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Magnetic, And, Gravity, Motor, Update, And Notes

Started by guest1289, March 29, 2017, 06:50:27 PM

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Quote from: gotoluc on May 09, 2017, 08:57:36 AM

Hi Chet,

Larskro wrote this in the videos description box (first thing below video) you need to click show more to see it all.

self running devices are a fake, they CAN´T run. This magnetmotor is a replication of a Gravimag magnetmotor. I want to start a discussion . I am so tired of all the videos that declares - self-running engines, magnetmotors, free energy devices, overunity power, vacuum energy, selfpowering, gravity motors, perpetual motion free energy, etc. - Do not be fooled by these videos. Nothing will work without input of energy. There can never get more energy out than coming in. This is a fact. This is a law of nature. Everlasting machines can never run. Do not waste your time with replications of such things. Sorry for your energy dreams. Free energy comes from the SUN and wind.It is my opinion. Have a good day. Larskro

and in the below comments a youtube user aviatrix2 posted a good explanation of how it works.

He's just spinning the shaft with one finger from below.  Watch him squeeze it tighter when it starts.

A good guess since the shaft is so long

Kind regards


Back when Mh was encouraging others to build fake motors 'for learning purposes' larskro had a simple motor with 2 coils wound on hex bolts mounted in a base with a magnet rotor an led and reed sw.  I was a little intrigued and began questioning him on it. And Mh sure enough joins in. Thats what when i thought maybe Lars was one of his recruits. lol

So larskro finally gave in and said there was a battery inside one of the coils by laying a AAA batt next to the motor.  The battery was too big to fit what was shown. I asked him to show the battery that was actually inside the coils and he would not show it. Then he drew a circuit that couldnt work as a pulse motor. Then he redrew the circuit again and it had issues. ??? :o Then Mh went on to describe the circuit saying that the led was only getting its power from the battery not the coil collapse current as his own drawn circuit wouldnt allow that. Then I freaked. What the heck is really going on here? The guy that built it cant describe the hidden pulse motor circuit, twice,  nor provide an accurate battery size designation yet kept specifying it was a fake. And then Mh is simply stating that the led is being lit by a 1.5v battery of which cannot happen on its own. So it all had me sucked in due to the mass of terrible info given all to the point of me thinking, maybe its a real self runner. Otherwise why all the dodging and misinfo splattered all about.  Mh and I both got put on Mod for the arguments of that time.

I dont care for the attitude of guys like larskro. There is enough fakes out there that nobody needs to do it for years to further beat it into peoples heads. And MH at the time was actually recruiting others to do just that!!  Why why why? ??? I know many people that dont have any technical knowledge, yet they have ideas on free energy. The simplest kinds that we all know dont work so far but they have a general idea. And if there is FE out there, Id rather not have peoples minds deliberately molded to the 'it cant happen' mindset when really we just dont know for sure yet.



  So the


   magnet-motor was not genuine .

   And the last post indicates that  'no'  magnet-motor  has ever worked, which would include my designs.

   Even if someone now posts to say that some magnet-motor's  have worked,  they will have no way of proving it satisfactorily,  so it's probably a waste of time saying either way

   And what about  All-Permanent-Magnet-Full-Levitation, you've got two of the most reputable members on this site stating they achieved it at home,  one even built it as a successfully-functioning-bearing  ,  and yet no one posts any pictures,  could it be for the same reason why no one posts proof of functioning  magnet-motors 

QuoteThe only thing like that I know from Tesla is his "Magnifying Transmitter" Patent. Professor Turtur tried to replicate it, but stated the gain is in the 1000th of the actual sender energy, and, Turtur has problems with his reputation. But then again, being a professor researching in the OU field does ruin ones reputation quickly anyway.

   Sudden stupid thought( I have not yet googled or read anything about Tesla's  "Magnifying Transmitter" ) ,  what if the Tesla  "Magnifying Transmitter"  used the earths-atmosphere  or  Aether  as  a  'Secondary-Coil-With-Core'  and the effect is intended to  propogate/increase with distance( for-example,  propogates/increases from air-molecule to air-molecule,  or from aether-particle to aether-particle ),  although I'm guessing that for whatever reasons it 'may-?' not  'all' have worked as well as intended
   -  It could have been a variation of my idea
   -  So it would have been at a very specific and high-frequency( maybe an unusually very high frequency )
   -  Keep in mind,  that it turns out that most-?/many-? things do not have just  'one'  RESONANT frequency,  they have many-? or is it numerous-?,  or maybe within a frequency-range or ranges it might be hard to find frequencies that are not their resonant-frequencies   

