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The return of the Hungarian: FREE ENERGY from Wave-Fields...

Started by tao, August 17, 2007, 03:29:35 PM

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My search for patent application P9601424 has lead no where. Has anyone else had better luck?



Quote from: AhuraMazda on August 18, 2007, 11:57:16 AM
My search for patent application P9601424 has lead no where. Has anyone else had better luck?



Good luck actually locating an electronic version, might have to register on the Hungarian patent office's system to get it, I have tried that yet. Otherwise I haven't found it, yet, I haven't really looked THAT hard either so...


I have been doing some thinking. First I want to start out with question then I will state my thoughts.

Questions: How many signal sources do we need? Since I guess we are using the TPU as a race track that contains scalar wave would that mean we theoretically need one source? A while back people thought the TPU spun a electromagnet around inside the TPU that would the flux would cut the Earth magnet field to generate power or something like that. Is it now believe that the way we get energy from the TPU is by scalar waves instead of magnetic wave (like the MEG uses)?

I have read 13Hours theories about how we get OU (I thought it was great). I drew some pictures of what I was think happened the tunneling electrons. Radiant energy is electron the are tunneling, right (correct me if I am wrong)? Will thinking about these tunneling electrons and their faster than light speed I figured out how someone could test 13hours theories about their being different scaled zeros and other finite universes. When an electron tunnels it vanishes, right? This is when it is said to go into a lower density universe that has a faster speed of light compared to us. When the electrons oscillate between our universe and the less dense universe it switches speads. Tesla calculated that is was going 1.5 - 1.6 times faster than light. Impossible? Yes in our universe but not in the lesser density universe (its all in the refference as 13hour would say). If the electrons are moving in between our universes like this then if we found out the time that the electrons are in our universe compare to the less dense universe then we could compare that ratio of to the ration of light compared to the scalar wave itself. If it indeed is found out that the is a direct correlation then that is a strong points for 13hour's theory of OU and of his physics in general.

Another thing 13hour pointed out @ http://jlnlabs.imars.com/spgen/index.htm. This sight shows a scalar wave and solitons following it. I'm not sure if anyone has said this but when I look at the picture of a square wave in red and see a (KICKs) scalar wave followed by (SEEDs) solitons it just makes me wonder where is saw those (TPU!). Enough with jokes but does any think the following scalar wave from a control coil pusle might be the kicks and seeds. I can't really recall (being serious) how the kick was effected when it hit those seeds, or another kick? I remember if its Otto (correct me if I'm wrong) that hit seeds with kicks and got a big scare when the machine took off? To me it makes perfect sense (I could be totally wrong) that we see seed emerging right after a pulse. And when people would tune it close to perfect power resonance they would see those seeds grow (I am not sure if went down just like that) when a kick would be combined with them. One last note the TPU (I heard this from a lot of posts) need fast rise and fall times on their pulses for the control coil. Tesla also need fast pulses for his Tesla coil.

In a side relating to scalar waves and resonance has anyone heard of Royal Rife? He was a scientist that created a cure for everything from cancer and aids to the common cold. Since I think we are closer to figuring out how scalar energy resonates do you think it would be possible to cure disease like Rife did. Tesla once stated that his longevity was probably from his exposure to scalar energies

Thats all for now. The pictures I post might be a little light and hard to read. Also I would want to thank 13hour and other that have been working on this TPU project hard. I only connected the dots (somebody was bound to do it).


ps. sorry for the bad grammar


I registered with the Hungarian Patent Office, the patent has lapsed and was refused in 1996, only an abstract is available online and it's in hungarian:

A tal?lm?ny t?rgy?t k?pezÃ...‘ berendez?s(ek) lehetÃ...‘v? teszi(k) passz?v szerkezeti elemekkel, k?t vagy t?bb, egym?shoz k?zel elhelyezett, elemi sug?rz?val kisug?rzott elektrom?gneses hull?mok sug?rz?si ter?ben, azok kedvezÃ...‘ szuperpon?ltat?s?val, az eredÃ...‘ hull?m energi?j?nak megn?vel?s?t ?s ezen t?bbletenergia k?zvetlen, vagy m?s energi?v? (pl. hÃ...‘energia) t?rt?nÃ...‘ ?talak?t?s?val k?zvetett hasznos?t?s?t. A berendez?s kiviteli v?ltozatain?l a bemenÃ...‘ jelet kisug?rz? elemi sug?rz?k, ?s a hull?mokat vevÃ...‘ elemi sug?rz?k, egy alkalmasan kialak?tott reflektor (1) fel?let belsej?ben, f?zisk?z?ppontjukkal a f?kuszpontokban (F1, F2) vannak elhelyezve, ahol ezeket a dip?lokb?l (2) ?ll?, vagy m?s t?pus? elemi sug?rz?kat, megfelelÃ...‘ f?zissal koaxi?lis, vagy szalag t?pvonalak (3) kapcsolj?k ?ssze ?s vezetik ki, a bemenÃ...‘ ?s kimenÃ...‘ nagyfrekvenci?s jeleknek megfelelÃ...‘en.

but if there is anyone who knows hungarian a post of an accurate translation would be appreciated, automatic translation gave this:

The innovation topic train rigs () possibility work () tame constructional units , two or more egym?shoz anigh placed , elementary radiating emanated electromagnetic curlers radiant ter?ben , those favourable szuperpon?ltat?s?val , the resulting wave for her energy megn?vel?s?t and on this t?bbletenergia through , or other your energy ( for instance. hÃ...‘energia ) history ?talak?t?s?val reflex utilizing. THE device export v?ltozatain?l the input signal radiative elementary radiating , and the ripple customer elementary radiating , one opportunely kialak?tott illuminator (1) surface internally f?zisk?z?ppontjukkal the f?kuszpontokban (F1, F2) there are places , where these the dip?lokb?l (2) stand-up , or other type elementary radiating , appropriate phase coaxal , or tape t?pvonalak (3) switch ?ssze and conduce who , the input and outgoing high frequency jeleknek suitably.

a small diagram of the device is included in the abstract and I have attached it.

I also searched patents in the same class and found another interesting one:


Image from the abstract also attached.

Hope this helps, I'm no good at the electronics but very interested in what you guys are trying to do, will hunt down anything that you need on the net if I can, just ask.
In a Holographic Multiverse everything is smoke and mirrors!
What is Reality? Improve yours: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3454.0;attach=13459
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Quote from: stallman on August 18, 2007, 05:45:17 PM
I have been doing some thinking. First I want to start out with question then I will state my thoughts.

Questions: How many signal sources do we need? Since I guess we are using the TPU as a race track that contains scalar wave would that mean we theoretically need one source? A while back people thought the TPU spun a electromagnet around inside the TPU that would the flux would cut the Earth magnet field to generate power or something like that. Is it now believe that the way we get energy from the TPU is by scalar waves instead of magnetic wave (like the MEG uses)?

I have read 13Hours theories about how we get OU (I thought it was great). I drew some pictures of what I was think happened the tunneling electrons. Radiant energy is electron the are tunneling, right (correct me if I am wrong)? Will thinking about these tunneling electrons and their faster than light speed I figured out how someone could test 13hours theories about their being different scaled zeros and other finite universes. When an electron tunnels it vanishes, right? This is when it is said to go into a lower density universe that has a faster speed of light compared to us. When the electrons oscillate between our universe and the less dense universe it switches speads. Tesla calculated that is was going 1.5 - 1.6 times faster than light. Impossible? Yes in our universe but not in the lesser density universe (its all in the refference as 13hour would say). If the electrons are moving in between our universes like this then if we found out the time that the electrons are in our universe compare to the less dense universe then we could compare that ratio of to the ration of light compared to the scalar wave itself. If it indeed is found out that the is a direct correlation then that is a strong points for 13hour's theory of OU and of his physics in general.

Another thing 13hour pointed out @ http://jlnlabs.imars.com/spgen/index.htm. This sight shows a scalar wave and solitons following it. I'm not sure if anyone has said this but when I look at the picture of a square wave in red and see a (KICKs) scalar wave followed by (SEEDs) solitons it just makes me wonder where is saw those (TPU!). Enough with jokes but does any think the following scalar wave from a control coil pusle might be the kicks and seeds. I can't really recall (being serious) how the kick was effected when it hit those seeds, or another kick? I remember if its Otto (correct me if I'm wrong) that hit seeds with kicks and got a big scare when the machine took off? To me it makes perfect sense (I could be totally wrong) that we see seed emerging right after a pulse. And when people would tune it close to perfect power resonance they would see those seeds grow (I am not sure if went down just like that) when a kick would be combined with them. One last note the TPU (I heard this from a lot of posts) need fast rise and fall times on their pulses for the control coil. Tesla also need fast pulses for his Tesla coil.

