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Understanding electricity in the TPU.

Started by wattsup, October 18, 2009, 12:28:42 PM

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SM could go anywhere he wants with a 6TPU loaded with batteries and a 12vdc bulb printed 100watts. Anywhere he goes, he will be able to show a reactive voltage reading of 121vdc off the TPU, then remove the voltmeter and plug the dc bulb and get good lumens. From the same output terminal he shows higher voltage but really drives at lower voltage. You would never know the difference.

I am bringing here a perfectly well thought out explanation of how SM did his videos. This is based on a few years of complete analysis of every little part of his videos, every action, every effect shown. I took a good two months to formulate this explanation in order to cover as many of the angles and especially the progression from one TPU to the next.

So @bolt, I understand your apprehensions perfectly well because I deal with them every day myself, even now. But, don't tell me the only ideas you have for OU come from the TPU. The idea should come from @bolt, or @GK, or @otto, or @wattsup, or yes, yes, @IST or all other members here that i have not named but are here beside us. Or Tesla. But if we keep this SM TPU thing, we are destined to turn around in circles.

Question: Why can the elephant survive by not eating more then a mouse. Answer: Because the mouse is in a very realistic elephant suit.

If you don't know about the suit, then you will be breaking your head for years trying to figure it out. Everything you try will not fit. You can open up the World Center for Elephant Nutritional Studies and work there for decades. You will never figure it out. Oh but you will definitely come up with some great theories, all to no avail. But great theories they still are indeed. This is the quandary we are in with this SM TPU business. We accepted low quality data and held it up to the highest pedestal as cold hard cash. But every year we are more and more short changed. The more I test, the more I realize this is not true, the more I realize a few turns of wire will not produce real useful power. The more I study the SM videos the more I see and realize there are major discrepancies and all these point to only one thing. SM in reality is David Copperfield. Just jok'in but you get the drift.


I have done that mix for days and days. The 24vdc with greater amperage will take over the whole circuit function. The reactive power will only make a tickle on that type of set-up. But when you put your voltmeter on the output you will see 100 or more vdc. But when you apply a load you will see the 24vdc plus maybe a 3-5vdc added by the reactive power making about 27-30vdc.

That's why SM never keeps his voltmeter on the device when loaded otherwise you would see the voltage drop to the true RMS output of the device because it is now under load. He did keep the voltmeter on the OTPU because each of the two bulbs had their own power source. Thus there was no reactive/dc output mix but two separate outputs being shown.

The only real TPU is the FTPU. It produced 62vdc of reactive power for the voltmeter. if it had produced real power, SM would surely have put a bulb on it to show the real output. But he did not. Exactly how I have found it to do the same thing in my tests while consuming only micro-amps. It was these tests that started me on this road to realizing how SM did his videos. We always looked for either "real" or "fake". But we never considered the TPU could be half-real and half fake. Once you do that, all the pieces fit perfectly into place.


Making power receivers at higher frequencies is easier then at the lower TPU frequencies of 5kHz, and even though the low frequency energy is more widely available, high frequency "hot spots" are still around in the AM broadcast band.

So,  if you really want some good ol' high frequency "free energy" then try looking up an AM radio station near you.  In the US use   www.fcc.gov

Here's one station and it's printout to show you how strong the signal can be at 1 kilometer away, around 2.6 V/m RMS.   If you were to built for yourself a 1 m antenna and feed the signal to a resonant tank with a Q of around 80, you could be receiving around 200 Volts easily.  If you build for yourself a tuned loop, due to the fact that magnetic induction takes advantage of frequency to boost voltage, you could have much better results.

So leave the low frequency tuners alone, they're for the experts.  ;)



Quote from: wattsup on July 31, 2010, 06:16:11 PM

SM could go anywhere he wants with a 6TPU loaded with batteries and a 12vdc bulb printed 100watts. Anywhere he goes, he will be able to show a reactive voltage reading of 121vdc off the TPU, then remove the voltmeter and plug the dc bulb and get good lumens. From the same output terminal he shows higher voltage but really drives at lower voltage. You would never know the difference.

I am bringing here a perfectly well thought out explanation of how SM did his videos. This is based on a few years of complete analysis of every little part of his videos, every action, every effect shown. I took a good two months to formulate this explanation in order to cover as many of the angles and especially the progression from one TPU to the next.

