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Ionospheric antenna get 5 KW free !

Started by Tesla_2006, March 12, 2006, 07:16:05 AM

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FRIDAY MAY 29, 2009


This blog aims to elaborate a little more resonance amplifier systems to lower ionospheric electric power from the ionosphere, due to the large number of inquiries I have received on the subject. live on a planet full of electricity everywhere, the sun is a electric generator, not only emits light, but charged particles, beam them to 200 billion volts positively charged, those charges come in the form of solar wind are trapped by our planet Earth's magnetic field, these positive charges produce an electric field loading negatively the bottom layer of the ionosphere, which in turn positively charged surface and the entire volume and thus daily walk on a planet electrified, just do not feel the effects as we are equipotentials, the measurements give a load power for the Earth and the ionosphere average of 96500 Coulombs and electric field makes the potential difference from the ground up to 150 volts per meter of height so that the total potential difference between the surface and the bottom layer of the ionosphere reaches the 400,000 Volts, so that our planet and the ionosphere form a spherical capacitor whose plates are separated about 50 km is the distance from Earth to the lowest layer of the ionosphere or electrosphere, the equivalent capacitor has a capacity of about 0.25 Farad, and a stored energy of 160 billion joules or which is the same about 4.5 megawatt-hours, the dielectric between two capacitor plates is the negatively charged air in the lower and upper regions positively The ionizing being more with height not so much due to the electric field but cósmicosy rays to provide immediate electrostatic energy that is sufficient to raise a metal plate on the ground and the potential difference used for energyAs mentioned above, these systems were developed in the late 19th century by Mr. Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943), of Croatian origin, scientific electrical engineer, inventor of the induction motor that made ​​possible the generation and transmission of electricity worldwide, who tested and implemented these systems are known, for the many photos and people witnessed its operation, however, given the exotic of electricity at that time, the cares of their financiers profit and its vision of delivering free energy around the planet, these projects were discarded, and the large potential of the same, after the death of this great inventor, U.S. government authorities confiscated all of his material, as material patents booked, so we have those interested in developing these systems have had to deduce everything from scratch, which is not unpleasant, but very exciting, all that is left of Mr. Tesla, sometimes poorly remembered by teachers Electrical or Electronics are: The unit of magnetic induction, the induction motor, Tesla coil (misnamed), and the famous U.S. military project known as Star Wars Particularly interesting is the work of Nikola Tesla on what was later called Schumann Resonance , theorizing about it that could be used to ".. . power transmission and intelligible messages from anywhere in the world. " In other words, a power transmission network. "So amazing are the facts of this connection, it seems as if the Creator had designed an electrical system planetarium. ... " - Nikola Tesla described the Schumann Resonance (7.8 Hz) and "The Power Transmission Wiring Necessity is the means to achieve the far World Peace",Electrical World And Engineer, January 7, 1905, PP 21-24. In the decade of the 50's, Prof. Dr. OW Schumann of the Technical University of Munich, Germany, discovered the resonance effect of the earth-air-ionosphere, now generally called WAVES SCHUMANN, in honor of his discoverer who launched into the public domain much of his studies the next day to Tesla's death, all his notes and equipment of their laboratories were removed by U.S. government agents and to date still protected by the state secret, and is thus the information available from this topic is almost nil in my case, I have deduced the theoretical part of these systems and developed practical systems to download this free energy and has been gratifying for me to know people have been inspired by my page and have managed to successfully build these systems, I have recently learned of a Spanish developed antenna, small and simple and that drew from the window of his apartment building and was moving engines of 220 V and 380 V. The resonance energy amplification not is only a matter of the ionosphere, in other areas there is also resonance amplification, there is mechanical resonance, electrical, chemical resonance and many other forms of energy amplification, perhaps the most common sounds used is a medicine called nuclear magnetic resonance to medical scanners, and is simply a frequency magnetized atoms resonate and emit high energy signals are picked up by the medical device, the resonance amplification no violation of the principle of energy conservation but apparently leaves more energy which it enters, is retained as it is the internal energy of the system which is released as light when the fuse of an explosive demonstration as NASA has confirmed that the energy process of the ionosphere is used very frequently in nature to balance condenser energies mentioned before confirming the existence of direct discharges between the ionosphere and the storm clouds over 80 km long rays are a super SPRITES they have called or appearances in Spanish, the next link in the bottom of the figure page shows the formation of Sprites: http://www.fma-research.com/Papers&presentations/spr-view-1.html And here NASA animated pictures confirming the same phenomenon:http://science.nasa .gov/newhome/headlines/essd10jun99_1.htm Note that not only downloads from the ionosphere down, but there are others coming up, as does this antenna, the lower is the excess energy accumulated in the ionosphere and that raise excess electrons must climb are on the surface, the energies involved in these natural processes are more than megawatts

