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Is this the beginning of the end?

Started by onepower, January 13, 2023, 02:22:57 AM

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Quote from: Cloxxki on March 24, 2023, 09:22:29 AM
// near 100% Russian ethnicity right on the border, were ready to declare absolute hate for anything Russian.
even Ukrainian // joined team hate.
Azov committing genocide on // brothers and sisters in Donbass, pretending it was Russia that did all the killing there, reducing the supposed motives to "they suck, they are evil, Putin wants to colonize the world". 2014 was an invastion, then 8 years of war, and THEN supposedly Russia invaded. Wait, weren't they killing your countrymen for 8 years, both the one in Donbass and the UKR military bombing the shit out of it? Ukraine wants to have it both ways.
More ways.
Free dollars to rain on the corrupt leaders, happily to be full on nazis, with the swastika flags open in the streets, no face masks even.
Dollars are the nectar that make them feel like gods.
In my country, there are more homeless people eating from trashcans than ever in my life.
None of them are Ukrainians, they come here and get nice appartments and ample income, they are treated like gods.
While the ideologicals (proverbial) songs they sing perfectly rhymes with the nazi tunes from the 30s and 40s.
//I think I know enough to recognize toxic nationalism that has started to condone genocide.
I felt it, the first time in my live, on Maidan Square.
I feel it, when I speak to Ukrainian immigrants.
Some actually agree with me// So many believe it, love it, thrive on it.// when you're fueled by hate, you can get it anywhere, anytime.
With some propaganda as well explained during the WW2 trials, it gets really easy.

Globalists are a factor,//Hate is their most used and most effective tool. //
See how quickly Germany was able to rebound. //
Doesn't mean I'll be very patient with those who choose hate though.
Wesley with his blind hatred and fear for Russia, it's just sad.
It's so powerful in the likes of him, that we only need to attribute something to a Russian and he'll hate it just for that reason.
What a mighty weapon to wield, hatred for anything Russian, so you only need to put all your crimes in contract to something you
loosely associate with Russia and all critical thought will be foregone.
Steal your wife, say she's needed to kill the Russians.
Steal your kid, say it's needed to feed the dogs you're sending after Russia.
A hate sect has been created, but it's larger than most organized religions.
Even the Russian language and church being banned,
Especially since Russians where the heroes there, all but defeaiting the nazis before the western nations stopped
twiddling their thumbs and came to Normady to plant some flags.//
USA throwing nukes and worse on the softest targets far from home and taking their sweet time to help out
Europe showed that the nazis were not the only evil in WW2.
Those who plant the flags write the history though.
Those who hold the media now control the thoughts of those who are exposed to said media.
It takes a hero to publicly oppose local media or national politicies and ideologies.

grammatical errors:
Donbass, invastion,  nazis, ideologicals, appartments, defeaiting, Normady

I started to make cuts, but gave up.
Here is a point.

I speak Russian better than most of Russians in regions.I was never in Russian Federation.
I learned Russian here from two Russian scientists - my employees.
I have friends in Russia and  I respect  many Russians  very much.

Suppose I talk to a Russian troll or some  Russian troll (despite of his nationality  it could be Serbian too.)
I'm asking him how low he can fall deep into filthy dumpster?
For how much he sales himself , prostituting  his own value without a valid  work license.( Nevada  is different)?
I spend  for a  Starbucks coffee  more than  he makes per day of work.
A  picture of a troll - brainwashed, and feared  looking at some protestors jailed for holding empty piece of paper in
his/her  hands - it is a form of a protest  in Russia the country  of terror.
Due to  the work of a Russian troll innocent people get arrested for 7 or 11 years in jail  just for commenting
in social platform or  YouTube video, marking  "like" or even "smile" icon under someone comment  .
Troll also fabricates non existing evidence, of bend reality of lies. 

