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Announcement: These bastards should be warned about and then ignored...

Started by the_big_m_in_ok, October 15, 2013, 05:25:58 PM

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Quote from: lancaIV on November 06, 2013, 03:15:57 PM
"My dear jewish friend!

Firstly I would like to ask you benefited from my medical advice.
I suspect that you suffer from bipolar disease
It is certain that this is the result of your personnlitshe problems mentioned earlier.
You need it to go to the doctor to write down the appropriate remedy.
In addition, you need to be better controlled, especially during the peak.

       Here, above, is the specific passage that I was referring to concerning my having Asperger's syndrome (because this disease is found in the greatest percentage amongst Ashkenazi Jews) and my not being bipolar.   NWO1968 and his ilk piss me off for being stupid, slanderous jerks that they are.

You did imply or actually say your ancestry is Jewish?    Now, I teach you:  Historical fact indicates that Mesopotamian King Nebuchanezzer (spelling?)  laid siege to Jerusalem in about 550 BCE.   His army won and dragged many of the surviving residents to Nineveh.   Things were okay for about 150 years, then, the city was overrun by two neighboring countries, one of them being Media.   The surviving Israelites had a decision to make:  1) Stay where they were, since their original country might not want them back  2) Leave the middle East and head for a country that MIGHT take them in.
       The second option won out.   They begged, bought, stole or made weapons and gathered supplies to make the trip toward Eastern Europe to the northwest of Nineveh.   Along the way, they forced out whoever got in their path all the way to---I imagine---the future British Isles.   AND they left descendants along the way, of which I'm one.    To wit:  I'm descended from the
East German Brandenburg(h) family.
       To this day, some of them have the 'Cohen' Modal Haplotype of J1, which is native to the Middle East and not Germany.   That also makes just about everyone in East and central Europe derived from Israelite Jews whether they know it or not.   THAT INCLUDES the Neo-Nazis, although they would probably say I'm lying or stupidly ignorant for asserting it.   Bullsh!t!!!   After 2,500 years?   100 generations?   And there were thousands of Jews at the start in Nineveh.
       If they say, "No, not true," then they're trying to lie to us or themselves as a delusion.

I rather expect that or complete silence from them on this subject.   I'm actually writing to you and the other readers of this thread, not necessarily them.   Thier opinion doesn't matter to me.

"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.


Hello Lee,
I was a little confused when you wrote that I have had written something like:
    "Oh, you said I might be bipolar?" But you rereed the thread-posts and did correct it !

Okay,about Don Smith-from the german overunity.de forum (copy the text and translate it easy by searchmachine-translator if needed):

About Cohen : Highpriest dynasty probably also guilty for the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans after the Inner-Israel civil war with the consequence that many jewish people were killed or came in slavery (also as teacher and housemaids/-boys in all the roman Empire =jewish diaspora )
The religion symbols where brought to Rome( remembering Titus-Arc) the different holly artefacts like the Missorah also,later robbed by the visigods and brought to to Toledo(Spain) ,their later capital.
The visigods(Westgoten) were then vinced by the north-african invaders,muslims,and Toledo with the got(h)ic Folktreasure and got(h)ic Kingtreasure came to their hands.

                   jewish Highpriest dynasty against jewish King dynasty
                      Who ma(je:spoken)ster and who servant ?!

                Heaven(Roma:orbs) law versus Earth/Lawn (Roma:urbs) law

             Jewish been means to believe in a religion without ground/lawn
                            Was ist das Judentum ? 1837 !

                            Messias means also Im(ma)nuel 
                                      iman      u     el   
                                  We/  WE   with GOD
                                 3.Pers Pl.

                    heal: Guareschi "Don Camillo ... " im Zwiegespraech

A Monsieur Cohen was(is?) the head("background Eminenz") from S.C.O.A.,Paris This company "sended" my father to Hansen&Soehne Hamburg(final seventhiees),a company where S.C.O.A. hold a social capital participation (today a saudi-arabian tube producter held this part ) .


p.s.: we shall give the meaning of GOD several kategories:

       GOD: KOSMOS

       God : for holly and healing matter
      "god": meaning and spelling in Rhenania-Palatina for Gosh/great mouth
                                         Why ?

