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The Grand Proverbial Goose Chase?

Started by Sataur, August 17, 2007, 07:24:45 PM

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I do understand Stefan. Humbugger logged in with this name, which says everything. And i don't like reading this negative posts all the time. This is a forum for reasearch, dreams and visions as well, with a defined goal. This must stay in front.

But i do understand Humbugger too. And scepticism must be allowed. Honestly i was wondering too, as i read in the forum to see, is their a running AND replicable device. But Nothing complete.

But i see that positive. This gives me the chance to be a part of the evolution and there is a lot inspiration for brainstorming.

I read some of this sceptic posts for entertainment, no more for proofing my beleaves. Because i already did my decision a long time ago: Overunity is reality in physics and reality soon in energy-machines and the logical answer to so many aspects in modern physics and even social and religious questions (the great designer in the back and his plan for everlasting life).

As every research, it takes time. Why is this so hard to understand? His main argument against was: 100 years reasearch with nothing comming out. But that's not true. And there are a lot of other reasons, why OU-devices are still not common in daily life than being technically impossible. And internet is young. Global communication in that quality is possible for 10 years and free energy reasearch in the internet maybe for 5 years. This is a short time, to bring a hidden or forgotten technology back to life through that medium. But this are things sceptics have to learn first.

And i read such posts, to imagine how deep somebodies mind has to change, when OU-devices become reality. Then it's good to see, that beleaving, visionary thinking and innovation is above conventional intelligence, even its a good one. Einstein stated, that it was his curiosity, not his intelligence only.

I would suggest, Stefan unlocks his account, when he not spams the forum all the time. 20 negative posts with negative but well explained thoughts are still not spam. At least a warning should be given before locking!!!

Even Humbugger could be usefull in the future, when he is forced to change his mind (difficult for an aged person). Don't think he is a trivial person. Maybe a engineered person, who tried to do everything perfect in his job and as an aged engineer having problems to imagine he didn't know the whole thing even in his profession.


Quote from: Joh70 on August 18, 2007, 12:49:05 PM
And i read such posts, to imagine how deep somebodies mind has to change, when OU-devices become reality. Then it's good to see, that beleaving, visionary thinking and innovation is above conventional intelligence, even its a good one. Einstein stated, that it was his curiosity, not his intelligence only.

I have a slight problem with this logic. Indeed visionary thinking and innovation are the key to a higher intelligence, but believing has no place. Of course you must believe your idea is plausible, but NEVER should you blindly believe in a theory without going back and comparing it to the WORKING models before it.

You had stated that things take time to develop. But I must make a point that things generally do NOT take time if they are in need. Just look at what happened during the industrial revolution; hundreds of thousands of inventions and ideas were successfully being created in a relatively short time frame. And yet today, and every new day even more so, do we need a new, clean energy source, and NOTHING has ever come up that shows duplicable, true results. The world is spending literally billions of dollars researching new energy sources, and yet it would be stretching it to say 50 million at most has made it to researching over unity, world wide.

The reason is not because it has a stigma as a fringe science, but rather because major research firms and scientists know that it has been tried throughout history, and has been found not possible. You don't see professors with degrees in overunity, you don't see new college degrees in fields of free energy.

I have to agree with Humbugger. If you compare the free energy and overunity community to that of the rest of the worlds scientific community, you will realize that a lot of the people here are not real scientists, don't know how to go about the ageless scientific methods, and have faulty, pathological heuristics. Essentially this community is a type of grand mass delusion.

But I also know that many people will still, and will forever be wasting away in their basements, disregarding everything I, or anyone else for that matter, tells them. And thats because they are human, and every human has the innate right to believe what they want.

This right also has its room for error, though. People can become deluded into thinking that what they think is correct, and the driving force behind their effort to prove themselves correct is to have that feeling of superiority when they prove everyone else that they're wrong. This is a legitimate psychological condition. It IS delusion. Why do you suppose so many crazy people spend their entire lives trying to prove that the CIA is after them, or that the people in the window are real? It's the same with the people in the overunity field. They are so intent on trying to convince the world that their ideas are right that they fail to realize that perhaps they are the ones who are actually at fault.

You can ban me too Stefan, but I really hope people just take a step back and objectively look at what their real motives are for doing this research. Is it just to prove people wrong, for the ego to gain a boost, to feel superior? To most, it is underlying, but most certainly there.

I am not a skeptic, just a concerned bystander... please take a step back and take a look in the mirror.


Hi sature, i agree in the point that there are different motivations trying to find a free energy solution. And i agree, the very first feeling doing that research can be to be special or maybe to feel superior. But thats normal and ok, when it stays not in front the whole time. Every successful sportsman, star or business-man in his carreer has to be important, special, superior in what he does. But the best of them DON'T FEEL that all the time. They are just so, without comparing to others.

I like to see, that researchers sometimes indeed take a step back, and always see their limited knowledge as every human has from almost 7000000000 on the planet. Honestly i don't like people always hearing themselves talking and staying in the spot of light. Great innovations are done in silence and with a lot of respect what they do, of the environment and possible consequences to others live, etc. Gratitude in case of success.

But there should be no problem for everyone, seeing someone staying in spot of light, when there is a good reason for it.

For example: I beleave Steorn found something great. But in July they wrote on there demo-unit: "Nothing is impossible!" Thats sounds cheap. The demo failed and therefore thats ok. But they could be successful with it anyway.

Other example of megalomania: the inventors and guest of ship Titanic stated: "Even God cannot bring it to sink". It went under.

Of course this is not a failsave rule, because in these days many BAD people have power, money or fame. But sometimes live pays back sins immediately. And sometimes later for sure.

