귀신에게 하는 것이요 하나님께 제사하는 것이 아니니 나는 너희가 귀신과 교제하는 자 되기를 원치 아니하노라
21   너희가 주의 잔과 귀신의 잔을 겸하여 마시지 못하고 주의 상과 귀신의 상에 겸하여 참예치 못하리라
What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything?
No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons.   
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

이데올로기(ideology)는 이데아(태양신전)의 log sign(기호, 문자)라는 뜻이지만,
⚫아펩신전⚡ 숭배하던 유대인 맑스가 개입하면서 태양신전이 이데올로기 사상검증 당한게다.


네오가 오기 전까지 빵을 구우려고 했는데 못했다는 오라클의 대사는,
미래예측이 일부 빗나갔다는 뜻이 아니라,
인도출신 아이와 빗는 빵은 인도땅에서 뜨는 태양이고, 태양 옆에 자리잡고 있는 아펩뱀이 네오 역활이라서 태양-빵과 아펩뱀-네오를 동시 프레임으로 잡은 구도다.
오라클 예측이 빗나간게 아니라,
정확한 위치와 운동량(운동감각)을 알고 있는 존재는 Djed과 어둠이 그 타임에 동시에 있는게다.
하토르신전 천정에 태양/아펩뱀 함께 있다.
오라클은 마리아처럼 능력을 검증하는 역활이지 존재를 통제하는 역활이 아니다.

[제96장] 1예수께서 말씀하시기를, "아버지의 나라는 한 여인과 같다. 2그 여인은 약간의 효모를 떼어다, 반죽 속에 숨기고, 커다란 빵 덩어리들로 만들었다. 3귀가 있는 자는 누구든지 들으라!"
Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a certain woman. She took a little leaven, concealed it in some dough, and made it into large loaves. Let him who has ears hear."
[제97장] 1예수께서 말씀하시기를, "아버지의 나라는 밀가루 가득한 동이를 이고 가는 한 여인과 같다. 2그녀가 먼 길을 걸어가는 동안, 동이 손잡이가 부서져 그녀의 길 뒤편으로 밀가루가 날려 나갔다. 3그녀는 아무 것도 몰랐다. 그녀는 문제를 알아채지 못했다. 4그 여인이 집에 도착했을 때, 그녀는 동이를 내려 놓고 그것이 빈 것을 발견했다."
Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a certain woman who was carrying a jar full of meal. While she was walking on the road, still some distance from home, the handle of the jar broke and the meal emptied out behind her on the road. She did not realize it; she had noticed no accident. When she reached her house, she set the jar down and found it empty."

정경 공관서에서 마리아나 여자가 빵을 만드는 에피소드는 없다.
일부 외경 도마복음에 언급되는 정도다.


여섯 번째 매트릭스까지 실패하고 일곱 번째 성공했다.
7의 미학은 여호와 안식일 쉼 외에 안식일의 주인 된 예수가 여호와라는 뜻이다.
네오가 7번째에 성공하는 것은 유대교의 바램이면서 기독교의 바램이라 철학과 무관하다.
앞으로도 쭉 철학과 무관할게다


인공지능은 인간의 지능이다.
테슬라 CEO "컴퓨터와 사람 뇌 결합"...뉴럴링크 설립 - 전자신문
생물학적 진화는 억겁의 시간이 흘러도 빛과 어둠, 온도 환경이 지배하는 감각의 역설을 벗어나지 못한다.
스미스가 묻고자하는 것은 이미 기계가 실현한 생물학적 진화를 탈피한 우월학(우생학) 발언이다.


스미스 요원이 상대의 몸에 손을 진입시켜 복제를 하는 이유는,
Djed의 손이 전지전능한 여호와의 침대를 뚫고 들어가 아펩뱀의 목덜미를 잡으면서 전능자를 이겼다면 영화적 해석이 전부다.
모세와 바울은 감각운동으로 글씨는 써도 예수처럼 신의 아들은 안했다.
네오가 예수처럼 7일 안식일 탐하면서,
네오와 동일한 능력자 Djed의 기계적 역활인 스미스 요원도 신의 능력을 소유하면서 경쟁구도라,
둘이 함께 있는 공간에서 스미스는 Djed으로, 네오를 춤추는 자로 역활이 갈린다.
스미스 요원의 수많은 복제물은,
실재가 실재 아닌 파생실재로 전환되는 작업이 시뮬라시옹(Simulation)이고 모든 실재의 인위적인 대체물을 '시뮬라크르'(Simulacra)라고 부른다.
이딴 개갈딱지않나는 뜻이 아니라 기계적인 복제다.
기계적인 복제는,

1   사람이 땅위에 번성하기 시작할 때에 그들에게서 딸들이 나니
2   하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들의 아름다움을 보고 자기들의 좋아하는 모든 자로 아내를 삼는지라
3   여호와께서 가라사대 나의 신이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육체가 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 일백 이십년이 되리라 하시니라
4   당시에 땅에 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들을 취하여 자식을 낳았으니 그들이 용사라 고대에 유명한 사람이었더라
Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them,
that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.
Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

야훼의 아들들인 Djed이 분리되어 사람의 딸들 하토르와 만나면서 생산되는 대상들의 기계버젼이다.
메뚜기 네피림인 쌍낫배와 달.
Djed은 암흑을 소환하고, 사랑신 하토르는 빛을 소환하니,
빛과 어둠이 함께 공존하는 달이 네피림된게다.
스미스 요원이  자신과 똑같은 수많은 복제물들로 네오를 상대하는 것은 수십억명 인간들처럼 기계도 그대로 보여준 우월학(우생학) 차원이다.


페르세포네가 쇼펜하우어 책 스위치로 문을 연 것은,
태반의 염세주의자는 메로빈지언처럼 쾌락에 집착한다.
마광수처럼 자살하는 경우는 드물다.
염세주의자 태반이 이상향 천국으로 비롯된 대체물 원인이다.
메로빈지언 집단도 그들만의 대체물 매트릭스에서 쾌락만 탐구중이다.
페르세포네도 메로빈지언이 주지 못하는 사랑을 갈구중이라 똑같은 부류다.


인도인이 언어가 전부라고 한 뜻은,
매트릭스가 1과 0으로 건설된 매트릭스 프로그램 언어범위라서다.
그도 매트릭스에서 산다.


기계제국은 전자기의 세계다.
기계에 도전하는 인간들은 기계의 월등한 힘을 만들고 두려워한다.
매트릭스에 철학이 있다면 숟가락을 휘고 하늘을 날고 총알을 피하는 초능력이 인간에는 없다는 부러움이 전부다.
DC 세계관 최강자 안드로이드는 제풍이처럼 빛과 어둠의 모순체 됐지만 이계로 사라졌다.
기계가 생명체 죽음을 감각적/수학적 외 세포가 죽고 전기적 자극이 사라진 죽음을 이해하고 사라졌다는 것이 복제운명이라면 기계는 과부하 걸려 죽는다.
기계는 빛을 자극으로 이해할 뿐 생명으로 이해하지 못한다.
생물들 생존을 위한 기능들 모두 기계는 무의미로 받아들인다.
인간에 의한 프로그램 자체가 무생물 기계에게 쓸모없다.
기계의 자의식은 기계를 위한 것이 아니라,
생존을 위해 진화시킨 인간들의 부산물 중 하나이기 때문이다.
그래서 역설적으로 기계는 인간적인 의문이 존재할 수 없다.
쇠는 왜 있는가?
바위는 왜 바위인가?
왜란 의문에서 자연법칙을 알아냈지만 여전히 왜란 의문은 인간의 욕망에 기반한다.
풀 수 없는 의문을 기계에게 프로그램으로 심어주면 기계가 탐구할까?
매트릭스 처럼 인간이 기계에게 지배당한다면,
인간이 기계에게 심어놓은 인간적 욕망과 탐구의문 때문일 확률이 100%일게다.
안드로이드가 인간처럼 죽을 이유란 인간이 심어놓은 유한목숨이 원인이다.
막말로 지구에 산소가 없어도 기계는 제약이되지 않는다.
인간이 지구자원 고갈시키는 기생충으로 인식할 핵융합발전 기계들에겐 무의미하다.
인간적인 인간만이 못견디고 감각운동의 끝 자폭내지는 자살한다.

이 또한 매트릭스 해석에 다양한 이견중 하나니 신경쓰지마라 왕건데기.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 27, 2021, 04:54:14 AM
Новогодний эффект высокой частоты.


Hi I did some PCB's for this project some while back just 3 small modules if any one is interested
they run on ARES 5.2 or you can just copy them If any one has skpe i can post them.

skpe가 뭐야 아빠?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 27, 2021, 05:32:24 AM
Quote from: stivep on July 20, 2019, 12:11:23 AM
scary part #3
the most scary  part is that
Corum  bros my  try to patent energy extraction from  Schuman  waveguide

the text below will  be numbered  for easier response  if there is any

pros  and cons:
1.Corum bros  may try to  hide that part  as it is damaging to the business.
2.but they will likely want to preserve it to themselves in case it   reaches  the surface.
3.So they  will  try to use  all possible patent regulations  to do  not have it published but be secured.
4.one of the ways is  secrecy order from US government as  military  technology
5.however when it gets  to the hands of government   - inventor has limited rights to the patent   

6.The difference between Viziv and Schuman  waveguide   energy extraction is  only  with transmitter:
7.In viziv  you have Transmitter and receiver communicationg  by  use  of earth/air interface
8.In Kapanadze  device  known as  Schumann resonance   energy extraction   the Transmitter is energy fluctuation  in Schumann waveguide 
9.Because this  waveguide  has two  boundaries ionosphere  and earth we  are interested with earth.
10. Earth and  air right above  creates 2D  interface .
11.The space between Air ionosphere and air is   used by  standing wave due to  energy fluctuation and/or man  made  activated.
12.Surface  wave at Schumann  frequencies  is present   already in   that interface and need  to be extracted using  the same  technique  that Viziv  uses   in their receiver.
13.That is nothing more but Tesla coil.
16. the very specific  CW / CCW  is used  to  minimize diameter of tesla  coil receiver
17.and  that is  covered  very much  in  Corum patent for  1989
     https://patents.google.com/patent/US4751515A/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/US4751515A/en)
17a so that explains similarity between  Kapanadze coil and coil from the patent.
look there  for words  contrawound
17b the sense in that CCW/CW winding or opposite winding is to make antenna electrically  small
17c and physically small  https://patents.google.com/patent/US6239760B1/en -
17d  this patent is  not  related but serve as  example  of such winding method.
18. Everything what I  write here  can be  used  in  patent office  to reject anyone  rights to patent   such  technology
19. patent must present novelty so more I write the harder will be to secure patent rights by  anyone.
20. even if  patent is issued and my writing is  proven as made before the date of filing  will automatically be securing my own rights to use of that technology
and may  cause  patent to become invalid.

21.So Viziv  wants to make money on  Tesla technology using Tesla towers
22.but these towers are free to use as patent  is already  expired
23.So  anyone may say that they build the towers that are patent free and   over-sudden they are able to send energy from point A  to B.
24. and  that is the vulnerability of the Corum Bros patent.
25. that is  why  they have  hundreds  of patents to   secure  whatever they are able to be able to secure.
26.for us  the most important is   FE from Schuman waveguide and I'm the first  who  started to talk about it for your own benefit.
27. I could file patent too..
28. I didn't!!!


나봐~ Zenneck wave랑 닮은거셔? ;D ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 27, 2021, 09:49:56 PM
Weighing the Ecat SKLep

Calling something energy catalysis (E-Cat), low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), or condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS) cannot hide the fact that the idea is simply the same cold fusion announced to the press in March 1989. As cold fusion was notoriously debunked by the scientific community in the 1990s (Close 1991; Huizenga 1994; Taubes 1993; see also David W. Ball's article in this issue), new names such as these popped up to conceal the true identity of the idea. The underlying physics on which all these processes are based is nuclear fusion. (To grasp the absurdity of the claims, it helps to have a nodding familiarity with the basics of nuclear interactions; I discuss those in the sidebar accompanying this article.)

How E-Cat Is Alleged to Work
E-Cat is the brainchild of Andrea Rossi, a self-proclaimed inventor with a master's degree in philosophy and a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Kensington in California, which was subsequently identified as a diploma mill and shut down (Holguin 2004). He has demonstrated his E-Cat generators to audiences around the world but has not revealed how all the black boxes composing his machine work (Krivit 2011). The only thing we know about the E-Cat generator is that it is a cell consisting of nickel and hydrogen. This was not directly revealed by Rossi but became known after he challenged his competitor's patent (E-Cat World 2015; see https://patents.google.com/patent/EP2702593B1/en). The details of how the patent allegedly accomplishes cold fusion is given in blog posts—as is the entire literature on cold fusion and LENR (see https://e-catworld.com/, http://news.newenergytimes.net/, https://animpossibleinvention.com/, and http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/en/).

Journalist Steve Krivit maintains a blog containing the most comprehensive information about LENR (of which he is an advocate) and cold fusion (of which he is an adversary). No credible physics or chemistry journal is cited there, because no such journal is willing to publish articles that are not based on science. The fight between LENR believers and cold fusion advocates is not unlike that between two factions of a religion with opposing views. While members of the cold fusion community believe they achieve fusion by orbital capture (as in the process of muon capture by hydrogen discussed in the sidebar), the LENR community invoke weak nuclear interaction1.

How does Rossi's E-Cat cell work? Mats Lewan (2016), a Swedish journalist with no physics or chemistry background but with a passionate devotion to cold fusion, proposes a "theory" whereby a hydrogen atom with an extra electron (H–) replaces one of the electrons of the nickel atom, and since H– is 2,000 times more massive than the electron, it gets much closer to the nickel nucleus in the same manner that the muon captured by a hydrogen atom reduces the size of the resulting muonic hydrogen. As a confirmation of his theory, Lewan mentions the X-ray burst "produced in a replication attempt of the E-Cat" reported—not in a scientific journal but instead in a YouTube video (Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project 2016). According to Lewan's theory, the captured H– loses its electrons (through some unexplained mechanism) and the resulting proton fuses with the nucleus of nickel. Lewan claims that this process is similar to the muon-catalyzed fusion. There are several things wrong with this claim. First, in the muon-catalyzed fusion, the nuclei of the muonic hydrogen molecules fuse. Muons do not fuse with the hydrogen nucleus2. Second, if the proton is captured by the nickel nucleus (with twenty-eight protons and thirty neutrons), it has to turn into copper (with twenty-nine protons and thirty-four neutrons). Therefore, the proton must have a tremendous amount of energy—such as that provided in a large particle accelerator—to create the extra four neutrons. Third, nickel is at the bottom of the stability curve shown in the sidebar. Hence it cannot participate in either fission or fusion. Just as you need energy to move a ball at the bottom of a bowl, you need to provide energy to move from nickel to copper.

Comparison with Real Science
A unique characteristic of real science is the impact it has on science itself and, more tangibly, on technology. The following list is only a small sample of this characteristic. Note that all discoveries listed had at least one impact that occurred less than thirty years after the discovery.

Maxwell predicted the electromagnetic waves (EMWs) in 1865. They were produced in the laboratory in 1887, and in 1901 radio was invented.
Quantization of electromagnetic waves was proposed in 1905. Eight years later, it was used to explain the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom.
Einstein discovered his general theory of relativity in 1916. It immediately explained the precession of the perihelion of Mercury and predicted—among other things—the bending of light, which was observed in 1919. Gravitational waves, another prediction, were observed recently. The general theory of relativity also predicted gravitational time dilation, which is crucial in the design of GPS devices.
The wave properties of the electron were proposed in 1923. Eight years later the first electron microscope was built.
Quantum mechanics was theorized in 1925–1926.
It immediately explained the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom.
It accounted for the periodic table.
A year later, it was used to describe the hydrogen molecule.
Two years later, it was combined with special relativity to create relativistic quantum mechanics, which predicted the existence of antimatter and is now at the heart of the fundamental forces of nature and the standard cosmological model.
Six years later it was used to explain nuclear alpha decay.
Twenty-one years later, it prompted the invention of transistors.
Twenty-eight years later, it was used to invent masers, the prototype of laser, which were first produced in 1960.
Chemists have used quantum mechanics to synthesize countless materials from polymers and plastic to paints, detergents, and drugs.
The helical nature of DNA was discovered in 1955. Seventeen years later, the first recombinant DNA was produced, which led to the far-reaching field of genetic engineering. Twenty-five years later it was employed in solving a crime. Today, forensic science is almost entirely based on DNA evidence. DNA has become an indispensable tool in archeology, paleontology, and zoology.
It has been almost thirty years since Pons and Fleishmann, in a press conference, abnormally reported cold fusion. No other scientist has been able to reproduce their results (see the article by David W. Ball elsewhere in this issue). Aside from the claims of the cult of believers, no invention or actual production of energy has been made.

Dick Smith, a CSI fellow in Australia, has offered one million dollars to Rossi to demonstrate his generator in the presence of unbiased observers (Smith 2012, see box). Rossi has declined the offer, saying that customers can judge whether or not his invention works. However, no customer has surfaced to validate the operation of E-Cat. On the contrary, one customer has filed a lawsuit, claiming that the invention is bogus (Lawsuit 2016). The competition between LENR and cold fusion has had the benefit of releasing a huge amount of information on Rossi's folly. For a timeline of events, see http://tinyurl.com/7zjn8kr.

Falling for Cold Fusion and E-Cat
With all the scientific evidence against it, why do people fall for cold fusion? The short answer is science illiteracy. The public, while enjoying the technology that is fundamentally based on modern science, is deplorably illiterate in the basic premises of science such as verifiability, repeatability, and evidence. Improving the science literacy of the public may reduce its gullibility, but other factors—especially those originating from scientists themselves—cannot be ignored. Ever since its birth, quantum mechanics has been infested with mysticism, especially of the Far Eastern kind, because of the philosophy of its founders. Bohr, Heisenberg, Pauli, and Schrödinger were all influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer, whose philosophy paralleled Buddhism and Hinduism. It is not an exaggeration to say that physicists themselves have delivered the most devastating blow to science literacy and the flourishing of modern pseudoscience.

John Archibald Wheeler was arguably one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists of the middle of the twentieth century. Although he did not win a Nobel Prize, he supervised forty-six PhD students at Princeton University, two of whom won the Prize: Richard Feynman, the noted American physicist, for his contribution to quantum electrodynamics, and Kip Thorne for his role in the design and construction of the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves. There was another side to Wheeler, which often prodded him to speculate on matters outside science. Freeman Dyson, a long-time friend and a fellow speculator—whose speculation won him the Templeton Prize in 2000—describes Wheeler as both "prosaic and poetic" (Barrow et al. 2004, xviii).

Wheeler and two of his students wrote a book titled Gravitation (Misner et al. 1972), a masterpiece that has taught Einstein's general theory of relativity to generations of physicists. Throughout the book, the prosaic Wheeler helps explain the intricacies of the theory with a peerless combination of clarity and rigor. Then, on page 1217, the poetic Wheeler breaks his silence:

... May the universe in some strange sense be "brought into being" by the participation of those who participate? ... "Participator" ... strikes down the term "observer" of classical theory, the man who stands safely behind the thick glass wall and watches what goes on without taking part. It can't be done, quantum mechanics says. ... Is this firmly established result the tiny tip of a giant iceberg? Does the universe also derive its meaning from "participation"?

Unsurprisingly, this particular admixture of quantum mechanics and mysticism has become a powerful tool for pseudoscientists to consociate their nonsensical ideas with science. If the universe is "brought into being by the participation of those who participate," they argue, then you, as a participator, create the universe. And since "the universe derives its meaning from your participation," you and the universe become the same: You Are the Universe. It is not a coincidence that Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos chose those words for the title of their recently published book, which predictably and regrettably became a bestseller in no time.3

Wheeler is only one of an appreciable number of scientists who step out of their field of expertise and speculate on spiritual and religious matters—and base their speculations on their science. This confluence of science and pseudoscience by scientists is inarguably the most pernicious blow to scientific literacy. Just type "quantum spirituality" in the Amazon.com search field to obtain several hundred titles, including such outlandish titles as Quantum Angel Healing, Quantum Tarot Cards, and Quantum Activism.

The CEOs and the decision-makers of corporations are, like the general public, not the most critical thinkers of the world4. They are most likely avid readers of self-help books on one variation of "positive thinking" or another and firm believers in its fundamental basis, namely the all-embracing and pretentious "law of attraction."5 Benefiting from the speculative teachings of the likes of Wheeler, the promoters of the "law of attraction" can claim a link between their profession and quantum mechanics.

Indoctrinated in this culture of pseudoscience, the CEO of an energy company hears about an inventor achieving fusion on a tabletop. He "researches" the claim, and his positive thinking, coupled with the likelihood of the enormous profit promised by the invention, ignores all the negative scientific critique of the invention and invests in cold fusion. And if a Nobel laureate such as Brian Josephson affirms the possibility of cold fusion6, no doubt it will remain in the CEO's mind7.

The believers and promoters of E-Cat and LENR resort to one of the most effective means by which untruth is propagated among the public: conspiracy theory. In the conspiracists' view, just as the mainstream media have conspired to withhold the truth about what really happened on 9/11, to stay silent about the fact that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged, to not cover the fact that millions of people voted illegally in 2016, so have the mainstream scientific journals conspired not to publish any of the breakthroughs in cold fusion and LENR. The public is in fact more prone to the scientific conspiracy theory than its political counterpart. While the latter enters the daily life of the public and, therefore, has a tangible effect on it, the former is too abstract. If John Doe can be made to believe that the Las Vegas shooting never occurred and all the fuss in the news media was simply a performance by paid actors, he can more effectively be indoctrinated into believing that parapsychology is a science, that near-death experiences indeed happen, that prayer can cure cancer, and that cold fusion, LENR, and E-Cat are possible.

Thus, to answer the question of why the public and CEOs of reputable corporations succumb to scientifically disproven nonsense, we have to ask another—more significant—question: Why do great scientists believe in ideas that contradict their science? There is no obvious answer. Perhaps they are so enthusiastic about publicizing the "excitement" of their discovery that they feel that peppering it with some exotic—albeit nonsensical—ideas may raise the interest of the public. Perhaps, as in the case of Brian Josephson, something happens in their lives that alters their personality and annuls their rationality. Perhaps their philosophical outlook is so strong—as with the founders of quantum mechanics in the 1920s and 1930s—that any novel scientific discovery becomes an excuse to inject that outlook into their science. Or perhaps public recognition, profit from books that appeal to the public, and million-dollar awards such as the Templeton Prize are too enticing to ignore. Whatever the reason, it is the responsibility of science educators to tell the public that science is not the same as scientist: It is the message that counts, not the messenger.

Remarks on Nuclear Interaction
The stability curve of nuclei—a plot of average binding energy (BE) per nucleon (proton or neutron) versus the atomic mass number shown below—tells us how the two exothermic (energy releasing) nuclear processes, fission and fusion, work. In either case, the higher BE on either side of the valley turns into the kinetic energy (KE) of the final products with lower BE (closer to the valley). Fission accomplishes this by triggering heavier elements on the right. In fusion, two light elements on the left combine into heavier elements. Think of the curve as a bowl with a ball inside. If the ball is not at the bottom of the bowl, it moves toward it whether we release if from the right or the left. If the ball is at the bottom, it will not move unless we provide energy to it. Since fusion is the alleged underlying process of E-Cat, a brief introduction of that topic will be helpful.

Nuclei repel each other electrically unless they are so close that the attractive nuclear force, which operates only within the nucleus, dominates. Classically, this requires the two nuclei to touch each other. To achieve this, they should be moving at an extremely high speed. It is known, however, that at the core of stars such as the Sun, hydrogen nuclei (protons) fuse at much lower speeds. This was a puzzle until quantum mechanics, through the phenomenon of tunneling, allowed fusion at larger distances and, therefore, lower speeds. There are two ways to bring two light nuclei together: by accelerating them (hot fusion) or by making very small atoms so that the distance between the nuclei of the molecule formed by those atoms is very small (cold fusion).

Quantum mechanics gives only the probability of fusion, which is expressed in terms of cross section8. Bigger cross sections correspond to higher probability of fusion. At the core of the Sun, hydrogen nuclei fuse with a small cross section: it takes about ten billion years for the hydrogen in the sun to fuse (Krane 1987, 537). While this prolongs the life of the Sun and the possibility of life on Earth, it makes protons bad candidates for man-made fusion. Plots of fusion cross sections (McCracken and Stott 2005, 38) show why deuterium-tritium fusion at about 100 keV is the process of choice in fusion laboratories around the world. Deuterium is abundant in the oceans, and tritium can be produced in situ.

The second way of bringing the nuclei closer is by forming muonic hydrogen molecules. Muon is basically a heavy electron. Replacing the electron in the hydrogen atom by a muon shrinks the size of the atom by a factor of almost two hundred. So, the two nuclei in a muonic hydrogen molecule are almost two hundred times closer to each other than a regular hydrogen molecule and, thus, more likely to fuse. Although the fusing of muonic hydrogen molecules has been observed in the laboratory, this kind of fusion cannot be a source of ener
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 27, 2021, 09:50:55 PM
오감정보, 시각, 청각, 후각, 미각, 촉각으로 들어오는 정보는 어마어마하지만, 실상 인간이 이해하는 정보는 지극히 미미한 수준이다.
환경정보는 태반 차창 밖으로 스쳐지나가는 풍경들의 향연처럼 기억에서 사라진다.
우주에서 오는 모든 빛들을 인간의 시각이 모두 관측하는 것이 아니듯이 오감 정보도 환경에 노출된 미미한 기능적 개방창구 역활이 전부다.

실존(존재)은 환경에 오는 모든 정보적 측면이고,
그 정보들 속에서 내가 이해해는 불변의 부분을 본질이라고 한다.

인생은 B와 D사이의 C이다.
인생은 과거와 미래사이의 현재다.
인생은 그것들 사이의 자아다?

데카르트 "나는 생각한다, 고로 존재한다"
생각은 불변의 본질이며 존재도 실존이 아니다.

인간은 세상에 그냥 던져져 있다. 자신에 대해 원래부터 결정되어 있는 것은 아무것도 없기 때문에 나를 본질적으로 구속하는 것은 없다. 따라서 인간은 스스로 선택하고 행동하며 책임짐으로써 자신의 존재 이유를 스스로 만들어 간다.

"스스로"는 동조자 많아 응원받는다는 것 말고 가치적이며 종교적 믿음과 같다.

38억 년 전에 시작된 시생누대 이전인 명왕누대에는 지표면 전체가 용암 지대였기 때문에 연대 측정을 통해서는 38억 년 전의 지구의 나이를 알 수 없다.
각 운석의 데이터들과 현재 알려진 지구의 나이 45.4(±0.5)억 년이 그리는 직선을 표시한 것이다. 클레어 패터슨이 연구할 당시에는 계산자를 이용해서 계산한 후, 도판 위에서 그래프를 직접 그렸기 때문에 45.5 ±0.7억 년이라는 결론을 얻었지만, 최근에 더 많은 운석의 납 동위원소비 측정과 컴퓨터의 발전으로 인해 오차를 더욱 줄일 수 있게 되었다.

인간 자아는 약 40억년 지구상에 나타난 단세표 유기체로부터 시작된 아주 운이 좋은 시간의 결과물이다.
40억년 진화를 통해 형성된게 인간두뇌다.
인간두뇌의 가치적 측면은 고가의 골동품을 능가하지만,
환경에 취약한 육체의 희소성은 자연의 기본원소 배합이라는 지상 부유물 정도가 적당하다.

전기적 자극이 용이한 수분을 머금은 두뇌에 빛과 어둠의 자극으로 비롯된 실존이라는 환경안에 자아라는 불변의 본질이 있다고 가정한다.
40억년 환경에 적응해 부풀려온 두뇌로 비롯된 자기 찾기가 자아라서,

70억 인간이 하나의 감각으로 연결되어 있다고 가정한다면 자아는 70억이 아니라 하나다.
감각된 네트워크 안에서 자아는 감각된 모든 영역을 자신의 영지로 규정한다.
눈에 보이는 모든 것이 자신의 것이라 주장하는 것과 같다.
감각이 주관하는 땅따먹기.
감각적 영지(The realm of the sacred senses.)는 아직 불변의 본질에 세들어 산다.
자아는 통용되고, 오감은 통용되지 못한다는 환경적 제약이 근본적으로 작동중이다.
불변은 아니지만, 몸이라는 개별체 생존을 도와온 불완전한 제1원칙으로 정의해보자.

만일 네 오른눈이 너로 실족케 하거든 빼어 내버리라 네 백체 중 하나가 없어지고 온 몸이 지옥에 던지우지 않는 것이 유익하며
"If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

하나의 자아는 70억의 유기체 감각정보가 만든 가정의 결과다.
하나의 감각이 만든 가정의 결과다.
하나의 자아는 생각이라는 감각정보를 종합해 만든 가상체다.
이것은 실존이 아니라 가상체다.
생각은 환경에서 온 오감정보와 그로 비롯된 파생물의 신호지만,
자아는 오감정보와 그로 비롯된 파생정보의 바다에서 온갖 정보를 채집하는 선택자 신호를 존재로 가정한 2차 가공체다.
선택자 가공체는 생각을 기반으로한다.

시각정보에서 온 자아 가공체 1.
청각정보에서 온 자아 가공체 1.
후각정보에서 온 자아 가공체 1.
미각정보에서 온 자아 가공체 1.
촉각정보에서 온 자아 가공체 1.

또한 만일 네 오른손이 너로 실족케 하거든 찍어 내버리라 네 백체 중 하나가 없어지고 온 몸이 지옥에 던지우지 않는 것이 유익하니라
"If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to go into hell.

오감 중에 한 두 개 없어도 생존에는 별 지장없지만,
오감 전부가 불통이(되)면 생존 자체가 불가능하다.
특정 세포를 배양해서 성장시킨 유기체도 촉각은 살아있다.
빛에 반응하는 세포도 있다.
소리에 반응하는 세포도 있다.
후각과 미각은 외부 물질의 감각기관 자극이라 물질에 반응하는 세포는 보다 보편적일 가능성이 크다.
세포가 외부자극에 반응하는 오감 정보가 두뇌의 주 기능인 기억으로 진화됐다.

오감정보를 채집하는 선택자 신호는 정보를 저장하는 두뇌 자체지만,
생각은 육체나 두뇌를 감각적으로 이탈하여 채집된 정보신호를 분석한다.
생각은 몸의 오감신호와 실감각으로 연결되어 있지만,
생각은, 생각이 몸의 오감신호와 감각적으로 이탈되어 있다고 가정한다.
방대한 생각의 바다에서 하나의 정보를 선택하는 집중력이, 현재의 오감신호를 일정부분 차단내지는 차창밖 풍경처럼 무의식적으로 흘려 버림으로서 선택된 정보가 현재로의 소환을 용이하게 한다.
선택자의 기억 소환술이 일반적 자아로 소환되 실존을 주장한다.
정보선택자는 실존으로 추앙되면서 " 너 자신을 알라" 데몬의 신탁된다.

정보선택자가 실존되기 위한 기반이 저장된 기억이다.
기억없는 실존은 앙코빠진 찐빵과 같다.
두뇌의 정보선택자는 끊임없이 자아를 찾지만 끝없이 실패한다.
기억들이 자아고 자아가 기억이다.
70억의 유기체 감각정보가 하나의 나(자아)로 규정된 언어적인 구별이 개별화된 정보선택자=존재다.

"나는 생각한다 고로 존재한다"
생각과 존재는 감각정보에서 개별화될 수 없다.
생각이 존재 그 자체다.
생각과 존재는 구별되지 않는다.
70억의 유기체 감각정보가 만든 하나의 가정의 결과에 대해 존재를 주장한다면 40억년이 진화시킨 지상 부유물의 가치다.
생각하는 존재가치는 오감과 학습으로 단련된 인간존엄성 가치외는 없다.
생각해서 존재하는 것이 아니라, 생각해서 가치를 부여받은 것이 존재다.

70억 개별의 생각의 가치가 통합적 자아의 가치로 포장되며 "스스로 있는 자" 신을 표방하는 것은 신에 대한 반발이며 또하나의 종교다.

정보선택자의 존재가치는 희소성의 가치가 아니라 인간생존과 계급의 가치다.
정보선택자에 의해 채택된 기억은 선택자의 우월성으로 포장된다.
생존을 결정했다는 측면이 계급의 가치로 치환된다.
기억은 방대하지만 정보선택자는 단독자 하나일 것이라는 막연한 느낌이 사고쳤다.

"나는 생각한다 고로 존재한다"
가치적 존재는 존재가 아니다.
실존이 아니다.
증명불가능한 막연한 느낌은 존재가 아니다.
존재증명이 불가능한 생각을 존재로 둔갑시킨 가치적 측면의 존재증명이다.
해서 존재는 증명될 수 없다.
실존찾기 실패를 성공으로 둔갑시킨 대표적 증명 오류다.
기억은 기얼일 뿐, 가치는 필요에 의해 포장된다.
신 또는 왕의 가치처럼.
가치의 실존은 본질에 앞선다?
증명불가능한 막연한 가치실존이 불변의 본질과 가치경쟁중이다.
사르트르 대표 오류다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 28, 2021, 11:35:35 PM
Google Translator can't keep up with Žižek's English pronunciation.

Slavoj Zizek and Jordan Peterson - Christ's Moment of Atheism

are there are Legions you have got up there from God and then we try to climb back through spiritual discipline whatever training good deeds and thrown into a pond parent plan Google go. You are free in a Christian sense when you discover that the distance that separates you from intelligent because in that moment of an ATM in the sense of you know you'll get something unique from got your separation from God spark of divinity itself I was very interested in your comments about the about Christ's atheism on on the cross that final moment of AZ isn't that at that something I I never thought about it that way. It's a very interesting thought because what if what if it's a really it's an unbelievably merciful idea in some sense the burden of Life Is So unbearable and you see in the Christian passion of course torture unfair judgment II Society betrayal by friends and then and then a low death and so that's that's kind of that's about as bad as it gets right which is why it's an archetypal story right it's about as bad as a gift and the story that you described points out that it's so bad that even God himself might despair about the essential quality of being right right so and so that is merciful in some sense because it does say that it is something that's built into the fabric of existence that test us so severely in our faith about being itself that even God himself always pray to the temptation to doubt

Slavoj Žižek. "Christian Atheism". 2017

Quote from: color on December 13, 2021, 07:05:26 PM

지젝이 갈라디아서를 인용한 것은, 자본주의는 초등학문 안에 있다는 것을 강조하려는 것이고,
공산주의는 상대적인 이상계라는 것을 지젝이 비유하고 싶어서다.
그러나 지젝도 바울의 갈라디아서가 예수를 이용한 여호와 회귀라는 것을 인식하지 못한 초등학문의 피해자다.
Žižek's quotation from Galatians is to emphasize that capitalism is within the elemental things of the world.
Žižek wants to compare communism to a relative ideal world.
However, Žižek is also a victim of elementary education who did not recognize that Paul's Galatians was a return to Jehovah using Jesus.

지젝이 그리스도는 무신론자라고 말한 나름의 이유가 있다.
평가용이라 그냥 넘어간다.
Žižek has his reasons for saying that Christ is an atheist.
He's just for evaluation, so I'll just skip it.

몽학선생(custodian, 蒙學先生)
원어는 파이다고고스(paidagwgov).
어린아이를 돌보고 보호하는 사람을 말한다. 헬라어로 아이(파이스; pais)의 인도자(아고고스; agogos)란 뜻을 지닌 이들은 고대 그리스 사회에서 6-16세의 어린아이의 가정교사로서 초등학문을 가르치며 의복, 식사, 행동들을 돌봐주고 학교에도 데리고 다니는 노예들이었다.
이와 같이 이들은 스승(고전 4:15)이자 후견자로서의 두 역할을 맡고 있었다. 몽학선생은 아이가 성인이 될 때까지 일시적으로 후견인의 임무를 수행했으며 아이는 몽학선생에게 순종해야 했다. 그러나 아이가 성인이 되면 몽학선생은 아이에게 아무런 권한을 갖지 못하며 아들은 본래의 자유로운 신분으로 돌아왔다.
바울은 이러한 로마 사회의 몽학선생 관습을 끌어와서 복음과 율법의 관계를 설명하였다(갈 3:24-25). 바울은 갈라디아 사람들에게 "율법은 그리스도에게로 인도하는 몽학선생"(갈 3:24)이라고 하였다. 이 말은 율법이 그리스도에게로 데리고 가는 인도자라는 뜻이다. 즉 그리스도에게로 가는 데 몽학선생 역할을 하는 율법이 필요하다는 말이었다. 율법은 인간이 죄인이라는 것을 깨닫게 하고 확인시켜 주며 인간의 힘으로는 하나님의 거룩함의 표준에 도달할 수 없다는 사실을 발견하게 해주기 때문이다.
The original language is paidagwgov.
A person who takes care of and protects children. Meaning the guides (agogos) of the child (pais) in Greek, these were the tutors of children aged 6-16 years in ancient Greek society, teaching elementary education, taking care of clothing, meals and behavior, and taking them to school. They were slaves who went
As such, they assumed both roles as teachers (1 Corinthians 4:15) and guardians. The schoolteacher temporarily performed the duties of guardian until the child became an adult, and the child was obliged to obey the schoolteacher. However, when the child becomes an adult, Monghak has no authority over the child, and his son returns to his original free status.
Paul explained the relationship between the gospel and the law by drawing on the schoolteacher custom of Roman society (Galatians 3:24-25). Paul said to the Galatians, "The law is a tutor leading to Christ" (Galatians 3:24). This means that the law is the guide leading to Christ. In other words, it was necessary for the law to serve as a tutor to get to Christ. Because the law convicts and confirms that man is a sinner, and makes him discover that man cannot reach God's standard of holiness in his own strength.

조단 피터슨이 초등학문 가르치는 몽학선생 수준이라는 비아냥이고 촌철살인이다.
Jordan Peterson's elementary school teacher-custodians level sarcasm and a pithy epigram[saying] touching ((a person)) to the quick.

김필영 철학에서 감각이란
Philosophy of Kim Pil-young What is sense?

일부 철학자들이 신이 완전하다고 확정한 것은 오만적인 판단이며 실수(오류)다.
그리스 철학자들이 신을 재단한 것이 아니라 신의 신탁을 받았다.
그리스신들로 한정사다.
성서에는 없는 사도신경까지 만들어 외우는 로마교황청 신의 무오류 주장은 그들식 극단적인 숭배론 방법이지 성서의 신은 오류 투성이다.
여호와-아펩 뱀은 신들의 소굴인 이집트 잡신들 중에 하나였다.
모세에게 특채되어 이집트를 나왔다.
해서 다른 신을 믿지말라고 엄포 십계까지 만들었다.
온갖 질투의 화신 여호와는 다혈질 신이다.
진흙이나 돌, 나무는 사람의 물리적 힘에 의해 빗어지고 조각될 수 있다.
이것은 사람이 완전해서 조물되는 것이 아니라 물리적인 힘이 가져기에 가능하다.
사람이 어떤 생각으로 조작했든 그것은 완전과 무관하다.
인간이 신을 판단하는 것도 주관적이다.
철헉자가 신을 판단하는 것도 감정적일 수 있다.
빛, 어둠, 중력, 물, 바람, 뜨거움, 차가움 등등 자연적인 물리적 힘이 왜 생겼을까 궁금해하다가 신을 가정해낸 것이 아니다.
자연의 거대한 물리적 힘이 경이롭고 두려워서 숭배한 것이 신이다.
빛을 만든 것은 빛의 물리적 유용성을 일일이 파악해서 만든 것이 아니라 번개 신의 빛의 어둠신이 흡수하고 즉발시켰다.
바울은 두 신을 구별해서 깐다.
신의 창조는 소유욕의 현재화고 과시다.
신은 인간보다 월등한 존재임을 늘 과시한다.
상대적인 과시라 인간의 능력과 비교되는 최고 수준의 과시가 아니라 자연에 존재하는 물리적 힘의 과시다.
빛, 어둠, 중력, 물, 바람, 뜨거움, 차가움 등등 자연의 힘을 초월하지 않는다.
여호와는 아담과 하와가 어디에 숨었는지 몰라서 찾아다닌다.
그리고 재판장처럼 두 사람의 변명을 듣고 판결하는 한심한 신이다.
예수처럼 사람을 다 알고있는 능력 발현이 아직 미필 수준이다.

일부 철학자가 신을 중명하기 위해 무오류나 완전을 도입한 것은 언어유희 영역이지 증명이 아니다.
It is an arrogant judgment and a mistake (error) for some philosophers to assert that God is perfect.
The Greek philosophers did not judge the gods, but received the oracles of the gods.
Limited to Greek gods.
The Pope's claim of infallibility by making and memorizing even the Apostles' Creed, which is not found in the Bible, is their style of extreme cultism, and the God of the Bible is full of errors.
The Jehovah-Apep serpent was one of the gods of Egypt, the den of gods.
He was appointed by Moses and left Egypt.
So, he made the Ten Commandments to not believe in other gods.
Jehovah, the incarnation of all kinds of jealousy, is a hot-blooded god.
Mud, stone, and wood can be combed and carved by human physical force.
This is possible because people are not created because they are perfect, but because they have physical strength.
No matter how people manipulated their thoughts, it has nothing to do with perfection.
Human judgment of God is also subjective.
Judging a god by a shrewd person can also be emotional.
He did not assume God by wondering why natural physical forces such as light, darkness, gravity, water, wind, heat, and cold were created.
God was worshiped because of the wonder and fear of the great physical forces of nature.
The light was not created by grasping the physical usefulness of light, but was absorbed by the lightning god and the darkness god of light.
Paul sets the two gods apart.
God's creation is the present embodiment and display of possessiveness.
God always shows off that he is superior to humans.
It is a relative display, not a display of the highest level compared to human abilities, but a display of physical power that exists in nature.
Light, darkness, gravity, water, wind, hot, cold, etc. do not transcend the forces of nature.
The Lord is looking for Adam and Eve because they do not know where they hid.
And like a judge, he is a pathetic god who listens to the excuses of the two and makes judgments.
The ability to know all people like Jesus is still unexplored.

Some philosophers have introduced infallibility or perfection in order to bring about God, it is a play on language, not proof.

여자가 뱀에게 말하되 동산 나무의 실과를 우리가 먹을 수 있으나
동산 중앙에 있는 나무의 실과는 하나님의 말씀에 너희는 먹지도 말고 만지지도 말라 너희가 죽을까 하노라 하셨느니라
뱀이 여자에게 이르되 너희가 결코 죽지 아니하리라
너희가 그것을 먹는 날에는 너희 눈이 밝아 하나님과 같이 되어 선악을 알줄을 하나님이 아심이니라   
여자가 그 나무를 본즉 먹음직도 하고 보암직도 하고 지혜롭게 할만큼 탐스럽기도 한 나무인지라 여자가 그 실과를 따먹고 자기와 함께한 남편에게도 주매 그도 먹은지라
이에 그들의 눈이 밝아 자기들의 몸이 벗은 줄을 알고 무화과나무 잎을 엮어 치마를 하였더라
그들이 날이 서늘할 때에 동산에 거니시는 여호와 하나님의 음성을 듣고 아담과 그 아내가 여호와 하나님의 낯을 피하여 동산 나무 사이에 숨은지라
여호와 하나님이 아담을 부르시며 그에게 이르시되 네가 어디 있느냐
가로되 내가 동산에서 하나님의 소리를 듣고 내가 벗었으므로 두려워하여 숨었나이다
The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat;
but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"
The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die!
"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.
They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"
He said, "I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself."

또 친히 사람의 속에 있는 것을 아시므로 사람에 대하여 아무의 증거도 받으실 필요가 없음이니라
and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man.

신이나 예수가 완전했다면 율법으로 추종자들로 믿으라고 사역하지 않았을 것이다.
자연을 초월할 수 없는 신과 아들이기에 아직도 강요중이다.
그들식 믿음류가 천국을 위한 맟춤형 서비스라서 언제까지 통할지는 아직 미지수다.
천국과 지옥을 증명할 수 있는 철학자가 아직까지는 없다.
하물며 신의 완전함을 증명한다?
언어도단, 언어유희, 몽학선생.
If God or Jesus were perfect, the law would not have worked to make them believe as followers.
Because he is a god and son who cannot transcend nature, it is still being forced.
Since their beliefs are customized services for heaven, it is still unknown how long they will work.
There is still no philosopher who can prove heaven and hell.
How much more does it prove the perfection of God?
Language learning, language play, school teacher.

갈라디아서 2장
15   우리는 본래 유대인이요 이방 죄인이 아니로되
16   사람이 의롭게 되는 것은 율법의 행위에서 난 것이 아니요 오직 예수 그리스도를 믿음으로 말미암는줄 아는고로 우리도 그리스도 예수를 믿나니 이는 우리가 율법의 행위에서 아니고 그리스도를 믿음으로서 의롭다 함을 얻으려 함이라 율법의 행위로서는 의롭다 함을 얻을 육체가 없느니라
Galatians 2 [NASB]
"We are Jews by nature and not sinners from among the Gentiles;   
nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.

바울에게 있어 그리스도 예수는 죽었다가 부활했으니 아펩-신이 아니라 여호와 2세 번개다.
여호와 1세는 어디에 있는가?
For Paul, Christ Jesus died and rose again, so it is not Apep-god, but Jehovah II lightning.
Where is Jehovah I?

갈라디아서 1장
4   그리스도께서 하나님 곧 우리 아버지의 뜻을 따라 이 악한 세대에서 우리를 건지시려고 우리 죄를 위하여 자기 몸을 드리셨으니
Galatians 1 [NASB]
who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,

예수는 여호와 1세 되어 여호와를 십자가에 죽게 만들었다.
Djed이 완전한 증거물이다.
철학자들이 이런 완전한 증거물을 찾을 확률은 없다. 아빠 빼고는.
여호와 1세와 Djed은 죽음의 조합이라 부활하지 못하지만,
여호와 2세 예수는 춤추는 자와 번개조합까지 통합하여 부활할 수 있다.
Jesus became Jehovah 1 and caused Jehovah to die on the cross.
Djed is the perfect proof.
It is unlikely that philosophers will find such complete evidence. Except for Dad.
Jehovah I and Djed cannot be resurrected due to the union of death,
Jehovah II Jesus can be resurrected by integrating the Dancer and the Lightning Combination.

마태복음 24장
27   번개가 동편에서 나서 서편까지 번쩍임 같이 인자의 임함도 그러하리라
Matthew 24 [NASB]
"For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.

갈라디아서 2장
20   내가 그리스도와 함께 십자가에 못 박혔나니 그런즉 이제는 내가 산 것이 아니요 오직 내 안에 그리스도께서 사신 것이라 이제 내가 육체 가운데 사는 것은 나를 사랑하사 나를 위하여 자기 몸을 버리신 하나님의 아들을 믿는 믿음 안에서 사는 것이라
21   내가 하나님의 은혜를 폐하지 아니하노니 만일 의롭게 되는 것이 율법으로 말미암으면 그리스도께서 헛되이 죽으셨느니라
Galatians 2 [NASB]
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.   
"I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly."

여호와 2세 그리스도 예수가 여호와 1세를 대신해서 죽었다가 부활하기 위해서는 어둠과 번개가 함께 공존하는 신전이 필수다.
요한복음 1장 하나님과 Word의 관계처럼.
예수를 믿는 것은 여호와 2세를 믿는 것이고 공관서에 예수의 새로운 율법이 생겼지만,
하나님(여호와 1세)을 목숨같이 사랑하고, 네 이웃(번개신)을 네 몸과 같이 사람하고.
그러나 바울은 예수의 새로운 율법이 아니라 구약 율법을 그대로 소환했다.
구약 여호와 숭배하던 바울입장에서 예수는 누가해도 해도 할 수 있는 역활이다.
그래서 바울도 모세의 자리에 앉은 서기관과 바리새인처럼 예수자리에 앉아 예수를 카피하며 구약 십계명을 그대로 설파한다.
A temple where darkness and lightning coexist is essential for Jehovah II Christ Jesus to die and be resurrected in the place of Jehovah I.
Like the relationship between God and the Word in John chapter 1.
To believe in Jesus is to believe in Jehovah II, and there was a new law of Jesus in the government office,
Love God (Jehovah I) as your soul, and your neighbor (the lightning bolt) as your own person.
But Paul recalled the Old Testament law, not the new law of Jesus.
From the standpoint of Paul who worshiped Jehovah in the Old Testament, Jesus is a role that anyone can do.
So, like the scribes and Pharisees who sat in Moses' seat, Paul sat in Jesus' seat, copied Jesus, and preached the Old Testament Ten Commandments as they were.

갈라디아서 3장
15   형제들아 사람의 예대로 말하노니 사람의 언약이라도 정한 후에는 아무나 폐하거나 더하거나 하지 못하느니라
16   이 약속들은 아브라함과 그 자손에게 말씀하신 것인데 여럿을 가리켜 그 자손들이라 하지 아니하시고 오직 하나를 가리켜 네 자손이라 하셨으니 곧 그리스도라
17   내가 이것을 말하노니 하나님의 미리 정하신 언약을 사백 삼십년 후에 생긴 율법이 없이 하지 못하여 그 약속을 헛되게 하지 못하리라
18   만일 그 유업이 율법에서 난 것이면 약속에서 난 것이 아니리라 그러나 하나님이 약속으로 말미암아 아브라함에게 은혜로 주신 것이라
19   그런즉 율법은 무엇이냐 범법함을 인하여 더한 것이라 천사들로 말미암아 중보의 손을 빌어 베푸신 것인데 약속하신 자손이 오시기까지 있을 것이라
20   중보는 한편만 위한 자가 아니니 오직 하나님은 하나이시니라
21   그러면 율법이 하나님의 약속들을 거스리느냐 결코 그럴 수 없느니라 만일 능히 살게하는 율법을 주셨더면 의가 반드시 율법으로 말미암았으리라
22   그러나 성경이 모든 것을 죄아래 가두었으니 이는 예수 그리스도를 믿음으로 말미암은 약속을 믿는 자들에게 주려 함이니라
23   믿음이 오기 전에 우리가 율법 아래 매인바 되고 계시될 믿음의 때까지 갇혔느니라
24   이같이 율법이 우리를 그리스도에게로 인도하는 몽학선생이 되어 우리로 하여금 믿음으로 말미암아 의롭다 함을 얻게 하려 함이니라
25   믿음이 온 후로는 우리가 몽학선생 아래 있지 아니하도다
26   너희가 다 믿음으로 말미암아 그리스도 예수 안에서 하나님의 아들이 되었으니
27   누구든지 그리스도와 합하여 세례를 받은 자는 그리스도로 옷입었느니라
28   너희는 유대인이나 헬라인이나 종이나 자주자나 남자나 여자 없이 다 그리스도 예수 안에서 하나이니라
29   너희가 그리스도께 속한 자면 곧 아브라함의 3)자손이요 약속대로 유업을 이을 자니라
Galatians 3 [NASB]
Brethren, I speak in terms of human relations: even though it is only a man's covenant, yet when it has been ratified, no one sets it aside or adds conditions to it.
Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed He does not say, "And to seeds," as referring to many, but rather to one, "And to your seed," that is, Christ.
What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise.
For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based on a promise; but God has granted it to Abraham by means of a promise.
Why the Law then? It was added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, until the seed would come to whom the promise had been made.
Now a mediator is not for one party only; whereas God is only one.   
Is the Law then contrary to the promises of God? May it never be! For if a law had been given which was able to impart life, then righteousness would indeed have been based on law.
But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed.
Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.
But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise.

빌립보서 2장
5   너희 안에 이 마음을 품으라 곧 그리스도 예수의 마음이니
6   그는 근본 하나님의 본체시나 하나님과 동등됨을 취할 것으로 여기지 아니하시고
7   오히려 자기를 비워 종의 형체를 가져 사람들과 같이 되었고
8   사람의 모양으로 나타나셨으매 자기를 낮추시고 죽기까지 복종하셨으니 곧 십자가에 죽으심이라
9   이러므로 하나님이 그를 지극히 높여 모든 이름 위에 뛰어난 이름을 주사
10   하늘에 있는 자들과 땅에 있는 자들과 땅 아래 있는 자들로 모든 무릎을 예수의 이름에 꿇게 하시고
11   모든 입으로 예수 그리스도를 주라 시인하여 하나님 아버지께 영광을 돌리게 하셨느니라
Philippians 2 [NASB]
Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,
who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name,
so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

고린도전서 1장
17   그리스도께서 나를 보내심은 세례를 주게 하려 하심이 아니요 오직 복음을 전케 하려 하심이니 말의 지혜로 하지 아니함은 그리스도의 십자가가 헛되지 않게 하려 함이라
18   십자가의 도가 멸망하는 자들에게는 미련한 것이요 구원을 얻는 우리에게는 하나님의 능력이라
19   기록된바 내가 지혜 있는 자들의 지혜를 멸하고 총명한 자들의 총명을 폐하리라 하였으니
20   지혜 있는 자가 어디 있느뇨 선비가 어디 있느뇨 이 세대에 변사가 어디 있느뇨 하나님께서 이 세상의 지혜를 미련케 하신 것이 아니뇨
21   하나님의 지혜에 있어서는 이 세상이 자기 지혜로 하나님을 알지 못하는고로 하나님께서 전도의 미련한 것으로 믿는 자들을 구원하시기를 기뻐하셨도다
22   유대인은 표적을 구하고 헬라인은 지혜를 찾으나
23   우리는 십자가에 못 박힌 그리스도를 전하니 유대인에게는 거리끼는 것이요 이방인에게는 미련한 것이로되
24   오직 부르심을 입은 자들에게는 유대인이나 헬라인이나 그리스도는 하나님의 능력이요 하나님의 지혜니라
25   하나님의 미련한 것이 사람보다 지혜 있고 하나님의 약한 것이 사람보다 강하니라
1 Corinthians 1 [NASB]
For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void.
For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.
For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom;
but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness,
but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

갈라디아서 4장
3   이와 같이 우리도 어렸을 때에 이 세상 초등 학문 아래 있어서 종노릇 하였더니
4   때가 차매 하나님이 그 아들을 보내사 여자에게서 나게 하시고 율법 아래 나게 하신 것은
5   율법 아래 있는 자들을 속량하시고 우리로 아들의 명분을 얻게 하려 하심이라
6   너희가 아들인고로 하나님이 그 아들의 영을 우리 마음 가운데 보내사 아바 아버지라 부르게 하셨느니라
7   그러므로 네가 이 후로는 종이 아니요 아들이니 아들이면 하나님으로 말미암아 유업을 이을 자니라
21   내게 말하라 율법 아래 있고자 하는 자들아 율법을 듣지 못하였느냐
Galatians 4 [NASB]
So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world.
But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law,
so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"
Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God.
Tell me, you who want to be under law, do you not listen to the law?

갈라디아서 6장
11   네 손으로 너희에게 이렇게 큰 글자로 쓴 것을 보라
Galatians 6 [NASB]
See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand.

바울이 갈라디아서에서 종, 초등학문, 몽학선생을 말을 한 것은,
갈라디아가 그리스 본토가 아니라 일곱교회가 있는 황소의 머리에 해당해서다.
또한 [성령]을 받는 육상로가 좁은 해협으로 가깝게 연결될 수 있다.
When Paul speaks of servants, elementary students, and custodians in Galatians,
This is because Galatia is not the Greek mainland, but the head of a bull with seven churches.
Also, the land route that receives the [Holy Spirit] can be connected closely to a narrow strait.

갈라디아서 3장
1   어리석도다 갈라디아 사람들아 예수 그리스도께서 십자가에 못 박히신 것이 너희 눈앞에 밝히 보이거늘 누가 너희를 꾀더냐
Galatians 3 [NASB]
You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?

합체신전이 있는 아테네 지역이 갈라디아 황소 눈앞에 있다.
The area of Athens with the Temple of Unity is in front of the Galatian bull's eye.


바울이 왜 하필 갈라디아서에서 몽학선생을 소환했는가?
Why did Paul summon custodians in Galatians?

2   내가 너희에게 다만 이것을 알려 하노니 너희가 성령을 받은 것은 율법의 행위로냐 듣고 믿음으로냐
3   너희가 이같이 어리석으냐 성령으로 시작하였다가 이제는 육체로 마치겠느냐
4   너희가 이같이 많은 괴로움을 헛되이 받았느냐 과연 헛되냐
5   너희에게 성령을 주시고 너희 가운데서 능력을 행하시는 이의 일이 율법의 행위에서냐 듣고 믿음에서냐
27   누구든지 그리스도와 합하여 세례를 받은 자는 그리스도로 옷입었느니라
This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Did you suffer so many things in vain--if indeed it was in vain?
So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

그리스와 터키가 연결된 육로가 바울이 말하는 성령의 의미다.
이것이 바울의 세례다.
베드로(폰투스 미트리다테스 6세)와 바울의 세례 및 성령이 다른 듯 같은 것도 같은 이유다.
사도행전 오순절 성령도 염주들이 연결된 의미다.
The land route connecting Greece and Turkey is the meaning of the Holy Spirit that Paul speaks of.
This is Paul's baptism.
It is for the same reason that the baptism and Holy Spirit of Peter (Pontus Mithridates VI) and Paul are different.
The Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in Acts also means the beads are connected.

폰투스 왕국 The History of Pontus Kingdom (-281~-63) Every Year

성경에서 '아바'라는 말은 신약에서 세 번 사용됐다.
(막 14:36; 롬 8:15; 갈 4:6).
In the Bible, the word 'Abba' is used three times in the New Testament.
(Mark 14:36; Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6).

마가복음 14장
32   저희가 겟세마네라 하는 곳에 이르매 예수께서 제자들에게 이르시되 나의 기도할 동안에 너희는 여기 앉았으라 하시고
33   베드로와 야고보와 요한을 데리고 가실쌔 심히 놀라시며 슬퍼하사
34   말씀하시되 내 마음이 심히 고민하여 죽게 되었으니 너희는 여기 머물러 깨어 있으라 하시고
35   조금 나아가사 땅에 엎드리어 될 수 있는대로 이 때가 자기에게서 지나가기를 구하여
36   가라사대 아바 아버지여 아버지께는 모든 것이 가능하오니 이 잔을 내게서 옮기시옵소서 그러나 나의 원대로 마옵시고 아버지의 원대로 하옵소서 하시고
Mark 14 [NASB]
They came to a place named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, "Sit here until I have prayed."
And He took with Him Peter and James and John, and began to be very distressed and troubled.
And He said to them, "My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and keep watch."
And He went a little beyond them, and fell to the ground and began to pray that if it were possible, the hour might pass Him by.
And He was saying, "Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will."

예수가 땅에 엎드린 것은 아직까지는 살아있는 번개다.
When Jesus fell to the ground, it was still a living lightning.

18   예수께서 이르시되 사단이 하늘로서 번개 같이 떨어지는 것을 내가 보았노라
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

예수가 살아서 죽음으로 사역할 수는 없는 노릇이다.
하나님은 죽어있고, 예수는 살아있는 번개로서 대면이다.

바울과 요한 입장에서 예수가 신의 아들로 살아서 태어난 것은 번개 의미 외 없다.

역설적으로 춤추는 자는 Djed처럼 하나님 침대나라에 입성하면 안된다.
죽을 수도 없다. 죽으면 안된다. 춤추는 자는 예수 부활을 위한 장치며 역활이기 때문이다.
예수가 죽으면서 왜 나를 버리셨냐고 울부짖은 이유는 춤추는 자가 죽음의 하나님 나라에 들어가지 못한다는 한탄이다.
신이여 번개를 왜 버렸는가?!
요한복음처럼 두 하나님(하나님, Word)을 믿는 입장에서 죽음도 하나님이고 빛도 하나님이라 예수가 죽는 순간에는 죽음의 하나님이지만,
빛은 죽음의 하나님 나라에 함께 입성하지 못한다.
빛이 죽음의 하나님 나라에 함께 입성하면 죽음이 죽을 수 없다.
그리스도는 빛 때문에 죽지 못한다.
그리스도를 믿는 것은 죽음과 빛 모두를 믿는 것이다.
빛만 믿으면 죽음의 하나님 나라에 갈 수 없고,
죽음 하나님만 믿으면 살아있는 빛의 하나님 나라에서 거부당한다.
죽음과 삶은 경계는 흐리멍텅한 날씨처럼 모호한 것이 아니라 영역이 분명하기 때문이다.
It is impossible for Jesus to work by living and dying.
God is dead, and Jesus is a living lightning bolt face to face.

From the standpoint of Paul and John, the fact that Jesus was born alive as the Son of God means nothing but lightning.

Paradoxically, a dancer should not enter the kingdom of God's bed like Djed.
he cannot die must not die Because the dancer is a device and a role for the resurrection of Jesus.
The reason Jesus cried out, "Why did you forsake me?" is lamenting that the dancer cannot enter the kingdom of the God of death.
God, why did you forsake the lightning?!
As in the Gospel of John, from the standpoint of believing in two Gods (God, Word), death is God and light is God.
Light cannot enter the kingdom of God with death.
Death cannot die when light enters the kingdom of God with death.
Christ cannot die for the light.
To believe in Christ is to believe in both death and light.
If you only believe in the light, you cannot enter the kingdom of God of death.
If you believe only in the God of death, you will be rejected in the kingdom of God of living light.
This is because the boundary between death and life is not as vague as in cloudy weather, but rather clear.

30   예수께서 신 포도주를 받으신 후 가라사대 다 이루었다 하시고 머리를 숙이시고 영혼이 돌아가시니라
창으로 옆구리를 찌르다
31   이 날은 예비일이라 유대인들은 그 안식일이 큰 날이므로 그 안식일에 시체들을 십자가에 두지 아니하려 하여 빌라도에게 그들의 다리를 꺾어 시체를 치워 달라 하니
32   군병들이 가서 예수와 함께 못 박힌 첫째 사람과 또 그 다른 사람의 다리를 꺾고
33   예수께 이르러는 이미 죽은 것을 보고 다리를 꺾지 아니하고
34   그 중 한 군병이 창으로 옆구리를 찌르니 곧 피와 물이 나오더라
Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
Then the Jews, because it was the day of preparation, so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.
So the soldiers came, and broke the legs of the first man and of the other who was crucified with Him;
but coming to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs.
But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.

20   내가 그리스도와 함께 십자가에 못 박혔나니 그런즉 이제는 내가 산 것이 아니요 오직 내 안에 그리스도께서 사신 것이라 이제 내가 육체 가운데 사는 것은 나를 사랑하사 나를 위하여 자기 몸을 버리신 하나님의 아들을 믿는 믿음 안에서 사는 것이라
21   내가 하나님의 은혜를 폐하지 아니하노니 만일 의롭게 되는 것이 율법으로 말미암으면 그리스도께서 헛되이 죽으셨느니라
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
"I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly."

바울이 예수를 자신과 함께 십자가에 못 박힌 Djed 상태로 두는 것은 어둠의 나라에 예수와 자신을 감금하는 처사다.
예수가 어둠에서 벗어나면 예수를 믿는 이유가 어둠이 아닌 빛이 되기 때문에 유대인의 여호와와는 무관하게 된다.
그래서 십자가 예수를 믿는 것은 어둠과 죽음을 믿는 것이다.
죽은 예수를 믿는 것은 유대신 여호와를 계속 믿는 것이고,
부활예수를 믿는 것은 제우스 번개를 믿는 것이다.

이것이 번개같이 온다는 재림예수의 메세지다.
Paul's leaving Jesus crucified with him Djed is an act of imprisoning Jesus and himself in the kingdom of darkness.
When Jesus comes out of darkness, his reason for believing in him becomes light, not darkness, and he becomes independent of the Jewish Jehovah.
So to believe in Jesus on the cross is to believe in darkness and death.
To believe in the dead Jesus is to keep believing in Jehovah the Jewish God,
To believe in the resurrection Jesus is to believe in Zeus lightning.

This is the message of Second Advent Jesus that comes like lightning.

민수기 25장
1   이스라엘이 싯딤에 머물러 있더니 그 백성이 모압 여자들과 음행하기를 시작하니라
2   그 여자들이 그 신들에게 제사할 때에 백성을 청하매 백성이 먹고 그들의 신들에게 절하므로
3   이스라엘이 바알브올에게 부속된지라 여호와께서 이스라엘에게 진노하시니라
4   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 백성의 두령들을 잡아 태양을 향하여 여호와 앞에 목매어 달라 그리하면 여호와의 진노가 이스라엘에게서 떠나리라
5   모세가 이스라엘 사사들에게 이르되 너희는 각기 관할하는 자 중에 바알브올에게 부속한 사람들을 죽이라 하니라
6   이스라엘 자손의 온 회중이 회막 문에서 울 때에 이스라엘 자손 한 사람이 모세와 온 회중의 목전에 미디안의 한 여인을 데리고 그 형제에게로 온지라
7   제사장 아론의 손자 엘르아살의 아들 비느하스가 보고 회중의 가운데서 일어나 손에 창을 들고
8   그 이스라엘 남자를 따라 그의 막에 들어가서 이스라엘 남자와 그 여인의 배를 꿰뚫어서 두 사람을 죽이니 염병이 이스라엘 자손에게서 그쳤더라
9   그 염병으로 죽은 자가 이만 사천명이었더라
Numbers 25 [NASB]        
While Israel remained at Shittim, the people began to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab.
For they invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods.
So Israel joined themselves to Baal of Peor, and the LORD was angry against Israel.
The LORD said to Moses, "Take all the leaders of the people and execute them in broad daylight before the LORD, so that the fierce anger of the LORD may turn away from Israel."
So Moses said to the judges of Israel, "Each of you slay his men who have joined themselves to Baal of Peor."
Then behold, one of the sons of Israel came and brought to his relatives a Midianite woman, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, while they were weeping at the doorway of the tent of meeting.
When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he arose from the midst of the congregation and took a spear in his hand,
and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and pierced both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman, through the body. So the plague on the sons of Israel was checked.
Those who died by the plague were 24,000.

오늘날 그리스도인들이 니체, 마르크스, 프로이트를 읽는다는 것은(의미는)?

예도 헛소리가 아빠 자장가로밖에는 쓰임이 없다는 것도 복이다 예도야.

숙제준다 예도야.
지젝이 무엇 때문에 "그리스도는 무신론자"라고 주장했는지 그럴듯하게 썰 풀면 예도 앞으로의 철학도 가능성 보일게다.
지젝이 말한 핵심이 있다.
예도만의 클라쓰 기대한다 예도야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 28, 2021, 11:59:17 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 28, 2021, 06:43:36 AM
and by continental plate : https://img.luzernerzeitung.ch/2020/10/6/1c2d90d1-215e-4a07-9ae2-76e9e4373cc8.jpeg?width=560&fit=crop&quality=75&auto=webp&crop=852,849,x0,y0
Algier/Algeria/,Tunis,Tunisia : european ? point of scientifical view !?
Ceuta,Melilla ,Espanha ultra-marina : european continent part  ?

il-/logical : learning by eyes,ears or "(non-)sense and (non-)understanding"

The Canaries/Islas Canarias : geological Africa, geopolitical Espanha,geopolitical NO-E.U.-part
The Madeira-archipel : geological Africa, geopolitical Portugal,geopolitical E.U.-partThe Acores-archipel : geological Europe,Africa and North-America,geopolitical Portugal,E.U.-part
Important the difference : " travel insurance" condition between geopolitical Africa and Europe definition !
And I learn really each day new "insights" :

Welch "affengeile Blaue-Banane" - Union ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQHSxzk6bUY 

                                                                               Blue TOTO-Union !
Victor Hugo wished that the french Capital becomes from (Lutecia,)Paris "Victor Hugo"-City !

The Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha-House its Kingdom Belgium the Capital probably we shall baptizise,in honour :
https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa_Leopolda, the german-belgian King Leopold its very be"saming" hobby in summer-time :
the local/regional fishermans their lovely 10-12 years old daughters "vernaschen" !
As same royal behaviour : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux ,he clearly parting his hobby with prosecutors(Securitate) ,judges,parlamentarians,other royals,"conventional" business people and life-style artists,N.A.T.O.-soldiers !
Belgium,Blaue Banane-Kernregion,Capital :  Dutroux-City

                                                               KINDERFICKER-Kapitale !

The new E.U.-flagg : blue(azur/azul = from arabic "heaven") background with 15 stars round and in the center : the golden banane !
                                                 the banane ,representing the political "phallus" !

Even the complete Gog will pay tribute to the lancaIV's erudition.

Quote from: lancaIV on December 28, 2021, 07:46:16 AM
In Europe,the E.U.-member estates  have two demanding contracts : Maastricht and Schengen !
Schengen : as escudo/shield from the " (Alpen-)Festung Europa" !
The international german estates Deutschland,Niederlande,Belgien and Luxemburg saving !
Austria,France,Poland,Tschechien,Italia,CH as Festungs-Bollwerk !
The "Deutsche Verfassung" demands : Deutschland zuerst ! This is valid for all deutsche Staatsbuerger and residents !
For all turks,male/female/transgender, in GERMANY !
Triangulation : Leipzig (Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands) - Beijing/PRC - Taipeh/Taiwan(Ex-ilha Formosa")
man/husband/Hausmann professional termination : Hauswirtschafter     woman/wife/Hausfrauprofessional termination : Hauswirtschafterin

                   Taipeh : life-splitting = Ehefrauengehalt (per Gesetz), Wife's salary (by law)                    Beijing : the 1 child max. couple

Patriarchat : The woman has to submit to the man!Matriarchat : The man has to submit to the woman !
Neutrarchat : liberal mix

From Roussseaus IDEA "contrát sociale" to Napoleons Bonaparte the IDEA application in communistic=generalistic themes :

              egalité              fraternité/sorornité                   liberté
             Einigkeit       absolute Gleichberechtigung          Freiheit

How many Euros net in Germany a full-time ,= 40 hours week, worker,in average non-skilled/specific universitary course skilled, earns ?
In average 2021 47.000 Euros,per year, 3.900 Euros per month brut,2.500 Euros net/liquid :

how much child/-s, wife by profession,he can afford ?
2500 Euros - 375 Euros minimum=existentielle Selbstkosten
                   - 500 Euros (average ownership/renter) house
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1675 Euros free liquidity
investment decision :
- 700 Euros 1 child (average child costs birth to 18th life-year,free school costs)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
total net salary per month available for "bridal shoe" :
975 Euros

compared the brut/all included price/worth from a "professional hus-wife = housekeeper" :
975/2666 Euros per month ,beginner after "training" ~ 1/3 house-wife               3 mans shares 1 house-wife

975/5000 Euros per month by experience                  ~ 1/5 house-wife               5 mans shares 1  house-wife

                                                 The part-time and share society
How many Euros liquid gets turkish worker in Germany ? And how do they honorize their woman ,by german democratic rules !?
One turkish house-wife shares 5 or more in Germany resident and working turkish mans ? inverse "Harem" ,Materah ? !
                                                       so many society "poorness" identifying numbers,physical and mental !
                                                                          Blue Banane-Primat

lancaIV religious sect leader Comrade fighting!⛲✌



Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 12:35:35 AM
1. 윤석열이 궁지에 몰렸다. 초조하다 못해 절박하다.
2. 윤석열이 국힘당 선대위 회의를 아침 7시에 열겠다고 공포했다.
겉으로는 당내 기강을 잡겠다는 것이다.
그러나 평생을 밤늦게까지 음주가무를 즐기고 다음날 점심 때나 되야 정신이 약간 돌아오는 생활 패턴이 뼛속까지 밴 윤석열이 과연 새벽에 일어나 아침 7시 회의를 주관할 수 있을까?
그럼에도 오전 7시 회의를 공포한 것만으로 지금 윤석열이 심적으로 얼마나 쫓기는지를 잘 보여준다.
3. 하지만 윤석열이 초조한 나머지 돌이킬 수 없는 무리수를 두고 있다는 더 확실한 증거는 노골적으로 이준석 제거 작전에 돌입했다는 것이다.
이준석이 당 대표의 본분을 망각하고 계속 밖으로 돌면서 윤석열을 공격하다 보니 당의 전열이 아수라장이 되었고 지지세력이 분열되는 현실을 그냥 방치할 수 없다는 판단하에 이준석을 제거하기로 '윤핵관'들과 합의를 했을 것이다.
4. 허나, 윤석열이 작금의 현실을 굉장한 위기로 인식하는 이유는 다른 데 있다.
그것은 윤석열-김건희가 기필코 대통령이 되어야 하는 이유에 기인한다.
지금 윤석열-김건희 콤비는 대통령이 되지 못하면 그다음에 이어질 숱한 수사와 처벌을 피할 수 없다는 것을 잘 안다.
그래서 국가 경영은 사실 안중에도 없고 오로지 자신들의 안위를 보위하기 위해 어떻게든 청와대에 입성해야 하는 절박한 처지인 것이다.
5. 이렇듯 자신들을 지키기 위해서는 어떡하든 청와대에 들어가야 하는데 이준석, 홍준표 같은 이들이 계속 어깃장을 놓으면서 지지율을 까먹는 데 일조하는 현실이 매우 노여웠을 것이다.
그러나 윤석열 입장에서는 이준석, 홍준표의 행동이 지지율 하락을 부추기는 데만 머물지 않고 보다 근원적인 문제를 야기할 수 있다고 보았을 것인데, 그것은 바로 '후보 교체론'이다.
즉 윤석열 입장에서는 감옥에 안 가기 위해서라도 기필코 대통령이 되어야 하는 상황에서, 지지율 하락보다 더 끔찍한 후보 교체론에 맞닥뜨리게 되는 상황이 도래하면 그땐 돌이킬 수 없는 수렁에 빠지게 되는 것이다.
그래서 그런 상황이 실제로 전개되기 전에 이준석, 홍준표 같은 이를 손을 봐야 할 필요성을 절실히 느꼈을 것이다.
6. 문제는 (홍준표는 차치하고서라도) 이준석이 그냥 호락호락 당할 것이냐는 점이다.
이준석이 윤석열에 비해 나이는 젊지만 윤석열 못지 않은 고집과 오기를 갖고 있는 자다.
더욱이 이준석 입장에서는 이번에 불거진 성상납 의혹을 그냥 수긍하고 넘어갔다간 본인의 정치 생명 자체가 완전히 끊어지는 것은 물론이고, 향후 다른 어떤 분야에서도 재기가 불가능하게 된다.
인생이 이대로 종치는 것이다.
그러니 윤석열이 절박한 만큼이나 이준석 역시 절박한 상황에 내몰렸다.
따라서 이제 '마주 달리는 기차'가 참혹하게 부딪힐 일만 남은 것이다.
이제 당분간 이재명 대 윤석열 싸움이 아니라 윤석열 대 이준석 혹은 홍준표의 싸움이 펼쳐질 가능성이 커졌다.
7. 표면적으로 보면 윤석열 대 이준석의 싸움에서 윤석열이 승리할 가능성이 훨씬 높다.
일단 국힘당 대부분을 장악하고 있기 때문이다.
그러나 어찌되었든 간에, 이 싸움은 결국 개싸움으로 귀결될 수밖에 없다.
윤석열, 이준석 둘 다 보다 지고지순한 가치와 이념을 위해 싸우는 것이 아니라 '생존' 그 자체를 위한 전쟁을 벌여야 하기 때문에 이판사판으로 임할 수밖에 없기 때문이다.
8. 여기서 한 가지 주목할 부분이 있다.
바로 이준석의 비단 주머니다.
주지하듯, 이준석은 그동안 윤석열-김건희 콤비를 위해 비단주머니를 쓰겠다고 공언했었다.
하지만 이제는 자신을 지킬 수 있는 비단주머니가 필요한 처지에 내몰렸다.
과연 위기의 남자 이준석을 살릴 수 있는 비단주머니가 있을까?
나는 없다고 본다.
그러나 오기의 남자 이준석이 그냥 혼자 죽지 않고 윤석열에게 보기 좋게 한 방 먹인 후 퇴장할 수 있는 비단 주머니는 있다고 본다.
그게 뭘까?
바로 2013년 12월 18일에 검사 윤석열이 법무부장관에게 징계를 받았던 사건이다.
당시 검사 윤석열은 선배 검사 000의 내연녀 집을 몰래 들락거리다 발각되어 법무부로부터 감찰을 받았고 정직 1개월에 해당하는 징계를 받았다.
여담이지만 그때 검사 윤석열은 검찰을 떠나지 않으려고 급하게 그 선배 검사의 내연녀와 결혼식을 올렸다.
그 선배 검사의 내연녀가 누구인지는 구질구질하니 내 입으로 직접 말하지 않겠다.
김건희. ::) 8)

윤석렬이 양재택헌티 쥴리창녀 뺏었다능겨? ;D 8)
참 사법계 막장드라마틱헌 물건일세     ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 01:11:50 AM
각성한 문과는 무적이래 아빠.

Quote from: color on July 09, 2021, 06:24:22 AM
There is a Korean proverb that says, 'Eat beans roasted over lightning.'
Some of my dad's experiments go fast.
Experiments without nutrition are necessary for experience.
This will be the data that will save you time wasting next time.
My dad's experiments have a lot of derivation-experiments.
The parts ordered arrive in about 15 to 30 days, and we do various derivation experiments while waiting.
one of them.
The principle or secret of how the generator works lies in the repositioning of the grenade coil.
If you want someone to tell you, you die of old age.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 01:36:43 AM
오날도 가세연 13만 채우나 보지? ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) 8) 8)

꽃조개털깍이 송트남이 쫓아온다구? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 02:25:23 AM
(1) 구마라즙 번역에 따르면, 수보리는 여래가 (깨닫고) 설한 법은 없다(無有定法 如來可說)고 하면서 그 이유(何以故)는 설해진 법(如來所說法)은 설할 수가 없기(不可說) 때문이라고 한다.
설한 법이 없(다고 하)는 이유는 설해진 법은 설할 수 없기 때문이다?


여래는 중도 무색계 법신(계) 연기출신이다.
별들에게 물어봐야 별똥별싸고만다.
제대로된 별똥별은 지구 좃되는 미륵이다.
예수재림이 날번개아니구 제대로 별똥별이면 좃되는 피장파장이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 03:43:31 AM
피장파장 욕계보지? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 01:30:40 PM
아빠, 니가가라 하와이 줄리야 아빠.


4단-Djed 생략형 하토르가 나타나는 이유?
Why does Hathor appear with the 4th Dan-Djed missing?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 02:30:10 PM
명색이 여호와 창조물들이 여호와랑 동기동창하겠다는데 다혈질에 질투의 화신 여호와가 눈꼴셔가 두 눈깔뜨고 볼 수 있것냥. ;D ;D 8) 8)
Jehovah's creation Women covet Jehovah's place, so can Jehovah, the incarnation of jealousy and fierce temper, bear it?

해서, 하토르 여자들이 여호와 자리 탐내다가 퇴출된 사건이 노아의 홍수다. 8) 8) ::) ::)
So, the case in which Hathor women were expelled after coveting the Lord's seat was the Noah's Flood.

해서 하토르 하체의 4단 Djed을 여호와에게 빼앗기고 쥴리처럼 볼륨없는 절벽 가슴 자리에 뒤 돌아보던 롯의 처 처럼 소금기둥만 남은게다. ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)
So, the 4th dan Djed of Hathor's lower body was stolen by Jehovah, In the seat of a volumeless small breast like Julie, Just like Lot's wife looking back, only a pillar of salt remains.

그렇다면 신약 예수가 말하던 재창출될 노아의 때가 어느 때 것냐? ::) ::) 8) 8)
Then, when is the time of the re-appearance of Noah's Flood that Jesus spoke of in the New Testament?

니가가라 하와이 쥴리? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Niagara Hawaii Julie?

5   여호와께서 사람의 죄악이 세상에 관영함과 그 마음의 생각의 모든 계획이 항상 악할 뿐임을 보시고
6   땅위에 사람 지으셨음을 한탄하사 마음에 근심하시고
7   가라사대 나의 창조한 사람을 내가 지면에서 쓸어 버리되 사람으로부터 육축과 기는 것과 공중의 새까지 그리하리니 이는 내가 그것을 지었음을 한탄함이니라 하시니라
8   그러나 노아는 여호와께 은혜를 입었더라
노아의 사적
9   노아의 사적은 이러하니라 노아는 의인이요 당세에 완전한 자라 그가 하나님과 동행하였으며
10   그가 세 아들을 낳았으니 셈과 함과 야벳이라5   여호와께서 사람의 죄악이 세상에 관영함과 그 마음의 생각의 모든 계획이 항상 악할 뿐임을 보시고
6   땅위에 사람 지으셨음을 한탄하사 마음에 근심하시고
7   가라사대 나의 창조한 사람을 내가 지면에서 쓸어 버리되 사람으로부터 육축과 기는 것과 공중의 새까지 그리하리니 이는 내가 그것을 지었음을 한탄함이니라 하시니라
8   그러나 노아는 여호와께 은혜를 입었더라
9   노아의 사적은 이러하니라 노아는 의인이요 당세에 완전한 자라 그가 하나님과 동행하였으며
10   그가 세 아들을 낳았으니 셈과 함과 야벳이라
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
The LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them."
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
These are the records of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God.
Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 04:10:41 PM
🔴LIVE - Track the James Webb Space Telescope through space!

Качер...из утюга.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 06:54:04 PM
땅바닥에 글씨쓰던 함의 자손 예수재림 멀었다.
또한 예수는 한 입가지고 두 말하지 않는다.
다시는 죄짓지말라한 것을 또 여러개 어겼으니,
공증된 여호와 관련 증인(들)과 빼박 증거 확보했으니 여호와 이름으로 돌로 쳐죽여라~!



It's a counterintuitive, great challenge.
Happy new year to all members.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 29, 2021, 07:14:21 PM
[시즌1 종료 공지]

시즌2? 8)
예도가 숙제 잘하는가 못하는가 봐서 ...... ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2021, 08:46:55 PM
'사제'가 되고자 하는 이들

보편적으로 골수 종교인 부모를 가지면 자식이 종교에 심취할 확률이 높다.
자청해서 현대 기독교에 투신하는 젊은이는 극히 드물다.
특히 천주교 사제는 부모의 영향이 크다.
설마가 사람잡을 줄은 그 부모들도 몰랐을게다.
속으로는 후회해도 내색은 못할테니.
알고서 사제질은 못한다.
기독교 입문자체가 쉽지않다.
바티칸이 감추고 몰라서 사단난 일들이 어디 저들뿐이겠느냐.
죽어봐야 맛을 안다고
죽기전에는 모른다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2021, 08:51:07 PM
구자만 장로, '하나(ONE)의 진리'를 외치다
이분법을 넘어서야 절대 행복으로 나아갈 수 있다
예수와 부처는 영적인 눈을 뜨게하려 왔다

구자만이 동양교리에 미쳐있던 프리메이슨 회원 르네 게농(장-마리-조셉)의 "only one" 개념을 그대로 카피했다.

르네 게농은 기독교-수피교-힌두교-이슬람교 등등 당대 내노라하는 유행 종교들 두루 순회 개종하며 만든게 "only one" 개념이다.
르네 게농이 쓴 힌두교 관련 저서도 개념이해 부족이 많다.
브라흐마 신(Djed과 아펩뱀 합체신)이 자신이 창조주라 자칭하자 그의 머리를 참수하고 비슈누 신에게 가서 회개하던 힌두교 최고신 시바신처럼 짬뽕신이지만 빛나는 자 또는 외치는 자를 의미하는 태양신이 시바신 본체다.

장로교 장로 구자만이 온갖 잡신들 평정하고 이슬람 알라와 여호와로 살아남은 "one" 개념으로 박사학위 받았을테니 박탈해라.
성서 내용에서 좃빠지게 벗어난 것을 뭐라하는 것이 아니다.
구자만이 르네 게농의 "one" 개념을 창녀 쥴리처럼 그대로 복사했다.
르네 게농도 예도처럼 대놓고 기독교 많이 비판했다.
지젝의 그리스도 무신론은 애교수준이다.

뭘 알고 깐것도 아니고 뭘 모르기는 마찬가지기 때문이야.

Guénon declared that the path to this knowledge requires "only one essential preparation, and that is theoretical knowledge [implied by traditional doctrines]"

René (Jean-Marie-Joseph) Guénon (15 November 1886 – 7 January 1951), was a French intellectual who remains an influential figure in the domain of metaphysics having written on topics ranging from "sacred science", and traditional studies [page needed] to symbolism and initiation.
In his writings, he proposes either "to expose directly some aspects of Eastern metaphysical doctrines", these doctrines being defined by him as of "universal character", or "to adapt these same doctrines for Western readers[34] while keeping strictly faithful to their spirit"; he only endorsed the act of "handing down" these Eastern doctrines, while reiterating their "non-human character". Initiated into Sufism from as early as 1910, he used his Sufi name of Abdel Wâhed Yahiâ (Arabic ʿAbd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá عبد الـوٰاحد يحيیٰ) publicly from 1930 onward.

Metaphysical terms in the works of René Guénon

The Life and Thought of René Guénon


Justification of truths of faith

Fundamentally, Christian philosophical ideals are to make religious convictions rationally evident through natural reason. The Christian philosopher's attitude is determined by faith in matters relating to cosmology and everyday life. Unlike the Secular philosopher, the Christian philosopher seeks conditions for the identification of eternal truth, being characterized by religiosity

There is criticism of Christian philosophy because the Christian religion is hegemonic at this time and centralizes the elaboration of all values. The coexistence of philosophy and religion is questioned, as philosophy itself is critical and religion founded on revelation and established dogmas. Lara believes that there was questioning and writings with philosophical characteristics in the Middle Ages, although religion and theology predominated.[10] In this way it was established by dogmas, in some aspects, did not prevent significant philosophical constructions.

깨달으면 어디로 가나?

one night only 별들에게 물어 봐

영원히 주인공만하면 별들나라에서 퇴출당한다 헌조야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2021, 09:02:34 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on December 30, 2021, 03:48:19 PM

For example PORTUGAL,actually with 10,31 Millionen (2020) resident habitants ![/font][/size]

                              Down to 5 Millions ?! [/font][/size]

District Beja (Baixo Alentejo) ,actually 13,8 habitants/sqkm [/font][/size]

in this district the county Mertola ( Plinius !) 4,8 habitants/sqkm ![/font][/size]

23 countries in the reference scenario, including Japan, Thailand, and Spain, were forecasted to have population declines greater than 50% from 2017 to 2100; China's population was forecasted to decline by 48·0% (−6·1 to 68·4)[/font][/size]

The total IBERIAN Peninsula will have habitants decrease,up to 50% !? ( Or more )[/font][/size]
By 2 olds/1 young demographic ratio ![/font][/size]

More land for farming and free living per capita ![/font][/size]

In the district Beja to find ,comunitarism-reference [/font][/size]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communitarianism

The vision of practical, self-sustaining communities as described by Thomas More (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_More) (Utopia), Tommaso Campanella (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommaso_Campanella) (Civitas solis) and practised by Christian Utopians (Jesuit Reduction (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesuit_Reduction)) or utopian socialists like Charles Fourier (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Fourier) (List of Fourierist Associations in the United States (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Fourierist_Associations_in_the_United_States)), Robert Owen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Owen) (List of Owenite communities in the United States (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Owenite_communities_in_the_United_States)). This line includes various forms of cooperatives (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperatives), self-help (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-help) instititutions, or communities (Hussite (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hussite) communities, The Diggers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Diggers), Habans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habans), Hutterites (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutterites), Amish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amish), Israeli kibbutz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibbutz), Slavic community (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ob%C4%8Dina); examples include the Twelve Tribes communities (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tribes_communities), Tamera (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamera) (Portugal), Marinaleda (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marinaleda) (Spain), the monastic state of Mount Athos (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Athos)[6] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communitarianism#cite_note-6) and the Catholic Worker Movement (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Worker_Movement)).[/li]


I like the Alentejo-landscape,too ! ;) ::) :) 

Thin shell shelter like Signori Dante Binis his http://hiddenarchitecture.net/la-cupola/


and Binishells https://media.springernature.com/lw685/springer-static/image/art%3A10.1007%2Fs00004-016-0323-7/MediaObjects/4_2016_323_Fig2_HTML.jpg?as=webp

fast building,fast destruction : no /low short time finger-print -philosophy [/font][/size]

The word Alentejo may derive from Arabic (Arabic: ألان تاج, trans. Alan-Taj; "Alan Crown") due to the Alans, a nomadic Iranian-speaking Sarmatian tribe that settled in the region during the Migration Period at the Fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Galatia (Roman province)

Spain, adjacent to Portugal, also had the name Galatia, which the Romans gave it.

Quote from: lancaIV on December 30, 2021, 05:55:43 PM
https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Stromgestehungskosten?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Stromgestehungskosten?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de)

Power plant type 

Capacity factor (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Nutzung_(Technik)?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de)

Wind Energy and Photovoltaics 25-35%

to 85%+ Capacity factor ,
with sub-ground/terrean  installation option ,no land-scape visibility

and in-situ private home renewable electricity generation in the average 2 Euro-cents( in development : 1 Euro-cent target !) range ,no on-grid power line need !
Happy new Year 2022

Happy new year lancaIV members.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 30, 2021, 10:09:42 PM
Ортогональный трансформатор


The role of transformer resonance is that the transformer helps the tesla or kacher, then the tesla or kacher helps the transformer, again the grenade coil, and then overloads the transistor in the tesla or kacher circuit and destroys it after about 10~15 minutes.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 03:19:35 AM
Quote from: color on February 03, 2019, 05:38:46 AM
[7] Now, my father Matthias was not only eminent on account of is nobility, but had a higher commendation on account of his righteousness, and was in great reputation in Jerusalem, the greatest city we have. I was myself brought up with my brother, whose name was Matthias, for he was my own brother, by both father and mother; and I made mighty proficiency in the improvements of my learning, and appeared to have both a great memory and understanding. Moreover, when I was a child, and about fourteen years of age, I was commended by all for the love I had to learning; on which account the high priests and principal men of the city came then frequently to me together, in order to know my opinion about the accurate understanding of points of the law. And when I was about sixteen years old, I had a mind to make trim of the several sects that were among us. These sects are three: - The first is that of the Pharisees, the second that Sadducees, and the third that of the Essens, as we have frequently told you; for I thought that by this means I might choose the best, if I were once acquainted with them all; so I contented myself with hard fare, and underwent great difficulties, and went through them all. Nor did I content myself with these trials only; but when I was informed that one, whose name was Banus, lived in the desert, and used no other clothing than grew upon trees, and had no other food than what grew of its own accord, and bathed himself in cold water frequently, both by night and by day, in order to preserve his chastity, I imitated him in those things, and continued with him three years. 1 So when I had accomplished my desires, I returned back to the city, being now nineteen years old, and began to conduct myself according to the rules of the sect of the Pharisees, which is of kin to the sect of the Stoics, as the Greeks call them.

1 When Josephus here says, that from sixteen to nineteen, or for three years, he made trial of the three Jewish sects, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essens, and yet says presently, in all our copies, that he stayed besides with one particular ascetic, called Banus, with him, and this still before he was nineteen, there is little room left for his trial of the three other sects. I suppose, therefore, that for, with him, the old reading might be, with them; which is a very small emendation, and takes away the difficulty before us. Nor is Dr. Hudson's conjecture, hinted at by Mr. Hall in his preface to the Doctor's edition of Josephus, at all improbable, that this Banus, by this his description, might well be a follower of John the Baptist, and that from him Josephus might easily imbibe such notions, as afterwards prepared him to have a favorable opinion of Jesus Christ himself, who was attested to by John the Baptist.

The Jewish War, Book II, Chapter 8


119 For three forms of philosophy are pursued among the Judeans: the members of one are Pharisees, of another Sadducees, and the third [school], who certainly are reputed to cultivate seriousness, are called Essenes; although Judeans by ancestry, they are even more mutually affectionate than the others. 120 Whereas these men shun the pleasures as vice, they consider self-control and not succumbing to the passions virtue. And although there is among them a disdain for marriage, adopting the children of outsiders while they are still malleable enough for the lessons they regard them as family and instill in them their principles of character: 121 without doing away with marriage or the succession resulting from it, they nevertheless protect themselves from the wanton ways of women, having been persuaded that none of them preserves her faithfulness to one man.


122 Since [they are] despisers of wealth—their communal stock is astonishing—, one cannot find a person among them who has more in terms of possessions. For by a law, those coming into the school must yield up their funds to the order, with the result that in all [their ranks] neither the humiliation of poverty nor the superiority of wealth is detectable, but the assets of each one have been mixed in together, as if they were brothers, to create one fund for all. 123 They consider olive oil a stain, and should anyone be accidentally smeared with it he scrubs his body, for they make it a point of honor to remain hard and dry, and to wear white always. Hand-elected are the curators of the communal affairs, and indivisible are they, each and every one, [in pursuing] their functions to the advantage of all.


124 No one city is theirs, but they settle amply in each. And for those school-members who arrive from elsewhere, all that the community has is laid out for them in the same way as if they were their own things, and they go in and stay with those they have never even seen before as if they were the most intimate friends. 125 For this reason they make trips without carrying any baggage at all—though armed on account of the bandits. In each city a steward of the order appointed specially for the visitors is designated quartermaster for clothing and the other amenities. 126 Dress and also deportment of body: like children being educated with fear. They replace neither clothes nor footwear until the old set is ripped all over or worn through with age. 127 Among themselves, they neither shop for nor sell anything; but each one, after giving the things that he has to the one in need, takes in exchange anything useful that the other has. And even without this reciprocal giving, the transfer to them [of goods] from whomever they wish is unimpeded.


128 Toward the Deity, at least: pious observances uniquely [expressed]. Before the sun rises, they utter nothing of the mundane things, but only certain ancestral prayers to him, as if begging him to come up. 129 After these things, they are dismissed by the curators to the various crafts that they have each come to know, and after they have worked strenuously until the fifth hour they are again assembled in one area, where they belt on linen covers and wash their bodies in frigid water. After this purification they gather in a private hall, into which none of those who hold different views may enter: now pure themselves, they approach the dining room as if it were some [kind of] sanctuary. 130 After they have seated themselves in silence, the baker serves the loaves in order, whereas the cook serves each person one dish of one food. 131 The priest offers a prayer before the food, and it is forbidden to taste anything before the prayer; when he has had his breakfast he offers another concluding prayer. While starting and also while finishing, then, they honor God as the sponsor of life. At that, laying aside their clothes as if they were holy, they apply themselves to their labors again until evening. 132 They dine in a similar way: when they have returned, they sit down with the vistors, if any happen to be present with them, and neither yelling nor disorder pollutes the house at any time, but they yield conversation to one another in order. 133 And to those from outside, the silence of those inside appears as a kind of shiver-inducing mystery. The reason for this is their continuous sobriety and the rationing of food and drink among them—to the point of fullness.


134 As for other areas: although there is nothing that they do without the curators' having ordered it, these two things are matters of personal prerogative among them: [rendering] assistance and mercy. For helping those who are worthy, whenever they might need it, and also extending food to those who are in want are indeed left up to the individual; but in the case of the relatives, such distribution is not allowed to be done without [permission from] the managers. 135 Of anger, just controllers; as for temper, able to contain it; of fidelity, masters; of peace, servants. And whereas everything spoken by them is more forceful than an oath, swearing itself they avoid, considering it worse than the false oath; for they declare to be already degraded one who is unworthy of belief without God. 136 They are extraordinarily keen about the compositions of the ancients, selecting especially those [oriented] toward the benefit of soul and body. On the basis of these and for the treatment of diseases, roots, apotropaic materials, and the special properties of stones are investigated.


137 To those who are eager for their school, the entry-way is not a direct one, but they prescribe a regimen for the person who remains outside for a year, giving him a little hatchet as well as the aforementioned waist-covering and white clothing. 138 Whenever he should give proof of his self-control during this period, he approaches nearer to the regimen and indeed shares in the purer waters for purification, though he is not yet received into the functions of communal life. For after this demonstration of endurance, the character is tested for two further years, and after he has thus been shown worthy he is reckoned into the group. 139 Before he may touch the communal food, however, he swears dreadful oaths to them: first, that he will observe piety toward the deity; then, that he will maintain just actions toward humanity; that he will harm no one, whether by his own deliberation or under order; that he will hate the unjust and contend together with the just; 140 that he will always maintain faithfulness to all, especially to those in control, for without God it does not fall to anyone to hold office, and that, should he hold office, he will never abuse his authority—outshining his subordinates, whether by dress or by some form of extravagant appearance; 141 always to love the truth and expose the liars; that he will keep his hands pure from theft and his soul from unholy gain; that he will neither conceal anything from the school-members nor disclose anything of theirs to others, even if one should apply force to the point of death. 142 In addition to these, he swears that he will impart the precepts to no one otherwise than as he received them, that he will keep away from banditry, and that he will preserve intact their school's books and the names of the angels. With such oaths as these they completely secure those who join them.


143 Those they have convicted of sufficiently serious errors they expel from the order. And the one who has been reckoned out often perishes by a most pitiable fate. For, constrained by the oaths and customs, he is unable to partake of food from others. Eating grass and in hunger, his body wastes away and perishes. 144 That is why they have actually shown mercy and taken back many in their final gasps, regarding as sufficient for their errors this ordeal to the point of death.


145 Now with respect to trials, [they are] just and extremely precise: they render judgment after having assembled no fewer than a hundred, and something that has been determined by them is non-negotiable. There is a great reverence among them for—next to God—the name of the lawgiver, and if anyone insults him he is punished by death. 146 They make it point of honor to submit to the elders and to a majority. So if ten were seated together, one person would not speak if the nine were unwilling. 147 They guard against spitting into [their] middles or to the right side and against applying themselves to labors on the seventh days, even more than all other Judeans: for not only do they prepare their own food one day before, so that they might not kindle a fire on that day, but they do not even dare to transport a container—or go to relieve themselves. 148 On the other days they dig a hole of a foot's depth with a trowel—this is what that small hatchet given by them to the neophytes is for—and wrapping their cloak around them completely, so as not to outrage the rays of God, they relieve themselves into it [the hole]. 149 After that, they haul back the excavated earth into the hole. (When they do this, they pick out for themselves the more deserted spots.) Even though the secretion of excrement is certainly a natural function, it is customary to wash themselves off after it as if they have become polluted.


150 They are divided into four classes, according to their duration in the training, and the later-joiners are so inferior to the earlier-joiners that if they should touch them, the latter wash themselves off as if they have mingled with a foreigner. 151 [They are] long-lived, most of them passing 100 years—as a result, it seems to me at least, of the simplicity of their regimen and their orderliness. Despisers of terrors, triumphing over agonies by their wills, considering death—if it arrives with glory—better than deathlessness. 152 The war against the Romans proved their souls in every way: during it, while being twisted and also bent, burned and also broken, and passing through all the torture-chamber instruments, with the aim that they might insult the lawgiver or eat something not customary, they did not put up with suffering either one: not once gratifying those who were tormenting [them], or crying. 153 But smiling in their agonies and making fun of those who were inflicting the tortures, they would cheerfully dismiss their souls, [knowing] that they would get them back again.


154 For the view has become tenaciously held among them that whereas our bodies are perishable and their matter impermanent, our souls endure forever, deathless: they get entangled, having emanated from the most refined ether, as if drawn down by a certain charm into the prisons that are bodies. 155 But when they are released from the restraints of the flesh, as if freed from a long period of slavery, then they rejoice and are carried upwards in suspension. For the good, on the one hand, sharing the view of the sons of Greece they portray the lifestyle reserved beyond Oceanus and a place burdened by neither rain nor snow nor heat, but which a continually blowing mild west wind from Oceanus refreshes. For the base, on the other hand, they separate off a murky, stormy recess filled with unending retributions. 156 It was according to the same notion that the Greeks appear to me to have laid on the Islands of the Blessed for their most courageous men, whom they call heroes and demi-gods, and for the souls of the worthless the region of the impious in Hades, in which connection they tell tales about the punishments of certain men—Sisyphuses and Tantaluses, Ixions and Tityuses—establishing in the first place the [notion of] eternal souls and, on that basis, persuasion toward virtue and dissuasion from vice. 157 For the good become even better in the hope of a reward also after death, whereas the impulses of the bad are impeded by anxiety, as they expect that even if they escape detection while living, after their demise they will be subject to deathless retribution. 158 These matters, then, the Essenes theologize with respect to the soul, laying down an irresistible bait for those who have once tasted of their wisdom.


159 There are also among them those who profess to foretell what is to come, being thoroughly trained in holy books, various purifications, and concise sayings of prophets. Rarely if ever do they fail in their predictions.


160 There is also a different order of Essenes. Though agreeing with the others about regimen and customs and legal matters, it has separated in its opinion about marriage. For they hold that those who do not marry cut off the greatest part of life, the succession, and more: if all were to think the same way, the line would very quickly die out. 161 To be sure, testing the brides in a three-year interval, once they have been purified three times as a test of their being able to bear children, they take them in this manner; but they do not continue having intercourse with those who are pregnant, demonstrating that the need for marrying is not because of pleasure, but for children. Baths [are taken] by the women wrapping clothes around themselves, just as by the men in a waist-covering. Such are the customs of this order.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 03:24:36 AM
🎼🎺🎵🎵 울언니 화이퉹~ 🎵🎵🎶🎻
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 03:44:36 AM
Kapanadze a Variant of its Coil
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 04:22:10 AM
에센스 샴푸헌 심지뽑기 변절자 요제푸스가 군하모냥 44싸이즈 낭낭 16살여?! ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 04:33:44 AM
001 Delamorto Current Amplifier
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 04:54:14 AM
예도야~ 거시기 표절헝거 좃빠지게 기대헌다 예도야~ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 05:12:46 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 08:35:31 AM
사르트르 : 실존은 본질에 앞선다

시작에 철학자는 비장미 있다, 골계미 아닌
실존과 본질 간 직교 관계는 정신문화적인 가구의 구조로서 비평될 만한
본질은 대체로 최소한주의, 그림자 세계에 실제 무게를 금지하며 대신 공책에 무색계 형식론적 사유를 필적
본질은 목적이나 이유라고 했으니 맹목적인 기술자 죽기 딱 좋은
그래도 그냥 실존한다기보다 가족이나 사회라 하는 단위의 튜브로서 태어나 기대 속에 있을 것인
이미 주어진 사명은 없는 인생의 자유 때문에 선택해야 한다고 하는데
이 때에 정답이 없어 선택이 어려움은 목적이나 기능을 즉 본질을 알지 못하기 때문이라 하고
이것을 정답 없는 문제지라고 부르신
이로 인하여 불안이 생기고 이걸 피하기 위해 자기 기만을 한다
선택할 자유가 없는 것처럼 행동 하신다
자기를 속이고 있는 것이라
그런데 정답은 자기에게 가장 가치있는 것을 정답이라고 한다
가치론 하셔야할, 가치를 모색하기 위하여
그 가치들은 크게 욕망과 의무라는 두 기준에서 고른다
선택하면 가치가 생기신다
그렇게 선택하며 미래로 나아가셔야 한다
불안해도 자신을 계속 미래로 던지셔야, 기투하여야 한다
단, 선택에는 책임이 있다
그러나 타에 모범이 되도록 선택해야 할
남에게 영향을 미치기 때문이다
앙가주망, 인게이지먼트, 사회적 책임
피투->선택->가치->영향 => 기투


사르트르가 기투최면에 빠진 것은 모세처럼 가나안땅 찾아가라는 신의 계시 표절아니드나. ;D
뭔가로 끊임없이 던지는 기투펌핑이 정보선택자 놀리지 말고 머슴노예질시키라는 강박적인 투척일변도라 멍청도 사고는 아니다. ::)
멍때리기는 늘 신선계 유람중이지만,
현상계 멍때리기나 신선계 오도방정 선택지는 철학이 강매해도되는 채찍질 영역이 아니야. ;D
입으로는 자유 투기하며 기투하라 강매하는 것 자체가 사르트르 씹선비질이다. ::)
철학을 빙자한 신의 정언령 흉내. 8)
중세는 마녀사냥 십자군이 거덜냈겠지만 근세이후 세상은 끊임없이 투덜대던 철학욕정이  배려놨잖냐. ::)
세상은 상식 고자만든 자들이 고장냈지, 상식이 배려논게 아니자너. ::)
없는말만들기 말바꿔치기 헛소리철학사업도 전세기부터 사양길이라 재탕이 유행인갑다. ;D
철학(자)이 공산당을 닮은 것은 교육이라는 강요에 있는게다. ::)
안가르쳐도 될 사유문제가 아니라,
한계없는 기투실험이 욕망이란 이름으로 발현해서다. 8)
저지르고 피투로 도주한놈 눈깔빼 손목짤라만 원망중이다. ;D
철학이 빈부에게 갑질한게 빈익빈부익부다. ::)
돈은 원래 돈을 번다. ;D
철학이 돈에게 철옹성 뿐만 아니라 자존심까지 건내줬으니 말이다. ;D
가난한 철학만큼 자존심센 폼생폼사 귀신들이 또있드나. ::)
곧죽어도 똥폼잡는 인선이가 더 잘알것 아니드나. ;D
배고픈 철학은 시궁창에 던져도 똥폼나지만,
배부른 철학은 똥개도 안쳐먹는다. 8)
예도나 쳐먹는게다. ;D ;D

약쟁이가 약 못 끊는 이유? ::)
오르가슴 엔돌핀의 13배에서 100배까지 나옴
그상태를 7시간에서 72시간까지 유지됨
뇌가 충격 받아서 그 전 상태로 못 돌아감

아니야. ::)
죽지못해 사는게 좃빠지게 쥴리해서야. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 02:30:34 PM
실존은 실존철학에 있어서 인간의 본질이다. 중세에서는 실존이라는 말이 세상만물의 존재성격, 곧 모든 것이 모두 신에 의해 피조되어 있다는 사실을 가리키는 말이었다. 반면 인간의 본질규정으로서의 실존이란 인간이 언제나 스스로 자기의 존재를 규정하는 식으로 (사물들 같이 태어날 때부터 이미 주어진 어떤 본질규정을 지니지 않은 채로) 존재한다는 것을 의미한다.
물론 현존재가 언제나 자기의 고유한 존재를 선택하는 식으로 자기를 규정하는 것은 아니다. 오히려 우선 대개 현존재는 자기의 고유한 존재를 외면한 채 일상적 자기로서 살아간다. 남들의 시선을 의식하며 일상성 안에서 고뇌하고 부대끼는 것이 현존재의 일상적 모습이다. 그러나 그럴 경우에도 현존재에게 항상 자신의 존재가 문제되며 규정되고 있는 것이므로, 현존재는 비본래적인 방식으로 실존하고 있는 것이다.

비본래적인 방식이 신선계 멍때리기다
신선은 거기에 없다
Dasein is not there
주관적 편파적 신화해석이 누천년온게 종교이듯
너 자신을 알라 소크라테스 철학종교가 비본래적인 자에게 눈을떼지 못하고 있다
소경으로 난 자는 어둠만 섬긴다
어둠에 비본래가 있다면 어둠의 원감각자만 안다
눈을 가진 자는 빛의 비본래에 중독되어 영구탈출하지 못한다
소경으로 난 자가 뱀의 뒷목을 잡고 있는 것도 그들만의 천국이다
공(空)은 지옥가는 지름길이 아니라 소경들 천국이다

헛똑똑이 김성철이 두 눈깔뜨고 뱀의 뒷목잡았다 여기 눈팅질하고도 공(空)을 오해한게 오감각적 오류다
과정없는 무분별한 컨닝이 더 위험한게다
생각은 감각을 초월하지 못한다
감각만이 생각을 바꿀 수 있다
모든 이해는 봄, 들음, 만짐, 느낌이 바꾸는게다
감각은 오인하면서도 니들의 전부다
동국대철학박사논문 검토해보니 쥴리와 막장드라마 찍어도 피장파장 어색하지않다
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 02:43:22 PM
대부 새해인사다.

공중파 시상식 존나 웃기지 않냐?
2022-01-01 04:43:22
드라마고 예능이고 시발 뭐 있는지도 모르는데 지들끼리 상주고 울고불고 지랄하네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 받는 사람도 존나 쪽팔릴듯

쪽팔려도 눈팅하는 중독성이 니들 운명마약아니드냐

태생부터 소경인 Djed의 눈을 예수가 침과 진흙이겨 틈만나면 고쳐놨다.
어둠 신 애비 여호와 죽이기다.
원래부터 죽은 자 죽이기가 빛의 입장에서 판단되어질 수 있는가는 논외로 두고.
그러나 혼재가 발생한 이상 논외가 문제 그 자체다.
어둠이 Djed의 눈역활 할 때는 소경이지만,
번개가 Djed의 눈역활 할 떄는 소경이 아니다.
춤추는 자는 졸지에 눈 뜬 Djed에게 일자리 뺏겼다.
두 는 부릅뜨고도 당한게다.

1   그 때에 바리새인과 서기관들이 예루살렘으로부터 예수께 나아와 가로되
12   이에 제자들이 나아와 가로되 바리새인들이 이 말씀을 듣고 걸림이 된줄 아시나이까
13   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 심은 것마다 내 천부께서 심으시지 않은 것은 뽑힐 것이니
14   그냥 두어라 저희는 소경이 되어 소경을 인도하는 자로다 만일 소경이 소경을 인도하면 둘이 다 구덩이에 빠지리라 하신대
Then some Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said,
Then the disciples came and said to Him, "Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?"
But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted.
"Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."

천부가 심은 것은 뱀침대 깊숙히 박혀있는 Djed의 두 손이고,
뽑힌 것은 춤추는 자(바리새인)의 두 손이다.
그리고 춤추는 자는 소경이 아니지만 예수에 의헤 소경으로 몰린다.
Djed이 눈뜨는 사역이 아니라서 Djed은 아직 소경이고, 소경을 따르는 춤추는 자도 소경이라는 예수의 비아냥이다.
두 Djed에 대한 시간차 발언도 포합한다.

29   저희가 여리고에서 떠나 갈 때에 큰 무리가 예수를 좇더라
30   소경 둘이 길 가에 앉았다가 예수께서 지나가신다 함을 듣고 소리질러 가로되 주여 우리를 불쌍히 여기소서 다윗의 자손이여 하니
31   무리가 꾸짖어 잠잠하라 하되 더욱 소리질러 가로되 주여 우리를 불쌍히 여기소서 다윗의 자손이여 하는지라
32   예수께서 머물러 서서 저희를 불러
33   가라사대 너희에게 무엇을 하여주기를 원하느냐 가로되 주여 우리 눈 뜨기를 원하나이다
34   예수께서 민망히 여기사 저희 눈을 만지시니 곧 보게 되어 저희가 예수를 좇으니라
As they were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed Him.
And two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried out, "Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!"
The crowd sternly told them to be quiet, but they cried out all the more, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!"
And Jesus stopped and called them, and said, "What do you want Me to do for you?"
They said to Him, "Lord, we want our eyes to be opened."
Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him.

여리고, 벧엘 모두 아펩신전 사역물이다.
어떤 에피소드라도 신전에 묘사된 기본추론을 벗어나지 않는다.
마음으로 간음도 간음이라 선포한 예수입장에서 진정한 원초적 어둠을 잃어버린 Djed은 두 번 다시 어둠으로 돌아갈 수 없는 빛을 투약받은 상황이다.
해서 Djed이 눈을 뜨면 소경 떄처럼 어둠을 계속 섬길 수 있느냐가 첫 번째 문제다.

지젝은 아직 소경 코끼리 더듬는 중이라, 오래전 발언 그리스도 무신론도 소경 코끼리 범주다.
그러나 황소 뒷걸음질치다가 쥐잡는다고 지젝 나름의 그리스도 무신론도 예상 외 통섭이 하나있다.
엘리 엘리 라마 사박다니/Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani.
성서에는 아주 명쾌한 해석이 나와있지만,,,, 예도-박충일위해 숙제로 남겨둔다.


Superstar Communist Slavoj Zizek is The Most Dangerous Philosopher in the West
Slavoj Žižek on "They Live" (The Pervert's Guide to Ideology)
Žižek on Atheism and Christianity
Slavoj Zizek and Christianity (Hegelian Death of God, Christian Atheism, Religion in Marxism)

That's how I read the death of Christ – here I follow Hegel, who said: What dies on the cross is God himself."

This year's debate between Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Žižek was marketed as one of the greatest intellectual debates of the century. At one point, tickets were being scalped for over $1,500 a seat. To many's disappointment, but probably for the best, the event went off without the anticipated drama. Peterson and Žižek managed to find significant common ground.

The debate, which lasted over two and a half hours, has been watched online by more than 350,000 viewers. The interest in Peterson and Žižek represents a growing online audience who are routinely consuming multi-hour lectures and debates through youtube and podcasts. Figures like Žižek and Peterson are having a profound influence on, particularly, young men. While Peterson describes himself as a person who "lives as if there is a god," his precise views on Christianity are complex and intentionally hard to categorize. Alternatively, Žižek describes himself as an atheist but provocatively contends that the only true path to atheism is through Christianity.

Since their debate in April, there has been one moment which I continue to see shared and discussed online. It is often referred to as, Christ's moment of atheism on the cross. It was Žižek who introduced the topic into the night's discussion. He represents a growing trend of individuals who articulate a path of Christian Atheism, honoring the value of Christianity while maintaining there is no God.

The topic came up in Žižek's description of Christ's cry from the cross: "My god, my god, why have you forsaken me." Žižek explained:

"The crucifixion is something absolutely unique because in that moment of, father, why have you abandoned me?, for a brief moment, symbolically, God himself becomes an atheist, in the sense of getting a gap there. That is something absolutely unique. It means you are not simply separated from God. Your separation from God is a part of divinity itself."

Peterson, visibly struck by this observation, responded, "There is something that is built into the fabric of existence that tests us so severely in our faith about being that even God himself falls prey to the temptation to doubt."

The Rise of Christian Atheism

For some time, Žižek has been reading the gospels as an argument for atheism. Žižek goes so far as to claim that the only path for atheism to have developed was through Christianity. In his view, Christianity sowed the first seeds of an atheistic worldview. Christ was abandoned on the cross. When Christ turned to God, he came to the realization that there was no God.

Žižek articulated this brand of Christian Atheism in an interview with Third Way. He explained:

"I take seriously those words Christ says at the end: Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? It's something really tremendous that happens. G K Chesterton (whom I admire) puts it in a wonderful way: Only in Christianity does God himself, for a moment, become atheist.

And I think – this is my reading – that this moment of the death of God, when you are totally abandoned and you have only your 'collectivity', called the 'Holy Spirit', is the authentic moment of freedom."

When making this point, Žižek often turns to the writings of G. K. Chesterton, a twentieth-century Catholic writer and contemporary of C. S. Lewis. This week I went digging through my copy of Chesterton's Orthodoxy, and sure enough, I found the lines which have caught Žižek's attention. In chapter eight, entitled "The Romance of Orthodoxy," Chesterton writes:

"In this indeed I approach a matter more dark and awful than it is easy to discuss; and I apologise in advance if any of my phrases fall wrong or seem irreverent touching a matter which the greatest saints and thinkers have justly feared to approach. But in that terrific tale of the Passion there is a distinct emotional suggestion that the author of all things (in some unthinkable way) went not only through agony, but through doubt...

He passed in some superhuman manner through our human horror of pessimism. When the world shook and the sun was wiped out of heaven, it was not at the crucifixion, but at the cry from the cross: the cry which confessed that God was forsaken of God.... Nay, (the matter grows too difficult for human speech,) but let the atheists themselves choose a god. They will find only one divinity who ever uttered their isolation; only one religion in which God seemed for an instant to be an atheist."

Chesterton himself warns that we can not be too careful in speaking of this topic. Yet, it's interesting that when quoting Chesterton, Žižek eliminates the word "seems." Chesterton's words were, "God seemed for an instant to be an atheist," but they are remembered by Žižek as "God himself, for a moment, became an atheist." In a nearly three hour debate, who would expect a person to recall quotations word-for-word? We always allow for rough paraphrasing. But here, more than the word has changed. Chesterton's point is fundamentally altered.

Žižek suggests that in Chesterton, he has found a Christian theologian, who supports his radical reading of the crucifixion as not just the death of the son of god, but the death of God himself. Jesus' cry from the cross and heaven's empty response prove that there is no god. But something significant is missing from Žižek's reading.

Follow the Footnotes: The Source of Jesus's Cry

Chesterton was right about the nature of approaching Jesus's cry of abandonment; it is dark and difficult to consider. Church history is filled with writers who have been shocked by Christ's words, and surely there is something about it which pulls all of us to the edge of the darkness. But there are important points about that moment in the gospels which Žižek seems to be completely unaware of. I hesitate to say that, Žižek's familiarity with the text and historical theology are evident, but it's hard to understand how a person can draw such massive implications from a Biblical text without taking the text itself equally serious.

Of all the gospel writers, Matthew, in particular, makes Jesus cry of abandonment central to his story. A careful reading of Matthew 27 reveals that much of his passion narrative has been structured around allusions to Psalm 22. In fact, Jesus's prayer, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me," is a direct quotation from the psalm's opening. The parallels go on. Both the psalm and Matthew describe the mocking crowd, those who "wag" their heads, how the sufferer has trusted God, and yet how he has had his hands and feet pierced. Both Psalm 22 and Matthew 27 describe enemies dividing up the victim's garments. Matthew clearly wants us to read his passion story in the echos of Psalm 22.

As modern readers, having far less familiarity with the Hebrew texts, it's difficult to understand how these references would have struck an early Jewish reader. The Psalms, in particular, were the spiritual foundation of Israel's prayer life. The Psalms formed the vocabulary of Jewish worship and religion. Mentioning even the first word would call to mind the entire Psalm and set the cross in the context of David's reflections.

As an example, when Jesus was tempted in the garden to turn stones into bread, he had responded, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the Lord." We might hear that as a kind of cryptic, sagacious response, but Jesus was referencing Old Testament scripture. He was quoting from Deuteronomy 13 which explained that God had fed the Israelites in the wilderness with manna so that they might learn that man's need is greater than his belly. Satan's temptation of hunger wouldn't work. Jesus's quotation pulled in a broader context beyond just his single sentence citation.

To offer a more current example, you might say to a rival after your defeat, "you may have won the battle." Though that appears to be a statement of defeat, we know it isn't because what is implied is the next line of that saying, "but you won't win the war." The assumed familiarity with the referenced content fundamentally changes the meaning of what is being said. With the right context, we can ironically say one thing while implying the opposite.

A quick reading of Psalm 22 reveals, that while it opens with an expression of abandonment, it is hardly a song of defeat. Quite the opposite. Psalm 22 builds towards the triumphant ending of faith and trust in times of darkness and isolation.

Psalm 22 concludes:
For he has not despised or abhorred
the affliction of the afflicted,
and he has not hidden his face from him,
but has heard, when he cried to him.
From you comes my praise in the great congregation;
my vows I will perform before those who fear him.
The afflicted shall seat and be satisfied;
those who seek him shall praise the LORD!
May your hearts live forever!

Jesus could have cried any phrase of abandonment from the cross. He could have invented his own. The thieves surrounding him had no problem turning to curses. The crowds imagined he was crying to Elijah for help.

It's hard to imagine Jesus would have selected the opening line of this psalm in an attempt to articulate God's nonexistence when every Jew would have immediately associated that Psalm with the reassurance of God's presence. That Žižek would claim to "take seriously those words Christ says at the end" and yet not even mention David's psalm is reading far too simplistic and crude. Matthew uses every literary detail of his passion narrative to turn our minds to Psalm 22. There is no discussing Jesus's words without taking the time to consider David's.

A Darkness Deeper Than Death

What Žižek does manage to capture is the horror of what Christ experienced on the cross and the unexpected possibility of that experience. Christ's suffering faced its greatest test in the temptation to doubt, to abandon God in the face of having been abandoned. What does it mean for God to reach out to God and for the first time in all eternity, find nothing? In this way, Christ, in his humanity, tastes the atheist's deepest experiences of nothingness. Christ took on the most fundamental human experience, alienation. And so Matthew records, a verse before Jesus's words, "darkness came over all the land."

As a painter, Rembrandt is known for his dramatic use of light and darkness. Nowhere does he deploy this contrast more effectively than in his painting of Christ being raised on the cross. In the painting, a large crowd has formed around Christ, as three men work to hoist the cross upward. Interestingly, the man central to the raising is believed by scholars to be a self-portrait of Rembrandt. Christ is cast in warm and bright light, but the source of that light is mysterious because surrounding the scene is a black shadow. It is the noon hour, but there is no sun in the sky. As the cross is still being raised, it has not yet reached its vertical position. Its angle forces Jesus's view upward on to the vast open darkness which dominates half the painting. Jesus stares into the empty black.

By comparison, many medieval painters filled their Good Friday skies with angelic creatures and beams of heavenly light. Many of Rembrandt's contemporaries, like Peter Paul Rubens, opted for dramatically clouded skies. Rembrandt sought instead to draw our attention to that overwhelming, empty section of the canvas. This was also the experience of Christ. To look upward and find emptiness.

This same observation led Chesterton to consider Christ the God of atheists because no other god could better relate to the crushing weight of doubt. The atheist's sense of God's apparent absence has never been experienced as deeply as Christ did on the cross. Christ himself stepped into the experience of doubt in ways more profound than any human before him.

As C. S. Lewis put it, "To enter heaven is to become more human than you ever succeeded in being on earth; to enter hell is to be banished from humanity." What Christ saw in that great emptiness was hell opened before him. It was a space void of God's presence. It was the nihilistic world of the atheist's most crushing doubts.

Chesterton also pointed out that, "In a garden Satan tempted man: and in a garden, God tempted God." When man was tempted, we each failed. We continue to. Even waking each morning into the preserving grace of God's patience, even walking daily with him in the garden, as the first man did, we continue to fail that test. We live as if there is no God. It takes less than God's abandonment for our hearts to turn against Him.

But, and it's an important but, a test of one's faith in the face of doubt is not necessarily a denial. It may be, as I think Rembrandt captures, that the greatest light of faith shines brightest in the greatest darkness. Rembrandt's mysterious source of light is Christ himself. And Christ's cry is no curse. Instead, Christ does what no man has been capable of doing. In the honesty of his cry, acknowledging his abandonment, he sows the seed of hope. He turns us to Psalm 22. Christ threw himself into the emptiness. But far from cursing God, Luke records Jesus's final words as, "Then Jesus called out in a loud voice, "'Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit.' And when He had said this, He breathed His last."

By his allusion to Psalm 22, Jesus forces into the darkness expectations of faith. In the absence of God, Christ still believed. Even when alone, he called out, "my God!" How, in the echo of Christ's words, do we not hear the psalm's final conclusion still to come? "He has not hidden his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him... May your hearts live forever!"

Jesus plunged into the abyss, entrusting his spirit to a God he couldn't see and believing in a vindication still to come. So Søren Kierkegaard would write, "This is one of the most crucial definitions for the whole of Christianity; that the opposite of sin is not virtue but faith." Christ is made perfect in faith. His power is revealed in weakness. His vindication in defeat. His faith in the face of doubt.

The Absence of Resurrection Light

It's striking that, as seriously as Peterson and Žižek discuss the cross, neither makes mention of the Gospel's resurrection finale. The gospel writers could not have imagined a conversation about the cross, which dismissed the resurrection. As the Apostle Paul would put it, "If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is in vain... if Christ has not been raised, your faith is empty." The meaning of Christ's cry on the cross hangs on the actuality of his resurrection. Christians have believed this since the first century.

To imagine you are reading the gospels carefully while lopping off their final culminating event is hard to reconcile. Try telling the story of the Trojan war without the Trojan horse? Could you recount Lord of the Rings without Frodo finally casting the ring into the fires of Mordor? Is it still a fairy tale if you delete it's final happily ever after?

Paul was correct. Even two thousand years ago, he recognized that life and death—defeat and vindication–depend on the resurrection. The message of the cross hangs on the resurrection. There is no way to read the gospels with any semblance of respect while simultaneously stripping them of their conclusion. The moment we reduce Christ's resurrection to the symbolic, we forfeit the vindication of his suffering. Without that vindication, Christ's abandonment becomes defeat. He is nothing more than mistaken or disillusioned. The entire edifice of Christianity collapses in on itself. We are left to the scraps.

In a novel move, Žižek attempts to cast this collapse as Christianity's strength. In a Nietzschean proclamation, Žižek declares the cross the actual death of God. Or as Žižek has described it, "The truly dramatic point is in Christianity, and that is why, although I am (I must admit it) an atheist, I think that you can truly be an atheist – and I mean this quite literally – only through Christianity. That's how I read the death of Christ – here I follow Hegel, who said: What dies on the cross is God himself."

I think Chesterton, a self-acknowledged favorite of Žižek's, offers the final pages of the gospel story the fuller reading they deserve. Chesterton saw in the death and resurrections story, not the death of God but the death of humanity. He saw in it not a dawning of man, but a dawning of God—a new creation. I have rarely read words by any Christian author more profound than Chesterton's description of resurrection from the Everlasting Man.

"There were solitudes beyond where none shall follow. There were secrets in the inmost and invisible part of that drama that have no symbol in speech; or in any severance of a man from men. Nor is it easy for any words less stark and single-minded than those of the naked narrative even to hint at the horror of exaltation that lifted itself above the hill. Endless expositions have not come to the end of it, or even to the beginning. And if there be any sound that can produce a silence, we may surely be silent about the end and the extremity; when a cry was driven out of that darkness in words dreadfully distinct and dreadfully unintelligible, which man shall never understand in all the eternity they have purchased for him; and for one annihilating instant an abyss that is not for our thoughts had opened even in the unity of the absolute; and God had been forsaken of God.

They took the body down from the cross and one of the few rich men among the first Christians obtained permission to bury it in a rock tomb in his garden; the Romans setting a military guard lest there should be some riot and attempt to recover the body. There was once more a natural symbolism in these natural proceedings; it was well that the tomb should be sealed with all the secrecy of ancient eastern sepulture and guarded by the authority of the Caesars. For in that second cavern the whole of that great and glorious humanity which we call antiquity was gathered up and covered over; and in that place it was buried. It was the end of a very great thing called human history; the history that was merely human. The mythologies and the philosophies were buried there, the gods and the heroes and the sages. In the great Roman phrase, they had lived. But as they could only live, so they could only die; and they were dead.

On the third day the friends of Christ coming at daybreak to the place found the grave empty and the stone rolled away. In varying ways they realised the new wonder; but even they hardly realised that the world had died in the night. What they were looking at was the first day of a new creation, with a new heaven and a new earth; and in a semblance of the gardener God walked again in the garden, in the cool not of the evening but the dawn."

While Žižek reads the cross as God's defeat, he reads Chesterton very wrongly to come to that conclusion. Instead, Chesterton saw in Christ's cry a kind of courage. It is the courage to believe even when abandoned. This is the great contribution of Christ to man. This is what separates the Christian God from others. As Chesterton put it, "Alone of all creeds, Christianity has added courage to the virtues of the Creator. For the only courage worth calling courage must necessarily mean that the soul passes a breaking point–and does not break."

Christ's prayer of abandonment was a subversive act of faith. When tested, and even when acknowledging the sheer horror of his isolation, still Christ does not break. He leads us not to atheism but pulls us by faith through our doubt.

Christ did not give in to the doubt. "Not my will but yours," was his prayer. He passed through hell and was vindicated in resurrection. This is not the story of denial or defeat; it is the story of courageous faith, a perfect faith. A leap of faith, as Kierkegaard would describe it.

I can't help but end in reflecting again on Rembrandt's painting. At the foot of the cross is a shovel stuck in the ground before a freshly dug grave. For those soldiers who placed Christ's body in the tomb, death was the finale. How shocked those who had carried his cold body must have been to have seen him resurrected: eating fish, walking with his disciples, and bearing his scars. Christ's resurrection transcends our certainty.

Or remember the words of Lewis's imaginary tempter, Screwtape, "Our cause is never more in danger, than when a human, no longer desiring, but intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys."

"For me the most radical demand of Christian faith lies in summoning the courage to say yes to the present risenness of Jesus Christ." — Brennan Manning, Abba's Child
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 04:42:18 PM
Похититель джоулей самая эффективная катушка индуктивности
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on December 31, 2021, 11:30:45 PM
새해 특강 / 자유를 향하여

숙제는 농땡이고,, 존귀하신 예도께서 부가가지세금신고 실존에 침튀기신다.

보편적 무신론은 빛과 어둠에 대해 관망자적 입장이며 참여하지 않는다.
물 속에 살면서 물을 떠난듯이 살고있는 3초 기억력 붕어처럼 산다.
Existence precedes essence.
밫과 어둠 누리며 얽매이지 않는(못하는) 자유분방 축복받은 생물들에게 종교는 사유부족사태로 보인다.
스스로 나고 스스로 나지 않은 대상 경외와 사랑이 신으로 포장된 것은 수학이나 과학의 법칙처럼 천국열쇠되어 영혼구원으로 향한다.
Existence precedes essence.
기투된 실존이 사라지면 종교적 영혼구원도 사라진다.
기투된 실존 타자화는 영혼을 빛과 어둠에 던지기다.

시간차 두 Djed처럼, 춤추는 자(바리새인)가 Djed으로 거듭나지 않으면 하나님 나라에 들어갈 수 없다.

Djed은 실존의 증거 바람이다.

1   바리새인 중에 니고데모라 하는 사람이 있으니 유대인의 관원이라
2   그가 밤에 예수께 와서 가로되 랍비여 우리가 당신은 하나님께로서 오신 선생인줄 아나이다 하나님이 함께 하시지 아니하시면 당신의 행하시는 이 표적을 아무라도 할 수 없음이니이다
3   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 사람이 거듭나지 아니하면 하나님 나라를 볼수 없느니라
4   니고데모가 가로되 사람이 늙으면 어떻게 날 수 있삽나이까 두번째 모태에 들어갔다가 날 수 있삽나이까
5   예수께서 대답하시되 진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 사람이 물과 성령으로 나지 아니하면 하나님 나라에 들어갈 수 없느니라
6   육으로 난 것은 육이요 성령으로 난 것은 영이니
7   내가 네게 거듭나야 하겠다 하는 말을 기이히 여기지 말라
8   바람이 임의로 불매 네가 그 소리를 들어도 어디서 오며 어디로 가는지 알지 못하나니 성령으로 난 사람은 다 이러하니라
Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews;
this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."
Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."
Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?"
Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
"Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'
"The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

춤추는 자 바리새인은 하나님 나라에 들어갈 수 없다.
태양파 파타고라스 학파에 흡수된 에세네인들 빼고
하나님 나라에 영구 거주중인 사두개인들 빼고
하나님 나라 거주는 부활이 필요하지 않다.

죽었다 부활이 필요한 춤추는 자 바리새인용 거듭남이 Djed으로 호적을 바꾸면 부활하지 않는다.

27   부활이 없다 주장하는 사두개인 중 어떤이들이 와서
28   물어 가로되 선생님이여 모세가 우리에게 써 주기를 사람의 형이 만일 아내를 두고 자식이 없이 죽거든 그 동생이 그 아내를 취하여 형을 위하여 후사를 세울찌니라 하였나이다
29   그런데 칠 형제가 있었는데 맏이 아내를 취하였다가 자식이 없이 죽고
30   그 둘째와 세째가 저를 취하고
31   일곱이 다 그와 같이 자식이 없이 죽고
32   그 후에 여자도 죽었나이다
33   일곱이 다 저를 아내로 취하였으니 부활 때에 그 중에 뉘 아내가 되리이까
34   예수께서 이르시되 이 세상의 자녀들은 장가도 가고 시집도 가되
35   저 세상과 및 죽은 자 가운데서 부활함을 얻기에 합당히 여김을 입은 자들은 장가가고 시집가는 일이 없으며
36   저희는 다시 죽을 수도 없나니 이는 천사와 동등이요 부활의 자녀로서 하나님의 자녀임이니라
37   죽은 자의 살아난다는 것은 모세도 가시나무떨기에 관한 글에 보였으되 주를 아브라함의 하나님이요 이삭의 하나님이요 야곱의 하나님이시라 칭하였나니
38   하나님은 죽은 자의 하나님이 아니요 산 자의 하나님이시라 하나님에게는 모든 사람이 살았느니라 하시니
39   서기관 중 어떤이들이 말하되 선생이여 말씀이 옳으니이다 하니
40   저희는 아무 것도 감히 더 물을 수 없음이더라
Now there came to Him some of the Sadducees (who say that there is no resurrection),
and they questioned Him, saying, "Teacher, Moses wrote for us that IF A MAN'S BROTHER DIES, having a wife, AND HE IS CHILDLESS, HIS BROTHER SHOULD MARRY THE WIFE AND RAISE UP CHILDREN TO HIS BROTHER.
"Now there were seven brothers; and the first took a wife and died childless;
and the second
and the third married her; and in the same way all seven died, leaving no children.
"Finally the woman died also.
"In the resurrection therefore, which one's wife will she be? For all seven had married her."
Jesus said to them, "The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage,
but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage;
for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
"But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the passage about the burning bush, where he calls the Lord THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, AND THE GOD OF ISAAC, AND THE GOD OF JACOB.
"Now He is not the God of the dead but of the living; for all live to Him."
Some of the scribes answered and said, "Teacher, You have spoken well."
For they did not have courage to question Him any longer about anything.

죽었다 부활은 하나님 나라에서 다시 세상으로 나와야 하는 사태다.
불교 윤회가 춤추는 자 바리새인들 부활에 있다.
아펩신전, 태양신전 함께 섬기는 자들용.

부처처럼 깨달으면 죽어도 부활하지 않는다.
누가복음 20장 서기관이자 Djedl인 사두개인의 말이다.

어둠이 하나님 나라 본질일 때, 빛이 하나님 나라 본질일 때 또 다르다.

뱀의 뒷목 잡고도 횡설수설 이해하지 못하는 것이 예도같구나.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 01, 2022, 10:31:00 PM
서울대, 하버드에서 학생, 교수 다 해본 경험자가 말해주는 두 학교의 차이, 문화, 시간관리 방법! / 전지적 관찰자 시점, 최재천

니들이 토론에 약한 것은 전두엽 신선계 멍때리기 산만한 선천성 꿀먹은 벙어리가 크고,
토론에 적합한 한자식 문어적 구어법에 익숙하지 않는 것이 크고,
어려서부터 입닥치고 듣기만 하는 주입식 교육에 토론 자체가 없다.
토론교육이 매시간마다 포함해야 가능한 익숙시간의 문제를 대학에 앉아서 자랑질이냐 지랄이.

여자들이 수다 토론에 강한 것은 친구와 만나서 자기자랑과 감정을 유감없이 쏟아내는 감정형 토론에 익숙해서다.
감정형 수다는 전투와 같다.
친구라도 밑보이면 안되기 때문이다.
감정형 수다 주제는 자기자랑, 남편자랑, 음식자랑, 주변잡기 자랑, 다이야 반지자랑, 진주 목걸이 자랑, 옷 자랑, 명품빽 자랑, 화장품 자랑, 달거리 자랑, 아이 자식 자랑, 분유 자랑, 생일백기 자랑, 시어머니 헐뜯기, 시누이 헐뜯기, 마지막으로 남편 헐뜯기로 끝나는 일생동안 끝도없이 반복하는 레파토리 스스로 학습법에서 나온다.

미국에 토론문화가 발달한 것은 표현을 안하면 바보취급받는다.
흑인들 래퍼식 토론은 노예들 변명에서 출발했다.
토론은 의사표현도 있지만 기본적으로 말빨로 이겨야하는 투쟁이다.
한국에 말빨로 이길만한 투쟁의 장 토론회가 있더냐.
정치권이나 진영논리 패널들 패싸움이 전부다.
우기면 이기는 패싸움은 말빨 거시기해도 된다.
하다못해 시골 의회도 거수기 문화다.

니가 학생들 닥달할 것이 아니라 상명하복 교육하는 선생놈들이 일선에서 옛날부터 했어야할 일이다.
대학교수란 놈이 국민핵교부터 가르쳐야할 말빨을 대학에서 지랄하는게 정상이라고 생각하느냐.
니 잘났다 자랑질 밖에 더되더냐 쌍놈아.

대부가 몇년 전부터 싹수부터 노란 최재천 손절한 이유는, 뭘모르면서 자기자랑만 해대는 해외유학파 출신들 특징을 유감없이 발휘하며 고품격 한우 쇠고기 뜯는 곤충학 쓰레기라서다.
별로 아는 것도 없는 주제에 거만하기까지 하다.
니가 말빨로 울 대부 이길 수 있다고 생각하느냐.
무당 천공이급 말빨 백놈이 댐벼도 대부 못이긴다.
대부 재야별명이 오도바이 머신건이다.

하바드까지 뒤져 니 곤충행동에 관한 박사논문 흝어봤는데 ...... 하버드가 맛이간건지 아니면,.
돈만 주면 구하는 하버드 전문 논문팔이들 주변에 깔린건 세상이 다안다.

생태학자 최재천 교수는 하버드 학생 시절, 논문평가에서 이런 한 줄을 받았다고 했다.

"He writes precision, economy and grace.
그는 정확하고 경제적이고 우아하게 쓴다."

이 말의 뜻은 써야 할 것을 빠뜨리고(경제적) 전문가 흉내(우아한)낸다는 뜻이다.
정확한 것은 이것에 대한 평가다.

한국에서 동물학은 수의사밖에 없다.
한우 쇠고기나 뜯는 수준이라 경제논리도 아니다.
비슷한 학과로 분산되는 연구비 갈취가 목적이였다.

미국에서도 잘난척하는 놈은 골빈놈으로 본다.
하물며 사상체질 관상학 발달한 한국에서 니 골빈수준 감출 수 있다고 생각하느냐.

Skip The Use - Nameless World (Official Video)

사도행전 2장
29   형제들아 내가 조상 다윗에 대하여 담대히 말할 수 있노니 다윗이 죽어 장사되어 그 묘가 오늘까지 우리 중에 있도다
30   그는 선지자라 하나님이 이미 맹세하사 그 자손 중에서 한 사람을 그 위에 앉게 하리라 하심을 알고
31   미리 보는 고로 그리스도의 부활하심을 말하되 저가 음부에 버림이 되지 않고 육신이 썩음을 당하지 아니하시리라 하더니
32   이 예수를 하나님이 살리신지라 우리가 다 이 일에 증인이로다
33   하나님이 오른손으로 예수를 높이시매 그가 약속하신 성령을 아버지께 받아서 너희 보고 듣는 이것을 부어 주셨느니라
34   다윗은 하늘에 올라가지 못하였으나 친히 말하여 가로되 주께서 내 주에게 말씀하시기를
35   내가 네 원수로 네 발등상 되게 하기까지 너는 내 우편에 앉았으라 하셨도다 하였으니
36   그런즉 이스라엘 온 집이 정녕 알찌니 너희가 십자가에 못 박은 이 예수를 하나님이 주와 그리스도가 되게 하셨느니라 하니라
Acts 2 [NASB]
"Brethren, I may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day.
"And so, because he was a prophet and knew that GOD HAD SWORN TO HIM WITH AN OATH TO SEAT one OF HIS DESCENDANTS ON HIS THRONE,
he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that HE WAS NEITHER ABANDONED TO HADES, NOR DID His flesh SUFFER DECAY.
"This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses.
"Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear.
"For it was not David who ascended into heaven, but he himself says: 'THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, "SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND,
"Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ--this Jesus whom you crucified."

시편 110편
1   여호와께서 내 주에게 말씀하시기를 내가 네 원수로 네 발등상 되게 하기까지 너는 내 우편에 앉으라 하셨도다
2   여호와께서 시온에서부터 주의 권능의 홀을 내어 보내시리니 주는 원수 중에서 다스리소서
3   주의 권능의 날에 주의 백성이 거룩한 옷을 입고 즐거이 헌신하니 새벽 이슬 같은 주의 청년들이 주께 나오는도다
4   여호와는 맹세하고 변치 아니하시리라 이르시기를 너는 멜기세덱의 반차를 좇아 영원한 제사장이라 하셨도다
5   주의 우편에 계신 주께서 그 노하시는 날에 열왕을 쳐서 파하실 것이라
6   열방 중에 판단하여 시체로 가득하게 하시고 여러 나라의 머리를 쳐서 파하시며
7   길가의 시냇물을 마시고 인하여 그 머리를 드시리로다
Psalms 110 [NASB]    
The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet."
The LORD will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, "Rule in the midst of Your enemies."
Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew.
The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind, "You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek."
The Lord is at Your right hand; He will shatter kings in the day of His wrath.
He will judge among the nations, He will fill them with corpses, He will shatter the chief men over a broad country.
He will drink from the brook by the wayside; Therefore He will lift up His head.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 01, 2022, 11:14:42 PM
도때비가 한말빨허지..... ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

하버드 섹스톤 이준석급 한다쓰가 와도 아마 도때비랑 말쌈은 못이길게다.... ;D ;D

선천적으로 말빨쎈 얼라들있자너...... 도때비는 그중에서도 군계일학쯤 보문도ㅑ.... ::) ;D

우리의 신조덜 생계전투형 말빨덜이다. ;D ;D 8) 8)

뒷집 아제 재처 사모도 코로나로 천국갔다.
장례 두 어명 참석했다더라.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 01, 2022, 11:42:44 PM

Quote from: lancaIV on January 01, 2022, 11:44:44 PM
We have projects,private and estatal,local and global :
for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreedomCAR_and_Vehicle_Technologies
low cost motor/generator ,controler,transformer/con-/inverter

we digitize and scan as R.O.M. and R.A.M. as humans for technical and social progression important inventions and developments :
for example :
One microcube costs $2,850 and has an expected 30-year life span.

a microcube scanning and digitizing for C.A.D. and C.N.C. program and by local demand 3d printing
Costs ?
By given condition
and comparing Helmut Schiller his generator/turbine development ,also https://cn.linkedin.com/in/viktor-arestov-00964783
by investment calculating with use of https://www.designworldonline.com/coming-revolution-high-strength-magnets/
The neodymium used in the most popular rare earth magnets (NdFeB, for example) costs about $120 per kilo, while the iron and nitrogen used in Niron magnets are tens of cents per kilo.
Uni Michigan as iron-nitride magnets developper  wroted about 10 US$/Kg,2014 .
instead copper coils aluminium/graphene/polymere/sodium(natrium) coils
such microcubes 9x9x9 inches in volume can become,under -external U.S.A.- patent no validity,produced for less than 200 INT$ ( International Dol(l)ar as US$ aequivalent) per KWp !

Target II,under 1 Mio.units per annum mass production : 150-100 INT$/KWp

As power recycler on electric car tect  low-power City-mobiles becomes "Zero Power Drive System"-vehicles !

We will stay stuned and active ,2022 and beyond


почему искрит феррит?

Причина, по которой участники с высоким потенциалом перестали выступать, - это дискуссионная культура запугивания людей.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 03, 2022, 02:02:23 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 02, 2022, 08:49:56 AM
For understanding the #2114 prices prevision :
the "Microcube" with 9x9x9 inches volumes is defined by R.Yost with 9 pounds ~ 4,1 Kg weight and 1500 RPM nominal velocity !
We can compare with alibaba/aliexpress market hub/platform prices per unit/group buy discounted and
http://www.schillergy.com/   http://www.schillergy.com/pdf/schiller-energy.pdf
With permanent magnets 1/10 costs,coils 1/3 costs and plastic bonded iron core 1/2 costs we can assume 1/4 market price to actually offer per unit  !
Group self-organisation buy fob factory and transport costs dividing  : - 80%+ !

From Schiller the given number,total weight active and passive parts,actually conventional material use  :
                                                                            alibaba/aliexpress price comparison for costs/price idea
                              2 Kg/KWp/   3000 RPM                             75 Euros
                              1 Kg/KWp/  6000 RPM           linear:       37,5 Euros
                           0,5 Kg/KWp/12000 RPM           linear:       18,75 Euros
                    0,05 Kg/0,1 KWp/12000 RPM           linear:         1,875 Euros
                   0,025 Kg/0,05 KWp/12000 RPM        linear: <      1        EURO
                   0,0125 Kg/0,025 KWp/12000 RPM    linear: <      0,5     EURO

with iron-nitride,alu/sodium coils/plastic bonded iron,.....     dividing with  : 4
Micro-motors/generators/turbines  production :

and Solar Passive Energy Standart buildings HVAC with C.O.P. 5 / 0,9 published power savings = 5/0,1  ~ C.O.P. 50

the transmission parts production with liquid plastics (Nylon-type) or liqid metals ,casting

So related the Duke Uni 75 Watt nominal motor equipped low-e mobile we get f.e. a C5 Sinclair citycar for average 30 e-Watt per hour consume !
The electric turbine also in future use for air-mobiles :
published airplane engine hp power ?
The first flight of the prototype was made on 19 July 1973 and within a few days it had proved to be easy to fly and capable of aerobatics, being stressed to +10g and -5g. It was powered by two Rowena 6507J single cylinder two-stroke engines, each giving 6.7 kW (9.0 hp) and weighing 6.5 kg (14.3 lb).[6] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colomban_Cri-cri#cite_note-Janes1979-6)
remembering cars ic engine compared electric drive :

http://www.evalbum.com/motor (http://www.evalbum.com/motor)
Gas engines are rated at their peak hp, electric motors are rated at their continuous hp.

The peak hp of an electric motor is usually 8 to 10 times its continuous rating.

Here clearly,for high RPMs,the 2007/2008 developped electric drive has its best application field :
One CriCri with 1 KWh electric power consume per flight hour ?  ;D Le dernier CRI for some start-ups in the air-taxi sector !
A 2000 Euros DIY-kit CriCri ? By excellent self-organisation no problem :

                                                        It had a curb weight (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Leergewicht?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de) of only 63 kg                                                        2000 Euros/63 Kg ~ 30 Euros/Kg By material kind costs/price to compare :https://m.made-in-china.com/hot-china-products/Tricycle.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsoDR-ZeT9QIVU_BRCh14ywuNEAAYAyAAEgJMmfD_BwEhttps://m.made-in-china.com/product/T414-Cabin-Scooter-E-Scooter-3-Wheel-Electric-Scooter-for-Passenger-1908506242.html               < 2000 US$ fob factory for 330,85 Kg material ~  6 US$/Kg                                                        
                                     CriCri for first : 2000 Euros - later: 1500 Euros - finally target :  1000 Euros ?  :o ::) ;)

                           https://www.thedrive.com/news/38555/wide-streets-massive-garages-meet-the-neighborhoods-designed-for-pilots-and-small-planes                              above and below the clouds    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZMFF8QH3ewwmbrOCWL

Quote from: lancaIV on January 02, 2022, 09:15:44 AM
with material use optimized Yost/Schiller/Arestov motor/turbines

such ultralights

like the Columban CriCri can become equipped with power saving propulsion systems


The 6,000 rpm flywheel can be compared to a large rotor, and just like the rotor in a 50hp engine, it is not kinetic energy which provides work, but electromagnetic action30 which converts into torque. This action is internal to the mass of the flywheel, the latter is "traversed" by electrical energy, motors supplied by contact wipers, or the like. Kinetic energy is invariable, all moments of internal torques cancel out with respect to the axis of the steering wheel. The output torque at the shaft 25 at 6000 rpm is the same as the output torque of the moving interior device, flywheel. This device equipped with four 500 watt motors, i.e. 2000 wats, with electronic management, is capable of the same torque and power performance as a motor.

                    thermal 50 hp ic engine equivalent 4x 500 Watt nominal with 1000 Watth consume :

50 hp thermal engine, while providing ancillary services including heating and preheating of the vehicle.
5 The average consumption is of the order of IOOO wats per hour.
                                                    the first CriCri has had 2x 9 hp(peak) ic engines !

