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Started by infringer, April 12, 2008, 04:59:29 PM

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Quote from: TheOne on April 18, 2008, 07:40:17 PM
Today I got a new car (honda civic 97). My other one is a big 6 cyl. I am tired to pay for oil. I just downgraded my car (less luxe, no leather, no electric stuffs). Its a pain at the beginning but I will able to finally do my HHO cell in the next following week!

With my other car I just have no room to put anything inside the engine bay!

My first thing I will do is to put my MOD Catch Can, I made a filter and filled with silica gel, to do the same as the condensator. I cannot wait to see if I will catch stuffs with that thing!

After that I will connect my HHO cell on the catch can to send the HHO in the PCV valve instead of air filter.

Then, I will need to do the EFIE circuit for hacking the oxygen sensor.

I hope all this will help to do better mileage!

I was wondering if its possible to separate the Hydrogen and oxygen so to put the hydrogen inside the PCV and the oxygen inside the air filter?

It's possible to separate Hydrogen and Oxygen by nuclear power because they do it in submarines.  I came across something describing the use of electrolysis to do it, by Phil Stone but don't know what the results are.  One problem is that the Sec. of Energy made some statement about all this being a hoax.  He went on to state that perpetual motion and perpetual energy does not exist.  He did not explain how we got all those satellites out there going around the Earth, though.  Or how come my magnets move around and around when I apply the poles. (my problem is I don't have the right tools so my magnets are so strong, they suddenly break off on me so I've still got to fix that) but I know it can work.  Dyson said you've got to make 300,000 prototypes that fail before you get one to work, but none are failures, because you learn something each time.


Quote from: GeoscienceStudent on April 19, 2008, 04:14:50 PM
This is geology.  It is believed that when subduction occurs in plate tectonics that the plate (basalt if oceanic plate) move down to such pressure that it finally gets hot and becomes molten magma, lava when it pushes back out to the earth's surface, then cools.  But pressure and temperature are inversely proportionate so this has caused Physicists to pause.  High pressure would result in cold and low pressure would result in hot.  Now when we have the sun hitting the earth, it warms up the air and it raises, thus lowering the pressure.  High pressure, cooler temperature from Hadley cells then move in (2nd law of thermodynamics at play here).  Because cool temperatures hold less water than hot temperatures, this also causes it to rain. 
In the space, we have a vacuum.  If you are on Mars, and facing the sun, it's extremely hot.   On the other side of Mars we have extreme cold.  Now unlike water, that holds it temperature for longer periods, land mass absorbs energy quick, then loses it quick too.  That is why the desert is hot in day, cold in night.  But in the desert, it is because the distance away from the ITCZ zone  why it is dry.  The ITCZ zone moves along with the sun's movement North and South and thus the trade winds towards that mid zone also moves.  Then we have the dead horse lattitudes where there is lack of winds.  Then we have another zone further north and south of winds and rain effects and also corialis effect that will direct the direction of the winds in accordance of the spin of the Earth.  I don't want to spend all day explaining this but take a look at space.  We have Mars issue that we have extreme temperatures both ways in space.  What is the change of Pressure?
Does this inverse proportion take effect in a vacuum, or under the Earth's surface, because according to these laws of Physics, Magma apparently does not exist, so someone is mistaken here?
Would zero point energy be a better explanation that takes effect here?
Can somebody answer this?
Is there a vacuum effect miles and miles under the plates?  That maybe that is why there is such energy force at high pressure.  There is definetely a magnetic attraction in all plates, we already know that.  YOu can tell if you get your compass out and figure out your declination from true magnetic north.  The Plate area under you will cause your compass to go off according to the turn of you declination.
for declination.
geomagnetism, you can get data on solar flare history, weather, geomagnetic history, etc.
I'm going to go now because I just came across some data for GIS I could use.

I thought temperature and pressure were directly proportional.  At least with gases.  This is what I have always been taught.  Water is an exception in that it is less dense in the sold state (hence ice floats).  Other liquids do not behave this way.  And it is a good thing water is the exception, or our oceans would never thaw out but be always frozen at the bottom, probably preventing life from ever forming.

Also, there is no vacuum on Mars.  Mars has an atmosphere.

Maybe if you could clear up these confusing statements we could go further.  You do raise interesting points, but I am bothered by some of the assumptions.


Thanks for the information.  Yes with gases temperature and pressure are directly propotionate and with climate we get hot air that causes a lowered pressure and the cold higher pressure will move towards the lowered pressure.  Since you bring this up about water,  the rain droplets move up and down with the heat and cold even though they are wrapped around a dust particle. Does heat allow things with higher density to rise also? the water apparently melts, then pulls more droplets then goes up, freezes, falls down until it drops.  There is an index that has something to do with how cold it is and how much humidity it can hold as to when it finally rains.