Senate and People of Rome [have this monument] to the Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajan Augustus, son of the deified Nerva, the conqueror of the Germans, the conqueror of the Dacians, the highest state priests (= Pontifex Maximus), the owner of tribunician official power for the seventeenth time, the victorious general for the sixth time, the consul for the sixth time, the father of the nation [consecrated] to show how high the hills and the terrain [was that] has been removed for this extensive construction work.

                         "deifi,deifi" means in Bavaria ?  ::) ;)

p.s.II: 1.edition date : http://books.google.pt/books?id=2L-flst0EsAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=theodor+herzl&hl=de&sa=X&ei=4dV_Up7UFITwhQecrYAw&ved=0CFwQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=theodor%20herzl&f=false

          Had the "vulgar" jewish ever had the chance for self-decision ?
           Who feels hisself as "jewish" ? What is "jewish" ? Really ?
         Think about mesopotamian melting pot: amalgam + helenism +
  orakel-localities + virgem vestalis + sybillian verses + kata(circulum vitae)

Jerusalem Temple
Under the Jerusalem Temple (Hebrew בֵּית - הַמִּקְדָּשׁ , Bet HaMikdash ) refers to one of the Temple of Solomon , which the beginning of the 6th Century BC was destroyed by the Babylonians , on the other hand the so-called Second Temple ( completed 515 BC) until it was destroyed in AD 70 by the Romans.
The first Jerusalem temple was built by Solomon in the biblical depiction of Zion. However, archaeologists assume that this temple was the same as the " Solomonic " palaces built only about two hundred years after the reign of Solomon . [ 1] This temple was like the entire city of Jerusalem during the conquest by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar II 586 v. BC [ 2] [ 3] destroyed.
After the Babylonian exile , a second Temple was built in Jerusalem , according to the biblical representation during the reign of the Persian king Darius I. This temple was from 21 BC, rebuilt by Herod the Great fundamentally and ultimately destroyed AD in the suppression of the Jewish War with the Romans in 70th The west wall of this temple , also known as the Wailing Wall , is preserved. On the Temple Mount itself available to the Dome of the Rock and al -Aqsa Mosque, the most important of the holy sites in Mecca and Medina shrines for Muslims .

Temple of Solomon , reconstruction

Herodian Temple , Model
Contents [hide ]
1 The Tent Sanctuary ( Mishkan , Tabernacle )
2 The temple of Solomon
2.1 Source Location
2.2 dating
2.3 construction
2.4 Setting up
2.5 Use and cult
2.6 destruction
3 The Second Temple
3.1 Serubbabelischer Temple
3.2 Herodian Temple
3.3 remains and current situation
4 Subsequent development of the Temple area
5 The issue of the new direction of the temple
6 The Temple of Reform Judaism ( 19th century )
7 The "Hamburger temple model " of Solomon's Temple
8 Literature
9 See also
10 Notes and references
The tent Sanctuary ( Mishkan , Tabernacle ) [edit ]

Model of the Tabernacle in Timnapark , Israel

Artist view of the tent sanctuary
→ Main article: Mishkan
In the second Book of Moses (Ex 25-27 EU 36-39 EU Ex ) describes the construction of a collapsible and portable tent sanctuary in great detail. There, the sanctuary " tent of meeting " (Exodus 27,21 EU) is called . The tent served according to biblical representation of the Israelites during their wandering in the desert and up to the time of King David as a central meeting place with God. First, it was carried on the walks, later it had its location at Shiloh about the middle of the land of Israel .
According to the Biblical description of the tabernacle [4 ] was 30 cubits long , ten cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits . Inside the Holy of Holies HaKodashim Kodesh ( קדש "the holy shrines of the " הקדשים literally ) was the Ark of the Covenant . Some researchers are of the opinion that details in the description of the tent sanctuary and its ceremonies in reality the conditions and customs of the later stone temple originate and have been subsequently projected back to the tent sanctuary.
After David conquered Jerusalem from the Jebusites and made it the capital of Israel , he did thither bring the tent sanctuary. Later, it may have been kept in disassembled form in the temple of Solomon ; later than the destruction of the temple , it was lost.
Solomon's Temple [ Edit]

