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Understanding how Tesla did it

Started by Lightwave, May 30, 2005, 02:57:27 PM

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Quote from: prometheus_effect on June 01, 2005, 05:51:17 AM
Hi LightWave,

Lifting the mass requires work (energy * time) to be done. Holding it does not. It is only a force and a piece of wood can replace your muscles. Where then does your energy come from?

Remember energy = force * distance the mass moved, and work = energy used to move the mass * time it took to move the mass.


1. Iif there's no stick handy, of course you expend energy to hold the work. 2. the energy was already expended to make the stick. 3. you can never bruit lift with force as high as you can swing a mass.  Just ask David and Goliath.   David used Logic to "magnaify" the force behind the rock.

Have you actually ever even read any of Tesla's patents? If you have, you obviously don't understand any of them.  Your thinking is "old school"  when you need to think "ancient school". To the ancient's, energy was like "music to the ear".

QuoteIf you take an antena and a ground, and place a cap inbetween, a voltage will devlop inbetween. If you take two ground points on the Earth, the further apart, the greater the difference in voltage. When you byest a cap between these two points, and then reverse the cap, it has a greater potential difference to discharge between the state of the cap and the state of the two conecting points.

Try this simple experiment.

Take a transformer coil of low resistance (like the secondary of a 120-12v battery charger) and discharge a charged  AC cap through a diode (large enough to take the current). As the cap discharges and equalizes the energy on it's plates, the energy is expended to create a "magnetic buble"  like a balloon filled with air. When the bubble is forced to callaps by the background pressure, because there is no continious force to hold that bubble expanded, it induces it's own energy back in return. But this energy has the force of the EArth's magnetic field behind it. This energy is "scalar" in "nature", and has it's own unique properties as I already briefly disclosed. I have played with this energy to some degree and have found some of Tesla's discoveries, although he never explains them fully.

When you do this, and see the the cap reverse's it's charge (with some loss), and repeat  with the same original charge, by simply reversing the diode. There will come a spicific voltage for that cap, where just a few volts are lost in the reversal. At this point, only a small slap in the ass is needed to maintain ballance.

If you take that mass held by a spring, and instead balance it with a rope over a pully to another weight of same size. Very little energy is needed to lift the original weight. By ballancing the weight (just like ballancing the resonance) we can do more work per packet of energy.

Like a kid on a swing, the secondary, acts like a pendulem, and the primary and reversing cap powered by the ambiant background pressure are the driving force.

If you have read his patents, and still hold the same view, then I guess I can assume that you think Tesla is a Lier. I garantee you, he isn't, and that is why you still have no working "free enrgy"  devices.

Tesla said, that mainstream science didn't have a clue what an electron is, and I have to agree with him.  That is why you can not explain Tesla's resaults by main stream science.

The electron is like a "split dipole" like a little magnet, but with four poles like the sun. IN fact, the sun is like a giant model of an electron with it's pole configurations, just like one big cystral mimics milions of single crystals in a "matrix". Thats why the Egyptions worshiped the sun. They worshiped the "light" or "energy" and the harmony that exists in "light " or "energy" like the music in a datonic 12 note scale with 7 harmonic keys, right down to the Electron.

Finding "natural resonance" is a big part of the key to making it work. And an electron is like a harmonic musical instrument with spacific harmonic frequencies.

And just like music is "scalable" so is the electron. And when you build something with these principles, natural resonance ocures.

If you take a mile of wire, and light a light bulb with it, we loose some energy due to resistance of the wire.  But we also make a magnetiec buble a mile long surounding the wire that is not realized in the circuit, but is still a force we "push on". This is unrealized energy in the circuit, but becomes realised in the callaps and persuing "kickback" induction. This force can be as much as a million times greater then the energy we use "inside" the circuit, but is not normaly realized.

If your just here to be the "thought police" and try to discount everything instead of asking for clairafication of operation, I won't answer those questions anymore.

Think George Orwell, 1984, but change the date to 1884, and now you will get the real picture.

Any body wanting to work with me, I'm more then happy to share my knowledge and understanding.

Man's rules and laws writen on paper, are just that, mans rules and laws. I don't abide by them, as they are just "man's" imagination. Truth can always break a law and be ritious, while man still scribbles furiously on paper to redeam himself to no end.



Have you actually ever even read any of Tesla's patents? If you have, you obviously don't understand any of them.  Your thinking is "old school"  when you need to think "ancient school". To the ancient's, energy was like "music to the ear".

