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White powder Gold

Started by innovation_station, September 06, 2007, 11:17:36 PM

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It has this kind of data, and plenty of it!:

The Philosophical Mercury

This quote is from "Alchemistical Compositum" by Saint Dunstan:

"Extract the salt of the crude and white calcined tartar; purify and clarify it often, till it be as bright as the tear of the eye, and can be brought no higher; therewith you may sharpen its own Spirit of Wine, which dissolveth Sol (gold) and Lune (silver). "

And below I have explained what this means:

1. When tartar is strongly heated (calcined), it becomes potassium carbonate. To extract it's salt and clarify it, you dissolve it in water and wait for the impurities to settle out, then filter and evaporate. This will give clear potassium carbonate crystals with sodium chloride impurity.

2. Now using the raw non-rectified golden acetone (Spirit of Wine) obtained from dry distillation of potassium acetate, you digest it with the potash crystals for a Philosophical Month (6 weeks) and a yellow residue forms. The acetone is distilled to separate it.

As far back as the time of Raymond Lully and Isaac Hollandus in the 1200s, we see the use of acetone made from acetate salts as a special "Mercury" to dissolve gold down to it's first matter. In fact, in 1842 Jonathan Pereira published a book titled "The Elements of Meteria Medica and Therapeutics" and in it he plainly admits Lully and Hollandus were well aquainted with the use of lead acetate to make acetone in the 13th century (page 806). He also explains how it was being produced in 1842: London College - powder lead oxide is dissolved in a warm mixture of acetic acid and water then strained and evaporated to form crystals of lead acetate. Edinburgh College used Pyroligneous Acid (acetic acid and methyl alcohol) with distilled water and lead oxide (litharge). That is an acid which can be obtained by the dry distillation of wood, which is interesting since potassium hyroxide can also be obtained by calcining the remaining wood to ashes. Then potassium acetate can be created and used to make the Philosophical Mercury solvent. And since it can in this way be obtained from a prime materia "which is found everywhere but ignored by everyone" this may indeed be one of the methods used by some of the oldest alchemy processes. The pyroligneous acid can be purified and seperated from the methanol and other poisonous contaminants by fractional distillation and an acetic acid is obtained which has medicinal properties unlike normal acetic acid. Click here for the 1991 US patent which actually gets it's idea from a 1903 patent by Gustav Glock of Berlin, Germany.
The very fact the production of acetone was kept secret until around 1700 is proof of just how special this solvent is; as well as the fact hardly any information at all can be found about the chemical byproducts of this process. Why is something this incredible ignored?
This is the radical dissolution of gold without corrosion, which was achieved through the raw oil of the Acetone, called the Acetone aerrimum and the Dissaeveus Auri.
This "Mercury" dissolves gold, but the acetone chemical itself does not work this miracle. It is the byproducts formed during the dry distillation of certain acetate salts. As the acetic acid molecule is converted to the acetone molecule by the catalytic action of the metal ions, many other byproducts are produced, which is what we are after. So it is a mistake to try and obtain pure acetone chemical from this Philosophical Mercury using special refinning distillations because that would only weaken it by seperating out the very chemicals required to dissolve the gold, leaving only the acetone.
The acetone produced by this process of dry distillation contains "impurities". It is these impurities we must investigate furthur to discover which one does the action of dissolving the gold. Here is the list of known byproducts:

      Mesityl oxide - a ketone with the formula CH3C(O)CH=C(CH3)2. It is a colorless, volatile liquid with a strong peppermint odor. It produced when the acetone is condensed in the presence of a catalyst. This type of self-condensation gets extremely complex.
      Isophorone - colorless to yellowish liquid with a characteristic smell. It forms from the mesityl oxide as the condensation reaction continues. Isophorone also occurs naturally in cranberries.

      dumasin (cyclopentanone) - C5H8O - a colorless liquid organic compound with a peppermint-like odor. It is a cyclic ketone, structurally similar to cyclopentane, consisting of a five-membered ring containing a ketone functional group.

Since acetone is not what has the power to dissolve the gold, these chemicals on the list must be worked with until it is discovered which one can dissolve gold. And since the raw acetone distillate is digested with a strong alkali (potassium or sodium hydroxide) it is furthur altered to produce more of these byproducts.