But what about solids and pressure vs temperature?  How would that apply with plate tectonics?  Would the higher pressure also of solids actually cause higher temperatures, or would it have to involve zpe? 4/24 Geologist explains, no zpe involved, is radiation, convection and Dynamo effect electromagnetic energy I just read quantum physics has to be used to explain geophysics but its not required to learn physics for geosciences, so trying to use classical basic physics is confusing me.  I'm thinking of switching to physics after I finish my geoscience in the fall.
So no vacuum in Mars, I guess I used a bad example, but someone else explained the lack of friction in space allows the satellites to move and if energy was extracted it would slow it down. 4/24 found out Mars has ice caps both water and CO2, small atmosphere compared to Earths

... Just found a site that explains this pressure thing I'm trying to describe.http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/wwhlpr/constant_pressure_surface.rxml?hret=/guides/mtr/fw/prs/prstmp.rxml
It's saying as the temperature goes up, the height goes up then the pressure goes down.Pressure decreases with height.  This might be why I'm misunderstanding.  Cooling changes the height, lowers the height and the pressure increases. http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/guides/mtr/fw/prs/prstmp.rxml
Now what happens when dealing with subduction of matter?  Does the lowering of the height (basically minus altitude) cause the pressure to also increase?  Besides the fact it's going under the other plate, I mean?  And how would this effect temperature?  There was some talk a few years back stating some scientists did not think this alone would cause the temperatures to get as high as they do.  So I'm wondering about quantum physics, and how would it explain this? 4/24  Geologist explains involves radiation  also, which also is involved in fact that core and asthenosphere is solid
I'm wondering if also maybe there is more involved in magnetism that causes the push pull effect of plate tectonics along with cell convection.  They tell and show us the magnetic polarization, North and South, they show the magnetic directions of each plate, some are a little askewed due to plates moving west and east then turning up or down when pushed by a lower or higher plate.  They mentioned the newest theory of the push-pull  but did not put the magnetic issue necessarily with it.  Yet at the diversional plate it has two sides of the same polar dirction, the next outside of it is opposite, the next is opposite and so on.  Opposites attract and same repel, so this is making me think????  Why don't they explain it?


Just thought of something when pondering orographic precipitation... The water will go down (rain and not continue all the way up with the warmer air.  Cold air is dense, so it goes lower and is why it has higher atmospheric pressure.  There is a humidity factor that each temperature has of how much % water it will hold, so disregard my former question on dense water molecules rising.  I forgot about the orographic .

Also found out the earth is hot all the way through but involves radiation as to why some parts are solid.  It will eventually lose all its heat (millions of years) and go cold.  Does anybody know...
Will it implode eventually?

Or remain a nonturning floating piece of mass?... I seem to remember something about stars are actually former planets that exploded millions of years ago..??
Someone told me that for about a thousand or more dollars, you could have your present car made to be able to use ethanol fuels..  Instead of buying these expensive new ones.  There's maps on geographical survey sites for your state that show distribution points of biodiesel and ethanol fuels.  Seems a shame though that they burn potatoes, corn, rice, and other grains for fuel.  Why couldn't they stick to non food items...even trash as it decays puts of useable methane.
If they burned sugar cane and beets that would not be so bad..raise the price of sugar,  lower you consumption (as a food source) save money on dental and medical bills for tooth decay, hyperglycemia, hardening of the arteries (sugar can increase chances of it) and obesity that's 1/3 population of US and I hear also UK.
It would do us a favor.  Lets reduce our sugar intake.  However there is no "wonder" answer because only so much sugar can be produced and not enough for the whole world, but we might at least help our own country.  Unfortunately I can just see politics sneaking in trying to solve global problems by sending all the ethanol to other countries for global trade (yes I understand we have to have global economy, but not to the level of destroying your own economy, food sources, or natural resources that you don't really have enough of) Then those countries will send us back poisoned toothpaste and lead filled toys..etc. 
I don't think we can solve global problems, they are too complex with uncertainty factors and evil greedy business minded dictators.  You got to concentrate on what you can change, and if it can include other countries without negative impacts, all the better.

What's your perspective on this?


Hi guys, my name is Charlie and I'm an electrical engineering PhD student working full time at a national laboratory.  40 hours a week, plus school and a new baby - I'm staying pretty busy!  Once I finish school I'm hoping to get a staff position at the lab - fingers crossed. 

Although my current research deals with trace explosive detection, my passion is for energy generation and magnetic field interactions.  For the past two years I've been shooting around ideas on permanent magnet generators - actually it's been longer than that but I've only recently became serious about them. 

I've tried several things that ended up not working, but I gained a lot from them.  I started out trying various shielding methods, those failed because the shield takes on the same magnetic field polarity that the coil's core would have - this mostly happens at the edges of the shield as it approaches, despite the thickness of the shield.  Perhaps curling the edges of the shield would help, but this was a feeble effect anyway, so I abandoned it.  I've since found myself working on ways of "redirecting" the field that seem to hold much more promise.  More particularly, I believe it might be possible to "buffer" a coil from a moving magnet by using a stationary magnet between the two.  The trick here is to balance the forces so that the moving magnet moves with the least possible force.  My ultimate goal is to have a generator where back torque does not affect the prime mover. 

I was actually in the process of building a prototype but it had to be postponed due to finals.  Maybe someday I'll be able to work on my own research.