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Started by aether22, December 07, 2020, 11:01:53 PM

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Well, the point of it is that these images are just blueprinnts of designs that are more powerful when made physically.

And the point of that?  It is that this represents a new branch of physics.

But more than that, I am entirely certain that tis is the physics behind Free Energy, Antigravity and more.

I can show you how these principles are involved in various Free Energy and Antigravity experiments.
It actually makes sense of the whole field.

I have for fun included the latest design I have worked on, curious if you feel it and how strong it feels by comparison.
it is based on work by a physicist and might possibly be key to coupling this phenomena to the physical matter.

Would you like me to explain how I believe this can be employed to make Free Energy and Antigravity happen?
?To forgive is to set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner was you.?  Lewis Smedes


Not feeling anything on this pic even though it's almost identical to the one on reddit.
A little too esoteric for me, but if you believe that it could lead to free-energy then I'll give it a read as I'm sure others will also do.


esoteric !? o(c)cult !? oculus : https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=oculos  view free/hidden
human "bios" memory : viewed as computering process

some see   some feel some hear some sense  by re-/marking something,warm or cold  : personal R.O.M. and R.A.M. dependent

                  to wish to repeat a situation                                          to not wish to repeat a situation     

        eternal/permanent/periodic/chronic                          n-/ever         bio-cycles rythmical,24 hour rythmical,lunar cycle,9-month cycle

Motivation and Votivation : what the one make it hot,in-and out-side, an other will let stay "cold,cool" 8) for outside (inside  ::) )
showing "e-motions",hide "e-motions"

Free energy will help to heal the planet earth.
In our disccusion forum www.overunity.com we talk about all kinds of free energy and alternative
and renewable energy systems.

                           free ,mental-espiritual, angular/momentum energy target : lust and faith and trust

       concentration and calm-military"stillgestanden !" , sincere literature f.e. inter/national law books  for defending something/someone       

    or des-concentration-silly-military "ruehren !"   "compact illustrated stupidity"
https://www.madmagazine.com/    f.e. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=clever%26smart
                      German : GEDANKENKINO https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=gedankenkino              ,internal
                                                            to visionalizing       



I feel too much so I can detune something a bit and not notice so much because I still feel it.

Okay, so why don't I try and explain just how this phenomena works with an eye to Free Energy!

So what is this phenomena anyway?  It is the conduction or guiding of subtle energies generally though some channel (wire) but also sometimes in the air around something.

What are these subtle energies?

The predominant one has a right handed helical type spinning quality, it seems to be the disturbance of the aether (vacuum) by the spin field of the electron, this spin field by default is carried by the electron, but can be knocked out.   Note our DNA is right handed and DNA conducts this energy, this is why negative ions are healthy.

There is also a spin field from protons which is left handed, this energy is toxic by itself.  Left handed and right handed energies when they can feely move do so in opposite directions and collide, for this reason a circuit should ONLY have either left or right handed twists and coils.
Also soldiered connections should be ideally twisted and soldiered.

High handed energies are pulled into right handed coils, so what happens is when a lot of electrons begin moving together in a single direction they absorb the right handed spin energy, this is why Tesla and others have said you must stop electron flow or keep it to a minimum.
There are a number of solutions to this, one simple one is to connect the negative pole of one or more batteries to a circuit, leaving the positive unconnected, this biases the circuit.

There are other solutions I will cover later.

So that is all there is, positive and negative energies?

NOPE!  There are neutral ones, but more to the point EVERYTHING exists in and disturbs the aether.
Everything that exists can produce a disturbance in the aether than can be tapped, so everything that exists has an aetheric echo.

So there are aetheric versions of light, of neutrons and neutral atoms, indeed for each element.

The aetheric energy from a dielectric doesn't have any issue with electrons and protons moving in opposite directions because the aetheric energy has dielectric properties, which means the charges are bound and not free to move, so the dielectric energy moves as one thing, but it can be in theory electrically charged and as such so can the aetheric energy from it.

The energy from copper is diamagnetic, and the energy from iron is ferromagnetic, the aetheric energy carries these same properties.

The energy from Copper moves slowly in Copper due to friction from the interaction, but the energy from Copper moves faster in say Iron, because they are different and don't interact as much.     The friction from say Copper energy moving in Copper however does create energy, but it also slows it down.

Another point is that because aetheric energy moves rather quickly, it can jump right out of wires on sharp bends, aetheric energy tends to move in a fluid dynamic manner.

There is also a neutral longitudinal type energy left in a wire once you suck the left and right handed chiral energies out of it, but also there is and I believe it is important, an apparently magnetic monopole type energy.

