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car energy consume improvements

Started by lancaIV, July 02, 2016, 07:40:03 AM

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We have several designer prototypes for low weight and consume solution :


Beside electricity recharge there is as alternative :
liquid electrolyte recharge
'  The result was a flow battery with roughly ten times more energy density than had previously been achieved – 225 watt-hours per litre, with the possibility of up to 1,000 watt-hours per litre...'

I reed two decades before about :

' .....As a result of applicant's invention a battery is created which will provide a theoretical 2000 watt hours per pound of reactants, such as with the lithiumchlorine trifluoride system; whereas the best of the presently available batteries, such as the silver zinc solid electrode battery provides a theoretical 200 watt hours per pound of reactants....'

Liquid battery fuel

Alu fuel cell/battery cell

' ....  After years of experimentation, Jackson devised a new electrolyte — whose composition is a closely guarded secret — he says makes it possible for his invention to power an electric car for up to 1500 miles | 2414 kilometers. ...'

Mr.Jacksons mentioned electric car average consume ?
' .....Some comparisons are in order. A Tesla Model S can drive up to 370 miles | 595 km on a single charge.

https://ev-database.org/car/1324/Tesla-Model-S-Performance ,consume 18,3 KWh/100 Km

Jackson says if you drove the same car with an aluminum-air cell that weighed the same as the Tesla's lithium-ion battery, it would have a range of 2700 miles | 4345 km. Aluminum-air cells also take up less space. If that same Tesla were fitted with an aluminum-air fuel cell the same size as its current battery, it could run non-stop for 1500 miles | 2414 km.
a. weight comparison ratio   b. size comparison ratio

Jackson says the battery for that long range Tesla Model S costs about £30,000. Tesla aficionados will probably quibble with that number but Jackson claims his aluminum-air battery/fuel cell that could power the same car for longer would cost just £5,000. Of course, if the owner has to spend £5,000 every 1500 miles | 2414 km, the economic case for the new energy source is compromised somewhat. Time will tell. ...'

We have to see this as possible technical solution,economical it is questionable !

The possible range by 1,5 KWh/100 Km electric consume ,as reference improved Porquer transmission ?

18,3 KWh/100 Tesla S  divided 1,5 KWh/100 Km Porquer transmission car = 12,2/1
As emergency case  range extender pack interestant ! Hibrid energy storage !

By size  ratio : 2414 Km x 12,2 =  29450 Km drive range maximum

Emergency 100 Km drive extension pack  = 100 Km/29450 Km x £5000 = £17
Emergency 500 Km drive extension pack  = £17 x 5 = £85

Tata-Fiat Nano conversion :

Motor Power : 10 KW   Speed : 95 Km/h
Consume per hour,40 Km•h average velocity ?

Tata-Fiat Nano with improved Porquer transmission and Jacksons Alu fuel cell max.speed and max. range ?
As 5000 US$ solution ?  ~ actual in Bharat,formerly 'India',Renault Kwid ic engine car version base price !

Reading about OU car concept :
during 12,3 metres distance ,140 Kg empty weight,243 KW total 4x wheel drive

243 KW nominal ,assuming 500 KW peak ,divided 3600 sec ~ 0,14 KWh consume

An other model class,as fast : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hiNFlXXSWEY

The 0-40 Km•h  a.conventional electric car b.improved Porquer transmission car

acceleration time  and metric distance ?
https://patents.google.com/patent/US7017685B2/en  ' Eco-Trike'

The above equations allow estimation of power requirements for various travel conditions. The total mass of the vehicle m is 220 kg (484 lbs) composed of 84 kg (185 lbs) for the vehicle structure plus 45 kg (˜100 lbs) for the batteries and 91 kg (200 lbs) for a rider and freight.

The power of accelerating this 220 kg mass from a standstill to 40 km/hr (11.1 m/sec or 25 mph) can be calculated by inserting various values of acceleration in equation 2.

