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Proof of Suppression by Big Oil - Oil Thug Arrested

Started by e2matrix, May 13, 2013, 02:10:18 AM

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George Wiseman shared this.  George has some very good methods to increase gas mileage.   Please read all of this.  It's solid proof and quite amazing to see it this well documented.   This should be on every mainstream News service (but we know that's not likely to happen unless some eager go getter slips it by the News boss).   
Documented case of Suppression

By George Wiseman, Thu, 2013-05-09 13:57 Suppression

It took me YEARS to be smart enough to start to record every aspect of surveillance and suppression that occurred to me, so I could tell/inform/warn others about Vested Interest suppression and the techniques they use.  'They' are very good at cloaking their activities so that there is little 'proof' sufficient to stand up in court.  Not that a single person has a hope of winning in whatever kangaroo court they'd manipulate anyway... but if enough people believe the truth, a grassroots movement can unseat these malignant parasites.

I wrote a Blog outlining some of my experiences here (click).  The key aspect applicable here is that there are 'levels' of suppression and the story you'll read below shows that the Vested Interest believe that the technology is practical and marketable, by the suppression level applied.

Here's an expose where a fast thinking man, with some connections, got a lucky enough to have proof to expose the fuel saving suppression.  They have generously and bravely allowed us to publish their experiences.  I've had MANY people tell me stories like this, but few are documentable and none would give me permission to share.  In all aspects, Dell and Jay are remarkable people.

I first learned of this particular suppression event via a man who has set himself up with his own business selling his version of my HyZor Technology.  He and I enjoy a fun research collaboration that is advancing on-board electrolyzer technology to an efficiency and practicality well beyond anything else on the market.  His business is doing quite well and has several distributors.  One of his distributors is the man who wrote this narration, Dell.

I contacted him and asked if he'd share the case details with me and allow me to publish them.  He agreed and this is what he has written so far. I will continue to add to this Blog as he reveals more. (my comments in parentheses).

"Hi George,

I don't want you to feel like we're ignoring you but we felt like we should let the law run its course before we made any statement. So I'll bring you up to date at this time (May 9, 2013)...

This incident happened on April 3 (2013) when (to) our salesman who is the brother-in-law of my partner who works for the mines about 270 miles east of Reno.

Jay noticed that there was buses carrying workers from the town to the mine site and he thought this would be a good customer for our diesel unit.

He contacted the manager of the local bus operation and they got an appointment with the home office in Sacramento California which is about 120 miles west of Reno. I made up five diesel presentation manuals for Jay to take with him to the presentation.

What we didn't know was the bus company is probably the largest bus operation in the United States. We didn't hear anything from the bus company after about three weeks and they said they were looking in to the possibility of using our product on their buses.

Jay left his house which is about 15 miles north of Reno on April 3 on his way to Carson City which is about 30 miles south of Reno. As Jay came out of his driveway to go on to 395 he noticed two cars setting at the entrance to the freeway. Jay noticed the two cars as they followed him past Reno and on towards Carson City.

About halfway between Reno and Carson City one of the cars forced him off the road breaking his mirror on the driver side and scraping the side of the car and then blocking his exit. A black Hummer pulled in behind him and blocked  his rear exit.

A big thug got out of the car and came up to the driver side of Jay's car and said open this window or I will break it out. Jay ran the window down and the thug was holding one of the presentations in his hand. Jay had written his name and phone number by hand on the bottom of the presentation and the thug pointed to it and said is this you? Jay says yes.

The thug said this stops now and here and you will not take this public and we know where you live. Then the thug took the presentation and slammed it up against Jay's chest.

Jay's father is a retired police officer and the most highly decorated in northern Nevada with many connections to the law department. Jay went straight to the DA and filed a complaint.

Within five hours they were able to lift this guy's fingerprints off the presentation which revealed his residence his name and who he works for. He lives in Richmond California and works for  UNOCAL which stands for Union oil Company of California.

In 2005 Chevron bought UNOCAL. Jay got the license number of the car the thug was driving. Now this is where it starts to get interesting.

The car was a rental car from enterprise rentals. When the police called up enterprise and ask them about the car they said it'd never left the lot that day. The police decided to go down to enterprise and check it out and what they found was the car back in the paint shop but it had not been painted yet. And lo and behold there was evidence on the side of the car.

The police charged the thug with attempted manslaughter with a vehicle and reckless driving. They had him arrested and extradited to Nevada upon arrival he was put in jail.

Jay has a couple of buddies in the sheriffs department and when he asked them about this guy he was told they could not talk about the case. Don't know what that's all about but it is definitely spooky.

We believe this guy acted on his own as he was the northern Nevada and California sales representative for the oil company and probably saw $250,000 disappear yearly. That's all we have at this time if anything new turns up I will forward it to you. You have a good day now."

~ Dell

I will continue my conversation with Dell and update this Blog when there are further details.  As you can see already, it's a dangerous business when Vested Interest thugs have feel like they can intimidate people at will. 

This is not the world I want my grandchildren to grow up in and I will do everything in my power to fight for our freedoms, in this case against Vested Interest that values money over people and resources.  They'd rather the world die from pollution than cut back on their established moneymaking investments.

Thank you Dell and Jay.

