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RE: For starters , Read this first, compiled PDF file of Steven Mark postings

Started by kokomoj0, May 19, 2007, 02:42:30 AM

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Could this be him? StevenS?

Return to the INE Main Page


Here is what we know so far.

Below is:

1. Our email to request more information from our contacts;

2. An edited email response from one investigator; and

3. A telephone response from another investigator.

INE email sent: 5:27 PM, 12/30/96:

To: Energy_Sent_List
From: ine@padrak.com (Patrick Bailey)
Subject: Wanted:  Info on the New Earth Resonance Device
Bcc: Energy_Send_List

I want to find out who the primary contact is on this new "over-unity" device:

I recently saw a video about it.

The device is composed of circular coils of wire, on one planar frame, with
one coil inside the other, like two concentric rings, and with the addition a
one or more permanent magnets that are inserted into the center (or so?) of
the inner coil ring.

The device has no internal power source (like batteries, etc.).

It is supposedly tuned to the 7.23 Hz Earth's EM field.

It is shown in 3 sizes:  about 10 inches in diameter, larger, and the largest
one was about 18-24 inches in diameter.

They are placed flat (parallel to the ground) in the air (on a glass table).

When the permanent magnet(s) is/are inserted, the secondary coil registers an
output of about 80-100 Volts, on a regular VTVM as seen on the tape.

The tape calls this Voltage DC, and also says that it is around 5,000 Hz,
which of course does not make sense.

The interesting thing is that when the output is connected to a regular lamp
light bulb, it lights up just fine - so the promoters say see!  It lights a
100 Watt bulb, so the Amperage must be 1 Amp...-->  wrong...

Anyway, keeping in mind the come-ons...

On the tape:

The smaller unit lights up one 100 Watt light bulb,

and the largest unit lights up ten 100 Watt light bulbs connected in series.

And - when the device is operating, they say it has a resistance to any
lateral or rotational motion, like a gyroscope has that same resistance to a
rotational (only) motion -

so - dum de dum dum - there are forces akin to UFO researcher's dreams
evidently at work...

Also, when the magnet(s) is/are removed, the device does not function as well,
and also, when the magnets are in and the device is turned up-side-down, it
also does not function as well.

Obviously, this device has attracted a lot of attention, and it's applications
are far-reaching and numerous, battery-powered cars and lap-tops to name just
a few...

I have also heard that the inventor has an established lawyer, that they are
very stand-off-ish, and that they want A LOT of money up-front (like a
ridiculous amount) for this device.

So:  Two Questions:

1.  Who is the primary contact for this device?


2.  Who do we know that can also obtain this same knowledge from
    other persons, channeled information, or Divine Sources?

Please let me know if you have any solid information on this device or its
operational physics.

All I have is two phone numbers that lead to a dead end.

No questions.  This is all I know for now.


Email received later
and arrangements have just been made to share it:


[snip]  He wanted US$25 million up front for the secret.
We are aware of the concept and have been designing our own
version [snip]. He is VERY paranoid about publicity; [snip].

The outer toroidal coil overheats and has no magic factors inside it other
than a length of the coil which is cut until resonance is established. In
the core of this outer toroidal coil is the instrument package. A magnet
is used and a resonance is established using the mechanical (Lorentz) forces
developed in the coil. The system pulses with a DC component.

Tuning is a function of the coil mass and cross-sectional aspect ratio. It
appears an elliptical cross-section is required in the coil. The converter
package in the center of the toridal coil appears to be a circuit to
convert the pulsed DC component to AC.

This whole device is a low-voltage, low frequency, high-current form of the
high-voltage, high frequency, low current Moray device. Each system has its
good and bad points....

We are working very hard to develop a working model ASAP. We have enough
funding and adequate lab facilities [snip]. When and if we have a
good working prototype and adequate stocks for immediate market penetration
we will let you know. We have a plan which is diametrically opposed to what
might be expected [snip]

Be patient and use the clues we have shared with you....

Your friends ...[snip]

Telephone Call details received sometime this year:

From memory:

For lack of any name, it is being called the "Stevens" device.

The name has no connection with anyone or anything, and is just a label.

The videotape (described above) has been around for about 1 & 1/2 to 2 years, not the 1 & 1/2 months that the INE was led to believe.

The device is being promoted by a group who wants a LOT of money for it, and wishes to maintain unknown for obvious reasons.

The device works, and no trickery has been found thus far.

Bailing wire was used in the smaller device.

The placement of the magnets are important and strategic.

The effect seen on the video is powerful; however, lighting a 100 Watt light bulb does not necessarily mean that the device is generating 100 Watts of electrical power.

The device overheats with time. This is an engineering problem that should be easy to solve by a good engineer with assistance from the inventor.

Arrangements are being made to test and develop better prototypes.

The INE will be contacted when new and better videos are available.

That's all we have for you for now.

Return to the INE Main Page

Jan. 12, 1997.



Maybe its this guy that made the sunday times?

To all, here is a story which was in the sunday times in Perth,
Western Austrailia last sunday - it relates to the Stevens device
I would like to either duplicate the effect seen on the video or
find out what this thing is .....someone told me 22 turns of 22/0076
twinflex lamp wire ...any ..more info out there?

The following has nothing to do with whether this device works but
everything to do with greed amd big business....to me this is
fascinating even if this is a scam from the ground up...

ANGRY investors are demanding thousands of dollars from Perth inventor
Brian Collins, claiming he has failed to deliver on promises of a
revolutionary power generator.

The Sunday Times understands 35 mainly WA investors, including leading
businessmen, have handed Mr Collins about $1 million for a share in the
project in the past six years.

Another '150 to 200' people had supported earlier development
of the device, on which he first started work in the early 1970s.

The money was to further develop a secret generator that allegedly
converted natural magnetic fields into electricity, seemingly doing
the impossible by breaking a fundamental law of physics.

Mr Collins won world praise for the Collins Motor, a revolutionary
engine design which received international interest during the 1980s
and 90s.

The engine won the top award in the 1979 International Innovation and
Invention Exposition in Geneva.

Mr Collins claims the power generator will overshadow that success.

But after a string of broken promises, some investors are demanding
their money back and want answers to conflicting claims over who has
rights to the technology.

Mr Collins, who is still in WA, maintains all investors will be repaid
once a $6.9 million deal with a US company is signed on August 2.

But two angry investors have picketed Mr Collins' Victoria Park apartment
demanding to know where their money has gone.

A syndicate headed by Perth beekeeper Garth Harvey handed over $80,000
and investor Rob Blakeley contributed $17,000.

Mr Blakeley said $2000 was from the trust accounts of his two sons.

The 'short-term' loan was done on the promise of getting the
money back, plus 10 per cent and an equal value of shares in technology,
he said.

After several years, no money has been repaid to the men despite Mr
Collins' repeated promises that they would be reimbursed.

'The money was always coming tomorrow, next week or next month,' said Mr.
Blakeley, who has been waiting years for his money.

'There was always a deal being done. He had a legitimate reputation as
an inventor and we trusted him.'

The two investors said they were led to believe Mr Collins was the sole
inventor but later discovered he was working with a US associate named
Stephen Mark.

Mr Collins has told the men he and Mr Mark had been working independently
on developing similar technology and made a breakthrough when they got

He has signed authority from Mr Mark to raise money for the generator,
despite claims by Philippines-based lawyer Paul Stemm, who says he has
the rights to raising money to develop the invention.

'Since January 1995 I have had the authority to promote the TPU (toroidal
power unit),' he said.

'To say that I have no involvement with Stephen's work on the development
shows total naivety.'

Mr. Collins has continued to seek investment through his many WA

Documents show a London finance broker worked for more than a year with
the head of a leading finance bank to secure investors.