A modest level of acceleration of 1 meter per second squared (i.e. 1/10th of a g) requires 1200 watts of power for 11 seconds.

This shows that the 2 hp designed into Ecotrike™ is needed for adequate acceleration.

When steady velocity is reached, Paccel becomes zero.

At any steady speed, the Power required to keep the vehicle moving will be the sum of the remaining terms in equation 1.
The power to overcome tire rolling resistance, Prol is 194 watts, per equation 3 (assuming 40 km/hr and a rolling resistance factor of 0.0065 and an efficiency of 0.8.

The power to counter the air resistance at 40 km/hr is 316 watts using equation 5 for Pair, (assuming a frontal area of 0.75 meters squared, a drag coefficient of 0.4, and no head wind).

Thus on level ground the steady power sums to 510 watts or about ⅔ of a horsepower.

For  this inertia phase/start the hibrid concept = starter ' liquid fuel' battery + closed recharge cycle battery pack
Similar hibrid ,disadvantages minimizing,advantages coupling,concept  :


"The result was a flow battery with roughly ten times more energy density than had previously been achieved – 225 watt-hours per litre, with the possibility of up to 1,000 watt-hours per litre...'@

So you only need a 500 (!!!) litre flow tank to fill up a modern luxury sedan. And then all the trouble of logistics. In theory it's a quick fill-up at least. What's the specific weight of that flow goo? How much does a flat 500 litre tank weigh? What's it like in a fire?


 :o ,

Organizing the average 1 Wh/Km net electric consume city car/-t ,by pedal velos,3-/4 wheels,  electrification !
1000 Wh cell battery capacity  !
Compared :

Range world record
2571 Km range/15,5 KWh cell battery pack  ~ 6 Wh/Km

Consume world record

2016 :  81,16 Wh/100km~ ≤ 1 Wh/Km

Sedans and similar electric cars are too fat planned,overweighted,to have an argument for such expensive sold carriages !
There is not ' real life intelligence' inside !
And for the future driver-free,the best probably : passenger-free ?! ;D

Auto(mobile) faehrt dann tata= spatiare,ambulare,spazieren ,sozinho,alleine,alone

The Upper Class mobility preference,road rush-hour time losts free
2014 :

At only 4 times current Lithium polymer density, the Vision becomes practical with a 4 hour range. We are working with 30 times current density and storage life expectancy. This allows transcontinental range at high speed and will inevitably make electric aviation by far the most practical form of transportation.

Imagine a car with a 10,000 mile range. Now imagine what that really means. With a similar advance in electric aviation, roads and even airports can become almost obsolete

The Vision is the beginning of a new breed of transportation that is specifically designed for ultra long range electric power and storage - point to point transportation with unprecedented safety and luxury. First designed over 10 years ago, all technologies required are now fully developed.

Welcome to the future.

5 €/Kg urban 3-/4-wheel car/-t challenge,all included !

Asking ChatGPT 3.0 how ? ::) ;)

Re-/cycle material system

3d print,
low living costs zone worker*innen(german gender star ::) ),low cost prisoner*innen work force ,comparing with  Usbekistan 159 US$/month low skill work costs

24/7 humanoid/robot work plant,1 US$ per hour capital costs per unit
Reference : BostonDynamics,Tesla Bot/Optimus
= holding the material transformation costs low

From B.O.S. to A.I.B.O.S.,Build-Operate-Sell
Reference :

[ (100 Kg car/t x 5 €/Kg) divided 6900 € ] x 20 € = ?  A.I.Selling fee per month

0,05 €/day,we can think : affordable !?


20 W for 25 kph, then.
But a horribly impractical design of course. Would consume 2x or 3x as much on normal pavement, more easily overlooked in traffic than a toddler chasing a butterly between parked cars.

