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Fallacies in Lee?Tseung Lead Out theory &Veljko Milkovic 2 Stage Mech amplifier

Started by Kul_ash, April 15, 2008, 07:21:27 AM

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Lee ? Tseung ?Lead out Gravitational force? theory!

1.   This theory is so wrong it its assumptions that you do not have to even think much about it. But I wanted to do my own analysis to find out fallacy in this theory.
2.   Here in this theory the new term ?Lead out Gravitational Energy? is used. The author is claiming that this is the additional energy given to the pendulum system when a pulse force is applied. This energy is an excess energy and it is available freely to do the extra work. In other words it is a ?Perpetual Motion Machine?.
3.   Now please refer to http://rapidshare.com/files/107462223/New_Energy_V8.PPT.html , for details and latest explanation provided by author.
4.   Slide no. 3 is the basic of this theory. So read it carefully. It has been shown as displaced pendulum having F as horizontal force and mg as a weight of pendulum bob. Now Author claims this is a ?Pulse Force? or in other words a force given in very short duration of time and is not continuous.
5.   Now if the force is not continuous and it is applied when pendulum is stationary, then it will be used to overcome the initial inertia of pendulum bob, gravity, air resistance and friction at the joint. When these all forces are overcome, remaining force will be converted in giving kinetic energy to the system and hence the work done by the Pulse force F is done. Remember, it is not a continuous force. This force is gone, done with!
6.   Now when pendulum will arrive at the shown position, it would be the maximum displacement it can achieve by the provided force F.
7.   FALACY: If the force is already consumed in doing work against gravity, inertia, air resistance, friction and providing kinetic energy to the system, how come it is again shown as ?F? even in displaced position? It is NOT A CONTINUOUS FORCE. Even if we consider intermediate position, this F would be way smaller than the initial F because it?s already consumed in doing so much work.
8.   So according to his force calculations:
Horizontal Force = F x L sin a = 0 x L sin a = 0
Vertical force = m x g x vertical displacement = mgh = Potential energy.
Pulse force F is utilized in giving Potential energy to system and Total energy in system at that position is equal to PE. That?s it! There is unfortunately no miracle and there is nothing called as Lead energy. Author is considering non existing force and thus he is getting additional energy in his calculations.
9.   So the basis of this whole theory it self is wrong. No wonder, author is getting extra energy in the system, the so called ?Lead Out Gravitational Energy?. Because he does not want to let go of the initial pulse force F. Author is so eager to get the ?free energy? and make a world go mad after his theory, that he is not even ready to write a simple basic principles of Physics.
10.   In reality, if the pendulum is stationary, then it will need a huge force even to move it. In normal working of pendulum system, we lift it a bit and let it acquire PE and then release it. If we try to add Pulse force when system where PE is 0 and KE is max i.e. the vertical force, it will put system completely out of balance.
11.    Consider the example of Child?s Swing. Parents push the swing when it is at pick. They first apply continuous force to lift the swing to a certain height and then release it and keep on adding energy to it to keep it moving. Now consider a situation when parents just give the initial jerk to the pendulum and let go. What will happen? Nothing the swing will be out of balance for a while, move a bit and then would stop. Have you ever seen any magical energy that will still keep moving this swing?
12.   Additional ?Lead Out Energy? obtained by author is thus based on Bogus theorem and does not even validate as ?may be possible? situation.
13.   Gravitational force is the attraction force and it will attract you no matter what if you are not able to provide force to overcome it. To overcome Gravity, you need tremendous force like the one given to Rockets. If gravitational energy is attraction force then why would it give you force to overcome itself as per Author?s theory? That will possibly defy all the laws of gravity.
14.   So in all this is a theory completely based on incorrect assumptions and author should either prove, how he is getting same F at displaced position or scrap his theory in Toto. 


Veljko Milkovic?s Two Stage Mechanical Amplifier System.

1.   This so called amplifier is supposed to be producing 12 times more work than the work provided. Please read http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/indexEng.htm for further details.
2.   This oscillator also works on principle of pendulum. There is a huge fulcrum. On one side you have a heavy hammer and on other side you have a pendulum which weighs equally as hammer. When pendulum is set in motion and it gets in resonance then at a small moment of time when it is at its pick displacement, it becomes weightless. Thus the total weight is transferred to the hammer and its produces a large force. Now if you apply just enough force to keep the pendulum overcoming frictional and resistive forces, which is going to be very small, then you have got tremendous work at a very small expense. If you device a system that utilizes this work done to give small fraction of it back to move the pendulum, there you go! You have a system with 12 COP. Amazing isn?t it?
3.   FALLACY: Now read a Lever system properly. What is a lever? Archimedes was the first to explain the principle of the lever, stating:
"Weights at equal distances are in equilibrium, and equal weights at unequal distances are not in equilibrium but incline towards the weight which is at the greater distance."
The point where you apply the force is called the effort. The effect of applying this force is called the load. The load arm and the effort arm are the names given to the distances from the fulcrum to the load and effort, respectively. Using these definitions, the Law of the Lever is:
Load arm X load force = effort arm X effort force. When 2 things are balanced, when a 1 gram feather for instance is balanced by a one kilogram rock on a lever the feather would go up and the rock would go down, but if a 1 kilogram rock was balanced by a 1 kilogram rock, the lever would be in the middle.
4.    In other words, if the system is perfectly balanced, even applying a small load on one side can lift up the other side. So now can we say, that see I am moving a rock of 100 kg with a force of say 1 kg? No.
5.   Now in Milkovic system, as the weight of hammer and weight of pendulum are equal, the fulcrum is in the middle. Now according to the principle of lever, even a small force is going to move the hammer. I did not understand use of pendulum there. If instead of pendulum, I have a counter weight, I am going to get same effect. Only thing is that I will have to pull counterweight vertically and if it?s a pendulum, I will use horizontal force.
6.   Remember, the main work of balancing the large weight is done by the counter weight and not by the small force I am applying. I am using lever because it will be easier for me to move this weight with a small force. BUT NO MATTER HOW SMALL THIS ADDED FORCE IS, IT?S ALWAYS GOING TO BE AN ?EXTRA? OR ?ADDITIONAL? FORCE. If you do not supply this additional force, the weights will balance each other and system will come to equilibrium and it will come to full stop.
7.   The added force is doing only the additional work and exactly that much extra work is what you are getting. So there is practically ?NO WAY? to generate this additional force from the system itself and ?CLOSE THE LOOP?.
8.   Principle of lever is in use for long time and many industries use it every day and every minute. For example you have Pulley system, fly presses etc which do the same work. A man who can not lift 500 kg weight with his own hands, can lift is easily with pulley. So will it be wise to say that he is working with over unity?
9.   And because of not understanding this simple logic, Milkovic is ?STILL NOT ABLE TO CLOSE THE LOOP.? He has provided a huge mathematical explanation which I did not understand because of my simple analysis.
10.   Any one has better solution or explanation than this?


That is an excellent analysis.  Thank you for bringing clarity to these muddled concepts.


I think if there were any real justice in the world, this topic should be exactly twice the size of Lawrence's topic.  There is so much muddled physics, math, and general overall hogwash there.  I just attend for the comedy.

See the Joule thief Circuit Diagrams, etc. topic here:


Quote from: Kul_ash on April 15, 2008, 07:21:27 AM
Lee ? Tseung ?Lead out Gravitational force? theory!

