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Chem Trails The only buffer between us and the sun?

Started by blisteringanomaly, September 19, 2008, 06:38:42 PM

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Thank you for your kind words, Loosecannon.  However, I am fully aware that I know but little.  I am always hungry for truth that can withstand investigation.

I've studied what could be determined to be a fair amount of science and religion.  No offense intended as to what you, Loosecannon, feel to be compelling information, but I feel that the attempts at linking 'whoreus' with Yeshua, Jesus Christ are spurious, at best.  The tell tale signs of lucifer's influence in the attempted hoodwinking of those he hopes might prefer a tempting argument rather than investigating the facts for themselves, are quite evident in the 'Zeitgeist' movie.


But then, I don't wish to drown everyone in details,  anyone here with eyes to see and ears to hear can clearly see by the URLs I've posted that I've more than made my case that the devil's own minions are implementing the 'new world odor', exactly as Christ said they would.  They run politics, the media, etc. and they no longer need to meet behind the painted windows of the lodges....soon, they expect their declared enemies, we primitive 'believer' types will be expected to do our meeting in secret, that is until they've finished doing what 'Beasts' do.

Their 666 seal of solomon binding them inescapably to their dastardly deeds.

I am privileged beyond measure to know Yeshua, Christ Jesus.

His teachings make perfect sense to those who strive to reach perfection.  Of course, to God's enemies,

They serve as nothing more than a scathing indictment as to what they've allowed themselves to become.


So, they can ally themselves with lucifer the fallen angel, whoreus, and any other mythical deity they wish.....as is their right.

As for me, I will serve He who amazingly demonstrates Himself to be the One True God, Yahweh, and the One He sent forth, Yeshua, Jesus Christ.




To shout on the street, as the 'free' mason does in the youtube video above, that he is lucifer, shows what many already know full well....that they believe he exists and is on their side.  They use the six pointed star seal of solomon in their ritual abominations just as their mentors,

"Those who call themselves jews but are of the syanagogue of satan"


So, while some may deem deity worship as primitive, backward, it seems that TPTB have their bloody hands deep in the worship of their deity, the devil, as they freely admit.  Just as they have their bloody hands deep in the infiltration of True worship everywhere, in order to cause the very effect demonstrated in the 'zeitgeist' movie.

And as Christ said,  "What fellowship can Light have with darkness."

All will be laid bare soon enough

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ, be upon you dear readers,

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



  I don't care what holy man you listen to but the great ones all have a common theme.  Love thy neighbor as you would have them love you.  Now if you spend your life experience being only concerned with getting ahead (ahead of what?) and enjoy playing God down here:  then good luck on your quest to the top of the heap of shit;  may you drown in your pocessions and power.  Fucking illuminati are about as illuminated as a burnt out lightbulb.  They bought into this god lucifer angel war bullshit bigtime.  To even think that a creator is going to get in an argument with himself no less over a certain form of DNA manipulation is totally insane.  There is no devil,  just the insane and the mindwashed sheep that follow them.  People who get so lazy they don't even want to think for themselves.  They chose a life of distraction or blind obediance to some doctrine doled out by someone who appears to have his shit together.  Man I wish somebody would showup and get rid of this selfperpectuating insanity once and for all.  These holy books have so much krap in them laced in with truth they are valuless.  We should be writing down scientific discoveries that will benefit future generations instead of this smart monkey did this or did that.  Who fucking cares?
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Quote from: sparks on October 20, 2008, 10:42:33 AM
  Man I wish somebody would showup and get rid of this selfperpectuating insanity once and for all.  These holy books have so much krap in them laced in with truth they are valuless.  We should be writing down scientific discoveries that will benefit future generations instead of this smart monkey did this or did that.  Who fucking cares?

Hell yeah!
I thought the topic was "Chem Trails The only buffer between us and the sun?"
not "who wants to be a Bible scholar"
I'll listen to a point- but it seems like you are just pickin a fight,
lets talk about Chemtrails and tech stuff.
I understand you passionate about God, and thats good, but back off with the force feeding-its a good way to piss people off man...
Then nobody will listen to anything you say, you don't want that do ya?



If I could weigh in here....what TechStuf is trying to say is that what we are seeing NOW is in actuality the completion of Biblical prophecy regarding what most Biblical scholars call The Last Days.
See Matthew 24 for a description of this.

During this time period, we see people becoming truly evil and being mislead by satan. If you dont believe in satan its a personal choice, however you do ( IMHO ) see a lot of evil that just cant be reationally explained by eveil the worst that humankind could offer up on a bad day.

Biblical believers ( of which I am one ) recognise things like chemtrails is highly likely part of the overall running down of the planet so that Satan can take as many with him as he can before he gets the heave-ho into the second death ( or the lake of fire as some call it). Satan is the classic sore loser, so hes going to mislead, kill and make as big a mess as he can. Deception is truly in full flight - global warming is classsic scam but pushed by the powers that be for purposes of social engineering - the core message is that humans are a parasite and need to be controlled, where as God said to Adam and Eve to become many and subdue the earth ( but not ruin it ). There is a polar opposite in these messages we now hear about huamns - one ios occultic/satanic/humanist the other is God centered Biblical.

Rev 12:7-12
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them.
Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

FYI - the illuminati *is* real, but not on Gods side ( hint - guess whos side they are on? )

In the last days it talks of all govts coming together to fight against God - the whole planet is pretty much all linked up now, and the final thing to push the world into a global financial system has just been done. The preparation for the Mark of the Beast ( 666 ) is now almost complete. Injectible RFID chips is a distinct possibility. The UN is a a global govt in all but name.

God offers us protection, but we have to worship Him.




     I actually seen a show about "The chem trails" but I believe they had another name for it. It was on one of the educational channels like history or Discovery channel. anyway they are supposed to be adding a chemical in the aviation fuel for all jets in the USA (didnt mention other countries) and they didnt say anything about trying to harm people, it was to put a protective layer from the sun.

    I live near an airport and I can see that trail forming behind all the jets that fly over here and almost all of them are passenger jets. I'm not going to try and discredit what anyone believes but I believe what i'm seeing in the skies around here fall in line with what i saw on that program and not to mention that it is much colder here at this time of year than it has been for the past several years.

    When I was a kid my parents used to take me and my brother down to the river fishing and there was always a scum like foam floating along the banks of the river and sometimes you could actually smell the crap being dumped into the river. Now the river is a million times cleaner, the fishing is great and the wild life is back including about 5 bald eagles.

    I'm no expert but from what Ive seen thru out the years I do believe we F__ked up the ozone layer and I can only imagine what we're F__ing  up with all the salt we put down and all the fossil fuels we burn. I'm not a big fan of the "Tree Huggers"  I guess their called now, yet I believe that clean river i live by is a direct result of their efforts and we should take a real close look at the facts that global warmming is real and instead of spraying crap across the skies we need to get rid of fossil fuels and start useing alternate fuel tech that we have along with getting rid of the damn lobbyist that have us about 50 years behind schedule.