There is one chemical that has not be identified. It distills at 90?C and therefore cannot be one of chemicals on the above list. According to Fittig in "About Acetone" 1858. page 48, one oil distills at 90?C(194?F); the other one, Dumasin (cyclopentanone) at 120?C (248?F). There is also an iridescent oil which is left behind after the other oils are distilled, and it may play an important role.

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Make no mistake about it; these chemicals are poisonous. They should NOT be ingested even though isophorone does occur naturally in small quantities in cranberries. This "Philosophical Mercury" should be treated just like it were mercury metal. And even though the aroma is a pleasant peppermint, inhaling the fumes can be detrimental to health and even cause unconsciousness. Yes there are indeed old alchemy texts which make a dissolution of gold and then say the liquid can be ingested as is, but those poor men knew not what we know today. The MSDS sheets for these chemicals explain the dangers. Even the modern alchemist Frater Albertus dissolved gold in his Philosophical Mercury and then claimed one should put a few drops in a glass of wine and drink up. While the gold may have been beneficial in that dissolved form, the chemicals of the Philosophical Mercury were most certainly causing problems for his body which went unnoticed until the time of his death.

Lead acetate should NEVER be used to make this Mercury because it creates poisonous lead fumes.  Potassium, sodium, calcium, barium, and zinc will all work. Most acetates of metals will only release acetic acid when overheated instead of converting the acetic acid molecule to acetone. Copper acetate for instance, will only release acetic acid when heated.
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Metal Calxes

The old alchemical maxim of "Dissolve et Coagula" which means dissolve and coagulate, is what this pH Swing Process does.

Most commonly, calxes were made by amalgamating mercury metal with the metal to be calcined, and it the mercury was this distilled out. The mercury dissolves the metal each time, and the amalgamations are repeated until a fine calx is formed. Typically with gold this would produce a red calx which is nothing more than finely divided gold.

And even though this method of using acids and bases to dissolve and precipitate the gold may seem modern, it was actually used in old alchemy also. After the gold was dissolved in Aqua Regia, they would precipitate it using "oil of calcined tartar" which is potassium carbonate that has been exposed to humid air and allowed to absorb water, and they did indeed refer to this precipitant as the calx of gold.
Q: What is the "pH Swing" process?
A: When the pH of the gold solution is adjusted from 1 to 14, and then back down to 1, this is one single "pH Swing". It breaks down the size of gold clusters so each one contains less atoms bound together. As this happens, the color will change. The gold is in the chloride form when the water is acidic and chlorine is present (hydrochloric acid) and it's a hydroxide when the water is alkaline. The goal of making monatomic gold is to break the gold all the way down to just 1 atom, at which point it will no longer exhibit metallic porperties. The bond holding the last 2 atoms together has an energy of -2.5 eV (electron volts). This can be broken appart using sodium metal that is allowed to ignite and gernerates the intense energy required to break the bond. It's reffered to as the "Sodium Burn Process". But water molecules also chain together to generate the required energy level in this wet chemistry technique.

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Pic. 1

Gold is dissolved in Aqua Regia, and the acid is evaporated to form crystals.

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Pic. 2

Water was added to dissolve the crystals and the pH adjusted to alkaline while stirring. This removes the nitrates and gets the gold ready for dissolving in pure HCl acid so you know there is only gold chloride in solution. Here you can see the dark purple gold hydroxide precipitant swirling around.
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Pic. 3
The precipitant was washed to remove salt and lye. The gold is allowed to settle on the bottom each time.
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Pic. 4
And here you can see how the gold preciptant looks almost black. With more pH swings it precipitates as a fluffy powder, but in these begining stages, it is clumped together and very heavy. This is because the gold clusters are still made up of thousands of atoms bound together.

Pic. 5
After 50 pH swings the gold has become a white powder.

Pic. 6
After 100 swings the gold was allowed to dry in a wide crystallization dish, and it formed these little crosses. The same peculiar crosses form when the process is done on copper.

Q: How is the pH Swing done?
A: It is strongly recommended that the pH Swing process be performed on your gold before it's used in the Red Tincture process because this will enable far more gold to convert to the red form. Using the process I describe here, you will quickly and easily be able to obtain a white precipitant after only 10 pH swings. The ratios of water to gold and the use of lye solution instead of pure sodium hydroxide crystals is what make this process work better. Follow the instructions exactly. If you don't use the suggested quanities of water you will obtain many different colors instead of a white powder.

After the gold metal has been dissolved into a chloride form, the acid is evaporated using low heat (150F). The crystals are not allowed to dry completely because they will most likely become scorched from the heat source, and won't dissolve in water (and then you will need to redissolve the gold in Aqua Regia). Because there will be some acid left in the beaker, quite a large volume of water needs to be added for dilution. Using 1/20th to 1/10th an ouce of gold, the crystals/acid should be dissolved in at least 700ml of water.

100 grams of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in 1 liter of water to make a lye solution. Water weighs 1 gram for every milliliter (labeled as "cc" when reffering to drug dosage. cc = cubic centimeter). This first pH swing will require a lot of lye solution to bring the pH up to alkaline. It should only be brought up to 8.5 since gold hydroxide will redissolve in strongly alkaline water and you will be washing the precipitant. Purple gold hydroxide will precipitate to the bottom. When this precipitant is settled, the top water is poured off and saved in your "wash water" beaker. Add new water to the precipitant beaker, and once the precipitant is settled pour off the water again (saving it in the wash water beaker). This cleaning process removes the sodium hydroxide and the salt which formed from the reaction of hydrochloric acid and NaOH. Once the pH is neutral, pour most off the water, being careful not to loose your precipitant. There will be around 200ml of water remaining if you are using a 1 liter beaker. This can be transferred to a smaller beaker, then when the precipitant settles again, the excess water is easier to pour off (decant).

Now a few milliliters of hydrochloric acid is stirred into the precipitant. After swirling the solution around (erlenmeyer flask is good for this), the gold hydroxide dissolves to become gold chloride again. The pH is raised up to 14 now because you won't be washing the precipitant yet. After the pH is adjusted from 1 to 14 and back to 1, this is a single pH swing. During the first few swings, it will be very easy to see when the solution is alkaline because it will turn purple and you can easily see the fluffy gold hydroxide. As you continue it will become increasingly difficult to tell what the pH is by eyesight and pH paper should be used (Don't dip it dirrectly into the solution; use a dropper to drip a sample onto the pH paper).

After 10 swings, there will be a substantial amount of salt that has been created by the reaction of sodium hydroxide and acid. It's essential to remove this salt with washes just like you did after the first pH swing. The gold clusters are now so small they will be white, and will attached themselves to bubbles, which makes them float to the surface. The water will look clear and it will seem as though your gold has dissapeared. Fear not. Dilute the solution back up to 1 liter. Then just place the solution on gentle heat and let about 100ml of water evaporate, then let it cool back to room temperature. Now you will be able to see white gold hydroxide precipitant falling to the bottom. Tap the beaker to shake any precipitant floating on the surface so it will decend to the bottom. Don't bother trying to get creative using a centrefuge because that would also force the salt to the bottom of the tube and defeat the purpose of the washings.

At least 100 pH swings should be performed on the gold. This may sound like a lot of work, but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to do 10 pH swings in 30 minutes. When you have your white precipitant, it will be gold hydroxide broken down so small it appears white because it's actually not reflecting any color and is clear. This is what is sold on the internet as "White Powder Gold" but it is not yet monatomic gold; it's still mostly just gold hydroxide. There is a small amount of monatomic gold present, but since so much gold hydroxide is also still present, ingesting this material is foolish. Not only does it waste gold, but the gold hydroxide gets converted into gold chloride in the stomach which has recently been found to be a potent neurotoxin.

Pour off as much water as possible from your white precipitant, and evaporate most of the remaining water. When you want to dry the precipitant, don't use heat. Just let the remaining water evaporate at room temperature by covering the beaker with a coffee filter.

You can now dissolve this white calx of gold with the Philosophical Mercury solvent as per the instructions on the Red Tincture page and perform the process to convert it to the red isotope of monatomic gold. Though it may seem like a lot of work, this method will save you from having to repeat the Red Tincture process a dozen times to convert all the gold into the red form which distills with the Philosophical Mercury.