Source location [ Edit]
Information about the Temple of Solomon provides exclusively the Hebrew Bible. The records of Solomon's temple can be found in 1 Kings 5.15 to 6.38 EU , and 2 Chr 1.18 to 5.1 EU single notes also more in Jer 52 EU and 25 EU 2 Kgs . The biblical data are from a historical point of view , however, disputed . Independent historical evidence of the Bible have not been recognized . In this respect , the existence of a temple " Solomonic " time is archaeologically than not been established. [ 5 ]
Dating [ Edit]
According to biblical data (1 Kings 6.1 UK) the construction of the first permanent temple of Solomon in the fourth year of his reign began . This corresponds to biblical chronology the year 957 BC The construction took seven years (1 Kings 6,38 EU). Solomon's reign thus began 961 BC
After architectural and astronomical investigations Erwin Reidinger has confirmed this chronology. He tried to the place and the geographical orientation of the Most Holy of Solomon's Temple based on the still visible architectural features of the rock within the present Dome of the Rock and the Herodian wall curves to reconstruct and assumes that the data of the sunrise along the control line this reconstruction conclusions allow the time of the original construction. [6 ] Reid Festinger basic assumptions and conclusions have been found in archaeological science no greater reverberation .

Plan of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Attempted reconstruction of 1858
Construction [ Edit]
The stone building was erected with the help of Phoenician builders on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem and had the dimensions of 60 cubits long , 20 cubits wide and 30 cubits high . It was surrounded on three sides with side rooms on three floors above the other , which served to preserve the treasures of the temple and equipment . The entrance site was preceded by a vestibule , also 20 cubits wide , ten cubits deep ( 1 Kings 6.3 EU) and 120 cubits high ( 2 Chr 3,4 ELB after the Masoretic text , text in a few traditions also 20 cubits are called ) . Previously, there were two bronze pillars , Jachin and Boaz ( " strength and power" ) , which had no structural function, but flanked the entrance to the porch . As usual in ancient times was the entrance to the east, the Holy of Holies in the west .
Device [ Edit]
The interior contained a 40 cubits long front room, the Saints, where the golden candlestick , the table of showbread and the altar of incense stood , and through a curtain of divorced square back room of 20 cubits , the Holy of Holies with the Ark of the Covenant and the two large cherubim. Both rooms were on the walls, the Holy of Holies ( Adyton ) also paneled to the floor and the ceiling with wood . The large main altar for burnt offerings stood in the courtyard, in front of the entrance to the temple proper .
Use and cult [ Edit]
It is now generally believed that the saint was accessible only to the priests , the Holy of Holies , the High Priest was allowed only once a year , on Yom Kippur , enter . According to tradition, the Talmud , however, cleaning workers were from time to time in baskets lowered from above into the room , they did their work with a view to the wall, looking at the interior of the room was strictly forbidden .
The temple building was surrounded by an inner court of the priests to the altar , the laver and other equipment , and this surrounded by colonnades with bronze gates of the particular for the people and by a wall separated the outer court .
Destruction [ Edit]
The temple was destroyed at the beginning of the Babylonian exile by the Babylonians .
The Second Temple [ Edit]

Reconstruction of the Herodian temple seen in the model of the Israel Museum , east of

