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Why Doesn't A Magnet 'Feel' Like A Gyroscope?

Started by Eighthman, April 03, 2016, 10:01:18 AM

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The atom's energy appears endless.

This is only because of our finite perspective.
eventually, it will die, or something environmental will cause it to change forms, either decay or procay
into something else.

Also, the electrons themselves come and go throughout the lifetime of the nucleus.

When matter forms, there are 6 parts that are generated from the aether.
4 electric, 2 magnetic.
there is a 99% chance that it will form into two stable groups of 3,
two electric particles, head to tail, and a magnetic particle bridging their other ends into a triangle.
each triangle being equal and opposite to each other, and they will both be annihilated into a burst of energy.

there is a 1% chance that one or the other will fail to form a stable bond.
When this occurs, the remainder may be set free to roam as matter, or anti-matter.
Since the conditions that allow for anti-matter to form from a group of quarks,
only generally occurs during the formation of matter,
if the matter fails to form, the anti-matter will also not form,
leading to a greater number of matter forming in our universe, than anti-matter.

the remaining particles eventually find other particles to collide with,
and form into leptons and other fermions and such.

each of these "stable" formations, can undergo a state of decay or elevation into a more complex bond.
Due to interaction with particles and other atoms.
The conditions necessary to prevent this are unachievable by human standards,
thus every nuclei and particle has a form of "half-life" that can be calculated.
not exactly the same as radioactive half-life, but the same form of statistical representation
of how long half of a sample will exist.

most stable atoms will be around much longer than us, the earth, our sun, and everything we will ever know about.
we could say that it seems endless, unless 'ended' by some outside force.

the energy contained in the nuclei is due to the interactions of both the electric and magnetic forces.
the first electric particle sends a signal at almost the speed of light, into the other electric particle.
think of these like two electrets in series.

the magnetic particle sees no "time", in the sense of what we think of as time.
what "is", within the magnetic quark, "is" throughout the quark.
So, when the signal from the electric quark reaches the magnetic, it is already presented as the tail end of the first electric quark. You can think of this as occurring instantaneously.
even though the physical distance is nearly 2/3 of the atomic radius.
This interaction triangle, presents an oscillation, or fluctuation to radiate from the nucleus.
At a wavelength equal to the 2x the atomic radius. (or the diameter of the nucleus)
[all atoms radiate.  They are only considered "radioactive", when they emit particles.]

At the same time all this is going on, the nucleus is spinning around, in every direction,
like NASA's manned gyroscope.
Distorting the space around the nucleus, as well as time (which resolves the Einsteinian problem stated above)

The electron, being an electric-type fragment 0.0001 of an electric anti-quark
has the opposite electric charge to the electric particles in the nucleus.
and is attracted to the nucleic electro-magnetic force
these types of particles move at nearly the speed of light,
because they are electrically charged, and have very small masses.
And because there is a dielectric field gradient permeating throughout all the space around us.
which gives them a velocity and vector, depending on which way they are facing, and the magnitude of their charge,
as well as, their mass. they do have some mass, which is why they don't move at exactly the speed of light.

It is moving so fast however, that it cannot ever reach the nucleus.
the outward forces of the orbital momentum are balanced with the attractive electromagnetic forces.

similar to what occurs with gravity in free space.
like our planet orbiting the sun.

This orbit, occurs at almost the speed of light.
We have a standing wave, the diameter of the nucleus.
and an electron orbiting at a radius
the rest is as easy as Pi.

around one loop, creates the Magnetic Moment.
The number of these moments, that fits into one second of time,
gives you the magnetic frequency of the atom.

normally, the nucleus is spinning around, as well as the electrons' orbit
is always changing, like the moon, except that its not always facing the nucleus,
the electrons 'face' spins around on its' own function.
so, normally, atoms are not "magnetized" on their own.

when you have several atoms, like in a chunk of metal
and we magnetize it.....
the nuclei are still spinning, not much changes there.
but the electrons synchronize with each other.
they repell one another most of the time, so when the orbit of one changes,
it changes the orbit of the one next to it.
they share the same space, at different times.
the strong field used to magnetize the metal, forces the electrons into the same orbital plane.
like if you have 1,000,000,000 gyroscopes on the same tabletop.
each with a tiny weight attached to them.
And then 1,000,000,000 more spinning oppositely, attached upsidedown to the same tabletop.

now, the weights are not synchronized, so the vector forces are cancelled out along the axis of the
dielectric plane.
leaving only vertical forces, up and down, equally cancelling each other out.

The polarization of the electrons' orbits, are spinning one direction at the north end of the magnet,
the are 90-degrees to this (in a 360-plane) near the dielectric plane in the center of the magnet,
and they spin the opposite direction at the south end of the magnet.

There is, therefore, no net gyroscopic force, resultant from the aligned electron orbits.

And, if there were to be set into motion, such forces.... (this can be done under discrete situations)
their magnitude would be 1/1856th or so of the total mass of the magnet itself.
and result in no net force, because of the moment of inertia of the larger mass.

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Quote from: sm0ky2 on April 03, 2016, 02:08:18 PM

The polarization of the electrons' orbits, are spinning one direction at the north end of the magnet,
the are 90-degrees to this (in a 360-plane) near the dielectric plane in the center of the magnet,
and they spin the opposite direction at the south end of the magnet.

I would think that in order to maintain the magnetic vector through the magnet that all electron orbits (or a high percentage) would be in the same direction and should in fact cause a gyro effect. But because the effect does not exist, there must be some other factor like the electron's spin direction.(different from the electrons orbit)

If the electron's spin was a factor, then it may be possible to have opposite orbit directions and still generate a field in the same direction. This would then eliminate any gyro effect from electron orbits because opposing orbit direction would be random.

I have been trying to connect a theory I have about the gyroscopic effect of the electron spin while it's in orbit and it's connection to gravity and the self sustaining of the atoms energy.


Here's a standard explanation:


And the problem remains.  You get a magnetic field from a net (single) spinning electron.............but why not gyroscopic motion of the magnet? If you have two opposite spins, they cancel out and no field.   Weird.  I think Dewey Larson wrote a book in which he tried to explain all physics with forms of motion. To make matters worse, if I understand it correctly, quantum physicists try to deny that spin is real!


OK, sm0ky2, I'll bite.

Take one gyroscope and get it spinning.  Get another and spin it in the other direction.  Neither one wants to twist.  Stick one at one end of a stick and the other at the other end of the stick.  I think you now get a vertical stick that doesn't want to turn horizontal. I think they don't cancel out and get rid of the gyroscopic behavior.  Back to the drawing board?


I thought besides the spin there is also the orbit. If there are 2 electrons in a shell they will spin in opposite direction and cancel the field, but in the last shell if there is only one electron, it's spin will generate a field.

So the orbit would generate a much larger gyroscopic effect over an electron spinning on it's own axis and since the orbit can be either direction, it gets canclled.

If a magnet could be made to have all electrons orbit in the same direction it should have some gryoscopic effect also.
I would also think it would not be required to be a magnet if that were the case.

Though the spinning electrons by thenselves should generate some gyroscopic effect, inertial mass is calculated using the radius of the mass and even the oribital radius of an atom would be super small let alone the radius of the electron.

Interesting to think there might be a way to generate some material with a build in gyroscopic effect.