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Plauson's converter

Started by nix85, April 29, 2021, 01:10:16 PM

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obviously, regular atmospheric electricity refers to collecting ions/electrons
and etheric converting subtler energy forms of which many circle the earth
in all directions into electricity, like markovich


You mean,that there is a difference !

regular atmospheric electricity refers to collecting ions/electrons and etheric converting subtler energy

You  probably know that rectenna devices are mostly encapsuled,e-vacuated sphere and process !

10 mio Watts (translated in heat !) on 1 sqm radiation : how fast do You mean the device would melt,in open atmosphere ! Nano-second !

Question : physical external or/and internal energy conversion !?

Beside ATREE


related " ..... subt(i)ler energy forms .... "  Korpuskel ?





about WIRKLICHKEIT = REALITY  ,elements of reality  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPR_paradox


of course there is a difference

i never heard of rectenna, but now that i googled i see i assumed
correctly it's just a dipole antenna + a diode, like a cat whisker
not sure why you mention that, no overunity there

yea cashmir effect, don smith comes to mind

also james schwartz i mentioned few times on this forum already

i could say various things about ether but it's simplest to just copy paste
the comment i wrote on youtube

To understand this conceptually you do not need complex physical models,
it is explained simply in this 19th century "SF" book, chapter Motion from
inherent energy

If you want more physical explanation you need to first ask yourself how
exactly does God or Self create this primordial soup from which everything arises.

I searched long and wide for this answer and nothing even remotely explains it so
nicely and exactly as this model given to us by people of Iarga. In simple words,
first is imagined unbound vibration of infinite frequency and amplitude, there is
still not time or space.

Then this infinite vibration is bound by secondary vibrations of finite frequency and
amplitude along 6 AXIS OF TIME by 60° angle between nearby axis which creates
a Cosmic Forcefield and framework of 3D space.

Each time axis is oscillating in place, time moves not, fact known for centuries in
occult cosmology, but each universe out of each matter-antimatter universe pair,
like a diode or a sprocket wheel captures just oscillations in one direction, thus
matter and antimatter times diverge, something known even to mainstream physics.


As for gravitational bubbles, best explanation is given in Falling Bodies Theory by
Lloyd Zirbes. Simple and experimentally verified theory of gravity and all forces
based on a simple fact that all bodies falling in the gravitational field extract
energy from the parent gravitational field along the leading edge, that is, equator,
which causes them to rotate, extracted energy thus spiraling around the falling
body to a certain distance (just beyond our moon in case of Earth) and returning
to the poles detecting the void of neutral energy along the axis of rotation.
This same gravitational bubble that sucks everything toward the planet within
the bubble REPELS everything including the parent gravitational field outside
it due to shearing of magnetic lines of force due to C+ speeds in the most outer layers.

Regarding the two components of the Universal Fluid, electric (male) and
magnetic (female) insulated by the G-lines of TIME. Electric lines travel at
what is know as "speed of light" while magnetic lines travel 16,000 miles
per second faster and have proportionally lesser density. It is the same
neutral energy flowing in both of them, there is no polarity on fundamental level.

And finally, what has to be understood is that this magnetic pressure we
feel as gravity has superimposed over it it's polar counterpart oscillating
at 1/3 higher frequency. This great force returning to space would break
the whole planet apart if it's matter was not strictly kept in certain band
of nuclear speed. If nucleus is accelerated beyond certain level it will
become transparent to gravity and will start to resist it's polar opposite.
This can be achieved by mental means as in thousands of cases of
documented human levitation or by treatment by neutral ray which
is the same energy trapped in all secondary forces with only difference
being that that in, for example, electricity is orders of magnitude faster
than that in matter. When this force is liberated by disruptive discharges
or scalar interferometry all kinds of unusual phenomena can be produced
like changing the weight or temperature of an object permanently,
complete destruction without any remnants etc.

Key point of how basis for 3D space is created by creating an imaginary
angle between time axis "The angle of 60 degrees could only be created
by an apparent frequency shift maintaining the harmonic vibrations of
the rotating field."

Also, speed of light, density of matter and rate of time flow all increase
x49 for each plane (or octave) above.

And this article about ether is great

special attention to this part

Vitality globules, lifeforces and etheric atoms

Fig. 1. Lifeforce & vitality
According to Leadbeater (1927) the Sun sends out several of forms of
etheric energy, for example lifeforce and vitality. The lifeforce seems to
be capable of occupying several different kinds of etheric form and most
commonly it adopts an octahedron, made of four atoms arranged in a
square, and one central atom constantly vibrating up and down.
Sometimes it uses exceedingly active little molecule consisting of
three atoms. The vitality globule consists of seven atoms, arranged
like the atoms in lifeforce, except in a form of hexagon instead of a
square. In all of these forms the central atom is in rapid vibration at
right angles to disc plane of other atoms, springing up from it to a
height greater than the diameter of the disc, and then sinking below
the disc to an equal distance, repeating this motion several times in
a second.

