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Started by TechStuf, December 23, 2014, 10:22:53 AM

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Season's Greetings! 

Given the season in which we find ourselves, I thought I'd share with you all the following question.  This is a question I have asked decades ago, and was prompted to re-visit upon reading an article recently with a similar title question....

Was the 'star' of Bethlehem, even a star at all?

In my search for more meaningful answers I submit the following for the reader's consideration.

It's a wonder that men of 'renowned' intellect would conjure all manner of naturalistic explanations for the event such as 'super novas' or chance alignments of planets, when a more compelling and likely explanation may be found with but a modicum of attention to the known facts regarding these and similar events.

1.) Unbeknownst to many, the Biblical account states unequivocally that the 'star' first led the learned men of the east to king herod who wanted to kill the young Messiah! The evil king herod asked the men to return and tell him our Messiah's location that he too may 'pay homage'.  When in fact, he so desperately wanted Christ slain that when he later heard that the learned men of the east had returned to their homeland without stopping to inform him, he ordered the deaths of every boy child under the age of 2 years old in the area! The wise men from the east were warned by our Father as they slept to  avoid the evil king herod by returning their home country via a different route!

2.) A single 'star' or celestial event cannot lead a person anywhere other than in general earthly direction and it is highly unlikely that any kind of super nova or chance alignment would line up directly between the men from the east and king herod enough to be of any directional value.

3.) It has long been made known by historical accounts in virtually every culture on earth, that exotic flying craft, often appearing as brilliant lights or "stars", have been visiting earth from the beginning. Many compelling photographic and video accounts exist and are multiplying continually.

4.) Any event involving a 'star' that would lead these men first to Herod would NOT have originated with God, but the fallen ones instead.

     Let's examine the facts more closely. Our Father reveals in His Word that, in our day, after War in Heaven, satan and his minions would be thrown down to the locality of earth, knowing that they have little time before Christ's Arrival. "No longer was any place found for them in Heaven." I have read of UFO accounts that talk of earth being 'quarantined' by intergalactic space generals or some such. It sounds laughable, but in light of the Truth, it is not as far fetched as some wish to believe. If indeed they are 'quarantined' in our solar system, there would be signs of such, would there not?

     Certainly by now, it is no longer news to some that one may use a simple laser pointer of sufficient power, to point out the 'stars' in the night sky. To many that have done so, peculiar results are often easily recorded. I have witnessed many objects that appear as stars, zoom away at incredible speeds....they dip, dive, duck and....you guessed it, Dodge. I've had them zoom in so fast from orbital height that in the blink of an eye, they stop only a hundred feet off the ground or so, bathing the whole area in an eerie golden/green metallic light. There are now, many videos of people doing the same on the net. One man, John Walson, has employed a creatively designed telescopic video system to film many large, strange objects in earth orbit as of late. His intriguing pics and videos can be found all over the net.

     So, when our Father declares that upon the arrival of Christ and His armies, the 'stars' will fall from heaven, we see that He was not talking about the Gas Giants, or stars as we know them, which could not possibly fall to earth.  But instead referring these fallen ones, hanging around our neck of the woods, waiting their turns to fall the rest of the way down should they fight against the Prince of Peace!

     For those that wish to know more about this Amazing 'Reality' we share, and some very interesting facts regarding how it got here and what lay directly ahead, Please examine the evidence shared here:





Just who were the 'wise men' from the east? That's another interesting and highly educational story!....



Blessings in Christ and may He find us working what is good toward all upon His return!
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



I've always found this kind of topic intriguing.  After some time of digging around the web and listening/watching countless hours of researchers explaining their theories and presenting their evidence,  I realized back then that the mainstream science, religion, media, etc.. are not telling the whole truth about our reality.

There are many stories recorded around the world by different natives stating that there were "gods" that came from the heavens to visit them. The UFO phenomenon is NOT a recent event.  If the bible was telling the truth about Christ's birth,  then I would not be surprised if there was something extraterrestrial was occurring during that period which makes Jesus a very special kind of human possibly a hybrid or a genetically engineered human. His abilities were definitely Godly according to the stories.

