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What is breakthrough energy

Started by markdansie, May 17, 2016, 09:03:48 AM

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Breakthrough energy is nothing if there is no breaking out mindset to match it. An inventor can by accident find a breakthrough effect, even build a device, show it, gets killed or is shut up, then it's gone forever. We have seen that many times on this forum.

But if the mindset matures and people start to open up to new perspectives of how our present energy actually works and not to what our present energy responds, because we are presently only in a response phase of our technology basically skimming the surface of our effects. We know if me make X turns of wire on this core and y turns of another wire on the same core, the x-y coupling can be predicted, therefore we know what we are doing. No we don't. We think we know what we are doing because what we are doing works. That does not provide why it works and why it does not work for OU. So what are we doing wrong? Well for one thing, we expect this next generation of advancement will be realized or dictated under our own terms, under our present EE constructs, under the Laws and formulae provided by what our present toys respond to. So we keep the blinders on and hope for a "miracle". But the miracle will not manifest itself. So what is wrong? hahaha

That's why I have been spending the last 5 years looking elsewhere. hehehe

Here is a small example of our present technological lunacy, even though it works.

Everyone has been taught how AC works. The sine wave indicates a half cycle on the hot and another half on the neutral wire of the AC mains wall socket and by this the current is "flowing" back and forth from one hot line direction then from the neutral line in reverse direction, etc. Does everyone agree with this basic widely accepted premise. This goes all the way back to Tesla so after 100 something years we should all be confident that AC works as it is called "a current is alternating in direction from hot to neutral to hot to neutral to hot and so on".

So on your bench your scope is plugged into the mains wall socket. Right. It is receiving half a cycle from the hot and half a cycle from the neutral line. Right or wrong. Let's say I am right.

Now we have I = V/R. This basically says for any line to have current, it needs voltage and resistance. Mix them how you want you still need those two ingredients. So for current to alternate in an AC hot/neutral pair, the voltage has to alternate as well since the resistance will, more often then not, be a fixed value. Right or wrong? Let's say I am right. OK, ok, forget the phasing issues because that is irrelevant. hehehe

So on your bench is a very small transformer and you pulse the primary with your FG set at 50% duty and 1 volt. You connect your scope probe and ground to the secondary to measure a very bad output in the mV range. A very weak wave form is shown at the 1 volt scope setting so you change the volts setting to 100 mV and see exactly how the slightest changes in that weak waveform in a much larger format. Great isn't it? So much insight indeed. But wait one minute. Something is wrong here. Knowing that the scope probe ground clip is actually grounded to the scope chassis that is actually connected to the neutral line as well as the earth ground line of the home how is this possible? How is it possible that you can measure a mV differential while your ground clip is also supposed to supply half the 120 vac so your scope can actually work? hahahahaha (5 years later) hahahahahaha

So simple you could laugh......... or cry. I cry because I have 100's of these small problems where logic is required to take a back seat to imperfect constructs.

Let's change channels. So, as the commoner becomes more and more aware of the actual powers that control our society from past to present we discover that not only our money is rigged, our school system is rigged, our physics is rigged to the point that one must concede that everything we think is real is derived from what has been permitted to be perceived as real by a few very powerful groups. A group of scientists in Geneva did a worldwide economic study on corporate ownership and found that there are 120 corporations who now own 80% of the World's wealth. So much power is so few hands. This had been growing incrementally since the 1750's. But noooooooo, it has to be a conspiracy theory so go back to sleep.

OK Question: After Morgan Stanley (1/120) burned down Tesla's tower in order to maintain full control over power distribution profits, do you really think he stopped there? Do you really think this was his only hindrance to mankind? Would you not expect him to call all of those responsible in academia as well as other government departments and order them to fully vet any future advancement of knowledge ensuring that anything that could mildly lead to independent energy production methods would be totally subverted. You bet your fat dollar bill he did. Not only him but actually that order came from the top echelons by our friends in the UK (???/120). It's simple man. If one had the capacity and means to do a complete unbiased forensic analysis of how and what and by who technologies were introduced to the common man, we will realize that in every case the prime directive is "never give out anything that may lead to OU". We have been pounding our heads against a brick wall but that wall is not a natural wall of potential discovery, it is man made, man controlled, man enforced and nothing in all of our advancements was ever put forth from natural intellectual progression. It was totally manipulated from the start. Otherwise we would have  introduced the negative diode at the same moment that the positive diode was presented.

From the days of Faraday who would have preferred to spend his days blowing glass and polishing telescopic lenses to our present day, this wall thrives on the fact that people will accept whatever knowledge if it means putting food on the table. In the days of Faraday can you find one soul who is documented to have vehemently opposed his formulations for cause and effect? Where are the transcripts of the vetting process? Where was the opposition? How can there be any opposition when the same powers that hired Faraday where the ones that had the official power to integrate his ideas into the "accepted norms".