Dear Cloxxki all of it what you wrote about me and Ukraine is a lie. All 100%
Tell me  Cloxxki for how much I can buy  a Russian troll?
Is it a value of two Starbucks coffee in New York or  5 of them per day?
How much less a Russian troll makes  per  day comparing to a prostitute in your country  for a full service?
Would you work for me, if I pay you  two times (twice) as much as Russian troll a student makes per week?
I can really afford  it even if  it  cost me more than a hotdog  and french fries  in a fast food in NY.
Average Russian earning per month is  now less than $150 per month  in regions.
In  Papua New Guinea the average is $198 per month.
You can't / (couldn't in 2022) buy dollars in Russia or even withdraw it from your Russian account,- they gave you Russian ruble instead.
-Likely nobody buys ruble in the free world, so official artificial dollar  exchange value is another   Russian trick.( Legally in 2022 you couldn't buy dollars and its black market price was x4 )
In 2022 Russians  were volunteering to kill Ukrainians  in Russian army for  ~$2,614.4  per month,
but in reality they payed them in Rubles and  in average often ~1/3th of that.
In reality according to Russian law if  Russian terrorist killer  dead body was not found  and transported to Russia there was no compensation to the family member 
or money   was stolen  by corrupted system . The total compensation averaged or equals - cost of Russian car Lada ( ~47%  of price of Yugo car)

opinion expressed is my own and it can be adjusted/ corrected :)



Quote from: BorisKrabow on March 27, 2023, 04:39:15 AM
     Okay let's get to work .  I see an interesting technology here and I think that it is necessary to open a new topic in the appropriate section.  It would be a pity if she was forgotten. Perhaps there are great prospects here.

Interesting Gear setup but didnt see enough info or claims of energy in or out

Has anyone watched all of these ?

Whats his prime mover input force?


I think most are intelligent enough to know where the Russian propaganda is coming from...

Trump effect: Republican support for Russia has doubled

QuoteThe results of a recent Gallup Poll make the same point. Since 2014, the percentage of Republicans who consider Russia an ally has almost doubled from 22 percent to 40 percent. Democrats still have no illusions about Russian intentions since there are few Democrats now (28 percent) or four years ago (25 percent) who believe the Russians are our buddies.

Trump was Putin's sock puppet ever since the infamous pee tapes came to light. Supposedly trump was taped with a bunch of Russian hookers in a Russian hotel room which would destroy his image and his marriage. So Russia probably made a deal with trump to bankroll and promote him for president or destroy him.

QuoteThe crossover point according to Gallup when more Republicans thought Russia was friend rather than foe came in March 2015. I don't think it was a coincidence that was about the time Trump became a star on the GOP presidential stage and started his campaign to make his BFF, Vlad, a saint.

What better way to destroy the U.S. from within than to install trump as a communist puppet declaring himself the supreme leader just like his buddy Putin. If trump gets elected again I suspect they would destroy the U.S. and we could see all three super powers (China, Russia, U.S.) as communist countries.

The only question which remains is if the republicans are so brain washed and deluded they would sell out there own country and there freedom just to blindly follow trump. I think they might for a few reasons...
1)The democrats don't worship Biden and most don't even like him that much other than as the elected leader. Biden's just another president like all who came before him.

2)The republicans have declared trump there god and they demand absolute loyalty not to the government but to him alone. They hang on his every word and parrot everything he says like cult followers. As trump implied he could grope countless women or shoot anyone in cold blood in the middle of the street (just like in Russia) and they would still elect him.

How Donald Trump became God

Did Evangelicals Make Trump Their Messiah?

So there is a chance the U.S. could become another communist church state not ruled by laws but pseudo-religion and the word of trump there new god. Over time they could even outlaw all religion other than the chosen one just like china and north korea. It's mind numbing...



Seems people have a short memory just what Democrats did to sell out this country.

I got news for ya, "THEIR ALL BAD!"


another one...  the duel.... It might be a time to make some changes I assume.
Consider  yourself informed.. 
Any opinion is appreciated if voiced, but I don't think - barking at American values is  very informative.
Ask for an assistance of better translator.  Find the difference between an opinion and barking.!!!
By the way in Russia  only few guys per million speak some English or they "have" good  English .... sometimes.
If you want to say something than respond to my previous comment.
Our president  is not  Putin - the criminal kidnapper of over 16000 Ukrainian children hunted by 123 countries
of the world  in order to be delivered
to The Court in Hague.
And Our President was elected  by, and represents American nation  not only Democratic Party...
Got it now?
You don't know yet?
