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A general perspective for scientific explanation of almost all overunity devices

Started by DrKCostas, June 10, 2010, 07:07:19 PM

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Nice famility time sparks! Congratulations! You put it right: from the consious to the physical.

A small correction about the almonds and walnuts. Although I do know that the non-organic 5th material density is every where, and that the raw seeds and vegetables do have also organic-living 4th density, I am not sure that there is also organic, besides non-organic, 5th density counterpart in them.
It is supposed that the more advanced the organism the deeper the living-organic body goes in the material densities. Humans do evolve living bodies in the 5th density too, in greater or lesser degree.

But for the 4th density there is also proof even for the plants, of  its existence as organic and living. During the decade of the 80's the Scientific American Journal had publish an article with two photos.
1) The 1st photo was an ordinary but detailed photo of the leaf of a tree, where you could see the network of the trichoid vessels of its juices.
2) Then they cut the leaf in half and within a few minutes without delay they photograph it again with the same details, but this time with Kirlian Photography (see wikipedia).
3) It was appearing as "miracle" but in the Kirlian photo you could see the half leaf alright (as 3rd material density), but you could see  also as a "ghost" in space (as 4th material density) the rest of the leaf that was cut, again with all the network of the trichoid vessels!

The Kirlian photography, photographs essentially the electric conductivity in space. As the organic 4th density was not yet disolved around the cut part of the leaf, it was captured by its varying electric conductivity in space.
It was a so clear proof of two facts a) the existence of the 4th material density (even before the Aspden gyroscope experiment, and Depalma free fall of rotating bodies in vacuum experiment) b) that 4th density is also organic and most probably controls and has information for the multiplication and functions of the cells and their living cell plasma functions.
I read the article I was amazed and I was wondering if they just published it as a curiosity or if they realised what that was proving!

On the other hand sometimes experimental proofs may wait for almost a century till the majority of the scientist are ready (or are allowed) to accept and believe what the experiment proves. A classical example is the Brownian motion (see wikipedia). The brownian motion was explained and used by A. Einstein in 1905 as a proof for the existence of atoms, and that matter consists from atoms. This article gave him the nobel prize! After 1905 everybody accepted the existence of atoms.But not before.
Still the Brownian motion was discovered by Brown and was known since 1820!


Quote from: DrKCostas on July 15, 2010, 06:45:41 AM
All energy of almost all the "free energy devices" or "overunity devices" seems that it comes from the internal energy of this finer gaseous material layer...

There are so many "free energy devices" or "overunity devices" that every body here try to build one but nobody succeeded  :).
Where are these devices? Where are the third party duplications?...

In science, theories are based on observations. Before providing fuzzy theories about hypothetical machines, the first point is to show the evidence of their reality.


My research stops in 2002. So the 4-5 free energy devices that I studied are from 1950 to 1998. And they were not called "overunity". Which are these 4-5 that are true, is found in my article in the 1st post.

I wonder if you expect that one of these "overunity" devices will arrive one day free of charge in your door for you to use....or ...study!

I wonder if you have not understood why the discoveries here do not follow the normal and standard procedures:

facilitated and funded research in some University or Industry laboratory, then publication of scientific papers,conferences, then a patent probably, then massive production....etc (in which case still you would expect at least 20 years for the 1st to be widely known.)

The best way to be destructive and regressive to any progress is by enforcing overzealous promotion of conventional theories, especially of those theories that are famous to be  incomrehensible and obscure.
Mediocre knowledge of still evolving science, enforced as the absolute eternal final truth, for reasons of magnifying our personal ego and authority, is the worst kind of real scientific ignorance.

If you dot know the real reasons why E. Grey was put in prison, while Reagan had given him National wide prize for the best inventor of the year (it was 70's) for his free energy inventions, and later found dead,

If you do not know why J. Searl was put 2 years in prison, for his free energy and propulsion discoveries, while Universities in UK confirmed all his experiments,

If you do not know why DePalma who had University PhD was threaten that they will burn his hands if he dares to proceed and make production and public his machine,

If you do not understand why the testatika that was running for 20 years and was powering a monastry of 200 monks in Switzerland, while all these years all engineers and visitors could not give academic explenations for the produced effect,

And you do not understand why Galileo was threaten to be tortured if he insists claiming that earth is round and moving (everybody knows that it is flat and not moving, do you feel it moving while walking?)...

