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Aether and what it is.

Started by jbignes5, July 26, 2011, 03:13:51 PM

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 So what does a shard of this crystal look like and how does it work?

I am thinking these shards look like the same shape as the original just very very small. For lack of a decent drawing program I will use this |> as a side view of the crystal shards.

*|> *|> *|> *|>   This is a string of shards with charges in tow.

By virtue of it's shape the shards get their ability to move in space. The shards are the Third biggest sub particles in the universe with the smallest being the medium it floats in. The * is actually organized sub set of the third being the second largest. This second set behaves in the same manner as the third but are not as mobile so they organize into stringed loops and sorta look like a ball of worms always in motion. These are the charges and the third size are the charges vehicle.

|> This part has some pretty amazing properties. Since it is the biggest part in the energy portion of this discussion it is what gives "energy" it's ability to move from point to point. These vehicles are the same as the much larger ones (Black Holes(Huge) or even matter(small)) in their properties. They are potential amplifiers. The surface area at the base is much larger then the surface area at the tip and through this action it raises the potential value and gives the tip much higher potential value from a reference point. Meaning it hasn't passed any charges yet. this is what causes the medium to flow twords the vehicle and cause small gentle hits along the vehicles sides. Just like in statics this creates more potential and gives the vehicle the ability to move when other vehicles are close. Once they line up it is easy to see where force comes from on our macro scale.

Not only do they pass electrical or static energy they have the ability to pass light as well for free since the vehicles are crystals. Light is merely charges in motion at a certain speed. But that motion is usually only one hop of the vehicle which works much like dominoes. Where as current is continuous flow of charges.


Regardless of all the arguements about gravity, try this one:

Black holes are regions in space where polarity seize to exist.  Ponder that for a little while.

If by some or other mechanism - Polarity is cancelled, what will remain?
Now, if you do have a spot in space where there is no polarity, that can also be seen as absolute vacuum.
As such the vacuum will suck matter into it - or rather to be correct - Matter will be pushed into it.

When such matter enters the region, all movement down to sub-atomic level seizes, that causes all polarity to seize;
light will seize - so you will remain with an substance that does not have polarity, energy, light or mass. 
A substance that must exist, but can't be measured or observed; but it will stil have an infinite potential of energy,
if / when it can be polarized.

Would that not qualify as Aether?

PS: By polarity I mean that of electrical (+ and -) as well as magnetic (N + S)
In this theory of mine, the elecrical charge is the first polarity to come into existence, that later creates Magnetism.


 I am glad you are coming to this discussion. I greatly respect you and your theories.

So yes that could be one explanation but yet why do we see a direction then in the event horizon. That direction would seem to point twords a polarity.

I would like to mention Polarity a bit as well. To me and my views, this polarity is just a flow direction with only one valus assigned to it, +.  We all know our experiments with Tesla and his unique understanding of the universe and flows. He learned a lot from working with fluids and it shows in his work. When Tesla realized that the Aether was merely one charge value in a medium he figured out that he could effect(wave) the medium with only one polarity, really it is only one polarity. Because if it wasn't he wouldn't have been able to do what he did and he couldn't have used one wire to transfer energy to a device.

Lets take the Tesla switch as an example. I believe Tesla did in fact make this device and it seems it was merely a proof to himself that you can run devices on just one polarity but with a difference of values of that one polarity. This allows a flow to happen and a direction to that flow making it compatible with our two wire devices. It is proof that there is no other value then positive and neutral (the absence of positive or vacuum, which in my opinion is the conductors or vehicles and the spacing of charges in those conductors). Lets say a string of the conductors spanning several miles with no charges is a vacuum. When something touches that conductor the charges within the object start to get sucked out and travel down the line twords the highest potential of that line. Although the object never could go down below it's base charge value it would seem to us to be dead and frozen. All of the universe is the same potential then but at differing potential values with the base value seeming to be inert. This is also where nature gets it's balancing from. Because when an object go to the ambient charge level it can go no further or it would be compensated by the environment to attain the ambient level.