   Have you ever thought of moving to some sort of warmer climate,  I know cold weather is great for letting your creativity/inventiveness  run at top-speed because you've got natural-cooling from the environment,  but life is usually so difficulty there you're potential usually goes to waste and amounts to nothing,  in other words you achieve nothing( not just in overunity ),  unless your circumstances/affluence are already higher than average( in which case they are often high achievers )
   (  I tried moving north last year,  but was quickly informed( I can't find a better term at the moment ) that that was not an option for me,  ironically,   if I would have moved to a country north( from where I live now ) at any time prior to  November-2008,   I would have had 'no'  'significant'  problem in living there . 
      A second reason why I tried moving north last year was to see if I could move into more productive/different circumstances,  since reasons why I am so unproductive( low-achiever ) are not what they seem, or a bit too hard to explain or be understood,  even though they are so simple )


   On the subject of antigravity, or propulsion

   Posting my post :


   from the other forum,  onto here :

   Capacitor Propulsion in a high-vacuum :

    And,  in a lower vacuum :

    They say it is very difficult/costly to replicate the same vacuum as space, on earth,  so why do they not just test this Capacitor-Propulsion  and others up in space,  maybe because it might work

     The tests above may indicate indicate it is not( or not the same as )  ion drift or ion wind being generated in air

    It may work because of one of the examples in the  Faraday-Paradox( there is a wikipedia page for the  Faraday-Paradox ).
      If  you  spin a   Disc-Shaped-Magnet( near  'nothing' else ),  an  electrical-current  will be generated onto the magnet,  and can be collected from the magnet.
     It works because  the  magnetic-field of the   Disc-Shaped-Magnet  does not spin with the magnet,    in other words the magnetic-field  stays stationary and causes friction( induction ) with the  Disc-shaped-Magnet  which generates an electrical-current onto the magnet.
   So the magnetic-field  is ?  made up of  Aether or stationary-? particles sitting in a grid/lattice pattern in space.

   Therefore it is possible  Capacitor-Propulsion could be pushing against Aether or stationary-? particles sitting in a grid/lattice pattern in space.

   The webpages below do not mention any tests carried out in space

   The following quoted text is from my post :
QuoteTesla had stated somewhere  that the  source of the energy from his overunity? invention( was it one of his inventions related to this ) was  not  'electromagnetic' ,   that makes me wonder if the source of the energy from his overunity? invention  was  'gravity',   that his  Solid-State-?  invention converted gravity to electricity,   
        -  Is it possible he visually confirmed this by observing an  anti-gravity-effect

    And, if a  radio-receiver-device was to be  funneling energy from a  radio-transmitter-device as described on  http://amasci.com/tesla/tesceive.html  ,    would there be a physical pulling force between them,    for-example,     if the  receiver-device   and  transmitter  were on free-floating boats,  would  they move toward each other,   either like an artificial version of gravity,    or,   as a possible alternate explanation of how gravity works,   if so,   then could this be an idea for producing  anti-gravity

    That could be another method of anti-gravity,  emitting a field that is in resonance with gravity but somehow out of phase with it,  or should it be completely synchronised/in-phase with gravity

   The following quoted text is from the same post :
QuoteHowever,  keep in mind, that there seems to be 2 different  concepts in this topic :
     ( 1 ) - You emit a radio-signal( same amplitude and frequency, but offset phase,   as the target  radio-signal), to funnel the  radio-signal from the  target-transmitter into your device to  gain  the energy
     ( 2 ) - Your equipment funnels in the  radio-signal from the  target-transmitter by a method other than 'emitting a radio-signal'  ,   so your device can gain the energy,  I assume this would be the most difficult method

    So number ( 2 ) method may-? be a method of anti-gravity without needing to emit a field,  and may be be different to  gravity-shielding,  I think it is mentioned on :
     That  webpage above is where I became aware of number ( 2 ) method, and it makes no reference to gravity,   except for a link  your can find by searching for the  text  "gravitation"

    So I just made some assumptions/theories from that page


     Still on the subject of anti-gravity, or propulsion .

     I had thought that  Tesla had either found a  solid-state  method  way to turn gravity into electricity,  and or that he had discovered an anti-gravity( or propulsion ) effect related to this.
     I was probably, or possibly wrong.

     Tesla famously said somewhere,  that  wireless  waves/transmission were  not  'electromagnetic' ,  rather that it was actually  'sound' in nature.
      (  I wonder if he actually said,  or meant to say,  that it was  'like' 'sound' in nature  )

      Sound-waves are described by science, as mechanical,  a wave made of the compression of the medium in which they travel.