However, the Bible was compiled by the most corrupt religious institution in history so I am careful to acknowledge that everything we read in there is accurate. In fact, there are different versions of the book like the King James Version. What is so special about this version compared to the others?  Does the truth really need that kind of diversity?
Lies that are mixed with the truth can really F... things up royally like how our society today has turned out ....lol

I've heard both sides of the argument that these are just angels and demons pretending to be aliens  and Vice versa. Going back to the topic at hand,  a star that can shine on a specific spot on Earth and move around intelligently is simply not something real star can do on its own. My guess is that the primitive people of the time tried very hard to describe a phenomenon that they have no understanding nor the vocabulary to accurately describe what they were witnessing.

In any case, I would rather go back to celebrating Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday. These days people think it's all about Santa Claus and gifts. I find it irritating since Santa Claus is a completely fictional character that is breaking and entering people's houses, and that I'm always broke after the holiday....haha



I hear you Madeo, and I know where you are coming from.

I have used Strong's Concordance in order to ascertain the Bible's meaning directly from the original Greek and Hebrew texts.  Though, in all my 'literary exploits', it remains interesting to me, that countless individuals the world over since the beginning, have received no instruction from the 'Bible' as we know it today.  In God's Own Word, we find men who 'walked with God' without ever having read the Bible.  Even the thief on the cross next to Christ was accepted into His Kingdom, never having known Christ, His teachings, or having read the Bible.  God tells us that He has inscribed His Laws upon the hearts and minds of His children.  It is literally programmed into our DNA.  According to Christ, what is required for any Kingdom to last, is LOVE.  Love endures, it sticks, it doesn't get puffed up with pride. 

Jesus Christ said:

"The greatest among you must be the least"

"Love thine enemy"

"He that would save his own life shall lose it.  He that would give up his life for my sake, shall save it."

"You must be cautious as the serpent, yet harmless as doves"

"He that lives by the sword, shall die by it." - Jesus Christ

Christ's teachings go far beyond those of any other earthly teacher.  I don't make this statement to boast, nor do I make it lightly.  This is coming from one who has studied the practicalities and shortfalls of the world's major religions for decades. 

Mankind's empires keep rising and falling because he rebels against Good Teachings.  They are 'too simple', too 'restrictive' for many, as they will chafe against those requirements that promote balance, preferring instead the excitements of extreme that keep their minds diverted from facing the harsh truths regarding their destructive condition.  It is far easier to resort to coercion, force, and violence than to exercise the will power to maintain self control.  The world idolizes the "man of action", the 'hero' who employs violence in order to temporarily solve problems, to correct various social imbalances.

We clamor after 'peace' forced upon others, while often we ourselves are not at peace with our own families, neighbors and ourselves.  Our hypocrisy knows no bounds, it seems. 

I believe I understand now, how war could develop in a perfect place like 'Heaven'.  Imagine having peace and prosperity, perfection for so long that the citizens of such a Kingdom, don't know what a "lie" is.  It is so foreign to them, the concept of calculated deception, that they would be susceptible to it's sweeping corrosive effects.  According to our Father's Word, this is exactly what happened! 

Now, imagine by comparison, an earthly kingdom, founded upon the Godly principles of equality and individual liberty.  Notice what happens in the span of a measly couple hundred years, when vigilance is sub contracted into oblivion? 

Now you know why Christ said that those who pass the trials of this realm will be a 'little higher' than the angels one day.  Having been thoroughly exposed to the deleterious effects of all manner of sin down here, such ones will graduate with the eyes of hawks and the hearts of doves to go with the wings of angels.

"Before the foundation of the world, I KNEW YOU." - Jesus Christ



Blessings be upon you and yours this season.
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



So,  which belief do you take?   Angels and demons are aliens   OR Aliens are pretending to be gods and demons?


Wow.  Lots of pop top alphabet soup cans could be opened on this topic!

Think of it this way....

Aren't Angels, fallen or not, already 'extra terrestrials'?  Since they are not from earth, this qualifies them already as, technically speaking, 'aliens'.

