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Overunity Machines Forum

Free Power

Started by DaS Energy, August 24, 2013, 06:12:46 AM

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DaS Energy

Hello lancaIV.
No sorry. Pure act of God. Trade off he give back car and trailer we cut Carbon. Police rang concerned may be bomb loaded and left parked at Police Station. So began the long trail.

Volkswagen said no to DaS Engine then branded itself Das Auto.
Hands across the world we will dig out other hard drive and post across Carrnot.


Okay,"learning by doing life experiences" ::)  !
But you see that many people tried -up to date- to resolve ambiental and resources diminuating questions.

Asking VW to introduce the DaS Engine in their drives modell program ?
As outsider /outbacker  ;) 
They a.only except patent awarded ideas ( comercial Monopol) and b.from their own "stall/staff" !
And this not only VW,all the industrial trusts.
And not only as heat-machine

Jakelj e-Motor-story and General Motors : offered as Fee-idea :           No !
                                                                   offered as Fee-free idea:     No !

The Schukey ORC-engine,demonstrated in front of a german parl(i)ament delegation, introduced ?
Who were also investors ? ...Auto....

Extracting the important information ( compare with Thomas Cosbys invention process)
                      fluidal  AC or DC current   
               Schukey-engine medium :Air (= air consistence)

and this :
Im Umweltbundesamt von Deutschland ist man der Auffassung, dass die Chemieindustrie die Automobilindustrie unter Druck setzt, den Schukey-Motor zu ignorieren und weiterhin Kältemittel zu kaufen.[6] Unter Leitung des Umweltbundesamts erhielt der Schukey-Motor Förderung durch dieEuropäische Union [15]
  But: he,Schukey, R.I.P., but the idea is alive and "laeuft und laeuft und laeuft"

                                            Ignorance !
                There are worldwide better solutions ! Better drives !
    The industry,the universities and the estate parl(i)aments know it!
             Only not the "brave" consumer ,the political voter!

The only solution for all developers shall be to explore the idea as C.A.D.-plan
based by a functional -comercial ready and approved model(l) for D.I.Y.
included tool/parts deliverer list and digitized
or the ready-to-use modell as Kit
or finally the comercial product as renting ware or selling -to market competitive prices.
           Probably with the help from motivated students and University Dekans.

But this all your project group has to decide themself which way will be the best-
or all possibilities in one program !
Co-operation with him ? http://www.engineair.com.au/

CSIRO : not interested to help ? The australian Government ? The ASEAN-wealth ?

Build your own interest trust(like the Ford company history shows:
                                             associate the interest :
                                          Rio Tinto(RTZ/Xantra?) (metalls exploring)

and  "Act of GOD" related, including :
                               (buisiness) angel backing/banking (no haresy)

Why should anybody invest in your project ? What are the winnings ? win-win ?
2013-2xxx ? Changes ? Radical ? Evolution ,accomplished ? Opponents ?

Use each kind of network-national and international, probably also national/international award/prize competitions ofered on these theme and
to get right adresses and responsible people the search machines

And not forget the organized church communities.

By my best regard

p.s.: who invented for the first time an/the Auto-mobil ?
        Formosa, a dutch clerical scientist,17th century : "ecce DAS AUTO" ::)

p.s.II: heat-engine like heat-pump which here in Portugal is denominated as 
          "bomba(pump) de calor(calorie/heat)",
          probably the policeman (natural from where  ?)misunderstood
           your explaination ??? :o 8)

