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Discussion board help and admin topics => Half Baked Ideas => Topic started by: winner on July 28, 2008, 07:59:11 PM

Title: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: winner on July 28, 2008, 07:59:11 PM

We have heard the stories of famous inventions being inspired by dreams while asleep. It is easy to recall such stories or find them on the Internet.

Have you had a sleeping dream about energy or an energy device? Have you acted on your dream? Did you later find some information to validate what you had learned in a dream? Would you like some help with interpreting your dream messages?

It would be great to hear some stories and interpretations from all the inventive minds on this forum!

I think we can all agree that the subconscious (or superconscious) mind can give us remarkable answers and direction, if we listen. Perhaps some puzzle or possible solution presented in a dream can be unraveled by others in our community who have thought and worked with the same idea!

To get the ball rolling, I'll relate some information  I received in a dream last night. For some context, I will tell you that I have been studying various topics on this bulletin board for some time now, include HHO production, gravity engines, TPUs,  etc. I haven't touched all the topics here, nor have I been physically working on devices of my own.

I'm not in the habit of writing down my dreams, so I can relate my dream only generally. In the dream, I had my attention on some sort of energy device, and the understanding to make it work came to me. It was something, I think, that related to a correction of program code or simple mathematical adjustment. Here I had the aha! feeling - but sadly, when I came awake - I could not remember this detail! Immediately though when I woke up, I got a few impressions. One thought was "they have everything right here, except they should be using brass." It seemed to me the device may have had copper. Also, it seemed this related to a spherical object. Then finally something odd struck me, which may or may not be of any help to current projects (Peter Davey heater?): The 4/3 factor in the volume calculation of a sphere, (4/3)*pi*r3, has importance to applied frequencies. Also, it occurred to me that 4/3 is the same ratio of a standard TV screen display, and it brought to mind a flyback transformer, as that is what drives the TV image. Has anyone somehow already coupled a flyback transformer or principles to a spherical object involving brass? Makes me wonder...

Please post your dream impressions! This should be an interesting exploration!

Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: Freezer on July 28, 2008, 08:21:12 PM
Quote from: winner on July 28, 2008, 07:59:11 PM

I believe a lot if not most famous inventors got their ideas from dreams, but I might lean on the side of it being information being telepathically sent to the mind.  I read a article an abductee wrote, and he stated the same thing, in that information is telepathically sent to these guys.  If you look at David Adairs account, he states that all his ideas came to him in dreams, and also stated that this was the case for Stephen Hawkings.  Of course most of these guys would never admit that, since what makes them stand out is the fact that they supposedly came up with these ideas themselves.  All I can say is remember the dreams, and if possible put it down on paper and try and understand it.
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: winner on July 28, 2008, 08:42:34 PM
Quote from: Freezer on July 28, 2008, 08:21:12 PM
I believe a lot if not most famous inventors got their ideas from dreams, but I might lean on the side of it being information being telepathically sent to the mind... If you look at David Adairs account, he states that all his ideas came to him in dreams, and also stated that this was the case for Stephen Hawkings.  Of course most of these guys would never admit that...

Yes! I remember reading the accounts of David Adair and Stephen Hawking. Very interesting! I believe also that there are certain hours of the day where the mind is most receptive to dream-borne ideas. A question to ponder is if particular thoughts are being directed to particular individuals in the dream state, or if it is mainly a case of a person being primed and ready to receive desired information. I tend to think the latter is true, i.e., "when the student is ready, the teacher appears."
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: z.monkey on July 28, 2008, 09:05:09 PM
Howdy Winner,

Some dreams are the products of the subconscious, these are the obscure random jumbling of many different things that usually do not make sense.  Then there are dreams which are the products of telepathic communication where someone is trying to influence you, these are more clear.  There are also the dreams of the spirit where your higher self is trying to break into your physical consciousness, they have specific intent and a purpose.  The twilight area between waking and sleeping is where your conscious mind and your spirit can communicate with the least resistance.  This can be achieved with proper meditation as well.

The most memorable conscious dream about technology I had concerned a rapid plant growth technology.  The spirit guide in this dream showed me a device that was hand held.  He planted a seed in a small pot.  He watered the pot, then proceeded to point the device at the pot and turned it on.  The plant sprouted immediately, and grew at an astonishing rate.  He had to pull the device away from the plant because it was growing so fast.  Within a minute the plant was so tall that it overpowered the pot and fell over because of the weight of the plant.  This dream happened over 15 years ago, and I remember it as if it was yesterday.  Your spirit can download soul knowledge into your brain.  This is what I believe happened in that dream.  There have been many other dreams concerning technology that I have had.  Many concerning technology, and architecture.  Frequently I dream solutions to current technical problems that I am having.  I have even invented things because of dreams.

Keep on Dreaming!

