Hi All,
how does this work ?
There is nothing spinning like in a Levitron toy...
So how can he keep it thus stable ??
An object does not need to spin to be stable. Look at the chair your sitting on.
Its probabbly 3 to 6 gravitational fields repelling the ball,
The turning is probabbly airflow, the little things sticking out ofi t would help with that.
lol, guess the guy learned from Criss Angel. Or he is simply using a string.
The video is too short and there is not enough information to draw any conclusions at this point. If anyone has anything else to add, I would be interested.
Please look on www.crealev.com. I could not find the patent.
Hi Everyone;
Can anyone help me find the thread where a video was posted depicting a guy with a coil that was flying around the room, and then he had a three dimensional coil that was hovering. It was posted about 1 to 2 weeks ago by the moderator I believe. I have not been able to find it in any of the topics.
Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 26, 2007, 12:58:46 AM
The video is too short and there is not enough information to draw any conclusions at this point. If anyone has anything else to add, I would be interested.
It could work with a hidden airpressure supply from the bottom of the dish.
Quote from: vince on November 12, 2007, 09:34:22 PM
Hi Everyone;
Can anyone help me find the thread where a video was posted depicting a guy with a coil that was flying around the room, and then he had a three dimensional coil that was hovering. It was posted about 1 to 2 weeks ago by the moderator I believe. I have not been able to find it in any of the topics.
Try this:
Quote from: hartiberlin on July 31, 2007, 12:32:11 AM
Hi All,
how does this work ?
There is nothing spinning like in a Levitron toy...
So how can he keep it thus stable ??
its hang on cabel ?
If we look for the simpliest idea !
Very interesting links guys.
I like the crealev video, very beautiful. I own a Levitron and that's amazing to look at, but the crealev seems to be even beter since it's not rotating.
They say on the website that stability can be acomplished with active means or just magnets or BOTH, which seems to be the case here.
Judging by the design of the base and the fact that they film horizontaly to prevent the viewer from seeing the center of the ring, it's not hard to imagine what they have done.
The base creates an AC magnetic field, that is shaped more flat then a solenoid mag field.
In the center of the levitating ring, and also the base, there appear to be magnets. These magnets could be in attractive mode, and the ring is kept horizontal and repelled with the AC fields by eddy current induction. Obviously the AC repulsion is stronger then the mag field for short distances and weaker at larger distances, so an equilibrium point exists where all forces are balanced.