Safe motoring calls for a pretty upright position, and realistic conditions bring a consumption that's a multiple.
The costs with personal lightweight transport was never the energy, it's the device, the parking.
Bicycles just work, and they work in a huge share of cities, if only there were an infrastructure for them to be safely used. I live in such a country. e-bikes have made more people super lazy and moving too fast to be safe, and brought only some old people to get into nature more, where cycling and wind and dunes were just too much for old legs.


Which are the physical barriers to reach output ≥ input ,a.electrical,b.magnetical,c.kinetical ?
Scientifical (non) censorship ? Cause ( political )  untouchable , Dr.med. von Helmholtz theories ?
[0038] +

[0044]         Ampere's principle of transverse magnetic attraction and repulsion between electric currents had been made into an equation for the magnetic force between moving electric charges by Carl Frederick Gauss (written in 1835, published posthumously in 1865). The critical part of Gauss's equation shows, and modem physics texts agree, that magnetic force is transverse to the force that imparts a relative velocity (i.e., perpendicular to a connecting line) between charges.


Lacking a direct backforce, a transverse magnetic force can produce a greater force than the force that causes it. 
Also to mention as practical experiment :


The only physicist to recognize in print the profound significance of Gauss's work was James Clerk Maxwell (1873), who stated, "[If Gauss's formula is correct,] energy might be generated indefinitely in a finite system by physical means." Prepossessed with Helmholtz's "law," Maxwell chose not to believe Gauss's transverse magnetic-force equation and accepted Wilhelm Weber's (1846) erroneous in-line formula instead. Maxwell even admitted knowing of Gauss's (1845) rebuke of Weber for his mistaken direction of magnetic force as "a complete overthrow of Ampere's fundamental formula and the adoption of essentially a different one."
[0046]  In 1893 the critical part of Ampère's formula for magnetic force, which Weber and Maxwell rejected, and which Helmholtz had replaced with his contrary metaphysical explanation, was proposed for the basis for the international measure of electric current, the Ampere (or amp), to be defined in terms of the transverse magnetic force that the current produces. But Helmholtz's doctrine had become so impervious to facts that anyone who challenged this "law" faced defamation and ridicule. 
[0047]  The first recognition of unlimited energy came from Sir Joseph Larmor who reported in 1897, "[A] single ion e, describing an elliptic orbit under an attraction to a fixed center . . . must rapidly lose its energy by radiation . . . [but] in the cases of steady motion it is just this amount that is needed to maintain the permanency of motion in the aether." Apparently to mollify critics of his heretical concept, Larmor offered a half-hearted recantation in 1900: "[T]he energy of orbital groups . . . would be through time sensibly dissipated by radiation, so that such groups could not be permanent."
[0048]  In 1911 Rutherford found that an atom resembles a small solar system with negative ions moving like planets around a small, positively charged nucleus. These endlessly orbiting electrons were a source of the perpetual radiation that had been aptly described by Larmor, and these orbiting electrons were also Planck's (1911) "harmonic oscillators" that he used to explain Zero-Point Energy (ZPE). ZPE was shown by the fact that helium remains liquid under atmospheric pressure at absolute zero, so that helium must be pressurized to become solid at that temperature. Planck believed that harmonic oscillators derived "dark energy" from the aether to sustain their oscillations, thereby admitting that an infinite source of energy exists. However, he assigned an occult origin to this infinite energy rather than a conventional source that had not met with Helmholtz's approval. 