If a true society had one intent and that is for the betterment of all mankind and not only a few, then when society was first confronted by the proposed Law of Conservation of Energy that would thereafter become a leash for humanity to accept itself to be bound within its limits, those men should have been taken out and shot on the spot as the harbingers of intellectual stagnation. How can a science accept such a notion and call itself science? It is like telling all persons of faith, you can never be that good. It's spitting in the face of knowledge and the advancement of same. As a perfect vector, it is what a group of perverted minds would want to foment to ensure docility and abdication in the minds of the masses. You learn this way, or, you do not eat. You get too smart for your britches and you will end or you will work for them.

The OUer must be fully aware of the battle at hand and be advised that there are those who will act as your diversion. While you are busy drinking the EE Kool-Aid you will never feel thirsty enough to ask for something else. So today for our simple coil, we are asked to entertain resistance, inductance, impedance, reactance, capacitance, voltage, current, electrons, current flow, electron flow, alternating current, direct current, E fields, B fields, field collapse and so much more, all these in one little itty bitty coil. Talk about multiple personality disorder. Then once you have mastered these you are then asked to contemplate the wonderful world of ideal coils, ideal voltages, ideal capacitors. All of these mixed about with a barrage of formulas and Laws of cause and effect but when all are taken to a court of nature, none can provide any proof of same. All are simply enforced as the "That's the way it is technology" of the day, of our days and all simply creating another shell around man's mind that can no longer see a clear horizon. So...... were is this breakthrough? What is required is a mind break out because breakthroughs will habitually only add another layer to the shielding of our reality.



Quote from: allcanadian on May 24, 2016, 11:08:23 PM

I thought you said you were from NYC and then I thought what in the hell are you talking about?... no pollution. My bad Bill and I apologize for being a dork, lol.

Now I'm jealous with you talking about all those lakes and wilderness areas, I hear Kentucky is a very nice place.

17.5 cents per kWh seems pretty high, here in southern Alberta I have a contract with my local REA (Rural Electrification Association) and my rate is 7.2 cents per kWh. My rate has not changed in three years and it may be because their dropping in wind farms all over the place. The utilities are also installing HV power lines everywhere so the wind farms can run at maximum capacity. It makes sense here on the prairies with lots of open space and high winds coming off the Rocky Mountains. 


No problem.  I was born and raised in NJ so, maybe that caused some confusion.  I have lived here in KY for some 34 years, or thereabouts.  I have no desire to move back anywhere on the east coast, ha ha.

$.175/kwh seems a bit high to me as well as when I moved here it was about $.05.  Wow, Brad just posted that he pays over 40 cents down there....now that is high!

I think ours is reasonable because we are linked to the TVA and they use both nukes and wind/solar even though, they claim the wind/solar is not paying for itself as of yet.

See the Joule thief Circuit Diagrams, etc. topic here:


QuoteEveryone has been taught how AC works. The sine wave indicates a half cycle on the hot and another half on the neutral wire of the AC mains wall socket and by this the current is "flowing" back and forth from one hot line direction then from the neutral line in reverse direction, etc. Does everyone agree with this basic widely accepted premise.

The hot wire generally alternates between +120v to -120v and the neutral wire which is bonded to ground is neutral. Which is a way of saying the potential of the hot wire simply rises to 120v with respect to ground then falls to zero, reverses polarity then again rises to 120v then falls to zero. As the neutral conductor is bonded to ground the hot wire can easily power a load connected to any good ground point. Remember voltage is the difference in potential between two points, the hot wire and the ground plane.

Note most power lines to residential transformers only have one wire, the hot wire with the Alternating Current and the second conductor is literally the ground. The ground is simply a massive reservoir of free electrons which the hot wire pumps... like an electron pump.

Knowledge without Use and Expression is a vain thing, bringing no good to its possessor, or to the race.


There are several incorrect parts to your post; the worst is: "The ground is simply a massive reservoir of free electrons which the hot wire pumps... like an electron pump".
Ground is not needed for electron flow, unless it is designed into the circuit to be such.



I will open a new thread and lock it hopefully tomorrow where I will start on Spin Conveyance. I will also post it at OUR. From there if you wish we can continue this discussion either here (if this thread is not going anywhere further) or on a new companion thread.

I had prepared a long post but realize guys really need the base first. Once the base is understood, you guys are actually way smart enough to build new correlations to our effects. But let's just start from step one.

Sorry if my previous post may have been off topic.
