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Probality of God

Started by Newton II, September 14, 2012, 01:33:36 AM

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Quote from: Gwandau on November 02, 2012, 05:12:34 PM

Why do you regard it a virtue to be obedient?

Only a fool is obedient.

I bet you want kids to be undiscriminally obedient to their parents. To me that is teaching kids to be fools. Virtue to me is raising kids that question everything, including your own orders and decisions. This creates creative and thinking individuals and also makes yourself as a parent always strive to back up what you say with valid arguments.

Blind obedience is unhealthy, no matter who you obey, may it be a god or your parent or anyone trying to control you.

In this regard the angel of light, Lucifer, is the only sane guy in the court of the strange god of yours. As far as I can see, there is really nothing wrong with Lucifer in this regard, he is just a fellow with high integrity and enough guts to question the rigid system trying to control him.

I dont believe in this illogical and mentally instabile religious system of yours, but if I did, I would definitely have chosen the company of Lucifer, since he seems to be the only guy over there with enough balls to stand up for freedom.

Who are you really, sheep of your god, who have succumbed to blind obedience and call us fools?  Sheep are stupid. Have you seen sheep getting scared?  They run randomly in any direction the herd happens to take, no matter were the first sheep goes, the other follows.

You should not bow your head to anyone, this is just conditioning induced through millenia by your human leaders, using your need for a god to relieve you from responsibility.


"Why do you regard it a virtue to be obedient?

Only a fool is obedient."

Not if the end result is eternal life or death depending on which way you lean. ;)

"I bet you want kids to be undiscriminally obedient to their parents. To me that is teaching kids to be fools. Virtue to me is raising kids that question everything, including your own orders and decisions. This creates creative and thinking individuals and also makes yourself as a parent always strive to back up what you say with valid arguments.
Blind obedience is unhealthy, no matter who you obey, may it be a god or your parent or anyone trying to control you."

I know you are thinking logical, like CC. But why does it have to only be logical? The Bible says obey and honor your parents. So what is wrong with that? Some kids are very good and some have other things on their minds. Should I not insist that my children do not use drugs? Or should I just buy some cocaine and show them how its done? Or just let them do as they please as their friends get them into trouble. Kids learn. One way or the other. Without some sort of guidance and leash on them they run out into the road way, and you just let them go as they please. ??? There has to be rules that they learn to obey or the worst can happen soon enough. The same goes for us. There are many good people and many bad. Maybe you would let out all the prisoners around the world and let them do as they do.

"In this regard the angel of light, Lucifer, is the only sane guy in the court of the strange god of yours. As far as I can see, there is really nothing wrong with Lucifer in this regard, he is just a fellow with high integrity and enough guts to question the rigid system trying to control him."

So God has his rules and you wish to be what? free?  From what?  You have done with your life what you decided to do thus far. And if anyone got in your way, you let that happen. Not happy with what you have? Want more? Like Lucifer? ;)

"I dont believe in this illogical and mentally instabile religious system of yours, but if I did, I would definitely have chosen the company of Lucifer, since he seems to be the only guy over there with enough balls to stand up for freedom.
Hey, thats your choice! But when we make our choice you dont like that we have made those choices. Freedom for you and not us. Who do you think you are? God? ;) Are you the rule maker that says we cannot believe the way we do because it gets under your skin and cant stand it any longer? Thanks for my freedom that you preach so much about.. ;)
I have seen that you do prefer Lucifer.  ;) What freedoms are you restricted from? And by who? You are free to believe in God or not. Whats next on your list? Live forever? ;) Old Lucy isnt going to give you that. ;) So where you gunna get it from? Science? :o

"Who are you really, sheep of your god, who have succumbed to blind obedience and call us fools?  Sheep are stupid. Have you seen sheep getting scared?  They run randomly in any direction the herd happens to take, no matter were the first sheep goes, the other follows."
What freedoms are 'we' restricted of that you claim to behold? Should we become murderers? Is that the freedom you speak of? Should we be free to take from each other? Should we lie, cheat,and take advantage of others? Are these the freedoms you are missing in life?
And now you say we are four legged, curly hair animals. Im not running randomly. And I do have friends. We hang out. Who is blind here? Next we will be donkeys. All speculation and imaginative thoughts. No science there. Just persecution.

"You should not bow your head to anyone, this is just conditioning induced through millenia by your human leaders, using your need for a god to relieve you from responsibility."

That doesnt make any sense. Again, speculation and what responsibility are we being relieved of? Very strange comment there.

"Stop bowing your head!  Only to God, not to you or your wishes.  ;)

Stand straight and open minded! Your definition of open mind is fairly closed.  ;)

Question everything, especially the ones who tries to rule you. And here you are trying to give us rules.  :o ;)

Jesus did not die for anyones sins, you poor sheep! Wake up! Save the sheep, the Christians are fine.  ;) You dont know what "wake up' really is. I do.