Blessed Be Brothers...
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: Killer Miller on July 28, 2008, 10:12:38 PM
Wow great to hear that others have dreams about Energy Devices.

I have had two

First one was several years ago, before i became interested in or had any knowledge of the free energy concept (was studying electrical and electronic engineering diploma at the time).
It was pretty vague but basically it was the top of several huge wheel/turbine type structures sticking out of the ground. 50% in the ground 50% above the ground. It was in a very arid area and I had the impression that it generated power for an underground community. I couldn't tell exactly what powered it, i have been considering what it could have been. I always thought it was a combination of wind and solar, but seeing archers wheel changed that somewhat. I have doodled this so many times since, pity i cant draw.

The second one was about a month ago. It was quite strange and comes down to COW power lol. It was like the old beast of burden powered mills, you know cows providing the power to turn a big wheel. The strange thing was that they were at a power station. The cows turned a wheel that through gears and mechanics provided the power to turn Griggs type water hammer heaters. These boiled the water to generate steam to turn the turbines of what seemed to be a conventional power station. It was like the cow power was retrofitted to an existing coal fired power station, instead of coal mines around the power station there were cow paddocks.

Again quite a weird arse dream which have never discussed with anyone before, so I was happy this post came up so i could share it.

Thank You
KM, Australia
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: z.monkey on July 28, 2008, 10:20:30 PM
Howdy Killer Miller,

Cow Power huh?  I live in the Republic of Texas.  I am cow powered...  Dreams can be figurative, have you tried interpolating the symbols as some sort of technology?  Of course that could be methane power, he he...

Blessed Be Brothers...
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: winner on July 29, 2008, 12:27:26 AM
It's great fun to analyze dreams. Long ago, I read about a basic method of dream interpretation at http://www.sleeps.com (http://www.sleeps.com). Their principles really made sense to me. And z.monkey, the notion of different sources/levels of influence seem certain to me as well. I have had some extraordinary and surreal dreams myself, which are indeed in a class of their own and likely have a spiritual or spiritual guidance factor.

I see dream analysis as closely akin to algebra, considering objects and actions as variables, applying context and recent experiences to ascribing the "rightness" of meaning.

Usually the first impression of what an object or action means to oneself, I think, is right on. As far as context, note how professional analysts cut to the chase right away, and determine from the dreamer what has been happening recently in their lives. What is most real and revealing in dreams, I believe, is the emotional, feeling part; whatever we have felt toward an object in a dream has a close counterpart to a relationship in our awake state.

So only in limited cases, probably, does a dream object represent itself in actuality. In situations of concentrated involvement (like inventing an overunity device!), though, I'm sure that dream visions can be more direct.

I think it's very worthwhile for the inventor to pay close attention to their dreams, not only for finding solutions to pressing problems, but for learning about their self. If you can share something about how to interpret dreams, can share a perplexing dream for the OU community to respond to, or can demonstrate how a dream revelation has influenced real life, I think we'll gain more momentum from the "unseen powers!"
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: winner on September 02, 2008, 02:38:17 PM
I had an interesting dream last night; thought I'd share it. In the dream I was playing with a child's toy or game. The "game" consisted of two loops of rope, each with handles, such as lassos. The object was to create a circular loop "hole" with my left hand, by a left/right motion of the left lasso, then with my right hand, using an up/down motion, create a smaller loop which would travel through the left-handed lasso "hole."

Obviously, this symbolizes a transverse wave travelling through a carrier channel. In the last several days I've been exploring binaural beats, and I'm aware of the carrier frequency concept. Anyone have a guess as to what this dream information is suggesting?
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: winner on December 18, 2008, 12:22:39 AM
Hey, has anyone seen anything interesting lately on the dreamscope?
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: DreamThinkBuild on December 18, 2008, 01:45:18 AM
I have done extensive research into lucid dreams. I was always interested in using dreams as a learning tool. Dream control can be mastered it is a fine balance of awareness you have to keep once you recognize that you are dreaming. Try to exert to much control and you wake up, too little and you drift back into un-consciousness. You have to maintain a semi-conscious state. I do not believe dreams are mystical, it is just a lower level of awareness where the filters of normal consciousness are greatly reduced. Once you learn control of your dreams you can task questions, it may take several tries as it seems a lot of the dream imagery is vague or just too abstract(random noise, stress of the day).

The biggest problem with dreams is memory, I suggest anyone working with dreams to write down their dreams every night even if you don't have any just write none or feelings for the entry just to acknowledge it. Memory and dreams don't seem to line up, they always feel like they are out of phase for me. When you wake up you recall the dream but did any waking filters alter your perception of the dream? This is why you have to write the dream down immediately upon awakening. Once your conscious mind starts to try to make sense of the dream it alters the original perception. I can see this when I write down a dream in the middle of the night then wake up the next day and think about the dream there is this mental overlay that has altered the original idea of what I originally wrote. You start to rationalize it and through that distort it's original meaning.