DaS Energy

Hello  lancaIV
Wise words about the ICE cliché.
We approach all ICE, however they do have a commercial problem in going into competition to their own product.
DaS Energy focus is more to bringing the knowledge than seeking profit yet not oppose those seeking to profit.   
The race to Carbon parts per million for human asphyxiation by Coal burning has struck a hurdle. Our focus is Australia and Steam. Though put out there to the world.
PM Rudd banned CSIRO Australia from having further discussion with us without his specific consent.
Since DaS going public at Copenhagen. China and North Korea have invested heavily in CO2. China 100,000 10KW ground heat CO2 turbine per year. North Korea worlds biggest CO2 plant.
Since the election of PM Rudd Australian Government focus has been to retain Coal, however the new government has reversed that and is ridding of the Carbon Tax that served only to prevent any power station from affording to convert. Government now intends to reverse its funding to part time power, ridding of that obstruction.
Any steam or gas line may be tapped without effect other than two hydro turbine come on line. A fives times increase in power output without increase of Coal load/Carbon. (Two 82% efficient hydro and one 30% efficient Steam)
This is done with DaS Hydro/Steam. Prior post?
Alternate is CO2 turbine taking the waste heat out of the chimney. Steam +600*C makes 350 megawatts. Waste heat is +600*C. For +100*C of that waste heat CO2 is producing 17,500 megawatts. (200 bar – 350 megawatts. Steam 200 bar at +600*C. CO2 10,000 bar at +100*C) This is done by DaS turbine. Prior post?
Carnot attached is the taking of heat from the Condenser immersed in water and allowing it to rise to the boiler, while the cold of the condenser keeps the lower water cold. This thermocline recycles all heat barring that which can escape confinement. 
Best regards,


Hello Peter,
                   ....... invested in CO2....... Why not ?
                                   But how ?               

There is also an existance from a CO2-transformation industry like you give as example R744-gas-"producer".

Cooperation with them !?   For example Air-Liquide/Linde/Oxygen.

To catch with an air/CO2-fluid medium machine -to many ppm-  CO2 and producing
"CO2-remixed-to-fuel" :  http://www.egm-international.com/ !

Combining CO2-riched water ( also for plants growth) with www.coolplanet.com biofuels or similar concepts ?
Catching the water-aerosols by dehumidifying machines ? In deserts ?
For drinkwater ?Soil-drop-watering ?

Your concept represent two counterflowing streams(Gegenstrom) crossing one turbine o+o= to the  eternity symbol meaning :Unendlich,Ewig,Forever
   the 365 zenit suns (per day ) position points fixed from a fixed earth  point view
                 devolving us an :   8    :          symbol   

      misused:    clerical"Acht/ :Aight/Eight "(vogelfrei,"Acht geben,A(e)cht-ung,Verachtung,Bulle)

      mechanics: Sonnen-/Planeten-Rad/gear : AUTO-     MATIK Gear/Getriebe
                                                                        per se


p.s.: AUTO-related:https://www.google.de/search?q=hydrodynamische+paradoxon&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=idVoUsvoLo6ThQexsoDQAg&ved=0CEQQsAQ&biw=800&bih=455

absurd and        paradox                   physical/Physics Welt/World/mundo
                     against the laws,
                           really ?

                                        an above extract

Theory of ur-alternatives[edit]Weizsäcker developed the theory of ur-alternatives (archetypal objects), publicized in his book Einheit der Natur (literal translation Oneness of Nature, 1971)[21] and further developed through the 1990s.[22][23] The theory axiomatically constructs quantum physics from the distinction between empirically observable, binary alternatives. Weizsäcker used his theory, a form of digital physics, to derive the 3-dimensionality of space and to estimate the entropy of a proton falling into a black hole.

                          what a mess in english you get less

     the same from the german wikipedia ( I recomment this to translate ! ):

