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Started by noblefuse, December 11, 2007, 10:15:21 AM

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Quote from: noblefuse on January 22, 2008, 12:15:09 AM
hello gentlemen- i was a bit harsh- but my patience has run out after nine months of using my full time devotion to spread this-as is it not my duty if i fundamentally believe this may help all our lives-- it is not god i anguish over in regards to a full plate- it is my fellowmans faith- i knew by posting such things publically would deter many to look- yet it was meant to be and it is merely a matter of time when laughter/insults/mystery ends and facts begin- this experiment is new- the gentlemen who mentioned the z pinch was on the right track- a dc pulse is part of the story- we all know alternating current made to resonate upon any load is always more fundamental in anything- thus ac wins again for this- it is the combination of high voltage and frequency which will cause the pinch of isotopes- let me try this for an analogy

Here is a thought experiment with Einstein in mind- you are a water molecule-and you live in a lightning bolt- i propose electromagnetic fusion to end the energy crisis

Pretend you are water-you are an oxygen atom- you are stable- you are noble- 8 protons-8 neutrons-and 8 electrons- there are only 5 magic shell nuclear elements of the periodic table- oxygen is one of them- it is very stable-

Therefore- you are stable and noble- now you are this noble one and you have outstretched in your hands a hydrogen atom and or its isotope deuteron and you hold it out to mankind as a gift- a water molecule

Man understands the gift of fusion for many years and is desperately trying to do such-

I propose electromagnetic fusion with heavy water to end the energy crisis- I propose the BENNET pinch used in poloidal currents used in plasmas of tokomaks since the 50?s- but much further-

Here we go ? the thought experiment- you are this oxygen atom with two hydrogen?s and you stand amongst your friends similar in nature. You are placed in a large vessel filled of your kind-now imagine that two walls opposing in this vessel are the plates of a capacitor- who cares what is applied to the capacitor plates (electrodes of system)-for all you know as a noble oxygen and the hydrogen you have in your hands is nothing more than the electric field upon the plates-

You are composed of charged particles- thus you will interact with the applied electric field of the plates-this is common electronics and electric knowledge-

However, I speak of dielectric breakdown- I speak of the lightning bolt- let us now assume we have made the capacitor plates oscillate at 1 million volts peak to peak as way of a tesla coil

Think of the electric field- everything will be controlled by this field- a dielectric breakdown will occur- and all discharge current will begin to flow and oscillate as a function of the applied voltage-

Now- you are in the heart of a lightning bolt- you who are noble as a oxygen probably lost all your valence electrons due to the magnitude of such a high electric field- every charged particle in transit of the discharge current is surely ionized and talks of being a complete water molecule should be erased- the state of this plasma current is nothing more than ionized hydrogen and oxygen and a complete sea of electrons-

Let us think first of the electrons- 1896 times smaller than protons- no question it will oscillate much faster as a function to the applied voltage- remember the cathode ray scope- basic physics also will say this charged particle will also have a magnetic field about itself because of the electric field that has driven it-thus- this oscillating electron current will have an intrinsic magnetic field

Let us now think of the protons- oxygen has 8 and surrounded by 8 neutrons and is far less likely for reaction than isotopes of hydrogen for fusion- this should merely be understood by refereeing to atomic tables of elements and known theory- but this hydrogen is a singly bound proton with mass one- unless we speak of a deuteron- it will also be controlled exactly the same way as the electron is affected by the external applied voltage- however- it is opposite to the electrons motion-and much slower by its mass ? however-its magnetic field will add to that of the electrons- this is standard knowledge of magnetic field generation of charged particles by way of electric fields-

Thus, in this thought experiment- within this state of dielectric breakdown- I like to say the lightning bolt- can you now see the oscillation of the charged particles by such a large magnitude of the applied voltage plates- can you now see the probability at a certain moment in time- particularly when the applied ac signal is greatest- that all magnetic fields of charged particles in transit can have the power to be magnetically pinched-

Magnetics have push and pull- it is well known that high frequency causes a constriction upon electrical currents- whether in copper lines and forcing such to the surface- or in plasma and made use to constrict it - high frequency is known to constrict the currents- thus- do you see the forces I am referring to as this dielectric breakdown has occurred upon the most perfect fuel of the heavens- water- this oxygen atom holds the hydrogen for us- we shall apply a high voltage(high is relative- I have stated 750kv in the vicinity of the hydrogen for fusion- I come to this by way of understanding the beta decay of a free neutron- if it can disintegrate- it can come together- made into a deuteron- then made into helium)-

Thus ?we make helium and oxygen is then unbound and must also be recaptured- this is easy in expansion tanks- the byproducts are helium and oxygen-truly noble-

To increase the q of this system- a simple toroidal magnet as used in tokamaks for plasma control may be used for additional pinching-

I hope this helps- however- you must always think of the applied electric field and its magnetic inducement upon the charged particles- we will stably run the tesla coil upon the dielectric of water itself(more appropriately heavy water) and turn up the voltage for greater acceleration speeds and thus magnetic fields- we can control pressure in this vessel- we can control electrode spacing and so much more-

that is my thought experiment for you to understand it is my intention to use all input energy by way of oscillating a very large electric field which will induce the proper magnetic flux density in units of Tesla for a pinching- not established hot fusion whereby all energy input is chaotic and the probability of fusion comes by way of statistics from a gas equation- no- high voltage and high frequency in an orderly manner by the construction of a man made lightning bolt with controllable parameters inside an existing pressurized nuclear reactor- everything is off the shelf- the world will run on steam power again globally-from trains-factories-ships-and all power plants- i offer the Watt steam engine again- not with two sticks to make fire and boil the water- but electromagnetic fusion with two electrodes to induce fusion of hydrogen isotopes to boil water and make steam- it is absolutely perfect.