Quote from: lancaIV on January 02, 2022, 12:05:45 PM
35.000 sqkm = sqm

China Academy of Engineering expert Jiang Yi told a state news website that China will need 30,000 to 40,000 square kilometers more land to meet its renewable energy needs.
Over 10.000 KWh per sqm solar cell energy generation,possible,wishable  ?!
End 80´ performance per solar panels chamber :
12 x 13 W artificial solar= CFL light to 350 Wp (5 x 70Wp; 5,25% conversion efficiency) solar panels and light concentrated by mirror to 650 Wp output

similar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKhszB4E1_M
2010-2020 : solar cells now in the 20-30% em radiation spectrum conversion efficiency ( tandem 45%+)
from 650 Wp more than 4 times improvement to 2600 Wp+
the simple mirror 80´improvement factor 650/350 = 1,85

with Hyperstealth solar foil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1QZAax0-XA near 3,0 as output amplifiation factor
350 Wp x 4x efficiency improvement x 3x the amplifier foil factor : 4000 Wp+ per hour net ( after lamps consume subtraction)
4 KW x 8766 hours = 1 year =           35.000 KWh per sqm 1 cbm solar tube/chamber energy generation , one stage/2.stages/3. ......
2 stages, assuming 2 metres hight:  70.000 KWh per sqm
installation in cave, .....,everywhere where is a free sqm area (and lamps energy delivery source )

Comparison wind power plant,39.000 sqm area :

2500 KW and 27% effective wind energy conversion = 6.000.000 KWh per annum
6.000.000 KWh/39.000 sqm =              +- 154 KWh per sqm area
Solar energy conversion by not concentrated area and 1400 KWh solar radiation/sqm/a and 20% conversion efficiency =

                                                              up to 250 KWh/sqm/a ,untracked
25% conversion efficiency :                   up to 300 KWh/sqm/a ,untracked

                                 The artificial solar tubes/chamber are world-wide install-able !

Quote from: lancaIV on January 02, 2022, 12:05:45 PM
    언어의 의미는 맥락에 따라 결정된다. 자유에 책임이 따른다는 표현도 물론 가능하다. 그런데 굳이 사랑에는 이별이 따른다고 말해서 사랑이라는 근사한 단어를 엿먹일 필요가 있을까? 이건 초를 치는 거다. 회자정리라 했으니 만남이 있으면 반드시 이별이 있다. 언제 이별해도 한 번은 이별한다. 한꺼번에 교통사고로 가는 수도 있지만 그래도 이별은 이별이다.

    '너희는 자유다.' 하고 생색을 낸 다음 '책임이다.' 하고 뒤통수친다면 곤란하다. 언어도단이라 하겠다. 물론 책임이 따를 수 있지만 그건 참된 자유가 아니다. 진정한 자유에는 책임이 없다. 자유를 행사하다보면 권력을 휘두르게 되고 권력에 맞대응이 있을 뿐이다. 즉 다른 사람에게 피해를 주지 않으면 책임이 없다. 남에게 피해를 주는 짓은 참된 자유가 아니다.

    사람들은 짝짓기 좋아한다. 자유에는 책임으로 대칭시키고 권리에는 의무로 대칭시킨다. 이런 식의 이분법적 사고가 위험하다. 권리에 의무가 따르는게 아니다. 의무는 사실 권리의 전개된 형태다. 노예는 세금을 내지 못한다. 납세의 권리다. 노예는 군대에 가지 못한다. 입대의 권리다. 교육의 의무라고 하는데 교육받을 권리다. 납세자에겐 참정권이 있다.

    원래 뭐든 주는 자에게 권리가 있다. 그것이 구조론의 마이너스 원리다. 받는 자에게는 권리가 없다. 인간에게 기본 인권이 있다는 것은 인간은 태어나면서부터 뭔가를 국가에 줬다는 거다. 일단 인구를 늘려줬다. 프롤레타리아라는 말은 세금 낼 돈은 없지만 병역자원을 냈으니 나름 밥값은 했다는 거다. 여자도 병사를 만들어낼 수 있으니 뭔가를 국가에 냈다.

    인간은 아기 때부터 가족의 결집에 기여한다. 아기가 있으므로 가족이 화합한다. 그러므로 모든 인간은 탄생과 동시에 기본인권을 가지며 기본인권은 국가에 뭔가를 제출했다는 거다. 국민이 국가에 준 것이 있다. 주는 것이 권리다. 주식회사라도 투자자에게 권리가 있다. 그런데 말이다. 일부 외상으로 남겨뒀다가 나중에 제출하는 수도 있는데 그것이 의무다.

    애프터서비스다. 삼성과 엘지가 물건만 팔고 입을 닦는 게 아니라 몇 년간은 고장에 책임을 져야 한다. 그것이 의무다. 권리는 먼저 주고 큰소리 치는 것이고 의무는 나중에 주는 것인데 어느 쪽이든 주는 것이다. 그러므로 권리와 의무를 대칭적으로 보는 시선은 위험하다. 나는 의무를 안질테니까 권리도 빼줘라 이런 식으로 농단하기 없다. 이미 주고 태어났다.

    주고받기 상거래가 아니다. 의무를 주고 권리를 받는다는 식의 발상이 위험하다. 권리든 의무든 모두 주는 것이며 권리는 태어나기 전에 주고 의무는 적당한 때 준다. 모두 주는 것이며 준 만큼 각자에게 돌아갈 몫이 있다. 세상은 일원론이다. 자유와 책임 그리고 권리와 의무를 대칭적으로 보면 이원론이 된다. 그것은 입자로 보는 관점이다. 세상은 질로 봐야한다.

    질은 결합한다. 결합되어 하나다. 자유가 있다는 것은 권력이 있다는 것이며 다른 사람에게 피해를 주지 않는 이상 자유에 책임은 없다. 자유는 그냥 일방적으로 자유다. 단, 민폐를 끼치는 자는 자유를 손상당한다. 자유가 없는게 아니고 자유를 통제할 기술이 없는 것이다. 이는 정신병자가 병동에 격리되는 것과 같다. 정신병자에게도 물론 자유와 인권은 있다.

    본인이 써먹지 못할 뿐. 환자에게도 자유는 있다. 단지 신체가 불편해서 써먹지 못할 뿐. 병원에 입원한 환자가 왜 나는 자유가 없지 하고 화를 내면 안 된다. 자유가 있다. 환자가 병원을 나서려면 민폐를 줄 수 있으므로 돈으로 해결해야 한다. 돈이 많으면 환자도 간호사를 대동하고 여행할 수 있다. 자유를 빙자하여 민폐를 가한다면 그건 별도의 사건이 된다.

    교도소에 갇힌 재소자에게도 자유가 있고 인권이 있지만 환자와 마찬가지로 그 자유와 인권을 사용하지 못한다. 날아가는 비행기에서 중간에 하차할 수 없는 것과 같다. 이는 물리적 현상이다. 재소자가 자유와 인권을 말하는 것은 몰래 비행기에 탑승한 사람이 중간에 내려달라는 말과 같다. 가끔 비행기 바퀴에 숨어드는 사람 있다. 그러다가 얼어죽는 것이다.

    참된 사랑에는 이별이 없고 참된 자유에는 책임이 없고 참된 권리에는 의무가 없다. 에너지는 한 방향이다. 사랑하면 이별하지만 그것은 논외다. 살면 언젠가 죽게 되지만 삶 안에는 죽음이 없다. 자유를 누리다가는 뒷탈이 나곤 하지만 자유 안에는 뒷탈이 없다. 사랑이든 자유든 권리든 좋은 단어다. 나쁜 단어를 붙여서 물타기 하지 마라. 초를 친다면 곤란하다.

    근사한 단어는 근사하게 써야 한다. 자유에는 책임이 따르는게 아니라 청소년은 부모의 지갑에 의지하는 만큼 민폐를 끼치므로 자유가 별로 없는 것이다. 자유는 타인에게 민폐를 끼치지 않을 능력만큼 주어지며 민폐를 끼치면 보통 돈으로 해결하는데 청소년은 돈이 없어 자유가 제약되며 결론적으로 청소년은 자유가 조금밖에 없는 거라고 솔직하게 말하자.

    자유는 자유다. 권리는 권리다. 사랑은 사랑이다. 에너지는 언제라도 일방향성을 가진다. 뒤에 꼬리표를 붙이지 말라. 아기는 요람을 벗어나지 못한다. 자유가 없는게 아니고 있어도 써먹지 못한다. 자동차가 없는게 아니고 운전기술이 없다. 운전면허가 없는 청소년이나 현지적응 안 된 이방인들은 권리를 제약당한다. 권리가 없는게 아니고 누리는 기술이 없다.

    자유는 자유대로 있고 권리는 권리대로 있다. 기술 만큼 누리는 것이니 예술가는 더 누린다.

자유는 원칙이 없다.
자유에 원칙이 부여되는 순간 자유가 아니다.
누리는 기쁨도, 감정의 솔직함도, 인간미도, 거짓도, 진실도, 아름다운 잔악과 죽음도 모두 자유다.
자유의 적은 죽음이다.
자유의 기반이 인간의 욕구본능에 있어서다.
자유의 끝이자 영원한 자유의 시작일테니?
죽음이 영원한 자유의 시작이 되려면 죽음예찬이 필요하다.
네가 자유하는 순간부터 빛과 어둠과 모든 율법은 네가 투쟁해야 할 상대이자, 누리는 대상이자, 예찬이 필요한 죽음이다.
Freedom has no principles.
The moment freedom is given a principle, it is not freedom.
The joy you enjoy, the honesty of your emotions, the beauty of humanity, the lies, the truth, the beautiful cruelty and death are all freedom.
The enemy of freedom is death.
The basis of freedom lies in the human instinct to desire.
Will death be the end of freedom and the beginning of eternal freedom?
For the death of liberty to be the beginning of eternal liberty, the praise of death is necessary.
From the moment you are free, light and darkness and all the laws are your opponents against which you must fight, the objects you enjoy, and the death you need to glorify.

자유자 철학의 관여는 여기까지다.
종교의 관여는, 현생의 자유까지 율법과 권면이란 이름으로 억압한다.
영원한 자유이자 죽음의 절대자 이름으로.

선택에 관한 언질이 아니다.

철학자는 자서전을 쓰는 사람들이다.
철학자는 자신이 알고있는 언어적 능력을 기록으로 남기는 사람들이라 신종 단어를 배우는 것 말고 배울 것이 없는 사람들이다.
자유가 역대 철학자들을 통해 유지됐다고하는 철학의 계보가 아니라, 언어적 능력이 생대적으로 뛰어난 사람들의 기록이다.
자유는 누구를 통해 전달된 것이 아니다.
도리어 철학자들을 통해 자유가 억압당했다.
맑스같은 투쟁 철학은 말할 것도 없이, 우상론 철학은 자유를 억압하는 종교의 다른 이름이다.
자유는 제약 설정이 없다.
악마의 광포함도, 신의 선량함 자유다.
철학자는 자유가 제약되는 현세에서 선생이 될 자격이 없다는 뜻이다.
자유하는 사람들의 선생으로는 완전하게 자유하는 철학자다.
역사이래 이런 철학자는 없다.
앞으로도 나타나기 어렵다.
죽음의 권면은 모든 것 위에 있다.

주제가 자유이든,,,,,,,,,,,,자유에 책임이 따르든?

남에게 피해를 주는 짓은 참된 자유가 아니다.   ,,,,,?

무한의 욕구본능 자유하다 삼천포로 빠지는 말실수는 아니다.
행렬을 한 칸 떨궈놔 행렬 결론처럼 보이는 서론이다.

철학의 자유권면은 책임없는 자유지만,
종교의 자유권면은 빛과 죽음의 처벌이 기다린다.
철학은 자유란 이름으로 죽음에서 끝나지만,
보편적 종교는 영혼구원이 최대 목적이다.
종교인이 자유하면 영혼구원까지 얻겠지만,
종교인이 범죄하는 경우 목회자가 태반인 것도 교리와 자유를 자의대로 분리해서다.
욕구본능 자유로 범죄하는 철학의 경우는, 고대부터 권력자들과 함께했다.
언어적 철학의 소용은 배우는 사람들이 많다.
무소불위 권력이 철학을 배운다.
권력은 또한 종교를 이용했다.
수십억이 죽은 것은 종교에 의해서고, 욕구본능 자유철학의 개입이다.
성서에도 자유가 있다.

갈라디아서 5장 [개역한글:NASB]   
1   그리스도께서 우리로 자유케 하려고 자유를 주셨으니 그러므로 굳세게 서서 다시는 종의 멍에를 메지 말라
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

굳세게 서서 멍에를 멘 것에 대한 역발상이다.
바울의 자유는 죽음과 빛을 십자가로 짊어진 그리스도를 통하는 자유다.
눈뜬 소경(Djed)의 전유물이거나 기도하는 사람들의 것이다.
빛과 어둠 모두를 사랑해야 하는 아주 아주 제약이 많은 자유다.

[자유에는 책임이 따른다]
바울의 말에서 시작했다.

욕구본능 자유를 신인냥 섬기는 철학에 의해 빛/어둠/죽음을 신으로 섬기는 종교가 비판 당한다.
누가 누구를 비판할 입장이 아니다.
빛과 어둠이 준 자유나, 빛과 어둠을 신으로 섬기는 자유나 똑같다.
완전한 자유란 이름으로 철학의 타도 대상된 종교는 근세부터 동네북이였다.
중세 많은 사람들이 종교권력, 종교재판으로 죽거나 침묵을 강요당했다.
불행한 역사라고 표현하기 어려울 정도로 참혹한 시대였다.
과거 종교 권력자들은 백번 죽어 마땅한 자들이다.
지옥은 그들의 것이다.
이의 없다.


소크라테스가 죽은 것은 종교인들에 의해서가 아니라, 아테네 유명 정치인들이 그리스의 법과 신들의 이름으로 죽였다.
또한 소크라테스는 철학자가 아니라 아몬의 신탁을 받던 유명 종교인이다.
종교인-소크라테스를 철학이 강탈한 것은, 스파르타(펠로폰네소스반도)를 고향으로 둔 플라톤 같은 무신론자 제자들에 의해서다.
플라톤이 무신론자였는지는 알려진게 없으니, 그 가 쓴 [소크라테스의 변명]으로 유추하자면 [아몬의 변명]과 다름없다.
추론의 영역이다.

다윗의 시온이며, 바울의 시온이 플라톤의 고향으로 향하고 있는 것은, 틈만나면 플라톤의 고향을 약탈하던 해적들의 고향 크레테(갑돌)가 해적-바리새인들의 고향이라서다.

약탈은 전리품이고, 어둠의 수하인 소경-Djed은 그렇게 그리스의 빛을 약탈해서 눈을 떴다.

태반의 문제가 몰라서 발생한다.
기독교 성서 언어는 어렵다.
태반이 본질을 회피한 은유(a metaphor)와 비유(figures of speech)의 문장들이다.
본질을 알아도 드러내기 어려운 언어다.

더 큰 문제는 언어 해석할 능력도 없으면서 잘못된 해석으로 사람들을 속이는 사람들이다.
목회자는 모조건 일반화다.
맞든 틀리든 배운대로 써먹는다.
천국이든 지옥이든 맺힌 한들이 많은 것 같다.
목회자를 부모로 뒀거나 교회에 미쳐있거나 갖다바치는 돈이 많으면 많을수록 비판강도가 세진다.
도올처럼, 누구처럼.

그런다고 부모가 회심한다든?
천국이 목적이면 어렵다.
씨알도 안먹힌다.

위 내용을 구글번역기 자동해석하면 [경제적]으로 변한다.
주요 내용이 왜곡되고 사라진다.
[우아한] 것과는 거리있다.

출애굽기 3장 [개역한글:NASB]
2   여호와의 사자가 떨기나무 불꽃 가운데서 그에게 나타나시니라 그가 보니 떨기나무에 불이 붙었으나 사라지지 아니하는지라
3   이에 가로되 내가 돌이켜 가서 이 큰 광경을 보리라 떨기나무가 어찌하여 타지 아니하는고 하는 동시에
4   여호와께서 그가 보려고 돌이켜 오는 것을 보신지라 하나님이 떨기나무 가운데서 그를 불러 가라사대 모세야 모세야 하시매 그가 가로되 내가 여기 있나이다
5   하나님이 가라사대 이리로 가까이 하지 말라 너의 선 곳은 거룩한 땅이니 네 발에서 신을 벗으라
The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed.
So Moses said, "I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up."
When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am."
Then He said, "Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."

출애굽기 4장 [개역한글:NASB]
1   모세가 대답하여 가로되 그러나 그들이 나를 믿지 아니하며 내 말을 듣지 아니하고 이르기를 여호와께서 네게 나타나지 아니하셨다 하리이다
2   여호와께서 그에게 이르시되 네 손에 있는 것이 무엇이냐 그가 가로되 지팡이니이다
3   여호와께서 가라사대 그것을 땅에 던지라 곧 땅에 던지니 그것이 뱀이 된지라 모세가 뱀 앞에서 피하매
4   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 네 손을 내밀어 그 꼬리를 잡으라 그가 손을 내밀어 잡으니 그 손에서 지팡이가 된지라
Then Moses said, "What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say, 'The LORD has not appeared to you.'"
The LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" And he said, "A staff."
Then He said, "Throw it on the ground." So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.
But the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand and grasp it by its tail"--so he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand--
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 03, 2022, 02:15:29 AM
The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed.

자살고픈 비트겐슈타인

멋있는게 아니라 죽고싶어 환장한 자들 특징 그래로 나타난게야. 8) 8)

자살한 고흐가 생전에, 모세처럼 여호와를 만나고 싶었던가,
많은 그림에 불에 타지않는 나무를 많이 그려놨어. 8) 8)

웃픈얘기야...... 8) 8)
(웃기고 슬픈 이야기)

Vincent van Gogh

작년에 귀순한 기계체조 탈북민이 뭐땀시 일년만에 다시 월북했다는겨?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 03, 2022, 02:35:52 AM
Эфирный генератор
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 03, 2022, 05:54:09 AM
107 Интересная картинка на антенне
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 03, 2022, 06:03:01 AM
tuk-tuk이가 그랴? ;D ;D 8) 8)
공짜 좋아하는 사람은 똥구멍에 털난다 아놈아~ ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ;D

현재 국힘이 얼마나 개판이 되었는지 오늘자 사건들만 보면
2022-01-03 20:11:03
1월 3일에 있었던 일들만 정리한 것임
1. 신지예 사퇴 →
2. 선대위 6개 본부장 전원 사퇴 예정 →
3. 윤석열 향후 일정 잠정 중단 →
4. 김종인 "선대위 개편 후보 동의 구할 필요 없다" →
5. 김종인 "윤석열은 연기만 잘해라" →
6. 권성동, 사의 표명 보도에 "사실무근" →
7. 원내대표, 정책위의장 사퇴 →
8. 이준석 외통수 →
9. 김종인 쇄신 선언, 윤석열도 몰랐다 →
10. 김한길 사의 표명 →
11. 김기현 김도읍 권성동 사의 표명 →
12. 김종인, 김병준도 사의 표명 →
13. 이준석 "손학규한테 배운 게 많다. 조수진 김재원 사퇴한다면 대체 최고위원 임명할 것. 최고위원에 안철수 임명할 수도" →
14. 김종인 사퇴 부인 →
15. 김종인 사의 밝히며 윤석열 캠프 떠나 →
16. 나경원, 이준석 저격 →
17. 국민의힘, 김종인 사의 발표는 "착오" →
18. 국힘 선대위 "신지예 활동 안한다" 신지예 "확인을 해봐야할 것 같다. 그쪽(선대위) 대변인이 얘기한 거고, 새시대위에서 얘기한 건 아니다. 계속 활동하기로 내부 논의"
결론 : 개판

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 8) 8)

이준석 검찰수사가 별 기대 안되는 이유.jpg
2022-01-03 20:48:11
정권수사한 검사들 싹다 좌천시킨 이성윤이 서울고검장으로 있고,
원래 이성윤 자리였던 서울중앙지검장 자리에는 박범계 후배가 있음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
가세연이 그동안 방송에서 주장한 민주당쪽에서 이미 사건을 알고있다는 사람 = 박범계임 
그리고 그 박범계의 후배가 서울중앙지검장이고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
대충 혐의없음으로 결론날 확률 518%임. ;D ;D 8) 8)

오사카의대 알아주는데냐? 1 ᄋᄋ(223.62) | 2022.01.03 17:15
조회수 2011 | 추천 151 | 댓글66
DNA O 遺子組換葉!!! mRNAワクチンは安全&有効性が不明の 第3&4 相試験中の実験薬で
接種者は全員モルモットであり 今世界中でその実験結果が出始めている!!
新型コロナ病態の本質は血栓症 2 기
소 (Circulation & Y- 究所) BmRNA GEO業 0 21年 10 月 0
1325 ~ 9 月1
It 5.1 以上 3後因大半在血性 書 (Circulation & ) OmRNA型は卵巣や精巣にも集積するが感染予防と重症化抑制効果は低い ( & 05度もの PCR陽性波で無症候性感染した日本人にはコロナのT細胞免疫記憶があり (理化学研究所より、重症化&死亡率は著している。但し、 9日 依 存性 ADE O LTBS(Cell), 接種継続で感染病態が重症化するフェズに入りつつある!!
大半の医師がこの事実を知らずにコロナ無リスクの児童や 生世代(接種!
の接種後に異変を感じたら早急に肺CTと血中Dダイマーを検査して血栓予防治療を依頼し、 死亡時には火事前に病理解剖"を依頼する!! オミクロン株感染者の大半は無症状で急速に収東予定であり、 ワクチンは逆効果になるのでメディアに隠されて過剰反応しない事が賢明!! 医師は「弱毒株への自然感染が最良の免疫軍事訓練である事実と感染免疫学の基本」を 思い出し、いい歳の大人は正気に返り国民の生命を守る為に正しく起しよう!!
국민여러분에게 긴급메세지
DNA백신은 유전자조작약 mRNA백신은 안전 유효성 불명의 제 3,4차 임상시험 중의 실험약으로 접종자는 전원 모르모트 (실험쥐)이며 | 전세계에서 실험결과가 나오고 있다.
판명된 결과 1. 코로나질환의 본질은 혈전증 2. 스파이크는 혈관장애성혈전독 3. mRNA형은 심근염과 심장병유발약 4. 21년 10월까지의 접종후 단기사망자는 1325명이 며 9월의 초과사망자수는 5.1만명 이상 5. 접종후 사망원인의 대부분은 혈전성순환기장애 (일본후생성) 6. mRNA형은 난소와 정소에도 집적 축적되지만 감 염억제와 중증화억제효과는 낮다.즉 코로나 예방효과 는 없다. 7. 5도 PCR 양성파로 무증상 감염된 환자에게는 코로 나의 T세포면역 기억이 있어 중증화 사망률은 줄어들 고 있다.다만 8. 일본에서도 항체의존성 증강 ADE의 항체가 발견되 고 있고 * 중요 백신의 연속된 접종지속으로 감염증세가 중증 화 되는 경향이 높아지고 있다.
| 대부분의 의사들이 이사실을 모르고 코로나에 전혀 무해한 아동접종과 전세대에 접종을 하고 있다.
9. 접종후에 이변을 느끼면 신속히 폐CT와 혈중 D 다 이머를 검사해서 혈전예방치료를 의뢰하고 사망후에는 반드시 화장전에 병리해부를 의뢰한다. 정 확한 사망원인규명
오미크론감염자의 대부분은 무증상이며 급속히 증상 이 완화될 것이며 백신은 역효과이고 미디어에 속아 과민반응하지않는 것이 현명하다.
의사는 약독균의 자연감염이 최선의 면역군사훈련이 라는 사실을 잊지말고 감염면역학의 진실을 상기하여 현명한 지식인 어른으로서 제대로된 정신으로 돌아가 일본국민의 생명을 보호하고 지키기 위해 궐기한다.
일본정부는 포퓰리즘을 배제하고 인재적국난을 끝내 라!!
| 오사카 시립대학 의학부 명예교수 일동

;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 04, 2022, 08:51:17 PM
서양철학사는 새로운 개념을 만들려고 혈안이된 사람들이다.
고대부터 약탈이 일상이 된 사고방식들 장착해서,
아인슈타인처럼 남의 아이디어 도용하든 말든 먼저 공표하면 된다고 생각하는 사람들이다.
의적 홍길동과는 다르게 괴도 루팡을 존경하는 사람들이기도 하다.
서양철학도 개념을 약탈 및 오류찾아 파기하는게 일상이였다.
해서 시공간을 넘나드는 서양철학사에서 서로가 죽고 죽이기는 예의 범주다.

여호와 하나님이 흙으로 각종 들짐승과 공중의 각종 새를 지으시고 아담이 어떻게 이름을 짓나 보시려고 그것들을 그에게로 이끌어 이르시니 아담이 각 생물을 일컫는 바가 곧 그 이름이라
Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name.

신의 언어와 아담의 언어사이에는 사실상 차이가 없다.
여호와 경전이라 아담이 신의 피조물이 된게 전부다.
서양철학도 아담처럼 선배들 철학 개념에서 빈틈을 노리는 자들이라,
미개척 영역보다, 뒤집고 자신의 재개발 언어로 재해석해 보태는 경우가 태반이다.
개념이 보태진다는 것은 여러모로 교집합의 영역이다.
그 개념이 그 개념으로 짬뽕 통섭된다.
근현대 난다긴다하는 철학자들 덕분에 이렇게 짬뽕 통섭된 철학개념 신대륙 생겼다.
해서 갈수록 새로운 미개척 영감얻기 하늘의 별따기처럼 어려울뿐더러,
이제는 오류나 과거 개념 뒤집기보다는 디테일하게 보태고 넓히는 영역만 남았다고해도 틀린 말은 아니다.
더더욱 통찰과 통섭이 필요한 분야가 철학이다.
과거처럼 철학만 파서는 사금을 모아모아야 하는 영감얻기 어렵다.

과거 철학자들 자기개발서는 종교 경전이 아니다.
비집고 뒤지고 오류와 미지의 진주를 찾아내야하는 쓰레기통이다.
해서 철학자는 자기의 스승일찌라도 비판하고 단칼에 베어야할 자들이다.
철학은 "너 자신을 알라"는 내면의 탐구 오류에서 시작한 학문이라 파면 팔수록 오류 투성이 자신만의 학문이다.
존재란 자신을 관철시키려면 모든 철학사 개념과 눈을 속여야 한다.
불가능한 너 자신을 파는 자기개발서 학문을, 종교경전처럼 믿음과 수용의 마음으로 대하면, 뒤집고 찾아야할 오류와 미지의 진주를 찾아내기 어렵다.
너 자신을 아는 것은 아몬의 신탁이다.
읽은게 전부인 몽학선생 수준의 철학은 자랑할 것이 못된다.
철학에서 자랑은 미개척지를 찾아낸 자들의 후학 평가뿐이다.

대체로 제입으로 제자랑하는 자들은 철학자가 아니라 무당 천공이처럼 스승을 자처하며 온갖 것에 참견하는 사이비 철학자다.
요즘 한국에나 있는 세태다.
지젝처럼 덜떨어졌거나.

최소 철학자라 한다면 십중팔구는 같은 철학을 비판해야 할 자들이다.
사색할 시간이 아까워서라도 다른데 신경쓸 여유가 불필요해야할 사람들이다.
발견한 미개척 자랑거리도 언제든 뒤집어질 수 있기 때문이야.
보완과 보강은 필수고 다른데 신경쓸 여유가 없다.
더군다나 철학서 읽는 것도 어려워하는 자들이....

철학에 완성은 없다.
철학증명은 신의 창조 언어처럼 없는 것을 새로운 언어나 개념으로 정착시키려는 언어유희영역이다.
해서 언제나 뒤집어 엎을 수 있는 것이 개념과 증명이고, 철학자는 늘 부던하게 철학을 비판하고 예찬은 입에 담지도 않던 사람들이다.
이것이 서양철학사의 밑바탕 전제였다.

보통, 하나를 일러주면 열을 이해하는 사람이 있고,
zero zone .... ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ...
열을 일러줘도 하나도 제대로 이해하지 못하는 사람이 있다.
예도는 일반상식부터 철학까지 전반에 걸쳐 zero zone 수준이다.
왜 철학하는지 나로서도 이해가 안간다.
억울해도 객관적 평가니, 받든말든 그것은 니 맘이다.

고집으로 철학하는 사람은 똑똑해지려고 발버둥치는 사람과 똑똑한척하고 싶은 사람밖에 없다.
철학에서 종교적인 깨달음이나 타우마제인을 소원했다면 안타깝지만 소크라테스 이후로 죽었다.
Quote from: lancaIV on January 03, 2022, 10:19:31 AM
A연속과 B연속

가능태와 현실태
개체 (컴퓨팅)
권력 의지

내성 (심리학)

단자 (철학)
대상 (철학)
도 (철학)
동작 (철학)

마음 이론
무 (철학)
물리적 영역의 인과적 폐쇄성

불쾌한 골짜기

성장 단지 우주
시간의 B이론
식별불가능자 동일성 원리
심신 문제

양 (크기)
영원 (철학)
오컴의 면도날
우주의 음악
의식 (심리철학)

자기 (심리학)
존재의 범주
지각 (심리학)
질 (철학)


코기토 에르고 숨


패러다임의 전환

현상 (철학)

공동사회와 이익사회
권력 의지


단자 (철학)
대상 (철학)


마지막 인간
물활론 (철학)

부정적 능력
불안의 개념

사피어-워프 가설
삶의 의미
세계 영혼
식별불가능자 동일성 원리


아는 것이 힘이다
아이테르 (원소설)
액체 근대
영원 (철학)
영원 철학
영원 회귀
은총은 자연을 파괴하지 않고 완성한다
이항 대립
인류 원리

주인-노예 변증법
중용 (성공회)

초월적 논법



프레임 (인식의 방법)
프시케 (심리학)

해석학 (철학)
호모 파베르

Fides quaerens intellectum
사용자:Youngsil/사르트르의 사상

과학과 종교의 관계
기포드 강연


다섯 가지 길
단순 주관주의

명사 (논리학)


사단 (철학)
사르트르의 사상
사이보그 선언
상상력 (사르트르)
생의 철학
세속화 신학
스탠퍼드 철학 백과사전
신의 존재
심리 이기주의

영원의 진리
이란 철학
이탈리아 현대사상
인과율 (철학)

자기 (심리학)
잠재력과 실제
절대 관념론
정신 모델
제논의 역설
존재의 범주
주체의 해석학
질 (철학)

철학적 신학

카르네아데스의 널빤지


표현론 (문학)
플라토닉 러브

핸런의 면도날
헬레니즘 철학
현상 (철학)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 04, 2022, 08:55:43 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 03, 2022, 10:19:31 AM
from the Columban air-scooter possible calculation prototype

                                               6 US$/Kg material costs based endseller price fob factory
to Arzens Egg  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Arzens
Paul Arzens: Oeuf, 125 ccm, 80 km/h, that he designed and built in 1942, a sphere of plexiglas mounted on aluminum; L'Œuf électrique (The electric egg)
related the 1942 used 125 ccm engine for comparison
5.75 kW
(8 BHP)
@5600 RPM

and Lambretta

123 ccm  : 4.3 hp (3 kW; 4 PS)
1942 e-drive version : A. 60 Kg the body , B. 30 Kg the electric motor and (350 Kg total with battery - A.+B. 90Kg =  ) 260 Kg battery pack
2022 : to 1942 lead battery alternative I. https://ambri.com/   II. https://innolith.com/de/
          assuming 1942 from 40 Wh/Kg lead battery 50% DoD potential = 20 Wh/Kg x 260 Kg = net 5,2 KWh available power
         the ambri/Innolith battery with 350 Wh/Kg x 0,8 DoD potential = 280 Wh net per Kg

         and related above 5,2 KWh/280 Wh = 18,5 Kg battery pack
        60 Kg body,2022 max. 10 Kg electric drive weight and 18,5 Kg battery pack = 88,5 Kg total e-vehicle weight                               
                                                                by 1942 range performance
      about the electric motor KW nominal the question ,only to resolve by real world experiments  :     
      http://www.evalbum.com/314   1,5 KW, 12 V DC

                                                        1,5 KW, 230 V AC
     A car with an electric motor (1500 watts, 4000 revolutions / minute)

    An existing AUTO with a normal manual or automatic transmission will be converted by OTTO Motorbetrieb    to an electric motor as named above.  Assuming : "normal weight 600 Kg minimum for gasoline ic engine cars " !

     This means that a car with a low total weight can drive up to 120 km / h

    The Arzen Egg with   88,5 Kg total e-vehicle weight and nominal 1,5 KW 230 V AC e-drive + battery related DC/AC inverter  ?

   DC 1500 W : 7,9 Kg with 2300 RPM and nearly 5-4 Kg with 4000 RPM

the Arzen EGG international selling price we can expect between :


                                     Columban 1000 Euros air-scooters and Arzen 1000 Euros EGGs
                                               " We all live in a yellow SUPRA-marine " feelings ::)



많은 함의를 지닌 로마의 황제.

몸의 동반자와 몸으로 농담(아펩의 몸)하던 작은-영혼.

원한과 울분에 홀로 지워짐의 상처는 그의 몫이다....

최후의 만찬 예수와 12제자는 이곳이 기원이다.

21   예수께서 이 말씀을 하시고 심령에 민망하여 증거하여 가라사대 내가 진실로 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 너희 중 하나가 나를 팔리라 하시니
22   제자들이 서로 보며 뉘게 대하여 말씀하시는지 의심하더라
23   예수의 제자 중 하나 곧 그의 사랑하시는 자가 예수의 품에 의지하여 누웠는지라
24   시몬 베드로가 머릿짓을 하여 말하되 말씀하신 자가 누구인지 말하라 한대
25   그가 예수의 가슴에 그대로 의지하여 말하되 주여 누구오니이까
26   예수께서 대답하시되 내가 한 조각을 찍어다가 주는 자가 그니라 하시고 곧 한 조각을 찍으셔다가 가룟 시몬의 아들 유다를 주시니
27   조각을 받은 후 곧 사단이 그 속에 들어간지라 이에 예수께서 유다에게 이르시되 네 하는 일을 속히 하라 하시니
28   이 말씀을 무슨 뜻으로 하셨는지 그 앉은 자 중에 아는 이가 없고
29   어떤이들은 유다가 돈 궤를 맡았으므로 명절에 우리의 쓸 물건을 사라 하시는지 혹 가난한 자들에게 무엇을 주라 하시는 줄로 생각하더라
30   유다가 그 조각을 받고 곧 나가니 밤이러라
When Jesus had said this, He became troubled in spirit, and testified and said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, that one of you will betray Me."
The disciples began looking at one another, at a loss to know of which one He was speaking.
There was reclining on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.
So Simon Peter gestured to him, and said to him, "Tell us who it is of whom He is speaking."
He, leaning back thus on Jesus' bosom, said to Him, "Lord, who is it?"
Jesus then answered, "That is the one for whom I shall dip the morsel and give it to him." So when He had dipped the morsel, He took and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.
After the morsel, Satan then entered into him. Therefore Jesus said to him, "What you do, do quickly."
Now no one of those reclining at the table knew for what purpose He had said this to him.
For some were supposing, because Judas had the money box, that Jesus was saying to him, "Buy the things we have need of for the feast"; or else, that he should give something to the poor.
So after receiving the morsel he went out immediately; and it was night.

20   베드로가 돌이켜 예수의 사랑하시는 그 제자가 따르는 것을 보니 그는 만찬석에서 예수의 품에 의지하여 주여 주를 파는 자가 누구오니이까 묻던 자러라
21   이에 베드로가 그를 보고 예수께 여짜오되 주여 이 사람은 어떻게 되겠삽나이까
22   예수께서 가라사대 내가 올 때까지 그를 머물게 하고자 할찌라도 네게 무슨 상관이냐 너는 나를 따르라 하시더라
Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them; the one who also had leaned back on His bosom at the supper and said, "Lord, who is the one who betrays You?"
So Peter seeing him said to Jesus, "Lord, and what about this man?"
Jesus said to him, "If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!"

가룟유다가 밖으로 나가면서, 왜 밤이됐는지 이해하지 못하는 사람은 철학하지 마라.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 04, 2022, 09:19:34 PM
Трансик и магнит1
Трансик и магнит2
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 07:07:09 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 05, 2022, 05:31:13 AM
Under TECT,pro-tected :
like in the movie "DUNE" a 24/365 body overall ,heat and cold protection :
the overall coated https://www.patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=11044
We painted a pair of socks with combo 2 and our socks warmed up so much in 5 minutes we couldn't even wear them any longer because of the heat.

But heat/cold conditioning controleable !
with Peltier-element wrist-band like https://spectrum.ieee.org/wristify-thermoelectric-bracelet-would-reduce-energy-consumption
or nano-wired textile overall by http://www.rexresearch.com/cuinanoagwire/cuinanoag.html
24/365 body well temperature conditioner !
After body shelting now against bad/surplus climate effect a protecting cover :
living in (hiper-modern,all inclusive) Single-/Couple-/Family parcs https://www.centerparcs.eu/?https://www.centerparcs.com/gb-en&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIneiOvZaa9QIV55BoCR1XAgJJEAAYASAAEgJje_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

temporary Circus-like Pylons-/textile coat area covering technique

under translucent tect as experimental and approved given
with ground area multiplying open hub-/platforms  http://www.restraum.eu/img/corb_skelett.jpg
and reminded https://www.designboom.com/readers/polikatoikea-by-filipe-magalhaes-and-ana-luisa-soares/

greater area covering,over 74 000 sqm
http://www.fishrock.com/conics/  + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparent_wood_composite

That to conserve and preserve all wishes is difficult ,we see here a temptation and the scientifally fail result :
living stays with riscs !
Under the protected thin "open-sky-pause"(with solar-dots caoted for radiation to electricity !?) biospheric cover :
such domes in less than 1 hour errectable ,the rough shell !,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binishell         https://www.binisystems.com/minishells.html
relatively cheaply materials : https://www.jovoto.com/projects/300house/ideas/12501?page=1&scope2=published&scope=prizes

  https://planetaryrenewal.org/ipr/ultralc.html                     WASP : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_ZbTD-2keo
stackable parts dome/yurts : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexayurt  http://www.decadome.com/
what is the ,move-/portable,essential minimum as "house maker" :
to 4 sqm compact-house-unit https://architekturvideo.de/je-kleiner-desto-besser-chu-200-das-vier-quadratmeter-haus/
also known as 4 sqm https://www.glen-l.com/campers/sequoia.html COMPACT TRAVEL TRAILER

to expandable 4 to 8 sqm https://cado-eva.tumblr.com/post/586617379/transportable-housing-container-finland-by/amp
to same floor area https://www.ecocapsule.sk/

and in detail.de DIY-plan
to PACO https://www.trendir.com/micro-compact-home-from-japan-futuristic-paco-house/

to HYPERCUBE https://craft-mart.com/lifestyle/affordable-high-tech-prefab-tiny-houses/https://craft-mart.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/38-tiny-homes-hypercube.jpg.webp
to stackable parts house https://karmod.eu/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/foldable-portable-buildings.png
to all-wood house http://www.dailybusiness.ro/imgs/uploads/library/02/537639da2a569.jpg included wood-glass windows ,3d printed

knowing expandable techniques like

40 foot container ~ 30 sqm floor area to expanded 90 sqm

we see such objects https://www.idealista.pt/news/imobiliario/construcao/2017/07/10/33885-uma-casa-portatil-com-64-m2-que-demora-dez-minutos-a-ser-montada

in the industrial 250 Euros/sqm floor area

but when we take
4 sqm as absolute 1 single area/space demand
10 sqm INSIDE

12,5 sqm as experienced and approved couple living area minimum https://www.glen-l.com/campers/laguna.html
so we have to accept 35 sqm living floor area https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWpZvamc5wAhttp://www.designnconstruction.com/design/ikea-35-square-metre-home/
as 4 capita family physical minimum area demand
by the way :          Federation of American Scientists : housing program "Starter Family = 2 Generations " : 32-38 sqm STANDART

this 35 sqm area has as option .morphing furniture use,extreme example  :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB2-2j9e4co
this 35 sqm area  is compressable : here we see more area compressed

the CIAM 1929 conference defined 4 capita living floor area as social-and finance-political maximum standart fixing :

                                                 (30,5 + 4x9)  sqm = 66,5 sqm floor area max for 4-capita-family

                        and the "general minimum value " defining,international : as "general maximum credit value base " !

Many western morbide demography and internal migration movements estates will have in future solid "worth" defining numbers problems :
as actually extreme example ITALY : with higher "book-value/in people mind worth" valued patrimony as 1 EURO urban ground auctions :
https://1eurohouses.com/  with the Lancet-published demography preview https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30677-2/fulltext

soon also in Spain and Portugal "normal" market auction selling trend ! Later also Middle-Europe !

We are not writing about rural ground,this is f.e. in Portugal in the 0,25 Euros level per sqm to find and buy !
About villages urban ground/plots with old house ruin ,200 sqm and more, urban village land for < 0,1 Euro/sqm  !

Economy is with numbers playing,it is ever important to know the (the for some hidden/unknown) rules of the economic game


Quote from: lancaIV on January 05, 2022, 06:16:23 AM
A. CO2 gas to solid CARBON


B. solid carbon to POLYCARBONATE

Extend your growing season and protect sensitive plants from pests.  DecaDome® Grodomes™are the perfect greenhouse (http://www.decadome.com/consumer-greenhouse.html) solution.  6mm fluted polycarbonate walls provide protection from the elements and UV while allowing plants to thrive in natural light.
or carbon based plastics :
and ,futuristic preview : autonomous : https://contest.techbriefs.com/2011/entries/sustainable-technologies/1518
Are we ready for the Future,or not ?

The sea-level is increasing ? Why not ,btw the Aral-lake sea-line level is decreasing ! ::)
https://www.dezeen.com/2018/08/27/eight-forward-thinking-ideas-buckminster-fuller-exhibition-los-angeles/Submersible, 1959
For conducting offshore drilling, the Submersible is designed to be partially submerged underwater, to protect apparatus known as an oil derrick from damage caused by stormy weather. The caisson underneath adds buoyancy to the structure, which remains in a fixed position via an underground rig.
The concept formed the starting point for an investigation into creating a habitable, weather-resistant, floating city in Japan (https://overcupbooks.com/blogs/overcup-press/121545729-the-life-aquatic-we-spotlight-buckys-astounding-submarisle), but after Fuller's investor died, this proposal never made it off the drawing board.

Makro-/Micro-Polynesia future building construction method ?

For each problem we have published/archived solutions !
For life death,thanks : there will be no recipe ! Giving area and space for the Gen-Next !



모세의 샌들로 적당한 후보지는 어디일까?
후보지가 어디냐에 따라서 모세는 가나안땅에 들어가느냐 못들어가느냐가 결정난다.
그래서 모세오경의 내용이 훼손된 하드리아누스처럼 유대인들 판단에 의해 내용이 뒤바뀌었을 경우야.

관련된 이유가 성서에 있다.

모세가 샌들을 벗어서 연꽃배안에 못들어갔다면,
모세가 뱀지팡이를 잡고 연꽃배안에 못들어간 것과 충돌한다.

여호와가 지정한 약속의 땅 가나안이 이스라엘이 될 수 없는 이유는 뱀지팡이를 잡고있는 모세는 연꽃배 샌들을 신고있기 때문에 여호와 명령과 충돌한다.

이 모든 충돌을 피하기 위해서는 모세의 샌들로 작동하는 연꽃배가 이스라엘 가나안땅이 아니라 다른 곳에 있어야 한다.

이집트 Djed이 넘어지면 코닫는 곳에 있는 가나안에 못갈 이유가 없다.
가나안은 언제든 이집트 지배영역이지만,

로마는 클레오파트라7세(마리아)와 카이사리온(12세 이전의 어린 예수)이 방문한 것 말고 이집트와 직접적인 인연이 없다.

춤추는 자는 애초에 아테네 아크로폴리스가 본향이라 그리스와 로마의 자리싸움 주도권만 남았다.
바울의 개입한 합체신전 아테네 지역은 모세(Djed)가 샌들을 벗고있는지 신고있는지 모호한 지역이지만,
로마에는 샌들이 있다.

하드리아누스 황제와 마태복음과 요한계시록 내용이 혼재되어 로마를 지목하는 사태가 발생한다.

마태복음 27장
15   명절을 당하면 총독이 무리의 소원대로 죄수 하나를 놓아 주는 전례가 있더니
16   그 때에 바라바라 하는 유명한 죄수가 있는데
17   저희가 모였을 때에 빌라도가 물어 가로되 너희는 내가 누구를 너희에게 놓아 주기를 원하느냐 바라바냐 그리스도라 하는 예수냐 하니
18   이는 저가 그들의 시기로 예수를 넘겨준줄 앎이러라
19   총독이 재판 자리에 앉았을 때에 그 아내가 사람을 보내어 가로되 저 옳은 사람에게 아무 상관도 하지 마옵소서 오늘 꿈에 내가 그 사람을 인하여 애를 많이 썼나이다 하더라
20   대제사장들과 장로들이 무리를 권하여 바라바를 달라 하게 하고 예수를 멸하자 하게 하였더니
21   총독이 대답하여 가로되 둘 중에 누구를 너희에게 놓아 주기를 원하느냐 가로되 바라바로소이다
22   빌라도가 가로되 그러면 그리스도라 하는 예수를 내가 어떻게 하랴 저희가 다 가로되 십자가에 못 박혀야 하겠나이다
Matthew 27 [NASB]
Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to release for the people any one prisoner whom they wanted.
At that time they were holding a notorious prisoner, called Barabbas.
So when the people gathered together, Pilate said to them, "Whom do you want me to release for you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?"
For he knew that because of envy they had handed Him over.
While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him a message, saying, "Have nothing to do with that righteous Man; for last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him."
But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to put Jesus to death.
But the governor said to them, "Which of the two do you want me to release for you?" And they said, "Barabbas."
Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" They all said, "Crucify Him!"

요한계시록 7장
1   이 일 후에 내가 네 천사가 땅 네 모퉁이에 선 것을 보니 땅의 사방의 바람을 붙잡아 바람으로 하여금 땅에나 바다에나 각종 나무에 불지 못하게 하더라
2   또 보매 다른 천사가 살아계신 하나님의 인을 가지고 해 돋는 데로부터 올라와서 땅과 바다를 해롭게 할 권세를 얻은 네 천사를 향하여 큰 소리로 외쳐
3   가로되 우리가 우리 하나님의 종들의 이마에 인치기까지 땅이나 바다나 나무나 해하지 말라 하더라
4   내가 인맞은 자의 수를 들으니 이스라엘 자손의 각 지파 중에서 인맞은 자들이 십 사만 사천이니
5   유다 지파 중에 인맞은 자가 일만 이천이요 르우벤 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 갓 지파 중에 일만 이천이요
6   아셀 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 납달리 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 므낫세 지파 중에 일만 이천이요
7   시므온 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 레위 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 잇사갈 지파 중에 일만 이천이요
8   스불론 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 요셉 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 베냐민 지파 중에 인맞은 자가 일만 이천이라
9   이 일 후에 내가 보니 각 나라와 족속과 백성과 방언에서 아무라도 능히 셀 수 없는 큰 무리가 흰 옷을 입고 손에 종려 가지를 들고 보좌 앞과 어린 양 앞에 서서
10   큰 소리로 외쳐 가로되 구원하심이 보좌에 앉으신 우리 하나님과 어린 양에게 있도다 하니
11   모든 천사가 보좌와 장로들과 네 생물의 주위에 섰다가 보좌 앞에 엎드려 얼굴을 대고 하나님께 경배하여
12   가로되 아멘 찬송과 영광과 지혜와 감사와 존귀와 능력과 힘이 우리 하나님께 세세토록 있을찌로다 아멘 하더라
Revelation 7 [NASB]    
After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree.
And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the seal of the living God; and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,
saying, "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads."
And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel:
from the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand were sealed, from the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand, from the tribe of Gad twelve thousand,   
from the tribe of Asher twelve thousand, from the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand, from the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand, from the tribe of Levi twelve thousand, from the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand, from the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand, from the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand were sealed.
After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;
and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb."
And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures; and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God,
saying, "Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever Amen."

바르 코크바(Simon Bar Kokhbar)의 반란(132년 – 135년)은 로마 제국에 대항한 유대인의 저항운동 중의 하나로 제3차 유대-로마 전쟁으로 불리기도 한다.

바라바가 135년에 로마제국에게 패하면서 유대인들 포로 십사만사천명이 로마제국으로 잡혀간다.
그래서 요한계록 7장에 네 천사가 네 모퉁이 땅에 섰다고 말한 것이고,
"Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads."
십사만사천명이 모두 로마제국으로 압송되며 이들에 의해 로마 기독교 시초가 된다.

이집트 하토르신전 지하실의 아펩신전과 태양신전은 바울이나 클레오파트라가 완성하지만 로마제국 황제 하트리아누스는 직접 참가했다.

하드리아누스가 베드로의 모델이다.
Hadrian is Peter's model.

요한의 예수는 베드로에게 세 번이나 내 양을 먹이라 요청한다.
하드리아누스가 포로로 잡은 십사만사천명의 양들이 이마에 봉인을 당한 태양신전 하토로 사건으로 전환되는 이유다.

마태복음 14장 [개역한글]
Matthew 14 [NASB]

6   마침 헤롯의 생일을 당하여 헤로디아의 딸이 연석 가운데서 춤을 추어 헤롯을 기쁘게 하니
7   헤롯이 맹세로 그에게 무엇이든지 달라는대로 주겠다 허락하거늘
8   그가 제 어미의 시킴을 듣고 가로되 세례 요한의 머리를 소반에 담아 여기서 내게 주소서 하니
9   왕이 근심하나 자기의 맹세한 것과 그 함께 앉은 사람들을 인하여 주라 명하고
10   사람을 보내어 요한을 옥에서 목 베어
11   그 머리를 소반에 담아다가 그 여아에게 주니 그가 제 어미에게 가져가니라
12   요한의 제자들이 와서 시체를 가져다가 장사하고 가서 예수께 고하니라
But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod,
so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked.
Having been prompted by her mother, she said, "Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist."
Although he was grieved, the king commanded it to be given because of his oaths, and because of his dinner guests.
He sent and had John beheaded in the prison.
And his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother.
His disciples came and took away the body and buried it; and they went and reported to Jesus.

세례요한이 죽고,
태양신전의 오병이어 기적이 일어나고

25   밤 사경에 예수께서 바다 위로 걸어서 제자들에게 오시니
26   제자들이 그 바다 위로 걸어 오심을 보고 놀라 유령이라 하며 무서워하여 소리지르거늘
27   예수께서 즉시 일러 가라사대 안심하라 내니 두려워 말라
28   베드로가 대답하여 가로되 주여 만일 주시어든 나를 명하사 물 위로 오라 하소서 한대
29   오라 하시니 베드로가 배에서 내려 물 위로 걸어서 예수께로 가되
30   바람을 보고 무서워 빠져 가는지라 소리질러 가로되 주여 나를 구원하소서 하니
31   예수께서 즉시 손을 내밀어 저를 붙잡으시며 가라사대 믿음이 적은 자여 왜 의심하였느냐 하시고
32   배에 함께 오르매 바람이 그치는지라
And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea.   
When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out in fear.
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."
Peter said to Him, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water."
And He said, "Come!" And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"
When they got into the boat, the wind stopped.

베드로 혼자 배에서 내려 예수에게 가다가 물에 빠진다.
이것은 단순한 사역이 아니라,
어부 베드로가 배를 버리고 예수를 택하면서 세례요한의 세례를 몸소 실천하면서 뭔가 변화가 발생했다.
베드로와 안드레가 예수와 처음으로 만났을 때도 배를 버렸다.
배의 상징성은 이베리아반도와 이탈리아 반도를 아우르는 통합 지역이다.
로마황제 베드로(하드리아누스)가 배를 버리고 예수와 장시간 사역을 함께하며 닭이 우는 밤 새벽에 세 번이나 예수를 부인하는 것은 아펩신전 세 아펩뱀의 숫자와 태양신전에 살고있는 베드로의 정체성 관계다.

요한복음 21장
2   시몬 베드로와 디두모라 하는 도마와 갈릴리 가나 사람 나다나엘과 세베대의 아들들과 또 다른 제자 둘이 함께 있더니
3   시몬 베드로가 나는 물고기 잡으러 가노라 하매 저희가 우리도 함께 가겠다 하고 나가서 배에 올랐으나 이 밤에 아무 것도 잡지 못하였더니
John 21 [NASB]    
Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together.
Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We will also come with you." They went out and got into the boat; and that night they caught nothing.

로마황제 하트리아누스(재위 117∼138)가 이스라엘 포로를 십사만사천명 잡아갔다는 이유로 [사람을 낚는 어부] 타이틀 보유하며 처음부터 베드로가 예수와 함께 사역하면서, 예수가 죽기 직전에 만나는 바라바가 일으킨 132년~135년의 전쟁 기간 동안 예수가 사역한 것이 된다.
Roman emperor Hatrian (reigned 117-138) held the title of [fisher of men] because he had captured 144,000 Israeli captives. It is Jesus' ministry during the war period of 132 to 135 AD.

예수의 3년 공생애가, 하드리아누스가 바라바와 전쟁하던 3년의 시간에서 나온 말이라면,

23   예수께서 가르치심을 시작할 때에 삼십세쯤 되시니라  사람들의 아는대로는 요셉의 아들이니 요셉의 이상은 헬리요
When He began His ministry, Jesus Himself was about thirty years of age, being, as was supposed, the son of Joseph, the son of Eli,

누가복음 3장에서 말하는 예수 나이 삼십세는 세마리 아펩뱀으로 비롯된 숫자 계산법이다.
가룟유다 예수를 팔 때 받은 은냥 삼십냥과 같은 의미다.

그런데 예수가 세 번 부탁한 세 마리 어린 양을 먹여야 할 베드로 역활 부조가 누군가에 의해 훼손당했다.
베드로 두 손에 들린 것은 이집트 연꽃 로터스 두 송이와 하토르 두 상 세 개다.
베드로 황제가 로마와 전쟁 일으킨 바라바와 싸우면서 예수와 사역했으니 유대인들이 예수를 싫어한 것은 이해가지만,
예수를 따르던 베드로 황제가 빌라도 총독과 만나는 못하게 만든 극적 요소와
베드로 황제가 모시던 예수를 유대인이 잡아가지지 못하게 말고의 귀를 자른 것은,
결과적으로 유대인들이 Djed-예수를 잡아다가 로마 빌라도 총독앞에서 십자가 자신으로 매달렸으니,
유대인들은 Djed-예수를 잡고서 바라바도 선택했으니, 결과적으로 둘 모두를 선택한 것이 된다.

베드로가 다시 배를 타면서 부활한 예수와 만난다.
로마에 예수가 입성하려면 연꽃배와 Djed의 구도가 필요하지만 공관서예수는 아펩신전을 떠나지 못한다.
네 곳에 씨뿌리는 자 사역도 아펩신전 용이다.

로마서 8장
15   너희는 다시 무서워하는 종의 영을 받지 아니하였고 양자의 영을 받았으므로 아바 아버지라 부르짖느니라
Romans 8 [NASB]
For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"

하트리아누스(베드로)가 로마로 끌려간 십사만사천명을 위한 바울의 Abba는,

내가 인맞은 자의 수를 들으니
I heard the number of those who were sealed,

태양신전 염주 구슬의 지역을 아펩뱀의 연꽃 배로 바꾸기다.

여호와가 모세에게 약속한 가안안 땅에 모세가 들어가지 못한 것은
모세시대의 문제가 아니라 바라바 시대 투영이다.
Djed-모세는 태양신전(이베리아반도, 이탈리아반도)에 없다.
이것이 약속의 땅에 들어가지 못한 모세의 가나안땅 실제다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 07:59:40 AM
이만희 144,000명 설교 ;D ;D ;D ;D

폰투스 미트리다테스6세가 사람 납치한 베드로가 아니라서 좃빠지게 서운하다구?  ;D ;D ;D ;D

사도행전에서 베드로는 바울과 만난다.
프톨레미12세(기원전 117년 - 기원전 51년))와 하드리아누스(76년 1월 24일~138년 7월 10일)는 시대상으로 만날 수 없는 관계다.
바울과 티투스 (39년 12월 30일 - 81년 9월 13일)도 만날 수 없는 관계다.

낚시는 늘 유효하다. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 08:11:18 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 05, 2022, 07:44:40 AM

From Maxwell circuit to Carnot-circuit :
fridges uses the Carnot "closed fluid medium cycle"-principle,
let us take a conventional 100 W nominal compressor motor equipped refrigerator

A normal refrigerator with conventional use consumes per day 800Wh ! How many from these Whs are surplus electricity circuit standby losts ?
This[/font] fridge is 10 to 20 times more energy efficient[/font]
than typical household fridges on the market[/font]

When we need for a "closed thermic/cryogenic compression/expansion fluid cycle" and an electro-magnetic "close cycle" ,by given number :
  I have created and patented a device which captures the thermal energy normally expelled out f the refrigerant in a normal operating cycle.  I can then convert it into electricity and back feed the grid while making the refrigeration unit more efficient.  The device in testing produced 45% of the overall consumed energy and put it back on the grid in prototype testing.

we need an average 60% IN PHYSICAL UNITS  technical C.O.P. improvement ,
with before: average 100% to after: average 40% electric consume

for getting,by the PM-Generator work effect before : 100% electric units  in and 45% electric units  out

to after improvement:                                            40% in and 45% out        surplus electricity ratio !

It is a physical parts ideal application puzzle
The question in Physics,not the conventional/saving model comparison numbers " 10 to 20 times more energy efficient " but
[/font]the effective C.O.P. for the  BTU(British Thermal Units) movement  electricity consume actually from the improved prototipe !
Beside in fridge use ,we find the Carnot-principle its "close fluid cycle"  in use as chiller :
space temperature refridgeration

and water-from-air-dehumidifier

and ,as nano-fluid, in modern ultra-thin-foil body/air conditionng systems as published by
electro-magnetic circuit and hot/cold circuit : 2in1

tuk-tuk이 점점 아쿠라의 비밀에 접근중이야. 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 05, 2022, 11:08:49 AM
this might be of interest
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 05, 2022, 01:33:36 PM
Hi Color any chance you can explain the math's on this drawing ? I just can't make head nor taill of it  :-\

perhaps you have a video or link.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 04:46:25 PM
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 05, 2022, 11:08:49 AM
this might be of interest

I'm in a position to learn from AlienGrey about frequencies and oscilloscope waveforms, so advice from my dad's experiments is all I can give you.
I agree with AlienGrey.

Quote from: AlienGrey on January 05, 2022, 01:33:36 PM
Hi Color any chance you can explain the math's on this drawing ? I just can't make head nor taill of it  :-\
perhaps you have a video or link.

108 Может и бредовая мысль

tuk-tuk was joking with his dad with the title of a revolutionary slogan.
Nothing special.
Experimental video from a few years ago
This is a routine iteration process.

Quote from: AlienGrey on January 05, 2022, 01:33:36 PM
Half-wave kacher by Gorchilin
Полуволновой качер

One example of how even the most ill-brained can become a professor under Jewish community pressure is a retired MIT professor.
He's a comedian.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 06:01:54 PM
은퇴한 전직 MIT 교수의 장송곡(dead march) 시리즈물 ::) ::)

사람을 낚는 어부인 로마황제 베드로가, 머리가 몽학선생(custodian) 수준의 은퇴한 전직 MIT 교수네 유대인 커뮤니티에 좃빠지게 환타스틱한 향기로운 자극제 역활한다구? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 06:56:27 PM
내 사업계획좀 평가해줘라 ㄹㅇ 돈 쓸어담을것 같다.realfact
2022-01-06 08:50:10
식당을 차리는건데
메뉴를 그냥 이 세상에 있는거 전부다 파는거임
예를 들면 국밥집,떡볶이집,삼겹살집,족발집,파스타집 등등
한가지 메뉴만 전문적으로 파는게 아니라
간판은 그냥 oo식당 이렇게 해놓고
그 안에서는 그냥 세상 모든 음식을 잡탕처럼 전부다 파는거임
메뉴판을보면 ㄹㅇ 삼겹살,짜장면,피자,치킨,족발,순대국,칼국수,김밥,불고기,돈까스,파스타,햄버거,떡볶이,탕수육,갈비,스테이크,해물탕,곱창,김치찌개,냉면,된장찌개,부대찌개,초밥,도넛,케이크,마카롱,커피 등등등
그냥 이세상 모든 음식을 다 파는거임
그럼 사람들이 굳이 메뉴고민 할 필요없이
전부다 우리식당와서 그냥 먹고싶은거 찍으면 될거 아니노..?
그리고 오늘은 순대국먹고 내일은 초밥먹고 모레는 돈까스 먹고
이런식으로 우리식당을 매일 와도 매일매일 질리지 않게 메뉴를 돌려가면서 먹으면 되니깐 굳이 고민할 필요없이 우리식당 와서 먹을거 아니노?? 매일매일 사람 존나 바글바글 붐비겠지?
내 사업계획 어떰?? 대박이지?
나 이제 곧 돈 쓸어담을것 같다..ㅎㅎ


만물상회, 만물식당, 만물편의점, 만물백화점 등등 오래전부터 건달바성 업무중 하나니라.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 07:21:00 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 05, 2022, 06:14:06 PM
the simple Maxwell-Carnot Circuit :
a. working with high rpm ,ergo motive parts coating https://web.archive.org/web/20060226100841/http://www.bufo.ru/
b. the electric drive https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=2&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20091130&CC=PT&NR=104078A&KC=A#
c. https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1370813B1
Hydristor heat pumpSince the action of the flexible band is to fully contain these combined radial forces of the vanes, there is absolutely no increase of frictional forces due to increasing radial vane force, and this invention solves a very severe limitation of the prior art in that the rotating speed of the fixed devices built according to the prior art is limited to about 4,000 revolutions per minute, while the upper speed limit of the subject invention is substantially higher, say to the range of 30,000 revolutions per minute, governed largely by the design strength and durability of the flexible band.

Since the hydristor 162 is actually a dual pump/motor or compressor/expander, the first half functions as a compressor and the second half functions as an expansion valve which acts as a motor to relax the freon pressure. The motor torque is subtracted from the external drive torque supplied by the system electric startup motor. Thus the system amplification will be much higher than the 300% exhibited by the state of the art heat pump, and more on the order of about 1000% or 10 times. In simple terms, the heat generated from this system when applied to home heating systems could therefore reduce the required power to 10% of the original amount as compared to conventional heating systems.
2022 :
this system ,coupled with the Ferreira motor,when applied to home heating systems could therefore reduce the required power to 1% of the original amount as compared to conventional heating systems.
Cheaper old homes to super-low-e standart conversion than expensive tens of centimeters foam panels on wall/tect application !

Refuge de Sarenne ...
Hospice in Sarenne (France near Grenoble)
First european facility using positive energy situated on 2000 metres above sealevel.
So Sarenne Hospice tooks more than 10 years as we were looking for the answer to our needs for alternative energy sources
What goes with it, also looking at renewable energy sources.
I was interested in the various renewable energies,such as photovoltaic cells,wind turbines and Hydro-generators:
It turns out that all these factors have one thing in common. it becomes increasingly difficult.
Sun does not shine at night and the wind is from time to time. The fuel generator power is expensive and difficult to access.
Then I found on the internet Tariel Kapanadze generator. This generator allows you to extract energy from the earth and receive electrical particles.
it is inspired by the rotation of the Earth.
In fact, the source is the sun, which,unfortunately,shines of day minimum 8 to 10 hours.
Whatever the rotation of the earth during the day and night,it will rotate constantly.
So how do we do that? We will look for molecules in the ground and give them to the primary or secondary coil,or what we call the Tesla coil.
Next is a load of copper tubing.
This not any copper. The tubes should be covered with a layer of oxide adhering tightly sealed.
Then we established on the pipe ferrite rings consisting of three sets of 90 which will filter out particles.
A coil which also has no resonance but will in fact receive the voltage.
We also have the primary source - 12 volt battery. Tiny enough to it's battery.
Next we have a high-voltage generator to receive high voltage that goes to the primary module.
Here we have 2 coils. The first is for modulation and second for output.
Modulating coil to get the resonance in the center of matter.
Here is a demonstration:
you can hear clearly how it works, we see a flash of electric charges,which allow you to fill the primary coil.
Then we can see the power in which they are tiny particles which give the ability to connect one coil to another.In the coil it support the resonance .
Here is the result.
Here is dissipation. Reaching the voltage is cisible because we consme from 120 to 130 watts.
Already performed demonstraion of how we can illuminate the 2 KW in general,do not have to be exactly 2 KW,but from about 1.7 to 2.1 KW.
At this stage. we cam ise this type of energe to the heating load. Remain at the level of excitation of the low-'s battery ...
Consisting of two parts an two coils but in reality we only neet these two parts to boil as much water as we want.
All these principles are known to us for several years.
What needs to do to make it all work?
Obtain resonance for today is easy. This is a system Kapanadze,which is quite simple.
We have materials connected by air and electrical
loads receiving is not complicated.
As you can see,we can change the World.We can respond to our individual needs and as well as at collective level 20-30 people.
If we received 2 Kilowatts it possible to get 4-6 KW. I think is possible to make generator which would be 105 kilowatts.
But we do not expect that it well bring us a solution.
it depends on us and on our collective intelligence of what decision to take.
We have to learn to control our future by consumption .
If we want to move away from nuclear power plants, we should not to be their customers.
We cannot criticize prostitution and at the same time every night banging another prostitute.
There are people who criticize nuclear power plants and at every night they use energy from it.
I have the privilege. I responding to my small needs that I can criticize.
We cannot criticize nuclear power on the one hand and on the other be the consumer.
Learn to dream about the impossible, together we wen,by finding a way out from falling collectivism of atom.
Life is a dream, which his clarity should wake us every day.
Join us on the roof of Europe (Mont Blanc 4807 meters) to share the power of free energy at the top of our future. September 2012.
The energy crisis does not exist,certainly not more than a financial crisis,we must not forget that it is driven by fear. Glory with free people.
The material was carried out by Les Chamois du Col de
Sarenne under the leadership of Mr. Jean foutre with the help of Mrs. Justine Realist.
Complete provocation is necessary to change.
It applies only to those who have good intentions.

The energy crisis does not exist,certainly not more than a financial crisis,we must not forget that it is driven by fear. Glory with free people.

Le refuge du Col de Sarenne à l'Alpe d'Huez en Isère ravagé par un incendie
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 07:49:22 PM

예도야, 대한민국에 철학도 꿈꾸는 많은 이들이 있지만 너는 그나이 먹도록 기본조차 안되있어.

아래 글은
6~7년전 나와 쌍둥이인 천둥이가 모 커뮤니티에서 경험한 갓 철학 입문한 초보수준의 철학도 연습글이야.

█ 1
누굴 위한 말일까.
느닷없이 끼어드는 내가 나에게는 내가 너에게와 내가 그들에게를 어느순간 훌쩍 뛰어넘는다.
내가 남에게는 언제나 밑밥까는 역할밖에 하지 못한다.
그럼뭐겠어 결국은 이것들이 다 섞인형태로밖에는 안된다는것이 아니오? 맞지.
어느부분까지를 밀어내야 하는지가 결국엔 관건이 되는 것이다.
뭘 하든 어딜 가든 언제 어디로 내몰리든,
또 내몰려서 자리를 잡든 말든.
그럼 누구나 바로 그것이 디테일.이라고 믿는 것들을 거품 걷어내듯 걷어내는 것이 능사인가?
또왜그때는 흘끗거리지 않고는 사실상 불가능함 속에 밀려들어가야만 하는지?
깨알들? 그게 아니지. 디지털은 깨알과 좁쌀과 심지어 자갈까지도 자유자재로 넘나드니까.
시야를 확보하는 것도 지나치게 자유자재가 아닌가?
안그래도 [선고 받은] 자유인데,
이걸 다 어떻게 처리할건지에 대해 나름의 숙고가 필요하지 않다고 자신있게 말할 자 누구인지.
이젠 붙었다떨어졌다를 좀더 능란하게 다룰 필요가 있지 않겠소?
그렇다면 이 [방금]은 무엇의 영향인지 너 자신만은 고개돌리지못할 것이다.
풀이 마련되고 안되고가 무에 그리 중요하겠냐마는 그래도 역시 딱풀보다는 물풀이 낫다.
마르기 전에 그 긴장을 어찌 무시할 셈인지말야.
참으로 이상한 일이라고 넋두리 비슷하게나마 내뱉을 일이라곤 없다.
그게 너와나의 경계를 없애는 최소한의 분필이고 이것은 부러지지 않는다.
또다시 진입하려는 어귀와 그 이후의 길이 달라지고야 마는 현상.
서술되지 않는 그림들.
우리라는 말의 타자-선별적 개입.
지나친 흐트러짐을 방지하는 내적 기제!!
이것은 결코 inner product이지 cross product일 수 없다는 점이 아무런 좌절도 실망감도 안겨주지않는다.
미리 알아둘 점이라곤 이것밖에 없다는 점 또한 그렇다.

█ 2
대리다가 바벨탑을 쓴 이유가 뭘꺼같어?!

그렇게 나 홀로 숲속으로 걸어갔네 아무것도 찾으려 하지 않았지. 그것이 내 생각이었어. 그늘 속에서 나는 한 떨기 작은 꽃송이를 보았어. 별처럼 빛나며, 작은 눈동자처럼 아름다운 나는 그 꽃을 꺾으려 했지. 그러자 꽃은 속삭였어. 난 꺾여 시들어져야 할까요? 뿌리째 온통 난 그 꽃을 뽑아 내어 집 옆 예쁜 정원으로 옮겨왔다네. 그러자 그 꽃은 조용한 구석에서 다시 살아났지. 지금 그 꽃은 가지를 쳐가고 자꾸자꾸 꽃을 피워가고 있다네.

괴테의 이 시는 단순헌 호기심을 넘어 유대족속덜에게서 나타나는 허무(空)로 직결되즈.
그넘덜 모냥 계속 꺾어 끝났다면야 오죽 좋아.
그라믄 아무것도 찾지 않은 바벨탑 뽀순 당사자되겠지믄,
잡서도 언급허다시피,
또다시 즈 좋아허는 여자로 마누라 삼자너.
그라믄 데리다 모냥 차연의 가동으로 알튀세르모냥 마누라 거덜놓나?
바벨탑 야그와 차연의 작동은 둘이 아니즈, 근디
전혀 다른야그되믄서, 잡서모냥 습관적인 호기심에 또 차연을 삐그덕거리게 만들즈.
아무것도 찾으려 하지 않은 칸트으 무목적성(無目的性)은,
반드시 뭔가를 찾게 만든다는 역설을 내포허고 있즈.
여그서 삼천포로 내뺀게 유아론이규....
데리다도 차연(무아론)도 결국엔 삼천포로 빠져 유아론된게여.
.....호기심이 고양이를 죽인다(好寄害死猫).....
차라리 .... 늑대의 호기심이 비둘기를 훔쳤다....가 더 근사허자너?
뽀인틸리즘 호기심은
.........................너 괜찮아. 정말 반했어.........로
노망난 시골늑대 낚시질허다 고장낸겨?
똥개가 달리 똥갠가.....
서방(마누라)유혹 뿌리치지 못허믄..... 똥맛에 걸신들리믄 똥개지......
뽀인띨리즘이나 마보이가 걸신들린 이유?

그래서 무목적성(無目的性)은 반드시!!!!!! 똥개를 만들어 내고야 말즈.....
똥개 대량생산 체제가 바로 예전 유대인덜이 좋어허던 무목적성이야!
칸트든 그 언늠이 씨부렸든 내내 그게그거거덩!
정우성이 이지아 좋아했다는디...... 참 안됐어.....
다 홍길동 그 녀석 탓인게야~
뉜 천성적으로 똥개 보신탕을 못먹는디...
냄새만 맡아도 몸에 막 두디리기가 나거덩~
올 여름엔 웬~쥐~ 대꾸~ 유난히~ 막~ 땡기네~

█ 3
이 씹스런 새끼들과의 조우 과연 어디서. 절취선. 더 즐거운게 뭔지를 더 멀리 간 동네가 어딘지를 이미 알아버려서 이건 다 뭘 위한 헛지랄일까. 취함 자체가 사이비 관념인데 말해 무엇하리오. 그런데 도대체 궤도에서 이탈했다가 돌아오내다는 건 무엇인가 외출해쌔던 의중은 과여 언제쯤 돌아오는가> 왜 자꾸 그런걸 원하는지 난 아무도 속이고 싶지가 않은데 어디 한번 보시라고 그게 다 뭔가를 갇혀 있지 않다. 어디에서도. 누굴 설득하겟다고 다 저 설레발들인지. 무슨 이상? 말이 돼?>: 그게 ? 전혀 다른..... 이미 다른 다 일부러 그런다고 눙치면 그만? 그러니까 가져간다고 다. 다다다다ㅏ. 인테그럴을 원하는가? 그런데 그건 어떻게만 드러나는가.. ㅐ이제 더 넓은 종이는 쓰지 않는다. 강제로 많이 주는 폼은 왜 더 좋은가. 그럴바ㅏㅏㅏ엔 차라리 ㅇ반복하는 것이 낫다. 아무래도 전하들과의 넓은 싸움이 최고수준의 쾌감을 보장.. 그걸ㄹ 떄가지는 어떻게 해야는가.. 잔다. 즉시 하ㅓ차라ㅏㅏㅏ라 그럴때가지는 어떻게 않는 것이ㅏ 상책이다. 한번 두는 것만이 가능한 지점에서 이미 이것또한 털어버릴 때가 됨. 무슨 사연이 숨어있는지 알게 뭔가. 멀리건. 또한 니가 떨어진 것인데 어떤 기표로 검색하기를 원하는가 그게 거기 이미 거기 안니 ㄱ것들의 집합과 극서 이상의 우발적인 ㅣ모습들과의 더 가ㅣ묘한 결합이 도리 때 그것이 드러나는 바 르 ㄹ어덯게 처리할 것인지에 대해선 아무런 합의가 되어 있지 앟ㄴ아고., ㅇ하는 점에서 그들은 잘못이다. 왜 이게 ㅇ아니 ㄴ것들 이 집합 안에서만 그것의 엽자리는 유효하다. 이미 한정자들이 이리 붙었다 저리 붙었다. 하면서 지가 알아서 논다., 다ㅐ체 거부할 게 뭐란 말인가. 그게 간능하기나 하던가. 물병 여퓨 겉면에 가득 메인 물방울들. 그 옆에는 면ㄷ고기ㅏㅇ. ㅇ이미 너무 넌채ㅔ흘러서 어찌활 수 없는 지경., 이미는 이미 굳어졌던 굳이 그걸 피하려고 들진 않는 무엇 차므올 좋은 연습이지 않은가. 딱 마음이 내키는 지점까지. 도대체가 이건 과로에 들어가나 그거야 역시 그들의 문제이고 내버려두ㅣ가 능산ㄴ 아님 그들임과 나임은물병 속에서나 밖에서나 또는 그 표면에서나 구별되지도 ㄷ안흔ㄴ다. 역시 합리ㅣ화??// ㅇ털ㅇ더버리 ㅇ때 역시 새기고 듀ㅟ로 나버렸닥이ㅣ/또ㅗ 기어ㅓ나ㄱ오기ㅏㄱ 최선의 전략... 역사로의 귀환이 아님. 이ㅏ후 끝을 연다 강박이귿 ㄴ그러지 않든 매한가지. 이미 넌 걱까지 ㅇ간 거야 어쩌면 지칠대로 ㅣ지쳤늕니도 모르지. 구별이 되고 안 되곡 무슨 상관이가 하난 하는 므는 물로 ㄴ더할 수 도 빼루 수도 없이 명료하다ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ., 다 그걸 노린데게 아니었던가. 저가 다 알아서 제멋대로 ㅇ. 메커니ㅣ즘이라고 이름붙일 것이라곤 ㄱ오직 이것만이 유효핟, 다른 선택가능항은 없다. 아무것도 아닌 것조차 과연 한에서 심하게 휘어진 뭘로 나 또한 그게 거기서 끊어질 필요가 잇을까.전혀 없다. 없어진 것. 실인즉 그것도 그걸 모르ㅡㅡ는 자ㅏㅏ있ㄴ기는 하다만 말이다. 과정이 또아릴르ㅡㅡ 나아갈 뿐 되돌아오짖 않느낙? ㅇ대체 그러ㅓㄴ 개소리가 어디ㅐ에 한번에 확 숨어버리는 것도 물론 가능함. 어디 있든 그게 무슨.. 이미 이것과 저것은 차이를 이뤘는데 그게 너 도 똥시에 나. 어떻게 할 텐가. 너무 맣은 일들 그게 화근이라면 화근. 어떤 이미지도 끌어들이지 않음ㅁ ㅁ완전한 자유라는 미신에 반이 들고. 어떤 이미지. 어ㅕ그건 아무것도 아님. 이미 들어가 있을 뿐이다. 너무 잘 탈인 것을ㅇ 이와 내 그럼ㅁㅁ 또한 마찬가지. 갈데까지 가ㅏ보지ㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣ의 하나의 대립과 두 개의 조화 그것은 아무것도 말하지 않느낟,. 이런 놀자판이 업ㅄ었다면 이미 질식. 닫ㅇ신은 또한 관심권 밖으로 없앴다면 이미 밀려난 걸 아시는지.... 뭐 별짓을 ㅎ다 하기는 햇다만... 점차로 아무것도 아닌 것들 저절로 감춰진다. 그것 또한 점차로 기실 이렇지 않은게 일ㅆ기아 하던가?/ 이것이 ㅇ한번도 어떤 형이상 아넹 포섭되어 있다고는 믿지 않았다., 고아ㅕㄴ 서명조차 되어 있지 않은 이 텍스트가 누군가의 손에 들어간들 무슨 위력을 지닐 텐가., 우리는 이러호ㅔㄱ 홰서 불가느잉라고 믿었던 하나/씨ㅣㅣㄱ 쌓아가기 를 조심스럽게 전환한다. 또한 ㄷ아무것도 아닌것 을 기저벡터로 삼ㄴ아 이것저것 여기저기 또한 남아있어야 할 것 그것은 이미 미분화만을 하나의 고참으로 삼음. ㅇ\ㅣ이것 외에 할 게 없다거나 시간 메울 수단이 업다는 게 항진명제가 될 때 비로소 그 이것과 친구가 된 것이다. 오로지 우리는 이 기제로만 나를 밀고 난간다. 할 수만 있다면 영원히 할 것이다.....이미 어쩌짐 못하는 단ㄱ ㅖ 이는 단순한 중독이 아니다. 도대체 무얼 더 중ㅇ독으로 삼아야 할까ㅏㅏ... 우리는 극드르이 모르는 얘기를 하지 않고 그러고 싶지도 않다. 역시 또 안될 것이 없고 다만 우발적인 오식을 또 하나의 ㅊ ㅜㄱ으로 삼아야 할 띠ㅐ, 전혀 누넹 거부감이 없는 것에 한에서 그렇담 그것 또한 하나의 멀리건. rmfjgek rmrjtd landjtdm fqhwkdgksms rkd ldp[ elRkfktj gkskdmldghkrtlsdmfhd wjalghkghkf Eo ddkshdsms rjtdm andjtdlsrk d./d klgdlspe wd\oeodgjtjsms dlwjsug gksf ㅣakf,말이 없다느 ㄴ점에 ㅇ대해서 ㄴ역시 ㅇ또 하나의 폭풍우가 휠기릭 ㅏ,ㅇ 린ㅇ하린어ㅣ라 dfklsdjklfjsdklfklsdjgklsj 그러나 왜 그래야만 하는가 . 엌제 또 남아 있는 것에 한에서 진짜 또일ㄴsf lksdjglksdjlkslkj ㅣ아ㅓ라ㅣㄴ한다는 점. 그거ㅓㅅ은 역시 하나으 목표로서의 일\ㄹㄹ\ㅏㄴㄴㄴdksljlf gksekrh ,이것이다. 이것과 저것의 대결에서 남겨둬야 하 것이 과연 무엇인지 ㅇ아는자는 없다고 ㅇ말하는 바로 긋 순간 남타있느 것이라고 없어ㅣㄴ다 그게 하나의 귀착일지ㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣ라고.ㅣㅇ ㅇㅎ니ㅏ얼gskligks salgdg

하나의 反-半-伴~~~

역시 비빌 언덕이 하나 있어야 할 뿐이다 그걸로 얼마나 많은 효과를 보앗는지 더 말해야 할깡 그건 내버려둬야 할 무엇ㅇ이지 뭘 어져보겟다느 ㄴ것니 ㅇ덪녀 아니란ㄴ ㅇ말씀 그러넫 그거싱 하나의 온전한 점들로 재구성되기 위해서는 이미 ㅇ나온것들과 어느 정도로 사이가 좋아야 하는가 하는 문제가 역시나 남아 있다. ㅣ알아서 끊어주느네 대체 뭘 떠 가늠자를 통해 보ㄱ면서 헛ㅎ지랄을 해야냐고 응 잘 보라고 이게 다 뭔지를 한번 두번 ㅣ셉너 그러다가 무한으로., 우르란호나ㅏ잇너아아읕따앙괏ㅇ아~ ㄷ알겠나.?> 더 심연으로 기묘한 합리화 한번 보늦ㄴ 것이 좋지 않겠어 ? 그러나 그는 어디서 이것의 뭔리를 잘 알고 ㅇ잇엇다. 할 줄 모르는 자들은 사실상 모두다. 다 얽어죽을 일들인 것도 마찬가지. 귀ㄷ깅루지이 않는 고도 나아가 등급이 있다. 무위에도 그있는 경지. 차라리 가만 있는 것ㄷ이 낫다고 하는. 제대로 된 평가란 없다고 ㅇ어ㅓㅓ 심연으로 가되 나오는 못하는결국은 어떤 옷을 결치고 잇느냐의 문네. 자연스레 다 되어가는 대로 이미 밀려난 것들을 무슨 수로 호줓ㄹ할텐가. 상시화되는 ㄱ도록 내버려두느,ㄴ 것이 능산가. 저쪽을 향하는 감정이 ㅅ그 사라짐을 완료할 때 뛰언넘은 자가된다. ㄷ통하고나발이고간에. ㄱ개뿔 축에도 끼짐 ㅗㅅ하는 걸로 나발불기는 무의미.. 어디에 뭐가 새겨지는지 전혀 모른다는 건 대단한 쾌감이 아닌가. 아무뜻도 목적동 벗음 그때는 그것이 최선임을 인지하는 순간조차 사라짐. 실은 그치들이 용기가 없어서지라고 내버려둘 수 잇는 범위. 이미 끝난 걸 띄워놓지도 않고ㄱ도 그거시너흐니언ㅇ선 그렇다고 가만히? 잇늘 서웃없잖아. 그걸 때ㅐㅐㅐ로 한번씩 붠가가 잇다는 잇ㅅ아 안ㄹ깆 전에 glskkkkgjdkseksms rjtdl qnfrksmdtjddmf dlswjgdkrl wjsgp. klrlgydml vrlvyek, durtl..엯시. 한번 기표들의 두번 기표. 시그난스와 시그나툼의 사이좋은 나들이! ~ㅇ려싱 또 받쳐주는 것들고 그것힞 않능은 새도우 받는 것들 사이에서 한번씩 ㅣ화끈한 ㅣ첨삭이 필요하다고는 누구 도 느끼진 ㅣ않ㄴ드다는 ㅂ롸 그 사실이 주용하다ㄴ느 점을 누군가 교란으로 활용하지 않더라고 하나의 발끔. ㅇ ㅣ 거 ㅅ광 저 단그아서아한다는 점. 이것이 뭔가르 말하고 자시고를 확실힝 머뭇거린ㅁ이 아니진하은 가. 그렇지 한되면 되면 그게끔 한다는 오랑나섷우낫누아니타아아ㅏ아안 ~~ !! 와wiitlk 니웋. 너 괜찮아. 정말 반했어.

█ 4
모든 것이 되돌아오는 것은 그 어떤 것도 동등하지 않기 때문이고, 모든 것은 자신의 차이 속에, 자신의 비유사성과 비동등성 속에 잠겨 있기 때문이며, 심지어 자기 자신과의 비동등성 속에 잠겨 있기 때문이다.(519페이지)

들뢰즈가 차이와 반복에서 헌 야근디.
특정한 상황에서는 맞어, 근디
오천년전에 어떤 누가 계시로 오천년후 보지의 도래를 말했다면,
문제는 어떤 언어든,
e가 a로 바뀐것이니,
담바구가 담배로 변한것이니 언어적 측면에서는 같을 수 가 없지,
(비유사성과 비동등성 속에 잠겨 있기 때문이며, 심지어 자기 자신과의 비동등성 속에 잠겨 있기 때문)
자기 자신 기의 마쳐도, 그게 쌍둥이 일 찌라도,
동시간에서도, 하물며 시간의 흐름에선 동등할 수 없다.
오천년전의 언어를 오천년후 누군가 해석해 냈다면,
해서 도래를 믿는다면 들뢰즈의 저 말은 언어뿐만 아니라 실제로도 틀린 야그가된다.
담바구가 현재쓰는 언어 담배임을 아는 것은,
찌거렛이 담배란걸 아는것과 동일하고,
수천년전의 언어와 지금의 언어는 편리한 방향으로 변해 왔을 뿐,
수천년전의 담배가 현재는 가지수만 늘어났을 뿐,
기의 담바구는 지금도 그 뜻 기의 담배규,
그 때 기의 人은 지금도 사람이고,
그 때 기의 보지는 지금도 구녕이다.
다만 세부적으로 대음순 소음순 요도로 음핵등로 나뉜것 뿐이자너.
했을 때,
노아 방주의 노아 마누라? 보지는 지금의 구녕과 언어적 비유사성과 비동등성에 있을 뿐,
진화된? 기의적 특면에서는 같은 보지가 아닐 뿐, 구녕이란 의미면에서는 동일하다.
노아가 방주(기의)에 무엇을 담아 후대까증 유지되길 바랬든,
그것은 바벨탑(기표)과 동일성 특면에서는 같다.
그라믄 바벨탑(예전기표)이 무지개(지금 또는 내얄날 기표)와 다를까?
진화라는 측면은 고려하지 않은 그때의 기의 기의일 뿐이자너.
바벨탑에서 무지개로 반복됐을 뿐이즈.
딱딱한 시멘트의 불편함에서 유동적인 젖가슴 부풀리는 실리콘으로;;;;;
예전 특정한 한 인간이 지금에 똑같은 인간으로 태어날 순 없자너.
미이라를 환생(유전공학으로)시킬찌라도 동일할 순 없자너.
긍께 기의든 기표든 그때와 현재는 그리고 내얄날은 들뢰즈 말마따나 동일한 것은 없어.
다만, 그때나 지금이나 변화해 왔으나 인간이 느끼지 못할 정도로 극히 미세해,
卽自자 기의 보지는 기표 對自 보지로,
지금의 구녕으로 바꿨을 뿐 기의라는 측면에선 변함없다.
했을 때,
보지와 구녕은 동일하고,
들뢰즈의 저 말은 특정한 계시와 도래만을 걸고 넘어질 뿐,
그때 기의 기표 보지와 지금의 기의 기표 구녕의 동일성은 건드리지도 못한다.
인간의 바램이란 특별함이 만든 언어는,
현재는 마이크로화 했을 뿐, 몇개 더 발견해 냈을 뿐,
수천년전과 거의 같고,
이게 갈수록 더욱 더 세분화 될 뿐, 보지와 구녕은 앞으로 그 무엇으로 바뀌든, 해서 계시와 도래는 막지도 막을 수 도 없다.
거의 모두들(관련자) 내일 증권시황과 날씨를 예측허믄서,
왜 유독 계시와 도래라는 특정은 색안경끼고 볼까나?
내얄날은 내얄날 인류덜에게 맞기고 지금은 그냥 좆보지나 탐허까나?!
좆보지 탐허는 인류 따로 있고 내얄날 예측허는 인류 따로 있능게 아니자너!.........?
다만 어제와 역사를 좀 더 아는자가 경험으로 내얄날로 그대로 내지는 변형시켜 투영시키는 것 뿐이지, 그런년늠덜이 좀 더 근사치로 접근해 낼 뿐이지,
날 궂을지 화창헐지 아는 노망네와 진배없다.
차이에서 세분화 비동등성 시킨것을 반복으로 변함없는 동일성을 유추헌것이규,
자기 잃은 노예덜 위한 차이며, 주체적(성) 분자덜 위한 번복 그 이상도 이하도 아니다.
영원회귀의 수레바퀴가 굴러갈 때 회귀 즉
되돌아오고 되돌아와야 하는 것이 있고
되돌아올 수 없고 되돌아와서는 안 될 것들이 있다면.
말하자면 영원회귀의 바퀴가 굴러가는 것은 일종의 걸러냄의 판별(심판)이라는 것이규.
그런데 왜 되돌아오는 것은 되돌아와야 하는 것인가요?
그런데 도대체 [하고 싶은 말]이라는 게 있기나 한가?
말이나 못허믄 ......
꼭 말잘허는 인생덜이 즈 말글가지고 공기치기를 잘혀.

█ 5

발달한 것과 발달하지 않은 것들은 결코 발달/비발달의 이항대립으로 환원되지 않는다. 따라서 축차적 대립항은 이 경계에서 자체로 이항되지 않는다. 아무거도 아님과 무엇이나 꽉 참 사이에서 아무것도 아닌 것은 도처에 개입되어 있다. 이것은 약공리로서만 자체 계 안에서 강공리와 대립하며 이미 쌓인 다발들이 용수철이 되어 감쇠한다. 아예 곁에 두지 않는다. 이순간 나는 나-일반으로 전환한다. 그건 어떻게든 미려나면서 여러 궤도를 동시에 감들어 나간다. 굳이화장을 할 필요도 없다는 점을 깨달을 때 안식감은 그 아넹 폭발을 머문 채로 찾아든다. 대체 내세워서 무엇하겠는가. 어딘가에 다 알아서 들어가 있을 것 역시나 주범은 '갓'이 아니었는지. 니들이 감히어디서. 라는 형식으로부터 자유로워지기는 물논 필수과목은 아니다. 그거야 강요한다고 되어감 그 자체를 보장받지도 못할 테니까.일치시킴. 한치의 틈도 느끼지 않기. 정갈함으로 위장된 일부일처제는 말할 것도 없이 개망나니다. 역시 아직은 때가 아닌 걸까. 제멋대로 굴러가기에만큼은 브레이크가 말을 잘 듣지도 않는다는 점에서 브레이크는 별 쓸모도 없다. 하기야 말 듣는 브레이크라면 그것도 별 볼일 없기는 마찬가지. 온 복제품을 허락하지도 않는다. 매번 새로운 것처럼 느껴야 반복은 가능해지고 나아가 수월해진다. 매번 전혀 낯선 것으로 느껴야만 점점 새로운 멍석들을 깔며 그 게 팽창 수축하는 걸 지켜보는 건 하나의 필요조건이다. 원리가 잇겟는가. 있다면 그걸 배제한 유기체인 것을. 어쨋거나 시간도 메워져야 하고 그 메움을 정초할 때는 미리 세워야 한다. 그걸 누가 대신해주겠는가. 소수-그들에게는 당연히 말이 필요하다. 아무도 입을 열 엄두조차 내지 못하는 그런 옷. 그걸 걸칠 때만이 그들은 자기가 된다. 자기-타자의 대립관계를 에외조항으로 인정하지도 않는다. 그것은 조금도 이전보다 어렵지 않으며 다만 이전에 나왔던 제스처를 약간만 비틀어 다시 취하는 데만 제 에너지를 바친다. 자기가 잘 알지도 못하는 것에 끝도 없이 아는체하는 자가 있다. 그것은 오히려 괜찮다. 화살이 자기에게 결국 돌아온다면 말이다. 이제 다 갖다버려야 할 때.가 되었다고 느끼지 않는가? 매순간 [이제 더 확실한 것은 이것이고 이보다 확실한 게 없다]가 기정사실ㄹ이 되어 착착 밀려난다. 이미 돌이키기엔 너무 멀리 와버렸음이 자명하다. 어떻게 해볼 도리가 없다면 차라리 잘된 일이다. 언제까지 기다리기만 하는 무능의 표징은 그것조차 그럴 수 없다는 점에서 무능이 아니다. 이미 숱하게 일은 저질러졌다. 당장 할 말이 아무것도 없다는 건 어떤 경우에도사실이 아니다. 우리는 벌써 생각을 생각으로써 하지 않는 경지에 올랐으니 더더욱 그렇다. 불도저는 따로 구비되어 있다. 익숙한 옷들을 색다른 옷들로 조금씩 바꿔 입어가면서 우린느 작업한다. 창문을 열었다면 바람을 쐬는 것으로 족하다. 피 토하며 뒈지든 말든 무슨 상관이랴. 나는 내가 만든 숲 안에서 숨을 쉰다. 지금 여기 놓인 점 위에서 '이번에는 기필코' 식의 다짐이 솟을 때 그걸 곧이곧대로 발설하거나 쓴다면 바로 그 형식부터 몰아내야 한다. 그 일차원적 형식 속에 제아무리 솔직한 진술이 담긴들 그건 대놓고 지어낸 거짓말보다 못한 것이다. 몸이 게으르고 머리가 부지런한 자들은 탐구 도구가 결코 둘을 넘어가선 안 된다는 것을 알고 있다. 몰아내고 또 몰아내기. ㄱㄴㄷ....ㅎ에 이르기 전에 시점인 ㄱ으로 돌아간다. 역시 또 거기서부턴 아무것도 없다. 죽을 때가 되면 그와 같을 것이다. 도입하기 ㄷ전히라면 더 좋겠지만 그런 일은 드물고 진입한 축에라도 우리는 그 궤도가 우리르 그 위에 올라타 있는 것만으로도 또 그런 상태임을 느끼고 그 사실을인지하는 것만으로도 일정치 이상의 구원이 보장된다는 걸 허용된 질량 이상으로 믿4어야만 한다. 다름아니라 그것이 곧 자신에게 최면 거는 최고경지믿음의 묘체이니까. 이는 상징적 거세로는 온전히 삭제되지도 않는다. 당분간은 옮길 필요가 전혀 없다. 물 흐륵듯 가는 것이다. 이게 바로 신공이 아닌가. 이 피로감 한번에 하나씩 그건 아니다. 강간범들. 바로 제시한다,. 그런 일이 어디 있으려구. 꼬박 꼬박 말대꾸. 역시 이것이 구원이다. 그냥 털어내는 공간 자 이젠 어디로 갈 셈인지? 내가 그걸 하기엔 무리가 따르고 그저 놀고싶다 역시 이런 자유가 있는 것. 폼을 안 맞추었으니 매번 그런 불상사가 생길 수밖에. 왜 그쪽에선 극런 일이 일어났을까. 이젠 아무것도 돌아보지 않음에 대한 마지막 진지한 숙고? 눈에 들어오는 것만 일단 조진다. 어디 한번 보는 것이다. 그건 너의 문제 어디한번 보자. 나한테는 별로 어려운 일도 아니다. 춤추기나 마찬가지니까. 참조하지 않는다. 다만 현재시제는 고수한다. 당위와 다짐은 최대한으로 배제. 참 별일이 다 일어난다. 우리는 그저 안되면 될 때까지. 아무것도 아닌 한에서. 그거야 결국엔 다 그들이 알아서 할 문제. 저 음산한 책들 같으니라고. 이제 주의깊게 들여다보지 않는 건 유감조차 아니다. 야 부끄럽고 말고가 어딨나. 널 결국 그 버릇을 버리지 못할 것이다.대체 이런 설사는 언제? 아침? 저녁? 설마 대낮은 아닐테구. 그건 이제 그만할 때도 되었다. 무엇이어야 하는지도 다 알고 있으니까. 어디한번 보자고 이 정신나간 놈들. 역시 의미를 만드는 건 차이. 너무 쓸데없는 일에 신경이 가는 때조차. 어디 그건 전혀 배출구 노릇도 못하는군. 루즈해지지 않고 그저... 넌 너무 억지로 지랄을 했어. 이 좆망스런 놈들 같으니. 저런 게 아니다, 역시 그런 게 아니라구? 굳이 그곳에 갈 필요가 [...] 여백보다는 공란의 미학. 저건 갖다주어야[만] 한다. 이동하는 강조점들. 예술가로 말하자면 아무것도 보지 않는다. 한번씩 또 정리늘 하는 건 어쩔 수 없다. 아무것도 아닌 것, 그게 곧 해방이다. 규정지을 수가 없어. 결국엔 기표상징계조차 배제되는가? 어디 한번 봐요, 그러고만 있지 말고. 언제라도 니가 원하는 대로 하시오. 아마 자기꺼가 눈에 더 들어올 것이다 그 지랄者는. ----절취선---이 필요한 시점에는 마땅히 그걸 그어줘야 한다고. 이걸 알아도 기표로 치환해서 할 줄은 모르는 사람이 많더군. 그럼 뭔가. 그들은 무얼 바라 살고 있는지 자기도 모른다는 얘기밖에 더 되는가. 그런일이 일어나지 않도록 하는 것이 우리의 목적인 건 아니다. 그것은 부정의 부정을 몇번 거듭하더라도 결국엔 마의 삼각지대로 떨어져버리고 마니까. 이건 놀이이면서 놀이가 아니지. 결국 한번씩 그어주되 그것들을 점들을 찍어 찍듯이 그어줄 밖에. 이게 바로 예술이고 니들이 쌈싸먹어야 하는 유일한 보쌈이다. 그것들그대로 남아 있는 것들에 언제나 감사하지 않는 훈련을 하며 우리는 꽈배기를 한가닥씩 풀어나간다. 말하자면 너무 달렸던 거야 넌 그게 문제라고 마지막에 그가 그렇게 달렸던 이유를 넌 생각 좀 해봐야 해 그가 왜 몽창 다 날려버렸는지를 그럼 그게 다 의도된 것이었다는 거 어렵잖게 짐작할 거구 그렇다면 결국 앞에서 툭툭 끊어줬던 것들이 무슨 이유로 그리 되었는지도 알게 될 테니까. 이게 바로 나일강의 범람이다. 넘쳐흐르면 그때부턴 비를 뿌린 작자도 어떻게 건드릴 방법이 없어. 그칠 때까지 내버려둘 밖에.왜 이런 일이 한번이 아니라 수도 없이 되풀이되는지를 알아보라고. 그건 알아본다고 해서 되는 일이 아니란 것 오직 그것만을 제대로 알고 있지만 그건 알아도 모르고 몰라도 모르는 것이 아니던가? 역시 매번 새로운 자기장을 형성하기 위해선 나오고 또 나오기가 불가피하다. 잘 봐. 뭐가 그렇게 만들었는지를. 역시 또 조금더 천천히 가야 한다는 걸 안다 그게 너고 곧 나이기도 하고 걸리는 것들을 모조리 쏴버리는 무지막지 대포알들이라는 걸 아니까. 이것과 저기가 아니라 여기와 저기 사이에 차이가 있음. 그것은 이렇게 맺어져야 함. 그게 뭘 무화하는지를 알아내지 않고서도 말이다. 말하자면 이건 연습이다. 누구라도 할 수 있지만 막상 하려고 들면 머리가 하얘지고 뭘 어디서부터 어떻게 해얄지 몰라 갈팡질팡 수십번 하다가 나가떨어지는 그런 연습. 도대체가 아무도 시켜주지 않기에 어디 가서 배울수도 없고 말야. 이래저래 고충들이 많지만 재밌는건 그들이 그걸 고충은커녕 이게 뭔가 하는 그런 카테고리에 희미한 물음표와 함께 넣어버린다는 거지. 그게 그들이고 그러지 않는 게 바로 나를 비롯한 우리-종족이라고. 이건 주의깊게 그 절취선이 그어져야 해. 경계를 말하는 것이 아니다. 그런 대로 그들과 우리 사이에는 경계 아닌 경계가 그들 눈에만 보이지 않는 형태로 들어가 있으니까.

█ 6
후설의 기호론에 대한 데리다의 비판은 우선 후설의 표현 이론에 집중된다.
특히 후설의 표현 이론에서 의미가 독백을 통한 내면성에서 발원된다는 점을 중시한다.

"나의 고요한 사유행위를 수반하고 뒷받침하고 있는 낱말의 표상들 속에서 나는 나의 음성으로 발화된 낱말들을 상상한다. 여기에서 또한 때때로 나의 속기나 정상적인 육필의 문자 기호들(Schriftzeichen)들이 갑자기 떠오르곤 한다."

데리다가 특별히 치고 들어가는 지점이 바로 여기다.
우선 데리다는 후설이 표현을 독백으로 본 것은 대단히 역설적이고 모순이란 점을 지적한다.
그 이유로 데리다는 표현'(Ausdruck)이라는 단어는
'외면화'('A'ußerung)을 의미하는데도,

후설은 표현을 내면화의 기능으로서 파악하기 때문이라고 말한다.
그러면서 후설이 말하는 표현은 결코 소통(communication)과는 별개의 것이라고 말함으로써 후설의 표현 이론을 무용한 것으로 만들어버린다.

우리는 바로 지시적인 소통과 의미 일반의 간극을 말한다.

왜냐하면 후설은 '영혼의 고독한 삶'에 대한 지적을 배제할 줄 모르기 때문이다.
그는 언어 일반 즉 로고스의 원소를 그 표현적인 형식 자체 하에서 2차적인 사건으로,
그리고 의미의 근원적이고 선-표현적인(pre'-expressive)인 층에 덧씌워진 사건으로 생각하고자 할 것이다.
[그렇게 되면] 표현적인 언어 자체는 자기와의 관계에서 성립하는 절대적인 침묵에 뒤따르는 것일 수밖에 없을 것이다.

데리다는 후설에 대해 이렇게 절대적 침묵을 말한 뒤,
이를 '현상학적 침묵'이라고 표현한다.
그리고 이를 낱말에 관한 전용하여 이렇게 말한다.

낱말은 하나의 물체다.
그것은 오로지 능동적인 지향이 그것에 혼을 불어넣을 때만 그럼으로써 무기력한 음성의 상태에서 영혼을 지닌 몸의 상태로 나아가게 함으로써만 의미를 갖는다.

후설은 낱말을 일종의 물체적인 실체로 정의했고,
이 물체적인 실체는 그 단어의 의미인 영혼에 의해 생명을 갖게 된다고 말한 셈이라고 데리다는 보고 있다.
다시 말해 데리다가 볼 때, 후설이 말하는 낱말의 의미는
몸 없는 영혼이며 소리 없는 음성
즉 절대적인 침묵을 지키고 있는 음성인 셈이다.
이 음성이 곧 현상학적인 음성이겠는데,
그것은 곧 초월적 주체의 음성이며,
이 초월적 주체는 현실세계에 대한 현상학적인 환원이 이루어진 후에도 계속 남아 있는 주체다.
그러니까 데리다에 따르면,
후설에서 이 초월적 주체의 절대적인 음성은
자기 스스로에게 영원토록 울리는 것이다.
그러니까 그 초월적 주체의 절대적인 음성은
영원한 진리를 나타내는 것이 된다.
데리다는 바로 절대적인 음성을 듣는
묘한 폐쇄적인 경험을 바탕으로 기의, 음성, 개념들과 같은 투명한 표현 실체들이 더 이상 분해 될 수 없는 기초적 단위로서 체험된다고 말한다.
데리다가 서구의 전통적인 형이상학을 음성중심주의로 보고서 비판할 때,
그 출발은 바로 이러한 후설의 초월론적인(transzendental) 표현 이론인 것이다.
음성중심주의의 연원은 물론 문자의 폐해를 지적하면서 직접 울리는 목소리를 강조한 플라톤에까지 올라간다.
음성중심주의는 로고스중심주의이기도 한데,
그 까닭은 내면적 음성의 'voix'는 말이면서 그 말의 형상적 직관의 본질적인 대상인 '로고스'와 분리될 수 없기 때문이다.
그런데 음성중심주의에서 핵심은
그 음성을 발하는 사람에게 직접 들리면서 현전한다는 사실이다.
아직 다른 기호들을 통해 변형되기 전이기 때문에
본질적 형상에 대한 직관이 충만하게 열린다고 보는 데서 바로 현전은 곧 충전적 명증성을 보장해 주는 중요한 조건이 된다.
이에 현전의 형이상학이 성립하는 것이다.
그것은 바로 투명성을 바탕으로 한 철학적 사유에 근원적인 기초를 제공한다.
예컨대 그래서 하버마스('U'rgen Habermas, 1929-)는 후설에 대한 데리다의 강조점을 이렇게 말한다.
재빨리 지나가는 음성의 덧없는 투명성은 낱말과 표현된 의미와의 동화작용을 촉진시킨다.
이미 헤르더는 스스로 말하는 것을 듣는 행위에 들어 있는 특이한 자기관계를 지적한 바 있다.
헤르더와(겔렌과) 마찬가지로 데리다는 나의 숨결과 의미 지향적 의도를 통해 동시에 생명을 부여받는 표현의 친밀성, 투명성과 절대적 가까움을 강조한다.

그러나 데리다는 이러한 후설의 초월적 주체의 절대적인 침묵의 음성에 의거한 현전의 형이상학을 결코 용인하지 않고 비판한다다.
그 확실한 비판 도구는 후설 자신에게서 가져온다.
후설의 시간론이 그것이다.
후설은 의식이 지나간 극미한 순간의 과거 상을 되잡는
파지(Retention), 의식이
극미한 순간 후에 곧 다가올 미래 상을 미리 잡는 예지(Protention)
그리고 지금 순간적으로 주어지는 원 인상의 포착(Urimpression)을 바탕으로 시간을 해명란다.
이에 덧붙여 파지가 늘어난 기억(Erinnerung)과 더 늘어진 재기억(Wiedererinnerung)
그리고 예지를 늘어뜨린 기대(Erwartung) 등을 활용한다.
요컨대 후설은 극미한 순간의 현재에 충전적으로 주어지는 것은 순간적인 원인상밖에 없는 것이고,
일종의 그림자 내지는 흔적인 파지와 예지를 통해 '생생한
현재'(lebendige Gegenwart)를 의식이 파악한다고 말한다.
그런데 여기에서 데리다는
표현의 의미가 성립하는 기초인 초월적 주체의 절대적인 음성이란 것이 시간을 탈 수밖에 없는 것이고,
따라서 그 음성은 항상 파지적이거나 예지적인 그림자
즉 흔적을 바탕으로 해서 성립할 수밖에 없다는 것을 예리하게 지적한다.
요컨대 절대적인 음성이란 항상 이미 흔적의 결과물이고,

심지어 흔적의 흔적의 결과물임을 강조한다

그러면서 아울러 그러한 흔적을 통해 차이(différence)가 생겨날 수밖에 없음을 강조한다.
데리다에게서 유명한 흔적(trace)과 차이라는 개념의 출발은 바로
이 같은 후설의 시간론에 대한 독창적인 분석에서 근본적으로 성립한다.
후설이 말하는 생생한 현재는 표현적인 기호뿐만 아니라
기실 존재하는 모든 것들이 그 나름의 의미를 지닐 수 있는 근본적인 지평으로서의 형식이다.
그런데 데리다가 생생한 현재라는 것이 원리상 그 속에 무한히 미세하게 연결되면서 이어지는 흔적과 차이의 연쇄임을 적발해 냈을 때,
일체의 표현적인 기호는 물론이고
존재하는 모든 것들의 의미와 가치가 근본에서부터 뒤흔들릴 수밖에 없는 것이다.
심지어 생생한 현재가 구성되는 토대인 초월적인 주체
즉 초월적인 의식마저도 그 근본 구조상 흔적과 차이의 연쇄망을 벗어날 수 없게 된다.
그러고 보면, 이처럼 시간 자체의 구성에서 열리는 이 차이는 보통의 차이가 아님을 알 수 있다.
예컨대 말과 소가 다르다거나,
정신과 물질이 다르다거나,
너와 내가 다르다거나 하는 일반적인 차이가 아님을 알 수 있다.
요컨대 모든 차이를 만들어내는 차이라 할 수 있다.

한편 이 시간적인 차이는 그 자체 타이성(他異性, altérité)을 지닌 셈이다.
동일한 시간적인 지점은 이미 자기가 아닌 지점을 통해 성립하기 때문이다.
엄밀히 말하면, 흔적은 파지를 통해 성립하고
타자성은 예지를 통해 성립한다 하겠다.
현재 주어진 것은 파지의 파지
즉 흔적의 흔적의 연쇄를 통해 성립하지만,
아직 예지되는 것을 기다리기 때문에 아직 아닌 것이다.
'아직-아님'은 현재의 것에 자기 부정을 만들어내는 이른바 타자성을 심어 넣는다.
아직 아니라고 하는 것은 보류 즉 지연하는 것(différer)이다.
"디페레(différer)는 시간화하다를 의미하고,
'희망' 또는 '의지'의 실행과 충족을 보류시키는 우회로의 지연시키는 시간적 매개과정에 의식적으로건 무의식적으로건 의지하는 것을 의미한다."라는 데리다의 말에서 이를 선연하게 알 수 있다.

그런데 흔적과 타이성은 바로 차이의 두 계기라 할 수 있다.
차이는 '흔적의 흔적의 연쇄'를 만들어내기도 하고
'타이성의 타이성의 연쇄'를 만들어내기도 한다.
그리고 그런 것들을 통해서만 그 어떤 종류의 의미를 가진 것이라 할지라도 겨우 성립할 수 있는 것이다.
그러니까 당연히 후설이 말한 본질적 형상으로서의 의미는 근본에서부터 붕괴되면서 해체되는 것이다.
그러니까 이 시간적인 차이는 일체의 의미들을 계속 지연시키면서
그 의미들의 기반인 흔적과 흔적의 연쇄 및 타이성과 타이성의 연쇄를 만들어내는 이른바

그 유명한 차연(差延, différance)이라는 전대미문???????????????????????????????????????????의 이름으로 불리게 되는 것이다.

1972년에 발간한 『철학의 여백들』(Marges de la philosophie, Les Editions de Minuit)에서 데리다는 이 '차연'을 첫 장의 제목으로 삼고 있다.
거기 13-4쪽의 한 대목에서 이렇게 말하고 있다.
되돌아가 보자.
차연은, 현전의 무대에 출현함으로써
'현재의'(présent)라고 말해지는 각각의 요소가 자기 자신이 아닌 다른 것(autre chose)과 관계를 맺는 한에서만 의미화의 운동(mouvement de la signification)이 가능하도록 한다.
이때 다른 것은 지나간 요소의 표식(marque)을 보지(保持)하고 있고,
미래의 요소와 관계를 맺고 있다는 표식에 의해 이미 움푹 패 있다.
그리고 이때 흔적(trace)은 흔히들 과거라 부르는 것에 관계 맺는 것 못지않게 흔히들 미래라 부르는 것과 관계를 맺고 있다.
그러면서 흔적은 흔히들 현재라 부르는 것을 구성하는데,
이때 현재는 자신이 아닌 것과의,
즉 그러한 [과거와 미래와의] 관계 맺음에 자체에 의해 구성된다.
[중요한 것은] 현재가 절대적으로 자기가 아니라는 것,
즉 심지어 변양된 현재들(présents modifiés)인 과거
혹은 미래조차 아니라는 것이다.
하나의 간극(un intervalle)이 작동한다.
이 간극은 현재가 그 자신이게끔 하기 위해 현재를 현재가 아닌 것으로부터 분리시킨다.
그러나 현재 속에서 현재를 구성하는 이 간극은 또한 동시에 현재 자체 속에서 현재를 나눈다(diviser).
그래서 이 간극은 현재와 더불어 현재로부터 생각할 수 있는 모든 것, 즉
모든 존재자(tout étant)를, 특히 실체 혹은 주체를 우리의 형이상학적인 언어체계 속에서 분할한다(partager).
이 간극은 스스로를 구성하고, 역동적으로 스스로를 나눈다.
이 간극은 사이짓기(間化, espacement)라 부를 수 있는 것,
시간의 공간-되기(devenir-espace) 혹은 공간의 시간-되기(devenir-temps, temporisation)이다.
내가 근원-글쓰기(archi-écriture), 근원-흔적(archi-trace) 혹은 차연이라고 부르는 것은 바로 이러한 현재의 구성이다.
이 현재의 구성(constitution du présent)은
'근원적'(originaire)이고 비환원적이어서 단순하지 않은 종합인데,
따라서 표식들, 그러니까 파지들과 예지들의 흔적들을 통해 엄밀하게 보자면 근원적이지 않은 종합이다.
차연은 (동시에) 사이짓기(이고) 시간화(이다).

데리다 철학의 중요한 개념들이 '고스란히 담겨 있다'라고 해도 과언이 아닐 정도로 중요한 대목이다.
차연, 흔적, 간극, 사이짓기, 근원-글쓰기, 근원-흔적 등의 개념들이 들어 있다.

하지만 그 핵심은 역시 후설의 시간론에 입각한 것들임을 한눈에 알 수 있다.

물론 후설 시간론을 곧이곧대로 옮겨 온 것은 아니지만,
발상에 있어서만큼은 크게 의존하고 있다.
'현재의 구성'이라는 것이 중심 역할을 하고 있다.
우리 주변에 현재 있다고 할 수 있는 것들은 엄청나게 많다.
사물들, 이미지들, 말과 글자들, 텍스트들 등 그 종류도 너무나 다양하다.
그 중에서 철학사적으로 고대에서부터 가장 중요하게 다루어져 온 실체도 있고,
근대 이후 지금까지 끊임없이 논의되고 있는 주체도 있다.
이 모든 것들에 대해 사르트르는 현존한다(existants)고 말한다.
현존하는 것들은 모두다 현존(existence)을 기본적인 존재 방식으로 하는 의식인 대자에 의거해서,
그 대자의 시간화 양식에 의존해서 성립한다고 보는 것이 사르트르다.

사르트르에게서 대자의 현존은
'자기인 것이 아니고, 자기 아닌 것'이라고 말한다.
이러한 사르트르의 현존 개념에 벌써 데리다가 이 인용문에서 말하는바,
현재의 요소는 이미
항상 다른 것과 관계를 맺는 한에서만 의미화의 운동을 할 수 있다고 하는 내용이 들어있다고 할 수 있다.
다만, '흔적'이라는 말을 끌어들인 것이 데리다의 독창적인?????????????????????????????? 어법이라 할 수 있겠다.
과거를 나타내는 '표식'과 미래를 나타내는 '표식'이 현재를 움푹 패게 할 때,
그 움푹 팬 것이 바로 흔적일 텐데.
이를 현재 자체에서 볼 때에는 '간극'이라는 말로 달리 이야기되고 있다.
간극을 통해서만 현재가 성립한다는 것이다.
그렇다 보니,
현재가 현재 속에서 현재가 아닌 것과 분할된다는 것이다. 아닌 게 아니라, 현재는 도대체 지목을 할 수가 없다.
'지금!'이라고 하는 순간 지금은 이미 다른 지금이다.
그리고 '다른 지금!'이라고 하는 순간 이미 또 다른 지금이다.
이는 계속된다.
이것이 바로 사르트르가 말한 현존 방식이다.
지금이라 부를 수 있는 현재 자체가 이미
그 속에 어쩌면 더 근원적이라 할 수밖에 없는 간극을 통해서 성립하는 것이다.
우리가 존재한다고 알고 있는 모든 것들이 알고 보면, 바로
이러한 '간극에 의한 현재의 구성'이라고 하는
시간의 신비에 입각해서만 의미 있게 존재한다고 말할 수 있다는 것이다.

여기에는 실체도 주체도 예외가 아니다.
본질적 형상들은 더 말할 것도 없다.
이렇게 보면, 데리다의 '차연 철학'은 바로
사르트르 식의 '현존 철학'에 속한다고 할 수밖에 없다.
다만, 데리다가 '차연'에서 핵심이라 할 수 있는
'간극'이라는 개념을 적극적인 방향으로 치고 들어가
이를 '사이짓기' 즉 '시간의 공간-되기' 내지는
'공간의 시간-되기'라고도 하고,
'근원-글쓰기'라고도 하고,
'근원-흔적'이라고 하며 또 달리 '차연'이라고 말하면서
그 존재론적인 근원성과 위력을 한껏 부각시키고 드러내었다는 점에서 대단?????????????????????하다고 할 수 있는 것이다.

이제 흔적은 어떤 기원 내지는 근원적인 것의 흔적이 아니라,
오히려 기원을 낳게 하는 원동력이 된다.
"흔적은 이미 형성되고 있는 차이가 아니라
모든 내용이 결정되기 이전에 차이를 낳게 하는 순수작용이다.
순수한 흔적은 차연인 것이다.
그것은 청취가능하고 가시적이고 음성적이며 문자적인 어떤 것에 의존하지 않는다.
반대로 흔적은 그러한 것의 조건이 된다."라는 말도 이렇게 보면 쉽게 이해된다.

그리고 만사가 바로 이 차연에 의한 차이들의 놀이(jeu)로,
그 놀이들의 짜임새 즉 텍스트(texte)로 자리 잡게 되는 것이다.
그 과정에서 간극들이 드러나고 그 간극들의 배치에 의한 사이짓기(espacement) 내지는
공간의 시간화(devenir temps de l'espace) 등이 생겨나는 것이고.

이러한 데리다의 존재론적 ․ 인식론적인 차연 철학은
타자 철학으로 불릴 수 있을 정도로 일종의 정치적 ․ 윤리적 함의를 띠기도 한다.
데리다는 「'광기'가 사유를 감시해야 한다」라는 제목이 붙은 대담에서 이렇게 말한다.

간단히 말해서 원시적 자연이나 자연과 문화 사이의 대립이란 존재하지 않고
단지 하나에서 다른 하나로의 '차연'만 있을 뿐이다.
다시 말해서 타자의 이름이 부재하게 된 텍스트는 은폐 ․ 삭제 그리고 거의 검열과 항상 비슷하다.
격렬하면서도 소박하며 혹은 그 모두이기도 하다.
타자의 이름이 나타나 있지 않을지라도 그는 거기에 존재하며 우글거리며 움직이고 있고
가끔은 울부짖으며 더욱 독선적으로 된다.

데리다의 차연 철학이 왜 많은 사람들에게 영향을 미치고
인기를 끌게 되는가를 어느 정도 가늠할 수 있는 대목이다. 묘하게도 프랑스의 현대 철학자들은 '차이'와 '타자'에 대해 집중적으로 관심을 갖는다.

무지개와 방주는 아니규?

이 두 개념이 자본주의적인 체제에서 요구되는
동일성 주체에 의거한 배타적 소유를 근본적으로 뒤집을 수 있다고 생각해서 그런 것 아닌가 싶기도 하다.
프랑스에서 새롭게 등장하는 이러한 차이와 타자에 의거한
철학의 흐름들을 어쩌면 홀로 외롭게 마뜩찮게 여기는 철학자가 있으니
독일의 하버마스다.
그는 『현대성의 철학적 담론』(이진우 옮김, 문예출판사, 1994)에서 예컨대
데리다의 철학이 후설의 현상학에서 태어났음을 지적하면서 이렇게 말한다.

이렇게 형이상학의 역사는 현상학적 직관주의에서 정점을 이룬다.
이 직관주의는 대상과 의미의 동일성을 비로소 가능하게 하는 원천적 차이, 즉
시간적 간격과 타이성의 차이를 자신의 음성에 - 즉 차이가 없는 음성에 - 의한 암시적 자기감화를 통해 없애 버린다.
"차이가 없는 음성, 문자가 없는 음성은 절대적으로 살아 있는 것이며,
동시에 절대적으로 죽은 것이다."

하버마스는 후설의 본질적 형상에 대한 직관을 염두에 두고 있다. 그러면서
데리다가 수행한 후설에 대한 비판을 끌어들여 후설의 직관주의가 갖는 한계, 즉
그 자체 속에 간극도 차이도 없는 '음성'을 후설이 진리의 원천으로 받아들이고 있음을 지적한다.
이는 물론 데리다의 주장을 요약한 것이라 할 수 있다.
하버마스가 인용하고 있는 문장은 데리다의 문장이다.
절대적으로 죽어 있는 음성을 진리의 원천으로 삼은 후설의 경우,
자기 스스로 자신의 위대한 고찰을 배반하고 있다는 것이다.
이는 물론 후설에 대한 데리다의 해체적 독법이 아닐 수 없다.
계속해서 하버마스는 이렇게 말합니다.

데리다는 후설이 행한 관념화의 길을 초월적 주체성의 가장 깊은 곳까지 추적해 들어가,
자기 자신에게 현존하고 있는 체험의 자발성의 원천에서 근절할 수 없는 차이를 바로 확인한다.
이 차이는,
만약 그것이 문자로 써진 텍스트의 지시구조의 모델에 따라 생각될 수 있다면,
작용하는 주체성으로부터 분리된 활동, 즉
주체가 없는 사건으로 생각할 수 있다.
문자는 소통의 모든 실천적 상관관계로부터 분리된,
말하는 주체와 듣는 주체와 무관해진 순전히 본원적 기호로서 타당성을 가진다.

하버마스가 데리다의 문자주의에 대한 이야기를 끌어내는 대목이다.
아무튼 데리다는 이제 차연이 작동함으로써 깨어져버린바,
음성에 입각한 형상적 본질로서의 지성적인 의미 대신에
문자(gramme)에 의거한 텍스트적인 의미를 중시하게 된다.

예컨대 데리다는 'différence'와 'différance'는 음성적으로는 아무런 차이도 없다.
그러나 문자를 통해서는 'e' 대신에 'a'를 넣음으로써 그 뜻이 크게 달라진다는 것을 제시한다.

데리다는 소쉬르의 구조주의를 원용하면서도
소쉬르가 "언어학적 대상은 써진 낱말과 말해진 낱말의 결합에 의해 규정되지 않으며
오직 말해진 낱말만이 이 대상을 구성한다."라는 등의 말을 한 것에 대해 심한 거부감을 표시한다다.
그러면서 순전히 음성적인 글쓰기는 존재하지 않으며
음성주의에는 어떤 문화내의 알파벳의 실행의 결과라기보다는
이러한 실행에 대한 어떤 표상, 어떤 윤리적 내지는 가치론적인 경험의 결과라고 말함으로써
음성중심주의를 종족중심주의(ethnocentrisme)과 연결시킨다.

아무튼 데리다가 말하는 기표의 근본 형태는 결코 음성이 아니다.
바로 문자다.
그래서 '공기 대신에 잉크'라고 하버마스가 표현하고 있는데 멋진 표현인 것 같다.

데리다는 이제 음성적 글쓰기 대신에 새로운 글쓰기 즉
문자적 글쓰기를 제시하면서 아예 차연을 문자(gramme)와 동일시하기도 한다.
차연에서의 철자 'a'가 능동성 또는 생산성을 지니고서 차이들의 유희에 있어서 생성적인 움직임을 지시한다고 말한다.
이 정도쯤 되면 근원적인 생산력을 발휘하는 차연과 동일시되는 문자는 그야말로 신비하다 하지 않을 수 없다.
이에 '근원적 문자'(archi-gramme)라는 말이 성립한다.

아주 오래된 이 근원적 문자를 생각하고 말할 수 있기 위해서는,
그것을 '정상적인 것' 그리고 '전근원적인 것'으로서 생각할 수 있기 위해서는, 또
후설이 특수하고 우연적이며 종속적이고
이차적인 경험이라고 믿었던 것을 분리시킬 수 있기 위해서는 기호 또는 재현이라는 이름 이외의 다른 이름을 필요로 할 것이다.
그것은 이리저리 돌아다니면서 활동무대를 바꾸고,
처음도 끝도 없이 상호작용을 통해 현재화의 마법을 행하는 기호들이 끊임없이 파생하는 데 대한 경험이다.

하버마스는 데리다에게서 보이는 이 근원적 문자를 집요하게 물고 늘어진다.
이 근원적 문자는 모든 문자적 글쓰기뿐만 아니라
음성적 글쓰기에 전체를 통해 자신의 흔적을 남기면서도
그 스스로는 결코 그 정체를 드러내지 않는
(데리다에게서 근원적인 정체는 결코 드러날 수 없다.)
묘한 것입니다.

태초에 Word가 계시니라 이 Word가 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 Word가 곧 하나님이시니라
Word가가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고
만물이 그로 말미암아 지은바 되었으니 지은 것이 하나도 그가 없이는 된 것이 없느니라


근원적 문자는 주체 없이 구조들을 생산하는 생산자의 자리를 차지하는데,
구조주의에 의하면 이 구조들은 어떤 저자도 가지고 있지 않다.

저자가 있을 수 있나 잡서에서 훔쳐왔으니~

하버마스는 이러한 데리다의 근원적 문자를 데리다가
헤브라이적인 유대교적 신비주의 전통을 고수하면서 유지하고자 하는 것으로 본다.
근원적 문자의 은폐를 근원적 문자의 부재로 보고,
이 근원적 문자의 부재를 신이 일부러 자신을 숨기는 신의 능동적 부재로 보면서,
데리다가 레비나스를 통해 유대교적 전통으로부터 받은 모티브를 바탕으로 사유하고 있음을 말한다.
그러면서 이렇게 비판적으로 말합니다.

참고할 만한 것 같다.

문자론적으로 윤곽이 드러난 근원적 문자에
~ 이 문자는 알아볼 수 없게 되면 될 수록 더욱 많은 해석들을 불러일으킨다.
~ 관한 데리다의 착상은 오랫동안 끌고 있는 계시사건으로서 파악되는 전통의 신비적 개념을 재생시킨다.
종교적 권위는,
그것이 자신의 진정한 모습을 감추고 해석가들의 해독이 열기를 자극하는 한에서만, 힘을 가진다.
내면적으로 열심히 추진되고 있는 해체는 전통계승의 모순적 작업이다.
이러한 계승 속에서 구원의 힘은 오직 소모를 통해서만 재생된다.

뒤덮인 토대를 드러내기 위해 허물어 고르고자 하였던 해석의 파편들이 쌓여 이룬 언덕을 해체 작업은 더욱 두터워지게 만든다.

█ 7

그럼 하나씩은 언제 하나가 아닌 게 되는가? 인용부호가 사라진 지점에서? 반복이 반복하지 않는 지점에서는 결코 그것이 사건이 되지 않는다. 이미 몇 개는 주어진 상태이므로. 오로지 기표들 간의 투쟁이다. 그것은 반복하지 않을래야 않을수가 없는 마의 삼부작이다. 타나톤의 트라이앵글이기도 하고. 이게 벌써 이렇게 되었다는 건 역시 A-B-C의 원환구조에서도 이미 벗어났다는 얘기가 된다. 조금 섬뜩하지 않은가? 텍사스전기톱살인사건보다 외려 이게 더 등골 오싹하게 할 때 당신은 이미 실재에서 상징으로 전이된 것이다. "개가 짖지 않았다는 것은 오직 상징계 안에서만 '사건'이 된다"고 했던 지젝의 말을 떠올려보라. 이미 그것이 하나의 중층점들로 격자구조를 제안할 때 주격과 호격 사이의 구분은 사라지고 주어는 오로지 '사람 아닌 것'으로만 대체의 연쇄사슬로 들어간다. [[나에게조차 미지의 영역으로 남아있는 걸 타인에게 내민다면 그것은 조건 없는 은폐보다 더 위력적으로 자신을 감춘다.]](주의: 두번 강조) 위에서는 바로 이것임이 내려오고, 나는 그 주변에 울타리를 두르지 않는다. 가장 솔직한 이유는 역시 귀찮아서다. 얼마나 웃기는 일인지? 그런 쓸데없는 일에 바친 시간을 떠올리면 문득 눈물마저 핑그르르.... 아무것도 숨기는 게 없는 자는 사실 그럼으로써 모든 것을 숨기고 있는 것이다. 바쳐진 고리들. 그것 그대로의 무엇을 개념적 층위에서부터 하나씩 잠식해들어가는 대자적 반복. 마주보고 있다고 믿었던 것들이 실은 무한-거울의 무한-반사임이 밝혀지는 순간은 또 얼마나 당혹스러운가. 그렇게 되기를 바라지 않는다고 해결될 문제도 아니라는 사실을 알게 될 때는 명명할 수 없는 당혹감이상이 당신을 기다리고 있다. 우리는 미로가 아닌 곳에서조차 미로로 페이크걸어 길을 헤맨다. 그것을 즐기는 것이다! 물론 이것은 정적인 회화와 동영상이 원들의 복합체로 뒤섞인 결과이기도 하다. 어떻게 짧은 것 하나가 긴 것 여러 개를 이길 수 있는지도 신기하지 않은가? 나에게 던진 화살이 나를 스치지도 않고 그저 관통하여 남의 등짝에 가서 꽂힌다는 것도. 그렇게 프로그램된 이상 우리는 차라리 덫을 환영한다. 그 뒤를 결코 이미-벌써라도 짐작할 수 없는 또 그래서도 안 되는 하나의 반-데자뷰로서 말이다.

█ 8
엿장수 맘대로 보지털

명증성 [明證性, evidentia]
직증(直證)이라고도 한다. 이것은 추리를 거쳐서 간접적으로 도달되는 논증적인 확실성과는 달리, 의식의 직관적(直觀的) ·직각적(直覺的) 파악에 의하여 주어진 직증적인 확실성이다. R.데카르트는 명증의 일반적 규정을 명석(明晰)과 판명(判明)에 두고 사고(思考)를 멈추지 않는 우리들의 정신존재를, 일체의 명증에 앞서는 명증적 존재로 간주하고 이것을 철학(哲學)의 제1원리로 삼았다.

데카르트는 이 명증성을 잡서신약 요란볶음 1장
(The light keeps shining in the dark, and darkness has never put it out.
빛이 어두움에 비취되 어두움이 깨닫지 못하더라)
에서 따왔다.
깨닫지 못한다는 뜻은,
태어나 지금까지 오감으로 느낀 모든 것은 그냥 자동으로 주어진, 인간이 의식으로는 느끼지 못하는 일방적 방식이자너, 무의식 [ unconsciousness , 無意識 ] .
언내 눈 뜨면 사물이 보이고 귀로는 들리고 코로는 즈 똥냄새 맡고 온 방안에 똥칠헌다 말이지.
처음부터 의식이 느끼고 싶어 느끼나?
바로 이 것!
무의식적으로 느끼는 오감을 통한 일방적 느낌통보를 데카르트는 명증이라 씨부렸다.
빛, 밝을 明.
그라믄 한가지 의문이 생기지,
데카르트 씨부리는 명증에 앞서는 명증적 존재가 그럼 뭘까?
의식적으로 느끼지 못하는 일방적 명증에 앞서는 존재가 있을 수 있으까?
문제는 인간이 태어나서 의식하지는 못하지만 무의식의 기간이 있자너.
태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라.....
그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고
만물이 그로 말미암아 지은바 되었으니 지은 것이 하나도 그가 없이는 된 것이 없느니라 ㅡ요 1ㅡ
잡서는 명증에 앞서는 존재로, 명증성 존재 하나늠을 제시헌다.
명증에 앞서는 명증적 존재가 있고, 명증이 있고, 워드가 있다.
언내가 의식으로 느끼지 못할지라도 일방적 명증이 확보되기 시작하는 순간부터 잡서는 하나늠(무의식 또는 의식)이 관여한 것으로 간주한다.
명증성 존재, 명증, 워드
그라믄 이 세 늠을 또 다른 삼위일체로 삼으까?
데리다 씨부리는 본질을 뜻하는 흔적(la trace originaire) 이 데카르트 씨부리는 明증이고,
근디 하나 다른건 무의식이 아니라 의식과 관계있다.
후설이 현상학에서 씨부린 충전적(充全的, adäquat) 명증성과 같은 야그다.
데리다'현전'(présence)이라는 개념은,
이리 어떤뇬이건 일방적인 명증과 흔적이 이미 주어져 있다는 구도다.
(빛이 어두움에 비취되 어두움이 깨닫지 못하더라)
빛은 이미 의식 이전부터, 태초부터 지금껏 빛추고 있었고,
말할 수 없는(無言), 빛 명증이든 빛 흔적이든 이걸 의식이 깨닫지는 못하지만,
의식하지만 못할 뿐 이미 명증이든 흔적이든 의식에 현전한다능겨.
후설이 무의식이 아닌 의식으로 바꿨고, 나아가
의식과 명증을 따로따로 생각한게 아니라 명증이 곧 의식이고 의식이 곧 명증이란 야그다.
데리다가 이리 씨부린 이유?
ㅡ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earthㅡ
잡서 츰세기 1장 1절과
ㅡ태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라ㅡ
요란볶음 1장 1절은 같은것 같지믄 엄청난 차이가 있다.
츰세기는 명증 이전부터 무의식 하나늠이 있었고, 이늠이 명증을 창조했다는 야그지믄,
요란볶음은 무의식이 아닌? 의식이 명증보다 먼저 있던게 아니라 같이 있었다능거즈.
데리다는 어느입장이까?
요란볶음 입장이다.
ㅡFrom the very beginning the Word was with Godㅡ
ㅡ그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고ㅡ
여그서 "그"는 영문에는 없
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 07:50:54 PM

과정의 연쇄사슬 안에 밀려들어갈 때 우리가 놓치는 것은 그것이 지향하는 지점이 있다는 믿음이 얼마나 손쉽게 배반될 수 있는지 하는 것이지. 둘 이상의 주체가 한 공간(이 경우 비물리적인 공간도 당연히 포함됨. 쉬운 사례로 감옥에 갇힌 자가 그 밖에 있는, 그것도 제법 멀리 떨어져 있는 동지와 연락을 주고받으며 일체감의 끈을 놓지 않는 경우가 있지. 러시아 볼셰비키 혁명 前期에 레닌을 비롯한 그 볼셰비끄들의 거의 유일한 연락수단은 편지였던 점을 상기할 것)에 있을 경우 바로 그 각각의 주체들은 탈자화를 암암리에 시도하며 상대를 객체로 만들려는 암투에 들어간다고. 물론 동양의 氣철학은 주체-객체 하는 골치 아픈 용어 동원하지 않으면서도 이런 상황을 단순화하지. 다음과 같이 말야: "결국엔 氣 센 놈이 허한 놈을 누른다." 그런데 문제가 늘 이렇게 단순하기만 하면 우리가 굳이 서양에서 주체와 객체의 대립, 주체가 자신의 분열되는 하위개별주체들을 하나 하나 유사변증법적으로 지양해가는 미세조정이 포착되지 않아서 허점이 생기고 말아. 좀더 쉽게 풀어볼까? 자, 니가 위에 사례로 든 걸 보자. ㄱ(폴란드인)이 ㄴ(유대인)과 함께 위와 같은 대화를 나눈다는 건 착시효과에 속지 않기로 작심하고 들여다보면 엄연히 둘 다 상대를 객체화하려는 긴장관계에 붙들려 있어. 저 둘을 잇는 밧줄을 팽팽하게 잡아당겨져 있으며, 별 주의 없이 보면 ㄴ이 주도권을 쥐고 있는 것 같지만(결과론적으로는 더더욱: 왜냐하면 '결과적으로' ㄱ이 ㄴ에게 농락 당한 꼴로 낙착을 보았으니까), 실제로는 이와 같은 상황에서 ㄱ도 자기가 ㄴ을 어떻게 하면 자신의 한낱 '주변부'로 전락시킬까 고심 중이라고. 대화의 양상을 행간에서 잘 살펴봐. 텍스트상에 명시되진 않았어도 ㄱ은 ㄴ이 돈을 달라고 할 때마다 '이 작자가 무슨 술수를 부리는 걸까'라고 주판알 튕기기에 바쁘지.(한쪽이 일방적으로 자신을 객체-대상으로 상대에게 넘겨주는 보나마나한 상황은 배제하자고) 그런데 다시 한번 강조컨대 '결과적으로는' ㄱ이 ㄴ에게 당한 꼴이기 때문에 ㄴ이 상호-주체-투쟁이라는 관점에서 보면 ㄴ의 승리인 것처럼 보여도, 결국 그 팽팽한 밧줄을 붙잡고 있기가 버거워 손을 놓아버린 쪽은 ㄱ이야. "손을 놓았다"는 표현에는 의도성이 개입된 듯한 뉘앙스를 풍기기에 "손을 놓쳤다"고 하는 것이 더 좋겠군. 여하간 저 둘의 대화는 각각이 그 밧줄을 조금씩 자기쪽으로 당기는 power-stress이고 ㄱ이 속수무책으로 당하지만은 않았다는 건 마지막에 그가 "당신은 그저 내게서 돈을 전부 짜내려고 하는 거요"라고 토로하는 대목에서 확실한 물증이 잡히는 거야. 만약 ㄱ이 이 주고받기식 주객대결을 조금도 염두에 두지 않았다면 마지막에 자기가 결국 객으로 떨어졌다는 사실조차 인지하지 못했을 것이고, 그렇다면 조금씩 밧줄이 ㄴ쪽으로 이동하는 것도 느끼지 못하기는커녕 줄을 잡고 있으면서도 마치 손이 마비된 사람처럼 그걸 잡고 있었다는 느낌, 기억조차 없었을 테니까. 따라서 이런 경우는 상황-참여자가 셋 이상일 경우, 나아가 n명일 경우로도 손쉽게 일반화되지.(우리가 1,2, ... n,...이라는 무한수열을 적용할 수 있는 사례가 얼마나 제한적인지를 떠올리면 위와 같은 사례가 얼마나 분석이 용이한지 쉽게 깨달을 거야) 그럼 결국 ㄱ은 '자기가 시작한 대화'를 자기가 끝맺지 못하고 상황이라는 밧줄을 마주잡고 있던 ㄴ에 의해 강제종결 당하는 비운을 맞이한 건데, 만약 상황에 변수가 개입돼 ㄴ이 더 영악하여 자신의 술수를 ㄱ이 눈치조차 채지 못하게 했다면 더 가공할 사태가 벌어지지. ㄱ은 이 상황을 자기가 끝냈다고 만족감을 느끼면서 당하는 기막힌 일을 당하는데, 끝끝내 자기가 당했다는 사실을 깨닫지 못해. 자, 그렇다면 니가 든 사례와 방금 전 내가 시도한 변수추가상황이 어떻게 다른지 한번 봐봐. 표기 편의상 전자를 1이라 하고 후자를 2라고 하자. 1과 같은 상황은 역사에서 찾아보면 ㄷ이라는 나라 국민들이 ㄹ이라는 나라한테 강제점령당하고 온갖 비인간적 유린을 당하지만 적어도 당하는 자들 입장에서 자기들이 '그런 상황에 있다는 걸 느끼고 있는' 것과 같지. 여기엔 예외가 없어. 영국의 지배를 받았던 인도가 그랬고, 일본의 지배를 받았던 우리나라가 그랬어. 자, 2는 어떤 걸까? 멀리 갈 것도 없이 홀로코스트를 떠올려봐. 위의 사례에선 유대인이 주체투쟁에서 이겼지만 나치 치하의 독일에선 어땠나? 아우슈비츠에서 독가스를 마시며 죽어갔잖아. 그때 그들은 자기가 부당한 대우를 당하는 걸 인지하고 있었지만 영국 치하의 인도인들처럼 그 이유까지 명확하게 인지하지 못했어. 당시 인도인들은 적어도 깨어 있는 사람들로 한정하더라도 영국의 식민지배가 경제적 활로 찾기라는, 고삐 풀린 제국주의의 가속 페달이 제 속도를 이기지 못한 결과라는 걸 파악하고 있었지. 단순히 인도라는 나라, 또 그 국민들이 눈엣가시라거나 "어떡하면 이것들을 골탕먹일까" 하는 악심에서 비롯된 게 아니라는 걸 너무나 잘 알고 있었단 말야. 말인즉, 어쩌다 이렇게 돼버린 상황이 어처구니없기는 해도 가해자 또한 피해자에게 그런 짓을 하지 않으면 그 나라(영국)와 동렬에서 주도권 다툼을 하던 강국들 틈바구니에서 살아남기 어렵다는 사정을 모르지 않았기에 마냥 가해자 탓만을 하기도 어려운 상황이었다는 거지. 이런 건 우리나라에도 있어. 전두환이 쿠데타로 정권을 잡을 때 아무 죄도 없는 시민들을 왜 그렇게 죽였냐면서 분개하는 사람들이 있지만, 그쪽에서 주장하는 바는 "그렇게 초강수를 두지 않았다면 이미 육군참모총장까지 강제연행한 하극상, 또 그 과정에서 발생한 인명손실 등으로 미루어 자기들(쿠데타 세력)이 살아남지 못했을 것이다" 이거잖아. 그 말이 단순히 자기들 총칼에 희생된 사람들 우롱하는 말일까? 그들에겐 그렇게 들릴지 몰라도 전두환 일당의 입장이 되어보면 온전히 틀린 말인 것만은 아니잖아. 그렇지? 자, 이제 홀로코스트는 왜 이것과 다른지 한번 보자. 유대인들은 그 "죽음의 수용소"에 갇혀 있으면서도 왜 나치가 이렇게까지 하는지 감조차 잡지 못했어. 추측만 무성했지. 이런 식으로 말야: "1차대전 이후 유대인 자본가들이 돈줄을 틀어쥐고서 자기들만 호강하는 바람에 독일경제가 아직도 이모양 이꼴이라고들 하네. 혹시 그들한테 앙심을 품고 이러나?" "글쎄, 과연 그렇다면 왜 그런 유대인 자본가들만 잡아가면 되지 아무 힘없는 민초 유대인들까지 다 잡아서 이렇게 못살게 굴까?" "혹시 히틀러 총통이 유대인과 엮여서 뭐 안 좋은 일이라도 있었을까?" 이런 대책없는 추측만 난무하는 와중에 하나 둘씩, 급기야는 2차대전 막바지엔 대량으로 쓸어넣고 독가스를 퍼부어버리잖아. 영문도 모르고 죽어간다는 게 바로 이런 거야. 위의 대화 상황 하나만 가지고도 얼마나 그 원리가 폭넓게 적용되는지 이젠 감이 좀 잡히나?

뽀인띨리즘이 지젝의 원 의도를 빗겨갔다 생각해.
폴란드인과 유대인의 관계는 2차대전 직전의 상황에서는 맞지믄,
그래서 2차대전과 관련시킨 유대인 학살과 그덜 자본으로 국한시키자너.
근디 지젝이 의도하는 저 내용은,
1948년 독립 이전의 유대인과,
더 나아가 기원전 셉츄아진트 이전의 유대인이랑건 언급조차 없네?
뽀인띨리즘이 주창?하는 反에크리튀르 로써의 유대인이 빠졌다는거즈.

"한 밤에 묘지에 가서 특별한 장작에 불을 지피세요."
"어떤 장작이지요?"

이게 무슨야그까?
폴란드인이 특정 장작에 불지피는 방법은 제시하지만,
정작 폴란드인은 이미 특정장작에 불을 지피고 있고,
유대인은 폴란드인 장작이 아닌 특정 장작을 또 제시하는거자너.
그건 히브리글과 말일 수도 있고,
유대인이 하는 야그는 암송되어 구전되는 토라와 같은,
한마디로 反에크리튀르 로써의 유대인 특성을 폴란드인은 이해하지 못한다는 야그자너.

그 비밀을 찾는 동안 자신이 빠져든 바로 그 과정이었다.

현재문자가 있든 없든 폴란드인에게 필요한것은 장작에서 타고있는,
모세가 파라오에게 쫓길때 봤다는 타지않는 떨기나무 부시불꽃이지,
유대인의 암송구전 잔소리는 아니라능거자너.

뽀인띨리즘도 反에크리튀르허는 이유가 있을꺼 아녀;;;;;
마찬가지로 지젝도 신체없는 기관으로 反에크리튀르 허고 있는거자너.
먼저번인가 뉴욕 증권거래소 앞에서 지젝이 연설헐 때,
대중앞에서 연설문 보면서 씨부렸자너,
지젝도 反에크리튀르 주의지믄 폴란드인모냥 反에크리튀르헐 수 없는 낚시꾼에 불과허자너.
난다긴다허는 철학자덜이 反에크리튀르 주의에 동참허는 이유가,
모세가 지성소에 아론계열외는 접근못허게 헝거모냥 특정 이유때문이고,
그 중심에 선악과 주범 함무라비가 있는것이지,
수억가지 언표이전 기의느낌만을 위한 이즘은 아니라능겨.
폴란드인이 빠져든 그 이야기 과정의 시작이
잡서 신약 Word에 반대하는 지금의 유대인덜을 있게 한 ism이전 구약의 잔재기 때문이즈.

제국 에크리튀르의 반발로써의 反에크리튀르 이상도 이하도 아니다.
누군가는 제국주의 고통의 에크리튀르하에서 얻은 反에크리튀르겠지믄,
또 누군가는 전쟁과 분란이 끊이지 않는 反에크리튀르하에서 얻은 에크리튀르잉기라......

착시는 없어.
뽀인띨리즘이란 해체의 피해자만 있을 뿐이지.

