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the Seesaw Newton Motor

Started by blochee, December 10, 2006, 06:44:04 PM

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I have attached the the following text as a .txt file.

  The Seesaw Newton Motor - uses "self-sufficient propulsion"

-- I am very aware that you will all not believe that this invention will work until it is complete.  I am at the stage of making stronger electromagnets.  When I have finished I will post with video on youtube so you can all see it. --

Devices that use "self-sufficient propulsion" work on Newton's law that "every action has an equal and opposite reaction."  The idea is to harness the "action" and eliminate the "reaction", or convert the "reaction" into useable energy.  Thus, within the device, the "reaction" is lost allowing the "action" to propel the device.  All devices that use "self-suffiecient propulsion" work without affecting the environment.  That is, they don't need a road to push off of like cars, they don't have to push air like planes or spew out gases like space shuttles.  Thus, they get the name "self-sufficient propulsion" because they are self-sufficient.  In other words, you can put a box around the entire device and the box would move, and nothing would enter or exit the box, and the device itself wouldn't react with the environment that comes inside the box.  It only reacts to the environment in the box, which it creates, which it uses to propel itself.  Devices that use "self-suffiicient propulsion" would look like UFOs if they are strong enough.  (I propose that any device that uses self-suffiecient propulsion should have the name "Newton" added to its full-name so that we remember how it relates to Newton's law.  I will use that convention here; whether this convention should be followed is debatable.)  The idea of "self-suffiecient propulsion" will have a lasting effect on transportation (especially in space exploration).

=-=-=-A) The Seesaw Newton Motor=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Top view:

  M1a---M2a   <--front
    \                          /\
     \                         ||
      o       <--seesaw        ||
       \                    forward

  M1b---M2b   <--back

Ideally, "M1a", "M1b", "M2a", "M2b", "m1", "m2" are all electromagnets.  (Some of the electromagnets can be changed into permanent magnets where it is deemed fit.)  "M1a", "M1b", "M2a", and "M2b" are fastened to the base, while "m1" and "m2" are connected to a "seesaw" whose pivot ("o") is connected to the base.  (It is possible to construct this without the back electromagnets.)

The way this invention works is somewhat hard to explain.  Here is a simplified version:

When "M1a" and "m1" are nearly touching an electric current is sent through "M1a", "M1b", and "m1".  "M1a" should repel "m1" while "M1b" should attract "m1".  Thus, both "M1a" and "M1b" will experience a force in the forward direction, while the seesaw swings around bringing "m2" close to "M2a".  As "M2a" and "m2" are close now, an electric current will pass through "M2a", "M2b", and "m2".  "M2a" should repel "m2" while "M2b" should attract "m2".  Again, the electromagnets connected to the base, "M2a" and "M2b", will experience a force in the forward direction while the seesaw swings back to its starting position to repeat the cycle.  Since all the electromagnets that are connected to the base experience a force in the forward direction, the entire device will be propelled forward as the seesaw keeps swinging about.  Notice that the seesaw does *not* rotate, it simply moves back and forth, like a seesaw. 

It should be noted that as the seesaw swings about, a bit of the "backward" energy of the electromagnets on the seesaw will be conveyed to the base via the pivot, thus slowing down the entire device.  That loss of speed, though, is negligible.

The above explanation of the workings of the Seesaw Newton motor is incomplete.  One must understand the following:

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  The main idea of the Seesaw Newton motor is to harness the "action" by converting the "reaction" into useable energy.  When the front electromagnet, back electromagnet and the electromagnet on the seesaw are activated, the front and back electromagnets experience a "positive" force by being forced forward.  The electromagnet on the seesaw, however, experiences a "negative" force as it moves in the backward direction.  One must get rid of the "negative" energy of the electromagnet on the seesaw.  If the "negative" energy is not rid of, then it will somehow be transferred to the entire device, thus not allowing the device to gain velocity and move forward.  The Seesaw Newton motor does not only get rid of the "negative" energy, it in fact uses it to propel the device further.  Consider the following scenario: a Seesaw Newton motor at rest, and set-up similar to the diagram above.  Now, let us initiate a current through "M1a", "M1b", and "m1".  The electromagnets on the base ("M1a" and "M1b") will experience a "positive" force by being forced forward.  The electromagnet on the seesaw ("m1"), however, will experience a "negative" force by being forced backward.  However, at the other end of the seesaw, the electromagnet ("m2") seems to be approaching the front electromagnet ("M2a") and receding from the back electromagnet ("M2b").  Thus, at the other end of the seesaw, when those electromagnets are activated, the repulsive force between the electromagnet on the seesaw and the front electromagnet will be greater, thus propelling the device further forward.  Also, at the other end of the seesaw, when those electromagnets are activated, the attractive force between the electromagnet on the seesaw and the back electromagnet will be greater, again propelling the device further forward.  The fact that both magnets ("M2a" and "M2b") experience a greater forward force is due to the initial "negative" energy of the electromagnet on the seesaw ("m1").  Thus, both the "action" and the "reaction" are harnessed to propel the entire device forward.  Thus, in a sense this invention is more effective than a space shuttle because it harnesses both the "action" and "reaction", unlike a shuttle which only uses the "action".

If both "action" and "reaction" are to be harnessed, one must ensure that the electromagnets on the seesaw should not hit either the front electromagnets or the back electromagnets.  That is because any collision will slow the forward motion of the entire device.  One must avoid collisions by ensuring that the electromagnets are activated such that the seesaw never has a chance to collide.  Thus, input sensors would need to be used to calculate the speed of the seesaw so that the electromagnets can be perfectly timed to avoid collisions.  By avoiding collisions, both "action" and "reaction" are harnessed.

Notice that for this invention to actually move the electromagnets must be very strong and the entire device must be light.  Otherwise, the device will stay in the same spot and just wiggle about instead of moving.  In any case, this invention can definetely compete with devices that use ion propulsion.

Also, the entire Seesaw Newton motor can (with a battery) be put into a box and the box would move without interacting with the environment outside the box.  Thus, we say it moves using "self-sufficient propulsion".

Dec. 10, 2006


i believe the term you are looking for is "inertial drive".

Good work and there is a lot of potential in these ideas. It turns out that it is a highly efficient means of propulsion, though a bit on the jerky side .. might be a bit like bunny hopping your self across the universe.. make sure you pack the puke bags when you take it for a spin ;)

Good Luck

Dean McGowan