Overall dreams/sleep state can be used as a productive tool for gaining new ideas. Just remember to keep a log book it will help greatly in recall.
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: madddann on December 18, 2008, 03:38:04 AM
Looks like we need a dream surveliance camera, anyone thought of making one?  ;)

@winner: keep on your dream radar, it might be very usefull for some of us LOL

Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: TechStuf on December 18, 2008, 05:54:48 PM

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams." Acts 2:17

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." - Dan 12:4

Man is less the original thinker than he knows.  Many is the time he has lauded himself for what he mistakenly perceives as entirely his own origination.

As history has aptly demonstrated, dreams can be quite importent....

Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: madddann on December 19, 2008, 02:52:38 AM
You wanna drive me crazy right? Look at my nick - i'm already mad LOL
...i couldn't agree more with what you just wrote!

Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: winner on December 19, 2008, 06:54:01 PM
Well, interesting dream early this morning. Part of it was that people were seeing large fish flying in the sky in a school, but really large, like blimps.

I had the thought that this was impossible, that it was likely a projection on the sky or something.

The next thought I had was something like "Wow! This is amazing, but y'know, if some people were just going about their everyday business, not paying attention to the larger world around them, focusing only on immediate matters in their lives, these people would not even notice this!"

Then from somewhere inside the group of fish a serpent-like head and neck emerged, thrust forward and bit a chunk out of the building near where a friend and I were standing.

Strange dream, but it has some wisdom!
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: PaulLowrance on December 19, 2008, 07:13:55 PM
Interesting thread. I'm guessing about 3 years ago I had an extremely vivid dream. I was in a white lab room with other scientists. I saw myself along with some other scientists working on a device that consisted of a very large toroid, about 5" in diameter. I saw several of such toroids in the lab room, on separate work benches. They looked like ferrite or iron powder toroids. I had the impression it was a "free energy" machine.

Have I acted upon it?  Well, about 2 years ago I was about one month away from building my first "free energy" machine based on my magnetic theory, which is based on conventional physics when Tom Schum asked me via email to test his diode array. I replied to Tom's email, but did not answer his question. He replied back asking again. I replied back basically saying that I was on another project, but still didn't really answer his question. Tom asked a third time, very persistent, and I finally said yes. Tom mailed me his diode array, and the rest is ... you know. :D

Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: TechStuf on December 19, 2008, 07:35:43 PM
Then from somewhere inside the group of fish a serpent-like head and neck emerged, thrust forward and bit a chunk out of the building near where a friend and I were standing.

Strange dream, but it has some wisdom!

Strange!  Maybe the school in the sky signified esoteric, haughty, falsely elevated knowledge, being guarded by that old serpent, the wicked one, who didn't like you observing it's machinations!  Which is why it made a menacing gesture.....are you sure you are remembering the whole dream.....that next, a giant foot didn't come down and crush the serpent's head with It's Heel?

Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: TechStuf on December 19, 2008, 07:43:18 PM

Paul, your dream of the toroid sounds interesting.

Some of my best dreams have been daydreams.


Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: MrMag on December 19, 2008, 10:43:19 PM
How do you guys dream so much? I dream or at least I only remember the dream once every four or five months. Sorry, no free energy stuff just naughty ones. ;D

Paul, in the dream you had, was there a guy in the room with the last name of Mark.  :D

I have this crystal that a psychic told me that I should wear. She said that it will help me remember my dreams. I think I will put it back on.
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: winner on December 22, 2008, 12:14:22 PM
Quote from: MrMag on December 19, 2008, 10:43:19 PM
How do you guys dream so much? I dream or at least I only remember the dream once every four or five months. Sorry, no free energy stuff just naughty ones. ;D

Actually MrMag I don't remember my dreams all that often either. I think regarding the aforementioned dream I had taken some Benadryl the night before due to a cold and to help me sleep. Usually when doing this I'll get a deeper level of sleep during the night and in the early morning my brain is more active and able to dream.
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: broli on December 22, 2008, 12:23:37 PM
The key to dreaming is leading a very relaxed life. A life where you chose when to wake up and what to do, no stress involved. Most people have some boring ass day job that they have to wake up early for, that's not being relaxed now is it. And of course there's also some hallucinogens that can help you sink in other realities real quick  ;).