      And yet I remember reading in more than one source,  that some people do actually regard  sound-waves  as being  'part of the electromagnetic-spectrum',  or 'somehow'  'part of the electromagnetic-spectrum'.
       -  I assume that a  sound-wave  does actually carry an amount of energy,  so maybe that is why some people can fit it into their version of the 'electromagnetic-spectrum'.

      And as far as I know, gravity, or  gravitational-waves  are also somehow described by science,   as mechanical,  a wave made of the compression of the medium in which they travel. 
     Obviously I assume it's more complicated than that,  or that a definitive answer is not actually known.

   Applying the 'broken-symmetry-of-sticky-points' in  my Magnet-Motor-3.5,  to the designs of :
     - The Bessler-Wheel
     - A  Spinning-Generator

    The Bessler-Wheel( using the 'broken-symmetry-of-sticky-points'  principle in  my Magnet-Motor-3.5 )
    -  Note : I am assuming  the  Bessler-Wheel  contained no magnets,  and for this idea I am  'not'  including any magnets.
    -  I wonder if a possibility of how the  Bessler-Wheel  functioned was that it had  more  than  one  'row' of  'identical-devices'  hidden inside  the wheel ,   all  on the same shaft .
       The  result would be that the sticky-points from one  'row'/'wheel'  would  actually  help another   'row'/'wheel'  to get  past it's own sticky-points,  and if you have enough   'rows'/'wheels'  on the same  shaft,  the whole shaft should spin as  freely as if there were  'no'  'rows'/'wheels'  on the  shaft( only the weight/inertia would be noticed ).
       I  'may' see a difference here to my  'Magnet-Motor-3.5' ,  because in this  'Bessler-Wheel'  idea  I  think  I 'may' see that the  propulsion-forces  would be affected by this set-up  where as in my  'Magnet-Motor-3.5' I don't think the propulsion-forces  would be affected .   
       It does have some significant differences to my 'Magnet-Motor-3.5',  so I don't know if this guess of the 'Bessler-Wheel' is valid.

    A  Spinning-Generator( using the 'broken-symmetry-of-sticky-points'  principle in  my Magnet-Motor-3.5 )
       - Generators( and electric-motors ) have cogging-torque, sticky-points that can be noticed when the device is not powered.
       - So, my-? idea( I assume commonly known ) is   'simply'  to put multiple generator-wheels  on the same  shaft,  but not having the coils from the different generator-wheels  aligned  with each other,  rather,  that they are completed  UNALIGNED  with each other.
           The  result would be that the sticky-points from one wheel would  actually  help another wheel to get  past it's own sticky-points,  and if you have enough generator-wheels  on the same  shaft,  the whole shaft should spin as  freely as if there are  'no'  generator-wheels  on the  shaft( only the weight/inertia would be noticed ).     


QuoteA  Spinning-Generator( using the 'broken-symmetry-of-sticky-points'  principle in  my Magnet-Motor-3.5 )
       - Generators( and electric-motors ) have cogging-torque, sticky-points that can be noticed when the device is not powered.
       - So, my-? idea( I assume commonly known ) is   'simply'  to put multiple generator-wheels  on the same  shaft,  but not having the coils from the different generator-wheels  aligned  with each other,  rather,  that they are completed  UNALIGNED  with each other.
           The  result would be that the sticky-points from one wheel would  actually  help another wheel to get  past it's own sticky-points,  and if you have enough generator-wheels  on the same  shaft,  the whole shaft should spin as  freely as if there are  'no'  generator-wheels  on the  shaft( only the weight/inertia would be noticed ).   

    Edit : The site went down as I pressed to post this post
              ( I assume people had already thought of this before I posted it )

    I think that some people claim that this theory cannot work,    because when each coil( with or without a core ) is pulsed,    it instantly becomes an   electromagnet,  which temporarily 'sticks' to the magnet( or electromagnet ),   so that this  becomes a secondary set of sticky-points which would cause this theory to fail.
      But I think this theory would / may still overcome this  secondary set of sticky-points( made of electromagnets ),  just the same as the first set of sticky-points.

    I do not actually read posts on this site anymore, so I don't know if anyone has already posted the following idea.

    I have another version of this idea/theory,  and that is that instead of using  coils( with or without cores ),  it would use  Radially-Designed-Electrophorus's  all  offset from each other but sitting on the same shaft.
    This idea would  use  Permanent-Electrets like those used in  microphones.
    (  obviously  electrophorus's  still  have that very strong sticky point when you are lifting the plate up from the electret,   but they  do not additionally  become  electromagnets ,   so,  they only have one set of sticky points.