In a side relating to scalar waves and resonance has anyone heard of Royal Rife? He was a scientist that created a cure for everything from cancer and aids to the common cold. Since I think we are closer to figuring out how scalar energy resonates do you think it would be possible to cure disease like Rife did. Tesla once stated that his longevity was probably from his exposure to scalar energies

Thats all for now. The pictures I post might be a little light and hard to read. Also I would want to thank 13hour and other that have been working on this TPU project hard. I only connected the dots (somebody was bound to do it).


ps. sorry for the bad grammar

Interesting point, about the 4.6Mhz as the usual frequency of harmonics produced by a caduceus coil when a 8Khz square wave pulse is introduced is 4.6Mhz to 5Mhz soliton wave transmission. It is quite an intense signal that can be picked up on a scope probe from up to 30cm away from a coil (that is with a 9.1 Volt 50mA source into a 52 cross over caduceus coil wound around a 1cm wooden dowel '52 cross overs= 26each side)

Used 26 each side to represent the structure of 2 Iron Atoms. the most ideal would be 13 each side.

As I mentioned before 8Khz is a very common frequency on Earth. From plant life to our own brainwaves. An issue which Tesla was very concerned about (As well as it being the frequency of the carrier in our ionosphere)

Getting back to the topic at hand, soliton waves do display interesting properties, they are waves that act as particles, when travelling in a relatively uniform structure. The collision two soliton waves causes they to travel as a wave packet (Quantum Tunnel) for a short distance then they split apart again with no loss of energy.

As I mentioned in my early posts, peeps working on the TPU's should really read up on Prof. Dr. Gunter Nimtz's Quantum Electron Tunnelling experiments.


Nimtz still does not understand density shift representing difference points in space time, the importance of soliton's and how these link with square wave Tesla kicks. So in sense you have one up on him when you read about his work.

You may find something interesting there, how he smoothed quantum wave packets (encoded them) with Mozart 40 and sent it between two locations by non subluminal means (Faster than light) and then decoded the receive signal an played it back.  Although they would not define this as information. As this requires the rewriting of the laws of physics, they did concede that this proves that the so called quantum tunnelling is not random as quantum mechanics suggests.

If it had been random he would have just got white noise out of the other end when decoded.

The reason why I mention this is that when two or more solitons merge, they are in the same wave packet state as the quantum wave packets in Dr Nimtz's experiments. They are no longer at subluminal  velocities on our scale.

So basically an electron makes billions of tiny leaps in space time around the TPU collector, when you introduce other harmonics you increase the density shift (would be like Dr Nimtz using a higher density target) so when these secondary kick waves hit the existing soliton waves at the correct phase of there path, they will merge and the resultant wave packets are considerably higher density, in this case what is returned is an equal opposite displacement of this increase of density, which because this kicks the two soliton waves so hard, it repeats the process again (due to there resultant velocity being more energy than is needed to break relative light velocity again) So a chain reaction of a massive kick them progressively smaller soliton mergers and divisions occurs around the collector

Basically in simpler terms introduction of the second harmonic make the electron quantum leap further around the wire without loss of pushing force. the third and fourth get harder and harder to introduce correctly, when you get to sixth and seventh.

Lets just say your TPU will be a molten blob of metal before that stage. Sixth and 7th Harmonics are more in the range of Nuclear Power Station outputs.

13 Harmonics if enough to control localised space time. (be very careful with this, as it takes considerable amount of energy to get the spin of your atoms phased back into normal space time).

26 Harmonics will be the entire energy of a single finite universe, Thankfully the precision needed for 26 kick harmonics is still beyond that of 21st Century technology.

Our ionosphere does play an important part in this, it is very important that you do not run these test experiments of changing multiple harmonics during electrical storm activity, As the resultant reaction could be catastrophic. We are here to push the boundaries. Not to get killed.