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Chem Trails The only buffer between us and the sun?

Started by blisteringanomaly, September 19, 2008, 06:38:42 PM

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Quote from: TechStuf on October 16, 2008, 09:55:15 PM

I'm certainly willing to defer to the forum as a whole as to whether or not firing an anti-aircraft missile at supposed french chemtrail planes qualifies one as a militaristic fool.....

And regarding the scriptures, I am also certain, as history has shown, that Christ did more for mankind with His Holy Spirit filled voice than all the weapons amassed during any age. 

After all, it was He who taught conclusively that violence begets violence....

Even now He calls for His children to be as cautious as the serpent, yet harmless as doves.

"He who will take up the sword shall die by it."

If Earth is to undergo one more 'revolution' it will only serve, as have all the others, to demonstrate conclusively that man only ends up dominating his fellow man to his own injury.  And is thoroughly lacking in the ability for sustainable self rule.

"Patience worketh perfectness."

"Let vengeance be mine, sayeth Yahweh!"

I will bring to ruin, those ruining the Earth!"

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ,


history shows us that millions have been murdered in the name of christ. and that same history shows us very little factual evidence of his existence. strange how there are almost no roman records of this king of kings. save one or was it two vague references. the only "historical" evidence (and i am using the broadest definition of historical now) of your jesus/heyzeus is your bible. hardly convincing evidence considering the rest of its content.

as far as teaching violence begetting violence, is that why he (jesus/heyzeus) beat the money lenders at the temple? to show violence begets violence or because he was a hypocrite.

he who shall take up the sword shall die by it... yet in the garden of gethsemane he (jesus/heyzeus) has his disciples arm themselves and peter chops off some ear.
your bible is full of paradox, it's a joke. hell, jesus couldn't even take his 'destiny' like an immortal. he cried and whined and aked if it was possible to have this cup pass from him. socrates stands far above jesus/heyzeus... at least socrates took his cup of poison with dignity.
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe


You seem bent on trying to characterize me in a negative light because of my usage of the title of a Bruce Cockburn song to restate metaphorically, the need for revolution...which I openly advocate on here and other venues

I have been here a while and 'the forum' knows where I stand on things.

And You are still quoting the words of dead guys who said they spoke with god... who could easily have been the Oral Humbard's, Jimmy and Tammy Fae Baker's of the day.

Not that there isn't sound advice and logic in the scriptures...just that the manipulatores of the times inserted their violence, vengance, hatred, and fear mongering crowd control passages into the mix.

I'm really not interested in getting involved in net oneupmanship, so lets just leave it at that...have a good evening.



i agree w/cap-z

i think religion has been over used for control of people through their beliefs, so a lot of people don't believe in the bible's words but in the basic concepts of god, truth, love, and happiness etc..


have a look at the zeitgeist movie, just don't believe everything in it ok, its kinda nwo and anti-christian
lot of facts about the origins of the bible and Christianity though


I am not interested in personal characterizations.....one man's hypothetical advocation of anti aircraft rockets at spray planes, is another man's capitulation to violence in attempt to solve a problem.   Such a hypothetical action as you proposed would be extremely foolish in my limited opinion.  Don't you get it?  Why is practically every scifi movie, tv series and the like filled with antiChrist propaganda?  It is being put there for a REASON.  Who owns the media?  Who DESPERATELY wants a 'hero' a savior?  any one but Christ will do for them.  Who is advocating violence and revolution?

V is for vendetta.  National Treasure....etc. etc... They put their own codes and symbols blatantly in their social engineering movies and get the public to pay for their own 're-education.'  Why put masonic symbols in kids animations like "Ant bully?" 

Because the masons and other secret societal minions of the Beast have their own 'prophecies' to attempt to fulfill.  They are experts at causing chaos in order to provide the solution and play hero to the befuddled masses.  They will have their 'revolution'....and it will come at so high a cost as to reveal them thoroughly for who and what they've allowed themselves to become!

And as for wilbyinebriated's comment:  "millions being killed in the name of Christ".....have you not read Christ's own warnings that such abominations would take place???

Afterall, when you've got an army of once secretive, now out in the open devil worshippers who love nothing else than doing as heinous acts as possible in a desperate attempt to damage the reputation of a perfect Man with perfect teachings....while pretending to be charitable stewards of society...


That is prophecy being fulfilled. 

Look at what the evil teach in their 'bible'. Look at what they have to say in their bible about Christ:


The world is undergoing the most critical time in it's history and most are all too willing to point fingers in the direction their desires tell them....preferring to judge their fellow man in convenient groups, each, by their lowest common denominator.  Look at what our nation's leaders do in OUR name, much less what any man chooses to cowardly perpetrate in the name of any other!   False Christians don't hold a monopoly on hypocrisy. 

As far as I'm concerned, Those who by their heinous actions, prove the hypocrisy of their affiliation with the truly humble and peaceable children of Yeshua, Jesus Christ, should be judged as to what they have truly shown themselves to be:

Infiltrators possessed of Christ's enemy



Christ came and died for exposing tyrants and teaching pure truth....He could have called down Heaven's army and ended this Universal Court Case then and there. 

Instead He chose a greater victory, through a perfect, peaceful, self sacrifice.   And make no mistake, it is He exclusively, who will establish His perfect Kingdom after the events that will take place directly ahead....

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ,

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Your opinions and mine are just that - opinions...until you start casting negative aspersions onto others with a differing opinion.

But you still insist of quoting scripture as if the words actually came from the lips of god or jesus...when in reality these are merely the words of dead guys claiming to be "divinely inspired.

Don't you get it ?

Well, at least you toned down your attempts at trying marginalize me...likely it was because you realized it was a dead end I suspect though.

Anyway, save your sermons for the converted...no sale here.

This will be my last comment top you...this is getting too close to trolling for my liking.