Plan of the Herodian Temple in Jerusalem

Stairs on the south side of the Temple Mount (2009 )
Serubbabelischer Temple [ Edit]
Grandson of King Jehoiachin , while governor of Persia in the province of Judah - - several decades after the return of the Jews from Babylonian exile to Jerusalem was the second temple built by Zerubbabel named . This was at least built on the same site and roughly according to the plan of the first 515 and completes BC. [ 7] The dispute over the construction of the temple have been found in Haggaibuch their literary expression .
Josephus quotes a description of Hecataeus of Abdera . After this , the enclosure wall of the temple area was 500 feet ( 150 m ) long, the width of the court was 100 cubits ( about 45 meters), in the courtyard is a square altar was made ​​of white , uncut stones , 20 yards ( nine meters ) to the pages and ten cubits ( 4.5 m ) high, and inside the temple only a candlestick and an altar were erected , both of gold and two talents weight . In addition, an eternal light in the Temple had always burned . [8 ] The Holy of Holies was empty now , as the ark was probably lost in the destruction of Solomon's Temple .
By 169 BC Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrated the temple was restored by Judas Maccabaeus and secured militarily. This restoration is still celebrated in Hanukkah .
Herodian Temple [ Edit]
Under Herod the Great (hence the Herodian Temple ) began in 21 BC, a complete transformation of the temple on a large scale in the Greek style . This temple was according to Flavius ​​Josephus, a stadium ( 185-200 m) long and a stadium wide.
The Jewish-Roman War in 70 of the Temple was the last bulwark of the Jews and was finally destroyed by the Romans.
Remains and present situation [ Edit]
It is believed that the so-called Wailing Wall is the only remaining part of the building under Herod's Western Wall of the Temple Mount complex. Orthodox Jews do not enter the Temple Mount , in an effort to avoid a unwissentliches entering the Holy of Holies and the place where the ark was , - where the Holy of Holies was located exactly , is not known.
Subsequent development of the temple area [ Edit]

After the destruction of the temple in Rome built in place of a Jewish temple of Jupiter . The Jews were forbidden entrance to Jerusalem and the temple area just on the anniversary of the destruction of the temple at the ninth Day of the month of Av allowed.
Under the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity the Jupiter temple was torn down , whereupon it was built by a Christian basilica . This church was in turn demolished in the reign of the Roman Emperor converted back to paganism Julian .
AD 363 Julian planned to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem , but this was then set aside in favor of the Persian campaign and never realized. Theodoret describes in his Church History ( Volume 3 , Chapter 20) that the building was probably begun , but it came to supernatural phenomena , severe earthquakes and fires, whereby the builders eventually abandoned their plans and the flight had taken .
Since 691 are on the temple of the Islamic Dome of the Rock , and since 705/715 , the Al -Aqsa Mosque .

Model of the Temple of Solomon in the Museum of Hamburg History ( Details )
The issue of the new construction of the temple [ Edit]

Have existed for decades by a small group of rabbis aspirations to the new construction of the temple. [9 ] There is general in Judaism before the opinion that the construction of a Third Temple could only happen in the messianic age.
The Temple of Reform Judaism ( 19th century ) [edit ]

Beginning of the 19th Century was formed in Germany is oriented to the education reform movement of Judaism. From it also a redesign of the synagogue, which was now known as Temple developed . At the same time the target was abandoned , to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem . One of the first Reform temple was inaugurated in 1844 in Hamburg, New Israelite Temple Street in the pool .
The "Hamburger temple model " of Solomon's Temple [ Edit]

The Hamburg Temple model is about 12 m² baroque architecture model of Solomon's Temple of wood. It was built in 1680-1692 . After his first location in the Hamburg Opera , it came via London and Dresden ( Kennel , from 1734 ) [ 10] [ 11] back to Hamburg in the Museum of Hamburg History (from 1910). Schott's model is in the tradition of many attempts at reconstruction in the Renaissance and Baroque , which is the original form of the temple described in the Bible were to approach from a theological , or bibelkundlicher architekturteoretischen considerations.
Literature [ Edit]