Hi LightWave,

Until you or someone else shows our current understanding of the relationship between force, energy and work is incorrect I'll stick with what works. By the way I do think outside the square. I invented the SMOT. And yes I have read Tesla's patents and a lot more.

Now its just engineering effort, time and money,


Take a transformer coil of low resistance (like the secondary of a 120-12v battery charger) and discharge a charged  AC cap through a diode (large enough to take the current). As the cap discharges and equalizes the energy on it's plates, the energy is expended to create a "magnetic buble"  like a balloon filled with air. When the bubble is forced to callaps by the background pressure, because there is no continious force to hold that bubble expanded, it induces it's own energy back in return. But this energy has the force of the EArth's magnetic field behind it. This energy is "scalar" in "nature", and has it's own unique properties as I already briefly disclosed. I have played with this energy to some degree and have found some of Tesla's discoveries, although he never explains them fully.

>> Sorry but the energy recovered from the magnetic field is only that which you put in, minus losses.

When you do this, and see the the cap reverse's it's charge (with some loss), and repeat  with the same original charge, by simply reversing the diode. There will come a spicific voltage for that cap, where just a few volts are lost in the reversal. At this point, only a small slap in the ass is needed to maintain ballance.

>> By small slap in the ass I assume you mean replacing the energy losses. But try to take any energy out of the circuit and it will quickly degenerate.

If you take that mass held by a spring, and instead balance it with a rope over a pully to another weight of same size. Very little energy is needed to lift the original weight. By ballancing the weight (just like ballancing the resonance) we can do more work per packet of energy.

>> Here you are confusing doing work against gravity and storing the work as increased potential energy (which you can get back) as against the pully system where you just do work moving a mass and just overcoming frictional losses but without any way to recover the work inputted.

Hi LightWave,

You need to be careful moving between different systems of work. You can't compare apples against oranges.

Now its just engineering effort, time and money,


Unfortunately Tesla did compare mechnical occilation to electrical occilation in more than 1 reference. He spoke
of soldiers marching out of step across a bridge.And being able to resonate any object.He also spoke of ether
being elastic and when stretched would create micro-wormholes causing a flow of particals of ether that were
so small they could flow through objects creating energy in front of and behind each atom and molecule the stream
past. So the above statements may not be so bang out of order.I made a plea elsewheres on the site for anyone
who reads Russian and have read the material on Tesla that came from the Russian archives to share the information with
the group.99.9% of the information you can find is fake.I have some faith in 2 avalible articles and cannot be
certin his patent information has not been changed. It is known his inportant work has been locked up for
the proposed purpose of national interest.


There is alot of information here to digest, so it will need further study and reflection, but I think that Lightwave is on the right track with his teepee coil design.  I have written an article for this section which covers some of the same ground as Lightwave's posts. This was written after I concluded that there is no such thing as a practical free energy device that taps ZPE or 'quantum vacuum energy'.  It may be possible that ZPE was invented to divert private researchers from the real free energy research being done by in classified projects of the US military.

As I see it the teepee coil would indeed create a spiral magnetic wave if suppiled with a pulsed DC supply.  Magnetic space waves are probably not recognized by the physics mainstream who can only accept magnetic waves as ripples in the field lines connecting north and south poles.  I wonder if such spiral magnetic waves imply the existance of magnetic monopoles and could this be the cause of sceptisism on the subject?

A scalar wave simply means that the wave has magnitude but no direction.  Therfore it would propagate in all directions rather than as a beam which is required in this application.  It could be more accurately described as a longitudinal wave like a sound wave except that it rotates.  Are there any physists out there who can enlighten us on rotating magnetic waves?

In my article 'Free Energy Comes From Ionosphere, Not Vacuum' I hypothesise that practicle 'free energy' devices like the Adams Motor or the Mikell device project a spiral magnetic wave into the ionosphere where it sets up a vortex from which a magnified magnetic wave is reflected back to the device.  The actual source of this energy is the earth's magnetic field which may become energised by the solar wind at this altitude.  It is important to understand that the energy being received by the device is available as magnetic current or 'cold electricity' as it is normally called and that this does not behave like electricity in some ways.  As far as I know it cannot be stored in capacitors or batteries, but I could be wrong.

I like this approach to free energy because it is based on a ptentially measurable source of energy and does not require a wholesale revision of 20th century physics.  Everything else is so ineffable.  The main problem with gaining the acceptance of the physics mainsteam is the difficulty in detecting or measuring magnetic current.