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Secrets of Friedrich Lüling

Started by Semi, January 19, 2022, 06:19:02 PM

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Quote from: RhineX on October 15, 2022, 04:22:21 AM
Hello, everyone

Maybe Herbert R. gave some explanations on his youtube


Thank you RhineX,
even Manfred Klug agreed with him.



There was a PCB board with a magnetic rotor
(the one with the small rotating magnets on the corners)
Was supposed to operate by the same principle Lulling is stating.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Quote from: magnetneutralisierung on October 05, 2022, 05:43:59 AM
Habe die Ehre, Forum

Danke an das Universum, dass es euch gibt.
Geborene Genies handeln aus dem Herzen, erzogene Genies handeln aus Interesse.
Der Staub der Zeit wird das erzogene Genie begraben,
das geborene Genie wird von der Menschheit anerkannt und durch das Licht des Wissens am Leben erhalten.
Soviel zu meiner Sichtweise, die auch als Vorstellung meiner Wenigkeit dienen soll.

Zum Thema

(ich benütze die deutsche Sprache, weil es die Sprache Herrn Lülings ist, SCHLÜSSELWORTE/SÄTZE, werden dadurch zielführend, das ,,Geheimnis" (Mangel an Wissen) zu lösen.)
auch einen besonderen Dank an den Menschen der sich die Mühe gemacht hat, das Filmmaterial, mit hoher Auflösung zu digitalisieren, und zielführende Einzelbilder erstellt hat.

Worin besteht unser Mangel an Wissen, welcher ist der Schlüsselsatz, den uns Herr Lüling schenkt?
(schließlich musste Herr Lüling bei der Vorstellung, auch wissenschaftlich, liefern)
nun, Herr Lüling Originalton:
,,Es ist mir, entgegen aller herkömmlichen Kenntnisse über den Dauermagneten, schon 1954 gelungen, Dauermagnete zu neutralisieren."

worin besteht die Lüling Dauermagnet Neutralisierung?
in einer mechanischen ABSCHIRMUNG der Dauermagnete,
--original Ton Herr Lüling:
,,kurz vor dem Punkt wo er ihn (Anker) festhalten will, im selben Augenblick setzt die Neutralisierung der Magneten ein,
sodass der Anker ohne jegliche Rückzugkraft, ohne jeglichen Restmagnetismus, sich herausdreht.

Für den Wissenden ist die mechanische Neutralisierung der zwei befestigten Dauermagnete KLAR zu sehen,
der ANDERE, zieht DEN Dauermagnet zwecks einer Neutralisierung, mechanisch zurück. :)

Fast hätte ich es vergessen,
das geborene Genie, stellt IMMER, ALLES infrage

viele Grüße



If someone here could translate his post...would be great.

Thks in advance

Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci


The following is not very good as it is just a verbatim copy&paste of Google's automatic translation. But it does offer just abit of info:

Have the honor of forum

Thank you to the universe for being you.
Born geniuses act from the heart, bred geniuses act from interest.
The dust of time will bury the bred genius,
the born genius is recognized by humanity and kept alive by the light of knowledge.
So much for my point of view, which should also serve as an introduction to your humble self.

On the subject

(I use the German language, because it is the language of Mr. Lüling, KEYWORDS/PHRASES, become expedient to solve the "mystery" (lack of knowledge).)
also a special thank you to the people who took the trouble to digitize the film material with high resolution and created targeted individual images.

What is our lack of knowledge, what is the key sentence that Mr. Lüling gives us?
(After all, Mr. Lüling had to deliver at the presentation, also scientifically)
well, Herr Lüling original sound:
"Contrary to all conventional knowledge about permanent magnets, I succeeded in neutralizing permanent magnets as early as 1954."

trick question
What is the Lüling permanent magnet neutralization?
in a mechanical SHIELD of the permanent magnets,
--original sound Mr. Lüling:
"just before the point where he wants to hold it (anchor), at the same moment the neutralization of the magnets begins,
so that the armature turns out without any retraction force, without any residual magnetism.

For those in the know, the mechanical neutralization of the two attached permanent magnets is CLEAR to see,
the OTHER mechanically pulls back THE permanent magnet for neutralization. :)

I almost forgot,
the born genius, ALWAYS, questions EVERYTHING

Best regards

magnet neutralization

It would be helpful to have a German speaker who is fluent in both German and English do a REAL translation. . .


Quote from: RhineX on October 15, 2022, 04:22:21 AM
Hello, everyone

Maybe Herbert R. gave some explanations on his youtube



In my view, both videos are just a lot of talk...and no action.
Like we say in English-American..."no meat here"
We can never obtain Mechanical Magnetic Forces Neutralization by having magnets set only on one side of the model.

@Truesearch: Thks for your google translation, is enough to understand it.

And I agree with Member: magnetneutralisierung, as it is basically all about reaching a Mechanical Neutralization point with magnets, then turning OFF Neutralization at the right angles, allowing for the release of forces on the other side, whether attraction or repulsion...I mean, the principle is very basic to understand.

I am working now on a completely new model, based on same principle, except, I am turning On-Off Neutralization at the rotor, NOT at stator like I did before.
And it will be a "self runner"... ;)

I ordered some magnets and working on the required plexiglass sheets.


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci