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Started by noblefuse, December 11, 2007, 10:15:21 AM

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Yeh well, that says it all really.
I was going to tell you about the impossibility of such a Tesla coil being built,
and that his little arc in water is no where near 750 kV, but it's obvious just another
nutbag is blowing his little horn yet again on this forum.
It really does get a bit frustrating wading through the garbage on this site.
I keep coming back though.


its a shame to try and give truth to a public that just likes to verbally smash another human being - and in this case- one who has spent an entire life for the betterment of mankind- I have done it- and i know it- i dont have to prove it- i just tell you- to read my pdf and build it yourself- if you have the knowledge to do so-

in regards to god- a time has come- god is in the government and on your money- absolutely everywhere- yet not fully in your hearts- to those who believe evolution is true- so do i- i believe it has done so way before us- we are seeded as such- ask yourself what can man do 1 thousand years from now-1 million years from now-keep going- time means nothing

but you are wrong with semitica and so much more- i will be glad to speak of my invisible world of god- after society calms down with theirs accusations and name calling and simply repeat my experiments- you will measure positive fusion reactions-

after you have concluded my invisible world of electricity and found i have made your childrens lives far greater- you will ask yourself- in a world of god that controls your breath and all things if it desires to- maybe a message has come along with the discovery- time will tell-

i will not debate what i have been told- i was given orders and i will give them- first- you need to find respect from the deeds i have done-

your first step is to shut up and stop name calling- unity begins with people being accountable for their words-maybe you should practice these words on your own children- see how they like it-

do unto others as you would like unto yourself- a time has come



Hello Hans,

If God is up to bat, my money is on a homerun.  I hope the bases are loaded and not just the poster. 

Now if someone has called God to bat but didn't checked to see if He is even willing to play the game, that's another matter.  lol.

mib HQ

Quote from: hansvonlieven on December 19, 2007, 09:59:00 PM
. . .
Look what I found on this guy's website. This is just a small sample, there are pages and pages of it. He thinks he is the new messiah.

Hans von Lieven
. . .

Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.



Something just occured to me as I re-read your idea.  God has stood up the plate.  Since it's a plate of your creation then by proxy God has stood you up.

What do you think?

mib HQ
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.


Quote from: noblefuse on January 21, 2008, 01:38:08 PM
its a shame to try and give truth to a public that just likes to verbally smash another human being - and in this case- one who has spent an entire life for the betterment of mankind- I have done it- and i know it- i dont have to prove it- i just tell you- to read my pdf and build it yourself- if you have the knowledge to do so-

in regards to god- a time has come- god is in the government and on your money- absolutely everywhere- yet not fully in your hearts- to those who believe evolution is true- so do i- i believe it has done so way before us- we are seeded as such- ask yourself what can man do 1 thousand years from now-1 million years from now-keep going- time means nothing

but you are wrong with semitica and so much more- i will be glad to speak of my invisible world of god- after society calms down with theirs accusations and name calling and simply repeat my experiments- you will measure positive fusion reactions-

after you have concluded my invisible world of electricity and found i have made your childrens lives far greater- you will ask yourself- in a world of god that controls your breath and all things if it desires to- maybe a message has come along with the discovery- time will tell-

i will not debate what i have been told- i was given orders and i will give them- first- you need to find respect from the deeds i have done-

your first step is to shut up and stop name calling- unity begins with people being accountable for their words-maybe you should practice these words on your own children- see how they like it-

do unto others as you would like unto yourself- a time has come


What  has happened here reminds  me of when  cold  fusion  was first anounced . 

These  " new " guys   popped up from no where and claimed to   have  discovered a new  kind of fusion .

If course this quickly lead to  most of the  other people  in related fields   fighting to  " protect " their  own positions in their fields . ........    for the most part  they protected themselves   by  claiming  that  cold fusion  was a fraud .

It is  sad that  the minds of  whose that  claim  to be  our scientific  leaders  are  so narrow minded and self centered,.

It is  sad that    the  so called   "experts " in this  forum  choose to spend their  time   finding  fault  with every  new idea that comes along ............rather than  looking to see if  something  can come from it.


Do  any  of you  " experts  "   understand  that    the oil producinng  countrys are putting  out  pretty much all that they can ?

Do any  of you ' experts  "  understand that the population  keeps growing  but  our energy reserves keep shrinking?

Do  any  of you   " experts "  understand  that   the  developed  nations have been shipping  most of their  labor intensive  jobs to less developed  countries for many years ?

Do any of you  " experts "   understand   what  will happen when  the  people in these developing  nations  decide that they  want to drive a car to work and  use  energy like we do in the  so called  developed nations ?

If you think there is tension  in the mid east  right now ?          Wait 5 years ......by then the  price of oil  will probably have  doubled once or twice more.   ....... the  greed  will probably  have  doubled  many times more than   the oil price.
The  higher  the  price goes ......... the  more  the greedy  will demand   to control it all .

There  can be no peace  in the mid east  as long  as  the  greedy people  controling  our  governments   keep  trying to  squeeze  every last drop of  oil out of the mid east .   These  people can't stop .... they know nothing  but greed .

The  people  of the mideast  can't  just give in and let them take  everything ........they have to keep fighting .

The answer has to be to take oil  out of the equation

The  answer is not going to come  from the  goverment

It has to come from people like  us .........people that are willing to look  beyond  what   we have been   taught  .

What  side  are you on?

Do your  posts here support   the people  trying to find an answer .

Or do they serve  big oil ?
