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Testing the TK Tar Baby

Started by TinselKoala, March 25, 2012, 05:11:53 PM

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Howdy All,

Just spent a few at Rosemary's personal forum/blog site and what a honeypot for her bonkers, brainsick, cracked, crazed, crazy, cuckoo, dellusional, demented, deranged, distraught, disturbed, fruity, insane, kooky, loco, loony, lunatic, mad, maniac, mentally ill, mindless, moonstruck, non compos mentis, nuts, nutsy, nutty, neurotic, paranoid, psycho, psychopathic, psychotic, sick, sick in the head, schizophrenic, stark raving mad, touched, unbalanced, unhinged, unsound, unstable, wacky commentary on that zipper head modified standard thesis model .... what ever the hell that is, no one but her understands it.  :P

PLUS .... The demanding again of any available overunity prize money based on a fraudulent COP>INFINITY device Rosemary Ainslie invented ( hahahaha ) in that YouTube video called  Rosemary Ainslie circuit demonstration 12 March 2011 she directed will soon be two (2) years old .....  LOOK AT ALL THE EXCITEMENT !!!!!   :o

If she stares at it any longer her mind will be burnt to a crisp ..... but I think it's waaaaaaay to late  :-X



You've heard of OU Crackpots, I'm sure..... but have you ever heard of an OU _Crockpot_?

The TK Sous Vide crockpot Arduino PID-based temperature control system, calibration testing:

(Yes, that is a mosfet, switching a resistive/inductive load, making "tiny bubbles" in a 1 liter crockpot....)


Looks like Ainslie is severely decompensating. It won't be long now before her brain dissolves and begins to run out of her ears.

She lies when she claims that I don't want Dansie to examine her material. In fact I've made all of my archived Ainslie material available to him, and I encourage him to examine her claims FULLY and to publish his findings. I've warned him though as to what will happen when he discovers and reveals-- yet again -- that she has nothing..... she will turn against him as she has turned against everyone else who has ever tried to examine her claims in earnest.

She also lies... blatantly.... when she claims that Tar Baby has not successfully replicated ALL of her CONFIRMED claims. Tar Baby has even gone beyond that: Tar Baby runs on capacitors, as does Altoid: two devices that make Ainslie's Magic Waveforms, complete with "negative mean power", and do it using no batteries at all, just capacitors of appropriate size. This is something that Ainslie denies is even possible.
And I can prove it, anywhere anytime. If Ainslie claims any "prizes" she will have to compete with Altoid: the Shirt Pocket demonstrator of Negative Mean Power that does not need a battery to do it. Ainslie's device doesn't even meet the size requirements ! But Altoid is the size of... a box of Altoid mints, and can be hooked up to anyone's oscilloscope at all, and will make its negative mean power.... until its charge is depleted, just exactly like Ainslie's NERD device does.

And further.... she lies whenever she refers to me as "Little", or Bryan (or Brian) Little, or any other of her ridiculous kindergarten appellations. Persons who are utterly ignorant of the truth must not simply "fill in the blanks" from their own mad delusions and paranoid belief systems.

And again.... she lies with every day that passes, not having corrected the calculations like that one above, and not having retracted the bogus conclusions based on them.

Every day, with every post, sometimes with every sentence even.... Ainslie tells yet more lies.

She cannot refute a single point I've made in this entire thread.


I'm shocked that Mark Dansie didn't mention Rose at all in his latest video update.  ???

;) ;)

Oh, and he hasn't signed off on the whole MrWayne debacle yet either.
question everything, double check the facts, THEN decide your path...

Simple Cheap Low Power Oscillators V2.0
Towards Realizing the TPU V1.4: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=217
Capacitor Energy Transfer Experiments V1.0: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=209


So.. I made a transcript of Dansie's segment on Mister Wayne Travis. In case Stefan chooses not to post it in the Hydro locked thread, I'm putting it here:
From the Hendershot Smart Scarecrow interview:

QuoteDansie: I was down there, there's a project which we've been following for nearly eighteen months now, it was a buoyancy-gravty device- ah.. Wayne Travis, and ah.. It was something I had found that I wasn't sure either way, ah whether they could achieve what they are claiming, and that is a mechanical device, if you like, that could self-run and produce excess energy. And as you know in the history of Mankind, nobody's ever achieved that.  I saw enough evidence for me to be convinced that (shrug) yeah, it's worthwhile having a go at it. But it's dragged on a bit, but I have been impressed and encouraged by two things. It's TOTALLY (emphasis Dansie's) evolved into something else, there's no big tanks and all that now, it's nearly solid state, it's still moves but it's very simple, can (or can't? unsure here) be flat-packed, and they are very close.. to the point ...  where (hesitates) we we can actually.. where we can actually ah... where I think within the next month or two clearly define and test whether it is going to produce excess energy and self-run. Ah .. (Hendershot cuts him off for a commercial break....)

after break:
Dansie: The Wayne Travis buoyancy device...

(Hendershot asks, laughing,  "What's goin on in Oklahoma")

Dansie: Well... I'm still encouraged by what I've seen...ah However (emphasis) it's got down to the point now with the second device that... it's interesting he's got some very clever engineers and people, people flown from Greece and Switzerland and Canada to come and lend a hand, he's got some clever engineers, they've all predicted it will, ah, self-run and produce excess energy, but as you know the final proof (coughs) for me to see it self-run and produce excess energy. So they are very close for the latest prototype to be able to demonstrate that and that will bring it to conclusion one way or the other; I'm very encouraged, I still rank it highly, ah they are a very great group, a very honest group, ah However (emphasis) ah you know (come on? unclear) well half the scientists and engineers saying "hey this could really work", Half the scientists and engineers I know saying "pixie dust, this is a lot of BS" So, but they've done a great job, I can see why it had to evolve, I can see huge improvements where from manufacturing and logistics point, you could flat-pack this like an Ikea system, they've got a third one in the wings that would be the one you'd throw in the basement...But I expect within the next two months that this will be brought to a conclusion. I am speaking positively of it yet but I have NOT signed off on it. So that's about as far as I can take it at this stage.

(He next goes on to put down the Joule Thief OU claims totally. Presumably in reference to LTseung's recent plea.)

Please let me know if I've made any errors, so that I can fix them right away. It would simply be WRONG to allow errors to persist after they have been found and pointed out.