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Question: Promises requested

Started by PaulLowrance, October 03, 2006, 01:20:29 PM

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I am new to the site, but I can say that if your electric motor does what you say it does, I would love to try and build the motor. what do I need to do to get the plans for it.


Hi Trump,


Trust you me, when I have the "smoking gun" you and everyone will know and the detailed build instructions will be freely published. The purpose of this thread was to see if this community was united and not burnt out on replicating machine after machine. I am various others were very concerned, especially if Steorn turns out like all the others.

I for one am ecstatic to learn this community will not be defeated!  It's clear what needs to be done. Although this community does not want to be tricked again, they therefore rightfully require evidence in way of detailed videos, extremely detailed instructions, etc.

I am 100% confident this day will soon transpire. Here's what I have accomplished so far:

* Verified to my satisfaction that "free energy" can be extracted from magnetic material by means of MCE.
* By means of using conventional well-proven science theories and experiments I have developed a theory that precisely describes what's happening within magnetic material in a step-by-step process down to the atomic scale, included the unpaired electrons.
* The aforementioned theory was used to devise certain experiments to help confirm the theory. So far the theory has held up to everything. IMHO the theory has so far explains every magnetic effect I am aware of.
* Initially the theory was used to design a machine that would extract energy by means of the MCE. The resulting design was the MEG!
* Since that time a small amount of time was spent on going beyond the MEG.

The final step is closing the loop-- producing a machine that successfully collects an appreciable amount of MCE energy while recirculating some of this energy to keep the machine self-running and producing extra usable electrical energy.

Paul Lowrance


I have some great news that adds yet more credence to the MCE theory. The following is a huge confirmation.

Here is quote on detailed study of amorphous and nanocrystalline material ->
We have studied the temperature dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in series of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe80.5Nb7B12.5 melt-spun ribbons. The maximum entropy change DgrSm asymp 0.72 J/kgK is found at the Curie temperature of the amorphous material, T C(am) asymp 363 K, upon a 0.7 T magnetic field change. This DgrSm value is a factor of four less than that of gadolinium, the prototypical high-temperature magnetocaloric material, but it compares favorably with other amorphous Fe-based alloys. The progressive nanocrystallization of amorphous ribbons results in a decrease of magnetic entropy change and at the same time the DgrSm peak becomes broadened.

So why is this a confirmation? I have been simulating to the best of my ability in head (have not written a simulation program yet) and it seems clear that the smaller the domain the more potential MCE energy. A fully saturated core is essentially one huge domain. Yes, if we're talking in field energy terms then this has maximum energy, but I am referring to magnetic PE. A fully saturated core has zero magnetic PE and magnetic material that is in complete chaos due to vibrating atoms (well in Curie temperature) has maximum magnetic PE. The electron spins in material well into Curie temperature are pointing in random directions, which essentially is domains the size of a few atoms.  Although the material does not have to be at curie temperature in order to achieve small domains. We know that amorphous and nanocrystalline magnetic materials have nanometer size domains. So the theory predicts such material possess high MCE. After relentlessly searching the Internet I just came across the above research, which confirms that theory.

So how much energy are we talking about?  The particular amorphous and nanocrystalline material they used achieved 0.72 J/Kg/K with a 0.7 T field change, which is 0.72 J/Kg/K * 1.0 T / 0.7 T = 1.0 J/Kg/K.  At room temperature, 295 K, we arrive at the following energy ->

First we need to find the weight. I have been using the example of one cubic inch of material. The weight of one cubic inch of this material is roughly 0.13 Kg.  In our examples we've used 100 KHz. So at 100000 cycles per second there are 400000 energy exchanges; 4 energy exchanges per sine wave. This material exchanges the following amount of energy per Tesla at 100 KHz ->

1.0 J/(KgK) * 0.13 Kg * 295 K * 400000 = 15.3E+6 J in one second, which equates to 15.3 megawatts. According to my previous posts I arrived at nearly 50 megawatts for Gadolinium.  We'll note that 15 megawatts is close to one fourth of 50 megawatts, as described in the above abstract quote, "This DgrSm value is a factor of four less than that of gadolinium"  Of course my previous posted examples of 50 megawatts was merely using rough numbers of 4 C/Tesla. Also the numbers vary depending which Gd alloy you are using, the field strengths of the experiment, temperature, etc. In short, this is match.

