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The Grand Proverbial Goose Chase?

Started by Sataur, August 17, 2007, 07:24:45 PM

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Have you considered the alternative.
So I guess we should all go home now and drill an oil well.


Quote from: wattsup on August 18, 2007, 12:17:11 AM

Have you considered the alternative.
So I guess we should all go home now and drill an oil well.

If this were a forum on alchemy; turning base metals into gold, for instance, I wonder if you would so sarcastically suggest the crazed alternative of working for money?

The alternative to delusion is always less attractive to the deluded.  That does not mean the alternatives should continue to be blissfully ignored. 

If you truly think that the only viable solution to the earth's energy problems is endless free energy coming forever forth out of a cheap, easily-built, small, magical black box, then we are truly in deep trouble.  It ain't gonna happen, my friend.

Every moment spent chasing delusions is a moment not spent on actually solving the real problem of energy abuse and pollution and eventual shortages.  Keep that in mind as you brandish your holier-than-thou rationale for remaining deluded.


Quote from: Sataur? on August 17, 2007, 10:18:53 PM
Well the amazing thing about being human is that we have an inherent freedom to believe what we would like regardless of others. This can either be good or bad, depending on the situation and how you look upon it.

That was a very profound and introspective post Humbugger. I can see that we think along similar levels.

But I think I've made a slightly arbitrary decision to go ahead an build devices and machines regardless of whether it will work or not. As Voltaire had so eloquently put it in his Candide, men aren't meant to be idle, and only when we are working do we feel most satisfied.

Therefore I see no risk in wasting "time" by building devices. Perhaps one may work along the way, but even if none do, I will have found enjoyment in my work regardless. Time is irrelevant in the entirety of life. What matters is the present, and how you are in the now.


When I first started building electronic stuff, I was nine years old.  It was 1959.  I never went to college and challenged high school, getting a diploma at age 16.  At 14, I was doing TV repair in a local shop.  At 17, I became an apprentice to a very famous audio designer and helped him launch his first company. 

I have never done much book-learning.  I have worked side by side with numerous people considered to be world class in their fields.  I have had little companies of my own and done freelance design.  I have two granted patents on electro-optic display drivers.  I've developed and contributed to dozens and dozens of real world actual working commercial products and designed many custom instruments and test fixtures for ARPA and DARPA-sponsored projects involving ferroelectric liquid crystals, lasers and custom-built R&D LSI semiconductors. 

When I was 9 to about 14, I did a lot of building of things that didn't work.  I got tired of that.  That's when I really started to learn how things worked...on my own...in an environment provided by my dad, an engineering professor.  As my career advanced, my increasing knowledge of how to design working circuitry and how to strip problems down to the core and how to think, in general, made it less important to try every idea in hardware before proceeding. 

My last twenty years or so of projects have all been taken from paper design to prototype to production without any significant revision or "experimentation", and there were some projects in there that teams of phD EE's had worked on for months and not accomplished.  Some were high power RF projects dealing with kilowatt-plus power levels and at frequencies up to 100MHz.  It's been a long trek and I have been pretty successful at what I do.  There are plenty of guys who are smarter and better, too.

But the idea of going back to building hardware without any real understanding or idea of how it is supposed to work or, worse yet, what exactly it is supposed to be doing when I finish successfully, well...I just can't seem to get excited about it!  If there weren't so much blathering bullshit, cryptic crap, malodorous mystery and just plain inexcusable ignorance in this "field of endeavor", if there were some clearly stated theories of operation, some (even one) well-documented examples of working devices, some demonstrable free energy anywhere...I'd be in there designing and building; proving and improving like a maniac. 

I am not a big enough egomaniac to think I would be the first to invent a practical free energy machine, nor am I naive or confused enough to think anyone else will by tinkering blindly.  As I said once before in a long pessimistic post...

HELP!  I'm old and skeptical and I can't get up!  (for nutty pointless experiments)


If your last post is your way of apologizing for that stuff about being deluded, apology accepted. That was kinda uncalled for.

Listen, I'm sure we're all tickled about your successes in life, as we all have our own, and in fact, for some it is a way to trying to give something back. With all your brains in the matter, regardless of tinkering or not, you could be very helpfull here in exactly what you said, working out the bugs before the builds. Erfinder said this all along.

But don't forget one thing. To make all the components you used in your creations, many many people did alot of tinkering in the unknown using the best of their abilities for those components to be in your hands. They did'nt come out of the blue. Tinkering is a base. So if you can help some tinker less and think more, then please do. But if you plan on passing your time here in hard skeptic mode, I forsee that it will not work out for you here at all. You'll just drive yourself crazy because here, the goal is OU.


No...I was not apologizing...I still say that those who believe that the majority of the ideas posted on this website have any chance of solving any even tiny energy problems are seriously deluding themselves. 

Even believing in a single one of the "magnet motor", "gravity motor", "TPU" or "MEG", "SMOT", "RV" or any other "black-box" device that claims to produce significant useful energy greater than that fed in or stored (put in earlier) is naive at best and delusionary most likely. 

I am aware that the chaotic, seething, churning atomic-level energy is everywhere, yes.  Getting it to line up and dance forever for our particular desired energy purposes with some oscillators, crystals, magnets, coils, belts, weights, pendulums, MOSFETs and pullies?  And no continuing energy input?  Not a chance.  Period. 

Laugh at me after anyone proves me wrong...I promise I'll love it and laugh along with you at how foolish I was.  Hate me, ignore me or love me...I'm just not "a believer" in the free energy lunch!  Sorry!

I'd love to help.  Truly I would.  But every proposed device is either so poorly described in principal or so obviously idiotic when described clearly that, so far, there is no place I have found where a reasonable person with experience and knowledge could actually contribute in any productive way except to bat down bullshit as fast as it arises.  To do that on this site is way more than a full time job for a whole team of experts! 

98% of these projects could be instantly disproven with one fairly trivial set of accurate measurements.  The inventors and replicators invariably avoid any such thing like the plague itself!  The distraction, evasion, procrastination, lame excuses and insistence on treating good measurement practice and well-known accepted science as demonic curses proves to me that most of these people are in love with their ideas and are ego involved and emotionally attached to their fantasies and delusions of grandeur. 

The ones who claim to have working machines will not produce them for public use or submit them for thorough analysis and testing or disclose clear details of how to reproduce their results.  There are no exceptions, yet there seem to be an endless number of eager beaver believer-follower-replicators chomping at the bit for each "invention". 

Endless claims of successful replication and overunity performance are made with no credible evidence just as casually as can be...and always greeted with proud and enthusiastic encouragement.  Lots of high-fiving over what always turns out to be nothing remarkable at all.  People are being emotionally and often financially rewarded for posing as serious scientific researchers without ever doing any actual science or even close.

These are clear and obvious signs of serious self and group-delusion.  Pathology...actual diagnosable mental illness.  It does turn into outright fraud, eventually, you know.