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Started by jikwan, March 20, 2008, 10:20:14 PM

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That has always been the case...only now it is painfully obvious.

Which is why everyone should refuse to mindlessly enter these hokey voting booths to participate in their own deception.



i have to agree with you to a point cap, but what it really comes down to is it should not matter who gets voted in, they should just do the RIGHT thing for the people, plain and simple, but it seems when the pressure is on they slip away into the shadows for a while and emerge later to carry on there theft and raping of the people, im blown away that none of them end up in prisons, the gov seems to get bigger and bigger and the people  pay more and more tax to support the rape and seem to be blind to it, we had a news guy walk down our streets and ask random people if the tax system was fair, alsmot %100 of them said , YES we need to DO OUR BIT FOR THE COUNTRY !!!, i burst out laughing, what hell is our country doing for us ?, not a lot, but they seem hell bent on any thing they can do to up our taxing, this tells me  ONE MAJOR thing, that our gov HAS NO IDEA how to manage money, im mean for gods sake we have a carbon tax now , how the hell is that going to reduce carbon and make things better ?, all its going to do is line some ones pocket with more money and screw the rest of us, and the carbon will STILL be produced, if te gov REALLY wanted to do the right thing they would start to ban diesel(they are massive carbon makers, who gives a crap that you get %30 more mileage than normal fuel) and cars over say 2000cc, its all a big sham/scam, what ever ya wanna call it.

here in NZ the average person pays around %33 in the dollar and then there is %12.5 on EVERY purchase you make on fuel,food...in fact any time you spend cash you pay an extra %12.5,...lets look at the math for $1 .....33c plus 12.5c = 45.5c in each dollar, what does this mean ?, ok lets say you earn $10 an hour, your only really getting $5 at then end of the day, hmmmmm so in basic round numbers the gov takes about %50, and being hell bent on finding MORE ways to tax us surly proves they have NO money handling skills what so ever,the only skill here is theft, goverments have turned into massive money machines, when i was 16 education was free,hospital care was free,and the education and hospital care was of a high standard, now to get educated we have to get a student loan from guess who ? yes the gov,when you ask the average child/kid .... as the moon orbits the earth does it spin ?, most of them will say * dont be bloody stupid, of course it does ! *, and some others will say * yes the moon orbits the earth * and there stuck there with out even getting to the does it spin part,......and our hospital care, there are more people dieing now in them more than ever because the care is not there any longer and we have staff shortages because they dont wanna work for 60 hours a week and get %50 of what they actually earned so they bugger of over seas and we get imports who are happy to make $5 an hour and have no clue how to do there job,,..... it seems to me that the gov will do anything possible to make thing complicated and full of shit, imagine if JUST FOR ONCE they did things the other way and stream lined and made things efficent, i have an old(72) accountant friend who is very clued up on money and ive asked him many questions about our money system, hes told me that we could all be taxed at %10 and everything would be fine, we could have free education and hospital care again and with high standards, but its not this way because they simply dont know how to manage money, yet we have these beepers running the country,.........put the crooks in jail i say, remove the reserve banks and intrest,after all the only thing they do is print more money land it to the gov AT intrest and forse te gov to find a way to tax us more so they can TRY and pay the money back, its a NEVER ending losing cycle., then EDUCATE people about money rather than teach them how to get credit which actually = DEBT, our kids are being taught to GET a loan to get an education and then get a credit card and try to keep up with the next guy and get more stuff on credit and youll look cool and be hip , what a beeping joke.

oh i seem to have been ranting :).

what i really wanted to express is why the hell do these crooks never see a jail ?, and why the hell cant the right thing be done ?., it should be black and white , two ways to do something , the right way and the wrong way.

it seems like we are to stupid to see whats going on and we are content with being screwed alllllllll the way to the end(and its coming faster now ore than ever).,....a prime example is turning food into fuel, that has to be the dumbest idea EVER invented., you take food off the table , then put it into an engine that is only %20 efficent at best, HOW STUPID ARE WE GOING TO GET ?. ::)
if you want to get out of the rat race,you have to let go of the cheese.


hi borg
way i see it is    you think with the accumulated intelligence they have they cannot manage
things so its efficient and economical?
they got some very smart people .......... brilliant even
all govt's work the same way
take as much away as poss   give back as least as poss
if theres a surplus they MUST waste it   on anything    stupid useless costly projects
if govts really helped people they become:
strong  healthy  intelligent  sharp  united  of one mind etc
thats a very dangerous force
to stay in power you MUST f*** them up maximum  (talking about the population in general)
the half percent of rich/powerfull/ruling classes are immune
zen is the art of seeing everything and noticing nothing


Quote from: b0rg13 on May 06, 2008, 09:19:59 PM
a prime example is turning food into fuel, that has to be the dumbest idea EVER invented., you take food off the table , then put it into an engine that is only %20 efficent at best, HOW STUPID ARE WE GOING TO GET ?. ::)

Don't believe everything you read. The media is like a broad sheet just to make us belive and react in a certian way. Surely those who control energy markets control the property market and food market. These are primary human needs. If they get us to be stressed then they can sell their next idea to us easier.

In order to beat your enemy you need to as devious as they are. Our enemy is very organized but we have the nature on our side.

Briliant words. I think they should be tattoed on every new born so they don't fall pray to control freaks.


What we need is a few good, but very mad individuals, to go and chase that load of thieving, money laundering, f**k-faced, humanity raping c**ts back into their own arses, that they seem to have been talking out of all their lives.

This f**ked-up world, seems to be going back to the same way as the middle ages. Some of us are starting to look out for the Roman's, wondering when they are going to re-introduce window tax  :P.... OOPS !... Shouldn't of said that... Some government think tank might just re-introduce that one too  :o.
Best regards.
Steve Ancell.