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Chem Trails The only buffer between us and the sun?

Started by blisteringanomaly, September 19, 2008, 06:38:42 PM

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Quote from: plasmastudent77 on October 20, 2008, 09:48:34 PM
Biblical believers ( of which I am one ) recognise things like chemtrails is highly likely part of the overall running down of the planet so that Satan can take as many with him as he can before he gets the heave-ho into the second death ( or the lake of fire as some call it). Satan is the classic sore loser, so hes going to mislead, kill and make as big a mess as he can. Deception is truly in full flight - global warming is classsic scam but pushed by the powers that be for purposes of social engineering - the core message is that humans are a parasite and need to be controlled, where as God said to Adam and Eve to become many and subdue the earth ( but not ruin it ). There is a polar opposite in these messages we now hear about huamns - one ios occultic/satanic/humanist the other is God centered Biblical.

Rev 12:7-12
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them.
Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

FYI - the illuminati *is* real, but not on Gods side ( hint - guess whos side they are on? )

In the last days it talks of all govts coming together to fight against God - the whole planet is pretty much all linked up now, and the final thing to push the world into a global financial system has just been done. The preparation for the Mark of the Beast ( 666 ) is now almost complete. Injectible RFID chips is a distinct possibility. The UN is a a global govt in all but name.

God offers us protection, but we have to worship Him.



zealots like you guys often see evil signs and prophetic messages, even in your bowl of lucky charms or alpha-bits. sci-fi stories about angels, dragons, devils and some utopia in the sky are just that, fiction.
you want me to worship your imaginary friend?  ::)
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe


I see we are back on topic, somewhat at least.

"I live near an airport and I can see that trail forming behind all the jets that fly over here and almost all of them are passenger jets."

If those trails followed commercial jets you would never see the sun because of the thickness of the multiple plumes...its bad enough when they are spaced miles apart.

I find it interesting that this thread was derailed by some apparent religious zealots...then a newby arrives on the scene with "information" which conflicts totally with a previous posts describing in detail all the strange properties and behavior of these chemtrails...my mind immediately thinks troll or disinfo agent.

I was also a kid when jets came on the scene...their 'vapor trails' quickly dissipated - like the vapor that they were...they didn't hang in the atmosphere like the 'harmless vapor trails' you imply they are.

What you are saying does not jive with reality.

I am personally offended when someone tries to blow smoke up my back passage with nonsense in an attempt to cover up for crimes against humanity...which in effect is these chemtrails actually are.

Bottom line, if 'they' were really trying to rectify a problem 'as you assert' we would not be receiving the "good news" in the form of excuses for what suddenly occurs in the skys.


Are you a disinformation agent...or do you just like to talk ?
I'm not going to try and discredit what anyone believes but I believe what i'm seeing in the skies around here fall in line with what i saw on that program


Maybe these "helpfull" chemtrails are like the flouride they put in everything now,
a side effect that it made peoples teeth stronger, so they use that to promote it without mentioning that it also crystalizes your bones, makes them brittle, as well as dumbing you down,making you docile and less likely to protest against any injustice.

from anothr site-
"fluoride is a key chemical in atomic bomb production. Millions of tons were used during the Cold War period to manufacture high-grade uranium and plutonium. "

"The first U.S. lawsuits levied against the atomic weapons program were over fluoride poisoning, not radiation damage. The U.S. government secretly ordered atomic bomb scientists to create "evidence useful in litigation" against defense contractors who were being accused of injuring citizens with fluoride."

the Gov. found that small towns crime rate went down with flouridation as well as violent protest and said hell yeah, liquid control!
- now they have a spray,



  I have noticed that the exhaust trails from jets are taking on the form of smoke rings behind them.  These rings persist for a long long time.  The wind doesn't blow them away or diffuse them as fast because they are vortex rings.  I'm just wondering if the aviation fuel is getting watered down with something like water that will burn in the plasma created by the jet engine laval nozzles.  So now you have alot of water in the exhaust compared to before and you get crystallized water from the engine exhaust at higher concentrations.  Be just like the oil companies to slip some water and alchol into jet fuel and charge em the same price as fossil sludge.  You guys should checkout the guys burning water using plazma excited spark plugs.  The jet engine doesn't need to electrically produce a plasma.  This is where we would first see water as a fuel introduced.  Most probably totally unknow to the aviation industry.  If the public found out jets can run on water how long would it take for them to demand that their cars run on water.
     The chemtrails and the rumors are just misinformation to cover up the real deal that the jets are running on water now.
Think Legacy
A spark gap is cold cold cold
Space is a hot hot liquid
Spread the Love


"I'm not going to try and discredit what anyone believes but I believe what i'm seeing in the skies around here fall in line with what i saw on that program"

That is totally bizarre...I have no idea how that statement found its way into my last post, as it is something which I would never say ??

My suspicions of chemtrails and their origin and intent remains unchanged.