Theodore A. Busink : The Temple of Jerusalem . Of Solomon and Herod - an archaeological and historical study taking into account the West Semitic temple building . Vol 1 , Leiden 1970 , vol 2 , Leiden 1980.
Israel Finkelstein / Neil A. Silberman : No trombones before Jericho. The archaeological truth about the Bible. C.H.Beck , Munich 2002.
Paul of Naredi -Rainer : Solomon's Temple and the West . Follow monumental historical errors . DuMont , Cologne 1995.
Helmut Schwier : Temples and temple destruction. Studies on the theological and ideological factors in the first Jewish-Roman War ( 66-74 AD). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Göttingen 1989 , ISBN 3-525-53912-6 .
Wolfgang Zwickel : The temple of Solomon ( Cultural History of the Ancient World 83). of Saverne , Mainz 1999, ISBN 3-8053-2466-9 .
see also



 Gotes history to Visi-Gotes and their capital Toledo/Spain

The Tempelberg-sacral artifacts


             Offenheit und Transparenz : durch gentechnische Ermittlung
                   nach Pepsi-Test nun internationalen Gen-Test



             Und was hat die juedische Diaspora geschaffen ?
                  die Verbreitung von Wissen und Weisheit   

Als gelehriger Schueler der Universitas stelle ich mir nur noch eine Frage:
wenn die 1000 Methusalem Jahre nach alter Zeitrechnung 1000 Mondphasen-Jahren entspricht,inwieweit errechnet sich dann die 7000 Jahre alte Geschichte ?
          Gregorianischer oder Methusalem Kalender ?  ??? ::) ;)

     Immer diese bivalenten Aussagen,kann die Welt nicht mal Klartext reden ?!               


Oh yes.Dr.? Novak, a Spira I has been, too.
Do you know there the grupta ?
In this greatest romanic temple this-side the Alpes ?
       The Imperators are sleeping there,heartless !
       Do not awake them ,do not be silly !


p.s.: Novak,was ich abschliessend noch sagen wollte:
       die Haltung dieser Person auf den von Ihnen gelieferten Bildern schaut echt schwuchtelig aus !
Sind es Sie persoenlich ? Dann sollten Sie mal zwischen einem homo-gen und einem homogenen Charakter nachdenken und solche laecherlichen Selbstdarstellungen unterlassen !
Ihre Crew wuerde Sie sonst insgeheim auslachen und Sie wissen ja was vor einigen Dekaden mit solchen Leutchen passierte !
Und stellen Sie sich vor dieses Unternehmen wuerde wie Sie werben:
ich glaube,deren Schamgefuehl wuerde dieses sofort unterbinden,
insbesonders als Familien-Vater oder-Muetter,da deren Kinder ja auch im Internet surfen ! Und deren Freunde und Verwandte und.......

Und das mit Ihrem IQnochwas: dieses faellt in den Bereich Komplexitaetsanalytik/Zeit,aber dazu bedarf es auch des Inhaltes !
Denn was nuetzt der beste und schnellste Computer wenn dieser ueber kein ROM-und RAM-Inhalt verfuegt : Flasche leer !


Quote from: NWO1968 on November 08, 2013, 08:16:30 PM
That is with our device as it is, because it is the cheapest 1.000 USD "nuke" bomb of 6-15 kT (Hiroshima) force (by head diameter of 1 foot).
All clear now?

(Verstanden Ami-Judisch Cowboy?)
Oh, I remember now.   "Dr." Nowak said they had something that might be used as a slow-heat nuclear reactor or also as a nuclear weapon.   Right?   Did he threaten---I believe?---to try and drop one of these 1 megaton devices on Fukushima and effectively get rid of the place???
       Did the 'good' "Doctor" say or imply that?   Doing that would spead radiation all over the East-Central Pacific all the way to California and the West Coast of America.   Did you or he think of that?   Do you care about killing people 'en masse'?   I doubt it.
       If he actually said that, then I'm not surprised that "Boys at Langley", as he put it, would be potentially interested in threats like that.   If you actually have such a device, why don't they get rid of you themselves?   If you have such a bomb?!?!   You're a Nazi-sympathizer and I'm confident you're not the least bit hesitant in issuing threats to whomever isn't good enough in your eyes.

"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.