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(+build guide video) LENR "THOR - Plasmoid Thunderstorm Reactor" Malcolm Bendall

Started by Cloxxki, October 23, 2023, 07:10:28 PM

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Invention by Malcolm Bendall, who is committed to open sourcing this technology.

Various retrofit replications done, ranging from mobile gensets to a 300-400 kW power station.

Malcolm has brought forth a lot of deep underlying theory, a lot of it above most of our heads or beyond our concepts of reality.
In this topic we'll focus on the part that's been put in practice and replicated by various parties (not me).

If you've ever been interested in the works of Nikola Tesla, Stanley Meyers, Wilhelm Reich, Paul Pantone, Marko Rodin and Tyushin Ohmasa, you're going to LOVE this. If you dream of running your genset or car on less fuel, THOR might enable you to achieve just that.

Invention on hands presents in the form of an auxiliary air intake train for an internal combustion engine running on fossil hydrocarbon fuel.

Claims: reduced consumption (less fuel for the rotational energy provided) and a "cleaner" exhaust gas headlining very low carbon (CO and CO2) but high oxygen (O2).
There are now multiple replications where a gasspectrometer reads very similar excaust gas composition across the independent replications.

The "system" is comprised of a number of components we have "seen" before in this context.
A pre-ionizer, a Plasmoid Creator bubbler, and a (GEET-like) Thunderstorm Reactor.
No overunity is claimed to my knowledge, but that doesn't mean it can't be a huge breakthrough in energy technologies.
You are presented here with a GARAGE LEVEL replicable technology, work is being undertaken to make it easy as possible to replicate for those who are serious about giving this a go.

These people are very passionate about LENR Low Energy Nuclear Reaction
Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project
They have numberous videos on the THOR. Malcolm says he spent a week with Fleischman and promised to further and complete his work.

Their member Bob Greenyer's Disqus (mostly posts from E-Cat World) might be a nice place to shop for content

Bob's presentation in Zürich (real time German translation by moderator), with his comments what the technology relates to from earlier and ongoing works of others. Turns out this exhaust gas was seen before on the water fuel research of Osama.
Replication on stage was a one day build, but it works to specification, vastly low carbon and high oxygen emissions.

This is a resource for later use, may contain good info for builders.

This researcher has a lot of great recent content on the technology, theory and replications. He explains the technology and visits replicators. He will soon publish an easy as possible (including all parts numbers) replication manual.Alchemical Science @AlchemicalScience

Quick synopsis (to the best of my present understanding, will update thanks to your corrections/explanantions)
The vacuum from the ICE pulls in ambient air. A low power (3 Watt or so) off-the-shelf UV light (run off alternator or mains) pre-ionizes the air before it's drawn through a water bubbler with filling to create "plasmoids". A GEET-like reactor comprised of concentric pipes (144 inches long or an octave thereof) and two or three concentric spheres (size ratio 2:3:4) have the LENR take place between plasmoids and ICE exhausted gas, through the metal (ideally tungsten?) of the reactor wals. The gasses pass at almost 90º angles through induced counter-spiralling.
Heat is extracted from the ICE exhaust gas to effect the nuclear reaction. After passing though the reaction, inlet gas is sent into the combusion chambers, as I understand alongside ambient air. I'm not sure they ever run it 100% on the THOR intake and fuel, but they may well be.

Carbon (6 protons) is "broken up" and when recombined grouped by 8 protons which is oxygen (hence the sphere diameter ratio?). I'd explain where all the neutrons and electrons go if I understood it better.

With this setup the baseline of good operation apears to be 20% reduced fuel consumption. Double the power for a given hydrocarbon fuel flow is also seen in cases. The exhaust gas is lower on carbon and higher on oxygen under higher loads. In one video I seemed to hear that the hydrocarbon fuel flow is at idling level which the ICE is operating at nominal power, 5 or 10x the expected output.

Ever heard of "star in a jar"? This is closely related to that work, and many others.
According to Bob Greenyer, electrons are clustering into toroids called plasmoids. These toroids links up to form larger toroids and THOSE link up to form larger toroids. A wheel in a wheel in a wheel. Very potent stuff. Ohmasa had an explosion in his lab which killed one of his colleagues. Needless to say (we're talking nuclear here and a good man died...), extreme care is needed when tinkering with his in ways you've not seen done before.

Malcolm's research is broader than this particular work and we may see other elements get the Lego treatment like they do here.

Most unique about THOR today is not that there are anomalous exhaust readings (some GEET builds had that), but that it's relatively easy to achieve these results. Much less finicky that the likes of GEET. More accessible than any "water fuel" I'm aware of. While that's not the focus here, who knows, it might lead there. It's unlikely that when these plasmoids are real, all they are good for is giving climate alarmists exactly what they want: less carbon, more oxygen.

It's all still under development, due to a media leak, the whole project got released a bit early. The inventor wants to do it right.
ADDED: two images I found online to further explain plasmoids, which you may know under different names already
EDITED: Simplified build schematic at the bottom. Details do matter a lot, don't start building off this one.


The wheel in a wheel in a wheel as the core of it all, according to Bob. Not unique to this invention as MFMP has been researching it from before Malcolm stepped forward.
The phenomon was observed, studied, named and applied by various inventors, as it manifested to them across a range of intensities and levels of stability.


For those who want an alternative to Netflix for the next few days:


Refers to the above linked presentation he gave in Switzerland.

You'll learn what questions are being asked, what investigations are done on working replications, and how exhaust gases are being analysed further and under greater scrutiny.
Goes into theoretical workings, possible improvements to materials of a build to produce more or larger clusters, enhance ability to split water.
Sort references to replications being facilitated by parts sharing by the inventor, etc, etc.

The part where hydrogen was observed in the exhaust was actually regarding a baseline measurement, pre-retrofit, which caused some confusion. All still developing. There is room for this forum to add to these works.

In the various comment sections (of course) people are eager to replace the starter fuel for just water, but there isn't necessarily a chemical path to allow that just now. From my little understanding, some energy is freed up by reacting carbon into oxygen and this is making the engine run more efficiently. Carbon atoms are being consumed and DESTROYED for the benefit of (fewer) oxygen atoms. I don't know the chemistry behind it, but dare predict there will be a net loss of mass from protons or neutrons being destroyed. That's at least what physics would expect within adopted models, correct?


(place holder post to post it back on top)

I'll add my present feeling that while the inventor has done amazing work in studying the universe, its constants, its laws and ancient geometries...in some cases with regards to this build I don't see the point. Builders will figure out what's real and what's not.
For the transition from sphere to pike, Malcolm specifies a certain angle which is derived from a certain pyramid in Egypt or the like. I can believe in the signicance of the latter, quite easily. But for that to also be of importance on the former for efficacy of the reactor...that might require some more mind opening on my part.
Since the beginning of time, inventors have broke boundaries while* fully misunderstanding what made their inventions work. While Malcolms deeper observations may well have inspire him to improve on the various works of above referenced legendary inventors, it doesn't mean he's much more correct on WHY it works so well. That may well, as always, be at the mercy of Time itself for judgment.
When someone manages to bring such a work to the spotlight, I'm definitely going to pay attention of their deeper ideas on reality. If he like a certain angle on a component, I can't wait to see a engineer's ideal version stacked up against the geometrically "correct" version, and see what sticks.