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Connecting to the Wheelwork of Nature

Started by Neolystic, November 30, 2008, 01:56:16 AM

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"If ever we can ascertain at what period the earth's charge, when disturbed, oscillates, . . . we shall know a fact possibly of the greatest importance to the welfare of the human race." â€" Nikola Tesla

In my opinion, successful creation of a working TPU requires more than ‘just building something to see if it works’.  It requires:

1.   Development of one or more plausible theories as to where, exactly, the extra power comes from.
2.   Testing these theories with real-life bench tests, in order to prove or disprove them.
3.   Designing and building a device which specifically targets one or more of these power sources, using information discovered during the tests.

I believe this structured adherence to the scientific method is necessary because trying to build a TPU without a proven theory is like knowing where we want to go on a trip but having no idea how to get there.  It is my hope that this research will give us a map to get to our destination.

At this stage it is my intention to focus on external sources for power.  In an indirect way, the tests outlined below will also rule out most or all man-made sources of power, since the tests will be run inside a Faraday cage.  Three general sources of possible external power come to mind, although no doubt there are many more.  These are as follows:

1.   Muons or other cosmic particles
2.   Earth’s magnetic /gravitational field
3.   The Aether

Each of these theories will be addressed separately.  Real-world bench testing will follow the theories, including descriptions of the tests done and their purposes, which will be followed by the actual test results and finally, a conclusion.


Muons as a Power Source

One thing that keeps sticking in my mind is that during some of his tests, Tesla said he was ‘manufacturing electrons'.  No doubt statements like this only added to the ridicule heaped upon him.  However, I believe he was right.  How could electrons be 'manufactured'?  With muons.  Muons are created in the upper atmosphere and rain down to Earth at near-light-speed velocities.  This is proven by their speed measurements and resulting time-dilation.  Mean muon lifetime is 2.2 ms, so the distance travelled in a typical lifetime would be around 660m, not counting relativistic effects.  Since they are created 15-20 km up, in the upper atmosphere, very few should ever reach the ground.  (See   http://teachers.web.cern.ch/teachers/archiv/hst2000/teaching/expt/muoncalc/lifecalc.htm for more information.)  However, they have been detected at a depth of at least 12 km below ground as shown here: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ex/pdf/9806/9806001v1.pdf

Muons are the most highly-concentrated non-atomic particle at sea level.  Normally they have to go at least 60 feet underground before they slow down enough to break down into their component parts.  When they do break down, they convert into an electron, a photon and other quantum particles. I think it is no accident that Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower had an extensive ground plane which extended several hundred feet into the ground.  If Tesla were trying to capture these ‘manufactured electrons’ this would have been the place to find them.  Of course he wouldn’t have known to call them muons, since the term came at a later date.

Muon energy could be harvested in one of two manners…either through a transfer of kinetic energy into a dielectric field as the muon passed through it, or through capture of the electron and photon at the moment of conversion from the muon into its component parts.  These two methods are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

In the case of kinetic energy transfer, we would expect the force from the collapse of the field to be greater than the force required to form it.  Specifically to the proposed tests, this would mean that the square wave’s overshoot at the trailing edge (at field collapse) would be greater than the overshoot at the leading edge (at field formation).
This relationship can be expressed mathematically as follows:

O+ = overshoot at the leading edge of the square wave
O- = overshoot at the trailing edge of the square wave
Delta = O-/O+, or the ratio of O- to O+.  Delta represents a net change in power contained in the collapsing field vs. power contained in the expanding field.  A number >1 here represents a net increase in power.

The second mechanism whereby muon energy may be harvested involves capturing their component particles at the moment of conversion.  As stated above, when muons slow down to a certain point, they break down into component particles.  The most common result from this breakdown is that the muon breaks down into an electron, a photon, and other quantum particles.

Actually capturing the muon components at the moment of conversion would operate as follows:
Dielectric fields are formed at faster-than-light (superluminal) speeds.  As the muons rain down, they collide with the leading edge of this expanding dielectric field.  As described above, kinetic energy is transferred from the muons to the dielectric field.  The result is that the muons are slowed down and the field collapses with greater force than used to form it.  Now let’s expand/collapse this dielectric field F number of times per second (as determined by frequency) at V field strength (as determined by the voltage used to create the field).  Each specific combination of F and V would target muons of a specific velocity, and those specific muons would break into their component parts in the area of the dielectric field.  At this moment, the wire would have a deficit of electrons because some of them had been ejected from the wire during the formation of the dielectric field.  This would cause the ‘manufactured’ electrons to be attracted towards this deficit and into the wire.  In addition, the energy from the ‘manufactured photon’ would be added to the total energy of the dielectric field.  Muons travelling at speeds faster than the field expressed by the particular FV combination would be slowed down, but not enough to cause their breakdown in the area of the dielectric field.  However, some of their kinetic energy would still be imparted to the ions in the field as described above.

Expected Test Results
Muons arrive at the Earth’s surface at widely divergent speeds.  If we are gaining power from muons through the mechanism of kinetic energy transfer,  we would expect O- to be greater than O+ at most any frequency and voltage.  This results in a Delta > 1, expressing a net energy gain.

If the component parts of a muon’s breakdown were being captured, we would expect to see a ‘dividing line’ with respect to frequency and/or voltage, above which we would see a nonlinear increase in the total power contained in the collapsing dielectric field as measured by O-.  Specifically, Delta, or the ratio O-/O+, would begin to increase in a non-linear fashion as the corresponding frequency or voltage increased, For example, a 10% increase in voltage would result in a greater than 10% increase in Delta, as more and more muon components would be captured and returned to the wire.  Tests with differing voltages have not been done as of yet.