So @bolt, I understand your apprehensions perfectly well because I deal with them every day myself, even now. But, don't tell me the only ideas you have for OU come from the TPU. The idea should come from @bolt, or @GK, or @otto, or @wattsup, or yes, yes, @IST or all other members here that i have not named but are here beside us. Or Tesla. But if we keep this SM TPU thing, we are destined to turn around in circles.

Question: Why can the elephant survive by not eating more then a mouse. Answer: Because the mouse is in a very realistic elephant suit.

If you don't know about the suit, then you will be breaking your head for years trying to figure it out. Everything you try will not fit. You can open up the World Center for Elephant Nutritional Studies and work there for decades. You will never figure it out. Oh but you will definitely come up with some great theories, all to no avail. But great theories they still are indeed. This is the quandary we are in with this SM TPU business. We accepted low quality data and held it up to the highest pedestal as cold hard cash. But every year we are more and more short changed. The more I test, the more I realize this is not true, the more I realize a few turns of wire will not produce real useful power. The more I study the SM videos the more I see and realize there are major discrepancies and all these point to only one thing. SM in reality is David Copperfield. Just jok'in but you get the drift.


I have done that mix for days and days. The 24vdc with greater amperage will take over the whole circuit function. The reactive power will only make a tickle on that type of set-up. But when you put your voltmeter on the output you will see 100 or more vdc. But when you apply a load you will see the 24vdc plus maybe a 3-5vdc added by the reactive power making about 27-30vdc.

That's why SM never keeps his voltmeter on the device when loaded otherwise you would see the voltage drop to the true RMS output of the device because it is now under load. He did keep the voltmeter on the OTPU because each of the two bulbs had their own power source. Thus there was no reactive/dc output mix but two separate outputs being shown.

The only real TPU is the FTPU. It produced 62vdc of reactive power for the voltmeter. if it had produced real power, SM would surely have put a bulb on it to show the real output. But he did not. Exactly how I have found it to do the same thing in my tests while consuming only micro-amps. It was these tests that started me on this road to realizing how SM did his videos. We always looked for either "real" or "fake". But we never considered the TPU could be half-real and half fake. Once you do that, all the pieces fit perfectly into place.

Basically what you are saying that if the TPU is fake then you have to dispute virtually all the other OU devices and declare them all fakes. The TPU is real. I know all about the VARS and i know how to convert VARS to WATTS and i also know how to drive the TPU with just a few milliwatts without so much as a fet bang anywhere. I know the configuration of the mag amps and exactly what they are used for and how it works. I know what the magnet is for and exactly how it works to correct the b field bias.  I know how to wire the coils and provide circulation magntitc fields. I have posted all this over and over in my prior posts.

The 5Khz clock runs the magamps is standard in all his devices. Because it runs the magamps it appears on the DC o/p as "5khz mush".

The sub sections i described i have tested individually and or seen others perform these test. What i have never been able to do without funding is full TPU reconstruction but every single part of the TPU is already crossed referenced with known prior art in the OU world. Every statement SM made is true and i can cross reference it with something else as anecdotal evidence he is not a scammer.

His clues really were trying to give everyone the best possible chance.  In fact i never seen anyone make a TPU on here yet not even close. They are all power FET coil bangers and not tuned and not stacked 3 layers high either and i certainly never seen anyone use mag-amps and bias it correctly which is pretty essential to the operation of a TPU becuase it controls the entire inductance and tuning of the device. When you get this right it will start with just one sweep of a magnet over the coils.

I will tell you something else  the answer to the TPU wasn't in the TPU its impossible to reverse engineer something off a video while all the circuits remained hidden. Look at Kapagen it was only  microwave oven transformer in a blue box and a coil of wire yet very few guessed what it was or even how it was wired looking at a passing vid shot.

The answer was in everything else. There are glimpses of the TPU in dozens of patents going back the last 100 years.


Quote from: sigma16 on July 30, 2010, 07:17:54 PM
Hopefully, no one will be discouraged by the latest empty claim that the TPU is fake and that the power comes from batteries or powerlines.

Can anyone here explain how a moving magnet induces current in a piece of wire?  If you do not know how a simple magnet and a wire interacts to induce current, then how can you ever hope to figure out any alternative energy device?