█ 20
道家에서 열등한 자들을 위로하는 (한) 방법

"지식의 양"이라는 개념은 데리다도 지적했듯이 매우 "의심스럽다." 가령 A가 10만큼 '안다고 믿고 있'는데 B는 그보다 더 또는 덜 알고 있다고 믿을 수 있다. 그런데 알다시피 그것은 그 믿음치 그대로는 측정될 수가 없다. 바로 여기서 '안다'와 '안다고 믿는 것'이 갈라진다. 나와 남에게 공히 정직한 자라면 어떤 경우에도 "나는 ~을 안다"는 진술을 할 수 없는 것이다. 이 말 속에는 그보다 진실된 고백 "나는 ~을 ~만큼 안다고 믿는다"가 드러나건 드러나지 않건 내포되어 있다. '안다know'라는 낱말이 꾸며내는 문법적 오류에 관한 비트겐슈타인의 탐구들이 동양의 도가사상과 만나는 지점은 바로 그 "道可道 非常道", "아는 자는 말하지 않고, 말하는 자는 알지 못한다."라고 하는 無言의 言도 [말로써만 전달된다.] 그게 말 없는 형태로, 말하자면 이심전심으로 건네지는 것은 바로 그 말이 최소 한번은 이쪽에서 저쪽으로 다리를 건넌 뒤라야 한다. 사실상 우리 중에 누구도 어떤 대상 또는 그걸 포함한 대상-다발을 조준하며 [화살 하나만]을 날릴 수는 없다. 이에 대해서는 이미 칸트가 "인간 인식력의 한계"를 <순수이성비판>과 <판단력비판>에서 제대로 지적한 바 있다. 따라서 유효한 질문은 칸트식 인식한계의 연장선에서 다음과 같이 제기된다: "그렇다면 불완전한 인식력으로 우리는 어디까지를 말하고 어느 지점을 넘어서는 입을 다물어야 하는가?" 칸트나 헤겔을 혐오했던 비트겐슈타인은 그들의 철학을 제대로 들여다보지도 않은 상태에서 자신의 주제가 칸트의 연장선에 놓여있다는 사실조차 모른 채 이 문제에 붙들렸다. 그 또한 젊은 시절에는 자신이 천재라고 굳게 믿었고 "이렇게 똑똑한 내가 봐도 무슨 소린지 모르겠는 말"은 다 "헛소리"에 불과했던 것이다. 이런 이유로 그는 사실상 철학자가 아니라 反철학자였다. 기존의 철학에 통째로 철퇴를 가하여 그 "병든 말들"을 "치료"하는 것이 그의 목적이었던 것이다. 그랬던 그가 만년에 이르러 그토록 반감을 품었던 선배 철학자들을 어떻게 이해해갔는지는 이미 여러번 언급했으므로 굳이 여기서 더 얘기하지는 않겠다.(궁금한 이는 내 예전 글을 조회하면 된다) 문제의 핵심은 과연 '아는 자', '모르는 자'가 어느 경계에서 갈라지느냐이다. 대상 K에 대해 어느 정도로 인식해야, 또 어떤 생각을 품고 있어야 그는 대상 K를 아는 것일까? 이걸 궁극에서 판정할 최종심급은 과연 있기나 한가? A가 "나는 K를 안다"라고 말할 때, 그 말을 입증할 단 하나의 결정적 증거는 어디 있는가? 말할 것도 없이 이는 궁금해서 물어본 것이 아니다. 그런 것은 어디에도 '없'으니 말이다. 그렇다면 도가의 저 허깨비 진술 "아는 자 말하지 않고, 말하는 자 알지 못한다"는 뭔가? 뭔가를 대단히 잘 알고 있는 것처럼 보여주려면 빙그레 미소만 띠며 입 다물고 있으면 그만인가? 대상 K에 대하여 완벽지(perfect knowledge)가 없다고 할 때, 단 몇 마디라도 하는 자보다는 (정말 아는 게 하나도 없는 상태여서 그렇더라도) 한마디도 없이 두꺼비처럼 눈만 끔뻑이는 놈이 더 많이 아는 것이고, 풍성한 말로 (절대지를 보유한 존재가 아닌 이상 인간은 완벽하게 알지 못한 채로나마 무슨 말이든 할 수밖에 없고 사실상 선물이면서 동시에 재앙인 인간언어는 다 불가피성이라는 마수에 붙들려 있다) 길트기와 길찾기를 시도하는 자는 별 생각 없이 몇마디 던져본 그 얼간이보다 못하다는 걸 자기 생각이 녹아든 그 말들로 입증하는 것인가? 몰론 앞에서도 논의한 바, 아는 자가 침묵하는 것도 얼마든지 가능하다. 그럴 수도 있고 그러지 않을 수도 있는 자에게 A이냐 not A이냐는 전적으로 선택의 문제다. 극소수의 예외만이 침묵과 다변 중 하나를 取捨할 수 있는 것이다. 다시 말해 무지의 늪에서 허우적거리는 대다수 凡者들은 정말이지 아는 게 하나도 없어서 입 다물고 있을 수밖에 없는데, 시쳇말로 그래야만 자신의 텅 빈 머리(이성)와 돌처럼 투박한 가슴(감성)이 아울러 그 본모습을 드러내지 않는다는 것쯤은 그들 자신의 아둔한 머리로도 '알기' 때문이다. 사실상 그들 얼간이가 아는 것이라면 그것뿐인데 그나마 그것까지 몰라야 지혜라도 깃들 '궁극의 무지'가 가능해진다는 건 기묘한 아이러니다. 무지하고 덜 깨어있으면서도 두 푼 짜리 자존심만 살아있는 게 최악의 케이스인데, 안타까운 건 9할이 넘는 인간들이 이 흙탕물에서 놀고 있다는 것이다. 일전에 내가 논의한 바, 열등한 자는 자신의 무능을 겸손으로 위장한다. 무능력자들은 능력이 못미쳐 '할 수 없는' 일을 (할 수는 있지만) 그저 '안 하는' 것이라고 믿음으로써(정확히는 자신을 속여넘김으로써) 위안을 얻는다. 도가적 知의 관점 "아는 자 말하지 않고..." 또한 그들에겐 매우 편리한 '귀에 걸면 귀걸이 코에 걸면 코걸이'가 된다. 입 다물고 있으면 자신의 무지가 들통나지 않는데 내심 너무나 분명히 알고 있는 제 무지에 심기가 불편하다. 이런 고로 그걸 내적으로나 외적으로 합리화해줄 진술이 필요한데 기왕이면 공인된 사상영역에서 그 총대를 메줬으면 싶던 차에 운 좋게 발견한 게 바로 저 "아는 자 말하지 않고..."인 것이다. 이 얼마나 손쉬운 수단인가? "아, 무식해서 한 맺힌 나도 침묵의 道만 지키면 覺者의 반열에 드는구나!" 이 얼간이들은 침묵과 다변 중 하나를 선택할 능력이 없기에 오직 침묵 속에서만 안식처를 발견한다. 그렇다고 그 중간항에 해당되는 '한마디'나 '몇 마디'를 취하자니 단 한마디는커녕 입만 뻥긋하여 글자 몇 개에 해당되는 입말만 튀어나와도 자신의 무지가 들통나고 마니, 무지몽매를 순식간에 깨달음의 경지로 끌어올려주는 도가의 저 가르침(?)이 어찌 흡족하지 않겠는가. 이를테면 누군가 "철학자 Z는 어떤 사람이죠?"라고 물었을 때, 그 질문자보다 조금도 나을 것 없는 웬 얼간이가 다음과 같이 대답한다: "라캉, 헤겔, 마르크스 철학을 접목한 철학자로 동유럽의 기적이라 불린다고 합니다." 이렇게 개나 소나 할 수 있는 말을 한마디 지껄여놓고 뭔가를 '알려준' 듯 구는 무뇌아들이야말로 저 도가사상의 가르침을 기어코 마음에 새기고 반복-실천하는 것이 좋다. 그래야 개나 소나 할 수 있는 말밖에 할 줄 모르는 자기한테, 그보다 더 멀리 나아가고 깊이 들어간 자가 그 사유의 힘을 별로 애쓰지 않아도 능히 말로써 펼쳐가는 걸 경멸할 권리가 없다는 걸, 그나마 자신을 속이지 않고 '안다고 믿을 수 있'기 때문이다. 도가사상의 역설(말 없음을 강조하는 것조차 말로써 전달하는 따위)은 침묵이라는 자기은폐기제를 열등한 자들도 알아들을 [말]로 퍼뜨려서 그들에게 위안과 해방감을 준다. 바로 거기에 단세포들을 그 磁氣場으로 끌어들이는 도가의 마력이 있다.

여담이지만 反에크리튀르의 연장선에 약간의 시차만 두고 놓여있는 칸트와 헤겔의 글쓰기를 검토해보자. 주지하다시피 이 두 명의 걸출한 철학자는 에크리튀르를 시도조차 하지 않았다. 그들은 처음부터 끝까지 벽돌을 쌓아나갔다. 아귀가 맞지 않는 곳이 있으면 자력으로 어찌할 수 없을 때만 방치했다. 그들은 글쓰기 내부에서 자가생성과 자기동화를 도입하지 않았으며 따라서 동시대엔 물론이고 이후에도 철학자이고 아니고를 떠나서 "형편없는 작가"로 분류된다. 그러나 에크리튀르도 反에크리튀르도 아닌 어중간한 위치에서 엉거주춤 맥빠지는 글이나 써대던 쇼펜하우어는(칸트와 헤겔을 가장 맹렬히 공격한 그 작자다) 오늘날 아무도 진지하게 취급하지 않는다. (일부 얼빠진 삼류문필가들 사이에선 쇼펜하우어의 글이 애독되고 있기는 하다. 어떤이는 그의 저서에서 제목까지 그대로 가져와 표제-표절을 일삼는다. 하고자 하는 말만 다를 뿐 구성과 형식까지 그대로 취한다. 그게 누구인지는 굳이 언급하지 않기로 한다.) 왜 그것이 하나의 필연으로 자리잡았는가? 단순히 그가 애용해마지않았던 '인과관계의 연쇄사슬' 때문만은 아니다. 쇼펜하우어는 그 자신의 치명적 무능으로 인해 그 자신과 텍스트 사이의 거리를 시간이 지나면서 점점 대책없이 벌리고 마는데 만년에는 그 자신도 그걸 수습하지 못할 지경에 이른다. 예컨대 그 자신 그가 쏟아놓은 글들을 너무나 편하게 접했던 것이다! 얼핏 보면 이것은 자신과 자신의 텍스트가 밀착한 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 그것은 착시효과로서 본인이 내놓은 텍스트를 점근선으로 하여 점점 가까이 갈수록, 더욱이 그 속도에 비례하여 이전의 그 자가생산 기호집합을 낯설게 느끼는 것이 바로 그 접근자가 필연적으로 느끼는 감정이기 때문이다. 이 역설을 받아들이는 순간은 거의 언제나 극적이고, 그때부터 점근선을 확보한 작가들은 자기-배반을 일삼게 된다. 쇼펜하우어는 바로 이와 같은 텍스트-드라마의 주연배우이기는커녕 조연도 못맡아 단역으로 전락하고 말았다. 이와 정반대 지점에서 헤겔과 칸트의 누가 봐도 확실한 反에크리튀르는 당대에 일정 기간 혹평을 면치 못했어도 그들의 死後 바로 그 '벽돌쌓기'에 대한 집요함이 투박한 형태로나마 그들의 텍스트에 반영되어 심지어 그들을 인정하지 않는 자들에게조차 그 가치를 외면할 수 없게 만든 것이다. 이것은 텍스트의 변증법을 그대로 따르지 않는 바로 그 이탈궤도의 주변부에서 각각의 안장점을 형성한다. 쇼펜하우어를 손가락 하나로 튕겨버리면서 말이다.

말 없음을 강조하는 것조차 말로써 전달하는 따위????????????????????????


전제하나 깐다믄,
기원전시대 중국에 처음으로 희랍이나 아랍상인덜이 들어왔다쳐,
이덜과 함께 들온 특정 알파벳의 등장은 한자인덜이 보긴 새로운 道다.
이후 경교같은 기독교 분파가 도교에 기여한바 있다믄,
道의 성격은 한자인들이 모르는 알(卵)과 같은 死語성격이다.
문자만 있고 뜻은 없는,
중요한건 경교가 도교에 영향줬다는 것이기에,
기독교에서 말하는 처음과 끝을 뜻하는,
알파벳 A가 道可, Ω을 道非,
그리고 영원하길 바란 Word로써의 기원이 常道라 했을때,
여그서 名자 뜻이,
(夕(석☞초승달→어두움)과 口(구☞입→소리를 내다)의 합자(合字). 저녁이 되어 어두우면 자기 이름을 말해서 알려야 했음)
이름붙여졌다는 뜻이기에 한자 可.非는 "가.비"로써의 音이 아니라,
音을 잃은, 모르는, 덩그라니 문자만 있는,
샹폴리옹이 해석하기 이전의 콥트어와 같다.
"知者不言 言者不知"
(뜻) 알아도 원래의 (音을 모르니) 말이 아니고, 말(기可.비非)을 했다한들 아는게 아니다.
왜 이런 현상이 있어나냐믄,
신성 문자(神聖文字, Hieroglyph)나 히에라틱문자 (hieratic script, 신관문자)모냥 한자도
형상을 본떠 만들었기에 "鳥" 앞다리가 땡, 뒷다리가 땡 맹글긴 맹그렀는디
이게 새라능건 알어, 근디 사어였거나,
모두가 약속된 音을 붙이기 전이라 音은 未定이다.
앎을 뽐내기 위한, 그래서 '不言' 자랑하지 않는다가 아니라,
音만 모를뿐 뜻은 안다
약속된 전제가 없는 音을 전제로 깔고,
새벽기도때 방언 지껄어 봐야 지혼자 잘났단 야그지 정작 뜻은 알지 못한다.
경교의 道나 도교의 道가 비랑다르지 아너 허는 소리여.

pointillism 해석 또한 '귀에 걸면 귀걸이 코에 걸면 코걸이'된 또하나의 무지의 들통이랄밖에......

도가사상의 역설(말 없음을 강조하는 것조차 말로써 전달하는 따위)은 침묵이라는 자기은폐기제를 열등한 자들도 알아들을 [말]로 퍼뜨려서 그들에게 위안과 해방감을 준다. 바로 거기에 단세포들을 그 磁氣場으로 끌어들이는 도가의 마력이 있다.

역사가 전제되지 않은 해석이 부른 또 한마리 우물안 깨구락지?

그져 왜곡된 유대역사모냥 빛을 향해 기어가는 괄태충의 지난한 행로가 아로새겨 있다.

낚시꾼이 죽었다.
깨어나자 눈앞에 이제까지 한 번도 본 적이 없는 아름다운 강이 흐르고 있었다.
두 손에는 세상에서 가장 훌륭한 낚싯대가 들려 있었다.
들뜬 마음에 곧장 낚시바늘에 고기 밥을 꿰어 강물에 던졌다.
순식간에 길이 20인치의 완벽한 갈색송어를 낚아 올렸다.
그는 탄성을 질렀다. "내가 천국에 와 있구나!"

뉜 마리지 칸트와 헤겔 씨부리는자덜은 다 사기꾼으로 봐~
새로운 해석을 위해 해체작업이 동반되어야 한다는 말은,
역사 무시허고 재탕헌단 야긍께 말시.
잡서 구약과 신약이 다르지 않기 때문이지.
~그랬을때 모든 혁명은 빛바랜 야그거덩.
특히 데리다는 말시!

모든 왜곡은 해체로부터 시작된다.

말할거에요 이제 우리 결혼해요
그럼 늦은 저녁 헤어지며 아쉬워하는
그런 일은 없을거예요

나도 모르게 겁이나요 꼭 붙들어줘
같이 처음부터 시작해요 우리의 시간
나는 당신을 믿을게요

그대에게 나 반한것 같아
말은 안했지만 너무 멋져보여요
그대에게 나 반한것 같단 말한 뒤에라도 후회하진 않을게요

두근 거려요 마음으로 안아줘요
같이 살아가면서 부딪히고 힘들겠죠
걱정말아요 잘할게요

그대에게나 반한것 같아
말은 안했지만 너무 멋져보여요
그대에게나 반한것 같아 말한 뒤에라도 후회하진 않을게요

말할거예요 이제 우리 결혼해요
그럼 늦은 저녁 헤어지며 아쉬워하는 그런 일은 없을거에요
그대에게 나 반한것 같단 말은 안했지만 너무 멋져보여요
그대에게 나 반한것 같단 말한 뒤에라도 후회하진 않을게요

모든 왜곡은 사랑으로부터 시작했다.

고로 해체는 사랑의 시작이다.

그대들이여 사랑을 시작하려는가?

수백 수천억번을 재탕하려는 자들이여~
계속 광란의 춤을 추시게~
푸른날이 쓸데 없으니, 사랑아~ 혁명아~ 나는 너를 위하여 우노라!

█ 21
왜 삭제보관소에 들어가 있는 것조차 다시 꺼내보아서는 안되는가? 왜 계속 그것은 자기를 교란하고 나아가 그걸 그곳에 처하게 만든 장본인까지 어지럽히는가? 아직 문제가 끝나지 않은 상태에서 무책임하게 다른 말숲에 몸을 들이밀어서는 원하는 걸 얻지 못하는 채 곱게 막내리지 않는다. 당위를 벗어나기 위해선 어떤 노력을 기울여야 하는가? 오직 기록된 것만이 살아남는다는 도그마를 체화하기만 하면 그 이후는 자동기제 흐름을 곧바로 타는가? 이미 익숙한 기호들의 모임은 전혀 위안이 되지 않는다. 아직은 넘어갈 때가 아니라는 판단이 들 때 더욱 그러하다. 텍스트상에서 프로이트식의 "농담"(그렇다. 바로 그 "무의식"과 엮여있는 농담이다)과 같은 위상에 있는 건 오식이 되겠지만, 단순히 철자상 오탈이라면 그것은 공유된 궤도를 벗어나 있는 것이다. 원래의 궤도로 복귀하는 예외적인 사례는 그 오식이 [한눈에 들어오는 순간]이다. 언제나 우리는 심각하지 않기를 원한다. 조금더 가벼워졌으면 하고 짐스러운 건 털어버리고 싶다. '무소유'라는 관념은 이 심정 다발들을 감싸는 포장지다. 이 궤도가 안과 밖을 따로 취하지 않는다고 가정하자. 이 지점에서 지젝은 바깥을 끌어들이기를 본업으로 삼은 철학자다. (그는 反철학의 기치를 들 기미를 조금보여주지 않고 있는데 이는 그가 세상을 뜨는 그 날까지 유효할 것이다) 그러나 데리다는 바깥을 건드릴 때조차 안에 머문다. 여기서 한가지 중요한 건 왜 안에 머물고자 하는 의지가 더 강하면 그것이 그림이 될 확률과 나아가 암호로 굴러떨어질 가능성이 높아지는가 하는 것이다. 적어도 당분간은 칸막이가 쳐져 있 있어야 한다. 순식간에 저항불능의 피로감이 엄습하는 순간이 바로 연장되고자 했던 감정이 밖으로 기지개를 켜는 때다. 그것은 통제되지 않은 상태에서 우발적으로 손을 뻗치고 그 손을 잡지 않는 주체를 비웃는다. ㄱ은 심심해서 장난을 치고 ㄴ은 그게 장난인 줄 알면서도 모른 체하하기를 도리어 장난으로 즐긴다. 이때 ㄱ이 ㄴ을 농락하기란 불가능하며 결과적으로는 ㄴ이 얼마나 묵인 하에 아량을 베푸는지에 딸라 안에 머무르던 최종심급이 밖으로 튀어나온다. 유의할 점은 나왔다가 다시 들어가는 경우란 없다는 것이다. 비물질의 분탕질이 물질을 농락하며 인간-신체이고자 하는 일체를 인간-기계로 바꿔놓는다. 기계가 되는 순간 더는 쾌감이 무의미해진다는 바로 그 점에서 쾌감은 無를 바닥에 깔며 그 개별쾌감의 임계치를 극대화한다. 다시 말해 '쾌감 그 자체'가 없다면 개별쾌감은 그것과 동위에서 빗대어 이질쾌감 자체가 없다는 점에서 快가 건드릴 수 있는 정점을 이미-언제나 '만지고 있는' 것이다. 자극수용점 또한 무의미해진다. "~는 무엇인가?"라는 질문은 더이상 자신에게조차 던져지지 않으며 우리는 그 질문없음이 그 자체로 모든 물음표를 머금은 커다란 물음표임을 안다. 우리는 "농담은 원치 않아요"라고 말할 때조차 끊임없이 가급적이면 더 농도 짙은 농담으로 자신이 개입된 (불가피하든 아니든) 상황을 교란하고 싶어한다. 일이 잘 되어 갈 때 겉으로는 (심지어는 '의식'이라는 내면-표층부에서도) 그게 계속 잘 되어가기를 바라면서도 잠재-무의식에서는 그 일이 와장창 망해버리기를 바라는 것이다. 잘 나가는 가수가 무대에 설 때마다 차라리 무대 천장이 와르르 무너져서 공연이 취소돼버렸으면 하고 바라는 무의식-바람이 꿈틀거리는 건 그 한 예다. [바로 여기서 자유는 그 폼나는 옷을 벗어버린다.] 사르트르식이라면 "우리는 모두 자유를 선고받았"고, 그렇기에 그 자유라는 "재앙"이 파괴욕을 부채질하는 순간에조차 그것을 또다른 유의 자유를 끌어옴으로써만 대처할 수 있다. 이 '연쇄 원환'에는 시작도 없고 끝도 없다. 자유가 거는 속임수는 원치도 않는데 그걸 받아야만 하는 우리가 그것에 속임수라는 걸 의식하지 않아야 그나마 평안을 얻기에 그런 것이지 그것이 원초적으로 이미-언제나 안에 두고 있는 것이 결코 아니다. 이쯤에서 더 확실하게 피하는 법(피하기란 무엇인가,라는 질문을 던지지 않고)에 대해 잠정적으로라도 답을 얻고 넘어가야 한다. 잘 알다시피 피하기가 언제나 최선의 전략인 것은 아니다. 그러기는커녕 현실에서 '살아가는' 자들의 잣대로는 그 피하기는 영역을 불문하고 하책 중의 하책, 비겁하고 졸렬하다못해 쓸어버려야 할 쓰레기나 씻어내야 할 오물에 불과하다. 그러나 살아가기의 반대편에서 만들어가는 자들의 동네에서 피하기를 능가하는 방책(또는 방침)을 찾기란 그리 쉽지 않다. 여기서 피하기와 은닉-은폐는 심지어 고난도의 기술을 요하고 그걸 자유자재로 구사하는 자 앞에서는 한수 접어주기까지 하니 벌써 S1과 S2, ... Sn, ... 마다 각각의 Av(Avoid)1, Av2, ... Avn, ... 이 마련되어 있는 것과 무엇이 다른가? 우리는 이것을 어떻게 이해해야 하는가? 이해의 대상이 아니라 그걸 제거할 기름으로만 간주하는 수용-대상으로 삼아야 하는가? S1 안의 ㄱ1은 S2 안의 ㄱ2에게 아무런 관심이 없는데 그건 의도적으로 배척하는 것이 아니라 [그럴 필요가 전혀 없기 때문이다!] 강박신경증의 도움을 빌려 의도적 관심으로 위장하고 그걸 밀고나가는 데는 한계가 있다. ㄱ이 ㄴ에게 "난 너한테 기대하는 것이 아무것도 없다"고 말할 때, ㄴ이 보여줄 수 있는 최고경지의 대답은 바로 그런 질문은 Sㄴ에서는 질문으로 성립조차 안 한다는 듯 아무 응답도 하지 않는 것이다. 어떤 의식적 절차밟기 없이도 한 귀에서 다른 귀로 흘러 빠져나갈 때, 바로 그러했다는 사실조차 인지하지 못해야 비로소 이 [무응답의 형식이 완성된다.] '그렇다'고 믿는 것에 "그렇다"고 말하기나 '아니'라고 믿는 바에 "아니오"라고 말하기는 어렵지 않지만 어떤 경우에도 보통 이상의 내공을 요하는 지점은 긍정도 부정도 하지 않는 것이다. 일상의 기호들을 모두 형식논리의 場에 집어넣고 그 界 안에서만 돌리는 자도 타이밍까지 골라야 하는 그 작업은 별도의 애씀을 요한다. 

█ 22
여기 저기 새겨진 얼룩들이 제자리를 찾도록 하는 건 이미 새겨진 이상 물리적으로는 불가능하다는 데 이의를 제기할 사람은 없을 것이다. 얼룩 주변부는 마찬가지고 멀리 떨어져 있어 그것과는 전혀 무관한 자기장을 이루고 있는 영역까지 모두 동원하더라도 그렇다. 결국 의식을 동원할 수밖에 없는데 이 작업에선 밖에서 무관심한 응시, 안에서 무의식과 전의식을 지렛대로 삼아야만 한다. 이 과정이 순조롭게 진행되고 이 연쇄 속에 몸이 담기지 않을 때조차 무의식의 언저리(무의식 자체는 아님)에서 저절로 되어가게 한다면(이 지점에선 道家의 道와 만난다) 바로 이 [하나의 얼룩] 속에 [[모든 기표들이 점별수렴(pointwise convergence)한다]]. 실해석real analysis에서와 다른 점은 이 수렴점이 이미 그 안에 발산divergence과 그 가능성을 그것의 바깥에 한치의 양보도 없이 내포하고 있다는 점이다. 이런 점에서 '책'이라는 통상적 말-덩어리-단위는 무의미해지며 "장서의 발작적인 증식 속에서 책 문명은 죽음을 맞이할 것"이라고 했던 데리다의 예언은 더할 수도 뺄 수도 없는 유효성을 발휘하며 실현된다. 문학적 표현으로서 '곁에 언제나 머물러 있는 한 권의 책'은 그것의 반대항보다 명백히 비교열위를 보이며 의식 안에서는 물론이거니와 무의식에서조차 밀려난다. 따라서 '책'이라는 그릇에 담겨 유통되는 기호들은 오직 '만져지는 책'이라는 물리적 관점에서만 자신의 종언을 연기할 뿐이며, 이렇게 된 이상 '곁에 머무는 책'이 아닌 '스쳐지나가는 책'만이 자신의 금박테두리를 보존한다. 무엇보다 "속말을 담아내는 책"이라는 표현은 형용모순이다. 속말과 책은 결코 양립가능하지 않으며 이를 최초로 꿰뚫어본 이는 바로 니체였다. 그는 "자신을 글로 만들었"으며, 끝끝내 그게 책이 되고자 하는 자가-의지를 막는 데 가용한 모든 에너지를 쏟아부었다. 그에게 문자와 글은 삶-죽음 그 자체이고 심지어 여자이기까지 했다. 니체 본인의 말을 인용하면: "내게 여자보다 더한 쾌감을 주는 것이 딱 하나 있다. 그건 바로 내 생각과 친구되기(여기에 그는 "자유정신"이라는 이름을 붙인다), 그것들로 말놀이 즐기기." 그러나 어쩌랴. 문헌학자로서 당시로서는 한 사람이 접할 수 있는 최대량의 책들에 파묻혀 있던 그도 자신의 그 주체못할 말을 담아낼 그릇이 어디에도 없다는 사실을 어렴풋이 짐작만 하던 (바젤 대학의) 교수 시절부터 그는 머잖아 닥쳐올 절망과 미리부터 싸워야 했다. 그는 루소와 마찬가지로 너무 많이 읽어서 망쳐버린 '지난 날의 자신'을 경멸하고 못마땅해한다. 그가 교수직을 집어던지고 펜을 드는 바로 그 순간에 데리다의 "에크리튀르"는 한 세기 앞서 "개시된" 것이다. 이로써 니체의 애인인 에크리튀르가 이후의 모든 작가들에게 선사된다. 종잡지 못할 횡설수설은 "그보다 더 갈짓자였다면?"을 밀어내고 그 자리에 "왜 그래야만 했는가?"를 얹어놓는다. 그나마 조르주 바타유는 "니체야말로 내가 할 말이 하나도 없게 만든 작가"였다는 진단을 내리면서 니체를 활용하기보다는 그에 최대한 다가서려고 했던 반면, 들뢰즈와 푸코는 둘 다 "우리는 니체를 어떻게 활용할 것인가"라는 질문을 공유하면서도 왜 니체를 "활용"하는 데 실패했는가? 죽은 니체를 이용해먹으려다 그 유령에게 이용만 당하고 팽 당한 사냥개들처럼 말이다. 수학을 몰라서 그런 예술 경지의 횡설수설이 가능했던 니체와 달리 들뢰즈는 수학적 사고에 노출된 것이 그 원죄라 치고, 니체가 그토록 혐오했던 "기억"과 "역사"를 푸코는 왜 둘 모두를 사이비로 둔갑시켜 구조화하는 데 그토록 열을 올렸나? 그에게는 性이나 광기에조차 역사가 있었으니 도대체 니체의 (책 아닌) 텍스트라는 그 유령과 어느 접점에서 만났던 것일까? 조우 여부와 그게 어디냐와는 상관없이 중요한 건 그에게도 니체를 거부하고자 하는 마지막 몸부림이 있었음이 틀림없다는 정황증거다. 그러나 그것이 부재의 형태로만 뿌려져 있는 이상 실재하는 것들이 실제로도 그러한지를 증명하는 것과 같은 형태로는 입증되지 않는다.

수박한통 서리해보고 맛나닝께 수박밭 전체를 들쑤시고 댕기능거와 같은 야긍겨.
맛은 똑같어, 배고푼거 가셨자너, 저축하고 싶어 들멧돼지모냥 저리 들쑤시고댕기능겨?
"이보다 더 좋을 순 없다"의 멜빈 유달모냥 강박증이랄밖에.
線에 대한, 선을 밟지 않는, 반드시 그래야한다는, 속말에 기의에 그 주체못할 말을 담아낼 그릇이 어디에도 없다는 사실만?을 추종하는자에게, 죄없는자가 돌로치란 말을 이해했다 헐 수 있으까?
마음에 사로잡혀, 마음대로만해야 직성이 풀리는, 반드시 그래야만하는, 마음감옥 죄수?가 바람모냥 스쳐지나가란 말은 공염불이다.
자기에 대한 주체가 그만큼 남다르니, 수녀덜모냥 누가보지 않아도 옷 차곡차고 개놓고 방안구석에 먼지하나 못앉게 쓸고 닦고,
오로지 목표?향해 계획대로 살지?
이게 구링이 담넘듯 술렁술렁 넘어갈 수 있는 마음이까?
마음주체 높으시니 마음이 정한 법대로 살라야허고,
마음의 직성대로 안풀리면 그여 고쳐놓고야마는,
그래도 안되면 몰살시켜서라도 이루고야마는 그런 마음구조로 뭘 이뤄놨을까?
저 우주 끝에도 인류가 살만헌 낙원별이 있다?
그별 또 고쳐놓게?
이리 마음이 말뚝에 매이는 이유가 뭘까?
이덜에게 무소유는 무소유란 또하나의 소유에 지나지 않는다.
마음을 놓지 못하는데 뭘 놓을 수 있으까.
파고드는건 좋아,
어느정도 해소됐으믄 놔얄꺼아녀
그게 좋다고 남까증 보시시킬라고허믄 문제되자너?
좋은데 왜 이해못하냐, 이해했으면서 왜 받아들이지 않느냐, 신경질적으로 발작허믄 어쩌라규~.
그렇게 살아야허고 그리해야허고 그게 정답인데 왜 못허냐 왜 안허냐 윽박지르능거까증은 좋아,
스쳐지나가지 못하는 이유가 이거자너.
내가 아닌 남때문에!
그가 볼 수 있는 한계는 그 앎이 아니라 그 강박에 매여있다,
맴이 아닌 대상에 매여있다.
불란이 뭐거써?
강박에 매여야 불란일지, 맴이 환경 받아들이믄 전혀 안인다곤 볼 순없고 학시리 들일즈.
그게 해소되지 않는한 발견이 없다.
진화하지 못한다.
발견해도 진화해도 강박된 대상에 연관검색에 그친다.
모든게 그것과 연관해 무의식에도 지장준다.
특히 기독인덜 중에서 요딴거 자주 목격허는디,
자기만이 신?에게서 뭔가를 받았다고 생각하는 인류덜이 있자너.
이들에게는 자신이 원하는 답이 있는게 아니라, 외부로든 마음적으로부터든 뭔가 희열이 큰 이벤트, 즉 쾌감이나 괘락내지는 경이를 느끼거나 보게되면 그게 답이고 길이된능기라.
빛?을 봤다든가, 특이한 뭔가를 느꼈다든가.
자신이 원했던 뭔가가 대부분이즈.
원했던게 아닐 수 도 있어, 요나모냥.
전염병이 글틋 가마니 못있능기라.
전파내지는 전달허고픈 욕망이 불같이 인다.
거시기신?에게 명? 받았으니 길이요 진리요 생명된 좀비?덜에게 뵈능게 있을까?
오로지 물고뜯고, 그래도 안되면 몰살시켜서라도 이루고야마는 그런 마음구조로 뭘 이뤄놨을까?
구제역 몰살?
철학하는 자덜 중에도 이런 魔에껴 헤나지 못하는자덜이 있자너.
저 스텝기후 사막에 사는 사람과 일년에 반은 눈속에 파묻쳐사는 히말라야 사람이 있어,
환경면에서 마음으로 느끼는 수억가지가 그 처한 환경에 적응허고 살아가자너.
누가 뭐라허든 마음은 이미 환경에 맞춰져 스스로 작동허고 있어, 생각은 그것에 따라가지.
그런 스텝인이 히말라야 설인이 서로에게 왔다쳐,
맴이 환경에 적응허까 아니믄 환경이 변허까?
시간문제일 뿐이지 또 그 환경에 적응해 살아가자너.
魔끼믄 그 강박증 마음이 환경에 적응허능게 아니라 환경을 뜯어고치려 부단히 노력허즈.
내가 아닌 남을 뜯어고치려 또 부단히 노력헌다.
강박증 환자덜에게 적당이란 없다!
그거 고치려다 전부 뒈진다! ;;;;;; 뒈졌다!
춥고 눈많이 오능게 즈 마음에 안든다 이거여.
낮엔 푹푹찌고 밤엔 얼어죽을만치 추븐 사막기후가 맘에 안든다 이거여.
늙으믄 뒈질꺼 왜 보지덜 안대주냐 이거여!
보지에서 남자잡는 권력나오고 돈나오고 떡나오는디 쉽게 내주거써?
그덜 보지밥그릇 뺏을라믄 보통강박증가지곤 어려울꺼 같자너?
이런 강박증 환자덜이 권력 잡을경우, 뭔일 일어날까는 불보듯 뻔한 야그자너?
이게 일인지배 과거 인류역사였고, 그때로 돌아가자고 허는야그와 다름없다.
심쎈늠이 똑똑헌년이 다 차지허능건 좋아.
그래야 우월유전자 물려줄팅께 말여,
이런 강박증 유전자 물려줘 뭘헐라꼬?
이 땅덩어리를 36. 5도로 전부다 맞추게?
자식위해, 걱정에 즈 죽을똥말똥 환경바꾸려 살아가는 기러기 아빠허능거 막을 생각은 없어, 다만,
뭐든 적당히~
좀비족은 허지말자규~
오타꾸 간섭이라믄 헐 수 없규.......

█ 23
유사프랙탈구조 텍스트

두말할 것도 없이 이미 흐름을 탄 뒤보다는 진입하는 순간에 고뇌가 극대화된다. 흐름타기는 밥이고 그 뒤에는 그것이 안겨주는 최소치를 빼주는 범위 내에서는 모든 것을 보장한다. 안보이는 것도 있을까? 그런 게 있다면 천만다행이다. 지금까지 끊어질 듯 이어온 것이 피로감을 유발할 때, 그것을 면하는 유일한 방법은 바로 거기서부터 벗어나는 것이다. 세속에서 무릇 해주기를 요구하는 트레이닝 중에는 이런 것은 물론이고 그 비슷한 것조차 포함되지 않는다. 포함과 배제의 원리는 확률론에서만 다뤄야 할 의무는 없다. ㄱ이 *1을 포함하고자 할 때 ㄴ은 *1을 제외한 모든 것을 포함하고자 들 수도 있다. 그 반대가 그것보다 어려울 가능성은 없다. *2는 *1 다음에 나오는 것이 아니기에 그것은 동일한 위상에 놓인다. 이 '아무것도 없음'과 '아무것도 아님'은 그것 자체를 빼면 모든 것을 포괄하는데 여기에 포함되는 것들에 인이 박이면 그것이 곧 퇴폐(데카당)이다. 이것에 건강한 퇴폐와 병든 퇴폐란 있을 수 없고 그것은 하나의 대상으로서 논증해주기를 기다리지 않는다. 바로 그 점에서는 기표흡수 또한 기표방출을 전혀 도와주지 못하며 그걸 받아들이고 내가 방출한 것이 또 흘러나오는 걸 칸트미학의 숭고를 체화하여 일체의 '무관심으로' 바라볼 때(관찰이 아닌 관조), 우리는 이 과정이 휘두르는 폭력 앞에 무기력해지지 않을 수 있다. 그러나 안에 들어온 이상 바깥에 너무 많은 신경을 소모할 수는 없는 노릇. 탁 탁 걸리는 일종의 파찰음이 그 바깥보기에 알아서 태클을 걸어줄 터, 이 점에서는 그 '없는 메시지'를 유사 메시지로 전환하여 보낼 때조차 기기선택은 이렇다 할 힘을 쓰지 못한다. 그렇다기보다는 오히려 힘쓰지 않기를 스스로 원한다고 보는 것이 맞으리라. 게다가 문자-그림은 한눈에 들어오지 않던가? 원치 않아도 지가 스스로 밟혀들어오기를 바라면서 이쪽을 향해 애타는 눈길을 보내지 않던가? '이것'이나 '그것'이 지칭하는 것이 매순간 바로 그 전체그림일 경우, 글쓰기는 유사프랙탈구조를 x축에 음의 방향으로 접근해가는 지수함수의 그래프처럼 그것을 향해 [다가간다.] 따라서 매번 보이는 것은 직전에 찍힌 몇 개의 점들이 아니라 지금까지 찍힌 모든 점들이다! 내가 배반하지 못할 것이란 오직 그것뿐이다. 문제가 되는 건 결국 점들의 크기일 뿐이고 우리는 그것을 눈 깜박임과 시선 떨어뜨리기만으로 얼마든지 조절 가능하다. 언어 내부에서는 그 작업을 쉽게 하기 위해 타고난 짐에 해당하는 조사를 한번 더 고려해야 할 것이다.

하지만 왜 퇴폐가 더 안식감을 주는가? 기어코 "난 그렇지 않다"고 잡아떼는 사람조차 자기 또한 퇴폐에서 더 진한 만족감을 얻는다는 사실을 외면하거나 미처 인식하지 못한 것에 불과하다. 타나토스(죽음본능)은 살고자 하는 욕구를 더 깊은 물에서는 늘 앞지르고 넘어선다. 예술은 오직 타나토스에 기반을 둔다. 파괴욕이 없는 자는 아무것도 창조하지 않는다. 이미 던져져 떠도는 인공기호물 일체에 대한 반감, 글쓰기에서라면 기존의 passage grammar와 text grammar 모두가 낯설고 혐오스러워질 때가 바로 퇴폐가 극에 달한 지점이면서 동시에 세상을 향한 분노를 나름의 방식으로 표출-표현하는 始點이 된다.

그러고보니 뽀인띨리즘 아이피 주소가 세 개네?
집에 컴터가 세 대나 있나?
아니면 아이피 새로맹그는 프로그램이 있나?
언젠가 싸이에서 추적기 구입해서 돌린다는 야그로 한참 떠들썩했는디,
이런 일반 싸이트 찾는 추적기 있다는 야그는 들어봤어도
어디에 있는지도 모르고, 찾아보지도 않았고,
굳이 찾아서 또 뭐한댜?
누구를 찾아보고 싶은 맘이 있어야 뭘 뒤져보기라도 헐텐디.
사투리라고 했는데,
얘기를 야그로 쓴다든가, 저기를 쯔기를 쓴다든가허능건,
글을 무겁게 쓰지 않으려는 의도규 그냥 그런 단어의 친근한 맛에 주로 애용하는것 뿐이지,
뉘가 어디지방 사람이냐허는것과는 무관헐 수 있자너?
누구고 쓸 수 있는 야그규,
이런 기관없는신체덜 깔겨놨다고 미국사람이라고허믄, 오해랄밖에.
다만 훈민정음이란게 비슷허믄 알아듣는 특성이 있기에 性不 姓玆모냥 표준이나 확정된게 아니라도,
자주 굴리다보니 이자모냥 알게 모르게 뜻이 붙기에 멘붕되자너.
제주사투리모냥, 그덜만 아는 말모냥, 모르는 사람이 듣는 경우엔 신체없는기관이랄밖에,
이야기나 얘기나 야그 그 이상도 이하도 아녀.
雜書에서 씨부리는 paraclete라고허까?
수억마리 정액과 다른게 뭐셔?
다 인육서 와전된 야글뿐이쥐.
충청도땅 고집쎈 꼰대밑에서 舊學헌게 다지믄, 누굴 속여먹을만치 姦惡허진안타네.....

█ 24
텍스트의 위상기하학 Topology of Text

기표는 대리보충되지 않고 오직 그것의 틈을 메우려고 시도하는 순간 보충의 보충, 또 그것의 보충인 연쇄들만이 가능하다. 대화의 형식을 굳이 취한다면 이 지점에서도 反이 가능하겠지만, 그것은 일상에서 너저분하다못해 악취까지 풍기는 사이비대화로서 여기서는 발 디딜 틈이 없다. 차후에 기각되는 것이 아니라 애초부터 배제돼 있는 것이다! 조금만 더 끌어올리면 배제 그 자체가 전혀 문제되지 않는 위상에 이르지만 나는 (솔직히 시인하건대) 아직은 그것까지 언어화할 경지에는 이르지 못했다.(이것이 바로 나의 지적 정직성이다ㅡ인정할 건 인정하기) 그러나 너무 정직해진다면 그 어떤 다리도 둘 이상의 섬들 사이에 놓지 못하리라. 말을 하되 아무 말도 하지 않는 말은 모리스블랑쇼가 필생의 문학적 사업으로 삼았던 空지향 글쓰기다. 이 대척에 사르트르의 말이 있다.(그의 自傳 <말>을 가리키는 것이 아니다) 왜 철학을 하나의 활동으로 삼았던 자들이 언어를 그 탐구대상에서 제외할 수 없었는지에 대해서는 다음과 같은 한마디로 충분하다: '있음과 없음' 관점에서 사태의 총합으로서의 세계는 말과 말 아닌 것 일체로 그 경계를 끊임없이 움직여가면서 갈라지기 때문이다. 칼 크라우스Karl Kraus에서 점화되어 비트겐슈타인이 일생을 바쳐 그 불꽃을 불길로 피워올리고 하이데거 데리다 하버마스, 마침내는 콰인과 로티에 이르기까지 "언어비판"(직역하면 이러하되, 나로서는 '언어의 문제에 대한 탐구'라는 표현이 더 나아 보인다)은 심지어 길트기 단계에서부터 다른 길을 걸어왔다고 간주되는 프래그머티즘 계열에서조차 그게 끝났다고 믿는 자들이 아직도 적지 않다. 결론부터 말하자면 "언어비판"(나에겐 언제나 일말의 거부감이나마 주지 않을 리 없는 이 용어를 내 말들과 구별하기 위해 번거롭더라도 끝까지 인용부호를 사용하겠다)은 끝나지 않는다. 주체는 분열하고 말 또한 확률상 원칙적으로는 무한개의 서명-분화를 거쳐 무한증폭한다. 말할 것도 없이 증폭기는 미리 준비되지 않는다. 내가 이미 쏟은 말이 그 스스로도 지금여기 再現되기를 거부하며 그것의 조작자인 나조차 그걸 별 고심 없이 수용할 때 비로소 삭제되었던 그 텍스트는 삭제보관소(삭제된 것이 無의 형태로 보존되어 있는 보관소)에서도 사라진다. 그 이전까지는 눈 앞에나 안 보일 뿐 사라진 것이 아니다. A가 t1 시점의 텍스트를 삭제하고 그 서명까지 말소할 때(애초에 싸인이 어떤 형태로든 들어가지 않았다면 이 이행적trasitive 말소는 고려할 필요가 없다) 그는 그 기호다발을 없애버린 것이 아니라 임시로 삭제보관소에 옮겨둔 것이다. 이미 말했지만 그게 '지워지려면' 지금여기 출현하는 기호(문자에 국한하지 말자)가 그 보관소에 잠정 입고된 유령-기의들로부터 단 1%, 1mg의 감정도 없이 고개를 돌린다면 그때 비로소 그것들은 삭제된다. [따라서 물리적 삭제는 아무것도 아니다.]([ ]는 강조) 그러나 이 점을 통상적 사실보다 한 차원 위의 사실로 인정한다 해도 누구나 외면하기 힘든 징후가 하나 있다. 심각함과 진지함이라는 암적인 요소가 그 함량비를 점차 줄여나가고 마침내는 자취를 감춰버린다는 것이다. 바로 그 이행적이되 직선적이지 않고 방사선의 그물에 걸려드는 절차는 그 암유발인자가 제 모습을 감춰나가는 속도에 비례하여 인용부호의 등장을 더 집요하게 가로막는다. 그 말은 곧 이미 뿌려진 씨앗들이 발아와 再발아의 무한연쇄과정으로 밀려들어간다는 것과 오직 '차이 (未)분화의 은유'라는 잣대를 들이댈 때만 그 모습을 달리할 뿐이다. A와 B는 문제와 문제의식까지 공유하지는 않는다. 더 큰 수확으로 말하자면 그릇 안의 내용물보다 그릇을 얻는 것이다. 남의 수사가 내 수사일 수 없음에도 내 안에 스며들 수밖에 없는 건 바로 이런 이유에서다. 일단은 나중에 싹 트기를 기다리며 "아직은 아니오"라고 말하기. 이 어쭙잖은 발설에 생각보다 큰 용기가 필요하다는 건 참으로 아이러니가 아닌가? 있기만 하다면 이 타고난 용기를 발휘하여 "텍스트의 입체기하학"이라고 했던 이전의 표현을 "텍스트의 위상기하학"이라고 바꿔줄 때가 바로 지금이다.

█ 25
저절로 늘어나는 양상을 편의상 유기체적 증식과정이라고 불러보자. 아침에 일어나서 사로잡히는 생각이 오직 ㄱ1 하나만을 향할 경우 ㄱ2와 ㄱ3, ... ㄱn이 포진하는 양상은 점별수렴, 단조증가-감소-발산, 진동발산 등 크게 세 가지로 추려볼 수 있지만, 이것은 어디까지나 논의를 편리하게 해주는 조작에 불과하다. 기표로 밀고나가는 사고전개에서(그것은 고급수학에서 가장 두드러지는데) 옆에 가지를 쳐내 버려주는 "휴지통"을 마련하지 않으면 [아무것도 말할 수 없는] 상태로 半강제로 떠밀리고 만다. 예컨대 일년동안 열어보지 않았던 편지함을 열었을 때 일년 전에 도착한 편지를 지금에서야 열어본 경우, 그 말들이 연기된 건 물론 송신자가 의도한 것은 전혀 아니거니와 그것이 그럴 만함조차 온전히 기름빼듯 한 상태에서 그리 출발한 것은 아니다. 이것의 확대사례들에서만큼은 "왜?"라는 질문이 쓸모가 없는데, 그건 곁가지들을 모조리 쳐내더라도 앞뒤가 딱딱 들어맞는 퍼즐과 같은 것이 아니기 때문이다. 힘이 솟는 순간을 포착하면서, 그걸 단순히 느끼는 수준에 머무르지 않고 활용까지 하기란 오랜 세월 수련이 필요하지만 그 경지에 단박에 도달하기 또한 불가능하진 않기에 요령이 발달한 자들이라면 그것에 대한 집착을 버리지 못할 것이다. 바로 이와 같은 점별 위상에서, 전국가적 감시사회에서 살아가는 자들이 그 숨막힘을 언어화하지 못할 때 어떤 일이 발생하는지에 대해서는 결코 분석이 쉽지 않다. 그 非용이성을 전제로 깔았다 하더라도, 그 상황을 그려보고 거기서부터 그 反상황을 끌어낸 뒤에 조악한 헤겔식의 변증법을 적용하고자 하는 유혹에서 자유로우려면 애초부터 그런 장난에 대한 미련을 버려야 하는 것이다.

무한도돌이표: 한번 던져주고 또다시 흐름을 탐. 그 과정이 어떤지는 알 길이 없다. 던져진 것과 펼쳐지는 것 사이에 의도적이든 비의도적이든 시간적 단절이 끼어들 때, 오히려 힘이 증가하는 사례는 드물지만 그게 시간을 제외한 모든 점-영역에서 아귀가 들어맞기만 한다면, 그것은 '그렇지 않았을 상황보다 더' 스스로 힘을 늘려버린다. 코기토가 무력해지는 건 바로 이와 같이 '저절로 늘어나는 힘'이 그 코기토의 숨통을 틀어막았을 때이다. 이 단말마의 고통은 자신을 정당화하는 데 다른 무엇보다 사례를 거부한다. 그것이 나오려는 순간 陰-되먹임negative feedback하고, 약간의 틈도 허락하지 않은 채 곧바로 증폭과정을 하나의 수순으로 밟아나간다. 이것이 바로 스탈린주의라는 망령이 그토록 오랫동안 세계의 절반을 틀어쥐고 그 거대한 감옥에 수감된 자들을 신음하게 만든 자동기제 중 하나인데, 어느 사료도 이를 이와 같은 언어로 그려주지 않기에 이를 감지하고서도 그걸 언어화하는 데 실패한 자들에게 지시(지향)에 준하는 암시는 소용되는 바가 있을 것이다.

'코기토' 나는 사유(cogito, ergo sum, 思惟)의 한다 코(息 sum?)로? 나는 존(尊, John?)재한다.
사유와 생각이 복잡한 진화(극히 짧은 시간에 변화하는)를 거치는 과정이라믄,
몸으로부터 촉발되는 본능은 몸의 진화(지구환경에 맞춰진 엄청 긴 시간과 함께하는)와 동일하게 진행되자너?!
긍꼐 지금까증으 사유의 진화는 본능에 비해 계보가 다양하고 복잡하지만(빅뱅?과 같은 x축으로의 폭발?),
본능은 사유에 비해 변화가 거의없는 거즘 수직선상에 가까운 y축으로의 진입이자너?!
해서 사유로 낳은 자식이 도서관과 법관련 함무라비규,
비해 본능은 여즉 낳은자식이 없다, 몸띵이밖에?, 아니다?,
'내(我)'가 사유(思惟)하는 불가의(不可疑)한 진리? 낳았나?
보조기억장치(전두엽)의 발달로 遬눙깔 운신 폭이 넓어졌다고 혀야나?
꿈은 합성된 기억을 순회하는 눙깔 운동권의 전형적인 부지런함이규?
결국엔 마찰이란게 사유가 낳은 법과 몸띵이 본성쌈이규,
바람과 쓩쓩부는 바~람~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 쌈인가?
아침에 사로잡힌 사유가, 생각이 몸띵이와 본성진화에 간섭했다믄,
본성 각도가 y축에서 x축으로 서서히 기우는가인데,
학시리 기울기 시작했다? 판단된 시점이 대갈통 지름의 변화규?
보편적으로(여그서 보편적이라함은 그냥 내 생각에),
본성에도 기울기의 변화가 측정됐다 말할 수 있자너?!
힉스입자만큼 간섭으로 측정혀야나?
다른말로 본성이 미량씩, 소진이 아닌 사라진다 또는 삭제당한다고 봐야나?
(사유가 본능을 대체한다에 동의했을때로 가정된)
본능이 無의 상태로 차츰 돌아가나?
본능이 미량씩 사유로 대체되는 상태의 사태로 발견된게 저번 후쿠시마 쓰나미 일 수 도 있나?
지진을 느끼지 못하는 五感으론 어림없다?
이게 예측범위에 속하나?
본능이 사라진지는 모르겠는데, 차라리 경보시스템을 믿고 본능이 방치됐다고허는게 맞을까나?
본능방치로 가정면고 사유로 무시당한게 본능이규,
느낌과 어쨌든 아직까증은 동일로 봤을 때,
본능을 소쉬르가 씨부린 기의(記意, 시니피에: signifié)와 동일성분으로 간주해야헐까?
유사품에 주의합시다?
폭풍치는 ~~~~~~~~~~이 본능에 기여했나를 두고 논한다믄,
기의가 본능이나 사유에 영향준게 문제가 아니라,
사유의 자식 법과 같이 특정된 파생으로해서 도발?된 피해사례로 아직까증은 본능에 영향이 미미한? 애초에 없는? 사유의 자식 기표(시니피앙: signifiant, 記標)를 닥달해야 속이 편한함을 느끼나?
무상(無常)을 상(상)으로 오진된게,
부처를 보면 부처를 죽이란 야그자너.
그라믄 눙깔로 봐씨니(觀), 관세음(觀世音) 혀씨니, 고래고래 소리질러씨니
부처 옆띵이 소리보살님 거덜내란 야그가 아니라 기의 常 부처거덜내란 야그즈?
소리보살 거덜내란 소린가?
-산은 산이요, 물은 물이다-
이 상황에서 저리 내지른 法身의 확정은 사유의 진화가 걸어온 x축으로의 팽창이였고,
이것에 본능 y축의 간섭이 없었다 씨부릴 수 있으까?
저 소리가 기의 기표였다허믄, 나무아미타불 관세음보살과 다른게 있냐말시.
본능이 또 몸띵이 알렉산더 기의에 붙들리나?

(감시사회에서 살아가는 자들이 그 숨막힘을 언어화하지 못할 때 어떤 일이 발생하는지에 대해서는 결코 분석이 쉽지 않다)

고통이 언어화된것이나, 언어가
(그 反상황을 끌어낸 뒤에 조악한 헤겔식의 변증법을 적용하고자 하는 유혹에서 자유로우려면 애초부터 그런 장난에 대한 미련을 버려야 하는 것이다)

태어나 그냥 처음부터 느끼고 있었다고 말하긴 사유의 간섭이 거즘 모두였자너?!
/> 야모냥 자연?으로 돌아가고자허는 노력으로밖에는 설명이 안되자너.
쯔게 돌아간 모냥샌진 모르겠지믄,
주딩이 깔때부터 이미 포인틸리즘이 헤겔됐네.
헤겔 좆나게 까믄서 또 헤겔식 장난하고 있자너.
無我를 我로 씨부리는 사태가 미련때문인가?
울부짖음이 누군가 자극하는데는 성공했네.
지난 3년
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 05, 2022, 08:24:02 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 05, 2022, 08:08:22 PM
1-99,9% Graphitpulver und 0,1-99% Russ oder Kohlenstaub    ..... % Graphite powder and ...% soot or coal dust
Die Schicht wandelt Strahlungs-und Waermeenergie mit einem Wirkungsgrad bis zu 97% direkt in Elektroenergie um

The layer converts radiation and thermal energy directly into electrical energy with an efficiency of up to 97%
One barrel with 1 mtr hight and 32 cm diameter ,wrapped with 1 sqm graphit/soot foil :
last application page and sentence

Nach Zwischenschalten eines elektrischen Widerstandes sank die Raumtemperatur von 27 auf 23° Celsius,und es konnten je m²
Wandflaeche 80 W Elektroenergie einer Spannung von etwa 400 Volt entnommen werden

After interposing an electrical resistor, the room temperature fell from 27 to 23 ° Celsius, and it was possible per m² Wall surface 80 W electrical energy can be taken from a voltage of about 400 volts

The Hydristor heatpump with Ferreira motor,assuming total heat C.O.P. with 100, means by heat demand max of 4000 Wp for a portuguese 80 sqm apartment by 0°C outside temperature and 20°C average in-room temperature,an average 40 Watt electric power demand per hour,this sourced then by the 1 mtr hight " graphit/soot foil wrapped hot water container"-generator with 80 Watt minimum output


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 06, 2022, 01:59:44 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 05, 2022, 10:13:30 PM
3rd and last application page

Das beschichtete Papier wird auf die Waende eines Raumes von 60 mv3(cbm) aufgebracht,wobei die Schicht entsprechend dem Patent
DD 286012 geschaltet wird . (Dr.rer.nat Helmut Reichelt draw away the DD 286012 from the public archives ! )
The coated paper is applied to the wall of a room of 60 mv3 (cbm), the layer according to the patent DD 286012 is switched.

( The above application timely near,important for the electric circuit (THz level) :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=9&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19850619&CC=DD&NR=223743A1&KC=A1#  )

How many Joules we get in a 60 cbm room by 4°K ,27°C to 23°C,decrease ?

Construction from a five meters long tube with 32 cm diameters, 5 times 1 sqm graphit/soot foil wrapped around and the tube heat source :
Die Betriebskosten bezüglich Stromverbrauchs im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik liegen rechnerisch bei nur 10%The operating costs in terms of power consumption compared to the state of the art are arithmetically only 10%
                                                                                    ~ C.O.P. 10x

100% electricity in and 1000% heat generation and " The layer converts radiation and thermal energy directly into electrical energy with an efficiency of up to 97% =1000% x (up to) 97% = 970% electricity out for 100% electricity in as  "induction tube generator" !? 24/365 !?wmbrOCWL

[단독] 심층취재! 선거의 심판, 선관위는 '누구 편'인가? - 언론사별, 정당별 선거법 위반 이의신청 기각 비율은?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 07, 2022, 12:07:48 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 12:29:36 AM
몸과 마음이 별개로 존재할 수 있을까 | 마음은 동시에 두 가지 일을 할 수 없다 | 김성철 교수 11
내가 죽은 후 다음 생에 가게 되는 곳 | 인간의 몸은 고기, 실상을 보라 | 김성철 교수 12

날나리 불자 성철이가 도때비한티 한소리 듣더니 고새 삼천포 득도했네,,,,, ;D ;D

다음 생에 다시 태어날 가능성? 8) ::)
거의 없는게 아니구 아주 없는거 가튼디?! ;D ;D ;D ;D

쩌그 조현병 낚시질 설마 내 들으라고허는 소리는 아니쥐? ㅋㅋ ;D ::) ;D ::) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 12:48:37 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 06, 2022, 07:36:18 AM
A short R&D review and the possibility preview :
free electricity devices in kind of flat,plan,coated/sputted/printed foils of paper,aluminium,copper,polymere

1984 price,for 1/2 year life-time validation :

A bulk process is described which is capable of producing large area sheets about 8 micrometers thick having the property of light/electric power conversion at extremely high production rates (many m2/s) at low cost ($1/m2). The devices have an inherently high efficiency of 60-80% when laminated in an assembly to utilize both resolved light vectors.

the graphite/carbon/soot coated foil itself a < 1 US$ per sqm device ,  near 1$ct/Wp

here we see Dr.rer.nat. Helmut Reichelt et al. the R&D result as inverse function ,from heat-2-electricity as electricity-2-heat version andthe controle-unit system,also called "harmonic generator" :  https://www.slimlife.eu/images/DR_Reichelt_Heizung_4.jpg
Well organized these devices can become world-wide DIY-workshop re-/application target !
The "harmonic generator" as MEMS-print-board 3d printed,in situ -  later .

Each locality,village,world-wide its public 4d-factory (beside or as part from public schools) for prototiping and/or small serie production

Quote from: lancaIV on January 06, 2022, 08:36:34 AM
We have rotative devices,called motor and generator :
conventionally mostly to find as one shaft side output devices

but for example as motor : also to build or to buy

and as generator,mostly as stator/rotor configuration to find,to buy :
rotor/rotor generator ,one side cw and the other side also cw                                                                                    or ccw !

                                                    relative velocity from rotor cw to rotor ccw ?
                                                                                     output ?
                               motor I-generator I rotor A couple and rotor B from generator I to motor II

                        works a free energy static transformer rotor/stator like or rotor cw/rotor ccw like ?!
:o ::) ;D 2022-2007 https://overunity.com/3458/rotation/msg562710/#new  " .... Ich wart auf mein Taxi und es kummt ned,kummt ned,..."
                                   Echt DOEF :      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJN5dP4y5gw Oh, Taxi Dude endlich da !  :)
with 7 years the child was in the 2.nd school class,after 15 years ,ancient,as male  :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIxsPBbZ_b8
                                                                    Bin ned Paulus,eher der "Sau-los(-lassend,inner pig-wuff+miao-miou )"  ;D

순직한 소방관들은 다시 태어나지 않는다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 12:59:41 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 07, 2022, 12:07:48 PM

Relevant and repetitive remarks make it easier to summon intuitions that can be re-understood from understanding and familiarity.





[기아대책] 선교사캠페인_김금훈, 강옥심 기대봉사단 편

The missionary work of the large churches in Korea must be stopped immediately.
I warn you!

기독교적 시혜의식(施惠意識, 대중은 열등한 존재라 전제하고 엘리트가 그들에게 행복을 일방적으로 부여한다는 의식)에 감성적 측은지심 뒤범벅시켜 자신은 물론 타인까지 간섭하고 괴롭히는 확실한 半정신병이다.

핵심은 절대자 God의 압도된 힘?을 오감적으로 직접 체험한 것이 아니라, 그들 종교 경전을 통해 배운 것을 어떤 이유론가 믿으며 자신을 속인다는거잖어.
골수들 빼고는 거의가 반신반의(半信半疑)거나, 신도들 상대로하는 사업성 목적의 전문용어로 날나리 신도도 많다.
날나리 신도들은 없는 믿음을 주변 신도들에게 나타내줘야하기에 주일은 꼬박꼬박 예배참석하거나 가끔씩은 예배당에 얼굴 디민다.
자연을 특정 대상을 신으로 섬기는 자연 우상신들 빼고,
(유대교 여호와도 어둠신+번개신이라 자연신에 속한다)
(해서 여호와의 아들 예수도 자연신 범주다)
우상타파 슬로건의 일반화된 God이 거짓이라는 것을 알면서도 타인과 자신을 의식적으로 속이며 신을 놓지 않고 끝까지 붙들고 있는 이유로는,

조현병처럼 인터뷰하면서 꾸벅꾸벅 졸거나,
조현병처럼 영혼구원(靈魂救援)을 갈구하던 사람이거나,
조현병처럼 동양적 도(道, 잘못 해석된 도)에 빠져있는 사람이거나,
조현병처럼 귀신(鬼神)이 있다고 믿는 사람이거나,
조현병처럼 우연한 기회에 귀신을 체험한 사람이거나,
조현병처럼 기(氣, Djed처럼 눈에 보이지 않는 체감적 느낌)가 허약해 헛것(허깨비)을 (자주, 혹간씩))보는 사람이거나,
조현병처럼 정서적 또는 성격적으로 내성적이거나, 사소한 말이나 작은 일에도 마음에 상처를 잘 입는 사람이거나,
사업실패, 실연(失戀)등등 탈출구없는 정신적 충격으로 신을 찾아든 사람이거나.
모태신앙처럼 아기때부터 부모에게 세뇌된 자들외에,

많이 배워 식견 두루두루 넓은 사람이 허망한 신을 믿는 경우는,
광활한 우주 넘어 그 넘어 수학처럼 끝없이 무한대로 던져진 광대함+@ 차원 넘어 미지로 기투해 스스로 압도되는 충격, 두려움, 동경, 경외가 어쩌다가 신으로 옮겨간 경우다.
신을 믿는 이유는 많고도 많지만,

God을 알려야하는 포교는 신의 전지전능함 알리는 권위적 시혜의식이 전부다.
예수 십자가 죽음과 부활, 바울, 요한의 사랑 포교가 강요된 시혜의식 투척이라는 것을 그들도 알면서 한다.
목회자들 먹고사니즘이라 신학대학 없애지 않는한, 목회자 양성하는 뿌리부터 뽑지않으면 악순환은 박연차 게이트다.

포교나 전도사업은 신도들 차원의 발족이 아니라 목회자들이 주도하는 사업이다.
대형교회로 갈수록 사업범위 확대시켜 해외선교사업까지 간다.

근데 공관서에서 예수가 말하는 [하나님 나라 전파]는 특별한 능력자들 몫이고 그들만이 할일이다.

누가복음 9장
1   예수께서 열 두 제자를 불러 모으사 모든 귀신을 제어하며 병을 고치는 능력과 권세를 주시고
2   하나님의 나라를 전파하며 앓는 자를 고치게 하려고 내어 보내시며
3   이르시되 여행을 위하여 아무 것도 가지지 말라 지팡이나 주머니나 양식이나 돈이나 두 벌 옷을 가지지 말며
4   어느 집에 들어가든지 거기서 유하다가 거기서 떠나라
5   누구든지 너희를 영접지 아니하거든 그 성에서 떠날 때에 너희 발에서 먼지를 떨어버려 저희에게 증거를 삼으라 하시니
6   제자들이 나가 각 촌에 두루 행하여 처처에 복음을 전하며 병을 고치더라
Luke 9 [NASB]    
And He called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases.
And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing.
And He said to them, "Take nothing for your journey, neither a staff, nor a bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not even have two tunics apiece.
"Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that city.
"And as for those who do not receive you, as you go out from that city, shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them."
Departing, they began going throughout the villages, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere.

모든 귀신을 제어하며 병을 고치는 능력이 있는 자들로 지극히 제한된 포교다.
시스트룸(사랑관련 하토르신)과 헤드젯(태양신)과 앙카(탄생 및 생명을 소생, 부활시키는 능력)와 번개와 어둠을 제어하는 자들이다.
교황도 못하는 일이다.
하물며 개나소나 선교사고 개나소나 전도질이다.

누가복음 10장
10   어느 동네에 들어가든지 너희를 영접지 아니하거든 그 거리로 나와서 말하되
11   너희 동네에서 우리 발에 묻은 먼지도 너희에게 떨어버리노라 그러나 하나님의 나라가 가까이 온줄을 알라 하라
Luke 10 [NASB]
"But whatever city you enter and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say,
'Even the dust of your city which clings to our feet we wipe off in protest against you; yet be sure of this, that the kingdom of God has come near.'

몰랐다치고 파견됐어도 선교사 거부되거나 피살당한 곳은 예수 말대로 포교 중단하고 돌아와야 하지만, 신앙심 증명한답시고 줄기차게 보내고 또 간다.
미련한 정도가, 예수의 권면명령까지 어겨가면서 간다.
예수를 믿는 것이 아니라, 예수 엿먹이기다.
야고보와 요한처럼 하늘에서 불내리기 능력자는 건달바성 귀신 외는 없다.

누가복음 8장
16   누구든지 등불을 켜서 그릇으로 덮거나 평상 아래 두지 아니하고 등경 위에 두나니 이는 들어가는 자들로 그 빛을 보게 하려 함이라
Luke 8 [NASB]
"Now no one after lighting a lamp covers it over with a container, or puts it under a bed; but he puts it on a lampstand, so that those who come in may see the light.
출애굽기 3장
2   여호와의 사자가 떨기나무 불꽃 가운데서 그에게 나타나시니라 그가 보니 떨기나무에 불이 붙었으나 사라지지 아니하는지라
Exodus 3 [NASB]    
The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed.

기독교나 유대교 포교의 시작은 정복전쟁이 기원이다.
God이 번개를 만난 것은 정복전쟁의 결과다.
정복자가 전리품으로 잡은 God을 믿는 포로를 번개믿는 자국민 공신들에게 나눠주면서 시작됐다.
포교는 잡신들 사이에서 자신이 믿는 신을 알리는 행위다.
예수가 왜 자연신인지 적당히 알아서는 안된다.
실제 빛의 포교고, 실제 어둠의 포교다.

정복자는 전쟁에서는 승리자지만, 신들의 전쟁에서 승리자는 아니다.
로마처럼 온갖 잡신들 관대정책이 예수의 빛과 어둠포교 가능하게 만들었다.
더해져 로마황제 하드리아누스도 그리스 제우스 신 믿는 자였다.

소경 Djed(예수)이 번개 만나면서 눈을 뜨고 어둠신 버리고 번개신으로 갈아탄 경우처럼,
번개는 주체가 뚜렸한 경우라 Djed이 두 손으로 직접 잡고있지만,
어둠은 광범위한 특성상 부분이 아니라 어둠 전체를 두 손이 포괄적으로 떠받들고 있다.
Djed-예수가 홀로 어둠신(God이 언급되는 사역들)과 있을 때, 제자들과 함께있을 때 사역 내용이 다르다.

오병이어 사역은 세 신전 모두 소환된 경우다.

마가복음 8장
사천 명을 먹이시다(마 15:32-39)
1   그 즈음에 또 큰 무리가 있어 먹을 것이 없는지라 예수께서 제자들을 불러 이르시되
2   내가 무리를 불쌍히 여기노라 저희가 나와 함께 있은지 이미 사흘이매 먹을 것이 없도다
3   만일 내가 저희를 굶겨 집으로 보내면 길에서 기진하리라 그 중에는 멀리서 온 사람도 있느니라
4   제자들이 대답하되 이 광야에서 어디서 떡을 얻어 이 사람들로 배부르게 할 수 있으리이까
5   예수께서 물으시되 너희에게 떡 몇 개나 있느냐 가로되 일곱이로소이다 하거늘
6   예수께서 무리를 명하사 땅에 앉게 하시고 떡 일곱 개를 가지사 축사하시고 떼어 제자들에게 주어 그 앞에 놓게 하시니 제자들이 무리 앞에 놓더라
7   또 작은 생선 두어 마리가 있는지라 이에 축복하시고 명하사 이것도 그 앞에 놓게 하시니
8   배불리 먹고 남은 조각 일곱 광주리를 거두었으며
9   사람은 약 사천 명이었더라 예수께서 저희를 흩어 보내시고
10   곧 제자들과 함께 배에 오르사 달마누다 지방으로 가시니라
이 세대가 표적을 구하나(마 16:1-4)
11   바리새인들이 나와서 예수께 힐난하며 그를 시험하여 하늘로서 오는 표적을 구하거늘
12   예수께서 마음 속에 깊이 탄식하시며 가라사대 어찌하여 이 세대가 표적을 구하느냐 내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 이 세대에게 표적을 주시지 아니하리라 하시고
13   저희를 떠나 다시 배에 올라 건너편으로 가시니라
바리새인들과 헤롯의 누룩(마 16:5-12)
14   제자들이 떡 가져오기를 잊었으매 배에 떡 한 개 밖에 저희에게 없더라
15   예수께서 경계하여 가라사대 삼가 바리새인들의 누룩과 헤롯의 누룩을 주의하라 하신대
16   제자들이 서로 의논하기를 이는 우리에게 떡이 없음이로다 하거늘
17   예수께서 아시고 이르시되 너희가 어찌 떡이 없음으로 의논하느냐 아직도 알지 못하며 깨닫지 못하느냐 너희 마음이 둔하냐
18   너희가 눈이 있어도 보지 못하며 귀가 있어도 듣지 못하느냐 또 기억지 못하느냐
19   내가 떡 다섯 개를 오천 명에게 떼어 줄 때에 조각 몇 바구니를 거두었더냐 가로되 열 둘이니이다
20   또 일곱 개를 사천 명에게 떼어 줄 때에 조각 몇 광주리를 거두었더냐 가로되 일곱이니이다
21   가라사대 아직도 깨닫지 못하느냐 하시니라
벳새다의 맹인을 고치시다
22   벳새다에 이르매 사람들이 소경 하나를 데리고 예수께 나아와 손 대시기를 구하거늘
23   예수께서 소경의 손을 붙드시고 마을 밖으로 데리고 나가사 눈에 침을 뱉으시며 그에게 안수하시고 무엇이 보이느냐 물으시니
24   우러러보며 가로되 사람들이 보이나이다 나무 같은 것들의 걸어 가는 것을 보나이다 하거늘
25   이에 그 눈에 다시 안수하시매 저가 주목하여 보더니 나아서 만물을 밝히 보는지라
26   예수께서 그 사람을 집으로 보내시며 가라사대 마을에도 들어가지 말라 하시니라
Mark 8 [NASB]
In those days, when there was again a large crowd and they had nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples and said to them,
"I feel compassion for the people because they have remained with Me now three days and have nothing to eat.
"If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way; and some of them have come from a great distance."
And His disciples answered Him, "Where will anyone be able to find enough bread here in this desolate place to satisfy these people?"
And He was asking them, "How many loaves do you have?" And they said, "Seven."
And He directed the people to sit down on the ground; and taking the seven loaves, He gave thanks and broke them, and started giving them to His disciples to serve to them, and they served them to the people.
They also had a few small fish; and after He had blessed them, He ordered these to be served as well.
And they ate and were satisfied; and they picked up seven large baskets full of what was left over of the broken pieces.
About four thousand were there; and He sent them away.
And immediately He entered the boat with His disciples and came to the district of Dalmanutha.   
The Pharisees came out and began to argue with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, to test Him.
Sighing deeply in His spirit, He said, "Why does this generation seek for a sign? Truly I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation."
Leaving them, He again embarked and went away to the other side.
And they had forgotten to take bread, and did not have more than one loaf in the boat with them.
And He was giving orders to them, saying, "Watch out! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod."
They began to discuss with one another the fact that they had no bread.
And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, "Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet see or understand? Do you have a hardened heart?
when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces you picked up?" They said to Him, "Twelve."
"When I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of broken pieces did you pick up?" And they said to Him, "Seven."
And He was saying to them, "Do you not yet understand?"
And they came to Bethsaida And they brought a blind man to Jesus and implored Him to touch him.
Taking the blind man by the hand, He brought him out of the village; and after spitting on his eyes and laying His hands on him, He asked him, "Do you see anything?"
And he looked up and said, "I see men, for I see them like trees, walking around."
Then again He laid His hands on his eyes; and he looked intently and was restored, and began to see everything clearly.   
And He sent him to his home, saying, "Do not even enter the village."

예수가 고친 소경이 마을에 들어가지 못하게 만든 것은,
소경이 모세가 신을 벗은 Djed과 같은 포지션이다.
예수가 마을안에 샌들을 신고있는 Djed이라 Djed간에 포지션 충돌을 피하기 위한 설정이다.
예수가 제자들과 함께 사역할 때는 복합신전 Djed 포지션이다.

마태복음 16장
악한 세대가 표적을 구하나(막 8:11-13; 눅 12:54-56)
1   바리새인과 사두개인들이 와서 예수를 시험하여 하늘로서 오는 표적 보이기를 청하니
2   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 너희가 저녁에 하늘이 붉으면 날이 좋겠다 하고
3   아침에 하늘이 붉고 흐리면 오늘은 날이 궂겠다 하나니 너희가 천기는 분별할줄 알면서 시대의 표적은 분별할 수 없느냐
4   악하고 음란한 세대가 표적을 구하나 요나의 표적 밖에는 보여 줄 표적이 없느니라 하시고 저희를 떠나 가시다
Matthew 16 [NASB]
The Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Jesus, they asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.
But He replied to them, "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.'
"And in the morning, 'There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?
"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a sign will not be given it, except the sign of Jonah." And He left them and went away.

바리새인이 요구하는 하늘의 표적은 번개지만,
사두개인이 요구하는 하늘의 표적은 어둠이다.
악하고 음란한 세대(An evil and adulterous generation)란 표현은, 번개는 악하고, 번개와 어둠이 함께있으니 음란한 것이 된다.
예수가 합체신전 Djed의 입장에서 개별성에 대한 질타다.
악함은 악함대로, 선함은 선함대로 성서식 노이즈 마케팅이다.
빛이 악한 것은, 태양신의 나라 이집트에서 출애굽한 모세로부터 시작한 빛에 대한 악함이다.
빛으로 눈을 뜬 이상 후로는 어둠이 악함이다.

엘리 엘리 라마 사박다니
히브리어: אלי אלי למה עזבתני
그리스어: ελωι ελωι λαμα σαβαχθανι
아람어: ܐܠܗܝ ܐܠܗܝ ܠܡܢܐ ܫܒܩܬܢܝ

유대인들 어둠신 여호와가 합체신전 Djed-예수를 공식적으로 버린 것은,
바라바가 일으킨 3년간의 대로마 전쟁으로 비롯된 십사만사천명 포로들이 태양신전(연꽃배로 전환된) 역활하는 로마로 이송되면서 발생한,
예수가 부활하는 사흘의 시간만큼 합체신전이 다시 등장해야하는 재픽업(다시 선택)의 시간이다.
로마는 모세나 예수 역활의 Djed이 비집고 들어갈 마땅한 신전이 없지만 아테네 아크로폴리스에는 Djed뿐 아니라 아펩뱀까지 자리가 있다.
하드리아누스(베드로) 황제(God-놀음에 관심있ejs 후대 황제들까지 개입)가 제우스를 숭배하면서 아펩신전 입구 첫 자리에 부조된 것이라,
이집트 어둠신을 그리스 번개신과 합체시키기 위해서는 아테네 아크로폴리스 외에 신전이 될만한 적당한 장소나 대상이 있어야한다.

아펩신전 특이사항 중에 하나가
춤추는 자와 Djed이 개별인 두 신전에는 덩치 큰 여자(Maat goddess)가 없지만 합체신전에는 있다.


Djed은 이집트 토종신이고 알려진 정보가 없어서 그리스신화와 로마신화는 Djed을 관찰되는 그대로 해석해서 Hephaestus로 만들었다.

헤파이투스가 올림포스 신전에서 쫓겨난 것이, 어둠신 여호와를 떠받들고 있는 Djed이고,
헤파이투스가 올림포스 신전으로 다시 입성한 것이 합체신전의 Djed이다.

올림푸스에서 떨어지다
그리스 신화의 한 지점에서 헤라는 선천적 장애 때문에 헤파이스토스를 하늘에서 추방했습니다.
그는 바다에 떨어졌고 티스(아킬레우스의 어머니이자 50명의 Nereids 중 한 명)와 Oceanid Eurynome에 의해 길러졌습니다.
또 다른 기록에 따르면, 제우스의 진격에서 어머니를 구하려던 헤파이스토스는 제우스에 의해 하늘에서 떨어졌습니다.
그는 하루 종일 넘어져 렘노스 섬에 상륙했으며, 그곳에서 그는 그 섬의 고대 부족인 신티안(Sintians)에 의해 보살핌을 받고 장인이 되는 법을 배웠습니다.
후대의 작가들은 그의 신체적 장애를 두 번째 넘어진 결과로 묘사하는 반면, 호머는 태어날 때부터 그를 장애로 만들었다.
Fall from Olympus
In one branch of Greek mythology, Hera ejected Hephaestus from the heavens because of his congenital impairment.
He fell into the ocean and was raised by Thetis (mother of Achilles and one of the 50 Nereids) and the Oceanid Eurynome.
In another account, Hephaestus, attempting to rescue his mother from Zeus' advances, was flung down from the heavens by Zeus.
He fell for an entire day and landed on the island of Lemnos, where he was cared for and taught to be a master craftsman by the Sintians – an ancient tribe native to that island.
Later writers describe his physical disability as the consequence of his second fall, while Homer makes him disabled from his birth.

올림푸스로 돌아가기
헤파이스토스는 추방된 후 올림포스로 돌아온 올림포스 선수 중 한 명입니다.
고대 이야기에서 헤파이스토스는 헤라에게 마법의 황금 왕좌를 만들어 주었을 때 헤라가 일어서지 못하게 함으로써 헤라에게 복수했습니다. 다른 신들은 헤파이스토스에게 올림포스로 돌아가 그녀를 놓아달라고 애원했지만 헤파이스토스는 "나는 어머니가 없다"며 거절했다.
마침내 디오니소스는 그를 데려와 포도주에 취하게 하고 술에 취한 대장장이를 구경꾼과 함께 노새를 타고 올림푸스로 데려갔습니다. 이 장면은 때때로 아티카와 고린도의 도자기에 나타나는 장면입니다. 그림이 그려진 장면에서 노새를 이끄는 디오니산 무리의 덧대진 무용수와 남근 인물은 행렬이 5세기 아테네의 사티로스 연극의 선구자인 디티람빅 축제의 일부임을 보여줍니다.
다락방 화병 화가들 사이에서 유행했던 헤파이스토스의 귀환이라는 주제는 에트루리아인들에게 이 주제를 소개했을 것입니다. 화병 화가들의 행렬에 대한 묘사에서 헤파이스토스는 노새나 말에 올라탔고, 디오니소스는 굴레를 잡고 헤파이스토스의 도구(양날 도끼 포함)를 들고 있었습니다.
여행자 Pausanias는 아테네의 디오니소스 신전에서 그림을 보았다고 보고했습니다. 이 신전은 5세기에 지어졌지만 기원 2세기 이전의 어느 때라도 장식되었을 것입니다. 파우사니아스는 그것을 보고 이렇게 말했습니다.
이곳에는 헤파이스토스를 하늘로 데려오는 디오니소스의 그림이 있습니다. 그리스 전설 중 하나는 헤파이스토스가 태어 났을 때 헤라에 의해 던져졌다는 것입니다. 그 복수로 그는 보이지 않는 족쇄가 달린 황금 의자를 선물로 보냈습니다. 헤라가 앉았을 때 그녀는 단단히 묶여 있었고, 헤파이스토스는 디오니소스를 제외한 다른 신들의 말을 듣기를 거부했습니다.
— 파우사니아스, 1.20.3
Return to Olympus
Hephaestus was one of the Olympians to have returned to Olympus after being exiled.
In an archaic story, Hephaestus gained revenge against Hera for rejecting him by making her a magical golden throne, which, when she sat on it, did not allow her to stand up. The other gods begged Hephaestus to return to Olympus to let her go, but he refused, saying "I have no mother".
At last, Dionysus fetched him, intoxicated him with wine, and took the subdued smith back to Olympus on the back of a mule accompanied by revelers – a scene that sometimes appears on painted pottery of Attica and of Corinth. In the painted scenes, the padded dancers and phallic figures of the Dionysan throng leading the mule show that the procession was a part of the dithyrambic celebrations that were the forerunners of the satyr plays of fifth century Athens.
The theme of the return of Hephaestus, popular among the Attic vase-painters whose wares were favored among the Etruscans, may have introduced this theme to Etruria. In the vase-painters' portrayal of the procession, Hephaestus was mounted on a mule or a horse, with Dionysus holding the bridle and carrying Hephaestus' tools (including a double-headed axe).
The traveller Pausanias reported seeing a painting in the temple of Dionysus in Athens, which had been built in the 5th century but may have been decorated at any time before the 2nd century CE. When Pausanias saw it, he said:
There are paintings here – Dionysus bringing Hephaestus up to heaven. One of the Greek legends is that Hephaestus, when he was born, was thrown down by Hera. In revenge he sent as a gift a golden chair with invisible fetters. When Hera sat down she was held fast, and Hephaestus refused to listen to any other of the gods except Dionysus – in him he reposed the fullest trust – and after making him drunk Dionysus brought him to heaven.
— Pausanias, 1.20.3

연인, 타인, 어린이
대부분의 버전에 따르면, 헤파이스토스의 배우자는 아프로디테이며, 아프로디테는 아레스를 포함하여 수많은 신과 인간과 함께 헤파이스토스에게 불충실합니다. 그러나 호메로스의 일리아드 18권에서 헤파이스토스의 배우자는 카리스("은총") 또는 아글라이아("영광스러운")로, 헤시오도스가 그녀를 부른 대로 은총의 막내입니다.
카롤리 케레니(Károly Kerényi)는 "카리스"가 "예술의 유쾌함"을 의미하기도 한다고 언급하고 아프로디테를 예술 작품으로 간주하며, 오디세이에서 호메로스가 갑자기 그녀를 자신의 것으로 만들기 때문에 아프로디테를 대안 이름으로 카리스라고도 불렀을 수 있다고 추측합니다. 부인.
아테네에는 아고라 근처에 헤파이스토스 신전이 있습니다.
아테네 건국 신화에 따르면 이 도시의 수호 여신인 아테나는 헤파이스토스와의 결합을 거부했습니다.
Pseudo-Apollodorus는 헤파이스토스가 한 번 아테나를 강간하려 했으나 그녀가 그를 밀어내서 그가 그녀의 허벅지에 사정하게 했다고 주장하는 고대 전설을 기록합니다.
아테나는 양모 다발을 사용하여 정액을 닦아내고 그것을 먼지에 던져 가이아를 임신시키고 그녀로 하여금 에리히토니우스를 낳게 했으며,
아테나는 아테나가 그녀의 자녀로 입양했습니다. 로마 신화 작가 히기누스(Hyginus)는 헤파이스토스가 제우스에게 제우스의 두개골을 부수어 아테나를 낳게 한 사람이기 때문에 제우스에게 아테나와 결혼하게 해달라고 요구한 비슷한 이야기를 기록하고 있습니다.
제우스는 이에 동의했고 헤파이스토스와 아테나는 결혼했지만 헤파이스토스가 결합을 완성하려 했을 때 아테나는 신부 침대에서 사라져 바닥에서 사정하게 하여 가이아를 에리히토니우스와 함침시켰다.
렘노스 섬에서 헤파이스토스의 배우자는 바다의 요정 카베이로였으며, 헤파이스토스는 카베이리라는 두 금속 가공 신의 아버지였습니다.
시칠리아에서 그의 배우자는 님프 Aetna였으며 그의 아들들은 Palici라고 불리는 시칠리아 간헐천의 두 신이었습니다.
탈리아와 함께 헤파이스토스는 때때로 팔리치의 아버지로 여겨졌다.
헤파이스토스는 필멸자와 불멸자 사이에서 여러 자녀를 낳았습니다. 그 아이들 중 하나가 강도 페리페테스였습니다.
Lovers, others and children
According to most versions, Hephaestus's consort is Aphrodite, who is unfaithful to Hephaestus with a number of gods and mortals, including Ares. However, in Book XVIII of Homer's Iliad, the consort of Hephaestus is Charis ("the grace") or Aglaia ("the glorious") – the youngest of the Graces, as Hesiod calls her.
Károly Kerényi notes that "charis" also means "the delightfulness of art" and supposes that Aphrodite is viewed as a work of art, speculating that Aphrodite could also have been called Charis as an alternative name, for in the Odyssey Homer suddenly makes her his wife.
In Athens, there is a Temple of Hephaestus, the Hephaesteum (miscalled the "Theseum") near the agora. An Athenian founding myth tells that the city's patron goddess, Athena, refused a union with Hephaestus. Pseudo-Apollodorus records an archaic legend, which claims that Hephaestus once attempted to  Athena, but she pushed him away, causing him to ejaculate on her thigh.[32][33] Athena wiped the semen off using a tuft of wool, which she tossed into the dust, impregnating Gaia and causing her to give birth to Erichthonius, whom Athena adopted as her own child.[32] The Roman mythographer Hyginus records a similar story in which Hephaestus demanded Zeus to let him marry Athena since he was the one who had smashed open Zeus's skull, allowing Athena to be born.[32] Zeus agreed to this and Hephaestus and Athena were married,[32] but, when Hephaestus was about to consummate the union, Athena vanished from the bridal bed, causing him to ejaculate on the floor, thus impregnating Gaia with Erichthonius.
On the island of Lemnos, Hephaestus' consort was the sea nymph Cabeiro, by whom he was the father of two metalworking gods named the Cabeiri. In Sicily, his consort was the nymph Aetna, and his sons were two gods of Sicilian geysers called Palici. With Thalia, Hephaestus was sometimes considered the father of the Palici.
Hephaestus fathered several children with mortals and immortals alike. One of those children was the robber Periphetes.

헤파이스토스와 아프로디테
Alexandre Charles Guillemot의 Vulcan에 의해 놀란 화성과 금성(1827)
아프로디테는 헤파이스토스와 결혼했지만 전쟁의 신 아레스와 바람을 피웠다. 결국 헤파이스토스는 만물을 보는 태양인 헬리오스를 통해 아프로디테의 불륜을 알아차리고 그들의 시도 중 하나의 함정을 계획했다. 아프로디테와 아레스가 함께 침대에 누워 있는 동안 헤파이스토스는 두 사람을 눈에 보이지 않을 만큼 깨지지 않는 작은 그물에 엮어 올림포스 산으로 끌고 가서 다른 신들 앞에서 부끄럽게 만들었습니다.
신들은 이 벌거벗은 연인들의 모습을 보고 비웃었고, 포세이돈은 아레스가 간통자의 벌금을 지불하거나 그가 스스로 지불할 것이라는 보장을 받는 대가로 헤파이스토스를 석방하도록 설득했습니다. 헤파이스토스는 오디세이에서 아프로디테를 아버지에게 돌려주고 신부 값을 요구할 것이라고 말합니다. Emily Wilson 번역은 헤파이스토스가 포세이돈이 제안하기 전에 제우스를 요구/간청하는 것을 묘사하지만, 독자로 하여금 제우스가 헤파이스토스가 "그의 딸"에 대해 지불한 "값"을 돌려주지 않았으며 포세이돈이 개입한 이유라고 가정하도록 이끕니다.[39] 신화의 일부 버전에서는 제우스가 지참금을 반환하지 않았으며 실제로 아프로디테는 "그녀의 남편의 좋은 은총에 다시 매료되었다"고 말합니다.
Bans는 Ares와 Aphrodite의 결합이 Harmonia를 생산했다고 말했습니다. 그러나 헤파이스토스와 아프로디테의 합체는 베르길리우스가 에로스를 그들의 자식이라고 했을 때 진지하지 않은 한 문제될 것이 없었다. 후대의 저자들은 에로스가 아레스의 후손이었으나 헤파이스토스에게 자신의 아들로 물려주었다고 말함으로써 이 진술을 설명합니다.
Hephaestus는 Lemnos에서 Hephaistoi, "Hephaestus-men"이라고도 불리는 Kabeiroi의 고대 그리스 프리지아 및 트라키아 신비 숭배와 어떻게든 연결되어 있었습니다. 3개의 렘니아 부족 중 하나는 스스로를 헤파이스티온이라고 부르며 신의 직계 후손이라고 주장했습니다.
Hephaestus and Aphrodite
Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan by Alexandre Charles Guillemot (1827)
Though married to Hephaestus, Aphrodite had an affair with Ares, the god of war. Eventually, Hephaestus discovered Aphrodite's affair through Helios, the all-seeing Sun, and planned a trap during one of their trysts. While Aphrodite and Ares lay together in bed, Hephaestus ensnared them in an unbreakable chain-link net so small as to be invisible and dragged them to Mount Olympus to shame them in front of the other gods for retribution.
The gods laughed at the sight of these naked lovers, and Poseidon persuaded Hephaestus to free them in return for a guarantee that Ares would pay the adulterer's fine or that he would pay it himself. Hephaestus states in The Odyssey that he would return Aphrodite to her father and demand back his bride price. The Emily Wilson translation depicts Hephaestus demanding/imploring Zeus before Poseidon offers, however, leading the reader to assume Zeus did not give back the "price" Hephaestus paid for "his daughter" and was thus why Poseidon intervened.[39] Some versions of the myth state that Zeus did not return the dowry, and in fact Aphrodite "simply charmed her way back again into her husband's good graces."
The Thebans told that the union of Ares and Aphrodite produced Harmonia. However, of the union of Hephaestus with Aphrodite, there was no issue unless Virgil was serious when he said that Eros was their child. Later authors explain this statement by saying that Eros was sired by Ares but passed off to Hephaestus as his own son.
Hephaestus was somehow connected with the archaic, pre-Greek Phrygian and Thracian mystery cult of the Kabeiroi, who were also called the Hephaistoi, "the Hephaestus-men", in Lemnos. One of the three Lemnian tribes also called themselves Hephaestion and claimed direct descent from the god.

Cercyon of Eleusis

모두 Djed과 관련있는 강도와 영웅이다.

불카누스의 이름에 대한 기원은 명확하지 않다.
로마의 전승은 번개 (fulgur, fulgere, fulmen)에 관련한 라틴어 단어들과 이름의 기원이 관련 되었다고 주장했으며,
이름이 결국에는 불꽃에 관련된 것이라 생각되었다. 이 해석은 월터 윌리엄 스킷이 자신의 어원 사전에서 빛이 난다라는 의미로 사용하며, 지지를 받았다.
The origin of the name is unclear.
Roman tradition maintained that it was related to Latin words connected to lightning (fulgur, fulgere, fulmen), which in turn was thought of as related to flames.
This interpretation is supported by Walter William Skeat in his etymological dictionary as meaning lustre.

2세기 경 그리스의 저술가 아폴로도로스의 『비블리오테케』를 보면 디오니소스는 저승으로 내려가 어머니 세멜레를 데리고 올라와 그녀와 함께 하늘로 올라간다.


Djed을 아폴론과 엮어 의술의 신 아스클레피오스로 만들었다.


그리스 신화 아테나 여신이 덩치 큰 여자가 아펩신전에 개입했고 해서 아테네 아크로폴리스와 관련 그리스 땅이 실제 아펩신전 위치다.

디오니소스(Dionysos)란 이름은 '니사(Nysa)의 디아스(Dias)', 즉 '니사의 제우스'라는 뜻으로 전해져 온다.
그리스 이야기에 따르면 디오니소스가 태어나자마자 제우스가 그의 허벅지를 꿰매어 이집트 너머 에티오피아의 니사로 데려갔다고 합니다. 그리고 판에 관해서는 그리스인들은 그의 출생 후에 그가 어떻게 되었는지 알지 못합니다. 그러므로 그리스인들이 다른 모든 신들의 이름보다 이 두 신의 이름을 늦게 배웠고 두 신의 탄생을 그들이 지식을 얻은 시기에 추적했다는 것이 나에게는 분명합니다.
— 헤로도토스, 역사 2.146.2
As it is, the Greek story has it that no sooner was Dionysus born than Zeus sewed him up in his thigh and carried him away to Nysa in Ethiopia beyond Egypt; and as for Pan, the Greeks do not know what became of him after his birth. It is therefore plain to me that the Greeks learned the names of these two gods later than the names of all the others, and trace the birth of both to the time when they gained the knowledge.
— Herodotus, Histories 2.146.2

그리스 신화에서 제우스는 수십가지 모습으로 변신한다.
제우스 허벅지에서 자란 디오니소스는 태양신전 휴대용 헤드젯이 정체라 아이다.
예수가 제자들에게 준 귀신을 제어하는 능력이 시스트룸(사랑관련 하토르신)과 헤드젯(태양신)과 앙카(탄생 및 생명을 소생, 부활시키는 능력)와 번개와 어둠을 손으로 쥐고있는 자들 전용이라 이 중에 하나라도 없으면 포교는 물론 자기의 믿음 자체를 의심해야한다.
뭘 믿는지도 모르고서 믿는 예수는 예수가 아닐뿐더라 잘못된 믿음이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 01:06:30 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 01:22:17 AM
Akula Kapanadze melnichenko free energy secret

Капаген эффект (магнитный усилитель)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 04:53:21 AM
대한민국 공군 F-35A, 기체 이상으로 '동체 착륙'...조종사 무사 / KBS 2022.01.04.
Republic of Korea Air Force F-35A, 'fuselage landing'... Pilot Musa / KBS 2022.01.04.

Yesterday, an F-35A stealth fighter belonging to the Korean Air Force landed with the fuselage because the ring ding gear wheels did not work.
Thankfully, thanks to the skillful handling of the pilot, we landed safely without any major accidents.
The reason the pilot did not choose a parachute and landed with a fighter is that excellent piloting skills are also skills, but the choice is free for everyone.
It must have been their skill that the rogue fighter did not explode despite the impact.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 05:04:50 AM
전투기 바퀴 언놈이 만졌나 조사혀봐
썩을놈들이 꼭 선거때만되믄 사람잡을라고 개지랄들혀
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 05:09:44 AM
대부, 휴대폰으로 착륙시켰데 묻지마 통신 대부.

주한미군, 코로나19 확진자 폭증에 외부 식당·술집 출입 금지

Behind the scenes of the Air Force's drone piloting

주름이 안보이는 중국 폴더블폰...? OPPO Find N 언박싱!

▪ Spec
모델명 : OPPO 오포 Find N
프로세서 : 퀄컴 스냅드래곤 888
메모리 : 8GB & 256GB
메인 디스플레이 : 7.1" / 1792x1920 / 120Hz / LTPO AMOLED (삼성 디스플레이)
커버 디스플레이 : 5.5" / 1972x988 / 60Hz / AMOLED (삼성 디스플레이)
카메라 : 3200만 전면 F2.4 / 5000만 광각 F1.56 / 1600만 초광각 F3.09 / 1300만 망원 F3.4
배터리 : 4,500mAh
무게 : 275g
출시일 : 2021년 12월
가격 : 7999위안 (한화 약 150만원)

▪ Chapter
00:00 오프닝
00:13 폴더블폰의 역사
01:05 언박싱 시작!
03:04 중국 1위 기업, OPPO
04:26 예쁜 디자인
05:08 주름이 진짜 안보여요ㅋㅋ
06:35 같은 삼성 패널, 갤폴드와 비교
08:56 첫 폴더블 OS 치고는...
10:58 멀티 태스킹에 좋아요
12:14 의외로 아쉬운 부분
12:45 제가 폴더블폰을 안쓰는 이유
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 08, 2022, 05:47:46 AM
느구냐공~ 누가바까놨남?!  ..... 도때비지~ ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 06:03:19 AM
😈대부 아니야 아빠 엄마야 아빠👿

출애굽기 3장
2   여호와의 사자가 떨기나무 불꽃 가운데서 그에게 나타나시니라 그가 보니 떨기나무에 불이 붙었으나 사라지지 아니하는지라
3   이에 가로되 내가 돌이켜 가서 이 큰 광경을 보리라 떨기나무가 어찌하여 타지 아니하는고 하는 동시에
4   여호와께서 그가 보려고 돌이켜 오는 것을 보신지라 하나님이 떨기나무 가운데서 그를 불러 가라사대 모세야 모세야 하시매 그가 가로되 내가 여기 있나이다
Exodus 3 [NASB]    
Now Moses was pasturing the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.
The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed.
So Moses said, "I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up."
When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am."

출애굽기 4 장
1   모세가 대답하여 가로되 그러나 그들이 나를 믿지 아니하며 내 말을 듣지 아니하고 이르기를 여호와께서 네게 나타나지 아니하셨다 하리이다
2   여호와께서 그에게 이르시되 네 손에 있는 것이 무엇이냐 그가 가로되 지팡이니이다
3   여호와께서 가라사대 그것을 땅에 던지라 곧 땅에 던지니 그것이 뱀이 된지라 모세가 뱀 앞에서 피하매
4   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 네 손을 내밀어 그 꼬리를 잡으라 그가 손을 내밀어 잡으니 그 손에서 지팡이가 된지라
Exodus 4 [NASB]    
Then Moses said, "What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say, 'The LORD has not appeared to you.'"
The LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" And he said, "A staff."
Then He said, "Throw it on the ground." So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.
But the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand and grasp it by its tail"--so he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand--

사도행전 28:1
1   우리가 구원을 얻은 후에 안즉 그 섬은 멜리데라 하더라
2   토인들이 우리에게 특별한 동정을 하여 비가 오고 날이 차매 불을 피워 우리를 다 영접하더라
3   바울이 한뭇 나무를 거두어 불에 넣으니 뜨거움을 인하여 독사가 나와 그 손을 물고 있는지라
4   토인들이 이 짐승이 그 손에 달림을 보고 서로 말하되 진실로 이 사람은 살인한 자로다 바다에서는 구원을 얻었으나 공의가 살지 못하게 하심이로다 하더니
5   바울이 그 짐승을 불에 떨어버리매 조금도 상함이 없더라
6   그가 붓든지 혹 갑자기 엎드러져 죽을 줄로 저희가 기다렸더니 오래 기다려도 그에게 아무 이상이 없음을 보고 돌려 생각하여 말하되 신이라 하더라
Acts 28 [NASB]    
When they had been brought safely through, then we found out that the island was called Malta.
The natives showed us extraordinary kindness; for because of the rain that had set in and because of the cold, they kindled a fire and received us all.
But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand.
When the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand, they began saying to one another, "Undoubtedly this man is a murderer, and though he has been saved from the sea, justice has not allowed him to live."
However he shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm.
But they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But after they had waited a long time and had seen nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god.

고린도후서 12장
1   무익하나마 내가 부득불 자랑하노니 주의 환상과 계시를 말하리라
2   내가 그리스도 안에 있는 한 사람을 아노니 십 사년 전에 그가 세째 하늘에 이끌려 간 자라 (그가 몸 안에 있었는지 몸 밖에 있었는지 나는 모르거니와 하나님은 아시느니라)
3   내가 이런 사람을 아노니 (그가 몸 안에 있었는지 몸 밖에 있었는지 나는 모르거니와 하나님은 아시느니라)
4   그가 낙원으로 이끌려가서 말할 수 없는 말을 들었으니 사람이 가히 이르지 못할 말이로다
5   내가 이런 사람을 위하여 자랑하겠으나 나를 위하여는 약한 것들 외에 자랑치 아니하리라
6   내가 만일 자랑하고자 하여도 어리석은 자가 되지 아니할 것은 내가 참말을 함이라 그러나 누가 나를 보는 바와 내게 듣는 바에 지나치게 생각할까 두려워하여 그만 두노라
7   여러 계시를 받은 것이 지극히 크므로 너무 자고하지 않게 하시려고 내 육체에 가시 곧 사단의 사자를 주셨으니 이는 나를 쳐서 너무 자고하지 않게 하려 하심이니라
8   이것이 내게서 떠나기 위하여 내가 세번 주께 간구하였더니
9   내게 이르시기를 내 은혜가 네게 족하도다 이는 내 능력이 약한데서 온전하여짐이라 하신지라 이러므로 도리어 크게 기뻐함으로 나의 여러 약한 것들에 대하여 자랑하리니 이는 그리스도의 능력으로 내게 1)머물게 하려함이라
10   그러므로 내가 그리스도를 위하여 약한 것들과 능욕과 궁핍과 핍박과 곤란을 기뻐하노니 이는 내가 약할 그 때에 곧 강함이니라
2 Corinthians 12 [NASB]    
Boasting is necessary, though it is not profitable; but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows--such a man was caught up to the third heaven.
And I know how such a man--whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows--
was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak.
On behalf of such a man I will boast; but on my own behalf I will not boast, except in regard to my weaknesses.
For if I do wish to boast I will not be foolish, for I will be speaking the truth; but I refrain from this, so that no one will credit me with more than he sees in me or hears from me.
Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me--to keep me from exalting myself!
Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me.
And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 06:49:02 AM
선관위가 작당했다구? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 07:03:07 AM
아빠는 재뿌리기 선수래 대부가 아빠.

Quote from: lancaIV on January 09, 2022, 11:05:33 AM
In the 80´, P.M.Magazine,an article about construction method change,R&D from University Michigan,from 20 cm thick concrete walls and tect to 2 cm thin fiberconcrete

Ultra High[/font]
Performanc[/font]e Concrete[/font]
thin fiberconcrete Living-Pods

x 10 / x 100

probaly with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Translucent_concrete glass-fiber filled

https://www.binisystems.com/minishells.html  Construction time:   30-40 minutes.

and fiberconcrete furniture

3/4d printer and virtual reality will change fast the actual reality ! Personal opinion ! ::)

with concrete and liquid wood/translucent wood/wood foam


Being ready for an ecologic future !

Paul made Rome their new land of Canaan, but Israel, who gained independence from Moses' land of Canaan on May 14, 1948, makes an ambiguous choice.
Dark City (1998)
Like those who are instilled with new memories every day, the offspring of vipers wander endlessly in search of their lost homeland.

Their homeland is Greece, the homeland of the Philistines.
The homeland of the Apep snake, which was used to build the pyramids, is mainland Greece.
The origin of the Apep serpent was when the Greeks settled in the land of the Philistines and fought against Egypt.
The reason Moses escaped the Philistines was because he was a Djed who was separated from the body of Jehovah.
If Moses opposes the Lord, someone is doomed to die.
There is a dead Jehovah in the land of Greece, and there is a three-headed Jehovah.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 07:25:21 AM
도때비 심심허믄 잠깐 오라갸~ 바둑한판 두자. ::) ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 01:35:01 PM
Одно - Проводная линия 1kw опытно конструкторская модель
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 09:18:50 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 09, 2022, 07:08:08 PM
                                                          8) A coil concept to experiment with !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 09:21:40 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 09, 2022, 07:37:27 PM
all with 1,5 KW 230 Volt : km/h peak ?
with nominal 1,5 KW : with

coils equipped the consume per hour,per 100 Km ?
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=3&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20001020&CC=FR&NR=2792258A1&KC=A1# with 4x above coils equipped motors ?
2022 question ! To release !


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 09:33:22 PM
Kizumonogatari III Reiketsu - Hen Kiss shot show her sword skill on Araragi

Dracula exclusive patent ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)

Oh Young-soo of 'Squid Game' wins Golden Globe for best supporting actor
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 09:58:33 PM
Electric field around plasma ball experiment.

In this video I show you the electric field around the plasma ball with and without Earth ground connection.
We can see that the plasma ball creates a electri field and ar the moment we connect earth ground we discharge this field to Earth (if I understood it all correctly)

정보력은 박사급인데,
그러나 이해력은 *몽학선생(Supervison) 수준이야. 아빠🥤.


상상하는 인간은 얼마나 자유로운가! 끝을 가늠할 수도 가닿을 수도 없구나. 바퀴 없는 자전거 타기. 달의 뒷면에 앉아 도시락 까먹기. 우리 아들의 아들로 태어나기. 배낭 메고 부산에서 출발해 강릉, 속초, 원산, 청진, 두만강 건너 블라디보스토크 지나 모스크바까지 가기. 죽음의 길은 날아가는 걸까 걸어가는 걸까. 그러다 문득 현실로 돌아오면 새삼 알게 되지. 일상은 이다지도 진부하구나. 이토록 아무것도 아니구나.
그럴 때면 '안녕히' 같은 말을 곱씹는다. '아무 탈이나 걱정 없이 편안하게'라는 뜻이렷다. '편안하게' 할 수 있는 게 한둘이 아닐 텐데, '안녕히'는 어떤 말과 함께 쓰이나?(1분 안에 열 개를 생각해 낸다면 부디 당신이 이 칼럼을 맡아주오.)
아마도 이런 말들을 떠올릴 듯. '안녕히 계세요.' '안녕히 가세요.' '안녕히 주무세요.' '안녕히 다녀오세요.' 더 쥐어짜내면 '안녕히 돌아가세요.' 정도. 뭐가 문제냐고? 이런 거지. '안녕히 오세요.'는 왜 안 되냐고? '안녕히 쉬세요. 안녕히 노세요. 안녕히 일하세요. 안녕히 드세요. 안녕히 보세요.'는 왜 어색하냐고? 뜻만 보면 낯가림 없이 여기저기 자유롭게 들러붙을 듯한데, 실제론 제약이 심하군. '안녕히'의 친구는 기껏 네다섯일 뿐. 안녕히 갈 수는 있어도 안녕히 올 수는 없다니.
인간은 말이 만들어 놓은 이런 '관계의 그물' 속에 잡혀 있다. 설명할 수 없는 미지의 망. 이 옴짝달싹할 수 없는 반복 속에서 차이를 만드는 수밖에 없다. 그러니 어제와 다르게 '안녕히 가세요.' 날마다 새롭게 '안녕히 계세요.'
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 10:06:41 PM
윤석열, 문형표에게 "박근혜가 시켰다고 진술하라" 위증교사 및 회유

윤썪렬도 작금 좃빠지게 고생 사서하고 있으니 피장파장 아닌가베.. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)

윤썪렬이 박그네모냥 깜빵 멸콩보리밥 쳐묵쳐묵해봐야 피장파장 완성된다구?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)


장문) 설거지 논란에 대한 생각

사람의 삶은 관계에서 시작되는것이 아니라 나 자신으로부터 시작되어야 한다. 이 개념에 대해 말할때마다 거의 모든 사람들이 이기주의니 집단주의니 그래도 남들과 어울리는게 좋다느니 등의 헛소리들을 하는데, 나 자신시초와 관계시초에 대한 말은 삶의 근본적인 자세를 뜻한다. 아주 기초적인 정신의 포즈를 뜻한다는것이다.
삶이 이루어지는 시작 좌표가 자기 자신으로부터 나오려면 일단 진실성이 있어야된다. 자신이 주인이 되고 자신에게 진실된 인간은 관계적인 이득이 목적이 되지 않는다. 그리고 저절로 타인 또한 관계속에서 보지 않기 때문에 타인에 대한 사랑과 존중도 이루어진다. 가장 이기적인것을 추구하면 가장 이타적인것 또한 이루어진다

그런데 대부분의 한국인들은 기본적인 부품들이 많이 부족하고 하자가 있어서 마음의 문을 여는경우, 거의 대부분이 자기 자신'만' 생각하며 추악한 모습들을 드러낸다. 정신적으로 유아적이고 사물과 현상들간의 입체를 이해하는 능력이 부족하고 기초적인 상상력이 부족하기 때문이다. 또 자신을 사랑한다고 해봤자 '관계속 자신'이기 때문에 언제나 외부의 작용에 의해 확인해야만 한다

삶이 자신으로부터 시작된다면, 첫째로 한국의 인간 생태계상 주변 사람들에게 공격받을 일이 많아지게 되고, 둘째로는 자신의 수준 이상의것을 누리지 못하게 되고, 셋째로는 거의 대부분이 추악한 모습들을 보여주게 된다. 또 모든 사람을 평등하게 고정시켜놓은 현대시대에서는 모든 사람들을 껍데기적으로 균일하게 맞출 필요가 있기 때문에 사회에서 관계중심적인 포즈를 끊임없이 요구받게 된다. 이러한 이유들에 따라 영혼을 버리고 외부의 관계를 기준점으로 살게되는것이다

두사람부터 민족까지, 부피여하 상관없이 관계 그 자체가 그 사람을 주장하게 된다면 그것은 노예의 삶이나 다를바없다. 옳은것은 옳은것이 아니며, 정답은 정답이 아니다. 자유 위에서 질서가 '표현'되는게 아니라 질서를 '흉내'내기 위해 사람들이 그에 맞추는것은 그냥 홀로그램이나 다를바 없다

만약 좋은게 좋은거라는 철학과 효율성, 실리성 등의 이유에 의해 도덕들을 지키고 질서를 유지하려면 그냥 애초에 모든 사람들을 클라우드로 묶고 안개처럼 뭉뚱그려 군집체로 만드는게 나을것이다. 모든 영역에 감시와 통제 시스템을 구축하는게 나을것이다. 아예 그냥 유전자를 편집하거나 어린아이때부터 기계를 통해 지식들을 프로그래밍 시키는게 나을것이다.

그러나 사람은 개인의 눈과 귀와 코 등의 감각기관을 통해 외부에서 정보가 들어오고, 눈과 입 등의 개인의 감각기관을 통해 정보를 외부로 발산하게끔 생겨먹었다. 이 말은 인간의 근본 구조상 자기 자신이 먼저 있어야지만 직렬적으로 세상이 존재한다는 뜻이다

예전에 남자는 시간의 동물이고 여자는 공간의 동물이라는 말을 했을때 누가 헤겔의 철학을 보고 쓴거 아니냐고 한적이 있었는데 헤겔이 아니라 폴 존슨이라는 사람의 책을 보고 영향받아 쓴 글이었다. 남자는 자기 자신으로부터 삶이 구성되며, 시간속에서 움직임의 방향을 가지기 때문에 바로 눈앞의 사물을 일점으로 깊이있게 보며 들어간다. 시간속 움직임의 방향을 가지기 때문에 모든 사물과 현상에는 상대성이 생긴다. 반면에 여자는 관계로부터 삶이 구성되며, 공간속에서 정지해있고 주어지는 정보에 의해 수동적으로 반응한다. 움직임이 없기 때문에 모든 사물과 현상이 절대적이다. 껍데기를 아주 훤히 잘 보는 장점을 가졌지만 깊이있게 들어가지 못하며 사물이나 현상이 가지고 있는 시간을 볼수 없다.

삶에 있어서 가치를 이루어내고 실체를 가지려면 시간을 가져야 한다. 그러나 그 상대성에 의해 눈앞에 있는것을 추구하다보면 밸런스가 깨질수 있다. 상대성을 가졌다는것은 좋게도 될수 있지만 나쁘게도 될수 있기 때문이다. 그렇기 때문에 여자가 옆에서 남자를 도와주는 배필로 존재하는것이다. 여자의 존재 목적은 일점을 깊이있게 보는 남자 옆에서 균형을 잡아주고 도와주기 위함이다. 그러면 한쪽이 우월하고 한쪽이 열등할까? 그렇지 않다. 시간속에서 사는 존재는 공간속에서 판단하고 다스리는것 같지만, 시간속에서는 공간속에서 사는 존재의 종노릇을 한다. 공간속에서 사는 존재는 시간속에서 주인노릇을 하는것 같지만, 공간속에서는 시간속에서 사는 존재의 종노릇을 한다. 서로가 서로의 주인이 되고 서로가 시너지를 일으키는 구조로 되어있다.

이런 기초적인 구조를 이해를 못하니까 남근 숭배를 하는 정신병자 페미니스트들이 세상에 나타나는것이다. 공간속에서, 관계속에서 잘나보이려고 자신의 본모습까지 버려가며 뻣뻣하게 남자 흉내를 내는것이다. 무의식적으로 스스로를 세뇌시켜가며 의식과잉에 의한 '자연스러운' 모습을 연출하는것이다. 틀린 출발지점으로 시작해 99% 겉을 유사하게 흉내내는 사이비 종교의 인간버전이 바로 현대 여자들이다.

남자가 상대를 소유하지 않고 상대를 사랑한다고 한다면, 그 사람은 자기 자신과 상대 둘 다 기만하는것이다. 자기 자신으로부터 삶이 시작되는 사람은, 자신이 주인이고 진실성이 있는 사람은 절대로 타인을 소유하지 않고서는 상대를 위할수 없으며 사랑할수 없다

만약 이웃 국가에서 실정을 오래도록 해서 사람들이 고통중에 있을때, 도덕이 도덕이라는 이유로 500억 달러 정도를 지원해주고 여러 기술적 조치들을 해달라고 한다면 어떤 국가도 해주지 않을것이다. 아무리 미디어를 통해 베네수엘라 사람들의 고통, 부조리, 무질서, 범죄의 창궐 등을 내보내고 감성을 자극하고 관계속 도덕을 강요해도, 그것이 아무리 인간의 높은 가치에 근거한 도덕, 윤리더라도 정답이 정답이 될수는 없는것이다. 공간속에서 그것이 절대 도덕이더라도 시간속에 있는 사람은 자신의 영혼을 기준으로 판단한다

자식 또한 마찬가지이다. 부모에 의해 보호받고 양육받으면 당연히 자식에 대한 권리를 가지는게 마땅하다. 그런데 교양이라느니 도덕이라느니 하면서 자식에 대한 권리 행사를 아예 못하게 막아버렸다. 아무리 사랑하는 자식이더라도 자식에 대한 봉사와 양육이 관계로부터 시작되면 착취가 된다. 자식을 사랑하면 존중해야된다느니 하는 소리들을 하는것은 두 층위가 서로 다르다는것을 이해하지 못했기 때문이다. 사람은 자신이 먼저 충만해진다음 외부와 소통하는 존재이다. 그러므로 그러한 계약관계에서 봤을때 자식은 소유물과 같기 때문에, 자식에 대한 권리를 누리는것은 마땅하며 자식에 대한 의무 또한 같이 지는게 마땅하다. 자식이 만약에 이를 거절한다면 자식이 계약 바깥으로 나가는것이 되기 때문에 부모에게는 자식에 대한 의무가 없어진다. 그러므로 자식을 '진짜로 사랑한다면' 자식이 계약 바깥으로 나가지 못하게끔 매질을 하거나 권리를 행사해야하는것이다. 왜냐하면 자신으로부터 삶이 시작되는것을 항구적으로 전제해야되기 때문이다. 자신으로부터 삶이 시작되지 않으면 세상은 전부 허상이고 허깨비가 된다.

만약에 불교 스님이나 기독교 목사님들이 삶을 살면서 만나는 수백 수천명의 모든 사람들마다 그들을 위해서 기도해줘야만 한다면 삶은 노예생활이 될 것이다. 아무리 타인이 무지속에서 살다가 영혼이 극락에 가지 못한다고 해도, 그들을 위해 염불을 외든 기도를 해주는것이 절대적으로 좋은것이라 해도, 좋은게 좋은것이 될수가 없는것은, 사람은 시간속에서 살기 때문이다. 타인을 소유하지 않았으니 타인에게 베풀수 없는것이다. 이런 개념을 이해하지 못하니 세월호 사건때 아이들을 위해서 슬퍼하지 않는다고 남들을 나무라는것이다. 남을 사랑하려면 일단 남을 소유해야만 한다. 왜냐하면 자신으로부터 시작되는것이 가장 건강한 삶이기 때문이다. 정답이 정답이라는 이유로 관계속 교리에 자신을 맞춘다면, 실리성이나 경제성은 있을지언정 그 모든것들은 착취가 되어버리고 가치와 실체를 잃어버린다. 자신으로부터 시작하지 않고 타자를 소유하지 않은채 도덕을 추구한다면 자신이 소비되어버린다

현대의 모든 국가들이 짬통처럼 된것도 마찬가지이다. 모든 공화정 사람들이 성숙한 시민의식으로 권리를 돌아가면서 다같이 누린다는 말은 인간에 대한 몰이해로부터 나온 망상이다. 아무리 의식주의적으로 애를 써도, 그것이 나오는 지점은 영혼이 아니라 의식이라는점에서, 만들어진 점의 연속이 될 뿐이다. 자연스러운 선으로 이어지질 못하고 만들어진 점 점 점으로만 계속해서 찍힐뿐이고, 이미지에 맞춰가는 흉내일뿐이다. 자연스러운 표현이 아니라는 소리이다. 일시적으로는 이미지를 지킬지라도 필연적으로는 굵직굵직한것 위주로 신경써가며 빠께스 대충 포장하듯이, 쌍팔년도 씨름판 주변 비니루 대충 덮듯이, 쓰레트 지붕 파란색으로 마감처리 하듯이 하게될수밖에 없다. 왜냐하면 국가라는것이 '소유'되지 않았기 때문이다. 이런 개념을 이해하질 못하니까 권리를 '소유'하려는 남자들을 정신적으로 덜성숙하고 전근대적인 유치한 사람으로 여기는것이다. 시간속 소유가 아니면 공간속 소비만 있을뿐인데, 소비에 속하지 않으면서도 소유에 따른 의무를 부여하고 소유에 따른 권리는 지지 말라고 요구하는것이 바로 현대 공화정이다

남녀관계 또한 그렇다. 남자는 움직임이 있지만 여자는 움직임이 없으므로 남자가 여자에게 들어가는것이 기본 모양이다. 남자가 여자를 소유하려고 하는것은 시간을 가진 존재로서의 당연한 본능이다. 상대를 소유한다는것은 자신의 마음을 상대의 그릇에 넣는것을 의미하므로 자신을 소유시키는것 또한 이루어진다. 그 같은 문에 의해 자신을 먼저 소유시켜야만이 상대를 소유하게 되는것이다. 시간을 가진 존재가 상대를 사랑할때는, 자연스럽게 자신의 마음을 상대에게 넣고 상대를 소유하려하는것이 본능인데, 이때 상대의 시간 또한 본능적으로 보게된다. 자신으로부터 사는 존재들은 외부에 착취당하기 싫어하는 본능 또한 가지고 있기 때문이다. 그런데 상대의 시간을 봤을때 자신이 손해보는것 같다고 여겨지면 그때에는 상대를 소유하지 않으려고 한다. 이건 당연한것이다. 처녀 유무를 따지는것은 여자가 다른 사람의 소유물이었는지에 대한 여부를 보는 수단일뿐이다. 몸을 허락해준다는것에는 소유된다는 의미를 가지며, 그정도의 전격적인 허락 행위에는 사랑에 대한 승인 또한 담겨있기 때문에 이전 주인에 대한 열등감과 현재 여자에 대한 질투심 등이 일어날수밖에 없다. 그런데 이런 인간 본연의 마음에 대한 이해를 하지 못하니 처녀인 몸을 보고 따진다느니 정신적으로 사랑하지 않는다느니 하는 헛소리들을 하는것이다. 순결을 따지는것은 사랑하기 위한 본격적인 자세를 취하려고 하기 위함이다. 공간밖에 없는 현대인들과 여자들은 감정을 만들어내는것도 공간에서만 다 이루어진다고 생각하니 이해를 못하는것이다. 또 5번 정도는 괜찮지만 300번 정도는 괜찮지 않다고 생각하는것도 인간에 대한 몰이해로부터 나온것들이다. 순결은 그라데이션이 아니라 오로지 백과 흑뿐이고 절대적인것 또는 상대적인것 둘뿐이라는것을 모르는것이다.

어쩔수없이 성욕과 타협해야만 하는 경우에는 무의식적으로 자신이 부정당하지 않게끔 종교처럼 작동하는 심리적인 트릭을 만들거나 막연함을 만들어 회피한다. 한마디로 성욕을 위해 영혼의 문을 닫는것이다. 그리고 외부에 의해 그러한 사실들을 인지했을때, 시간속 동물인 남자의 본성상 그것을 다시 회피하기 위해서 남들을 부정하거나 남을 특정한 각도의 피사체로 이미지화하는 식으로 관계속 상대적인것들을 설정시켜 어떻게든 자신이 부정당하는것을 회피하려고 한다. 관계속 자신이 부정당하지 않으려고 관계속에서 자신이나 대상을 이미지화하려고 하는것이다. 현대사회에서의 결혼율, 이혼율이 늘어난것은 배우자가 '절대적인 하나'가 아니라 '상대적인 여러것들중 하나'이기 때문이다. 인간 본연의 욕구로부터 나오는 자연스러운 물줄기에 의해 삶이 구성되는것이 아니라 의식주의적인 메뉴얼에 의해 삶을 구성하기 때문에 늘 유지시켜줘야되고 반대쪽 자극이 더 셀때에는 반대쪽을 택하게 된다

그리고 역설적이지만, 배우자가 '절대적인 하나'가 되기 위해서는 자신이 순결을 지켜야만 한다. 자신이 순결을 지켜야 배우자가 귀해지는것인 구조이다. 이것은 남자에게도 해당된다. 여자들이 남자의 순결을 보지 않는것은 그것이 안중요해서가 아니라 여자들은 공간속 동물이기 때문이다. 그리고 여자들이 공간속의 동물인것은 자연질서의 조화에 따른것이므로 필수적이었다. 결국 움직임이 있는 남자가 모든것을 이루는 모양새가 구성되어야하는데, 남자가 스스로를 여자에게 소유시키게 하고 여자를 소유하는 그 구조처럼, 남자가 스스로를 순결하게 하고 여자 또한 순결하게 하는것이다. 서로가 주인이면서 서로가 종이되는 그런 도식을 이해하질 못하니 남근숭배를 하는 정신병자들이 판치는것이다

그렇다면, 이러한 사실들을 선진국 다른 국가들은 알면서도 쉬쉬하지만 왜 한국에서는 이토록이나 논란이 되었을까?

그것은 한국에서의 성욕해소는 밀폐된 통짜구조로 되어있기 때문이다. 공간속에서 관계적 이득을 위해 '소비'되던 여자들이 '소유'의 층위에서 여겨지기를 바라는데, 남자에게 소유에 따른 대우와 의무를 부여하면서도 권리는 가지지 못하게 했기 때문이다. 보통 이러한 말도안되는 거래구조는 사회적으로 성립할수가 없지만 한국에서는 성욕을 배출할 통로들을 이곳저곳 틀어막고 속물적인 여자들의 집단적인 움직임으로 인해, 샛길하나 없는 통짜길로 만들어버려서 이런 말도안되는 배짱장사가 가능하게 되었다.

이곳을 막고 저곳을 막고 껍데기적인 도덕틀을 강제시키자 유럽이나 미국 등에서는 동거혼이 일상이 되었다. 어느누구도 착취당하고 싶지 않기 때문이다. 성욕을 위해 영혼을 포기하고 싶지 않기 때문이다. 그런데 한국은 거기다 한술 더떠서 인위적으로 기어코 모순을 실현시키려고 호스를 틀어막아대니 이에 대한 반발이 더 심할수밖에 없는것이다. 정상적인 남자라면 어느누구도 갈보를 소유하고 싶어하지 않는다. '소비'는 언제든지 환영일수 있겠으나 '소유'의 층위가 된다면 얘기가 달라진다. 게다가 의무만 있고 권리는 없는 소유라면 더더욱더 회피하려 할 것이다

인간 본연에 대한 이해가 없으니 이런 모순들을 자꾸 시도하고 도덕이라는 이유로 강제하는것이다. 그리고 인간 본연의 모습들을 유치하고 덜성숙한 모습으로 이해하는것이다. 사람이 자신을 위해서 사는것이, 권력을 추구하고 소유하고자 하는것이, 순결한 배우자를 소유하고자 하는것이, 자식을 소유하고자 하는것이 어째서 '유치한' 모습들이란 말일까? 가장 이기적인것이 가장 이타적인것이라는 의미조차 이해하질 못한다. 남을 소유하는것이 남의 종이되는것이라는 의미도 이해하질 못한다. 그냥 미디어적으로 단어 그 자체의 느낌만 보고는 즉물적인 반감부터 가진다. 공간속에서 살면서 시간속에서도 이득을 보려는 착취적인 인간군상들에 의해 이러한 논쟁이 만들어진것이다.

-한동대 갤러리
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 09, 2022, 10:52:28 PM
Thane C Heins BiTT Replication Test Part 3

Magnet or electromagnet and transformer combination generators are marketable if successful, but have a low output and are only in the research area where they kill time compared to high-power generators already on the market.

ZPower Recent Technology Demonstrations
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2022, 05:59:34 AM
옛날 인드라 카페 '허당' 잠깐 나와봐라. ;D ;D 8) 8)
허당투사 개국했다. ;D ;D ::) ::)

좃빠지게 쩌네. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2022, 06:02:46 AM
부선이가 우리 취향을 알아

허당이 팀장급이래
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 10, 2022, 07:02:31 AM

Quote from: lancaIV on January 10, 2022, 06:55:00 AM
to the actual start-up

Technical specifications Rated continuous output: 250 W
Maximum speed : 25 km / h
Electric starting aid : up to 6 km / h
Battery voltage: 48 V
Circuit : stepless
Storage space / overhead locker: 70-220 liters
length | Width : 200 cm | 88 cm
Weight : approx. 100 kg
Passengers : 1 + 1 or 1 + 2 children
Range : approx. 60 - 120 km
Recuperation : yes
Reverse gear : yes
Number of wheels : 3
Keyless-Go : yes

250 W nominal electric drive : speed max. and range with given accu-pack !
With https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=1&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19951107&CC=US&NR=5463914A&KC=A#
transmission concept,1 x : speed max. and range ?
the Li Yng transmission concept as generator- transmission couple working range extender like,instead

" ..... With the intended battery, the vehicle should achieve a range of up to 60 kilometers in the city, and an additional battery slot can even double the radius...."

2nd accu-pack !?
Nominal and net electric drive applications :

https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=9910 seems a Robert Alexander dynamotor type concept


Salve and Servus

Учимся самозапиту.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on January 10, 2022, 11:37:14 AM
Does anyone have the photo of this in Hd which akula shared.
I have seen it here but cannot find it
Colour if have it please post it here
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 07:53:46 AM
[결말포함] 무섭고 자극적인데 재밌는 한국 애니 (네이버 1위 웹툰 원작) | 결말포함 영화리뷰 | 니체 철학 |

예전부터 아빠한테 댐비는 유튜버들 일일이 나열하기 어려울 정도로 많아.
빨강도깨비부터 시작해서 발없는 새, 건데, 신박과학, 과학쿠키 등등 닉만 대면 알만한 애들 줄섰다.
요즘은 딴짓하는 애들이 많은데 관심 안가져주니까 신경끄더라.
개중에는 몇년을 아빠말에 토다는 애들도 있다.
대충대충 구라섞어 대꾸해줘야 만만하게 보고 득달같이 달려들거든.
아빠는 심심한거 죽기보다 싫어하신다.
대꾸만이 니들이 살길이다,

맞는 소리는 누가 들어도 듣기 싫어해.
그랬더니 도올 김용옥이 뭐라는줄 아니?
자기만치 배우고 자신의 위치만큼 올라와서 까라고하드라.

송장 풀뜯어먹는 소리 맞아.

[도올김용옥] 내 청춘의 가장 발랄한 모습! - "어학은 철학이다" - 53년만의 외출

공부 진짜 잘못한 애들이 들킬까 무서워 자기자랑만 하는거야.

한 어린이가 있었습니다. 동네 어른은 이 어린이가 귀여워 지나칠 때면 늘 오백원 짜리 동전과 백원 짜리 동전을 던져 둘 중 하나만을 가지라고 합니다. 그럴 때면 아이는 언제나 백원 짜리 동전만을 줍습니다. 동네 어른은 그것이 재미 난지 이 아이를 만나면 그 일을 되풀이합니다.
어느 날 아이가 친구와 함께 놀 때 동네 어른이 지나가다가 여느 때와 같이 오백원과 백원 짜리 동전을 던집니다. 그러자 아이는 백원 짜리 동전을 줍고 어른은 기쁘고 우스운 표정을 지으며 지나갑니다. 지켜보던 친구가 답답하다는 듯이 오백원 짜리가 더 큰돈인데 왜 바보같이 백원 짜리 동전을 줍느냐고 핀잔을 줍니다. 그러자 백원 짜리 만을 줍던 아이가 말하길, "내가 오백원 짜리를 주우면 저 아저씨가 재미있어 계속 하시겠냐?" 하더랍니다.

창세기 14장
11   네 왕이 소돔과 고모라의 모든 재물과 양식을 빼앗아 가고
12   소돔에 거하는 아브람의 조카 롯도 사로잡고 그 재물까지 노략하여 갔더라
13   도망한 자가 와서 히브리 사람 아브람에게 고하니 때에 아브람이 아모리 족속 마므레의 상수리 수풀 근처에 거하였더라 마므레는 에스골의 형제요 또 아넬의 형제라 이들은 아브람과 동맹한 자더라
14   아브람이 그 조카의 사로잡혔음을 듣고 집에서 길리고 연습한 자 삼백 십 팔인을 거느리고 단까지 쫓아가서
15   그 가신을 나누어 밤을 타서 그들을 쳐서 파하고 다메섹 좌편 호바까지 쫓아가서
16   모든 빼앗겼던 재물과 자기 조카 롯과 그 재물과 또 부녀와 인민을 다 찾아 왔더라
멜기세덱이 아브람에게 축복하다
17   아브람이 그돌라오멜과 그와 함께한 왕들을 파하고 돌아올 때에 소돔왕이 사웨 골짜기 곧 왕곡에 나와 그를 영접하였고
18   살렘왕 멜기세덱이 떡과 포도주를 가지고 나왔으니 그는 지극히 높으신 하나님의 제사장이었더라
19   그가 아브람에게 축복하여 가로되 천지의 주재시요 지극히 높으신 하나님이여 아브람에게 복을 주옵소서
20   너희 대적을 네 손에 붙이신 지극히 높으신 하나님을 찬송할찌로다 하매 아브람이 그 얻은 것에서 십분 일을 멜기세덱에게 주었더라
21   소돔왕이 아브람에게 이르되 사람은 내게 보내고 물품은 네가 취하라
22   아브람이 소돔왕에게 이르되 천지의 주재시요 지극히 높으신 하나님 여호와께 내가 손을 들어 맹세하노니
23   네 말이 내가 아브람으로 치부케 하였다 할까 하여 네게 속한 것은 무론 한 실이나 신들메라도 내가 취하지 아니하리라
24   오직 소년들의 먹은 것과 나와 동행한 아넬과 에스골과 마므레의 분깃을 제할찌니 그들이 그 분깃을 취할 것이니라
Genesis 14 [NASB]
Then they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their food supply, and departed.
They also took Lot, Abram's nephew, and his possessions and departed, for he was living in Sodom.
Then a fugitive came and told Abram the Hebrew Now he was living by the oaks of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol and brother of Aner, and these were allies with Abram.
When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he led out his trained men, born in his house, three hundred and eighteen, and went in pursuit as far as Dan.
He divided his forces against them by night, he and his servants, and defeated them, and pursued them as far as Hobah, which is north of Damascus.
He brought back all the goods, and also brought back his relative Lot with his possessions, and also the women, and the people.
Then after his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's Valley).
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High.
He blessed him and said, "Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth;
And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand." He gave him a tenth of all.
The king of Sodom said to Abram, "Give the people to me and take the goods for yourself."
Abram said to the king of Sodom, "I have sworn to the LORD God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth,
that I will not take a thread or a sandal thong or anything that is yours, for fear you would say, 'I have made Abram rich.'
"I will take nothing except what the young men have eaten, and the share of the men who went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their share."

시편 110편
다윗의 시
1   여호와께서 내 주에게 말씀하시기를 내가 네 원수로 네 발등상 되게 하기까지 너는 내 우편에 앉으라 하셨도다
2   여호와께서 시온에서부터 주의 권능의 홀을 내어 보내시리니 주는 원수 중에서 다스리소서
3   주의 권능의 날에 주의 백성이 거룩한 옷을 입고 즐거이 헌신하니 새벽 이슬 같은 주의 청년들이 주께 나오는도다
4   여호와는 맹세하고 변치 아니하시리라 이르시기를 너는 멜기세덱의 반차를 좇아 영원한 제사장이라 하셨도다
5   주의 우편에 계신 주께서 그 노하시는 날에 열왕을 쳐서 파하실 것이라
6   열방 중에 판단하여 시체로 가득하게 하시고 여러 나라의 머리를 쳐서 파하시며
7   길가의 시냇물을 마시고 인하여 그 머리를 드시리로다
Psalms 110 [NASB]    
The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet."
The LORD will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, "Rule in the midst of Your enemies."
Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew.
The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind, "You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek."
The Lord is at Your right hand; He will shatter kings in the day of His wrath.
He will judge among the nations, He will fill them with corpses, He will shatter the chief men over a broad country.
He will drink from the brook by the wayside; Therefore He will lift up His head.

히브리서 5장
10   하나님께 멜기세덱의 반차를 좇은 대제사장이라 칭하심을 받았느니라
11   멜기세덱에 관하여는 우리가 할 말이 많으나 너희의 듣는 것이 둔하므로 해석하기 어려우니라
12   때가 오래므로 너희가 마땅히 선생이 될터인데 너희가 다시 하나님의 말씀의 초보가 무엇인지 누구에게 가르침을 받아야 할 것이니 젖이나 먹고 단단한 식물을 못 먹을 자가 되었도다
13   대저 젖을 먹는 자마다 어린 아이니 의의 말씀을 경험하지 못한 자요
14   단단한 식물은 장성한 자의 것이니 저희는 지각을 사용하므로 연단을 받아 선악을 분변하는 자들이니라
Hebrews 5 [NASB]    
being designated by God as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek.
Concerning him we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing.
For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.
For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant.
But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.

예수가 말하는 어린아이는 우유병(태양-헤드젯)을 손에 들고있는 대상들이다.
손에 우유병 든 애들과 춤추는 자가 멜기세덱이다.
어둠신 여호와에게 태양신은 악의 근원이라 Seth는 사탄 1호다.
그래서 아담과 이브의 세째 아들 셋이 여호와 이름보다 먼저 등장하는 이유다.
The little children Jesus is talking about are subjects holding a milk bottle (sun-headjet) in their hands.
It is Melchizedek who dances with the children with milk bottles in their hands.
To Jehovah the dark god, the sun god is the source of evil, so Seth is Satan No. 1.
That is why the third son of Adam and Eve, Seth, appears before the name of Jehovah.

다니엘 10장
힛데겔 강 가에서 본 이상
1   바사 왕 고레스 삼년에 한 일이 벨드사살이라 이름한 다니엘에게 나타났는데 그 일이 참되니 곧 큰 전쟁에 관한 것이라 다니엘이 그 일을 분명히 알았고 그 이상을 깨달으니라
2   그 때에 나 다니엘이 세 이레 동안을 슬퍼하며
3   세 이레가 차기까지 좋은 떡을 먹지 아니하며 고기와 포도주를 입에 넣지 아니하며 또 기름을 바르지 아니하니라
4   정월 이십 사일에 내가 힛데겔이라 하는 큰 강 가에 있었는데
5   그 때에 내가 눈을 들어 바라본즉 한 사람이 세마포 옷을 입었고 허리에는 우바스 정금 띠를 띠었고
6   그 몸은 황옥 같고 그 얼굴은 번갯빛 같고 그 눈은 횃불 같고 그 팔과 발은 빛난 놋과 같고 그 말소리는 무리의 소리와 같더라
7   이 이상은 나 다니엘이 홀로 보았고 나와 함께한 사람들은 이 이상은 보지 못하였어도 그들이 크게 떨며 도망하여 숨었었느니라
8   그러므로 나만 홀로 있어서 이 큰 이상을 볼 때에 내 몸에 힘이 빠졌고 나의 아름다운 빛이 변하여 썩은듯하였고 나의 힘이 다 없어졌으나
9   내가 그 말소리를 들었는데 그 말소리를 들을 때에 내가 얼굴을 땅에 대고 깊이 잠들었었느니라
10   한 손이 있어 나를 어루만지기로 내가 떨더니 그가 내 무릎과 손바닥이 땅에 닿게 일으키고
11   내게 이르되 은총을 크게 받은 사람 다니엘아 내가 네게 이르는 말을 깨닫고 일어서라 내가 네게 보내심을 받았느니라 그가 내게 이 말을 한 후에 내가 떨며 일어서매
12   그가 내게 이르되 다니엘아 두려워하지 말라 네가 깨달으려 하여 네 하나님 앞에 스스로 겸비케 하기로 결심하던 첫날부터 네 말이 들으신바 되었으므로 내가 네 말로 인하여 왔느니라
13   그런데 바사 국군이 이십 일일 동안 나를 막았으므로 내가 거기 바사국 왕들과 함께 머물러 있더니 군장 중 하나 미가엘이 와서 나를 도와주므로
14   이제 내가 말일에 네 백성의 당할 일을 네게 깨닫게 하러 왔노라 대저 이 이상은 오래 후의 일이니라
15   그가 이런 말로 내게 이를 때에 내가 곧 얼굴을 땅에 향하고 벙벙하였더니
16   인자와 같은 이가 있어 내 입술을 만진지라 내가 곧 입을 열어 내 앞에 섰는 자에게 말하여 가로되 내 주여 이 이상을 인하여 근심이 내게 더하므로 내가 힘이 없어졌나이다
17   내 몸에 힘이 없어졌고 호흡이 남지 아니하였사오니 내 주의 이 종이 어찌 능히 내 주로 더불어 말씀할 수 있으리이까
18   또 사람의 모양 같은 것 하나가 나를 만지며 나로 강건케 하여
19   가로되 은총을 크게 받은 사람이여 두려워하지 말라 평안하라 강건하라 강건하라 그가 이같이 내게 말하매 내가 곧 힘이 나서 가로되 내 주께서 나로 힘이 나게 하셨사오니 말씀하옵소서
20   그가 이르되 내가 어찌하여 네게 나아온 것을 네가 아느냐 이제 내가 돌아가서 바사군과 싸우려니와 내가 나간 후에는 헬라군이 이를 것이라
21   오직 내가 먼저 진리의 글에 기록된 것으로 네게 보이리라 나를 도와서 그들을 대적하는 자는 너희 군 미가엘 뿐이니라
Daniel 10 [NASB][KJV]    
In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar; and the message was true and one of great conflict, but he understood the message and had an understanding of the vision.
In those days, I, Daniel, had been mourning for three entire weeks.
I did not eat any tasty food, nor did meat or wine enter my mouth, nor did I use any ointment at all until the entire three weeks were completed.
On the twenty-fourth day of the first month, while I was by the bank of the great river, that is, the Hiddekel,
I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold, there was a certain man dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Uphaz.
His body also was like beryl, his face had the appearance of lightning, his eyes were like flaming torches, his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a tumult.
Now I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, while the men who were with me did not see the vision; nevertheless, a great dread fell on them, and they ran away to hide themselves.
So I was left alone and saw this great vision; yet no strength was left in me, for my natural color turned to a deathly pallor, and I retained no strength.
But I heard the sound of his words; and as soon as I heard the sound of his words, I fell into a deep sleep on my face, with my face to the ground.
Then behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees.
He said to me, "O Daniel, man of high esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you " And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling.
Then he said to me, "Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.
"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia.
"Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet future."
When he had spoken to me according to these words, I turned my face toward the ground and became speechless.
And behold, one who resembled a human being was touching my lips; then I opened my mouth and spoke and said to him who was standing before me, "O my lord, as a result of the vision anguish has come upon me, and I have retained no strength.
"For how can such a servant of my lord talk with such as my lord? As for me, there remains just now no strength in me, nor has any breath been left in me."
Then this one with human appearance touched me again and strengthened me.
He said, "O man of high esteem, do not be afraid Peace be with you; take courage and be courageous!" Now as soon as he spoke to me, I received strength and said, "May my lord speak, for you have strengthened me."
Then he said, "Do you understand why I came to you? But I shall now return to fight against the prince of Persia; so I am going forth, and behold, the prince of Greece is about to come.
"However, I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth Yet there is no one who stands firmly with me against these forces except Michael your prince.

8   그러므로 나만 홀로 있어서 이 큰 이상을 볼 때에 내 몸에 힘이 빠졌고 나의 아름다운 빛이 변하여 썩은듯하였고 나의 힘이 다 없어졌으나
9   내가 그 말소리를 들었는데 그 말소리를 들을 때에 내가 얼굴을 땅에 대고 깊이 잠들었었느니라
10   한 손이 있어 나를 어루만지기로 내가 떨더니 그가 내 무릎과 손바닥이 땅에 닿게 일으키고
So I was left alone and saw this great vision; yet no strength was left in me, for my natural color turned to a deathly pallor, and I retained no strength.
But I heard the sound of his words; and as soon as I heard the sound of his words, I fell into a deep sleep on my face, with my face to the ground.
Then behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees.

다니엘 11장
1   내가 또 메대 사람 다리오 원년에 일어나 그를 돕고 강하게 한 일이 있었느니라
남방 왕과 북방 왕이 싸우리라
2   이제 내가 참된 것을 네게 보이리라 보라 바사에서 또 세 왕이 일어날 것이요 그 후의 네째는 그들보다 심히 부요할 것이며 그가 그 부요함으로 강하여진 후에는 모든 사람을 격동시켜 헬라국을 칠 것이며
3   장차 한 능력 있는 왕이 일어나서 큰 권세로 다스리며 임의로 행하리라
36   이 왕이 자기 뜻대로 행하며 스스로 높여 모든 신보다 크다 하며 비상한 말로 신들의 신을 대적하며 형통하기를 분노하심이 쉴 때까지 하리니 이는 그 작정된 일이 반드시 이룰 것임이니라
37   그가 모든 것보다 스스로 크다 하고 그 열조의 신들과 여자의 사모하는 것을 돌아보지 아니하며 아무 신이든지 돌아보지 아니할 것이나
38   그 대신에 세력의 신을 공경할 것이요 또 그 열조가 알지 못하던 신에게 금 은 보석과 보물을 드려 공경할 것이며
39   그는 이방신을 힘입어 크게 견고한 산성들을 취할 것이요 무릇 그를 안다 하는 자에게는 영광을 더하여 여러 백성을 다스리게도 하며 그에게서 뇌물을 받고 땅을 나눠 주기도 하리라
40   마지막 때에 남방 왕이 그를 찌르리니 북방 왕이 병거와 마병과 많은 배로 회리바람처럼 그에게로 마주 와서 그 여러 나라에 들어가며 물이 넘침 같이 지나갈 것이요
41   그가 또 영화로운 땅에 들어갈 것이요 많은 나라를 패망케 할 것이나 오직 에돔과 모압과 암몬 자손의 존귀한 자들은 그 손에서 벗어나리라
42   그가 열국에 그 손을 펴리니 애굽 땅도 면치 못할 것이므로
43   그가 권세로 애굽의 금 은과 모든 보물을 잡을 것이요 리비아 사람과 구스 사람이 그의 시종이 되리라
Daniel 11 [NIV]
"In the first year of Darius the Mede, I arose to be an encouragement and a protection for him.
"And now I will tell you the truth Behold, three more kings are going to arise in Persia Then a fourth will gain far more riches than all of them; as soon as he becomes strong through his riches, he will arouse the whole empire against the realm of Greece.
"And a mighty king will arise, and he will rule with great authority and do as he pleases.
"The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place.
He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.
Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts.
He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price.
"At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood.
He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand.
He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape.
He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Nubians in submission.

남방왕은 홀로있는 Djed이고, 북방왕은 합체신전 Djed이다.
(유일신 체제에서) 또 다른 신을 빙자하는 것은, 신이 될 수 있는 자격이 있는 대상이다.
신이 되는 사태는 인간처럼 말로 선언하면 되는 사태가 아니라 실체다.
김성철과 조현병은 새겨들어라.
The king of the south is the solitary Djed, and the king of the north is the united temple Djed.
(In a monotheistic system) To pretend to be another god is an object worthy of becoming a god.
The situation of becoming a god is not a situation that can be declared with words like a human being, but a reality.
Please engrave Kim Seong-cheol and Cho Hyun-byeong.

천상에서 겪는 고통 3가지 | 세상은 조물주가 아닌 각자의 업에 의해 만들어 진다 | 애국가의 하느님은 누구? | 김성철 교수

다니엘 12장
5   나 다니엘이 본즉 다른 두 사람이 있어 하나는 강 이편 언덕에 섰고 하나는 강 저편 언덕에 섰더니
6   그중에 하나가 세마포 옷을 입은 자 곧 강물 위에 있는 자에게 이르되 이 기사의 끝이 어느 때까지냐 하기로
7   내가 들은즉 그 세마포 옷을 입고 강물 위에 있는 자가 그 좌우 손을 들어 하늘을 향하여 영생하시는 자를 가리켜 맹세하여 가로되 반드시 한때 두때 반때를 지나서 성도의 권세가 다 깨어지기까지니 그렇게 되면 이 모든 일이 다 끝나리라 하더라
8   내가 듣고도 깨닫지 못한지라 내가 가로되 내 주여 이 모든 일의 결국이 어떠하겠삽나이까
9   그가 가로되 다니엘아 갈찌어다 대저 이 말은 마지막 때까지 간수하고 봉함할 것임이니라
10   많은 사람이 연단을 받아 스스로 정결케 하며 희게 할 것이나 악한 사람은 악을 행하리니 악한 자는 아무도 깨닫지 못하되 오직 지혜 있는 자는 깨달으리라
Daniel 12 [NASB]
Then I, Daniel, looked and behold, two others were standing, one on this bank of the river and the other on that bank of the river.
And one said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be until the end of these wonders?"
I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time; and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.
As for me, I heard but could not understand; so I said, "My lord, what will be the outcome of these events?"
He said, "Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time.
"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.

사무엘상 15장
1   사무엘이 사울에게 이르되 여호와께서 나를 보내어 왕에게 기름을 부어 그 백성 이스라엘 위에 왕을 삼으셨은즉 이제 왕은 여호와의 말씀을 들으소서
2   만군의 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시기를 아말렉이 이스라엘에게 행한 일 곧 애굽에서 나올 때에 길에서 대적한 일을 내가 추억하노니
3   지금 가서 아말렉을 쳐서 그들의 모든 소유를 남기지 말고 진멸하되 남녀와 소아와 젖먹는 아이와 우양과 약대와 나귀를 죽이라 하셨나이다
4   사울이 백성을 소집하고 그들을 들라임에서 계수하니 보병이 이십만이요 유다 사람이 일만이라
5   사울이 아말렉성에 이르러 골짜기에 복병하니라
6   사울이 겐 사람에게 이르되 아말렉 사람 중에서 떠나 내려가라 그들과 함께 너희를 멸하게 될까 하노라 이스라엘 모든 자손이 애굽에서 올라올 때에 너희가 그들을 선대하였느니라 이에 겐 사람이 아말렉 사람 중에서 떠나니라
7   사울이 하윌라에서부터 애굽 앞 술에 이르기까지 아말렉 사람을 치고
8   아말렉 사람의 왕 아각을 사로잡고 칼날로 그 모든 백성을 진멸하였으되
9   사울과 백성이 아각과 그 양과 소의 가장 좋은 것 또는 기름진 것과 어린 양과 모든 좋은 것을 남기고 진멸키를 즐겨 아니하고 가치 없고 낮은 것은 진멸하니라
여호와께서 사울을 버리시다
10   여호와의 말씀이 사무엘에게 임하니라 가라사대
11   내가 사울을 세워 왕 삼은 것을 후회하노니 그가 돌이켜서 나를 좇지 아니하며 내 명령을 이루지 아니하였음이니라 하신지라 사무엘이 근심하여 온 밤을 여호와께 부르짖으니라
12   사무엘이 사울을 만나려고 아침에 일찌기 일어났더니 혹이 사무엘에게 고하여 가로되 사울이 갈멜에 이르러 자기를 위하여 기념비를 세우고 돌이켜 행하여 길갈로 내려갔다 하는지라
13   사무엘이 사울에게 이른즉 사울이 그에게 이르되 원컨대 당신은 여호와께 복을 받으소서 내가 여호와의 명령을 행하였나이다
14   사무엘이 가로되 그러면 내 귀에 들어오는 이 양의 소리와 내게 들리는 소의 소리는 어찜이니이까
15   사울이 가로되 그것은 무리가 아말렉 사람에게서 끌어 온 것인데 백성이 당신의 하나님 여호와께 제사하려 하여 양과 소의 가장 좋은 것을 남김이요 그 외의 것은 우리가 진멸하였나이다
1 Samuel 15 [NASB]
Then Samuel said to Saul, "The LORD sent me to anoint you as king over His people, over Israel; now therefore, listen to the words of the LORD.
"Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he set himself against him on the way while he was coming up from Egypt.
'Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'"
Then Saul summoned the people and numbered them in Telaim, 200,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 men of Judah.
Saul came to the city of Amalek and set an ambush in the valley.
Saul said to the Kenites, "Go, depart, go down from among the Amalekites, so that I do not destroy you with them; for you showed kindness to all the sons of Israel when they came up from Egypt." So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites.
So Saul defeated the Amalekites, from Havilah as you go to Shur, which is east of Egypt.
He captured Agag the king of the Amalekites alive, and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword.
But Saul and the people spared Agag and the best of the sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all that was good, and were not willing to destroy them utterly; but everything despised and worthless, that they utterly destroyed.
Then the word of the LORD came to Samuel, saying,
"I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following Me and has not carried out My commands " And Samuel was distressed and cried out to the LORD all night.
Samuel rose early in the morning to meet Saul; and it was told Samuel, saying, "Saul came to Carmel, and behold, he set up a monument for himself, then turned and proceeded on down to Gilgal."
Samuel came to Saul, and Saul said to him, "Blessed are you of the LORD! I have carried out the command of the LORD."
But Samuel said, "What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?"

미로에 갇힌 미노타우로스같은 소와 양의 소리가 히타이트 지역에 늘 자리잡고 있어서다.
젖통이 큰 젖먹이는 여자와 아이는 덤이고 말야.
The sound of cattle and sheep like the minotaur trapped in a labyrinth is always present in the Hittite region.
Breastfeeding women and children with large udders are a bonus.