Did you know that our Father's Word shows us that in our day, after War in Heaven, satan and the other fallen ones would be thrown down to the vicinity of earth, no longer would they be allowed to corrupt the heavens.  This is their last 'hurrah' so to speak. And God says, Woe unto the earth for he comes down to you knowing his time is short. 

     Also, God warns that 3 unclean spirits with the appearance of 'frogs' go about toward the end, performing signs for the leaders of the world to gather them together for War with the Almighty.

When I see reports of 'aliens' many with 'frog' like appearances, I am reminded of our Father's Word, here.  You see, the fallen ones have appeared to men long ago, and according to God's Word, were able to take human form as often as they wished.  They forsook their dwelling place in heaven to come down in the bodies of men, taking wives and producing giant offspring.  Giants which are mentioned on every continent in their historical tales.  The bones of these ones are still being found all over the world.


After the flood, it is said that our Father shortened the lives of mankind, that never again would wicked men live so long as to become so enduringly tyrannical as in former times.  (and look at how bad it is today with the power elite as it is!) Also, the fallen ones are prohibited from taking human form any longer.  No mention is made about what other forms they may take.

Many are woefully unaware that our reality is highly engineered down to the smallest detail.  Man is still in his technological infancy and look at the things he is still able to manipulate among God's Creation.




It all seems rather 'avatarian' if you will.  Demons inhabiting humans....creating bodies for themselves. etc...

But the facts speak for themselves.  There are those far beyond us who by Law, are prohibited from manipulating us for their own amusement, and there are those who have decided that the only commandment in the satanic bible, "Do as though wilt is the whole of the law" is the only way to go.

And go they shall.

Think about how easy it would be to fool world leaders who, already being full of themselves and corrupted by power, could be persuaded easily by lying signs and wonders, just as our Father warned.  They could approach these ones with stories of 'intergalactic war'....such as: "your help is needed"....we will share our technology with you if you will use it to join the fight against the interdimensional tyrant you know as...


Exactly what the evidence shows to be happening at this time.  And does not that virulently antiChrist viper's nest known as "HellyWeird" (incorrectly spelled, "hollywood") crank out movie after movie with just these and many other demonic themes?


Our Father also foretold milennia ago that knowledge would greatly increase in our day, and a great militaristic 'beast' would rise to power, taking dominion over the atmosphere, even going into space.  He described the economy and it's eventual metastasizing into a 'big brother' total control nightmare, requiring all who wish to buy or sell to receive a mark.  I could, of course, fill volumes with all the compelling evidence that exists today that support the Truth of God's Word.....but suffice it to say that we are indeed living on the precipice of times the earth has never seen since man was put upon the earth, nor will ever be seen again.

Upon weighing all the evidence available, it becomes clear to the honest student of history and modern events that our Creator is Just Who He said He is, and all is unfolding according to what was revealed.  Of course, those who rebel against Him, are having their intrigues....which they hold so dear.

But God Himself has revealed that He has His own intrigues.  As He Truly works in mysterious ways, with wonders to perform.

A valuable resource for widening one's understanding of God and His ways can be found here:


Of course, the best way to do so is to Ding God Daily.  "You have not because you ask not....therefore Keep On Asking".

The best and most sincere way to Truly Know God, is to PESTER HIM.  No Joke.

Unlike human parents who grow weary of a child's incessant dinging for the latest toy....our Father's patience is truly Epic.  And the more one 'dings' Him, the more it shows Him that we believe HE IS, and that He will answer.  It is this 'Faith' that gets His attention.

Just as with humans.  It is faith in one another that really holds our attention for long enough to allow the little miracles to happen.

It's often said that "the devil is in the details".  I guess in a legal sense that's true, as many among that profession anchor their entire lives to the hiding of devilish details in long, tedious documents.

But in the real world, I have always found God's Signature in the details.  It's God's enemies that wish to hide these details from the world, or distract, subvert and coerce the people from ever seeking them out for themselves.

The signs of the times are here by the bushel....which must mean harvest time is just beyond the Horizon.

Blessings and may Christ find us working what is good toward all upon His return.
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:
