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Alternative Partnered Output Coils and Free Energy

Started by Raycathode, April 03, 2020, 12:14:05 PM

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Lanca do you speak English [not making joke or...?] serious question , I would like to discuss an open source project here and resources?
sorry for confusion...
Chet K
Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


Hello Chet,yes I do also speak *face to face* with real people f.e. tourists here coming and going-straights Santiago de Compostella,doing their pilgrim,St.Jacob-Kathedral there,one Apostel.

Really seldom in the last years speaking by phone,the must-to-do I did 15 years before,phoning to companies at US west and east coat,also Florida and Michigan,besides USA also with australian inventor,near Alice Springs.

For greatest evolution I see one open source project relatively cheap and fast available :

based by Genrich Altschuller (and Rafael Shapiro) their research and comparison and as result statement,that in the Ninetees from the last century 95% from all human  needs resolving problems were by technical developments ready available,
it is time now to realize this potental of *Human Intellectual Heritage* to spread out worldwide :
by simple usefull patents and habilitation-/promotion-*master-piece* as abstract this=the mosaics translate by

1. 2d scanner into 3d digital virtual body,
2. this all then as heritage-3d-C.A.D.(cata)-log/net-archve ! Net-wide download-able,or as Memory-storage.

This C.A.D.-information by freeware or share-ware like Turbo-CNC to 3d drill(cheap homedepot drill/turner/mills with CN.C.-automatization-kit ,f.e. www.cncmasters.com/ more than 20 years before : Max-CNC )/printer !

Do not worry,*Confusion* by New Order is me not unknown and the song well appreciated  ::)

Other kind of *real life confusion* also not,but what us not destructs makes us *harder*

Answer kind from my side depends often from question/s underlines,the small and  not written undertones

But as I wrote before,for great phone-calls and/or *great project planning and organization*actually I see here not a real development urgency/emergency !
Step-by-step with safety progress !

Others can ever participate by environmental conditions and human mental and corporal health optimizing development and for this the several  projects,beginning with *Modelling*/Vision/Image:before= is/after=will be !


p.s.:should orthographic errors become find I donate these to the finder !
Working with *thick fingers*with a sensor-field tablett is awesom  :P Specially for eye glas wearing user :-X


Lanca Thanks for reply
The open source Community can use such thick fingered eye glass wearing button pressers ..especially Bilingual smart fellows.. with your experience and skill set.
The world gets smaller every second...and certain needs grow just as fast..and now the future is a whole big "unknown".

this Open source project is a work in progress ...I would love to speak some time... hopefully soon.Thx Chet

Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


Smart we all have to be,Chet :

to reach the level to get conscious and alm(a)
to reach out what the JHS, a Sociedade Jesu,calls : opus deii (open source project in action meaning)

to get the balance right (also title from DM better known as Depeche Mode)

dignes et agnes ,profan in german Wuerde(law) und Buerde(law order execution)

        AGNES DEIUM has nothing to with " Lamm/sheep Gottes" but FROMM,FROEMMIGKEIT
      in arabic writing/speaking countries " I'slam" called,orthodox (not ultra -)

                        german : HINGEBUNG,DEMUT

a german author ,Gerhard Hauptmann,wrote metaphorical : Der Richter und sein Henker(2 in 1)

We all have to emphaize what our work means and what will become the consequence/s for some/all/the total future

            ACHT'UNG and AECHT'UNG :  THE BAN(N),BULLA (Canossa,Busze)

vale/weight it,Chet,quantitative and qualitative :how many Gram difference in mass weight is the weight difference between both expressions ?

    And what does this in our real World means : mene,mene,tekel-decision ?

          gesagt/getan  spoken and maded  theoria/praxis

Torricelli,Gallileo Gallilei,James Watt and many others,the Royal Academies of Sceces,the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institute,later becoming named MAX Planck-Forschungs-Institute-Gemeinschaft .
Helmholtz,von Leibnitz,Steinbeis,Fraunhofer : R&D *creme de la creme* from/in Germany,Europe,global !
Integrated in internatioal networks,TARGET/ZIELSRBEIT

"BILDER DER WISSENSCHAFT"  and "spectrum"  as well informing literature for the industry and commerce and policics

MEISTERERK or  TAND - von und  durch und bei Menschen HAND

GERMAN internal KABBALA,metaphysical horusscope

Are they working out the "opus deii" for all,only for"Illuminati",do externals understand by skills what they are doing,by individual or social interest/s ?

  mene,mene,tekel: Ethik-Kommission and Der Staendige (inter-/nationale Sicherheits-) Rat

Vernunft and ULTIMA RATIO :

how much time for working out  decision and their consequences ? Ultimatum/Moratorium ?