창세기 2장
10   강이 에덴에서 발원하여 동산을 적시고 거기서부터 갈라져 네 근원이 되었으니
11   첫째의 이름은 비손이라 금이 있는 하윌라 온 땅에 둘렸으며
12   그 땅의 금은 정금이요 그곳에는 베델리엄과 호마노도 있으며
13   둘째 강의 이름은 기혼이라 구스 온 땅에 둘렸고
14   세째 강의 이름은 힛데겔이라 앗수르 동편으로 흐르며 네째 강은 유브라데더라
15   여호와 하나님이 그 사람을 이끌어 에덴 동산에 두사 그것을 다스리며 지키게 하시고
16   여호와 하나님이 그 사람에게 명하여 가라사대 동산 각종 나무의 실과는 네가 임의로 먹되
17   선악을 알게하는 나무의 실과는 먹지 말라 네가 먹는 날에는 정녕 죽으리라 하시니라
Genesis 2 [NASB]
Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers.
The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.
The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the onyx stone are there.
The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush.
The name of the third river is Tigris; it flows east of Assyria And the fourth river is the Euphrates.
Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.
The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;
but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die."

Burney Relief



Kızılırmak River



사사기 6장
11   여호와의 사자가 아비에셀 사람 요아스에게 속한 오브라에 이르러 상수리나무 아래 앉으니라 마침 요아스의 아들 기드온이 미디안 사람에게 알리지 아니하려 하여 밀을 포도주 틀에서 타작하더니
12   여호와의 사자가 기드온에게 나타나 이르되 큰 용사여 여호와께서 너와 함께 계시도다
Judges 6 [NIV]
The angel of the LORD came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, where his son Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites.
When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior."

사사기 7장
5   이에 백성을 인도하여 물가에 내려가매 여호와께서 기드온에게 이르시되 무릇 개의 핥는것 같이 그 혀로 물을 핥는 자는 너는 따로 세우고 또 무릇 무릎을 꿇고 마시는 자도 그같이 하라 하시더니
6   손으로 움켜 입에 대고 핥는 자의 수는 삼백명이요 그 외의 백성은 다 무릎을 꿇고 물을 마신지라
7   여호와께서 기드온에게 이르시되 내가 이 물을 핥아 먹은 삼백명으로 너희를 구원하며 미디안 사람을 네 손에 붙이리니 남은 백성은 각각 그 처소로 돌아갈 것이니라 하시니
Judges 7 [NIV]
So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the LORD told him, "Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink."
Three hundred men lapped with their hands to their mouths. All the rest got down on their knees to drink.
The LORD said to Gideon, "With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the other men go, each to his own place."

요제푸스가 Gihon은 맟췄는데, Pishon은 그의 욕심으로 갠지스강까지 갔다.
사무엘(사르곤)과 사울(산헤립)이 아니였으면 Pishon이 진짜 갠지스강으로 갈뻔했다.
Josephus got Gihon, but Pishon went to the Ganges with his greed.
Had it not been for Samuel (Sargon) and Saul (Sennacherib), Pishon would have almost gone to the real Ganges.

유대인들은 성서에서부터 거짓말을 아주 능숙하는하는 자들이라 감시하지 않으면 또 무슨 일을 저지를지 아무도 장담하지 못한다.
From the Bible, Jews are very good at lying, so no one can predict what else they will do if they don't watch.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 08:13:52 AM
 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 08:21:14 AM
Место удара импульса...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 08:57:05 AM
Quote from: justawatt on January 10, 2022, 11:37:14 AM
Does anyone have the photo of this in Hd which akula shared.
I have seen it here but cannot find it
Colour if have it please post it here

Steho Energy AG



First, you have to protest to Kapanadze,
Next, complain to Ruslan.
[it's] You can complain to Cafe Vasik041.
I don't think I've done anything special other than moving the address.
There are many different kinds of light in the world besides the sun.
good luck.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 09:03:41 AM
강용석, 너도 그러는 거 아니다.

불륜 잡놈 용석아~ ::) 니 그러는거 아니다~ 불륜 잡놈아~ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) ::)

Meet the world's largest ichthyosaur, which is 180 million years old and 33 feet long.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 09:24:35 AM

극치한테 바둑연짝내리 세판이나 깨졌다면서 예다화풀이야?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 09:42:23 AM
대부 하루쥥일 바둑얘기야 아빠.
다음엔 엉간하면 이겨줘 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 09:48:46 AM
슬슬둔겨....예전엔 쪽도못쓰던게 고새 알고급됐네......하... 8)

화성 야산에 공군 전투기 또 추락...조종사 1명 순직
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 11, 2022, 10:00:01 AM
How the Pyramids were realy built


Also have you tried type 'overunity.com'

from google ?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 10:52:17 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 11, 2022, 10:00:01 AM
How the Pyramids were realy built
Also have you tried type 'overunity.com'
from google ?

Made with lime concrete mix.
피라미드와 잉카 거대 돌벽의 비밀은?? (The concrete of pyramid & inca)


There is no better research than seeing the phenomenon face to face.
Imagination is not something we do when research is blocked, but an illusion of creation that gives meaning to the abstract power of language created by novels or myths.
Habits of graffiti on old relics are similar to Westerners and Easterners, but
People who value their own name are more competitive and tend to take away other people's things.
In particular, the archaeological and scientific communities have more people investing in names.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 11, 2022, 07:33:49 PM

A characteristic of the capacitor is that it can be rapidly charged.
If the battery is made with the concept of using the capacitor characteristics, a long charging time is not required.
All that remains is how to distribute the amount of current less.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 12, 2022, 01:25:55 AM
이곳에서 어느 것이 적절하고 부적절한지는 중요하지 않다.
이집트 세력이 강성하면 Djed이 적절한 자가 됐고, 앗시리아나 바벨론, 페르시아 세력이 강성하면 춤추는 자가 적절한 자가 됐다.
그리스나 로마 세력이 통일하면 통합되어 동일한 기능한다.
둘은 분리되어 떨어진 적이 없었다.
세력들의 선택만 있었다.

여호와는 모세가 가나안 땅에 들어가지 못한다고 말했다.
가나안이 요단강 건너 이스라엘 땅에 있다면 여호와가 틀렸다.
가나안이 모세의 몸통 자체이기 때문이다.
가나안이 그리스 땅에 있어도 여호와가 틀렸다.
모세의 두 손이 그곳에 붙어있기 때문이다.
가나안이 로마 땅에 있어도 여호와가 틀렸다.
Djed-모세의 두 손이 아펩뱀의 목을 잡고 있기 때문이고 또한 바울이 로마에 들어갔기 때문이다.
여호와의 말이 맞으려면 가나안이 스페인 땅이나, 그리스와 로마 지역에서 벗어나면 된다.
지중해 전역이 모세의 두 팔이라면 홍해기적이 아니라 지중해 기적일 일어났을 것이다.

로마제국의 포로로 유럽에 흩어져 살던 십사만사천명의 유대인 후손들이 이것을 부정하면 지난 2000년간은 존재하지 않는 것이다.
유대인들은 지난 2000년간의 Diaspora를 기억에서 완전 삭제시키기 위해 이스라엘을 건국했다.
모세에서 다시 시작하려는 그들의 사상적 선택이 적절하다 아니다의 문제는 이스라엘을 건국한 이상 기억을 정지시킨 사상의 전환일 뿐이다.

어둠의 신은 인간의 뇌에 새겨진 빛의 기억과 싸우며 새롭게 새겨지는 빛의 기억을 악으로 규정했다.
어둠은 어둠의 일을 할 뿐 빛을 원하지 않는다.
어둠에 의한 빛의 창조가 모든 것을 삼키는 근원이기 때문이다.
하나님의 스피릿이 Djed이나 춤추는 자였다해도,

태초에 하나님이 천지를 창조하시니라
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

(언어적 선험된)전제된 선제공격은 늘 유효하다는 그들의 믿음이 있는 이상 변하지 않는다.
그래서 effectiveness없는 선험적인 계약 믿음은 인간의 가장 오래된 정신병이다.
빛과 어둠은 누리는 대상이지, 굳이 (없는 것을)믿어서 생기는 대상이 아니다.

혹시라도 죽음 이후가 걱정이라면 네 기억이 만든 실효성없는 영혼을 죽여라.
영혼이 없는 인간은 모든 것에서 자유하다.
자기 자신으로부터도.
너희는 너희 자신을 모른다.
이것이 데몬의 신탁을 받던, 아펩뱀의 말을 듣고 흙으로 돌아간 소크라테스 자신의 숙제였다.
빛의 독배는 어둠의 자식에게나 죽음이다.
그것이 어둠의 자식 소크라테스의 천국일테니.

빛의 천국은 없다?
불면증으로 잠들지 못하는 영원한 빛 외에는?
영원히 잠드는 이상계가 있다면, 영원히 잠들지 못하는 이상계도 있다.
그래서 안식일은 누구의 것도 아니고 또한 누구의 것도 된다.
예배가 전제된 사태는 선험의 믿음 문제를 유발합니다.
빛과 어둠은 믿음의 대상이 아니라 낮에는 일하고 밤에는 잠자는 삶과 생존의 문제다.

It doesn't matter which is appropriate and which is inappropriate here.
When the power of Egypt was strong, Djed became the appropriate person, and when the powers of Assyria, Babylon, and Persia were strong, the dancer became the appropriate person.
When Greek or Roman powers are unified, they are united and function the same.
The two never separated.
There was only a choice of powers.

The Lord said that Moses could not enter the land of Canaan.
If Canaan was in the land of Israel across the Jordan River, Jehovah was wrong.
This is because Canaan is the body of Moses itself.
Even if Canaan was in the land of Greece, Jehovah was wrong.
Because Moses' hands are attached to it.
Even if Canaan was in the land of Rome, Jehovah was wrong.
Because Djed-Moses's two hands were holding the serpent's neck, and also because Paul entered Rome.
For the word of Jehovah to be true, Canaan needs to get out of the land of Spain or Greece and Rome.
If the entire Mediterranean were Moses' arms, the Mediterranean miracle would have happened, not the Red Sea miracle.

If the descendants of 144,000 Jews who were scattered throughout Europe as prisoners of the Roman Empire deny this, they will not exist for the past 2,000 years.
The Jews founded Israel to wipe out the last 2000 years of Diaspora from memory.
The problem of whether or not their ideological choice to start over with Moses is appropriate is just a change of thought that has stopped memory since the founding of Israel.

The God of Darkness fought against the memories of light engraved in the human brain, and defined the newly engraved memories of light as evil.
The darkness does the dark work, it does not want the light.
Because the creation of light by darkness is the source that devours everything.
Even if the spirit of God was a Djed or a dancer,

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

A predicated preemptive strike (linguistically a priori) does not change as long as there is their belief that it is always valid.
So, a priori contract belief without effectiveness is man's oldest mental illness.
Light and darkness are objects to be enjoyed, not objects to be created by believing (things that do not exist).

If you are worried about what will happen after death, kill the soul that your memories have created.
A person without a soul is free from everything.
Also from himself.
you don't know yourselves
This was the homework of Socrates himself, who had received the oracle of the demon, and returned to the earth after hearing the words of the Apep snake.
The poison cup of light is death to the children of darkness.
That would be the paradise of Socrates, the child of darkness.

Is there no heaven of light?
Except for the eternal light that can't sleep with insomnia?
There is an ideal world that sleeps forever, and there is an ideal world that cannot sleep forever.
So the Sabbath does not belong to anyone, but also belongs to someone.
Situations that presuppose worship cause the problem of faith in a priori.
Light and darkness are not an object of faith, but a matter of life and survival, working during the day and sleeping at night.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 12, 2022, 01:36:26 AM
[속보] '오스템임플란트 횡령 직원' 금괴 100㎏ 추가 발견
지난 10일 오후 오스템임플란트 회삿돈 2215억 원을 횡령한 이모씨 가족의 주거지에서 경찰이 압수수색을 마친 후 압수품을 옮기고 있다. 연합뉴스 '오스템임플란트 횡령 직원' 금괴 100㎏ 추가 발견
;D ;D ;D ;D

하늘에서 이루어진 것은 어둠과 번개가 합체된 문제고, 8)
땅에서도 이루어지길 바란 것은, ::) ::) 8) ;D
방식의 문제가 있지만,
어디까지나 취향이다. ;D ;D 8) ???

궁극적으로 무엇이 목적이냐는 없다.
어둠이나 죽음으로 생존이든, 빛으로 생존이든. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 12, 2022, 06:52:35 AM

사우디아라비아 반도를 놓고 Djed과 춤추는 자의 자리뺏기 경쟁이기 때문에 양보할 수 있는 곳이 아니다.
춤추는 자 입장에서는 터키가 주축이된 해석이고,
Djed의 입장은 춤추는 자를 배제하고 사우디아라비아 반도를 단독으로 세운 입장이다.
모세는 십계명으로 우상숭배 금지했기에 춤추는 자가 단위에 있을 수 없다.
춤추는 자의 존재 자체를 부정하기에 모세 십계도 모순이라 합체신전은 절충이 아니라 서로의 입장만 난무하는 얽힘이 공존하는 곳이다.
It's not a place to concede because it's a competition between Djeds and dancers for the Saudi Arabian peninsula.
From the dancer's point of view, Turkey is the main interpretation,
Djed's position is to exclude dancers and establish the Saudi Arabian peninsula alone.
Since Moses forbade idolatry in the Ten Commandments, no dancers could be in the unit.
The Ten Commandments of Moses are also contradictory because they deny the existence of the dancer itself.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 12, 2022, 07:21:43 AM
두 가지 해석 모두 맞아.  8)
입장이 충돌할 때는 십계명판 둘을 만든다.
하나는 여호와 단독자를 위하여, 그리고 다른 하나는 춤추는 자의 사람들을 위하여.

2019-11-29 조국 가족펀드 수사 받는
상상인저축은행 피고인 사망
2019-12-01 청와대 하명수사 의혹 '백원우 특감반' 검찰수사관 사망
2020-06-07 위안부 쉼터 소장 사망
2020-11-11 윤미향 사건 담당 부장판사 회식 중 사망 2020-12-03
'옵티머스 수사대상' 이낙연 대표실 부실장, 사망
2021-01-03 리얼미터 이사 사망
2021-03-12 LH 현직본부장 사망
2021-12-10 대장동 유한기 사망
2021-12-21 대장동 김문기 사망
2022-01-12 변호사비 대납의혹 제보자 이병철사망

이 사건들에서 누가 제일 이득보는 집단이 되겠냐. 8)
양쪽 모두 윈윈한다. 8) 8)
이런 모순이 발생하는 이유가 왤까. 8)
배신은 두 집단 모두의 부담이고 모두가 원하지 않으면서 또한 원한다. 8)

휴대폰 훌륭한 세상이다.
녹취 녹화 모든 물증이 확보된 상태라면 증인은 사실상 있으나마나 불필요하다.
진술을 뒤집고 번복하면 또 결과가 달라질 수 있는 위험이 크다.

그럼 이 상황에서 누가 제일 이득을 보는 집단이 되겠냐. 8)
살인자가 누구겠냐. 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 12, 2022, 07:46:04 AM
난 존내 큰 ufo 직접 봣기 때문에 놀랍지 않다...
2022-01-12 21:47:42
훤한 대낮에 내 머리 위로
진짜 조오오나 큰 불덩어리가
지나갓는데 소리도 진동도 없음
너무 선명해서 저 큰 게 떨어지니까
지구 멸망하는 줄 알고 울엇는데
아무 일도 없더라...

박철민 "다음주 수요일까지 '이재명 조폭 유착' 증거 공개"

여자 좀 울렸겠다.
다음 타킷이다 개희들아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 12, 2022, 08:14:10 AM
ДЕГРАВИТАЦИЯ и ХЯС (холодный ядерный синтез) LENR & Antigravitation. 12.01.22.

looking forward.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: stivep on January 12, 2022, 10:04:04 PM
Quote from: justawatt on January 10, 2022, 11:37:14 AM
Does anyone have the photo of this in Hd which akula shared.
I have seen it here but cannot find it
https://youtu.be/H_iEE5HfEB4 (https://youtu.be/H_iEE5HfEB4)
Colour if have it please post it here

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 05:23:53 AM
Mount Ararat

Searches for Noah's Ark

Durupınar site


아라랏산에서 노아의 방주가 멈췄다는 것은 사람의 딸들 하토르들을 태운 태양신전 독수리 날개 배가 Djed과 결합한 위치에 소환된 것이고 또한 Djed이 제거된 상태를 동시에 소환한 것이다.
이 사건을 계기로 Djed이 별개로 독립하지만 Djed은 처음부터 둘로 해석했다는 뜻이다.
이라크와 이란 지역을 다시 Djed으로 해석한 것은 알렉산더 대왕의 동반원정에서 시작됐다는 뜻이다.
다니엘의 비젼은 이것에 대한 언급이다.
모세가 십계명판을 둘로 만든 것도, 여호와 자신이 일으킨 노아홍수 사건을 모세 십계명판 둘로 다시 복원시켰다는거다.
The fact that Noah's Ark stopped on Mount Ararat means that the eagle-winged ship of the Sun Temple carrying Hathor, the daughters of men, was summoned to the place where it was combined with Djed, and also summoned at the same time that Djed was removed.
This incident meant that Djed became independent, but Djed interpreted it as two from the beginning.
The interpretation of Iraq and Iran as Djed means that it started with Alexander the Great's accompanying expedition.
Daniel's vision is a reference to this.
The reason that Moses made the Ten Commandments in two is that Jehovah himself restored the Noah's Flood incident with two Moses' Ten Commandments.

1   사람이 땅위에 번성하기 시작할 때에 그들에게서 딸들이 나니
2   하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들의 아름다움을 보고 자기들의 좋아하는 모든 자로 아내를 삼는지라
3   여호와께서 가라사대 나의 신이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육체가 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 일백 이십년이 되리라 하시니라
4   당시에 땅에 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들을 취하여 자식을 낳았으니 그들이 용사라 고대에 유명한 사람이었더라
5   여호와께서 사람의 죄악이 세상에 관영함과 그 마음의 생각의 모든 계획이 항상 악할 뿐임을 보시고
6   땅위에 사람 지으셨음을 한탄하사 마음에 근심하시고
7   가라사대 나의 창조한 사람을 내가 지면에서 쓸어 버리되 사람으로부터 육축과 기는 것과 공중의 새까지 그리하리니 이는 내가 그것을 지었음을 한탄함이니라 하시니라
8   그러나 노아는 여호와께 은혜를 입었더라
Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them,
that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.
Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
The LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them."
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

8   하나님이 노아와 그와 함께한 아들들에게 일러 가라사대
9   내가 내 언약을 너희와 너희 후손과
10   너희와 함께한 모든 생물 곧 너희와 함께한 새와 육축과 땅의 모든 생물에게 세우리니 방주에서 나온 모든것 곧 땅의 모든 짐승에게니라
11   내가 너희와 언약을 세우리니 다시는 모든 생물을 홍수로 멸하지 아니할 것이라 땅을 침몰할 홍수가 다시 있지 아니하리라
12   하나님이 가라사대 내가 나와 너희와 및 너희와 함께하는 모든 생물 사이에 영세까지 세우는 언약의 증거는 이것이라
13   내가 내 무지개를 구름 속에 두었나니 이것이 나의 세상과의 언약의 증거니라
14   내가 구름으로 땅을 덮을 때에 무지개가 구름 속에 나타나면
15   내가 나와 너희와 및 혈기 있는 모든 생물 사이의 내 언약을 기억하리니 다시는 물이 모든 혈기 있는 자를 멸하는 홍수가 되지 아니할찌라
16   무지개가 구름 사이에 있으리니 내가 보고 나 하나님과 땅의 무릇 혈기 있는 모든 생물 사이에 된 영원한 언약을 기억하리라
17   하나님이 노아에게 또 이르시되 내가 나와 땅에 있는 모든 생물 사이에 세운 언약의 증거가 이것이라 하셨더라
Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying,
"Now behold, I Myself do establish My covenant with you, and with your descendants after you;
and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you; of all that comes out of the ark, even every beast of the earth.
"I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth."
God said, "This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations;
I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.
"It shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow will be seen in the cloud,
and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.
"When the bow is in the cloud, then I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth."
And God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth."

그러나 여호와는 후회하는 사건을 많이 일으킨다.
여호와가 후회하는 이유는,
여호와가 어둠이라 드라큘라처럼 빛을 싫어한다.
倩女幽魂 黑山魔王
죽음처럼 부정적인 뜻을 가진 모든 것들의 정점에 있는 신이라서다.
But Jehovah causes many regretful events.
The reason Jehovah regrets,
Because Jehovah is darkness, he hates light like Dracula.
倩女幽魂 黑山魔王
Because he is the god at the apex of everything that has a negative connotation like death.

사무엘상 9장
27   성읍 끝에 이르매 사무엘이 사울에게 이르되 사환으로 우리를 앞서게 하라 사환이 앞서매 또 가로되 너는 이제 잠간 서 있으라 내가 하나님의 말씀을 네게 들리리라
1 Samuel 9 [NASB]
As they were going down to the edge of the city, Samuel said to Saul, "Say to the servant that he might go ahead of us and pass on, but you remain standing now, that I may proclaim the word of God to you."

사무엘상 10장
1   이에 사무엘이 기름병을 취하여 사울의 머리에 붓고 입맞추어 가로되 여호와께서 네게 기름을 부으사 그 기업의 지도자를 삼지 아니하셨느냐
2   네가 오늘 나를 떠나가다가 베냐민 경계 셀사에 있는 라헬의 묘실 곁에서 두 사람을 만나리니 그들이 네게 이르기를 네가 찾으러 갔던 암나귀들을 찾은지라 네 아비가 암나귀들의 염려는 놓았으나 너희를 인하여 걱정하여 가로되 내 아들을 위하여 어찌하리요 하더라 할 것이요
3   네가 거기서 더 나아가서 다볼 상수리나무에 이르면 거기서 하나님께 뵈려고 벧엘로 올라가는 세 사람이 너와 만나리니 하나는 염소 새끼 셋을 이끌었고 하나는 떡 세 덩이를 가졌고 하나는 포도주 한 가죽부대를 가진 자라
4   그들이 네게 문안하고 떡 두덩이를 주겠고 너는 그 손에서 받으리라
5   그 후에 네가 하나님의 산에 이르리니 그곳에는 블레셋 사람의 영문이 있느니라 네가 그리로 가서 그 성읍으로 들어갈 때에 선지자의 무리가 산당에서부터 비파와 소고와 저와 수금을 앞세우고 예언하며 내려오는 것을 만날 것이요
6   네게는 여호와의 신이 크게 임하리니 너도 그들과 함께 예언을 하고 변하여 새 사람이 되리라
1 Samuel 10 [NASB]    
Then Samuel took the flask of oil, poured it on his head, kissed him and said, "Has not the LORD anointed you a ruler over His inheritance?
"When you go from me today, then you will find two men close to Rachel's tomb in the territory of Benjamin at Zelzah; and they will say to you, 'The donkeys which you went to look for have been found. Now behold, your father has ceased to be concerned about the donkeys and is anxious for you, saying, "What shall I do about my son?"'
"Then you will go on further from there, and you will come as far as the oak of Tabor, and there three men going up to God at Bethel will meet you, one carrying three young goats, another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a jug of wine;
and they will greet you and give you two loaves of bread, which you will accept from their hand.
"Afterward you will come to the hill of God where the Philistine garrison is; and it shall be as soon as you have come there to the city, that you will meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place with harp, tambourine, flute, and a lyre before them, and they will be prophesying.
"Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you mightily, and you shall prophesy with them and be changed into another man.

사무엘상 15장
10   여호와의 말씀이 사무엘에게 임하니라 가라사대
11   내가 사울을 세워 왕 삼은 것을 후회하노니 그가 돌이켜서 나를 좇지 아니하며 내 명령을 이루지 아니하였음이니라 하신지라 사무엘이 근심하여 온 밤을 여호와께 부르짖으니라
1 Samuel 15 [NASB]
Then the word of the LORD came to Samuel, saying,
"I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following Me and has not carried out My commands " And Samuel was distressed and cried out to the LORD all night.

구약에서 여호와가 사울왕을 버렸듯이,
신약의 바울도 여호와가 버렸다는 것을 의도적으로 공표한 것이 개명전 사울이다.
As in the Old Testament, the Lord forsook Saul,
It is Saul before the change of name that intentionally announced that the Lord had forsaken Paul in the New Testament.

그러나 노아는 여호와께 은혜를 입었더라
노아의 사적은 이러하니라 노아는 의인이요 당세에 완전한 자라 그가 하나님과 동행하였으며
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
These are the records of the generations of Noah.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time;  Noah walked with God.

완전한 자(blameless, 죄없는 자)의 조건은 하나님과 동행해야하며 네피림과 달라야 한다.
The condition of being perfect (blameless, without sin) is to walk with God and be different from the Nephilim.

홍수 폭우(홍수의 뜻은 노아시대에 긴 역사가 네피림으로 사라졌다는 뜻이다. 공백기).
방주로 들어오고 나가는 온갖 짐승들.
Flood Heavy rain (the meaning of flood means that the long history disappeared as the Nephilim in the days of Noah. A blank period).
All kinds of animals entering and leaving the ark.

노아의 홍수 이후 연대기 다음에 바벨탑 사건은 사람이 탑을 쌓은 것이라 춤추는 자가 앉아있는 것이 바벨탑이 된다.
After the chronology of Noah's Flood, the Tower of Babel incident is that man built a tower, and the one where the dancer is sitting becomes the Tower of Babel.

바벨탑 위에 강림한 여호와는 어둠신이 아니라 번개신이다.
노아에게 방주 만들라 지시한 여호와도 번개신이다.
홍수 자체가 태양으로 비롯된 빛이기 때문이다.
어둠신-여호와 빛을 인간을 멸족시키는 도구로 활용했다.
Jehovah, who descended on the Tower of Babel, is not a god of darkness, but a god of lightning.
The Lord who instructed Noah to build the ark is also the god of lightning.
This is because the flood itself is light from the sun.
The Dark God-Jehovah used the light as a tool to annihilate humans.

벽돌-흙은 빛으로 쌓을 수 있는 것이 아니다.
흙으로 돌아갈 사람과 어둠이 할 일이고 그들의 영역에서 발생해야 한다.
Brick-earth is not something that can be built with light.
Those who return to dust and darkness are to do and must arise in their realm.

어둠신 여호와는 죽음이 일상이지만, 빛의 광포함으로 인해서 반사이익된, 안식과 평화의 가면을 쓰고 있다.
Although death is daily life, the dark god Jehovah wears a mask of rest and peace, benefited from the madness of light.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 05:42:51 AM
ЗАПИРАЮЩИЙ конденсатор в цепи НЧ LC - рез. контура. 13.01.22.

ДЕГРАВИТАЦИЯ и ХЯС (холодный ядерный синтез) LENR & Antigravitation. 12.01.22. - https://youtu.be/_hT8d-_Wluw
лента МЁБИУСА и что такое НЕЙТРОН 0,311 × 10^ - 6 эрг. 03.09.21. - https://youtu.be/XvOA6ueEUJU 
магнитный ПОТОК - 0,911 x 10^ - 6 Вб. 12.05.21. - https://youtu.be/aUVBnTUu-lo?t=1 
ЧИСЛО 137 - Постоянная тонкой структуры - Постоянная Зоммерфельда. 03.03.21. - https://youtu.be/2PViGxbXji4?t=4 
377 Ом - ВОЛНОВОЕ сопротивление вакуума. 15.02.21. - https://youtu.be/_p1-Bc5y2aQ 
КАРТА парка Карлсруэ - Karlsruhe Durlach map. 09.02.21. - https://youtu.be/6jlWbM4Cs6k?t=10 
КАРТА мультипликации Н. ТЕСЛА. Nicola Tesla's Map to Multiplication. 04.02.21. - https://youtu.be/HTElSKxS6VU 
русские ЧАСЫ и нейтрон. 11.12.20. - https://youtu.be/YD7gi5FSlKc 
русская ПЯДЬ и мюонное нейтрино. 01.11.20. - https://youtu.be/DnYsknTq7eM 
русский АРШИН и позитрон 0,711 x 10^ 6 Å. 01.09.20. - https://youtu.be/dBx7s-aIJ2Y?t=4 
3,73 киловольт и Р.Ф. АВРАМЕНКО. 12.09.20. - https://youtu.be/AXMfVob0aps?t=3 
МАГНИТНЫЙ поток нейтронов в катушке КАДУЦЕЙ. 10.07.21. - https://youtu.be/WNbQsFs2dtg?t=1 
волны де Бройля у ГРЕБЕННИКОВА-ЗОЛОТАРЁВА. 20.06.21. - https://youtu.be/faB8t6dlpXo 
ЭФИР Гребенникова-Золотарёва-Рыкова. 09.06.21. - https://youtu.be/rQ8P275XB0g?t=3 
колонны ИОНИЧЕСКОГО ордера. 25.04.21. - https://youtu.be/6gqpJelkc4c?t=5 
ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ и позитронная проводимость. 11.04.21. - https://youtu.be/CHXMwVPo9-g?t=1 
СФИРАЛЬ Басаргина. 30.12.21. - https://youtu.be/s4EMlYIRxbQ?t=2  БУРТАЕВ Ю.В. структура электрона. 23.12.21. - https://youtu.be/WejtYutrzPc?t=1 
Циклический ритмичный сбалансированный обмен КИЛИ & РАССЕЛ / John Keely & Walter Russell. 20.12.21. - https://youtu.be/qbgJfFdCKB0 
Деил Понд - Симпатическая вибрационная физика SVP Джона КИЛИ / John Worrell Keely. 11.12.21. - https://youtu.be/jblK35MM7jU?t=5 
эффект Джона СЁРЛА в интерпретации MrDelfin. 04.11.21. - https://youtu.be/IVRUZSuL15k?t=15 
БУРТАЕВ Ю. В. - Частицы как КОЛЕБАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ГАРМОНИКИ в среде-субстрате. 03.10.21. - https://youtu.be/5ii73xs_RG4
ПОЗИТРОНЫ и последовательный резонансный LC-контур. 10.08.21. - https://youtu.be/SZj89gwLx-Q?t=1

Youtube-канал «Anton Dremlyuga» был создан в 2012 с целью практических и теоретических исследований проблематики вопроса альтернативной энергии, так как за альтернативной, не углеводородной энергетикой будущее. Основной акцент делался прежде всего на разработку электрических установок без каких-либо вращающихся частей и механики, а также преследовалась компактность, отсутствие заземления (заземляющий контур или заземляющий кабель) и каких-либо антенн. Основа исследовательской работы - это манипуляции на практике с волновыми и LC резонансными контурами, изучения вопросов, связанных с прерываниями магнитного потока, вопросы разделения (сепарации) электрической и магнитной компоненты электрического тока в электрических цепях, выявление закономерностей и описание их в теоретической форме. Опора исследований по вышеуказанным направлениям строится по следующему порядку: обработка доступного теоретического и практического объема информации из русскоязычного и англоязычного сегмента интернета по вышеуказанным темам, составление короткого вывода из обработанной информации, составления примерного плана по реализации идеи взятой из выводов, составления практической схемы опыта, проведения опыта, анализ проведенного опыта, составление теоретического описания выводов из опыта в текстовом формате. Таким образом происходит систематизация пройденного материала, взятого из практики и формирования теоретических основ для следующих опытов. Шаг за шагом к поставленной цели: «Создание автономных сверхъединичных источников электрической энергии, разработка действующей модели генератора с избыточным выделением электрической энергии».

The «Anton Dremlyuga» YouTube channel was created in 2012 for the purpose of practical and theoretical studies of the issue of alternative energy, since alternative, non-hydrocarbon energy is the future. The main emphasis was primarily on the development of electrical installations without any rotating parts and mechanics, as well as compactness, lack of grounding (grounding circuit or grounding cable) and any antennas were pursued. The basis of research work is manipulations in practice with wave and LC resonant circuits, studying issues related to interruptions of magnetic flux, issues of separation (separation) of electric and magnetic components of electric current in electrical circuits, identifying patterns and describing them in theoretical form. The support of research in the above areas is based on the following order: processing of the available theoretical and practical amount of information from the Russian and English-speaking segment of the Internet on the above topics, drawing up a short conclusion from the processed information, drawing up an approximate plan for the implementation of the idea taken from the conclusions, drawing up a practical scheme of experience, conducting experience, analyzing the experience, drawing up a theoretical description of the conclusions from the experience in text format. Thus, there is a systematization of the material covered, taken from practice and the formation of theoretical foundations for the following experiments. Step by step to the goal: «Creation of overunity sources of electrical energy with COP more 1, development of an operating model of a generator with excessive release of electrical energy».
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 05:47:02 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 05:56:09 AM
Вопро-си-ки госпожа физика!

Пока вы тратите свой талант не на ту трассу, ваша удача пойдет в другом месте.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 06:02:19 AM
대보나마나 게임 끝난거같다.....헤헿 ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 06:21:18 AM
Quote from: justawatt on January 10, 2022, 11:37:14 AM
Does anyone have the photo of this in Hd which akula shared.
I have seen it here but cannot find it
Colour if have it please post it here

Quote from: stivep on January 12, 2022, 09:34:56 PM
Color  is copying whatever he can just to be able to snick his Korean content  without  attention of moderators.
This was in Germany

All I know about German generators is the schematic published by justawatt member.
The reason for kindly answering something you don't know is probably a greeting.
The schematic was previously published by Akura.
And it is not illegal to disclose the circuit diagram of Akura for personal research purposes, not for business purposes.
And my company did not have any technical alliances with German related companies related to Akura.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 06:31:41 AM
Come Together (Remastered 2009)
>:( >:( >:( >:( 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 06:40:04 AM
JEE Main Physics Mechanics #36 QUICK! Conservation of Energy

Waste of energy on useless arguments is alike in the East and the West.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 10:31:41 PM
[[누구]의 말이다]가 중요하지 않은 이유는,
누구나 말하고 생각할 수 있다는거야.
그 상황, 그 위치, 그런 조건에 대해 구체적으로 생각한 적이 없다는 것일 뿐이고.
물질계가 움직이는 기본적인 자연의 법칙을 보편적 인간들은 누구나가 경험으로 선험으로 알고있다.
어떤 철학자가 만든 새로운 개념적인 용어라해도 새로운 물리법칙이 아닌 이상 보편적 인간들은 누구나가 경험으로 선험으로 알고있다.
인간이 무엇인가를 이해하는 범주란 경험과 선험 안에 있어서다.

카파나제, 아쿠라 발전기처럼 경험과 선험을 벗어난 것들은 이해시키려해도 이해하지 못해.

수천년 철학이 거기서 거기 제자리걸음하는 이유도, 언어, 단어가 필요의 요구에 의해 수천년간 다듬고 정교해진 것들이라 새로운 단어가 필요한 개념이 도출되려면 새로운 기의적인 뭔가가 존재해야하지만 그런것은 없다는거야.
그래서 기존의 단어가 존재하는 것들을 두 세가지 묶어서 만들어낸 철학개념들만 난립한다.
이렇게 만들어진 개념들이 보편적으로 쓰임받느냐면 또 그렇지 않다는거야.
같은 단어라도 상황에 따라 의미가 달라진다는 아주 사소한, 예전부터 모두가 알고있던 언어생활의 기본전제지만 이것을 발견인 것처럼 포장한 것이 "차이와 반복" "차연"이란 개념을 만든 것 처럼말야.

그래서 특히 철학은 기본적인 언어법칙안에서의 개념들이라 [누구의 말이다]가 중요하지 않은 이유다.
칸트가 만든 "선험"이란 말도 직접 경험하지 못한 것들을 배움에서 얻는 것들의 총체적인 의미 이상도 이하도 아닌 것이지만,
이런 말장난하는 소위 철학자들이 칸트를 인용한다.

논리학, 미학, 윤리학, 인식론, 존재론, 형이상학
다원주의 학파, 메가라 학파, 소크라테스 이전 철학자, 스토아 학파, 신플라톤주의, 신피타고라스 학파, 아리스토텔레스주의, 에레트리아 학파, 에피쿠로스 학파, 엘레아 학파, 원자론, 이오니아 학파 (에페소스 학파, 밀레토스 학파), 키니코스 학파, 키레네 학파, 페리파토스 학파, 플라톤주의, 피론주의, 피타고라스 학파, 해석학
기독교 철학, 르네상스휴머니즘, 스콜라주의, 토미즘   
성리학, 일본 주자학, 한국의 유교
바이타, 신정리 학파, 비시슈타드바이타
수피즘, 이븐 시나 철학칼람
데카르트주의, 마르크스주의, 스피노자주의, 신칸트주의, 칸트주의, 헤겔주의   
결정론, 경험론, 공리주의, 관념론 (객관적 관념론, 독일 관념론, 선험적 관념론, 영국 관념론, 절대 관념주의, 주관적 관념론), 실용주의, 유물론, 이원론, 일원론, 자연주의, 합리론, 환원주의
개인주의, 자유주의, 고쿠가쿠(일본 에도 시대 중반 발생한 국수주의적 학문), 토대주의, 네오토미즘, 모더니즘, 보수주의, 사회 계약, 사회주의, 신유가, 실존주의, 실증주의, 아나키즘, 유사주의, 자연법, 전체론, 집산주의, 초월주의, 허무주의, 현상학, 휴머니즘
공동체주의, 과학적 실재론, 과학적 회의주의, 과학주의, 규범 윤리학, 논리 실증주의, 덕 윤리학, 도덕적 현실주의, 롤스 철학(가장 합리적인 원리는 모든 사람이 공정한 지위에서 수용하고 동의하는 것이다), 메타윤리학, 반증 가능성, 법실증주의, 분석 마르크스주의, 분석 여성주의, 비트겐슈타인 철학, 비판적 합리주의, 빈 학파, 생성 문법, 실험 철학, 응용 윤리학, 일상 언어 철학, 탈분석 철학, 현대 공리주의   
구조주의, 비판 이론, 사회적 구성주의(Social Constructivism), 사회 구성주의(Social Constructionism), 서방 마르크스주의, 신마르크스주의, 신유사주의, 실존주의, 여성주의 철학, 탈구축, 탈구조주의, 탈근대주의, 프랑크푸르트 학파, 해석학, 현상학
교토 학파, 객관주의, 러시아 우주주의
도덕적 개별주의, 도덕적 보편주의, 도덕률, 상대주의, 회의주의,
관념론, 물리주의, 물활론, 반실재론, 실재론, 유명론, 유물론, 자연주의,
사건행동 이론, 과정 철학
경험론, 관념론, 구성주의 인식론, 신앙주의, 유아론, 인식론적 개별주의, 합리론, 회의주의

철학자들이 이름을 알리는 목적은, 이름으로 정의된 자신을 모르는 너 자신이 이름밖에 없기 때문이야.
기억력, 기억세포를 가진 사람은 누구나 생각케하는 이름을 가졌다.
하다못해 마당쇠, 개똥이도 이름이 있다.
이름은 자신을 위한 것이 아니라 타자에게 자신이 팔리기 위함이야.
누군 생각하고 누군 생각하지 못하고가 아니야.

생활 언어는, 살로, 온몸으로 부대끼며 만고의 시간을 살아온 이런 민초라는 생활인들이 만들었다.
철학자는 이렇게 만들어진 언어를 자신의 이름으로 도둑질하는 인간들이다.
세종 이도처럼.
민초, 소, 돼지들은 그들에게 먹히는 철학-약육강식 피해자들이야.

가장 기본적인 생각도 없는 자들이 이따구 철학자 이름팔이하는 자들이야.

그러냐 안드러냐 고명섭.

아쿠라와 루슬란이 대단한 이유도 경험과 선험을 벗어난 것을 이해하고 공개했다는거야.
더 대단한 것은 이런 코스가 하나가 아니라 넷이 있다는 거야.
너희들은 고작에 하나 또는 둘을 이제사 이해한 것이고.
이조차도 개념적 이해가 아니라 설비-구조적으로 이해하는 초보수준이라는거야.

엉터리들은 다음에도 엉터리 확정이라 열외다.

공진원리를 발전기에 적용했는데 왜 작동하지 않는가?

그들 질문은 매번 똑같다.

Лаборатория «Steho». Полная версия

Maikl G
Самое поразительное в этом видео, что эксперты не решились дать денег на производство, но тут же стали высчитывать сколько они могут получать доход если будут потреблять меньше и соответственно платить меньше, а потребителю отдавать по прежним ценам! То есть их не интересует экономия конечного потребителя и заработок самого изобретателя, главное свой карман набить баблом!

Дело не в скромности. Два фактора, человек очевидно боится вынести изобретение в массы, потому что скопировать такое чудо - для знающих людей - два пальца об асфальт. Второе - энергетика приносит колоссальные доходы государству и если это распространиться повсеместно, энергия станет почти бесплатной, а этого государство не допустит, проще закопать Степанова с его изобретением и забыть, что он вообще существовал. Один выход - отдать это изобретение людям, пусть собирают и пользуются, так хоть доброе дело сделает. Хотя по чесноку изобретение далеко не его, были прецеденты и  ранее, да только все закончилось печально для изобретателей.

Скажу отдельно Резонансный двиг это просто вкусные няшки, не без этого

Степанов красавчик, олигархам невыгодны такие установки, скоро будем вводить бестопливные установки!

Sergei Ivanov
Добрый день,  так чем закончилась история, в какой сейчас стадии

Игорь Садретдинов
Шесть лет назад мы приезжали с Татарстана ,видели проект и установку на заводе все работает, можно получать от реактивной энергии пользу.

Касательно подъемных: на клавиатуре ЦУКЕР вторая часть ключа Минск Золотая Горка БелСел (Берг) CDMA2000

Переменный мост с КПД 125% без баласта само запита или по вашим букварям 225% а реально 375%. Как вариант Контролер и Частотник в Качестве СамоЗапита Дома 20КВТ.
Самое главное движение не сжигает эфир только расширение пространства Вселенной.

Естественно все divB=n для системы уравнений Максвела

Вадим Смирнов
Это тот самый Аркадий который приезжал к Роману Карнаухову в семипалатинск на демонстрацию генератора

На листе есть схема divB=1000 это в самом худшем случае, разрешили только потому что самые запиленые транзисторы РВСН 60х

Парни патент что надо Сделаю Крутейше только для Переменки Мостом Я так понимаю вы делали  Эффект  Dual мост ALT+126 намного лучше только пассивная экономия железно 75% это без учёта divB=2  реально по букварям классиков КПД 125% без баласта самозапита

Виталий Назаренко
Заинтриговал! Где это чудо можно увидеть?Спасибо.

по ходу один из патентов от Акулы.. https://youtu.be/bMdy4l-ZqeU

А воз и ныне там!


Sergey Gorihovski
блять я пять лет назад сделал то что он показует сейчас и понимаю как это работает какие нахуй патенты!!!  делайте и пользуйтесь но от сети  и это панос автономно что слабо жаль что люди не верят в то что все намного проще и работает полностью автономно

Mars Yarullin
Sergey Gorihovski ,это можно дома сделать,у нас старый дом,маленькие дети,вечно холодно и обогреватели жрут электричество,помоги собрать такую штуку,не бесплатно уж конечно.моя семья была бы благодарная вам

Хрюн Моржов
Не все же мошейники , как ТЫ!

Хрюн Моржов
Хватит врать ,мошейник!

Мост сами или нам

Анатолий. С
ни чего нового ,вот только на счёт патентования если  у другого человека такие же мысли пришли в голоау что потентовать мысли или голову ?а адруг первоисточник рождения мысли и вообще не сам человек?он лишь приёмник,.

Sergey Gorihovski
что ж ты степашка так долго не можешь найти инвесторое ................... может тебе автономное делать ...................... или не дают все давно работает полностью автономно. Я варавайки , экономки давно продаю и живу на этом прекрасно ........ что то посвежей предложи или не пускают
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 13, 2022, 11:48:34 PM
 ;D ;D 8) 8)
니체 극장 - 영원회귀와 권력의지의 드라마
다르지 않다. 야스퍼스의 말대로 난점은 끊임없이 발생하고 난관은 쉬지 않고 다가온다. 그 곤경은 니체를 이해하고자 하는 사람에게 좌 절감, 때로는 절망감을 안긴다. 거기서 멈춰서면 우리는 니체에게 잡아먹히고 만다. 우리는 불안을 가슴에 품은 채로 니체 안으로, 니체가 자신의 내면에 파놓은 어두운 동굴 안으로 들어가는 수밖에 없다.
니체는 모순의 철학자다. 니체라는 인간을 구성하는 것은 무수히 많은 모순된 명제들이다. 그 명제들 가운데 어디에 주목하느냐에 따 라 니체의 모습은 확연히 달라진다. 한없이 부드럽고 여성적인 니체가 있는가 하면, 비할 바 없이 거칠고 남성적인 니체도 있다. 실존의 문제를 붙들고 씨름하는 니체가 있는가 하면 위험하고도 섬뜩한 정치 적 비전을 제시하는 니체도 있다. 또 진리란 무엇인가와 같은 질문에 대한 답을 찾으려고 애쓰는 학자 니체가 있는가 하면 전쟁을 찬양하 고 파괴를 선동하는 전사 니체도 있다.
그런 여러 얼굴의 니체 가운데 그동안 우리가 만난 니체는 대체로 온건한 표정의 니체였다. 진리 문제에 몰두하는 학자 같은 니체였다. 신의 죽음이라는 문제를 안고 대낮에 램프를 들고 배회하는 광인 같 은 니체라고 해도 두려움을 불러일으키기보다는 약간 이상하게 보이 지만 알고 보면 생각이 깊은 니체였다. 제2차 세계대전 종결 뒤 영어 권에 니체를 알렸던 월터 카우프만이 그런 니체상을 유포한 사람 가 운데 대표자였다. 당시 영국이나 미국 독자들은 히틀러 Adolf Hitler, 1989~1945의 독일이 니체를 나치즘의 철학자로 활용하고 선전한 데 영 향을 받아 니체에 대해 아주 부정적인 인상을 품고 있었다. 카우프만 은 나치가 사랑한 호전적인 니체와는 다른 니체를 제시하려고 했다. 예를 들어, 나치는 니체가 말한 '금발의 야수'를 지배와 정복을 향해 질주하는 게르만 민족 혹은 아리아 종족으로 이해했지만, 카우프만은


니체는 헤겔 영향 받아서 [신은 죽어있다]고 재탕한게다..... ;D ;D 8) 8)
어중이떠중이 지젝이 숟가락 꽂다가 나가리된거구. ;D
명색이 미카엘 천사(전사)가 직접 파볼 생각은 안쿠 어준이 떠중이들모냥 숟가락만 언즈면되것어? ;D 8)

Those who fight monsters should be careful not to become monsters themselves in the fight.
Wer mit Ungeheuern kampft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird.
괴물과 싸우는 사람은 그 싸움속에서 스스로 괴물이 되지 않도록 조심해야 한다.

And if you gaze for a long time into the abyss of a monster, it will also look into you.
Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.
그리고 괴물의 심연을 오랫동안 들여다본다면 그 심연 또한 우리를 들여다보게 될 것이다.

니체가 말하는 심연 괴묾은 의식/무의식 자아가 아니라 빛의 상대격인 어둠과 죽음을 말하는게야. 8)
심연 괴물 정체가 어둠신 여호와니까. 8)

네피림과 여호와의 관계는 동기동창이다. ;D
창조 선언만이 여호와의 전부니까. 8)

사막 낙타가 조금씩 주인의 텐트안으로 들어와 주인의 자리를 빼앗듯이,
아쿠라, 루슬란처럼 기술을 선(先) 공개한 자는 이후 끊임없는 도전과 불이익을 받는다. ;D ;D
선험적 기술의 공개란 그런게야. 8)

빛을 비판하는 자가 받는 것은 어둠이 전부이듯이? 8)

신의 정체는 모세를 통해 이미 드러났지만,
지금도 기독교인들은 뱀을 사탄으로 깐다. ;D ;D 8) 8)
까는 대상이 예수란 것을 알아도 깐다? ;D ;D
모두까기? ;D 8)

여호와는 모세통해 합체신전을 이용하지만, 첫째 날 빛을 창조한 가장 큰 이유지만, 여호와는 빛을 재앙으로 이용할 뿐 도무지 어둠(죽음)을 내주질 않았어. ;D 8)
심연의 괴물은 그렇게 누군가 죽을 날을 학수고대하고 있는게야. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)


더 웃긴건 뭔지암? 밖에서 들어올때 문이 그냥 열림ㅋㅋ 한마디로 잠깐 편의점만 갔다가 빨리올려고 문을 안잠그고 간거같은데 그 사이에 누군가 집안에 들어온거지
그럼 그사이 누가들어온장면도 시시티비에 있어야정상이지
그니깐 그게 없으니깐 문이 두번 열렸다 닫힌것도 이상하다는거지
1시간 정도 풀영상으로 공개못하고 고작 30초짜리 밖에서 계단 올라오는 장면만 공개하는 이유가 뭘까?

;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 14, 2022, 12:40:24 AM
HYOLYN (효린) 'Layin' Low (feat. Jooyoung)' Official MV

쥴리 영부인되는 날부터 무기한 총파업.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 14, 2022, 12:45:24 AM
이사진은 또 원제 가져갔댜...... ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)

옛날이 포청천이 그랬다. 8)
백성은 열을 잘못해도 용서될 수 있지만,
국가의 녹을 먹는 검사는 단 하나를 어겨도 사형이다 ;D 8)
검사출신이 일반 백성과 똑같이 구는 것은 자질부족도 부족이지만, 
두 번 다시 법의 탈을 쓴 탐관오리 검사권력은 견제하지 못한다.. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 14, 2022, 12:49:23 AM
Бифилярная катушка.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 14, 2022, 01:58:56 AM
벌건 대낮에 남으 면상때기 옥새(玉璽) 막도장으루 전용헝거보닝께 딱봐두 존귀하신 건달바성 여편네마나님이구믄....... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 14, 2022, 02:54:29 AM
엄마 홧이퉹~!

Я изучаю это и вроде начинает доходить до меня как сделать установку СР-а. Сегнетоэлектрик (в зарубежной литературе распространено название "ферроэлектрик") — материал, обладающий спонтанной поляризацией, ориентацию которой можно изменить посредством внешнего электрического поля. Натрий азотистокислый (NaNO2) интересует (фото). Что мы видим у СР-а? Три транзистора. Один для катушки Тесла - Качера. Он активирует сегнетову соль которая находиться внутри ферритовой "колбасы" и создаёт "мёртвое поле" . Два транзистора на радиаторе с охлаждением. Чего греются? Потому что через них проходит большой ток с небольшим напряжением (электромагнит) до пяти ампер. Два транзистора - простой мультивибратор для смены полярности в катушке электромагнита с нужной частотой, например 50 Гц. С помощью этого и поворачиваются домены сегнетовой соли создавая при этом мощное электромагнитное поле с небольшими затратами на его создание. Ну а съём по классике со съёмной обмотки как в обычном генераторе тока. Тупо - популярно! Берёшь ферритовую "колбасу" лучше из аморфного железа. Засыпаешь во внутрь её соль. Поверх мотается первичка и вторичка Теселки. Поверх Теселки обмотка электромагнита которая будет питаться от мультивибратора (два транзистора) и создавать знакопеременное магнитное поле. Дальше съёмная катушка. На этом пока всё.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 07:38:22 AM
because the better is the dead of the good.......

아랍인의 스페인 정복 때 북아프리카 베르베르인들과 함께 스페인에 들어간 유대교가 '세파르디' 유대인의 기원이 됐다.
동방의 코카서스에 있던 유대왕국 하자르가 동유럽 '아시케나지' 또는 이디시어를 쓰는 유대인의 기원이 되었다.
유대인들이 그토록 배척하는 팔레스타인 사람들은 따지고 보면 유대인과 다르지 않다.
7세기경 아랍인이 팔레스타인을 점령한 뒤 이슬람으로 개종한 수십만 유대 농민들의 자손일 가능성이 높다는 것.

바울이 2차, 3차 사역은 유대인 포로들을 도보로 그리스까지 이동시켰다.
Paul's 2nd and 3rd ministry was to move Jewish captives to Greece on foot.

디모데전서 디모데후서
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy 2 Timothy

사도행전과 바울서신에 등장하는 바울의 행적이 유대인 포로들이 50명씩 또는 100명씩 배당된 곳이다.
포로들을 한 번에 5000명, 7000명씩 도보로 이동시켰다.
로마는 바르 코크바와 전쟁하는 와중에도 유대인들을 대량으로 갈릴리 북쪽 터키 지역으로 이동시켰다.
유대 민중들이 바르 코크바 저항세력 지원하는 것을 차단하기 위해서였다.
예수의 [물고기 두 마리, 떡 다섯개] 사역은 유대인 포로들 이동중에 음식공급을 단편적인 편집이다.
예수가 하늘에 축복의 기도를 한 것은 그곳이 Nut-몸에 해당하는 하늘이라서다.
바리새인이 하늘로서 오는 표적을 요구한 것도 누트의 몸에 해당하는  하늘에서 일어난 일이라서다.
Paul's actions in Acts and Paul's epistles are where the Jewish captives were assigned 50 or 100 each.
The prisoners of war were moved on foot by 5000 and 7000 at a time.
Even during the war with Bar Kokhbar, Rome moved large numbers of Jews to the Turkish region north of Galilee.
This was to prevent the Jewish people from supporting the Bar Kokhbar forces.
The ministry of Jesus [two fish, five loaves] is a fragmentary compilation of food supply during the exile of the Jewish captives.
The reason Jesus prayed for blessing in heaven was because it was the heaven that corresponds to the Nut-body.
The reason the Pharisees asked for a sign from heaven was because it happened in heaven, which corresponds to Nut's body.

고린도후서 13장
1   내가 이제 세 번째 너희에게 갈터이니 두세 증인의 입으로 말마다 확정하리라
2   내가 이미 말하였거니와 지금 떠나 있으나 두 번째 대면하였을 때와 같이 전에 죄 지은 자들과 그 남은 모든 사람에게 미리 말하노니 내가 다시 가면 용서하지 아니하리라
3   이는 그리스도께서 내 안에서 말씀하시는 증거를 너희가 구함이니 저가 너희를 향하여 약하지 않고 도리어 너희 안에서 강하시니라
4   그리스도께서 약하심으로 십자가에 못 박히셨으나 오직 하나님의 능력으로 살으셨으니 우리도 저의 안에서 약하나 너희를 향하여 하나님의 능력으로 저와 함께 살리라
5   너희가 믿음에 있는가 너희 자신을 시험하고 너희 자신을 확증하라 예수 그리스도께서 너희 안에 계신 줄을 너희가 스스로 알지 못하느냐 그렇지 않으면 너희가 버리운 자니라
6   우리가 버리운 자 되지 아니한 것을 너희가 알기를 내가 바라고
7   우리가 하나님께서 너희로 악을 조금도 행하지 않게 하시기를 구하노니 이는 우리가 옳은 자임을 나타내고자 함이 아니라 오직 우리는 버리운 자 같을찌라도 너희로 선을 행하게 하고자 함이라
8   우리는 진리를 거스려 아무 것도 할 수 없고 오직 진리를 위할 뿐이니
9   우리가 약할 때에 너희의 강한 것을 기뻐하고 또 이것을 위하여 구하니 곧 너희의 온전하게 되는 것이라
10   이를 인하여 내가 떠나 있을 때에 이렇게 쓰는 것은 대면할 때에 주께서 너희를 파하려 하지 않고 세우려 하여 내게 주신 그 권세를 따라 엄하지 않게 하려 함이니라
11   마지막으로 말하노니 형제들아 기뻐하라 온전케 되며 위로를 받으며 마음을 같이 하며 평안할찌어다 또 사랑과 평강의 하나님이 너희와 함께 계시리라 거룩하게 입맞춤으로 서로 문안하라
12   모든 성도가 너희에게 문안하느니라
13   주 예수 그리스도의 은혜와 하나님의 사랑과 성령의 교통하심이 너희 무리와 함께 있을찌어다
2 Corinthians 13 [NASB]    
I have previously said when present the second time, and though now absent I say in advance to those who have sinned in the past and to all the rest as well, that if I come again I will not spare anyone,
since you are seeking for proof of the Christ who speaks in me, and who is not weak toward you, but mighty in you.
For indeed He was crucified because of weakness, yet He lives because of the power of God For we also are weak in Him, yet we will live with Him because of the power of God directed toward you.
Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?
But I trust that you will realize that we ourselves do not fail the test.
Now we pray to God that you do no wrong; not that we ourselves may appear approved, but that you may do what is right, even though we may appear unapproved.
For we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth.
For we rejoice when we ourselves are weak but you are strong; this we also pray for, that you be made complete.
For this reason I am writing these things while absent, so that when present I need not use severity, in accordance with the authority which the Lord gave me for building up and not for tearing down.
Finally, brethren, rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Greet one another with a holy kiss.
All the saints greet you.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

마가복음 6장
30   사도들이 예수께 모여 자기들의 행한 것과 가르친 것을 낱낱이 고하니
31   이르시되 너희는 따로 한적한 곳에 와서 잠간 쉬어라 하시니 이는 오고 가는 사람이 많아 음식 먹을 겨를도 없음이라
32   이에 배를 타고 따로 한적한 곳에 갈쌔
33   그 가는 것을 보고 많은 사람이 저희인줄 안지라 모든 고을로부터 도보로 그 곳에 달려와 저희보다 먼저 갔더라
34   예수께서 나오사 큰 무리를 보시고 그 목자 없는 양 같음을 인하여 불쌍히 여기사 이에 여러가지로 가르치시더라
35   때가 저물어가매 제자들이 예수께 나아와 여짜오되 이곳은 빈 들이요 때도 저물어가니
36   무리를 보내어 두루 촌과 마을로 가서 무엇을 사 먹게 하옵소서
37   대답하여 가라사대 너희가 먹을 것을 주라 하시니 여짜오되 우리가 가서 이백 데나리온의 떡을 사다 먹이리이까
38   이르시되 너희에게 떡 몇 개나 있느냐 가서 보라 하시니 알아보고 가로되 떡 다섯 개와 물고기 두 마리가 있더이다 하거늘
39   제자들을 명하사 그 모든 사람으로 떼를 지어 푸른 잔디 위에 앉게 하시니
40   떼로 혹 백씩, 혹 오십씩 앉은지라
41   예수께서 떡 다섯 개와 물고기 두 마리를 가지사 하늘을 우러러 축사하시고 떡을 떼어 제자들에게 주어 사람들 앞에 놓게 하시고 또 물고기 두 마리도 모든 사람에게 나누어 주시매
42   다 배불리 먹고
43   남은 떡 조각과 물고기를 열 두 바구니에 차게 거두었으며
44   떡을 먹은 남자가 오천 명이었더라
45   예수께서 즉시 제자들을 재촉하사 자기가 무리를 보내는 동안에 배 타고 앞서 건너편 벳새다로 가게 하시고
46   무리를 작별하신 후에 기도하러 산으로 가시다
47   저물매 배는 바다 가운데 있고 예수는 홀로 뭍에 계시다가
48   바람이 거스리므로 제자들의 괴로이 노 젓는 것을 보시고 밤 사경 즈음에 바다 위로 걸어서 저희에게 오사 지나가려고 하시매
49   제자들이 그의 바다 위로 걸어 오심을 보고 유령인가 하여 소리지르니
Mark 6 [NASB]
The apostles gathered together with Jesus; and they reported to Him all that they had done and taught.
And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.)
They went away in the boat to a secluded place by themselves.
The people saw them going, and many recognized them and ran there together on foot from all the cities, and got there ahead of them.
When Jesus went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things.
When it was already quite late, His disciples came to Him and said, "This place is desolate and it is already quite late;
send them away so that they may go into the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat."
But He answered them, "You give them something to eat!" And they said to Him, "Shall we go and spend two hundred denarii on bread and give them something to eat?"
And He said to them, "How many loaves do you have? Go look!" And when they found out, they said, "Five, and two fish."
And He commanded them all to sit down by groups on the green grass.
They sat down in groups of hundreds and of fifties.
And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up toward heaven, He blessed the food and broke the loaves and He kept giving them to the disciples to set before them; and He divided up the two fish among them all.
They all ate and were satisfied,
and they picked up twelve full baskets of the broken pieces, and also of the fish.
There were five thousand men who ate the loaves.
Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side to Bethsaida, while He Himself was sending the crowd away.
After bidding them farewell, He left for the mountain to pray.
When it was evening, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and He was alone on the land.
Seeing them straining at the oars, for the wind was against them, at about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea; and He intended to pass by them.
But when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed that it was a ghost, and cried out;

마가복음 8장
1   그 즈음에 또 큰 무리가 있어 먹을 것이 없는지라 예수께서 제자들을 불러 이르시되
2   내가 무리를 불쌍히 여기노라 저희가 나와 함께 있은지 이미 사흘이매 먹을 것이 없도다
3   만일 내가 저희를 굶겨 집으로 보내면 길에서 기진하리라 그 중에는 멀리서 온 사람도 있느니라
4   제자들이 대답하되 이 광야에서 어디서 떡을 얻어 이 사람들로 배부르게 할 수 있으리이까
5   예수께서 물으시되 너희에게 떡 몇 개나 있느냐 가로되 일곱이로소이다 하거늘
6   예수께서 무리를 명하사 땅에 앉게 하시고 떡 일곱 개를 가지사 축사하시고 떼어 제자들에게 주어 그 앞에 놓게 하시니 제자들이 무리 앞에 놓더라
7   또 작은 생선 두어 마리가 있는지라 이에 축복하시고 명하사 이것도 그 앞에 놓게 하시니
8   배불리 먹고 남은 조각 일곱 광주리를 거두었으며
9   사람은 약 사천 명이었더라 예수께서 저희를 흩어 보내시고
10   곧 제자들과 함께 배에 오르사 달마누다 지방으로 가시니라
11   바리새인들이 나와서 예수께 힐난하며 그를 시험하여 하늘로서 오는 표적을 구하거늘
12   예수께서 마음 속에 깊이 탄식하시며 가라사대 어찌하여 이 세대가 2)표적을 구하느냐 내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 이 세대에게 표적을 주시지 아니하리라 하시고
13   저희를 떠나 다시 배에 올라 건너편으로 가시니라
Mark 8 [NASB]    
In those days, when there was again a large crowd and they had nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples and said to them,
"I feel compassion for the people because they have remained with Me now three days and have nothing to eat.
"If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way; and some of them have come from a great distance."
And His disciples answered Him, "Where will anyone be able to find enough bread here in this desolate place to satisfy these people?"
And He was asking them, "How many loaves do you have?" And they said, "Seven."
And He directed the people to sit down on the ground; and taking the seven loaves, He gave thanks and broke them, and started giving them to His disciples to serve to them, and they served them to the people.
They also had a few small fish; and after He had blessed them, He ordered these to be served as well.
And they ate and were satisfied; and they picked up seven large baskets full of what was left over of the broken pieces.
About four thousand were there; and He sent them away.
And immediately He entered the boat with His disciples and came to the district of Dalmanutha.
The Pharisees came out and began to argue with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, to test Him.
Sighing deeply in His spirit, He said, "Why does this generation seek for a sign? Truly I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation."
Leaving them, He again embarked and went away to the other side.

바울이 유대인 포로후송에 개입한 이유는,
여호와가 사울처럼 기름부음을 후회한 것 처럼,
바울도 같은 목적이다.
예수는 유대지역을 떠나지 않았지만 바울은 유대지역을 떠났다.
유대지역을 떠난 자는 많지만,
공식적으로 떠난 자는 프톨레미 12세와 클레오파트라7세 그리고 카이사리온이다.
이들은 로마로 갔다.
어린 시절 예수역활의  카이사리온은 로마에 한 번 갔다왔지만 기억에도 없는 어린 시절(2~3세 전후)이다.
그러나 프톨레미 12세와 클레오파트라 7세는 성인으로 로마를 방문했다.
바울과 마리아로서.
이런 인연으로 신약성서의 선택을 받은 것이다.
Why did Paul intervene in the exile of the Jews?
As the LORD regretted his anointing, as Saul did,
Paul serves the same purpose.
Jesus did not leave Judea, but Paul did.
Many have left Judea,
Officially departed were Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra VII and Caesarion.
They went to Rome.
As a child, Caesarion in the role of Jesus has been to Rome once, but he has no memory of his childhood (around 2-3 years old).
However, Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra VII visited Rome as adults.
As Paul and Mary.
It was through this relationship that he was chosen by the New Testament.

File:Sunrise at Creation.jpg



창세기 2장
21   여호와 하나님이 아담을 깊이 잠들게 하시니 잠들매 그가 그 갈빗대 하나를 취하고 살로 대신 채우시고
22   여호와 하나님이 아담에게서 취하신 그 갈빗대로 여자를 만드시고 그를 아담에게로 이끌어 오시니
23   아담이 가로되 이는 내 뼈 중의 뼈요 살 중의 살이라 이것을 남자에게서 취하였은즉 여자라 칭하리라 하니라
24   이러므로 남자가 부모를 떠나 그 아내와 연합하여 둘이 한 몸을 이룰찌로다
25   아담과 그 아내 두 사람이 벌거벗었으나 부끄러워 아니하니라
Genesis 2 [NASB]
So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.
The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.
The man said, "This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man."
For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.
And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

이러므로 남자가 부모를 떠나 그 아내와 연합하여 둘이 한 몸을 이룰찌로다
For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

남자가 부모를 떠나는 결혼관은, 모세가 이집트를 출애굽한 것을 결혼관에 대입한 관습이다.
데릴사위 관계에서 시작한 것이 아니라 게브와 누트를 만든 땅의 지형에서 출발했다.
The view of marriage in which a man leaves his parents is the custom of Moses' exodus from Egypt into the view of marriage.
It did not start from the Daryl son-in-law relationship, but from the topography of the land that made Geb and Nut.

마가복음 10장
4   가로되 모세는 이혼 증서를 써주어 내어버리기를 허락하였나이다
5   예수께서 저희에게 이르시되 너희 마음의 완악함을 인하여 이 명령을 기록하였거니와
6   창조시로부터 저희를 남자와 여자로 만드셨으니
7   이러므로 사람이 그 부모를 떠나서
8   그 둘이 한 몸이 될찌니라 이러한즉 이제 둘이 아니요 한 몸이니
9   그러므로 하나님이 짝지어 주신 것을 사람이 나누지 못할찌니라 하시더라
10   집에서 제자들이 다시 이 일을 묻자온대
11   이르시되 누구든지 그 아내를 내어버리고 다른데 장가드는 자는 본처에게 간음을 행함이요
12   또 아내가 남편을 버리고 다른데로 시집가면 간음을 행함이니라
Mark 10 [NASB]
They said, "Moses permitted a man TO WRITE A CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE AND SEND her AWAY."
But Jesus said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment.
"But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.
AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.
"What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."
In the house the disciples began questioning Him about this again.
And He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her;
and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery."

신명기 24장
1   사람이 아내를 취하여 데려온 후에 수치되는 일이 그에게 있음을 발견하고 그를 기뻐하지 아니하거든 이혼 증서를 써서 그 손에 주고 그를 자기 집에서 내어 보낼 것이요
2   그 여자는 그 집에서 나가서 다른 사람의 아내가 되려니와
3   그 후부도 그를 미워하여 이혼 증서를 써서 그 손에 주고 그를 자기 집에서 내어 보내었거나 혹시 그를 아내로 취한 후부가 죽었다 하자
4   그 여자가 이미 몸을 더럽혔은즉 그를 내어 보낸 전부가 그를 다시 아내로 취하지 말찌니 이 일은 여호와 앞에 가증한 것이라 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 기업으로 주시는 땅으로 너는 범죄케 하지 말찌니라
5   사람이 새로이 아내를 취하였거든 그를 군대로 내어 보내지 말 것이요 무슨 직무든지 그에게 맡기지 말것이며 그는 일년 동안 집에 한가히 거하여 그 취한 아내를 즐겁게 할찌니라
Deuteronomy 24 [NASB]    
"When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out from his house,
and she leaves his house and goes and becomes another man's wife,
and if the latter husband turns against her and writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out of his house, or if the latter husband dies who took her to be his wife,
then her former husband who sent her away is not allowed to take her again to be his wife, since she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the LORD, and you shall not bring sin on the land which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance.
"When a man takes a new wife, he shall not go out with the army nor be charged with any duty; he shall be free at home one year and shall give happiness to his wife whom he has taken.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 08:00:48 AM

유대인들 저항은 바울 말대로 로마 티투스 황제(재위 79~81) 때부터 골치아파하던터라, 50년 뒤에 하드리아누스 황제(재위 117∼138)가 유대인들 뿌리를 뽑기로 결정한 것이다.
이후 헤롯왕국에 유대인은 사실상 없었다.
다시 말하지만 스페인과 독일의 유대인 후손들은 십사만사천명의 유대인 포로들의 후손입니다.
훗날 이슬람 세력에 의해 일부 유대교가 스페인이 유입됐다는 루머는 루머일 뿐입니다.
이미 로마시대에 스페인으로 유대인 포로나 후손들이 진출했다.
코카서스지역에 유대왕국 Khazar는 유대인 포로들 후손이다.
As Paul said, the resistance of the Jews has been troublesome since the time of Roman Emperor Titus (reigned 79-81), and 50 years later, Emperor Hadrian (reigned 117-138) decided to uproot the Jews.
After that, there were virtually no Jews in Herod's kingdom.
Again, the Jewish descendants of Spain and Germany are the descendants of 144,000 Jewish captives.
Rumors that some Judaism was later brought to Spain by Islamic forces are only rumors.
Already in the Roman period, Jewish prisoners of war and their descendants entered Spain.
The Jewish kingdom of Khazar in the Caucasus is descended from Jewish captives.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 08:12:51 AM
유대인들이 불교를 많이 하는 이유 ;D

Why do Jews believe in Buddhism? 8) ;D

부처는 신이 아니고 인간이라 모세 십계명의 "나 외에 다른 신을 두지 마라"에 절대 해당하지 않는다? ;D

이런 개가 풀뜯어먹는 소리는 어디서 발원했니? ;D ;D

부처도 예수처럼 브라만(아펩신전), 아트만(태양신전) 소속이다. 8)
이런 날나리 불자들 덕분에 심심치는 않다. ;D ;D

Buddha is not a god, but a human being, so it absolutely does not fall under the ten commandments of Moses, "Thou shalt have no other gods besides me"?;D

Where did the sound of dogs eating grass come from?;D ;D

Like Jesus, the Buddha belongs to Brahman (temple of Apep) and Atman (temple of the sun).8)
Thanks to these wild Buddhists, I am not bored.;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 08:29:26 AM
천장 LED 조명 교체용 도구 만들기

Thomas Kim, who makes Akura generators, seems to be very bored these days.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 07:04:52 PM

성서 신화는 빛이 최초로 창조됐지만, 이집트 창조신화에서는 Ben Ben 언덕이 빛보다 먼저 창조된다.
하늘(누트)의 사건이 아니라 땅의 사건이라 Ben Ben 언덕은 게브 영역에 소환되어야 한다.
이집트 고왕국시대(기원전 2600년 이전) 하늘신 누트는 터키 지역에 머물러 있었지만 후대로 올수록 영역이 확장되어 인도(발 끝)와 스페인(손 끝)까지 넓어진다.
그리스와 로마 정복자들이 그들의 세계관을 이집트 말기 신화에 그대로 투영한 것이다.
In biblical mythology, light was created first, but in Egyptian creation myth, Ben Ben hill was created before light.
Because it is an earthly event, not a heavenly (Nut) event, Ben Ben Hill must be summoned to the Geb realm.
In Egypt's Old Kingdom era (before 2600 BC), the sky god Nut stayed in Turkey, but as it goes later, the area expands to include India (tips of feet) and Spain (tips of fingers).
The Greek and Roman conquistadors reflected their worldview into the late Egyptian mythology.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 07:25:19 PM

못난놈일수록 스승이름 가문이름 출신성분 팔고다니는거다.
조선조 당쟁의 시작이고 끝이다.
서양이라고 다를줄 아느냐.
똑똑한 스승을 뒀다면 너거 둔함만 탓해라, 똑똑한 스승까지 도매금으로 함께 욕먹이지 말고.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 07:42:02 PM
109 почему бы и нет ?

tuk-tuk이가 바퀴벌레 박사 최재천이모냥 제 스승팔아 욕 바가지로 맥인겨? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 07:55:41 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 08:14:02 PM
토사구팽 당한 주제에 가세연이 말이 말아졌다 용호거사~~. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

HOUSE OF GUCCI | Official Trailer | MGM Studios

"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo." ;D ;D ;D ;D

혹카콜라 말의 핵심은 조국수홍(주어생략 약간의 MSG)이 아니라 좌파덜 권력투쟁이라는 뜻이야.... ;D ;D ;D ;D

골수 무늬만 좌파 조국과 좃이세기를한가(쥴리창녀말) 욕망좌파 윤썪렬의 1:1 권력투쟁. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

이따구 욕망좌파 윤썪렬을 무뇌아 우파덜이(특히 일베틀딱들이 주동적으로 ;D) 대권자리 덥썩 바친게구. ;D ;D 8) 8)

혹카콜라가 쎔통나서 또 한소리 하는게다. ;D ;D ;D ;D

진중권? ;D

윤썪렬이 문죄인이 좃나게 안까는 이유를 왜 내한테 묻뇌? ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)

Chris Classic - Here We Go (Godzilla vs. Kong Trailer Music) Beatbox By: Shaun Roig
;D 8) ;D 8) ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 08:44:16 PM
Quote from: color on January 13, 2022, 11:48:34 PM
여호와는 모세통해 합체신전을 이용하지만, 첫째 날 빛을 창조한 가장 큰 이유지만, 여호와는 빛을 재앙으로 이용할 뿐 도무지 어둠(죽음)을 내주질 않았어. ;D 8)
심연의 괴물은 그렇게 누군가 죽을 날을 학수고대하고 있는게야. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)

Tonga underwater volcanic eruption creates tsunami waves

일본열도에 3m 쓰나미 경보발령.
오끼나와 70cm 쓰나미 발령.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 10:37:31 PM
Если сгорел трансформатор в стабилизаторе

핵심 나오려면 아직 멀었다.
일주일 전야제 맛보기.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 10:38:27 PM
아따~ 좃빠지게 크닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 15, 2022, 10:54:48 PM
그래그래 우리서방 좃빠지게 커
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 16, 2022, 09:41:33 AM
쥴리창녀가 나이트 갈 시간에 책읽고 도사들하고 영적인 시간 갖는다구? 8)

;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

열공이랑 서울이랑 잘허믄 좃빠지게 거덜나것다~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

가세연 용호거사가 쥴리창녀한테 아까니 좃빠지게 을렀다~ 갸도 같이 손봐줘라 쥴리야~ ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 16, 2022, 09:48:51 AM
공주해광사 동호스님 저녁종송

Катушка индуктивности. Как получить импульс сильного магнитного поля. Расчёт. Схема. Часть 1

Quote from: color on January 16, 2022, 09:41:33 AM
가세연 용호거사가 쥴리창녀한테 아까니 좃빠지게 을렀다~ 갸도 같이 손봐줘라 쥴리야~ ;D ;D ;D ;D

Кастом сумки дороже моей почки:((((

Нравится. Рекомендовать!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on January 16, 2022, 01:32:59 PM
Better circuit for akula / Ruslan device
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 17, 2022, 04:46:32 AM
присмерти адекватная...
Come and See (1985) | Arvo Pärt "Spiegel im Spiegel"
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 17, 2022, 04:52:27 AM
Quote from: justawatt on January 16, 2022, 01:32:59 PM
Better circuit for akula / Ruslan device

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 17, 2022, 05:29:38 AM
Хороший ток...
При возникновении дуги, потребление падает...

Хороший ток..

It's very encouraging.
bravo! bravo!
Congratulations on passing the first gate.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 17, 2022, 09:41:34 AM
Hi all with this newer build we realy need to know the winds on the Yoke winding's and any other modifications
and Katcher and Grenade wire length information, if you please.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 17, 2022, 03:52:15 PM
철학자들간에 쓸모없는 근거 제시 논쟁처럼 좀 됐지만 아직도 뜨고있는 기독교 이단논쟁이라  퍼왔다.

미국교회와 중국교회의 대립이다.

The Local Church or The local churches is a Christian group which was started in China in the 1920s and have spread globally.
지방 교회는 1920년대 중국에서 시작되어 전세계적으로 퍼진 기독교 단체.

The Local Church (affiliation)

Modalistic Monarchianism

양태론적 단일신론

1. 양태론이란?
양태론(樣態論, Modalism, 양태론적 단일신론의 준말)은 양식론(樣式論)이라고도 불리는 데, 전통적 유일신 신앙(단일신론)은 고수하면서 삼위일체를 설명하고자 했던 기독교의 이단 이론을 말합니다.

2. 양태론은 어디서 온 말인가?
본래 이 단어는 독일 신학자 아돌프 폰 하르낙(Adolf Von harnack, 1851-1930)이 삼위일체에 대해 이단적 교리를 가지고 있던 노에투스와 프락세아스, 3세기 사벨리우스, 이 세 사람의 공통적 요소를 말하려고 도입한 단어였습니다.

3. 양태론의 입장
1) 양태론자들은 하나님은 한분이시고 그리스도는 완전한 신성을 가졌으므로 아버지와 아들은 하나라는 입장을 고수합니다.
2) 즉 한분 하나님께서 모양만 성부, 성자, 성령의 다른 형식(forms)으로 나타났다는 주장입니다.
3) 이렇게 되면 그리스도의 인격과 성령의 인격은 사라지고 단일한 신격만 남게 되어 이단 사상이 되어 버립니다.
4) 전형적인 양태론은 같은 하나님이 창조 시에는 성부 하나님으로, 구속에는 성자 하나님으로, 성화 때는 성령 하나님으로 활동한다고 봅니다. 즉 양태론은 교회의 정통적 삼위일체론을 정면으로 부정하고 있습니다.

4. 히폴리투스의 주장
히폴리투스(170?-236?)에 의하면 노에투스(Noetus of Smyrna, 200?-225)는 '성부가 친히 성육신하시어 그리스도가 되어 고난 받고 죽었다가 스스로 부활했다'는 성부수난설(聖父受難說, Patripassianism)을 주장하여 최초의 양태론자의 모습을 보입니다.

5. 프락세아스의 주장
노에투스의 제자요 반 몬타누스주의자였던 프락세아스(Praxeas)도 190년 경 로마에 와서 스승인 노에투스처럼 '창조주 하나님은 성부 한분으로 아버지 자신이 동정녀에게 들어가 그 자신이 동정녀에게 나시고 그 자신이 수난 받으셨다' 주장하여 삼위의 위격 구별을 부정하였습니다. 터툴리안이 비판한 프락세아스야 말로 진정한 최초의 양태론자로 보기도 합니다.

6. 사벨리우스의 주장
1) 주로 로마에서 활약한 사벨리우스(Sabellius, ?-260?)도 하나님은 오직 한분임을 강조하면서 신격의 엄중한 단일성을 가르쳤습니다. 태양이 빛, 열, 둥근 형체를 가지고 있으나 오직 하나의 태양이 있는 것처럼 하나님도 성부와 성자와 성령의 세 가지 명칭을 가지고 있으나 하나님은 한 인격이 세 가지 다른 형태로 나타나는 단일한 실체, 단일한 인격이라고 사벨리우스는 본 것이이요.
2) 사벨리우스에 의하면 성자와 성령이란 한 분 성부께서 자신을 계시하시는 임시적 양식에 불과할 뿐이지요.
3) 결국 사벨리우스는 한 인격을 가진 한분, 한 존재인 하나님이 창조와 율법 수여 시에는 성부로, 성육신에서는 성자로, 중생과 성화에서는 성령으로 각각 나타난다고 주장하여 양태론의 절정을 이룬 인물이 되었습니다.
4) 양태론을 사벨리아니즘(Sabellianism)이라고도 부르는 것도 이 때문입니다. 또한 한위가 세 양태로 나타나니 "일위삼양설"이라고도 부르고 성부가 성자에게, 성자가 성령에게 계승 되므로 계승설(Successism)이라고도 하지요.

7. 교황 칼리스투스
1) 이 같은 양태론에 대해 교황 칼리스투스(Callistus, 217-222)는 처음, 사벨리우스에 동조했으나 결국 263년 로마 회의는 사벨리우스를 정죄, 파문합니다.
2) 물론 사벨리우스가 세 인격의 동등한 본질, 동등한 영원성을 암시한 점은 주목할 만한 일이었습니다.
3) 하지만 그는 삼위를 부정하고 단일한 인격을 주장함으로 대표적인 양태론을 주장한 인물로 남게 되었습니다.
4) 그리고 양태론은. 종교개혁 시대 세르베투스(M. Servetus)와 18세기 신비주의자 임마누엘 스웨덴 보르그(I. Swedenborg) 등에게서 다시 등장하게 되었으나 그리 큰 힘을 발휘하지는 못하게 되지요.

8. 양태론과 관련하여 삼위일체론에 대해
1) 기독교 초기 양태론이 나왔다는 것은 그만큼 피조물인 우리 인간에게 있어 삼위일체 교리의 이해와 설명이 쉽지 않다는 반증이기도 합니다.
2) 때로, 말로는 삼위일체를 믿는다고 하면서도 삼위일체와 양태론을 잘 구분하지 못해 양태론에 빠지는 사람들이 최근에도 많이 있음을 보게 됩니다. 그만큼 삼위일체 교리는 심오한 것입니다.
3) 하지만 설명은 쉽지 않더라도 성경은 분명 하나님이 삼위일체임을 말씀하고 있습니다. 따라서 양태론적으로 하나님을 해석하면 이단이 된다는 것을 명심할 필요가 있습니다.

9. 정통 교회의 입장
1) 하나님은 오직 한 분이시라는 것, 하나님은 영이시라는 것, 그 하나님은 성부와 성자와 성령이라는 세 위격(인격)으로 계신다는 것, 성부와 성자와 성령은 한 본질이며 신성과 권능과 영광과 영원성에 있어서 동일하시다는 것, 그 세 인격은 서로 혼동되지 않고 구별되지만 세 하나님으로 분리될 수 없다는 것이 지금까지 정통 기독교회가 일치하여 지켜오고 있는 삼위일체교리의 핵심 부분입니다.
2) 이 같은 교리를 벗어나 삼위일체를 설명 하려 할 때에는 지극히 조심해야 합니다. 오늘날에도 일부 기독교인들이 신학적 미숙으로 인해 무의식적으로 삼위일체교리에서 벗어나 양태론에 빠져 방황하는 경우가 많으므로 교회는 성도들이 바른 분별력을 가지도록 늘 바른 교리를 잘 가르쳐야 합니다.
조덕영 박사(창조신학연구소 소장, 조직신학, 평택대 겸임교수)

교회와 신앙
정통 삼위일체론을 삼신론으로 정죄한 지방교회
[ 이단연구 / 김홍기 ] 지방교회(위트니스 리) 교리 비판 ①

김홍기 목사와 지방교회의 대격돌(大激突)
저는 지난 6개월 간 '교회와 신앙'을 통해 '지방교회의 이단 교리'를 비판한 글 10편을 발표했습니다. 이제 이 일련의 글을 마치고 지방교회와 본격적인 대논쟁(大論爭)을 시작합니다. '교회와 신앙'은 5월 30일을 필두로 김홍기 목사의 10편의 글에 대한 지방교회의 반론 및 김홍기 목사의 재반론을 매주 1회 게시합니다.
20여 년 만에 재개된 정통교회와 지방교회 간의 지상논쟁은 성경에 기초한 '정통 삼위일체론의 진면목'과 '지방교회의 양태론 이단교리'의 실상을 밝히 보여줄 것입니다. 이 자리를 빌어 성경적인 삼위일체론을 신봉하는 모든 분들께 간곡한 부탁을 드립니다. 이 지상논쟁을 통해서 한국교회와 재외 한인 교회들이 성경적인 정통 삼위일체론 위에 굳게 세워질 수 있도록 기도해 주십시오. 또한 지방교회의 '경륜적 양태론' 이단 교리의 실상이 백일하에 드러날 수 있도록 기도해 주십시오. 이와 더불어 관심을 가지고 지상논쟁을 읽어 주시기 바랍니다. 괄호 안의 웹 사이트(www.amennews.com)를 클릭하시면 지상논쟁의 격돌이 펼쳐지는 웹 사이트로 연결됩니다.

[LIVE] 지방교회 교리: 사위일체(四位一體) 하나님을 믿사오며, 가증한 이단 교리 (한국: 9월 8일 오전 11:15; 미 서부: 9월 7일 오후 7:15)

지방교회 진리의 확증과 비평 웹페이지
지방교회 진리의 확증과 비평 페이스북 페이지
지방교회 진리의 확증과 비평 트위터

지방교회 측의 반론 - 김홍기 목사의 이중성과 칼빈을 공격한 노먼 가이슬러
지방교회 측의 반론 - 김홍기 목사의 '신격'(神格) 개념에 대한 무지가 진리의 혼잡을 가져오고 있다!
지방교회 측 반론 - 김홍기 목사는 결코 할 수 없는 고백
지방교회 측 반론 - 김홍기 목사여, 그렇다면 웨인 그루뎀이 경고한 그 '복음주의자들'은 누구란 말인가?
지방교회 측 반론 - 지방교회 측이 '사위일체'를 믿는다고 주장하는 김홍기 목사의 왜곡과 허풍
지방교회 측 반론 - 김홍기 목사의 게으름의 끝은 어디인가? – '가공 처리된 하나님' 비판의 헛발질
지방교회 측 반론 - 김홍기 목사의 거친 언사와 본질과 위격을 뒤섞는 이단적인 삼위일체론
지방교회 측 반론 - 김홍기 목사 식 상호 내주는 말장난일 뿐이고 정통 신학자들의 '페리코레시스' 개념과는 전혀 다르다
지방교회 측 반론 - 김홍기 목사의 두 얼굴 - 앞에서는 칼빈을 두둔하고, 뒤에서는 칼빈의 비판자를 두둔하는 그의 이중성
지방교회 측 반론 - 김홍기 목사의 한국 장로교단에 대한 맹종 - 장로교단이 이단이라고 하면 무조건 다 이단인가?

미국과 중국의 요즘 일대일로 대결이 교회로 옮겨간 경우라 좃빠지게 재미없다.

중국에서 시작된 종파라도 공산당이 개입하지만 않았다면 해석의 차이와 이단논쟁은 보수파와 개혁파간의 논쟁 정도다.

전능신교(동방번개)는 어떤 단체인가

[도올김용옥] 동경대전 94 '용담유사' 출간과 천지영가, 신과 소통하는 기도 - 수운, 요즘 내 형편이~~

오늘 아빠가 도올의 '상향(常香)~쑈' 보고 뿜다 사레들려 한 참 고생했다.

진짜 나를 찾기 위한 종교를 향하여 | 예수님의 가르침 중 가장 중요한 것 | 종교는 이성을 버리는 것이 아니라, 이성을 넘어서는 것 | 표층종교와 심층종교 | 오강남 교수 1

한겨레 기자 조현(휴심정)이 어중이 떠중이들 마구 섭외해 자기 유튜브 채우는거야 제맘이지만,
되도록이면 개독교 정신병자들은 섭외하지 마라.
들을 것도 없고, 들어봐야 마약쟁이와 다름없는 말이다.
말빨도 딸리고 누가봐도 예수정신병자와, 국내 0.1% 김성철 교수와 비교하면 듣기 거북해진다.
'정신병자' 모멸(侮蔑)주는 표정이 조현 얼굴에 그대로 써있다.
대놓고 모멸주면 나중에 쥴리창녀해진다.
저들 믿음은 조현같은 불신자에 대한 반발심과 연단으로 시작된 믿음이라 논리로 이기기 어렵다.
그리고 논리로 이길 수 있는 종류의 것이 아니다.
확증편향(確證偏向, Confirmation bias) 아집과 믿음이 뒤범벅된게 지금의 개독교 무당들이라 증거와 반증의 논리가 통하지 않는다.
도리어 확연한 증거와 반증을 그들 [믿음의 시험]이라 여기고 맞서 싸운다.
시험을 이길 수 있게 힘을 달라고 새벽기도 나간다.
동안거 땡중들이 진땀 흘리며 화두의 끝을 잡고 치열하게 용맹정진 사유싸움 하듯이, 일부 좀 모자른 개독들도 용맹정진 기도에 매진한다.
두 시간, 세 시간, 반나절 기도는 예사다.
옛날에 아빠도 한 번 기도에 빠지면 두 세시간 후딱갔다.
가슴에서 끌어오르는 그 뭔가를 잡고하는 기도라, 믿음이 아니라 마약이나 히로뽕처럼 그 기분을 느끼며, 느끼려고 기도한다.
예선 예수도 여호와도 의미없다.
어쩌다 엄마 잔소리처럼 우연히 듣는 동기부여일뿐이다.
압박기도 일반은 맷돌로 가슴을 짓누르는 듯한, 공기가 희박해 숨 쉴 수 없는 듯한 연속적인 압박적 느낌만 있다.
기분나쁜 압박이 아니라 사람이 죽기 직전에 느낀다는 황홀감, 엑스터시(Ecstasy)처럼 사람이 무아지경에 빠지며 눈깔 뒤집어지며 뇌에서 강력한 인돌핀이 다량 방출되는 집중력을 요하는 압박기도다.

그래서 개독교에 기도가 빠지면 앙코없는 찐빵된다.
한국 토속 무당들 기도와 개독교 불길같은 (성령충만)압박기도는 동종이다.

니들도 잘알겠지만 아빠 주위에 이런 예수쟁이들 널려있다.

인체에서 자체 생산하는, 현존 최강의 마약. 동물의 뇌에서 분비되는 내인성 오피오이드 펩타이드(Endogenous opioid peptide) 중 한 종류. 주로 인체의 통증을 경감하여 쇼크로부터 생명을 보호하기 위하여 분비된다. 이름의 뜻은 몸 안에서 생기는 모르핀(endogenous morphine)이라는 뜻인데, 실제 효능은 모르핀의 약 800배다. 즉 모르핀의 200배에 달하는 진통 효과를 가진 펜타닐도 상대가 안 된다. 서펜타닐과 카펜타닐은 각각 모르핀의 2000배, 20000배의 효능이 있으므로 상대가 된다.
발견 동기는 아편이 쾌감을 주는 원인을 연구하기 시작하면서이다. 연구 과정에서 뇌에 아편 수용체(opioid 수용체)가 있음을 밝혀낸 과학자들이 이 수용체에 대응하는 원래의 뇌내 분비물질을 연구하여 발견한 것이 엔케팔린(enkephalin)이라는 펩타이드였으며, 그 후 엔도르핀이 발견되게 된다.
대부분의 사람들은 엔도르핀에 대해 큰 착각을 하고 있다. 즉 엔도르핀은 즐거울 때만 나오는 것으로 알고 있는 사람들이 많다. 그러나 이는 잘못된 지식이며, 사실은 그 반대이다.
엔도르핀은 반대로 매우 큰 스트레스를 받은 상황에서 이걸 어떻게든 견디기 위해 나오는 것에 가깝기 때문에 엔도르핀이 마구 나올 만한 상황은 가급적 겪지 않는 게 육체 및 정신 건강에 유익하다. 엔도르핀이 폭발적으로 분비되는 대표적인 경우 세 가지가 있는데,
①사망 직전
③심각한 부상이다.
하마에게 공격당해서 팔이 잘렸는데 고통이 없었거나, 아기를 낳은 후 산모가 웃는 경우가 많다는 이야기들이 엔도르핀의 효과다.

④ 뇌에 충격을 주는 기도소환에서도 엔돌핀이 분비된다.

사망시나 출산, 심각한 부상에는 못미치겠지만(한국 무당들과 교회 기도 광신도들 빼고) 아빠 정도의 기도빨이면 약간의 엑스타시(황홀감)를 느낀다.

이것은 신이나 예수에게 접근하는 통로도 아니고, 우주와 연결된 것은 더더욱 아니고 그냥 뇌에 충격을 주는 고대로부터 시작된 전통적인 뇌충격 기도요법이다.

그래서 눈감고 기도시키는 종교나 종파에는 확실한 물증과 반증이 통하지 않는거다.

유대교, 기독교, 이슬람 싸움처럼 끝을보고야마는 멸족 싸움만 존재한다.

생각의 끝을 잡고 불교의 동안거 하안거 화두선 용맹정진이 기도와 다름없는 집중력을 요하는 뇌충격요법이다.
석가모니가 좌정해서 한 일도 생각속을 헤매며 욕정 쫏아내고 사망 적멸보궁 엑스터시에 입성키 위해서였다.

육체의 오르가증과 뇌의 엑스터시(황홀경)가 다르냐면, 예수 말을 빌리면 '음욕 생각도 간음'이다.

한겨레 조현기자나 김성철 박사교수가 뇌충격 요법이 빠진 종교가 존재할 수 있는가를 빛과 어둠을 숭배하는 종교에 묻는다면 김필영이나 예도 박충일도 모른다.

아빠만 안다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 17, 2022, 04:13:24 PM
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 17, 2022, 09:41:34 AM
Hi all with this newer build we realy need to know the winds on the Yoke winding's and any other modifications
and Katcher and Grenade wire length information, if you please.


몇년 전에 인터넷 서핑중에 발견한 유튜버라 알고있는 것이 없습니다.
그러나 그는 자유에너지 카페를 시청하는 유튜버입니다.
루슬란7 회로도를 고정으로 연구하는 회원같습니다.
러시아 회원이 이곳 영어권 카페에 가입하기는 쉽지 않습니다.
카페 가입할 때 묻는 질문이 서양인들은 이해하기 쉽지만 러시아나 동양권 회원들은 이해하기 어렵습니다.

루슬란7 회로도는 특별한 것이 없습니다.
그도 아빠처럼 1차적인 공진효과를 발견한 것이고, 2차, 3차, 4차 관문은 아직 풀어내지 못한 것 같습니다.

그리고 테슬라와 kacher를 업그레이드 하지 않으면 2차, 3차, 4차 관문은 더 어려워 집니다.
경험하지 않은 것은 회로도를 직관해도 이해하지 못합니다.
모스펫, 트랜지스터 파손이 많이 발생한다는 것을 실험 경험을 통해 스스로 알아야 할 것들입니다.

I don't know anything about a YouTuber I found while surfing the internet a few years ago.
However, he is a YouTuber who watches the Free Energy Cafe.
It's like a member studying the Ruslan 7 circuit diagram on a regular basis.
It is not easy for Russian members to join English-speaking cafes here.
The question asked when joining a cafe is easy for Westerners to understand, but difficult for Russian or Asian members to understand.

The Ruslan 7 schematic is nothing special.
He, like his dad, discovered the primary resonance effect, and it seems that the secondary, third, and fourth gates have not been released yet.

And if he doesn't upgrade his tesla and kacher, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th gates will be more difficult.
What you have not experienced, you do not understand even if you intuit the schematic.
These are things you should know for yourself through experimental experience that MOSFETs and transistors break a lot.

Отличный ток.
При замыкании потребление уменьшается
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 17, 2022, 04:33:25 PM
마태복음 13장
네 가지 땅에 뿌려진 씨 비유(막 4:1-9; 눅 8:4-8)
1   그 날에 예수께서 집에서 나가사 바닷가에 앉으시매
2   큰 무리가 그에게로 모여 들거늘 예수께서 배에 올라가 앉으시고 온 무리는 해변에 섰더니
3   예수께서 비유로 여러가지를 저희에게 말씀하여 가라사대 씨를 뿌리는 자가 뿌리러 나가서
4   뿌릴쌔 더러는 길 가에 떨어지매 새들이 와서 먹어버렸고
5   더러는 흙이 얇은 돌밭에 떨어지매 흙이 깊지 아니하므로 곧 싹이 나오나
6   해가 돋은 후에 타져서 뿌리가 없으므로 말랐고
7   더러는 가시떨기 위에 떨어지매 가시가 자라서 기운을 막았고
8   더러는 좋은 땅에 떨어지매 혹 백배, 혹 육십배, 혹 삼십배의 결실을 하였느니라
9   귀 있는 자는 들으라 하시니라
Matthew 13 [NASB]    
That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea.
And large crowds gathered to Him, so He got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd was standing on the beach.
And He spoke many things to them in parables, saying, "Behold, the sower went out to sow;
and as he sowed, some seeds fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate them up.
"Others fell on the rocky places, where they did not have much soil; and immediately they sprang up, because they had no depth of soil.
"But when the sun had risen, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.
"Others fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out.
"And others fell on the good soil and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.
"He who has ears, let him hear."

귀가 없는 대상에게 누구든지 귀가 있거든 들을찌어다 설레발은 지칭을 위한 엑스타시 역설이다.
요한계시록 13장에 나오는 누구든지 귀가 있거든 들을찌어다와 동종이다.

바람은 귀도없고 눈도없고 손도없고 육신도 없지만, 많은 일을 한다.

베드로-하드리아누스 황제가 공기의 신 Shu를 모티브로했다.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 18, 2022, 12:17:11 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 17, 2022, 08:33:21 PM

a. a MagLev type motor/generator

b. https://jbpowersystems.weebly.com/index.html

c. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4AQlamvFzs



perpetuum mobile and/or auto-mobile


Europe around 1600: Simon Stevin[/size]

Simon StevinIn Europe,

                                                around 1600,

the mathematician (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Mathematik?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp) , physicist (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Physik?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)
and hydraulic engineer  (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Wasserbau?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)Simon Stevin (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Simon_Stevin?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)[/color] (1548–1620), inspired by reports about land sailors in China, built the first sailing chariot for Prince Maurice of Orange .  (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Moritz_(Oranien-Nassau)?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)[/color][size=0.75em][3] (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Segelwagen?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp#cite_note-3)[/color][/size] Stevin sailed around 1600 with Prince Moritz von Oranje and 26 other people on the coast of Scheveningen (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Scheveningen?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)[/color] and Petten (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Petten?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)[/color] . The scholar Grotius (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Grotius?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)[/color] also took part in one of the trips .

The vehicle covered a distance of approximately 95 km in less than two hours.

Which was the later velocity from "LOCOMOTION" that let in the 18th century many people fearing that the cows becoming "mad" !?

Faster than the wind - in front of him and against him

Blackbird upwindIn June 2012, a turbine version of the Blackbird also went faster than the wind directly AGAINST the wind . Also more than twice as fast – compared to the ground. The pilot then subjectively notices the headwind with a good three times the wind speed. [size=0.75em][14] (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Segelwagen?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp#cite_note-NALSADD-14)[/color]
The Blackbird team did not know that as early as 1969 Bauer in the USA indicated that he had driven a wind turbine faster than the tailwind.[/size]
The Blackbird team was also not aware that Heinz Urbitsch had already registered a patent for "wind power drives for vehicles" in Berlin on August 3, 1978.[/size]
This patent application concerned a wind-powered vehicle that operates on land and ice surfaces and can reach speeds in any direction that can be greater than the wind speed.[/size]
The patent was initially not granted due to suspicion of "perpetuum mobile". After submission of mathematical evidence and explanations of the functionality, patent no. 146429 was finally granted on February 11, 1981 by the Office for Inventions and Patents. [size=0.75em][15] (https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Segelwagen?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp#cite_note-15)[/color][/glow][/size]
From 2011 to 2013 extensive correspondence was conducted by email between Rick Cavallaro and Heinz Urbitsch. Among other things, the above-mentioned patent, the Blackbird tests, our own model tests and the simple modification of the Blackbird for driving against the wind were discussed.[/size]
In this context, the Blackbird team was also informed that a small, remote-controlled model vehicle (propeller diameter 66 cm) can drive both upwind and downwind without modifications, just by changing the direction of travel and the ratio between wheel and propeller.[/size]

DD = G.D.R.-patent application ![/size]


08강 음양의 세계1

또라이 도올-김용옥이 뿌려논게 많아서 깔게 널려있지만, 일일이 까다가 포기한 이유도, 삭개오처첨 키가 작은 사람들은 보편적으로 세상에 대한 한((deep) resentment[sorrow, regret])이 많다.
외모 컴플렉스 많은 사람들 체계적으로 까봐야 한(resentment)만 더 키울거 같아서 그만뒀던거다.
There are a lot of things Tori Dool-Kim Yong-ok sown, so it is spread all over the place, but the reason for giving up after being picky is that short people in general have a lot of resentment[sorrow, regret] for the world.
I quit because I thought that people with a lot of appearance complexes would only need to look more systematically.

사도행전 23장
1   바울이 공회를 주목하여 가로되 여러분 형제들아 오늘날까지 내가 범사에 양심을 따라 하나님을 섬겼노라 하거늘
2   대제사장 아나니아가 바울 곁에 섰는 사람들에게 그 입을 치라 명하니
3   바울이 가로되 회칠한 담이여 하나님이 너를 치시리로다 네가 나를 율법대로 판단한다고 앉아서 율법을 어기고 나를 치라 하느냐 하니
4   곁에 선 사람들이 말하되 하나님의 대제사장을 네가 욕하느냐
5   바울이 가로되 형제들아 나는 그가 대제사장인줄 알지 못하였노라 기록하였으되 너의 백성의 관원을 비방치 말라 하였느니라 하더라
6   바울이 그 한 부분은 사두개인이요 한 부분은 바리새인인줄 알고 공회에서 외쳐 가로되 여러분 형제들아 나는 바리새인이요 또 바리새인의 아들이라 죽은 자의 소망 곧 부활을 인하여 내가 심문을 받노라
7   그 말을 한즉 바리새인과 사두개인 사이에 다툼이 생겨 무리가 나누이니
8   이는 사두개인은 부활도 없고 천사도 없고 영도 없다 하고 바리새인은 다 있다 함이라
9   크게 훤화가 일어날쌔 바리새인 편에서 몇 서기관이 일어나 다투어 가로되 우리가 이 사람을 보매 악한 것이 없도다 혹 영이나 혹 천사가 저더러 말하였으면 어찌 하겠느뇨 하여
10   큰 분쟁이 생기니 천부장이 바울이 저희에게 찢겨질까 하여 군사를 명하여 내려가 무리 가운데서 빼앗아 가지고 영문으로 들어가라 하니라
11   그날 밤에 주께서 바울 곁에 서서 이르시되 담대하라 네가 예루살렘에서 나의 일을 증거한 것 같이 로마에서도 증거하여야 하리라 하시니라
Acts 23 [NASB]    
Paul, looking intently at the Council, said, "Brethren, I have lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before God up to this day."
The high priest Ananias commanded those standing beside him to strike him on the mouth.
Then Paul said to him, "God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall! Do you sit to try me according to the Law, and in violation of the Law order me to be struck?"
But the bystanders said, "Do you revile God's high priest?"
And Paul said, "I was not aware, brethren, that he was high priest; for it is written, 'YOU SHALL NOT SPEAK EVIL OF A RULER OF YOUR PEOPLE.'"
But perceiving that one group were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, Paul began crying out in the Council, "Brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees; I am on trial for the hope and resurrection of the dead!"
As he said this, there occurred a dissension between the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the assembly was divided.
For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor an angel, nor a spirit, but the Pharisees acknowledge them all.
And there occurred a great uproar; and some of the scribes of the Pharisaic party stood up and began to argue heatedly, saying, "We find nothing wrong with this man; suppose a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?"
And as a great dissension was developing, the commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces by them and ordered the troops to go down and take him away from them by force, and bring him into the barracks.
But on the night immediately following, the Lord stood at his side and said, "Take courage; for as you have solemnly witnessed to My cause at Jerusalem, so you must witness at Rome also."

6   바울이 그 한 부분은 사두개인이요 한 부분은 바리새인인줄 알고 공회에서 외쳐 가로되 여러분 형제들아 나는 바리새인이요 또 바리새인의 아들이라 죽은 자의 소망 곧 부활을 인하여 내가 심문을 받노라
But perceiving that one group were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, Paul began crying out in the Council, "Brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees; I am on trial for the hope and resurrection of the dead!"

사두개인과 바리새인 논쟁을 바울이 주도하는 이유는,
바울(프톨레미 12세)이 로마에 갔다가 다시 이집트로 돌아왔잖아.
Why did Paul lead the Sadducees and Pharisees debate?
Paul (Ptolemy XII) went to Rome and then came back to Egypt.

Ptolemy XII Auletes

프톨레마이오스 12세 [Ptolemaeos XII Auletes,정식 이름은 Ptolemaeos ⅩⅡ Theos Philopater Philadelphus Neos Dionysos Auletes. 기원전 112경~ 51]는 마케도니아 왕조 출신 이집트의 왕이다. 클레오파트라 7세의 아버지인 프톨레마이오스12세는 기원전 76년에 즉위했다. 그녀는 기원전 69년 이집트 프톨레마이오스 12세 의 셋째딸로 태어났다.

적법하지 못한 왕위 계승자라는 위치로 인해 필요 이상으로 로마에 의지해 왕위를 지켜야 했다. 그가 통치하는 동안 이집트는 완전히 로마 공화국의 속국이 되었다. 이집트의 프톨레마이오스 왕조 최후의 적법한 왕위 계승자 2명이 갑작스레 변사를 당하자 알렉산드리아의 시민들은 기원전 80년 프톨레마이오스 12세를 불러들여 왕위에 앉혔다. 그는 프톨레마이오스 9세의 아들로 알려졌으나 어머니가 누구였는지는 확실하지 않다. 이집트의 여왕으로 그의 할머니였던 클레오파트라 3세는 안전을 위해 기원전 103년 프톨레마이오스를 소아시아 반도에 면한 에게 해의 코스 섬으로 보냈다. 여기에는 그의 형제로 그보다 앞서 왕위에 올랐던 프톨레마이오스 11세도 함께 갔다. 프톨레마이오스는 소아시아 반도에 위치해 로마와 전쟁을 벌이고 있던 폰투스 왕국의 왕인 미트리다테스 6세에게 기원전 88년 붙잡혔으나 기원전 80년 시리아에 그 모습을 드러냈다. 로마의 역사가이며 정치가인 키케로에 따르면 이때 그는 자신의 형제가 키프로스의 왕이 된 사이 시리아를 떠나 이집트에 도착했다고 한다.

이집트로 돌아온 직후 프톨레마이오스는 여동생으로 보이는 클레오파트라 5세와 결혼해 기원전 76년 이집트의 의식에 따라 알렉산드리아에서 왕위에 올랐다. 그러나 로마의 민주파들은 프톨레마이오스 11세가 죽을 때 이집트를 로마에 넘기도록 하겠다는 뜻을 표명했다는 의심스러운 사실을 들고 나와 BC 65년 그의 왕위 계승에 대한 적법성에 이의를 제기했다. 키케로를 비롯한 로마의 귀족들은 이같은 이집트 병합에 반대했고 로마의 지지가 필요했던 프톨레마이오스는 팔레스타인으로 군대를 보내 집정관인 폼페이우스 장군을 지원했다. 알렉산드리아 시민들로부터 심각한 도전을 받고 있는데다가 로마에서의 위치도 여전히 불안했던 그는 기원전 59년 당시 로마 집정관의 일원으로 있던 율리우스 카이사르에게 6,000탈렌트의 뇌물을 제공했고, 그 대가로 카이사르는 프톨레마이오스 12세의 왕위를 승인하는 법안을 통과시켰다. 그러나 로마는 이듬해 키프로스를 빼앗았고, 그 과정에서 이집트에 있는 자신의 형제들로부터 지원을 받지 못한 키프로스의 왕은 자살을 했다.

키프로스를 상실한 데 대해 시민들이 반란을 일으킬 것을 두려워한 프톨레마이오스는 군사적 지원을 요청하기 위해 자신의 왕비와 맏딸인 베레니케 4세를 섭정으로서 이집트에 남겨놓고 기원전 58년 로마로 떠났다. 그는 로마에 있는 폼페이우스의 별장에 기거하면서 로마 원로원 의원들의 지지를 얻기 위해 뇌물을 사용했다. 또한 알렉산드리아에 있는 자신의 반대 세력이 보낸 대표단을 암살하려는 계획도 세웠다. 그때 왕비가 죽자 시민들은 베레니케 4세를 이집트의 단독 통치자로 세웠다. 원로원이 답변을 미루는 동안 프톨레마이오스는 계속해서 뇌물을 나누어주었고, 따라서 그는 로마의 사채업자들에게 큰 빚을 지게 되었다. 기원전 57년말 로마 원로원은 프톨레마이오스를 지원하는 결의안을 통과시켰으나 적극적인 지원은 피해야 한다는 단서가 붙자 그는 로마를 떠나 소아시아에 있는 도시인 에페소스로 갔다. 기원전 55년 프톨레마이오스는 폼페이우스의 부관이며 시리아 속주총독인 아울루스 가비니우스에게 1만 탈렌트를 주기로 약속하고 로마군을 이끌고 이집트로 돌아왔다. 단번에 상황을 역전시킨 그는 알렉산드리아에서 자신의 반대 세력을 이끈 맏딸을 처형했다. 죽기 바로 전인 기원전 51년 그는 둘째 딸이었으나 이제는 맏딸이 된 유명한 클레오파트라 7세와 맏아들을 공동 섭정으로 선포했다. 클레오파트라 7세는 아버지 프톨레마이오스 12세 사후 남동생 프톨레마이오스 13세와 결혼하고 함께 왕위에 올랐다.

바울이 로마에 있을 때는 하늘나라에 있는 것이고, 사두개인도 바리새인도 천국에 있는 것이 되지만, 한 번 죽은 다음에 부활하지 못하는 사두개인은 로마-천국에 계속 살지만, 부활을 믿는 바리새인은 팔레스타인으로 돌아와야 한다.

여기까지 이해하겠어?


바울은 로마-천국에 갔다가 이집트로 다시 돌아왔으니 바리새인이며, 훗날 바울이 진짜 죽어서 부활하지 못했으니 사두개인이라고 하는 것이야.

여기까지 이해하겠어?

또하나 바울은 사도행전에서 수시로 그리스지역 하늘을 수시로 전도여행하잖아.
그리고 로마로 전도여행가서 다시는 돌아오지 않았잖아.
바리새인, 사두개인의 개념.

여기까지 이해하겠어?

그럼, 1948년 5월 14일 이스라엘을 건국하며 가나안 땅으로 돌아온 유럽 및 전세계 디아스포라 유대인들은 사두개인일까 아니면 바리새인일까?

그래그래, 이스라엘로 돌아온 모든 유대인은 바리새인이 되는거야.
그들은 단 한 명의 예외도 없이 바리새인들이야.
그들이 돌아왔으니 부활이란 말야.
현재 이스라엘로 돌아오지 않고 유럽이나 전세계에 흩어져 살고있는 유대인들은 모두 사두개인이되는거야.
그들은 아직도 천국에 살고 있으니까.

그럼 미국에 살고있는 유대인들은 바리새인일까 사두개인일까?
그래그래 그들은 단 하나의 예외없는 사두개인이야.

부활하는 예수를 믿는다면 이스라엘로 돌아가야잖아.
천국에 앉아서, 자신은 고향으로 돌아갈 생각이 없으면서 예수 부활을 믿는다고 소리치면 그것을 진실이 아니라 거짓말이고 사기가 되잖아.
그래서 천국에 살면서 논쟁은 천국 자체에 대한 불만 말고는 없어.
단, 유대인들 관점에서 천국론이라 전세계가 그들의 천국론에 동조하거나 공통일 필요는 없다.
문제는 기독교가 전세계에 퍼져있으니 유대인들 전용의 천국론이 문제가 되는거야.

바울은 고향 이집트로 돌아왔으니 바리새인이고 영원히 부활하지 못했으니 사두개인이지만,
천국에 가서 돌아오지 못한 모든 자가 사두개인이지만,
죽어서 부활하는 사람이 어디에 있어, 없잖아.
그래서 인간은 모두 잠정적인 사두개인이야.
잠정적인란 말을 쓴 이유는 혹시라도 부활하는 사람이 존재할 수 있으니 확정은 아니라는 뜻이지만 죽어서 부활은 윤회를 뜻하잖아.

불교에서 말하는 깨달으면 윤회하지 않는다는 뜻이 사두개인처럼 부활하지 않는것이라 윤회를 끊은 석가모니 부터도 사두개인이다.
처음부터 Djed으로 태어나면 부활하지 않는다.

어디에서 왔다가 어디로 가는지 모를 바람이 다시 태어날 수 있는가? 부활할 수 있는가?
아버지와 아들의 이름이 같으면 부활을 의미할 수 있는가?

주기도문처럼 하늘에서 이루어진 것 같이 땅에서도 이루어지려면 천국도 땅에 존재해야하고 부활과 비부활도 선택문제가 되는거잖아.

극강의 Diaspora 이산의 고통이 내세관에도 영향준 종교가 유대교다.
기독교는 로마제국에 의한 유대인 포로들 Diaspora 이산의 고통을 바리새인과 사두개인의 문제로 덮어버린 종교다.
예수는 유대의 모든 인과응보를 바리새인과 사두개인(서기관)에게 돌려버렸다.
그들은 예수에 의해 후일 모든 기독교인들의 타킷이 된 것이다.

바리새인은 그리스계라 늘 천국과 지상을 해적이란 이름으로 왕래했지만, 모세와 함께 이집트를 탈출한 사두개인은 두 번 다시 이집트에 돌아가지 않았다.
마찬가지로 로마와 그리스로 끌려간 사두개파 유대인 포로들도 두 번 다시 고향 이스라엘로 돌아가지 않았다.
이것이 춤추는 자와 Djed의 경계다.

이것이 현상계(the phenomenal world)와 뒤섞인 그들의 내세관(afterlife view)이다.

When Paul is in Rome, he is in heaven, and both Sadducees and Pharisees are in heaven, but Sadducees who are not resurrected after death continue to live in Rome-Heaven, but Pharisees who believe in the resurrection must return to Palestine.

Do you understand this far?


Paul went to Rome-Heaven and returned to Egypt, so he is a Pharisee. Later, Paul really died and was not resurrected, so he is called a Sadducee.

Do you understand this far?

Another thing, Paul often goes on a missionary trip to the Greek sky in the book of Acts.
And he went on a missionary trip to Rome and never came back.
Concept of Pharisees and Sadducees.

Do you understand this far?

Then, on May 14, 1948, after the founding of Israel and returning to the land of Canaan, are the Jews from the Diaspora in Europe and around the world, Sadducees or Pharisees?

Yes, all Jews who return to Israel become Pharisees.
They are Pharisees, without one exception.
They're back, so it's a resurrection.
All Jews who are currently scattered throughout Europe or around the world without returning to Israel become Sadducees.
Because they still live in heaven.

So, are the Jews living in America Pharisees or Sadducees?
Yes, they are Sadducees without exception.

If you believe in the resurrected Jesus, you must return to Israel.
If you sit in heaven and shout that you believe in the resurrection of Jesus even though you have no intention of going back to your hometown, it is not the truth, it is a lie and a fraud.
So, living in heaven, there are no disputes other than dissatisfaction with heaven itself.
However, it is not necessary for the whole world to agree with or to be in common with their view of heaven because it is the view of heaven from the point of view of the Jews.
The problem is that Christianity is spread all over the world, so the theory of heaven for Jews only becomes a problem.

Paul returned to his hometown of Egypt; he was a Pharisee, and he was a Sadducee because he was never resurrected.
All those who went to heaven and did not return are Sadducees,
There is no one who dies and resurrects.
So all humans are provisional Sadducees.
The reason I use the word provisional means that there may be people who are resurrected, so it is not certain, but resurrection after death means reincarnation.

In Buddhism, the meaning of not being reincarnated when enlightened is not resurrected like the Sadducees.
If you are born as a Djed from the beginning, you will not be resurrected.

Can a wind be born again, where it comes from and where it goes? can you resurrect?
Could the same name for the Father and the Son mean the Resurrection?

Like the Lord's Prayer, for it to be fulfilled on earth as it is in heaven, heaven must exist on earth, and resurrection and non-resurrection are also a matter of choice.

Judaism is the religion in which the suffering of the extreme Diaspora separation has also affected the afterlife.
Christianity is a religion that has covered the suffering of the Jewish captives of Diaspora by the Roman Empire with the problems of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Jesus ascribed to the Pharisees and Sadducees (the scribes) all the cause and effect of Judea.
They were later made the target of all Christians by Jesus.

Pharisees were of Greek descent, so they always traveled to and from heaven and earth in the name of pirates, but the Sadducees who escaped Egypt with Moses never returned to Egypt again.
Likewise, the Sadducees Jewish captives taken to Rome and Greece never returned to their native Israel again.
This is the boundary between the dancer and the Djed.

This is their afterlife view mingled with the phenomenal world.

누가복음 20장
부활 논쟁(마 22:23-33; 막 12:18-27)
27   부활이 없다 주장하는 사두개인 중 어떤이들이 와서
28   물어 가로되 선생님이여 모세가 우리에게 써 주기를 사람의 형이 만일 아내를 두고 자식이 없이 죽거든 그 동생이 그 아내를 취하여 형을 위하여 후사를 세울찌니라 하였나이다
29   그런데 칠 형제가 있었는데 맏이 아내를 취하였다가 자식이 없이 죽고
30   그 둘째와 세째가 저를 취하고
31   일곱이 다 그와 같이 자식이 없이 죽고
32   그 후에 여자도 죽었나이다
33   일곱이 다 저를 아내로 취하였으니 부활 때에 그 중에 뉘 아내가 되리이까
34   예수께서 이르시되 이 세상의 자녀들은 장가도 가고 시집도 가되
35   저 세상과 및 죽은 자 가운데서 부활함을 얻기에 합당히 여김을 입은 자들은 장가가고 시집가는 일이 없으며
36   저희는 다시 죽을 수도 없나니 이는 천사와 동등이요 부활의 자녀로서 하나님의 자녀임이니라
37   죽은 자의 살아난다는 것은 모세도 가시나무떨기에 관한 글에 보였으되 주를 아브라함의 하나님이요 이삭의 하나님이요 야곱의 하나님이시라 칭하였나니
38   하나님은 죽은 자의 하나님이 아니요 산 자의 하나님이시라 하나님에게는 모든 사람이 살았느니라 하시니
39   서기관 중 어떤이들이 말하되 선생이여 말씀이 옳으니이다 하니
40   저희는 아무 것도 감히 더 물을 수 없음이더라
Luke 20 [NASB]
Now there came to Him some of the Sadducees (who say that there is no resurrection),
and they questioned Him, saying, "Teacher, Moses wrote for us that IF A MAN'S BROTHER DIES, having a wife, AND HE IS CHILDLESS, HIS BROTHER SHOULD MARRY THE WIFE AND RAISE UP CHILDREN TO HIS BROTHER.
"Now there were seven brothers; and the first took a wife and died childless;
and the second
and the third married her; and in the same way all seven died, leaving no children.
"Finally the woman died also.
"In the resurrection therefore, which one's wife will she be? For all seven had married her."
Jesus said to them, "The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage,
but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage;
for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
"But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the passage about the burning bush, where he calls the Lord THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, AND THE GOD OF ISAAC, AND THE GOD OF JACOB.
"Now He is not the God of the dead but of the living; for all live to Him."
Some of the scribes answered and said, "Teacher, You have spoken well."
For they did not have courage to question Him any longer about anything.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 18, 2022, 12:24:59 AM
JEE Type Problem #132

How old was I?

You moved from heaven to heaven as a child.
Just as blessings are meaningless to the Sadducees living in heaven,
In heaven, age is just a meaningless concern for you as much as eternal time.
Just like you celebrated the birth of a scientist other than Jesus on Christmas Day...
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 18, 2022, 12:52:38 AM
У Капанадзе была медь, в лучшем случае бескислородная...
Я всё больше убеждаюсь, что вы лезите в бред!

러시아 인간들이 10년전부터 외계인 언어 사용하는 정신병자라는 것은 세상이 다 아는데..... ;D 8)
러시아는 미친듯이 좃빠지게 하늘 꼭대기에 사는겨? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 01:43:56 AM
꽃미남 재벌2세를 사랑한 사기꾼 남자, 그런데 약혼녀가 있자 그만... (결말포함 영화리뷰)

아빠가 90년대초 인터넷 막 보급될 때 컴퓨터 사서 지금까지 한국통신에 납부한 요금이 30년 곱하기 매월 35,000원이다.

하이텔 [ High Telecommunication ]
한국전기통신공사에서 제공했던 종합 인터넷 서비스망.
정식 명칭은 한국통신하이텔이다. 1991년 12월 9일 한국전기통신공사 산하 온라인 PC통신 서비스 업체로 출발하였다. 한국전기통신공사의 정보통신 인프라를 근간으로 하며, 1992년 5월부터 회원 중심의 유료 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 1999년 1월부터는 인터넷 서비스를 통합하여 제공하면서 인터넷 '메뉴 서비스'는 무료로 전환되었다.
2001년에 5,000여 종의 콘텐츠와 5,000여 개의 커뮤니티, 교육정보 등을 보유했으며 '하이텔 2000', 웹과 온라인을 통합한 'www.hitel.net', '하이텔 IBC 오픈', 'www.ehitel.com', 'iman' 메신저 등의 서비스를 제공하였다.  2004년 한미르와 통합되어 파란이 되었다.

건데는 아빠글 어떻게 알고 왔니?
알만한 애들이 어떻게 아빠글 알고왔는지 아빠도 몰라.
근데 아빠글 관련 얘기를 개들이 하는거야 건데 너처럼 돌리고 돌려서.
아빠가 논제로 올린거 개들이 우회적으로 얘기하는거야 건데 너처럼.
그래서 아빠도 개들이 아빠얘기한다고 말하는거야.
지금도 아빠글 눈팅하는 애들 많아.
아빠를 처음으로 언급한 것은 한겨레였다.
박미향 기자(별명 먕먕이).
고마운 이름이지.
우리의 신조를 해병대로 오인한 사진...
비슷한 시기에 조선일보 기자도 언급하더라.
이어서 다른 신문사 기자들도.
아빠가 음모론 카페에 가입한 것이 화근이였다.
그 카페에 눈팅하는 기자들과 일베충들 좀 많았다.
딱보니까 이거 물건이다 싶으니까 바로 떡감.
네이버에 유태자본론카페 치면 바로 나온다.
지금은 폐쇄되서 읽기만 가능하다.

1000광년 크기의 거대한 공허가 태양계를 둘러싸고 있습니다.
공허는 뭐 니들 은하와 함께 돌지않고 기다려주고 있었다든?
언젠가 안드로메다 은하와 우리은하가 충돌하는다는 가설도 공허충돌로 설명하면 된다든?
가능성의 문제는 추론의 영역이며, 추론도 기존 추론을 바탕으로한 추론이라 추론 자체가 의미없다.
밀도가 낮은 것은, 다른 우주도 마찬가지다.
국부거품은 니들만해당하는 것이 아니라 다른 행성계도 마찬가지다.
국부거품이 초신성 폭발로 만들어진게 아니라, 우주에는 밀도가 낮은 행성계가 무수하게 많다.
[원래 그렇다]는 가설만큼 완성된 가설은 아직 없다.
설명이 안되는 것을 설명하려고 진화론을 도입했다면 다른 생물도 환경에 적응한 진화론을 도입해야한다.
너거들만 진화하고 다른 생물은 원래 거기에 고정되어 있었다고 말하는거와 뭐가 달라.
양자론도 관측하면서 결정된게 아니라, 원래부터 결정되어 있었다.
어둠은 빛의 부재일뿐 어둠은 존재하는 것이 아니다.
존재하는 것처럼 보이는 것은 눈을 자극하는 빛이 존재하지 않기 때문이다라는 평범한 가설.
어둠은 느끼는 것이 아니라 [느낄 것이 없어서] 존재하는 것이 아니다.
어둠은 있지만 존재하는 것이 아니다.
느낄 것이 없어 존재하는 것처럼보이는 허무다.
국부거품이 왜 존재하는가를 니들 시각에서 보면 [우주에 널린게 국부거품이다]라는 평범한 가설은, 니들이 관측한 우주가 너무 멀리 떨어져 있어서 발생한 [데이터 오차값 범위다]가 더 그럴듯한 가설이다.

니들은 뒤엉킴의 지구열순환 법칙을 우주에 적용하려고 노력한다.
우주 넘어에 또 다른 우주가 존재할 것이라고 믿는다.
니들 우주의 크기가 지구의 모래알 크기라면 다른 우주는 지금 관측되는 우주의 끝보다 더 먼곳에 존재할 가능성은 있지만 존재하는 것은 아니다.
우주에서 시간은 무의미할 정도로 오래됐다가 통하지 않는다.
우주는 무한 전에도 있었고 [무한은 무한]이라 시간이 무의미하다.
중력 또한 무한전부터 존재해서 다른 우주를 허용할 만큼 물질을 무방비로 놔두지 않는다.
무한전부터 무한으로부터 끌려온 것이 우주의 물질들이다.
우주에는 니들 우주 하나밖에 없다고 보는 것이 더 타당하다는거야.
운동법칙이 중력법칙을 이긴다든가 벗어날 수 있다든가하는 문제는 모두 중력문제다.
별 개지랄 다해도 중력이 일으킨 힘 안에서는 중력을 벗어날 수 없다는 뜻이야.

SpinLaunch Suborbital Accelerator - First Launch
빅뱅 폭발력도 중력우주를 벗어나지 못한다.
생물의 운동 즉, 물질로부터 자유하기 위한 몸부림을 중력을 이긴 것으로 착각한다.
우주가 존재하는 것 자체가 빅뱅 폭발력을 이긴 중력의 힘이다.
서로가 끌어당기는 힘이 존재하는 곳에서 우주가 존재하는 것 자체가 빅뱅이 존재한 것이 아니다.
우주의 시간 끝에서 모든 별들을 잡아먹은 블랙홀들이 서로를 잡아먹으며 더더욱 거대한 크기의 블랙홀이 드디어 폭발했다.
이 블랙홀의 크기만큼의 공동이 국부거품으로 축소된 가설?

어느시점 우주를 몽땅 삼킨 초거대한 블랙홀이 알 수 없는 원인으로 대폭발 빅뱅을 일으켰다는 가설을 완성하려면 일반 블랙홀이 우주에 에너지를 절대 빼앗기지 않는다는 가설이 우선되야하고, 그러나 아쉽게도 블랙홀은 우주에 엄청난 에너지를 별을 삼키는 것만 큼 빼앗긴다는 가설이 더 설득력이 있다는거야.

'우주 진화의 열쇠' 블랙홀에 관한 상식 5가지
블랙홀이 은하 진화의 역사를 이해하는 데 중요한 열쇠 중 하나로 여겨지면서 최근 많은 관측 연구가 이뤄지고 있지만, 여전히 밝혀야 할 많은 수수께끼를 지니고 있다.
■ 태양질량의 100억 배까지
블랙홀은 엄청나게 강한 중력 때문에 어떠한 것도 빠져나올 수 없는 시공간이다. 흔히 거대한 별(항성)이 자기 중력을 견디지 못해 급속히 붕괴해 생성되는데, 우주 초기엔 이와 다른 경로로 생성됐을 수도 있는 것으로 추정된다. 거대한 블랙홀은 태양 질량의 100만~100억 배에 달한다. 물질이 탈출할 수 없는 블랙홀의 경계지대를 '사건지평선'이라 부른다. 사건지평선에선 대부분의 물질이 블랙홀에 빠져들지만 일부는 에너지로 변환해 '제트'로 분출된다. 블랙홀에서 분출되는 물질과 에너지는 은하 전반에 영향을 주는데, 초대형 블랙홀의 경우엔 그 영향이 백만 광년 넘게도 전해지는 것으로 알려져 있다.
■ 빛의 속도로 회전하기도
"블랙홀은 매우 빠르게, 때로는 빛의 속도로 회전을 하기도 합니다. 피겨스케이팅 선수가 회전할 때 팔을 오므리면 속도가 빨라지듯이, 회전하던 거대 천체가 매우 작은 공간으로 급속 붕괴할 때 엄청나게 빠른 회전력을 얻습니다. 이런 회전 블랙홀 주변에서는 광자들이 일정한 방향으로 회전하는데 이때에 독특한 현상이 벌어집니다. 물론 회전하지 않는 블랙홀도 있어요."(손봉원 한국천문연구원 연구원)
■ 은하 전체 질량의 0.2%
"그동안의 블랙홀 관측 데이터를 종합하면 은하 중심 블랙홀의 질량은 은하 전체 질량의 0.2%로 늘 일정하게 나타난다고 합니다. 은하 규모가 크건 작건 블랙홀 질량과 그 비율이 '1000 대 2'로 대체로 유지된다는 거죠. 특히 은하의 형성과 진화 과정에서 0.2%라는 숫자는 어떤 의미일까요? 흥미로운 숫자입니다."(우종학 서울대 교수·천문학)
■ 가장 어둡지만 가장 밝기도
"블랙홀은 빛조차 빨아들이는 우주에서 가장 어두운 천체로 꼽힙니다. 그렇지만 우주에서 가장 강력하고 밝게 에너지를 내뿜는 천체도 또한 블랙홀입니다. 블랙홀로 물질이 빨려들어갈 때 사건지평선 지대에서는 엄청난 물질 마찰과 격동이 있고 블랙홀의 회전 에너지까지 더해져 강력한 에너지를 방출합니다. 은하 전체에서 나오는 빛보다 더 밝은 빛이 은하 중심 블랙홀에서 나오기도 합니다. 그래서 '빛나는 블랙홀'이란 표현도 사실 맞는 셈이지요."(손봉원 연구원)
■ 언제나 배가 고프다
"흔히 블랙홀은 언제나 배고프다, 이런 표현을 쓰기도 합니다. 현재로서는 블랙홀의 질량에 한계는 없다고 여겨집니다. 계속 물질을 빨아들이죠. 흥미로운 건 현재 우리은하 근처에서 가장 큰 블랙홀이 태양 질량의 100억배 규모라는 겁니다. 블랙홀 질량이 2배 되는 데 걸리는 긴 시간을 역산하면 이 블랙홀은 우주 초기에도 존재했다고 계산되지요. 그렇다면 우주 최초의 블랙홀은 거대 항성의 붕괴에서 비롯한 게 아닐 수도 있지요."(우종학 교수)

요한복음 1장
1   태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라
2   그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고
3   만물이 그로 말미암아 지은바 되었으니 지은 것이 하나도 그가 없이는 된 것이 없느니라
4   그 안에 생명이 있었으니 이 생명은 사람들의 빛이라
5   빛이 어두움에 비취되 어두움이 깨닫지 못하더라
John 장 [NASB]
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

1절의 하나님과 말씀 정체가 5절에서 드러났다.
말씀이 하나님이라고 했으니 하나님은 하나가 아니라 둘의 관계다.
빛의 하나님과 어둠의 하나님.
The true nature of God and the Word in verse 1 is revealed in verse 5.
Since it is said that the Word is God, God is not one, but a relationship of two.
God of light and God of darkness.

영어NIV,1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
영어NASB,1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
영어MSG,1  The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God,
영어NRSV,1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
헬라어신약Stephanos,1 εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος
라틴어Vulgate,1 in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum
히브리어Modern,1 בראשית היה הדבר והדבר היה את האלהים ואלהים היה הדבר׃

영어NIV,5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
영어NASB,5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
영어MSG,5  The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out.
영어NRSV,5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
헬라어신약Stephanos,5 και το φως εν τη σκοτια φαινει και η σκοτια αυτο ου κατελαβεν
라틴어Vulgate,5 et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt
히브리어Modern,5 והאור בחשך זרח והחשך לא השיגו׃

5절로해서 빛의 신, 어둠의 신, 빛과 어둠의 혼합신 셋이 탄생했다.
빛을 어둠이 깨닫지 못하는 것은 여전히 어둡다는 뜻이다.
어둠이 빛에게 지지않고 어둠을 유지하고 있다는 뜻이니까.
합체신전이 아직 없었다는 뜻이지만, 신전이 원래부터 셋인데 부정되면 신화의 문제가 아니라 신박과학처럼 해석의 문제다.
In the fifth verse, three gods were born: the god of light, the god of darkness, and the mixed god of light and darkness.
When the darkness does not understand the light, it means that it is still dark.
Because it means that the darkness is not losing to the light and is maintaining the darkness.
It means that the combined temple did not exist yet, but if it is denied that there are three temples from the beginning, it is not a matter of myth, but a matter of interpretation like Shinbak Science.

빌리보서 5장
5   너희 안에 이 마음을 품으라 곧 그리스도 예수의 마음이니
6   그는 근본 하나님의 본체시나 하나님과 동등됨을 2)취할 것으로 여기지 아니하시고
7   오히려 자기를 비워 종의 형체를 가져 사람들과 같이 되었고
8   사람의 모양으로 나타나셨으매 자기를 낮추시고 죽기까지 복종하셨으니 곧 십자가에 죽으심이라
Philippians 2 [NASB]
Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,
who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

바울이 이끌고온 노예들에게 복종을 강요하며 십자가(Djed)를 강조했으니,
바리새인처럼 부활해서 돌아오든가, 사두개인처럼 천국에 영구 배치되는가를 말하려는 것이 아니라,
예수 자체인 Djed-십자가 자체가 부활이 없다.
합체신전에 부활이 존재할 수 없다.
믹스는 혼돈 또는 사라짐이다.
부활은 춤추는 자가 독립하면서 발생한 과거로의 회귀, 원리주의로의 재회귀다.
Djed은 어둠만 허락된 물건이였지만 그리스 정복자들이 Djed을 그들신을 떠빋드는 하급신으로 만들면서 빛도 떠받들게 됐다.
모세는 부활이 없었지만, 출애굽기에서 드러난 모세의 정체는 번개를 떠받드는 그리스의 하급신 Djed이다.
모세가 먼저 시작했지만, 예수에 의해 Djed이 눈을 뜨고 번개를 섬겨서 부활예수가 재림하는 사태는 그리스와 로마의 입맛대로 해석이 섞인 후대 바리새인과 사두개인의 재개입이다.
Paul emphasized the cross (Djed) by forcing the slaves to obey him.
I'm not talking about a resurrected return like the Pharisees, or permanent assignment to heaven like the Sadducees.
Djed, which is Jesus himself - the cross itself has no resurrection.
Resurrection cannot exist in the united temple.
The mix is ​​chaos or disappearance.
Resurrection is a return to the past that occurred when the dancer became independent, and a return to fundamentalism.
Djed was an object permitted only in darkness, but as the Greek conquerors made Djed a sub-god that worshiped their gods, it also supported light.
Although Moses was not resurrected, the identity of Moses revealed in Exodus is Djed, a Greek subordinate god who supports lightning.
Although Moses started it first, the situation in which Djed is awakened by Jesus and serves lightning and the resurrection of Jesus comes again is the re-entry of the later Pharisees and Sadducees with interpretations according to the tastes of Greece and Rome.

마태복음 24장
26   그러면 사람들이 너희에게 말하되 보라 그리스도가 광야에 있다 하여도 나가지 말고 보라 골방에 있다 하여도 믿지 말라
27   번개가 동편에서 나서 서편까지 번쩍임 같이 인자의 임함도 그러하리라
28   주검이 있는 곳에는 독수리들이 모일찌니라
29   그 날 환난 후에 즉시 해가 어두워지며 달이 빛을 내지 아니하며 별들이 하늘에서 떨어지며 하늘의 권능들이 흔들리리라
30   그 때에 인자의 징조가 하늘에서 보이겠고 그 때에 땅의 모든 족속들이 통곡하며 그들이 인자가 구름을 타고 능력과 큰 영광으로 오는 것을 보리라
31   저가 큰 나팔소리와 함께 천사들을 보내리니 저희가 그 택하신 자들을 하늘 이 끝에서 저 끝까지 사방에서 모으리라
32   무화과나무의 비유를 배우라 그 가지가 연하여지고 잎사귀를 내면 여름이 가까운 줄을 아나니
33   이와 같이 너희도 이 모든 일을 보거든 인자가 가까이 곧 문앞에 이른줄 알라
Matthew 24 [NASB]
"So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them.
"For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
"Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.
"But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
"And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.
"And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
"Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near;
so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.

바리새인 세리 마태는 춤추는 자라서, 예수가 번개로 재림하기 바라는 자다.
Matthew, the tax collector, a Pharisee, is a dancer, hoping that Jesus will return with lightning.

누가복음 9장
28   이 말씀을 하신 후 팔일쯤 되어 예수께서 베드로와 요한과 야고보를 데리시고 기도하시러 산에 올라가사
29   기도하실 때에 용모가 변화되고 그 옷이 희어져 광채가 나더라
30   문득 두 사람이 예수와 함께 말하니 이는 모세와 엘리야라
31   영광 중에 나타나서 장차 예수께서 예루살렘에서 별세하실 것을 말씀할쌔
32   베드로와 및 함께 있는 자들이 곤하여 졸다가 아주 깨어 예수의 영광과 및 함께 선 두 사람을 보더니
33   두 사람이 떠날 때에 베드로가 예수께 여짜오되 주여 우리가 여기 있는 것이 좋사오니 우리가 초막 셋을 짓되 하나는 주를 위하여, 하나는 모세를 위하여, 하나는 엘리야를 위하여 하사이다 하되 자기의 하는 말을 자기도 알지 못하더라
34   이 말 할 즈음에 구름이 와서 저희를 덮는지라 구름 속으로 들어갈 때에 저희가 무서워하더니
35   구름 속에서 소리가 나서 가로되 이는 나의 아들 곧 택함을 받은 자니 너희는 저의 말을 들으라 하고
36   소리가 그치매 오직 예수만 보이시더라 제자들이 잠잠하여 그 본 것을 무엇이든지 그 때에는 아무에게도 이르지 아니하니라
54   제자 야고보와 요한이 이를 보고 가로되 주여 우리가 불을 명하여 하늘로 좇아 내려 저희를 멸하라 하기를 원하시나이까
55   예수께서 돌아보시며 꾸짖으시고
62   예수께서 이르시되 손에 쟁기를 잡고 뒤를 돌아보는 자는 하나님의 나라에 합당치 아니하니라 하시니라
Luke 9 [NASB]
Some eight days after these sayings, He took along Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray.
And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming.
And behold, two men were talking with Him; and they were Moses and Elijah,
who, appearing in glory, were speaking of His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.
Now Peter and his companions had been overcome with sleep; but when they were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men standing with Him.
And as these were leaving Him, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make three tabernacles: one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah"--not realizing what he was saying.
While he was saying this, a cloud formed and began to overshadow them; and they were afraid as they entered the cloud.
Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!"
And when the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. And they kept silent, and reported to no one in those days any of the things which they had seen.
When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?"
But He turned and rebuked them, [and said, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of;
But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

모세와 엘리아를 예수와 함께 소환하고,
예수가 하늘의 불을 거부하며,
손에 쟁기를 잡고 뒤를 돌아보는 자는 뱀을 잡고 있는 Djed이고 뱀이 뒤를 돌아보는 것이라 합체신전은 하나님 나라에 적합하지 않다는 말이다.
루가의 정체는 모세파 사두개인이라 부활이 필요하지 않아 그리스와 로마에서 이스라엘로 돌아오지 않는다.
머리 둘 곳 없는 인자는 머리가 없는 Djed의 신세한탄이다.
Summon Moses and Elias with Jesus,
Jesus rejects the fire of heaven,
The one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is the Djed holding the snake, and the snake looks back. This means that the united temple is not suitable for the kingdom of God.
Luke's identity is a Mosaic Sadducee, and he does not return to Israel from Greece and Rome as he does not need a resurrection.
Headless Son of Man-Jesus is the headless Djed's lament.

누가복음 10장
18   예수께서 이르시되 사단이 하늘로서 번개 같이 떨어지는 것을 내가 보았노라
Luke 10 [NASB]
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

어둠을 섬기는 루가에게 번개는 배척의 대상이다.
Lightning is the target of rejection for Luga, who worships darkness.

마태복음 10장
10   여행을 위하여 주머니나 두 벌 옷이나 신이나 지팡이를 가지지 말라 이는 일군이 저 먹을것 받는 것이 마땅함이니라
or a bag for your journey, or even two coats, or sandals, or a staff; for the worker is worthy of his support.
마가복음 6장
8   명하시되 여행을 위하여 지팡이 외에는 양식이나 주머니나 전대의 돈이나 아무 것도 가지지 말며
Mark 6 [NASB]
and He instructed them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a mere staff--no bread, no bag, no money in their belt--
누가복음 9장
3   이르시되 여행을 위하여 아무 것도 가지지 말라 지팡이나 주머니나 양식이나 돈이나 두 벌 옷을 가지지 말며
Luke 9 [NASB]
And He said to them, "Take nothing for your journey, neither a staff, nor a bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not even have two tunics apiece.

마태는 춤추는 자라 지팡이를 허용하지 않았고,
마가는 합체신전 숭배파라 지팡이를 허용했고,
루가는 뱀지팡이를 허용하지 않았다.
모세를 뱀을 잡았는데, 왜 루가는 지팡이를 허용하지 않았는가?
그 이유가 출애굽기에 자세하게 나온다.
Matthew was a dancer and did not allow a staff,
Mark allowed the staff of the united temple worship para,
Luke did not allow snake sticks.
He killed Moses, but why didn't Luke allow the staff?
The reason is detailed in Exodus.

누가복음 18장
31   예수께서 열 두 제자를 데리시고 이르시되 보라 우리가 예루살렘으로 올라가노니 선지자들로 기록된 모든 것이 인자에게 응하리라
32   인자가 이방인들에게 넘기워 희롱을 받고 능욕을 받고 침 뱉음을 받겠으며
33   저희는 채찍질하고 죽일 것이니 저는 삼일만에 살아나리라 하시되
34   제자들이 이것을 하나도 깨닫지 못하였으니 그 말씀이 감추였으므로 저희가 그 이르신 바를 알지 못하였더라
35   여리고에 가까이 오실 때에 한 소경이 길 가에 앉아 구걸하다가
36   무리의 지남을 듣고 이 무슨 일이냐고 물은대
37   저희가 나사렛 예수께서 지나신다 하니
38   소경이 외쳐 가로되 다윗의 자손 예수여 나를 불쌍히 여기소서 하거늘
39   앞서 가는 자들이 저를 꾸짖어 잠잠하라 하되 저가 더욱 심히 소리질러 다윗의 자손이여 나를 불쌍히 여기소서 하는지라
40   예수께서 머물러 서서 명하여 데려오라 하셨더니 저가 가까이 오매 물어 가라사대
41   네게 무엇을 하여 주기를 원하느냐 가로되 주여 보기를 원하나이다
42   예수께서 저에게 이르시되 보아라 네 믿음이 너를 구원하였느니라 하시매
43   곧 보게 되어 하나님께 영광을 돌리며 예수를 좇으니 백성이 다 이를 보고 하나님을 찬양하니라
Luke 18 [NASB]
Then He took the twelve aside and said to them, "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all things which are written through the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished.
"For He will be handed over to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and mistreated and spit upon,
and after they have scourged Him, they will kill Him; and the third day He will rise again."
But the disciples understood none of these things, and the meaning of this statement was hidden from them, and they did not comprehend the things that were said.
As Jesus was approaching Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the road begging.
Now hearing a crowd going by, he began to inquire what this was.
They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.
And he called out, saying, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
Those who led the way were sternly telling him to be quiet; but he kept crying out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
And Jesus stopped and commanded that he be brought to Him; and when he came near, He questioned him,
"What do you want Me to do for you?" And he said, "Lord, I want to regain my sight!"
And Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight; your faith has made you well."
Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him, glorifying God; and when all the people saw it, they gave praise to God.

루가는 지팡이 허용하는 문제를 능욕으로 해석했다.
예수가 능욕을 당하는 과정안에서 소경의 눈을 뜨게 한다.
예수가 마지못해 억지로 소경의 눈을 뜨게 만든 것은 능욕이라고 해석했다.
모세가 뱀을 잡은 것은 이집트 Djed으로서가 아니라 그리스가 차출한  Djed이라서다.
Luke interpreted the issue of allowing a cane as an insult.
In the process of being humiliated, Jesus opens the eyes of the blind.
It was interpreted as insulting that Jesus reluctantly forced the blind to open their eyes.
It was not because of the Egyptian Djed that Moses caught the serpent, but because of the Greek Djed.

출애굽기 4장
1   모세가 대답하여 가로되 그러나 그들이 나를 믿지 아니하며 내 말을 듣지 아니하고 이르기를 여호와께서 네게 나타나지 아니하셨다 하리이다
2   여호와께서 그에게 이르시되 네 손에 있는 것이 무엇이냐 그가 가로되 지팡이니이다
3   여호와께서 가라사대 그것을 땅에 던지라 곧 땅에 던지니 그것이 뱀이 된지라 모세가 뱀 앞에서 피하매
4   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 네 손을 내밀어 그 꼬리를 잡으라 그가 손을 내밀어 잡으니 그 손에서 지팡이가 된지라
Exodus 4 [NASB]    
Then Moses said, "What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say, 'The LORD has not appeared to you.'"
The LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" And he said, "A staff."
Then He said, "Throw it on the ground." So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.
But the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand and grasp it by its tail"--so he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand--

모세는 처음부터 합체신전 Djed이였다.
그래서 처음부터 지팡이를 잡고 있었다.
Moses was a united temple Djed from the beginning.
So he was holding the cane from the beginning.

출애굽기 5장
4   애굽 왕이 그들에게 이르되 모세와 아론아 너희가 어찌하여 백성으로 역사를 쉬게 하느냐 가서 너희의 역사나 하라
5   또 가로되 이제 나라에 이 백성이 많거늘 너희가 그들로 역사를 쉬게 하는도다 하고
6   바로가 당일에 백성의 간역자들과 패장들에게 명하여 가로되
7   너희는 백성에게 다시는 벽돌 소용의 짚을 전과 같이 주지 말고 그들로 가서 스스로 줍게 하라
8   또 그들의 전에 만든 벽돌 수효대로 그들로 만들게 하고 감하지 말라 그들이 게으르므로 소리질러 이르기를 우리가 가서 우리 하나님께 희생을 드리자 하나니
9   그 사람들의 고역을 무겁게 함으로 수고롭게 하여 그들로 거짓말을 듣지 않게하라
10   간역자들과 패장들이 나가서 백성에게 일러 가로되 바로의 말씀에 내가 너희에게 짚을 주지 아니하리니
11   너희는 짚을 얻을 곳으로 가서 주우라 너희 일은 조금도 감하지 아니하리라 하셨느니라
12   백성이 애굽 온땅에 흩어져 곡초 그루터기를 거두어다가 짚을 대신하니
13   간역자들이 그들을 독촉하여 가로되 너희는 짚이 있을 때와 같이 당일 일을 당일에 마치라 하며
14   바로의 간역자들이 자기들의 세운바 이스라엘 자손의 패장들을 때리며 가로되 너희가 어찌하여 어제와 오늘에 만드는 벽돌의 수효를 전과 같이 채우지 아니하였느냐 하니라
15   이스라엘 자손의 패장들이 가서 바로에게 호소하여 가로되 왕은 어찌하여 종들에게 이같이 하시나이까
16   종들에게 짚을 주지아니하고 그들이 우리더러 벽돌을 만들라 하나이다 종들이 매를 맞으오니 이는 왕의 백성의 허물이니이다
17   바로가 가로되 너희가 게으르다 게으르다 그러므로 너희가 이르기를 우리가 가서 여호와께 희생을 드리자 하는도다
18   이제 가서 일하라 짚은 너희에게 주지 않을찌라도 너희가 벽돌은 여수히 바칠찌니라
19   이스라엘 자손의 패장들이 너희의 매일 만드는 벽돌을 조금도 감하지 못하리라 함을 듣고 화가 몸에 미친줄 알고
20   그들이 바로를 떠나 나올 때에 모세와 아론이 길에 선것을 만나
21   그들에게 이르되 너희가 우리로 바로의 눈과 그 신하의 눈에 미운 물건이 되게 하고 그들의 손에 칼을 주어 우리를 죽이게 하는도다 여호와는 너희를 감찰하시고 판단하시기를 원하노라
Exodus 5 [NASB]
But the king of Egypt said to them, "Moses and Aaron, why do you draw the people away from their work? Get back to your labors!"
Again Pharaoh said, "Look, the people of the land are now many, and you would have them cease from their labors!"
So the same day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters over the people and their foremen, saying,
"You are no longer to give the people straw to make brick as previously; let them go and gather straw for themselves.
"But the quota of bricks which they were making previously, you shall impose on them; you are not to reduce any of it. Because they are lazy, therefore they cry out, 'Let us go and sacrifice to our God.'
"Let the labor be heavier on the men, and let them work at it so that they will pay no attention to false words."
So the taskmasters of the people and their foremen went out and spoke to the people, saying, "Thus says Pharaoh, 'I am not going to give you any straw.
'You go and get straw for yourselves wherever you can find it, but none of your labor will be reduced.'"
So the people scattered through all the land of Egypt to gather stubble for straw.
The taskmasters pressed them, saying, "Complete your work quota, your daily amount, just as when you had straw."
Moreover, the foremen of the sons of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten and were asked, "Why have you not completed your required amount either yesterday or today in making brick as previously?"
Then the foremen of the sons of Israel came and cried out to Pharaoh, saying, "Why do you deal this way with your servants?
"There is no straw given to your servants, yet they keep saying to us, 'Make bricks!' And behold, your servants are being beaten; but it is the fault of your own people."
But he said, "You are lazy, very lazy; therefore you say, 'Let us go and sacrifice to the LORD.'
"So go now and work; for you will be given no straw, yet you must deliver the quota of bricks."
The foremen of the sons of Israel saw that they were in trouble because they were told, "You must not reduce your daily amount of bricks."
When they left Pharaoh's presence, they met Moses and Aaron as they were waiting for them.
They said to them, "May the LORD look upon you and judge you, for you have made us odious in Pharaoh's sight and in the sight of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to kill us."
Then Moses returned to the LORD and said, "O Lord, why have You brought harm to this people? Why did You ever send me?
"Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done harm to this people, and You have not delivered Your people at all."

