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Started by tishatang, June 14, 2009, 04:51:14 AM

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Hi All,
This topic could also be called "Poor Man's TPU"?  "Poor" meaning I am only a backyard mechanic.  There is no way I can figure out the sophisticated circuitry on how Steven Mark did it.  How he attained magnetic field rotation and somehow tapped the energy of the earth's magnetic field, (torsion waves?) and then fed it back into the circuits to gain power and then to somehow control it to prevent a black hole of magnetic flux implosion that will suck the nails right out of the walls.  Certainly not for the faint of heart and my hat is off to those who have decided to push on after all this time.  These few brave souls take great risk for the benefit of us all.  I applaud them.

If we could first solve the problem of stable rotating magnetic fields, we could then explore how SM used these fields to interact with the earth's fields to magnify the power.  And then we could start to learn how to control it.

GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE ROTATION.  There is an elegant simple solution to generate a rotating magnetic field using energy as simple as a AA battery!  It's all right here at:


Jonnydavro discovered you could rotate a magnet on top of standard Bedini bilfiler or trifiler coil and circuitry.  Use this as the heart of the TPU.  You now only have to figure out how to collect the energy and how to interface with the earth's fields, and how to limit the positive feedback back to the Bedini controller coil.  It is only a matter of time before certain geometries of coils and frequencies of rotation will be accidentally discovered with dangerous results.  See here:


This is not the way SM did it, but a mechanical rotation magnetic field has many advantages.  No complex circuitry for rotation and speed regulation.  The inertia of the magnet buys time to correct excessive feedback to prevent runaway.  Instead of microseconds or maybe milliseconds to react, you might have a second or two before the magnet picks up enough speed?  There is also another failsafe.  The magnet will explode before electric runaway happens.  One should use a heavy plastic scatter shield.

I suggest you study this thread with the possibility to use this as the heart of a TPU.  I personally feel counter rotating fields are important.  I believe the colliding fields generate scalar waves and this is the source of the incoming energy.  In other words the sea of energy in the vacuum is scalar in principle and it takes a scalar device to intercept them.  The Bedini coils will have to be squashed down like a doughnut shape with one above the other.  The top magnet will spin in the direction with the natural torsion waves of the earth.  The way the drain wants to go down in the northern hemisphere, and opposite spin on the bottom.  This will put the colliding fields as close to each other as possible.

Putting the magnets inside the coils looks like it would make a more compact TPU unit?  This is being done in later pages of the thread.  They are  claiming speeds of 150k to 300k rpm? 

I hope this gets some juices going and spurs further enthusiasm for the TPU.  They are having fun on the other thread.  Why can't we?



@ Tishatang

Good post. I posted way back that I believe SM was controlling positive feedback, simply because IMO his smaller TPU's just could not have been complex devices utilising involved frequency generation and modulation.

Very heavy currents can be maintained from even low capacity NICAD or Lithium battery backs under controlled feedback to source and the art is to control this feedback which I believe SM was able to do reasonably well and probably used a form of SEPIC converter to do this. We know that heat generation was a big problem for SM and this is exactly what a feedback to source system will produce in adundance. I am quite sure that the effects seen in SM's videos will be able to be replicated reasonably easily with a good DC/DC converter design using some clever air cored coil config. lt would be worth the effort, just to satisfy that illuminating mains light bulbs and running small tools and small televisions is quite possible with relatively simple and innovative inverter setups using very modest battery supplies.



Well they are both interesting ideas
I like the spinning magnet, scalar wave coil's idea
especially that last vid
Tishatang, great idea and observations
can you post some links on how to replicate?
Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


I think the very first TPU video offers clues to its simplicity.  The placement of a magnet gets it going and turning it over turns it off.  This suggests to me that perhaps it is not a counter rotating mag field device, but just has one rotating field.  If it had counter rotating fields, I don't think it would shut down, maybe just drop in power?  If this assumption is correct, then it makes the first build simpler to discover the secret.  The latest big TPU, is started by throwing two switches.  One for each field?

I wish I could lay it all out for you.  All I can do is give my ideas based on my reading and intuition.  In April of 2006, I suggested the freq of 175Khz to 180Khz was important because this was the freq suggested by the working of the Coler device and the MRA.  This is claimed to be the freq of ferro-magnetism.  This is borne out again by the latest experiments on the TPU here:


"After tweaking the first frequency, we found that 176.6 kHz made the bulb glow the brightest"

"I do have one more video to share with you all which I think you will love. After 'primimg' my TPU with the the two frequencies mentioned in my last post, I was able to light the 40W bulb to its Full Brightness off the the TPU ONLY on the 176.6 kHz frequency alone! It was as if the TPU had some kind of memory and kept lighting up consistently the bulb!"  by Jdo300

As you read this thread, it reminds you everything can go up in a flash.  Also, what they are doing is way beyond understanding of circuitry.  What I would try is the following:

Build a trifilar bedini coil magnet motor.  The coils would be;  energizer, trigger and control.  Use a spherical magnet or one of those cylinder magnets with a ball bearing in the hole.  They seem to be very stable.  those snake eggs seem stable also.  What we want is a stable motor that can be ramped up in rpm.

Get a degaussing coil or make your own as a collector coil.  Link here:


Whatever you use as your collector coil see if you can get it to self resonate at 176.6 Khz by using maybe trimmer caps.  Maybe you could use a  old variable air tuning cap from an old radio hooked up as a tank resonate circuit?  Hook up a function generator to the collector coil.  You now have two frequencies to play with.  The speed of the magnet motor and the freq of the generator.  If the frequency of the signal generator matches the resonate frequency of the collector/tank circuit coil, standing waves around the collector will result.  A harmonic of the resonate frequency will also result in standing waves.   Harmonics freq farther away from the fundamental freq will produce more standing waves, but less amplitude.  As you get closer to the fundamental  frequency there will be less standing waves, but higher amplitude (voltage).  If the resonant freq of the collector is 180Khz and the function generator is putting 90Khz into the coil. you will have two standing waves of high voltage peaks.  This is where you want to place two power/feedback to source and control windings.  The highest voltage  voltage possible would be to have the freq input equal to the resonant freq of the coil/tank circuit at 180Khz (176.6Khz) giving you one standing wave where to voltage would be limited to the Q of the circuit.  If the generator put out 10 volts AC and the Q was 100, you would have 1000 volts at the peak of the standing wave.  If Q was 200, and you were at 90 Khz, you would have two standing waves each with approx 1000 volts.  It is important to have a stable resonant freq in the collector.  Because if it drifts, the peaks where you have the control windings will move out of place.  By having a resonant freq of 180Khz on the collector coil and then placing a magnet on the coil will tend to lock that freq tight and prevent drift.

Another alternative is to maybe have a crystal with a freq of 180K in the circuit?

When the rotating magnetic field of the motor cuts across the standing waves of the collector ring, this is where you might generate the scalar waves?  It is hoped that as the motor speed is ramped up, certain harmonics will make for unexpected results.  It seems the earth's magnetic field or the Schumann freqs will add to the mix.  If one wanted to get really brave, I wonder what would happen if you took one of those high speed motors with the spherical magnet inside and ramped it up to 180Khz, and at the same time the function generator is at 180Khz into the coil with its resonant freq at 180Khz?

Good luck to all.


Hello all,


1. listen the videos
2. think totally "ouside the box" about resonances and all the stuff

I wish you good luck.

No further commects form my side