Fig. 2. Feminine etheric atom
The term "atom" used here refers to etheric atoms. There are two
kinds of etheric atoms, positive (masculine) and negative (feminine).
In the positive atom the lifeforce flows (counterclockwise) from the
fourth dimension to the physical world and in the negative atom the
lifeforce flows (clockwise) from the physical world to the fourth dimension.
The force flows in from the wider end, causing a heart like shape.
It spirals within and around this atom in closed loops. The atom is
spinning upon its own axis and it has a regular pulsation, a contraction
and expansion, like the pulsation of the heart.

The Sun radiates vitality to all levels. The vital force enters some of the
physical atoms, immensely increases their activity and makes them
animated and glowing. When vitality wells up within atom, it endows
it with an additional life, and gives it a power of attraction so that it
immediately draws around it six other atoms which it arranges in a
hexagonal form. These globules are conspicuous above all others
which may be seen floating in the atmosphere, on account of their
brilliance and extreme activity. While the force that vivifies these
globules is quite different from light, it nevertheless seems to depend
upon light for its power of manifestation. In brilliant sunshine this
vitality is constantly welling up afresh, and the globules are generated
with great rapidity and in incredible numbers, but in cloudy weather
there is great diminution in the number of globules formed, and during
the night, the operation is entirely suspended.


so now you know how god creates the illusion of 3d space

from each time axis it appears nearby axis is progressing
at 1/2 it's frequency, altho they are really the same

i wonder is this the only way god can create illusion of 3d space
by this apparent frequency shift

dont get me wrong that i fully understand this mechanism, it
is sure not easy to grasp entirely, there is so much we don't know

i am just referring to this particular mechanism how by defining
that from perspective of one time axis nearby time axis
appears to be at 1/2 frequency, this really is the basis of a 60°
angle, equilateral triangle and tetrahedron, the first 3d structure

"The frequency ratio is determined by the angle between the two
time-axes, as the picture shows. Our time direction is T1 while
another time direction is shown as T2. The time direction
propagating forwards (from past to future) is useful to our
universe, while the backward-moving impulses of the timeleess
wave do not "catch" the rotating field of "our" atoms. Secondly
the time-axis at a right angle (90dg) to our axis T1 does not
make any contribution, we experience this time-axis as non-existing.

As the picture shows, due to the angle of 60 degrees,
'our' atom experiences exactly half the time-speed of
the other time-axis
and this makes the frequency harmonic.
As T1=2 times T2, the result is the simplest harmonic ratio
of 1:2, determined by the angle of projection of 60 degrees
between two time-axes. (Pythagoras' law for right angled triangles)."



another "Aether" description :

In 1982, Iovitzu Popescu wrote that the aether is "a form of existence of the matter, but it differs qualitatively from the common (atomic and molecular) substance or radiation (photons)". The fluid aether is "governed by the principle of inertia and its presence produces a modification of the space-time geometry".[6] Built upon Le Sage's ultra-mundane corpuscles, Popescu's theory posits a finite Universe "filled with some particles of exceedingly small mass (of about 10−69 kg), traveling chaotically at speed of light" and material bodies "made up of such particles called etherons".[7]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_state#Pure_states   time reality and local reality    in search

related local fixed -+ XYZ to flexible -+ Coordination-system Nullpunkt-/ZeroPoint position   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_cone

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_harmonic_oscillator  related CASIMIR ( less : yea cashmir effect, don smith comes to mind )

                                                                                                                                  mental Eigenspin ? ::)

negative Casimir  and positive Casimir effect ?

"hidden ( or virtual) particle-waves" experiment

In a magnetic field that reverses more than ten billion times per second, the structure acts as a mirror for virtual microwaves that moves back and forth at 25 percent the speed of light. If the virtual photons hit this "mirror", they can absorb energy and go from their virtual to a real state.

           apparent white/ apparent black spectrum energy trap


tool : a "repulsive/attractive" magnetic lense/focus ( "fata morgana" : time/locality reality ?)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_mirror



                                 reflection and refraction in real-time and real-local

                              real "cold = under/near 0°K " time/local fusion : effect ?

                                           it is/not          hypo-/anti-/thesis research            to be/not



                           quantum design tools, here rough,for nano-sphere dimension



Both : "citing documents" who works in which branch with which improvement  intentions ?

https://eagleman.com/updates/neosensory-and-the-science-of-sensory-substitution/  to neurosensory


                                            " Gedankenecho " -modulation, "Leitbild"= Ideal model




where is there left or right or front or back or up or down side : from Nullpunkt-view ? Observer position ! Growing or collapsing ?

                                              "......  so now you know how god creates the illusion of 3d space .... "

                           god            as   virtual bodyless  hermaphrodite -WESEN , of 3/4/5/..... dimensional space