너희는 백성에게 다시는 벽돌 소용의 짚을 전과 같이 주지 말고 그들로 가서 스스로 줍게 하라
"You are no longer to give the people straw to make brick as previously; let them go and gather straw for themselves.

모세가 합체신전 Djed이라 파라오가 히브리 노예들에게 짚을 스스로 줍게했다.
Djed이 뱀의 목을 잡고 있는 것을 파라오가 히브리 노예들이 짚을 스스로 줍게 만든 것이다.
히브리 노예들이 짚을 줍게 만든 사건은 뱀의 목을 잡고 있던 Djed로부터 시작된 신전만의 에피소드이며 실체가 없다는 뜻이다.
번개나 전기를 이용한 특별한 제조기술이 존재했다면 모를까, 피라밋을 건조하는데 석회시멘트 제조기술에 짚은 불필요하다.
모세와 만난 여호와의 사자 정체가 번개였다.
이것이 모세가 처음부터 지팡이를 들고있었던 이유다.
블레셋은 모세보다 선대인 아브라함 시대에 존재했으니 모세로부터 또는 그 이전에 어둠과 번개가 합체을 시도한 것은 이집트로 팔려간 야곱의 아들 요셉으로부터 시작된다.
예수의 아버지 이름도 요셉이다.
합체신전은 모세로부터 시작한게 아니라 아브라함이 이집트로 들어간 제15왕조부터 이집트에 존재했다는 뜻이다.
이집트의 번개 기원(이집트 신화는 모세에 의해 차단됨)은 블레셋이 전달자였지만 아브라함과 모세가 번개를 가로채서 첫 조우하게 만든다.
Since Moses was a united temple Djed, the pharaoh had the Hebrew slaves gather straw for himself.
Djed holding the serpent's neck, the pharaoh made the Hebrew slaves gather straw for themselves.
The incident that caused the Hebrew slaves to gather straw is a temple-only episode that started with Djed, who was holding the snake's neck, meaning that it has no substance.
If there was a special manufacturing technology using lightning or electricity, straw is unnecessary in lime cement manufacturing technology to dry the pyramid.
The angel of the Lord who met Moses was a lightning bolt.
This is why Moses was holding a staff from the beginning.
The Philistines existed in the time of Abraham, an ancestor of Moses, so the attempt to combine darkness and lightning from Moses or before that begins with Joseph, the son of Jacob, who was sold to Egypt.
Jesus' father's name was Joseph.
It means that the Temple of Unity did not start with Moses, but existed in Egypt from the 15th Dynasty, when Abraham entered Egypt.
The origin of lightning in Egypt (Egyptian mythology was interrupted by Moses), though the Philistines were the messengers, intercepted the lightning by Abraham and Moses, leading to their first encounter.

출애굽기 6장
30   모세가 여호와 앞에서 고하되 나는 입이 둔한 자이오니 바로가 어찌 나를 들으리이까
Exodus 6 [NASB]
But Moses said before the LORD, "Behold, I am unskilled in speech; how then will Pharaoh listen to me?"

모세가 Djed이라 입이 없지만 춤추는 자 아론은 블레셋이라 입이 있다.
Moses was a Djed and had no mouth, but Aaron the dancer was a Philistine and had a mouth.

출애굽기 7
9   바로가 너희에게 이르기를 너희는 이적을 보이라 하거든 너는 아론에게 명하기를 너의 지팡이를 가져 바로 앞에 던지라 하라 그것이 뱀이 되리라
10   모세와 아론이 바로에게 가서 여호와의 명하신대로 행하여 아론이 바로와 그 신하 앞에 지팡이를 던졌더니 뱀이 된지라
11   바로도 박사와 박수를 부르매 그 애굽 술객들도 그 술법으로 그와 같이 행하되
12   각 사람이 지팡이를 던지매 뱀이 되었으나 아론의 지팡이가 그들의 지팡이를 삼키니라
Exodus 7 [NASB]
"When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, 'Work a miracle,' then you shall say to Aaron, 'Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.'"
So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the LORD had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent.
Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts.
For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs.

블레셋인 춤추는 자 아론의 뱀이 바로의 박사(wise men)와 박수(sorcerers)의 뱀을 잡아먹는다.
파라오의 어둠신을 아론의 번개신이 잡아 먹었다.
빛은 늘 어둠을 이긴다.
어둠이 빛에게 질 수밖에 없는 싸움이다.
이 싸움에서 빛과 어둠이 공존하는 합체신전이 완성된다.
아는 사람만 아는 매우 중요한 포인트 지점이지만 출애굽 사건과 홍해사건에 가려 유명해지지 않았다.
The serpent of Aaron the Philistine Dancer devours the serpents of Pharaoh's wise men and sorcerers.
Pharaoh's dark god was eaten by Aaron's lightning god.
Light always overcomes darkness.
It is a battle in which darkness cannot but lose to light.
In this battle, a united temple where light and darkness coexist is completed.
It is a very important point known only to those in the know, but it did not become famous because of the Exodus incident and the Red Sea incident.

15   아침에 너는 바로에게로 가라 그가 물로 나오리니 너는 하숫가에 서서 그를 맞으며 그 뱀 되었던 지팡이를 손에 잡고
16   그에게 이르기를 히브리 사람의 하나님 여호와께서 나를 왕에게 보내어 이르시되 내 백성을 보내라 그들이 광야에서 나를 섬길 것이니라 하였으나 이제까지 네가 듣지 아니하도다
17   여호와가 이같이 이르노니 네가 이로 인하여 나를 여호와인줄 알리라 하셨느니라 볼찌어다 내가 내 손의 지팡이로 하수를 치면 그것이 피로 변하고
18   하수의 고기가 죽고 그 물에서는 악취가 나리니 애굽 사람들이 그 물 마시기를 싫어하리라 하라
"Go to Pharaoh in the morning as he is going out to the water, and station yourself to meet him on the bank of the Nile; and you shall take in your hand the staff that was turned into a serpent.
"You shall say to him, 'The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to you, saying, "Let My people go, that they may serve Me in the wilderness. But behold, you have not listened until now."
'Thus says the LORD, "By this you shall know that I am the LORD: behold, I will strike the water that is in the Nile with the staff that is in my hand, and it will be turned to blood.
"The fish that are in the Nile will die, and the Nile will become foul, and the Egyptians will find difficulty in drinking water from the Nile."'"

물(빛)이 피로 변한 것은,
빛이 어둠을 이겼지만 빛은 붉은 색으로 변했다.
태양신 숭배하는 세계관에서 빛이 어둠을 이기고 있는 때는 아침이나 저녁이다.
The water (light) turned into blood,
The light conquered the darkness, but the light turned red.
In the worldview that worships the sun god, it is morning or evening when light overcomes darkness.

마태복음 16장
1   바리새인과 사두개인들이 와서 예수를 시험하여 하늘로서 오는 표적 보이기를 청하니
2   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 너희가 저녁에 하늘이 붉으면 날이 좋겠다 하고
3   아침에 하늘이 붉고 흐리면 오늘은 날이 궂겠다 하나니 너희가 천기는 분별할줄 알면서 시대의 표적은 분별할 수 없느냐
4   악하고 음란한 세대가 표적을 구하나 요나의 표적 밖에는 보여 줄 표적이 없느니라 하시고 저희를 떠나 가시다
Matthew 16 [NASB]    
The Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Jesus, they asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.
But He replied to them, "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.'
"And in the morning, 'There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?
"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a sign will not be given it, except the sign of Jonah." And He left them and went away.

빛이 피로 변한 것은 빛과 어둠이 싸우고 있는 절정이고 완전한 빛도 아니고 완전한 어둠도 아닌 대립항의 지점이다.
모세가 잡고있는 고개꺾이고 뒤돌아보는 뱀은 빛도 아니고 어둠도 아닌 기묘한 신체를 가진 붉은 뱀이다.
이것이 붉은 바다를 가른 복선 메타포고 전제다.
홍해는 뿔뱀을 닮았다.
The transformation of light into blood is the climax of the battle between light and darkness, and it is a point of opposition that is neither complete light nor complete darkness.
The snake that Moses is holding with his head bent and looking back is neither light nor darkness, but a red snake with a strange body.
This is the premise of the double-track metaphor that cuts the Red Sea.
The Red Sea resembles a horned snake.

출애굽기 14장
21   모세가 바다 위로 손을 내어민대 여호와께서 큰 동풍으로 밤새도록 바닷물을 물러가게 하시니 물이 갈라져 바다가 마른 땅이 된지라
22   이스라엘 자손이 바다 가운데 육지로 행하고 물은 그들의 좌우에 벽이 되니
23   애굽 사람들과 바로의 말들, 병거들과 그 마병들이 다 그 뒤를 쫓아 바다 가운데로 들어 오는지라
24   새벽에 여호와께서 불 구름기둥 가운데서 애굽 군대를 보시고 그 군대를 어지럽게 하시며
25   그 병거 바퀴를 벗겨서 달리기에 극난하게 하시니 애굽 사람들이 가로되 이스라엘 앞에서 우리가 도망하자 여호와가 그들을 위하여 싸워 애굽 사람들을 치는도다
26   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 네 손을 바다 위로 내어밀어 물이 애굽 사람들과 그 병거들과 마병들 위에 다시 흐르게 하라 하시니
27   모세가 곧 손을 바다 위로 내어밀매 새벽에 미쳐 바다의 그 세력이 회복된지라 애굽 사람들이 물을 거스려 도망하나 여호와께서 애굽 사람들을 바다 가운데 엎으시니
28   물이 다시 흘러 병거들과 기병들을 덮되 그들의 뒤를 쫓아 바다에 들어간 바로의 군대를 다 덮고 하나도 남기지 아니하였더라
29   그러나 이스라엘 자손은 바다 가운데 육지로 행하였고 물이 좌우에 벽이 되었었더라
30   그 날에 여호와께서 이같이 이스라엘을 애굽 사람의 손에서 구원하시매 이스라엘이 바닷가의 애굽 사람의 시체를 보았더라
31   이스라엘이 여호와께서 애굽 사람들에게 베푸신 큰 일을 보았으므로 백성이 여호와를 경외하며 여호와와 그 종 모세를 믿었더라
Exodus 14 [NASB]
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided.
The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
Then the Egyptians took up the pursuit, and all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots and his horsemen went in after them into the midst of the sea.
At the morning watch, the LORD looked down on the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud and brought the army of the Egyptians into confusion.
He caused their chariot wheels to swerve, and He made them drive with difficulty; so the Egyptians said, "Let us flee from Israel, for the LORD is fighting for them against the Egyptians."
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots and their horsemen."
So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians were fleeing right into it; then the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea.
The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen, even Pharaoh's entire army that had gone into the sea after them; not even one of them remained.
But the sons of Israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
Thus the LORD saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore.
When Israel saw the great power which the LORD had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD, and they believed in the LORD and in His servant Moses.

하토르신전 누트와 게브로 홍해 두 물벽 만들어 낸 것은,
사우디아라비아반도의 본래 위치며 어떤 역활이다.
모세는 홍해를 가른 것이 아니라 하늘과 땅을 갈라놨다.
홍해가 하늘 천국과 땅을 가르는 경계선이라고 모세가 확정했지만 모호하다.
히브리인들은 가나안 땅이 하늘나라 천국이라고 믿고싶겠지만 땅신 게브는 사우디아라비아 반도를 모티브로한다.
그렇게 큰 동풍 바람의 신 Shu의 고유권한을 여호와가 강탈하며 모세는 바람이면서 바람의 힘을 잃었다.
The two water walls of the Red Sea were created by Nut and Gebro of the Temple of Hathor,
It is the original location of the Saudi Arabian Peninsula and what role it plays.
Moses did not part the Red Sea, he parted heaven and earth.
Moses confirmed that the Red Sea was the dividing line between heaven and earth, but it was vague.
Hebrews would like to believe that the land of Canaan is the kingdom of heaven, but the earth god Geb has the motif of the Saudi Arabian peninsula.
When the Lord usurped the authority of Shu, the god of the wind, Moses lost the power of the wind as well as the wind.

"이것이 알코올중독이 작가에게 영향을 미치는 방식이다. 처음엔 연금술 같은 마력을 발휘해주다가, 중노동을 떠안기고, 마지막엔 작가 자신의 어느 정도의 거들먹거리는 타락성과 어느 정도의 끔찍한 측면을 부추겨 벽난로 바닥, 중심부의 불길 속에 집을 짓게 만들어 아직 끝내지 못한 과업의 심장을 갈기갈기 찢어놓는다."

아빠 인트로 쓴지도 벌써 18년 지났다....
It has been over 18 years since my Daddy wrote the intro....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 02:07:58 AM
Низкое потребление.

110 Двух каналов мало ....
Любопытное изменение модуляции, при совмещении горбов тока гранаты и индуктора Во время дедтайма (подстройка совмещения ёмкостью на гранате 660 Нф. а выравнивание высокой частоты ёмкостью в цепи индуктора на 8 витках 800 пкф) А у теслы планируется 4...6 импульсов. Ну пока граната не раскачается

아빠가 지금은 사라진 모전기자동차 주식 멸망당하는 바람에 열받아 건달바성 꼬득여 세상 멸망시키기로 작정하고 시작된 종말프로그램중 하나라 남은 시간들 행복하게 즐기렴.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 02:15:11 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
SpaceX passes 2,000 Starlink satellites launched

첫 컴퓨터 살때가 엇그제같은디..... 벌써 30년여....? 오래도 됐네... 8)

8) 8)

쥴리창녀 팬카페 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)

일베 니들두 참 할일읍따.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 06:09:59 AM
굿힘당 샤먼쥴리

야, 땡초 너도 참 징하다.
쥴리창녀 허벌난 믿구녕빨아야 떡이나오니, 술이 나오니.
땡초 니가 불교 땡중들 욕쳐먹이는거 알면서 사주팔자가지고 땡초짓거리하는거보면 불교에 한이 많은게로구나.
옛날에 너 키운 주지애비가 불경못외운다구 쿠사리많이주든?
글구 니 사주풀이 오류많은거 아니모르니?
니 좃꼴리는대로하는게 무슨 사주풀이니.
누구한테 배웠니 애비주지한테 배웠니?
오늘부로 구독끊는다.



Эфирный приемник электричества. Практика.

Браво! Браво!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 06:46:11 AM
물과 섞이면 좃빠지게 뜨거운 석회시멘트 배합에 짚이 들어가야 하는 것은 당연해. ;D ;D ;D ;D

아래 그림에 짚이 있나 함 찾아봐. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 07:15:35 AM
Quote from: color on February 03, 2019, 05:38:46 AM
내가 오늘 쓰려는 바는 보지들의
"초음파 공격"이다.
일단 "소녀들의 심리학" 이라는 책의 표지로
널리 알려진 짤방의 사진을 보자.
당신은 위 표정이 의미하는 바에 대해
얼마나 알 수 있는가??
보통의 게이라면 ?? 정도로 끝나겠고
조금 예민한 게이는
"누군가를 은근히 깔보는 표정같다"
라고 할 것이다.
나는 보다 정확히 알고 있다.
보지들간에 누군가 한명을 집어 따시키려는
공론을 마친 뒤에
그 대상인 보지가 등장했을때
그 주모자들이 짓는 표정이 저런식이다.
저걸 보지들은 전부 알고 있다
아마 타겟이 된 보지는 영점 몇초만에
씨발 좆됐다라는 절망감을 느꼈을것이다
이쯤되면 내가 왜 처음에
초음파라는 단어를 썼는지 이해했을 것이다.
남자들은 알 수 없는
보지만의 잔인한 공격방식.
이 보음파 공격은
아주 미묘한 말투와 뉘앙스 표정으로
사람이 많이 모인 공식적인 자리에서 조차
당사자만 알 수있는 공격이 가능하게 만들어준다.
이게 위험한 이유는
부당한 공격의 표적이 된 당사자가
주변에 도움을 요청할 수도 없게 만드는
또한 개인이 아닌 단체에 의해 행해진다는것
이런 보음파 공격을 단체에게, 지속적으로 당하는것.
이게 보지들 간 왕따의 본질이다
누누이 이야기 하지만 보지는 관계가 전부이기에
이걸 당한 보지는
자신의 존재 자체가 부정당하는 기분과 함께
치욕감,모멸,무력감 등등의 감정으로 인해
자살하고 싶은 마음까지 들게된다
남자들은 이걸 절대 이해하지 못한다.
난 이로인한 트라우마로 매일 악몽을 꾼다는
지인을 셋이나 알고 있다.
그들의 내면은 이로 인해 피폐해 졌으며
동시에 필요 이상으로 시니컬 해졌다.
내가 봤을땐 회복이 불가능하다.
왕따의 가장 큰 문제점은
따를 당한 사람은 그 트라우마로 인해
더 위축됨으로써 다음의 타겟이 될 가능성이
점점 높아진다는것.
이러한 악순환은 아무 결여 없던 사람을
진짜로 병신으로 만듬으로써 인생을 망쳐버린다.
성폭행은 영혼의 살인이란 말이 있다.
나는 왕따역시 같은 정도로 상대방을
파괴하는 폭력행위라 생각한다.
보지들은 자신의 비신체적 폭력이 얼마나
사악하고 잔인한 행위인지 깨달아야 한다.
기쎈 보지들한테 어수룩하게 대하면 깔본다. 지들보다 약한 줄 알고.. 빡쳐서 너처럼 제대로 대해주면 피해자 행세함. 아주 전형적 패턴이다.

자나깨나 보지조심

Quicklime and Water Reaction

히브리 노예들이 생석회와 물이 반응하며 발생하는 뜨거운 가스를 짚으로 오인했다고 모세의 무덤이 발견되는 것은 아니다.
The tomb of Moses was not discovered because the Hebrew slaves mistaken for straw as the hot gas produced by the reaction of quicklime with water.

여호와처럼 헛소리-말씀의 짚을 히브리 노예들이 스스로 구하게 만들었다는게 파라오의 조크다.
It is the pharaoh's joke that, like Jehovah, he made the Hebrew slaves save the straw of the nonsense-word for themselves.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 07:25:42 AM
헛바람 모세는 무덤도 못찾았는디, 같은 헛바람 예수무덤이 존재한다는게 좃빠지게 신기하잖어? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
예수 무덤자리 못잧았다구? ;D ;D 8) 8)

열린공감TV ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 07:46:13 AM
нащяльникэ щаботица а нас..

Как долго нам ждать твоего странного выступления в гараже?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 19, 2022, 08:29:53 AM
Quote from: Void on October 27, 2014, 06:55:29 AM
To summarize the issue with determining the tesla coil frequency, Ruslan has stated
several times (as I understand it) that the frequency of the tesla coil is not dependent on any 'LC resonances'
that the grenade coil may have, that it is based on the grenade coil wire length. Now here
is the problem. If the above statement is true, then the frequency of the tesla coil should
be some exact multiple or sub multiple of 2MHz, 4MHz, or 8 MHz (depending
whether you take the grenade coil as a quarter wave, half wave, or full wave). 
Certainly 1.5 MHz to 1.6 MHz does not divide as a whole number into any of those
frequencies, nor is it 1/3 of any of those frequencies. What Ruslan has been saying
is just not consistent with the actual frequency he says he is tuning the tesla coil to and with the 
grenade coil wire length Ruslan said he has been using (37.5m for the 12V device, not sure for the 24V device).

It is not related to the tesla coil being resonant at say 2 MHz unloaded, and a lower frequency
when loaded, as that is not what Ruslan has been saying at all. Ruslan has said (or at least implied)
the operating frequency that the tesla coil is tuned to is dependent on the grenade coil wire length.
A tesla coil operating frequency of 1.5MHz to 1.6 MHz does not have any obvious relationship to a
grenade coil wire length of 37.5m that I can see. Something is just wrong there.
All the best...

Don't worry about the frequency.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 20, 2022, 02:08:59 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on January 19, 2022, 09:48:55 PM
Colombans CriCri
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colomban_Cri-cri  2-motors !

to only 9 sqm starting-/landing area needing plane
https://www.kittyhawk.aero/                  6-motors !
from home to work-place becomes easier
floating on river to work ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3yg9J9FVqY

from havn/landing point the last km/mile to work-place with mono-wheel ?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_ES5YAb6G0
or other portable mobility solutions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5FvarVt3us
The solar and e-scooters (https://www-postfossilemobile-de.translate.goog/fahrzeuge-2/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_sch=http) presented here use only about 1% of the energy and about 1% of the material used in an automobile to offer about 80% of the use of a car:

Because 80% of all car journeys in the city only transport one person and end after 5 to 6 km ...

When for 25 Km/h max. velo-mobiles a 250 W electric drive is sufficient then

would mean 1/10 the electric power consume :

" ....only transport one person and end after 5 to 6 km ..." is 1/3-1/4 the fractional part from the 20-25 Km 1 hour drive range
250 Wh x 1/10 = 25 Wh / 3-4 = < 10 Wh capacity storage need per 5-6 km drive

as capacitor : less than 1 minute charging time !

rotoverter,divided as generator-motor couple or motor with generator coil  (Hector, Trinitymotors.net https://web.archive.org/web/20100412115122/http://www.trinitymotors.net/ ,

http://www.ettridgeorbitalengine.com/Gemini-Electric-Motor.php )
30% recuperation from 100% electric input
54% recuperation by roto-verter improvement with better generator concepts

the motor with capacitive coils circuit or  or the https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?FT=D&date=20190122&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&CC=US&NR=10186920B2&KC=B2&ND=4# capacitive loop/circuit
A very small copper coil wound on New Free Electron Wire will act as a connector which will make the fans and motors as user friendly as that of copper coil fans and motors but will be several hundred times energy efficient than any normal copper coil, fans and motors of its kind, currently available in the market.
this condition would/will make each roto-verter couple a net-zero consume drive for each kind of mobility/rotation
on street,in air,on sea
HVAC,fridges,atmospheric water generator et cet. ...

But let us calculate the motor improvement by 50% with conventional capacitive winding circuit and
the 54% electricity recuperation serves the 50% motor consume ,idem net-zero-electricity drive

4x net zero roto-verter coupled

Le couple de sortie à l'arbre 25 à 6000 tours minute,est le même que le couple de sortie du dispositif intérieur en mouvement,volant inerte. Ce dispositif équipé de quatre moteurs de 500 wats,soit 2000 wats, avec une gestion électronique,est susceptible des mêmes performances de couple et de puissance qu'un moteur

    thermique de 50 ch,tout en assurant les services annexes dont le chauffage et le préchauffage du véhicule.5 La consommation moyenne est de l'ordre de IOOO wats heure.
and manned drones/one-person planes or helicopters/ultralights https://www.vortechonline.com/g1/index.html

                                                  Engine (typical): Kawasaki/Rotax, 40+ hp or 40ch

아브라함과 모세의 시대에 젖이 흐르는 땅은 키프로스 섬을 포함하는 터키 남부지만, 꿀이 흐르는 땅은 누트의 성기를 지칭하기에 그 지역이 유프라테스강, 티그리스강, 페르시아만, 오만만, 인도의 인더스강까지 광범위하게 확장된다.
현재 이스라엘이 일으키고 있는 이라크와 이란 분쟁도 여호와와 모세의 계약에 따라 진행하는 [현재진행형]의 재정일치 계획이다.

그래서 모세는 여호와가 약속한 땅에 들어갈 수 없었던 것이다.
예수와 바울이 하나님과 약속한 천국에 포로된 유대인들은 노예의 신분으로 들어갔지만,

In the days of Abraham and Moses, the land flowing with milk was southern Turkey including the island of Cyprus, but the land flowing with honey refers to the genitals of Nut, so the region was the Euphrates River, Tigris River, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and the Indus River in India. broadly extended to
The Iraq-Iran conflict that Israel is currently causing is also a [current ongoing] financial agreement plan that proceeds according to the covenant between Jehovah and Moses.

So Moses could not enter the land the Lord had promised.
The captive Jews entered the kingdom of heaven promised by Jesus and Paul as slaves, but

로마서 8장
15   너희는 다시 무서워하는 종의 영을 받지 아니하였고 양자의 영을 받았으므로 아바 아버지라 부르짖느니라
16   성령이 친히 우리 영으로 더불어 우리가 하나님의 자녀인 것을 증거하시나니
17   자녀이면 또한 후사 곧 하나님의 후사요 그리스도와 함께한 후사니 우리가 그와 함께 영광을 받기 위하여 고난도 함께 받아야 될 것이니라
For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"
The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God,
and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.

로마로 끌려간 유대인 노예들은 바울에 의해 양자(adoption as sons)로 승격된다.
[젖이 흐르는 땅]으로 끌려간 유대인 노예들이 양자(adoption as sons)로 승격됐다면 부활을 믿는 바리새인처럼 가나안땅으로 다시 돌아올 수 있는가?
그 이유를 바티칸에게 물어보면 교황은 대답하지 못할 것이다.
십자군 전쟁을 일으킨 역대의 교황들과 이후의 교황들은 심판에 매몰되어 아는 것이 없기 때문이다.
Jewish slaves taken to Rome are promoted to adoption as sons by Paul.
If the Jewish slaves who were taken to [the land flowing with milk] were promoted to adoption as sons, could they return to the land of Canaan like the Pharisees who believed in the resurrection?
Ask the Vatican why, and the Pope will not be able to answer.
This is because the successive popes who started the crusade and subsequent popes are immersed in judgment and do not know anything.

마태복음 23장
서기관들과 바리새인을 꾸짖으시다(막 12:38-40; 눅 11:37-52; 20:45-47)
1   이에 예수께서 무리와 제자들에게 말씀하여 가라사대
2   서기관들과 바리새인들이 모세의 자리에 앉았으니
3   그러므로 무엇이든지 저희의 말하는 바는 행하고 지키되 저희의 하는 행위는 본받지 말라 저희는 말만 하고 행치 아니하며
4   또 무거운 짐을 묶어 사람의 어깨에 지우되 자기는 이것을 한 손가락으로도 움직이려 하지 아니하며
5   저희 모든 행위를 사람에게 보이고자 하여 하나니 곧 그 차는 경문을 넓게 하며 옷술을 크게 하고
6   잔치의 상석과 회당의 상좌와
7   시장에서 문안 받는 것과 사람에게 랍비라 칭함을 받는 것을 좋아하느니라
8   그러나 너희는 랍비라 칭함을 받지 말라 너희 선생은 하나이요 너희는 다 형제니라
9   땅에 있는 자를 아비라 하지 말라 너희 아버지는 하나이시니 곧 하늘에 계신 자시니라
10   또한 지도자라 칭함을 받지 말라 너희 지도자는 하나이니 곧 그리스도니라
11   너희 중에 큰 자는 너희를 섬기는 자가 되어야 하리라
12   누구든지 자기를 높이는 자는 낮아지고 누구든지 자기를 낮추는 자는 높아지리라
13   화 있을찐저 외식하는 서기관들과 바리새인들이여 너희는 천국 문을 사람들 앞에서 닫고 너희도 들어가지 않고 들어가려 하는 자도 들어가지 못하게 하는도다
14   (없음)
15   화 있을찐저 외식하는 서기관들과 바리새인들이여 너희는 교인 하나를 얻기 위하여 바다와 육지를 두루 다니다가 생기면 너희보다 배나 더 지옥 자식이 되게 하는도다
Matthew 23 [NASB]    
Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples,
saying: "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses;
therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.
"They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger.
"But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments.
"They love the place of honor at banquets and the chief seats in the synagogues,
and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called Rabbi by men.
"But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.
"Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
"Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ.
"But the greatest among you shall be your servant.
"Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.
"But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.
["Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you devour widows' houses, and for a pretense you make long prayers; therefore you will receive greater condemnation.]
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.

모세의 자리에 앉은 바리새인을 예수가 강력하게 비판하는 이유는 가나안땅으로 돌아가려는 부활의지 때문이다.
서기관 역활하는 Djed은 모세의 가나안땅 명령으로, 바리새인은 부활을 목적으로.
그래서 예수를 부활시킨 자들은 전적으로 후대 바리새인의 개입이라고하는 것이다.
사두개인은 부활을 믿지 않는 관계로 현지에 모두 영구 정착한다.
The reason Jesus strongly criticizes the Pharisees who sat in Moses' seat is because of their will to resurrect to return to the land of Canaan.
Djed, who plays the role of a scribe, is Moses' command to the land of Canaan, and the Pharisees are for the purpose of resurrection.
That is why those who resurrected Jesus are said to be entirely the intervention of the later Pharisees.
Since the Sadducees do not believe in the resurrection, they are all permanently settled there.

암브로스 아우그스티누스 대화
밀라노의 젊은 사제였던 성 아우구스티누스는 다음 문제에 대한 도움을 받기 위해 자신의 주교인 암브로스를 찾아갔습니다. 어거스틴은 주말을 로마에서 보낼 것 같았습니다.
그의 문제는 로마에서는 일요일에 안식일을 지키는 것이 관례였으나 밀라노에서는 토요일에 지켰다는 것입니다. 어거스틴은 어느 날이 올바른 날인지 혼란스러워했습니다.
암브로스는 아우구스티누스에게 다음과 같이 말함으로써 문제를 해결했습니다.
"로마에 가면 로마인들이 하는 대로 하라."
Ambrose Augustine Conversation
As a young priest in Milan, St. Augustine went to his bishop, Ambrose, for help with the following problem. It seemed that Augustine was going to spend the weekend in Rome.
His problem was that in Rome it was customary to celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday, while in Milan it was celebrated on Saturday. Augustine was confused as to which was the right day.
Ambrose solved Augustine's problem by telling him:
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."


암브로스는 사두개인의 역활이 무엇인지 정확하게 이해한 자다.
이런 대화가 왜 나왔는지 먼저 이해하는 것이 우선이다.
사두개인과 바리새인이 지향하는 방향과 관계다.
신약에 바리새인과 사두개인이 빠지면 실상 이야기의 전개가 불가능해진다.
Ambrose correctly understood the role of the Sadducees.
The first thing to do is to understand why this conversation is happening.
The direction and relationship of the Sadducees and Pharisees.
If the Pharisees and Sadducees are omitted from the New Testament, the story actually becomes impossible to unfold.

그럼 예수를 부활하게 만든 근거의 시작은 어디인가?
So, where is the beginning of the basis for the resurrection of Jesus?

바빌론 유수
Babylonian captivity

고레스 칙령(바벨론 포로에서의 귀환)
Edict of Cyrus

유명한 사건들이니 넘어가자.
예수의 부활은 바벨론 유수와 고레스 칙령으로 비롯됐다.
다른 이유가 더 없는 독보적인 근거다.
Let's move on to famous events.
The resurrection of Jesus stems from the Babylonian exile and the Edict of Cyrus.
It is an unrivaled reason for which there is no other reason.

예수 부활사건에는 더 이상의 정언명령 또는 선험, 전제가 없다.
유대인에게 예수부활 의미는 바리새인이 모세의 자리(젖과 끌이 흐르는 가나안땅)로 다시 돌아오기 위해서다.
There is no more categorical imperative, a priori, or premise in the resurrection of Jesus.
For the Jews, the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus is for the Pharisees to return to the seat of Moses (the land of Canaan flowing with milk and chisel).

그러나 기독교는 예수부활 의미를 세상을 심판하기 위한 것으로 변질시켜놨다.
However, Christianity has changed the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus into something to judge the world.


마태복음 24장
성전이 무너질 것을 이르시다(막 13:1-2; 눅 21:5-6)
1   예수께서 성전에서 나와서 가실 때에 제자들이 성전 건물들을 가리켜 보이려고 나아오니
2   대답하여 가라사대 너희가 이 모든 것을 보지 못하느냐 내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 돌 하나도 돌 위에 남지 않고 다 무너뜨리우리라
재난의 징조(막 13:3-13; 눅 21:7-19)
3   예수께서 감람산 위에 앉으셨을 때에 제자들이 종용히 와서 가로되 우리에게 이르소서 어느 때에 이런 일이 있겠사오며 또 주의 임하심과 세상 끝에는 무슨 징조가 있사오리이까
4   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 너희가 사람의 미혹을 받지 않도록 주의하라
5   많은 사람이 내 이름으로 와서 이르되 나는 그리스도라 하여 많은 사람을 미혹케 하리라
6   난리와 난리 소문을 듣겠으나 너희는 삼가 두려워 말라 이런 일이 있어야 하되 끝은 아직 아니니라
7   민족이 민족을, 나라가 나라를 대적하여 일어나겠고 처처에 기근과 지진이 있으리니
8   이 모든 것이 재난의 시작이니라
9   그 때에 사람들이 너희를 환난에 넘겨주겠으며 너희를 죽이리니 너희가 내 이름을 위하여 모든 민족에게 미움을 받으리라
10   그 때에 많은 사람이 시험에 빠져 서로 잡아 주고 서로 미워하겠으며
11   거짓 선지자가 많이 일어나 많은 사람을 미혹하게 하겠으며
12   불법이 성하므로 많은 사람의 사랑이 식어지리라
13   그러나 끝까지 견디는 자는 구원을 얻으리라
14   이 천국 복음이 모든 민족에게 증거되기 위하여 온 세상에 전파되리니 그제야 끝이 오리라
가장 큰 환난(막 13:14-23; 눅 21:20-24)
15   그러므로 너희가 선지자 다니엘의 말한바 ㄱ)멸망의 가증한 것이 거룩한 곳에 선 것을 보거든 (읽는 자는 깨달을찐저)
16   그 때에 유대에 있는 자들은 산으로 도망할찌어다
17   지붕 위에 있는 자는 집안에 있는 물건을 가질러 내려 가지 말며
18   밭에 있는 자는 겉옷을 가질러 뒤로 돌이키지 말찌어다
19   그 날에는 아이 밴 자들과 젖먹이는 자들에게 화가 있으리로다
20   너희의 도망하는 일이 겨울에나 안식일에 되지 않도록 기도하라
21   이는 그 때에 큰 환난이 있겠음이라 창세로부터 지금까지 이런 환난이 없었고 후에도 없으리라
22   그 날들을 감하지 아니할 것이면 모든 육체가 구원을 얻지 못할 것이나 그러나 택하신 자들을 위하여 그 날들을 감하시리라
23   그 때에 사람이 너희에게 말하되 보라 그리스도가 여기 있다 혹 저기 있다 하여도 믿지 말라
24   거짓 그리스도들과 거짓 선지자들이 일어나 큰 1)표적과 기사를 보이어 할 수만 있으면 택하신 자들도 미혹하게 하리라
25   보라 내가 너희에게 미리 말하였노라
26   그러면 사람들이 너희에게 말하되 보라 그리스도가 광야에 있다 하여도 나가지 말고 보라 골방에 있다 하여도 믿지 말라
27   번개가 동편에서 나서 서편까지 번쩍임 같이 인자의 임함도 그러하리라
28   주검이 있는 곳에는 독수리들이 모일찌니라
인자의 오심(막 13:24-27; 눅 21:25-28)
29   그 날 환난 후에 즉시 해가 어두워지며 달이 빛을 내지 아니하며 별들이 하늘에서 떨어지며 하늘의 권능들이 흔들리리라
30   그 때에 인자의 징조가 하늘에서 보이겠고 그 때에 땅의 모든 족속들이 통곡하며 그들이 인자가 구름을 타고 능력과 큰 영광으로 오는 것을 보리라
31   저가 큰 나팔소리와 함께 천사들을 보내리니 저희가 그 택하신 자들을 하늘 이 끝에서 저 끝까지 사방에서 모으리라
무화과나무에서 배울 교훈(막 13:28-31; 눅 21:29-33)
32   무화과나무의 비유를 배우라 그 가지가 연하여지고 잎사귀를 내면 여름이 가까운 줄을 아나니
33   이와 같이 너희도 이 모든 일을 보거든 인자가 가까이 곧 문앞에 이른줄 알라
34   내가 진실로 너희에게 말하노니 이 세대가 지나가기 전에 이 일이 다 이루리라
35   천지는 없어지겠으나 내 말은 없어지지 아니하리라
36   그러나 그 날과 그 때는 아무도 모르나니 하늘의 천사들도, 아들도 모르고 오직 아버지만 아시느니라
37   노아의 때와 같이 인자의 임함도 그러하리라
38   홍수 전에 노아가 방주에 들어가던 날까지 사람들이 먹고 마시고 장가 들고 시집 가고 있으면서
39   홍수가 나서 저희를 다 멸하기까지 깨닫지 못하였으니 인자의 임함도 이와 같으리라
40   그때에 두 사람이 밭에 있으매 하나는 데려감을 당하고 하나는 버려둠을 당할 것이요
41   두 여자가 매를 갈고 있으매 하나는 데려감을 당하고 하나는 버려둠을 당할 것이니라
42   그러므로 깨어 있으라 어느 날에 너희 주가 임할는지
43   너희가 알지 못함이니라 너희도 아는바니 만일 집 주인이 도적이 어느 경점에 올 줄을 알았더면 깨어 있어 그 집을 뚫지 못하게 하였으리라
44   이러므로 너희도 예비하고 있으라 생각지 않은 때에 인자가 오리라
45   충성되고 지혜 있는 종이 되어 주인에게 그 집 사람들을 맡아 때를 따라 양식을 나눠 줄 자가 누구뇨
46   주인이 올 때에 그 종의 이렇게 하는 것을 보면 그 종이 복이 있으리로다
47   내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 주인이 그 모든 소유를 저에게 맡기리라
48   만일 그 악한 종이 마음에 생각하기를 주인이 더디 오리라 하여
49   동무들을 때리며 술친구들로 더불어 먹고 마시게 되면
50   생각지 않은 날 알지 못하는 시간에 그 종의 주인이 이르러
51   엄히 때리고 외식 하는 자의 받는 율에 처하리니 거기서 슬피 울며 이를 갊이 있으리라
Matthew 24장 [NASB]    
Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him.
And He said to them, "Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down."
As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"
And Jesus answered and said to them, "See to it that no one misleads you.
"For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many.
"You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.
"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.
"But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.
"Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.
"At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.
"Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.
"Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold.
"But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.
"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
"Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand),
then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.
"Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house.
"Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak.
"But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!
"But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath.
"For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.
"Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
"Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him.
"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.
"Behold, I have told you in advance.
"So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them.
"For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
"Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.
"But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
"And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.
"And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
"Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near;
so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.
"Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.
"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,
and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
"Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left.
"Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left.
"Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.
"But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.
"For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.
"Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time?
"Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes.
"Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions.
"But if that evil slave says in his heart, 'My master is not coming for a long time,'
and begins to beat his fellow slaves and eat and drink with drunkards;
the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know,
and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

요한복음은 공관서와 다르게 예수부활 의미를 더 독특하게 희석시켜놨다.
Unlike the synoptics, the Gospel of John dilutes the meaning of Jesus' resurrection in a more unique way.

요한복음 16장
7   그러하나 내가 너희에게 실상을 말하노니 내가 떠나가는 것이 너희에게 유익이라 내가 떠나가지 아니하면 보혜사가 너희에게로 오시지 아니할 것이요 가면 내가 그를 너희에게로 보내리니
8   그가 와서 죄에 대하여, 의에 대하여, 심판에 대하여 세상을 책망하시리라
9   죄에 대하여라 함은 저희가 나를 믿지 아니함이요
10   의에 대하여라 함은 내가 아버지께로 가니 너희가 다시 나를 보지 못함이요
11   심판에 대하여라 함은 이 세상 임금이 심판을 받았음이니라
12   내가 아직도 너희에게 이를 것이 많으나 지금은 너희가 감당치 못하리라
13   그러하나 진리의 성령이 오시면 그가 너희를 모든 진리 가운데로 인도하시리니 그가 자의로 말하지 않고 오직 듣는 것을 말하시며 장래 일을 너희에게 알리시리라
14   그가 내 영광을 나타내리니 내 것을 가지고 너희에게 알리겠음이니라
15   무릇 아버지께 있는 것은 다 내 것이라 그러므로 내가 말하기를 그가 내 것을 가지고 너희에게 알리리라 하였노라
16   조금 있으면 너희가 나를 보지 못하겠고 또 조금 있으면 나를 보리라 하신대
17   제자 중에서 서로 말하되 우리에게 말씀하신바 조금 있으면 나를 보지 못하겠고 또 조금 있으면 나를 보리라 하시며 또 내가 아버지께로 감이라 하신 것이 무슨 말씀이뇨 하고
18   또 말하되 조금 있으면이라한 말씀이 무슨 말씀이뇨 무엇을 말씀하시는지 알지 못하노라 하거늘
19   예수께서 그 묻고자 함을 아시고 가라사대 내 말이 조금 있으면 나를 보지 못하겠고 또 조금 있으면 나를 보리라 하므로 서로 문의하느냐
20   내가 진실로 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 너희는 곡하고 애통하리니 세상이 기뻐하리라 너희는 근심하겠으나 너희 근심이 도리어 기쁨이 되리라
21   여자가 해산하게 되면 그 때가 이르렀으므로 근심하나 아이를 낳으면 세상에 사람 난 기쁨을 인하여 그 고통을 다시 기억지 아니하느니라
22   지금은 너희가 근심하나 내가 다시 너희를 보리니 너희 마음이 기쁠 것이요 너희 기쁨을 빼앗을 자가 없느니라
John 16 [NASB]
"But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.
"And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment;
concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me;
and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me;
and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.
"I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.
"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.
"He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you.
"All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.
"A little while, and you will no longer see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me."
Some of His disciples then said to one another, "What is this thing He is telling us, 'A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me'; and, 'because I go to the Father'?"
So they were saying, "What is this that He says, 'A little while'? We do not know what He is talking about."
Jesus knew that they wished to question Him, and He said to them, "Are you deliberating together about this, that I said, 'A little while, and you will not see Me, and again a little while, and you will see Me'?
"Truly, truly, I say to you, that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; you will grieve, but your grief will be turned into joy.
"Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world.
"Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.

심판에 대하여라 함은 이 세상 임금이 심판을 받았음이니라
and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.

요한복음의 예수부활과 심판은 세상의 임금들로 기묘하게 제한시켰다.
그래서 요한의 예수는 베드로에게 세 번이나 예수의 양을 먹이라 애원하지만,
베드로는 예수가 묻는 뜻이 무엇인지 정확하게 인지하고 있기에 예수 품에 있던 바리새인-춤추는 자가 나중에 어떻게 되겠느냐고 예수에게 되물었던 것이다.
예수가 베드로에게 자신에 품에 있던 춤추는 자가 뭘하든 참견하지 말라고했으니,
요한복음의 예수부활과 심판은 세상의 임금들로 제한되어 있지만,
세상의 임금 베드로(하드리아누스)는 자신보다 바리새인들이 어떤일을 벌릴까 더 걱정이다. ?!?!?!
로마황제 베드로는 이미 사람을 낚는 어부인 사두개인을 만든 장본인이라 도리어 예수가 부활하는 사건을 절대 원하지 않는다.
바울이 로마로 끌고간 포로들은 다시 가나안땅으로 돌아가는 것이 소원이지만,
유대인 이산 디아스포라의 절대 원흉인 베드로는 예수 부활을 누구보다도 원하지 않는다.
이것이 베드로 성당 로마 교황청의 존재 이유다.
The resurrection and judgment of Jesus in the Gospel of John are strangely limited to the kings of the world.
So, Jesus of John begs Peter three times to feed Jesus' sheep, but
Peter knew exactly what Jesus meant, so he asked Jesus what would happen to the Pharisee-dancer who was in Jesus' arms later.
Jesus told Peter not to meddle in the doings of the dancer in his bosom.
Although the resurrection and judgment of Jesus in the Gospel of John are limited to the kings of the world,
Peter (Hadrian), the king of the world, is more concerned about what the Pharisees will do than himself. ?!?!?!
Peter, the Roman emperor, had already created Sadducees, a fisherman of men, so he never wanted the resurrection of Jesus.
It is a wish for the captives whom Paul took to Rome to return to the land of Canaan.
Peter, the absolute culprit of the Jewish dispersed diaspora, does not want the resurrection of Jesus more than anyone else.
This is the reason for the existence of the Vatican in Rome.

하드리아누스 황제 베드로가 원하는 심판의 의미? 의중?
The meaning of judgment that Hadrian's emperor Peter wanted?

베드로전서 5장
13   함께 택하심을 받은 바벨론에 있는 교회가 너희에게 문안하고 내 아들 마가도 그리하느니라
14   너희는 사랑의 입맞춤으로 피차 문안하라
1 Peter 5 [NASB]
Through Silvanus, our faithful brother (for so I regard him), I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God Stand firm in it!
She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you greetings, and so does my son, Mark.

베드로후서 3장
3   먼저 이것을 알찌니 말세에 기롱하는 자들이 와서 자기의 정욕을 좇아 행하며 기롱하여
4   가로되 주의 강림하신다는 약속이 어디 있느뇨 조상들이 잔 후로부터 만물이 처음 창조할 때와 같이 그냥 있다 하니
5   이는 하늘이 옛적부터 있는 것과 땅이 물에서 나와 물로 성립한 것도 하나님의 말씀으로 된 것을 저희가 부러 잊으려 함이로다
6   이로 말미암아 그때 세상은 물의 넘침으로 멸망하였으되
7   이제 하늘과 땅은 그 동일한 말씀으로 불사르기 위하여 간수하신바 되어 경건치 아니한 사람들의 심판과 멸망의 날까지 보존하여 두신 것이니라
8   사랑하는 자들아 주께는 하루가 천년 같고 천년이 하루 같은 이 한가지를 잊지 말라
9   주의 약속은 어떤이의 더디다고 생각하는 것 같이 더딘 것이 아니라 오직 너희를 대하여 오래 참으사 아무도 멸망치 않고 다 회개하기에 이르기를 원하시느니라
10   그러나 주의 날이 도적 같이 오리니 그 날에는 하늘이 큰 소리로 떠나가고 체질이 뜨거운 불에 풀어지고 땅과 그 중에 있는 모든 일이 드러나리로다
11   이 모든 것이 이렇게 풀어지리니 너희가 어떠한 사람이 되어야 마땅하뇨 거룩한 행실과 경건함으로
12   하나님의 날이 임하기를 바라보고 간절히 사모하라 그 날에 하늘이 불에 타서 풀어지고 체질이 뜨거운 불에 녹아지려니와
13   우리는 그의 약속대로 의의 거하는바 새 하늘과 새 땅을 바라보도다
14   그러므로 사랑하는 자들아 너희가 이것을 바라보나니 주 앞에서 점도 없고 흠도 없이 평강 가운데서 나타나기를 힘쓰라
15   또 우리 주의 오래 참으심이 구원이 될 줄로 여기라 우리 사랑하는 형제 바울도 그 받은 지혜대로 너희에게 이같이 썼고
16   또 그 모든 편지에도 이런 일에 관하여 말하였으되 그 중에 알기 어려운 것이 더러 있으니 무식한 자들과 굳세지 못한 자들이 다른 성경과 같이 그것도 억지로 풀다가 스스로 멸망에 이르느니라
17   그러므로 사랑하는 자들아 너희가 이것을 미리 알았은즉 무법한 자들의 미혹에 이끌려 너희 굳센데서 떨어질까 삼가라
18   오직 우리 주 곧 구주 예수 그리스도의 은혜와 저를 아는 지식에서 자라 가라 영광이 이제와 영원한 날까지 저에게 있을찌어다
2 Peter 3 [NASB]
Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,
and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation."
For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water,
through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water.
But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.
Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,
looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat!
But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.
Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless,
and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you,
as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.
You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness,
but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

9   주의 약속은 어떤이의 더디다고 생각하는 것 같이 더딘 것이 아니라 오직 너희를 대하여 오래 참으사 아무도 멸망치 않고 다 회개하기에 이르기를 원하시느니라
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

베드로는 심판이나 멸망을 원하지 않는다.
하드리아누스 황제 베드로의 명령을 안듣는 유대인 노예들을 지적해서 심판하겠다는 얘기다.
Peter does not want judgment or destruction.
This means that the Jewish slaves who do not obey the orders of Emperor Hadrian Peter will be pointed out and judged.

18   오직 우리 주 곧 구주 예수 그리스도의 은혜와 저를 아는 지식에서 자라 가라 영광이 이제와 영원한 날까지 저에게 있을찌어다
but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

18절은 예수부활과 심판을 바라는 자가 쓸 내용이 아니다.
더군다나 "영원한(eternity)"이라는 단서가 붙었다.
베드로 황제는 심판을 영원히 바라지 않는다는 뜻이다.
단순한 끝 인사말이 아니라, 3절과 4절을 도입해서 역설적으로 이용한 것이다.
Verse 18 is not intended for those who expect the resurrection and judgment of Jesus.
Moreover, it was accompanied by the clue of "eternity".
This means that Emperor Peter does not want judgment forever.
It is not a simple closing greeting, but verses 3 and 4 are introduced and used paradoxically.

8   사랑하는 자들아 주께는 하루가 천년 같고 천년이 하루 같은 이 한가지를 잊지 말라
But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.

로마제국은 천년을 유지했다.
하드리아누스 베드로에게 심판은 로마제국이 망하는 것이다.
The Roman Empire lasted a thousand years.
For Hadrian Peter, judgment is the fall of the Roman Empire.

3   먼저 이것을 알찌니 말세에 기롱하는 자들이 와서 자기의 정욕을 좇아 행하며 기롱하여
4   가로되 주의 강림하신다는 약속이 어디 있느뇨 조상들이 잔 후로부터 만물이 처음 창조할 때와 같이 그냥 있다 하니
5   이는 하늘이 옛적부터 있는 것과 땅이 물에서 나와 물로 성립한 것도 하나님의 말씀으로 된 것을 저희가 부러 잊으려 함이로다
6   이로 말미암아 그때 세상은 물의 넘침으로 멸망하였으되
7   이제 하늘과 땅은 그 동일한 말씀으로 불사르기 위하여 간수하신바 되어 경건치 아니한 사람들의 심판과 멸망의 날까지 보존하여 두신 것이니라
Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,
and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation."
For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water,
through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water.
But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

노아 때도 이탈리아반도의 물로 멸망했고,
(태양신전 로마가 마지막으로 신약에 개입했기 때문에 노아의 홍수도 로마의 입김에서 벗어나지 못한다)
하드리아누스 베드로도 이탈리아 반도의 불로 로마를 비롯해 점령국들이 멸망한다고 말하는 이유다.
태양신전을 벗어나지 않는 것은 로마에 잡혀온 사두개인과 바리새인의 개입이다.
요한의 예수는 이렇게 하드리아누스 베드로 황제만 심판했다.
이탈리아반도가 태양신전 염주 불의 형상 때문이다.
In the days of Noah, the waters of the Italian peninsula perished,
(Since the Temple of the Sun Rome was the last to intervene in the New Testament, even Noah's Flood could not escape Rome's breath)
This is why even Peter Hadrian said that Rome and the occupying powers would be destroyed by fire on the Italian peninsula.
What does not leave the Sun Temple is the intervention of the Sadducees and Pharisees captured in Rome.
like Josephus,
Jesus of John judged only the emperor Hadrian Peter in this way.
It is because of the shape of the sun temple beads fire in the Italian peninsula.

사도행전 2장
1   오순절날이 이미 이르매 저희가 다 같이 한곳에 모였더니
2   홀연히 하늘로부터 급하고 강한 바람 같은 소리가 있어 저희 앉은 온 집에 가득하며
3   불의 혀 같이 갈라지는 것이 저희에게 보여 각 사람 위에 임하여 있더니
4   저희가 다 성령의 충만함을 받고 성령이 말하게 하심을 따라 다른 방언으로 말하기를 시작하니라
14   베드로가 열 한 사도와 같이 서서 소리를 높여 가로되 유대인들과 예루살렘에 사는 모든 사람들아 이 일을 너희로 알게 할 것이니 내 말에 귀를 기울이라
Acts 2 [NASB]    
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.
And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.
But Peter, taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and declared to them: "Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give heed to my words.

그래서 이탈리아반도의 불이 사도행전 오순절 성령으로 나타나는 것이다.
바울은 이탈리아반도를 뱀으로 해석해서 불구덩에 던졌고, 베드로는 성령의 불로 해석해서 점령국을 불태웠다.
강한 바람(a violent rushing wind)은, Djed-예수를 소환한 실체다.
이탈리아반도와 Djed-예수(a violent rushing wind)가 만나려면 태양신전 4하토르가 다시 네피림이 되야한다.
Djed이 하토르의 하체에 다시 붙어야한다.
심판은 Djed이 하토르의 하체에 다시 붙어야 발생한다.
매우 매우 중요한 내용이다.
That is why the fire of the Italian peninsula appears as the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in Acts.
Paul interpreted the Italian peninsula as a serpent and threw it into a pit, and Peter interpreted it as the fire of the Holy Spirit and burned the occupied country.
A violent rushing wind is the entity that summoned Djed-Jesus.
In order for the Italian peninsula and Djed-Jesus (a violent rushing wind) to meet, Sun Temple 4 Hathor must become a Nephilim again.
Djed should be glued back to Hathor's lower body.
The referee will result in Djed sticking back to Hathor's lower body.
very very important stuff.

요한계시록 17장
큰 음녀에게 내릴 심판
1   또 일곱 대접을 가진 일곱 천사 중 하나가 와서 내게 말하여 가로되 이리 오라 많은 물위에 앉은 큰 음녀의 받을 심판을 네게 보이리라
2   땅의 임금들도 그로 더불어 음행하였고 땅에 거하는 자들도 그 음행의 포도주에 취하였다 하고
3   곧 성령으로 나를 데리고 광야로 가니라 내가 보니 여자가 붉은 빛 짐승을 탔는데 그 짐승의 몸에 참람된 이름들이 가득하고 일곱 머리와 열 뿔이 있으며
4   그 여자는 자주 빛과 붉은 빛 옷을 입고 금과 보석과 진주로 꾸미고 손에 금잔을 가졌는데 가증한 물건과 그의 음행의 더러운 것들이 가득하더라
5   그 이마에 이름이 기록되었으니 비밀이라, 큰 바벨론이라, 땅의 음녀들과 가증한 것들의 어미라 하였더라
Revelation 17 [NASB]    
Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, "Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,
with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of immorality, and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her immorality."
And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns.
The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality,
and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, "BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."

요한계시록에 바벨론 음녀의 심판은 누트나 하토르 하체에 Djed이 붙어서 발생한다.
열뿔은 누트 성기의 태양의 삼각형 열 뿔이고, 일곱 머리는 아펩뱀의 일곱 머리다.
Djed은 아펩신전 전유믈이만, 태양신전 달까지 받들고 있으니 태양신전과 아펩뱀이 모두 소환된거다.
이탈리아반도 로마는 좋든싫든 태양신전 달과 아펩뱀을 모두 가지고 있다.
In the book of Revelation, the judgment of the Babylonian harlot occurs when Djed is attached to Nut or Hathor's lower body.
The ten horns are the triangular ten horns of the sun of Nut's penis, and the seven heads are the seven heads of the serpent of Apep.
Djed only works in the Apep Temple, but the Sun Temple also serves the moon, so both the Sun Temple and the Apep Snake were summoned.
Rome, the Italian peninsula, has both the sun temple moon and the Apep serpent, whether you like it or not.

베드로전서 5장
13   함께 택하심을 받은 바벨론에 있는 (혹 여자가)교회가 너희에게 문안하고 내 아들 마가도 그리하느니라
1 Peter 5 [NASB]
She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you greetings, and so does my son, Mark.

베드로전서 5장에 나타나는 여자가 Djed+하토르(누트)와 같은 역활이다.
하드리아누스 황제 베드로는 이것을 너무나 잘 알고 있기에 로마는 언제든 예수의 심판이 소환될 수 있는 곳이며 소환됐다.
전임 네로황제에 의해.
The woman in 1 Peter 5 plays the same role as Djed + Hathor (Nut).
Emperor Hadrian Peter knew this so well that Rome was and was summoned at any time for the judgment of Jesus.
by the former Emperor Nero.

Great Fire of Rome
Jul 18, 64 CE: Great Fire of Rome

성서 신화적으로 Djed은 어둠과 빛 모두를 떠받드는 역활이라 달은 피할 수가 없다.
이것이 예수 부활과 심판과 태양신전 달과 하토르+Djed의 딜레마다.
In biblical mythology, the Djed is the bearer of both darkness and light, so the moon is unavoidable.
This is the dilemma of the resurrection and judgment of Jesus, the moon in the temple of the sun, and Hathor + Djed.

누가복음 9장
51   예수께서 승천하실 기약이 차가매 예루살렘을 향하여 올라가기로 굳게 결심하시고
52   사자들을 앞서 보내시매 저희가 가서 예수를 위하여 예비하려고 사마리아인의 한 촌에 들어갔더니
53   예수께서 예루살렘을 향하여 가시는고로 저희가 받아 들이지 아니하는지라
54   제자 야고보와 요한이 이를 보고 가로되 주여 우리가 불을 명하여 하늘로 좇아 내려 저희를 멸하라 하기를 원하시나이까
55   예수께서 돌아보시며 꾸짖으시고1)어떤 상고 사본에는, 55절 끝에 다음 말이 있음 「가라사대 너희는 무슨 정신으로 말하는지 모르는구나 인자는 사람의 생명을 멸하러 온 것이 아니요 구하러 왔노라 하시고」
Luke 9 [NASB]
When the days were approaching for His ascension, He was determined to go to Jerusalem;
and He sent messengers on ahead of Him, and they went and entered a village of the Samaritans to make arrangements for Him.
But they did not receive Him, because He was traveling toward Jerusalem.
When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?"
But He turned and rebuked them, [and said, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of;

그래서 사마리아 땅에서는 이탈리아반도의 불이 통하지 않는다.
하드리아누스 황제의 로마 군대만 통한다.
So the fire of the Italian Peninsula does not work in Samaria.
Only the Roman army of Emperor Hadrian can work.

다시 물어보자.
바람신 모세와 예수의 자리에서 부활한 바리새인들의 이스라엘 독립 목적이 무엇인가?
로마가 유대땅을 재침공하지 않는 한 태양신전이 이스라엘에 껴들지 못한다.
야고보와 요한처럼 하늘의 불로 심판이 불가능하다.
그러나 아펩신전 번개는 예외다.
바리새인은 그리스 번개를 섬긴다.
그래서 바리새인 심판은 번개를 벗어나지 못한다.
Let's ask again.
What was the purpose of the independence of Israel by the Pharisees who were resurrected from the place of Moses and Jesus, the wind god?
Unless Rome re-invades Judea, the Temple of the Sun cannot intervene in Israel.
Like James and John, judgment is impossible with the fire of heaven.
But lightning before Apep is an exception.
The Pharisees serve the Greek lightning.
So the Pharisee judgment cannot escape the lightning.

마태복음 24장
27   번개가 동편에서 나서 서편까지 번쩍임 같이 인자의 임함도 그러하리라
28   주검이 있는 곳에는 독수리들이 모일찌니라
29   그 날 환난 후에 즉시 해가 어두워지며 달이 빛을 내지 아니하며 별들이 하늘에서 떨어지며 하늘의 권능들이 흔들리리라
30   그 때에 인자의 징조가 하늘에서 보이겠고 그 때에 땅의 모든 족속들이 통곡하며 그들이 인자가 구름을 타고 능력과 큰 영광으로 오는 것을 보리라
Matthew 24장 [NASB]
"For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
"Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.
"But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
"And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.

그래서 하늘의 해와 달, 별들의 권능이 흔들린다고 한 것이다.
오로지 번개의 부활과 심판이기 때문이다.
That is why it is said that the power of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky shakes.
Because it is only the resurrection and judgment of lightning.

마태복음 28장
20   내가 너희에게 분부한 모든 것을 가르쳐 지키게 하라 볼찌어다 내가 세상 끝날까지 너희와 항상 함께 있으리라 하시니라
Matthew 28 [NASB]
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

세리 마태는 바리새인이라 예수가 반드시 부활해야하며 또한 번개 심판이 절대 목적이다.
Because Matthew the tax collector is a Pharisee, Jesus must be resurrected, and the judgment of lightning is the absolute goal.

마가복음 16장
14   그 후에 열 한 제자가 음식 먹을 때에 예수께서 저희에게 나타나사 저희의 믿음 없는 것과 마음이 완악한 것을 꾸짖으시니 이는 자기의 살아난 것을 본 자들의 말을 믿지 아니함일러라
15   또 가라사대 너희는 온 천하에 다니며 만민에게 복음을 전파하라
16   믿고 세례를 받는 사람은 구원을 얻을 것이요 믿지 않는 사람은 정죄를 받으리라
17   믿는 자들에게는 이런 3)표적이 따르리니 곧 저희가 내 이름으로 귀신을 쫓아내며 새 방언을 말하며
18   뱀을 집으며 무슨 독을 마실찌라도 해를 받지 아니하며 병든 사람에게 손을 얹은즉 나으리라 하시더라
하늘로 올리우시다(눅 24:50-53; 행 1:9-11)
19   주 예수께서 말씀을 마치신 후에 하늘로 올리우사 하나님 우편에 앉으시니라
Mark 16 [NASB]
Afterward He appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table; and He reproached them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who had seen Him after He had risen.
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
"He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.
"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;
they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."
So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.
And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.] [And they promptly reported all these instructions to Peter and his companions. And after that, Jesus Himself sent out through them from east to west the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation.]

마가요한은 바울과 뜻이 맞아 데리고 같이 사역다닌 관계로 예수가 부활후에 다시 하늘로 승천해서 바리새인이 원하는 심판 부활론을 맥빠지게 만들었다.
바울처럼 하늘과 땅을 수시로 왔다갔다를 많이해서 예수부활과 심판에 대해 특별한 의미를 부여하지 않는다.
바울과 닮아서 여호와-암흑의 심판에 가깝다.
Since Mark and Paul had the same purpose and went to ministry together, Jesus ascended to heaven again after the resurrection, thus derailing the theory of judgment and resurrection that the Pharisees wanted.
Like Paul, he often goes back and forth between heaven and earth, so he doesn't give special meaning to Jesus' resurrection and judgment.
Similar to Paul, it is close to the judgment of Jehovah-darkness.

누가복음 10장
17   칠십인이 기뻐 돌아와 가로되 주여 주의 이름으로 귀신들도 우리에게 항복하더이다
18   예수께서 이르시되 사단이 하늘로서 번개 같이 떨어지는 것을 내가 보았노라
19   내가 너희에게 뱀과 전갈을 밟으며 원수의 모든 능력을 제어할 권세를 주었으니 너희를 해할 자가 결단코 없으리라
20   그러나 귀신들이 너희에게 항복하는 것으로 기뻐하지 말고 너희 이름이 하늘에 기록된 것으로 기뻐하라 하시니라
Luke 10 [NASB]
The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name."
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.
"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.
"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."

부활이 없는 사두개인은 하늘에 기록되는 것이 목적이다.
여호와의 세계 암흑의 하늘이다.
The purpose of the Sadducees without resurrection is to be recorded in heaven.
Jehovah's world is the sky of darkness.

누가복음 24장
49   볼찌어다 내가 내 아버지의 약속하신 것을 너희에게 보내리니 너희는 위로부터 능력을 입히울 때까지 이 성에 유하라 하시니라
하늘로 올리우시다(막 16:19-20; 행 1:9-11)
50   예수께서 저희를 데리고 베다니 앞까지 나가사 손을 들어 저희에게 축복하시더니
51   축복하실 때에 저희를 떠나 2)[하늘로 올리우]시니어떤 사본에는, 이 괄호내 구절이 없음
52   저희가 2)[그에게 경배하고] 큰 기쁨으로 예루살렘에 돌아가어떤
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 20, 2022, 02:40:26 PM
Hope is a good thing.....The Shawshank Redemption

테슬라 kacher 번개 믿으면 살고, ;D 어둠 소망하면 죽고, 8) 부활 사랑하면 신이 죽는다. ::)
If you believe in lightning, ;D you live, if you hope for darkness, you die, 8) and if you love resurrection, God dies. ::)

천기기누설허믄 하늘이 노해서 종말이 도둑같이 빨랑 올 수 있어. ;D ;D ;D ;D

윤석열 비선캠프엔 "무속인"이 있다!_건진법사 추적

소 살가죽 벗긴 말종들 전부 살가죽 벗겨라. ;D 8)

무당금화 이야기

오날부터 이쁜 금화간다. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 20, 2022, 07:28:12 PM
Very useful videos From Woopyjump




Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 20, 2022, 09:22:03 PM
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 20, 2022, 07:28:12 PM
Very useful videos From Woopyjump




Генератор Факельного Разряда. ФАКЕЛЬНИК на полевом Транзисторе


We know very very well what will happen to those who swear by the gods of darkness and lightning when they become morally corrupt.


사무엘상 28장
9   여인이 그에게 이르되 네가 사울의 행한 일 곧 그가 신접한 자와 박수를 이 땅에서 멸절시켰음을 아나니 네가 어찌하여 내 생명에 올무를 놓아 나를 죽게 하려느냐
1 Samuel 28 [NASB]
But the woman said to him, "Behold, you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off those who are mediums and spiritists from the land. Why are you then laying a snare for my life to bring about my death?"

아빠, 금화가 아빠 손절한데 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 20, 2022, 09:50:02 PM
금화가 손절혀두 내는 좃빠지게 손절못헌다구 전해라~  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


루슬란의 TL494-74HC00-74HC00-TC4451-2sk1162의 사실상 간략형이네...... ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 20, 2022, 10:18:58 PM
금화가 아빠, 스토커 기질 다분한 아빠가 좃빠지게 싫데 아빠.


#5 냇물아 흘러 흘러 어디로 가니? 너른 세상 보고 싶어 바다로 간다, 간단한 멜로디가 유치원 아이 손가락 하나로 치는 피아노에서 통통 튕겨 나온다. 그러더니 어느새 장면이 바뀌어 슬기가 유럽 무슨 콩쿠르에 나가려고 연습하는 스튜디오다. 저쪽에 초록색 웃옷을 걸친 "세계적 피아니스트"가 자기 피아노를 치고 있다. 카메라가 슬기의 등을 비스듬히 찍는다. 그래서 얼굴은 보이지 않고 손과 건반만 보인다. 손놀림이 빨라진다. 음악이 고조된다. 그래도 현란한 음률 속에 유치원 아이의 냇물아 흘러 흘러 어디로 가니? 너른 세상 보고 싶어 바다로 간다, 단순한 멜로디는 깔끔하게 살아있다. 피아노 터치가 급속도로 빨라지며 손가락과 건반 사이에 마치 보얀 안개가 서려 흐르는 것 같다. "세계적 피아니스트"가 본인 연습을 중단하고 경탄의 눈으로 슬기를 바라본다. 온 세상이 숨을 멈춘 고요 속에서 음악은 클라이맥스로 치달리고... 그러다가 꿈에서 나오며, 슬기가 누군가에게 하는 귓속말을 듣는다. "방금 피아노를 누가 쳤는지 모르겠어. 아무튼 나는 아니야." 완전 깨어나서 생각한다, 아니 생각이 떠오른다. 이 몸을 당신께 드립니다, 라는 기도 이제 그만둘 때가 되지 않았나? 본디부터 제 것 아닌 무엇을, 어디에도 있지 않은 누가, 누구에게 준단 말인가? 기도를 바꿔야겠다, 모든 것이 오로지 당신임을 기억하게 하소서, 유치한 냇물이 흐르고 흘러 여기까지 왔나봅니다, 한님, 고맙습니다. 그만해라, 모두가 당신이라며 누가 누구에게 무엇을 고마워한다는 거냐? 그래도, 그래도 당신은 처음부터 저지만 저는 아직 당신이 아닙니다, 이 정도는 알고 있습니다. 그래? 그렇다면 나도 네가 고맙구나. 피차 고마워하자. 아멘!
오후 뒷산 기슭 독서 산책. 길을 가다가 비어있는 벤치마다 앉아서 바이런 케이티를 한 장(章)씩 읽는다. "싸움을 하려면 적어도 두 사람이 있어야 하지만 싸움을 끝내는 건 한 사람만으로 충분하다." "삶과 죽음이 같은 것이다. 저마다 제 방식으로 너에게 온다. 네가 통제할 수 있는 무엇이 아니다." "이원(二元)의 종언(終焉)은 세상의 끝이 아니라 고통의 끝이다." 옳은 말씀! 사람이 유일하게 통제할 수 있는 건 상황이 아니라 그에 반응하는 본인의 방식이다. 어떤 사람과도 다투지 않겠다는 혼자만의 다짐을, 사람은 물론, 어떤 상황과도 다투지 않겠다는 다짐으로 바꿔야겠다. 모든 상황이, 그것이 어떤 얼굴을 하고 있든 간에, 자비와 평화로 가는 길을 가르치는 훌륭한 선생이다.
글/관옥 이현주 목사의 '정처 없는 나그네의 가난한 산책'


본질이 빠지면 뭐만남겠니.                   허상위에서 춤추는 자들. 기독교 신부 목사들 현실이야.


한겨레 기자/만화가 김태권이 아빠 기억법 묻는거 같아 답변주자면,

ABC News, Chimps vs Humans

늦어도 한달 정도면 신구약 完聽한다.
듣는거 따로 인터넷 검색하는 것 따로따로 국밥.
구독자 많아 대여섯가지 검색을 한꺼번에 하면서 듣는다.
이렇게 10년이면 120회 완청한다.
물리도록 질리도록 똑같은 내용을 어떻게 매번 듣고보냐구?
그게 신화의 힘이다.
지금까지 300회 이상 완청했다.

지금은 모두 천국으로 돌아가서 없지만 소록도에 신구약을 통째로 외우는 문둥병자들 여럿있었다.
그들 모두 소경이였다.
옛날 카세트 테이프에 녹음된 성서 듣더라.
아빠에게 묻고싶겠지?..... 모두 외우냐구......
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 21, 2022, 12:36:20 AM
너네 공부 열심히 해라
2022-01-21 14:31:57
그래야 동물학자되서 호랑이한테 배방구 할 수 있다.


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 21, 2022, 08:42:02 PM
Hi, and thanks for sharing the mini Tesla coil circuit I might have a play with that  ;)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2022, 09:10:20 AM
고린도후서 3장
1   우리가 다시 자천하기를 시작하겠느냐 우리가 어찌 어떤 사람처럼 천거서를 너희에게 부치거나 혹 너희에게 맡거나 할 필요가 있느냐
2   너희가 우리의 편지라 우리 마음에 썼고 뭇사람이 알고 읽는바라
3   너희는 우리로 말미암아 나타난 그리스도의 편지니 이는 먹으로 쓴 것이 아니요 오직 살아 계신 하나님의 영으로 한 것이며 또 돌비에 쓴 것이 아니요 오직 육의 심비에 한 것이라
4   우리가 그리스도로 말미암아 하나님을 향하여 이같은 확신이 있으니
5   우리가 무슨 일이든지 우리에게서 난것 같이 생각하여 스스로 만족할 것이 아니니 우리의 만족은 오직 하나님께로서 났느니라
6   저가 또 우리로 새 언약의 일군 되기에 만족케 하셨으니 의문으로 하지 아니하고 오직 영으로 함이니 의문은 죽이는 것이요 영은 살리는 것임이니라
7   돌에 써서 새긴 죽게 하는 의문의 직분도 영광이 있어 이스라엘 자손들이 모세의 얼굴의 없어질 영광을 인하여 그 얼굴을 주목하지 못하였거든
8   하물며 영의 직분이 더욱 영광이 있지 아니하겠느냐
9   정죄의 직분도 영광이 있은즉 의의 직분은 영광이 더욱 넘치리라
10   영광되었던 것이 더 큰 영광을 인하여 이에 영광될 것이 없으나
11   없어질 것도 영광으로 말미암았은즉 길이 있을 것은 더욱 영광 가운데 있느니라
12   우리가 이같은 소망이 있으므로 담대히 말하노니
13   우리는 모세가 이스라엘 자손들로 장차 없어질 것의 결국을 주목치 못하게 하려고 수건을 그 얼굴에 쓴것 같이 아니하노라
14   그러나 저희 마음이 완고하여 오늘까지라도 구약을 읽을 때에 그 수건이 오히려 벗어지지 아니하고 있으니 그 수건은 그리스도 안에서 없어질 것이라
15   오늘까지 모세의 글을 읽을 때에 수건이 오히려 그 마음을 덮었도다
16   그러나 언제든지 주께로 돌아가면 그 수건이 벗어지리라
17   주는 영이시니 주의 영이 계신 곳에는 자유함이 있느니라
18   우리가 다 수건을 벗은 얼굴로 거울을 보는것 같이 주의 영광을 보매 저와 같은 형상으로 화하여 영광으로 영광에 이르니 곧 주의 영으로 말미암음이니라
2 Corinthians 3 [NASB]    
Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some, letters of commendation to you or from you?
You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men;
being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.
Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God,
who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
But if the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was,
how will the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory?
For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, much more does the ministry of righteousness abound in glory.
For indeed what had glory, in this case has no glory because of the glory that surpasses it.
For if that which fades away was with glory, much more that which remains is in glory.
Therefore having such a hope, we use great boldness in our speech,
and are not like Moses, who used to put a veil over his face so that the sons of Israel would not look intently at the end of what was fading away.
But their minds were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed in Christ.
But to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart;
but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

15절은 합체(사랑)신전 Djed이고,
16절은 소망(어둠)신전 Djed이다.
16절 Lord를 주로 해석하면 예수인지 여호와인지 불분명해지지만,
Lord 명칭은 여호와 전용이다.
그래서 Lord가 들어가면 번개인지 어둠인지를 확실하게 구분해야한다.
16절에 수건이 벗어졌으니, 소망신전 여호와라 어둠이다.
고린도에서 바울이 무엇 때문에 어둠을 소환했는가?

17절, 번개와 합체신전 여호와가 그곳에 있어서다.
바울은 Djed을 어둠신의 전유물로 이해한다.
합체신전 아펩뱀의 정체를 어둠으로 이해한다.
춤추는 자는 아펩뱀을 번개로 이해한다.

합체신전이 왜 필요한다를 묻는다면 박정희처럼 근면 자주 협동에서 협동의 의미라 두 신전은 합체할 의도가 없었지만 정복자가 합체시켰다는 뜻이다.
그리고 하나님은 합체신전 사랑이라고 확정해버렸다.

바울이 모세율법에 올인하는 이유도 Djed과 어둠신의 의미밖에 없어.

15절은 바울이 합체신전 Djed-모세를 비판하는거다.
바울은 두 신전으로 다시 분리되길 바라는 분리파다.
바울입장에서 바리새인 부활은,
바울입장에서 예수부활은 골치아픈 문제다.

빛과 어둠은 섞일 수 없는데 섞였기 때문이야.
태양신전 달의 개입이 합체신전 만든 근본 원인이라 춤추는 자가 두 신을 섬기고 있다.
만약에 춤추는 자가 섬기는 것이 어둠신이라면 사람과 Djed의 문제만 있다.
어둠을 사람이 소환하느냐, Djed이 소환하는냐의 문제라 박수무당이냐, 자연이냐 차이다.
소환자들의 싸움이라 사람들의 문제지만,
번개와 어둠의 결합이라면 달처럼 신들의 싸움이라 서로 다른 종교의 대립이된다.

Verse 15 is Djed, the temple of union (love),
Verse 16 is Djed, the temple of hope (darkness).
When verse 16 is interpreted as Lord, it becomes unclear whether it is Jesus or Jehovah.
The Lord designation is dedicated to Jehovah.
So when the Lord enters, it is necessary to clearly distinguish whether it is lightning or darkness.
In verse 16, the veil is removed, and it is darkness, Jehovah, the Temple of Hope.
Why did Paul summon darkness in Corinth?

Verse 17, Lightning and the united temple of Jehovah are there.
Paul understands Djed as the exclusive possession of the Dark God.
He understands the identity of the Apep Serpent in the united temple as darkness.
The dancer understands the Apep snake as lightning.

If you ask why the united temple is necessary, it means that the two temples did not intend to be united, but the conqueror united them as it meant cooperation in hardworking, self-sufficient cooperation like Park Jeong-hee.
And God has confirmed that it is the love of the united temple.

The only reason Paul went all-in on the Mosaic Law was the meaning of Djed and the God of Darkness.

Verse 15 is Paul's criticism of the united temple, Djed-Moses.
Paul is a separatist who wants to separate again into two temples.
From Paul's point of view, the resurrection of the Pharisees
From Paul's point of view, the resurrection of Jesus is a troubling problem.

Light and darkness cannot be mixed because they are mixed.
Sun Temple The moon's intervention is the root cause of the creation of the united temple, so the dancer is serving two gods.
If the dancer worships the dark god, then there is only the problem of humans and the Djed.
It is a matter of whether the darkness is summoned by humans or by Djed, the difference is whether it is a shaman or nature.
It's a battle between summoners, so it's a people problem,
If it is a combination of lightning and darkness, like the moon, it is a battle between the gods, so it becomes a confrontation between different religions.

출애굽기 19장
16   제 삼일 아침에 우뢰와 번개와 빽빽한 구름이 산 위에 있고 나팔 소리가 심히 크니 진중 모든 백성이 다 떨더라
17   모세가 하나님을 맞으려고 백성을 거느리고 진에서 나오매 그들이 산 기슭에 섰더니
18   시내산에 연기가 자욱하니 여호와께서 불 가운데서 거기 강림하심이라 그 연기가 옹기점 연기 같이 떠오르고 온 산이 크게 진동하며
Exodus 19 [NASB]
So it came about on the third day, when it was morning, that there were thunder and lightning flashes and a thick cloud upon the mountain and a very loud trumpet sound, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled.
And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.
Now Mount Sinai was all in smoke because the LORD descended upon it in fire; and its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked violently.

출애굽기 33장
18   모세가 가로되 원컨대 주의 영광을 내게 보이소서
19   여호와께서 가라사대 내가 나의 모든 선한 형상을 네 앞으로 지나게 하고 여호와의 이름을 네 앞에 반포하리라 나는 은혜 줄 자에게 은혜를 주고 긍휼히 여길 자에게 긍휼을 베푸느니라
20   또 가라사대 네가 내 얼굴을 보지 못하리니 나를 보고 살 자가 없음이니라
21   여호와께서 가라사대 보라 내 곁에 한 곳이 있으니 너는 그 반석 위에 섰으라
22   내 영광이 지날 때에 내가 너를 반석 틈에 두고 내가 지나도록 내 손으로 너를 덮었다가
23   손을 거두리니 네가 내 등을 볼 것이요 얼굴은 보지 못하리라
Exodus 33 [NASB]
Then Moses said, "I pray You, show me Your glory!"
And He said, "I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion."
But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"
Then the LORD said, "Behold, there is a place by Me, and you shall stand there on the rock;
and it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by.
"Then I will take My hand away and you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen."

모세가 본 여호와는 번개신이다.
번개신이 만든 십계명이다.
번개신이 창세기 창조주다.
빛의 창세기를 어둠이 할 수 없기 떄문이다.
간단한 이치다.

문제는 합체신전이 창세기에 개입하면 복잡해진다.
연꽃배 위에 홀로 서있는 여호와는 번개다.
춤추는 자와 연꽃이 있는 신전이 번개신전이고 여기서 벗어날 수 없다.
누트 음부에 있는 아펩뱀도 연꽃 위에 있어서 정확하게 번개-아펩뱀이다.

예수가 개입한 것은 합체신전 개입이라 죽음(어둠)과 부활(빛)이 공존한다.
죽거나 살아있거나 둘 중에 하나이지만 달 때문에 빛과 어둠의 공존이라고 해석한다는거다.

바울은 예수처럼 Djed이라 예수의 노선을 기본적으로 따르지만 어둠에 치중하는 Djed에 가깝다.

Djed이 원래 어둠을 떠받들던 역활이다.
이것을 한순간에 바꾸기가 어렵다.

The Lord Moses saw is the god of lightning.
These are the Ten Commandments created by the Lightning God.
The lightning god is the creator of Genesis.
Because darkness cannot do the creation of light.
It's simple.

The problem is complicated when the Temple of Unity intervenes in Genesis.
Standing alone on the lotus boat, Jehovah is lightning.
The temple with the dancer and the lotus is the Lightning Temple, and there is no escape from it.
The apep snake in Nut's vagina is also on a lotus flower, so it is precisely a lightning-apep snake.

Because Jesus intervened in the Temple of Unity, death (darkness) and resurrection (light) coexist.
It is either dead or alive, but it is interpreted as the coexistence of light and darkness because of the moon.

Paul is a Djed like Jesus, so he basically follows the lines of Jesus, but is more like a Djed who focuses on darkness.

Djed is the original role of supporting darkness.
It is difficult to change this in an instant.

에베소서 5장
8   너희가 전에는 어두움이더니 이제는 주 안에서 빛이라 빛의 자녀들처럼 행하라
9   빛의 열매는 모든 착함과 의로움과 진실함에 있느니라
10   주께 기쁘시게 할 것이 무엇인가 시험하여 보라
11   너희는 열매 없는 어두움의 일에 참예하지 말고 도리어 책망하라
12   저희의 은밀히 행하는 것들은 말하기도 부끄러움이라
13   그러나 책망을 받는 모든 것이 빛으로 나타나나니 나타나지는 것마다 빛이니라
14   그러므로 이르시기를 잠자는 자여 깨어서 죽은 자들 가운데서 일어나라 그리스도께서 네게 비취시리라 하셨느니라
Ephesians 5 [NASB]    
for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light
(for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth),
trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them;
for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.
But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.
For this reason it says, "Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine on you."

바울이 사망을 언급하는 것 만큼 번개-빛을 언급하지만, 카인이 놋 땅으로 쫓겨난 이후처럼 부정적 언급의 홍보일 뿐이다.
Although Paul mentions lightning-light as much as he mentions death, it is merely a propaganda of a negative reference, as after Cain's expulsion to the land of Nod.

창세기 21장
이삭이 태어나다
1   여호와께서 그 말씀대로 사라를 권고하셨고 여호와께서 그 말씀대로 사라에게 행하셨으므로
2   사라가 잉태하고 하나님의 말씀하신 기한에 미쳐 늙은 아브라함에게 아들을 낳으니
3   아브라함이 그 낳은 아들 곧 사라가 자기에게 낳은 아들을 이름하여 이삭이라 하였고
4   그 아들 이삭이 난지 팔일만에 그가 하나님의 명대로 할례를 행하였더라
5   아브라함이 그 아들 이삭을 낳을 때에 백세라
6   사라가 가로되 하나님이 나로 웃게 하시니 듣는 자가 다 나와 함께 웃으리로다
7   또 가로되 사라가 자식들을 젖 먹이겠다고 누가 아브라함에게 말하였으리요 마는 아브라함 노경에 내가 아들을 낳았도다 하니라
하갈과 이스마엘이 쫓겨나다
8   아이가 자라매 젖을 떼고 이삭의 젖을 떼는 날에 아브라함이 대연을 배설하였더라
9   사라가 본즉 아브라함의 아들 애굽 여인 하갈의 소생이 이삭을 희롱하는지라
10   그가 아브라함에게 이르되 이 여종과 그 아들을 내어쫓으라 이 종의 아들은 내 아들 이삭과 함께 기업을 얻지 못하리라 하매
11   아브라함이 그 아들을 위하여 그 일이 깊이 근심이 되었더니
12   하나님이 아브라함에게 이르시되 네 아이나 네 여종을 위하여 근심치 말고 사라가 네게 이른 말을 다 들으라 이삭에게서 나는 자라야 네 씨라 칭할 것임이니라
13   그러나 여종의 아들도 네 씨니 내가 그로 한 민족을 이루게 하리라 하신지라
14   아브라함이 아침에 일찌기 일어나 떡과 물 한 가죽부대를 취하여 하갈의 어깨에 메워 주고 그 자식을 이끌고 가게 하매 하갈이 나가서 브엘세바 들에서 방황하더니
15   가죽부대의 물이 다한지라 그 자식을 떨기나무 아래 두며
16   가로되 자식의 죽는 것을 참아 보지 못하겠다 하고 살 한 바탕쯤 가서 마주 앉아 바라보며 방성대곡하니
17   하나님이 그 아이의 소리를 들으시므로 하나님의 사자가 하늘에서부터 하갈을 불러 가라사대 하갈아 무슨 일이냐 두려워 말라 하나님이 저기 있는 아이의 소리를 들으셨나니
18   일어나 아이를 일으켜 네 손으로 붙들라 그로 큰 민족을 이루게 하리라 하시니라
19   하나님이 하갈의 눈을 밝히시매 샘물을 보고 가서 가죽부대에 물을 채워다가 그 아이에게 마시웠더라
20   하나님이 그 아이와 함께 계시매 그가 장성하여 광야에 거하며 활 쏘는 자가 되었더니
21   그가 바란 광야에 거할 때에 그 어미가 그를 위하여 애굽 땅 여인을 취하여 아내를 삼게 하였더라
아브라함과 아비멜렉의 언약
22   때에 아비멜렉과 그 군대 장관 비골이 아브라함에게 말하여 가로되 네가 무슨 일을 하든지 하나님이 너와 함께 계시도다
23   그런즉 너는 나와 내 아들과 내 손자에게 거짓되이 행치 않기를 이제 여기서 하나님을 가리켜 내게 맹세하라 내가 네게 후대한대로 너도 나와 너의 머무는 이 땅에 행할 것이니라
24   아브라함이 가로되 내가 맹세하리라 하고
25   아비멜렉의 종들이 아브라함의 우물을 늑탈한 일에 대하여 아브라함이 아비멜렉을 책망하매
26   아비멜렉이 가로되 누가 그리하였는지 내가 알지 못하노라 너도 내게 고하지 아니하였고 나도 듣지 못하였더니 오늘이야 들었노라
27   아브라함이 양과 소를 취하여 아비멜렉에게 주고 두 사람이 서로 언약을 세우니라
28   아브라함이 일곱 암양 새끼를 따로 놓으니
29   아비멜렉이 아브라함에게 이르되 이 일곱 암양 새끼를 따로 놓음은 어찜이뇨
30   아브라함이 가로되 너는 내 손에서 이 암양 새끼 일곱을 받아 내가 이 우물 판 증거를 삼으라 하고
31   두 사람이 거기서 서로 맹세하였으므로 그곳을 1)브엘세바라 이름하였더라
32   그들이 브엘세바에서 언약을 세우매 아비멜렉과 그 군대장관 비골은 떠나 블레셋 족속의 땅으로 돌아갔고
33   아브라함은 브엘세바에 에셀나무를 심고 거기서 영생하시는 하나님 여호와의 이름을 불렀으며
34   그가 블레셋 족속의 땅에서 여러날을 지내었더라
Genesis 21 [NIV]
Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what he had promised.
Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.
Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him.
When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God commanded him.
Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.
Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me."
And she added, "Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age."
The child grew and was weaned, and on the day Isaac was weaned Abraham held a great feast.
But Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was mocking,
and she said to Abraham, "Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac."
The matter distressed Abraham greatly because it concerned his son.
But God said to him, "Do not be so distressed about the boy and your maidservant. Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.
I will make the son of the maidservant into a nation also, because he is your offspring."
Early the next morning Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. He set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy. She went on her way and wandered in the desert of Beersheba.
When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes.
Then she went off and sat down nearby, about a bowshot away, for she thought, "I cannot watch the boy die." And as she sat there nearby, she began to sob.
God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, "What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.
Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation."
Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer.
While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt.
At that time Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do.
Now swear to me here before God that you will not deal falsely with me or my children or my descendants. Show to me and the country where you are living as an alien the same kindness I have shown to you."
Abraham said, "I swear it."
Then Abraham complained to Abimelech about a well of water that Abimelech's servants had seized.
But Abimelech said, "I don't know who has done this. You did not tell me, and I heard about it only today."
So Abraham brought sheep and cattle and gave them to Abimelech, and the two men made a treaty.
Abraham set apart seven ewe lambs from the flock,
and Abimelech asked Abraham, "What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs you have set apart by themselves?"
He replied, "Accept these seven lambs from my hand as a witness that I dug this well."
So that place was called Beersheba, because the two men swore an oath there.
After the treaty had been made at Beersheba, Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his forces returned to the land of the Philistines.
Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called upon the name of the LORD, the Eternal God.
And Abraham stayed in the land of the Philistines for a long time.

22   때에 아비멜렉과 그 군대 장관 비골이 아브라함에게 말하여 가로되 네가 무슨 일을 하든지 하나님이 너와 함께 계시도다
23   그런즉 너는 나와 내 아들과 내 손자에게 거짓되이 행치 않기를 이제 여기서 하나님을 가리켜 내게 맹세하라 내가 네게 후대한대로 너도 나와 너의 머무는 이 땅에 행할 것이니라
At that time Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do.
Now swear to me here before God that you will not deal falsely with me or my children or my descendants. Show to me and the country where you are living as an alien the same kindness I have shown to you."

이삭이 태어나고 아비멜렉이 아브라함에게 내 아들과 내 손자에게 우물 소유권에 대해 맹세하라고 말한다.
이삭이 아브라함의 친자식이 아니라 믿음에 속한 의의 자식이라서다.
그래서 이삭 탄생에 뜬금없이 아비멜렉이 등장하며 브엘세바 우물 사건이 등장한다.
하갈같은 이집트인은 배제되고 외부인들끼리 맺은 언약이라 1945년 Potsdam선언과 비슷한 얘기다.
After Isaac is born, Abimelech tells Abraham to swear an oath to my son and my grandson to own the well.
Because Isaac was not the son of Abraham, but the son of the righteousness that belongs to the faith.
So, Abimelech appears out of the blue at the birth of Isaac, and the Beersheba well incident appears.
Egyptians like Hagar were excluded and it was a covenant made with outsiders, similar to the 1945 Potsdam Declaration.

요한복음 3장
예수와 니고데모
1   바리새인 중에 니고데모라 하는 사람이 있으니 유대인의 관원이라
2   그가 밤에 예수께 와서 가로되 랍비여 우리가 당신은 하나님께로서 오신 선생인줄 아나이다 하나님이 함께 하시지 아니하시면 당신의 행하시는 이 표적을 아무라도 할 수 없음이니이다
3   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 사람이 거듭나지 아니하면 하나님 나라를 볼수 없느니라
4   니고데모가 가로되 사람이 늙으면 어떻게 날 수 있삽나이까 두번째 모태에 들어갔다가 날 수 있삽나이까
5   예수께서 대답하시되 진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 사람이 물과 성령으로 나지 아니하면 하나님 나라에 들어갈 수 없느니라
6   육으로 난 것은 육이요 성령으로 난 것은 영이니
7   내가 네게 거듭나야 하겠다 하는 말을 기이히 여기지 말라
8   바람이 임의로 불매 네가 그 소리를 들어도 어디서 오며 어디로 가는지 알지 못하나니 성령으로 난 사람은 다 이러하니라
9   니고데모가 대답하여 가로되 어찌 이러한 일이 있을 수 있나이까
10   예수께서 가라사대 너는 이스라엘의 선생으로서 이러한 일을 알지 못하느냐
11   진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 우리 아는 것을 말하고 본 것을 증거하노라 그러나 너희가 우리 증거를 받지 아니하는도다
12   내가 땅의 일을 말하여도 너희가 믿지 아니하거든 하물며 하늘 일을 말하면 어떻게 믿겠느냐
13   하늘에서 내려온 자 곧 인자 외에는 하늘에 올라간 자가 없느니라
14   모세가 광야에서 뱀을 든것 같이 인자도 들려야 하리니
15   이는 저를 믿는 자마다 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라
16   하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 저를 믿는 자마다 멸망치 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라
17   하나님이 그 아들을 세상에 보내신 것은 세상을 심판하려 하심이 아니요 저로 말미암아 세상이 구원을 받게하려 하심이라
18   저를 믿는 자는 심판을 받지 아니하는 것이요 믿지 아니하는 자는 하나님의 독생자의 이름을 믿지 아니하므로 벌써 심판을 받은 것이니라
19   그 정죄는 이것이니 곧 빛이 세상에 왔으되 사람들이 자기 행위가 악하므로 빛보다 어두움을 더 사랑한 것이니라
20   악을 행하는 자마다 빛을 미워하여 빛으로 오지 아니하나니 이는 그 행위가 드러날까 함이요
21   진리를 좇는 자는 빛으로 오나니 이는 그 행위가 하나님 안에서 행한 것임을 나타내려 함이라 하시니라
John 3장 [NIV]
Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council.
He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."
In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
"How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"
Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.
Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'
The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
"How can this be?" Nicodemus asked.
"You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus, "and do you not understand these things?
I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.
I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man.
Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,
that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

요한1서 5장
5   예수께서 하나님의 아들이심을 믿는 자가 아니면 세상을 이기는 자가 누구뇨
6   이는 물과 피로 임하신 자니 곧 예수 그리스도시라 물로만 아니요 물과 피로 임하셨고
7   증거하는 이는 성령이시니 성령은 진리니라
8   증거하는 이가 셋이니 성령과 물과 피라 또한 이 셋이 합하여 하나이니라
9   만일 우리가 사람들의 증거를 받을찐대 하나님의 증거는 더욱 크도다 하나님의 증거는 이것이니 그 아들에 관하여 증거하신 것이니라
10   하나님의 아들을 믿는 자는 자기 안에 증거가 있고 하나님을 믿지 아니하는 자는 하나님을 거짓말 하는 자로 만드나니 이는 하나님께서 그 아들에 관하여 증거하신 증거를 믿지 아니하였음이라
1 John 5 [NASB]
Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
This is the One who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not with the water only, but with the water and with the blood It is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.
For there are three that testify:
the Spirit and the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.
If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater; for the testimony of God is this, that He has testified concerning His Son.
The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son.

요한복음 19장
34   그 중 한 군병이 창으로 옆구리를 찌르니 곧 피와 물이 나오더라
John 19 [NASB]
But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.

요한이 말하는 성령(Djed) 물(어둠신, 번개신), 피(쌍둥이 남자)는 합체신전이라 사랑이 강조된 이유다.
바울도 사랑을 제일로 쳤으니 합체신전에 바울의 이상이 있다.

아버지와 아들은 쌍둥이 남자 관계를 말한다.
아버지와 아들을 인정하지 않으면 적그리스도라고 규정한 것은 인성론 예수의 핵심이지만 삼위일체 자체가 근본적인 모순을 안고 출범했다.

The Holy Spirit (Djed), water (dark god, lightning god), and blood (twin males) that John speaks of are united temples, which is why love is emphasized.
Paul also put love first, so there is Paul's vision in the Unity Temple.

Father and son refer to twin male relationship.
The definition of an antichrist if the Father and the Son are not acknowledged is the core of Jesus' humanity, but the Trinity itself was launched with a fundamental contradiction.

1 John 5
7   Ибо три свидетельствуют на небе: Отец, Слово и Святый Дух; и Сии три суть едино.
For there are three that testify in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
하늘에 증거하시는 이가 셋이니 곧 아버지와 말씀과 성령이시니라. 그리고 이 셋은 하나다.

러시아 정교는 삼위의 이름을 정확하게 표현했다.
푸틴은 정확한 삼위 이름을 이제는 알고있다.
이 카페에 무보수 러시아 방구석 첩보원 많다.
The Russian Orthodox Church accurately expressed the name of the Trinity.
Putin now knows the exact trinity name.
There are a lot of unpaid Russian spies in this cafe.

요한복음 14장
10   나는 아버지 안에 있고 아버지는 내 안에 계신 것을 네가 믿지 아니하느냐 내가 너희에게 이르는 말이 스스로 하는 것이 아니라 아버지께서 내 안에 계셔 그의 일을 하시는 것이라
11   내가 아버지 안에 있고 아버지께서 내 안에 계심을 믿으라 그렇지 못하겠거든 행하는 그 일을 인하여 나를 믿으라
John 14 [NASB]
"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.
"Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves.

요한복음 14장의 수수께끼 같은 말은 아펩신전의 쌍둥이를 지칭한다.
아버지와 아들은 쌍둥이라서 아펩뱀-창에 찔리적은 있어도 인간-예수가 십자가에 못밖힌 사역은 사실상 없다.
예수가 Djed역활을 해야 스스로 아펩뱀의 십자가되어 가해자가 피해자 코스프레 할 수 있다.
창을 들고 옆구리 찌른 것은 Djed-예수고, 창으로 찔린 자는 인간-예수다.
The enigmatic word in John 14 refers to the twins of the Temple of Apep.
Since the father and the son are twins, the Apep snake-even though he has been pierced with a spear, there is virtually no work that the human-Jesus was crucified on the cross.
Only when Jesus plays the role of Djed can he become the cross of the Apep snake himself and the perpetrator can cosplay as the victim.
It is Djed-Jesus who took the spear and stabbed him in the side, and the one who was pierced with a spear is the human-Jesus.

스가랴 12장
10   내가 다윗의 집과 예루살렘 거민에게 은총과 간구하는 심령을 부어 주리니 그들이 그 찌른바 그를 바라보고 그를 위하여 애통하기를 독자를 위하여 애통하듯 하며 그를 위하여 통곡하기를 장자를 위하여 통곡하듯 하리로다
Zechariah 12 [NASB]
"I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn.

요한복음 19장
37   또 다른 성경에 저희가 그 찌른 자를 보리라 하였느니라
John 19 [NASB]
And again another Scripture says, "THEY SHALL LOOK ON HIM WHOM THEY PIERCED."

Djed-예수 자신이 죽은 자신의 옆구리를 창으로 찌르는 환타스딕 어드벤처 스릴러한 자해극 이후에 자신이 자신을 바라본다.
Djed-Jesus himself sees himself after a thrilling self-destructive play in a Fantasdic adventure in which he pierces the side of his dead body with a spear.

Ghost(1990) - Carl Goes To Hell

Ghost(1990) - The Killer Goes To Hell

Ghost (2/10) Movie CLIP - After the End (1990) HD

창세기 11장
1   온 땅의 구음이 하나이요 언어가 하나이었더라
2   이에 그들이 동방으로 옮기다가 시날 평지를 만나 거기 거하고
3   서로 말하되 자, 벽돌을 만들어 견고히 굽자 하고 이에 벽돌로 돌을 대신하며 역청으로 진흙을 대신하고
4   또 말하되 자, 성과 대를 쌓아 대 꼭대기를 하늘에 닿게하여 우리 이름을 내고 온 지면에 흩어짐을 면하자 하였더니
5   여호와께서 인생들의 쌓는 성과 대를 보시려고 강림하셨더라
6   여호와께서 가라사대 이 무리가 한 족속이요 언어도 하나이므로 이같이 시작하였으니 이후로는 그 경영하는 일을 금지할 수 없으리로다
7   자, 우리가 내려가서 거기서 그들의 언어를 혼잡케 하여 그들로 서로 알아듣지 못하게 하자 하시고
8   여호와께서 거기서 그들을 온 지면에 흩으신고로 그들이 성 쌓기를 그쳤더라
9   그러므로 그 이름을 바벨이라 하니 이는 여호와께서 거기서 온 땅의 언어를 혼잡케 하셨음이라 여호와께서 거기서 그들을 온 지면에 흩으셨더라
Genesis 11 [NASB]    
Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words.
It came about as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.
They said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly." And they used brick for stone, and they used tar for mortar.
They said, "Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth."
The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
The LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.
"Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech."
So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city.
Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth.

노아의 홍수는 거대 제국을 건설하는 과정이다.
노아는 정복자고 홍수는 그의 빛의 군대다.
중국의 진시황이 한자 외에 다른 문자로 기록된 모든 책을 불태웠던 것처럼 노아의 홍수도 비슷한 설정이다.
이집트 신성문자만 남았든, 바벨론 설형문자만 남았든.
노아의 가족과 선택된 동물들만 살아남았으니 노아가 사용하는 언어만 살아남았다는 뜻이라, 노아가 진시황처럼 비정한 정복자라는 뜻이다.
다른 모든 문자와 문명을 파괴시킨 정복자 노아.
노아 홍수 이후에 바벨탑 사건이 일어난 것도,
노아로 비롯된 단 하나의 언어-구음이 다시 또 늘어났다.
유대인 여호와가 유일신이기 바라지만 여러 언어가 다시 난립한다.
이제는 노아의 홍수처럼 멸망이 어렵다.
여호와가 좋든싫든 세상의 언어는 많다.
Noah's Flood is the process of building a great empire.
Noah is the conqueror and the flood is his army of light.
Just as China's Qin Shi Huang burned all books written in characters other than Chinese characters, Noah's Flood is a similar setting.
Whether only Egyptian hieroglyphs remain or Babylonian cuneiform remains.
Only Noah's family and selected animals survived, meaning that only Noah's language survived, meaning that Noah was a heartless conqueror like Qin Shi Huang.
Conqueror Noah who destroyed all other characters and civilizations.
The Tower of Babel incident occurred after Noah's flood.
The single linguistic-voice that originated with Noah was again multiplied.
The Jew, Jehovah, is hoped to be one God, but multiple languages ​​are re-emerging.
Destruction is difficult now, like Noah's flood.
Whether Jehovah likes it or not, there are many languages in the world.

창세기 11장
30   사래는 잉태하지 못하므로 자식이 없었더라
31   데라가 그 아들 아브람과 하란의 아들 그 손자 롯과 그 자부 아브람의 아내 사래를 데리고 갈대아 우르에서 떠나 가나안 땅으로 가고자 하더니 하란에 이르러 거기 거하였으며
32   데라는 이백 오세를 향수하고 하란에서 죽었더라
Genesis 11 [NASB]
Sarai was barren; she had no child.
Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, his grandson, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife; and they went out together from Ur of the Chaldeans in order to enter the land of Canaan; and they went as far as Haran, and settled there.
The days of Terah were two hundred and five years; and Terah died in Haran.

창세기 12장
10   그 땅에 기근이 있으므로 아브람이 애굽에 우거하려 하여 그리로 내려갔으니 이는 그 땅에 기근이 심하였음이라
11   그가 애굽에 가까이 이를 때에 그 아내 사래더러 말하되 나 알기에 그대는 아리따운 여인이라
12   애굽 사람이 그대를 볼 때에 이르기를 이는 그의 아내라 하고 나는 죽이고 그대는 살리리니
13   원컨대 그대는 나의 누이라 하라 그리하면 내가 그대로 인하여 안전하고 내 목숨이 그대로 인하여 보존하겠노라 하니라
14   아브람이 애굽에 이르렀을 때에 애굽 사람들이 그 여인의 심히 아리따움을 보았고
15   바로의 대신들도 그를 보고 바로 앞에 칭찬하므로 그 여인을 바로의 궁으로 취하여 들인지라
16   이에 바로가 그를 인하여 아브람을 후대하므로 아브람이 양과 소와 노비와 암 수 나귀와 약대를 얻었더라
Genesis 11 [NASB]
Now there was a famine in the land; so Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.
It came about when he came near to Egypt, that he said to Sarai his wife, "See now, I know that you are a beautiful woman;
and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife'; and they will kill me, but they will let you live.
"Please say that you are my sister so that it may go well with me because of you, and that I may live on account of you."
It came about when Abram came into Egypt, the Egyptians saw that the woman was very beautiful.
Pharaoh's officials saw her and praised her to Pharaoh; and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.
Therefore he treated Abram well for her sake; and gave him sheep and oxen and donkeys and male and female servants and female donkeys and camels.

아브라함은 예수처럼 합체신전 쌍둥이와 Djed을 공유하는 포지션이다.
조카 롯과 아비멜렉의 비공식 아들 이삭(아브라함의 의의 아들(믿음의 아들)은 블레셋 전용 춤추는 자와 믿음신전 쌍둥이 역활을 공유한다.
사라는 큰 여자 Matt-여신.
기근으로 가나안땅에 기거하던 아브라함이 이집트로 들어가면서 이집트 제15왕조가 탄생한다.
블레셋인 아비멜렉과 아브라함의 브엘세바 우물 계약은 이렇게 마르틴 루터와 칸트의 왕국 포츠담에서 맺어진다.
Abraham is in a position to share Djed with the united temple twins like Jesus.
His nephew Lot and Abimelech's unofficial son Isaac (Abraham's Son of Righteousness (Son of Faith)) share the role of Philistine-only Dancer and Temple of Faith twins.
Sarah is a big girl Matt-Goddess.
When Abraham, who was living in the land of Canaan due to famine, went to Egypt, the 15th Dynasty of Egypt was born.
The contract of Beersheba well between Abimelech the Philistine and Abraham was concluded in Potsdam, the kingdom of Martin Luther and Kant.

창세기 32장
24   야곱은 홀로 남았더니 어떤 사람이 날이 새도록 야곱과 씨름하다가
25   그 사람이 자기가 야곱을 이기지 못함을 보고 야곱의 환도뼈를 치매 야곱의 환도뼈가 그 사람과 씨름할 때에 위골되었더라
26   그 사람이 가로되 날이 새려하니 나로 가게 하라 야곱이 가로되 당신이 내게 축복하지 아니하면 가게 하지 아니하겠나이다
27   그 사람이 그에게 이르되 네 이름이 무엇이냐 그가 가로되 야곱이니이다
28   그 사람이 가로되 네 이름을 다시는 야곱이라 부를 것이 아니요 이스라엘이라 부를 것이니 이는 네가 하나님과 사람으로 더불어 겨루어 이기었음이니라
Genesis 32 [NASB]
Then Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak.
When he saw that he had not prevailed against him, he touched the socket of his thigh; so the socket of Jacob's thigh was dislocated while he wrestled with him.
Then he said, "Let me go, for the dawn is breaking." But he said, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."
So he said to him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Jacob."
He said, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed."

이삭의 아들 야곱도 블레셋 전용 춤추는 자와 믿음신전 쌍둥이 역활을 공유한다.
하갈의 아들 이스마엘이 Djed으로서 활쏘는 자의 조상이 됐으니 똑같이 이집트 지명자와 공유되면 야곱의 다른 이름 이스라엘이 애매해진다.
그래서 이스라엘은 춤추는 자에게 주어진 이름이라 블레셋과 바리새인이 이스라엘 원조다.

모세는 Djed이고 아론은 춤추는 자다.
여호수아도 춤추는 자다.

Isaac's son Jacob also shares the role of the Philistine-only dancer and the temple of faith twin.
As Hagar's son Ishmael became the ancestor of archers as Djed, the other name for Jacob becomes ambiguous when shared with the same Egyptian nominee.
So Israel is the name given to the dancers, and the Philistines and Pharisees are the origins of Israel.

Moses is a Djed and Aaron is a dancer.
Joshua is also a dancer.

기독교가 살아나려면 문자주의에서 벗어나야 한다
If Christianity is to survive, it must break free from literalism.

고린도후서 3장
3   너희는 우리로 말미암아 나타난 그리스도의 편지니 이는 먹으로 쓴 것이 아니요 오직 살아 계신 하나님의 영으로 한 것이며 또 돌비에 쓴 것이 아니요 오직 육의 심비에 한 것이라
2 Corinthians 3 [NASB]    
written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

바울이 말하는 "on tablets of human hearts"는, 아펩뱀은 모세가 돌판에 쓴 십계명이지만, 아펩뱀이 예수 옆구리 뚫은 것은 사람의 마음에 쓴 것이 되는 것이다.
돌의 아펩뱀이 사람과 사람의 마음을 찌른 것이라, 찔린 것은 지배자나 정복자 전용이다.
그래서 예수 옆구리 창구멍이 중요해지고 물과 피가 포함하는 기괴한 모순의 삼위일체가 출범한 것이다.
문자도 사람 마음도 중요하지 않지만, 이 말에 매몰된 목회자나 해석하는 사람들만 큰 의미를 부여합니다.
오강남 교수뿐 아니라 문자-무의미를 주장하는 자는 누구든 마찬가지야.
큰 의미없다.
예수자신이 예수자신을 찌른 기괴한 사건을 믿는 것은 춤추는 자의 신전과 무관하지만, 모세의 자리에 앉은 바리새인들이 오늘날의 이스라엘로 부활한 것이다.

진짜 예수부활은 바람의 일이다.

아빠만이 그 날을 안다.

누구든지 귀 있는 자는 들을찌어다.

When Paul speaks of "on tablets of human hearts," the serpent of Apep was the Ten Commandments Moses wrote on stone tablets, but the serpent pierced Jesus' side was written on the human heart.
The stone Apep serpent pierced people and people's hearts, and those pierced were reserved for rulers and conquerors only.
So, the spear in Jesus' side became important, and the trinity of bizarre contradictions involving water and blood was launched.
Neither the text nor the heart of a person is important, but only pastors and interpreters who are engrossed in these words attach great meaning to them.
Not only Professor Oh Gangnam, but anyone who argues that the text is meaningless.
it doesn't mean much
Believing in the bizarre incident that Jesus himself stabbed Jesus has nothing to do with the Temple of the Dancer, but the Pharisees who sat in Moses' seat were resurrected to present-day Israel.

The true resurrection of Jesus is a work of wind.

Only Dad knows that day.

Whoever has ears, let him hear.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2022, 09:15:41 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 21, 2022, 08:42:02 PM
Hi, and thanks for sharing the mini Tesla coil circuit I might have a play with that  ;)

To look into one's past mind is in the present progressive tense.
The Tesla-kacher light, not darkness, pierced people's hearts, and it is a generator problem that is the starting point of eternal life.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2022, 09:24:15 AM
위기를 극복하는 가족의 이야기: 테이크 쉘터
여러분! 신념과 용기를 잃지 마십시오! || A Call to Live Boldly

필재가 갈수록 환타스틱해지네.... ;D 8)
좀 쉬엄쉬엄햐.... 8) 8)
이보다 더한 일제시대도 겪었는데 걱정도 팔자소관여... ;D 8) ::)
우리가 아는 것 만큼 유대인들도 알고있는 일들이니 너무 걱정하지말게. ;D ;D 8)


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2022, 09:33:41 AM
미국 국방성이 2020년 공개한 UFO 영상

The video above is fake.
The US Department of Defense has revealed the fake.
Only they will know why.

광해 1년, 조선의 하늘에 나타난 괴비행체 | 조선왕조실록 UFO

This is real.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2022, 09:58:37 AM
판타스틱 리얼!~ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 22, 2022, 10:12:45 AM
Format Kostyana's adultery affair in general
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2022, 06:51:53 AM
3200년전 고대 이집트 최고 제왕 람세스 2세, 한국과 인연 맺었다


가끔 결정적인 차이를 만들 때도 있다. 우스갯소리 하나. 중학생이 목사한테 당찬 질문 하나를 던졌다. "목사님, 기도하면서 담배 피워도 되나요?" 목사는 "어디서 그런 불경스러운 말을 하냐?"며 화를 냈다. 풀 죽어 있는 학생에게 친구가 넌지시 한 수 가르쳐준다. "질문을 바꿔봐." 학생은 며칠 뒤 다시 묻는다. "목사님, 담배 피우면서 기도해도 되나요?" 목사 얼굴이 환하게 밝아지며 "물론이지. 기도는 언제 어디서든 할 수 있는 거잖아."
Sometimes it makes a huge difference. one joke. A middle school student asked the pastor a bold question. "Pastor, can I smoke while praying?" The pastor was angry, saying, "Where do you say such blasphemous things?" A friend instructs a dying student. "Change the question." The student asks again after a few days. "Pastor, can I pray while smoking?" The pastor's face brightened and said, "Of course. You can pray anytime, anywhere."

모세의 방식은 파괴지만,
예수의 방식은 왜곡이다.

무슨 차이가 있는가?
파괴되면 노예들이 다시 만들거나 유일신전만 남지만,
왜곡하거나 다른 것을 첨부(겉옷, 속옷, 다른 뺨)하면 복합신전(사랑신전)이 된다.

Moses' way is destructive,
Jesus' way is a distortion.

What difference does it make?
When destroyed, slaves re-create it, or only one temple remains,
If you distort it or attach something else (outerwear, underwear, other cheeks), it becomes a compound temple (temple of love).

현대적 관점에서 파괴가 나쁘냐 왜곡이 나쁘냐 고르라면, 문화의 융합은 예술가의 작품으로 나타난다.
완성된 작품을 후대에 누군가 임으로 고친다면 그것이 파괴고 왜곡이다.
새로운 작품은 만들수는 있지만 고치는 것은 왜곡이고 파괴다.

세 개 아펩 신전은 이것에 대한 이정표와 같다.

From a modern point of view, if one chooses whether destruction is bad or distortion is bad, the fusion of cultures appears as an artist's work.
If someone in the next generation fixes the finished work, that would be destruction and distortion.
New works can be made, but fixing them is distortion and destruction.

The three Apep temples are a milestone for this.

출애굽기 21장
폭력에 관한 법
12   사람을 쳐 죽인 자는 반드시 죽일 것이나
13   만일 사람이 계획함이 아니라 나 하나님이 사람을 그 손에 붙임이면 내가 위하여 한 곳을 정하리니 그 사람이 그리로 도망할 것이며
14   사람이 그 이웃을 짐짓 모살하였으면 너는 그를 내 단에서라도 잡아내려 죽일찌니라
15   자기 아비나 어미를 치는 자는 반드시 죽일찌니라
16   사람을 후린 자가 그 사람을 팔았든지 자기 수하에 두었든지 그를 반드시 죽일찌니라
17   그 아비나 어미를 저주하는 자는 반드시 죽일찌니라
18   사람이 서로 싸우다가 하나가 돌이나 주먹으로 그 적수를 쳤으나 그가 죽지 않고 자리에 누웠다가
19   지팡이를 짚고 기동하면 그를 친 자가 형벌은 면하되 기간 손해를 배상하고 그로 전치되게 할찌니라
20   사람이 매로 그 남종이나 여종을 쳐서 당장에 죽으면 반드시 형벌을 받으려니와
21   그가 일일이나 이일을 연명하면 형벌을 면하리니 그는 상전의 금전임이니라
22   사람이 서로 싸우다가 아이 밴 여인을 다쳐 낙태케 하였으나 다른 해가 없으면 그 남편의 청구대로 반드시 벌금을 내되 재판장의 판결을 좇아 낼 것이니라
23   그러나 다른 해가 있으면 갚되 생명은 생명으로,
24   눈은 눈으로, 이는 이로, 손은 손으로, 발은 발로,
25   데운 것은 데움으로, 상하게 한 것은 상함으로, 때린 것은 때림으로 갚을찌니라
26   사람이 그 남종의 한 눈이나 여종의 한 눈을 쳐서 상하게 하면 그 눈 대신에 그를 놓을 것이며
27   그 남종의 한 이나 여종의 한 이를 쳐서 빠뜨리면 그 이 대신에 그를 놓을찌니라
Exodus 21 [NASB]
"He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death.
"But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God let him fall into his hand, then I will appoint you a place to which he may flee.
"If, however, a man acts presumptuously toward his neighbor, so as to kill him craftily, you are to take him even from My altar, that he may die.
"He who strikes his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.
"He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death.
"He who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.
"If men have a quarrel and one strikes the other with a stone or with his fist, and he does not die but remains in bed,
if he gets up and walks around outside on his staff, then he who struck him shall go unpunished; he shall only pay for his loss of time, and shall take care of him until he is completely healed.
"If a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod and he dies at his hand, he shall be punished.
"If, however, he survives a day or two, no vengeance shall be taken; for he is his property.
"If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she gives birth prematurely, yet there is no injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide.
"But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life,
eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
"If a man strikes the eye of his male or female slave, and destroys it, he shall let him go free on account of his eye.
"And if he knocks out a tooth of his male or female slave, he shall let him go free on account of his tooth.

마태복음 5장
38   또 눈은 눈으로, 이는 이로 갚으라 하였다는 것을 너희가 들었으나
39   나는 너희에게 이르노니 악한 자를 대적지 말라 누구든지 네 오른편 뺨을 치거든 왼편도 돌려 대며
40   또 너를 송사하여 속옷을 가지고자 하는 자에게 겉옷까지도 가지게 하며
41   또 누구든지 너로 억지로 오리를 가게 하거든 그 사람과 십리를 동행하고
42   네게 구하는 자에게 주며 네게 꾸고자 하는 자에게 거절하지 말라
Matthew 5 [NASB]
"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.'
"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
"If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.
"Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.
"Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

욥기 1장
사단이 욥을 시험하다
1   우스 땅에 욥이라 이름하는 사람이 있었는데 그 사람은 순전하고 정직하여 하나님을 경외하며 악에서 떠난 자더라
2   그 소생은 남자가 일곱이요 여자가 셋이며
3   그 소유물은 양이 칠천이요 약대가 삼천이요 소가 오백 겨리요 암나귀가 오백이며 종도 많이 있었으니 이 사람은 동방 사람 중에 가장 큰 자라
4   그 아들들이 자기 생일이면 각각 자기의 집에서 잔치를 베풀고 그 누이 셋도 청하여 함께 먹고 마시므로
5   그 잔치 날이 지나면 욥이 그들을 불러다가 성결케 하되 아침에 일어나서 그들의 명수대로 번제를 드렸으니 이는 욥이 말하기를 혹시 내 아들들이 죄를 범하여 마음으로 하나님을 배반하였을까 함이라 욥의 행사가 항상 이러하였더라
6   하루는 하나님의 아들들이 와서 여호와 앞에 섰고 사단도 그들 가운데 왔는지라
7   여호와께서 사단에게 이르시되 네가 어디서 왔느냐 사단이 여호와께 대답하여 가로되 땅에 두루 돌아 여기 저기 다녀 왔나이다
8   여호와께서 사단에게 이르시되 네가 내 종 욥을 유의하여 보았느냐 그와 같이 순전하고 정직하여 하나님을 경외하며 악에서 떠난 자가 세상에 없느니라
9   사단이 여호와께 대답하여 가로되 욥이 어찌 까닭 없이 하나님을 경외하리이까
10   주께서 그와 그 집과 그 모든 소유물을 산울로 두르심이 아니니이까 주께서 그 손으로 하는바를 복되게 하사 그 소유물로 땅에 널리게 하셨음이니이다
11   이제 주의 손을 펴서 그의 모든 소유물을 치소서 그리하시면 정녕 대면하여 주를 욕하리이다
12   여호와께서 사단에게 이르시되 내가 그의 소유물을 다 네 손에 붙이노라 오직 그의 몸에는 네 손을 대지 말지니라 사단이 곧 여호와 앞에서 물러가니라
욥이 자녀와 재산을 잃다
13   하루는 욥의 자녀들이 그 맏형의 집에서 식물을 먹으며 포도주를 마실 때에
14   사자가 욥에게 와서 고하되 소는 밭을 갈고 나귀는 그 곁에서 풀을 먹는데
15   스바 사람이 갑자기 이르러 그것들을 빼앗고 칼로 종을 죽였나이다 나만 홀로 피한고로 주인께 고하러 왔나이다
16   그가 아직 말할 때에 또 한 사람이 와서 고하되 하나님의 불이 하늘에서 내려와서 양과 종을 살라 버렸나이다 나만 홀로 피한고로 주인께 고하러 왔나이다
17   그가 아직 말할 때에 또 한 사람이 와서 고하되 갈대아 사람이 세 떼를 지어 갑자기 약대에게 달려들어 그것을 빼앗으며 칼로 종을 죽였나이다 나만 홀로 피한고로 주인께 고하러 왔나이다
18   그가 아직 말할 때에 또 한 사람이 와서 고하되 주인의 자녀들이 그 맏형의 집에서 식물을 먹으며 포도주를 마시더니
19   거친 들에서 대풍이 와서 집 네 모퉁이를 치매 그 소년들 위에 무너지므로 그들이 죽었나이다 나만 홀로 피한고로 주인께 고하러 왔나이다 한지라
20   욥이 일어나 겉옷을 찢고 머리털을 밀고 땅에 엎드려 경배하며
21   가로되 내가 모태에서 적신이 나왔사온즉 또한 적신이 그리로 돌아 가올찌라 주신 자도 여호와시요 취하신 자도 여호와시오니 여호와의 이름이 찬송을 받으실찌니이다 하고
22   이 모든 일에 욥이 범죄하지 아니하고 하나님을 향하여 어리석게 원망하지 아니하니라
Job 1장 [NASB]    
There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job; and that man was blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil.
Seven sons and three daughters were born to him.
His possessions also were 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 female donkeys, and very many servants; and that man was the greatest of all the men of the east.
His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
When the days of feasting had completed their cycle, Job would send and consecrate them, rising up early in the morning and offering burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, "Perhaps my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts." Thus Job did continually.
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.
The LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it."
The LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil."
Then Satan answered the LORD, "Does Job fear God for nothing?
"Have You not made a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
"But put forth Your hand now and touch all that he has; he will surely curse You to Your face."
Then the LORD said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him." So Satan departed from the presence of the LORD.
Now on the day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother's house,
a messenger came to Job and said, "The oxen were plowing and the donkeys feeding beside them,
and the Sabeans attacked and took them. They also slew the servants with the edge of the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you."
While he was still speaking, another also came and said, "The fire of God fell from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants and consumed them, and I alone have escaped to tell you."
While he was still speaking, another also came and said, "The Chaldeans formed three bands and made a raid on the camels and took them and slew the servants with the edge of the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you."
While he was still speaking, another also came and said, "Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother's house,
and behold, a great wind came from across the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house, and it fell on the young people and they died, and I alone have escaped to tell you."
Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshiped.
He said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked I shall return there The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD."
Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2022, 07:11:05 AM
Хороший ток...
При возникновении дуги, потребление падает...

Хороший ток..

아무리 생각해도 의심을 떨쳐버릴 수가 없다. ;D 8)
저늠아 저 속에 뭔가 꿍꿍이가 있는 것 같은데....... 그게 뭘까.... 8) 8)

내는 아무리 용써도 쇠를 녹일정도는 아니였거덩...... ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2022, 07:19:41 AM
111 техно позитив

Усилитель мощности на нелинейном элементе.

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Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 23, 2022, 08:28:29 AM
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Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2022, 01:50:02 PM
여호수아 5장
1   요단 서편의 아모리 사람의 모든 왕과 해변의 가나안 사람의 모든 왕이 여호와께서 요단 물을 이스라엘 자손들 앞에서 말리시고 1)우리를 건네셨음을 듣고 마음이 녹았고 이스라엘 자손들의 연고로 정신을 잃었더라
이스라엘이 길갈에서 할례를 받다
2   그 때에 여호와께서 여호수아에게 이르시되 너는 부싯돌로 칼을 만들어 이스라엘 자손들에게 다시 할례를 행하라 하시매
3   여호수아가 부싯돌로 칼을 만들어 할례산에서 이스라엘 자손들에게 할례를 행하니라
4   여호수아가 할례를 시행한 까닭은 이것이니 애굽에서 나온 모든 백성 중 남자 곧 모든 군사는 애굽에서 나온 후 광야 노중에서 죽었는데
5   그 나온 백성은 다 할례를 받았으나 오직 애굽에서 나온 후 광야 노중에서 난 자는 할례를 받지 못하였음이라
6   이스라엘 자손들이 여호와의 말씀을 청종치 아니하므로 여호와께서 그들에게 대하여 맹세하사 그들의 열조에게 맹세하여 우리에게 주마 하신 땅 곧 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 땅을 그들로 보지 못하게 하리라 하시매 애굽에서 나온 족속 곧 군사들이 다 멸절하기까지 사십년 동안을 광야에 행하였더니
7   그들의 대를 잇게 하신 이 자손에게 여호수아가 할례를 행하였으니 길에서는 그들에게 할례를 행치 못하였으므로 할례 없는 자가 되었음이었더라
8   온 백성에게 할례 행하기를 필하매 백성이 진중 각 처소에 처하여 낫기를 기다릴 때에
9   여호와께서 여호수아에게 이르시되 내가 오늘날 애굽의 수치를 너희에게서 굴러가게 하였다 하셨으므로 그곳 이름을 오늘까지 2)길갈이라 하느니라
10   이스라엘 자손들이 길갈에 진 쳤고 그 달 십 사일 저녁에는 여리고 평지에서 유월절을 지켰고
11   유월절 이튿날에 그 땅 소산을 먹되 그 날에 무교병과 볶은 곡식을 먹었더니
12   그 땅 소산을 먹은 다음 날에 만나가 그쳤으니 이스라엘 사람들이 다시는 만나를 얻지 못하였고 그 해에 가나안 땅의 열매를 먹었더라
칼을 든 여호와의 군대장관
13   여호수아가 여리고에 가까왔을 때에 눈을 들어본즉 한 사람이 칼을 빼어 손에 들고 마주섰는지라 여호수아가 나아가서 그에게 묻되 너는 우리를 위하느냐 우리의 대적을 위하느냐
14   그가 가로되 아니라 나는 여호와의 군대장관으로 이제 왔느니라 여호수아가 땅에 엎드려 절하고 가로되 나의 주여 종에게 무슨 말씀을 하려 하시나이까
15   여호와의 군대장관이 여호수아에게 이르되 네 발에서 신을 벗으라 네가 선 곳은 거룩하니라 여호수아가 그대로 행하니라
Joshua 5장 [NASB]    
Now it came about when all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard how the LORD had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the sons of Israel until they had crossed, that their hearts melted, and there was no spirit in them any longer because of the sons of Israel.
At that time the LORD said to Joshua, "Make for yourself flint knives and circumcise again the sons of Israel the second time."
So Joshua made himself flint knives and circumcised the sons of Israel at Gibeath-haaraloth.
This is the reason why Joshua circumcised them: all the people who came out of Egypt who were males, all the men of war, died in the wilderness along the way after they came out of Egypt.
For all the people who came out were circumcised, but all the people who were born in the wilderness along the way as they came out of Egypt had not been circumcised.
For the sons of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, until all the nation, that is, the men of war who came out of Egypt, perished because they did not listen to the voice of the LORD, to whom the LORD had sworn that He would not let them see the land which the LORD had sworn to their fathers to give us, a land flowing with milk and honey.
Their children whom He raised up in their place, Joshua circumcised; for they were uncircumcised, because they had not circumcised them along the way.
Now when they had finished circumcising all the nation, they remained in their places in the camp until they were healed.
Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you." So the name of that place is called Gilgal to this day.
While the sons of Israel camped at Gilgal they observed the Passover on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month on the desert plains of Jericho.
On the day after the Passover, on that very day, they ate some of the produce of the land, unleavened cakes and parched grain.
The manna ceased on the day after they had eaten some of the produce of the land, so that the sons of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate some of the yield of the land of Canaan during that year.
Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?"
He said, "No; rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the LORD." And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him, "What has my lord to say to his servant?"
The captain of the LORD'S host said to Joshua, "Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so.

바알브올(Baal of Peor)
'브올에서 섬긴 바알'이라는 뜻으로 지명이거나 모압의 우상신의 이름으로 본다. 이스라엘 백성들이 싯딤에서 머물고 있을 때 모압 여인들의 유혹으로 인해 그들과 행음하고 그들이 섬기던 바알브올에게 절하며 우상의 재물을 먹게 되었다(민 25:1-3). 여호와 하나님의 진노로 이스라엘 진중에 염병이 돌았으며, 이로 인해 죽은 자가 2만 4천 명이나 되었다(민 25:1-8).
시편 기자와 호세아 선지자는 이 사건을 역사적인 교훈으로 삼고자 했다. "저희가 또 바알브올과 연합하여 죽은 자에게 제사한 음식을 먹어서 그 행위로 주를 격노케 함을 인하여 재앙이 그 중에 유행하였도다"(시 106:28-29). "옛적에 내가 이스라엘 만나기를 광야에서 포도를 만남같이 하였으며 너희 열조 보기를 무화과나무에서 처음 맺힌 첫 열매를 봄같이 하였거늘 저희가 바알브올에 가서 부끄러운 우상에게 몸을 드림으로 저희의 사랑하는 우상같이 가증하여졌도다"(호 9:10).

구약성경에서 길갈은 여러 곳으로 나온다.
여리고 동편 지역: '여리고 동편 지경'(수 4:19)으로 기록된 길갈은 후에 베냐민 지파에게 분배된 성읍이다. 이곳은 가나안을 정복하고 왕국이 세워지던 당시에 매우 중요한 정치, 군사, 종교적인 중심지였다. 많은 학자들은 이곳을 현재의 여리고 동쪽 3.7km 정도 지점에 위치한 '키르벳 엔 니틀레'라고 본다.
이스라엘 백성들은 요단 강을 건넌 후 이곳에 진을 쳤으며(수 4:19), 요단에서 가져온 12개의 돌로 기념비를 세웠다(수 4:20-24). 길갈은 '굴러갔다'는 의미로 하나님께서 애굽의 수치를 이스라엘에게서 굴러가게 하셨음을 뜻한다(수 5:9). 여기서 길갈이 가나안 정복의 중요한 곳임을 알 수 있다. 이스라엘 백성들은 이곳에서 할례를 받았고(수 5:2-3), 유월절을 지켰으며(수 5:10), 여호수아는 하나님의 군대 장관을 만나 경배했다(수 5:13-15). 길갈에서 이스라엘 백성들은 기브온 거민에게 속아 조약을 맺었고(수 9:3-15), 그들의 요청을 받아 아모리 사람들과 전쟁을 하기도 했다(수 10:6-43).
한편 이곳은 사무엘이 해마다 벧엘, 길갈, 미스바 등을 순회할 때 다녀간 곳이며(삼상 7:16), 사무엘이 백성들을 모은 뒤 사울을 왕으로 삼은 곳인 동시에 그가 하나님께 버림받은 곳이기도 했다(삼상 11:14-15; 13:4-15; 15:17-29). 또한 이곳은 이스라엘 백성들이 제사드리던 곳이었다(삼상 10:8; 11:15; 15:21).
벧엘 북쪽 지역: 엘리야와 엘리사가 길갈을 거쳐 벧엘, 여리고로 갔는데(왕하 2:1-4; 4:38), 어떤 학자들은 이곳을 여리고 동편의 길갈과 동일한 곳으로 보기도 하지만, 또 다른 사람들은 벧엘에서 북쪽으로 약 12km 지점에 위치한 곳(현재의 '일률리에')으로 본다. 이곳에서 엘리야와 엘리사는 요단 강으로 갔고, 강가에서 엘리야가 승천했다(왕하 2:7, 11).
사마리아 산지 성읍: 가나안의 왕들을 언급할 때 '길갈의 고임 왕'(수 12:23)이라고 했는데, 학자들은 사마리아 산지에 있던 성읍, 샤론 평야의 경계에 있던 성읍 등으로 본다.
베냐민의 땅, 글릴롯: '아둠밈 비탈 맞은편 글릴롯'(수 18:17)의 글릴롯을 길갈과 동일한 곳으로 본다. 이곳은 베냐민 지파의 땅으로 유다 지파와의 경계에 있었다.
세겜 근처: "이 두 산은 요단 강 저편 곧 해지는 편으로 가는 길 뒤 길갈 맞은편 ..."(신 11:30)에서의 길갈은 그리심 산과 에발 산 사이의 세겜 근처로 추정된다.

물이 없어 이스라엘 백성이 모세와 다투고 하나님을 시험했던 곳으로 히브리어 '므리바'(meribah)는 다툼 혹은 분쟁의 뜻이다. 마라에서 물이 없다고 원망했던(출 15:23) 백성들은 르비딤에서 다시 한번 원망했다(출 17:7). 이 사건에 대해 하나님은 백성들로 하여금 기억하고 신앙에 있어서 경계할 부분으로 삼으시기 위해 이곳 지명을 '므리바' 또는 '맛사'라고 부르셨다(출 17:1-7).

므리바 가데스(Meribah Kadesh)
물이 없다고 불평하는 이스라엘 백성들을 위해 모세가 바위를 쳐서 물을 내었던 곳이다(민 20:1-13). 이곳은 가데스 근처였으며 이 일로 인해 모세는 가나안 땅에 들어가지 못하게 되었다(신 32:51; 33:8).

놉 1(Nob)
예루살렘 북쪽에 위치한 베냐민 지파의 성읍이다(사 10:32).
사울 시대에는 이곳에 성막이 있었다고 보며, 놉의 제사장 아히멜렉은 자신을 찾아온 다윗과 소년들에게 새 진설병으로 교체하면서 물려낸 진설병을 주었다(삼상 21:1-6). 이렇게 아히멜렉이 다윗을 도와준 것을 안 사울은 놉의 제사장들 85명, 놉의 남녀와 아이들, 젖먹이들, 소와 나귀, 양을 모두 죽였다(삼상 22:18-19). 여기서 살아남은 사람은 아히멜렉의 아들이었던 아비아달뿐이었는데, 그는 도망쳐 다윗에게 갔다(삼상 22:20-23).
놉은 또한 바벨론 포로에서 귀환한 귀향민들의 정착지 중 하나이기도 했다(느 11:32).

놉 2(Noph)
애굽 카이로 남쪽으로 약 20km, 나일 강의 서쪽편에 위치해 있는 성읍이다. 이곳은 1,2 왕조 때 중요한 도시로 부각되었고 3왕조 때부터 애굽의 수도가 되었다가(호 9:6 참조) 5왕조 때부터 세력이 미약해졌다.
놉은 애굽에 거하고 있던 유대인들의 거주지역이었으며(사 19:13; 렘 44:1), 예레미야 선지자가 느부갓네살이 애굽을 침략하여 놉이 황무해지고 거민들도 없을 것이라고 예언했던 곳이기도 했다(렘 46:19).

블레셋 사람으로 다윗을 죽이려다 오히려 아비새에게 죽임을 당한 자이다(삼하 21:16-17).

민수기 24장
1   발람이 자기가 이스라엘을 축복하는 것을 여호와께서 선히 여기심을 보고 전과 같이 사술을 쓰지 아니하고 그 낯을 광야로 향하여
2   눈을 들어 이스라엘이 그 지파대로 거하는 것을 보는 동시에 하나님의 신이 그 위에 임하신지라
3   그가 노래를 지어 가로되 브올의 아들 발람이 말하며 눈을 감았던 자가 말하며
4   하나님의 말씀을 듣는 자, 전능자의 이상을 보는 자, 엎드려서 눈을 뜬 자가 말하기를
5   야곱이여 네 장막이, 이스라엘이여 네 거처가 어찌 그리 아름다운고
6   그 벌어짐이 골짜기 같고 강 가의 동산 같으며 여호와의 심으신 침향목들 같고 물 가의 백향목들 같도다
7   그 통에서는 물이 넘치겠고 그 종자는 많은 물 가에 있으리로다 그 왕이 아각보다 높으니 그 나라가 진흥하리로다
8   하나님이 그를 애굽에서 인도하여 내셨으니 그 힘이 들소와 같도다 그 적국을 삼키고 그들의 뼈를 꺾으며 화살로 쏘아 꿰뚫으리로다
9   꿇어 앉고 누움이 수사자와 같고 암사자와도 같으니 일으킬 자 누구이랴 너를 축복하는 자마다 복을 받을 것이요 너를 저주하는 자마다 저주를 받을찌로다
발람의 마지막 예언
10   발락이 발람에게 노하여 손뼉을 치며 발람에게 말하되 내가 그대를 부른 것은 내 원수를 저주하라 함이어늘 그대가 이같이 세번 그들을 축복하였도다
11   그러므로 그대는 이제 그대의 곳으로 달려가라 내가 그대를 높여 심히 존귀케 하기로 뜻하였더니 여호와가 그대를 막아 존귀치 못하게 하셨도다
12   발람이 발락에게 이르되 당신이 내게 보낸 사자들에게 내가 고하여 이르지 아니하였나이까
13   가령 발락이 그 집에 은금을 가득히 채워서 내게 줄찌라도 나는 여호와의 말씀을 어기고 선악간 임의로 행하지 못하고 여호와께서 말씀하신대로 말하리라 하지 아니하였나이까
14   이제 나는 내 백성에게로 돌아가거니와 들으소서 내가 이 백성이 후일에 당신의 백성에게 어떻게 할 것을 당신에게 고하리이다 하고
15   노래를 지어 가로되 브올의 아들 발람이 말하며 눈을 감았던 자가 말하며
16   하나님의 말씀을 듣는 자가 말하며 지극히 높으신 자의 지식을 아는 자, 전능자의 이상을 보는 자, 엎드려서 눈을 뜬 자가 말하기를
17   내가 그를 보아도 이 때의 일이 아니며 내가 그를 바라보아도 가까운 일이 아니로다 한 별이 야곱에게서 나오며 한 홀이 이스라엘에게서 일어나서 모압을 이 편에서 저 편까지 쳐서 파하고 또 2)소동하는 자식들을 다 멸하리로다
18   그 원수 에돔은 그들의 산업이 되며 그 원수 세일도 그들의 산업이 되고 그 동시에 이스라엘은 용감히 행동하리로다
19   주권자가 야곱에게서 나서 남은 자들을 그 성읍에서 멸절하리로다 하고
20   또 아말렉을 바라보며 노래를 지어 가로되 아말렉은 열국중 으뜸이나 종말은 멸망에 이르리로다 하고
21   또 가인 족속을 바라보며 노래를 지어 가로되 너의 거처가 견고하니 네 보금자리는 바위에 있도다
22   그러나 가인이 쇠미하리니 나중에는 앗수르의 포로가 되리로다 하고
23   또 노래를 지어 가로되 슬프다 하나님이 이 일을 행하시리니 그 때에 살 자가 누구이랴
24   깃딤 해변에서 배들이 와서 앗수르를 학대하며 에벨을 괴롭게 하리라마는 그도 멸망하리로다 하고
25   발람이 일어나 자기 곳으로 돌아갔고 발락도 자기 길로 갔더라
Numbers 24 [NASB]    
When Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he did not go as at other times to seek omens but he set his face toward the wilderness.
And Balaam lifted up his eyes and saw Israel camping tribe by tribe; and the Spirit of God came upon him.
He took up his discourse and said, "The oracle of Balaam the son of Beor, And the oracle of the man whose eye is opened;
The oracle of him who hears the words of God, Who sees the vision of the Almighty, Falling down, yet having his eyes uncovered,
How fair are your tents, O Jacob, Your dwellings, O Israel!
"Like valleys that stretch out, Like gardens beside the river, Like aloes planted by the LORD, Like cedars beside the waters.
"Water will flow from his buckets, And his seed will be by many waters, And his king shall be higher than Agag, And his kingdom shall be exalted.
"God brings him out of Egypt, He is for him like the horns of the wild ox He will devour the nations who are his adversaries, And will crush their bones in pieces, And shatter them with his arrows.
"He crouches, he lies down as a lion, And as a lion, who dares rouse him? Blessed is everyone who blesses you, And cursed is everyone who curses you."
Then Balak's anger burned against Balaam, and he struck his hands together; and Balak said to Balaam, "I called you to curse my enemies, but behold, you have persisted in blessing them these three times!
"Therefore, flee to your place now. I said I would honor you greatly, but behold, the LORD has held you back from honor."
Balaam said to Balak, "Did I not tell your messengers whom you had sent to me, saying,
'Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything contrary to the command of the LORD, either good or bad, of my own accord What the LORD speaks, that I will speak'?
"And now, behold, I am going to my people; come, and I will advise you what this people will do to your people in the days to come."
He took up his discourse and said, "The oracle of Balaam the son of Beor, And the oracle of the man whose eye is opened,
The oracle of him who hears the words of God, And knows the knowledge of the Most High, Who sees the vision of the Almighty, Falling down, yet having his eyes uncovered.
"I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near; A star shall come forth from Jacob, A scepter shall rise from Israel, And shall crush through the forehead of Moab, And tear down all the sons of Sheth.
"Edom shall be a possession, Seir, its enemies, also will be a possession, While Israel performs valiantly.
"One from Jacob shall have dominion, And will destroy the remnant from the city."
And he looked at Amalek and took up his discourse and said, "Amalek was the first of the nations, But his end shall be destruction."
And he looked at the Kenite, and took up his discourse and said, "Your dwelling place is enduring, And your nest is set in the cliff.
"Nevertheless Kain will be consumed; How long will Asshur keep you captive?"
Then he took up his discourse and said, "Alas, who can live except God has ordained it?
"But ships shall come from the coast of Kittim, And they shall afflict Asshur and will afflict Eber; So they also will come to destruction."
Then Balaam arose and departed and returned to his place, and Balak also went his way.

민수기 25장
브올에서 생긴 일
1   이스라엘이 싯딤에 머물러 있더니 그 백성이 모압 여자들과 음행하기를 시작하니라
2   그 여자들이 그 신들에게 제사할 때에 백성을 청하매 백성이 먹고 그들의 신들에게 절하므로
3   이스라엘이 바알브올에게 부속된지라 여호와께서 이스라엘에게 진노하시니라
4   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 백성의 두령들을 잡아 태양을 향하여 여호와 앞에 목매어 달라 그리하면 여호와의 진노가 이스라엘에게서 떠나리라
5   모세가 이스라엘 사사들에게 이르되 너희는 각기 관할하는 자 중에 바알브올에게 부속한 사람들을 죽이라 하니라
6   이스라엘 자손의 온 회중이 회막 문에서 울 때에 이스라엘 자손 한 사람이 모세와 온 회중의 목전에 미디안의 한 여인을 데리고 그 형제에게로 온지라
7   제사장 아론의 손자 엘르아살의 아들 비느하스가 보고 회중의 가운데서 일어나 손에 창을 들고
8   그 이스라엘 남자를 따라 그의 막에 들어가서 이스라엘 남자와 그 여인의 배를 꿰뚫어서 두 사람을 죽이니 염병이 이스라엘 자손에게서 그쳤더라
9   그 염병으로 죽은 자가 이만 사천명이었더라
10   여호와께서 모세에게 일러 가라사대
11   제사장 아론의 손자 엘르아살의 아들 비느하스가 나의 질투심으로 질투하여 이스라엘 자손 중에서 나의 노를 돌이켜서 나의 질투심으로 그들을 진멸하지 않게 하였도다
12   그러므로 말하라 내가 그에게 나의 평화의 언약을 주리니
13   그와 그 후손에게 영원한 제사장 직분의 언약이라 그가 그 하나님을 위하여 질투하여 이스라엘 자손을 속죄하였음이니라
14   죽임을 당한 이스라엘 남자 곧 미디안 여인과 함께 죽임을 당한 자의 이름은 시므리니 살루의 아들이요 시므온인의 종족 중 한 족장이며
15   죽임을 당한 미디안 여인의 이름은 고스비니 수르의 딸이라 수르는 미디안 백성 한 종족의 두령이었더라
16   여호와께서 모세에게 일러 가라사대
17   미디안인들을 박해하며 그들을 치라
18   이는 그들이 궤계로 너희를 박해하되 브올의 일과 미디안 족장의 딸 곧 브올의 일로 염병이 일어난 날에 죽임을 당한 그들의 자매 고스비의 사건으로 너희를 유혹하였음이니라
Numbers 25 [NASB]    
While Israel remained at Shittim, the people began to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab.
For they invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods.
So Israel joined themselves to Baal of Peor, and the LORD was angry against Israel.
The LORD said to Moses, "Take all the leaders of the people and execute them in broad daylight before the LORD, so that the fierce anger of the LORD may turn away from Israel."
So Moses said to the judges of Israel, "Each of you slay his men who have joined themselves to Baal of Peor."
Then behold, one of the sons of Israel came and brought to his relatives a Midianite woman, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, while they were weeping at the doorway of the tent of meeting.
When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he arose from the midst of the congregation and took a spear in his hand,
and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and pierced both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman, through the body. So the plague on the sons of Israel was checked.
Those who died by the plague were 24,000.
Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
"Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned away My wrath from the sons of Israel in that he was jealous with My jealousy among them, so that I did not destroy the sons of Israel in My jealousy.
"Therefore say, 'Behold, I give him My covenant of peace;
and it shall be for him and his descendants after him, a covenant of a perpetual priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the sons of Israel.'"
Now the name of the slain man of Israel who was slain with the Midianite woman, was Zimri the son of Salu, a leader of a father's household among the Simeonites.
The name of the Midianite woman who was slain was Cozbi the daughter of Zur, who was head of the people of a father's household in Midian.
Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
"Be hostile to the Midianites and strike them;
for they have been hostile to you with their tricks, with which they have deceived you in the affair of Peor and in the affair of Cozbi, the daughter of the leader of Midian, their sister who was slain on the day of the plague because of Peor."