These amorphous and nanocrystalline materials are extremely efficient at 100 KHz. We could take this to 1 MHz and we get 150 megawatts of energy exchange. That means there is 150 megawatts of energy being radiated and absorbed within that 1 small cubic inch of magnetic material!  The permeability of these materials is extremely high. I just requested a sample of such material that has a permeability of 1,000,000. It requires hardly any Amp*Turns to generate 1 T field in such a core. Such a 100 KHz sine wave would require a fraction of a watt, yet that fraction of a watt is the catalyst for 15 megawatts or power!

Do not forget the simple secrets ->

1. Use materials with smallest domains at operating temperatures-- amorphous and nanocrystalline cores.
2. The thinner the core the better! Your goal is to prevent the core from absorbing the MCE radiation. Presently I am pondering upon a design that uses long thin magnetic electrically conductive wires. The thin wire would be both the core and the coil. Is it Stefan that's been pushing for the use of iron wire? Perhaps there are companies that sell thin amorphous iron wire.
3. High saturation materials. Even though there are 1.5+ T Metglas cores, I chose one with lesser saturation because I believe it could have smaller domains.
4. Unless you use filters you'll need to flip the process so you can collect the energy during the cores radiating cycle. You do this with a permanent magnet. Also the PM helps saturate the core, but you don't want to fully saturate it.
5. The field from your coil will oppose the PM's field. So you slowly increase your coil current to decrease the cores net applied field and then you want to drop the current or reverse the current as quickly as possible (high di/dt). If the core material has low electrical resistivity then the Eddy currents will absorb the radiating energy and then with precise timing you can rob a certain percentage of the Eddy currents energy. Therefore the Eddy currents lower the electron spin flip speed and makes it easier on your electronics to collect the energy.

I hope this information never dies!  Eventually some deep thinker(s) will understand this and ecstatically contribute to this research.

Kind regards,
Paul Lowrance


Hi Paul,
all your numbers look very nice !

I agree, that this thing could work.
You have to find the right work point in
the BH diagram of the used core material
and if you have found it, you can must pulse it this way,
that you get a right circling loop process.
This then extracts heat from the environment and converts
it to electricity.
So you don?t need a cold pole, just a heat source.
So with the right configuration you could give it a short high current change pulse
and it will this way take environmental heat form the surrounding
into the core and convert it to electrical output
in an output coil.

It could be designed and calculated like a heat motor ( stirling machine)
where you draw all the circle processes inside a PV diagram ( Pressure versus volume diagram).
The same can be done in a B over H diagram ( Magnetic flux density B over magnetic field H diagram).

Otherwise you could also design it this way to produce an overunity heater or
a fridge with it, if you just feed electrical energy into it.

I think this has a great potential and I think all magnetic
overunity machines work much more or less
in that principle...
Heat energy from outside is a very important factor !

The coice of the right materials there is the most important factor
to reduce the losses.

Regards, Stefan.

Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


Hi Stefan,

All these years we have all read your posts pushing for iron wire. The MCE theory clarifies this and a lot more and sheds light on the path.  The iron is magnetic and being a wire makes it thin so as to not absorb nearly as much MCE energy. I don't have enough experimental data to know if certain types of iron wire, which are usually steel I believe, have small enough domains to generate enough MCE energy. Now if we have amorphous and nanocrystalline wire then "Houston, we have lift off!"  The thin wire is a great idea. It's not the only method, but still a good one.

Does anyone know a person who has an amorphous and nanocrystalline core they might loan out?  I live in Los Angeles, CA. USA.  I requested a sample from Metglas.com, but it seems unlikely since I don't have a legitimate business.

Paul Lowrance