Q: What is done with the left over wash water?
A: All the water you used to wash your gold precipitant will contain some gold hydroxide you can't see. So evaporate your wash water and you will begin to see it turn pink. The water contains a great deal of salt, and this traps the gold hydroxide and causes it to fall to the bottom. The reason you couldn't see it before was because it was floating on the surface of the water in tiny clusters.

Once the solution is evaporated down to 200ml, let it cool off. Salt crystals are forming which contain the gold hydroxide powder trapped inside. Add enough water to refill the beaker back up to 1 liter, and this will dissolve the salt. Now do the washes on the pink precipitant until there is no longer a salty taste in the water. Then you will know the salt has been removed and you can now perform the pH Swing process on this pink gold until it's white, just like you did the first time. Save the wash water again, but now since it's mostly just salt, pour it on your garden outside. Helps plants grow for some reason; the salt has nothing to do with it.
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Pic. 6
In this photo can be seen the pink gold hydroxide which appeared when the water was heated. This wash water which was clear and would have been tossed down the drain actually contains this hidden gold.
Pic. 7
Here is the precipitant washed and dried. Contains a lot of sodium which doesn't wash out. It's a very soft powder with irridecent clear flakes also. On the side of the beaker which the water was evaporated in, a rainbow effect can be seen in the right lighting. This seems to be the Oil of Gold which was in the wash water. It has long been rumored that the wash water should be saved for this very reason, then reunited with the original precipitant once's it's made into moatomic gold. So in this pink powder, there is apparently the "Oil of Gold" along with some normal gold hydroxide which gives the powder it's  pink tint.
Pic. 8

The precipitant was dissolved in a few milliters of hydrochloric acid, but some remind undissolved as can be seen in this photo. A little peroxide was added (3% solution) and the red precipitant became white but refused to fully dissolve.
Pics. 9 & 10
These two photos show the precipitant when dried.
Pic. 12

Every color of the rainbow can be created with gold depending on how it's precipitated. If pure sodium hydroxide powder is added straight to the acid solution, then the clusters will remain large and the precipitant will slowly change through the colors after each subsequent dissolution and precipitation. While this makes beautiful colors, it's not the goal and there is no benifit to having a colored gold solution instead of a crystal clear white calx. The water clear solution is what is the best because the gold clusters are smaller.


What I mean, is it contains explicit detailed exact information.


WOW thanks, do you think it's possible for me to make in my own kitchen? From what I read the WPG being sold has not gone through the process given on that page, can you please show Red Tincture page and perform the process to convert it to the red isotope of monatomic gold. A question though, seems not so complcated - I mean no need for a chemist although that would be really helpful I suppose, but have you made this Elixir or has anyone made their own WPG? I humbly ask for assistance and not being sarcastic or anything, I say this as words can be misinterpreted online :

The only thing I worry about is I make it the wrong way and kill myself :'(  So I want to get it right. Thanks again. Is there an easier way to make the WPG without losing effectveness?


The information on the red tincture (the red dragon, or the rosy cross on the white tunics of the Templars) is not published, and will have to be pursued on it's own.

There are other methods, as far as I know. However, posting them here in their entirety without working them out myself, is foolishness, and besides..the whole process is for those who can think, as opposed to those who cannot.

The point here, is no giant sticks of dynamite in the hands of those who are not 'clear of head'. Don't give dangerous and powerful information to those who are not 'clear' of their internal issues, is the main point here. Therefore, the way is always difficult. The clarity of thought that comes from the whole endeavor, in the 'hermit-shaman-scientist-alchemist-thinker' way of thinking is..that.. once these things are found and understood by the determined individual, they will not simply hand the information over to just any person. This work MUST be done by the individual. It's like asking for enlightenment without doing the work..it would be valueless. One must earn their way there.

There is no dream here, only hard work, with results that  lead.....somewhere.

In essence, I have done what I reasonably can do. The way to the door has been pointed out. The basics point of conversion, that is not understood or recognized by science has been published, in the few posts above. The rest is yours to discover. :)

I apologize for the lack of a direct answer, but you can see that no such answer would be forthcoming, even if I knew it. Especially if I knew it. :)


Thanks Prophmaji I respect your philosphy, when the student is ready ... I suppose I wonder maybe out of fear that I'll miss the boat, something I have to deal with as I go along. But you've helped a lot so that's great - Thankyou;D, but still far to go - or maybe just around the corner - the breakthrough, who knows?