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Explosives Used on 911 - Here's All the Evidence Needed

Started by Cap-Z-ro, April 12, 2009, 08:59:00 AM

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Quote from: WilbyInebriated on April 13, 2009, 10:24:40 PM
sorry but that doesn't cut it, otherwise steel framed building would be falling down all over the world. furthermore you are suggesting that all the girders weakened at the same rate so that ALL THREE buildings came straight down instead of WEAKENING AND BENDING AND TOPPLING OVER? are you mental?

you can take it however you want, doesn't change the facts of the matter.
1 re:evidence of explosives was given, BY LARRY SILVERSTEIN HIMSELF
   if you have some evidence of that happening, please trot it out for us.
3 re: your question, I EXPLAINED IT TWICE, they don't need to. now fuck off

Larry Silverstein said "pull it."  That is not physical evidence.  It is a phrase that can be interpreted different ways, and it has been.

Who cares about other buildings?  Examine this building.

And yes, they do need to.  Why have all these people fanning the flames of revolution?  Just put an end to them.  The government did not hesitate to execute 3000 innocents, why hesitate now?

And also, why even bring down WTC 7?  I mean, seriously, why?  What additional outrage does taking down an already destroyed building, with no one inside, cause?  WTC 1 and 2, sure, I understand.  But WTC 7?  Utterly pointless.  No logic to it.  WTC 1 and 2 is all the pretext to war you need!

Why even wire WTC 7 to explode?  If they knew they were going to hit 1 and 2 only, it sure would look funny if 7 went down.  Even the government could not have known exactly how the damage to the surrounding buildings was going to pan out.  If the planes hit a little different, it could have all been different.  And if WTC 7 did not get damaged much, why explode it?  And if you don't explode it, you risk someone finding the explosives.  So again, it makes zero sense.


somebody mentioned the collapsing Floor of wtc7 - if you would examine the NIST-report you ave provided you can clearly see that the Animation does NOT correspond to the Videos 0of WTC7 IMPLODING - it IMPLODES, it does not collapse - collapse is a more or less chaotic way of destruction. There would have been parts of the building still standing. As there should have been with the Towers too - BUT it/they completely fell into their footprints. It is not possible. It simply isnt.  You can try to get your story through as long as you want - the Facts are the Facts that have been reported even by the mass-media, these Facts are history now. Facts are Eyewitnesses and Photo-evidence and scientific analysis that have to correspond to the pictures we saw - we saw a staged destruction whereby the trigger where planes. With the Pentagon there wasnt even a Plane. At least nobody showed us one, let alone they could. Where are the Photos of the PentagonPlane? SOMETHING STINKS. The Scientific proof for NANO-THERMITE is just a way to get the smelliness of our Faces. We dont fucking care what happens next. We have to rely on Free Speech and Truth from our Government, otherwise its terrorism from above, its like middle-ages. And as above so below - now thats their counterpart and their doing a great job on WAR-ON-TERROR with other words WAR-ON-CITICENS-AND-THEIR-MONEY-FOR-MORE-WEAPON-SPENDING-AND-BIGBIGBIG-SOCIALISM-ALL-OVER-TO-RESCUE-THE-BANKS  ;D  :-\. I didnt do any harm to a human, I didnt do harm to a BUILDING. No-Fucking-Body is accused of dooing the Terrorist-attacks on the wtc's - WHY IS THIS. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE - AND WHOM ARE THEY SEARCHING FOR? SADDAM IS GONE. OBL IS A MONSTER THAT LOOKS OUT OF THE TV EVERY 5 MONTH OR SO. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE GAME? WHAT DOES THIS GOOD OLD GODS OWN COUNTRY DO TO GET THE BASTARDS THAT DID THE ATTACKS nothing - they are doing nothing - fbi doesnt even search for anyone who did the attacks. OBL was accused and searched for for a completely other crime... the war on saddam was staged with a choco-War-Minister telling the whole world a good one while UN-Meeting  ;D - IT WAS FAKED AND THEY ALLREADY SAID SO.

this movie is about facts - watch around 33:20 - do you get the bigger picture of WTC7???

;D hanny hanjour (or whatever his name is) didnt even have a ticket for the 'flight' that 'went' into the pentagon ... 7 of the 19 terrorist even lived after the attacks as BBC found out  ;D you are kidding me with your IT IS AS OUR LOVED GOVERNMENT TOLD US-CRAP

;D ;D ;D

Never mind - we all have to face our Truths and callibrate them to reality each time we wake up


Quote from: reada on April 14, 2009, 03:17:19 AM
With the Pentagon there wasnt even a Plane. At least nobody showed us one, let alone they could. Where are the Photos of the PentagonPlane?


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

i meant photos (with an s for more) - you can get the other photo they showed with the turbine lying in one of the circles of the pentagon that "penetrated" the building  ;D - these are the only two. Kidding me? Washington is scattered with cameras - the video-evidence (of that THING that hit the pentagon) has been taken. Every fucking planecrash that arrose from birds is better investigated than this crap - they sometimes build huge buildings to research the evidence of a crashed plane ....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Utilitarian you made my day - read my comment in the MIB Mylow Thread


Why Bldg 7 was dropped ("pulled"): Mainly money. If part of the complex had still stood mainly undamaged (and Bldg. 7 was mainly undamaged), Silverstein and his partners could not have gotten all of his 6 Billion in double-indemnity insurance payment... Not bad, for a 250 million investment. He was only the Lease Holder. He didn't build it, was only renting it from the city and sub-leasing it out... and he doesn't even have to re-build it. Plus there was evidence in the building that had to be gotten rid of, the hardened command center that was likely used to control the event was there (it was odd that after spending all that money to create this armored command center, that the NYC Mayor chose not to use it in the emergency). Plus there is the SEC evidence stored there on the investigation into Emron, which could have implicated several other firms (...we will never know now), and the 3.3 Billion in gold that was reported to be stored in the basement vaults (of which only 300 million was ever recovered... What happened to the rest, or was it really even there?).

And it is important to compare what other buildings would do.... This is the whole basis for proper engineering studies on structural failure. Without a baseline data is meaningless. This is why the NIST report on Bldg 7 is not fit to wipe dog-doo from a shoe. These six hundred and eleven architects and engineers also say the NIST report is utter crap.


The "smoking gun" idea of Bldg 7 comes from the fact that no controlled demolition can be done quickly; it takes weeks to set the explosives. So if this was a controlled demolition (...as anyone with eyes can see it was), then the whole story of 911 was a fraud... And the wackiest "conspiracy theory" ever put up by a government lying through its teeth. You gotta have your tin foil hat on pretty tightly to still believe their absurd fables after studying the facts.

As to why 911 sites & "Truthers" are "left alone" by the government: They prefer to not make martyrs, break laws openly, and create more controversy (as closing these sites would greatly do), which in the end would only make even more peeps become aware of what really happened... The idea is to ignore it as much as possible in the hope "that it goes away", and the majority of the TV-mesmerized sheeple will never know the truth.. Since the mainstream media refuses to report on these things.  And they really are not "left alone": Many of us, like me personally, lost our Security Clearances because of speaking out about it on the internet (.... Limiting future career opportunities in electronics since so much of it is aerospace or mil related). But that's a small price to pay in my book... And got me talking about it and many other related subjects even more.

So instead, they just send in the disinfo shills... Hehehe, and that brings us back full circle to Free Energy... See? There really is a connection ;)