What electrical components work with this "Aetheric Energy"?

Well first you must note that wire doesn't always work, it depends on so much, for instance aetheric energy can be stored in a capacitor just as electric energy can be, but electric energy can also discharge through a capacitor if the voltage is too high.
So guess what? Aetheric energy can easily be at too high a "voltage" (or the aetheric analogy of it) for a capacitor, while the electrical voltage might be within specs.

But yes, capacitors, spark gaps, amplifiers, transformers, Cockcroft Walton voltage multipliers, many circuits CAN work with aetheric energy and amplify it when they are designed to work with aetheric energy.

So most every electrical component can potentially be designed to be suited to aetheric energy.

But how does aetheric energy become transformed into electrical energy we can use?

This is a big question and I have no definite or single answer to it, but many ideas and observations.
One is that there is often switching or some mix of open and closed circuits with aetheric energy, this switching can be in magnetic or aetheric circuits, yes aether can flow along either type of circuit or both!

Indeed a number of Free Energy circuits have been made which have current flowing along magnetic fields, this would also be very interesting if there were magnetic monopoles as they magnetic current would drive the electron flow!

Another I believe is step flow in a transformer or charging a capacitor of battery.
But more to the point there is I believe something I term processing, which is where electrical and aetheric energies evolve together from say a light or arc and both or at least aetheric energy is re-absorbed into the circuit and again they are e-emitted, I believe that the two become increasingly mixed, hybridized.

Is that all?

FAR from it, one thing that seems to be a strong correlation is that many devices use multiple metals, look at Stubblefield, Keely, Louis Rota and Tesla and Moray.
Stubblefield and Rota both tapped earth energy (wide range of aetheric energy from the earth) and spark gaps (wide range of frequencies) and multiple metals, Stubblefield using buried Copper and Iron bifilar coil and Rota used buried parallel bars of metal, both took time to condition.
Both lit arc lights which produced light seemingly not in a normal way.

Moray according to some diagrams used a large mass of Silver and one of Lead in a manner similar to Rota but above ground.
Keely famously used multiple metals for his aetheric research, his wire being composed of 3 metals.
And Tesla used various metals besides just Copper in several devices in the conductive path.

Each material, each frequency, each energy type (hot and cold, magnetic, radioactive, rotational/centrifugal) creates a different energy aspect and this increases the range traction the current has, the more of reality it affects!

Many devices have either a pancake coil (each different turn represents a different frequency) or square waves (like hitting a bell, a square wave can cause resonances at many frequencies) or tuned frequencies or slowly rising frequencies.
Look at Hutchison with all those frequencies and freaky effects occurring.

You not only want lots of frequencies, you want the air to become energized, this creates energy that wil both pour into the device, but also help contain it, the more energetically dense the environment is (well lit, many EM freqs, ions, ozone, white smoke or mist) the better.

So burn some incense, have a ham radio nearby and bright lights.

Also, sound, mechanical vibration and ultrasound are important, they help to release some rather dense aetheric energy, ultrasound was key in the MRA and also Dan A. Davidson's "rip-off" of the design he patented.
Sound literally shakes the aetheric energy loose, but it doesn't do anything with it, it is a good first step though as long as you have the rest of it in place.

Also there are two principles that are used in many Free Energy devices that are worth noting, one is the C or U horseshoe shape, and the other is a bunch or round wires or pins/nails that have a coil around them, they need to have a definite and identical length for best results and be straight, then you wind a coil around it, this causes interconnections between the elements, old fashioned coils were made this way before laminations which don't demonstrate the effect.

But how do your designs work?

That is what the next message is going to be about if this one gets some positive response.

?To forgive is to set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner was you.?  Lewis Smedes


Aether power (energy) ,wattless power (energy), or
0021]    Auch bei Stillstand des Rotors entsteht kein Kurzschlußstrom, weil der maximale Betriebsstrom durch die Kapazität der Kondensatoren 3, 4 begrenzt ist. Der wichtigste wirtschaftliche Vorteil gemäß der Erfindung liegt darin, daß der kapazitive Strom, der durch die Wicklungen und Kondensatoren 3 und 4 fließt, einen Leistungsfaktor von cos&ggr; = Null hat. Solche Elektromotoren wandeln die elektrische Scheinleistung in mechanische Wirkleistung um

          elektrische Scheinleistung                                             apparent electrical power


p.s. : human use  Perfectionists https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zen
        https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaolin        for       https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shangri-La  -disturber  ::)
                                                       Bhudda*in  ;) Puero-/Per-formance