Then I am afraid that you understand .....very little... of what it is going on, and better not ask like this, neither read as you say "fuzzy theories" ......about earth moving around the sun.


Quote from: conradelektro on July 25, 2010, 03:51:12 PM
My humble opinion about "overunity devices" and whether one can build them easily.

Let's consider two very interesting technologies that appeared recently:

http://www.blacklightpower.com/ (special gray powder)
http://www.bloomenergy.com (very special chemical as catalyst, very special chemical compounds in the plates)

(Disregarding whether they are overunity or not) it would be extremely difficult to replicate these two technologies. Very special equipment and special manufacturing capabilities are necessary to produce and to use the necessary chemical compounds.

Let's consider as third example a modern transistor. It is almost impossible without very high tech machines to alter a transistor or to build a slightly different one.

From all three examples we can deduce, that it will not be easy to replicate a future overunity or even not overunity technology.

So, the hopes of many people in this forum will probably have to be abandoned. It will not be easy to build and it will not be described in a few videos or publications. A deep understanding of certain known technologies and of at least one completely unknown technology will be necessary (and very special equipment and very difficult to obtain materials and chemicals).

I also suspect (like Dr. Kyritsis), that the answer to future overunity technologies (or to any new technologies) lies beyond or behind the particles which we know today.

Some call it "the fabric of space", which we yet have to discover. The particles we know (and which are taught at the universities today) "swim" in some unknown substance which we yet have to understand. And it can well be that we need a totally new world view (may be without all these particles) to describe it.

And once we understand a bit what lies between everything, we can may be derive new ways to produce energy. Or better said, we might find new ways to "harvest" energy.

In my world view one does not produce energy, one takes it from somewhere. And we might find new places in-between all things known today (in the fabric of space) from where we can take energy.

But all this said, I still think that this forum (overunity.com) offers interesting things, even when they do not work. My attention was drawn to many things which I did not know before. Of course, I also saw a lot of mental sickness, which I have not seen before. But all things together, I am always learning a lot. May be there are better ways to learn about new (and known) things, but I have not found a more entertaining one. Interacting with other people is more entertaining than reading books.

Greetings, Conrad

If my understanding of Quantum Mechanics that "anything in universe exists as one unity in the form of infinite fields." is correct, over unity is obsolete word and "free" energy too. In addition, scientists began to claim our universe is open system interfaced many dimensions. 

Instead consuming static materials, it uses the abundant energy in universe relatively speaking.

I'm an average Joe like billions of others on Earth. I gotta work and pay bills. My personal interest over 15 years about aliens/UFOs, metaphysics, you name it, leaded for me to believe in free energy is real! It's fact. Many years ago, Nicola Tesla demonstrated it too. I also collected few scientific papers that collecting energy in vacuum successfully with experimental data. 

Free energy device that I'm looking into and waiting for needs to be feasible and practical. The underlying theory must be solid and proven. It gotta be simple and small, do not ask $$$ tools or hard-to-get material or complex processing during the assembly. I can build a complete engine or machine that has 100 pages of instructions. No problem.

The Wright Brothers did 1,000 test flights, endless hours of study and research till they made 1st motor-powered flight in early 1900s. The potential of free energy device is far greater than airplane also it demands higher level of creativity and intuitive about nature itself. I'll doubt it will be invented by an accident and widely spread out. 

I know the suppression and punishment from the power group is real. Sigh. Maybe my ego or selfishness is still greater than risking myself for humanity.

Pray and hope,


Here is a rather detailed, updated, and rather complete list of free energy devices in pdf e-book form and also site by Patrick Kelly :


And also for....the psychological adventure of inventors a blog by me
at http://psychologicalkeys.blogspot.com