If we understand this concept we can start to see how matter can seem to run forever. Matter in itself at the scale I'm talking about are merely flakes of matter that is attracted or sucked twords the charges. When the flakes envelop the charges it creates a barrier and creates a positive in that bottle. But it is not a perfect bottle and it has opening in between the flakes. This is what causes the suction. This event also oscillates as the flakes open and close like flaps giving matter a frequency. The frequency is controlled by the amount of charge inside of the particle and the size of the flakes surrounding that charge. This is also what gives particles their spin. As we are finding out the particles or atoms at that point also have standing waves in the form of shells. This we have take in error to be the electron but we have taken step to correct that error and are now calling them electron shells or clouds. The reason we could never find the electron spinning around the particle or atom is because it is a standing wave in the medium of the Aether and is created by the frequency of the particles flakes pulsing in and out.

This is how I see this operating with no consumption on the micro based world. It has been influenced by my observations and based on some of the observations of others as well. Some of this has also come from what I see in my head. Where it comes from I don't know but it feels right.

One of the observations of this standing wave and it's forms are the Cymatic experiments. If one took that example and made it work in 3d with no "gravity" then you would see that it resembles the atom perfectly.


Ehmm.. what is that thing called  "charge" ?


 Another excellent question!

A charge is merely the Aetheric conductors with binding smaller charges in between the conductors. The conductors are crystal shards much larger then the medium of fine conductors. This enables them to conduct across much larger spans of the medium. Much like how a needle can float on water and turn twords a magnetic field so does these conductors. The charges are merely smaller versions of the larger conductors with a smaller sub set of charges in between them. At some point the medium itself is all the same density of very very fine crystal conductors with the void of space in between them. But that is the ultimate dimension as far as we are considered.

So back to that charges.

Remember my explanation of the shape of these conductors? Well they would look like this:

*|> *|> *|> *|> *|> *

The * is charge sitting at the base of these shards. The shards themselves by virtue of it's shape concentrate the potential of the charge from behind. This gives the shard a bigger potential at the tip. This is proved by Tesla's experiments with conical shaped coils. It's the same effect. So this amplification of the potential of the base charge binds it to the charge in front of it by virtue of a difference in potential. The tip has a higher potential and this holds it to the next base charge. This is a string or line of force. A charge is a string in the form of a loop. The charge also at some point folds and look like a mass of worms. Constantly writhing and in constant motion and is held to the base of the conductor because of the shielding it provides from the medium it floats in. So the conductor is also the vehicle for the charge and it moves simply by the higher potential at the tip attracting small little tendrils that conduct that high potential and are in constant search for other potentials to connect to that are lower or higher then their own potential at the tip.

We must at some point understand that the medium of the Aether is in some kind of 3d grid network. Where there is little charges in between these lines they become bridges to charges where ever they may be. Even spanning light years or million of light years. Where there is little charges we can expect what we call the vacuum. The vacuum is just lines with very few charges. The power of the lines is based solely on the matter surrounding the network. Since matter like planets have a huge potential inside it, it literally sucks the matter to the lowest value of it's state. This is evident by the process an object goes through when it falls into this network. The charges that are in the object get leeched out of the object and it becomes frozen and lifeless. This is also what process that water goes through as it turns to snow. And this shows you how unique each inch of our space around our planet (Atmosphere) is. Matter makes that happen like gases and matter like that.

Charges that are much bigger can ride in between the networks and be accelerated to the fastest that the charge can go. This by the way is what we call Light. But that by no means is the ultimate speed. Because this charge does have a mass it is much slower then what the network is capable of going. These are invisible radiations we see in our world like gamma and beta radiation or even waves like infra red and ultraviolet. I have not worked out all the parameters of the different spectrum of light but I think the concept is sound.

I hope this helps.

Oh by the way a great man one day got a novel idea and it turns out he might have been seeing the same thing as me. Here is a peek at his novel idea:


As you can see if you Zoom in on the picture you will see how these shard orient themselves to create much larger geometries of itself. If you were to flip the blue one and put them base to base you can see how one would contain more charges in the red one and how the blue one would contain less charges. Plus they all go the same direction then a constant flow would happen. One end (red) would be highly charged because it basically has unlimited storage and the blue one has more mass not being able to store much. This could be considered positive(red) and negative(blue). But these are not charges they are the structure of vehicles that will contain charges and are made up of larger crystal shards of the medium of Aether or conductors.