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Soft Particle Physics

Started by z.monkey, March 11, 2008, 07:32:24 AM

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OK, the coffee is kicking in again and I am ready to post a progress report.

I have calculated the inductance values for my coils, and started working out the resonant LC circuit values.  The center coils are 70 millihenrys each.  They are wired in series and there a seven of them.  This is my secondary at this time.  I want this transformer to resonate at 7.8 Hertz so I need a 848 microfarad capacitor in parallel with the 490 millihenry inductor to achieve a resonant frequency of 7.8 Hertz.

The primary coil, the one that I am driving presently, is 2.924 Henrys (2924 millihenrys) and it requires a 142.3 microfarad capacitor in parallel with it to achieve a resonant frequency of 7.8 Hertz.  Finding capacitors with those specific values is impossible.  So I took my capacitance meter to the electronics shop and started combining capacitors until I found a combination that was close, 0.5% tolerance.  I got closer that I thought was possible.  The stated values of electrolytic capacitors is usually +/-20%.  That is why I took the meter, to measure the real values.  If you look at the numbers printed on the side of the capacitors then the capacitors that are actually hooked up to the coils are way off.  My actual calculated values of the resonant frequency were within 0.1%.

Also I had to modify the Analog Driver Board again to get 7.8 Hertz.  Originally I had setup this board to generate 60 Hertz.  When I changed my mind to start experimenting at 7.8 Hertz I adjusted the potentiometers on the timing circuit, but the value was just out of reach.  So I doubled the capacitance in the timing circuit to be 0.2 microfarads.  I set this up at work so that I could use the nice DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) that I have there.  My Oscilloscope at home is a piece of junk, and I am embarrassed to show it to anyone.  But it's good enough to look at waveforms.  So, using the DSO at work I was able to set the frequency to 7.8 Hertz on the Analog Driver Board. 

So after I got home, and finished all the chores, I was able to hook up the Analog Driver Board to the Primary side of the Soft Particle reactor.  The combination resonates at 7.8 Hertz.  There are some interesting little voltage spikes at the top of the rather atypical sine wave form.  When Analog Driver Board is hooked up to a resistor it makes a relatively clean sine waveform with no interesting little voltage spikes at the top of the wave.  The amplitude of the waveform is around 4.5 volts when the oscilloscope is AC coupled, which is also what I measure with a AC voltmeter.  The voltmeter doesn't seem to be able to measure the interesting little voltage spikes at the top of the waveform, which should add another 0.5 volts.  So, maybe we are starting to see a little effect here.  Not much, definitely not overunity yet, but something that is helping me to feel optimistic.

I need to take the whole setup to work so that I can get a screen shot of the interesting little voltage spikes at the top of the atypical sine waveform with the DSO.  My junker scope here doesn't have that ability, and so far my attempts at photographing the screen of the oscilloscope haven't worked out very good.  The digital camera is really fast, and all I get is a little blip for the trace on the oscilloscope.

OK, back to the Analog Driver Board.  I need to modify it again.  What I need in this stage of experimenting is flexibility.  At the moment the board has to be modified to change the frequency.  I have inadequate amplitude control.  I am designing a function generator here, which is OK because I like doing this.  I am going to add a rotary switch that allows me to switch different capacitors into the timing circuit.  This will provide octaves of frequencies.  Then I need a stereo potentiometer to do the fine adjustment of the frequency.  I need an amplitude control to adjust the "volume" and I need a current control to be able to "give it the power".  Also I will put all of this stuff in an enclosure so that I will have some place to mount all the switches and knobs.  I forgot the power switch, gotta build in one of those too.

OK, here is the schematic of the Analog Driver Board as it exists at this time.  I will post revised schematics as I modify and retest the board.

Blessed Be Brothers...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!


Unexpected Results!