Nonetheless beleaving, phantasy, dreaming, visionary thinking, happy puzzleing facts, curiosity, free thinking is the key for every great innovation. Start playing a game, then invent something.

My motivations are in the following order:

1. to lift a secret, be part of something new and great, to feel special
2. to bring down oil-, gas-, electricity-prices, powering my home
3. to earn some money with the knowledge/units (doesn't have to mean becoming rich)
4. to help poor people, having a cheap unit for electrycity, better live
5. to doing something for environment, reduce the risk becoming sick thru pollution
6. to see some hard sceptics stop laughing, show them their limits
7. to see some stocks crashing and see what happens then to the society
8. to see the very rich people of oil-industry not wasting their money anymore


OK let's push the subject of delusion on something more specific. Here's the story.

Many many months ago, I think it was Stefan that had an idea for a square wheel with sliders. In that thread I posted a design for a wheel. The idea just popped into my head from I can't remember what natural inspiration. This idea kept maturing and I started doing some drawings on my Corel Draw program. I analyzed all the angles. I made drawings that were titled every 2 degrees for 90 degrees (45 drawings) and placed by steel bearings in their places to make sure that there was always more weight on the right then on the left. I did all the due diligence possible knowing this is impossible, but the idea kept eating away.

I sent the drawings to a friend who has a water jet cutter so he could cut the parts. He told me he needed it in AutoCad. OK, so I borrowed AutoCad from my Sister-in-Law and learned to use it and re-did the drawings. I asked him to cut it out of aluminum since this was the lightest metal around, plus the two transparent covers were cut from plexiglas. The blue image below is the original drawing I sent him. Notice the elaborate curves inside each of the eight sections.

So I get the parts, get a company to fit two bearings in the center wheel and one bearing on each vertical stand. Put the thing together and low and behold, it doesn't turn over. So I think and think again. Get myself a few grinding wheels for my drill and start modifying it from the original design. Things start looking better but every time I would remove some metal from somewhere, I would change the balance on the other side. So I continue anyways taking off more of the original design until I finally realize, the wheel itself had to be balanced. So I bring the wheel into a special metal shop that has a balance system to find out I was 22 grams heavy on one side. So I removed here and there and finally see the wheel is perfectly balanced.

At home, I put the perfectly balanced wheel back together but don't forget, the wheel has now been modified by my former actions. Give the wheel a small spin and it turns and turns until it stops. This wheel (shown below) is almost turning on its own. I have now realized that the aluminum is too heavy for the total weight of the balls trying to keep such a mass in motion. So now, I will be making a new wheel with the original design, and it will be made of plastic which is already purchased and sent to my jet cutter friend. I only need to make some small mods on the design because I was using 3/4" ball bearings and this wheel will be using 1" ball bearings to increase the ball ratio even more. The plastic will weight 1/3 that of the aluminum. Total cost thus far about 700$ plus time, etc., etc. The new wheel will also be balanced before anything else. I learned a great deal from this little venture. Will it work. I am 99% sure it will and 100% sure it won't. But the inventor is always sure it will otherwise he would not try it. And this is not based on wishful thinking but well planned, preliminary scrutiny for hours and hours trying to see where there is a flaw but all indications where positive. My original design ensures that the bottom ball is pushed right as well as the top left ball pushed to the right as much as possible in order to keep the weight greater on the right. There is no other way to have a chance at such wheels working.

So, am I crazy? Am I deluded? For me not to be deluded, was I supposed to design this and have it work the first time around. Was I expecting problems? Yes I was. Was I ready and did I have the means to tackle these problems. Yes I did. So I ask the question again. Am I deluded?

Well maybe I am, but I can tell you this. Any time anyone has a wheel to make and needs some guidance, I have now the experience to provide good information based on "trials", "tinkering" call it what you will. Experience. I'll let you know how it goes with the plastic wheel. If it works, I will call it the Anti-Delusion Wheel. If it does not work, it will make a nice piece of art and call it Delusion-X. A few magnets and it will eventually turn.

Delusion is not the base. Want of an answer is the base and can be confused with delusion. Was Tesla deluded? Are people that build homes and cities in flood zones or earthquake zones deluded. Are people that eat pickles deluded since 100% of people that eat them will eventually die.

I have three businesses and do very well. One of the businesses since 1988 I have always use just to develop products and accumulate expenses including OU investigations under R&D. 50% of such expenses are eventually tax deductable should I decide to close that company or I can put any gains in the company and withdraw them personally no-tax which would be off-set by the capital invested. Is this delusion? I have over 1/2 a million accumulated over the years but have had products on and off the market for as long. Is this delusion. I call it smart hobbying.

So Humbugger brought up a good subject. Something that can be used as a mirror to look at ourselves and what we are involved in under a more discriminating manner. So again, I ask Stefan to please put Humbugger back online. The guy deserves a break.


hi wattsup,

you are right, there is no need to bann Humbugger such early.

Your work: nice solid construction! You are on the way of Bessler. 8) Your way is normal research and no delusion. Of course, everybody beleaves in his success, otherwise such work is impossible. i tried such similar and will continue soon, when i have more time.

You wrote: I will be making a new wheel with the original design, and it will be made of plastic which is already purchased and sent to my jet cutter friend

Do a tryout. i agree, the balls weight is too light in relation to the friction caused by the weight of the whole thing.

My view - Spoken honestly: This type of construction is tried many times by individuals. Without additional concepts it will not run such plain its concept is. But its good for brainstorming. And the Bessler-whell cannot be much different.

You wrote: "Any time anyone has a wheel to make and needs some guidance, I have now the experience to provide good information based on "trials", "tinkering" call it what you will. Experience."

Yes, one thing is for sure: Research keeps the brain fit and each step teaches a lot. There is no success without many mistakes before !!!