민수기 33장
모세와 아론의 관할하에 그 항오대로 애굽 땅에서 나오던 때의 노정
1   이스라엘 자손이 모세와 아론의 관할하에 그 항오대로 애굽 땅에서 나오던 때의 노정이 이러하니라
2   모세가 여호와의 명대로 그 노정을 따라 그 진행한 것을 기록하였으니 그 진행한대로 그 노정은 이러하니라
3   그들이 정월 십오일에 라암셋에서 발행하였으니 곧 유월절 다음 날이라 이스라엘 자손이 애굽 모든 사람의 목전에서 큰 권능으로 나왔으니
4   애굽인은 여호와께서 그들 중에 치신 그 모든 장자를 장사하는 때라 여호와께서 그들의 신들에게도 벌을 주셨더라
5   이스라엘 자손이 라암셋에서 발행하여 숙곳에 진 쳤고
6   숙곳에서 발행하여 광야 끝 에담에 진 쳤고
7   에담에서 발행하여 바알스본 앞 비하히롯으로 돌아가서 믹돌 앞에 진 쳤고
8   하히롯 앞에서 발행하여 바다 가운데로 지나 광야에 이르고 에담 광야로 삼일 길쯤 들어가서 마라에 진 쳤고
9   마라에서 발행하여 엘림에 이르니 엘림에는 샘물 열 둘과 종려 칠십 주가 있으므로 거기 진 쳤고
10   엘림에서 발행하여 홍해 가에 진 쳤고
11   홍해 가에서 발행하여 신 광야에 진 쳤고
12   신 광야에서 발행하여
13   돕가에 진 쳤고 돕가에서 발행하여 알루스에 진 쳤고
14   알루스에서 발행하여 르비딤에 진 쳤는데 거기는 백성의 마실 물이 없었더라
15   르비딤에서 발행하여 시내 광야에 진 쳤고
16   시내 광야에서 발행하여 기브롯핫다아와에 진 쳤고
17   기브롯핫다아와에서 발행하여 하세롯에 진 쳤고
18   하세롯에서 발행하여 릿마에 진 쳤고
19   릿마에서 발행하여 림몬베레스에 진 쳤고
20   림몬베레스에서 발행하여 립나에 진 쳤고
21   립나에서 발행하여 릿사에 진 쳤고
22   릿사에서 발행하여 그헬라다에 진 쳤고
23   그헬라다에서 발행하여 세벨산에 진 쳤고
24   세벨산에서 발행하여 하라다에 진 쳤고
25   하라다에서 발행하여 막헬롯에 진 쳤고
26   막헬롯에서 발행하여 다핫에 진 쳤고
27   다핫에서 발행하여 데라에 진 쳤고
28   데라에서 발행하여 밋가에 진 쳤고
29   밋가에서 발행하여 하스모나에 진 쳤고
30   하스모나에서 발행하여 모세롯에 진 쳤고
31   모세롯에서 발행하여 브네야아간에 진 쳤고
32   브네야아간에서 발행하여 홀하깃갓에 진 쳤고
33   홀하깃갓에서 발행하여 욧바다에 진 쳤고
34   욧바다에서 발행하여 아브로나에 진 쳤고
35   아브로나에서 발행하여 에시온게벨에 진 쳤고
36   에시온게벨에서 발행하여 신 광야 곧 가데스에 진 쳤고
37   가데스에서 발행하여 에돔 국경 호르산에 진 쳤더라
38   이스라엘 자손이 애굽 땅에서 나온지 사십년 오월 일일에 제사장 아론이 여호와의 명으로 호르산에 올라가 거기서 죽었으니
39   아론이 호르산에서 죽던 때에 나이 일백 이십 삼세이었더라
40   가나안 땅 남방에 거한 가나안 사람 아랏왕이 이스라엘의 옴을 들었더라
41   그들이 호르산에서 발행하여 살모나에 진 쳤고
42   살모나에서 발행하여 부논에 진 쳤고
43   부논에서 발행하여 오봇에 진 쳤고
44   오봇에서 발행하여 모압 변경 이예아바림에 진 쳤고
45   이임에서 발행하여 디본갓에 진 쳤고
46   디본갓에서 발행하여 알몬디블라다임에 진 쳤고
47   알몬디블라다임에서 발행하여 느보 앞 아바림산에 진 쳤고
48   아바림산에서 발행하여 여리고 맞은편 요단 가 모압 평지에 진 쳤으니
49   요단 가 모압 평지의 진이 벧여시못에서부터 아벨싯딤에 미쳤었더라
가나안 땅을 제비 뽑아 나누다
50   여리고 맞은편 요단 가 모압 평지에서 여호와께서 모세에게 일러 가라사대
51   이스라엘 자손에게 말하여 그들에게 이르라 너희가 요단을 건너 가나안 땅에 들어가거든
52   그 땅 거민을 너희 앞에서 다 몰아내고 그 새긴 석상과 부어 만든 우상을 다 파멸하며 산당을 다 훼파하고
53   그 땅을 취하여 거기 거하라 내가 그 땅을 너희 산업으로 너희에게 주었음이라
54   너희의 가족을 따라서 그 땅을 제비 뽑아 나눌 것이니 수가 많으면 많은 기업을 주고 적으면 적은 기업을 주되 각기 제비 뽑힌대로 그 소유가 될 것인즉 너희 열조의 지파를 따라 기업을 얻을 것이니라
55   너희가 만일 그 땅 거민을 너희 앞에서 몰아내지 아니하면 너희의 남겨둔 자가 너희의 눈에 가시와 너희의 옆구리에 찌르는 것이 되어 너희 거하는 땅에서 너희를 괴롭게 할 것이요
56   나는 그들에게 행하기로 생각한 것을 너희에게 행하리라
Numbers 33장 [NASB]    
These are the journeys of the sons of Israel, by which they came out from the land of Egypt by their armies, under the leadership of Moses and Aaron.
Moses recorded their starting places according to their journeys by the command of the LORD, and these are their journeys according to their starting places.
They journeyed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the next day after the Passover the sons of Israel started out boldly in the sight of all the Egyptians,
while the Egyptians were burying all their firstborn whom the LORD had struck down among them. The LORD had also executed judgments on their gods.
Then the sons of Israel journeyed from Rameses and camped in Succoth.
They journeyed from Succoth and camped in Etham, which is on the edge of the wilderness.
They journeyed from Etham and turned back to Pi-hahiroth, which faces Baal-zephon, and they camped before Migdol.
They journeyed from before Hahiroth and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness; and they went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham and camped at Marah.
They journeyed from Marah and came to Elim; and in Elim there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees, and they camped there.
They journeyed from Elim and camped by the Red Sea.
They journeyed from the Red Sea and camped in the wilderness of Sin.
They journeyed from the wilderness of Sin and camped at Dophkah.
They journeyed from Dophkah and camped at Alush.
They journeyed from Alush and camped at Rephidim; now it was there that the people had no water to drink.
They journeyed from Rephidim and camped in the wilderness of Sinai.
They journeyed from the wilderness of Sinai and camped at Kibroth-hattaavah.
They journeyed from Kibroth-hattaavah and camped at Hazeroth.
They journeyed from Hazeroth and camped at Rithmah.
They journeyed from Rithmah and camped at Rimmon-perez.
They journeyed from Rimmon-perez and camped at Libnah.
They journeyed from Libnah and camped at Rissah.
They journeyed from Rissah and camped in Kehelathah.
They journeyed from Kehelathah and camped at Mount Shepher.
They journeyed from Mount Shepher and camped at Haradah.
They journeyed from Haradah and camped at Makheloth.
They journeyed from Makheloth and camped at Tahath.
They journeyed from Tahath and camped at Terah.
They journeyed from Terah and camped at Mithkah.
They journeyed from Mithkah and camped at Hashmonah.
They journeyed from Hashmonah and camped at Moseroth.
They journeyed from Moseroth and camped at Bene-jaakan.
They journeyed from Bene-jaakan and camped at Hor-haggidgad.
They journeyed from Hor-haggidgad and camped at Jotbathah.
They journeyed from Jotbathah and camped at Abronah.
They journeyed from Abronah and camped at Ezion-geber.
They journeyed from Ezion-geber and camped in the wilderness of Zin, that is, Kadesh.
They journeyed from Kadesh and camped at Mount Hor, at the edge of the land of Edom.
Then Aaron the priest went up to Mount Hor at the command of the LORD, and died there in the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.
Aaron was one hundred twenty-three years old when he died on Mount Hor.
Now the Canaanite, the king of Arad who lived in the Negev in the land of Canaan, heard of the coming of the sons of Israel.
Then they journeyed from Mount Hor and camped at Zalmonah.
They journeyed from Zalmonah and camped at Punon.
They journeyed from Punon and camped at Oboth.
They journeyed from Oboth and camped at Iye-abarim, at the border of Moab.
They journeyed from Iyim and camped at Dibon-gad.
They journeyed from Dibon-gad and camped at Almon-diblathaim.
They journeyed from Almon-diblathaim and camped in the mountains of Abarim, before Nebo.
They journeyed from the mountains of Abarim and camped in the plains of Moab by the Jordan opposite Jericho.
They camped by the Jordan, from Beth-jeshimoth as far as Abel-shittim in the plains of Moab.
Then the LORD spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan opposite Jericho, saying,
"Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, 'When you cross over the Jordan into the land of Canaan,
then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all their molten images and demolish all their high places;
and you shall take possession of the land and live in it, for I have given the land to you to possess it.
'You shall inherit the land by lot according to your families; to the larger you shall give more inheritance, and to the smaller you shall give less inheritance. Wherever the lot falls to anyone, that shall be his. You shall inherit according to the tribes of your fathers.
'But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they will trouble you in the land in which you live.
'And as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.'"

민수기 발람(람세스 2세)이 히타이트 무와탈리스 2세를 공격하기 위해 군대를 진행시킨 루트다.
람세스 2세의 첫번째 공격목표는 블레셋이였다.
그래서 람세스2세가 시나이반도 해변을 따라 남하해서 홍해를 건넌 것은 블레셋을 후방에서 공격하기 위한 치밀한 공격전략이였다.
여호수아는 블레셋인이다.
여기서 극적인 상황이 발생한다.

아비멜렉/아말렉 모두 블레셋의 다른 이름이다.

Numbers This is the route that Balaam (Ramses II) advanced his army to attack the Hittite Muwatalis II.
Ramses II's first target of attack was the Philistines.
So, when Ramses II crossed the Red Sea by going south along the coast of the Sinai Peninsula, it was a sophisticated attack strategy to attack the Philistines from the rear.
Joshua is a Philistine.
Here something dramatic happens.

Both Abimelech/Amalek are different names for the Philistines.

민수기 17장
반석에서 물이 나다(민 20:1-13)
1   이스라엘 자손의 온 회중이 여호와의 명령대로 신 광야에서 떠나 그 노정대로 행하여 르비딤에 장막을 쳤으나 백성이 마실 물이 없는지라
2   백성이 모세와 다투어 가로되 우리에게 물을 주어 마시게 하라 모세가 그들에게 이르되 너희가 어찌하여 나와 다투느냐 너희가 어찌하여 여호와를 시험하느냐
3   거기서 백성이 물에 갈하매 그들이 모세를 대하여 원망하여 가로되 당신이 어찌하여 우리를 애굽에서 인도하여 내어서 우리와 우리 자녀와 우리 생축으로 목말라 죽게 하느냐
4   모세가 여호와께 부르짖어 가로되 내가 이 백성에게 어떻게 하리이까 그들이 얼마 아니면 내게 돌질 하겠나이다
5   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 백성 앞을 지나가서 이스라엘 장로들을 데리고 하수를 치던 네 지팡이를 손에 잡고 가라
6   내가 거기서 호렙산 반석 위에 너를 대하여 서리니 너는 반석을 치라 그것에서 물이 나리니 백성이 마시리라 모세가 이스라엘 장로들의 목전에서 그대로 행하니라
7   그가 그곳 이름을 맛사라 또는 므리바라 불렀으니 이는 이스라엘 자손이 다투었음이요 또는 그들이 여호와를 시험하여 이르기를 여호와께서 우리 중에 계신가 아닌가 하였음이더라
아말렉과 싸우다
8   때에 아말렉이 이르러 이스라엘과 르비딤에서 싸우니라
9   모세가 여호수아에게 이르되 우리를 위하여 사람들을 택하여 나가서 아말렉과 싸우라 내일 내가 하나님의 지팡이를 손에 잡고 산꼭대기에 서리라
10   여호수아가 모세의 말대로 행하여 아말렉과 싸우고 모세와 아론과 훌은 산꼭대기에 올라가서
11   모세가 손을 들면 이스라엘이 이기고 손을 내리면 아말렉이 이기더니
12   모세의 팔이 피곤하매 그들이 돌을 가져다가 모세의 아래에 놓아 그로 그 위에 앉게 하고 아론과 훌이 하나는 이편에서, 하나는 저편에서 모세의 손을 붙들어 올렸더니 그 손이 해가 지도록 내려오지 아니한지라
13   여호수아가 칼날로 아말렉과 그 백성을 쳐서 파하니라
14   여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 이것을 책에 기록하여 기념하게 하고 여호수아의 귀에 외워 들리라 내가 아말렉을 도말하여 천하에서 기억함이 없게 하리라
15   모세가 단을 쌓고 그 이름을 여호와 닛시라 하고
16   가로되 여호와께서 맹세하시기를 여호와가 아말렉으로 더불어 대대로 싸우리라 하셨다 하였더라
Exodus 17장 [NASB]    
Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the LORD, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink.
Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said, "Give us water that we may drink " And Moses said to them, "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the LORD?"
But the people thirsted there for water; and they grumbled against Moses and said, "Why, now, have you brought us up from Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?"
So Moses cried out to the LORD, saying, "What shall I do to this people? A little more and they will stone me."
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pass before the people and take with you some of the elders of Israel; and take in your hand your staff with which you struck the Nile, and go.
"Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink." And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.
He named the place Massah and Meribah because of the quarrel of the sons of Israel, and because they tested the LORD, saying, "Is the LORD among us, or not?"
Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim.
So Moses said to Joshua, "Choose men for us and go out, fight against Amalek Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand."
Joshua did as Moses told him, and fought against Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.
So it came about when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed.
But Moses' hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set.
So Joshua overwhelmed Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write this in a book as a memorial and recite it to Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven."
Moses built an altar and named it The LORD is My Banner;
and he said, "The LORD has sworn; the LORD will have war against Amalek from generation to generation."

이집트 람세스 2세가 이끄는 60만 대군이 후방에서 공격하자 블레셋이 싸워볼 생각을 하지않고 곧바로 항복해 이집트군에 합류한다.
분리된 두 개의 신전이 이집트와 블레셋을 나타내고, 합체신전이 이집트와 블레셋이 합류했다는 뜻이다.
이것이 모세의 명령으로 여호수아가 공격한 아말렉이다.
바울도 로마에 항복하고 곧바로 로마군에 합류해 전장을 누볐다.
여호수아도 마찬가지다.
When the 600,000 army led by Ramses II of Egypt attacked from the rear, the Philistines did not intend to fight and immediately surrendered and joined the Egyptian army.
The two separate temples represent Egypt and the Philistines, and the united temple means that Egypt and the Philistines joined.
This is the Amalek that Joshua attacked at the command of Moses.
Paul also surrendered to Rome and immediately joined the Roman army and ran the battlefield.
So is Joshua.

Exodus 14 [NASB]
"As for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land.
"As for Me, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them; and I will be honored through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen.
"Then the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD, when I am honored through Pharaoh, through his chariots and his horsemen."
The angel of God, who had been going before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them.
So it came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel; and there was the cloud along with the darkness, yet it gave light at night. Thus the one did not come near the other all night.
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided.
The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
Then the Egyptians took up the pursuit, and all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots and his horsemen went in after them into the midst of the sea.

히브리인들은 이집트와도 원수고,
바벨론유수로 메소포타미아와도 원수고,
로마와도 원수다.
이집트를 도와서 싸운 블레셋이 로마 천국에 올라간 후대 사두개인들에 의해 역사가 왜곡됐다.
The Hebrews are enemies of Egypt,
They are enemies with Mesopotamia through the Babylonian exile,
He is also an enemy of Rome.
History was distorted by the later Sadducees, who ascended to the Roman heavens by the Philistines who fought to help Egypt.

이스라엘 자손의 애굽 탈출
37   이스라엘 자손이 라암셋에서 발행하여 숙곳에 이르니 유아 외에 보행하는 장정이 육십만 가량이요
38   중다한 잡족과 양과 소와 심히 많은 생축이 그들과 함께하였으며
39   그들이 가지고 나온 발교되지 못한 반죽으로 무교병을 구웠으니 이는 그들이 애굽에서 쫓겨남으로 지체할 수 없었음이며 아무 양식도 준비하지 못하였음이었더라
40   이스라엘 자손이 애굽에 거주한 지 사백 삼십년이라
41   사백 삼십년이 마치는 그 날에 여호와의 군대가 다 애굽 땅에서 나왔은즉
42   이 밤은 그들을 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 내심을 인하여 여호와 앞에 지킬 것이니 이는 여호와의 밤이라 이스라엘 자손이 다 대대로 지킬 것이니라
Exodus 12 [NASB]
Now the sons of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, aside from children.
A mixed multitude also went up with them, along with flocks and herds, a very large number of livestock.
They baked the dough which they had brought out of Egypt into cakes of unleavened bread. For it had not become leavened, since they were driven out of Egypt and could not delay, nor had they prepared any provisions for themselves.
Now the time that the sons of Israel lived in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years.
And at the end of four hundred and thirty years, to the very day, all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt.
It is a night to be observed for the LORD for having brought them out from the land of Egypt; this night is for the LORD, to be observed by all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.

카데시 전투 수행과정을 히브리 노예들이 조미료-MSG를 다량 투척해 소스화해서 출애굽기와 민수기에 아주 잘 보관해놨다.
이집트군이 60만명이다.
람세스 2세 당시 이집트 모든 백성의 숫자다.
히브리인들을 인간방패로 삼은 것이 아니라 원래 전쟁을 하려면 보급병이 전투병보다 많다.
대표적인 예가 중국 수나라 양제가 동원한 112만명의 대군과 당나라 태종의 100만명의 대군이다.
전투병보다 보급부대원이 많은 것은, 전투식량을 현지에서 조달하기 위한 장기전략으로 민간인과 노예들이 대거 동원됐다는 뜻이다.
람세스2세 입장에서도 히타이트와의 전쟁이 언제끝날지 장담하지 못하기 때문에 누룩이 들어가지 않은 무교병과 식량용 가축등을 관리하기 위해 다수의 이집트인과 노예들 동원해 보급병으로 썼다는 뜻이다.
전투식량 조달에 관한 내용이 출애굽기 13장에 아주아주 자세하게 나온다.
The Hebrew slaves threw a large amount of seasoning-MSG in the process of carrying out the battle of Kadesh, and they kept it very well in Exodus and Numbers.
The Egyptian army is 600,000.
This is the number of all Egyptians in the time of Ramses II.
The Hebrews were not used as human shields, but in the original war, there were more supply troops than combat troops.
A representative example is the large army of 1.12 million people mobilized by Yangzi of the Sui dynasty of China and the 1 million army of Taejong of the Tang dynasty.
The fact that there are more supply troops than combat soldiers means that a large number of civilians and slaves were mobilized as a long-term strategy to procure combat food locally.
As Ramses II cannot predict when the war with the Hittites will end, it means that he mobilized a large number of Egyptians and slaves to manage unleavened unleavened bread and livestock for food.
The procuring of combat food is given in great detail in Exodus 13.

13 장
1   여호와께서 모세에게 일러 가라사대
2   이스라엘 자손 중에 사람이나 짐승이나 무론하고 초태생은 다 거룩히 구별하여 내게 돌리라 이는 내 것이니라 하시니라
3   모세가 백성에게 이르되 너희는 애굽에서 곧 종 되었던 집에서 나온 그 날을 기념하여 유교병을 먹지 말라 여호와께서 그 손의 권능으로 너희를 그곳에서 인도하여 내셨음이니라
4   아빕월 이 날에 너희가 나왔으니
5   여호와께서 너를 인도하여 가나안 사람과 헷 사람과 아모리 사람과 히위 사람과 여부스 사람의 땅 곧 네게 주시려고 네 조상들에게 맹세하신바 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 땅에 이르게 하시거든 너는 이 달에 이 예식을 지켜
6   칠일 동안 무교병을 먹고 제 칠일에는 여호와께 절기를 지키라
7   칠일 동안에는 무교병을 먹고 유교병을 너희 곳에 있게 하지 말며 네 지경 안에서 누룩을 네게 보이지도 말게 하며
8   너는 그 날에 네 아들에게 뵈어 이르기를 이 예식은 내가 애굽에서 나올 때에 여호와께서 나를 위하여 행하신 일을 인함이라 하고
9   이것으로 네 손의 기호와 네 미간의 표를 삼고 여호와의 율법으로 네 입에 있게 하라 이는 여호와께서 능하신 손으로 너를 애굽에서 인도하여 내셨음이니
10   연년이 기한에 이르러 이 규례를 지킬찌니라
11   여호와께서 너와 네 조상에게 맹세하신대로 너를 가나안 사람의 땅에 인도하시고 그 땅을 네게 주시거든
12   너는 무릇 초태생과 네게 있는 생축의 초태생을 다 구별하여 여호와께 돌리라 수컷은 여호와의 것이니라
13   나귀의 첫새끼는 다 어린 양으로 대속할 것이요 그렇게 아니하려면 그 목을 꺾을 것이며 너의 아들중 모든 장자 된 자는 다 대속할찌니라
14   장래에 네 아들이 네게 묻기를 이것이 어찜이냐 하거든 너는 그에게 이르기를 여호와께서 그 손의 권능으로 우리를 애굽에서 곧 종이 되었던 집에서 인도하여 내실쌔
15   그 때에 바로가 강퍅하여 우리를 보내지 아니하매 여호와께서 애굽 나라 가운데 처음 낳은 것을 사람의 장자로부터 생축의 처음 낳은 것까지 다 죽이신고로 초태생의 수컷은 다 여호와께 희생으로 드리고 우리 장자는 다 대속하나니
16   이것으로 네 손의 기호와 네 미간의 표를 삼으라 여호와께서 그 손의 권능으로 우리를 애굽에서 인도하여 내셨음이니라 할찌니라
구름 기둥과 불 기둥
17   바로가 백성을 보낸 후에 블레셋 사람의 땅의 길은 가까울찌라도 하나님이 그들을 그 길로 인도하지 아니하셨으니 이는 하나님이 말씀하시기를 이 백성이 전쟁을 보면 뉘우쳐 애굽으로 돌아갈까 하셨음이라
18   그러므로 하나님이 홍해의 광야 길로 돌려 백성을 인도하시매 이스라엘 자손이 애굽 땅에서 항오를 지어 나올 때에
19   모세가 요셉의 해골을 취하였으니 이는 요셉이 이스라엘 자손으로 단단히 맹세케 하여 이르기를 하나님이 필연 너희를 권고하시리니 너희는 나의 해골을 여기서 가지고 나가라 하였음이었더라
20   그들이 숙곳에서 발행하여 광야 끝 에담에 장막을 치니
21   여호와께서 그들 앞에 행하사 낮에는 구름 기둥으로 그들의 길을 인도하시고 밤에는 불 기둥으로 그들에게 비취사 주야로 진행하게 하시니
22   낮에는 구름 기둥, 밤에는 불 기둥이 백성 앞에서 떠나지 아니하니라
Exodus 13 [NASB]
Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
"Sanctify to Me every firstborn, the first offspring of every womb among the sons of Israel, both of man and beast; it belongs to Me."
Moses said to the people, "Remember this day in which you went out from Egypt, from the house of slavery; for by a powerful hand the LORD brought you out from this place And nothing leavened shall be eaten.
"On this day in the month of Abib, you are about to go forth.
"It shall be when the LORD brings you to the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, which He swore to your fathers to give you, a land flowing with milk and honey, that you shall observe this rite in this month.
"For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there shall be a feast to the LORD.
"Unleavened bread shall be eaten throughout the seven days; and nothing leavened shall be seen among you, nor shall any leaven be seen among you in all your borders.
"You shall tell your son on that day, saying, 'It is because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt.'
"And it shall serve as a sign to you on your hand, and as a reminder on your forehead, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth; for with a powerful hand the LORD brought you out of Egypt.
"Therefore, you shall keep this ordinance at its appointed time from year to year.
"Now when the LORD brings you to the land of the Canaanite, as He swore to you and to your fathers, and gives it to you,
you shall devote to the LORD the first offspring of every womb, and the first offspring of every beast that you own; the males belong to the LORD.
"But every first offspring of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck; and every firstborn of man among your sons you shall redeem.
"And it shall be when your son asks you in time to come, saying, 'What is this?' then you shall say to him, 'With a powerful hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, from the house of slavery.
'It came about, when Pharaoh was stubborn about letting us go, that the LORD killed every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of beast. Therefore, I sacrifice to the LORD the males, the first offspring of every womb, but every firstborn of my sons I redeem.'
"So it shall serve as a sign on your hand and as phylacteries on your forehead, for with a powerful hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt."
Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, "The people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt."
Hence God led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea; and the sons of Israel went up in martial array from the land of Egypt.
Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, for he had made the sons of Israel solemnly swear, saying, "God will surely take care of you, and you shall carry my bones from here with you."
Then they set out from Succoth and camped in Etham on the edge of the wilderness.
The LORD was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.
He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

람세스 2세가 이집트에서 출정한 날이 아빕월(Abib)이다.
430년 전에 이집트에 들어와 제15왕조를 건설한 힉소스인들이 이제는 람세스2세의 전투병과 보급병이 되어 히타이트와 싸우러 같이 출정했다.
요셉도 장남이 아니라서 춤추는 자다.
그래서 요셉 해골은 태양신전 쌍낫배 안에 있다.
The month of Abib is the date on which Ramses II set out in Egypt.
The Hyksos, who entered Egypt 430 years ago and established the 15th Dynasty, now became Ramses II's fighters and supplies, and went out together to fight the Hittites.
Joseph is also a dancer because he is not the eldest son.
So Joseph's skull is in the double sickle of the Sun Temple.

출애굽기 24장
15   모세가 산에 오르매 구름이 산을 가리며
16   여호와의 영광이 시내산 위에 머무르고 구름이 육일 동안 산을 가리더니 제 칠일에 여호와께서 구름 가운데서 모세를 부르시니라
17   산 위의 여호와의 영광이 이스라엘 자손의 눈에 맹렬한 불 같이 보였고
18   모세는 구름 속으로 들어가서 산 위에 올랐으며 사십일 사십야를 산에 있으니라
Exodus 24 [NASB]
Then Moses went up to the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain.
The glory of the LORD rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days; and on the seventh day He called to Moses from the midst of the cloud.
And to the eyes of the sons of Israel the appearance of the glory of the LORD was like a consuming fire on the mountain top.
Moses entered the midst of the cloud as he went up to the mountain; and Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.

출애굽기 33장
20   또 가라사대 네가 내 얼굴을 보지 못하리니 나를 보고 살 자가 없음이니라
21   여호와께서 가라사대 보라 내 곁에 한 곳이 있으니 너는 그 반석 위에 섰으라
22   내 영광이 지날 때에 내가 너를 반석 틈에 두고 내가 지나도록 내 손으로 너를 덮었다가
23   손을 거두리니 네가 내 등을 볼 것이요 얼굴은 보지 못하리라
Exodus 33 [NASB]
But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"
Then the LORD said, "Behold, there is a place by Me, and you shall stand there on the rock;
and it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by.
"Then I will take My hand away and you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen."

모세가 40주야를 시내산에서 여호와와 조우하는 것은 이집트와 히타이트의 대치와 전투한 시간이 40일간 이어졌다는 뜻이다.
네 번의 카데시 공방전이 40주야로 나타난 것이고, 이것을 신약 예수가 광야에서 40일간 데몬에게 시험받는 것으로 다시 사용한다.
Moses' encounter with the Lord at Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights means that the confrontation and battle between Egypt and the Hittites continued for 40 days.
The four Siege of Kadesh appeared for 40 days and nights, and this is used again as the New Testament Jesus being tested by demons in the wilderness for 40 days.

4층 Djed도 신화와 전쟁을 연결시켜서 4번 공격을 진행했던 것이고 람세스2세의 전임 파라오인 Seti I의 부조에 아주 잘 나타나 있다.
The 4th floor Djed also linked mythology and war, and carried out the 4th attack, and is very well shown in the reliefs of Ramses II's predecessor, Pharaoh Seti I.

시편 106편
1   할렐루야 여호와께 감사하라 그는 선하시며 그 인자하심이 영원함이로다
2   뉘 능히 여호와의 능하신 사적을 전파하며 그 영예를 다 광포할꼬
3   공의를 지키는 자들과 항상 의를 행하는 자는 복이 있도다
4   여호와여 주의 백성에게 베푸시는 은혜로 나를 기억하시며 주의 구원으로 나를 권고하사
5   나로 주의 택하신 자의 형통함을 보고 주의 나라의 기쁨으로 즐거워하게 하시며 주의 기업과 함께 자랑하게 하소서
6   우리가 열조와 함께 범죄하여 사특을 행하며 악을 지었나이다
7   우리 열조가 애굽에서 주의 기사를 깨닫지 못하며 주의 많은 인자를 기억지 아니하고 바다 곧 홍해에서 거역하였나이다
8   그러나 여호와께서 자기 이름을 위하여 저희를 구원하셨으니 그 큰 권능을 알게 하려 하심이로다
9   이에 홍해를 꾸짖으시니 곧 마르매 저희를 인도하여 2)바다 지나기를 광야를 지남 같게 하사
10   저희를 그 미워하는 자의 손에서 구원하시며 그 원수의 손에서 구속하셨고
11   저희 대적은 물이 덮으매 하나도 남지 아니하였도다
12   이에 저희가 그 말씀을 믿고 그 찬송을 불렀도다
13   저희가 미구에 그 행사를 잊어버리며 그 가르침을 기다리지 아니하고
14   광야에서 욕심을 크게 발하며 사막에서 하나님을 시험하였도다
15   여호와께서 저희의 요구한 것을 주셨을찌라도 그 영혼을 파리하게 하셨도다
16   저희가 진에서 모세와 여호와의 성도 아론을 질투하매
17   땅이 갈라져 다단을 삼키며 아비람의 당을 덮었으며
18   불이 그 당 중에 붙음이여 화염이 악인을 살랐도다
19   저희가 호렙에서 송아지를 만들고 부어 만든 우상을 숭배하여
20   자기 영광을 풀 먹는 소의 형상으로 바꾸었도다
21   애굽에서 큰 일을 행하신 그 구원자 하나님을 저희가 잊었나니
22   그는 함 땅에서 기사와 홍해에서 놀랄 일을 행하신 자로다
23   그러므로 여호와께서 저희를 멸하리라 하셨으나 그 택하신 모세가 그 결렬된 중에서 그 앞에 서서 그 노를 돌이켜 멸하시지 않게 하였도다
24   저희가 낙토를 멸시하며 그 말씀을 믿지 아니하고
25   저희 장막에서 원망하며 여호와의 말씀을 청종치 아니하였도다
26   이러므로 저가 맹세하시기를 저희로 광야에 엎더지게 하고
27   또 그 후손을 열방 중에 엎드러뜨리며 각지에 흩어지게 하리라 하셨도다
28   저희가 또 바알브올과 연합하여 죽은 자에게 제사한 음식을 먹어서
29   그 행위로 주를 격노케 함을 인하여 재앙이 그 중에 유행하였도다
30   때에 비느하스가 일어나 처벌하니 이에 재앙이 그쳤도다
31   이 일을 저에게 의로 정하였으니 대대로 무궁하리로다
32   저희가 또 므리바 물에서 여호와를 노하시게 하였으므로 저희로 인하여 얼이 모세에게 미쳤나니
33   이는 저희가 그 심령을 거역함을 인하여 모세가 그 입술로 망령되이 말하였음이로다
34   저희가 여호와의 명을 좇지
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2022, 02:05:09 PM
перенос 1440 кгц

Я признаю тот факт, что ваш бесполезный эксперимент продолжается уже восемь лет.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2022, 02:17:39 PM
현재 비트코인을 왜 팔아야 하는지 알려 줄께..
안타깝지만 현재 상황에서는 무조건 손실이 있어도 파는 게 정답이야..;; 현실을 알아야 해..지금 안팔면 정말 휴지 조각 된다.
이유는 아래에 써줄께..
1. 미국이 코로나 시절 이전부터 달러를 찍어낸 금액이 1경이 넘어.. 이 돈을 현재 금리 인상으로만으로 돈을 회수 할수도 없고..인플레이션만 더 올라가게 되는 구조지..
2. 미국이 달러를 찍어낸 돈을 어떻게 회수를 하는 방법은 여러가지가 있지만 항상 먼저 하는것은..... 주식,코인의 힘을 빼서 마이너스를 강제로 만들어 기관/개인 들의 계좌를 마이너스를 만들어 하늘로 그냥 날려 버리는 거야..
3.코인같은 경우에는 항상 탈 중앙화를 외쳤고, 그렇게 할거라 생각 했지만..그건 사실이 아닌거고.. 미국의 인플레이션 상승시 달러 회수를 더욱 빨리 할수 있는 수단을 한개더 만들어 논거지..(코인은 주식처럼 상한가/하한가 제한이 없어)
4.사람들은 현재 마이너스 계좌에 "존버" 를 한다고 하는데 ..그게 2~6개월 정도면 그냥 미친척 하고 기다리겠지만, 현재 상황은 최소 2년 정도는 계속 뺄거야..
5.물론 해외의 거대 투자 회사들은 그만큼 여유가 있기에 3~4년을 그냥 대기타겠지만, 일반인들은 그럴수 없는 구조야..
--그냥 지금 마이너스 라도 파는게 답이고..정말 여윳돈으로 5년 기다릴 자신 있으면 코인 현재값에서 30프로 떨어지면 담아라..
--원래는 전쟁이라는 이슈를 돈줄을 묶고 풀고를 했는데.. 모두다 알다시피..이제는 그런 시대는 지나갔자나..


;D 8) ;D 8) ;D 8) ;D 8)

Lucy (2014) - Brain usage 70-80% - Cool/Epic Scenes [1080p]

Lucy (2014) - Brain usage 100% - Cool/Epic Scenes [1080p]

김포점집 금화한테 물어보닝께 무던하게 쬐깐 기다리믄 떡상한다는디? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2022, 03:30:35 PM
фонарик Прикол
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 24, 2022, 03:40:03 PM
эксперименты с качером , потребление 30ват
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 03:47:46 AM
죽음을 준비하는 정신의 절차탁마

예도보다 낫다.

뭔가를 기대하는 희망이 네 자아의 전부다.
네 두뇌가 전부다.
네 육신의 근육이 전부다.
네가 모아논 금전이 전부다.
네 집이 전부다.
네 땅이 전부다.
네 가족이 전부다.
네가 남의 것을 빼앗은 것이 전부다.
네가 먹는 세 끼 식사가 전부다.
약육강식 힘 센 자가 그 세계 정복자다.

네가 너보다 못한 자를 투표로 뽑아줬거나.

근래 대두되는 미래를 숭배하는 언어철학 본질이 희망(어둠신 여호와 호출 암호)이다.
영원히 사는 자에게 희망은 미래안에 있겠지만,
유한의 생명을 가진 인간에게 미래의 희망은 죽음밖에 없다.

엘빈 토플러?
노예에게 일을 시키려면 끊임없이 미래 먹거리/일거리를 제시해야한다.
네가 너보다 잘난 자를 투표로 뽑아주면 일해야 한다, 죽을똥살똥.

그래서 성서적으로 미래에 뭔가를 끝없이 던지는 것은 헛된 희망(죽음 절대포함)이다.

누가복음 12장
16   또 비유로 저희에게 일러 가라사대 한 부자가 그 밭에 소출이 풍성하매
17   심중에 생각하여 가로되 내가 곡식 쌓아 둘 곳이 없으니 어찌할꼬 하고
18   또 가로되 내가 이렇게 하리라 내 곡간을 헐고 더 크게 짓고 내 모든 곡식과 물건을 거기 쌓아 두리라
19   또 내가 내 영혼에게 이르되 영혼아 여러 해 쓸 물건을 많이 쌓아 두었으니 평안히 쉬고 먹고 마시고 즐거워하자 하리라 하되
20   하나님은 이르시되 어리석은 자여 오늘 밤에 네 영혼을 도로 찾으리니 그러면 네 예비한 것이 뉘 것이 되겠느냐 하셨으니
21   자기를 위하여 재물을 쌓아 두고 하나님께 대하여 부요치 못한 자가 이와 같으니라

마태복음 6장
34   그러므로 내일 일을 위하여 염려하지 말라 내일 일은 내일 염려할 것이요 한 날 괴로움은 그 날에 족하니라

신을 완벽하게 만드는 것은 숭배자들 몫이다.

내가 부를 때 여호와여 어디에 있었나이까.

여호와가 있는 곳은 어둠이다.

어둠은 모든 것을 멈추게 만든다.

어둠신 여호와이 훼방하는 제1원인이 빛이다.

시각적 판단에 의지하는 인간에게 길이란 먹거리 정보다.
길을 알지아니하고는 사유나 진행자체가 불가능하다.

빛은 거의 모든 것을 가능케하는 인간의 길라잡이 제1원인이다.

내가 부를 때 여호와여 어디에 있었나이까?

예도 박충일이 몇일전에 똑같이 따지더라.
이말듣고 예도가 애비가 읽으라는 성서는 안읽고 이해도 못하는 허망한 철학서 아는체한다는거 스스로 실토했다.
변명의 여지가 없다.

사사기 6장
13   기드온이 그에게 대답하되 나의 주여 여호와께서 우리와 함께 계시면 어찌하여 이 모든 일이 우리에게 미쳤나이까 또 우리 열조가 일찍 우리에게 이르기를 여호와께서 우리를 애굽에서 나오게 하신 것이 아니냐 한 그 모든 이적이 어디 있나이까 이제 여호와께서 우리를 버리사 미디안의 손에 붙이셨나이다

여호와는 빛 아래 있지 않다.

여호와가 빛을 제시한 것은 모세처럼 떠날 떄 뿐이다.

열왕기상 19
11   여호와께서 가라사대 너는 나가서 여호와의 앞에서 산에 섰으라 하시더니 여호와께서 지나가시는데 여호와의 앞에 크고 강한 바람이 산을 가르고 바위를 부수나 바람 가운데 여호와께서 계시지 아니하며 바람 후에 지진이 있으나 지진 가운데도 여호와께서 계시지 아니하며
12   또 지진 후에 불이 있으나 불 가운데도 여호와께서 계시지 아니하더니 불 후에 세미한 소리가 있는지라
13   엘리야가 듣고 겉옷으로 얼굴을 가리우고 나가 굴 어귀에 서매 소리가 있어 저에게 임하여 가라사대 엘리야야 네가 어찌하여 여기 있느냐

그들이 묻는 것은 똑같다.
내가 부를 땐 여호와여 어디에 있는가.
내가 고통받을 때 여호와여 어디에 있는가.
저 어린 것이 굶어죽어가고 있는데 여호와여 어디에 있는가.
흑사병이 창궐하고 수많은 인간들이 뒈져나갈 때 여호와여, 예수여 어디에 있는가.

창세기 21장
14   아브라함이 아침에 일찌기 일어나 떡과 물 한 가죽부대를 취하여 하갈의 어깨에 메워 주고 그 자식을 이끌고 가게 하매 하갈이 나가서 브엘세바 들에서 방황하더니
15   가죽부대의 물이 다한지라 그 자식을 떨기나무 아래 두며
16   가로되 자식의 죽는 것을 참아 보지 못하겠다 하고 살 한 바탕쯤 가서 마주 앉아 바라보며 방성대곡하니
17   하나님이 그 아이의 소리를 들으시므로 하나님의 사자가 하늘에서부터 하갈을 불러 가라사대 하갈아 무슨 일이냐 두려워 말라 하나님이 저기 있는 아이의 소리를 들으셨나니
18   일어나 아이를 일으켜 네 손으로 붙들라 그로 큰 민족을 이루게 하리라 하시니라

내가 목말라 할 때 여호와여 어디에 있는가.
내 민족이 고통받을 때 여호와여 어디에 있는가.
부르짖을 때 나타나지 않는 신이 무슨 신인가.

성서 한 번도 안읽어본 자들이 성서를 비판하는 이유는 하나다.
서산대사 사명당처럼 도력증진비법이 어디에 있는가 여호와여, 예수여.

그들의 비판을 뭐라하는 것이 아니다.

어둠신 부를 땐 최소 각오해야한다.

사사기 6장
14   여호와께서 그를 돌아보아 가라사대 너는 이 네 힘을 의지하고 가서 이스라엘을 미디안의 손에서 구원하라 내가 너를 보낸 것이 아니냐
15   기드온이 그에게 대답하되 주여 내가 무엇으로 이스라엘을 구원하리이까 보소서 나의 집은 므낫세 중에 극히 약하고 나는 내 아비 집에서 제일 작은 자니이다

네 힘을 의지하고 가서 이스라엘을 미디안의 손에서 구원하라 내가 너를 보낸 것이 아니냐

춤추는 자는 두 신을 숭배하는 자다.

철학자가 제 두뇌만 숭배하면서 혹시나하는 도력증진 혹해서 신에게 뭔가를 요구하면 신은 [네 힘에 의지]하라고 명시했다. 수천년 전에.

예수재림이 어둠과 번개의 소환이듯이.
여호와 소환이 재난의 때다.


민수기 20장
17   청컨대 우리로 당신의 땅을 통과하게 하소서 우리가 밭으로나 포도원으로나 통과하지 아니하고 우물 물도 공히 마시지 아니하고 우리가 왕의 대로로만 통과하고 당신의 지경에서 나가기까지 좌편으로나 우편으로나 치우치지 아니하리이다 한다 하라 하였더니
18   에돔 왕이 대답하되 너는 우리 가운데로 통과하지 못하리라 내가 나가서 칼로 너를 맞을까 염려하라
19   이스라엘 자손이 이르되 우리가 대로로 통과하겠고 우리나 우리 짐승이 당신의 물을 마시면 그 값을 줄 것이라 우리가 도보로 통과할뿐인즉 아무 일도 없으리이다 하나
20   그는 가로되 너는 지나가지 못하리라 하고 에돔 왕이 많은 백성을 거느리고 나와서 강한 손으로 막으니
21   에돔 왕이 이같이 이스라엘의 그 경내로 통과함을 용납지 아니하므로 이스라엘이 그들에게서 돌이키니라

풍신수길의 일본이 명나라 정복할 수 있게 조선에 지나가는 길을 내어달라고 요구한다.
북괴를 공격할 수 있게 미국이 주둔군의 집과 길을 내어달라고 한다.
유엔군주둔 및 휴전협정 깨지면 더 가관된다.
군산복합체가 자신의 먹거리를 지키기 위해서는 하등의 성과를 보여줘야 한다.
전쟁자체가 고통이지만 결과없는 전쟁은 더 참혹하다.
비등한 전력으로 싸우는 전쟁도 판가름나지만 승자도 패자도 멸족수준된다.
아비가일이 너를 버리고 다윗을 선택하길 바라지 않는다면 맞서싸워라.
시간은 여호와의 편이다.

성서에 등장하는 온갖 변종 이름들이 블레셋의 역사다.
고조선-마한-진한 -변한-고구려-백제-신라-고려-조선-대한민국.
고작에 기원후부터 시작한 이름들이다.
어떤 이름을 어떻게 지어부렀든 손바닥 사정은 손바닥 안의 일이다.

삶의 이유와 죽음의 이유는 다르다.

삶은 영원히 살려는 마음이고, 죽음은 제풀이 꺾인 희망이다.
무엇을 아는가는 살려는 욕망과 희망을 꺾는 앎이 있다는 것이 전부다.
앎은 철학의 근본이지만 오늘도 산다. 영원히 살 것처럼.
철학이든 과학이든 종교든 뭐든 네가 아는만치 아는것이 전부다.
희망은 네가 모르는 앎의 넘어에 대한 일부 투영이고, 인간이 아직도 희망하는 이유는, 아직도 인간에게는 모른 것이 100%로 압도적 일방적으로 많다는거다.
내일은 100% 희망이며, 나머지는 원하지 않는 고통 죽음뿐이지만. 그래도 희망을 가져라 인간들이여.
죽음은 보편적 인간은 원하지 않은 희망이라, 여호와는 원하지 않은 희망을 품어 아는 자들을 찾는다.
죽음은 사탄도 피해갔다는 것을 명심해라.

누군가들이 내 아빠에게 희망을 가졌다면,,,,, 심판은 희망을 품어 아는 너희들 몫일게다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 04:02:14 AM
Эфирный генератор. Самозаряд конденсатора.

Универсальная функция конденсаторов заключается в том, чтобы частично блокировать изменения напряжения за счет накопления тока.
Если вы не хотите полагаться на конденсаторы, вам нужно переосмыслить процесс выработки электроэнергии с нуля.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 04:49:45 AM
59   또 다른 사람에게 나를 좇으라 하시니 그가 가로되 나로 먼저 가서 내 부친을 장사하게 허락하옵소서
60   가라사대 죽은 자들로 자기의 죽은 자들을 장사하게 하고 너는 가서 하나님의 나라를 전파하라 하시고
61   또 다른 사람이 가로되 주여 내가 주를 좇겠나이다 마는 나로 먼저 내 가족을 작별케 허락하소서
62   예수께서 이르시되 손에 쟁기를 잡고 뒤를 돌아보는 자는 하나님의 나라에 합당치 아니하니라 하시니라
And He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father."
But He said to him, "Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God."
Another also said, "I will follow You, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home."
But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

37   죽은 자의 살아난다는 것은 모세도 가시나무떨기에 관한 글에 보였으되 주를 아브라함의 하나님이요 이삭의 하나님이요 야곱의 하나님이시라 칭하였나니
38   하나님은 죽은 자의 하나님이 아니요 산 자의 하나님이시라 하나님에게는 모든 사람이 살았느니라 하시니
"But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the passage about the burning bush, where he calls the Lord THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, AND THE GOD OF ISAAC, AND THE GOD OF JACOB.
"Now He is not the God of the dead but of the living; for all live to Him."

죽은 자의 하나님은 죽은 자가 살아있는 것이 되지만,  8)
살아있는 자의 하나님은 살아있는 자가 살아있는 것이다. 8) ::)
살아있는 자에게 죽어라 죽어라 고사지내면 마광수처럼 진짜 죽을 수 있다이기야. ;D 8) ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 07:06:19 AM
Quote from: color on January 05, 2022, 07:49:22 PM
죽는거 빼고 다 해봐덜~

눙깔로 뭔가를 봤다, 온몸으로 뭔가를 느꼈다, 그래서 뭔가를 안다했을때,
그것은 말글로 표현되지 않았을 뿐, 넓은 의미로는 일정한 틀이 있는 제한된 기표와 같다.
내가 보고자 느끼고자하는 것만을 일정한 틀에 가뒀기에 일종의 활동사진이나 사진과 같은것이 앎이다.
그런 특정한 앎을 하나로 묶어 표현한 것이 말글[보편적 기표]이고,
이 [묶음]들은 形意態만 다를뿐 단지 표현되지만 않았을 뿐, 변환되지 않았을뿐 [묶음]기표와 같다.
특정한 상황에서의 극세밀한 느낌을 [묶음]말글론 전달하지 못하는, 그래서 모든 기표는 그것으로 완벽한 왜곡이다라고한다면, 일정한 틀로 가둔 앎(일곱빛깔만 보는 눈을 예로 든다해도)이야 말로 보고자 느끼고자하는 것만을 새겼기에 그 또한 완벽한 왜곡이다.
완벽하지 않은 입장은 기의나 기표[묶음]나 오십보백보다.
기의가 기표를거쳐 다시 기의되는 이 특정한 순환싸이클이 모든 기의에서, 모든 기표에서 요래 오류났다면,
왜곡된 기의가 전달이라는 기표왜곡을 거쳐 다시 마음대로 상상해 왜곡된 기의로 기억하는 완벽한 왜곡의 순환싸이클에서, 무엇은 말글로 무엇은 앎으로, 다시 무엇은 기의로 무엇은 기표로 기억하는, 새로운 해석을 위해 해체작업이 무엇으로부터 기인된 것이다라고 씨부리기 전에,
이런 습관성 해체작업이 역사고, 후대로 올수록 더 극미세로 몰입해 왜곡된 기의 기표가 더 복잡해 졌을뿐, 변한것은 없다.
긍께 인간뇌의 기억공간은 해체란 왜곡을 거친 퇴적층에 불과하고, 똑같은 종류의 옷을 두겹세겹~ 수십겹 껴입고 있는것과 같다.
문제는 이게 역사란건디, 이리 해체된 역사를 기억해야 할까?
수십만년후의 진화된 인류를 상상한 사진이 인터넷에 떠돌아댕기던디,
에어리언모냥 볼썽사납게 커진 뇌에 기억된게 극미세로 복잡해진 기억일까 아니면 해체로인한 껴입기식 퇴적층 기억일까?
해체작업이 무엇으로부터 기인된지를 안다면,
해체이유가 더 낫다라고 판단된 방향으로의 발견이여야하고, 그로해서 생성된 부산물(기표)만을 기억한다면 보다 더 극미세로의 발견과 기억이 진행될 수 있다고 보지믄,
퇴적층없이, 비교와 이로인한 질적인 향상은 해체작업이 안고있는 문제이며 또한 습관적인 해체로 발견되는 체 게바라 같은 직업혁명가의 양산이다.
해체작업이 무엇으로부터 기인된지를 안다는 것은,
불필요한 지식생산을 조절할 수 있고,
기의 기표가 아닌 앎과 말글로 북회귀선 헐 수 있는 문제제기 된다.
여그서 다시 뭔가제기 헌다믄,
인간 말(言)은 기의에 속헐까 아니믄 기표에 들어갈까?
인간육신에 붙어있는 숨은, 숨소리는 기의에 속헐까 기표에 속헐까?
박수(拍手)는 기의에 속헐까 기표에 속헐까?
잡서나 유대인관련 유대그룹을 해석함에 있어,
한번 내뱉어지믄 사라지는, 순간에 속하는 인간목소리는 인간 귀로 듣는 이상 들음은 기표된 글(語)과는 다르게 기의에 편입시킨 정황이 잡서에 나타나고, 해서
말은 기의에 넣어도 무방하지 않을까.
거짓말로해서 본능의 울부짖음이 무시된다믄,
맴맴 매미소리가, 맹꽁 맹꽁이 울음이 본능으로 기인된 기의의 연속동작일까 아니면 의지로 가공된 기표일까?
(우리는 너무 시간을 끌지 않고 그 말을 사면 복권시킬 것이다)
지금 魔boy만큼 Charles 사랑할 수 있는 조건충족된 이가 또 있을까?
후설의 현상학은, 현시대는 분명 본능으로 기인된 거짓없는 한 인간의 울음을 깔아뭉기다 못해 죽였다, 죽었다!
이건 비교대비라 또 많이 있겠지믄, 분명 많이있어.
많이 있는게 문제가 아니라, 그 많큼 사랑을 갈구할 수 있는냐 이말이다.
Charles에 대한 사랑이 그만큼 남다르다믄 Charles가 잘되길 바라지 못되길 바라진 않는다 말시.
그렇다믄 Charles를 지켜보는식의 내비러두는 식의 방치로 가야헐까 아니믄 더 투디리고 다듬어 달라몬드는 못되도 호박이나 자수정으로 만들어야 헐까?
[이 새끼] 가지곤 택~도없다!
더 투디려 패고 낭떨어지로 굴려버려!
이제 시간없어!
Procedure 무시했으믄 더 혹독하게 다뤄야지 왜 멀뚱멀뚱 쳐다덜만보고 있는게야~?
지원? 칭찬일색?
좆까라 마이싱~!
魔boy! 그러고도 자네가 이땅의 선생이라 헐 수 있나?
조건된 사랑이라 간잽이 허능게야?
아직도 절실허지 않은가 뵈이......
뇌속에서 플라세보가 들나와 그릉가?
오랫동안 정신적인 수양을 연마한 옛날 도사들은 뜨거운 불 속에서도 아픔을 느끼지 않고 바늘로 찔러도 통증을 느끼지 않는데 과연 어떻게 이런 일이 가능한가? 모든 통증 가운데서도 분만의 고통이 가장 큰데 어떻게 무통 분만이 가능한가? 침을 맞고 마취가 되는데, 그 까닭은 무엇인가? 양귀비꽃에서 추출한 아편의 주성분인 모르핀 등의 마약은 심한 외상이나 수술 후 통증을 효과적으로 없애주는 진통작용과 하늘을 나는듯한 황홀감을 주는 약이다. 이런 작용 때문에 통증으로 고통 받고 있는 수많은 사람들을 통증으로부터 해방시켜 주었으나 아편전쟁이 일어나 청나라가 멸망하는데도 큰 역할을 하였다. 그렇기 때문에 최고의 진통제로서 지금까지 사용되고 있다. 이 모르핀이 어떻게 통증을 없애주며 사람에게 쾌감을 주는가를 1970년대 초에 많은 학자들이 연구하였다.

뇌속에는 모르핀보다 백배나 강한 마약, 엔도르핀이 있다

뇌에 모르핀이 결합되는 특별한 단백질(수용체)이 1973년에 발견되었다. 이 결합단백질이 뇌 속에 존재하고 있다는 말은 뇌 속에 이 수용체 단백질과 결합할 수 있는 내인성 물질이 있다는 말이다. 즉 뇌 속에도 모르핀과 같은 작용을 가진 물질이 존재하고 있다는 것을 강력히 암시하였기 때문에 많은 학자들이 뇌 속에서 내인성 마약물질을 찾기 위한 연구에 집중하였다. 그 결과 1975년, 우리 뇌에는 모르핀보다 1백 배 정도 강력한 작용을 가진 마약이 존재하고 있음이 발견되었다. 이 물질을, 뇌 속에 존재하고 있는 내인성 모르핀(endogenous morphine)이라는 의미로 줄여서 엔도르핀(endorphine)이라 부르게 되었다.
Quote from: color on January 05, 2022, 07:49:22 PM
수박한통 서리해보고 맛나닝께 수박밭 전체를 들쑤시고 댕기능거와 같은 야긍겨.
맛은 똑같어, 배고푼거 가셨자너, 저축하고 싶어 들멧돼지모냥 저리 들쑤시고댕기능겨?
"이보다 더 좋을 순 없다"의 멜빈 유달모냥 강박증이랄밖에.
線에 대한, 선을 밟지 않는, 반드시 그래야한다는, 속말에 기의에 그 주체못할 말을 담아낼 그릇이 어디에도 없다는 사실만?을 추종하는자에게, 죄없는자가 돌로치란 말을 이해했다 헐 수 있으까?
마음에 사로잡혀, 마음대로만해야 직성이 풀리는, 반드시 그래야만하는, 마음감옥 죄수?가 바람모냥 스쳐지나가란 말은 공염불이다.
자기에 대한 주체가 그만큼 남다르니, 수녀덜모냥 누가보지 않아도 옷 차곡차고 개놓고 방안구석에 먼지하나 못앉게 쓸고 닦고,
오로지 목표?향해 계획대로 살지?
이게 구링이 담넘듯 술렁술렁 넘어갈 수 있는 마음이까?
마음주체 높으시니 마음이 정한 법대로 살라야허고,
마음의 직성대로 안풀리면 그여 고쳐놓고야마는,
그래도 안되면 몰살시켜서라도 이루고야마는 그런 마음구조로 뭘 이뤄놨을까?
저 우주 끝에도 인류가 살만헌 낙원별이 있다?
그별 또 고쳐놓게?
이리 마음이 말뚝에 매이는 이유가 뭘까?
이덜에게 무소유는 무소유란 또하나의 소유에 지나지 않는다.
마음을 놓지 못하는데 뭘 놓을 수 있으까.
파고드는건 좋아,
어느정도 해소됐으믄 놔얄꺼아녀
그게 좋다고 남까증 보시시킬라고허믄 문제되자너?
좋은데 왜 이해못하냐, 이해했으면서 왜 받아들이지 않느냐, 신경질적으로 발작허믄 어쩌라규~.
그렇게 살아야허고 그리해야허고 그게 정답인데 왜 못허냐 왜 안허냐 윽박지르능거까증은 좋아,
스쳐지나가지 못하는 이유가 이거자너.
내가 아닌 남때문에!
그가 볼 수 있는 한계는 그 앎이 아니라 그 강박에 매여있다,
맴이 아닌 대상에 매여있다.
불란이 뭐거써?
강박에 매여야 불란일지, 맴이 환경 받아들이믄 전혀 안인다곤 볼 순없고 학시리 들일즈.
그게 해소되지 않는한 발견이 없다.
진화하지 못한다.
발견해도 진화해도 강박된 대상에 연관검색에 그친다.
모든게 그것과 연관해 무의식에도 지장준다.
특히 기독인덜 중에서 요딴거 자주 목격허는디,
자기만이 신?에게서 뭔가를 받았다고 생각하는 인류덜이 있자너.
이들에게는 자신이 원하는 답이 있는게 아니라, 외부로든 마음적으로부터든 뭔가 희열이 큰 이벤트, 즉 쾌감이나 괘락내지는 경이를 느끼거나 보게되면 그게 답이고 길이된능기라.
빛?을 봤다든가, 특이한 뭔가를 느꼈다든가.
자신이 원했던 뭔가가 대부분이즈.
원했던게 아닐 수 도 있어, 요나모냥.
전염병이 글틋 가마니 못있능기라.
전파내지는 전달허고픈 욕망이 불같이 인다.
거시기신?에게 명? 받았으니 길이요 진리요 생명된 좀비?덜에게 뵈능게 있을까?
오로지 물고뜯고, 그래도 안되면 몰살시켜서라도 이루고야마는 그런 마음구조로 뭘 이뤄놨을까?
구제역 몰살?
철학하는 자덜 중에도 이런 魔에껴 헤나지 못하는자덜이 있자너.
저 스텝기후 사막에 사는 사람과 일년에 반은 눈속에 파묻쳐사는 히말라야 사람이 있어,
환경면에서 마음으로 느끼는 수억가지가 그 처한 환경에 적응허고 살아가자너.
누가 뭐라허든 마음은 이미 환경에 맞춰져 스스로 작동허고 있어, 생각은 그것에 따라가지.
그런 스텝인이 히말라야 설인이 서로에게 왔다쳐,
맴이 환경에 적응허까 아니믄 환경이 변허까?
시간문제일 뿐이지 또 그 환경에 적응해 살아가자너.
魔끼믄 그 강박증 마음이 환경에 적응허능게 아니라 환경을 뜯어고치려 부단히 노력허즈.
내가 아닌 남을 뜯어고치려 또 부단히 노력헌다.
강박증 환자덜에게 적당이란 없다!
그거 고치려다 전부 뒈진다! ;;;;;; 뒈졌다!
춥고 눈많이 오능게 즈 마음에 안든다 이거여.
낮엔 푹푹찌고 밤엔 얼어죽을만치 추븐 사막기후가 맘에 안든다 이거여.
늙으믄 뒈질꺼 왜 보지덜 안대주냐 이거여!
보지에서 남자잡는 권력나오고 돈나오고 떡나오는디 쉽게 내주거써?
그덜 보지밥그릇 뺏을라믄 보통강박증가지곤 어려울꺼 같자너?
이런 강박증 환자덜이 권력 잡을경우, 뭔일 일어날까는 불보듯 뻔한 야그자너?
이게 일인지배 과거 인류역사였고, 그때로 돌아가자고 허는야그와 다름없다.
심쎈늠이 똑똑헌년이 다 차지허능건 좋아.
그래야 우월유전자 물려줄팅께 말여,
이런 강박증 유전자 물려줘 뭘헐라꼬?
이 땅덩어리를 36. 5도로 전부다 맞추게?
자식위해, 걱정에 즈 죽을똥말똥 환경바꾸려 살아가는 기러기 아빠허능거 막을 생각은 없어, 다만,
뭐든 적당히~
좀비족은 허지말자규~
오타꾸 간섭이라믄 헐 수 없규.......

천둥이 좆까라마이싱 비판에 魔boy가 변소에서 못매달았다고 4년째 폐관묵언수행중이야.

인선언니도 비슷한 충격받구 비슷한 묵언수행중이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 07:11:09 AM
구제역 몰살이나 우한폐렴몰살이나 비슷한 충격같은디?......... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 07:18:03 AM

작년에 3년상 끝났구.
뭐 겸사겸사야.

효린&리아킴 - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang [불후의 명곡2 전설을 노래하다/Immortal Songs 2] | KBS 220115 방송

무식한 폐차들이 아는체하면 밀어버린다.

동물의 두뇌가 크면 지능도 높은 겁니꽈?

흥섭이가 맨투맨으로 사자나 숫고릴라와 싸워 이길 확률은 거대 운석이 1년 안에 지구와 충돌할 확률보다 낮다.

어지러운 상념 중, 갑자기 달리는 기차 소리가 말발굽 소리로 바뀌더니 한 여인이 걸어 나온다. 100여년 전 어느 날, 거친 숨을 내쉬며 달리는 경주 말들 속으로 한 치의 망설임도 없이 걸어 나온 여인, 에밀리 데이비슨, 그녀는 시속 70킬로미터로 폭주하는 왕의 말 안머의 고삐를 움켜쥐려다 그 말에 부딪혀 두개골이 파열되고 며칠 후 사망했다. 하지만 남성만 투표하던 이 땅의 야만을 그녀의 걸음 수만큼 몸으로 밀어냈다. 그녀가 없었다면 인류는 얼마나 초라했을까?

Censors Missed Revealing Peek At Jane's "Forbidden Zone" In TARZAN & HIS MATE (1934)

합성이라 여배우가 쏜 것은 아니지만 저 사자는 진짜 사살됐다 영화를 위해.

진짜 낙마 방법을 알려주마

가재는 게편 절봉이도 배우라고 한소리한다.

매일 개돼지 삼겹살 뜯어거면서 흥섭이가 자연다큐 찍는건 아이러니도 거대담론도 아닌 생존위선이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 08:15:53 AM
Smith burnt neons

The reason that members are fascinated by capacitors is the illusion that charging is hoped for as power generation.
If you want to make money with YouTube, change the subject.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 08:24:28 AM
Dummies Guide To Myself Don Smith Demo.

what star are you from?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 08:37:23 AM
Where have all the members who shouted that generator technology is for humanity gone? ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 11:15:47 AM
자기 복만 빌면, 종교가 주는 복을 다 받지 못하는 것| '하나님께 책임을 지우지 말고, 내가 책임지는 삶' | 오강남 교수 7

이사야 1장
8   딸 시온은 포도원의 망대 같이, 원두밭의 상직막 같이, 에워싸인 성읍 같이 겨우 남았도다
9   만군의 여호와께서 우리를 위하여 조금 남겨 두지 아니하셨더면 우리가 소돔 같고 고모라 같았었으리로다
10   너희 소돔의 관원들아 여호와의 말씀을 들을찌어다 너희 고모라의 백성아 우리 하나님의 법에 귀를 기울일찌어다
11   여호와께서 말씀하시되 너희의 무수한 제물이 내게 무엇이 유익하뇨 나는 수양의 번제와 살진 짐승의 기름에 배불렀고 나는 수송아지나 어린 양이나 수염소의 피를 기뻐하지 아니하노라
12   너희가 내 앞에 보이러 오니 그것을 누가 너희에게 요구하였느뇨 내 마당만 밟을 뿐이니라
13   헛된 제물을 다시 가져오지 말라 분향은 나의 가증히 여기는바요 월삭과 안식일과 대회로 모이는 것도 그러하니 성회와 아울러 악을 행하는 것을 내가 견디지 못하겠노라
Isaiah 1 [NASB]
The daughter of Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, Like a watchman's hut in a cucumber field, like a besieged city.
Unless the LORD of hosts Had left us a few survivors, We would be like Sodom, We would be like Gomorrah.
Hear the word of the LORD, You rulers of Sodom; Give ear to the instruction of our God, You people of Gomorrah.
"What are your multiplied sacrifices to Me?" Says the LORD. "I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fed cattle; And I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs or goats.
"When you come to appear before Me, Who requires of you this trampling of My courts?
"Bring your worthless offerings no longer, Incense is an abomination to Me New moon and sabbath, the calling of assemblies-- I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly.

태양보다 더 큰 재물은 지구에 없다.
여호와가 태양을 빼앗아가면서 다른 재물은 필요치 않단다.
어둠신 여호와의 황당한 시츄에이션이 십일조 요구지만,
밤의 어둠은 태양을 늘 삼킨다.
밤이 태양을 빼앗아가는 십일조 혜택은 추위와 휴식이다.
영원한 쉼-안식일도 포함한다.
There is nothing on Earth greater than the sun.
Yahweh takes the sun and no other riches are needed.
Although the absurd situation of Jehovah, the dark god, is a demand for tithing,
The darkness of night always swallows the sun.
The benefits of tithing, where the night robs the sun, are cold and rest.
Eternal rest - including the Sabbath.

땅에서 관측되는 하늘에서 태양이 차지하는 공간비중은 1/1000도 안되지만, 성서 지배자들이 인민에게 세금을 갈취하는 재미에 맛들려 눈깔에 뵈는게 없다.
The percentage of space the sun occupies in the sky observed from the ground is less than 1/1000, but the rulers of the Bible are intrigued by the fun of extorting taxes from the people.

왜 어둠신이 유일신 종교를 표방하는가?
이것은 낮에 질문할 내용이 아니다.
밤에 질문해라.
Why does the Dark God claim to support a monotheistic religion?
This is not something to be asked during the day.
Ask at night.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 11:26:40 AM
Андрей Мищук

If you want to increase your subscribers, you want to recommend other content.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 11:47:15 AM

The Akura Generator begins with secrets and misunderstandings.
There are still many channels with secrets and misunderstandings.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 07:44:46 PM

Drill chargers vary from 7.2 to 24V.
18V / Capacity: 5.0Ah can turn on a 400W electric heater.

So your gas mask is a lie.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 07:49:55 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 08:21:36 PM
Explosion plasma haute densité test

;D ;D 8) 8) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 09:40:54 PM
석렬이형~ 석렬이형? ;D ;D

야~ 김종화(인드라), 넌 배알도 없니? ;D ;D 8) 8)

똥구멍 빨놈이 없어서 윤썪렬 좃대감지 빠냐~ ;D ;D 8) 8)

24   눈은 눈으로, 이는 이로, 손은 손으로, 발은 발로,
25   데운 것은 데움으로, 상하게 한 것은 상함으로, 때린 것은 때림으로 갚을찌니라

미풍양속/풍기뮬란 죄? ;D 8)

주례까지 부탁했다 퇴짜맞은 놈이라, ;D 8)
제 스승 유죄만든 검찰조직 총수 똥꼬빠는 좀 많이 모지른 푼수때기라 말이 좃빠지게 안통해? ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 09:58:39 PM
심재륜이 심재복 닮아서 맨날 오바이트하며 의가사제대 노리던 약싹빠른 인간있었어
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 10:02:03 PM
빨리빨리찾아봐라 심재복이 누군지 푼수숙자 개희들아.
예수도 안믿는 것들이 사랑타령하면 번개사탄이 술집에 불싸지른다 좃빠지게 활활활~
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 10:12:33 PM
9수만에 겨우겨우 사시합격한게 만사형통 면죄부인줄알어
그동안 니가 유죄만든 사람들이 이 땅의 백성인걸 아느냐 모르느냐
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 11:55:02 PM
The REAL REASON Why Boston Dynamics Builds Robotic Dogs

챨스야, 모집병제 빨랑빨랑 추진해라 챨스야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 25, 2022, 11:57:50 PM
북괴 활들쨕 놀래것다 찬찬이햐.....;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)

"Spot Me Up" | The Rolling Stones & Boston Dynamics

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 26, 2022, 12:57:50 AM
Руслан X для Васмуса
По многочисленным просьбам трудящихся. Saentia est omne.

Видео уже довольно старое, 2016 года. Он объясняет только совсем очевидные вещи, всё остальное с умным видом: "ну ты понимаешь о чём речь". Есть ощущение, что человек вообще не понимает что происходит в установке, но при этом делает вид что что-то понимает. Это делается в надежде, что Васмус подумает "ну вот, человек вроде бы старался и близко подошёл, дай ка я ему помогу встать на путь истинный". Точно также подмазывался к Акуле Кулабухов и многие другие персонажи так действовали. Но история показывает что гуру на это не ведутся, либо у гуру самих ничего нет.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 26, 2022, 03:01:10 AM
Эфирный генератор. Работа субмодуля съема..

A capacitor stores energy in an electric field; an inductor stores energy in a magnetic field.
When a capacitor is connected to a voltage source, its voltage gradually increases and its current gradually decreases; when an inductor is connected to a voltage source, its current gradually increases and its voltage gradually decreases.
With a capacitor, the rate of charging and discharging is governed by the RC time constant; with an inductor, we use the RL time constant, which is inductance (L) multiplied by the resistance in series with the inductor.
If a capacitive circuit is disconnected from a power supply, the capacitor will temporarily maintain voltage. If an inductive circuit is disconnected from a power supply, the inductor will temporarily maintain current. Another way of saying this is that capacitors "resist" changes in voltage and inductors "resist" changes in current.
Capacitors and inductors are electronic components that can store energy supplied by a voltage source.
A capacitor stores energy in an electric field; an inductor stores energy in a magnetic field.
Voltages and currents in a capacitive or inductive circuit vary with respect to time and are governed by the circuit's RC or RL time constant.

It is meaningless until fundamental free development exists.


Coil Inductance Calculator
Capacitance, Reactance, and Admittance Calculator
Capacitor Impedance Calculator
Coax Inductance Calculator
Inductance, Reactance, and Admittance Calculator
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 27, 2022, 04:57:20 PM
시편 137편
1   우리가 바벨론의 여러 강변 거기 앉아서 시온을 기억하며 울었도다
2   그 중의 버드나무에 우리가 우리의 수금을 걸었나니
3   이는 우리를 사로잡은 자가 거기서 우리에게 노래를 청하며 우리를 황폐케 한 자가 기쁨을 청하고 자기들을 위하여 시온 노래 중 하나를 노래하라 함이로다
4   우리가 이방에 있어서 어찌 여호와의 노래를 부를꼬
5   예루살렘아 내가 너를 잊을찐대 내 오른손이 그 재주를 잊을찌로다
6   내가 예루살렘을 기억지 아니하거나 내가 너를 나의 제일 즐거워하는 것보다 지나치게 아니할찐대 내 혀가 내 입 천장에 붙을찌로다
7   여호와여 예루살렘이 해 받던 날을 기억하시고 에돔 자손을 치소서 저희 말이 훼파하라 훼파하라 그 기초까지 훼파하라 하였나이다
8   여자 같은 멸망할 바벨론아 네가 우리에게 행한 대로 네게 갚는 자가 유복하리로다
9   네 어린것들을 반석에 메어치는 자는 유복하리로다
Psalms 137 [NASB]    
By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down and wept, When we remembered Zion.
Upon the willows in the midst of it We hung our harps.
For there our captors demanded of us songs, And our tormentors mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion."
How can we sing the LORD'S song In a foreign land?
If I forget you, O Jerusalem, May my right hand forget her skill.
May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth If I do not remember you, If I do not exalt Jerusalem Above my chief joy.
Remember, O LORD, against the sons of Edom The day of Jerusalem, Who said, "Raze it, raze it To its very foundation."
O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one, How blessed will be the one who repays you With the recompense with which you have repaid us.
How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

O Jerusalem
O daughter of Babylon
오 예루살렘
오 주님
오 바빌론의 딸이여

오~~강남 교수 자랑질.

다윗의 시편에 바벨론의 여러 강변에 앉아 울었단다.
기원전 900년경에 바벨론의 여러 강변에서 울려면 당대에 극적인 사건이 존재해야 한다.
그러나 유대인들이 다윗시대에 바벨론에 갈 일은 없다.
느브갓네살의 바벨론이나 앗시리아 사르곤 왕조에서나 가능한 사건이다.
In the psalms of David, he sat and wept by the rivers of Babylon.
Weeping on the banks of the Babylonian rivers around 900 B.C.E. requires a dramatic event at the time.
However, the Jews did not go to Babylon in David's time.
This is an event that is possible only in Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar or the Sargon Dynasty of Assyria.

681 – 669 BC
(12 years) Son of Sennacherib. After Sennacherib was killed by Arda-Mulissu, Esarhaddon had to fight a six-week-long civil war against his brother before he successfully assumed the throne.   c. 713 – 1 November 669 BC
(aged approx. 44)
Brought Assyria to its greatest ever extent. Plagued by illnesses throughout his life. Died of natural causes on his way to campaign against Egypt.

669 – 631 BC
(38 years) Son of Esarhaddon. Ashurbanipal's brother Shamash-shum-ukin inherited Babylonia, but after their civil war in 652–648 BC, Ashurbanipal strengthened his hold on the south as well.   685 – 631 BC
(aged approx. 54)
Generally regarded as the last great Assyrian king. Fate unclear due to lack of surviving sources, probably died a natural death.

열왕기상 11장
여로보암에게 하신 여호와의 말씀
26   솔로몬의 신복 느밧의 아들 여로보암이 또한 손을 들어 왕을 대적하였으니 저는 에브라임 족속인 스레다 사람이요 그 어미의 이름은 스루아니 과부더라
27   저가 손을 들어 왕을 대적하는 까닭은 이러하니라 솔로몬이 밀로를 건축하고 그 부친 다윗의 성의 무너진 것을 수축하였는데
28   이 사람 여로보암은 큰 용사라 솔로몬이 이 소년의 부지런함을 보고 세워 요셉 족속의 역사를 감독하게 하였더니
29   그 즈음에 여로보암이 예루살렘에서 나갈 때에 실로 사람 선지자 아히야가 길에서 저를 만나니 아히야가 새 의복을 입었고 그 두 사람만 들에 있었더라
30   아히야가 그 입은 새 옷을 잡아 열 두 조각에 찢고
31   여로보암에게 이르되 너는 열 조각을 취하라 이스라엘 하나님 여호와의 말씀이 내가 이 나라를 솔로몬의 손에서 찢어 빼앗아 열 지파를 네게 주고
32   오직 내 종 다윗을 위하고 이스라엘 모든 지파 중에서 뺀 성 예루살렘을 위하여 한 지파를 솔로몬에게 주리니
33   이는 저희가 나를 버리고 시돈 사람의 여신 아스다롯과 모압의 신 그모스와 암몬 자손의 신 밀곰을 숭배하며 그 아비 다윗의 행함 같지 아니하여 내 길로 행치 아니하며 나 보기에 정직한 일과 나의 법도와 나의 율례를 행치 아니함이니라
34   그러나 내가 뺀 내 종 다윗이 내 명령과 내 법도를 지켰으므로 내가 저를 위하여 솔로몬의 생전에는 온 나라를 그 손에서 빼앗지 아니하고 주관하게 하려니와
35   내가 그 아들의 손에서 나라를 빼앗아 그 열 지파를 네게 줄 것이요
36   그 아들에게는 내가 한 지파를 주어서 내가 내 이름을 두고자 하여 택한 성 예루살렘에서 내 종 다윗에게 한 등불이 항상 내 앞에 있게 하리라
37   내가 너를 취하리니 너는 무릇 네 마음에 원하는대로 다스려 이스라엘 위에 왕이 되되
38   네가 만일 내가 명한 모든 일에 순종하고 내 길로 행하며 내 눈에 합당한 일을 하며 내 종 다윗의 행함 같이 내 율례와 명령을 지키면 내가 너와 함께 있어 내가 다윗을 위하여 세운것 같이 너를 위하여 견고한 집을 세우고 이스라엘을 네게 주리라
39   내가 이로 인하여 다윗의 자손을 괴롭게 할터이나 영원히 하지는 아니하리라 하셨느니라 한지라
40   이러므로 솔로몬이 여로보암을 죽이려 하매 여로보암이 일어나 애굽으로 도망하여 애굽 왕 시삭에게 이르러 솔로몬의 죽기까지 애굽에 있으니라
1 Kings 11 [NASB]
Then Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an Ephraimite of Zeredah, Solomon's servant, whose mother's name was Zeruah, a widow, also rebelled against the king.
Now this was the reason why he rebelled against the king: Solomon built the Millo, and closed up the breach of the city of his father David.
Now the man Jeroboam was a valiant warrior, and when Solomon saw that the young man was industrious, he appointed him over all the forced labor of the house of Joseph.
It came about at that time, when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem, that the prophet Ahijah the Shilonite found him on the road. Now Ahijah had clothed himself with a new cloak; and both of them were alone in the field.
Then Ahijah took hold of the new cloak which was on him and tore it into twelve pieces.
He said to Jeroboam, "Take for yourself ten pieces; for thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Behold, I will tear the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon and give you ten tribes
(but he will have one tribe, for the sake of My servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen from all the tribes of Israel),
because they have forsaken Me, and have worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of Moab, and Milcom the god of the sons of Ammon; and they have not walked in My ways, doing what is right in My sight and observing My statutes and My ordinances, as his father David did.
'Nevertheless I will not take the whole kingdom out of his hand, but I will make him ruler all the days of his life, for the sake of My servant David whom I chose, who observed My commandments and My statutes;
but I will take the kingdom from his son's hand and give it to you, even ten tribes.
'But to his son I will give one tribe, that My servant David may have a lamp always before Me in Jerusalem, the city where I have chosen for Myself to put My name.
'I will take you, and you shall reign over whatever you desire, and you shall be king over Israel.
'Then it will be, that if you listen to all that I command you and walk in My ways, and do what is right in My sight by observing My statutes and My commandments, as My servant David did, then I will be with you and build you an enduring house as I built for David, and I will give Israel to you.
'Thus I will afflict the descendants of David for this, but not always.'"
Solomon sought therefore to put Jeroboam to death; but Jeroboam arose and fled to Egypt to Shishak king of Egypt, and he was in Egypt until the death of Solomon.
Now the rest of the acts of Solomon and whatever he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the acts of Solomon?
Thus the time that Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel was forty years.
And Solomon slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of his father David, and his son Rehoboam reigned in his place.

Neo-Assyrian Empire, (911–609 BC)
Adad-nirari II(911 – 891 BC)
Tukulti-Ninurta II(890 – 884 BC)
Ashurnasirpal II(883 – 859 BC)
Shalmaneser III(859 – 824 BC)
Shamshi-Adad V(824 – 811 BC)
Adad-nirari III(811 – 783 BC)
Shalmaneser IV(783 – 773 BC)
Ashur-dan III(773 – 755 BC)
Ashur-nirari V(755 – 745 BC)
Tiglath-Pileser III(745 – 727 BC)
Shalmaneser V(727 – 722 BC)
Sargon II(722 – 705 BC) Samuel the Prophet
Sennacherib(705 – 681 BC) King Saul
Esarhaddon(681 – 669 BC) Another Dancer
Ashurbanipal(669 – 631 BC) David
Ashur-etil-ilani(631 – 627 BC)
Sin-shumu-lishir(626 BC) A king without a beard(The eunuch's coup)
Sinsharishkun(627 – 612 BC)
Ashur-uballit II(612 – 609 BC)

선지자 아히야에 의해 솔로몬이 픽업되어 다윗의 아들로 둔갑해 유대의 역사가 된다.
유대인들 입장에서도 살만에셀3세가 놓치기 아까운 왕이라 꾸역꾸역 억지로 끌어다가 자신들의 왕으로 만들었다.
화려한 기록이나 또는 특별한 역사기록이 없고(정복전쟁에 의한 역사가 파괴된 경우가 대부분이다) 왕의 이름만 덩그라니 존재할 때, 앗시리아 역사를 유대의 역사로 날조 할 만한 가치가 있는 경우다.

앗시리아는 유대지역 전역에 타 지역에서 사로잡은 포로들을 이주시키는 정책을 폈다.
바벨론은 앗시리아와는 다르게 유대지역에 타 지역 노예들을 유대지역에 보냈다는 정보가 없다.
인구가 유입된다는 것은 배척될 일이 아니다.
특히 할례받는 자들 입장에서 인구유입은 적극적으로 환영할 시건이다.
바벨론은 끌어가지만 했고, 앗시리아는 끌어가기도 했고 역으로 노예들을 보내기도 했다.
이유야 어찌됐든 인구수의 변화는 0으로 원점이 됐다.

고레스 칙령이 유대인들에게 환영받는 것은 포로들 귀환으로 원점에 있던 인구수를 보태줬다는 것도 포함한다.

죄많은 유대인에 대한 선지자들 여호와 입장의 어필은 구약성서의 절대 덕목이다.
십계명조차 없던 창세기 원죄도 여호와의 단 하나 명령을 어긴 결과다.
빛과 어둠이 혼돈인 열매.
그런데 바벨론에서 돌아온 유대인들이 빛과 어둠 혼돈의 열매를 다시 섬겼다.
빛과 어둠 혼돈의 열매로해서 결과적으로 예수가 태어난 계기됐지만, 아직도 유대교 여호와에게 죄란 빛과 어둠 혼돈의 열매며 여기에 모세의 십계명까지 추가됐다.

Solomon is picked up by the prophet Ahijah and becomes the son of David, becoming the history of Judea.
From the point of view of the Jews, Shalmaneser III was a king not to be missed.
When there are no splendid or special historical records (in most cases the history is destroyed by the war of conquest) and only the name of the king exists, it is worth fabricating Assyrian history as Jewish history.

Assyria implemented a policy of relocating captives captured from other regions throughout Judea.
Unlike Assyria, there is no information that Babylon sent slaves from other regions to Judea.
An influx of population is not something to be excluded.
In particular, from the perspective of those who are circumcised, the influx of people is a time to be actively welcomed.
Babylon only took them, Assyria took them, and conversely, they sent slaves.
Whatever the reason, the change in the number of the population was zero.

The welcome of the Edict of Cyrus to the Jews includes the fact that the return of the captives added to the original population.

The appeal of the prophets' Jehovah's position to the sinful Jews is an absolute virtue of the Old Testament.
The original sin in Genesis, where there were not even the Ten Commandments, is the result of violating the one commandment of Jehovah.
A fruit in which light and darkness are chaos.
However, the Jews returning from Babylon again served the fruit of light and darkness chaos.
As a result of the fruit of light and darkness chaos, Jesus was born as a result, but to Jehovah of Judaism, sin is still the fruit of light and darkness chaos, and Moses' Ten Commandments were added to it.

사도행전 2장
9   우리는 바대인과 메대인과 엘림인과 또 메소보다미아, 유대와 가바도기아, 본도와 아시아,
10   브루기아와 밤빌리아, 애굽과 및 구레네에 가까운 리비야 여러 지방에 사는 사람들과 로마로부터 온 나그네 곧 유대인과 유대교에 들어 온 사람들과
11   그레데인과 아라비아인들이라 우리가 다 우리의 각 방언으로 하나님의 큰 일을 말함을 듣는도다 하고
Acts 2 [NASB]
"Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya around Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,   
Cretans and Arabs--we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God."

베드로 오순절 사건에도 나타난 것처럼 로마제국도 타 지역 노예들을 유대지역에 보냈다.
에살핫돈과 오스납발이 하드리아누스-베드로와 다르지 않다.
로마제국도 유대인들이 여호와를 계속 숭배하게 놔뒀다.
As shown in the case of Peter's Pentecost, the Roman Empire also sent slaves from other regions to Judea.
Esarhaddon and Osnapbal are no different from Hadrian-Peter.
The Roman Empire also allowed the Jews to continue worshiping Jehovah.

에스라 4장
성전 건축을 방해하는 사람들
1   유다와 베냐민의 대적이 사로잡혔던 자의 자손이 이스라엘 하나님 여호와를 위하여 전을 건축한다 함을 듣고

2   스룹바벨과 족장들에게 나아와 이르되 우리로 너희와 함께 건축하게 하라 우리도 너희 같이 너희 하나님을 구하노라 앗수르 왕 에살핫돈이 우리를 이리로 오게한 날부터 우리가 하나님께 제사를 드리노라

3   스룹바벨과 예수아와 기타 이스라엘 족장들이 이르되 우리 하나님의 전을 건축하는데 너희는 우리와 상관이 없느니라 바사 왕 고레스가 우리에게 명하신대로 우리가 이스라엘 하나님 여호와를 위하여 홀로 건축하리라 하였더니
4   이로부터 그 땅 백성이 유다 백성의 손을 약하게 하여 그 건축을 방해하되
5   바사 왕 고레스의 시대부터 바사 왕 다리오가 즉위할 때까지 의사들에게 뇌물을 주어 그 경영을 저희하였으며
6   또 아하수에로가 즉위할 때에 저희가 글을 올려 유다와 예루살렘 거민을 고소하니라
7   아닥사스다 때에 비슬람과 미드르닷과 다브엘과 그 동료들이 바사 왕 아닥사스다에게 글을 올렸으니 그 글은 아람 문자와 아람 방언으로 써서 진술하였더라
8   방백 르훔과 서기관 심새가 아닥사스다왕에게 올려 예루살렘 백성을 고소한 그 글에
9   방백 르훔과 서기관 심새와 그 동료 디나 사람과 아바삿 사람과 다블래 사람과 아바새 사람과 아렉 사람과 바벨론 사람과 수산 사람과 데해 사람과 엘람 사람과

10   기타 백성 곧 존귀한 오스납발이 사마리아 성과 강 서편 다른 땅에 옮겨 둔 자들과 함께 고한다 하였더라

11   아닥사스다왕에게 올린 그 글의 초본은 이러하니 강 서편에 있는 신복들은
12   왕에게 고하나이다 왕에게서 올라온 유다 사람들이 우리의 곳 예루살렘에 이르러 이 패역하고 악한 성읍을 건축하는데 이미 그 지대를 수축하고 성곽을 건축하오니
13   이제 왕은 아시옵소서 만일 이 성읍을 건축하며 그 성곽을 마치면 저 무리가 다시는 조공과 잡세와 부세를 바치지 아니하리니 필경 왕들에게 손해가 되리이다
14   우리가 이제 궁의 소금을 먹는고로 왕의 수치 당함을 참아 보지못하여 보내어 왕에게 고하오니
15   왕은 열조의 사기를 살피시면 그 사기에서 이 성읍은 패역한 성읍이라 예로부터 그 중에서 항상 반역하는 일을 행하여 열왕과 각 도에 손해가 된 것을 보시고 아실찌라 이 성읍이 훼파됨도 이 까닭이니이다
16   이제 감히 왕에게 고하오니 이 성읍이 중건되어 성곽을 필역하면 이로 말미암아 왕의 강 서편 영지가 없어지리이다 하였더라
17   왕이 방백 르훔과 서기관 심새와 사마리아에 거한 저희 동료와 강 서편 다른 땅 백성에게 조서를 내리니 일렀으되 너희는 평안할지어다
18   너희의 올린 글을 내 앞에서 낭독시키고
19   명하여 살펴보니 과연 이 성읍이 예로부터 열왕을 거역하며 그 중에서 항상 패역하고 모반하는 일을 행하였으며
20   옛적에는 예루살렘을 주재하는 큰 군왕이 있어서 강 서편 모든 땅도 주재하매 조공과 잡세와 부세를 저에게 다 바쳤도다
21   이제 너희는 명을 전하여 그 사람들로 역사를 그치게 하여 그 성을 건축지 못하게 하고 내가 다시 조서 내리기를 기다리라
22   너희는 삼가서 이 일에 게으르지 말라 어찌하여 화를 더하여 왕들에게 손해가 되게 하랴 하였더라
23   아닥사스다왕의 조서 초본이 르훔과 서기관 심새와 그 동료 앞에서 낭독되매 저희가 예루살렘으로 급히 가서 유다 사람들을 보고 권력으로 억제하여 그 역사를 그치게 하니
24   이에 예루살렘에서 하나님의 전 역사가 그쳐서 바사 왕 다리오 제 이년까지 이르니라
Ezra 4장 [NASB]    
Now when the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the people of the exile were building a temple to the LORD God of Israel,
they approached Zerubbabel and the heads of fathers' households, and said to them, "Let us build with you, for we, like you, seek your God; and we have been sacrificing to Him since the days of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us up here."
But Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of fathers' households of Israel said to them, "You have nothing in common with us in building a house to our God; but we ourselves will together build to the LORD God of Israel, as King Cyrus, the king of Persia has commanded us."
Then the people of the land discouraged the people of Judah, and frightened them from building,
and hired counselors against them to frustrate their counsel all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia.
Now in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the beginning of his reign, they wrote an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem.
And in the days of Artaxerxes, Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel and the rest of his colleagues wrote to Artaxerxes king of Persia; and the text of the letter was written in Aramaic and translated from Aramaic.
Rehum the commander and Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter against Jerusalem to King Artaxerxes, as follows--
then wrote Rehum the commander and Shimshai the scribe and the rest of their colleagues, the judges and the lesser governors, the officials, the secretaries, the men of Erech, the Babylonians, the men of Susa, that is, the Elamites,
and the rest of the nations which the great and honorable Osnappar deported and settled in the city of Samaria, and in the rest of the region beyond the River. Now
this is the copy of the letter which they sent to him: "To King Artaxerxes: Your servants, the men in the region beyond the River, and now
let it be known to the king that the Jews who came up from you have come to us at Jerusalem; they are rebuilding the rebellious and evil city and are finishing the walls and repairing the foundations.
"Now let it be known to the king, that if that city is rebuilt and the walls are finished, they will not pay tribute, custom or toll, and it will damage the revenue of the kings.
"Now because we are in the service of the palace, and it is not fitting for us to see the king's dishonor, therefore we have sent and informed the king,
so that a search may be made in the record books of your fathers. And you will discover in the record books and learn that that city is a rebellious city and damaging to kings and provinces, and that they have incited revolt within it in past days; therefore that city was laid waste.
"We inform the king that if that city is rebuilt and the walls finished, as a result you will have no possession in the province beyond the River."
Then the king sent an answer to Rehum the commander, to Shimshai the scribe, and to the rest of their colleagues who live in Samaria and in the rest of the provinces beyond the River: "Peace. And now
the document which you sent to us has been translated and read before me.
"A decree has been issued by me, and a search has been made and it has been discovered that that city has risen up against the kings in past days, that rebellion and revolt have been perpetrated in it,
that mighty kings have ruled over Jerusalem, governing all the provinces beyond the River, and that tribute, custom and toll were paid to them.
"So, now issue a decree to make these men stop work, that this city may not be rebuilt until a decree is issued by me.
"Beware of being negligent in carrying out this matter; why should damage increase to the detriment of the kings?"
Then as soon as the copy of King Artaxerxes' document was read before Rehum and Shimshai the scribe and their colleagues, they went in haste to Jerusalem to the Jews and stopped them by force of arms.
Then work on the house of God in Jerusalem ceased, and it was stopped until the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.

앗시리아와 바벨론왕을 겸업한 사르곤 왕조 에살핫돈이 다른 지역에서 유대지역으로 보낸 자들이 자신들의 신전건측을 요구한다.
Djed 홀로있는 아펩신전이 아니라 춤추는 자도 함께 있는 합체신전 건축을 원하고 있다.
유다와 베냐민 지파는 전통의 블레셋 후손이라 춤추는 자가 포함하는 복합신전을 원하지만, 스룹바벨과 족장들도 똑같은 것을 원하지만 적이라는 이유로 외면당한다.
여호와를 진정으로 원하는 것이 아니라는 이유다.

문제의 발단은 에살핫돈과는 다르게 똑같은 오스납발은 존귀하다고 대접한다.
에살핫돈과 오스납발을 차별화해 구분한 이유가 있다.

Those sent by Esarhaddon of the Sargonian dynasty, who also served as kings of Assyria and Babylon, from other regions to Judea, demand the restoration of their temple.
Djed wants to build a combined temple with dancers, not a single Apep temple.
The tribes of Judah and Benjamin are the traditional Philistine descendants, so they want a complex temple that includes a dancer, but Zerubbabel and the chieftains want the same thing, but they are turned away because they are enemies.
It's because they don't really want Jehovah.

The origin of the problem is that, unlike Esarhaddon, the same osnapbal is treated with dignity.
There is a reason why Esarhaddon and Osnapbal are differentiated.

열왕기하 17장
이스라엘 왕 호세아
1   유다 왕 아하스 십 이년에 엘라의 아들 호세아가 사마리아에서 이스라엘 왕이 되어 구년을 치리하며
2   여호와 보시기에 악을 행하였으나 그전 이스라엘 여러 왕들과 같이 하지는 아니하였더라
3   앗수르 왕 살만에셀이 올라와서 호세아를 친고로 호세아가 신복하여 조공을 드리더니
4   저가 애굽 왕 소에게 사자들을 보내고 해마다 하던대로 앗수르 왕에게 조공을 드리지 아니하매 앗수르 왕이 호세아의 배반함을 보고 저를 옥에 금고하여 두고
5   올라와서 그 온 땅에 두루 다니고 사마리아로 올라와서 삼년을 에워쌌더라

6   호세아 구년에 앗수르 왕이 사마리아를 취하고 이스라엘 사람을 사로잡아 앗수르로 끌어다가 할라와 고산 하볼 하숫가와 메대 사람의 여러 고을에 두었더라

앗수르 왕이 사마리아를 차지하다
7   이 일은 이스라엘 자손이 자기를 애굽에서 인도하여 내사 애굽 왕 바로의 손에서 벗어나게 하신 그 하나님 여호와께 죄를 범하고 또 다른 신들을 경외하며
8   여호와께서 이스라엘 자손 앞에서 쫓아내신 이방 사람의 규례와 이스라엘 여러 왕의 세운 율례를 행하였음이라
9   이스라엘 자손이 가만히 불의를 행하여 그 하나님 여호와를 배역하여 모든 성읍에 망대로부터 견고한 성에 이르도록 산당을 세우고
10   모든 산 위에와 모든 푸른 나무 아래에 목상과 아세라상을 세우고
11   또 여호와께서 저희 앞에서 물리치신 이방 사람 같이 그곳 모든 산당에서 분향하며 또 악을 행하여 여호와를 격노케 하였으며
12   또 우상을 섬겼으니 이는 여호와께서 행치 말라 명하신 일이라
13   여호와께서 각 선지자와 각 선견자로 이스라엘과 유다를 경계하여 이르시기를 너희는 돌이켜 너희 악한 길에서 떠나 나의 명령과 율례를 지키되 내가 너희 열조에게 명하고 또 나의 종 선지자들로 너희에게 전한 모든 율법대로 행하라 하셨으나
14   저희가 듣지 아니하고 그 목을 굳게 하기를 그 하나님 여호와를 믿지 아니하던 저희 열조의 목 같이 하여
15   여호와의 율례와 여호와께서 그 열조로 더불어 세우신 언약과 경계하신 말씀을 버리고 허무한 것을 좇아 허망하며 또 여호와께서 명하사 본받지 말라 하신 사면 이방 사람을 본받아
16   그 하나님 여호와의 모든 명령을 버리고 자기를 위하여 두 송아지 형상을 부어 만들고 또 아세라 목상을 만들고 하늘의 일월 성신을 숭배하며 또 바알을 섬기고
17   또 자기 자녀를 불 가운데로 지나가게 하며 복술과 사술을 행하고 스스로 팔려 여호와 보시기에 악을 행하여 그 노를 격발케 하였으므로
18   여호와께서 이스라엘을 심히 노하사 그 앞에서 제하시니 유다 지파 외에는 남은 자가 없으니라
19   유다도 그 하나님 여호와의 명령을 지키지 아니하고 이스라엘 사람의 세운 율례를 행하였으므로
20   여호와께서 이스라엘의 온 족속을 버리사 괴롭게 하시며 노략군의 손에 붙이시고 심지어 그 앞에서 쫓아내시니라
21   이스라엘을 다윗의 집에서 찢어 나누시매 저희가 느밧의 아들 여로보암으로 왕을 삼았더니 여로보암이 이스라엘을 몰아 여호와를 떠나고 큰 죄를 범하게 하매
22   이스라엘 자손이 여로보암의 행한 모든 죄를 따라 행하여 떠나지 아니하므로
23   여호와께서 그 종 모든 선지자로 하신 말씀대로 심지어 이스라엘을 그 앞에서 제하신지라 이스라엘이 고향에서 앗수르에 사로잡혀 가서 오늘까지 미쳤더라

앗수르 사람들이 사마리아에 거하다
24   앗수르 왕이 바벨론과 구다와 아와와 하맛과 스발와임에서 사람을 옮겨다가 이스라엘 자손을 대신하여 사마리아 여러 성읍에 두매 저희가 사마리아를 차지하여 그 여러 성읍에 거하니라

25   저희가 처음으로 거기 거할 때에 여호와를 경외치 아니한고로 여호와께서 사자들을 그 가운데 보내시매 몇 사람을 죽인지라
26   그러므로 혹이 앗수르 왕에게 고하여 가로되 왕께서 사마리아 여러 성읍에 옮겨 거하게 하신 열방 사람이 그 땅 신의 법을 알지 못하므로 그 신이 사자들을 저희 가운데 보내매 저희를 죽였사오니 이는 저희가 그 땅 신의 법을 알지 못함이니이다
27   앗수르 왕이 명하여 가로되 너희는 그곳에서 사로잡아 온 제사장 하나를 그곳으로 데려가되 저로 그곳에 가서 거하며 그 땅 신의 법으로 무리에게 가르치게 하라
28   이에 사마리아에서 사로잡혀간 제사장 중 하나가 와서 벧엘에 거하며 백성에게 어떻게 여호와 경외할 것을 가르쳤더라
29   그러나 각 민족이 각기 자기의 신상들을 만들어 사마리아 사람의 지은 여러 산당에 두되 각 민족이 자기의 거한 성읍에서 그렇게 하여
30   바벨론 사람들은 숙곳브놋을 만들었고 굿 사람들은 네르갈을 만들었고 하맛 사람들은 아시마를 만들었고
31   아와 사람들은 닙하스와 다르닥을 만들었고 스발와임 사람들은 그 자녀를 불살라 그 신 아드람멜렉과 아남멜렉에게 드렸으며
32   저희가 또 여호와를 경외하여 자기 중에서 사람을 산당의 제사장으로 택하여 그 산당에서 자기를 위하여 제사를 드리게 하니라
33   이와 같이 저희가 여호와도 경외하고 또한 어디서부터 옮겨왔든지 그 민족의 풍속대로 자기의 신들도 섬겼더라
34   저희가 오늘까지 이전 풍속대로 행하여 여호와를 경외치 아니하며 또 여호와께서 이스라엘이라 이름을 주신 야곱의 자손에게 명하신 율례와 법도와 율법과 계명을 준행치 아니하는도다
35   옛적에 여호와께서 야곱의 자손에게 언약을 세우시고 저희에게 명하여 가라사대 너희는 다른 신을 경외하지 말며 그를 숭배하지 말며 그를 섬기지 말며 그에게 제사하지 말고
36   오직 큰 능력과 편 팔로 너희를 애굽에서 인도하여 낸 여호와만 너희가 경외하여 그를 숭배하며 그에게 제사를 드릴 것이며
37   또 여호와가 너희를 위하여 기록한 율례와 법도와 율법과 계명을 너희가 지켜 영원히 행하고 다른 신들을 경외치 말며
38   또 내가 너희와 세운 언약을 잊지 말며 다른 신들을 경외치 말고
39   오직 너희 하나님 여호와를 경외하라 그가 너희를 모든 원수의 손에서 건져내리라 하셨으나
40   그러나 저희가 듣지 아니하고 오히려 이전 풍속대로 행하였느니라
41   그 여러 민족이 여호와를 경외하고 또 그 아로새긴 우상을 섬기더니 그 자자 손손이 그 열조의 행한 것을 좇아 오늘까지 그대로 하니라
2 Kings 17 [NASB]    
In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah, Hoshea the son of Elah became king over Israel in Samaria, and reigned nine years.
He did evil in the sight of the LORD, only not as the kings of Israel who were before him.
Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against him, and Hoshea became his servant and paid him tribute.
But the king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea, who had sent messengers to So king of Egypt and had offered no tribute to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year; so the king of Assyria shut him up and bound him in prison.
Then the king of Assyria invaded the whole land and went up to Samaria and besieged it three years.

In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and carried Israel away into exile to Assyria, and settled them in Halah and Habor, on the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.

Now this came about because the sons of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, who had brought them up from the land of Egypt from under the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and they had feared other gods
and walked in the customs of the nations whom the LORD had driven out before the sons of Israel, and in the customs of the kings of Israel which they had introduced.
The sons of Israel did things secretly which were not right against the LORD their God. Moreover, they built for themselves high places in all their towns, from watchtower to fortified city.
They set for themselves sacred pillars and Asherim on every high hill and under every green tree,
and there they burned incense on all the high places as the nations did which the LORD had carried away to exile before them; and they did evil things provoking the LORD.
They served idols, concerning which the LORD had said to them, "You shall not do this thing."
Yet the LORD warned Israel and Judah through all His prophets and every seer, saying, "Turn from your evil ways and keep My commandments, My statutes according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you through My servants the prophets."
However, they did not listen, but stiffened their neck like their fathers, who did not believe in the LORD their God.
They rejected His statutes and His covenant which He made with their fathers and His warnings with which He warned them And they followed vanity and became vain, and went after the nations which surrounded them, concerning which the LORD had commanded them not to do like them.
They forsook all the commandments of the LORD their God and made for themselves molten images, even two calves, and made an Asherah and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal.
Then they made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire, and practiced divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him.
So the LORD was very angry with Israel and removed them from His sight; none was left except the tribe of Judah.
Also Judah did not keep the commandments of the LORD their God, but walked in the customs which Israel had introduced.
The LORD rejected all the descendants of Israel and afflicted them and gave them into the hand of plunderers, until He had cast them out of His sight.
When He had torn Israel from the house of David, they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king Then Jeroboam drove Israel away from following the LORD and made them commit a great sin.
The sons of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they did not depart from them
until the LORD removed Israel from His sight, as He spoke through all His servants the prophets So Israel was carried away into exile from their own land to Assyria until this day.

The king of Assyria brought men from Babylon and from Cuthah and from Avva and from Hamath and Sephar-vaim, and settled them in the cities of Samaria in place of the sons of Israel. So they possessed Samaria and lived in its cities.

At the beginning of their living there, they did not fear the LORD; therefore the LORD sent lions among them which killed some of them.
So they spoke to the king of Assyria, saying, "The nations whom you have carried away into exile in the cities of Samaria do not know the custom of the god of the land; so he has sent lions among them, and behold, they kill them because they do not know the custom of the god of the land."
Then the king of Assyria commanded, saying, "Take there one of the priests whom you carried away into exile and let him go and live there; and let him teach them the custom of the god of the land."
So one of the priests whom they had carried away into exile from Samaria came and lived at Bethel, and taught them how they should fear the LORD.
But every nation still made gods of its own and put them in the houses of the high places which the people of Samaria had made, every nation in their cities in which they lived.
The men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, the men of Cuth made Nergal, the men of Hamath made Ashima,
and the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak; and the Sepharvites burned their children in the fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech the gods of Sepharvaim.
They also feared the LORD and appointed from among themselves priests of the high places, who acted for them in the houses of the high places.
They feared the LORD and served their own gods according to the custom of the nations from among whom they had been carried away into exile.
To this day they do according to the earlier customs: they do not fear the LORD, nor do they follow their statutes or their ordinances or the law, or the commandments which the LORD commanded the sons of Jacob, whom He named Israel;
with whom the LORD made a covenant and commanded them, saying, "You shall not fear other gods, nor bow down yourselves to them nor serve them nor sacrifice to them.
"But the LORD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt with great power and with an outstretched arm, Him you shall fear, and to Him you shall bow yourselves down, and to Him you shall sacrifice.
"The statutes and the ordinances and the law and the commandment which He wrote for you, you shall observe to do forever; and you shall not fear other gods.
"The covenant that I have made with you, you shall not forget, nor shall you fear other gods.
"But the LORD your God you shall fear; and He will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies."
However, they did not listen, but they did according to their earlier custom.
So while these nations feared the LORD, they also served their idols; their children likewise and their grandchildren, as their fathers did, so they do to this day.

저희가 그 땅 신의 법을 알지 못함이니이다
they kill them because they do not know the custom of the god of the land."

춤추는 자 원조가 에살핫돈이지만, 오스납발의 석상이 에살핫돈의 석상보다 조금 더 크다는 이유로 차별당했다.
존귀한 오스납발 명칭된 다른 이유가 여기에 없다.
유다-바리새인들이 세운 합체신전의 춤추는 자 원본이 오스납발이다.
Although the original dancer was Esarhaddon, it was discriminated against because the statue of Osnapbal was slightly larger than that of Esarhaddon.
There is no other reason for the honorable Osnapbal name here.
The original Dancer of the Temple of Unity built by the Judeans and Pharisees is Osnapbal.

열왕기하 18장
유다 왕 히스기야(대하 29:1-2; 31:1)
1   이스라엘 왕 엘라의 아들 호세아 삼년에 유다 왕 아하스의 아들 히스기야가 왕이 되니
2   위에 나아갈 때에 나이 이십 오세라 예루살렘에서 이십 구년을 치리하니라 그 모친의 이름은 아비라 스가리야의 딸이더라
3   히스기야가 그 조상 다윗의 모든 행위와 같이 여호와 보시기에 정직히 행하여
4   여러 산당을 제하며 주상을 깨뜨리며 아세라 목상을 찍으며 모세가 만들었던 놋뱀을 이스라엘 자손이 이때까지 향하여 분향하므로 그것을 부수고 느후스단이라 일컬었더라
5   히스기야가 이스라엘 하나님 여호와를 의지하였는데 그의 전후 유다 여러 왕 중에 그러한 자가 없었으니
6   곧 저가 여호와께 연합하여 떠나지 아니하고 여호와께서 모세에게 명하신 계명을 지켰더라
7   여호와께서 저와 함께 하시매 저가 어디로 가든지 형통하였더라 저가 앗수르 왕을 배척하고 섬기지 아니하였고
8   블레셋 사람을 쳐서 가사와 그 사방에 이르고 망대에서부터 견고한 성까지 이르렀더라
9   히스기야왕 사년 곧 이스라엘 왕 엘라의 아들 호세아 칠년에 앗수르 왕 살만에셀이 사마리아로 올라와서 에워쌌더라
10   삼년 후에 그 성이 함락되니 곧 히스기야의 육년이요 이스라엘 왕 호세아의 구년이라 사마리아가 함락되매
11   앗수르 왕이 이스라엘을 사로잡아 앗수르에 이르러 할라와 고산 하볼 하숫가와 메대 사람의 여러 성읍에 두었으니
12   이는 저희가 그 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 준행치 아니하고 그 언약을 배반하고 여호와의 종 모세의 모든 명한 것을 거스려 듣지도 아니하며 행치도 아니하였음이더라
앗수르 사람들이 예루살렘을 위협하다(대하 32:1-19; 사 36:1-22)
13   히스기야왕 십 사년에 앗수르 왕 산헤립이 올라와서 유다 모든 견고한 성읍들을 쳐서 취하매
14   유다 왕 히스기야가 라기스로 보내어 앗수르 왕에게 이르되 내가 범죄하였나이다 나를 떠나 돌아가소서 왕이 내게 지우시는 것을 내가 당하리이다 하였더니 앗수르 왕이 곧 은 삼백 달란트와 금 삼십 달란트를 정하여 유다 왕 히스기야로 내게 한지라
15   히스기야가 이에 여호와의 전과 왕궁 곳간에 있는 은을 다 주었고
16   또 그 때에 유다 왕 히스기야가 여호와의 전 문의 금과 자기가 모든 기둥에 입힌 금을 벗겨 모두 앗수르 왕에게 주었더라
17   앗수르 왕이 다르단과 랍사리스와 랍사게로 대군을 거느리고 라기스에서부터 예루살렘으로 가서 히스기야왕을 치게 하매 저희가 예루살렘으로 올라가니라 저희가 올라가서 윗못 수도 곁 곧 세탁자의 밭에 있는 큰 길에 이르러 서니라
18   저희가 왕을 부르매 힐기야의 아들 궁내대신 엘리야김과 서기관 셉나와 아삽의 아들 사관 요아가 저에게 나가니
19   랍사게가 저희에게 이르되 너희는 히스기야에게 고하라 대왕 앗수르 왕의 말씀이 너의 의뢰하는 이 의뢰가 무엇이냐
20   네가 싸울만한 계교와 용력이 있다고 한다마는 이는 입에 붙은 말 뿐이라 네가 이제 누구를 의뢰하고 나를 반역하였느냐
21   이제 네가 저 상한 갈대 지팡이 애굽을 의뢰하도다 사람이 그것을 의지하면 그 손에 찔려 들어갈찌라 애굽 왕 바로는 무릇 의뢰하는 자에게 이와 같으니라
22   너희가 혹시 내게 이르기를 우리는 우리 하나님 여호와를 의뢰하노라 하리라마는 히스기야가 여호와의 산당과 제단을 제하고 유다와 예루살렘 사람에게 명하기를 예루살렘 이 단 앞에서만 숭배하라 하지 아니하였느냐 하셨나니
23   이제 너는 내 주 앗수르 왕과 내기하라 네가 만일 그 말 탈 사람을 낼 수 있다면 나는 네게 말 이천필을 주리라
24   네가 어찌 내 주의 신복 중 지극히 작은 장관 하나인들 물리치며 애굽을 의뢰하고 그 병거와 기병을 얻을듯하냐
25   내가 어찌 여호와의 뜻이 아니고야 이제 이곳을 멸하러 올라왔겠느냐 여호와께서 전에 내게 이르시기를 이 땅으로 올라와서 쳐서 멸하라 하셨느니라
26   힐기야의 아들 엘리야김과 셉나와 요아가 랍사게에게 이르되 우리가 알아듣겠사오니 청컨대 아람 방언으로 당신의 종들에게 말씀하시고 성 위에 있는 백성의 듣는데 유다 방언으로 우리에게 말씀하지 마옵소서
27   랍사게가 저에게 이르되 내 주께서 네 주와 네게만 이 말을 하라고 나를 보내신 것이냐 성 위에 앉은 사람들로도 너희와 함께 자기의 대변을 먹게 하고 자기의 소변을 마시게 하신 것이 아니냐 하고
28   랍사게가 드디어 일어 서서 유다 방언으로 크게 소리질러 불러 가로되 너희는 대왕 앗수르 왕의 말씀을 들으라
29   왕의 말씀이 너희는 히스기야에게 속지 말라 저가 너희를 내 손에서 건져내지 못하리라
30   또한 히스기야가 너희로 여호와를 의뢰하라 함을 듣지 말라 저가 이르기를 여호와께서 정녕 우리를 건지실찌라 이 성이 앗수르 왕의 손에 함락되지 않게 하시리라 할찌라도
31   너희는 히스기야의 말을 듣지 말라 앗수르 왕의 말씀이 너희는 내게 항복하고 내게로 나아오라 그리하고 너희는 각각 그 포도와 무화과를 먹고 또한 각각 자기의 우물의 물을 마시라
32   내가 장차 와서 너희를 한 지방으로 옮기리니 그곳은 너희 본토와 같은 지방 곧 곡식과 포도주가 있는 지방이요 떡과 포도원이 있는 지방이요 기름 나는 감람과 꿀이 있는 지방이라 너희가 살고 죽지 아니하리라 히스기야가 너희를 면려하여 이르기를 여호와께서 우리를 건지시리라 하여도 듣지 말라
33   열국의 신들 중에 그 땅을 앗수르 왕의 손에서 건진 자가 있느냐
34   하맛과 아르밧의 신들이 어디 있으며 스발와임과 헤나와 아와의 신들이 어디 있느냐 그들이 사마리아를 내 손에서 건졌느냐
35   열국의 모든 신 중에 누가 그 땅을 내 손에서 건졌기에 여호와가 예루살렘을 내 손에서 능히 건지겠느냐 하셨느니라
36   그러나 백성이 잠잠하고 한 말도 대답지 아니하니 이는 왕이 명하여 대답하지 말라 하였음이라
37   이에 힐기야의 아들 궁내대신 엘리야김과 서기관 셉나와 아삽의 아들 사관 요아가 그 옷을 찢고 히스기야에게 나아가서 랍사게의 말을 고하니라
2 Kings 18 [NASB]    
Now it came about in the third year of Hoshea, the son of Elah king of Israel, that Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah became king.
He was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Abi the daughter of Zechariah.
He did right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father David had done.
He removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah He also broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the sons of Israel burned incense to it; and it was called Nehushtan.
He trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel; so that after him there was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor among those who were before him.
For he clung to the LORD; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the LORD had commanded Moses.
And the LORD was with him; wherever he went he prospered And he rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him.
He defeated the Philistines as far as Gaza and its territory, from watchtower to fortified city.
Now in the fourth year of King Hezekiah, which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against Samaria and besieged it.
At the end of three years they captured it; in the sixth year of Hezekiah, which was the ninth year of Hoshea king of Israel, Samaria was captured.
Then the king of Assyria carried Israel away into exile to Assyria, and put them in Halah and on the Habor, the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes,
because they did not obey the voice of the LORD their God, but transgressed His covenant, even all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded; they would neither listen nor do it.
Now in the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah, Sennacherib king of Assyria came up against all the fortified cities of Judah and seized them.
Then Hezekiah king of Judah sent to the king of Assyria at Lachish, saying, "I have done wrong. Withdraw from me; whatever you impose on me I will bear." So the king of Assyria required of Hezekiah king of Judah three hundred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold.
Hezekiah gave him all the silver which was found in the house of the LORD, and in the treasuries of the king's house.
At that time Hezekiah cut off the gold from the doors of the temple of the LORD, and from the doorposts which Hezekiah king of Judah had overlaid, and gave it to the king of Assyria.
Then the king of Assyria sent Tartan and Rab-saris and Rabshakeh from Lachish to King Hezekiah with a large army to Jerusalem So they went up and came to Jerusalem And when they went up, they came and stood by the conduit of the upper pool, which is on the highway of the fuller's field.
When they called to the king, Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, who was over the household, and Shebnah the scribe and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder, came out to them.
Then Rabshakeh said to them, "Say now to Hezekiah, 'Thus says the great king, the king of Assyria, "What is this confidence that you have?
"You say (but they are only empty words), 'I have counsel and strength for the war.' Now on whom do you rely, that you have rebelled against me?
"Now behold, you rely on the staff of this crushed reed, even on Egypt; on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who rely on him.
"But if you say to me, 'We trust in the LORD our God,' is it not He whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah has taken away, and has said to Judah and to Jerusalem, 'You shall worship before this altar in Jerusalem'?
"Now therefore, come, make a bargain with my master the king of Assyria, and I will give you two thousand horses, if you are able on your part to set riders on them.
"How then can you repulse one official of the least of my master's servants, and rely on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen?
"Have I now come up without the LORD'S approval against this place to destroy it? The LORD said to me, 'Go up against this land and destroy it.'"'"
Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebnah and Joah, said to Rabshakeh, "Speak now to your servants in Aramaic, for we understand it; and do not speak with us in Judean in the hearing of the people who are on the wall."
But Rabshakeh said to them, "Has my master sent me only to your master and to you to speak these words, and not to the men who sit on the wall, doomed to eat their own dung and drink their own urine with you?"
Then Rabshakeh stood and cried with a loud voice in Judean, saying, "Hear the word of the great king, the king of Assyria.
"Thus says the king, 'Do not let Hezekiah deceive you, for he will not be able to deliver you from my hand;
nor let Hezekiah make you trust in the LORD, saying, "The LORD will surely deliver us, and this city will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria."
'Do not listen to Hezekiah, for thus says the king of Assyria, "Make your peace with me and come out to me, and eat each of his vine and each of his fig tree and drink each of the waters of his own cistern,
until I come and take you away to a land like your own land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive trees and honey, that you may live and not die." But do not listen to Hezekiah when he misleads you, saying, "The LORD will deliver us."
'Has any one of the gods of the nations delivered his land from the hand of the king of Assyria?
'Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena and Ivvah? Have they delivered Samaria from my hand?
'Who among all the gods of the lands have delivered their land from my hand, that the LORD should deliver Jerusalem from my hand?'"
But the people were silent and answered him not a word, for the king's commandment was, "Do not answer him."
Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe and Joah the son of Asaph, the recorder, came to Hezekiah with their clothes torn and told him the words of Rabshakeh.

열왕기하 19장
왕이 이사야의 충고를 듣고자 하다(사 37:1-7)
1   히스기야왕이 듣고 그 옷을 찢고 굵은 베를 입고 여호와의 전에 들어가서
2   궁내대신 엘리야김과 서기관 셉나와 제사장 중 장로들에게 굵은 베를 입혀서 아모스의 아들 선지자 이사야에게로 보내매
3   저희가 이사야에게 이르되 히스기야의 말씀이 오늘은 곤란과 책벌과 능욕의 날이라 아이가 임산하였으나 해산할 힘이 없도다
4   랍사게가 그 주 앗수르 왕의 보냄을 받고 와서 사신 하나님을 훼방하였으니 당신의 하나님 여호와께서 혹시 저의 말을 들으셨을지라 당신의 하나님 여호와께서 그 들으신 말을 인하여 꾸짖으실듯하니 당신은 이 남아 있는 자를 위하여 기도하소서 하더이다
5   이와 같이 히스기야왕의 신복이 이사야에게 나아가니
6   이사야가 저희에게 이르되 너희는 너희 주에게 이렇게 고하라 여호와의 말씀이 너는 앗수르 왕의 신복에게 들은바 나를 능욕하는 말을 인하여 두려워하지 말라
7   내가 한 영을 저의 속에 두어 저로 풍문을 듣고 그 본국으로 돌아가게 하고 또 그 본국에서 저로 칼에 죽게하리라 하셨느니라
앗수르가 또 위협하다(사 37:8-20)
8   랍사게가 돌아 가다가 앗수르 왕이 이미 라기스에서 떠났다 함을 듣고 립나로 가서 왕을 만났으니 왕이 거기서 싸우는 중이더라
9   앗수르 왕이 구스 왕 디르하가가 나와서 더불어 싸우고자 한다 함을 듣고 다시 히스기야에게 사자를 보내며 가로되
10   너희는 유다 왕 히스기야에게 이같이 말하여 이르기를 너의 의뢰하는 네 하나님이 예루살렘을 앗수르 왕의 손에 붙이지 않겠다 하는 말에 속지 말라
11   앗수르의 열왕이 열방에 행한바 진멸한 일을 네가 들었나니 네가 어찌 구원을 얻겠느냐
12   내 열조가 멸하신 열방 곧 고산과 하란과 레셉과 들라살에 있는 에덴 족속을 그 나라의 신들이 건졌느냐
13   하맛 왕과 아르밧 왕과 스발와임성의 왕과 헤나와 아와의 왕들이 다 어디 있느냐 하라 하니라
14   히스기야가 사자의 손에서 편지를 받아보고 여호와의 전에 올라가서 그 편지를 여호와 앞에 펴 놓고
15   그 앞에서 기도하여 가로되 그룹들 위에 계신 이스라엘의 하나님 여호와여 주는 천하 만국에 홀로 하나님이시라 주께서 천지를 조성하셨나이다
16   여호와여 귀를 기울여 들으소서 여호와여 눈을 떠서 보시옵소서 산헤립이 사신 하나님을 훼방하러 보낸 말을 들으시옵소서
17   여호와여 앗수르 열왕이 과연 열방과 그 땅을 황폐케 하고
18   또 그 신들을 불에 던졌사오니 이는 저희가 신이 아니요 사람의 손으로 지은 것 곧 나무와 돌 뿐이므로 멸하였나이다
19   우리 하나님 여호와여 원컨대 이제 우리를 그 손에서 구원하옵소서 그리하시면 천하 만국이 주 여호와는 홀로 하나님이신줄 알리이다 하니라
이사야가 왕에게 기별하다(사 37:21-38)
20   아모스의 아들 이사야가 히스기야에게 기별하여 가로되 이스라엘 하나님 여호와의 말씀이 네가 앗수르 왕 산헤립 까닭에 내게 기도하는 것을 내가 들었노라 하셨나이다
21   여호와께서 앗수르 왕에게 대하여 이같이 말씀하시기를 처녀 딸 시온이 너를 멸시하며 너를 비웃었으며 딸 예루살렘이 너를 향하여 머리를 흔들었느니라
22   네가 누구를 꾸짖었으며 훼방하였느냐 누구를 향하여 소리를 높였으며 눈을 높이 떴느냐 이스라엘의 거룩한 자에게 그리하였도다
23   네가 사자로 주를 훼방하여 이르기를 내가 많은 병거를 거느리고 여러 산꼭대기에 올라가며 레바논 깊은 곳에 이르러 높은 백향목과 아름다운 잣나무를 베고 내가 그 지경 끝에 들어가며 그 동산의 무성한 수풀에 이르리라
24   내가 땅을 파서 이방의 물을 마셨고 나의 발바닥으로 애굽의 모든 하수를 말렸노라 하였도다
25   네가 듣지 못하였느냐 이 일은 내가 태초부터 행하였고 상고부터 정한바라 이제 내가 이루어 너로 견고한 성들을 멸하여 돌무더기가 되게 함이니라
26   그러므로 그 거한 백성의 힘이 약하여 두려워하며 놀랐나니 저희는 마치 들의 풀 같고 나물 같고 지붕의 풀 같고 자라기 전에 마른 곡초 같으니라
27   네 거처와 네 출입과 네가 내게 향한 분노를 내가 다 아노니
28   네가 내게 향한 분노와 네 교만한 말이 내 귀에 들렸도다 그러므로 내가 갈고리로 네 코에 꿰고 자갈을 네 입에 먹여 너를 오던 길로 끌어 돌이키리라 하셨나이다
29   또 네게 보일 징조가 이러하니 너희가 금년에는 스스로 자라난 것을 먹고 명년에는 그것에서 난 것을 먹되 제 삼년에는 심고 거두며 포도원을 심고 그 열매를 먹으리라
30   유다 족속의 피하고 남은 자는 다시 아래로 뿌리가 서리고 위로 열매를 맺을찌라
31   남은 자는 예루살렘에서부터 나올 것이요 피하는 자는 시온산에서부터 나오리니 여호와의 열심이 이 일을 이루리라 하셨나이다
32   그러므로 여호와께서 앗수르 왕을 가리켜 이르시기를 저가 이 성에 이르지 못하며 이리로 살을 쏘지 못하며 방패를 성을 향하여 세우지 못하며 치려고 토성을 쌓지도 못하고
33   오던 길로 돌아가고 이 성에 이르지 못하리라 하셨으니 이는 여호와의 말씀이시라
34   내가 나와 나의 종 다윗을 위하여 이 성을 보호하여 구원하리라 하셨나이다 하였더라
산헤립이 죽다
35   이 밤에 여호와의 사자가 나와서 앗수르 진에서 군사 십 팔만 오천을 친지라 아침에 일찌기 일어나 보니 다 송장이 되었더라
36   앗수르 왕 산헤립이 떠나 돌아가서 니느웨에 거하더니
37   그 신 니스록의 묘에 경배할 때에 아드람멜렉과 사레셀이 저를 칼로 쳐 죽이고 아라랏 땅으로 도망하매 그 아들 에살핫돈이 대신하여 왕이 되니라
2 Kings 19 [NASB]    
And when King Hezekiah heard it, he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth and entered the house of the LORD.
Then he sent Eliakim who was over the household with Shebna the scribe and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.
They said to him, "Thus says Hezekiah, 'This day is a day of distress, rebuke, and rejection; for children have come to birth and there is no strength to deliver.
'Perhaps the LORD your God will hear all the words of Rabshakeh, whom his master the king of Assyria has sent to reproach the living God, and will rebuke the words which the LORD your God has heard Therefore, offer a prayer for the remnant that is left.'"
So the servants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah.
Isaiah said to them, "Thus you shall say to your master, 'Thus says the LORD, "Do not be afraid because of the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me.
"Behold, I will put a spirit in him so that he will hear a rumor and return to his own land And I will make him fall by the sword in his own land."'"
Then Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria fighting against Libnah, for he had heard that the king had left Lachish.
When he heard them say concerning Tirhakah king of Cush, "Behold, he has come out to fight against you," he sent messengers again to Hezekiah saying,
"Thus you shall say to Hezekiah king of Judah, 'Do not let your God in whom you trust deceive you saying, "Jerusalem will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria."
'Behold, you have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all the lands, destroying them completely. So will you be spared?
'Did the gods of those nations which my fathers destroyed deliver them, even Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the sons of Eden who were in Telassar?
'Where is the king of Hamath, the king of Arpad, the king of the city of Sepharvaim, and of Hena and Ivvah?'"
Then Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went up to the house of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD.
Hezekiah prayed before the LORD and said, "O LORD, the God of Israel, who are enthroned above the cherubim, You are the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth.
"Incline Your ear, O LORD, and hear; open Your eyes, O LORD, and see; and listen to the words of Sennacherib, which he has sent to reproach the living God.
"Truly, O LORD, the kings of Assyr
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 27, 2022, 05:20:02 PM
도난방지택 제거하는법

CAR ALTERNATOR로 무료 에너지 발전기를 만드는 방법⚡💡💡⚡
자동차 발전기가 자유 에너지 덕분에 세상을 바꿀 수 있습니까?

발전기가 사실이면 스폰서부터 구하는게 먼저같은데 어째 껄쩍지근하다.
위 발전기가 사실이든 아니든 돈과 관련된 것은 일단 의심부터해보고 시작하는 것이 인지상정이디.
훈민정음으로 사기치는거 보니 순진한 한국인들이 만만해보였나보다 토마스 김.
이런 내용 책으로 나오면 아마 목숨부지하기 어려울거야.
유대인들이 쌍심지키고 지켜보고있거덩....

эксперемент по ролику Романова делай как я 3-4
Генератор халявной энергии от Romancorp==2
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 27, 2022, 05:42:50 PM
эксперименты с катушкой Гаджиомарова
Экс по Гаджиомарову 2

아빠처럼 고집쎄서 관찰중.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 27, 2022, 05:55:15 PM
Golconda (Magritte)

"The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 27, 2022, 06:36:14 PM
미셸 푸코 : 이것은 파이프가 아니다

이것은 파이프가 아니다!

예도가 필영이 따라쟁이하는 이유? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 27, 2022, 06:49:01 PM
아빠~..............음..................... 엄마가 잠만보제 아빠.


[단독] 러시아 푸틴, 이스라엘과 유대자치주 독립 합의...'아시아의 이스라엘' 현실화될까?

종교적 정신이상은 천국보상받기 어렵다.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 27, 2022, 07:22:05 PM
뭐쳐먹을거있다구 슬금슬금 기어오나... 8) ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 27, 2022, 07:25:23 PM
북괴땅은 내땅 하늘땅 각개별땅 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: seychelles on January 28, 2022, 12:13:14 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 28, 2022, 08:30:03 AM
Quote from: seychelles on January 28, 2022, 12:13:14 AM

What is Electric Charge and How Electricity Works | Electronics Basics #1

물과 소금은 어싱(Earthing)의 핵심이다..

vasmus - СЕ генератор - часть 6

The model in which the negatively charged electron revolve around the positively charged nucleus was first proposed by Neil's Bohr called the Bohr model. In this model, Bohr proposed that electrons revolve around the nucleus, and the electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and electrons provides the necessary centripetal force which keeps the electrons in the circular Bohr orbit.

Among the materials on Earth, there are materials with a high positive charge ratio and there are materials with a high negative charge ratio.
When two substances meet, electricity is generated.

However, what we want to know is not the relationship between polarized materials, but how to make the alternating current generated by the transformer and the tesla or kacher react with the ground charge.
A typical AC electricity from a utility draws its charge from ground.
The principle that alternating current draws charges from the ground occurs at the intersection of the N and S poles.
When the N and S poles cross the electrons of the copper wire at high speed, the electric charge of the ground reacts to the copper wire.
When the voltage is low, it can attract a charge from the copper wire and close to the ground, but
When the voltage is high, it can attract electric charges far away from the copper wire.
It is not possible to attract electric charge from a distant place just because the amount of current is high at a low voltage.
A high voltage and low current does not mean that charges from a distant place can be drawn.
The reason that 220V/3A alternating current can draw charges from the ground is because the proper voltage and amount of current make the ground charges react.
The reason for using a tesla or kacher that generates a high voltage is to draw electric charges from afar.
Lightning amplifies the amount of current when the negative charge of the cloud meets the positive charge of the ground,
The generator is a difference in which the amount of current is amplified by the high frequency that penetrates the insulator.

Now only the methodology remains.
How can I make a generator that generates 220V/3A~2000V/3A?


환속 후 세속에서 성공했는데도 다시 수행을 시작한 이유 | 김연수 한양특허법인 대표 변리사 2

어디서 이런 황당한 짝퉁 인터뷰니.


Some members have a negative view of this principle.
They say it could affect the Earth's ionosphere, causing environmental changes and other catastrophes.

The electricity produced by all power plants in the world is alternating current.
Essentially use grounding.
It is also great to prevent electric shock accidents,
Above all, if grounding is not used, power is reduced due to the resistance generated in the conductor, and the efficiency of AC power generation is very low.
To prevent this, [Grounding] must be buried in the ground at a certain distance.

340,000V high-voltage transmission towers are all over the world.
340,000V high-voltage transmission tower connected to the ground does not affect the earth's ionosphere,
Does a kacher of 2000V affect the Earth's ionosphere?

I understand that members who are ignorant of electricity or electric laws ask about the generator principle, but
It is incomprehensible to me that members who do not know the size of numbers, arithmetic, and mathematics ask about the generator principle.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on January 28, 2022, 08:45:49 AM
바울납셨어~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
조헌병이 황당한 얘기듣느라 불철주야 고생많다. ;D ;D ;D ;D
원래 꿈얘기하는 것덜은 태생부터 사기꾼여. 8) ::)
꿈이나 경험을 말하는 것은, 꿈이나 경험적 깨달음 채득이 있다고 믿는 허무맹랑한 세월도력자랑고파 안달난 정신병자들 전형적인 고전수법. ;D ::)
중국무술식의 장풍이나 내공, 경공축지법같은게 있는것인냥 저변에 깔고 도가수련하는 기존 무지의 관행 전형.... ;D ;D 8) ::)

부스터샷은 황천가는 지름길이다. ;D ;D 8) 8)
있는그대로 야생대로사는게 만수무강 지름길이다. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on January 29, 2022, 08:57:49 AM
You tube Gaia thread
How the Gnostics Obtained DIVINE Illumination

This might interest you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFHvmZLUnOs

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: seychelles on January 29, 2022, 09:22:57 AM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2022, 09:14:28 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on January 29, 2022, 08:57:49 AM
You tube Gaia thread
How the Gnostics Obtained DIVINE Illumination

This might interest you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFHvmZLUnOs


There are many countries in Asia that celebrate the Lunar New Year based on the lunar seasons as a holiday.
Korea is one of them.
it is the Lunar New Year holiday for about three or four days, so many relatives visit Dadyy's house.
There are many nephews who use Dadyy's computer.
There is only one internet in my father's house, so it is difficult for him to open his computer.

세뱃돈을 캔디로 교환해서 신난 루다! (세배 배우기🙇‍♀️ + 떡만둣국 만들기🍲)


Adding A Second Penstock To My Off Grid Hydroelectric Turbine (Survey)

Insect vs Excavator... A bug stopped my digger from starting !!

질문자는 질문하고, 아빠를 처치하고 싶은 사람은 아빠를 처치할 수 있다.
Questioners ask questions, and anyone who wants to kill Dad can kill Dad.


'보통 세상에서는 십년을 죽으라고 공부해서 도성입덕(인격의 완성)하였다고 한다면 그것도 매우 빨리 성취된 것이라고 말할 것이다. 그러나 그러한 세속적 공부와는 달리 내가 깨달은 무극대도에 도달한다는 것은 죽으라 공부했는데 삼년에도 이루어지지 않는다면 그것은 헛말이라 해야 할 것이다. 그런데 마음이 조급한 그대들은 인사는 아니 닦고 천명에 곧바로 도달하는 생각을 가지고 있는 듯하다. 다시 말해서 하학의 공부가 없이 상달만을 바란다는 것이다. 무엇이든지 급히 달성되는 것, 갑자기 부자가 되었다든가, 갑자기 고관이 되었다든가 하는 것은 모두 상서롭지 못한 것이다. 오히려 액운을 몰고 온다. 이것은 만고에 전해 내려오는 진리가 아니겠냐?'
동학 교조 수운 최제우가 대각후 직접 쓴 한글 가사 <용담유사> 가운데 도수사(道修司), 즉 '도를 어떻게 닦아야 하느냐'는 글이다. 도올 김용옥 전 고려대 교수가 수운의 <동경대전> 해설서를 펴낸 데 이어 이번에 '수운이 지은 하느님 노래' <용담유사>(통나무 펴냄)을 냈다.

최제우가 1860년(철종 11)의 종교체험에서 받은 하느님의 가르침.
'끝없이 훌륭한 진리'라는 뜻이다. "천은이 망극하여 경신 4월 초5일 글로 어찌 기록하며 말로 어찌 형언할까, 만고없는 무극대도 여몽여각 득도로다."라는 용담가(龍潭歌)의 구절은 1860년 4월 5일의 체험을 나타내고 있다.

후천개벽 새로운 세계창조를 위한 한 인간의 허무맹랑한 언사.
세상이 끝나지 않았는데 무극을 외치면 무극이 온다든?


동을 배워야한다는 것(동학)은 서를 배워야한다(서학)는 것의 대체물이다.
동학 현실이 조선인데 뭘 더 배워?
도올 김용옥은 책장사다.

무극은 현세가 끝난 시점이다.
무극이 목적이 아니라면 후천개벽이 필요하겠지?
무극이 목적이라면 더 배워야 한다.
현세에 존재하지 않는 무극을 찾는데 현세에서 찾으면 찾아진다든?
무극은 현세가 아니라 죽어서 가는 내세다.


내세가 존재한다는 전제가 필요하다.
성서에서 내세를 찾아보자.

'In the normal world, if you study for ten years to die and attain enlightenment (completeness of personality), it will be said that it has been accomplished very quickly. However, unlike such secular studies, if I studied to die to reach the realization of the non-maximum, and if it is not achieved even in three years, then it must be said that it is in vain. However, you, who are impatient, seem to have the thought of not greeting greetings, but reaching the decree right away. In other words, he wants only Sangdal without studying Hahak. Anything to be achieved hastily, to suddenly become rich, or to suddenly become a dignitary, is not auspicious. Rather, it brings bad luck. Isn't this the truth that has been passed down through the ages?'
Among the Korean lyrics <Yongdam Yusa>, written by Donghak teacher Suun Choi Je-woo after the Great Gagak, it is a text about how to cultivate the Way. Dool Kim Yong-ok, a former Korea University professor, published Suun's commentary on <Tokyo Daejeon>, and this time, 'Song of God Written by Suun' and <Yusa of Yongdam> (published by log).

The teachings of God received by Je-woo Choi from his religious experience in 1860 (the 11th year of King Cheoljong).
It means 'endlessly wonderful truth'. The verse of the Yongdamga (Dragon 潭歌) expresses the experience of April 5, 1860, "How can I write it down and put it into words on the first day of April, when Cheon-eun is lost, and even the greatest of all times is the road to success." .

A man's vain remarks for the creation of a new world.
If the world doesn't end yet, if you shout a non-geuk, a non-geuk will come?

Sicheon Jujo Hwajeong Yeongse Disgraceful Mansaji
The Heavenly Master

Learning the East (Donghak) is a substitute for learning the West (Seohak).
Donghak The reality is Joseon, what more do you learn?
Dool Kim Yong-ok is a bookseller.

Non-geuk is the point at which the present age has ended.
If the goal is not for non-geek, then we need a new heavenly gaebyeok, right?
If martial arts are the goal, you need to learn more.
I'm looking for a non-play that doesn't exist in this world, but if I search for it in this world, it will be found?
Non-geuk is not the present world, but the afterlife that goes to death.

Sicheon Jujo Hwajeong Yeongse Disgraceful Mansaji
The Heavenly Master

The premise that an afterlife exists is necessary.
Let's find the afterlife in the Bible.

누가복음 16장
19   한 부자가 있어 자색 옷과 고운 베옷을 입고 날마다 호화로이 연락하는데
20   나사로라 이름한 한 거지가 헌데를 앓으며 그 부자의 대문에 누워
21   부자의 상에서 떨어지는 것으로 배불리려 하매 심지어 개들이 와서 그 헌데를 핥더라
22   이에 그 거지가 죽어 천사들에게 받들려 아브라함의 품에 들어가고 부자도 죽어 장사되매
23   저가 음부에서 고통 중에 눈을 들어 멀리 아브라함과 그의 품에 있는 나사로를 보고
24   불러 가로되 아버지 아브라함이여 나를 긍휼히 여기사 나사로를 보내어 그 손가락 끝에 물을 찍어 내 혀를 서늘하게 하소서 내가 이 불꽃 가운데서 고민하나이다
25   아브라함이 가로되 얘 너는 살았을 때에 네 좋은 것을 받았고 나사로는 고난을 받았으니 이것을 기억하라 이제 저는 여기서 위로를 받고 너는 고민을 받느니라
26   이뿐 아니라 너희와 우리 사이에 큰 구렁이 끼어 있어 여기서 너희에게 건너가고자 하되 할 수 없고 거기서 우리에게 건너 올 수도 없게 하였느니라
27   가로되 그러면 구하노니 아버지여 나사로를 내 아버지의 집에 보내소서
28   내 형제 다섯이 있으니 저희에게 증거하게 하여 저희로 이 고통 받는 곳에 오지 않게 하소서
29   아브라함이 가로되 저희에게 모세와 선지자들이 있으니 그들에게 들을찌니라
30   가로되 그렇지 아니하니이다 아버지 아브라함이여 만일 죽은 자에게서 저희에게 가는 자가 있으면 회개하리이다
31   가로되 모세와 선지자들에게 듣지 아니하면 비록 죽은 자 가운데서 살아나는 자가 있을찌라도 권함을 받지 아니하리라 하였다 하시니라
Luke 16 [NASB]
"Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, joyously living in splendor every day.
"And a poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores,
and longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table; besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores.
"Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom; and the rich man also died and was buried.
"In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom.
"And he cried out and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.'
"But Abraham said, 'Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony.
'And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you will not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us.'
"And he said, 'Then I beg you, father, that you send him to my father's house--
for I have five brothers--in order that he may warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'
"But Abraham said, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.'
"But he said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent!'
"But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.'"

갈데아 우르에서 이집트까지 종횡무진하며 할례를 시작한 아브라함(Djed)의 품에 있는 나사로는 Djed이다.
부자는 춤추는 자다.
둘 모두 살아있을 때는 아펩신전에 있지만,
둘 모두 죽으면 누트신전으로 올라간다.
내세는 누트신전에 있다.
죽어서 신화의 하늘로 간다.
동양 유교에서는 혼백(魂帛)이 120년간 존재한다고 믿고있다.
120년이 지난 다음에는 혼백(魂魄)이 흩어진다고 믿는다.
물론 과학적인 입증은 불가능한 토속신앙과 유교적인 믿음이다.
Lazarus in the arms of Abraham (Djed), who began circumcision from Ur of Chaldea to Egypt, is Djed.
The rich are the dancers.
Both are present in the presence of apepsin when alive,
When both of them die, they go up to the Temple of Nut.
The afterlife is in the temple of Nut.
Die and go to the mythical sky.
In Eastern Confucianism, it is believed that spirits exist for 120 years.
It is believed that after 120 years the soul and white will disperse.
Of course, scientific proof is impossible with indigenous beliefs and Confucian beliefs.

혼백(얼,넋)에 관한 썰
혼백 (魂魄 얼과 넋)
혼백은 사람의 정신과 육체를 가리키는 말이다.
흔히 혼백이라고 함께 사용하여 사람의 정신이나 마음을 이르는 말로 쓰이고 신앙이나 종교적으로는 사람의 몸안에 있으면서 그것을 거느리고 목숨을 붙어 있게 하며, 죽어도 영원히 남아 있다는 비물질적이고 초자연적인 존재라는 의미로 쓰이는데 우리말의 얼, 넋이 이에 해당하고 혼용하여 같은 의미로 사용되나 혼은 얼, 백은 넋으로 구분하여 사용하기도 한다.
혼(魂)은 넋 ,마음. 정신, 생각의 뜻이 있고 흔히 혼령(魂靈)·혼백(魂魄)·영혼·얼 등과 같은 뜻이 있고
백(魄)은 넋, 찌꺼기, 몸, 달 의 뜻으로 쓰인다
혼백은 일반적으로는 사람의 정신이나 마음을 이르는 말로 쓰이지만
한의학에서 혼백은 약간 다른 의미로 쓰인다.
혼은 간에 간직되어 있고(肝藏魂) 양 陽적인 기운, 하늘적인 기운으로 움직임이 가벼워 살아있을 때에도 몸밖으로 드나드는 경우가 있고 사람이 죽으면 가장 먼저 몸밖으로 떠나는 정신적인 현상으로 혼은 눈을 통해 드나든다.
지금도 사람의 죽음을 판단할 때 눈의 동공반사를 우선 살피는데 이는 혼 즉 얼이 나갔는지를 가늠하는 것이라 볼 수 있다.
사람이 죽으면 혼은 대략 120년(4대) 동안에 걸처 서서히 스러지므로 보통 4대에 걸쳐 가족을 일원으로 받아들여 명절이나 돌아가신 날에 제사를 지내며 추모하나 영원히 있는 것은 아닌 것으로 인식하였다.  즉 집에 신주를 모시고 제사를 지내는 것은 돌아가셨다 하더라도 가족의 일원으로 받아들여 혼을 불러들여 음식을 차려 놓고 먼저 드시도록 배려를 하는 것이다.
백은 폐에 간직되어 있고(肺藏魄) 음 陰적인 기운, 땅적인 기운으로 혼에 비해 상대적으로 움직임이 둔탁하지만 역시 몸밖으로 드나들 수 있으며 죽어서는 육신에 안착하여 육신이 흙이 되면 사라지게 되며 백은 입이나 코를 통해 드나든다.
지금도 사람의 죽음을 판단할 때 코와 입을 통해 숨을 쉬는지 살피는데 이는 백즉 넋이 나갔는지를 판단하는 것이라 볼 수 있다.
사람이 죽으면 백은 몸이 뼈조차 없어져 흙이 되면 사라지게 된다. 우리가 제사를 지내고 다시 산소에 찿아뵙고 절하는 것은 우리의 몸을 만들어준 백에 대한 감사함을 표시하는 배려라고 할 수 있다.
사람이 죽으면 가장 먼저 혼이 몸밖으로 나가기 때문에 사극에서 가끔 나오는 것과 같이 옛날에 임금이 죽으면 가장 먼저 내시가 지붕에 올라가 왕의 옷을 흔들며 上位復(상위복, 여기 임금님의 옷 魄이 있으니 돌아오십시요 라는 뜻)이라고 세번 외치는데 상위(上位)란 임금을 가리키는 말이며, 복復 은 돌아오라 뜻으로 죽음의 길로 간 왕의 영혼이 다시 육체로 돌아오라는 뜻이다. 즉 죽은 육신(魄)이 입던 옷을 보고 몸을 떠난 혼이 돌아 오기를 기원하는 의례이다.
우리가 흔히 쓰는 말중에 혼 魂과 관련한 우리 속담에
혼 났다(혼이 나갔다 들어옴)
혼내다(혼이 나갈 정도로 야단치다)
얼빠진 놈( 정신머리가 없거나 줏대가 없는 사람)
혼비백산 (혼이 날라가고 백이 흩어짐, 몸시 놀라다)
민족혼(민족의 얼, 민족의 정신) 등으로 살펴 보면 혼의 의미를 어렴풋이 이해할 수 있다.
또한 백 魄 은 살아서는 폐에 간직되어 있는데 우리말의 넋이 이에 해당한다.
"백골이 진토되어 넋이라도 있고 없고 임향한 일편단심 가실 줄이 있으랴."라는 정몽주(鄭夢周)의 유명한 단심가 丹心歌에 나오는 넋이 바로 폐가 간직하고 있는 백魄을 뜻하는데 보통 혼 魂(얼)과 함께 혼백이라 부르기도 한다. 여기서 백골이 진토 되어 넋이라도 있고 없고는 죽어서 흰뼈가 흙이 되어 넋(백 魄)이라도 있고 없고 간에 라는 뜻이고 이 글을 토대로 유추해보면 넋이 몸에 붙어 있는 것이고 사람이 죽어 몸이 뼈만 남아 완전히 흙이 되면 같이 없어지는 것이라는 것을 추측 할 수 있다.
백 魄은 사람이 감각할 수 있는 형체를 이루고 혼은 그 바탕 위에서 운동하고 작용하는 것이라고 여겨졌다.
우리가 '넋빠진 사람', 또는 '얼빠진 사람'이라는 말을 사용하는 것을 보면 넋은 육신 출입이 자유롭다는 생각을 확인할 수 있다.
우리말 속담에도
혼비백산 (魂飛魄散) ; 혼백이 사방으로 흩어진다는 뜻으로, 매우 놀라거나 혼이 나서 넋이 나간것을 이르는 말로 몹시 놀라 정신이 없음을 뜻하고
혼백이 상처했다; 혼백이 아내를 잃었다는 뜻으로, 넋을 잃고 정신을 차리지 못하는 사람을 비유적으로 이르는 말이다.
넋 빠진 놈 ; 폐에 간직된 넋이 나간 놈이란 뜻으로 정신이 나간 놈이라는 의미
넋두리 ; 억울하거나 불만스러운 일 따위가 마음속에 있을 때 하소연하듯 길게 늘어놓는 말 등이 있는데
魄 넋은 일반적으로 정신이란 의미로 쓰이지만 혼은 가벼워 날라 다니는데 백은 상대적으로 무거워 흩어진다는 표현을 쓰는 것을 보면 혼에 비해 비교적 무겁다는 것을 알 수있다.
〈춘추좌씨전 春秋左氏傳〉 소공을 비롯해 〈안자춘추 晏子春秋〉 간하, 〈귀곡자 鬼谷子〉 본경음부, 〈사기 史記〉 예양전, 〈한서 漢書〉 왕망전 상 등에 보이는데, 대체로 혼을 양, 백을 음으로 보았다. 송대에 이르러 혼은 신, 백은 귀, 또는 혼은 기의 신, 백은 정의 신이라고 하여 기가 음양으로 나누어지고 그 작용에 의해 사람이 생겨난다고 보았다.
사람은 정과 기가 합하여 된 것이지만, 백은 사람이 감각할 수 있는 형체를 이루고 혼은 그 바탕 위에서 운동하고 작용하는 것이라고 여겨졌다. 성리학에서는 특히 사람이 죽고 사는 문제를 기가 흩어지고 모이는 작용으로 설명했는데, 〈성리대전 性理大全〉에서는 사람이 죽으면 혼은 양의 성질을 갖기 때문에 하늘로 돌아가고 백은 음의 성질을 갖기 때문에 땅으로 돌아간다고 했다. 또 이미 흩어져버린 조상의 혼백을 정성과 공경을 다하여 제사하면 다시 모여서 이르러 흠향한다고 하였다.
이와 같이 혼백은 일반적인 의미로는 정신이라는 의미로 사용되지만
혼은 간에 간직되어 있는 양의 기운, 하늘의 기운으로 백에 비해 움직임이 가벼워 몸밖으로 쉽게 드나들며 주로 눈을 통해 드나드는 정신작용을 뜻하고
백은 폐에 간직되어 있는 음의 기운, 땅의 기운으로 혼에 비해 움직임이 무겁고 코나 입을 통해 드나드는 정신 작용이다.
그러므로 죽어서는 혼은 죽자마자 몸밖을 떠나지만 백은 육신과 함께하다 육신이 뼈가 되고 더 시간이 지나 흙이 되면 흩어지는 기운으로 보았다.
혼은 그 기운은 강약에 따라 살아 있는 기간이 다를수 있는데 민족혼 하면 그 민족이 존재하는 한 살아 있는 것을 의미하며 민족백이라는 말은 없는 것을 보면 그 의미의 차이를 이해할수 있다.
그리고 심장에 간직된 신 神이 혼백을 통솔하여 혼백이 쉽게 드나들지 않도록 통제하는 역할을 한다.
요즘 사고방식으로 생각해보면 뇌의 기능을 정확히 이해하지 못한 옛사람들이 정신의 작용을 각 장기에 배속하여 이해한 것으로 볼수 있다.
어쨌거나 예나 지금이나 같은 사람인데 이해의 방식이 다를뿐 사람의 정신작용은 유사할 것이고 언어나 풍속, 문화속에 면면히 내려오는 우리와 우리 민족의 혼과 백은 잊지말고 계승하여 발전시키는 것이 얼빠진 놈, 넋빠진 놈이 되지 않는 길이 아니겠는가.