Although he refused to comment on the record to The Sunday Times, the
documents show the London link claimed to be involved in talks with
telecommunications giant Nokia and even an English lord.

The broker said the high-flyers of London's business centre were willing
to put whatever money was necessary in the machine, provided they were
satisfied it could do what was claimed.

Negotiations broke down after the head of the bank began demanding
scientific tests.

Mr. Collins denied the UK deal was ever officially supported by the bank.

He later explained he was not happy with the arrangement, which he said
did not provide adequate finance and would have seen him become a minority

'They wanted control,' he said. 'I did that with the Collins engine and
they stabbed me in the back.'

A group known as the Holy Club was also allegedly prepared to raise $50
million and in September last year Mr Collins talked with a major WA
mining company about a possible $20 million share in the technology.

None of the big deals has been signed but Mr. Collins continues to
reassure investors that an agreement is imminent which will allow him
to repay all the money he owes.

He raised much of his money to develop his engine from friends who
trusted him and had done the same to secure finance for the generator.

'I know in my heart I am doing God's work but I would be the first to
admit that I am only human and I made mistakes," he said in a letter
to an investor.

'But God knows my heart and I'm only too willing to swear on the Bible
that I will repay in full any outstanding debt that I have incurred, not
only in full but with a generous bonus.

'My commitment to God when he saved my life and showed me the vision of
a new way of generating electricity was real and I have endeavoured to
bring it to fruition from that day.

'I have never wavered from the mission I was given.'

But the plea is starting to wear thin, even by some who support him.

As one investor wrote: 'Brian, I kick myself for being so stupid and
greedy when I handed over my money.'


Theres a ho lotta steven going round!

Toroidal F/E device?
Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 15:22:20 -0500

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Hi Folks!

Received the following email claiming a successful f/e device using
You wrote;
> I would like to inform you that we have a working device that was
> developed by Omnidyne Inc. The device is very simple in concept and
> does not violate any laws of electrodynamics. The device is an
> electrical generator that uses a toroidal coil as the stator section.
> As you know toroidal coils trap 99% of the associated magnetic flux
> thus Lenz's law does not apply to this type of coil there is no flux
> around the conductor the external field does not exist it is all
> within the core of the toroidal. As you know all that is required to
> generate or induce a voltage is to have a relative motion between a
> conductor and a magnetic field.
> If there is a completed circuit then current will flow generating
> a magnetic field which in the case of the toroidal is trapped and in
> the case of other coils is external to the coil and in opposition to
> the flux field that induced the flow i.e. Lenz's law.
> The fact that the toroidal traps 99% of the associated flux is the
> same if you apply or induce a voltage. The torque of any electrical
> generator is due to the flux field interactions of Lenz's law.
> The magnetic force that the rotor encounters must be overcome by the
> application of an input torque but with our design we are able to
> trap this flux so that there is no external flux field to interact
> with that of the rotor thus we have eliminated about 90% of the input
> torque required to produce electrical power output.
> In the many models that we have produced we have learned many things.
> The most important is that the flux field interactions that exist in
> current generators also greatly reduces the amount of inductive
> reactance so by eliminating this flux field interaction we have a
> very large value of inductive reactance which drops the terminal
> voltage when current flows IxZ=voltage drop thus we have been working
> on this design issue and have developed several solutions.
> This is not a thermal dynamic system thus it does not violate any
> laws of thermodynamics.

I remember reading something about Omnidyne once before but as I recall
when I checked out the the website URK it had no information, just an
announcement that the information would be posted in future.

I did a search and could find no omnidyne webpage nor any reference in
the search engines for additional information.

Anti-Lenz tapping has been claimed in several mechanical free energy
devices though to my knowledge none are commercially available as having
been proven as overunity.

You gave no information as to power input vs power output which I find
puzzling. The closest thing I know about use of toroids is a version of
Sweets vta that used a bifilar type toroid and the mysterious Mark
Stevens or Steven Marks (though I understand the name isn't valid either
way) device which uses some kind of excited coil to produce energy from
the earths ambient magnetic field.

