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Ionospheric antenna spanish to english complete translate.

Started by lltfdaniel1, February 16, 2008, 06:32:40 PM

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For one i did not want to spend ages typeing this by hand alone so i used software to convert image taken text into actual text,

translation done by systran premium 6, overall a good enough translation.

Okay the first one is ,the calcudo pdf document,

Translate below,


The present article finally must show in very simple form how it is begun to design an ionospheric system, in relation to the size of the radiator of the antenna, its plate and all the others based on the power to lower or to use.

We suppose that we wished to lower a constant power of 10 MegaWatts real in constant form by this system, or, since we are working with reflections of waves in the ionosphere and its corresponding amplifications in resonance here, the unique thing that is going to us to interest is that the amplification of the waves arrives at a certain level, that is to say, the resonant reflections will cause that the energy of the waves is growing until reaching the wished level, that will be reflected in the increase of the component of electric field and magnetic of the obtained wave, the one that as well, will induce tension and currents between the radiator and the plate or disc of the screening antenna, is due to consider in the calculation that the component of electric field does not have to surpass at least to the dielectric strenght of the air in approx 30 normal conditions that KV/metro is of, because if it is surpassed east value a 10 will have all the power arc discharge between the radiator and the disc destroying itself the antenna, and by the way unloading of Megawatt would destroy not only to the antenna but many things around, by the way.

Or, we consider the Poityng vector, that helps us to relate the useful power of an electromagnetic radiation that affects a surface with the field variables, using the Poyting vector is arrived at the following equation allows us to calculate the area of the plate or disc of the system in which these waves will be reflected:

p is the magnetic permitivity of the emptiness, c, the speed of the light, P the power to obtain in Watts, and E the component of electric field of reflected waves member state in the antenna in resonant amplification.
We calculate then the minimum area of our system for 10 MegaWatt
considering maximum the electric field possible mentioned before, for 10 Megawatt us
it is:

Considering factors of safety as all ingenieril design we are speaking of a surface of reflection of the order of the tens of squared meters, we as large as say to a room of 3 mts 3 xs mts, a quite small size for the lowered power levels, at least in this case, the reader can appreciate that for KiloWatts the size can be very small.
As I mentioned before in an article if we do not want very great antennas, we introduce it is enough it within means to the emptiness, would be necessary to analyze the costs in that case of material

Page 2 of translated spanish document below.

Distribution in average Tension

Once designed the size of the plate and radiator we must think about how we collected the electrical current caught by this system, or, it is enough to put 2 conductive terminals between the central radiator and the radiating plate, the obtained tension when coming out will be and x d, being and the intensity of field referred before reflected wave member state and d is the minimum separation between the radiator and the disc or plate of the antenna, we are speaking then of tension of the order of the KiloVolt of exit, perfectly we can reach levels like 12 KV, 13.8 KV or the more, which is lent for a distribution in average tension of powers of the order of the Megawatt like the calculated ones before
And finally as already we have power, Voltage, we have the current for our system of high voltage.
To remember that later it must have a reducing system of the tension, to 220 VAC, P. ej., and converter of frequencies of 7.8 Hertz to 50 Hertz/60 Hertz according to is the case


In this simple calculation of example in summary we can have an antenna for 10
Megawatt that covers an area with 3 mts 3 xs mts, a heavy radiator of about 2 mts of length, we suppose a minimum separation radiating-I dial of 1 TM and that the electric field of the reflect-amplified waves has been controlled at the level of 12 KV/TM, then the high voltage of exit by cables would be of 12 KV as we expressed before not to forget that this antenna must be to good height and far from elements they make stray capacitances, for this case would be enough the height of a about 12 post of mts the mechanical calculations as weight and the others is to free will of the reading one because it depends on the used material, costs, etc   

Doubts or consultations to the post office:

gigawattgratis@123mail.cl jarayam@latinmail. com

Writing by: Juan Araya M.

68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)


Next one is the document called Cavidad,


The objective is to calculate the frequency of resonance of a spherical condenser, calculating its capacity and inductance, this because all the electrical conductors have capacity and inductance.
We consider the spherical condenser of radios to and b and c as one is.

This condenser is formed by two loaded layers, first is the one of the surface of the sphere of radio to and the other is formed by the rind or castrates limited by radii 6 and c, assumes that the electrical charge is distributed uniformly in the central sphere and the same happens in the layer or volumetric rind, and between the central sphere and the volumetric layer there is an emptiness or air
The calculation of the capacity would be trivial if geometry were the traditional one of the spherical condenser, but here no, since the load in the layer or spherical rind is distributed volumetrically by means of the use of the Gaussian law and calculating the potential difference, the result, after algebraically to work the expression, whose development I will not do here, since it can be deduced by any student of General Physics II, gives us:

(The end of cualquier estudiante de F?sica General II, nos da: in the picture is the bit where this translated text  ends below in the picture)

(below the equations  starts with nortar in the picture this means in english To notice )

To notice that if the width of the volumetric layer were zero (c = 6), the formula is reduced to the one of the traditional spherical condenser.
The calculation of the inductance is less obvious, because we must know the form in that the current will circulate, and supposing the total unloading of the condenser, we consider that the current flows of the spherical layer superior to the inferior, as if was a traditional spherical condenser in total unloading, despising radius c, as is in the following figure:

(the figure in the last picture translated text continued)

In the figure the circulation of the magnetic induction is exaggerated, because in fact the plane of the circulation is perpendicular to the plane of the figure.
Applying the law of Ampere we have current locked up it by any curve of circular circulation of radio or is always the same, therefore the magnetic induction assuming uniformity of the permeability in all point will be:

(page 2 continued below)

This picture is for you to see the scientific workouts,

(The first Work El flujo magn?tico in the picture means The magnetic flux complete translation completed below starting with el flujo/the magnetic flux)

The magnetic flux is through a surface length differential 2sr is 2srdr, the magnetic flux in the cavity, enters and b is:

(work out would be here look at picture)

Therefore the inductance of the cavity is: ( workout with the number 2 in the picture shows where this translation fits into)
Combining (1) and (2) we have the frequency of resonance of the cavity (workout with the number 3 is where this text fits)

For the particular case of the Earth and the ionosphere radius b in comparison with the radius to is for effects of calculation are almost the same given the magnitude of a, but for very great heights we have:    b = to + K, and the thickness of the inosf?rica or greater layer still would be c - b

Evaluating the equation (3) for different radii and layers the values are obtained very similarities, around 10 Hertz, if we occur a typical height K for the lowest layer of the ionosphere of 70 km, and a thickness of layer c - b of 1800 km, the frequency of resonance gives 7.88 Hertz exactly us, and thus it is possible to be played with other values
If this theoretical value does not arrive at the reality as far as frecuancia and thickness of layers, is simply because in the previous calculations many idealizations have become that in the reality are not thus, the dielectric and magnetic permitivity of the atmosphere changes based on the complex mechanisms atmospherics like the T?, magnetic storms, solar wind, etc; mainly in these times with the damage of the global heating and ozone layer, apart from which the concentration of the loads or ions, is not uniform with the height of the layers
Nevertheless this calculation serves to justify that the frequency of resonance of the cavity is of the order of the Schumann frequencies, on the basis of a idealizado model.

Created by:

Juan Araya M. iam70#, 123mail.cl
iarayam&Jatinmail. com


68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)


The next PDF document is called FOTOS

The bit at the end means,

Majors details, to contact to the post office (well email)

68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)


The translated spanish document is named Propagacion ,


The present article finally must analyze the nature of the propagation of an incident electromagnetic wave in ionized means, in a charged particle gas as it is the case of the ionosphere and of having a vision and an analytical treatment of the phenomena of traditional reflection and propagation, we know a wave in the ionosphere is reflected and the intuition says to us that it must be by an interaction of electromagnetic fields the one that produces the reflection or decides the refraction in the same, although we evaded this situation with a previous article using a circuital model corresponds not to evade it now in order to have one more a clearer idea in optical terms of the implied phenomena.
We begin to assign the densidad of the ionic gas in plasma state by a densidad we call 1, we use one of the wave equations of Maxwell to represent the propagation state:

Being v the rapidity of propagation in means, v its electrical conductivity, and component ?la of electric field of the incident wave

If for the wave equation (1) we suppose solutions of the type:

Replacing (2) in (1) we are an exercise of Differential calculus has left:

page 2 of this is below .

The refractive index of a wave member state when crossing means is referred with respect to the emptiness and it is defined as:

(look at picture at the bottom)

What clearly it shows what always we have known that the refraction of a light wave in means depends on its frequency or wavelength, c is the rapidity of the light in the emptiness by all means, and when replacing this relation in which already we had we has left:

(look at picture at the bottom for the bit that supposed to go with :)

Wave member state when propagating in the ionized gas we will move loads and find a resistance to its step taken by the law of Ohm in this case has left:

(look at pic)

The conductibility of ionized means we have left:

(look at pic)

Eliminating the term of speed of propagation we have left:

(look at pic)

Watching with attention this expression of (4) we realize that following the frequency the refractive index happens from zero to positive a real value or to a complex value and exists a critical value for the frequency of wave member state enters the ionized gas plasma therefore is possible to be defined watching this expression a frequency:

(this last bit was the highlighted in the pic, to help you for workout order)

page 3  of this is the next post.

68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)


Page 3

(work out would be here - look in picture)

This frequency denominates plasma frequency and is exactly the frequency of Ionospheric resonance for the lowest layer we had determined in the document of the resonance of the cavity only that in this case instead of of leaving based on geometry now leaves in terms of the physical properties of particles form that ionized gas, as they are it densidad, load and mass of particles
This says something to us more we did not know clearly before, that all ionized gas due to having electrical charges of the same sign, these oscillate to a specific frequency determined by geometry and its physical state, is enough to think in line about a series of loads of the same sign, the linear repulsions will be such that a load is oscillating of left to right by the same repulsive forces
Although it was not newness the refractive index of incident wave member state in the plasma varies with the frequency of the same as it happens with the light crosses dense means, the newness now is that the one that the incident wave crosses ionized means, is reflected or it propagates through same depends if the frequency of the incident wave is greater, smaller or equal to the plasma frequency. Thus then the refractive index we can write it:

(work out would be here)

Clearly the following cases are distinguished:

(big star like picture here)

(work out here)

68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)