I wish I could report that my reactor was working as planned and producing overunity, but unfortunately I can't claim that yet.  But there some unexpected and rather painful results.  Last Thursday I  figured out the inductor and capacitor values necessary to produce a 7.8 Hertz resonant LC tank circuit.  The unexpected effect was physiological.  Thursday night I was working with the reactor extensively.  Friday I had to take off from work around noon.  I had a unusual headache, not common for me.  Not thinking much about it, I figured that this week had been exceptionally stressful and thought I just need some time to rest and get over then stress.  I worked with the reactor more on Friday afternoon, and night.  On Saturday morning my headache was unbearable.  Still not relating the headache to the reactor I went to help my Aunt move from her lake house to a retirement apartment.  After doing some really heavy lifting for a while I became disoriented and collapsed.  So, I stayed in bed for the rest of the day, couldn't sleep much and was in a great deal of pain all over.  This was very strange for me as I am hardly ever sick.  So on Sunday morning I wound up in the emergency room.  The ER doctor diagnosed my problem as physical exhaustion with the onset of a viral infection (like the Flu).  He gave me some prescriptions, set me home, and told me not to do any work for two days.

What I hadn't thought about until this morning was maybe the reactor was affecting me.  We are all acclimated to 60 Hertz, it is everywhere.  Even if you don't think it affects you, you just can't get away from it.  Even if you get hundreds of miles away from the AC power generation system, you are still affected by it through HAARP.  HAARP makes the entire globe resonate at 60 Hertz, and overrides the Earths natural 7.8 Hertz frequency.  So I think by having a local 7.8 Hertz oscillator I was throwing my bodies natural learned resonance off.  HAARP has been active for most of my life, and resonating at 60 Hertz is "natural" for me.  The Earth should resonate at 7.8 Hertz, but it has been artificially augmented by HAARP, and has been on for so long that we have all become acclimated to it, not necessarily a good thing.  So I think that either the 7.8 Hertz was doing this or it was a harmonic of 7.8 Hertz and 60 Hertz mixed that caused my problems.  Probably it was me not resonating at the frequency that I was used to that caused the problems.  This raises concerns for me.  When HAARP is finally shut off, or the AC grid goes down, the resonance of Earth will change.  This will cause all forms of physiological and psychological changes which will probably cause major suffering here on the Earth when people are forced to adjust to a new resonant frequency.  I really don't know what to do to alleviate the suffering except to reduce the resonant frequency slowly in steps to prevent a sharp, major change in the resonant frequency of Earth.

So, anyway for the time being I'll be increasing the frequency of the reactor to 60 Hertz to prevent myself from becoming sick from my experiments.  The reactor will work better at the resonant frequency of the Earth, whatever that frequency is presently.  This is also a warning for those who would experiment in the ELF bands, be careful because ELF frequencies are the same frequencies that your brain operates at.  You can accidentally cause your self harm by making your oscillator resonate at a frequency that you are sure is the right one, but is really something that can create major discomfort.  If you can shield your resonant circuit from the 60 Hertz influence, or shield yourself from the effects from the resonant circuit with a Faraday cage, please do so.

Blessed Be Brothers...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!



You should treat Earth's resonant frequency a bit more carefully.
A big cycle is ending and another one is beginning. One of the possible changes includes the rise of resonant frequencies. Not just the Earth's but also man's (and the Solar System's because we're one system after all).
I do not remember where I read about the frequency but I believe it was 13,6 instead on 7,8Hz for Earth at present.
About the "big cycle" You could read through:
Just dig through the presented facts and evade the evaluation of the form.

How does the Earth's frequency relate Your metal pipe and wires in the context of harvesting soft particles/- clusters?
How do You tune the setup for any other resonant frequency than the resonant frequency of the object itself? I can understand the resonant frequency of the coil or the pipe - as a short example when the frequency's "wave" reaches the end of said coil/pipe and bounces back it meets the incoming "wave" in a way that their forces add up. Would it be logical to assume that in order to be resonant with Earth for example the object should physically correlate to the wave length? The construction's dimensions have to meet some harmonic of the Earth's resonant frequency - how is that tunable?