1.   This theory is so wrong it its assumptions that you do not have to even think much about it. But I wanted to do my own analysis to find out fallacy in this theory.
2.   Here in this theory the new term ?Lead out Gravitational Energy? is used. The author is claiming that this is the additional energy given to the pendulum system when a pulse force is applied. This energy is an excess energy and it is available freely to do the extra work. In other words it is a ?Perpetual Motion Machine?.
3.   Now please refer to http://rapidshare.com/files/107462223/New_Energy_V8.PPT.html , for details and latest explanation provided by author.
4.   Slide no. 3 is the basic of this theory. So read it carefully. It has been shown as displaced pendulum having F as horizontal force and mg as a weight of pendulum bob. Now Author claims this is a ?Pulse Force? or in other words a force given in very short duration of time and is not continuous.
5.   Now if the force is not continuous and it is applied when pendulum is stationary, then it will be used to overcome the initial inertia of pendulum bob, gravity, air resistance and friction at the joint. When these all forces are overcome, remaining force will be converted in giving kinetic energy to the system and hence the work done by the Pulse force F is done. Remember, it is not a continuous force. This force is gone, done with!
6.   Now when pendulum will arrive at the shown position, it would be the maximum displacement it can achieve by the provided force F.
7.   FALACY: If the force is already consumed in doing work against gravity, inertia, air resistance, friction and providing kinetic energy to the system, how come it is again shown as ?F? even in displaced position? It is NOT A CONTINUOUS FORCE. Even if we consider intermediate position, this F would be way smaller than the initial F because it?s already consumed in doing so much work.
8.   So according to his force calculations:
Horizontal Force = F x L sin a = 0 x L sin a = 0
Vertical force = m x g x vertical displacement = mgh = Potential energy.
Pulse force F is utilized in giving Potential energy to system and Total energy in system at that position is equal to PE. That?s it! There is unfortunately no miracle and there is nothing called as Lead energy. Author is considering non existing force and thus he is getting additional energy in his calculations.
9.   So the basis of this whole theory it self is wrong. No wonder, author is getting extra energy in the system, the so called ?Lead Out Gravitational Energy?. Because he does not want to let go of the initial pulse force F. Author is so eager to get the ?free energy? and make a world go mad after his theory, that he is not even ready to write a simple basic principles of Physics.
10.   In reality, if the pendulum is stationary, then it will need a huge force even to move it. In normal working of pendulum system, we lift it a bit and let it acquire PE and then release it. If we try to add Pulse force when system where PE is 0 and KE is max i.e. the vertical force, it will put system completely out of balance.
11.    Consider the example of Child?s Swing. Parents push the swing when it is at pick. They first apply continuous force to lift the swing to a certain height and then release it and keep on adding energy to it to keep it moving. Now consider a situation when parents just give the initial jerk to the pendulum and let go. What will happen? Nothing the swing will be out of balance for a while, move a bit and then would stop. Have you ever seen any magical energy that will still keep moving this swing?
12.   Additional ?Lead Out Energy? obtained by author is thus based on Bogus theorem and does not even validate as ?may be possible? situation.
13.   Gravitational force is the attraction force and it will attract you no matter what if you are not able to provide force to overcome it. To overcome Gravity, you need tremendous force like the one given to Rockets. If gravitational energy is attraction force then why would it give you force to overcome itself as per Author?s theory? That will possibly defy all the laws of gravity.
14.   So in all this is a theory completely based on incorrect assumptions and author should either prove, how he is getting same F at displaced position or scrap his theory in Toto. 

Kul_ash, you have dug a big hole yourself.  The more you dig, the deeper it will go.  May be even to my home.  I do not want you as a visitor.  So I am giving you a rope to climb out.

You stated ?Now Author claims this is a ?Pulse Force? or in other words a force given in very short duration of time and is not continuous.   Tseung defined the ?pulse force? as Lee-Tseung Pulls at the right time.  These pulls would be repeated. 

You can claim that you never read through the over 2,000 posts.  Thus you never knew the Tseung?s special definition of ?Pulse Force?.

You can then claim that Tseung misused the term and thus confused you.  Once the confusion is cleared, there cannot be anything wrong with the Tseung mathematics and physics.   Now I have given you the rope.  Are you going to climb out???
Do not worry about the insults and jeers.  Let them recite the following 666 times.

(1) The Lead-out-energy from a horizontally pulled pendulum is equal to the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement.
(2) An unbalanced force can be generated from a closed system.  Secondary events using unequal exchanges of energy and momentum are used.
(3) The electromagnetic Coil can be a magnet, a collision mechanism and an electricity exchange mechanism.