Interpretation der Quantenphysik[Bearbeiten]Über philosophische Aspekte der Quantentheorie arbeitete v. Weizsäcker seit 1931. Die Ergebnisse seiner frühen Überlegungen erschienen 1943 in "Zum Weltbild der Physik" (letzte geänderte Ausgabe 1957). Ein Schritt im Hintergrund war eine Arbeit zum Zweiten Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik (1939), die die besondere Rolle der Zeit für das Denken v. Weizsäckers klärte.[7] 1954 stellte er drei Hypothesen auf, deren Ausarbeitung seine physikalische Arbeit der nächsten 30 Jahre bestimmen sollen:[8]Der Kern der Quantentheorie ist eine nichtklassische Logik.[/li]
[li]Die Anwendung dieser Logik auf ihre eigenen Aussagen definiert das Verfahren der sogenannten zweiten und mehrfachen Quantelung.[/li]
[li]Die Anwendung dieses Verfahrens auf die formal einfachste mögliche Frage, die binäre Alternative, gibt eine quantentheorethische Erklärung der Dreidimensionalität des Ortsraums(sowie der relativistischen Raum-Zeit-Struktur und der relativistischen Quantenfeldtheorie) ("Ur-Hypothese").[/li]
[li]Einen ersten Abschluss erreichte er 1958 zusammen mit Erhard Scheibe und Georg Süßmann. Insbesondere gelang es auf Grundlage der Ur-Hypothese, die kräftefreie Quantenfeldtheorie axiomatisch zu rekonstruieren. Über zehn Jahre sollten dann vergehen, ehe mit der Aufsatzsammlung "Die Einheit der Natur" (1971) ein "Zwischenbericht" der Fortschritte vorgelegt wurde. Hier führt er die Idee weiter, die Quantenphysik axiomatisch aus der Unterscheidung empirisch entscheidbarer ,,Ur-Alternativen" aufzubauen.[9] Insgesamt wurden von v. Weizsäcker bzw. den Mitgliedern seiner Arbeitsgruppe vier Rekonstruktionen der abstrakten Quantentheorie entwickelt, u.a. von Michael Drieschner.[10] Auf dieser Grundlage gelingt es Weizsäcker in Zusammenarbeit mit Thomas Görnitz, die Größenordnung der Entropie abzuschätzen, die frei wird, wenn ein Proton in ein Schwarzes Lochstürzt.[/size]
Nach seiner Emeritierung entstanden die beiden, eng aufeinander bezogenen Hauptwerke Aufbau der Physik und Zeit und Wissen.

                    2nd law of thermodynamics to a G.U.T-theorem
                                digitize Quantum philosophy:

                           GOD : per qual definicione
                                      (G)OD spoken OZ         D~S/Z
                                      GOD spoken GOSh/JOS/YOS/IOS  The outer/inner Voice
                                      EL AL/La(h) as wings engel/angels rassul
                                      as tree Yoshua/Gilgamesch/arbor-iginie/tribe/Stamm
                                                all in one and one in all


                                                      O,meu Deus !
                                                          Oxal(l)a !           (fatum,destination) 
                                                   DS(Deusa),ja vou !

                                                           (k)is me t   
                                                        in K.I.S.S. telex

                                             attention:  irony included ! ::)


                                      Living like DS in France ;)
                                                      ecce DS
                                              by french ingeniuity

                                                now with DaS Engine  ?
                             But at first as Hybrid-kit power source


                                                in "open sky" version:

           then throwing out the ice and get an urban-city-hybrid-car
                                      (up to 55miles-limit)


               and finally with Solar/Planetary-amplifier-gear appliance


                                     sufficient  :free power
                                    by applied science laws

more details from institutions like:

     R        Max-Planck -Institute:                      Physik-Grundlagen-Forschung
    &D      Frauenhofer-Institute: angewandte Physik-                   -Forschung


                                          for intentions like this

                                sometimes under hard-cor-e project
                                 from Black Rock to the Ayers Rock       

DaS Energy

 Hello lancaIV,

Our approach is firstly to civil uptake, commencing with coal burning power stations.
Rising Carbon parts per million shall not leave it a civil choice to convert to less Carbon emission. Twin hydro turbines are addition to the existing steam turbine. The world has no cheaper energy conversion source.

To assist coal power stations in converting to cleaner cheaper power, ground heat CO2 is a very real option at no running cost to the purchaser.

Fridge are engineers most impressed with -10* preheat freezer, -2*C preheat fridge, followed by +20*C room temperature power generation. We also have had good reward from Rheem Australia hot water, using their water heat to power up the CO2 drive.

DaS Energy focus is on these mainstream Australians, though we do openly encourage others to take freely for themselves and progress at their choice and profit.

You personally exhibit a greater knowledge to the field than we. We are observers and take our observations of different actions and combine into something different. Leaving us knowing the end result, but not knowing the market educated terms for all which is happening.

Our much thanks for your interest goes with our continued assistance to yourself should you seek further involvement.