Additional applications :
[/b]These systems besides the obvious application for home or industrial power in the free form because of its portability and features easy installation and no limits on the amount of energy obtained, their applications would also in: * land transport systems:
The normal vehicles can be converted to electric motor driven by these systems with the antenna on the roof like a beacon, like trolleybuses, but in this case is wireless and available in road or place without refueling * air transportation systems:[/b] aircraft can be designed at all levels to full height, speed, power, and perhaps most likely space for satellite heights or older because the ionospheric reflection-amplification would be identical, in theory ionosphere above it , however for aircraft design these systems should be special in mind for maximum efficiency, as easily as terrestrial systems sufficient to change the traditional aircraft engines to electric-harvesting antenna and placing in a suitable location, but is much better a special design that uses the principle of lift and drive directly related to the electrical energy generated. In this sense the best electric power converter dynamic lift or direct drive is the ion engine which is nothing new, since it is known for quite time, just has not been yet applied in transportation systems because of the huge amount of electricity they need, but these systems since they can satisfy demand at all times the system is optimal, although some ships already are using for what I have seen. The basic principle of the turbine ionic is as draw, below, electrically charging two metal grids or two parallel flat metal plates as a parallel plate capacitor through which can flow more air or fluid as possible, suppose the two plates are loaded with the same polarity, then the volume of air or fluid between the plates are oppositely charged charge by field effect, say if the plates are loaded positive. as shown in the figure below, the air will not, now if the plate on the left will change the polarity to negative, as shown in the second sequence of the figure, the air between the plates will be repelled by plates with great force to the right and left the plate being of like polarity and repels it attracts the right, the admission of air is discharging the plates so that more air, this process is highly efficient, without loss or heating as current fuel turbines, in fact at home the reader can build an electronic system with 2 screens and see for himself the plate system rises in the midst of a silent electric wind, the turbine does not emit noise, at least for low power and if any wind would be coming out of it. This system handles quite industries to prevent the emission of smoke from their chimneys dust capturing it using a system very similar to this call, electrostatic precipitator, curiously polarize backwards if air enters the turbine and could at a distance as we want, such as lifting and take a load from the ground ion engine Basic principle[/color] The great advantage of our aircraft and ground systems is NO need to load or fuel supply for the antenna always capture free power to the desired view and the system momentum and support these turbines based on our aircraft, failure to perfect the aerodynamics of it, and is much better than traditional, because it does not need to airfoils can modify to our liking as the impetus and justification for not depend on the shape of the ship, we should only worry about having the proper aerodynamic shape at high speeds to provide the minimum air resistance, and .... In aviation is known that the most efficient aerodynamic shape is to HARD, but the reader may play with other forms, such as the Space Shuttle paraboloid, and we can go further in considering the efficiency advantages of this system, we all know a major limitation for the speed of an aircraft, especially those that move several times the speed of sound, the heat produced by contact with air, that is technically known as the film effect, just the touch of air the surface of the vessel, therefore, are known to be separated to avoid air contact surface, and this has been done with ionic repulsion, ie, the air that touches the surface is electrically charged and the surface with the same polarity, using a mechanism similar to the ion engine, leading to a repulsion and separation of the boundary layer significantly reducing heating and allowing much higher speeds, and is perfectly achievable because our systems are purely electric, the illustration shows the idea of the boundary layer and film effect, where red is seen with the layer of air that has been separated due to the repulsion of charges of equal sign between the surface of the aircraft and the air layer and the warming is affecting only separate air layer greatly reducing the heat of friction




Removing the air friction[/color]