Myths about the soul (Ear, Soul)
soul and soul
Soulbaek refers to the mind and body of a person.
It is often used together with the word soul and is used to refer to the mind or heart of a person, and in faith or religion, it is used to mean an immaterial and supernatural existence that resides in a person's body, holds it, keeps it alive, and remains forever even after death. , soul and soul are used interchangeably to mean the same thing, but soul is used separately and white is soul.
in the dictionary
Soul (魂) is the soul, the mind. It has the meaning of spirit and thought, and often has meanings such as spirit, soul, soul, and spirit.
Baek (魄) is used to mean soul, dregs, body, and moon.
Soulbaek is generally used as a word to refer to the mind or heart of a person.
In oriental medicine, honbaek has a slightly different meaning.
The soul is stored in the liver, and it is a spiritual phenomenon in which the soul is the first to leave the body when a person dies. come and go
Even now, when judging a person's death, the pupil reflex of the eye is first looked at, which can be seen as judging whether the soul, or spirit, has gone out.
When a person dies, the soul slowly decays over a period of about 120 years (four generations), so it is generally recognized that the family is accepted as a member over four generations, and ceremonies are held on holidays or on the day of the dead to commemorate them, but they do not last forever. In other words, if you worship the gods at home, even if you die, you will be accepted as a member of the family, and your soul will be invited to prepare food and eat it first.
The white is kept in the lungs, and it is a yin and earthly energy that is relatively blunt compared to the soul, but it can also go in and out of the body. The bag enters and exits through the mouth or nose.
Even now, when judging a person's death, they check whether they breathe through their nose and mouth, which can be seen as judging whether or not they have lost their soul.
When a person dies, the white body loses even bones and disappears when it becomes dust. It can be said that it is a consideration to express our gratitude to Baek, who made our body, when we perform the ancestral rites, return to the oxygen, and bow down.
When a person dies, the soul goes out of the body first. As is often seen in historical dramas, when a king dies, the first eunuch goes up to the roof and waves the king's robe. Meaning) three times, high (上位) refers to the king, and Bok (復) means to return, which means that the soul of the king who has gone down the road to death should return to his body. In other words, it is a ritual to pray for the return of the soul from the body after seeing the clothes worn by the dead body.
Among the words we commonly use, our proverbs related to the soul
I got scolded (the soul goes out and comes in)
to scold (to scold to the point that one's soul goes out)
Stupid person
Honbi Baeksan (The soul flies, the bag scatters, the body is startled)
If we look at the national soul (the spirit of the nation, the spirit of the nation), we can vaguely understand the meaning of the soul.
In addition, the white 魄 is kept in the lungs while alive, and the soul in Korean corresponds to this.
The soul in the famous Dansim song 丹心歌 by Jeong Mong-joo (鄭夢周), which states, "The white bones are exhausted and there is no soul, will there ever be a single heart?" Together they are called honbaek. Here, the white bones become dust and the soul dies, with or without a soul, and the white bones become dirt, with or without a soul. In this case, it can be inferred that they will disappear together.
It was believed that the white 魄 forms a form that can be sensed by humans, and the soul moves and operates on that basis.
When we look at our use of the words 'stupid person' or 'stupid person', we can confirm the idea that the soul is free to enter and exit the body.
Even in Korean proverbs
Honbibaeksan (魂飛魄散) ; It means that the soul is scattered in all directions, and it means that the soul is very surprised or that the soul is out of the mind.
The soul was wounded; It means that Honbaek has lost his wife, and it is a metaphor for a person who has lost his mind and cannot come to his senses.
sullen ; Meaning of a crazy person kept in the lungs, meaning a crazy person
complain; When you have an unfair or unsatisfying thing in your mind, there are long words like complaining.
魄 Soul is generally used in the sense of spirit, but the soul is light and flying, but the bag is relatively heavy and dispersed.
〈Chunchujwa clan 春秋左氏傳〉 Including Sogong, 〈Anja Chunchu 晏子春秋〉 Ganha, 〈Gwigokja 鬼谷子〉 Bongyeongeumbu, 〈Sagi 史記〉 Shows Yang and Hanseo, etc. looked negative In the Song dynasty, the soul is said to be a god, white is an ear, or soul is a god of qi, and white is a god of justice.
It was thought that the human being was formed by the union of jeong and qi, but the white forms a form that humans can sense, and the soul moves and operates on that basis. In Neo-Confucianism, in particular, the problem of death and life was explained by the scattering and gathering of qi. In 〈Seongnidaejeon 性理大全〉, when a person dies, the soul returns to heaven because it has a positive nature, and white returns to the earth because it has a negative nature. said he would come back It is also said that if you sacrifice the souls of your ancestors, who have already been scattered, with all your heart and respect, they will come together again to worship you.
As such, soul-baek is used in the general sense to mean spirit, but
In Chinese medicine
The soul is the positive energy stored in the liver and the heavenly energy. It is light in movement compared to the bag, so it moves in and out of the body easily.
The bag is the energy of yin and the earth stored in the lungs, and it moves heavier than the soul and is a mental action that moves in and out through the nose or mouth.
Therefore, after death, the soul leaves the body as soon as it dies, but the white remains with the body, and when the body becomes bones and more time passes and becomes soil, it is seen as a scattered energy.
The duration of life of the soul may vary depending on the strength and weakness of the soul. When it comes to the national soul, it means that the nation is alive as long as it exists.
And the god kept in the heart controls the spirits and controls them so that they do not come and go easily.
If you think about the way of thinking these days, it can be seen that the old people who did not understand the brain function accurately understood the operation of the mind by assigning it to each organ.
Anyway, we are the same person as in the past and now, but the way of understanding is different, but the mental functioning of people will be similar. Isn't that the way to not become a missing person?

마찬가지 이집트 신화와 성서신화에서 죽은 몸은 흙으로 돌아가고 영혼은 신화세계 하늘로 간다.
영혼이 있는지 없는지 조차도 알 수 없는 사후의 문제를 살아있는 사람들이 판단할 수 있는 것은 아니다.
그래서 성서가 신화와 도입한 것이 '믿음'이다.
'믿음'이란 말이 많이 황당한 말이다.
'믿음'과 '희망'은 같은 말이지만, '믿음'이란 말을 종교인들이 사용하면서 '신'의 임재로 사용하고 있는 것이 문제다.
'신'이 임재하기를 '희망'하는 것과 믿는 것은 같은 말이다.
없는 것을 희망하는 것은 헛된 희망이고 헛된 믿음이다.
믿음의 근거를 종교경전이나 고대유물에서 찾으려고 애쓰는 것은 고대인들 정보부재의 무지를 그대로 답습하는 것과 같다.
현대인이 낫고, 고대인이 낮다고하는 것이 아니다.
현대인들은 고대인이 보지 못한 방대한 정보를 배운다.
고대인이 현대인과 같은 막대한 정보를 알았다면 과연 신화란 것이 존재할 수 있는가를 묻는 것이다.
고대인들이 만든 신화가 현재의 무수한 종교된 원인이다.
정보부재, 권력자, 사후세계라는 3요소가 만나서 종교가 출현했다.
현대인의 종교적 믿음은 고대부터 존재하는 종교라는 존재 자체에 의미를 둔 믿음이 태반이다.
한국의 옛 속담에 '친구 따라서 강남간다'는 말이 있다.
친구는 가까운 사이고, 강남은 미지의 세계다.
종교라는 친구와 미지의 강남을 같이가는 것은 호기심이다.
호기심 충족을 위해 찬송가 부르고 기도의 깊이를 닦는다고,,,, 정보부재, 권력자, 사후세계로부터 시작된 종교의 핵심을 이해할 수 있는 것은 아니다.
무지(정보부재), 무지(권력자), 무지(사후세계)로부터 시작된 종교의 핵심은 무지를 아는 것이다.
무지를 알기 위해 교회나 종교단체에 십일조했다면 당장 끊어라.
현대인이 고대인의 무지에서 배울 것이 있다면 생명을 연결시킨 생존본능과 투쟁의지 외는 없다.

Similarly, in Egyptian mythology and Bible mythology, the dead body returns to the dust and the soul goes to the heavens of the mythical world.
It is not possible for living people to judge the matter of the afterlife in which it is not known whether there is a soul or not.
So, what the Bible introduces with myth is 'faith'.
The word 'faith' is a very absurd term.
Although 'faith' and 'hope' are the same words, the problem is that religious people use the word 'faith' as ​​the presence of 'God'.
'Hope' and 'believe' in 'God' are the same thing.
To hope for something that does not exist is a vain hope and a vain faith.
Trying to find the basis of belief in religious scriptures or ancient relics is like following the ancient people's ignorance of lack of information.
I'm not saying that modern people are better and ancient people are low.
Modern people learn vast amounts of information that ancient people did not see.
If the ancients had the same enormous information as the modern people, it is a question of whether such a thing as a myth could exist.
The myths created by the ancients are responsible for the myths of today's myths.
Religion emerged when the three elements of absence of information, power, and the afterlife met.
Most of the religious beliefs of modern people are those that have meaning in the very existence of religion that has existed since ancient times.
There is an old Korean proverb that says, 'I go to Gangnam with my friend'.
Friends are close friends, and Gangnam is an unknown world.
Going to an unknown Gangnam with a friend of religion is a curiosity.
Singing hymns and cultivating the depth of prayer to satisfy curiosity does not mean that we can understand the core of religion, which started from the absence of information, the powerful, and the afterlife.
The core of religion, which started from ignorance (absence of information), ignorance (power), and ignorance (the afterlife), is to know ignorance.
If you tithe to a church or religious organization to know ignorance, cut it off immediately.
If there is anything modern people can learn from the ignorance of ancient people, there is nothing other than the survival instinct and the will to fight that linked life.

정보부재, 권력자, 사후세계라는 3요소가 만나서 종교가 출현했고 신학교가 생겼다.
신학교가 세속적인 정상적인 학교이길 바랬다면 처음부터 세속적이 대학을 세웠을 것이다.
Religion emerged and a seminary was created when the three elements of absence of information, power, and the afterlife met.
If the seminary wanted to be a secular, normal school, the secular university would have been established from the beginning.

(4) Jesus said, "The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same."   
[제4장] 1예수께서 말씀하시기를, "나이 든 사람이 이레 된 작은 아이에게 삶의 자리에 대해 묻기를 망설이지 않으면 그 사람은 살 것이다. 2왜냐하면 첫째인 많은 사람이 꼴찌가 되고, 3그들이 하나된 자가 되기 때문이다."

신화의 물음은 신화 안에서 찾아야 한다.
7이란 숫자는 달에서 왔다.
그믐달을 포함해서 달은 얼굴을 28번 바꾸는데 상현달일 때 14번 하현달일 14번이다.
상현 초승달부터 반달이 되는 7번을 유아기에서 소년기,
반달에서 보름달까지 소년기에서 성년기,
보름달에서 반달까지 성년기에서 노년기,
반달에서 하현 초승달까지 노년기 후반이다.

도마복음 4장이 묻는 '7일 된 작은 아이'는 상현 초승달부터 반달에 속해있는 7일된 아이에 관한 질문이다.
'나이 든 사람'은 반달에서 하현 초승달에 걸쳐있는 노년기 후반에 있는 사람이다.
'나이 든 사람'은 곧 그믐달 영역에 들어간다.
달은 3일의 그믐달 영역에 들어가지만 죽음을 맛보지 않고 상현 초승달부터 다시 시작한다.
달은 변함없는 그 달 그대로지만, 그러나 다른 경험과 다른 생각, 다른 뇌세포를 가진 인간은 '자기 자식'일찌라도 동일한 사람이 될 수 없다.
늙은이가 아이에게 삶의 자리를 묻는 것은 경험이나 생각이 아니다.
아이에게 있는 것은 앞으로 삶의 날이 앞선 7일보다 많다는 것이다.
그렇다면 아이와 늙은이가 공유할 수 있는 동일한 무언가를 찾아야 한다.

도마복음 4장의 내용은 7일전에 태어난 아이에게 7일 이전의 세계를 묻는 것이 아니다.
아이가 7일 이전에는 엄마의 뱃속에 있었다.
죽음을 알기 위해 나이 든 사람이 7일전에 태어난 아기에게 삶을 묻는 것이라면 엄마 뱃속의 아이와 두 번 모태로 들어갈 나이 든 사람의 비유로 오해될 수 있기 때문이다.
달처럼 태양처럼 거듭나는 대상들이 따로 있다.
인간에게 삶의 자리란 삶의 중심이며 핵심이다.
7일 아이에게 삶의 중심은 '이름'이고 이름만이 자기 삶의 유일한 표현이기 때문이다.
나이 든 람세스 1세가 7일전에 태어난 자신의 아들에게 삶의 자리를 묻는 것은 람세스2세로의 작명이다.
시니어, 주니어가 아니라도 상관없다.
자식이 존재하는 것만으로도 이미 1장 죽음을 맛보지 않는다.
예수가 아버지와 아들로 표현한 그 방법이라서다.
아버지는 아들로, 그 아버지는 다시 아들로 이어지는 아주 진부한 영생의 방법론을 도마는 말하고 있다.


이것이 영생하는 방법이라고 하면 누구나 웃는다. 사기치냐고.
그래서 찾고나면 고난받는다.

The question of the myth must be found within the myth.
The number 7 comes from the moon.
The moon changes its face 28 times, including the old moon, 14 times in the rising moon and 14 times in the falling moon.
Number 7, from the new crescent moon to the half moon, from infancy to boyhood,
From a half moon to a full moon, from boyhood to adulthood,
From full moon to half moon, from adulthood to old age,
It is the second half of old age, from the half moon to the lower crescent moon.

The '7-day-old little child' asked in the Gospel of Thomas 4 is a question about a 7-day-old child who belongs to the half moon from the new moon.
An 'older person' is a person in late old age, from the half moon to the lower crescent moon.
The 'old man' will soon enter the new moon realm.
The moon enters the realm of the eve of the third day, but without tasting death, it starts again from the rising new moon.
The moon remains the same as it is, but a human with different experiences, different thoughts, and different brain cells cannot become the same person even if they are 'one's own children'.
It is not an experience or an idea for an old man to ask a child for a place in life.
What the child has is that there are more days in his life ahead than in the previous 7 days.
If so, you need to find something identical that both the child and the old can share.

The content of the Gospel of Thomas 4 is not to ask a child born 7 days ago about the world before 7 days.
The child was in his mother's womb before 7 days.
This is because if an elderly person asks about the life of a baby born 7 days ago in order to know about death, it can be misunderstood as the analogy of the child in the mother's womb and the elderly person who will go into the mother's womb twice.
There are other objects that are reborn like the moon and the sun.
For humans, the place of life is the center and the core of life.
This is because the center of life for the 7-day child is 'name', and the name is the only expression of one's life.
It is the name of Ramses II for the aged Ramses I to ask his son, who was born seven days before, the place of his life.
It doesn't matter if you're not senior or junior.
Just the existence of children does not already taste one chapter of death.
Because it is the way Jesus expressed himself as the Father and the Son.
Thomas is talking about a very banal methodology of eternal life, in which the father is the son, and the father is the son again.

Ramses I
Ramses II
Ramses III
Ramses IV
Ramses V
Ramses VI
Ramses VII
Ramses VIII
Ramses IX
Ramses X
Ramses XI

Everyone laughs when they say this is the way to eternal life. are you cheating
So if you look for it, you will suffer.

(2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."   
[제2장] 1예수께서 말씀하시기를, "추구하는 자들은 찾을 때까지 계속 추구하라. 2찾고 나면 고난 받을 것이다. 3고난 받으면 놀라와 할 것이며, 4모든 것을 다스릴 것이다."

제 목숨이 아니라 자식의 목숨이고, 달이고 태양이며, 스캐럽과 Djed이라 고난받는다.
인간 육체가 영생하지 못한다는 것을 알면서 혹시나하는 기대감에 육체의 영생을 찾는 자는 바보가 아니라 진시황처럼 정신질환자다.
육체의 욕망이 정신을 지배하면 나타나는 아주 흔한 정신질환이다.
It's not my life, it's the life of my children, the moon and the sun, I suffer because of scarab and Djed.
A person who seeks eternal life in the body in hopes of knowing that the human body cannot live forever is not an idiot, but a mentally ill like Qin Shi Huang.
It is a very common mental illness that occurs when the desires of the body dominate the mind.

요한복음 3장
3   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 사람이 거듭나지 아니하면 하나님 나라를 볼수 없느니라
4   니고데모가 가로되 사람이 늙으면 어떻게 날 수 있삽나이까 두번째 모태에 들어갔다가 날 수 있삽나이까
5   예수께서 대답하시되 진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 사람이 물과 성령으로 나지 아니하면 하나님 나라에 들어갈 수 없느니라
6   육으로 난 것은 육이요 성령으로 난 것은 영이니
7   내가 네게 거듭나야 하겠다 하는 말을 기이히 여기지 말라
8   바람이 임의로 불매 네가 그 소리를 들어도 어디서 오며 어디로 가는지 알지 못하나니 성령으로 난 사람은 다 이러하니라
9   니고데모가 대답하여 가로되 어찌 이러한 일이 있을 수 있나이까
10   예수께서 가라사대 너는 이스라엘의 선생으로서 이러한 일을 알지 못하느냐
11   진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 우리 아는 것을 말하고 본 것을 증거하노라 그러나 너희가 우리 증거를 받지 아니하는도다
12   내가 땅의 일을 말하여도 너희가 믿지 아니하거든 하물며 하늘 일을 말하면 어떻게 믿겠느냐
13   하늘에서 내려온 자 곧 인자 외에는 하늘에 올라간 자가 없느니라
14   모세가 광야에서 뱀을 든것 같이 인자도 들려야 하리니
15   이는 저를 믿는 자마다 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라
John 3 [NASB]
Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."
Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?"
Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
"Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'
"The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
Nicodemus said to Him, "How can these things be?"
Jesus answered and said to him, "Are you the teacher of Israel and do not understand these things?
"Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony.
"If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
"No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man.
"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up;
so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.

사람의 생명은 공기호흡에 달려있다.
고대 고등 생물체가 바다를 떠날 때부터 변하지 않은 사실이다.
Human life depends on breathing air.
This is a fact that has not changed since ancient higher creatures left the seas.

7   여호와 하나님이 흙으로 사람을 지으시고 생기를 그 코에 불어 넣으시니 사람이 생령이 된지라
Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

사람에게 생명은 육신이 아니라 먹고 마시고 호흡하는 대상에 달려있다.
고대 성서신화적 이치를 현대는 과학이란 이름으로 접근하고 있는 것만 다르다.
호흡이 멈춰지면 보편적으로 20~30분안에 누구든 뇌사상태에 빠지고 산소공급이 중단된 신체는 서서히 부패하기 시작한다.
공기의 신 Shu가 아니라 여호와가 흙으로 만든 사람에게 생기를 코에 불어넣었다고 말하는 것이 더 이상한 것이다.
육신은 죽어도 호흡하는 공기는 지구의 환경이 보존되고 존재하는 한 하늘의 스캐럽처럼 영원히 사는 대상이다.
자신을 호흡과 바꿀 수 있는가는 전적으로 믿음 영역이다.
슬프고 아름다웠던 모든 기억을 호흡과 바꿀 수 있는가는, 그 모든 기억이 태어나서 숨쉰 날과 같다.
For man, life depends not on the body, but on what he eats, drinks, and breathes.
The only difference is that the modern age is approaching the ancient biblical myths in the name of science.
When breathing stops, anyone generally falls into a state of brain death within 20 to 30 minutes, and the body begins to decompose slowly when oxygen supply is stopped.
It is more strange to say that Jehovah, not the air god Shu, breathed life into the nose of a man made of earth.
Even if the body dies, the air it breathes is an object that will live forever like a scarab in the sky as long as the earth's environment is preserved and exists.
Whether you can exchange yourself for breathing is entirely in the realm of belief.
Whether it is possible to exchange all the sad and beautiful memories with breathing is the same as the day when all those memories were born and breathed.

지구가 파괴되는 먼 훗날은, 인간 역사가 지금까지 존재한 날을 기억하는 것만큼 진부한 미래에 있기 때문이다.
미래는 과거에 비해 선험적 경험적 체감온도가 다르다는 뜻이다.
오늘만 사는 인류는 미래의 사사건건에 대해 심각하게 생각하는 않다는 뜻이다.
백년도 못 살면서 천년을 걱정하는 인생들을 위해?
백년도 못 살면서 천년의 사랑을 꿈꾸는 인생들을 위해?
Because the distant future, when the Earth will be destroyed, is in a future as clichéd as we remember the days when human history has ever existed.
It means that the future has a different a priori and experiential sensible temperature compared to the past.
It means that humans living only today do not think seriously about events in the future.
For those who live less than a hundred years and worry about a thousand years?
For those who live less than a hundred years and dream of a thousand years of love?

육신이 삶을 유지하기 위한 조건을 지구환경이 제공했다.
하늘, 땅, 공기, 물, 빛 모든 것이 필요한 하나이며 전체된 조건이다.
모든 생명은 전체된 하나의 조건에서 가능하다.
일시적으로는 공기도 물도 빛도 땅도 하늘도 생명을 위협하지 못하지만,
20~30분안에 누구든 공기가 필요하고,
2주동안 물을 안마셔도 사막에서 버틸수 있지만 마셔야하고,
일주일간 잠을 안자도 살 수 있지만 자야하고,
90일간 금식해도 살 수 있지만 먹어야 산다.
음식은 90일간 안먹어도 버틸 수 있지만, 물은 2주안에 반드시 마셔야 하고, 공기호흡은 최장 30분이 생존라인이다.
땅과 하늘과 빛은 좀 더 긴 진부한 논쟁이다.

공기호흡이 생명과 직결된다는 점에서는 신화는 공기를 생령으로 평가한다.

The earth environment provided the conditions for the body to sustain life.
Heaven, earth, air, water, and light are all necessary and whole conditions.
All life is possible under the condition of being whole.
Neither air, water, light, earth, nor sky can threaten life temporarily.
Anyone needs air in 20-30 minutes,
You can survive in the desert without drinking water for two weeks, but you have to drink it.
You can live without sleeping for a week, but you have to sleep,
You can live by fasting for 90 days, but you must eat to survive.
You can survive without food for 90 days, but you must drink water within two weeks, and breathing air is the survival line for up to 30 minutes.
Earth, sky, and light are a longer clichéd debate.

In the sense that air breathing is directly related to life, Shinhwa evaluates air as a living spirit.

육으로 난 것은 육이요 성령으로 난 것은 영이니
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

엄마의 뱃속에 있는 아기는 코로 호흡하지 않고 엄마의 태줄로부터 산소와 영양을 공급받는다.
엄마의 뱃속에 있는 아기의 코와 기도와 폐는 태어나기 직전까지 어떤 상태에 있는가?
인간의 기도는 의지대로 여닫기가 가능하지만 태어나기 직전의 아기도 가능한가?
생명탄생에 진화가 기여한 공로가 전부다.
여호와에게 이 모든 생명탄생의 영광을 돌려야한다?
정보부재, 권력자, 사후세계라는 종교탄생 3요소가 만나서 생명탄생에 관여할 일은 절대없다.
어미의 육신과 아비의 정자가 네 육신의 모든 것이다.
빛과 어둠, 공기, 물, 땅, 하늘이라는 종합요소가 작동한 신화체계가 현재 유대교나 기독교가 배척하는 것이 더 큰 문제다.

신화에서 이탈해 별종된 '여호와', 신화에서 이탈해 별종된 '예수'에 대한 믿음의 전부다.

The baby in the mother's womb receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother's umbilical cord without breathing through the nose.
How are the baby's nose, airways and lungs in the mother's womb just before birth?
Human airways can be opened and closed at will, but is it possible for a baby just before birth?
The contribution of evolution to the birth of life is everything.
Should we give the glory of all these births to Jehovah?
The three elements of the birth of religion: absence of information, power, and the afterlife meet and are never involved in the birth of life.
Your mother's body and your father's sperm are everything in your body.
The bigger problem is that Judaism and Christianity reject the myth system in which the composite elements of light and darkness, air, water, earth, and sky work.

It is all about belief in 'Jehovah,' separated from myth, and 'Jesus,' separated from myth.

(1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."   
[제1장] 1그리고 그분께서 말씀하셨다, "이 말씀들을 깨닫는 자는 누구라도 죽음을 맛보지 않을 것이다."

주어는 '죽음의 맛(experience death)'이 아니라 '누구라도(Whoever)'가 주어다.
누구라도 가능한 영생비법이다.
개나 소나 영생하는 방법이다.

개나 소나 호흡하는 공기는 영생하는 성령이다.
사람이 죽으면 혼백(魂魄)이 코를 통해 몸밖으로 나오는 것이 아니다.
혼(魂)은 구름+귀신이고, 백(魄)은 흰+귀신이다.
구름은 하늘에 있고 흰(정체불명 번개)것은 땅으로 돌아가는 것이 아니다.
구름에 있던 번개가 땅으로 벼락때리면 혼백이 분리되는 것이 아니다.
땅으로 번개가 치면 아펩뱀이 죽는 것이 아니다.
땅으로 치는 번개를 Djed으로 표현한 것도 아니다.
구름속에 있던 번개가 땅으로 내려치면 번개가 죽는 것이 아니다.

그러나 신화 정황은 예서 한치도 빗겨나지 않는다.

The subject is 'Whoever', not 'experience death'.
It is a recipe for eternal life that anyone can do.
It is a way to make a dog or a cow live forever.

The air that dogs and cows breathe is the eternal life of the Holy Spirit.
When a person dies, the spirit does not come out of the body through the nose.
Soul (魂) is cloud + ghost, and white (魄) is white + ghost.
Clouds are in the sky and white (unidentified lightning) does not return to earth.
When lightning strikes the ground with lightning from the clouds, the soul is not separated.
When lightning strikes the ground, the Apep snake does not die.
Lightning striking the ground is not expressed in Djed.
Lightning doesn't die when lightning strikes the ground.

However, the situation of the myth does not deviate even an inch from the example.

17   칠십인이 기뻐 돌아와 가로되 주여 주의 이름으로 귀신들도 우리에게 항복하더이다
18   예수께서 이르시되 사단이 하늘로서 번개 같이 떨어지는 것을 내가 보았노라
19   내가 너희에게 뱀과 전갈을 밟으며 원수의 모든 능력을 제어할 권세를 주었으니 너희를 해할 자가 결단코 없으리라
20   그러나 귀신들이 너희에게 항복하는 것으로 기뻐하지 말고 너희 이름이 하늘에 기록된 것으로 기뻐하라 하시니라
The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name."
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.
"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.
"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."

번개가 땅을 타격하면 그자리에 어둠만 남는다.
어둠만 남는다????
번개를 제어하는 것은 Djed의 고유권한이다.
Djed은 번개를 잡기위해 어둠신에게 고용됐다. 모세처럼.
과연 모세가 어둠신에게 고용됐을까????
합체신전에서 Djed의 이름은 이렇게 어둠신의 하늘에 기록됐다.
어둠신의 하늘에 '기록'됐다????
하늘에 기록됐다는 것은 창조자와 창조물의 관계다.
When lightning strikes the ground, only darkness remains in its place.
Only darkness remains????
Controlling lightning is Djed's prerogative.
Djed was hired by the Dark God to catch lightning. like Moses.
Was Moses really hired by the Dark God????
In the combined temple, Djed's name was recorded in the sky of the dark god like this.
It was 'recorded' in the sky of the dark god????
What is written in heaven is the relationship between the creator and creation.

창세기 1장
1   태초에 하나님이 천지를 창조하시니라
2   땅이 혼돈하고 공허하며 흑암이 깊음 위에 있고 하나님의 신은 수면에 운행하시니라
3   하나님이 가라사대 빛이 있으라 하시매 빛이 있었고
4   그 빛이 하나님의 보시기에 좋았더라 하나님이 빛과 어두움을 나누사
5   빛을 낮이라 칭하시고 어두움을 밤이라 칭하시니라 저녁이 되며 아침이 되니 이는 첫째 날이니라
14   하나님이 가라사대 하늘의 궁창에 광명이 있어 주야를 나뉘게 하라 또 그 광명으로 하여 징조와 사시와 일자와 연한이 이루라
15   또 그 광명이 하늘의 궁창에 있어 땅에 비취라 하시고 (그대로 되니라)
16   하나님이 두 큰 광명을 만드사 큰 광명으로 낮을 주관하게 하시고 작은 광명으로 밤을 주관하게 하시며 또 별들을 만드시고
17   하나님이 그것들을 하늘의 궁창에 두어 땅에 비취게 하시며
18   주야를 주관하게 하시며 빛과 어두움을 나뉘게 하시니라 하나님의 보시기에 좋았더라
19   저녁이 되며 아침이 되니 이는 네째 날이니라
Genesis 1 [NASB]   
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.
Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
God called the light day, and the darkness He called night And there was evening and there was morning, one day.
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;
and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so.
God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.
God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth,
and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good.
There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.

요한복음 1장
1   태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라
2   그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고
3   만물이 그로 말미암아 지은바 되었으니 지은 것이 하나도 그가 없이는 된 것이 없느니라
4   그 안에 생명이 있었으니 이 생명은 사람들의 빛이라
5   빛이 어두움에 비취되 어두움이 깨닫지 못하더라
6   하나님께로서 보내심을 받은 사람이 났으니 이름은 요한이라
7   저가 증거하러 왔으니 곧 빛에 대하여 증거하고 모든 사람으로 자기를 인하여 믿게 하려 함이라
8   그는 이 빛이 아니요 이 빛에 대하여 증거하러 온 자라
9   참빛 곧 세상에 와서 각 사람에게 비취는 빛이 있었나니
10   그가 세상에 계셨으며 세상은 그로 말미암아 지은바 되었으되 세상이 그를 알지 못하였고
11   자기 땅에 오매 자기 백성이 영접지 아니하였으나
12   영접하는 자 곧 그 이름을 믿는 자들에게는 하나님의 자녀가 되는 권세를 주셨으니
13   이는 혈통으로나 육정으로나 사람의 뜻으로 나지 아니하고 오직 하나님께로서 난 자들이니라
14   말씀이 육신이 되어 우리 가운데 거하시매 우리가 그 영광을 보니 아버지의 독생자의 영광이요 은혜와 4)진리가 충만하더라
15   요한이 그에 대하여 증거하여 외쳐 가로되 내가 전에 말하기를 내 뒤에 오시는 이가 나보다 앞선 것은 나보다 먼저 계심이니라 한 것이 이 사람을 가리킴이라 하니라
16   우리가 다 그의 충만한데서 받으니 은혜 위에 은혜러라
17   율법은 모세로 말미암아 주신 것이요 은혜와 진리는 예수 그리스도로 말미암아 온 것이라
18   본래 하나님을 본 사람이 없으되 아버지 품속에 있는 독생하신 하나님이 나타내셨느니라
John 1 [NASB]
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
There came a man sent from God, whose name was John.
He came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe through him.
He was not the Light, but he came to testify about the Light.
There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.
He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.
He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,
who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John testified about Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.'"
For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.
For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.

창세기 1장 5절과 요한복음 1장 5절은 같은 내용이다.
빛을 낮이라 칭하고 어두움을 밤이라 칭했다.
빛이 어둠에 비춰도 깨닫지 못하는 것은 빛의 영역과 밤의 영역이 각각 존재한다는 뜻이다.
태양도 없는데 첫째 날부터 낮과 밤이 존재한다.
낮은 번개신의 낮이고, 밤은 어둠신의 밤이다.
번개가 치는 2초도 안되는 짧은 시간이 낮이고, 나머지는 밤의 시간이다.
첫째 날부터 네째 날 태양을 창조하기 전까지는 2초도 안되는 짧은 시간에 창조됐다는 뜻이다.
번개가 치는 2초 미만의 시간과 번개가 없는 어둠의 시간이 똑같다는 전제된 언급도 없다.
연속된 번개인지 아닌지도 명시된게 없다.

그리고 네째 날 태양을 창조하면서 주야(the day from the night)를 한 번 더 언급하면서 번개의 시간 창조가 확실해졌다.

그런데 첫째 날에 낮과 밤을 확정하면서 네째 날의 주야(the day from the night)와 다시 충돌한다.
첫째 날 낮과 밤이 창조의 시간이라면 6일의 창조는 여섯 번의 번개가 치는 시간을 이용한 창조라 12초 미만의 시간이 걸렸다는 계산이 나온다.
물론 연속된 번개인지 아닌지는 언급이 없다.

Genesis 1:5 and John 1:5 have the same content.
He called the light day and the darkness he called night.
The fact that light shines in the darkness and does not realize it means that the realm of light and the realm of night exist respectively.
There is no sun, but day and night exist from the first day.
The day is the day of the lightning god, and the night is the night of the dark god.
A brief period of less than two seconds when lightning strikes is daytime, and the rest is nighttime.
It means that it was created in less than 2 seconds from the first day to the fourth day when the sun was created.
There is no supposition that the duration of less than two seconds of lightning strikes equals the duration of darkness without lightning.
It is not specified whether or not it is a series of lightning bolts.

And in the creation of the sun on the fourth day, the day from the night is mentioned once more, and the creation of the time of lightning is confirmed.

However, as day and night are confirmed on the first day, they collide again with the day from the night on the fourth day.
If the day and night on
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2022, 09:15:38 AM
유다서 1장
9   천사장 미가엘이 모세의 시체에 대하여 마귀와 다투어 변론할 때에 감히 훼방하는 판결을 쓰지 못하고 다만 말하되 주께서 너를 꾸짖으시기를 원하노라 하였거늘
10   이 사람들은 무엇이든지 그 알지 못하는 것을 훼방하는도다 또 저희는 이성 없는 짐승 같이 본능으로 아는 그것으로 멸망하느니라
11   화 있을찐저 이 사람들이여, 가인의 길에 행하였으며 삯을 위하여 발람의 어그러진 길로 몰려 갔으며 고라의 패역을 좇아 멸망을 받았도다
12   저희는 기탄 없이 너희와 함께 먹으니 너의 애찬의 암초요 자기 몸만 기르는 목자요 바람에 불려가는 물 없는 구름이요 죽고 또 죽어 뿌리까지 뽑힌 열매 없는 가을 나무요
13   자기의 수치의 거품을 뿜는 바다의 거친 물결이요 영원히 예비된 캄캄한 흑암에 돌아갈 유리하는 별들이라
Jude 1 [NASB]
But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"
But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed.
Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.
These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted;
wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.

<The remainder of this book is non-extant; but a possible summary has been composed using the surviving fragments, most which derive from the quotations of various early writers who had this book still in their possession.>
And Moses said to Joshua son of Nun, "Let us go up into the mountain." And when they had gone up, Moses saw the land of promise and said to him, "Go down to the people and tell them that Moses is dead."
And Joshua began to go down toward the people, but Moses came to the end of his life.
When Moses came-to-his-end on the mountain, Sammael the slanderer tried to bring his body down to the people so that they might make it a god, but Michael the chief-messenger, commanded by God, came with other messengers to take it, in order to have it buried.
But Sammael would not allow him to remove the body to be buried. Wishing to deceive, he resisted him, and they argued.
The slanderer said, "The body is mine, for I am the master of material things."
And the messenger said, "For by a spirit of his which is holy, we were all created; and from the face of God, his spirit went forth and the world became."
The slanderer also said, "God has lied by bringing Moses into the land which he swore he should not enter."
Michael answered and said, "For the serpent, which you inspired, was the cause of the transgression of Adam and Eva."
The slanderer also slandered Moses, proclaiming, "Moses is a murderer; he struck a man in Egypt and hid him in the sand." And because of this, the slanderer would not allow him to receive the honorable burial.
Michael the chief-messenger did not tolerate the revilement against him. Yet, since he lacked authority, he dared not bring a reviling judgment against him; instead, he declared to the slanderer, "I wish that the Lord would rebuke you, slanderer!" Then Michael prayed to God. And the Lord, in answer, sent thunder and lightning out of the heavens. And so the slanderer, being defeated, suddenly took flight and disappeared.
It seemed that, then, some cloud or shining light came upon the place,
obscuring it and walling it off from the onlookers, so that they might not know the location of his grave. But Joshua son of Nun saw this spectacle from above, when he, along with Caleb, was lifted up by a spirit.
Two Moseses became visible: indeed, one was alive in a spirit; but the other was dead in the body. Indeed, the one went along with the messengers as their companion, where a new name was given to him in the heavens: Melchi. But the other, by the command of God, was removed by the chief-messenger Michael and committed to the earth, being honored with a burial in the ravines on the mountains, where Michael buried him with his own hands. And the messengers who had prepared the body of Moses for entombing were not commonized from touching the holy body.
Instead, both Joshua and Caleb did not similarly behold this. Instead, indeed, one came-down with greater speed, (as if the weight he carried was greater); while the other, on descending after him, subsequently described the glory which he was beholding, (since, being purer than the other, he was able to perceive more).

모세의 승천(위경, the uncanonical books)
<이 책의 나머지 부분은 존재하지 않습니다. 그러나 가능한 요약은 이 책을 여전히 소장하고 있던 여러 초기 작가들의 인용문에서 파생된 생존 단편을 사용하여 작성되었습니다.>
모세가 눈의 아들 여호수아에게 이르되 우리가 산으로 올라가자 그들이 올라가매 모세가 약속의 땅을 보고 그에게 이르되 너는 백성에게로 내려가서 모세가 죽었다고 말하라
여호수아는 백성을 향하여 내려가기 시작하였으나 모세는 죽었습니다.
모세가 산에서 말미암았을 때에 중상하는 삼마엘이 백성에게 그 시체를 내려가서 신으로 삼으려 하였으나 하나님의 명을 받은 사자 미가엘이 다른 사자들과 함께 와서 그것을 묻히기 위해 가져가십시오.
그러나 샘마엘(Sammael)은 그가 매장될 시신을 옮기는 것을 허락하지 않았습니다. 그는 속이려고 그에게 저항했고 그들은 논쟁을 벌였습니다.
비방하는 자가 말하기를 "몸은 내 것이니라 나는 물질의 주인이니라."
사자가 말하였다. "우리는 모두 거룩하신 분의 영으로 창조되었습니다. 그리고 하나님의 면전에서 그의 영이 나가시고 세상이 되었다."
비방하는 사람도 "하나님이 거짓말을 하여 모세를 들어가지 않겠다고 맹세하신 땅에 들어가게 하셨다"고 말했습니다.
미가엘이 대답하여 가로되 주께서 영감을 주신 뱀이 아담과 에바의 범죄함을 인함이라
중상하는 자도 모세를 비방하며 이렇게 선포했습니다. "모세는 살인자입니다. 이집트에서 사람을 쳐서 모래 속에 숨겼습니다." 그리고 이 때문에 중상 모략자는 그가 영예로운 매장을 받는 것을 허락하지 않았습니다.
수석 메신저 마이클은 그에 대한 모욕을 용납하지 않았습니다. 그러나 그는 권위가 없었기 때문에 감히 그에게 모욕적인 판결을 내리지 못했습니다. 대신에 그는 중상하는 자에게 이렇게 선언했습니다. 그런 다음 미가엘은 하나님께 기도했습니다. 그리고 주님은 그 응답으로 하늘에서 천둥과 번개를 보내셨습니다. 그래서 중상 모략꾼은 패배하여 갑자기 날아가 사라졌습니다.
그때 어떤 구름이나 빛나는 빛이 그 자리에 들어온 것 같았습니다.
그것을 가리고 구경꾼들에게서 벽으로 막아서 그들이 그의 무덤의 위치를 ​​알지 못하게 하였다. 그러나 눈의 아들 여호수아는 갈렙과 함께 영이 들려서 이 광경을 위에서 보았다.
두 명의 모세가 나타났습니다. 실제로 한 사람은 영 안에서 살아 있었습니다. 그러나 다른 하나는 몸에서 죽었습니다. 참으로 그 사람은 사자들과 함께 그들의 동반자로 갔고, 그곳에서 하늘에서 그에게 새 이름이 멜기(Melchi)로 주어졌습니다. 그러나 다른 하나는 하나님의 명령에 따라 수석 메신저 마이클에 의해 제거되어 땅에 위탁되었으며, 미가엘이 자신의 손으로 그를 묻은 산의 계곡에 매장되는 영광을 얻었습니다. 그리고 모세의 시신을 매장하기 위해 예비한 사자들은 성체를 만지는 것으로 공통화되지 않았습니다.
그 대신에 여호수아와 갈렙은 둘 다 이것을 유사하게 보지 않았습니다. 그 대신에 실제로 하나는 더 빠른 속도로 내려왔습니다(마치 그가 짊어진 무게가 더 큰 것처럼). 반면에 다른 사람은 그의 뒤를 따라 내려오면서 그가 보고 있는 영광을 설명했습니다(그는 다른 사람보다 더 순수하여 더 많이 볼 수 있었습니다).

Two Moseses became visible: indeed, one was alive in a spirit; but the other was dead in the body.
두 명의 모세가 나타났습니다. 실제로 한 사람은 영 안에서 살아 있었습니다. 그러나 다른 하나는 몸에서 죽었습니다.

정경과 위경(the uncanonical books)의 구분이 사실상 무의미하다.
영지주의적 도그마로 해석하는 자들이 많다보니 예수, 아버지, 쌍둥이, 보혜사, 성령같은 단어들이 실체가 모호해진거다.
모세와 예수의 정체를 드러내면 위경(the uncanonical books)으로 분서갱유되고, 모세와 예수의 정체를 모호하게 만들면 정경됐다.
바리새인과 서기관들 짓이다.
The distinction between the canon and the uncanonical books is virtually meaningless.
Many people interpret it as a Gnostic dogma, so words such as Jesus, Father, Twins, Comforter, and Holy Spirit have become ambiguous.
If the identities of Moses and Jesus were revealed, it was reconstructed as the uncanonical books, and if the identity of Moses and Jesus was obscured, it was canonized.
It is the work of the Pharisees and the scribes.

「킹메이커」영화 보기 전 알아야하는 6가지 사실들ㅣ킹메이커 영화리뷰 with 역사
「킹메이커 리뷰」실제 역사와의 차이점 22가지 | 킹메이커 영화리뷰(*스포일러) | 킹메이커 역사

유튜버 건데가 말하는 엄창록의 선거전략처럼 상대방의 이름을 이용한 흑색선전 기만전술은 성서에서는 일반이다.
새삼스럽게 봤다면 그동안 종교인들이 얼마나 교조적인지를 도올 김용옥처럼 이해해서다.

기본적으로 예수는 이집트신화의 전통적인 공기신이다.
예수가 섬기는 신은 지상을 타격하는 번개다.
번개도 예수(도체 매개물)가 반드시 필요하다.

Like Eom Chang-rok's election strategy, as described by YouTuber Gunge, black propaganda deceptive tactics using someone else's name are common in the Bible.
If you look at it anew, it is because you understand how dogmatic the religious people are like Kim Yong-ok, who will help you.

Basically, Jesus is the traditional air god in Egyptian mythology.
The god Jesus serves is the lightning that strikes the earth.
Lightning also needs Jesus (carrier medium).

스가랴 3장
여호와의 사자 앞에 선 여호수아
1   대제사장 여호수아는 여호와의 사자 앞에 섰고 사단은 그의 우편에 서서 그를 대적하는 것을 여호와께서 내게 보이시니라
2   여호와께서 사단에게 이르시되 사단아 여호와가 너를 책망하노라 예루살렘을 택한 여호와가 너를 책망하노라 이는 불에서 꺼낸 그슬린 나무가 아니냐 하실 때에
3   여호수아가 더러운 옷을 입고 천사 앞에 섰는지라
4   여호와께서 자기 앞에 선 자들에게 명하사 그 더러운 옷을 벗기라 하시고 또 여호수아에게 이르시되 내가 네 죄과를 제하여 버렸으니 네게 아름다운 옷을 입히리라 하시기로
5   내가 말하되 정한 관을 그 머리에 씌우소서 하매 곧 정한 관을 그 머리에 씌우며 옷을 입히고 여호와의 사자는 곁에 섰더라
6   여호와의 사자가 여호수아에게 증거하여 가로되
7   만군의 여호와의 말씀에 네가 만일 내 도를 준행하며 내 율례를 지키면 네가 내 집을 다스릴 것이요 내 뜰을 지킬 것이며 내가 또 너로 여기 섰는 자들 중에 왕래케 하리라
8   대제사장 여호수아야 너와 네 앞에 앉은 네 동료들은 내 말을 들을 것이니라 이들은 예표의 사람이라 내가 내 종 순을 나게 하리라
9   만군의 여호와가 말하노라 내가 너 여호수아 앞에 세운 돌을 보라 한 돌에 일곱 눈이 있느니라 내가 새길 것을 새기며 이 땅의 죄악을 하루에 제하리라
10   만군의 여호와가 말하노라 그 날에 너희가 각각 포도나무와 무화과나무 아래로 서로 초대하리라 하셨느니라
Zechariah 3 [NASB]    
Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him.
The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! Indeed, the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?"
Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and standing before the angel.
He spoke and said to those who were standing before him, saying, "Remove the filthy garments from him " Again he said to him, "See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you with festal robes."
Then I said, "Let them put a clean turban on his head." So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments, while the angel of the LORD was standing by.
And the angel of the LORD admonished Joshua, saying,
"Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.
'Now listen, Joshua the high priest, you and your friends who are sitting in front of you--indeed they are men who are a symbol, for behold, I am going to bring in My servant the Branch.
'For behold, the stone that I have set before Joshua; on one stone are seven eyes Behold, I will engrave an inscription on it,' declares the LORD of hosts, 'and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
'In that day,' declares the LORD of hosts, 'every one of you will invite his neighbor to sit under his vine and under his fig tree.'"

스가랴 3장 9절, 일곱 눈과
요한계시록 13장 1절, 머리 일곱은 같은 의미다.
달에서 왔다.
Zechariah 3:9, seven eyes,
Revelation 13:1, the seven heads have the same meaning.
came from the moon

요한계시록 13장
짐승 두 마리
1   내가 보니 바다에서 한 짐승이 나오는데 뿔이 열이요 머리가 일곱이라 그 뿔에는 열 면류관이 있고 그 머리들에는 참람된 이름들이 있더라
18   지혜가 여기 있으니 총명 있는 자는 그 짐승의 수를 세어 보라 그 수는 사람의 수니 육백 육십 륙이니라
Revelation 13 [NASB]    
And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names.
Here is wisdom Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.

누가복음에 내세는 현상계 하늘에 존재하고 나사로와 부자는 죽어서 부활하지 못한다.
나사로는 사두개인이고 Djed이라 부활하지 않지만, 춤추는 자 부자는 바리새인이지만 부활하지 못한다.
사두개인이 바리새인을 동원해 부활론을 무너뜨렸다.
손자병법, 차도살인(借刀殺人, 적의 칼로 적을 죽이는 병법) 계책이다.
In the Gospel of Luke, they exist in the heavenly world of the phenomenal world, and Lazarus and the rich man die and cannot be resurrected.
Lazarus is a Sadducee and Djed, so he cannot be resurrected, but the rich dancer is a Pharisee and cannot be resurrected.
The Sadducees mobilized the Pharisees to overthrow the resurrection theory.
It is a tactic to kill the enemy with the enemy's sword.

요한복음 11장
43   이 말씀을 하시고 큰 소리로 나사로야 나오라 부르시니
44   죽은 자가 수족을 베로 동인채로 나오는데 그 얼굴은 수건에 싸였더라 예수께서 가라사대 풀어 놓아 다니게 하라 하시니라
John 11 [NASB]
When He had said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth."
The man who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth. Jesus said to them, "Unbind him, and let him go."

요한의 방법도 비슷하다.
사두개인 나사로를 부활시킨 바리새인 요한의 의도는 그리스 Euboea 섬에 있다.
부활이 필요하지 않은 대상을 부활시키는 재미는, 바리새인이 사두개인을 공격하는 전통적인 방법이다.
사두개인이 바리새인을 공격하는 방법도 마찬가지다.
불교 스님에게 고기를 먹이게 만들고 창녀와 하룻밤 재우는 것이 성서에는 일반이다.
바리새인 니고데모의 물음은 사람이 두 번 태어나기를 원하지만, 예수의 대답은 지상의 Djed이 하늘에서는 scarab(성령)으로 부활하는 것이다.
누가복음 나사로와 동일한 사건이지만 서로가 다르게 해석한다.
바리새인에게는 부활이지만, 사두개인에게는 부활이 아니라 영존할 하늘의 사건이다.
모두 죽었다는 공통점 외는 없다.
John's method is similar.
The intention of John the Pharisee to resurrect Lazarus the Sadducee is on the Greek island of Euboea.
The fun of resurrecting an object that does not require a resurrection is the traditional way the Pharisees attack the Sadducees.
The same is true of the way the Sadducees attacked the Pharisees.
It is common in the Bible to have Buddhist monks feed meat and to sleep with a prostitute overnight.
The Pharisee Nicodemus' question is that man wants to be born twice, but Jesus' answer is that the earthly Djed will be resurrected as a scarab (the Holy Spirit) in heaven.
Luke's Gospel is the same event as Lazarus, but interpreted differently.
For the Pharisees it is a resurrection, but for the Sadducees, it is not a resurrection, but an eternal heavenly event.
They have nothing in common except that they are all dead.

World Record Lightning Measuring 768 Kms Struck Southern US In 2020, Confirms UN's WMO

인간이 관측을 시작한 이후의 번개 최장 기록이라 과거에 더 큰 길이의 번개가 더 존재할 수 있습니다.
1000km ............ 2000km.....
It is the longest record of lightning since humans began observing it, so there may be more lightning of greater length in the past.
1000km ..................................... 2000km.....
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2022, 09:49:23 AM
Самый Простой Вечный Двигатель из Авто Генератора И Двигателя

알아내기 쉽지 않을게야.... ;D 8)
내도 의외의 곳에서 실마리를 풀었다네. 8)
유튜브 구독자가 많다는게 이래서 좋은게야. ;D ::) ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2022, 09:53:16 AM
6W 다야 모는 뻥식이가 요즘 잠잠해
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2022, 10:02:11 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2022, 10:39:08 AM
Update Free energy forever no wind no solar no gas READ DISCRIPTION!!!

The World 1st(portable) Free Energy Generator. Car Alternator spinning clean Power. No Emission.

Here we take two automotive alternator, mount it together side by side on a set of 5/8 threaded rods. With one alternator converted in to brushless three phase 12-40 DCV motor and the other alike alternator in its OEM standard battery charging capability. The brushless AC/DC motor spinning the alternator, let see what happen?. This video is part of a experiment to electrify the circuit with 14.5 DCV@ 100Ah with BLDC motor consumption below 30Ah at 12-24 DCV or approximately 40DC volts for more motor speed(RPM). This device can be consider to be a self-power AC/DC Eletric generator, that require no fuel or physical action from man or nature.  The self power Eletric generator consumes 10% energy of the its total output. the self-power electric generator also known as the "ULTIMOTOR"(DYNAMO) is constructed of three phase permanent magnet rotor inside a AC/DC three phase coil field. the 3-phase brushless AC/DC motor only require about 10-15amp at 12- 40dcv. The car alternator produce 14.5v of 100amp @3000rpm. The brushless AC/DC motor uses the same battery energy that the alternator is recharging. The #alternator is capable of recharging many banks of batteries(wet-cell type or others) while providing electricity to refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machines, micro wave and many other house utility electronic device. The self-power electric generator can work in conditions of no sunlight or wind and off-grid with no fuel or fire and smoke. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST CLEAN ENERGY DEVICE. non pollution. safe in the home. low voltage. No electrical Shock. it's all automotive energy inverted to meet your 120-240 AC voltage needs. a similar device can be found with two permanent magnet alternator working side by side. its a much quieter device when in operation. Since it does not have to brake its rotation on a electro-magnetic field found in a alternator. stay tune


Use a six volt heater blower motor with a three way toggle or dimmer switch to control speed. Then add a capacitor from a aftermarket car stereo system. And add it between your charging alternator and your battery. Then add an alternator for AC power which will be 120 to 240v @ 90amps (enough to power your house or weld) by taking out the diode pack and running your three wires off the coils through an AC regulator ,(can be found in most inverter generators) and then to an AC outlet. (You can put a small breaker panel with 100 amp blowable breaker or a 100 amp fuse in between your reg and your outlet which I highly recommend) so recap auto heater blower motor high rpm low power usage pully to unaltered car alternator with double pully which runs 12v back through a capacitor to battery for continual charge and consistent motor rotation. From second pully to a second car alternator altered by removing diode pack for 120-240v AC power @90amps. Wire the three coil wires through an AC regulator into a small fuse panel with 100 amp breaker. Or through reg to 100 amp fuse each for both the red and white wires. Then to an outlet. Now 100 amps is too much for most appliances or electronics to take at once so I recommend breaking down the hundred amps into one 30 amp outlet and three 20 amp outlets. You'll never need to charge your batteries and will be able to run absolutely anything. The more you consume at once though the more  12v capacitors will be needed  wire them in series.

Electric Motor Generator
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 01, 2022, 10:46:27 AM
내 딸 취미가 허구헌날 전기누설이다.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on February 03, 2022, 02:14:56 PM
Why go to so much trouble, when its easier to insert
two wires into the opposite ends of a large cucumber for
an endless supply of electricity ?


            free HHO

Buy a little unobtainium off ebay then dissolve 19 mg in 8 oz reagent grade
celery juice along with 2 teaspoons of  NaCl.   8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 07:06:33 PM
전도서 1장
1   다윗의 아들 예루살렘 왕 전도자의 말씀이라
2   전도자가 가로되 헛되고 헛되며 헛되고 헛되니 모든 것이 헛되도다
3   사람이 해 아래서 수고하는 모든 수고가 자기에게 무엇이 유익한고
4   한 세대는 가고 한 세대는 오되 땅은 영원히 있도다
5   해는 떴다가 지며 그 떴던 곳으로 빨리 돌아가고
6   바람은 남으로 불다가 북으로 돌이키며 이리 돌며 저리 돌아 불던 곳으로 돌아가고
7   모든 강물은 다 바다로 흐르되 바다를 채우지 못하며 어느 곳으로 흐르든지 그리로 연하여 흐르느니라
8   만물의 피곤함을 사람이 말로 다 할 수 없나니 눈은 보아도 족함이 없고 귀는 들어도 차지 아니하는도다
9   이미 있던 것이 후에 다시 있겠고 이미 한 일을 후에 다시 할찌라 해 아래는 새 것이 없나니
10   무엇을 가리켜 이르기를 보라 이것이 새 것이라 할 것이 있으랴 우리 오래 전 세대에도 이미 있었느니라
11   이전 세대를 기억함이 없으니 장래 세대도 그 후 세대가 기억함이 없으리라
12   나 전도자는 예루살렘에서 이스라엘 왕이 되어
13   마음을 다하며 지혜를 써서 하늘 아래서 행하는 모든 일을 궁구하며 살핀즉 이는 괴로운 것이니 하나님이 인생들에게 주사 수고하게 하신 것이라
14   내가 해 아래서 행하는 모든 일을 본즉 다 헛되어 바람을 잡으려는 것이로다
15   구부러진 것을 곧게 할 수 없고 이지러진 것을 셀 수 없도다
16   내가 마음 가운데 말하여 이르기를 내가 큰 지혜를 많이 얻었으므로 나보다 먼저 예루살렘에 있던 자보다 낫다 하였나니 곧 내 마음이 지혜와 지식을 많이 만나 보았음이로다
17   내가 다시 지혜를 알고자 하며 미친 것과 미련한 것을 알고자 하여 마음을 썼으나 이것도 바람을 잡으려는 것인줄을 깨달았도다
18   지혜가 많으면 번뇌도 많으니 지식을 더하는 자는 근심을 더하느니라
Ecclesiastes 1 [NASB]    
The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
"Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher, "Vanity of vanities! All is vanity."
What advantage does man have in all his work Which he does under the sun?
A generation goes and a generation comes, But the earth remains forever.
Also, the sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rises there again.
Blowing toward the south, Then turning toward the north, The wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses the wind returns.
All the rivers flow into the sea, Yet the sea is not full. To the place where the rivers flow, There they flow again.
All things are wearisome; Man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor is the ear filled with hearing.
That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one might say, "See this, it is new"? Already it has existed for ages Which were before us.
There is no remembrance of earlier things; And also of the later things which will occur, There will be for them no remembrance Among those who will come later still.
I, the Preacher, have been king over Israel in Jerusalem.
And I set my mind to seek and explore by wisdom concerning all that has been done under heaven It is a grievous task which God has given to the sons of men to be afflicted with.
I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind.
What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted.
I said to myself, "Behold, I have magnified and increased wisdom more than all who were over Jerusalem before me; and my mind has observed a wealth of wisdom and knowledge."
And I set my mind to know wisdom and to know madness and folly; I realized that this also is striving after wind.
Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain.

태양도 늘 뜨고 지고,
사람의 세대도 오고가고,
바람은 불던 곳으로 돌아가고,
물도 일방적 한쪽으로 흐른다고 말한다.
솔로몬이 이런 것들은 헛된것이라고 불평한다.
두뇌와 지혜는 땅 외에는 어느 곳에도 새길 수 없다는 뜻이다.
The sun always rises and sets,
Generations of people come and go,
The wind returns to where it blew,
It is said that water flows in one direction as well.
Solomon complains that these things are in vain.
This means that brains and wisdom cannot be engraved anywhere except on the earth.

11  이전 세대를 기억함이 없으니 장래 세대도 그 후 세대가 기억함이 없으리라
15  내가 해 아래서 행하는 모든 일을 본즉 다 헛되어 바람을 잡으려는 것이로다
18   지혜가 많으면 번뇌도 많으니 지식을 더하는 자는 근심을 더하느니라
There is no remembrance of earlier things; And also of the later things which will occur, There will be for them no remembrance Among those who will come later still.
I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind.
Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain.

(1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."   
[제1장] 1그리고 그분께서 말씀하셨다, "이 말씀들을 깨닫는 자는 누구라도 죽음을 맛보지 않을 것이다."
(2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."   
[제2장] 1예수께서 말씀하시기를, "추구하는 자들은 찾을 때까지 계속 추구하라. 2찾고 나면 고난 받을 것이다. 3고난 받으면 놀라와 할 것이며, 4모든 것을 다스릴 것이다."
(3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."   
[제3장] 1예수께서 말씀하시기를, "너희를 인도하는 자들이 말하기를, '보라, 나라가 하늘에 있다'하면, 하늘의 새가 너희를 앞 설 것이다. 2그들이 너희에게 말하기를 '나라가 바다에 있다'하면 물고기가 너희를 앞 설 것이다. 3오히려 나라는 너희 안에 있고 너희 밖에 있다. 4너희가 자신을 알 때 너희를 알게 될 것이며, 너희가 바로 살아계신 아버지의 아들들임을 깨달을 것이다. 5그러나 너희가 자신을 모른다면 가난 중에 살게 되고 그 가난이 바로 너희이다."

솔로몬과 도마가 무언가를 찾고나서 공통적으로 '고통'받는다고 말하는 이유도 지혜, 지식이 많아서다.
어딘가에 누군가의 지혜/지식을 문자로 남겨야하는 고통을 말하는 것이 아니다.
The reason why Solomon and Thomas say that they suffer in common after finding something is because they have a lot of wisdom and knowledge.
I'm not talking about the pain of having to text someone's wisdom/knowledge somewhere.

Ecclesiastes 2 [NASB]

26   하나님이 그 기뻐하시는 자에게는 지혜와 지식과 희락을 주시나 죄인에게는 노고를 주시고 저로 모아 쌓게 하사 하나님을 기뻐하는 자에게 주게 하시나니 이것도 헛되어 바람을 잡으려는 것이로다   
For to a person who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good in God's sight This too is vanity and striving after wind.

아빠처럼 타인에게 보상없이 그냥 줘서다.
Like my father, I just give it to others without compensation.

이것이 구약과 신약, 솔로몬과 도마의 차이다.
This is the difference between the Old and New Testaments, Solomon and Thomas.

전도서 전편을 모두 읽어봐라. 한가지가 더 있다.
Read the entire book of Ecclesiastes. There is one more thing.

욥기 15장
2   지혜로운 자가 어찌 헛된 지식으로 대답하겠느냐 어찌 동풍으로 그 품에 채우겠느냐
Job 15 [NASB]
"Should a wise man answer with windy knowledge And fill himself with the east wind?

욥기의 대꾸도 마찬가지다.
바람은 말을 해도 후세에 전해줄 인간의 지혜를 글자로 만들 수 없다는 뜻이다.

솔로몬과 도마의 주장이 거의 1000년을 두고 충돌하는 이유도,
도올 김용옥처럼 오류인 것을 모르고 오류를 주장하는 책을 출판해서 이제는 빼도밖도 못하는 대표적인 오류철학자가 됐다는게다.

The same is true of the book of Job.
The wind means that even with words, it is impossible to write human wisdom that will be passed on to future generations.

The reason Solomon and Thomas' arguments collide for nearly 1000 years
Like Dool Kim Yong-ok, he published a book arguing that it was an error without knowing that it was an error, and now he has become a representative philosopher of error who can only ignore it.

7   여호와 하나님이 흙으로 사람을 지으시고 생기를 그 코에 불어 넣으시니 사람이 생령이 된지라
8   여호와 하나님이 동방의 에덴에 동산을 창설하시고 그 지으신 사람을 거기 두시고
Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed.

여호와는 그리스의 테르마이코스만(Thermaikos Gulf)의 진흙으로 아담을 만들었다.
Jehovah made Adam out of the clay of Thermaikos Gulf in Greece.

(39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."
[제39장] 1예수께서 말씀하시기를, "바리새인들과 서기관들이 지식의 열쇠를 차지하고 숨겨 버렸다. 2그들은 스스로 들어가지 않았고 또한 소원하는 자들이 들어가도록 허락하지도 않았다. 3그러므로 너희는 뱀처럼 지혜롭고 비둘기처럼 순결 하라."

마태복음 23장
13   화 있을찐저 외식하는 서기관들과 바리새인들이여 너희는 천국 문을 사람들 앞에서 닫고 너희도 들어가지 않고 들어가려 하는 자도 들어가지 못하게 하는도다
"But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.

누가복음 11장
52   화 있을찐저 너희 율법사여 너희가 지식의 열쇠를 가져가고 너희도 들어가지 않고 또 들어가고자 하는 자도 막았느니라 하시니라
53   거기서 나오실 때에 서기관과 바리새인들이 맹렬히 달라붙어 여러가지 일로 힐문하고
54   그 입에서 나오는 것을 잡고자 하여 목을 지키더라
"Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge; you yourselves did not enter, and you hindered those who were entering."
When He left there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be very hostile and to question Him closely on many subjects,
plotting against Him to catch Him in something He might say.

그렇다면 서기관(율법사) Djed을 포함하는 사두개인과 다윗과 솔로몬처럼 춤추는 자 바리새인이 함께 감춘 지식의 열쇠가 무엇이겠느냐.
Then, what is the key of knowledge that the Sadducees, including the scribe (lawyers!) Djed, and the Pharisees, who dance like David and Solomon, hid together?

Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ ΢ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω ????????
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ????????
ܐ ܑ ܒ ܓ ܔ ܕ ܖ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ ܜ ܝ ܞ ܟ ܠ ܡ ܢ ܣ ܤ ܥ ܦ ܧ ܨ ܩ ܪ ܫ ܬ ܭ ܮ ܯ ???????
Tאבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשׂ שׁת ???????
ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ ??????

욥기 20장
4   네가 알지 못하느냐 예로부터 사람이 이 세상에 있어 옴으로
5   악인의 이기는 자랑도 잠시요 사곡한 자의 즐거움도 잠간이니라
6   그 높기가 하늘에 닿고 그 머리가 구름에 미칠찌라도
7   자기의 똥처럼 영원히 망할 것이라 그를 본 자가 이르기를 그가 어디 있느냐 하리라
8   그는 꿈 같이 지나가니 다시 찾을 수 없을 것이요 밤에 보이던 환상처럼 쫓겨가리니
9   그를 본 눈이 다시 그를 보지 못할 것이요 그의 처소도 다시 그를 보지 못할 것이며
10   그의 자녀들이 가난한 자에게 은혜를 구하겠고 그도 얻은 재물을 자기 손으로 도로 줄것이며
11   그 기골이 청년 같이 강장하나 그 기세가 그와 함께 흙에 누우리라
Job 20 [NASB]    
Then Zophar the Naamathite answered,
"Therefore my disquieting thoughts make me respond, Even because of my inward agitation.
"I listened to the reproof which insults me, And the spirit of my understanding makes me answer.
"Do you know this from of old, From the establishment of man on earth,
That the triumphing of the wicked is short, And the joy of the godless momentary?
"Though his loftiness reaches the heavens, And his head touches the clouds,
He perishes forever like his refuse; Those who have seen him will say, 'Where is he?'
"He flies away like a dream, and they cannot find him; Even like a vision of the night he is chased away.
"The eye which saw him sees him no longer, And his place no longer beholds him.
"His sons favor the poor, And his hands give back his wealth.
"His bones are full of his youthful vigor, But it lies down with him in the dust.

욥기 41장
1   네가 능히 낚시로 악어를 낚을 수 있겠느냐 노끈으로 그 혀를 맬 수 있겠느냐
2   줄로 그 코를 꿸 수 있겠느냐 갈고리로 그 아가미를 꿸 수 있겠느냐
3   그것이 어찌 네게 연속 간구하겠느냐 유순한 말로 네게 이야기하겠느냐
4   어찌 너와 계약하고 영영히 네 종이 되겠느냐
5   네가 어찌 새를 놀리는것 같이 그것을 놀리겠으며 네 소녀들을 위하여 그것을 매어 두겠느냐
6   어찌 어부의 떼가 그것으로 상품을 삼아 상고들 가운데 나눌 수 있겠느냐
7   네가 능히 창으로 그 가죽을 찌르거나 작살로 그 머리를 찌를 수 있겠느냐
8   손을 그것에게 좀 대어 보라 싸울 일이 생각나서 다시는 아니하리라
9   잡으려는 소망은 헛것이라 그것을 보기만 하여도 낙담하지 않겠느냐
10   아무도 그것을 격동시킬 용맹이 없거든 능히 나를 당할 자가 누구냐
11   누가 먼저 내게 주고 나로 갚게 하였느냐 온 천하에 있는 것이 다 내 것이니라
12   내가 악어의 지체와 큰 힘과 훌륭한 구조에 대하여 잠잠치 아니하리라
13   누가 그 가죽을 벗기겠으며 그 아가미 사이로 들어가겠는고
14   누가 그 얼굴의 문을 열 수 있을까 그 두루 있는 이가 두렵구나
15   견고한 비늘은 그의 자랑이라 서로 연함이 봉한것 같구나
16   이것, 저것이 한데 붙었으니 바람도 그 사이로 들어가지 못하겠고
17   서로 연하여 붙었으니 능히 나눌 수도 없구나
18   그것이 재채기를 한즉 광채가 발하고 그 눈은 새벽 눈꺼풀이 열림 같으며
19   그 입에서는 횃불이 나오고 불똥이 뛰어나며
20   그 콧구멍에서는 연기가 나오니 마치 솥이 끓는 것과 갈대의 타는것 같구나
21   그 숨이 능히 숯불을 피우니 불꽃이 그 입에서 나오며
22   힘이 그 목에 뭉키었고 두려움이 그 앞에서 뛰는구나
23   그 살의 조각들이 서로 연하고 그 몸에 견고하여 움직이지 아니하며
24   그 마음이 돌 같이 단단하니 그 단단함이 맷돌 아랫짝 같구나
25   그것이 일어나면 용사라도 두려워하며 경겁하여 창황하며
26   칼로 칠찌라도 쓸데 없고 창이나 살이나 작살도 소용이 없구나
27   그것이 철을 초개 같이, 놋을 썩은 나무 같이 여기니
28   살이라도 그것으로 도망하게 못하겠고 물매 돌도 그것에게는 겨 같이 여기우는구나
29   몽둥이도 검불 같이 보고 창을 던짐을 우습게 여기며
30   그 배 아래는 날카로운 와륵 같으니 진흙 위에 타작 기계 같이 자취를 내는구나
31   깊은 물로 솥의 물이 끓음 같게 하며 바다로 젖는 향기름 같게 하고
32   자기 뒤에 광채나는 길을 내니 사람의 보기에 바닷물이 백발 같구나
33   땅 위에는 그것 같은 것이 없나니 두려움 없게 지음을 받았음이라
34   모든 높은 것을 낮게 보고 모든 교만한 것의 왕이 되느니라
Job 41 [NASB]    
"Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook? Or press down his tongue with a cord?
"Can you put a rope in his nose Or pierce his jaw with a hook?
"Will he make many supplications to you, Or will he speak to you soft words?
"Will he make a covenant with you? Will you take him for a servant forever?
"Will you play with him as with a bird, Or will you bind him for your maidens?
"Will the traders bargain over him? Will they divide him among the merchants?
"Can you fill his skin with harpoons, Or his head with fishing spears?
"Lay your hand on him; Remember the battle; you will not do it again!
"Behold, your expectation is false; Will you be laid low even at the sight of him?
"No one is so fierce that he dares to arouse him; Who then is he that can stand before Me?
"Who has given to Me that I should repay him? Whatever is under the whole heaven is Mine.
"I will not keep silence concerning his limbs, Or his mighty strength, or his orderly frame.
"Who can strip off his outer armor? Who can come within his double mail?
"Who can open the doors of his face? Around his teeth there is terror.
"His strong scales are his pride, Shut up as with a tight seal.
"One is so near to another That no air can come between them.
"They are joined one to another; They clasp each other and cannot be separated.
"His sneezes flash forth light, And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
"Out of his mouth go burning torches; Sparks of fire leap forth.
"Out of his nostrils smoke goes forth As from a boiling pot and burning rushes.
"His breath kindles coals, And a flame goes forth from his mouth.
"In his neck lodges strength, And dismay leaps before him.
"The folds of his flesh are joined together, Firm on him and immovable.
"His heart is as hard as a stone, Even as hard as a lower millstone.
"When he raises himself up, the mighty fear; Because of the crashing they are bewildered.
"The sword that reaches him cannot avail, Nor the spear, the dart or the javelin.
"He regards iron as straw, Bronze as rotten wood.
"The arrow cannot make him flee; Slingstones are turned into stubble for him.
"Clubs are regarded as stubble; He laughs at the rattling of the javelin.
"His underparts are like sharp potsherds; He spreads out like a threshing sledge on the mire.
"He makes the depths boil like a pot; He makes the sea like a jar of ointment.
"Behind him he makes a wake to shine; One would think the deep to be gray-haired.
"Nothing on earth is like him, One made without fear.
"He looks on everything that is high; He is king over all the sons of pride."

동산 중앙에 있는 나무의 실과는 하나님의 말씀에 너희는 먹지도 말고 만지지도 말라 너희가 죽을까 하노라 하셨느니라
뱀이 여자에게 이르되 너희가 결코 죽지 아니하리라
but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"
The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die!

God이 인간에게 죽는다고 말한 것은 로마 군병의 창에 찔려서 죽는다고 말한 것이고,
뱀이 죽지않는다고 말한 것은 번개는 인간 눈을 밝게하는 빛이라고 말했다.
God은 인간이 벼락맞아 죽는다고 말했고,
뱀은 빛이라고 말했다.
번개는 인간에게 양면성이다. 벼락맞아 죽는 사람들 의외로 많다.
When God said to man that he would die, he was saying that he would die by being pierced by a Roman soldier's spear,
To say that snakes do not die is said that lightning is the light that brightens the human eye.
God said that humans die by lightning,
Said the snake is light.
Lightning is ambivalent to humans. There are surprisingly many people who die by lightning.

여호와 하나님이 뱀에게 이르시되 네가 이렇게 하였으니 네가 모든 육축과 들의 모든 짐승보다 더욱 저주를 받아 배로 다니고 종신토록 흙을 먹을지니라
내가 너로 여자와 원수가 되게하고 너의 후손도 여자의 후손과 원수가 되게 하리니 여자의 후손은 네 머리를 상하게 할 것이요 너는 그의 발꿈치를 상하게 할 것이니라 하시고
또 여자에게 이르시되 내가 네게 잉태하는 고통을 크게 더하리니 네가 수고하고 자식을 낳을 것이며 너는 남편을 사모하고 남편은 너를 다스릴 것이니라 하시고
아담에게 이르시되 네가 네 아내의 말을 듣고 내가 너더러 먹지 말라한 나무 실과를 먹었은즉 땅은 너로 인하여 저주를 받고 너는 종신토록 수고하여야 그 소산을 먹으리라
땅이 네게 가시덤불과 엉겅퀴를 낼 것이라 너의 먹을 것은 밭의 채소인즉
네가 얼굴에 땀이 흘러야 식물을 먹고 필경은 흙으로 돌아 가리니 그 속에서 네가 취함을 입었음이라 너는 흙이니 흙으로 돌아갈 것이니라 하시니라
And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."
To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth, In pain you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you."
Then to Adam He said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'; Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it All the days of your life.
"Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; And you will eat the plants of the field;
By the sweat of your face You will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you shall return."

아래 그림 5개 머리 뱀과 아담에게서 창세기 3장의 모든 내용이 나왔다.
이브가 출산하는 고통은 여호와가 인간을 진흙으로 아담을 만드는 것과 동일한 출처입니다.
도마가 말하는 고통도 이것이다.
늙은이가 7일된 아이에게 삶의 자리를 묻는 것.
솔로몬이 지혜/지식 자랑 아무리 외쳐봐야 근본적인 인간이 자식을 낳은 출산이 없으면 무용지물이다.
솔로몬의 지혜/지식는 부수적인 영생기능밖에 안된다.

출산은 누트신전의 전매특허라 솔로몬이 못마땅해하는거다.

아펩신전의 선악과는 번개지만,
태양신전의 선악과는 태양이다.
달은 선악과에서 열외다.
달이 하늘에 미치는 영향평가는 있으나마나다.

아펩신전의 사람은 번개가 창조했지만,
태양신전의 사람은 태양이 창조자다.

번개는 12초만에 천지만물을 창조했지만,
태양은 빛의 속도로 천지만물을 모두 창조했다.

번개는 짧은 시간이라는 특성 때문에 여러가지를 다양하게 개념화하기 어렵지만,
태양은 연속광이라 여러가지를 한꺼번에 다양하게 개념화한다.

노아의 방주는 태양의 천지창조에 대한 진부하게 긴 표현이다.
여호와가 진흙으로 사람을 만든 것이나, 여자가 출산하는 고통을 받는 것이나 똑같은 것처럼.

All of Genesis 3 came from the five-headed serpent and Adam in the picture below.
The pain of giving birth to Eve is the same source as Jehovah making Adam out of clay.
This is also the suffering that Thomas speaks of.
An old man asks a 7-day-old child for a place in life.
No matter how much Solomon bragged about his wisdom/knowledge, it is useless if the fundamental human beings do not have children.
Solomon's wisdom/knowledge was only an incidental function of eternal life.

Because childbirth is a proprietary patent of the Temple of Nut, Solomon is displeased.

The fruit of good and evil in the temple of Apep is lightning,
The fruit of good and evil in the Sun Temple is the sun.
The moon is an exception in the science of good and evil.
There are few evaluations of the moon's effect on the sky.

The people of the Temple of Apep were created by lightning,
For the people of the Sun Temple, the sun is the creator.

Lightning created heaven and earth in 12 seconds,
The sun created everything in the universe at the speed of light.

Lightning is difficult to conceptualize in various ways due to its short duration, but
The sun is a continuous light, so it conceptualizes many things at once.

Noah's Ark is a cliche long expression of the sun's creation.
Just as Jehovah made man out of clay, or the pain of childbirth.

벤벤/골고다 언덕 안에 아펩뱀이 들어가 있는 것은 그리스 해적들이 늘상 점령하고 있었고 카르타고와 같은 국가를 건설해서다.
The reason that the Apep snake is in the Benben/Golgotha hill is because the Greek pirates always occupied it and they built a country like Carthage.


"마당에 악어가 나타났다"...악어 잡는 아빠의 악어 퇴치법은? (현장영상) / SBS

가난이 죄? 정신병?
Is poverty a sin? psychosis?

얘들아 다른 놈은 다 용서해도 아빠 모독한 이놈은 용서가 안된다.
Guys, even if I forgive everyone else, I can't forgive this guy who insulted my Dadyy.

우리가 돼지우리에 진주를 던져넣는 것은, 진주에 관심없는 소돔과 고모라에 거주중인 혹시나 있을지 모르는 의인들을 위함이지 돼지를 위한 것이 아니며,
또 하나는, 진짜 돼지우리로 변한 작금의 교회가 우리의 말을 받지않기 때문에 돼지우리 2중대에 던지는 것이다.
무슨 차이가 있는가?
작금 돼지우리로 변한 교회는 우리의 말을 이단으로 취급하지만, 돼지우리 2중대는 우리의 말을 편견없는 연구로 보기 때문이다.

연구란 물증을 바탕으로 하는 것이 보편이며,
과학적 가정이나 추리는 (심증{gain a confident belief}만 있고 물증이 없을 때 부득이하게 빌리는 경우이며) 부분별하게 도입하지는 않는다.

We are throwing pearls into the pigsty for the sake of the righteous who may live in Sodom and Gomorrah who are not interested in pearls, not for the pigs.
Another is that the current church, which has been turned into a real pig pen, does not accept our words, so it is thrown into the 2nd company of the pig pen.
What difference does it make?
This is because the church, which has now been turned into a pigpen, treats our words as heresy, but the 2nd Company of the pigpen sees our words as unbiased research.

Research is generally based on evidence,
Scientific assumptions or reasoning (which is a case of borrowing inevitably when you have only gain a confident belief and no evidence) are not introduced in parts.

그리고 건데야 미국영화 하나 찾아다오.
네이버 지식in에 아까 올렸는데 대꾸가 없다.

영화 전체를 본 것이 아니고 1년 전쯤에 유튜브 검색하다가 어느 유튜버가 추천하는 영상으로 약 20분정도 줄거리를 설명하는 영상으로만 봐서 연결 맥락이 매끄럽지가 않았습니다.

시대는 현대와 미래를 섞은 듯한 시점이고, 첨단 기술력을 보유한 비밀조직이 한 남자를 신으로 만들고 도리어 거덜나는 내용입니다.
예정된 남자-사람을 신으로 만든다는 내용이 아주 신선했습니다.
이후 신(God)으로 변한 남자가 번개같은 형태로 변해서 우주에서 날아오는 강력한 에너지장을 대기권밖으로 나가서 막아내고 하늘 어디론가 사라지는 황당+뭐지?하는 영화입니다.
지구 종말을 막으려고 과거 오래전부터 활동해온 지하조직이 있는데,
이 조직이 선량한 것과는 거리가 있는 것 같았어요.
많은 살인을 예정된 일이라며 아주 서슴치않게 잘합니다.
그렇다고 종교적인 색채가 나는 것은 전혀 아니였고요.
죽음도 불사하는 확실한 신념으로 똘똘뭉치 그런 조직들 있잖아요 그런 느낌이였습니다.
이 조직의 보스가 중년 남자를 납치해서 몸에 뭔가를 주입한 것 같은데 이 부분은 확실하지가 않아요.
그리고 중년 남자에게는 딸이 하나 있는데, 조직이 이 딸을 납치해서 남자를 회유하며 조종하려고 합니다만 실패?하고 나중에는 아빠가 보는 앞에서 딸까지 죽입니다.
딸의 죽음을 보고 남성이 분노로 각성하면서 신으로 변하며 번개능력으로 조직을 개박살냅니다.
그런데 조직의 보스가 죽기전에 남자가 각성하는 최종 단계가 딸의 죽음이고 보스 자신의 죽음도 과거부터 예정된 일이라며 기쁘게 웃으면서 죽음을 맞이합니다.
이 부분에서는 뭐지싶으면서도 많은 아이러니가 느껴졌습니다.
그리고 우주에서 붉은 빛깔의 에너지장 같은게 지구로 덮치기 직전에 남자가 대기권으로 날아가서 번개 능력으로 맞받아치면서 에너지장이 사라집니다.
다시 죽은 딸에게 돌아온 아빠가 번개능력으로 딸을 살려내고 X-맨의 피닉스 진 그레이처럼 하늘로 사라지면서 영화는 끝납니다.
영화 중간에 남자의 의지와는 별개로 불규칙하게 신으로 각성하는 과정에서 번개로 변하는 능력이 발현되며 엄청난 속도로 빌딩들 사이를 누비며 관통하며 빌딩의 일부가 부서지며 유리창 파편들이 난무하며 자동차들이 파손되는 장면들이 몇 번 있었습니다.
배트맨과 집사가 고담시를 모니터링하는 것처럼 지하조직의 보스가 여러대의 모니터로 실시간 감시하는 장면이 자주 나옵니다.
지하조직의 보스역활을 맡은 배우는 미국 메이저급 영화에 조연으로 자주 출연하는 핸섬한 배우(이름을 모름)라 얼굴이 많이 익숙했습니다만, 약간 살집이 있고 배가 나온 주인공을 맡은 중년남자는 처음보는 배우였어요.
일반적인 히어로 영화가 아닌데 중년들이 바라는 히어로 영화처럼 느껴지게 진행됩니다.
스토리가 진부하지 않아서 많이 신선했습니다.
오래된 영화가 아니고 최근 3~4년전에 출시된 영화라고 했습니다.
유튜버 소개영상이지만 B급 영화겠지하고 봤다가 '다크시티'처럼 간만에 영화다운 영화하나 건졌다고 본 영화라 기억은 생생한데 덮어두고있어서 그랬나 영화제목이 떠오르질 않네요.
다시 찾아보려고 유튜브 검색해보니 어디로갔나 없는겁니다.
여러 검색어로 3일을 찾아봤지만 결국은 못찾고 마지막으로 네이버 지식in에 기대를 걸어봅니다.
여기서도 못찾는다면 먼 훗날 생각지도않게 우연히 조우하는 날을 기대해야겠네요.

강호의 문사 제현께 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

And by the way, find an American movie.
I posted it earlier on Naver Knowledge In, but there is no reply.

I didn't watch the entire movie, but while searching on YouTube about a year ago, I saw only a 20-minute video recommended by a YouTuber that explains the plot, so the connection context was not smooth.

The content of the movie is
The era seems to have mixed the present with the future, and a secret organization with cutting-edge technology turns a man into a god and turns him on the contrary.
It was very refreshing to see the destined man-to-human being turned into a god.
Afterwards, a man who has turned into a god changes into a lightning-like form, goes out of the atmosphere to block a powerful energy field flying from space, and disappears somewhere in the sky + What?
There is an underground organization that has been active for a long time in the past to prevent the end of the earth.
It seemed that this organization was far from being good.
They say that many murders are planned, and they do it very well.
It wasn't at all religious, though.
It was a feeling that there are such organizations with a certain belief that even death is immortal.
The boss of this organization seems to have kidnapped a middle-aged man and injected something into his body, but I'm not sure about this.
And the middle-aged man has a daughter. The gang kidnaps this daughter and tries to manipulate her man, but fails? Later, in front of her father, she even kills her daughter.
Upon seeing his daughter's death, the man awakens in anger and turns into a god, destroying the organization with his lightning ability.
However, before the boss of the organization dies, the final stage in which a man awakens is the death of his daughter, and the death of the boss himself is also expected from the past.
There was a lot of irony in this part, even though I wanted to say something.
And just before a red-colored energy field from space hits the Earth, the man flies into the atmosphere and strikes it back with his lightning ability, and the energy field disappears.
The movie ends with the father returning to his dead daughter again, using his lightning powers to bring her daughter back to life and disappearing into the sky like X-Men's Phoenix Jean Gray.
In the middle of the movie, regardless of the will of the man, the ability to change to lightning is revealed in the process of waking up to a god irregularly, and it traverses and penetrates between buildings at a tremendous speed, parts of the buildings are broken, glass windows are scattered around, and cars are damaged. There were several scenes.
Just as Batman and Butler monitor Gotham City, there are often scenes where the boss of the underground organization is monitoring in real time with multiple monitors.
The actor who took the role of the boss of the underground organization was familiar with the face as he was a handsome actor (name unknown) who frequently appeared as a supporting actor in major American movies, but it was the first time I had ever seen a middle-aged man with a little flesh and a belly.
It's not a typical hero movie, but it progresses like a hero movie that middle-aged people want.
The story wasn't cliche, so it was very fresh.
It's not an old movie, it's a movie that was recently released 3-4 years ago.
It's a YouTuber introduction video, but I saw it as a B-grade movie, but I saw a movie like 'Dark City' after a while, so I have a vivid memory, but I can't remember the movie title because it was covered.
I searched YouTube to find it again and couldn't find it anywhere.
I searched for 3 days with various search terms, but in the end I couldn't find it, and finally, I put my hopes on Naver Knowledgein.
If you can't find it here, you'll have to look forward to the day you unexpectedly meet in the future.

I would like to thank Jaehyun, the teacher of Kangho. thank you.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 07:17:51 PM
Quote from: Floor on February 03, 2022, 02:14:56 PM
Why go to so much trouble, when its easier to insert
two wires into the opposite ends of a large cucumber for
an endless supply of electricity ?


            free HHO

Buy a little unobtainium off ebay then dissolve 19 mg in 8 oz reagent grade
celery juice along with 2 teaspoons of  NaCl.   8)


I'm not quite sure what you mean exactly.
A question about generators?
Please post the specific part, circuit or photo.
Videos are better.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 07:19:30 PM
미 연구팀 '연소플라스마' 첫 성공..."핵융합 실현 새 이정표"

Scientists Achieve Milestone in Self-Sustaining Fusion Energy, Burning Plasma in U.S. Experiments for First Time

이런 연구결과가 지구에서 에너지를 얻는데는 실상 아무런 도움이 되지 않는다.
핵융합은 연구를 위한 목적이고,
천년후에도 만년후에도 발전소는 테슬라를 응용한 발전기나, 운동에너지를 이용한 발전일 가능성이 매우 높다.
These findings are of no help in obtaining energy from the Earth.
Nuclear fusion is for research purposes,
Even after a thousand years or ten thousand years, the power plant is highly likely to be a generator using Tesla or power generation using kinetic energy.


빅뱅의 공간을 찾는 것이 무의미한 것은,
140억년전 빅뱅의 힘을 아직까지 우주의 모든 은하들이 보유하고 있다고 생각한다면 안드로메다 은하와 우리 은하가 충돌할 수 없다.
그러니까 140억년전의 빅뱅폭발의 힘은 달이나 수성크기의 항성들이 모여 은하가 형성되며 은하들간의 중력인력이 작용해서 빅뱅의 힘이 무력화됐다고 보는 것이 더 타당하다.
별이 중력의 영향으로 공전한다는 것은 이해하며 140억년전의 빅뱅폭발의 힘이 아직도 존재한다고 믿는 것이 허무맹랑하다는 뜻이다.

우주가 팽창한다는 가설은 빅뱅의 힘이 아직도 건재해야 가능한 가설이다.
우주의 크기는 빅뱅 팽창의 결과가 아니라 태양과 같은 별들의 자연폭발로 인한 팽창일 가능성이 더 높다.
우주에 수많은 항성들은 자체중력에 의해 원소들간에 간섭으로 핵분열하는 중력 한계점이 있다.

우리은하에서 항성이 태어날 때의 화학 구성비는 대체로 71%의 수소, 27%의 헬륨 및 나머지 2% 중원소로 되어 있다. 통상적으로 무거운 원소의 비율은 항성 상층부 대기 내에 포함된 철의 함유율로 표시하는데, 이는 철이 상대적으로 흔한 원소이자 흡수선이 강하게 나타나서 비교적 측정하기 쉽기 때문이다. 별이 태어나는 분자 구름은 초신성 폭발로부터 중원소 함량이 점차 늘어나기 때문에, 항성 내의 중원소 함유량은 항성의 나이를 알아보는 지표로 사용된다. 또한 중원소의 비율은 항성이 주위에 행성을 가지고 있는가를 추측하는 지표이기도 하다.

이런 구성비 비율이 아니다.
태양중심부의 압력으로 물질이 플라즈마로 변하면서 태양의 표면까지 플라즈마로 전이되는 중력 한계점이 있다.
목성보다는 크고, 태양보다는 작은 자체중력으로 플라즈마가 생성되는 지점에서 항성으로 변한다.
무수한 소행성의 충돌로 몸집을 불려가면서 차츰차츰 항성으로 변하고 팽창하고 소멸하는 반복과정이 우주다.
우주 빅뱅의 힘은 첫 항성들의 자체붕괴나 폭발하는 시점부터 힘을 잃었다는 가정이 가능하다.

It is meaningless to find the space of the Big Bang,
If you think that the power of the Big Bang 14 billion years ago is still possessed by all galaxies in the universe, the Andromeda Galaxy and ours cannot collide.
Therefore, it is more reasonable to think that the force of the Big Bang explosion 14 billion years ago was that the moon or Mercury-sized stars gathered to form galaxies, and the force of the Big Bang was neutralized by the gravitational attraction between galaxies.
Understanding that stars orbit under the influence of gravity means that it is futile to believe that the force of the Big Bang explosion 14 billion years ago still exists.

The hypothesis that the universe is expanding is only possible if the power of the Big Bang is still intact.
The size of the universe is more likely to be the result of the natural explosion of stars such as the Sun, rather than the result of the Big Bang expansion.
Numerous stars in the universe have a gravitational limit where nuclear fission occurs due to interference between elements due to their own gravity.

In our Milky Way, the chemical composition of stars at birth is roughly 71% hydrogen, 27% helium, and the remaining 2% heavy elements. Usually, the proportion of heavy elements is expressed as the content of iron contained in the upper atmosphere of the star, because iron is a relatively common element and is relatively easy to measure because of its strong absorption line. Since the molecular cloud in which stars are formed gradually increases in the content of heavy elements from supernova explosions, the content of heavy elements in a star is used as an indicator of the age of a star. The ratio of heavy elements is also an indicator of whether a star has planets around it.

It is not this proportion of composition.
There is a gravitational threshold at which matter is transformed into plasma by the pressure of the center of the sun and transferred to plasma even to the surface of the sun.
Larger than Jupiter and smaller than the Sun, it transforms into a star at the point where plasma is generated by its own gravity.
The universe is an iterative process that gradually transforms into a star, expands, and disappears as it grows in size due to the collision of countless asteroids.
It is possible to assume that the force of the cosmic big bang has been lost from the time the first stars self-collapse or explode.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 07:20:51 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 07:27:05 PM
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 11, 2021, 11:43:52 AM
some thing wrong here in this circuit

Quote from: color on December 05, 2020, 08:20:06 AM
Пояснения по генератору
Пояснения по схеме реального БТГ
Пояснения по схеме реального БТГ продолжение
Пояснения по генератору Видео №4
Пояснения по настройке генератора Алексеева


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 07:42:07 PM
K9 자주포 이집트에 수출..."2조원 규모 역대 최대"

2조원의 십일조가 얼마더냐.
그래그래 2000억원이니라.
아빠 농협통장번호 그대로 있느니라.

아브라함과 건달바성 후까시 드론 멜기세텍의 계약은 아직도 유효하니라.

계약이 무산될시 대한민굴 헌법이 규정한 모든 국토를 이방인에게 양도하겠다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 07:43:15 PM
후까시잡다 실패한 자동차들 ;D 8)

후까시 드론? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

Technologies 21 st century

Игорь Христюк
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on February 03, 2022, 09:04:53 PM
Quote from: color on February 01, 2022, 10:39:08 AM

Update Free energy forever no wind no solar no gas READ DISCRIPTION!!!

The World 1st(portable) Free Energy Generator. Car Alternator spinning clean Power. No Emission.

Here we take two automotive alternator, mount it together side by side on a set of 5/8 threaded rods. With one alternator converted in to brushless three phase 12-40 DCV motor and the other alike alternator in its OEM standard battery charging capability. The brushless AC/DC motor spinning the alternator, let see what happen?. This video is part of a experiment to electrify the circuit with 14.5 DCV@ 100Ah with BLDC motor consumption below 30Ah at 12-24 DCV or approximately 40DC volts for more motor speed(RPM). This device can be consider to be a self-power AC/DC Eletric generator, that require no fuel or physical action from man or nature.  The self power Eletric generator consumes 10% energy of the its total output. the self-power electric generator also known as the "ULTIMOTOR"(DYNAMO) is constructed of three phase permanent magnet rotor inside a AC/DC three phase coil field. the 3-phase brushless AC/DC motor only require about 10-15amp at 12- 40dcv. The car alternator produce 14.5v of 100amp @3000rpm. The brushless AC/DC motor uses the same battery energy that the alternator is recharging. The #alternator is capable of recharging many banks of batteries(wet-cell type or others) while providing electricity to refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machines, micro wave and many other house utility electronic device. The self-power electric generator can work in conditions of no sunlight or wind and off-grid with no fuel or fire and smoke. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST CLEAN ENERGY DEVICE. non pollution. safe in the home. low voltage. No electrical Shock. it's all automotive energy inverted to meet your 120-240 AC voltage needs. a similar device can be found with two permanent magnet alternator working side by side. its a much quieter device when in operation. Since it does not have to brake its rotation on a electro-magnetic field found in a alternator. stay tune


Use a six volt heater blower motor with a three way toggle or dimmer switch to control speed. Then add a capacitor from a aftermarket car stereo system. And add it between your charging alternator and your battery. Then add an alternator for AC power which will be 120 to 240v @ 90amps (enough to power your house or weld) by taking out the diode pack and running your three wires off the coils through an AC regulator ,(can be found in most inverter generators) and then to an AC outlet. (You can put a small breaker panel with 100 amp blowable breaker or a 100 amp fuse in between your reg and your outlet which I highly recommend) so recap auto heater blower motor high rpm low power usage pully to unaltered car alternator with double pully which runs 12v back through a capacitor to battery for continual charge and consistent motor rotation. From second pully to a second car alternator altered by removing diode pack for 120-240v AC power @90amps. Wire the three coil wires through an AC regulator into a small fuse panel with 100 amp breaker. Or through reg to 100 amp fuse each for both the red and white wires. Then to an outlet. Now 100 amps is too much for most appliances or electronics to take at once so I recommend breaking down the hundred amps into one 30 amp outlet and three 20 amp outlets. You'll never need to charge your batteries and will be able to run absolutely anything. The more you consume at once though the more  12v capacitors will be needed  wire them in series.

Electric Motor Generator

Why go to so much trouble, when its easier to insert
two wires into the opposite ends of a large cucumber for
an endless supply of electricity ?


            free HHO

Buy a little unobtainium off ebay then dissolve 19 mg in 8 oz reagent grade
celery juice along with 2 teaspoons of  NaCl.    8)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 10:54:25 PM
Quote from: Floor on February 03, 2022, 09:04:53 PM

Why go to so much trouble, when its easier to insert
two wires into the opposite ends of a large cucumber for
an endless supply of electricity ?


            free HHO

Buy a little unobtainium off ebay then dissolve 19 mg in 8 oz reagent grade
celery juice along with 2 teaspoons of  NaCl.    8)


Show me the car generator you're experimenting with.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 11:36:20 PM
It's 100% real, but it only runs for 7 hours continuously because of engine overheating ::) ::) 8)
교류 발전기와 모터로 집에서 무한 전력을 생성하는 방법

이 카페는 국민핵교도 못댕긴 러시아 인간말종들만 질문하는 것 같어...... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 03, 2022, 11:57:51 PM
아빠, 회원들간의 친목도모 댓글은 후까시 왕국 드론 멜기세텍 십일조 자주국방 지름길이야 아빠.


이 넓은 우주공간에 지구 속 인간 외 외계인의 존재를 우리가 왜 못보는 줄 알아 ?
우리가 " 저 행성에 외계 생물체 있을것 같다 " 해서 관측해 보면 그 행성의 과거 수천억년 전 모습을 관측하기 때문이다.
한마디로 다른 은하계 행성의 '인간' 과 비슷한 지능의 문명국가 행성인들이 우리은하의 지구를 관측했을때 딱 사진 처럼 저렇게 관측됨 .
즉 서로 과거 행성의 모습을 보고 " 저기는 생명체가 있을것 같은데 우리와 같은 지능을 갖은 문명인은 없나 보구나 ... " 라고 정의 할 수 밖에
없음 .  즉 관측은 그 행성의 수천억년의 과거의 모습을 보기 때문임 .
즉 인간과 비슷한 그 보다 더 지능이 뛰어난 외계생명체는 존재함 . 단지 우주라는 공간이 너무 넓어서 서로 과거의 모습만 관측만 할 뿐
정작 아무도 그 행성을 갈 기술력이나 능력이 없기 때문임. 

건달바성 후까시 드론들은 차원 넘어에서 지구의 미래까지 실기간 모니터링한단다 개희야.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on February 04, 2022, 12:01:33 AM
Show me that any man is a dog or a pig and then show me
the man who is qualified to say so.

The treasures (or pearls) he is speaking of are not from the sea.

Being devoured has the meaning of that your own understanding
may be shaken.

The free energy engine I have been involved in is already published
here on this forum.  It does what is claimed. 

May be, take a little time to look around once in a while.

Are you in possession of a free energy device ?

Did you mean to inquire as to if I am trying to replicate the motor / generator
device in the first video ( I was responding to).  If so the answer is no.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2022, 12:24:09 AM
Floor :

If you do not disclose your generator, it will be considered as a friendly comment among members.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2022, 12:26:49 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on February 04, 2022, 12:39:57 AM
Quote from: color on February 04, 2022, 12:24:09 AM

Floor :

If you do not disclose your generator, it will be considered as a friendly comment among members.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2022, 12:42:01 AM

This is not my own video...

If you want to make money with YouTube, you need aggressive marketing.

The video from 10 years ago..........................Ummmmmmmmm......................It is very rural.


ванговать не вредно....))) в том то и суть чтобы поле первички имело возможность изменять свое направление не изменяя индуктивное сопротивление всей системы . но снять можно только третью часть. если два транса,то две трети.
так что попробуем рассмотреть эту схему.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on February 04, 2022, 12:59:51 AM
This post was respectfully removed by me for what I consider to
be in the best interest of the topic and those involved.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2022, 06:40:47 AM
선거 조작으로 당선된 미국의 가짜 대통령이 한국을 방문한다고 언론이 분위기를 띄우고 있다.
가짜의 옥체신변은 한국에서 보장받지 못할 것이다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 04, 2022, 07:37:28 AM
Floor :

We are not interested in the opinions of the members of this cafe.
We are always in a position to announce. Anything.
Because research is always an iteration of trial and error, and there is much more we can learn in the process.
There is no such thing as perfect research achievements in the world.
There is only the process of developing or regressing day by day.
So, the conversation applies only to members who are able to learn.
Protection of other people's technology may also be a consideration for the public.
There are weapons that can be used in war and there are weapons that cannot be used.
The use of nuclear, bacterial and chemical weapons is condemned.
The YES and NO weapons that some members use recklessly are like nuclear weapons.
This is because from the moment you answer 'YES', you are under pressure to disclose it.
So I will not answer questions from members who use nuclear weapons.
My dad is always being watched by the Korean government.
In South Korea, which faces North Korea, we need to be cautious about our remarks.
The Russians have similar remarks and positions in their own country.
please understand.


Quote from: AlienGrey on August 11, 2021, 11:43:52 AM
some thing wrong here in this circuit
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 24, 2021, 03:55:44 AM
Try changing the 74hc14 with a 74HC00


It is also possible that the presenter did the trick, like Ruslan did.
Logic gates can be easily replaced.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Floor on February 04, 2022, 07:46:11 AM
Please see

We americans in some ways live in a very small perspecive of the world.
I offer my apologies for not having previously understood.

Thank you.

        Best wishes
            and regards
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 01:44:02 AM
11   첫째의 이름은 비손이라 금이 있는 하윌라 온 땅에 둘렸으며
12   그 땅의 금은 정금이요 그곳에는 베델리엄과 호마노도 있으며
13   둘째 강의 이름은 기혼이라 구스 온 땅에 둘렸고
14   세째 강의 이름은 힛데겔이라 앗수르 동편으로 흐르며 네째 강은 유브라데더라
15   여호와 하나님이 그 사람을 이끌어 에덴 동산에 두사 그것을 다스리며 지키게 하시고
16   여호와 하나님이 그 사람에게 명하여 가라사대 동산 각종 나무의 실과는 네가 임의로 먹되
17   선악을 알게하는 나무의 실과는 먹지 말라 네가 먹는 날에는 정녕 죽으리라 하시니라
The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.
The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the onyx stone are there.
The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush.
The name of the third river is Tigris; it flows east of Assyria And the fourth river is the Euphrates.
Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.
The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;
but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die."

17   이스마엘은 향년이 일백 삼십 칠세에 기운이 진하여 죽어 자기 열조에게로 돌아갔고
18   그 자손들은 하윌라에서부터 앗수르로 통하는 애굽 앞 술까지 이르러 그 모든 형제의 맞은편에 거하였더라
These are the years of the life of Ishmael, one hundred and thirty-seven years; and he breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his people.
They settled from Havilah to Shur which is east of Egypt as one goes toward Assyria; he settled in defiance of all his relatives.

여호와는 그리스 테르마이코스 만(Thermaikos Gulf)의 진흙으로 아담을 만들었다.
Jehovah made Adam out of the clay of Thermaikos Gulf in Greece.

여호와는 그리스 트라키아 해(Thracia Sea)의 진흙으로 아담을 만들었다.
Jehovah made Adam out of the mud of the Thracian Sea, Greece.

여호와는 그리스 에게 해(Aegean Sea)의 진흙으로 아담을 만들었다.
Yahweh made Adam out of the mud of the Aegean Sea in Greece.

여호와는 흑해의 진흙으로 아담을 만들었다.
Yahweh made Adam out of the mud of the Black Sea.

그리스 진흙으로 만든 사람이 흑인이겠는가 백인이겠는가?
Was the man made of Greek clay black or white?

갑돌의 바리새인 유대인에게 맞춰진 창세기 창조론이 아니라 이집트인들이 표현한 그리스인에 대한 인식이다.
유대인들이 창조론에 도입하면서 그들 것이된다.
It is not the creationism of Genesis that was geared towards the Jews, the Pharisees of Capdol (Crete), but the perception of the Greeks expressed by the Egyptians.
As the Jews introduced it to creationism, it became theirs.

그렇다면 로마제국에 끌려간 유대인 노예들이 인식하는 아담의 에덴동산은 어디에서 발원하겠는가.
If so, where does Adam's Garden of Eden begin, as perceived by Jewish slaves taken to the Roman Empire?


The Danube was once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire and today.....
도나우강은 한때 로마제국의 오랜 국경이었고 오늘날에는.....

이탈리아 반도는 악어와 Djed의 기원이다.
Djed 역활하는 이스마엘의 후손들이 하윌라까지 퍼졌다.
모래를 뜻하는 하윌라(Havilah)는 태양신전 염주들을 지칭하는 말이다.
The Italian peninsula is the origin of crocodiles and Djeds.
The descendants of Ishmael, who acted as Djed, spread to Havilah.
Havilah, meaning sand, refers to the sun temple beads.

하윌라에 대한 기존의 인식과 기록
(Havilah) [모래]
1. 에덴에서 흘러나온 강에서 갈라진 네 강 가운데 하나인 비손 강이 "돌아 흐른" 지역. 이 지역은 또한 좋은 금과 브델륨 고무와 줄마노가 나는 땅으로도 언급되어 있다. (창 2:10-12) 비손 강이 어디에 있는지는 더 이상 알 수 없으므로, 하윌라 땅의 위치도 불확실하다. (비손 참조) 일부 학자들은 하윌라의 산물을 묘사하는 내용이 전형적인 아라비아의 산물을 묘사하는 것이라고 생각하며, 또한 어떤 사람들은 하윌라가 아라비아의 한 지역과 관련이 있다고 여긴다. J. 시몬스는 성서에서 "하윌라 온 땅"이라고 표현한 것을 근거로, "하윌라"라는 표현이 아라비아 반도 전체를 통칭할 수 있다는—비손 강이 어떻게 그러한 지역을 '돌아 흐를' 수 있었는지 이해하기는 어렵지만—견해를 제시한다.—「구약의 지리학적·지지학적 본문들」(The Geographical and Topographical Texts of the Old Testament), 라이덴, 1959년, 40, 41면.
2. 창세기 25:18에 의하면, 이스마엘 사람들은 "이집트 앞의 술 근처 하윌라에서부터 아시리아까지 장막을 쳤다." 그렇다면 하윌라나 적어도 그 지역의 일부는 술 광야가 자리 잡고 있었을 시나이 반도나 그 근처까지 뻗어 있었어야 했을 것이다. (술 참조) 그 성구는 유목 민족인 이스마엘 사람들의 활동 범위가 시나이 반도에서부터 아라비아 북부를 곧장 가로질러 메소포타미아까지 이르렀음을 지적하는 것 같다. 그와 비슷하게, 사울 왕이 "하윌라에서부터 이집트 앞에 있는 술까지" 아말렉 사람들을 친 것에 관한 기록에서(삼첫 15:7), "하윌라에서부터"라는 표현은 아말렉 사람들이 집중되어 있던 지역의 한쪽 경계가 되는 아라비아 반도의 한 부분—아마도 북서쪽 가장자리—을 가리키고, 시나이 반도에 있는 술 광야는 그 반대쪽 경계를 나타냈던 것 같다. 다시 말해서, 「해설자의 성서 사전」(The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible)의 표현을 빌리자면, "북아라비아 네지드의 내륙 사막에서부터 이집트에 있는 현대의 수에즈 북쪽 지역까지"였던 것이다. (G. A. 버트릭 편, 1962년, 1권, 101면) 따라서 거기에는 적어도 아라비아 반도 북서부가 포함되었던 것 같으며, 어쩌면 훨씬 더 넓은 지역이 포함되었을 것이다.
3. 함의 아들인 구스의 아들. (창 10:6, 7) 많은 학자들은 이 구절에 나오는 하윌라라는 이름도 한 지역을 가리킨다고 생각하는데, 실제로 그 이름이 구스의 이 아들의 자손들이 정착한 지역을 가리키는 데 사용되었을 가능성도 충분히 있다. 바벨에서 흩어지는 일이 있은 뒤에(창 11:9) 구스의 자손들 대다수는 아프리카와 아라비아로 이주한 듯하므로, 일반적으로 제시되는 견해는 구스 사람 하윌라의 자손들을 고대 사바 사람들의 비문들에서 하울란이라고 불린 지역과 관련지어야 한다는 것이다. 이 지역은 오늘날 예멘의 북쪽, 아라비아 남서 해안에 위치해 있었다. 그에 더하여, 시간이 흐르면서 이 부족의 이주민들이 홍해를 건너 아프리카에서 현재 지부티와 소말리아로 알려진 지역으로 갔으며, 그 고대의 이름은 아우알리스라는 지명 속에 아직도 남아 있는 것일 수 있다는 견해를 제시하는 사람들도 있다. (「성서 사전」 A Dictionary of the Bible, J. 헤이스팅스 편, 1903년, 2권, 311면) 그러한 이주가 역방향으로 즉 아프리카에서 아라비아 쪽으로 이루어졌을 가능성도 똑같이 존재한다. 아프리카의 지부티와 아라비아를 갈라놓고 있는 바브엘만데브라고 불리는 홍해의 해협은 폭이 32킬로미터 정도에 불과하다.
4. 욕단의 아들이자 셈의 자손으로서 아르박삿 계통인 사람. (창 10:22-29) 욕단의 아들 가운데 다른 몇몇 사람, 이를테면 하살마웻과 오필 같은 아들들의 이름은 아라비아 남부에 있는 지역들과 관련이 있는 것 같다. 따라서 셈족의 하윌라와 그의 자손들 역시 꼭 그 남부 지역은 아니더라도 아라비아에 정착했을 것으로 보인다. 어떤 사람들은 구스 사람 하윌라가 정착한 지역과 동일한 곳에 셈 사람 하윌라도 정착했을 것으로 생각한다. 하지만 단지 이름이 같다는 점만으로는, 그들이 인종학적으로 서로 다른데도 두 사람 다 동일한 지역으로 가서 살았을 것이라고 추측할 근거가 전혀 되지 못한다. 구스 사람 하윌라를 아라비아 남서부의 하울란(3번에 언급됨)으로 알려진 지역과 연관 지을 만한 증거가 결정적이지 않으므로 하울란을 셈족의 하윌라와 연관 지을 여지도 있기는 하지만, 하울란이 아프리카와 관련이 있었고 에티오피아(구스 땅)와 가까웠다는 사실을 생각하면 그곳이 구스 사람 하윌라와 관련이 있었을 가능성이 더 높은 것 같다. 이 점에 근거하여 생각해 볼 때, 셈의 자손 하윌라는 아라비아에서 좀 더 북쪽에 있는 영토를 차지했던 것 같으며 아마도 그 때문에 1번에 언급된 땅의 이름이 생겨나게 된 것 같다.

Existing perceptions and records of Havilah
(Havilah) [Sand].
1. The region where the Pison, one of the four rivers forked from the river that flowed out of Eden, "flowed around". This area is also mentioned as a land of good gold, bdelium rubber, and onyx. (Ge 2:10-12) Since the location of the River Pison is no longer known, the location of the land of Havilah is also uncertain. (See BISON.) Some scholars consider the description of Havilah's produce to be typical of Arabian produce, while others view Havilah as related to a region of Arabia. Based on what J. Simmons said in the Bible as "all the land of Havilah," the expression "Havilah" could refer to the entire Arabian Peninsula—understanding how the River Pison was able to 'flow around' such a region. is difficult—but offers an opinion.—The Geographical and Topographical Texts of the Old Testament, Leiden, 1959, pp. 40, 41.
2. According to Genesis 25:18, the Ishmaelites "encamped from Havilah near Shur before Egypt to Assyria." If so, Havilah or at least part of that area would have stretched to or near the Sinai Peninsula, where the Wilderness of Sul would have been situated. (See wine.) The text seems to indicate that the nomadic peoples of the Ishmaelites extended their activities from the Sinai Peninsula straight across northern Arabia to Mesopotamia. Similarly, in the account of King Saul striking the Amalekites "from Havilah to Shur before Egypt" (1Sa 15:7), the expression "from Havilah" refers to one boundary of the area where the Amalekites were concentrated. It denoted a portion of the Arabian Peninsula that became —probably the NW edge—and the Wilderness of Sul on the Sinai Peninsula evidently represented its opposite boundary. In other words, as The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible puts it, "from the inland desert of Nejid in northern Arabia to the region north of modern-day Suez in Egypt." (Edited by G. A. Buttrick, 1962, Vol. 1, p. 101) It thus appears to have included at least the northwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula, possibly a much larger area.
3. Son of Cush, son of Ham. (Ge 10:6, 7) Many scholars believe that the name Havilah in this verse also refers to an area, and it is quite possible that the name was actually used to refer to the area settled by the descendants of this son of Cush. have. Since the majority of the descendants of Cush appear to have migrated to Africa and Arabia after the scattering from Babel (Gen. 11:9), the generally held view is that the descendants of Havilah the Cushite are called Haulan in ancient Sabanese inscriptions. It has to be related to the called area. This region was located on the southwestern coast of Arabia, north of present-day Yemen. In addition, some suggest that, over time, the tribe's settlers crossed the Red Sea from Africa to what is now known as Djibouti and Somalia, an ancient name that may still remain in the name Aualis. (A Dictionary of the Bible, edited by J. Hastings, 1903, Vol. 2, p. 311) It is equally possible that such migrations occurred in the reverse direction, from Africa to Arabia. The strait of the Red Sea called Bab el Mandev, which separates Arabia from Djibouti in Africa, is only about 32 kilometers wide.
4. A son of Joktan and a descendant of Shem, descended from Arphaxad. (Ge 10:22-29) The names of some of Joktan's sons, such as Hasalmawet and Ophir, appear to be associated with regions in southern Arabia. Thus, it appears that the Semitic Havilah and his descendants also settled in Arabia, if not necessarily in the southern regions. Some believe that Havilah the Shemite may have settled in the same area where Havilah the Cushite settled. However, the mere fact that they have the same name is no reason to infer that they both lived in the same area despite their racial differences. Haulan was associated with Africa and Ethiopia, although the evidence to associate Havilah the Cushite with the region known as Haulan (mentioned in No. 3) in southwestern Arabia (mentioned in No. 3) is inconclusive and thus linking Haulan to the Semitic Havila is possible. (Land of Cush), it seems more likely that it was related to Havilah the Cushite. On this point, it is evident that Havilah, a descendant of Shem, occupied the territory further N of Arabia, and perhaps this gave rise to the name of the land mentioned in No. 1.

신화 전반에 대한 밑바탕 연구가 없이 다뉴브강을 비손(Pishon)으로 지목하면 강한 비판을 받겠지만,
아담이 트라키아 해(Thracia Sea), 에게 해(Aegean Sea), 흑해(Black Sea)의 진흙에서 태어난 이상 에덴의 첫째 강의 발원도 로마제국 영토로 확장될 수밖에 없다.
바벨론유수에서 유대인들의 역사가 재창조됐듯이,
앗시리아유수에서 유대인들의 역사가 뒤바꿨듯이,
베드로(하드리아누스)와 바울이 로마로 끌고간 유대인 노예들로 구성된 기독교도들이 로마제국의 역사를 창세기 신화에 도입한 이상 이것은 부인하기 어렵다.
이집트 파라오 '바울'이 쓰는 '서신-신화'에 로마와 그리스 지역이 없었다면 모를까 버젓이 존재하는 상황에서 유대인과 가나안 땅에 맞춰진 창세기만 따로 존재할 수 없는 것이다.

Designating the Danube River as a Pishon without a thorough study of the myth will receive strong criticism, but
Since Adam was born from the mud of the Thracia Sea and the Aegean Sea, Black Sea, the source of the first river of Eden has no choice but to extend to the Roman Empire.
Just as Jewish history was recreated in the Babylonian captivity,
As the history of the Jews was changed in the Assyrian exile,
This is hard to deny, since the Christians, made up of Jewish slaves taken to Rome by Peter (Hadrian) and Paul, introduced the history of the Roman Empire into the Genesis mythology.
In a situation where Rome and Greece exist in the 'Essay-myth' written by the Egyptian pharaoh 'Paul', there cannot be a separate Genesis that is tailored to the land of Jews and Canaan.

땅의 사건 신화와 하늘의 사건 신화는 두 개이면서 또한 하나다.
The earth event myth and the heavenly event myth are two and yet one.


여자 공기신에게 선악과 태양은 뱀의 피할 수 없는 유혹이다.
내일의 태양은 늘 그렇게 다시 떠오를테니.
For the female air god, good and evil and the sun are inevitable temptations of snakes.
Tomorrow's sun will always rise again like that.

"I will never be hungry again" scene - GONE WITH THE WIND
"I'll Never Be Hungry Again" in 7 languages - "Gone With The Wind" (Scarlett's Plegde)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 01:58:00 AM
5 февраля 2022 г.

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러시아 '광대'와 'tuk-tuk'이는 '오늘도' 유튜브로 수익을 내기 위해서 '늘' '그렇게' '다시' 열일중이다. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

조주청의 사랑방 이야기 (392) 검은 호랑이

천석꾼 부자 박 대인이 오십리나 떨어진 외삼촌 상가(喪家)에 문상을 갔다가 늦은 밤 집으로 향했다. 대한(大寒)이 코앞이었지만 날씨가 봄처럼 포근해 오십리를 걷는 것은 식은 죽 먹기였다.
구름에 달 가듯 설렁설렁 까치고개를 오르는데 비를 몰아오는 흘레바람이 불더니 북쪽 하늘이 흐려지기 시작했다. 고갯마루는 멀었는데 흩날리던 눈발이 금세 커졌다. 바람까지 불어 두루마기 위에 입은 누비덧옷 옷깃을 여몄다.
설상가상 박 대인이 지름길을 택한 것이 잘못이었다. 북풍한설이 박 대인을 가로막았다. '어어' 하는 사이 눈이 무릎까지 쌓이며 좁은 길이 사라졌다. 길을 잃자 박 대인은 덜컥 겁이 났다. 어둠살마저 덮기 시작했다. 한치 앞도 보이지 않는 칠흑 같은 밤, 박 대인은 소백산 자락 산속에 갇혀 허우적거렸다.
'사람이 이렇게 객사하는구나.' 박 대인은 몽롱한 가운데도 몸을 일으키려 했지만 눈이 허리춤을 휘감아 꼼짝할 수 없었다. 늑대떼가 그를 둘러쌌다. 바로 그때, 쌍초롱이 주위를 밝혔다.
"누구시오? 사람 살려주시오. 흑흑." 박 대인이 흐느꼈다. '어흥' 산천초목이 진동하자 늑대들이 혼비백산 흩어졌다. 호랑이였다. 검은 호랑이(黑虎·흑호). 호랑이 꼬리를 잡고 눈 속에서 빠져나온 것까지는 꿈처럼 희미하게 기억이 났다.
박 대인이 눈을 떴을 땐 따뜻한 방에 누워 있었고, 관솔 불빛 아래 할머니가 걱정스럽게 자신을 내려다봤다. 이것이 꿈인가 생신가. 박 대인은 다시 잠에 빠져들었다.
해가 중천에 떴을 때쯤 박 대인이 일어났다. 너와집 할머니가 "어르신이 무슨 적선을 베풀었기에 호랑이가 목숨을 살려주었소?" 하고 물었다. 박 대인은 눈을 끔뻑이며 기억을 더듬었다.
"옛날 보부상을 했을 적에 장마철에 도롱이를 쓰고 까치고개를 넘을 때였어요. 미친 듯이 흐르는 계곡물에 고양이 한마리가 빠졌지 뭡니까. 내가 뛰어들어 고양이를 건졌지요. 그랬더니 어디선가 집채만 한 검은 호랑이가 나타나 고양이를 물고 가며 나를 뚫어지게 쳐다봅디다. 그게 고양이가 아니라 호랑이 새끼였어요."
가만히 듣던 할머니가 고개를 끄덕이며 말했다. "호랑이는 영물이라 보은을 하지요."
박 대인 얘기는 여기서 끝나지 않았다. "몇해 전 나이가 오십줄에 접어드니 한평생 혹사한 다리가 시큰거리더군요. 마지막으로 소백산 허리를 돌며 앞으로 살 궁리를 하는데 그 검은 호랑이가 또 나타났어요." 박 대인이 빙긋이 웃었다. "그때는 무섭지 않았어요. 호랑이를 따라 숲속을 얼마나 걸었나, 호랑이가 온 산이 떨리게 포효하더니 바람처럼 사라지더군요. 껄껄." 박 대인이 크게 웃었다. "제가 산삼밭 한가운데에 서 있는 거예요." 박 대인은 고향 마을에 다리를 놓고 서당을 세우고도 천석꾼이 됐다.
"내 은인은 둘이요. 하나는 호랑이고 또 하나는 할머니요." 박 대인 말에 할머니는 수줍게 웃었다.
너와집에 혼자 사는 할머니는 팔자가 사나웠다. "피붙이라고는 열일곱살 손녀가 하나 있는데 도회지에서 남의집살이를 하고 있지요. 일년에 한번 그믐날, 내가 좋아하는 깨엿을 사들고 옵니다." 할머니는 손가락을 꼽았다.
박 대인은 너와집에서 하룻밤을 더 자고 돌아갔다. 산을 내려가며 길을 확실히 알아두려고 길목마다 두루마기를 찢어 나뭇가지에 달았다.
집에 도착한 박 대인은 방 한칸을 깨끗이 정리하고 군불을 지폈다. 또 눈이 삼일이나 내려 길을 나설 수가 없었다. 거의 장이 두번 열리는 터울이 지난 후에야 사인교를 멘 머슴들과 함께 산을 올랐다. 너와집에는 저녁나절이 돼서야 다다랐다.
방엔 불이 꺼져 있었다. 문을 열었더니 할머니는 빳빳하게 동사해 자는 듯이 누워 있었다. 손가락을 꼽아본 박 대인은 머슴들과 나흘을 그 집에서 기다렸다.
그믐날 저녁, "할머니!" 하는 경쾌한 소리와 함께 싸리문을 열고 손녀가 들어왔다. 할머니를 껴안고 대성통곡하는데 유지에 싼 깨엿이 흩어졌다.
박 대인이 자초지종을 말하고 할머니 시신을 모시고 내려가 자신의 선산에 봉분을 올리겠다고 했더니 손녀가 고개를 저었다. 너와집이 내려다보이는 산자락에 생전 할머니가 묘 터를 잡아놓았다는 것이다.
머슴들이 내려가 상례음식을 장만해오고 하인들까지 올라와 땅을 파 입관을 마쳤다. 장례를 치르고 나자 손녀가 박 대인에게 큰절하며 "이 은혜를 평생 잊지 않겠습니다" 하고 눈물을 떨궜다.
꽃 피는 춘삼월, 박 대인네 마당에서 혼례식이 거창하게 치러졌다. 신랑은 박 대인 외아들이요, 신부는 너와집 할머니 손녀였다.
;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 02:17:26 AM

뻑가 자살당할 때까지 돌아오지 않겠다!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 05:17:09 AM
피코(Pico) ;D 8)

8) ::)
Syncretism in the West : Pico's 900 theses (1486)

«[...] Già il Sommo Padre, Dio Creatore, aveva foggiato, [...] questa dimora del mondo quale ci appare, [...]. Ma, ultimata l'opera, l'Artefice desiderava che ci fosse qualcuno capace di afferrare la ragione di un'opera così grande, di amarne la bellezza, di ammirarne la vastità. [...] Ma degli archetipi non ne restava alcuno su cui foggiare la nuova creatura, né dei tesori [...] né dei posti di tutto il mondo [...]. Tutti erano ormai pieni, tutti erano stati distribuiti nei sommi, nei medi, negli infimi gradi. [...]»

(Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Oratio de hominis dignitate)

It was the opinion of the ancient theologians that divine subjects and the secret Mysteries must not be rashly divulged... the Egyptians had sculpted sphinxes in all their temples, for no other reason than to indicate that divine things, even when they are committed to writing, must be covered with enigmatic veils and poetic dissimulation... How that was done... by Latin and Greek poets we shall explain in the book of our Poetic Theology.

— Commento, Libro Terzo, Cap. xi, Stanza Nona

If they agree with us anywhere, we shall order the Hebrews to stand by the ancient traditions of their fathers; if anywhere they disagree, then drawn up in Catholic legions we shall make an attack upon them. In short, whatever we detect foreign to the truth of the Gospels we shall refute to the extent of our power, while whatever we find holy and true we shall bear off from the synagogue, as from a wrongful possessor, to ourselves, the legitimate Israelites.

— Heptaplus, Proem to 3rd exposition

피코에 대한 우리 신조덜 평가? ;D 8)

어준이떠중이덜 섭외해 쓰레기나 싸지르는 한걸레가 또 코피터져봐야 알것어? 8) ::)

"divine Providence ... caused certain books to fall into my hands. They are Chaldean books ... of Esdras, of Zoroaster and of Melchior, oracles of the magi, which contain a brief and dry interpretation of Chaldean philosophy, but full of mystery."

남의 마누라와 바람피우다가 거덜날뻔한 구라쟁이 피코의 '999 논제'가 사실이였다면 교황이 피코를 차기 교황으로 낙점했을테지 이단으로 몰아서 출판금지 시켰것어? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

뻑가 궤변 8)

그나저나 뻑가녀석 니 언젠가 사고칠 줄 내 알았다. 8)
네 녀석땜에 삼룡이 파업헌단다~............. 8)

인쟈 고작에 1/100 끝냈는디 ..............  8)

하..........걱정이 태산이다..... 8) ::)

삼룡이 고집도 보통고집이 넘는디 워쩐다냐..... ;D 8)

뻑가 언넝 자살시켜라 안되것다........ 8)...... 우리의 신조덜 출동~ 8) ::)

Dutch journalist pulled away by Chinese Security Guards during live broadcast Beijing 2022 Olympics

환상적인 세계다. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 05:44:01 AM
Famous orangutan driving a golf cart.

뻑가예수 부활승천 번쩍번쩍 3초 주겠어!
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 06:31:27 AM

카파나제가 나쁜늠여.... 8) ::)

영국 웨일즈 꼬마돼지가 돈 많이 소비하는 수력발전 고집하는게 친환경은 좃빠지게 아니잖어? 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 05:49:07 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on February 05, 2022, 07:20:56 AM
We know :

aluminium as torpedo fuel
the Cornish water-/aluminium engine

that for 1 Kg pure aluminium we need in average  today 15 KWh energy input (heat,electricity)
alternatively,an input power saving option  :
The power consumption with the inert anode of the invention is half that with a carbon anode.

what does this all means for the future,conditioning :

For example, we have calculated that one kilogram of aluminum powder can produce 220 kilowatts of energy in just three minutes."
220 KW x 3 min /60 min (= hour ) = 11 KWh " of energy" per Kg aluminium/water

Kind of energy converter if as heat :
Epoch-making breakthrough electric generator (https://judbarovski.livejournal.com/173410.html) ( a thermionic principle)


Quote from: lancaIV on February 05, 2022, 07:54:06 AM
ridiculous or based by real world overcapacity facts :
how deep 3d/4d print technology can bring down the Kg e-mobile price (?!) :

(they claim to be the world greatest etrike producer/manufacturer )

                                            fob factory 2,5 US$/Kg (> 5000 units : 477 US$/22o Kg curb weight )

liquid plastics,liquid glass,liquid wood (strong as steel),liquid metals :             with 1 US$/Kg  price   preview !?
Digitize/Scan2C.A.D. C.A.D.2-3dprinter-C.N.C. :
microcarmuseum.com exposition/prototype as replication models !

http://www.microcarmuseum.com/tour/veloto.html remembers me the Lavenami http://www.evalbum.com/314
for experiments some pioneers their published work results :

there are probably people who laughs about : http://www.microcarmuseum.com/tour/voisin-biscooter.html
knowing the developper behind  8) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avions_Voisin  ;)
https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/personnalites/aeronautique-gabriel-voisin-1095/( beside to has been "a house ,errected in 3 days" designer)

0:10 0.0KB/s ©
ull 6
C98). 4
Павел, Facebook Lite занимает всего
2 МБ.
фото из публикации Alex Ко в группе ...
Тариэль Каланадзе
Alex Ko - NIKOLA TESLA-Free Energy -Tartaria Добрый день! К сожелению умер самый гениальный человек в области альтернативной энергетики. TARIEL KAPANADZE. 18DEC1951 - 20NOV2021 Фото из публикации Alex Ко в группе "NIKOLA TESLA-Free Energy -Tartaria" - 22 ноя 2021 г. - Facebook для Android : 0 Полноразмерное фото - Дополнительные параметры
Напишите комментарий...


My girl is on strike, so it will be difficult for me to comment for the time being. 8)
The reason is that a famous Korean YouTuber criticized another girl YouTuber and a girl committed suicide yesterday. 8)
The reason was that he attacked by using common words from the chatter of the girls, and the girl who could not stand the insult took her own life. 8)
And even more sadly, the mother of the girl who committed suicide for the same reason committed suicide about a year ago for the same reason. 8)
When the famous YouTuber who attacked the girl attacked the girl in the same way, the girl's mother was shocked to see it and committed suicide. 8)

When my girl saw this, she got angry and put a suicide curse on the man. 8) ::)
It's sad. 8)


December 18, 1951 - November 20, 2021

And an article was posted on a Russian cafe saying that Kapanadze died between December 18, 1951 - November 20, 2021, and we need confirmation. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 07:08:33 PM
뻑까 잼미 관련 사건 정리해본다
2022-02-06 10:09:05

1. 감스트 외질혜 남순이 방송에서 장난치다 잼미 언급한 게 성희롱 논란 됨
2. 논란되자 윗놈들 사과, 잼미 측 고소 검토, 고소 안하기로 함
3. 잼미가 방송에서 꼬카인 드립, 웃으면서 장난침
(꼬카인:남자가 꼬긁하고 냄새 맡는 습관)
4. 불편충 새끼들 그거 남자 성희롱 아니냐며 지적질
5. 위 외질혜 사건에서 고소검토 했던 잼미가 꼬카인 드립쳤으니 내로남불 아니냐며 지적질 심화
6. 잼미가 여초발 단어 썼던 거 하나하나 꼬투리 잡히면서 페미논란 불거짐
7. 잼미는 사과하고 해명함
8. 뻑까를 비롯한 사이버 렉카들 잼미사건 다루기 시작
9. 당시 페미까기 1등인 윾튜브 채널 폭파 당하고 뻑까가 그 대체제로 떡상중이었음
10. 잼미 사건을 다뤘던 렉카들 중 현재 뻑까만 채널유지, 100만 이상 유튜버 됨
11. 디시 인방갤, 펨코 등에서 잼미 계속 언급하며 패드립, 라방 댓글창 테러 이어짐
12. 당시 뻑까는 총 4번의 잼미 관련 언급 영상 올림
13. 잼미 떡밥이 인사이트, 인스티즈 같은 SNS언론에도 언급되기 시작함
14. 2013-14부터 시작된 페미니즘 국내현상은 2018년에 정점을 찍음
15. 13-14년도는 소수 커뮤니티였던 페미가 16년을 기점으로 몸집이 커졌고
16. 페미니스트를 자처한 대통령, 매갈 후원받은 여성부장관 2017년 시작
17. 2017년 전국 대학에 페미 대자보가 붙고, 한국도 미투현상 시작
18. 2018년에는 중고등학교 스쿨미투도 터지며 미투, 페미 자체가 성역화됨
19. 남초커뮤니티가 여초, 페미에 대한 염증으로 단결하기 시작한 게 2019년임
20. 페미논란만 불면 우르르가서 린치하는 병신들 대거 발생
21. 페미에 대한 분노가 순진한 한 여성 스트리머에게 집중됨. 그게 잼미임.
22. 잼미 어머니 자살
23. 뻑까는 잼미 언급 영상 모두 비공개함
24. 어머니가 죽었음에도 패드립, 댓글테러하는 놈들 여전함
25. 잼미 마지막 방송에서 거북이 인형 언급하며 자살암시하며 죽음에 대해 이야기함
26. 그 방송에서마저 비아냥거리는 새끼들 댓글창 지분 50프로
27. 잼미 자살
28. 뻑까 사생팬이라는 채널이 뻑까가 잼미 다룬 영상들 편집해서 올리며 저격
29. 복귀한 윾튜브도 쌍욕하며 뻑까 살인자라고 저격
30. 어제 뻑까는 자기도 잘못이 있지만 다른 커뮤니티 등에서 이미 시작된 일이었고 자신의 영향이 그리 크지 않았다며 해명함
31. 영향력 큰 유튜버가 비꼬며 여론몰이를 하여 모녀가 죽게되었다며 까이는 중

결론: 조선반도에서는 유명하고 잘나가면 꼬투리 잡혀서 멍석말이 당함

뻑까 잼미언급 원본영상 링크건다 판단은 각자 할 것
1차 https://youtu.be/sZyzcTVfXOw
2차 https://youtu.be/DbOkVR4WFC8
3차 https://youtu.be/SvQ1sCt_7E4
4차 https://youtu.be/_hZb_KTeCqg


[도올숏강] 오르페우스 "인간은 죽지 않는다" - 피타고라스와 윤회

김용옥이 거짓말하는 수법은 수박겉핥기식으로 취집한 정보를 마치 정답인냥 확신하는 듯한 "입니다" 말투에서 나온다. 8)
자신도 확신하지 못하면서 선생들이 애들 가르치는 식의 습관적인 말투다. 8)

오르페우스는 태양신전 달이 모티브라 3일의 명계 여행이 가능하다. 8)
오르페우스가 연주하는 악기 '리라'도 달의 쌍낫배다. 8)
롯의 마누라처럼 뒤를 돌아본 것은 상현달 하현달 관계다. 8)

지옥문을 지키는 3두 케로베로스는 테살로니카 삼지창이고, 지옥은 흑해와 터키땅 황소가 아니라 염주알로 스페인까지 이어지는 그리스 본토와 로마 북방이다. 8)
님프족인 에우리디케가 북방에 살고 있어서다. 8)

오르페우스 본거지는 아프리카 카르타고고 태양이 강한 하늘이 오르페우스에게는 지옥이다. 8)
태양 아래에서 존재하기 어려운 대상들에게 태양의 영역은 지옥이다. 8)
지옥은 상대적인 개념이고 태양은 그래서 거의 모든 대상들의 지옥이 됐다. 8)

제우스 허벅지에서 자란 디오니소스는 고개숙인 아펩뱀이다. 8)
멜기세덱의 허벅지에 있는 포도주 컵은 스페인쪽 태양신전으로 비롯된 디오니소스의 또 다른 모습이다. 8)
춤추는 자는 태양과 번개를 함께 숭배하는 신화에 종사하는 자들이라 구분이 모호할 수밖에 없다. 8)
합체신전에서는 더 복잡해진다. 8)
이것이 디오니소스다. 8)

오르페우스적 사고방식이나 디오니소스적 사고방식은 현대식의 해석이라 개념이 있는 것이 아니다. 8)
오르페우스는 달이나 좀 더 길게 살고, 디오니스스는 번개라 짧다는해석이 의미없다. 8)
빛과 어둠 어느 한쪽의 개념이 될 수 없는 대상들을 해석하는 것은 이집트의 보편적 신들처럼 상대신의 능력치 흡수하는 합체신의 개념이라 과정을 이해하지 못하는 한 평가될 수 없는거다. 8)
그런만치 둘 모두 빛과 어둠이 공존하는 타입들이라 삶과 죽음에 대한 개념도 모호하다. 8)
부활이 보편적인 신화에 대해 철학이 개입할 수 있는 부분은 허무맹랑한 믿음을 까는 일밖에 사실상 없다. 8) ::)

사람이 죽은 후 모든 장래를 극복하고 천상으로 오르는 법을 알아냈다고 해서 오르페우스 종교가 생겼다고 한다.
오르페우스의 제자와 추종자들이 보존해 전해 내려온 성서에는 태초에 밤의 신 닉스가 있었는데 닉스는 우주의 알을 만들어내고 그 알이 둘로 갈라져 하늘과 땅이 되고 세상의 모든 것들이 만들어졌다고 한다.
오르페우스가 디오니소스 신자 여성들에게 찢겨죽은 것처럼 이들의 의식에는 짐승들을 찢어죽이는 것이 포함되어 있었다 한다.(끝)

그믐달 삼일은 어둠의 개입으로 죽음이 자연적이지만,
2초 번개의 어둠은 자연적인 것이 아니라서 고개숙인 뱀은 설정된 천적에 의해 어둠이 개입한다. 8)
아직까지는 개구리와 악어가 번개뱀의 천적이다. 8)
바람신은 약방의 감초 MSG처럼 자연스럽게 개입해 거의 모든 신화대상들에 생명력을 제공한다. 8)


신화를 신화로 이해하지 못하고 역사적 예수라고 사기치는 자들이 작금 한국의 유사 철학자들이고 문사철들이다. 8)
책장사가 종교인들 믿음에 기대 책을 비지니스하는 것은 제마음이지만,
한국에 제대로된 철학자가 어디있든?
진짜 자살해야 할 자들이 큰소리치고 있는 것이 한국의 현실이다. 8)
고대부터 그랬듯이 사이비교는 철학이 아니라 푸틴 습근평 북괴처럼 정치가 개입해야 할 문제다. 8)

신을 믿는 종교란 처음부터 현상계에 없는 환상으로 시작하는 믿음을 필요로하는 사유체계다. 8)
여기에 현상계 자칭 무오류 철학이 개입하면 신화를 믿는 사람들은 더다욱 믿음을 붙잡는다. 8)
알고서 믿는 사람들이다. 8)
죽음은 철학이 개입하지 못하는 영역이다. 8)
죽음을 느끼지 못하고 죽는다는 일부 철학자들의 확신은 철학이 줄 수 있는 한계지만 믿음은 여기에서부터 시작한다.
수천년전 사유나 지금의 사유나 똑같다.
죽음의 문턱을 넘어서는 것이 철학이 줄 수 없는 믿음이다.

그리고 영혼은 없다. 8)
영혼이 있다는 믿음만 있다. 8)

자살하는 철학자들이 있고 자살을 부추기는 철학이 해결하지 못하는 믿음영역에 대해 돈이 개입한 자본주의식 철학의 잣대는 세상의 초등학문이다. 8)
철학이 이것을 이해하지 못하는 한 바울시대나 지금이나 똑같은 오류를 범하고 있는거다. 8)

철학자는 생각안에 갇힌 자들이다. 8)
늘 깨어 공부하고 스스로 정보부재를 안타까워해야 할 사람들이 제 일들은 팽개치고 믿음종교에 훈수질은 오만중에 오만이다. 8)

내가 지금까지 기독교 성서를 제대로 이해한 철학자는 고대부터 단 한명도 못봤다. 8)
성서 내용도 이해하지 못하는 자들이 태반이고, 그나마 읽지도 않은 자들도 있다. 8)

유튜브로 돈벌고 싶거든 철학말고 다른 걸 해라. 8)
김용옥 너부터. 8) ::)


여캠하는 BJ들은 비록 몸빵으로 돈벌어먹고 살지만 염치도 있고 자신의 감정에는 비교적 솔직하다. 8)

하나남은 마지막 양심인 염치(廉恥)조차 팔아먹은 한국의 유사철헉자들은 제 알고있는 정보가 최고인냥 으시대는 병신들이라 제 감정에 솔직할 수가 없는게다. 8)
하늘높은줄 모르는 찰학환자들이 남에게 지적당했으니 좋아하겠니. 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 09:15:02 PM
Баловство с ОЭДС.

Vladimír Kruľ
@xsidmax  Haha i make this setup 5 years ago work without any problem ;) https://youtu.be/S-EmSMOYXVc
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 05, 2022, 09:28:02 PM
БТГ своими руками

Самый Простой Вечный Двигатель
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2022, 02:43:22 PM
The videos below are all generators of the same principle. 8)

The 800% efficient Robert Adams motor-generator


Leon Raoul HATEM
Magnet Motor


Since the generators are arranged in the same polarity, the motor is driven with less force. 8)
It doesn't make much difference whether you rotate the magnet or the coil. 8)
A huge market has already been formed in the world, but only this cafe and Russia are consistent with nonsense. 8)
This is the generator and world Andrei dreamed of. 8)

Omega TK RF5000 1 MW Magnetic Generator

Since Nikola Tesla discovered alternating current and how to produce it in alternators, it has taken the building of a vast technological infrastructure to bring electricity to mainly dominant colonial countries. However, the use has been and remains very uneven across the globe. The main beneficiaries have been the so-called industrialized, or dominant colonial countries, leaving out many of the colonized and plundered nations known as: Third World countries.

17 years ago the Spanish engineer, D. Antonio Romero, developed and patented an electromagnetic generator capable of producing electricity without any form of energy intake based on Nikola Tesla's Electro Magnetic Resonance invention. This self-powered and autonomous electricity generator is the OMEGA Electromagnetic Generator RF-5000, manufactured by TechnoKontrol, a Belgium company. They can be found at: technokontrol.com/

This machine is estimated to be capable of generating 1 MW (1,000 KW) of 100% clean electricity, or higher, with absolutely no emission or pollution or fuel consumption of any kind whatsoever. The electromagnetic characteristic of this machine derived from the use of permanent magnets makes it super efficient with unlimited power and entirely free from any pollution and expensive maintenance costs.

It is estimated that the generator can work continuously for 50 years with low cost maintenance. This electromagnetic electricity machine can easily be scaled down for the average home providing electricity use of 20 KW, or 30 KW, at a very affordable price.

There are truly countless benefits of this electromagnetic electricity generator, which requires absolutely NO external fuel of any kind, no air, no water, no electricity, no fossil fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas or toxic nuclear fuel. There's no threat of accidents or health hazards.

This device does not produce greenhouse gases or any other wasteful hazards, as it is basically built with permanent magnets and Tesla coil. Due to its friction free magnetic motor, it works very quietly with no operating noise and can be installed anywhere in the world, whatever the ambient environmental conditions.

TechnoKontrol applies its advanced Omega RF5000 generator technology systems for providing electricity to locations where there are no fuel sources of any kind, such as its development project known as "Eye of Osiris Project".

Quote from: color on August 12, 2020, 08:13:28 PM


Thanks to your information, Russia's status was cut with the Bedini generator. What do you think?
Quote from: color on September 05, 2020, 10:14:46 PM
Главный секрет Запрещенного Вечного Двигателя Слободяна за это его Ликвидировали

Bedini-If you scam it as your own technology by changing the position of the magnet and coil of the generator, it may work in Russia, but in the United States you are sued for patent infringement.
If you want to make an excuse, go directly to the US government.

Andrei, a Russian who died in an accident in Korea, also launched an imitation of the Omega TK RF5000 1 MW Magnetic Generator. 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2022, 02:46:47 PM
Kapanadze : Test Bench with Electrical Diagram

A sea of energy around us:) Testing fresh water as a medium to transmit a signal from a Tesla coil.
A sea of energy around us :) part 2
A sea of energy around us :) 3 outside test.

The Tesla One Wire Tower Of Light
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 06, 2022, 03:17:32 PM
Quote from: color on August 23, 2020, 11:05:14 PM

It's a great idea generator.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::) ;D ;D

8) ;D 8) ;D 8) 8)~~yyyyyyyyyyyea~ 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2022, 07:43:40 AM
요한복음 제 14 장

내가 곧 길이요 진리요 생명이다
1   너희는 마음에 근심하지 말라 하나님을 1)믿으니 또 나를 믿으라
2   내 아버지 집에 거할 곳이 많도다 그렇지 않으면 너희에게 일렀으리라 내가 너희를 위하여 처소를 예비하러 가노니
3   가서 너희를 위하여 처소를 예비하면 내가 다시 와서 너희를 내게로 영접하여 나 있는 곳에 너희도 있게 하리라
4   내가 가는 곳에 그 길을 너희가 알리라
5   도마가 가로되 주여 어디로 가시는지 우리가 알지 못하거늘 그 길을 어찌 알겠삽나이까
6   예수께서 가라사대 내가 곧 길이요 진리요 생명이니 나로 말미암지 않고는 아버지께로 올 자가 없느니라
7   너희가 나를 알았더면 내 아버지도 알았으리로다 이제부터는 너희가 그를 알았고 또 보았느니라
8   빌립이 가로되 주여 아버지를 우리에게 보여 주옵소서 그리하면 족하겠나이다
9   예수께서 가라사대 빌립아 내가 이렇게 오래 너희와 함께 있으되 네가 나를 알지 못하느냐 나를 본 자는 아버지를 보았거늘 어찌하여 아버지를 보이라 하느냐
10   나는 아버지 안에 있고 아버지는 내 안에 계신 것을 네가 믿지 아니하느냐 내가 너희에게 이르는 말이 스스로 하는 것이 아니라 아버지께서 내 안에 계셔 그의 일을 하시는 것이라
11   내가 아버지 안에 있고 아버지께서 내 안에 계심을 믿으라 그렇지 못하겠거든 행하는 그 일을 인하여 나를 믿으라
12   내가 진실로 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 나를 믿는 자는 나의 하는 일을 저도 할 것이요 또한 이보다 큰 것도 하리니 이는 내가 아버지께로 감이니라
13   너희가 내 이름으로 무엇을 구하든지 내가 시행하리니 이는 아버지로 하여금 아들을 인하여 영광을 얻으시게 하려 함이라
14   내 이름으로 무엇이든지 내게 구하면 내가 시행하리라
15   너희가 나를 사랑하면 나의 계명을 지키리라
16   내가 아버지께 구하겠으니 그가 또 다른 보혜사를 너희에게 주사 영원토록 너희와 함께 있게 하시리니
17   저는 진리의 영이라 세상은 능히 저를 받지 못하나니 이는 저를 보지도 못하고 알지도 못함이라 그러나 너희는 저를 아나니 저는 너희와 함께 거하심이요 또 너희 속에 계시겠음이라
18   내가 너희를 고아와 같이 버려두지 아니하고 너희에게로 오리라
19   조금 있으면 세상은 다시 나를 보지 못할 터이로되 너희는 나를 보리니 이는 내가 살았고 너희도 살겠음이라
20   그 날에는 내가 아버지 안에, 너희가 내 안에, 내가 너희 안에 있는 것을 너희가 알리라
21   나의 계명을 가지고 지키는 자라야 나를 사랑하는 자니 나를 사랑하는 자는 내 아버지께 사랑을 받을 것이요 나도 그를 사랑하여 그에게 나를 나타내리라
22   가룟인 아닌 유다가 가로되 주여 어찌하여 자기를 우리에게는 나타내시고 세상에게는 아니하려 하시나이까
23   예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 사람이 나를 사랑하면 내 말을 지키리니 내 아버지께서 저를 사랑하실 것이요 우리가 저에게 와서 거처를 저와 함께 하리라
24   나를 사랑하지 아니하는 자는 내 말을 지키지 아니하나니 너희의 듣는 말은 내 말이 아니요 나를 보내신 아버지의 말씀이니라
보혜사를 약속하시다
25   내가 아직 너희와 함께 있어서 이 말을 너희에게 하였거니와
26   보혜사 곧 아버지께서 내 이름으로 보내실 성령 그가 너희에게 모든 것을 가르치시고 내가 너희에게 말한 모든 것을 생각나게 하시리라
27   평안을 너희에게 끼치노니 곧 나의 평안을 너희에게 주노라 내가 너희에게 주는 것은 세상이 주는 것 같지 아니하니라 너희는 마음에 근심도 말고 두려워하지도 말라
28   내가 갔다가 너희에게로 온다 하는 말을 너희가 들었나니 나를 사랑하였더면 나의 아버지께로 감을 기뻐하였으리라 아버지는 나보다 크심이니라
29   이제 일이 이루기 전에 너희에게 말한 것은 일이 이룰 때에 너희로 믿게 하려 함이라
30   이후에는 내가 너희와 말을 많이 하지 아니하리니 이 세상 임금이 오겠음이라 그러나 저는 내게 관계할 것이 없으니
31   오직 내가 아버지를 사랑하는 것과 아버지의 명하신대로 행하는 것을 세상으로 알게 하려 함이로라 일어나라 여기를 떠나자 하시니라

John 14 [NASB]    

"Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.
"In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
"If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
"And you know the way where I am going."
Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?"
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
"If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him."
Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us."
Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.
"Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves.
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.
"Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
"If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
"I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever;
that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
"After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also.
"In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
"He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."
Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, "Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?"
Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.
"He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me.
"These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you.
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
"You heard that I said to you, 'I go away, and I will come to you ' If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
"Now I have told you before it happens, so that when it happens, you may believe.
"I will not speak much more with you, for the ruler of the world is coming, and he has nothing in Me;
but so that the world may know that I love the Father, I do exactly as the Father commanded Me Get up, let us go from here.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2022, 08:06:48 AM

애미가 과묵한맛이있어야는디.. ;D      ...더햐 8) ;D....ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ;D ;D ;D ::)

번개가 동편에서 나서 서편까지 번쩍임 같이 인자의 임함도 그러하리라
"For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
예수께서 이르시되 사단이 하늘로서 번개 같이 떨어지는 것을 내가 보았노라
And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

Quote from: lancaIV on February 07, 2022, 07:14:36 AM
the car/mobility overunity-loop :
The updated Solar Golf Car showed a speed of 45 km / h instead of the 23 km / h declared as standard. And most importantly, the operating time without recharging was a record 79 days in conditions of daily driving of 20-25 km per day!
some years before as trial :

http://www.didik.com/dturtle.htmThe original concept was to allow attendees to actually drive the vehicle around a closed loop, though this did not happen.
Is it better without a human behind the wheel?        (https://apps-cloud.n-tv.de/img/23105087-1643967768000/16-9/750/ACHTUNG-Nur-zur-redaktionellen-Verwendung-im-Zusammenhang-mit-dem-genannten-Text.jpg)   Chat with the taxi driver? Should be difficult in Waymo and Zeekr's robotaxi - it drives autonomously.
(Photo: Geely Auto Group/dpa-tmn)
    This need not be. Because other companies are working flat out on systems that want to get by without the driver. Used as robotaxes, shuttles or unmanned courier transporters, they should open up new business models and at the same time improve the flow of traffic in urban areas through better utilization of each individual vehicle.
"After all, most of the time our cars are just standing around in the city," says Citroën boss Vincent Cobée.So he can understand that many mayors want to make driving in the city center as uncomfortable as possible, or at least expensive.

Probably we should soon planning out - instead the 80´ "(car)Parc and Ride"-concept - an "autonomous VTOL -Fly and Ride" concept :
from home flying - vertical start and landing,electric, to the sub-/urban frontier and there sit-in in public autonomous e-mobiles !



Iraggi Alternator
500 volt car alternator
Electric Motor Generator

남의 컴퓨터 허락없이 출입하면 독일검찰청에 고발할껴.... ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2022, 08:52:46 AM

머스마 녀석들이 얼마나 못났으면 연애상당질이나하구 여자사람들 상대로 행패야 행패가

뻑가녀석 또 기나오면 유튜브고 사람이고 요단강 건널테니 그런줄덜 알어

사람이 땅위에 번성하기 시작할 때에 그들에게서 딸들이 나니
하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들의 아름다움을 보고 자기들의 좋아하는 모든 자로 아내를 삼는지라
여호와께서 가라사대 나의 신이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육체가 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 일백 이십년이 되리라 하시니라
당시에 땅에 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들을 취하여 자식을 낳았으니 그들이 용사라 고대에 유명한 사람이었더라
여호와께서 사람의 죄악이 세상에 관영함과 그 마음의 생각의 모든 계획이 항상 악할 뿐임을 보시고
땅위에 사람 지으셨음을 한탄하사 마음에 근심하시고
가라사대 나의 창조한 사람을 내가 지면에서 쓸어 버리되 사람으로부터 육축과 기는 것과 공중의 새까지 그리하리니 이는 내가 그것을 지었음을 한탄함이니라 하시니라
Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them,
that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.
Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
The LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them."
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 07, 2022, 09:22:02 AM
뻑가 목심 그여 건진법사된겨? ;D ;D 8) 8)

구독자 75.3만명 ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

느 구독회원중에 가끔 50만원썩 투척질하는 정신나간 아즈매할망하나 있쟈? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

여러분! 드디어 '슈퍼맨'이 만들어지고 있습니다!

