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Mossad did 9/11

Started by bugler, November 22, 2008, 11:26:24 AM

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"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."  Rev 13:17


Let's face it, the once secret societies, governed by their wicked mother, antiChrist babylonian talmudism, now have the numbers that they no longer need meet in secret.  Soon, only those who disagree with their wicked ways will be forced to do the hiding.

God's Holy Word does not lie.

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



"That we should divide into tribes of "good" and "bad" people precludes a war."

Divide and conquer is the tool of the wealthy sociopaths...any type of god does not come into play.

Identifying those who run this game is the only way to undermine their "power".

The semantics of the game are meant to make navel gazers out of people who sincerely believe they are in fact star gazers.



QuoteIdentifying those who run this game is the only way to undermine their "power".

Exposing them is a noble work indeed!

Yet, only God holds the power to truly undermine a false god of the magnitude the 'beast' and it's little horn do wield.  Although it is counting on a fair number of you to try.

Those who truly belong to Yahweh, are content to let their Father fight His battles.

Patience worketh perfectness.  Endurance in Faith, moves mountains.

Blessings in Yeshua,

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Divide and conquer, I'd like you to meet chaos and flux.

" In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing. And when you destroy that you have a dramatic impact on the quality.

First, the movie studios and their homo agenda have done everything with all of their Sodomite wealth to make gay "marriage" acceptable to young people. Now these same forces are attempting to do the same with bestiality! We have warned that the normalization of sodomy was only a first step towards the unthinkable. Now we witness the completion of this circle of shame. And note that Hollywood wasn’t content to begin with a man and dog or woman and horse relationship, but went even further with its arrogance by green lighting  between American women and bugs!

For as it says in Leviticus 11:27:
“And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that go on all four, those are unclean unto you: whoso toucheth their carcass shall be unclean until the even."  "

More here...




a few things..#1has anyone ever wondered if the Knights Templar may have been a secret gay society since their symbol was in fact two men riding one horse?#2 i believe the Muslim denial of the cruxifiction of Christ is motivated by a misunderstanding of his predetermined fate to suffer and succeed every possible trial of mankind including death and temptation by Satan but excluding earthly wealth since the soul cannot store up earthly treasures.I see Islams' lack of understanding of this as a denial of Gods' wish to make his Kingdom available to all who seek it,through Christs' example not as a martyr but as Gods' manifestation of the Redeemer.If one is to judge mankind fairly he had better understand what it means to be tempted in every possible way.When Jesus was forsaken on the cross it was the final test for God had taken his eyes from him as he did Job,but Jesus never took his eyes from God.This is what Jesus meant by "it is done"...he had his final trial and then he died as the most obedient and perfect man,proving once and for all that a man can be perfect.What does it prove to kill a man?What faith does it prove to live as though we must assist God in the establishment of his Kingdom by eliminating his enemies?God teaches that he raises up and defeats his own enemies for his own sake.He also teaches that the Jewish people are innately the most difficult of all people.So,God savors challenge.The Battle of Armageddon must consist of fools who think that Satan can triumph over God,because man knows fear from not knowing but God does not.Just as man trusts God and calls it faith,God knows the truth and allows the fool to humor himself.If you don't understand the meaning behind the plan you can misinterpret the results.Jesus lived and died so that God could be a man and be a fair judge.It was not for a man is to be glorified as a man who made himself God but as God who made himself a man.One is possible and the other is not.All the kings of the Earth have tried the former and not one has prevailed.God has done the latter and succeeded.All things are designed to show the truth.You must know whether you have faith or not that there is something greater than mankind,although we are splendid.How heavy is your head when you seek to answer every question?What is the ratio of scientific law to theory and hypothesis?Man yearns so to become more than what he is and in his ambition has jumped from perfectly solid ground into "thin air" and now,falling, looking down his eyes see no ground beneath him.