What speeds, heights could be achieved?, Calculations reveal values ​​at least immense, almost unimaginable given the available energy, here we have the problem of oxygen, since the most reactors of the super Jets do not fly very high due to lack of oxygen in the upper layers, but our turbine needs only aire.En summary, our ship requires at least two turbines ionic be disc-shaped or paraboloid, but in practice may use more to ensure stable support, off vertical and others to move forward, backward or turn soft or abruptly. I'd like some reader sugiriese any form or model ship, for I am not good at drawing. * Maritime Systems:[/color]All systems would be applicable to the fluid above water too smoothly, at least on the surface thereof, underwater as high permanence submarines would be analyzed., because I believe the antenna to be submerged can send and receive pulses through water * Support for the space race:[/color] For the above, it would be easy to send into space any object, satellite or other structure, at least to go into orbit or to go to outer space as a drive system. * Telecommunications:[/color] If you look above to download the documents shown in the resonant cavity documents and Ionospheric propagation besides being able to obtain free energy we can send EM waves by the same that are captured by the lower layer to be sent to the resonance frequency and forced to go around the whole orbit back to the point spread, and then we can send audio or video or the Internet to anywhere in the world smooth power output and lower required where we want it to point down enough other antenna resonance send pulses to divert down the signals, telecommunications free, without the satellite, Tesla actually did demonstrations of remote control one in 1898, was in Madison Square Garden where a large ship moved remotely powered and remotely commanded with great turnout. Tesla also presented a series of plans to build torpedo boats remote control, ensuring that they have received during the war against Spain, the United States had won the war in one afternoon without losing a single man in the race. * Systems Military:[/color] Inevitably, any technology can be applied for better or worse and not necessarily applied to defense would be wrong, the application would go from ion cannon capable of launching projectiles propelled by electric repulsion thousands of miles, cannons that launch drops of water at high speed to through any armor or other intercontinental up direct downloads from the ionosphere to a specific point as Tesla called it the death ray, whose energy could easily be greater than that of an atomic bomb falling on a city, we all know what makes lightning to a tree, but these would be super beams, and if the energies involved are clearly so large an imbalance can occur climate on the planet of unexpected consequences for the ionosphere has a significant impact on the global climate, fortunately there antedentes historical Tesla said it that the famous Tunguska explosion in Siberia, Russia, was due to one of its rays emitted by mistake in his calculations which he hoped would fall down at the North Pole to show a friend traveling these days there, and is the letter from President Wilson issued at that time is now part of the material itself Tesla Foundation, this explosion covered 3,000 square kilometers of forest were swept away by an explosion was estimated power equivalent to a 50-megaton nuclear bomb. Never gave a convincing explanation to the event, as ever, the remains of a meteorite crater or other factor can explain such devastation. The ensuing explosion was heard 620 miles away from the site. On another occasion Tesla have said lightning can split the earth in two like an apple in his last days sent reproductions of drawings of his "death ray" governments of the United States, France, Russia and the United Kingdom, with the idea that with such destructive power in the hands of all the powers would achieve a balance capable of bringing a new era of prosperity and peace to mankind. Recent news indicates that none of the powers they received the plans for the "death ray" ceased to take seriously the invention of Tesla. In 1987, the Russian far-right leader, Valentin Shirinovsky, threatened the West with using "death ray" capable of destroying all the NATO forces operating against Serbia during the Balkan crisis. Western intelligence sources were quick to deny that there is such a weapon, but Russian media released some documents revealing that the former Soviet Union possessed the ray from the fifties. Major questions or inquiries, to e:







AT 19:55


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Theory :
* Introduction to the subject with references Tesla systems
* Mechanical Resonance, how the amplification of mechanical energy resonance, simile of this topic:
* Calculation and deduction of a resonant cavity to determine the Schumann resonance frequency ionospheric
* Propagation of EM waves in the ionospheric layers, calculation and application:
* Step VLF transmitter receiving antenna
* Step transmitting antenna
* Example of a simple calculation and an antenna system
Practice :
* Construction of a passive antenna, the antenna for the novices basic armen
* Detailed Photos of a deployed active ionospheric


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Sorry for taking up so much room in my last post finally the articles are in english.The blog can be translated into english.Just keep an eye on the overhead bar over the article.triffid


Sorry I have only been able to get the main first page of that blog in english.So far I have not been able to translate any more pages into english.My super powers are limited I guess.triffid


triffid there is no need to apologize for progress. Thank you for the translation you have provided so far. keep up the great work! :)