The distribution of charge carrying mass forms a lattice within the magnet.  The charge carriers have what is known as a virtual particle stream to support their state of charge.  When you move the charge carriers you alter the virtual particle streams and this change in the vps resisted by the mass of the free charge carriers in the conducting wire give rise to free electron motion.  Along with this motion is carried the charge which of course alters the vp flow wherever it goes.  If the electrons are caused to accumulate in a metal that sets up a high velocity current between a metal lacking electrons we have a condensed vps of high velocity.  Like anyother liquid an increase in velocity is accompanied by a decrease in pressure.  The casmir effect Aharanov Bohm effect  Teslas longitudinal electrostatic induced waves all point to a viscosity of the vacuum in other words there is something there that is sticky, It is not only sticky it is boundless.  The mathmatics of particle physics had to be normalized.  This created the vacuum.  The vacuum is the absence of particles so in their mathmatics dealing with force arise virtual particles.  In all reality it is a virtual liquid.  Maxwell recognized this included it in his math but Heaviside was all about getting something workable into the hands of engineers and electricians ASAP to get this electric age on the road and didnt really care about what Maxwell was saying.  There was no preoccupation with a dwindling supply of fuel at that time it was a matter of moving the fire to the edge of town and getting clean electricity into town.  Well the fire is still on the edge of town except for the oil burners scurrying to and fro stinking up the place.  The stored sunshine is getting harder and harder to find so why the fuck are we not converting heat into electricity.  This preoccupation with sunshine is ridiculous.  The reason it is happening is that it takes up room and is made from sand.  The sand is melted to form crystals which requires the infusion of heat from the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels.  The energy used to melt the sand install and ship the panels will never be regained.  Why do you need a solar collector when water vapor
has already done the collection for you.  Stanley Myers water was not cold in his cells.  It has a definite amount of kinetic energy associated with mass in motion.  As the temperature in the cells go down the law of thermal dynamics says that heat will travel into the cell.  What is the big deal with electrostatic cooling.  They know that electrostatic cooling of a device will result in the device becoming a heat collector.  They know that the electrostatic cooling of open air can convert megawatts of energy directly from the atomosphere.  Not weak ass temperature differentially driven currents like thermalcouples just conversion of molecular motion into electron motion.  No control at all on where you set up your converter.  The crop circles have eleagantly portrayed water molecules showing the vibrational modes of the water molecule.  Why would someone even bother showing water molecules terrestrial or extra.
Think Legacy
A spark gap is cold cold cold
Space is a hot hot liquid
Spread the Love


So my response is in reference to my current build:

It has a iron core.
It has 3 layers, albeit in the concentric fashion.
It has control coils wound full circumference of the collector.
The collector leads exit apart from each other like in the very early diagram.
It has 3 frequencies.
It has floating ground.
It is driven by micro amps.
It uses a 9 volt battery.
It is switched with the highest of transitions. Only the rise and fall of the input pulse.
It has the same qualities of a magamp but in layers not segments.
The circuit sits in the middle like all of SM's TPUs.

So where does this not add up?
In other words in defense of Wattsup and Bolt, Bolt says we haven't done enuff, Wattsup say there is too much in the wrong direction.
I have taken a different stance. I have tried to put it all in perspective and put the best nuggets on the scale.
@Wattsup, what about the gyroscopic action? A pager motor performs the same trick. I put one in the motor driven hand I built for tactile feedback. We didn't want it too fast or it would buzz. But at the right slow speed while the user would grip something and sweep the hand with an out stretched arm the pulsing felt like harmonic waves up the arm. Thump, thump, thump. Just thought I throw this in here.
If the TPU is a fake how does one explain the large spark demo by SM? What, he built a large stun gun to fake the public?

Back to the speille.
For the list I gave and the post in my thread as reference: what could be missing. I have seen the items on the list hammered into the ground one by one. Seperately they don't do squat. But together we get the choir singing with the orchestra, no?

Through all this we have learned a great, great deal. Enough so that the rest of society looks at us like we are nuts, they don't understand, Or their jaws drop in amazement. No? And when you mention the whos who on the project from extensively educated to the dead greats, the listeners are in awe. There faces light up with the inconceivable right in front of their minds. They see hope.
All the devices that Bolt mentions are undeniable. We have seen them, picked them apart, built small subsets of tests, and show the results.

I mentioned the air meg(to many this is an inconceivable concept). I stand my ground on this. Fields ping ponging back and forth or up and down. How else could the coils work? We have had to read through alot of stuff. But the nuggets all make a bigger idol. Irrefutable.

If somebody wants to disagree they had better not be a newbie is all. And I will listen.

I am supposed to be on the bench right now but am here.
Don't burn out.

p.s. picture from history