To the CEO?s of nuclear power plants-or pressurized coal fired- you have spare reactors in the back yards of your plants- take a 1 million volt Tesla coil and do what I have said- you will measure its fusion reactions and you will say to yourself-hmmmm- I have found the road to safe clean energy.

I speak plain science- please connect the dots and let us end this energy crisis for a world that desperately needs energy- May the light of God shine upon all our actions for the betterment of mankind

Solomon azar


The  way  you  explain  it makes it  seem  almost easy .

It seems to me from what I  understand  about the prosess   is that the tesla coil is  the key to the whole thing

You would need  a very well controled  coil  to  do anthing  consistantly .

I know  that you  said something  about  everthing  on your  tesla coil being  adjustable. 

I spent  some time  a while back  on  some of the tesla coil  buiding  sites .
I didn't  agree with the   guys that  were building  coils there.

What I know about  tesla coils is that they  are  tuned circuits .   
ALL of these  guys  had a   tuned  primary  and a tuned secondary  ........and a  unsynchronized  motorized  spark gap  in between .   
They  all  said that  the   sparks should  be uneaven .........  it  seems to me that they uneavenness   is the  spark gap  drifting  closer and farther from  resonance . 

It seems to me that  to do what you  say ............you would need a VERY powerful  and  VERY  smooth flow  of energy from your coil



Props to you Dogs.  That was very well written.


Your idea:

  • It seems to me that  to do what you  say ............you would need a VERY powerful  and  VERY  smooth flow  of energy from your coil.

. . . I believe is supported by Tesla's turbine.  He explains that (paraphrase) drastic change in a system isn't efficient.  I think you're right on the money with the idea of "smooth flow of energy".


If you really want to share your idea you need to distill the verbal descriptions as much as you can.  Also what would be a great help is if you would draw flow diagrams and pictorial schematics.

Best of luck with it.

mib HQ
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Quote from: noblefuse on January 22, 2008, 12:15:09 AM
hello gentlemen- i was a bit harsh- but my patience has run out - Solomon azar

"Since my discovery
and my absolute belief
I have uncovered the road to safe and clean nuclear fusion- all of which
I have openly disclosed
I have done so by the grace of GOD-
my faith and understanding of the unseen world is as strong as the world of forces we see in front of us-electricity-matter-what we feel and see with our eyes.
I have openly said that since the age of 33
I have received many enlightened words of UNITY from my dear lord- and it was
my two way communication to such an entity that


Beam me up Scotty,



Nanoo Nanoo .. yup .. over and out.


beam me up scotty- he also made a video on cold fusion along with arthur clark several years ago- god rest his soul as he passed-

communication-by the way-nanoo naoo was a good show- i love humor too my friends- and i dont think the topic of god is humorous-i am serious

to all those that would laugh at my dreams and visions- i would say to you- laugh at yours- laugh and insult everything in your thoughts that make you feel that there is something to the big picture-

someone cut a page from my story about the valley of the gods-

i will say this to all who love the movie christmas carol-

in my so called dreams and visions- it was your ancestors that came to me- it was entire spirit world that honored my work and lifes actions to unity and peace-

if you insult that- then you insult your parents-your forefathers- for in my creation- they came to me-not the other way around-

i see the significance in such as this: our ancestors of spirit honored my actions- it will take time for the living- you- to stop laughing-etc-and simply get to heart of the matter- did i find unlimited energy by way of high voltage high frequency- i say i did- i do not want to play tennis with words- buried in my sites i give all information-

let me repeat one as it was asked for- every aspect of coil was tunable- using dc motors from the junkyard-(a century buick-how fitting as it is a century since the ideas of tesla and einstein in which i find this) i built insulated mechanisms to tune each stage-why-

because the heavy water is still a load- it has impedance- it will vary according to various conditions of pressure temp-electrode spacing-etc-

thus-tunable to strike the arc- once set- i increase voltage and measure greater reactions from my gamma ray detector-

i am not westinghouse- i am alone- i hand built all my coils-i use parts from junkyard- and i pray i am right- why- i am the little guy who would not stop- after several bankruptcys and lifes trails- i continued- i pray i am right for not only the benefit of mankind by way of energy- but for the fact any human being- not a corporation may still do the impossible as viewed by others-

i think i did- i wait till me fellowman to stop insulting  me and just be positive for a moment- when you are positive you will see the mechanism i propose-

if you want me to stay in this forum- then be respectful-