We do not owe anyone anything to be born here on earth and live!  Its for free!  Enjoy it like a child! We especially dont owe you. And what are we missing out on exactly? Running out in the roadway like some children do without guidance? Comon G.
You are not making a whole lot of sense. How about some free gas G? Milk? Your free life is not so free.

Be curious!  Ask questions!  Question everything! I am curious. I have been since a kid. My whole life is figuring things out. I also ask questions. And I question a lot.

LIVE!  Im Alive!!! It would be hard to write this if I wasnt. You could say why am I wasting my time here and not living like you, but that would make you a hypocrite, wouldnt it?  ;)

Anything else? ;)

Magzimus Leviticus


Quote from: gravityblock on November 02, 2012, 08:33:05 PM
No, worldly wisdom refers to unbelievers.

(2 Corinthians 6:17)  Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD. Don't touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.


That quote doesn't say worldy wisdom refers to unbelievers but you do choose to interpret it means that. which is only your own interpretation (perception).

But lets just imagine it does

How do YOU separate truth from lies. How do you know which preacher is using worldly wisdom and which isn't?


Quote from: gravityblock on November 02, 2012, 08:10:57 PM
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is not possible to measure location and momentum at the same time. If the momentum is distributed throughout the entire volume, if one measures the entire momentum, the whole volume must be considered. Since the volume spreads all over creation, it is impossible to say that it is located at a point. It seems that the meaning of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle can be reinterpreted to support the present conclusion of the nature of the photon. If it has aperture and length, the momentum is not located at a single point. If a single point is assumed for the structure, no momentum can be measured. It seems that the significance of the uncertainty principle has been highly overrated. It simply says that the photon has volume. Calculation shows that the energy and thus the mass is distributed uniformly throughout the structure. 

However, when the whole volume of it's structure is considered, then both location and momentum can be measured at the same time, thus the uncertainty principal is false based on a wrong assumption.  This means God isn't restrained by the rules of the universe and God doesn't restrain himself by the rules of the universe.  God doesn't need to create miracles by setting the process into motion 13 Billion earth years ago.  Here's a short story to illustrate this point.  "There was a woman whose car stalled on the train tracks and a man appeared to this woman and told her there was a train coming through in a few minutes and she needed to get off the tracks immediately.  She agreed, and the man pushed her car off the tracks.  The woman got out of her car to give thank the man, but there was no sign of him anywhere."  This was a miracle, because God sent an angel in the appearance of a man to help this woman.  (Hebrews 13:2) "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."  Predestination is a false teaching by the adversary to turn mankind away from God.

The adversary has charged God before all of the Heavenly Host, that:

1.)  Mankind can successfully govern themselves without God's help.
2.)  He can turn all men away from God.

By the adversary trying to turn all men away from God, then he proves mankind can't successfully govern themselves without God's help.  Also, the adversary has failed in turning all men away from God.  Throughout the history of mankind, there has been at least one person in all generations who have remained faithful to God.


Was that a response to my post? I am confused as it didnt appear to actually cover (other than by misdirection) anything I spoke about

If I made up a story like the railway track one would you believe it? If you did you'd be a fool.

You appear to waiver between applying sensible argument of which I can follow, to descending into trite stories such as the aforementioned. Is the basis of your faith built on such trite stories, on things like the lie that Darwin 'repented' If so you should turn on the analytical side of your brain and diagnose the blind faithful side.

Your analytical brain works quite well, please use it. I reckon you'd make a good researcher you are more fastidious than I am.

I like the others here have never asked for anything more than to open your eyes and mind to the possibility things may not be as you have been told.


Quote from: gravityblock on November 02, 2012, 09:11:17 PM
The amoeba dubia, a single cell organism, has over 200 times the genome or DNA of people.  So, according to your logic, the amoeba dubia is 200 times more complex than humans and should have evolved into a much higher life form than people.  This isn't the case, so DNA disproves evolution and proves an intelligent designer or Creator (God)!


Learn reasoning. Don't jump to conclusions. Here is an example of a non-religious discussion, using reasoning, not religious prejudice:


In the above example about amoeba dubia, this post ( http://www.overunity.com/12716/probality-of-god/msg342490/#msg342490 ) does not make sense: in this context, this recent example makes confusion to both: Intelligent Creation and the notion of Evolution.

About the pineal gland: ( http://www.overunity.com/12716/probality-of-god/msg342497/#msg342497 ) the video explains how important it is, that ancient texts throughout the world mention it. It does not explain why such important thing is not mentioned even by a single word in the bible. Yes, Vatican knows it, but not from the bible, they use different source: maybe KABALA?


Quote from: CuriousChris on November 02, 2012, 09:38:00 PM


I like the others here have never asked for anything more than to open your eyes and mind to the possibility things may not be as you have been told.

Quoting myself LOL. Anyway...

Are you afraid of what you might find if you truly opened your mind up to alternative explanations, to seek the truth behind the statements? Is it fear that drives you, Fear that you are wrong and God won't step in at the last moment and 'make it right' that those that deserve punishment may actually get away with it?.

That was the biggest loss I felt when I  realised it was not true.