The video shows it on a glass table with no outside wires to any remote
power source, yet running several light bulbs. One guy walked across
the room with the thing in his hands and about every 3 feet or so, the
device would push up against his hands as if intercepting a magnetic
flux line.

The video has a lot of people interested and one of my contacts says a
multimillionaire funded the inventor which is how the video was
produced. The story was the inventor was blowing this investors money
bigtime on a fancy house and a very out there lifestyle.&ltg&gt...now that's
the story I was told, I don't know and I don't care about that...my
interest was in the machine and how it works, can it be reproduced and
produce useful power, whether mechanical, magnetic or electrical.

Here is what I found on the Stevens toroidal coils;


The device is composed of circular coils of wire, on one planar frame,
with one coil inside the other, like two concentric rings, and with the
addition one or more permanent magnets that are inserted into the center
(or so?) of the inner coil ring.

It is supposedly tuned to the 7.23 Hz Earth's EM field.

It is shown in 3 sizes: about 10 inches in diameter, larger, and the
largest one was about 18-24 inches in diameter. They are placed flat
(parallel to the ground) in the air (on a glass table).

When the permanent magnet(s) is/are inserted, the secondary coil
registers an output of about 80-100 Volts, on a regular VTVM as seen on
the tape. The tape calls this Voltage DC, and also says that it is
around 5,000 Hz, which of course does not make sense.

The interesting thing is that when the output is connected to a regular
lamp light bulb, it lights up just fine - so the promoters say see! It
lights a 100 Watt bulb, so the Amperage must be 1 Amp...--> wrong...

And - when the device is operating, they say it has a resistance to any
lateral or rotational motion, like a gyroscope has that same resistance
to a rotational (only) motion
Is this the Omnidyne group in the next email to INE?

He wanted US$25 million up front for the secret. We are aware of the
concept and have been designing our own version [snip]. He is VERY
paranoid about publicity; [snip].

The outer toroidal coil overheats and has no magic factors inside it
other than a length of the coil which is cut until resonance is
established. In the core of this outer toroidal coil is the instrument
package. A magnet is used and a resonance is established using the
mechanical (Lorentz) forces developed in the coil. The system pulses
with a DC component.

Tuning is a function of the coil mass and cross-sectional aspect ratio.
It appears an elliptical cross-section is required in the coil. The
converter package in the center of the toridal coil appears to be a
circuit to convert the pulsed DC component to AC.

This whole device is a low-voltage, low frequency, high-current form of
the high-voltage, high frequency, low current Moray device. Each system
has its good and bad points....

Over Unity, solid state electrical output for lighting, no apparent
input, appears toroidal in geometry or similar to a Hendershot
Generator, will not demonstrate device running motors. Video tape shows
three devices of different sizes.

here is a rather negative report on this Steven Mark guy;
So, could you provide additional information about the input vs output,
the experiment protocols and maybe a rough layout?

Are you planning to sell it, or the plans or a working device?

What would you like me or others to do to assist?

Many would be interested for certain...thanks for any additional
information you can provide...

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com         http://keelynet.com   /  &quotFrom an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

Then again who knows maybe this is him?

Seems marks has all kinds of names and gets around a lot.


so this guy is asking 25 million for a coil of wire and out of the generosity and good altruistic nature of his ever lovin heart he is going to come here to OU and just give it away as a gift to humanity!???? 

i can just see him laughing, waiting for one of you to come up with a better mouse trap for him. 

Like i said no papers filed = no tpu. i really do not know how anyone could buy into this reading the above past few posts considering that there is so much controversey over it without at a minimum looking into it to verify if he is in fact real.

Under the circumstances HE needs to prove HE is real not the other way around and until HE is proven real i feel it is a waste of everyones time.  hey you guys do what you will but frankly imo you may all want to do a rethink.