My last night's dream wasn't interesting so I just ignored it. But the night before something interesting happened. I saw a running overbalanced gravity wheel with all its parts at a beach with some guy showing it to me. When I woke up the mechanism wasn't very exciting  ;D.
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: nueview on December 22, 2008, 03:01:46 PM
I myself have learned more about electricity and energy from dreams than from most books i have read although astronomy is not my fortay it seems to take this form in my dreams and i usually have to ask for a simple demonstration to understand what is said or shown some are far to weird to tell here but on trying them they seem to work one had to do with wimhurst machines and i haven't been able to relate it to others so i don't know if these dreams are for a personnel nature or for information some seem to have a counterpart in the real world but they are messed up something is missed some others are very ongoing and a real test of self as to there knowledge and seem more as if they are remote viewing not really dreams at all but place and time specific and in my own life have felt this pressence and felt by others as well any ideas on how this works. i have a few but believe we need to change us as people not the world. if what dreams i have come to pass we are in for a real lesson in reality. i had a dream about tesla's lab but it did not seem to be a dream but actually there some weeks later i saw a show on tv just came in the room and it was the place in my dream but without all the equipment i asked were it was and my friend said it was tesla's lab on long island since then i have had many dreams about his car and its workings but seem to be having a problem understanding the difference between emf and voltage ,mmf and current ,are these the same or different and how. for some reason this seems to be inportant but i just don't seem to make the connection.
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: MrMag on December 22, 2008, 06:55:56 PM
Quote from: broli on December 22, 2008, 12:23:37 PM
The key to dreaming is leading a very relaxed life. A life where you chose when to wake up and what to do, no stress involved. Most people have some boring ass day job that they have to wake up early for, that's not being relaxed now is it. And of course there's also some hallucinogens that can help you sink in other realities real quick  ;).

My last night's dream wasn't interesting so I just ignored it. But the night before something interesting happened. I saw a running overbalanced gravity wheel with all its parts at a beach with some guy showing it to me. When I woke up the mechanism wasn't very exciting  ;D.

Now I know why I don't dream or at least don't remember. I am self employed and VERY stressed out. I have had a couple of bad years and I think I will be closing up shop. Christmas is suppose to be a happy time, but right now, I'm depressed, stressed and pissed.  The only thing that seems to get me through is knowing that "Everything happens for a reason". Just can't figure what the reason is yet. Hopefully, next year will be filled with dreams.
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: winner on December 22, 2008, 07:18:18 PM
Quote from: broli on December 22, 2008, 12:23:37 PM
The key to dreaming is leading a very relaxed life. A life where you chose when to wake up and what to do, no stress involved. Most people have some boring ass day job that they have to wake up early for, that's not being relaxed now is it.

Ha! Wish I had that kind of waking routine! Thankfully my job starts later in the day. I don't know how true this is; I'm sure that people under stress dream alot too. I have heard of techniques to optimize one's ability to dream and remember dreams. One idea is simply to tell yourself, as you're going to sleep, that you will have meaningful and strong dreams and that you will be aware and conscious of them when they happen.

Wow, the first sentence in your previous post is a doozy!  :-)

... speaking of inducing dreams, there are those that dabble in "out of body" experiences. For a fascinating and entertaining story in this realm, touching on time travel and interdimensional experiences see Ken Korczak's two part article "Ouija + lucid dream = strange adventure" and "World within worlds within worlds," found here on the Unexplained Mysteries website (http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/columnindex.php?cat=Ken%2BKorczak).
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: nueview on December 23, 2008, 03:39:55 PM
try this i learned it from other people who seem to dream allot when you go to bed start to just be conscience of relaxing and physically then think of anything causing you stress in your life and make a decission as to weather you want information about it or you want to set it aside for now do not try to project an outcomeif you do it will scew the dream now ask a presice question and await your answer relax and sleep tommorrow is a new day
questions i use are show me this or that or how does this work or what is best for everyone or what should i expect.
you have to let the answer be as it is without trying to make it something there is allot more about this at the silva ultra mind site if you are interested i got there information and it seemed to help allot. it really is a pretty simple technique.
myself i believe we are all eternal beings so time and space really is just an abstract all is now so go view what was or will be it's all the same in spirit.
i have been having allot of dreams about tesla's car the vaccuum tubes and antenna and some really bezarre things have come to me in real life as examples for me to study small circuits motors that run away for no logical reasons but i have worked out some of these and others sometimes it takes my thinking in new directions i think tesla viewed things this way very open to new things.
i hope this is of some help to others as it was for me .
Title: Re: Dreams: Interpret Meaning of a Dream About Energy or Energy Device
Post by: twosox on December 29, 2008, 07:43:53 AM
Heres a good one, even though it was a few hours ago this morning i can still remember most of the dream. it started off in some sort of iron foundry, lots of  noise, smoke, fumes etc. one of the workers came out from a side room and accused me of 'creeping around, being sneaky' but i managed to assure him i wasn't, now comes the interesting bit, i started to mix lithium dioxide with iron fillings, there might have been something else in the mix because it looked like a paste, at the time i didn't exactly know what it did but i got the impression it was a 'heat battery', heat was required to charge it up. interesting.