May the blessings be



It has taken, is taking, and will yet take acts of our Creator to put an end to man's inhumanity to his fellow man....and that time is nearly at Hand.  And there will not be a single proverbial rat that will be allowed to desert their sinking ship of fools.  Those deemed fit for the Much Greater Reality above and beyond ours will, as Promised, be allowed to inherit it.  And it's a place where not only the energy is free, but eternal life is also.  Free for those whose actions prove that they recognize that 'freedom' and personal responsibility are one and the same, and that neither thrives without the other.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. Revelation 21:1

Blessings in Christ
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



You can easily view this story in a different light.  Everybody wants better gas mileage, even the oil companies.  This idea is so pervasive that they dare not say anything otherwise.

Why would "Big Oil" go after some little guy that is trying to sell his devices to a bus company?  In my opinion there is no reason for that, it makes no sense at all.

We know that the realm of free energy is rife with con artists and people that have big stories to tell that ultimately amount to nothing.  There are tons and tons of nonsensical manufactured sales pitches.  It never stops, it's constantly churning.  There is the use of "us vs. them" psychology to get people emotionally involved and support some proposition or another.

In that light, I suspect that this whole story was simply manufactured by the author to get himself and his company attention and sympathy from his target audience.  In other words, it's just a big fake manufactured lie to attract attention and increase sales.  The notion of "men in black" trying to stop this little guy from pitching his product to a bus company is simply preposterous.  His website is up and I assume that you could call him tomorrow and order his products and the will be delivered to you.  It just doesn't make any sense.

From his website:

QuoteThe current theory of Brown's Gas states that Brown's Gas is a mixture of di-atomic and mon-atomic hydrogen and oxygen. Brown's Gas, Book One explains it in detail, but here is a peek. The                         simplest way to make Brown's Gas is                         to use an electrolyzer, which uses electricity to split water into its elements of hydrogen and oxygen. At the instant that the water splits, the hydrogen and oxygen are in their mon-atomic state, this is H for hydrogen and                         O for oxygen.
Mono-atomic hydrogen and oxygen my ass.  Speak to any chemistry professor and they can probably quote you on the mean life expectancy before recombination of mono-atomic hydrogen or oxygen when you do eclectrolysis.  I am going to guess it's on the order of microseconds.  There is simply no such thing as any mono-atomic hydrogen or oxygen in "HHO" gas - it's a lie.  I read on the website and they are trying to imply that that is the case.  There is no such thing as "HHO" there is only 2 H2 + O2.

So if you want to post some "MIB conspiracy/suppression" stories, just keep in mind that there are also dark forces in the free energy industry.  They scheme and lie to stoke up the passions of their target audience.  This is an absolute incontrovertible reality that you also have to deal with.

Big Oil and the MIB go after a little guy that has been around for years pitching gas mileage improvement because he starts talking to a bus company?  I don't believe it for a second, I think it's just a made-up story to generate some buzz and generate some business.



Quote from: MileHigh on May 13, 2013, 10:06:35 PM
Everybody wants better gas mileage, even the oil companies. 
"even the oil companies"

Can you show me some quotes on that?

I can pull up an article from BP claiming its better to buy a hybrid than an electric car. Id bet every dollar that the reason they claim this is because the electric cuts them out of the loop all together.
Tesla Motors is putting up charging stations that are solar powered and electric cars can "charge for free". Im sure the oil companies are just tickled pink about it.  :o ;)

Opponents to electric claim that the production of electricity to charge the cars is just as bad as exhaust from gas cars or worse. But they dont tell you that the electric can be over 50% more efficient than combustion engines and in the end they are wrong if you calculate it by the mile. That also translates to cheaper cost per mile for consumers and the like.

The Geo got 50mpg back in the 80s without direct injection. The first Honda CRX got over 50mpg around the same time. What happened? Only recent years have we seen 35mpg and just over 40mpg recently using direct injection, DSG transmissions and all the high tech electronics. Its all a sham. Business is business. Nothing friendly or trustworthy about it.

I can pull up other articles of people from car companies that admit that they are influenced by the oil industry to keep the mpg down. But you will probably say....

"In that light, I suspect that this whole story was simply manufactured by the author to get himself and his company attention and sympathy from his target audience."

But being that you only "suspect" that the story was manufactured, I suggest people here look further into it beyond your speculation before they just take it as fact and move on. ;)

'Oil' companies threatened my Great Grandfather for his device back in 1910's. And if you think 'they' are more civilized today, take a look into what BP does to people that tried to research the gulf spill, where some were from universities and research centers here in Florida. And others(even whole families) that gotten sick from vacationing in the gulf and the doctors diagnosed them with petroleum poisoning along with 'Corexit' poisoning that is even worse.

So in your 'opinion', 'ALL' the stories like these are manufactured? Or just the one you 'suspect' above?



Milehigh,  You can believe what you want but that doesn't seem very logical of you.  Why not check out this story.  It would certainly be easy enough with a couple phone calls or even possibly searching the online newspapers of Carson City, etc.   Carson city is actually a fairly small place and easy enough to get a story like that if it happened.   I was beginning to think you were just interested in sorting out the truth on FE a while back but what you have posted above sounds far more like blind bias against anything that might improve the energy situation for the masses.   George Wiseman has a fairly good rep and I've seen a lot of people say good things about him and his products (not just on his web site but on forums).    I believe he is honest but since you think quite the opposite I just may take the time to verify this story.