"Fallbeil~ Damokles-Schwert/Sword"-decision ?

    Equity  &   Law : with potential and capacity richdom : which barrers and limits fo each one of us total :

     only 1 Planet Earth for all,a must to reach other our solarsystem constitutingg planets for resources exploration  ?

We saw in the last two months how the governments global acted,
with and by several different methods,related a so called viral epidemy,then alert case level increased by WHO "pandemy" :
estatal catastrophe/emergency plan ?

miseria/calamitas : are many estates not in "emergency case",illiquid and instructural chaos,soon since decades before Coronaviriae in action(and existence)  !

Billingual ~the North-American Indios spoke also from"Doppelzuengigkeit ~ snake= lie/lyer

First think(Richter,ricten,ustieren,iustitiare ,then decide ( Werk ausrichten ~ henkern,executare)

         3 POWER social (~ AC voltage/currere P,Q,S) juris-/legis diction and execution

Do we all work by the same language,by the same meaning transformable in images/pictures ,for the same Vision and direction for our future and the World population and the Planet in total?

  Brave New World ? (Both,Aldous Huxley and George Orwells warnings ? More Franz Kafka  Der Prozess ?)

Only small Gedanken,feather-light

How much WAR ,civil, is in FREE ENERGY applied ? How much "Social Distance" ?

Look for : Deutsche Demokratische Republik : democratic ? By begin,later ?why ?

Te greatest democracy on Earth : India ! Democracy,Hindi- no muslims - ?

The modernst democracies in North-America : Canada,U.S.A ,the indigene population ,how treated ?

Constitution,wrights and rights and richdome  " white ( or pig-rosa) Herrenrasse only " ?

How much Parias,semi-/slavery do we need for our society system,to feel us democratic treated,included exported slavery,to get cheap imports  ?

Exported enviromental damages,cause we in our well established overpopulated countries wish "geen-peace",to the other"green-war" ?!

Do the "green-warrior"nations need 30 years health and ambiental destruction experience ( Rio/Stockholm U.N. green planet conferences,Club of Rome1972) for 2050 only begin for "Um-/Weltschutz-Gedanken"

Erst "Bauch",dann (eventuell) "Gehirn"(Vacuum )einschalten ?

The problem with "bilingual" is today our "social bi-polarity"(political Schiezophreny) and with this :

Paranoia not to be more in artificisl rankings to find themself in the TOP3,TOP 10,...

Probably by QuantumComputering and human neutral evaluation some will get "digit neuronal results":



   inflat/e-and deflat/e-able societies and their economies

Vernunft ~ racio, is racio sometimes/often brute/rough  ?

                                                                             win/win  win/loose  loose/win  loose/loose

Eigenwort,interne Selbstbetractungen und Fragen : Antwort,individual sozial Teil-/Gesamtheit

                             ~  Set-point


p.s.: the new culture"New Wave"-generation in the 80' has shown much spirituality in their outfit ,much "reliqii ?"

          What rest(e)s ?

Thomas de Aquino question about  heavens loan/earnings for orthodox living during "living on earth" !?

Paraiso/Paradis/Paraise is only a phonecian(Phenike expression for "Garden",another "Eden" idem Garden in englisch,

destroying the real existent Garden -The Earth- and praying about and for "heavens paradise" ; ?

Garten  in german Garden in english -Yard(en) as field - Jardim in portugese -Acker as field - Acre as field expression

                                   agere ,Infinitive           ager ,Latin Nominativ              agro ,Latin Akkusativ

                                                      HEAVEN IS EARTH ,with culture agieren


How good and actualized is your knowledge,your house bibliotheque,literature archive ?
Do you apply this standart ,2020 Standart,included or excluded 2019 "Ampere unit definition change" ?
You work with electric circuit ?
As Free Energy device ?! Unidirectional ? Or bi-directional = reversible process !?
I see some writing "Ohm" related and the "Ohm"his counterpart ? Who are you all mental fishing ,in deserts ?

              SIEMENS as Physics unit

What kind of electric circuit ?
That kind where you have to study cause you need it to understand and to apply this for experimental prototyping or at the beginning for virtual -digital - modelling :

Josephson-Effect,  Quantum-Hall-Effekt,Moessbauer Effekt ,von Klitzing Konstante

Parametric generator Mandelstam Papalexi,Le Chatelier-von Braun Theory and the above 2020 Quantum technology phenomens gives answer to "overunity from input-view" and "underunity from -output-view" ,

priority by economy and ecology AXIOM,in german language

       (Not Moray but) Dirac-Sea fishing

Sincerely and a successfull new week wishing