Testing Methodology
All tests are run inside a 7ft x 3ft x 3ft faraday cage constructed of aluminum window screening.  A 14 gauge wire approximately 6 ft long is suspended horizontally inside the faraday cage.  A square wave generator feeds pulses into one end of the wire, and a digital storage oscilloscope reads the pulses on the other end, using a record length of 250K data points per sample.   Specifically, it measures the height (voltage) of the overshoot at the leading edge of the square wave, as well as the corresponding negative overshoot at the trailing edge of the square wave.  Technically speaking, measuring total power within O+ or O- would require measuring the square of the total area within O+ or O-, but this becomes problematic at higher frequencies due to the occurrence of reflective resonances bouncing back from the other end of the wire.  I have chosen to measure O+ and O- height (voltage) for this reason, as it should still give us a useful measurement of the relative strength of the O-/O+ ratio.

O- is defined as  [(Low-Min)/Amplitude] x 100%
O+ is defined as  [(Max-High)/Amplitude] x 100%

Low = The most common value below the midpoint
Min = The minimum voltage found in the square wave
High = The most common value above the midpoint
Max = The maximum voltage found in the square wave
Amplitude = High - Low

The reason for the faraday cage is twofold.  First, it is necessary to eliminate man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation, in order to rule out the possibility of coupling with these frequencies which could distort the readings.  Secondly, we wish to avoid interfering with radio communications in the area.  Since muons travel at speeds which are beyond the Faraday cage’s blocking capabilities, muons will still be present inside the cage for measurement.

The test uses a Tektronix 4G samples/second digital storage oscilloscope, 4 channels, with math option.  The waveform generator is a Wavetek 271.  Both devices are controlled via their GPIB ports by a custom program written in Visual Basic.Net 2008.  (If anyone wants a copy of this program, let me know and I’ll send you a copy of the source code).  The program sends a command to the waveform generator to create a square pulse signal at 1 pps.  Then a frequency-dependent waiting period passes to give the scope time to settle in and take accurate readings of O+ and O-.  These readings are sent back to the program where they are stored and graphed.  Then the process is repeated for the next higher frequency. 

The frequency sweep is done in this manner to determine if there are certain frequencies which produce greater Delta values than others.  If such frequencies existed, and if they were in a narrow range, it could be theorized that the increased Delta could be caused through harmonic resonance with Earth’s gravity or magnetic fields, the Aether, or other source.  If no such frequencies exist, it can be theorized that the increased Delta comes from muon interaction, since most any frequency would cause transfer of kinetic energy from the muon to the ionic dielectric field, because of the divergent speeds which muons travel.

Test Results and Conclusions
Test results are shown below.  Tests show a consistent Delta >1 at all frequencies from 1 pps to around 1.1M pps (the maximum frequency tested at this time).  From this we can conclude that ‘something’ causes a dielectric field to have more energy when it collapses than the energy required to form the field.  I believe it is reasonable to theorize that this broad-spectrum >1 Delta is caused by muons and other cosmic particles cutting through the dielectric field as discussed above.

An interesting anomaly is in the area between approximately 100 khz and 225 khz.  Notice the difference in readings when the current flows from North to South vs when the current flows from South to North.  This may be a frequency range which interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field, and from which power from this mag field may be extracted.

A determination concerning whether or not we are capturing muon breakdown components cannot be made at this stage,  since all tests were run at the same low voltages.  Determination of this effect requires testing frequencies at varying voltages to determine linearity of increase as discussed above.


QuoteI believe this structured adherence to the scientific method is necessary because trying to build a TPU without a proven theory is like knowing where we want to go on a trip but having no idea how to get there.  It is my hope that this research will give us a map to get to our destination.

Yes, but there's a problem with road maps....they don't show everything.  And you know how guys are about asking directions.

Besides, destinations are often not what we think they are.

The many intrigues surrounding the greatest scientific 'finds' in man's history tell a revealing story.

Blessings in Christ,

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Hi Neolystic,

                   One thing i dont undrestand about your test result is : how can you see a effect at such frequency. Just to aquire enought Data to be able to say there X Muon passing per hour a Y place it can take up to 1 week of sampling data because it not ALL muon who can reach the sea level but just very few. I dont think its what the TPU harvest, if there enought Muon to make usuable power from it , i think alot of electric device will have trouble to work with all that interference no :) ?

P.S can you elaborate a bit more about your experimental setup ?

Best Regards,



Thank you for your comments and I see your point.  Around 10,000 muons per square meter per minute reach the earth's surface, which equates to 166.7 muons per second.  Assuming a 2D field size (in the horizontal plane) of 1 meter and a duty cycle of 50%, there would be no way for each pulse in a frequency > 83pps to be affected by an average of even one muon.  There simply aren't enough muons coming down to account for the results I'm getting.  So the muon theory looks like a bust.


This of course raises a number of questions:

1.  Why is the positive overshoot at the leading edge of a square wave 'shorter' than the negative overshoot at the trailing edge, over most all tested frequencies?
2.  Is this nothing more than an error in measurement methodology?  If so, what tests could be done to actually measure the force used to create an expanding field vs the force returned to the wire from the same field as it collapses?
3.  If the methodology is correct, does the difference in overshoot lengths really mean that the field is collapsing with greater force than the force used to create it?  If so where is the extra force coming from and how?