Howdy Ww.We

Well this is electrical resonance, which is the inductive reactance and the capacitive reactance which are working together in a resonant LC "tank", or radio oscillator circuit.  Matching the inductance to the capacitance will make the circuit resonate at a certain frequency regardless of the physical dimensions.  I could not possibly hope to change the resonance of the Earth with my tiny circuit.  This is why I want to make my circuit resonate at Earths frequency.  The reason I want to do this is to "tune in" on the naturally occurring power which the Earth has.  By running the reactor at Earth's frequency I am thinking that I can tap into a little known natural resource.  I am going for a synergistic effect where multiple techniques for capturing power are integrated into a single unit.  Really this is merely a tangent that I was following hoping to gain some more insight into the whole free energy game.  Also this soft particle physics idea happens in the Earth more than anywhere.  So I was thinking that the Earth resonates at this frequency so perhaps I should use this for the frequency of the reactor also.

Again we are talking about electrical resonance, and not mechanical resonance.  To have some thing that mechanically resonates with the Earth at 7.8 Hertz would be gigantic, like the size of America.  I just don't have the resources to build something like that.  Electrical devices like a LC tank circuit are far easier to tune than a mechanical object.

I do know about the coming changes in the Earth.  I think after which we will have a far easier time with free energy devices.  The new golden age of enlightenment is something that I have been looking forward to for a long, long time.

Blessed Be Brother...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!


Zero Point Energy is fueled by Coffee.

Yeah, I am hopped up on coffee again.  Time for another progress report.  I had an epiphany about a week ago and posted the topic Free Energy Demon.  I needed to integrate that epiphany into the Soft Particle Reactor.  Well, it's springtime and I have a lot of chores to keep up with so I haven't had much time to work on the reactor.  Finally today I got up really early and started working on the modifications.  I updated the drawing first (attached).  Running the reactor as a resonant LC circuit wasn't supplying enough energy to initiate the soft particle reaction.  I needed to give it higher energy pulses.  Plus I wanted to integrate the Free Energy Demon idea.  So I have converted my Analog Driver Board to be a DC to DC converter.  I changed to frequency to 400 Hertz to drive an Iron Core EI transformer.  The step up ratio is 1 to 10.  The stepped up voltage is rectified and stored in a large capacitor.  The Soft Particle Reactor is wired in parallel with the capacitor and a industrial relay switches the capacitors current into the Soft Particle Reactor.  There is a comparator trigger circuit which monitors the voltage on the reactor capacitor and the actuates the relay when the voltage exceeds a preset limit.  This is how I am going to modulate the reactor.

Testing will determine the actual frequency.  The DC to DC converter will be running continuously.  As the voltage in the reactor capacitor exceeds the threshold the trigger circuit will actuate the relay.  The capacitor discharges through the reactor causing a soft particle reaction.  The voltage on the reactor capacitor falls below the threshold causing the trigger circuit to disengage the relay.  The charged reactor then releases its energy into the load.  The DC to DC converter is charging up the reactor capacitor again until the threshold is reached and then the same cycle starts again.  I want the reactor to oscillate at 60 Hertz so I will have to tune the circuit with the power supplied by the DC to DC converter.  If it runs too slow I'll have to supply more power, if it runs too fast I'll have to supply less power.

So now I have to go put together the circuit.  This time I am not concerned with the output impedance of the amplifier circuit.  I am driving the step up transformer with the power amplifiers and the input impedance of the transformer is 15.9 ohms, more than I want but not dangerously low.  Since I am using a capacitor to provide current to the reactor I want the impedance of the primary coils in the core as low as possible.  So, this time I am going to wire the 7 inner coils in parallel to be the primary and the outer coil is the secondary which is connected to the load.  In this configuration the primary is 98 milliHenrys at 1.02 ohms.  The secondary is 2.924 Henrys at around 29.0 ohms.  I am ultimately going to use a high wattage halogen lamp as a load.  I will probably experiment with different loads before I pick a suitable on for this particular generator.

Blessed Be Brothers...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!