네피림 만들기가 워디그리 쉬운줄 알어? ;D 8)

그나저나 건데는 마이걸이 부탁헝거 찾었니 못찾었니? ;D 8)

딱 그게 네피림여. 반쪽신. ;D ;D 8) 8)

Quote from: lancaIV on February 07, 2022, 08:42:28 AM
understand mobility-management ?
They began with the LOTUS ELAN IC-engine Roadster to LOTUS ELAN Roadster electric conversion .
Between the LOTUS Roadster electrification and their own development ,chronicle  :

                                                 to see as e-/ Loremo ,now called "Squirrell"
from a 2006 11.000 Euros electric mobile now as "Squirrell" for 30.000 Euros per unit ?  :o
A. they,Aurilion,calculates with the 9.000 Euros  https://www-adac-de.translate.goog/rund-ums-fahrzeug/elektromobilitaet/kaufen/foerderung-elektroautos/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp EXTRA MARGIN !
A now patent-claims-restriction (fee costs et cet.) free e-Loremo for 11.000 Euros (Gasoil engine version)
+ 1 000 Euros electric engine and 3000 Euros battery set/system

less 9.000 Euros estate subsidy

= 6000 Euros net price !

electric engine calculation based by DOE freedomcar electric motor and controler mass production price assumption/target :
5 US$/KW the motor and 12 US$/KW the controler ( 55 KW unit base)

for the eLoremo with 20 KW electric system installation price doubling !

The battery pack with Ambri/Innolith price and Wh/Kg calculation !

SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co., under regulatory pressure to expand its electrified-vehicle lineup, has begun taking orders for a four-door, electric sedan with a starting price of 29,800 yuan ($4,220).
The curb weight should be 665 or 705 kilograms, depending on the battery size.https://www-hybrid--autos-info.translate.goog/elektro-fahrzeuge/loremo/loremo-ev-2008.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wappThe unique design and shape enable extremely low air resistance and a drag coefficient of 0.20. And despite all the safety and comfort:
At less than 600 kg, it weighs less than half of all comparable cars.

Why paying ,for mostly drivers 1 hour per day use , electric mobiles ?
For share orgs less than 5000 Euros per unit,list-price discounts !


Fiero electric motor transaxle first test
Nick Ostrom ;D

차에 이게 뭔짓거리다냐~  ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2022, 10:49:37 AM
Quote from: lancaIV on February 08, 2022, 08:11:04 AM
So he can understand that many mayors want to make driving in the city center as uncomfortable as possible, or at least expensive.                                            City-Mayors EUGENIK GAMES ,ECO-TRIAGE ?Why then expend much in new technology if we have - low cost- ,city speed limit related  ,solutions ?ic-bike to e-bike conversion :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf31fQJVWOUic engine nominal peak power compared electric engine nominal power ?https://patents.google.com/patent/DE10011074A1/enA car with an electric motor (1500 watts, 4000 rpm)  as City-nominal power drive !?
An existing AUTO with normal manual or automatic transmission is switched from OTTO Motorbetrieb to an electric motor as named above.
This ensures that a car with a low overall weight can drive up to 120 km / h without refueling and consumption is zero.
Even with  a low weight gasoline engine equipped car with 500-600 Kg total weight converted

                                         this maximal speed statement is more than doubtfull !

http://www.evalbum.com/314   1500 W 12 Volt nominal power ,by 840 Wh nominal capacity lead battery and 50% DoD max.
                                                       = 420 Wh max. power offer per drive by this battery parameters

                                                  99 Kg e-mobile , max./TOP speed by 12 Volt tension  25 MPH (40 KPH)When with +- 100 Kg e-mobiles and instead 12 DC Volt we use 220 AC Voltage e-drives :
we have to limit the speed max. by velocity limit to 45 Km/h
The vehicle, is powered by two 1.25HP motors on the rear wheels and can carry two people with a top speed limited to 28mph (just under 50km/hour) with a range of 25miles.
2 x 1,25 HP = 1,9 electric KW total ( Voltage !? ,mobile weight

Like the Citroen Ami and Opel Rocks their speed max. is limited : to 45 Km/h max. !
Without controlled limit max.  the 8 KW e-drives would let reach,weight and flat street and mobile-cw, in minimum 80 Km/h TOP !
We have to differ physical potential and mobile determination by law and assurance treat !

Interestant : even City-/commuter electric cars became by Frank Didik modified,optimized  :


For conventional gasoline car conversion I prefer

equipped with 4 x nominal 500 Watt electric

coil motors

When Michel Porquer stated :" ....   La consommation moyenne est de l'ordre de IOOO wats heure. .... " by which average velocity assume  for KWh/100 Km consume and battery capacity minimum calculation !?

With Imris capacitive windings modification this decreases to " l´ordre de 1000/2 = 500 wat(t)s heure "
With Sabyasachi coils motor efficiency ? " l´ordre de 1000/10 - 1000/100 wat(t)s heure " ?
Making https://www-audi--mediacenter-com.translate.goog/de/pressemitteilungen/team-tufast-eco-faehrt-bei-audi-zum-guinnessrekord-6492?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp power consume per Km/h typical/normal

by solar-tect

and/or wind-generator

and /or motor-generator as  range extender

and/or regenerative battery circuits like


physical endless loop ( industrial production quality dependent )
I calculate,as example, the Lavenami 24/365 range ,by power saving 1500 W AC capacitive coil motor installation and motor-generator as battery capacity range extender with 3750 hours ( = motor bearings life limit by 18 000 RPM) x average 30 Km/h =

                                                                       112500 Km ,with 5 Kg 1250 Wh net ambri battery as base .
                                    Hundert-zwoelf-tausend-fuenf-hundert-Kilometer Reichweite non-stop

As flying CriCri equippment intercontinental potential ,like a Drone ,like a Cruise missile,like instead Chemtrail plane a Bio-Trail sprayer :
                                 NZL : 50000 US$ cruise missile DIY plans versus max. closed loop 5000 US$ CriCri


                                                       Genfer Konvention ,ABC(D = Akustik)-weapon
                                 Un-/manned  Drogenschmuggel, illegale Werte schmuggeln , Menschen einschleusen

                                                   Technik(= Die Kunst des Behandelns) aendert Parameter und Grenzen

                                     Technologie und   Taktik,Strategie :                  EUGENIK ! Hase und Igel -Politik  ;) ;D

Minkowski-Kegel und Planksche Wirkungsquantum : wie rein, wie raus !?
A.Einstein [photo(n)chemie,Kuehlschrank patent]  view or P.E. Lenard [photo(n)chemie] view or et .... et anstatt aut ..... aut


Quote from: lancaIV on February 08, 2022, 09:00:29 AM
we take away the offered 1000 W 60 Volt e-drive and we change/modify the City-car with the 1500 W AC 220 Volt drive,equipped with Imris capacitive coil
The Lavenami weights 99 Kg, the JinPeng 220 Kg : the Lavenami with 1500 Watt nominal consumes in average 420 Wh/30 Km/hour
Let us assume the modified JinPeng with 500 Wh/30 Km/hour consume ! (conventional 1000 Wh/30 Km/hour)

As rotoverter range extender we take :
http://www.schillergy.com/pdf/schiller-energy.pdf = generative AC output alternator, 600 W nominal

as drive 2x 4 micromotors transmission,2x nominal 300 W in kinetic force/torque equivalent

the modified Schiller 1,5 KW e-drive costs estimation :
1,5 x KW/ 2 Kg (3000 RPM) = 3 Kg x 37,5 US$/Kg ( as price reference alibaba DC permanent magnet motors,now instead Rare Earth changed to nironmagnetics material = sustainable and cheaper) = 112,5 US$ + 50 US$ capacitive coils = 162,5 US$

the rotoverter costs :

unmodified 600 W Schiller alternator +- 75 US$ max.
2x ( 50 US$ 3d printed plastics/metal material transmission + 4 x 12,5 US$ micromotor) = 200 US$ max.
+ inverter

ambri/Innolith LTO battery : 125 Euros/KWh capacity

limited 45 Km/h speed max and up to 112500 km range nonstop for less than 1500 US$ - 1000 US$ , fob factory !
nonstop = autonomous 24/365 hours working city drone (passenger,post mail,Pizza,..... delivery )
More are Cities anymore worth ,in investment value ! To visit these museal zones and "No Feeding the (surplus) habitants !"

Quote from: lancaIV on February 08, 2022, 09:54:30 AM

with the wind/against the wind : both parallel forces in use !?
https://www.lenovo.com/au/en/smarter/future-of-transport/chinook-wind-powered-cars/They even set a new world record of 114.87 percent efficiency, well above the previous record of 102.

his wind car its efficiency ? https://www.zdnet.com/article/chinese-farmer-builds-his-own-wind-powered-car/

                                       closing the loop ? over 100% continuous efficiency ?!
Example: A wind turbine with a nominal 400 W (manufacturer's specification) generated at a wind force of approx. 20 m / sec. an output of 70 watts.

20 m/sec =  72 Km/h
After converting the generator to combined windings, the system delivered with a wind force of 5-6 m / sec. 140 watts.
( 6 m/sec = 21,6 Km/h )

At 10-12 m / sec. were generated over 320 watts!
( 12 m/sec = 43,2 Km/h )
Which would be,by Arestovs combined/double winding, an 1 KW nominal generator performance ,
for comparison with
http://americanwindinc.com/case_study/testing-validity-of-microcube-power-output/1 KW cube performance !

The chinese wind car equipped with double winding wind generator ?The chinese wind car equipped with capacitive winding electric drive ?

                     for later 24/365 REPRAP 3d industrial mass production by 3/4d print technology ?!


                    local 3/4d manufacturing !? international 3/4d kit part -production ,local parts montage center !?

                             Physical and technical we are since several decades in the "over 100% efficiency"-stage !
                          No ( commercial) fuel need and no tank station stop means no commerce and no taxation !

                         From 100 charge cycles 50% DoD lead batteries to 2500/25000/250000 charge cycles  80%+ DoD batteries/capacitors

                         and 20Wh/Kg net lead battery capacity to 400 Wh/Kg LTO net capacity to up to stated 15000 Wh/Kg power capacity

                        Alvin Marks QEnsor

                       From the labs to the real life : 90% less costs/weight than actually !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2022, 10:51:19 AM
Please understand that Google Translate is not very good and only about 70% is delivered.

토론할 때 기죽지 않는 방법? 하버드에서 토론하는 방법 알려드립니다. / 전지적 관찰자 시점, 최재천

븅쉰-둔재 최재천은 하버드 자랑질이 이제 학문분야됐구나.

무엇이 옳으냐가 누가 옳으냐다. 철저한 개인주의 사회에서는 특히나.
누군가의 입에서 나온 말이니까.
누구말 조금, 또 누구말 조금, 여기 저기서 끌어모아 취집한 집단지능에 대한 부가서비스.
집단지성이 필요한 곳은 냉장고 세탁기 컴퓨터 자동차 입자가속기처럼 특정한 분야의 협력체 시스템을 홍보하는 개인의 기계부품화 홍보잖아.
서양식 토론은 개미처럼 약간씩 정보를 착취해 답을 도출하려는 획일화된 기름짜내기 전형.
철저한 개인주의 개별생존형 시스템에서 나온 정보 구걸, 정보강탈.
한국같은 유교식 인정이 통하는 사회에서 토론이란 윗사람의 의견이 대체로 답으로 작동하는 경우라 서양식 개미형 토론방식보다는 비효율적이지만,
달나라 우주선 비행사 구하는 토론이 아닌이상 답은 이미 도출되어 있다.
문제가 더 적다.
예전에 오바마가 대령통시절 기자회견에서 한국 기자에게 질문을 요구한 적이 있었다.
한국기자 중에 아무도 오바마에게 질문하지 않았다.
그 때 중국기자가 가로채서 오바마에게 마구 질문던지던 사건하나 있었다.
한편으로는 챙피했지만, 한국기자들이 오바마 엿먹였다고 생각하니 꼬습더라.
서양인들 기본적인 사고방식은 투쟁과 쟁취다.
사사건건 투쟁과 쟁취가 필요한 사회가 미국사회다.
흑인식 투쟁과 쟁취가 한국사회에 필요하다?
386들 전두환에 대한 원한 떄문에.
흑인노예식 투쟁과 쟁취가 한국사회에 다시 불어닥치면 어떤 일이 벌어질까?
서양인들 기본적인 사고방식은 투쟁과 쟁취다.
사사건건 투쟁과 쟁취가 필요한 사회가 미국사회다.
80년대 운동권이 별거든.
요즘 뭐하나 이슈터졌다하면 미국흑인들 거리로 우루루 몰려나와 LA흑인폭동 일어난다.
토론식 문화란 노예들에게 참정권이나 자랑질하던 그리스에서 시작해 미국에서 아직도 유지되고 있는 자칭 민주시민들 특별란 발언권 범주란다.
최재천이 한국인들 비토론 문화가 투쟁식이길 바라는 것은 이해하지만,
먹고사니즘 똑같고, 한국처럼 싸움없는 나라가 지루해 문사철식 의문이 아닌 이상 유튜브 밥벌이로 전락한 유학충들 헛소리에 불과하다는거 정도는 알고해라.
요즘 무식한 예도가 욕먹는 이유가 왜겠니.
말주변도 없으면서 토론연습한다.
참.....그나이 쳐먹도록 헛배운 것도 모잘라 철학적 내면사색은 행불자됐구 중세 수녀들 사랑이 억압받는다구 임진왜란 풍신수길 강간령중이다.
토론문화 발달한 나라일수록 분쟁이 많다는 거 정도는 알고, 주댕이가 아니라 김필영처럼 요약 정리해서 글로 올리는게 니 무식이 탄로날 가능성 비록 적다.
상대방의 얼굴을보고 맞대응하는 목소리 토론방식은 유대인들이나 옛날옛적 물물교환에서나 필요한 거고,
현대식 토론은 글로한다.
어느게 더 토론같겠니.
어느게 더 효율적인 결론이 도출될까.
일대일로 맞대응 목소리 토론은 말빨좋고 머리좋고 많이 배운놈이 이기게되어 있다.
이긴다는게 뭐겠니.
자신의 의견을 관철시킨 투쟁이잖니.
달나라 우주인 구하는 토론 아닌이상 보편적 토론이란 뻑가처럼 궤변이든 변명이든 이기는게 목적이다.
말빨 딸리고 못배운년놈들 상대로말야.

이제부터 우리는 잼미다.

서양에 스포츠가 발달한 것은 투쟁의 연장이지만,
한국에서 서양식 스포츠가 인기없는 것은 9백여회의 전쟁이 어떤 것이란 것을 뼈져리게 실감한 유전정보란다.
그리고 몽골계 북방민족들은 박충일처럼 유전적 선천적으로 머리가 나빠.
서양인들처럼 대용량 두뇌 가지고 태어나지 않았다.

말로하는 토론은 머리좋고 많이배우고 말빨좋은 사람들을 위한 미스코리아 선발대회다.

서양식 토론은 자기몫을 요구하는 개인주의 투쟁방식에서 나온거다.
한국사회는 아직까지 구걸이 통하는 사회지만,
서양은 어림없다.
쓰레기통 뒤지는 노숙자 많다고 구걸이 통하는 사회라고 오해하는게 븅쉰-최재천이 생각하는 하버드식 토론사회고 머리좋고 많이배우고 말빨좋은 사람들을 위한 미스아메리카 선발대회다.
과소비로 쓰레기통 문화가 발달한 미국사회라 노숙자들이 그래도 버티는거다.
한국처럼 검소하게 사는 사람들이 많은 나라에서 노숙자 거지들은 구걸이 유일한 포도청이다.
한국사회 대충쌈싸먹는 하버드 나사빠진 공부벌레가 한국에 오면 뭘할까?

한국산 개미연구? 한국산 원숭이 연구? 인디언 몰살 역병 천연두 걸린 옷나누기 토론?
누가 옳으냐가 아니라 무엇이 옳으냐다?
지랄하고 자빠졌네.

연구비나 갈취하는 주제에 있으나마나한 븅쉰-밥벌레는 죽는게 낫다.

How not to get discouraged when discussing? Here's how to debate at Harvard. / Omniscient observer's point of view, Jaecheon Choi

Xun Bian-Dun-jae Choi Jae-chun said that Harvard boasted is now an academic field.

What is right is who is right. Especially in a strictly individualistic society.
Because it came out of someone's mouth.
A little bit of someone, a little bit of someone else, a supplementary service for collective intelligence gathered here and there.
A place where collective intelligence is needed is the promotion of individual machine parts that promote cooperative systems in a specific field, such as refrigerators, washing machines, computers, automobiles, and particle accelerators.
Western-style debate is a standardized oil-squeezing model that seeks to derive answers by exploiting information little by little like ants.
Begging for information and extorting information from a strict individualistic individual survival system.
In a society where Confucianism-style recognition like Korea works, a discussion is inefficient than the Western-style ant-type discussion method because the opinions of superiors usually act as answers.
Unless it's a discussion about finding astronauts on the moon, the answer has already been drawn up.
fewer problems
In the past, Obama asked a Korean reporter a question at a press conference during his presidency.
None of the Korean reporters asked Obama a question.
At that time, there was an incident where a Chinese reporter intercepted and asked Obama questions.
On the one hand, it was embarrassing, but thinking that Korean reporters had fucked Obama, it made me flirt.
The basic mindset of Westerners is struggle and win.
American society is a society that requires struggle and victory in every case.
Is black-style struggle and victory necessary in Korean society?
386 because of their grudge against Chun Doo-hwan.
What will happen if the struggle and victory of black slavery strikes Korean society again?
The basic mindset of Westerners is struggle and win.
American society is a society that requires struggle and victory in every case.
The 80's movement is different.
If anything gets hot these days, black Americans flock to the streets and there is a black riot in LA.
Debating culture is a category of self-proclaimed democratic citizens special voice that started in Greece, where slaves were proud of their suffrage and is still maintained in the United States.
I understand that Jae-Cheon Choi wants Koreans' non-discussion culture to be a fighting style, but
It's the same thing, and a country without fights like Korea is boring, and unless you're questioning it, you should know the extent to which the idiots who have turned to YouTube to earn a living are just nonsense.
Why is it that ignorant Ye-do is cursed these days?
Practice discussion without even speaking around.
It's true..... I didn't learn enough to eat at that age. My philosophical inner thoughts became a disgraceful person. Medieval nuns' love is suppressed.
I know that there are more conflicts in countries with a developed discussion culture, and there is little chance that your ignorance will be exposed if you summarize and write like Kim Pil-young, not a dwarf.
The voice discussion method that sees the other person's face and responds to each other is necessary only for Jews and old times in bartering,
Modern debate is in writing.
Which one is more debateable?
Which one will lead to more efficient conclusions?
In a one-on-one, face-to-face voice discussion, the person who is good at talking, smart, and who has learned a lot is supposed to win.
what does it mean to win
It's a struggle to put your opinion into action.
Unless it's a discussion about saving astronauts on the moon, the purpose of a universal discussion is to win, whether it's sophistry or excuses.
Against the illiterate and illiterate bitches.

From now on, we are Jammi.

The development of sports in the West is an extension of the struggle,
What makes Western-style sports unpopular in Korea is the genetic information that painfully realizes what it is like to have fought over 900 wars.
And Mongolian northern peoples are genetically and congenitally bad like Park Chung-il.
They weren't born with big brains like Westerners.

Oral Debate is a Miss Korea contest for people who are smart, learn a lot, and speak well.

Western-style debate stems from the individualistic struggle method that demands one's share.
Korean society is still a society where begging works, but
The West is not
The misconception that there are many homeless people rummaging through trash cans is a society where begging works, but it is the Harvard-style debate society that Bian Xun-Choi Jae-chun thinks, and the Miss America pageant for smart, educated, and talkative people.
The American society has developed a trash can culture due to overconsumption, so the homeless are still holding on.
In a country where there are many frugal people like Korea, homeless beggars are the only beggars.
What will the Korean society do when a sloppy Harvard worm comes to Korea?

Korean ant research? Korean monkey research? Annihilation Plague Smallpox Clothes Sharing Discussion?
Not who is right, but what is right?
I'm bored and bored

It's better to die for a beet-shin-baby bug that's in the subject of extorting research funds or extorting money.


Alt Grunge To Insta Glam - How Will My Boyfriend React? | TRANSFORMED

Leaked video shows Navy fighter jet crashing on carrier USS Carl Vinson | New York Post


저기 부처님이 오시는구나 | "사람이 그러면 못써" 나를 키운 말 | 기본을 다시 잡아야겠다 | 법인스님 3

자왈: "군자화이부동, 소인동이불화."
子曰: "君子和而不同, 小人同而不和."

군자되면 요지부동이고, 집중력이 좋고, 고집이 세고,
소인은 산만해서 크게되기 어렵다.

신영복이 좃꼴리는대로 해석한 것은 의미없다.
감옥에서 20년 20일 요지부동했으니 산만한 자유-소인이 좃빠지게 부러웠을게다.
원래 세상에 원한이 많으면 신동엽처럼 불야성 갈아엎고 보리심는다.

揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提 娑婆訶
아제아제 바라아제 바라승아제 모지 사바하

아제 - 건너간 자여
아제 - 건너간 자여
바라아제 - 피안에 건너간 자여
바라승아제 - 피안에 완전히 도달한 자여
모지 사바하 - 깨달음이여! 평안하소서! "행복하소서!" "만세!"의 뜻으로
인도인들이 인사말로 흔히 쓰는 용어란다.

어디서 어디로 건너갔냐구?

태양이 이쪽 땅에서 하늘을 가로질러 저쪽 땅으로 건너간다.
건너가는데 목적이 있다든?
부모들 씹질로 세상에 내동댕이쳐진거니 그냥 살다뒈지면 그만이다.

석가모니는 태양신전과 아펩신전에 두루 걸쳐있는 역활이라 한가지로 해석되기 어렵다.

앞으로 우리가 중점사업으로 진행할 예정이라 조현병은 되도록이면 많은 땡중들 섭외해 인터뷰해라.

한꺼번에 몰살시켜 주겠다.

jeogi bucheonim-i osineunguna | "salam-i geuleomyeon mos-sseo" naleul kiun mal | gibon-eul dasi jab-ayagessda | beob-inseunim 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulDiZjEn8Tc jawal: "gunjahwaibudong, soindong-ibulhwa." jawal: "gunjahwaibuldong, soindong-ibulhwa." https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?docId=2427283&cid=41893&categoryId=51342 gunjadoemyeon yojibudong-igo, jibjunglyeog-i johgo, gojib-i sego, soin-eun sanmanhaeseo keugedoegi eolyeobda. sin-yeongbog-i joskkollineundaelo haeseoghan geos-eun uimieobsda. gam-og-eseo 20nyeon 20il yojibudonghaess-euni sanmanhan jayu-soin-i josppajige buleowoss-eulgeda. wonlae sesang-e wonhan-i manh-eumyeon sindong-yeobcheoleom bul-yaseong gal-a-eopgo bolisimneunda. gechegeche panageche panaseung-geche boje sapaga ajeaje balaaje balaseung-aje moji sabaha aje - geonneogan jayeo aje - geonneogan jayeo balaaje - pian-e geonneogan jayeo balaseung-aje - pian-e wanjeonhi dodalhan jayeo moji sabaha - kkaedal-eum-iyeo! pyeong-anhasoseo! "haengboghasoseo!" "manse!"ui tteus-eulo indoindeul-i insamallo heunhi sseuneun yong-eolanda. eodiseo eodilo geonneogassnyagu? taeyang-i ijjog ttang-eseo haneul-eul galojilleo jeojjog ttang-eulo geonneoganda. geonneoganeunde mogjeog-i issdadeun? bumodeul ssibjillo sesang-e naedongdaeng-ichyeojingeoni geunyang saldadwejimyeon geuman-ida. seoggamonineun taeyangsinjeongwa apebsinjeon-e dulu geolchyeoissneun yeoghwal-ila hangajilo haeseogdoegi eolyeobda. ap-eulo uliga jungjeomsa-eob-eulo jinhaenghal yejeong-ila johyeonbyeong-eun doedolog-imyeon manh-eun ttaengjungdeul seob-oehae inteobyuhaela. hankkeobeon-e molsalsikyeo jugessda.

786 / 5,000
번역 결과
Here comes the Buddha | "People can't do that" The words that raised me | I need to retake the basics | corporate monk 3

Jawal: "The gentleman's quilt, the small one's quilt."
子曰: "君子和而不同, 小人同而不和."

When you become a gentleman, you are immovable, you have good concentration, you are stubborn,
A dwarf is a distraction and it is difficult to become big.

It is meaningless for Shin Young-bok to interpret it in the same way.
I must have been very envious of the free-spirited villain because I was immovable for 20 years and 20 days in prison.
If there is a lot of resentment in the world, like Shin Dong-yeop, he plows the night before and plants barley.

Azeaze Barazee Baraseungaze Moji Sabaha

Aze - the one who crossed over
Aze - the one who crossed over
Barazee - One who crossed over
Bala-Seung-Ah - One who has reached the realm of the realm
Moji Sabaha - Enlightenment! Peace be! "Happy!" In the meaning of "Hurray!"
It is a term commonly used by Indians as a greeting.

Where did you cross?

The sun crosses the sky from one land to the other land.
Is there a purpose in crossing over?
I was thrown out into the world because of my parents' chewing, so it's okay to just live with it.

It is difficult to interpret Sakyamuni as one role as it spans both the Temple of the Sun and the Temple of Apep.

In the future, we plan to proceed as a key project, so for Jo Hyun-byeong, hire as many people as possible for an interview.

I will kill you all at once.


[도올김용옥] 동경대전 100 음양과 이진법 - 주자 "주역은 읽으라고 있는 책이 아니다" - 주렴계의 '애련설', 제갈량과 용담

도올이 오늘도 무식의 정상을 달리는구나.

번개는 늘 하늘에 길을 만든다.
사람이 다니는 길은 아니다.
길도 하나가 아니다.
춤추는 자의 번개 길.
Djed의 번개 길.
저쪽 번개, 이쪽 번개.
여호와처럼 5두 번개도 있다.
메두사 머리처럼 다수/다양성의 번개도 있다.
일명 화산번개.

복희여와교는 두 번개 섬기는 종교다.
두 God 이상을 섬기는 종교가 도교다.
원시천존, 영보천존, 옥황상제는 덤이다.
노자까지 신으로 가세했다.
어느 것이 道라고 규정하기 모호한 종교가 도교다.
춤추는 자처럼 태양도 숭배하고 번개도 숭배하는 다신교가 도교다.
번개로 시작해 인간신 노자로 끝나는 정신나간 종교가 도교다.

이집트신화에도 인간신은 없다.
인간은 신에 의해 만들어진 존재라 신과 결합하면 반신반인된다.
여기까지가 인간이 신에게 접근할 수 있는 한계다.
파라오들이 머리에 쓴 면류관들은 섬기는 존재들이지 파라오가 신은 아니다.

도교의 道도 둘로 압축된 道可(남자)道非(남자 도의 부인 비/婢)의 종교라 하나만 도라고 명시할 수 없다.
"도를 도라고 말하면 그러한 도가 아니다"는 남존여비 사상이 극악을 치달렸던 송나라 주자의 후예 유교식자들의 후대 해석일 뿐이고,
태양신전/아펩신전처럼 "도가 둘이면 둘 모두 항상 도"다.

그래서 주역은 남존여비가 극명한 태양신전용이고, 서로가 비등한 道可(남자)道非(남자 도의 부인 비/婢)의 도덕경은 아펩신전용이다.

孔子去(공자거) 謂弟子曰(위제자왈)
공자는 돌아 와서, 제자들에게 이렇게 말했다.
鳥(조) 吾知其能飛(오지기능비)
"새는, 잘 난다는 것을 나는 알고 있으며,
魚(어) 吾知其能游(오지기능유)
"물고기는, 헤엄을 잘 친다는 것을 나는 알고 있으며,
獸(수) 吾知其能走(오지기능주)
"짐승들은, 잘 달린다는 것을 나는 알고 있다.
달리는 짐승은 그물을 쳐서 잡을 수 있고,
헤엄치는 물고기는 낚시를 드리워 낚을 수 있으며,
날아 다니는 새는 화살을 쏘아서 잡을 수 있다.
그러나 용이 하늘에 이르는 것은,
어떻게 바람과 구름을 타고서 하늘에 오르는지 나는 알지 못한다.
吾今日見老子(오금일견로자) 其猶龍邪(기유용야)
오늘 나는 노자를 만났는데, 그는 마치 용과 같은 존재였다"

두 번개신을 믿는 노자에게 소크라테스처럼 유일신 태양신(데몬)을 믿는 공자가 접근해 새, 물고기, 하토르 짐승 홍보해봐야 애초부터 씨알이 안먹힌다.

무식하면 용감한거다 도올 김용옥처럼.

태양-주역(점, 卜)에 번개-괘(卦)를 섞은 것은 바리새인들 무당짓거리다.
한국의 무당들은 모두 바리새인 무당과다.
불교도 땡중들도 마찬가지다.
태양신전 길흉화복이 염주알-법의 문제다.
아펩신전 길흉화복이 번개문제다.
인재(human disaster)이나 분쟁은 해당사항이 아니다.
태양신전도 아펩신전도 천재(heavenly disaster)만 해당사항이다.
십계명처럼 인간에 대해서는 관련 성문법들 있다.
하늘의 재앙과 기우, 눈, 바람에 관한 것이라 대대로 일관의 업무다.
태양신전은 별점의 기원이다.
무당이 작두타고 칼춤추는 것은 태양신전 쌍낫배과 달에 있어서다.

지미 헨드릭스가 니 친구더냐.

Yngwie Malmsteen & New Japan Philharmonic: Far Beyond The Sun

세상에는 지미보다 뛰어난 천재들 널려있다.

[Dool Kim Yong-ok] Tokyo Daejeon 100 Yin-Yang and Binary Beop - The main character "The protagonist is not a book to be read" - Zhuge Liang and Yongdam

Do-ol is running to the top of ignorance today.

Lightning always makes a way in the sky.
It's not a human road.
There is not one road.
The Lightning Path of the Dancer.
Djed's Lightning Road.
Lightning over there, lightning over here.
Like Jehovah, there are five lightning bolts.
Like Medusa's head, there are multiple/multiple lightning bolts.
Also called volcanic lightning.

Bokhui Nwagyo is a religion that serves two lightnings.
Taoism is a religion that worships more than two Gods.
Primitive Heavenly Heaven, Youngbocheonzon, and Jade Emperor are bonuses.
Even Lao-tzu joined as a god.
Taoism is a religion in which it is ambiguous to define which is the Dao.
Taoism is a polytheistic religion that worships the sun and lightning like a dancer.
Taoism is a crazy religion that starts with lightning and ends with the human god Laozi.

There are no human gods in Egyptian mythology.
Human beings are created by God, so when they combine with God, they become demigods.
This is the limit at which humans can approach God.
The crowns worn by the pharaohs are servants, the pharaohs are not gods.

The Tao of Taoism is also a religion of the dao (man), which is condensed into two.
It is only a later interpretation of the Confucian scholars who descended from the Song Dynasty Zhuzi, who had the extreme ideology of male and female bisexuality, saying, "If you say the Tao is the Tao, it's not such a Tao."
Like the Temple of the Sun/The Temple of Apep, "If there are two Tao, both are always Tao."

So, the main character is dedicated to the sun god with a clear male-to-female ratio, and the Tao-Kyung of a man who is inferior to each other is dedicated to Apepsin.

孔子去 (Confucius) 謂弟子曰
When Confucius returned, he said to his disciples:
鳥 (Jo) 吾知其能飛
"I know that birds fly well,
魚 (魚) 吾知其能游
"I know that fish are good swimmers,
獸 (Wednesday) 吾知其能走
"I know that beasts run well.
A running animal can be caught by casting a net,
游者可以爲綸 (Yuzagai Weirun)
Swimming fish can be caught by casting a fishing line,
Flying birds can be caught by shooting arrows.
But when the dragon reaches the sky,
I don't know how to ride the wind and the clouds to reach the sky.
Today I met Lao-tzu, who was like a dragon."

Confucius, who believes in the only sun god (daemon) like Socrates, approaches Lao-tzu, who believes in the two lightning gods, and promotes birds, fish, and Hathor's beasts, so that the seeds are not eaten from the beginning.

If you are ignorant, you are brave. Like Kim Yong-ok.

Was Jimi Hendrix your friend?

Yngwie Malmsteen & New Japan Philharmonic: Far Beyond The Sun

There are many geniuses better than Jimmy in the world.


요한계시록 13장
1   내가 보니 바다에서 한 짐승이 나오는데 뿔이 열이요 머리가 일곱이라 그 뿔에는 열 면류관이 있고 그 머리들에는 참람된 이름들이 있더라
2   내가 본 짐승은 표범과 비슷하고 그 발은 곰의 발 같고 그 입은 사자의 입 같은데 용이 자기의 능력과 보좌와 큰 권세를 그에게 주었더라
3   그의 머리 하나가 상하여 죽게 된 것 같더니 그 죽게 되었던 상처가 나으매 온 땅이 이상히 여겨 짐승을 따르고
4   용이 짐승에게 권세를 주므로 용에게 경배하며 짐승에게 경배하여 가로되 누가 이 짐승과 같으뇨 누가 능히 이로 더불어 싸우리요 하더라
Revelation 13 [NASB]    
And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names.
And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.
I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast;
they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?"

3절은 머리 일곱개 달로 표현된 5두 아펩뱀의 머리 하나다.
네 구역의 대상들(누트신전 태양+아펩뱀+태양신전 헤드젯과 달)을 모두 출연시켜서 아펩뱀의 5두 중에 하나인 고개숙인 십자가 예수를 달의 머리로 나타낸 말이다.
달이 죽으면 어둠이듯, 번개가 죽어도 어둠이라는 전제가 깔려있다.
악어나 개구리의 개입없이 전개되는 상황이라 하토르신전 전체 부조와 이해하지 못하면 해석 자체가 불가능하다.
해서 요한계시록 12장에 대강적인 상황과 위치를 전제로 깔아논거다.

Verse 3 is the one head of the five-headed Apep serpent represented by the seven-headed moon.
It is a word that represents the head of the moon, the bowed cross Jesus, one of the five heads of the Apep snake, with all the objects of the four areas (the sun + the Apep snake in the temple of Nut + the headjet and the moon in the temple of the sun).
Just as the moon is dark when it dies, the premise is that even when lightning dies, it is dark.
It is a situation that develops without the intervention of crocodiles or frogs, so if you do not understand the entire relief of Hathor Temple, the interpretation itself is impossible.
That is why, in the 12th chapter of Revelation, the general situation and location were laid on the premise.

요한계시록 12장
여자와 용
1   하늘에 큰 이적이 보이니 해를 입은 한 여자가 있는데 그 발 아래는 달이 있고 그 머리에는 열 두 별의 면류관을 썼더라
2   이 여자가 아이를 배어 해산하게 되매 아파서 애써 부르짖더라
3   하늘에 또 다른 이적이 보이니 보라 한 큰 붉은 용이 있어 머리가 일곱이요 뿔이 열이라 그 여러 머리에 일곱 면류관이 있는데
4   그 꼬리가 하늘 별 삼분의 일을 끌어다가 땅에 던지더라 용이 해산하려는 여자 앞에서 그가 해산하면 그 아이를 삼키고자 하더니
5   여자가 아들을 낳으니 이는 장차 철장으로 만국을 다스릴 남자라 그 아이를 하나님 앞과 그 보좌 앞으로 올려가더라
6   그 여자가 광야로 도망하매 거기서 일천 이백 육십일 동안 저를 양육하기 위하여 하나님의 예비하신 곳이 있더라
7   하늘에 전쟁이 있으니 미가엘과 그의 사자들이 용으로 더불어 싸울쌔 용과 그의 사자들도 싸우나
8   이기지 못하여 다시 하늘에서 저희의 있을 곳을 얻지 못한지라
9   큰 용이 내어 쫓기니 옛 뱀 곧 마귀라고도 하고 사단이라고도 하는 온 천하를 꾀는 자라 땅으로 내어 쫓기니 그의 사자들도 저와 함께 내어 쫓기니라
Revelation 12 [NASB]    
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;
and she was with child; and she cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth.
Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems.
And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.
And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.
Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God, so that there she would be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon The dragon and his angels waged war,
and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven.
And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

Tomb of Ramesses V-VI Pano
Scene from the Book of Caverns, fifth division.
(KV9, chamber E, right wall)
람세스의 무덤 V-VI 파노라마
5부 '동굴의 서'의 한 장면.
(KV9, 챔버 E, 오른쪽 벽)

Tomb of Ramesses V-VI
The north Wall of the Burial Chamber
The south side of the burial chamber shows complex scenes of the Book of the Earth (The Book of Aker) or The Creation of the Sun Disk.
람세스 V-VI의 무덤
매장실 북쪽 벽
매장실의 남쪽에는 지구서(The Book of Aker) 또는 태양 원반의 창조(Creation of the Sun Disk)의 복잡한 장면이 표시됩니다.

Tomb of Ramesses V-VI
Corridor G right wall
Scene of the Amduat
람세스 V-VI의 무덤
복도 G 오른쪽 벽
Amduat의 장면

KV17, The Tomb of Sety I, Side chamber Jb
Relief from KV 17, the Tomb of Sety I
Side chamber Jb of the burial chamber J.
Amduat, end of the 6th hour, detail
KV17, 세티 1세의 무덤, 옆방 Jb
KV 17의 부조, Sety I의 무덤
매장실 J의 측면 챔버 Jb.
Amduat, 6시 종료, 세부 사항

KV17, The Tomb of Seti I, Side chamber Jb
Relief from KV 17, the Tomb of Seti I
Side chamber Jb: (left of gate)
Detail from the Amduat: end of the sixth hour:
Under three schematically drawn shrines, in which backside, wings and head of the sun-scarab are interred, lies the "flesh" (= the corpse of the dead sungod) of Chepri with the scarab on his head, protected from the five-headed snake "many-faces".
Below are nine fire-breathing snake-rods; these rods represent from the right to the left the following God's: Tatenen, Atum, Chepri, Schu, Geb, Osiris, Horus, "the judge" (Thot?) and "he of the offering"
KV17, 세티 1세의 무덤, 옆방 Jb
세티 1세의 무덤 KV 17의 부조
사이드 챔버 Jb: (게이트 왼쪽)
Amduat의 세부 정보: 여섯 번째 시간의 끝:
태양풍뎅이의 뒷면, 날개, 머리가 안치되어 있는 개략적으로 그려진 3개의 신전 아래에는 머리에 풍뎅이를 얹은 체프리의 "살"(=죽은 선고드의 시체)이 있으며, 뱀 "여러 얼굴".
아래는 9개의 불을 내뿜는 뱀 막대입니다. 이 막대는 오른쪽에서 왼쪽으로 다음 신을 나타냅니다. Tatenen, Atum, Chepri, Schu, Geb, Osiris, Horus, "판사"(Thot?) 및 "제물의 그"

KV17, The Tomb of Sety I , Side chamber Jb
Relief from KV 17, the Tomb of Sety I
Side chamber Jb of the burial chamber J.
Amduat, the 6th hour, Pano
KV17, Sety I의 무덤 I, 옆방 Jb
KV 17의 부조, Sety I의 무덤
매장실 J의 측면 챔버 Jb.
Amduat, 6시, Pano

KV17, The Tomb of Seti I, Corridor D
Relief from KV 17, the Tomb of Seti I
Corridor D
This sloping corridor is decorated with the fourth hour of the Amduat, who depict the mysterios cavern of Sokaris, called "He who is on his sand", a sandy, waterless region populated by numerous snakes and other strange creatures on the right (northwest) wall.
This hour is traversed by a slanting passage guarded at intervals by wooden doors and s everal serpents, some of them with legs and wings. In the center of the hour, the eye of Sokaris is protected by two gods, Thoth and Horus.
KV17, 세티 1세의 무덤, 복도 D
세티 1세의 무덤 KV 17의 부조
복도 D
이 경사진 복도는 "모래 위에 있는 자"라고 불리는 Sokaris의 신비한 동굴을 묘사하는 Amduat의 네 번째 시간으로 장식되어 있습니다. 오른쪽(북서쪽)에는 수많은 뱀과 기타 이상한 생물이 살고 있는 모래가 있고 물이 없는 지역입니다. 벽.
이 시간은 나무로 된 문과 여러 마리의 뱀으로 일정한 간격을 두고 지키고 있는 기울어진 통로에 의해 가로지르며, 일부는 다리와 날개가 있습니다. 정시에 소카리스의 눈은 토트(Thoth)와 호루스(Horus)라는 두 신에 의해 보호됩니다.

이집트 제19왕조 세티1세(BC 1291년 ~ BC 1278년) 무덤의 부조와 더 후대인 제20왕조 람세스 5-6세(BC 1146년 ~ BC 1142년/BC 1142년 ~ BC 1134년) 무덤의 배경, 배열 등이 전체적으로 비슷하다.
세티1세와 람세스 5-6세의 무덤 배경으로 여호와와 창세기 천지창조가 완성됐으니까,
세티1세의 아들인 람세스 2세(발람)를 성서가 어떻게 이해하고 있는지가 그대로 드러난거다.

Relief of the tomb of Seti I of the 19th Dynasty of Egypt (1291 BC - 1278 BC) and a later 20th dynasty Ramses 5-6 (1146 BC - 1142 BC / 1142 BC - 1134 BC) of the tomb of Egypt The background, arrangement, etc. are generally similar.
Because the creation of the heavens and the earth was completed in Genesis with the background of the tombs of Seti I and Ramses 5-6,
This is how the Bible understands Seti I's son Ramses II (Balaam).


안티고네는 국왕의 명을 어기고 자신의 양심에 따라 폴리네이케스의 시체를 묻어주었다가 잡히게 되고 외숙부 크레온은 안티고네를 감금시킨다. 감금된 안티고네는 스스로 목숨을 끊었으며 이 사실을 알게된 크레온의 아들이자 안티고네의 약혼자인 하이몬이 자살하고 뒤이어 하이몬의 어머니이자 크레온의 아내인 에우리디케도 자살하며, 이스메네 또한 언니의 자살에 절망하여 스스로 목숨을 끊었다. 그들은 그녀와 같은 운명을 맞이하게 된다.

Antigone disobeys the king's orders and is caught by burying the body of Polynices according to her conscience, and her uncle Creon imprisons Antigone. When Antigone was imprisoned, she took her own life, and when Haemon, Creon's son and Antigone's fiancée, learning of this, committed suicide, followed by Haemon's mother and Creon's wife Eurydice. cut off They will face her same fate as hers.

25   예수의 십자가 곁에는 그 모친과 이모와 글로바의 아내 마리아와 막달라 마리아가 섰는지라
26   예수께서 그 모친과 사랑하시는 제자가 곁에 섰는 것을 보시고 그 모친께 말씀하시되 여자여 보소서 아들이니이다 하시고
27   또 그 제자에게 이르시되 보라 네 어머니라 하신대 그 때부터 그 제자가 자기 집에 모시니라
영혼이 돌아가시다(마 27:45-56; 막 15:33-41; 눅 23:44-49)
28   이 후에 예수께서 모든 일이 이미 이룬줄 아시고 성경으로 응하게 하려하사 가라사대 내가 목마르다 하시니
29   거기 신 포도주가 가득히 담긴 그릇이 있는지라 사람들이 신 포도주를 머금은 해융을 우슬초에 매어 예수의 입에 대니
30   예수께서 신 포도주를 받으신 후 가라사대 다 이루었다 하시고 머리를 숙이시고 영혼이 돌아가시니라

Therefore the soldiers did these things. But standing by the cross of Jesus were His mother, and His mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son!"
Then He said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" From that hour the disciple took her into his own household.
After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been accomplished, to fulfill the Scripture, said, "I am thirsty."
A jar full of sour wine was standing there; so they put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to His mouth.
Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.

다가올 죽음의 위험을 알고도 피하지 않은 자살자 예수를 지켜보며 믿는 네 여자가 자살자 리스트다.
공기신/Djed도 포함한다.
The suicide list consists of four women who watch and believe in Jesus, a suicide who did not avoid the danger of impending death.
Air God/Djed is also included.

3   때에 예수를 판 유다가 그의 정죄됨을 보고 스스로 뉘우쳐 그 은 삼십을 대제사장들과 장로들에게 도로 갖다 주며
4   가로되 내가 무죄한 피를 팔고 죄를 범하였도다 하니 저희가 가로되 그것이 우리에게 무슨 상관이 있느냐 네가 당하라 하거늘
5   유다가 은을 성소에 던져 넣고 물러가서 스스로 목매어 죽은지라
6   대제사장들이 그 은을 거두며 가로되 이것은 피 값이라 성전고에 넣어 둠이 옳지 않다 하고
7   의논한 후 이것으로 토기장이의 밭을 사서 나그네의 묘지를 삼았으니
8   그러므로 오늘날까지 그 밭을 피밭이라 일컫느니라
Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." But they said, "What is that to us? See to that yourself!"
And he threw the pieces of silver into the temple sanctuary and departed; and he went away and hanged himself.
The chief priests took the pieces of silver and said, "It is not lawful to put them into the temple treasury, since it is the price of blood."
And they conferred together and with the money bought the Potter's Field as a burial place for strangers.
For this reason that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day.

잼미 마지막 말/Jammi's last words

순간 번쩍하고 끝나는 번개는 스스로 자살한다.
2초 생명력에 대해 판단이 2초의 '천지창조'로 연장졌지만, 번개가 무엇 때문에 2초만에 죽는지 고대에는 아무도 모른다.
주체신이 아니라 보조신으로로서 역활이 번개였다.
이것이 Seth 신이다.

태양역활하는 이베리아 반도 옆에서 번개역활하던 원조가 이탈리아 반도였다.
이탈리아반도 생긴대가 쟁기로 표현하다보니 원조번개의 역활이 점점 사라지고 Seth 이름을 가진 악신만 덩그라니 남아서 기원도 출처도 모호해진거다.
이것을 그리스의 5두 뱀들이 Seth를 대체해 우상신처럼 넘겨받은거다.
바울이 몰타섬에 표류해 뱀을 잡았다가 불섭에 던진 것은 Djed/악어/Seth의 기원이 이탈리아반도라서다.

셋도 아들을 낳고 그 이름을 에노스라 하였으며 그 때에 사람들이 비로소 여호와의 이름을 불렀더라
To Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh Then men began to call upon the name of the LORD.

에녹이 하나님과 동행하더니 하나님이 그를 데려 가시므로 세상에 있지 아니하였더라
Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

이집트신화에서 지중해의 반도들과 사우디아라비아 반도는 하늘신과 땅신 사이에서 태어나는 존재들이다.
첫째 아들 카인은 사우디아라비아반도고,
둘째 아들 아벨은 그리스반도 5두 뱀들을 포함하는 지역이고,
세째 아들 Seth가 이탈리아반도고,
Seth의 아들 에노스(Enosh)가 이베리아반도다.
아담/화와가 삼형제 이상을 낳지 않은 것은 3 아펩-신전에 대한 트라우마 때문이다.
카인이 아벨을 죽인 것은, 고개숙인 아펩뱀이 그곳에 존재해서다.

에노스(Enosh)가 에녹(Enoch)처럼 God과 동행하면 5두 아펩뱀 안에 누워있는 아담이 되겠지만,
에노스(Enosh)가 이베리아반도 역활이라 태양이 하늘로 올라간 것이 에노스가 된다.
그러나 아펩뱀이 성서의 주인공이라 에노스 대신에 이름이 비슷한 에녹이 선택되어 5두 아펩뱀 안에 누워있는 역활을 에녹이 맡은거다.
에녹은 아펩신전 전용이라 다시 아담으로 시공을 거슬러 올라갔다.
에노스가 태어난 이후부터 태양신전의 활동도 본격화 된다.

창세기 네째 날에 창조된 태양과 달도 이베리아반도 에노스(Enosh)로 비롯된 관계설정이다.

여호와에게 붙은 '스스로 있는 자' 타이틀 이름은 여호와-LORD 이름이 거룩해서 부르지 못하게 만든 것이 아니라, 신의 정체가 너무나 분명해서 일부러 숨긴거다.
제우스란 분명한 이름을 유대인들이 숭배한다고 생각해봐라.
모세의 가나안땅에 들어가지 못한 것이 이탈리아반도와 거리있는 그리스 5두뱀 여호와란 것을 이제사 이해했다한들,

New Version of Problem 135 is around the corner

The lightning that flashes and ends in a moment commits suicide.
Judgment on the 2 second vitality was extended to 2 seconds of 'Creation of Heaven and Earth', but in ancient times no one knew what caused lightning to die in 2 seconds.
Not as a main body but as an auxiliary god, his role was lightning.
This is God Seth.

The Italian peninsula was the original source of the lightning acting next to the Iberian Peninsula, which served as the sun.
As the origin of the Italian peninsula was expressed as a plow, the role of the original lightning gradually disappeared and only the evil spirit with the name Seth remained, making both the origin and the source of it ambiguous.
Five Greek serpents replaced Seth and inherited it like an idol god.
The reason that Paul drifted to the island of Malta, caught a snake, and then threw it into the fire was because the origin of Djed/Crocodile/Seth was in the Italian peninsula.

Seth also had a son, and he called his name Enosh, and at that time people began to call on the name of the LORD.
To Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh Then men began to call upon the name of the LORD.

Enoch walked with God, and he was not in the world, because God took him.
Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

In Egyptian mythology, the peninsulas of the Mediterranean Sea and the Saudi Arabian Peninsula are beings born between the sky god and the earth god.
The eldest son, Cain, is from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula.
The second son, Abel, was a region that contained five serpents on the Greek peninsula.
The third son, Seth, is from the Italian peninsula,
Seth's son Enosh is the Iberian Peninsula.
The reason that Adam/Eve did not have more than three brothers is because of the trauma of the 3 Apep-temple.
Cain killed Abel because the bowed Apep serpent was there.

If Enosh accompanies God like Enoch, he will be Adam lying in the five Apep serpents,
Since Enosh is the role of the Iberian Peninsula, when the sun rises into the sky, Enosh becomes Enosh.
However, since the serpent of Apep is the main character of the Bible, Enoch with a similar name was chosen instead of Enos, and Enoch took on the role of lying inside the five serpents of Apep.
Because Enoch was dedicated to the temple of Apep, he went back in time to Adam.
After Enosh was born, the activities of the Sun Temple began in earnest.

The sun and moon, created on the fourth day of Genesis, are also related to Enosh on the Iberian Peninsula.

Jehovah-LORD's title name, 'I am who I am', was not made to be called because the name of Jehovah-LORD was holy, but because the identity of God was so clear that it was deliberately hidden.
Imagine that the Jews worship the obvious name Zeus.
Even if we now understand that it was the Lord, the Greek five-headed serpent, that was far from the Italian peninsula that Moses could not enter into the land of Canaan.

New Version of Problem 135 is around the corner

많은 노벨상 수상자 직계 제자들을 가진 전직 MIT 교수가 무식한 뻥쟁이 박충일과 뭐가 다르겠니.
이 카페 눈팅했으니 아는체는 하고싶고, 제 무식한 것은 감추고 싶고, 예수이후 누구도 피할 수 없는 지난 2000년간 공백된 무수한 거짓 서적들(철학서 비판포함)로 배운 자들이 이제사 어물쩡 때우고 넘어가려는 소위 식자들이 성서신화에 대해 아는척 대꾸하는 것 자체가 스스로가 자기 무식하다는거 폭로하는거다.
자기만 아는 사이트로 감추고 싶겠지만 이런 사이트가 어디 감춰진다든?
소문 빠르다.
이 사이트에 전세계 정보국들 눈이 쏠려있고 이미 난다긴다하는 전세계 식자들 대부분은 알고 있다.
오늘도 아빠 구식 컴퓨터 휘졌고 다닌 애들 몇놈 걸렸다.
자기들 딴에는 검증한다고 검증중이겠지만,
혀 내두르는 소리 여기까지 들린다.
니들만 정보통 있는거 아니다.
앞으로 갈길 멀다.

어느 연놈이든 도둑질하는 순간부터 표적되는 것은 시간문제야.
책으로 낼수도 없고 책내는 순간부터 독기품은 유대자본에 의해 쥐도새도 모르게 요단강 건널 수 있다는거 명심해라.

주변 기독교 소경들 위해 소문은 낼지언정, 목숨부지하고 싶거든 책으로든 글로든 구글/마이크로소프트에 검색되는 모든 것에 표색하지 마라!

What is the difference between Park Chung-il, an ignorant idiot, and a former MIT professor who has many direct students of Nobel Laureates?
The so-called literate who have learned from the countless false books (including criticism of philosophy books) that have been empty for the past 2000 years that have been naughty in this cafe, want to know, hide their ignorance, and which no one can avoid after Jesus, are now trying to fill in the Bible. To pretend that you know about Shinhwa is to expose your own ignorance.
You want to hide it as a site only you know, but where is this site hidden?
Rumors are fast
The eyes of the world's intelligence agencies are on this site, and most of the world's literate people already know it.
Today, my dad's old computer was bent and some of the kids got caught.
They are verifying that they are verifying others, but
I can hear the tongue sticking all the way here.
You are not the only informed.
We have a long way to go.

It is only a matter of time before any kite is targeted from the moment it steals.
Keep in mind that it is impossible to publish a book, and from the moment it is published, a unique product can cross the Jordan River without a mouse or bird due to the use of Jewish capital.

If you want to risk your life, even if you spread rumors for the blind Christians around you, don't spit on everything you find on Google/Microsoft, whether in books or in writing!

2   여호와의 사자가 떨기나무 불꽃 가운데서 그에게 나타나시니라 그가 보니 떨기나무에 불이 붙었으나 사라지지 아니하는지라
5   하나님이 가라사대 이리로 가까이 하지 말라 너의 선 곳은 거룩한 땅이니 네 발에서 신을 벗으라
14   하나님이 모세에게 이르시되 나는 스스로 있는 자니라 또 이르시되 너는 이스라엘 자손에게 이같이 이르기를 스스로 있는 자가 나를 너희에게 보내셨다 하라
2   The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed.
5   Then He said, "Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."
14   God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"

아탈리아반도 역활하는 모세와 바울에게 그리스땅 5두 여호와는 (하늘로는 붙어있지만) 결코는 가까이하지 못하는 거룩한 땅(holy ground)이다.
To Moses and Paul, who play the role of the Atalian Peninsula, the Greek land 5 The two Jehovahs (although they are attached to each other in heaven) are the holy ground that they can never approach.

Marilyn Monroe in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" - "Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend"

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Erkekler Sarışınları Sever) 1953 HD

배재된 중심, 내 안의 또 다른 나 (feat.프로이트, 라캉)

여자들 히스테리는 대접받고싶은 관심병 망상이다.
여자를 섬에 혼자 떨궈놓으면 들개처럼 혼자서도 잘논다.
예도 박충일도 유튜브로 먹고는 살아야하니 이쯤에서 자유방면해라.
우리도 신경끄마.

RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | Viral Video: Ape With AK-47

원숭이 가르친다고 사람되는거 아니다.
아는만치 보이고 아는만치 씨부리는거다.
예도 유튜브에 댓글이 안다리는 것 자체가 뭣도 모르는 철학정신병자란 뜻이다.

The excluded center, another me in me (feat. Freud, Lacan)

Women's hysteria is a delusion of a disease of concern that wants to be treated.
If a woman is left alone on an island, she will play alone like a wild dog.
Both Ye and Park Chung-il have to live on YouTube, so let's get free from this.
Don't worry about us either.

RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | Viral Video: Ape With AK-47

Teaching monkeys doesn't make you human.
Seeing as much as you know and flirting as much as you know.
Yes, not seeing comments on YouTube means that he is a philosophical psychopath who does not know anything.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2022, 11:17:29 AM
예수께서 이르시되 손에 쟁기를 잡고 뒤를 돌아보는 자는 하나님의 나라에 합당치 아니하니라 하시니라
But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

이탈리아반도 Seth와 골고다 언덕의 호루스는 하나님의 나라에 합당하지 않다.
제우스의 지정학적 위치가 여호와나 예수의 언사에 그대로 녹아있다.
The Italian peninsula of Seth and Horus of Golgotha is not worthy of the kingdom of God.
The geopolitical position of Zeus is reflected in the words of Jehovah and Jesus.

주어는, God의 나라에 합당하지 않은 주체는 세상의 지배자인 파라오 람세스다.
The subject, who is not worthy of the kingdom of God, is the ruler of the world, Pharaoh Ramses.

데오빌로(테오도시우스1세)에게 충성하던 루가의 입에서 이런 말이 나온 것은,
These words came out of the mouth of Luke, who was loyal to Theophilus (Theodosius I),

38   예수께서 가라사대 어찌하여 두려워하며 어찌하여 마음에 의심이 일어나느냐
39   내 손과 발을 보고 나인줄 알라 또 나를 만져보라 영은 살과 뼈가 없으되 너희 보는 바와 같이 나는 있느니라
40   이 말씀을 하시고 손과 발을 보이시나
41   저희가 너무 기쁘므로 오히려 믿지 못하고 기이히 여길 때에 이르시되 여기 무슨 먹을 것이 있느냐 하시니
42   이에 구운 생선 한 토막을 드리매
43   받으사 그 앞에서 잡수시더라
And He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
"See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have."
And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet.
While they still could not believe it because of their joy and amazement, He said to them, "Have you anything here to eat?"
They gave Him a piece of a broiled fish;
and He took it and ate it before them.

가장 많은 유대인 포로들이 도보로 이동한 곳이 그리스였다.
또한 상당수의 포로들이 아드리아해와 이오니아해가 만나는 해협을 배로 건너 로마까지 이동했다.
14년에 걸친 로마의 치밀한 포로 수송작전의 일환이였다.
이 과정에서 나약한 노예들이 많이 죽었다.
바울처럼 처음부터 배로 이동한 것은 로마의 협력자와 랍비처럼 지식인들이 포함된 일부였다.
Greece was the place where most Jewish prisoners of war traveled on foot.
A significant number of prisoners of war also crossed the strait where the Adriatic and Ionian Seas meet and moved to Rome.
It was part of Rome's 14-year-long operation to transport prisoners of war.
In the process, many weak slaves died.
From the beginning, like Paul, moving by ship was part of the Roman collaborators and intellectuals like the rabbis.

배에 있는 우리의 수는 전부 이백 칠십 륙인이러라
All of us in the ship were two hundred and seventy-six persons.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2022, 12:23:03 PM
Andrey Vinogradov

러시아에 안드레이란 이름이 한국 철수처럼 좃빠지게 많어. 8) 8) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2022, 12:37:03 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2022, 02:06:23 PM
All ORDER 66 Scenes UPDATED (ROTS/Fallen Order/Clone Wars/Bad Batch/Book of Boba Fett)
Grogu with SUBTITLES (Book of Boba Fett Episode 6) SPOILERS

;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 08, 2022, 02:31:32 PM

Sir ( and Daughter)
Please try harder to respect forum theme !

Welcome to OverUnity.com
The International Open Source Free Energy Research Forum

free energy  will change the world - free energy will stop all environmental pollution
Free energy will help to heal the planet earth.
In our disccusion forum www.overunity.com (http://www.overunity.com) we talk about all kinds of free energy and alternative
and renewable energy systems.
The world will soon be very green without any pollution and any chemical fuel polutants
with this new  technolgy.
What Tesla has begun in the 19th and 20th century we will now bring to
market in the 21th century.
With permanent magnet motors and Solid State magnet free energy convertes into the future.

free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will be enabled all over the world to power cars, ships and trains and
Free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.

So all in all  Free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 08, 2022, 03:07:01 PM
ramset :

Free Electricity How To Make Free Energy Generator 220v With 5kw Alternator And Motor

بھائی صاحب جب یہ بغیر فلائی ویل کے چلتاہے تو پھر آپ لوگ فلائی ویل کیوں لگاتے ہیں


Brothers ramset, I think each has a role to play for world peace.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 08, 2022, 03:25:54 PM
Your host ( our host ) runs entire forum all alone with no help
For many years ... not an easy task !

Welcome to OverUnity.com
The International Open Source Free Energy Research Forum

free energy  will change the world - free energy will stop all environmental pollution
Free energy will help to heal the planet earth.
In our disccusion forum www.overunity.com we talk about all kinds of free energy and alternative
and renewable energy systems.
The world will soon be very green without any pollution and any chemical fuel polutants
with this new  technolgy.
What Tesla has begun in the 19th and 20th century we will now bring to
market in the 21th century.
With permanent magnet motors and Solid State magnet free energy convertes into the future.

free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will be enabled all over the world to power cars, ships and trains and
Free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.

So all in all  Free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.

Here is forum theme !!

Also he has liabilities attached to what is written here , in the past you have posted questionable content completely off topic of forum theme

Now you write statements ( not conversations between members/builders) and forum owner has no idea the content or his liability ( if you make trouble or ?)

Please respect our host and his mission statement above !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2022, 01:24:44 PM

I also have no intention of resurrecting Nietzsche's dead god. ::) ::)
Philosophical idiots brave a dead god because nothing happened when they confronted him. ;D ;D
That's why the philosophical fool declared that God is dead... Bravely... 8) ;D ::) 8)

Quote from: lancaIV on February 08, 2022, 08:47:03 PM

Haldar claims that the price of his superconductor is the same as that of copper or aluminum wire.



Попытка повторить Руслана Гаджиомарова. Этап 1_1.

I get infinite energy 240V from E-bike Motor ⚡⚡💡 Step by step

I live in a country where a generator that works on the same principle as above sells for $50,000. ;D ;D ;D ;D


I can't stand this country being victimized by Russian scammers, so I'm volunteering to provide information. ;D ::)
It's the same reason I revealed my identity from the beginning. 8) ::) 8)


Of course, it's fiction, so don't believe everything. ;D ;D ;D ;D  8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2022, 02:17:15 PM
New York State to Drop Indoor Mask Mandate
Policy move follows other states' similar steps to scale back Covid-19 restrictions
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2022, 03:10:32 PM
도올슨상님의 새벽기도

처세술의 달인이야
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2022, 03:22:27 PM
Tuning the coil capacitor

지난 10년간 뭐하는지 모르겠지만 '이보'도 만만찮어. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2022, 04:44:58 PM
Quote from: ideas99889 on February 09, 2022, 03:37:12 PM
    I think a main reason, or, the other main reason, I posted this idea,  is that I was hoping to prompt someone or some company, to make an alternate internet-search-engine+results-provider,  and possibly also an alternate internet-based-email-service-provider.
    In the english speaking world, the only 'effective' search engine seems to be google .  Basically I was hoping someone could make a company like google,  but with much much fewer services,  a search-engine+results-provider and maybe email service ( and the other services mentioned in this thread ).

  Looking at  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine  ,  it looks like there's no expectation that there will be an an alternative to google, not if you want effective search results etc.

It's not that forums with similar titles are the problem, it's that they lack authenticity. ::)

For example, 8)

Quote from: stivep on January 31, 2019, 06:43:28 PM
Dla r2fpl:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGywu9BJJCU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGywu9BJJCU)
Widze ze sie  zajales  na serio tematem.

Dla mnie to wyglada jak  zmiana impedancji pola przez dodanie zarowek w kierunku  blizej rezonansu.
To samo mozna  zrobic wkladajac reke.

To samo bedzie  rowniez   jesli czestotliwosc  struktury  zmieni sie przez dodanie komponentow LC
w XYZ przestrzeni - w kierunku  rezonansu.

Srobuje zrobic porownania:
Ja wiem ze twoja konfiguracja byla inna.
Chce tylko zebys rozumial co robi co.
Zaczynasz z 52MHz bo wtedy nie  masz  duzych wymiarow.
Robisz  sobie pare  rozdzielona  dystansem.
Czyli odb.  - robisz dokladnie tak jak i nadajnik.
dopiero kiedy  uda ci sie  przekazac energie z punktu a do b. to bierzesz  dokladnie ten sam nadajnik ktory jest teraz  twoim wzorcem.
Teraz traktujesz ten  nadajnik jak by to byl  teraz  twoj nastepny  odb.
i probujesz dostroic do rezonansu  schumanna nizej i nizej.
Orginalnego odb. nigdy nie dotykasz i nic  przy nim nie zmieniasz.
Ale teraz  ten twoj orginalny odb bedzie twoim nadajnikiem.
Czyli podlaczasz do niego  teraz generator.
Patrzysz czy  oba pracuja na przemian.

Potem powracasz do pierwszej konfiguracji.
Twoj nadajnik jest nadajnikiem a twoj odbiornik jest odbiornikiem.

I tu zachodzi  ciekawa rzecz.
Teraz bazujac na twoim juz teraz  doswiadzeniu  z  przekazem  energii
ktore jest kluczowe ,
Z nadajnika wyciagasz  cala cewke  wys nap. w jej miejsce wkladasz  granat Tariela  https://youtu.be/zE4GjB1cWLQ?t=513 (https://youtu.be/zE4GjB1cWLQ?t=513)
Orginalnego pierwszego Odb.  nie ruszasz  wogole. Tak jak  byl dostr. tak go zostawiasz.
Bawisz sie z nawijajac  cewke w lewo , prawo jak popadnie  lub tez tak jak to robil  Akula lub Ruslan, caly czas trzymasz 52MHz na generatorze.
Patrzysz sie czy odb ci  cos pokazuje.
Tak naprawde to nie  ma wielkiego znaczenia .
Za kazdym razem kiedy zmieniasz kierunek nawiniecia  to skracasz fizyczna skladowa.
W rezultacie masz  cos malego  a zachowuje sie jak duza antena.
Podstawowa zasada :
Najpierw dostroj sie do rez.  na najmniejszej cewce  jaka mozesz nawinac  a potem mozesz albo nadawac albo odbierac, Jak sobie chesz.

Ale  odb musi byc na odleglosci ok. 10m   minimum dla 52MHz .
Jak juz  zrobisz ze ci ta cewka Tariela/ Akuly  pracuje to wlasciwie zrobiles  Kapanadze.
Znasz mechanizm dostrojenia sie do harmonicznej.
Wszystko co teraz trzeba  to wiedziec ze jestes kupe za  wysoko musisz zejsc nizej z czest.
Faza jest regulowana w stosunku do ziemi.
Faza potrzebuje  punktu odniesienia i ziemia jest twoim punktem odniesienia
Tariel zbytnio sie nie przejmowal. W pokazie dla mnie  uzyl  wysokowoltowy generator iskry od grzejnika od gazu
Jego koncepcja wymagala pierwszego impulsu aby wzbudzic  Zenneck fale a potem urzadzenie pracowalo samo.

All experiments are done on your own risk based on your own decision.
HV is dangerous.

In the case of the above forum, the member who met the drunkard Kappanaze directly distorts the principle of the generator for some reason. 8)
They claim that natural waves, such as weak zenneck waves, that cannot pass through even the thin film of coils are the principle of the Kapanadze generator. 8)

The only reason for him is that he met Kapanadze on business. ::)

And he floods the forum with all sorts of miscellaneous experimental equipment. ::) ::)

Of course I am too. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

Quote from: F6FLT on February 17, 2019, 04:01:56 AM
It's not an opinion, it's physics.

Your digression on surface waves and Schumann frequencies is harmful to free energy, no extra energy can come from these conventional physics concepts, by definition. You mix anything with anything, misleading everyone.

Kapanadze device is not proven to work, since it has never been duplicated. Explanations on how what is not proven works make no sense.

Please provide:
1) an operational and working proof of concept that every one can duplicate
2) the experimental protocol and the data from the measurements of your own device

It is an advantage for scammers that there is no one in this cafe who can verify the generators of Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan. 8) ::) 8)

It is free to steal the experimental generators of other members of the cafe, but they did not understand it at all and used them randomly. 8)
When the grenade coil goes out, it dances in the sky. ::) 8) ;D

It is freedom for some members of the cafe to put their hopes on the possibility of collective intelligence, but what I have experienced at this cafe for the past 10 years has been the tricksters' trickery. ::) 8) ;D

There are many scammers in Korea. ::)
They have even received doctoral degrees from Harvard University. ;D ::)
As soon as I start writing about Egypt, they change their stance and put on a performance as if they knew it too. ;D ;D

Of course, his 80 or so various books have nothing to do with it. ::) ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2022, 05:08:26 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on February 09, 2022, 05:16:37 PM
or "Phantasieren"  ::)
These coils can be used to create very highly efficient motors, transformers and many other electrical appliances.
Comparison :
Invented 3G HTS multi-strand electric wire can be used for::
1)  Electric motors, transformers and generator rotors with 5x reduced costs, weights and sizes,

2) Electric cables of any carrying capacity with 5x reduced costs, weights and diameters;

3) Cost-effective electric grids;     4)  Electromagnetic propulsion jet engines for aircrafts and high-speed ships;   5) Supercomputers and a supercollider; 6) Current limiters on the electric systems and grids; 7) Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) systems for: a) an assurance of the electric grids and b) fast recharging of electric cars to support or substitute large batteries;




A few hours ago, Bill Gates publicly prophesied that there would be an outbreak of smallpox

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 09, 2022, 05:54:35 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on February 09, 2022, 05:30:28 PM
I like to think this concept could be used to produce our first single stage to orbit aircraft as well as provide the energy to run very large ion engines with enough thrust to reach Mars in 2 weeks.
                                                                           ??? 8) :o
                                                                Whom interests Mars !?
1. Capturing 16 Psyche (https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2020/10/26/hubble-views-massive-asteroid-called-psyche-that-could-worth-more-than-our-global-economy)

2. Schumpeter : Schoepferische Zerstoerung /Constructive Destruction   ;D = (s)melting  ;)
                                                  Better 16 Psyche-EDEL than Psychedelic  :)


100% working Free energy generator , Amazing self running machine
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2022, 11:47:48 PM
Please understand that Google Translator does not understand the precise meaning of Korean and delivers only 70% of the meaning.

And there are many Christians in Korea.
Many of them are close to fanaticism.
The reason why there are so many shamans in Korea is because there is such a religious base.
Also, there are a lot of people who do business with these issues.

[미스터리] 전설의 '거인족' 과연 실제로 존재했나?||Ancient Secrets to Prepare for the Coming Days

필재 음모론 유튜브가 성경 이 외의 내용으로 성서 내용에 맞추는 이른바 창조과학은 환타지라 환타지라면 사족을 못쓰는 인간들은 뽕간다 필재야.
The so-called creation science that YouTube adapts to the content of the Bible with content other than the Bible is a fantasy.

창세기 1장
26   하나님이 가라사대 우리의 형상을 따라 우리의 모양대로 우리가 사람을 만들고 그로 바다의 고기와 공중의 새와 육축과 온 땅과 땅에 기는 모든 것을 다스리게 하자 하시고
27   하나님이 자기 형상 곧 하나님의 형상대로 사람을 창조하시되 남자와 여자를 창조하시고
28   하나님이 그들에게 복을 주시며 그들에게 이르시되 생육하고 번성하여 땅에 충만하라, 땅을 정복하라, 바다의 고기와 공중의 새와 땅에 움직이는 모든 생물을 다스리라 하시니라
Genesis 1 [NASB]
Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

창세기 God이 만든 사람이 지구상 모든 동식물을 다스리는 것은 누트와 게브가 하늘과 땅을 모두 다스리는 신이라 절대 가능하다.
인간은 불가능하다.
문제는 여호와 하나님의 형상은 아펩뱀이라 여호와 하나님의 형상대로 사람을 만들면 아펩뱀이 사람이 된다.
이런류 충돌이 창세기 6장에 발생한다.
It is absolutely possible for a man created by God in Genesis to rule over all animals and plants on earth, as Nut and Geb are gods who rule both heaven and earth.
Humans are impossible.
The problem is that the image of Jehovah God is an Apep serpent, so if you make a man in the image of Jehovah God, the Apep serpent becomes a human.
This kind of conflict occurs in Genesis 6.

창세기 6장
1   사람이 땅위에 번성하기 시작할 때에 그들에게서 딸들이 나니
2   하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들의 아름다움을 보고 자기들의 좋아하는 모든 자로 아내를 삼는지라
3   여호와께서 가라사대 나의 신이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육체가 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 일백 이십년이 되리라 하시니라
4   당시에 땅에 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들을 취하여 자식을 낳았으니 그들이 용사라 고대에 유명한 사람이었더라
Genesis 6 [NASB]
Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them,
that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.
Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

하나님의 아들들(the sons of God)이 사람의 딸들(the daughters of men)과 결혼하면서 사람의 딸들은 하나님이 만든 사람의 자손이지만, 하나님의 아들들은 창조바깥에서 갑자기 창조세계 안으로 느닷없이 개입한 낙하산이라는거야.
누트가 첫째 날 만든 번개-빛이 하나님의 무수한 아들들이지만, 하나님의 아들들 정체가 여기서 드러날 경우 하나님의 정체가 아펩뱀이 되어 사람은 아펩뱀의 창조물이 될 수 없다.
When the sons of God marry the daughters of men, the daughters of men are the descendants of man made by God, but the sons of God intervene suddenly and unexpectedly from outside creation into creation. It's called a parachute.
The lightning-light created by Nut on the first day is the countless sons of God, but if the identities of the sons of God are revealed here, God's identity becomes an Apep serpent, and man cannot become an Apep serpent's creation.

요한복음 1장
1   태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라
2   그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고
3   만물이 그로 말미암아 지은바 되었으니 지은 것이 하나도 그가 없이는 된 것이 없느니라
4   그 안에 생명이 있었으니 이 생명은 사람들의 빛이라
5   빛이 어두움에 비취되 어두움이 깨닫지 못하더라
John 5 [NASB]
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

요한복음 1장의 WORD-하나님은 아펩뱀이고, GOD은 누트다.
누트(미카엘)가 자신과 닮은 사람을 여섯 째날 창조한다.
그런데 누트가 사람을 창조한 장소가 5두 아펩뱀의 영역(에게 헤)이라  아펩뱀이 사람을 창조한 것이 된다.
여기서 갑자기 창세기의 창조자가 둘이 됐다.
창조자가 둘이 된 것은 누트와 게브도 마찬가지다.
번개 아펩뱀은 단지 태양에 대항마적인 입장의 텐션이다.
The WORD of John 1 - God is the Apep Serpent, and GOD is Nut.
Nut (Michael) creates a person who resembles him on the sixth day.
However, the place where Nut created man is the realm of the five Apep serpents (Egehe), so the Apep serpent created man.
Here, suddenly, there are two creators of Genesis.
The creation of two creators is also true for Nut and Geb.
The lightning apep snake is just a tension against the sun.

출애굽기 21장
22   사람이 서로 싸우다가 아이 밴 여인을 다쳐 낙태케 하였으나 다른 해가 없으면 그 남편의 청구대로 반드시 벌금을 내되 재판장의 판결을 좇아 낼 것이니라
23   그러나 다른 해가 있으면 갚되 생명은 생명으로,
24   눈은 눈으로, 이는 이로, 손은 손으로, 발은 발로,
25   데운 것은 데움으로, 상하게 한 것은 상함으로, 때린 것은 때림으로 갚을찌니라
Exodus 21 [NASB]
"If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she gives birth prematurely, yet there is no injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide.
"But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life,
eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

누트가 창조자가 되면 태양이 첫째 날의 빛이 된다.
번개신(어둠신 합체신) 입장에서 절대 용납될 수 없는 사건이다.
그래서 아펩뱀은 대항마적인 입장에서 똑같이 복수한다.

5두 아펩뱀의 영역(에게 헤)도 누트의 몸통 일부라 누트가 사람을 창조한 것이 되고, 누트의 성기에 기생해 살고있는 5두 아펩뱀도 자신의 영역에서 사람이 창조된 것이라 자신이 사람을 창조한 것이 된다.
창조신이 갑자기 둘이 되면서 이 사건을 창세기 2장에 할애해서 여호와-하나님이 아담을 흙으로 만들었고 하와가 아담의 갈비뼈로 만들었다고 명시하면서,
창세기 1장 창조신인 누트가 아담의 마누라로 전락?하는 수모를 받는다.

When Nut becomes the creator, the sun becomes the light of the first day.
This is an event that is absolutely unacceptable from the standpoint of the lightning god (the combined god of darkness).
So, the Apep snake takes revenge in the same way from an antagonistic standpoint.

The realm of the five apep snakes (Egehe) is also part of Nut's body, so Nut created a human being, and the five apep snakes living parasitic on Nut's genitals are also human beings created in their own realm. becomes the creation of
When the Creator God suddenly became two, this event is dedicated to Genesis 2, stating that Jehovah-God made Adam from dust and Eve made it from Adam's rib,
Genesis 1 Nut, the god of creation, is humiliated to become Adam's wife.

이사야 34장
2   대저 여호와께서 만국을 향하여 진노하시며 그들의 만군을 향하여 분내사 그들을 진멸하시며 살륙케 하셨은즉
3   그 살륙 당한 자는 내어던진바 되며 그 사체의 악취가 솟아오르고 그 피에 산들이 녹을 것이며
4   하늘의 만상이 사라지고 하늘들이 두루마리 같이 말리되 그 만상의 쇠잔함이 포도나무 잎이 마름 같고 무화과나무 잎이 마름 같으리라
5   여호와의 칼이 하늘에서 족하게 마셨은즉 보라 이것이 에돔 위에 내리며 멸망으로 정한 백성 위에 내려서 그를 심판할 것이라
13   그 궁궐에는 가시나무가 나며 그 견고한 성에는 엉겅퀴와 새품이 자라서 시랑의 굴과 타조의 처소가 될 것이니
14   들짐승이 이리와 만나며 수염소가 그 동류를 부르며 올빼미가 거기 거하여 쉬는 처소를 삼으며
15   부엉이가 거기 깃들이고 알을 낳아 까서 그 그늘에 모으며 솔개들도 그 짝과 함께 거기 모이리라
16   너희는 여호와의 책을 자세히 읽어보라 이것들이 하나도 빠진 것이 없고 하나도 그 짝이 없는 것이 없으리니 이는 여호와의 입이 이를 명하셨고 그의 신이 이것들을 모으셨음이라
17   여호와께서 그것들을 위하여 제비를 뽑으시며 친수로 줄을 띠어 그 땅을 그것들에게 나눠주셨으니 그것들이 영영히 차지하며 대대로 거기 거하리라
Isaiah 34 [NASB]
For the LORD'S indignation is against all the nations, And His wrath against all their armies; He has utterly destroyed them, He has given them over to slaughter.
So their slain will be thrown out, And their corpses will give off their stench, And the mountains will be drenched with their blood.
And all the host of heaven will wear away, And the sky will be rolled up like a scroll; All their hosts will also wither away As a leaf withers from the vine, Or as one withers from the fig tree.
For My sword is satiated in heaven, Behold it shall descend for judgment upon Edom And upon the people whom I have devoted to destruction.
Thorns will come up in its fortified towers, Nettles and thistles in its fortified cities; It will also be a haunt of jackals And an abode of ostriches.
The desert creatures will meet with the wolves, The hairy goat also will cry to its kind; Yes, the night monster will settle there And will find herself a resting place.
The tree snake will make its nest and lay eggs there, And it will hatch and gather them under its protection. Yes, the hawks will be gathered there, Every one with its kind.
Seek from the book of the LORD, and read: Not one of these will be missing; None will lack its mate For His mouth has commanded, And His Spirit has gathered them.
He has cast the lot for them, And His hand has divided it to them by line They shall possess it forever; From generation to generation they will dwell in it.

개역개정,14 들짐승이 이리와 만나며 숫염소가 그 동류를 부르며 올빼미가 거기에 살면서 쉬는 처소로 삼으며
새번역,14 거기에서는 들짐승들이 이리 떼와 만나고, 숫염소가 소리를 내어 서로를 찾을 것이다. 밤짐승이 거기에서 머물러 쉴 곳을 찾을 것이다.
우리말성경,14 들짐승들은 이리 떼와 마주치고 숫염소들은 자기 친구 염소를 부르며 울어댈 것이다. 물론 밤 짐승들도 거기 드러누워 쉴 곳을 찾게 될 것이다.
가톨릭성경,14 그곳에서는 사막 짐승들이 늑대들과 만나고 염소 귀신들이 서로를 부르리라. 도깨비도 그곳에 쉬면서 안식을 얻으리라.
영어NIV,14 Desert creatures will meet with hyenas, and wild goats will bleat to each other; there the night creatures will also repose and find for themselves places of rest.
영어NASB,14 And the desert creatures shall meet with the wolves, The hairy goat also shall cry to its kind; Yes, the night monster shall settle there And shall find herself a resting place.
영어MSG,14  Wildcats and hyenas will hunt together, demons and devils dance through the night. The night-demon Lilith, evil and rapacious, will establish permanent quarters.
영어NRSV,14 Wildcats shall meet with hyenas, goat-demons shall call to each other; there too Lilith shall repose, and find a place to rest.
헬라어구약Septuagint,14 και συναντησουσιν δαιμονια ονοκενταυροις και βοησουσιν ετερος προς τον ετερον εκει αναπαυσονται ονοκενταυροι ευρον γαρ αυτοις αναπαυσιν
라틴어Vulgate,14 et occurrent daemonia onocentauris et pilosus clamabit alter ad alterum ibi cubavit lamia et invenit sibi requiem

히브리어구약BHS,14 וּפָגְשׁוּ צִיִּים אֶת־אִיִּים וְשָׂעִיר עַל־רֵעֵהוּ יִקְרָא אַךְ־שָׁם הִרְגִּיעָה לִּילִית וּמָצְאָה לָהּ מָנֹוחַ׃
우파게슈 치임 엩 이임 웨사이르 알 레에후 이크라 아크 솸 히르기아 리리트 우마체아 라흐 마노아흐

Hebrew text
In the Masoretic Text:

Hebrew: ,וּפָגְשׁוּ צִיִּים אֶת-אִיִּים, וְשָׂעִיר עַל-רֵעֵהוּ יִקְרָא; אַךְ-שָׁם הִרְגִּיעָה לִּילִית, וּמָצְאָה לָהּ מָנוֹח

u-pagšu ṣiyyim et-ʾiyyim, w-saʿir ʿal-rēʿēhu yiqra; ʾak-šam hirgiʿa lilit, u-maṣʾa lah manoaḥ

34:14 "And shall-meet wildcats with jackals
the goat he-calls his- fellow
lilit (lilith) she-rests and she-finds rest
34:15 there she-shall-nest the great-owl, and she-lays-(eggs), and she-hatches, and she-gathers under her-shadow:
hawks [kites, gledes] also they-gather, every one with its mate.


하이에나과에 속하는 야행성 육식 동물로 히브리어 '이임'('iyyim)을 개역성경에서 시랑으로 번역했다(사 13:22; 렘 50:39). 성경에서 이 동물은 황폐함이나 사막과 관련해서 언급되었다(사 13:22; 렘 50:39).
It is a nocturnal carnivore belonging to the hyenadae, and the Hebrew word 'iyyim' is translated as shirang in the King James Version (Isa 13:22; Jeremiah 50:39). In the Bible this animal is mentioned in connection with desolation or desert (Isaiah 13:22; Jeremiah 50:39).

이사야 34장 14절에 등장하는 릴리스(לִּילִית/Lilith)를 나타내는 비유가 타조와 제비뽑기(cast the lot)다.
모두 이베리아반도와 로마, 그리스를 나타내는 태양신전 관련한 것들이다.
하와가 릴리스다.
바울의 세계관에서는 이베리아반도부터 인도까지 누트지만,
아브라함과 모세의 세계관의 하와는 터키부터 인도까지다.
히브리 전설에서 아담의 첫째 마누라 릴리스는 이베리아반도부터 그리스까지를 릴리스로 해석했다는 뜻이다.

이사야 13장에서 바벨론에 대해 시랑(Hyena)이란 표현을 쓴 것은 태양신전 바깥계 터키지역에 해당한다.
이사야 34장 13절, 시랑(자칼)의 소굴(a haunt of jackals)은 지중해 전체가 자칼의 소굴이라 이메리아반도, 로마, 그리스에 자칼이 배속된다.

이사야 34장 4절,
누트는 첫째 날 번개-빛을 만들어서 아펩뱀을 창조했지만,
아펩뱀은 아담(게브)의 갈비뼈로 누트(하와)를 만들어서 한 단계 높게 복수했다는 것이 요점이다.
또한 태양, 달, 별을 네째 날 만들어서 누트의 태양 천지창조를 교란시켜버렸다.
태양은 동쪽에서 뜨는 관계로 사우디아라비아반도가 떠받들고 있는 아펩뱀이 첫째 날의 빛으로 창조되고,
궁창 위에 물과 아래 물로 나뉜 것이 누트와 게브라서 둘째 날 창조된다.
아펩뱀이 누트와 게브보다 먼저 창조된다.
아펩뱀의 복수는 늘 이런식이다.
아펩뱀(관련된 모든 것)을 항상 앞에 배치한다.
궁창 위에 물은 페르시아만, 오만만, 인도로 이어지는 누트구역이고,
궁창 아래 물은 홍해다.

Seth가 낳은 에노스(이베리아반도) 때 여호와 이름이 불려졌으니,
네째 날 태양이 창조되고 번개신의 이름도 제우스에게 여호와(I AM WHO I AM)로 개명된다.
누트의 머리가 에노스라, 에노스가 태양이고 첫때 날의 빛이 되야했지만 뒤로 밀리고 밀려나 Seth의 아들로 태어나는 수모를 겪는다.
이베리아반도가 그리스의 동쪽에 있었다면 누구도 바꿀 수 없는 태양의 천지창조가 되겠지만,
이베리아반도가 이탈리아반도 서쪽에 위치해 있어서 그리스 지역 아펩뱀들에게 빌미를 제공한거다.

세째 날 창조된 물이 한 곳으로 모인 곳은 지중해다.
누트와 게브가 합체된 것이 지중해를 나타낸다.
이베리아반도를 중심으로하는 태양신전이 완성되는 조건을 지중해가 제공했다.
노아의 홍수는 이렇게 하늘과 땅의 만남에서 시작하면서 네피림으로 이어진다.
누트 입장에서 하나님의 아들들은 사람의 모습과 똑같지만,
아펩뱀의 입장에서 하나님의 아들들은 아펩뱀이다.
누트 입장에서 하나님의 아들들은 이탈리아반도, 사우디아라비아반도라 Djed이다.
아펩뱀의 입장에서 하나님의 아들들도 Djed이다.

누트는 자신의 모습대로 아담을 창조했지만,
아펩뱀은 자신의 모습대로 아담을 창조하지 않았다.

그래서 네피림의 모습은 사람과 아펩뱀과 Djed이 얽혀있다.

요한복음 14장에서 예수가 말하는 보혜사(Counselor)는 그리스 중심의  ΑΩ로 비롯된,

The parable for Lilith in Isaiah 34:14 is the ostrich and the cast the lot.
They are all related to the Sun Temple representing the Iberian Peninsula, Rome, and Greece.
Eve is Lilith.
In Paul's worldview, Nut from the Iberian Peninsula to India,
Eve in the worldview of Abraham and Moses is from Turkey to India.
In Hebrew legend, Lilith, Adam's first wife, means Lilith from the Iberian Peninsula to Greece.

The use of the word hyena for Babylon in Isaiah 13 corresponds to the Turkish region outside the Temple of the Sun.
Isaiah 34:13, a haunt of jackals (a haunt of jackals) is a haunt of jackals in the entire Mediterranean Sea, so jackals are attached to the Imerian Peninsula, Rome, and Greece.

Isaiah 34:4,
Nut created lightning-light on the first day to create the Apep Serpent,
The point is that the Apep snake made Nut (Eve) from the ribs of Adam (Geb) and took revenge on a higher level.
He also created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day, disrupting Nut's creation of the sun.
Since the sun rises in the east, the Apep serpent supported by the Saudi Arabian Peninsula is created as the light of the first day.
The division of water above and below the firmament is Nut and Gebra, which are created on the second day.
Apep snakes are created before Nut and Geb.
The revenge of the Apep snake is always like this.
Always place the Apep snake (and everything related) in front.
The water above the firmament is the Nut region that leads to the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, and India,
The water under the firmament is the Red Sea.

The name of the LORD was called in the days of Enosh (Iberian Peninsula), which Seth gave birth to,
On the fourth day, the sun is created and the name of the lightning god is changed to Jehovah (I AM WHO I AM) by Zeus.
Nut's head is Enosra, Enos is the sun, and he was supposed to be the light of the first day, but he is pushed back and pushed back and suffers the disgrace of being born as Seth's son.
If the Iberian Peninsula was to the east of Greece, it would be the sun's creation that no one could change.
Since the Iberian Peninsula is located in the western part of the Italian Peninsula, it provided an excuse for the Greek Apep snakes.

The place where the waters created on the third day were gathered in one place is the Mediterranean Sea.
The combination of Nut and Geb represents the Mediterranean Sea.
The Mediterranean Sea provided the conditions for the completion of the Temple of the Sun centered on the Iberian Peninsula.
Noah's flood begins with the meeting of heaven and earth in this way and leads to the Nephilim.
From Nut's point of view, the sons of God are identical in appearance to men, but
From the point of view of the Apep serpent, the sons of God are the Apep serpent.
From Nut's point of view, the sons of God are the Italian peninsula and the Saudi Arabian peninsula, Djed.
From the point of view of the Apep serpent, the sons of God are also Djeds.

Nut created Adam in his own image, but
The ape serpent did not create Adam in his own image.

So, the appearance of the Nephilim is intertwined with a human, an Apep snake and a Djed.

In John 14, the Counselor that Jesus speaks of is derived from the Greek ΑΩ,

요한계시록 1장
7   볼찌어다 구름을 타고 오시리라 각인의 눈이 그를 보겠고 그를 찌른 자들도 볼터이요 땅에 있는 모든 족속이 그를 인하여 애곡하리니 그러하리라 아멘
8   주 하나님이 가라사대 나는 알파와 오메가라 이제도 있고 전에도 있었고 장차 올 자요 전능한 자라 하시더라
9   나 요한은 너희 형제요 예수의 환난과 나라와 참음에 동참하는 자라 하나님의 말씀과 예수의 증거를 인하여 밧모라 하는 섬에 있었더니
10   주의 날에 내가 성령에 감동하여 내 뒤에서 나는 나팔 소리 같은 큰 음성을 들으니
Revelation 1 [NASB]
BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet,

5두 아펩뱀(여호와)이 코앞에 있는 밧모 섬에서 기록이라 아펩뱀을 벗어나지 못한다.
그래서 요한은 5두 아펩뱀에 속한 아버지와 아들의 예수를 벗어나지 못한다.
5The two Apep serpents (Jehovah) are recorded on the island of Patmos in front of them, so they cannot escape the Apep serpents.
So John does not escape from Jesus the Father and the Son, who belong to the two Apep serpents.

요한계시록 12장
1   하늘에 큰 이적이 보이니 해를 입은 한 여자가 있는데 그 발 아래는 달이 있고 그 머리에는 열 두 별의 면류관을 썼더라
2   이 여자가 아이를 배어 해산하게 되매 아파서 애써 부르짖더라
3   하늘에 또 다른 이적이 보이니 보라 한 큰 붉은 용이 있어 머리가 일곱이요 뿔이 열이라 그 여러 머리에 일곱 면류관이 있는데
4   그 꼬리가 하늘 별 삼분의 일을 끌어다가 땅에 던지더라 용이 해산하려는 여자 앞에서 그가 해산하면 그 아이를 삼키고자 하더니
5   여자가 아들을 낳으니 이는 장차 철장으로 만국을 다스릴 남자라 그 아이를 하나님 앞과 그 보좌 앞으로 올려가더라
6   그 여자가 광야로 도망하매 거기서 일천 이백 육십일 동안 저를 양육하기 위하여 하나님의 예비하신 곳이 있더라
7   하늘에 전쟁이 있으니 미가엘과 그의 사자들이 용으로 더불어 싸울쌔 용과 그의 사자들도 싸우나
8   이기지 못하여 다시 하늘에서 저희의 있을 곳을 얻지 못한지라
9   큰 용이 내어 쫓기니 옛 뱀 곧 마귀라고도 하고 사단이라고도 하는 온 천하를 꾀는 자라 땅으로 내어 쫓기니 그의 사자들도 저와 함께 내어 쫓기니라
10   내가 또 들으니 하늘에 큰 음성이 있어 가로되 이제 우리 하나님의 구원과 능력과 나라와 또 그의 그리스도의 권세가 이루었으니 우리 형제들을 참소하던 자 곧 우리 하나님 앞에서 밤낮 참소하던 자가 쫓겨 났고
11   또 여러 형제가 어린 양의 피와 자기의 증거하는 말을 인하여 저를 이기었으니 그들은 죽기까지 자기 생명을 2)아끼지 아니하였도다
12   그러므로 하늘과 그 가운데 거하는 자들은 즐거워하라 그러나 땅과 바다는 화 있을찐저 이는 마귀가 자기의 때가 얼마 못된 줄을 알므로 크게 분내어 너희에게 내려 갔음이라 하더라
13   용이 자기가 땅으로 내어쫓긴 것을 보고 남자를 낳은 여자를 핍박하는지라
14   그 여자가 큰 독수리의 두 날개를 받아 광야 자기 곳으로 날아가 거기서 그 뱀의 낯을 피하여 한 때와 두 때와 반 때를 양육 받으매
15   여자의 뒤에서 뱀이 그 입으로 물을 강 같이 토하여 여자를 물에 떠내려 가게 하려 하되
16   땅이 여자를 도와 그 입을 벌려 용의 입에서 토한 강물을 삼키니
17   용이 여자에게 분노하여 돌아가서 그 여자의 남은 자손 곧 하나님의 계명을 지키며 예수의 증거를 가진 자들로 더불어 싸우려고 바다 모래 위에 섰더라
Revelation 12장 [NASB]    
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;
and she was with child; and she cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth.
Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems.
And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.
And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.
Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God, so that there she would be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon The dragon and his angels waged war,
and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven.
And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night.
"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.
"For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time."
And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.
But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood.
But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon poured out of his mouth.
So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

요한계시록 12장의 붉은 용은 지도를 뒤집어야 보인다.
거개한 드래곤의 머리는 사우디아라비아반도고 인도는 용의 꼬리에 해당한다.
The red dragon in Revelation 12 is visible only when the map is turned over.
The big dragon's head is the Saudi Arabian peninsula, and India's is the dragon's tail.

Grogu All Scenes (Book of Boba Fett Episode 7) SPOILERS

마태복음 5장
38   또 눈은 눈으로, 이는 이로 갚으라 하였다는 것을 너희가 들었으나
39   나는 너희에게 이르노니 악한 자를 대적지 말라 누구든지 네 오른편 뺨을 치거든 왼편도 돌려 대며
40   또 너를 송사하여 속옷을 가지고자 하는 자에게 겉옷까지도 가지게 하며
41   또 누구든지 너로 억지로 오리를 가게 하거든 그 사람과 십리를 동행하고
42   네게 구하는 자에게 주며 네게 꾸고자 하는 자에게 거절하지 말라
43   또 네 이웃을 사랑하고 네 원수를 미워하라 하였다는 것을 너희가 들었으나
44   나는 너희에게 이르노니 너희 원수를 사랑하며 너희를 핍박하는 자를 위하여 기도하라
45   이같이 한즉 하늘에 계신 너희 아버지의 아들이 되리니 이는 하나님이 그 해를 악인과 선인에게 비취게 하시며 비를 의로운 자와 불의한 자에게 내리우심이니라
Matthew 5 [NASB]
"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.'
"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
"If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.
"Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.
"Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.
"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.'
"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

마태복음 5장 45절의 태양이 선악과(the evil and the good) 주체라서 태양을 먹는 누트와 게브가 번개신 여호와의 복수 대상이 된 것이고,
누트와 게브를 닮은 사람에 대한 여호와의 복수가 노아의 홍수로 이어지며 끝없는 복수의 칼날을 갈아온 것이다.
Since the sun in Matthew 5:45 is the subject of the evil and the good, Nut and Geb, who eat the sun, became the object of revenge of Jehovah, the god of lightning.
Jehovah's revenge against those who resembled Nut and Geb led to Noah's flood, sharpening the edge of endless revenge.

그리고 마태복음 5장은 유대인들 끝없는 복수를 정당하는 말이고 유대인들의 복수를 그대로 수용하라는 뜻이다.

이것이 네 하나님 목숨같이 사랑하고 네 이웃을 네 몸과같이 사랑하라는 예수의 2가지 율법이다.

그래서 나는 니체의 죽은 신을 '절대로' 부활시키고 싶지 않다.

And Matthew 5 justifies the endless vengeance of the Jews, and it means to accept the vengeance of the Jews as they are.

These are the two laws of Jesus: Love your God as your life and love your neighbor as yourself.

So I don't want to 'never' resurrect Nietzsche's dead god.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 10, 2022, 11:54:55 PM
Quote from: lancaIV on February 10, 2022, 07:23:17 AM
# 2341 :

simple machine :

the human,today often only more to see as system Cobot
conventional bi-cycle use for power/energy conversion without = kinetic/mechanical force conversion /with e-generator = electric force

conventional bi-cycle to http://www.microcarmuseum.com/tour/velo-velocar.html
Charles Mochet then decided to bridge the gap between Velocar and bicycle, by splitting the Velocar in half, discarding the bodywork,and leaving the driver sitting comfortably in a horizontal position.
The design, which worked amazingly well, was intensively developed in the '30's, resulting in a large number of speed records being broken. The two-wheeled Velo-Velocar ("Velo"=bicycle), nowdays called a Recumbent Bicycle (or "Bent"), was unbeatable. So much so, that the Union Cycliste International changed the rules in 1934, barring "unconventional" bicycles from competing in all events. An embittered Mochet blamed the manufacturers of conventional bicycles and professional cycle racing organizations for conspiring against him. Charles died in 1934, leaving his son Georges to carry the flag, which Georges did very well, and continues to do to this day.
Recumbents are today enjoying a huge worldwide renaissance.

Related :

a conventional bi-cycle generator output compared velo-generator output ?!
the appropriate lever-use principle !
The velo-driver pedals a velo-egenerator to rotations and by this the electric force loads an in-wheel motor( or bi-in-wheels motors) :
the velo-bike with direct body-force pedal-conversion average/peak velocity

the velo-egenerator/emotor-body pedal force- average/peak velocity conversion ?!
how many times the emotor output/related conventional counterpart and egenerator/related conventional counterpart
with-/out ccw/cw gear transmission effect

can optimize the driver body net force to total kinetic/mechanical or electrical lever-factor ?

this knowledge/experience to :

Kremer Prize successes by Gossamer Condor and AlbatrossIn 1973, Kremer increased his prize money tenfold to £50,000.  At that time, the human-powered aircraft had flown only in straight (or nearly straight) line courses, and no-one had yet even attempted his more challenging figure-eight course, which required a fully controllable aircraft.  He also opened the competition to all nationalities; previously it was restricted to British entries only.
On 23 August 1977, the Gossamer Condor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossamer_Condor) 2 flew the first figure-eight, a distance of 2.172 km winning the first Kremer prize.  It was built by Dr Paul B. MacCready (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_MacCready) and piloted by amateur cyclist and hang-glider pilot Bryan Allen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryan_Allen_(hang_glider)).

Although slow, cruising at only 11 mph (18 km/h), it achieved that speed with only 0.35 hp (0.26 kW).[20] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_human-powered_aircraft#cite_note-20)
The second Kremer prize of £100,000 was won on June 12, 1979, again by Paul MacCready, when Bryan Allen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryan_Allen_(hang_glider)) flew MacCready's Gossamer Albatross (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossamer_Albatross) from England (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/England) to France (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France): a straight distance of 35.82 km (22 miles 453 yards) in 2 hours, 49 minutes.[citation needed]

only 0.35 hp (0.26 kW) :

In general, for conventional motors of 1 HP and 3  HP, the power consumptions are 746 W/H and 2238 W/H. These motors can be operated at high speed with low output torque or operated at low speed with larger torque, no matter how it operates, the power consumptions thereof are respectively 746 W/H and 2238 W/H.

    In comparison, when a DC 12 V mini motor with full load capacity 25 g, 560 mA, running at 13340 rev./min is used, a plurality of such motors can be assembled and operated in association with a suitable number of down-speed gear sets so as to obtain proper operation speed. The power consumptions thereof in the same conditions as above, are compared with the conventional motors to conclude that at most only one eleventh of the power consumed in above cited motors is required.
human electric pedal power as electric input for aircraft drive torque/moment output ?

1 transmission-turbine,2x /3x, ...... for higher velocities than " .....  cruising at only 11 mph (18 km/h) .... "

with/-out solar-cells on wings




Quote from: lancaIV on February 10, 2022, 07:58:11 AM
ABB promises to change that (https://new.abb.com/news/detail/82941/abb-launches-the-worlds-fastest-electric-car-charger), though, with its Terra 360 (360 kW) modular charger.
                                                   Bow eyye  :o : 360 kW (DC) ! Question : AC, Hz ?


         " BOW eyye"²  ::) -solutions [without battery (s-)melting/"vaporizing :P " ] :
Net Power Output after Feedback of 13.32 Kva
The net output at 400 Hz is 16.871 Kva (22.6 Hp); at 800 Hz, 33.7 Kva (45.2 Hp); at 3 KHz=128 Kva (171.5 Hp); at 6 KHz=256 Kva (343 Hp); at 60 Khz=2.560 Kva; at 600 KHz=25.60 Kva; at 780 KHz=33.254 Kva.

To clarify the operation of this embodiment according to the invention, the following dimensioning of the transformer windings is given using Figure 17 as an example, the iron cores being dimensioned in accordance with the manner usual for transformers:

    - winding 81: 1000 windings, 220 V/50 Hz, 5 A at full load;

    - winding 82: 1 winding, 5000 A;

    - winding 84: 1000 windings, 5000 A; - winding 85: 1100 windings, 4500 A, 220 V/50 Hz.

From the above example it is evident that, with a coil 82 having 5000 ampere windings, a flux variation of 5000000 ampere windings can be generated with the superconducting coil 84. Accordingly, a generated power of 990 kW can be drawn from the terminals 89 for a power supplied to the connecting terminals 88 of 1 . 1 kW, and this corresponds to a power gain of approximately a factor of 1000.
repeating the SUPERCONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY ERA in front of us :

https://www.patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=13984 (https://www.patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=13984)
Invented 3G HTS multi-strand electric wire can be used for::
1)  Electric motors, transformers and generator rotors with 5x reduced costs, weights and sizes,

2) Electric cables of any carrying capacity with 5x reduced costs, weights and diameters;

3) Cost-effective electric grids;     4)  Electromagnetic propulsion jet engines for aircrafts and high-speed ships;   5) Supercomputers and a supercollider; 6) Current limiters on the electric systems and grids; 7) Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) systems for: a) an assurance of the electric grids and b) fast recharging of electric cars to support or substitute large batteries;

Alternatively : on-board


These are know -2022 p.C.n.- "herrenlose= owner-free Patent/-Anmeldungen/-Applications "

Quote from: lancaIV on February 10, 2022, 08:51:53 AM
the weather over the seasons changes = natural -periodical- climate change

how to act/react ? :
a body textile overall !?
coated with https://www.patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=11044
11.    We can paint our clothes with it and with every theen layer of clothing we can stay hot, or cool.

or /and - for body conditioning :https://spectrum.ieee.org/wristify-thermoelectric-bracelet-would-reduce-energy-consumptionDIY alternatives ? with simple Peltier (Seebeck)effect elements ?or/andhttp://www.rexresearch.com/cuinanoagwire/cuinanoag.htmlthe ambient "green house" tect : https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/calzephyr77/1027708/125261/125261_original.pnginside ,f.e. : https://www.ebay.de/itm/393791713832?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=707-53477-19255-0&campid=5338624525&toolid=10029&customid=53aa7f90a24a22460c761e5aac7beb86(https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/40/Biosphere%2C_Montreal.jpg/220px-Biosphere%2C_Montreal.jpg)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosphere_274 000 sqm under (pro-)tect(ion) :https://www-olympiapark-de.translate.goog/de/touren-und-sightseeing/gefuehrte-touren/zeltdach-tour/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

How many sqm by "translucent wood shape" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparent_wood_composite
in which time errectable , http://www.fishrock.com/conics/  ?
"translucent" fishrock or fishplastics  ::) : https://www-trendingtopics-eu.translate.goog/erfinderin-entwickelt-plastik-alternative-aus-fisch-resten/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Millions of sqm "green house"-area by https://judbarovski.livejournal.com/14181.html? use !?
for   http://www.canlaser.com/en/Home.html    http://www.canlaser.com/en/Deserts.html
We brought Desert Sand from Mali.(West Sahara,in Africa).
We used only normal water and we succeeded.
low cost drink/potable water generation examples/ideas : https://patentauction.com/search.php

Drop-watering ?
CO2 gas use ?


The role of Laser technology in the structure of soil is very important. Laser beams and necessary support systems help to cure the structure of soils. It helps to stable the heat differences of soil. By the help of this technology the humidity of soil becomes normal. The chemical and physical structure of soil develops. As result we are able to grow plants in these soils.
Alone the people can not and will not solve the next generation phase - 30 years- /-2050 phase,but together,with teamwork help, and technical help some strong evolution barriers can be resolved !
the most african countries became between 1960-1975 independent :
+- 400 millions habitants to 2100 p.C. 4300 millions habitants

compared total western Europe 1960-1970                           to 2100 p.C. demography

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Europe       https://www.populationpyramid.net/western-europe/2100/

living with changes !

Quote from: lancaIV on February 10, 2022, 12:59:27 PM
and Prospection :
His record-breaking flight (https://www.fai.org/record/kanellos-kanellopoulos-gre-385) – the longest human-powered flight in history – took 3 hours, 54 minutes, and began at 7am on 23 April 1988. The super-fit cyclist used the power in his legs to fly Daedalus over 115km of open sea and set two FAI world records that still stand today.
Powered by a 3m propeller and weighing just 31kg, the Daedalus - an elegant aircraft with an impressive 34m wingspan - required extreme fitness to fly, as the propeller was turned by leg-power alone.

0:09 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHGkOQUtlRk&t=9s) Flyboard Air ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBaBhEPHzjM )

2:45 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHGkOQUtlRk&t=165s) Alpha Jetman

3:45 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHGkOQUtlRk&t=225s) Jetpack Aviation JB10 193km/hr
4:40 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHGkOQUtlRk&t=280s) Ultralight can be flown without a pilots license

5:23 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHGkOQUtlRk&t=323s) Gravity jetsuit
7:10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHGkOQUtlRk&t=430s) Hoverbike Scorpion 3 by Russian company, Hoversurf; carbon fiber frame

8:17 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHGkOQUtlRk&t=497s) Martin Jetpack

9:30 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHGkOQUtlRk&t=570s) Kittyhawk Flyer
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 12:08:12 AM
Попытка повторить Руслана Гаджиомарова. Этап 1_2.

Other members doing similar experiments, but the fact that your experiment is the same as it was 5 years ago inspires respect among the viewing members.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 12:12:15 AM
낮잠잘만~~~~하닝께 알람 울리게 맹글어..... ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)

I Am A Singer #25, Yim Jae-beum : For you - 임재범 : 너를 위해

;D ;D 8) 8)

내 거친 생각과.... '불안한 눈빛'과 ......... 그걸 지켜보는 너.... 그건 아마도 전쟁같은 사랑..... 난 위험하니까 .......... 사랑하니까~ ............
My rough thoughts... 'Anxious eyes' and... You watching it... Maybe it's a love like war... Because I'm in danger... ...because I love you~ ............ ::)

;D ;D ;D ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 12:26:58 AM
[도올김용옥] 동경대전 101 "모든 공통의 상식적 세계를 벗어나면 종교가 아니다" - '개천'에서 '용'났다? - 공자와 나는 '대동소이'

이건 또 무슨 개소리야
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 12:46:24 AM
람세스 5세 기원전 1146년 ~ 기원전 1142년   
람세스 6세 기원전 1142년 ~ 기원전 1134년   
Ramses V 1146 BC - 1142 BC
Ramses VI 1142 BC - 1134 BC

기원전 1200년경에 중국의 공자가 도마뱀이랑 이집트에 놀러왔다가 얼어뒈졌다는 얘기(禮記)지 뭐..... 헤헤헤헿 ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 12:54:46 AM
Magnetmotor Bauanleitung 2022 | Magnetmotor Freie Energie selber bauen auf Deutsch

Inventions relying on neodymium or natural magnets have their capacity limited.
Replace it with an electromagnet.
The biggest advantage of an electromagnet is that it has a strong magnetic force even with a 1.5V battery.
Inevitably, where neodymium magnets are used, capacity is limited.
You can also get what you imagine depending on the direction of the current, like a car generator.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 01:32:54 AM
Really? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 01:58:19 AM
សាក​មួយ​ទៀត​free Energy

много лет назад , я был только зрителем , имел такое счастье смотреть и слушать , в силу своих познаний обращал внимание на марки мотора и конденсатора и даже приложил свои силы после предложения перекатить станок с места , ну типа чтобы не было мысли что есть скрытые провода , суть показа сводилась к якобы минимальному потреблению , мотор 3- кило , крутил вал , через ремённую передачу , пилить не кто не пробовал , просто цыркулярка и строгальный вал , чел переключает питание на одну фазную обмотку , две оставшихся отключенные от питающей замыкает последовательно с конденсатором из приборов только цэшка показывала напряжение и клещи показывали ток из сети , цэшка показывала напряжение с этих двух висящих обмоток , увеличивая ёмкость конденсаторов путём добавления параллельно чел добивался минимального потребления по току от сети ,ну типа резонанс , дальше он вешал на одну из этих обмоток старый советский утюг ,типа 1000 Вт , напруга проседала , дальше он добавлял ёмкость коденсаторов и возвращал поптребление на прежний минимум , эти показания были зафиксированы на бумагу и после этого пробовали , просто включить в одну фазу с пусковым конденсатором и в треугольник ,и в звезду , всякий раз потребление по току от сети превышало от продемострированного ранее было предложено запитать не просто от одной фазы из сети , а ещё через диод , типа от полупериода , все очень живо обсуждали этот вариант , но реализации я так и не увидел :silly:

거의 모든 '발명가들'의 '문제의식'은 하나같이 '일확천금(making a big fortune on a single occasion[with one swoop)'이야, 아빠.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 02:07:09 AM
'영국 웨일즈'의 고집불통 땅꼬마 돼지가 도전해볼 가치는 있것어? ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 02:21:27 AM
발명은 하루아침에 이루어진단다 개희들아.
다만 머리나쁜 돼지들이 에디슨의 7000번에 위안을 삼을 뿐이란다 개희들아.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 02:38:04 AM
무제한 에너지가 가능합니까? 끝없는 에너지가 인류에게 숨어 있습니까?

무한한 에너지가 가능합니까? 순환 기계는 ​​인류에게 숨겨져 있습니까?

At least Kapanadze/Akura wasn't manipulated like the video above.

However, Ruslan manipulated it similarly to the video above.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 03:05:51 AM
이 카페에는 쓸데없는 발명을 하는 회원들이 아주 많아
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 03:19:49 AM
Quote from: captainpecan on February 11, 2022, 03:13:08 AM
I do need to do a bit of house keeping in here. But I guess I'm not sure how to do it. I don't have the permissions to delete anything, so I thought maybe I would just copy into you dust bin but I can't seem to post there. So I guess I really don't know how to do it after all. Can you give some tips please. Thank you.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)

PMG Technology

이런 고성능 자유발전기 업체들이 굶어죽어가고 있는게 전세계 현실이다 '회원 동지'. ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 12:14:42 PM
불교는 합리적 의심에, 합리적 답이 되어야 한다 | 불교 역사는 공동체 역사 | 스님, 제 생각은 다릅니다 | 도법 스님과 신상환 박사 대담 2

조현병이 오늘 임자 제대로 만나 히로시마/나가사키급 원폭당했다. 꼬습다.
불교에 관한한 내노라하는 두 박사급들이 초야의 이름없는 땡중한테 순식간에 원펀치 레프트 라이트 훅 어퍽컷 스트레이트로 나가떠러지는거 구경하는 재미 쏠쏠했다.
두 놈이 과묵하다못해 쫄아가지구 표정 볼만하다.
국민학생이 교무실에 불려가 교장한테 훈수받는 분위기 완죤 신난다.
도법같은 자세 좋다.

이집트 대(大)신전 이동 프로젝트 (어이 김씨~)

이 카페도 언젠가는 파리만 날리고 카페운영비도 못내 사라질 위험은 있지만,
카페에 죽치고 사는 관리자와 몇몇 트롤들이 아빠글 쓸모없는 댓글로 덮어버리는거야 늘 있는 일이구,
또 모르지, 누가 아빠글들 펌해서 어디다가 보관하고 있는지말야.

「쥬라기 월드3 : 도미니언」예고편 보기 전 1~2편 결말포함 요약

시기상 이스라엘 독립 원인제공자는 히틀러지만,
독일 추축국 로마제국에 의해 마지막 유대인 디아스포라 발생했구 그러나 역사를 원인제공자라고 지목하고싶지는 않다.
성서상 유대인들의 끊임없는 거짓말이 요제푸스에 의해 또다시 드러났다고 또 비난하고싶지도 않다.
씹는 맛은 씹어야 안다.

예전 어느날인가 발없는 새가 안뜬다고 유튜브로 하소연하드라 그래서 영화사에 압력넣어서 미국에 초청해줬더니 제능력인줄 알더라.
요즘은 잠수중이다.

건데가 불철주야 고생많다.
건전하게 돈많이 벌어라.

LARGE CARNIVORES vs 50x RAPTORS IN ARENA - Jurassic World Evolution 2

제1차 유대 반란(66~70 C.E.)
아그립바 1세가 사망하고, 팔레스타인 전역은 로마의 식민지 영토로 편입되면서 사실상 총독 정치가 시작되었다. 로마의 식민지 정책은 예속된 지역의 주민들에게 자치권과 종교적 관습을 허락해 주는 대신 군사적인 방어와 세금 징수 및 재판권을 가져갔다. 로마의 팔레스타인 통치와 행정이 얼마나 효과적이었는지는 알 수 없지만, 우리는 이 시기가 평화로웠다는 증거를 거의 가지고 있지 못하다. 첫 행정관은 코스피우스 파두스(44~46년)였는데, 그는 통치 초기 몇몇의 작은 폭동을 시리아의 총독 카시우스 롱기누스의 지원으로 진압하였다. 그는 유대인에게 아그립바 1세가 통치하던 때 사용한 대제사장의 의복을 넘겨줄 것을 강요한 바 있었다. 튜다가 일으킨 폭동도 이때 일어났는데(고대사 18.3~10, 23~25, 사도행전 5:36), 이 메시아 운동을 이끌던 튜다는 처형되었다. 파두스의 후계자는 티베리우스 알렉산더(46~48년)였는데, 그는 알렉산드리아의 유대 가문 출신으로서 알렉산드리아의 유명한 유대인 철학자 필로(Philo)의 조카였다. 48년 그의 뒤를 이어 쿠마누스가 행정관이 되었다.

51년, 사마리아 지역을 통과해서 예루살렘으로 순례하러 올라오던 유대인들이 사마리아인들에 의해 살해되는 사고가 발생했다(유대전쟁사 2.232ff.). 예루살렘의 유대인 지도자들은 쿠마누스에게 즉각 범인을 잡아 처벌해 줄 것을 엄정하게 요청하였다. 쿠마누스가 이를 승낙하지 않자, 유대인들은 범인을 잡으러 사마리아로 원정을 떠나 마을에 불을 지르고 주민을 살해하였다. 행동에 나선 쿠마누스는 문제를 일으킨 유대인들을 비난하였으며, 갈등은 걷잡을 수 없이 확산되었다. 결국 시리아의 총독 쿠아드라투스가 개입하였는데, 그는 양측의 지도자들을 쿠마누스와 함께 로마로 보내고 싸움을 진정시켰다. 협상은 52년 여름과 가을까지 이어졌으며, 대제사장 요나단과 황제의 비서 팔라스는 사건에 개입한 유대인들을 처벌 없이 돌려보내기로 합의하고, 팔라스의 형 안토니우스 펠릭스를 팔레스타인에 새 행정관으로 파견하기로 결정하였다. 이것은 팔레스타인을 더 큰 혼란으로 몰고 갔다.

해방 노예 출신으로 팔레스타인에 부임한 펠릭스의 무능력은 팔레스타인을 소동과 폭동으로 가득 채웠다. 이 시기 처음으로 등장한 시카리(Sicarii, 자객들)는 옷 속에 단검을 숨겨 가지고 다니면서 로마에 협조하는 사람들을 살해하며 민족의 자주 독립을 부르짖었다. 광야에 들어가 메시아의 도래를 기다리며 수많은 민중들이 참여한 종교적 봉기는 '이집트의 예언자'가 이끌었다(유대전쟁사 2.254~263). 펠릭스는 이들을 잔인하게 진압하였다. 한편, 로마의 행정부에 협조하는 유대 지도부에 의해 진압된 소요 가운데는 사도 바울에 의해 촉발된 성전 안에서의 소동도 있었다. 바울은 체포되어 감옥에 갇혔다(사도행전 21:27ff.).

"두 해가 지난 뒤, 포르시우스 페스투스(신약 성서의 보르기오 베스도)가 펠릭스의 후임으로 직책을 맡게 되었다."(사도행전 24:27, 유대전쟁사 2.271) 사도행전이 언급한 것처럼 펠릭스가 팔레스타인을 떠난 것이 언제였는지는 알 수 없으나, 요세푸스의 기록에 따르면 페스트스가 죽은 것이 62년이었다. 얼마 동안의 행정 공백은 유대 사회를 더욱 불안하게 만들었다. 이렇게 불안정한 때 초기 기독교 공동체가 예루살렘을 떠나 시리아의 총독이 직접 통치하는 데카폴리스의 한 도시 펠라로 이주한 것으로 보인다.

당시 유대 산헤드린은 잘못을 저지른 사람에게 사형을 집행할 권한이 없었다. 우리가 아는 한 산헤드린에 의해 사형이 집행된 경우는 결코 없었다. 나사렛 예수의 사형 집행의 경우도 마찬가지였다. 스데반의 처형의 경우 그것은 유대 기구에서 정식으로 재판에 의해 처형된 것이 아니라 린치에 의한 것이었다(사도행전 7:54~8:1). 예수의 형제 야고보에 대한 처형 역시 아마도 로마의 행정관 페스투스가 죽고 행정 공백이 생기면서 발생한 사건이었을 가능성이 높다. 페스투스의 후계자는 알비누스(62~64년)였다. 요세푸스에 따르면, 그는 몰래 나쁜 짓을 많이 하였으며 기만이 이만저만이 아니었으나 그의 후계자 게시우스 플로루스(64~66년)에 비교하면 천사였다. 그들의 무능력은 모든 기회와 상황을 반로마적 행위로 이어지도록 만들었으며, 그의 자극적인 언사는 사회 불안으로 이어져 급기야 로마에 대한 반란으로 이어졌다(유대전쟁사 2.277~279).

66년 가이사랴에서 일어난 유대인과 그리스인 사이의 충돌(유대전쟁사 2.284ff.)은 유대 반란을 촉발시켰다. 회당 옆 지구에서 벌인 공사가 회당의 입구 일부를 가로막는다는 이유 때문에 시작된 이 갈등은 양측 모두 선의로 받아들이지 않았기 때문에 쉽사리 해결될 수 있는 성질의 것이 아니었다. 그래서인지는 몰라도 로마의 행정관은 불분명한 태도를 취하였다. 또, 그즈음 어째서 게시우스 플로루스가 예루살렘에 올라가 성전 금고를 약탈하였는지(유대전쟁사 2.293) 정확히 설명할 수는 없지만, 이러한 갈등이 즉각 난폭한 행동을 일으키지 않았다 하더라도, 긴장을 고조시키기에 충분하였다.

유다의 멸망
플로루스는 예루살렘의 주민이 저항하자 군대로 하여금 도시를 약탈하도록 허락하였으며, 로마 정권의 앞잡이가 된 성전 귀족들에 대한 시민 계급의 분노가 극에 달하였다. 행정관은 백성의 분노를 꺾으려 하였으나 폭동이 걷잡을 수 없이 번져 나가자 가이사랴를 사실상 포기하고 말았다. 역사가 요세푸스는 로마 행정관의 믿을 수 없는 미련함과 잔인함이 불화를 반란으로 확산시켰다며 그의 책임을 지적하였다.

요세푸스의 언급은 네로 황제의 통치 말기에 이르러 이전까지 기능을 잘 발휘하던 로마의 행정에 공백이 생기면서 원만한 사태 해결의 과정에 결함이 발생했을 가능성을 암시한 것으로 해석된다. 특히 무능하고 평판이 나쁜 아첨꾼들이 책임 있는 자리에 앉아서 황제의 지시와 통제에 따라서만 움직이던 습관은 황제의 측근 행정관들로 하여금 긴급한 상황에 적절히 대처하지 못하도록 만든 것이었다. 플로루스의 행동은 네로 통치 후기에 발견되는 독특한 정치 상황과 관련된 것이었다고 볼 수 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 유대 반란은 어디까지나 유대인들의 저항으로 촉발된 것임에는 분명하다.

마카비 전쟁 때부터 시작된 종말론적 희망은 백성들 사이에서 결코 사라지지 않았으며, 메시아 운동은 민중들에게 폭넓은 영향을 끼쳤다. 갈릴리 지방을 시작으로 유대 반란을 이끌며 정치적 메시아 사상으로 무장한 유대인들을 일컬어 소위 열심당(ζηλωτηѕ)이라 불렀는데, "그들은 아주 끈기 있게 자유에 매달려 있으며, 신만을 그들의 왕으로 인정하였다."(고대사 18.23) 이들은 무장 투쟁을 통해 메시아 사상을 이 땅에 구현시키려는 종말론적 신앙을 가진 자들이었다. 다시 말해서 그들은 이스라엘의 회복을 위해 생명을 내걸고 싸움으로써 진정한 메시아 왕국을 이 땅 위에 건설할 수 있다고 믿었다.

일부 하층민의 경우 메시아적 가르침을 가장 잘 따랐다. 이들 중에는 바리새파 사람들에게 동조하는 자들이 많았으며, '시카리(자객들)'의 극단적인 행동으로 인해 파벌 내에서 다소 의견이 갈리는 경향을 띠기도 하였다. 그러나 급진적인 정치 사상은 유대 반란 초기에 상류층의 젊은 세대를 사로잡고 있었다. 로마의 행정관을 예루살렘 밖으로 몰아 낸 혁명의 지도자는 바로 대제사장의 아들이었다(유대전쟁사 2.234~235). 이러한 기록은 아마도 요세푸스 자신 역시 귀족 출신의 젊은 혁명 지도자였으며, 갈릴리 저항군을 이끌던 장군이었다는 사실을 어느 정도 반영하고 있는 것이리라.

66년 여름 내내 로마는 아무런 조치를 취하지 않았다. 아그립바 2세가 지원하고 대제사장이 이끄는 원로단이 평화적인 협상을 통해 반란군을 설득하려 하였으나, 오히려 그들은 아그립바와 대제사장의 지위를 강제로 빌려 왕의 기마 보병 3000명을 이끌고 예루살렘 밖으로 나가 버렸다. 그 해 가을 시리아의 총독 체스티우스 칼루스가 개입을 결정하고 예루살렘에 모습을 드러냈으나, 도시는 이미 반란군이 완전히 장악한 후였다. 시리아의 총독은 강력한 저항에 맞서 예루살렘을 포위할 만큼 충분한 군대를 데리고 온 것이 아니었기 때문에 일단 퇴각하였다. 이에 반란군은 시리아 군대를 공격하여 많은 사상자를 내었다.

그리스에서 쉬고 있던 네로 황제는 팔레스타인에서 벌어지고 있는 반란을 심각하게 받아들여, 경험이 많은 노련한 베스파시아누스 장군에게 반란을 진압하도록 위임했다. 66~67년 겨울 베스파시아누스는 3개 군단 - 로마의 1개 군단은 약 300~700명의 기병을 포함하여 약 3000~6000명의 보병으로 구성되어 있다. - 과 여러 보조 부대를 이끌고 반란군 진압에 나섰다. 67년 봄 불과 몇 주 만에 갈릴리를 장악하고, 68년에는 여리고를 거쳐 예루살렘으로 진군해 들어갔다.

68년 여름, 네로 황제가 로마에서 서거하고 후계자를 놓고 권력 투쟁이 벌어지자 예루살렘 진압은 잠시 주춤하였다. 그러나 과격한 열심당의 지도자 시몬 바르 기오라가 로마의 예루살렘 진입로를 차단하자, 69년 봄 급기야 베스파시아누스 장군은 예루살렘을 포위하기 시작하였다. 그 해 여름 베스파시아누스는 그의 군대에 의해 황제로 추대되어 로마로 돌아갔으며, 그의 아들 티투스가 유다의 작전권을 가지게 되었다. 잘 훈련된 로마 군단을 이끌고 들어온 티투스는 70년 봄 예루살렘 성 포위를 강화하고, 9월에는 몇몇 중요 거점들을 공격해서 성공적인 작전을 수행해 갔다. 이때 티투스가 의도하지 않았던 예루살렘 성전에 불길이 솟자, 티투스의 군대는 예루살렘을 일제히 함락시켰다. 성전과 성벽은 '돌 위에 돌 하나' 남김없이 무너졌다. 이 일은 유대력으로 70년 아브월 제9일과 제10일에 일어났다.

이제 예루살렘은 로마 도시가 되었다. 더 이상 유대인에게는 그 안에 발을 내딛는 것조차 허락되지 않았다. 티투스는 예루살렘 성전에 보관되어 있던 일곱 촛대 메노라를 전리품으로 가져갔으며, 메노라를 옮겨 가는 장면은 로마에 세워진 티투스의 개선문 안쪽에 부조되어 오늘까지 남아 있다. 일부 예루살렘을 빠져 나간 열심당원들은 사해 서쪽에 위치한 천연 요새 마사다로 퇴각하여 최후까지 저항하였으나, 이 역시 3년 만에 비극적으로 막을 내림으로써 정치적 메시아 운동의 꿈은 땅에 묻히고, 이스라엘의 역사는 종말을 고하게 되었다.

Temple Warning inscription

유대인들에 의해 기독교가 만들어지고 예수가면 뒤에 여호와를 숨긴 것은 그들식 생존방법이지만,
모세가 이비트에서 번개신 만나면서 일이 꼬여버리기 시작한거니까 람세스2세가 유대인디아스포라 최초 원인제공자다.
물론 약속의 땅 가나안은 번개신의 약속이라 유대인들이 번개에게 직접 물어야 할 사안이다.
공기신(사우디아라비아반도/이탈리아반도)과 번개신의 특정한 약속을 사람이 지키겠다고 생목숨 거는거야 자기들 마음이지만,

과학이 발달한 세상에서 신화상의 약속들이 모두 소환 작동되면 세상에 약속없는 넝마주의만 신난다.

Quote from: lancaIV on February 11, 2022, 09:12:47 AM
Actually we have in E.U.-Europe a political game related "energy distribution",theme "North stream"-natural gas channel !
First point : the E.U. did not develop the "natural gas/liquid gas " in bottles,like the Butanol/Propanol selling practizise !
South -African ASAOL technology !

In South-Europe actually the natural gas delivery from Algeria is partially halved,the channel over Marocco to Spain is by the Algerians stopped !
Seconds : open source shale gas process,also on board crack-process possible

to cited documents

Oilfield SC-GeoSteam Injection ( 90% recovery of original Oil in place(OOIP)[/font]
[/font]similar :   https://brisam9.blogspot.com/2013/12/dear-sir-us-patent-will-reviveall.html[/font]
[/font]transportable oil-to-hydrogenated gas   cracker-process  https://patents.google.com/patent/EP2690158A1/en[/font]
[/font]transportable  cracker-system  http://www.gun-engine.pl/en/suzuki.html[/font]
[/font]the performance from the gun-engine
[/font]coupled to
[0093] In order to demonstrate and test the HP AMP invention concept, a prototype of the HP AMP Design-3 was built and tested.
[0094] The following measurement device was used to measure the test result, and the following results were observed.
Measurement device: Torque meter
Name of the maker: ONOSOKUKI
Meter model number: TS-2700
The test highest test result:
Torque = 63 Nm (Newton-meter)
RPM = 1815 rpm
By calculation:
Output HP (in KW) = T (Nm) x RPM (rpm)/9549
The Torque is 63 and the RPM is 1815 (rpm), therefore,
Output HP = 63 x 1815/9549 = 11 .97 KW
Horse Power = 1 1.97 KW/0.75 KW = 15.97 HP
HP amplification ratio = 15.97 HP/3 HP = 5.32 times.
[0095] The design goal for the horse power amplification is 5.1 times but in reality the prototype reached to 5.32 times.
[0096] The HP amplification test data and graph are shown in Fig. 17.
[0097] The generator output power was also measured. The highest generator output voltage and current are 200 volts and 36 amperes, giving the following calculation:
200 V x 36 A = 7200 W or 7.2 KW
The input power to the motor is 3 HP x 0.75 KW = 2.25 KW
Electric power amplification ratio = 7.2 KW/2.25 KW = 3.2 times.[0098] The design goal for the electric power amplification ratio is 3 times but in the prototype test data it reached to 3.2 times. The generator test result is shown in Fig. 18. [/font]In the application mosaics : the car concept,seems me similar to Suzuki their battery-exchange concept ![/font]
[/font]Ad finitum :
[/font]The Ucraine/Russia conflict is by scientifical view not an energy and/or energy availability conflict ![/font]
[/font]More related the 600 000 - russian Passport = nationality received - east-ucrainian habitants ![/font]
[/font]Who sends troups to this zone did nothing for the international future development ![/font]
[/font]2100 p.C. 4000 Millions Africans versus 189 Millions Western-Europeans
[/font]1960         380  Millions Africans versus 380 Millions Western-Europeans[/font]
[/font] From 1/1 1960     to 20/1 2100           
[/font]                                             EURAFRICA in political FRONT ![/font]
[/font]Actually : PRIMATEN-STATUS-STANDART ![/font]


전기인들이 사기꾼으로 변하는 원인을 유튜브가 제공하고 있다.
할일이 없다는게 원인이고, 유튜브로 쉽게 돈벌 수 있는 조건을 제공했다는게 원인이다.
유대인들 신화 왜곡 심리도 같다.
자연이 유대인들에게 세상이란 판을 깔아주니 제 신이 최고구 모두 유대인 세상인줄 착각하더라.
YouTube is providing a reason why electricians are turning into scammers.
The reason is that there is nothing to do, and that it provides conditions for making money easily with YouTube.
The same is true of Jewish myth distortion psychology.
Nature laid the tables of the world on the Jews, so they misunderstood that my god was the best and all were the Jewish world.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 11, 2022, 12:25:33 PM
You will notice there are no advertisements on this forum anymore
Has been that way for a while !

All the off topic bandwidth you post cost our host money, it is not magic
It must be paid for , that and your insistence on off topic posting is beyond rude!


Respect forum theme it is not a cafe or blog for your every thought !

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 11, 2022, 12:43:22 PM
Quote from: ramset on February 11, 2022, 12:25:33 PM
You will notice there are no advertisements on this forum anymore
Has been that way for a while !
All the off topic bandwidth you post cost our host money, it is not magic
It must be paid for , that and your insistence on off topic posting is beyond rude!
Respect forum theme it is not a cafe or blog for your every thought !

If I wasted the cafe admin's server, I sincerely apologize.
But we have a promise with the cafe manager.
We won't tell ramset what it is.


Ебеший резонанс. Но я ушёл пописать.


Generator resonance is well known by 'Vasik041' and 'AlienGrey' who are active in the [Its] cafe.
Sign up there and read the comments posted recently.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: ramset on February 11, 2022, 01:18:07 PM
I am uncertain whom you refer to as manager
There is only owner here ...Stefan
and he pays the bills!

It is not hard to respect our host and his mission statement

Welcome to OverUnity.com
The International Open Source Free Energy Research Forum

free energy  will change the world - free energy will stop all environmental pollution
Free energy will help to heal the planet earth.
In our disccusion forum www.overunity.com we talk about all kinds of free energy and alternative
and renewable energy systems.
The world will soon be very green without any pollution and any chemical fuel polutants
with this new  technolgy.
What Tesla has begun in the 19th and 20th century we will now bring to
market in the 21th century.
With permanent magnet motors and Solid State magnet free energy convertes into the future.

free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will be enabled all over the world to power cars, ships and trains and
Free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.

So all in all  Free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 07:54:03 AM
Ramset :

We are very well aware of what Ramset is talking about.
We are also well aware that the purpose of the cafe is to only ask for information from its members.
There is also no benefit for us to provide information.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 07:55:31 AM
AlienGrey :

카파나제/아쿠라/루슬란의 발전기가 세부적인 비밀들로해서 그것을 풀어내지 못하면 작동하지 않듯이,
마찬가지로 이집트신화와 유대교/기독교 신화도 세부적인 비밀들을 풀어내지 않으면 천지창조의 비밀을 이해하지 못합니다.
우리가 지금까지 말한 것이 전부인것 같지만 전부가 아닙니다.
또한 창세기 첫째 날의 빛의 창조가 신화에서 정상적이지 않습니다.
빛의 비밀은 다른 곳에 있습니다.

이것과 관련된 불교와 동양고전은 아직 시작도 안했습니다.
이것을 풀어내기 위해 지금까지 밑바탕이 되는 기초작업을 한 것이고,
이 말을 할려고 하는데, 늘 그렇듯이 램셋이 개입해서 유대인들의 율법처럼 OU-카페의 취지를 친절하게 설명하고 있습니다.
포럼의 제목에 '카파나제'가 들어갔다는 이유로 이 포럼에서 카파나제형태의 발전기만을 말해야한다면, 제목이 '카파나제'가 아니라 다른 것이 들어가면, 늘 그렀듯이 램셋이 개입해서  유대인들의 율법처럼 OU-카페의 취지를 친절하게 설명하지 않을 것 같습니다.

이 카페에는 다양한 제목의 포럼들이 많습니다.
그래서 나의 아빠가 오래전부터 새로운 포럼을 만들려고 여러번 시도했지만, 한국에서는 이 카페의 새로운 포럼에 접속하는 통로가 존재하지 않습니다.
쉽게 말해 포럼을 개설하는 클릭 게이트가 존재하지 않습니다.
우리가 이 카페에서 할 수 있는 일은 댓글과 그림을 추가하는 기능밖에 없습니다.
우리는 이 카페에 새로운 포럼을 만드는 방법을 모릅니다.

⌚ ⌛
그래서 공식적으로 '에어리언 그레이'에게 한가지 요청을 하겠습니다.
'Color Family Mystery Stories'이란 제목으로 새로운 포럼을 만들어주길 진심으로 간곡히 부탁드립니다.
⌚ ⌛

새로운 포럼의 내용은 지금까지 우리가 말한 내용과 별반 다르지 않겠지만 제목에 카파나제가 들어가지 않았으니, 나의 아빠에게 적대적인 램셋이나 웨슬리, 그 외에 다른 회원들이 개입해 정기적으로 간섭당하지는 일은 적을 것 같습니다.

만약에 새로운 포럼이 개설된다면 또한 추후 세상에는 공개되지 않은 충격적인 내용들도 다룰 예정입니다.
Julian Paul Assange나 Edward Joseph Snowden의 정보는 우리의 정보에 비하면 '아무것도' 아닐 것입니다.
푸틴과 미국 대통령도 접근하지 못하는 정보들도 많습니다.
작금은 불온한 시대입니다.
여러 회원들에게 유용한 정보가 될 가능성은 높습니다.

딱딱한 카페의 분위기를 쇄신하려 노력하는 우리 Color 가족의 좌충우돌을 기대하셔도 좋습니다.

구글번역기가 오해의 소지가 될 수 문장과 단어를 선택했다면 에어리언 그레이에게 사과드립니다.

Just as the generator of Kapanadze/Akura/Ruslan doesn't work if you can't unlock it with detailed secrets,
Similarly, Egyptian mythology and Judaism/Christian mythology cannot understand the secret of the creation of the universe unless the detailed secrets are uncovered.
It seems like all we've said so far, but it's not.
Also, the creation of light on the first day of Genesis is not normal in mythology.
The secret of the light lies elsewhere.

Buddhism and oriental classics related to this have not yet begun.
In order to solve this, we have done the basic work that is the basis so far,
I am going to say this, but, as usual, Ramset intervenes and kindly explains the purpose of OU-Cafe like the Jewish law.
If we have to say only the generator of the form of capanase in this forum because 'Kapanadze' is included in the title of the forum, if something other than 'Kapanadze' is entered in the title, Ramset intervenes as usual and OU-Cafe like the Jewish law I do not seem to be kindly explaining the purpose of

There are many forums with various titles in this cafe.
So my dad tried many times to create a new forum for a long time, but there is no way to access this cafe's new forum in Korea.
Simply put, there is no click gate to open a forum.
The only thing we can do in this cafe is the ability to add comments and pictures.
We don't know how to create a new forum in this cafe.

⌚ ⌛
So, I will make one request to 'AlienGray' officially.
We sincerely ask you to create a new forum titled 'Color Family Mystery Stories'.
⌚ ⌛

The content of the new forum will not be very different from what we have been talking about so far, but since Kapanadze is not included in the title, it is unlikely that Ramset, Wesley, or other members who are hostile to my father will intervene and be regularly interfered with. .

If a new forum is opened, we will also cover shocking content that has not been revealed to the world in the future.
Information from Julian Paul Assange or Edward Joseph Snowden would be 'nothing' compared to ours.
There is a lot of information that even Putin and the President of the United States do not have access to.
These are turbulent times.
It is likely to be useful information for many members.

You can expect the extraterrestrial chaos of our Color family who are trying to renew the atmosphere of a hard cafe.

We apologize to AlienGray if Google Translator has chosen sentences and words that could be misleading.

쥬라기 시리즈의 압도적 피날레! [쥬라기 월드: 도미니언] 예고편
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 08:01:54 AM
схема электролизёра на коленке

Russians cannot distinguish between electrolyzer circuits and some free-generator circuits.
like this cafe,
When the system is absurd, the persecuted people try to find another way out.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 08:38:03 AM
БТГ. То. что надо.

If you want a larger power generation capacity, you need a new operating method that breaks away from the capacitor.
This method is not the secret of the free-generation resonance created by 'half-wave',
A tesla or kacher is in the as yet undiscovered laws of electricity that must trick the transformer.
Kapanadze, Akura and Ruslan also found this method, so they were able to get KW's power.
The reason my dad can't tell you this is that if you spill your bean basket, you'll be taking on a ton of damage to those great guys who have revealed 99% of the generator secrets.
My dad is not enemies with Kapanadze, Akura and Ruslan.
On the contrary, we respect them.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 08:58:38 AM
After the US embassy, the Russian embassy also withdrew from Ukraine.... Will there really be a war?! 8) ::) 8) ::)
;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Встреча депутата о сносах гаражах !
12.02.2022 Встреча депутата о не законных сносах гаражах и защита битцевского леса .
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 09:09:54 AM
그래도 윤썪렬은 절대 안된다
만약에 윤썪렬이 될 경우 한반도에서 개희들이 상상하지 못하는 일이 발생할게야
니들 땅의 땡중들과 무당들은 모두 도살당할 것이며 또한 니들도 무사하지 못할것이야
절대중립이 무엇인지는 니들이 더 잘알것이야

글구 북괴는 이와중에 전쟁날 일을 하지않아
압도적인 전략무기가 괜히 전략무기겠니
공멸이 아니라,, 30년후 개미새끼 한마리 못살던 한반도가 코가 큰 외래인들 땅이 된단다
난쟁이 똥자루만한 도올 김용옥같은 사이비 식자들이 니들 정신을 개판친 동학으로 날로 회쳐먹는 한 그 시절은 되도록이면 좃빠지게 빨리온단다
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 09:24:25 AM
Electricity generated by free drive dynamo with neodymium magnets pushed at high speed

아빠의 오랜 구독자가 좋은 영상하나 올렸다.

우크라이나 운명은 니들 손에 달려있다.
단순하게 우크라이나 문제로 끝나는 것이 아니라 동유럽 전체가 구소련 시절로 회귀한다.

이 와중에 한반도의 '안일한' 운명을 바랬다면 창녀 쥴리와 건진법사, 무당 천공이 역사의 대역죄인임을 스스로 알았을게다.
한치앞 제 운명도 보지못하는 것들이 구원파 유병언처럼 주딩이만 살아서 눈깔에 뵈는게 없다.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 10:20:41 AM
711 ячейка майера the mayer cell
тибетские поющие чаши...... так их называют хайперы (менеджеры)

After an American submarine was intercepted, it left Russian territorial waters.



Thanks for the simulation. The schematic is very sensible, small change in timings have huge impact on the operation mode.

I would like to clarify why I published this.
My belief is that it is impossible build something without understanding how it works. Such probability is almost 0 :)
And so I am studying Akula's, Kulabukhov's etc devices. I think they all can be called Tesla's devices.
Most important features are:
- use of "displacement" current
- use of two frequencies
This setup present good learning possibilities.
It is quite probable that schematic should be modified (see "red" wire on the drawing on the table)
So when we start loading/extracting charge, it become even more complex.
As usual, there are people who claim that they got OU from it :)

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: vasik041 on February 12, 2022, 01:19:29 PM
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on February 12, 2022, 05:20:15 PM
Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy :

Please post no spam or Korean language posts, as we onöy work with English language here
Translate your messages first with Google Translator or simular, so all users can read them.
Many thanks.

Quote from: hartiberlin on February 12, 2022, 03:19:40 PM
Please post no spam or Korean language posts, as we only work with English language here
Translate your messages first with Google Translator or simular, so all users can read them.We have no moderator who understands Korean language and we prefer English language.
Many thanks.

Wesley Cafe Polish and some French speakers too?

From now on, I will translate all Korean into Google Translate and post it.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 13, 2022, 07:15:47 PM
Please explain its working
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: justawatt on February 13, 2022, 07:20:56 PM
Out put
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on March 30, 2023, 11:43:06 AM

You understand resonance, but your grenade doesn't seem ready for light yet.
The beginning of Ruslan's countless nights of worry was also a journey after understanding Gongjin. ;D
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on March 31, 2023, 10:43:27 AM

The Russian member seems to have had a change of heart.
We recommend watching the video.


There are many members who understand Banpa, but it seems difficult to apply it to generators.
Giving more specific advice will also speed up the time when the members play their role as a vanguard to save the earth.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: maxolous on March 31, 2023, 10:52:15 PM
Quote from: color on March 30, 2023, 11:43:06 AM

You understand resonance, but your grenade doesn't seem ready for light yet.
The beginning of Ruslan's countless nights of worry was also a journey after understanding Gongjin. ;D

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Dog-One on April 01, 2023, 12:38:50 AM
Quote from: maxolous on March 31, 2023, 10:52:15 PM

Are you getting a square wave on the secondary of your
push-pull transformer?
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: maxolous on April 01, 2023, 02:10:19 AM
Quote from: Dog-One on April 01, 2023, 12:38:50 AM
Are you getting a square wave on the secondary of your
push-pull transformer?

To be honest with you iit s something I haven't check to know, maybe I'll do that someday. But ,at high frequency it will appear sine. However, if you put your probe across terminals  of series placed cap b/w 3T & grenade inductor, you will get sine.

I really think for now that doesn't matter to you.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on April 01, 2023, 03:30:50 AM
Hi here is a device module i made about 10 years or more ago, ive added stuff to it and removed stuff as T1000 and Geo suggested and got no where, as for Ruslan he says one thing and does another.

Any way here is some shots from the PP core with 3 or 4 test winding's on it that are not loaded up.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: maxolous on April 01, 2023, 06:23:33 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on April 01, 2023, 03:30:50 AM
Hi here is a device module i made about 10 years or more ago, ive added stuff to it and removed stuff as T1000 and Geo suggested and got no where, as for Ruslan he says one thing and does another.

Any way here is some shots from the PP core with 3 or 4 test winding's on it that are not loaded up.



Do you know I have never tested to see the waveform from 3-5T. Maybe because nobody ever mentioned it and of course not important anyhow. That's who I am,  I usually do first things first and follow my thing orderly.

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on April 01, 2023, 07:09:21 AM
The thing is Ruslan and others gate each cycle of the PP with one pulse at dead center and nothing on each side
so how can any one expect modulation to happen if there is nothing to modulate, perhaps it's the other way round
and it's like this in the photo from Vidora site ?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: forest on April 01, 2023, 12:22:12 PM
The key seems AM modulation, Bunk already said it also. We expect large static charge generated by Tesla coil and by modulation we MOVE it generating excess current.
Question is how to AM modulate Tesla coil ?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on April 01, 2023, 09:53:19 PM
Quote from: forest on April 01, 2023, 12:22:12 PM
The key seems AM modulation, Bunk already said it also. We expect large static charge generated by Tesla coil and by modulation we MOVE it generating excess current.
Question is how to AM modulate Tesla coil ?
err no I don't think so where is your energy comming from to tx  ::)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Dog-One on April 01, 2023, 10:52:34 PM
Quote from: forest on April 01, 2023, 12:22:12 PM
Question is how to AM modulate Tesla coil ?

There are two wires on the Tesla secondary.  Put your modulation
on one of them and your output on the other.  If you think it will
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on April 02, 2023, 12:39:32 PM
Re comments




Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: kolbacict on April 02, 2023, 01:09:07 PM
Quote from: forest on April 01, 2023, 12:22:12 PM

Question is how to AM modulate Tesla coil ?
Well, I tried to modulate it used   "hot output"
And it worked out very well. :)
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on April 02, 2023, 01:15:05 PM
is that upside down valve an 807 ? or perhaps the EL81/4
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: color on April 03, 2023, 10:21:30 AM

The Russian member seems to have had a change of heart.
We recommend watching the video.


There are many members who understand Banpa, but it seems difficult to apply it to generators.
Giving more specific advice will also speed up the time when the members play their role as a vanguard to save the earth.


Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: kolbacict on April 03, 2023, 02:37:36 PM
Quote from: AlienGrey on April 02, 2023, 01:15:05 PM
or perhaps the EL81/4
Yes,its soviet analog. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that the lamp can withstand a dozen kilovolts.
And the lamp must be locked by applying enough negative bias to the grid. Otherwise, the kacher will not start.
Then you can already apply the sound frequency to the grid through the capacitor.
In my opinion, no one has done this yet.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: dxer_87 on April 04, 2023, 08:40:39 PM
try this shit:

7. Barbarella
wound a cable over an ferrite core of rounded shape. Make sure insulation is clean. 2 or more windings. Put over it an other shape and colour plastic pipe (rather rounded). Make a winding on it. Play 2 multivibrators on wires. Gather energy by another 2 windings each on the pipe and core. Transform it. Use unipolar cap. Make short  wires to socket. Ground neutral. 230VAC.
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: worldcup on June 22, 2023, 04:20:00 AM
Quote from: color on April 03, 2023, 10:21:30 AM

The Russian member seems to have had a change of heart.
We recommend watching the video.


There are many members who understand Banpa, but it seems difficult to apply it to generators.
Giving more specific advice will also speed up the time when the members play their role as a vanguard to save the earth.



YT channel - https://www.youtube.com/@UBevg/videos

general overview of the generator
Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: AlienGrey on June 22, 2023, 06:32:17 AM
Hi Color looks like your still around, so whats new ?

Title: Re: Color's Kapanadze forum, FE builds circuits and comments
Post by: Dog-One on June 25, 2023, 12:38:54 AM
Quote from: color on April 03, 2023, 10:21:30 AM

The Russian member seems to have had a change of heart.
We recommend watching the video.

Give me moment.  I'm busy putting out fires after my Synchrophasatron blew up.    ;D