[0049]  Niels Bohr (1924) was bothered by the notion that radiation from an orbiting electron would quickly drain its energy so that the electron should spiral into the nucleus. Whittaker (1951) states, "[Bohr and associates] abandoned the principle . . . that an atom which is emitting or absorbing radiation must be losing or gaining energy. In its place they introduced the notion of virtual radiation, which was propagated in . . . waves but which does not transmit energy or momentum." Subsequently the entire scientific community dismissed Larmor radiation as a source of real energy because it failed to conform to Helmholtz's universally accepted doctrine. 
[0050]  Helmholtz's constraining idea that the vast amount of light and heat radiating from the many billions of stars in the universe can only come from previously stored energy has led scientists to concur that fusion of pre-existing hydrogen to helium supplies nearly all the energy that causes light and heat to radiate from the sun and other stars. If so, then the entire universe will become completely dark after the present hydrogen supply in stars is consumed in about 20 billion years. William A. Fowler (1965) believed that essentially all the hydrogen in the universe "emerged from the first few minutes of the early high temperature, high density stage of the expanding Universe, the so-called 'big bang'. . . ." Moreover, the background energy of the universe was thought by some to be "relic" radiation from the "Big Bang."
[0051]  To accept the Big Bang idea that all the stars in the universe originated at the same time, it was necessary to disregard the fact that most stars are much younger or older than the supposed age of the one-time event, which indicates that their energy must have come from a recurring source. The Big Bang is entirely dependent on the idea that the whole universe is expanding, which stemmed from the interpretation that Hubble's red-shift with distance from the light source represents a Doppler shift of receding stars and galaxies. This expanding-universe interpretation was shattered by William G. Tifft (1976, 1977), who found that observed red-shifts are not spread randomly and smoothly over a range of values, as would be expected from the Doppler shifts of a vast number of receding stars and galaxies. Instead, the observed red-shifts all fall on evenly spaced, quantized values. 
[0052]  Moreover, Shpenkov and Kreidik (2002) determined that the radiation temperature corresponding to the fundamental period of the orbital electron motion in the hydrogen atom of 2.7289° K. matches the measured temperature of cosmic background radiation of 2.725°±0.002° K. This represents perpetual zero-level Larmor radiation from interstellar hydrogen atoms dispersed in the universe. So, Helmholtz's idea that "the energy in the universe is a fixed amount immutable in quantity from eternity to eternity" does not stand up to known facts. 

Who is pro Helmholtz theorem,who is contra,after scientifical  facts listening ?
Das ' von' posthum aberkannt ,Scharlatan !

Spiral,whirl,vortex,helix,...... virtual

Now with capacitive coils !?

The magnetic force radiated from a magnetic material is normally proportional to the size of the material and therefore is indirectly proportional to the weight of the material. It has been observed that the repulsion force between two magnets is large enough to repel 500 times their own weight. That is, when two magnets weighing one pound each are juxtaposed to each other, a repulsion force of 500 pounds is created between them to drive the magnets apart. Such high repulsion force is particularly found in magnetic materials such as strontium ferrite alloy. The repulsion magnetomotive force is useful for driving the piston of reciprocating devices.

compared axial/tangential force/weight ratio    http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/2magpup.htm

Remembering to studied this Kiniski application in the 90' it is interestant who cited this document and improved probably the process later :


digitalcommons.uri.edu › cgi › vie...11.09.2020 · Gauss's law is a general relation between electric charge and electric field. • In electrostatics: Gauss's law is equivalent to Coulomb's law

[0032]    The operation of the mechanism will now be described generally and with reference to the relative strengths and directions of the mutual attractions and repulsions for the magnets performing the primary functions of the invention. In general, the magnetic attraction/repulsion forces between any two magnets is provided by Coulomb's law which states that the magnitude of the force of interaction between two point charges is directly proportional to the scalar multiplication of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distances between them. The following equation provides a scalar mathematical representation of the attractive or repulsive for force F according to Coulomb's law:

[mathematical formula]

[0033]    Where q1 and q2 are the magnitudes of the point charges, r is the distance between the point charges and ke=1/4πε0. A detailed explanation as to how an accurate evaluation of the sum of all point charges, say for example on one actuator magnet, is beyond the scope of this application. However, computer models can be used to calculate and provide a sum of the surface integrals for each magnet in the overall system at each point in time to arrive at such a complete mode. Thus, the description below will focus on a high-level evaluation of the overlapping magnetic field lines to describe the operation of the present invention as it pertains to magnetic field interactions.